general index. - NSW Government
general index. - NSW Government
CONTENTS. GENERAL INDEX. PAGE. INDICES ALMANACliv. MUNICIPAL •1-168 CITY STREETS DIRECTORY •165-834 SUBURBAN DIRECTORY 835-1605 ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY - •1607-1884 TRADES DIRECTORY. COUNTRY COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY- 1A-256A COUNTRY ALPHABETICAL - 1B-166B lc-213C PASTORAL . -1751-1762 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE MUSICAL AND SPORTING CLUBS AND ASSOCIATIONS - 1887-1890 EDUCATIONAL - 1891-1896 -1896-1899 ECCLESIASTICAL -1900 EUROPEAN TRADES LIST -1901-1921 GOVERNMENTAL AND PARLIAMENTARY 1911-1921 CIVIL DEPARTMENTSNAVAL AND MILITARY-COMMONWEALTH . 1922-1923 STAMP , DUTIES -1924 WHARFAGE AND TONNAGE RATES FIRMS WITH FIXED PAY-DAYS CENSUS INTEREST CALCULATOR - •1903-1908 41. - 1926-1932 -1926 1923 Aborigines' Protection Board .. 1913 Agent-General for the State in Eng1911 land.... 1917 Agricultural Colleges • Agricultural Department 1917 Alphabetical Directory ..835-1601 Architect, Government ..1918 1916 Art Gallery.. Assignees—Official 1706 Associates and Clerks of Arraigns.. 1919 Associations 1618 Asylums Department .. . .. 1912 .. 1918 . Attorney-General Audit Department .. 1911 Australian Museum u .. 1316 Bankruptcy Department..1919 Banks .. 1624 Barracks and Ordnance Department • •..1905 (Federal) Barristers. 1625 Barristers' Admission Board., .. 1920 Berthing Rates, eto. .. 1924 Board of Health.. 1911 Board for Opening Tenders—Public Works.. 1917 Botanic Gardens .1917 British Ships of War on the AnstraBan station.. .. .. 1021 .. 1916 Brush Farm Bureau of Statistics.. ..1912 PAOK Department of Trade and Customs _1903 ( Federal) Distilleries andSugar •Refineries .. 1903 Department 1919 District Court Judges District Court .. 11119 District Registrars.. 1028 Ecclesiastical .. 1890 1891 Educational Electoral Office (Commonwealth).. 1908 1919 Electoral Office (State) Electric Telegraphs.. .. 1921 Engineers, Military 1906 English aud Continental Manufacturers 1900 ,. 1910 Equity—Master In European Manufacturers..... 1900 Executive Council (State).. 1909 1901 Executive Council (Fedent1).. 1917 Experimental Farms Explosives Department ..., 1915 External Affairs (Department of .. 1902 1901 Federal Government Federal High Court .. 1002 Finance and Trade—Tress. and See. 1914 Fire Brigades 1912 1926 Firms' Pay-days Fisheries Department .. .•.. 1919 Forestry Branch 1917 Free Public Library 1916 Friendly Societies .. .. 1912 Gaol, Darlinghurst 1020 Garden Island 1921 General Post Office ( Federal).. 1903 Geological Branch . 1917 Governmental and Parli amentary 1901 Government Ambulance Corps .. 1917 Government Asylums 1912 Government Printing Office .. 1915 Government Savings Dank ... 1916 Government Statistician ..... 1012 Governor-General of the Commonwealth .. 1901 Grants of Land—Claims to.. 1921 Cadet Office.... .. 1908 Camenterian Reformatory .. 1916 Cemeteries ..... — 1054 Census—...• .. 1925 Centennial Park .. .. 1917 Central Police Court .. „ 1920 Certificated Conveyancers — 1669 Chief Secretary .. .. .. 1911 City Streets Directory .. 1-168 Civil Departments ..—1911 Civil Service Board....•.. 1920 Claims to Grants of Laud ..1921 Clerks of Petty Sessions ..1920 Clubs.._„„1658 Coal Fields and Coal Mines .. 1917 HANSARD Parliamentary Report. Coast Hospital 1912 lug Staff .. 1910 Colleges .. MI Harbour Rates, etc. .. 1924 Colonial Defence Boats . • 1921 Harbour Trust .. ..•.. 1915 Colonial Distilleries Inspector . • 1903 ilawkesbury ricultural Collee .. 1917 Commissioners for Affidavits..• • 1663 Health BoardA---------- 1911 Commonwealth Offices ..• . 1908 Health and Medical Department .. 1911 Commonwealth Audit Office.. • . 1908 High Commissioner for Australia in Commonwealth old Age Pension• • 1908 Great Britain .. 1902 Commonwealth Ministry...• 1902 High Court of Australia .. 1902 Commonwealth Parliament • •• • 1902 Hospitals.. 1727 Commonwealth Senate.. House of Representatives (Members) 1902 Commonwealth Weather Bureau .. 1908 Consuls 1687 Immigration and Tourist Bureau —, 1911 Conveyancers 1669 Imperial Government EstablishCoroner's Court.... 19211 ments .. 1910 Crown Prosecutors 1919 Interim( Pensions .. 1914 Crown Solicitor . 1919 Incorporated Law Institute 1920 Curator's Depart. (Sup reme Court) 1919 Industrial Court.. .. 1919 Customs (Federal) .. 1903 Industrial Registrar 1919 Industrial School for Girls 1916 Darling Island --------1921 Infantry 1906 Darlinghurst Gaol .. 1920 Insolvency Court 1909 Deeds Branch—Registrar-General 1914 Inspector-General of Police .. 1911 Defence Department (Federal) .. 1903 Institutes 1740 Departments (Government)--See res . Instruction, Public (Department) .. 1910 peotive names Interest Calculator. 1923 Department of Agriculture .. 1917 Invalid and Old Age Pension.. 1915 Department of Home Antra (Tel.)1902 Department of Prisons.. 1920 Justice—Minister for 1918 •PAOK Justices of the Peace ------1751 Labour and Industry Department .. 1916 Land and Income Tax Department.. 1915 Land Appeal Court . 1921 Land—Claims to Grants of .. 1921 Lands—Secretary for 1921 Lands Titles Branch 1913 Law Institute 1920 Legal Directory—See Trades section for 13arristers, Solicitors, Official Assignees, also Minister for Jug. lice Legislative Assembly.. 1910 Legislative Assembly—Officers of .. 1910 Legislative Council 1909 Legislative Council—Officers of .. 1910 Libraries----------1767 Local Government Branch 1918 Lunacy Department .. .. 1911 Lunatic Asylums—See Institutions 174e Magistrates—Stipendiary 1920 Master in Equity 1919 Master in Lunacy .. 1911 Medical Practitioners 1779 Metropolitan Board of Water Supply and Sewerage 1918 Military Forces 1903 Mince—Secretary for 1916 Minister for Justice----- - 1918 Minister for Public Instruotion. 1915 Money Order Department (Federal) 1993 Municipal—See commencement of CityStreets and of respective Suburbs Museum .. 1916 Musical Societies 1887 National Art Gallery 1916 Nav igation •Departnien t 1915 Naval Brigade 1903 Naval Department (Imper ial).. 1.. 921 Naval Forces 1908 N.S.W. Lancers.. .. 1904 Norfolk Island Affairs .. 1911 Notaries Public.. 1794 Observatory 1910 Official Assignees 1796 Officers of Legislative Council and Assembly 1910 Officers of the Senate .. 1901 Officers of the House of Rep*resentatives.. .1902 Officers administering the Governsnouts of the Australasian States 1921 Ordnance Department.. .. 1904 Parliamentary 1901 Parliamentary Draughtsmen.. .. 1919 Parliamentary Library 1910 ParliamentaryReporting Staff— *. „,.. 1910 HANSAnn Pastoral Directory..10-2130 Patents and Trade-marks Office .. 1903 Patent Attorneys .. 1802 Pay Days 1920 Permanent and Volunteer Military .. Forces.. 1993 Petty Sessions (Suburban) Clerks of 1920 Police Courts.. 1920 Police Inspector-General .. 1911 Postmaster-General .. .. 1903 Prisons Department .. .. 1920 Prob des (Registrar) .. •• .. 1919 GENERAL INDEX Vi tAIlS PAn 1921 Theatres—See Places of Amusement 1808 Spectacle 1921 sporting Associations.... 1887 Tonnage Rates, eta. Stamp Ihitie, 011ice .. 1914 Trade and Finance—Treasurer and 1914 Secretary 1922 Stamp Duties State Children's Department.... 1918 Trade and Customs (Federal)1903 1912 State Labour Bureau . 1910 Trade Unions Registrar 1917 Trades Directory 1607-1884 state Nursery Ship (Boys) H.M.A.S. g Trainin State Reformatory for Women 1008 " Tingtra " 1920 1915 (Lon g Bay) Railways .. 1915 Railway and Tramway Construction 1015 Stipendiary Magistrates.. 1920 Tramways 1924 Transhipment Rates, etc. 1917 1916 Stock and Brands Branch Railways and Tramways and Secretary forFinance Regiment of Cavalry .. 1901 Stores Supply and Tender Board .. 1916 Treasurer .. 1914 and Trade .. 1913 Streets (City) Directory..1-108 Registrar-General .. 1914 Registrar of Probates 1919 Suburban Clerks of Petty SCAMPS .. 1920 Treasury.. .. Trigonometrical Survey of the 169-834 1910 Suburban Directory Royal Mint 1921 Colony.. Sugar Refineries Department .. 1903 1910 Secretary of Finance and Trade .. 1914 Supreme Court .. 1921 surveyor (Chief), dtc. .. 1921 Vice-Admiralty Court.. • •_ 1919 Secretary for Lands 1916 Sydney District Court 1020 Volunteer Artillery .. .. 1003 Secretary for Mines • • 1917 Sydney Harbour Trust ..1915 Secretary for Public Works .. 1910 Senate—Commonwealth 1901 Sydney Mint .. 1018 Sydney Technical College 1891 Water Pollee Court .. 3920 Sewerage Branch—Works . Weights and Measures 1911 Sheriff's Department .. 1919 .. 1915 Western Land Board .... 1921 1015 Taxation Department Shipping Masters .. 1916 'Wharfage, Harbour, Transhipment, Ships of War on Australian Station 1921 Technical Education Tonnage and Berthing Rates 1924 .. 1916 Societies—Miscellaneous .. 1842 Technological Museum .. 1903 Works (Public) Department •. 1918 1843 Telegraph Department .. Solicitors Works—Board for Opening Tenders 1018 .. 1917 Solicitors' Admission Board 1820 Tender Board—Publle Works "Aug 1910 Prothonotary .. Public Instruction .. 1916 1916 Public Library Public Works—Secretary for,. _ 1917 1920 Public Service Board Public Works—Board for Opening Tenders...1918 STREETS INDEX. yii STREETS INDEX. CITY AND SUBURBS, Pang PAO It 2 Abattoirs. Glebe Island, Balmain ..226 Albert place (now Fitzroy place) .. 1 Albert r.1, Auburn 218 Abattoirs rd 227 .. Albert rd, Canterbury.. 204 Abattoirs rd, Rozelle 664 Albert ril, Homebush Abbotsford at, Kensington 712 82' Albert rd, Strathtleld Abbotsfonl par, Abbotsford 752 ..752 Albert square, Paddington .. 594 Abbotsford rd, Homebualt . 798 Albert street .. Abbott rd, Artarmon, Willoughby .2 : 6 Albert at, Beaconsfield Estate (East .•737 Abbott at, Granville .. 262 Abbott at, North Sydney.. •.664 Albert st,Botany(Ilancock's Gardens) 275 bbott st, Rand wick.. A ••377 Albert at (Delmore), Canterbury .. 294 A'Beckett et,marine • •266 Albert at (now Boundary at), ChatsAbercorn et, Bexley .. wood 1 799 Abercrombie lane,. 1 Albert at Darlinghurst (now called Abercrombie street ...... 889 Abercrombie at, Redfern Hughes st) 2 393 Albert at, Drummoyne .. 323 Abigail it, Hunter's Hill 192 Albert at, Erskineville .. 316 Abigail st, Summer Hill 707 Albert at, Gladesville Aboukir at, Rockdale 733 337 Albert at, Forma, Lodge.. 354 Abuklea rd, Eastwood.. 331 Albert et, Granville Abuklea rd, Epping.. 377 399 Albert at, Guildford .. Acacia st, Oatley 665 281 Albert at, Hornsby .... 389 Acton at, Durwood .. 426 Ada et 2 Albert at, Leichliardt 346 Albert at, Marrickville Ada lane, Erskineville.. 470 Ada st, Concord.. 312 Albert st, Newtown .. 520 Ada et, Erskineville 346 Albert at, Paddington.. .. 594 Ada at, Hurstrille 266 Albert st, Parramatta 618 409 Albert at (now called Abergeldie st), Ada at, °Alm Kogarali 556 Petersham Ada st. North Sydney 632 617 Albert st, Pyrmont (now called LawAda st, Parramatta Ada at, Randavick 664 son at) 2 Ada Villas terrace, Erskineville 340 Albert et, Randwick 684 377 Albert at, Redfern.. Adam at, Granville 687 Adderley at, Silverwater, Auburn ..218 Albert at, Rockdale .. 707 726 Albert st, Rookwood Adderley at, Rookwood 726 Adderton rd, Dundas 334 A lbertad,Roseville(cowcalled Addison at, Balninin 227 Boundary at) 781 Addison ml, MarrIckville .• 469 Albert at, Roselle.... 227 Addison rd, Manly.. 458 Albert at (now called Pottrat),Ityde 733 Addison at, Kensington 661 Albert at, St. Peters.. 742 Adelaide lane, Surry Hills 2 Albert at, Strathfield 281 Adelaide par, Woollahra 815 Albert et, Waverley 775 Adelaide place (now Athlone lane) ..2 Albert at, Woollahra 815 Adelaide ni, 31eadowba uk 733 Alberta St........ 2 Adelaide at 2 Alberto at, Leichhardt .. 423 Adelaide at, Woollabra 813 Albion lane, Annandale 180 Adolph at(NeutralBay),North Albion lane, Surry Hills 2 Sydney•. .•356 Albion st .......... 2 Ad ol plans lane, Balmaln • . 227 Albion at, Annandale .. 180 Adolphus at, Balmain ..227 Albion at, Leichbardt..•.... 926 Adolphus et; Naremburu ..708 Albion st,Marrlekville 470 My st; Hunter's Hill .. ..393 Albion at, Paddington.... 594 Alone st, Auburn .. 218 Albion st,Parmmatta 618 Agar at 2 Albion at, Handwick .. 684 Agar at east ........ 2 Albion at, Itozelle .. 297 Agar st, Marrickville 470 Albion at, Waverley 775 Agincourt rd, Eastwood.. 337 Albyn rd,Stratidleld • .. 752 Agues at, Strathfleld 752 Albyn et. Bexley.... 266 Agnes terrace (see Rainier(' st) ..2 Alderson at, Redfern.. 687 Ainsworth at, Lelehltnrdt ..425 Alderson et, Waterloo .. .. 764 Aird at, Parramatta 617 Alexander aye, Montan.... 504 Albany rd, Stanmore 631 Alexander lane .. 3 Albany st, North Sydney.. 556 Alexander at Albany at, St. Leonards .. 420, 798 Alexander at, Alexandria 169 Albemarle avenue, Woollahra _815 Alexander at, Ana& .. 707 Albemarle st, Newtown .. 520 Alexander st, 227 Albert avenue, Ohatswood 798 Alexander at, Willoughby 799 Albert crescent, Croydon .. 281 Alexander st,Coogee 664 Albert grove, Ashfleld 192 Alexander at, Manly .. 458 Albert lane, Leichhardt 423 Alexander st, North Sydney 557 Albert parade, Ashfleld ..192 Alexander at, Paddington .. 584 Albert parade, Guildford 635 Alexandra par (Waltara), Hornsby.. 389 Albert place (now called Saunders Alexandra par, Rockdale ...... 708 Inns), Pyrinont 2 Alexandra rd, Glebe 354 Alexandra at, Concord .. 312 PAGE Alexandra at, Drummoyne ....323 Alexandra at, Hunter's 1111 ....393 Alexandria at, Amen. ....708 Alexandria at, Westmead ..—655 Alfred rd, Forest Lodge.... 354 Alfred at, Annandale .. .... 181 Alfred et, Durwood...... 281 Alfred st, Canterbury .. .... 294 Alfred st, Circular Quay .... 3 Alfred at, Clarke's Pt., Woolwich ... 393 Alfred st, Granville ..... 377 Alfredst(rebblewhite's Estate), Leichhartlt ....• •.... 411(1) 4 Alfred at, Marrickville.. Alfred at, North Botany..• • 549 Alfred at, North Sydney ..• • 557 Alfred at, Marrylands, Prospect Alfred at, Parramatta .. .... • • 86 61 58 Alfred at, Rozelle...... 228 Alfred at, St. Peters ...... 742 Alfred at, Waverley—.... 776 Alfred's st, Coogee....• • 664 Algernon st, Oatley....• • 409 Alice ave, Newtown .....• • 520 Alice at, Auburn •0S•• • 218 Alice at, Carlton • •• •• • 409_ Alice It, Drummoyne .. .... 323 Alice at (now Trelawny rd), Eastwood,Hyde.• — .... 733 Alice at (Lakemba), Canterbury .. 294 Alice at, Newtown...... 520 Alice at, Oatley ........ 409 Alice at, Parramalta—.... 618 Alice st,Rozelle.. ...... 228 Alice st, Sans Bonet_.... 708 Alice at, Turrainurm . .... 758 Allan's avenue, Marriciville •.. 470 Allan A, Concord.,• •.. 312 Allan at, North Sydney ... 559 Allen lane (see Allen at)• ... 3 Allen's rd, Alexandria.. Allen's rd, North Rye .. ,• • 93 736 Allen avenue, Delmore.... 204 Allen at....„.... 3 Allen st, Arncliffe....... ..... 708 Allen at, Canterbury 204 Allen st, Glebe,,.• • 354 Allen at, Granville .. Allen at, Lelehhardt.. •••• 17 2 86 Allen at, Rookwood..• • 726 Allen at, Waverley...•• • 775 Allem st, Willoughby 709 Allison rd, Gutldfonl.. 655 Allison rd, Randwick .. 664 All= lane, Glebe .. 354 470 Alma avenne;Marriokville Alma lane, Darlington 318 Alma rd, Eastwood....• .. 3373 Alma it east.... Alma st west.... 3 Alma at, Ashfield.. 192 Alma at, Darlington.. 318 Alma at, East Hills. •.• 262 Alma at, Hurstville... 409 Alma et, North Sydney 559 Alma et, Paddington .. 594 Alma et, Parramatta .. 618 Alma at, Pyruble.. 662 Alma at, Rantlwick .. 665 Almom et, Mosman .. 604 Alpha ml, Lane Cove .. 420 Alpha rd, Willoughby .. 709 Alston at, Bekley.. 266 Alt at, Ashileld .. . 199 ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR ECONOMY AND COMFORT IN SHOPPING. 154AMou COUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Mou RUSSELL'S POST OFFICE HOTEL The LEADING HOUSE of' MUDGEE. The excellence of the Cuisine, Liquors, and Accommodation is acknowledged to be the best in the District. FOUR SAMPLE ROOMS. UP.TO.DATE GARAGE. U.C.T. HOUSE. LIVERY STA ISLES. TRAPS FOR HIRE. A. E. RUSSELL, MOUNT DRUITT MOUNT IRVINE. • 27 m. W. near Booty Hill. Nungeaser G. C. Store Anderson John Sawmills MOUNT DRYSDALE MOUNT KEIRA. 485 m. W. Rail to Cobar, thence 61 m. S. Steamer or rail to coach 25 m. Nearest bank, Wollongong, conveyance thence Cobar. 11 m. Edwards Alfred Globe Hotel Paine Mrs. E. Grocer Henry W. T. Butcher Phillips John Contractor Martin J. II. Drysdale Hotel Tubular& AL Sec. School of Arts Murray B. H. Blacksmith 'Rankin James General Store Stanley Ben. Newsagent, eta. MOUNT ELLIOTT 400 m. S. Rail via Junee Junction and Hay line to Whitton, thence 2s tit. Nearest bank, Narmndera. Mickelson David Butcher Sawmills Mick elson 41 MOUNT GIPPS. 517 m. S., via Melbourne, Ade- laide and Broken Hill. Pascoe J. J. Mount Gipps Hotel MOUNT HOPE MOUNT KEMBLA 64 m. S. Rail or steamer to Wollongong, thence coach. Nearest bank, Wollongong. Atkin Mrs. M. A. .. Fruiterer, etc. Beecham Thomas Contractor Beigley Neil General Store Clarke William General Store Coombes George hairdresser Eagles Walter Butcher Egan Matthet Billiard Saloon Foster H. Confectioner Frost M. and A. Contractors Frost Edward Contractor Baker Graham H. Howell Alexander Blacksmith, James Alex. Coach Proprietor James H., Coach Proprietor and Mail Contractor Jarvey James Surveyor Laughlin P. hairdresser Physician Lee H. Lee T. W. Physician O'Halloran John Hotel Phyatcran Park J. Pinkerton John General Store Robertson Thomas .. Boots and Shoes Vaughan Arthur Baker Wilson A. Coach Proprietor Wilson Frederick Butcher Wilson William Blacksmith Prop. MOUNT MACQUARIE. (SEE NEVILLE.) MOUNT PHCENIX. (NEAR NERRIOA.) MOUNT VICTORIA. 