Parametric Technology Corporation MOLD BASE LIBRARY
Parametric Technology Corporation MOLD BASE LIBRARY
Parametric Technology Corporation Pro/ENGINEER® MOLD BASE LIBRARY™ Catalog U00240197 COPYRIGHT 1994-7 PARAMETRIC TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This MOLD BASE LIBRARY TM Catalog may not be copied, reproduced, disclosed, transferred, or reduced to any form, including electronic medium or machine-readable form, or transmitted or publicly performed by any means, electronic or otherwise, unless Parametric Technology consents in writing in advance. Use of the software has been provided under a Software License Agreement. Information described in this manual is furnished for information only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by Parametric Technology Corporation. Parametric Technology assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this manual. The software contains valuable trade secrets and proprietary information and is protected by United States copyright laws and copyright laws of other countries. Unauthorized use of the software or its documentation can result in civil damages and criminal prosecution. PRINTING HISTORY Document Number Date Description U00241094 10/06/94 New MOLD BASE LIBRARYTM Catalog U00240796 07/15/96 Revised MOLD BASE LIBRARYTM Catalog U00240197 01/20/97 Revised MOLD BASE LIBRARYTM Catalog Pro/ENGINEER and Parametric Technology Corporation are registered trademarks, and, Pro/ASSEMBLY, Pro/CABLING, Pro/CASTING, Pro/CAT, Pro/CDT, Pro/COMPOSITE, Pro/DESIGN, Pro/DETAIL, Pro/DEVELOP, Pro/DIAGRAM, Pro/DIEFACE, Pro/DRAW, Pro/ECAD, Pro/FEATURE, Pro/FEM-POST, Pro/HARNESS-MFG, Pro/INTERFACE, Pro/LANGUAGE, Pro/LEGACY, Pro/LIBRARYACCESS, Pro/MFG, Pro/MESH, Pro/MOLDESIGN, Pro/NC-CHECK, Pro/PDM, Pro/PIPING, Pro/PLOT, Pro/REPORT, Pro/REVIEW, Pro/SCAN-TOOLS, Pro/SHEETMETAL, Pro/STEP-INTERFACE, Pro/SURFACE, are all product names in the PTC product family, and the PTC logo are trademarks of Parametric Technology Corporation in the United States and other countries. All other company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. All other company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. US GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND This Software and Documentation are provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software Clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or Commercial Computer Software-Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable. 1996 Parametric Technology Corporation. Unpublished—all rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. Parametric Technology Corporation 128 Technology Drive Waltham, MA 02154 1-617-398-5000 Fax: 1-617-398-6000 Order Number DU-0024 Printed in U.S.A. TABLE OF CONTENTS ABOUT THE MOLD BASE LIBRARY USING THIS CATALOG.............................................................................................. 1-1 The D-M-E Company Catalog................................................................................... 1-2 The HASCO Company Catalog................................................................................. 1-2 The FUTABA Corporation Catalog........................................................................... 1-2 THE MOLD BASE LIBRARY STRUCTURE ............................................................. 1-3 USING THE MOLD BASE LIBRARY ........................................................................ 1-3 SECTION I D-M-E STANDARD AND METRIC MOLD BASE ASSEMBLIES AND COMPONENT PARTS D-M-E STANDARD MOLD BASE ASSEMBLIES D-M-E MOLD BASE ASSEMBLIES........................................................................... 2-1 NEW D-M-E MOLD BASE ASSEMBLIES................................................................. 2-4 New Assembly Representation Types ....................................................................... 2-4 Views of New Representations.................................................................................. 2-6 NAMING CONVENTION .......................................................................................... 2-11 Mold Base Assemblies............................................................................................. 2-11 New Mold Base Assemblies .................................................................................... 2-12 A-Clamping Plates ................................................................................................... 2-12 A Plates .................................................................................................................... 2-13 X-1 Plates................................................................................................................. 2-13 X-2 Plates................................................................................................................. 2-13 B Plates .................................................................................................................... 2-14 Ejector Housing Plates............................................................................................. 2-14 Top Plates................................................................................................................. 2-15 Support Plates .......................................................................................................... 2-15 Ejector Plates ........................................................................................................... 2-15 Ejector Bars.............................................................................................................. 2-15 Stop Pin.................................................................................................................... 2-16 Component Parts...................................................................................................... 2-16 TABLE OF MOLD BASE SIZES ............................................................................... 2-17 D-M-E BUSHINGS AND DOWELS SHOULDER AND STRAIGHT BUSHING WITH NOMINAL I.D. FROM 3/4 TO 1-1/2 INCHES ......................................................................................................................... 3-1 Generic Part Name: SD_BUSH ................................................................................. 3-1 SHOULDER BUSHING WITH NOMINAL I.D. FROM TO 2 TO 3 INCHES........... 3-2 Mold Base Library i T AB LE O F CO N TEN TS Generic Part Name: SD_BUSH_L ............................................................................ 3-2 STRAIGHT BUSHING WITH NOMINAL I.D. FROM 3/4 TO 3 INCHES ............... 3-3 Generic Part Name: STR_BUSH .............................................................................. 3-3 TUBULAR DOWEL WITH NOMINAL I.D. FROM 3/8 TO 7/8 INCHES ................ 3-4 Generic Part Name: TUB_DOWEL .......................................................................... 3-4 D-M-E FASTENERS HEXAGON SOCKET FLAT COUNTERSUNK HEAD CAP SCREW...................... 4-1 Generic Part Name: HFHCS...................................................................................... 4-1 SOCKET HEAD STRIPPER BOLT ............................................................................. 4-2 Generic Part Name: SHSB ........................................................................................ 4-2 SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREW .................................................................................... 4-5 Generic Part Name: SHCS ........................................................................................ 4-5 D-M-E LOCATING RINGS LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. 6500 .................................................................. 5-1 Generic Part Name: 6500 .......................................................................................... 5-1 LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. 6501 .................................................................. 5-1 Generic Part Name: 6501 .......................................................................................... 5-1 LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. 6501ln ............................................................... 5-2 Generic Part Name: 6501ln ....................................................................................... 5-2 LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. 6502 .................................................................. 5-2 Generic Part Name: 6502 .......................................................................................... 5-2 LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. 6503 .................................................................. 5-3 Generic Part Name: 6503 .......................................................................................... 5-3 LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. 6504 .................................................................. 5-3 Generic Part Name: 6504 .......................................................................................... 5-3 LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. 6505ln ............................................................... 5-4 Generic Part Name: 6505ln ....................................................................................... 5-4 LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. 6510 .................................................................. 5-4 Generic Part Name: 6510 .......................................................................................... 5-4 LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. 6511 .................................................................. 5-5 Generic Part Name: 6511 .......................................................................................... 5-5 LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. 6520 .................................................................. 5-5 Generic Part Name: 6520 .......................................................................................... 5-5 LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. 6521 .................................................................. 5-6 Generic Part Name: 6521 .......................................................................................... 5-6 LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. 6522 .................................................................. 5-6 Generic Part Name: 6522 .......................................................................................... 5-6 ii Mold Base Library TA BLE O F CO N TEN TS LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. 6524................................................................... 5-7 Generic Part Name: 6524........................................................................................... 5-7 LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. 6535................................................................... 5-7 Generic Part Name: 6535........................................................................................... 5-7 LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. 6536................................................................... 5-8 Generic Part Name: 6536........................................................................................... 5-8 LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. 6537................................................................... 5-8 Generic Part Name: 6537........................................................................................... 5-8 D-M-E PINS AND SLEEVES CORE PIN...................................................................................................................... 6-1 Generic Part Name: CORE_PIN................................................................................ 6-1 EJECTOR SLEEVE....................................................................................................... 6-4 Generic Part Name: EJ_SLV ..................................................................................... 6-4 HOTWORK EJECTOR PIN - LETTER SIZE DIAMETERS ...................................... 6-8 Generic Part Name: EJ_PIN_LTR............................................................................. 6-8 HOTWORK EJECTOR PIN - SHOULDER TYPE .................................................... 6-10 Generic Part Name: EJ_PIN_SD ............................................................................. 6-10 HOTWORK EJECTOR PINS - STRAIGHT TYPE ................................................... 6-12 Generic Part Name: EJ_PIN_STR ........................................................................... 6-12 LEADER PIN WITH NOMINAL DIAMETER FROM 3/4 TO 1-1/2 INCHES ........ 6-17 Generic Part Name: LD _PIN .................................................................................. 6-17 LEADER PIN WITH NOMINAL DIAMETER FROM 2 TO 3 INCHES.................. 6-21 Generic Part Name: LD_PIN_L............................................................................... 6-21 RETURN PIN .............................................................................................................. 6-23 Generic Part Name: RETURN_PIN ........................................................................ 6-23 SHOULDER LEADER PIN ........................................................................................ 6-25 Generic Part Name: SD_LD_PIN............................................................................ 6-25 SPRUE PULLER PIN.................................................................................................. 6-30 Generic Part Name: SPRUE_PIN............................................................................ 6-30 THROUGH HARDENED EJECTOR PINS ............................................................... 6-31 Generic Part Name: HD_EJ_PIN............................................................................. 6-31 D-M-E SPRUE BUSHINGS SPRUE BUSHING OF A SERIES ................................................................................ 7-1 Generic Part Name: A_SERIES................................................................................. 7-1 SPRUE BUSHING OF AR SERIES.............................................................................. 7-4 Generic Part Name: AR_SERIES.............................................................................. 7-4 SPRUE BUSHING OF B SERIES ................................................................................ 7-5 Mold Base Library iii T AB LE O F CO N TEN TS Generic Part Name: B_SERIES ................................................................................ 7-5 SPRUE BUSHING OF L SERIES ................................................................................ 7-9 Generic Part Name: L_SERIES................................................................................. 7-9 SPRUE BUSHING OF LN SERIES ........................................................................... 7-11 Generic Part Name: LN_SERIES............................................................................ 7-11 SPRUE BUSHING OF U SERIES .............................................................................. 7-13 Generic Part Name: U_SERIES .............................................................................. 7-13 SPRUE BUSHING OF UR SERIES ........................................................................... 7-15 Generic Part Name: UR_SERIES............................................................................ 7-15 SPRUE BUSHING OF UV SERIES ........................................................................... 7-16 Generic Part Name: UV_SERIES ........................................................................... 7-16 D-M-E METRIC MOLD BASE ASSEMBLIES NAMING CONVENTIONS.......................................................................................... 8-1 TABLE OF MOLD BASE SIZES................................................................................. 8-3 D-M-E METRIC PINS AND SLEEVES EJECTOR PIN, TYPE A AND AH............................................................................... 9-1 Generic Part Name: EJECT _PIN ............................................................................. 9-1 EJECTOR SLEEVE, TYPE S ....................................................................................... 9-3 Generic Part Name: EJ_SLEEVE.............................................................................. 9-3 LEADER PIN, TYPE FSN ............................................................................................ 9-4 Generic Part Name: PIN_FSN................................................................................... 9-4 LEADER PIN, TYPE FSC ............................................................................................ 9-9 Generic Part Name: PIN_FSC................................................................................... 9-9 LEADER PIN BUSHING, TYPE FBC ....................................................................... 9-14 Generic Part Name: PIN_FBC ................................................................................ 9-14 LEADER PIN BUSHING, TYPE FBN....................................................................... 9-16 Generic Part Name: PIN_FBN ................................................................................ 9-16 D-M-E METRIC LOCATING RINGS LOCATING RING WITH FLANGE, TYPE R, SERIES 20 TO 60........................... 10-1 Generic Part Name: RING_R1 ................................................................................ 10-1 LOCATING RING WITHOUT FLANGE, TYPE R, SERIES 20 TO 60................... 10-2 Generic Part Name: RING_R2 ................................................................................ 10-2 LOCATING RING WITHOUT FLANGE, TYPE R, SERIES 16.............................. 10-3 Generic Part Name: RING_R3 ................................................................................ 10-3 LOCATING RING WITH FLANGE, TYPE RB, SERIES 16 TO 60 ........................ 10-4 Generic Part Name: RING_RB1 ............................................................................. 10-4 LOCATING RING WITHOUT FLANGE, TYPE RB, SERIES 12 TO 60................ 10-5 iv Mold Base Library TA BLE O F CO N TEN TS Generic Part Name: RING_RB2.............................................................................. 10-5 D-M-E METRIC SPRUE BUSHINGS SPRUE BUSHINGS, TYPE AG, AGK, AGM AND AGN ........................................ 11-1 Generic Part Name: BUSHING_AG ....................................................................... 11-1 D-M-E METRIC TUBULAR DOWELS LOCATING SLEEVES AND TUBULAR DOWELS, TYPE TD.............................. 12-1 Generic Part Name: SLEEVE_TD........................................................................... 12-1 D-M-E METRIC SCREWS SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREWS ................................................................................ 13-1 Generic Part Name: SCREW_M ............................................................................. 13-1 FLAT COUNTERSUNK SOCKET HEAD SCREWS ............................................... 13-5 Generic Part Name: SCREW_SM ........................................................................... 13-5 SECTION II HASCO STANDARD AND METRIC MOLD BASE ASSEMBLIES AND COMPONENT PARTS HASCO STANDARD MOLD BASE ASSEMBLIES HASCO MOLD BASE ASSEMBLIES....................................................................... 14-2 NEW HASCO MOLD BASE ASSEMBLIES............................................................. 14-6 New Assembly Representation Types ..................................................................... 14-6 Views of New Representations................................................................................ 14-8 NAMING CONVENTION ........................................................................................ 14-17 Mold Base Assemblies........................................................................................... 14-17 New Mold Base Assemblies .................................................................................. 14-18 Top Clamping Plate ............................................................................................... 14-18 Bottom Clamping Plate.......................................................................................... 14-18 Clamping and Cavity Plate .................................................................................... 14-19 Multi-Purpose Cavity Plates .................................................................................. 14-19 Back Up Plates....................................................................................................... 14-20 Ejector Retaining Plates......................................................................................... 14-20 Ejector Plates ......................................................................................................... 14-20 Component Parts.................................................................................................... 14-20 TABLE OF MOLD BASE SIZES ............................................................................. 14-21 HASCO BUSHINGS BUSHING, CATALOG NO. ZI10 .............................................................................. 15-1 Generic Part Name: ZI10 ......................................................................................... 15-1 Mold Base Library v T AB LE O F CO N TEN TS BUSHING, CATALOG NO. ZI11 .............................................................................. 15-6 Generic Part Name: ZI11......................................................................................... 15-6 BUSHING, CATALOG NO. ZI20 .............................................................................. 15-9 Generic Part Name: ZI20......................................................................................... 15-9 HASCO LOCATING RINGS LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. KI110 .............................................................. 16-1 Generic Part Name: KI110 ...................................................................................... 16-1 LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. KI113 .............................................................. 16-2 Generic Part Name: KI113 ...................................................................................... 16-2 HASCO PINS PIN, CATALOG NO. ZI00 ......................................................................................... 17-1 Generic Part Name: ZI00......................................................................................... 17-1 PIN, CATALOG NO. ZI03 ....................................................................................... 17-15 Generic Part Name: ZI03....................................................................................... 17-15 PIN, CATALOG NO. ZI41 ....................................................................................... 17-30 Generic Part Name: ZI41....................................................................................... 17-30 PIN, CATALOG NO. ZI551 ..................................................................................... 17-34 Generic Part Name: ZI551..................................................................................... 17-34 HASCO SPRUE BUSHINGS SPRUE BUSHING, CATALOG NO. ZI512............................................................... 18-1 Generic Part Name: ZI512....................................................................................... 18-1 SPRUE BUSHING, CATALOG NO. ZI513............................................................... 18-4 Generic Part Name: ZI513....................................................................................... 18-4 HASCO SCREWS SCREW, CATALOG NO. ZI31 .................................................................................. 19-1 Generic Part Name: ZI31......................................................................................... 19-1 SCREW, CATALOG NO. ZI33 .................................................................................. 19-2 Generic Part Name: ZI33......................................................................................... 19-2 SCREW, CATALOG NO. ZI35 .................................................................................. 19-4 Generic Part Name: ZI35......................................................................................... 19-4 SCREW, CATALOG NO. ZI38 .................................................................................. 19-5 Generic Part Name: ZI38......................................................................................... 19-5 HASCO METRIC MOLD BASE ASSEMBLIES NAMING CONVENTION.......................................................................................... 20-1 Mold Base Assembly............................................................................................... 20-2 Clamping Plates....................................................................................................... 20-2 vi Mold Base Library TA BLE O F CO N TEN TS Cavity Plate.............................................................................................................. 20-3 Back Up Plates......................................................................................................... 20-3 Ejector Retaining Plates........................................................................................... 20-3 Ejector Base Plates................................................................................................... 20-3 Component Parts...................................................................................................... 20-4 TABLE OF MOLD BASE SIZES ............................................................................... 20-4 HASCO METRIC PINS PIN, CATALOG NO. Z00 ........................................................................................... 21-1 Generic Part Name: Z00 .......................................................................................... 21-1 PIN, CATALOG NO. Z03 ........................................................................................... 21-2 Generic Part Name: Z03 .......................................................................................... 21-2 PIN, CATALOG NO. Z40 ........................................................................................... 21-3 Generic Part Name: Z40 .......................................................................................... 21-3 PIN, CATALOG NO. Z49 ......................................................................................... 21-10 Generic Part Name: Z49 ........................................................................................ 21-10 HASCO METRIC LOCATING RINGS LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. K100................................................................ 22-1 Generic Part Name: K100........................................................................................ 22-1 LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. K500................................................................ 22-4 Generic Part Name: K500........................................................................................ 22-4 HASCO METRIC BUSHINGS BUSHING, CATALOG NO. Z10................................................................................ 23-1 Generic Part Name: Z10 .......................................................................................... 23-1 BUSHING, CATALOG NO. Z11................................................................................ 23-6 Generic Part Name: Z11 .......................................................................................... 23-6 BUSHING, CATALOG NO. Z20.............................................................................. 23-12 Generic Part Name: Z20 ........................................................................................ 23-12 BUSHING, CATALOG NO. Z45.............................................................................. 23-15 Generic Part Name: Z45 ........................................................................................ 23-15 HASCO METRIC SCREWS SCREW, CATALOG NO. Z30.................................................................................... 24-1 Generic Part Name: Z30 .......................................................................................... 24-1 SCREW, CATALOG NO. Z31.................................................................................... 24-2 Generic Part Name: Z31 .......................................................................................... 24-2 SCREW, CATALOG NO. Z33.................................................................................... 24-3 Generic Part Name: Z33 .......................................................................................... 24-3 SCREW, CATALOG NO. Z34.................................................................................... 24-4 Mold Base Library vii T AB LE O F CO N TEN TS Generic Part Name: Z34 .......................................................................................... 24-4 SCREW, CATALOG NO. Z35 ................................................................................... 24-5 Generic Part Name: Z35 .......................................................................................... 24-5 SCREW, CATALOG NO. Z69 ................................................................................... 24-6 Generic Part Name: Z69 .......................................................................................... 24-6 HASCO METRIC SPRINGS SPRING, CATALOG NO. Z60 ................................................................................... 25-1 Generic Part Name: Z60 .......................................................................................... 25-1 SPRING, CATALOG NO. Z64 ................................................................................... 25-7 Generic Part Name: Z64 .......................................................................................... 25-7 HASCO METRIC SPRUE BUSHINGS SPRUE BUSHING, CATALOG NO. Z51 .................................................................. 26-1 Generic Part Name: Z51 .......................................................................................... 26-1 SPRUE BUSHING, CATALOG NO. Z511 ................................................................ 26-4 Generic Part Name: Z511 ........................................................................................ 26-4 SECTION III FUTABA METRIC MOLD BASE ASSEMBLIES AND COMPONENT PARTS FUTABA METRIC MOLD BASE ASSEMBLIES LIBRARY ORGANIZATION..................................................................................... 27-1 RETRIEVING ASSEMBLIES FROM THE LIBRARY ............................................ 27-6 TABLE OF MOLD BASE AND PLATE SIZES........................................................ 27-6 FUTABA METRIC BUSHINGS GUIDE BUSH, CATALOG NO. GBA ....................................................................... 28-1 Generic Part Name: GBA_FM ................................................................................ 28-1 GUIDE BUSH, CATALOG NO. GBB ....................................................................... 28-2 Generic Part Name: GBB_FM ................................................................................ 28-2 SPRUE BUSH, CATALOG NO. SBA........................................................................ 28-3 Generic Part Name: SBA_FM................................................................................. 28-3 SPRUE BUSH, CATALOG NO. SBB ........................................................................ 28-4 Generic Part Name: SBB_FM ................................................................................. 28-4 PRE-HARDENED SPRUE BUSH, CATALOG NO. SBC ........................................ 28-5 Generic Part Name: SBC_FM ................................................................................. 28-5 PRE-HARDENED SPRUE BUSH, CATALOG NO. SBD ........................................ 28-6 Generic Part Name: SBD_FM................................................................................. 28-6 viii Mold Base Library TA BLE O F CO N TEN TS FUTABA METRIC PINS STRAIGHT EJECTOR PIN, CATALOG NO. EA ..................................................... 29-1 Generic Part Name: EA_FM.................................................................................... 29-1 STRAIGHT EJECTOR PIN, CATALOG NO. EJ....................................................... 29-2 Generic Part Name: EJ_FM ..................................................................................... 29-2 GUIDE PIN, CATALOG NO. GPA ............................................................................ 29-4 Generic Part Name: GPA_FM ................................................................................. 29-4 RETURN PIN, CATALOG NO. RPN......................................................................... 29-5 Generic Part Name: RPN_FM ................................................................................. 29-5 FUTABA METRIC LOCATING RINGS LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. LRA................................................................. 30-1 Generic Part Name: LRA_FM ................................................................................. 30-1 LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. LRB ................................................................. 30-2 Generic Part Name: LRB_FM ................................................................................. 30-2 FUTABA METRIC SCREWS SCREW ........................................................................................................................ 31-1 Generic Part Name: SHCS_FM ............................................................................... 31-1 Mold Base Library ix 1 ABOUT THE MOLD BASE LIBRARY The MOLD BASE LIBRARY is a collection of standard mold bases and component parts, based on the D-M-E, HASCO, and FUTABA company standard catalogs, ready for use in your Pro/MOLDESIGN assemblies. The MOLD BASE LIBRARY contains the following: • Mold base assemblies — Standard mold bases in a range of sizes, including various sizes of plates and housings • Component parts — A range of standard parts for use in your mold bases, including core pins, ejector pins, ejector sleeves, stop pins, support pillars, leader pins, shoulder and straight bushings, cap screws, stripper bolts, sprue bushings, and locating rings USING THIS CATALOG This document contains illustrations that document all the MOLD BASE LIBRARY objects, and all the information necessary to find and use any object. This catalog contains the following sections: • • • SECTION I — This section contains the D-M-E standard and metric mold base assemblies and component parts. SECTION II — This section contains the HASCO standard and metric mold base assemblies and component parts. SECTION III — This section contains the FUTABA metric mold base assemblies and component parts. Mold bases and component parts are implemented as standard assembly families and part families. Before you specify a mold base to retrieve, you should know the mold base size. Therefore, you should become familiar with locating the mold bases in this catalog. You can also browse the MOLD BASE LIBRARY using the yellow one-line help appearing in the Message Window of Pro/ENGINEER. When your mouse cursor is over a menu item of the library, whether a directory, assembly name, or part name, the system displays the contents of the highlighted item. The chapter names in this document correspond to the directories in the MOLD BASE LIBRARY in which the mold bases and component parts are located. At the beginning of this catalog is the Table of Contents that lists, by name and description, all the mold base assemblies and component parts. Refer to the Table of Contents when you are searching for a particular item. Mold Base Library 1-1 A B O UT T H E M O LD BA S E LIBRA RY The D-M-E Company Catalog The mold bases and component parts listed in Section I of this catalog were created according to the specifications given in the D-M-E Company’s catalog, Molding Systems and Tooling for the 90’s. The dimensions of all parts and assemblies included in this catalog are exactly the same as those with the corresponding names in the D-M-E Company’s catalog. You can refer to the appropriate sections of the D-M-E Company’s catalog if necessary. The HASCO Company Catalog The mold bases and component parts listed in Section II of this catalog were created according to the specifications given in the HASCO Company’s catalog, The HASCO Standard Mold Base Library. The dimensions of all the parts and assemblies included in this catalog are exactly the same as those with the corresponding names in the HASCO Company’s catalog. You can refer to the appropriate sections of the HASCO Company’s catalog if necessary. The FUTABA Corporation Catalog The mold bases and component parts listed in Section III of this catalog were created according to the specifications given in the FUTABA Corporation’s catalog. The dimensions of all the parts and assemblies included in this catalog are exactly the same as those with the corresponding names in the FUTABA catalog. You can refer to the appropriate sections of the FUTABA catalog if necessary. For information on how to create a library catalog, refer to the section on installing libraries in the Pro/ENGINEER Installation and Administration Guide. 1-2 Mold Base Library AB OU T TH E M O LD BA S E LIBRA RY THE MOLD BASE LIBRARY STRUCTURE The following figure shows the directory structure of the MOLD BASE LIBRARY. Figure 1-1 The MOLD BASE LIBRARY Directory Structure prolib_loadpoint moldlib dmemoldlib standard_d assy_ds metric_d comp_ds assy_dm comp_dm futmoldlib assy_fm comp_fm hascomoldlib standard_h assy_hs comp_hs metric_h assy_hm comp_hm USING THE MOLD BASE LIBRARY For more information on using the MOLD BASE LIBRARY, see the chapter The Mold Base Library in Introduction to the Libraries. Mold Base Library 1-3 SECTION I D-M-E STANDARD AND METRIC MOLD BASE ASSEMBLIES AND COMPONENT PARTS 1 D-M-E STANDARD MOLD BASE ASSEMBLIES This chapter describes the D-M-E standard mold base assemblies. The chapter contains the following sections: • D-M-E Mold Base Assemblies • New D-M-E Mold Base Assemblies • Naming Conventions • Tables of Mold Base Sizes NOTE: To retrieve these standard assemblies, you must either create the library catalog file, or include in the file the search path for the stop pin (“stop_pin”) and other component parts. D-M-E MOLD BASE ASSEMBLIES On the following pages are basic views of the D-M-E standard mold base representations. These representations include only the plates for the mold bases. Figure 2-1 Standard Mold Base Assembly - Types A and AX Plate View (18x20a.asm, 18x20ax.asm) for the AX series, plate X-1 exists; for the A series, plate X-1 does not exist Top View Cross-sectional View Mold Base Library Isometric View Side View 2-1 D- M- E ST A ND ARD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES Figure 2-2 Standard Mold Base Assembly - Type B Plate View (18x20b.asm) Isometric View Top View Side View Cross-sectional View 2-2 Mold Base Library D- M- E ST A ND A RD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES Figure 2-3 Standard Mold Base Assembly - Type T Plate View (18x20t.asm) Top View Cross-sectional View Mold Base Library Isometric View Side View 2-3 D- M- E ST A ND ARD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES NEW D-M-E MOLD BASE ASSEMBLIES The D-M-E MOLD BASE Library contains both basic assemblies, which include only plates, and new assemblies, which include the plates and the component parts. This section describes the new D-M-E mold base assemblies and contains the following subsections: • • Assembly representation types Views of representations For information on setting up search paths for access to these assemblies, refer to the chapter The D-M-E Standard Mold Base Assemblies in Introduction to the Libraries. New Assembly Representation Types There are now three types of representations of the assemblies: • • • The simplified representation “curve” The simplified representation “plates” as displayed in the previous section The master representation, which is the assembly with components Examples of the “curve” and the assemblies with components are shown on the next few pages. These assemblies are named according to specific conventions. Each standard mold base assembly contains a different combination of plates and components. The combinations are listed below: Table 1: Contents of Each Mold Base Type 2-4 Mold Type Contains Plates Contains Components A Top Clamping Plate “A” Plate “B” Plate Support Plate Ejector (Retainer) Plate Ejector Plate (Bar) (Ejector) Housing Locating Ring Sprue Bushing Return Pin Socket Head Cap Screws Flat Head Screws Tubular Dowel Stop Pin Sprue Puller Pin Leader Pin Shoulder Bushing Mold Base Library D- M- E ST A ND A RD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES Table 1: Contents of Each Mold Base Type Mold Type Contains Plates Contains Components AX Top Clamping Plate “A” Plate “X-1” Plate “B” Plate Support Plate Ejector (Retainer) Plate Ejector Plate (Bar) (Ejector) Housing Locating Ring Sprue Bushing Return Pin Socket Head Cap Screws Flat Head Screws Tubular Dowel Stop Pin Sprue Puller Pin Leader Pin Shoulder Bushing B “A” Clamping Plate “B” Plate Ejector (Retainer) Plate Ejector Plate (Bar) (Ejector) Housing Locating Ring Sprue Bushing Return Pin Socket Head Cap Screws Flat Head Screws Stop Pin Sprue Puller Pin Leader Pin Shoulder Bushing T “A” Clamping Plate “X-1” Plate “X-2” Plate “B” Plate Support Plate Ejector (Retainer) Plate Ejector Plate (Bar) (Ejector) Housing Locating Ring Sprue Bushing Return Pin Socket Head Cap Screws Flat Head Screws Tubular Dowel Stop Pin Sprue Puller Pin Leader Pin Shoulder Bushing Refer to the comp_ds directory for more information about each component. Mold Base Library 2-5 D- M- E ST A ND ARD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES Views of New Representations This section displays the simple representation of a curve and the master representations of the new D-M-E assemblies with components. This drawing displays a simplified representation of a mold base. Each plate is represented by a cross-sectional datum curve. Figure 2-4 Mold Base Simplified Representation (“curve”) 2-6 Mold Base Library D- M- E ST A ND A RD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES This drawing displays a cross-sectional view of the “A” assembly series (10x12a_n) with components. Figure 2-5 Mold Base Assembly - “A” Series with Components Mold Base Library 2-7 D- M- E ST A ND ARD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES This drawing displays a cross-sectional view of the “AX” series assembly (10x12ax_n) with components. Figure 2-6 Mold Base Assembly - “AX” Series with Components 2-8 Mold Base Library D- M- E ST A ND A RD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES This drawing displays a cross-sectional view of the “B” series assembly (10x12b_n) with components. Figure 2-7 Mold Base Assembly - “B” Series with Components Mold Base Library 2-9 D- M- E ST A ND ARD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES This drawing displays a cross-sectional view of the “T” series assembly (10x12t_n) with components. Figure 2-8 Mold Base Assembly - “T” Series with Components 2 - 10 Mold Base Library D- M- E ST A ND A RD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES NAMING CONVENTION Parts and assemblies in the MOLD BASE LIBRARY are named according to the following convention. Mold Base Assemblies For each mold base size, there are four generic mold bases, the A series, the AX series, the B series and the T series. Mold bases of each series include a “B” plate, ejector retainer plate (ejector bar), ejector plate, and ejector housing, and some combination of a top plate, “A” plate, “X-1” plate, “X-2” plate, and support plate. All standard D-M-E mold base assemblies are located in the directory assy_ds in subdirectories named for the size of the mold base. For example, you would find a mold base with the dimensions 7-7/8" by 11-7/8" in the subdirectory 8x12ds. The mold base has the following names for its generic assemblies and assembly instances: Generic: Instances: 8x12a.asm - The generic assembly of the A series 8x12ax.asm - The generic assembly of the AX series 8x12b.asm - The generic assembly of the B series 8x12t.asm - The generic assembly of the T series A_812 - The assembly instance of the A series AX_812 - The assembly instance of the AX series B_812 - The assembly instance of the B series 812T-13-17 - An assembly instance of the T series Note that in the name of the library assembly, the actual size of the assembly was rounded up to use whole numbers. This has been done for most of the mold bases, because the actual size of the mold bases is often a small fraction less than a whole number. Mold Base Library 2 - 11 D- M- E ST A ND ARD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES New Mold Base Assemblies The new mold base assemblies in the D-M-E MOLD BASE LIBRARY have the following generic assembly names: • • • • 10x12a_n.asm 10x12ax_n.asm 10x12b_n.asm 10x12t_n.asm These assembly files contain not only the plates but also the component parts of each mold base. Note that the names are the same as those for the basic assemblies, except that “_n” has been added to the end of the name to indicate the presence of the components in the assembly. The instance assembly names for the new mold base assemblies are as follows: • • • • A_1012_N - The assembly instance of the A series AX_1012_N - The assembly instance of the AX series B_1012_N - The assembly instance of the B series 10X12T_N57-27 - An assembly instance of the T series All the new D-M-E standard mold base assemblies are also located in the directory assy_ds in subdirectories named for the size of the mold base. A-Clamping Plates (B and T series only.) “A”-clamping plates have one (T series) or seven (B series) different values for thickness for each mold base size. Because the T series only has one value for thickness, that thickness is chosen by default for this plate in a T assembly. For the B series, the first part of the instance name shows the mold base size, and the second part shows the thickness of the plate. For example, an “A” clamping plate for a mold base with the dimensions 7-7/8" by 11-7/8" has names of the following form: Generic: Instances: 2 - 12 812at.prt 812_7at - The thickness is 7/8". 812_13at - The thickness is 1-3/8". 812_57at - The thickness is 5-7/8". Mold Base Library D- M- E ST A ND A RD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES A Plates (A and AX series only.)“A” plates have eight or nine different values for thickness for each mold base size. The first part of the instance name shows the mold base size, and the second part shows the thickness of the plate. For example, an “A” plate for a mold base with the dimensions 7-7/8" by 11-7/8" has names of the following form: Generic: Instances: 812a.prt 812_7a - The thickness is 7/8". 812_13a - The thickness is 1-3/8". 812_57a - The thickness is 5-7/8". X-1 Plates (AX and T series only.) “X-1” plates have four or five different values for thickness for each mold base size. Because the T series only has one value for thickness of this plate, that thickness is chosen by default for a T series assembly. For an AX series assembly, the first part of the instance name shows the mold base size, and the second part shows the thickness of the plate. For example, a “X-1” plate for a mold base with the dimensions 7-7/8" by 11-7/8" has names of the following form: Generic: Instances: 812x-1.prt 812_7x-1 - The thickness is 7/8". 812_13x-1 - The thickness is 1-3/8". 812_57x-1 - The thickness is 5-7/8". X-2 Plates (T series only.) “X-2” plates have seven different values for thickness for each mold base size. These values are specified in the instance name for the T series assembly. The first part of the instance name is the mold base size, the second part shows the thickness of the “X-2” plate, and the third part shows the thickness of the “B” plate. An “X2” plate for a mold base with the dimensions 7-7/8" by 11-7/8" has series instance names of the following form: Generic: Instances: Mold Base Library 812t.asm 812T-7-17 - The thickness of the “X-2” plate is 7/8". 812T-13-17 - The thickness of the “X-2” plate is 1-3/8". 812T-57-17 - The thickness of the “X-2” plate is 5-7/8". 2 - 13 D- M- E ST A ND ARD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES B Plates (All series.) “B” plates have seven to nine different values for thickness for each mold base size. For the A, AX, and B series assemblies, the first part of the instance name shows the mold base size, and the second part shows the thickness of the plate. For example, a “B” plate for a mold base with the dimensions 7-7/8" by 11-7/8" has names of the following form: Generic: Instances: 812b.prt 812_7b - The thickness is 7/8". 812_13b - The thickness is 1-3/8". 812_57b - The thickness is 5-7/8". For the T series, these values are specified in the assembly instance name. The first part of the instance name is the mold base size, the second part shows the thickness of the “X-2” plate, and the third part shows the thickness of the “B” plate. A “B” plate for a mold base with the dimensions 7-7/8" by 11-7/8" has series instance names of the following form: Generic: Instances: 812t.asm 812T-7-7 - The thickness of the “B” plate is 7/8". 812T-7-13 - The thickness of the “B” plate is 1-3/8". 812T-7-57 - The thickness of the “B” plate is 5-7/8" Ejector Housing Plates (All series.) Ejector housing plates, called housings in the Pro/E library, have four or five different values for height (dimension C) for each mold base size. The first part of the instance name shows the mold base size, and the second part shows the height of the housing. For example, a housing for a mold base with the dimensions 7-7/8" by 11-7/8" has names of the following form: Generic: Instances: 2 - 14 812house.prt 812_21c - Dimension C is 2-1/2" (2.5"). 812_30c - Dimension C is 3.0". 812_31c - Dimension C is 3-1/2" (3.5"). Mold Base Library D- M- E ST A ND A RD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES Top Plates (A and AX series only.) Top plates have one (AX series) or two (A series) different values for thickness for each mold base size. Because the AX series only has one value for thickness, that thickness is chosen by default for this plate in an AX assembly. For the A series, the first part of the instance name shows the mold base size, and the second part shows the thickness of the plate. For example, a top plate for a mold base with the dimensions 7-7/8" by 11-7/8" has names of the following form: Generic: Instances: 812top.prt 812top7 - The thickness is 7/8" (.875"). 812top13 - The thickness is 1-3/8" (1.375"). Support Plates (A, AX and T series only.) Support plates have only one value for thickness and are therefore chosen by default. The first part of the instance name shows the size of the mold base. A support plate for a mold base with the dimensions 7-7/8" by 11-7/8" has the name 812sup_pl. Ejector Plates (All series.) Ejector retainer plates, called ejector plates in the Pro/E library, have only one value for thickness and are therefore chosen by default. The first part of the name shows the size of the mold base. An ejector plate for a mold base with the dimensions 7-7/8" by 11-7/8" has the name 812ej_pl.prt. Ejector Bars (All series.) Ejector plates, called ejector bars in the Pro/E library, have from one to six different values for length for each size of mold base. The first part of the instance name shows the size of the mold base, and the second part shows the length of the ejector bar. For example, an ejector bar for a mold base with the dimensions 7-7/8" by 11-7/8" has names of the following form: Generic: Instances: Mold Base Library 812ej_bar.prt 812eb12 - The length is 11-7/8" (11.875"). 812eb16 - The length is 16". 812eb20 - The length is 20". 2 - 15 D- M- E ST A ND ARD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES Stop Pin ° Generic Part Name: STOP_PIN To retrieve a mold base assembly, you must also retrieve the stop pin. You can do this in one of two ways: 1. Specify the path to the stop pin in your file. 2. Add the stop pin to your catalog file. For more information on both of these methods, see the chapter About the Libraries in Introduction to the Libraries. Component Parts Component parts are named as abbreviated forms of their names in the D-M-E Company’s catalog; instance names correspond exactly to the catalog numbers. All component parts are located in the directory comp_ds, in subdirectories named for the types of parts they contain. 2 - 16 Mold Base Library D- M- E ST A ND A RD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES TABLE OF MOLD BASE SIZES The following tables list the available mold base sizes. Note that all the dimensions are expressed in inches. Unless otherwise specified in the previous descriptions, all values are thicknesses. 