Department of Obstetrics Gyneacology and Gynecological Oncology St Alexander City Hospital Kielce, Poland CRYOSURGERY IN GYNECOLOGY Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 1 HISTORY OF CRYOSURGERY ANCIENT EGYPT AND CLASSIC ANTIQUITY • 3000 BC - the use of cold compresses to treat compound skull fractures and infected wounds was mentioned in an Egyptian papyrus [1] • 5th century BC - Hippocrates advocating the use of cold to control hemorrhages [2] 1. BREASTED JH: The Edwin Smith surgical papyrus. Vol III. Chicago: University of Chicago, Oriental Institute Publications, 1930,72-73 2. DAWBER RPR: Cold kills! Cin Exp Dermatol 1988, 13, 137-150 Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 2 HISTORY OF CRYOSURGERY THE 19th CENTURY • 1845 - James Arnott - the first successful treatments of advanced breast and uterine cancer with cold (iced saline solutions) BIRD HM: James Arnott, MD (Aberdeen) 1797-1883. A pionieer in refrigeration analgesia. Anaesthesia 1949, 4, 10-17 Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 3 HISTORY OF CRYOSURGERY THE ERA OF MODERN CRYOSURGERY • 1961 - introduction of the first cryosurgical system capable of delivering liquid nitrogen (-1960C) [1] • 1967 - introducion cryosurgery as a method of treatment for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) [2] 1. COOPER JS, LEE A: Cryostatic congelation: system for producting a limited controlled region of cooling of freezing of biologic tissues. J Nerv Ment Dis 1961, 133, 259-263 2. CRISP WE: Cryosurgery for gynecological malignancy. Obstet Gynecol 1967, 30, 551 Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 4 HISTORY OF CRYOSURGERY THE ERA OF MODERN CRYOSURGERY • 1967 - cryoablation was used to treat the endometrium [1] • April 2001 - Her Option Cryoablation Therapy System was approved by FDA for endometrial ablation[2] 1.CAHAN WG, BROCKUNIER A: Cryosurgery of the uterine cavity. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1967, 99(1), 138-153. 2.ROY KH, MATTOX JH: Advances in endometrial ablation. Obstet Gynecol Surv 2002, 87, 789-802. Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 5 PRINCIPLES OF CRYOSURGERY JOULE-THOMSON EFFECT • adiobatic principle of gas expantion resulting in reduction of gas temperature GARAMY G: Engineenring aspects of cryosurgery. In: Rand RW, Rinfret AP, von Leden H eds. Cryosurgery. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas, 1968, 92-132 Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 6 PRINCIPLES OF CRYOSURGERY Cellular injury and cell death temperatures of less than -200C are required for tissue necrosis [1] • • freezing of tissue results after formation of an iceball • the cellular membranes are pierced by the ice crystals that form, releasing the intracellular contents and causing vascular thrombosis and microcirculatory failure anoxia and ischiemia [2] 1. GAGE AA: What temperature is lethal for cells? J Dermatol Surg Oncol 1979, 5, 459-64 2. DANIELS F: Some of the cryobiology behind cryosurgeryCutis 1975, 16, 421-4 Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 7 PRINCIPLES OF CRYOSURGERY Relevant cryotherapy temperatures • Liquid nitrous oxide – boiling point (-195,8 0C) • Nitrous oxide - boiling point (-89,50C ) • Carbon dioxide – boiling point (-78,5 0C) • Nitrous oxide system – cryoprobe tip temperature (- 650C) FERRIS DG, Ho JJ: Cryosurgical equipment: A critical review. J Fam Pract 1992, 35, 185-193 Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 8 PRINCIPLES OF CRYOSURGERY Relevant cryotherapy temperatures • Lethal zone (-20 0C isotherm) • Recovery zone (0 0C isotherm) FERRIS DG, Ho JJ: Cryosurgical equipment: A critical review. J Fam Pract 1992, 35, 185-193 Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 9 PRINCIPLES OF CRYOSURGERY Relevant cryotherapy temperatures FERRIS DG, Ho JJ: Cryosurgical equipment: A critical review. J Fam Pract 1992, 35, 185-193 Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 10 PRINCIPLES OF CRYOSURGERY Determinig freeze termination • CIN 3 extends 5 mm deep into gland clefts • Lethal zone extending 5 mm into epithelium is required • iceball should have a diameter 7 mm ABDUL-KARIM FH, FU YS, REAGAN JW., WENTZ WB: Morphometric study of intraepithelial neoplasia of the uterine cervix. Obstet Gynecol 1982, 60, 210-4. Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 11 PRINCIPLES OF CRYOSURGERY Cryoprobe tips • The shape of the cryoprobe determines the shape of the cryoiceball with in tissue • Poor contact between the cryoprobe surface and the cervical epithelium may lead to treatmant failure • A flat cryoprobe tip is less efficacious than a nipple or coneshaped probe tip BOONSTRA H, KOUDSTAAL J, OOSTERHIUS JW. et al.: Analysis of cryolesionis in the uterine cervix: application techniques, extension and failures. Obstet Gynecol 1990, 75, 232-9 Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 12 PRINCIPLES OF CRYOSURGERY flat cryoprobe Poland, Kielce 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD nipple cryoprobe 13 PRINCIPLES OF CRYOSURGERY • flat cryoprobe Poland, Kielce 10/24/2010 • conical cryoprobe Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 14 PRINCIPLES OF CRYOSURGERY Immunologic response • Neoplasia with in the lethal zone is readily destroyed by cryonecrosis FERRIS DG, COX TJ, O’CONNOR DM et al. : Management of Lower Genital Tract Neoplasia in: Modern Colposcopy Textbook and Atlas 2 nd ed. Ed. Ferris DG, Cox TJ, O’Connor DM, Wright CV, Foester J. Kendall/Hunt Publishning Company, Dubuque, Iowa 2004, 579-662 Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 15 PRINCIPLES OF CRYOSURGERY Immunologic response • Tissue temporarily frozen in the recovery zone may regress following cryotherapy through the actions of the immune system • After cryotherapy debulks a large central viral (HPV) load the immune system may be better able to eradicate a limited amound of surrounding low-grade residual disease FERRIS DG, COX TJ, O’CONNOR DM et al. : Management of Lower Genital Tract Neoplasia in: Modern Colposcopy Textbook and Atlas 2 nd ed. Ed. Ferris DG, Cox TJ, O’Connor DM, Wright CV, Foester J. Kendall/Hunt Publishning Company, Dubuque, Iowa 2004, 579-662 Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 16 CRYOSURGERY IN GYNECOLOGY Introduction CRYOSURGERY = CRYOTHERAPY = CRYOCAUTERY Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 17 CRYOSURGERY IN GYNECOLOGY Purpose • To destroy pathologic tissues of the cervix, vagina, vulva and endometrium by cryonecrosis • Cryosurgery involves the freezing of lower genital tract tissues using extremely cold gases (nitrous oxide, liquid nitrogen, carbon dioxide) Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 18 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX Objectives • expose all CIN to lethal tissue temperatures • destroy the entire transformation zone • protect surrounding normal lower genital tract tissue from thermal injury Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 19 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX Objectives • minimize treatment side effects of patient discomfort and complications of cervical stenosis and infertility • prevent the development of cervical cancer Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 20 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX Cervical Ablation Triage Guidelines • satisfactory colposcopic examination • pathologic/colposcopic diagnosis agreement • absence of endocervical canal neoplasia • cervical cancer presence excluded WRIGHT TC, COX TJ, MASSAD LS et al. : for the 2001 Consensus Guidelines for the Management of Women with Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2003, 189, 295-304 Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 21 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX Cervical Ablation Triage Guidelines satisfactory colposcopic examination Poland, Kielce 10/28/2006 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 22 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX Cervical Ablation Triage Guidelines absence of endocervical canal neoplasia Poland, Kielce 10/28/2006 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 23 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX Cervical Ablation Triage Guidelines cervical cancer presence excluded Poland, Kielce 10/28/2006 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 24 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX „Soft” indications • recrruent cervicitis • cervical erosion (ectropion) FERRIS DG, COX TJ, O’CONNOR DM et al. : Management of Lower Genital Tract Neoplasia in: Modern Colposcopy Textbook and Atlas 2 nd ed. Ed. Ferris DG, Cox TJ, O’Connor DM, Wright CV, Foester J. Kendall/Hunt Publishning Company, Dubuque, Iowa 2004, 579-662 Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 25 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX „Soft” indications - prerequisites • cytologic assessment (normal PAP smear) • normal colposcopy normal PAP smear is not sufficiently sensitive to guarantee normalitiy FERRIS DG, COX TJ, O’CONNOR DM et al. : Management of Lower Genital Tract Neoplasia in: Modern Colposcopy Textbook and Atlas 2 nd ed. Ed. Ferris DG, Cox TJ, O’Connor DM, Wright CV, Foester J. Kendall/Hunt Publishning Company, Dubuque, Iowa 2004, 579-662 Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 26 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX „Soft” indications recrruent