76 m. NV. By rail direct. Bentley G. Milk Vendor Cooper George II. Grand Hotel Delaney T. Milk Vendor Delaney Nicholas, junr , Butcher and Baker • F,berliard A. E. Imperial Hotel Heffernan Rev. Thomas J. (C. of E.) Bourn II. F. 0. Stationmaster Howell II. L., Photographer and Store Lanfranchi Thomas .... Blacksmith McCausland W. J. Builder Moore Mrs. Boardinghouse l'arker A. E. Postmaster, etc. Plummer Miss J. .... Boardinghouse Progress Association—S. Wilson, See. Stanton Miss Boardinghouse Stewart A. A. Royal lintel Williamson H. A. .. Hairdresser, etc. Wilson and Co. General Store MOUNT VINCENT. 130 m. N. Steamer or rail to Newcastle, rail to East Maitland, thence coach. Andrews Alfred Dairyman Andrews Stephen Dairyman Armstrong Mrs. C. Dairy Avery Alfred Carrier Avery Charles, Carrier and Dairyman Avery L. Carrier Avery George Dairyman Avery William Dairyman Bernier Thomas Sawmill Blissett William Dairyman Clifton and Co. Sawmills Clifton J. Carriers Foster James Blacksmith 517 tn. W. Rail to Condobolin, Foster Thomas V. .... General Store thence coach via Euabalong. Foster William N. Carrier Nearest bank, HiIlston. Gill Bros. Carriers 218 in. W. Rail to Woodstock, Grant Albert Carrier thence coach 14 m. Nearest bank, Hector Benjamin Carrier Woodstock. Hector William Butcher Hitchcock Joshua Carrier 38 on. S. Nearest bank, Camden. McKenzie Mrs. G., Royal Exchange Lavercombe E. Blacksmith Hotel Latter A. and C. General Store 517 in. W. Rail to Condobolin, thence coach via Euabalong. Nearest bank, IliRaton. Clark Sarah Royal Hotel Cummins W. .... Commercial Hotel Dean and Bard General Store Esefally Shakhally Store Hodge Albert Grocer Joseph. II. General Store l'et erson H. Butcher, etc. MOUNT HOPE (SOUTH). MOUNT McDONALD. MOUNT HUNTER. WOOD AND COMPANY IRE FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF N.S.W. SYDNEY. ( Literi:ItOSt ith B104(03::rg ANTHONY HORDERNS' — RELIABLE TRADERS FOR TOWN OR COUNTRY. MudCOUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Mud155A T. H. MARKS 4t3t. Co., The Leading House in the West. GENERAL MERCHANTS, - - The Western Flour Milling Co., Mudgee, Ltd. 40 FIRST p Rizes.A. C. GASKIN, Managing Director. Latter George Builder Lister Thomas General Store Macdonald Thomas .... General Store Mormon Edward Carrier Dairyman Monnox John Dairyman Monnox William Carrier Murrell Alfred Carrier Ostend Frank Carrier Ostend Frederick Carrier Ostend William Pioneer Sawmill Co Carrier Turner Albert Hotel Underwood A. Underwood Frank Carrier Willard Henry Carrier Wyborn ;Tames (Brunkerville) Carrier MUDGEE. 189 m. W. By rail direct. Banks, A.B.C. Ltd., Commercial, N.S.W., Savings Bank of N.S.W. Courts of Petty and Quarter Sessions Acton D. B. Stonemason Akehurst G. It. hairdresser Atkinson Percy Hairdresser Australian Bank of Commerce, Ltd.— .W. G. Hull, Manager Baker Bros. .... Firewood Merchants Florist Bale W. C Bank of N.S.W.—J. Tozer, J.I'., Manager Barton E. C. Samnillet Beaver S. T. Paragon Hotel Beckton G. W., Cordial and Aerated Water Factory Bennett 3: Barkell (1. L. Brown), Cycle Agents Bennett and Wood, Ltd., Bicycle Depot Benyon Rev. E. S. (C. of E.) Bentzen S. ... Teacher of Shorthand Saddler Bishop W. T P Blackburn 'Fred. Piano Tuner Nigh Amateur Race Club— S. B. Rouse, Sec. Bowen NV. II. Fruiterer Brady Mrs. M. A. .... ffelmore Hotel Branscombe and Hartcher, Coachbuilders Branecombe H. Tinsmith Brewer J. Blacksmith Brewer Mrs. Dressmaker Brewer F. Blacksmith Bryant W. G. Butcher 111111 J. It Son Butchers Burgess W. Bootmaker Burwood E. Collarmaker Byrnes Bros. Bicycle Agents Byrnes W. J. General Smith Caffery Mrs. I. Boardinghouse Caledonian Society—W. Shaw, Sec. WOOD AND COMPANY'S harper C. Mudgee Hotel Cameron A. F., J.P., Aerated Water Maker Harmer F. W. .. Teacher of Music Cam bell Thomas D. .... Engineer liattersley W. 'I'. Dentist Grocer Ilawkins II. Butcher Capl n E. Casimir Lime Hairdresser ilazeltine Geo. Blacksmith Casimir Miss Teacher of Music Helm C. J. B., J.P., P.M and Coroner Casimir W. Boots and Shoes I lendricka A. Fruiterer Challands F. Physician Hickey Mrs. Fruiterer Champion Mrs. Boardinghouse Hill T. and Son Drapers Charlton 11. . Hairdresser 11111 Roland Nurseryman Charlton H. K. Shoemaker Holden ht. B. Grocer Clark J. W., l'ainter and Paperhanger Holden Mrs. S. M. Tattersall's Hotel Clarke W. M. Public School Holmes W. General Store Grocer Cody G. M. Plumber' Hewett Miss Cohen, Sons and Schipp, Bootmalcers ilu son A. Carpenter Cohen G. II., Proprietor "The Mudgee Hughes E..... Mayor of Cudgegong Guardian" Hull W. G., Manager Australian .Bank of Commerce, Ltd. Collyer and Carmichael, Contractors Commercial Bank—It. E. Gletinie, Mgr. Imber W. Contingent Hotel Convent and School—Sisters of Mercy Jenkins K. Small Goods, etc. Croaker F. W. and Co., Auctioneers Jones R. and Co., Auctioneers, Croan David Carrier Carriers and Livery Stables Cross Mrs. G. ....Refreshment Rooms Jones F. Undertaker Auctioneers Crossing and Cox Jones It., .T.P.• Crossing IL, J.P. Near H. C. IV. "Western Post" Curtis Rev. T. J. (Pres.) Keegan and Casimir .. Coachbuilders Dale G. B. Chemist Keegan J., J.P. Mayor Daly Eugene Butcher Kellett W. 3.:. Sons Ltd., General Store Daly E. Club House Hotel Kelly and Wilkins .... Coachbuilders Davidson George Solicitor King It. A. Munro 3: Dowd, Solicitors Deane S. CoachbutIder Iiirkness C. J. •Mechanist District Benevolent Society (The)— Kreutzberg J. ..Watchmaker Miss F. Clark, Secretary Kurtz A. Small Goods, etc. Dowd James 3. Solicitor Lanebridge William Town hall Hotel Grocer Le Brun J., Upholsterer, Grocer, etc. Dowell (1 Dunstan the Vett. Archdeacon Leeson Misses Boardinghouse (C. of E.) Lester C. E. Physician Dykes Mrs. G. W. ... Stationer, etc. Lester W. II., Chemist and Stationer Ellis J. E. Oriental Hotel Little Wm. Blacksmith G. F. Cram, See. Loneragan Jas., Ltd. .. General Store Fell W. Fire Engineer Loneragan J., J.P. Ferrari S. A. Bootmalcer Lovejoy T. J., Town Clerk, AcNullifier countant, and Secretary Pastures littler F, Foyster T. II. Butter Factory Protection Board. Federal Hotel Low A. C. Painter and Paperhanger Franey 11. W. Friendly Societies' Association— McDermott Mrs. Dressmaker II C. W. Rear, Secretary MeDiarmid W. J., Secretary Gallagher W. J., Chairman P.P. Board Mechanics Institute Cawthorn° W. T. .. Mail Contractor McDougall D. G., C.M., C.P.S. and Draper Reg. B. IL and Deaths Gay James Gentle A. E. !rest End Hotel McFarlane Bros. Confectioners Gentle G. A. .... Miners' Arms Hotel Tailor Gordon W. Gore George Livery Stables Grady Cecil Sydney Hotel Graham R. 131ackstnith (Late Clarke 3 Son), Solicitor, Griffin Mrs. J. Grocer Commissioner for Affidavits, etc., Guest Nurse Private Hospital Market st Hainright C. Railway Hotel Tinsntith hall T. Hardwick Mrs. A., Teacher of Piano McWilliam and Co., Wine Depot— George Siebert, Manager Hardwick Harold Architect NIVHERSON H. J. BUSINESS METHODS NEVER OFFEND ANYONE. Head Woe, 810.12 Georao Street. SYDNEY. Tel; 726 / ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR FARMING IMPLEMENTS. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR TOOLS OF ALL TRADES. 156AMud MO . GEE MOTOR GARAGE CARS Ir014 HIRE 1.11 MulCOUNTRY COMMERCIAL.Mul157A Mul COUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Mudge Motor Garage, Ltd, CARS FOR HIRE. Repairs Executed. All Accessories stocked. R. LESLIE, Manager. melanin: CONTINUED-Murphy E. Saddler Vale Maurice Draper Marden Miss Dressmaker Murphy Walter Builder Vitnell E. Hairdresser Marks S. T. hairdresser Wakin M. Dentist Nelson J. Draper Nickell II. Physician Walker W. S., Cudgegong Town Clerk Nicholson W. L Baker Wall J. I'. Park View Hotel Niven James MARKS T. H. & CO • Auctioneer Wall W. C. Mining Agent D. Boardinghouse Weight L. Photographer General Storekeepers, Market-street. O'Brien O'Brien Miss Boardinghouse Wells and Co. Auctioneers (See Advt.) O'Donovan Right Rev Monsignor Wilkins E. A. Blacksmith Wilton Bros. .... Soap 'Manufacturers Mason C., Fruiterer and Tobacconist Page C. M. Bicycle Agent Wilton Mrs. C. Dressmaker Mason Mrs. Dressmaker Mason W. Watchmaker Parsons E. J. Cycle .Agent Winner F. P. Sheriff's Officer Jas. Baker Workman Jas., Auctioneer arid ProMeares C. D. Solicitor Pateman Mrs. Saddler duce Dealer Merkle Mrs. A. Watchmaker Patterson J. Penman Rev. J. B. (Meth.) Young G. D. Federal Brewery Meroo Shire Council—O. D. Cox, Handel' R. E. Victoria Hotel Pres.; E. Thomas, Shire Clerk ; T. L. Thompson, Shire Engineer Richardson Mrs. II. I. . , Watchmaker Miller W. Produce Store Robertson Andrew Produce Dealer Moran Miss Dressmaker 120 m. N. Pia East Maitland. Morris II. W. Royal Hotel RUSSELL'S POST OFFICE HOTEL (SEE MOUNT VINCENT.) Mudgee Agricultural Society— —A. E. Russell, Proprietor (see p. J. Griffen, Secretary Advt.)' Mudgee Building and Investment So. ciety—T. J. Lovejoy, Secretary Ryan M. 1 Assistant C.P.S. Mudge° Coronation Building Society— Saunders Bros. Tailors S. Thomas, Secretary Savings Bank of N.S.W.— Mudgee Dairy Co. (SEE Braocx.) W.J. McDiarmid, Accountant Mudgee District Racing Club— T. P. J. .... Mgr. Gasworks W. Murphy, Secretary Scully Setif IL T. A: Son Soapma kers Mudgee Federal Building Society— J. R. Tailor L. Cohen, Sec. Sellars Shaw & Sear, l'roprietors Mudgee Freezing Co. Ltd. "The Western Post" 40 In. IV. Rail to Penrith, thence Mudge° Friendly Societies' Association Shaw W. "Western l'ost" coach. Nearest bank, Penrith. • —II. C. W. Sear, lion. Sec. and Secretary Caledonian Society Barrow G. II. Blacksmith "Mudgee Guardian"—G. II. Cohen, Sheath II. Oyster Saloon Brown James, Gen. Store and Baker Proprietor Sherry and Nelthorpe Tailors Fowler John General Store Mudgee 'Gaslight and Coke Co. Singer's Sewing Machine Agency— Graham Alfred Blacksmith Mudgee Hospital—W. Shaw, Secretary W. J Painter, Agent Mills IV. Store Mudgee Mechanics' Institute— Skelly James Imperial Hotel Butcher Roots W. J. W. J. McDiarmid, Secretary Smith Harry Baker Shadlow R. Butcher Smith Mrs. M. J. .. Woolpack Hotel Turnbull E. J. General Store DITIDGEE MOTOR GARAGE, Ltd. Smith It. II., .LP. (see Advt.). Spies A. Tinsmith Sproule Robert Physician Stewart and Smith, Stock and Station Mudgee Political Labour League— Agents and Auctioneers J. A. Muller, Sec. 33 nt. W. By rail direct. Neared Stewart a., J.P. Mudge° Roller Milling Co.— . bank, Windsor. R. 0. Lonemgan, Manager Stoddart and Casimir Builders Brennan Thomas General Store Swords J. C. Undertaker Mudgee Starr Building Society— Gough George .... Australian Hotel Tait W. and Co. .... General Store F. D. Murphy, Sec. The Western Flour Milling Co., Gurton Mrs. M. .... Killarney Hotel McGuire Thomas, sane., General Store Mudgee, Ltd.—A. C. Gaskin, Mangling Director Thomas A. E. It Co., Boots and Shoes Shaw d; Kear (Shaw, Sear & Car- Thomas W. J. Dentist ling), Proprietors Tomkins Charles Saddler Tozer J., J.P. .. Mgr. Bank of N.S.W. 332 m. Rail to Forbes, thence Murphy Albert Builder Underwood Bros. Butchers 40 m. MULBRING. MUL,GA CREEK. MULGOA. MULGRAVE. liudgee Western Post' (Tho WOOD AND COMPANY: THE FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF NAM MULGUTHRIE. SYDNEY. (t Isi rtl t St % . 112 o tql: ) ea ° M G COMMERCIAL HOTEL, mullumbimbY, LAURANCE DEEGAN, Proprietor. This Hotel has recently passed into Mr. Deegan's hands, and he intends, by strict attention to the travelling public, to make it one of the • best Commercial Houses on the North. Hof and Cold Balks.Sample Rooms. 'Bus meels all Trains. Splendid Stabling- Acrommodalion. 'Tariff, 8s. and 4s. per day. MULLALLY. 317 tn. N. Rail to Gunnedah, The OLDEST ESTABL1St IF.D HOTEL in the District. EXCL 11.1.. NT CUISINE. Ferguson and Torrens, Auctioneers, Farm and Stock Agents Ford John !Miry Requisites French Henry, J.P Auctioneer thence coach, 24 m. Brickmaker Fardell James Store and Baker Frost F. Store Gibson 1). D. .. Physician and Surgeon Froze Alley Dressmaker Bade William G. .. Post Office Hotel Conan Miss Melick Bros. General Store Gourlay It. Y. Stationer Butcher Harkness F. ..,. Court House Hotel l'rice J. T. I larpur Charles Chemist Tailor Harris A. J. Hartman V. Photographer Carriers Ilaynes Bros. I laywood 11. Blacksmith (OR NORTH MORUTA.) Baker I knvi Ile C. C. 284 m. S. By steamer direct. Hollingworth and Mallett .. Sawmills Nearest bank, Bloruya Holt II. J. ... "Mullumbimby Star" Baker Lynch Albert McAuley V. W. Criterion llotel Jones Ernest, Blacksmith and Livery Stables Watchmaker Kelly F. I S•iwmills King A; Ellis Lee Mrs. R. G. C. ... Boardinghouse MULLUMBIMBY. Watchmaker Lewis H. 300 tn. N. Steamer to Byron Bay, McDougall T. Hairdresser thence by rail (Grafton-Tweed). MeGougan Malcolm, Blacksmith, • Railway Hotel Banks, 5.5. & A., N.S.W. Court Dentist Pats . Sessions, !Amore Quarter Mackay W. Macky Rev. 11. D. (Pres.) Sessions. Mallam George and Co.. Storekeepers Postmaster Alexander IV. i Joseph Painter Armbruster Charles, General Outfitter Mansell Mathews 1'. III., Teacher Public School Attwell II. Hairdresser Maxwell 1 Tailor Baker A. and Son Auctioneers Moriarty N. P. Solicitor Baker Bros. Refreshment Rooms Morrison .1 C Auctioneer Baker W. R. Auctioneer Mullumbimby Agricultural Society— Bank of N.S.W.—R. M. Thompson, W. A. Davis, Sec. J.P., Manager Mulltunhimby Co-operative Butchering Best G. W. Teacher of Piano Co., Ltd.—W. A. Davis, Sec. Bradley Miss (Brunswick Heads), Mullumbimby Drug and Chemical Coffee l'alace 00.-0. Saunders, Manager Fruiterer Miillumbimby Bryant C. Race Club— Bryant W. Cordial Maker W. R. Baker, Secretary Cameron Allen B., J P Store Mullundomby Wile CM— Carkagis Peter, Refreshment Ittne, etc. C. Armbruster, Sec. (nark IV. St ationmaster Murray Rev. R. J. (Meth.). Nadin Miss S. Dressmaker C6MMERCIAL HOTEL—L. Dee- Nelson P. Store Nicholl I , . E., Manager E.S. and gan, Proprietor (see Advt.). A. Bank, Ltd. hairdresser Purcell A. Corcoran W. E. Court henry Town Raker Progress Association—fl. P. Moriarty, Secretary Butcher Crompton J. Pullinger end 1Vishart .. Joiners, etc. Currie A. (Brunswick Heads) Ocean View Hotel ReddaclitT Bros. Blacksmiths Physician Dakin Bros. Architects Reiach Dr. Store Mayor Richards A. J. Davidson J. Auctioneer Robertson J. I'. Deegan L., Commercial Hotel. (See Advt.) Robertson Alex. .... Furniture Store Robinson J. F. .. Commission Agent Dill . Macky Rev. Richard (Pres.) Robinson T. Livery Stables E. S. and A. Bank, Ltd.— F. E. Nichol, Manager Sanderson k Novell Saddlers Ewing and Morton Auctioneers School of Arts—J. King, Secretary • MULLENDERREE. WOOD AND COMPANY: Saddler Selwood W. F. Shepherd C. A. Vet. Surgeon Skelton Nurse l'rivate Hospital South Mrs. W. Boardinghouse Southwood Henry T. Plumber Sullivan liev. W. (11.0.) Tailor Swain 'I'. W. Thompson R. M., J.I'., Manager Bank N.S.IV, • Thompson R. W., jun., and Co., Auctioneers, Valuators, and Stock Salesmen Thompson R. W., Cont. for Affidavits Thornton A. 0. General Store Store Toby George Torrens Thomas Auctioneer Bootinaker Turner II, Veldt' Rev. If. J. (C. of E.) VENN JAMES Tittsmith, Plumber and Ironworker. Milk Cans and all Dairy Itequisites a Speciality. Acetylene this Plants Installed. Burringbah at Wakeley J. (Brunswick Heads), General Store Store Ward I , . I 'Boardinghouse Watts Mrs. A. Watts C. J. Acting C.P.S. Webb Mrs. II. T. Boardinghouse Wheat Mrs. (Brunswick Heads), "Listnore House" Boardinghouse Dentist White — Builder Wishart A. MULWALA. 498 m. S. Rail to Albury, thence per Victorian rail via Denali* to Yarrawonga, 1 in. thence; or rail to Corowa via Culcairn, thence conch 25 m. Neared bank, Yarrawonga (Vie.). Bowles S. T. General Store Cross William G... .... Stock Agent Freeman E. G. Fruiterer Green Margaret •... Post Office Hotel Hoskins Mrs. Fruiterer Lonsdale John Butcher McPherson Alex., Federal Exchange Hotel Roy John Royal Mail Hotel Baker St mudt I'. Smart Walter Blacksmith Thomas William Sailmaker Saddler Wallace C. J. FUNERAL STABLES DEPARTMENT, 6941-73 REGEN T ST, ( ° p m'. Mortuary ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR STATION SUPPLIES. 158AMumCOUNTRY E STABLISHED 1871. ANTHONY HORDERNS'— SPOT CASH MERCHANTS. COMMERCIAL.Mur JOHN BOURKE & SON, MURRUMBURRAll. Auctioneers, Stock Sc Station Agents, VALUATORS UNDER R.P. ACT, Etc., Etc. Cash . Buyers of Wheat. Advances made under Lien on Growing Crops of Wheat and Ensuing Clips of Wool. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS. MurCOUNTRY COMMERCIAL. O. R. CHRISTIANSON, Auctioneer, Commission, and Property Agent, *Agencies accepted. MURRURUNDI. MUMBIL. MURRUMBURRAH MUMMULGUM. MUNDARLO. MUNDOORAN. MURRAY'S SIDING. MURRAYVILLE. MUNGINDI. MURRUMBATEMAN. MURRUMBIDGERIE. WOOD AND COMPANY: OfEee, 61012 George THE FUNERAL DIRECTORS OFSYDNEYHead Street, South. 