solow led - Green Light
solow led - Green Light
SOLOW LED 236 Dec ‘13 Dec ‘13 SOLOW LED Solow LED Smart Smart version High level Smart version SMART RANGE LENGTH (mm) NARROW DISTRIBUTION LED Ra70+ BROAD DISTRIBUTION uAPPROX. LED Ra70+ Ra80+ kg CIRCUIT IP40 110W SWL 16272D140W SWL 16278D SWL 16281D6.6 1616 165W SWL 16273D200W SWL 16279D SWL 16282D9.9 2117220W SWL 16274D275W SWL 16280D SWL 16283D12.9 HIGH LEVEL SMART SMART 1115 1115 110W SWL 16284D140W SWL 16290D SWL 16293D6.9 1616 165W SWL 16285D200W SWL 16291D SWL 16294D10.2 2117 220W SWL 16286D275W SWL 16292D SWL 16295D13.2 at IP54 110W SWL 16308D140W SWL 16314D SWL 16317D6.6 1616 165W SWL 16309D200W SWL 16315D SWL 16318D9.9 HIGH LEVEL SMART SMART 1115 View our video guide to Smart Luminaires for Warehouse Applications 2117220W SWL 16310D275W SWL 16316D SWL 16319D12.9 110W SWL 16320D140W SWL 16326D SWL 16329D6.9 1616 165W SWL 16321D200W SWL 16327D SWL 16330D10.2 2117 220W SWL 16322D275W SWL 16328D SWL 16331D13.2 1115 Smart versions use digital dimming gear and are always suffixed D u In accordance with BS EN12464-1:2011, for visual performance and wellbeing, Ra80+ light sources are required in areas inhabited for long periods of time. 238 Dec ‘13 SOLOW LED High performance LED low bay luminaire IP54 VERSIONS ONLY IP40 IP54 LED Ball impact resistant option to DIN EN 18032 Part 3 VDE 0710 Part 13 SPECIFICATION Black anodised extruded aluminium body - fins aid cooling l Two piece body, hinges for easy control gear access l High quality control gear and LEDs designed to achieve 100,000 hour life expectancy l Polycarbonate injection moulded end caps l l Narrow and broad distribution Snap fit stainless steel mounting brackets for fast installation (supplied) l Smooth wipe clean surfaces, no dust traps l Fitted with 2m flying lead l Smart versions, suitable for use up to 10m mounting height or high level versions to 16m Separate non-maintained emergency versions available l l Fitted with 4000K LEDs LED CHARACTERISTICS Ra °K L70/B10 P/U % R/Rx PF LL/CW 70+ 4000 100K P >90 R >0.90 101.2 www. 80+ 4000 100K P >90 R >0.90 87.9 For LED characteristics explanation see RANGE LENGTH NARROW DISTRIBUTION (mm) LEDRa70+ BROAD DISTRIBUTION uAPPROX. LEDRa70+Ra80+ kg CIRCUIT IP40 1115 110W SWL 16260140W SWL 16266 SWL 162696.5 L/A 1616 165W SWL 16261200W SWL 16267 SWL 162709.8 L/A 2117220W SWL 16262275W SWL 16268 SWL 1627112.8 EMERGENCY STANDARD l 470 8W EWL 15374 s8W EWL 15377 s3.2 470 8W TWL 15374 n8W TWL 15377 n3.2 470 8W DWL 15374 l8W DWL 15377 l3.2 L/A IP54 110W SWL 16296140W SWL 16302 SWL 163056.5 L/A 1616 165W SWL 16297200W SWL 16303 SWL 163069.8 L/A 2117220W SWL 16298275W SWL 16304 SWL 1630712.8 EMERGENCY STANDARD 1115 470 8W EWL 15375 s8W EWL 15378 s3.2 470 8W TWL 15375 n8W TWL 15378 n3.2 470 8W DWL 15375 l8W DWL 15378 l3.2 CIRCUIT TYPE - suffix catalogue number with: L - non dimming (LED) / A - dimming (DALI) EMERGENCY VERSION: s EWL - Emergency / n TWL - AutoTest / L/A e.g. SWL 16260L etc. l DWL - Scanlight AT u In accordance with BS EN12464-1:2011, for visual performance and wellbeing, Ra80+ light sources are required in areas inhabited for long periods of time. ACCESSORIES DESCRIPTION Mounting bracket locking kit to comply with DIN EN 18032 Part 3 VDE 0710 Part 13 (One kit required per luminaire) CAT. No. SWL 15376 Web Link: Smart System Dec ‘13 SOLOW LED Smooth wipe clean surfaces for easy maintenance Polycarbonate injection moulded end caps and wiring compartment 240 Two piece aluminium body, hinges for easy control gear access Narrow and broad distribution using high performance diffusers and high efficiency light chamber Black anodised extruded aluminium body - fins aid cooling but do not collect dust Dec ‘13 SOLOW LED High performance LED low bay luminaire DIMENSIONS PHOTOMETRIC GUIDE 99 BROAD DISTRIBUTION 470 - 8W 1115 - 110W / 140W 1616 - 165W / 200W 2117 - 220W / 275W Smart Micro-pod 127 TRANSVERSE 103 150 76 High level Smart Pod 60 112 AXIAL TRANSVERSE AXIAL 100 200 200 400 300 600 400 800 96 CANDELAS PER 1000 LUMENS Luminaire Lumen Output: Ra70+ 140W = 14710lm 200W = 22065lm 275W = 29420lm 21dia. cable entry 8W 110W / 140W 165W / 200W 220W / 275W Dec ‘13 NARROW DISTRIBUTION Fixing Centres Min. Max. 150 285 500 900 1000 1400 1500 1900 Recommended 250 800 1300 1800 CANDELAS PER 1000 LUMENS Luminaire Lumen Output: Ra70+ 110W = 12045lm 165W = 18070lm 220W = 24090lm Ra80+ 140W = 13090lm 200W = 19635lm 275W = 26180lm
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