Hannell`s Learning Tree Family Grows with Business
Hannell`s Learning Tree Family Grows with Business
September 2013 Learn How Family Businesses Operate Successfully Hannell’s Learning Tree Family Grows with Business H ow does a successful family-owned business assure you that they care for your child just as you would? Will staff communicate effectively about your child’s everyday moments and celebrate the milestones, too? Find out how a local CEO and her family have staked their reputation on quality care by attending our popular new series with a twist, CEO Unplugged - All in the Family, sponsored by the Grand Victoria Casino. Join us on Wednesday, September 4 LQWKH)R[5LYHU5RRPRQWKHVHFRQGÀRRURIWKH casino pavilion at 11:30 a.m. for registration with luncheon at noon. Questions and networking follow. Our featured CEO Unplugged-All in the Family “targets” are Kathy Hannell and Kim Hannell Hopkins, owners of The Learning Tree child care centers providing quality, developmentally appropriate, licensed preschool, preschool with extended child care, and school- age care to children between the ages of six weeks and eleven years. Founded in 1978, there are four locations: Elgin East, Elgin West, Huntley and Algonquin. Kathy serves as Executive Director of all the centers and Kim is director of the Huntley center. “There was much interest in hearing more about local family business owners’ success and strategies,” said Pat Szpekowski, Chamber Special Events Chair. “With Kathy and Kim, who are lifelong residents of the Fox Valley community, you’ll learn how this family business has grown from one center to four and how important quality is when providing services.” The CEO Unplugged luncheon IRUPDWZLOOLQFOXGHDTXLFN¿UHURXQGRI questions to our speakers ranging from risks they have taken to what keeps them up at night, and more. You will walk away with tidbits of advice you can implement into your business right away. The cost is $20.00 for members and $25.00 for guests. Reservations can be made online at www. HOJLQFKDPEHUFRPRUE\FDOOLQJWKH&KDPEHURI¿FH for information at 847-741-5660. Circle your calendar for the next CEO Unplugged on October 2 featuring Dave Rock, CEO of Illinois Hydraulic Construction Companies, LLC. Come Meet your Council Legislative Brew with City Councilwoman Anna Moeller I n our new series called “Legislative Brew,” we’re providing Chamber members with the opportunity to meet and connect with political leaders in a relaxed and informal atmosphere. City of Elgin Councilwoman Anna Moeller is our guest on Tuesday, September 17, so plan to stop in for a freshly “brewed” cup of coffee. She’ll be with us from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. in our conference room so you will have a chance to sit with her and ask your question or share your comments about the City of Economic Development News Elgin. You can mix and mingle with other ChamProfessional Head Shots ber members as they ask questions Golf Outing Highlights and be with us for 6 minutes or 60! continued on Calendar of Events page 3 2 3 5 6 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Regional Unemployment Up in June E Dave Rock, Board Chair IHC Construction Companies Carol K. Gieske, Secretary Elgin Area Chamber Chicago Metro Area 2nd Largest by Mike O’Kelley, VP Economic Development EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE the state rate and those of other nearby areas, it is apparent that there are regional effects at play. The region is being affected by the global pull on manufacturing. Chicago and Aurora have KDG VLJQL¿FDQW UHFHQW MXPSV LQ XQHPSOR\PHQW somewhat due to seasonal effects, but much of it resulting from a weak economy. JUNE UNEMPLOYMENT lgin unemployment has bumped up in recent months, but in the context