Tobacco Return Analysis 2013
Tobacco Return Analysis 2013
ASH NEW ZEALAND Tobacco Returns Analysis 2013 TOBACCO RETURNS ANALYSIS 2013 Tobacco manufacturers and importers in New Zealand are required to file their annual tobacco returns pursuant to section 35 of the Smokefree Environments Act 1990. The tobacco returns consist of two components – Schedule A and Schedule B. Schedule A is the information about ingredients and amounts used in their tobacco products. Schedule B is the company list of all their products, retail price and sale quantity We analysed data from Schedule B in order to understand the brand positioning of the major tobacco companies. This includes analysis of retail price, sale volume and estimated sales returned of all tobacco brands. Market share also is estimated based on this data. This analysis accounted for cigarette and loose leaf tobacco products sold within New Zealand (or domestic market). Information provided by tobacco companies may vary and hence the results of the analysis. British American Tobacco New Zealand (BATNZ) provided recommended retail prices as at January 2013 while Imperial Tobacco New Zealand and Philip Morris provided theirs as at December 2013. This had resulted in artificially higher estimates of average retail price and sale return for BATNZ products due to the January 2014 tax increase. Having considered this, most of the results on overall tobacco market in this analysis were presented according to the sale quantity and hence better accuracy. Fourteen companies filed their tobacco returns in 2013. As this analysis only included cigarette and loose leaf tobacco products, three companies were excluded as they sold cigar or other tobacco products. Tobacco Returns 2012 can be accessed through the National Drug Policy New Zealand website ( Abbreviations: BATNZ – British American Tobacco New Zealand; ITNZ – Imperial Tobacco New Zealand; PMNZ – Philip Morris New Zealand 1 ASH NEW ZEALAND Tobacco Returns Analysis 2013 BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO NEW ZEALAND (BATNZ) BRAND POSITIONING (CIGARETTE) BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO NZ TOBACCO RETURN (CIGARETTE) 2013 50% $1.40 45% $1.16 $1.20 40% 35% 30% (%) $0.94 $0.87 $0.82 $0.92 $0.97 $1.00 $0.99 $0.99 $1.00 $1.00 $0.77 $0.80 25% 20% 31.1% 15% 32.5% 10% 5% 26.4% NZD ($) $0.60 $0.40 26.0% 11.4% 11.1% 9.0% 6.5% 4.3% 12.5% 10.1% 8.3% 6.6% 3.6% 0% $0.20 $0.00 Brand PERCENTAGE OF COMPANY SALE QUANTITY BY BRAND (%) PERCENTAGE OF COMPANY SALE RETURN BY BRAND (NZD$) AVERAGE RETAIL PRICE (NZD$) PER STICK Figure 1 Average retail price per stick and estimation of company cigarette sale return were based on the value of recommended retail price provided by the tobacco companies. Date of recommended retail price for BAT products was January 2014 (after tobacco tax increase in January 2014) 2 ASH NEW ZEALAND Tobacco Returns Analysis 2013 BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO NEW ZEALAND (BATNZ) BRAND POSITIONING (CIGARETTE) In 2013, BATNZ released 14 different brands for sale in NZ cigarette market. The average price per stick for the company products ranged from $0.77 to $1.16. The median price per stick of BATNZ cigarette brand was $0.97. The average price per stick for Pall Mall and Holiday and Benson & Hedges were $0.82, $0.87 and $0.77 respectively in 2013. Freedom was the cheapest BATNZ brand ($0.77 per stick) while Vogue was the most expensive BATNZ brand ($1.16 per stick). Pall Mall (31.07% of company sale quantity) remained the most popular cigarette brands sold in NZ in 2013. This is followed by Holiday (26.36% of company sale quantity) and Benson & Hedges (11.38% of company sale quantity). Around two-third per cent of sale quantity of the Pall Mall brand came from the variants Baseline. The average retail price per stick of Baseline was $0.78 in 2013. Table 2 gives a breakdown of the Pall Mall brand by its major variants. BRAND AVERAGE RETAIL PRICE (NZD$) PER STICK SALE QUANTITY BY BRAND (STICKS) PERCENTAGE OF COMPANY SALE QUANTITY BY BRAND (%) ESTIMATED SALES RETURN BY BRAND (NZD$) PERCENTAGE OF COMPANY SALE RETURN BY BRAND (NZD$) PALL MALL $0.82 440,523,000 32.52% $355,988,070 31.07% HOLIDAY $0.87 352,589,000 26.03% $302,071,953 26.36% FREEDOM $0.77 168,747,000 12.46% $130,430,966 11.38% BENSON & HEDGES $0.94 137,338,700 10.14% $126,641,491 11.05% WINFIELD $0.92 112,334,000 8.29% $103,011,836 8.99% DUNHILL $0.97 88,940,000 6.57% $74,233,510 6.48% ROTHMANS $1.00 49,281,000 3.64% $49,059,319 4.28% LUCKY STRIKE $0.99 2,181,000 0.16% $2,148,285 0.19% VOGUE $1.16 1,196,000 0.088% $1,387,360 0.121% KENT $0.99 561,000 0.041% $552,585 0.048% SPORTSMAN n/a 300,600 0.022% n/a n/a STATEEXPRESS 555 $1.00 222,000 0.016% $220,890 0.019% TOPAZ n/a 132,800 0.010% n/a n/a CAMEO n/a 120,400 0.009% n/a n/a BATNZ TOTAL 1,354,466,500 100% $1,145,746,265 100% Table 1 Average retail price per stick and estimation of company cigarette sale return were based on the value of recommended retail price provided by the tobacco companies. Date of recommended retail price for BAT products was January 2014 (after tobacco tax increase in January 2014) 3 ASH NEW ZEALAND Tobacco Returns Analysis 2013 BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO NEW ZEALAND (BATNZ) BRAND POSITIONING OF PALL MALL (CIGARETTE) BRAND VARIANT AVERAGE RETAIL PRICE (NZD$) PER STICK SALE QUANTITY BY BRAND VARIANT (STICKS) PERCENTAGE OF COMPANY SALE QUANTITY (%) ESTIMATED SALES RETURN BY BRAND (NZD$) PERCENTAGE OF COMPANY SALE RETURN (NZD$) PALL MALL $0.88 145,980,000 10.78% $124,287,170 10.85% PALL MALL BASELINE $0.78 294,543,000 21.75% $231,700,900 20.22% PALL MALL TOTAL $0.82 440,523,000 32.52% $355,988,070 31.07% Table 2 Average retail price per stick and estimation of company cigarette sale return were based on the value of recommended retail price provided by the tobacco companies. Date of recommended retail price for BAT products was January 2014 (after tobacco tax increase in January 2014) 4 ASH NEW ZEALAND Tobacco Returns Analysis 2013 IMPERIALTOBACCO NEW ZEALAND (ITNZ) BRAND POSITIONING (CIGARETTE) IMPERIAL TOBACCO NEW ZEALAND