Alexa Matrix v1.6 - Panalab learning center
Alexa Matrix v1.6 - Panalab learning center
Arri Alexa Camera Matrix ALEXA CLASSIC CAMERAS ALEXA XT CAMERAS ALEXA MODEL Product Type ALEXA ALEXA ALEXA Plus ALEXAP ALEXA Plus 4:3 ALEXAPF Super 35 sensor area 16:9 16:9 4:3 Number of sensor photo sites Exposure latitude (stops) (1) 2880 x 1620 2880 x 1620 2880 x 2160 14 14 14 14 14 Base sensitivity (EI) 800 800 800 800 800 Frame rate 4:3 (fps) – – 0.75 - 48 0.75 - 48 0.75 - 48 Sound level < 20 db (13) < 20 db (13) < 20 db (13) < 20 db (13) < 20 db (13) Electronic shutter angle (degrees) 5 - 358 5 - 358 5 - 358 5 - 358 Mirror shutter angle (degrees) – – – Weight (Kg/lbs) 7.7/16.9(3) 8.4/18.5 (3) 8.4/18.5 (3) In-camera recording media 2x SxS PRO cards 2x SxS PRO cards Optical viewfinder – In-camera ARRIRAW recording 4X3 (16x9) – ALEXA M ALEXAM ALEXA BROADCAST CAMERAS (12) (12) ALEXA Studio ALEXAS ALEXA - ALEXA XT Plus ALEXT ALEXA XT M ALEXTM ALEXA XT Studio ALEXTS ALEXA Fiber - 4:3 4:3 4:3 4:3 4:3 4:3 16:9 16:9 2880 x 2160 2880 x 2160 2880 x 2160 2880 x 2160 2880 x 2160 2880 x 2160 2880 x 1620 2880 x 1620 14 14 14 14 14 14 800 800 800 800 800 800 0.75 - 48 0.75 - 48 0.75 - 48 0.75 - 48 – – < 19 db (14) < 19 db (14) < 19 db (14) < 19 db (14) < 20 db (13) < 20 db (13) 5 - 358 5 - 358 5 - 358 5 - 358 5 - 358 5 - 358 5 - 358 – 11.2 - 180 – – – – 10.2/22.5 (5) 8.0/17.6 (6) 8.7/19.2 (6) 5.8 kg/12.8(6) 11.2 - 180 10.5/23.1(7) – 5.5/12.1 (4) 2x SxS PRO cards 2x SxS PRO cards 2x SxS PRO cards 1x XR Capture Drive or 1x SxS PRO card 1x XR Capture Drive or 1x SxS PRO card 1x XR Capture Drive or 1x SxS PRO card 1x XR Capture Drive or 1x SxS PRO card 2x SxS PRO cards 2x SxS PRO cards – – – – – – – – – – – – – ALEXA Fiber Plus - Electronic viewfinder 0.75-120 (2) In-camera ProRes/DNxHD 16x9 frame rate In-camera ProRes/DNxHD 4x3 frame rate ARRIRAW T-link (10) (8) 0.75-120 (2) – – 0.75-60 0.75-60 – 0.75-120 0.75-120 0.75-120 0.75-48 0.75-48 (9) 0.75-48 0.75-48 0.75-48 0.75-48 – 0.75-120 (90) 0.75-120(90) 0.75-120(90) 0.75-120(90) 0.75-120 0.75-48 (9) 0.75-120 0.75-120 0.75-48 (9) 0.75-120 0.75-48 – – (9) 0.75-48 – – (9) – Lens Data System – HD-SDI video output connectors 3 4 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 RS connectors (24v) 2 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 Integrated wireless camera & lens control – – – – – Tilt and roll sensors – – – – – Electronic horizon – – – – – – (1) As measured with the ARRI Dynamic Range Test Chart (DRTC-1) (2) High Speed license required for 60 - 120 fps; included in ALEXA XT cameras, ALEXA Plus 4:3, ALEXA M and ALEXA Studio, can be purchased separately for ALEXA and ALEXA Plus (3) Includes camera body, SxS module, Electronic Viewfinder EVF-1, Viewfinder Mounting Bracket VMB-2, viewfinder cable short and Center Camera Handle CCH-1 (4) Includes camerabodyand SxS module (5) Includes camera body, SxS module, Optical Viewfinder OVF-1 and Center Camera Handle CCH-1 (6) Includes camera body, XR module, Electronic Viewfinder EVF-1, Viewfinder Mounting Bracket VMB-3, viewfinder cable short and Center Camera Handle CCH-1 (7) Includes camera body, XR module, Optical Viewfinder OVF-1 and Center Camera Handle CCH-1 (8) DNxHD recording not possible with SUP 8.0, planned for SUP 9.0. ALEXA Classic cameras can record DNxHD wih SUP 7.0 (9) Requires purchase of DNxHD license (10) Requires external ARRIRAW recorder (11) ALEXA Studio and ALEXA XT Studio have a motorized filter slider with an ND 1.3 or optical clear filter. Others have Internal Filter Module IFM-1 for manual insertion of one of eight full spectrum neutral density (FSND) filters. (12) ALEXA Fiber Remote and Fiber Remote Plus cameras are based on ALEXA HD camera bodies. Those do not include and cannot be upgraded to ARRIRAW, ProRes 2K, 4:3, 3D sync or the XR Module. (13) Under 20 db while recording ProRes @ 24 fps and ≤ +30° Celsius (≤ +86° Fahrenheit) with lens attached and fan mode set to 'Regular', measured 1 m/3 feet in front of the lens. Silent operation at higher temperatures possible with fan mode set to 'Rec low'. (14) Under 19 db while recording ProRes @ 24 fps and ≤ +30° Celsius (≤ +86° Fahrenheit) with lens attached and fan mode set to 'Regular', measured 1 m/3 feet in front of the lens. Silent operation at higher temperatures possible with fan mode set to 'Rec low' LN 6/5/21 V1.6 Copyright Panavision 2013