New Back Roads Century Routes


New Back Roads Century Routes
July 2015
New Back Roads Century Routes:
New Views, New Challenges
By Eric Pilsk
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Merrifield, VA
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When you ride any of the new Back
Roads Century routes on September 20,
2015, enjoy the views, the rest stops, and
the great hospitality from our friends in
Shepherdstown, WV. That is the purpose
of the ride, after all. But those routes did
not just happen. Like most other things
in our club, the new Back Roads Century
routes were the result of countless hours
of work by a few volunteers who spent hours poring over maps of the
region, days on the road riding and driving possible routes, and, of course,
endless emails and meetings. Jim Quinn, Maryland B ride coordinator
and route-design wizard extraordinaire, led the route-design team, with
help from me, Rudi Riet, and a large group of test riders covering almost
every ride class. We are still putting the final touches on the routes, but
you can expect some fantastic riding that showcases the varied terrain
of West Virginia and the northern Shenandoah Valley. To whet your
appetite, this article will give you a preview of the routes, and a bit of
insight into how we put the routes together.
Continued on page 8.
Join us for the Tour de France Happy Hour!
Monday, July 6, 6 PM - 9 PM
Rhodeside Grill, 1836 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22201
Join Potomac Pedalers and your cycling friends to watch Stage 3 of
the Tour de France! Stage 3 should be an exciting stage, finishing on
the Mur de Huy climb, the traditional finish for Flèche-Wallone, so
it's one you'll want to watch.
We’ll have appetizers and a cash bar. Rhodeside Grill is 2 blocks from the
Courthouse Metro; there is a small parking lot adjacent to the restaurant. We look forward to seeing you! If you need additional information
contact Joe Pixley ([email protected]).
Potomac Pedalers Women
& Bicycles Picnic Ride
A Tale of Two Rides
Saturday, July 18 - 8:30 AM * Riley’s Lock (RIL)
Calling all the ladies ONLY! Following on the
success of our first Women’s ride in May, we’re
hosting another joint ride with WABA’s Women
& Bicycles group. Come join us as we experience the treasures of
Upper Montgomery County! Road riders will roll through scenic
farmland while trail riders will follow the C&O Canal Towpath. This
is a no drop ride and welcomes all levels and paces. After the ride
we’ll have a potluck picnic so plan to stick around post-ride! See
listing in the ride schedule for more information.
Pedal Patter
c/o Core Association Services, Inc.
10378 Democracy Lane, Suite A
Fairfax, VA 22030
Ride Leaders: Denise Cohen, Robin Sparer, Deborah Turton, Sue Gunter,
and Brenda Ruby
Contact: Sue Gunter ([email protected])
Pedal Patter is published monthly by Potomac Pedalers Touring Club,
Inc., a non-profit, educational, and recreational organization for bicycle
enthusiasts in the DC metro area. Opinions expressed in Pedal Patter are
of the authors, not necessarily reflective of PPTC’s official position. Editor
reserves the right to refuse ads or material inappropriate to the Club’s
purpose. Pedal Patter is mailed to current PPTC members, member
businesses, and bicycle clubs.
Chair Matt Birnbaum, [email protected]
Delivery Problems
Please call PPTC at 703.385.1688 to report missing issues.
Denise Cohen, [email protected]
Editor: Brenda Ruby
Bulletin Board: Jo Keister
[email protected]
On The Road: OPEN
Out of Bounds: Theresa Noonan
[email protected]
Layout: Julia Rosenbaum 301.527.2300 [email protected]
Advertising Manager Kate Schwarz [email protected]
[email protected]
Chair-elect OPEN
Treasurer Nancy Avitabile, [email protected]
Membership Secretary Linda Borst Kolko, [email protected]
Recording Secretary Elizabeth Ginexi, [email protected]
Sue Gunter, [email protected]
Lee Langford, [email protected]
Martine Palmiter, [email protected]
Joe Pixley, [email protected]
Road Captain Dan Lehman, 703.241.9113, [email protected]
Sign-Up Sheets Archives Dan Lehman, 703.241.9113, [email protected]
Cue Sheets/Map Librarian Eric Pilsk, [email protected]
Ride Coordinators–Area Wide
Commercial Ads
Ad rates are as follows: full page– $550; 1/2 page– $350; 1/4 page– $200;
1/8 page– $130; 1/16 page– $80. Discounts available for durations of 3 or more
months. Contact the Advertising Manager at [email protected].
Tandem Don Schneider, 301-942-6330
Family Rides Team Brugman, 703.339.3948, [email protected]
Submitting Material
Photographs and articles from Club members are welcome. Please send
submissions to Brenda Ruby, [email protected].
Ride Coordinators–Maryland/DC
Sunday Picnic Rides Tom Doerr, [email protected]
Editor must have material by the 5th of the month. If the 5th falls on
a weekend, deadline is the preceding Friday.
D Chris Moriarity, 301.270.3416, [email protected]
C Linda Borst-Kolko, 301-785-1342, [email protected]
CC Carol Linden, [email protected]
B Jim Quinn, [email protected]
BB Karen Berlage, 301.963.1482, [email protected]
A/AA Karen Berlage, 301.963.1482, [email protected]
Web Site
Ride Coordinators–Virginia
Please visit the web site for address changes, joining the club and other
Website Technical Support
For website technical support and to contact our webmaster, do the following..
v Go to
v Click on Contact Us (top of page)
v Click on Website Technical Support
v You’ll be taken to the Website Technical Support contact form
v Complete the form and press Submit
You can expect a response within 24-48 hours.
PPTC Business Office Mailing Address
10378 Democracy Lane, Suite A, Fairfax, VA 22030
[email protected]
PPTC ExCom Meeting Schedule
The Executive Committee meets in the evening on the third Monday of every
month. Locations of the meeting may vary. Members of the club who wish to attend
should contact a Committee member the week before to get the exact location and
time of the meeting. ExCom meeting minutes are available on our website.
Mailing Information
To receive Pedal Patter via first class mail, members must pay an extra $13 per
year. Otherwise it is sent standard mail, which can take as long as 3 weeks, but
usually only takes days. Pedal Patter is mailed between the 15–18th of the month.
If yours hasn’t arrived by the 4th week of the month, call the Business Office
to report this or any change-of-address. Remember to check your membership
expiration. Membership remains uninterrupted only if renewed by the 5th of the
expiration month.
D Woody Lipinski, 703-203-4934, [email protected]
C Teresa Brooks, H 703-971-3617, [email protected]
CC John Ordway, 703-518-8941, [email protected]
B Dan Lehman, 703.241.9113, [email protected]
BB Dan Lehman, 703.241.9113, [email protected]
AA/A Dan Lehman, 703.241.9113, [email protected]
Century Coordinator Nancy Avitabile
Communications Director Brenda Ruby,
[email protected]
Communications Committee Eric Pilsk, Bob Bernstein,
Kate Schwarz, Tom Humphrey
Web Site Coordinator Lee Langford
Message Committee Teresa Browder, Janet Cyphers, Irmgard Dugge,
Lois Lightfoot, Susan Fullenbaum, Beth Merricks, Joan Oppel
Special Events Committee Rich Tepel, [email protected]
Advocacy Coordinator Denise Cohen
Bike Case Coordinators Rita Zeidner, 703-998-7489, rzeidner@; Ann Corran, 301.439.0631, [email protected]
Volunteer Coordinator Open
For questions regarding Ride Committees please call the Road Captain. For questions or changes
regarding other areas please call the appropriate coordinator, committee member, or any ExCom member.
For changes regarding this listing please e-mail Julia Rosenbaum at [email protected].
Notes from the Chair
by Matt Birnbaum
As chair I get to enjoy meeting so many members doing fantastic things
for the club in different ways. For instance: a few weekends ago I joined
probably over a hundred riders in Mt. Airy at the Brewery Ride which was
made possible because of volunteer efforts, primarily of Karen Berlage,
Jim Quinn, and Steven Cohen; the past few weekends, over seventy people
ventured to Fresh Bikes in Ballston to learn about the mechanics of bicycles,
due to the volunteer leadership of Bob Manka, Peter Klosky, Leslie Tierstein,
Rudi Riet, Ed Hazelwood, and others; every Wednesday night I get to join
dozens of riders, including many millennials, at the downtown breakaway
ride in Dupont Circle, thanks to the volunteer efforts of Rudi Riet, Jonathon
Mirsky, Keith Barron, Susanneh Beiber, Monique Sears, and Liz Milor;
and, of course, the ongoing, great weekend club rides where I get to ride
with fantastic ride buddies in Maryland, DC, and Virginia.
I particularly have been touched at the commitment of members to help
make this September's Back Roads Century a phenomenal success. Ever
since Jim Quinn joined me on a trip to Shepherdstown last September for
Rosh Hashanah, he has since logged literally over three hundred hours
mapping the roads and developing routes of all distances to cater to all types
of riders. Eric Pilsk and Rudi Riet have provided him great support and
their expertise in reviewing and modifying the routes. Equally as important,
tens of members of all ride classes and abilities have been testing the routes
in Shepherdstown over the past month and providing valuable feedback.
We're now at a point where we need more folks to step up to the plate to
help become volunteer managers for making the century a success for the
expected 2000 bicyclists participating in the event. We need your creativity
and commitment. This includes taking on tasks like managing the rest
stops and distributing food and supplies. Please contact Nancy Avitabile
([email protected]) to volunteer. And remember, volunteers get a
free registration.
Our club thrives because we have creative folks. For instance, last week Deb
Reynolds and Bob Bernstein approached me and asked if they could lead a
ride in and around Shepherdstown and Antietam on Saturday, September 19,
the day before Back Roads Century. We said, "Great idea!" Not only would
this be a free ride leading up to the century, it also enhances the value of your
Back Roads registration and let's you experience more of Shepherdstown
and the surrounding area. It's because of members like these, taking on new
activities, that will make this weekend memorable for all.
The Back Roads Century isn't just a one day wonder, it can be a great
weekend getaway. With a great Saturday ride, an even better Sunday ride,
great places to dine and stay, this year's Back Roads Century is a can't miss
event. I look forward to seeing you there. Happy spinning.
Club Information
Notes from the Chair; Joel’s View; Red Alert
Ride Report;
Potomac Pedalers Head for the Mountains
Ride Leader Rally; PPTC Bulletin Board
Allenberry Resort Bicycling Weekend;
Out of Bounds
The 6th Montgomery County Farm Tour & Picnic
Release Form
Bicycle Maintenance - Everyone’s a Pro Now
Annual Meeting Award Winner Spotlight: Joan Oppel & Carol Linden
Ride Schedule
PPTC Calendar; PPTC Membership Form
Welcome New Members!
Please welcome our newest members to Potomac Pedalers:
Barbara Ahrens
Pamela Ambrose
Kathy Arrington
Rita Beale
Nick Bennett
Natasha Bibb
Brad Biegon
David Blois
John Branchaw
Christine Buzzell
Boomer Cabarle
Christine Calvelli
Brenda Cantarilho
Mario Cantarilho
Donna Chuba
Wayne Clark
Richard Cohn
Derrick Cook
Kris Dighe
Jeanne Ellinport
Nancy Fine
Deanna Fisher
Sherry Floyd
Paul Fluellen
Younis Forsyth
Ann Foster
John Foster
Andy Gaughan
Michael Goldlberg
Zevie Gottlieb
Clare Grana
Jan Day Gravel
Travis Green
Toni Gross
Roger Gwinn
Kevin Haslag
Tony Hass
Diana Haynes
Susan Helper
Kathleen Hinman
Tom Itle
Greg Jeffries
Susan Johnson
Drake Joiner
Jonathan Lloyd Jones
Rick Kelsey
Kathy Kemper-Dean
Leslie King
Thomas Knoerzer
Robert Kugach
Tanya Landry
Dawn Landsman
Red Alert
by Joel 
Michelle Lazerow
Jieming Ma
Trang Mai
Monique Mangrum
Robert McArthur
Larry McKinley
Mark Mlynarczyk
Oscar Montes
David Moore
Weiyang Nie
Michael O’Brien
Dawn Page
Anita Palmer
Susan Pearson
Elayne Peters
Paula Peters
Dave Pistenmaa
Kibby Powell
Barbara Power
Kurt Preston
Mark Prewett
Ann Prindle
Nicole Prorock
David Rabin
Sue Reber
Catherine Reisenberg
Liz Reno
Yvadne Robinson
Ken Rock
Steve Ruckert
Michael Salazar
Mark Schenkman
Patrick Seagren
Christy Shannon
Chicco Simov
Jerry Slominski
Philip Smith
Terry Stahlman
Andy Steinfeld
Jan Stover
Lorna Tonn
Giulietta Versiglia
John Vieke
Steve Walker
Natalie Warther
David Waterman
Harold Waterman
Jeff Weaver
Meredith Weisel
Greg Wells
Rick Wieczorek
Nick Xenakis
Joel’s View
Think back. This was a terrible, no good, miserable, badass winter. Must
have been those damn Russians screwing around with the weather again.
I tremble when I think about what the Russkies have in store for us this
summer. I have been sitting in the sauna at my club in order to prepare
my body for the blast furnace heat that is coming. I need to become
acclimated to the high heat before riding my bike on 100 degree days.
I sit in the sauna a little longer each day. One of the guys in the sauna
reads to us from the Bible as we stew. Last week he read from Proverbs
verse 1517 which says: it is better to live in the desert then share a house
with a nagging wife. My wife doesn’t nag me because she has given up
and because I am gone riding.
The pollution gets me more than the heat. I read somewhere that riding
a bike on a code red day is equivalent to smoking a pack of cigarettes.
The Washington metro area puts out twenty-five percent more CO2 then
Sweden which has nine million people. The Washington Post says there
are 5.8 million people in the metro area.
The pollution in the metro area comes from northern Virginia, D. C. and
coal fired plants in West Virginia, not from green Montgomery County.
The coal fired plant in Dickerson is not allowed to pollute and traffic
flows smoothly in Montgomery County so there is no problem with tail
pipe emissions.
When I come home from riding on a code red day I strap on the oxygen
mask and crank open the valve. I dial up the Beach Boys on my iPod and
zone out. You can endure anything if you have a plan.
Georgetown Picnic Ride
July 25, 2015
See Ride Schedule for details
Sign Up For Potomac Pedalers
E-mail Newsletters
Potomac Pedalers sends out e-mail blasts once per
month in the winter and twice per month during the
summer. We invite all cyclists to join our mailing list
and receive information about upcoming club events,
regional cycling events, the latest club news and more.
v Go to
v On the right side of the screen you’ll see a dialogue box
“Join Our Mailing List”
v Type in your e-mail address in the box and you’ll be
presented with a series of prompts to join
You can also use this same dialogue box to update your
e-mail address or to unsubscribe. Just type in your e-mail
address and follow the prompts.
We hope that you enjoy our e-mail blasts,
and that they become a valuable part of your
Potomac Pedalers Membership!
Get Your Cycling Event Posted
on our Website
We post area cycling events such as Century and charity rides on our
website Regional Cycling Events calendar at no charge. To get your
ride posted online, do the following…
Go to
Hover over the menu item Ride Schedules
Hover over the menu item Regional Cycling Events
Click on How to Submit an Event
You’ll be taken to the Regional Cycling Event Submission form
Complete the form and press Submit
Regional Events are typically posted within 48-72 hours of submission.
Ride to the Unknown Brewery, June 6 (Tandem)―This past weekend,
we went on a "local" ride that was 75 miles away. Despite heavy traffic
going to Sperryville, VA, southwest of the DC Area, we arrived Friday
night in time to do a short tandem bicycle ride. Just beyond the 5 mile
mark as we crested a slight hill we saw a large black bear ambling off
to our left! It was moving away from us; perhaps he was about to cross
the road? Recovering from that, we decided to turn around at mile 6
and head back. That evening we made dinner with other tandemists that
had arrived (Jim, Kim, Randy, and Carol). They were quite surprised
by our bear story, but not Kevin, the co-operator of the B&B (he and
Sherri were extremely accommodating and nice). During dinner Kurt
and Donna arrived from Philly.
Mid-week Morning Belle Haven―Regular riders on the regular
Tuesday Belle Haven ride didn’t let a little rain stop their fun!
Farm Brewery Tour, May 30 (CC/B/BB)―The morning of the Still
Point Farm Brewery ride dawned sunny and hot; a welcome change from
the rainy days of the past few brewery rides. I arrived early to prepare
for the expected onslaught of riders, and I wasn't disappointed. It was by
far the best attended version yet, my best guess is about 60 riders. All the
various ride classes rolled down hill to begin their respective adventures.
Jim Quinn (no turn untaken) laid out all the cue sheets perfectly. All day
long you would see folks coming towards you on the road; the routes
overlap so that you are always waving at a friend. I expect the ride to
be hilly; it's that part of Maryland. There were a few spots that tested my
resolve, particularly the hill on Molasses Road , but that test comes early
in the ride, so it was quickly behind me. We stopped in Union Bridge and
again in Woodsboro to refuel and rest up. The scenery was magnificent
and the company was perfect. We even decided to skip the 5 miles
shortcut at the end of the ride, and completed the entire cue sheet. The
best news of the day? Well, everyone made it back to the brewery with no
accidents. And when we returned, Tom Barse (the brewery owner) had
two new brews just for summer! The hardest part of the day (next to the
hill on Molasses) was deciding which beer I wanted. I had plenty of time
to think on that, since the line at the counter was long all afternoon. All
in all, another great day was had by all.