TOBACCO RETRUN (CIGARETTE) 2013 50% $0.85 45% 40% $0.89 $0.76 $0.79 $0.93 $1.00 $0.78 $0.76 $0.73 $0.80 35% (%) 30% 25% $0.90 $0.70 $0.60 48.5% $0.50 49.5% 20% $0.40 29.3% 15% $0.30 28.7% 13.8% 14.0% 10% 5% $0.20 4.6% 5.3% 2.5% 0% BRAND NZD($) JPS HORIZON 2.3% JOHN PETER BRANDON JACKSON $0.10 0.5% 0.6% WEST 0.3% 0.3% CAMEL $0.00 DAVIDOFF Brand PERCENTAGE OF COMPANY SALE QUANTITY BY BRAND (%) PERCENTAGE OF COMPANY SALE RETURN BY BRAND (NZD$) AVERAGE RETAIL PRICE (NZD$) PER STICK Figure 2 Average retail price per stick and estimation of company cigarette sale return were based on the value of recommended retail price provided by the tobacco companies. Date of recommended retail price for ITNZ products was 31 December 2013 (before tobacco tax increase in 2014) 5 ASH NEW ZEALAND Tobacco Returns Analysis 2013 IMPERIALTOBACCO NEW ZEALAND (ITNZ) BRAND POSITIONING (CIGARETTE) ITNZ released 8 different cigarette brands for sale in NZ cigarette market in 2013. The average retail price per stick for ITNZ products ranged from $0.73 to $0.93. The median average price per stick was $0.78. The new brand, WEST, was the cheapest brand that cost $0.73 per stick on average. Davidoff remained the most expensive brands ($0.93 per stick on average). In 2013, JPS remained the most popular brand of ITNZ (49.47% of company sale quantity) followed by Horizon (28.65% of company sale quantity) and John Brandon (14.01% of company sale quantity). The average retail price per stick for JPS, Horizon and John Brandon were $0.76, $0.79 and $0.76 respectively. BRAND AVERAGE RETAIL PRICE (NZD$) PER STICK PERCENTAGE OF COMPANY SALE QUANTITY BY BRAND (%) SALE QUANTITY BY BRAND (STICKS) ESTIMATED SALES RETURN BY BRAND (NZD$) PERCENTAGE OF COMPANY SALE RETURN BY BRAND (NZD$) JPS $0.76 186,099,503 49.47% $140,472,107 48.48% HORIZON $0.79 107,783,355 28.65% $84,770,106 29.26% JOHN BRANDON $0.76 52,688,290 14.01% $39,871,548 13.76% PETER JACKSON $0.85 17,354,715 4.61% $15,223,721 5.25% WEST $0.73 9,348,560 2.49% $6,777,706 2.34% CAMEL $0.89 1,977,400 0.53% $1,759,886 0.61% DAVIDOFF $0.93 942,760 0.25% $872,053 0.30% SUPERKINGS $0.78 560 0.00015% $436.80 0.00015% ITNZ TOTAL 376,195,143 100% $289,747,564 100% Table 3 Average retail price per stick and estimation of company cigarette sale return were based on the value of recommended retail price provided by the tobacco companies. Date of recommended retail price for ITNZ products was 31 December 2013 (before tobacco tax increase in 2014) 6 ASH NEW ZEALAND Tobacco Returns Analysis 2013 PHILIP MORRIS NEW ZEALAND (PMNZ) BRAND POSITIONING (CIGARETTE) PHILIP MORRIS TOBACCO NZ TOBACCO RETURN (CIGARETTE) 2013 $1.00 100% $0.90 90% $0.90 80% (%) $0.71 $0.80 $0.70 70% $0.70 60% $0.60 50% $0.50 40% $0.40 30% 57.2% $0.30 62.2% 20% 36.5% $0.20 32.2% 10% 6.4% 0% BRAND NZD($) MARLBORO $0.10 5.5% $0.00 LONGBEACH Brand PERCENTAGE OF COMPANY SALE QUANTITY BY BRAND (%) PERCENTAGE OF COMPANY SALE RETURN BY BRAND (NZD$) AVERAGE RETAIL PRICE (NZD$) PER STICK Figure 3 Average retail price per stick and estimation of company cigarette sale return were based on the value of recommended retail price provided by the tobacco companies. Date of recommended retail price for PMNZ products was 31 December 2013 (before tobacco tax increase in 2014) 7 ASH NEW ZEALAND Tobacco Returns Analysis 2013 PHILIP MORRIS NEW ZEALAND (PMNZ) BRAND POSITIONING (CIGARETTE) PMNZ released 3 cigarette brands for sale in NZ cigarette market in 2013. The average retail price per stick of PMNZ products ranged from $0.70 to $0.90. GT was the cheapest of PMNZ brands and Marlboro was the most expensive brand. Marlboro (57.19% of company cigarette sale) was the most popular brand of PMNZ followed by Longbeach (36.45% of company cigarette sale). The two brands comprised of 93.6% of the cigarette sale quantity of PMNZ. TOBACCO COMPANY BRAND AVERAGE RETAIL PRICE (NZD$) PER STICK SALE QUANTITY BY BRAND (STICKS) PERCENTAGE OF COMPANY SALE QUANTITY BY BRAND (%) ESTIMATED SALES RETURN BY BRAND (NZD$) PERCENTAGE OF COMPANY SALE RETURN BY BRAND (NZD$) PMNZ MARLBORO $0.90 76,443,000 57.19% $66,845,095 62.23% PMNZ LONGBEACH $0.71 48,721,000 36.45% $34,617,885 32.23% PMNZ GT $0.70 8,498,000 6.36% $5,948,600 5.54% PMNZ TOTAL 133,662,000 100% $107,411,580 100% Table 4 Average retail price per stick and estimation of company cigarette sale return were based on the value of recommended retail price provided by the tobacco companies. Date of recommended retail price for PMNZ products was 31 December 2013 (before tobacco tax increase in 2014) 8 ASH NEW ZEALAND Tobacco Returns Analysis 2013 DOMESTIC MARKET SHARE (CIGARETTE) ALL TOBACCO MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS 2013 TOBACCO COMPANY BATNZ ITNZ PMNZ HEALTHLINK BRAND AVERAGE RETAIL PRICE PER STICK PALL MALL HOLIDAY FREEDOM BENSON & HEDGES WINFIELD DUNHILL ROTHMANS LUCKY STRIKE VOGUE KENT SPORTSMAN STATEEXPRESS 555 TOPAZ CAMEO JPS HORIZON JOHN BRANDON PETER JACKSON WEST CAMEL DAVIDOFF SUPERKINGS MARLBORO LONGBEACH GT DOUBLE HAPPINESS FU RONG WANG YUXI LESSER PANDA HUANGHELOU GOOD LUCK $0.82 $0.87 $0.77 $0.94 $0.92 $0.97 $1.00 $0.99 $1.16 $0.99 n/a $1.00 n/a n/a $0.76 $0.79 $0.76 $0.85 $0.73 $0.89 $0.93 $0.78 $0.90 $0.71 $0.70 $0.72 $0.79 $0.83 $0.79 $0.83 $0.77 SALE QUANTITY (STICKS) PERCENTAGE OF SALE QUANTITY OF NZ CIGARETTE MARKET ESTIMATED SALE RETURN (NZD$) PERCENTAGE OF SALE RETURN OF NZ CIGARETTE BRAND 440,523,000 352,589,000 168,747,000 137,338,700 112,334,000 88,940,000 49,281,000 2,181,000 1,196,000 561,000 300,600 222,000 132,800 120,400 186,099,503 107,783,355 52,688,290 17,354,715 9,348,560 1,977,400 942,760 560 76,443,000 48,721,000 8,498,000 40,000 30,000 140,000 30,000 320,000 80,000 23.26% 18.62% 8.91% 7.25% 5.93% 4.70% 2.60% 0.12% 0.063% 0.030% 0.016% 0.012% 0.007% 0.006% 9.83% 5.69% 2.78% 0.92% 0.49% 0.10% 0.050% 0.000030% 4.04% 2.57% 0.45% 0.0021% 0.0016% 0.0074% 0.0016% 0.017% 0.0042% $355,988,070 $302,071,953 $130,430,966 $126,641,491 $103,011,836 $74,233,510 $49,059,319 $2,148,285 $1,387,360 $552,585 n/a $220,890 n/a n/a $140,472,107 $84,770,106 $39,871,548 $15,223,721 $6,777,706 $1,759,886 $872,053 $437 $66,845,095 $34,617,885 $5,948,600 $28,600 $23,700 $115,500 $23,700 $264,000 $61,600 22.72% 19.28% 8.32% 8.08% 6.57% 4.74% 3.13% 0.14% 0.089% 0.035% n/a 0.014% n/a n/a 8.97% 5.41% 2.54% 0.97% 0.43% 0.11% 0.056% 0.000028% 4.27% 2.21% 0.38% 0.0018% 0.0015% 0.0074% 0.0015% 0.017% 0.0039% 9 ASH NEW ZEALAND Tobacco Returns Analysis 2013 JTI NEW WORLD (NEW ZEALAND) LTD NEW ZEALAND TOBACCO GROUP LTD SCANINAVIAN TOBACCO GROUP TOTAL CAMEL FILTER CHUNGWA DOUBLE HAPPINESS GD EASY REEF TRADITION $0.90 $0.83 $0.72 $0.71 $0.73 $0.74 $0.74 12,000,000 2,907,000 2,250,000 2,130,000 8,370,700 869,960 320,220 0.63% 0.15% 0.12% 0.11% 0.44% 0.046% 0.017% $10,800,000 $2,412,810 $1,620,000 $1,501,650 $6,110,611 $639,421 $236,963 0.69% 0.15% 0.10% 0.10% 0.39% 0.041% 0.015% DJARUM $1.06 139,590 0.0074% $147,965 0.0094% 1,893,951,113 100% $1,566,891,929 100% Table 5 • The ten most popular cigarette brands sold in New Zealand in 2013 are highlighted in the table above. • Estimation of sale return by brand was the sum of sale returns of variants under the brand (i.e, the sale quantity of variant was multiplied by the average retail price per stick of the respective variant). • Average retail price per stick and estimation of company cigarette sale return were based on the value of recommended retail price provided by the tobacco companies. Dates of recommended retail price of each company listed are as follow: - BATNZ – January 2014 (after tobacco tax increase in January 2014) - ITNZ, PMNZ, Healthlink Distributors Ltd, JT International, New World (New Zealand) Ltd and Scandinavian Tobacco Group – end of December 2013 (before tobacco tax increase in January 2014) - NZ Tobacco Group Ltd - not specified 10 ASH NEW ZEALAND Tobacco Returns Analysis 2013 DOMESTIC MARKET SHARE (CIGARETTE) TEN MOST POPULAR CIGARETTE BRANDS IN NEW ZEALAND 2012 and 2013 $0.94 500,000,000 450,000,000 $0.82 $0.87 $0.77 400,000,000 350,000,000 $0.88 $0.78 $0.92 $0.80 $0.86 $0.97 $0.90 $0.90 $0.76 $0.79 $0.90 $0.76 $0.80 $0.79 $0.75 300,000,000 $0.68 $0.70 $1.00 $0.70 $0.60 $0.67 $0.50 (NZD$) (Sticks) 250,000,000 $0.00 FREEDOM BATNZ ITNZ MARLBORO 0 JOHN BRANDON $0.10 HORIZON 50,000,000 JPS $0.20 DUNHILL 100,000,000 WINFIELD $0.30 BENSON & HEDGES 150,000,000 HOLIDAY $0.40 PALL MALL 200,000,000 PMNZ SALE QUANTITY (STICKS) 2012 SALE QUANTITY (STICKS) 2013 AVERAGE RETAIL PRICE PER STICK (NZD$) 2012 AVERAGE RETAIL PRICE PER STICK (NZD$) 2013 Figure 4 Average retail price per stick and estimation of company sale return were based on the value of recommended retail price provided by the tobacco companies. Dates of recommended retail price of each company are are: BATNZ – January 2014 (after tobacco tax increase in n January 2014); ITNZ & PMNZ – December 2013 (before tobacco cco tax increase in January 2014 2014). 11 ASH NEW ZEALAND Tobacco Returns Analysis 2013 DOMESTIC MARKET SHARE (CIGARETTE) TEN MOST POPULAR CIGARETTE BRANDS IN NEW ZEALAND 2010 – 2013 The ten most popular cigarette brands sold in New Zealand in 2013 are shown in Figure 4 and Table 6. Pall Mall of BATNZ remained the most popular brand in NZ and this was mainly due to a high sale volume of the cheaper variant, Baseline (around two-third of the total sale volume of Pall Mall brands). The overall sale volume of the Pall Mall brand has dropped slightly but remained relatively stable in 2013. Holiday of BATNZ remained the second most popular brand in NZ cigarette market and the sale quantity of the brand has declined from 411,199,000 sticks in 2012 to 352,589,000 in 2013. JPS of ITNZ was the third most popular brands sold in NZ cigarette market in 2013 and the sale quantity of the brand has dropped from 190,352,780 sticks in 2012 to 186,099,503 in 2013. Strong growth remained in the ultra low-cost brand, Freedom of BATNZ, and the sale quantity of Freedom has increased from 136,269,200 sticks in 2012 to 168,747,000 sticks in 2013. For PMNZ, Marlboro was the only PMNZ brand that remained to be the most popular brand in New Zealand and sale quantity of Marlboro brand has increased. AVERAGE RETAIL PRICE PER STICK (NZD$) TOBACCO COMPANY PERCENTAGE OF SALE QUANTITY OF NZ CIGARETTE MARKET BRAND 2012 2013 BATNZ 2012 2013 PALL MALL $0.78 $0.82 23.28% 22.72% HOLIDAY $0.80 $0.87 20.46% 19.28% FREEDOM $0.75 $0.77 6.78% 8.32% BENSON & HEDGES $0.88 $0.94 7.42% 8.08% WINFIELD $0.86 $0.92 6.42% 6.57% DUNHILL $0.90 $0.97 4.45% 4.74% ITNZ JPS $0.68 $0.76 9.47% 8.97% HORIZON $0.70 $0.79 6.38% 5.41% JOHN BRANDON $0.67 $0.76 2.98% 2.54% PMNZ MARLBORO $0.79 $0.90 3.78% 4.27% Table 6 Average retail price per stick and estimation of company sale return were based on the value of recommended retail price provided by the tobacco companies. Dates of recommended retail price of each company are: BATNZ – January 2014 (after tobacco tax increase in January 2014); ITNZ & PMNZ – December 2013 (before tobacco tax increase in January 2014). 12 ASH NEW ZEALAND Tobacco Returns Analysis 2013 DOMESTIC MARKET (SHARE) ESTIMATED CIGARETTE MARKET SHARE FROM TOBACCO ANALYSIS 2013 BATNZ, ITNZ and PMNZ remained the three tobacco companies with the highest cigarette sale quantity and also cigarette sale return in 2013. BATNZ had 71.52% of cigarette sale quantity in New Zealand market which generated around 73.12% of all cigarette sale returns in New Zealand. ITNZ comprised of 19.86% of cigarette sale quantity in New Zealand Market and PMNZ comprised of 7.06% of cigarette sale. DOMESTIC CIGARETTE MARKET SHARE (PERCENTAGE OF SALE QUANTITY OF NZ MARKET) 2010 - 2013 100% 100% 90% 90% 80% 80% 70% 70% 60% 60% 50% 40% 30% DOMESTIC CIGARETTE MARKET SHARE (PERCENTAGE OF SALE QUANTITY OF NZ MARKET) 2010 - 2013 70.6% 74.2% 50% 71.5% 40% 72.0% 10% 19.9% 17.9% 0% BATNZ ITNZ 73.1% 74.8% 30% 20.2%20.4% 20% 73.6% 75.2% 6.9% 7.7% 7.1% 6.4% PMNZ 20% 17.9% 18.5% 17.0% 18.1% 10% 1.0%1.5%1.2%1.6% 0% OTHERS BATNZ PERCENTAGE PERCENTAGE PERCENTAGE PERCENTAGE PERCENTAGE OF SALE QUANTITY OF NZ CIGARETTE MARKET IN 2010 PERCENTAGE OF SALE QUANTITY OF NZ CIGARETTE MARKET IN 2011 PERCENTAGE OF SALE QUANTITY OF NZ CIGARETTE MARKET IN 2012 PERCENTAGE OF SALE QUANTITY OF NZ CIGARETTE MARKET IN 2013 OF SALE OF SALE OF SALE OF SALE 6.8%7.2%6.0%6.9% 