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Page 42 West Side Leader September 13, 2007 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SU BMI T A C L AS SIF IED AD 3075 Smith Road, Suite 204 • Akron, OH 44333 Phone 330-665-0909 • Fax 330-665-9590 [email protected] • Attention Classified Advertisers Please note that Leader Publications will not be responsible for any errors in classified advertisements after the first insertion. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to notify Leader Publications by calling 330-665-0909. All customers will pay for any advertising with mistakes after the first insertion. • Phone - Call 330-665-0909 from 8:30 -5 Monday - Friday • Mail - Use the form on the last page of classifieds • Fax - Anytime 330-665-9590 • In person - Visit us at 3075 Smith Rd., Suite 204 in Fairlawn Monday - Friday between 8:30 - 5 DE ADL I N E: Classified ads must be received by Tuesday at noon the week of publication. PAYME NT METHO DS: We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, and personal or company checks. Please do not mail cash. The West Side Leader serves the communities of Bath, Boston, Copley, Cuyahoga Falls, Fairlawn, Granger, Norton, Peninsula, Richfield, Sharon and West Akron. The South Side News Leader serves the communities of Coventry, Green, Lakemore, New Franklin and Springfield. Buy 1 week, Get 1 Buy 1 week, Get 2nd week FREE Offer ends 12/31/07. New customers only. in the RENT VACATION classified section Offer ends 12/31/07. New customers only. 3 3 0 - 6 6 5 - 0 9 0 9 C L A S S I F I E D A D V E R T I S I N G AUTOS FOR SALE Buy 1 week, Get 1 week Offer ends 12/31/07. New customers only. 3 3 0 - 6 6 5 - 0 9 0 9 SPECIAL NOTICES SPECIAL NOTICES SPECIAL NOTICES SPECIAL NOTICES SPECIAL NOTICES ESTATE/TAG SALES PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Copley Township Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, September 26, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. at Copley Town Hall, 1540 S. Cleve-Mass. Road to consider three VARIANCE requests. Said requests are for a reduction in the minimum side yard setback from 10 feet to 5 feet, a request for 2 attached garages (1 is permitted) and the maximum square footage for an attached garage 900 square feet and their total square footage would be 1,074. The applicants and landowners are Keith and Noreen Goble. The property location is 1644 Colby Drive. Copies of the request are available in the Zoning Office, 1540 S. Cleve-Mass. Road. Written and oral comments will be heard during the hearing. The Copley Township Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, September 26, 2007 at 6:10 p.m. at Copley Town Hall, 1540 S. Cleve-Mass Road to consider two VARIANCE requests. Said requests are for a reduction in the minimum front yard depth from the street right-of-way (Sec. 411-4) and Art. III, Sec. 302 CC. Private Garage (proposed detached garage would be located further forward than the closest forward structural corner of the main building at 2635 S. Medina-Line Road). The landowner is Eric Freund. Copies of the request are available in the Zoning Office, 1540 S. Cleve-Mass. Road. Written and oral comments will be heard during the hearing. The Copley Township Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, September 26, 2007 at 6:15 p.m. at Copley Town Hall, 1540 S. Cleve-Mass Road to consider a CONDITIONAL and two VARIANCE requests. Said Conditional request falls under Art. IV, Sec. 431-3 C. Governmentally owned and/or operated buildings and facilities. The Variances are as follows: no main road frontage and a reduction in the minimum front yard setback for a governmental building at 3401 Sawmill Road. The property owner is Summit County. The applicant is the Summit County Engineer. Copies of the requests are available in the Zoning Office, 1540 S. CleveMass. Road. Written and oral comments will be heard during the hearing. The Copley Township Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, September 26, 2007 at 6:25 p.m. at Copley Town Hall, 1540 S. Cleve-Mass. Road to consider the following variance request applications: The Richfield Township Zoning Commission has made recommendation for amendment to the Zoning Resolution to include rezoning of 49 publicly owned and 22 privately owned parcels and text amendment to R-3 and R-4 regulations for open space requirements. Public hearings are scheduled for September 27, 2007, 6:30 p.m. for the Zoning Commission and October 4, 2007, 7:00 p.m. for the Board of Trustees. The hearings will be held in the Richfield Township Administrative Office, located at 4410 W. Streetsboro Road. Records for the proposed amendment are available for review in the township office during regular business hours. Questions or comments may be addressed to Laurie Pinney, Fiscal Officer & Zoning Inspector, Richfield Township, P.O. Box 191, Richfield, OH 44286. Bath- Cl. Mass, between Ira and Everett. Saturday and Sunday, Noon-5 Large wicker doll buggy, Buster Brown adv. rug, old pedal fire engine and chief’s car. Many old dishes, platters, Bennington, Watt, Blue Ridge, etc. Lanterns, mugs, pottery, glassware, old horse books, chairs, Lowry deluxe organ, 2 large desks, leather sofa, chair, fabric sofa. Sue Schultz, Secretary Board of Zoning Appeals Sue Schultz, Secretary Board of Zoning Appeals PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Copley Township Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, September 26, 2007 at 6:05 p.m. at Copley Town Hall, 1540 S. CleveMass Road to consider a VARIANCE request. Said request is for a detached garage consisting of 1,092 square feet (maximum size permitted is 900 square feet). The applicants and landowners are Donovan and Peggy Wiseman. The property location is 3784 S. Sunnyfield. Copies of the request are available in the Zoning Office, 1540 S. Cleve-Mass. Road. Written and oral comments will be heard during the hearing. Sue Schultz, Secretary Board of Zoning Appeals To Advertise, call 330-665-9595 Sue Schultz, Secretary Board of Zoning Appeals Visit us on the web! 1. An area variance request of Section 302 Q. that an accessory building must be attached to the principal building and made a part structually thereof; and Section 4214-building placement requirementside yard depth minimum- 25 ft. The requests are being made to locate a mobile MRI unit on the property as a compliment to the veterinary practice. The applicant is Metropolitan Veterinary Hospital. The property owner is Vetron LLC. The property is located at 1053 S. ClevelandMassillon Rd. Copies of the request are available in the Zoning Office, 1540 S. Cleve-Mass. Road. Written and oral comments will be heard during the hearing. Sue Schultz, Secretary Board of Zoning Appeals & ASSOC. ESTATE SALE SAT., SEPT 15, 10-4 • SUN., SEPT 16, 10-4 THE FAIRWAYS HOMES CONDOMINIUMS, HUDSON 330-665-9595 Clayway Tag Sale Sat., September 15 • 10am-3pm Sun., September 16 • 10am-4pm 3406 S. Smith Rd. (Westwood Village, Fairlawn) This condo is filled with an array of eclectic designer furnishings & retro accessories as well as a large amount of collectibles including: FURNITURE: Rattan Table/ 4 chairs; eterges; gr. sidetable; imperial table/ 2 leaves/ 6 chairs/ tea caddy; hickory server; Lazy Boy; uph. chairs; library table; baker’s rack; acrylic tel stand; brass/ glass end tables; love seat; king bd; full bd headboard & nite stands; marble credenza; lamps; John Widcomb bedroom suite: chest of drawers & night stands, headboard, vanity & bench, wardrober, flower pattern handpainted by Ralph Widcomb, 1940’s; sofa; curio cabinet; demi luna table; bookcase; tw bed; glass table & chairs; ACCESS/COLLECTIBLES: Art deco chandeliers; Royal Worchester “Gold Chantially” china; “Norlean’s” dishes; lenox, lusterware, maple pieces; “Grand Baroque” silverware; silverplate; Breslin luncheon set; calif. pottery; clocks; barware; pictures; costume jewelry; sm. appliances; mirrors; ladies clothing; signed lithographs; TV & stand; linens; glassware; jade & brass pieces; MISC: Sears freezer; art plants & pots; cookbooks & books; ultra-lite fold & go scooter; handicap items; patio furn; kitchenware. There is something for everyone at this great sale. Please call 330-8699010 for appointment. Please note directions: a portion of S. Smith Rd. is closed. Parking on S. Smith Rd. only. Professionally conducted by: Found- Puppy, brown and white. In Copley Meadows allotment. 330666-2307 PRAYERS Thank you Blessed Virgin for listening to our plea and granting as you wish best for the situation: O most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in this my necessity. Oh Star of the Sea, help me and show me herein you are my mother. Oh Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me this necessity (make request). There are none that can withstand your power. Oh Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (say three times). Holy Mary, I place this prayer in your hands (say three times). Say this prayer for three consecutive days and then publish and it will be granted to you. MJNJP Harmony Hills off Rt. 18, between Hametown & Medina Line Road. Follow signs & balloons to sale site at Pinecrest Drive. Old & new items, cut, pressed & colored glass, ironstone, Norman Rockwell plates, gold and costume jewelry, clocks, marbletop table, deep well frames, lamps, pictures, chairs, dining room set, end tables, mahogany secretary, new loveseat, wing chairs, sleeper sofa (Maibach’s), desk, plant stands, rocker, pair twin beds, bed & dresser, night stands, misc. kitchen items, Christmas decorations, clothing & accessories, tools. Lots of quality items, don’t miss this one! Cash or check only. Moving Sale Don’t miss! Furniture, household, antiques. Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 9-4. 