my payu


my payu
Brand guidelines for
Nigeria PayU merchants
Version 1.0 29/07/15
Welcome to PayU!
We are so excited to see U.
To ensure that your customers
know and trust that their
transactions are as safe and
secure as ever.
Where ever possible include the
“Payment secured by PayU”
logo so that you educate your
customers that their payment is
safe and secure.
This also educates them on the
link between your brand and PayU.
We recommend the following
guidelines be followed.
Payments secured by
PayU / Merchants master brand guideline for Nigeria / July 2015
Version 1.0 / 2
Our Branding Elements
Logo – Exclusion/Minimum
1. PayU logo to your website
Branding guidelines for
PayU logo set
Logo – Master - PayU
Notification Mailer
Logo – Master - Payments
Secured by PayU
Print Ads
Logo – Master - Secured
Payments by PayU
3D Secure
Trust in online payments Video
PayU / Merchants master brand guideline for Nigeria / July 2015
Logo – Appropriate Usage
Logo – DOs & DON’Ts
PayU – U Icon
Colour Palette - Overview
Colour Palette - Usage
Typography - Our Typeface
Typography - Digital
Typography - Spacing
Version 1.0 / 3
Our Logo
Exclusion zone
and minimum size
The PayU logo should be given a place
of prominence on a page. The logo
should not appear more than once on a
single page or screen. Always maintain
the required clear space around the
logo. The solid white or black versions
should be used only where the full
colour logo is not an option.
Clear Space - Print
Minimal Clear Space - Digital
In print materials, the preferred amount of clear
space around the logo is equal to the height
of the ‘a’.
Maintaining a 25 pixel clear space
is always preferable.
DO NOT use the logo as part of a
sentence within a block of copy.
PayU / Corporate master brand guidelines / March 2015
PayU / Merchants master brand guideline for Nigeria / July 2015
Minimum Logo Size - Print
Minimal Logo Size - Digital
for print use, the logo should never be reduced
below the minimum size of 25 x 11mm.
In digital executions, the logo should
appear no smaller than 50px wide.
Version 1.0 / 15
Version 1.0 / 4
Our Logo
Exclusion zone
and minimum size
The PayU logo should be given a place
of prominence on a page. The logo
should not appear more than once on a
single page or screen. Always maintain
the required clear space around the
logo. The solid white or black versions
should be used only where the full
colour logo is not an option.
DO NOT use the logo as part of a
sentence within a block of copy.
Clear Space - Print
In print materials, the preferred amount of clear
space around the logo is equal to the height
of the ‘a’.
Minimal Clear Space - Digital
Maintaining a 25 pixel clear space
is always preferable.
PayU / Merchants master brand guideline for Nigeria / July 2015
Minimum Logo Size - Print
Minimal Logo Size - Digital
for print use, the logo should never be reduced
In digital executions, the logo should
below the minimum size of 25 x 11mm.
appear no smaller than 50px wide.
Version 1.0 / 5
The PayU logo should be given a place
of prominence on a page. The logo
should not appear more than once on a
single page or screen. Always maintain
the required clear space around the
logo. The solid white or black versions
should be used only where the full
colour logo is not an option.
Our Logo
Exclusion zone
and minimum size
Clear Space - Print
In print materials, the preferred amount of clear
space around the logo is equal to the height
of the ‘a’.
Minimal Clear Space - Digital
Maintaining a 25 pixel clear space
is always preferable.
DO NOT use the logo as part of a
sentence within a block of copy.
PayU / Merchants master brand guideline for Nigeria / July 2015
Minimum Logo Size - Print
Minimal Logo Size - Digital
for print use, the logo should never be reduced
In digital executions, the logo should
below the minimum size of 25 x 11mm.
appear no smaller than 50px wide.
Version 1.0 / 6
Our Branding Elements
Our Logo
Our logo is our most universally
recognised asset, therefore it should
always be on a white background
wherever possible.
Only use our mono versions
when required.
PayU Lime
PayU Green
C M Y K: 35 0 100 0
R G B: 166 195 7
PMS: 382C
HEX: A6C307
C M Y K: 70 0 100 25
R G B: 67 143 41
PMS: 370C
HEX: 438F29
PayU Gradient Logo
PayU Reverse logo
Our gradient logo is our primary logo.