―by Karen Berlage
After a leisurely breakfast the next morning, we were rather surprised
to see more tandems, including Cary and Sara, Ed and Laurie, Dave
and Julie, and Hank and Roxanne! Jim Pastorick, ride leader along with
spouse Kim Green, was worried about rain as the forecast was 40% odds
all morning, but the sun was out. We all rode out heading south toward
Old Rag (a bald mountain that we have climbed a couple of times). The
ride to the base of Old Rag was an 8 mile in-an-out which some riders
skipped. All together we did 34 miles (including a mile to a distillery
near the B&B), and surprise, the weather held, 70 and sunny the whole
while! After the ride we ordered pizza and the B&B furnished a beer
sampling to quench our thirst. We had quite a feed on the front porch
of the B&B. The B&B is the "unknown brewery!" Thus, we did have
a fun time, riding, talking, eating, and drinking. Home in time to watch
the first Triple Crown in 30+ years, what a horse! Jean checked the web
Sunday: a large black bear had been reported on the very road where we
turned around! ―Bear hugs, Don and Jean
Express and Fast Train to Chesapeake Beach , May 23 (CC/B/
BB/A)―Riders enjoying the beach views before their return. You
know what they say when you’re at where to go but up!
Save the Date!
Annual Nokesville
Picnic Ride
August 30, 2015
Liz Ginexi snaps a photo of riders ready to roll at Still Point Brewery.
One of the Tailgate Rides, the first $150 in treats after the ride were
paid for by Potomac Pedalers. Your ride dues at work!
Nokesville Community Park , VA
Potomac Pedalers Head for
the Mountains
by Tim Guilford
May must be climbing month as many Potomac Pedalers headed for the
mountains in force. PPTC’ers could be found in Lynchburg (VA) and
Blacksburg (VA) for two big Century Challenge events during the month.
On May 17th the Storming of Thunder Ridge rolled from Lynchburg to
ascend one of the longest climbs on the East Coast, Thunder Ridge. The
climb is 13 miles to the highest point on the Blue Ridge Parkway. And
of course, there is the ever popular Mountains of Misery. MoM as it is
affectionately known by its participants, is quite popular with PPTC
members. It starts in Newport VA (near Blacksburg) and finishes with a
punishing steep 4 mile climb to the Mountain Lake Resort.
then makes a long U turn to come back on the other side of the ridge.
There are only a few sporadic houses and a lot of farms. During this part
of the ride we cross the Eastern Continental Divide. The double metric
continues on to the northeast then loops around to follow the century
route after some intense climbing.
This was the first year for me to do the Storming of Thunder Ridge. I did
not quite know what to expect. Fortunately, a number of PPTC members
joined me, like Liz Ginexi, Kelly Kavanagh, Dave Helms, Pam Willenz,
Nick Clements, Joe Sullivan, Pablo Bachelet and Chris Zegal, to name a few.
The profile of the ride on the website was a bit deceiving. It appeared to be
a flat ride to the climb, the long (but not steep) climb (and lovely decent)
and a flat return. Unfortunately, it did not turn out that way. There were
lots of short climbs before and after the big mountain. We also had to deal
with scattered storm cells that threatened all day long. A few PPTC’ers
cut it short to avoid the rain. Joe, Dave, Pablo and I (among others) were
determined to get the full ride in and managed not to get wet, completing
the Century.
The ride itself was quite beautiful. The views from Thunder Ridge were
spectacular. Most of the roads had little traffic. The ride started and ended
at the Jamerson Family Y in Lynchburg. The facility was fantastic, the
food excellent and the people were very friendly. Of course, it does not
hurt that the swag was the best. I purchased a jersey and it has a cool
design with red, black and white. There are shorter options, so riders can
choose from a 27, 45, and 75 miles. This ride should be on your bucket list.
I have mixed feelings about Mountains of Misery. I have done it for the
past 8 years. Each time I finish it I say no more. Yet, come February, I am
out riding in the mountains to train for it again. I guess I must meet the
definition of insanity, because I keep doing it again and again expecting a
different result, but to no avail. The sign-up is during the winter so I still
have a few months to make a decision. Maybe this time I can kick the habit.
The ride itself is really pretty. It starts in Newport, just over the hill from
Blacksburg. It heads northeast through rolling farmland for thirty miles
The first big climb on the Century is called the John’s Creek Climb at mile
60. It is about a 3 mile climb with pitches of up to 12%. The pack really
separates here, as the great climbers pull away (not me of course). Once
completing the John’s Creek climb it is down the ridge and back toward
the start. There is an 11 mile lollipop loop as you approach Newport with
some gradual climbing and descending. Next, you are off to the southwest
roll down to the Little River then climb back up to the Highway 460
crossing that marks the final ascent. The final 4 miles of the ride are on
Doe Creek Road (that name is infamous to anyone who has done the ride).
The first mile and a half are not too bad, then reality bites. The pitch gets
as high as 16% before the finish at Mountain Lake. Just finishing this ride
is a real accomplishment. And, yes, it does feel very good when you stop,
that is, if you can actually get off your bike.
The usual suspects were present this year. For the double metric Shaun
Solhjou, Pablo Bachelet, Michael Bell, Mauricio Rezende and Mark
Mullen accepted that challenge, among others. For the century, Jim
Singman, Davey Hearn, Ralph Bowman, Rudi Riet, Chris Ross and
Mariette Vanderzon did very well. PPTC was well represented among the
top finishers for both rides.
I would like to give special recognition to two people. First, a shout out to
Rudi Riet who is getting back in shape after a broken femur last year. Go
Rudi! Nice finish at MoM. Additional kudos go to Greg Gibson, who did
the Assault on Mount Mitchell the same weekend as Thunder Ridge. Nice
finish there Greg. The Assault leaves all the climbing to the last 30 miles
with a tough ascent to the top of Mt. Mitchell at the end.
PPTC Bulletin
One Ride and One Cue Sheet?
by Martine Palmiter
Email ads to Jo Keister
[email protected]
Deadline: Submit by first of month for
publication in the next month issue.
Limit: 30 words per ad
No ads accepted from commercial establishments.
Only bike-related ads from members are accepted.
tags, $35, compare at over $100 at http://www. Email: [email protected]
or 703-622-6494.
So, here is the proposition for all my fellow cyclists and club
members: Can you lead one ride a year? Can you post one cue sheet
a year? If everyone did this, our Club would have a great quantity of
diverse and fun rides to choose from. There would be more rides in
MD, DC and VA―at all levels. There would be short trail rides for
beginners, social rides that end with a brewpub or sandwich shop,
there would be 6 am “midweek/before work” rides to catch the good
weather, there would be a night rides, city rides, or overnight touring
rides! We need ride leaders of all ages and abilities. The Club needs
you, really!
Why would any cyclist want to lead a Potomac Pedalers ride?
Maybe to earn the really cool Potomac Pedalers Ride Leader jersey?
Perhaps—and the reality is that you need to pick a route, send it in
for posting on the website, prepare a cue sheet, introduce yourself at
the ride start to other cyclists and newcomers , go over safety rules,
and arrive early for the ride start. It seems like a lot to do. And that is
the most difficult part…the best part of leading a ride is you also get
to meet new people (who will thank and appreciate you for leading
a ride), pick and share routes you love, increase your biking social
network, get out more often on rides, learn leadership skills, and still
have a blast!
Okay. How do you do this? Lead the first ride with a co-leader! Ask a
friend or contact the ride coordinators in your ride class (see page 2)
and ask for names of possible co-leaders or mentor to help train you
or share the ride. Weekend rides are most popular but if you can do
midweek only, go for it! Cyclists are a friendly and helpful bunch! If
you have never led a ride before, we invite you to try it.
What’s Your Story?
Pedal Patter is looking for
YOUR cycling story.
Share your cycling trips and tips
to inspire and educate your friends.
Send submissions to:
What happens if you are a new Pedalers rider and/or new cyclist?
Can you lead a ride? Yes!!—I started leading rides because I wanted
to be a better rider, wanted to do winter riding, and wanted to meet
other cyclists in my ride class. I did learn a few things as I went
along and made a few mistakes but cyclists are a forgiving bunch.
I posted a few C level January rides in Brookeville by taking a cue
sheet from the library, but never having tested it called it “mildly
hilly” and posted it. A crowd showed up! The ride ended up being
Continued on page 9.
[email protected]
Back Roads Century, Continued from page 1.
When Jim Quinn and I first drove through the area in late winter, we were
struck by two things. First, the area offers an amazing range of scenery,
from peaceful river scenes along the Potomac and Shenandoah Rivers,
to rolling farmland, to commanding views of the Valley and Blue Ridge
beyond. Second, the area is hilly, and no one gets to view all of that
scenery without working for it! In particular, we found a series of roads
along the shoulder of North Mountain that offered jaw-dropping views
of the Valley and the Blue Ridge as it rolled through mile after mile of
apple orchards and farms. We knew we had to include as much of that
area as we could.
resulted in eliminating certain
roads due to poor pavement, low
scenic value, and ridability.
The results are going to be great!
The Century route is a big circle
that heads south and east from
Shepherdstown offering views of
the Potomac and rolling farmland
before heading south along the
Shenandoah River to the first rest
stop. The route then heads south
and then west through Summit
Point, incorporating many of the
roads at the north end of the old Jim Quinn, one of the Back Roads
Berryville century route. After a route designers.
second rest stop, the route crosses I-81 and heads west and then north
through apple orchard country. After a short climb through the orchards,
riders will arrive at a third rest stop at Henry Arena at Poorhouse Farm
Park on the shoulder of North Mountain. The route then rolls north along
roads that will have you smiling the whole way as you trend downhill
with views of apple orchards and the valley and mountains beyond,
before turning east for a final rest stop and the final few miles through
Shepherdstown routes offer spectacular views. Routes roll past farmlands and
orchards, some take you up mountains while others keep you in the valley.
Our challenge was to tie together the best roads and the best views while
keeping the routes manageable for riders of all classes and avoiding some
of the busy (and less scenic) commercial and industrial areas along the
I-81/US 11 corridor. We also had to locate rest stops along the route every
20 miles or so with enough space to accommodate up to 2,000 riders. It
was not as easy as it sounds! Jim and I spent hours testing routes using
on-line mapping programs. Jim himself spent several days in the area
driving routes and exploring roads by car and bike. He also put together a
series of preview rides by riders of all classes to get direct feedback, which
Arrive early, stay longer to take in all of Shepherdstown’s charms.
more beautiful farmland along the heights over the Potomac River. The
route is hillier than the Berryville Century―RideWithGPS reports that
the new route will have about 800 more feet of total elevation gain than
the Berryville Century―but none of the climbs are any more difficult
than what we got used to on the Berryville route, and the scenic payoff
is worth it!
The Metric Century and 50-mile routes follow shorter loops that do not
head as far south as the Century route before heading west to a rest stop
north of Charles Town and linking up with the Century route before a
second rest stop at Henry Arena. Both routes then join the Century route
through the orchards and the return to Sheperdstown. These routes are
also hillier than the Berryville routes, but there are no major climbs and
the few climbs are comparable to the climbs up from the river on the
Berryville routes. So come prepared to work a bit harder to enjoy the
spectacular views!
Finally, we will offer one or two shorter routes (30 and 17 miles) for the
more casual riders. These routes stay east of the orchards and avoid most
of the hills but still offer plenty of scenic pay-off without making you
work so hard for it!
We’re putting the final touches on the routes and rest stops, so stay tuned.
In the meantime, register for the ride and get ready for a fantastic day in
and around Shepherdstown!
Club members ready to test the routes.
Out of Bounds
is !
Re ow
Contact Theresa Noonan at [email protected] to get an event on
the calendar.
July 5
Double Cross Metric (Middletown, DE),
July 18
Allenberry Resort
Bicycling Weekend
August 7-9, 2015
Wheels of Hope (Lewisburg, WV),
July 25
Heart of Chesapeake Bike Tour (Cambridge MD),
July 26
Firefighter 50 Bike Ride,
Aug. 8
Ride to See (Galena, MD),
Aug. 8 Chocolate Tour (Hershey, PA),
Aug. 14- 16 Tour de Frederick (Frederick, MD)
PPTC is once again sponsoring a beautiful and relaxing biking
weekend at the Allenberry Resort & Playhouse, located in Boiling
Springs, PA, only 100 miles from Washington, DC and 115 miles
from Philadelphia. Enjoy scenic rides past historic stone houses and
barns surrounded by beautiful mountain scenery. Rides range in
length from 11 to 75 miles, providing variety for all types of riders.
Choose a ride to the Amish country store for browsing, a short ride
for a cool snack, or a leisurely paced ride along the shady Yellow
Breeches Creek. The routes vary from flat streambed valleys to
serious climbs. There will be featured rides each day with leaders.
This year’s theater production is South Pacific, a musical centered
around an American nurse stationed on a South Pacific Island
during WWII who falls in love with a middle aged expatriate French
plantation owner, but struggles to accept his mixed-race children.
The 57-acre Allenberry property has a large swimming pool, hot tub,
and lighted tennis courts for our use. Attendance is limited to the
first 80 people. Most rooms have double beds, and all have private
baths. If three/four share a room, only two beds are provided. Indoor
bicycle storage is available next to party room. Registration will
open online in the next few weeks.
PRICE (for PPTC Members):
Single: $335 per person
Double: $275 per person
Triple: $235 per person
Quad: $225 per person
Non-members must include an additional $25 nonmember fee
or you can join PPTC for $30 per individual or $37 per family and
not have to pay the non-member fee.
TO REGISTER: Register online at http://www.potomacpedalers.
PRICE INCLUDES: Friday and Saturday night lodging, two buffet
breakfasts, Friday night barbeque along-side the Yellow Breeches
Creek, Saturday night buffet dinner, reserved theater ticket, Friday,
Saturday, and Sunday afternoon lounge parties with healthy and not so
healthy snacks and refreshments, map packet, all taxes and gratuities.
Linda McGrane email address:
[email protected], Deb Reynolds, email address:
[email protected].
Aug. 23
Reston Century (Reston, VA),
Sept. 7
Indian Head 100 (Indian Head, MD),
Sept. 12
BBC Civil War Century (Thurmont, MD),
Sept. 13
Tour de Chocolate,
Sept. 20
Three Creek Century,
Oct. 3
Seagull Century,
Oct. 10
Crop Hop Cycling Tour,
Oct. 23-25
Fall Foliage (Hanover/Gettysburg),
Oct. 24 Great Pumpkin,
Please note that rides listed on our Out of Bounds calendar/schedule
are NOT sponsored by Potomac Pedalers. Potomac Pedalers
provides this listing of Regional Events as a convenience for its
members. Potomac Pedalers does not endorse these events, and has
not evaluated the suitability of these events for any individual cyclist.
Ride Leader Rally, Continued from page 7.
very hilly and challenging for the C riders (who all chided me about
the mild hills) but it all worked out. The experienced B riders showed
up, knowing it was a hilly ride, and blasted off ahead of me and I
never did see them again, but the C riders and I huffed and puffed
up the hills and made it!!! We cheered over a beer at the local BBQ
joint after the ride. Fun time and many new friends made. I will never
forget one comment: “you are the best ride leader ever!” That kept
me encouraged to lead more. I learned another lesson—I planned
a ride leaving after lunch in the winter, because it was warmer of
course—but not realizing the sun was setting as we neared the end
of our ride. However, again, fellow riders were so encouraging and
thanked me for posting and leading a ride. And it was fun!
Proposition Two. Can everyone commit to posting one cue sheet a
year? Do you have one route you love that you can share with the
Club, to post for all members? It may encourage others to lead rides.
If everyone can post just one a year, and submit it to Erik Pilsk, our
Cue Sheet Librarian ([email protected]), and he will help you get it
up on the website. Having cue sheets available helps others want to
lead rides. The more Ride Leaders we have, the more exciting rides
we’ll have, the more networking, and the more diverse rides that will
be offered. Give it a try!
(This will be the first of a new column, “Ride Leader Rally,” that
will feature topics on leading rides and ride leader experiences.
Please contact Martine Palmiter, [email protected] if you can
contribute to this column—deadline is the 12th of every month.)
Registration opens July 1, 2015. Deadline to register for the picnic is
October 6.
Prices are as follows:
35-, 55- and 75-mile routes: $20 for members, $25 for nonmembers
17- and 25-mile routes: $15 for members, $20 for nonmembers
A Pedalers’ Fall Favorite is Back
No picnic: $5
The 6th Montgomery County
Farm Tour and Picnic
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Poolesville, MD
We’ll provide a link to registration on our website, www.PotomacPedalers.
org, by July 1.
Regiws Open!
Co-hosted by Potomac Pedalers and Montgomery Countryside Alliance
*Open to members and nonmembers*
Please join Potomac Pedalers and Montgomery Countryside Alliance on
Sunday, October 11, 2015, for the sixth Montgomery County Farm Tour
featuring the family farms and orchards of our cherished Ag Reserve.
You’ll enjoy quiet roads, rural landscapes with views of Sugarloaf
Mountain, and the Farm Tour’s signature gourmet picnic at Kingsbury’s
Orchard. Our on-site caterer is back!
Also at Kingsbury’s Orchard, representatives of the Montgomery
Countryside Alliance (MCA) will have information about their important
role in preserving the Agricultural Reserve and Ten Mile Creek,
Montgomery County’s last, best stream and the backup drinking water
supply for 4.3 million in the Washington, DC region. Proceeds from the
Farm Tour will go to MCA. To learn more, visit
West Willard Rd, Poolesville, MD 20837--(301)
Moderately hilly routes of approximately 17, 25, 35, 55 and 75 miles
will depart from Poolesville Golf Course (approximately one mile past
Poolesville High School on West Willard Road). All routes offer beautiful
scenery and stay mainly on quiet roads.
75 miles: 9 a.m.
55 miles - 9:30 a.m.
35 miles - 10:30 a.m.
25 and 17 miles - 11:00 a.m. (NO STOP at Rocklands Farm on these
two routes)
(Novice riders are encouraged to try one of the shorter routes)
Homestead Farm):
The 35-, 55- and 75-mile routes stop at Rocklands Farm (http://www. where we’ll offer homemade cookies and
boiled potatoes compliments of Rocklands Farm, fruit compliments of
Kingsbury’s Orchard, and crunchy snacks.