0.9% 1.3%1.1% 1.5% ITNZ PMNZ RETURN OF NZ CIGARETTE MARKET RETURN OF NZ CIGARETTE MARKET RETURN OF NZ CIGARETTE MARKET RETURN OF NZ CIGARETTE MARKET OTHERS IN 2010 IN 2011 IN 2012 IN 2013 Figure 5 Average retail price per stick and estimation of company cigarette sale return were based on the value of recommended retail price provided by the tobacco companies. Dates of recommended retail price of each company listed are as follow: - BATNZ – January 2014 (after tobacco tax increase in January 2014) - ITNZ, PMNZ, Healthlink Distributors Ltd, JT International, New World (New Zealand) Ltd and Scandinavian Tobacco Group – end of December 2013 (before tobacco tax increase in January 2014) - NZ Tobacco Group Ltd - not specified 13 ASH NEW ZEALAND Tobacco Returns Analysis 2013 DOMESTIC MARKET SHARE (CIGARETTE) ESTIMATED CIGARETTE MARKET SHARE FROM TOBACCO ANALYSIS 2010 – 2013 BATNZ ITNZ PMNZ OTHERS 2010 PERCENTAGE COMPANY OF SALE SALE QUANTITY OF QUANTITY NZ (STICKS) CIGARETTE MARKET 1,660,739,700 74.17% 401,450,000 17.93% 154,183,000 6.89% 22,594,930 1.01% 2011 PERCENTAGE COMPANY OF SALE SALE QUANTITY OF QUANTITY NZ (STICKS) CIGARETTE MARKET 1,472,611,200 70.61% 420,973,000 20.19% 161,154,000 7.73% 30,777,675 1.48% 2012 PERCENTAGE COMPANY OF SALE SALE QUANTITY OF QUANTITY NZ (STICKS) CIGARETTE MARKET 1,445,944,400 71.95% 409,900,320 20.40% 129,447,520 6.44% 24,344,850 1.21% 2013 PERCENTAGE COMPANY OF SALE SALE QUANTITY OF QUANTITY NZ (STICKS) CIGARETTE MARKET 1,354,466,500 71.52% 376,195,143 19.86% 133,662,000 7.06% 29,627,470 1.56% TOTAL 2,238,967,630 2,085,515,875 2,009,637,090 1,893,951,113 TOBACCO COMPANY 100% 100 % 100% 100% 2010 PERCENTAGE ESTIMATED OF SALE COMPANY RETURN OF SALE NZ RETURN CIGARETTE (NZD$) MARKET 2011 PERCENTAGE ESTIMATED OF SALE COMPANY RETURN OF SALE NZ RETURN CIGARETTE (NZD$) MARKET 2012 PERCENTAGE ESTIMATED OF SALE COMPANY RETURN OF SALE NZ RETURN CIGARETTE (NZD$) MARKET 2013 PERCENTAGE ESTIMATED OF SALE COMPANY RETURN OF SALE NZ RETURN CIGARETTE (NZD$) MARKET BATNZ ITNZ PMNZ OTHERS $981,815,078 $221,721,166 $89,313,183 $12,007,352 75.24% 16.99% 6.84% 0.92% $1,076,152,841 $261,139,877 $105,072,843 $19,067,943 73.64% 17.87% 7.19% 1.30% $1,177,753,426 $284,508,932 $94,844,306 $16,724,097 74.83% 18.08% 6.03% 1.06% $1,145,746,265 $289,747,564 $107,411,580 $23,986,520 73.12% 18.49% 6.86% 1.53% TOTAL $1,304,856,780 100% $1,461,433,503 100% $1,573,830,761 100% $1,566,891,929 100% TOBACCO COMPANY Table 7 Average retail price per stick and estimation of company cigarette sale return were based on the value of recommended retail price provided by the tobacco companies. Dates of recommended retail price of each company listed are as follow: - BATNZ – January 2014 (after tobacco tax increase in January 2014) - ITNZ, PMNZ, Healthlink Distributors Ltd, JT International, New World (New Zealand) Ltd and Scandinavian Tobacco Group – end of December 2013 (before tobacco tax increase in January 2014) - NZ Tobacco Group Ltd - not specified 14 ASH NEW ZEALAND Tobacco Returns Analysis 2013 DOMESTIC MARKET SHARE (CIGARETTE) TREND IN CIGARETTE SALE QUANTITY 2004 – 2013 COMPANY CIGARETTE SALE QUANTITY BY WEIGHT (KG) 2004-2013 1,400,000 1,279,954 1,262,572 1,187,366 1,200,000 1,042,002 936,514 1,000,000 800,000 BATNZ (KG) ITNZ PMNZ OTHER COMPANY 600,000 400,000 284,356 292,117 293,816 281,326 93,363 105,083 122,051 114,962 17,164 22,931 28,814 21,005 200,000 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 15 2009 2010 2011 270,910 92,256 20,914 2012 2013 ASH NEW ZEALAND Tobacco Returns Analysis 2013 DOMESTIC MARKET SHARE (CIGARETTE) TREND IN CIGARETTE SALE QANTITY 2004 – 2013 The total cigarette sale quantity of most tobacco companies continued to fall in 2013. The combined sale volume of the other companies has increased from 16,716 kg in 2012 to 20,914 kg in 2013. Such growth was mainly driven by the increased sale quantity of JT International Ltd that released one cigarette brand, Camel Filter, for sale in New Zealand market. SALE QUANTITY (KG) 2008 2009 TOBACCO COMPANY 2004 2005 2006 2007 2010 2011 2012 2013 BATNZ ITNZ PMNZ COSMIC HEALTHLINK DISTRIBUTORS LTD JT INTERNATIONAL LTD S.A. KINGS KOREA TOBACCO LIMITED MODERNA TRADING CO LTD NEW WORLD (NEW ZEALAND) LTD NEW ZEALAND TOBACCO GROUP SWEDISH MATCH LIMITED SOUTH AFRICAN CAFFEE SOUTH AMERICAN TOBACCO GROUP (NZ) LTD VE LOGISTICS SCANINAVIAN TOBACCO GROUP OTHER COMPANIES TOTAL TOTAL 1,291,460 285,111 101,525 n/a n/a 1,279,954 284,356 93,363 n/a 584 1,295,860 281,532 104,289 n/a 816 1,262,572 292,117 105,083 n/a 576 1,263,233 278,221 102,632 n/a 704 1,187,366 293,816 122,051 n/a 849 1,155,490 283,011 119,887 n/a 317 1,042,002 281,326 114,962 62 2,940 1,050,787 294,119 92,509 66 2,119 936,514 270,910 92,256 n/a 449 6,534 7,440 5,655 5,338 2,588 2,962 2,409 2,680 1,807 8,400 776 716 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 602 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 683 2,055 4,890 6,870 9,420 8,220 14,290 2,940 3,150 n/a 83 4,402 3,500 3,402 4,480 4,483 5,803 4,666 3,545 5,101 n/a 2,683 3,777 6,745 13,866 10,992 7,918 7,698 5,996 6,884 n/a n/a n/a n/a 58 112 170 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 19 34 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 465 594 n/a n/a n/a n/a 1,472 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 80 10,264 1,688,360 17,164 1,674,837 18,638 1,700,319 22,931 1,682,703 31,581 1,675,667 28,814 1,634,056 30,908 1,589,296 21,005 1,459,295 16,716 1,454,131 20,914 1,320,594 Table n/a – not available; some tobacco companies provided the sale quantity as number of cigarette sticks released. These data were converted into weight according to the information on the website of Ministry of Health. The weight of a cigarette stick is estimated to be 0.7 grams. 