of what is happening in the region, this is not unusual. The economic recovery is not strong, and from quarter to quarter results have varied widely. The global marketplace is AREA 2013 2012 FRQVWDQWO\LQÀX[ZLWKPDQ\FRQWLQJHQFLHVKROGUS 7.8% 8.4% ing managers back from expanding and moving Illinois 9.8% 9.4% forward. This continues what has been the case Elgin 10.4% 10.0% IRUWKHODVW¿YH\HDUV Aurora 10.3% 9.4% The Chicago Metro area is the second largDes Plaines 9.3% 8.8% est industrial market in the US - second only to Chicago 11.7% 10.8% Los Angeles. While manufacturing brings jobs Naperville 8.7% 7.9% ZLWKVLJQL¿FDQWO\KLJKHUZDJHVWKDQRWKHUW\SHV of work; the jobs are more prone to competition An important initiative that we are working from the global supply chain. Manufacturing jobs have been especially on at the Elgin Development Group is to increase hard hit in this economy because of the strong the capability of Elgin workers in this global competition. Collaborating global forces at work. Low with local companies, Elgin -wage countries are stepCommunity College and our ping up competition for Workforce Development Comproduction aimed at export mittee members, are working to markets, automation of proprovide training and internship/ duction continues to replace apprenticeship opportunities employment, and worldwide to those preparing for the admanufacturing needs are vanced manufacturing economy depressed. Elgin’s unemployment rate in June is higher of the future. than the same time last year, but when looking at Kim Gilmore Vice-Chair Membership Gilmore Marketing Concepts Mary Martini, Treasurer Advocate Sherman Hospital Mike Shales, Past Chair Shales McNutt Construction José Torres, Chair-elect School District U-46 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Marco Alvarez Fabric Images Kelly Brown Four Seasons Redesign Nidia Delgado First Federal Savings Bank Larry Dry Presence Saint Joseph Hospital Traci Ellis Traci D. Ellis, Esq. John Hurlbut Hurlbut & Hurlbut P.C. Chris Huecksteadt Metrostudy Jaclyn Kator AT&T David Nissen Mueller and Company Terry Royer Winergy Drive Systems Corp. David Sam Elgin Community College Eric Smith Hoffer Plastics Corporation Jack Sorenson U. S. Shelter, LLC Sean Stegall City of Elgin Pat Szpekowski PmS advertising, inc. Jim Thomason Grand Victoria Casino Mike Warren 5LHNH2I¿FH,QWHULRUV page 2 September 2013 It’s the NEW Handshake Your Professional Headshot 3URÀOHLV<RXU%UDQG F irst impressions have always mattered, and with virtual business and online branding, a professional headshot is now equally as important. When is the last time you had your picture taken professionally? Is it time for an update? We’re offering EAC members the opportunity to update their professional photographs on Tuesday, September 24, from 9:00 to DP-DPHV+DUYH\3KRWRJUDSK\ZLOOEHLQRXURI¿FHWRWDNH professional headshots that will be made available to you electronically about a week after your shoot. The cost is only $35 for EAC members, and you will receive a digital copy for your use. According to the Wall Street Journal, \RXUSUR¿OHLVVHYHQWLPHVPRUHOLNHO\WREH viewed on social media channels if you have a professional photograph! Register online via our events calendar to have your polished photo taken, and we’ll get back to you with the time for your photograph WREHWDNHQ)LUVWFRPH¿UVWVHUYHGIRUWKLVXQLTXHRSSRUWXQLW\ continued from page 1 - Legislative Brew An Elgin resident since 1997, Anna Moeller currently serves as the executive director of the McHenry County Council of Governments and is a public administration professional with experience working in local government management, budgeting, planning, and economic development. She has a Bachelors Degree in History and Masters Degree in Public Administration from