NOTE: A limited number of late picnic registrations MAY be available
but are not guaranteed. Please check the Pedaler’s Meetup and Facebook
pages, (Maryland Ride News Forum) a
few days before for updates. You are welcome to join the ride without
attending the picnic, but you’ll be missing a real treat if you do. No-picnic
registration is $5.
A few reasons. 1) Our traditional mid-point rest stop, Homestead Farm
(one that used to provide modestly priced snacks), is no longer available.
Fortunately, we have a wonderful new partner, Rocklands Farm, but we
have to provide the food. 2) The ride has grown. A slightly higher fee will
allow us to provide porta potties at the ride start. 3) Most important, we
will be able to donate any revenue to Montgomery Countryside Alliance,
a steward of our beloved Ag Reserve. See
S te!
All routes also include stops at country markets, where you can purchase
water and snacks. The club will only provide refreshments at Kingsbury’s
Orchard and Rocklands Farm. Please bring pocket money and plan
delivered to your car!
Feel free to purchase a bushel of apples, cider, jams and other goodies
while picnicking at Kingsbury’s Orchard. No need to stuff your apples
in your jersey pockets! Volunteers from the Montgomery Countryside
Alliance ( will shuttle your purchases from
Kingsbury’s Orchard back to your cars from 1:30 p.m. till 3 p.m.
In case of heavy rain, your event leader will show up with cue sheets. As
of this writing, no shelter is available; if weather is extreme (hurricane),
the picnic may be canceled. Unfortunately, there will be NO REFUNDS.
For weather-related cancellations and other updates, see the Pedaler’s
Meetup and Facebook pages, (Maryland
Ride News Forum) or sign up for the “Pedalers” Googlegroup. Call 301233-7535 after 7 a.m. on the morning of the event only.
Bicycle in good working condition
Water bottles
Pump and spare tube
PICNIC LUNCH – 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Kingsbury’s Orchard -Registration Required, by 10/6/15.
Cell phone
ID with emergency contact info
The optional gourmet picnic, prepared on-site by our caterer Barbara
Helish and complemented by delicious salads from Whole Foods, is one
of the highlights of the Farm Tour. All routes stop at Kingsbury’s Orchard
three miles before ride’s end. (
Pocket change for pie and refreshments
Continued on page 11.
Farm Tour, Continued from page 10.
You won’t see any shopping malls or big box department stores, because
you’ll be cycling in the Montgomery County Agricultural Reserve,
where fresh air, farms and quiet country roads are largely protected from
the pressures of urban sprawl.
It’s impossible to run this event without helping hands! We need about
three dozen volunteers to help with parking, registration, sagging,
marshaling and fruit shuttle assistance; you’ll still be able to ride, and
we’ll comp your registration. Contact Peter Klosky at peterklosky@ to volunteer.
Release and Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk,
and Indemnity Agreement (“Agreement”)
In consideration for being permitted to participate in any way in
(event name): __________________________________________
on (dates)____________________, an event sponsored by Potomac
Pedalers Touring Club, Inc., I, myself, my personal representatives,
assigns, heirs, and next of kin:
1. ACKNOWLEDGE, agree and represent that I understand the nature
of Bicycling Activities and that I am qualified to participate in such
Activity. I further acknowlege that the Activity will be conducted
over public roads and facilities open to the public during the Activity
and upon which the hazards of traveling are to be expected. I further
agree and warrant that if at any time I believe conditions to be unsafe,
I will immediately discontinue further participation in the Activity.
AND DEATH (“RISKS”); (b) these Risks and dangers may be
caused by my own actions, or inactions of others participating in
the Activity, the condition in which the Activity takes place, or THE
LOSSES either known to me or not readily foreseeable at this time;
I incur as a result of my participation in the Activity.
Co-organizer Denise Cohen checking out the route for the Oct. 11 Montgomery
County Agricultural Reserve Farm Tour Ride. This year a new stop at Rocklands
Farm is featured, as are corn and other crops.
Contact event coordinators Denise Cohen at [email protected] or
Peter Klosky at [email protected].
Check out Montgomery Countryside Alliance: Our Co-Sponsor and
Partner. MCA
MCA Advocates for land use policies that enhance agriculture and
land preservation in the Ag Reserve, the region hosting our lovely ride;
Educates about the environmental, economic and recreational benefits
of local farmland particularly in the Agricultural Reserve;
Supports local farms to strengthen our rural economy;
Celebrates the beauty and abundance of the Agricultural Reserve; and
Conserves the economic value and rural landscape of the Agricultural
Reserve for current and future generations of the region.
For more information about the Agricultural Reserve, visit www.
The Farm Tour is dedicated to the memory of a cherished club member,
Neal D. Molloy, who died as a result of a tragic bike accident that
occurred shortly before the Farm Tour in 2010. Neal was an avid rider,
had boundless enthusiasm and energy for assisting in club events, and
made a new friend out of everyone he met on a bike. Those who knew
Neal will always remember his energy, his organizational skills, his
willingness to help and his kind heart.
HOLD HARMLESS the Club, its administrators, directors, ride
leaders, volunteers, agents, and employees, other participants, any
sponsors, advertisers, and, if applicable, owners and releasers of
premises on which the Activity takes place (each considered one
Participant’s Signature:____________________________________
Printed Name:___________________________________________
Potomac Pedalers presented two bicycle maintenance
workshops on June 6 and 13, generously hosted by Freshbikes
at Arlington Ballston. Both workshops were well attended
and each filled to the maximum attendance of 35 people. The
presentations and discussions with participants were lively;
as is sometimes said, “a good time was had by all.” The
workshop location was chosen because of its almost central
location to the Washington area and excellent access by car,
metro, bicycle, or bus. For the first workshop in good weather,
Freshbikes provided an outside tent and chairs in a reserved
area at the front of their store. For the second workshop, when
temps over 90 were forecast, they kindly cleared a large area
inside the store and set up chairs for everyone, a table for food
and a demo area. Experienced presenters for the workshops
included Leslie Tierstein, Peter Klosky, Rudi Riet, Tom
Roberson, and Bob Manka. Club member Barbara Miller
did a great job bringing in bagels, cream cheese, coffee, and
bottled water for everyone—this got a big round of applause!
Matt Birnbaum, Brenda Ruby, Mark Alpert, and Sherri Core
provided fine support behind the scenes.
Bicycle Maintenance
Presenters Peter Klosky and Rudi Riet
Workshop-1: Basic Bicycle Care at Home and On the Road
This workshop covered fundamentals of bike setup,
maintenance, and repair. Leslie took the group through
a demonstration of how to deal with one of cyclist’s top
concerns—how to fix a flat on the road and make it back home.
Peter, Rudi and Bob added comments on fixing flats and other
topics of general use to cyclists: cleaning/lubing the chain,
selecting a workstand, exploring options for pedals, shoes and
cleats, fitting the bike to the rider, selecting tools to carry, and
selecting derailleurs/cassettes to aid hill climbing.
Ready for the postworkshop ride. Note rear
drivetrain on Bob’s bike,
front left. That’s a 105
long cage derailleur and
a 34 tooth cassette.
Workshop-2: Intermediate/Advanced Bicycle Care
The second workshop briefly reviewed basic topics and then
concentrated on advanced aspects of bicycle care. Topics of
presentation (and discussion) included:
• Proper inflation of tires with differences between front and
rear pressures.
• Details on chain and gear cleaning and lubrication and
options for lubricants.
• How to remove, clean and change cassette cogs.
• Measuring and changing a chain.
• How to inspect, adjust, and change brake pads.
• How to adjust and tune index shifting at front and rear
• Shifter cable replacement, both as part of yearly
maintenance and methods for emergency repair.
Presenter and Event Organizer Bob Manka
Everyone’s a Pro Now!
by Bob Manka
Attendance both days
maxed out at 35!
As in the first workshop we presented information on
packing a bicycle to ship (including the Club case rental
program, see bottom of this page), professional bicycle
fitting, as well as necessary and useful tools. Peter and
Rudi took the lead on some core items with Tom and Bob
adding comments and presenting other topics. At the end,
Freshbikes offered participants 20% off on tools.
Post-Workshop Rides
Following the presentations at both workshops, D/C, CC
and B rides were planned. The weather after workshop-1
was good and the rides proceeded. Given the heat after the
2nd workshop, and the Clarendon Criterium less than a mile
away, many opted to see the races. Peter and a few hardy
souls ventured out for a long B ride. Tom led a small group
on a CC ride on the W&OD trail. A number of presenters
and participants came to the workshop by bicycle, including
Rudi and Tom.
A View of the Workshops
Presenter Leslie
Tierstein demonstrates
how to fix a flat tire.
From the comments and thanks we heard, both workshops
seemed well received; questions from the audience made
the workshops interactive. While it’s hard to cover major
topics on bicycle maintenance and repair in two one-anda-half hour sessions, an effort was made to provide enough
information for core maintenance, as well as other topics for
future reference. It may be worthwhile for the club to offer
these again at some future date. A lot of the success was
due to the talented team of presenters and to our generous
hosts at Freshbikes.
PPTC Rents Protective
Bike Boxes for Travel
Potomac Pedalers has several wheeled, hard-shell bike boxes (and one soft
case) for short-term rental. The boxes are available exclusively to club
members, and help keep your bike safe while traveling.
Demand for the boxes is high, particularly in the summer and fall. So
reserve early.
The rental price is $20 per week, and $3 per additional day, with a $20
minimum fee (nonrefundable). You will need your own tools, including
Allen wrenches and a pedal wrench, to disassemble your bike. These are not
provided by the club.
Size: 46” by 30” by 10”. (Many airlines charge an oversize luggage fee of
$50 or more each way; be sure to get specifics from your individual carrier.)
For more information, or to reserve a box, please email coordinator Ann
Corran in Montgomery County or Rita Zeidner in Arlington. Include
information on the dates of your trip AND approximately when you would
like to pick up and drop off the box.
Eager club members ready for
their post-workshop ride.
Rita Zeidner: [email protected], 703.998.7489
Ann Corran, [email protected], 301.439.0631
Annual Meeting Award Winner Spotlight
Joan Oppel!
Annual Meeting Award Winner Spotlight
Carol Linden!
Joan Oppel (Linda Tischer Lifetime
Award) – The Linda Tischer Lifetime
Award is given to a member who has
been a member for at least ten years
and who has demonstrated leadership,
selfless dedication, effective contribution,
and personal commitment in support of
Potomac Pedalers interests, goals, and
ideals over a number of years.
Surprised to have won, Joan says "It's
humbling. Potomac Pedalers has had so
many great volunteers over the years,
who have kept the club going. I feel like
my activities have been just a small part
of the larger volunteer effort.” Joan didn’t
know Linda Tischer personally, but knows
that she was a particularly involved and
dedicated volunteer. “I don’t think I could ever walk in her shoes and it’s
really humbling to think of myself in the same category as Linda. I am
sincerely honored at being chosen for this award.” Joan found the club shortly after moving to the DC area some 25 years
ago. “I can honestly say that being involved with PPTC has been more
rewarding than I ever would have expected and given more to me than
I feel I’ve given back. The best part is the close and lasting friendships
I've made through the club.” Joan says that she quickly realized what a
“terrific treat” it was to show up for a ride that someone else had taken
the time to plan, so she decided to try doing the same for others. She also
liked the perk of picking the ride location and route for the day. In addition
to continuing to lead rides, around the year 2000, she took on the role
of distributing sign up sheets to all Virginia ride leaders ― a chore she
continued on a weekly/monthly basis for about 13 years, until the club
decided to have the leaders print them individually. She now serves on the
Message Committee, a team of six who rotate answering emails that come
into the Club's "Contact Us" inbox from the website. She says, “There have
been some interesting requests on my ‘shifts’. Such as an antique biking
group from Ohio wanting information about how they could replicate
an early 20th century bike picture under the Cabin John Bridge ― that
entailed some fun research!”
Her favorite routes are “as rural as possible with some hills ― Frederick
County, Fauquier, Loudoun, and Clarke Counties and many other
places. Though I love that Western Montgomery County is so easy to get
to and remains a lovely place to ride. “
Joan’s favorite memories come from the camaraderie on a ride when the
group sticks together. “There have been some notable roadside repair
sessions where I've had the tools or repair items to help someone with a
breakdown of one sort or another get back on the road ― several broken
chains, jammed pedal, large holes in tires (not just a tube), cleat bolts, zip
ties to hold a broken rack together. Have used duct tape and gauze to cover
road rash for a rider. I carry the stuff for myself but have used it mostly for
other people.” Also, another favorite is “putting together a route, making
up a silly name ― and then having the ride continue as a club staple for the
next 20 years!...To Hume Again, But Not Alone ― a reference to the Home
Alone movie and sequels from the 1990's and the Fauquier community.”
At the beginning of 2015, Joan says she had some interesting early rides on
her schedule and goals for the year, but unfortunately she broke her femur
in a bike accident on March 15 (no car involved). She says, “my focus
narrowed to healing the bone, regaining strength, stability, flexibility. I
want to get back on my bike and get back to my life as a bike rider because
riding has brought so much fun and friendship to my life. Even if I'm just
riding my bike to do errands, I'm having fun!”
Update: Joan is back on her bike and did 52 miles at the Black Hill ride June 20th!
Carol Linden (right) with a friend after “Circling Sugarloaf” (and ascending, too!).
Carol Linden (Peter LeGrand Good Shepherd Award) – The Peter LeGrand
Good Shepherd Award is given to ride leaders who go out of their way to ensure
that everyone on a ride feels welcome, keep an eye on stragglers, assist with
mechanical problems, and even SAG the weary if necessary.
Carol says that she’s humbled and very surprised to have won the "Good
Shepherd" award. “While I do always try to help out anyone who has a problem
on a ride, it is usually just a reality that I'm riding ‘sweep,’ at the back.” She
has a deliberate policy on winter rides of making sure no one is left behind in
cold and windy weather to deal with a mechanical, or worse. Even though she
now feels like she “has to live up to the award,” with that sort of attitude it
won’t be a problem. This isn’t the first time Carol has been 2008
she received the Rookie Ride Leader of the Year Award and was even more
surprised by that! Carol wasn’t around during Peter LeGrand’s time with the
club and says, “I am pretty sure he was more of a good shepherd than I am.”
Carol started biking in the late 1990s and riding with the club around 2001. She
says that while she was very intimidated at first to ride with the group, “once I
started, I just kept coming to rides and eventually figured out where I sort of fit
in.” She decided to take the plunge and become a ride leader mostly to make
sure there was a ride on the schedule she liked. That mushroomed into a “habit”
of volunteering to lead one ride a month and she fears that has mushroomed
into something more! “I wanted to support the club, so I served for 2 years as
an at-large member of the ExCom a few years back, and most recently, as the
Pedal Patter editor. Having given that up, I'm now the MD CC ride coordinator
in addition to leading some of the CC groups in multi-class rides.”
Her favorite area to bike? “Hands down, no contest, the western Montgomery
County Agricultural Reserve area. That said, I've been on some beautiful rides
in the boonies of Virginia, but getting home from there is a challenge.”
Carol counts the number of great friendships she’s developed and the interesting
people she’s met as the best things about biking with Potomac Pedalers. “One
of my favorite memories is helping to bolster the confidence of a new rider,
who has since turned out to be a darn good cyclist and a dedicated randonneur.”
She did one of her "bucket list" rides in March: the Solvang Century. “Actually,
I did the 70 mile version because southern California was having a blistering
heat wave, and neither I nor my riding buddy were trained up for 100 miles
under those conditions. Still, it was a great experience.” While Carol wants
“to get more miles this year, and get up hills a little faster” her main goal is to
simply, “ride, ride, ride.”
PPTC’s Monthly
Ride Schedule
How to Read the Ride Schedule
Note: This ride schedule is accurate as of the editorial deadline for Pedal
Patter. For the most up-to-date listings, please consult the Ride Schedule
(H) *
45 *
MD * 9:30am *Poolesville HS (POO) *
PPTC rides are described according to a standardized, easy-to-read format that
always lists: (a) ride classification, (c) distance, (d) locality, (e) start time, and
(f) start location.
You may also see (b) a (F) “Flat” or (H) “Hilly” terrain indicator, (g) a start
location code, and (h) weather notes. Directions for ride starts given in the
Reference Manual.
The ride listing above is read a “B” class ride over hilly terrain (expected
overall pace of about 12, 13 miles per hour), about 45 miles long, with a ride
start time at 9:30am in Maryland from Poolesville High School. The ride will
go if the forecast high temperature is 40˚F or higher, AND the chance of rain
is less than 35%.
Ride Classification Table
This table shows the range of average riding speeds, the range of typical ride distances,
and typical intervals between rest stops.
Average Riding Speed (ARS)
(Miles)(Miles) Ride
Class (H)illy
(M)oderate (F)lat
Rest Stop Use of
Intervals Pacelines
10.0–11.9 12.0–13.9
10.0–11.9 12.0–13.9 14.0–15.9
12.0–13.9 14.0–15.9 16.0–17.9
14.0–15.9 16.0–17.9 18.0–19.9
16.0–17.9 18.0–19.9 20.0–21.9
18.0–19.9 20.0–22.0 22.0–24.0
Randonneuring is long-distance (endurance) cycling over scenic and
challenging terrain. Randonneur rides often leave early in the morning and
require lights, go under most weather conditions, and typically are challenging
all-day affairs with distance and speed determined by the participants. This
includes the annual Brevet series of qualifying rides between 125 and 625
miles in length.
ATB These are rides for all-terrain or mountain bikes. the individual
ride descriptions should be read for specific information regarding terrain
(e.g., single-track, double-track, or gravel roads), distance, and equipment,
requirements (e.g., type of bike or tire with).
Specialty rides for bikes with two or more cyclists. Tandem ride
leaders often choose routes that are particularly well-suited to these types
of bicycles, as they typically go much faster downhill and flat sections, and
slower uphill, than single bikes.