16 ASH NEW ZEALAND Tobacco Returns Analysis 2013 BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO NEW ZEALAND (BATNZ) BRAND POSITIONING (LOOSE LEAF TOBACCO) BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO NEW ZEALAND TOBACCO RETURN (LOOSE LEAF TOBACCO) 2013 50% 45% $0.66 $0.65 $0.59 40% $0.80 $0.63 $0.60 35% (%) $0.70 30% $0.50 25% $0.40 20% 39.5% 40.4% $0.30 31.7% 15% NZD($) 32.0% $0.20 10% 15.1% 5% 14.1% 13.7% 13.5% 0% $0.10 $0.00 BRAND PORT ROYAL PARK DRIVE Brand WINFIELD PERCENTAGE OF COMPANY SALE QUANTITY BY BRAND (%) PERCENTAGE OF COMPANY SALE RETURN BY BRAND (NZD$) AVERAGE RETAIL PRICE PER STICK 0.5g (NZD$) Figure 6 Average retail price per kg and estimation of company loose leaf tobacco sale return were based on the value of recommended retail price provided by the tobacco companies. Date of recommended retail price of BAT was January 2014 (after tobacco tax increase in January 2014). 17 ASH NEW ZEALAND Tobacco Returns Analysis 2013 BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO NEW ZEALAND (BATNZ) BRAND POSITIONING (LOOSE LEAF TOBACCO) In 2013, BATNZ has released 4 brands for sale in NZ loose leaf tobacco market. The average price per kilogram for the company products ranged from $1,190 to $1,315 ($0.59 to $0.66 per stick of 0.5g). The median price per kilogram of BATNZ loose leaf tobacco products were $1,284 ($0.64 per stick of 0.5g). Port Royal (39.5% of company sale quantity) remained the most popular loose leaf tobacco brands of BATNZ in 2013 followed by Park Drive (31.7% of company sale quantity). The average retail prices per kg of Port Royal and Park Drive in 2013 were $1,315 and $1,302 respectively ($0.66 and $0.65 per stick of 0.5g). BRAND AVERAGE RETAIL PRICE PER KG (NZD$) AVERAGE RETAIL PRICE PER STICK 0.5g (NZD$) SALE QUANTITY BY BRAND (KG) PERCENTAGE OF COMPANY SALE QUANTITY BY BRAND (%) ESTIMATED SALES RETURN BY BRAND (NZD$) PERCENTAGE OF COMPANY SALE RETURN BY BRAND (NZD$) PORT ROYAL $1,315 $0.66 157,179 39.51% $207,120,557 40.35% PARK DRIVE $1,302 $0.65 126,057 31.68% $164,333,049 32.02% WINFIELD $1,190 $0.59 59,978 15.08% $72,458,440 14.12% HOLIDAY $1,266 $0.63 54,633 13.73% $69,359,693 13.51% BATNZ 397,847 100% $513,271,739 100% Table 8 Average retail price per kg and estimation of company loose leaf tobacco sale return were based on the value of recommended retail price provided by the tobacco companies. Date of recommended retail price of BAT was January 2014 (after tobacco tax increase in January 2014). 18 ASH NEW ZEALAND Tobacco Returns Analysis 2013 IMPERIAL TOBACCO NEW ZEALAND (ITNZ) BRAND POSITIONING (LOOSE LEAF TOBACCO) IMPERIAL TOBACCO NEW ZEALAND TOBACCO RETURN (LOOSE LEAF TOBACCO) 2013 $0.80 50% 45% $0.70 40% 35% (%) $0.53 $0.54 $0.60 $0.57 $0.55 $0.59 $0.60 $0.50 30% NZD($) $0.40 25% 20% 39.7% 38.5% 15% $0.30 26.5% 27.2% 10% 18.6% $0.20 17.9% 5% 8.9% 9.6% $0.10 5.1% 5.6% 1.1% 1.2% POCKET EDITION DRUM 0% BRAND RIVERSTONE JPS HORIZON $0.00 Brand PERCENTAGE OF COMPANY SALE QUANTITY BY BRAND (%) PERCENTAGE OF COMPANY SALE RETURN BY BRAND (NZD$) AVERAGE RETAIL PRICE PER STICK 0.5g (NZD$) Figure 7 Average retail price per kg and estimation of company loose leaf tobacco sale return were based on the value of recommended retail price provided by the tobacco companies. Date of recommended retail price of ITNZ was December 2013 (before tobacco tax increase in January 2014). 19 ASH NEW ZEALAND Tobacco Returns Analysis 2013 IMPERIAL TOBACCO NEW ZEALAND (ITNZ) BRAND POSITIONING (LOOSE LEAF TOBACCO) ITNZ released 6 brands for sale in NZ loose leaf tobacco market. The average price per kilogram for the company products ranged from $1,051 to $1,190 ($0.53 to $0.60 per stick of 0.5g). The median price per kilogram of ITNZ loose leaf tobacco products were $1,161 ($0.56 per stick of 0.5g). Riverstone and JPS were the most popular loose leaf tobacco brands of ITNZ in 2013. They comprised of 39.75% and 27.19% respectively of the company sale quantity. The sale quantity of both brands has gone up from the previous year. For Riverstone, the sale quantity has gone up from 52,684 kg in 2012 to 63,367 kg in 2013. JPS has gone up from 32,029 kg in 2012 to 43,342 kg in 2013. The average retail price per kilogram of Riverstone in 2013 was $1051 ($0.53 per stick of 0.5g) and JPS was $1,080 ($0.54 per stick of 0.5g). BRAND AVERAGE RETAIL PRICE PER KG (NZD$) AVERAGE RETAIL PRICE PER STICK 0.5g (NZD$) SALE QUANTITY BY BRAND (KG) PERCENTAGE OF COMPANY SALE QUANTITY BY BRAND (%) ESTIMATED SALES RETURN BY BRAND (NZD$) PERCENTAGE OF COMPANY SALE RETURN BY BRAND (NZD$) RIVERSTONE $1,051 $0.53 63,367 39.75% $67,537,132 38.54% JPS $1,080 $0.54 43,342 27.19% $46,387,685 26.47% HORIZON $1,144 $0.57 28,488 17.87% $32,677,974 18.65% POCKET EDITION $1,177 $0.55 14,217 8.92% $16,742,625 9.55% DRUM $1,190 $0.60 8,200 5.14% $9,774,746 5.58% VIRGINIA $1,177 $0.59 1,813 1.14% $2,133,714 1.22% ITNZ TOTAL 159,427 100% $175,253,876 100% Table 9 Average retail price per kg and estimation of company loose leaf tobacco sale return were based on the value of recommended retail price provided by the tobacco companies. Date of recommended retail price of ITNZ was December 2013 (before tobacco tax increase in January 2014). 20 ASH NEW ZEALAND Tobacco Returns Analysis 2013 PHILIP MORRIS NEW ZEALAND (PMNZ) BRAND POSITIONING (LOOSE LEAF TOBACCO) In 2013, the PMNZ has released only one loose leaf tobacco brand, Marlboro, for sale in the market. The PMNZ brand was first introduced into New Zealand loose leaf tobacco market in 2013. The average retail price per kilogram of Marlboro was $1,167 ($0.58 per stick of 0.5g). The sale quantity of sole PMNZ brand in 2013 was 14kg. BRAND SALE QUANTITY (KG) AVERAGE RETAIL PRICE PER KG (NZD$) AVERAGE RETAIL PRICE PER STICK 0.5g (NZD$) PERCENTAGE OF COMPANY SALE QUANTITY (%) ESTIMATED SALES RETURN (NZD$) PERCENTAGE OF COMPANY SALE RETURN (NZD$) MARLBORO 14 $1,167 $0.58 100% $16,333 100% PMNZ TOTAL 14 $1,167 $0.58 100% $16,333 100% Table 10 Average retail price per kg and estimation of company loose leaf tobacco sale return were based on the value of recommended retail price provided by the tobacco companies. Date of recommended retail price of PMNZ was December 2013 (before tobacco tax increase in January 2014). 