08-15 - Pinellas Planning Council
08-15 - Pinellas Planning Council
PINELLAS PLANNING COUNCIL AGENDA MEMORANDUM AGENDA ITEM: III B-2. SUBJECT: From: To: Area: CASE #: JURISDICTION: LOCATION: MEETING DATE: March 19, 2008 Proposed Subthreshold Amendment to the Countywide Future Land Use Plan Map Residential Medium – RM Residential Low Medium– RLM 2.5 Acres m.o.l CW 08-15 Dunedin Southeast corner of Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue and Howell Street RECOMMENDATION: Council, Based On Accompanying Findings (II.A & B), Recommend To The Countywide Planning Authority That The Proposed “Type D” Subthreshold Amendment To Residential Low Medium Be Approved Pursuant To The Official Acceptance Process. I. BACKGROUND This amendment has been submitted by the City of Dunedin to the Council for Official Acceptance in accordance with the Countywide Rules. This site is vacant and was the location of Highlander Village, a 20 unit Dunedin Housing Authority facility. The site is located in an area with multi-family residential to the north, south and east and the City of Dunedin Wastewater Treatment Plant to the west. This amendment request from Residential Medium to Residential Low Medium would allow a maximum of 25 dwelling units, however redevelopment of the site is expected to include 19 Habitat for Humanity townhomes. II. FINDINGS Based on the background data and analysis in this report, the following findings are submitted for consideration of the recommendation for approval of the amendment request: A. The proposed amendment is consistent with Division 5.3, Section 5.3.4 of the Rules Concerning the Administration of the Countywide Future Land Use Plan (Countywide Rules), the purpose of which is to recognize and provide for “Type D” subthreshold amendments of the Countywide Plan Map. PINELLAS PLANNING COUNCIL ACTION: The Council recommended approval from Residential Medium to Residential Low Medium (vote 12-0). COUNTYWIDE PLANNING AUTHORITY ACTION: 4/8/08: The Board approved the amendment from Residential Medium to Residential Low Medium (vote 7-0). 1 H:\USERS\Countywide Plan Map\Amendments\2008\03March\Reports\CW08-15 Dunedin memo.doc SaBJEC?.' CaseCW 08-15-Dunedin B. In particular, this amendmentqualifies as a "Type D" subthresholdamendment,based on the amendment being within the same classification and made from a more intensive category to a less intensive category, irrespective of size and is therefore eligible for approval under the official acceptanceprocess. In consideration of and based upon these findings, it is recommended that the proposed amendment be approved. Iil. SABTHRESHOLD AMENDMENTS The amendmentis a "Type D" subthresholdamendmentas defined in the Countywide Rules, i.e., an amendmentirrespectiveof size, within the sameclassification and made from a more intensive category to a less intensive category. There are no limitations as to location or aggregation. It is the policy of the Council, consistent with the purpose, procedure and threshold determinantsof the Countywide Rules, that subthresholdamendmentswill be removed from the official acceptanceprocedureonly for substantivereasonsrelated to the Countywide Plan and Rules. U. PLANNERS ADVISORY COMMITTEE (PAC) At their meeting on March 10, 2008, the PAC discussedthis case and recommended approval of the staff recommendation(vote 11-0). The draft PAC minutes relative to this caseare includedas Attachment1. V. Map I Map 2 Map3 Map 4 Map 5 LIST OF MAPS & ATTACHMENTS Location Current Countywide Plan Map & Jurisdiction Map - Black & White Aerial-Color Current Countywide Plan Map - Color ProposedCountywide Plan Map - Color Attachment I W. Draft PAC Minutes SUPPORT DOCUMENTS - available only at www.pinellasplanninscouncilorg (seeMarch Agenda and then click on corresponding casenumber). Support Document I Support Document 2 Disclosure of Interest Form Local GovernmentApplication SUBJECTAREA I -t"tJ") d,g." ,o G U L FO F M E X I C O TAMPABAY MAP 1 C A S EN O . C W O B -1 5 PINELLASPLANNINGCOUNCIL COUNTYPROPERTYAPPRAISER,JIM SMITH GRAPHICSPREPAREDBY THE OFFICEOF THE PTNELI.AS P r o d u c e db y M E D I TV ? . 