Weather Notes
A ride description may contain minimum GO conditions– limits of temperature
or chance of rain, given as “temp/chance” e.g., “40º/35% or less. Otherwise,
the ride will be cancelled. Temerature is a maximum in the summertime. A
general rule is that a ride is cancelled if there is rain at start time, or if it
is winter, snow is falling, or roads are covered with ice and/or snow. The
National Weather Service number is 703.260.0405. Call the Ride Leader if
you’re in doubt.
July - Mondays
B/BB * 30ish * MD * 9:30 AM * Glen Echo Park (GLE)
The Usual Monday Ride From Glen Echo
Moderately hilly ride through Potomac, with a probable stop at a cafe
near the end. Leaders regroup periodically with an average speed of 16
- 18. Cue sheets and a longer ride options are usually available only on
holidays. No go in rain or on wet roads. Please park in the lower portion
of the lot, off Oxford Rd, farthest from Macarthur Rd.
BB: WarrenFarb [[email protected]] 301/320-4942
B: Cathy Wilson [[email protected]] 703/328-1029 B/BB * 30ish * MD * 5:00 PM * Frederick, MD (7th ST Starbucks)
The Starbucks Ride
Moderate ride going from the Starbucks at 7th Street in Frederick every
Monday. This is a recovery ride that meanders throughout Northern
Frederick County. Frequent use of pacelines with an average speed of1719. No cuesheets, but no one will be left hanging out on their own. No
go in active rain.
B/BB: Darius Mark [[email protected]] 301/418-6370
July - Tuesdays
T/B/BB * 20-25 * VA * 5:15 PM * Fort Williams Pkwy
Tuesday Tandem Ride
Just south of Seminary Rd Tandem Tuesday Ride Tandem Tuesday is
a weekly ride using various courses on the roads and trails of Northern
Virginia. The exact start address is 622 Fort Williams Pkwy, Alexandria.
The core group in this ride consists of visually impaired / blind stokers
and the tandem captains who ride with them. All others (single or tandem
riders) are welcome. We are happy to assist those new to or thinking
about starting tandeming. Please call or send e-mail to the ride leader to
RSVP so we know you are coming.
Mark Mulligan [[email protected]] 410-991-3241, or day of ride call
D/C/CC * 13-23 * VA * 5:15 PM and 6:00 PM * Wakefield Park (WKP)
North Springfield Easy
Members and non-members of the club are welcome. Registration, email
or phone call is recommended. For this ride you can use road as well
as hybrid bikes. The terrain is mostly flat with a few short hills good
enough to experiment and develop strategies to bike on hills. You will
have an opportunity to meet friendly bicyclists who will match your
needs or desire. Wakefield Park is located at 8110 Braddock Road,
Annandale, Virginia 22003, with access from I-495 and Braddock
Road West exit, first right into Park. Public transportation is available.
C/CC: Woody Lipinski [[email protected]] 703-203-4934
D/C: Shirley Lipinski [[email protected]] 703-470-6637
C/CC * 26/34 * VA * 10:00 AM * Belle Haven Picnic Area (BEL)
Mid-week Morning Belle Haven
Come on out for this mid-week ride through pleasant neighborhoods,
with just a short time on the bike path and a few slightly busier streets.
The routes have a few good hills and converge at the rest stop and at
the end. Group typically goes to lunch afterwards. It is recommended
you check the web site each week, especially if weather looks doubtful,
to confirm the ride is a go. If there is no posting, the ride is a go. The
entrance to the Belle Haven picnic area is the first left off the George
Washington parkway going South, once you are completely through Old
Town. (Note that the map on the website may be wrong.) Once you turn
into the Park, take the first left and we meet in the first parking lot on the
right. Please use cell numbers the day of the ride only.
C leaders: Teresa Brooks [[email protected]] 703-971-3617 or cell
703-728-7635 or Lois Lightfoot [[email protected]] 703-4512361 or cell 571-228-9907
CC leaders: George Saxton [[email protected]] 703-243-8284 or
Jill Thompson-Riese [[email protected]] 202-674-1920
CC * 14 * MD * 6:00 PM * Capital Crescent Trail (CCT)
Capital Crescent Cruising
Looking for a relaxed, social midweek ride? If so, come join us for
our weekly ride from Bethesda to Georgetown and back on the Capital
Crescent Trail. We go to dinner afterwards at a moderately priced
restaurant. The ride leaves promptly, one block down from the
intersection of Woodmont and Bethesda Avenues on the Capital Crescent
Trail. Bring quarters for nearby parking lots and garages! The meter
maids are out until 10 PM. No go if it's raining, pavement is wet or
storms are seriously threatening. Helmets required.
Patrice Coss, 703.521.6159
CC/B(MF) * 16 * VA * 6:00 PM * Wakefield Park (WKP) Annandale Evening Excursion
Join us for an evening ride on the wide and quiet streets of North
Springfield. Several different paces will be available. This is a no-drop,
multi-class ride. Lights are not required. The typical route is 16 miles
long, but variations can be shorter or longer, as desired.
Peter Klosky [[email protected]] 703-727-4939
CC/B/BB/A * 17-34 * MD * 6:10 PM * Laytons Village SC (LAV)
The Slurpee Ride
Come out and join us. The Tuesday night gang has riders from All Classes
and we welcome more anytime. Plus, we all go to 7-Eleven and get Slurpees
afterward. We will be riding into Howard County via Riggs, Zion, and
Howard Chapel roads and coming back via Hipsley Mill Rd. There will be
multiple length options of the same basic route. No go if raining or wet roads.
Please park in the far corner of the parking lot near the donation bins. Rest room is available at JRABs and 7-Eleven. Use it or hold it!
BB: Geng Chan [[email protected]]
B: Bob Bernstein [[email protected]] 240-593-2539
CC: Open – Contact Geng to volunteer.
B-AA (MF) * 25 * VA * 6:00 PM * Wakefield Park, Annandale (WKP)
Annandale Evening Speedworks (20th Birthday)
This is a multi-paced ride around the quiet residential streets of
Annandale. We'll try to roll out promptly by 6:10, and later riders should
find it easy to intercept the ride en route, which stays within 3 miles of
the park (!). There are rest rooms and water at the park. We park in the
first lots on the left of the entry drive; the park is located off of Braddock
Rd. immediately outside of the Beltway (I-495).
Dan Lehman [[email protected]] 703-241-9113
July – Wednesdays
CC* (MH)* 10-24 * MD * 6:15pm * Rockville Regal Center
Rockville Rambler
Every Wednesday through September, join us for a ride with some variety
around Rockville, enjoying some routes you may not have known.
Explore the many neighborhoods in and around Rockville on secondary
streets, utilizing little known connector trails to avoid major roads along
the way. We'll try to maintain a cohesive group through a few hills and
tight turns, including some trail and street riding. Convenient parking in
the lot immediately in front of The Regal Theatre for $1.50 after 5pm.
Meet at the upper corner of the lot at Montgomery Ave and Monroe St.
Afterwards we usually grab a bite at Giuseppi's, Pot Belly or California
Tortilla across from the parking lot. Try this ride and see what you've
been missing. No go in rain or on wet roads.
Russell Walker ([email protected]) 301-758-4491 Robin Temin ([email protected]) 240-505-0294
CC/B * 18-25 (MH) * DC * 6:00 PM * Mitchell Park (MIT)
Downtown Breakaway --“B/CC” Version
Little traffic at rush hour downtown! A moderately paced ride through the
hills of upper Northwest, stretching out toward Potomac as the daylight
increases. Flat and fast along MacArthur for return to Mitchell Park. This
is a slightly modified, shorter version of the “BB/A” route for riders who
don’t keep up with the front pack all the way. Ride leaders will ride at a
high “CC” to middle “B” pace with a regroup or two along the way for
slower riders to catch up. CC ride leader will plan to take short cuts to
make sufficient ride length to return to Mitchell Park before dark. See
details about parking, etc., in the “BB”/”A” description.
Organizer: Rudi Riet [[email protected]]
B: Monique Sears [[email protected]] 202-256-5218
CC: Liz Milor [[email protected]] BB/A * 32-44 (MH) * DC * 6:00 PM * Mitchell Park (MIT)
Downtown Breakaway
Did you know that you could ride in DC at rush hour and not be in the
midst of cars? It's true! Come join us on this beautiful ride through the
tree lined streets of NW and out to Potomac. The ride goes up and down
many hills between Dupont Circle and Potomac, great for building up for
the season's big event rides like Mountain Mama or the Civil War Century
(and it beats the pants off the repetition of laps at Hains Point). The return,
as the daylight is fading, is flat and fast along MacArthur Blvd, good
for working on speed and paceline skills. Something for everyone - the
division between A and BB usually happens closer to the return leg, which
most people (hopefully) know, though the cues are easy for said stretch.
Plenty of short cuts along the way to finish by dark or make your evening
date. Even though we have plenty of daylight in July, it's STRONGLY
advised to bring front and rear lights for safety, as we can get caught in the
dark if delayed by mechanicals or road conditions. Too speedy for your
tastes? There is a B/CC group as well. Ride leaves from the stairs and
"Speed Hump" sign at Mitchell Park, S St NW, between 22nd and 23rd
Sts. There is street parking in the neighborhood, but please be mindful of
zone regulations which are in effect until 8:30 PM and somewhat strictly
enforced (there is limited free parking in front of the former Textile
Museum and Wilson House). Email the ride organizer to be added to
the ride's email list for cues and GPS links. Leaders may alternate week
to week, alternating according to availability. No go in steady rain, icy
conditions, or impending thunderstorms - late-breaking announcements
on Pedalers Google Group and Potomac Pedalers website.
Organizer/A: Rudi Riet [[email protected]]
BB: Keith Barron [[email protected]]
A: Jonathan Mirsky [[email protected]] 202-320-1310
A: Susanneh Bieber [[email protected]]
July – Thursdays
C/CC * 13 * VA * 6:00 PM * Wakefield Park (WKP)
North Springfield Easy
Registration, mail or phone confirmation is required. Members and nonmembers of the club are welcome. For this ride you can use any type of
bike. The terrain is mostly flat with a few short hills. Wakefield Park is
located at 8110 Braddock Road, Annandale, Virginia 22003, with access
from I-495 and Braddock Road West exit, first right into Park. Public
transportation is available.
C/CC: Woody Lipinski [[email protected]] 703-203-4934
D/C: Shirley Lipinski [[email protected]] 703-470-6637.
C/CC * 10-20 * DC * 6:30 PM * Tenley Circle (TEN)
Thursdays at Tenley
Meet us on the 3900 block of Yuma Street NW (east of the circle) and
ride every Thursday until the end of September. Ride distance varies
with available daylight. Friendly, social ride through side streets down
towards the river or into Rock Creek Park and back uphill to the start.
Then on to a nearby restaurant for pizza, beer, salad and more socializing!
You may even get free pizza courtesy The Potomac Pedalers. Beginners
and newcomers are welcome. No go if raining or wet roads.
Ron Tripp [email protected]; 301-237-5079
CC/B(MF) * 16 * VA * 6:00 PM * Wakefield Park (WKP) Annandale Evening Excursion
Join us for an evening ride on the wide and quiet streets of North
Springfield. Several different paces will be available. This is a no-drop,
multi-class ride. Lights are not required. The typical route is 16 miles
long, but variations can be shorter or longer, as desired.
Peter Klosky [[email protected]] 703-727-4939
B/BB/A * 20-30 * MD * 6:10 PM * Laytons Village SC (LAV)
The Thursday Night Trainer
This is generally a fast paced cooperative training ride through the
Laytonsville area and Patuxent River valley. Same route as in previous
years. The ride leader will make no attempt to keep the group together
for the ride, so make sure you have a cue sheet and know where you are
going. Ride leader will insist on single file riding until the top of Howard
Chapel Rd. because of the traffic and narrow roads. No go in rain or
on wet roads. Please park in the far corner of the parking lot near the
donation bins. Rest room is available at JRABs and 7-Eleven.
Tim Guilford 301-704-2723
B-AA (MH) * 18-25 * VA * 6:30 PM * Belle Haven Picnic Area (BEL)
Belle Haven Blast
This long-running and sociable training ride has a bit of everything. A
relatively flat first half gives way to nearly unrelenting hills in the second
half. Ride will focus on team building techniques with members riding
together in pace lines. Riders will stop in case of mishaps or mechanicals.
Ride leaders rotate in the pace line working to keep the team riding as
a single unit and may establish or adjust speed limits for flat terrain. Rides will generally be broken into two groups, an A/AA and a B/BB,
depending on turnout. The A/AA group will be limited to those who have
demonstrated that they know the route and have the necessary fitness
and group riding skills. The B/BB group will focus on developing fitness
and group riding skills. Both groups will ride together until the Fort
Hunt Park entrance, then separate into two groups going into the park. if
needed, each group will stop and regroup with its own members at the
top of Rebecca Drive.
Brian Dixon [[email protected]]
Peter Czapiewski [[email protected]]
B-AA (MF) * 25 * VA * 6:00 PM * Wakefield Park, Annandale (WKP)
Annandale Evening Speedworks (20th Birthday)
This is a multi-paced ride around the quiet residential streets of
Annandale. We'll try to roll out promptly by 6:10, and later riders should
find it easy to intercept the ride en route, which stays within 3 miles of
the park (!). There are rest rooms and water at the park. We park in the
first lots on the left of the entry drive; the park is located off of Braddock
Rd. immediately outside of the Beltway (I-495).
Dan Lehman [[email protected]] 703-241-9113
July – Fridays
C * 30 * MD * 9:00 AM * Veirs Mill Park (VMP)
Leave from Veirs Mill to join the Friday lunch ride
If you always wanted to join the “Friday Lunch Ride” but didn’t know
how to get to the start at Lake Needwood, then this is the ride for
you. The purpose of this ride is to bike (C pace of ~10 mph average)
from Veirs Mill Park (VMP) to Lake Needwood via the Rock Creek
Trail in time for a short break before joining Deborah’s “Friday Lunch
Ride.” You can stop at VMP (at the North end of Beach Drive) when
the “Friday Lunch Ride” goes by on the way back to Needwood after
lunch (total ride length will be the same as the “Friday Lunch Ride”). Please bring a helmet, bike lock, and lunch money. Please arrive in
time to be ready to roll at our departure time of 9:00. Veirs Mill Park
Recreation Center 4425 Garrett Park Rd Silver Spring, Maryland 20906
Norman Rasmussen [[email protected]] 301-828-7470
C * 30 * MD * 10:00 AM * Lake Needwood (NEE)
Friday Lunch Ride.
The plan is to start out at Lake Needwood in Derwood and bike to
will be more construction on the Rock Creek Trail, and we may need to
change the start locale. You can start off with me at wherever we start or
I can pick you up along the way. If you want to meet me along the route,
let me know by THURSDAY afternoon.
Deborah Turton [[email protected]] 301-482-0675
C/CC * 10-20 * VA * 4:00 PM * Oak View Elementary (OVE)
West of GMU
A casual ride that starts from Oak View Elementary School near
Robinson HS, a five-minute walk, bike, or drive from GMU, to meet
GMU professors, students, alumni, and fans. One-two hours of biking
for your health. The bike ride is open to members and non-members of
the club. The ride has no major hills, but enough short ones to experiment
and develop strategies to bike on hills. Direction: From Braddock Rd
turn onto Sideburn Road and proceed to 5004 Sideburn Rd, Fairfax, VA
22032 vis-à-vis Robinson HS. A public bus transportation is available.
C/CC: Woody Lipinski [[email protected]] 703-203-4934
CC * 27-35 * MD * 10:00 AM * Buddy Attick Park (BUD) * 50 º
Bud Bike Friday
Join our crew for this rolling ride with a few nice climbs for your trouble. There are 2 rest stops but only vending food. Park in Buddy Attick Park,
not at Ivy Lane. Lunch afterwards at Greenbelt Center.
Harold Goldstein * [email protected] * 301/854-0388 * cell
George Schneider *[email protected]
C/CC/B/BB/A * 26 * MD * 6:16 PM * South Germantown Rec
Adventure Playground (SGRAP) Scenic Social!
This ride rolls from Germantown into Poolesville on lightly traveled
roads with green pastures and orchards along the way. The ride usually
stops to re-group at the top of Whites Store, the end of Peach Tree, etc.
This ride invites pace levels from "CC" on up and naturally splits into
smaller groups though ride leaders will make an effort to encourage
group togetherness. There is no sweep because of varying route lengths.
RIDE START: We meet at the Adventure Playground located at 17920
Germantown Park Drive. There is a real bathroom that is opened year
round and ample parking! Watch the speed cameras on Schaeffer Rd.
No go in inclement weather, on wet roads, or temps below 50. C/CC
riders are welcome too! Dinner afterwards is often an option and all are
C/CC :Willy Aladro [[email protected]] 301-467-2600
B/BB :Bill Hermach [[email protected]]
A: Ken Rowe [[email protected]] 301-367-2600
July 3 – Friday
ALL * 5-25 * VA * 7:45 AM * Thomas Jefferson Community
Center (TJCC)
Bike commute to work in D.C. or get in a morning ride. We'll ride to
the Friday Coffee Club, a group of commuting bicyclists that meets for
coffee near the White House. After a pause for refreshment, you can
continue to work or return to Virginia with me. IDs required, because
the ride into town will go through Ft Myer. RSVPs (email) requested.
Leslie Tierstein [ltierstein AT]
C * 28 * VA * 10:00 AM * Washington Sailing Marina (WSM)
Wheeling Down To Mount Vernon
Get an early start on celebrating the Fourth of July with a ride down
the Mount Vernon Trail to George Washington's home at Mount
Vernon. Starting from the Washington Sailing Marina along the George
Washington Memorial Parkway, we will pedal through historic Old Town
Alexandria and along the scenic wooded shoreline of the Potomac River
before reaching George Washington's beloved estate high above the
Potomac. Enjoy an optional tour of Mount Vernon before returning by
the Mount Vernon Trail, with an out-and-back crossing of the Potomac
River on the Woodrow Wilson Bridge Bike Path to National Harbor on
the Maryland shore.