21 ASH NEW ZEALAND Tobacco Returns Analysis 2013 DOMESTIC MARKET SHARE (LOOSE LEAF TOBACCO) ALL TOBACCO MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS 2013 TOBACCO COMPANY BRAND AVERAGE RETAIL PRICE PER KG BATNZ PORT ROYAL PARK DRIVE WINFIELD HOLIDAY RIVERSTONE JPS HORIZON POCKET EDITION DRUM VIRGINIA MARLBORO AMERICAN SPIRIT $1,315 $1,302 $1,190 $1,266 $1,051 $1,080 $1,144 $1,177 $1,190 $1,177 $1,167 $1,249 $0.66 $0.65 $0.59 $0.63 $0.53 $0.54 $0.57 $0.55 $0.60 $0.59 $0.58 $0.62 157,179 126,057 59,978 54,633 63,367 43,342 28,488 14,217 8,200 1,813 14 93 PERCENTAGE OF SALE QUANTITY OF NZ LOOSE LEAF TOBACCO MARKET 27.88% 22.36% 10.64% 9.69% 11.24% 7.69% 5.05% 2.52% 1.45% 0.32% 0.0025% 0.017% DOMINGO EASY REEF ASHFORD MANITOU KNIGHT SUNNY'S NICKY'S RASTA BALI COLTS $850 $1,04 $997 $1,077 $1,140 $904 $890 $890 $875 $1,033 $983 $0.43 $0.52 $0.50 $0.54 $0.57 $0.45 $0.45 $0.45 $0.44 $0.52 $0.49 40 2,432 593 303 104 439 88 21 22 831 1,606 563,862 0.007% 0.43% 0.11% 0.054% 0.019% 0.078% 0.016% 0.0037% 0.0039% 0.15% 0.28% 100% ITNZ PMNZ COSMIC MODERNA TRADING CO LTD NEW ZEALAND TOBACCO GROUP LTD R&S KING LTD AVERAGE RETAIL PRICE PER STICK OF 0.5g SALE QUANTITY (KG) $207,120,557 $164,333,049 $72,458,440 $69,359,693 $67,537,132 $46,387,684 $32,677,974 $16,742,625 $9,774,746 $2,133,714 $16,333 $116,683 PERCENTAGE OF SALE RETURN OF NZ LOOSE LEAF TOBACCO BRAND 29.79% 23.64% 10.42% 9.98% 9.71% 6.67% 4.70% 2.41% 1.41% 0.31% 0.0023% 0.017% $34,000 $2,537,898 $591,452 $326,424 $119,062 $391,452 $77,537 $18,600 $19,250 $858,700 $1,579,233 $695,212,239 0.0049% 0.37% 0.085% 0.047% 0.017% 0.056% 0.011% 0.0027% 0.0028% 0.12% 0.23% 100% ESTIMATED SALE RETURN (NZD$) SCANINAVIAN TOBACCO GROUP TOTAL Table 11 • The six most popular loose leaf tobacco brands sold in NZ in 2013 are highlighted in the table above. • Estimation of sale return by brand was the sum of sale returns of variants under the brand (ie the sale quantity of variant was multiplied by the average retail price per kg of the respective variant). 22 ASH NEW ZEALAND Tobacco Returns Analysis 2013 • • Average retail price of loose leaf tobacco products and estimation of company loose leaf tobacco sale return were based on the value of recommended retail price provided by the tobacco companies. Dates of recommended retail price of each company listed are as follow: - BATNZ – January 2014 (after tobacco tax increase in January 2014) - ITNZ, PMNZ, Cosmic, JT International, Moderna Trading Co Ltd – December 2013 (before tobacco tax increase in January 2014) - R&S King Ltd and NZ Tobacco Group Ltd – not specified For better comparison with cigarette products, the average retail price for loose leaf tobacco per stick was also calculated. For calculation, the weight of a loose leaf tobacco stick was assumed to be 0.5 grams (Source: Laugesen M. Epton M, Frampton C, Glover M. Lea RA. Hand-rolled cigarette smoking patterns, compared with factory-made cigarette smoking in New Zealand men. BMC Public Health 2009, 9:194. ) 23 ASH NEW ZEALAND Tobacco Returns Analysis 2013 DOMESTIC MARKET SHARE (LOOSE LEAF TOBACCO) SIX MOST POPULAR LOOSE LEAF TOBACCO BACCO BRANDS IN 2013 SIX MOST POPULAR LOOSE LEAF TOBACCO BRAND IN NZ 2012 and 2013 200,000 $0.66 $0.65 $0.59 180,000 160,000 $0.70 $0.63 $0.59 $0.54 $0.53 $0.59 $0.57 140,000 $0.50 $0.54 $0.51 $0.48 120,000 $0.60 $0.40 (KG) 100,000 NZD($) $0.30 80,000 60,000 $0.20 40,000 $0.10 20,000 0 $0.00 PORT ROYAL PARK DRIVE WINFIELD HOLIDAY BATNZ RIVERSTONE JPS ITNZ SALE QUANTITY (KG) 2012 SALE QUANTITY (KG) 2013 AVERAGE RETAIL PRICE PER STICK OF 0.5g (NZD$) 2012 AVERAGE RETAIL PRICE PER STICK OF 0.5g (NZD$) 2013 Figure 8 Average retail price and estimation of company sale return were based on the value of recommended retail price provided by the tobacco companies. Dates of recommended retail price of each company are are: BATNZ – January 2014 (after tobacco cco tax increase in January 2014); ITNZ & PMNZ – December 2013 (before tobacco tax increase January 2014 2014). 24 ASH NEW ZEALAND Tobacco Returns Analysis 2013 DOMESTIC MARKET SHARE (LOOSE LEAF TOBACCO) SIX MOST POPULAR LOOSE LEAF TOBACCO BRANDS IN 2013 In 2013, the three most popular loose leaf tobacco brands sold in New Zealand were Port Royal, Park Drive and Winfield. All three products belonged to BATNZ and made up of 60.88% of all loose leaf tobacco products released for sale in NZ in 2013. Riverstone of ITNZ has replaced Holiday of BATNZ becoming the forth most popular loose leaf brand. Riverstone comprised of 11.24% of sale quantity of NZ loose leaf market. TOBACCO COMPANY AVERAGE RETAIL PRICE PER STICK OF 0.5g (NZD$) BRAND PERCENTAGE OF SALE QUANTITY OF NZ LOOSE LEAF MARKET (%) 2012 2013 2012 2013 BATNZ PORT ROYAL PARK DRIVE WINFIELD HOLIDAY $0.60 $0.59 $0.54 $0.57 $0.66 $0.65 $0.60 $0.63 29.91% 23.78% 10.02% 10.07% 27.88% 22.36% 10.64% 9.69% ITNZ RIVERSTONE $0.49 $0.53 9.04% 11.24% JPS $0.51 $0.54 5.49% 7.69% Table 12 Average retail price and estimation of company sale return were based on the value of recommended retail price provided by the tobacco companies. Dates of recommended retail price of each company are: BATNZ – January 2014 (after tobacco tax increase in January 2014); ITNZ & PMNZ – December 2013 (before tobacco tax increase in January 2014). 25 ASH NEW ZEALAND Tobacco Returns Analysis 2013 DOMESTIC MARKET SHARE (LOOSE LEAF TOBACCO) ESTIMATED LOOSE LEAF TOBACCO MARKET SHARE FROM TOBACCO ANALYSIS 2013 BATNZ and ITNZ remained two tobacco companies with the highest loose leaf tobacco sale quantity as well as the highest sale returns in New Zealand in 2013. BATNZ had 70.56% of loose leaf tobacco market in NZ whereas ITNZ shared 28.27% of the New Zealand loose leaf tobacco market in 2013. DOMESTIC LOOSE LEAF TOBACCO MARKET (PERCENTAGE OF SALE QUANTITY OF NZ LOOSE LEAF TOBACCO MARKET) 2010 - 2013 DOMESTIC LOOSE LEAF TOBACCO MARKET (PERCENTAGE OF SALE QUANTITY OF NZ LOOSE LEAF TOBACCO MARKET) 2010 - 2013 100% 100% 90% 90% 80% 80% 70% 70% 60% 60% 50% 50% 40% 40% 79.0%75.6% 76.3% 73.8% 72.2% 70.6% 76.6% 73.8% 30% 30% 20% 20% 25.5% 28.3% 22.8% 24.9% 10% 0.1% 0.1% 10% 1.2% 2.3% 0.6% 1.3% PERCENTAGE 2010 PERCENTAGE 2011 PERCENTAGE 2012 PERCENTAGE 2013 ITNZ PMNZ 0.1% 0.1% 0.4%2.1% 1.1% 1.0% 0% 0% BATNZ 25.2% 22.2% 22.6% 20.5% BATNZ ITNZ PMNZ OTHERS PERCENTAGE OF SALE RETURN OF NZ LOOSE LEAF TOBACCO MARKET IN 2010 OTHERS OF SALE QUANTITY OF NZ LOOSE LEAF TOBACCO MARKET IN OF SALE