Spring 2014 Newsletter


Spring 2014 Newsletter
Spring 2014
Mission Statement:
Believing that every life is a gift from
God, Mary’s Shelter empowers and
equips vulnerable teen mothers and
their babies for lives of dignity, hope
and self-sufficiency.
Sat., March 8, 2014
"Evening in a
Bayside Chateau"
Gala Underwriting Party
Mary and Pat Dirk Residence
Sat., April 26, 2014
"The Power of Love"
20th Anniversary Gala
Radisson Newport Beach Hotel
February Arrival
Mary’s Shelter
Impacting Fragile Lives in 2013
Thanks to our many faithful supporters, Mary’s Shelter
completed its 19th year of caring for pregnant minors who chose life
for their babies. The Annual Report is inside this newsletter.
In fulfillment of our mission, Mary’s Shelter provided a
safe home and loving care for a total of 39 teen mothers and 29
of their children in 2013. On the next pages you will learn what
we did to promote the births of ten healthy babies, and how we
helped our girls mature into nurturing mothers and acquire the
life skills they need to succeed on their own as single parents. This
was accomplished through our dedicated professional staff, largely
funded by our generous donors, and by our committed volunteers
and service partners.
The enclosed summary of our audited financial report shows
that Mary’s Shelter was able to cover its operating expenses as well
as build reserves toward capital replacements and to help weather
future economic uncertainties. Private donations from our many
supporters totaled $20,000 more than in the prior year, (thank you
very much) and government subsidies were also higher since an
At our annual Board Changeover Meeting on January
20th, Chairman Jerry Sheehy extended appreciation to
Peggy Holmes, Martha Sears, and Frank Serna who
completed a total of 15 years of service on the Mary’s
Shelter Board of Directors. New Chairwoman Masheed
Saidi then acknowledged Chairman Jerry Sheehy for his
board leadership over the last three years.
New President Marilu Morency welcomed six new
directors to the board to provide leadership and governance
for the next three years: Glory Curtis, John Fetta,
Kathy Reese, Dan Wickham, Marc Williams and Luke
Ziegenmeyer. Thank you all for stepping forward to
continue the tradition of helping Mary’s Shelter change
lives – two at a time!
In This Issue:
average of one more teen was placed with us each month by county
social service agencies. We also held our expenses down enabling us
to end the year positively.
Yet, just like families, we start every year from zero. That
is why we will greatly appreciate all levels of financial support for
this ministry to continue from every individual, family, business,
church, organization and foundation that partners with our staff and
volunteers to change lives, two at a time.
How can you make sure this ministry continues to serve the
vulnerable girls that have chosen life for their babies and will walk
through our doors in 2014? Sign up for regular monthly gifts in
any amount, visit our website to learn more about Mary’s Shelter,
tell your family and friends why you help our teen mothers and
encourage them to do the same, ask for a matching gift from your
employer, include the Mary’s Shelter Endowment Fund in your
estate plans, call to arrange for a tour or to volunteer, and come
to our Gala to meet other supporters. We are all doing God’s work
Leadership Changes From left, the new officers for Mary’s Shelter in 2014 are Chairwoman
Masheed Saidi, President Marilu Morency, Treasurer Sean Andersen
and Secretary Kathie Wickham.
Have you been to a Mary’s Shelter Gala?
2013 Annual Report
Guardian Angels
2013 Contributors
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Changing lives two at a time
New Chairwoman Masheed Saidi gives exiting
Chairman Jerry Sheehy a symbol of
Everyone who shares our passion for helping teen mothers and their babies and
who enjoys a fun ‘night out’ is encouraged to join us on Saturday, April 26th at the
Radisson Newport Beach Hotel.
Enjoy tasty Hors d’oeuvres while shopping for bargains at the Silent Auction. In
between dinner courses, you will hear from the inspiration behind Mary’s Shelter, Jan
Lindsay, and will meet former residents of Mary’s Shelter and their children. After a
chance to bid on intriguing Live Auction prizes, you can end the evening dancing or
just chatting with the new people you met.
Even if you have never attended a Gala before, please consider celebrating the “Power
of Love” which has changed lives at Mary’s Shelter for 20 years. Who knew doing
‘good’ could be this much fun?
If you have any questions or to make a reservation, please call (714) 730-0930 Ext.
15, or make your reservation on the Mary’s Shelter website.
of the
Mary’s Shelter in 2013 –
Changing Lives Two at a Time
Mission – What we do and Why: Believing that every life is a gift from God, Mary’s Shelter empowers and equips vulnerable teen mothers and their
babies for lives of dignity, hope and self-sufficiency.
