City of Austin Earns National Award for Cultural


City of Austin Earns National Award for Cultural
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Vol. 43
No. 46
Phone: 512-476-0082
April 1, 2016
City of Austin Earns National Award INSIDE
for Cultural Diversity Efforts
The National League
of Cities has recognized
the City of Austin for
implementing programs
that enhance and proRAPPIN’
mote cultural diversity in
Tommy Wyatt
the community. Austin
second place
What’s Next? earned
among cities with populaFebruary and March have
tions over 400,000. The
been very busy months. We
celebrated Black History award was announced
Month in February with a wide last week at the League’s
variety of events that were all Congressional City Conover the area and many ference in Washington,
happening on the same day and D.C The City Cultural Ditime.
versity Awards recognize
March was dominated by
municipal programs that
SXSW Film and Music. It took
up the first two weeks of the encourage public involvemonth followed by Easter. This ment and honor cities
was also the month where that develop creative and
Spectrum Theatre Company effective programs derolled out its first production signed to improve and
of the year.
promote cultural diversity
And if that was not enough,
through a collaborative
we had to follow March
basketball process with city officials,
tournaments. It appears that community leaders and
the underdogs rose to the top residents. The City of Ausand became the members of tin received the award for
the Final Four. It should be its Quality of Life Initiafinished this week. No matter tives which serve to bring
which school takes the final
prize as national champions, I
can safely say that not many
people gave them a chance at
the beginning of the Madness
With all of this going on,
there was daily drama on the
political scene as we moved
closer to the National
Democratic and Republican
parties. But, there was very
little attention paid to the local
County Conventions where the
delegates were chosen to
attend the Texas Conventions
and hopefully get a chance to
go to national conventions to
cast their ballots for the next
Among all of this activity,
there is an unnatural appetite
to keep up with candidates
going state-to-state, vying for
their party’s approval, to
represent them for president.
As of this week it appeared that
Hillary Clinton is beginning to
get a push from Bernie Sanders
on the Democratic side.
However, there are not many
people who believe that
Sanders has a chance of
catching up.
On the other side, it seems
that Donald Trump’s campaign
is experiencing a lot of push
back from the Republican
estab- lishment, who would
love to have a chance to pick
another candidate at the
convention. However, in order
to do that, he must be stopped
from getting the necessary
number of delegates needed
for nomination when he goes
into the convention.
In the meantime, it is
important for us to start paying
attention to our local elections.
We have several runoffs
locally that will determine the
face of our county government.
The candidates will have to
find a way to get local voters
to go to the polls again. But, it
is in the interest of the citizens
of Travis County to make sure
that the best man/woman wins.
Email: [email protected]
community improvement
priorities to the City Council.
launched in 2006 with the
African American Quality
of Life Initiative and have
since expanded to the Hispanic/Latino Quality of
Life Initiative in 2008 and
the Asian American Quality of Life Initiative in 2015.
The Quality of Life improvements address six
designated areas: Art, culture and entertainment Business and economic
development - Employment and education Health - Neighborhood
sustainability and Police
and safety. “Great cities
are defined by their cultural integration and diversity, and we have a responsibility to ensure that cultural diversity is a priority
in a rapidly growing city
like Austin,” said City ManSee NLC, page 2
Acclaimed director
seeks to increase
diversity in media.
Page 5
Austin pays respect
to civil rights activist
Cesar E. Chavez.
See SI
Page 6
Austin City Manager Marc Ott
Mayor Steve Adler Named Huston-Tillotson
University’s Commencement Speaker
AUSTIN, TX — Austin, Texas Mayor Steve Adler
will render the Huston-Tillotson University Commencement Convocation address on Saturday, May 7, 2016,
at 8:30 a.m. The ceremony will held on the HustonTillotson University athletic field, located at 900 Chicon
Mayor Adler became Austin’s 52nd mayor in January 2015 after practicing law for nearly ten years. An
attorney, civic leader, and resident of Austin for more
than four decades, Mayor Adler believes that Austin is
a great city capable of doing big things. The first in his
family to graduate from college along with his brother,
Mayor Adler attended Princeton and the University of
Texas Law School on scholarships. He also founded a
successful eminent domain law practice representing
Mayor Adler also spent almost ten years as chief
of staff and general counsel for State Senator Eliot
Shapleigh, working primarily on school finance, equity,
and access issues.
Mayor Adler has been deeply involved, and even
chaired, many Austin civic and non-profit institutions
over the past 20 years.
Historical aviation
unit celebrates 75th
Page 7
Mayor Steve Adler
“Aldrich 51” Breaks Ground on Affordable
Workforce Housing Community at Mueller
AUSTIN, TX – March
23, 2016 – DMA Development Company is breaking new ground in affordable housing for Central
Texas. The company responsible for the successful Wildflower Terrace
community in Mueller, is
now constructing its next
affordable residential
project at Mueller called
“Aldrich 51.”
As a part of the
Homes Program, 85 percent of the 240 units will
serve young families,
working couples, single
parents and older adults
who earn 30 to 60 percent
of Austin’s Median Family
Income (MFI), which
ranges from $32,000 for a
single occupant to
$41,250 for a family of
“Affordable housing
in Central Austin is vital to
our community, especially
when it’s become more
challenging than ever for
hard-working households
to find affordable housing
options,” said Diana
McIver, president of DMA
Development Company.
“We’re eager to continue
playing a role in Mueller’s
affordable housing program and look forward to
seeing the community
continue to flourish.”
Aldrich 51 is located
on an approximately
three-acre site along
Aldrich Street between
Barbara Jordan Boulevard
and 51st Street. The community will provide a mix
of studio, one-, two-, and
three-bedroom units and
offer convenient access to
a number of major em-
ALDRICH | Southeast Perspective (Aldrich Street at Barbara Jordan Boulevard)
ployment areas such as
American Institutes for
Research, Dell Children’s
Medical Center of Central
Texas, H-E-B, the Seton
Family of Hospitals Administrative Offices and
Mueller’s Regional Retail
Amenities will include a pool, fitness studio, rain garden, coffee
lounge, training classroom, laundry facilities
and a community room
complete with a kitchen
for gatherings, resident
meetings and special social events. Individual
units will boast 9-foot ceilings, Energy Star-rated
See ALDRICH 51, pg 2
Page 2 ~ THE VILLAGER/April 1, 2016
Aldrich 51
The National League of
Cities presented Austin with is DMA’s
a Cultural Diversity Award
clusion. Its work has provided a foundation on
which Ott believes a new
City Council-approved Eqager Marc Ott. “Ev- uity Office will build. “The
eryone that has been in- Equity Office will ensure
volved with these Quality we are looking across the
of Life initiatives shares in spectrum of City programs
the credit, though all of us and policies with an eye
would agree that there is toward their impact on our
– and will continue to be – diverse communities,” Ott
work to be done. These said. “So while this award
initiatives ensure that the recognizes what we’ve
community will continue to done, I’m excited about
have a meaningful role in where we’re going.”
that journey.” The Quality
Marc Ott made the
of Life program recom- mayor and city council
mendations have led to aware of Austin’s second
the creation of the City of recognition received. “
Austin’s Joint Inclusion
The second recogniCommittee last year. The tion is one that is equally
Committee, comprised of important because it valimembers from across City dates a conscious effort to
Commissions, advises the include all of Austin into
City Council on issues re- the decision-making prolating to diversity and in- cess of our organization”,
said Ott.
