
 PROPOSAL FOR INCLUSION OF Potamotrygon motoro IN APPENDIX II OF THE CONVENTION CITES (CoP 17_05) Distribu+on Potamotrygon motoro (Müller and Henle, 1841) Habitat Clear and Black water rivers and channels, & lagoons on the flood plain (Orinoquia and the Amazone regions). CharacterisTc Characteris7c P. motoro Biological The males reach sexual maturity at 31 cm DW (disc width) & the females at 35 cm DW subcircular disk; dorsal surface brown-­‐olive to brown or dark gray. Has numerous yellow eyespots orange-­‐red, larger than the diameter of the eye, but different in size between them and arranged in series about five ellipTcal. Tail moderately thick and short, even shorter than the disc. With 18-­‐39 longitudinal rows of teeth on the upper jaw (Rosa 1985). Morphological Differs clearly from other species of the genus by the color pabern. Role of the species in its ecosysytem Insects, mollusks, crustaceans, annelids and fish (Almaeda, et al. 2010). Juveniles have a diet consisTng small molluscs, crustaceans and aquaTc insect larvae (Drioli and Chiaramonte2005), while adults consume some fish family Loricariidae. Status and trends Habitat trends •  Habitat degradaTon and producTve acTviTes such as agriculture and mining can affect ecosystems and populaTons of species of the family Potamotrygonidae, including P. motoro Popula7on size •  Unknown Structure of the popula7on •  Unknown, but it has differenTated molecular level individuals similar in color and shape. Popula7on trends •  Furthermore, and although not specific data to help calculate the of species [definiTons, ResoluTon Conf. 9.24 (Rev. CoP15)] to establish a opinion on its decline, it is important to note that P. motoro has a ferTlity internal and low, long gestaTon periods, slow growth and prolonged longevity (Araujo et al. 2004). uTlizaTon and trade Catch by diving with mask and the catching basket -­‐ Liver fat is used to control astma and influenza -­‐ Skin from the back disc as sandpaper Legal Trade : -­‐ P.motoro and P. schroederi trade as ornamental species. -­‐ Importers : China, Germany, Japan, Malaysia and the United States, and others Illegal trade àCITES Appendix II Country seller Price ($) Source Holand 300 hbp:// sTngrays/motoro_sTngray Japan 126 (¥13.800) hbp:// Belgium 167 hbp://www.poissonor. com/search.php?orderby=p osiTon&orderway=desc&search_q
uery=motoro&submit_search=OK Thailand 400 hbps://­‐
prices_ Singapore 60 hbp://­‐
ray-­‐ Legal Instruments Na7onal Environmental Law Nª 1333 which prohibits the collecTon and capture of wildlife species without authorizaTon Competent Officer of the NaTonal Environmental Authority (AACN) and the Decrees of Veda General and Indefinite 22641 and 25458 which can authorize the collecTon, holding, capture or breeding of wild species through use plans through AACN. 1. 
Interna7onal CITES CBD (ConvenTon on Biological Diversity), Regional Biodiversity Strategy for the Tropical Andean Countries, and The Amazon CooperaTon Treaty (ACTO) Species Management Management Measures Colombia and Uruguay have naTonal plan of acTon (NPoA); Brazil and Colombia are implemenTng regulatory measures to set up export quotas Popula7on Monitoring . No informaTon is available
Control Measures InternaTonal à CCRF to FAO member countries NaTonal Cap7ve breeding and ar7ficial propaga7on No informaTon is available InformaTon on Similar species By field observa7ons can say that the fecundity of this species is between 25-­‐30 individuals per set, but almost nothing is known of longevity and paQerns increase. Based on a preliminary molecular study it has been that the species seems It is formed by a complex of similar en77es as but different level gene7c. Therefore, it requires a through review and morphologically molecular. THANK YOU