Values – How we do it: Mary's Shelter respects individuals at all stages of life and fosters loving, family-centered and faith-based values. Believing in new
beginnings, we inspire and affirm residents’ chastity, not premarital sex and contraception. Believing in the sacredness of life, we support adoption, not abortion.
Vision – Our objectives: Graduates of Mary’s Shelter will break the negative cycle typical of teen pregnancy and succeed as nurturing parents and
values-centered independent citizens.
Loving Care and Supervision
• Our program staff provided 54,515 hours of direct care for residents 24 hours a day, 365 days per year.
• 39 teen mothers and their 29 babies lived at Mary’s Shelter for a total of 4,715 days.
• They had a safe and nurturing living environment, received nutritious meals, clothing
for changing bodies, learned basic household skills (cooking, cleaning, laundry), and enjoyed social outings on weekends.
Access to Health Care
Our staff made appointments and transported residents to:
• 203 Prenatal care and Ultra Sound appointments.
• 319 other medical care appointments for teens.
• 26 E.R. visits and hospital admissions.
• 104 pediatric appointments for infants and toddlers.
• 12 teens attended our Childbirth Preparation classes.
• 10 babies were born to Mary’s Shelter residents and every newborn was full-term
(not premature) and had a healthy birth weight. Unfortunately one girl had a
miscarriage early in her pregnancy.
• All babies received professional vision, hearing, language and dental screenings.
• All teens and babies received regular check-ups and immunizations and medical
treatment when sick.
Parenting Education
• 20 girls participated in weekly prenatal parenting classes.
• 35 girls participated in weekly infant parenting classes.
• 8 girls participated in weekly toddler parenting classes.
All teens received individual parenting coaching and were given weekly goals for their
parenting skills geared to their child’s development.
• All 39 teen mothers acquired new parenting skills and met 89% of their weekly
parenting goals based on documented observations by staff.
• Parenting success is measured in terms of both observations of bonding and
attentiveness to one’s child, and the child’s developmental goals being attained.
Early Childhood Development
• 23 infants and 6 toddlers were cared for in our developmental daycare
program while their mothers go to school.
• 4 toddlers attended an outside daycare program.
• 11 children were taken for developmental assessments.
• 2 children received interventions to foster their development.
• All children were assessed for target milestones in the areas of cognitive,
communicative, social/emotional, adaptive, gross and fine motor skill development
every three months. The children in our care reached 91% of their developmental
milestones on time.
• Pre-school readiness is the goal for our toddlers to start them on a path of success
in school and life.
Educational Progress
• 34 teens attended our own Mary’s Academy to earn credits toward high school graduation.
•4 girls attended local public high schools for an ESL program.
•Title I tutors at school plus our own volunteers tutored residents to help them meet their educational goals.
With the support of our Case Managers, all girls made progress in their education:
• 4 teen mothers earned high school diplomas.
• 1 teen mother received a GED.
• 2 teen mothers enrolled in college classes.
• 1 student received a scholarship.
Social Services
• Two full time social workers provided 4,071 hours of social work, including 87 hours of individual therapy and 5 hours of couples and family counseling.
• Outside mental health professionals provided an additional 280 hours of therapy to residents.
• Our professional staff also facilitated 54 therapeutic group sessions and
screened 193 inquiries from pregnant teens and their families and from county social service agencies.
• Through counseling, girls began healing from past abuse or abandonment and
learned coping skills for their future.
• Groups addressed issues such as healthy relationships, anger management, positive
communication skills, sexually integrity, substance abuse, bullying, adoption, etc.
• 4 teens were reunified with their families.
• 4 teens legally emancipated as adults.
• 2 teens remained at Mary’s Shelter after their 18th birthday as ‘Non-Minor Dependents’.
Case Management
• Through individual monthly meetings, 2 full time Case Managers helped teens set 388 goals to prepare for emancipation as an adult and helped them reach these goals.
•They also coordinated 4 career assessments, helped 1 girl enroll in a job training class, 8 girls take computer classes, and attend 20 life skill classes through Orangewood Children’s Foundation.
• Girls met 81% of their monthly case management goals in the target areas of
Independent Living, Education/Vocation, Medical, Social/Emotional and Family.
• 4 teen mothers obtained jobs plus 2 teen mothers got volunteer experience in the
community to build their resume for college and careers.
• With assistance from Case Managers, 2 teen mothers secured transitional housing
and 4 obtained daycare for when they emancipated and moved from Mary's Shelter.
of the
Board of
Sean Andersen – Treasurer
Glory Curtis
John Fetta
Mike Kanda
Max Khatibi, M.D.