The National League
of Cities (NLC), highlighting Austin’s Quality of Life
initiatives, presented the
city with a Cultural Diversity Award at the recent
Congressional City Conference in Washington, D.C.
The second place ranking
among cities with populations over 400,000 was in
large part due to Austin’s
civic leaders’ collaboration
with the Austin community
to ensure all voices are
heard. Of the latest acknowledgment Ott said,
“I’ve always said that we
will leave it to others outside the organization to
declare the good work we
do. The NLC award affirms
our quest to be the bestmanaged city in the country.”
in Mueller
continued from page 1
The 2016 ceremony represents the first HT commencement program for President and Chief Executive
Officer Colette Pierce Burnette in addition to the first
degree conferring for graduates earning a master’s degree.
Commencement Convocation occurs in conjunction with Huston-Tillotson University’s Honors Convocation and Reunion Weekend 2016 activities. Honors
Day Convocation, recognizing students who have earned
high academic honors, is scheduled on Friday, May 6 at
10 a.m. in King-Seabrook Chapel. Reunion Weekend
activities begin on Thursday, May 5 at the Holiday Inn
Midtown and continue through Saturday. Registration
and packet information is online at
alumni/reunion-weekend-2016. In addition to the ceremony for the 2016 graduates, HT’s 50th year Class of
1966 will be honored at the graduation program and
throughout the weekend festivities in addition to members of classes ending in 6s and 1s. This year’s 50th
year class includes the Honorable Ora Houston who
serves as Austin City Councilwoman, District 1. Houston becomes the second HT graduate to serve on the
City Council with the Honorable Charles E. Urdy, Class
of 1954, serving in the Place 6 seat from 1981 to 1994.
The Class of 1966 will be honored with a City of Austin
Proclamation that will be presented on Thursday, May
5 at 5:30 p.m. before the City Council meeting.
For more information about Reunion Weekend
2016, Honors, or Commencement Convocations, call
512.505.3073, or visit the Web site at ;
Convocations are open to the public. Event parking is
available on Chalmers Avenue.
McCombs School Launches
Master of Science in
Marketing Program
AUSTIN, Texas — The McCombs School of Business at The University of Texas at Austin is launching a
Master of Science in Marketing (MSM) program during
the summer of 2016. The inaugural Texas MSM class
will begin July 1.
The program was created in response to the growing demand for professionals who are able to extract
consumer and product insights from the overwhelming
amount of data available to companies, and leverage
that data to improve marketing outcomes. The Texas
MSM program is a 10-month degree designed for students with nonbusiness backgrounds and little to no
prior work experience.
Students in the Texas MSM program will complete
Pacific American, Black
36 credit hours of graduate coursework during a 10American, Hispanic Amerimonth period consisting of three semesters — sumcan, Native American,
mer, fall and spring. The program will draw students
American woman and/or
from diverse undergraduate backgrounds and prepare
Service Disabled Veteran,
them for careers in a new economy — a world where
who resides in Texas and
data, decisions and actions are intertwined.
actively participates in the
“The curriculum is built to take traditional marketcontrol, operations and
ing theories and look at them through an analytical lens
management of the
and take advantage of how we use statistics, how we
entity’s affairs.
use new available data and how we use new marketing
By Frederick H. Lowe
There will be one-ontechniques to get better insights,” says Jade DeKinder,
one meetings with state
assistant professor in marketing and director of the
agencies, universities and
Texas MSM program.
prime contractors in the
The expectation is that students will be seeking
construction and informato augment their undergraduate education with a
tion technology industries.
master’s degree in marketing, ultimately seeking caWorkshops will include
reer placement in marketing analysis, digital marketThe Power of Marketing
ing, product planning, pricing, or other marketing-reYour Business, Communilated positions.
cating with Your Client,
“Austin, Texas is an exciting place to launch your
Construction and Univermarketing career right now because of the direct acsity Panels, Texas ProcureSpecial to the Trice
cess to companies with demand for students who have
ment and Support Services, Edney News Wire from the marketing skills we are teaching,” says DeKinder.
and Department of Infor-
McCombs career services will offer Texas MSM
mation Resources. Event
exclusive resources and support to help them
and registration informa- Actor Danny Glover will secure full-time positions.
tion can be found at http:/
Applications are now being accepted for the class
serve as honorary chair/
The tuition is $34,000 for in-state students
man for the Pan African
Institute’s State of the and $42,000 for out-of-state students.
AND CONTACT INFORFor more information on how to apply, visit the
Black World Conference IV
MATION: For registration November.
information, email:
See GOALS, page 7
[email protected]
Agencies to Host Fourth Annual
HUB Vendor Fair
Texas Education Agency
(TEA), and the Texas General Land Office (GLO).
Welcoming remarks
will be presented to HUB
participants by GLO Commissioner George P. Bush,
TxDMV Executive Director
Whitney Brewster, TWC
Deputy Executive Director
Ed Serna, TEA Deputy
Commissioner of Finance
Kara Belew, OCA Director
David Slayton and THC
Chief Financial Officer and
Division Director Corey
Crawford. The vendor fair
will offer HUB vendors an
opportunity to better understand the purchasing requirements of state agencies, advantages of HUB
certification and benefits to
building relationships.
Underutilized Business is a
profit-making corporation,
sole ownership, partnership or joint venture in
which at least 51 percent
of the shares or stock or
other equitable securities
are owned by an Asian
Commencement Convocation
occurs in conjunction with HT’s
Honors Convocation and Reunion
Weekend 2016 activities
continued from page 1
washer/dryer hookups and ceiling fans. DMA
is pursuing LEED certification.
The City of Austin,
through the Austin Housing Finance Corporation,
contributed $4 million to
provide a level of
affordability at Aldrich 51
that ordinarily could not be
achieved through conventional financing alone.
“We are excited to
partner with DMA to bring
new rental units to Austin
that provide a high standard of housing,” said
Betsy Spencer, Director of
Neighborhood Housing
and Community DevelopCBC Health Braintrust Chairwoman Dr. Robin ment for the City of Austin. “Aldrich 51 increases
Kelly Statement on the Sixth Anniversary
the affordable housing
options available to
of the Affordable Care Act
Austin’s young families,
seniors, and working
U.S. Congresswoman gaining coverage. Nearly
Robin Kelly (D-IL), chair- 8 million African AmeriAldrich 51 is DMA’s
woman of the Congres- cans with private insursecond development in
sional Black Caucus ance now have access to
Mueller, following the sucHealth Braintrust, today preventative services like
cessful Wildflower Terissued the following state- mammograms or flu shots
race, a predominantly afment in recognition of the with no co-pay or deductfordable multifamily comsixth anniversary of the ible. More than 500,000
munity for seniors. Upon
Affordable Care Act.