'Phone 7/8 / •.( MEALS at all hours. FRUITERER and SMALL GOODS. Salo of Household Effects, Farm and Station Produce, Saturdays at noon. (Members of Country Stock and Station Agents' Association of N.S.W.) ;Irwin A. Tailor Irwin A. 11. Royal Hotel 237 m. W. Rail direct. Nearest I Jacobs P. General Store (SEE ALSO HARDEN.) bank, Wellington. I .Iames A. E. Stock Agent Forrest M. J. Railway Hotel! Kelly Mrs. Alice Dressmaker 232 in. S. By rail direct. Banks, N.S.W. and Commercial. Court Iransford S. Butcherl Minn Hemet Store of l'etty Sessions, Young Quarter McCarthy I General Store MeCosker P. 1 ;linker Sessions. McCarthy J. J. Baker McDonald E. Draper Moon E. Blacksmith McDonald Neil Tentmaker Allsopp T. and Sons Millers Peterson D. W. General Store McGee Charles .... Queensland Hotel Bank of N.S.W.—E. J. Menlove, Mgr. McKay Hugh ' Post Office hotel Barnes T. and G. .... General Store Saddler McKenzie ' 'Hairdresser Beck J. Noud F. 1, Dressmaker Bond George Hairdresser olusirne I lIairdresser 543 m N Romani — Store BOURKE JOHN AND SON, AucUrquhart Hugh Store Rosenthal I'. P. Chemist tioneers, Stock and Station Robinson T. (1. .... Racecourse Hotel Agents (ace Advt.) Senn Edward IVatchniaker Seymour II. Upholsterer Thompson B. 1 Butcher Bourke John, J.I'., and Coroner 315 in. S.Rail. to Adelong Tillman W. II., Cordial Manufacturer Cassidy J. H. Pxchanye Rota Crossing, thence 13% m. and Commercial Hotel Chalker E. .. Cordial Manufacturer Vetter Henry Saddler Chamberlin R., Blacksmith, Wheelwright and Ceneral Store Wilson Tasman J. G. .... Physician Dealer Wynn IV. II. Ilairdresser Chauvin D. Cole henry Acting C.I'.S., etc. 238 in. W. Rail to CAllgong, Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, thence coach. Batik, A.B. of C., Ltd.—J. A. Foley, Manager Ltd. Dalton II. M. C. J.P. .... Physician Australian Bank of Commerce, Ltd.— Demondrille Shire Council—Neville Brierley Bros. Graham, Pres.; J. C. Foley, Store (NEAR MYRTLE CREEK.) Byrnes John 11., Royal Hotel and Shire Clerk ; F. S. Murray (See ItAPPVILLe.) Saddler Engineer Ellis S. G. General Store Denning B. R., B.A., loickie P., jun. .... Mundooran Ilotcl Supt. Public School Manusu T. Pericles, Stock, Station Dillon C. J. J.P., Auctioneer and Commission Agent and Butcher Donnan William J. ... Stationmaster &filet James Builder Due Mrs. F. Fruiterer Taylor Frederick Blacksmith Edgeworth MSS H. Dressmaker (Sell MACLEAN.) Taylor James Sawn] I Is Farmers' and Settlers' Association— Robert Gibson, Sec. Foley J. A. Manager Commercial Bank, and' Secretary P. A. and I. Association 904 m. .N. •Ritil to Morse, thence Foley J. C., Solicitor and Shire Clerk coach. Bank N.S.W. • Court Frankland F. Suldler 203 m. S. Rail to Yass, thence Petty Sessions, Narrabri Quarter Gallagher Miss S., Store and Dress. coach. Nearest bank, . Yaw Sessions...• E. maker Blacksmith Allingliatn Ida Dressmaker Brown-J. Joseph Coachbuilder Gordon and Carling Solicitors Bardsley George Plumber Brown hart W. R. Davis A. G. L. Dentist Hotel Bingham E. A. Printer Greig S. A. Contractor Haughey Phil., 'Cordial Manufacturer Buchanan ICathleen Fruiterer Hall William Storekeeper Heggaton R. D. Physician Butler Sylvester Ltd. ..Ceneral Store Rottenbury Henry Store llourigan B. Criterion Hotels Chapman R. I). Stock Agent Webster Misses - Auctioneer Dressmakers Kendall C. B. A. Clark k Hulin Butchers Kennedy Rev. W. D. (C. of E.) Davis G. II. llalrilreooer Lazzarini L. AL Draper, etc. Dawes F. C. Saddler McArthur V. Chemist Ferguson Charles .. Store and Carrier Macaulay Miss M., Teacher of Music Gillespie II. L., Stock and Station MacAulay Mrs. ,Boardinghouse' Agent McCabe Mrs. Dressmaker Goddard — Stock Agent 272 m. IV. Rail direct. McInerney James .. Machinery Agent Grace James Blacksmith (SEE Wosa ARBON.) McLeod Misses Fruiterers Mur15 9A MeMahon & Shea Butchers McMahon Bridget .. Telegraph Hotel Masonic Ilan (The) Bather's Assembly Hall Matthews It. L. .. Produce Merchant Murphy l'eter Butcher " MURRUMBURRAH SIGNAL" (THE) The Only Newspaper Published in the District. Published Mondays and Thursdays. Simpson and Gale, Proprietors. Postmaster Newton AV., I P O'Brien P. Fancy Goods O'Dwyer M. Poundkeeper O'Shea Rev. Father 1'. F. (11.C.) P. and A. Association—J. A. Foley, Secretary l'eterson George Livery Stables l'owell Rev. William (Pres.) Rawlin Mrs. Fruiterer Rawlin N. Boots and Shoes Reid David, Li'., Coach and Waggon Builder Reid Mrs. G. Dressmaker Blacksmith Reimer I RifleAllsopp, Captain Mail Contractor Roberts W. J. .... 'Sewell A. P. Undertaker Shaw II. Giles, P.M. Simpson & Gale, Proprietors "Murrumburrah Signal" Tennis Club—S. E. Gregory, Secretary Tracey M. F. Fruiterer Turf Club—William Warner, Secretary CHRISTIANSON, 0. R., AucWallace II. B. Town Clerk tioneer, Commission and Pro\You've Mrs. E. .. Commercial Hotel perty Agent, etc. (see Advt.). Watson Oliver Albion Hotel White F. T. Watchmaker Yon Tim T. Fruiterer Cogan Father I'. (R.C.) Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, Ltd.—A. E. Devlin, Manager Connolly Rev. G'. (C. of E.) Convent and School—The Sisters of Mercy Photographer 219 IR. N. By rail direct. Bank, Oust T Commercial Baking Co. of Sydney Davidson Rev. J. C. (Pres.) Ltd. Courts of Quarter and l'etty Davidson Nurse Davison George Tailor Sessions. Tailor Devine Bros. Bootmakers Adams A. Blacksmith Donohue The MissesDressmakers Alford Farrier Bates I Benham F. Produce Dealer MURRURUNDI. Jewellery and Fancy Goods. The only Newsagent and Stationer in Town. BENJAMIN M., for Iloland E. Baker, etc. Bridge J. Auctioneer, Stock and Station Agent British Australian Oil Co., Ltd.— W. Gray. Manager Brook W. .. Builder and Contractor l'ainter Bruce E. II. Carrier Bruce M. Buchanan W. Chemist Midden F. Wheelwright Button Miss E. I. Dresstnaker Saddler Button G. Carter T. liairdressee Carpenter, etc. Charlton John Dooley Joseph & Co. Ltd. General Merchants and Importers, Itrapers, Grocers, Ironmongers, House Furnishers, Boots and Shoes, Men's Mercers, Crockery and Glassware Outfitter Fahey M. Fleming A., Proprietor "Murrurundi Times" Gale C. II. Police Magistrate Galloway S. Shire Engineer Gimbert Mrs. Confectioner Glover Mrs. Fruiterer Ilayne F. .... Cordial Manufacturer Heywood M. J., Fruiterer and Pro. duce Dealer Heywood Mrs. M. J. .... Dressmaker lloiden J. W. Painter, etc. Royal Hotel, MAHER, Proprietor Telephone 9 The Murrurundi, (late of Warwick, Queensland).' Leading 4s, Hotel in Town. All Trains met if required. Splendid Accommodation for all classes of Travelling Public.Large airy Loose Boxes and Stabling. Cuisine Excellent.Shower Baths.Brand New Billiard Table. Only Best Brands of Wines and Spirits stocked. WOOD AND COMPANY: PERSONAL ATTENTION AND PERFECT SATISFACTION ENSURED (A" IliOr121.1);IWOOD) ANTHONY HORDERNS' • FOR FURNITURE AND FAMILY DRAPERY. 160A Mur COUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Mur Tattersall's Hotel, rsketv, •Imperial Hotel, EtabIlshed 1887 E. J. FACKERELL, Proprietor, Murrurundi. MURWILLUMBAH. Large Sample Rooms, Shower Baths, Splendid Stabling Accommodation. the general public ; splendid stage and appointments, and at moderate rental. Absolutely the FINEST HALL IN TOWN. One of the Leading and most Up-to-date 'Commercial and Family Hotels on the line.'Phone 'No. 25. Tariff, 4s. and 8s. 'The "Imperial Hall" connected with this Hotel is f3r Hire to hider Mrs. Fancy Goods, etc. Jones William Fruiterer Dentist Hemp A. P. liihnister George W. d: Co., Merchants and Importers Little T. Loco Inspector linker Little W. I Maguire C. A. Railway hotel Maher M., Proprietor Royal Hotel. ,(See Advt.) PERCY FINCHER, MURRURUNDI and :SCONE, Painter, Paperhanger, Signwriter. and General Decorator Estimates quoted for all classes of work free of cost. BEST WORK—BEST MATERIALS CHARGES MODERATE Murrurundi Ilospital—J. Macfarlane, Secretary Murrumndi Shale Mine—W. Jones, Manager • Norvil J. & II. Butchers O'Brien Patrick d: Sons Butchers Oldfield John N., Sen. See of Police Oliver C., Physician, Govt. 31edieal Officer Fruiterer Osborne W. WOOD AND COMPANY; L ROYAL HOTEL—M. prietor (son Advt.). Maher, Pro- Ihuldock Mrs. E. .. Boots and Shoes School of Arts—G. Dove, Secretary Nevi I W. U., Tattersall's Hotel (Sc,' Advt.) Carrier Sharp F. Sharp W. hairdresser Smith P. Railway Supt. 1 lumber Small W. Smythe Herbert W., Teacher of Music Snashall J. G. .... Boots and Shoes TOW!' Clerk Stone S. T Stuart It. 0. Saddler • Milliner Swan S. TATTERSALL'S .HOTEL—W. C. Sevil, Proprietor (See Advt.). Store Tobin E. M. Todd Rev. W. (Meth.) Turner L Coachbuilder Walsh Nurse Matron Hospital Warm,' Shire Council—W. Greer, Pres. '• R. Simson, Shire Clerk S. Galloway, Shire Engineer C.1'.S. enholz C. Solicitor White G. B. Wickham d: Co. 'Store Young W. II., Produce Dealer, Carrier and Poundkceper .1111URWILLUMBAH 4O N. Steamer direct, or steamer to Byron •Bay,. thence rail 33 nt. Banks, N.S.W., B.S. and A.; Commercial Basking Cof; of Sydney, ' Ltd:, Australasia, Govt. • Savings , Bank.. District and Small : Debts, Courts,. Court. Petty : Sea. sions, Lismore•Quarter Sessions: Ilawlcer Abood J: Alm! William Boottnaker Aired William, junr. Tinsmith Aroney Oyster Saloon Ashley F. • Watchmaker DIRECTORS OF SAW. linker W. C. d: Co. Tailors, etc. linker W. ( ' hairdresser Bank of Australasia—S. C. Steel, Manager Bank of N.S.W.—C. A. Fisher Manager Banner, Bros. Carters Barnsley George Baker Bell II. T. S. Physician. Benson .1. I). Dentist lierthelmen J. A. Blacksmith Boland W. Saddler Bray J., J.P. Coroner Breillat A. 0. Teacher of Piano. British Piano Co.-13. A. White, Rep. Brook G. W. Iccountant Burkhardt L. Builder Burton IV. .1. .... Tobacconist, etc. Caledonian Soelety,—F. W. Stuart, Sec, Cameron Joint Forest Ranger Campbell R. Clerk of Works Ca row & Page Builders, ete. Chambers F. P.1 and Agent Chapman J. F. Out fitter Chapman Mrs Fruiterer Chow hum and Co. I. rut Borers. Collier Mrs. W. G. Australian Hotel Colonial Sugar Co.—W. Ilelms. Mgr. Counnercial Banking Co. of Sydney, Ltd.—A. A. Wilson, Manager Connor J. Butcher Convent School, Mount St Patrick Cox Rev. (C. of E.) Curtis E. Carpenter Dangar, Gedye d: Co., Dairy Requisites Davis W. Builder L Refreshment Rooms Dobinson A. E. Baker Eastment A. A. Blacksmith Easton W. ..11ootmaker Edds W. A. Architect E.S. A: A. Bank Ltd.—C. Stewart, Mgr-, Everest Mrs. .... Refreshment Rooms Ewing It: 0. Sz Co. *. ... 'Auctioneers Fackerell E. J., Contractor and • Cordial Manufacturer, Fakerell E. .1., Proprietor Imperial Rote!. ..(See Advt.) Ironmonger' Fenwick . A: Vernandez I. •' •Draper. Francis A. E. Boot Shop Fraser A. IL 'A: ' • General Store Freeborn F. W. ' Dentist Freeman IL, Sec.. Hibernian -Society% Frisby Miss E.' ;.. .... Milliner Gadsby F. Saddler. Giles Mrs. W. Nurse Gill Mrs. •Boardinghouse I (Bennie 0 — 'Stock' Inspector Goldsmid Dr. J. A. Physician Goodchild Rev. S. 0. (C. of IL) SYDNEY. .104;thtntorg aitdotOStiotil8 The best appointed and most upto-date Hotel on the Northun. Rivers ; newly furnished throughout with the latest and best ; large Sample Room and commodious Stabling, Billiard Room, Hot and Cold Plunge and Shower Baths. THE DINING ROOM in this popular Hotel is in capable hands; and only the best of Wines and. Spirits are stocked. E. R. ISAACS, Best Wines and Spirits stocked. Excellent Cuisine. Right opposite Railway Station. Vehicles meet all "Trains. Paterson D. G., 1 P C MIntitoituN tot co tvr t sum!) — Holt .J. .... Carpenter and Builder Patterson E. Baker Hull 1 Stationmaster Poppitt E. C. Poulton S. A. Jeweller Race Club—A. Fleming, Secretary MUER G. F., Undertaker, Mayne Rend IV. A. Postmaster Rille Club—J. Cost, Secretary Street. Rooney M. T. .. White Hart Hotel UNDER VICE-REGAL PATRONAGE. Auctioneer, Stock & Land Agent, MURWILLUMBAH, TWEED RIVER. Lists of Properties for Sale and To Let on application. P.O. Box No. 61. AGENCIES—Standard Fire Insurance Compan y of N. Zealand ; Dal g et y 2/ Co. ; Tan gy e Oil Engines ; Wolsele y Separator. ...■1/MiNt• Tweed Engineering Works. F. W. PETERIE & CO., Marine and General ENGINEERS, Coppersmiths, Boilermakers and Brassfounders, All Repairs executed promptly and at moderate cost. MURWILLUMBAH. M. G. MORIARTY AUCTIONEER, Stock and .Station Agent. Dairy, Cane and Maize Farms, all sizes, all Prices. Easy terms. Loans Negotiated on Farm Properties. Rainfall in District spreads over 12 111011111S — nvernge 7a inches. This is the 'centre of the small North Coast District, which pays £1,000,000 a year for Cream only. PROPERTY LISTS FOR PURCHASE OR LEASE ON APPLICATION. CORRESPONDENCE Promptly attended to. AS Buyers Driven to Inepciet. Wharf Street, MURWILLUMBAH. ANTHONY HORUERNS' FOR WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELLERY. 162AM ur ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR ALL SPORTING REQUISITES. Mus MusCOUNTRY COMMERCIAL. COUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Mus EDWARD HICCENS, PARKINSON & CO., H. J. SULLY'S Speedwell Cycle & Motor Agency, Main St., MURWILLUMBAH (ignift), EDWARD RIGGERS. orators repaired at moderate prices. Depot for "Primus " Stove repairs. V. PARK/RS(2R. Fat & Store Cattle, Sheep, & Horse Salesmen. Where you will find a large stock of the Best Brands of Motor Spirits, Oils, Greases and Accessories. Motor Cycles. Marine Engines, Motor Boats, Bicycles, etc., etc. CyLles, Motors, and Sep. AUCTIONEERS,W. SALES EVERY FRIDAY, o your order front 48 upwards Cash or Vass. Terms SPECIAL DAYS AS ARRANGED. CYCLES built Rubber Tyres fitted to Perambulators and GoCart Whee s. BRIDGE STREET, MUSWELLBROOK. (Members of Country Stock and Station Agents' Association of N.S.W.) Morrison M. IT. Livery Stables Stumm A. L. "Tweed herald" MURW11,1.1/MIIAll CONTINUR11— ‘floodinun IV., Postmaster and Officer. Nelson Mrs. Fruiterer in-charge Govt. Savings Bank Grace Frank ....Refreslunent Rooms Gumbleton A. J. Tailor Glithridge J. S. Physician HALLIDAY AND HUNGERFORD, Solicitors and Commissioners for Affidavits. 1 Halliday G. C. Solicitor llardalwr E. S. Fancy Goods Hart Rev. Graham (Pres.) Hartmann A Wilson .. General Store Jeweller Mower, C. Baker Ilenville (1, Hicks Mrs. W. (South), Ladies' Nurse Higgins It. M. and Son, General Store I I iggins Mrs. Boardinghouse Stationer Hobbs F. 1'. Holmes Mrs. J. II. and Co , Chemists Holston J. 11f. (South), Cabinetmaker Hoyle Thomas, Architect and Builder Hynes A. A. It. Solicitor IMPERIAL HOTEL—E J. Fac kerell, Proprietor (see Advt.). ISAACS E. R., Auctioneer, Stock and Land Agent, etc. (see Advt.). Jay II. F. Draper, etc. Kane B. Sen. Sergt. of Police Kelly F. A. Auctioneer Keppie Claude Hairdresser Tailor Kercher E. G. Laney IS'. Royal Hotel Coachbuilder Latter -A. E. Milliner Latter 'Miss Tailor Levien II. , Builder Lewis W. . McDonald Myles L., Club House Hotel McDonald Myles, President Caledonian Society MeGillvray A. Livery Stables Mellivride James Dining Rooms McTackett 11. (South) Builder ' Music Seller Mattson P. G. Mead C. L., C.P.S. and Registrar 11. N. and Deaths Meadway Mrs. Alice Laundry Merritt Miss Photographer Minton A. P. Auctioneer Builder Modini A. MORIARTY M. G., Auctioneer, Land, Stock and Station Agent, etc. (see Advt.) . WOOD AND COMPANY: Tx NEWELL E. E. SULLY H. J., Speedwell Cycle and Motor Agency (see Advt.) Saddler and Harness Maker. Most Sydney Drapery Co.—I. eernandez, 11p-to-date Saddlery on the North Manager ( Oast. Prices and Quality Defy Tarlington P. W., "Tweed Times" Competition. Newspaper 'l'ose W. Hairdresser North Coast Co-operative Co., Ltd., Steamship Proprietors Town liand--J. haven, Bandmaster Dentist Ord C. H. and Co. Mercers Trevitt E. A. Trimble & MeTackett Sawmills O'Connor Mrs. N. Costumiere Tweed River Co-operative Butchering o'Reillv Rev. Father (110.) and Bacon Factory Co., Ltd.— Carrier O'Rourke J. I'. Kennedy, Secretary O'Shea F., Auctioneer, Furniture Mart, etc. Tweed District Hospital—R. Freeman, Sec.; Miss Stuart, Matron Peacock Rev. L. (Meth.) Butter so.l'earce F. G. Fruiterer Tweed River Co-operative 11, Campbell, Secretary Society— PETERIE F. W. AND CO., Marine TWN q l River Agricultural A. E. Budd, Secretary and General Engineers (see Tweed Shire Cottneil—W. Murphy, Pres.; Robert Freeman, Shire Advt.) Clerk ;ColinChristie,Shire Engineer Phipps E. P.Commission Agent Pluck A. Shaw General Store Vining .1. L. Chemist Carrier Weinstein J., French Dyer and Cleaner Plummer I Tailor Fruiterer Walsh E. A. Price D. IL Bootmaker Priest and Trimble, Sawmills, etc. Walsh 1 Waters A. J. (Stoker's Siding), Condong Hotel Priest W. Sawmills Protestant hall (The) Proud foot W. General Store Weyland 11. Stationmaster Pugh .1. ..... Teacher Public School White 11. A., British Piano Co. Chemist Dentist Whittle F. C. Reed W. II. Milliner Boots and Shoes Wilcock Mrs. Itice 1,. 