Northern Illinois University and was inducted into the Pi Alpha Alpha Honor Society for Public Affairs and Administration in 1999. Anna is married to Marc Moeller and has two daughters, Madeline and Eleanor. The Elgin Area Chamber will connect our members with the information, opportunities, and people from across the political spectrums who make a difference to your business with “Legislative Brew.” EAC will bring together a mix of individuals engaged in the political process and the policy discussions facing our community, region, and state in for a cup and conversation. Welcome NEW Elgin Area Chamber Members! Learn more about these new members at www.elginchamber.com Gallo Associates Counseling Services LLC Angela Gallo, Licensed Clinical Social Worker 514 King Avenue East Dundee, IL 60118 (630) 400-5083 Psychiatric & Counseling Gold Canyon Candles By Kathy Lilja Kathy Lilja, Team Leader 11N047 Flagpole Court Elgin, IL 60124 (847) 804-6568 www.hotwicks.mygc.com Art +HUQDQGH]/DZ2I¿FH/WG Caroline Hernandez, Attorney 76 S Grove Avenue Elgin, IL 60120 (847) 468-1200 www.hernanedezlawltd.com Attorneys Integrity School of Dance Elisabeth McCoy, Co-owner, Business Director 732 W Chicago Street Elgin, IL 60123 (847) 742-6666 www.integrityschoolofdance.com Lessons Lifeline Plumbing, Heating and Cooling Scott Uryasz, Marketing 1330 Crispin Drive Suite 212 Elgin, IL 60123 (847) 468-0069 www.lifelineplumbers.com Plumbing Catherine M Reif, Attorney at Law Catherine Reif, Attorney/Owner 45W230 McDonald Road Hampshire, IL 60140 (630) 730-1108 Attorneys Rowell Incorporated Kara Cermak 2587 Millenium Drive Suite H Elgin, IL 60124 (847) 991-6000 www.rowellmanagement.com Property Management Schuring & Schuring, Inc. Duane Schuring, President 43W244 Plato Road Elgin, IL 60124 (847) 464-5458 Beverage/Food Xcloosiv Boutique Michele Lusbourgh, CEO 17 N Grove Avenue Elgin, IL 60120 (847) 488-0999 www.xcloosivboutique.net Apparel & Accessories September 2013 page 3 EAC Premier Members Thank you, Sponsors! Masters Sponsors Ace Sponsors Elgin Sweeper Company, Synergy, Hampton, Lenzini & Renwick Eagle Sponsors Kluber Architects + Engineers, Elgin State Bank, BusiQHVV(IÀFLHQF\*URXS Birdie sponsors Hole-in-One Sponsor Gilmore Marketing Concepts Old Second National Bank Jerry Biggers Chevrolet Tee/Green sponsors Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Bear Family McDonalds Flower Wagon First Federal Savings Bank Midwest Dental KCT Credit Union Hy-Tech CARSTAR AAA Chicago Motor Club UPS +ROLGD\,QQ+RWHO6XLWH&KLFDJR1RUWKZHVW52,5LHNH2IÀFH,QWHULRUV Golfer Package Sponsors ,QWHOOLVRXUFH 6ROXWLRQV $77 %ULWWDLQ·V &DU :DVK ,QF %XVLQHVV (IÀFLHQF\ *URXS (OJLQ Community College, First Community Bank, Gilmore Marketing Concepts Inc., Bear Family McDonalds, Colonial Café, KCT Credit Union 5DIÁH3UL]H6SRQVRUV Kane County Cougars, Clare M. Ollayos, D.C., Grand Victoria Casino, Daily Herald/Paddock Publications, Trend Graphics, Elgin Symphony Orchestra, First Federal Savings Bank, Hampton Inn Hotels, Bartlett Hills, Kluber Architects + Engineers, Melitta SystemService USA, Inc., Carlucci’s in 'RZQHU·V*URYH0RUHWWL·V3RUWHU·V3XE4XDOLW\,QQ(OJLQ+\7HFK&$567$552,5LHNH2IÀFH ,QWHULRUV6RXUFH2QH2IÀFH3URGXFWV7LPH0UNW Golf Committee Dennis Adams, Elgin State Bank Charlie Carlucci, Porter’s Pub Yvonne Irving, KCT Credit Union Steve Thoren, MSI Reverse 7RQL+HQU\:LQHUJ\'ULYH6\VWHPV-DFO\Q.DWRU$77 0DULH-HQVHQ2OG6HFRQG1DWLRQDO%DQN 0LNH/HKPDQDQG.DWKOHHQ'XII\%RZHV&UHHN&RXQWU\&OXE page 4 September 2013 Enhanced Members Gilmore Marketing Concepts Inc. Quality System Solutions Edward Jones Investments Michael McKay Andresen Active Healthcare IMPACT Marketing and Public Relations Integrity School of Dance 36th Annual Chamberfest Golf Outing Highlights The weather could not have more