New Hyde Park HS - Sewanhaka Central High School District
New Hyde Park HS - Sewanhaka Central High School District
Sewanhaka Central high SChool DiStriCt Board of Education DAVID T. FOWLER - President, Floral Park-Bellerose kEVIn DEnEhy - Vice President, Elmont jOsEPh ARmOcIDA - Franklin square DAVID DEL sAnTO - new hyde Park-Garden city Park PATRIck EmEAGWALI - Elmont LAuRA FEROnE - Floral Park-Bellerose jEAn FIchTL - Franklin square jOAn ROmAGnOLI - new hyde Park-Garden city Park adMiniStrativE dirEctory central Administration 77 Landau Avenue, Floral Park, ny 11001 Regular School Board meetings are generally held on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 8:00 pm and are open to the public. In the 2015-16 school year all meetings will be held in Sewanhaka High School. Please see your local papers for specific information. SEwanhaka cEntral council of PtaS The sewanhaka central council PTAs serves as a coordinating agency for the Elmont memorial, Floral Park memorial, h. Frank carey, new hyde Park memorial, and sewanhaka high school PTsAs and the PTAs from the elementary school districts of Elmont, Floral Park, Franklin square and new hyde Park. Its purpose is to provide information and facilitate communication among them. It represents approximately 16,000 families through its component units. General/Executive Board meetings are conducted five times per year. The council also meets with the superintendent of the high school district and sponsors many programs such as college and career night and sEEsAAW Programs. 2015 - 2016 council officErS President First Vice-President second Vice-President Third Vice President honorary 4th Vice President corresponding secretary Recording secretary Treasurer Past President Pam naso Veronica Goldberg jane chan Theodora Ridley Dr. Ralph Ferrie Tiffany capers sharon Woitko Lisa Friel Barbara Reynolds GEnEral MEMBErShiP/ExEcutivE coMMittEE MEEtinGS October 8, 2015 Executive Board mtg./Elmont-sEEsAAW Program at 8 pm november 5, 2015 scc of PTAs superintendent Liaison meeting @ central December 4, 2015 scholarship Dinner/meeting @ h. Frank carey january 14, 2016 Exec. Board mtg./sewanhaka-sEEsAAW Program at 8 pm march 3, 2016 scc of PTAs superintendent Liaison meeting @ central April 7, 2016 Floral Park/Elections & Budget meeting at 8 pm june 16, 2016 Installation Dinner @ TBA june 18, 2016 scc of PTAs Delegates’ Training @ TBA 353 8579 538 2411 313-8523 352-5722 488-9800 220-7330 595-5993 455-6113 437-1565 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 6:00 pm 9:00 am naSSau rEGion Pta datES August 19, 2015 ................................................................ membership/Reflections/Treasury Workshop september 29, 2015 ................................................................................................ Resolutions Workshop October 20, 2015 .................................................................................................................Fall conference October 28, 2015 ................................................................................................................ President’s RAP november 13-15, 2015 .............................................................................................. nys PTA convention november 23, 2015 ..................................................................................... Presidents’/Principals’ Dinner january 21, 2016 ...................................................................................nomination & Election Workshop march 5, 2016 ......................................................................................................... Legislation Roundtable march 9-10, 2016................................................................. nys PTA Legislation Education conference April 11, 2016 ................................................................................................ Arts-in-Education showcase may 16, 2016 ..................................................................................................................spring conference june 9, 2016 .....................................................................................................................Officers’ Training new hyde park 2015 inside calendar CS5.indd 1 dr. ralph P. ferrie ....................................................................................................... 488-9800 Ext. 9873 Superintendent of Schools kevin o’Brien ................................................................................................................................ 488-9810 Assistant Superintendent for Finance & Operations John capozzi ................................................................................................................................. 488-9805 Assistant Superintendent for Personnel & Administration dr. cheryl h. champ ................................................................................................... 488-9800 Ext. 9874 Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction regina M. agrusa ......................................................................................................................... 488-9853 Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel & Special Education Services Director of Instructional Technology and student Achievement ....................................... christopher D. nelson .......................... 488-9816 Director of Facilities/Operations ................................. matt castelluzzo ................................... 488-9827 Transportation & Purchasing supervisor ................... michael Onufrey .................................... 488-9821 Administrative Assistant to the superintendent ....... Fred Raulli.............................................. 488-9823 school Lunch manager ................................................. suzanne semler ..................................... 488-9667 Attorneys ....................................................................... Bernadette Gaffney, Esq. ...................... 488-9860 noah Walker, Esq .................................. 488-9860 supervisor of special Education services ................... Brian Wipperman .................................. 488-9853 career & Technical Education ..................................... Peter Dalton ........................................... 488-9638 2015-2016 calEndar at a GlancE Tuesday & Wednesday, september 1 & 2 ........................................superintendent’s conference Days Thursday, september 3 ......................................................................................... First Day of Instruction monday, september 7 .................................................................................................................. Labor Day monday & Tuesday, september 14 & 15...........................................................................Rosh hashanah monday, september 21 ............................................................. college and career Fair @ nhP 7:00 pm Wednesday, september 23 ...................................................................................................... yom kippur Thursday, October 8 ...................................................sEEsAAW Program @ Elmont memorial 8:00 pm monday, October 12 .............................................................................................................columbus Day Wednesday, October 28 ........................................................................................ Parent conference Day Tuesday, november 3 .......................................................................... superintendent’s conference Day Wednesday, november 11 ....................................................................................................Veterans’ Day Thursday & Friday, november 26 & 27................................................................... Thanksgiving Recess Wednesday, December 2....................................................... career Education Orientation @ shs 7 pm Thursday, December 24 - Friday, january 1 Recess Thursday, january 14 .......................................................... sEEsAAW Program @ sewanhaka 8:00 pm monday, january 18 ........................................................................................ martin Luther king jr. Day Tuesday, january 26 - Friday, january 29 ............................................. Regents and statewide Testing Friday, january 29 ....................................................................................................End of First semester monday, February 1.............................................................................................second semester Begins monday, February 15 - Friday, February 19 ....................................................................... Winter Recess Wednesday, February 24 ...........................................................................................District sports night Thursday, march 24 - monday, march 28 ............................................................................Easter Recess Thursday, April 7 .................................................................................................... District music Festival monday, April 25 - Friday, April 29 ......................................................................................spring Recess Wednesday, may 4 ............................................................................................................ Budget hearing Tuesday, may 17 .........................................................................................................District Budget Vote monday, may Day monday, june 13 ............................................................................................ Last Day of Regular classes Tuesday, june 14 - Thursday, june 23 ...............................................District Testing & Regents Exams Friday, june 24 ............................................................................................................... Last Day of school 7/22/15 11:06 PM General InformatIon SChool DireCtory ElMont MEMorial hiGh School 555 Ridge Road, Elmont, ny 11003 Principal mr. kevin Dougherty Assistant Principal mr. Brian Burke Assistant Principal ms. Alicia calabrese Assistant Principal Dr. Edward Thomas 488-9200 488-9201 488-9206 488-9202 floral Park MEMorial hiGh School 210 Locust street, Floral Park, ny 11001 Principal Dr. kathleen sottile Assistant Principal TBD Assistant Principal mr. john kenny 488-9300 488-9302 488-9301 h. frank carEy hiGh School 230 Poppy Avenue, Franklin square, ny 11010 Principal ms. Valerie Angelillo Assistant Principal ms. sharon Flynn Assistant Principal mr. marc Isseks 539-9400 539-9491 539-9403 nEw hydE Park MEMorial hiGh School 500 Leonard Boulevard, new hyde Park, ny 11040 Principal Dr. Richard Faccio Assistant Principal ms. Rosemary DeGennaro Assistant Principal ms. maria hecht 488-9500 488-9502 488-9501 SEwanhaka hiGh School 500 Tulip Avenue, Floral Park, ny 11001 Principal ms. Debra Lidowsky Assistant Principal ms. nichole Allen Assistant Principal mr. Peter Dalton Assistant Principal mr. Paul naraine 488-9600 488-9601 488-9638 488-9602 DiStriCt CoorDinatorS/SuperviSorS Art ......................................................cassandra Papajohn-shaw ...................................... 488-9308 Business Ed./Technology.................christine Licastri ...................................................... 488-9622 English ...............................................Frank Geritano .......................................................... 488-9523 English as a second Language ........Diane DeLuca ............................................................ 539-9425 Family & consumer science ............joan chieffo .............................................................. 539-9424 Library/media ...................................karen Annunziata..................................................... 539-9444 mathematics .....................................Robert Pontecorvo .................................................... 539-9426 music .................................................Eileen kramer ........................................................... 488-9227 Physical Ed./Athletics ......................matthew mcLees ...................................................... 488-9858 science ...............................................Regina huffman ........................................................ 488-9230 social studies ....................................matthew schwartz ................................................... 488-9631 World Languages..............................Esther Acevedo ........................................................ 488-9625 new hyde park 2015 inside calendar CS5.indd 2 attEndancE Regular school attendance is a major component of academic success. Any absence from class is therefore detrimental to the learning process. The attendance policy is intended to encourage full attendance by students and limit the level of absences, tardiness, and early departures (ATEDs) from school. Excused ATEDs are defined as absences, tardiness, and early departures from class or school due to personal illness, death in the immediate family, approved family emergency, religious observance, required court appearances, medical appointments, approved college visits, and approved school activities. All other ATEDs are considered unexcused absences. It is the parent’s responsibility to notify the school office within 24 hours of the reason for the ATED and to provide a written excuse upon the student’s return to school. If after three school days the school has not been notified to the contrary, the absence will be considered unexcused. attEndancE officE - tElEPhonE nuMBErS Elmont memorial 488-9251 Floral Park memorial 488-9351 h. Frank carey 539-9451 new hyde Park 488-9551 sewanhaka 488-9651 A student who has more than twelve (12) absences in a semester course, or twenty-four (24) absences in a full year course, will receive no credit for that course. Being late to class three (3) times is the equivalent of one (1) absence. students with too many absences may appeal the loss of credit to the building principal. A copy of the Board Policy-5502 “student Attendance” is available in each school and at the District website, http:/// coMMunity uSE of School facilitiES non-profit, non-sectarian organizations, whose membership is primarily made up of district residents, may have the use of school facilities under appropriate circumstances. Applications and inquiries should be made to the Building Principal or the District Director of Athletics at 488-9858. lEavinG thE School BuildinG students may not leave the school grounds for any reason without the written permission of the Principal or Assistant Principal. A note from the parent or guardian must be presented before consideration will be given to any request for early dismissal. lockErS Each student is assigned a locker at the beginning of the school year, and is required to purchase a lock. students have access to their lockers before school, during passing time between classes and at the end of the school day. students are reminded to secure their lockers at all times and never to reveal their combinations to anyone. Lockers remain under the control of the administrators and custodial staff of the building and are subject to periodic inspection at any time. rESidEncy hotlinE A new residency hotline has been created. District residents who believe that non-resident students are in attendance at one of our District schools may call a confidential telephone line to report this information: 516-488-9804. calEndar covEr artwork Padmini Dat 7/22/15 11:06 PM SpeCial prograMS ProGraMS for achiEvEMEnt The sewanhaka central high school District provides unique opportunities for challenging, encouraging and supporting students with special skills, competencies, and talents. special programs, such as READ 180, enrichment and advanced courses, Advanced Placement courses, and the Talented and Gifted program enable students to develop their critical thinking skills and creativity. students are encouraged to become leaders, provide community service and immerse themselves in our academic, extracurricular and athletic programs. Social workEr SErvicES A professional is assigned to each building in order to coordinate school and home problems which affect the progress and behavior of the student. The social worker also maintains communication with appropriate community and governmental agencies. SPEEch thEraPy speech therapists are employed by the District to identify, assess and remedy certain speech difficulties or defects. students in need of this service may be scheduled to meet with the therapist on a regular basis. hEalth SErvicES All students entering grades 7 and 10 are required by law to submit written proof of a medical examination by a physician. The District will provide medical examinations by school physicians in all cases where parents elect not to utilize their family physician. A full-time nurse is assigned to each building to provide emergency care, counseling and maintenance of health records. hearing and vision tests are performed periodically. PuPil rEcordS The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) was enacted as federal law in 1974 to provide parents of a student under age 18, students over 18 years of age, and parents of a dependent new hyde park 2015 inside calendar CS5.indd 3 PuPil rEcordS (continued) student 18 years of age or older