935 Sugar Rd, Copley, off 77 between Ridgewood and Jacoby. Please patronize our advertisers! Directions: W. Market St. to left on Bancroft Rd. Right on Bicentennial Blvd. to left on S. Smith Rd. Follow signs. We are pleased to present this OUTSTANDING sale of tradit. furn., antiq., colltbls., silv., china, linens, rugs, 14k, ster. etc. jwlry in this lovely large home. Due to association rules this will be an appointment only sale. SPECIAL ITEM: Roland Atelier AT60R like new Organ. ANTIQ./COLLTBLS.: Mahog. bookcs. top stepbk. sec. desk, pawft. cardtbl., stainwd. inlay armchr. & variety of canest. sidechrs.; Washstd.; Walnut chest; Boston grain paint. rocker; Cherry work tbl. & std.; Sampler; Needlpt. bell pulls etc.; Bronze wash figural flrlamp; Ster./plate flatwr. sets & hollowr.; Lg. amt. ster./plt. fltwr. misc. & souv. spoons; Hndptd. etc. china; Crystal misc.; Old books; Militaria; 50’s/60’s toys; M. Garman western sculptures; Records; Linens; Bridal gown; Jwlry; C. James Frazier pntng. & Hudson & misc. prints etc. FURN./ACCESS.: Lexington Qun. Anne cherry din. rm.; Mahog. china cab., slant front desk, etc.; Bassett cherry dresser, nightst. & twin beds; Willett cherry std.; 4 drwr. chests; Martinsvll. triple dresser w/2 mirrors; Henredon navy print sofa; LaZboy plaid sofabd.; Floral wing & uphol. armchrs.; Pr. curio cab.; Case WR chr. & more. MISC.: Spode “Trade Winds” & “Lenox Rose” china; Wedgwd.; Belleek; Anysley; Nippon; Havil.; Blue/white porc.; Fostoria stemwr.; Collector plates; Brass, copper & pewter; Lots of smalls; Ladies tradit. cloth.; Lg. colltn. cost./14k jwlry; Kerman, Chinese & orient. rugs; Xmas; Remington Rand lg. safe & so much more. REEVES & ASSOCIATES 330-869-9010 or 330-864-1969 LOST & FOUND Tag Sale Saturday, Sept. 15th 9am- 4pm Sunday, Sept. 16th 9am- ? ENTRANCE NUMBERS GIVEN @ 9:00 AM PHONE NUMBER DAY OF SALE: 330-805-6202 Tag Sale continues for several more weekends. Fall decorating or gift buying - don’t miss this great opportunity to save on quality antiques. Shop - you will be glad that you did OPEN FRI, SAT, MON 11-4 OTHER BY APPOINTMENT CALL 330-962-5035 L ocat ed in th e valley a t Merr iman Valley Stora ge, 1680 Akr on Pe nin sula Rd, a cross fr om th e Pa r 3 Golf Cour se . September 13, 2007 3 3 0 - 6 6 5 - 0 9 0 9 C L A S S I F I E D A D V E R T I S I N G West Side Leader Page 43 3 3 0 - 6 6 5 - 0 9 0 9 ESTATE/TAG SALES ESTATE/TAG SALES GARAGE/YARD SALES MOVING SALES ANTIQUE AUTOS BOOKS Ivy Thickett Antiques & Accessories Moving South Clearance R&J Enterprises Estate Sale Sat & Sun, Sept. 15 & 16 9:00 - 4:00 Daily 139 Birdwood (West Akron) West Market to Goodhue or Sand Run to Braewick to Birdwood Two-yard sale! 1781-85 Wiltshire. Fri-Sat, 9-? Stereos, 60+ puzzles, Christmas items, clothes, games, miscellaneous! Bath- 4211 Derrwood. Saturday and Sunday, 9am-4pm. Furniture, antiques, household items, garden equipment, Christmas, glassware, collections, books, artwork. TR6 and 1960 Austin Healy Bug Eye, show condition, stored inside, $19,900 each. 330-258-0808 Church relocation/ yard sale Choir robes, choir music, sound equiptment, computer items, household items, misc furniture. First Assembly of God, 1175 W. Market St. Saturday, September 15th, 8-2:30 Everything must go, downsizing. 4418 Idlebrook, Sat, Sun, 9-3. Dining, tractor, kitchen set, tables, sofa, pictures, electronics, skis, decorations. ANNUAL BOOK SALE: The Bookseller, September 8-16 10-50% discount on all USED and RARE BOOKS. 10-6 Monday Saturday and 1-5 Sunday. 39 Westgate Circle (located at the back of Westgate Plaza, across from West Point Market, at the intersection of West Market and Hawkins). 330-865-5831. Asian European and antiques and decorative items at discount prices. Unpacking more items from storage each week. Open every Friday and Saturday in September. Hours 11 am to 4 pm, or by appointment: 330962-5035. Located in the valley at Merriman Valley Storage, 1680 Akron Peninsula Rd, across from the Par 3 Golf Course. Marcia Zarembka TAG SALE FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 14, 15, 16 10AM TO 4PM 790 S. MUNROE RD TALLMADGE, 44278 DIRECTIONS: TALLMADGE CIRCLE TO SOUTHEAST AVE., RT 532, FOLLOW TO MUNROE. OR 76E TO 532 EXIT, LEFT TO SOUTHEAST, FOLLOW TO 6 CORNERS AND LEFT ON MUNROE. THIS SALE INCLUDES: GREEN LEATHER SOFA AND MATCHING LOVESEAT, HIDE A BED SOFA, UPHOLSTERED CHAIRS, END TABLES, QUEEN SZ BED, DRESSER W/ MIRROR AND CHEST, SOME GLASSWARE, LARGE 19701980 AVON COLLECTION, SMALL STAMP AND COIN COLLECTION, TAPES AND CD’S, COSTUME JEWELRY, SEWING MACHINE, 6 OAK TEA BACK CHAIRS, LADIES & MENS CLOTHING, KITCHEN MISC, CHRISTMAS, WHEELCHAIR, LOTS OF NICE BOOKS, PATIO FURNITURE, TABLE SAW, ROUTER, BAND SAW, HAND AND GARDEN TOOLS, LAWN BOY MOWER, VAC MULCHER, LANDSCAPE TILE, LUMINIZED TIES, 8FT TABLES AND FOLDING CHAIRS. ALL IN GOOD CONDITION, REASONABLE PRICES. COME SHOP! SALE DAY PHONE 330-780-7821 MARCIA’S PHONE 330-864-4626 Visit us on the web! This sale inc: “This End Up” sofa, chair, stool and coffee table, Cherry dining room set with drop leaf gate leg table, 2 leaves, 6 chairs, Francher Country Squire sideboard w/ open china cabinet, Kindel sideboard/ buffet, curio, Kling Cherry double bedroom with bed, dresser w/ mirror, night stand, Natural wood and painted kitchen table & 4 chairs, drum & pie crust tables, Pr. 40’s upholstered chairs, Brass and wood coffee table, new gas free standing stoves, Brass double bed frame, Cherry spool leg table, Pr. Twin beds, wicker chairs and table, Bookcases, needlepoint chairs, Oriental floor benches, 1907, teen’s 20’s, 30’s B&G plates, Fritz & Floyd tea pot, Beatrix Potter figurines, Hummel’s, Florence statue, Nippon Chocolate pot, Wedgewood embossed Queen’s ware-china service for 8, Caiowba china, Pfaltzgraff dishes, Copeland Spode, Perfume bottles, Jewelry inc: Kt gold, Sterling, Sterling spoons, many silver plate pcs. Linens, bedding, crazy quilt, large selection women’s clothing, accessories, purses, mesh bags, shoes, furs, leather, books, “AutoGo” 55D ultra handi-cap scooter, and much more. Norton- 8 family barn sale. 4273 Greenwich Rd, September 13-15, 8am-3pm. Too much to list! Multi-family garage sales- 517 Winfield Way, September 15th and 16th, 9-2:30. ANNUAL PARKING LOTGARAGE SALE. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 8:30- 1:30. COPLEY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, 1518 SOUTH CLEVELAND-MASSILLON ROAD. LARGE VARIETY OF ITEMS ARRIVING DAILY. HOUSEWARES, HOME DECOR, KIDS’ STUFF, TOOLS, SMALL APPLIANCES, FOLDING LADDER AND MORE! 2002 Ford Explorer Sport, 4x4. Fully loaded, good condition, 56K, extended warranty. $9,400/ OBO. 330-773-3084, 330-923-4096 Swan Lake- 350 Oak Crest. Thursday and Friday, 8:30-1. Multifamily- toys, cherry and wrought iron table and matching baker’s rack. ‘90 Chevy van, extremely clean, 49,000 miles, 7-pass, no rust. $4,000/ OBO. 330-802-8272, 330745-7118 ANTIQUES/COLLECTIBLES Huge four family yard sale- 556 W. Portage Tr. Ext., CFO. Saturday and Sunday, 9-4. 1986 SableGS Wagon, 3.0V6, automatic, air, all power. 1988 Honda Accord LX, parts car. 330-666-3282 Warehouse sale!! 122 W.Market St., entrance on BatesSt. Thursday, 104, Friday, 10-6, Saturday, 9-1. School supplies, used office furniture, equipment. House goods and more... Multi- Family Street Sale, Elmdale Ave. Antiques, art, kids clothing, toys, nice household goods. Fri, Sat, 9-4 FLEA MARKETS Bath- 2288 Berrywood Drive, off of I77/ Ghent Rd. Saturday, Sunday, 95. Antiques/ furniture, French style humidor cabinet/ chair/ table, tables, platform rocker, padded bench, corner chair, dressers, cabinets, household, glassware, garden items. No early birds! Furnitue, clothing, dishes, something for everyone. 1973 Scudder, Thur- Sat, 9-4. 3043 Stanley, Fairlawn. Saturday, 9-2. Little of everything: Furniture, household, collectibles, women’s formals, lighthouse decor. 1995 Pontiac Firebird- Must sell. Clean, runs great, $2,800. 330-8362799 95 Ford Escort LX Wagon, tan color, 71,000 miles, $1,400/ OBO. 330864-0749 Susan Gippin 1920’s cream and green White Star gas stove. Beautiful condition. Just like in the movie “A Christmas Story.” $2,300. 330-247-8856 MOTORCYCLES/MOPEDS APPLIANCES 2001 Yamaha V Star 650 Under 5,000 miles. Asking $3,300. Great condition. 330-666-2028 Gas range, stainless steel, never used. Paid $1,000, asking $650/OBO. 330-657-2196 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES ARTS AND CRAFTS 1991 17’ Sunline Coach Travel Trailer, $2,500. Call 330-715-9660. Sell Your Art or Crafts at Stow Historical’s Harvest Festival October 20-21. Call 330-689-2852 for spaces. Fri, Sat, Sun. Sept. 14, 15, 16 10 –4 Fri & Sat, 10-3 Sunday DIRECTIONS: Near Wallhaven. West Exchange to Elmdale. South on Elmdale. Left on Clemmer. Left on Jefferson. For photos see: This fabulous West Akron sale features extraordinary furnishings & accessories for fine living including two-door wine refrigerator & many name-brand items. FURNITURE: Older maple table & chairs, iron bar stools, 1950s retro table, porcelain top table, 4-piece wicker porch set, 2 console tables & mirrors, antique iron & marble top table, Crate & Barrel chair & ottoman, custom chairs & fancy pillows, love seat & chair, trunk, entertainment center & many side tables. GLASS & ACCESSORIES: Lots of serving dishes & designer accessories for entertaining including Steuben, Waterford, Rosenthal, Hungarian tea set. Lots of high-end decorator lamps, accessories, rugs, drapes and art. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS: Two-door wine refrigeration unit, high quality kitchen & household items including Divina Spidem Espresso Machine, Farberware, Krups & more. OTHER ITEMS: Some designer clothing & custom bedding, linens, costume jewelry, Christmas & Halloween. LAWN & YARD: Adirondack chairs, 6-piece patio set, flower pots & garden items, trellis, cement figures, electric grill, lady’s golf clubs, golf swing training machine, and much more. Professionally conducted by Susan Gippin. Nos. at 9 a.m. first day only. Reasonable prices. Sale day phone 330.256.5146. MC/VISA Next week: Medina Estate Sale. CEMETERY LOTS Rosemont Fairlawn- Burial Crypt for 2. Moving- must sell, 1/2 price. 