QUANTITY OF NZ LOOSE LEAF TOBACCO MARKET IN PERCENTAGE OF SALE RETURN OF NZ LOOSE LEAF TOBACCO MARKET IN 2011 OF SALE QUANTITY OF NZ LOOSE LEAF TOBACCO MARKET IN PERCENTAGE OF SALE RETURN OF NZ LOOSE LEAF TOBACCO MARKET IN 2012 OF SALE QUANTITY OF NZ LOOSE LEAF TOBACCO MARKET IN PERCENTAGE OF SALE RETURN OF NZ LOOSE LEAF TOBACCO MARKET IN 2013 Figure 9 Average retail price of loose leaf tobacco products and estimation of company loose leaf tobacco sale return were based on the value of recommended retail price provided by the tobacco companies. Dates of recommended retail price of each company listed are as follow: - BATNZ – January 2014 (after tobacco tax increase in January 2014) - ITNZ, PMNZ, Cosmic, JT International, Moderna Trading Co Ltd – December 2013 (before tobacco tax increase in January 2014) - R&S King Ltd and NZ Tobacco Group Ltd – not specified 26 ASH NEW ZEALAND Tobacco Returns Analysis 2013 DOMESTIC MARKET SHARE (LOOSE LEAF TOBACCO) ESTIMATED LOOSE LEAF TOBACCO MARKET SHARE FROM TOBACCO ANALYSIS 2013 2010 PERCENTAGE OF SALE COMPANY QUANTITY OF SALE NZ LOOSE QUANTITY LEAF (KG) IN 2010 TOBACCO MARKET IN 2010 2011 PERCENTAGE OF SALE COMPANY QUANTITY OF SALE NZ LOOSE QUANTITY LEAF (KG) IN 2011 TOBACCO MARKET IN 2011 2012 PERCENTAGE OF SALE COMPANY QUANTITY OF SALE NZ LOOSE QUANTITY LEAF (KG) IN 2012 TOBACCO MARKET IN 2012 2013 PERCENTAGE OF SALE COMPANY QUANTITY OF SALE NZ LOOSE QUANTITY LEAF (KG) IN 2013 TOBACCO MARKET IN 2013 BATNZ ITNZ PMNZ OTHERS 579,892 172,356 588 4,271 76.59% 22.77% 0.08% 0.56% 477,079 168,399 307 14,990 72.20% 25.49% 0.05% 2.27% 430,128 145,035 316 7,526 73.78% 24.88% 0.05% 1.29% 397,847 159,427 14 6,574 70.56% 28.27% 0.0025% 1.17% TOTAL 757,106 100% 660,775 100% 583,005 100% 563,862 100% TOBACCO COMPANY TOBACCO COMPANY BATNZ ITNZ PMNZ OTHERS 2010 PERCENTAGE OF SALE ESTIMATED COMPANY RETURN OF NZ LOOSE SALE LEAF RETURN (NZD$) IN TOBACCO 2010 MARKET IN 2010 2011 PERCENTAGE ESTIMATED OF SALE COMPANY RETURN OF SALE NZ LOOSE RETURN LEAF (NZD$) IN TOBACCO 2011 MARKET IN 2011 2012 PERCENTAGE ESTIMATED OF SALE COMPANY RETURN OF SALE NZ LOOSE RETURN LEAF (NZD$) IN TOBACCO 2012 MARKET IN 2012 2013 PERCENTAGE ESTIMATED OF SALE COMPANY RETURN OF SALE NZ LOOSE RETURN LEAF (NZD$) IN TOBACCO 2013 MARKET IN 2013 $537,014,893 $139,496,720 $452,760 $3,030,772 $510,482,830 $150,155,358 $257,880 $14,100,724 $502,230,785 $148,632,478 $335,732 $6,972,983 $513,271,739 $175,253,876 $16,333 $6,670,291 78.97% 20.51% 0.07% 0.45% 75.63% 22.25% 0.04% 2.09% TOTAL 76.31% 22.58% 0.05% 1.06% 73.83% 25.21% 0.0023% 0.96% $679,995,145 100% $674,996,792 100% $658,171,979 100% $695,212,239 100% Table 13 Average retail price of loose leaf tobacco products and estimation of company loose leaf tobacco sale return were based on the value of recommended retail price provided by the tobacco companies. Dates of recommended retail price of each company listed are as follow: - BATNZ – January 2014 (after tobacco tax increase in January 2014) - ITNZ, PMNZ, Cosmic, JT International, Moderna Trading Co Ltd – December 2013 (before tobacco tax increase in January 2014 - R&S King Ltd and NZ Tobacco Group Ltd – not specified 27 ASH NEW ZEALAND Tobacco Returns Analysis 2013 DOMESTIC MARKET SHARE (LOOSE LEAF TOBACCO) TRENDS IN LOOSE LEAF TOBACCO OBACCO SALE QUANTITY 2004 – 2013 COMPANY LOOSE LEAF SALE QUANTITY BY WEIGHT 2004 2004-2013 2013 800,000 666,073 700,000 644,261 632,118 600,000 477,079 500,000 BATNZ ITNZ PMNZ OTHER COMPANY 397,847 (KG) 400,000 300,000 200,000 168,399 158,921 145,378 143,838 159,427 100,000 3,394 777 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 5,948 1,013 921 2008 28 2009 2010 14,990 307 2011 6,574 14 2012 2013 ASH NEW ZEALAND Tobacco Returns Analysis 2013 DOMESTIC MARKET SHARE (LOOSE LEAF TOBACCO) TRENDS IN LOOSE LEAF TOBACCO SALE QUANTITY 2004 – 2013 The total sale quantity of loose leaf tobacco products in New Zealand market in 2013 has declined from 613,451 kg in 2012 to 563,862 kg in 2013. The sale quantity of ITNZ in has slightly increased while the sale quantity of BATNZ has declined from 461,172 kg in 2012 to 397,847 kg in 2013. The sale quantity of PMNZ in the loose leaf market has reduced to 14 kg. The combined sale quantity of other companies has slightly increased from 3,604 kg in 2012 to 6,574 kg in 2013. TOBACCO COMPANY BATNZ ITNZ PMNZ COSMIC CORNER HEALTHLINK DISTRIBUTORS LTD ISLA SERVICES LIMITED JT INTERNATIONAL LTD S.A. KOREA TOBACCO LIMITED MODERNA TRADING CO LTD NEW WORLD (NEW ZEALAND) LTD NEW ZEALAND TOBACCO GROUP NZ TOBACCO COY STUART ALEXANDER VE LOGISTICS R&S KING SCANINAVIAN TOBACCO GROUP OTHER COMPANY TOTAL TOTAL SALE QUANTITY (KG) 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 646,281 175,919 0 n/a 666,073 143,838 0 n/a 670,023 145,475 0 n/a 644,261 145,378 1,013 14 630,567 143,464 821 n/a 632,118 158,921 921 n/a 579,891 151,280 568 46 477,079 168,399 307 53.6 461,172 148,359 316 83.3 397,847 159,427 14 93 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 47 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 170 10,000 204 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 125 153 129 257 157 289 40 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2,948 5,883 5,569 3,628 4,379.5 3,027.5 3,434 n/a 243 7 n/a 428 302 n/a n/a 1,396 354 n/a n/a n/a 308 n/a n/a n/a 289 n/a n/a n/a 250 n/a n/a n/a 170 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 570 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2,437 251 777 1,750 3,394 6,324 5,948 4,271 14,990 3,604 6,574 822,451 810,688 817,248 794,046 781,176 797,908 736,010 660,775 613,451 563,862 Table 14 n/a – not available 29 ASH NEW ZEALAND Tobacco Returns Analysis 2013 TRENDS IN TOBACCO SALE QUANTITY 2004 – 2013 TOTAL SALE QUANTITY OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS IN NZ 2004-2013 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,510,811 2,485,524 2,517,568 2,476,749 2,456,843 2,431,964 2,325,306 2,120,070 2,067,582 1,884,456 2,000,000 1,688,360 1,674,837 1,700,319 1,682,703 1,675,667 1,634,056 1,589,296 1,459,295 1,454,131 (KG) 1,500,000 1,000,000 1,320,594 822,451 810,688 500,000 817,248 794,046 781,176 