African American young
Mueller’s completion, at
“Today we recognize adults between the ages of
least 25 percent of the prothe sixth anniversary of the 19 and 26 who would have
jected 5,900 apartments,
Affordable Care Act, which been uninsured now have
Robin Kelly
condos and houses at
has provided health cover- coverage under their parwoman of the Congres- Mueller (approximately
age to 20 million previ- ents’ plan.
For decades, millions sional Black Caucus 1,475 homes) will be a
ously uninsured Americans. African Americans, of Americans lacked the Health Braintrust, I’m part of the Mueller Affordin particular, have ben- security of healthcare cov- working with Congress able Homes Program.
“Diana and her
efited tremendously from erage they deserve. But and stakeholders to prothe ACA.
access to comprehensive tect and defend the ACA team’s success at WildAmong
African and affordable health care and push for the further flower Terrace is phenomAmerican adults, the unin- is not a privilege – it’s a expansion of coverage enal, and we’re confident
sured rate dropped by 53 basic human right. The Af- necessary to provide all Aldrich 51 will be no difpercent since 2013, result- fordable Care Act helps Americans with the qual- ferent,” said Greg Weaver,
ing in 3 million people ensure that right. As Chair- ity healthcare they need.” executive vice president of
Catellus, the master developer of Mueller. “Reaching
our affordability goals at
Mueller is a top priority for
Catellus, and we’re eager
to welcome Aldrich 51 located just blocks from
Mueller employers and
the Market District.”
AUSTIN – Fifty-eight
state agencies and universities will be available to
women, service-disabled
veterans and minorityowned businesses for an
event where they can
learn about vendor opportunities, state business
needs and network with
state government purchasers. This Fourth Annual
Underutilized Business
(HUB) Vendor Fair will
take place on April 7 at the
Commons Learning Center, located at the J.J.
Pickle Research Campus
of the University of Texas,
10100 Burnet Rd. in Austin. Admission and parking
are free for registered participants.
The day-long business fair is co-hosted by
the Texas Department of
Motor Vehicles (TxDMV),
the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC), the Texas
Historical Commission
(THC), the Office of Court
Administration (OCA), the
State of the
12th Annual Prom Rack
Community Event
“God Servants:
Living and Walking
by Faith”
II Corinthians 5:7
THE VILLAGER/April 1, 2016 ~ Page 3
We Want YOU!
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4140 E. 12th Street, Austin, TX 78721
Featuring Fish, Poboys, Hot Wings, Pork Chops,
Homemade Gumbo, Shrimp and Alligator
Mon - Friday 11 am - 8 p.m.
Saturday - 12 noon - 8 p.m.
Closed Sunday
Call (512) 928-5555
*Mention this ad and get a FREE 20 oz. Drink*
Saturday, April 2,
2016, Mount Sinai Baptist
Church will host their annual Prom Rack event
from 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 Mount Sinai Baptist
Church Family Life Center,
5900 Cameron Road, Austin TX 78723. Students
must show a high school
ID Card and be accompanied by a parent or guardian over 18. Parents will
have a designated waiting
area. Parents are not allowed in the gown selection or dressing areas. Students are served on a first
come, first served basis.
There will be community
volunteers to help each
girl select a dress. Proof of
financial need is NOT necessary to attend.
The gowns are free
and there are no costs to
attend. There is an event
prior to the Community
event, so girls arriving
early will need to wait in
line. The doors won’t open
until 2:00 p.m. Dressing
rooms are screened from
the gown selection area,
but are not totally private.
Consider wearing tights or
camisoles if you are uncomfortable dressing in
front of others.
Girls will have about
30 minutes to pick out a
dress. Because of the volume of girls wanting a
dress, we encourage you
to choose quickly so all
participants have a chance
to shop. We will have volunteer seamstresses who
can make minor repairs
and alterations.
How to Donate
We need new and
gently worn, quality formal dresses....both long
and short. Dresses should
be clean and on hangers.
We also accept shoes, jewelry and other accessories.
We especially need plussized dresses 16 and up.
Westbank Dry Cleaning accepts donations year
Westbank Department of Family Protective
Services, 14000 Summit
Road, Suite 100, Austin TX
St. Stephens Missionary Baptist
Church Spring Revival
Theme: " Character Honed by God" Titus 2:11-14;
Wednesday, April 6, 2016 at 7 PM Pastor Eric White,
Little Zion B C, Austin; Thursday, April 7, 2016 at 7 PM
Pastor Raymond Fennell, New Birth Community B C,
Cedar; Friday; April 8, 2016 at 7 PM and Sunday, April
10, 2016 at Sunday Worship will be Pastor Patrick
Jaubert, The Fellowship Church of Fort Worth Texas.
Hosted At: 12300 Amherst Drive Austin, TX 78727, By:
Dr. B J E McQueen, Pastor
Villager Youth Brigade will be taking sponsorships
starting summer of 2015.Your support has been
much appreciated over the years. Please continue
to invest in Austin’s youth. We look forward to
another successful year with some promising
students. FMI Call 512-476-0082
La Génération des Vainqueurs
Ministry Church
Stephanie N’Cho
Associate Pastor
The Agape Baptist Church Family cordially invite
all to our Pastor and Wife, Pastor and Sister H. Ed
Calahan Twenty-first Appreciation Service, Sunday,
April 10 , 2016 at 3:30 p.m. Reverend Noah Diggs, Pastor of the Mount Olive Baptist Church, Kerrville, Texas
will deliver the Message. Agape is located at 7801 North
Lamar Blvd., Bldg F-15 on the Southeast Corner of North
Lamar and 183. The Agape Family invites all to come
celebrate with us and receive God’s unconditional love.
First Baptist Church
149th Anniversary
Ebenezer Baptist Church
1010 East 10th Street 512-478-1875 Fax 512-478-1892
Bus Ministry
Call 512-478-1875
Sunday Services
Worship Service
Sunday School
Discipleship Training
Worship Service
8:00 A.M.
9:00 A.M.
10:00 A.M.
11:00 A.M.
Midweek Prayer Service
7:00 P.M.
Child Development Center
Ages 0-5 years
(Daily) 512-478-6709
Dr. Ricky Freeman,
Mount Sinai Missionary Baptist Church
5900 Cameron Road
Austin, Texas 78723-1843
(512) 451-0808 (512) 302-4575 Fax
Web Site -
“Ministries For Mankind” Luke 4:18
A.W.. Anthony Mays, Senior Pastor
Agape Baptist Church
AGAPE is a chuch for all people. “Where Jesus Christ is Magnified and the love He
exhibited is Exemplified.” Come, receive God’s unconditional lovefor you.
For there is no greater love!
Church Services
The members and friends of The First Baptist
Church, 4805 Heflin Lane, Austin, Texas cordially invites
friends and the church community to join in a special
service commemorating its 149th Anniversary. First
Baptist Church has continued to provide worship services to the congregation, community and citizens of
Austin, Texas and Travis county since 1864.
Event to be held on April 24, 2016 at 3:00 PM.
The theme for this occasion is “Upon this Rock I
will Build My Church”, Matt. 16:18. Special guests will
be Reverend, DoctorJimmy D. Hunter, Pastor and members of Toliver Chapel Baptist Church, Waco, Texas.
