Reliability .Bondability .Ultra Fine Pitch
Reliability .Bondability .Ultra Fine Pitch
Reliability . Bondability . Ultra Fine Pitch State-of-the-Art 2N Gold Wire with Ultimate Reliability and Bondability Ultimater High Reliability Performance Features Ball Strength [gm] 6.0 Ultimate high reliability of 1st bond Hassle-free bondability in both 1st and 2nd bond, suitable for both laminate and leadframe devices Significantly improved 2nd bond stitch pull value Robust 2nd bond at lower parameters Improved concentricity of FAB for ultrafine wire bonding Soft free air ball, applicable for low-k and sensitive die Higher MTBA as compared to other 2N gold wires 5.0 4.0 3.0 RelMax of 15 µm diameter passed HTS 5000 hours at 200°C – significantly surpass the most stringent criteria in the market, including automotive industry 2.0 1.0 0.0 0 100 200 300 500 1000 1500 3500 5000 Isothermal Aging @ 200°C in Air [hrs] Bonder: K&S Maxum . Capillary: K&S E18CJ-2010-R33 Device: K&S PBGA test device (35 µm PPB) . Bonded ball diameter: 27 µm . Gold wire: 15 µm Stable intermetallic growth at elevated storage temperature Improved Bonded Ball Concentricity 15 µm 1000 hrs 200°C 6.25 µm 15 µm 5000 hrs 200°C Soft Free Air Ball Reference Wire FAB Hardness [HV0.005/5] 85 80 75 70 65 60 Ultra-fine pitch ball bond concentricity 55 Wire bonder: K&S Maxum Ultra . Capillary: K&S M18CK-2013-R33 (H15 CD20 T40 OR5 FA08 ICA50°) . Device: K&S PBGA 4x4 test device . Bonded ball diameter: 23 µm . Gold wire: 12.2 µm Reference Wire Wire bonder: K&S Maxum . EFO current: 20 mA FAB size: 25 µm . Gold wire: 15 µm Recommended Technical Data of Diameter Microns 15 18 20 23 25 28 30 33 Mils 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 Elongation (%) 2–6 2–7 3–7 3–7 3–7 3–8 3–8 3–8 Breaking Load (g) 3–7 4–9 5 – 11 8 – 14 10 – 16 13 – 19 15 – 20 18 – 25 For other diameters, please contact Heraeus Bonding Wires sales representative. Larger 2nd Bond Window Characteristics with Improved Stitch Pull Value Diameter at 25 µm Diameter at 15 µm ⵑ 90 GPa ⵑ 90 GPa 35 – 110 µm 35 – 110 µm 45 57 – 67 HV (0.01 N/5 s) 57 – 67 HV (0.01 N/5 s) 40 Fusing Current, dia 10 mm length (in air) 0.37 A 0.29 A Non-Gold Elements < 1% < 1% Heat Conductivity 19.3 g/cm3 2.3 W/cm.K 19.3 g/cm3 2.3 W/cm.K Electrical Resistivity 3.3 µ⍀-cm 3.3 µ⍀-cm Coeff. of Linear Expansion (20 – 100 °C) 14.2 ppm/K 14.2 ppm/K Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) at BSR 1.8 FAB Hardness at BSR 1.8 Density Stitch pull reference 2N wire 35 Force [g] Elastic Modulus 30 25 20 15 10 5 25 50 75 100 125 150 125 150 USG [mA] Stitch pull reference RelMax Maintaining Stitch Pull at Lower Bonding Parameter Setting 45 40 35 Optimum -20% Force [g] Parameter reduction (USG, Force) -40% 30 25 20 7 7 6 6 10 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 Stitch Pull [g] 15 2 Reference RelMax Reference RelMax 50 75 100 USG [mA] 2 RelMax 25 Reference <=3.500 <=3.700 <=4.000 <=4.250 <=4.750 <=5.000 <=5.250 <=4.500 >5.250 Bonder: K&S Maxum Ultra . Capillary: CIC Duracap 4B8CG2156-A33 . (H9.5, CD 12.5, T24, OR3, F011) . Device: K&S PBGA test device . Gold wire: 20 µm Wire bonder: K&S Maxum . Capillary: K&S 2CA5768L (H9.5 CD12.5 T24 OR3 F011) . Device: K&S PBGA test device . Gold wire: 20 µm MTBA Improvement over Ref. 2N Wire 50% 41% 40% 29% 30% 20% 10% 0% Device Type A Device Type B Device: BGA Wire bonder: ASM Eagle 60 AP Capillary: K&S SI-24060-302F Gold wire: 20 µm Device: BGA Wire bonder: K&S Maxum Plus Capillary: K&S 488CF-3454-R33 Gold wire: 23 µm Superior Reliability Superior Reliability Superior Reliability High hL Sen si str tive p uct ure ad Hig Layout: HET14025-0516-1 Gold Wire Segmentation by Properties oop / Lo wL oop Highest Looping Performance Electrical Performance Widest Bonding Highest Looping Window Performance Widest Bonding Window Highest Looping Performance Average The data given here is valid. We reserve the right to make technical alterations. Widest Bonding Window Heraeus Electronics Heraeus Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG Heraeusstraße 12-14 63450 Hanau, Germany Americas Phone +1 610 825 6050 [email protected] China Phone +86 21 3357 5194 [email protected] Asia Pacific Phone +65 6571 7677 [email protected] Europe, Middle East and Africa Phone +49 6181 35 3069 +49 6181 35 3627 [email protected] The descriptions and engineering data shown here have been compiled by Heraeus using commonly-accepted procedures, in conjunction with modern testing equipment, and have been compiled as according to the latest factual knowledge in our possession. The information was up-to date on the date this document was printed (latest versions can always be supplied upon request). Although the data is considered accurate, we cannot guarantee accuracy, the results obtained from its use, or any patent infringement resulting from its use (unless this is contractually and explicitly agreed in writing, in advance). The data is supplied on the condition that the user shall conduct tests to determine materials suitability for particular application.
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