perfect for our annual scramble golf outing on Thursday, August 15. From the moment the golfers dropped their clubs at the cart stand manned by Bowes Creek Country Club’s attentive professional staff to the goodbye’s to new Chamber friends early in the evening, the Chamberfest golf outing couldn’t have been more successful. Thanks to the golfers, sponsors and volunteers for their commitment to our annual event! “Well organized, beautiful course, great interaction with other businesses.” “I loved that there were sponsors at the holes. They described their company and it was nice to have time to talk with them and learn about that they can do and how they can help us.” “Very nice golf outing. Great location, great food, and awesome givaways and prizes. Couldn't ask for more.” September 2013 page 5 Chamber Action Calendar Wednesday, September 4 11:30 a.m. Networking 12:00 Noon Luncheon CEO Unplugged - All in the Family: A Personal Look at the Leader with Kathy Hannell and Kim Hannell Hopkins from The Learning Tree Grand Victoria Casino )R[5LYHU5RRPVHFRQGÀRRU 150 South Grove $20 Chamber members; $25 friends Friday, September 6 9:00 or 10:00 a.m. Chamber U: One-on-one Personalized Website Training (call for appt) &KDPEHU2I¿FH6*URYH$YHQXH Wednesday, September 11 8:00 a.m. Latino Business Owners and Managers Breakfast Club Colonial Café 600 S. McLean Blvd. Friday, September 13 9:00 or 10:00 a.m. Chamber U: One-on-one Personalized Website Training (call for appt) &KDPEHU2I¿FH6*URYH$YHQXH Thursday, September 19 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Business After Hours Eastside Recreation Center 1080 E. Chicago St. Friday, September 20 8:30 – 9:30 a.m. Chamber Coffee Topic: Promotional Opportunities Your Membership Offers You! &KDPEHU2I¿FH 31 S. Grove Avenue and 9:00 or 10:00 a.m. Chamber U: One-on-one Personalized Website Training (call for appt) &KDPEHU2I¿FH6*URYH$YHQXH Tuesday, September 24 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. Need a New Professional Head Shot? Make an appt. for your Professional Portrait &KDPEHU2I¿FH6*URYH$YHQXH Reservations are necessary Wednesday, September 25 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Business After Hours YWCA 220 E Chicago Street Tuesday, September 17 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. Friday, September 27 Legislative Brew 9:00 or 10:00 a.m. with Elgin City Councilwoman Anna Moeller Chamber U: One-on-one Personalized &KDPEHU2I¿FH Website Training (call for appt) 31 S. Grove Avenue &KDPEHU2I¿FH6*URYH$YHQXH To make your reservation for an event, please go to www.elginchamber.com CHAMBER U: Personalized Website Training T he Elgin Area Chamber recently received an Award of Excellence for our website in a national competition sponsored by the American Chamber of Commerce Executives (ACCE), a national association of professionals who manage chambers of commerce. To help you take advantage of our awardwinning website, elginchamber.com, we are pleased to offer one-to-one training to help you 0$;,0,=(\RXUFRPSDQ\SUR¿OH Learn how to upload a photo, embed a page 6 September 2013 Elgin Area Chamber Staff Carol K. Gieske President & CEO [email protected] 847-741-5660 x216 Terry Gajewski Vice President Finance/Information Systems tgajewski@ elginchamber.com x215 Robert Malm Elgin Development Group Director [email protected] x212 Jeanette Mihalec Vice President Membership jmihalec@ elginchamber.com x211 Mike O’Kelley Vice President Economic Development mokelley@ elginchamber.com x220 :H¶UHHDV\WR¿QGRQOLQHDW elginchamber.com elgindevelopment.com video, create hyperlinks and craft a description of your business that will help you get noticed by the search engines! Then, we’ll show you RWKHUDUHDVRIWKHVLWHFRXSRQVFODVVL¿HGDGV Elgin Area Chamber of