Marilu Morency – President
Deacon Stan Necikowski
Kathy Reese
Masheed Saidi –Chair
James Sanders, LMFT
Catherine Spear, CFRE
Dan Wickham
Kathie Wickham – Secretary
Marc Williams
Luke Ziegenmeyer
Executive Director
Barbara Nelson
Program Director
Clete Menke
Mary’s Shelter
P.O. Box 10433
Santa Ana, CA 92711-0433
Tel: (714) 730-0930
Fax: (714) 730-3487
[email protected]
Guardian Angels
The following Guardian Angels made a current or planned gift to the Mary’s Shelter Endowment Fund
so that no pregnant teen who needs help ever has to be turned away for lack of funds.
Clete Menke
Edna and Dr. Julio Aljure
Barbara Nelson
Betty and Terrance Barry
Paul Peek (RIP)
Columbus Club of Garden Grove
Evie and Jerry Pilkington
Alyce and Fred Handal
Helice and Wayne Subcasky
Dolores Joerger (RIP)
Monica and Jonathan Wylie
Alison and John Konop
Consider including Mary’s Shelter in your personal estate plans. While you may only be able to make modest gifts now, a larger gift from your
estate will continue your support for teen mothers and their babies well into the future, as part of your legacy.
Please notify the Executive Director at [email protected] or (714) 730-0930 Ext. 19 if you have already named Mary’s Shelter in your
estate plans, for information on how to do so, or to make a gift to the Endowment Fund now. Everyone who makes a gift of at least $10,000 now
or designates a planned gift of any amount to Mary’s Shelter is considered a Guardian Angel – and we want to thank you!!
517 Individuals and families contributed $242,122
60 Corporations and small businesses contributed $19,911 in cash plus donated auction gifts
248 guests contributed another $157,765 at our special events
11 Churches and 31 Religious and Civic Groups contributed $48,951
7 Private Foundations made grants totaling $120,675
4 counties paid AFDC subsidies for girls in foster care totaling $1,454,493
30 individuals regularly volunteered to enhance our program services
Mary’s Shelter collaborates with the following service providers and agencies to ensure that the teen moms and babies in our care receive all
of the services they need to thrive.
For prenatal care, Mary’s Shelter collaborates with three OB/GYN physicians, St. Joseph Pavilion for fetal monitoring and ultrasounds, the
DOULA Association (birthing coaches), B4 the Stork for 4D ultrasounds and St. Joseph Hospital’s Mother-Baby Assessment Center.
For child health and development services, Mary’s Shelter collaborates with two pediatricians, CHOC, the Family Support Network
(developmental assessments), the Orange County Regional Center (developmental interventions), Head Start, Public Health Nurse Perinatal
Assessment Team, Orange County Child Abuse Prevention Center and ICEC (Intervention Center for Early Childhood).
For our teen mothers, Mary’s Shelter collaborates with the Orange County Department of Education (ACCESS teacher), Trinity United
Presbyterian Church (classroom and staff parking), St. Joseph Heritage Medical Group for primary health care, plus optometrists, dentists and
specialists as needed, and we partner with Pacific Clinics to provide mental health services. We also recommend the services of three licensed
adoption agencies (A is for Adoption, Kinship Center and Night Light Adoption) to any adoption-minded residents.
Financial Report
For the 12 months ended September 30, 2013
This is a brief summary of the independent financial audit. Donors may view a copy of the complete audited financial report on our website.
Non-profit Corporation:
Tax ID # 33-0203768
Group Homes licensed by
the State of California
Licenses #306000793
and #3006132911
Changing Lives Two at a Time
Government Subsidies $1,434,896
Individual Donations $ 224,466
Churches & Groups $ 53,059
Corp. & Fndn. Grants
$ 113,175
Special Events NET
$ 127,632
Donated Svc & Equip
$ 19,963
Investment Income $ 39,294
Other Income
$ 9,572
Total Revenues
$ 2,033,633
Program Staffing Other Program Costs Administration
Fund Development Total Expenses
$ 1,213,893
$ 407,280
$ 94,188
$ 131,943
$ 1,847,304
Net Operations
$ 186,329
Balance Sheet
Current Assets $ 861,518
Fixed Assets
$ 652,670
Endowment $ 178,712
Total Assets $1,692,900
Current Liab.
$ 82,420
Long-term Liab. $
-0Total Liabilities
$ 82,420
Net Assets
$ 1,610,480
Total Liabilities & Net Assets
$ 1,692,900
Financial Note: Donors will appreciate that again in 2013, 88 cents of every dollar was used directly for program expenses to care for teen mothers and their babies.
Hundreds of caring individuals, families, organizations, churches, companies and foundations helped change the lives of our pregnant
minors, teen moms, babies and toddlers last year with gifts of cash, merchandise and love. We regret any errors or omissions on this list.