cervicitis Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 27 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX „Soft” indications cervical erosion (ectropion) Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 28 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX „Hard” indications • cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN 1-CIN 3)) • best for small lesions and LSIL (HPV/CIN1) FERRIS DG, COX TJ, O’CONNOR DM et al. : Management of Lower Genital Tract Neoplasia in: Modern Colposcopy Textbook and Atlas 2 nd ed. Ed. Ferris DG, Cox TJ, O’Connor DM, Wright CV, Foester J. Kendall/Hunt Publishning Company, Dubuque, Iowa 2004, 579-662 Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 29 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX „Hard” indications • advanced stages of cervical cancer for control of bleeding while awaiting conventional therapy [1,2] 1. LASH AF. The immediate control of hemorrhage from gynecologic malignancies by cryosurgery. Int J Gynecol Obstet 1972, 10, 72 2. WRIGHT TC Jr, MASSAD LS, DUNTON CJ et al. 2006 consensus guidelines for the management of women with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia or adenocarcinoma in situ. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2007, 197 (4), 340-5 Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 30 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX „Hard” indications cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN 1) Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 31 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX „Hard” indications cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN 2) Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 32 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX „Hard” indications cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN 3) Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 33 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX „Hard” indications small lesions (CIN 2) Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 34 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX „Hard” indications LSIL (HPV/CIN1) Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 35 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX „Hard” indications cervical cancer for control of bleeding Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 36 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX „Hard” indications - prerequisites • biopsy confirmed CIN lesion • CIN on the ectocervix, no extention to the vagina and/or endocervix • fully visible lesion margins • minimal endocervical exstension (2-3 mm) of the transformation zone SELLORS JW, SANKARANANAYANAN R. Treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia by cryotherapy. In: Colposcopy and treatment of cervical neoplasia: a beginner manual Lyon: International Agency for Research on Cancer 2003, 95-102 Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 37 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX „Hard” indications - prerequisites • no evidence of invasive cancer or glandular involvement • normal endocervix • excellent probe – epithelium contact • satisfactory iceball formation (3-4 mm beyond lesion margins) • lesion adequately covered by cryoprobe tip of 25 mm diameter SELLORS JW, SANKARANANAYANAN R. Treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia by cryotherapy. In: Colposcopy and treatment of cervical neoplasia: a beginner manual Lyon: International Agency for Research on Cancer 2003, 95-102 Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 38 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX Contraindications • cervical cancer • prior in-utero DES exposure • pregnancy • acute cervicitis • menstruation • persistent low-grade CIN after previous cryotherapy KALSTONE C: Cervical stenosis in pregnancy: a complication of cryotherapy in diethylstilbestrolexposed women. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1992, 166, 502-3 Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 39 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX Contraindications cervical cancer Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 40 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX Contraindications acute cervicitis Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 41 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX Contraindications menstruation Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 42 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX Contraindications persistent low-grade CIN after previous cryotherapy Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 43 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX Contraindications • cryoglobulinemia • positive endocervical