1 ,C o p y r i g h t1 9 9 1 , 1 9 9 2P i n e l l a sC o u n t y , F l o r i d a P r o p e r t y A p p r a i s e r . A U R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . I lfl t I t trlv MAP Z PROPOSED AMENDMENT CASENO. CilO8-15 FROM: ResidentialMedium (RM) TO: ResidentialLow Medium (RIJ) ACREAGE: PINELLASPLANNINGCOUNCIL GRAPHICS PREPARED BY THE OFF]CE OF PINELLAS COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISER, JIM SMITH GRAPHICS CREATED USING MEDIT VERSION 2.1 @ MAP 2 PROPOSED AMENDMENT CASENO. CTOE-16 FROM: Regldentiel Medium (RM) TO: Reeldentlal Lor Medium (RIJ{} ACREAGE: PINELII\S PLANNINGCOUNCIL GRAPHICSPREPAREDBY THE OFEICE OF PINELIAS COT'NTYPROPERIY APPRAJSER,JIM SMITII GRAPHICSCRtrATEDUSING MEDIT VERSION2.1 @ CASENO. CWO8.15 MAP 3 NOTTO SCALE MAP 4 cAsENo. cw08-r5 FROTI: l" = 400' TO: 2.5 ACREAGE: PINELIN,S PI,ANNING COUNCIL MruPADWm6Cdm *l[,",'' ""o,* ffi Hl*lnr,*Lorr MEDT'M 4a@@@tufrf @mara t:] #irlB* RURAL E tl E IIED tffi Lof,uEDru* I USB , - J opFrc. *rrED COIXERCIAL L_J PUBUC/SEXI-PUBUC NErc'Boffioou f lBiR'#* HBHPE""'#/*"Erf;ri+g#"* f.]y#ftHf.ltr 8PECNL DESIGNATTON r ffirtft""" Ni:itrfd,",*.^ [] | *pre+r,-^NDUsTBIAL | *t"oHH" PROPOSED FUTUREI.ANDUSE pra.uryEp^^..-.- [-l hEiitVEEopxnm | gfiH,tr'* | o'.'*'.' Attachment I Dreft PAGtlnutrs trreh 10, 2O0E SubthresholdAmendments: CaseCW 08-15- City of Dunedin- PhyllisFlemingstatedthat this 2.5 acre site is located at the Southeastcorner of Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue and Howell Street. She reported that the proposedamendmentis from ResidentialMedium (RM) to Residential Low Medium (RLM) and will allow a maximum of 25 dwelling units. However, redevelopmentof the site is proposed to include 19 Habitat for Humanity townhomes. After presentation and report on the three subthreshold reports, Lynn Roseffi movedto approveCasesCW 08-13,CW 08-15,and CW 08-17.The motion was secondedby Jeff Dow and carried(vote 11-0). Support l)ocument I DISCLOST'REOF INTERESTSTATEMENT PINELLAS COUNTY PLANNING COUNCIL CASENT.JMBER* SUBMITTING GOVERNMENTENTITY: Dunedin PPCOR CMY CASENUMBER: PROPERTYOWNER(S): Name: Habitatfor Humanityof PinellasCountv Address:3071118frAvenueNorth. St.Petersbure. FL 33716 PhoneNumber: 536-4755 ANY OTIIER PERSONS HAVING ANY OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN THE SUBJECT PROPERTY: Interests: _ Contingent_ Absolute Name: SpecificInterestHeld: INDICATION AS TO WHETTIER A CONTRACT EXISTS FOR SALE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY,IFSO: ContractIs: _ Contingent_ Absolute All Partiesto Contract: Name: Name: INDICATION AS TO WHETTIER TIIERE ARE ANY OPTIONS TO PURCHASE SUBJECT PROPERTY,IFSO: All Partiesto Option: Name: ANY OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION WHICH APPLICANT MAY WISH TO SUBMIT PERTAINING TO REQUESTEDPLAN AMENDMENT: *NUMBER TO BE ASSIGNEDBY PLANNING COUNCI STAIiF SuPPortDocument2 APPLICATION FORCOUNTYWIDE FUTURELANDUSEPLANAMENDMENTS PleasecompleteALL the information for landuse plan belowas accurateas possible,to ensurethat the application amendmentcan be processedefficiently. Processing will not be starteduntil this form has been of the application completed. lf additional spaceis needed,pleasenumberandattachadditional sheets. l. ll. Countvwide FLUPAmendment Information 1. ExistingCountyta/de FLUPDesignation Residential Medium 2. LowMedium Residential Proposed Countywide FLUPDesignation LocalPlanAmendment lnformation 1. LocalPlanAmendment CaseNumber LUP-Zo-S/D 07-57.03ZJC 2. Existing LocalPlan Designations ResidentialMedium 3. ExistingLocalZoningDesignations MF-15 4. Proposed LocalPlanDesignations LowMedium Residential 5. Proposed LocalZoning Designations lll. PR-1 SiteDescription '1. ParcelNumber(s) to be amended of area(s)proposed (lncludeSection/Twp/Range/Sub/BlUlot)27128115151588/000/0400 2. Acreage 2.47 3. Location SE Cornerof MartinLutherKingJr.Ave.and HowellSt. 4. ExistingUse Vacant 5. ExistingDensi$ 0 6. Nameof Project(Church/Nursing Home/ Apartment Complex) ShadyGroveTownhomes lV. Verification of LocalAction planamendment 1. Copyof localordinance for amendment of Counhy'ruide approving andproviding for transmittal Plan;including ordinance to local numberandstatus;or otherverification of localactionto approveamendment planandtransmitto Countywide Plan. package. Pleasecheckthe itemsbelowto ensuretherequested is includedin theapplication information V. lnformation OtherPertinent 1. Submittal lefterfromthelocaljurisdiction to the PPCrequesting amendment to theCountyruide Attached FLUP. of InterestStatement 2. Disclosure containing the namesandaddresses Attached of the applicanUrepresentative and propertyowner. 3. Proposed LocalAdoption NumberandStatus. 07-25(Passedon 1$Rdnq) Ordinance (lf 4. Annexation Ordinance NumberandStatus Applicable). NotApolicable 5. StaffReportand LocalActionto Date. Attached 6. AttachLocalPlanandZoningMaps. Aftached 7. AttachRedevelopment CenterInformation and Map Aree/Activity (lf Applicable). NotAoplicable lineif siteis locatedwithinenvironmentally 8. lncludeproposed demarcation -sensitive NotAoplicable area,andjurisdictional survey,if available. 27128115151588/000/0400 9. Legaldescription. 10. Mapclearlyindicating location. Attached amendment