The members and friends of the congregation
would appreciate your presence and support at this celebration.
For more information, call us at 512-926-4759.
Rev. H. Ed Calahan
Edward M. Fleming,
Sr. Pastor
Visit our website @
1179 San Bernard Street,
Austin, TX 78702, 512-478-7023
Sunday Morning Bible Study, 9:00 A.M.
Sunday Morning Worship, 10:15 A.M.
DAVID CHAPEL Missionary Baptist Church
SUNDAY | Christian Education 9:15a.m.
Worship 10:30 a.m. (MLK)
Nursery Available
TUESDAY | TNT Bible Study
(Pflugerville) 6:45p.m.
WEDNESDAY | Prayer & Praise 7:00p.m.
Bible Study 7:30p.m.
Do you have church news? Would you like to
purchase a monthly ad for your church?
Inquire TODAY!
Send your information to [email protected]
or call 512-476-0082
9:30 AM
11:00 AM
Mid-Week Service Thursday: Praise,
Prayer and Bible Study 7:00 PM
Call 454-1547 for Transporation
“Upon this Rock I will Build My Church”, Matt. 16:18
Dr. Joseph C. Parker, Jr. 512-472-9748
SeniorPastor 2211 E.MLK @ Chestnut St. Austin, TX 78702
Olive Branch Fellowship of Austin / All Faith Chapel
4110 Guadalupe St Bldg #639 Austin, TX 78751
This life, therefore, is not righteousSunday Morning
ness, but growth in righteousness; not health,
Worship @ 11: am
but healing; not being, but becoming; not rest,
but exercise. We are not yet what we shall be,
but we are growing toward it. The process is
not yet finished, but it is going on. This is not
the end, but it is the road. All does not yet
gleam in glory, but all is being purified.
--- Martin Luther
Kenneth Hill, Pastor
Romans 5:1 Therefore,having been
justified by faith, we have peace
with God through our Lord Jesus Christ
St. Peter’s United Methodist Church
4509 Springdale Road Austin, Tx 78723
Office 512- 926-1686 Fax 512-929-7281
Christian Web
[email protected]
Felix Bamirin, Pastor
@ 12424 Scofield Farms Drive, Austin, TX 78758
(By Parmer Lane Baptist Church building, behind Wells Fargo)
Experience Grace For Life
Call: 682.472.9073 l Email:[email protected] l
450l East Martin Luther King Blvd.
469-226-4679 |
*We cash ALL Tax Refund*Checks *Check Out
Sunday Worship - 7:45 a.m. & 11 a.m.
Church School - 9:45 a.m.
Bible Studies - Mon, 6:30 p.m. & Wed., 12 noon
Wednesday Night Worship - 7 p.m .
Tuesday - Friday: 3pm -10pm
Walking and Appointment
Wednesday Bible Study | 7:45pm
Friday Prayer |7:45pm
Sunday Service | 10:00am
805 S. Sherman St. Richardson, TX 75081
Rev. Jack C. Gause
Sunday School
8:45 a.m.
Praise and Worship 10:15 a.m.
Wednesday Bible Study 12:00 p.m.
and Praise /Bible Study 6:30 p.m.
(to include Children’s Choir Rehersaland
Bible Study with age appropiate Activities)
Imani Community Church
Davis Elementray Auditorium
5214 West Duval Road
Sunday School
Worship Service
•Power Hour Bible Life Group
9:00 A.M.
10:00 A.M.
6:00 P.M.
Imani Complex & Office,
11800 Mustang at Duval
Austin, Texas 78727
Rev. Dr. Jacquelyn Donald-Mims
Office: 512-343-9300
The Church of Pentecost
Leading People to Experience God’s Love, Know Jesus Christ & Grow in His Image
The Church of Pentecost, USA Inc,
Austin offers a wide variety of opportunities for children, youth, adults, and older
adults to be involved in worship, spiritual
growth, education, community outreach,
and making a tangible difference to those
7801 N. Lamar Blvd, in need in our community. You too, can
Suite D 102,
make a positive difference in our commuAustin, Texas 78752 nity through your prayers, your presence,
your gifts, your service, and your witness.
Tel: 512 302-1270
Worship: Sunday-10:00 am - 12:30 pm
Tuesday Bible Studies-7:30pm - 9:00 pm
Friday Prayers-7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Page 4 ~ THE VILLAGER/April 1, 2016
Youth of Today
Hope of Tomorrow
March and Bracketology
Wesley Dickerson
Cedar Ridge H. S.
During the month of
March many people devote a large portion of
their free time to college
basketball. The craze of
March Madness sweeps
the nation every year the
NCAA Men’s Basketball
around. Many people
simply like to watch the
games for the enjoyment
of the sport. However,
many people nationwide
take a sudden, or increased interest in college basketball during
tournament time because
of the nationwide obsession with brackets.
A bracket is the structure for any tournament,
and for such a special
tournament such as the
Men’s National Championship tournament the 64team bracket is filled out
by millions of people
across the country. People
get very excited because
by picking teams to win
certain games, they are
now personally invested in
the tournament. Making
picks for every game in the
tournament generates a
lot of interest for each individual matchup. The
other fun part about filling
out brackets is the compe-
tition aspect of it. People
usually compete against
one another by having
pools, or groups where
multiple people submit a
bracket for the purpose of
picking more correct
games than their peers.
Additionally there is the
chance of winning large
amounts of money and
prizes for filling out a perfect bracket, which has
never happened before
and most likely will not
happen anytime soon
considering the nonstop
surprises that the tournament brings.
To go along with the
competition and excitement, March Madness
also brings stress. It can
be very stressful to
watch some games when
it is not looking favorable
for the team you picked
to win. While people
handle botched selections differently, one
thing is certain, and that
is that no one wants a
busted bracket. My
bracket is most definitely
busted and it is not a god
feeling to know that a
shocking amount of your
picks are wrong. However, that is partially what
makes March Madness
worth watching. Seeing
15th ranked Middle Tennessee State defeat 2nd
ranked Michigan State
certainly was not beneficial to my bracket, but it
was an impressive game
to watch. This is what
makes the month of
March one of the most
enticing, stressful, and
amazing months out of
the year.
Happy Easter Peeps
in the morning. On Sunday the 27th I woke up
with joy because it was
I went to church and
participated in a wonderful play. The play was an
act about being on a
news channel giving the
Good News and I was one
of the anchors. It was
great! Afterwards I went
home and my grandma,
cousin, and I prepared
some boiled eggs and
SaNaya White
then dyed them. After
Ann Richards
that we prepared plastic
eggs by putting candy
The Easter Bunny into them. Then the
has hopped around Aus- adults in my family hid
tin and finally arrived at the eggs for me and my
my house. On Saturday cousin and we had to find
the 26th he hopped me all them. I found 18 even
the way to Navasota TX though there weren't alot
where I could visit and of eggs and after that my
see my Grandma's sisters cousin and I prepared a
and then the Easter egg hunt for the adults. I
Bunny hopped me right had a lot of fun and I
back to Austin where I can't wait for the next
could sleep in to wake up holiday to come.