330928-9463 or 404-488-5916 Private mausoleum for 2 available at Mount Peace Cemetery. Call Jackie, 330-253-4551 EDUCATION ALI (Italian Language Association) is sponsoring Italian language classes for adults and children. Multiple levels. Adult classes will begin on September 26 and those for children will begin on September 29. For additional information, call Ennio at 330-922-5924 or Dora at 330-688-9694. Visit us on the web! Action A u t o G la s s $75 off insurance deductible on windshields (most cars) u Mobile Service Same Day Service Low Prices u 330-724-6146 1-800-244-5740 2000 GMC Sierra K1500 SLE Z71, 4x4, 3 dr extra cab, 78K, tow package w/ brake system. $10,500. Call 330-7159660 Tag Sale 4868 Stonehedge Dr., (Bath Township) 44333 SAT. SEPT 15TH 10-3 P.M. SUN. SEPT 16TH 12-4 P.M. for details! DIRECTIONS: Rt 18 West of 77 to Medina Line. Turn North. Stonehedge is about 2 miles. Tag Sale We are pleased to be selling the contents of this lovely Hudson home. Everything is in pristine condition and must be sold. FEATURE: 2002 John Deere LX-277 Lawn Tractor, 17 HP V-Twin, 48" blade, 123 hours, accessories include garden wagon/trailor dump, leaf sweeper. FURNITURE: Contemporary Henredon Dining Room Set from the Goatskin Collection, includes: Glass top table, 6 chairs, lighted China Hutch, Serving Buffet; Penn House Ea Am Sofa Sleeper; Rnd Cherry Pedestal Kitchen Set, 4 Windsor Chrs; 4 poster Maple Dbl Bed; Maple end tbls; Antique Lg Pine Chest of Drawers; Lg Danish Modern trpl Dresser w/ mirror; Danish Modern Desk and Chr; Qu Calif Bed; floral armchr; striped sofa; Antique loveseat; ACCESSORIES: 9x12 Pakastan Rug Blk; Lg wooden rocker; wooden hall bench; assorted lamps; numerous paintings and prints includes Hillary Sheeter print; brass fireplace tools; antique gateleg tble; Victorian Chr; hall tree; Ant sm tble; sm Hitchcock tbl; youth wood desk,bench,bookcase; Maple desk / chr; 4 bentwood chrs; Lots of Misc decorator items; misc china; MISC: "Gandy" Regulation sized Pool Tbl and Accessories; Sm refrigerator; metal shelves; Lawn and garden; Ladders; Sheet Lumber Plywood; 1950's Doll House w/ furniture and access.; garden pots; Hammock; Picnic tbls; Vacs; Weights; row machine; WP W/D; Lg square Sturdy folding tbls; There is more. Don't miss our other outstanding sale this weekend in Bath Township!! FEATURE: If you like Barnes and Noble, we have a Lower Level full of Beautiful Books, all new, 700+, subjects include: Gorgeous Cook Books, Garden and Landscaping, Art, Travel, Home decorating, Self Help, Exercise, Animals, and Best Sellers. Great Gifts! Outstanding Sale full of decorator items all in mint condition. FURNITURE: Round Dining Rm pedestal table (faux stone) w/ 6 Uphol Chrs; Lg Buffet Console; Flexsteel Chocolate ultrasuede sectional; Contemporary sleek Blue designer Sofa, pr arm chrs w/ lthr ottomans, storage bench; Pink Floral oversized Loveseat and armchr set; Wh Welsley Allen wrought Iron Qu Bed; Flexsteel Armchr recliner; Flexsteel neut. Sleeper Sofa; Pr Stanley Twin youth wh. sleigh beds; Pr of dark Burg Lthr Armchrs; pr of neutral slipper chairs; ACCESSORIES: Painted hall console; Blk Flexsteel hall chest of drawers; several glass and wrought iron end tables, coffee tables, sofa tables; Bombay chest; sm painted desk; several decorator lamps and mirrors; ficus; florals; silks; plants; decorator pots/vases; Decorator Rugs all sizes including runners Feizy; Martha Stewart and Pier 1 Wh Wicker - Rockers (3), Armchrs (4); pr rattan end tbls and coffee tbl; bookcases; Wh Bistro Set; Pr teak rockers; Wh Lingerie Chest; Lexington executive desk; KITCHEN: Set of yellow Fiesta; Cuisanart coffee maker; calaphon pans; bar, stemware; MISC: Lg deep freezer; Craftsmen pressure washer; Bolens Mower; Boulens Edger; Poulan blower & hedger; Poulen Chain saw; Quality garden tools; Werner quality lg Extension and Step Ladder; (2) shop vacs; (4) Dehumidifiers; hoses; cement urns; carpet cleaner; Pet Carriers and accessories Dog and Cat; (3) 2 drawer files; air purifiers; HP printers(3) new; Pioneer and Sony Hi-Fi; Cameras/video; shredder; VCR; Rubber Maid Shelving (lots); lg metal wine rack; cleaning and pool supplies; lots of plastic storage containers; washer/dryer; fridge; qu foam mattress topper; designer linens bed and bath; Exercise equipment: bench, balls, free wts; lots of quality Christmas. There is more. Don't miss our other sale this weekend in Hudson!! Numbers at 9:00 a.m. Professionally Conducted by Pier & CO., LLC. Sale Day Cell Sat. 330-608-2623 Sun. 330-571-7861 MC / Visa Numbers given out at 9:00 a.m. Professionally Conducted by Pier & CO., LLC. Sale Day Cell Sat. 330-524-4312 Sun. 330-608-2623 MC / Visa 2134 Edgeview Dr., (Hudson) 44236 SAT. SEPT 15TH 10-3 P.M. SUN. SEPT 16TH 12-4 P.M. DIRECTIONS: Rt 303 to Rt 91, turn left at clock tower, 1.7 miles to Edgeview turn right. No Signs allowed. TAG SALE Cash paid for old books, maps, pottery, estate items. 330-724-2181. TRUCKS/VANS for details! 1345 Jefferson Ave., Akron, OH 44313 RED DOOR ANTIQUESYour first call for LIQUIDATING ESTATES, COLLECTIONS, SINGLE ITEMS. We BUY, APPRAISE and take CONSIGNMENTS. Furniture, glass, pottery, art, toys, books, jewelry. 1495 S. Cleve.-Mass. Road, Copley. Mon-Sat 11-5 Sunday 12-4. 330-665-0033 or 330-607-1177. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! 2004 Trailblazer LS. Air, power windows, 4x4, Michelin tires, trailer hitch, $9,500. 98,000 miles. 330650-1370 Saturday 9-5. 3291 Morewood. Furniture, antiques, household items, misc. To Advertise, call 1-888-945-9595 Home Alone? Julie’s Pampered Pets, Inc. Daily and vacation petcare. Insured and bonded. 330-666-8689 or 330714-3957. Pinky’s Pet Sitting- The extra attention your pet needs. Call Tina, 330524-6248. GARAGE/YARD SALES AKC yellow lab pups, vet checked, shots, wormed, hip and eye certification, quality blood lines, $250. 330475-5763 Collector car, 1985 BMW, 635 CSI, excellent shape, make bid. 330-2451699. Multi family- Saturday, 8-4. 326 Kenridge Road, Fairlawn. Couch, loveseat, highchair, swing, changing table, Little Tykes, kids clothes, sizes 0- 6 years. Multi-family- September 15th, 9am4pm on Rachel Court in Ridgecrest Development. Baby items, kids, teen clothes and misc items. PETS/ PET SUPPLIES 2002 Chrysler Sebring Ltd. convertible. 34K miles, Florida car, $11,500. 330-620-4558. Fairlawn 2-family, Edington Road. 83, Saturday and Sunday. Pinball and bowling machines. Trunk Sale and Flea Market will be held Sept. 22nd, 9am to 1pm at the UUChurch parking lot, 3300 Morewood Ave. (off West Market, across from Summit Mall entrance). Everyone invited to sell own stuff, craft items, etc. from own vehicle or table. Rent space (size of one parking space) before 9/19. 1 space, $10; 2 spaces, $15. Contact: Vicki Brown, 330-338-8551 or Joyce Giffin 330-929-1092 for details. AUTOMOBILES 17 inch Enki Rims, 9 spoke, $400/OBO. 330-730-0178. Wags N’ Whiskers Inn In my home pet care, no cages, free roam of home, cost less than a kennel. 24/7 one on one attention. Come for a tour. 330-618-0582. Transportation available. Certified with references. 330-867-1371 330-867-1387 Sale day cell 330-285-5417 Cash, checks Visa and Master Card Medina Flea Market September 16th Medina County Community Center on the Fairgrounds. 735 Lafayette Rd. (State Rt. 42). 330-948-4300 Tag/ Moving Sale Friday and Saturday, 9-3. Furniture, household items, toys, go-cart, too much to list! Follow signs off Copley Circle to 1298 Centerview Circle. Free hot dogs! AUTO PARTS/ TIRES Page 44 West Side Leader September 13, 2007 3 3 0 - 6 6 5 - 0 9 0 9 C L A S S I F I E D A D V E R T I S I N G 3 3 0 - 6 6 5 - 0 9 0 9 EQUIPMENT- SPORTS/FITNESS HEALTH/BEAUTY/FITNESS JOBS WANTED WANTED ANTIQUE/COLLECT. HELP WANTED CAREGIVERS HELP WANTED FOOD SERVICE POOL TABLE- Solid wood. 1” slate, leather pockets. Handcarved legs. Never used, in box. Cost, $5,200Sell $1,595. 330-307-1731. Medina Gymnastics Academy offers gymnastics classes for all ages and abilities. Visit or call 330-723-6422 for class times and fees. Accountant/ MBA seeking PT flexible hours. Experienced in payroll, A/P, A/R, inventory control, budgets and forecasts. Peachtree, QuickBooks, Excel. Call 330-5926387 Buying: Old costume jewelry, Longaberger baskets, sterling, turquoise, quilts, Fenton, Flow-Blue dishes, figurines, anything old. Thanks. 330-864-7913. Body Sculpting is a one-hour strength training workout that shapes and tones your body & helps prevent osteoporosis. Morning and evening classes now offered at Northwest Community Center in Akron. Visit or call 330958-FLEX for more info. Use coupon code NWCC and receive $10 OFF course fees! Lady needs work, will do house cleaning, laundry, elderly and child care for $10/hr. Diane 330-9261080. Community Caregivers is seeking experienced male and female caregivers, STNA’s, or Home Health Aides to serve our senior clients in Summit County. We offer a good starting wage, flexible hours and health benefits. Apply in person, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday at 1900 W. Market Street (Across from Acme 1). 330-8368585. Now hiring experienced and professional seasonal and permanent banquet servers and bartenders. Training rates begin at $8 per hour, based on experience, professionalism, and availability. Applications accepted in person Tuesday Friday, 9:30 am - 3:00 pm at Greystone, 103 S. High Street, on the corner of Mill and High Street, or fax resume to 330-761-1955. HELP WANTED CHILD CARE Parasson’s Italian RestaurantHiring, starting at $8 to $10/hr. Apply in person, 501 N. Main Street, Akron. FURNITURE Model home sale: Designer living room sets, designer sectionals, master bedroom, kid bedroom, mattress set, home office, theater seating, poker table with chairs, pool table bar and bar stools, and much more. 330-352-3291. Century Beautiful Leather Burgundy Couch, excellent condition, like new $1000. Call 330-701-7830. 3-piece breakfront, bar, lighted interior, centerpiece with marble insert top and 3 large drawers, $300 Bookcase, deep shelves, closed doors storage below, oak finish, $250 Grey computer desk, $95; baker’s rack, $45; armoire, $40; 2-drawer chest, $30; lamp, $15. 330-245-1443 Modern blue, multi-color, deep, good condition couch and chairs, pillows, $125/ OBO. 330-836-8168 BEDROOM SET- 10 pc. cherry wood sleighbed. Dresser, mirror, tall chest, 2 nightstands. Dovetailed drawers. Includes pillowtop mattress set. Unused. Cost $5,900- Sell $1,595. 330-571-2156. Grand Opening! Quick Tips Nail Salon Sat., Sept. 15, 2007 230 E. Cuyahoga Falls Ave Akron, 44310. 330-434-TIPS(8477) $20 Full Sets 1/2 off all Men Manicures $10 Manicures plus more! HOUSEHOLD GOODS Matching set of Whirlpool in good condition washer and dryer. Very lightly used. Please call 330-8675690. WANTED TO BUY $$$ WE BUY FOR CASH $$$ JEWELRY, GOLD BUYER MISC. FOR SALE We Pay Top Dollar For 1988 Wilderness, sleeps 9, great condition, 10’x20’ deck, very nice yard, at Clay’s Park in Canal Fulton. 1996 golf cart, blue, two-seater, very nice stereo system, $5,500/ OBO 330-376-6583 MUSIC & RELATED Geinhardt Flute, silver plated, model 52SP, Recently overhauled, $275 or offer. 330-670-8042. Piano Lessons: Age 4 to adults. Degreed, Certified, Experienced teacher. 330-836-6490. Ill health causing to sell my complete Violin collection. 440-543-7784 # # # # # # # # # # # # Gold (9 Karat to 24 Karat) Platinum Silver Diamond Estate Jewelry Scrap Gold Gold Watches Gold Coins Silver Coins Broken Jewelry Worn Out Jewelry Free Consultation, We are here if you need us! 1655 West Market Street (Mitchell Building) Suite 350 Akron, Ohio HOT TUB/SPA- ‘07 model. Full loaded, tons of jets, Never used, still wrapped, with warranty. Cost, $7,900- Sell $3,295. 