raggy doll
raggy doll
Easy to read, simplified arrangements of eighteen of the world's most famous Jazz pieces, includingAin't Misbehavin', Exactly Like You, I Can't Give You Anything But Love, On The Sunny Side of the Street, and many others, arranged for piano vocal and with chord symbols. Arranged by Cyril Watters. t .'- i;.t,.,:,..I . , i :.:,;,,i*: ,? ?r;3:J; lt9sEasyTo Play Jazz. Wise Publications London/New York/Sydney Exclusive distributors: Music Sales Limited 819 Frith Street, London WlV 5TZ, England. Music Sales Pty. Limited 120 Rothschild Avenue, Rosebery, NSW 2018, Australia. This book 0Copyright 1976 by Wise Publications Compiled and arranged by Cyril Watters Music Sales' complete catalogue lists thousands of titles and is free from your local music shop, or direct from Music Sales Limited. Please send £1 .SO Cheque or Postal Order for postage t o Music Sales Limited, 819 Frith Street, London W 1V 5TZ. Printed in England by Caligraving Limited, Thetford, Norfolk Ain't Misbehavin' 4 Ain't She Sweet 14 At Last 42 Big Noise from Winnetka 40 Bugle Call Rag 10 Exactly Like You 7 Glad Rag Doll 12 Happy Feet 30 I Can't Give You Anything But Love 20 It's a Raggy Waltz 26 Lullaby of Birdland 28 Nobody's Sweetheart 44 On The Sunny Side of the Street 23 Organ Grinder's Swing 33 Sweet Lorraine 17 Taking A Chance on Love 46 Tuxedo Junction 38 Way Down Yonder in New Orleans 36 Aint Misbehavin Words by Andy Razaf Music by Thomas Waller & Hany Brooks Steady Four Ebm 1. Tho' it's a 2. Your type of Here is That'swhy a I luck - love y I rare, one bird with self con my con-science nev-er I know who Sure was Iick- le man is F7 I I best, day. - sleeps, tro1,- , B b7+ Fm - With cheat ing all I know you real in Iw'LZe2upre a - the ly - side way thumbs down for all when fate sent you O Copyright 1929 Mills Music Inc. New York, USA. Lawrence Wright Music Co. Ltd., 19 Upper Brook Street. London W1 Redwood Music Ltd., 14 New Burlington Street, London W 1. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Secured. care, my some the my - I cage. wllere. rest, CHORUS Ab Abm Eb I I know forcer-tain, just you I'm think - ing Abm of, I Gb7 The one I Ain't misbe - hav-in'. I I I Bb9 Fm Ei love, - r I'm s a v in' my love for I you. I Gm6 Go - Don't g o no where in the cor-ner, I I don't s t a y out late, I Ain't mis-be Ab Abm Eb - hav-in', Gb7 Fm Exactly Like You Words by Dorothy Fields Music by Jimmy McHugh Moderato 1: t 2. It used to have a l - w a y s has a per been my - fect am sf- not ev - a er real since 3 I team. wild, sweet- heart, tion, - - bi - A won - der- ful To have - one to -B- vis care - ion for, lest - Can you i - mag ine how I And now my wish - e s have come - a a n I a run should I loLe Cmaj7 @Copyright 1930 by Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. New York. Lawrence Wright Music Co. Ltd., Bruton Street, London WIX 7AH, for Great Britain, Ireland and Colonies (excluding Canada and Australasia) but including the continent of Europe excepting Latin Countries and Switzerland. Just was one, I met is I I I You're just ritard. I CHORUS what 1 1 - act - ly like you. You make me feel un C {I scheme Am7 iJm schem - ing, E Idream Am I'm - so - der I grand, stand Dm dream Fm - want to hand the ing, INOW G7 I know why Bugle Call Rag Words and Music by Jack Pettis, Billy Meyers & Elmer Schoebel Moderato young or old, shake their shoulders :bold. You're bound to (f @ Copyright 1923 by Jack Mills Inc. New York U.S.A. Lawrence Wright Music Co. Ltd., B N ~ O Street, ~ London WlX 7AH for all territories (excepting U.S.A. and Canada). a l l for the hug - le I While we'redancing, I please hold me tight, 1 step live-ly, don't I ' lag, Iswing a - long ( Glad Rag Doll Words by Jack Yellen Music by Dan Dougherty & Milton Ager Medium Four m 1 I. Lit -tle paint -ed la 2. All this glare and glit - 'dy - ter, r CI with yourlove-ly clothes, all your tinseled toys, I m I w where are you bcnd fa, may I what will they lead to in the e ask? end? Bb CHORUS I ! b 1 Eb Ebm Bb G7 @Copy$&ht 1929 by Ager. Yellen and Bernstein. Inc. New York. For Great Brim. Ireland and Colonies, (excluding Canada and Australasia) the property of the Lawrence Wright Music Co. Ltd, BN~O Street, ~ London W1X 7AH. Glad- Rag I doll. I I Ad-mired, I I de - sired, by lov-ers who I I Bb7 pret-ty grey dth. toy they llike I I ' to 1 Bb7+ . play with; Don9tmake this I I Eb I Ebm You're not the I kind they choose to Igrow ' the end dear, Ebm Bb I I'tsnev - er too 1 old ahd late to menddear. I I Aint She Sweet Words by Jack Yellen Music by Milton Ager Moderato r 2 . Tell me where,- lave I h, gee de There's why That sure 1 is can't worth 'eat a look- ing I bite.at.- - you h , gee whiz!clare,- de Those Oh, I flam - ing boy. how Copyright 1927 by Ager, Yellen & Bernstein Inc. New York City Lawrence Wright Music Co. Ltd., B N ~ O Street, ~ London WlX 7AH, for Great Britain, lreland and Colonies (excluding Canada and Australasia) but including the continent of Europe excepting Latin countries and Switzerland. - seen whiz,clare,- eyes! sweet! one That Those flam lips - ing must youth! be! Oh, mis Gaze on C7 Eb6 - F7 Bb Oh, Dog ter! it! sis - gone Gm Bb - ing down ov - er once Ar t'he I street! I twice, ' I Now Now I I ,ask ask ter! it! Gm Crn - CHORUS com - you you - ve ve - ry ry I con- fid - e n ( con - fi - den - - tial - ly 1 tial- ly, 1 (I - rec - -fect - t i o 4 Oh, me! Oh, my! ain't I ion. think that's kind n bf re I neat? And I 'ask you ve that per don't - ry I con - I you I - ti - den - rial-ly 1 Sweet Lorraine Words by Mitchell Parish Music by Cliff Burwell !I Wait-ing for the time Whenthatdavin soon to be, rollsa-round, &hen the bells will chime Ionourhon-ev-moon @ Copyri@It 1928 by Milla Music Inc New York. For all countrkr (exapting U.S.A. Canada and Auatralaria) the property of the Lawrence Wri@ItMuric Co. Ltd., Bruton Street, London W1X 7AH. mer-ri - ly, we'll be hound. I I G e e , but I f e e l prou Can't w a i t t i l l the d a y , CHORUS i 1I choo - chooI pair of ' toy, eyes I when I'm w i t h I my s w e e t Lor ;raine; 4-, that are blu - e r t h a n the lsum-mer s k i e s , + I wllen you sce them you will 1 )I II Khen it's rain - inp don't I lust smile, aisle; I each lnight lmiss the sun, I luck - y to think that I'm the I p r a y lfor d that one no - ho my sweet- ie's I will lead her down the I it's i n 1 who - dy steals herl~eart - w a Iy . I I Can't GiveYou Anything But Love Words by Dorothy Fields Music by Jimmy McHugh Moderato think but go - ing - from bad to mate, d e a r will not for - that I worse. get. you am ought to will-ing he to I I Who You know - ing - m y luck i s wait, d e a r , your lit - tle knows some day have a life @Copyright 1928 by Jack Mills Inc New York. Lawrence Wright Music Co. Ltd., Bruton Street, London W1X 7 A H for Great Britain, Ireland and Colonies (excluding Canada & Australasia) but including the continent of Europe excepting Latin Countries and Switzerland. - time be - - fore end pre 11 I 1 - --1 gin dore to you, can is - all I when it's s o sent,- cin't give That's the Dream I'll be 1'11 a you, on a - while, - you 1 an - reach my come what spend plea y - - thing is sant but prime; may; just to hear now though 1 please don't he my you time ; say; 1 Ba - I love, see what our blue for the by,-- I 1 scheme a - while, We're sure to I Hap - pi Dia - ness - dond brace G7 i Till that luck- y land - iets I guess I ~ o o l- iorth does - A't I All 1 - ways those thinas you've ;I I sell, Cmaj7 pined for. I I C On The Sunny Side Of The Street Words by Dorothy Fields Music by Jimmy McHugh Moderato 1. Walked with no - one, and 2. No use schem-ing, and - had use with no one, and use dreaming, and Then here's one no - morn ing need to you look O Copyright !930 by *pie, Bernstein and Co. Inc New York, U.S.A. Lawrence Wnght Music Co. Ltd., Bruton Street, London WlX 7AH for Great Britain, Ireland and Colonies (excluding Canada & Australasia) but including the continent of Europe excepting Latin Countries and Switzerland. - noth ing but chas ing the - wor ry have your All my If you'd ritard. ( - a of . when you taught me there's but one thing way fun, blew share how to to be say: done: Grab your 1 I CHORUS IIcoat and Just dir - ect (1 hear a pit get your your 1 feet - ter I bat? I hat, leave to an> the your 1 wor - ry 1 sun - ny thatlhap - py tune on side- of the is (your the ldoor I street, step? - Can't llife can I step, be you so 1 I This i I rbv - er crossed I ov - er. If I lnev old - er dust had on a my I It's A Raggy Waltz By Dave Brubeck Medium swing ., to Coda $ @Copyright 1961 by Derry Music Co. U.S.A. Rights controlled for U.K. & Eire by Valentine Music Croup 7, Carnck Street, London WC2. D.S.a1 Bbm7 Eb7 Ab Gm7 Gb7b5 Fm (E sum) Fm7 Am7 Cm6 D7 Coda Lullaby Of Birdland Music by George Shearing Words by George David Weiss Steady Four 'Em 1I Em7 Nev-er in m y word-land Have you ev-er heard two Em6 could there be ways to 1 tur - Em C9 tle doves - re B - I veal- lbill and coo- in a &rase how I feel! lwhen they Iove? @ Copyright 1952, 1953 and 1954 Adam R. Levy &Father Ent. Inc. Planetary-Nom (London) Ltd., London W1 for the British Commonwealth (exc. Canada, Australasia and British African territories) and Eire. Reproduced by Permission. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Secured. I I (1 ~ h a i ' s t h ekindof m a g i c wil-low; - If (I 1 mus-ic I we make withour lips I H ~ real-ly k n o w s how t o - youshouldtell me fare well and good-bye! k i s s me sweet - EmD C and we'll go- Am7 D7 when we kiss(- ( cry! ( pi1 - T h a t ' s how I'dcry in my ( Lul- l a - by of Bird-land, ~ l ' ~ - ihigh n ' inBird-land, Bm7 And there's awee-py old Em high in Am7 the sky u p D7 b9 I 'whis- per a - 1b G I low- I low, - I o v e All be C9 -( Happy Feet Words by Jack Yellen Music by Milton Ager Moderato I Cm a1 a1 G7 - - sweet. trance. ways ways let make Bbm your me 1' Want to see Heel and toe, what makes me off they go @Copyright 1.930 by Ager, YeUen & Bernstein Inc. New York, U.S.A. All nghts for the Br~tishCommonwealth of Nations (excluding Canada and Australasia) and the Re ublic of Eire controlled by Lawrence Wright Music Co. Ltd.. Bruton greet, London W1X 7AH. feel the way tap-pingto 1 the do? beat, you you'll Fill Now I kind sure - ly ly cast un an der - - CHORUS hap -py feet, tap-ping toes, I give 1 And them a when they 1 low-down I've got those hear tune, a I beat And they'll ten I Ican't be -gin lit con-troI - I tle my 1 danc - ing heels to I C7+ of - ic sweet cheerful on ( I an - ear ful Abm F9 C7 mus keep 'cause I've got I hap' - hap - I You swing i t , I So do -1, ( 1 swing it, I so d o you. II I Drop Ev -'ry a nick nick - el - el I in his hat. 1 that you fling I like I I rich lnakes that or Hi w a - ho, I /% I / am - a gan - I ris I grin - - to der crat. > D D 1 I I I swing, . I - r I I I r l 1 d _ . . Way Down Yonder In New Orleans Words & Music by Creamer & Layton Moderato CHORUS @Copyright 1922 by Shapiro Bernstein Inc. New York. Lawrence Wrkht Music Co. Ltd., Bruton Street, London, WIX 7AH. oh!wonltyou 1 give {I sfz Stop! > while. 1 You bet your your 'There is I /a - (life dy you'll heav-en right 1 fair - lin a lit 1 there ger here on earth, I 'Way down yon - der in - tle 1 smile: a - lit h t h those beau - ti I - tle ful I I Tuxedo Junction Words by Buddy Feyne Music by Erskine Hawkins, William Johnson & Julian Dash Medium four Eb B bdim Bb F7 Bb I Bb Eb7 F7 Bb F7 1 1 ' Bb I Eb7 . . Eb7 F7 Bb F7 I Bbdim @ Copyright 1940 by Lewis Music Publishing Co. Inc. N.Y. U.S.A. Sole agents for British Empire (except Canada and Newfoundland) J.R. Lafleur and Sons Ltd. Authorised for sale in the United Kingdom o f Great Britain and Northern Ireland only, by permission o f Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers Ltd. - I They all drive or walk for miles to get I 1 Bb Eb7 you; come on hown, I Eb7 B bdim t Bbdim Bb F7 your care,come 011 4 Bb F7 SOU;^ - ern style, S I 4 Bb for -pet That I doon Bb Bb9 4- I Eb you'll finh- I $7 - low me there, s o long * Bb I Big Noise From Winnetka Words by Gil Rodin & Bob Crosby Music by Bob Haggart and Ray Bauduc Steady four 1 . girl - i e ' s heart 'and play ro man - tic - {I - net [let - tka*a- , I then, parts. I)lcw i 11 l>lctv 111 Big Soise ji~st I b i g rloise \\ liere I blew 1.igl11outmil I)roLe a @ Copyright 1940 by Brcgman, Vocco and Conn, Inc. 16 19 Broadway, N.Y. Sole agents for thc British Ihpirc tesccpting Canada, Newfoundland, Australasia and Ncw Zcaland). J.R. Lafleur & Sons Ltd., ~uth'orisedfor salc in the United Kingdom o f Great Britain and Northern lrcland only, by permission of Boosey & Hrwkcs Music Publishers Ltd. - I'ro111 Kill~ ~ O I I I\\ill- to Coda blew in fromBig Noisefrom- Win Win 1 ~r: :::c D.S,a1 lis-ten t o the I Big Noise. I '-1 Big Noise En - ter Coda (I heart. d - blew right outa big noise i n your At Last Words by Mack Gordon Music by Harry Warren Fairly slow {I (1 - my love has come a - and life is like a - I long; Isong. my lone -1y daysare ~t ] @Copyright 1942 (renewed 1970) Twentieth Century Music Corporation, USA. Rights throughout the World controlled by Leo Feist Inc. Administered by Big 3 Music Ltd, 37/41 Mortimer StreeG London WI for the UK & Eire. I last o - ver I 1 \I Dm7 G7 Gmaj7 E7 - C Am7 and then the spell was F Cdim 1 cast C7 G C7 G7 Dm Fdirn C And here we are in 1 heav - en, - Nobody's Sweetheart Words & Music by Gus Kahn, Ernie Erdman, Billy Meyers & Elmer Schoebel Fairly bright sweet - heart They I don't' ba - by I you sil D6 Gdim (BCopyri.ght 1924 Jack Mills Inc.. USA. Lawnnce Wnght MUSICCo. hi., 24 Bruton Street, London W1 for Gnat Bntain, Inland and Commonwedth (excegt Canada & Austnlasia). the continent of Europc excepting Latin Countries and Sw~tzerland D7 some - - ken gown, 1 " I Cdim G7 C par - a- dise- Taking AChance On Love Words by John La Touche & Ted Fetter Music by Vernon Duke Steady four I C Cdim Dm7G7 C6 Cdim slide a - gain, stand a - gain, prove a - gain, - ' @Cop right 1940 (renewed 1968) Miller Music Corp., USA. ~dmiistercdby ~ i g~ u s i Ltd, c 37/41 Mortimer Sheet, London W1 for the UK Br Eire. Y G7 now I'm tak bro -ther rab Fm7 - ing the bit Bb7 of Eb end-ing now, win a - gain, - Gdim Fm7 Ab7 1 a chance on G7 love. Phil Collins The Beatles Enya Van Morrison Bob Dylan Tracy Chapman Eric Clapton Pink Floyd -words New Kids On The Block mmm * - Bryan Adarns and Bee Gees Tina Turner Whitney Houston Music Sales' complete catalogue lists thousands of titles and is available free from your local music shop, or direct from Music Sales Limited. Please send a cheque or postal order for € I .SO (for postage) to: Music Sales Limited Newmarket Road, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP33 3YB Elton John AClDC Bringing you the All the latest in rock and pop. Plus the brightest and best in West End show scores. Music books for every instrument under the sun. And exciting new teach-yourself - ideas like "Let's Play Keyboard" in cassettelbook packs, or on video. Available from all good music shops. 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