Glenn Gillis [[email protected]] 571-217-4477
CC/B (MH) * 40-50 * MD * 8:30 AM * Cabin John Regional Park
Cabin John Weekend Fever
Join us for a challenging ride in the Potomac area. Learn about
neighborhood streets and trails connecting Potomac to Rockville,
Bethesda, and beyond. Some roads will be familiar to you if you frequent
the Wootton High School Saturday morning rides. Cue sheets provided
at ride start. Cabin John Regional Park (CJRP) is located at 7400
Tuckerman Lane, Bethesda MD. Use Tuckerman Lane entrance to park
(not Westlake Drive). The entrance sneaks up on you so be careful when
arriving. If you see the Cabin John park sign, you are literally there and
need to turn into the entrance IMMEDIATELY. Meet near the exit of this
parking lot (behind the Do Not Enter sign that is visible from Tuckerman
lane). Chill in CJRP after the ride or stop at Cabin John Shopping Center
& mall (corner of Tuckerman Lane & Seven Locks Road) for California
Tortilla, Subway, Broadway Pizza, Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, Baskin
Robins, BGR, Jerry’s, McDonalds, etc. There’s something for everybody!
No-go in rain or wet roads; if you have questions, check the website for
cancelation before you head out.
Julie Marders [[email protected]] 240-750-0754 (cell, texts OK)
B/BB/A * 67 * MD * 7:30 AM * Sherwood Elementary School (SES)
Let's get up a bit early to beat the heat on this holiday weekend. We can
burn off some calories so we can indulge in the cookout food and beer
that will happen the next day. The ride goes from Olney to Laytonsville
and back. One rest stop in LAV. Note that BB leader expects/hopes to be
at the high end of BB and that B leader expects to be riding sweep and
hoping to finish! Not too much climbing on this route. No go in rain or
wet roads.
A: Tim Guilford [tim] 301/704-2723
BB: Nick Clements [[email protected]] 240-432-6800
B: Bob Bernstein [[email protected]]
July 4 – Saturday
TANDEM & C/CC * 52 - 38* MD * 9 AM Allen Pond Park, Bowie
Bowie - to - Deale and Back We meet at Allen Pond Park parking lot at 3330 Northview Dr., Bowie,
MD 20716. This gorgeous ride goes through lovely quiet roads, gentle
hills at times, lush green canopies, farms and beautiful country homes.
There will be 2 rest stops for the longer ride and one for the shorter
ride (38 mi.) which begins at mile 16. Food and drinks available at rest
stops. A repeated favorite for us. Come join the fun. If the weather
looks dubious, check the Ride Schedule on the PPTC website for a late
cancellation notice or contact the ride leaders.
Cary Sennett 301-452-0837, [email protected]
Sara Sennett 301 520 2478, [email protected]
C (H) * 27 * MD * 9:00 AM * Glen Echo Park (GLE)
Glen Echo North
Ride will go on neighborhood roads into Bethesda, Garrett Park,
Rockville, and Kensington. Ride will have regrouping points to help keep
the ride together with a rest stop at the Old Town Market in Kensington.
Lunch @ Fish Tacos located near the intersection of MacArthur & Seven
Locks Rds.
Mike Divine [] 301-258-7820
C/CC * 28 * VA * 9:30 AM * Vienna Community Center (VCC)
Heavenly Hills of Arlington County
Both members and non-members are welcome to join the ride, it is a
promotional ride for non-members with confirmation by an email or
phone call. The rides are partly on the hilly streets of North Arlington
with two big hills, a flat and hilly ride for ambitions bicyclists. Starting
from Vienna Community Center, 120 Cherry Street SE, Vienna, Virginia
22180 and biking to Potomac Overlook Regional Park (http://www. through North Arlington hilly streets.
Public transportation to the ride. From Dunn Loring Metro Station left on
Gallows Rd (better on the side walk) to the W&OD Trail and turn left.
From Vienna Metro Station take exit left and next right toward Vienna.
And after crossing Nutley St turn left on Cottage St and right on Battle
St. After the ride, an optional lunch at the Whole Foods Market.
Woody Lipinski [[email protected]] 703-203-4934
CC (MH )* 33 * MD * 9:00 AM * Riley’s Lock (RIL)
Western Montgomery Circuit
I don't think the founding fathers were big into cycling, but no doubt
they would celebrate the freedom and independence the sport provides.
We'll celebrate our country's birthday in style, with a ride through the
familiar roads out of Riley's Lock. One rest stop at the halfway point
in Dickerson. We'll get an early enough start with a short enough ride
to get you back home in time for the feasting and firework festivities to
follow. No go in rain or wet roads. If you call after 8:00 AM and there is
no answer, the ride is a go. Dale Hunt [[email protected]] 202-299-9094
CC(H) * 58 * VA * 8:00 AM * Northern Fauquier Community Park Blue Ridger
This ride tours through horse country in Virginia. It includes a climb up
Mount Weather, goes through several small towns, and passes at least
one winery. Please note that this ride, which normally leaves out of the
Park & Ride in Marshall, will leave from Northern Fauquier Community
Park, 4155 Monroe Parkway, Marshall, VA 20115. The Park is about two
miles away from the Marshall Park & Ride, and the Park has rest rooms
and lots of parking.
Lee Langford [[email protected]] 571-216-0857
CC/B * 30-50 * MD * 8:00 AM * Thomas S Wootton HS Parking
(TWHS) * 50 deg/60%
Rockville Saturday Morning Ride
In its 3rd year, the Wootton ride is a regular fun group Saturday
morning event, suitable for seasoned B/CC riders. We will ride around
Rockville, Gaithersburg, Potomac, Seneca, Germantown, Poolesville,
and Clarksburg. Our typical ride length will range from 30 to 50 miles
and will be moderately hilly (MH), although we will plan for 2-3 big hills
to challenge you and make you stronger. We will make 1-2 rest stops
depending on the length of the ride. The group generally divides into two
sub-groups, and our attempt will be to not drop anybody as long as you
can ride at a high B (~16mph) / high CC (~14mph) pace for the length of
the ride. The ride will leave promptly at the designated time. Cue sheet
will be posted in the News Forum on Fridays and also sent via e-mail to
those who provide their e-mail address. We will bring limited cue sheets
and expect regular riders to print their own cue sheet.
B Ride Leader: Ajit Baid [[email protected]] 267-421-1438
CC Ride Leader: Jay Lee 240-426-0078
B/BB (MH) * 66 * VA * 8:30 AM * Veloville Bike Shop, Purcellville
Western Loudoun and Fauquier Counties
Join a multiclass ride that rolls through rural Virginia and small-town
America decked out for The 4th of July. This ride rolls out north to
Hillsboro, then comes south through Round Hill and Airmont, and across
Rt.50 into Fauquier County for a rest stop in Marshall. The return is
over Frogtown to Zulla, then through Middleburg to Sam Fred Rd.,
Snickersville Trnpk., & Lincoln. We can add an earlier stop, in Airmont
and Round Hill, if needed. Directions: From Rt.7 from the east, exit to
Rt.287 Berlin Pike and turn L; go about a half mile and turn R on Bus.7
(E. Colonial Hwy => Main St); go 0.7mi and R again on Maple at a light;
turn L into parking lot just past McDonald's. Park in front of Veloville
Bicycles and Coffee shop. The shop has an espresso bar available if
needed. After the ride, join the group at the Belly Love Brewing Company
and celebrate America’s birthday with microbrews and food. If you are
interested in what is on tap, check out their Web site. A favorite sampled
was Flying Unicorn Crotch Kick (Double IPA).
BB: Frank Volberg 703-346-8852, Matthew Birnbaum
B: Tom & Deanna Calligaro [[email protected]] 571-243-3174
A * 70 * VA * 8:30 AM * Trail's End Cycling, Purcellville (TEC)
Trails to Sweets
NB: This is a different ride than the B/BB ride at Veloville bike shop.
This "A" ride will go a different direction from the "B/BB" ride from
Purcellville. We’ll make a quick run down to Harper’s Ferry, hit the John
Brown Climb up Main Street, then meander along the river on the way to
the bakery in Shepherdstown. We’ll come back along the river, with a short
climb over HoffMaster. There may be a brief stop at Beans in the Belfry
Coffee Shop in Brunswick if the group is willing. Beans in the Belfry is a
unique shop and the experience is definitely worth 10-15 minutes of time.
From Brunswick we climb up from the river to Lovettsville and make the
fast run along Mountain Rd and 691 back to Purcellville. This is typically a
fast ride so any DC/Marylanders should be able to complete the ride and get
back to DC before 4th of July traffic gets crazy. The Purcellville start is a bit
farther out, but avoids the I-66 corridor. The Ride leader will ride a solid A
pace and there will be frequent regrouping at most major turns. That said,
please be prepared to ride on your own and support yourself if you find you
are unable to stay with the group. The ride leader will not be riding from the
rear or sweeping the course. One, possibly two rest stops so please plan water
and nutrition accordingly. Make sure you park across the street from Trail’s
End Cycling and not in the shop parking lot. Check the Potomac Pedalers
website for any potential route changes. Cancellations will be posted to the
Pedalers Google Group "Pedalers" and the website if possible. The URL shows the route.
Greg Gibson [[email protected]]
July 5 – Sunday
Beginner D/D * 14 * MD * 10:00 AM * Candy Cane City (CAN)
Lunch at Parkway Deli A pleasant, easy ride on Beach Drive to Peirce Mill. Most of the ride
will be on the car-free section of Beach Drive. On the return, we'll lunch
at Parkway Deli. C riders will join us, coming from Viers Mill Park
Recreation Center. Locks and helmets please. Call ride leader if weather
is marginal. Street address for CAN is: 7901 Meadowbrook Lane, Chevy
Chase, MD. We will meet at the playground across from the pedestrian
bridge on Beach Drive. Parking is also available on Beach Drive and at
the French International School at the corner of Woodbine and Beach
Linda Kolko [[email protected]] 301-785-1342
C * 25 * MD * 9:15 AM * Viers Mill Park RC (VMP)
Lunch at Parkway Deli
We'll ride down Beach Drive to pick up D riders at Candy Cane City. We'll then ride to Peirce Mill. On the return, we'll lunch at Parkway Deli. Optional hill on the return at Peirce Mill. Locks and helmets please. Call
ride leader if weather is marginal. Address for 4425 Garrett Park Rd.
Silver Spring, MD.
Linda Kolko [[email protected]] 301-785-1342
D/C (MF) * 16 * VA * 9:45 AM * Shirlington Library/Signature
Theater (SHR) * 30%
Lunch in Shirlington
Another great ride from the original Ride-To-Eat™ production team!
Both MEMBERS AND NON-MEMBERS are very welcome to join us
for this social ride, followed by lunch at one of the many restaurants
in Shirlington (free parking in garages and lots on weekends). NO
REGISTRATION is needed – just show up. We meet at 9:45 AM for a
10 AM departure on the brick plaza in front of the Shirlington Library
/ Signature Theater on Campbell Avenue in Shirlington (in Arlington).
We select a restaurant, then go to lunch at about 12 PM. See you there!!!!
[P.S. Between 10 AM and 12 PM you are welcome to join the leader
on the bike trails of Arlington (the Arlington Loop: traveling first on a
portion of the W&OD Trail, then the Custis Trail, the Mount Vernon
Trail, and the Four Mile Run Trail) with a rest stop in Lyon Village, and
a brief regrouping at Gravelly Point (cue sheet on PPTC website). The
3-4 miles on the Custis Trail are hilly; the rest of the ride is pretty flat.
Leader rides a slow "C" pace; all levels welcome (those wanting more
or fewer miles may wish to continue up the W&OD and return to join us
for the main event: lunch!). The ride leader is very likely to cancel the
ride if the chance of rain is greater than 30% or the wind speed is greater
than 15 MPH. If the weather looks doubtful it is particularly important
to check the Ride Schedule on the PPTC website for a late cancellation
notice. Alternatively, you may email the ride leader to see if the ride is
a go.
Ron Trueworthy [[email protected]]
C (MH) * 27 * VA * 9:30 AM * Gunston ES (GES)
Lorton Springfield Loop
Here's a challenging ride that's Northern Virginia suburban with a little
bit of rural. Moderately hilly to hilly. Take a spin and judge for yourself.
Part of the route goes past a section of the old Lorton Penitentiary in
the latter half. Lunch afterwards at a nearby eatery. Call in the event of
questionable weather. For detailed directions, do an internet map search
on Gunston Elementary School, Lorton, VA, or contact the ride leader.
Jeff Mankie [[email protected]] 571-332-2130
CC * 34 * MD * 8:30 AM * Laytons Village Shopping Center (LAV)
Laytonsville Loop
Join me for a familiar loop around Laytonsville. I am a novice leader and
eager to lead more rides, so welcome all folks interested in coming out
for a fun, low-pressure ride. No go in rain.
Jodi Jacobson [[email protected]] 301-257-7897
CC/B/BB/A(MH) * 67 * MD * 8:00 AM * Laytons Village SC(LAV)
Birthday Ride
It's your birthday, Liz. Make a wish... "O.K. I wish I could ride my bike
just for fun surrounded by friendly Potomac Pedalers friends." This
birthday ride is a Laytonsville classic -- a lovely route with some hills
to keep you honest. It wanders up to Taylorsville, then north to Bloom
Rd. After that it runs south towards Woodbine wending back & forth to
Lisbon followed by a pretty direct route back to Laytonsville. Join us
for some party pizza at Julliano's after the ride. Kurt will be bringing a
chocolate cake! No go in rain or wet roads.
A: Tim Guilford [tim .] 301-704-2723
BB: Liz Ginexi [[email protected]] 240-354-4721
B: Paul Huey-Burns [[email protected]] 202-255-2785
CC: Carol Linden [[email protected]] 240-205-5035
A * 70-80ish * VA * 8:30 AM * Haymarket Bicycles Fit Studio
The Plains Coffee at 8:00, Roll at 8:30
To cure any post July 4 hang-overs let’s meet at the new coffee shop
at the Haymarket Bicycles Fit Studio in The Plains for an early coffee
and ride. We will most likely do some variation of the Wallowing
Naked ride which heads down towards Warrenton, hits the Bear Wallow
Climb, then meanders over Naked Mountain to Delaplane and back to
The Plains via Rectortown – Frogtown - Zulla - Milestone roads. The
Ride leader reserves the right to change or modify the route, so please
check the Potomac Pedalers website for up-to-date route information.
The Haymarket Bicycles Fit Studio is located in the heart of The Plains
at the corner of Main St/Rt 55 and 245 right at the stop sign as you
come into The Plains. There is parking in the rear of the shop as well as
street parking. In the case of overflow you can park in the usual place
by the railroad tracks and ride over. Bathrooms are available at the ride
start. The coffee shop will be open at 8AM and serves Steel Cut Oatmeal
along with great coffee if you need some pre-ride nutrition. The Ride
leader will ride a solid A pace and there will be frequent regrouping at
most major turns. That said, please be prepared to ride on your own and
support yourself if find you are unable to stay with the group. The ride
leader will not be riding from the rear or sweeping the course. One,
possibly two rest stops, so please plan water and nutrition accordingly.
The potential route is shown at
but may change prior to the ride. Check Potomac Pedalers website for
the most up-to-date information.
Greg Gibson [[email protected]]
July 9 – Thursday
CC(MH) * 16 - 18 * VA * 6:30 PM * Belle Haven (BEL)
Belle Haven Blast
We will do a CC version of this well-known, long-running, and sociable
training ride that has a bit of everything. A relatively flat first half gives
way to nearly unrelenting hills in the second half. We will push ourselves
as much as possible, but will stay together as a group. No cue sheets!
We will regroup at turns and hilltops. I generally end the ride with an
honest CC average of just over 14 mph.
Deb Reynolds [[email protected]] 301-346-1755
CC/B*21 * MD * 6:00 PM * Laytons Village (LAV)
Midweek Laytons Trainer
Get your work stress out Thursday night! We meet at Laytons Village
for a nice 10 miles of rolling hills through Laytonsville, then we attack
Hipsley Mill Road--which has 2 steep inclines. After you make it up
Hipsley, you will be rewarded with some rolling hills back to the start.
Meet in the parking lot in the front by Rt.108. We will let the AA/A/BB
riders out of the lot first.
CCs will be challenged if you normally do not do hills, so hopefully the
group can encourage you to make it up. Come a little early, we leave
promptly at 6 pm. No drop ride for the CC level. You can do this! No ride
if rain 50%.
CC: Martine Palmiter [[email protected]] 301-787-4556
B: Vic Caldarola [[email protected]] 240-602-8752
July 11 – Saturday
D/C * 20/23 * MD * 10:15 AM * Viers Mill RC (VMP)
Lunch at the Ale House
Bring helmet, ID, lunch money, and lock. Brief stop in Olney Manor
Park. No go if wet roads, call ride leader between 8:15AM and 8:30AM
on the morning of the ride if the weather is marginal. Please register in
person on the day of the ride at the ride start, not online in advance. Cue
sheet available online at .
Chris Moriarity before 8 PM 301-270-3416
D/C * 19-32 * VA * 9:30 AM * Vienna Community Center (VCC)
"Nice and Easy" to Herndon or Beyond
A nice promotional ride on the W&OD trail designed for members and
non-members. Road bikes, hybrids or mountain bikes can be used. This
is a popular easy flat ride on the W&OD trail through the town of Vienna,
Reston, Herndon or beyond with an extension by riders preference: 26
miles to Rte 28, 27 miles to Wegmans, 29 miles to Smith Switch Station
and 32 miles to Ashburn Barbecue. Bring a helmet and lock. The ride
will start at the Vienna Community Center from the parking lot closest
to the trail. Benches and restrooms are available along the trail. Public
transportation is available: Metro Orange line or buses. From Dunn Loring
Metro Station bike left on Gallows Rd (on the side walk) to the W&OD
Trail and turn left on W&OD Trail. From Vienna Metro Station take exit
left and any street toward Vienna and after crossing Nutley St turn left
on Cottage St and right on Battle St to VCC. Members can register on
line while non-members can confirm their attendance by phone or email.