Spring Break
ate out a lot over spring
break. As mentioned in my
last article, I got the opportunity to go on the Youth
Brigade field trip to the
Heritage Center.
I enjoyed sitting at
the old fashioned desk
where you can lift up the
top. It was so cool to see
the yearbook that was all
the way back in the 1900s.
Erika Lipscomb
They also have a research
Manor Middle School
study area where you can
Over spring break, I search and look up your
got to do a lot of things. I family if they were born in
got the chance to visit the Austin/Travis county or any
Cameron Park Zoo in other thing that you want
Waco, Texas while we to look up that happened
were on a trip to visit my back then.
mom's family. Also, not so
As you see, it was a
fun things as well like go- lot to see and learn from
ing to the dentist. I had a the Heritage Center. I'm
school project to do as glad my spring break was
well over spring break. We fun as well as educational.
Buddy Hield
ing scorer, finishing with
37 points. "He shot 8-for13 for 3s, and we didn’t do
our job as players. So it
cost us the game,” said
Elgin Cook of the Oregon
Buddy Hield has
shown a tremendous work
ethic on the court from the
day he stepped foot into
the Oklahoma gym. Every
morning, Buddy wakes up
and shoots 200 jump shots
before class and then 400
more before practice. His
dedication for the sport
shows in game situations.
He averages 25.4 points
and 5.7 rebounds per
game. Since his freshman
year, Hield has been
awarded with the Big 12
Conference Men’s Basketball Player of the Year in
2015 and 2016.
Hield and the Oklahoma Sooners will play
Villanova in the Final Four
round on Saturday, April
2nd, 2016. Most of the attention will be on Buddy
Hield to see if he can bring
the Sooners to their first
national championship
appearance since 1988. I
will be looking to see how
Buddy will play under the
pressure and in the presence of a bigger crowd.
Ira “T.J.” Williams
Cedar Ridge H. S.
Chavano “Buddy”
Hield is a Bahamian-born
college basketball player
for the University of Oklahoma. Hield plays the
shooting guard position at
the height of 6’ 4”. Compared to average shooting
guards, Hield is fairly
small. Buddy and the rest
of the Oklahoma team are
currently competing for
the National Collegiate
grandparent’s house. Athletic
While I was over there I (NCAA) championship
helped them with commu- title.
On Saturday, March
nity services. For some
2016, the Oklahoma
reason it felt like it was
short break but I wish it Sooners faced off against
was longer. On Friday the Oregon Ducks of the
morning my parents and I Elite Eight round of March
went to Louisiana for my Madness. The Sooners
cousins wedding. From beat the Ducks with the
Pflugerville to there is 6 final score being 80-68.
Kevin Parish
hours but it was a fun Buddy Hield was the leadPark Crest M.S.
drive. I had a great time in
Last week I had a Louisiana and the wedding
great Spring Break. During was pretty. I hope you all
April 15.
the week I slept over at my had a good Spring Break.
All recipes will be infriend’s house and also my GO PUMAS.
cluded in Chef Patrick's Pals
2016 Recipe Book. The winning dish will be featured at
the beginning of the book.
For the 2014 National
All finalists will receive a
Donate Life Month artspecial Chef Patrick cookwork, the Donate Life
ing kit. The Grand Winner
America team was inAva Roberts
will receive a Chef Coat,
spired by springtime and
Spring Hill Elementary and have their dish served
the symbol of a flying kite.
Aramark and Chef for lunch at his school's
Spring is a season of new
is hosting a Junior Cool Caf.
life that calls to mind the
Any student in grades
many men, women and Chef Competition. Students
children whose lives have will create a one-of-a-kind, K - 12 can enter the contest.
been saved or healed by healthy recipe. Contes- Spring Hill Elementary is
organ, eye and tissue do- tants must take a photo with joining this year's Chef
nation. Likewise, the kite their recipe, complete the Patrick's Pals Junior Chef
Zachariah Washington
is an image that appeals entry form, and give both to Competition. Chef Ava RobCrockett High School
to all ages, genders and the cafeteria manager by erts is entering the contest!
National Donate Life nationalities and is often
Month (NDLM) was insti- associated with hope and
tuted by Donate Life celebration. What does
America and its partnering the kite mean to you?
Jesus on the cross and an
organizations in 2003. CelTo many, it may illusEaster play called He Rose.
ebrated in April each year, trate their wish for a
I was in the play and had the
NDLM features an entire much-needed organ. To
part where Peter denied
month of local, regional others, it may represent a
Jesus two times. I will reand national activities to connection to a donor
member the lesson of
help encourage Americans friend or family member.
heartbreak that Peter felt
to register as organ, eye And to some, a flying kite
because of his denying
and tissue donors and to may symbolize the freeJesus. Between the scenes
celebrate those that have dom and new life that a
there would be a preacher
saved lives through the gift transplant has provided
speaking on the sayings of
of donation.
Jesus on the Cross.
The program was reCity of Austin Youth Career Fair
Sarah Robertson
ally interesting and good. It
Athlos Leadership Acad. was unique Good Friday proMore than 100 businesses and organizations
will discuss career and job options, internship posThis past Friday was gram and I’m glad that I got
sibilities and volunteer opportunities to more than
Good Friday and at my to be a part of something
1,000 area high school students.
church (St James Mission- like that. I hope that everyThe event will be from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at
ary Baptist Church) we had body had a wonderful Good
Palmer Events Center, 900 Barton Springs Road.
the seven last sayings of Friday and a Happy Easter.
Spring Break
Junior Chef Competition
National Donate Life Month
Good Friday
My Easter Service
Malakhi Washington
Cunningham Elementary
Last Sunday at my
Church we has a Easter
Services. A lot of guest
came. I was at children’s
church. I was very fun because we played games
with Easter eggs. And we
has a Easter egg hunt, at
the Main Sanctuary they
had dancers, and the choir
sang songs I like I liked a
lot. Every year we have a
Easter Service it is kind of
like a tradition in our
church family some times
I wonder how where Easter Services where when I
wasn’t there next years
Easter Service will be fun I
know it and I hope you will
be my Guest Next Year.
Actor Nate Parker Launches
Texas HBCU Film School
by: Zenitha Prince
Senior AFRO
Nate Parker, actor,
writer and director of the
acclaimed Nat Turner
biopic “The Birth of a Nation,” recently took a giant leap forward in his
quest to increase diversity in media with the
launching of a film and
drama school at a Texas
HBCU. W iley College,
based in Marshall, Texas,
was the setting for the
film, “The Great Debaters,” in which Parker
acted alongside Denzel
Washington, Jurnee
Smollett-Bell, among
others. Parker maintained a close relationship with the institution—he was recently
named as one of its trustees, he used its ‘a capella’
choir in the score of “The
Birth of a Nation,” and
raised corporate dollars
to provide 100 Black men
with scholarships to attend W iley College
through the 100 Men of
Excellence initiative —
and now it will become
home to the Nate Parker
School of Film and
Drama, beginning in the
fall. School officials made
the announcement via
Twitter on March 19.