1 Blacksmith Wilson A. A., Manager Commercial Riley T. Banking Co. of Sydney, Ltd. Rogers Arthur Town Clerk Jeweller Wilson A. B. Bricklayer hose — Williford and Joseph .. General Store Itoveltt Photo Studios School of Arts—C. L: Mead, Secretary Wulff Fritz W. (South), Railway Terminus Hotel Simpson .1. E. Boots and Shoes Laundry Skinner B. F., Proprietor Court House Yamada S. Yates W. Moyle Agency llotel Skinner Charles and George, Aerated Water and Cordial Makers Smith I'. and Son, Auctioneers, Stock and Station Agents I'llot 185% tn. N. Rail to Grasstree, Smith T. II. thence conveyance 2 tn. Nearest Smith Mrs. W. Stationer Solomons II. A. and Co. General Store bank, Muswellbrook Spies IC. and Co. Tinsmiths Stainlay, Tarlington and Evringliain, Newspaper l'roprietors Steel S. C., Mgr. Bank of Australasia Stewart C., Mgr. E.S. & A. Bank, Ltd. Upholsterer 179 in. N. By rail direct. Banks, Stoke II. Solicitor N.S.W., Commercial of Sydney, Street P. Ltd., Australasia. Stuart F. W., Auctioneer and Sec. Caledonian Society Adamson T. W. Public School Stuart Miss Matron Hospital Andrews John Chemist FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF N.S.W.: MUSCLE CREEK MUSWELLBROOK SYDNEY. (11tern:detOsmo:rihnioGirl) Andronico Bros. Refreshment Rooms Armitage IV. B. —Monumental Mason Auld Itev. J. II. G. (Pres.) Bailey 0. I la irdresser Bank of Australasia—W. B. Adams, Manager Bank of N.S.W.—(1. Carrell, Manager Barrett W. Timber Yard Blunt T. Butter Factory Border Thomas Town Clerk limit° Mrs. .... Refreshment Rooms Ilritish and Foreign Bible Society Tailor Midden F. Family hotel Midden T Cafe It. W. .... Mercer and Clothier Ltd., Gen. Store Campbell M. & Co., Ltd. Store Campion Bros. c app Albert F Raibrau Hotel Carroll Miss Milliner Devine Bros., Cycle Repairers and JACKSON HAL. P., The Brook Bootmakers Studio. Up-to-date and Artistic Do y le Mrs. '1'. A. Hotelier Photographer and Framer. ENCLEBRECHT MRS. J. "Park View !l'orrace." The Leading Private hoarding Establishment in Muswellbrook. Opposite Railway Station. Tariff Nfodenhe. Every Comfort. Boardinghouse English MN Postinaster N111S0 C. S. 1101110111 Baker Ferguson livu"0. II. Fitzgerald and McIntyre .. Solicitors Fitzgerald the lion. It. G.J.P., Solicitor Flanders If. It Eaton's Mayor Flanders H. It. (Certificated.) Painter Fleming ingD. Gale C. II. Police Magistrate Gordon (n l o na G. L. Saddler CARTER T. S. S ltionma :der Private Nursing Home Pewee of Wales Hotel. Best Ac- Gunter G. Gunsmith eommodation for all classes---I/- Hallett Mrs. IV. C. .... Wheelwright for general and per day. Splendid .1ccommoda- Harris Solomon Saddler Surgical Cases. tion Racehorses, etc. Architect hicks I II iggens Edwin rd ( Edward II iggens, Parkinson and Co.) Prince of Wales Hotel Carter T. S., Clark .1. '1'. General Store TERMS ON APPLICATION. Dentist HIGGENS EDWARD, PARKINClifle I. 1'. SON & CO., Auctioneers and Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, 1411.—T. J. Ilaydon, Manager Horse and Cattle Salesmen (see 411•1•111•111111111■111111111IV Coulson S. G. Tailor Advt.) .1amesS. Baker Cousens It. . .... Bootmaker Grocers Howard Miss Dresstnaker Jeans A. hairdresser, etc. Cox Bros. Jennison J. A. and Co., Ltd., Saddler Humphries .1. C., J.I'.; Davison W. (M. Campbell and Co., Ltd.) Coach Painters, etc. Donnelly Thomas, Sen. Sergt. of Police OBSTETRIC THE ROYAL HOTEL, Bridge Street, Muswellbrook. ELLEN LANE, Proprietress. Only the Best Brands of Wines, Beers and Spirits kept. Good Stabling. Charges Strictly Moderate. Capital Cuisine. THE ROYAL HOTEL will be found Comfortable and Up-to-date in every respect. Letters and Telegrams promptly attended to, Conveyance meets all passenger tralne. LARGE SAMPLE: ROOMS. WOOD AND COMPANY'S Office, 810.12 George BUSINESS METHODS CAN NEVER BE QUESTIONED. ( toraed il ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR ALL ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR MOTORISTS' WANTS AND MOTOR GOODS. 164AMus URDId IW P.1.1.11ROOK CION T Priest William C. Tinsmith Jordan David Contractor Purvis Thomas, Cordial Manufacturer Itayuga Colliery—T. Blunt, Proprietor Rixon G. F., Proprietor "MuswellKennedy Thomas Fruiterer brook Chronicle" LANE MRS. MEN, Proprietress Robertson Mrs. & Miss, St. Alban's School Royal Hotel (see Advt.) Roche Rev. P. (11.0.) Lang A. R. .... Timber Merchant ROYAL HOTEL (THE)—Mrs.Ellen Laycoelt T. hairdresser Lane, Proprietress (see Advt.) Lipman Gus Shamrock Hotel Nurse Loader Mrs. Lowe Joseph 'Builder St. James' Convent (Sisters of Mercy) M.M. Evangelist, Mother Superior Ltletle Miss Nursing !tome Luscombe J. A. Photographer Saunders Albert G., Cordial Manufac. LuscombeC., J.P., Architect, etc. Sawkins It. C. Auctioneer McGowan Rev. F. 11. (Meth.) School of Arts—J. M. C. Humphries, Secretary McIntyre J. E., J.P Solicitor Saddler Mackenzie Miss .. Matron of hospital Shaw E. W. Butcher Saddler Smith Fredk, McMahon .7. McMillan 3Irs. Boardinghouse Smith L A. Butcher Physician Smith W. Farrier May F. 11. Maynard Hamilton Teacher of Music Sparkes J. G. Fruiterer Morey G. E., Forwarding and Com- Spratt J. M. Auctioneer mission Agent Sternbeek E. 'I'. Coachbuilder Motor Garage—H. R. Flanders Carriers Stewart Bros. Municipal this Works—(1. C. Ellis, Tennis Club—T. Ilaydon, Secretary Manager Thompson J. II. Tinsmith Municipal Sale Yards— Thornton A. Painter, etc. D. D. Parkinson, Inspector Thornton William Blacksmith Muswellbrook Coal Co.—F. Bennett, Thulale & Co. Auctioneers Secretary Upper Hunter P. and A Association R. C. Sawkins, Secretary Walker Arch. Hairdresser War lice IV. Fruiterer Watson F. R. Physician IVeldmann A. W. Butcher Whitaker Reginald, Watchmaker, an PhysDn iciiruv White Dr. Wilkins Mrs. J. Wilkins J. 1. .. Municipal Inspector IVilliamson S. E., Carriers' Arms Hotel Wood The Yen. Archdeacon IL A. (C. of E.) Percy Ross, Stock and Station Agent, Property Valuer MUSWELLBROOK. MYRTLE CREEK WOOD AND COMPANY: _TH (VIA GOULIDURN.) 157 m. S. Miskelly C. J. J... Store and P.O. NABIAC. 211 in. N. Rail to Ileiham, thence coach. Bank, London of A. Bowers James General Store Busteed Bros. General Store Cameron D. Auctioneer Evcringham Bros. Sawmills Gallagher Edward .... Blacksmith E FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF N.S.W. 11. GUNNEDAH, MOREE AND QUIRINDI, 223 m. N. 13y steamer direct. Nearest bank, Macksville Butler James E. Sawmills Crosby L. J. Victoria Hotel Cielaiiiiiiin E. Store Ellis A. and E., Ltd. .... Sawmills Forrester E. Butcher 1,1111111111 IV. 1. ruiterer Leonard J. D. & Co. Sawmills Nelson A. Carpenter Starling 0. Blacksmith Stewart J. N. Commercial hotel Wall W. J. Butcher (SEE CORAAIDA.) 52 m. N.Rail direct. Aliwood I I Store Edwards A. Sawmills McKenny Miss E. Store Rose Mrs. E. Store NARELLAN. 30ji m. B. Rail to Grampbelltown, thence tram. Nearest bank, Camden. Cross E., junr., Gen. Store 4 Baker Eagles II. II. Butcher Nott D. Sawmills Scott II. Queen's Arms Hotel Wheeler Charles Blacksmith -- NAROOMA. 268 m. S. Steamer to Moruya, thence 28 m. Nearest bank, Moruya. Bellette J. II. Butcher Brennan John Store Corunna Dairy Co. Davison John Shipping Agent Lynch W. J., Store, Baker and note/ Mitchell C. W. .. Sawmill and Store Perry W. D. Narooma Hotel SYDNEY. grZ (INT:redet1316011.31421143o) NARRABRI. Nip NAMBUCCA HEADS (VIA °UPTON.) MYRTLEVILLE. Also at (SEE MAOKIWILLE.) NARARA. lintel Caldwell C. Oreenstreet E. C. Store (ireenstreet Richard Butcher Store Miles & Co. AP and Undertaker NAMI3UCCA. MUTTAMA. (SEIC WI mi's MEADOW.) Monumental Mason (SEE WINDELLAIIA.) NANA GLEN. Nar165A M. W. HARDY, NADJINGOMAR. NANGUS. MYRA VALE. Muswellbrook Farmers' Union— R. C. Sawkins, Secretary Muswellbrook llospital—W. B. Adams, Secretary; Miss Mackenzie, Matron Muswellbrook Shire Council—Edward Bowman, Pres.; W. It. Nowlancl, Shire Clerk; V. J. S. 13lomfleld, Engineer Newborn E., Librarian School of Arts Nowland P. Coach Proprietor Oakes Mrs. Nursing Home Blacksmith O'Donnell E. T O'Flynn Rev. J. (11.0.) C.P.S. Page E., J.1' Draper Parke A. Parkinson D. D. Poundkeeper Parkinson W. V. (Edward Iliggens, Parkinson and Co.) l'astoral Association—J. C. White, l'residant Player Thomas, Baker and Gen. Store Podniore Mrs. .. Refreshment Rooms Dentist Post G. II. Gorton D. E. Saddler Leedhain W. Blacksmith Lynch 1). H. Cycle Agent McKinnon II. Auctioneer McPherson James C. Auctioneer Maybury .1. P. Carpenter Milligan II. E. Union Hotel Parramore G. IV. Physician Quinn Thomas Blacksmith Smith Andrew Undertakor Tattersall II. J. Butcher Ward John General Store Wooster Clinches Greengrocer Worth John T. Baker 208 in. S. Rail to Gundagai, thence coach 11 m. Nearest bank, Gundagai. 271 in. S. By rail direct. Store Boyten Alfred .... Produce Merchant Barnett James Dawn Fredk.Commercial Hotel Sheather O. Nangus Hotel BRIDGE STREET, WarCOUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Nar • COUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Freestone Quarries at Gunnedah and Narrabri. Marble Quarries at Warialda. Granite Quarries at Inverell. Inventor of Patent No. 12679 Australia, 41.,•■•■•■1 A. (West) ... Stationmaster NARRABEEN.Bedford 13ennett and Wood, Ltd. Cycle Depot ......Produce Merchant Write for Designs and Estiniates, Butler J. P., T.P Clothier Butler S. ... Suleinspector of Polive Byrne L. • 15 m. N. By . steamer to Manly, Bennett ,J. Exchange Hotel Jewellers thence coach.Nearest bank, Dillinedey John Carrier Castel!' Bros. Carrington E. W. .... General Store Manly. Bacon Charles Varrabeett Hotel Collins .1. T. .... Butcher and Baker CARRINGTON, E. W., Motor Baker Palley II. Garage (see Advt.). !Miring Mrs. Coffee Palace Carrington II. General Store Storekeeper Hyde Mrs. Clark Marcus & Co., Ltd.McLean Mrs. D., Storekeeper and 6. McMorrow, Manager Postmistress Clarke .1. IL, Cordial Manufacturer Ategson Mrs. M. Boardinghouse Clerke I Royal Hotel Storekeeper :Mundy Mrs. ' Coleman W. II. .. Court House Hotel Pattison W. R. "Glenburnie" Collins A. E., Limited, Squatters' and Reardon Mrs. M. .1. —Boardinghouse Expert Tailors, Carrier Free Selectors Emporium Russell .1. S. Comino k Fardmily, Refresh. Rooms Salvation Army Farm Hatters and Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, Wight Mrs. .... Refreslunent Rooms Ltd—J. IV. McDonald, Manager Mercers, Convent School—Sisters of Mercy Country Freezing Works— G. IV. Milan, General Manager Hairdresser Craig A. 353 m. N. By rail direct. Banks, Commercial Banking Co. of GRAMME AND MeRAE, AucSydney, Ltd., N.S.W., Bank of Australasia, Govt. Savings Bank tioneers, Stock and Property of N.S.W. Courts of Quarter and Salesmen (see Advt. Narrabri We Post PATTERNS and l'etty Sessions. Pastoral Section.) Adams J. (Danger Village), SELF-MEASUREMENT FORMS Wheelwright on application. Cramsie C. II. (Cramsie and McRae) Adams W. L. .. Grand Central Hotel Cross II. B. Cab Proprietor Actium II. 1'. Plumber Painter Currey A. L. Bank of Australasia— Dale & Wilson • Solicitors P. A. Harwood Manager Builder Davies W. L., J.P., C.P.S. and • Bank of N.S.W.—W. II. D. Smith, Boland J. F. Reg. B., Si. and D. Manager Boswell J., Night Officer Railway Station Be Leprevanche C. M., J.P., Physician Baker D. IV. Auctioneer Dickson II., Railway Refresh. Rooms Barry and Stafford (late) Gen. Store Boyle George W., Blacksmith and Milk Vendor Direct Importing Co.—J. T. O'Neill Barry T. D., Sportsman's Arms Hotel Barton Darrell Physician Brackenreg J. C. ... Stock Inspector Drew. Mrs. Confectioner H, P. Cornish & Co. NARRABRI. WOOD AND COMPANY: WARATAH HOUSE. LONGEST ESTABLISHED AND MOST RELIABLE FUNERAL DIRECTORS. SYDNEY. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE. NarCOUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Nar167A NAURAIntl 03NTINUED Butcher Edwards M. A. Eldridge Rev. E. (Pres.) Fanning M. (West) .. Cooma Hotel Farmers' and Settlers' Association— E. Saltier, Secretary Fanners' Union—H. S. Pollack . Faulkner S. .... Cordial Manufacturer Carrier Fenessy M. Carrier Ferguson N. G. Fitzgerald II. N. I I a irdresser Fletcher T. Bootmaker Ford Ernest & Co. Chemists Gately John, J.P. (West), Gen. Store rictoria Hotel GetIs P. Greedy Mrs., Librarian School of Arts Govt. Savings Bank of N.S.W.— John Davidson, Manager Greenwood J. (Danger Village) Fruit and Produce Merchant Masonic Hall (The) Motor Garage Merry C. Mills W. Baker Imperial Hotel Malloy P. I Morelli L. 0. (T. A. Stirton & Co.) Atoylan Mrs. Dressmaker Stanford II. V. Stationer Nall Ewen IL, Orephound Hotel. (See Advt.) "Narrahri Age" Newspaper.— W. J. Walton, Proprietor Narrabri Co-operative Dairy Co., Ltd., J. P. Quirk, Manager Narrabri Coursing Club— Walter Clarke, Secretary Narrabri Football Club— V. Coleman, Hon. See. "Na rrabri Herald" Newspaper Co., Ltd.—W. B. Malone, Editor Narrabri Jockey Char, W. McDonald, Secretary ,GREYHOUND HOTEL (The)— Narrabri Ladies' Benevolent Society —Mrs. W. .T. Walton, Hon. Sec. (see Ewen H. Nail, Proprietor Narrabri P. and A. Association — Advt.) D. I. Bridge, Secretary Narrabri Stock Board— D. I. Bridge, Secretary Guest Edward Town Clerk Bootmakei Watchmaker , . IIAMEY G. E., The Eaton Studios. Neall GA eo • • Sporting Depot Nelson G. W. All classes of Photographic Work O'Connor Butcher James and Enlargements. Cab irorootpuriiaekteorr Orehin E • • Overy James HARDY M. W., Monumental Mason and Undertaker ; also at Gunnedah, Mores and Quirindi (see A(lvt.) Harwood P. A. Manager Bank of Australasia Tailor Hennessy J. hinds James Store Hing Bros. & Co. .... General Store lionnery Edward, Commonwealth Hotel Hospital—II. h. Eather, Secretary Hulbert A., J.P. General Store Hulbert A. I Builder Ireland 11. Baker and Butcher lees & Layman Cash Store Jones Hey. S. B. (Meth.) Joy II. E. Carpenter, etc. Kay Cooper It. S. .. Dental Surgeon Tailor Kendall B. Kirkwood Geo. K., Grocery Dept. late Barry and Stafford's Store Jimmie. Yuen & Co. .... Grocers, etc. Tailors Lewis and Son Chemist Lewis C. Milliner Lewis Miss B. Lillyman John, Livery & Bait Stables Lloyd Mrs. M. Naomi Hotel Blacksmith Locke 11. Logan IL, Undertaker and Cabinetmaker Lovelee E. A. (West) Grocer McAllister P. A. Dentist McDonald John B. Solicitor McDonald J. W., Manager Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, Ltd. lIcHAFFIE Q. M., Auctioneer, Stock and Property Salesman (see Advt. Narrabri Pastoral Section) McKay Mrs. J., Refreshment looms McKenzie C. Blacksmith McNamara G. (Ross & McNamara) McRae L. H. D. (Cramsie and McRae) Malone L., J.P. Marchand Joseph 11., Cab 'Proprietor Marshall Sid. Hairdresser WOOD AND COMPANY J. OZANNE, GREYHOUND LIVERY STABLES. Ronayne Rev. Father B. (R.C.) Ross & McNamara, Auctioneers, Stock and Station Agents Ross ,T. W Tailor Rougall G. B. Timber Merchant Saunders 3. B. Saddler Saunders Maurice .. Produce Dealer School of Arts—D. II. Berry, Secretary Searles A. Bootmaker SHAW AND LAMB, The Union Buggy and Sulky Factory; General Blacksmiths, etc. (HOO Advt.). Shearer Mrs. Fruiterer Sheldon J. Commission Agent Sheller(' Nurse E .. Matron Hospital Short W. II. & Co. Flour Mill Carrier Smith T. Smith W. II. D., Mgr. Bank of N.S.W. Spencer H. G. Produce Dealer Club Stafford Albert Robert, House Ilotel, Sawmill, and Electric Light Plant Fruiterer Still E. P. STIRTON T. A. & CO. Stock, Station and Property Agents. Established . 2.1i years. Stirton T. A., J.P. (T. A: Stirton and Co.) Stokes Mrs. C.. Pharmaceutical Chemist Stokes Mrs. Registry Office E.H.STUBBS EMPIRE Vehicles of all descriptions for sale or on hire by day or night. REFRESHMENT ROOMS Private Vehicles attend any train if required. Passengers conveyed to 'my part of District at moderate cost. Meals at All Hours. MAITLAND STREET. A Large Stock of English and Colonial Confectionery always on hand. Palmer George Saddler Palmer Mrs., President Ladies' Benevolent Society Cleanliness a Speciality. Pan Kee Thomas Grocer Park A. J., J.P., Medical Practitioner Parker Mrs. C., Carriers' Home Hotel Taylor R. J. .. Teacher Public School Tailors Piper Ilarold .. Secretary Rifle .Club 'Mirk & Ross Thompson D. II. Wine Shop J. B. .... C P. Inspector POLLACK H. S., MAITLAND Thompson M. Stationmaster STREET, Auctioneer, Stock and Thompson Thorley E. J. .... Grocer and Baker Station Agent, etc. (see Advt.) Thorley Miss T. Dressmaker Tranter F. W. General Store Turner J. l'otts Norton, J.P. Solicitor and Hairdresser Commissioner for Affidavits Turner Joseph .... Caledonian Hotel Quinn James Telegraph Hotel Vincent C. (West) Fruiterer Tobacconist Walker II. L. Auctioneer Quirk I Reid Rev. Villiers (C. of K.) . Wall Bros. -...Butcher(' Robertson W. F., 'J.l'., P.M., Warden Wall Charles .... Commercial Hotel and Coroner Wall J. B. Auctioneer POSSESS LARGEST ROLLING STOCK AND LATEST MACHINERY ( GL I '!"Elltnclrb81140E411 ) ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR SAFETY RAZORS AND STROPS, ANTHONY HORDERNS' —STATIONERY, BOOKS AND TYPEWRITERS, COUNTRY COMMERCIAL.Na r Huxley's Criterion Hotel, Narrandera. 