Commerce (EAC) and Member2Member discounts so that you can Business Review is published monthly by the Elgin Area Chamber of Commerce (EAC) for apply what you learned to further enhance your its prospects, members, and clients. The views SUR¿OHRQRXUZHEVLWH expressed in The Business Review are those of We’re offering hour-long, one-on-one ses- WKHDXWKRUVDQGGRQRWQHFHVVDULO\UHÀHFWWKH views of EAC. The mention of any products or sions at 9 and 10 a.m. on September 6, 13, 20, services throughout the publication do not imply or 27. Contact Terry Gajewski at 847-741-5660 endorsement of those products or services. Please send all correspondence to The Business Review, x215 to reserve your time. If another day might 31 South Grove, Elgin, Illinois 60120. work better for you, just give her a call! &KDPEHU0HPEHU%HQH¿WV )UHH%HQHÀWVIRU Promoting Your Business B Jim Galvin of Galvin and Associates was one of the seven co-hosts at our recent Multi-host Business After Hours, and he used the opportunity to promote not only his consulting business, but also his new book on leadership, I’ve Got Your Back. Member Anniversaries Thank you to these businesses for renewing their investment ! Celebrating 50+ years Hoffer Plastics Corporation Dentsply Intl., Rinn Division Fox River Water Reclamation District Walker Parking Consultants Willow Lake Estates 01/01/50 01/01/50 01/01/50 01/01/50 01/01/50 Celebrating 20 - 29 years Biggers Mitsubishi Summit School Universal Chemicals & Coatings 05/01/92 09/01/92 07/01/86 Celebrating 11 - 20 years Fox Valley Endodontic Specialists Colonial Cafe Dennis Curtis Boiler Service & Sales Inc. 09/01/99 05/01/97 06/01/97 Celebrating 6 - 10 years Trend Graphics Inc. Fiber Fresh Carpet Cleaning /DZ2I¿FHRI6KLUOH\6DGMDGL Heritage Health Therapy & Senior Care Max McGraw Wildlife Foundation Kirkpatrick, Jones & Herzog Ins. Agency Pomp’s Tire Service 52,5LHNH2I¿FH,QWHULRUV 08/01/04 05/01/03 09/01/03 01/01/04 05/01/03 07/01/04 Celebrating 1 - 5 years K. Hoving DiGiovine Hnilo Jordan+Johnson Ltd. Cafe Roma Fareha N. Malik, M.C. LLC CustomCrete OnPath Financial, LLC - David Kujawa 06/01/09 07/01/09 06/01/09 09/01/12 01/01/11 02/01/12 eing a member of the Elgin Area Chamber brings you DFFHVVWR0$1<EHQH¿WVWKDWFDQKHOS\RXSURPRWH your business– And many of them are FREE! Are you taking advantage of them? Do you know about them? Join us on September 20 for our &KDPEHU&RIIHH±³)UHH%HQH¿WVIRU Promoting Your Business.” Learn how to milk even more out of your Chamber membership by using our FREE promotional opportunities to enhance awareness of what your business has to offer. The Chamber Coffees are free informational meetings covering a PHPEHUEHQH¿WDQGDUHKHOGWKHWKLUG )ULGD\RIHYHU\PRQWKDWDPDWWKHFKDPEHURI¿FH6 Grove Avenue). The Coffee will give you a chance to better unGHUVWDQGWKHIHDWXUHGEHQH¿WDQGWRGLUHFWO\DVNTXHVWLRQVDERXWLW Please visit www.elginchamber.com or call the Chamber RI¿FHWRUHVHUYH\RXUVSRW September 2013 page 7 PRESORT Standard U.S. Postage PAID Elgin, IL Permit No. 393 Return Service Requested 31 S. Grove Avenue Elgin, IL 60120 847.741.5660 Route to: ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ We encourage you to pass this issue along to your FROOHDJXHV<RXZLOODOZD\V¿QGWKHQHZVOHWWHURQ our website www.elginchamber.com in the section “In the News.” Every issue is available to you in a .pdf format that is easy to read online or print out. www.elginchamber.com Protecting what’s important since 1956. Since 1956, our friendly professional care has been the only way we do business. We represent many quality insurance companies to provide the best options for your needs. 2205 Point Blvd., Suite 200, Elgin, IL 60123 phone 847.741.1000 fax 847.428.8857 www.lundstrominsurance.com
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