To aid comprehension, this is used only on
a white background and wherever possible.
Note: The gradient should not be altered
in any way.
Our reverse logo is to only be used over our brand
colours or an image. Please do not place over a busy
image and if legibility is a problem, please house
in our block device. (for example - refer to page 36)
Please note: These logos are only
to be used where, due to printing
restrictions will not allow our primary
gradient and reverse logos to be used.
PayU Mono Logo
The mono versions are only to be used if necessary
due to colour restriction or background colour.
Note: These versions have been altered for
printing restrictions
PayU / Corporate master brand guidelines / March 2015
PayU / Merchants master brand guideline for Nigeria / July 2015
Version 1.0 / 14
Version 1.0 / 7
Our Branding Elements
Our logo is our most universally
recognised asset, therefore it should
always be on a white background
wherever possible.
Only use our mono versions
when required.
Payments secured by
Payments secured by
PayU Gradient Logo
PayU Reverse logo
Our gradient logo is our primary logo.
To aid comprehension, this is used only on
a white background and wherever possible.
Note: The gradient should not be altered
in any way.
Our reverse logo is to only be used over our brand
colours or an image. Please do not place over a busy
image and if legibility is a problem.
Please note: These logos are only
to be used where, due to printing
restrictions will not allow our primary
gradient and reverse logos to be used.
PayU Mono Logo
The mono versions are only to be used if necessary
due to colour restriction or background colour.
Note: These versions have been altered for
printing restrictions
PayU / Merchants master brand guideline for Nigeria / July 2015
Version 1.0 / 8
Our Branding Elements PayU Secure logo
Our logo is our most universally
recognised asset, therefore it should
always be on a white background
wherever possible.
Only use our mono versions
when required.
PayU Gradient Logo
PayU Reverse logo
Our gradient logo is our primary logo.
To aid comprehension, this is used only on
a white background and wherever possible.
Note: The gradient should not be altered
in any way.
Our reverse logo is to only be used over our brand
colours or an image. Please do not place over a busy
image and if legibility is a problem.
Please note: These logos are only
to be used where, due to printing
restrictions will not allow our primary
gradient and reverse logos to be used.
PayU Mono Logo
The mono versions are only to be used if necessary
due to colour restriction or background colour.
Note: These versions have been altered for
printing restrictions
PayU / Merchants master brand guideline for Nigeria / July 2015
Version 1.0 / 9
Our Logo
Appropriate usage
Our gradient logo should ONLY
be used on a white background.
DO NOT use over colour or image
of any sort. This is to ensure legibilty
and allow logo to stand out.
Our reversed (white) logo is a
little more versatile. This should be
used across both our brand colours
and imagery. When using over
imagery please ensure the logo is
legible. DO NOT place over image
if logo is fighting for attention
and/or washed out.
PayU / Corporate master brand guidelines / March 2015
PayU / Merchants master brand guideline for Nigeria / July 2015
Version 1.0 / 16
Version 1.0 / 10
Our Logo
DOs & DON’Ts
Take care to treat our logo with
respect, only use the provided logo
artwork. This page shows what
NOT to do.
DO use the provided logo artwork
and the correct logo version for the
right materials e.g. Pantone®, CMYK
versions for print and RGB, HEX for
digital and websites.
PayU / Corporate master brand guidelines / March 2015
DO NOT place the coloured logo
on an image of any sort. If required
please house in our block device
DO NOT place the coloured logo on
a coloured background - even our
brand colours
DO NOT re-arrange building blocks
DO NOT stretch or distort
DO NOT alter the colours
DO NOT change proportions
of elements
DO NOT position logo on angle
DO NOT place the logo over the
“U” icon
DO NOT skew the logo or use a keyline
or stroke around the logo
PayU / Merchants master brand guideline for Nigeria / July 2015
Version 1.0 / 17
Version 1.0 / 11
5.5mm or 14px
Minimal Clear Space - Digital
In digital executions, the logo should
appear no smaller than 14px wide.
U Icon
The ‘PayU’ wordmark is our logo.