1 68ANar combined with CUISINE EXCELLENCE and LIQUOR SUPERIORITY, has made THE CRiTERION the BUSIEST AND BEST HOTEL on the Line. First and Second-Class Accommodation. Best Stabling. Up-to-date Livery Stables. F. T. HUXLEY, Proprietor, All Trains meet Criterion Cab. CONTINUED — Wallrabbe A. & E., Pianos and Musical Instruments Baker Walsh C. It, Walton W. .1., Proprietor "The Narrabri Age" Ward Daniel, Drapery Department, Into Barry and Stafford's Store Ward M. (West) Town Clerk Watts A. B. Plumber Westbrook E. ... Teacher Violin, etc. Williams H. E. Postmaster WOODS ALBERT A. Maitland st. For Bicycles, Phonographs, Gramaphones and Recorda. Musical Instruments. Repairs to Bicycles and Motors A large stock of Naphtha Oil and Lubricants. Motor Tyres Vulcanised. Casburn George Builder Charlton Josh., Undertaker & Builder Chun Cheong Bros. Fruiterers Civilian Rifle Club—George Bourne, Secretary Clark H. Coach Proprietor Clarkson Mrs. IV. ... Boardinghouse Clark W., jun. Carriage Builder Comino & Panora° Fruiterers Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, Ltd.—Y. L. Lindeman Tailor Cooper C. Cox A. E. .. Baker and Confectioner CRAWFORD J. Auctioneer, Stock and Property Salesman. Head Office, Wairga Wagga. CRITERION HOTEL, F. T. Huxley, Wright Heaton and Co., Ltd.— Proprietor (see Advt.) '1'. M. Stackpool, Manager Colley II. L. & Co., Auctioneers, etc. Dale T. A. Hairdresser Dicker J., Manager Wright, Heaton and Co., Ltd. 302 m. S. Near Temora. ite Thomas Ilawker Schumack II. Hotel Builders and Contractors, Narrandere, and at Hay. Dugdale Curl T. Photographer 353 m. S. By rail direct. Banks, Duval Frank W. Chemist A.B. of C., Ltd., Commercial, Duval Ferdinand Chemist Dairy N.S.W., Union and Govt. Savings Eck Mrs. Bank. Courts, Quarter and Petty Elwin T. II., Auctioneer and Coroner Evans George 11., Manager Mist. Sessions. Bank of Commerce, Ltd. Adams . IL D. Contractor Adams S. Commercial Hotel Feint S., Stationer and Fancy Goods Ainsworth H. A. Tobacconist Ferris W. Coachbuilder Alchin George Mall Contractor Foley Mrs. H. .... Railway Hotel Tobacconist Foley T. Billiard Rooms Angel J. Armstrong J. & Co. Auctioneers Game Geo., Bellringer and Billposter Austin Mrs. G. 'Boardinghouse Gibson Robert & Son, Land and Stock Agents Aunt. Bank of Commerce, Ltd.— George II. Evans, Manager Glazier Mrs. R. Royal Hotel Archer S. .... District Works Officer Gordon W. R., junr. Cycle Agent Bank of N.S.W.—T. L. Cameron, Mgr. Government Savings Bank— J. A. Parke, Manager Bateman C. D. • Plumber Green F. L., Librarian School of Arts Black Rev. G. (Meth.) Bland C. F. Contractor liaddrich Victor Bootmaker Bodinnar A. J. Blacksmith hail Edward .1., New Junction Hotel Bourne George Plumber Hamblin S. J., C.P.S., Warden's Clerk, and Reg. B. M. and D. Bowman Bros. Stationers lirown A. • Chemist Hankinson R., Ltd.General Store Buffrey James Auctioneer Harden William Painter Bundock C. Contractor Harnett C. J. Staff Surveyor Ilundock S. Contractor Harrison W. P. Fruiterer Cameron T. L., Manager Bank N.S.W. Haskew Charles Accountant NARRABURRA. DIXON & BUTTERWORTH NARRANDERA. WOOD AND DONALD R. N1ACLEOD, AUCTIONEER, HE above name indicates THE HOTEL where C CLEANLINESS and COMFORT abound; this, 'Phone 2. 1 NarCOUNTRY COMMERCIAL.- Nar169A COMPANY: _T HE FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF N.S.W. 1 Haughton Mrs. .... Steam Laundry Renshaw :lames, Fancy Goods, etc. I erbet t Frank Hind H. C. Architect T Hudson Mrs. G. E, Proprietress Star Hotel Hudson Percy Livery Stables Hutchinson & Doyle .. General Store HUXLEY F. T., Criterion Hotel (see Advt.) Jarman II., Proprietor "Narrandera Jerrosn George k Co. .. General Store Johnson W. 11. Saddler Jones E. G. Cycle Works. Jones E. W. Dentist Jones W. !toolmaker Kershaw, Matthews & Lane, Solicitors Knight .1. & L. Livery St:shies Knoblanehe II. J., Sec Mechanics' Institute Lapthorne Ernest "Narrandera Argue" Le Clore Erie Watchmaker Lethbridge H. 0. PhyNician Lewis II. Upholsterer Licensed Victuallers' Race Club— J. Harvey, Secretary Brewers Lincoln & Co., 1 td Lincoln & Co., Ltd. Soap Mumbles. Lindeman V. L., Manager Commercial Bank Baker Little M. E. McFadzean and Bland .. Contractors McKenzie II. Fruiterer McKenzie W. Saddler MACLEOD DONALD R., Auctioneer, Stock and Station Agent. (see Advt.) McLeish D. M. .. if arrumbidgee Hotel Magoveny F. Wine Shop Massey-Harris Co. Depot Matthews Charles Builder Matthews B. 0. II. Solicitor Meadowbank Manufacturing Co. Mechanics' Institute— H. J. Knoblanche, Secretary Milthorpe Mrs. F. Dairy Mooney John Hairdresser Murphy E. 13ootmaker Murrumbidgee Club— E. C. II. Matthews, Hon. Sec. Murrumbidgee Northern Canal Assn. J. Campbell, Res, Engineer Narrandera Athletic Club Narrandera Benevolent Society —Rev. J. Rawlin, Secretary• "Narrandera Ensign" H. Jarman, Proprietor SYDNEY.aer aedet°Snio 18. 18 1h OC grfi Stock and Station Agent and .Valuator, Buyers driven to inspect Stock and Properties by reliable Motor Car. Stock and Property Lists on application. NARRANDERA. Narrandera Hospital—H. S. Robinson, SUGDEN AND SUGDEN, ProSecretary; S. Wise, Matron prietors Narrandera Wool ScourNarrandera Lawn Tennis Club ing Works (see Advt. Narrandera Narrandera I'. and A. Association IV. Lynch, Secretary Pastoral Section). Narrandera Public Hall Co. —James Ilenshaw, Secretary Take' W. A. Town Clerk Karrandera Race Club Skin W. T. Lynch, Secretary Taylor J. J. & Co., Wool andExporters 'rearm .T. P. T. School NARRANDERA WOOL SCOUR- Tepper II. L. Dentist Thompson Hood Brickmaker ING WORKS—Sugden and Tolsher Ii. Carrier Sugden, Proprietors (see Advt. Union Bank of A.-0. V. Oldham, Manager Narrandera Pastoral Section). Walkerden W. Brickworks IV. Tattersall's Hotel Nielsen k l'owell Cycle Agents Walton Watkins Bros., Undertakers & Builders Osidfellows' hail (The) Butcher Weir W. Oldham G. V., Manager Union Bank Welch K.J.St. Vincent .... Physician Parise .T. A. Postmaster West William Public School Paterson A Fruiterer E. Parcels Delivery l'atterson R. Hairdresser White Painter Whittaker William Piddington G. 13. .... C.P. Inspector Will and Lumens .. Produce Merchants l'orter James Stationmaster Will W. E. Cycle Agent l'owell& Son Skint:flyers Williams .1. 11. Fruiterer Prince IV. M. Baker Wise Bros., Ltd. Millers Quirk James J. Solicitor Worms C. & Co. .... General Store Ragless Fred. Woolscourer Wright, Heaton and Co., Ltd. itawlin Itev. J. (C. of E.) Forwarding Agents Reid Rev. George (Pres.) Vance Shire Council—II. F. K. Mann, Richards S. and Co. .. General Store l'res.; W. Talbot, Shire Clerk; Itiverina Chilled Meat Co., Ltd. 11. Rowlands, Shire Engineer Itiverina Picnic Race Club— V. b. Lindeman, Secretary Roads James and Co ... Sawmillers Roach N. C. & A., Refreshment Rooms Itosengarten D. Watchmaker Russell & Co. Auctioneers Savage F. .1. V., Motor Car Proprietor 175 tn. S.Rail to Goulburn, Scott Walter Wood Carter thence coach.Nearest bank, Silver E. A., Assistant Town Clerk Crookwell. Silver Mrs. G. E. .. Private Hospital Simpson Mrs. M.Boardinghouse Simpson T. W. Butcher Singer Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Slater and Oddio Tailors Smith E. G. Painter, etc. Smith F. Victoria Hotel 305 m. W. By rail direct. Banks, Smith R. Plumber N.S.W., Commercial Ltd., Bank Smith S. M. Fruiterer of Australasia. Court Petty Sessions, Dubbo Quarter Sessions. Co. .. General Store SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE Allan J. N. and Anderson It. Billiard Saloon COMPANY, Ltd. (Fire and Ac- Arnandon F. Hairdresser cident)-4. Armstrong and Co., Atkinson J. F., Saddler & Bootmaker Bank of Australasia—A. 31. Gale, Agents. Manager Spencer W. Orchardist Bank of N.S.W.—D. C. Ellis, Manager Spratt Miss Dressmaker Barlow G. W. and Co. General Store Stevenson G., J.P., Police Magistrate Barlow G. 11. It. Skisibuyer NARRAWA. NARROMINE. WOOD AND Bass Chas., jun. Baker Bateman E. T., Inspect. of Nuisances; Bell-Malcolm Mrs. A. .... Dressmaker Berryman and Co. Drapers Tailor Boyd W. Bullock Fred Orchardist 13yrne A. I'. Royal hotel Cahill E. and Co., Steels and Station Agents Plumber Cale A. II. Campbell J. W. Cycle Agent Chern Lee Grocery Store Cleave & Co. Newsagents Cleaver Arthur, Stock & Station Agent Coady 1 Coach Proprietor Com Mrs. E. Boardinghouse Colley Frank 13., Proprietor The "Narromine News" Commercial Bank, Ltd.—A. B. Cadet!, Massager Cooney Rev. Father N. (It.C.) Hairdresser Coss II. Costello E. .... Manager D.E.P. Co. Cowell John Railway Hotel Daniels Arthur Bootmaker Davidson J. .... Veterinary Surgeon Direct Export Produce Co. Riley, Newman and Co. Tailor Dolan W. Doust Rev, It. 11. (Meth.) Edward E. Cycle Agent Everingliam 3fatthew ... Undertaker Farmers' and Settlers' Association— P. • J. - Shepherd, Secretary Flannery Mrs. C. Fruiterer Pox Rev. E. (Pres.) Gillespie and Co. Millers Golding J. S. Hairdresser Green I. S. Court House Hotel Griffiths R., J.P. (W. N. Musgrove and Co.) Hargrave A. G. Carrier licaydon Nurse Edith, Private Hospital lierbert George Contractor Herbert W. Postmaster ! g ilder C. A. Blacksmith Hives John and Son, Cordial Mamas. Baker IIoey F. Orchardist Holtman I Confectioner Holly Mrs. J. N. Huggart IV. C. Physician Store Jacobs T. Kierath Jules Grocer Month, Nelson and Co. General Store ifierath IV., J.P. Kens J. R. General Agent Kemp S. P., J.P., Solicitor and . Town Clerk Kouvelis Bros. Fruiterers Leaver Rev. E. (C. of E.) Lidbetter A. Saddler McDonald Murdoch .... Federal Hotel COMPANY POSSESS UNEQUALLED ADVANTAGES FOR THE CONDUCT OF FUNERAL BUSINESS. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FAMOUS LOW PRICES REIGN SUPREME. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FURNITURE STANDS IN ITS OWN CLASS. 170ANat NARROM I N CONTINUE n— Mackenzie U. IV. • Bootmaker Manchester Unity OddfeRows Hall Martin James and Co., Machinery Agents Martin E. Baker Massey-Harris Co., Ltd. Meredith A. II. Contractor Miller & Co., Auctioneers, Timber Merchants, etc. Miller Miss Ivy Dressmaker Moroney J. J... Fruiterer and Baker Moss Mrs. Reg. B. M. and I). MUSGROVE W. N. & CO. Auctioneers, Stock, Station, Forwarding and General Commission Agents, etc. Nancarrow R. Acting C.P.S. Narromine A. 11. and P. Association— J. R. Ke11c, Secretary Narromine Golf Club Narromine Pigeon Club— P. B. Colley, Secretary Newberry John .... Exchange Hotel Nicholls Mrs. Mary Nurse Nicholson & Morrow, Machinery Merchants—G. Trotman, Manager O'Hare James Billposter O'Niel l'erey Milk Vendor °steer C. E. P.M. Peek Mrs. Frances Nurse Perznewan, Wright and Co., Forwarding Agents—T. R. Richardson, Manager Phillips A. E. General Store Phillips A. E. .... Coach Proprietor Reid A: W. .... Refreshment Rooms Robertson E. J. Cycle Agent Rogers 14. C. Tobacconist Rose F. C., Manager W J. Woods and Co. Sacred Heart Convent Schools. M. Patrick, Rev. Mother St. George Thomas Fruiterer School of the Good Shepherd— Sisters of Mercy Samuels F. B.; J.P Solicitor School of Arts—F. E. Lane, Secretary Smith J. W., Small Goods & Butcher Stewart A. Blacksmith Streather J. Coach Painter Sutherland J. W. Physician Tancred J. A. J. Butcher Taylor B. W. .... Commercial Hotel Thome John Contractor Timbrebongie Shire—Charles Prater, Pres.; . 11. Ileanc, Shire Clerk ; .1. L. Norman, Shire Engineer Townsend S. Brickmaker Treble J. W. General Store Turner A. Billiard Saloon Watterson Miss Dressmaker Whittaker 0. II. Cycle, Agent IVilliams II. .... Supt. Public School Woods W. J. and Co. .... Chemists Worsley II. Dentist Wren H., J.P Solicitor NATTAI. NELLIGEN. NEUREA. 216 tn. S. By steamer direct. 293 m. W. Rail to Dripstone, Nearest bank, Moruya or Braid. thence 6 tn. wood. Brien IC. Store Broonan J. F. Butcher Clyde River Co-op. Dairy Co., Ltd. Spargo James Wine Shop Millard Alfred General Store Treadwell William Builder Webber Alfred E. Wheelwright Webber C. G. Turnery Mills White M. Sleampacket Hotel NELSON'S BAY. NEMINGHA. 287 m. N. Rail to Tamworth, thence coach. Henry F. Wine Shop Johnston R. J. Wine Shop Kelly Thomas Butcher Long B. lr, Son Broom Factory McKinnon II. Butcher Negus John Butcher Orman J. Blacksmith NEVILLE. (LATE MOUNT MACQUARIE.) 180 in. W. Rail to Blayney, thence 14 m. Nearest bank, Carcoar. . Bowyer Augustus Na. 1 Hotel Oolburt Jabez Baker Cox Alfred Blacksmith Crawley George Fruiterer May 11. 11. and Co. ... General Store Mendhant Ernest Butcher 231 m. S. Rail to Tarago, thence Moore & Burke General Store Oats R. and Son Coachbuildera coach 85 m. Brady Mrs. A. ... Commercial Hotel Saundry P. Blacksmith Donnelly Thomas Blacksmith Mercy Miss F. Milliner Rolfe E. R. & Co., Store and Butchers Trevanion George A., Mail Contractor NERRIGA. NEWBRIDGE. NERRIGUNDAH. 273 m. S. Steamer to Moruya or rail to Tarago, thence coach. Nearest bank, Aforuya. Anderson William Hairdresser Capes Albert Blacksmith Fraser Daniel .. Quartz Battery Prop. °Mica Robert Blacksmith Hyland .1. 1'. Store and Hotel O'Brien John Butcher Perry Hugh Cyanide Works l'ollock Bros. Store and Bakers Warren Minnie Draper, etc. NETHERCOTE. 358 m. S. Near Eden. Lane & Quinn General Shire Nelson A. Newsagent and Store Hassell Mrs. E. WOOD AND COMPANY: ME NEVERTIRE. 346 m. W. By rail direct. Nearest bank, Warren. Ilasactt Thomas Fruiterer 178 m. N. Steamer direct. Beard II. Butcher and Baker Nearest bank, Stroud. Campbell I). & Co. .... General Store Blanch Henry, senr. .. General Store Campbell W. N. .. Commission Agent Thompson W. Yea Breeze hotel Cobcroft C. Blacksmith Garlick P. II. Railway Hotel Gibbs W. V. .... Commission Agent Cing G. Fruiterer O'Connor H. Saddler Stuart W. D. Sawmill 1Veuerlire Hold Stibbard I (SEE MITTAOONO.) NEATH. Pio Abermain. NewCOUNTRY COUNTRY COMMERCIAL. New FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF CAW. Store 105 tn. W. By rail direct. Nearest bank, Blayney, Government Savings Bank. Burke M. Dealer Convent School—Sisters of St Joseph Dollman S. J. .... Commission Agent Bade C. senr. Auctioneer Rade Illomus Butcher Kennedy S. T. Royal Hotel Iladcse Assembly Hall Kirkman A. Blacksmith Moore & Bourke Store Norris 1 Hairdresser Press David Fruiterer Ryan Philip Road Contractor Smith Edward Rabbit Buyer Stiebel E. Skin Buyer Stiebel It. General Store, etc. Stiff J. M. Auctioneer, etc. Stiff William Rabbit Buyer Toomey M. Gladstone Hotel Toomey M., Jun. General Store Tunes Mies N. Dressmaker Wilson Miss J. Dressmaker Wilson T. & Son Bakers SYDNEY. NEWCASTLE. Austral104 m. N.By rail direct, or 70 in. N. by steamer direct. Banks, A.J.S., Commercial of Sydney, asia, N.S.W., LB. of A., Union, Commercial of Australia, City ef Sydney, Government *Savings Bank. The City of Newcastle, comprising about 1060 acres, is bounded on the south by the Merewether Munici- • j■ality; on the east by the shore of the South Pacific Ocean ; north by the waters cf l'ort hunter ; west, by Hamilton Municipality. It was incorporated in June, 1859, and has become in point of size, population, industries and wealth, the second city in the State of New South Wales. It is divided into four Wards, viz., the City, Honeysuckle, Macquarie and Belmore. The unimproved capital value of land is .0 1,551,200, and at 3 14d. in -thegives a rate of 422,900. The population of the city is estimated at 18,000, and the Municipal revenue from all sources is A: 36,000. The Mayor is elected annually by the Aldermen in the month of Feb ruary. The Council Chambers are in Watt street. MUNICIPAL COUNCIL. A LDERAI EN — Ward: Honeysuckle Ward :Macquarie Ward :Bamorc City Ward : Light, J.P. K. Brooks. AI. .1. Aforoney, J.P.Wm. J. Ellis, J.P.AL S. .1. Coleman. It. Kilgour. G. A. Dick, J.I'. R. Gibson. II. AL Shedden, J.P. W. .1. Wooden. Thomas Little. .1. l'itts. (Mayor). Officers ELECTRICIAN— SANITARY INSPECTOR; INSPECTOR OP Tows CLERK — It. Brydon. OP VEHICLES — DAIRIES, INSPECTOR E. Scott Holland, J.P. Thos. Lloyd. CITY TREASURER AND ASSISTANT TOWN CLERK — MAGISTRATES II. Elliott. ASSISTANT INSPECTOR — Mcliensey (S.M.) CITY ENGINEER— F. G. Adrian (S.M.) J. Mitchell. Guy Allbut. hake Macquarie Shire Council—J. Stenhouse, Chairman ; T. It. Davies, Sec.; A. II. Lowry, Engineer. Meet alternate Wednesdays at Cardiff. Aachen and Munich Fire Insurance Co. LGt.Leslie, District Agent Abel & Co., Ltd. Tea Rootns Aberdeen Line of Steamers, Dalgety and Co., Ltd., Agents Abermain Colliery Co., Ltd. F. and II. Langwill Hairdresser Abrahams M. Adams W. and Co. Merchants Fruiterer Adams D. A Adams W. II., Inspector Vegetation Diseases, Dept. Agriculture Adelaide S.S. Co., Ltd. J. B. Brown, Res. Manager Adrian F. G. (S.M.) Laundry All Gee Alder and Ilackworthy .. Blacksmiths Alderson NV. Carrier Alexander W. It. & Son, Auctioneers Alexander W. E. Vice-Consul for l'eru Allan l'ercy, ALI.C.14., Pres. Hunter District W. S. and S. Board Allardice F., Excelsior Boot &Shoe Co. Alliance Fire Assurance Co., Ltd.