330-247-4110. DRUM & PIANO LESSONS Degreed musician offers both. Your home or mine. References. Jay 330714-0122. 9x12 India Wool Rug, oatmeal, $200. Spaulding Cash In Putter, 2 through 10 irons, other SP, $60. 330873-9285 Singer/ Songwriter Sample free music online Buying older fishing reels, lures, rods, tackle boxes, steel traps, some hunting, recurve and long bows. George 330-666-0451. To Advertise, call 1-888-945-9595 Mt. Zwingli Church Benefit AUCTION Harold Farnsworth, Auctioneer Saturday, Sept. 15th 9 a.m. Baldwin Pianovelle, 88 key piano. Dark rosewood. $1,200. Call 330867-7818 Roland Atelier AT60R organ. Practically new & in excellent condition. Can be seen at Reeves & Assoc. estate sale Sat/ Sun, 10-4. Call 330-864-1969 for address. 2172 S. Medina Line Rd. • Wadsworth, Ohio Between St. Rts. 162 and 261 Off-road parking New Amish-made Furniture such as: G-father clock, sleigh bed, 5-pc. bedroom set, curio cab., bookcase, Thos. Kinkade picture, oak wheelbarrow, quilt chests with glass, 6-panel jelly cupboard, cherry and oak mirrors, hall trees, trash bin, cedar chest, Ohio State clothes hanger, secretary desk, chairs, end tables, Ohio clock (exotic woods), heart planter, gliders, swings, rockers, swingset, picnic table. Boxed hurricane lamp; hanging swivel lamp; treadmills; caned chair; new Lazyboy recliner; 2 high-back upholstered chairs; 3 step endtables; baby stroller, swing, highchair & crib; wr. iron flower stand; meat slicer; games; gun rack; water skis; tables; chairs; pictures; glasses; flatware; records; silk flowers; golf clubs; bowling ball; bikes; hunting vest; treestand; camp stove; basketball hoop; cameras; Christmas tree; coffee maker; grills; 25” TV; metal clown banks; pots & pans; coolers; books; movies; apple press; metal barrel; appliances; organizing racks; antique silver ring; kerosene stove; wall clock; phones; sandbox; aquamarine earrings; computer; rocking chair; 1923 framed prints; OSUvKSU football tickets; spay or neuter cat; gift cards and certificates; many handmade quilts; 8mm projector, action editor & tripod; sewing machine; wagons; mailboxes. Equipment: 20ft. US Cargo enclosed trailer; chainsaw; weed eater; circular saw; window air conditioner; rototillers; post hole digger; floor jack; snow blower; mowers; chippers; boat motors; gas tanks; misc. tools; Not responsible for accidents. ID required to register. Buyer takes responsibility for safety and usage of items purchased. TERMS: Cash or good check sale day. Looking for a job that provides meaningful work and competitive compensation? Consider a position in a State Farm Agent’s office. • Assist with agent’s marketing efforts. • Provide quality service to State Farm policyholders. • Conduct needs based sales interviews in the agent’s office. • Prepare forms, policies and endorsements. This employment opportunity is with a State Farm agent, not with State Farm Insurance Companies and requires the successful completion of licensing requirements to sell and service State Farm products. HELP WANTED BEAUTY Shampoo Assistant- Part time, 3 days, possibly more. Cosmetologist license required. Frank Eric Hairdressers 60 Shiawassee Ave Fairlawn, Ohio 330-836-9051 Upscale Salon in the Valley has great opportunities for booth rental, hair and nails, 330-671-2779. HELP WANTED CAREGIVERS We’d like to talk to you about being a CAREGiver. We help area Senior Citizens remain independent and in their own homes. We’re HOME INSTEAD Senior Care! We offer part-time days, evenings, weekends and overnight shifts. Call today to find out about our current Summit County needs! Home Instead Senior Care (330)334-7400 We’re a BWC Drug-free Workplace! Please mail or fax resume to: 330-336-5533 All proceeds to Mt. Zwingli Church. Equal Opportunity Employer S U P E R Crossword Solution on Page 47 Wanted- single cemetery lot, reasonable. 330-666-1482 Grandparents Not ready for your own rocker? Marketing Sales Position 777 Market St. Suite C4 Akron, OH 44303 Fax: 330-253-5870 Bakery items, lunch, popcorn and beverages available 330-867-1545 330-867-4715 Please patronize our advertisers! C R O S S W O R D Seeking non-smoking babysitter to transport my children from school MW-F. Must have valid license. 330819-3426 THE NANNY CONNECTION Full-time, Part-time, and on-call nannies available. All thoroughly screened and CPR/ 1st Aide certified. Call 330-650-0221 or visit our website HELP WANTED CLEANING PART TIME CLEANERS NEEDED Residential Cleaning Company needs hardworking, friendly, dedicated cleaners to clean homes in Hudson, Stow, Cuyahoga Falls, Richfield, Copley, Fairlawn and Bath. Must have clean driving record with valid driver’s license and reliable transportation with insurance. Must be able to pass a background check. Start at 8a.m., work 4-6 hours, 3-5 days a week, no nights or weekends. After training earn $10 an hour and up. Additionally get travel pay, bonuses, and car allowance. Family owned business with great working conditions. Call 330-6653913 for more information and to schedule an interview. Janitorial & Maid Service PT Sun-Thurs eve carpet & floor technician. PT days M-F house cleaning. Own transportation & background check required to apply for all positions. Will train-room to grow. Call Eric/Debbie 330-4340767. HELP WANTED EDUCATION The Goddard School is seeking a full time infant teacher who has at least one year experience working in a child care setting. Go online to to submit an application or call 330-665-3035 and ask for Katie. Teachers: 5th grade; 5-8 math. Resume to: PO Box 107, Akron, OH 44309-0107 NANNIES NEEDED Education majors welcome. Fulltime, Part-time and on-call positions available. Apply at HELP WANTED FOOD SERVICE Are you friendly, hard working and like to greet people? Have I got a job for you! Call Susan at Gasoline Alley 330-666-2670 for more information. Valley Cafe needs experienced servers. Hours 7:30-3. Must be available weekends. $5.50/ hr plus tips. Apply in person, 1212 Weathervane Lane. Small diner needs kitchen help. Experience preferred but not necessary. Breakfast and lunch only. 330-620-2036 HELP WANTED GENERAL Experienced cement finishers and laborers wanted, please contact Greg at 330-650-9337. Richfield- Housekeeper wanted 3 days/ week. Reliable, experienced, references, background check. 330659-3599 Earn up to $500/ week assembling products at home. No experience. INFO 1-985-646-1700 DEPT. OH4530. Technical Support RepresentativeDRB Systems, Inc (Green) provides computer solutions for the car wash and lube industry. Our support team is seeking highly motivated folks for our technical call center. Strong knowledge of PC hardware components, local area networks and Microsoft operating systems required. Must enjoy customer service! Not your typical call center! $12/hr, FT/PT. Various shifts open. If interested send resume and cover letter to: [email protected] Acme Fresh Market Montrose now hiring PT associates. Join a winning team! Apply in person, 3979 Medina Rd., Montrose. EOE Job Fair for Light Industrial positions in Medina and Tallmadge. September 14, 10am - 2pm, Summit Works, 1040 Tallmadge Rd, Akron. Must be able to pass a drug screen and clean criminal background. Bring two forms of I.D. Part time telemarketer needed for busy insurance office. Flexible hours, great work environment, training provided. Evening hours and telephone skills required. Call Marianne at 330-929-2500. Occasional Part-Time work counting inventory in local retail stores. Ten-key data entry experience preferred. 330882-8800. General maintenance- Landlord seeking conscientious, dependable person to maintain rentals. 330-6686990 Nonprofit Data Entry Assistant, 10 to 20 hours per week. Reply to PO Box 5312, Akron, OH 44334 or email [email protected] with resume. To advertise, call 1-888-945-9595 September 13, 2007 3 3 0 - 6 6 5 - 0 9 0 9 C L A S S I F I E D A D V E R T I S I N G HELP WANTED GENERAL HELP WANTED OFFICE REAL ESTATE COPLEY RENT APARTMENTS We have an opportunity for an energetic individual to perform light maintenance with housekeeping duties, day and evening shifts. Full time, part time and some weekends. Please apply in person at The Shaw JCC, 750 White Pond Dr, Akron, Oh 44320. Part time bookkeeper/ office manager for condominium association. Skills needed are QuickBooks and Microsoft Office. Hours needed are 15-20 per week and include either Saturday or one evening. Please submit resume to: Part time Bookkeeper/ Office Manager, 35 Menlo Park Drive, Akron, OH 44313 CREEKSTONE DEVELOPMENT Visit Frank Michaels Homes Model @ 1255 Spafford Drive. House & lot packages starting in $270s. Frank Michaels Homes is an award winning builder w/ exceptional attention to every detail from the ground up. Michelle McPherson 330-697-8863 Stouffer Realty, Inc. Very nice efficiency and 1BR apartments. $325-$425/mo, heat included. Call Mr. Wilson, 330-607-5044 Part-Time Receptionist Financial services firm in Independence seeking PT receptionist. General clerical duties: proficient computer skills (MS Office, internet). Financial services exp.+. 20-25 hrs/wk. Email resume to [email protected] or fax to 216-328-5531. Open House this Sunday 1pm-4pm! 1216 Kirkwall Drive, Copley, 44321. 3BR, 1.5BA, new furnace, remodeled basement, oak kitchen, more info: $155,000. Motivated sellers 330416-1248. Driving Instructors: We now have openings FT/PT, will train, bonus for licensed instructors. Call 330-867-2402. Earn income for the holidays! Retail sales clerks for busy costume shop. PT for October only. Retail sales experience not required. Must be 18 years of age to apply. Also looking for permanent PT position in laundry. For more details on either position, call Monday- Friday, between 1-4. 