Individual Donors
Diana and Samuel Adams
Jane and Rod Adams
Pat and John Ahern
Mary Aldridge
Edna and Julio Aljure
Andrea and John Altenberg
Karen and Al Alvarado
Brenda and Dennis Ames
Joan and Paul Amort
Susan and Paul Amort
Jessie and Sean Andersen
Suzanne and Jeff Anderson
Michele and Bill Anderson
Kathryn and Frank Appice
Cora and Patricio Arabaca
Kathie Armstrong
Loretta Arredondo
Becky and Randall Aten
Kristal Attwan
Marilyn Baab
Karen and Dave Baccitich
Siobhan and Peter Badzey
Patty and Jim Baer
Mary and Thomas Baine
Ruth and Charles Bannister
Barbara Baranski
Betty and Terrance Barry
Monica and Pat Bartolic
Vicki and Richard Bash
Joan and Dick Basile
Sharon Bauer
Joan Bear
Marion Bechtel
Angela Beck
Alice and John Beck
Thi Duong and Paul Beck
Francisco Bejar
Yvonne and James Bell
Robyn and Dave Belz
Adam Beneschan
Kathie and Ed Benoe
Patricia Berg
Teresa and Dan Betts
M. and Charles Beyer
Fatima Bialon
Cathy and Armando Black
Carol and James Blair
Esther and George Blanc
Heather and Rick Boemer
Vivian and Harry Borland
Mercedes and Joe Borsellino
Jackie and Bill Borthwick
Barbara and Tom Brabeck
Jean Brackney
Carol and Bob Bradley
Bryan Brames
Bill Brandenberger
Pat Bray
Dorothy and Thomas Bray
Angie and George Brazeal
Leanne and Ron Brewster
Janice and Bruce Brittain
Gaye and Dave Brobeck
Patricia and William Brown
Penny and Burton Brown
Lorrie and Lindsay Brown
Suzy and Earnest Bunnell
Virginia Butler
Sherri and Marion Butterfield
Rita and Fabio Cabezas
LuAnn and Rick Campo
Summer Candow
Candy Mintz and David Caplan
Barbara and Len Caraccio
Julia and John Carey
Bobbie and John Carlile
Teresa and Richard Carpentier
Priscilla Carroll
Helen Case
Judy and Bill Cassidy
Nancy and John Cecconi
Nancy and Rick Celio
Linda and Roger Chaix
B.J. and Greg Chandler
Min Hee Chang
Donna and Steven Check
Doris and Frank Chiaretta
Michael Chilton
Beverly and Bob Cielnicky
Jill and Gary Citron
Jill Clarke
Charlie Cochrane
Monsignor Coghlan Coghlan
Patricia and Larry Colando
Kathy Colao
Jeannie and Dave Coleman
Marcy Colton
Becky and Gary Cooper
Helga Coover and Romy Coover
Kathy and Bill Corwin
Cindy Cronin
James Cruickshank
Linda and Larry Cucovatz
Mary and Bob Dausch
Carol and Pete Davies
Teri and Melvin Davis
Louisa and William Daze
Janet and Ron De Fusco
Ruth and Sal De George
Ann Dechairo Marino
Jane and Fred Degley
Elena and Carlos Dehmer
Haydee Corona Roman and
Arturo Del Rosario
Annabel and Peter DeMuth
Linda Deverman
Mary Di Pietro
Helga and Daniel Dinardo
Henedina Directo
Mary and Pat Dirk
Arleen and Larry Doan
Cynthia Dobson
Carol and Lawrence Doeling
Eileen and Robert Donahue
Margaret and Kevin Donnelly
Carol and Brian Donoghue
Rebecca and John Donovan
Ellen Doubet
Don Dougher
Susan and Fred Dow
Elizabeth and Robert Drouillard
Toni and Tom Duchene
Ria and Troy Dueker
Carol and Howard Dutra
Heather Earnest
Pam and Bob Eaton
Don Edwards
Kay Ehret
Kathy and Bob Erbacher
Marlene and Lars Ericson
Clara and Lou Escalle
Chris and Matthew Essex
Cecilia and Barry Evans
Elizabeth Evans
Janet and George Fague
Janet and Dave Fauls
Maryanne and Frank Favaro
Joy and Paul Feeger
John Fetta
Janet and John Fiedler
Carol and Vern Fish
Amy Fisk
Robin and Scott Fitzsimons
Laurie and David Flaherty
Madrienne Florance