8x8 (7-7/8x7-7/8) Component “A” Plate SERIES A AX B T 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 1-7/8 “B” Plate 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 3-3/8 Ejector Plate 1 1 1 1 Ejector Retaining Plate 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Ejector Housing 2-1/2 to 4-1/2 2-1/2 to 4-1/2 2-1/2 to 4-1/2 2-1/2 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 1-7/8 1-7/8 N/A 1-7/8 Top Clamping Plate 7/8,1-3/8 7/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 7/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-3/8 to 4-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 8x12 (7-7/8x11-7/8) Component “A” Plate SERIES A AX B T 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 1-7/8 “B” Plate 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 3-3/8 Ejector Plate 1 1 1 1 Ejector Retaining Plate 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Ejector Housing 2-1/2 to 4-1/2 2-1/2 to 4-1/2 2-1/2 to 4-1/2 2-1/2 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 1-3/8 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 Top Clamping Plate 7/8,1-3/8 7/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 7/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-3/8 to 4-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 Mold Base Library 2 - 17 D- M- E ST A ND ARD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 10x8 (9-7/8x8) Component SERIES A AX B T “A” Plate 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 1-7/8 “B” Plate 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 3-3/8 Ejector Plate 1 1 1 1 Ejector Retaining Plate 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Ejector Housing 2-1/2 to 4-1/2 2-1/2 to 4-1/2 2-1/2 to 4-1/2 2-1/2 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 1-7/8 1-7/8 N/A 1-7/8 Top Clamping Plate 7/8,1-3/8 7/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 7/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-3/8 to 4-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 B T 10x12 (9-7/8x11-7/8) Component SERIES A AX “A” Plate 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 1-7/8 “B” Plate 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 3-3/8 Ejector Plate 1 1 1 1 Ejector Retaining Plate 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Ejector Housing 2-1/2 to 4-1/2 2-1/2 to 4-1/2 2-1/2 to 4-1/2 2-1/2 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 1-7/8 1-7/8 N/A 1-7/8 Top Clamping Plate 7/8,1-3/8 7/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 7/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-3/8 to 4-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 2 - 18 Mold Base Library D- M- E ST A ND A RD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 10x16 (9-7/8x16) Component SERIES A AX B T “A” Plate 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 1-7/8 “B” Plate 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 3-3/8 Ejector Plate 1 1 1 1 Ejector Retaining Plate 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Ejector Housing 2-1/2 to 4-1/2 2-1/2 to 4-1/2 2-1/2 to 4-1/2 2-1/2 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 1-7/8 1-7/8 N/A 1-7/8 Top Clamping Plate 7/8,1-3/8 7/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 7/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-3/8 to 4-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 B T 10x20 (9-7/8x20) Component SERIES A AX “A” Plate 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 1-7/8 “B” Plate 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 3-3/8 Ejector Plate 1 1 1 1 Ejector Retaining Plate 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Ejector Housing 2-1/2 to 4-1/2 2-1/2 to 4-1/2 2-1/2 to 4-1/2 2-1/2 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 1-7/8 1-7/8 N/A 1-7/8 Top Clamping Plate 7/8,1-3/8 7/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 7/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-3/8 to 4-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 Mold Base Library 2 - 19 D- M- E ST A ND ARD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 11x12 (10-7/8x12) Component “A” Plate SERIES A AX B T 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 1-7/8 “B” Plate 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 4-7/8 Ejector Plate 1 1 1 1 Ejector Retaining Plate 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Ejector Housing 2-1/2 to 4-1/2 2-1/2 to 4-1/2 2-1/2 to 4-1/2 2-1/2 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 1-7/8 1-7/8 N/A 1-7/8 Top Clamping Plate 7/8,1-3/8 7/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 7/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 11x14 (10-7/8x14) Component “A” Plate SERIES A AX B T 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 1-7/8 “B” Plate 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 4-7/8 Ejector Plate 1 1 1 1 Ejector Retaining Plate 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Ejector Housing 2-1/2 to 4-1/2 2-1/2 to 4-1/2 2-1/2 to 4-1/2 2-1/2 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 1-7/8 1-7/8 N/A 1-7/8 Top Clamping Plate 7/8,1-3/8 7/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 7/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 2 - 20 Mold Base Library D- M- E ST A ND A RD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 11x18 (10-7/8x18) Component “A” Plate SERIES A AX B T 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 1-7/8 “B” Plate 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 4-7/8 Ejector Plate 1 1 1 1 Ejector Retaining Plate 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Ejector Housing 2-1/2 to 4-1/2 2-1/2 to 4-1/2 2-1/2 to 4-1/2 2-1/2 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 1-7/8 1-7/8 N/A 1-7/8 Top Clamping Plate 7/8,1-3/8 7/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 7/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 11x23 (10-7/8x23-1/2) Component “A” Plate SERIES A AX B T 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 1-7/8 “B” Plate 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 4-7/8 Ejector Plate 1 1 1 1 Ejector Retaining Plate 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Ejector Housing 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 1-7/8 1-7/8 N/A 1-7/8 Top Clamping Plate 7/8,1-3/8 7/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 Mold Base Library 2 - 21 D- M- E ST A ND ARD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 12x12 (11-7/8x12) Component “A” Plate SERIES A AX B T 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 1-7/8 “B” Plate 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 4-7/8 Ejector Plate 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 Ejector Retaining Plate 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Ejector Housing 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 1-7/8 1-7/8 N/A 1-7/8 Top Clamping Plate 7/8,1-3/8 7/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 7/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 12x15 (11-7/8x15) Component “A” Plate SERIES A AX B T 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 1-7/8 “B” Plate 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 4-7/8 Ejector Plate 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 Ejector Retaining Plate 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Ejector Housing 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 1-7/8 1-7/8 N/A 1-7/8 Top Clamping Plate 7/8,1-3/8 7/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 7/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 2 - 22 Mold Base Library D- M- E ST A ND A RD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 12x20 (11-7/8x20) Component “A” Plate SERIES A AX B T 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 1-7/8 “B” Plate 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 4-7/8 Ejector Plate 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 Ejector Retaining Plate 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Ejector Housing 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 1-7/8 1-7/8 N/A 1-7/8 Top Clamping Plate 7/8,1-3/8 7/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 7/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 12x23 (11-7/8x23-1/2) Component “A” Plate SERIES A AX B T 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 1-7/8 “B” Plate 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 4-7/8 Ejector Plate 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 Ejector Retaining Plate 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Ejector Housing 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 1-7/8 1-7/8 N/A 1-7/8 Top Clamping Plate 7/8,1-3/8 7/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 Mold Base Library 2 - 23 D- M- E ST A ND ARD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 13x15 (13-3/8x15) Component “A” Plate SERIES A AX B T 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 1-7/8 “B” Plate 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 4-7/8 Ejector Plate 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 Ejector Retaining Plate 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Housing 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 1-7/8 1-7/8 N/A 1-7/8 Top Clamping Plate 1-3/8 1-3/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 7/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 13x18 (13-3/8x18) Component “A” Plate SERIES A AX B T 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 1-7/8 “B” Plate 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 4-7/8 Ejector Plate 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 Ejector Retaining Plate 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Housing 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 1-7/8 1-7/8 N/A 1-7/8 Top Clamping Plate 1-3/8 1-3/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 7/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 2 - 24 Mold Base Library D- M- E ST A ND A RD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 13x21 (13-3/8x20-3/4) Component “A” Plate SERIES A AX B T 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 1-7/8 “B” Plate 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 4-7/8 Ejector Plate 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 Ejector Retaining Plate 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Housing 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 1-7/8 1-7/8 N/A 1-7/8 Top Clamping Plate 1-3/8 1-3/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 7/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 13x23 (13-3/8x23-1/2) Component “A” Plate SERIES A AX B T 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 1-7/8 “B” Plate 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 4-7/8 Ejector Plate 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 Ejector Retaining Plate 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Housing 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 1-7/8 1-7/8 N/A 1-7/8 Top Clamping Plate 1-3/8 1-3/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 Mold Base Library 2 - 25 D- M- E ST A ND ARD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 13x26 (13-3/8x26) Component “A” Plate SERIES A AX B T 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 1-7/8 “B” Plate 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 4-7/8 Ejector Plate 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 Ejector Retaining Plate 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Housing 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 1-7/8 1-7/8 N/A 1-7/8 Top Clamping Plate 1-3/8 1-3/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 13x29 (13-3/8x29-1/2) Component “A” Plate SERIES A AX B T 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 1-7/8 “B” Plate 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 4-7/8 Ejector Plate 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 Ejector Retaining Plate 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Housing 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 1-7/8 1-7/8 N/A 1-7/8 Top Clamping Plate 1-3/8 1-3/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 2 - 26 Mold Base Library D- M- E ST A ND A RD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 15x18 (14-7/8x17-7/8) Component “A” Plate SERIES A AX B T 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 1-7/8 “B” Plate 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 4-7/8 Ejector Plate 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 Ejector Retaining Plate 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Housing 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 2-3/8 2-3/8 N/A 2-3/8 Top Clamping Plate 1-3/8 1-3/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 7/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 15x24 (14-7/8x23-3/4) Component “A” Plate SERIES A AX B T 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 1-7/8 “B” Plate 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 4-7/8 Ejector Plate 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 Ejector Retaining Plate 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Housing 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 2-3/8 2-3/8 N/A 2-3/8 Top Clamping Plate 1-3/8 1-3/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 Mold Base Library 2 - 27 D- M- E ST A ND ARD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 15x29 (14-7/8x29-1/2) Component “A” Plate SERIES A AX B T 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 1-7/8 “B” Plate 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 4-7/8 Ejector Plate 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 Ejector Retaining Plate 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Housing 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 2-3/8 2-3/8 N/A 2-3/8 Top Clamping Plate 1-3/8 1-3/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 16x16 (15-7/8x16) Component “A” Plate SERIES A AX B T 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 1-7/8 “B” Plate 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 4-7/8 Ejector Plate 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 Ejector Retaining Plate 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Housing 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 2-3/8 2-3/8 N/A 2-3/8 Top Clamping Plate 1-3/8 1-3/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 7/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 2 - 28 Mold Base Library D- M- E ST A ND A RD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 16x20 (15-7/8x20) Component “A” Plate SERIES A AX B T 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 1-7/8 “B” Plate 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 4-7/8 Ejector Plate 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 Ejector Retaining Plate 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Housing 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 2-3/8 2-3/8 N/A 2-3/8 Top Clamping Plate 1-3/8 1-3/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 7/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 16x23 (15-7/8x23-1/2) Component “A” Plate SERIES A AX B T 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 1-7/8 “B” Plate 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 4-7/8 Ejector Plate 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 Ejector Retaining Plate 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Housing 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 2-3/8 2-3/8 N/A 2-3/8 Top Clamping Plate 1-3/8 1-3/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 Mold Base Library 2 - 29 D- M- E ST A ND ARD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 16x26 (15-7/8x26) Component “A” Plate SERIES A AX B T 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 1-7/8 “B” Plate 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 4-7/8 Ejector Plate 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 Ejector Retaining Plate 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Housing 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 2-3/8 2-3/8 N/A 2-3/8 Top Clamping Plate 1-3/8 1-3/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 16x29 (15-7/8x29-1/2) Component “A” Plate SERIES A AX B T 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 1-7/8 “B” Plate 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 4-7/8 Ejector Plate 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 Ejector Retaining Plate 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Housing 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 2-3/8 2-3/8 N/A 2-3/8 Top Clamping Plate 1-3/8 1-3/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 2 - 30 Mold Base Library D- M- E ST A ND A RD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 16x35 (15-7/8x35-1/2) Component “A” Plate SERIES A AX B T 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 1-7/8 “B” Plate 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 4-7/8 Ejector Plate 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 Ejector Retaining Plate 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Housing 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 2-3/8 2-3/8 N/A 2-3/8 Top Clamping Plate 1-3/8 1-3/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 17x24 (16-1/2x23-3/4) Component “A” Plate SERIES A AX B T 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 1-7/8 “B” Plate 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 4-7/8 Ejector Plate 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 Ejector Retaining Plate 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Housing 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 2-3/8 2-3/8 N/A 2-3/8 Top Clamping Plate 1-3/8 1-3/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 Mold Base Library 2 - 31 D- M- E ST A ND ARD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 17x29 (16-1/2x29-1/2) Component “A” Plate SERIES A AX B T 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 1-7/8 “B” Plate 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 4-7/8 Ejector Plate 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 Ejector Retaining Plate 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Housing 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 2-3/8 2-3/8 N/A 2-3/8 Top Clamping Plate 1-3/8 1-3/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 18x18 (17-7/8x18) Component “A” Plate SERIES A AX B T 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 1-7/8 “B” Plate 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 4-7/8 Ejector Plate 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 Ejector Retaining Plate 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Housing 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 2-3/8 2-3/8 N/A 2-3/8 Top Clamping Plate 1-3/8 1-3/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 2 - 32 Mold Base Library D- M- E ST A ND A RD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 18x20 (17-7/8x20) Component “A” Plate SERIES A AX B T 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 1-7/8 “B” Plate 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 4-7/8 Ejector Plate 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 Ejector Retaining Plate 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Housing 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 2-3/8 2-3/8 N/A 2-3/8 Top Clamping Plate 1-3/8 1-3/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 18x23 (17-7/8x23-1/2) Component “A” Plate SERIES A AX B T 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 1-7/8 “B” Plate 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 4-7/8 Ejector Plate 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 Ejector Retaining Plate 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Housing 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 2-3/8 2-3/8 N/A 2-3/8 Top Clamping Plate 1-3/8 1-3/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 Mold Base Library 2 - 33 D- M- E ST A ND ARD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 18x26 (17-7/8x26) Component “A” Plate SERIES A AX B T 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 1-7/8 “B” Plate 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 4-7/8 Ejector Plate 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 Ejector Retaining Plate 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Housing 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 2-3/8 2-3/8 N/A 2-3/8 Top Clamping Plate 1-3/8 1-3/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 18x29 (17-7/8x29) Component “A” Plate SERIES A AX B T 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 1-7/8 “B” Plate 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 4-7/8 Ejector Plate 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 Ejector Retaining Plate 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Housing 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 2-3/8 2-3/8 N/A 2-3/8 Top Clamping Plate 1-3/8 1-3/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 2 - 34 Mold Base Library D- M- E ST A ND A RD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 18x35 (17-7/8x35-1/2) Component “A” Plate SERIES A AX B T 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 1-7/8 “B” Plate 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 4-7/8 Ejector Plate 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 Ejector Retaining Plate 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Housing 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 2-3/8 2-3/8 N/A 2-3/8 Top Clamping Plate 1-3/8 1-3/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 19x24 (19-1/2x23-3/4) Component “A” Plate SERIES A AX B T 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 1-7/8 “B” Plate 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 4-7/8 Ejector Plate 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 Ejector Retaining Plate 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Housing 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 2-3/8 2-3/8 N/A 2-3/8 Top Clamping Plate 1-3/8 1-3/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 Mold Base Library 2 - 35 D- M- E ST A ND ARD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 19x29 (19-1/2x29-1/2) Component “A” Plate SERIES A AX B T 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 1-7/8 “B” Plate 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 4-7/8 Ejector Plate 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 Ejector Retaining Plate 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Housing 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 2-3/8 2-3/8 N/A 2-3/8 Top Clamping Plate 1-3/8 1-3/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 19x35 (19-1/2x35-1/2) Component “A” Plate SERIES A AX B T 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 1-7/8 “B” Plate 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 4-7/8 Ejector Plate 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 Ejector Retaining Plate 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Housing 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 2-3/8 2-3/8 N/A 2-3/8 Top Clamping Plate 1-3/8 1-3/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 2 - 36 Mold Base Library D- M- E ST A ND A RD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 24x24 (23-3/4x23-3/4) Component “A” Plate SERIES A AX B T 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 2-3/8 “B” Plate 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 4-7/8 Ejector Plate 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 Ejector Retaining Plate 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Housing 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 2-3/8 2-3/8 N/A 2-3/8 Top Clamping Plate 1-3/8 1-3/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 24x29 (23-3/4x29-1/2) Component “A” Plate SERIES A AX B T 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 2-3/8 “B” Plate 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 4-7/8 Ejector Plate 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 Ejector Retaining Plate 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Housing 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 2-3/8 2-3/8 N/A 2-3/8 Top Clamping Plate 1-3/8 1-3/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 Mold Base Library 2 - 37 D- M- E ST A ND ARD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 24x35 (23-3/4x35-1/2) Component “A” Plate SERIES A AX B T 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A N/A “A” Clamping Plate N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 2-3/8 “B” Plate 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 1-3/8 to 4-7/8 Ejector Plate 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 Ejector Retaining Plate 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Housing 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 3 to 4-1/2 Support Plate 2-3/8 2-3/8 N/A 2-3/8 Top Clamping Plate 1-3/8 1-3/8 N/A N/A “X-1” Plate N/A 7/8 to 2-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 “X-2” Plate N/A N/A N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Stop Pin 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 2 - 38 Mold Base Library 9 D-M-E BUSHINGS AND DOWELS SHOULDER AND STRAIGHT BUSHING WITH NOMINAL I.D. FROM 3/4 TO 1-1/2 INCHES Generic Part Name: SD_BUSH Instance Name NOMINAL INTERIOR DIAMETER G Interior Diameter H Outside Diameter D L Length 5700 to 5709 3/4 0.7505 1.1255 1.302 0.875 to 5.875 5710 to 5720 7/8 0.8755 1.2505 1.427 0.875 to 5.875 5730 to 5740 1 1.0005 1.3755 1.552 0.875 to 5.875 5750 to 5760 1-1/4 1.2505 1.6255 1.802 0.875 to 5.875 5770 to 5780 1-1/2 1.5005 2.0005 2.177 0.875 to 5.875 Mold Base Library 3-1 D - M - E B US H IN G S A N D D O WELS SHOULDER BUSHING WITH NOMINAL I.D. FROM TO 2 TO 3 INCHES Generic Part Name: SD_BUSH_L 3-2 Instance Name NOMINAL INTERIOR DIAMETER G Interior Diameter H Outside Diameter D L Length 5901 to 5910 2 2.0005 2.5005 2.677 1.375 to 5.875 5951 to 5960 2-1/2 2.5005 3.2505 3.427 1.375 to 5.875 5976 to 5984 3 3.0005 3.7505 3.990 3.875 to 7.875 Mold Base Library D - M - E BU S H IN G S A N D D O WELS STRAIGHT BUSHING WITH NOMINAL I.D. FROM 3/4 TO 3 INCHES Generic Part Name: STR_BUSH Mold Base Library Instance Name NOMINAL INTERIOR DIAMETER G Interior Diameter L Length H Outside Diameter 5500 3/4 0.7505 0.8750 1.1255 5501 3/4 0.7505 1.3750 1.1255 5502 7/8 0.8755 1.3750 1.2505 5503 1 1.0005 1.3750 1.3755 5504 1-1/4 1.2505 1.3750 1.6255 5505 1-1/4 1.2505 1.8750 1.6255 5506 1-1/2 1.5005 1.3750 2.0005 5507 1-1/2 1.5005 1.8750 2.0005 5508 2 2.0005 3.8750 2.5005 5509 2-1/2 2.5005 4.8750 3.2505 5510 3 3.0005 4.8750 3.7505 3-3 D - M - E B US H IN G S A N D D O WELS TUBULAR DOWEL WITH NOMINAL I.D. FROM 3/8 TO 7/8 INCHES Generic Part Name: TUB_DOWEL 3-4 Instance Name NOMINAL INTERIOR DIAMETER H Outside Diameter G Interior Diameter L Length TD1 3/8 0.3752 0.2600 0.3750 TD2 3/8 0.3752 0.2600 0.8750 TD3 5/8 0.6252 0.3850 0.5000 TD4 5/8 0.6252 0.3850 1.3750 TD5 5/8 0.6252 0.3850 1.8750 TD6 5/8 0.6252 0.3850 2.3750 TD7 3/4 0.7502 0.5100 0.3750 TD8 3/4 0.7502 0.5100 0.5000 TD9 3/4 0.7502 0.5100 1.3750 TD10 3/4 0.7502 0.5100 1.8750 TD11 3/4 0.7502 0.5100 2.3750 TD12 3/4 0.7502 0.5100 2.8750 TD13 7/8 0.8752 0.6350 0.5000 TD14 7/8 0.8752 0.6350 2.3750 TD15 7/8 0.8752 0.6350 2.8750 Mold Base Library 9 D-M-E FASTENERS HEXAGON SOCKET FLAT COUNTERSUNK HEAD CAP SCREW Generic Part Name: HFHCS Mold Base Library 4-1 D- M-E F A S TEN ERS SOCKET HEAD STRIPPER BOLT Generic Part Name: SHSB 4-2 Instance Name G Bolt Diameter THREAD _DIA Threads Per Inch E Thread Length H Head Diameter L Length SB10 0.2500 0.1900 24.000 0.3750 0.3750 1.0000 SB11 0.2500 0.1900 24.000 0.3750 0.3750 1.2500 SB12 0.2500 0.1900 24.000 0.3750 0.3750 1.5000 SB20 0.3125 0.2500 20.000 0.4375 0.4375 1.0000 SB21 0.3125 0.2500 20.000 0.4375 0.4375 1.2500 SB22 0.3125 0.2500 20.000 0.4375 0.4375 1.5000 SB23 0.3125 0.2500 20.000 0.4375 0.4375 1.7500 SB24 0.3125 0.2500 20.000 0.4375 0.4375 2.0000 SB300 0.3750 0.3125 18.000 0.5000 0.5625 1.0000 SB301 0.3750 0.3125 18.000 0.5000 0.5625 1.2500 SB302 0.3750 0.3125 18.000 0.5000 0.5625 1.5000 SB303 0.3750 0.3125 18.000 0.5000 0.5625 1.7500 SB304 0.3750 0.3125 18.000 0.5000 0.5625 2.0000 SB305 0.3750 0.3125 18.000 0.5000 0.5625 2.2500 SB306 0.3750 0.3125 18.000 0.5000 0.5625 2.5000 SB307 0.3750 0.3125 18.000 0.5000 0.5625 2.7500 SB308 0.3750 0.3125 18.000 0.5000 0.5625 3.0000 SB309 0.3750 0.3125 18.000 0.5000 0.5625 3.2500 Mold Base Library D -M -E F A S TEN ERS Instance Name G Bolt Diameter THREAD _DIA Threads Per Inch E Thread Length H Head Diameter L Length SB310 0.3750 0.3125 18.000 0.5000 0.5625 3.5000 SB311 0.3750 0.3125 18.000 0.5000 0.5625 3.7500 SB312 0.3750 0.3125 18.000 0.5000 0.5625 4.0000 SB400 0.5000 0.3750 16.000 0.6250 0.7500 1.0000 SB401 0.5000 0.3750 16.000 0.6250 0.7500 1.2500 SB402 0.5000 0.3750 16.000 0.6250 0.7500 1.5000 SB403 0.5000 0.3750 16.000 0.6250 0.7500 1.7500 SB404 0.5000 0.3750 16.000 0.6250 0.7500 2.0000 SB405 0.5000 0.3750 16.000 0.6250 0.7500 2.2500 SB406 0.5000 0.3750 16.000 0.6250 0.7500 2.5000 SB407 0.5000 0.3750 16.000 0.6250 0.7500 2.7500 SB408 0.5000 0.3750 16.000 0.6250 0.7500 3.0000 SB409 0.5000 0.3750 16.000 0.6250 0.7500 3.2500 SB410 0.5000 0.3750 16.000 0.6250 0.7500 3.5000 SB411 0.5000 0.3750 16.000 0.6250 0.7500 3.7500 SB412 0.5000 0.3750 16.000 0.6250 0.7500 4.0000 SB413 0.5000 0.3750 16.000 0.6250 0.7500 4.2500 SB414 0.5000 0.3750 16.000 0.6250 0.7500 4.5000 SB415 0.5000 0.3750 16.000 0.6250 0.7500 4.7500 SB416 0.5000 0.3750 16.000 0.6250 0.7500 5.0000 SB500 0.6250 0.5000 13.000 0.7500 0.8750 1.2500 SB501 0.6250 0.5000 13.000 0.7500 0.8750 1.5000 SB502 0.6250 0.5000 13.000 0.7500 0.8750 1.7500 SB503 0.6250 0.5000 13.000 0.7500 0.8750 2.0000 SB504 0.6250 0.5000 13.000 0.7500 0.8750 2.2500 SB505 0.6250 0.5000 13.000 0.7500 0.8750 2.5000 SB506 0.6250 0.5000 13.000 0.7500 0.8750 2.7500 SB507 0.6250 0.5000 13.000 0.7500 0.8750 3.0000 SB508 0.6250 0.5000 13.000 0.7500 0.8750 3.2500 SB509 0.6250 0.5000 13.000 0.7500 0.8750 3.5000 Mold Base Library 4-3 D- M-E F A S TEN ERS 4-4 Instance Name G Bolt Diameter THREAD _DIA Threads Per Inch E Thread Length H Head Diameter L Length SB510 0.6250 0.5000 13.000 0.7500 0.8750 3.7500 SB511 0.6250 0.5000 13.000 0.7500 0.8750 4.0000 SB512 0.6250 0.5000 13.000 0.7500 0.8750 4.2500 SB513 0.6250 0.5000 13.000 0.7500 0.8750 4.5000 SB514 0.6250 0.5000 13.000 0.7500 0.8750 4.7500 SB515 0.6250 0.5000 13.000 0.7500 0.8750 5.0000 SB516 0.6250 0.5000 13.000 0.7500 0.8750 5.5000 SB517 0.6250 0.5000 13.000 0.7500 0.8750 6.0000 SB600 0.7500 0.6250 11.000 0.8750 1.0000 1.5000 SB601 0.7500 0.6250 11.000 0.8750 1.0000 1.7500 SB602 0.7500 0.6250 11.000 0.8750 1.0000 2.0000 SB603 0.7500 0.6250 11.000 0.8750 1.0000 2.2500 SB604 0.7500 0.6250 11.000 0.8750 1.0000 2.5000 SB605 0.7500 0.6250 11.000 0.8750 1.0000 2.7500 SB606 0.7500 0.6250 11.000 0.8750 1.0000 3.0000 SB607 0.7500 0.6250 11.000 0.8750 1.0000 3.2500 SB608 0.7500 0.6250 11.000 0.8750 1.0000 3.5000 SB609 0.7500 0.6250 11.000 0.8750 1.0000 3.7500 SB610 0.7500 0.6250 11.000 0.8750 1.0000 4.0000 SB611 0.7500 0.6250 11.000 0.8750 1.0000 4.2500 SB612 0.7500 0.6250 11.000 0.8750 1.0000 4.5000 SB613 0.7500 0.6250 11.000 0.8750 1.0000 4.7500 SB614 0.7500 0.6250 11.000 0.8750 1.0000 5.0000 SB615 0.7500 0.6250 11.000 0.8750 1.0000 5.5000 SB616 0.7500 0.6250 11.000 0.8750 1.0000 6.0000 SB617 0.7500 0.6250 11.000 0.8750 1.0000 7.0000 Mold Base Library D -M -E F A S TEN ERS SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREW Generic Part Name: SHCS Instance Name L Length D Screw Diameter H Head Diameter K Head Height W Slot Width GENERIC 1.0000 0.50000 0.75000 0.50000 0.37500 SHCS01 0.5000 0.50000 0.75000 0.50000 0.37500 SHCS02 0.6250 0.50000 0.75000 0.50000 0.37500 SHCS03 0.7500 0.50000 0.75000 0.50000 0.37500 SHCS04 0.8750 0.50000 0.75000 0.50000 0.37500 SHCS05 1.0000 0.50000 0.75000 0.50000 0.37500 SHCS08 1.2500 0.50000 0.75000 0.50000 0.37500 SHCS09 1.5000 0.50000 0.75000 0.50000 0.37500 SHCS10 1.7500 0.50000 0.75000 0.50000 0.37500 SHCS11 2.0000 0.50000 0.75000 0.50000 0.37500 SHCS12 2.2500 0.50000 0.75000 0.50000 0.37500 SHCS13 2.5000 0.50000 0.75000 0.50000 0.37500 SHCS14 2.7500 0.50000 0.75000 0.50000 0.37500 SHCS15 3.0000 0.50000 0.75000 0.50000 0.37500 SHCS16 3.2500 0.50000 0.75000 0.50000 0.37500 SHCS17 3.5000 0.50000 0.75000 0.50000 0.37500 SHCS18 4.0000 0.50000 0.75000 0.50000 0.37500 Mold Base Library 4-5 D- M-E F A S TEN ERS 4-6 Instance Name L Length D Screw Diameter H Head Diameter K Head Height W Slot Width SHCS19 4.5000 0.50000 0.75000 0.50000 0.37500 SHCS20 5.0000 0.50000 0.75000 0.50000 0.37500 SHCS21 5.2500 0.50000 0.75000 0.50000 0.37500 SHCS22 5.5000 0.50000 0.75000 0.50000 0.37500 SHCS23 5.7500 0.50000 0.75000 0.50000 0.37500 SHCS24 6.0000 0.50000 0.75000 0.50000 0.37500 SHCS25 7.0000 0.50000 0.75000 0.50000 0.37500 SHCS26 7.5000 0.50000 0.75000 0.50000 0.37500 SHCS27 8.0000 0.50000 0.75000 0.50000 0.37500 SHCS28 9.0000 0.50000 0.75000 0.50000 0.37500 SHCS29 10.0000 0.50000 0.75000 0.50000 0.37500 SHCS30 12.0000 0.50000 0.75000 0.50000 0.37500 SHCS31 1.0000 0.62500 0.94000 0.62500 0.50000 SHCS32 1.2500 0.62500 0.94000 0.62500 0.50000 SHCS33 1.5000 0.62500 0.94000 0.62500 0.50000 SHCS34 1.7500 0.62500 0.94000 0.62500 0.50000 SHCS35 2.0000 0.62500 0.94000 0.62500 0.50000 SHCS36 2.2500 0.62500 0.94000 0.62500 0.50000 SHCS37 2.5000 0.62500 0.94000 0.62500 0.50000 SHCS38 2.7500 0.62500 0.94000 0.62500 0.50000 SHCS39 3.0000 0.62500 0.94000 0.62500 0.50000 SHCS40 3.2500 0.62500 0.94000 0.62500 0.50000 SHCS41 3.5000 0.62500 0.94000 0.62500 0.50000 SHCS42 4.0000 0.62500 0.94000 0.62500 0.50000 SHCS43 4.5000 0.62500 0.94000 0.62500 0.50000 SHCS44 5.0000 0.62500 0.94000 0.62500 0.50000 SHCS45 5.5000 0.62500 0.94000 0.62500 0.50000 SHCS46 6.0000 0.62500 0.94000 0.62500 0.50000 SHCS47 6.5000 0.62500 0.94000 0.62500 0.50000 SHCS48 7.0000 0.62500 0.94000 0.62500 0.50000 Mold Base Library D -M -E F A S TEN ERS Instance Name L Length D Screw Diameter H Head Diameter K Head Height W Slot Width SHCS49 7.5000 0.62500 0.94000 0.62500 0.50000 SHCS50 8.0000 0.62500 0.94000 0.62500 0.50000 SHCS51 10.0000 0.62500 0.94000 0.62500 0.50000 SHCS52 12.0000 0.62500 0.94000 0.62500 0.50000 SHCS53 0.3750 0.31250 0.46875 0.31250 0.25000 SHCS54 0.5000 0.31250 0.46875 0.31250 0.25000 SHCS55 0.6250 0.31250 0.46875 0.31250 0.25000 SHCS56 0.7500 0.31250 0.46875 0.31250 0.25000 SHCS57 0.8750 0.31250 0.46875 0.31250 0.25000 SHCS58 1.0000 0.31250 0.46875 0.31250 0.25000 SHCS59 1.2500 0.31250 0.46875 0.31250 0.25000 SHCS60 1.5000 0.31250 0.46875 0.31250 0.25000 SHCS61 1.7500 0.31250 0.46875 0.31250 0.25000 SHCS62 2.0000 0.31250 0.46875 0.31250 0.25000 SHCS63 2.2500 0.31250 0.46875 0.31250 0.25000 SHCS64 2.5000 0.31250 0.46875 0.31250 0.25000 SHCS65 2.7500 0.31250 0.46875 0.31250 0.25000 SHCS66 3.0000 0.31250 0.46875 0.31250 0.25000 SHCS67 3.2500 0.31250 0.46875 0.31250 0.25000 SHCS68 3.5000 0.31250 0.46875 0.31250 0.25000 SHCS69 0.5000 0.37500 0.56250 0.37500 0.31250 SHCS70 0.6250 0.37500 0.56250 0.37500 0.31250 SHCS71 0.7500 0.37500 0.56250 0.37500 0.31250 SHCS72 0.8750 0.37500 0.56250 0.37500 0.31250 SHCS73 1.0000 0.37500 0.56250 0.37500 0.31250 SHCS74 1.2500 0.37500 0.56250 0.37500 0.31250 SHCS75 1.5000 0.37500 0.56250 0.37500 0.31250 SHCS76 1.7500 0.37500 0.56250 0.37500 0.31250 SHCS77 2.0000 0.37500 0.56250 0.37500 0.31250 SHCS78 2.2500 0.37500 0.56250 0.37500 0.31250 Mold Base Library 4-7 D- M-E F A S TEN ERS 4-8 Instance Name L Length D Screw Diameter H Head Diameter K Head Height W Slot Width SHCS79 2.5000 0.37500 0.56250 0.37500 0.31250 SHCS80 2.7500 0.37500 0.56250 0.37500 0.31250 SHCS81 3.0000 0.37500 0.56250 0.37500 0.31250 SHCS82 3.2500 0.37500 0.56250 0.37500 0.31250 SHCS83 3.5000 0.37500 0.56250 0.37500 0.31250 SHCS84 4.0000 0.37500 0.56250 0.37500 0.31250 SHCS85 4.0000 0.37500 0.56250 0.37500 0.31250 SHCS86 4.5000 0.37500 0.56250 0.37500 0.31250 SHCS87 5.0000 0.37500 0.56250 0.37500 0.31250 SHCS88 6.0000 0.37500 0.56250 0.37500 0.31250 Mold Base Library 9 D-M-E LOCATING RINGS LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. 6500 Generic Part Name: 6500 LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. 6501 Generic Part Name: 6501 Mold Base Library 5-1 D- M- E LO CA TIN G RIN G S LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. 6501ln Generic Part Name: 6501ln LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. 6502 Generic Part Name: 6502 5-2 Mold Base Library D- M-E LO CA TIN G RIN G S LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. 6503 Generic Part Name: 6503 LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. 6504 Generic Part Name: 6504 Mold Base Library 5-3 D- M- E LO CA TIN G RIN G S LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. 6505ln Generic Part Name: 6505ln LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. 6510 Generic Part Name: 6510 5-4 Mold Base Library D- M-E LO CA TIN G RIN G S LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. 6511 Generic Part Name: 6511 LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. 6520 Generic Part Name: 6520 Mold Base Library 5-5 D- M- E LO CA TIN G RIN G S LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. 6521 Generic Part Name: 6521 LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. 6522 Generic Part Name: 6522 5-6 Mold Base Library D- M-E LO CA TIN G RIN G S LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. 6524 Generic Part Name: 6524 LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. 6535 Generic Part Name: 6535 Mold Base Library 5-7 D- M- E LO CA TIN G RIN G S LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. 6536 Generic Part Name: 6536 LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. 6537 Generic Part Name: 6537 5-8 Mold Base Library 9 D-M-E PINS AND SLEEVES CORE PIN Generic Part Name: CORE_PIN Mold Base Library Instance Name G Pin Diameter H Head Diameter K Head Thickness M Overall Length C7_3 0.0938 0.2500 0.1250 3.00 C8_3 0.1094 0.2500 0.1250 3.00 C9_3 0.1250 0.2500 0.1250 3.00 C10_3 0.1406 0.2500 0.1250 3.00 C11_3 0.1562 0.2813 0.1562 3.00 C12_3 0.1719 0.3438 0.1875 3.00 C13_3 0.1875 0.3750 0.1875 3.00 C14_3 0.2031 0.3750 0.1875 3.00 C15_3 0.2188 0.4063 0.1875 3.00 C17_3 0.2500 0.4375 0.1875 3.00 C19_3 0.2813 0.4375 0.2500 3.00 C21_3 0.3125 0.5000 0.2500 3.00 C23_3 0.3438 0.5625 0.2500 3.00 C25_3 0.3750 0.6250 0.2500 3.00 C27_3 0.4063 0.6875 0.2500 3.00 C29_3 0.4375 0.6875 0.2500 3.00 C31_3 0.4688 0.7500 0.2500 3.00 C33_3 0.5000 0.7500 0.2500 3.00 C7_6 0.0938 0.2500 0.1250 6.00 6-1 D- M- E PIN S A N D S LEEV ES 6-2 Instance Name G Pin Diameter H Head Diameter K Head Thickness M Overall Length C8_6 0.1094 0.2500 0.1250 6.00 C9_6 0.1250 0.2500 0.1250 6.00 C10_6 0.1406 0.2500 0.1250 6.00 C11_6 0.1562 0.2813 0.1562 6.00 C12_6 0.1719 0.3438 0.1875 6.00 C13_6 0.1875 0.3750 0.1875 6.00 C14_6 0.2031 0.3750 0.1875 6.00 C15_6 0.2188 0.4063 0.1875 6.00 C17_6 0.2500 0.4375 0.1875 6.00 C19_6 0.2813 0.4375 0.2500 6.00 C21_6 0.3125 0.5000 0.2500 6.00 C23_6 0.3438 0.5625 0.2500 6.00 C25_6 0.3750 0.6250 0.2500 6.00 C27_6 0.4063 0.6875 0.2500 6.00 C29_6 0.4375 0.6875 0.2500 6.00 C31_6 0.4688 0.7500 0.2500 6.00 C33_6 0.5000 0.7500 0.2500 6.00 C35_6 0.5625 0.8125 0.2500 6.00 C37_6 0.6250 0.8750 0.2500 6.00 C41_6 0.7500 1.0000 0.2500 6.00 C7_10 0.0938 0.2500 0.1250 10.00 C8_10 0.1094 0.2500 0.1250 10.00 C9_10 0.1250 0.2500 0.1250 10.00 C10_10 0.1406 0.2500 0.1250 10.00 C11_10 0.1562 0.2813 0.1562 10.00 C12_10 0.1719 0.3438 0.1875 10.00 C13_10 0.1875 0.3750 0.1875 10.00 C14_10 0.2031 0.3750 0.1875 10.00 C15_10 0.2188 0.4063 0.1875 10.00 C17_10 0.2500 0.4375 0.1875 10.00 Mold Base Library D- M-E P IN S A N D S LEEV ES Mold Base Library Instance Name G Pin Diameter H Head Diameter K Head Thickness M Overall Length C19_10 0.2813 0.4375 0.2500 10.00 C21_10 0.3125 0.5000 0.2500 10.00 C23_10 0.3438 0.5625 0.2500 10.00 C25_10 0.3750 0.6250 0.2500 10.00 C27_10 0.4063 0.6875 0.2500 10.00 C29_10 0.4375 0.6875 0.2500 10.00 C31_10 0.4688 0.7500 0.2500 10.00 C33_10 0.5000 0.7500 0.2500 10.00 C35_10 0.5625 0.8125 0.2500 10.00 C37_10 0.6250 0.8750 0.2500 10.00 C41_10 0.7500 1.0000 0.2500 10.00 6-3 D- M- E PIN S A N D S LEEV ES EJECTOR SLEEVE ° B + 1/64 Generic Part Name: EJ_SLV 6-4 Instance Name B Inner Diameter G Outer Diameter H Head Diameter K Head Thickness M Overall Length L Length S13_3 0.0938 0.1875 0.3750 0.1875 3.0000 1.7500 S15_3 0.1250 0.2188 0.4062 0.1875 3.0000 1.7500 S13_4 0.0938 0.1875 0.3750 0.1875 4.0000 1.7500 S15_4 0.1250 0.2188 0.4062 0.1875 4.0000 1.7500 S17_4 0.1562 0.2500 0.4375 0.1875 4.0000 2.2500 S21_4 0.1875 0.3125 0.5000 0.2500 4.0000 2.2500 S23_4 0.2188 0.3438 0.5625 0.2500 4.0000 2.2500 S25_4 0.2500 0.3750 0.6250 0.2500 4.0000 2.2500 S29_4 0.3125 0.4375 0.6875 0.2500 4.0000 2.2500 S33_4 0.3750 0.5000 0.7500 0.2500 4.0000 2.2500 S37_4 0.4375 0.6250 0.8750 0.2500 4.0000 2.2500 S39_4 0.5000 0.6875 0.9375 0.2500 4.0000 2.2500 S41_4 0.5625 0.7500 1.0000 0.2500 4.0000 2.2500 S45_4 0.6250 0.8750 1.1250 0.2500 4.0000 2.2500 S47_4 0.7500 1.0000 1.2500 0.2500 4.0000 2.2500 Mold Base Library D- M-E P IN S A N D S LEEV ES Instance Name B Inner Diameter G Outer Diameter H Head Diameter K Head Thickness M Overall Length L Length S13_5 0.0938 0.1875 0.3750 0.1875 5.0000 1.7500 S15_5 0.1250 0.2188 0.4062 0.1875 5.0000 1.7500 S17_5 0.1562 0.2500 0.4375 0.1875 5.0000 2.2500 S21_5 0.1875 0.3125 0.5000 0.2500 5.0000 2.2500 S23_5 0.2188 0.3438 0.5625 0.2500 5.0000 2.2500 S25_5 0.2500 0.3750 0.6250 0.2500 5.0000 2.2500 S29_5 0.3125 0.4375 0.6875 0.2500 5.0000 2.2500 S33_5 0.3750 0.5000 0.7500 0.2500 5.0000 2.2500 S37_5 0.4375 0.6250 0.8750 0.2500 5.0000 2.2500 S39_5 0.5000 0.6875 0.9375 0.2500 5.0000 2.2500 S41_5 0.5625 0.7500 1.0000 0.2500 5.0000 2.2500 S45_5 0.6250 0.8750 1.1250 0.2500 5.0000 2.2500 S47_5 0.7500 1.0000 1.2500 0.2500 5.0000 2.2500 S13_6 0.0938 0.1875 0.3750 0.1875 6.0000 1.7500 S15_6 0.1250 0.2188 0.4062 0.1875 6.0000 1.7500 S17_6 0.1562 0.2500 0.4375 0.1875 6.0000 2.2500 S21_6 0.1875 0.3125 0.5000 0.2500 6.0000 2.2500 S23_6 0.2188 0.3438 0.5625 0.2500 6.0000 2.2500 S25_6 0.2500 0.3750 0.6250 0.2500 6.0000 2.2500 S29_6 0.3125 0.4375 0.6875 0.2500 6.0000 2.2500 S33_6 0.3750 0.5000 0.7500 0.2500 6.0000 2.2500 S37_6 0.4375 0.6250 0.8750 0.2500 6.0000 2.2500 S39_6 0.5000 0.6875 0.9375 0.2500 6.0000 2.2500 S41_6 0.5625 0.7500 1.0000 0.2500 6.0000 2.2500 S45_6 0.6250 0.8750 1.1250 0.2500 6.0000 2.2500 S47_6 0.7500 1.0000 1.2500 0.2500 6.0000 2.2500 S13_7 0.0938 0.1875 0.3750 0.1875 7.0000 1.7500 S15_7 0.1250 0.2188 0.4062 0.1875 7.0000 1.7500 S17_7 0.1562 0.2500 0.4375 0.1875 7.0000 2.2500 S21_7 0.1875 0.3125 0.5000 0.2500 7.0000 2.2500 Mold Base Library 6-5 D- M- E PIN S A N D S LEEV ES 6-6 Instance Name B Inner Diameter G Outer Diameter H Head Diameter K Head Thickness M Overall Length L Length S23_7 0.2188 0.3438 0.5625 0.2500 7.0000 2.2500 S25_7 0.2500 0.3750 0.6250 0.2500 7.0000 2.2500 S29_7 0.3125 0.4375 0.6875 0.2500 7.0000 2.2500 S33_7 0.3750 0.5000 0.7500 0.2500 7.0000 2.2500 S37_7 0.4375 0.6250 0.8750 0.2500 7.0000 2.2500 S39_7 0.5000 0.6875 0.9375 0.2500 7.0000 2.2500 S41_7 0.5625 0.7500 1.0000 0.2500 7.0000 2.2500 S45_7 0.6250 0.8750 1.1250 0.2500 7.0000 2.2500 S47_7 0.7500 1.0000 1.2500 0.2500 7.0000 2.2500 S17_8 0.1562 0.2500 0.4375 0.1875 8.0000 2.2500 S21_8 0.1875 0.3125 0.5000 0.2500 8.0000 2.2500 S23_8 0.2188 0.3438 0.5625 0.2500 8.0000 2.2500 S25_8 0.2500 0.3750 0.6250 0.2500 8.0000 2.2500 S29_8 0.3125 0.4375 0.6875 0.2500 8.0000 2.2500 S33_8 0.3750 0.5000 0.7500 0.2500 8.0000 2.2500 S37_8 0.4375 0.6250 0.8750 0.2500 8.0000 2.2500 S39_8 0.5000 0.6875 0.9375 0.2500 8.0000 2.2500 S41_8 0.5625 0.7500 1.0000 0.2500 8.0000 2.2500 S45_8 0.6250 0.8750 1.1250 0.2500 8.0000 2.2500 S47_8 0.7500 1.0000 1.2500 0.2500 8.0000 2.2500 S17_9 0.1562 0.2500 0.4375 0.1875 9.0000 2.2500 S21_9 0.1875 0.3125 0.5000 0.2500 9.0000 2.2500 S23_9 0.2188 0.3438 0.5625 0.2500 9.0000 2.2500 S25_9 0.2500 0.3750 0.6250 0.2500 9.0000 2.2500 S29_9 0.3125 0.4375 0.6875 0.2500 9.0000 2.2500 S33_9 0.3750 0.5000 0.7500 0.2500 9.0000 2.2500 S37_9 0.4375 0.6250 0.8750 0.2500 9.0000 2.2500 S39_9 0.5000 0.6875 0.9375 0.2500 9.0000 2.2500 S41_9 0.5625 0.7500 1.0000 0.2500 9.0000 2.2500 S45_9 0.6250 0.8750 1.1250 0.2500 9.0000 2.2500 Mold Base Library D- M-E P IN S A N D S LEEV ES Instance Name B Inner Diameter G Outer Diameter H Head Diameter K Head Thickness M Overall Length L Length S47_9 0.7500 1.0000 1.2500 0.2500 9.0000 2.2500 S17_10 0.1562 0.2500 0.4375 0.1875 10.0000 2.2500 S21_10 0.1875 0.3125 0.5000 0.2500 10.0000 2.2500 S23_10 0.2188 0.3438 0.5625 0.2500 10.0000 2.2500 S25_10 0.2500 0.3750 0.6250 0.2500 10.0000 2.2500 S29_10 0.3125 0.4375 0.6875 0.2500 10.0000 2.2500 S33_10 0.3750 0.5000 0.7500 0.2500 10.0000 2.2500 S37_10 0.4375 0.6250 0.8750 0.2500 10.0000 2.2500 S39_10 0.5000 0.6875 0.9375 0.2500 10.0000 2.2500 S41_10 0.5625 0.7500 1.0000 0.2500 10.0000 2.2500 S45_10 0.6250 0.8750 1.1250 0.2500 10.0000 2.2500 S47_10 0.7500 1.0000 1.2500 0.2500 10.0000 2.2500 S21_11 0.1875 0.3125 0.5000 0.2500 11.0000 2.2500 S25_11 0.2500 0.3750 0.6250 0.2500 11.0000 2.2500 S29_11 0.3125 0.4375 0.6875 0.2500 11.0000 2.2500 S33_11 0.3750 0.5000 0.7500 0.2500 11.0000 2.2500 S37_11 0.4375 0.6250 0.8750 0.2500 11.0000 2.2500 S39_11 0.5000 0.6875 0.9375 0.2500 11.0000 2.2500 S41_11 0.5625 0.7500 1.0000 0.2500 11.0000 2.2500 S45_11 0.6250 0.8750 1.1250 0.2500 11.0000 2.2500 S47_11 0.7500 1.0000 1.2500 0.2500 11.0000 2.2500 S21_12 0.1875 0.3125 0.5000 0.2500 12.0000 2.2500 S25_12 0.2500 0.3750 0.6250 0.2500 12.0000 2.2500 S29_12 0.3125 0.4375 0.6875 0.2500 12.0000 2.2500 S33_12 0.3750 0.5000 0.7500 0.2500 12.0000 2.2500 S37_12 0.4375 0.6250 0.8750 0.2500 12.0000 2.2500 S39_12 0.5000 0.6875 0.9375 0.2500 12.0000 2.2500 S41_12 0.5625 0.7500 1.0000 0.2500 12.0000 2.2500 S45_12 0.6250 0.8750 1.1250 0.2500 12.0000 2.2500 S47_12 0.7500 1.0000 1.2500 0.2500 12.0000 2.2500 Mold Base Library 6-7 D- M- E PIN S A N D S LEEV ES HOTWORK EJECTOR PIN - LETTER SIZE DIAMETERS Generic Part Name: EJ_PIN_LTR 6-8 Instance Name G Pin Diameter H Head Diameter K Head Thickness A 0.2340 0.4375 0.1875 EX_B 0.2380 0.4375 0.1875 EX_C 0.2420 0.4375 0.1875 EX_D 0.2460 0.4375 0.1875 E 0.2500 0.4375 0.1875 EX_F 0.2570 0.4375 0.1875 EX_G 0.2610 0.4375 0.2500 H 0.2660 0.4375 0.2500 EX_I 0.2720 0.4375 0.2500 EX_J 0.2770 0.4375 0.2500 K 0.2810 0.4375 0.2500 EX_L 0.2900 0.5000 0.2500 EX_M 0.2950 0.5000 0.2500 EX_N 0.3020 0.5000 0.2500 O 0.3160 0.5000 0.2500 EX_P 0.3230 0.5625 0.2500 EX_Q 0.3320 0.5625 0.2500 EX_R 0.3390 0.5625 0.2500 S 0.3480 0.5625 0.2500 T 0.3580 0.6250 0.2500 EX_U 0.3680 0.6250 0.2500 EX_V 0.3770 0.6250 0.2500 Mold Base Library D- M-E P IN S A N D S LEEV ES Mold Base Library Instance Name G Pin Diameter H Head Diameter K Head Thickness EX_W 0.3860 0.6250 0.2500 EX_X 0.3970 0.6875 0.2500 EX_Y 0.4040 0.6875 0.2500 Z 0.4130 0.6875 0.2500 6-9 D- M- E PIN S A N D S LEEV ES HOTWORK EJECTOR PIN - SHOULDER TYPE Generic Part Name: EJ_PIN_SD 6 - 10 Instance Name M Overall Length D Pin Diameter L Shoulder Length EX3_1SH_6 6.00 0.0469 0.5000 EX3_2SH_6 6.00 0.0469 2.0000 EX5_1SH_6 6.00 0.0625 0.5000 EX5_2SH_6 6.00 0.0625 2.0000 EX6_1SH_6 6.00 0.0781 0.5000 EX6_2SH_6 6.00 0.0781 2.0000 EX7_1SH_6 6.00 0.0938 0.5000 EX7_2SH_6 6.00 0.0938 2.0000 EX8_1SH_6 6.00 0.1094 0.5000 EX8_2SH_6 6.00 0.1094 2.0000 EX3_1SH_10 10.00 0.0469 0.5000 EX3_2SH_10 10.00 0.0469 2.0000 EX5_1SH_10 10.00 0.0625 0.5000 EX5_2SH_10 10.00 0.0625 2.0000 EX6_1SH_10 10.00 0.0781 0.5000 EX6_2SH_10 10.00 0.0781 2.0000 EX7_1SH_10 10.00 0.0938 0.5000 EX7_2SH_10 10.00 0.0938 2.0000 EX8_1SH_10 10.00 0.1094 0.5000 EX8_2SH_10 10.00 0.1094 2.0000 Mold Base Library D- M-E P IN S A N D S LEEV ES Mold Base Library Instance Name M Overall Length D Pin Diameter L Shoulder Length EX3_1SH_14 14.00 0.0469 0.5000 EX3_2SH_14 14.00 0.0469 2.0000 EX5_1SH_14 14.00 0.0625 0.5000 EX5_2SH_14 14.00 0.0625 2.0000 EX6_1SH_14 14.00 0.0781 0.5000 EX6_2SH_14 14.00 0.0781 2.0000 EX7_1SH_14 14.00 0.0938 0.5000 EX7_2SH_14 14.00 0.0938 2.0000 EX8_1SH_14 14.00 0.1094 0.5000 EX8_2SH_14 14.00 0.1094 2.0000 6 - 11 D- M- E PIN S A N D S LEEV ES HOTWORK EJECTOR PINS - STRAIGHT TYPE Generic Part Name: EJ_PIN_STR 6 - 12 Instance Name M Overall Length G Pin Diameter H Head Diameter K Head Thickness EX3_NS_6 6.00 0.0469 0.2500 0.1250 EX5_NS_6 6.00 0.0625 0.2500 0.1250 EX6_NS_6 6.00 0.0781 0.2500 0.1250 EX7_NS_6 6.00 0.0938 0.2500 0.1250 EX8_NS_6 6.00 0.1094 0.2500 0.1250 EX7_NS_10 10.00 0.0938 0.2500 0.1250 EX8_NS_10 10.00 0.1094 0.2500 0.1250 EX9_6 6.00 0.1250 0.2500 0.1250 EX11_6 6.00 0.1563 0.2813 0.1563 EX13_6 6.00 0.1875 0.3750 0.1875 EX15_6 6.00 0.2188 0.4063 0.1875 EX17_6 6.00 0.2500 0.4375 0.1875 EX19_6 6.00 0.2813 0.4375 0.2500 EX21_6 6.00 0.3125 0.5000 0.2500 EX23_6 6.00 0.3438 0.5625 0.2500 EX25_6 6.00 0.3750 0.6250 0.2500 EX27_6 6.00 0.4063 0.6875 0.2500 EX29_6 6.00 0.4375 0.6875 0.2500 EX33_6 6.00 0.5000 0.7500 0.2500 EX35_6 6.00 0.5625 0.8125 0.2500 Mold Base Library D- M-E P IN S A N D S LEEV ES Mold Base Library Instance Name M Overall Length G Pin Diameter H Head Diameter K Head Thickness EX37_6 6.00 0.6250 0.8750 0.2500 EX41_6 6.00 0.7500 1.0000 0.2500 EX47_6 6.00 1.0000 1.2500 0.2500 EX9_10 10.00 0.1250 0.2500 0.1250 EX10_10 10.00 0.1406 0.2500 0.1250 EX11_10 10.00 0.1563 0.2813 0.1563 EX12_10 10.00 0.1719 0.3438 0.1875 EX13_10 10.00 0.1875 0.3750 0.1875 EX14_10 10.00 0.2031 0.3750 0.1875 EX15_10 10.00 0.2188 0.4063 0.1875 EX16_10 10.00 0.2348 0.4063 0.1875 EX17_10 10.00 0.2500 0.4375 0.1875 EX18_10 10.00 0.2656 0.4375 0.2500 EX19_10 10.00 0.2813 0.4375 0.2500 EX20_10 10.00 0.2969 0.5000 0.2500 EX21_10 10.00 0.3125 0.5000 0.2500 EX22_10 10.00 0.3281 0.5625 0.2500 EX23_10 10.00 0.3438 0.5625 0.2500 EX24_10 10.00 0.3594 0.6250 0.2500 EX25_10 10.00 0.3750 0.6250 0.2500 EX27_10 10.00 0.4063 0.6875 0.2500 EX29_10 10.00 0.4375 0.6875 0.2500 EX31_10 10.00 0.4688 0.7500 0.2500 EX33_10 10.00 0.5000 0.7500 0.2500 EX35_10 10.00 0.5625 0.8125 0.2500 EX37_10 10.00 0.6250 0.8750 0.2500 EX39_10 10.00 0.6875 0.9375 0.2500 EX41_10 10.00 0.7500 1.0000 0.2500 EX45_10 10.00 0.8750 1.1250 0.2500 EX47_10 10.00 1.0000 1.2500 0.2500 6 - 13 D- M- E PIN S A N D S LEEV ES 6 - 14 Instance Name M Overall Length G Pin Diameter H Head Diameter K Head Thickness EX9_14 14.00 0.1250 0.2500 0.1250 EX10_14 14.00 0.1406 0.2500 0.1250 EX11_14 14.00 0.1563 0.2813 0.1563 EX12_14 14.00 0.1719 0.3438 0.1875 EX13_14 14.00 0.1875 0.3750 0.1875 EX14_14 14.00 0.2031 0.3750 0.1875 EX15_14 14.00 0.2188 0.4063 0.1875 EX16_14 14.00 0.2348 0.4063 0.1875 EX17_14 14.00 0.2500 0.4375 0.1875 EX18_14 14.00 0.2656 0.4375 0.2500 EX19_14 14.00 0.2813 0.4375 0.2500 EX20_14 14.00 0.2969 0.5000 0.2500 EX21_14 14.00 0.3125 0.5000 0.2500 EX22_14 14.00 0.3281 0.5625 0.2500 EX23_14 14.00 0.3438 0.5625 0.2500 EX24_14 14.00 0.3594 0.6250 0.2500 EX25_14 14.00 0.3750 0.6250 0.2500 EX27_14 14.00 0.4063 0.6875 0.2500 EX29_14 14.00 0.4375 0.6875 0.2500 EX33_14 14.00 0.5000 0.7500 0.2500 EX35_14 14.00 0.5625 0.8125 0.2500 EX37_14 14.00 0.6250 0.8750 0.2500 EX41_14 14.00 0.7500 1.0000 0.2500 EX47_14 14.00 1.0000 1.2500 0.2500 EX11_18 18.00 0.1563 0.2813 0.1563 EX13_18 18.00 0.1875 0.3750 0.1875 EX17_18 18.00 0.2500 0.4375 0.1875 EX19_18 18.00 0.2813 0.4375 0.2500 EX21_18 18.00 0.3125 0.5000 0.2500 EX25_18 18.00 0.3750 0.6250 0.2500 Mold Base Library D- M-E P IN S A N D S LEEV ES Mold Base Library Instance Name M Overall Length G Pin Diameter H Head Diameter K Head Thickness EX27_18 18.00 0.4063 0.6875 0.2500 EX29_18 18.00 0.4375 0.6875 0.2500 EX31_18 18.00 0.4688 0.7500 0.2500 EX33_18 18.00 0.5000 0.7500 0.2500 EX35_18 18.00 0.5625 0.8125 0.2500 EX37_18 18.00 0.6250 0.8750 0.2500 EX39_18 18.00 0.6875 0.9375 0.2500 EX41_18 18.00 0.7500 1.0000 0.2500 EX45_18 18.00 0.8750 1.1250 0.2500 EX47_18 18.00 1.0000 1.2500 0.2500 EX13_25 25.00 0.1875 0.3750 0.1875 EX15_25 25.00 0.2188 0.4063 0.1875 EX17_25 25.00 0.2500 0.4375 0.1875 EX18_25 25.00 0.2656 0.4375 0.2500 EX19_25 25.00 0.2813 0.4375 0.2500 EX21_25 25.00 0.3125 0.5000 0.2500 EX22_25 25.00 0.3281 0.5625 0.2500 EX23_25 25.00 0.3438 0.5625 0.2500 EX25_25 25.00 0.3750 0.6250 0.2500 EX27_25 25.00 0.4063 0.6875 0.2500 EX29_25 25.00 0.4375 0.6875 0.2500 EX31_25 25.00 0.4688 0.7500 0.2500 EX33_25 25.00 0.5000 0.7500 0.2500 EX35_25 25.00 0.5625 0.8125 0.2500 EX37_25 25.00 0.6250 0.8750 0.2500 EX39_25 25.00 0.6875 0.9375 0.2500 EX41_25 25.00 0.7500 1.0000 0.2500 EX45_25 25.00 0.8750 1.1250 0.2500 EX47_25 25.00 1.0000 1.2500 0.2500 EX25_36 36.00 0.3750 0.6250 0.2500 6 - 15 D- M- E PIN S A N D S LEEV ES 6 - 16 Instance Name M Overall Length G Pin Diameter H Head Diameter K Head Thickness EX29_36 36.00 0.4375 0.6875 0.2500 EX33_36 36.00 0.5000 0.7500 0.2500 EX37_36 36.00 0.6250 0.8750 0.2500 EX41_36 36.00 0.7500 1.0000 0.2500 EX47_36 36.00 1.0000 1.2500 0.2500 Mold Base Library D- M-E P IN S A N D S LEEV ES LEADER PIN WITH NOMINAL DIAMETER FROM 3/4 TO 1-1/2 INCHES Generic Part Name: LD _PIN Instance Name G Pin Diameter H Head Diameter K Head Thickness P Shoulder Diameter M Overall Length L Shoulder Length 5000_GL 0.7490 0.9900 0.1875 0.7510 1.7500 0.8750 5001_GL 0.7490 0.9900 0.1875 0.7510 2.2500 0.8750 5002_GL 0.7490 0.9900 0.1875 0.7510 2.7500 0.8750 5003_GL 0.7490 0.9900 0.1875 0.7510 3.2500 0.8750 5004_GL 0.7490 0.9900 0.1875 0.7510 3.7500 0.8750 5005_GL 0.7490 0.9900 0.1875 0.7510 4.2500 1.3750 5006_GL 0.7490 0.9900 0.1875 0.7510 4.7500 1.3750 5007_GL 0.7490 0.9900 0.1875 0.7510 5.2500 1.3750 5008_GL 0.7490 0.9900 0.1875 0.7510 5.7500 1.8750 5009_GL 0.7490 0.9900 0.1875 0.7510 6.2500 1.8750 5010_GL 0.7490 0.9900 0.1875 0.7510 6.7500 1.8750 5011_GL 0.7490 0.9900 0.1875 0.7510 7.2500 1.8750 5012_GL 0.7490 0.9900 0.1875 0.7510 7.7500 1.8750 5015_GL 0.7490 0.9900 0.1875 0.7510 9.2500 1.8750 5099_GL 0.8740 1.1150 0.2500 0.8760 1.7500 0.8750 5100_GL 0.8740 1.1150 0.2500 0.8760 2.2500 0.8750 Mold Base Library 6 - 17 D- M- E PIN S A N D S LEEV ES 6 - 18 Instance Name G Pin Diameter H Head Diameter K Head Thickness P Shoulder Diameter M Overall Length L Shoulder Length 5101_GL 0.8740 1.1150 0.2500 0.8760 2.7500 0.8750 5102_GL 0.8740 1.1150 0.2500 0.8760 3.2500 0.8750 5103_GL 0.8740 1.1150 0.2500 0.8760 3.7500 0.8750 5104_GL 0.8740 1.1150 0.2500 0.8760 4.2500 1.3750 5105_GL 0.8740 1.1150 0.2500 0.8760 4.7500 1.3750 5106_GL 0.8740 1.1150 0.2500 0.8760 5.2500 1.3750 5107_GL 0.8740 1.1150 0.2500 0.8760 5.7500 1.3750 5108_GL 0.8740 1.1150 0.2500 0.8760 6.2500 1.3750 5109_GL 0.8740 1.1150 0.2500 0.8760 6.7500 1.8750 5110_GL 0.8740 1.1150 0.2500 0.8760 7.2500 1.8750 5111_GL 0.8740 1.1150 0.2500 0.8760 7.7500 1.8750 5112_GL 0.8740 1.1150 0.2500 0.8760 8.2500 1.8750 5113_GL 0.8740 1.1150 0.2500 0.8760 8.7500 1.8750 5117_GL 0.8740 1.1150 0.2500 0.8760 10.7500 1.8750 5120_GL 0.8740 1.1150 0.2500 0.8760 12.2500 1.8750 5198_GL 0.9990 1.2400 0.2500 1.0010 1.7500 0.8750 5199_GL 0.9990 1.2400 0.2500 1.0010 2.2500 0.8750 5200_GL 0.9990 1.2400 0.2500 1.0010 2.7500 0.8750 5201_GL 0.9990 1.2400 0.2500 1.0010 3.2500 0.8750 5202_GL 0.9990 1.2400 0.2500 1.0010 3.7500 0.8750 5203_GL 0.9990 1.2400 0.2500 1.0010 4.2500 1.3750 5204_GL 0.9990 1.2400 0.2500 1.0010 4.7500 1.3750 5205_GL 0.9990 1.2400 0.2500 1.0010 5.2500 1.3750 5206_GL 0.9990 1.2400 0.2500 1.0010 5.7500 1.3750 5207_GL 0.9990 1.2400 0.2500 1.0010 6.2500 1.3750 5208_GL 0.9990 1.2400 0.2500 1.0010 6.7500 1.8750 5209_GL 0.9990 1.2400 0.2500 1.0010 7.2500 1.8750 5210_GL 0.9990 1.2400 0.2500 1.0010 7.7500 1.8750 5211_GL 0.9990 1.2400 0.2500 1.0010 8.2500 1.8750 5212_GL 0.9990 1.2400 0.2500 1.0010 8.7500 1.8750 Mold Base Library D- M-E P IN S A N D S LEEV ES Instance Name G Pin Diameter H Head Diameter K Head Thickness P Shoulder Diameter M Overall Length L Shoulder Length 5213_GL 0.9990 1.2400 0.2500 1.0010 9.2500 1.8750 5214_GL 0.9990 1.2400 0.2500 1.0010 9.7500 1.8750 5215_GL 0.9990 1.2400 0.2500 1.0010 10.2500 1.8750 5216_GL 0.9990 1.2400 0.2500 1.0010 10.7500 1.8750 5217_GL 0.9990 1.2400 0.2500 1.0010 11.2500 1.8750 5218_GL 0.9990 1.2400 0.2500 1.0010 11.7500 1.8750 5219_GL 0.9990 1.2400 0.2500 1.0010 12.2500 1.8750 5300_GL 1.2490 1.4900 0.3125 1.2510 2.7500 0.8750 5301_GL 1.2490 1.4900 0.3125 1.2510 3.2500 0.8750 5302_GL 1.2490 1.4900 0.3125 1.2510 3.7500 0.8750 5303_GL 1.2490 1.4900 0.3125 1.2510 4.2500 0.8750 5304_GL 1.2490 1.4900 0.3125 1.2510 4.7500 1.3750 5305_GL 1.2490 1.4900 0.3125 1.2510 5.2500 1.3750 5306_GL 1.2490 1.4900 0.3125 1.2510 5.7500 1.3750 5307_GL 1.2490 1.4900 0.3125 1.2510 6.2500 1.3750 5308_GL 1.2490 1.4900 0.3125 1.2510 6.7500 1.8750 5309_GL 1.2490 1.4900 0.3125 1.2510 7.2500 1.8750 5310_GL 1.2490 1.4900 0.3125 1.2510 7.7500 1.8750 5311_GL 1.2490 1.4900 0.3125 1.2510 8.2500 1.8750 5312_GL 1.2490 1.4900 0.3125 1.2510 8.7500 1.8750 5313_GL 1.2490 1.4900 0.3125 1.2510 9.2500 1.8750 5314_GL 1.2490 1.4900 0.3125 1.2510 9.7500 1.8750 5315_GL 1.2490 1.4900 0.3125 1.2510 10.2500 1.8750 5316_GL 1.2490 1.4900 0.3125 1.2510 10.7500 1.8750 5317_GL 1.2490 1.4900 0.3125 1.2510 11.2500 1.8750 5318_GL 1.2490 1.4900 0.3125 1.2510 11.7500 1.8750 5319_GL 1.2490 1.4900 0.3125 1.2510 12.2500 1.8750 5320_GL 1.2490 1.4900 0.3125 1.2510 12.7500 1.8750 5321_GL 1.2490 1.4900 0.3125 1.2510 13.2500 1.8750 5322_GL 1.2490 1.4900 0.3125 1.2510 13.7500 1.8750 Mold Base Library 6 - 19 D- M- E PIN S A N D S LEEV ES 6 - 20 Instance Name G Pin Diameter H Head Diameter K Head Thickness P Shoulder Diameter M Overall Length L Shoulder Length 5324_GL 1.2490 1.4900 0.3125 1.2510 14.7500 1.8750 5326_GL 1.2490 1.4900 0.3125 1.2510 15.7500 1.8750 5402_GL 1.4990 1.7400 0.3125 1.5010 3.7500 1.3750 5403_GL 1.4990 1.7400 0.3125 1.5010 4.2500 1.3750 5404_GL 1.4990 1.7400 0.3125 1.5010 4.7500 1.3750 5405_GL 1.4990 1.7400 0.3125 1.5010 5.2500 1.3750 5406_GL 1.4990 1.7400 0.3125 1.5010 5.7500 1.3750 5407_GL 1.4990 1.7400 0.3125 1.5010 6.2500 1.3750 5408_GL 1.4990 1.7400 0.3125 1.5010 6.7500 1.3750 5410_GL 1.4990 1.7400 0.3125 1.5010 7.7500 1.8750 5412_GL 1.4990 1.7400 0.3125 1.5010 8.7500 1.8750 5414_GL 1.4990 1.7400 0.3125 1.5010 9.7500 1.8750 5416_GL 1.4990 1.7400 0.3125 1.5010 10.7500 1.8750 5418_GL 1.4990 1.7400 0.3125 1.5010 11.7500 1.8750 5420_GL 1.4990 1.7400 0.3125 1.5010 12.7500 1.8750 5422_GL 1.4990 1.7400 0.3125 1.5010 13.7500 1.8750 5424_GL 1.4990 1.7400 0.3125 1.5010 14.7500 1.8750 5426_GL 1.4990 1.7400 0.3125 1.5010 15.7500 1.8750 Mold Base Library D- M-E P IN S A N D S LEEV ES LEADER PIN WITH NOMINAL DIAMETER FROM 2 TO 3 INCHES Generic Part Name: LD_PIN_L Instance Name G Pin Diameter H Head Diameter K Head Thickness P Shoulder Diameter M Overall Length L Shoulder Length 5606_GL 1.9990 2.2400 0.3125 2.0010 5.7500 1.8750 5608_GL 1.9990 2.2400 0.3125 2.0010 6.7500 1.8750 5610_GL 1.9990 2.2400 0.3125 2.0010 7.7500 1.8750 5612_GL 1.9990 2.2400 0.3125 2.0010 8.7500 1.8750 5614_GL 1.9990 2.2400 0.3125 2.0010 9.7500 1.8750 5616_GL 1.9990 2.2400 0.3125 2.0010 10.7500 1.8750 5618_GL 1.9990 2.2400 0.3125 2.0010 11.7500 1.8750 5620_GL 1.9990 2.2400 0.3125 2.0010 12.7500 1.8750 5622_GL 1.9990 2.2400 0.3125 2.0010 13.7500 1.8750 5624_GL 1.9990 2.2400 0.3125 2.0010 14.7500 1.8750 5626_GL 1.9990 2.2400 0.3125 2.0010 15.7500 1.8750 5628_GL 1.9990 2.2400 0.3125 2.0010 16.7500 2.3750 5632_GL 1.9990 2.2400 0.3125 2.0010 18.7500 2.3750 5806_GL 2.4990 2.7400 0.3125 2.5010 5.7500 2.3750 5808_GL 2.4990 2.7400 0.3125 2.5010 6.7500 2.3750 5810_GL 2.4990 2.7400 0.3125 2.5010 7.7500 2.3750 Mold Base Library 6 - 21 D- M- E PIN S A N D S LEEV ES 6 - 22 Instance Name G Pin Diameter H Head Diameter K Head Thickness P Shoulder Diameter M Overall Length L Shoulder Length 5812_GL 2.4990 2.7400 0.3125 2.5010 8.7500 2.3750 5814_GL 2.4990 2.7400 0.3125 2.5010 9.7500 2.3750 5816_GL 2.4990 2.7400 0.3125 2.5010 10.7500 2.3750 5818_GL 2.4990 2.7400 0.3125 2.5010 11.7500 2.3750 5820_GL 2.4990 2.7400 0.3125 2.5010 12.7500 2.3750 5822_GL 2.4990 2.7400 0.3125 2.5010 13.7500 2.3750 5824_GL 2.4990 2.7400 0.3125 2.5010 14.7500 2.3750 5826_GL 2.4990 2.7400 0.3125 2.5010 15.7500 2.3750 5828_GL 2.4990 2.7400 0.3125 2.5010 16.7500 2.3750 5832_GL 2.4990 2.7400 0.3125 2.5010 18.7500 2.3750 6012_GL 2.9990 3.3650 0.5000 3.0010 8.7500 2.8750 6016_GL 2.9990 3.3650 0.5000 3.0010 10.7500 2.8750 6020_GL 2.9990 3.3650 0.5000 3.0010 12.7500 2.8750 6024_GL 2.9990 3.3650 0.5000 3.0010 14.7500 2.8750 6028_GL 2.9990 3.3650 0.5000 3.0010 16.7500 2.8750 6032_GL 2.9990 3.3650 0.5000 3.0010 18.7500 2.8750 Mold Base Library D- M-E P IN S A N D S LEEV ES RETURN PIN Generic Part Name: RETURN_PIN Mold Base Library Instance Name G Pin Diameter M Overall Length H Head Diameter 7410 0.5000 3.5625 0.7500 7411 0.5000 4.0625 0.7500 7412 0.5000 4.5625 0.7500 7413 0.5000 5.0625 0.7500 7414 0.5000 5.5625 0.7500 7415 0.5000 6.0625 0.7500 7416 0.5000 6.5625 0.7500 7510 0.6250 4.0625 0.8750 7511 0.6250 4.5625 0.8750 7512 0.6250 5.0625 0.8750 7513 0.6250 5.5625 0.8750 7514 0.6250 6.0625 0.8750 7515 0.6250 6.5625 0.8750 7516 0.6250 7.0625 0.8750 7517 0.6250 7.5625 0.8750 7518 0.6250 8.0625 0.8750 7610 0.7500 4.9375 1.0000 7611 0.7500 5.4375 1.0000 7612 0.7500 5.9375 1.0000 7613 0.7500 6.4375 1.0000 7614 0.7500 6.9375 1.0000 6 - 23 D- M- E PIN S A N D S LEEV ES 6 - 24 Instance Name G Pin Diameter M Overall Length H Head Diameter 7615 0.7500 7.4375 1.0000 7616 0.7500 7.9375 1.0000 7617 0.7500 8.4375 1.0000 7618 0.7500 8.9375 1.0000 7619 0.7500 9.4375 1.0000 Mold Base Library D- M-E P IN S A N D S LEEV ES SHOULDER LEADER PIN Generic Part Name: SD_LD_PIN Instance Name NOMINAL DIAMETER G Pin Diameter H Shoulder Diameter D Head Diameter A Shoulder Length B Pin Length A0707_GL 3/4 0.7490 1.1260 1.2280 0.8750 0.8750 A0713_GL 3/4 0.7490 1.1260 1.2280 0.8750 1.3750 A0717_GL 3/4 0.7490 1.1260 1.2280 0.8750 1.8750 A0723_GL 3/4 0.7490 1.1260 1.2280 0.8750 2.3750 A0727_GL 3/4 0.7490 1.1260 1.2280 0.8750 