2006-Alligator-popul.. - University of Hartford
2006-Alligator-popul.. - University of Hartford
SEPTEMBER2006 NATURALIST51(3):346-351 THE SOUTHWESTERN SEASONAL ACTIVITY, RELATIVE ABUNDANCE, AND SIZE-CLASS STRUCTURE OF THE AMERICAN ALLIGATOR IN A HIGHLY (ALLIGATOR MISSISSIPPIENSIS DISTURBED INLAND LAKE WILLIAM I. LUTTERSCHMIDT* AND DENNIS K. WASKO Department of Biological Sciences,Sam Houston State University,Huntsville, TX 77341 edu *Correspondent:lutterschmidt@shsu. We Raven, found the observed 0.19 ported class of were 0.6 5 m mostly populations and dance, size-class turbed inland coastal alligator also Los structure of una La en Sin del temperatura aire actividad para hectarea. is limited information activity, and sup in the the size lake and on inland relative abun and (85 ha) studies dis highly with comparisons indice de del de Texas, relativamente futuros estos a 5m la mayoria de pequefio este eran de la orilla. ofrece estudio las clases (85 ha) y comparaciones todas de tamafno Ya que existe informaci6n de y sumamente con las regiones poblaciones The American (Alligator mississip alligator reptile piensis) is the largest North American (record size = 5.84 m; Conant and Collins, 1998) and has received a great amount of con alligators were servation interest. Historically, the southeastern United common throughout States until pressures of industry, agriculture, and hunting greatly reduced breeding popu lations in the first quarter of the 1900s (Mc and Brown, 1948; Ilhenny, 1935; Middleman de de perturbado. costeras Esta de a 0.19 del de informaci6n en de a 0.9 m. lago y los las poblaciones un puede la cocodrilos abundancia estacional, habitan de crias. la temper 0.6 de tamafno limitada la actividad eran que perimetro 2001. los meses observada mantiene del que efectiva la variaci6n informaci6n los cocodrilos en fue del lago Raven, observados y fue mas a la clase y pertenecian usaban encontrado el lago Raven que el el anio en todo de a agosto 2000 los individuos el 37% y explic6 estimo juveniles cocodrilos que de significativo pron6stico del es de en el lago mississippiensis Alligator septiembre mayor el 47% los cocodrilos de poblaci6n en estudios un brind6 de cocodrilos septiembre, Un Muchos y estructura en de encontramos interior nos agua observamos lativa of 37% Raven and the perimeter future tem Water that Lake juveniles small and explained the seasonal cocodrilo El numero y enero. diciembre embargo, del Texas, estos de la actividad estacional. Tambien de Walker, la actividad que incidencia del on for useful interior poblaci6n condado Park, indicaron y septiembre. atura por State Huntsville con menor be of a relatively inhabiting might being there information offers alligators information Because shoreline. this study regions hatchlings. and of in June surveyed estimated alligators all were 2001. occurrence lowest temperature air index these used the to August populations. resultados junio of 2000 were individuals over A population most with of alligators activity alligators the from RESUMEN-Monitoreamos Raven, found in Texas, This lake. numbers mississipiensis) (Alligator September Raven, the observed activity. with hectare, to 0.9 m. We of alligator from in Lake greatest of alligator in seasonal per Texas County, activity 47% predictor variation alligators observed alligator The in September, a significant of American population year-round and January. However, was perature of exhibited in December September. inland Park, Walker State Huntsville alligators alligators an monitored ABSTRACT-We in Lake lago re interior ser uitil para cocodrilos. Joanen and McNease, 1970; Vaughn, 1991; Al 1999). Populations in trichter and Sherman, the United States became so rare and disjunct that A. mississippiensis was listed as an endan gered species in 1969 (Altrichter and Sher man, 1999). However, through proper man in the United States re agement, populations covered, allowing the species to be federally in 1977. Current to "threatened" down-listed ly, the American alligator ranges from coastal September 2006 Lutterschmidt and Wasko-American North Carolina to the southern extreme of Florida (including the Florida Keys) and ex tending westward to south-central Texas (Co nant and Collins, 1998). Several studies document the current pop ulation growth and status of A. mississippiensis in different regions of the United States (e.g., Brandt, 1991; Taylor et al., 