Mayrose and Gerald Forbes
John Ford
Ann and Dan Fournet
A. Ann and Richard Frank
Ron Frankiewicz
Mary and Roger Fryer
Joan and Tom Garnett
Torie Gawel
Don Gehling
Pam and Steve Geraghty
Gerry Gerken
Donna Gerrick
Rose and Frank Giannantonio
Judy and Bob Giardina
Robert Giardina
Mary Gibson
Kristine Gigerich
Laura and Alex Gigliotti
Jacqueline and James Gillen
Jacky Glass
Jacqueline and Donald Goguen
Zita and Dan Gottlieb
Cecelia and Michael Grace
Patrick Grant
Ginger and John Gray
Diane Griffiths
Barbara and James Grimes
Marianne Grisez
Kathe and Gerry Griswold
Leon Hanchin
Alyce and Fred Handal
Father Jim Hartnett
Lynn and Ed Haske
Dorothy and Bob Hassay
Eileen and Bob Haub
Julijana and Laszlo Hegedis
Barbara Hemmen
Ellen Herich
Kathy and Doug Hibbard
Marie Hickey
Michelle and Ed Hidalgo
Keiko and Takashi Higajo
Mary and Walt Hill
Margaret and James Hirsen
Jane and Dan Hoefflin
Ramona and John Holland
Peggy and Harry Holmes
Joan Hosek
Kris and Mark Howlett
Janet and Tom Hryniewicki
Regina and Dick Hunsaker
Jo Ann and Jeff Hyder
Nancy and Matt Ivary
Ruth Jano
Jackie Jensen
Helen and Roland Jensen
Doreen and James Job
Darlene and Kenneth Jones
Jannell and Todd Jones
Lisa and Roger Jubas
Becky and Dan Juliano
Joline and Mike Kanda
Allena Kaplan
Laura Karam
Maureen and Jeff Kaupke
James Keating
Kim and John Keelin
Susan and Tom Kent
Patty Kessler
Padi Farivar and Max Khatibi
Angela Kim
Don King
Maureen Downs and
Greg Kirkorowicz
Jane and Nicholas Kleha
Kathy and Erik Klitzner
Shelly and Pete Klovanish
Sandy and Michael Kochan
Ruby and Harvey Kong
Alison and John Konop
Bobbi and Claude Kordus
Mary Korey and John Korey
Kathy and Jim Korona
Jackie and John Kosewick
Helena and Mark Krikorian
Susan Kristie
Kelly and Robert Kroeger
Laurie and Dave Kuelpman
Changing lives two at a time
Ed Riener
Allison and Ray Orgill
Teresa and Pat Menke
Valerie and Robert Kurtz
Ann Riffel and Paul Riffel
Debbie and Ken Orpitelli
Kevin Menke
Pat and George Kyaw
Jaclyn and Tony Rini
Donna and Dave Ostrander
Glenda and Judd Mercado
Kathy and Wayne Lacey
Michelle and Daniel Riscalla
Kyla and Frank Padilla
Connie and Frank Mercier
Betty and Theo Lacy
Laurie and Ernie Rivas
Craig Papero
Kathryn and Richard Merdian
Dorothy and Ray Lancy
Connie and Ron Robertson
Cindy Parker
Ave and Gene Micco
Luana and David Langlois
Lucille and Michael Robinson
Pat Rynn and James Parker
Karen and Robert Miller
Margie and Pete Larson
Yvonne and Michael Rochester
Linda Pastore
Jenny and Tom Miller
Jan and Pete Lauder
Kathleen and Gregory Romer
Annabelle and Robert Pearson
KrisAnn and Marty Miller
Carol Lavigne
Clara Romeu and Martha Romeu
Priscilla and Matt Peek
Bob Miller
Cheryl and Mark Law
Phyllis and Webb Ross
Rebecca Peek
Cindy and Bill Milligan
Bonnie Layman
Karen and Virgil Roznos
Andy Peek
Nancy and Ronald Minear
Patricia and Arthur Le Brun
Masheed Saidi
Bonnie Pendleton
Susie and Ned Moeller
Debbie and Ed Leaverton
Betty and Jack Saik
Jim Pepping
Candy and Richard Montevideo
Barbara and Frank Legas
Shirley and George Salapski
Beth and John Perak
Sam Montevideo
Maryanne and Arthur Leupold
Silvia and Luis Salazar
Peggy and John Perample
Marilu and Tom Morency
Joan and Herman Lewis
Stephen Salvatierra
Jairo Perez
Donna and Brook Morris
Rich Ley
Melodia and Joe San Juan