797,908 736,010 660,775 613,451 563,862 ALL CIGARETTE BRANDS ALL LOOSE TOBACCO BRANDS TOTAL (ALL CIGARETTE & LOOSE LEAF TOBACCO BRANDS) 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Figure 10 30 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 ASH NEW ZEALAND Tobacco Returns Analysis 2013 TRENDS IN TOBACCO SALE QUANTITY 2004 – 2013 PERCENTAGE OF CHANGE OF SALE QUANTITY Sale quantity of the overall tobacco market in 2013 has seen a rapid drop by 8.9% from 2012. Both cigarette market and loose leaf tobacco market have rapidly declined by 9.2% and 8.1% respectively from the previous year. Such a trend that sale quantity of tobacco market rapidly decline was notable after the ongoing increase in tobacco excise tax since 2010. This pattern of decline (between 2010 and 2013) is not as rapid in the cigarette market. TYPE OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS SALE QUANTITY (KG) (Percentage of change from previous year %) 2007 2008 2009 2010 2004 2005 2006 1,688,360 1,674,837 (-0.8%) 1,700,319 (+1.5%) 1,682,703 (-1.04%) 1,675,667 (-0.4%) 1,634,056 (-2.5%) ALL LOOSE TOBACCO BRANDS 822,451 810,688 (-1.4%) 817,248 (+0.8%) 794,046 (-2.8%) 781,176 (-1.6%) TOTAL NZ MARKET 2,510,811 2,485,524 (-1.0%) 2,517,568 (+1.3%) 2,476,749 (-1.6%) 2,456,843 (-0.8%) ALL CIGARETTE BRANDS Table 15 31 2011 2012 2013 1,589,296 (-2.7%) 1,459,295 (-8.2%) 1,454,131 (-0.4%) 1,320,594 (-9.2%) 797,908 (+2.1%) 736,010 (-7.8%) 660,775 (-10.2%) 613,451 (-7.2%) 563,862 (-8.1%) 2,431,964 (-1.0%) 2,325,306 2,120,070 2,067,582 1,884,456 (-4.4%) (-8.8%) (-2.5%) (-8.9%) ASH NEW ZEALAND Tobacco Returns Analysis 2013 CHANGES IN SALE QUANTITY IN DIFFERENT PRICE SEGMENTS The New Zealand government has increased excise tax of tobacco products since 2010. The first one was a 10% tax increase on manufactured cigarettes and 25% increase on loose tobacco in 2010, and was followed by subsequent annual increases of 10% that will continue until 2016. To compare the changes in sale quantity in different price segments after the first tax increase in 2010, we have categorised cigarette brands of the three main companies (BATNZ, ITNZ and PMNZ) into four price segments – budget (or ultra low-cost), value, mid-price and premium. All cigarettes of the three companies were categorised into these segments which were based on the price segments used by Ernest & Young in their report1 in reference to the price of the representative brands in the report. Budget brands include Freedom, Pall Mall Baseline, JPS and Longbeach. Value brands include Holiday, Pall Mall and Horizon. Mid-price brand includes Winfield. Premium brands include Benson & Hedges, Dunhill and Marlboro (Table 16). TOBACCO COMPANY BRAND BATNZ FREEDOM BATNZ PALL MALL BASELINE ITNZ WEST ITNZ JOHN BRANDON ITNZ JPS PMNZ GT PMNZ LONGBEACH BUDGET/ULTRA LOW-COST BATNZ HOLIDAY BATNZ PALL MALL ITNZ SUPERKINGS ITNZ HORIZON VALUE BATNZ WINFIELD ITNZ PETER JACKSON MID-PRICE BATNZ BENSON & HEDGES BATNZ DUNHILL BATNZ LUCKY STRIKE BATNZ KENT BATNZ STATEEXPRESS 556 BATNZ ROTHMANS BATNZ VOGUE AVERAGE RETAIL PRICE PER STICK SALE QUANTITY (STICKS) IN 2013 PERCENTAGE OF SALE QUANTITY OF THREE COMPANIES COMBINED IN 2013 $0.77 $0.78 $0.73 $0.76 $0.76 $0.70 $0.71 168,747,000 294,543,000 9,348,560 52,688,290 186,099,503 8,498,000 48,721,000 768,645,353 352,589,000 145,980,000 560 107,783,355 606,352,915 112,334,000 17,354,715 129,688,715 137,338,700 88,940,000 2,181,000 561,000 222,000 49,281,000 1,196,000 9.05% 15.80% 0.50% 2.83% 9.99% 0.46% 2.61% 41.24% 18.92% 7.83% 0.00% 5.78% 32.53% 6.03% 0.93% 6.96% 7.37% 4.77% 0.12% 0.03% 0.01% 2.64% 0.06% $0.87 $0.88 $0.78 $0.79 $0.92 $0.85 $0.94 $0.97 $0.99 $0.99 $1.00 $1.00 $1.16 32 ASH NEW ZEALAND Tobacco Returns Analysis 2013 ITNZ ITNZ PMNZ PREMUM TOTAL CAMEL DAVIDOFF MARLBORO $0.89 $0.93 $0.90 1,977,400 942,760 76,443,000 359,082,860 1,863,769,843 0.11% 0.05% 4.10% 19.27% 100% Table 16 Average retail price per stick and estimation of company cigarette sale return were based on the value of recommended retail price provided by the tobacco companies. Date of recommended retail price for BATNZ was January 2014 (after tobacco tax increase in January 2014). For ITNZ and PMNZ, it was end of December 2013 (before tobacco tax increase in January 2014) 33 ASH NEW ZEALAND Tobacco Returns Analysis 2013 CHANGES IN SALE QUANTITY IN DIFFERENT PRICE SEGMENTS Table 17 and Figure 11 compare the changes in the sale quantity by price segments between 2009 and 2013, i.e., before and after the first round of tobacco excise tax in 2010. The sale quantity of the budget segment has rapidly increased from 8.5% in 2012 to 41.2% in 2013. Such an increase was due to the introduction of a new variant, Pall Mall Baseline of BATNZ and the increase in the sale quantity of other budget brands, in particular, JPS of ITNZ. The sale quantity of premium segment has dropped from 23.4% in 2009 to 19.3% in 2013 but the rate of change is relatively stable compared with other price segments. 2009 SALE QUANTITY (STICKS) BY SEGMENTS 2012 BUDGET/ULTRA LOWCOST BRAND VALUE MID-PRICE PREMIUM 178,658,177 PER CENT OF SALE QUANTITY OF ALL THREE COMPANIES 8.45% 1,221,152,580 219,699,000 494,136,300 57.77% 10.39% 23.38% ALL THREE COMPANIES 2,113,646,057 2013 SALE QUANTITY (STICKS) BY SEGMENTS 754,467,960 PER CENT OF SALE QUANTITY OF ALL THREE COMPANIES 38.00% 699,386,950 129,242,600 402,194,730 35.23% 6.51% 20.26% 1,985,292,240 SALE QUANTITY (STICKS) BY SEGMENTS PER CENT OF SALE QUANTITY OF ALL THREE COMPANIES 768,645,353 606,352,915 129,688,715 41.24% 32.53% 6.96% 359,082,860 19.27% 1,863,769,843 Table 17 (%) 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% PER CENT OF SALE QUANTITY (THREE COMPANIES COMBINED) BY PRICE SEGMENTS 23.38% 10.39% 20.26% 19.27% 6.51% 6.96% 35.2% 32.5% 38.0% 41.2% 57.8% 8.5% 2009 BUDGET 2012 VALUE MID-PRICE 2013 PREMIUM Figure 11 Percentage of sale quantity by price segments 2009, 2012 and 2013 34 YEAR ASH NEW ZEALAND Tobacco Returns Analysis 2013 1. Ernst & Young Limited. Out of the shadows: an independent report of New Zealand's illicit tobacco market, 2010. 35
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