330-644-0425 DO YOU HAVE A GREAT SMILE? IF SO, YOU MAY BE A GREAT FIT FOR US! We are looking for full-time and parttime Cashiers for our Fairlawn store. We offer: lCompetitive Wages lPaid Vacation l401K lBonus Program lSales Incentives lGreat Working Environment Please apply in person at: Lucky Shoes Fairlawn Town Center 2767 West Market Street. Home health aide’s needed immediately, FT and PT available. Call anytime Monday- Thursday, 9am-1pm. 1-888-491-1805 Dispatcher/Communication Specialist for the City of Fairlawn A Civil Service Exam will be given for the position of Dispatcher/ Communication Specialist. Must be high school grad or proof of GED. Must possess valid Ohio Driver’s License with acceptable driving record & proof of liability insurance. Must successfully complete LEADS/NCIC course within 90 days of date of hire. Typing speed required of at least 30 wpm and computer literacy. Application & further info is available at City of Fairlawn General Office - 3487 S. Smith Rd. - Fairlawn, OH or A $10.00 examination fee, in the form of cash or money order, is required at time of application. Applications must be received by 3:30 p.m. on September 19, 2007. Exam Date: October 17, 2007 at 5:30 p.m. Data Entry How fast can you IM & text message? Call for a free evaluation via e-mail! We have several data entry positions now available at our well respected West Akron client. $8/hr and with Express, health benefits are immediately available! No Fee to you for our services. Call 330-9402990 for appointment. SERVERS NEEDED- Mary Coyle Ice Cream. Highland Square, 780 West Market. Apply 2-4 p.m., Monday-Saturday. LIA SOPHIA jewelry expanding. Managers and advisors needed. Full or part-time. Limited investment. Shelly, 330-922-0410 Carpenter Wadsworth remodeling co. looking for full time carpenter. 2 yrs experience minimum req. Must be drug free, have neat clean appearance, drivers license & own transp. $1012/ hr. with opportunity for advancement. 330-336-2770. Immediate part time seasonal help needed at West Point Market. Must be able to work weekends and various shifts during the week. Send resumes to [email protected] or fax information to (330)869-8666. No phone calls accepted. Equal Opportunity Employer and Drug Free Work Environment. $$Flexible Hours$$ AVON Reps needed in your area. Starting busy holiday season. Call 330-928-1154, 800-505-0537. HELP WANTED LANDSCAPING Landscape laborers needed for commercial landscaping company. Must have clean driving record. Benefits. Call 330-239-1468 after 5pm. HELP WANTED MEDICAL New home health agency seeking RN’s, LPN’s, PT’s, OT’s and STNA’s to become members of our team. Positions available in Stark and Summit Counties. Send resume to Personnel Manager, 4767 Higby Ave NW, Canton, OH 44718. Paralegals, Attorneys/ Secretaries 330-285-2977 Administrative Assistant Wadsworth investment firm is looking for an Administrative Assistant. Previous experience a plus but not required. Computer skills and good attitude very important. Please send resume and salary requirements to PO Box 440, Wadsworth, OH 44282. Part Time Customer Service Richfield company seeking individual for order entry, invoicing and other CSR responsibilities. Must have a minimum of 2 years experience and be computer literate. 25 hours per week. Please email resume to: [email protected] or mail to: Personnel, PO Box 526, Richfield, OH 44286 The American Friends Service Committee is seeking to fill the Administrative/ Program Assistant/ Eyes Wide Open Coordinator position in its Cuyahoga Falls office. Duties include general office management as well as program assistance and special project coordination. For a copy of the complete job description and to obtain an application, please contact Sharon Brown at 637 S. Dearborn Street, Suite 3, Chicago, Illinois 60605/ Phone 312-427-2533 ext. 12 or email: [email protected]. The deadline for completed applications is September 21, 2007. Sales Secretary- Monday-Friday, 9-5 Akron Valley location. Candidate will have expert phone communication skills, experience with new business development, good computer skills and have a memory like an elephant! $12-15/ hr. Send resume to: [email protected] or fax, 330835-1986. PT Secretary/ Scheduler Light clerical, good customer skills a must. 330-867-2402. Fax resume to 330-867-8862 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 as amended which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD Toll-free at 1-800669-9777 or your local fair housing agency, Fair Housing Contact Service 330-376-6191 REAL ESTATE BATH Bathcrest: 975 Arborway. City of Akron, Revere LSD, 3600’ tudor, 4BR, 2.5BA, fin basement, private yard, FSBO. Open House Sunday, 12:30-2, $312,000. 330-414-7155 550 Highland Drive One owner, brick, 1.65 ac lot, open floor plan, 1st floor master, 1st floor library, 1st floor laundry, 4 bedrooms total, 4 baths, 2 lav’s, finished walkout lower level with wet bar, rec rm and exercise room, 3 car garage. Call to see this immediately, off Ghent Rd. Priced $599,000- Call now to see. Barb Hudak 330-864-4414 VM 330-258-9803 Howard Hanna Smythe Cramer REAL ESTATE FAIRLAWN 140-6 Sand Court. 3BR, 2.5BA. Pristine end unit condo. Lots of extra features. Great location! $169,000 330-869-5092 1035 Bunker Drive End unit, 3 bedroom townhouse, 2.5 baths. Family rm, beautiful sun room, 1st floor laundry. Priced $159,000 for immediate sale. Barb Hudak 330-864-4414 VM 330-258-9803 Howard Hanna Smythe Cramer REAL ESTATE GENERAL Eviction and Property Management Services. “Professionals in Real Estate Management” Over 20 years experience, now accepting new clients. The Peiffer Co. 330-8644777 or 1800-284-8505 First Time Home Buyers Buy a home with No Money Down Call 24/7 Info-Line 1-800-730-0871 ID#3051 Stouffer Realty, Inc. Why not use a realtor who is also an attorney to negotiate the right deal for your home or business. Call Jason Roach at Castle Rock Realty, Inc. 330-590-0823 REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT Upscale bank owned and fixeruppers in the suburbs. Call Debbi Dorsey, Stouffer Realty, 330-9967979 REAL ESTATE LOTS/ ACREAGE Bath 2.5 to 4 acre wooded lots Pebblecreek Dr. $198,000$228,00 Commonwealth Properties 330-666-7773 view online: Granger Meadows, Granger Twp. All 2+ acre lots drastically reduced to $40s & $50s. $3,000 discount if purchased by end of September. Bill Nice 330-571-4516 Geneva Chervenic Realty REAL ESTATE VACATION Florida Villa For Sale Ft. Myers- 2BR, 2BA, large screened in lanai, ceramic tile throughout, fully furnished, picturesque community, swimming pools. Tennis courts and active clubhouse, water accessible. Please call 330666-8071 Reaching over 70,000 households! • 330-665-9595 160 SOUTH MILLER ROAD FAIRLAWN- 1,600 SQ.FT. Townhouse- 2.5 Baths Two Car Garage $860/ Month FAIRLAWN REALTY 330.836.9903 Cuyahoga Falls- 2BR, 1BA available October 1st. $632/ month plus electric. Heat and water included. Call 330592-0531 for more information. Fairlawn, 2896 Chamberlain Road Extra large 2BR apartment, $650, garage, air condition, plus utilities. Credit Check. 330-665-2244 ext. 12 or 330-338-9551. STOW- $495 HEAT, WATER, TRASH PD 2393 Graham Rd. #1. Deluxe 1 bd. apt. w/ many extras. OPEN for viewing. No pets. Office 920-1166, eves. & wkends 753-0502 or 730-4075 2 BR apartment, hardwood floors, laundry, secured entry, garage, convenient for shopping and bus. 1984 W. Market. $600/ month plus gas, electric. Call 330-836-2348or 330414-6922. Fairlawn Chamberlain Rd, 2BR, 1.5BA, 1,040 sqft, A/C, w/d hookups, carport, $610 + gas and electric. Highland Square North Portage Path efficiency, 1BA, 630 sqft. Heat included. Coin laundry. $435 plus electric. North Portage Path, 1BR, 1BA, A/C, coin laundry, 722 sqft, $465 plus gas and electric. North Portage Path, 1BR, 1BA, coin laundry, 882 sqft, $575 plus electric. North Portage Path, 2BR, 2BA, coin laundry, 816 sqft, $600 plus gas and electric. Bluejay Properties Ltd. 330-239-6000 West Akron PARKSIDE TOWNHOMES Next to Metro & CVN Parks 3 3 0 - 6 6 5 - 0 9 0 9 RENT APARTMENTS RENT DUPLEX/TWINPLEX 454 Crestmont Court Copley, Ohio 44321 STEP UP TO THE BEST LIFESTYLE AND LOCATION ALL IN ONE! One, two and three bedroom luxury apartments. Clubhouse with party & meeting room, fitness center, laundry facility and swimming pool. Garage with remote included! Pets welcome! 330.670.9281 Ask About Our Specials Serving Greater Akron For Over 60 Years Akron/ NW: Deluxe 2BR, 2BA, garage, laundry, applianced. $545/mo. Deluxe 1BR, with dining room, appliances, laundry. $385. No pets, no section 8. 330-962-7165. Fairlawn: Twinplex apartment, spacious deluxe $1,045 per month. 330-867-2498. 1667 Shatto- 2BR, 1BA, excellent condition. $595 plus utilities. No pets. No Section 8. 330-836-7990 Liberty Commons Newly updated modern 1 and 2 BR apartments starting at $550. Joseph Testa, Testa Realty, Inc. 330-9280065 x 117 Richfield: Large 2BR, 2nd floor, private yard, no pets, studio area. $775/mo + utilities. 216-956-0150. Fairlawn: 1 and 2 BR apartments, $430-$520 plus gas and electric. No pets. 330-873-1776 RENT/LEASE CONDOS Nice private 2BR, 1BA, fireplace, garage. Copley-Fairlawn Schools. Peiffer Co. 330-864-4777 Georgetown, 1BR, gas, water included, pool privileges, call now $700/mo. 330-338-4331. RENT DUPLEX/TWINPLEX Twinplex, Modern, quiet, 2BR. All appliances, Blinds, Fenced patio, water paid, owner occupied, $440. 330-869-6579. Visit us on the web! RENT HOUSES For Rent- Copley/ Montrose house with charm. 2 BR, 2 BA home with den, living room, FP, all appliances, utilities included. $950 per month. References and security deposit required. Call 330-730-8036 for appointment. Bath Rent To Own 3BR Ranch 2.5 acres 5062 W. Bath $1095 3BR ranch 1.5 acres 2322 N. Revere $1250 4BR, 3BA 4+ acres 2709 Yellow Creek $1750 Commonwealth Properties 330-666-7773 view online: Historic 1880 House Large 2.5 car garage Resident, Office, Studio Heart of Peninsula & CVNP New Renovation Cent. Air 3 bdrm, 2 baths, Country Kit. Yard- Deck- Porch $1,095/mo + util 330-657-2211 6084 Locust/ Akr-Pen Rd More Rentals- See Web Bath- 3 bed, 2 bath, secluded setting, immaculate condition, many amenities, $1650/ mo. Mowing and plowing included, pets negotiable. Ph. 330-592-3561 Fairlawn: 333 Beaumont Drive, 3BR Ranch, 2BA, 2+ car garage, full basement, air conditioning, appliances, lawn service included, $1300/mo. Plus utilities and deposit. 330-730-3936. Towpath Village- 4BR, 2.5BA, 1st floor laundry, pool, tennis courts, nestled in Cuyahoga Valley National Park. 330-929-5377 Bath- 2 story, 3BR, 2.5BA, 2.5 acres, lawn care included, $1,500 plus security deposit. 330-836-7273 RENT/ LEASE OFFICES Office, display, storage, flexible space, 600sqft. Trash, utilities included. Bath area, $600/mo. 216978-7075 Ghent Square: Offices or Retail space. 330-659-0404 or 1-888-5217435 2 FLOORS. GREAT ROOM FINISHED BASEMENT 330-867-4708 1219 Barcelona Dr. Fairlawn HeightsSpacious, elegant duplex in Akron’s finest and prestigious neighborhood. Custom designed and built with every detail in mind. Professionally decorated. Large 2 BR with fans, walk-in closets, 1.5 plus BA, skylights, gourmet eat-in kitchen with exquisite cabinetry and amenities. Full basement, first floor laundry, wood burning fireplace, C/A, screened porch, private patio/ grill, 2 car+ garage, $1,250/ month. Call for details 330-665-1120, 330-864-9424 “0” down! 43 Goodhue. Beautiful cape, 1st floor master, private double lot, hardwood floors, possible lease/ purchase. MLS ID# 1462264 $149,500, 330-836-2262 Open House Sunday 1-3. 1600 Artman Ave. 3BR ranch, perfect downsizing or 1st time home buyer. Hayes Realty, 330-612-1009 330-665-9595 Convenient to schools, churches and shopping. 3BR, 1.5BA, totally renovated, all new exterior/ interior. $89,700. Call weekdays 8-5, 330-8642971. Stop Looking ... Start Living 200 Hampshire- Fairlawn Heights Well built, well designed all brick home, great investment for buyer. Priced well below market value. Move in condition. Located in true heart of the heights- Akron’s premier neighborhood. Convenient to shopping and freeway. 5,000 sq ft, 3BR, 3.5BA, 4 car garage. For appointment, call 330-239-0754 New price, $397,000 RENT APARTMENTS FAIRLAWN/ COPLEY: New York style loft in RESTORED BARN, All wood interior, A/C, laundry, $675/mo. 330-666-5056. Page 45 REAL ESTATE WEST AKRON REAL ESTATE COPLEY 1511 Peckham Street- 3BR, 2.5BA, new construction. $149,900. Call Margaret at 330-571-3110 Coldwell Banker Hunter Realty Highland Square- Efficiency, 1, 2 BR. Air, carpet, hardwood, parking. $350 and up. 330-253-2400. West Side Leader East- 1BR, 1st floor on bus line, nice, clean, remodeled, parking, $390 plus electric, deposit and lease. 330-334-5301 • Cats & Large Dogs Welcome • Starting at $599 • Big Designer suites w/lofts • 2 pools, 3 tennis courts, fitness center • Beautiful valley location • Convenient terms Falls/ Akron 1 & 2 BR Studio apartments; single story, quiet, cozy living. Call 330-929-2485. Seniors welcome. Large 2BR apartment, laundry, secured entry, convenient for shopping and bus. 1982 White Pond. $650/month plus gas, electric. Call 330-836-2348 or 330-414-6922. A division of the Wagler Family of Businesses “The Name You Know, A Reputation You Can Trust” How can we serve you? • Kitchen & Bath Remodeling • Cabinetry • Countertops Of All Types • Finished Basements • Flooring Installation • Carpentry • Doors & Windows • Decks & Repairs • Faucet & Sink Replacements • Drywall Repairs • Electrical Switches & Outlets • Small Household Projects • Light Fixtures & Ceiling Fans 10% Discount on any Project Coupon must be presented at time of estimate. Not valid w/any other offer. Expires 9-30-07 ONE YEAR WARRANTY ON ALL PROJECTS 330-836-9711 330-896-2000 Page 46 West Side Leader September 13, 2007 3 3 0 - 6 6 5 - 0 9 0 9 C L A S S I F I E D RENT/LEASE OFFICES SERVICES CARE GIVERS SERVICES CLEANING Copley retail and office spaces. Ideal for any business or professional office. Multiple offices avaialbe. Utilities included. 330-328-1374. Home Health Care- Matthew’s Nursing Service. 24/hrs, 7 days. Live-ins, aides, meals, housekeeping. Affordable rates, 330-836-9220 Cinderelli’s Cleaning ServiceDependable, quality cleaning. $17.50/ hr. $20 off first cleaning, minimum 4 hours. 330-665-9721 SAWMILL RUN- COPLEY I am looking for an elder to take care of. 330-431-6005 Cleaning houses and apartments, over 10 years experience, references available. Call 330-848-8680. OFFICE- 1,050 sqft with private lavatory and kitchenette. Only $1,210, includes C.A..M. 330-666-5234 OFFICE/ WAREHOUSE- Heated warehouse with private office and bath. Approx. 1,250 sqft, all utilities included. $977/mo. 330666-5234 Liberty Commons 300-13,000SF, starting at $300. Joseph Testa, Testa Realty, Inc. 330928-0065 x 117. Highland Square Executive offices or studio/ loft space. 280-1,300 SF, all utilities 330-535-0882 Class A- Office Space Merriman Valley 1799 Akron-Peninsula Road. Single & Multi-Office Suites l Up to 5,000 SF l Start @ $250/ mo. for single l Receptionist l Conference Room l Roadrunner l Short-term Leases avail. l 330-928-8000 Fairlawn: 700 sqft to 1500 sqft Utilities and cleaning included, Market Street close to Panera and Target, plenty of parking. 330-8369174. Richfield: 700 sqft private office in single building. No signs. $350. 6599462 weekdays. COPLEY CIRCLE: Great Exposure. 1,200 sq.ft. Lavatory, Perfect for Attorney, Accountant, Insurance. 330-666-5056. North Hill area- 200-1,000 sqft, heat paid, starting $250/ mo. Also, retail space available. 330-904-5706 RENT STORAGE Stoller Warehouse Merchandise Storage Over 25 Years Experience Located West Side 330-836-2264 Shop/ Warehouse. Dock, door, 3200sqft. Trash, utilities included. Bath area, $1,600 monthly. 216-9787075 Winter storage available in my barn in Copley. Car/ Truck/ Boat, call 330603-5013. RENT VACATION St. Pete Beach: Brand new condo complex. Ocean Front 2 BR, 2 BA. Call 330-666-5779. Hilton Head Island, S.C. 2BR, 2.5BA penthouse, deep water view, w/ marina. Near Sea-Pines. 330-2120027 Million dollar view Lauderdale by the Sea, 2BR, 2BA intercoastal condo. Unobstructed ocean view, fully furnished, walk to the beach. Preferrably long term. 330-836-7800. SERVICES CARPET Carpet Butler Low moisture carpet cleaning. Call 330-733-8715 for free estimate. Serving Akron since 1990. Need your carpet installed, stretched, repaired? Call LRS Carpet Services 330-8130114. Also, new carpet sales. Install ceramic tile, marble, VCT, granite & vitrolite, repair, regrouting, kitchens, baths, fireplaces, walls, floors, 30 years experience, insured, references. Free estimates. Member Better Business Bureau. 330-6705379, 330-836-1404. Tustin Tile- 330-867-7042 Artistic Backsplashes/Custom Floors Showers Built/ Restored Fireplaces Refaced/ Murals/ Mosaics Free Estimates. Who’s Who. Pictures @: SERVICES DRYWALL IN-HOME COMPUTER REPAIR SERVICES On site service and repair. l Quick Turnaround l Dependable Service We come to you! Bill Turvey, 330-687-1229. PAT’S COMPUTER RESCUE *PC Repair: Onsite & Drop-off *FREE Web Support *Credit Cards Accepted Call 330-342-4PAT KBA4 PC Repair *We Build New Systems *Hardware/ Software Installation *Home and Small Business Customers Welcome *Available 7 Days a Week! *Honest Service With a Fair Price E-mail [email protected] for more info. SERVICES CONCRETE Denholm Bros- Concrete driveways, basements, sidewalks, stamped concrete. Fully insured, member Better Business Bureau. 330-472-7708 Martter & Sons Concrete: Drives, walks, steps, basement and garage floors, and decorative patios. 330745-6228, 330-957-5631 Terry. Giovanini ConstructionExcavation, additions, foundations, waterproofing, concrete driveways, patios, walks, and more. Now accepting major credit cards. 25 years experience. 330-745-7067. MODERN SURFACE SOLUTIONS NEW CONCRETE CONCRETE RESURFACING STAMPED CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS,PATIOS, POOLS. FREE ESTIMATES. 800-781-0902 Now open and enrolling children ages 2-5 years old. Hours 6:30am6pm, Monday- Friday. CMBC David Bennett Child Development Center, 732 Russell Ave, Akron, OH 44307. 330-253-8164. State Licensed and accepting Title XX SERVICES DECKS Quality loving child care, my nonsmoking, Bath home. Excellent references. Opening available. Call 330-665-5084 $20 OFF FIRST CLEANING HEAVENLY TOUCH MAIDS “America’s Trusted Choice” Residential & Office Cleaning INSURED / BONDED Weekly / Bi-weekly / Monthly Senior Care Services also Available Free Estimates Satisfaction Guaranteed Member of Better Business Bureau CALL 330-867-2550 Custom Outdoor Carpentry Decks- Fences- Gazebos Give us a call! 330-459-0451 An Arlia-Detwiler Company For the best deck design and installation call Elite Designs, LTD. at 330-784-4483. Free Estimates and Referrals. Decksperts- Schedule early! Power washing and staining, 30 years experience, references. 330234-1919 or 330-658-4941 G&K Deck Builders- New deck construction, deck repairs. Licensed, Insured. FREE ESTIMATES. 330-334-6537/ 330-653-9666. DECK Cleaning and refinishing. Top quality products used. References available and major credit cards accepted. Complete pressure washing and window cleaning service available too! ALPINE WINDOW CLEANING & PRESSURE WASH, LLC. 330-618-6813. Deck Pro Pressure washing decks, houses, driveways, deck restoration, staining, sealing, custom built decks. Call for free estimates 330-730-9303. Visa/ MC accepted. To Advertise, call 330-665-9595 HAULIN-N-SUCH ENO PAINTING - Interior - Exterior - Decorating FULL SERVICE HAULING • Clean-Outs • Fall Clean-Up • Rubbish • Furniture & Appliances • Light Demolition & More... Ask About Our Mini-Moving Service Steve Davis Jeff Davis 330-668-9942 330-867-5653 SERVICES ELECTRICAL WireNuts, Inc.Residential and Commercial. Electrical and Networking. Add outlets and rewire, new service, share internet and printers. OH Lic. #34597. MC/Visa. 330-836-0092. SERVICES EXCAVATE/GRADING Summerset ExcavatingBackhoe, bobcat, bulldozing service. Footers, backfilling, grading, ditches, etc. Call anytime, 330-7458029. SERVICES FLOORS Flooring installation- 17 years experience. Carpet, vinyl, ceramic, laminate, wood, countertops. Call Pat at 330-336-9619. Hammond Floors Sanding, resurfacing, staining, repair of hardwood floors. Steps, new installations. Twenty years experience. 330-923-7839. McGuire’s Hardwood FlooringCustom staining and refinishing of new or old wood floors. Fully insured, free estimates. Great references. 330-697-8696 or 330-7335899. Hardwood floors installed new, sand and refinishing of old floors. Free Estimates, Fully Insured. Call Michael Floors at 330-571-0485. (Present ad for 10% off) SERVICES FURNACE/HEATING FORQUER HEATINGLicensed, insured, commercial, residential. $50 service call. #19797. Visa/ MC. 330-630-2645/ 330-8999597. Chair Caning of all types. Free Estimates. 330-688-7934. SUPER SWEEP CHIMNEYSNo dust! Worried about a fire? Teacher owned & operated. $75. Member Better Business Bureau, serving Summit County. 330-6665779. A-Team Good cleaning, good prices! Mature, dependable, integrity, references. 330-6440988/ 330-618-3740. Square Painting and Drywall Plaster repair, interior specialist. Insured, local, professional, honest. 330-687-3428 SERVICES FURNITURE SERVICES CHIMNEYS SERVICES CLEANING SENIOR CARE BY ANGELS We have the best home caregivers for companionship, personal care, meals, light housework and medication reminders. Reasonable rates. RN owned and operated. Visiting Angels, 330-733-1532. SERV. COMPUTERS/INTERNET Babysitter available full-time, flexible. My home or yours. Experienced special education teacher. E-mail [email protected] SERVICES APPLIANCES SERVICES CARE GIVERS Akron Driveway Sealer- I make old driveways look new. Also, patching holes and crack filling. Work guaranteed 100%. Free estimates. 10% off with this ad. 330-945-4394 SERVICES CHILD CARE Chimney Sweep top to bottom, fireplace and ash pits, 21 point inspections $55. Arthur 330-865-6731, 330-631-5641. Broken Appliances? Repair, don’t replace. Sears, GE, Whirlpool, Maytag, others. Apple Appliance 330-571-2448 Tom. House cleaning to fit your needs. Honest, thorough, dependable. Weekly or bi-weekly. Excellent references. Call Melissa 330-706-9899, 330-608-2037. SERVICES CATERING/BAKING Beautiful Siesta Key, Florida- 3 month rental, January- March. Furnished, 2BR, 2BA, kitchen, living, dining, lanai, beach, pool. 330-6669386 APPLIANCE SERVICENo trip charge with repairs. Factory trained, 20 years experience, insured. Please call Stephen Stallard, 330762-4415. LIMESTONE & GRAVEL DELIVERED & TRUCK SPREAD. SAND, TOPSOIL, FILL DIRT. SAME DAY DELIVERY. 330-753-1719. Dan Tancik Carpentry Inc. Custom Quality Trim. Specializing in: Stairs, bookcases, coffered ceilings, mantles, crown moldings and columns. Bonded and insured. Call 330-6977027 SERVICES CERAMIC TILE SERVICES DRIVEWAYS RILEY & SONS ASPHALTPAVING * REPAIRS * SEALING *FREE ESTIMATES* *FALL RATES* 330-923-2680 48 YEARS SERVICE Residential, Small Business, Errands. Excellent Vacancy, References. 15 years in Akron. 330535-1845. SERVICES CARPENTRY Cookie Mama Custom homemade photo sugar cookies, and other delicous varieties for all of your special events. Birthdays, graduations, showers, anniversaries, get well soon, thinking of you, work parties and promotions, holidays, Girl Scouts...They’re the perfect gift! Call Kris the Cookie Mama at 330-864-8266 Delivered fresh to your door at your convenience. A D V E R T I S I N G - Design - Wallpapering 10 Yrs Experience in Germany Power Washing Flooring Installation - Wood, Ceramic, Vinyl FREE ESTIMATES THE SAME DAY INSURED SERVICES GENERAL Home Maintenance ServiceHeating, air conditioning, refrigeration, door operators, ceiling fans, washers, dryers, ovens, ranges, telephone extensions, cable TV, electrical work. Visa & MasterCard accepted. Dick, 330-867-9905. Handyman: Any job affordableGutter clean & repair, roofing and siding, yard work, tree trimming/ removal, plumbing, powerwashing, windows, painting, move, haul, garage/basement clean out. Free estimates. 25 years experience. 7 days/ evenings. Joe, 330-524-7111. SERVICES HANDYMAN Handyman- Carpentry, electrical, plumbing. No job too small. Senior citizen rates. 330-628-2746. 3 3 0 - 6 6 5 - 0 9 0 9 SERVICES HAULING J.M. HAULINGConstruction clean- ups, garage/ shed teardowns. Rubbish removal. Family man will appreciate! References. 330-836-9687, cell 330-571-2931. Gentleman with a large truck will do any kind of hauling. Licensed hauler. Call 330-762-9606/ 330-328-2065. S&D Hauling...Family woman seeks work...7 days. Hauling of all kinds, construction debris, cleanouts. 330762-0574, 330-687-6083 Haulin-N-Such Full service professional hauling. We do clean-ups and clean-outs. We’ll haul away or move your appliances and furniture. We’ll work inside and outside tailored to your needs. 330-867-5653, 330730-5556 SERVICES HOME IMPROVEMENT BATHROOM REMODELER: 35 yrs experience. Custom bathrooms. Tub to shower conversions with grab bars and seats. Do you have a smaller 54” long tub? We do everything. Call for free estimate and see the savings. 330-686-5369 Thinking about a project? We do: Replacement windows, decks, sun rooms, bathrooms, additions, porches, carpentry- general, formica work, tile & marble work, kitchens, custom cabinetry. Call Frank Vaccaro today for a free estimate. 330-836-3943. l CUSTOM BATHROOMS l CUSTOM SHOWER STALLS l FIRST FLOOR LAUNDRYROOMS Wilson Plumbing & Heating Inc. 330-535-5386 Top Quality Home ImprovementKitchens, baths, basements. Insured with many referrals. Call Tom, 330338-6539, 330-733-1019. JOGAN CONSTRUCTION CO. Additions- Garages, out buildings Kitchens- Bathrooms Arbors- Decks Siding- Windows- Doors Carpentry- Drywall Basement Finishing Over 40 years experience Licensed- Bonded- Insured Free Estimates 330-278-2622 216-702-2010 BOLING CONSTRUCTION Remodeling, kitchens, bathrooms, additions, basements, windows, doors, tile. 30 years experience. Call Dan 330-628-1917. Malita Granite- Granite countertops, vanities, fireplaces. 338 Portage Trail, Cuyahoga Falls. 330-922-9935 Brick, Block and Concrete. Foundation Repair or Replace. Waterproofing. 29 years experience. Quality Work, Reasonable Rates. 330-310-7429. MIKE LEE CONSTRUCTION Siding, windows, roofing, kitchens, bathrooms, basement remodeling, decks. Free estimates. 330-745-3612 To Advertise, call 330-665-9595 HONEY DO...! HANDYMAN SERVICE lPowerwashing lCarpentry lMinor Plumbing/ Electrical lOdd Jobs, insured Ed: 330-835-9530 Please patronize our advertisers! PAUL B. MAKEBAKKEN PAINTING JERRY NEWBERRY Painting & Roofing • Interior Painting • Paper Hanging • Woodwork Staining 330-670-9896 330-329-0484 330-328-4979 Please call or leave message Paul Email: [email protected] Rick 28 Years Experience Fully Insured 330-928-6435 330-606-0176 SERVICES HOME IMPROVEMENT Ace Hauling and Excavating LLC You name it - we’ll haul it! Tear downs and clean outs, brush removal, lawncare, deliveries, gravel, top soil, and mulch. We’ll Beat Any Price! Call 330-687-6866 or 330-703-7003. [email protected] • Interior & Exterior Painting • Powerwashing • Residential & Commercial • Free Estimates 16 Years Experience Bonded & Insured Call Home (330) 848-8843 (330) 753-8322 (330) 753-6292 New Construction Additions, Home Renovations. Kitchens, Baths. Roofing. Windows. Siding. Established in 1989. Licensed. Bonded. Insured. Workers Comp. Member Better Business Bureau. 330-650-5322. SERVICES LANDSCAPING “GARDEN TIME” CLEAN UP, LEAVES, GUTTERS, TREES, MULCH, THATCH, AERATE, ROTO TILL, SEED, WEED, PLANT, “BRUSH HOG” MOW, GUTTERS, NEW LAWNS. “CHEAP” 330-7243024. FLEMING’S LAWN SERVICE Lawn and landscape design and installation. Aeration, thatching, fall cleanup, shrub trimming, weekly mowing, gutter clean out, tree work. Free estimates. 330688-5924. Call Lynn Gardner for your fall garden clean-ups. Reliable hard worker, $10/ hr. 330-812-4402 Nick’s Landscaping Full lawn maintenance, colored designs, patios, decks, walls, 24hour snow removal. Licensed and insured. 330-289-ABCD (2223) l Design and construction l Outdoor living spaces l Patios, walks, retaining walls l Water features l 2 year plant warranty 330-634-7172 *Landscape Design and Installation* Planting, mulching, patio, decks, retaining walls, call for free estimate 330-784-4483. Freedom Landscaping: Patios, retaining walls, mulching, tuck pointing, brick repair and more. Call 330612-4302. Landscape design services for all types of projects: lMaster Plans lFoundation Plans lRenovation Plans lSpecialty Gardens Designs available for the “Do-it-Yourselfer” Cara Smith 330-388-0398 It’s not too late for fall projects! STILL POND GARDEN DESIGN Knowledge. Experience. Integrity. Service. *Bulbs *Bed & Lawn Design/ Installation *Paver Patios, Walks & Walls *Landscape/ Estate Maintenance *Fences & Decks *Water Features *Xeriscaping *Feng Shui *Wildlife Habitats Degreed. Licensed. Insured. 330-671-2627 Be amazed at how fast your landscape will go from ooh to ahh when it is professionally designed & installed! We take great care in making your home & landscape look its best & a fresh landscape will improve the curb appeal & enjoyment of your home, as well as the value. Whether you need to freshen up foundation plantings, add a new patio or other landscape feature or a major renovation, we can help. Why wait, when you can take advantage of the warm days & cool nights of early fall to get your new landscape established. See photos at Call Tom or Craig 330-836-2727. Visit us on the web! September 13, 2007 C L A S S I F I E D 3 3 0 - 6 6 5 - 0 9 0 9 SERVICES LANDSCAPING SERVICES PAINT/WALLPAPER PREFERRED LANDSCAPING & YARD CARE, LLC. SALUPPO LANDSCAPING Haven’t completed that summer project yet?? CALL US FOR - Complete Landscape Design & Installation Services. *Seeding & Sodding *Shrub & Tree Planting *Landscape Restoration *Patios & Walks (Stone/Brick) *Stone & Tile Retaining Walls *Mulching, Clean-ups *Yard Drainage/ Swales *Outdoor Lighting OVER 18 YEARS IN BUSINESS INSURED BONDED FREE ESTIMATES 330-666-5776 Karamas Painting, 35 years experience, Residential and Commercial. Interior, Exterior, Powerwashing, custom painting. Insured, references. Free Estimates. Call 330644-1598, 330-612-6005. SERVICES LANDSCAPING l Fall Cleanups- Reserve Now l Retaining Walls l Custom Patios l Ponds & Waterfall Features l Stone Facings l Decks & Fencing l Irrigation & Lighting l Lawn Installations l Lawn Mowing & Maintenance l Design & Installation Services l FULLY INSURED Call 330-697-3627 or 330283-3413 Chad Anderson, Owner & Proprietor Impact Landscaping & Irrigation “Let us make an impact on your landscape” * Landscape design & Installation * Brick patios, walls & walkways * Spring cleanup * Edging, mulching, pruning * Unique ponds & water features * Putting greens * Landscape lighting * Irrigation installation & service We offer great service for a reasonable price! Call us at 330-8480036 for a free estimate. Bru Enterprises lLeaf Removal lTree and Shrub Removal lLandscape Design & Installation lRetaining Walls lPonds & Waterfalls lPatios lLandscaping lMulching lEdging lLawn Installation lDecks Free Estimates 330-867-7424 Call us today! 330-865-9168 Gary’s Landscaping Mulch, topsoil & gravel, delivery & spreading. Bobcat work, yard cleanups, hedge trimming. Plantinggrass, shrubs, trees & flowers. 330671-2266. Buck Moran’s Tree & Landscape Installation of lawns, topsoil, mulch and gravel drives. Grading. Complete tree care, including pruing, removals, and planting. Brush hogging. Storm damage. 330-6085764. SERVICES LAWN CARE FLEMING’S LAWN SERVICE Aeration, gutter clean out, fall cleanup, shrub trimming, thatching, ferilization, weekly mowing, tree work. Free estimates. 330688-5924. Bob’s Lawn Care- Now offering low rates on lawn maintenance, mulch, topsoil, bobcat work and many other landscaping needs. Servicing our residential/ commercial customers for over nine years. Fully insured, call for free estimate. 330-786-1522. 30 Years Servicing Residential and Commercial. 330-869-9555 A QUALITY PAINTING CO. Aluminum siding painted, decks and fences cleaned and restored, 30 years professional service in your area. Free Estimates, references, insured. 330-825-1082 Top quality work at affordable prices. Drywall repair Guaranteed satisfaction Free estimates Moonlite Painting 330-631-9974 DENNIS PAINTING 20 years experience in all aspects of interior and exterior paint, stain, pressure wash and decks. Color consultant available. Great references. 330-928-8008 DENNIS PAINTING #1 in Quality Service, over 20 years experience, insured. All your painting and wallpapering needs. Residential, commercial. Low rates. Professional and dependable. R.W. Painting, 330-677-5965 ALUMINUM AND CEDAR EXPERTS SERVICES MASONRY 30 Years Servicing Residential and Commercial. 330-869-9555 SERVICES PLASTERING Plaster and drywall repair specialist. Reasonable rates. Free estimates and references. 30 years experience. 330-626-1669. CATHY GEARY PLUMBINGNew Construction. Remodels, Repairs, Drain Cleaning. 330-3368520. Ace Brothers Plumbing, Heating & Drains- Complete drain & sewer cleaning. Install hot water heaters, faucets, toilets. Senior discounts. 24-hour service. 330-867-8138. Green’s Plumbing & Mechanical Contracting Locally owned and operated. lComplete plumbing services lNew construction, remodel/ repairs lDOT. Gas line certified lComplete basement waterproofing lComplete bathroom renovations State licensed Master Plumber OH Lic # 18362 330-388-8718 or 330-666-9793 Ted’s Plumbing Service will do plumbing for reasonable rates. Call Ted at 330-780-6103. Established 1919- Woolcock Plumbing Company. Specialize in small repairs, service, and installation. License # 14267. 330-8362022 JEFF THE PLUMBER, INC. SAME DAY SERVICE Plumbing and Drain service We Do It All! 330-940-2600 SERVICES PRESSURE WASHING 330-945-7302 Haulin-N-Such We handle all of your mini-moving needs, including furniture, televisions, appliances and more... We will move them across the hall, to the basement, garage, or across town. Our enclosed box truck will keep your items out of the elements. We do all the lifting, loading and unloading so you don’t have to. 330-867-5653, 330-730-5556. SERVICES PAINT/WALLPAPER Paint with Certainty Exteriors l Interiors Aluminum Siding Refinishing Pressurewashing l Decks Wallpaper Removal/Hanging Outstanding References Fully Insured Free detailed proposals 330-630-1229 *PROFESSIONAL* Top quality is my trademark. Painting, plaster repair, paper removal. 27 years experience. 330-608-1197 Painting the Town Exterior Fall Special SF Homes as low as $799 Pressure Washing Available Fully Insured Call James at Vertek, 330-212-8398 DOUGLAS PAINTING Interior- Exterior- Staining Power Washing- Decks Family owned out of Richfield No Subcontractors Senior Discounts Available Complimentary Estimates Call the professional 330-459-9690 PROWASH Washing homes, concrete and brick since 1998. Environmentally friendly mildew removal. Free estimates. Insured. Jeff 330-836-1326. PRESSURE Washing of homes, decks, garages, walkways, pool areas and more. Professional staff. Major credit cards accepted. We clean windows too! ALPINE WINDOW CLEANING & PRESSURE WASH, LLC. 330-618-6813. SERVICES REMODELING Professional maintenance team. Fast service, references, insured. 330-634-1553. SERVICES ROOF/GUTTERS SERVICES PATIOS For the best patio design and installation call Elite Designs, LTD. at 330-784-4483. Free Estimates and Referrals. Vance Painting Family owned and operated for 40 years. Interior/ exterior painting, wallpaper. Satisfaction guaranteed! 330-622-4933. Nick’s Landscaping “Design, Build, Maintain” Custom patios, walkways and more! Residential, commercial, industrial. 330-289-ABCD (2223) WWW.NICKSLANDSCAPING.NET Kennedy Roofing SpecialistsAll types of roofing. Residential & Commercial. Fully insured. Free estimates. 330-745-7728. Gutter and down spout cleaning. Very reasonable, guaranteed work. Free estimates. Call John 330-7535807. Reaching over 70,000 households! BRYSON LANDSCAPING *Lawn mowing and maintenance *Fall & Spring clean-ups *Lawn aeration *Landscaping restoration *Tree & shrub installation *Tree trimming & removal To advertise, call 1-888-945-9595 • 330-665-9595 330-730-8196 MD Home Masters Twice As Nice Landscaping Specializing in new construction. 330-867-8468 SPECIALIZING IN Tree, Shrub & Lawn Care LAWN FERTILIZATION & WEED CONTROL DEEP-ROOT TREE & SHRUB FERTILIZATION TREE & SHRUB INSECT/DISEASE CONTROL “We don’t cut grass” Please patronize our advertisers! Call now for a free property evaluation. Copley, Ohio • 330-861-5035 • 1-888-83-SPRAY Jim Warren Rick Sandmann SERVICES ROOF/GUTTERS Residential Roofing Spouting & Roof Repairs Call for Free Estimate 330-630-2729 M.J.K. Gutter ServicesMaintenance repair and cleaning. Seamless gutter, downspouts & gutterguard. Insured. Free estimates. Senior citizen discount, references, all work guaranteed. Matt, 330-8193569, 330-773-7808. Are you in need of some roof repair? But everyone too busy with hail damage. Call Larry at 330-3518404. Bonded, Insured, Residential, Commercial. All credit cards accepted. Licensed • Insured SERVICES TREES Brush Bandit Tree Service, LLC. You cut them, I’ll chip them. *Tree trimming & removal *Shrub removal *Brush chipping *Stump grinding *Snow plowing and salting Fully insured. Free estimates. Call Mike Roberts, 330-882-4094. 330-655-3551 330-928-1224 JOHN’S TREE Certified Arborists Quality service since 1983. Mulch-Topsoil-limestone Landscape Service. Visa/MC Wayne’s Stump Grinding ServiceFree estimates- Fully insured. Multistump discounts. Portable unit available. 330-896-8677. Kustom Trim Tree ServiceFree estimates, fully insured. Technical climber and rope experience. We’ve got the formula! 330734-0401. QUINN TREE SERVICE. REMOVAL, TRIMMING, TOPPING, OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE. FREE ESTIMATES. FULLY INSURED. 330-8644287. Residential Roofing Established in 1989 No Subcontractors. Licensed. Bonded. Insured. Workers Comp. Member Better Business Bureau 330-650-5322 FLEMING TREE Tree trimming, dead-wooding, and removal. Shrub trimming and removal. Fully insured. Free estimates. 330-688-5924. A & J Seamless Gutter 5” and 6” gutters. Gutter repairs, leaf systems, insured. Veterans discount. 330-724-1060. BUCK MORAN’S TREE & LANDSCAPE Expert pruning. Tree, shrub and stump removal. Planting and fertilizing. Insured, free estimates. Friendly, professonal. 330-836-6554. Hagan Roof & Gutter Co.Seamless gutters, repairs/ screens, gutter cleaning, Leaf Relief- Insured Tim, 330-926-1168. Stumpy Dave’s Stump Grinding Best price in Ohio. Fully Insured. Free Estimates. Call Dave today, 330-957-3411. R. Crowe Roofing: all types of residential roofing. Free estimates. Fully insured. Call 330-633-8962, 330687-5658. Tree Top Service- We specialize in dangerous removals, trimming and stump cutting. Call Gordon, 330573-5192 Hail Damage? Benchmark Roofing Siding/ Gutter/ Windows Workmanship Guaranteed Insurance Claims Specialist Licensed and Insured Financing/ Visa/ MasterCard/ Discover/ American Express Free Estimates 888-431-5352 Housley Roofing and Seamless Spouting. Chimney flashing. Since 1972. Free estimates. 330-8649833. SERVICES TRANSPORTATION Airport Shuttle- Town Car Service All sporting events. Browns, Buckeyes, Indians. Great service. 1-800-434-4603 Exterior home washing specialists, restoring siding, decks, concrete and more. Fully insured. 330-6970131. Page 47 3 3 0 - 6 6 5 - 0 9 0 9 SERVICES PLUMBING *Painting & Staining *Powerwashing *Fully Insured *Many References *Free Estimates *Guaranteed WESTSIDE BRICK & STONE Specializing In Restoration Tuck-pointing Foundations Chimneys Porches Concrete Patios/ Walkways 330-608-0476 SERVICES MOVING - Planting of quality trees, shrubs, perennials, & annuals - Brick, stone, cement paver patios - Unique walkways and paths - Timber, stone and Versalok retaining walls - Landscape renovations - Ponds, waterfalls, streams - Seeding, grading, sodding - Spring and Fall cleanups - Mulching of beds and pruning - Landscape Lighting - Seasonal maintenance of landscape beds - Synthetic putting greens - Drainage and skid steer work - Complete creative designbuild service A CINGLE PAINTER INTERIOR/ EXTERIOR CUSTOM RESIDENTIAL PAINTING. Outstanding references. Call 330864-9062, Copley. Danmar Painting- Rooms starting at $75. Interior/ exterior, tile and carpentry. Danielle, 330-459-8457. Chimneys, tuck-pointing, brick, block and stone repair, roofing. Free estimates. Bill Russell 330-644-1115 Specializing in Residential Landscaping and Renovations Specializing in Residential Landscaping and Renovations Mary Friess Professional Wallpapering. 20 years experience, excellent references, free estimates. 330-836-2903. Call the professionals. J.R. Shoup Co., Inc. 330-434-4026. Serving you since 1908. Design and Construction Patios and outdoor living spaces Plant Installation and Irrigation Decks, fences and outdoor carpentry SERVICES PATIOS INTERIOR PAINTING, 24 YEARS EXPERIENCE, FAUX FINISHING, WALLPAPER REMOVAL, CEILING/ WALL REPAIR. NO JOB TOO SMALL! STEVE 330-8645678. SERVICES LOCKSMITH Creating Your Outdoor Living Space A D V E R T I S I N G West Side Leader SERVICES TREES Backyard Stump RemovalBushes, Trees removed and trimmed. Free Estimates. Thank you, 330-699-7411. Eagle Stump Removal, LLC.Stump, shrub, small tree removal. Fully insured, free estimates. Satisfaction guaranteed! 330-8085352 330-869-9341. Tree Work: Tree removal, trimming, pruning and stump grinding. Fully insured. We beat the lowest price. Call Mike at 330-388-4060. Pat’s Tree Service- Professional, quality service at the lowest price. Ensure your complete satisfaction. 330-785-3074 SERVICES WATERPROOFING Northeastern Basement Waterproofing Full basement under $2,500 330-983-1265 Licensed, Bonded, Insured SERVICES WINDOWS WINDOW Cleaning- We clean windows, gutters, chandeliers. References available and major credit cards accepted. Complete power washing services and deck refinishing available too! ALPINE WINDOW CLEANING & PRESSURE WASH, LCC. 330-618-6813. AA Window Washing- Residential/ commercial. Call 330-922-2840 or 330-608-0850 to schedule your free quote! Bonded and Insured. Clearview Window Cleaning, Powerwashing. Residential/ Commercial. Free quotes, fully insured, references. Please call 330431-9133. Reaching over 70,000 households! CUSTOM TREE INC. TREE REMOVAL AND PRUNING Great rates, qualified people, and the best service. Free estimates, call 330-861-5037. HOMETOWN STUMP GRINDINGFree estimate. Fully insured, professional and complete service. By local firefighter. 330-612-3628 330-665-9595 CROSSWORD PUZZLE ON PAGE 44
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