— 3. Campbell Wood, Agent Allinglia m Importer Allison J. Bootmaker Amalgamated Society Carpenters and Joiners—C. Cornish, Secretary Amalgamated Society Engineers— Edwin Will, Secretary American Consulate—George 11. Kill. master, Consul ; John K. Foster, Vice-Consul; A. W. Paton, Consular Clerk and Incorporated Anderson j. Tinsmith Andros A. Oyster Saloon Anthes E. Bootmaker Antney G. D. Bootmaker WOOD aliteadt=.9r2hori a772; COMMERCIAT, New171A AND COMPANY'S Appleby J., Manager Silvertown Electric and Rubber Co. Argentine Republic—M. Molinas, Vice-Consul Armstrong Martin .... Empire Hotel Armstrong W. Newsagent Arnott William, Ltd., Biscuit Manufacturers Ash Fred., Ltd., 011 and Colour Merchants Ash's Free and Bonded Stores Ash .1. S. ... Painter, Plumber, etc. Ash James It. Insurance Agent Asher Alfred .... Commission Agent Asher Frank Saddler Ashman Steve Hairdresser Aspley and Morgan, Timber Merchants Asser W. Billposter Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers (The)-14arp Bros. and Co., Ltd. ATKINSON AND HUGHES, Hatters and Mercers, 71 Hunter Street (see Advt.). Atkinson A. A., Chief Inspector of Coalfields Atkinson Thomas Pacific Hotel Attlas Assurance Co., Ltd. Australasian Institute of Marine Engineers—J. Davidson, Sec. Australasian Mutual Live Stock Insurance Society—F. Gardner, Agent Australasian Temperance and General Mutual Life Assurance Society, Ltd. —George A. Beatton, District Supt. Australasian United Steam Navigation Co., Ltd.—Dalgety and Co., Ltd., Agents Australian Alliance Assurance Co.— A. II. Hough, Agent Australian Agricultural Co.—F. Livingstone Learttiontli, General Supt.; Charles M. Ranclaucl, Chief Clerk; John D. Beeston, Shipping Manager; John W. °reeves, Accountant; George Fairbairn, Stock Supt.; . Arnold Elliott, Surveyor Australian Bank of Commerce, Ltd.— P. AI. O'Neill Manager Australian Coal Briquette Co., td.— Earn and do., Ltd. Australian Fruit and Produce -Co., Ltd.—E. Johns, Abu:aging Director Australian Metropolitan Life Assurtd.--II. F. noose, anceCo., District guperintendent Australian Mutual Fire Insurance Society—Frank Gardner, Agent Australian Mutual Provident Society— D. A. J. Helmore, District Sec. Australian Mutual Shipping Co., Ltd. —Ear;) Bros. and Co., Ltd. Australian Windows and House Cleaning Co. Bacon W. S. ... Forwarding Agent Bain Rev. IV. (Pres.) Baker Joseph hairdresser Baker William Henry .... Solicitor Bakewell .1..... Electrical Engineer Bank of Australasia—J. T. Lipscombe, . Manager Bank of N.S.W.—W. I). Sweetapple, Manager Bank of N.S.W. (West)— J. C. Osborne, Manager Banks E. II. Builder AMBULANCE CARRIAGE— RIND UP NO. 726, OR" SYDNEY STABLES," SYDNEY. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR POULTRY KEEPERS' REQUISITES. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR THE MAN ON THE LAND. 172ANew ATKINSON & HUGHES, The HAT KINGS and Mercery Specialists, 71 Hunter Street, NEWCASTLE. We stock everything for Men's Wear. Newest Goods always arriving. N IVCAaTI, g CONTix u Banks H. S. .... Inspector of Police Banks Mrs. J. Boardinghouse Banns N. Oyster Saloon Bannister F. G. Locksmith Bardsley II. Assayer Barnes D. & Co Bootmakers Barnet Glass Rubber Co.— F. J. von der Hyde, Manager Barnett Mrs. M. Coffee Palace Barnett Sam Tobaeconist Barry J. Bootmaker Barry W. D. .... Teacher of Violin Bartley Thomas Signwriter Bate John Jeweller Bates T. L., F.G.S., Inspector of Coalfields flour F. G. Physician Fruiterer Broadbent S. 13ootmaker Black A. Blackall & Hunt, Chemists & Dentists Brooks Keith .... Commission Agent Blacken R. Dentist Brown & Tobby .. Timber Merchants. Blackburn J. Watchmaker Brown H. J. and Mitchell, Solicitors Blackert A. D., representing "Evening Brown Hon. Alexander, Consul for Italy News" and "Maitland Mercury" Ilrown James and Alex., Colliery Proprietors Newspapers Carrier Bland T. Royal Coffee Palace Brown F. Illatchford Mrs. Ann .. Confectioner Brown Robert .... Sen. Sergt. Police. Saddlera Browne Thomas .. Monumental Mason Blewitt J. and Sons Tailor Blundell Mrs. Boardinghouse Bruce W. 11. Board & Co. .... Estate Agents, etc. Bryant R., Saddler and Sports Depot noddy Miss IC. 3Insie Teacher Buchanan Leslie, Representative Boddy S. A. Photographer Sydney "Daily Telegraph Bonarius A. W Auctioneer Buckle & Taylor Ltd. .... Stevedores. General Agent, etc. Bull Henry and Co., Ltd. Bond R. J. Warehousetnen Bone James Grocer Boonoo-Boonoo Gold Dredging Co., Bureatt•Veritas—Captain J. .1. Brown 1 Confectioner Ltd.—G. T. Rowland, Secretary Burgess Booth J. A. and Co., Tea Merchants Burke John & Sons Ltd., Boulden Capt. S., Inspector Navigation BEALE & CO. LTD. General Merchants. Department Burke John, J.P. Beale Pianos Absolutely the best. Bourne it Clarke Grocers Burke A. A. Solicitor 25 Years' Guarantee. Awarded Bowen IV. J. West End Hotel Burke '1'. J., ,S'ynam's Family Hotel. Grand Prix and Diploma Uowker Edward Dentist Burkitt W. M. II., Inspector of D'Ilonneur, Anglo-Franco Exhibi- Bowles Rev, R. B., Teacher of Factories tion. Cash or Easy Terms. Old Bookkeeping Burn Reginald G. .. Terminus holdt Pianos taken in Exchange. For D. Draper, etc. Burnage T. & Son, Ltd., particulars apply to .1. Keating, Boyd W. J. Plumber Wine and Spirit Merchants Manager, 28 blunter at, Newcastle Boyer Bradley IV. Carrier Burnett L. Carrier Bear W. 13oottnalcer Bradstreet Mercantile Agency (The)— Burns, Philp & Co., Ltd., Federal nearby A. A., Teacher of Pattern Earn Bros. and Co., Ltd. Shire Steamship Line Making Brady W. and Co. Boots and Shoes Cadell J. A., Mgr. London Bank Beck C. Hairdresser Bramble IV. E. Carrier of A., Ltd. Becker E. ... Haberdashery Importer Bray George Butcher Cadia Copper Mining 11111i Smelting Beeston Dr. J. L., 31.L.C., Physician Braye and Cohen SolicitorsCo., Ltd.—II. Norman Berry, Sec. Belgian Consul—The Hon. A. Brown Braye T. A., J.P Solicitor Caledonian Coal Co., LimitedBelt G. II. and Go, Grocers Braye W. 11. Accountant and Sec.IW. F. Morrow, Shipping Manager Bell Miss Lena, Teacher of Elocution Master Butchers' Association Caledonian Fire Office-Bell George E. & Sons, Drapers and Breckenridge and Co. Drapery ! W. II. Goodman, Agent Grocers Breckenridge Robert, Timber Mer., Caledonian Society—G. P. Scott. S.M., Bell James Billiard Saloon chant and Importer ' Chief ; IV. 1 ,1. Smith, Sec. Bell William M. IVine Depot Brett IV. Sailmaker Callen M. and A. and II., Lightermen Bell William W. Pawnbroker Brett II. P., Agent, Agent A. A.Callen M., J.P. Bennett & llarkell ....• Cycle Depot Danger Estate Callen l'eter & Sons, Timber Merchants Bennett Peter, Architect and Valuator Brettle Con Fish Shop and Steamship !Proprietors Bennett and Milford Saddlers Brewery Employees' Union—Cambrinn Society—R. Lewis, lion. Sec. Bennett and Wood, Ltd., Cycle Depot William Davis, Sec. ' Cameron Hugh . Star Hotel Bennett James, Postmaster Bridle .1. It. Public School alatibury) Cameron J. G. ....Cameron's Hotel (Hunter at West) Briscoe Copt.' J. C,'. . , Marine Surveyor Campbell and Callen, Boat Proprietors Bernard L., Sec. Dept: of Navigation British, Australian Oil Co., Ltd. I Campbell George A. .... Tobacconist Bernasconi Frank Tobacconist British and Colonial Mandolin and . ! Canada Cycle and Motor Co., Ltd. Bernasconi Mrs. M., Undertaker, etc. Guitar Co. Canadian Australian Line—"All Red" Bernard D. and Co., Picture Frame. British Imperial Goldsmiths—R. G. I Route—Union S.S. Co., Agents makers Baker Reeves, Manager ' Ca n n W. , J.P Derrick G'. E., Manufacturers' Agent British Imperial Oil Co., Ltd.j Canton Insurance Co.—Harp Bros. Berriman Produce Dealer British India Steam Navigation Co., I and Co., Ltd. Berry II. Norman Accountant Ltd.---Dalgety and Co., Ltd., Agents Carpenter II. Carrier Bethune William, Sub-collector British Piano Depot Ltd.—E. C. Cooke, . Carroll rt. B. Dentist II. M. Customs Inspector and Manager Castleden F. G. Architect Bird The Very Rev. C. H. Golding Britton R. Carrier Castlemaine Brewery and Wood Bros. (C. of E.), Dean Broughton .1, .. Shipping Merchant and Co., Ltd. WOOD .AND COMPANY: NewCOUNTRY COMMERCIAL.New173k COUNTRY COMMERCIAL. New THE FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF N.S.W..: SYDNEY. ateree adtlinot%.81042hOlgr'rgi; Lock's Monumental Works. Cheapest and Best House for all kinds of Monumental Work, . Designs post free, and Estimates given for work fixed complete everywhere. Telephone 140, BOX 14, P.O., Newcastle West. D. L. MELDRUM and A. C. MARKEY, Proprietors. Office and Yard: 255 Hunter Street, Caudin Alf. Tobacconist Central Loan Co., F. Hawley, Mgr. Central Methodist Mission— Rev. IV. F. Oakes, Superintendent Chalmers J. Plumber. etc. Chancellor of Diocese of Newcastle— Senator The Hon. Sir A. J. Gould Chapman A. F. Cycle Agent Charleston II. Photographer Charlton A. & Son Plumbers Tailor Charnock A. China Navigation Co., Ltd. China Traders Insurance Co., Ltd. (Marine)—J. Campbell Wood, Agent Chinese Mission Hall (The) Chippindall II. H., 3.1' C.P.S. Chong. Charles Grocer Christian Endeavour Union— Rev. IV. Atkinson, Supt. Christie Colin .. Teacher of Shorthand Christie Mr. and Mrs., Teachers of Dancing Christie R. Plumber Christie IV. Umbrella Manufacturer Christoidierson It. Carrier City 13unk of Sydney—Percy W. Vaughan, Manager City Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. Oscar W. Gillum, Agent City Mutual Life Assurance Society, Ltd.—W. Swindell, Manager City of Newcastle Lodge, No. 1086, G.U.O.O.F.—Alf. E. Stieesby, See. City of Newcastle Gas and Coke Corn. patty, Ltd. (The)—A. Langwill, Manager Civilian Ride Club—G. S. Goldie, Hon. Sec. Clack Ii. IL Accountant Clarence Town Curing Co.— S. Wansey, Agent Clark Marcus & Co. ltd. Corner of Porcher street and Hunter street West. Importers General Drapery, Tailoring, Mil. linery, Men's and Boys' Cloth. ing, Furniture. etc. Clark James Ship Chandler Clarke & Bourne Grocers Coal Triminera' Union—P. Sullivan, Secretary Coastal Fanners' Co-operative Society NV. Lee, Manager Cohen David & Co. Merchants Cohen H. Morris Solicitor Cohen S. S. .... Vice-Consul Greece WOOD AND COMPANY'S TLE West. CAS NENV Spain—IV. 13. Sharp, Vice-Consnl Coleman S. J., Shipping and Incr. Sweden—Harold de Ville Newance Agent, Durwood Extended ton, Vice-Consul Colliery United States of America—G. 11, Collier Thomas St Sons, Warehousemen Killinaater, Consul; J. K. FosColliery Employees' Federation— ter, Vice and Deputy Consul IV. Brennan, Secretary Cook and Co. Drapers Colliery Engine Drivers' Assn. .1. Lloyd, Sec. Cook A., Ltd. ...... Sawmillers, etc. Collins V. C., Coal Mining Instructor Cook J. E., sen. liam Shop. Colonial Mutual Fire Accident Co-operative Colliery Co. NV. Laidley Insurance Co.—F. Gardner, Agent and Co. Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Co., Co-operative Coupon Co., Ltd.— Ltd.—IV. II. Palmer, Dist Mgr. Alex. Massey, Manager Carrier Colwell Rev. P. (Meth.) Copel J. Commercial blank of A., Ltd.— Cormicic Miss .. Ladies' Hairdresser Ii. II. Moore, Mgr. Cornish II. 1'. St Co. Tailors. Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, Corrigan T. Carrier Ltd.—fleo. It. Short, Mgr. Cotterill J. Butcher Commercial Coffee Palace— Council Chambers (The)—E. Scott B. Williams, Manager Holland, J.I'., Town Clerk. Commercial Union Assurance Co., Coutts Sailors' Home—II. Samuels, Superintendent Ltd. (Fire and Marine), IV. B. Sharp Cracknell W. and Son Bakers Commonwealth Hall (The)—Dawson Crago F., Miller—G. IV. Mulvey, Agt. and Christie, Proprietors Crawley A. C. Physician Commonwealth Shoe Co. Ltd. Creer and Berkeley .... Auctioneers Connelly Rev. A. (C. of E.) Creer N. B., J.P., Registrar Connor James ... 1Vestminster Hotel Births, Marriages and Deaths. CONSULS. Croft F. It., Northumberland Colliery P. G. Newsagent Argentine—M. 3Iolings,Vice. Crofts Cretin/ay Magnus .. Shipping Agent. Consul M. Blacksmith Austria . 11tingary—A. A. Rankin, Cronin Cuba Consulate—George II. Killmaster,. Vice-Consul Consul Belgium—Hon. Alex. Brown, Cumming Capt. F., Deputy M.L.C., Consul Superintendent of Navigation Chili—M. thindelach, Consul ... Residential Chambers Cuba—G. B. Killtnaster, Consul ; Citron Mrs. Lime Merchant Curie T. J. IC. Foster, Vice-Consul Carrier J. Denmark—A. A. Rank in, J.P., Curtis Dach N. & Co. Mercers Vice•Consul Telegraph" Newspaper— Ecuador—Manuel S. Gundelach, "DailyLeslie Buchanan, RepresentativeConsul•G'eneral for Australia Plumber France—John C. Reid, Consular Dagwell 0. R. Daley F. J. ...... Auctioneer, etc. Agent Gerniany-0. Johannsett, Vice. Dalgety and Co., Ltd., Merchants, IVoolbrokers, Shipping and InsurConsul ance Agents. Greece—S. S. Cohen, Vice-Consul Italy—Hon. Alex. Brown, M.L.C., Danger A. A., Estate Office— II. I'. Brett, Manager Consular Agent Danish Consul—A. A. Rankin, .1.1'. "Mexico—J. It. Hall, Consul Netherlands—Charles A. Harp, Dark S. Fish and Ice Co. Builder Dart W. Vice-Consul Norway—II. C. Langwill, Vice. Dart James, Solicitor and Commissioner for Affidavits Consul Tailor Panama—K. Brooks, Consul. Dash II. E. Davey J. Saddler In-Chief for Australia Peru—IV. U. Alexander, Vice. Davidson D. Carrier Consul; A. IV, Paton Chan. Davidson J. Bellevue Hotel Davies J. P. Cycle Agent cellor Russia—F. Lubrano, Consular Davies M. II., 201 Bruce-street, Cook's Hilt Agent BUSINESS METHODS NEVER OFFEND ANYONE, / Reed °Moo, 810 .12 George ,. '1 Street. SYDNEY. Tel. IN r 174A • ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR TOP QUALITY AT BOTTOM . PRICE. COUNTRY COMMERCIAL..j■Tew New N MOOTS.< CONTIN — Davies Mrs. M. P. .... Confectioner Davies L., Manufacturing Confectioner, etc. Davies & Cannington Ltd., Federal Printing Works Endersby If. Boots and Shoes Gardiner Archil,ald, Teacher of Mine Suurveyi iig Everist Mrs., Teacher of French and German GardneW.S&Co, "Evening News"—A. D. Blacken Timber Merchants Fairless Bros. Booksellers Gardner F., J.P. .. Insurance Agent Farrell W. T., "Tosca" Photographic Gardner W. Lighthouse Keeper Studio °anthem F. Newmarket Hotel Dyer Garrett George E .. Exchange Hotel Ferrer W. DAVIES & HERBERT LTD, Faulding F. H. and Co. .. Chemists Federal Carrying Co. Reliance Confectionery Works, Federal Paper and Agency Co. MI Hunter at west, Newcastle, Federated GARRETT T. & SONS LTD. Seamen's Union of and at West Maitland Flour, Grain and Produce MerAustralia—T. Walsh, Agent Davis Thomas and Co., Incorchants and Salesmen, etc., 81 and Feldheim, Gotthelf Ltd. .porated Accountants 53 hunter at west, Newcaele Davis Gatcward Physician Dawson 0. and Co., Ironmongers and FELTHAM de McLEOD Garret t T., J.P. General Store thizzard W. F. & Son .. Builders, etc. A.A. Co.', Wharf, 8 Hunter at Gibbs, Bright and Co., Merchanta, Dawson R. Teacher Pianoforte west. American Music, Songs, Wool Stores, and Dumpers, ShipDe (Dorian E. Billposter, etc. and Novelty Store. Importers of ping and Insurance Agents. Be °torten Mrs. E.'. Dressmaker Jewellery, Musical Instruments, Gibson Robert, Engineer, Iron and Be Gray Madame Registry Office Strings, etc. Complete stock of Denes, Denes and Co , Oyster Saloon Brass Founder all Sixpenny Editions of Popular Gilbert Bros. Coachbuilders Denton Mrs. W. R. Hatter Music and Songs Derwent and Tamar Fire and Marine Gilbert 11. Blacksmith Insurance Co. Gilbert Owen Auctioneer Dick G. and C., Custom House Agents renwick 3. & Co., Steam Tug Owners Giles F. 0 Carrier Butcher Gill George • Bag Merchant Dick Robert, M.D., C.M., Physician, Fenwick 1 Health Oflicer Ferguson Dr. Physician Gill T. C. representing Robert Reid Fidelity Guarantee, etc., Society— & Co., Ltd., warehousemen, 23-25 Dimond Bros., Photo Enlargers and P. Gardner, Agent Perkins at Electro .plate Dealers Di prose P. II. Saddler Field Samuel Butcher Calla in & Co., Merchants & Brokers District Cheek Inspector of Collieries— Field and Rich, Lime Store andGilmore W. Milk Vendor E'. Builders' Materials Gitlens and Eastliam, Produce Dombkins W. .Boots and Shoes Filmer and Co. Electroplaters Merchants Donald It. 0., M.P.& Chemist Finney J. Inspector of Schools Godfrey 0. Photographer Dennison T. Oxford Hotel Firkin and !lathy Chemists Goldsmith F. .... Boots and Shoes C. .. Manufacturing Jeweller IMolvy Firth and Stollery, Newcastle Bicycle Goninan A. & Co. Ltd., Metal and Door of Hope Mission— and Sundries Supply Co. Machine Merchants Miss Baldwin, Matron Fisher J. C., Inspector, The Merchants' Goodman & Wright, Ltd., Auctioneers Dougherty E. Carrier and Traders' Association Ltd. Gorman T., Divisional Officer, Fire Dowdall George Signwriter Fitzliardinge M. II., Deputy S.M., etc. Brigades' Board Doyle Martin Physician Flanagan I Solicitor Carrier Gorrick J. A. Drummond L. S. and Co., Flemming C. A.—Ilenry Bull & Co., Government Savings Bank of N.S.W.— Representative Accountants, etc. W. J. l'arrey, Manager Dudley Coal Co., Ltd.—Dalgety and Fletcher F. W. J., .1.1'. .... Chemist (low and Shearman Painters Co., Ltd., Agents Fletcher J. P. Dentist (low It. lifeboat Coxswain Dudley Estate .. F. Gardner, Agent Flynn E. "Sunday Times" Graham .1. F. .. Accountant, Pacific at Dunlop Rubber Co. of Australasia, Ford A. 13., Manager Union Bank Gray W. II. Pastrycook Ltd.-11. P. Simmons, Represent. of Australia, Ltd. Great Northern Building Society— Dunlop and Crawley Physicians Foresters' Hall (The) F. Gardner, Agent Dunlop N. J Physician Forsyth W. S. Leather Manufacturer Gruel. Northern Poultry Club— Dunlop 'I'. 3. C. Woods, Sec. Dentist Foster John K., Great Northern Hotel, Dunn James Carrier and Vice-Consul U.S. Greece Vice-Consul—S. S. Cohen Eames W. L. Physician Fowler R., Pottery and Brickworkers, Green Bros., Jewellers, Watchmakers Ebbw-Main Coal Mining Co. Ltd.