Twin Lakes News - Twin Lakes Home Association


Twin Lakes News - Twin Lakes Home Association
Twin Lakes News
Fireworks Early This Year
Mark your calendars for June 30, 2012. I know
this is early but it is the best possible date. This will be
a great year but please take NOTE: this will be the last
year that I will organize the celebration. It is time for
someone else to take on this responsibility. I will be
glad to show the new person how things are done this
year….I just don‟t have the time it takes to organize the
entire celebration. Please let me know if you are interested. I would imagine that if no one steps forward,
the celebration may not exist in future years.
2012 will be a fun year but we definitely need to
raise the necessary funds to keep this event in the
black. Our treasurer tells me that we are $600 down
from last year. It seems it is harder to raise the funds
we need but I‟m willing to put forth the good effort to
try and boost revenue! Can you help out? Donate if
you can!
Sandy Leith
Twin Lakes Fireworks Committee
What’s Inside
Page #
Fireworks Donation Form ............................................... 2
No Staples! ..................................................................... 2
Selling Your Home.......................................................... 2
Dues Update................................................................... 2
Payment Reminder ......................................................... 2
Donations ....................................................................... 3
Architectural Control Requests ....................................... 3
March 11 ........................................................................ 3
Snow Removal ............................................................... 3
Weathering Winter Storms.............................................. 4
Garage Sale ................................................................... 4
Community Health Corner .............................................. 5
No More Tennis Court .................................................... 5
Lake Ice .......................................................................... 5
Twin Lakes Winter Crossword ........................................ 6
The Cleaning Crew ......................................................... 7
Knights of Old ................................................................. 7
Electronics Banned From Garbage ................................ 8
Important Dates .............................................................. 8
Movers and Shakers ....................................................... 9
Miscellaneous Phone Numbers ...................................... 9
CWLP News Release ..................................................... 9
Snow Shoveling .............................................................. 9
View From City Hall ...................................................... 10
March 20 ...................................................................... 10
50 Years Ago… ............................................................ 10
TLHA Board Members .................................................. 10
Knights of Old Solution ................................................. 11
Winter Crossword Solution ........................................... 11
Need A Sitter? .............................................................. 11
Dog Walking ................................................................. 11
Freecycle ...................................................................... 12
Being Five..................................................................... 12
Bake Sale and Food Sale
We will offer food again this year for our hungry
garage sale patrons on Friday evening and on Saturday,
May 5. This will be a great opportunity to rake in
some money for our June 30th fireworks celebration! I
will be begging you for an hour or two of your time and
to drop by the yard with your baked goods. If you have
the date open and can spare some time, email me at
[email protected]! The location of the food stand
will be on the corner of Twin Lakes Drive and Angelo.
We will set up tents for cooking, bake sale and refreshments, once Sangamon County Public Health gives us
the go ahead, we will open for business and sell, sell,
sell! The goal this year is to make $900. We can do it
with good weather, hard work and Your help!
Sandy Leith
Twin Lakes Fireworks Committee
Annual Meeting
Please mark your calendar and plan to attend Twin
Lakes Annual Meeting of all members on Wednesday,
June 6. The meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. and takes place
at the East Shelter near Twin Lakes Dr. at Rivendel.
Important issues that affect all residents will be
discussed. You‟ll want to be on hand to have a say in
decisions that may directly impact you and your family.
In addition, there are multiple vacancies on the
Board so please consider running for one of these
important positions. Please note: Terms are expiring
this year for our President and Secretary/Treasurer.
Neither one of the incumbents for these positions will
seek or accept reelection. If you want to see changes
or improvements, this is your chance to be an active
participant in the decisions of the Board.
Attendance at our Annual Meeting has been very
poor the last few years, yet many of those who fail to
take the time to attend are quick to complain when
something isn‟t to their satisfaction. If you wish to see
Twin Lakes continue to thrive, keep your property
values up, and keep our subdivision a nice place to live,
take the time to be involved!
Sue Law
Twin Lakes Secretary/Treasurer
Your Home?