1991; Hayes-Odum et al., 1993; Altrichter and Sherman, 1999). This has been possible through historical data, long-term research, and current monitoring programs. For example, Brown (1950:224) stat ed that "the alligator has had a much broader in Texas in the past than it does distribution at the present time. Its present distribution is restricted to those localities which are more or less inaccessible to man." Such historical rec ords have helped identify the time of popula tion decline, and current studies are allowing to investigate the recovery time of biologists in the absence of uncon stable populations trolled hunting pressures. Altrichter and Sherman (1999) recently in status of A. mississip vestigated the population piensis on the Welder Wildlife Refuge of San Patricio County, Texas, 20 years after census work in 1978 (Smith, 1979). They reported a size since 30.6% overall increase in population 1978, but noted decreasing numbers of alliga tors at 2 sampling sites (Tule Lake and Aransas River) within the refuge. This study helped document how drought forced alligators from the refuge into the river during the 1978 cen sus. Although this study is amajor contribution in monitoring the status of A. mississipiensis, it was conducted only between 3 April and 27 May of the same year and offers no informa or activity due to tion on seasonal occurrence limited sampling period. a small population of A. mis We monitored sissippiensis in Lake Raven for one year to in vestigate seasonal activity, relative abundance, occur size-class structure, and distributional rence within a relatively small (85 ha) and dis turbed inland lake. This survey is of interest because: 1) there is limited information on in in Texas and no in land alligator populations formation on the Lake Raven population, 2) Lake Raven most likely supports a coastally iso lated alligator population within the SanJacin to River drainage system, 3) Lake Raven is ap proximately 333 km from the Welder Wildlife Refuge and might offer an interesting compar in a disturbed alligator inland lake 347 s FishingPier BoatRamp LakeSwimming Area * BeginningSampiingPoint ^A AliigatorLocalities A Haichiing AiligatorLocaitly l A X A FIG. 285 m indicating 1-Map of American bution sis) observed the in Lake Raven, and localities alligators distri mississipien (Alligator County, Walker Texas. and 4) the ison with this coastal population, is subject to high dis Lake Raven population turbance associated with urbanization and rec reation. of water located shed of Walker County, a maximum km of Branch, pin) flow end of (Fig. Lake into lake and the and with Conroe and north exits East and Alli Chinqua the also 10.53 Branch, Little from Creek connects Lake water lake has 1). The (Prairie Raven Branch 85.02-ha approximately and creeks Big Chinquapin, to entering prior is an Jacinto Texas Four Prairie northeast. within of 8.5 m depth shoreline. gator Raven the San Site-Lake METHODS-Study body the south Sandy Creek the SanJacinto River. Lake and Raven receives bance from public city the park within use swimming, sites. No and over of and the and distur communities, With 220 on camping year, per of boating, lake are without in campsites visitors 450,000 consist this population Park State pressure urban of Houston. and Huntsville public pressures biking, areas subjecting within surrounding the cluding is located tremendous fishing, shoreline camp public access, of American to alligators high disturbance. Sampling sus of conducted Regimes-We alligators for one year a monthly (September cen 2000 to 348 August 2001) using methods and vol. 51, no. 3 The Southwestern Naturalist Sherman (1999). Counts at dusk began by eye shining alligators while we canoed the perimeter of the lake in a counterclockwise direction at approxi mately 5 km/h time to complete 10.84, 10 to 15 m dense a survey n = 12). Canoeing transportation and aquatic shines by directing the water and an eye proached the made of or minutes to sample (SE = areas light beam over an arc the alligator spotted, of was 250 mv M 20~ of with at the surface 30 0 25 Mean a silent means O AirTemperature |+ Water Temperature >/ Lp IndviduaCount.d / :2 20 ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~20 0 1 15 A Q-beam (million-candle for spotting alligator eye shoreline was 103.8 , 40 0 35 35 C00 0 30 C*~~~~~ 10 *. - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 of 1500. Sampling Month ap to estimate its body size. Cruising speed was maintained estimate used the shine us allowed was spotlight was the shoreline. provided vegetation. power) When from 35 45 similar to Altrichter toward an alligator distance snout-to-eye the animal submerged. (in Both FIG. 2-The an accurate until inches) was air and water temperatures and general weather conditions were recorded to correlate with activity. General habitat use of each alligator was number of American alligators (Alli gator mississipiensis) observed during each monthly sample. Air and water temperatures are indicated by white and black circles, respectively. recorded 21 (47%) of the 44 alligators observed during this sample were hatchlings. Hatchlings were from the shoreline was estimated. Al their distance in September and were all lo only observed as either or ac ligators also were identified inactive cated in the middle arm of the lake, where Big tive (i.e., demonstrating or terrestrial loco aquatic Creek enters the lake (Fig. 1). Chinquapin motion). Much of this area had dense, floating vegeta total length in cm, was The (TL) of each alligator, tion that included water lotus (Nelumbo lutea) calculated in inches, by estimating, the distance all and hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata). Although to eyes (X) and using from its snout the following water within the sev hatchlings were observed equation: eral meters from shore, they used this dense TL (cm) = X inches X 12 X (2.54 cm/ I inch) floating vegetation much like a terrestrial hab to eye because the distance from snout multiplying itat. The second highest count of alligators in inches (X) by 12 approximates total length (24) was observed in June, which is similar to (Mcllhenny, 1935). This metric is commonly used in in the 23 non-hatchling alligators observed wildlife to estimate surveys body size in feet and gen September. eralize size classes among alligators (G. Creasy, Wild counts of alligators were signifi Monthly Parks life Biologist, Texas and Wildlife, pers. candy affected by season. Counts in September comm.). (44), December (5), and January (3) account Data Analyses-We the effects of both investigated ed for most of the seasonal variation (Fig. 2). on alligator water and air temperature activity using A Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness of fit (Zar, simple linear regression. Descriptive statistics were to define in this popula used 1999) indicated that monthly alligator counts size classes observed was used to examine tion, and an analysis of variance Z differed significantly (Kolmogorov-Smirnov in each differences the numbers of alligators among = 1.704, df = 11, P = 0.006). However, if we size class. An index of population size was deter assume that the observation in September was calculated mined from the mean sampling effort biased by the 21 hatchling alligators, only the from the sampling effort of each of the 12 months. winter months December and January showed We used SigmaStat Scientific 2.03 Software, (Jandel the greatest reduction in activity and did not SPSS Science, and SPSS 8.0 (SPSS Inc., 1998) 1997) differ significantly from other monthly counts for all statistical of normality analyses. Assumptions Z = 0.949, of alligators (Kolmogorov-Smirnov were met and equal variance to analyses. All prior df = 11, P = 0.329). Thus, if we consider only were statistical to be signif considered comparisons adult alligator counts (congruent with meth icant at P < 0.05. ods that typically exclude hatchlings for pop RESULTSAND DISCUSSION-Seasonal Activity ulation size analysis), there is no effect of sea We found alligator activity to be greatest dur son on activity in this inland alligator popula tion. ing the month of September (Fig. 2). However, as on land, in water. on floating If alligators or above-water were observed structure, in or the water, September 2006 Lutterschmidt and Wasko-American alligator 30 in a disturbed no 22 L 0 -- V0 25 0) Air Temperature Water Temperature a 18 inland 3 lake 22 349 15 I 13 U 20~ *~ 20 0 0 0 .5 15 0 . 0 Alligators =0.363(Air)+ 7.368r0; F = 1.581 df= 1,10 P) 0.237 > -; C 0 0 O 0 is 0 13 2E r S Alligators= 0.526(Water)+ 2.874; r2= 0373 F=5.942 df=1,10 P =0.035 0 10 15 20 25 Temperature FIG. 3-Regression temperatures sissipiensis) tical shown. fect and and American activity. results Only analyses for both water explained Regression (C) 37% of Size Class (in) between air and water alligator (Alligator equations air and water temperature 35 30 had and temperature mis statis are a significant the variation in activity. ef FIG.4-Mean number of American alligators (Al ligatormississipiensis) observed in each size class cal culated from the 12 monthly surveys. Black caps above each gray bar represent standard errors. Black circles above each standard error indicate the great est number of alligators observed in each size class and the respective month(s) in which these obser vations were made. An asterisk indicates that a size class differed significantly (P < 0.05) from other size classes. The last bar (i.e., unknown size class) was not tested (NT) in the anlalysis for differences among size class. Numbers at the top of the graph indicate the number of observations (n) for each size class. Although there was a nonsignificant effect of month or season on activity, most activity and the activity season for this population seemed to range from March to November, with ap 15 alligators observed each proximately month. This activity period ismost likely asso ciated with warm water temperature (>20'C). Wood et al., 1985) was 0.19 alligators per hect During many months of this activity period, wa ter temperature was higher than air tempera are in Lake Raven. The mean alligator density ture. Linear regression analyses indicated that recently reported on the Welder Wildlife Ref uge was 0.62 alligators per hecztare (Altrichter there was a significant relationship between wa ter temperature and alligator activity, with wa and Sherman, 1999). Big Lake (56.7 ha) of the ter temperature explaining Welder Wildlife Refuge was the largest of the 37% of the varia sites sampled and supported 21 alligators in tion in activity (Fig. 3). Like many reptiles oc cluding 9 adults. Based on data from the Weld curring in the subtropical region of the south er Wildlife Refuge, Lake Raven (i.e., 85.02 ha) ern United States, alligators demonstrate has a relatively low density. It might be of fu yearlong activity. However, questions regarding ture interest to investigate if the alligator den seasonal activity and extended patterns of sea sity of Lake Raven is correlated with its level of sonal activity might be of interest because of disturbance. the increased thermal inertia of an alligator as Size Class Distribution-We estimated TL of sociated with large body mass and the use of each alligator as described by McIlhenny an aquatic system as a thermal buffer. (1935) to investigate size-class structure of the Population Index-We observed a mean of Lake Raven population. Seven size classes were 16.25 (SE = 3.46, n = 12) alligators in Lake the size-class distribution of index is used to describe Raven each month. This population alligators in Lake Raven. We found similar most likely a conservative estimate because we numbers of alligators in all size classes except only counted alligators observed during our for the size class that ranged from 0.6 to 0.9 m defined sampling regime. Alligators that might TL (Fig. 4). The mean monthly count of alli have been submerged or on shore in dense gators in this size class differed significantly (H vegetation were missed for census. Based on = 18.129, dlf = 6, P 0.006) from the other 6 the mean number of alligators observed each by Taylor et al. size classes. Data presented our calculated index of density (e.g., month, 350 71heSouthwestern Naturalist vol. 51, no. 3 (1991) suggest that alligators do not become reproductive until they reach a total length of 1.83 m; Altrichter and Sherman (1999) classi fied alligators <1.5 m as juveniles. Most of our observations (i.e., 5 of 7 size classes in our study) represent counts of juvenile alligators. It is possible that the data presented in the "unknown size class" (Fig. 4) might explain our observed size-class structure. Fifty-nine of the 195 alligators observed (30%) could not be classified due to the alligators submerging pri or to estimating size. Thus, many of our un classified alligators might have been reproduc tive adults because larger reproductive alliga tors are more experienced at avoiding close human interaction by submerging. the above estimates of relative Although abundance and size-class structure are impor tant for future work in Lake Raven and might be of interest for comparison with available data on Texas coastal populations, we offer some caution regarding the comparison of sur vey data across studies. Eye-shine night-counts and population estimates of alligators can be influenced by survey methods (Chabreck, et al., 1978; Woodward and 1967; Magnusson Marion, 1978; Taylor and Neal, 1984; Wood et al., 1985) and differences among habitat types. it might be difficult to draw com Therefore, parisons between a coastal habitat and a small inland lake. Distribution and Habitat Use-The distribution of alligators in Lake Raven also was investigat ed by analyzing their occurrence in 6 regions of the lake (i.e., Prairie Branch Creek and Al ligator Branch Creek arms, north main, central main, south main, Big Chinquapin Creek arm, and Little Chinquapin Creek arm). A Kolmo gorov-Smirnov goodness of fit (Zar, 1999) in dicated that distribution of alligator observa tions was random (Z = 0.770, df = 5, P = each monthly census was 5.0 m (SE = 0.64, n = 12). Most alligators were inactive; only 3% (6 of 195) of alligators observed were either cruising the shoreline or crossing the lake. This study provides information on an in land and coastally isolated (but see Ryberg et al., 2002) alligator population from a highly disturbed public site. Although the relative abundance of this population is lower than less-disturbed Texas populations (e.g., Welder Wildlife Refuge) and we observed few large al ligators in this population, we observed a re productive event in which hatchling alligators were sampled. What might be of greatest in terest is that this population seems to be sus tainable despite being subjected to high urban disturbance. The idea that alligator occurrence might be restricted to those localities that are more or less inaccessible to man (Brown, 1950) has been reevaluated and deemed inac curate. Alligators are now commonly found on both private and public lands, and state agen cies (e.g., Texas Parks and Wildlife) have had to educate the general public about laws and regulations regarding the protection, manage ment, and conservation of this species. Much effort is dedicated also to teaching the public to respect the potential of this animal as a predator while sharing recreational sites such as Lake Raven. More importantly, inland pop ulations of alligators in Texas have received less attention than larger coastal and reservoir populations. Additional monitoring of alligator populations in all habitat types might provide comparative data for the sustainability of these in areas of human disturbance. populations 0.593). Thus, alligators did not avoid or use particular areas of the lake (Fig. 1). Many of the repeated localities might be observations of the same alligator using the same area of the lake each month. Visual inspection of the shoreline indicated that general habitat types were similar around the lake except for the shoreline near the swimming area. Observations of general habitat use indicat ed a tendency for alligators to be in the water at the time of surveying. The mean estimated distance of alligators from the shoreline for Wildlife thank We Smith late H. the (Assistant staff at the Huntsville for use of of and with thanks to G. Creasy GIS and Wildlife), D. Millican, for improve Spanish the Health of reviews and translation and Cen extended Research for (TRIES) We give as special Texas Parks D. Hill-Hollyday, and J. Williams L. Thies comments of our and We for Biologist, C. Wall, this manuscript, Parks survey. the Texas J. Harrison, thank M. other and Kinesiology Studies (Wildlife R. Puckett, We this and mapping. data and and Texas University R. Rush L. Dent, assistance. K. Jones, Park for Environmental D. (Park Manager), to conduct State sistance das us Houston a canoe Institute field State allowing R. Duncan thank ter at Sam Elahi Park Manager), and that have G. Quiroz abstract. for X. Glau helped to for the September Lutterschmidt 2006 and Wasko-American Cited Literature (Alligator mississippiensis) Texas. Texas Journal Refuge, 146. Brandt, L. 1991. Long-term the Welder alligator Wildlife 51:139 of Science in a population Carolina. Jour changes in South of Alligator mississippiensis of Herpetology 25:419-424. nal Brown, B. C. 1950. 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Submitted Associate Prentice Hall, 28January Editor was East 2005. Geoffrey analysis, Saddle River, Accepted second New 26January C. Carpenter edi Jersey. 2006.