curettage • unsatisfactory colposcopic examination • large cervical lesion • lesions extending into endocervical canal • lesions with irregular surface contur SELLORS JW, SANKARANANAYANAN R. Treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia by cryotherapy. In: Colposcopy and treatment of cervical neoplasia: a beginner manual Lyon: International Agency for Research on Cancer 2003, 95-102 Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 44 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX Contraindications lesions extending into endocervical canal Poland, Kielce 10/28/2006 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 45 45 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX Contraindications lesions with irregular surface contur Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 46 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX Equipment and supplies • cryogun (cryoprobe handling) • large nitrous oxide tank with a pressure gauge • various sizes and shapes of cryotips • water-soluble lubricating gel • vaginal speculum SPITZER M, BROTZMAN GL, APGAR BS: Practical therapeutic options for treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia In: Colposcopy principles and practice An integral Textbook and Atlas ed. Spitzer M, Brotzman GL, Apgar BS. WB Sanders Company Philadelphia, 2002, 447-462 Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 47 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX Equipment and supplies Cryosurgical unit Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 48 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX Equipment and supplies Cryosurgical unit Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 49 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX Equipment and supplies Various cryoprobes Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 50 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX Equipment and supplies • colposcope • 3% to 5% acetic acid • vaginal wall retractors • disinfectant for cryoprobes • mobile cart SPITZER M, BROTZMAN GL, APGAR BS: Practical therapeutic options for treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia In: Colposcopy principles and practice An integral Textbook and Atlas ed. Spitzer M, Brotzman GL, Apgar BS. WB Sanders Company Philadelphia, 2002, 447-462 Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 51 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX Technique • select the best time to perform cryosurgery • prepare check list prior to cryosurgery • perform cryotherapy procedure Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 52 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX Check list prior to cryosurgery • indications for the procedure • contraindications • Papanicolaou (Pap) smear report • colposcopy report • histopatology report (if treatment is for CIN) • current or past medical or surgical history SHAKUNTALA BALIGA B. Step by step cryosurgery of the cervix. In: Step by step Colposcopy, Cryosurgery and LEEP. Jaypee Brothers Medical Pubishers (P) LTD. New Dheli 2008, 153-172 Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 53 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX Check list prior to cryosurgery • history of allergies especially to analgetics and antibiotics • proper counseling • general and systemic examination performed • informed written consent taken • equipment and instruments checked (pressure in the gas cylinder) SHAKUNTALA BALIGA B. Step by step cryosurgery of the cervix. In: Step by step Colposcopy, Cryosurgery and LEEP. Jaypee Brothers Medical Pubishers (P) LTD. New Dheli 2008, 153-172 Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 54 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX Check list prior to cryosurgery • prophylactic antibiotics started (if needed) • patient is not constipated • patient has evacuated her bladder • change of clothes for patient, doctors and nurses SHAKUNTALA BALIGA B. Step by step cryosurgery of the cervix. In: Step by step Colposcopy, Cryosurgery and LEEP. Jaypee Brothers Medical Pubishers (P) LTD. New Dheli 2008, 153-172 Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 55 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX STEP BY STEP CRYOSURGERY OF THE CERVIX • complete the check list • position the patient in litothomy position • insert an intravaginal speculum • visualize the cervix (use a vaginal sidewall retractor) • prevent inadvertent freezing of the vagina Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 56 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX STEP BY STEP CRYOSURGERY OF THE CERVIX • perform colposcopy • record the findings by videocolposcope or photocolposcope • select appropriate