4th Symposium on Whaling and History
4th Symposium on Whaling and History
4th Symposium on Whaling and History J u n e 2 0 t h – 21s t 2 013 The Whaling Museum in Sandefjord, Norway, is host to the Fourth Symposium on Whaling and History in June 2013. We are proud to announce that 18 papers will be presented by speakers from 13 countries. They cover a wide variety of fields and will in many instances present new material and analyses. The Whaling Museum in Sandefjord aims at being one of the major institutions presenting material connected to the history of whaling in a broad perspective. This has led us to organize the conference around the following themes: Cultural History | Whaling Societies | Museums, Heritage and History | Environmental and Political History THE WHALING MUSEUM S A N D E FJ O R D , N O R W AY CONFERENCE PROGR AM Thursday June 20th 08.30–09.20Registration/Coffee 09.20–09.35Opening INTRODUCTORY PAPER 09.35–10.10 PhD student David Haines, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand: A truly global industry? Nineteenth century whaling in transnational perspective C U LT U R A L H I S T O R Y 10.10–10.45 10.45–10.50 10.50–11.25 11.25–12.00 12.00–13.00 13.00–13.35 Dr. Maike Schmidt, Institut für Neuere deutsche Literatur und Medien, ChristianAlbrechts-Universität, Kiel, Germany: North Frisian involvement in 18th century whaling Short break Professor Joost Schokkenbroek, Het Scheepvaartmuseum and the VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Post-war Dutch whaling, 1946–64 Professor Alex Aguilar, Department of Animal Biology, University of Barcelona, Spain, and Ole Rømer Sandberg, architect and professor at Department of Landscape Arch. and Spatial Planning, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas, Norway: Norwegians in Iberia. The Compañía Ballenera Española (1914–27) Lunch Daniel Quiroz, anthropologist, Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano, (UAHC), Escuela de Antropologia, Santiago, Chile and Luis A. Pastene, biologist, Institute of Cetacean Research, Toyomi 4-5, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0055, Japan: Norwegian Influence on Chilean Local Communities through Whaling in the 20th Century WHALING SOCIETIES 13.35–14.10 14.10–14.45 14.45–15.15 15.15–15.50 15.50–16.25 16.25–17.00 Professor Fabiana Comerlato, Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia, Salvador – BA Brazil: Memories of a whaling community: the case of Manguinhos and Porto Santo, Bahia, Brazil Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Master of Science Jo Marie V. Acebes, The Philippines: Local whaling in the Philippines: community adaptions and resilience Coffee/snack Assistant Professor Ryan Jones, Department of History, Idaho State University, USA: Cetus Soveticus: Exotic and Collective Cultures in Soviet Whaling County Curator Bjørn Ringstad, County of Møre and Romsdal, Norway: Whales and Whaling through 12,000 years – a long-term perspective on the Romsdal district in Western Norway Discussion W H A LING A N D HISTORY EVENING PROGRAM 18.30 20.00 22.30 Boat trip with the old whale catcher Southern Actor. Departure from the main wharf. Get-together with evening buffet at the Magasinet Restaurant, Framnes Wharf. Lecture by Author Jesse Blackadder, Australia: Women, whales and Antarctica Bus to hotel Friday June 21st M U S EU M S, H ER I TAG E A N D H I S TO RY 09.00–09.35 09.35–10.10 10.10–10.45 10.45–11.20 11.20–11.55 12.00– 13.00 Hanne Garmel, Cultural Historian, Commander Chr. Christensen’s Whaling Museum, Sandefjord, Norway: Oral sources at the Whaling museum: From speech to text and exhibition Curator Hayato Sakurai, Taiji Historical Archives, Japan: “The Whale Town” and the Making of Taiji Whale Museum Coffee/snack Dr. Dag Avango, Div. of History of Science, Technology and Environment, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden: Constructing Pasts for Polar Futures: The Use of History and Heritage in Arctic and Antarctic Geo-politics Senior Policy Advisor Bradley W. Barr, US Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and Director James P. Delgado, Maritime Heritage Program, US Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, NOAA, Washington, DC, USA: Preserving whaling heritage: The role of marine protected areas as ‘underwater museums of the sea’ Lunch EN V I RO N M EN TA L A N D P O L I T I CA L H I S TO RY 13.00–13.35 Dr. Peder Roberts, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden: The friend who outstayed his welcome? Johan Hjort and the Norwegian whaling industry 13.35–14.10 PhD, Director, Julia Lajus, Center for Environmental and Technological History, European Unviersity at St. Petersburg, Russia: “Chiudo-iudo” – the Russian leviathan: attitudes towards whales and whaling in the Russian north, end of the 19th century 14.10–14.45 Coffee/snack 14.45–15.20 Curator Jan Erik Ringstad, Commander Chr. Christensen’s Whaling Museum, Sandefjord, Norway: Whaling, lobbying and politics 15.20–15.55 Maritime Curator Michael Dyer, New Bedford Whaling Museum, USA: Why black whales are called right whales 15.55–16.30 Closing remarks I M P O R TA N T I N F O R M AT I O N P lease register here : http://tiny.cc/1ggrsw R egistration deadline : 06th May 2013 Cancellation before 18th April: Cancellation after 18th April: Free of charge Room, lunch and get-together must be paid in full. Sessions can be cancelled free of charge. P ayment Room, meals and drinks in hotel, which is not included in the conference fee, will be paid directly to the hotel. Conference fees and the get-together Thursday night will be billed from Berg-Hansen Vestfold after the conference. C onference F ees Two days NOK 1.300,- One day NOK 800,Students with valid student card qualify for a 50% discount. C ontacts Program Curator Jan Erik Ringstad / [email protected] Coordinator Mrs Inger Hugdahl Lund / [email protected] The practical issues around the conference will be organized by Berg-Hansen Vestfold, Tel (+47) 33 30 05 60 / [email protected] A ccommodation The venue for the conference is Clarion Collection Hotel Atlantic. Tel (+47) 33 42 80 00 / Hotel website: http://tiny.cc/92zqsw Price per single room per night: NOK 870,– / Price per double room per night: NOK 1.070,– The hotel can offer indoor car park. The hotel reservation will be taken care of by Berg-Hansen Vestfold upon registration. M eals Get-together Thursday 20th June NOK 650,– T ransportation to S andefjord Passengers arriving at Torp Sandefjord Airport, see website: www.torp.no Passengers arriving at Oslo Airport Gardermoen may take a direct train to Sandefjord: www.nsb.no For information on how to get to Sandefjord, please contact your local travel agency or Berg-Hansen Vestfold. Changes may occur. www . hvalfangstmuseet . no