— Darby Street and Sydney Green H. Hairdresser James Cant, Secretary Franklin Mrs. J. II. .. Boardinghouse illVell '1'. Milk Vendor Carp Brothers and Co., Ltd., Mer- Fraser J. and Sons .... Boatbuilders Greenwood E. II. Bootmaker chants, Coal and Shipping Agents. Fraser Rev. A. (Pres.) Greenwood AV. .1., Bicycle Manufac. -Earl), Woodcock, Beveridge and Co., Fraser James Brasefounder Gregory Mrs. ... Refreshment Rooms Ltd., Timber Merchants French Consul—John C. Reid, Con- Griffiths 'I'. & Sons, Produce Merchants sular Agent Griffiths J. .... Teacher of Shorthand arp Chas. A., Vice-Consul Netherlands Harp Hon. G. F., J.P., M.L.C. Friend W. S. and Co. Iron Merchants Grisdale W. Newsagent J. I.' Cleaves, Rep. Groves and Co. Merchants East Greta Coal Mining Co. Ltd.— Harp Bros. di Co., Ltd. Friendly Societies' Association— Guardian Fire Assurance Co., Ltd.— East Greta Colliery— W Bond, Pres.Gibbs, Bright and Co., Agents Blacksmith Gundelach Manuel, Consul for Chili Harp Bros. & Co., Ltd. Frost A. and Ecuador East Greta RailwayFrost H. W. Scalemaker Fruiterer Gwynne J. P. F., Representative .Harp Bros. & Co., Ltd. Frost J. Faulding and Co. Edwards D. C. Small Goods Frost W., Ship & General Blacksmith Fry A. E., Secretary Hunter River Hall Bros., Cycle and Motor Agents Edwards G. T., J.I'., Auctioneer and District Water Supply and Sewerage Hall It. & Son, Ltd., General Deputy Coroner ... Merchants Eggleston E. A. Board 'Florist Plumber Hall John R., J.P., Consul for Mexico Elemore Vale Colliery--. Fryer R. Hall A. F. Surveyor Royal llotel W. Maddison, Manager Fryer Thomas, jun. ..., Carrier Elliott Ralph ... The Masonic Hotel Fryett John W., New Station Hotel Hall Bert Farrier Hall Mrs. M. .. Black Diamond Hotel Ellis and Co. .... Timber Merchants Fulton J. Emerton Miss E., Teacher Pianoforte Furrier Mrs. F. .... Registry Office Hamilton A. J. .... Boots and MOPS Employers' Liability Assurance Col, ( -MRCS Charles E., Monumental Mason Hamilton J. D. Dentist poration, Ltd.—A. 0.• Leslie, Dth- Gale Walter F., Accountant Savings Hampden Ltd. Dining Rooms Bank N.S.W. Iland and Heart Lodge (923), U.A.O. trict Agent.. Endeavour Gold and Silver Mining Gallagher Bros GrocersDruids—J. II. Sheen, Sec. Syndicate 14(1.-11. Thomas Row- Gardiner W. & Co., Ltd., Warehouse- Hannell Mrs. Frank, Teacher of Music . land, Secretary men—J. G. hunt, Mgr., King at Hansen II., Grocer and Produce Store WOOD AND COMPANY: FUNERAL , DIRECTORS OF RAW. /lend Office.12 810- George SYDNEY. ( Street South . 'Phone 7203 EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY AT ANTHONY HORDERNSV: New COUNTRY COMMERCIAL.• New]75A J. R. Shephard, Ideal Tailor Established 1887. 369 Hunter Street West, NEWCASTLE. The .ficme of Style, Fit, and Finish at moderate prices. Write for Samples and Quotations. Hawn Mrs. Isabella Fruiterer Hardman Bros., Biscuit Manufacturers (II. S. Davies, Representative) Hardy Frank Confectioner liarkine R. A. Dentist Harman Mrs. G. Sinn I loads Ilarris and Son Printers Harris Henry Vincent, Westcott and Co., Solicitors Harris John, J.P., Physician, Government Medical Officer Ilarris H. Plano Tuner Ilarris May Physician Hart Charles .1. R. Drug Store Unclog Alf. Ltd. Opticians Harvey If. A, Tobacconist Harvey Mrs. M. Grocer Ilatherley W. En Inger Hawken C. IL Hairdresser Ilawken Charles .. Commercial Hotel Hawkins Ltd. Carriers Hawkins H. A. Chemist Hawkins W. 0. Carrier Hawley F. Financier Ilawthorne Adam Bootinaker tray I Undertaker Hayes D. .... Teacher Public School Hayman and Green, Wholesale Fruiterers Heathorn and C'erinick .... Masseuse Heaton 0. II. Carrier If eddon-Greta Colliery—Earp Bros and Co., Ltd. Henderson James Architect Henry E., Teacher Public School (South) Henry S. A. Electrician Hermon J. B., M.I.C.E., Engineer, ILDAV.S. and S. Board Herbert and Rinker, Launch l'rop'tors Herbert and Silverthorne, Jewellers Ilerbert Samuel .. District Architect Iletton Coal Co., Ltd. D. Wilkins, Shipping Manager Ifewison II. G., Manager for W. ' Laidley and Co. Ilewitt Bros. .... Ironmongers, etc. Hubble Charles, J.P., Representative "Sun" Newspaper, & City Coroner Hillier Oscar Draper Hindle Alfred II. Carrier 'fling Lee Greengrocer Hoffman's Photographic Studio lioffnung S. and Co., Ltd., Merchants Hogan John St Co., Grain, Flour and Produce Merchants Holland Miss Mildred Scott, Teacher of Elocution Hollings .1. A., Teacher of Advanced Art, Freehand and Model Drawing Hollway F. G. Dentist WOOD AND COMPANY Holmes Charles .... Exchange Hotel Holt S. L. Frenclipollsher Honeysuckle Hall (The) Hooper J. R., Joint Manager New Zealand Insurance Co., Ltd. Ilorler Gilbert Mercer Horstall A. H. Phyaician Iloskin Arthur • Sio-nwri ter Hospital for Insane—Dr. R. U. Russell, Superintendent; Miss Newton, Matron Hotel Rawson Hough A. H., Shipping and Colliery Agent Hough H. W. .... Newcastle Hotel Howard Smith Co., Ltd., Steamship Owners—W. F. Morrow, Manager Howard and Ulmann, Turners and Fitters Howard R., Supt. State Children's Relief Branch Carrier Howell J. Howland A. .... Dairy Produce, etc. Chemist I F. Howland IIuddart, Parker and Co. Proprietary, Ltd., Shippers—C. ()reeves, Manager Hudson, Livingstone and West, Stevedores Iludson George .... Post Office Hotel Hudson J. Butler .. Blue Bell Hotel Huff= E. P. S. Accountant Hughes Dr. Samuel II. Humble W., F.G.S., Senior Inspector Coal Fields !font J. G., Manager W. Gardiner and Co., Ltd. Hunter District Water Supply and Sewerage Board—Alfred E. Fry, Secretary Winter River District Sanitary In Inspectors' Assn—I. Horne, See. Hunter River Vineyard Co.— Stirling & Son Hunter John and Son, Ltd., Leather and Grindery, Boots and Shoes Hunter R. H., Bookseller & Stationer Ilurn C., District Superintendent MutualLifeandCitizens' Assurance Company Hutton J. Plumber Ilutton Thomas and Co., Ltd., Manufacturing Stationers Hutton J. G., District Inspector Collieries Indiartibber, Guttapercha and Telegraph Works Co., Ltd. (Silvertown Company)—J. Appleby, Representative Industrial Union of Employers Ingall It. & Sons Tailors, etc. Ingall Tom II. & Son Clothier!' !wile 14,1.—Tea Merchants— II. S. Davies, Representative Inspector of Magazines—Sub-Inspeetor II. S. Banks International Correspondence Schools Ltd.—J. Tribe, Manager IRELAND J. LTD. Heed Merchants, Newcastle (Hunter River), N.S.W. Speciality— "Recleaned Hunter River Lucerne Seed" Ireland's Bond Ireland J., Ltd., Produce and General Merchants Ironside E., Assistant Engineer Public Work!, Irvine Ltd. Tailors Tailor Irvine G. D. Dealer Israel 1 Israel D. R. Clothier Italian Consular Agent—The Hon.. A. Brown Jack Thomas Fruiterer Silversmiths Jackson Bros. James A. H. Solicitor James William .. Locomotive Hotel' Jefferson II. 11. Postmaster Jennings C. Tobacconist .lenninga Miss L. Dressmaker Jobson Mrs. .... Confectioner, etc. Johannsen Otto, Importer and Consul for Germany Tailor Johns T. Johnson Rev. E. Fisher (C. of E.) Johnston J. and Co. .... Ironmongere Johnston AA'. liairdresser Jones Rev. E. M. (11apt ) Draper Jones J. D. Jones Mrs. Owen Boardinghouse Jones AV. E., Teacher of Carpentry, etc. Jones William, Chief Dredge Master Carrier Keith J. Kelly A. Licensed Dealer Kelly E. G. Gastittings, etc. Kelly Miss Evelyn ... Teacher Piano, Kelly J. (I(Iondyke) .... Clothier Kelly H. Asphalter Kelly Miss Dressmaker Kendrick J. W. Bookseller Kennedy T. ... Teacher of Plumbinfc Kerr F. •Carpenter Kethel A. & Co., Ltd., Ebbw Main Coal H. Co., Ltd. Killick AV. Tobacconist Kindergarten Society—Miss Macpherson, Directress ;Bliss Short, Secretary SIVE PERSONAL ATTENTION AND UNQUALIFIED SATISFACTION. SYDNEY. 1 9 ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR THE NEWEST MEN'S MERCERY. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING, 176ANewCOUNTRY COMMERCIAL.New MIMI& King C. W., Assistant Engineer Upon All Classes of Security. Works Department King Edward, Teacher Pianoforte, etc. Lo west Interest. Easy Terms. Kirchner W. C. &gent linowles Capt. G. IL, Berthing Allister Bills Disoounted, Kouvaras and Patrick .. Confectioners lirempin F. IV. Seed Merchant N.S.W. Laidley W. & Co., Ltd., Co-operative Telephone 274. MONTDEPIETE and Rhondda Collieries Lambton Burwood Collieries Office D. & I. CO., LTD., Lancashire Fire Insurance Co.— II. P. Brett, Agent 17 HUNTER ST., NEWCASTLE, Lance Airs. Teacher of Music and NIGH ST., WEST MAITLAND. Lancey Richard Federal Hotel Lane and Trewartha Grocers P. E Osborne, Local Mannuer. EUSTACE BENNETT, General Manager. Lang, Wood and Co., Insurance Agents, Auctioneers Langer It, Book Arcade Lucerne IL T. Butcher McPherson II. Blacksmith Langer Mrs. Dressmaker Luckliam F. Photographer McPherson W. Saddler Langstaff R. W. Surveyor Lumley Herbert Tobacconist McRae Miss ha, Teacher of Dancing Langwill F. and H. Shipping Agents Luscombe Rev. P. S., M A. Canon Macree C. Oyster Saloon Larke II. J. and Co., Tea Merchants (C. of E.) Maitland Brewing Co.—R. Woods Larkin A. I Dentist Lyceum Hall Macrow A. k Sons l'roprietary Ltd., Lashmore W. .. Refreshment Rooms Lymington CollieryJewellers and Importers Lasker Bros. .. Tailors and Mercers litiddart Parker k Co., Ltd. Halsey Mrs. W. J. Fruiterer Last W. Nelson Dentist Lynch Jane Mary Grocer Lauer L. Wood Turner Lynch Matthew ... . .'I ustralian Hotel "ilsithand Mercury"—P. Gardner, Agent Laverty and Co., Produce Merchants Lynch W. Bootmaker Law Jas. General Store Lyon k Milling Ltd.-11. A. Fleming, Maitland and Cessnock District Colliery and Railway Owners' As. Lawes Chemical Co., Ltd.— Representative soefation—Earp Bros. and Co., W. B. Sharp, Agent McAlister Mrs. P., Matron d. Newcastle hospital Lawrence Henry & Co., Pawnbrokers Blacksmith Manchester Unity of OddfellowsLee and Co., 'Tailors and Clothiers McArthur T W. Levey, Sec. Fish Shop McArthur W. and A., Ltd. (J. H. Lees I I Fraser Manager), Warehousemen, Manning River Limestone and SteamLeis Francis C. .. Club House Hotel King st ship Co.—C. and G Dick, Agents Lentenegger J. Ltd. Importer Lent hen Mrs. layer, etc. McArthur W. Brash Ltd. .. Importers Mantzaris Peter Confectioner Leslie J. A. and Co. Tailors Macartney Mrs. .... Maternity Home Manufacturers' Agency Ltd. (The)— T. Park, Representative Levey W. M. Bootmaker McAuliffe Rev. H. F., B.A. (B.C.) Levy Bros. Fancy Goods McAuliffe It. Livery Stables Angelo, Shipping Providore Lewis and Thomas Drapers McCann Mrs. E. Registry Office Marchese Marist Bros.' School Lewis Harry Outfit ter McCartney John, Great Britain Hotel Markham Miss Artist Light AL J.P. House Furnisher McCormick Mrs. Dressmaker Marquett's Limited, Sack Merchants • Lightfoot W. T. .. Insurance Agent McCracken Thomas Grocer Marsden .I. A. Dentist Limebumer II. and Sons, Dyke Ferry McDonald J. T. Grocer Marsden Mrs. .. Rooms Limebitrner J. AI., Centennial Hotel Macdonnell H. H., Official Receiver Marsden WilliamRefreshment .... Boardinghouse Ling C. F. Bookseller, etc. for Municipal District of Lambton Marsh II. Ma. Dentist Lipscomb° J. T., Manager Bank Maedonnell .I. C., Incur. Broker, etc. Marshall Miss Jessie, Teacher of Violin of Australasia McEvoy J. and Sons (F. A. Spriggs), Marshall W., Auctioneer and Estate Lister T. G. Agent Boot and Shoe Manufacturers Agent Livermore J. Carrier McGlynn J. N. .... Boots and Shoes Martin T. Grocer Liverpool, London and Globe Insur- Mel lardy Charles P., Sub-inspector of Martin Thomas Carrier ance Co.—R. J. Jamieson, Local Police Masonic Hall (The) Manager; W. J. Cleaves, Agent McIlwraith, MeEachern and 0o. Master Builders' Association of N.S.W. Lloyd's Tea—D. F. Whyte, Agent Prop., Ltd.—J. Cowan, Mgr. J. D. Cow, Secretary Lochhead W. K., J.P. .. Merchant Master Butchers' Association— W. II. Braye, Secretary LOCK'S MONUMENTAL WORKS Master Printers Association— —Meldrum and Markey, Pro- MACINTYRE EDWARD W. Blythe, Hon. Secretary Asbestos Boiler and Steam-pipe Master Retailers' Association— prietors, 255 Hunter Street (see Covering Contractor, 6 far. 1,6I A. W. Bonarius, Secretary Advt.). wood Lane, Sydney; p.r., 71, Matt hewson II. Coach Proprietor Union st, Pyrmont, Sydney. May Sydney J. Chemist Lock George P., J.P., Insurance, Melbourne and Great Northern Copper Financial Agent, etc. Smelting Co., Ltd.—II. Norman Metiensev J., S.M. Logan Miss E. E., Cathedral Hill Berry, Sec. School Mackenzie II. —Manufacturers' Agent McKenzie F. Grocer Melbourne Steamship Co., Ltd.— London Bank of Australia, Ltd.— Mackie J. and Co., Furniture WareM. C. Reid, Manager J. A. Odell, Manager house Afeldrinn and Markey McKiernan Rev. M. (11.C.) Monumental Masons Meletos S. Oyster Saloon LONDON ONO LANCASHIRE FIRE McLaren Mrs. J., l'ietoria Theatre Hotel Menkens and Casticden .. Architects McLean J. II. and Co. .. Boottnakers Menmuir W., Crockery and Glass INSURANCE COMPANY McLennan C., Surgical Instrument Merchant Menzies & Robinson, Ships' Produce Chief Agents for Newcastle and McLeod W., Secretary School ofMaker Arts and Provision Merchants District: Lang, Wood and Co., McLoughlin Arthur, Sewing Machine Mercantile Marine Service Association ill Newcomen st of Liverpool Agent Love J. R. and Co., Tea Merchants MeMurtrie and Co., Ltd., Boot Mercantile Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Lowlands Bowling Club—R. Kilgour, • Manufacturers Ltd.—J. Mercer, Inspector lion. Sec. McNulty, Gardner & Co., Merchants' Marine Insurance Co.— Lubrano & Ferrari .. Ship Providores Karp Bros. and Co., Ltd. Gravel Quarries NIMCAsTLIC CONTINUND WOOD AND COMPANY: THE FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF N.S.W. : ,Guitirg) SYDNEY.UteraudetOsteti,n4 New COUNTRY COMMERCIAL. New177. SCOTT'S au T hde ulOs yd e D ra p ers ivi Merewether E. A. M., J.P., Managing Trustee Burwood Estate Methodist Cemetery Trust— G. 1'. bock, Secretary Metropolitan Business College and Newcastle Typewriters and Office Requirements Co.—D. Sifton, Mgr. Metropolitan Accident, Fire, and General Insurance Co.—A. 11, Bolton, Superintendent Afilgate Annie West End Hotel Millard 0. W. Solicitor Grocer 'Miller David Mihl & Von der Ileyde, Manufacturers' Butcher A g e' ts Mills Clem Milton & Sons Printers Minter, Simpson and Co., Solicitors Minter J. Chat rmender Mitchell D. k Co., Ltd .. Merchants Mitchell Miss E. A. .. Teacher Piano Mitchell G. W. Solicitor Mitchell Miss Dressmaker Mitchell John, F.L.S. of N.S.W., Resident Science Master in Charge of Newcastle 'Technical College, Teacher of Metallurgy, Mineralogy, Physiology, Geology, and Botany Ifelinas and Co. .... Ship Chandlers Molinas Manuel, Govt. Interpreter, Vice-Consul Argentine Republic Moloney Edward .... Billiard Saloon Moodie A. C. Tailor Moore A. E., Florist and Cycle Depot Moore Bros. Grocers Moore II. B., Manager Commercial Bank of A., Ltd. Moore Thomas Undertaker Moroney M. .1., J.P. Representative Tooth r and Co., Ltd. Morris Miss E. L. Mervyn .. Artist Morris Miss Lee Florist Morris William, Printer, " Newcastle Morning Herald Morrison D. II., Teacher Mechanical Drawing Morrison R. hairdresser Morrison Rev. Stanley (Cong.) Morriss Bros. Confectioners Morrow W. F., Manager Howard Smith Co., Ltd. Mosley and Co. Stationers Moston C. A. .. Musical Instruments Moss B. ... Teacher of Banjo, etc. Mouat L. D. .... The Central Hotel Mullally Miss S. Draper Iffulvey G. W. .... Commission Agent Murphy 1'. Blacksmith Mutual Life and Citizens' Assuranee Co., Ltd.—C. Hum, District Sec. National Cash Register Co. WOOD AND COMPANY'S Newcastle SCOTT'S refund your money If you desire. SCOTT'S quality is always reliable. SCOTT'S prices are Newcastle's lowest always. Write fur SCOTT'S CATALOGUE:. SCOTT'S pay carriage anywhere. SCOTT'S send Goods by return. SCOTT'S guarantee absolute satisfaction. SCOTT'S terms are 51 30'1' CASII with order. SCOTT'S LTD. h f i ITIeLrEs, s,w0 curil s YrdDelirtimP,an eNrE TanlidE mBaUilSO Newcastle Club—J, Cowan, Secretary Newcastle Coal Mining Co., Ltd.— .1. Clayton, Manager Newcastle Coffee Palace—J. Lawson, Newcastle Collegiate School—Manager C. P. Watt, B.A., Principal Newcastle Co-operative Milk Society, Ltd.—W. J. Finney, Manager Newcastle and County Mutual Building, Land and Investment Co., Ltd.—Gobert G. Kilgour, Mgr. Newcastle and District Cricket Asso' elation—W. P. Hewn, Hon. Sec. Newcastle A. II. and I. Association— W. C. fondly, Sec. Newcastle and District Dairymen and Milk Vendors' Association—J. Turner, Secretary Newcastle District Farriers' Association—II. Gilbert, Sec. Newcastle District 3111k Co., Ltd. (in Liquidation) Newcastle DiStrict Ministers' Assn.— liev. R. M. Bowles, Secretary Newcastle District Public Schools Association—P. J. Ryan, Hon. Sec. Newcastle District Touring Association 139 HUNTER ST., NEWCASTLE, —P. Hawley, Sec. Newcastle Federal Coal Trimmers' Stevedoring Co., Ltd. and High Street, West Maitland. Newcastle Gas Company—A. Langwill, Manager Newcastle General Contracting Co.— • Karp Bros. and Co., Ltd. NeWeablie Olin Club—J. Grisdale, Sec. Sight SpeciaNst, Newcastle Hospital—Dr. Arnold, Res. Med. Officer; S. L. Laing, Sec.; .1. P. Doyle, Dispenser; Mrs. F. and maker of hign.Grade McAlister, Matron !Newcastle High School—C. It. Smith, Spectacles. M.A., Principal ;Newcastle and Ilunter River S.S. Co., Ltd.