“You control the moving
picture, you control the
masses. So really [this
school is about] getting
Nate Parker
(Photo by Chris
them (students) rallied
around the idea of reclaiming the narrative of
America, specifically
through the eyes of
people of color,” Parker
said in an interview with
Texas ABC affiliate KLTV.
Before classes are
launched in the fall, the
college will host a nineday seminar—intended
as a pilot program—during the summer. About
30 high school and college students will be selected to participate.
“ The hope is that we
cover all aspects of filmmaking, from sound,
lighting, and cinematography, to just studying
film specifically with the
cultural component and
the history of fi lm,”
Parker said about his
hopes for the school.
Travis County Tax
Office branch hours
Changing April 4
AUSTIN, TEXAS – The Travis County Tax Office
branches will serve the public from 8.m. to 4 p.m.,
through Friday, beginning April 4.
The shorter hours of public operation are necessary so staff can complete their paperwork within their
eight-hour shift. The shortened hours for the public will help save taxpayers from having to pay staff
overtime to complete the day’s transactions.
The county’s population growth is outpacing the
space and staffing at the tax office’s four branch
offices. The main tax office, 5501 Airport Blvd, will
continue to serve customers from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30
p.m., Monday through Friday.
The new 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. public hours of operation take effect on April 4 at the following branch office
• East Austin – 4705 Heflin Lane.
• Southeast Austin –
4011 McKinney Falls Parkway.
• Southwest Austin –
8656 Hwy 71 W, Building B.
• Pflugerville – 15822 Foothill Farms Loop.
THE VILLAGER/April 1 2016 ~ Page 5
By Freddie Allen
(NNPA National News
Managing Editor)
(From left to right): Chairwoman of the NNPA Denise Rolark Barnes, legendary lyricist and hip hop pioneer MC Lyte, President and CEO of the NNPA
Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr., Dean of the School of Communications at Howard
University Gracie Lawson-Borders and Chevrolet’s Diversity Marketing ManIn an effort to provide
ager Michelle Matthews-Alexander break for a photo-op during the launch of
student journalists with a
the NNPA’s “Discover the Unexpected” Fellowship Program Sponsored by
unique experience workChevrolet. (Freddie Allen/AMG/NNPA)
ing in the Black Press, the
National Newspaper Pub- business not only to have
Francina Akuazaoku, careers.
Association a voice, but also to inspire a senior television producChevrolet’s Diversity
(NNPA), teamed with people to be unique and tion major at Howard Uni- Marketing
Chevrolet and the School to stand up for what they versity from Washington, Michelle
Matthewsof Communications at believed in. The hip-hop D.C. said that she was Alexander said that the
Howard University to icon, who is known for her shocked, when MC Lyte auto company recognizes
launch an innovative jour- storytelling prowess, said walked into her classroom the important role that the
nalism fellowship pro- that she wanted the jour- to announce the new ven- School of Communications
at Howard University plays
nalism students to have ture.
The program titled, the opportunity to tell stoAkuazaoku, who in producing the next gen“Discover The Unex- ries that mattered and grew up in the nation’s eration of journalism leadpected” (DTU), will feature that have the capacity to capital said, that if she ers.
internships at four NNPA change lives.
Gracie Lawson-Borwere selected, she would
member publications for
Rolark use the experience to help ders, the dean of the
eight Howard University Barnes, the chairwoman her community and future School of Communications
at Howard University
of the NNPA and the pub- generations.
The journalism fel- lisher of the Washington
Chavis said that the thanked the NNPA and
lows that are selected for Informer said that student practical experience that General Motors for
the program will receive journalists who work at the students will gain from launching the fellowship
stipends and also have ac- Black newspapers get a the DTU program will be program at the school and
cess to a 2016 Chevrolet global experience, be- invaluable in helping them said that it is a wonderful
Malibu to commute be- cause the needs are often get to the next level after opportunity for all comtween their local news- greater and the expecta- they graduate.
munication students, “to
rooms and their assign- tions are higher.
Hiram Jackson, the prepare for the next jourments.
“We don’t have publisher of the Michigan ney in their lives.”
Michigan beats,” said Barnes. “To- Chronicle agreed.
The NNPA member
Chronicle, the Chicago De- day you can be covering a
In an e-mail to the publishers who are particifender, The Washington student who’s won a [Bill NNPA News W ire, Jack- pating in the DTU program
Informer, The Atlanta and Melinda Gates Foun- son said that he wants this year also expressed
Voice, were selected as dation] scholarship at one the student journalism their support of the proparticipating publications of the local high schools, fellows to learn the im- gram and the long-standfor the first round of in- tomorrow you might be a portance of being accu- ing partnership between
ternships and legendary the White House covering rate, fair and unbiased the NNPA and General
hip-hop pioneer MC Lyte an event for First Lady and that he hoped that Mot
will serve as the national Michelle Obama’s “Let’s the program would help
For more information
spokesperson for the pro- Move” campaign. The next to build a foundation of about the “Discover The
day you might be on [Capi- core journalism prin- Unexpected” journalism
MC Lyte said that she tol Hill] covering a con- ciples that will stay with fellowship program, visit
entered into the music gressional hearing.”
them throughout their
Please Be Kind To Cyclists And Captial
Metro Begin Community Partnership
DriveKind RideKind campaign to
be featured on local buses
Austin, TX - Please BE KIND to Cyclists (Please
BE KIND) and Capital Metro have entered into a
three (3) month Community Partnership to promote DriveKind RideKind, a bicycle safety education program jointly developed by Please BE KIND
and the Texas Department of Transportation
Each year Capital Metro receives requests
from nonprofits to enter into an advertising campaign to promote an event. The Community Partnership is offered on a first-come first-served basis, to any nonprofit or government agency that
meets the qualifications mentioned in the Community Partnership Guidelines. The requests must
explain the benefits of the proposed campaign to
the Capital Metro service area. They are approved
by the Capital Metro Marketing Director and are
selected to align with the agency's goals. This year
Please BE KIND submitted a request to promote
DriveKind RideKind, a program that educates and
inspires all road users toward safe behavioral
change and to encourage personal responsibility.
The Community Partnership will run from
April 1, 2016 through June 30, 2016 and coincides
with National Bike Safety Month, which occurs in
May. "Our focus is on education and awareness,
said Garret Nick, Please BE KIND Board Chair.
"This campaign helps us maintain those objectives
and expands on our limited resources to potentially reach thousands of people," he said.
Please BE KIND and supporters will be on
hand on March 31 at 9 a.m. at the Capital Metro
Headquarters located at 2910 E. 5th Street, as the
agency rolls out three (3) Queen ads (96"x30")
featuring the DriveKind RideKind message. An
additional 50 interior place cards (28"x11") will
be placed on 50 buses.
"This is a great opportunity because the partnership with Capital Metro increases our efforts
to drive traffic to the DriveKind RideKind website
and increase viewership of the educational video,"
said Pat Bastidas, Program Manager. "It's about
educating all road users," she said.
Capital Metro donated the ad space and
Please BE KIND paid for ad production costs and
install/removal fees.