Marsha and Bill Perry
Vivian Morris
Dana Limpert
James Sanders
Rhet Peterson
Sue and Rick Morton
Paula Lingelbach
Marji Adams and Michael Philipps Carol Sandoval
Georgia Mottl
Patricia and James Lister
Mina and Mike Santoro
Evie and Jerry Pilkington
Alice and Nancy Mouser
Michele Rosen and
Deana and Jim Santy
Betty and Mel Pinkham
Julianne and Timothy Murphy
Cherie Ann Loewe
Dorthe and Mark Sawaya
Dolores Pitcher
Elaine and Charles Muselli
Dotti and Frank Lofaro
Claudia Sawaya
Cindy and Richard Porras
Heidi Muth
John Lott
Jeanette and Ron Schaefer
Eboni Premmer
Molly and Alan Nakamura
Rosalee Lustig
Catherine Spear and Tom Sandra Priest
Nicole Nash
Eva and Skip Lutz
Laurie Prietto
Karen and Joe Nedza
Pat Lynn
Scott Scherer
Sue and Miguel Prietto
Maureen and Joe Neglia
Jean MacDonald
Virginia and Paul Schloemer
Alanna and Tim Psomas
Renee and Bob Nelson
Don MacGregor
Linda and Jerry Schnabl
Emma and Dennis Puno
Toni and Garry Nelson
Pat and Bob Machado
Pam and Gary Schoenbachler
Susan and Michael Pursell
Barbara Nelson
Peggy and Dan Mackey
Luann Schrock
Inez and Frank Quevedo
Bernice Nelson
Mary and John MacKinnon
Martha and Bill Sears
Huong Pham and Thomas Nguyen Heide Radisay
Marilyn Macri
Cheryl and Bob Sears
Valerie Rafferty
Roberta Horn-Ninichuck and
Cheri and John Maggiano
Karen and Paul Seckendorf
Renee and Peter Raith
Paul Ninichuck
Barbara and August Maggio
Linda and Frank Serna
Mary and Tom Ralph
Cindy and Mark Noorami
Julie and John Maglione
R.J. Serra
Suzee Ramirez
Cathy and Robert Nordlund
Ellen and Mike Mahoney
Shahla Shalizi
Sharon and Drew Reardon
Shai Nowlan
Carole Mahony
Debbie and Mark Sharbak
Susie Reinsvold
Diana and Lou Oddo
Ester and Mac Malapas
Jean and Jerry Sheehy
Rita and Gerry Rewers
Robert Olsen
Clarice and John Marcin
Erica and Jerry Sheehy
Jill and Scott Richmond
Mary-Ellen and Terry O'Neill
Beverly and Bill Marsh
Giovanna and Lawrence
Gina Matiasevich
Adrienne and Rick Matros
To find out how you can help make a difference as a Mary’s Shelter volunteer, contact Christine at (714) 730-0930 X15
Marcella and Gerald Maurer
or [email protected] to learn about the next Volunteer Orientation.
Karen and Tom Mauro
Connie and Tom Mazelin
Francine and Jerry Mazenko Child Care – Watch our precious babies grow and help them flourish while teen mothers are in school or job training.
Shelly and Joe Mc Aleer
Drivers – Drive our girls and their children to their doctor and other appointments.
Peggy and Don Mc Millan
Mentors – Matched to a particular girl, mentors maintain a relationship with the girl, serve as a friend and help her
Therese and John McAndrew clarify and achieve her dreams. Anne McCaffrey
Receptionists – Take calls at the Shelter reception desk, greet and sign-in visitors and do clerical tasks as needed to
Shirley and Dan McCarthy
assist the staff. Camille and Alex McClure
Patricia and Dennis McCoy Fund Raising – Enjoy working with other volunteers to produce fund raising events such as our Spring Gala, to benefit
Linda and Jeffrey McDonald our girls and babies.
Leslie Arnold and Richard Board of Directors – Make long-term strategic plans while helping raise funds and friends for Mary’s Shelter. Talk to the
Executive Director to be considered for this three-year commitment.