-1V. J. Ralston, Agent Newcastle Grammar School for Girls— Miss Bromine, Principal Newcastle Bricklayers' Society— Newcastle Building and Investment Newcastle Greengrocery Co.— K. Wallwork, Mgr. Co. Ltd.—John Wakefield, Sec., Newcastle Ice and Refrigerating Works 18 'Bolton at Newcastle Jockey Club—J. Grisdale, Newcastle Business College (W. G. Secretary Miler, Principal), 37 Watt st Newcastle Labour Council— Newcastle Chamber of Commerce—T. Wm. Davies, Secretary M. O'Neill, President ; C. A. Karp, Vice-President ; II. C. Newcastle Mont de Piete-P. O'llanlon Langwill, Treasurer; E. Flynn, "Newcastle Morning Herald" Secretary Newcastle and Northumberland BeneNewcastle Choral Society— volent • Society b. II. Hartnett, Conductor Newcastle Orchestral and Choral Newcastle City Band—W. Burkett, Society Bandmaster Newcastle and Port Stephens S.S. Co. Newcastle City Bowling Chih• —I'. Callen and Sons li. .1. Cannington, lion. Sec. National Insurance Co. of N.Z. Ltd.— 0. 1'. Lock, Agent National Mutual Life Association— C. F. Packer, Dist. Supt. Navigation Depart tnent — Capt. F. Commuting, Dep. Supt. Neal hi Colliery—F. and II. Langwill Netherlands Vice .ConsulCharles A. Karp Neve Walter, Furniture and Bedding Manufacturer Newcastle Bicycle Club Newcastle Builders' and Contractors' A ssociation—J. G'ow. Sueretary Rent Optician, FUNERAL PARLORS ARE OPEN TO CLIENTS FREE OF CHARGE. SYDNEY. ANTHONY 11ORDERNS' NEW PALACE EMPORIUM, 178ANew COUNTRY COMMERCIAL. NIMC1SILE C.NTINURD.— ii Newcastle Political Labour League— 'F. J. Waters, Hon. Sec. Newcastle School of Arts— W. McLeod, Sec., Hunter St Newcastle Coal Trimmers Federal Union Newcastle & District Lorrymen's Union Newcastle Shipping Co., Ltd.— Harp Bros, Ltd. Newcastle Starr-Bowkett Society— E. McCann, Secretary Newcastle Stevedoring Association Newcastle Stevedoring, Tug and Lighterage Co., Ltd.—A. W. l'aton, Secretary Newcastle and Suburban Co-operative Society, Ltd.—IV. 0. Henderson, Sec.; W. J. Lyric, Manager Newcastle Tattersall's Club— L. Solomon, Secretary Newcastle Technical Museum & College —John Mitchell, Resident Master Newcastle Town Council—E. Scott Holland, J.P., Town Clerk NeWcastle Typewriters and Office Requirements Co.—D. Sifton, Mgr. Neweastle-Wallsend Coal Co. Newcastle Wharf Labourers' Union— J. W. Blundell, Sec. New England Prospecting Co. (No Liability)-0. P. Lock, J.P. New Lambton Land and Coal Co., Ltd.—Dalgety and Co., Ltd. N.S.W. Aerated Water and Cordial Co., Ltd. N.S.W. Alliance (Newcastle Brancli)— W. Winn, Pres. N.S.W. Government Savings Bank— W. J. l'arrey, Manager New South Wales Traders' Coupon Co., Ltd.—(Kangaroo Coupons) Newniarch G., Deputy Registrar Old Age Pension Board Newton E. Herbalist Niagara Confectionery Co Nicholls F., Teacher Public School (East) Nicholson's Rooms— Bryce Carter, 'Cello Damen Mrs. .1., Piano Inge11 Miss, Piano Dawson It. Piano Moss Ben. Banjo ' and Mandolin Upjohn Miss L., Piano Janssen S. V., Violin Butterworth T. P., Violin 'Waterhouse L. P. Auditor Sawkins Percy, Piano Tyre11 . E., Piano Young George, Piano Larssen Charles, Singing Hood Courtney, Singing Reeves —, Violin Nicholson & Co., Ltd... Warehouse Nickson Wilfred Physician Noble E. G. .. Engineer for Sewerage Nolan J. P. l'roduce Merchant Nord Deutscher Lloyd S.S. Co.0. Johatinsen, Agent NORMAN A. A. Hunter st west. The Up-to-date Stationer, Bookseller and Newsagent. Toys a Speciality. Norman Miss Music Teacher North British and Mercantile Insurance Co.—T. G. Lister, Agent North Coast S.N. Co., Ltd.— A. II. Hough, Local Mgr. NEW ZERIND LIMITED IIISillance Copan FIRE, MARINE, ACCIDENT W. H. Paling and Co., Ltd. and LIVE STOCK Phone 24313. 8 BOLTON STREET. J. R. HOOPER, Manager. New New (ALFRED TIMBURY, Local Manager). PIANOFORTE, ORGAN AND MUSIC North District 'Bowling Ass/i.K. Kilgour, Hon. Sec. WAREHOUSE. North Lainbton Colliery— A. II. Hough Agent North C. F. Napier gurveyor North Miss D. N., Teacher of l'iano Northern Assurance Co.—F. Hawley, 36-38 HUNTER ST. Chief Agent Northern Coal Co. Northern District, Association Colliery NEWCASTLE. Proprietors—C. II. Austin, Sec. Northern Extended Colliery— A. Snesidon Northern Speciality Co.—G. Smith Northern Wine Depot—William M. MUSIC TEACHERS: Bell, Manager Paling's Buildings— Northern Woolscouring Co.— W. B. Sharp, Agent Bell Miss Lena, Piano Northumberland Permanent Building Bunnell Mrs. Frank, Plano and investment, Land & Loan Society ,Theory W. T. Dent, Secretary Mitchell Miss Grace, Piano and Theory Northumberland Colliery Co.— F. It. Croft, Manager Pritchard Mrs. L., Piano Norwegian Vice-ConsulScott IV. G., Piano and Theory • Scott W. .1., Violin II. C. Langwill Norwich Union Fire Insurance SoSmith Miss L., Piano ciety—Frank Gardner, Agent Shotton W. .... Piano and Theory Norwich and London Accident Insur. Sparke Miss L. M., Piano ance Association Turner Miss Lillian, Piano and Noyes W. .. Tobacconist Theory Oakley C. 0. Carrier O'Brien J. T., Inspector under Early Closing Acts Parkinson IV. .1. Painter Ocean Accident and Guarantee Cern°. Paterson, Laing and Bruce, Ltd., ration of London, Ltd. —S. A. Merchants—A. Stewart,Represent. l'imbuiry, Manager. Paterson J. and Co., Coal Merchants Oceanic Steamship Co., Ltd. —J. Reid, Agent OtIcifellows' Hall (The) Patey J. H. Builder O'lIanlon P. Pawnbroker Paton A. W. Chancellor to Peru O'llanlon Joseph .... Paragon Hotel Consulate, and Accountant Oldfield S. Carrier Paul and Gray, Ltd., Ship Chandlers Oliver Bros. Tinsmiths and Importers Olympia Skating Rink— Pashtos Geo. and Co. .... Fruiterers E, E. Sergeant, Manager l'axinos. Alexander Confectioner O'Malley Thomas, Baden Powell Hotel Payzis Bros. Confectioners O'Mara John, J.P., Auctioneer and Payzis G. Fruiterer Jeweller Valuator Pearce F. Peate Alexander & Co. Tailors O'Neill T. M., Manager Australian Mercer Bank of Commerce, Ltd. Penny K. A. l'enrose S. V. Chemist O'Reilly Rev. J. (RC.) Orrell IV., Stationer and Newsagent Pepper Thomas J. Architect Osborne J. C., Manager Bank of Pepperell M. Furniture Store N.S.W. (Western Branch) Perkins Dr. Phyldolim O'Sullivan T. & Co. (T. B. Worland), Peruvian Consulate— IV. E. Alexander, Vice-Consul Patent Slip, Stockton O'Sullivan T. D. Solicitor Peters R. .. Bird and Animal Dealer Owen H. .. Galvanised Iron Works Petersen Boesen lc Co., Ltd., Importers . Pacific Co-operative Steam Coal Co., Petherbridge T. S., Wine, Tea and Ltd.—Dalgety and Co., Ltd. General Merchant Paine J. II. Tobacconist Plicenix Fire Office of London— Palatine Insurance Co., Ltd.— J. Reid, Agent J. Campbell Wood, Agent Philpotts .T. IL & Son Drapers Palmer Capt. B., Commander Pilot 'Immix Biscuit Co.—T. W. Lee, Mgr. Steamer "Ajax" Pike C. C. Plumber Palmer W. Plumber Pike F. It. Plumber Panama Consulate—K, Brooks Pike George Tattersall's Hotel Pankhurst C. Livery Stables Pike I Carrier Parker T. J. Dentist Pike Vir. A. Boots and Shoes Parkes J. Tailor Pitts .1. Carrier THE FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF L ON.: SYDNEY. WOOD AND COMPANY: ON THE HISTORIC SLOPE OF bRICKFIELD HILL. COUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Itugliy Football League (Northern Branch)-0. R. Cutlibertson, See. Rugger() G. .... Refreshment Rooms Tailor Rundle R. Rush Sydney F., Boarding Inspector, 11..M. Customs Russell P. W. and Co., Agricultural Engineers Russell Dr. R. U., Superintendent llospital for Insane, and Health Officer for Port of Newcastle Russian Consulate—F. Tallman°, Consular Agent Ittitherglen Hall—D. Davies, Proptr. Ryan I Carrier Sailors' llonie-11. Samuels, Supt. St. Mary's Dominican Convent Sam Yiek Bros. Drapers Sample John ..Royal Exchange Hotel Sanderson J. D. Tobacconist Sara Edwin Clarendon Hotel Sargood Bros., Warehousemen— A. Loebel, Representative Sarony Photographic Studio Savings Bank of New South Wales —W. P. Gale, Accountant Senile II. J. Fitting and Turning Instructor, Technical College ' School of Arts Ambulance Association Scorer A. and Co., Venetian Blind Makers Scott C. II. 'Cab Proprietor Scott W. G. ... Teacher of Violin Newsagent, Stationer, Bookseller, 111 Hunter st, opposite Post Office SCOTT'S LIMITED, The Busy Raysmith T. H. Jeweller Drapers, Hunter st (SCO Advt.) Hewlett C. W. Solicitor ReadwIn W. J. Signwriter Scottish-Australian Mining Co., Ltd. Rechabite Tent, No. 10—I. C. Jacobs, —Thos. Muncaster, Shipping Mgr. Secretary Scowcroft Mrs. " Dressmaker Rees M. and Co. Brushmakers Sentient Colliery Co.— Ikea It. & Son Coachbuilders F. and H. Langwill, Agents Registrar of Diocese of Newcastle— Seamen's Bethel—Rev. It. H. Bowleg Rev. It. M. Walker (C. of E.) Seamen's Institute-11. D. Gilbert, Reid and Reid Solicitors Missionary Reid Robert & Co., Ltd., Warehouse- Seapit Colliery—R. A. !Tarte, Gen. men—T. C. Gill Representative, Mgr.; Richard Thomas, Colliery 23. 25 Perkins st Manager Reid John C., J.P., French Consular Sefton D. Accountant Agent, Shipping Agent Shade II, V. hairdresser Reines Morris, Umbrella Manufacturer Shade John Tobacconist Reliance Confectionery Works— Sharp Alfred Architect Davies & Ilerbert, Ltd. Sharp W. B., Timber .Merchant, Remington School of Shorthand (The) Shipping Agent, and Vice-Consul —W. C. Miller, Principal for Spain Neuter's Telegram Co., Ltd.— Shaw, Saville & Co.— J. Campbell Wood, Agent Dalgetv &,• Co., Ltd., Agents Ithonnda Colliery Co. (Teralba)— Shaw & Sons, Ltd., The Red Arcade W. Laidley and Co. Shaw A. Tailor Richards A. F. ... Teacher of Violin Shearman IV. .... Furniture Dealer Richards James Grocer, etc. Richards II. Grocer Richardson F. Stationmaster Itigby R. Farrier F.S.A.A. (Eng.), F.C.P.A., Public Robb J. A. D. Dentist Accountant, Savings Bank Chant. Robbins E. D. Optician bers, Bolton at Robbins H. L. Engineer Roberts J. F. & II., Ltd., Warehousemen—C. Morris, Representative SHEPHARD J. R., Ideal Tailor, Roberts William II, Jeweller 369 Hunter Street West (see Robinson A. I). Ilairdresser, etc. Advt.). Robinson Mrs. Jane .... Dressmaker Rodgers Bros. Engineers Shepherd James Billiard Salami Bee Thomas Grocer Shipping Master—Captain William Rooney R. J., New Home Sewing Tyler Machines Shirlow IV. . ... Boots and Shoes Rose Mrs. M. Globe Hotel Shoosmith and Collins .. Hairdressers Short George It., Manager Commercial Ross J. C., Blacksmith, Instructor Banking Co. of Sydney, Ltd. Technical College Ross William Blacksmith Short Mrs. I. II. .. Short/awl Hotel Royal Insurance Co.—Wm. Loudon Shotton W. Music Teacher Resident Secretary Siciotis D. Fruiterer Rugby Football Union (Northern Silverthorrie & Grinham, Illectro-platers Branch)—P. Fleming, lion. Sec. Silverthorne S. .. Veterinary Surgeon nested Miss Dressmaker Port Hunter Rowing Club—A. F. Chapman, Hon. Sec. port Hunter Sailing Club Port Stephens Shipping Co.— .1. Reid, l'roprietor Porter E. ... Carrier and Contractor Porter J. Carrier and Grocer Porter S., Coal Merchant and Carrier Potter and Co. Jewellers Power Mrs. M. Greengrocer Preddey W. Optician Princehorn A. W. .... General Dealer Public Service Assn.-11. II. Vidal, Secretary Purified Coal and Coke Co—. F. and II. • Langwill, Agents Pyle k Kelly Blacksmiths gnarl Il'er Laundry Quayle Miss Mabel .. Teacher Piano Queensland Insurance Co., Ltd. T. II. C. Powel, District Mgr. Quiggin -John E., Manufacturers' Agent itafitopolos and Co. Fruiterers Rankin Archibald Aloysius, Acting Consul for Denmark, Solicitor, Bolton st (Minter, Simpson and Co.) RASMUSSEN R. N. WEEDY E. P. M. New179A Silvertown Electric and Rubber Go.— J. Appleby, Manager Coachpainter Shotton I Silk T. IV. Architect Simmons Mick Limited, Tobacconists, •etc. Simpson A. A. .... Ink Manufacturer Simpson E. Harnessmaker Singer Manufacturing Co., Ltd.— It. Alnutt, Manager Smelters' Union—E. F. Sullivan, See. Sint t A. Timber Merchant Smith A. E. .. Furniture Warehouse Smith A. J. .... Tailor and Mercer Smith Rev. B. II. 1Voodd (C. of E.) Smith C. R., Newcastle High School Smith F. Fruiterer Smith G. .. Northern Speciality Co. . Smith Gordon Dentist Smith J. D., Bicycle and Motor Garage Smith Robert .. Harbour View Hotel Smith W. E. Ltd., Printers and Stationers Sneddon John Adam, Refreshment Rooms Carrier Snipe Solomon E. Indent Merchant Solway G. Fruiterer Builder Somers P. W Sons and Daughters of Temperance • ("Day Dawn")-0. W. Hodges, Sec. . Sorby and Co. Ironmongers Soul Washington 11. and Co., Chemists SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE COMPANY, Ltd. (Fire, Marine and Accident)—B. B. Rodd,. Manager. • South Wallsend and Cardiff Collieries • —Magnus Cromarty, Agent gontliwood A. & Co., Commission Agents, 100 King st Spanish Vice-Consul .. W. B. .Sharp Sparlce and Millard Solicitors Sparke Miss L.. EL —Musk Teacher Sparke William Solicitor Spitzkowsky & Co., Furniture Store and Commission Aeents Agent Spriggs F. A. SPROO CHARLES & SON Steam Boilers and Steam Pipes covered with Asbestos Boiler Covering, 83 John's rd, Forest Lodge, Sydney. Tel. 260 Glebe Sproull W. II. and Co., Chemists, Admiralty Chart Agents Sproull W. II., J.P. Spruce Mrs. Hannah, Produce Dealer Spurr H. Fishmonger 'it. John's Ambulance Society Standard Life Association (and Colonial Mutual)-11'. Ii. l'almer, District Manager Standard Fire and Marine Insurance Co. of N.Z.—S. J. Coleman, Agent Stanford-Merthyr Colliery—Earp Bros. and Co., Ltd. Stanton Miss L. Milliner Stapleton T. M., Fruiterer and. Tobac. Stegga's Clothing Palace Ltd., Mercers, etc. Stephens Mrs. .... Dressmaker, etc. Stevenson C. G. .. Mining Secretary Stirling & Son, Tea. Wine and Cigar Merchants, King st Stockton Borehole L'ollieries, Ltd. Stockton Co-operative Society— Alexander Massey, Malinger WOOD AND COMPANY CONTROL THE FINEST LIVERY PLANT IN AUSTRALIA. aliert'31°A8.101hG °I onsaerrs) NEW PALACE EMPORIUM, BRICKFIELO HILL, SYDNEY. ANTHONY HORDERNS' —ONLY UNIVERSAL PROVIDERS. 180ANew COUNTRY COMAIERCIAL.New J. WOOLLEY & SONS, Newcastle's Leading Removalists and Storers. City Telephone -532 (Day). Telephone-22 Hamilton (Night). Storeroom, Chaucer St., Hamilton. City Office, HUNTER ST. Private Address, TUDOR ST., HAMILTON. (near A. A. Co.'s Bridge). Furniture Paclied and Stored at lowest rates. Estimates free. When you are thinking of Removing, get Estimates from the Largest Removing Plant in the North. Covered Waggons and Transport Vans for Land or Sea. Reliable Agents all over the Commonwealth. NEWCASTLE CONTINUED — WARBURTON FRANKI M. J. Moroney AND. COMPANY: THE FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF B.S.W. COUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Wood Bros. and Boyd, Sugar Planters Wood J. Arthur, Solicitor and Notary Wood J. Campbell, Insurance and General Agent Woodcock J. A. Fruiterer Woods Michael, Crown and Anchor Hotel Woods It. .... Maitland Brewery Co. Tailor Woolfe J. WOOLLEY J. AND SONS, Furniture . Removalists and Storers, Hunter Street West (see Advt.). Woolston and Barrett Photographers Workmen's Hotel (Salvation Army) Dining Rooms WORLAND T. B. • Toronto Hotel and Tramway Co. 'Forney Thomas Conveyancer Storey David & Co.—W. W. Mark, 1.11. Representative Torrington Wolfram Proprietary, .Ltd. Newcomen at. Electrical and Stott & Hoare Ltd.—J. K. Brunton, —G. T. Rowland, Secretary General Engineers and Contrac. Manager Trades Hall (The) Pura. Marine and Mining Work Stratton D. & Co., Ltd., Flour Millers Trenchard II. G., Assoc. M. Inst., C.E. a Speciality. Gardner, Agent Turner Bros Cycle Agents Carrier Street L. F. hairdresser Turner J. Milk Vendor Ward It. Tyler Capt. William, Shipping Master Waterhouse L. P. Auditor Stretch Right /tev. J. F , D.D., Watkins W. 11. Boardinghouse Ullmann F. L. Engineer, etc. Bishop of Newvastle (C. of E.) Walk iWI 11 ia m I Chemist Struck J. C. Ma/eking Hotel Underwood Frank Metropolitan Hotel Watson W. Carrier, etc. Sun Fire Office—S. J. Coleman, Agent Union Bank of Australasia, Ltd.— A. B. Ford, Manager Watt C. P., B.A., Principal, Sun Nam Sing & Co., General Store Newcastle Collegiate School Sun Yee Leong and Co., Commission Union Insurance Society of Canton George Plumber Agents(Marine)—Gibbs, Bright and Co. Waugh Way Sun Laundry Surface llill Syndicate, Ltd.— Union Steamship Co. of New Zealand, Webb Henry, Teacher of Boilermaking II. Norman Berry, Legal Manager Ltd.—D. Williams, Manager Webster's Limited ... Warehousemen Surryville halt United Alkali Co., Ltd—Harp Bros. Weir J. General Dealer Swedish Nice-Consuland Co., Ltd. Wells Bros. Dentists Harold de Ville Newton Wells William Dentist "Sydney Morning Herald"— T. West J. Fuel Merchant A. It. Wilkie, Representative United Insurance Co.—Henry Shaw, District Sec. West Joseph Bookseller Sydney Soap and Candle Company, Ltd.—G'. 1'. Clarke Upjohn Miss L. M.,,Teacher of Singing Wheeler and Wilson, Sewing Machines, etc. 'Parties Harry Fruiterer Vacuum 011 Co. Proprietary , Ltd. White Star Line of Steamers Taylor P. W. and Co., Tug-boat Vale R. F. Paint Dealer Whitehead J. Builder Owners Varley G. H. Engineer Whyte David F., