Summer 2008 Advisor - Naglee Park Campus Community Association


Summer 2008 Advisor - Naglee Park Campus Community Association
Volume 34 Number 4
June 2008
Bark in the Park
Makes Contributions to
Enhance Downtown Living
Over the past several months, Bark in the Park, has
made donations to Selma Olinder, Lowell, and
Horace Mann Elementary Schools to enhance the
education of our downtown children.
CCA 4th of July
Friday July 4
See Page 3 for Details
We need Volunteers
[email protected]
CCA Officers for 2008/09
At our April General Meeting, those that attended selected a slate of officers for the CCA Board 2008/09.
The 2008-09 officers are:
Dennis Cunningham-President
Beth Shafran-Mukai-Vice President
Bev Fitzwater-Secretary
Ken Podgorsek-Treasurer
The CCA Board meets every First Tuesday of the
Month. All are welcome to attend and participate.
June 2008
Bark has also made donations to the San Jose Public
Library Foundation for the new Joyce Ellington
Library and to the 13th Street NAC to match
donations by downtown neighbors to extend the
hours at Ryland Pool for eight (8) Saturdays this
Lastly, we made a directed donation to San Jose
Animal Services to help enhance the lives of our
furry friends here in San Jose.
CCA Beautification is in the process of doing a park
beautification project at the William Street Park with
funds earned at the very first Bark in the Park. Go by
and take a look. They are doing a great job.
Interested in Volunteering
Bark in the Park 2008
Saturday Sept. 20, 2008
[email protected]
We need volunteers. Volunteers help us maximize
our return so that we can continue the many
thousands of dollars of investments we have made in
beautifying Naglee Park and enhancing the lives of
all Downtown Residents.
Page The Advisor
Campus Community Association
P.O. Box 90038, San Jose, CA 95109-3038
[email protected]
The Advisor is the quarterly newsletter of the
Campus Community Association. CCA’s goal is to promote
neighborhood spirit and improve the quality of life within the
Campus Community through education and community projects.
Vice President
Officers (2007-08)
Editorial Staff
Beth Shafran-Mukai
Dennis Cunningham
Ken Podgorsek
Beverly Fitzwater
Tom Clifton
Annual dues paid to The Campus Community Association, Inc.,
a nonprofit corporation. Membership is open to individuals, businesses and organizations.
New Member Household
Advertising Rates: Business Card $30, 1/6 page $50, 1/4 page
$75, 1/2 page $150. Please inquire for specifications and space
Editorial Policy: Letters to the Editor should be mailed to: Advisor Editor, c/o Campus Community Association, or emailed to
[email protected]. All letters will be printed as received
to the extent possible. The editors reserve the right to edit all
CCA Calendar
Advisor August 2008 Copy Deadline
CCA General Meeting
August 1, 2008
See you at NNO
Advisor November 2008 Copy Deadline
CCA General Meeting 7:00 pm
November 1, 2008
October 15, 2008
Advisor March 2009 Copy Deadline
CCA General Meeting 7:00 pm
February 15, 2009
January 21, 2009
Advisor June 2009 Copy Deadline
CCA General Meeting 7:00 pm
May 15, 2009
April 15, 2008
CCA Steering Committee meets the first Tuesday of every month
at 6:30pm. All CCA members are welcome to attend meetings or
join the committee. Any member having an item to present before
the Steering Committee should contact the President to be added
to the agenda. Email [email protected]
June 2008
From the Editors Desk
by Ken Podgorsek
Guest Editor
Congratulations to
Beth Shafran-Mukai
During May and June, District Wide Caucuses were
held in all 10 San Jose Council Districts to recommend
appointments to the new San Jose Neighborhoods
Commission. These recomendations will be sent to the
City Council for approval and appointment.
District 3 had 22 Neighborhood Associations represented at our caucus. Outgoing CCA President Beth
Shafran-Mukai ran for one of the 3 seats for District
3 on the Commission. I am very proud to say that she
was selected by all 22 neighborhoods in a unanimous
vote to be recommended to the City Council for
appoiintment to the new San Jose Neighborhoods
Commission. She was the only candidate at the District 3 Caucus to be recommended by all the D3 neighborhood associations.
Beth Shafran-Mukai has been a tireless advocate for
neighborhoods in San Jose. As a member of the SNI
Project Area Committee, she has continuosly advocated to increase the voice of neighborhoods at City Hall.
She has earned the respect of neighborhood leaders
throughout D3 and San Jose. She deserved the recognition of her efforts from this vote.
As CCA President, Beth has invested hundreds of
hours these past 3 years looking out for our neighborhood. She will continue her advocacy for our neighborhood by remaining on the CCA Board as
On a personal note, as some people may know, Beth
and I did not meet under the best circumstances. As
CCA President at the time, I challenged her to get
involved and to be part of the process. She took up that
challenge and took it up with “gusto”. I respect Beth,
both as a Neighborhood Leader and as a Friend.
Congratulations Beth, many thanks for all that you do
to make San Jose a great place to raise our families.
Please take a moment when you see Beth around the
neighborhood to say, “Thank You”.
Page CCA Celebration 2008
Schedule of Events
8:00 am
8:30 am
9:00 am
Registration for Race
Meet at William St Park
Race Begins
Bake-Off Entries must be in
Deliver to 585 South 12th Street
Assemble for Parade at
S 14th and San Salvador Sts.
Parade Begins
Neighborhood Block Party on the
600 Block of South 16th Street
Ice Cream at Park
Coyote Creek Fun Race
Explore on foot the outback of
Selma Olinder Park, the
Coyote Creek and Happy Hollow. One mile, 2 mile
and 4.5 mile courses. Participants welcomed in
Adult and Children’s categories. Meet at William
Street Park
Bake Off/Cook-Off Contest
Get your Entries Ready. Anything
edible can be entered. Adults and
Kids Categories. All Ages are welcome. Categories will be
determined after the judges see what has been
submitted. Entries are judged on presentation and
taste. Deliver entries the evening of July 3rd between
6pm-8pm or no later than 9am on July 4 to the
home of:
Laura & David Grybos, 585 South 12th St.
No overnight refrigeration available.
Volunteers are Needed!!!
Setup, Cleanup, Beverages,
and Kids Area.
Cici Green
[email protected]
Blind Auction-Restaurants, attractions, sporting
events, and much, much more.
The 32nd Annual CCA 4th of July Parade
It’s time to fire up those creative juices. Join our
2008 4th of July Parade Grand Marshal
The Naglee Park Children (Young and Old) as
you parade around the neighborhood. Decorate
bikes, wagons, cars or anything that can move.
Meet at 12:30pm at the corner of 14th and San Salvador
Streets. Starting at 1pm, we’ll parade over to 16th St,
down to San Antonio, then back up to 15th to William
Streets. Everyone is welcome to join in or watch.
New Babies Cars
All new babies born since the last 4th of
July and their parents are welcome to ride
in the New Babies Cars. Please contact
Beth Shafran-Mukai at 408-292-9492 or
email [email protected]. Convertible owners please
call Beth to volunteer your vehicle.
Big Neighborhood Block Party
Picnic, Potluck, and BBQ. All Naglee
Park residents, family and friends are
invited to join together. Spread a blanket
on the grass and enjoy the day.
A donation of $6 for adults is requested.
One Blind Auction Bid is included with your donation.
Children under 18 are free. Beverages and a HUGE
BBQ grill are provided. Bring a potluck dish to share,
something to BBQ, utensils and plates. Block Party is
held on the 600 Block of South 16th Street. The CCA
4th of July Block Party is partially funded with a City
of San Jose CAP Grant
Music for Dancing and Listening.
June 2008
Page Pres’ Says
by Beth Shafran-Mukai
CCA President
[email protected]
Happy summer! Hope that everyone’s many home
projects and gardens are going (and growing) well.
This will be my final President’s column for our
Campus Community Association newsletter, as I
am completing my third year in this role. While I
will continue to serve on the CCA Board, Dennis
Cunningham will be our new CCA President starting
in July. Many in the neighborhood have recently
worked with Dennis as he administered our recent and
very successful program to cost-share the maintenance
of Naglee Park’s street trees, and with him through
many years of his other neighborhood involvement.
The tree program is being considered a “best practice”
in the city, and other neighborhoods are hoping to
model this approach. Congratulations to Dennis as our
new CCA President!
You may have noticed the installation of the new
streetlights along William Street; these will be
followed soon by many Naglee Park banners around
the perimeter of the neighborhood, funded by CCA.
Our Beautification Committee deserves recognition
for all of their outreach, planning, and design work on
the banner project, which will create an attractive and
distinctive gateway into the ‘hood.
We hope to also have special “Bark in the Park”
banners along William Street in the future, to
showcase Naglee Park’s own BARK festival. Did you
know that BARK is the biggest dog-related festival in
the United States!
Summer is now here- so that means it is time to start
planning for both the July 4 Parade and Party and Bark
in the Park. Cici Green is our July 4 Chair again this
year, so please let her know if you can help with July 4
planning and the event itself. Ken Podgorsek is BARK
Chair, and I am BARK Volunteer Chair. Please let us
know if you can assist at BARK, which will be held on
Saturday, September 20, 2008. There is something fun
for everyone, including the kids - whether you want to
help the evening before by setting up, or at BARK by
June 2008
working a booth, being a Greeter, doing “park patrol”
or in many other opportunities to be of service to the
community while having a great time with friends and
Our District Three Neighborhood Caucus was
held several weeks ago, and three Neighborhoods
Commissioners were chosen. I am honored to be
among them, and will continue to advocate for
neighborhoods in this role. Starting later this summer,
the Commission will put together its’ initial work plan
and priorities, review these with the City Council, and
start supporting neighborhoods throughout San Jose.
I am told that the City of San Jose has just received
an award from a large national organization for the
creation of the new Neighborhoods Commission.
Perhaps in time this will also be considered a best
practice and be implemented in other cities.
I thank each and every one of my neighbors for the
wonderful community that we live in here in Naglee
Park. Being involved in our neighborhood has been a
great experience, definitely worth the time and effort
involved. I encourage everyone to consider becoming
involved on a CCA committee or project, and adding
their voice and experience to our downtown.
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Page E. William St Bridge at Coyote
Creek Seismic Retrofit Project
After the Loma Prieta earthquake in 1989, Caltrans
reviewed all the bridges in the City of San José and rated
each structure for seismic adequacy. The E. William
Street Bridge at Coyote Creek has been identified as being
deficient with respect to seismic resistance. This bridge
is warranted for seismic retrofit to meet current Caltrans
seismic design standards. A design consultant has prepared
plans and specifications for the project.
The proposed seismic retrofit strategy has two main
objectives. (1) To prevent collapse of existing structure
during the maximum credible earthquake event. (2) To
provide an economical and constructible retrofit with
minimum impact to Coyote Creek and to the existing E.
William Street traffic patterns.
Project Description
Seismic Retrofit of E. William St. Bridge at Coyote Creek.
Scope of Improvements
Replacing existing deteriorated rocker bearings at
abutments with elastomeric bearing pads with steel metal
sliding surfaces. Installing elastomeric bearing pads at the
piers (columns). Replacing existing abutment expansion
joint pads.
June 2008
Construction Schedule
Start Construction: July 2008
Construction Completion: October 2008
Construction hours: M-F 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM
Project Funding
Based on Engineer’s Estimate Project cost: $220,070.
To fund this seismic retrofit project, a federal grant has
been approved through the Federal Highway Bridge
Replacement and Rehabilitation Program. The grant will
reimburse up to 88.53 percent of the project cost.
Construction Issues Mitigation Measures
Majority of retrofit work to occur under the bridge deck.
Occasional traffic lane closure during bridge jacking. Noise
mitigation by use of small scale construction equipment.
As required by Federal & State Environmental document,
creek will be protected from erosion & pollution during
construction. Access to Residential driveways & Park will
be maintained at all times. Fencing Temporary Construction
Storage Area with Privacy Screen
Contacts: Public Works Project Manager
Paul Izadyar at (408) 793-4127
Public Works Project Engineer
Rene Apelo at (408) 535-8498
Page Horace Mann School News
By Anna Heckman
The 2007-08 school year is winding down and there’s
been a flurry of activity at our neighborhood school.
After completing their California Standards Tests
(CSTs) in mid-May, students began researching and
experimenting for their science fair projects. The
second annual Science Fair was held May 30th and
featured individual, small group, and whole class
projects from kindergarten through fifth grade. In
addition to student projects, the fair also provided
several stations where students and their family
members could conduct scientific experiments. The
San Jose High Robotics Club brought their remote
control robot cars and kids of all ages got to navigate
the crazy cars through an obstacle course. New this
year was a giant Earth ball you could walk into and
see the Earth as if you were really inside its core.
Mann’s new principal on July 1st. He comes to us
from Reed Elementary School, also in SJ Unified,
where he has been principal for the past 3 years. Mr.
Correa actually taught at Horace Mann many years
ago, before he became vice principal at Graystone
Elementary School. Mr. Correa has already attended
many school events since learning he was coming to
Horace Mann and the many parents who have had the
opportunity to meet him are very excited to have him
on board.
On May 20th, during Open House, Horace Mann held
its first art show, featuring student artwork from the
parent-led Art Express program. Parents and the
children alike were so proud of the artwork on display!
It was great to see the culmination of all the hard work
by the students and parents who volunteered their time
to make this program happen. At the June 3rd city
council meeting, the Art Express program received a
commendation from councilman Sam Liccardo.
Among other end of the year events were the 2nd
annual Horace Mann Foundation Golf Tournament at
Los Lagos golf course and the Multi-Cultural Festival
on June 7th. The Horace Mann Choraliers kicked
off the golf tournament with two songs and then
approximately 80 parents and community members
who came out to support the school headed off in their
carts to enjoy a beautiful day of golf. The Foundation
raised money for such things as funding gaps in
fieldtrip costs, teacher trainings, and art supplies. The
Multi-Cultural Festival featured foods, games, crafts,
and entertainment from the American, Vietnamese,
and Latino cultures.
As this school year comes to a close, we take in pride
in the many accomplishments made this year and look
forward to another great year in the fall. Leading
us into the next school year will be new principal
Juan Correa. Mr. Correa will become Horace
June 2008
The Pamela Resch
Salon Series
a Naglee Park tradition
since 1983
Featuring Classical and
Jazz Soirees
in an intimate
Romantic Tudor Cottage setting
(408) 298-1598 for information
Music instruction available
Page 38 S. 2nd St San Jose 408-977-1333
We’ve expanded our organic produce selections. Come
try our quality produce, Montana Ranch All Natural Beef,,
kitchen prepared salads or Grab n Go dinners for two.
Get $10 off on any purchase over $50.
Offer expires July 30, 2008
• Our average class size is
about 19 students. Many of
our classes have an additional
instructional associate to
assist in the classroom. Our
faculty is comprised of highly
qualified teachers and
1390 Five Wounds Ln
San Jose, CA 95116
June 2008
• Our curriculum is based on
the California State Standards
and the Diocese of San Jose
Outcomes. Because of our
excellence, we are accredited
by Western Association of
Schools and Colleges as well
as the Western Catholic
Education Association.
Additionally, our music
program is fantastic.
• Because of our excellent
academic preparation, this year
all 8th grade students seeking
admission to Catholic High
Schools such as Bellarmine,
Notre Dame, Archbishop Mitty,
Presentation, St. Lawrence, and
St. Francis were admitted.
Summer Session
Fun ‘n’ Free field trips every
Optional HOT LUNCH program
For students entering grades 1
through 6
Monday – Friday
June 23 through July 18
Morning Academic Program
8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Afternoon Fine Arts and PE
12:00 p.m.- 3:00 p.m.
*FREE Extended Care
7:00 a.m.- 8:00 p.m. &
3:00p.m.- 6:00p.m.
Page Labyrinth Gatherings
in the Neighborhood
Maybe it was having our gathering on the Ides of
March that brought us the rain. We’ll never know.
Nevertheless, many hearty neighbors arrived to a
lovely brunch at the home of Ingrid and Steve Quigley
on 15th Street. Our original intention was to learn
more about labyrinths, walk the Quigley’s backyard
labyrinth and help to repaint it. We ended up visiting,
learning and enjoying a walk in the rain.
We have rescheduled the repainting event to
Saturday, June 28, at 10:30 -11:30, 520 S 15th
Street Please join in to enjoy a light brunch together
and learn why so many people around the world are
locating labyrinths to walk. Why is it different from
walking the sidewalks of our beautiful neighborhood?
Also look forward to seeing a children’s labyrinth at
our annual July 4th celebration and a special labyrinth
for dogs and owners at Bark in the Park! These events
are part of our exploration of the public’s interest in a
inner city labyrinth project.
Labyrinth Painting Gathering
Saturday, June 28
520 S. 15th Street
CCA General Meeting
July Meeting Cancelled
See you at National Night Out
CCA Board and
CCA Steering Committee
First Tuesday of Every Month
Salas O’Brien
11th/San Carlos
CCA 4th of July
Friday July 4
See Page 3 for Details
National Night Out
Tuesday August 5
Naglee Park
Marc Shapiro
Your Neighbor,
Your Neighborhood Realtor
Delivering the Highest Level of
Integrity, Service and Expertise
[email protected]
Intimate celebrations or try our catering...perfect for
your next party, business meeting or family gathering.
Fast, easy, no prep, just pick up and you’re
ready to go.
Naglee Park Garage - 408-286-1100
505 East San Carlos Street San Jose, CA
at the corner of South 11th Street.
a p r. c o m | L O S G AT O S O F F I C E 4 0 8 . 3 5 8 . 1 1 1 1
June 2008
Page Campus Community Association Members
Thank you to the many neighbors who are CCA Members. The CCA funds its many neighborhood initiatives
and functions from a combination of Dues, Directed Donations, Grants and Bark in the Park. Your membership
in the CCA keeps the CCA strong and growing.
Interested in joining the CCA, please see the application on Page 15.
Questions, please feel free to email [email protected], anytime.
Darren Aalami
Stanley Acton & Rebecca Evans
“Acton Construction, Inc”
Carmen Alamillo & Joe Sodja
Blair & Patricia Albertson
Tom Aldridge
Kim Aldridge & Doug Gallinat
Geoff Alexander
Supervisor Blanca Alvarado
Nelly Amas (CNBA)
Ann Tabieros-Amian and Rodney Amian
Steve Anderson
Gene Arata & Jeff Reynolds
Dan Asch & Masayo Ito
Rose Province & Edmundo Azalde
Elizabeth & Cordell Bailey
Jeff Barber & Carl Smith
Molly Barry
Kourtney Becker
Yefim & Marina Belenky
Joyce Berkowitz
Michael Bernier
Harvey & Maya Birenbaum
Mike & Eeva Blaauw
Steve & Leslie Blum
Carolus Boekema & Willy Scholten
Meg Masterson & Les Boes
Lois Bolden
Mark Bonine & Eric Edelstein
Lucille Boone & Curtis Jones
Laura Bootorich Garber
Chris & Dan Borror
Linda Bozich & Joe Maxwell
Geoffrey Braun
Suzanne Brenner & Fred Wiehe
Lorran Bronnar & Bruce Rowley
Laura Brown
Larry & BJ Bryan
Alison & David Buchholz
Tanya & Steve Burkey
Glenn & Danielle Burkhardt
Sue Burnham & Peter Richert
Alan & Petra Butler
James & Diana Canfield
June 2008
Jack Cannon
Marge Capifoni
Nunzio & Teresa Caruso
Lucy Carvalho
Dina Casanova & Dave Moore
Gregory Casella & William Piexoto
Loretta Caskey & Chris Santos
Mary Jane Cassidy
Vicki Castelli & Joni Finney
Arturo Catbagan
Sebastien Cayolle
Julie & Carlino Cecilio
Anthony Celaya & Deborah Taylor
Betty Ann Chandler & Athene Mantle
Nick & Alan Chargin
Jack & Lynda Chase
Cindy Chavez & Mike Potter
Rich & Esther Chew
Ray & Lisa Chock
Terry Christensen
Dawn Clark & Miriam Roberts
Michele & Tom Clifton
Cici Green
Tom Cochran & Parris Correa
Kathleen Cohen & Mark Foote
Coleman-Del Buono Family
John Collins & Zoe Lofgren
Tim Collins
Patricia Colombe
Kenneth Colson
Judy Conner
Sondra Corday
Joan & Vic Corsiglia
Jim & Susan Crawford
Karin & Steve Crosby
Nancy & Charles Crow
Patricia & Dennis Cunningham
Kristen Cupello and Tony Weber
Pattricia Curia
Nancy Cutler & Ken Kelleher
Godfrey & Sandra D’Souza
Kirsten & Chris Dahl
Roger & Linda Dahlberg
Debra & Meghan Dake-Morrell
Dannie Daniels & Amy Kennedy
John & Christine Davis
Vicki Day
Cornel Dayvs & Jamielynn Hixson
Charlotte Delaplaine
Evelyn Delgado
Ray Delgado
Sandra & Howard Delman
Nancy DeSaedeleer
Elise & Peter DiDonato
Ann & Fred Ditko
Amy Donohue & John Jordan
Maura Donohue &
John Stevenson
Philipe Doren & Alex Mulic
Jack Douglas & Kathryn Young
Dan Dour
Bernadette & Jo Drechsler
Dennis Dunham & Jim Lukins
Michele & Ken Durbin
Kenneth Durso & Diana Miller
Joe & Susan Dworak
Steven Dwyer
Tom & Edith Eagan
Lloyd Eater
Linda & Stephen Eckstone
Brad & Candice Eggleston
Rich & Colleen Eilbert
Dave & Mary Engelbrecht
J. Engelbrecht & R. Smoker
John Engell & Karen English
David Erickson & Chris Mizera
W. Joseph Erwin
The Esparza Family
Cris & Rick Evans
Evynn Niccim-Nichols
William Fahsholtz
Mary Fallon & Paul Hartrey
Michelle Maxey, MD
Diane & Alan Fanning
Leisa Fearing & Julie Hardin
Steve & Misty Ferrari
Richard Ferry
Elaine Figone
Page Campus Community Association Members
Dennis & Chris Finn
John Fioretta
Bobbie Fischler
Bev & Jim Fitzwater
John & Georgiana Flaherty
Andy Freeman & Charlene Wacenske
Marie & Gerry Freitas
Ted Fullwood
Jeff & Kelli Gaines
Silvio & Dorothy Gallo
Alice & Norm Gary
Tom Gay & Yvonne Vanderbrugge
Lucy Geever-Conroy & J. Laurence Goodby
Steve & Liz Gibbs
Gene Gibbs
Wayne Goulding
Darrell Gray
David & Laura Grybos
David and Jane Guinther
Brian & Syd Hackworth
Ron & Lynnea Hagen
April & Hans Halberstadt
Keith Hall
Christine Hanchett & Kirk Won
Ken & Rhonda Hardy
Susan & Jeffrey Hare
Jeremy & Jane Harris
Barry Harris
Gary & Sharon Hartnett
Susan Hartt
Holly Hayes & Charlie McCollum
Ken & Yolanda Hayes
Eric & Anna Heckman
David Henry & Matt Taylor
Javier Hernandez & Giovana Murguia
Marcus Hernandez & Steve Rosemergy
Lisa Hettler-Smith & Gordon Smith
Marci Hildt
Holly Hill & Ray Raffa
Rick Holden & Sandra Moll
Kristen & Arno Huang
Alan Hubbard
Georgie Huff
Alan & Terri Hughes
Twyla and McDuff Hughes
Diana Hunter
Laree A. Huntsman
Pia Moriarty & Bob Hurd
Mary Idso
Janis & Edward Ikeda
Dot Isbell
Melinda Jackson
June 2008
Bill & Julie Jacobs
Annette & Richard Jaffe
Diana & Steve Jeck
Merilee & Will Jennings
Gwen & Mike Jennings
Richard Johns & Sharon Knopf
Gregg & Teresa Johnson
Dave & Melissa Johnson
Larry Jubb
Lynn & Scott Judd
Barbara Kempsczinski & Jean Kaelin
Jeff Kallis & Heidi Dunkle
Jonathan Karpf & Kathleen Zaretsky
Dennis Kauffman & Judy Georges
Patrick Kelly & Ricardo Duran
Michael Kevane and Leslie Gray
Ruth Kifer & Penny Kyler
Richard Kilby
Kevin & Gail Kingston
Elena Klaw
Don Koloze & Peggy McClure
Leslye and Paul Krutko
Kayla Kurucz
Melanie & Dave Kusmik
Anne Kutilek
Marjorie Lackmann
Rhonda Lackmann
Heather Lange & Sarah Moyles
Crystal & Chris Lanier
Tony Larson
Robert Latimore & Frances Schwab
Frances Lee
Ruby Lee
Michele & Brian Leeland
David and Mona Lemon
Jeffrey & Lori Leonard
Les Levitt & Rebecca Smith
Donna Lewis
Myers-Lipton Family
Glen Lokke
Ernest & Irene Lopez
Kristina Loquist & Marius Holtan
Ray & Maxine Lubow
Jay & Jessica Lucke
Jack & Ruie Luescher
Larry Lundberg
Luthard Family
Jim Mack & Kristin Schafer
Helen Magnus
Jim & Tina Margason
Jim & Jenny Marshall
Ben & Beth Martin
John & Tania Martin
Bruce Martin
Paul Martinez
Greg & Vernie Mast
Mark & Debra Mather
Scott & Karen Matsueda
Kirsten & Karsten Mau
Lance Maurer &
Pamela Orlandi
Toni Mazzanti & Jule Smith
Neil McCarthy & Suzanne Rice
Barbara McCreight
Mike & Patty McDonald
Kim & Ed McGettigan
Evan McGinnis & Anne Werner
Susan McLaughlin & Alan
Tom & Patti McRae
Pete & Mary Jo Melia
Donna Mendoza
Betty & Bill Menkin
Stephen Menyhart
Vicki Mercer & Richard Woods
Carolyn & Steven Meredith
Bill Meredith & Rafael Romo
Carolyn & Darrell Mervau
John & Gilda Messmer
Dirk Meyer
Patrick Miller
John Mitchell
Lynne Mobilio & John Pina
Tom Mountsier
Melody Moyer
Conrad & Beth Mukai
Paul Murphy & Jodi Lindenthal
Suzanne Muzzio
The Garage
Ron & Judy Nagy
Lila Naimark & Jon Rortveit
Cindy & Rob Newberry
Ross & Susan Newman
Don & Bic Nguyen
Suzanne Wolf & Chris Nilson
Deborah Norberg
Barbara & Jim Norvell
William & Donna O’Connell
Caralie Olsen
Kathleen & John Olson
Asbjorn & Joyce Osland
Patrice & Mike Otten
Lisa Overholt & Sylvia Lindi
Maureen & Bruce Overoye
Page 10
Campus Community Association Members
Maggie Paez
Stacy & Don Palermini
Eileen Parker
David Pauls & David Greene
Lori Littleford & John Pearson
Joel Peart
Kristen Pendleton and Vince Murphy
Debra Perry
Dorothy Petersen
Judy & Bob Pfahnl
Patti & Walt Phillips
Ellen & John Pinto
Christopher Platten & Gretchen Strain
Ken & Farrell Podgorsek
Beth Pool & Richard Sedlock
Charlene Popke
Preston Powell &
Norwita Williams-Powell
Frank Ed Pratt & Dan Dermer
John Price & James Ramoni
David & Lucy Proulx
Ingrid & Steven Quigley
Linda & Eric Rendler
Devereaux & Eugenia Rendler
The Renzel Family
Pamela & William Resch
Mark & Monica Richards
Barbara Richmond
Mike & Jenn Riese
Gayna & Shawn Riley
Anna Ritchison
Patti & Chip Roe
Virginia Rose
Eric & Lisa Rosenblum
Susanne & Kirkwood Rough
Daryl & Terri Rous
Stan & Cathy Rubin
Gary Rucker & Michael Howerton
Gary & Ellen Rudholm
Bob & Maria Ruiz
Carl & Marianne Salas
Salas O’Brien Engineers
Lorena Sanchez Castaneda & Daniel Filip
Jim & Jennifer Sarge
Diane Satriano
Kim & Joe Scarff
Ken Schneebeli & Irene Smith
Steve Schroeder
Knut Schroeder
Sally & Mark Schroeder
Scot Schultz
June 2008
Bill Schweaker
Anne Sconberg
Sue & Rob Seim
Lynn Selna
Kenneth Seylar
Hope & Marc Shapiro
Nancy & John Sharp
Shimizu Family & Ada May Ames
Shireman/Ibsen Family
Guy W. Shoup
Tom & Charlene Siddens
Louis & Macleen Silva
Carolyn Simon
Tom Simon
Scott Knies
Pete & Leah Smith
Sarabelle Hitchner & Tom Snell
Larry & Susan Snydal
Nancy & Joe Soares
Violette & David Sofaer
Alan Soldofsky &
Pamela Pennington
Bill & Sally Souders
Todd & Hilary Spartz
Virginia Sperling
Marley & Jack Spilman &
Ruth Logsden
Marian Stahl
Drew & Jodi Starbird
Candice Stein & Carmen Figueroa
Christy Stevens
Nina & Walter Stolar
Scott & Lisa Strickland
Rob & Anna Strong
Margie Struble
Dorothy Suarez
Dennis & Julie Suit
Todd and Victoria Sullivan
Erik Suomela & Sheri Baublitz
Everett Swayze
Mark Tabak & Debra Panattoni
Javier & Colleen Talamantes
Rosa & Martin Tattersall
Mr. & Mrs. Wendell Taxera
Matt Taylor & Lane Melcic
Sherri & Stuart Taylor
Dana Testa & Patty Thompson
Welden Thees
Florence Thompson
Richard & Edith Thompson
John & Carol Thomson
Sid & Shiela Tiedt
Doug & Suzanne Tobin
Anne Marie Todd & Brian Gerkey
Virginia Tohill
Lee & Merry Tomasello
Sharon & Alan Tracey
Loc Tran
Mary & Jim True
Judy & John Turner
Bruce & Alicia Turner
Audrey Unruh
Tom & Liz Utic
Jorge Villasica
Barbara Vollman & Richard Volle
Peter Waite
Judith & Erik Walberg
Kimberly Walesh & Steve Polcyn
Brad Wall & Ginny Hoffman
Philip Wander
Gina & Dennis Ward
Keith Watt
Jeff & Holly Weber
Paul & Rae Wedel
Paul Weis
Doug Weitz
Irene West
Chris & Katie West
Kirsten & George West
Brad Wheeler
JT & Stacy Wheeler
Michael B. Williams
Martha Wilson
Lonnie & Joan Wilson
Maryleigh & Dave Wilson
Jolene & Bob Wing
Norman & Lorraine Winings
Liz & Greg Winslow
Brian and Linda Winter
Laura & Steve Wolford
Gloria J. Woodside
Margaret Wylder & Robert Lopes
Sonya Wyrick
Nancie Yomtov and David Yomtov
Mervin & Emily Yue
Rob & Janice Zajac
Mary Fay & Joe Zenk
Weihua Anna Zhang
Gary Zouzoulas & Mary Conroy
Page 11
Joyce Ellington Branch Library
Grand Reopening June 28th
Tel: (408) 717-0668
Fax: (408) 351-9018
k b e c ke r @ l e a p i n g d e s i g n s . c o m
On Saturday, June 28th, at 11:00 am, the new Joyce
Ellington Branch Library will open it’s doors to the
community. Located at 491 E. Empire (formerly the
Empire Branch Library), the new library has more
than doubled in size, with group and quiet study
rooms, an internet café, teen room, fireside living
room, and a marketplace with the latest titles on display.
The San Jose Public Library Foundation is raising
funds to support this beautiful new branch. Contributions will help provide books, new language materials,
multimedia resources, technology and enhance teen
and children’s areas in the library. Donations of $100
or more will be recognized on a plaque in the library.
Until the East San Jose Carnegie Branch Library
reopens, the Joyce Ellington Branch is near by, serving
the needs of the Naglee Park community.
Please consider supporting both of these wonderful
community resources; the Joyce Ellington Branch
Library now, and East SJ Carnegie when it reopens.
Contact the
San Jose Public Library Foundation
at 408-808-2081
or [email protected]
for more information
June 2008
Fischler & Fischler Properties
Your full service neighborhood brokerage
We handle the buying, selling,
and financing of real estate!
John Fischler
Office: 292 1101
Home: 947 0974
Page 12
Ruie (Dee) Luescher
Certified Public Accountants
(408) 947-8668
672 South 14th St.
San Jose, CA 95112
email: [email protected]
Income Tax Planning and Preparation
We’re Nearby. . .
Family Practice Medical Associates
Michael Henehan, DO
George Kent, MD
Grace Yu, MD
Michelle Maxey, MD
Andrew Schechtman, MD
Daljeet Rai, MD
Michael Stevens, MD
Frances Sun, MD
Robert Norman, MD
Jean Foresee, FNP
455 O’Connor Drive, Suite 210
San Jose, California 95128
Phone 995-5453
We Provide Primary Care
for your whole family
Plumbing • Electrical • Telephone/Data
Kitchen / Bath Remodeling
CA Contractors License #822457
Infants, Children, Adults
Women’s Health and Obstetrics
Sports Medicine
Office / Fax: 408.258.2544
Mobile: 408.307.4407
Emergency Repairs 24 hours a day
(408) 491-1661
g{x VÉÜÇxÜáàÉÇx Éy bâÜ Uâá|Çxáá |á
i|Çàtzx [ÉÅx ftÄxá
Representing Buyers & Sellers in Rose Garden,
Shasta Hanchett, Naglee Park, Willow Glen,
Downtown SJ and surrounding communities
June 2008
Page 13
CCA Email Directory
President (Beth Shafran-Mukai)[email protected]
Vice-President (Dennis Cunningham)[email protected]
Secretary (Bev Fitzwater)
Treasurer (Ken Podgorsek)
Advisor (Tom Clifton)
Bark in the Park™ (Ken Podgorsek)[email protected]
Beautification Committee (Karen English)[email protected]
Medians (Bev Fitzwater)
East Campus Comm. Org. (Marianne Salas)[email protected]
Email List Policy
Friends of Coyote Creek (Ron Atkins)[email protected]
4th of
Land Use Committee
Historic Inventory (April Halberstadt)[email protected]
Tales of Naglee Park
Naglee Park Prepared (William O’Connell)[email protected]
Police Liaison (April Halberstadt)[email protected]
Strong Neighborhoods (Beth Shafran-Mukai)[email protected]
Web Committee (Tom Clifton)
1567 Meridian Ave
San Jose, CA 95125
[email protected]
Cell 408-836-5152
Pete Smith
Real Estate Professional
June 2008
Page 14
Many CCA sponsored activities take place during the year.
Your dues help CCA sponsor picnics, newsletters, and many community education and beautification projects
for our neighborhood.
DUES: New Members and Renewals-$15, Senior-$10, Business Org-$30, All Dues are tax-deductible as allowed by law. We’d be happy to accept an additional tax-deductible donation for our General Fund or one of the
following ongoing activities: Beautification, Medians, Trees, ECCO, Naglee Park Prepared, Bark in the Park,
History Naglee Park, Welcoming Committee, or Friends of Coyote Creek — just specify which one below!
Name_______________________ Phone _______________ Email ___________________
Address ___________________________________________________________________
Membership Dues $ __________ $ ________ Donation for __________________________
Please make checks payable to CCA. and mail to: CCA Treasurer, P.O. Box 90038, San Jose, CA 95109-3038.
The Campus Community Association, Inc. is a non-profit corporation organized to promote neighborhood spirit
and improved conditions through education and community projects.
June 2008
Page 15
Numbers To
Police Non Emergency............................................ 311
Customer Service Center ...................... 408-535-3500
Report Crimes after the fact....................408-277-5300
Abandoned Vehicles................................408-277-5305
Code Enforcement..................................408-277-4528
Graffiti Hotline........................................408-277-2758
Shopping Cart Pickup............................ 408-535.3500
Animal Services......................................408-578-7297
Parking Permits.......................................408-535-3850
Street Lights............................................408-535-3500
Crime Prevention/Nbrd. Watch...............408-277-4133
Noise Complaints....................................408-277-8900
Signs and Marking..................................408-277-5515
Campus Community Association
P.O. Box 90038
San Jose, CA 95109-3038
[email protected]
Campus Community Association
P.O. Box 90038
San Jose, CA 95109-3038
In this Issue:
4th of July Information
Bark in the Park
Joyce Ellington Library Re-Opening
Horace Mann School News
Time Dated Material
Postal Carier please
Please Deliver by June 27, 2008
SJUSD Board Trustee, District 1
Jorge Gonzales....................................... 408-535-6000
855 Lenzen Drive San Jose, CA 95126-2736
City Councilmember, District 3
Councilmember Sam Liccardo...............408-535-4903
200 East Santa Clara Street, 18th Floor
San Jose, CA 95113
[email protected]
County Supervisor, District 2
Blanca Alvarado......................................408-299-2323
County Government Center, East Wing
70 West Hedding Street San Jose, CA 95110
[email protected]
Congresswoman, District 16
Zoe Lofgren........................................... 408-271-8700
635 N. First St. #B San Jose, CA 95112
[email protected]
Assemblymember, District 23
Joe Coto..................................................408-277-1220
100 Paseo de San Antonio #300 San Jose, CA 95113
[email protected]
U.S. Postage
San Jose, CA