Geo McGehee
Shelly and Tom McGuine
To volunteer on-site with our minors, you must be at least 21 years old, fingerprinted for a background check, be tested
Jenn and Mike McKown
for TB and receive some basic training in such areas as confidentiality. In some cases First Aid and CPR training is also
Sherian and Daniel Mejia
Clete Menke
Volunteer Opportunities
Changing lives two at a time
Irma and Terry Sherry
Mary Ann and Denny Shields
Mary and Joe Silvey
Arlene and Jim Simmons
LuAnn and Patrick Simons
Mary Ann Wilkinson and
Garry Sims
Margaret Siok
Marie and Al Smekal
Pearline and Ben Smith
Gabe and John Smith
Patricia and David Sodaro
Sunil Soi
Jerry Soxman
Natasha and Nick Spadea-Anello
Hugh Spilsbury
Larry Stanfel
Doris and Jerry Stauber
Susan and William Stegall
Barbara and Doug Stephen
Elizabeth Stevens
Joan and Pete Stevenson
Nicole and Alec Stewart
Teresa and Dave Stokes
Mary and Rod Strachan
Arthur Strauss
Mary and Terry Strouse
Elzbieta Natkanski and
Waldemar Stywryn
Helice and Wayne Subcasky
Tracie and Brian Sullivan
Barbara and Joe Sullivan
Cheryle and Mark Sundstedt
Rosalia and Mark Sundstedt
Tung Cha and John Supancheck
Rita Sutton
Kimberly Ta
Alice Takahashi
Toni and Bob Taylor
Hedy The
Mary Jane and Ronald Therrien
Sharon and David Thompson
Arlene Thompson
Michelle and Wade Timothy
Bernice and Andy Tomko
Father Loc Tran
Bobby Tran
Anh Tran
Hilda and John Traut
A.P. Trujillo
Beverly and Dan Truzzolino
Marge and Don Turk
Monsignor John Urell
Claudia and Anthony Vaccaro
Sally and Robert Valentine
Louise and Tony Van Coutren
Tina and Dave Van Dam
Sherry and Rich Van Meter
John Vatland
Mary Jo and Roberto Velasco
Thuy and David Vellanoweth
Gayle and Jerry Verst
John Viculin
Monsignor George Vida
Jane and James Virgilio
James Vitz
Natalie Nasser and Phong Vuong
Craig Walterscheid
Cheryl Ware
Carmen and Tim Waterhouse
Naomi and Tim Way
Bill Webright
Joyce Webster
Cindy and Bob Wek
Kathleen and David Wetzel
Marilyn and Curt Whitehead
Kathie and Dan Wickham
Gwen and Chuck Wieser
Patty Williams
Ellyn and Jack Williams
Shelly Williams
Marc Williams
Shari and Murray Willis
Kathy Wilmes
Debbie Wilson
Louise and Ed Winders
Sara and Bob Wolf
Doug Wong
Sylvia and Donald Woodhouse
Londa and Hank Woods
Jill Wright
Monica and Jon Wylie
Lucy Yeager
Mary and Kevin Zeigler
Luke Ziegenmeyer
Denise and Dave Zimmerman
Amort Construction, Inc.
Avila's El Ranchito Restaurant
Benecci Corporation
Bentley's Salon and Day Spa
Bold Girlz
Bradford Renaissance Portraits
Callaway Vineyard & Winery
Chevron Humankind Matching
Gift Program
Claws N Paws Day Spa
Corona del Mar Animal Hospital
The Crab Cooker
Damars Give From Your Heart
DLM Associates
The Doctors TV Show
Ed Riener Diving Co. Inc.
Effortless Beauty
Especially Weddings
FLW, Inc.
Fulcrum Insurance Center, LLC
Gladstone's Long Beach
Green River Golf Club
Kalabalik Consulting, Inc.
Jones Day
KDC Construction
Laguna Niguel Auto Center, Inc.
Lake Forest Golf & Practice Center
Lennar Homes
The Look Events, Inc.
Marche Moderne
Marconi Automotive Museum
Massage Envy
Mesa Verde Country Club
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Millenium Systems Inc.
OB/GYN Women's Health Services
Orange Coast Construction
Orange Coast Premier
Collective Inc.
Pacific Symphony
Panera, LLC
Pirate's Dinner Adventure
Plumbing Mechanical
Contractors, Inc.
Print Techniques
PRP Wine International, Inc.
Radisson Newport Beach Hotel
Ralph Brennan's Jazz Kitchen
REM Investments
Robinson Pharma, Inc.
Rowley Portraiture
Roy Englebrecht Promotions
Sax 4 God Productions
Sprouts Farmers Market
St. Joseph Heritage Healthcare
Synergy Clinical SkinCare
Toyota Motor Sales USA
TROY Group, Inc.
Uniglobe Limousine Services
United Technologies
West-Tech Materials, Inc.