The ‘U’ icon is meant to be used where
size limitations don’t allow
for the PayU logo, and/or where we
need a shortcut graphic, such as a
favicon. The ‘U’ should only be used
in executions:
3. When spacial restrictions make
the use of the full logo impossible
(e.g. favicon).
4. Within the PayU mobile experience.
Please don’t use it as a repeating
background pattern as it has been
altered slightly from the existing ‘U’
1. To represent PayU when the full logo to help balance the icon within the
is already present in the experience. housing device.
2. In environments clearly controlled
by PayU (e.g. PayU’s web page etc.).
PayU Lime
C M Y K: 35 0 100 0
R G B: 166 195 7
PMS: 382C
HEX: A6C307
Reverse white version
PayU lime version
The reversed white version was
This lime version should only be
originally created for the PayU
mobile experience. This is
the preferred version.
used on our lime green background,
in design instances where space
is limited and the full logo is not
Note: This must only be
used when housed in the device.
Note: This must only be
used when housed in the device.
The keyline must be removed.
PayU / Corporate master brand guidelines / March 2015
PayU / Merchants master brand guideline for Nigeria / July 2015
Version 1.0 / 20
Version 1.0 / 12
PayU lime
PayU Green
Pantone 382C
Pantone 370C
C. 35 M. 0 Y. 100 K. 0
R. 166 G. 195 B. 7
HEX: A6C307
Colour Palette
C. 70 M. 0 Y. 100 K. 25
R. 67 G. 143 B: 41
HEX: 438F29
Rich Black
C. 30 M. 30 Y. 30 K. 100
R. 19 G. 16 B: 13
HEX: 13100D
C. 0 M. 0 Y. 0 K. 0
R. 255 G. 255 B: 255
PayU Blue
PayU Pink
PayU Yellow
PayU Purple
PayU Aqua
Pantone 3262C
Pantone 233C
Pantone 109C
Pantone 259C
Pantone 3265C
C. 10 M. 100 Y. 0 K. 0
R. 215 G. 0 B: 127
HEX: D7007F
C. 0 M. 10 Y. 100 K. 0
R. 255 G. 221 B: 0
C. 60 M. 100 Y. 0 K. 0
R. 131 G. 31 B: 130
HEX: 831F82
C. 65 M. 0 Y. 40 K. 0
R. 84 G. 187 B: 171
Yellow Pairing
Purple Pairing
Aqua Pairing
PayU’s signature colour is the PayU
lime on a white background. This
should always be considered as the
primary colour. Our primary colour
palette should be used across the
majority of our materials – whether
that’s adverts, product posters,
customer communications or
promotional items.
Primary - Web
Primary lime should always be
the dominant colour used online
(see RGB & HEX values). If required
tints of our PayU green can be
used sparingly.
Use the accent palette to create
visual interest, engagement and
show diversity. Please note the
colour pairings – the colours that
appear on top of one another are
intended to be used together,
DO NOT MIX. The colour on top
should always be the dominant
colour - see next page.