with the right to inspect and review any and all records, files, and data directly related to the student. your rights and the procedure to inspect, review, and request amendment of student records is detailed by Board Policy 5591 and is available on the District’s website. certain information called “directory information,” which includes a student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, major course of study, participation in school activities or sports, weight and height if a member of an athletic team, dates of attendance, degree and awards received, most recent school attended, grade level, photograph, e-mail address, and enrollment status may be released without specific parental permission. such “directory information” may be requested by PTA groups, athletic associations, newspapers, etc. Parent/Guardian or Eligible students who do not wish this type of information/photographs to be released, should forward a letter to the Building Principal. As a result of the “no child Left Behind” legislation, the district is required to provide the military with the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of our older students. If you do not want to have this information released to the Armed services you must put your request in writing and return it to your child’s building principal prior to October 31, 2015. Questions regarding the availability of records or challenges about accuracy or fairness should be forwarded to the building principal in writing. subsequent complaints may be filed in writing to: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Office, Department of Education, 330 Independence Avenue, sW, Washington, Dc 20201. new york Education Law includes further protection for student personally identifiable information (PII) and provides for a parent’s bill of rights for data privacy and security. A copy of the District’s Bill of Rights, as detailed in Board Policy 5592, is included on the District’s website. SPEcial Education The sewanhaka central high school District provides a full range of special Education services to qualified students including resource room, special classes, adaptive physical education, placement in public or private day school, residential school, hospital and/or homebound instruction. Related services are provided as recommended by the committee on special Education (csE) and authorized by the Board of Education. should you suspect your child has a disability and may be in need of special education services, you may refer him/her to the csE by writing a letter stating your concerns to the school principal or Regina Agrusa, Assistant superintendent for Pupil Personnel and special Education services, schsD, central Administration, 77 Landau Avenue, Floral Park, ny 11001. tEachEr qualification rEquEStS The federal no child Left Behind Act permits parents and guardians to request and receive information about the professional qualifications of their child’s classroom teachers. All requests must be directed to mr. john capozzi, Assistant superintendent for Personnel & Administration, 77 Landau Avenue, Floral Park, ny 11001. hoMEBound inStruction students who are unable to attend school due to an extended illness, recuperation from an accident, or serving a suspension may qualify for homebound instruction. Inquiries about this service should be addressed to the PPs chairperson in your school. intErScholaStic athlEtic SchEdulE All scheduled interscholastic athletic events are subject to change due to weather and other factors. you are advised to call the Athletic Director’s Office at 488-9858 prior to attending any event listed on this calendar or check the district website at: 7/22/15 11:07 PM New Hyde Park MeMorial HigH ScHool 500 leonard Boulevard, New Hyde Park 11040 dr. richard Faccio - Principal Secretary - Mrs. donna Segarra- 488- 9509 Mrs. Maria Hecht - assistant Principal Secretary- Ms. gail canale- 488- 9508 Mrs. rosemary degennaro - assistant Principal Secretary- Mrs. ann roerden - 488-9500 Mr. kevin dolan - dean of Students 2015 - 2016 STUDENT ACTIVITIES Mrs. Christine Vosswinkel Blum ....... Director of Student Activities Student Council Co-Advisors.................. Mrs. E. Esposito Mr. K. Kowalczyk Class of 2016 Co-Advisors: ....................Mrs. M. Caliendo Ms. J. Mei Class of 2017 Co-Advisors: ..................... Mrs. E. Esposito Mr. B. Laugen Class of 2018 Co-Advisors: ..........................Ms. D. Psaros Mr. D. Rood Class of 2019 Co-Advisors: ........................ Ms. T. Salcedo Mrs. K. Trainor Class of 2020 Co-Advisors: ...................... Ms. R. Coleman Ms. K. Griffin Class of 2021 Co-Advisors: ...................... Mrs. E. McKeon Mr. J. Fernhoff A complete directory of all NHPMHS extra-curricular and co-curricular activities can be found on our school’s website - CLASS DUES Class dues are collected in homeroom annually for a two-week period. Dates for collection are included in this calendar. Money raised is used to support and defray costs of class activities. DUES SCHEDULE Grade 7 -$15 Grade 10 - $30 Grade 8 -$20 Grade 11 - $50 Grade 9 -$25 Grade 12 - $65 Below are examples of activities and discounts available to students who have made up-to-date payments of their New Hyde Park Memorial class dues. new hyde park 2015 inside calendar CS5.indd 4 Homecoming Float Building: open to all students in each grade and is organized by Class Advisors. Every year there is an overall theme in which each grade selects their individual float design topic. Meeting dates, times and locations will be announced by Class Advisors to encourage student participation. Parents are asked to volunteer their home and/ or talents with help in construction of each grade’s float. Homecoming is listed in this calendar. Pep Rallies: include the entire student body and are held during the school day. There are 2 pep rallies held each year—Fall and Spring. The dates are included in this calendar. The pep rallies are intended to increase school spirit and unity, recognize student athletes and support team participation and performing groups.” Class rings: rings may be ordered through the class organization during the sophomore year on a date designated by the class organization. Students who have not paid their sophomore class dues will have to make their own arrangements at an additional cost. Junior Prom: approximately $90 per bid to those juniors who have made complete payment of class dues. A prom contract signed by both parent/guardian and student is required for prom attendance. Yearbook: free to seniors who have made complete payment of their class dues. The May date for distribution is listed in this calendar. Senior Barbeque: free to seniors who have made complete payment of their class dues and is provided on the last day of classes during lunch periods. Senior Prom: approximately $125 to those seniors who have made complete payment of class dues. A prom contract signed by both parent/ guardian and student is required for prom attendance. Caps & gowns: free to seniors who have paid class dues and are for you to keep. Caps & gowns are distributed at graduation rehearsal. Period 1 2 Homeroom 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TIME SCHEDULE Time 8:00 - 8:43 8:47 - 9:30 9:30 - 9:31 9:35 - 10:18 10:22 - 11:05 11:09 - 11:52 11:56 - 12:39 12:43 - 1:26 1:30 - 2:13 2:17 - 3:00 TELEPHONE DIRECTORY 488 Prefix for all numbers Principal (Dr. R. Faccio) ......................................9500 Asst. Principal (Mrs. M. Hecht) .........................9501 Asst. Principal (Mrs. R. DeGennaro) .................9502 Athletics (Mr. T.J. Burke) ...................................9528 Attendance (Mrs. J. Gagliano)...........................9551 Building Use (Mrs. D. Segarra) ..........................9500 Cafeteria (Mrs. F. McGovern) ............................9504 Counselors...........................................................9552 Custodian (Mr. R. Costa) ....................................9510 Finance Clerk (Mrs. M. Pickett) .........................9507 Graduation/ Lockers (Ms. G. Canale) ................9508 Head Clerk (Mrs. D. Segarra) .............................9509 Health Services (Ms. D. Lisi) ..............................9554 Homebound Instruction (Mrs. G. Beck) ............9552 Library .................................................................9544 Psychologist (Ms. L. Ciulla) ...............................9555 Publicity Director (Mrs. M. Kenahan) ................9500 Records Clerk (Ms. L. Dura) ...............................9552 Social Worker (Dr. M. Sanzone-Goodrich).........9556 Student Activities (Mrs. C. Vosswinkel Blum) ..... 9558 Student Council (Ms. E. Esposito) .....................9558 Textbooks ............................................................9536 Working Papers ..................................................9554 DEPARTMENTAL NUMBERS (488 prefix) Academy of Finance (Mrs. C. Teetz) .................9522 Art (Ms. D. Lennea) ............................................9521 Business (Mrs. Stein-Silberlust) ........................9531 Driver Education (Mr. T.J. Burke) .....................9528 English (Mr. F. Geritano) ...................................9523 Foreign Language (Mrs. J. Tardio)....................9525 Health (Mr. T.J. Burke) .......................................9528 Home Economics (Mr. T.J. Burke) .....................9524 Mathematics (Mrs. R. Lumpp) ...........................9526 Music (Mr. N. Monat) .........................................9527 Phys. Education (Mr. T.J. Burke) .......................9528 Science (Mr. G. McLeer) .....................................9530 Social Studies (Mr. T. Galvin) ............................9531 Special Education (Mr. K. Milano) .....................9532 Student Services (Ms. G. Cookler) .....................9552 Talented & Gifted (Mrs. C. Vosswinkel Blum) ..... 9558 Technology Education (Mrs. Stein-Silberlust) .... 9531 General Office ......................................................... 9500 7/22/15 11:07 PM 2015–2016 Parent-Teacher-Student Association Officers President 1st Vice Pres. 2nd Vice Pres. Hon. 3rd Vice Pres. Hon. 4th Vice Pres. Corresponding Sec. Recording Sec. Treasurer Pam Naso .................................. 353- 8579 Lisa Friel .................................... 455-6113 Nadine Kraus ............................. 488-4368 Richard Faccio ........................... 488-9500 Gerri Cookler ............................. 488-9552 Maura McMullan ....................... 742-0297 Pat Hoerter................................. 742-8922 Angela Pellegrino ...................... 747-0627 New Hyde Park Memorial High School Dads’ Club President .............................. Sabino Balducci ..................233-1737 1st Vice Pres......................... Gary Arman ........................428-6283 2nd Vice Pres. ...................... John Fazekas ......................233-2017 Secretary............................... Dennis Ryan .......................742-8633 Treasurer .............................. Mike Horan .........................742-0822 Trustee ................................. Richard Bletsch ..................328-3043 PTSA Committees • Awards Committee • Bake Sale • Budget/Audit • Fundraising • Health & Safety • Holiday Wreath Sale • Interschool • Membership • Mother’s Day Plant Sale • Reflections • Scholarship Cards • Shared Decision Making • Sewanhaka Central Council Delegate • Student Rep new hyde park 2015 inside calendar CS5.indd 5 Lisa Friel 455-6113 Nadine Kraus 488-4368 Lisa Friel 455-6113 Angela Pellegrino 747-0627 Lisa Friel 455-6113 Nadine Kraus 488-4368 Margarita Gonzalez 616-6276 Nadine Kraus 488-4368 Pam Naso 353-8579 Lisa Friel 455-6113 Liz Sollecito 616-7052 Pam Naso 353-8579 Andrea Giattini 326- 1793 Kathy Wong 917-882- 9091 Maura McMullan 742-0297 Pam Naso 353-8579 Trustee ................................. Kevin Oster .........................437-6905 Trustee ................................. Jim Carrick .........................488-7444 Trustee ................................. Jeff Coaker..........................326-1407 Trustee ................................. Richard Bursig....................437-5958 Trustee ................................. Brian Glover .......................270-3497 Trustee ................................. Henry Ewen................ 407-620-0142 Trustee ................................. Jay Abberton ......................233-2700 Dads’ Club 2015-2016 Committees Budget .................................. Michael Horan ....................742-0822 Membership ......................... John Fazekas ......................233-2017 Merchandise ........................ Joe McMullan .....................742-0297 Lisa Friel Ellen Horan Danielle Messina TBA 455-6113 660-0198 917-612-7594 Refreshments ....................... Joseph Torrisi.....................488-4623 7/22/15 11:07 PM August sundAy S M 5 6 12 13 19 20 26 27 2 JULY 2015 T W 1 7 8 14 15 21 22 28 29 T F 2 3 9 10 16 17 23 24 30 31 MondAy S 4 11 18 25 District and school information can be found at tuesdAy WednesdAy thursdAy FridAy 2015 1 SEPTEMBER 2015 S M 6 7 13 14 20 21 27 28 T W T F 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 29 30 3 sAturdAy S 5 12 19 26 4 6 5 7 Registration Deadline for 9/12 ACT Exam 8 Athletic Physicals at Long Island Jewish Hospital senIor PortrAIts: LIbrAry, 9Am - 3Pm Meet @ NHPMHS, 7:15am 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 7th Grade (Class of 2021) Meet & Grreet Flower Party - Cafe A, 1:30 pm 7th Grade (Class of 2021) Meet & Grreet Flower Party - Cafe A, 1:30 pm senior portraits: library, 9am - 3pm 16 17 18 19 V & JV Football Season Begins V & JV Cheerleading Tryouts 23 24 Nassau Region PTA Membership/ Reflections/Treasury Workshops 7 pm 25 V & JV Fall Sports Begin 30 31 7th Grade & New Student Orientation 9:30 am - Auditorium Board of Education Meeting SHS 8 pm new hyde park 2015 inside calendar CS5.indd 6 7/22/15 11:07 PM SEPTEMBER Sunday Monday District and school information can be found at TuESday WEdnESday Dads' Club 8 pm-library 2 1 3 Staff Development/SupeRintenDent'S ConfeRenCe Day no StuDentS in attenDanCe 6 8 7 JH Fall Sports Begin 10th Grade assembly Period 2-Cafe a 11th Grade assembly Period 3- Cafe a Labor Day ThuRSday Registration Deadline for 10/3 SaT Exams FRiday 4 SaTuRday 12th Grade assembly Period 3 - Cafe a 5 CLasses begin arena (F) Candy & Pencil Case Sale parent/Student/Coach pre-season mtg. w/aD-7 pm aud. Day 1 Day 2 9 11 8th Grade assembly Period 2 - Cafe a 2015 10 Scenici Players Drama auditions in aud., 3 pm 7th Grade assembly Period 2 - Cafe a 12 aCT Exam Register by 8/7 9th Grade assembly Period 3 - Cafe a Varsity Football Mepham (a) 2 pm GRaDES 7-11 STUDENT ID PHOTOS DURING P.E. ClaSS arena (F) Candy & Pencil Case Sale 13 14 Day 3 Day 4 15 16 sCHooL CLoseD Rosh Hashanah Begins at Sundown 20 Rosh Hashanah 21 Class of 2016 (F) Ices Sales Mathletes (F) Pizza Sale Week Rosh Hashanah 22 Day 1 Class of 2016 (F) Ices Sale Chariot (F) Pizza Sale 17 adult Education @ Carey 7-10pm 23 12th Grade Parents' Meeting 7 pm-Cafe a Day 2 Summer Reading Exams in all English Classes 18 Registration Deadline for 10/24 aCT Exam Fall Pep Rally Day 4 7th Grade Blue & White Night Homecoming King & Queen 7-9 pm, Cafe a Faculty Interviews Day 1 24 25 26 fall psat preparation course registration Fall College Expo @ SUNy Old Westbury 27 Class of 2019 (F) Bake Sale Week Club Fair 3:05, Cafe a & B PTSa 7 pm-library District College & Career Fair @ NHP Gym 7 pm Day 2 Day 3 28 29 Class of 2016 Dues Collection Financiers' Club (F) Pizza Sale Week Photography Club (F) Bake Sale Week Day 2 new hyde park 2015 inside calendar CS5.indd 7 Homecoming King & Queen Final Vote-Senior Class adult Education @ Floral Park 7-10pm Nassau Region PTa Resolutions Workshop 7 pm Day 3 Board of Education Mtg. SHS 8 pm yom Kippur 30 Career & Technical Ed. Mandatory Mtg. for Enrolled Students & Families @ SHS aud. 7pm Day 4 adult Ed. @ New Hyde Park 7-10pm Red Cross Bone Marrow Drive Day 1 AUGUST 2015 S M Student Congress Elections In all Social Studies Classes adult Education @ Carey 7-10pm Day 4 adult Education @ Elmont 8:30-10:30am HomeComing Parade Begins at 12 Noon Varsity Football Bellmore JFK (H) 2 pm sCHooL CLoseD yom Kippur Begins at Sundown 19 Varsity Football Wantagh (H) 2 pm arena (F) Candy & Pencil Case Sale Gay Straight alliance (F) Bake Sale Day 3 Homecoming King & Queen Preliminary Vote-Senior Class T W T F 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 S 1 8 15 22 29 OCTOBER 2015 S M 4 5 11 12 18 19 25 26 T W T F 1 2 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 S 3 10 17 24 31 7/22/15 11:07 PM OCTOBER Sunday MOnday SEPTEMBER 2015 NOVEMBER 2015 S M 6 7 13 14 20 21 27 28 T W T F 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 29 30 S 5 12 19 26 S 1 8 15 22 29 M T W 2 3 4 9 10 11 16 17 18 23 24 25 30 T F 5 6 12 13 19 20 26 27 TuESday District and school information can be found at WEdnESday ThuRSday Class of 2016 Dues Collection 1 Financiers' Club (F) Pizza Sale Week 2 S 7 14 21 28 5 National College Fair at Suffolk County Community College 11 am - 3 pm 11 Class of 2016 Dues Collection GEaR (F) Pizza & Bake Sale Week Homework Center Begins: MondaysThursdays 3-4 pm, Rm. 227 (Ends 5/12/15) 6 adult Ed. @ Floral Park 7-10pm 12 13 Class of 2017 Dues Collection 19 Making Strides against Breast Cancer Walk @ Jones Beach, 78 am 25 Class of 2017 Dues Collection String Ensemble (F) Candy Sale Week Class of 2017 (F) Pizza & Bake Sale Week Gay Straight alliance (F) Morning Breakfast Bake Sale adult Education @ Floral Park 7-10pm 20 adult Education @ Floral Park 7-10pm Day 1 Nassau Region PTa Fall Conf. 7 pm 26 27 WLHS (F) Bake Sale Week Varsity Cheerleaders (F) Pizza Sale Week CDP1 Lunch Halloween Bake Sale Week adult Education @ Floral Park 7-10pm Tri-M Music Honor Society Induction Board of Education Ceremony, 7 pm-aud. Day 2 Meeting SHS 8 pm Day 1 new hyde park 2015 inside calendar CS5.indd 8 SaT Exams Register by 9/3 8 9 Registration Deadline For 11/7 SaT Exams adult Education @ Elmont 8:30-10:30am 10 Varsity Football Jericho (H) 2 pm Day 1 adult Education @ Carey 7-10pm adult Education @ New Hyde Park 7-10pm SCC of PTas Gen. Membership/ Exec. Bd. Mtg. 7 pm & SEESaaW 8 pm @ ELM Day 2 Day 3 14 15 16 Fall Blood Drive 7th & 8th Grade Parents' Meeting 7 pm-Cafe a adult Education @ Carey 7-10pm Day 1 Newsday Marching Band adult Education @ New Hyde Park 7-10pm Festival @ Mitchell Field Day 2 21 22 adult Education @ Elmont 8:30-10:30am 17 Key Club "Trick-or-Treat" For UNICEF Begins Key Club yankee Candle Sale Ends (F) Varsity Football Westbury (a) 6 pm Day 3 23 adult Education @ Elmont 8:30-10:30am 24 aCT Exam Register by 9/18 Varsity Football Bellmore JFK (a) 2 pm Class of 2016 (F) Candy Sale Week Class of 2018 (F) Pizza Sale Week Life Skills Club Lunch Bake Sale Week Day 4 Key Club (F) Bake Sale Week Key Club Food Drive Begins Class of 2017 Dues Collection 7 Key Club yankee Candle Sale Begins (F) Varsity Football adult Education @ New Hyde Park 7-10pm Day 2 Calhoun (a) 7 pm SENIOR PORTRaIT RETaKES IN aUD. 8aM-3PM Day 4 18 Dads’ Club 8 pm-Library Day 4 District Marching Band Columbus Day Parade, NYC 3 Photography Club (F) Bake Sale Week Class of2018 Key Chain & Lanyard Sale Begins Spanish Club (F) Candy Sale Week FBLa Officer Elections Meeting National Honor Society application Deadline Student Congress Mtg. 3 pm-Cafe a PTSa 7 pm-Library Day 3 Columbus Day Progress Reports Available SaTuRday Lee Denim Day Breast Cancer awareness Day 1 4 FRiday 2015 SEPTa @ HFC 7:30 pm Day 2 adult Education @ Carey 7-10pm PSAT Exam @ NHP 28 Parent Conference Day adult Education @ New Hyde Park 7-10pm Day 3 Day 4 29 30 adult Education @ Elmont 8:30-10:30am Key Club "Trick-or-Treat" For UNICEF Ends No Students in attendance Nassau Region PTA Presidents' Rap 7 pm Adult Education @ Carey 7-10pm adult Education @ New Hyde Park 7-10pm Day 3 Class of2018 Key Chain & Lanyard Sale Ends Student activites Halloween Party For Elementary Students 5-7 pm, Gym Day 4 31 Varsity Football Long Beach (H) 2 pm adult Education @ Elmont 8:30-10:30am 7/22/15 11:07 PM November SuNday 1 moNday 2 Key club Week Begins class of 2018 Dues collection Mathletes (f) pizza sale TueSday 3 Staff Development Day No students in attendance JH cheering tryout practice Week Begins Daylight savings time ends 8 Election Day Dads' Club 8 pm-Library coats for Kids Drive Begins ptsa 7 pm-library Day 1 Adult Education @ Floral Park 7-10pm 9 10 class of 2018 Dues collection v. Wrestling Begins End of First Marking Period District and school information can be found at WedNeSday 4 JH Winter i athletic season Begins 9th & 10th grade parents' Meeting 7 pm-cafe B ThurSday 5 registration Deadline for 12/5 sat exams Day 4 11 12 13 coaches vs. cancer 3 on 3 Basketball tournament Nys pta coNveNtioNNiagara falls 22 17 23 24 18 25 cdp 2 hot chocolate sale v Basketball (f) candy sale Week red cross (f) pizza & Bake sale Week Day 2 29 30 Nassau region pta presidents'/ principals' Dinner adult education @ floral park 7-10pm Board of education Meeting sHs 8 pm Day 3 19 26 SaTurday registration Deadline for 12/12 act exam Day 2 adult education @ carey 7-10pm student iD photo Make-Up Day veTeRans Day chariot (f) pizza sale Week Junior class ring Delivery social: 3-5 pm, cafe B italian club (f) candy sale Week financial aid Night 7 pm-cafe a parent academy @ floral park lib. 6:30 pm NaHs (f) Bake sale Week Day 2 adult ed. @ floral park 7-10pm Day 1 Day 3 adult ed. @ New Hyde park 7-10pm Key club toy Drive & career/technical superintendent's student advisory "adopt-a-family" Begin education expo @ NHp council Mtg. 3 pm, library class of 2018 Dues collection sft retiree scholarship Bake sale Week (f) v & Jv cheerleading tryouts v. Basketball (f) candy sale Week National Honor society Model UN (f) pizza & Bake sale Week adult education induction Banquet 7 pm @ floral terrace v & Jv Winter sports Begin Day 2 @ floral park 7-10pm Day 3 adult education @ carey 7-10pm Day 4 adult education @ NHp 7-10pm Day 1 class of 2019 Dues collection 16 6 adult education @ New Hyde park 7-10pm scc of ptas liaison Meeting @ central 7 pm Day 3 coaches vs. cancer 3 on 3 Basketball tournament 15 Friday 2015 Key club Week ends JH cheering try-outs fBla "Dress to impress" Breakfast 7 sat exams register by 10/9 adult education @ elmont 8:30-10:30am 14 Nys pta coNveNtioN-Niagara falls sceNici players drama productioN Defective Detective, 7:30 pm auditorium adult education @ elmont 8:30-10:30am Day 4 20 Report Cards Available 21 fBla fall leadership conference @ liU post 7th & 8th grade character education assemblies, periods 8 & 9 - auditorium Key club food Drive ends Day 1 27 adult education @ elmont 8:30-10:30am 28 Thanksgiving Recess Day 4 class of 2019 Dues collection OCTOBER 2015 S M Dlc 2 lunch Bake sale Week class of 2018 (f) pizza & Bake sale Week 4 5 11 12 18 19 25 26 T W T F 1 2 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 S 3 10 17 24 31 DECEMBER 2015 S M 6 7 13 14 20 21 27 28 T W T F 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 29 30 31 S 5 12 19 26 Day 1 new hyde park 2015 inside calendar CS5.indd 9 7/22/15 11:07 PM December SunDay monDay TueSDay 1 Class of 2019 Dues Collection DlC 2 lunch Bake Sale week District and school information can be found at WeDneSDay 2 academy of Finance Information Session Open to all 8th graders & their parents NHP Memorial Cafe a 7-8 p.m. ThurSDay 3 FriDay 2015 SaTurDay available in Guidance 5 4SCC of PTas Scholarship Dinner Mtg. @ HFC 7 pm SaT Exams register by 11/5 Career Education applications coats for kids drive sponsored by the student council Class of 2018 (F) Pizza & Bake Sale week Dads’ Club 8 pm - TBD 6 7 NySSMa wINTEr CONFErENCE (rOCHESTEr, Ny) rutgers model u.n. conference 13 20 Class of 2019 Dues Collection all-STaTE MuSIC FESTIval @ rOCHESTEr rutgers model u.n. conference adult Education @ Floral Park 7-10pm Day 2 Career Ed. Orientation for 2016-17 @ SHS aud. 7 pm adult Education @ Carey 7-10pm SEPTa @ HFC 7:30 pm Day 3 Day 4 8 9 10 Science Fair world languages Honor Society adult Education @ Carey 7-10pm Induction Ceremony 7 pm Day 4 Hanukkah Begins at Sundown Day 2 Hanukkah Day 3 Key Club (F) Candy Sale week 15 16 Class of 2019 (F) Pizza & Bake Sale life Skills Club lunch Bake Sale week School Musical auditions auditorium, 3pm Day 4 Day 3 arena (F) Bake Sale 21 Day 1 11 Coats for Kids Drive Ends Progress Reports Available adult Education @ Elmont 8:30-10:30am 12 aCT Exam register by 11/6 Key Club Toy Drive & "adopt-a-Family" End Twirlers (F) Bake Sale week CDP1 lunch Holiday Bake Sale week v Cheerleaders (F) Candy & Pizza Sale PTSa 7 pm-library 14 adult Education @ NHP 7-10pm Jr. High Holiday Concert 7 pm - auditorium Day 1 adult Ed. @ New Hyde Park 7-10pm NaHS Holiday Ornament Sale Begins FBla Holiday Trip Day 2 17 18 adult Education (Make-up if necessary) @ Elmont 8:30-10:30am 19 Senior High Holiday Concert 7 pm - auditorium 22 adult Education (Make-up if necessary) @ Carey 7-10pm Day 1 adult Education (Make-up if necessary) @ New Hyde Park 7-10pm Day 2 Day 3 23 24 25 26 Holiday Recess Day 4 27 28 Day 1 Registration Deadline For 1/23 SAT Exams 29 Board of Education Meeting SHS 8 pm 30 Holiday Recess new hyde park 2015 inside calendar CS5.indd 10 Christmas Day Day 2 31 S 1 8 15 22 29 NOVEMBER 2015 M T W 2 3 4 9 10 11 16 17 18 23 24 25 30 T F 5 6 12 13 19 20 26 27 S 7 14 21 28 JANUARY 2016 S M T W T 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 31 F 1 8 15 22 29 S 2 9 16 23 30 7/22/15 11:07 PM January Sunday DECEMBER 2015 S M 6 7 13 14 20 21 27 28 T W T F 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 29 30 31 Monday S 5 12 19 26 FEBRUARY 2016 S M T W T F 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 TueSday District and school information can be found at WedneSday ThurSday Friday 2016 1 S 6 13 20 27 SaTurday 2 hoLiDay receSS New Year's Day 3 4 Class of 2020 Dues Collection 5 6 7 8 DAy 1 DAy 2 DAy 3 13 14 15 PPS Alumni Day 9 NHS Club (f) Bake Sale Week Gay Straight Alliance (f) Pizza Sale Week SCHOOL RE-OPENS DAy 3 PTSA 7 pm-Library DAy 4 Class of 2020 Dues Collection 10 11 12 17 All couNTy MuSic fESTivAl (REhEARSAlS & coNcERTS) @ cW PoST Key Club (f) Bake Sale Week Twirlers (f) Pizza Sale Week SCC of PTAs Gen. mem./ Exec. Bd. Life Skills Club Lunch Bake Sale Week mtg. 7 pm/SEESAAW @ Sewanhaka 8 pm 11th Grade Parents' Superintendent's Student Advisory fBLA (f) Candy Sale Week DAy 1 meeting 7 pm-Cafe A DAy 3 Council mtg. 3 pm, Library DAy 2 DAy 4 DAy 4 SAT Exams Career Education Applications JH Winter ii Register by 12/28 Due to Guidance Athletic Season Begins ALL COuNTy muSiC fESTivAL (REHEARSALS & CONCERTS) @ CW POST Martin Luther King Jr. Day 18 19 20 21 DAy 1 24 25 NHS (f) Bake Sale Week fBLA (f) Candy Sale Week 26 22 District music festival Auditions @ ELm 3:30-9 pm STEP Team (f) Pizza & Bake Sale Week DAy 2 DAy 3 27 28 16 Nassau Region PTA Nominations & Elections Workshop DAy 4 23 fBLA Spring District meeting @ Liu Post 9 am-2 pm 29 end of 2nd Marking Period First Semester ends REGENTS EXAMS 31 ivy league model un conference @ upenn no backpacks & no cell phone usage while in the building during testing days new hyde park 2015 inside calendar CS5.indd 11 Key Club yankee Candle Sale Begins All ClAsses iN sessioN Class of 2018 (f) Candy Sale Week Science Olympiad (f) Pizza Sale Week DAy 1 30 ivy league model un conference @ upenn Board of Education meeting SHS 8 pm DAy 2 DAy 3 7/22/15 11:07 PM February Sunday Monday 1 Class of 2021 Dues Collection TueSday 2 District and school information can be found at WedneSday 3 ThurSday 4 Friday 5 second semester Begins DaY 1 7 8 Class of 2021 Dues Collection SaTurday Report Cards Available Nassau County Math Tournament @ SUNY Old Westbury "SOUP"ER BOWL OF CaRING COIN HaRVEST DRIVES SPONSORED BY THE STUDENT COUNCIL Red Cross (F) Pizza & Bake Sale Week DLC 1 Lunch Bake Sale Week PTSa 7 pm-Library 2016 6 Registration Deadline for 3/5 SaT I Exam Student Congress Meeting 3 pm - Cafe a International Culture Club Night 6 pm-aud. Dads’ Club 8 pm - Library DaY 3 DaY 4 9 10 11 DaY 2 Italian Club Carnevale 5- 8 pm, Cafe B Snow Date FBLa Spring District Meeting @ LIU Post 9 am-2 pm DaY 1 Hoops for Heart Basketball Tournament 12 NaHS (F) Valentine's Day Craft & Card Sale 13 senior week red Cross Club Coins for Change fundraiser CDP 1 Valentine's Lunch Sale Week Class of 2020 (F) Pizza & Bake Sale Week 14 DaY 2 DaY 3 15 16 Nassau Region PTa Presidents' Rap /Treasurers' Rap DaY 4 17 ash Wednesday Lincoln's Birthday DaY 1 DaY 2 18 19 20 26 27 Winter recess Presidents' Day 21 22 23 Class of 2017 (F) Pizza & Bake Sale Week DaY 3 28 Washington's Birthday 29 GEaR (F) Pizza & Bake Sale Week SPRING SaT PREP COURSE REGISTRaTION BEGINS NYS PTa Legislation/Education Conference-albany DaY 4 new hyde park 2015 inside calendar CS5.indd 12 DaY 4 24 Board of Education/Budget Meeting SHS 8 pm DaY 1 25 Key Club Dodgeball Tournament Key Club Yankee Candle Sale Ends District Sports Night Snow Date for District Sports Night Nassau County Math Fair @ HFC 7 pm DaY 2 @ HFC 7 pm DaY 3 Preliminary Round @ Hofstra JANUARY 2016 S M T W T 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 31 F 1 8 15 22 29 S 2 9 16 23 30 NYS PTa Legislation/Education Conference-albany MARCH 2016 S M 6 7 13 14 20 21 27 28 T W T F 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 29 30 31 S 5 12 19 26 7/22/15 11:07 PM March Sunday Monday District and school information can be found at TueSday 1 Dads' Club 8 pm-Library WedneSday 2 ThurSday 3 Friday 4 2016 SaTurday Registration Deadline for 4/9 ACT Exam 5 SAT I Exam Register by 2/5 spring sat prep course registration 6 7 senior citizens matinee Performance of the school musical Pippin with luncheon: 1 pm, auditorium 13 v & Jv Spring Sports Begin DAy 1 GEAR (F) Pizza & Bake Sale Week DAy 2 8 9 10 11 Adult Education @ New Hyde Park 7-10pm DAy 4 DAy 1 17 18 Prom Dress Collection Drive Begins Model uN (F) Pizza & Bake Sale Week Life Skills Club Lunch Bake Sale Week Class of 2019 (F) Candy Sale Week PTSA 7 pm-Library DAy 1 DAy 2 14 15 Day varsity Tennis & Golf Begins DLC 2 Lunch St. Patrick’s Day Sale Week Photography Club (F) Bake Sale Week scHool musical: PiPPin 7:30 Pm-auditorium Adult Education @ New Hyde Park 7-10pm SCC of PTAs Liaison Meeting @ Central 7 pm DAy 3 Superintendent's Student Advisory Council Mtg. 3 pm, Library DAy 3 SEPTA @ HFC 7:30 pm 16 Red Cross (F) Bunny-Gram Sale Begins District Marching Band St. Patrick's Day Parade, NyC Choices & Consequences Assembly Program for 11th & 12th Grade Students Periods 2 & 3-Aud. DAy 4 Progress Reports Available 20 key Club (F) Candy Sale Week DAy 2 Class of 2018 (F) Pizza Sale Week DAy 3 DAy 4 NHS (F) Bake Sale Week 21 Romanettes (F) Pizza Sale Week 22 23 7th & 8th Grade Class Night 6pm, Gymnasium Spring Blood Drive DAy 1 Palm Sunday 27 nyssma music festival @ sHs NySSMA PIANO FESTIvAL @ GREAT NECk NO. Ny STATE kEy CLuB LEADERSHIP TRAINING CONFERENCE @ ALBANy 25 26 easter r e c e s s DAy 3 District Music Festival Rehearsal @ ELM 3:30-7 pm 28 DAy 4 29 1st Snow Make-Up Day new hyde park 2015 inside calendar CS5.indd 13 Board of Education Meeting SHS 8 pm JH Spring Sports Begin NAHS (F) Bake Sale Service League (F) Bake Sale Week easter recess Easter Sunday 19 Gallery @ 77 Art Show Central Admin. 6-7 pm DAy 2 Prom Dress Collection Drive Ends 24 Ny STATE kEy CLuB LEADERSHIP TRAINING CONFERENCE @ ALBANy 12 Sewanha-Con @ NHP Library Spring Pep Rally Spirit Day Breakfast 7:15-7:55 am-Cafe A builders' club week - muscular dystrophy fundraiser spirit week Adult Education @ New Hyde Park 7-10pm Daylight Savings Time Begins Nassau Region PTA Legislation Roundtable Red Cross (F) Bunny-Gram Sale Ends DAy 1 30 2nd Snow Make-Up Day 31 youth art awareness week DAy 2 National Art Honor Society Induction District Music Festival Ceremony-Cafe A, 7 pm Rehearsal @ ELM 3:30-7 pm DAy 3 Good Friday FEBRUARY 2016 S M T W T F 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 S 6 13 20 27 S M APRIL 2016 T W T 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 F 1 8 15 22 29 S 2 9 16 23 30 Adult Education @ New Hyde Park 7-10pm DAy 4 7/22/15 11:07 PM April SundAy MARCH 2016 S M 6 7 13 14 20 21 27 28 T W T F 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 29 30 31 District and school information can be found at MondAy S 5 12 19 26 S 1 8 15 22 29 TueSdAy WedneSdAy ThurSdAy 1 MAY 2016 M T W 2 3 4 9 10 11 16 17 18 23 24 25 30 31 FridAy T F S 5 6 7 12 13 14 19 20 21 26 27 28 4 youth art awareness week 5 6 7 scc of PtAs Elections & Budget mtg. @ floral Park 7 pm Adult Education @ new Hyde Park 7-10pm nutritiOnAL AwArEnEss BrEAkfAst fOr 7tH & 8tH GrADErs tAkinG AssEssmEnts 7:15 - 7:45 Am 7tH AnD 8tH GrADE nys ELA AssEssmEnts At 7:45 Am 2 hour DelAyeD oPening for stuDents in gr. 9 - 12 10 class 2020 (f) Pizza & Bake sale week PtsA 7 pm-Library District music festival Dads' club 8 pm-Library DAy 4 rehearsal @ ELm 3:30-7 pm DAy 3 DAy 2 student council scenici Players Open mic night, Election Petitions Available Auditorium, 7pm 11 12 13 17 nassau region PtA Arts in Education showcase 18 cDP 1 Lunch spring Bake sale week District music festival rehearsal @ ELm 3:30-7 pm DAy 1 incoming 7th Grade Parent Orientation 7 pm-cafe A 8 fccLA state Leadership conference Oswego, ny end of Third Marking period registration Deadline for 5/7 sAt Exams 9 Act Exam register by 3/4 nyssma all-state solo festival @ herricks siDmun 2016 Dist. mODEL un cOnfErEncE @ sHs District music festival concert @ ELm 7:30 pm (Advance sale tickets Only) DAy 2 14 nassau region PtA reflections reception 15 Report Cards Available 16 nutritiOnAL AwArEnEss BrEAkfAst fOr 7tH & 8tH GrADErs tAkinG AssEssmEnts 7:15 - 7:45 Am 7tH & 8tH GrADE nys mAtH AssEssmEnt tEst At 7:45 Am 2 hour DelAyeD oPening for stuDents in gr. 9-12 fBLA stAtE LEADErsHiP cOnfErEncE in rOcHEstEr, ny nyssmA sOLO fEstiVAL-cLAssicAL GuitAr @ kELLEnBErG class 2021 (f) Bake sale week twirlers (f) Pizza sale week Life skills club Lunch Bake sale week DAy 3 SATurdAy 2 DAy 1 3 2016 DAy 4 DAy 1 19 20 student council Election Petitions Due Adult Education @ new Hyde Park 7-10pm DAy 2 DAy 3 21 22 spring Poetry night 7 pm, Lib. spanish club EPcOt night, Gymnasium 23 incoming 7th grade student visit step team (f) Pizza & Bake sale week 24 DAy 4 Board of Education meeting Vote On BOcEs Budget sHs 7:30 pm DAy 1 DAy 2 25 26 27 sEPtA @ Hfc 7:30 pm Passover Begins at sundown Earth Day Adult Education @ new Hyde Park 7-10pm DAy 3 DAy 4 28 county math fair 29 nassau final round @ hofstra 30 Passover Spring receSS Administrative Professionals' Day new hyde park 2015 inside calendar CS5.indd 14 7/22/15 11:07 PM May Sunday 1 Monday 2 AP Exams Chemistry (AM) Psychology (PM) DAy 1 8 District and school information can be found at 9 TueSday 3 AP Exams Spanish (AM) Physics (PM) WedneSday 4 AP Exam English Literature (AM) ThurSday 5 Registration Deadline For 6/4 SAT Exams AP Exam Calculus (AM) Dads' Club 8 pm Library SEPTA @ HFC 7:30 pm Adult Education @ New Hyde Park 7-10pm National Teacher Day DAy 3 Annual Budget Hearing SHS 8 pm DAy 4 PTSA 7 pm Library DAy 2 AP Exams AP Exam AP Exam AP Exam English Language (AM) U.S. Government & Politics (AM) Biology (AM) World History (AM) Italian (PM) 10 11 12 Friday 6 15 Superintendent's Student Advisory Council Mtg. 3 pm, Library Class 2021 (F) Pizza & Bake Sale Week DAy 2 16 Romanettes & Twirlers Try-out Practice Week AP Exams U.S. History (AM) European History (PM) AP Drawing Portfolios Due (PM) 13 Progress Reports Available NYSSMA Solo feStivAlhArp @ SYoSSet hS Homework Center Ends DAy 2 17 18 19 20 21 nyssma all-state Jazz festival @ vsC Adult Education @ New Hyde Park 7-10pm DAy 4 District Budget Vote DAy 1 23 24 Romanettes Try-Outs 25 Band Spring Concert 7pm- Auditorium DAy 2 Twirlers Try-Outs 26 Junior Prom DAy 3 Publications Luncheon 27 Student Council Elections 28 District Marching Band Belmont Stakes Parade Adult Education @ New Hyde Park 7-10pm DAy 4 DAy 1 30 31 Board of Education Meeting SHS 8 pm DAy 1 DAy 2 Orchestra Spring Concert 7pm- Auditorium Junior Honor Society Academic Awards Night 7 pm Aud. DAy 3 Senior Class College T-Shirt Day yearbook Distribution Day DAy 4 JV Athletic Awards Ceremony Cafe A, 4 pm S M MeMorial Day new hyde park 2015 inside calendar CS5.indd 15 14 AP Exam Human Geography (AM) DAy 1 Nassau Region PTA Spring Conference/ Ways & Means Expo DAy 3 GCP Memorial Day Parade SAT Exams Register by 4/8 PTSA Mother's Day Plant Sale National School Nurse Day DAy 4 DLC 1 Lunch Bake Sale Week Red Cross (F) Bake & Ice Sale Week Final Exams Begin in Class 29 7 DAy 1 DAy 3 Key Club (F) Bake Sale Week CDP 2 (F) Fla-vor-ice Sale Class 2020 (F) Pizza Sale Week 22 SaTurday Registration Deadline For 6/11 ACT Exam Adult Education @ New Hyde Park 7-10pm Mother's Day 2016 Choral Spring Concert 7 pm-Auditorium APRIL 2016 T W T 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 F 1 8 15 22 29 S 2 9 16 23 30 S M 5 6 12 13 19 20 26 27 JUNE 2016 T W 1 7 8 14 15 21 22 28 29 T F 2 3 9 10 16 17 23 24 30 S 4 11 18 25 7/22/15 11:07 PM June Sunday District and school information can be found at Monday TueSday WedneSday 1 ThurSday 2 6 7 8TH GRADE NyS SCiENCE wRiTTEN ASSESSMENT TEST no DelayeD opening DAy 1 12 PTSA 7 pm-Cafe B 13 20 DAy 2 DAy 4 8 9 10 14 15 varsity Sports Awards Dinner 6 pm SEPTA @ HFC 7:30 pm DAy 4 Nassau Region PTA Officers' Training 7 pm 16 Academy of Finance Graduation Dinner, inn at NHP, 6:30 pm Graduation Rehearsal @ NHPMHS 8:45 am 22 23 NyS Regents Rating Day SENiOR PROM @ CHATEAU lA MER, 6-10 PM 28 29 new hyde park 2015 inside calendar CS5.indd 16 Board of Education Meeting SHS 8 pm SCC of PTAs Delegates' Training 9am SCC of PTAs installation Dinner 6 pm 24 end of fourth Marking Period 25 Staff Development/ SuperintenDent'S ConferenCe Day last day of school 30 graDuation 1 pm at Hofstra university Final Report Cards Available 18 District AND regeNts testiNg 21 27 DAy 1 no backpacks or cell phone usage while in the building during testing days no backpacks or cell phone usage while in the building during testing days 26 ACT Exam Register by 5/6 Meet @ NHPMHS, 7:15am 17 District AND regeNts testiNg Father's Day 11 Athletic Physicals at Long Island Jewish Hospital DAy 3 Senior Awards Assembly Period 3, Aud. DAy 2 Senior Class BBQ Periods 4-7 19 SAT Exams Register by 5/5 Senior Awards Night 7 pm Aud. Adult Education (Make-up if necessary) @ New Hyde Park 7-10pm DAy 3 Red Cross Club walk for the lindy loo Foundation 3-5:30 pm Dads' Club 8 pm TBD DAy 2 LAst DAy of cLAsses SaTurday Officer Elections 3 Grades 7-11inClass Social Studies Classes 4 NyS Common Core Regents Exam in Algebra 2 (AM) 5 Friday 2016 NATiONAl PTA CONvENTiON S 1 8 15 22 29 MAY 2016 M T W 2 3 4 9 10 11 16 17 18 23 24 25 30 31 T F S 5 6 7 12 13 14 19 20 21 26 27 28 S M JULY 2016 T W T 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 31 F 1 8 15 22 29 S 2 9 16 23 30 7/22/15 11:07 PM July Sunday S M 5 6 12 13 19 20 26 27 JUNE 2016 T W 1 7 8 14 15 21 22 28 29 T F 2 3 9 10 16 17 23 24 30 3 District and school information can be found at Monday S 4 11 18 25 AUGUST 2016 S M T W T F 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 4 TueSday WedneSday ThurSday Friday 1 S 6 13 20 27 2016 SaTurday 2 national pta convention 5 6 7 8 9 national pta convention Independence Day 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 new hyde park 2015 inside calendar CS5.indd 17 7/22/15 11:07 PM August sundAy 7 MondAy tuesdAy District and school information can be found at WednesdAy thursdAy FridAy 2016 sAturdAy 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 Athletic Physicals at Long Island Jewish Hospital 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 S M JULY 2016 T W T 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 31 new hyde park 2015 inside calendar CS5.indd 18 F 1 8 15 22 29 S 2 9 16 23 30 SEPTEMBER 2016 S M 4 5 11 12 18 19 25 26 T W T F 1 2 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 S 3 10 17 24 7/22/15 11:07 PM StuDent Support ServiCeS School counSElinG counseling and academic advisement services are provided to all students. school counselors assist students in assessing their abilities, aptitudes, interests and educational needs. counseling services include program planning, academic monitoring, evaluation of school progress, and college and career exploration and preparation. Individual conferences may be requested by both students and parents. counselors will schedule individual annual reviews with each student to discuss academic progress, graduation requirements, and post high school plans. Parents are invited and encouraged to attend. carEEr & counSElinG cEntErS Each counseling office provides literature and computer data on hundreds of colleges and careers. students can also avail themselves to the naviance and Guidance Direct resources available on-line with student log-ins. Please make it a point to see your counselor and familiarize yourself with these resources. StudEnt drivErS Priority is extended to the school staff to park their cars in the school parking lots. should there be sufficient space remaining, some schools may permit student parking. All cars must be registered with the main office. Further information may be obtained by contacting the main Office of the school building. PSycholoGical SErvicES The District employs certified psychologists to identify, evaluate and counsel students who may have learning problems or other related problems that interfere with the educational process. Psychologists can administer individual clinical tests. Outside referrals are made when deemed necessary. Findings and recommendations are shared with parents. The schools do not provide ongoing therapeutic services. ParEnt confErEncES findinG anSwErS Parents who have questions about their child’s classwork or progress in a specific course, should contact the subject area teacher. conferences will be arranged when necessary or requested. Questions about a student’s overall progress or about course selections of study should be addressed to the guidance counselor. If a parent’s concern is of a more general nature and involves the educational program or activities of a school, the building principal should be contacted directly. SMokinG students are prohibited from smoking on the school grounds or on school buses. Disciplinary action will be taken against those who violate this regulation. School lunchES & BrEakfaSt The school lunch program is a selfsustaining program serving wellbalanced and nutritious food at a minimum cost as specified by the national school Lunch Act. The cost of a full type “A” lunch is $2.25 and the cost of a type “A” breakfast is $1.75. Food preparation and school lunch management are under the supervision of experienced dietitians. students may bring lunch from home and buy beverages and dessert. students who forget lunch may “charge” the cost of up to five (5) meals to be paid back at a later date subject to the terms established in Board Policy 5145A. A copy of the Board Policy is available on the District website. rEPort cardS Report cards will be distributed to students approximately one week after the close of each of the four marking periods. BullyinG/daSa Bullying of any type is prohibited in the sewanhaka central high school District. Please check district website for names of Dignity Act coordinators as well as complete Board Policy. All incidents should be reported to a school administrator or school counselor. StudEnt tranSPortation students in grades 7-12 who live in the sewanhaka central high school District and attend a public or nonpublic school are eligible for bus transportation if their homes are 1-1/2 miles or more from the school. Each student who is eligible for transportation will be issued a bus pass and must carry it at all times. Lost passes will be replaced at a cost of $5.00 per pass. Transportation of children to private and parochial schools outside the district is provided up to a maximum of 15 miles. Transportation for children with disabilities is mandated by state Law up to 50 miles. Requests for transportation to private and parochial schools for 2016-2017 are due by April 1, 2016. ahEra compliance activities This is to notify all citizens of the sewanhaka central high school District that the Asbestos management Plan has been completed and is available for public inspection. A copy of this document is available for review in the main Office of each building and in the Director of Facilities and Operations Office located in the central Administrative Offices, 77 Landau Avenue, Floral Park, n.y. 11001. If you have any questions please contact matt castelluzzo at 4889827 to arrange a meeting to discuss this in further detail. new hyde park 2015 inside calendar CS5.indd 19 7/22/15 11:07 PM aDDitional inForMation rEGiStration of StudEntS nEw to thE diStrict The District requires that students entering our schools submit documentation to validate their residency in the sewanhaka central high school District. Registration forms and procedures are available on the District website. The District’s homeless Liaison is ms. Regina Agrusa, Assistant superintendent for PPs and special Education services (488-9851). This process pertains to all students who have moved into this school district from other areas, as well as incoming 7th grade students. Also included are resident students who are transferring from a private or parochial school. A questionnaire regarding residency is required and responses will be checked against census data, as well as enrollment records to determine their validity. If it is found that a student is fraudulently enrolled, he or she will be withdrawn from school and tuition charges may be assessed to the parent and criminal charges may also be filed. School codE of conduct As required by the Regulations of the new york state commissioner of Education, the Board of Education in consultation with parents, students and professional staff, developed a code for school conduct and discipline. The plain language summary of the code is distributed to all students and reviewed at the beginning of each school year. copies of the complete code are available in each school as well as posted on district website. intErnEt & inStructional tEchnoloGy uSE Policy The purpose of establishing student use of the Internet and the sewanhaka network is to provide students access to information resources for instructional purposes. The District regards this access as a privilege, not a right. some of the information on the Internet may not be appropriate for student use. Therefore, it is essential for each user to recognize his/her responsibility in having access to vast services, sites, systems and people. In addition, users must respect all intellectual and property rights and laws. The user is ultimately responsible for his/her actions in accessing Internet resources. Failure to comply with the District’s Internet Guidelines may result in disciplinary or legal action as well as suspension and/or revocation of access privileges. Parents and students must sign an Internet and Instructional Technology use Policy consent and Waiver Form prior to student access of the Internet in school. nEw york StatE SEx offEndEr rEGiStry Information about the new york state sex Offender Registration Act and public access to the subdirectory of high Risk sex Offenders is available at This site also contains valuable information for parents on protecting your child. diStrict hoMEwork Policy The long-standing tradition in education of assigning homework has been given additional support in recent studies which identify characteristics of effective schools. Research clearly demonstrates that time spent on homework is positively related to achievement. Through homework, classroom instruction is reinforced, high expectations are supported, students are motivated toward selfdirection and the relationship of school and home in the learning process is strengthened. homework is an important part of every student’s instructional program and is part of the student’s final grade. copies of this policy are available at each school. vandaliSM under a new york state Law passed in l977, parents will have to pay for any vandalism of public property. students are also subject to suspension for this type of unacceptable behavior. PESticidE aPPlication Effective july 1, 2001 all public and non-public elementary and secondary school districts are required under new york state Law section 409-h to provide written notification to all parents and staff who wish to receive 48 hour written notice of certain pesticide applications. Please advise building administrators should you wish to receive notice. viSitorS All visitors must report to the main Office of the school for a Visitor’s Pass. Passes are only given for valid school business. new hyde park 2015 inside calendar CS5.indd 20 workinG PaPErS Working papers are required by law for students under the age of 18 who seek paid employment. Forms for this purpose are available in the health Office. They must be signed by a parent, and the student must have medical clearance. A birth certificate, baptismal certificate or passport is also required as proof of age. Equal Educational oPPortunity Each student will have equal educational opportunities and will not be excluded from participating in or having access to any course offerings, school services or activities on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, national origin, religion, age, marital status or disability. Anyone with a complaint concerning sex discrimination should contact the District’s Title IX compliance Officer, Regina Agrusa, Assistant to the superintendent for Pupil Personnel and special Education services, 488-9851. complaints concerning discrimination on the basis of disability should be directed to Regina Agrusa at 488-9851. All other complaints should be made to the Building Principal or (if appropriate) to the superintendent of schools. SEction 504 students with disabilities, but not classified by the committee on special Education, are entitled to a 504 committee meeting to determine necessary accommodations to ensure access to all public school programs and activities. Requests for a 504 committee meeting should be submitted to the building principal. Parents or community members who believe that they have been subjected to discriminatory treatment on basis of a disability or that the district schools, programs, or services are not fully accessible should contact Regina Agrusa, section 504/ADA coordinator (488-9851). SEnior citizEnS Free passes to athletic and cultural events in the sewanhaka central high school District are available to all senior citizens residing within the District. This is just one of many services senior citizens may learn about by writing to the superintendent of schools, sewanhaka central high school District, 77 Landau Avenue, Floral Park, n.y. 11001. The letter should include the full name, address, date of birth and telephone number of the person requesting the information. diStrict criSiS Plan As part of new york state regulations, the sewanhaka central high school District has developed a plan which better prepares us for any crisis. Included in this plan are various types of drills, such as early dismissal (or evacuation). In the case of early dismissal, at least once each year, parents will be notified in writing that their child will be dismissed approximately fifteen (15) minutes prior to the regular dismissal time. Pursuant to recent legislation, new york state Project sAVE - safe schools Against Violence in Education, has been submitted and approved by the Board of Education. This comprehensive safety plan has been developed in accordance to recommended guidelines. There is a school building Emergency Response Plan in place and filed with the appropriate education and emergency departments. copies of these plans are available in each school. If parents have any questions regarding these plans they should contact the office of the superintendent at 488-9800 ext. 9873. EMErGEncy School cloSinGS or dElayEd oPEninGS Information can be found at In addition, school closings or delayed openings (when appropriate, the start of school may be delayed 2 hours instead of closing) due to inclement weather will be announced on the following radio and television stations: cablevision news 12, wBli (106.1 fM), wBaB (102.3 fM), wcBS (880 aM), winS (1010 aM), cBS2 hd, whli (1100 aM), wkJy (98.3 fM) and verizon fioS1 The official radio announcement for closings will be: “The five high schools of the Sewanhaka Central High School District will be closed today.” The above announcement is the only official statement for the closing of our schools. Do not confuse this with local elementary school district announcements coming from Elmont, Floral Park, Franklin Square and New Hyde Park. 7/22/15 11:07 PM