cryoprobe tip size and type • check the tank presure (change the tank if pressure is less) • check there is no leakage of gas Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 57 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX STEP BY STEP CRYOSURGERY OF THE CERVIX • moisten the probe tip with saline or lubricant gel • position probe tip on cervix with tip at external os • large transformation zone – treatment with ice ball overlapping • confirm good contact of cryoprobe with the tissue • activate the unit and start freeze the tissue Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 58 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX STEP BY STEP CRYOSURGERY OF THE CERVIX overlapping technique of cryotherapy Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 59 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX STEP BY STEP CRYOSURGERY OF THE CERVIX • continue freeze until at least a 7-10 mm ice ball is present outside the probe (3-5 minutes) • deactivate cryogun/cryounit • remove the probe tip after complete thawing (4-15 minutes) • examine the cervix for bleeding Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 60 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX STEP BY STEP CRYOSURGERY OF THE CERVIX • apply some xylocaine jelly to the introitus • check the pulse and blood pressure of the patients • apply a large sanitary napkin to the vulva Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 61 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX STEP BY STEP CRYOSURGERY OF THE CERVIX • record the details of the procedure • fix the follow-up date and time • decontaminate and clean the equipment Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 62 PRINCIPLES OF CRYOSURGERY STEP BY STEP CRYOSURGERY OF THE CERVIX • A double freeze (freeze-thaw-freeze) treatment is more effective than a single-freeze procedure SCHANTZ A, THORMANN L: Cryosurgery for dysplasia of uterine ectocervix: a randomized stydy of the efficacy of the single- and-double-freeze techniques. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scan 1984, 63, 417-20 Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 63 PRINCIPLES OF CRYOSURGERY Induction and defrost • rapid freeze and a slow defrost is the most effective means of inducing tissue damage • slow freeze and rapid defrost technique is less effective FERRIS DG, COX TJ, O’CONNOR DM et al. : Management of Lower Genital Tract Neoplasia in: Modern Colposcopy Textbook and Atlas 2 nd ed. Ed. Ferris DG, Cox TJ, O’Connor DM, Wright CV, Foester J. Kendall/Hunt Publishning Company, Dubuque, Iowa 2004, 579-662 Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 64 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX FOLLOW-UP • several serial Pap smears (4 months intervals) • colposcopy (after 4 and 12 months) • DNA tests (99% negative predictive value) FERRIS DG, COX TJ, O’CONNOR DM et al. : Management of Lower Genital Tract Neoplasia in: Modern Colposcopy Textbook and Atlas 2 nd ed. Ed. Ferris DG, Cox TJ, O’Connor DM, Wright CV, Foester J. Kendall/Hunt Publishning Company, Dubuque, Iowa 2004, 579-662 Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 65 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX Side effects and complications • watery vaginal discharge (lasting 3-4 weeks) • crampy uterine pain during cryotherapy • injury or freezing of the proximal vagina • heavy bleeding (rare) • vasovagal episodes HARPER DM, MAYEAUX EJ, DAALEMAN T et al.:The natural history of cervical cryosurgical healing. J Fam Pract 2000, 49, 694-700 Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 66 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX Side effects and complications • postoperative infections (rare) • cervical stenosis (moderate or clinically significant) • cervical incompetence (extremly rare) • paraceratosis (leucolpakia) • inadequate treatment (persistent lesion) HILLARD PA, BIRO FM, WILDEY L: Complications of cervical cryotherapy in adolescents. J Reprod Med. 1991, 36, 711-6 Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 67 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX OUTCOMES- AVERAGE CURE RATES • 94% - CIN 1 • 93% - CIN 2 • 84% - CIN 3/CIS FERRIS DG, CRAWLEY GR, BAXLEY EG ET AL.: Cryotherapy precision: Clinicians estimate of cryosurgical ice ball lateral spread of freeze. Arch Fam Med 1993, 2, 269-75 Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 68 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX OUTCOMES Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 69 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX OUTCOMES Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 70 CRYOTHERAPY OF THE CERVIX OUTCOMES Kuwait City 10/24/2010 Wojciech Rokita MD, PhD 71