The neutral palette is intended
to be used sparingly to organise
information and create functional
C. 80 M. 0 Y. 30 K. 0
R. 0 G. 173 B: 186
Blue Pairing
Pantone 316C
C. 100 M. 45 Y. 50 K. 45
R. 0 G. 72 B: 82
HEX: 004852
PayU / Merchants master brand guideline for Nigeria / July 2015
Pantone 1955C
C. 25 M. 100 Y. 40 K. 30
R. 149 G. 18 B: 71
HEX: 951247
Pantone 166C
Pantone 2627C
Pantone 335C
C. 0 M. 60 Y. 100 K. 0
R. 239 G. 125 B: 0
C. 70 M. 100 Y. 0 K. 50
R. 71 G. 15 B: 81
HEX: 470F51
C. 100 M. 15 Y. 80 K. 5
R. 0 G. 133 B: 88
HEX: 008558
Cool Gray 7C
C. 20 M. 15 Y. 10 K. 40
R. 148 G. 150 B: 155
HEX: 94969B
PayU / Corporate master brand guidelines / March 2015
Pink Pairing
Cool Gray 2C
C. 10 M. 5 Y. 3 K. 5
R. 227 G. 228 B: 226
Warm Gray 2C
Warm Gray 5C
C. 15 M. 5 Y. 25 K. 5
R. 225 G. 220 B: 216
HEX: e1dcd8
C. 10 M. 15 Y. 15 K. 30
R. 181 G. 171 B: 168
Version 1.0 / 21
Version 1.0 / 13
Ample Soft Bold
Ample Soft Bold
Ample Soft Bold
Ample Soft Regular
Ample Soft Regular
Ample Soft Regular
• Headlines are to be displayed in our primary
accent palette except over an image or solid colour
Ample Soft Bold
Ample Soft Bold
Ample Soft Bold
• Our secondary accent palette is to be used in
headlines and copy when placed over the primary
Ample Soft Regular
Ample Soft Regular
Ample Soft Regular
Body copy: Ample Soft
Regular @ 10/12pt, Where
possible use the grid lines
to hang copy from to create
Body copy: Ample Soft
Regular @ 10/12pt, Where
possible use the grid lines
to hang copy from to create
Body copy: Ample Soft
Regular @ 10/12pt, Where
possible use the grid lines
to hang copy from to create
Colour Palette
• The more vibrant colour should always
be the dominant colour
accent colour
• Body copy is to be set as 80% black except when
quidi aligene sciendae nat
quia nones porepe voloritiis
ut el et, ut diae qui nonem.
quidi aligene sciendae nat
quia nones porepe voloritiis
ut el et, ut diae qui nonem.
quidi aligene sciendae nat
quia nones porepe voloritiis
ut el et, ut diae qui nonem.
reversed over solid colour or image
• Tints of the primary accent colour can be
used more sparingly
• Our palette should compliment our imagery
Ample Soft Bold
Ample Soft Bold
Ample Soft Bold
Ample Soft Regular
Ample Soft Regular
Ample Soft Regular
• Our palette has been selected to have a
primary colour acompanied by a secondary of the
similar tone. THESE ARE NOT TO BE MIXED.
PayU / Corporate master brand guidelines / March 2015
PayU / Merchants master brand guideline for Nigeria / July 2015
Version 1.0 / 22
Version 1.0 / 14
Our Typeface
Our typeface is Ample Soft.
It’s a typeface that allows us to
communicate how we’re different
but it also has the softness and
simplicity to communicate our human
and straight-forward personality.
Please see the appendix for alternate
typefaces for different languages.
Ample Soft
Preferred font choice
for pull quotes
Preferred font choice
for body copy
Ample Soft Medium
Ample Soft Regular
PayU / Corporate master brand guidelines / March 2015
Preferred font
choice for page/
section headers
& headlines
Alignment: left align is preferred. Right align is okay when required
by the design, but centre align should be avoided.
Headlines and Subheads: you can use sentence case but never all caps.
Intro Copy, Body Text, and Legal Disclaimers: should always be
in sentence case.
Preferred font choice
for body intro header.
Italics: can only be used where required by style conventions,
such as names, titles or quotes.
Kerning and Tracking: in Adobe applications, kerning should always
be set to optical and tracking should never be set to less than -10
or greater than 10 for body copy and -30 for headlines.
Initial Caps: only use on buttons, marks, labels, and PayU entities.
PayU / Merchants master brand guideline for Nigeria / July 2015
Version 1.0 / 23
Version 1.0 / 15
Ample Soft is our primary and preferred
digital typeface. Content and hierarchy
will determine typeface weight.
Open Sans is our secondary typeface,
this is usually used within body copy,
site navigation and buttons etc.
If either two typefaces are unavailable
please use Arial regular, this may be
required across PC operating systems
or electronic internal documents.
Please see the appendix for alternate
typefaces for different languages.
DO NOT use Open Sans or Arial for
any print materials.
PayU / Corporate master brand guidelines / March 2015
Ample Soft - Medium
Open Sans - Regular
Arial - Regular
PayU / Merchants master brand guideline for Nigeria / July 2015
Version 1.0 / 24
Version 1.0 / 16
Hierarchy and Spacing
Ample Soft medium
Desired value is headline type size
+2pt (e.g. 60pt +2pt = 62pt leading).
Adjust as required.
Sub head message: Ample Soft medium
Body Copy Header: Ample Soft Bold.
Adipiscing elit. Aliquam vitae consequat
mi, vel interdum urna. Ut eget tristique
metus, in egestas dolor. Adipiscing elit.
Aliquam vitae consequat mi, vel interdum urna. Ut eget tristique metus, in
egestas dolor.
-30 and set to optical kerning
wherever possible.
Body copy
Body Copy Sub Header: Ample Soft Medium
Etiam volutpat conse quat augue sit amet rutrum.
Body copy: Ample Soft Regular Adipiscing elit.
Aliquam vitae consequat mi, vel interdum urna.
Ut eget tristique metus, in egestas dolor. Adipiscing
elit. Aliquam vitae consequat mi.
Should be the body copy type
size +3pt (e.g. 15pt +3pt = 18pt leading).
-10 and set to optical kerning
wherever possible.
PayU / Corporate master brand guidelines / March 2015
PayU / Merchants master brand guideline for Nigeria / July 2015
Footer/Legal Copy: Ample Soft Regular. Adipiscing elit. Aliquam vitae consequat mi, vel interdum urna. Ut eget tristique metus,
in egestas dolor. Adipiscing elit. Aliquam vitae consequat mi.
Version 1.0 / 25
Version 1.0 / 17
1. PayU logo to
your website
We recommend including the “Secure payments by PayU
(logo) to the footer of your website, to educate your
customers that PayU is your trusted payment provider,
ensuring payments are safe and secure. This also educates
consumers on the connection between your brand and
PayU / Merchants master brand guideline for Nigeria / July 2015
Version 1.0 / 18
Notification Mailer
To educate your customers on the connection between PayU
and your brand we recommend adding a “payments secured
by PayU (logo), our trusted payments provider” to your
payment confirmation mailers.
We are finding this working well with other merchants.
PayU / Merchants master brand guideline for Nigeria / July 2015
Version 1.0 / 19
Print Ads
Payments secured by
For print adverts, please add the Payments secured by PayU
(logo) to the footer of the page. See example below
Scan this QR code
with WeChat, complete
the simple registration
process & get R100 back
into your wallet on WeChat
after your first picup.
Terms & Conditions apply**
deliver whatever. whenever.
Download WeChat.
Navigated by TomTom.
Follow ‘picup’
Official Account
& register.
Enter the
collection &
delivery addresses.
Choose your vehicle
(bicycle / scooter / car)
according to
your parcel size.
Add extra info to
help your driver
find you faster.
Once we picup your
goods, track your
delivery online. Once
delivered, you’ll
receive notification.
We’ll debit
your wallet on
WeChat & email
you an invoice.
**One coupon redeemable per user. Limited to first
2000 registered users and valid for 2 months.
PayU / Merchants master brand guideline for Nigeria / July 2015
Version 1.0 / 20
a MasterCard secure code of Verified by Visa activation code which you then use to register and obtain
your MasterCard secure code or Verified by Visa Pin.
3D Secure
Why do we have 3D Secure?
Banks and ecommerce merchants are implementing 3D secure to help protect you, the cardholder,
against unauthorised use of your card when shopping online at 3D secure merchants.
Tips for a good 3D Secure Experience
Ensure you have the card you intend to use to pay for the transaction ready.
Ensure you have a 3D secure code (MasterCard Secure code or Verified by Visa)
To avoid potential drop offs on your site due to 3D Secure we recommend adding this info graphic to your site
to educate your users on 3D Secure, why its important, how they register for 3D Secure.
ready. If you have not enrolled for 3D secure, you will be prompted to enroll at the
3D Secure allows you to authenticate yourself while making an online payment, therefore minimising
point of purchase with the activation code given to you by your bank.
the risk of someone using your card fraudulently.
After entering your PIN/Password, the system may take a couple of seconds to
authenticate your PIN/Password. This is normal – do not close the browser.
The Benefits of 3D Secure
Online shopping is already very secure with high levels of security and encryption whenever
you use your card(debit,prepaid, credit). 3D Secure is the next layer up of security whereby
infrequent, there may also be other reasons why the transaction failed, in which
case we recommend that you follow the instructions on the screen or contact
you can shop in total confidence safe in the knowledge that your card is protected at all times.
your bank for further assistance.
How do you sign up?
Have more questions?
Your bank may have given you the activation code for 3D secure enrollment for MasterCard secure code and Verified
If you have questions related to 3D Secure or need to change
your mobile number, please contact your bank for assistance.
With the activation code, you can register and obtain your MasterCard Secure Code or Verified by Visa Pin with the
3D Secure for
online shoppers
If you receive an error message, read the message on the screen. If you have
entered your PIN/Password incorrectly, you will be allowed to retry. Although
your card(debit,prepaid, credit) is further protected from any unauthorised use and fraud. So
by Visa. If you do not have an activation code for your debit or credit cards from you bank, please contact your bank
your trusted
payments provider
[email protected] | 234-1-2793765 |
payments secured by
your trusted payments provider
URL provided by your bank on your card information pack.
How does it work?
If you have already registered, at the time of purchase, your bank presents you with the
MasterCard secure code or Verified by Visa pin. When prompted by your bank, all you
do is enter your private code at the participating merchants’ websites.
What is 3D Secure?
3D Secure provides an extra step during the online payment process to ensure that only you, the
Once your identity is confirmed, your purchase is complete — it’s that easy.
cardholder, use your card. Also known as Verified by Visa or MasterCard Securecode, it allows you to
enter your previously selected PIN/Password or a One Time Pin - helping your bank to know it is you
shopping online.
With an additional focus on the safety of e-commerce transactions, your bank may have provided with
a MasterCard secure code of Verified by Visa activation code which you then use to register and obtain
your MasterCard secure code or Verified by Visa Pin.
Why do we have 3D Secure?
Banks and ecommerce merchants are implementing 3D secure to help protect you, the cardholder,
against unauthorised use of your card when shopping online at 3D secure merchants.
What if I don’t want to activate my card(debit,prepaid, credit) for 3D Secure?
Authenticating online transactions with 3D secure is a regulatory requirement by the Central Bank of
Nigeria. It will be useful to obtain it to complete an online transaction successfully.
My Card is Blocked – How do I reactivate my card(debit,prepaid, credit)
for 3D Secure?
Please contact your bank.
3D Secure allows you to authenticate yourself while making an online payment, therefore minimising
the risk of someone using your card fraudulently.
Tips for a good 3D Secure Experience
Ensure you have the card you intend to use to pay for the transaction ready.
The Benefits of 3D Secure
Online shopping is already very secure with high levels of security and encryption whenever
point of purchase with the activation code given to you by your bank.
your card(debit,prepaid, credit) is further protected from any unauthorised use and fraud. So
you can shop in total confidence safe in the knowledge that your card is protected at all times.
Ensure you have a 3D secure code (MasterCard Secure code or Verified by Visa)
ready. If you have not enrolled for 3D secure, you will be prompted to enroll at the
you use your card(debit,prepaid, credit). 3D Secure is the next layer up of security whereby
After entering your PIN/Password, the system may take a couple of seconds to
authenticate your PIN/Password. This is normal – do not close the browser.
How do you sign up?
Your bank may have given you the activation code for 3D secure enrollment for MasterCard secure code and Verified
by Visa. If you do not have an activation code for your debit or credit cards from you bank, please contact your bank
If you receive an error message, read the message on the screen. If you have
entered your PIN/Password incorrectly, you will be allowed to retry. Although
infrequent, there may also be other reasons why the transaction failed, in which
case we recommend that you follow the instructions on the screen or contact
your bank for further assistance.
With the activation code, you can register and obtain your MasterCard Secure Code or Verified by Visa Pin with the
URL provided by your bank on your card information pack.
PayU / Merchants master brand guideline for Nigeria / July 2015
How does it work?
If you have already registered, at the time of purchase, your bank presents you with the
Have more questions?
If you have questions related to 3D Secure or need to change
your mobile number, please contact your bank for assistance.
Version 1.0 / 21
Trust in online
payment Video
Add this video to your site to educate your customers that their payments are safe and secure.
Whenever they see the PayU logo they know its safe to shop away.
PayU / Merchants master brand guideline for Nigeria / July 2015
Version 1.0 / 22