2.8750 A1307_GL 3/4 0.7490 1.1260 1.2280 1.3750 0.8750 A1313_GL 3/4 0.7490 1.1260 1.2280 1.3750 1.3750 A1317_GL 3/4 0.7490 1.1260 1.2280 1.3750 1.8750 A1323_GL 3/4 0.7490 1.1260 1.2280 1.3750 2.3750 A1327_GL 3/4 0.7490 1.1260 1.2280 1.3750 2.8750 A1333_GL 3/4 0.7490 1.1260 1.2280 1.3750 3.3750 A1707_GL 3/4 0.7490 1.1260 1.2280 1.8750 0.8750 A1713_GL 3/4 0.7490 1.1260 1.2280 1.8750 1.3750 A1717_GL 3/4 0.7490 1.1260 1.2280 1.8750 1.8750 A1723_GL 3/4 0.7490 1.1260 1.2280 1.8750 2.3750 A1727_GL 3/4 0.7490 1.1260 1.2280 1.8750 2.8750 A1733_GL 3/4 0.7490 1.1260 1.2280 1.8750 3.3750 A1737_GL 3/4 0.7490 1.1260 1.2280 1.8750 3.8750 Mold Base Library 6 - 25 D- M- E PIN S A N D S LEEV ES 6 - 26 Instance Name NOMINAL DIAMETER G Pin Diameter H Shoulder Diameter D Head Diameter A Shoulder Length B Pin Length A2307_GL 3/4 0.7490 1.1260 1.2280 2.3750 0.8750 A2313_GL 3/4 0.7490 1.1260 1.2280 2.3750 1.3750 A2317_GL 3/4 0.7490 1.1260 1.2280 2.3750 1.8750 A2323_GL 3/4 0.7490 1.1260 1.2280 2.3750 2.3750 A2327_GL 3/4 0.7490 1.1260 1.2280 2.3750 2.8750 A2337_GL 3/4 0.7490 1.1260 1.2280 2.3750 3.8750 A2713_GL 3/4 0.7490 1.1260 1.2280 2.8750 1.3750 A2717_GL 3/4 0.7490 1.1260 1.2280 2.8750 1.8750 A2723_GL 3/4 0.7490 1.1260 1.2280 2.8750 2.3750 A2727_GL 3/4 0.7490 1.1260 1.2280 2.8750 2.8750 A2737_GL 3/4 0.7490 1.1260 1.2280 2.8750 3.8750 A3317_GL 3/4 0.7490 1.1260 1.2280 3.3750 1.8750 A3323_GL 3/4 0.7490 1.1260 1.2280 3.3750 2.3750 A3333_GL 3/4 0.7490 1.1260 1.2280 3.3750 3.3750 A3723_GL 3/4 0.7490 1.1260 1.2280 3.8750 2.3750 A3727_GL 3/4 0.7490 1.1260 1.2280 3.8750 2.8750 C0713_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 0.8750 1.3750 C0717_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 0.8750 1.8750 C0727_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 0.8750 2.8750 C1307_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 1.3750 0.8750 C1313_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 1.3750 1.3750 C1317_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 1.3750 1.8750 C1323_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 1.3750 2.3750 C1327_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 1.3750 2.8750 C1333_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 1.3750 3.3750 C1707_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 1.8750 0.8750 C1713_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 1.8750 1.3750 C1717_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 1.8750 1.8750 C1723_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 1.8750 2.3750 C1727_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 1.8750 2.8750 Mold Base Library D- M-E P IN S A N D S LEEV ES Instance Name NOMINAL DIAMETER G Pin Diameter H Shoulder Diameter D Head Diameter A Shoulder Length B Pin Length C1733_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 1.8750 3.3750 C1737_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 1.8750 3.8750 C2313_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 2.3750 1.3750 C2317_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 2.3750 1.8750 C2323_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 2.3750 2.3750 C2327_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 2.3750 2.8750 C2333_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 2.3750 3.3750 C2337_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 2.3750 3.8750 C2713_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 2.8750 1.3750 C2717_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 2.8750 1.8750 C2723_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 2.8750 2.3750 C2727_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 2.8750 2.8750 C2733_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 2.8750 3.3750 C2737_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 2.8750 3.8750 C2743_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 2.8750 4.3750 C3317_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 3.3750 1.8750 C3323_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 3.3750 2.3750 C3327_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 3.3750 2.8750 C3333_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 3.3750 3.3750 C3343_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 3.3750 4.3750 C3723_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 3.8750 2.3750 C3727_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 3.8750 2.8750 C3737_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 3.8750 3.8750 C3747_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 3.8750 4.8750 C4327_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 4.3750 2.8750 C4337_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 4.3750 3.8750 C4343_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 4.3750 4.3750 C4737_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 4.8750 3.8750 C4743_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 4.8750 4.3750 C4747_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 4.8750 4.8750 Mold Base Library 6 - 27 D- M- E PIN S A N D S LEEV ES 6 - 28 Instance Name NOMINAL DIAMETER G Pin Diameter H Shoulder Diameter D Head Diameter A Shoulder Length B Pin Length C5737_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 5.8750 3.8750 C5747_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 5.8750 4.8750 C5757_GL 1 0.9990 1.3760 1.5100 5.8750 5.8750 D1313_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 1.3750 1.3750 D1323_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 1.3750 2.3750 D1333_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 1.3750 3.3750 D1713_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 1.8750 1.3750 D1717_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 1.8750 1.8750 D1723_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 1.8750 2.3750 D1727_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 1.8750 2.8750 D1733_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 1.8750 3.3750 D1737_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 1.8750 3.8750 D2313_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 2.3750 1.3750 D2317_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 2.3750 1.8750 D2323_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 2.3750 2.3750 D2327_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 2.3750 2.8750 D2333_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 2.3750 3.3750 D2337_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 2.3750 3.8750 D2717_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 2.8750 1.8750 D2723_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 2.8750 2.3750 D2727_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 2.8750 2.8750 D2733_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 2.8750 3.3750 D2737_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 2.8750 3.8750 D2743_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 2.8750 4.3750 D3317_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 3.3750 1.8750 D3323_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 3.3750 2.3750 D3333_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 3.3750 2.8750 D3337_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 3.3750 3.3750 D3343_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 3.3750 4.3750 D3723_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 3.8750 2.3750 Mold Base Library D- M-E P IN S A N D S LEEV ES Instance Name NOMINAL DIAMETER G Pin Diameter H Shoulder Diameter D Head Diameter A Shoulder Length B Pin Length D3727_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 3.8750 2.8750 D3733_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 3.8750 3.3750 D3737_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 3.8750 3.8750 D3747_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 3.8750 4.8750 D4327_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 4.3750 2.8750 D4333_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 4.3750 3.3750 D4337_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 4.3750 3.8750 D4347_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 4.3750 4.8750 D4737_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 4.8750 3.8750 D4743_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 4.8750 4.3750 D4747_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 4.8750 4.8750 D4757_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 4.8750 5.8750 D5737_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 5.8750 3.8750 D5743_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 5.8750 4.3750 D5747_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 5.8750 4.8750 D5757_GL 1-1/4 1.2490 1.6260 1.7910 5.8750 5.8750 Mold Base Library 6 - 29 D- M- E PIN S A N D S LEEV ES SPRUE PULLER PIN Generic Part Name: SPRUE_PIN 6 - 30 Instance Name G Pin Diameter K Head Thickness M Overall Length H Head Diameter 7110 0.2500 0.1875 3.4375 0.4375 7111 0.2500 0.1875 3.9375 0.4375 7112 0.2500 0.1875 4.4375 0.4375 7113 0.2500 0.1875 4.9375 0.4375 7114 0.2500 0.1875 5.4375 0.4375 7115 0.2500 0.1875 5.9375 0.4375 7116 0.2500 0.1875 6.4375 0.4375 7210 0.3750 0.2500 3.8750 0.6250 7211 0.3750 0.2500 4.3750 0.6250 7212 0.3750 0.2500 4.8750 0.6250 7213 0.3750 0.2500 5.3750 0.6250 7214 0.3750 0.2500 5.8750 0.6250 7215 0.3750 0.2500 6.3750 0.6250 7216 0.3750 0.2500 6.8750 0.6250 7217 0.3750 0.2500 7.3750 0.6250 7218 0.3750 0.2500 7.8750 0.6250 7219 0.3750 0.2500 8.3750 0.6250 7220 0.3750 0.2500 8.8750 0.6250 7221 0.3750 0.2500 9.3750 0.6250 Mold Base Library D- M-E P IN S A N D S LEEV ES THROUGH HARDENED EJECTOR PINS Generic Part Name: HD_EJ_PIN Instance Name G Pin Diameter H Head Diameter K Head Thickness Cut D L Shoulder Length CT5_M6 0.1250 0.2500 0.1250 Y 0.06 2.00 CT5_M6NS 0.0625 0.2500 0.1250 N NONE NONE CT6_M6 0.1250 0.2500 0.1250 Y 0.08 2.00 CT6_M6NS 0.0781 0.2500 0.1250 N NONE NONE CT7_M6 0.1250 0.2500 0.1250 Y 0.09 2.00 CT7_M6NS 0.0938 0.2500 0.1250 N NONE NONE CT8_M6 0.1250 0.2500 0.1250 Y 0.11 2.00 CT8_M6NS 0.1094 0.2500 0.1250 N NONE NONE CT9_M6 0.1250 0.2500 0.1250 N NONE NONE CT11_M6 0.1563 0.2813 0.1563 N NONE NONE Mold Base Library 6 - 31 12 D-M-E SPRUE BUSHINGS SPRUE BUSHING OF A SERIES Generic Part Name: A_SERIES Mold Base Library Instance Name A R O A_6600 1.1875 0.50 0.1562 A_6601 1.6875 0.50 0.1562 A_6602 2.1875 0.50 0.1562 A_6603 2.6875 0.50 0.1562 A_6604 3.1875 0.50 0.1562 A_6605 3.6875 0.50 0.1562 A_6606 4.1875 0.50 0.1562 A_6600A 1.1875 0.50 0.2188 A_6601A 1.6875 0.50 0.2188 A_6602A 2.1875 0.50 0.2188 A_6603A 2.6875 0.50 0.2188 A_6604A 3.1875 0.50 0.2188 A_6605A 3.6875 0.50 0.2188 7-1 D - M - E S P RU E BU S H IN G S 7-2 Instance Name A R O A_6606A 4.1875 0.50 0.2188 A_6600B 1.1875 0.50 0.2813 A_6601B 1.6875 0.50 0.2813 A_6602B 2.1875 0.50 0.2813 A_6603B 2.6875 0.50 0.2813 A_6604B 3.1875 0.50 0.2813 A_6605B 3.6875 0.50 0.2813 A_6606B 4.1875 0.50 0.2813 A_6600C 1.1875 0.50 0.3438 A_6601C 1.6875 0.50 0.3438 A_6602C 2.1875 0.50 0.3438 A_6603C 2.6875 0.50 0.3438 A_6604C 3.1875 0.50 0.3438 A_6605C 3.6875 0.50 0.3438 A_6606C 4.1875 0.50 0.3438 A_6600R 1.1875 0.75 0.1562 A_6601R 1.6875 0.75 0.1562 A_6602R 2.1875 0.75 0.1562 A_6603R 2.6875 0.75 0.1562 A_6604R 3.1875 0.75 0.1562 A_6605R 3.6875 0.75 0.1562 A_6606R 4.1875 0.75 0.1562 A_6600AR 1.1875 0.75 0.2188 A_6601AR 1.6875 0.75 0.2188 A_6602AR 2.1875 0.75 0.2188 A_6603AR 2.6875 0.75 0.2188 A_6604AR 3.1875 0.75 0.2188 A_6605AR 3.6875 0.75 0.2188 A_6606AR 4.1875 0.75 0.2188 A_6600BR 1.1875 0.75 0.2813 Mold Base Library D - M -E S P RU E BU S H IN G S Mold Base Library Instance Name A R O A_6601BR 1.6875 0.75 0.2813 A_6602BR 2.1875 0.75 0.2813 A_6603BR 2.6875 0.75 0.2813 A_6604BR 3.1875 0.75 0.2813 A_6605BR 3.6875 0.75 0.2813 A_6606BR 4.1875 0.75 0.2813 A_6600CR 1.1875 0.75 0.3438 A_6601CR 1.6875 0.75 0.3438 A_6602CR 2.1875 0.75 0.3438 A_6603CR 2.6875 0.75 0.3438 A_6604CR 3.1875 0.75 0.3438 A_6605CR 3.6875 0.75 0.3438 A_6606CR 4.1875 0.75 0.3438 7-3 D - M - E S P RU E BU S H IN G S SPRUE BUSHING OF AR SERIES ° Generic Part Name: AR_SERIES 7-4 Instance Name A O AR_6600 1.1875 0.1562 AR_6601 1.6875 0.1562 AR_6602 2.1875 0.1562 AR_6600A 1.1875 0.2188 AR_6601A 1.6875 0.2188 AR_6602A 2.1875 0.2188 Mold Base Library D - M -E S P RU E BU S H IN G S SPRUE BUSHING OF B SERIES ° Generic Part Name: B_SERIES Mold Base Library Instance Name A O R B6600 0.9062 0.1562 0.50 B6601 1.4062 0.1562 0.50 B6602 1.9062 0.1562 0.50 B6603 2.4062 0.1562 0.50 B6604 2.9062 0.1562 0.50 B6605 3.4062 0.1562 0.50 B6606 3.9062 0.1562 0.50 B6607 4.4062 0.1562 0.50 B6608 4.9062 0.1562 0.50 B6610 5.9062 0.1562 0.50 B6612 6.9062 0.1562 0.50 B6600A 0.9062 0.2188 0.50 B6601A 1.4062 0.2188 0.50 B6602A 1.9062 0.2188 0.50 B6603A 2.4062 0.2188 0.50 7-5 D - M - E S P RU E BU S H IN G S 7-6 Instance Name A O R B6604A 2.9062 0.2188 0.50 B6605A 3.4062 0.2188 0.50 B6606A 3.9062 0.2188 0.50 B6607A 4.4062 0.2188 0.50 B6608A 4.9062 0.2188 0.50 B6610A 5.9062 0.2188 0.50 B6612A 6.9062 0.2188 0.50 B6600B 0.9062 0.2813 0.50 B6601B 1.4062 0.2813 0.50 B6602B 1.9062 0.2813 0.50 B6603B 2.4062 0.2813 0.50 B6604B 2.9062 0.2813 0.50 B6605B 3.4062 0.2813 0.50 B6606B 3.9062 0.2813 0.50 B6607B 4.4062 0.2813 0.50 B6608B 4.9062 0.2813 0.50 B6610B 5.9062 0.2813 0.50 B6612B 6.9062 0.2813 0.50 B6600C 0.9062 0.3438 0.50 B6601C 1.4062 0.3438 0.50 B6602C 1.9062 0.3438 0.50 B6603C 2.4062 0.3438 0.50 B6604C 2.9062 0.3438 0.50 B6605C 3.4062 0.3438 0.50 B6606C 3.9062 0.3438 0.50 B6607C 4.4062 0.3438 0.50 B6608C 4.9062 0.3438 0.50 B6610C 5.9062 0.3438 0.50 B6612C 6.9062 0.3438 0.50 B6600R 0.9062 0.1562 0.75 Mold Base Library D - M -E S P RU E BU S H IN G S Mold Base Library Instance Name A O R B6601R 1.4062 0.1562 0.75 B6602R 1.9062 0.1562 0.75 B6603R 2.4062 0.1562 0.75 B6604R 2.9062 0.1562 0.75 B6605R 3.4062 0.1562 0.75 B6606R 3.9062 0.1562 0.75 B6607R 4.4062 0.1562 0.75 B6608R 4.9062 0.1562 0.75 B6610R 5.9062 0.1562 0.75 B6612R 6.9062 0.1562 0.75 B6600AR 0.9062 0.2188 0.75 B6601AR 1.4062 0.2188 0.75 B6602AR 1.9062 0.2188 0.75 B6603AR 2.4062 0.2188 0.75 B6604AR 2.9062 0.2188 0.75 B6605AR 3.4062 0.2188 0.75 B6606AR 3.9062 0.2188 0.75 B6607AR 4.4062 0.2188 0.75 B6608AR 4.9062 0.2188 0.75 B6610AR 5.9062 0.2188 0.75 B6612AR 6.9062 0.2188 0.75 B6600BR 0.9062 0.2813 0.75 B6601BR 1.4062 0.2813 0.75 B6602BR 1.9062 0.2813 0.75 B6603BR 2.4062 0.2813 0.75 B6604BR 2.9062 0.2813 0.75 B6605BR 3.4062 0.2813 0.75 B6606BR 3.9062 0.2813 0.75 B6607BR 4.4062 0.2813 0.75 B6608BR 4.9062 0.2813 0.75 7-7 D - M - E S P RU E BU S H IN G S 7-8 Instance Name A O R B6610BR 5.9062 0.2813 0.75 B6612BR 6.9062 0.2813 0.75 B6600CR 0.9062 0.3438 0.75 B6601CR 1.4062 0.3438 0.75 B6602CR 1.9062 0.3438 0.75 B6603CR 2.4062 0.3438 0.75 B6604CR 2.9062 0.3438 0.75 B6605CR 3.4062 0.3438 0.75 B6606CR 3.9062 0.3438 0.75 B6607CR 4.4062 0.3438 0.75 B6608CR 4.9062 0.3438 0.75 B6610CR 5.9062 0.3438 0.75 B6612CR 6.9062 0.3438 0.75 Mold Base Library D - M -E S P RU E BU S H IN G S SPRUE BUSHING OF L SERIES ° Generic Part Name: L_SERIES Mold Base Library Instance Name A O L6600 0.9062 0.1562 L6601 1.4062 0.1562 L6602 1.9062 0.1562 L6604 2.9062 0.1562 L6606 3.9062 0.1562 L6612 6.9062 0.1562 L6600A 0.9062 0.2188 L6601A 1.4062 0.2188 L6602A 1.9062 0.2188 L6604A 2.9062 0.2188 L6606A 3.9062 0.2188 L6612A 6.9062 0.2188 L6600B 0.9062 0.2813 L6601B 1.4062 0.2813 L6602B 1.9062 0.2813 7-9 D - M - E S P RU E BU S H IN G S 7 - 10 Instance Name A O L6604B 2.9062 0.2813 L6606B 3.9062 0.2813 L6612B 6.9062 0.2813 Mold Base Library D - M -E S P RU E BU S H IN G S SPRUE BUSHING OF LN SERIES Generic Part Name: LN_SERIES Mold Base Library Instance Name A O LN6600 0.9062 0.1562 LN6601 1.4062 0.1562 LN6602 1.9062 0.1562 LN6603 2.4062 0.1562 LN6604 2.9062 0.1562 LN6605 3.4062 0.1562 LN6600A 0.9062 0.2188 LN6601A 1.4062 0.2188 LN6602A 1.9062 0.2188 LN6603A 2.4062 0.2188 LN6604A 2.9062 0.2188 LN6605A 3.4062 0.2188 LN6600B 0.9062 0.2813 LN6601B 1.4062 0.2813 LN6602B 1.9062 0.2813 LN6603B 2.4062 0.2813 7 - 11 D - M - E S P RU E BU S H IN G S 7 - 12 Instance Name A O LN6604B 2.9062 0.2813 LN6605B 3.4062 0.2813 Mold Base Library D - M -E S P RU E BU S H IN G S SPRUE BUSHING OF U SERIES Generic Part Name: U_SERIES Mold Base Library Instance Name A O R U6600 0.9062 0.1562 0.50 U6601 1.4062 0.1562 0.50 U6602 1.9062 0.1562 0.50 U6603 2.4062 0.1562 0.50 U6604 2.9062 0.1562 0.50 U6600A 0.9062 0.2188 0.50 U6601A 1.4062 0.2188 0.50 U6602A 1.9062 0.2188 0.50 U6603A 2.4062 0.2188 0.50 U6604A 2.9062 0.2188 0.50 U6600B 0.9062 0.2813 0.50 U6601B 1.4062 0.2813 0.50 U6602B 1.9062 0.2813 0.50 U6603B 2.4062 0.2813 0.50 U6604B 2.9062 0.2813 0.50 7 - 13 D - M - E S P RU E BU S H IN G S 7 - 14 Instance Name A O R U6600R 0.9062 0.1562 0.50 U6601R 1.4062 0.1562 0.75 U6602R 1.9062 0.1562 0.75 U6603R 2.4062 0.1562 0.75 U6604R 2.9062 0.1562 0.75 U6600AR 0.9062 0.2188 0.75 U6601AR 1.4062 0.218 0.75 U6602AR 1.9062 0.218 0.75 U6603Ar 2.4062 0.218 0.75 U6604AR 2.9062 0.218 0.75 U6600BR 0.9062 0.2813 0.75 U6601BR 1.4062 0.2813 0.75 U6602BR 1.9062 0.2813 0.75 U6603BR 2.4062 0.2813 0.75 U6604BR 2.9062 0.2813 0.75 Mold Base Library D - M -E S P RU E BU S H IN G S SPRUE BUSHING OF UR SERIES Generic Part Name: UR_SERIES Mold Base Library Instance Name A O UR6600 0.9062 0.1562 UR6601 1.4062 0.1562 UR6602 1.9062 0.1562 UR6603 2.4062 0.1562 UR6604 2.9062 0.1562 UR6600A 0.9062 0.2188 UR6601A 1.4062 0.2188 UR6602A 1.9062 0.2188 UR6603A 2.4062 0.2188 UR6604A 2.9062 0.2188 UR6600B 0.9062 0.2813 UR6601B 1.4062 0.2813 UR6602B 1.9062 0.2813 UR6603B 2.4062 0.2813 UR6604B 2.9062 0.2813 7 - 15 D - M - E S P RU E BU S H IN G S SPRUE BUSHING OF UV SERIES Generic Part Name: UV_SERIES 7 - 16 Instance Name A O UV6600 0.9062 0.1562 UV6601 1.4062 0.1562 UV6602 1.9062 0.1562 UV6603 2.4062 0.1562 UV6604 2.9062 0.1562 UV6600A 0.9062 0.2188 UV6601A 1.4062 0.2188 UV6602A 1.9062 0.2188 UV6603A 2.4062 0.2188 UV6604A 2.9062 0.2188 UV6600B 0.9062 0.2813 UV6601B 1.4062 0.2813 UV6602B 1.9062 0.2813 UV6603B 2.4062 0.2813 UV6604B 2.9062 0.2813 Mold Base Library 1 D-M-E METRIC MOLD BASE ASSEMBLIES NAMING CONVENTIONS Parts and assemblies in the MOLD BASE LIBRARY are named according to the catalog order name. All dimensions are expressed in millimeters. Figure 8-1 Metric Moldbase Assembly - Types N and SF Assemblies of the metric mold bases include the following: • • • • • • Two clamping plates Two molding plates (“A” and “B” plates) One support plate Two risers One ejector retainer plate One ejector plate For each metric mold base size (except for 100x100 and 125x125), there are two generic mold bases, the N series and the SF series. The 100x100 and 125x125 assemblies have only one generic each, which is of the N series. Assembly type SF uses additional cuts for return pins, sprue busings, locating ring, and sprue puller pin. Mold Base Library 8-1 D - M - E M E T R I C M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES Names for generic assemblies indicate the series, or size, of the assembly and its type. For example, N_1616_N is an assembly of type “N” in the 156x156 directory. Instance names for plates in the mold base assemblies are generally the same as their corresponding catalog number in the D-M-E Company’s catalog. Generally, hyphens and spaces have been omitted or changed to underscores to make the catalog numbers and instance names valid for use in Pro/ENGINEER. The names of instances for assemblies of type “SF” were generated according to the naming conventions used in the D-M-E catalog, but do not correspond to actual catalog numbers. Each generic part name indicates the size of the plate and which type of plate the part is. For example, in N_1616_N, one of the generic assemblies in the 156x156 directory, the following generic plates are present: • • • • • • N1616CLAMP N1616MOLD N1616SUP N1616RISER N1616EJ N1616RET For example, for the part N011616_20 (the first instance of generic N1616CLAMP), the name can be broken up as follows: • • • • N—The type of moldbase 01—The type of plate 1616—The mold base series or size 20—The thickness of the plate Note that for the assemblies in the 100x100 directory (N_1010_N) and the 125x125 directory (N_1212_N), the names for base plates and “B” plates do not adhere to the conventions in the D-M-E catalog. These parts use slightly different names, and use a letter in place of the value for the plate thickness. Remember that ejector plates and ejector retainer plates use a naming convention that is slightly different from that of the other plates. NOTE: You do not have to create a search path for these assemblies in the 8-2 Mold Base Library D- M- E ME TRIC M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES For example, for the part N5012_1616 (the instance of generic N1616EJ), the name can be broken up as follows: • • • • N—The type of mold base 50—The type of plate 12—The thickness of the plate 1616—The mold base series or size TABLE OF MOLD BASE SIZES The following tables list all the mold base sizes. All dimensions are expressed in millimeters. Unless otherwise specified, all the values are thicknesses. Mold Base Library 8-3 D - M - E M E T R I C M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 100x100 SERIES COMPONENT N Top Clamping Plate SF Thickness 12.00 Width N/A “A” Plate 16.00 to 46.00 “B” Plate Support Plate 12.00 Riser Plate 26.00 to 46.00 Base Clamping Plate Thickness 12.00 Width N/A Ejector Plate 7.00 Ejector Retaining Plate 7.00 N/A 100x125 SERIES COMPONENT N Top Clamping Plate SF Thickness 12.00 Width N/A “A” Plate 16.00 to 46.00 “B” Plate Support Plate 16.00 Riser Plate 26.00 to 46.00 Thickness Base Clamping Plate Width Ejector Plate N/A 12.00 7.00 7.00 Ejector Retaining Plate 7.00 125x125, 125x156 SERIES COMPONENT Top Clamping Plate N 16.00 Width 125.00 to 156.00 “A” Plate 20.00 to 56.00 “B” Plate Support Plate 20.00 Riser Plate 36.00 to 46.00 Base Clamping Plate 8-4 SF Thickness Thickness 16.00 Width 125.00 to 156.00 Ejector Plate 12.00 Ejector Retaining Plate 8.00 Mold Base Library D- M- E ME TRIC M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 156x156, 156x196, 156x246 SERIES COMPONENT Top Clamping Plate N SF Thickness 20.00 Width 156.00 to 196.00 “A” Plate 17.00 to 76.00 “B” Plate Support Plate 26.00 Riser Plate 46.00 to 66.00 Base Clamping Plate Thickness 20.00 Width 156.00 to 196.00 Ejector Plate 12.00 Ejector Retaining Plate 10.00 196x196, 196x246, 196x296, 196x346, 196x396 SERIES COMPONENT Top Clamping Plate N SF Thickness 26.00 to 27.00 Width 196.00 to 246.00 “A” Plate 17.00 to 76.00 “B” Plate Support Plate 36.00 Riser Plate 66.00 to 106.00 Base Clamping Plate Thickness 26.00 to 27.00 Width 196.00 to 246.00 Ejector Plate 16.00 Ejector Retaining Plate 12.00 214x246 SERIES COMPONENT Top Clamping Plate N Thickness 26.00 to 27.00 Width 214.00 “A” Plate 17.00 to 86.00 “B” Plate Support Plate 36.00 Riser Plate 66.00 to 106.00 Base Clamping Plate Mold Base Library SF Thickness 26.00 to 27.00 Width 214.00 Ejector Plate 16.00 Ejector Retaining Plate 12.00 8-5 D - M - E M E T R I C M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 246x246, 246x296, 246x346, 246x396, 246x496 SERIES COMPONENT Top Clamping Plate N SF Thickness 26.00 to 27.00 Width 246.00 to 296.00 “A” Plate 17.00 to 106.00 “B” Plate Support Plate 36.00 Riser Plate 66.00 to 106.00 Base Clamping Plate Thickness 26.00 to 27.00 Width 246.00 to 296.00 Ejector Plate 26.00 Ejector Retaining Plate 16.00 296x296, 296x346, 296x396, 296x446, 296x496, 296x546, 296x596 SERIES COMPONENT Top Clamping Plate N SF Thickness 26.00 to 27.00 Width 296.00 to 346.00 “A” Plate 17.00 to 146.00 “B” Plate Support Plate 46.00 Riser Plate 66.00 to 106.00 Base Clamping Plate Thickness 26.00 to 27.00 Width 296.00 to 346.00 Ejector Plate 26.00 Ejector Retaining Plate 16.00 346x346, 346x396, 346x446, 346x496, 346x596 SERIES COMPONENT Top Clamping Plate N Thickness 26.00 to 27.00 Width 346.00 to 396.00 “A” Plate 26.00 to 146.00 “B” Plate Support Plate 46.00 Riser Plate 66.00 to 106.00 Base Clamping Plate 8-6 SF Thickness 26.00 to 27.00 Width 346.00 to 396.00 Ejector Plate 26.00 Ejector Retaining Plate 16.00 Mold Base Library D- M- E ME TRIC M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 396x396, 396x446, 396x496, 396x596 SERIES COMPONENT Top Clamping Plate N SF Thickness 36.00 Width 396.00 to 446.00 “A” Plate 36.00 to 186.00 “B” Plate Support Plate 56.00 Riser Plate 106.00 to 126.00 Base Clamping Plate Thickness 36.00 Width 396.00 to 446.00 Ejector Plate 26.00 Ejector Retaining Plate 16.00 446x446, 446x496, 446x596, 446x696, 446x796 SERIES COMPONENT Top Clamping Plate N SF Thickness 36.00 Width 446.00 to 496.00 “A” Plate 36.00 to 206.00 “B” Plate Support Plate 56.00 Riser Plate 106.00 to 126.00 Base Clamping Plate Thickness 36.00 Width 446.00 to 496.00 Ejector Plate 26.00 Ejector Retaining Plate 20.00 496x496, 496x546, 496x596, 496x696, 496x796 SERIES COMPONENT Top Clamping Plate N Thickness 36.00 Width 496.00 to 546.00 “A” Plate 36.00 to 206.00 “B” Plate Support Plate 56.00 Riser Plate 106.00 to 126.00 Base Clamping Plate Mold Base Library SF Thickness 36.00 Width 496.00 to 546.00 Ejector Plate 26.00 Ejector Retaining Plate 20.00 8-7 D - M - E M E T R I C M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 546x546, 546x596, 546x696, 546x796 SERIES COMPONENT Top Clamping Plate N SF Thickness 36.00 Width 546.00 to 596.00 “A” Plate 36.00 to 206.00 “B” Plate Support Plate 56.00 Riser Plate 106.00 to 126.00 Base Clamping Plate Thickness 36.00 Width 546.00 to 596.00 Ejector Plate 26.00 Ejector Retaining Plate 20.00 596x596, 596x696, 596x796, 596x896 SERIES COMPONENT Top Clamping Plate N 36.00 Width 596.00 “A” Plate 36.00 to 206.00 “B” Plate Support Plate 56.00 Riser Plate 106.00 to 126.00 Base Clamping Plate 8-8 SF Thickness Thickness 36.00 Width 596.00 Ejector Plate 26.00 Ejector Retaining Plate 20.00 Mold Base Library 13 D-M-E METRIC PINS AND SLEEVES EJECTOR PIN, TYPE A AND AH Generic Part Name: EJECT _PIN Catalog naming convention: AH1,6 - 60 pin type Mold Base Library pin diameter (d1) Pin Type d1 Pin Diameter L Pin Length AH 1.50 100 to 160 AH 1.60 40 to 200 AH 2.00 40 to 80 E 2.00 100 to 250 E 2.20 100 to 200 E 2.50 100 to 315 E 2.70 100 to 200 E 3.00 100 to 500 E 3.50 100 to 400 E 3.70 100 to 400 E 4.00 100 to 500 E 4.20 100 to 400 E 4.50 100 to 400 E 5.00 100 to 630 length (L) 9-1 D - M - E M E T R IC P IN S A N D S LEEV ES 9-2 Pin Type d1 Pin Diameter L Pin Length E 5.20 100 to 500 E 6.00 100 to 500 E 6.20 100 to 500 E 6.50 100 to 500 E 7.00 100 to 500 E 8.00 100 to 800 E 8.20 100 to 630 E 8.50 100 to 630 E 9.00 100 to 630 E 10.00 100 to 1000 E 10.20 100 to 630 E 10.50 100 to 630 E 11.00 100 to 630 E 12.00 100 to 630 E 12.20 100 to 400 E 12.50 100 to 800 E 14.00 100 to 1000 E 16.00 100 to 1000 E 18.00 100 to 630 E 20.00 100 to 800 E 25.00 200 to 800 E 32.00 200 to 1000 Mold Base Library D - M - E M ETRIC P IN S A N D S LEEV ES EJECTOR SLEEVE, TYPE S Generic Part Name: EJ_SLEEVE Catalog naming convention: S24-75 pin type hole diameter Mold Base Library pin diameter length Instance Name hole_dia pin_dia length S24-length 2.000 4.000 75 to 150 S224-length 2.200 4.000 75 to 150 S255-length 2.500 5.000 75 to 150 S275-length 2.700 5.000 75 to 150 S35-length 3.000 5.000 7 to 175 S325-length 3.200 5.000 75 to 175 S356-length 3.500 6.000 75 to 175 S376-length 3.700 6.000 75 to 175 S46-length 4.000 6.000 75 to 200 S428-length 4.200 8.000 75 to 200 S58-length 5.000 8.000 75 to 200 S528-length 5.200 8.000 75 to 200 S610-length 6.000 10.000 75 to 250 S6210-length 6.200 10.000 75 to 250 S812-length 8.000 12.000 75 to 275 S8212-length 8.200 12.000 75 to 275 S1014-length 10.000 14.000 100 to 275 S10214-length 10.200 14.000 100 to 275 S1216-length 12.000 16.000 100 to 225 9-3 D - M - E M E T R IC P IN S A N D S LEEV ES LEADER PIN, TYPE FSN Generic Part Name: PIN_FSN Notes 1. In the catalog name, replace “B” with the corresponding dimension. Catalog naming convention: FSN10-16-26 pin type 9-4 pin diameter B A Series Catalog Name pin_dia A Shoulder Length B Thread Length shoulder _dia head_dia 10 FSN9-16-B 9.00 16.00 26 to 86 14.00 16.00 10 FSN9-20-B 9.00 20.00 26 to 46 14.00 16.00 10 FSN9-26-B 9.00 26.00 26 to 46 14.00 16.00 10 FSN9-36-B 9.00 36.00 26 to 46 14.00 16.00 10 FSN9-46-B 9.00 46.00 26 to 46 14.00 16.00 10 FSN10-16-B 10.00 16.00 26 to 86 14.00 16.00 10 FSN10-20-B 10.00 20.00 26 to 46 14.00 16.00 10 FSN10-26-B 10.00 26.00 26 to 46 14.00 16.00 10 FSN10-36-B 10.00 36.00 26 to 46 14.00 16.00 10 FSN10-46-B 10.00 46.00 26 to 46 14.00 16.00 Mold Base Library D - M - E M ETRIC P IN S A N D S LEEV ES Series Catalog Name pin_dia A Shoulder Length B Thread Length shoulder _dia head_dia 12 FSN11-20-B 11.00 20.00 20 to 66 18.00 22.00 12 FSN11-26-B 11.00 26.00 26 to 56 18.00 22.00 12 FSN11-36-B 11.00 36.00 36 to 56 18.00 22.00 12 FSN11-46-B 11.00 46.00 46 to 66 18.00 22.00 12 FSN11-56-B 11.00 56.00 36 to 56 18.00 22.00 12 FSN12-20-B 12.00 20.00 20 to 66 18.00 22.00 12 FSN12-26-B 12.00 26.00 26 to 56 18.00 22.00 12 FSN12-36-B 12.00 36.00 36 to 56 18.00 22.00 12 FSN12-46-B 12.00 46.00 46 to 66 18.00 22.00 12 FSN12-56-B 12.00 56.00 36 to 56 18.00 22.00 16 FSN15-26-B 15.00 26.00 26 to 106 24.00 28.00 16 FSN15-36-B 15.00 36.00 26 to 66 24.00 28.00 16 FSN15-46-B 15.00 46.00 36 to 76 24.00 28.00 16 FSN15-56-B 15.00 56.00 36 to 76 24.00 28.00 16 FSN15-66-B 15.00 66.00 46 to 76 24.00 28.00 16 FSN15-76-B 15.00 76.00 56 to 86 24.00 28.00 16 FSN16-26-B 16.00 26.00 26 to 106 24.00 28.00 16 FSN16-36-B 16.00 36.00 26 to 66 24.00 28.00 16 FSN16-46-B 16.00 46.00 36 to 76 24.00 28.00 16 FSN16-56-B 16.00 56.00 36 to 76 24.00 28.00 16 FSN16-66-B 16.00 66.00 46 to 76 24.00 28.00 16 FSN16-76-B 16.00 76.00 56 to 86 24.00 28.00 20 and 22 FSN19-26-B 19.00 26.00 26 to 106 28.00 32.00 20 and 22 FSN19-36-B 19.00 36.00 26 to 106 28.00 32.00 20 and 22 FSN19-46-B 19.00 46.00 36 to 126 28.00 32.00 20 and 22 FSN19-56-B 19.00 56.00 36 to 86 28.00 32.00 20 and 22 FSN19-66-B 19.00 66.00 46 to 86 28.00 32.00 20 AND 22 FSN19-76-B 19.00 76.00 56 to 96 28.00 32.00 20 and 22 FSN19-86-B 19.00 86.00 66 to 86 28.00 32.00 Mold Base Library 9-5 D - M - E M E T R IC P IN S A N D S LEEV ES 9-6 Series Catalog Name pin_dia A Shoulder Length B Thread Length shoulder _dia head_dia 20 and 22 FSN20-26-B 20.00 26.00 26 to 106 28.00 32.00 20 and 22 FSN20-36-B 20.00 36.00 26 to 106 28.00 32.00 20 and 22 FSN20-46-B 20.00 46.00 36 to 126 28.00 32.00 20 and 22 FSN20-56-B 20.00 56.00 36 to 86 28.00 32.00 20 and 22 FSN20-66-B 20.00 66.00 46 to 86 28.00 32.00 20 and 22 FSN20-76-B 20.00 76.00 56 to 96 28.00 32.00 20 and 22 FSN20-86-B 20.00 86.00 66 to 86 28.00 32.00 25 to 35 FSN23-26-B 23.00 26.00 26 to 106 32.00 36.00 25 to 35 FSN23-36-B 23.00 36.00 26 to 126 32.00 36.00 25 to 35 FSN23-46-B 23.00 46.00 46 to 106 32.00 36.00 25 to 35 FSN23-56-B 23.00 56.00 36 to 96 32.00 36.00 25 to 35 FSN23-66-B 23.00 66.00 46 to 106 32.00 36.00 25 to 35 FSN23-76-B 23.00 76.00 56 to 96 32.00 36.00 25 to 35 FSN23-86-B 23.00 86.00 66 to 106 32.00 36.00 25 to 35 FSN23-96-B 23.00 96.00 56 to 96 32.00 36.00 25 to 35 FSN23-106-B 23.00 106.00 56 to 86 32.00 36.00 25 to 35 FSN24-26-B 24.00 26.00 26 to 106 32.00 36.00 25 to 35 FSN24-36-B 24.00 36.00 26 to 126 32.00 36.00 25 to 35 FSN24-46-B 24.00 46.00 46 to 106 32.00 36.00 25 to 35 FSN24-56-B 24.00 56.00 36 to 96 32.00 36.00 25 to 35 FSN24-66-B 24.00 66.00 46 to 106 32.00 36.00 25 to 35 FSN24-76-B 24.00 76.00 56 to 96 32.00 36.00 25 to 35 FSN24-86-B 24.00 86.00 66 to 106 32.00 36.00 25 to 35 FSN24-96-B 24.00 96.00 56 to 96 32.00 36.00 25 to 35 FSN24-106-B 24.00 106.00 56 to 86 32.00 36.00 40 to 55 FSN33-36-B 33.00 36.00 46 to 126 42.00 46.00 40 to 55 FSN33-56-B 33.00 56.00 56 to 126 42.00 46.00 40 to 55 FSN33-76-B 33.00 76.00 66 to 146 42.00 46.00 40 to 55 FSN33-96-B 33.00 96.00 66 to 146 42.00 46.00 Mold Base Library D - M - E M ETRIC P IN S A N D S LEEV ES Series Catalog Name pin_dia A Shoulder Length B Thread Length shoulder _dia head_dia 40 to 55 FSN33-106-B 33.00 106.00 56 to 146 42.00 46.00 40 to 55 FSN33-126-B 33.00 126.00 56 to 146 42.00 46.00 40 to 55 FSN33-146-B 33.00 146.00 56 to 106 42.00 46.00 40 to 55 FSN34-36-B 34.00 36.00 46 to 126 42.00 46.00 40 to 55 FSN34-56-B 34.00 56.00 56 to 126 42.00 46.00 40 to 55 FSN34-76-B 34.00 76.00 66 to 146 42.00 46.00 40 to 55 FSN34-96-B 34.00 96.00 66 to 146 42.00 46.00 40 to 55 FSN34-106-B 34.00 106.00 56 to 146 42.00 46.00 40 to 55 FSN34-126-B 34.00 126.00 56 to 146 42.00 46.00 40 to 55 FSN34-146-B 34.00 146.00 56 to 106 42.00 46.00 60 FSN41-36-B 41.00 36.00 56 to 126 50.00 54.00 60 FSN41-56-B 41.00 56.00 76 to 126 50.00 54.00 60 FSN41-76-B 41.00 76.00 76 to 146 50.00 54.00 60 FSN41-96-B 41.00 96.00 76 to 146 50.00 54.00 60 FSN41-106-B 41.00 106.00 76 to 146 50.00 54.00 60 FSN41-126-B 41.00 126.00 86 to 146 50.00 54.00 60 FSN41-146-B 41.00 146.00 76 to 146 50.00 54.00 60 FSN42-36-B 42.00 36.00 56 to 126 50.00 54.00 60 FSN42-56-B 42.00 56.00 76 to 126 50.00 54.00 60 FSN42-76-B 42.00 76.00 76 to 146 50.00 54.00 60 FSN42-96-B 42.00 96.00 76 to 146 50.00 54.00 60 FSN42-106-B 42.00 106.00 76 to 146 50.00 54.00 60 FSN42-126-B 42.00 126.00 86 to 146 50.00 54.00 60 FSN42-146-B 42.00 146.00 76 to 146 50.00 54.00 50 to 60 FSN49-96-B 49.00 96.00 96 60.00 64.00 50 to 60 FSN49-96-B 49.00 96.00 126 to 186 60.00 64.00 50 to 60 FSN49-106-B 49.00 106.00 96 to 186 60.00 64.00 50 to 60 FSN49-126-B 49.00 126.00 96 to 146 60.00 64.00 50 to 60 FSN49-146-B 49.00 146.00 106 to 146 60.00 64.00 Mold Base Library 9-7 D - M - E M E T R IC P IN S A N D S LEEV ES 9-8 Series Catalog Name pin_dia A Shoulder Length B Thread Length shoulder _dia head_dia 50 to 60 FSN49-166-B 49.00 166.00 166 60.00 64.00 50 to 60 FSN49-186-B 49.00 186.00 186 60.00 64.00 50 to 60 FSN49-206-B 49.00 206.00 206 60.00 64.00 50 to 60 FSN50-96-B 50.00 96.00 96 to 126 60.00 64.00 50 to 60 FSN50-106-B 50.00 106.00 96 to 186 60.00 64.00 50 to 60 FSN50-126-B 50.00 126.00 96 to 146 60.00 64.00 50 to 60 FSN50-146-B 50.00 146.00 106 to 146 60.00 64.00 50 to 60 FSN50-166-B 50.00 166.00 166 60.00 64.00 50 to 60 FSN50-186-B 50.00 186.00 186 60.00 64.00 50 to 60 FSN50-206-B 50.00 206.00 206 60.00 64.00 Mold Base Library D - M - E M ETRIC P IN S A N D S LEEV ES LEADER PIN, TYPE FSC Generic Part Name: PIN_FSC Notes 1. In the catalog name, replace “B” with the corresponding dimension. Catalog naming convention: FSC10-16-26 pin type pin diameter B A A B Shoulder Diameter d Head Diameter 9.000 16.0000 20 to 66 14.000 16.000 FSC9-20-B 9.000 20.000 26 to 86 14.000 16.000 10 FSC9-26-B 9.000 26.000 36 to 56 14.000 16.000 10 FSC9-36-B 9.000 36.000 26 to 46 14.000 16.000 10 FSC9-46-B 9.000 46.000 36 14.000 16.000 10 FSC10-16-B 10.000 16.000 20 to 66 14.000 16.000 10 FSC10-20-B 10.000 20.000 26 to 86 14.000 16.000 10 FSC10-26-B 10.000 26.000 36 to 56 14.000 16.000 10 FSC10-36-B 10.000 36.000 26 to 46 14.000 16.000 10 FSC10-46-B 10.000 46.000 36 14.000 16.000 Series Catalog Name pin_dia 10 FSC9-16-B 10 Mold Base Library 9-9 D - M - E M E T R IC P IN S A N D S LEEV ES 9 - 10 A B Shoulder Diameter d Head Diameter 11.000 20.000 20 to 66 18.000 22.000 FSC11-20-B 11.000 20.000 66 18.000 22.000 12 FSC11-26-B 11.000 26.000 26 to 96 18.000 22.000 12 FSC11-36-B 11.000 36.000 36 to 86 18.000 22.000 12 FSC11-46-B 11.000 46.000 46 to 66 18.000 22.000 12 FSC11-56-B 11.000 56.000 36 to 56 18.000 22.000 12 FSC12-20-B 12.000 20.000 20 to 66 18.000 22.000 12 FSC12-26-B 12.000 26.000 26 to 96 18.000 22.000 12 FSC12-36-B 12.000 36.000 36 to 86 18.000 22.000 12 FSC12-46-B 12.000 46.000 46 to 66 18.000 22.000 12 FSC12-56-B 12.000 56.000 36 to 56 18.000 22.000 16 FSC15-26-B 15.000 26.000 26 to 146 24.000 28.000 16 FSC15-36-B 15.000 36.000 26 to 126 24.000 28.000 16 FSC15-46-B 15.000 46.000 36 to 76 24.000 28.000 16 FSC15-56-B 15.000 56.000 36 to 76 24.000 28.000 16 FSC15-66-B 15.000 66.000 46 to 76 24.000 28.000 16 FSC15-76-B 15.000 76.000 56 to 86 24.000 28.000 16 FSC16-26-B 16.000 26.000 26 to 146 24.000 28.000 16 FSC16-36-B 16.000 36.000 26 to 126 24.000 28.000 16 FSC16-46-B 16.000 46.000 36 to 76 24.000 28.000 16 FSC16-56-B 16.000 56.000 36 to 76 24.000 28.000 16 FSC16-66-B 16.000 66.000 46 to 76 24.000 28.000 16 FSC16-76-B 16.000 76.000 56 to 86 24.000 28.000 20 and 22 FSC19-26-B 19.000 26.000 26 to 186 28.000 32.000 20 and 22 FSC19-36-B 19.000 36.000 26 to 186 28.000 32.000 20 and 22 FSC19-46-B 19.000 46.000 36 to 166 28.000 32.000 20 and 22 FSC19-56-B 19.000 56.000 36 to 126 28.000 32.000 20 and 22 FSC19-66-B 19.000 66.000 46 to 86 28.000 32.000 20 and 22 FSC19-76-B 19.000 76.000 56 to 96 28.000 32.000 Series Catalog Name pin_dia 12 FSC11-20-B 12 Mold Base Library D - M - E M ETRIC P IN S A N D S LEEV ES A B Shoulder Diameter d Head Diameter 19.000 86.000 66 to 86 28.000 32.000 FSC20-26-B 20.000 26.000 26 to 186 28.000 32.000 20 AND 22 FSC20-36-B 20.000 36.000 26 to 186 28.000 32.000 20 AND 22 FSC20-46-B 20.000 46.000 36 to 166 28.000 32.000 20 AND 22 FSC20-56-B 20.000 56.000 36 to 126 28.000 32.000 20 AND 22 FSC20-66-B 20.000 66.000 46 to 86 28.000 32.000 20 AND 22 FSC20-76-B 20.000 76.000 56 to 96 28.000 32.000 20 AND 22 FSC20-86-B 20.000 86.000 66 to 86 28.000 32.000 25 to 35 FSC23-26-B 23.000 26.000 26 to 206 32.000 36.000 25 to 35 FSC23-36-B 23.000 36.000 26 to 206 32.000 36.000 25 to 35 FSC23-46-B 23.000 46.000 46 to 206 32.000 36.000 25 to 35 FSC23-56-B 23.000 56.000 36 to 246 32.000 36.000 25 to 35 FSC23-66-B 23.000 66.000 46 to 106 32.000 36.000 25 to 35 FSC23-76-B 23.000 76.000 56 to 96 32.000 36.000 25 to 35 FSC23-86-B 23.000 86.000 66 to 106 32.000 36.000 25 to 35 FSC23-96-B 23.000 96.000 56 to 126 32.000 36.000 25 to 35 FSC23-106-B 23.000 106.000 86 to 146 32.000 36.000 25 to 35 FSC23-126-B 23.000 126.000 126 to 146 32.000 36.000 25 to 35 FSC23-146-B 23.000 146.000 146 32.000 36.000 25 to 35 FSC24-26-B 24.000 26.000 26 to 206 32.000 36.000 25 to 35 FSC24-36-B 24.000 36.000 26 to 206 32.000 36.000 25 to 35 FSC24-46-B 24.000 46.000 46 to 206 32.000 36.000 25 to 35 FSC24-56-B 24.000 56.000 36 to 246 32.000 36.000 25 to 35 FSC24-66-B 24.000 66.000 46 to 106 32.000 36.000 25 to 35 FSC24-76-B 24.000 76.000 56 to 96 32.000 36.000 25 to 35 FSC24-86-B 24.000 86.000 66 to 106 32.000 36.000 25 to 35 FSC24-96-B 24.000 96.000 56 to 126 32.000 36.000 25 to 35 FSC24-106-B 24.000 106.000 86 to 146 32.000 36.000 25 to 35 FSC24-126-B 24.000 126.000 126 to 146 32.000 36.000 Series Catalog Name pin_dia 20 AND 22 FSC19-86-B 20 AND 22 Mold Base Library 9 - 11 D - M - E M E T R IC P IN S A N D S LEEV ES 9 - 12 A B Shoulder Diameter d Head Diameter 24.000 146.000 146 32.000 36.000 FSC33-36-B 33.000 36.000 46 to 246 42.000 46.000 40 to 55 FSC33-56-B 33.000 56.000 66 to 246 42.000 46.000 40 to 55 FSC33-76-B 33.000 76.000 66 to 146 42.000 46.000 40 to 55 FSC33-96-B 33.000 96.000 66to 146 42.000 46.000 40 to 55 FSC33-106-B 33.000 106.000 76 to 146 42.000 46.000 40 to 55 FSC33-126-B 33.000 126.000 86 to 146 42.000 46.000 40 to 55 FSC33-146-B 33.000 146.000 86 to 166 42.000 46.000 40 to 55 FSC33-166-B 33.000 166.000 166 42.000 46.000 40 to 55 FSC33-186-B 33.000 186.000 186 42.000 46.000 40 to 55 FSC33-206-B 33.000 206.000 206 42.000 46.000 40 to 55 FSC34-36-B 34.000 36.000 46 to 246 42.000 46.000 40 to 55 FSC34-56-B 34.000 56.000 66 to 246 42.000 46.000 40 to 55 FSC34-76-B 34.000 76.000 66 to 146 42.000 46.000 40 to 55 FSC34-96-B 34.000 96.000 66 to 146 42.000 46.000 40 to 55 FSC34-106-B 34.000 106.000 76 to 146 42.000 46.000 40 to 55 FSC34-126-B 34.000 126.000 86 to 146 42.000 46.000 40 to 55 FSC34-146-B 34.000 146.000 86 to 166 42.000 46.000 40 to 55 FSC34-166-B 34.000 166.000 166 42.000 46.000 40 to 55 FSC34-186-B 34.000 186.000 186 42.000 46.000 40 to 55 FSC34-206-B 34.000 206.000 206 42.000 46.000 60 FSC41-36-B 41.000 36.000 56 to 166 50.000 54.000 60 FSC41-76-B 41.000 76.000 96 to 146 50.000 54.000 60 FSC41-96-B 41.000 96.000 76 to 146 50.000 54.000 60 FSC41-106-B 41.000 106.000 96 to 146 50.000 54.000 60 FSC41-126-B 41.000 126.000 86 to 146 50.000 54.000 60 FSC41-146-B 41.000 146.000 96 to 146 50.000 54.000 60 FSC41-166-B 41.000 166.000 166 50.000 54.000 60 FSC41-186-B 41.000 186.000 186 50.000 54.000 Series Catalog Name pin_dia 25 to 35 FSC24-146-B 40 to 55 Mold Base Library D - M - E M ETRIC P IN S A N D S LEEV ES A B Shoulder Diameter d Head Diameter 41.000 206.000 206 50.000 54.000 FSC42-36-B 42.000 36.000 56 to 126 50.000 54.000 60 FSC42-56-B 42.000 56.000 76 to 166 50.000 54.000 60 FSC42-76-B 42.000 76.000 96 to 146 50.000 54.000 60 FSC42-96-B 42.000 96.000 76 to 146 50.000 54.000 60 FSC42-106-B 42.000 106.000 96 to 146 50.000 54.000 60 FSC42-126-B 42.000 126.000 86 to 146 50.000 54.000 60 FSC42-146-B 42.000 146.000 96 to 146 50.000 54.000 60 FSC42-166-B 42.000 166.000 166 50.000 54.000 60 FSC42-186-B 42.000 186.000 186 50.000 54.000 60 FSC42-206-B 42.000 206.000 206 50.000 54.000 Series Catalog Name pin_dia 60 FSC41-206-B 60 Mold Base Library 9 - 13 D - M - E M E T R IC P IN S A N D S LEEV ES LEADER PIN BUSHING, TYPE FBC Generic Part Name: PIN_FBC Notes 1. In the catalog name, replace “L” with the corresponding bushing length dimension. Catalog naming convention: FBC10-16 pin type 9 - 14 hole diameter bushing length Series Catalog Name hole_dia bush_length bush_dia 10 FBC9-L 9.00 16 to 46 14.00 10 FBC10-L 10.00 16 to 46 14.00 12 FBC11-L 11.00 20 to 56 18.00 12 FBC12-L 12.00 20 to 56 18.00 16 FBC15-L 15.00 16 to 76 24.00 16 FBC16-L 16.00 16 to 76 24.00 20 and 22 FBC19-L 19.00 26 to 86 28.00 20 and 22 FBC20-L 20.00 26 to 86 28.00 25 to 35 FBC23-L 23.00 26 to 146 32.00 25 to 35 FBC24-L 24.00 26 to 416 32.00 40 to 55 FBC33-L 33.00 36 to 206 42.00 40 to 55 FBC34-L 34.00 36 to 206 42.00 Mold Base Library D - M - E M ETRIC P IN S A N D S LEEV ES Mold Base Library Series Catalog Name hole_dia bush_length bush_dia 60 FBC41-L 41.00 36 to 206 50.00 60 FBC42-L 42.00 36 to 206 50.00 9 - 15 D - M - E M E T R IC P IN S A N D S LEEV ES LEADER PIN BUSHING, TYPE FBN Generic Part Name: PIN_FBN Notes 1. In the catalog name, replace “L” with the corresponding bushing length dimension. Catalog naming convention: FBN10-16 pin type 9 - 16 hole diameter bushing length Series Catalog Namea hole_dia bush_length bush_dia 10 FBN9-L 9.000 16 to 46 14.000 10 FBN10-L 10.000 16 to 46 14.000 12 FBN11-L 11.000 20 to 56 18.000 12 FBN12-L 12.000 20 to 56 18.000 16 FBN15-L 15.000 16 to 76 24.000 16 FBN16-L 16.000 16 to 76 24.000 20 FBN19-L 19.000 17 to 86 28.000 20 FBN20-L 20.000 17 to 86 28.000 25 FBN23-L 23.000 17 to 106 32.000 25 FBN24-L 24.000 17 to 106 32.000 40 FBN33-L 33.000 26 to 146 42.000 40 FBN34-L 34.000 26 to 146 42.000 Mold Base Library D - M - E M ETRIC P IN S A N D S LEEV ES Mold Base Library Series Catalog Namea hole_dia bush_length bush_dia 60 FBN41-L 41.000 36 to 146 50.000 60 FBN42-L 42.000 36 to 146 50.000 60 FBN49-L 49.000 96 to 206 60.000 60 FBN50-L 50.000 96 to 206 60.000 9 - 17 13 D-M-E METRIC LOCATING RINGS LOCATING RING WITH FLANGE, TYPE R, SERIES 20 TO 60 Generic Part Name: RING_R1 Mold Base Library Catalog Name Series ring_dia undercut_ dia hole_dia R101 20 to 60 100.00 50.00 40.00 R100 20 to 60 100.00 38.00 32.00 R111 20 to 60 110.00 50.00 40.00 R110 20 to 60 110.00 38.00 32.00 R121 20 to 60 120.00 50.00 40.00 R120 20 to 60 120.00 38.00 32.00 R126 20 to 60 125.00 50.00 40.00 R125 20 to 60 125.00 38.00 32.00 R151 20 to 60 150.00 50.00 40.00 R150 20 to 60 150.00 38.00 32.00 R161 20 to 60 160.00 50.00 40.00 R160 20 to 60 160.00 38.00 32.00 R176 20 to 60 175.00 50.00 40.00 R175 20 to 60 175.00 38.00 32.00 R201 20 to 60 200.00 50.00 40.00 R200 20 to 60 200.00 38.00 32.00 R251 20 to 60 250.00 50.00 40.00 R250 20 to 60 250.00 38.00 32.00 10 - 1 D- M- E ME TRIC LO CA TIN G RIN G S LOCATING RING WITHOUT FLANGE, TYPE R, SERIES 20 TO 60 Generic Part Name: RING_R2 10 - 2 Catalog Name Series undercut_ dia hole_dia ring_dia R95 20 50.000 40.000 90.00 R96 20 38.000 32.000 90.00 Mold Base Library D- M- E METRIC LO CA TIN G RIN G S LOCATING RING WITHOUT FLANGE, TYPE R, SERIES 16 Generic Part Name: RING_R3 Mold Base Library Instance Name Series ring_dia ring_thick R90 16 90.000 8.000 10 - 3 D- M- E ME TRIC LO CA TIN G RIN G S LOCATING RING WITH FLANGE, TYPE RB, SERIES 16 TO 60 Generic Part Name: RING_RB1 10 - 4 Catalog Name Series ring_dia RB100-12 16 to 60 100.00 RB110-12 16 to 60 110.00 RB120-12 16 to 60 120.00 RB125-12 16 to 60 125.00 RB150-12 16 to 60 150.00 RB160-12 16 to 60 160.00 RB175-12 16 to 60 175.00 RB200-12 16 to 60 200.00 RB250-12 16 to 60 250.00 Mold Base Library D- M- E METRIC LO CA TIN G RIN G S LOCATING RING WITHOUT FLANGE, TYPE RB, SERIES 12 TO 60 Generic Part Name: RING_RB2 Mold Base Library Catalog Name Series ring_dia ring_thick RB60-8 12 to 60 60.000 8.000 RB60-12 12 to 60 90.000 12.000 10 - 5 13 D-M-E METRIC SPRUE BUSHINGS SPRUE BUSHINGS, TYPE AG, AGK, AGM AND AGN Generic Part Name: BUSHING_AG Instance Name Series Catalog Name L Length D Head Diameter d2 Thread Diameter L1 Head Height AG001 12 AGK20-2,5-0 20.00 28.00 12.00 16.00 AG002 12 AGK26-2,5-0 26.00 28.00 12.00 16.00 AG003 12 AGK46-2,5-0 46.00 28.00 12.00 16.00 AG004 12 AGK20-2,5-15,5 20.00 28.00 12.00 16.00 AG005 12 AGK26-2,5-15,5 26.00 28.00 12.00 16.00 AG006 12 AGK46-2,5-15,5 46.00 28.00 12.00 16.00 AG007 12 AGK20-3,5-0 20.00 28.00 12.00 16.00 AG008 12 AGK26-3,5-0 26.00 28.00 12.00 16.00 AG009 12 AGK36-3,5-0 36.00 28.00 12.00 16.00 AG010 12 AGK46-3,5-0 46.00 28.00 12.00 16.00 AG011 12 AGK56-3,5-0 56.00 28.00 12.00 16.00 AG012 12 AGK20-3,5-15,5 20.00 28.00 12.00 16.00 AG013 12 AGK26-3,5-15,5 26.00 28.00 12.00 16.00 AG014 12 AGK36-3,5-15,5 36.00 28.00 12.00 16.00 AG015 12 AGK46-3,5-15,5 46.00 28.00 12.00 16.00 AG016 12 AGK56-3,5-15,5 56.00 28.00 12.00 16.00 AG017 16 AGN26-2,5-0 26.00 38.00 18.00 20.00 Mold Base Library 11 - 1 D - M - E M E TRIC S P RU E BU S H IN G S 11 - 2 Instance Name Series Catalog Name L Length D Head Diameter d2 Thread Diameter L1 Head Height AG018 16 AGN46-2,5-0 46.00 38.00 18.00 20.00 AG019 16 AGN26-2,5-15,5 26.00 38.00 18.00 20.00 AG020 16 AGN46-2,5-15,5 46.00 38.00 18.00 20.00 AG021 16 AGN26-2,5-40 26.00 38.00 18.00 20.00 AG022 16 AGN46-2,5-40 46.00 38.00 18.00 20.00 AG023 16 AGN26-3,5-0 26.00 38.00 18.00 20.00 AG024 16 AGN36-3,5-0 36.00 38.00 18.00 20.00 AG025 16 AGN46-3,5-0 46.00 38.00 18.00 20.00 AG026 16 AGN56-3,5-0 56.00 38.00 18.00 20.00 AG027 16 AGN66-3,5-0 66.00 38.00 18.00 20.00 AG028 16 AGN76-3,5-0 76.00 38.00 18.00 20.00 AG029 16 AGN26-3,5-15,5 26.00 38.00 18.00 20.00 AG030 16 AGN36-3,5-15,5 36.00 38.00 18.00 20.00 AG031 16 AGN46-3,5-15,5 46.00 38.00 18.00 20.00 AG032 16 AGN56-3,5-15,5 56.00 38.00 18.00 20.00 AG033 16 AGN66-3,5-15,5 66.00 38.00 18.00 20.00 AG034 16 AGN76-3,5-15,5 76.00 38.00 18.00 20.00 AG035 16 AGN26-3,5-40 26.00 38.00 18.00 20.00 AG036 16 AGN36-3,5-40 36.00 38.00 18.00 20.00 AG037 16 AGN46-3,5-40 46.00 38.00 18.00 20.00 AG038 16 AGN56-3,5-40 56.00 38.00 18.00 20.00 AG039 16 AGN66-3,5-40 66.00 38.00 18.00 20.00 AG040 16 AGN76-3,5-40 76.00 38.00 18.00 20.00 AG041 20 to 35 AGM26-3,5-0 26.00 38.00 18.00 26.00 AG042 20 to 35 AGM36-3,5-0 36.00 38.00 18.00 26.00 AG043 20 to 35 AGM46-3,5-0 46.00 38.00 18.00 26.00 AG044 20 to 35 AGM56-3,5-0 56.00 38.00 18.00 26.00 AG045 20 to 35 AGM66-3,5-0 66.00 38.00 18.00 26.00 AG046 20 to 35 AGM76-3,5-0 76.00 38.00 18.00 26.00 AG047 20 to 35 AGM26-3,5-15,5 26.00 38.00 18.00 26.00 Mold Base Library D - M - E M ETRIC S P RU E BU S H IN G S Instance Name Series Catalog Name L Length D Head Diameter d2 Thread Diameter L1 Head Height AG048 20 to 35 AGM36-3,5-15,5 36.00 38.00 18.00 26.00 AG049 20 to 35 AGM46-3,5-15,5 46.00 38.00 18.00 26.00 AG050 20 to 35 AGM56-3,5-15,5 56.00 38.00 18.00 26.00 AG051 20 to 35 AGM66-3,5-15,5 66.00 38.00 18.00 26.00 AG052 20 to 35 AGM76-3,5-15,5 76.00 38.00 18.00 26.00 AG053 20 to 35 AGM26-3,5-40 26.00 38.00 18.00 26.00 AG054 20 to 35 AGM36-3,5-40 36.00 38.00 18.00 26.00 AG055 20 to 35 AGM46-3,5-40 46.00 38.00 18.00 26.00 AG056 20 to 35 AGM56-3,5-40 56.00 38.00 18.00 26.00 AG057 20 to 35 AGM66-3,5-40 66.00 38.00 18.00 26.00 AG058 20 to 35 AGM76-3,5-40 76.00 38.00 18.00 26.00 AG059 20 to 35 AGM46-5-0 46.00 38.00 18.00 26.00 AG060 20 to 35 AGM76-5-0 76.00 38.00 18.00 26.00 AG061 20 to 35 AGM46-5-15,5 46.00 38.00 18.00 26.00 AG062 20 to 35 AGM76-5-15,5 76.00 38.00 18.00 26.00 AG063 20 to 35 AGM46-5-40 46.00 38.00 18.00 26.00 AG064 20 to 35 AGM76-5-40 76.00 38.00 18.00 26.00 AG065 20 to 60 AG26-5-0 26.00 50.00 25.00 26.00 AG066 20 to 60 AG36-5-0 36.00 50.00 25.00 26.00 AG067 20 to 60 AG46-5-0 46.00 50.00 25.00 26.00 AG068 20 to 60 AG56-5-0 56.00 50.00 25.00 26.00 AG069 20 to 60 AG66-5-0 66.00 50.00 25.00 26.00 AG070 20 to 60 AG76-5-0 76.00 50.00 25.00 26.00 AG071 20 to 60 AG86-5-0 86.00 50.00 25.00 26.00 AG072 20 to 60 AG96-5-0 96.00 50.00 25.00 26.00 AG073 20 to 60 AG106-5-0 106.00 50.00 25.00 26.00 AG074 20TO60 AG126-5-0 126.00 50.00 25.00 26.00 AG075 20TO60 AG26-5-15,5 26.00 50.00 25.00 26.00 AG076 20TO60 AG36-5-15,5 36.00 50.00 25.00 26.00 AG077 20 to 60 AG46-5-15,5 46.00 50.00 25.00 26.00 Mold Base Library 11 - 3 D - M - E M E TRIC S P RU E BU S H IN G S 11 - 4 Instance Name Series Catalog Name L Length D Head Diameter d2 Thread Diameter L1 Head Height AG078 20 to 60 AG56-5-15,5 56.00 50.00 25.00 26.00 AG079 20 to 60 AG66-5-15,5 66.00 50.00 25.00 26.00 AG080 20 to 60 AG76-5-15,5 76.00 50.00 25.00 26.00 AG081 20 to 60 AG86-5-15,5 86.00 50.00 25.00 26.00 AG082 20 to 60 AG96-5-15,5 96.00 50.00 25.00 26.00 AG083 20 to 60 AG106-5-15,5 106.00 50.00 25.00 26.00 AG084 20 to 60 AG126-5-15,5 126.00 50.00 25.00 26.00 AG085 20 to 60 AG26-5-40 26.00 50.00 25.00 26.00 AG086 20 to 60 AG36-5-40 36.00 50.00 25.00 26.00 AG087 20 to 60 AG46-5-40 46.00 50.00 25.00 26.00 AG088 20 to 60 AG56-5-40 56.00 50.00 25.00 26.00 AG089 20 to 60 AG66-5-40 66.00 50.00 25.00 26.00 AG090 20 to 60 AG76-5-40 76.00 50.00 25.00 26.00 AG091 20 to 60 AG86-5-40 86.00 50.00 25.00 26.00 AG092 20 to 60 AG96-5-40 96.00 50.00 25.00 26.00 AG093 20 to 60 AG106-5-40 106.00 50.00 25.00 26.00 AG094 20 to 60 AG126-5-40 126.00 50.00 25.00 26.00 AG095 20 to 60 AG116-7-0 116.00 50.00 25.00 26.00 AG096 20 to 60 AG136-7-0 136.00 50.00 25.00 26.00 AG097 20 to 60 AG156-7-0 156.00 50.00 25.00 26.00 AG098 20 to 60 AG116-7-15,5 116.00 50.00 25.00 26.00 AG099 20 to 60 AG136-7-15,5 136.00 50.00 25.00 26.00 AG100 20 to 60 AG156-7-15,5 156.00 50.00 25.00 26.00 AG101 20 to 60 AG116-7-40 116.00 50.00 25.00 26.00 AG102 20 to 60 AG136-7-40 136.00 50.00 25.00 26.00 AG103 20 to 60 AG156-7-40 156.00 50.00 25.00 26.00 Mold Base Library 13 D-M-E METRIC TUBULAR DOWELS LOCATING SLEEVES AND TUBULAR DOWELS, TYPE TD Generic Part Name: SLEEVE_TD Mold Base Library Catalog Name Series hole_dia tub_length tub_dia TD14-30 10 11.00 30.00 14.00 TD14-40 10 11.00 40.00 14.00 TD14-50 10 11.00 50.00 14.00 TD14-60 10 11.00 60.00 14.00 TD18-30 12 13.00 30.00 18.00 TD18-46 12 13.00 46.00 18.00 TD18-66 12 13.00 66.00 18.00 TD24-30 16 17.00 30.00 24.00 TD24-50 16 17.00 50.00 24.00 TD24-60 16 17.00 60.00 24.00 TD24-76 16 17.00 76.00 24.00 TD24-86 16 17.00 86.00 24.00 TD24-96 16 17.00 96.00 24.00 TD28-60 20 and 22 21.00 60.00 28.00 TD28-80 20 and 22 21.00 80.00 28.00 TD28-100 20 and 22 21.00 100.00 28.00 TD28-120 20 and 22 21.00 120.00 28.00 TD28-140 20 and 22 21.00 140.00 28.00 12 - 1 D- M- E ME T RIC TU BU LA R D O WELS 12 - 2 Catalog Name Series hole_dia tub_length tub_dia TD32-60 25 to 35 25.00 60.00 32.00 TD32-100 25 to 35 25.00 100.00 32.00 TD32-120 25 to 35 25.00 120.00 32.00 TD32-140 25 to 35 25.00 140.00 32.00 TD32-160 25 to 35 25.00 160.00 32.00 TD42-60 40 to 55 34.00 60.00 42.00 TD42-130 40 to 55 34.00 130.00 42.00 TD42-160 40 to 55 34.00 160.00 42.00 TD42-180 40 to 55 34.00 180.00 42.00 TD50-60 60 43.00 60.00 50.00 TD50-130 60 43.00 130.00 50.00 TD50-160 60 43.00 160.00 50.00 TD50-180 60 43.00 180.00 50.00 Mold Base Library 13 D-M-E METRIC SCREWS SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREWS Generic Part Name: SCREW_M Instance Name thread_ dia length head_dia thread_ length head_ height M4X10 4.000 10.000 7.000 8.000 4.000 M4X20 4.000 20.000 7.000 12.000 4.000 M4X30 4.000 30.000 7.000 12.000 4.000 M5X10 5.000 10.000 9.000 8.000 5.000 M5X16 5.000 16.000 9.000 14.000 5.000 M5X20 5.000 20.000 9.000 15.000 5.000 M5X25 5.000 25.000 9.000 15.000 5.000 M5X35 5.000 35.000 9.000 15.000 5.000 M6X12 6.000 12.000 10.000 10.000 6.000 M6X16 6.000 16.000 10.000 14.000 6.000 M6X20 6.000 20.000 10.000 18.000 6.000 M6X25 6.000 25.000 10.000 18.000 6.000 M6X30 6.000 30.000 10.000 18.000 6.000 M6X35 6.000 35.000 10.000 18.000 6.000 M6X40 6.000 40.000 10.000 18.000 6.000 M6X45 6.000 45.000 10.000 18.000 6.000 M6X50 6.000 50.000 10.000 18.000 6.000 M6X60 6.000 60.000 10.000 18.000 6.000 Mold Base Library 13 - 1 D - M - E M ETRIC S CREWS 13 - 2 Instance Name thread_ dia length head_dia thread_ length head_ height M6X70 6.000 70.000 10.000 18.000 6.000 M6X80 6.000 80.000 10.000 18.000 6.000 M6X100 6.000 100.000 10.000 18.000 6.000 M8X16 8.000 16.000 13.000 14.000 8.000 M8X18 8.000 18.000 13.000 16.000 8.000 M8X20 8.000 20.000 13.000 18.000 8.000 M8X25 8.000 25.000 13.000 22.000 8.000 M8X30 8.000 30.000 13.000 22.000 8.000 M8X50 8.000 50.000 13.000 22.000 8.000 M8X55 8.000 55.000 13.000 22.000 8.000 M8X60 8.000 60.000 13.000 22.000 8.000 M8X65 8.000 65.000 13.000 22.000 8.000 M8X70 8.000 70.000 13.000 22.000 8.000 M8X80 8.000 80.000 13.000 22.000 8.000 M8X90 8.000 90.000 13.000 22.000 8.000 M8X100 8.000 100.000 13.000 22.000 8.000 M8X120 8.000 120.000 13.000 22.000 8.000 M8X160 8.000 160.000 13.000 22.000 8.000 M8X200 8.000 200.000 13.000 22.000 8.000 M10X25 10.000 25.000 16.000 23.000 10.000 M10X30 10.000 30.000 16.000 25.000 10.000 M10X40 10.000 40.000 16.000 25.000 10.000 M10X45 10.000 45.000 16.000 25.000 10.000 M10X50 10.000 50.000 16.000 25.000 10.000 M10X60 10.000 60.000 16.000 25.000 10.000 M10X70 10.000 70.000 16.000 25.000 10.000 M10X80 10.000 80.000 16.000 25.000 10.000 M10X100 10.000 100.000 16.000 25.000 10.000 M10X110 10.000 110.000 16.000 25.000 10.000 M10X120 10.000 120.000 16.000 25.000 10.000 Mold Base Library D - M -E M ETRIC S CREWS Instance Name thread_ dia length head_dia thread_ length head_ height M10X140 10.000 140.000 16.000 25.000 10.000 M10X160 10.000 160.000 16.000 25.000 10.000 M12X25 12.000 25.000 18.000 23.000 12.000 M12X30 12.000 30.000 18.000 28.000 12.000 M12X35 12.000 35.000 18.000 28.000 12.000 M12X40 12.000 40.000 18.000 28.000 12.000 M12X50 12.000 50.000 18.000 28.000 12.000 M12X60 12.000 60.000 18.000 28.000 12.000 M12X70 12.000 70.000 18.000 28.000 12.000 M12X75 12.000 75.000 18.000 28.000 12.000 M12X80 12.000 80.000 18.000 28.000 12.000 M12X90 12.000 90.000 18.000 28.000 12.000 M12X100 12.000 100.000 18.000 28.000 12.000 M12X120 12.000 120.000 18.000 28.000 12.000 M12X130 12.000 130.000 18.000 28.000 12.000 M12X140 12.000 140.000 18.000 28.000 12.000 M12X150 12.000 150.000 18.000 28.000 12.000 M12X160 12.000 160.000 18.000 28.000 12.000 M12X180 12.000 180.000 18.000 28.000 12.000 M12X200 12.000 200.000 18.000 28.000 12.000 M16X30 16.000 30.000 24.000 28.000 16.000 M16X40 16.000 40.000 24.000 38.000 16.000 M16X45 16.000 45.000 24.000 38.000 16.000 M16X50 16.000 50.000 24.000 38.000 16.000 M16X60 16.000 60.000 24.000 38.000 16.000 M16X80 16.000 80.000 24.000 38.000 16.000 M16X100 16.000 100.000 24.000 38.000 16.000 M16X120 16.000 120.000 24.000 38.000 16.000 M16X130 16.000 130.000 24.000 44.000 16.000 M16X140 16.000 140.000 24.000 44.000 16.000 Mold Base Library 13 - 3 D - M - E M ETRIC S CREWS 13 - 4 Instance Name thread_ dia length head_dia thread_ length head_ height M16X150 16.000 150.000 24.000 44.000 16.000 M16X160 16.000 160.000 24.000 44.000 16.000 M16X180 16.000 180.000 24.000 44.000 16.000 M16X200 16.000 200.000 24.000 57.000 16.000 M16X210 16.000 210.000 24.000 57.000 16.000 M16X220 16.000 220.000 24.000 57.000 16.000 M16X240 16.000 240.000 24.000 57.000 16.000 M20X60 20.000 60.000 30.000 52.000 20.000 M20X120 20.000 120.000 30.000 52.000 20.000 M20X150 20.000 150.000 30.000 52.000 20.000 M20X160 20.000 160.000 30.000 52.000 20.000 M20X180 20.000 180.000 30.000 52.000 20.000 M20X200 20.000 200.000 30.000 65.000 20.000 M20X210 20.000 210.000 30.000 65.000 20.000 M20X240 20.000 240.000 30.000 65.000 20.000 M20X250 20.000 250.000 30.000 65.000 20.000 Mold Base Library D - M -E M ETRIC S CREWS FLAT COUNTERSUNK SOCKET HEAD SCREWS Generic Part Name: SCREW_SM Instance Name thread_ dia length thread_ length Body Diameter head_dia SM4X10 4.00 10.00 6.12 4.00 8.96 SM4X12 4.00 12.00 8.12 4.00 8.96 SM4X16 4.00 16.00 12.12 4.00 8.96 SM4X20 4.00 20.00 16.12 4.00 8.96 SM4X25 4.00 25.00 21.12 4.00 8.96 SM5X10 5.00 10.00 5.30 5.00 11.20 SM5X12 5.00 12.00 7.30 5.00 11.20 SM5X16 5.00 16.00 11.30 5.00 11.20 SM5X20 5.00 20.00 15.30 5.00 11.20 SM5X25 5.00 25.00 20.30 5.00 11.20 SM5X30 5.00 30.00 25.30 5.00 11.20 SM6X12 6.00 12.00 6.28 6.00 13.44 SM6X16 6.00 16.00 10.28 6.00 13.44 SM6X20 6.00 20.00 14.28 6.00 13.44 SM6X25 6.00 25.00 19.28 6.00 13.44 SM6X30 6.00 30.00 24.28 6.00 13.44 SM6X35 6.00 35.00 29.28 6.00 13.44 SM6X40 6.00 40.00 34.28 6.00 13.44 SM8X16 8.00 16.00 8.54 8.00 17.92 Mold Base Library 13 - 5 D - M - E M ETRIC S CREWS 13 - 6 Instance Name thread_ dia length thread_ length Body Diameter head_dia SM8X20 8.00 20.00 12.54 8.00 17.92 SM8X25 8.00 25.00 17.54 8.00 17.92 SM8X30 8.00 30.00 22.54 8.00 17.92 SM8X35 8.00 35.00 27.54 8.00 17.92 SM8X40 8.00 40.00 32.54 8.00 17.92 SM8X45 8.00 45.00 37.54 8.00 17.92 SM8X50 8.00 50.00 28.00 8.00 17.92 SM10X20 10.00 20.00 10.80 10.00 22.40 SM10X25 10.00 25.00 15.80 10.00 22.40 SM10X30 10.00 30.00 20.80 10.00 22.40 SM10X35 10.00 35.00 25.80 10.00 22.40 SM10X40 10.00 40.00 30.80 10.00 22.40 SM10X45 10.00 45.00 35.80 10.00 22.40 SM10X50 10.00 50.00 40.80 10.00 22.40 Mold Base Library SECTION II HASCO STANDARD AND METRIC MOLD BASE ASSEMBLIES AND COMPONENT PARTS 1 HASCO STANDARD MOLD BASE ASSEMBLIES This chapter describes the HASCO standard mold base assemblies. The chapter contains the following sections: • HASCO Mold Base Assemblies • New HASCO Mold Base Assemblies • Naming Conventions • Tables of Mold Base Sizes NOTE: To retrieve these standard assemblies, you must either create the library catalog file, or include in the file the search path for the stop pin (“st_pin”) and the other component parts. Mold Base Library 14 - 1 HA SC O ST AN DA R D M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES HASCO MOLD BASE ASSEMBLIES Figure 14-1 Standard Mold Base Assembly - Types A and AW Plate View Top View Cross-sectional View Isometric View Side View AW Series in parentheses 14 - 2 Mold Base Library HA SC O ST AN D A RD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES Figure 14-2 Standard Mold Base Assembly - Types B and BW Plate View Top View Isometric View Side View Cross-sectional View Mold Base Library 14 - 3 HA SC O ST AN DA R D M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES Figure 14-3 Standard Mold Base Assembly - Types T and TW Plate View Top View Isometric View Side View Cross-sectional View Figure 14-4 Standard Mold Base Assembly - Types X and XW 14 - 4 Mold Base Library HA SC O ST AN D A RD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES Plate View Top View Isometric View Side View Cross-sectional View Mold Base Library 14 - 5 HA SC O ST AN DA R D M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES NEW HASCO MOLD BASE ASSEMBLIES The HASCO MOLD BASE Library contains both basic assemblies, which include only plates, and new assemblies, which include the plates and the component parts. This section describes the new HASCO mold base assemblies and contains the following subsections: • • Assembly representation types Views of representations For information on setting up search paths for access to these assemblies, refer to the Chapter “The HASCO Standard Mold Base Assemblies” in Introduction to the Libraries. New Assembly Representation Types There are now three types of representations of the assemblies: • • The simplified representation “curve” The simplified representation “plates” as displayed in the previous section The master representation, the assembly with components • Examples of the “curve” and the assemblies with components are shown on the next few pages. These assemblies are named according to specific conventions. For each standard mold type, for example A, B, T, and X, there exists a similar W version that is almost identical. The differences occur in the kinds of components that the mold types can contain. For example: 14 - 6 Mold Type Contains Components A Locating Ring Sprue Bushing Return Pins Flat Headed Socket Cap Screw AW N/A B Locating Ring Sprue Bushing Return Pins Flat Headed Socket Cap Screw BW N/A T Locating Ring Sprue Bushing Return Pins Flat Headed Socket Cap Screw TW N/A Mold Base Library HA SC O ST AN D A RD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES Mold Type Contains Components X Locating Ring Sprue Bushing Return Pins Flat Headed Socket Cap Screw XW N/A Refer to the comp_hs directory for more information about each component. Mold Base Library 14 - 7 HA SC O ST AN DA R D M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES Views of New Representations This section displays the simple representation of a curve and the master representations of assemblies with components. This drawing displays a simplified representation of a mold base. Each plate is represented by a cross-sectional datum curve. Figure 14-5 Mold Base Simplified Representation (curve.drw) 14 - 8 Mold Base Library HA SC O ST AN D A RD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES This drawing displays a cross-sectional view of the “a” assembly (a_aw10x12_n) with components. Figure 14-6 Moldbase Assembly - Type A with Components Mold Base Library 14 - 9 HA SC O ST AN DA R D M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES This drawing displays a cross-sectional view of the “aw” assembly (a_aw10x12_n) with components. Figure 14-7 Moldbase Assembly - Type AW with Components NOTE: The differences between a and aw are some of the components. 