Twin Lakes has an ongoing problem with members failing to notify
the Board when homes are sold. If you do not wish to
continue receiving bills after your home is sold, please
contact a TLHA Board Member when you have sold
your home to let them know of the new owners so the
billing records can be changed. Send information and/
or corrections to TLHA, P.O. Box 8133, Springfield, IL
Dues Update
Semi-annual billing statements were mailed this
month to 334 owners. As of this date there are still 27
accounts unpaid from previous billings, totaling
Please remember, if your payment delays cause us
to resort to legal collection methods, you then become
responsible for legal fees and court costs, in addition to
the original amount owed. At this time, several accounts are already in the hands of our attorneys and
there are some additional accounts that will soon be
involved in this very costly collection process. When
we are forced to resort to legal collection methods, additional cost to member is normally well in excess of
$500, in addition to original amount owed.
If you are behind in your dues and need to make
payment arrangements, please call Sue Law at 5226027. She will work with you in an effort to bring your
account current. Ignoring your bill will not make it go
No Staples!
Payment Reminder
When mailing your payment to Twin Lakes, please do
not staple or tape your check to
anything else in the envelope.
Removing your staples adds
additional steps to processing
your payment and takes unnecessary time.
Please note the entire amount due when you receive your next statement from Twin Lakes. Increasing
numbers are remitting only the whole dollar amount,
and omitting the cents. While Twin Lakes doesn‟t mail
statements for less than one dollar, they are printed
anyway. This unnecessary printing is costing us paper
and ink. Please remit entire amount due.
Architectural Control Requests
Many thanks to the people who have
already made donations to the 2012 Fireworks Fund.
In addition to the Corporate Sponsors whose ads
appear in our newsletter, donations received and recorded for this year‟s Fireworks Fund are:
Your Twin Lakes Board of Directors and Architectural Control committee would like to remind you that
an Architectural Control Request must be submitted
and approved prior to making any changes on the exterior of your property. In addition to new construction,
this includes but is not limited to porches, decks,
fences, siding/color changes and any additional structure on the property, such as sheds and pools.
The Architectural Control Request Form indicates
there are two required attachments: blueprints and plot
plan. For new construction, blueprints are required in
addition to plot plan drawn to scale. For changes or
additions to existing structure, plot plan indicating precise placement in relation to home and to property lines
is often sufficient (not necessarily drawn to scale).
Please be sure to fully complete form and include required attachments to avoid delays. If you are in doubt
about what is required for your particular request, you
may contact one of the following members of the Architectural Control Committee for additional information: Tom Dacar at 414-0465 or Shane Overby at 7531681.
For repairs or replacement of existing structure,
such as replacing windows, repair/replacement of fence
with no change in height, style or materials, or replacement of porch with one of same size/materials, no Architectural Control Request Form is needed. The exceptions to this are satellite dishes. All requests involving satellite dishes require approval by the Architectural Control Committee.