Shirley Lipinski [[email protected]] 703-470-6637
C /CC* 24 Miles* VA * 9:00 AM * Accotink Unitarian Universalist
Church (AUUC)
Scenic Springfield Second Saturday
If you appreciate quality cycling near Occoquan, Burke or Springfield
Virginia you will enjoy this ride. Depart from church parking lot a block
south from corner of Burke Lake Road and the Fairfax County Parkway
(located at 10125 Lakehaven Court in Burke). Pedal through upscale
neighborhoods, along wide paved path paralleling route 123 and into
Occoquan Regional Park. Restrooms and water are available at the
mid-way break. Multiple eateries and a convenience store are passed
along the route. Return to Accotink Unitarian Universalist Church via
quiet residential streets, shady scenic parkland and paved trail above
picturesque Lake Mercer.
CC Leader: Steve Brown [[email protected]] 703-801-9617
C Leader: Mary Scala 703-887-6558
CC(F) * 32 * VA * 9:30 AM * Margaret M. Pierce ES (MPS) Between The Rivers
The largest cavalry battle of the Civil War, the Battle of Brandy Station,
occurred on June 9, 1863 and involved nearly 17,000 horsemen under
Confederate Maj. Gen. J.E.B. Stuart and Union Maj. Gen. Alfred
Pleasonton. Amid rumors of a possible major Confederate offensive,
Maj. Gen. Joseph Hooker (famous for “Hooker’s Girls” and you know
the rest of the story), commander of the Union Army of the Potomac,
assigned a reconnaissance-in-force to Pleasonton’s 11,000 man cavalry.
Though the Confederates could claim the victory, the Battle of Brandy
Station, remarked one Confederate, “made the Federal cavalry.” Along
with this new-found confidence, Union horsemen discovered the position
of the Army of Northern Virginia. The Confederates were slipping west,
to the Shenandoah Valley on Lee’s last great offensive, which would end a
month later at Gettysburg. Lee’s strategy that fateful day in July included
a flanking maneuver by JEB Stuart, but he had his hands full with the
newly formed Union cavalry and one Captain Custer who distinguished
himself at the Battle of Kelly’s Ford. You’re going to like this ride, and
six miles before the end we stop for lunch at the Inn at Kelly’s Ford. The
Pelham’s Pub (Maj. John Pelham, commander of Stuart’s horse artillery
– Stuart wrote Pelham’s mother, “I loved him as a brother; he was so
noble, so chivalrous, so pure of heart, so beloved.”) downstairs invites
us with outdoor seating and a grand vista of an equestrian meadow. If
you’re not happy at Kelly’s Ford, we’ll check you for a pulse. “Now, of
my fourscore years and ten, sixty will not come again, And take from
ninety springs three score, It only leaves me thirty more.”
John Wannen [[email protected]] 202-374-1523
CC * 33 * MD * 9:00 AM * Riley’s Lock (RIL)
Western Montgomery Circuit
Roads around Potomac and Poolesville with rolling terrain.
Mike Divine [] 301-258-7820
CC/B * 30-50 * MD * 8:00 AM * Thomas S Wootton HS Parking
(TWHS) * 50 deg/60%
Rockville Saturday Morning Ride
In its 3rd year, the Wootton ride is a regular fun group Saturday
morning event, suitable for seasoned B/CC riders. We will ride around
Rockville, Gaithersburg, Potomac, Seneca, Germantown, Poolesville,
and Clarksburg. Our typical ride length will range from 30 to 50 miles
and will be moderately hilly (MH), although we will plan for 2-3 big hills
to challenge you and make you stronger. We will make 1-2 rest stops
depending on the length of the ride. The group generally divides into two
sub-groups, and our attempt will be to not drop anybody as long as you
can ride at a high B (~16mph) / high CC (~14mph) pace. The ride will
leave promptly at the designated time. Cue sheet will be posted in the
News Forum on Fridays and also sent via e-mail to those who provide
their e-mail address. We will bring limited cue sheets and expect regular
riders to print their own cue sheet.
B Ride Leader: Ajit Baid [[email protected]] 267-421-1438
CC Ride Leader: Jay Lee 240-426-0078
B/BB * 40/57/64 * VA * 8:30 AM * Warrenton Municipal Lot-A
Hot, Hotter, and Damned Foolish
We can’t control the temperature in mid-July, but we can choose among
three distances : 40ish for really hot; 57ish for sort-a-hot; and 64ish for
temperature be dammed. The ride starts in downtown Warrenton and gets
out of town via the rail trail. Then it’s south via Casanova to the Elk
Run store for Rest Stop 1 at mile 21. The routes split after the Rest Stop.
The 40ish heads north without another rest stop to Warrenton. The 57ish
heads west on Elk Run and the 64ish heads south. The 57 and 64 routes
rejoin on Elk Run Road just before the US 17 intersection. Here are the
URLs for the routes:
64mi :
57mi :
40mi :
From there, it’s on to Kelly’s Ford and Remington for Rest Stop 2, where
your options are the gas station or the deli (it offers milkshakes.) The
two routes stay on the same 18-mile return heading all the way back to
Warrenton. All the semi-significant hills are in the first 10 miles after
that it’s flat or rolling, pretty much with about 2,725 feet of downhill on
the 57ish. Restrooms at both rest stops. No restroom at the ride start, but
a cup of coffee entitles you to use the facilities at the Red Truck Bakery,
two blocks away. To reach Warrenton from the east, exit I-66 at Exit
40 (Hwy 15), turn left and stay on Hwy 15 for about two miles until
it intersects Hwy 29. Turn right onto Hwy 29 and that takes you into
Warrenton. Do not use Exit 43 (Hwy 29) from I-66 (even if your iPhone/
Garmin tells you to) unless you enjoy road construction, red lights and
shopping center traffic. Got questions, call or send e-mail, but call before
the morning of the ride.
Bruce Rolfsen [[email protected]] 202-674-1941
B/BB/A * 100/62/50 * MD * 7:30 AM * Walkersville High School (WHS)
Historic Bridges Century
It will be hot, so let's get an early start. This is a ride mostly in the
Frederick Valley then we head north to Gettysburg. The route
includes the three covered bridges in Frederick County and one near
Gettysburg. Of course, we throw in a few old iron truss bridges as
well. Not too much climbing on this route. No go in rain or wet roads.
A: Tim Guilford [tim .] 301/704-2723
BB: Terry Leonard [[email protected]] 301 641-8001
B: Paul Huey-Burns [[email protected]] 202-255-2785
July 12 – Sunday
D/C (MF) * 16 * VA * 9:45 AM * Shirlington Library/Signature
Theater (SHR) * 30%
Lunch in Shirlington
Another great ride from the original Ride-To-Eat™ production team!
Both MEMBERS AND NON-MEMBERS are very welcome to join us
for this social ride, followed by lunch at one of the many restaurants
in Shirlington (free parking in garages and lots on weekends). NO
REGISTRATION is needed – just show up. We meet at 9:45 AM for a
10 AM departure on the brick plaza in front of the Shirlington Library
/ Signature Theater on Campbell Avenue in Shirlington (in Arlington).
We select a restaurant, then go to lunch at about 12 PM. See you there!!!!
[P.S. Between 10 AM and 12 PM you are welcome to join the leader
on the bike trails of Arlington (the Arlington Loop: traveling first on a
portion of the W&OD Trail, then the Custis Trail, the Mount Vernon
Trail, and the Four Mile Run Trail) with a rest stop in Lyon Village, and
a brief regrouping at Gravelly Point (cue sheet on PPTC website). The
3-4 miles on the Custis Trail are hilly; the rest of the ride is pretty flat.
Leader rides a slow "C" pace; all levels welcome (those wanting more
or fewer miles may wish to continue up the W&OD and return to join us
for the main event: lunch!). The ride leader is very likely to cancel the
ride if the chance of rain is greater than 30% or the wind speed is greater
than 15 MPH. If the weather looks doubtful it is particularly important
to check the Ride Schedule on the PPTC website for a late cancellation
notice. Alternatively, you may email the ride leader to see if the ride is
a go.
Ron Trueworthy [[email protected]]
C/CC(MH) * 35&51 * VA * 9:00 AM * Tyler Elementary School
(TYL) * 95°/50%
Hill and Dale
Mostly downhill and always a tailwind. This ride turns south well before
The Plains and quickly takes you into the countryside over rolling hills
and across dales. In one section of the ride, the repeated accumulation
of inclines can be challenging. The short route remains on a scenic, flat
section past the Airlie Conference center while the longer route rushes
down a winding ribbon of tarmac and then finds a long-ish and steepish climb. We then head to areas seldom ridden by PPTC but always
enjoyable. Ascent averages 55 feet per mile. No restroom at ride start.
HELMETS REQUIRED. I may cancel if the forecasted high is above 95
degrees or chance of precip is 50% or more. Please call if weather looks
marginal. Questions? Call my home NLT 2 hours prior to ride start or
on cell thereafter.
Len Wilkinson [[email protected]] 703-455-0368 or Cell 703350-9209
C/CC(MH) * 35-40 * 9:00 AM * Quince Orchard High School
Darnestown to Clarksburg
Join us for a moderately paced ride through Montgomery county. Our
destination is Clarksburg where we will be treated to a long descent
across the lake at Black Hill Park. Expect an overall average pace 13-14
mph on moderately hilly roads.
Bill Resnicow [[email protected]] 301-325-7056
CC/B (MH) * 40-50 * MD * 8:30 AM * Cabin John Regional Park
Cabin John Weekend Fever
Join us for a challenging ride in the Potomac area. Learn about
neighborhood streets and trails connecting Potomac to Rockville,
Bethesda, and beyond. Some roads will be familiar to you if you frequent
the Wootton High School Saturday morning rides. Cue sheets provided at
ride start. Cabin John Regional Park (CJRP) is located at 7400 Tuckerman
Lane, Bethesda MD. Use Tuckerman Lane entrance to park (not Westlake
Drive). The entrance sneaks up on you so be careful when arriving. If
you see the Cabin John park sign, you are literally there and need to turn
into the entrance IMMEDIATELY. Meet near the exit of this parking lot
(behind the Do Not Enter sign that is visible from Tuckerman lane). Chill
in CJRP after the ride or stop at Cabin John Shopping Center & mall
(corner of Tuckerman Lane & Seven Locks Road) for California Tortilla,
Subway, Broadway Pizza, Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, Baskin Robins,
BGR, Jerry’s, McDonalds, etc. There’s something for everybody!
No-go in rain or wet roads; if you have questions, check the website for
cancelation before you head out.
Julie Marders [[email protected]] 240-750-0754 (cell, texts OK)
CC/B (MH) * MD/DC * 40 * 8:30 AM * Forest Glen Metro
Sunday Morning in the Park - Travilah Loop
We cruise Beach Drive to uphill on Grosvenor, then on the Trolley Trail
through Bethesda on back roads, down to McArthur, up Persimmon
Tree, River Rd, South Glen, Glen Mill, Travilah with a rest stop at the
deli. Return on South Glen and Tuckerman. Rest stops at Starbucks in
Potomac and Travilah Deli. Will meet after ride for pizza at Armands,
close by at Seminary and Georgia Ave. No restroom at the Metro, but 3
gas stations just south on Georgia Ave. Optional stop at port-a-john in
park. If it’s really hot we can shorten ride by about 10 miles.
B: Jerry Collins [[email protected]] 240 281 4861 CC: leader TBA Contact Jerry to volunteer!
CC/B/BB * 50 * MD * 8:30 AM * Rileys Lock (RIL)
Century Hangover?
If you did the century on Saturday, maybe you are looking for some
easier miles today. Well this one's for you. We wander around the Ag
Reserve with a rest stop in Dickerson. The worst hill is early on at Mt
Nebo. All familiar roads & hopefully a cast of the usual suspects. No go
in rain or on wet roads.
BB: Karen Berlage [[email protected]] 301-963-1482
B: Jerzy Lamot [[email protected]]
CC: Carol Linden [[email protected]] 240-205-5035
July 13 – Monday
All Levels * 15ish or more * DC * 6:30 PM * East Potomac Tennis
Parking Lot *
Hains Point Happy Hour
Let's relax and enjoy a post-workday scenic circuit ride around
East Potomac Park (commonly dubbed Hains Point by the cycling
community). We'll have two groups, one conversational, and the other
spirited, where riders will be encouraged to race for the sign. After, we'll
head to a Dupont/Georgetown cafe for sandwiches, beer and such. Meet
at the East Potomac Tennis Center parking lot at Ohio Dr. and Buckeye
Dr. at 6:15 PM for announcements. We'll roll at 6:30, and divide up
between fast and conversational groups to ride the 3-mile circle until
7:30 p.m. Check the Pedalers website, Facebook page, MeetUp page or
Google group for any weather related cancellation. NO GO in rain.
Conversational: Denise Cohen, bikergal101 at
Race for the Sign: Rudi Riet, rdriet at
July 16 – Thursday
D/C/CC * 10 or more * VA * 6:00 PM * Crystal City Waterpark
Crystal City after Work Ride
I’m trying to gauge if there is interest in an after work fun ride from
Crystal City that could be done throughout the summer. We can start at
the Crystal City Waterpark which is a surprisingly nice little park near
the corner of Crystal Drive and 18th St. right where the Mt. Vernon
trail comes up in CC. The park is one block from the CC metro station
and underground parking in CC is free after 4 pm. There will be no cue
sheets. We can take the Mt. Vernon trail to the 14th Street Bridge, cross
into DC and ride around Hains Point and come home. Or we could go
to Old Town, Alexandria, etc. We’ll ride about an hour or an hour and a
half. There are restaurants nearby if people are interested in eating after
the ride. Questions on weather (won’t go if it’s raining), etc. contact the
ride leader.
Catherine Kitchell [[email protected]] or 301-767-6919
CC(MH) * 16 - 18 * VA * 6:30 PM * Belle Haven (BEL)
Belle Haven Blast
We will do a CC version of this well-known, long-running, and sociable
training ride that has a bit of everything. A relatively flat first half gives
way to nearly unrelenting hills in the second half. We will push ourselves
as much as possible, but will stay together as a group. No cue sheets!
We will regroup at turns and hilltops. I generally end the ride with an
honest CC average of just over 14 mph.
Deb Reynolds [[email protected]] 301-346-1755
CC/B*21 * MD * 6:00 PM * Laytons Village (LAV)
Midweek Laytons Trainer
Get your work stress out Thursday night! We meet at Laytons Village
for a nice 10 miles of rolling hills through Laytonsville, then we attack
Hipsley Mill Road--which has 2 steep inclines. After you make it up
Hipsley, you will be rewarded with some rolling hills back to the start.
Meet in the parking lot in the front by Rt.108. We will let the AA/A/BB
riders out of the lot first.
CCs will be challenged if you normally do not do hills, so hopefully the
group can encourage you to make it up. Come a little early, we leave
promptly at 6 pm. No drop ride for the CC level. You can do this! No ride
if rain 50%.
CC: Martine Palmiter [[email protected]] 301-787-4556
B: Vic Caldarola [[email protected]] 240-602-8752
July 17 – Friday
C/CC (MF&MH) * 38&52 * VA * 9:00 AM * Brentsville Park (BVP)
* 95°/50%
Creek Crossings
Mostly downhill and always a tailwind. This fantastic ride uses some
familiar country lanes and then goes south of Bristerburg on roads that
PPTC does not usually frequent. If you are pondering the short or long
options, GO LONG - the additional miles are really great cycling. The
short route ascends 1,200 feet - a flat-ish 35 feet per mile. The long route
ascends 2,400 feet - 45 feet per mile with two short, steep climbs after two
creek crossings. For the long route, the refueling station at a rest stop has
closed, so please carry a second water bottle and nutrition. IMPORTANT
NOTE: Ride start is behind the Brentsville Presbyterian Church. I may
cancel if the forecasted high is above 95 degrees or chance of precip is
50% or more. Please call if weather looks marginal. Toilet not available
at start. HELMETS REQUIRED. Questions? Call me at home NLT 2
hours prior to ride start or on cell thereafter.
Len Wilkinson [[email protected]] 703-455-0368 or Cell 703350-9209
July 18 – Saturday
Women * All * 15/25/35 miles * MD * 8:30 AM * Riley’s Lock (RIL)
Women & Bicycles: A Tale of Two Rides + Picnic
Calling all the ladies ONLY! Following on the success of our first
women’s only ride in May, we’re hosting another joint ride with WABA’s
Women & Bicycles group. This ride welcomes all levels and paces, with
a few route options. For ladies who are comfortable riding on the road,
come experience the scenic Ag Reserve in upper Montgomery County,
featuring rolling terrain dotted with orchards and farmlands. Or, for
those ladies who prefer a mostly flat ride, another route will have you
tooling along the C&O Canal. The Canal route will be an out and
back totaling 15-20 miles, while the road ride will have two distance
options of approximately 25 and 35 miles. All routes will accommodate
varying abilities and paces; the road rides will have leaders at the front,
middle, and back. This is a no drop ride. We'll meet at 8:30 AM to beat
the heat! We'll briefly go over introductions, group riding etiquette, and
route information. We’ll have a potluck picnic post-ride, so plan to stick
Ride Leaders: Denise Cohen, Robin Sparer, Martine Palmiter, Deborah
Turton, Sue Gunter, and Brenda Ruby
Contacts: Denise Cohen ([email protected]), Brenda Ruby
([email protected]), or Sue Gunter ([email protected])
D * 10 * MD * 10:00 AM * Thomas Farm Community Center
Carl Henn Millennium Trail Loop
This 10 mile loop is dedicated and named for Carl Henn, a Rockville
city bike advocate. We'll meet in front of the Thomas Farm Community
Center, bathrooms open. The paved trail loops around Rockville. Note:
We will cross a few busy intersections and there are a couple of long
slopes uphill. This ride is a good ride for D riders since it mostly stays
on the trail. There will be some crossings at lights at busy intersections.