Fo r m o re i n fo r m at i o n p l eas e v i s i t
Page 6 ~ THE VILLAGER/April 1, 2016
Si Se Puede
Juneteenth Pageant Meets
with the African Community
Pictured left to right is Dave Cortez and Pete Riveria attend
Annual Cesar Chavez March. Photo by Tsoke (Chuch) Adjavon
by Tsoke (Chuch) Adjavon | Villager Columnist
On March 26, 2016, the Annual Cesar Chavez March was held in the heart of
East Austin. The starting point of the march was the Terrazas Library on 1105 E.
Cesar Chavez Street. Then, the crowd marched down Cesar Chavez Street all the
way to the Mariposa Centro Cultural - 4926 E Cesar Chavez. According to the organizers, the purpose of the march was to celebrate the life and legacy of Cesar E.
Chavez. His legacy of workers’ rights, civil rights, environmental justice, equality for
all, peace, non-violence, children and women’s rights deserve national recognition.
At the march, there was a cross field of people and of Austin leaders. For instance some of the community leaders present at the rally, included Mayor Adler of
Austin, County Commissioner Gomez, City Council Member District 2 Delia Garza,
and Jeff Travaillon who is running for the Travis County Commissioner Precinct 1
was also at the rally. In addition, there were various types of musical and dance
performances. Furthermore, the event was very family friendly.
Although Cesar Chavez birthday is March 31, the event was held earlier due to
the weekend. Moreover, Mr. Chavez has a special place in history due to his fight to
make America a better place. Mr. Chavez who founded the United Farm Workers
fought so that farm workers and all workers would get paid “equal wages for the
work that they do.”
The Austin/Travis County Health and Human Services Department announces the next free Diabetes Empowerment Education
Program (DEEP) series. The DEEP series includes 6 different classes, held
one class per week, focusing on diabetes self-management skills and resources.
Our next DEEP series begins: April 7, 14, 21, 28, May 5, and 12, 2016. Thursday
evenings, from 5:30 to 7:00 pm at the BRITTON, DURST, HOWARD & SPENCE
BUILDING (Chestnut Community Center) 1183 Chestnut Avenue, Austin, TX
Togolese Association of
Central Texas Host
Independence Day Celebration
by Tsoke
(Chuch) Adjavon |
Villager Columnist
Prior to its Independence Day Celebration,
the Togolese American Association of Central Texas
plans to hold numerous
smaller gatherings. For instance, there is a plan to
hold a “Family Day.” According to the organizers,
the “Family Day” is meant
to be an event in which the
community, especially
children can learn more
about the nation of Togo
and the rest of the African
Moreover, the Family
Day will be held on April
23 at the Pflugerville Library. The organizers plan
to hold various cultural
presentations such as the
history and the geography
of Togo. In addition, there
are plans to hold some
story telling about Togo
and the rest of the African
continent. Both Togolese
and non Togolese families
are welcome to join as
they celebrate this unique
The following week,
the Togolese American
community plans to hold
its annual “Independence
Day Celebration.” The annual celebration will entail
inviting the rest of the
community to also learn
about Togo. The Independence Day Celebration will
be on April 30th in Manor
Texas. All the Togolese and
Africans living in Central
Texas will be inviting to the
event. Moreover, the independence celebration will
mark Togo’s 57th anniversary.
Meme Style and Aida
by Tsoke
(Chuch) Adjavon |
Villager Columnist
young ladies to be a pageant candidate.
According to Mimi
Styles, the pageant orgaEvery Juneteenth, nizer, the event will be
the Greater East Austin held on June 4, 2016. This
Youth Association (GEAYA) year, the theme of the
organizes its yearly Ms. event will be “unity.” As a
Juneteenth Pageant in result, Mrs. Styles has
Central Texas. Moreover, reached out to the African
the Juneteenth Pageant Diaspora community in
has three different catego- Central Texas. Mrs. Styles
ries: Miss Juneteenth for has the desire to see more
High School; Jr Miss girls, teenage girls and
Juneteenth - for Middle young women from the
School; and Lil’ Miss African Diaspora CommuJuneteenth for Grades nity become a part of this,
2nd- - 5th. All three cat- “great celebration of Black
egories allow for girls, people in Central Texas.”
Just recently, Mrs.
teenage girls and also
Styles has tried to hold
meetings with various African communities in order to talk to them about
the upcoming pageant.
For instance, she recently
met with some women of
the Burkinabe community of Central Texas to
talk to them about the
pageant. Not only is the
pageant for the African
Diaspora community to
unite with the African
American community
but, also an opportunity
for both communities to
take part in great educational scholarship program.
Music In The Park
The Austin History
Center invites you to a
family-friendly afternoon
of ‘Music in the Park,’ an
event featuring student
musicians of the Austin Independent School District.
The event will take place
on Sunday, April 3, from
2:00 to 5:00 p.m. at
Wooldridge Square Park,
located on Guadalupe
Street between 9th and
Groups from various
AISD schools will be performing including the
Lamar Fiddlers from
Lamar Middle School &
Fine Arts Academy, the
Dobie Middle School Guitar
Orchestra, the
Blackshear Elementary
Fine Arts Academy’s Choir,
and more. Pack a blanket
and a picnic to enjoy while
you listen to the music.
The Austin Public Library’s
Youth Services department will have craft supplies available for kids to
make their own musical
This fun musical afternoon is planned in conjunction with the Austin History
Center’s exhibit, “Making
the Grade: Austin’s First
Public Schools.” The exhibit
explores the origins of
Austin’s public school sys-
tem with original photographs and vintage school
ephemera such as report
cards and course schedules. Visitors are invited to
view the exhibit at the History Center (located next
to Wooldridge Square
Park) before and after the
musical event. An in-gallery scavenger hunt game
makes the exhibit fun for
the whole family.
For more information
call 512.974.7580
THE VILLAGER/April 1, 2016 ~ Page 7
Documentary Celebrates
Tuskegee Airmen
by: Monica Smith Special to the AFRO
Seventy-five years ago
the Army broke its decadesold tradition of excluding
Blacks from the Air Corps,
announcing plans for a flight
training squadron in
Tuskegee, Alabama. The
99th Pursuit Squadron was
constituted (on paper) at
Tuskegee on March 19,
1941. It was activated with
personnel at Chanute Field,
Illinois on the 22nd, according to Dan Haulman’s latest
“Tuskegee Airmen Chronology,” a detailed history of
the group available online.
Haulman is chief of
the Organizational Histories
Branch of the Air Force Historical Research Agency at
Maxwell Air Force Base in
Montgomery, Alabama.
On Mar. 22, the
Tuskegee Airmen Foundation
celebrated the 75th anniversary of the 99th’s activation
with a press conference at
Moton Field in Tuskegee.
One week later,
Bryton Entertainment will
present the documentary
“In Their Own Words: The
Tuskegee Airmen!” in a nationwide 7 p.m. showing on
March 29 in select theaters.
The fortitude of these
individuals to stand strong
in the face of adversity was
a key factor in establishing
the first Black military aviation units composed of pilots and support personnel
trained at Tuskegee Army
Air Field and other locations.
Leon Johnson, a retired U.S. Air Force Reserve
brigadier general and president of the Tuskegee Airmen Foundation, is credited
with the organization’s vision to “build on the successes of the past, highlight
the role models of today
and develop the workforce
of tomorrow.”