14 - 10 Mold Base Library HA SC O ST AN D A RD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES This drawing displays a cross-sectional view of the “B” assembly (b_bw10x12_n) with components. Figure 14-8 Moldbase Assembly - Type B with Components Mold Base Library 14 - 11 HA SC O ST AN DA R D M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES This drawing displays a cross-sectional view of the “bw” assembly (b_bw10x12_n) with components. Figure 14-9 Moldbase Assembly - Type BW with Components NOTE: The differences between b and bw are some of the components. 14 - 12 Mold Base Library HA SC O ST AN D A RD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES This drawing displays a cross-sectional view of the “t” assembly (t_tw10x12_n) with components. Figure 14-10 Moldbase Assembly - Type T with Components Mold Base Library 14 - 13 HA SC O ST AN DA R D M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES This drawing displays a cross-sectional view of the “tw” assembly (t_tw10x12_n) with its components. Figure 14-11 Moldbase Assembly - Type TW with Components NOTE: The differences between t and tw are some of the components. 14 - 14 Mold Base Library HA SC O ST AN D A RD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES This drawing displays a cross-sectional view of the “x” assembly (x_xw10x12_n) with its components. Figure 14-12 Moldbase Assembly - Type X with Components Mold Base Library 14 - 15 HA SC O ST AN DA R D M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES This drawing displays a cross-sectional view of the “xw” assembly (x_xw10x12_n) with its components. Figure 14-13 Moldbase Assembly - Type XW with Components NOTE: The differences between x and xw are some of the components. 14 - 16 Mold Base Library HA SC O ST AN D A RD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES NAMING CONVENTION Parts and assemblies in the MOLD BASE LIBRARY are named according to the following convention. Mold Base Assemblies A mold base assembly with the dimensions 10" by 12" is located in the directory “10x12,” which contains all the available mold types: • • • • a_aw10x12.asm b_bw10x12.asm t_tw10x12.asm x_xw10x12.asm After you select the type of mold, you can select the generic assembly or an instance. If you select an instance, you can then select the individual plate instances to create a customized mold. The generic assembly and its instances are named as follows: Generic: Instances: A_AW10x12.asm - The generic assembly of the “A” series A9-7/10x12/THICK_AxTHICK_B - The assembly instance of the “A” series AW9-7/10x12/THICK_AxTHICK_B - The assembly instance of the “AW” series Note that for naming the library assembly, the actual size of the assembly was rounded up to use whole numbers. This has been done for most of the mold bases, because the actual size of the mold bases is often a small fraction less than a whole number. Mold Base Library 14 - 17 HA SC O ST AN DA R D M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES New Mold Base Assemblies The new mold base assemblies in the HASCO MOLD BASE LIBRARY have the following generic assembly names: • • • • a_aw10x12_n.asm b_bw10x12_n.asm t_tw10x12_n.asm x_xw10x12_n.asm These assembly files contain not only the plates but also the component parts of each mold base. Note that the names are the same as those for the basic assemblies, except that “_n” has been added to the end of the name to indicate the presence of the components in the assembly. The instance assembly names for the new mold base assemblies are as follows: • • A9-7/10x12/THICK_AxTHICK_B - The assembly instance of the “A” series AW9-7/10x12/THICK_AxTHICK_B - The assembly instance of the “AW” series All the new HASCO standard mold base assemblies are also located in the directory assy_hs in subdirectories named for the size of the mold base. Top Clamping Plate Top clamping plates have only one value for thickness. The first part of the instance name shows the mold component number, and the second part shows the mold base size of the plate. For example, top clamping plates for an “A” type mold base with the dimensions 10" by 16" have the following names: Generic: Instance: KI15_10x16 (A type) or KI16_10x16 (AW type) KI15_1016_13 - The thickness is 1-3/8". Bottom Clamping Plate Bottom clamping plates have only one value for thickness. The first part of the instance name shows the mold component number, and the second part shows the mold base size of the plate. For example, bottom clamping plates for an “A” type mold base with the dimensions 10" by 16" have the following names: Generic: Instance: 14 - 18 KI17_10x16 (A type) or KI17_10x16 (AW type) KI17_1016_07 - The thickness is 7/8". Mold Base Library HA SC O ST AN D A RD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES Clamping and Cavity Plate Clamping and cavity plates have six instances that define six different thicknesses. The first part of the instance name shows the mold component number, and the second part shows the mold base size of the plate. For example, clamping and cavity plates for a “B” type mold base with the dimensions 10" by 16" have the following names: Generic: Instances: KI18_10x16 (B type) or KI19_10x16 (BW type) KI18/9-7/8x16x1-7/8 - The thickness is 1-7/8". Multi-Purpose Cavity Plates Multi-purpose cavity plates have three instances in the KI24 version and eight instances in the KI20 version that define the different thicknesses. The first part of the instance name shows the mold component number, and the second part shows the mold base size of the plate. For example, multi-purpose cavity plates for an “X” type mold base with the dimensions 10" by 16" have the following names: Generic: Instances: KI24_10x16 (X type) or KI20_10x16 (XW type) KI24/9-7/8x16x7/8 - The thickness is 7/8". Cavity Plates Cavity plates have eight instances that define the different thicknesses. The first part of the instance name shows the mold component number, and the second part shows the mold base size of the plate. For example, cavity plates for an “X” type mold base with the dimensions 10" by 16" have the following names: Generic: Instances: KI22_10x16 (X type) or KI21_10x16 (XW type) KI22/9-7/8x16x7/8 - The thickness is 7/8". Core Plates Core plates have eight instances that define the different thicknesses. The first part of the instance name shows the mold component number, and the second part shows the mold base size of the plate. For example, core plates for an “X” type mold base with the dimensions 10" by 16" have the following names: Generic: Instances: Mold Base Library KI22_10x16 (X type) or KI21_10x16 (XW type) KI22/9-7/8x16x7/8 - The thickness is 7/8". 14 - 19 HA SC O ST AN DA R D M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES Back Up Plates Back up plates have only one value for thickness. The first part of the instance name shows the mold component number, and the second part shows the mold base size of the plate. For example, back up plates for an “A” type mold base with the dimensions 10" by 16" have the following names: Generic: Instance: KI31_10x16 (A type) or KI30_10x16 (AW type) KI31_1016_17 - The thickness is 1-7/8". Spacer Blocks Spacer blocks have five instances that define the different thicknesses. The first part of the instance name shows the mold component number, and the second part shows the mold base size of the plate. For example, a core plate for either type of mold base with the dimensions 10" by 16" have the following names: Generic: Instances: KI40_10x16 KI40/9-7/8x16x2-1/2 - The thickness is 2-1/2". Ejector Retaining Plates Ejector retaining plates have only one value for thickness. The first part of the instance name shows the mold component number, and the second part shows the mold base size of the plate. For example, ejector retaining plates for an “A” type of mold base with the dimensions 10" by 16" have the following names: Generic: Instance: KI62_10x16 (A type) or KI60_10x16 (AW type) KI62_1016_04 - The thickness is 1/2". Ejector Plates Ejector plates have only one value for thickness. The first part of the instance name shows the mold component number, and the second part shows the mold base size of the plate. For example, ejector plates for either type of mold base with the dimensions 10" by 16" have the following names: Generic: Instance: KI70_10x16 KI70_1016_10 - The thickness is 1". Component Parts Component parts are named as abbreviated forms of their names in the HASCO Company catalog; instance names correspond exactly to the catalog numbers. All the component parts are located in the directory comp_hs in subdirectories named for the types of parts they contain. 14 - 20 Mold Base Library HA SC O ST AN D A RD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES TABLE OF MOLD BASE SIZES The following tables list the available mold base sizes. All the dimensions are thicknesses, expressed in inches. 8x8 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 1-7/8 to 4-3/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 1-7/8 to 4-3/8 N/A Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 7/8 to 4-3/8a 7/8 to 4-3/8a 7/8 to 4-3/8a 7/8 to 4-3/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 7/8 to 4-3/8 N/A 7/8 to 4-3/8 N/A Core (KI23) 7/8 to 4-3/8b 7/8 to 4-3/8b 7/8 to 4-3/8b 7/8 to 4-3/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 1-7/8 N/A N/A 1-7/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 2-1/2 to 5 2-1/2 to 5 2-1/2 to 5 2-1/2 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1 1 1 1 8x11 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 1-7/8 to 4-3/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 1-7/8 to 4-3/8 N/A Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 7/8 to 4-3/8a 7/8 to 4-3/8a 7/8 to 4-3/8a 7/8 to 4-3/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 7/8 to 4-3/8 N/A 7/8 to 4-3/8 N/A Core (KI23) 7/8 to 4-3/8b 7/8 to 4-3/8b 7/8 to 4-3/8b 7/8 to 4-3/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 1-7/8 N/A N/A 1-7/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 2-1/2 to 5 2-1/2 to 5 2-1/2 to 5 2-1/2 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1 1 1 1 a. W series only b. Not for W series Mold Base Library 14 - 21 HA SC O ST AN DA R D M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 10x8 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 1-7/8 to 4-3/8 N/A 1-7/8 to 4-3/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 7/8 to 4-3/8a 7/8 to 4-3/8a 7/8 to 4-3/8a 7/8 to 4-3/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 7/8 to 4-3/8 N/A 7/8 to 4-3/8 N/A Core (KI23) 7/8 to 4-3/8 b 7/8 to 4-3/8b 7/8 to 4-3/8b 7/8 to 4-3/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 1-7/8 N/A N/A 1-7/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 2-1/2 to 5 2-1/2 to 5 2-1/2 to 5 2-1/2 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1 1 1 1 10x12 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 1-7/8 to 4-3/8 N/A 1-7/8 to 4-3/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 7/8 to 4-3/8a 7/8 to 4-3/8a 7/8 to 4-3/8a 7/8 to 4-3/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 7/8 to 4-3/8 N/A 7/8 to 4-3/8 N/A Core (KI23) 7/8 to 4-3/8b 7/8 to 4-3/8b 7/8 to 4-3/8b 7/8 to 4-3/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 1-7/8 N/A N/A 1-7/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 2-1/2 to 5 2-1/2 to 5 2-1/2 to 5 2-1/2 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1 1 1 1 a. W series only b. Not for W series 14 - 22 Mold Base Library HA SC O ST AN D A RD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 10x16 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 1-7/8 to 4-3/8 N/A 1-7/8 to 4-3/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 7/8 to 4-3/8a 7/8 to 4-3/8a 7/8 to 4-3/8a 7/8 to 4-3/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 7/8 to 4-3/8 N/A 7/8 to 4-3/8 N/A Core (KI23) 7/8 to 4-3/8 b 7/8 to 4-3/8b 7/8 to 4-3/8b 7/8 to 4-3/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 1-7/8 N/A N/A 1-7/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 2-1/2 to 5 2-1/2 to 5 2-1/2 to 5 2-1/2 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1 1 1 1 10x20 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 1-7/8 to 4-3/8 N/A 1-7/8 to 4-3/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 7/8 to 4-3/8a 7/8 to 4-3/8a 7/8 to 4-3/8a 7/8 to 4-3/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 7/8 to 4-3/8 N/A 7/8 to 4-3/8 N/A Core (KI23) 7/8 to 4-3/8b 7/8 to 4-3/8b 7/8 to 4-3/8b 7/8 to 4-3/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 1-7/8 N/A N/A 1-7/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 2-1/2 to 5 2-1/2 to 5 2-1/2 to 5 2-1/2 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1 1 1 1 a. W series only b. Not for W series Mold Base Library 14 - 23 HA SC O ST AN DA R D M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 11x12 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 1-7/8 to 4-3/8 N/A 1-7/8 to 4-3/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 7/8 to 4-3/8a 7/8 to 4-3/8a 7/8 to 4-3/8a 7/8 to 4-3/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 7/8 to 4-3/8 N/A 7/8 to 4-3/8 N/A Core (KI23) 7/8 to 4-3/8 b 7/8 to 4-3/8b 7/8 to 4-3/8b 7/8 to 4-3/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 1-7/8 N/A N/A 1-7/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 2-1/2 to 5 2-1/2 to 5 2-1/2 to 5 2-1/2 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1 1 1 1 11x14 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 1-7/8 to 4-3/8 N/A 1-7/8 to 4-3/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 7/8 to 4-3/8a 7/8 to 4-3/8a 7/8 to 4-3/8a 7/8 to 4-3/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 7/8 to 4-3/8 N/A 7/8 to 4-3/8 N/A Core (KI23) 7/8 to 4-3/8b 7/8 to 4-3/8b 7/8 to 4-3/8b 7/8 to 4-3/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 1-7/8 N/A N/A 1-7/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 2-1/2 to 5 2-1/2 to 5 2-1/2 to 5 2-1/2 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1 1 1 1 a. W series only b. Not for W series 14 - 24 Mold Base Library HA SC O ST AN D A RD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 11x18 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 1-7/8 to 4-3/8 N/A 1-7/8 to 4-3/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 7/8 to 4-3/8a 7/8 to 4-3/8a 7/8 to 4-3/8a 7/8 to 4-3/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 7/8 to 4-3/8 N/A 7/8 to 4-3/8 N/A Core (KI23) 7/8 to 4-3/8 b 7/8 to 4-3/8b 7/8 to 4-3/8b 7/8 to 4-3/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 1-7/8 N/A N/A 1-7/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 2-1/2 to 5 2-1/2 to 5 2-1/2 to 5 2-1/2 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1 1 1 1 11x23 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 1-7/8 to 4-3/8 N/A 1-7/8 to 4-3/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 7/8 to 4-3/8a 7/8 to 4-3/8a 7/8 to 4-3/8a 7/8 to 4-3/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 7/8 to 4-3/8 N/A 7/8 to 4-3/8 N/A Core (KI23) 7/8 to 4-3/8b 7/8 to 4-3/8b 7/8 to 4-3/8b 7/8 to 4-3/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 1-7/8 N/A N/A 1-7/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 2-1/2 to 5 2-1/2 to 5 2-1/2 to 5 2-1/2 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1 1 1 1 a. W series only b. Not for W series Mold Base Library 14 - 25 HA SC O ST AN DA R D M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 12x12 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 7/8 to 5-7/8a 7/8 to 5-7/8a 7/8 to 5-7/8a 7/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A Core (KI23) 7/8 to 5-7/8 b 7/8 to 5-7/8b 7/8 to 5-7/8b 7/8 to 5-7/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 1-7/8 N/A N/A 1-7/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 12x15 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 7/8 to 5-7/8a 7/8 to 5-7/8a 7/8 to 5-7/8a 7/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A Core (KI23) 7/8 to 5-7/8b 7/8 to 5-7/8b 7/8 to 5-7/8b 7/8 to 5-7/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 1-7/8 N/A N/A 1-7/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 a. W series only b. Not for W series 14 - 26 Mold Base Library HA SC O ST AN D A RD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 12x20 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 7/8 to 5-7/8a 7/8 to 5-7/8a 7/8 to 5-7/8a 7/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A Core (KI23) 7/8 to 5-7/8 b 7/8 to 5-7/8b 7/8 to 5-7/8b 7/8 to 5-7/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 1-7/8 N/A N/A 1-7/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 12x23 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 7/8 to 5-7/8a 7/8 to 5-7/8a 7/8 to 5-7/8a 7/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A Core (KI23) 7/8 to 5-7/8b 7/8 to 5-7/8b 7/8 to 5-7/8b 7/8 to 5-7/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 1-7/8 N/A N/A 1-7/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 a. W series only b. Not for W series Mold Base Library 14 - 27 HA SC O ST AN DA R D M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 13x15 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 7/8 to 5-7/8a 7/8 to 5-7/8a 7/8 to 5-7/8a 7/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A Core (KI23) 7/8 to 5-7/8 b 7/8 to 5-7/8b 7/8 to 5-7/8b 7/8 to 5-7/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 1-7/8 N/A N/A 1-7/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 13x18 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 7/8 to 5-7/8a 7/8 to 5-7/8a 7/8 to 5-7/8a 7/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A Core (KI23) 7/8 to 5-7/8b 7/8 to 5-7/8b 7/8 to 5-7/8b 7/8 to 5-7/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 1-7/8 N/A N/A 1-7/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 a. W series only b. Not for W series 14 - 28 Mold Base Library HA SC O ST AN D A RD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 13x20 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 7/8 to 5-7/8a 7/8 to 5-7/8a 7/8 to 5-7/8a 7/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A Core (KI23) 7/8 to 5-7/8 b 7/8 to 5-7/8b 7/8 to 5-7/8b 7/8 to 5-7/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 1-7/8 N/A N/A 1-7/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 13x23 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 7/8 to 5-7/8a 7/8 to 5-7/8a 7/8 to 5-7/8a 7/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A Core (KI23) 7/8 to 5-7/8b 7/8 to 5-7/8b 7/8 to 5-7/8b 7/8 to 5-7/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 1-7/8 N/A N/A 1-7/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 a. W series only b. Not for W series Mold Base Library 14 - 29 HA SC O ST AN DA R D M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 13x26 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 7/8 to 5-7/8a 7/8 to 5-7/8a 7/8 to 5-7/8a 7/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A Core (KI23) 7/8 to 5-7/8 b 7/8 to 5-7/8b 7/8 to 5-7/8b 7/8 to 5-7/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 1-7/8 N/A N/A 1-7/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 13x29 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 7/8 to 5-7/8a 7/8 to 5-7/8a 7/8 to 5-7/8a 7/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A Core (KI23) 7/8 to 5-7/8b 7/8 to 5-7/8b 7/8 to 5-7/8b 7/8 to 5-7/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 1-7/8 N/A N/A 1-7/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 a. W series only b. Not for W series 14 - 30 Mold Base Library HA SC O ST AN D A RD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 15x18 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A Core (KI23) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 2-3/8 N/A N/A 2-3/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 15x23 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A Core (KI23) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 2-3/8 N/A N/A 2-3/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 a. W series only b. Not for W series Mold Base Library 14 - 31 HA SC O ST AN DA R D M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 15x26 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A Core (KI23) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 2-3/8 N/A N/A 2-3/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 15x29 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A Core (KI23) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 2-3/8 N/A N/A 2-3/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 a. W series only b. Not for W series 14 - 32 Mold Base Library HA SC O ST AN D A RD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 16x16 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 1-7/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A Core (KI23) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 2-3/8 N/A N/A 2-3/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 16x20 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A Core (KI23) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 2-3/8 N/A N/A 2-3/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 a. W series only b. Not for W series Mold Base Library 14 - 33 HA SC O ST AN DA R D M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 16x23 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A Core (KI23) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 2-3/8 N/A N/A 2-3/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 16x26 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A Core (KI23) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 2-3/8 N/A N/A 2-3/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 a. W series only b. Not for W series 14 - 34 Mold Base Library HA SC O ST AN D A RD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 16x29 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A Core (KI23) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 2-3/8 N/A N/A 2-3/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 16x35 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A Core (KI23) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 2-3/8 N/A N/A 2-3/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 a. W series only b. Not for W series Mold Base Library 14 - 35 HA SC O ST AN DA R D M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 18x18 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A Core (KI23) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 2-3/8 N/A N/A 2-3/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 18x20 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A Core (KI23) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 2-3/8 N/A N/A 2-3/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 a. W series only b. Not for W series 14 - 36 Mold Base Library HA SC O ST AN D A RD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 18x23 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A Core (KI23) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 2-3/8 N/A N/A 2-3/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 18x26 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A Core (KI23) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 2-3/8 N/A N/A 2-3/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 a. W series only b. Not for W series Mold Base Library 14 - 37 HA SC O ST AN DA R D M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 18x29 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A Core (KI23) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 2-3/8 N/A N/A 2-3/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 18x35 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 2-7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 2-7/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A Core (KI23) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 2-3/8 N/A N/A 2-3/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 a. W series only b. Not for W series 14 - 38 Mold Base Library HA SC O ST AN D A RD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 19x20 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A Core (KI23) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 2-3/8 N/A N/A 2-3/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 19x24 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A Core (KI23) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 2-3/8 N/A N/A 2-3/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 a. W series only b. Not for W series Mold Base Library 14 - 39 HA SC O ST AN DA R D M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 19x26 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A Core (KI23) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 2-3/8 N/A N/A 2-3/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 19x29 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A Core (KI23) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 2-3/8 N/A N/A 2-3/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 a. W series only b. Not for W series 14 - 40 Mold Base Library HA SC O ST AN D A RD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 19x35 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 2-7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 2-7/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A Core (KI23) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 2-3/8 N/A N/A 2-3/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 X & XW T & TW 24x24 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-3/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 N/A Core (KI23) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 2-3/8 N/A N/A 2-3/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 a. W series only b. Not for W series Mold Base Library 14 - 41 HA SC O ST AN DA R D M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 24x26 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-3/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 2-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A Core (KI23) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 2-3/8 N/A N/A 2-3/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 X & XW T & TW 24x29 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-3/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 2-7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 2-7/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 N/A Core (KI23) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 2-3/8 N/A N/A 2-3/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 a. W series only b. Not for W series 14 - 42 Mold Base Library HA SC O ST AN D A RD M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 24x35 COMPONENT SERIES A & AW B & BW X & XW T & TW Top Clamping (KI15/16) 1-3/8 N/A 1-3/8 N/A Bottom Clamping(KI17) 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-3/8 Clamping/Cavity (KI18/19) N/A 2-7/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 2-7/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI20) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8a 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 Multi-Purpose Cavity (KI24) N/A N/A 7/8 to 1-7/8 7/8 to 1-7/8 Cavity (KI21/22) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 N/A Core (KI23) 1-3/8 to 5-7/8 b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b 1-3/8 to 5-7/8b Back Up (KI30/31) 2-3/8 N/A N/A 2-3/8 Spacer Blocks (KI40) 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 Ejector Retainer (KI60/62) 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Ejector Plate (KI70) 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 a. W series only b. Not for W series Mold Base Library 14 - 43 13 HASCO BUSHINGS BUSHING, CATALOG NO. ZI10 Generic Part Name: ZI10 Instance Name S2 d_1 l l1 k d_3 d_4 Z10_010 12.0000 9.0000 7.0000 15.0000 3.0000 14.0000 16.0000 Z10_011 17.0000 9.0000 7.0000 20.0000 3.0000 14.0000 16.0000 Z10_012 22.0000 9.0000 7.0000 25.0000 3.0000 14.0000 16.0000 Z10_013 27.0000 9.0000 7.0000 30.0000 3.0000 14.0000 16.0000 Z10_014 36.0000 9.0000 7.0000 39.0000 3.0000 14.0000 16.0000 Z10_015 46.0000 9.0000 46.0000 49.0000 3.0000 14.0000 16.0000 Z10_016 56.0000 9.0000 46.0000 59.0000 3.0000 14.0000 16.0000 Z10_017 66.0000 9.0000 46.0000 69.0000 3.0000 14.0000 16.0000 Z10_018 12.0000 10.0000 46.0000 15.0000 3.0000 14.0000 16.0000 Z10_019 17.0000 10.0000 46.0000 20.0000 3.0000 14.0000 16.0000 Z10_020 22.0000 10.0000 46.0000 25.0000 3.0000 14.0000 16.0000 Z10_021 27.0000 10.0000 46.0000 30.0000 3.0000 14.0000 16.0000 Z10_022 36.0000 10.0000 46.0000 39.0000 3.0000 14.0000 16.0000 Z10_023 46.0000 10.0000 46.0000 49.0000 3.0000 14.0000 16.0000 Mold Base Library 15 - 1 H AS CO BU S H IN G S 15 - 2 Instance Name S2 d_1 l l1 k d_3 d_4 Z10_024 56.0000 10.0000 46.0000 59.0000 3.0000 14.0000 16.0000 Z10_025 66.0000 10.0000 46.0000 69.0000 3.0000 14.0000 16.0000 Z10_026 17.0000 14.0000 46.0000 26.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_027 22.0000 14.0000 46.0000 31.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_028 27.0000 14.0000 46.0000 36.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_029 36.0000 14.0000 46.0000 45.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_030 46.0000 14.0000 46.0000 55.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_031 17.0000 15.0000 46.0000 26.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_032 22.0000 15.0000 46.0000 31.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_033 27.0000 15.0000 46.0000 36.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_034 36.0000 15.0000 46.0000 45.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_035 46.0000 15.0000 46.0000 55.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_036 56.0000 14.0000 56.0000 65.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_037 66.0000 14.0000 56.0000 75.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_038 76.0000 14.0000 56.0000 85.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_039 86.0000 14.0000 56.0000 95.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_040 96.0000 14.0000 56.0000 105.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_041 116.0000 14.0000 56.0000 125.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_042 56.0000 15.0000 56.0000 65.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_043 66.0000 15.0000 56.0000 75.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_044 76.0000 15.0000 56.0000 85.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_045 86.0000 15.0000 56.0000 95.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_046 96.0000 15.0000 56.0000 105.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_047 116.0000 15.0000 56.0000 125.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_048 17.0000 18.0000 56.0000 26.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_049 22.0000 18.0000 56.0000 31.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_050 27.0000 18.0000 56.0000 36.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_051 36.0000 18.0000 56.0000 45.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_052 46.0000 18.0000 56.0000 55.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_053 56.0000 18.0000 56.0000 65.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Mold Base Library H A S CO BU S H IN G S Instance Name S2 d_1 l l1 k d_3 d_4 Z10_054 17.0000 20.0000 56.0000 26.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_055 22.0000 20.0000 56.0000 31.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_056 27.0000 20.0000 56.0000 36.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_057 36.0000 20.0000 56.0000 45.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_058 46.0000 20.0000 56.0000 55.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_059 56.0000 20.0000 56.0000 65.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_060 66.0000 18.0000 56.0000 75.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_061 76.0000 18.0000 76.0000 85.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_062 86.0000 18.0000 76.0000 95.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_063 96.0000 18.0000 76.0000 105.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_064 116.0000 18.0000 76.0000 125.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_065 136.0000 18.0000 76.0000 145.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_066 66.0000 20.0000 76.0000 75.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_067 76.0000 20.0000 76.0000 85.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_068 86.0000 20.0000 76.0000 95.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_069 96.0000 20.0000 76.0000 105.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_070 116.0000 20.0000 76.0000 125.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_071 136.0000 20.0000 76.0000 145.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_072 17.0000 22.0000 76.0000 26.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_073 22.0000 22.0000 76.0000 31.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_074 27.0000 22.0000 76.0000 36.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_075 36.0000 22.0000 76.0000 45.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_076 46.0000 22.0000 76.0000 55.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_077 56.0000 22.0000 76.0000 65.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_078 17.0000 24.0000 76.0000 26.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_079 22.0000 24.0000 76.0000 31.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_080 27.0000 24.0000 76.0000 36.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_081 36.0000 24.0000 76.0000 45.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_082 46.0000 24.0000 76.0000 55.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_083 56.0000 24.0000 76.0000 65.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Mold Base Library 15 - 3 H AS CO BU S H IN G S 15 - 4 Instance Name S2 d_1 l l1 k d_3 d_4 Z10_084 66.0000 22.0000 76.0000 75.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_085 76.0000 22.0000 76.0000 85.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_086 86.0000 22.0000 76.0000 95.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_087 96.0000 22.0000 76.0000 105.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_088 116.0000 22.0000 96.0000 125.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_089 136.0000 22.0000 96.0000 145.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_090 156.0000 22.0000 96.0000 165.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_091 66.0000 24.0000 96.0000 75.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_092 76.0000 24.0000 96.0000 85.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_093 86.0000 24.0000 96.0000 95.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_094 96.0000 24.0000 96.0000 105.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_095 116.0000 24.0000 96.0000 125.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_096 136.0000 24.0000 96.0000 145.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_097 156.0000 24.0000 96.0000 165.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_098 27.0000 30.0000 96.0000 36.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_099 36.0000 30.0000 96.0000 45.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_100 46.0000 30.0000 96.0000 55.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_101 56.0000 30.0000 96.0000 65.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_102 66.0000 30.0000 96.0000 75.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_103 76.0000 30.0000 96.0000 85.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_104 86.0000 30.0000 96.0000 95.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_105 96.0000 30.0000 96.0000 105.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_106 116.0000 30.0000 96.0000 125.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_107 136.0000 30.0000 116.0000 145.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_108 156.0000 30.0000 116.0000 165.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_109 196.0000 30.0000 116.0000 205.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_110 27.0000 32.0000 116.0000 36.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_111 36.0000 32.0000 116.0000 45.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_112 46.0000 32.0000 116.0000 55.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_113 56.0000 32.0000 116.0000 65.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Mold Base Library H A S CO BU S H IN G S Instance Name S2 d_1 l l1 k d_3 d_4 Z10_114 66.0000 32.0000 116.0000 75.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_115 76.0000 32.0000 116.0000 85.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_116 86.0000 32.0000 116.0000 95.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_117 96.0000 32.0000 116.0000 105.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_118 116.0000 32.0000 116.0000 125.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_119 136.0000 32.0000 116.0000 145.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_120 156.0000 32.0000 116.0000 165.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_121 196.0000 32.0000 116.0000 205.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_122 46.0000 40.0000 116.0000 58.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_123 56.0000 40.0000 116.0000 68.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_124 66.0000 40.0000 116.0000 78.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_125 76.0000 40.0000 116.0000 88.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_126 86.0000 40.0000 116.0000 98.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_127 96.0000 40.0000 116.0000 108.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_128 116.0000 40.0000 116.0000 128.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_129 136.0000 40.0000 136.0000 148.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_130 156.0000 40.0000 136.0000 168.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_131 196.0000 40.0000 136.0000 208.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_132 246.0000 40.0000 136.0000 258.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_133 46.0000 42.0000 136.0000 58.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_134 56.0000 42.0000 136.0000 68.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_135 66.0000 42.0000 136.0000 78.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_136 76.0000 42.0000 136.0000 88.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_137 86.0000 42.0000 136.0000 98.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_138 96.0000 42.0000 136.0000 108.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_139 116.0000 42.0000 136.0000 128.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_140 136.0000 42.0000 136.0000 148.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_141 156.0000 42.0000 136.0000 168.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_142 196.0000 42.0000 136.0000 208.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_143 246.0000 42.0000 136.0000 258.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Mold Base Library 15 - 5 H AS CO BU S H IN G S BUSHING, CATALOG NO. ZI11 Generic Part Name: ZI11 15 - 6 Instance Name S2 d_1 d_3 k d_4 ZI11_001 0.8750 0.8750 1.1250 0.2500 1.2500 ZI11_002 1.3750 0.8750 1.1250 0.2500 1.2500 ZI11_003 1.8750 0.8750 1.1250 0.2500 1.2500 ZI11_004 2.3750 0.8750 1.1250 0.2500 1.2500 ZI11_005 2.8750 0.8750 1.1250 0.2500 1.2500 ZI11_006 3.3750 0.8750 1.1250 0.2500 1.2500 ZI11_007 3.8750 0.8750 1.1250 0.2500 1.2500 ZI11_008 4.3750 0.8750 1.1250 0.2500 1.2500 ZI11_009 0.8750 0.9380 1.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI11_010 1.3750 0.9380 1.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI11_011 1.8750 0.9380 1.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI11_012 2.3750 0.9380 1.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI11_013 2.8750 0.9380 1.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI11_014 3.3750 0.9380 1.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI11_015 3.8750 0.9380 1.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI11_016 4.3750 0.9380 1.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI11_017 4.8750 0.9380 1.2500 0.2500 1.3750 Mold Base Library H A S CO BU S H IN G S Instance Name S2 d_1 d_3 k d_4 ZI11_018 5.8750 0.9380 1.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI11_019 0.8750 1.0000 1.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI11_020 1.3750 1.0000 1.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI11_021 1.8750 1.0000 1.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI11_022 2.3750 1.0000 1.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI11_023 2.8750 1.0000 1.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI11_024 3.3750 1.0000 1.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI11_025 3.8750 1.0000 1.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI11_026 4.3750 1.0000 1.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI11_027 4.8750 1.0000 1.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI11_028 5.8750 1.0000 1.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI11_029 0.8750 1.1880 1.5000 0.3120 1.6250 ZI11_030 1.3750 1.1880 1.5000 0.3120 1.6250 ZI11_031 1.8750 1.1880 1.5000 0.3120 1.6250 ZI11_032 2.3750 1.1880 1.5000 0.3120 1.6250 ZI11_033 2.8750 1.1880 1.5000 0.3120 1.6250 ZI11_034 3.3750 1.1880 1.5000 0.3120 1.6250 ZI11_035 3.8750 1.1880 1.5000 0.3120 1.6250 ZI11_036 4.3750 1.1880 1.5000 0.3120 1.6250 ZI11_037 4.8750 1.1880 1.5000 0.3120 1.6250 ZI11_038 5.8750 1.1880 1.5000 0.3120 1.6250 ZI11_039 0.8750 1.2500 1.5000 0.3120 1.6250 ZI11_040 1.3750 1.2500 1.5000 0.3120 1.6250 ZI11_041 1.8750 1.2500 1.5000 0.3120 1.6250 ZI11_042 2.3750 1.2500 1.5000 0.3120 1.6250 ZI11_043 2.8750 1.2500 1.5000 0.3120 1.6250 ZI11_044 3.3750 1.2500 1.5000 0.3120 1.6250 ZI11_045 3.8750 1.2500 1.5000 0.3120 1.6250 ZI11_046 4.3750 1.2500 1.5000 0.3120 1.6250 ZI11_047 4.8750 1.2500 1.5000 0.3120 1.6250 Mold Base Library 15 - 7 H AS CO BU S H IN G S 15 - 8 Instance Name S2 d_1 d_3 k d_4 ZI11_048 5.8750 1.2500 1.5000 0.3120 1.6250 ZI11_049 0.8750 1.4380 2.0000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI11_050 1.3750 1.4380 2.0000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI11_051 1.8750 1.4380 2.0000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI11_052 2.3750 1.4380 2.0000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI11_053 2.8750 1.4380 2.0000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI11_054 3.3750 1.4380 2.0000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI11_055 3.8750 1.4380 2.0000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI11_056 4.3750 1.4380 2.0000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI11_057 4.8750 1.4380 2.0000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI11_058 5.8750 1.4380 2.0000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI11_059 0.8750 1.5000 2.0000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI11_060 1.3750 1.5000 2.0000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI11_061 1.8750 1.5000 2.0000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI11_062 2.3750 1.5000 2.0000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI11_063 2.8750 1.5000 2.0000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI11_064 3.3750 1.5000 2.0000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI11_065 3.8750 1.5000 2.0000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI11_066 4.3750 1.5000 2.0000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI11_067 4.8750 1.5000 2.0000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI11_068 5.8750 1.5000 2.0000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI11_069 1.3750 2.0000 2.5000 0.5000 2.6250 ZI11_070 1.8750 2.0000 2.5000 0.5000 2.6250 ZI11_071 2.3750 2.0000 2.5000 0.5000 2.6250 ZI11_072 2.8750 2.0000 2.5000 0.5000 2.6250 ZI11_073 3.3750 2.0000 2.5000 0.5000 2.6250 ZI11_074 3.8750 2.0000 2.5000 0.5000 2.6250 ZI11_075 4.3750 2.0000 2.5000 0.5000 2.6250 ZI11_076 4.8750 2.0000 2.5000 0.5000 2.6250 ZI11_077 5.8750 2.0000 2.5000 0.5000 2.6250 Mold Base Library H A S CO BU S H IN G S BUSHING, CATALOG NO. ZI20 Generic Part Name: ZI20 Mold Base Library Instance Name d_3 L Length d_2 l1 ZI20_010 1.0000 1.5000 0.7800 0.5310 ZI20_011 1.0000 2.0000 0.7800 0.5310 ZI20_012 1.0000 3.0000 0.7800 0.5310 ZI20_013 1.0000 4.0000 0.7800 0.5310 ZI20_014 1.0000 4.5000 0.7800 0.5310 ZI20_015 1.0000 5.0000 0.7800 0.5310 ZI20_016 1.0000 5.5000 0.7800 0.5310 ZI20_017 1.0000 6.5000 0.7800 0.5310 ZI20_020 1.2500 1.5000 1.0400 0.5310 ZI20_021 1.2500 2.0000 1.0400 0.5310 ZI20_022 1.2500 3.0000 1.0400 0.5310 ZI20_023 1.2500 4.0000 1.0400 0.5310 ZI20_024 1.2500 4.5000 1.0400 0.5310 ZI20_025 1.2500 5.0000 1.0400 0.5310 ZI20_026 1.2500 5.5000 1.0400 0.5310 ZI20_027 1.2500 6.5000 1.0400 0.5310 ZI20_030 1.5000 2.0000 1.3000 0.5310 15 - 9 H AS CO BU S H IN G S 15 - 10 Instance Name d_3 L Length d_2 l1 ZI20_031 1.5000 3.0000 1.3000 0.5310 ZI20_032 1.5000 4.0000 1.3000 0.5310 ZI20_033 1.5000 5.0000 1.3000 0.5310 ZI20_034 1.5000 5.5000 1.3000 0.5310 ZI20_035 1.5000 6.5000 1.3000 0.5310 ZI20_036 1.5000 7.5000 1.3000 0.5310 ZI20_040 2.0000 2.0000 1.5700 0.5310 ZI20_041 2.0000 3.0000 1.5700 0.5310 ZI20_042 2.0000 4.0000 1.5700 0.5310 ZI20_043 2.0000 5.0000 1.5700 0.5310 ZI20_044 2.0000 5.5000 1.5700 0.5310 ZI20_045 2.0000 6.5000 1.5700 0.5310 ZI20_046 2.0000 7.5000 1.5700 0.5310 Mold Base Library 13 HASCO LOCATING RINGS LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. KI110 Generic Part Name: KI110 Mold Base Library Instance Name D H KI110_010 4.0000 0.4380 KI110_011 4.0000 0.5310 16 - 1 HA SC O LO CA TIN G RIN G S LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. KI113 Generic Part Name: KI113 16 - 2 Instance Name D H KI113_010 4.00 0.9690 Mold Base Library 13 HASCO PINS PIN, CATALOG NO. ZI00 Generic Part Name: ZI00 Instance Name S2 d_1 L Length d_3 f k d_4 ZI00_010 0.8750 0.6880 1.2500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_011 0.8750 0.6880 1.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_012 0.8750 0.6880 2.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_013 0.8750 0.6880 3.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_014 0.8750 0.6880 4.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_015 1.3750 0.6880 1.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_016 1.3750 0.6880 2.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_017 1.3750 0.6880 3.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_018 1.3750 0.6880 4.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_019 1.8750 0.6880 1.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_020 1.8750 0.6880 2.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_021 1.8750 0.6880 3.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_022 1.8750 0.6880 4.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_023 2.3750 0.6880 1.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_024 2.3750 0.6880 2.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_025 2.3750 0.6880 3.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 Mold Base Library 17 - 1 HA S CO P IN S 17 - 2 Instance Name S2 d_1 L Length d_3 f k d_4 ZI00_026 2.3750 0.6880 4.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_027 2.8750 0.6880 1.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_028 2.8750 0.6880 2.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_029 2.8750 0.6880 3.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_030 2.8750 0.6880 4.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_031 3.3750 0.6880 1.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_032 3.3750 0.6880 2.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_033 3.3750 0.6880 3.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_034 3.3750 0.6880 4.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_035 3.8750 0.6880 1.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_036 3.8750 0.6880 2.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_037 3.8750 0.6880 3.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_038 3.8750 0.6880 4.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_039 4.3750 0.6880 1.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_040 4.3750 0.6880 2.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_041 4.3750 0.6880 3.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_042 4.3750 0.6880 4.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_050 0.8750 0.7500 1.2500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_051 0.8750 0.7500 1.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_052 0.8750 0.7500 2.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_053 0.8750 0.7500 3.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_054 0.8750 0.7500 4.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_055 1.3750 0.7500 1.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_056 1.3750 0.7500 2.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_057 1.3750 0.7500 3.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_058 1.3750 0.7500 4.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_059 1.8750 0.7500 1.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_060 1.8750 0.7500 2.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_061 1.8750 0.7500 3.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_062 1.8750 0.7500 4.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 Mold Base Library H A S CO P IN S Instance Name S2 d_1 L Length d_3 f k d_4 ZI00_063 2.3750 0.7500 1.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_064 2.3750 0.7500 2.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_065 2.3750 0.7500 3.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_066 2.3750 0.7500 4.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_067 2.8750 0.7500 1.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_068 2.8750 0.7500 2.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_069 2.8750 0.7500 3.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_070 2.8750 0.7500 4.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_071 3.3750 0.7500 1.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_072 3.3750 0.7500 2.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_073 3.3750 0.7500 3.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_074 3.3750 0.7500 4.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_075 3.8750 0.7500 1.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_076 3.8750 0.7500 2.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_077 3.8750 0.7500 3.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_078 3.8750 0.7500 4.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_079 4.3750 0.7500 1.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_080 4.3750 0.7500 2.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_081 4.3750 0.7500 3.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_082 4.3750 0.7500 4.7500 1.0000 0.2500 0.1880 1.1250 ZI00_083 0.8750 0.9380 1.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_084 0.8750 0.9380 1.7500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_085 0.8750 0.9380 2.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_086 0.8750 0.9380 3.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_087 0.8750 0.9380 4.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_088 0.8750 0.9380 5.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_089 0.8750 0.9380 6.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_090 1.3750 0.9380 1.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_091 1.3750 0.9380 1.7500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_092 1.3750 0.9380 2.7500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 Mold Base Library 17 - 3 HA S CO P IN S 17 - 4 Instance Name S2 d_1 L Length d_3 f k d_4 ZI00_093 1.3750 0.9380 3.7500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_094 1.3750 0.9380 4.7500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_095 1.3750 0.9380 5.7500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_096 1.3750 0.9380 6.7500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_097 1.3750 0.9380 8.7500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_098 1.8750 0.9380 1.7500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_099 1.8750 0.9380 2.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_100 1.8750 0.9380 3.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_101 1.8750 0.9380 4.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_102 1.8750 0.9380 5.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_103 1.8750 0.9380 6.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_104 2.3750 0.9380 1.7500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_105 2.3750 0.9380 2.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_106 2.3750 0.9380 3.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_107 2.3750 0.9380 4.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_108 2.3750 0.9380 5.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_109 2.3750 0.9380 6.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_110 2.8750 0.9380 1.7500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_111 2.8750 0.9380 2.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_112 2.8750 0.9380 3.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_113 2.8750 0.9380 4.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_114 2.8750 0.9380 5.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_115 2.8750 0.9380 6.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_116 3.3750 0.9380 1.7500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_117 3.3750 0.9380 2.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_118 3.3750 0.9380 3.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_119 3.3750 0.9380 4.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_120 3.3750 0.9380 5.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_121 3.3750 0.9380 6.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_122 3.8750 0.9380 2.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 Mold Base Library H A S CO P IN S Instance Name S2 d_1 L Length d_3 f k d_4 ZI00_123 3.8750 0.9380 3.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_124 3.8750 0.9380 4.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_125 3.8750 0.9380 5.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_126 3.8750 0.9380 6.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_127 4.3750 0.9380 1.7500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_128 4.3750 0.9380 2.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_129 4.3750 0.9380 3.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_130 4.3750 0.9380 4.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_131 4.3750 0.9380 5.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_132 4.3750 0.9380 6.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_133 4.8750 0.9380 1.7500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_134 4.8750 0.9380 2.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_135 4.8750 0.9380 3.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_136 4.8750 0.9380 4.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_137 4.8750 0.9380 5.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_138 4.8750 0.9380 6.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_139 5.8750 0.9380 1.7500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_140 5.8750 0.9380 2.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_141 5.8750 0.9380 3.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_142 5.8750 0.9380 4.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_143 5.8750 0.9380 5.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_144 5.8750 0.9380 6.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_145 0.8750 1.0000 1.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_146 0.8750 1.0000 1.7500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_147 0.8750 1.0000 2.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_148 0.8750 1.0000 3.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_149 0.8750 1.0000 4.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_150 0.8750 1.0000 5.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_151 0.8750 1.0000 6.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_152 1.3750 1.0000 1.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 Mold Base Library 17 - 5 HA S CO P IN S 17 - 6 Instance Name S2 d_1 L Length d_3 f k d_4 ZI00_153 1.3750 1.0000 1.7500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_154 1.3750 1.0000 2.7500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_155 1.3750 1.0000 3.7500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_156 1.3750 1.0000 4.7500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_157 1.3750 1.0000 5.7500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_158 1.3750 1.0000 6.7500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_159 1.3750 1.0000 8.7500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_160 1.8750 1.0000 1.7500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_161 1.8750 1.0000 2.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_162 1.8750 1.0000 3.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_163 1.8750 1.0000 4.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_164 1.8750 1.0000 5.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_165 1.8750 1.0000 6.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_166 2.3750 1.0000 1.7500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_167 2.3750 1.0000 2.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_168 2.3750 1.0000 3.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_169 2.3750 1.0000 4.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_170 2.3750 1.0000 5.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_171 2.3750 1.0000 6.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_172 2.8750 1.0000 1.7500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_173 2.8750 1.0000 2.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_174 2.8750 1.0000 3.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_175 2.8750 1.0000 4.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_176 2.8750 1.0000 5.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_177 2.8750 1.0000 6.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_178 3.3750 1.0000 1.7500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_179 3.3750 1.0000 2.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_180 3.3750 1.0000 3.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_181 3.3750 1.0000 4.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_182 3.3750 1.0000 5.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 Mold Base Library H A S CO P IN S Instance Name S2 d_1 L Length d_3 f k d_4 ZI00_183 3.3750 1.0000 6.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_184 3.8750 1.0000 2.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_185 3.8750 1.0000 3.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_186 3.8750 1.0000 4.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_187 3.8750 1.0000 5.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_188 3.8750 1.0000 6.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_189 4.3750 1.0000 1.7500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_190 4.3750 1.0000 2.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_191 4.3750 1.0000 3.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_192 4.3750 1.0000 4.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_193 4.3750 1.0000 5.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_194 4.3750 1.0000 6.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_195 4.8750 1.0000 1.7500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_196 4.8750 1.0000 2.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_197 4.8750 1.0000 3.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_198 4.8750 1.0000 4.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_199 4.8750 1.0000 5.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_200 4.8750 1.0000 6.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_201 5.8750 1.0000 1.7500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_202 5.8750 1.0000 2.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_203 5.8750 1.0000 3.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_204 5.8750 1.0000 4.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_205 5.8750 1.0000 5.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_206 5.8750 1.0000 6.2500 1.2500 0.2500 0.2500 1.3750 ZI00_207 1.3750 1.1880 1.7500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_208 1.3750 1.1880 2.7500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_209 1.3750 1.1880 3.7500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_210 1.3750 1.1880 4.7500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_211 1.3750 1.1880 5.7500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_212 1.3750 1.1880 6.7500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 Mold Base Library 17 - 7 HA S CO P IN S 17 - 8 Instance Name S2 d_1 L Length d_3 f k d_4 ZI00_213 1.8750 1.1880 1.7500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_214 1.8750 1.1880 2.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_215 1.8750 1.1880 3.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_216 1.8750 1.1880 4.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_217 1.8750 1.1880 5.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_218 1.8750 1.1880 6.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_219 1.8750 1.1880 6.7500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_220 1.8750 1.1880 7.7500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_221 1.8750 1.1880 8.7500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_222 2.3750 1.1880 1.7500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_223 2.3750 1.1880 2.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_224 2.3750 1.1880 3.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_225 2.3750 1.1880 4.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_226 2.3750 1.1880 5.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_227 2.3750 1.1880 6.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_228 2.8750 1.1880 1.7500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_229 2.8750 1.1880 2.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_230 2.8750 1.1880 3.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_231 2.8750 1.1880 4.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_232 2.8750 1.1880 5.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_233 2.8750 1.1880 6.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_234 3.3750 1.1880 1.7500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_235 3.3750 1.1880 2.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_236 3.3750 1.1880 3.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_237 3.3750 1.1880 4.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_238 3.3750 1.1880 5.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_239 3.3750 1.1880 6.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_240 3.8750 1.1880 2.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_241 3.8750 1.1880 3.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_242 3.8750 1.1880 4.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 Mold Base Library H A S CO P IN S Instance Name S2 d_1 L Length d_3 f k d_4 ZI00_243 3.8750 1.1880 5.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_244 3.8750 1.1880 6.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_245 4.3750 1.1880 3.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_246 4.3750 1.1880 4.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_247 4.3750 1.1880 5.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_248 4.3750 1.1880 6.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_249 4.8750 1.1880 3.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_250 4.8750 1.1880 4.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_251 4.8750 1.1880 5.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_252 4.8750 1.1880 6.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_253 5.8750 1.1880 3.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_254 5.8750 1.1880 4.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_255 5.8750 1.1880 5.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_256 5.8750 1.1880 6.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_257 1.3750 1.2500 1.7500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_258 1.3750 1.2500 2.7500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_259 1.3750 1.2500 3.7500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_260 1.3750 1.2500 4.7500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_261 1.3750 1.2500 5.7500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_262 1.3750 1.2500 6.7500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_263 1.8750 1.2500 1.7500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_264 1.8750 1.2500 2.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_265 1.8750 1.2500 3.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_266 1.8750 1.2500 4.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_267 1.8750 1.2500 5.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_268 1.8750 1.2500 6.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_269 1.8750 1.2500 6.7500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_270 1.8750 1.2500 7.7500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_271 1.8750 1.2500 8.7500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_272 2.3750 1.2500 1.7500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 Mold Base Library 17 - 9 HA S CO P IN S 17 - 10 Instance Name S2 d_1 L Length d_3 f k d_4 ZI00_273 2.3750 1.2500 2.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_274 2.3750 1.2500 3.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_275 2.3750 1.2500 4.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_276 2.3750 1.2500 5.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_277 2.3750 1.2500 6.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_278 2.8750 1.2500 1.7500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_279 2.8750 1.2500 2.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_280 2.8750 1.2500 3.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_281 2.8750 1.2500 4.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_282 2.8750 1.2500 5.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_283 2.8750 1.2500 6.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_284 3.3750 1.2500 1.7500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_285 3.3750 1.2500 2.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_286 3.3750 1.2500 3.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_287 3.3750 1.2500 4.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_288 3.3750 1.2500 5.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_289 3.3750 1.2500 6.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_290 3.8750 1.2500 2.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_291 3.8750 1.2500 3.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_292 3.8750 1.2500 4.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_293 3.8750 1.2500 5.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_294 3.8750 1.2500 6.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_295 4.3750 1.2500 3.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_296 4.3750 1.2500 4.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_297 4.3750 1.2500 5.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_298 4.3750 1.2500 6.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_299 4.8750 1.2500 3.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_300 4.8750 1.2500 4.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_301 4.8750 1.2500 5.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_302 4.8750 1.2500 6.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 Mold Base Library H A S CO P IN S Instance Name S2 d_1 L Length d_3 f k d_4 ZI00_303 5.8750 1.2500 3.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_304 5.8750 1.2500 4.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_305 5.8750 1.2500 5.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_306 5.8750 1.2500 6.2500 1.5000 0.3750 0.3120 1.6250 ZI00_307 1.3750 1.4380 1.7500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_308 1.3750 1.4380 2.7500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_309 1.3750 1.4380 3.7500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_310 1.3750 1.4380 4.7500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_311 1.3750 1.4380 5.7500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_312 1.3750 1.4380 6.7500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_313 1.8750 1.4380 2.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_314 1.8750 1.4380 3.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_315 1.8750 1.4380 4.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_316 1.8750 1.4380 5.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_317 1.8750 1.4380 6.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_318 1.8750 1.4380 7.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_319 1.8750 1.4380 8.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_320 1.8750 1.4380 9.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_321 1.8750 1.4380 10.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_322 2.3750 1.4380 2.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_323 2.3750 1.4380 3.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_324 2.3750 1.4380 4.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_325 2.3750 1.4380 5.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_326 2.3750 1.4380 6.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_327 2.3750 1.4380 7.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_328 2.3750 1.4380 8.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_329 2.3750 1.4380 9.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_330 2.3750 1.4380 10.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_331 2.8750 1.4380 2.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_332 2.8750 1.4380 3.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 Mold Base Library 17 - 11 HA S CO P IN S 17 - 12 Instance Name S2 d_1 L Length d_3 f k d_4 ZI00_333 2.8750 1.4380 4.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_334 2.8750 1.4380 5.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_335 2.8750 1.4380 6.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_336 3.3750 1.4380 3.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_337 3.3750 1.4380 4.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_338 3.3750 1.4380 5.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_339 3.3750 1.4380 6.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_340 3.8750 1.4380 3.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_341 3.8750 1.4380 4.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_342 3.8750 1.4380 5.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_343 3.8750 1.4380 5.7500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_344 3.8750 1.4380 6.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_345 4.3750 1.4380 3.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_346 4.3750 1.4380 4.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_347 4.3750 1.4380 5.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_348 4.3750 1.4380 6.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_349 4.8750 1.4380 3.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_350 4.8750 1.4380 4.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_351 4.8750 1.4380 5.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_352 4.8750 1.4380 6.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_353 5.8750 1.4380 3.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_354 5.8750 1.4380 4.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_355 5.8750 1.4380 5.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_356 5.8750 1.4380 6.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_357 1.3750 1.5000 1.7500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_358 1.3750 1.5000 2.7500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_359 1.3750 1.5000 3.7500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_360 1.3750 1.5000 4.7500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_361 1.3750 1.5000 5.7500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_362 1.3750 1.5000 6.7500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 Mold Base Library H A S CO P IN S Instance Name S2 d_1 L Length d_3 f k d_4 ZI00_363 1.8750 1.5000 2.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_364 1.8750 1.5000 3.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_365 1.8750 1.5000 4.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_366 1.8750 1.5000 5.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_367 1.8750 1.5000 6.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_368 1.8750 1.5000 7.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_369 1.8750 1.5000 8.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_370 1.8750 1.5000 9.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_371 1.8750 1.5000 10.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_372 2.3750 1.5000 2.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_373 2.3750 1.5000 3.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_374 2.3750 1.5000 4.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_375 2.3750 1.5000 5.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_376 2.3750 1.5000 6.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_377 2.3750 1.5000 7.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_378 2.3750 1.5000 8.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_379 2.3750 1.5000 9.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_380 2.3750 1.5000 10.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_381 2.8750 1.5000 2.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_382 2.8750 1.5000 3.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_383 2.8750 1.5000 4.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_384 2.8750 1.5000 5.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_385 2.8750 1.5000 6.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_386 3.3750 1.5000 3.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_387 3.3750 1.5000 4.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_388 3.3750 1.5000 5.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_389 3.3750 1.5000 6.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_390 3.8750 1.5000 3.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_391 3.8750 1.5000 4.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_392 3.8750 1.5000 5.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 Mold Base Library 17 - 13 HA S CO P IN S 17 - 14 Instance Name S2 d_1 L Length d_3 f k d_4 ZI00_393 3.8750 1.5000 5.7500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_394 3.8750 1.5000 6.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_395 4.3750 1.5000 3.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_396 4.3750 1.5000 4.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_397 4.3750 1.5000 5.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_398 4.3750 1.5000 6.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_399 4.8750 1.5000 3.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_400 4.8750 1.5000 4.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_401 4.8750 1.5000 5.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_402 4.8750 1.5000 6.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_403 5.8750 1.5000 3.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_404 5.8750 1.5000 4.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_405 5.8750 1.5000 5.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 ZI00_406 5.8750 1.5000 6.2500 2.0000 0.5000 0.3120 2.1250 Mold Base Library H A S CO P IN S PIN, CATALOG NO. ZI03 Generic Part Name: ZI03 Instance Name s2 d_1 L k d_3 d_4 ZI03_010 0.8750 0.6880 1.2500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_011 0.8750 0.6880 1.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_012 0.8750 0.6880 2.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_013 0.8750 0.6880 3.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_014 0.8750 0.6880 4.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_015 1.3750 0.6880 1.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_016 1.3750 0.6880 2.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_017 1.3750 0.6880 3.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_018 1.3750 0.6880 4.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_019 1.3750 0.6880 5.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_020 1.3750 0.6880 6.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_021 1.3750 0.6880 7.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_022 1.3750 0.6880 8.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_023 1.3750 0.6880 9.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_024 1.8750 0.6880 1.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_025 1.8750 0.6880 2.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_026 1.8750 0.6880 3.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 Mold Base Library 17 - 15 HA S CO P IN S 17 - 16 Instance Name s2 d_1 L k d_3 d_4 ZI03_027 1.8750 0.6880 4.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_028 2.3750 0.6880 1.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_029 2.3750 0.6880 2.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_030 2.3750 0.6880 3.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_031 2.3750 0.6880 4.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_032 2.8750 0.6880 1.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_033 2.8750 0.6880 2.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_034 2.8750 0.6880 3.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_035 2.8750 0.6880 4.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_036 3.3750 0.6880 1.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_037 3.3750 0.6880 2.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_038 3.3750 0.6880 3.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_039 3.3750 0.6880 4.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_040 3.8750 0.6880 1.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_041 3.8750 0.6880 2.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_042 3.8750 0.6880 3.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_043 3.8750 0.6880 4.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_044 4.3750 0.6880 1.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_045 4.3750 0.6880 2.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_046 4.3750 0.6880 3.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_047 4.3750 0.6880 4.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_048 0.8750 0.7500 1.2500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_049 0.8750 0.7500 1.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_050 0.8750 0.7500 2.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_051 0.8750 0.7500 3.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_052 0.8750 0.7500 4.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_053 1.3750 0.7500 1.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_054 1.3750 0.7500 2.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_055 1.3750 0.7500 3.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_056 1.3750 0.7500 4.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 Mold Base Library H A S CO P IN S Instance Name s2 d_1 L k d_3 d_4 ZI03_057 1.3750 0.7500 5.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_058 1.3750 0.7500 6.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_059 1.3750 0.7500 7.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_060 1.3750 0.7500 8.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_061 1.3750 0.7500 9.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_062 1.8750 0.7500 1.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_063 1.8750 0.7500 2.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_064 1.8750 0.7500 3.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_065 1.8750 0.7500 4.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_066 2.3750 0.7500 1.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_067 2.3750 0.7500 2.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_068 2.3750 0.7500 3.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_069 2.3750 0.7500 4.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_070 2.8750 0.7500 1.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_071 2.8750 0.7500 2.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_072 2.8750 0.7500 3.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_073 2.8750 0.7500 4.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_074 3.3750 0.7500 1.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_075 3.3750 0.7500 2.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_076 3.3750 0.7500 3.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_077 3.3750 0.7500 4.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_078 3.8750 0.7500 1.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_079 3.8750 0.7500 2.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_080 3.8750 0.7500 3.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_081 3.8750 0.7500 4.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_082 4.3750 0.7500 1.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_083 4.3750 0.7500 2.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_084 4.3750 0.7500 3.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_085 4.3750 0.7500 4.7500 0.1880 1.0000 1.1250 ZI03_086 0.8750 0.9380 1.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 Mold Base Library 17 - 17 HA S CO P IN S 17 - 18 Instance Name s2 d_1 L k d_3 d_4 ZI03_087 0.8750 0.9380 1.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_088 0.8750 0.9380 2.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_089 0.8750 0.9380 3.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_090 0.8750 0.9380 4.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_091 0.8750 0.9380 5.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_092 0.8750 0.9380 6.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_093 1.3750 0.9380 1.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_094 1.3750 0.9380 1.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_095 1.3750 0.9380 2.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_096 1.3750 0.9380 3.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_097 1.3750 0.9380 4.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_098 1.3750 0.9380 5.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_099 1.3750 0.9380 6.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_100 1.3750 0.9380 8.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_101 1.3750 0.9380 9.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_102 1.3750 0.9380 10.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_103 1.8750 0.9380 1.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_104 1.8750 0.9380 2.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_105 1.8750 0.9380 3.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_106 1.8750 0.9380 4.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_107 1.8750 0.9380 5.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_108 1.8750 0.9380 6.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_109 1.8750 0.9380 6.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_110 1.8750 0.9380 7.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_111 1.8750 0.9380 8.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_112 1.8750 0.9380 9.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_113 1.8750 0.9380 10.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_114 2.3750 0.9380 1.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_115 2.3750 0.9380 2.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_116 2.3750 0.9380 3.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 Mold Base Library H A S CO P IN S Instance Name s2 d_1 L k d_3 d_4 ZI03_117 2.3750 0.9380 4.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_118 2.3750 0.9380 5.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_119 2.3750 0.9380 6.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_120 2.8750 0.9380 1.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_121 2.8750 0.9380 2.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_122 2.8750 0.9380 3.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_123 2.8750 0.9380 4.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_124 2.8750 0.9380 5.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_125 2.8750 0.9380 6.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_126 3.3750 0.9380 1.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_127 3.3750 0.9380 2.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_128 3.3750 0.9380 3.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_129 3.3750 0.9380 4.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_130 3.3750 0.9380 5.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_131 3.3750 0.9380 6.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_132 3.8750 0.9380 2.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_133 3.8750 0.9380 3.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_134 3.8750 0.9380 4.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_135 3.8750 0.9380 5.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_136 3.8750 0.9380 6.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_137 4.3750 0.9380 1.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_138 4.3750 0.9380 2.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_139 4.3750 0.9380 3.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_140 4.3750 0.9380 4.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_141 4.3750 0.9380 5.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_142 4.3750 0.9380 6.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_143 4.8750 0.9380 1.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_144 4.8750 0.9380 2.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_145 4.8750 0.9380 3.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_146 4.8750 0.9380 4.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 Mold Base Library 17 - 19 HA S CO P IN S 17 - 20 Instance Name s2 d_1 L k d_3 d_4 ZI03_147 4.8750 0.9380 5.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_148 4.8750 0.9380 6.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_149 5.8750 0.9380 1.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_150 5.8750 0.9380 2.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_151 5.8750 0.9380 3.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_152 5.8750 0.9380 4.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_153 5.8750 0.9380 5.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_154 5.8750 0.9380 6.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_155 0.8750 1.0000 1.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_156 0.8750 1.0000 1.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_157 0.8750 1.0000 2.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_158 0.8750 1.0000 3.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_159 0.8750 1.0000 4.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_160 0.8750 1.0000 5.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_161 0.8750 1.0000 6.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_162 1.3750 1.0000 1.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_163 1.3750 1.0000 1.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_164 1.3750 1.0000 2.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_165 1.3750 1.0000 3.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_166 1.3750 1.0000 4.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_167 1.3750 1.0000 5.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_168 1.3750 1.0000 6.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_169 1.3750 1.0000 8.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_170 1.3750 1.0000 9.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_171 1.3750 1.0000 10.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_172 1.8750 1.0000 1.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_173 1.8750 1.0000 2.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_174 1.8750 1.0000 3.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_175 1.8750 1.0000 4.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_176 1.8750 1.0000 5.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 Mold Base Library H A S CO P IN S Instance Name s2 d_1 L k d_3 d_4 ZI03_177 1.8750 1.0000 6.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_178 1.8750 1.0000 6.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_179 1.8750 1.0000 7.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_180 1.8750 1.0000 8.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_181 1.8750 1.0000 9.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_182 1.8750 1.0000 10.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_183 2.3750 1.0000 1.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_184 2.3750 1.0000 2.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_185 2.3750 1.0000 3.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_186 2.3750 1.0000 4.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_187 2.3750 1.0000 5.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_188 2.3750 1.0000 6.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_189 2.8750 1.0000 1.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_190 2.8750 1.0000 2.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_191 2.8750 1.0000 3.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_192 2.8750 1.0000 4.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_193 2.8750 1.0000 5.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_194 2.8750 1.0000 6.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_195 3.3750 1.0000 1.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_196 3.3750 1.0000 2.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_197 3.3750 1.0000 3.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_198 3.3750 1.0000 4.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_199 3.3750 1.0000 5.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_200 3.3750 1.0000 6.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_201 3.8750 1.0000 2.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_202 3.8750 1.0000 3.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_203 3.8750 1.0000 4.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_204 3.8750 1.0000 5.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_205 3.8750 1.0000 6.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_206 4.3750 1.0000 1.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 Mold Base Library 17 - 21 HA S CO P IN S 17 - 22 Instance Name s2 d_1 L k d_3 d_4 ZI03_207 4.3750 1.0000 2.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_208 4.3750 1.0000 3.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_209 4.3750 1.0000 4.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_210 4.3750 1.0000 5.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_211 4.3750 1.0000 6.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_212 4.8750 1.0000 1.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_213 4.8750 1.0000 2.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_214 4.8750 1.0000 3.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_215 4.8750 1.0000 4.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_216 4.8750 1.0000 5.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_217 4.8750 1.0000 6.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_218 5.8750 1.0000 1.7500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_219 5.8750 1.0000 2.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_220 5.8750 1.0000 3.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_221 5.8750 1.0000 4.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_222 5.8750 1.0000 5.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_223 5.8750 1.0000 6.2500 0.2500 1.2500 1.3750 ZI03_224 0.8750 1.1880 1.7500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_225 0.8750 1.1880 2.7500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_226 0.8750 1.1880 3.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_227 0.8750 1.1880 3.7500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_228 0.8750 1.1880 4.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_229 0.8750 1.1880 5.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_230 1.3750 1.1880 1.7500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_231 1.3750 1.1880 2.7500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_232 1.3750 1.1880 3.7500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_233 1.3750 1.1880 4.7500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_234 1.3750 1.1880 5.7500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_235 1.3750 1.1880 6.7500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_236 1.3750 1.1880 8.7500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 Mold Base Library H A S CO P IN S Instance Name s2 d_1 L k d_3 d_4 ZI03_237 1.3750 1.1880 9.7500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_238 1.8750 1.1880 1.7500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_239 1.8750 1.1880 2.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_240 1.8750 1.1880 3.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_241 1.8750 1.1880 4.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_242 1.8750 1.1880 5.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_243 1.8750 1.1880 6.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_244 1.8750 1.1880 6.7500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_245 1.8750 1.1880 7.7500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_246 1.8750 1.1880 8.7500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_247 1.8750 1.1880 9.7500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_248 1.8750 1.1880 10.7500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_250 2.3750 1.1880 2.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_251 2.3750 1.1880 3.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_252 2.3750 1.1880 4.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_253 2.3750 1.1880 5.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_254 2.3750 1.1880 6.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_256 2.8750 1.1880 2.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_257 2.8750 1.1880 3.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_258 2.8750 1.1880 4.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_259 2.8750 1.1880 5.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_260 2.8750 1.1880 6.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_262 3.3750 1.1880 2.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_263 3.3750 1.1880 3.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_264 3.3750 1.1880 4.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_265 3.3750 1.1880 5.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_266 3.3750 1.1880 6.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_268 3.8750 1.1880 3.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_269 3.8750 1.1880 4.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_270 3.8750 1.1880 5.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 Mold Base Library 17 - 23 HA S CO P IN S 17 - 24 Instance Name s2 d_1 L k d_3 d_4 ZI03_271 3.8750 1.1880 6.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_273 4.3750 1.1880 2.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_274 4.3750 1.1880 3.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_275 4.3750 1.1880 4.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_276 4.3750 1.1880 5.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_277 4.3750 1.1880 6.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_279 4.8750 1.1880 2.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_280 4.8750 1.1880 3.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_281 4.8750 1.1880 4.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_282 4.8750 1.1880 5.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_283 4.8750 1.1880 6.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_285 5.8750 1.1880 2.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_286 5.8750 1.1880 3.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_287 5.8750 1.1880 4.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_288 5.8750 1.1880 5.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_289 5.8750 1.1880 6.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_290 0.8750 1.2500 1.7500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_291 0.8750 1.2500 2.7500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_292 0.8750 1.2500 3.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_293 0.8750 1.2500 3.7500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_294 0.8750 1.2500 4.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_295 0.8750 1.2500 5.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_296 1.3750 1.2500 1.7500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_297 1.3750 1.2500 2.7500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_298 1.3750 1.2500 3.7500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_299 1.3750 1.2500 4.7500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_300 1.3750 1.2500 5.7500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_301 1.3750 1.2500 6.7500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_302 1.3750 1.2500 8.7500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_303 1.3750 1.2500 9.7500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 Mold Base Library H A S CO P IN S Instance Name s2 d_1 L k d_3 d_4 ZI03_304 1.8750 1.2500 1.7500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_305 1.8750 1.2500 2.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_306 1.8750 1.2500 3.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_307 1.8750 1.2500 4.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_308 1.8750 1.2500 5.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_309 1.8750 1.2500 6.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_310 1.8750 1.2500 6.7500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_311 1.8750 1.2500 7.7500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_312 1.8750 1.2500 8.7500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_313 1.8750 1.2500 9.7500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_314 1.8750 1.2500 10.7500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_315 2.3750 1.2500 2.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_316 2.3750 1.2500 3.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_317 2.3750 1.2500 4.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_318 2.3750 1.2500 5.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_319 2.3750 1.2500 6.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_320 2.8750 1.2500 2.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_321 2.8750 1.2500 3.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_322 2.8750 1.2500 4.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_323 2.8750 1.2500 5.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_324 2.8750 1.2500 6.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_325 3.3750 1.2500 2.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_326 3.3750 1.2500 3.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_327 3.3750 1.2500 4.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_328 3.3750 1.2500 5.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_329 3.3750 1.2500 6.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_330 3.8750 1.2500 3.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_331 3.8750 1.2500 4.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_332 3.8750 1.2500 5.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_333 3.8750 1.2500 6.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 Mold Base Library 17 - 25 HA S CO P IN S 17 - 26 Instance Name s2 d_1 L k d_3 d_4 ZI03_334 4.3750 1.2500 2.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_335 4.3750 1.2500 3.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_336 4.3750 1.2500 4.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_337 4.3750 1.2500 5.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_338 4.3750 1.2500 6.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_339 4.8750 1.2500 2.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_340 4.8750 1.2500 3.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_341 4.8750 1.2500 4.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_342 4.8750 1.2500 5.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_343 4.8750 1.2500 6.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_344 5.8750 1.2500 2.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_345 5.8750 1.2500 3.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_346 5.8750 1.2500 4.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_347 5.8750 1.2500 5.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_348 5.8750 1.2500 6.2500 0.3120 1.5000 1.6250 ZI03_349 1.3750 1.4380 1.7500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_350 1.3750 1.4380 2.7500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_351 1.3750 1.4380 3.7500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_352 1.3750 1.4380 4.7500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_353 1.3750 1.4380 5.7500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_354 1.3750 1.4380 6.7500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_355 1.3750 1.4380 8.7500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_356 1.8750 1.4380 2.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_357 1.8750 1.4380 3.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_358 1.8750 1.4380 4.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_359 1.8750 1.4380 5.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_360 1.8750 1.4380 6.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_361 1.8750 1.4380 7.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_362 1.8750 1.4380 8.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_363 1.8750 1.4380 9.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 Mold Base Library H A S CO P IN S Instance Name s2 d_1 L k d_3 d_4 ZI03_364 1.8750 1.4380 10.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_365 2.3750 1.4380 2.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_366 2.3750 1.4380 3.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_367 2.3750 1.4380 4.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_368 2.3750 1.4380 5.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_369 2.3750 1.4380 6.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_370 2.3750 1.4380 7.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_371 2.3750 1.4380 8.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_372 2.3750 1.4380 9.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_373 2.3750 1.4380 10.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_374 2.8750 1.4380 2.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_375 2.8750 1.4380 3.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_376 2.8750 1.4380 4.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_377 2.8750 1.4380 5.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_378 2.8750 1.4380 6.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_379 3.3750 1.4380 3.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_380 3.3750 1.4380 4.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_381 3.3750 1.4380 5.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_382 3.3750 1.4380 6.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_383 3.8750 1.4380 3.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_384 3.8750 1.4380 4.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_385 3.8750 1.4380 5.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_386 3.8750 1.4380 5.7500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_387 3.8750 1.4380 6.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_388 4.3750 1.4380 3.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_389 4.3750 1.4380 4.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_390 4.3750 1.4380 5.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_391 4.3750 1.4380 6.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_392 4.8750 1.4380 3.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_393 4.8750 1.4380 4.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 Mold Base Library 17 - 27 HA S CO P IN S 17 - 28 Instance Name s2 d_1 L k d_3 d_4 ZI03_394 4.8750 1.4380 5.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_395 4.8750 1.4380 6.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_396 5.8750 1.4380 3.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_397 5.8750 1.4380 4.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_398 5.8750 1.4380 5.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_399 5.8750 1.4380 6.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_400 1.3750 1.5000 1.7500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_401 1.3750 1.5000 2.7500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_402 1.3750 1.5000 3.7500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_403 1.3750 1.5000 4.7500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_404 1.3750 1.5000 5.7500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_405 1.3750 1.5000 6.7500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_406 1.3750 1.5000 8.7500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_407 1.8750 1.5000 2.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_408 1.8750 1.5000 3.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_409 1.8750 1.5000 4.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_410 1.8750 1.5000 5.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_411 1.8750 1.5000 6.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_412 1.8750 1.5000 7.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_413 1.8750 1.5000 8.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_414 1.8750 1.5000 9.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_415 1.8750 1.5000 10.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_416 2.3750 1.5000 2.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_417 2.3750 1.5000 3.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_418 2.3750 1.5000 4.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_419 2.3750 1.5000 5.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_420 2.3750 1.5000 6.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_421 2.3750 1.5000 7.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_422 2.3750 1.5000 8.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_423 2.3750 1.5000 9.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 Mold Base Library H A S CO P IN S Instance Name s2 d_1 L k d_3 d_4 ZI03_424 2.3750 1.5000 10.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_425 2.8750 1.5000 2.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_426 2.8750 1.5000 3.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_427 2.8750 1.5000 4.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_428 2.8750 1.5000 5.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_429 2.8750 1.5000 6.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_430 3.3750 1.5000 3.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_431 3.3750 1.5000 4.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_432 3.3750 1.5000 5.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_433 3.3750 1.5000 6.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_434 3.8750 1.5000 3.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_435 3.8750 1.5000 4.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_436 3.8750 1.5000 5.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_437 3.8750 1.5000 5.7500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_438 3.8750 1.5000 6.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_439 4.3750 1.5000 3.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_440 4.3750 1.5000 4.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_441 4.3750 1.5000 5.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_442 4.3750 1.5000 6.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_443 4.8750 1.5000 3.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_444 4.8750 1.5000 4.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_445 4.8750 1.5000 5.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_446 4.8750 1.5000 6.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_447 5.8750 1.5000 3.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_448 5.8750 1.5000 4.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_449 5.8750 1.5000 5.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 ZI03_450 5.8750 1.5000 6.2500 0.3120 2.0000 2.1250 Mold Base Library 17 - 29 HA S CO P IN S PIN, CATALOG NO. ZI41 Generic Part Name: ZI41 17 - 30 Instance Name d_1 L d_2 k ZI41_001 0.0620 6.0000 0.2500 0.1250 ZI41_002 0.0940 6.0000 0.2500 0.1250 ZI41_003 0.0940 10.0000 0.2500 0.1250 ZI41_004 0.1250 6.0000 0.2500 0.1250 ZI41_005 0.1250 10.0000 0.2500 0.1250 ZI41_006 0.1250 14.0000 0.2500 0.1250 ZI41_007 0.1410 6.0000 0.2500 0.1250 ZI41_008 0.1410 10.0000 0.2500 0.1250 ZI41_009 0.1410 14.0000 0.2500 0.1250 ZI41_010 0.1560 6.0000 0.2810 0.1560 ZI41_011 0.1560 10.0000 0.2810 0.1560 ZI41_012 0.1560 14.0000 0.2810 0.1560 ZI41_013 0.1560 18.0000 0.2810 0.1560 ZI41_014 0.1560 25.0000 0.2810 0.1560 ZI41_015 0.1720 10.0000 0.3440 0.1880 ZI41_016 0.1720 14.0000 0.3440 0.1880 ZI41_017 0.1880 6.0000 0.3750 0.1880 ZI41_018 0.1880 10.0000 0.3750 0.1880 ZI41_019 0.1880 14.0000 0.3750 0.1880 ZI41_020 0.1880 18.0000 0.3750 0.1880 Mold Base Library H A S CO P IN S Mold Base Library Instance Name d_1 L d_2 k ZI41_021 0.1880 25.0000 0.3750 0.1880 ZI41_022 0.2030 6.0000 0.3750 0.1880 ZI41_023 0.2030 10.0000 0.3750 0.1880 ZI41_024 0.2030 14.0000 0.3750 0.1880 ZI41_025 0.2190 6.0000 0.4060 0.1880 ZI41_026 0.2190 10.0000 0.4060 0.1880 ZI41_027 0.2190 14.0000 0.4060 0.1880 ZI41_028 0.2190 18.0000 0.4060 0.1880 ZI41_029 0.2190 25.0000 0.4060 0.1880 ZI41_030 0.2340 6.0000 0.4060 0.1880 ZI41_031 0.2340 10.0000 0.4060 0.1880 ZI41_032 0.2340 14.0000 0.4060 0.1880 ZI41_033 0.2500 6.0000 0.4380 0.1880 ZI41_034 0.2500 10.0000 0.4380 0.1880 ZI41_035 0.2500 14.0000 0.4380 0.1880 ZI41_036 0.2500 18.0000 0.4380 0.1880 ZI41_037 0.2500 25.0000 0.4380 0.1880 ZI41_038 0.2500 35.0000 0.4380 0.1880 ZI41_039 0.2660 10.0000 0.4380 0.2500 ZI41_040 0.2660 14.0000 0.4380 0.2500 ZI41_041 0.2660 18.0000 0.4380 0.2500 ZI41_042 0.2660 25.0000 0.4380 0.2500 ZI41_043 0.2810 10.0000 0.4380 0.2500 ZI41_044 0.2810 14.0000 0.4380 0.2500 ZI41_045 0.2810 18.0000 0.4380 0.2500 ZI41_046 0.2970 10.0000 0.5000 0.2500 ZI41_047 0.2970 14.0000 0.5000 0.2500 ZI41_048 0.3120 6.0000 0.5000 0.2500 ZI41_049 0.3120 10.0000 0.5000 0.2500 ZI41_050 0.3120 14.0000 0.5000 0.2500 17 - 31 HA S CO P IN S 17 - 32 Instance Name d_1 L d_2 k ZI41_051 0.3120 18.0000 0.5000 0.2500 ZI41_052 0.3440 10.0000 0.5620 0.2500 ZI41_053 0.3440 14.0000 0.5620 0.2500 ZI41_054 0.3440 18.0000 0.5620 0.2500 ZI41_055 0.3440 25.0000 0.5620 0.2500 ZI41_056 0.3590 10.0000 0.6250 0.2500 ZI41_057 0.3590 14.0000 0.6250 0.2500 ZI41_058 0.3750 6.0000 0.6250 0.2500 ZI41_059 0.3750 10.0000 0.6250 0.2500 ZI41_060 0.3750 14.0000 0.6250 0.2500 ZI41_061 0.3750 18.0000 0.6250 0.2500 ZI41_062 0.4060 10.0000 0.6880 0.2500 ZI41_063 0.4060 14.0000 0.6880 0.2500 ZI41_064 0.4060 18.0000 0.6880 0.2500 ZI41_065 0.4060 25.0000 0.6880 0.2500 ZI41_066 0.4380 10.0000 0.6880 0.2500 ZI41_067 0.4380 14.0000 0.6880 0.2500 ZI41_068 0.4380 18.0000 0.6880 0.2500 ZI41_069 0.4380 25.0000 0.6880 0.2500 ZI41_070 0.5000 6.0000 0.7500 0.2500 ZI41_071 0.5000 10.0000 0.7500 0.2500 ZI41_072 0.5000 14.0000 0.7500 0.2500 ZI41_073 0.5000 18.0000 0.7500 0.2500 ZI41_074 0.5000 25.0000 0.7500 0.2500 ZI41_075 0.6250 6.0000 0.8750 0.2500 ZI41_076 0.6250 10.0000 0.8750 0.2500 ZI41_077 0.6250 14.0000 0.8750 0.2500 ZI41_078 0.6250 18.0000 0.8750 0.2500 ZI41_079 0.6250 25.0000 0.8750 0.2500 ZI41_080 0.6250 35.0000 0.8750 0.2500 Mold Base Library H A S CO P IN S Mold Base Library Instance Name d_1 L d_2 k ZI41_081 0.7500 6.0000 1.0000 0.2500 ZI41_082 0.7500 10.0000 1.0000 0.2500 ZI41_083 0.7500 14.0000 1.0000 0.2500 ZI41_084 0.7500 18.0000 1.0000 0.2500 ZI41_085 0.7500 25.0000 1.0000 0.2500 ZI41_086 0.8750 6.0000 1.1250 0.2500 ZI41_087 0.8750 10.0000 1.1250 0.2500 ZI41_088 0.8750 14.0000 1.1250 0.2500 ZI41_089 0.8750 18.0000 1.1250 0.2500 ZI41_090 0.8750 25.0000 1.1250 0.2500 ZI41_091 1.0000 6.0000 1.2500 0.2500 ZI41_092 1.0000 10.0000 1.2500 0.2500 ZI41_093 1.0000 14.0000 1.2500 0.2500 17 - 33 HA S CO P IN S PIN, CATALOG NO. ZI551 Generic Part Name: ZI551 17 - 34 Instance Name head_height ZI551_1 0.1250 ZI551_2 0.1875 Mold Base Library 13 HASCO SPRUE BUSHINGS SPRUE BUSHING, CATALOG NO. ZI512 Generic Part Name: ZI512 Mold Base Library Instance Name d_2 L d R ZI512_010 1.00 1.3750 0.1560 0.50 ZI512_011 1.00 1.8750 0.1560 0.50 ZI512_012 1.00 2.3750 0.1560 0.50 ZI512_013 1.00 2.8750 0.1560 0.50 ZI512_014 1.00 3.3750 0.1560 0.50 ZI512_015 1.00 1.3750 0.2190 0.50 ZI512_016 1.00 1.8750 0.2190 0.50 ZI512_017 1.00 2.3750 0.2190 0.50 ZI512_018 1.00 2.8750 0.2190 0.50 ZI512_019 1.00 3.3750 0.2190 0.50 ZI512_020 1.00 3.8750 0.2190 0.50 ZI512_021 1.00 4.3750 0.2190 0.50 ZI512_022 1.00 4.8750 0.2190 0.50 ZI512_023 1.00 5.3750 0.2190 0.50 ZI512_024 1.00 6.3750 0.2190 0.50 18 - 1 HA SC O S P RU E BU S H IN G S 18 - 2 Instance Name d_2 L d R ZI512_025 1.00 1.3750 0.2810 0.50 ZI512_026 1.00 1.8750 0.2810 0.50 ZI512_027 1.00 2.3750 0.2810 0.50 ZI512_028 1.00 2.8750 0.2810 0.50 ZI512_029 1.00 3.3750 0.2810 0.50 ZI512_030 1.00 3.8750 0.2810 0.50 ZI512_031 1.00 4.3750 0.2810 0.50 ZI512_032 1.00 4.8750 0.2810 0.50 ZI512_033 1.00 5.3750 0.2810 0.50 ZI512_034 1.00 6.3750 0.2810 0.50 ZI512_035 1.00 1.8750 0.3440 0.50 ZI512_036 1.00 2.3750 0.3440 0.50 ZI512_037 1.00 2.8750 0.3440 0.50 ZI512_038 1.00 3.3750 0.3440 0.50 ZI512_039 1.00 3.8750 0.3440 0.50 ZI512_040 1.00 4.3750 0.3440 0.50 ZI512_041 1.00 4.8750 0.3440 0.50 ZI512_042 1.00 5.3750 0.3440 0.50 ZI512_043 1.00 1.3750 0.1560 0.75 ZI512_044 1.00 1.8750 0.1560 0.75 ZI512_045 1.00 2.3750 0.1560 0.75 ZI512_046 1.00 2.8750 0.1560 0.75 ZI512_047 1.00 3.3750 0.1560 0.75 ZI512_048 1.00 1.3750 0.2190 0.75 ZI512_049 1.00 1.8750 0.2190 0.75 ZI512_050 1.00 2.3750 0.2190 0.75 ZI512_051 1.00 2.8750 0.2190 0.75 ZI512_052 1.00 3.3750 0.2190 0.75 ZI512_053 1.00 3.8750 0.2190 0.75 ZI512_054 1.00 4.3750 0.2190 0.75 Mold Base Library HA SCO S P RU E BU S H IN G S Mold Base Library Instance Name d_2 L d R ZI512_055 1.00 4.8750 0.2190 0.75 ZI512_056 1.00 5.3750 0.2190 0.75 ZI512_057 1.00 6.3750 0.2190 0.75 ZI512_058 1.00 1.3750 0.2810 0.75 ZI512_059 1.00 1.8750 0.2810 0.75 ZI512_060 1.00 2.3750 0.2810 0.75 ZI512_061 1.00 2.8750 0.2810 0.75 ZI512_062 1.00 3.3750 0.2810 0.75 ZI512_063 1.00 3.8750 0.2810 0.75 ZI512_064 1.00 4.3750 0.2810 0.75 ZI512_065 1.00 4.8750 0.2810 0.75 ZI512_066 1.00 5.3750 0.2810 0.75 ZI512_067 1.00 6.3750 0.2810 0.75 ZI512_068 1.00 1.8750 0.3440 0.75 ZI512_069 1.00 2.3750 0.3440 0.75 ZI512_070 1.00 2.8750 0.3440 0.75 ZI512_071 1.00 3.3750 0.3440 0.75 ZI512_072 1.00 3.8750 0.3440 0.75 ZI512_073 1.00 4.3750 0.3440 0.75 ZI512_074 1.00 4.8750 0.3440 0.75 ZI512_075 1.00 5.3750 0.3440 0.75 18 - 3 HA SC O S P RU E BU S H IN G S SPRUE BUSHING, CATALOG NO. ZI513 Generic Part Name: ZI513 18 - 4 Instance Name d_2 L d R ZI513_010 0.7500 1.6250 0.1560 0.50 ZI513_011 0.7500 2.1250 0.1560 0.50 ZI513_012 0.7500 2.6250 0.1560 0.50 ZI513_013 0.7500 3.1250 0.1560 0.50 ZI513_014 0.7500 3.6250 0.1560 0.50 ZI513_015 0.7500 4.1250 0.1560 0.50 ZI513_016 0.7500 4.6250 0.1560 0.50 ZI513_017 0.7500 5.1250 0.1560 0.50 ZI513_018 0.7500 1.6250 0.2190 0.50 ZI513_019 0.7500 2.1250 0.2190 0.50 ZI513_020 0.7500 2.6250 0.2190 0.50 ZI513_021 0.7500 3.1250 0.2190 0.50 ZI513_022 0.7500 3.6250 0.2190 0.50 ZI513_023 0.7500 4.1250 0.2190 0.50 ZI513_024 0.7500 4.6250 0.2190 0.50 ZI513_025 0.7500 5.1250 0.2190 0.50 ZI513_026 1.0000 1.6250 0.1560 0.50 Mold Base Library HA SCO S P RU E BU S H IN G S Mold Base Library Instance Name d_2 L d R ZI513_027 1.0000 2.1250 0.1560 0.50 ZI513_028 1.0000 2.6250 0.1560 0.50 ZI513_029 1.0000 3.1250 0.1560 0.50 ZI513_030 1.0000 3.6250 0.1560 0.50 ZI513_031 1.0000 4.1250 0.1560 0.50 ZI513_032 1.0000 1.6250 0.2190 0.50 ZI513_033 1.0000 2.1250 0.2190 0.50 ZI513_034 1.0000 2.6250 0.2190 0.50 ZI513_035 1.0000 3.1250 0.2190 0.50 ZI513_036 1.0000 3.6250 0.2190 0.50 ZI513_037 1.0000 4.1250 0.2190 0.50 ZI513_038 1.0000 1.6250 0.2810 0.50 ZI513_039 1.0000 2.1250 0.2810 0.50 ZI513_040 1.0000 2.6250 0.2810 0.50 ZI513_041 1.0000 3.1250 0.2810 0.50 ZI513_042 1.0000 3.6250 0.2810 0.50 ZI513_043 1.0000 4.1250 0.2810 0.50 ZI513_044 0.7500 1.6250 0.1560 0.75 ZI513_045 0.7500 2.1250 0.1560 0.75 ZI513_046 0.7500 2.6250 0.1560 0.75 ZI513_047 0.7500 3.1250 0.1560 0.75 ZI513_048 0.7500 3.6250 0.1560 0.75 ZI513_049 0.7500 4.1250 0.1560 0.75 ZI513_050 0.7500 4.6250 0.1560 0.75 ZI513_051 0.7500 5.1250 0.1560 0.75 ZI513_052 0.7500 1.6250 0.2190 0.75 ZI513_053 0.7500 2.1250 0.2190 0.75 ZI513_054 0.7500 2.6250 0.2190 0.75 ZI513_055 0.7500 3.1250 0.2190 0.75 ZI513_056 0.7500 3.6250 0.2190 0.75 18 - 5 HA SC O S P RU E BU S H IN G S 18 - 6 Instance Name d_2 L d R ZI513_057 0.7500 4.1250 0.2190 0.75 ZI513_058 0.7500 4.6250 0.2190 0.75 ZI513_059 0.7500 5.1250 0.2190 0.75 ZI513_060 1.0000 1.6250 0.1560 0.75 ZI513_061 1.0000 2.1250 0.1560 0.75 ZI513_062 1.0000 2.6250 0.1560 0.75 ZI513_063 1.0000 3.1250 0.1560 0.75 ZI513_064 1.0000 3.6250 0.1560 0.75 ZI513_065 1.0000 4.1250 0.1560 0.75 ZI513_066 1.0000 1.6250 0.2190 0.75 ZI513_067 1.0000 2.1250 0.2190 0.75 ZI513_068 1.0000 2.6250 0.2190 0.75 ZI513_069 1.0000 3.1250 0.2190 0.75 ZI513_070 1.0000 3.6250 0.2190 0.75 ZI513_071 1.0000 4.1250 0.2190 0.75 ZI513_072 1.0000 1.6250 0.2810 0.75 ZI513_073 1.0000 2.1250 0.2810 0.75 ZI513_074 1.0000 2.6250 0.2810 0.75 ZI513_075 1.0000 3.1250 0.2810 0.75 ZI513_076 1.0000 3.6250 0.2810 0.75 ZI513_077 1.0000 4.1250 0.2810 0.75 Mold Base Library 13 HASCO SCREWS SCREW, CATALOG NO. ZI31 Generic Part Name: ZI31 Instance Name BASIC DIA thread_dia D k SW b L ZI31_01 #6-32 0.1380 0.2260 0.1380 0.1110 .19-.94 1/4 to 1 ZI31_02 #8-32 0.1640 0.2700 0.1640 0.1430 .19-.87 1/4 to 1-1/2 ZI31_03 #10-24 0.1900 0.3120 0.1900 0.1590 .29-.87 3/8 to 2 ZI31_04 1/4-20 0.2500 0.3750 0.2500 0.1900 .28-1.00 3/8 to 3 ZI31_05 5/16-18 0.3120 0.4690 0.3120 0.2530 .26-1.13 3/8 to 3-1/2 ZI31_06 3/8-16 0.3750 0.5620 0.3750 0.3160 .38-1.25 1/2 to 6 ZI31_07 1/2-13 0.5000 0.7500 0.5000 0.3790 .35-1.50 1/2 to 12 ZI31_08 5/8-11 0.6250 0.9380 0.6250 0.5050 .82-1.75 1 to 12 Mold Base Library 19 - 1 H AS CO S CREWS SCREW, CATALOG NO. ZI33 Generic Part Name: ZI33 19 - 2 Instance Name thread_ dia D Head Diameter k Head Height SW L Total Length b Thread Length ZI33_0101 0.1120 0.2180 0.0820 0.0630 0.3750 0.2400 ZI33_0102 0.1120 0.2180 0.0820 0.0630 0.5000 0.3700 ZI33_0103 0.1120 0.2180 0.0820 0.0630 0.6250 0.4900 ZI33_0201 0.1250 0.2400 0.0900 0.0780 0.3750 0.2400 ZI33_0202 0.1250 0.2400 0.0900 0.0780 0.5000 0.3600 ZI33_0203 0.1250 0.2400 0.0900 0.0780 0.6250 0.4900 ZI33_0301 0.1380 0.2630 0.0970 0.0780 0.3750 0.2200 ZI33_0302 0.1380 0.2630 0.0970 0.0780 0.5000 0.3400 ZI33_0303 0.1380 0.2630 0.0970 0.0780 0.6250 0.4700 ZI33_0401 0.1640 0.3110 0.1120 0.0940 0.3750 0.2000 ZI33_0402 0.1640 0.3110 0.1120 0.0940 0.5000 0.3300 ZI33_0403 0.1640 0.3110 0.1120 0.0940 0.6250 0.4500 ZI33_0404 0.1640 0.3110 0.1120 0.0940 0.7500 0.5800 ZI33_0501 0.2500 0.4800 0.1620 0.1560 0.5000 0.2400 ZI33_0502 0.2500 0.4800 0.1620 0.1560 0.6250 0.3600 ZI33_0503 0.2500 0.4800 0.1620 0.1560 0.7500 0.4900 ZI33_0504 0.2500 0.4800 0.1620 0.1560 1.0000 0.7400 Mold Base Library H A S CO S CREWS Instance Name thread_ dia D Head Diameter k Head Height SW L Total Length b Thread Length ZI33_0601 0.3120 0.6000 0.1980 0.1880 0.5000 0.1900 ZI33_0602 0.3120 0.6000 0.1980 0.1880 0.7500 0.4400 ZI33_0603 0.3120 0.6000 0.1980 0.1880 0.8750 0.5700 ZI33_0604 0.3120 0.6000 0.1980 0.1880 1.0000 0.6900 ZI33_0701 0.3750 0.7200 0.2340 0.2190 0.7500 0.3900 ZI33_0702 0.3750 0.7200 0.2340 0.2190 1.0000 0.6400 ZI33_0703 0.3750 0.7200 0.2340 0.2190 1.2500 0.8900 ZI33_0801 0.5000 0.8720 0.2510 0.3130 0.7500 0.3500 ZI33_0802 0.5000 0.8720 0.2510 0.3130 1.0000 0.6000 ZI33_0803 0.5000 0.8720 0.2510 0.3130 1.2500 0.8500 ZI33_0804 0.5000 0.8720 0.2510 0.3130 1.5000 1.1000 ZI33_0901 0.6250 1.1120 0.3240 0.3750 1.2500 0.7400 ZI33_0902 0.6250 1.1120 0.3240 0.3750 1.5000 1.0000 ZI33_0903 0.6250 1.1120 0.3240 0.3750 2.0000 1.5000 ZI33_1001 0.7500 1.3550 0.3960 0.5000 1.5000 0.9000 ZI33_1002 0.7500 1.3550 0.3960 0.5000 2.0000 1.4000 ZI33_1003 0.7500 1.3550 0.3960 0.5000 2.5000 1.9000 Mold Base Library 19 - 3 H AS CO S CREWS SCREW, CATALOG NO. ZI35 Generic Part Name: ZI35 19 - 4 Instance Name thread_dia L SW ZI35_0101 0.1120 0.1250 0.0500 ZI35_0102 0.1120 0.1880 0.0500 ZI35_0103 0.1120 0.2500 0.0500 ZI35_0201 0.1250 0.1880 0.0630 ZI35_0301 0.1380 0.2500 0.0630 ZI35_0302 0.1380 0.3750 0.0630 ZI35_0303 0.1380 0.5000 0.0630 ZI35_0401 0.1640 0.2500 0.0780 ZI35_0402 0.1640 0.5000 0.0780 ZI35_0501 0.1900 0.2500 0.0940 ZI35_0502 0.1900 0.3750 0.0940 ZI35_0503 0.1900 0.5000 0.0940 ZI35_0601 0.2500 0.2500 0.1250 ZI35_0602 0.2500 0.3750 0.1250 ZI35_0701 0.3120 0.5000 0.1560 ZI35_0801 0.3750 0.5000 0.1880 ZI35_0802 0.3750 0.7500 0.1880 ZI35_0901 0.5000 0.7500 0.2500 Mold Base Library H A S CO S CREWS SCREW, CATALOG NO. ZI38 Generic Part Name: ZI38 Instance Name D_1 Body Dia. L thread_ dia Threads Per Inch B D k SW ZI38-0101 0.2500 0.5000 0.1900 24.0000 0.3750 0.3750 0.1880 0.1250 ZI38_0102 0.2500 0.7500 0.1900 24.0000 0.3750 0.3750 0.1880 0.1250 ZI38_0103 0.2500 1.0000 0.1900 24.0000 0.3750 0.3750 0.1880 0.1250 ZI38-0104 0.2500 1.2500 0.1900 24.0000 0.3750 0.3750 0.1880 0.1250 ZI38_0105 0.2500 1.5000 0.1900 24.0000 0.3750 0.3750 0.1880 0.1250 ZI38-0201 0.3120 0.5000 0.2500 20.0000 0.4380 0.4380 0.2190 0.1560 ZI38_0202 0.3120 0.7500 0.2500 20.0000 0.4380 0.4380 0.2190 0.1560 ZI38_0203 0.3120 1.0000 0.2500 20.0000 0.4380 0.4380 0.2190 0.1560 ZI38-0204 0.3120 1.2500 0.2500 20.0000 0.4380 0.4380 0.2190 0.1560 ZI38_0205 0.3120 1.5000 0.2500 20.0000 0.4380 0.4380 0.2190 0.1560 ZI38-0206 0.3120 1.7500 0.2500 20.0000 0.4380 0.4380 0.2190 0.1560 ZI38-0207 0.3120 2.0000 0.2500 20.0000 0.4380 0.4380 0.2190 0.1560 ZI38-0301 0.3750 1.0000 0.3120 18.0000 0.5000 0.5620 0.2500 0.1880 ZI38_0302 0.3750 1.2500 0.3120 18.0000 0.5000 0.5620 0.2500 0.1880 ZI38_0303 0.3750 1.5000 0.3120 18.0000 0.5000 0.5620 0.2500 0.1880 ZI38-0304 0.3750 1.7500 0.3120 18.0000 0.5000 0.5620 0.2500 0.1880 ZI38_0305 0.3750 2.0000 0.3120 18.0000 0.5000 0.5620 0.2500 0.1880 ZI38-0306 0.3750 2.2500 0.3120 18.0000 0.5000 0.5620 0.2500 0.1880 Mold Base Library 19 - 5 H AS CO S CREWS Instance Name D_1 Body Dia. L thread_ dia Threads Per Inch B D k SW ZI38-0307 0.3750 2.5000 0.3120 18.0000 0.5000 0.5620 0.2500 0.1880 ZI38_0308 0.3750 2.7500 0.3120 18.0000 0.5000 0.5620 0.2500 0.1880 ZI38-0309 0.3750 3.0000 0.3120 18.0000 0.5000 0.5620 0.2500 0.1880 ZI38-0310 0.3750 3.2500 0.3120 18.0000 0.5000 0.5620 0.2500 0.1880 ZI38-0311 0.3750 3.5000 0.3120 18.0000 0.5000 0.5620 0.2500 0.1880 ZI38_0312 0.3750 3.7500 0.3120 18.0000 0.5000 0.5620 0.2500 0.1880 ZI38_0313 0.3750 4.0000 0.3120 18.0000 0.5000 0.5620 0.2500 0.1880 ZI38-0401 0.5000 1.0000 0.3750 16.0000 0.6250 0.7500 0.3120 0.2500 ZI38_0402 0.5000 1.2500 0.3750 16.0000 0.6250 0.7500 0.3120 0.2500 ZI38_0403 0.5000 1.5000 0.3750 16.0000 0.6250 0.7500 0.3120 0.2500 ZI38-0404 0.5000 1.7500 0.3750 16.0000 0.6250 0.7500 0.3120 0.2500 ZI38_0405 0.5000 2.0000 0.3750 16.0000 0.6250 0.7500 0.3120 0.2500 ZI38-0406 0.5000 2.2500 0.3750 16.0000 0.6250 0.7500 0.3120 0.2500 ZI38-0407 0.5000 2.5000 0.3750 16.0000 0.6250 0.7500 0.3120 0.2500 ZI38_0408 0.5000 2.7500 0.3750 16.0000 0.6250 0.7500 0.3120 0.2500 ZI38-0409 0.5000 3.0000 0.3750 16.0000 0.6250 0.7500 0.3120 0.2500 ZI38-0410 0.5000 3.2500 0.3750 16.0000 0.6250 0.7500 0.3120 0.2500 ZI38-0411 0.5000 3.5000 0.3750 16.0000 0.6250 0.7500 0.3120 0.2500 ZI38_0412 0.5000 3.7500 0.3750 16.0000 0.6250 0.7500 0.3120 0.2500 ZI38_0413 0.5000 4.0000 0.3750 16.0000 0.6250 0.7500 0.3120 0.2500 ZI38-0414 0.5000 4.2500 0.3750 16.0000 0.6250 0.7500 0.3120 0.2500 ZI38_0415 0.5000 4.5000 0.3750 16.0000 0.6250 0.7500 0.3120 0.2500 ZI38-0416 0.5000 4.7500 0.3750 16.0000 0.6250 0.7500 0.3120 0.2500 ZI38-0417 0.5000 5.0000 0.3750 16.0000 0.6250 0.7500 0.3120 0.2500 ZI38-0501 0.6250 1.0000 0.5000 13.0000 0.7500 0.8750 0.3750 0.3120 ZI38_0502 0.6250 1.2500 0.5000 13.0000 0.7500 0.8750 0.3750 0.3120 ZI38_0503 0.6250 1.5000 0.5000 13.0000 0.7500 0.8750 0.3750 0.3120 ZI38-0504 0.6250 1.7500 0.5000 13.0000 0.7500 0.8750 0.3750 0.3120 ZI38_0505 0.6250 2.0000 0.5000 13.0000 0.7500 0.8750 0.3750 0.3120 ZI38-0506 0.6250 2.2500 0.5000 13.0000 0.7500 0.8750 0.3750 0.3120 19 - 6 Mold Base Library H A S CO S CREWS Instance Name D_1 Body Dia. L thread_ dia Threads Per Inch B D k SW ZI38-0507 0.6250 2.5000 0.5000 13.0000 0.7500 0.8750 0.3750 0.3120 ZI38_0508 0.6250 2.7500 0.5000 13.0000 0.7500 0.8750 0.3750 0.3120 ZI38-0509 0.6250 3.0000 0.5000 13.0000 0.7500 0.8750 0.3750 0.3120 ZI38-0510 0.6250 3.2500 0.5000 13.0000 0.7500 0.8750 0.3750 0.3120 ZI38-0511 0.6250 3.5000 0.5000 13.0000 0.7500 0.8750 0.3750 0.3120 ZI38_0512 0.6250 3.7500 0.5000 13.0000 0.7500 0.8750 0.3750 0.3120 ZI38_0513 0.6250 4.0000 0.5000 13.0000 0.7500 0.8750 0.3750 0.3120 ZI38-0514 0.6250 4.2500 0.5000 13.0000 0.7500 0.8750 0.3750 0.3120 ZI38_0515 0.6250 4.5000 0.5000 13.0000 0.7500 0.8750 0.3750 0.3120 ZI38-0516 0.6250 4.7500 0.5000 13.0000 0.7500 0.8750 0.3750 0.3120 ZI38-0517 0.6250 5.0000 0.5000 13.0000 0.7500 0.8750 0.3750 0.3120 ZI38_0518 0.6250 5.5000 0.5000 13.0000 0.7500 0.8750 0.3750 0.3120 ZI38-0519 0.6250 6.0000 0.5000 13.0000 0.7500 0.8750 0.3750 0.3120 ZI38-0601 0.7500 1.2500 0.6250 11.0000 0.8750 1.0000 0.5000 0.3750 ZI38_0602 0.7500 1.5000 0.6250 11.0000 0.8750 1.0000 0.5000 0.3750 ZI38_0603 0.7500 1.7500 0.6250 11.0000 0.8750 1.0000 0.5000 0.3750 ZI38-0604 0.7500 2.0000 0.6250 11.0000 0.8750 1.0000 0.5000 0.3750 ZI38_0605 0.7500 2.2500 0.6250 11.0000 0.8750 1.0000 0.5000 0.3750 ZI38-0606 0.7500 2.5000 0.6250 11.0000 0.8750 1.0000 0.5000 0.3750 ZI38-0607 0.7500 2.7500 0.6250 11.0000 0.8750 1.0000 0.5000 0.3750 ZI38_0608 0.7500 3.0000 0.6250 11.0000 0.8750 1.0000 0.5000 0.3750 ZI38-0609 0.7500 3.2500 0.6250 11.0000 0.8750 1.0000 0.5000 0.3750 ZI38-0610 0.7500 3.5000 0.6250 11.0000 0.8750 1.0000 0.5000 0.3750 ZI38-0611 0.7500 3.7500 0.6250 11.0000 0.8750 1.0000 0.5000 0.3750 ZI38_0612 0.7500 4.0000 0.6250 11.0000 0.8750 1.0000 0.5000 0.3750 ZI38_0613 0.7500 4.2500 0.6250 11.0000 0.8750 1.0000 0.5000 0.3750 ZI38-0614 0.7500 4.5000 0.6250 11.0000 0.8750 1.0000 0.5000 0.3750 ZI38_0615 0.7500 4.7500 0.6250 11.0000 0.8750 1.0000 0.5000 0.3750 ZI38-0616 0.7500 5.0000 0.6250 11.0000 0.8750 1.0000 0.5000 0.3750 ZI38-0617 0.7500 5.5000 0.6250 11.0000 0.8750 1.0000 0.5000 0.3750 Mold Base Library 19 - 7 H AS CO S CREWS Instance Name D_1 Body Dia. L thread_ dia Threads Per Inch B D k SW ZI38_0618 0.7500 6.0000 0.6250 11.0000 0.8750 1.0000 0.5000 0.3750 ZI38-0619 0.7500 6.5000 0.6250 11.0000 0.8750 1.0000 0.5000 0.3750 ZI38-0620 0.7500 7.0000 0.6250 11.0000 0.8750 1.0000 0.5000 0.3750 19 - 8 Mold Base Library 1 HASCO METRIC MOLD BASE ASSEMBLIES This chapter describes the HASCO metric mold base assemblies. The chapter contains the following sections: • Naming conventions • Tables of mold base sizes NAMING CONVENTION The parts and assemblies in the MOLD BASE LIBRARY are named according to the following conventions. Figure 20-1 Metric Mold Base Assembly Assemblies of the metric mold bases include the following: • • • • • • Mold Base Library Two clamping plates One cavity plate One backup plate Two ejector plates One stop disc One spacer block 20 - 1 HA SC O M E T R I C M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES Mold Base Assembly Figure 20-1 shows an example of a mold base assembly created with plates and components from the HASCO K series. The HASCO mold library contains two subdirectories: • • assy_plates components Names for parts are generally the same as their corresponding catalog name order in the HASCO Company’s catalog. Generally, hyphens and spaces have been omitted or changed to underscores to make the catalog numbers and instance names valid for use in Pro/ENGINEER. Each subdirectory contains all the plates for that size and one typical mold base assembly. A typical mold base with the dimensions "396 by 546mm" is located in the directory 396x546, and is listed as follows: K396x546t.asm After you select the typical mold base, you can select the generic assembly or an instance. Selecting the instance allows you to use the individual plate instances to create a customized mold. NOTE: You must create a search path for "kst_disc" in the file to access this part. The following sections contain information on the K series plate types, and the instances for each. Clamping Plates Clamping plates, K series, size 396x546mm Kcl396546 have the following four instances: Generic: K10-396546 (type K10) with four instances Instance: 104055_046 - The thickness is 46 mm. 104055_036 - The thickness is 36 mm. Generic: K11-396546 (type K11) Instance: 114055_046 - The thickness is 46 mm. 114055_036 - The thickness is 36 mm. Generic: K15-396546 Instance: 154055_046 - The thickness is 46 mm. 154055_036 - The thickness is 36 mm. Generic: K16-396546 Instance: 164055_046 - The thickness is 46 mm. 164055_036 - The thickness is 36 mm. 20 - 2 Mold Base Library HA SC O M E TRIC M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES Cavity Plate Cavity plates have two instances that define different thicknesses. The names are as follows: Generic: K20-396546 (type K20) Instances: 204055_136 - The thickness is 136 mm. 204055_096 - The thickness is 96 mm. Generic: K251396546 (type K251) Instances: 254055_136 - The thickness is 136 mm. 254055_096 - The thickness is 96 mm. Back Up Plates Back up plates have one instance. The name is as follows: Generic: K30-396546, size 396x546 mm (type K30) Instances: 2304055_046 - The thickness is 46 mm. 304055_056 - The thickness is 56 mm. Spacer Blocks Spacer blocks have two instances. The names are as follows: Generic: K40-396546, for base size 396x546 mm (type K40) Instances: 404055_136 - The thickness is 136 mm. 404055_096 - The thickness is 96 mm. Ejector Retaining Plates Ejector retaining plates have two instances. The names are as follows: Generic: Instance: Generic: Instance: K60-396546, for base size 396x546 mm (type K60) 604055_017 - The thickness is 17 mm. K61-396546 for base size 396x546 mm (type K61) 614055_017 - The thickness is 17 mm. Ejector Base Plates Ejector plates have two instances. The names are as follows: Generic: Instance: Generic: Instance: Mold Base Library K70-396546, for base size 396x546 mm (type K70) 704055_027 - The thickness is 27 mm. K71-396546, for base size 396x546 mm (type K71) 714055_027 - The thickness is 27 mm. 20 - 3 HA SC O M E T R I C M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES Component Parts Component parts are named as abbreviated forms of their names in the HASCO Company catalog; instance names correspond exactly to the catalog numbers. All component parts are located in the directory components, in subdirectories named for the types of parts they contain. TABLE OF MOLD BASE SIZES The following tables list all the mold base sizes. Note that all dimensions are expressed in millimeters. 095x095 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 12 to 22 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 12 to 22 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 6 to 17 Back Up Plate (K30) 9 to 56 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 9 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 6 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 22 to 46 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) N/A 100x130 COMPONENT 20 - 4 THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 9 to 22 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 9 to 22 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 6 to 17 Back Up Plate (K30) 9 to 56 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 9 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 6 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 9 to 22 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) N/A Mold Base Library HA SC O M E TRIC M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 156x156 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 17 to 27 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 17 to 27 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 27 to 36 Back Up Plate (K30) 17 to 76 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 17 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 9 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 46 to 76 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 156x196 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 17 to 27 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 17 to 27 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 27 to 36 Back Up Plate (K30) 17 to 76 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 17 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 9 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 46 to 76 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 156x246 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 17 to 27 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 17 to 27 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 27 to 36 Back Up Plate (K30) 17 to 76 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 17 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 9 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 46 to 76 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 156x296 COMPONENT Mold Base Library THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 22 to 27 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 22 to 27 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 27 to 36 Back Up Plate (K30) 22 to 76 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 17 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 12 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 46 to 76 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 20 - 5 HA SC O M E T R I C M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 190x246 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 17 to 27 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 17 to 27 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 27 to 36 Back Up Plate (K30) 17 to 96 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 17 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 12 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 46 to 76 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 196x196 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 17 to 27 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 17 to 27 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 27 to 36 Back Up Plate (K30) 17 to 96 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 17 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 12 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 46 to 76 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 196x296 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 17 to 36 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 17 to 36 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 17 to 96 Back Up Plate (K30) 36 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 17 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 12 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 56 to 96 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 196x346 COMPONENT 20 - 6 THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 17 to 36 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 17 to 36 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 17 to 96 Back Up Plate (K30) 36 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 17 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 12 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 56 to 96 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 Mold Base Library HA SC O M E TRIC M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 196x396 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 27 to 36 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 27 to 36 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 27 to 96 Back Up Plate (K30) 36 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 22 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 17 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 56 to 96 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 218x246 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 17 to 27 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 17 to 27 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 17 to 96 Back Up Plate (K30) 27 to 36 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 17 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 12 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 46 to 76 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 218x296 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 17 to 36 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 17 to 36 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 17 to 96 Back Up Plate (K30) 27 to 36 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 17 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 12 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 56 to 96 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 246x246 COMPONENT Mold Base Library THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 17 to 36 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 17 to 36 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 17 to 96 Back Up Plate (K30) 36 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 17 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 12 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 56 to 96 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 20 - 7 HA SC O M E T R I C M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 246x296 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 17 to 36 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 17 to 36 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 17 to 116 Back Up Plate (K30) 36 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 17 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 12 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 56 to 96 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 246x346 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 22 to 36 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 22 to 36 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 22 to 116 Back Up Plate (K30) 36 to 46 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 22 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 17 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 56 to 96 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 246x396 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 22 to 36 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 22 to 36 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 22 to 116 Back Up Plate (K30) 36 to 46 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 22 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 17 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 56 to 96 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 246x446 COMPONENT 20 - 8 THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 27 to 36 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 27 to 36 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 27 to 116 Back Up Plate (K30) 36 to 46 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 22 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 17 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 56 to 96 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 Mold Base Library HA SC O M E TRIC M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 246x496 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 27 to 36 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 27 to 36 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 27 to 116 Back Up Plate (K30) 36 to 46 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 22 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 17 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 56 to 96 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 296x296 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 22 to 36 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 22 to 36 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 22 to 116 Back Up Plate (K30) 36 to 46 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 17 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 12 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 56 to 96 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 296x346 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 22 to 36 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 22 to 36 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 22 to 116 Back Up Plate (K30) 36 to 46 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 22 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 17 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 56 to 96 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 296x396 COMPONENT Mold Base Library THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 22 to 36 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 22 to 36 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 22 to 116 Back Up Plate (K30) 36 to 46 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 22 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 17 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 56 to 96 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 20 - 9 HA SC O M E T R I C M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 296x446 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 27 to 36 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 27 to 36 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 27 to 116 Back Up Plate (K30) 36 to 46 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 22 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 17 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 56 to 96 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 296x496 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 27 to 36 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 27 to 36 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 27 to 116 Back Up Plate (K30) 36 to 46 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 22 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 17 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 56 to 96 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 296x546 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 27 to 36 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 27 to 36 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 27 to 116 Back Up Plate (K30) 36 to 46 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 22 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 17 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 56 to 96 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 296x696 COMPONENT 20 - 10 THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 27 to 46 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 27 to 46 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 27 to 116 Back Up Plate (K30) 36 to 46 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 27 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 22 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 76 to 136 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 Mold Base Library HA SC O M E TRIC M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 346x346 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 22 to 36 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 22 to 36 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 22 to 116 Back Up Plate (K30) 36 to 46 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 22 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 17 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 56 to 96 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 346x396 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 22 to 46 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 22 to 46 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 22 to 116 Back Up Plate (K30) 27 to 46 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 22 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 17 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 56 to 96 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 346x446 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 22 to 46 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 22 to 46 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 27 to 116 Back Up Plate (K30) 27 to 46 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 22 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 17 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 56 to 136 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 346x496 COMPONENT Mold Base Library THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 22 to 46 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 22 to 46 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 22 to 116 Back Up Plate (K30) 36 to 46 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 22 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 17 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 56 to 136 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 20 - 11 HA SC O M E T R I C M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 346x546 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 27 to 46 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 27 to 46 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 27 to 136 Back Up Plate (K30) 36 to 46 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 27 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 22 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 66 to 136 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 346x596 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 27 to 46 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 27 to 46 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 27 to 136 Back Up Plate (K30) 36 to 46 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 27 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 22 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 66 to 136 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 346x696 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 27 to 46 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 27 to 46 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 27 to 136 Back Up Plate (K30) 36 to 46 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 27 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 22 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 76 to 136 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 346x796 COMPONENT 20 - 12 THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) N/A Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 36 to 56 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 36 to 156 Back Up Plate (K30) 36 to 56 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 27 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 22 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 86 to 156 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) N/A Mold Base Library HA SC O M E TRIC M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 396x396 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 22 to 46 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 22 to 46 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 22 to 116 Back Up Plate (K30) 36 to 46 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 22 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 17 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 56 to 116 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 396x446 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 27 to 46 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 27 to 46 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 27 to 116 Back Up Plate (K30) 36 to 46 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 22 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 17 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 56 to 116 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 396x496 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 27 to 46 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 27 to 46 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 27 to 136 Back Up Plate (K30) 36 to 46 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 27 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 22 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 66 to 136 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 396x546 COMPONENT Mold Base Library THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 27 to 46 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 27 to 46 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 27 to 136 Back Up Plate (K30) 46 to 56 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 27 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 17 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 66 to 136 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 20 - 13 HA SC O M E T R I C M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 396x596 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 27 to 46 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 27 to 46 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 27 to 136 Back Up Plate (K30) 46 to 56 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 27 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 22 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 66 to 136 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 396x696 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 36 to 56 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 36 to 56 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 36 to 156 Back Up Plate (K30) 46 to 56 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 36 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 27 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 76 to 136 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 396x796 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 36 to 56 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 36 to 56 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 36 to 156 Back Up Plate (K30) 46 to 56 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 36 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 27 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 86 to 156 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) N/A 396x896 COMPONENT 20 - 14 THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 36 to 56 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 36 to 56 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 36 to 156 Back Up Plate (K30) 46 to 56 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 36 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 27 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 86 to 156 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) N/A Mold Base Library HA SC O M E TRIC M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 446x446 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 27 to 46 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 27 to 46 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 27 to 116 Back Up Plate (K30) 36 to 46 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 27 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 17 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 56 to 116 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 446x496 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 27 to 46 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 27 to 46 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 27 to 136 Back Up Plate (K30) 46 to 56 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 27 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 22 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 66 to 136 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 446x546 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 27 to 46 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 27 to 46 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 27 to 136 Back Up Plate (K30) 46 to 56 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 27 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 22 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 66 to 136 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 446x596 COMPONENT Mold Base Library THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 27 to 46 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 27 to 46 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 27 to 136 Back Up Plate (K30) 46 to 56 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 27 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 22 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 66 to 136 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 20 - 15 HA SC O M E T R I C M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 446x696 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 36 to 56 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 36 to 56 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 36 to 156 Back Up Plate (K30) 46 to 56 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 36 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 27 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 76 to 136 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 446x796 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 36 to 56 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 36 to 56 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 36 to 156 Back Up Plate (K30) 46 to 56 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 36 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 27 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 86 to 156 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) N/A 446x896 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 36 to 56 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 36 to 56 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 36 to 156 Back Up Plate (K30) 46 to 56 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 36 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 27 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 86 to 156 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) N/A 496x496 COMPONENT 20 - 16 THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 27 to 56 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 27 to 56 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 27 to 156 Back Up Plate (K30) 46 to 56 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 36 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 27 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 66 to 136 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 Mold Base Library HA SC O M E TRIC M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 496x546 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 27 to 56 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 27 to 56 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 27 to 156 Back Up Plate (K30) 46 to 56 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 36 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 27 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 66 to 136 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 496x596 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 36 to 56 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 36 to 56 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 36 to 156 Back Up Plate (K30) 46 to 56 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 36 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 27 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 76 to 136 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 496x696 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 36 to 56 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 36 to 56 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 36 to 156 Back Up Plate (K30) 46 to 56 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 36 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 27 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 76 to 136 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 496x796 COMPONENT Mold Base Library THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 46 to 56 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 46 to 56 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 56 to 196 Back Up Plate (K30) 56 to 76 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 36 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 27 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 96 to 156 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) N/A 20 - 17 HA SC O M E T R I C M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 496x896 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 46 to 56 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 46 to 56 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 56 to 196 Back Up Plate (K30) 56 to 76 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 36 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 27 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 96 to 156 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) N/A 496x996 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 46 to 56 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 46 to 56 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 56 to 196 Back Up Plate (K30) 56 to 76 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 36 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 27 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 96 to 156 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) N/A 546x546 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 36 to 56 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 36 to 56 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 36 to 156 Back Up Plate (K30) 46 to 56 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 36 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 27 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 76 to 136 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 546x596 COMPONENT 20 - 18 THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 36 to 56 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 36 to 56 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 36 to 156 Back Up Plate (K30) 46 to 56 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 36 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 27 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 76 to 136 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 Mold Base Library HA SC O M E TRIC M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 546x696 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 36 to 56 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 36 to 56 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 36 to 156 Back Up Plate (K30) 46 to 56 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 36 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 27 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 76 to 136 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 546x796 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 56 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 56 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 56 to 196 Back Up Plate (K30) 56 to 76 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 36 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 27 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 96 to 156 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) N/A 546x896 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 56 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 56 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 56 to 196 Back Up Plate (K30) 56 to 76 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 36 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 27 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 96 to 156 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) N/A 546x996 COMPONENT Mold Base Library THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 56 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 56 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 56 to 196 Back Up Plate (K30) 56 to 76 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 36 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 27 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 96 to 156 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) N/A 20 - 19 HA SC O M E T R I C M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 596x596 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 36 to 56 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 36 to 56 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 36 to 156 Back Up Plate (K30) 46 to 56 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 36 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 27 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 76 to 136 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) 3 596x696 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 56 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 56 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 56 to 196 Back Up Plate (K30) 56 to 76 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 36 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 27 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 96 to 156 596x796 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 56 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 56 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 56 to 196 Back Up Plate (K30) 56 to 76 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 36 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 27 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 96 to 156 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) N/A 596x896 COMPONENT 20 - 20 THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 56 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 56 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 56 to 196 Back Up Plate (K30) 56 to 76 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 36 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 27 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 96 to 156 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) N/A Mold Base Library HA SC O M E TRIC M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 596x996 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 56 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 56 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 56 to 196 Back Up Plate (K30) 56 to 76 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 36 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 27 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 96 to 156 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) N/A 696x696 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 56 to 76 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 56 to 76 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 56 to 196 Back Up Plate (K30) 56 to 76 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 36 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 27 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 96 to 156 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) N/A 696x796 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 56 to 76 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 56 to 76 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 56 to 196 Back Up Plate (K30) 56 to 76 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 36 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 27 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 96 to 156 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) N/A 696x896 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 56 to 76 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 56 to 76 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 56 to 196 Back Up Plate (K30) 56 to 76 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 36 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 27 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 96 to 156 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) Mold Base Library 20 - 21 696x996 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 56 to 76 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 56 to 76 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 56 to 196 Back Up Plate (K30) 56 to 76 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 36 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 27 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 96 to 156 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) N/A 796x796 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 56 to 76 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 56 to 76 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 56 to 196 Back Up Plate (K30) 56 to 76 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 36 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 27 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 96 to 156 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) N/A 796x896 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 56 to 76 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 56 to 76 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 56 to 196 Back Up Plate (K30) 56 to 76 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 36 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 27 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 96 to 156 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) N/A 796x996 COMPONENT THICKNESS Top Clamping Plates(K10, K12, & K15) 56 to 76 Bottom Clamping Plates (K11, K13, & K16) 56 to 76 Cavity Plates (K20 & K251) 56 to 196 Back Up Plate (K30) 56 to 76 Ejector Base Plates (K70 & K71) 36 Ejector Retainer Plates (K60 & K61) 27 Spacer Blocks (K40 & K41) 96 to 156 Stop Disc (Z551-1 & Z551-2) N/A 9 HASCO METRIC PINS PIN, CATALOG NO. Z00 Generic Part Name: Z00 Instance Name d_3 d_4 Head Dia. l1 f k S2 d_1 Pin Dia. L Length Z00_01 14.0000 16.0000 4.0000 3.0000 3.0000 12-56 9-10 25-60 Z00_02 20.0000 25.0000 7.0000 9.0000 6.0000 17-116 14-15 35-150 Z00_03 26.0000 31.0000 7.0000 9.0000 6.0000 17-136 18-20 35-245 Z00_04 30.0000 35.0000 7.0000 9.0000 6.0000 17-156 22-24 35-285 Z00_05 42.0000 47.0000 7.0000 9.0000 6.0000 27-196 30-32 45-295 Z00_06 54.0000 60.0000 7.0000 9.0000 6.0000 46-246 40-42 95-245 Mold Base Library 21 - 1 HA SCO M ETRIC P IN S PIN, CATALOG NO. Z03 Generic Part Name: Z03 21 - 2 Instance Name d_3 d_4 Head Dia. l1 k S2 d_1 Pin Dia. L Length Z03_01 14.0000 16.0000 4.0000 3.0000 17-46 9-10 20-45 Z03_02 20.0000 25.0000 7.0000 6.0000 22-86 14-15 20-110 Z03_03 26.0000 31.0000 7.0000 6.0000 22-116 18-20 20-135 Z03_04 30.0000 35.0000 7.0000 6.0000 27-136 22-24 25-165 Z03_05 42.0000 47.0000 7.0000 6.0000 27-196 30-32 45-195 Z03_06 54.0000 60.0000 7.0000 10.0000 56-196 40-42 75-235 Z03_07 66.0000 72.0000 10.0000 10.0000 96-196 50 115-175 Z03_08 80.0000 86.0000 10.0000 20.0000 96-246 60 115-195 Mold Base Library HA S CO M ETRIC P IN S PIN, CATALOG NO. Z40 Generic Part Name: Z40 Instance Name d_1 Pin Diameter l1 Total Length d_2 Head Diameter k Head Thickness r Z40_010 1.6000 40.0000 3.0000 1.5000 0.3000 Z40_011 1.6000 60.0000 3.0000 1.5000 0.3000 Z40_012 1.6000 80.0000 3.0000 1.5000 0.3000 Z40_013 1.6000 100.0000 3.0000 1.5000 0.3000 Z40_014 1.6000 125.0000 3.0000 1.5000 0.3000 Z40_015 1.6000 160.0000 3.0000 1.5000 0.3000 Z40_016 1.6000 200.0000 3.0000 1.5000 0.3000 Z40_017 2.0000 40.0000 4.0000 2.0000 0.3000 Z40_018 2.0000 60.0000 4.0000 2.0000 0.3000 Z40_019 2.0000 80.0000 4.0000 2.0000 0.3000 Z40_020 2.0000 100.0000 4.0000 2.0000 0.3000 Z40_021 2.0000 125.0000 4.0000 2.0000 0.3000 Z40_022 2.0000 160.0000 4.0000 2.0000 0.3000 Z40_023 2.0000 200.0000 4.0000 2.0000 0.3000 Z40_024 2.0000 250.0000 4.0000 2.0000 0.3000 Z40_025 2.2000 100.0000 4.0000 2.0000 0.3000 Z40_026 2.2000 125.0000 4.0000 2.0000 0.3000 Z40_027 2.2000 160.0000 4.0000 2.0000 0.3000 Mold Base Library 21 - 3 HA SCO M ETRIC P IN S 21 - 4 Instance Name d_1 Pin Diameter l1 Total Length d_2 Head Diameter k Head Thickness r Z40_028 2.2000 200.0000 4.0000 2.0000 0.3000 Z40_029 2.2000 250.0000 4.0000 2.0000 0.3000 Z40_030 2.5000 40.0000 5.0000 2.0000 0.3000 Z40_031 2.5000 60.0000 5.0000 2.0000 0.3000 Z40_032 2.5000 80.0000 5.0000 2.0000 0.3000 Z40_033 2.5000 100.0000 5.0000 2.0000 0.3000 Z40_034 2.5000 125.0000 5.0000 2.0000 0.3000 Z40_035 2.5000 160.0000 5.0000 2.0000 0.3000 Z40_036 2.5000 200.0000 5.0000 2.0000 0.3000 Z40_037 2.5000 250.0000 5.0000 2.0000 0.3000 Z40_038 3.0000 40.0000 6.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_039 3.0000 60.0000 6.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_040 3.0000 80.0000 6.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_041 3.0000 100.0000 6.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_042 3.0000 125.0000 6.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_043 3.0000 160.0000 6.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_044 3.0000 200.0000 6.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_045 3.0000 250.0000 6.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_046 3.2000 100.0000 6.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_047 3.2000 125.0000 6.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_048 3.2000 160.0000 6.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_049 3.2000 200.0000 6.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_050 3.2000 250.0000 6.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_051 3.5000 100.0000 7.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_052 3.5000 125.0000 7.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_053 3.5000 160.0000 7.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_054 3.5000 200.0000 7.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_055 3.5000 250.0000 7.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_056 3.7000 100.0000 7.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_057 3.7000 125.0000 7.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Mold Base Library HA S CO M ETRIC P IN S Instance Name d_1 Pin Diameter l1 Total Length d_2 Head Diameter k Head Thickness r Z40_058 3.7000 160.0000 7.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_059 3.7000 200.0000 7.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_060 3.7000 250.0000 7.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_061 4.0000 40.0000 8.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_062 4.0000 60.0000 8.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_063 4.0000 80.0000 8.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_064 4.0000 100.0000 8.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_065 4.0000 125.0000 8.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_066 4.0000 160.0000 8.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_067 4.0000 200.0000 8.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_068 4.0000 250.0000 8.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_069 4.0000 315.0000 8.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_070 4.2000 100.0000 8.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_071 4.2000 125.0000 8.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_072 4.2000 160.0000 8.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_073 4.2000 200.0000 8.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_074 4.2000 250.0000 8.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_075 4.2000 315.0000 8.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_076 4.5000 100.0000 8.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_077 4.5000 125.0000 8.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_078 4.5000 160.0000 8.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_079 4.5000 200.0000 8.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_080 5.0000 40.0000 10.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_081 5.0000 60.0000 10.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_082 5.0000 80.0000 10.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_083 5.0000 100.0000 10.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_084 5.0000 125.0000 10.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_085 5.0000 160.0000 10.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_086 5.0000 200.0000 10.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_087 5.0000 250.0000 10.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Mold Base Library 21 - 5 HA SCO M ETRIC P IN S 21 - 6 Instance Name d_1 Pin Diameter l1 Total Length d_2 Head Diameter k Head Thickness r Z40_088 5.0000 315.0000 10.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_089 5.2000 100.0000 10.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_090 5.2000 125.0000 10.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_091 5.2000 160.0000 10.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_092 5.2000 200.0000 10.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_093 5.2000 250.0000 10.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_094 5.2000 315.0000 10.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_095 5.5000 100.0000 10.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_096 5.5000 125.0000 10.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_097 5.5000 160.0000 10.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_098 5.5000 200.0000 10.0000 3.0000 0.3000 Z40_099 6.0000 40.0000 12.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_100 6.0000 60.0000 12.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_101 6.0000 80.0000 12.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_102 6.0000 100.0000 12.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_103 6.0000 125.0000 12.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_104 6.0000 160.0000 12.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_105 6.0000 200.0000 12.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_106 6.0000 250.0000 12.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_107 6.0000 315.0000 12.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_108 6.2000 100.0000 12.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_109 6.2000 125.0000 12.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_110 6.2000 160.0000 12.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_111 6.2000 200.0000 12.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_112 6.2000 250.0000 12.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_113 6.2000 315.0000 12.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_114 6.5000 100.0000 12.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_115 6.5000 125.0000 12.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_116 6.5000 160.0000 12.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_117 6.5000 200.0000 12.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Mold Base Library HA S CO M ETRIC P IN S Instance Name d_1 Pin Diameter l1 Total Length d_2 Head Diameter k Head Thickness r Z40_118 6.5000 250.0000 12.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_119 7.0000 100.0000 12.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_120 7.0000 125.0000 12.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_121 7.0000 160.0000 12.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_122 7.0000 200.0000 12.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_123 7.0000 250.0000 12.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_124 8.0000 60.0000 14.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_125 8.0000 80.0000 14.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_126 8.0000 100.0000 14.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_127 8.0000 125.0000 14.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_128 8.0000 160.0000 14.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_129 8.0000 200.0000 14.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_130 8.0000 250.0000 14.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_131 8.0000 315.0000 14.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_132 8.2000 100.0000 14.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_133 8.2000 125.0000 14.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_134 8.2000 160.0000 14.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_135 8.2000 200.0000 14.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_136 8.2000 250.0000 14.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_137 8.2000 315.0000 14.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_138 10.0000 80.0000 16.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_139 10.0000 100.0000 16.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_140 10.0000 125.0000 16.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_141 10.0000 160.0000 16.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_142 10.0000 200.0000 16.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_143 10.0000 250.0000 16.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_144 10.0000 315.0000 16.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_145 10.2000 125.0000 16.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_146 10.2000 160.0000 16.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_147 10.2000 200.0000 16.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Mold Base Library 21 - 7 HA SCO M ETRIC P IN S 21 - 8 Instance Name d_1 Pin Diameter l1 Total Length d_2 Head Diameter k Head Thickness r Z40_148 10.2000 250.0000 16.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_149 10.2000 315.0000 16.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_150 10.5000 100.0000 16.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_151 10.5000 125.0000 16.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_152 10.5000 160.0000 16.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_153 10.5000 200.0000 16.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_154 10.5000 250.0000 16.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_155 10.5000 315.0000 16.0000 5.0000 0.5000 Z40_156 12.0000 80.0000 20.0000 7.0000 0.8000 Z40_157 12.0000 100.0000 20.0000 7.0000 0.8000 Z40_158 12.0000 125.0000 20.0000 7.0000 0.8000 Z40_159 12.0000 160.0000 20.0000 7.0000 0.8000 Z40_160 12.0000 200.0000 20.0000 7.0000 0.8000 Z40_161 12.0000 250.0000 20.0000 7.0000 0.8000 Z40_162 12.0000 315.0000 20.0000 7.0000 0.8000 Z40_163 12.5000 100.0000 18.0000 7.0000 0.8000 Z40_164 12.5000 125.0000 18.0000 7.0000 0.8000 Z40_165 12.5000 160.0000 18.0000 7.0000 0.8000 Z40_166 12.5000 200.0000 18.0000 7.0000 0.8000 Z40_167 12.5000 250.0000 18.0000 7.0000 0.8000 Z40_168 12.5000 315.0000 18.0000 7.0000 0.8000 Z40_169 14.0000 100.0000 22.0000 7.0000 0.8000 Z40_170 14.0000 125.0000 22.0000 7.0000 0.8000 Z40_171 14.0000 160.0000 22.0000 7.0000 0.8000 Z40_172 14.0000 200.0000 22.0000 7.0000 0.8000 Z40_173 14.0000 250.0000 22.0000 7.0000 0.8000 Z40_174 14.0000 315.0000 22.0000 7.0000 0.8000 Z40_175 16.0000 100.0000 22.0000 7.0000 0.8000 Z40_176 16.0000 125.0000 22.0000 7.0000 0.8000 Z40_177 16.0000 160.0000 22.0000 7.0000 0.8000 Mold Base Library HA S CO M ETRIC P IN S Instance Name d_1 Pin Diameter l1 Total Length d_2 Head Diameter k Head Thickness r Z40_178 16.0000 200.0000 22.0000 7.0000 0.8000 Z40_179 16.0000 250.0000 22.0000 7.0000 0.8000 Z40_180 16.0000 315.0000 22.0000 7.0000 0.8000 Mold Base Library 21 - 9 HA SCO M ETRIC P IN S PIN, CATALOG NO. Z49 Generic Part Name: Z49 21 - 10 Instance Name d_1 Pin Diameter l1 Total Length d_2 Head Diameter d_3 t1 k Z49_010 3.0000 63.0000 6.0000 4.0000 5.0000 10.0000 Z49_011 3.0000 125.0000 6.0000 4.0000 5.0000 10.0000 Z49_012 3.5000 63.0000 6.0000 4.0000 5.0000 10.0000 Z49_013 3.5000 125.0000 6.0000 4.0000 5.0000 10.0000 Z49_014 4.0000 63.0000 8.0000 5.0000 7.0000 12.0000 Z49_015 4.0000 125.0000 8.0000 5.0000 7.0000 12.0000 Z49_016 4.5000 63.0000 8.0000 5.0000 7.0000 12.0000 Z49_017 4.5000 125.0000 8.0000 5.0000 7.0000 12.0000 Z49_018 5.0000 80.0000 9.0000 6.0000 9.0000 14.0000 Z49_019 5.0000 160.0000 9.0000 6.0000 9.0000 14.0000 Z49_020 5.5000 80.0000 9.0000 6.0000 9.0000 14.0000 Z49_021 5.5000 160.0000 9.0000 6.0000 9.0000 14.0000 Z49_022 6.0000 80.0000 10.0000 6.0000 9.0000 14.0000 Z49_023 6.0000 160.0000 10.0000 6.0000 9.0000 14.0000 Z49_024 6.5000 80.0000 10.0000 6.0000 9.0000 14.0000 Z49_025 6.5000 160.0000 10.0000 6.0000 9.0000 14.0000 Z49_026 8.0000 80.0000 13.0000 8.0000 10.0000 16.0000 Z49_027 8.0000 160.0000 13.0000 8.0000 10.0000 16.0000 Z49_028 8.5000 80.0000 13.0000 8.0000 10.0000 16.0000 Mold Base Library HA S CO M ETRIC P IN S Instance Name d_1 Pin Diameter l1 Total Length d_2 Head Diameter d_3 t1 k Z49_029 8.5000 160.0000 13.0000 8.0000 10.0000 16.0000 Z49_030 10.0000 100.0000 15.0000 10.0000 12.0000 18.0000 Z49_031 10.0000 200.0000 15.0000 10.0000 12.0000 18.0000 Z49_032 10.5000 100.0000 15.0000 10.0000 12.0000 18.0000 Z49_033 10.5000 200.0000 15.0000 10.0000 12.0000 18.0000 Z49_034 12.0000 100.0000 18.0000 12.0000 14.0000 22.0000 Z49_035 12.0000 200.0000 18.0000 12.0000 14.0000 22.0000 Z49_036 12.5000 100.0000 18.0000 12.0000 14.0000 22.0000 Z49_037 12.5000 200.0000 18.0000 12.0000 14.0000 22.0000 Z49_038 14.0000 100.0000 20.0000 12.0000 14.0000 22.0000 Z49_039 14.0000 200.0000 20.0000 12.0000 14.0000 22.0000 Z49_040 14.5000 100.0000 20.0000 12.0000 14.0000 22.0000 Z49_041 14.5000 200.0000 20.0000 12.0000 14.0000 22.0000 Z49_042 16.0000 100.0000 22.0000 16.0000 18.0000 25.0000 Z49_043 16.0000 200.0000 22.0000 16.0000 18.0000 25.0000 Z49_044 16.5000 100.0000 22.0000 16.0000 18.0000 25.0000 Z49_045 16.5000 200.0000 22.0000 16.0000 18.0000 25.0000 Mold Base Library 21 - 11 10 HASCO METRIC LOCATING RINGS LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. K100 Generic Part Name: K100 Notes 1. “*” denotes a non-existent value. Mold Base Library Instance Name D H d1 h1 K100_010 60.0000 8.0000 36.0000 4.0000 K100_011 80.0000 8.0000 36.0000 4.0000 K100_012 90.0000 8.0000 36.0000 * K100_013 100.0000 8.0000 36.0000 4.0000 K100_014 110.0000 8.0000 36.0000 4.0000 K100_015 110.0000 12.0000 36.0000 4.0000 K100_016 120.0000 8.0000 36.0000 4.0000 K100_017 120.0000 12.0000 36.0000 4.0000 K100_018 125.0000 8.0000 36.0000 4.0000 K100_019 125.0000 12.0000 36.0000 4.0000 K100_020 130.0000 12.0000 36.0000 4.0000 K100_021 140.0000 12.0000 36.0000 4.0000 K100_022 150.0000 12.0000 36.0000 4.0000 22 - 1 HA SC O M E TRIC LO CA TIN G RIN G S 22 - 2 Instance Name D H d1 h1 K100_023 160.0000 8.0000 36.0000 4.0000 K100_024 160.0000 12.0000 36.0000 4.0000 K100_025 175.0000 8.0000 36.0000 4.0000 K100_026 175.0000 12.0000 36.0000 4.0000 K100_027 180.0000 12.0000 36.0000 4.0000 K100_028 200.0000 12.0000 36.0000 4.0000 K100_029 250.0000 12.0000 36.0000 4.0000 K100_030 60.0000 11.0000 26.0000 7.0000 K100_031 60.0000 13.0000 26.0000 9.0000 K100_032 80.0000 11.0000 26.0000 7.0000 K100_033 80.0000 13.0000 26.0000 9.0000 K100_034 90.0000 11.0000 36.0000 * K100_035 90.0000 13.0000 36.0000 * K100_036 90.0000 15.0000 36.0000 * K100_037 90.0000 16.5000 36.0000 * K100_038 100.0000 11.0000 36.0000 7.0000 K100_039 100.0000 13.0000 36.0000 9.0000 K100_040 100.0000 15.0000 36.0000 11.0000 K100_041 100.0000 16.5000 36.0000 12.5000 K100_042 110.0000 11.0000 36.0000 7.0000 K100_043 110.0000 13.0000 36.0000 9.0000 K100_044 110.0000 15.0000 36.0000 11.0000 K100_045 110.0000 16.5000 36.0000 12.5000 K100_046 120.0000 11.0000 36.0000 7.0000 K100_047 120.0000 13.0000 36.0000 9.0000 K100_048 120.0000 15.0000 36.0000 11.0000 K100_049 120.0000 16.5000 36.0000 12.5000 K100_050 125.0000 11.0000 36.0000 7.0000 K100_051 125.0000 13.0000 36.0000 9.0000 K100_052 125.0000 15.0000 36.0000 11.0000 Mold Base Library HA SC O M ETRIC LO CA TIN G RIN G S Mold Base Library Instance Name D H d1 h1 K100_053 125.0000 16.5000 36.0000 12.5000 K100_054 160.0000 11.0000 36.0000 7.0000 K100_055 160.0000 13.0000 36.0000 9.0000 K100_056 160.0000 15.0000 36.0000 11.0000 K100_057 160.0000 16.5000 36.0000 12.5000 K100_058 175.0000 11.0000 36.0000 7.0000 K100_059 175.0000 13.0000 36.0000 9.0000 K100_060 175.0000 15.0000 36.0000 11.0000 K100_061 175.0000 16.5000 36.0000 12.5000 22 - 3 HA SC O M E TRIC LO CA TIN G RIN G S LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. K500 Generic Part Name: K500 22 - 4 Instance Name D H h1 K500_010 60.0000 8.0000 4.0000 K500_011 80.0000 8.0000 4.0000 K500_012 100.0000 8.0000 4.0000 K500_013 110.0000 8.0000 4.0000 K500_014 110.0000 12.0000 4.0000 K500_015 120.0000 8.0000 4.0000 K500_016 120.0000 12.0000 4.0000 K500_017 125.0000 8.0000 4.0000 K500_018 125.0000 12.0000 4.0000 K500_019 140.0000 8.0000 4.0000 K500_020 150.0000 8.0000 4.0000 K500_021 160.0000 8.0000 4.0000 K500_022 160.0000 12.0000 4.0000 K500_023 175.0000 8.0000 4.0000 K500_024 175.0000 12.0000 4.0000 K500_025 200.0000 12.0000 4.0000 K500_026 250.0000 12.0000 4.0000 K500_027 60.0000 11.0000 7.0000 K500_028 60.0000 13.0000 9.0000 Mold Base Library HA SC O M ETRIC LO CA TIN G RIN G S Mold Base Library Instance Name D H h1 K500_029 80.0000 11.0000 7.0000 K500_030 80.0000 13.0000 9.0000 K500_031 100.0000 11.0000 7.0000 K500_032 100.0000 13.0000 9.0000 K500_033 100.0000 15.0000 11.0000 K500_034 100.0000 16.5000 12.5000 K500_035 110.0000 11.0000 7.0000 K500_036 110.0000 13.0000 9.0000 K500_037 110.0000 15.0000 11.0000 K500_038 110.0000 16.5000 12.5000 K500_039 120.0000 11.0000 7.0000 K500_040 120.0000 13.0000 9.0000 K500_041 120.0000 15.0000 11.0000 K500_042 120.0000 16.5000 12.5000 K500_043 125.0000 11.0000 7.0000 K500_044 125.0000 13.0000 9.0000 K500_045 125.0000 15.0000 11.0000 K500_046 125.0000 16.5000 12.5000 K500_047 160.0000 11.0000 7.0000 K500_048 160.0000 13.0000 9.0000 K500_049 160.0000 15.0000 11.0000 K500_050 160.0000 16.5000 12.5000 K500_051 175.0000 11.0000 7.0000 K500_052 175.0000 13.0000 9.0000 K500_053 175.0000 15.0000 11.0000 K500_054 175.0000 16.5000 12.5000 22 - 5 3 HASCO METRIC BUSHINGS BUSHING, CATALOG NO. Z10 Generic Part Name: Z10 Instance Name S2 d_1 l l1 k d_3 d_4 Z10_010 12.0000 9.0000 7.0000 15.0000 3.0000 14.0000 16.0000 Z10_011 17.0000 9.0000 7.0000 20.0000 3.0000 14.0000 16.0000 Z10_012 22.0000 9.0000 7.0000 25.0000 3.0000 14.0000 16.0000 Z10_013 27.0000 9.0000 7.0000 30.0000 3.0000 14.0000 16.0000 Z10_014 36.0000 9.0000 7.0000 39.0000 3.0000 14.0000 16.0000 Z10_015 46.0000 9.0000 46.0000 49.0000 3.0000 14.0000 16.0000 Z10_016 56.0000 9.0000 46.0000 59.0000 3.0000 14.0000 16.0000 Z10_017 66.0000 9.0000 46.0000 69.0000 3.0000 14.0000 16.0000 Z10_018 12.0000 10.0000 46.0000 15.0000 3.0000 14.0000 16.0000 Z10_019 17.0000 10.0000 46.0000 20.0000 3.0000 14.0000 16.0000 Z10_020 22.0000 10.0000 46.0000 25.0000 3.0000 14.0000 16.0000 Z10_021 27.0000 10.0000 46.0000 30.0000 3.0000 14.0000 16.0000 Z10_022 36.0000 10.0000 46.0000 39.0000 3.0000 14.0000 16.0000 Z10_023 46.0000 10.0000 46.0000 49.0000 3.0000 14.0000 16.0000 Z10_024 56.0000 10.0000 46.0000 59.0000 3.0000 14.0000 16.0000 Z10_025 66.0000 10.0000 46.0000 69.0000 3.0000 14.0000 16.0000 Z10_026 17.0000 14.0000 46.0000 26.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_027 22.0000 14.0000 46.0000 31.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Mold Base Library 23 - 1 HA SC O M ETRIC BU S H IN G S 23 - 2 Instance Name S2 d_1 l l1 k d_3 d_4 Z10_028 27.0000 14.0000 46.0000 36.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_029 36.0000 14.0000 46.0000 45.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_030 46.0000 14.0000 46.0000 55.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_031 17.0000 15.0000 46.0000 26.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_032 22.0000 15.0000 46.0000 31.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_033 27.0000 15.0000 46.0000 36.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_034 36.0000 15.0000 46.0000 45.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_035 46.0000 15.0000 46.0000 55.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_036 56.0000 14.0000 56.0000 65.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_037 66.0000 14.0000 56.0000 75.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_038 76.0000 14.0000 56.0000 85.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_039 86.0000 14.0000 56.0000 95.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_040 96.0000 14.0000 56.0000 105.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_041 116.0000 14.0000 56.0000 125.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_042 56.0000 15.0000 56.0000 65.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_043 66.0000 15.0000 56.0000 75.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_044 76.0000 15.0000 56.0000 85.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_045 86.0000 15.0000 56.0000 95.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_046 96.0000 15.0000 56.0000 105.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_047 116.0000 15.0000 56.0000 125.0000 6.0000 20.0000 25.0000 Z10_048 17.0000 18.0000 56.0000 26.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_049 22.0000 18.0000 56.0000 31.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_050 27.0000 18.0000 56.0000 36.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_051 36.0000 18.0000 56.0000 45.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_052 46.0000 18.0000 56.0000 55.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_053 56.0000 18.0000 56.0000 65.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_054 17.0000 20.0000 56.0000 26.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_055 22.0000 20.0000 56.0000 31.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_056 27.0000 20.0000 56.0000 36.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_057 36.0000 20.0000 56.0000 45.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Mold Base Library HA SCO M ETRIC BU S H IN G S Instance Name S2 d_1 l l1 k d_3 d_4 Z10_058 46.0000 20.0000 56.0000 55.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_059 56.0000 20.0000 56.0000 65.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_060 66.0000 18.0000 56.0000 75.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_061 76.0000 18.0000 76.0000 85.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_062 86.0000 18.0000 76.0000 95.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_063 96.0000 18.0000 76.0000 105.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_064 116.0000 18.0000 76.0000 125.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_065 136.0000 18.0000 76.0000 145.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_066 66.0000 20.0000 76.0000 75.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_067 76.0000 20.0000 76.0000 85.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_068 86.0000 20.0000 76.0000 95.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_069 96.0000 20.0000 76.0000 105.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_070 116.0000 20.0000 76.0000 125.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_071 136.0000 20.0000 76.0000 145.0000 6.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Z10_072 17.0000 22.0000 76.0000 26.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_073 22.0000 22.0000 76.0000 31.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_074 27.0000 22.0000 76.0000 36.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_075 36.0000 22.0000 76.0000 45.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_076 46.0000 22.0000 76.0000 55.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_077 56.0000 22.0000 76.0000 65.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_078 17.0000 24.0000 76.0000 26.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_079 22.0000 24.0000 76.0000 31.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_080 27.0000 24.0000 76.0000 36.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_081 36.0000 24.0000 76.0000 45.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_082 46.0000 24.0000 76.0000 55.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_083 56.0000 24.0000 76.0000 65.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_084 66.0000 22.0000 76.0000 75.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_085 76.0000 22.0000 76.0000 85.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_086 86.0000 22.0000 76.0000 95.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_087 96.0000 22.0000 76.0000 105.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Mold Base Library 23 - 3 HA SC O M ETRIC BU S H IN G S 23 - 4 Instance Name S2 d_1 l l1 k d_3 d_4 Z10_088 116.0000 22.0000 96.0000 125.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_089 136.0000 22.0000 96.0000 145.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_090 156.0000 22.0000 96.0000 165.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_091 66.0000 24.0000 96.0000 75.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_092 76.0000 24.0000 96.0000 85.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_093 86.0000 24.0000 96.0000 95.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_094 96.0000 24.0000 96.0000 105.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_095 116.0000 24.0000 96.0000 125.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_096 136.0000 24.0000 96.0000 145.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_097 156.0000 24.0000 96.0000 165.0000 6.0000 30.0000 35.0000 Z10_098 27.0000 30.0000 96.0000 36.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_099 36.0000 30.0000 96.0000 45.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_100 46.0000 30.0000 96.0000 55.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_101 56.0000 30.0000 96.0000 65.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_102 66.0000 30.0000 96.0000 75.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_103 76.0000 30.0000 96.0000 85.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_104 86.0000 30.0000 96.0000 95.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_105 96.0000 30.0000 96.0000 105.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_106 116.0000 30.0000 96.0000 125.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_107 136.0000 30.0000 116.0000 145.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_108 156.0000 30.0000 116.0000 165.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_109 196.0000 30.0000 116.0000 205.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_110 27.0000 32.0000 116.0000 36.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_111 36.0000 32.0000 116.0000 45.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_112 46.0000 32.0000 116.0000 55.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_113 56.0000 32.0000 116.0000 65.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_114 66.0000 32.0000 116.0000 75.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_115 76.0000 32.0000 116.0000 85.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_116 86.0000 32.0000 116.0000 95.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_117 96.0000 32.0000 116.0000 105.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Mold Base Library HA SCO M ETRIC BU S H IN G S Instance Name S2 d_1 l l1 k d_3 d_4 Z10_118 116.0000 32.0000 116.0000 125.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_119 136.0000 32.0000 116.0000 145.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_120 156.0000 32.0000 116.0000 165.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_121 196.0000 32.0000 116.0000 205.0000 6.0000 42.0000 47.0000 Z10_122 46.0000 40.0000 116.0000 58.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_123 56.0000 40.0000 116.0000 68.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_124 66.0000 40.0000 116.0000 78.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_125 76.0000 40.0000 116.0000 88.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_126 86.0000 40.0000 116.0000 98.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_127 96.0000 40.0000 116.0000 108.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_128 116.0000 40.0000 116.0000 128.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_129 136.0000 40.0000 136.0000 148.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_130 156.0000 40.0000 136.0000 168.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_131 196.0000 40.0000 136.0000 208.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_132 246.0000 40.0000 136.0000 258.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_133 46.0000 42.0000 136.0000 58.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_134 56.0000 42.0000 136.0000 68.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_135 66.0000 42.0000 136.0000 78.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_136 76.0000 42.0000 136.0000 88.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_137 86.0000 42.0000 136.0000 98.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_138 96.0000 42.0000 136.0000 108.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_139 116.0000 42.0000 136.0000 128.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_140 136.0000 42.0000 136.0000 148.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_141 156.0000 42.0000 136.0000 168.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_142 196.0000 42.0000 136.0000 208.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Z10_143 246.0000 42.0000 136.0000 258.0000 10.0000 54.0000 60.0000 Mold Base Library 23 - 5 HA SC O M ETRIC BU S H IN G S BUSHING, CATALOG NO. Z11 Generic Part Name: Z11 Notes 1. 23 - 6 “*” denotes a non-existent value. Instance Name S2 d_1 l d_3 d_4 k Cut Z11_010 9.0000 9.0000 * 14.0000 16.0000 3.0000 N Z11_011 12.0000 9.0000 * 14.0000 16.0000 3.0000 N Z11_012 17.0000 9.0000 * 14.0000 16.0000 3.0000 N Z11_013 22.0000 9.0000 * 14.0000 16.0000 3.0000 N Z11_014 27.0000 9.0000 * 14.0000 16.0000 3.0000 N Z11_015 36.0000 9.0000 * 14.0000 16.0000 3.0000 N Z11_016 46.0000 9.0000 * 14.0000 16.0000 3.0000 N Z11_017 56.0000 9.0000 46.0000 14.0000 16.0000 3.0000 Y Z11_018 66.0000 9.0000 46.0000 14.0000 16.0000 3.0000 Y Z11_019 9.0000 10.0000 * 14.0000 16.0000 3.0000 N Z11_020 12.0000 10.0000 * 14.0000 16.0000 3.0000 N Z11_021 17.0000 10.0000 * 14.0000 16.0000 3.0000 N Z11_022 22.0000 10.0000 * 14.0000 16.0000 3.0000 N Z11_023 27.0000 10.0000 * 14.0000 16.0000 3.0000 N Z11_024 36.0000 10.0000 * 14.0000 16.0000 3.0000 N Z11_025 46.0000 10.0000 * 14.0000 16.0000 3.0000 N Z11_026 56.0000 10.0000 46.0000 14.0000 16.0000 3.0000 Y Mold Base Library HA SCO M ETRIC BU S H IN G S Instance Name S2 d_1 l d_3 d_4 k Cut Z11_027 66.0000 10.0000 46.0000 14.0000 16.0000 3.0000 Y Z11_028 17.0000 12.0000 * 18.0000 23.0000 6.0000 N Z11_029 22.0000 12.0000 * 18.0000 23.0000 6.0000 N Z11_030 27.0000 12.0000 * 18.0000 23.0000 6.0000 N Z11_031 36.0000 12.0000 * 18.0000 23.0000 6.0000 N Z11_032 46.0000 12.0000 * 18.0000 23.0000 6.0000 N Z11_033 56.0000 12.0000 * 18.0000 23.0000 6.0000 N Z11_034 12.0000 14.0000 * 20.0000 25.0000 6.0000 N Z11_035 17.0000 14.0000 * 20.0000 25.0000 6.0000 N Z11_036 22.0000 14.0000 * 20.0000 25.0000 6.0000 N Z11_037 27.0000 14.0000 * 20.0000 25.0000 6.0000 N Z11_038 36.0000 14.0000 * 20.0000 25.0000 6.0000 N Z11_039 46.0000 14.0000 * 20.0000 25.0000 6.0000 N Z11_040 56.0000 14.0000 * 20.0000 25.0000 6.0000 N Z11_041 66.0000 14.0000 56.0000 20.0000 25.0000 6.0000 Y Z11_042 76.0000 14.0000 56.0000 20.0000 25.0000 6.0000 Y Z11_043 86.0000 14.0000 56.0000 20.0000 25.0000 6.0000 Y Z11_044 96.0000 14.0000 56.0000 20.0000 25.0000 6.0000 Y Z11_045 12.0000 15.0000 * 20.0000 25.0000 6.0000 N Z11_046 17.0000 15.0000 * 20.0000 25.0000 6.0000 N Z11_047 22.0000 15.0000 * 20.0000 25.0000 6.0000 N Z11_048 27.0000 15.0000 * 20.0000 25.0000 6.0000 N Z11_049 36.0000 15.0000 * 20.0000 25.0000 6.0000 N Z11_050 46.0000 15.0000 * 20.0000 25.0000 6.0000 N Z11_051 56.0000 15.0000 * 20.0000 25.0000 6.0000 N Z11_052 66.0000 15.0000 56.0000 20.0000 25.0000 6.0000 Y Z11_053 76.0000 15.0000 56.0000 20.0000 25.0000 6.0000 Y Z11_054 86.0000 15.0000 56.0000 20.0000 25.0000 6.0000 Y Z11_055 96.0000 15.0000 56.0000 20.0000 25.0000 6.0000 Y Z11_056 17.0000 16.0000 * 22.0000 27.0000 6.0000 N Mold Base Library 23 - 7 HA SC O M ETRIC BU S H IN G S 23 - 8 Instance Name S2 d_1 l d_3 d_4 k Cut Z11_057 22.0000 16.0000 * 22.0000 27.0000 6.0000 N Z11_058 27.0000 16.0000 * 22.0000 27.0000 6.0000 N Z11_059 36.0000 16.0000 * 22.0000 27.0000 6.0000 N Z11_060 46.0000 16.0000 * 22.0000 27.0000 6.0000 N Z11_061 56.0000 16.0000 * 22.0000 27.0000 6.0000 N Z11_062 17.0000 18.0000 * 26.0000 31.0000 6.0000 N Z11_063 22.0000 18.0000 * 26.0000 31.0000 6.0000 N Z11_064 27.0000 18.0000 * 26.0000 31.0000 6.0000 N Z11_065 36.0000 18.0000 * 26.0000 31.0000 6.0000 N Z11_066 46.0000 18.0000 * 26.0000 31.0000 6.0000 N Z11_067 56.0000 18.0000 * 26.0000 31.0000 6.0000 N Z11_068 66.0000 18.0000 * 26.0000 31.0000 6.0000 N Z11_069 76.0000 18.0000 * 26.0000 31.0000 6.0000 N Z11_070 86.0000 18.0000 76.0000 26.0000 31.0000 6.0000 Y Z11_071 96.0000 18.0000 76.0000 26.0000 31.0000 6.0000 Y Z11_072 116.0000 18.0000 76.0000 26.0000 31.0000 6.0000 Y Z11_073 17.0000 20.0000 * 26.0000 31.0000 6.0000 N Z11_074 22.0000 20.0000 * 26.0000 31.0000 6.0000 N Z11_075 27.0000 20.0000 * 26.0000 31.0000 6.0000 N Z11_076 36.0000 20.0000 * 26.0000 31.0000 6.0000 N Z11_077 46.0000 20.0000 * 26.0000 31.0000 6.0000 N Z11_078 56.0000 20.0000 * 26.0000 31.0000 6.0000 N Z11_079 66.0000 20.0000 * 26.0000 31.0000 6.0000 N Z11_080 76.0000 20.0000 * 26.0000 31.0000 6.0000 N Z11_081 86.0000 20.0000 76.0000 26.0000 31.0000 6.0000 Y Z11_082 96.0000 20.0000 76.0000 26.0000 31.0000 6.0000 Y Z11_083 116.0000 20.0000 76.0000 26.0000 31.0000 6.0000 Y Z11_084 17.0000 22.0000 * 30.0000 35.0000 6.0000 N Z11_085 22.0000 22.0000 * 30.0000 35.0000 6.0000 N Z11_086 27.0000 22.0000 * 30.0000 35.0000 6.0000 N Mold Base Library HA SCO M ETRIC BU S H IN G S Instance Name S2 d_1 l d_3 d_4 k Cut Z11_087 36.0000 22.0000 * 30.0000 35.0000 6.0000 N Z11_088 46.0000 22.0000 * 30.0000 35.0000 6.0000 N Z11_089 56.0000 22.0000 * 30.0000 35.0000 6.0000 N Z11_090 66.0000 22.0000 * 30.0000 35.0000 6.0000 N Z11_091 76.0000 22.0000 * 30.0000 35.0000 6.0000 N Z11_092 86.0000 22.0000 * 30.0000 35.0000 6.0000 N Z11_093 96.0000 22.0000 * 30.0000 35.0000 6.0000 N Z11_094 116.0000 22.0000 96.0000 30.0000 35.0000 6.0000 Y Z11_095 136.0000 22.0000 96.0000 30.0000 35.0000 6.0000 Y Z11_096 17.0000 24.0000 * 30.0000 35.0000 6.0000 N Z11_097 22.0000 24.0000 * 30.0000 35.0000 6.0000 N Z11_098 27.0000 24.0000 * 30.0000 35.0000 6.0000 N Z11_099 36.0000 24.0000 * 30.0000 35.0000 6.0000 N Z11_100 46.0000 24.0000 * 30.0000 35.0000 6.0000 N Z11_101 56.0000 24.0000 * 30.0000 35.0000 6.0000 N Z11_102 66.0000 24.0000 * 30.0000 35.0000 6.0000 N Z11_103 76.0000 24.0000 * 30.0000 35.0000 6.0000 N Z11_104 86.0000 24.0000 * 30.0000 35.0000 6.0000 N Z11_105 96.0000 24.0000 * 30.0000 35.0000 6.0000 N Z11_106 116.0000 24.0000 96.0000 30.0000 35.0000 6.0000 Y Z11_107 136.0000 24.0000 96.0000 30.0000 35.0000 6.0000 Y Z11_108 27.0000 30.0000 * 42.0000 47.0000 6.0000 N Z11_109 36.0000 30.0000 * 42.0000 47.0000 6.0000 N Z11_110 46.0000 30.0000 * 42.0000 47.0000 6.0000 N Z11_111 56.0000 30.0000 * 42.0000 47.0000 6.0000 N Z11_112 66.0000 30.0000 * 42.0000 47.0000 6.0000 N Z11_113 76.0000 30.0000 * 42.0000 47.0000 6.0000 N Z11_114 86.0000 30.0000 * 42.0000 47.0000 6.0000 N Z11_115 96.0000 30.0000 * 42.0000 47.0000 6.0000 N Z11_116 116.0000 30.0000 * 42.0000 47.0000 6.0000 N Mold Base Library 23 - 9 HA SC O M ETRIC BU S H IN G S 23 - 10 Instance Name S2 d_1 l d_3 d_4 k Cut Z11_117 136.0000 30.0000 116.0000 42.0000 47.0000 6.0000 Y Z11_118 156.0000 30.0000 116.0000 42.0000 47.0000 6.0000 Y Z11_119 27.0000 32.0000 * 42.0000 47.0000 6.0000 N Z11_120 36.0000 32.0000 * 42.0000 47.0000 6.0000 N Z11_121 46.0000 32.0000 * 42.0000 47.0000 6.0000 N Z11_122 56.0000 32.0000 * 42.0000 47.0000 6.0000 N Z11_123 66.0000 32.0000 * 42.0000 47.0000 6.0000 N Z11_124 76.0000 32.0000 * 42.0000 47.0000 6.0000 N Z11_125 86.0000 32.0000 * 42.0000 47.0000 6.0000 N Z11_126 96.0000 32.0000 * 42.0000 47.0000 6.0000 N Z11_127 116.0000 32.0000 * 42.0000 47.0000 6.0000 N Z11_128 136.0000 32.0000 116.0000 42.0000 47.0000 6.0000 Y Z11_129 156.0000 32.0000 116.0000 42.0000 47.0000 6.0000 Y Z11_130 46.0000 40.0000 * 54.0000 60.0000 10.0000 N Z11_131 56.0000 40.0000 * 54.0000 60.0000 10.0000 N Z11_132 66.0000 40.0000 * 54.0000 60.0000 10.0000 N Z11_133 76.0000 40.0000 * 54.0000 60.0000 10.0000 N Z11_134 86.0000 40.0000 * 54.0000 60.0000 10.0000 N Z11_135 96.0000 40.0000 * 54.0000 60.0000 10.0000 N Z11_136 116.0000 40.0000 * 54.0000 60.0000 10.0000 N Z11_137 136.0000 40.0000 * 54.0000 60.0000 10.0000 N Z11_138 156.0000 40.0000 136.0000 54.0000 60.0000 10.0000 Y Z11_139 196.0000 40.0000 136.0000 54.0000 60.0000 10.0000 Y Z11_140 246.0000 40.0000 136.0000 54.0000 60.0000 10.0000 Y Z11_141 46.0000 42.0000 * 54.0000 60.0000 10.0000 N Z11_142 56.0000 42.0000 * 54.0000 60.0000 10.0000 N Z11_143 66.0000 42.0000 * 54.0000 60.0000 10.0000 N Z11_144 76.0000 42.0000 * 54.0000 60.0000 10.0000 N Z11_145 86.0000 42.0000 * 54.0000 60.0000 10.0000 N Z11_146 96.0000 42.0000 * 54.0000 60.0000 10.0000 N Mold Base Library HA SCO M ETRIC BU S H IN G S Instance Name S2 d_1 l d_3 d_4 k Cut Z11_147 116.0000 42.0000 * 54.0000 60.0000 10.0000 N Z11_148 136.0000 42.0000 * 54.0000 60.0000 10.0000 N Z11_149 156.0000 42.0000 136.0000 54.0000 60.0000 10.0000 Y Z11_150 196.0000 42.0000 136.0000 54.0000 60.0000 10.0000 Y Z11_151 246.0000 42.0000 136.0000 54.0000 60.0000 10.0000 Y Z11_152 76.0000 50.0000 * 66.0000 72.0000 10.0000 N Z11_153 96.0000 50.0000 * 66.0000 72.0000 10.0000 N Z11_154 116.0000 50.0000 * 66.0000 72.0000 10.0000 N Z11_155 136.0000 50.0000 * 66.0000 72.0000 10.0000 N Z11_156 156.0000 50.0000 136.0000 66.0000 72.0000 10.0000 Y Z11_157 196.0000 50.0000 136.0000 66.0000 72.0000 10.0000 Y Z11_158 96.0000 60.0000 * 80.0000 86.0000 20.0000 N Z11_159 116.0000 60.0000 * 80.0000 86.0000 20.0000 N Z11_160 136.0000 60.0000 * 80.0000 86.0000 20.0000 N Z11_161 156.0000 60.0000 136.0000 80.0000 86.0000 20.0000 Y Z11_162 196.0000 60.0000 136.0000 80.0000 86.0000 20.0000 Y Z11_163 246.0000 60.0000 136.0000 80.0000 86.0000 20.0000 Y Mold Base Library 23 - 11 HA SC O M ETRIC BU S H IN G S BUSHING, CATALOG NO. Z20 Generic Part Name: Z20 23 - 12 Instance Name d_3 l l1 l2 d_1 d_2 Z20_010 14.00 20.00 8.00 2.00 11.00 7.00 Z20_011 14.00 30.00 8.00 2.00 11.00 7.00 Z20_012 14.00 40.00 8.00 2.00 11.00 7.00 Z20_013 14.00 50.00 8.00 2.00 11.00 7.00 Z20_014 14.00 60.00 8.00 2.00 11.00 7.00 Z20_015 14.00 70.00 8.00 2.00 11.00 7.00 Z20_016 14.00 80.00 8.00 2.00 11.00 7.00 Z20_017 14.00 100.00 8.00 2.00 11.00 7.00 Z20_018 20.00 30.00 13.00 2.00 16.00 11.00 Z20_019 20.00 40.00 13.00 2.00 16.00 11.00 Z20_020 20.00 60.00 13.00 2.00 16.00 11.00 Z20_021 20.00 80.00 13.00 2.00 16.00 11.00 Z20_022 20.00 100.00 13.00 2.00 16.00 11.00 Z20_023 20.00 120.00 13.00 2.00 16.00 11.00 Z20_024 20.00 140.00 13.00 2.00 16.00 11.00 Z20_025 20.00 160.00 13.00 2.00 16.00 11.00 Z20_026 26.00 30.00 13.00 2.50 21.00 11.00 Z20_027 26.00 40.00 13.00 2.50 21.00 11.00 Mold Base Library HA SCO M ETRIC BU S H IN G S Instance Name d_3 l l1 l2 d_1 d_2 Z20_028 26.00 60.00 13.00 2.50 21.00 11.00 Z20_029 26.00 80.00 13.00 2.50 21.00 11.00 Z20_030 26.00 100.00 13.00 2.50 21.00 11.00 Z20_031 26.00 120.00 13.00 2.50 21.00 11.00 Z20_032 26.00 140.00 13.00 2.50 21.00 11.00 Z20_033 26.00 160.00 13.00 2.50 21.00 11.00 Z20_034 26.00 180.00 13.00 2.50 21.00 11.00 Z20_035 30.00 40.00 13.00 2.50 25.00 17.00 Z20_036 30.00 60.00 13.00 2.50 25.00 17.00 Z20_037 30.00 80.00 13.00 2.50 25.00 17.00 Z20_038 30.00 100.00 13.00 2.50 25.00 17.00 Z20_039 30.00 120.00 13.00 2.50 25.00 17.00 Z20_040 30.00 140.00 13.00 2.50 25.00 17.00 Z20_041 30.00 160.00 13.00 2.50 25.00 17.00 Z20_042 30.00 180.00 13.00 2.50 25.00 17.00 Z20_043 30.00 200.00 13.00 2.50 25.00 17.00 Z20_044 30.00 240.00 13.00 2.50 25.00 17.00 Z20_045 42.00 40.00 13.00 4.50 33.00 24.00 Z20_046 42.00 60.00 13.00 4.50 33.00 24.00 Z20_047 42.00 80.00 13.00 4.50 33.00 24.00 Z20_048 42.00 100.00 13.00 4.50 33.00 24.00 Z20_049 42.00 120.00 13.00 4.50 33.00 24.00 Z20_050 42.00 140.00 13.00 4.50 33.00 24.00 Z20_051 42.00 160.00 13.00 4.50 33.00 24.00 Z20_052 42.00 180.00 13.00 4.50 33.00 24.00 Z20_053 42.00 200.00 13.00 4.50 33.00 24.00 Z20_054 42.00 220.00 13.00 4.50 33.00 24.00 Z20_055 42.00 260.00 13.00 4.50 33.00 24.00 Z20_056 42.00 300.00 13.00 4.50 33.00 24.00 Z20_057 54.00 60.00 13.00 4.50 43.00 32.00 Mold Base Library 23 - 13 HA SC O M ETRIC BU S H IN G S 23 - 14 Instance Name d_3 l l1 l2 d_1 d_2 Z20_058 54.00 80.00 13.00 4.50 43.00 32.00 Z20_059 54.00 120.00 13.00 4.50 43.00 32.00 Z20_060 54.00 160.00 13.00 4.50 43.00 32.00 Z20_061 54.00 200.00 13.00 4.50 43.00 32.00 Z20_062 54.00 240.00 13.00 4.50 43.00 32.00 Z20_063 54.00 280.00 13.00 4.50 43.00 32.00 Mold Base Library HA SCO M ETRIC BU S H IN G S BUSHING, CATALOG NO. Z45 Generic Part Name: Z45 Instance Name b1 d_1 d_2 b2 l2 k r l1 Z45_01 1.50 3.00 6.00 1.80 35.00 3.00 0.30 60-150 Z45_02 1.60 3.00 6.00 1.90 35.00 3.00 0.30 75-150 Z45_03 2.00 4.00 8.00 2.40 35.00 3.00 0.30 75-150 Z45_04 2.20 4.00 8.00 2.40 35.00 3.00 0.30 75-150 Z45_05 2.50 5.00 10.00 3.00 35.00 3.00 0.30 75-150 Z45_06 2.70 5.00 10.00 3.00 45.00 3.00 0.30 75-150 Z45_07 3.00 5.00 10.00 3.30 45.00 3.00 0.30 75-150 Z45_08 3.20 5.00 10.00 3.50 45.00 3.00 0.30 75-175 Z45_09 3.50 6.00 12.00 4.00 45.00 5.00 0.50 75-175 Z45_10 3.70 6.00 12.00 4.00 45.00 5.00 0.50 75-175 Z45_11 4.00 6.00 12.00 4.30 45.00 5.00 0.50 75-200 Z45_12 4.20 8.00 14.00 5.00 45.00 5.00 0.50 75-200 Z45_13 5.00 8.00 14.00 5.30 45.00 5.00 0.50 75-200 Z45_14 5.20 8.00 14.00 5.50 45.00 5.00 0.50 75-200 Z45_15 6.00 10.00 16.00 6.30 45.00 5.00 0.50 75-250 Z45_16 6.20 10.00 16.00 6.50 45.00 5.00 0.50 75-250 Z45_17 8.00 12.00 20.00 8.30 45.00 7.00 0.80 75-275 Z45_18 8.20 12.00 20.00 8.50 45.00 7.00 0.80 75-275 Mold Base Library 23 - 15 HA SC O M ETRIC BU S H IN G S 23 - 16 Instance Name b1 d_1 d_2 b2 l2 k r l1 Z45_19 10.00 14.00 22.00 10.50 50.00 7.00 0.80 100-275 Z45_20 12.00 16.00 22.00 12.50 50.00 7.00 0.80 100-275 Mold Base Library 24 HASCO METRIC SCREWS SCREW, CATALOG NO. Z30 Generic Part Name: Z30 Instance Name NOM_SIZE THR_PITCH thread_dia head_ dia head_ height hex_ socket b length Z30_01 M4X0.7 4.00 7.00 4.00 3.0000 7.9-22.9 10 to 25 Z30_02 M5X0.8 5.00 8.50 5.00 4.0000 5.6-22.6 8 to 40 Z30_03 M6X1 6.00 10.00 6.00 5.0000 7-27 10 to 70 Z30_04 M8X1.25 8.00 13.00 8.00 6.0000 12.3-31.3 16 to 80 Z30_05 M10X1.5 10.00 16.00 10.00 8.0000 11.5-35.5 16 to 120 Z30_06 M12X1.75 12.00 18.00 12.00 10.0000 14.8-36 20 to 140 Z30_07 M16X2 16.00 24.00 16.00 14.0000 24-54 30 to 130 Mold Base Library 24 - 1 HA SC O M ETRIC S CREWS SCREW, CATALOG NO. Z31 Generic Part Name: Z31 Instance Name NOM_SIZE_ THR_PITCH thread_dia head_dia head_ height HEX SOCK SIZE sock_ depth Z31_01 M4X0.7 4.00 7.00 4.00 3.0000 2.00 Z31_02 M5X0.8 5.00 8.50 5.00 4.0000 2.50 Z31_03 M6X1 6.00 10.00 6.00 5.0000 3.00 Z31_04 M8X1.25 8.00 13.00 8.00 6.0000 4.00 Z31_05 M10X1.5 10.00 16.00 10.00 8.0000 5.00 Z31_06 M12X1.75 12.00 18.00 12.00 10.0000 6.00 Z31_07 M16X2 16.00 24.00 16.00 14.0000 8.00 Z31_08 M20X2.5 20.00 30.00 20.00 17.0000 10.00 Z31_09 M24X3 24.00 36.00 24.00 19.0000 12.00 24 - 2 Mold Base Library HA S CO M ETRIC S CREWS SCREW, CATALOG NO. Z33 Generic Part Name: Z33 Instance Name NOM SIZE THR PITCH thread_ dia head_ dia head_height HEX SOCK SIZE sock_depth Z33_0101 M4X0.7 4.00 8.00 5.70 8.96 2.50000 Z33_0102 M4X0.7 4.00 12.00 9.70 8.96 2.50000 Z33_0103 M4X0.7 4.00 16.00 14.00 8.96 2.50000 Z33_0201 M6X1 6.00 12.00 8.70 13.44 4.00000 Z33_0202 M6X1 6.00 16.00 12.70 13.44 4.00000 Z33_0203 M6X1 6.00 20.00 18.00 13.44 4.00000 Z33_0204 M6X1 6.00 25.00 18.00 13.44 4.00000 Z33_0301 M8X1.25 8.00 16.00 11.60 17.92 5.00000 Z33_0302 M8X1.25 8.00 20.00 15.60 17.92 5.00000 Z33_0401 M10X1.5 10.00 20.00 14.50 22.40 6.00000 Z33_0501 M12X1.75 12.00 20.00 13.50 26.88 8.00000 Mold Base Library 24 - 3 HA SC O M ETRIC S CREWS SCREW, CATALOG NO. Z34 Generic Part Name: Z34 24 - 4 Instance Name NOMINAL _DIA THR PITCH THR PITCH Length SOCKET DEPTH HEX SOCK SIZE point_ dia point_ length Z34_0101 M4X0.7 4.00 10 2.50 2.0 2.50 3.00 Z34_0201 M6X1 6.00 18 3.50 3.0 4.00 3.50 Z34_0202 M6X1 6.00 25 3.50 3.0 4.00 3.50 Z34_0301 M8X1.25 8.00 20 5.00 4.0 5.50 5.00 Z34_0302 M8X1.25 8.00 30 5.00 4.0 5.50 5.00 Z34_0401 M10X1.5 10.00 30 6.00 5.0 7.00 5.50 Z34_0402 M10X1.5 10.00 40 6.00 5.0 7.00 5.50 Z34_0403 M10X1.5 10.00 50 6.00 5.0 7.00 5.50 Z34_0501 M12X1.75 12.00 30 8.00 6.0 8.50 7.00 Z34_0502 M12X1.75 12.00 40 8.00 6.0 8.50 7.00 Z34_0601 M16X2 16.00 45 10.00 8.0 12.00 9.00 Z34_0602 M16X2 16.00 55 10.00 8.0 12.00 9.00 Mold Base Library HA S CO M ETRIC S CREWS SCREW, CATALOG NO. Z35 Generic Part Name: Z35 Instance Name NOMINALDIA THR PITCH Thread Pitch length socket_ depth HEX SOCK SIZE point_ dia Z35_01 M3X0.5 3.00 2.00 1.50000 6-8 2 Z35_02 M4X0.7 4.00 2.50 2.00000 6-12 2.5 Z35_03 M5X0.8 5.00 3.50 2.50000 6-16 3 Z35_04 M6X1 6.00 4.00 3.00000 6-20 3.5 Z35_05 M8X1.25 8.00 5.50 4.00000 8-30 5 Z35_06 M10X1.5 10.00 7.00 5.00000 10-40 6 Z35_07 M12X1.75 12.00 8.50 6.00000 12-40 8 Mold Base Library 24 - 5 HA SC O M ETRIC S CREWS SCREW, CATALOG NO. Z69 Generic Part Name: Z69 24 - 6 Instance Name NOMINAL DIA d_1 d_2 s H Z69_01 4.0000 4.10 7.00 1.20 2.8000 Z69_02 5.0000 5.10 8.80 1.60 3.8000 Z69_03 6.0000 6.10 9.90 1.60 3.8000 Z69_04 8.0000 8.10 12.70 2.00 4.7000 Z69_05 10.0000 10.20 16.00 2.50 5.9000 Z69_06 12.0000 12.20 18.00 2.50 5.9000 Z69_07 16.0000 16.20 24.40 3.50 8.3000 Z69_08 20.0000 20.20 30.60 4.50 10.6000 Z69_09 24.0000 24.50 35.90 5.00 11.8000 Mold Base Library 13 HASCO METRIC SPRINGS SPRING, CATALOG NO. Z60 Generic Part Name: Z60 Instance Name L_N L_C F_N S_N D_E COIL_ D D_I L_O CYL Spring SPR1_REP 6.500 5.250 10.80 2.2000 3.0000 0.50000 2.0000 8.70 Y N SPR2_REP 7.500 6.600 38.50 3.5000 3.2600 0.63000 2.0000 11.00 Y N SPR3_REP 10.300 9.150 38.50 5.2000 3.2600 0.63000 2.0000 15.50 Y N SPR4_REP 12.800 10.250 28.50 4.7000 3.2600 0.63000 2.0000 17.50 Y N SPR5_REP 7.000 6.000 32.40 2.7000 4.8000 0.80000 3.2000 9.70 Y N SPR6_REP 13.500 11.600 32.40 6.0000 4.8000 0.80000 3.2000 19.50 Y N SPR7_REP 9.000 8.400 108.00 3.0000 6.0000 1.20000 3.6000 12.00 Y N SPR8_REP 9.000 7.500 44.10 3.0000 6.0000 1.00000 4.0000 12.00 Y N SPR9_REP 24.600 20.500 44.10 9.9000 6.0000 1.00000 4.0000 34.50 Y N SPR10_REP 5.750 4.500 39.20 4.2500 6.8000 0.90000 5.0000 10.00 Y N SPR11_REP 9.800 9.400 133.00 7.2000 7.5000 1.25000 5.0000 17.00 Y N SPR12_REP 13.800 13.150 133.00 11.2000 7.5000 1.25000 5.0000 25.00 Y N SPR13_REP 10.000 9.200 136.00 5.0000 1.40000 5.2000 15.00 Y N SPR14_REP 21.000 20.000 446.00 4.0000 12.0000 2.70000 6.6000 25.00 Y N SPR15_REP 9.300 8.400 182.50 8.7000 10.0000 1.50000 7.0000 18.00 Y N Mold Base Library 8.0000 25 - 1 H ASC O M ETRIC S P RIN G S Instance Name L_N SPR16_REP 10.100 SPR17_REP 14.000 SPR18_REP 21.500 SPR19_REP 15.000 F_N S_N D_E COIL_ D 7.500 33.40 8.9000 9.0000 1.00000 7.0000 19.00 Y N 13.500 314.00 6.0000 11.2000 2.10000 7.0000 20.00 Y N 18.750 141.00 18.5000 10.0000 1.50000 7.0000 40.00 Y N 12.750 177.00 10.0000 11.0000 1.70000 7.6000 25.00 Y N L_C D_I L_O CYL Spring SPR20_REP 7.700 6.900 85.30 12.3000 11.2000 1.25000 8.7000 20.00 Y N SPR21_REP 21.100 18.150 85.30 42.9000 11.2000 1.25000 8.7000 64.00 Y N SPR22_REP 22.000 19.200 147.00 28.0000 12.2000 1.60000 9.0000 50.00 Y N SPR23_REP 25.300 21.500 108.00 29.7000 12.0000 1.50000 9.0000 55.00 Y N SPR24_REP 24.400 22.500 118.00 35.6000 12.0000 1.50000 9.0000 60.00 Y N SPR25_REP 14.000 13.500 216.00 16.0000 13.0000 1.80000 9.4000 30.00 Y N SPR26_REP 22.400 17.500 206.00 17.6000 14.0000 2.00000 10.0000 40.00 Y N SPR27_REP 25.000 22.500 245.00 25.0000 14.0000 2.00000 10.0000 50.00 Y N SPR28_REP 65.000 58.000 1320.00 18.0000 18.0000 4.00000 10.0000 83.00 Y N SPR29_REP 27.000 25.000 1330.00 8.0000 19.0000 4.00000 11.0000 35.00 Y N SPR30_REP 22.000 17.800 226.00 18.0000 15.2000 2.10000 11.0000 40.00 Y N SPR31_REP 30.000 20.000 220.00 20.0000 15.2000 2.10000 11.0000 50.00 Y N SPR32_REP 36.000 24.200 211.00 24.0000 15.2000 2.10000 11.0000 60.00 Y N SPR33_REP 42.000 26.300 224.00 28.0000 15.5000 2.10000 11.0000 70.00 Y N SPR34_REP 48.000 30.500 217.00 32.0000 15.2000 2.10000 11.0000 80.00 Y N SPR35_REP 54.000 34.700 211.00 36.0000 15.2000 2.10000 11.0000 90.00 Y N SPR36_REP 31.000 28.500 481.00 14.0000 17.5000 3.00000 11.5000 45.00 Y N SPR37_REP 34.000 31.500 471.00 16.0000 17.5000 3.00000 11.5000 50.00 Y N SPR38_REP 41.000 32.500 260.00 44.0000 17.0000 2.25000 12.5000 85.00 Y N SPR39_REP 29.000 27.500 1630.00 6.0000 23.0000 5.00000 13.0000 35.00 Y N SPR40_REP 28.000 24.500 736.00 12.0000 20.0000 3.50000 13.0000 40.00 Y N SPR41_REP 31.400 29.400 245.00 38.6000 17.5000 2.25000 13.0000 70.00 Y N SPR42_REP 48.000 46.400 1960.00 12.0000 24.0000 5.30000 13.4000 60.00 Y N SPR43_REP 34.400 31.500 1140.00 15.6000 21.5000 4.00000 13.5000 50.00 Y N SPR44_REP 59.000 56.000 4600.00 11.0000 27.8000 7.00000 13.8000 70.00 Y N SPR45_REP 24.000 20.800 419.00 12.0000 21.4000 3.20000 15.0000 36.00 Y N SPR46_REP 20.000 16.250 294.00 20.0000 20.0000 2.50000 15.0000 40.00 Y N SPR47_REP 37.600 32.500 1180.00 7.4000 25.0000 5.00000 15.0000 45.00 Y N SPR48_REP 27.800 25.500 451.00 22.2000 21.0000 3.00000 15.0000 50.00 Y N SPR49_REP 34.700 32.000 392.00 25.3000 21.0000 3.00000 15.0000 60.00 Y N 25 - 2 Mold Base Library HA S CO M ETRIC S P RIN G S Instance Name L_N L_C F_N SPR50_REP 41.100 38.000 367.00 SPR51_REP 47.500 44.000 349.00 SPR52_REP 23.600 21.000 SPR53_REP 21.000 18.000 SPR54_REP SPR55_REP D_E COIL_ D CYL Spring 28.9000 21.0000 3.00000 15.0000 70.00 Y N 32.5000 21.0000 3.00000 15.0000 80.00 Y N 540.00 21.4000 21.5000 3.00000 15.5000 45.00 Y N 841.00 9.0000 25.0000 4.00000 17.0000 30.00 Y N 103.000 99.000 2400.00 33.0000 29.0000 6.00000 17.0000 136.00 Y N 27.600 25.000 981.00 8.5000 30.0000 5.00000 20.0000 36.00 Y N SPR56_REP 27.000 26.000 883.00 23.0000 28.0000 4.00000 20.0000 50.00 Y N SPR57_REP 65.600 60.000 1450.00 16.4000 32.0000 6.00000 20.0000 82.00 Y N SPR58_REP 72.200 66.000 1560.00 19.8000 32.0000 6.00000 20.0000 92.00 Y N SPR59_REP 78.600 72.000 1670.00 23.4000 32.0000 6.00000 20.0000 102.00 Y N SPR60_REP 85.300 78.000 1690.00 26.7000 32.0000 6.00000 20.0000 112.00 Y N SPR61_REP 91.800 84.000 1810.00 30.2000 32.0000 6.00000 20.0000 122.00 Y N SPR62_REP 98.300 90.000 1880.00 33.7000 32.0000 6.00000 20.0000 132.00 Y N SPR63_REP 104.900 96.000 1920.00 37.1000 32.0000 6.00000 20.0000 142.00 Y N SPR64_REP 111.400 102.000 1960.00 40.6000 32.0000 6.00000 20.0000 152.00 Y N SPR65_REP 118.000 108.000 2010.00 44.0000 32.0000 6.00000 20.0000 162.00 Y N SPR66_REP 130.000 119.000 1930.00 47.0000 32.0000 6.00000 20.0000 177.00 Y N SPR67_REP 152.800 140.000 1700.00 49.2000 32.0000 6.00000 20.0000 202.00 Y N SPR68_REP 168.100 154.000 1610.00 51.9000 32.0000 6.00000 20.0000 220.00 Y N SPR69_REP 33.000 24.800 728.00 13.0000 31.0000 4.50000 22.0000 46.00 Y N SPR70_REP 36.000 32.000 804.00 34.0000 30.0000 4.00000 22.0000 70.00 Y N SPR71_REP 35.300 31.500 491.00 40.7000 29.0000 3.50000 22.0000 76.00 Y N SPR72_REP 47.300 40.400 883.00 28.7000 33.5000 4.75000 24.0000 76.00 Y N SPR73_REP 41.000 36.000 1340.00 15.0000 38.0000 6.00000 26.0000 56.00 Y N SPR74_REP 84.000 80.500 1900.00 28.0000 40.0000 7.00000 26.0000 112.00 Y N SPR75_REP 100.000 87.500 1970.00 32.0000 40.0000 7.00000 26.0000 132.00 Y N SPR76_REP 114.000 101.500 1980.00 38.0000 40.0000 7.00000 26.0000 152.00 Y N SPR77_REP 129.000 115.500 1940.00 43.0000 40.0000 7.00000 26.0000 172.00 Y N SPR78_REP 144.000 129.500 1910.00 48.0000 40.0000 7.00000 26.0000 192.00 Y N SPR79_REP 160.000 136.500 1960.00 52.0000 40.0000 7.00000 26.0000 212.00 Y N SPR80_REP 58.600 56.000 2940.00 21.4000 46.0000 8.00000 30.0000 80.00 Y N SPR81_REP 45.200 42.700 4410.00 14.8000 50.0000 9.00000 32.0000 60.00 Y N SPR82_REP 98.500 91.000 3190.00 43.5000 48.4000 8.20000 32.0000 142.00 Y N SPR83_REP 138.000 127.000 3060.00 44.0000 49.6000 8.80000 32.0000 182.00 Y N Mold Base Library S_N D_I L_O 25 - 3 H ASC O M ETRIC S P RIN G S Instance Name L_N L_C F_N S_N D_E COIL_ D D_I L_O CYL Spring SPR84_REP 152.400 140.000 3300.00 47.6000 50.0000 9.00000 32.0000 200.00 Y N SPR85_REP 171.300 157.000 3400.00 50.7000 50.4000 9.20000 32.0000 222.00 Y N SPR86_REP 209.900 192.000 3260.00 52.1000 51.0000 9.50000 32.0000 262.00 Y N SPR87_REP 76.600 71.200 3920.00 23.4000 53.0000 9.50000 34.0000 100.00 Y N SPR88_REP 35.000 34.000 1820.00 15.0000 58.0000 8.00000 42.0000 50.00 Y N SPR1 6.500 5.250 10.80 2.2000 3.0000 0.50000 2.0000 8.70 N Y SPR2 7.500 6.600 38.50 3.5000 3.2600 0.63000 2.0000 11.00 N Y SPR3 10.300 9.150 38.50 5.2000 3.2600 0.63000 2.0000 15.50 N Y SPR4 12.800 10.250 28.50 4.7000 3.2600 0.63000 2.0000 17.50 N Y SPR5 7.000 6.000 32.40 2.7000 4.8000 0.80000 3.2000 9.70 N Y SPR6 13.500 11.600 32.40 6.0000 4.8000 0.80000 3.2000 19.50 N Y SPR7 9.000 8.400 108.00 3.0000 6.0000 1.20000 3.6000 12.00 N Y SPR8 9.000 7.500 44.10 3.0000 6.0000 1.00000 4.0000 12.00 N Y SPR9 24.600 20.500 44.10 9.9000 6.0000 1.00000 4.0000 34.50 N Y SPR10 5.750 4.500 39.20 4.2500 6.8000 0.90000 5.0000 10.00 N Y SPR11 9.800 9.400 133.00 7.2000 7.5000 1.25000 5.0000 17.00 N Y SPR12 13.800 13.150 133.00 11.2000 7.5000 1.25000 5.0000 25.00 N Y SPR13 10.000 9.200 136.00 5.0000 1.40000 5.2000 15.00 N Y SPR14 21.000 20.000 446.00 4.0000 12.0000 2.70000 6.6000 25.00 N Y SPR15 9.300 8.400 182.50 8.7000 10.0000 1.50000 7.0000 18.00 N Y SPR16 10.100 7.500 33.40 8.9000 1.00000 7.0000 19.00 N Y SPR17 14.000 13.500 314.00 6.0000 11.2000 2.10000 7.0000 20.00 N Y SPR18 21.500 18.750 141.00 18.5000 10.0000 1.50000 7.0000 40.00 N Y SPR19 15.000 12.750 177.00 10.0000 11.0000 1.70000 7.6000 25.00 N Y SPR20 7.700 6.900 85.30 12.3000 11.2000 1.25000 8.7000 20.00 N Y SPR21 21.100 18.150 85.30 42.9000 11.2000 1.25000 8.7000 64.00 N Y SPR22 22.000 19.200 147.00 28.0000 12.2000 1.60000 9.0000 50.00 N Y SPR23 25.300 21.500 108.00 29.7000 12.0000 1.50000 9.0000 55.00 N Y SPR24 24.400 22.500 118.00 35.6000 12.0000 1.50000 9.0000 60.00 N Y SPR25 14.000 13.500 216.00 16.0000 13.0000 1.80000 9.4000 30.00 N Y SPR26 22.400 17.500 206.00 17.6000 14.0000 2.00000 10.0000 40.00 N Y SPR27 25.000 22.500 245.00 25.0000 14.0000 2.00000 10.0000 50.00 N Y SPR28 65.000 58.000 1320.00 18.0000 18.0000 4.00000 10.0000 83.00 N Y SPR29 27.000 25.000 1330.00 N Y 25 - 4 8.0000 9.0000 8.0000 19.0000 4.00000 11.0000 35.00 Mold Base Library HA S CO M ETRIC S P RIN G S Instance Name L_N L_C F_N SPR30 22.000 17.800 226.00 SPR31 30.000 20.000 220.00 SPR32 36.000 24.200 SPR33 42.000 SPR34 SPR35 D_E COIL_ D CYL Spring 18.0000 15.2000 2.10000 11.0000 40.00 N Y 20.0000 15.2000 2.10000 11.0000 50.00 N Y 211.00 24.0000 15.2000 2.10000 11.0000 60.00 N Y 26.300 224.00 28.0000 15.5000 2.10000 11.0000 70.00 N Y 48.000 30.500 217.00 32.0000 15.2000 2.10000 11.0000 80.00 N Y 54.000 34.700 211.00 36.0000 15.2000 2.10000 11.0000 90.00 N Y SPR36 31.000 28.500 481.00 14.0000 17.5000 3.00000 11.5000 45.00 N Y SPR37 34.000 31.500 471.00 16.0000 17.5000 3.00000 11.5000 50.00 N Y SPR38 41.000 32.500 260.00 44.0000 17.0000 2.25000 12.5000 85.00 N Y SPR39 29.000 27.500 1630.00 6.0000 23.0000 5.00000 13.0000 35.00 N Y SPR40 28.000 24.500 736.00 12.0000 20.0000 3.50000 13.0000 40.00 N Y SPR41 31.400 29.400 245.00 38.6000 17.5000 2.25000 13.0000 70.00 N Y SPR42 48.000 46.400 1960.00 12.0000 24.0000 5.30000 13.4000 60.00 N Y SPR43 34.400 31.500 1140.00 15.6000 21.5000 4.00000 13.5000 50.00 N Y SPR44 59.000 56.000 4600.00 11.0000 27.8000 7.00000 13.8000 70.00 N Y SPR45 24.000 20.800 419.00 12.0000 21.4000 3.20000 15.0000 36.00 N Y SPR46 20.000 16.250 294.00 20.0000 20.0000 2.50000 15.0000 40.00 N Y SPR47 37.600 32.500 1180.00 7.4000 25.0000 5.00000 15.0000 45.00 N Y SPR48 27.800 25.500 451.00 22.2000 21.0000 3.00000 15.0000 50.00 N Y SPR49 34.700 32.000 392.00 25.3000 21.0000 3.00000 15.0000 60.00 N Y SPR50 41.100 38.000 367.00 28.9000 21.0000 3.00000 15.0000 70.00 N Y SPR51 47.500 44.000 349.00 32.5000 21.0000 3.00000 15.0000 80.00 N Y SPR52 23.600 21.000 540.00 21.4000 21.5000 3.00000 15.5000 45.00 N Y SPR53 21.000 18.000 841.00 9.0000 25.0000 4.00000 17.0000 30.00 N Y SPR54 103.000 99.000 2400.00 33.0000 29.0000 6.00000 17.0000 136.00 N Y SPR55 27.600 25.000 981.00 8.5000 30.0000 5.00000 20.0000 36.00 N Y SPR56 27.000 26.000 883.00 23.0000 28.0000 4.00000 20.0000 50.00 N Y SPR57 65.600 60.000 1450.00 16.4000 32.0000 6.00000 20.0000 82.00 N Y SPR58 72.200 66.000 1560.00 19.8000 32.0000 6.00000 20.0000 92.00 N Y SPR59 78.600 72.000 1670.00 23.4000 32.0000 6.00000 20.0000 102.00 N Y SPR60 85.300 78.000 1690.00 26.7000 32.0000 6.00000 20.0000 112.00 N Y SPR61 91.800 84.000 1810.00 30.2000 32.0000 6.00000 20.0000 122.00 N Y SPR62 98.300 90.000 1880.00 33.7000 32.0000 6.00000 20.0000 132.00 N Y SPR63 104.900 96.000 1920.00 37.1000 32.0000 6.00000 20.0000 142.00 N Y Mold Base Library S_N D_I L_O 25 - 5 H ASC O M ETRIC S P RIN G S Instance Name L_N L_C F_N S_N D_E COIL_ D D_I L_O CYL Spring SPR64 111.400 102.000 1960.00 40.6000 32.0000 6.00000 20.0000 152.00 N Y SPR65 118.000 108.000 2010.00 44.0000 32.0000 6.00000 20.0000 162.00 N Y SPR66 130.000 119.000 1930.00 47.0000 32.0000 6.00000 20.0000 177.00 N Y SPR67 152.800 140.000 1700.00 49.2000 32.0000 6.00000 20.0000 202.00 N Y SPR68 168.100 154.000 1610.00 51.9000 32.0000 6.00000 20.0000 220.00 N Y SPR69 33.000 24.800 728.00 13.0000 31.0000 4.50000 22.0000 46.00 N Y SPR70 36.000 32.000 804.00 34.0000 30.0000 4.00000 22.0000 70.00 N Y SPR71 35.300 31.500 491.00 40.7000 29.0000 3.50000 22.0000 76.00 N Y SPR72 47.300 40.400 883.00 28.7000 33.5000 4.75000 24.0000 76.00 N Y SPR73 41.000 36.000 1340.00 15.0000 38.0000 6.00000 26.0000 56.00 N Y SPR74 84.000 80.500 1900.00 28.0000 40.0000 7.00000 26.0000 112.00 N Y SPR75 100.000 87.500 1970.00 32.0000 40.0000 7.00000 26.0000 132.00 N Y SPR76 114.000 101.500 1980.00 38.0000 40.0000 7.00000 26.0000 152.00 N Y SPR77 129.000 115.500 1940.00 43.0000 40.0000 7.00000 26.0000 172.00 N Y SPR78 144.000 129.500 1910.00 48.0000 40.0000 7.00000 26.0000 192.00 N Y SPR79 160.000 136.500 1960.00 52.0000 40.0000 7.00000 26.0000 212.00 N Y SPR80 58.600 56.000 2940.00 21.4000 46.0000 8.00000 60.0000 80.00 N Y SPR81 45.200 42.700 4410.00 14.8000 50.0000 9.00000 32.0000 60.00 N Y SPR82 98.500 91.000 3190.00 43.5000 48.4000 8.20000 32.0000 142.00 N Y SPR83 138.000 127.000 3060.00 44.0000 49.6000 8.80000 32.0000 182.00 N Y SPR84 152.400 140.000 3300.00 47.6000 50.0000 9.00000 32.0000 200.00 N Y SPR85 171.300 157.000 3400.00 50.7000 50.4000 9.20000 32.0000 222.00 N Y SPR86 209.900 192.000 3260.00 52.1000 51.0000 9.50000 32.0000 262.00 N Y SPR87 76.600 71.200 3920.00 23.4000 53.0000 9.50000 34.0000 100.00 N Y SPR88 35.000 34.000 1820.00 15.0000 58.0000 8.00000 42.0000 50.00 N Y 25 - 6 Mold Base Library HA S CO M ETRIC S P RIN G S SPRING, CATALOG NO. Z64 Generic Part Name: Z64 Instance Name L_N L_C F_N S_N D_E A D_I L_O CYL Spring SQR_SPR1_REP 12.6000 11.5000 167.00 7.4000 10.0000 1.50000 7.0000 20.00 Y N SQR_SPR2_REP 14.2000 13.5000 284.00 5.8000 11.5000 2.00000 7.5000 20.00 Y N SQR_SPR3_REP 37.5000 33.0000 412.00 12.5000 14.0000 2.50000 9.0000 50.00 Y N SQR_SPR4_REP 21.6000 19.8000 510.00 10.4000 14.5000 2.50000 9.5000 32.00 Y N SQR_SPR5_REP 37.8000 35.5000 1570.00 7.2000 17.5000 4.00000 9.5000 45.00 Y N SQR_SPR6_REP 39.4000 36.5000 1720.00 10.6000 19.0000 4.00000 11.0000 50.00 Y N SQR_SPR7_REP 35.2000 32.5000 1570.00 9.8000 19.5000 4.00000 11.5000 45.00 Y N SQR_SPR8_REP 34.0000 32.0000 1280.00 11.0000 21.0000 4.00000 13.0000 45.00 Y N SQR_SPR9_REP 40.2000 37.0000 2940.00 4.8000 26.0000 6.00000 14.0000 45.00 Y N SQR_SPR10_REP 83.5000 81.0000 5300.00 14.5000 28.0000 7.00000 14.0000 98.00 Y N SQR_SPR11_REP 58.4000 55.0000 1100.00 24.6000 23.0000 4.00000 15.0000 83.00 Y N SQR_SPR12_REP 55.5000 53.0000 4610.00 16.5000 42.0000 8.00000 26.0000 72.00 Y N SQR_SPR1 12.6000 11.5000 167.00 7.4000 10.0000 1.50000 7.0000 20.00 N Y SQR_SPR2 14.2000 13.5000 284.00 5.8000 11.5000 2.00000 7.5000 20.00 N Y SQR_SPR3 37.5000 33.0000 412.00 12.5000 14.0000 2.50000 9.0000 50.00 N Y Mold Base Library 25 - 7 H ASC O M ETRIC S P RIN G S Instance Name L_N L_C F_N S_N D_E A D_I L_O CYL Spring SQR_SPR4 21.6000 19.8000 510.00 10.4000 14.5000 2.50000 9.5000 32.00 N Y SQR_SPR5 37.8000 35.5000 1570.00 7.2000 17.5000 4.00000 9.5000 45.00 N Y SQR_SPR6 39.4000 36.5000 1720.00 10.6000 19.0000 4.00000 11.0000 50.00 N Y SQR_SPR7 35.2000 32.5000 1570.00 9.8000 19.5000 4.00000 11.5000 45.00 N Y SQR_SPR8 34.0000 32.0000 1280.00 11.0000 21.0000 4.00000 13.0000 45.00 N Y SQR_SPR9 40.2000 37.0000 2940.00 4.8000 26.0000 6.00000 14.0000 45.00 N Y SQR_SPR10 83.5000 81.0000 5300.00 14.5000 28.0000 7.00000 14.0000 98.00 N Y SQR_SPR11 58.4000 55.0000 1100.00 24.6000 23.0000 4.00000 15.0000 83.00 N Y SQR_SPR12 55.5000 53.0000 4610.00 16.5000 42.0000 8.00000 26.0000 72.00 N Y 25 - 8 Mold Base Library 11 HASCO METRIC SPRUE BUSHINGS SPRUE BUSHING, CATALOG NO. Z51 Generic Part Name: Z51 Notes 1. “*” denotes a non-existent value. Instance Name d_2 l d_1 r d k Cut Z51_010 18.00 27.0000 3.5000 15.50 38.00 18.0000 Y Z51_011 18.00 36.0000 3.5000 15.50 38.00 18.0000 Y Z51_012 18.00 46.0000 3.5000 15.50 38.00 18.0000 Y Z51_013 18.00 56.0000 3.5000 15.50 38.00 18.0000 Y Z51_014 18.00 27.0000 4.5000 15.50 38.00 18.0000 Y Z51_015 18.00 36.0000 4.5000 15.50 38.00 18.0000 Y Z51_016 18.00 46.0000 4.5000 15.50 38.00 18.0000 Y Z51_017 18.00 56.0000 4.5000 15.50 38.00 18.0000 Y Mold Base Library 26 - 1 H ASC O ME TRIC S P RU E BU S H IN G S 26 - 2 Instance Name d_2 l d_1 r d k Cut Z51_018 18.00 76.0000 4.5000 15.50 38.00 18.0000 Y Z51_019 24.00 46.0000 4.5000 15.50 48.00 23.0000 Y Z51_020 24.00 56.0000 4.5000 15.50 48.00 23.0000 Y Z51_021 24.00 76.0000 4.5000 15.50 48.00 23.0000 Y Z51_022 24.00 56.0000 6.5000 15.50 48.00 23.0000 Y Z51_023 24.00 76.0000 6.5000 15.50 48.00 23.0000 Y Z51_024 18.00 27.0000 3.5000 40.00 38.00 18.0000 Y Z51_025 18.00 36.0000 3.5000 40.00 38.00 18.0000 Y Z51_026 18.00 46.0000 3.5000 40.00 38.00 18.0000 Y Z51_027 18.00 56.0000 3.5000 40.00 38.00 18.0000 Y Z51_028 18.00 27.0000 4.5000 40.00 38.00 18.0000 Y Z51_029 18.00 36.0000 4.5000 40.00 38.00 18.0000 Y Z51_030 18.00 46.0000 4.5000 40.00 38.00 18.0000 Y Z51_031 18.00 56.0000 4.5000 40.00 38.00 18.0000 Y Z51_032 18.00 76.0000 4.5000 40.00 38.00 18.0000 Y Z51_033 24.00 46.0000 4.5000 40.00 48.00 23.0000 Y Z51_034 24.00 56.0000 4.5000 40.00 48.00 23.0000 Y Z51_035 24.00 76.0000 4.5000 40.00 48.00 23.0000 Y Z51_036 24.00 56.0000 6.5000 40.00 48.00 23.0000 Y Z51_037 24.00 76.0000 6.5000 40.00 48.00 23.0000 Y Z51_038 18.00 27.0000 3.5000 * 38.00 18.0000 N Z51_039 18.00 36.0000 3.5000 * 38.00 18.0000 N Z51_040 18.00 46.0000 3.5000 * 38.00 18.0000 N Z51_041 18.00 56.0000 3.5000 * 38.00 18.0000 N Z51_042 18.00 27.0000 4.5000 * 38.00 18.0000 N Z51_043 18.00 36.0000 4.5000 * 38.00 18.0000 N Z51_044 18.00 46.0000 4.5000 * 38.00 18.0000 N Z51_045 18.00 56.0000 4.5000 * 38.00 18.0000 N Z51_046 18.00 76.0000 4.5000 * 38.00 18.0000 N Z51_047 24.00 46.0000 4.5000 * 48.00 23.0000 N Mold Base Library H ASC O M ETRIC S P RU E BU S H IN G S Instance Name d_2 l d_1 r d k Cut Z51_048 24.00 56.0000 4.5000 * 48.00 23.0000 N Z51_049 24.00 76.0000 4.5000 * 48.00 23.0000 N Z51_050 24.00 56.0000 6.5000 * 48.00 23.0000 N Z51_051 24.00 76.0000 6.5000 * 48.00 23.0000 N Mold Base Library 26 - 3 H ASC O ME TRIC S P RU E BU S H IN G S SPRUE BUSHING, CATALOG NO. Z511 Generic Part Name: Z511 Notes 1. 26 - 4 “*” denotes a non-existent value. Instance Name d_2 l d_1 r d k t Cut Z511_010 12.00 22.0000 2.5000 15.50 28.00 13.0000 1.5000 Y Z511_011 12.00 27.0000 2.5000 15.50 28.00 13.0000 1.5000 Y Z511_012 12.00 36.0000 2.5000 15.50 28.00 13.0000 1.5000 Y Z511_013 12.00 46.0000 2.5000 15.50 28.00 13.0000 1.5000 Y Z511_014 12.00 22.0000 3.5000 15.50 28.00 13.0000 1.5000 Y Z511_015 12.00 27.0000 3.5000 15.50 28.00 13.0000 1.5000 Y Z511_016 12.00 36.0000 3.5000 15.50 28.00 13.0000 1.5000 Y Z511_017 12.00 46.0000 3.5000 15.50 28.00 13.0000 1.5000 Y Z511_018 12.00 56.0000 3.5000 15.50 28.00 13.0000 1.5000 Y Mold Base Library H ASC O M ETRIC S P RU E BU S H IN G S Instance Name d_2 l d_1 r d k t Cut Z511_019 18.00 27.0000 3.0000 15.50 38.00 18.0000 3.0000 Y Z511_020 18.00 36.0000 3.0000 15.50 38.00 18.0000 3.0000 Y Z511_021 18.00 46.0000 3.0000 15.50 38.00 18.0000 3.0000 Y Z511_022 18.00 56.0000 3.0000 15.50 38.00 18.0000 3.0000 Y Z511_023 18.00 76.0000 3.0000 15.50 38.00 18.0000 3.0000 Y Z511_024 18.00 96.0000 3.0000 15.50 38.00 18.0000 3.0000 Y Z511_025 18.00 116.0000 3.0000 15.50 38.00 18.0000 3.0000 Y Z511_026 18.00 27.0000 4.0000 15.50 38.00 18.0000 3.0000 Y Z511_027 18.00 36.0000 4.0000 15.50 38.00 18.0000 3.0000 Y Z511_028 18.00 46.0000 4.0000 15.50 38.00 18.0000 3.0000 Y Z511_029 18.00 56.0000 4.0000 15.50 38.00 18.0000 3.0000 Y Z511_030 18.00 76.0000 4.0000 15.50 38.00 18.0000 3.0000 Y Z511_031 18.00 96.0000 4.0000 15.50 38.00 18.0000 3.0000 Y Z511_032 18.00 116.0000 4.0000 15.50 38.00 18.0000 3.0000 Y Z511_033 12.00 22.0000 2.5000 40.00 28.00 13.0000 1.5000 Y Z511_034 12.00 27.0000 2.5000 40.00 28.00 13.0000 1.5000 Y Z511_035 12.00 36.0000 2.5000 40.00 28.00 13.0000 1.5000 Y Z511_036 12.00 46.0000 2.5000 40.00 28.00 13.0000 1.5000 Y Z511_037 12.00 22.0000 3.5000 40.00 28.00 13.0000 1.5000 Y Z511_038 12.00 27.0000 3.5000 40.00 28.00 13.0000 1.5000 Y Z511_039 12.00 36.0000 3.5000 40.00 28.00 13.0000 1.5000 Y Z511_040 12.00 46.0000 3.5000 40.00 28.00 13.0000 1.5000 Y Z511_041 12.00 56.0000 3.5000 40.00 28.00 13.0000 1.5000 Y Z511_042 18.00 27.0000 3.0000 40.00 38.00 18.0000 3.0000 Y Z511_043 18.00 36.0000 3.0000 40.00 38.00 18.0000 3.0000 Y Z511_044 18.00 46.0000 3.0000 40.00 38.00 18.0000 3.0000 Y Z511_045 18.00 56.0000 3.0000 40.00 38.00 18.0000 3.0000 Y Z511_046 18.00 76.0000 3.0000 40.00 38.00 18.0000 3.0000 Y Z511_047 18.00 96.0000 3.0000 40.00 38.00 18.0000 3.0000 Y Z511_048 18.00 116.0000 3.0000 40.00 38.00 18.0000 3.0000 Y Mold Base Library 26 - 5 H ASC O ME TRIC S P RU E BU S H IN G S 26 - 6 Instance Name d_2 l d_1 r d k t Cut Z511_049 18.00 27.0000 3.0000 40.00 38.00 18.0000 3.0000 Y Z511_050 18.00 36.0000 3.0000 40.00 38.00 18.0000 3.0000 Y Z511_051 18.00 46.0000 3.0000 40.00 38.00 18.0000 3.0000 Y Z511_052 18.00 56.0000 3.0000 40.00 38.00 18.0000 3.0000 Y Z511_053 18.00 76.0000 3.0000 40.00 38.00 18.0000 3.0000 Y Z511_054 18.00 96.0000 3.0000 40.00 38.00 18.0000 3.0000 Y Z511_055 18.00 116.0000 3.0000 40.00 38.00 18.0000 3.0000 Y Z511_056 12.00 22.0000 2.5000 * 28.00 13.0000 * N Z511_057 12.00 27.0000 2.5000 * 28.00 13.0000 * N Z511_058 12.00 36.0000 2.5000 * 28.00 13.0000 * N Z511_059 12.00 46.0000 2.5000 * 28.00 13.0000 * N Z511_060 12.00 22.0000 3.5000 * 28.00 13.0000 * N Z511_061 12.00 27.0000 3.5000 * 28.00 13.0000 * N Z511_062 12.00 36.0000 3.5000 * 28.00 13.0000 * N Z511_063 12.00 46.0000 3.5000 * 28.00 13.0000 * N Z511_064 12.00 56.0000 3.5000 * 28.00 13.0000 * N Z511_065 18.00 27.0000 3.0000 * 38.00 18.0000 * N Z511_066 18.00 36.0000 3.0000 * 38.00 18.0000 * N Z511_067 18.00 46.0000 3.0000 * 38.00 18.0000 * N Z511_068 18.00 56.0000 3.0000 * 38.00 18.0000 * N Z511_069 18.00 76.0000 3.0000 * 38.00 18.0000 * N Z511_070 18.00 96.0000 3.0000 * 38.00 18.0000 * N Z511_071 18.00 116.0000 3.0000 * 38.00 18.0000 * N Z511_072 18.00 27.0000 4.0000 * 38.00 18.0000 * N Z511_073 18.00 36.0000 4.0000 * 38.00 18.0000 * N Z511_074 18.00 46.0000 4.0000 * 38.00 18.0000 * N Z511_075 18.00 56.0000 4.0000 * 38.00 18.0000 * N Z511_076 18.00 76.0000 4.0000 * 38.00 18.0000 * N Z511_077 18.00 96.0000 4.0000 * 38.00 18.0000 * N Z511_078 18.00 116.0000 4.0000 * 38.00 18.0000 * N Mold Base Library SECTION III FUTABA METRIC MOLD BASE ASSEMBLIES AND COMPONENT PARTS 27 FUTABA METRIC MOLD BASE ASSEMBLIES The FUTABA metric mold base library is a database of parts and assemblies that you can retrieve when you are designing metric molds in Pro/ENGINEER. All Pro/ENGINEER assemblies and parts in the library are created to the specifications listed in the FUTABA Corporation catalog. NOTE: You do not have to create a search path for these assemblies in the file. LIBRARY ORGANIZATION The FUTABA mold library contains two subdirectories: • • assy_fm—Contains mold base assemblies. comp_fm—Contains component parts of the mold bases. In general, the names for assemblies and their component parts are the same as their corresponding catalog names in the FUTABA catalog. Generally, hyphens and spaces have been omitted or changed to underscores to make the catalog numbers and instance names valid for use in Pro/ENGINEER. Four series of metric mold bases are available for selection in the assy_fm directory: • • • • FSAA FSBA FSCA FSDA Figures 27-1 to 27-4 show these mold base assembly series. Mold Base Library 27 - 1 FUT A B A ME T R I C M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES Figure 27-1 Series FSAA Metric Mold Base Assembly In Figure 27-1, the “O” stands for the offset between the plates. If you open the mold base assembly, you can modify the offsets. Assemblies of the FSAA metric mold base series include the following: • • • • • • 27 - 2 Two clamping plates (T and L) One cavity plate (A) One core plate (B) One support plate (U) One spacer block (C) Two ejector plates (E and F) Mold Base Library FU T AB A M ETRIC M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES Figure 27-2 Series FSBA Metric Mold Base Assembly . In Figure 27-2, the “0” stands for the offset between the plates. If you open the mold base assembly, you can modify the offsets. Assemblies of the FSBA metric mold base series include the following: • • • • • • • Mold Base Library Two clamping plates (T and L) One cavity plate (A) One stripper plate (S) One core plate (B) One support plate (U) One spacer block (C) Two ejector plates (F and E) 27 - 3 FUT A B A ME T R I C M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES Figure 27-3 Series FSCA Metric Mold Base Assembly . In Figure 27-3, the “0” stands for the offset between the plates. If you open the mold base assembly, you can modify the offsets. Assemblies of the FSCA metric mold base series include the following: • • • • • 27 - 4 Two clamping plates (T and L) One cavity plate (A) One core plate (B) One spacer block (C) Two ejector plates (F and E) Mold Base Library FU T AB A M ETRIC M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES Figure 27-4 Series FSDA Metric Mold Base Assembly . In Figure 27-4, the “0” stands for the offset between the plates. If you open the mold base assembly, you can modify the offsets. Assemblies of the FSDA metric mold base series include the following: • • • • • • Mold Base Library Two clamping plates (T and E) One cavity plate (A) One stripper plate (S) One core plate (B) One spacer block (C) Two ejector plates (E and F) 27 - 5 FUT A B A ME T R I C M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES RETRIEVING ASSEMBLIES FROM THE LIBRARY After you select one of the four mold base assembly series, you can retrieve the generic assembly or a particular instance (that is, a particular size) of the assembly series. Sizes for the four series of mold bases can be specified from 110x130 mm to 700x800 mm. See TABLE OF MOLD BASE AND PLATE SIZES for a complete list of the mold base sizes. After you select the particular size mold base to use, you can retrieve the generic mold base or assemble an instance of the mold base. Assembling an instance allows you to specify sizes for the mold’s individual plates to create a customized mold. See TABLE OF MOLD BASE AND PLATE SIZES for a list of plate sizes that can be specified for a particular size mold base. TABLE OF MOLD BASE AND PLATE SIZES In the following table, all the dimensions are expressed in millimeters. 110x130 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 15 Cavity Plate (A) 20 to 60 Stripper Plate (S) 10 Core Plate (B) 20 to 60 Support Plate (U) 25 to 30 Spacer Block (C) 40 to 50 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 13 Ejector Plate (F) 13 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 15 130x130 PLATE 27 - 6 THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 15 Cavity Plate (A) 20 to 60 Stripper Plate (S) 10 Core Plate (B) 20 to 60 Support Plate (U) 25 to 30 Spacer Block (C) 40 to 50 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 13 Ejector Plate (F) 13 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 15 Mold Base Library FU T AB A M ETRIC M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 130x150 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 15 Cavity Plate (A) 20 to 60 Stripper Plate (S) 10 Core Plate (B) 20 to 60 Support Plate (U) 25 to 30 Spacer Block (C) 40 to 50 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 13 Ejector Plate (F) 13 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 15 150x150 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 20 Cavity Plate (A) 20 to 80 Stripper Plate (S) 15 Core Plate (B) 20 to 80 Support Plate (U) 30 to 40 Spacer Block (C) 50 to 80 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 13 Ejector Plate (F) 15 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 20 150x180 Mold Base Library PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 20 Cavity Plate (A) 20 to 80 Stripper Plate (S) 15 Core Plate (B) 20 to 80 Support Plate (U) 30 to 40 Spacer Block (C) 50 to 80 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 13 Ejector Plate (F) 15 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 20 27 - 7 FUT A B A ME T R I C M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 150x200 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 20 Cavity Plate (A) 20 to 80 Stripper Plate (S) 15 Core Plate (B) 20 to 80 Support Plate (U) 30 to 40 Spacer Block (C) 50 to 80 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 13 Ejector Plate (F) 15 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 20 150x230 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 20 Cavity Plate (A) 20 to 80 Stripper Plate (S) 15 Core Plate (B) 20 to 80 Support Plate (U) 30 to 40 Spacer Block (C) 50 to 80 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 13 Ejector Plate (F) 15 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 20 150x250 27 - 8 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 20 Cavity Plate (A) 20 to 80 Stripper Plate (S) 15 Core Plate (B) 20 to 80 Support Plate (U) 30 to 40 Spacer Block (C) 50 to 80 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 13 Ejector Plate (F) 15 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 20 Mold Base Library FU T AB A M ETRIC M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 150x300 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 20 Cavity Plate (A) 20 to 80 Stripper Plate (S) 15 Core Plate (B) 20 to 80 Support Plate (U) 30 to 40 Spacer Block (C) 50 to 80 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 13 Ejector Plate (F) 15 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 20 180x180 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 20 Cavity Plate (A) 20 to 80 Stripper Plate (S) 15 Core Plate (B) 20 to 80 Support Plate (U) 30 to 40 Spacer Block (C) 50 to 80 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 13 Ejector Plate (F) 15 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 20 180x200 Mold Base Library PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 20 Cavity Plate (A) 20 to 80 Stripper Plate (S) 15 Core Plate (B) 20 to 80 Support Plate (U) 30 to 40 Spacer Block (C) 50 to 80 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 13 Ejector Plate (F) 15 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 20 27 - 9 FUT A B A ME T R I C M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 180x230 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 20 Cavity Plate (A) 20 to 80 Stripper Plate (S) 15 Core Plate (B) 20 to 80 Support Plate (U) 30 to 40 Spacer Block (C) 50 to 80 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 13 Ejector Plate (F) 15 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 20 180x250 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 20 Cavity Plate (A) 20 to 80 Stripper Plate (S) 15 Core Plate (B) 20 to 80 Support Plate (U) 30 to 40 Spacer Block (C) 50 to 80 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 13 Ejector Plate (F) 15 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 20 180x300 27 - 10 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 20 Cavity Plate (A) 20 to 80 Stripper Plate (S) 15 Core Plate (B) 20 to 80 Support Plate (U) 30 to 40 Spacer Block (C) 50 to 80 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 13 Ejector Plate (F) 15 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 20 Mold Base Library FU T AB A M ETRIC M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 180x350 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 20 Cavity Plate (A) 20 to 80 Stripper Plate (S) 15 Core Plate (B) 20 to 80 Support Plate (U) 30 to 40 Spacer Block (C) 50 to 80 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 13 Ejector Plate (F) 15 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 20 200x200 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 25 Cavity Plate (A) 20 to 100 Stripper Plate (S) 20 Core Plate (B) 20 to 100 Support Plate (U) 30 to 40 Spacer Block (C) 50 to 90 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 13 Ejector Plate (F) 15 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 25 200x230 Mold Base Library PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 25 Cavity Plate (A) 20 to 100 Stripper Plate (S) 20 Core Plate (B) 20 to 100 Support Plate (U) 30 to 40 Spacer Block (C) 50 to 90 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 15 Ejector Plate (F) 20 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 25 27 - 11 FUT A B A ME T R I C M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 200x240 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 25 Cavity Plate (A) 20 to 100 Stripper Plate (S) 20 Core Plate (B) 20 to 100 Support Plate (U) 30 to 40 Spacer Block (C) 50 to 90 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 15 Ejector Plate (F) 20 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 25 200x250 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 25 Cavity Plate (A) 20 to 100 Stripper Plate (S) 20 Core Plate (B) 20 to 100 Support Plate (U) 30 to 40 Spacer Block (C) 50 to 90 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 15 Ejector Plate (F) 20 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 25 200x300 27 - 12 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 25 Cavity Plate (A) 20 to 100 Stripper Plate (S) 20 Core Plate (B) 20 to 100 Support Plate (U) 30 to 40 Spacer Block (C) 50 to 90 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 15 Ejector Plate (F) 20 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 25 Mold Base Library FU T AB A M ETRIC M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 200x350 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 25 Cavity Plate (A) 20 to 100 Stripper Plate (S) 20 Core Plate (B) 20 to 100 Support Plate (U) 30 to 40 Spacer Block (C) 50 to 90 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 15 Ejector Plate (F) 20 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 25 200x400 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 25 Cavity Plate (A) 20 to 100 Stripper Plate (S) 20 Core Plate (B) 20 to 100 Support Plate (U) 30 to 40 Spacer Block (C) 50 to 90 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 15 Ejector Plate (F) 20 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 25 200x450 Mold Base Library PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 25 Cavity Plate (A) 20 to 100 Stripper Plate (S) 20 Core Plate (B) 20 to 100 Support Plate (U) 30 to 40 Spacer Block (C) 50 to 90 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 15 Ejector Plate (F) 20 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 25 27 - 13 FUT A B A ME T R I C M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 230x230 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 25 Cavity Plate (A) 25 to 100 Stripper Plate (S) 20 Core Plate (B) 25 to 100 Support Plate (U) 35 to 50 Spacer Block (C) 60 to 100 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 15 Ejector Plate (F) 20 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 25 230x250 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 25 Cavity Plate (A) 25 to 100 Stripper Plate (S) 20 Core Plate (B) 25 to 100 Support Plate (U) 35 to 50 Spacer Block (C) 60 to 100 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 15 Ejector Plate (F) 20 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 25 230x270 27 - 14 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 25 Cavity Plate (A) 25 to 100 Stripper Plate (S) 20 Core Plate (B) 25 to 100 Support Plate (U) 35 to 50 Spacer Block (C) 60 to 100 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 15 Ejector Plate (F) 20 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 25 Mold Base Library FU T AB A M ETRIC M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 230x300 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 25 Cavity Plate (A) 25 to 100 Stripper Plate (S) 20 Core Plate (B) 25 to 100 Support Plate (U) 35 to 50 Spacer Block (C) 60 to 100 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 15 Ejector Plate (F) 20 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 25 230x350 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 25 Cavity Plate (A) 25 to 100 Stripper Plate (S) 20 Core Plate (B) 25 to 100 Support Plate (U) 35 to 50 Spacer Block (C) 60 to 100 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 15 Ejector Plate (F) 20 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 25 230x400 Mold Base Library PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 25 Cavity Plate (A) 25 to 100 Stripper Plate (S) 20 Core Plate (B) 25 to 100 Support Plate (U) 35 to 50 Spacer Block (C) 60 to 100 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 15 Ejector Plate (F) 20 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 25 27 - 15 FUT A B A ME T R I C M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 250x250 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 25 Cavity Plate (A) 25 to 120 Stripper Plate (S) 25 Core Plate (B) 25 to 120 Support Plate (U) 35 to 50 Spacer Block (C) 60 to 100 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 15 Ejector Plate (F) 20 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 25 250x270 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 25 Cavity Plate (A) 25 to 120 Stripper Plate (S) 25 Core Plate (B) 25 to 120 Support Plate (U) 35 to 50 Spacer Block (C) 60 to 100 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 15 Ejector Plate (F) 20 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 25 250x300 27 - 16 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 25 Cavity Plate (A) 25 to 120 Stripper Plate (S) 25 Core Plate (B) 25 to 120 Support Plate (U) 35 to 50 Spacer Block (C) 60 to 100 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 15 Ejector Plate (F) 20 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 25 Mold Base Library FU T AB A M ETRIC M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 250x350 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 25 Cavity Plate (A) 25 to 120 Stripper Plate (S) 25 Core Plate (B) 25 to 120 Support Plate (U) 35 to 50 Spacer Block (C) 60 to 100 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 15 Ejector Plate (F) 20 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 25 250x400 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 25 Cavity Plate (A) 25 to 120 Stripper Plate (S) 25 Core Plate (B) 25 to 120 Support Plate (U) 35 to 50 Spacer Block (C) 60 to 100 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 15 Ejector Plate (F) 20 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 25 250x450 Mold Base Library PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 25 Cavity Plate (A) 25 to 120 Stripper Plate (S) 25 Core Plate (B) 25 to 120 Support Plate (U) 35 to 50 Spacer Block (C) 60 to 100 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 15 Ejector Plate (F) 20 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 25 27 - 17 FUT A B A ME T R I C M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 250x500 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 25 Cavity Plate (A) 25 to 120 Stripper Plate (S) 25 Core Plate (B) 25 to 120 Support Plate (U) 35 to 50 Spacer Block (C) 60 to 100 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 15 Ejector Plate (F) 20 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 25 270x300 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 25 Cavity Plate (A) 30 to 120 Stripper Plate (S) 25 Core Plate (B) 30 to 120 Support Plate (U) 40 to 50 Spacer Block (C) 70 to 100 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 15 Ejector Plate (F) 20 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 25 270x350 27 - 18 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 25 Cavity Plate (A) 30 to 120 Stripper Plate (S) 25 Core Plate (B) 30 to 120 Support Plate (U) 40 to 50 Spacer Block (C) 70 to 100 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 15 Ejector Plate (F) 20 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 25 Mold Base Library FU T AB A M ETRIC M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 270x400 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 25 Cavity Plate (A) 30 to 120 Stripper Plate (S) 25 Core Plate (B) 30 to 120 Support Plate (U) 40 to 50 Spacer Block (C) 70 to 100 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 15 Ejector Plate (F) 20 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 25 270x500 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 25 Cavity Plate (A) 30 to 120 Stripper Plate (S) 25 Core Plate (B) 30 to 120 Support Plate (U) 40 to 50 Spacer Block (C) 70 to 100 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 15 Ejector Plate (F) 20 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 25 290x300 Mold Base Library PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 25 Cavity Plate (A) 30 to 120 Stripper Plate (S) 25 Core Plate (B) 30 to 120 Support Plate (U) 40 to 50 Spacer Block (C) 70 to 100 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 20 Ejector Plate (F) 25 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 25 27 - 19 FUT A B A ME T R I C M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 290x350 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 25 Cavity Plate (A) 30 to 120 Stripper Plate (S) 25 Core Plate (B) 30 to 120 Support Plate (U) 40 to 50 Spacer Block (C) 70 to 100 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 20 Ejector Plate (F) 25 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 25 290x400 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 25 Cavity Plate (A) 30 to 120 Stripper Plate (S) 25 Core Plate (B) 30 to 120 Support Plate (U) 40 to 50 Spacer Block (C) 70 to 100 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 20 Ejector Plate (F) 25 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 25 300x300 27 - 20 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 25 Cavity Plate (A) 30 to 130 Stripper Plate (S) 30 Core Plate (B) 30 to 130 Support Plate (U) 45 to 60 Spacer Block (C) 70 to 110 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 20 Ejector Plate (F) 25 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 25 Mold Base Library FU T AB A M ETRIC M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 300x320 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 25 Cavity Plate (A) 35 to 130 Stripper Plate (S) 30 Core Plate (B) 35 to 130 Support Plate (U) 45 to 60 Spacer Block (C) 70 to 110 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 20 Ejector Plate (F) 25 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 25 300x350 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 25 Cavity Plate (A) 35 to 130 Stripper Plate (S) 30 Core Plate (B) 35 to 130 Support Plate (U) 45 to 60 Spacer Block (C) 70 to 110 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 20 Ejector Plate (F) 25 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 25 300x400 Mold Base Library PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 30 Cavity Plate (A) 35 to 130 Stripper Plate (S) 30 Core Plate (B) 35 to 130 Support Plate (U) 45 to 60 Spacer Block (C) 70 to 110 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 20 Ejector Plate (F) 25 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 30 27 - 21 FUT A B A ME T R I C M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 300x450 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 30 Cavity Plate (A) 35 to 130 Stripper Plate (S) 30 Core Plate (B) 35 to 130 Support Plate (U) 45 to 60 Spacer Block (C) 70 to 110 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 20 Ejector Plate (F) 25 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 30 300x500 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 30 Cavity Plate (A) 35 to 130 Stripper Plate (S) 30 Core Plate (B) 35 to 130 Support Plate (U) 45 to 60 Spacer Block (C) 70 to 110 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 20 Ejector Plate (F) 25 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 30 300x550 27 - 22 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 30 Cavity Plate (A) 35 to 130 Stripper Plate (S) 30 Core Plate (B) 35 to 130 Support Plate (U) 45 to 60 Spacer Block (C) 70 to 110 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 20 Ejector Plate (F) 25 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 30 Mold Base Library FU T AB A M ETRIC M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 300x600 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 30 Cavity Plate (A) 35 to 130 Stripper Plate (S) 30 Core Plate (B) 35 to 130 Support Plate (U) 45 to 60 Spacer Block (C) 70 to 110 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 20 Ejector Plate (F) 25 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 30 330x350 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 30 Cavity Plate (A) 35 to 130 Stripper Plate (S) 30 Core Plate (B) 35 to 130 Support Plate (U) 45 to 60 Spacer Block (C) 70 to 110 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 20 Ejector Plate (F) 25 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 30 330x400 Mold Base Library PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 30 Cavity Plate (A) 35 to 130 Stripper Plate (S) 30 Core Plate (B) 35 to 130 Support Plate (U) 45 to 60 Spacer Block (C) 70 to 110 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 20 Ejector Plate (F) 25 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 30 27 - 23 FUT A B A ME T R I C M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 330x450 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 30 Cavity Plate (A) 35 to 130 Stripper Plate (S) 30 Core Plate (B) 35 to 130 Support Plate (U) 45 to 60 Spacer Block (C) 70 to 110 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 20 Ejector Plate (F) 25 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 30 330x500 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 30 Cavity Plate (A) 35 to 130 Stripper Plate (S) 30 Core Plate (B) 35 to 130 Support Plate (U) 45 to 60 Spacer Block (C) 70 to 110 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 20 Ejector Plate (F) 25 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 30 350x350 27 - 24 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 30 Cavity Plate (A) 40 to 130 Stripper Plate (S) 35 Core Plate (B) 40 to 130 Support Plate (U) 45 to 60 Spacer Block (C) 70 to 110 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 20 Ejector Plate (F) 25 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 30 Mold Base Library FU T AB A M ETRIC M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 350x400 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 30 Cavity Plate (A) 40 to 130 Stripper Plate (S) 35 Core Plate (B) 40 to 130 Support Plate (U) 45 to 60 Spacer Block (C) 70 to 110 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 20 Ejector Plate (F) 25 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 30 350x450 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 30 Cavity Plate (A) 40 to 130 Stripper Plate (S) 35 Core Plate (B) 40 to 130 Support Plate (U) 45 to 60 Spacer Block (C) 70 to 110 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 20 Ejector Plate (F) 25 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 30 350x500 Mold Base Library PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 30 Cavity Plate (A) 40 to 130 Stripper Plate (S) 35 Core Plate (B) 40 to 130 Support Plate (U) 45 to 60 Spacer Block (C) 70 to 110 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 20 Ejector Plate (F) 25 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 30 27 - 25 FUT A B A ME T R I C M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 350x550 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 30 Cavity Plate (A) 40 to 130 Stripper Plate (S) 35 Core Plate (B) 40 to 130 Support Plate (U) 45 to 60 Spacer Block (C) 70 to 110 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 20 Ejector Plate (F) 25 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 30 350x600 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 30 Cavity Plate (A) 40 to 130 Stripper Plate (S) 35 Core Plate (B) 40 to 130 Support Plate (U) 45 to 60 Spacer Block (C) 70 to 110 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 20 Ejector Plate (F) 25 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 30 400x400 27 - 26 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 30 Cavity Plate (A) 40 to 150 Stripper Plate (S) 35 Core Plate (B) 40 to 150 Support Plate (U) 50 to 70 Spacer Block (C) 100 to 130 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 25 Ejector Plate (F) 30 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 30 Mold Base Library FU T AB A M ETRIC M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 400x450 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 30 Cavity Plate (A) 40 to 150 Stripper Plate (S) 35 Core Plate (B) 40 to 150 Support Plate (U) 50 to 70 Spacer Block (C) 100 to 130 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 25 Ejector Plate (F) 30 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 30 400x500 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 35 Cavity Plate (A) 40 to 150 Stripper Plate (S) 35 Core Plate (B) 40 to 150 Support Plate (U) 50 to 70 Spacer Block (C) 100 to 130 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 25 Ejector Plate (F) 30 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 35 400x550 Mold Base Library PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 35 Cavity Plate (A) 40 to 150 Stripper Plate (S) 35 Core Plate (B) 40 to 150 Support Plate (U) 50 to 70 Spacer Block (C) 100 to 130 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 25 Ejector Plate (F) 30 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 35 27 - 27 FUT A B A ME T R I C M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 400x600 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 35 Cavity Plate (A) 40 to 150 Stripper Plate (S) 35 Core Plate (B) 40 to 150 Support Plate (U) 50 to 70 Spacer Block (C) 100 to 130 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 25 Ejector Plate (F) 30 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 35 400x700 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 35 Cavity Plate (A) 40 to 150 Stripper Plate (S) 35 Core Plate (B) 40 to 150 Support Plate (U) 50 to 70 Spacer Block (C) 100 to 130 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 25 Ejector Plate (F) 30 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 35 450x450 27 - 28 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 35 Cavity Plate (A) 40 to 150 Stripper Plate (S) 40 Core Plate (B) 40 to 150 Support Plate (U) 60 to 80 Spacer Block (C) 100 to 130 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 25 Ejector Plate (F) 30 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 35 Mold Base Library FU T AB A M ETRIC M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 450x500 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 35 Cavity Plate (A) 40 to 150 Stripper Plate (S) 40 Core Plate (B) 40 to 150 Support Plate (U) 60 to 80 Spacer Block (C) 100 to 130 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 25 Ejector Plate (F) 30 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 35 450x550 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 35 Cavity Plate (A) 40 to 150 Stripper Plate (S) 40 Core Plate (B) 40 to 150 Support Plate (U) 60 to 80 Spacer Block (C) 100 to 130 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 25 Ejector Plate (F) 30 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 35 450x600 Mold Base Library PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 35 Cavity Plate (A) 40 to 150 Stripper Plate (S) 40 Core Plate (B) 40 to 150 Support Plate (U) 60 to 80 Spacer Block (C) 100 to 130 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 25 Ejector Plate (F) 30 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 35 27 - 29 FUT A B A ME T R I C M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 500x500 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 35 Cavity Plate (A) 40 to 150 Stripper Plate (S) 40 Core Plate (B) 40 to 150 Support Plate (U) 60 to 80 Spacer Block (C) 100 to 130 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 25 Ejector Plate (F) 30 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 35 500x600 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 35 Cavity Plate (A) 40 to 150 Stripper Plate (S) 40 Core Plate (B) 40 to 150 Support Plate (U) 60 to 80 Spacer Block (C) 100 to 130 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 25 Ejector Plate (F) 30 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 35 500x700 27 - 30 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 35 Cavity Plate (A) 40 to 150 Stripper Plate (S) 40 Core Plate (B) 40 to 150 Support Plate (U) 60 to 80 Spacer Block (C) 100 to 130 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 25 Ejector Plate (F) 30 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 35 Mold Base Library FU T AB A M ETRIC M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 550x550 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 35 Cavity Plate (A) 60 to 250 Stripper Plate (S) 40 Core Plate (B) 60 to 200 Support Plate (U) 70 Spacer Block (C) 100 to 170 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 25 Ejector Plate (F) 30 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 35 550x600 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 35 Cavity Plate (A) 60 to 250 Stripper Plate (S) 40 Core Plate (B) 60 to 200 Support Plate (U) 70 Spacer Block (C) 100 to 170 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 25 Ejector Plate (F) 30 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 35 550x650 Mold Base Library PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 35 Cavity Plate (A) 60 to 250 Stripper Plate (S) 40 Core Plate (B) 60 to 200 Support Plate (U) 70 Spacer Block (C) 100 to 170 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 25 Ejector Plate (F) 30 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 35 27 - 31 FUT A B A ME T R I C M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 550x700 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 35 Cavity Plate (A) 60 to 250 Stripper Plate (S) 40 Core Plate (B) 60 to 200 Support Plate (U) 70 Spacer Block (C) 100 to 170 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 25 Ejector Plate (F) 30 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 35 550x750 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 35 Cavity Plate (A) 80 to 250 Stripper Plate (S) 40 Core Plate (B) 80 to 200 Support Plate (U) 70 Spacer Block (C) 100 to 170 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 25 Ejector Plate (F) 30 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 35 550x800 27 - 32 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 35 Cavity Plate (A) 80 to 250 Stripper Plate (S) 40 Core Plate (B) 80 to 200 Support Plate (U) 70 Spacer Block (C) 100 to 170 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 25 Ejector Plate (F) 30 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 35 Mold Base Library FU T AB A M ETRIC M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 600x600 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 35 Cavity Plate (A) 60 to 250 Stripper Plate (S) 50 Core Plate (B) 60 to 200 Support Plate (U) 80 Spacer Block (C) 100 to 170 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 25 Ejector Plate (F) 30 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 35 600x650 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 35 Cavity Plate (A) 60 to 250 Stripper Plate (S) 50 Core Plate (B) 60 to 200 Support Plate (U) 80 Spacer Block (C) 100 to 170 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 25 Ejector Plate (F) 30 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 35 600x700 Mold Base Library PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 35 Cavity Plate (A) 60 to 250 Stripper Plate (S) 50 Core Plate (B) 60 to 200 Support Plate (U) 80 Spacer Block (C) 100 to 170 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 25 Ejector Plate (F) 30 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 35 27 - 33 FUT A B A ME T R I C M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 600x750 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 35 Cavity Plate (A) 100 to 250 Stripper Plate (S) 50 Core Plate (B) 100 to 200 Support Plate (U) 80 Spacer Block (C) 100 to 170 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 25 Ejector Plate (F) 30 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 35 600x800 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 35 Cavity Plate (A) 100 to 250 Stripper Plate (S) 50 Core Plate (B) 100 to 200 Support Plate (U) 80 Spacer Block (C) 100 to 170 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 25 Ejector Plate (F) 30 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 35 650x650 27 - 34 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 35 Cavity Plate (A) 100 to 250 Stripper Plate (S) 60 Core Plate (B) 100 to 200 Support Plate (U) 90 Spacer Block (C) 100 to 170 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 25 Ejector Plate (F) 30 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 35 Mold Base Library FU T AB A M ETRIC M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 650x700 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 35 Cavity Plate (A) 100 to 250 Stripper Plate (S) 60 Core Plate (B) 100 to 200 Support Plate (U) 90 Spacer Block (C) 100 to 170 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 25 Ejector Plate (F) 30 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 35 650x750 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 35 Cavity Plate (A) 100 to 250 Stripper Plate (S) 60 Core Plate (B) 100 to 200 Support Plate (U) 90 Spacer Block (C) 100 to 170 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 25 Ejector Plate (F) 30 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 35 650x800 Mold Base Library PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 35 Cavity Plate (A) 100 to 250 Stripper Plate (S) 60 Core Plate (B) 100 to 200 Support Plate (U) 90 Spacer Block (C) 100 to 170 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 25 Ejector Plate (F) 30 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 35 27 - 35 FUT A B A ME T R I C M O LD BA S E A S S EM BLIES 700x700 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 40 Cavity Plate (A) 100 to 250 Stripper Plate (S) 60 Core Plate (B) 100 to 200 Support Plate (U) 100 Spacer Block (C) 100 to 170 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 25 Ejector Plate (F) 30 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 40 700x750 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 40 Cavity Plate (A) 100 to 250 Stripper Plate (S) 60 Core Plate (B) 100 to 200 Support Plate (U) 100 Spacer Block (C) 100 to 170 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 25 Ejector Plate (F) 30 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 40 700x800 27 - 36 PLATE THICKNESS Top Clamping Plate (T) 40 Cavity Plate (A) 100 to 250 Stripper Plate (S) 60 Core Plate (B) 100 to 200 Support Plate (U) 100 Spacer Block (C) 100 to 170 Ejector Retainer Plate (E) 25 Ejector Plate (F) 30 Bottom Clamping Plate (L) 40 Mold Base Library 3 FUTABA METRIC BUSHINGS GUIDE BUSH, CATALOG NO. GBA Generic Part Name: GBA_FM Instance Name NOMINAL _SIZE d_nom d_1 head_ dia head_ height GBA_FM12 12.0000 12.0000 18.0000 22.0000 GBA_FM16 16.0000 16.0000 25.0000 GBA_FM20 20.0000 20.0000 GBA_FM25 25.0000 GBA_FM30 length L_1 5.0000 19 to 39 by 5, 49, 59 29 30.0000 6.0000 19 to 39 by 5, 49 to 79 by 10 35 30.0000 35.0000 8.0000 19 to 39 by 5, 49 to 79 by 10 35 25.0000 35.0000 40.0000 8.0000 24 to 39 by 5, 49 to 79 by 10, 49 to 199 by 10 50 30.0000 30.0000 42.0000 47.0000 10.0000 29, 34, 39 to 139 by 10 60 GBA_FM35 35.0000 35.0000 48.0000 54.0000 10.0000 39 to 149 by 10 70 GBA_FM40 40.0000 40.0000 55.0000 61.0000 10.0000 39 to 159 by 10 80 GBA_FM50 50.0000 50.0000 70.0000 76.0000 12.0000 49 to 159 by 10 100 GBA_FM60 60.0000 60.0000 80.0000 86.0000 15.0000 99 to 129 by 10, 149. 159 to 199 by 20 140 Mold Base Library 28 - 1 FU T AB A M ETRIC BU S H IN G S GUIDE BUSH, CATALOG NO. GBB Generic Part Name: GBB_FM 28 - 2 Instance Name NOMINAL _SIZE d_nom d_1 M length L_1 GBB_FM12 12.0000 12.0000 18.0000 4.0000 9 * GBB_FM16 16.0000 16.0000 25.0000 6.0000 14 to 29 by 5 * GBB_FM20 20.0000 20.0000 30.0000 6.0000 14 to 39 by 5 * GBB_FM25 25.0000 25.0000 35.0000 8.0000 24 to 39 by 5, 49 * GBB_FM30 30.0000 30.0000 42.0000 8.0000 29, 34, 39 to 59 by 10 * GBB_FM35 35.0000 35.0000 48.0000 8.0000 29, 34, 39 to 79 by 10 * GBB_FM40 40.0000 40.0000 55.0000 8.0000 39 to 79 by 10 * GBB_FM50 50.0000 50.0000 70.0000 10.0000 39 to 99 by 10 48 GBB_FM60 60.0000 60.0000 80.0000 10.0000 59, 69, 129 * Mold Base Library FU T ABA M ETRIC BU S H IN G S SPRUE BUSH, CATALOG NO. SBA Generic Part Name: SBA_FM Instance Name NOMINAL _SIZE d_nom hole_dia angle length SBA_FM1632 16.0000 16.0000 3.50000 1.00000 90, 130 SBA_FM1633 16.0000 16.0000 3.50000 1.50000 50 SBA_FM1642 16.0000 16.0000 4.50000 1.00000 90, 130 SBA_FM1643 16.0000 16.0000 4.50000 1.50000 50 SBA_FM2032 20.0000 20.0000 3.50000 1.00000 90, 130 SBA_FM2033 20.0000 20.0000 3.50000 1.50000 50 SBA_FM2042 20.0000 20.0000 4.50000 1.00000 90, 130 SBA_FM2043 20.0000 20.0000 4.50000 1.50000 50 Mold Base Library 28 - 3 FU T AB A M ETRIC BU S H IN G S SPRUE BUSH, CATALOG NO. SBB Generic Part Name: SBB_FM Instance Name NOMINAL _SIZE d_nom head_ height hole_dia angle length SBB_FM1232 16.0000 16.0000 25.0000 3.50000 1.00000 105, 145 SBB_FM1233 16.0000 16.0000 25.0000 3.50000 1.50000 65 SBB_FM1242 16.0000 16.0000 25.0000 4.50000 1.00000 105, 145 SBB_FM1243 16.0000 16.0000 25.0000 4.50000 1.50000 65 SBB_FM1332 16.0000 16.0000 30.0000 3.50000 1.00000 110, 150 SBB_FM1333 16.0000 16.0000 30.0000 3.50000 1.50000 70 SBB_FM1342 16.0000 16.0000 30.0000 4.50000 1.00000 110, 150 SBB_FM1343 16.0000 16.0000 30.0000 4.50000 1.50000 70 SBB_FM2232 20.0000 20.0000 25.0000 3.50000 1.00000 105, 145 SBB_FM2233 20.0000 20.0000 25.0000 3.50000 1.50000 65 SBB_FM2242 20.0000 20.0000 25.0000 4.50000 1.00000 105, 145 SBB_FM2243 20.0000 20.0000 25.0000 4.50000 1.50000 65 SBB_FM2332 20.0000 20.0000 30.0000 3.50000 1.00000 110, 150 SBB_FM2333 20.0000 20.0000 30.0000 3.50000 1.50000 70 SBB_FM2342 20.0000 20.0000 30.0000 4.50000 1.00000 110, 150 SBB_FM2343 20.0000 20.0000 30.0000 4.50000 1.50000 70 28 - 4 Mold Base Library FU T ABA M ETRIC BU S H IN G S PRE-HARDENED SPRUE BUSH, CATALOG NO. SBC Generic Part Name: SBC_FM Instance Name NOMINAL _SIZE d_nom ring_dia hole_dist length SBC_FM13 13.0000 13.0000 36.0000 13.0000 50, 70 SBC_FM16 16.0000 16.0000 50.0000 18.0000 50, 70, 90 SBC_FM20 20.0000 20.0000 50.0000 18.0000 50, 70, 90 Mold Base Library 28 - 5 FU T AB A M ETRIC BU S H IN G S PRE-HARDENED SPRUE BUSH, CATALOG NO. SBD Generic Part Name: SBD_FM 28 - 6 Instance Name NOMINAL _SIZE d_nom head_ height hole_dist length SBD_FM1625 16.0000 16.0000 25.0000 15.0000 65, 85, 105 SBD_FM1630 16.0000 16.0000 30.0000 20.0000 70, 90, 110 SBD_FM2025 20.0000 20.0000 25.0000 15.0000 65, 85, 105 SBD_FM2030 20.0000 20.0000 30.0000 20.0000 70, 90, 110 Mold Base Library 23 FUTABA METRIC PINS STRAIGHT EJECTOR PIN, CATALOG NO. EA Generic Part Name: EA_FM Instance Name NOMINAL _SIZE d_nom head_dia head_height length EA_FM015 1.5000 1.5000 5.0000 3.00000 100, 150, 200 EA_FM020 2.0000 2.0000 6.0000 4.00000 100 to 300 by 50 EA_FM025 2.5000 2.5000 6.0000 4.00000 100, 150, 200 EA_FM030 3.0000 3.0000 6.0000 4.00000 100 to 300 by 50 EA_FM035 3.5000 3.5000 7.0000 4.00000 100 to 300 by 50 EA_FM040 4.0000 4.0000 8.0000 6.00000 100 to 350 by 50 EA_FM045 4.5000 4.5000 8.0000 6.00000 100 to 350 by 50 EA_FM050 5.0000 5.0000 9.0000 6.00000 100 to 350 by 50 EA_FM060 6.0000 6.0000 10.0000 6.00000 100 to 350 by 50 EA_FM070 7.0000 7.0000 11.0000 6.00000 100 to 350 by 50 EA_FM080 8.0000 8.0000 13.0000 8.00000 100 to 350 by 50 EA_FM100 10.0000 10.0000 15.0000 8.00000 100 to 350 by 50 EA_FM120 12.0000 12.0000 17.0000 8.00000 100 to 350 by 50 EA_FM140 14.0000 14.0000 19.0000 8.00000 100 to 350 by 50 EA_FM160 16.0000 16.0000 21.0000 8.00000 100 to 350 by 50 EA_FM180 18.0000 18.0000 23.0000 8.00000 100 to 350 by 50 EA_FM200 20.0000 20.0000 25.0000 8.00000 100 to 350 by 50 Mold Base Library 29 - 1 FU T ABA M ETRIC P IN S STRAIGHT EJECTOR PIN, CATALOG NO. EJ Generic Part Name: EJ_FM 29 - 2 Instance Name NOMINAL _SIZE d_nom head_dia length EJ_FM010 1.0000 1.0000 3.0000 100, 150 EJ_FM011 1.1000 1.1000 3.0000 100, 150 EJ_FM012 1.2000 1.2000 3.0000 100, 150 EJ_FM013 1.3000 1.3000 3.0000 100, 150 EJ_FM014 1.4000 1.4000 3.0000 100, 150 EJ_FM015 1.5000 1.5000 3.0000 100, 150, 200 EJ_FM016 1.6000 1.6000 4.0000 100, 150, 200 EJ_FM017 1.7000 1.7000 4.0000 100, 150, 200 EJ_FM018 1.8000 1.8000 4.0000 100, 150, 200 EJ_FM019 1.9000 1.9000 4.0000 100, 150, 200 EJ_FM020 2.0000 2.0000 4.0000 100 to 300 by 50 EJ_FM021 2.1000 2.1000 5.0000 100, 150, 200 EJ_FM022 2.2000 2.2000 5.0000 100, 150, 200 EJ_FM023 2.3000 2.3000 5.0000 100, 150, 200 EJ_FM024 2.4000 2.4000 5.0000 100, 150, 200 EJ_FM025 2.5000 2.5000 5.0000 100 to 300 by 50 EJ_FM026 2.6000 2.6000 6.0000 100, 150, 200 EJ_FM027 2.7000 2.7000 6.0000 100, 150, 200 EJ_FM028 2.8000 2.8000 6.0000 100, 150, 200 EJ_FM029 2.9000 2.9000 6.0000 100, 150, 200 Mold Base Library FU TA BA M ETRIC P IN S Instance Name NOMINAL _SIZE d_nom head_dia length EJ_FM030 3.0000 3.0000 6.0000 100 to 350 by 50 EJ_FM035 3.5000 3.5000 7.0000 100 to 350 by 50 EJ_FM040 4.0000 4.0000 7.0000 100 to 350 by 50 EJ_FM050 5.0000 5.0000 8.0000 100 to 400 by 50 EJ_FM060 6.0000 6.0000 9.0000 100 to 400 by 50, 500 EJ_FM080 8.0000 8.0000 11.0000 100 to 400 by 50, 400 EJ_FM100 10.0000 10.0000 14.0000 100 to 400 by 50, 500 EJ_FM120 12.0000 12.0000 16.0000 100 to 400 by 50, 500 Mold Base Library 29 - 3 FU T ABA M ETRIC P IN S GUIDE PIN, CATALOG NO. GPA Generic Part Name: GPA_FM 29 - 4 Instance Name NOMINA L_SIZE d_nom head_ dia head_ height GPA_FM12 12.0000 12.0000 17.0000 GPA_FM16 16.0000 16.0000 GPA_FM20 20.0000 GPA_FM25 length L_1 5.0000 37 to 107 by 5, 117, 127 19, 29, 39 20.0000 6.0000 37 to 157 by 5, 167 19, 24, 29, 39 20.0000 25.0000 6.0000 37 to 167 by 5, 177 to 207 by 10 19, 29, 34, 39, 49 25.0000 25.0000 30.0000 8.0000 47 to 217 by 5, 227, 237, 247 24, 29 to 59 by 10 GPA_FM30 30.0000 30.0000 35.0000 8.0000 57 to 232 by 5, 237 to 277 by 10 29, 34, 39 to 69 by 10 GPA_FM35 35.0000 35.0000 40.0000 8.0000 77, 87, 97, 107 to 277 by 5, 287 to 317 by 10 39 to 79 by 10 GPA_FM40 40.0000 40.0000 45.0000 10.0000 77 to 317 by 10 39 to 79 by 10 GPA_FM50 50.0000 50.0000 56.0000 12.0000 97 to 357 by 10 49 to 99 by 10, 119 GPA_FM6 60.0000 60.0000 66.0000 15.0000 197 to 357 by 10 99 Mold Base Library FU TA BA M ETRIC P IN S RETURN PIN, CATALOG NO. RPN Generic Part Name: RPN_FM Mold Base Library Instance Name NOMINAL _SIZE d_nom head_dia length RPN_FM08 8.0000 8.0000 12.0000 47 to 72 by 5 RPN_FM10 10.0000 10.0000 15.0000 47 to 127 by 5 RPN_FM12 12.0000 12.0000 17.0000 55 to 130 by 5, 140 to 155 by 5, 165 to 215 by 10 RPN_FM15 15.0000 15.0000 20.0000 50 to 240 by 5, 250 RPN_FM20 20.0000 20.0000 25.0000 65 to 265 by 5, 275 RPN_FM25 25.0000 25.0000 30.0000 80 to 275 by 5, 280 to 320 by 10 RPN_FM30 30.0000 30.0000 35.0000 110 to 330 by 10, 380 to 630 by 50 RPN_FM35 35.0000 35.0000 40.0000 250, 300, 380 29 - 5 30 FUTABA METRIC LOCATING RINGS LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. LRA Generic Part Name: LRA_FM Instance Name NOMINAL _SIZE ring_dia hole_dia H hole_dist LRA_FM60 60.000 60.000 36.000 4.50000 24.0000 LRA_FM100 100.000 100.000 70.000 7.00000 42.5000 LRA_FM120 120.000 120.000 90.000 7.00000 52.5000 LRA_FM150 150.000 150.000 110.000 9.00000 65.0000 Mold Base Library 30 - 1 FU T AB A M ETRIC LO CA TIN G RIN G S LOCATING RING, CATALOG NO. LRB Generic Part Name: LRB_FM 30 - 2 Instance Name NOMINAL_ SIZE ring_dia hole_dia LRB_FM1036 100.000 100.000 36.0000 LRB_FM1050 100.000 100.000 50.0000 LRB_FM1236 120.000 120.000 36.0000 LRB_FM1250 120.000 120.000 50.0000 Mold Base Library 31 FUTABA METRIC SCREWS SCREW Generic Part Name: SHCS_FM The dimension table for the screw component is presented on the next page. Mold Base Library 31 - 1 31 - 2 NOM_ SIZE_ THR_ PITCH thread _dia body_ dia head_ dia head_ height head_ chamfer head_ fillet underhead_ fillet hex_ socket flat width sock depth wall thick SHCS_FM05 M5x0.8 5.000 5.000 8.500 5.000 0.5000 0.1300 0.2000 4.000 4.0800 2.5000 1.90000 SHCS_FM06 M6x1 6.000 6.000 10.000 6.000 0.6000 0.2000 0.2500 5.000 5.0800 3.0000 2.28000 SHCS_FM08 M8x1.25 8.000 8.000 13.000 8.000 0.8000 0.2000 0.4000 6.000 6.0900 4.0000 3.20000 SHCS_FM10 M10x1.5 10.000 10.000 16.000 10.000 1.0000 0.2000 0.4000 8.000 8.1200 5.0000 4.00000 SHCS_FM12 M12x1.75 12.000 12.000 18.000 12.000 1.2000 0.2500 0.6000 10.000 10.1300 6.0000 4.80000 SHCS_FM14 M14x2 14.000 14.000 21.000 14.000 1.4000 0.2500 0.6000 12.000 12.1500 7.0000 5.60000 SHCS_FM16 M16x2 16.000 16.000 24.000 16.000 1.6000 0.2500 0.6000 14.000 14.1600 8.0000 6.40000 SHCS_FM20 M20x2.5 20.000 20.000 30.000 20.000 2.0000 0.4000 0.8000 17.000 17.2200 10.0000 8.00000 FU T AB A M ETRIC S CREWS Instance Name Mold Base Library FUTA BA M ETRIC S CREWS The lengths for the screws are as follows: Mold Base Library Instance Name length thread_length SHCS_FM05 20 16 SHCS_FM06 20 18 SHCS_FM08 16, 20, 25, 55 to 90 by 5, 100 13, 17, 22 SHCS_FM10 20, 25, 30, 70 to 90 by 5, 100 17, 22, 26 SHCS_FM12 20, 25, 30, 40, 70 to 90 by 5, 100 to 180 by 10 17, 22, 27, 30, 36 SHCS_FM14 25, 30, 35, 85, 90 to 200 by 10 22, 27, 32, 34, 40 SHCS_FM16 50, 55, 150 to 300 by 10 38, 44, 57 SHCS_FM20 50, 55, 150 to 270 by 10 46, 52, 65 31 - 3