We will regroup at the top of any inclines and no one will be dropped.
Make sure your tires are pumped up, you have a helmet and water. Start
location is
Gordon Smith [[email protected]] 240-299-3384
D/C * 19-32 * VA * 9:30 AM * Vienna Community Center (VCC)
"Nice and Easy" to Herndon or Beyond
A nice promotional ride on the W&OD trail designed for members and
non-members. Road bikes, hybrids or mountain bikes can be used. This
is a popular easy flat ride on the W&OD trail through the town of Vienna,
Reston, Herndon or beyond with an extension by riders preference: 26
miles to Rte 28, 27 miles to Wegmans, 29 miles to Smith Switch Station
and 32 miles to Ashburn Barbecue. Bring a helmet and lock. The ride
will start at the Vienna Community Center from the parking lot closest
to the trail. Benches and restrooms are available along the trail. Public
transportation is available: Metro Orange line or buses. From Dunn Loring
Metro Station bike left on Gallows Rd (on the side walk) to the W&OD
Trail and turn left on W&OD Trail. From Vienna Metro Station take exit
left and any street toward Vienna and after crossing Nutley St turn left
on Cottage St and right on Battle St to VCC. Members can register on
line while non-members can confirm their attendance by phone or email.
Shirley Lipinski [[email protected]] 703-470-6637
C (H) * 22 * MD * 8:30 AM * Veirs Mill Park (VMP) * 100deg/80%
Paved Trails Off Rock Creek North
This is an easy ride (except for a few hills) to explore less familiar paved
routes: the Lake Frank Trail and the Matthew Henson Trail, both off
Rock Creek Trail. Meet at Veirs Mill Park Recreation Center, 4425
Garrett Park Rd, Silver Spring, MD 20906, at the north end of Beach
Drive, which has ample parking and a Porta john. Ride starts promptly at
8:30 AM so that we can finish early and enjoy lunch outside at the nearby
Black Market Bistro before crowds arrive. Helmets required. Potential
members welcome.
Fred Carson [[email protected]] 301-933-2919 (cell 202-714-8373)
C * 26 * 9:00 AM * Belle Haven Picnic Area (BEL)
Belle Haven Loops
This ride goes through pleasant neighborhoods, with just a short time
on the bike path and a few slightly busier streets. The route has a few
good hills in the second half but there are options available should you
wish to avoid the bigger hills. If weather looks doubtful check the "Ride
Schedule" on the web site or call the ride leader to confirm the ride is
a go. Also please be aware that the entrance to the Belle Haven picnic
area is the first left off the George Washington parkway going South,
once you are completely through Old Town (disregard the map on the
website). Once you turn into the Park, take the first left and we meet in
the last parking lot on the right.
Leanne Sleer [[email protected]] 202-615-2932
C * 50 * VA * 9:00 AM * Crystal City Water Park * 60%
Ten Trails to Lake Artemesia
This extra-long C ride combines ten DC-area bicycle trails to visit
one of the prettiest spots in the Washington area: Lake Artemesia near
College Park. We ride across DC to the Anacostia River & north to Lake
Artemesia. Then we ride through the University of Maryland campus to
Sligo Creek and follow it to downtown Silver Spring for lunch. Finally,
we return via the Capital Crescent Trail. Though longer than usual, we
maintain a comfortable C pace. Most of the ride is on paved bicycle
trails, with some on-road bike lanes or quiet roads, and even a bit of
sidewalk. There are two moderate hills on this ride, but we’ll make sure
everyone catches up. If you want to try this ride but you’re concerned
about the distance, we pass near several Metro stations along the way, so
you can bail out if you get tired--make sure you’re familiar with Metro’s
Bike ‘N Ride Guidelines (
We will meet in South Arlington at Crystal City Water Park, by the
bicycle repair vending machine. The parking garage across the street at
1750 Crystal Drive is free on weekends and holidays. DIRECTIONS:
From either direction on US-1 (Jefferson Davis Hwy) take the '15th St
S Pentagon City' exit but turn east (toward the river) on 15th St S, turn
right onto Crystal Drive, then right again into the 'Visitors' entrance
of the parking garage. Allow enough time to find a parking space and
bring your bicycle across to the Water Park. For those riding to the ride,
Crystal City is easily accessible from Four Mile Run or Mount Vernon
Trails; call leader if you have questions. No go if rain is likely, in which
case cancellation will be posted on the web site by 8:00 AM.
George Saxton [[email protected]] 703/243-8284
C/CC * 24 Miles * DC * 9:30 AM * Peirce Mill (Tilden & Beach
Drive - Rock Creek Park) DC
We will bring back Beach-to-Creek, a ride through Rock Creek Park on
Beach Drive, through Kensington and over to Sligo Creek, followed by
a brief ride through the city to get back to the Mill. Short cut possible. Moderately hilly. Leaders will regroup at key points. No go in rain or
on wet roads.
Ron Tripp [[email protected]]301-237-5079
Tom Humphrey [[email protected]] 301-602-0434
CC/B/BB/A (H) * 76/46 * MD * 8:30 AM * Myersville Park & Ride
Happy Pain Happy
This is a spectacular ride the club has done the past several years, ample
shade and gurgling creeks to make the climbs bearable. Join us & find
out why. It is sort of the reverse of Happy Happy Pain Pain without
High Rock and dropping off South Mountain into Carroll Valley PA.
The route works over to Loy Wolfe and drops down MD-17 into
Smithburg. Then it heads north above the valley up to Rouzerville PA
for the first rest stop. After that the route continues on to Mentzer Gap
and Mt Alto for a long steady climb up South Mountain followed by
a long descent into the second rest stop in Carroll Valley. The return
is via another long steady climb up Iron Springs and Gum Springs
into Blue Ridge Summit (optional rest stop, but no rest rooms) with
the last 12 miles downhill into Myersville. ​The shorter 46-mile route
is somewhat hilly but a good ride for CC/B riders who want a more
moderate challenge. It will make a 3-5 mile “jump” over the“hill” to
Fort Ritchey to rejoin the long route. It has a few ups and downs before
finally reaching the 12-mile downhill into Myersville. No go in rain at
ride start. Check PPTC schedule if weather iffy. Here are the routes:
75.3 mi, 6328 ft [ ] &
45.5 mi, 3254 ft: [ ].
No go if rain at ride start. Check PPTC schedule if weather iffy.
A: Dave Helms [[email protected]] 301-466-5561
BB: Matt Birnbaum [[email protected]] 202/702-5720
B: Terry Leonard [[email protected]] 301 641-8001
B/BB * 41/60 * VA * 8:30 AM * Middleburg Elementary School
Loudoun Round-Up
A nice ride in Loudoun county, with a start in the now very fancy
The decision point for long vs short is after the first rest stop (18 miles).
The long route has 3400 feet of climbing according to ride with GPS. The terrain is rolling with no long climbs. Here are the URLs for the
41mi :
60mi :
Jong Chen [[email protected]]
July 19 – Sunday
TANDEM * 44 * MD * 9:30 AM * Elmer Wolfe Elementary School
Union Bridge to Thurmont - Out and Back
We will meet at Elmer Wolfe Elementary School, 119 North Main
Street, Union Bridge, MD, 21791. We will ride 44 miles of very low
traffic, scenic country roads (many single lanes, but no gravel roads)
to Thurmont, MD and return. We will stop for lunch at Bollinger's
Restaurant ( in Thurmont and then reverse our
route back to Union Bridge. Total milage is 44. The ride terrain is rolling
with some hills, but is not difficult. Elevation gain over the 44 miles is
about 2,000 feet. The route can be viewed and GPX files download from There is a porta-pottie at the ride
start (on the school parking lot) and one at mile 15.5 at the Loys Station
Covered Bridge. Cue sheets will be provided. Weather Cancellation:
Precipitation > 60%.
Phil and Andrea David, [email protected], cell 410-206-1835
D/C (MF) * 16 * VA * 9:45 AM * Shirlington Library/Signature
Theater (SHR) * 30%
Lunch in Shirlington
Another great ride from the original Ride-To-Eat™ production team!
Both MEMBERS AND NON-MEMBERS are very welcome to join us
for this social ride, followed by lunch at one of the many restaurants
in Shirlington (free parking in garages and lots on weekends). NO
REGISTRATION is needed – just show up. We meet at 9:45 AM for a
10 AM departure on the brick plaza in front of the Shirlington Library
/ Signature Theater on Campbell Avenue in Shirlington (in Arlington).
We select a restaurant, then go to lunch at about 12 PM. See you there!!!!
[P.S. Between 10 AM and 12 PM you are welcome to join the leader
on the bike trails of Arlington (the Arlington Loop: traveling first on a
portion of the W&OD Trail, then the Custis Trail, the Mount Vernon
Trail, and the Four Mile Run Trail) with a rest stop in Lyon Village, and
a brief regrouping at Gravelly Point (cue sheet on PPTC website). The
3-4 miles on the Custis Trail are hilly; the rest of the ride is pretty flat.
Leader rides a slow "C" pace; all levels welcome (those wanting more
or fewer miles may wish to continue up the W&OD and return to join us
for the main event: lunch!). The ride leader is very likely to cancel the
ride if the chance of rain is greater than 30% or the wind speed is greater
than 15 MPH. If the weather looks doubtful it is particularly important
to check the Ride Schedule on the PPTC website for a late cancellation
notice. Alternatively, you may email the ride leader to see if the ride is
a go.
Ron Trueworthy [[email protected]]
D/C * 18/22 * VA * 10 AM * Great Marsh Trail (GMT)
Beauty of Mason Neck
This is a very nice, social ride that meanders through Mason Neck
Park (known as the best park in the region), quiet neighborhoods with
interesting architecture and provides scenic views of the Potomac River. There is also a lot of shaded areas that help when the weather is hot, as does
having refreshments at the rest stop in Mason Neck Park. Non-members
of the club are welcome, it is promotional ride for you! After the ride a
socializing lunch at IHOP, 7784 Gunston Plaza Dr, Lorton, VA 22079. If
you are interested in joining us for lunch, please register for the ride at the
PPTC website or send an email to the ride leader. If more than 20 cyclists
will attend I will try to get some meal discounts. The ride will start at the
Great Marsh Trail Parking Lot, 11582 Gunston Road, Lorton 6 miles from
Rte 1 on your right. Wear a helmet. For Cs in return from the Gunston Hall
rest stop, second time the High Point U turn bicycling is recommended.
greg basheda [[email protected]]
C/CC * 31/34 * VA * 9:30 AM * HM Pearson Elementary School
(HMP) * 95°/50%
Rural Pleasures and Post-Ride Lunch
Join us and ride the rural, rolling roads of Fauquier County. This will be
a nice social ride, with the ride leaders riding the advertised average pace.
The ride will be followed by a lunch partially subsidized by the Club at
Carini’s in Nokesville after the ride. Riders are encouraged to register
for this ride on-line if you plan to go for pizza, so we can give Carini's a
rough idea of how many of us to expect. The ride may be canceled if the
forecasted high during the hours of the ride is above 95 degrees or chance
of precip is 50% or more. If weather looks questionable, call the C ride
leader to confirm the ride is a go or check the on-line ride schedule to see
if it's been cancelled.
C Leader: Teresa Brooks [[email protected]] 703/971-3617;
703/728-7635 (cell day of ride only)
CC Leader: Roger Cubbage [[email protected]] 703/534-4027;
703/447-7169 (cell day or ride only)
CC/B (MH) * 60 * MD * 9:00 AM * Southern H.S. (HAR)
Bay and Back
Join us for this flat, rolling, moderately hilly ride - - with lots of shady
stretches - - the long way down to North Beach. Then, back up to where
we started, with a side trip through Deale. Two rest stops with an option,
for a third, in Happy Harbor. It’s a Sunday. So, we won’t start uber early,
but we’ll still try to beat the heat. Although this is listed as a B/CC ride,
all ride classes are welcome, as long as you know how to read a cue sheet
and change a flat tire. No go if raining or wet roads. On the day of the
ride, if the weather is questionable, please check the Maryland "Ride
News" section of the Potomac Pedalers website for an update, or, after 7
AM, contact one of the Ride Leaders.
B: Monique Sears [[email protected]] 202-256-5218
CC: Ed Hazelwood [[email protected]] 202-255-1787
CC/B/BB/A * 69 * MD * 7:30 AM * Riley's Lock (RIL)
Mar-Lu Lite
It will be hot, so let's get an early start. Also, this route involves a little
bit of climbing, so it will be good to hit Mar-Lu before noon. We start the
ride in the Ag Reserve, then up around Sugarloaf and onto Thurston to a
rest stop in Buckeystown. If the Buckeystown store has not yet reopened
will will divert to Adamstown. We do Mar-Lu the easy way after
taking the tunnel under Rte 15 (Elmer Rd). Two rest stops.Note that BB
leader expects/hopes to be at the high end of BB. No go in rain or wet roads.
A: Tim Guilford [tim] 301-704-2723
BB: Nick Clements [[email protected]] 240-432-6800
B: Paul Huey-Burns [[email protected]] 202-255-2785
CC: Carol Linden [[email protected]] 240-205-5035
B * 46/51 * VA * 9:00 AM * The Plains (PLA)
Rolling to Orlean
Join us on a beautiful tour of Virginia countryside. We'll pass Texas
Longhorns and vast pastures as we head to Orlean. After enjoying
deviled eggs and homemade cookies at the general store, we'll climb a
little, passing a winery or two. Bring cash for souveniers at the farmer's
market. Peaches and tomatoes should be in season by mid-July. No go
in rain. Check the website or Google Group "Pedalers" for updates if the
weather's iffy.
Claude Cavender [[email protected]] 703-255-7096
Laura Clauser [[email protected]] 202-462-1050
July 23 – Thursday
CC(MH) * 16 - 18 * VA * 6:30 PM * Belle Haven (BEL)
Belle Haven Blast
We will do a CC version of this well-known, long-running, and sociable
training ride that has a bit of everything. A relatively flat first half gives
way to nearly unrelenting hills in the second half. We will push ourselves
as much as possible, but will stay together as a group. No cue sheets!
We will regroup at turns and hilltops. I generally end the ride with an
honest CC average of just over 14 mph.
Deb Reynolds [[email protected]] 301-346-1755
July 25 – Saturday
ALL Levels * 20-65 * DC * 8:30 AM * Georgetown Waterfront Park
(K Street and Wisconsin Avenue)
Georgetown Picnic Ride
This awesome all-class rides caters to all bicyclists in the Club. While all
rides will enjoy Beach Drive in Rock Creek Park and scenic northwest
DC neighborhood roads, the routes vary based on ride class. The D and
C rides will feature Capital Crescent and Rock Creek Trails with one rest
stop in downtown Bethesda and touring through the national monuments. The CC through A routes favor great quiet roads leaving from NW DC
to Potomac and adjoining areas before heading back to DC along Beach
Drive with one to two rest stops. These latter rides will feature rolling
hills and periodic lung-inhaling climbs. All are welcome and encouraged
to stay around at ride’s end for a tailgate, potluck picnic. The Club will
be providing paper plates, cups, forks, and ice cream! Note: There is
parking along K Street and adjoining streets for those traveling by car. We will be meeting in the park just west of Wisconsin Avenue.
Matt Birnbaum [[email protected]] 202-702-5720
Linda Kolko: [[email protected]] 301-785-1342
D/C* 20-35* DC * 9:30 AM * Georgetown Waterfront Park Linda Kolko [[email protected]] 301-785-1342
Mike Divine [] 301-258-7820
CC* 48-60 * DC * 8:30 AM * Georgetown Waterfront Park
Ed Hazelwood [[email protected]] 202-255-1787
Deb Reynolds [[email protected]] 301-346-1755
B* 48-60 * DC * 8:30 AM * Georgetown Waterfront Park
Monique Sears [[email protected]] 202-256-5218
Ron Tripp [[email protected]] 301-237-5079
BB/A * 55-65 * DC * 8:30 AM * Georgetown Waterfront Park
Matt Birnbaum [[email protected]] 202-702-5720
Matt Ossolinski [[email protected]] D/C * 19-32 * VA * 9:30 AM * Vienna Community Center (VCC)
"Nice and Easy" to Herndon or Beyond
A nice promotional ride on the W&OD trail designed for members and
non-members. Road bikes, hybrids or mountain bikes can be used. This
is a popular easy flat ride on the W&OD trail through the town of Vienna,
Reston, Herndon or beyond with an extension by riders preference: 26
miles to Rte 28, 27 miles to Wegmans, 29 miles to Smith Switch Station
and 32 miles to Ashburn Barbecue. Bring a helmet and lock. The ride
will start at the Vienna Community Center from the parking lot closest
to the trail. Benches and restrooms are available along the trail. Public
transportation is available: Metro Orange line or buses. From Dunn Loring
Metro Station bike left on Gallows Rd (on the side walk) to the W&OD
Trail and turn left on W&OD Trail. From Vienna Metro Station take exit
left and any street toward Vienna and after crossing Nutley St turn left
on Cottage St and right on Battle St to VCC. Members can register on
line while non-members can confirm their attendance by phone or email.