Upwards of 16,000
flight and maintenance
crew members, administrative staff, nurses, and other
support personnel contrib-
uted to the Tuskegee Experience and are known as
Tuskegee Airmen. Many
members of the Greatest
Generation have passed on.
Stateside, Airmen
combated racism at places
like Freeman Field, Indiana.
“The 350 officers of the
Group…are boycotting all
jim-crow facilities at the
base,” the Baltimore AfroAmerican reported on Mar
24, 1945, noting Black officers called the club designated for their use, “Uncle
Tom’s Cabin.”
One hundred and one
officers were arrested in the
ensuing uprising at Freeman Field and three were
court-martialed. Haulman’s
chronology shows all were
vindicated in 1995.
President Truman’s
1948 executive order integrating the armed forces did
not take effect immediately,
or smoothly. The Air Force
Some of the Tuskegee Airmen featured in the documentary,
‘In Their Own Words: The Tuskegee Airmen!’ (Courtesy Photo)
integrated first, beginning in
April 1949 and ending in
1951, according to historian
and retired Air Force Col.
Alan Gropman, author of
“The Air Force Integrates.”
What stands firm is
the 332nd Fighter Group’s
outstanding combat record
in North Africa and Europe,
which Gen. Ron Fogleman,
the Air Force’s 15th chief of
staff, praised, lauding the
airmen at the 1995
Tuskegee Airmen Convention.
Session goals include addressing
discrimination, oppression and
exploitation continued from page 2
Attendees will discuss a wide-range of topics, including healing the
Black family after the war
on drugs and the implications of the U.S. presidential election on Black
America and the Pan African World.
The five-day conference, which is scheduled
from the 16th through the
20th in Newark, N.J., will
also focus on the struggle
for democracy and development in Africa, the Caribbean, and Central and
South America. A major
town hall will be devoted
to exploring developments in the U.S. and the
global reparations movements.
speakers are Sir Hilary
Beckles, author of
“Britain’s Black Debt:
Reparations for Caribbean
Slavery and Native Genocide,” and Mirelle Fanon
Mendes, chairman of
Frantz Fanon Foundation
of France, and the daughter of Frantz Fanon, MD.
The goal for each session is to address the criti-
cal need to heal and repair
African-American families,
Black communities and
nations from centuries,
generations and ongoing
damages inflicted by enslavement, colonialism,
segregation, discrimination, racial violence, repression, oppression, exploitation as a consequence of White supremacy and structural/
institutional racism.
Each session is intended to explore intentionally ways to draw on
cultural, spiritual, histori-
DPR Construction Invitation to Bid
DPR Construction as CMAR for Texas State University will be constructing the 18,845 sf
Library Repository Building and site development at 250 E. McCarty Ln., San Marcos, Texas
78666-4684 at their Star Park Campus.
The project is a one story Library Repository and archive facility, with a High Bay Storage area,
Arts and Artifacts storage, Processing, Archival Workroom, Reading/Viewing Room, Crate and
Storage Supply, Loading Dock, Van Garage and extensive site work, utility infrastructure and
cal and institutional
strengths to enhance or
to devise collaborative
strategies and models for
black empowerment.
The conference headquarters is the Robert
Treat Best Western Plus
Hotel in Newark. The Institute of the Black World
21st Century is based in
Elmhurst, N.Y. The email
[email protected]. For
more information on
State of the Black World
Round Rock ISD is currently accepting sealed
bids and proposals. Solicitation Documents
may be obtained from
under “ERC Purchasing” or by calling 512464-6950.
We are currently seeking competitive proposals from Subcontractors on the 50% Construction
Documents Issuance with a goal of receiving all Subcontractor bids for Precast Wall Panels,
Earthwork and Site Utilities by Thursday, 4/14/2016 at 2:00 PM CST.
The High Bay Storage area has 250 each shelving units, 35 feet tall for storing books, photography
and artwork at about 54 degrees and is enclosed by 50 foot tall Insulated Precast Panels.
Extensive Earthwork over a 7 acres area, with Over Excavation and Offsite Select Fill required at
the Building Pad and Paving areas and a large new Detention Pond.
New Water Service, Fire Supply, Sanitary Sewer and Extensive Storm Drainage Utilities.
If you’re interested in pursuing this project please contact us and we will provide a Smart Bid Net
or Box link to access the bidding documents with the necessary bid forms and instructions.
DPR Construction is an EEO Employer and all HUB and M/WBE Subcontractors and Suppliers
are strongly encouraged to submit bids on this project.
IMPORTANT: If you have not already prequalified with DPR, please begin the process immediately.
Your company does not have to be prequalified to bid a DPR project, but it is a requirement to be
awarded a contract.
Please contact Brooke Bures, Ann Hershberger or Ted Muckleroy for any questions or information
regarding this project at 512-345-7699.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
New Jobs for the Week of
Specialist, Program-Mathematics
Highland Campus
Job# 1603011
Faculty, Computer Science
Location is as assigned
Job# 1603008
Faculty, Electronics & Advanced
Riverside Campus
Job# 1603005
Faculty, Culinary Arts
Eastview Campus
Job# 1602012
Assistant III, Administrative
Highland Business Center
Job# 1505067
Apply at HR
Middle Fiskville Rd.
6th Floor, Austin, TX 78752
Job Line (512 223-5621
“The men and
women of the Tuskegee
experience broke forever
the myths that allowed
segregation, inequity, and
injustice to exist with a thin
veil of legitimacy…’Service
before self’ was more than
just a phrase to the
Tuskegee Airmen. It was a
way of life,” Gropman said,
quoting the general’s remarks from a 1996 Air
Force Magazine article.
Vince Harding, Chair,
Travis County
Democratic Party
Monday, April 4, 2016
10:00AM - 11:45A
Carver Library, 1161
City of Austin Featured Job
The City of Austin is currently accepting
applications for the following positions:
• Human Resources Quality Assurance
• EMS Customer Care Program Manager
• Accountant Associate (full-time or part-time)
• Health & Human Services Program
• Irrigation Technician II
• Ground Transportation Enforcement Officer
· Water Meter Technician Assistant
• Athletics Activity Specialist
• Score Keeper I-II
• Power System Engineer Senior
Please visit the City of Austin employment
website at to view
requirements and apply for these and other job
opportunities. We encourage you to check the
employment website often as new job
opportunities are posted daily.
If you have any questions or need assistance,
please call 512-974-3210 or email us at
[email protected].
The City of Austin is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
City of Austin
Purchasing Office
The City of Austin Purchasing Office invites
you to view current bid solicitations at https://
w w w. c i . a u s t i n . t x . u s / f i n a n c e o n l i n e /
Vendors are encouraged to register on-line in the
City’s Vendor Self Service System. Once your
company is registered, you will receive notifications about new bid opportunities. For additional
information regarding current bid opportunities
or Vendor Registration, please call the Purchasing Office at 512-974-2500.
For information on the City of Austin’s Minority Owned and Women-Owned Procurement
Program and the certification process, please
contact the Small & Minority Business Resources
Department at 512-974-7600 or visit their website
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