When in doubt about whether or not an Architec-
Casey & Sarah Adams, $29.90; Carl & Mary Affrunti, $50.00; Mike & Kathy Andrews, $70.00; Taysha Barnes, $20.00; Charles Bedolli, $25.00; George
& Joyce Bertoni, $29.90; Rene Blank, $20.00; Diane
Bobek, $30.00; Russ & Sheryl Braidlow, $89.90; Joe
& Jennifer Bright, $79.80; Nellie Britz, $25.00; Jason & Nikki Burgar, $20.00; Joe & Carol Burgess,
$30.00; Mike & Misty Buscher, $100.00; Shirley
Buscher, $20.00; Gary Butchek, $30.00; Trisha
Clegg, $9.90; Brad & Melanie Close, $40.00; Frances Coffin, $20.00; Jerry & Patricia Daniels, $25.00;
Brandon & Noelle DeSpain, $39.90; Sean &
Amanda Dickerson, $15.00; Rickey & Sandra Douglas, $14.90; James & Doris Durkin, $20.00; Harold
& Barbara Funderburk, $30.00; Doug Glosser,
$100.00; Darwin Graves, $20.00; Charles & Marsha
Gunn, $25.00; Elsie Hagen, $20.00; Chris & Melissa
Hampson, $20.00; Carolyn Hargrove, $20.00; Chris
& Jennifer Heinemann, $50.00; Joe & Shannon
Holmes, $40.00; Gene Howell, $25.00; Judy Jiannoni, $14.90; Charles & Patricia Jiardina, $19.90;
Greg & Bonnie Kastl, $25.00; Sheila Keran, $20.00;
Jim Kuizin, $14.90; Tom & Susan Kuizin, $30.00;
JoAnn LaBrier, $20.00; Joe & Frances LaRocca,
$50.00; Kurt & Sandy Leith, $89.90; Tom & Eleanor Mack, $20.00; Scott Manuel & Cheryl Drda,
$50.00; Georgia Marcum, $10.00; Robert & Noelle
Marcum, $20.00; Charles & Sharon Marcy, $45.00;
John & Kim Meneghetti, $65.00; Jim & Gloria Middleton, $40.00; David Mytar, $10.00; Debra Nance,
$25.00; Rusa Naylor, $20.00; Charles & Linda
Nicholson, $39.90; George & Mary Jo Paoni, $20.00;
Chuck & Richele Partridge, $20.10; Don & Sheryl
Poggi, $39.90; Josh Risse, $20.00; Gale & Carmella
Sandberg, $50.00; David & Cynthia Schleyhahn,
$54.80; Jim & Janet Shures, $39.90; Ron & Arnetta
Singleton, $39.80; Sally Smith, $79.80; Harry &
Patricia Stoutamyer, $15.00; John & Therese Thomas, $20.00; Linda Tice, $14.90; Elias & Regina
Walton, $39.90; Ray & Lori Waters, $20.00; Gary &
Nancy Wells, $40.00; Candace Wendt & Sandra
Long, $40.00; Sam Wheeler, $20.00; Evelyn White,
$40.00; Regina Wilson, $20.00; Linda Winters,
$35.00; Jane Yard, $25.00; Margaret Zinn, $49.90.
(Continued on page 5)
Snow Removal
Snow removal in Twin Lakes is provided by the
City of Springfield, not Twin Lakes Home Association.
Any questions regarding snow and ice control operations should be directed to the Public Works Department at 789-2255. Before calling them to complain,
please verify that vehicles aren‟t on the street, making
the path too narrow for the plow.
March 11
Our Independence Day celebration is truly a community effort, and the fantastic results reflect the extent
of those efforts.
Weathering Winter Storms
Garage Sale
Winterizing your home is one step to having a safe
and comfortable winter. Another step is knowing what
actions to take when a major winter storm is on its way.
Twin Lakes annual Garage Sale
is scheduled for May 5 this year.
Since the next issue of this newsletter will not be available until mid to
late April, be sure to mark your calendars now if you plan to participate in this event.
Sue Law will be the contact and she will be collecting $5.00 per participating household for the newspaper ad. Sue lives at 2916 Ontario, and can be
reached at 522-6027. The deadline for your ad participation is May 1.
Please let Sue know if you have specific large
items for sale, or a significant grouping that some folks
may be looking for, such, toys, baby items,
maternity clothing, furniture, etc. These items will be
listed on a map that will be distributed to participating
homes. This is not the place for an itemized list of your
sale items, and if your list is lengthy it may be condensed as space permits on the map. The maps will
also be available near the food area on Twin Lakes
For residents who are newer to Twin Lakes, a preview is held on Friday evening from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.,
but this is not advertised in the newspaper. You are not
required to participate in the preview sale, although
many shoppers are aware of our preview and don‟t wait
until Saturday to shop.
Before the Storm
 Stock a three-day supply of nonperishable food
and three gallons of water for each person in
your home.
 Listen for weather alerts and updates on a battery-powered or hand-crank radio.
 Prepare alternative heat sources such as a wood
burning fireplace or stove, or a space heater
certified by an independent testing laboratory.
 Purchase a generator.
 Check batteries in carbon monoxide and smoke
 Check that your fire extinguisher is full.
 Know how to shut off water valves so that you
can take action if a pipe bursts.
 Cover sidewalks with sand, rock salt or nonclumping cat litter.
 Bring pets indoors. Put horses and livestock in
a protective shelter with food and water.
 Gather supplies, including batteries, blankets,
flashlights and a first-aid kit. The Red Cross
suggests additional supplies on their web site.
During the Storm
 Stay inside.
 Listen for weather updates.
 Eat regularly to give your body energy to produce heat.
 Stay hydrated. Avoid caffeine and alcohol.
(Caffeine accelerates the symptoms of hypothermia, and alcohol slows circulation; both
cause dehydration.)
 Lower the temperature inside your home, and
close off the furnace registers to unoccupied
rooms (and then close their doors) to conserve
 Allow a slow drip from hot and cold faucets to
relieve pressure that may build up inside pipes
and cause them to burst.
Use flashlights instead of candles if you‟re
without electricity.
Do not use a generator inside your home or
close to your home‟s exterior.
Plug space heaters directly into wall sockets
and unplug them when they‟re not in use. Keep
space heaters 3 feet away from flammable materials. Be sure to properly ventilate alternative
heaters to avoid fires and carbon monoxide
Periodically clear snow from around exhaust
pipes or vents outside your home.
(Continued on page 12)
No More Tennis Court
Community Health Corner
from Memorial Medical Center
As you have probably noticed, Twin Lakes no
longer has tennis courts. Our courts have been in unplayable condition for some time. Your Board has
worked for several years trying to find someone to refurbish them so they could be restored to playable condition. Most companies were unwilling to even provide a bid. Those who did provide bids were far out of
our reach.
The Board ultimately decided to remove this eyesore. Most of the work has been completed. The final
grading and seeding of this area will take place in the
The Internet Is Not the New Doctor
By Stephanie Lahnum
Internal Communications Coordinator
Memorial Health System
For two months, 27-year-old Crystal Lindell fought
off stomach pain while monitoring her symptoms using
online health websites. Convinced she was suffering
from heartburn, Crystal, of Naperville, ignored the increasing abdominal pain until she ended up in the
emergency room and needed emergency gallbladder
“I now go to the doctor earlier,” she said. “That‟s
the one lesson I learned and was glad to figure out.”
In an age where quick, convenient information is
valued, Crystal‟s story has become common. According to new research by Health Dialog, a healthcare consulting firm, 81 percent of Americans search the
internet for medical information, but only 25 percent verify source reliability.
“Patients doing online research is good because
they‟re being proactive in their care,” said Dr. Benjamin Montgomery, a primary care physician in Jacksonville with Memorial Physician Associates, the physician network of Memorial Health System. “But you
can‟t put too much faith in the internet; it is not the expert.”
Montgomery encourages his patients to visit only
reputable organization and government sites (ending
in .org or .gov) instead of sites generally more commercial (ending in .com).
“If you type in „chest pain‟ on a Google search, you
could end up on someone‟s personal blog who just experienced heartburn when you could be experiencing
something more serious,” he said. “But if it‟s the
American Heart Association website, it could lead you
in the right direction.”
When in doubt, look for the Health on the Net
(HON) code that will be located at the bottom of any
health information webpage. Health sites approved by
the HON Foundation have been checked to ensure the
information provided is trustworthy.
According to Montgomery, an educated patient is
going to be a healthier patient, provided resource tools
are used correctly.
“If you‟re going to use the internet, go to your doctor‟s appointment with the web info printed off so you
can review it with your physician,” he said. “Most of
the time you will walk out with a much better understanding of your condition.”
(Continued from page 3)
tural Control Request Form is required, please contact
one of the above members of the Architectural Control
Committee. Forms can be obtained at
You will be able to download a form to store on your
computer for future use. If you have no computer access, please call Sue Law at 522-6027 and she will
make arrangements to provide you with the needed
We would also like to remind you that the Architectural Control Committee has 30 days in which to
approve or disapprove your request. We do not wish to
inconvenience you or cause delays, so please make
every effort to submit your request as early as possible.
Twin Lakes Board of Directors
Lake Ice
For safety, the “rule of thumb”
is that ice thickness must be at
least four (4) inches thick before
any ice activity is allowed. A hole
should be bored into the ice to
check for thickness. There must be several consecutive
days of below freezing temperatures before it is frozen
enough. All residents of Twin Lakes are encouraged to
inform their children of this safety item, and to supervise them while playing on the ice. You are encouraged to caution any children you see playing on ice and
warn them to stay off the ice until it‟s at least the 4-inch
This article was previously published by
Twin Lakes Winter Crossword
Copyright © 2012 Sue Law
Solution on page 11
1 Christmas song
3 Frozen precipitation
6 Congeal or stiffen from
extreme cold
7 Hot chocolate
8 Orb of packed snow
10 Unit of quantity for firewood
11 Base of chimney
13 Supplies warmth in
your car during winter
19 Santa’s vehicle
20 Heavy snow storm
21 Knitted jacket or pullover
25 Frosty’s pipe
27 Winter road condition
28 Mixture of rain and
29 Winter solstice month
33 Frosty’s nose
36 Chimney exhaust
37 Ear covering
40 Fireplace fuel
41 Protective footgear
43 Implement used to
remove the white stuff
44 Ocean at top of earth
46 Piece of hockey equipment
48 Bladed boots
49 Coldest season of the
50 First month
51 Without warmth
52 Eskimo home
1 Hand implement used
to move snow
2 Stick of wax with wick
4 Breezy
5 Short coat
6 Brief shower of snow
9 Frozen water
12 Sliding snow pile
14 Keeps drinks warm
15 Cloud of water vapor
16 Long runnerless sled
17 Sudden cold breeze
18 Achoo!
22 Fitted coverings for the
23 Way body tries to
warm itself
24 White crystals that
form on windows
26 Snow vehicle on runners
30 Warm tubular hand
31 Hot tub vapor
32 Machine used to clear
33 Carry along by wind
34 Winter ___ is shortest
day of year
35 Hooded coat
38 Thaw
39 Valentine month
40 Conditions outside
42 Winter mountain sport
45 Absence of heat
47 Outer garment
Knights of Old
It's the year 1192 and three English knights are camped
in a field awaiting the start of a jousting competition.
Can you match each knight with the name of the place
he is from, the emblem on his shield and his tent A, B
or C?
Read the clues and fill in the answer box where you
can. Then read the clues again to find the answer.
1. Sir Edwin is in tent A but he doesn't have an eagle
emblem on his shield.
2. Sir Percival's tent is between the one belonging to
the knight from York and the one belonging to Sir Gerald.
3. The knight in tent C has a dragon emblem on his
4. The knight with a lion
emblem on his shield isn't in
the tent immediately next to
the knight from Chester.
5. One of the knights is from
Solution on page 11
The Cleaning Crew
Do you need some help around the
house? Give Kyra (age 14) and Talia Percy
(age 10) a call at 753-5576. They will be
glad to help with light housecleaning.
Electronics Banned
From Garbage
Effective January 1, 2012, consumer electronics of
many types will be banned from all Illinois landfills,
meaning they can no longer be placed in the trash. The
list of banned items includes:
Important Dates!
Electronic Mice
Computers (including tablet computers)
Videocassette Recorders
Portable Digital Music Players
Electronic Keyboards
Facsimile Machines
Digital Video Disc Recorders
Video Game Consoles
Small Scale Servers
Digital Converter Boxes
Cable Receivers
Satellite Receivers
March 8 - Movers & Shakers
March 11 - Change clocks
March 20 - Election Day
May 5 - Garage Sale
June 6 - Annual Meeting
Fortunately we have several electronics recycling
options in Springfield, including some new opportunities that support non-profit agencies. Whether from
your business or your home, please plan to recycle your
electronic items at the following locations:
June 30 - FIREWORKS!!
Habitat for Humanity accepts all computers and related equipment, as well as televisions, cameras, stereos, VCRs and other electronics. This is made possible by arrangement with Vintage Tech Recyclers of
See website for Habitat at: and click on News/Events.
BLH Computers of Springfield accepts from residents
or businesses any and all types of electronics of any
age, in any condition, for recycling. See their website
Goodwill accepts all used computers and related equipment such as monitors, hard drives, software, printers,
and ink and toner cartridges through a program with
Dell Reconnect. See their website:
ComputerBanc is a local non-profit organization that
refurbishes and provides computers to children with
learning disabilities and families in need, helping to
close the “digital divide”. See their website at:
Ronald McDonald House now accepts printer cartridges and cell phones for recycling, which supports
their mission. See details of this program at www.rmhc
Movers and Shakers
Cwlp news release
The Movers and Shakers event for our subdivision‟s fireworks celebration will be held March 8 at the
Hilton “Bennigan‟s Grill”. This is a great way to catch
up with neighbors and enjoy each other‟s company on a
cold winter‟s day! Please join us! Any tip money that
is earned this night at the bar will be money for us to
keep to help pay for the fireworks event.
Sandy Leith
Twin Lakes Fireworks Committee
Alternative Energy Suppliers
Causing Confusion in Springfield
City Water, Light and Power
customers have been reporting
that they‟ve received letters or
phone calls from an alternative retail energy supplier
(ARES), which is offering incentives, such as prepaid
gift cards, when they sign up to purchase electricity
through its company. One of these ARES marketing to
CWLP customers is Direct Energy. These solicitations
are meant for customers of investor-owned utilities
(IOUs) providing electric service. While Ameren is
investor-owned and is the area‟s gas supplier, CWLP is
municipally-owned and is the sole electric supplier for
the area.
These marketing efforts by ARES are a result of
the Illinois electric deregulation law, sometimes called
the Illinois Electric Choice Program, which permits
customers of IOUs to choose who supplies their energy. Offers from any ARES marketing electricity
should not be made to CWLP customers. CWLP customers who receive such calls may advise the caller
that as a CWLP customer, their call is misplaced.
CWLP customers are always encouraged to read the
fine print of energy-related offers and to contact CWLP
if they have questions.
Phone Numbers
Animal Control
Springfield Park District
Report power outage
Report water problems
CWLP Non-Emergency
Police Non-Emergency
Police - Animal Complaints
Public Works
City Waste Management
Allied Waste
Alderman Frank Lesko
Ron & Marsha Jett
(east shelter reservations)
Jason & Nikki Burgar
(south shelter reservations)
Snow Shoveling
Do you need your snow shoveled?
This young lady from Twin Lakes
will jump at the chance to do just that!
Why is it that when someone tells you that there are
one billion stars in the universe, you believe them but,
if they tell you there is wet paint, you have to touch it to
Stephanie Dunn, age 16, 3129 Superior - 553-4276
Why do people run over a string a dozen times with
their vacuum cleaner, then reach down, pick it up, examine it, then put it down to give the vacuum one more
Santa Clause has the right idea. Visit people only once
a year.
Victor Borge
View From City Hall
50 Years Ago...
By Frank Lesko
Alderman, Ward 4
NASA announced
plans for a two-man
Gemini, to be built
by McDonald Aircraft Corp. Explosion, followed by fire at CWLP‟s
substation in the 1000 block of Reynolds interrupted
City power for 3 hours and caused an estimated
$60,000 damage. In Grandview a n 800 square foot 2bedroom home with fenced yard sold for $12,000; a
used 1961 2-door Ford Galaxie with all power sold for
$2,395; Philco electric dryer was on sale, a bargain at
$118.88; sirloin steak was 85¢ a pound; ground beef
was 3 pounds for $1.00; bacon sold for 49¢ a pound; 5
pounds of sugar was 39¢; two half-gallons of milk were
49¢; two dozen medium eggs were 89¢; two 1-pound
loaves of bread could be purchased for 33¢; a 1-pound tin
of Folgers coffee was 39¢ with
coupon; Babes in Toyland
starring Tommy Sands and
Annette Funicello was playing
at the Orpheum; The Flower
Drum Song starring Nancy
Kwan was playing at the
Roxy; The Second Time
Around starring Andy Griffith
and Debbie Reynolds was
playing at the Orpheum.
Happy New Year to all residents in Twin Lakes. I
hope that 2012 is a great year for all. As we all make
our new year‟s resolutions it is exciting to look at all
the possibilities in our lives. I have the same hopes for
our city.
We will begin budget hearings soon and I am
hopeful for a better financial year for Springfield. We
will be offering the sidewalk repair program again.
Last year we were able to repair sidewalks in Twin
Lakes. This year‟s program is a little different as it will
have funding for new sidewalks also. So if you have a
sidewalk in need of repair, please get that address to me
as soon as possible.
Now that winter is here I am keeping a very
watchful eye on our snow routes in Twin Lakes. I have
met with the director of Public Works to make sure
they are ready with small trucks to help clean problem
areas. If you see a problem area, please call and let me
know and we will get it covered.
The Springfield Sanitary District has been working
on sewers under Mayden. The road has been closed for
quite some time. It is now open but the road is a
mess. I will be following up with the district to make
sure they restore Mayden back to its original state.
As always I am interested to hear your opinion on
progress in our area. I am available by phone (217/691
-6337) or by e-mail ([email protected]). Again I
wish everyone a great 2012 and I look forward to
hearing from you.
TLHA Board Members
March 20
Kelly Urbas, President
Shane Overby, Vice President
Sue Law, Secretary/Treasurer
Tom Dacar
Kim Overby
April Poole
Brian Rhodes
Cathy Ricca
Nila Riggs
Term Exp
Knights of Old Solution
Sir Edwin's tent is A (clue 1). Sir Percival's tent is
between Sir Gerald's and the one belonging to the
knight from York (clue 2), so Sir Gerald's tent is C and
the one belonging to the knight from York is A. The
tent belonging to the knight with the dragon emblem is
at C (3). The knight with the eagle emblem doesn't
have tent A so it belongs to the knight with the lion
emblem. By elimination, the knight with the eagle emblem has tent B. The knight with the lion emblem has
the tent next to the knight from Chester (4), so the
knight from Chester is in tent C and the one from Warwick has tent B.
Following is an updated sitters listing. These young
ladies are interested in sitting for you, and we believe
the information is correct at this time.
Briana Bergner (cert.), age 14, 3017 Shadowfax - 241-0134
Stephanie Dunn (cert.), age 16, 3129 Superior -553-4276
Abby House, age 16, 2609 Erie - 522-3298
Dog Walking
If you‟d like someone to walk your dog, then these
young ladies would be willing to perform the task for
you. They are also available to sit for your cat or dog
while you‟re away.
Brianna Bergner, age 14 - 241-0134
Brooke Dunn, age 14 - 553-4276
Stephanie Dunn, age 16 - 553-4276
Abby House, age 16 - 522-3298
Katie Mattoon, age 23 - 528-1339
Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor, and
dishwashing liquid made with real lemons?
Please call any additions, deletions
and corrections to any information on
this page to Sue Law at 522-6027. If
you haven’t already done so, please
provide birth date so she can update
as needed. Sue regularly receives
calls requesting this information, so
there is no need to wait for the next
(Continued from page 4)
After the Storm
 Check on neighbors, friends and loved ones to
make sure they are ok.
 Move to a public shelter if you‟re without
power or heat. Avoid travel until roads are
clear. If you must go out, use public transportation. The Red Cross reports around 70 percent
of deaths related to ice and snow occur in automobiles.
 Wear proper clothing—a hat, gloves and warm
layers of loose, lightweight clothing—when
clearing sidewalks and driveways.
If your home or property is damaged in a winter
storm, contact your insurance agent.
Freecycle is a free online program matching up
people with things too good to just throw in the trash
but no longer needed with people who can use them.
Springfield is part of the international Freecycle organization. Anyone with access to a computer can log on.
Check them out online at and look
for the Springfield, IL link. Every material listing must
be free, legal and appropriate for all ages. Use this site
if you have stuff to give away or if you might be interested in what others want to give away. Happy Freecycling!