Shirley Lipinski [[email protected]] 703-470-6637
C * 23 * VA * 10:00 AM * Pohick Bay Park (PHP) * 95°/50%
Pohick Bay Social Ride
This relaxing social ride that goes along lightly-traveled roads and
paved bike trails on this scenic peninsula near Occoquan. We will ride
through Mason Neck State Park, the adjacent National Wildlife Preserve,
Gunston Hall historic plantation, and some lovely neighborhoods facing
the Potomac River. There is even a covered bridge along the route. This
is mostly a flat ride (only one hill towards the end) with lots of shade
and natural beauty the whole way. There is no charge to get into Pohick
Bay Park if you have a driver's license showing you live in Alexandria,
Arlington, City of Fairfax, Fairfax County, Falls Church or Loudoun. If
you live outside these member jurisdictions then there is a $7 entrance
fee per car to get in the Park. Once inside the Park, continue straight to
the first parking lot on the right. I may cancel the ride if the forecasted
high during the hours of the ride is above 95 degrees, there is a strong
wind, or chance of precip is 50% or more. If weather looks questionable,
check the ride schedule or call the ride leader to confirm the ride is a go.
Peter Dassira [[email protected]] 703-851-2274
CC/B * 30-50 * MD * 8:00 AM * Thomas S Wootton HS Parking
(TWHS) * 50 deg/60%
Rockville Saturday Morning Ride
In its 3rd year, the Wootton ride is a regular fun group Saturday
morning event, suitable for seasoned B/CC riders. We will ride around
Rockville, Gaithersburg, Potomac, Seneca, Germantown, Poolesville,
and Clarksburg. Our typical ride length will range from 30 to 50 miles
and will be moderately hilly (MH), although we will plan for 2-3 big hills
to challenge you and make you stronger. We will make 1-2 rest stops
depending on the length of the ride. The group generally divides into two
sub-groups, and our attempt will be to not drop anybody as long as you
can ride at a high B (~16mph) / high CC (~14mph) pace for the length of
the ride. The ride will leave promptly at the designated time. Cue sheet
will be posted in the News Forum on Fridays and also sent via e-mail to
those who provide their e-mail address. We will bring limited cue sheets
and expect regular riders to print their own cue sheet.
B Ride Leader: Ajit Baid [[email protected]] 267-421-1438
CC Ride Leader: Jay Lee 240-426-0078
B/BB/A(HH) * 75 * MD * 7:30 AM * Point of Rocks (POR)
It will be hot, so let's get an early start. This route involves a lot of
climbing. Fortunately, it is designed to go up hills the "easy" way so
we get some fast downhills. Contrary to popular belief, there is no prize
to those who manage to get at least 50 mph on 5 downhills. We will
do Mountville, Teen Barnes, Fisher's Hollow, Harp Hill (easy way), E.
Church Hill, Monument, Reno Monument, and Townsend. Three rest
stops. No go in rain or wet roads.
A: Tim Guilford [tim] 301/704-2723
BB: Liz Ginexi [[email protected]] 240-354-4721
July 26 – Sunday
D/C (MF) * 16 * VA * 9:45 AM * Shirlington Library/Signature
Theater (SHR) * 30%
Lunch in Shirlington
Another great ride from the original Ride-To-Eat™ production team!
Both MEMBERS AND NON-MEMBERS are very welcome to join us
for this social ride, followed by lunch at one of the many restaurants
in Shirlington (free parking in garages and lots on weekends). NO
REGISTRATION is needed – just show up. We meet at 9:45 AM for a
10 AM departure on the brick plaza in front of the Shirlington Library
/ Signature Theater on Campbell Avenue in Shirlington (in Arlington).
We select a restaurant, then go to lunch at about 12 PM. See you there!!!!
[P.S. Between 10 AM and 12 PM you are welcome to join the leader
on the bike trails of Arlington (the Arlington Loop: traveling first on a
portion of the W&OD Trail, then the Custis Trail, the Mount Vernon
Trail, and the Four Mile Run Trail) with a rest stop in Lyon Village, and
a brief regrouping at Gravelly Point (cue sheet on PPTC website). The
3-4 miles on the Custis Trail are hilly; the rest of the ride is pretty flat.
Leader rides a slow "C" pace; all levels welcome (those wanting more
or fewer miles may wish to continue up the W&OD and return to join us
for the main event: lunch!). The ride leader is very likely to cancel the
ride if the chance of rain is greater than 30% or the wind speed is greater
than 15 MPH. If the weather looks doubtful it is particularly important
to check the Ride Schedule on the PPTC website for a late cancellation
notice. Alternatively, you may email the ride leader to see if the ride is
a go.
Ron Trueworthy [[email protected]]
D * 18 * MD * 11:00 * Severna Park Village (SPV) * 40%
Lunch in Annapolis
Come join us as we ride down to Annapolis for lunch. This is almost all
on the Baltimore and Annapolis Trail and the road portion has nice wide
shoulders for most of it. The C riders will be picking up the D riders at
11:00. Street address is 546 Baltimore-Annapolis Blvd., Severna Park,
MD 21146 (meet us on the B&A trail behind Pedal Pushers Bicycle
Shop, Mile Post Five on the Baltimore/Annapolis Bike Trail nearby).
Please arrive early so you'll be ready and on the trail by 11:00. Lunch will
be in Annapolis so bring locks, helmets and lunch money.
Deborah Turton [[email protected]] 301-482-0675
C * 30 * MD * 10:15 AM * Marley Station Mall (MSM) * 40%
Lunch in Annapolis
Come join us as we ride down to Annapolis for lunch. This is almost all
on the Baltimore and Annapolis Trail and the road portion has nice wide
shoulders for most of it. We'll pick up the "D" riders at 11:00 so we'll be
riding a "C" pace down to Severna Park. Lunch will be in Annapolis so
bring locks, helmets and lunch money. Meet by the JC Penney at Marley
Station Mall
Deborah Turton [[email protected]] 301-482-0675
C * 50 * MD * 8:15 AM * Marley Station Mall (MSM) * 40%
Lunch in Annapolis We'll start at the usual place at Marley Station Mall, except we'll head
north to BWI airport on the Baltimore and Annapolis Trail. We'll circle
the airport on the trail and then head back to the mall. We will need to
be back by 10:15, so we will be starting the ride on time. Arrive early so
you can be ready as I will not be waiting for latecomers. We'll pick up
the C riders who are only doing the 30 mile trip and head south on the
trail. We'll pick up the "D" riders at 11:00. Lunch will be in Annapolis so
bring locks, helmets and lunch money. Meet by the JC Penney at Marley
Station Mall
Deborah Turton [[email protected]] 301-482-0675
C/CC * 30-37 * VA * 9:30 AM * Old Town Plaza, City of Fairfax
From Panera (OTP) to Starbucks (LVSC)
Both members and non-members are welcome to join the ride, it is a
promotional ride for non-members with confirmation by an email or phone
call. This ride will start at Panera Bread and meander on neighborhood
streets, Fairfax County Parkway, and VA Rte. 123/Ox Road bike trails,
with very little or no traffic at all. The ride has decision points at 19 miles
from the ride start location to accommodate different cycling speeds
and available time to bike. At the decision point you can continue to
cycle with the ride leader, with cycling comrades, or solo on the VA Rte.
123 bike trail to Burke Lake or with leader to Lorton Valley Shopping
Center. Return along the VA Rte. 123 bike trail to the City of Fairfax
through George Mason University. Free parking everywhere in the City
of Fairfax. Public transportation from DC/MD/VA is available via the
Orange Line Metro to Vienna, then the Fairfax CUE bus or cycle on Old
Lee Hwy sidewalk trail through the Fairfax Circle. After the ride, an
optional lunch at a nearby restaurant, the Asian Bistro is recommended.
Woody Lipinski [orsbicycling@gmail] 703-203-4934
CC/B (MH) * 40-50 * MD * 8:30 AM * Cabin John Regional Park
Cabin John Weekend Fever
Join us for a challenging ride in the Potomac area. Learn about
neighborhood streets and trails connecting Potomac to Rockville,
Bethesda, and beyond. Some roads will be familiar to you if you frequent
the Wootton High School Saturday morning rides. Cue sheets provided
at ride start. Cabin John Regional Park (CJRP) is located at 7400
Tuckerman Lane, Bethesda MD. Use Tuckerman Lane entrance to park
(not Westlake Drive). The entrance sneaks up on you so be careful when
arriving. If you see the Cabin John park sign, you are literally there and
need to turn into the entrance IMMEDIATELY. Meet near the exit of this
parking lot (behind the Do Not Enter sign that is visible from Tuckerman
lane). Chill in CJRP after the ride or stop at Cabin John Shopping Center
& mall (corner of Tuckerman Lane & Seven Locks Road) for California
Tortilla, Subway, Broadway Pizza, Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, Baskin
Robins, BGR, Jerry’s, McDonalds, etc. There’s something for everybody!
No-go in rain or wet roads; if you have questions, check the website for
cancelation before you head out.
Julie Marders [[email protected]] 240-750-0754 (cell, texts OK)
B/BB/A * 66 * MD * 9:00 AM * Utica Park(Frederick)
Rolling to the Battlefield
Upon entering Utica Park, proceed to the parking lot off to the right in the back.
Join us on a relatively flat ride to Gettysburg and through the battlefield.
There will be one rest stop at mile 31 and an optional stop if it is overly
hot at mile 48ish. All groups will keep to a moderate pace through the
10 mile section in the battlefield, but otherwise expect a spirited ride. A
and BB leaders may occasionally regroup but all should feel free to drop
back to a slower pace if necessary. The B leader plans to sweep the ride.
BB: Jeffrey Anspacher [[email protected]] 301-775-5803
B: Ruth Sheridan [[email protected]]
A: Gene Dare
A/BB * 50ish * VA * 8:00 AM * West Falls Church Metro (WFC)
Kill Bill Vol 2
It's been years since I led Volume 1, so it's time for another attempt to find
5000' of climbing in 50 miles, with such a close-in start that many people
will commute by bike. I haven't figured out the route yet, but it will have
lots of McLean hills and Falls Church hills but mostly Arlington hills.
The link below will have the route by the week before the ride. There
will be many turns making it easier to follow a gps track rather than a
cue sheet. One rest stop at Lyon Village (Starbucks, CVS, Giant, deli).
No go in rain. Check the website or Google Group "Pedalers" for updates
if the weather's iffy. The URL
will show the route.
Jim Sherman [[email protected]] 571-232-0164.
July 27 – Monday
All Levels * 15ish or more * DC * 6:30 PM * East Potomac Tennis
Parking Lot *
Hains Point Happy Hour
Let's relax and enjoy a post-workday scenic circuit ride around
East Potomac Park (commonly dubbed Hains Point by the cycling
community). We'll have two groups, one conversational, and the other
spirited, where riders will be encouraged to race for the sign. After, we'll
head to a Dupont/Georgetown cafe for sandwiches, beer and such. Meet
at the East Potomac Tennis Center parking lot at Ohio Dr. and Buckeye
Dr. at 6:15 PM for announcements. We'll roll at 6:30, and divide up
between fast and conversational groups to ride the 3-mile circle until
7:30 p.m. Check the Pedalers website, Facebook page, MeetUp page or
Google group for any weather related cancellation. NO GO in rain.
Conversational: Denise Cohen, bikergal101 at
Race for the Sign: Rudi Riet, rdriet at
D * 25 * MD * 10:00 AM * Lake Needwood (NEE)
Joint ride with the Cycling Seniors
Flexible turn around point along the shady upper portion of the Rock
Creek trail that may shorten ride up to 5 miles. Carry a bag lunch for a
trail side picnic stop, probably at Ken Gar. Meet ready to ride by 10 AM.
Margaret Chapman [[email protected]] 301-977-8988 7 AM to 8
July 30 – Thursday
D/C/CC * 10 or more * VA * 6:00 PM * Crystal City Waterpark
Crystal City after Work Ride
I’m trying to gauge if there is interest in an after work fun ride from
Crystal City that could be done throughout the summer. We can start at
the Crystal City Waterpark which is a surprisingly nice little park near
the corner of Crystal Drive and 18th St. right where the Mt. Vernon
trail comes up in CC. The park is one block from the CC metro station
and underground parking in CC is free after 4 pm. There will be no cue
sheets. We can take the Mt. Vernon trail to the 14th Street Bridge, cross
into DC and ride around Hains Point and come home. Or we could go
to Old Town, Alexandria, etc. We’ll ride about an hour or an hour and a
half. There are restaurants nearby if people are interested in eating after
the ride. Questions on weather (won’t go if it’s raining), etc. contact the
ride leader.
Catherine Kitchell [[email protected]] or 301-767-6919
CC(MH) * 16 - 18 * VA * 6:30 PM * Belle Haven (BEL)
Belle Haven Blast
We will do a CC version of this well-known, long-running, and sociable
training ride that has a bit of everything. A relatively flat first half
gives way to nearly unrelenting hills in the second half. We will push
ourselves as much as possible, but will stay together as a group. No cue
sheets! We will regroup at turns and hilltops. I generally end the ride
with an honest CC average of just over 14 mph.
Deb Reynolds [[email protected]] 301-346-1755
CC/B*21 * MD * 6:00 PM * Laytons Village (LAV)
Midweek Laytons Trainer
Get your work stress out Thursday night! We meet at Laytons Village
for a nice 10 miles of rolling hills through Laytonsville, then we attack
Hipsley Mill Road--which has 2 steep inclines. After you make it up
Hipsley, you will be rewarded with some rolling hills back to the start.
Meet in the parking lot in the front by Rt.108. We will let the AA/A/BB
riders out of the lot first.
CCs will be challenged if you normally do not do hills, so hopefully the
group can encourage you to make it up. Come a little early, we leave
promptly at 6 pm. No drop ride for the CC level. You can do this! No
ride if rain 50%.
CC: Martine Palmiter [[email protected]] 301-787-4556
B: Vic Caldarola [[email protected]] 240-602-8752
PPTC 2015
Events Calendar
Contact Brenda Ruby at [email protected] to get an
event on the calendar.
July 6, 6-9pm
Tour de France Happy Hour, Arlington, VA
July 10 - 12
Shenandoah Weekend, Mt. Jackson, VA
July 18
Women & Bicycles Ride, Riley’s Lock,
Poolesville, MD
July 25
Georgetown Picnic Ride, Washington, DC
August 7 - 9
Allenberry Resort Weekend,
Boiling Springs, PA
Back Roads
Shepherdstown, WV
Sept. 20, 2015
August 30
Nokesville Picnic Ride, Nokesville, VA
Sept. 20
Back Roads Century, Shepherdstown, WV
Pedal Patter First Class Mail
Ocober 11
Montgomery County Farm Tour & Picnic,
Poolesville, MD
Pedal Patter is normally sent via bulk mail. You have the option
of upgrading to First Class postage for $13.00 per year. Go to
our online store to purchase the First Class mailing upgrade and
we'll make the change to your account.
Why Bike Alone?
Join PPTC!
Enjoy the benefits of social and recreational bicycling in DC, MD,
and VA by joining the largest bike club on the East Coast!
POTOMAC PEDALERS offers hundreds of
year-roundbike rides for everyone.
With varying lengths and speeds, there are rides
to suit beginners to experienced cyclists
all over the Washington metropolitan area.
Plus we offer many weekend trips and
discounts to many bike shops and more!
Check out our website to find the best rides for you!
No Longer Wish to Get Pedal Patter in the Mail?
Some people don’t want to get hard copy. Saves the club only
a small amount of money but it might save a small tree! To opt
out of receiving Pedal Patter by regular mail the instructions
below assume you have already logged onto the PPTC website
( as a member using your password.
To opt out you need to access your profile. To do this
1. Click on Manage Profile
2. Click on Edit Bio
3. In the Additional Information section you will see a
Yes/No selection “Receive Pedal Patter newsletter in the mail”
4. Make your selection and next month’s mailing will reflect your
choice. If later, you decide you wish to get it you can follow the
same instructions above to start receiving it again.
Potomac Pedalers Touring Club Membership Form
Name:________________________________________ New member  or Renewing 
City:_____________________________________State:_______ Zip:__________________
Home Phone:________________________Work Phone:_____________________________
E-mail address:______________________________________________________________
Emergency contact:___________________________________________________________
Number of cycling members if it’s a family membership:_______Today’s Date:____________
PPTC is mostly a volunteer organization, and we cannot function without the assistance of
many members. If you can help with any of the categories below, please circle the number.
This information will be added to the PPTC database.
1. Leading rides
5. Database/computer expertise
2. Organizing or planning rides or events6. Writing a column for Pedal Patter
3. Recruiting volunteers 7. Seminar and workshops
4. Membership Drives 8. Non-cycling jobs at Club events
Where or from whom did you hear about PPTC ? _________________________________
To ensure speedy processing, make sure you fill out the form completely and LEGIBLY!
Allow 3-4 weeks for your application to be processed. Enclose check or fill out payment
information. Do not staple check to form. Mail to PPTC, 10378 Democracy Lane, Suite A
Fairfax, VA 22030. You may also join the PPTC via our web site at
Please DO NOT print the following in the Membership Directory:
 my entire listing  my phone number  my e-mail
Member Dues
1 year
1st class postage $13
PPTC Membership Total:
Voluntary Contribution:
PPTC Community Services Grant
Total Amount
Change of Address Form
2 years
Individuals must be 16 years or older.
Pedal Patter is mailed bulk rate. 1st class
delivery is availible for an additional $13
per year.
Payment: check
 credit card
VISA Master Card Discover
 American Express
Name on card______________________
Card #____________________________
Exp___/____Amount $_ ______________
-Notify the PPTC Business Office of your
move, especially if your Pedal Patter
arrives via third class mail (the Post
Office does not forward third class mail).
-Notify us by the 8th in order to affect that
month’s mailing.
-Include your phone number and legibly
PRINT all information. What you print is
what we will use as your record in the
database, as well as as your listing in the
Membership Directory.
-You may use this form to simply change
an e-mail address, phone #, a name, or
zip code.
-Mail this form, ALONG WITH YOUR
Core Association Services, Inc. 10378
Democracy Lane, Suite A Fairfax, VA
New Address______________________
City_ ___________________State_____
Day phone________________________
Eve phone________________________
goes into effect on:_ ________________