WorldMark by Wyndham
Z'Tejas Southwestern Grill
Annunciation Byzantine
Catholic Church
Diocese of Orange, Pennies
from Heaven
Holy Spirit Catholic Church
Red Hill Lutheran Church
St. Irenaeus Catholic Church
St. Kilian Catholic Church
St. Michael's Abbey
St. Thomas More Catholic Church
St. Timothy Catholic Church
Trinity United Presbyterian Church
Knights of Columbus Council #13111
Knights of Columbus Council #13311
Knights of Columbus Council #3926
Knights of Columbus Council #6332
Knights of Columbus Council #7985
Knights of Columbus Council #9195
Knights of Columbus Council #9487
Knights of Columbus Council #9594
Knights of Columbus Council #9599
Knights of Columbus Council #9667
Knights of Columbus Council
of the Rock #15065
Ladies of the Knights of Columbus
Right to Life Ministry
San Francisco Solano Church Women's Circles
Soroptimist International of
Laguna Beach
St. Irenaeus Parish AM Bible
Study Group
St. Juliana Falconieri School
St. Vincent de Paul Society &
St. Timothy Parish
Water from the Rock
Amanda Moore Foundation
American Golf Foundation
Joerger Family Charitable
Liferay Foundation
Marisla Fund
Orange County Community
The PIMCO Foundation
Saint Joseph Health Commumity
The Samueli Foundation
Smart & Final Charitable
Sweet Bay Foundation
The Greaney Family Charitable
religious GROUPS
Blessed Sacrament Church Outreach
Catholic Bible Ministries
Catholic Daughters of America Court Blessed Sacrament #2024
Catholic Men's Fellowship
Christian Women's Fellowship
Color Us Gone
Daughters of the British Empire
Every Life Matters
Italian Catholic Federation Branch #423
Knights of Columbus Council #12451
Your name
can be here too,
next year. Please
Mary's Shelter in
your charitable
Changing lives two at a time
Gala Underwriters Party
Thank you in advance to Mary and Pat Dirk for hosting the 2014 Mary’s Shelter Gala Underwriters
Party in their Balboa Island home on March 8th.
Guests will be invited to make generous gifts to underwrite the costs of the spring Gala. For information
or an invitation, please contact Executive Director Barbara Nelson at (714) 730-0930, Extension 19.
Ev ening in a
Bayside Chateau
Thank You Lennar Homes!
We can’t say thank you enough to Lennar Homes! This
national homebuilder that is active in our community adopted
Mary’s Shelter in December, enhancing the living environment of
our homes for our teen mom and their babies and truly living the
spirit of Christmas.
The company and their employees and partners eagerly
accomplished a host of facilities maintenance projects in just one
week: painting three bedrooms, garage doors, front door, gate
and house trim; rebuilding a kitchen island and replacing sinks,
range tops, range hoods and granite counter tops in both houses;
providing new carpeting in one home, cleaning the grout in the
tile floors in both houses;
an incredible playground
P.O. Box 10433
surface in our Tot
to replace
ta Ana
, California
On top of all that,
hosted a Christmas
Party for our teen moms and their babies.
Bless you all!
You are Invited
to a Cocktail Party
with a French Twist!
Current Wish List Saturday, March 8th, 2014
Mary’s Shelter
This is an Underwrit
ing Party
To benefit the Teen
Mothers and Babies
at Mar y’s Shelter
There is no charge
In addition to cash (which is always in short supply) the girls and babies of Mary’s Shelter need:
but guests will be inv
ke gifts of
to 10
Household Supplies – flatware/silverware,00
and pans,
9 volt, D,ma
pm paper towels, tissue,$2
50 to
0 to underwrite the
of toddler
Baby Care – newborn through size 4 diapers, wipes, high chairs, booster seats, infant toys/rattles, diaper bags, bibs and onesies, sippy
utensils, formula: Enfamil Lipil, Enfamil
Next Step Lipil.
by Mar
y Enfamil
he Power of Love”
and Pa
t Dflops,
irk slippers, pajamas and Wii“T
Teen Moms – hair dryers, hair straightener/flat iron, sweatshirts, flip
Anniversar y Gala
at their “Bayside Ch
To be held on April
26, 2014
Many Ways to Give
18 08
uth Ba
• Monthly or Quarterly Gifts – of any
addy up
simple: either call Mary’s Shelter
a note
a gift automatically
nt, Ba
by Fe
uary 26th
billed to your credit card, arrange a regular(Vaon-line
let Parkin
30 Extension 15
• United Way – You can designate Mary’s Shelter as the recipient for your charitable payroll deductions
number: MAR705.
• Matching Gift – Leverage your gift by applying for a matching charitable gift from your employer.
• Alternative Gift – Having a special birthday or anniversary? You already have more “stuff” than you need, so ask people to make a donation to
Mary’s Shelter in your name instead.
• Estate Plans – Finally getting around to updating your Will or Trust? Designate a gift to help teen mothers at Mary’s Shelter in the future, but let
us know now so we can thank you for your thoughtfulness!
US Postage P.O. Box 10433
Santa Ana, CA
Santa Ana, CA
permit #1878
Changing liveslives
at a time
two at two
a time
You Are Invited to celebrate
"The Power of Love"
Changing Lives for 20 Years
at Mary's Shelter
Saturday, April 26, 2014
6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
Radisson Newport Beach Hotel
Look for your invitation in March.
For information please call (714) 730-0930, Extension 15 or [email protected]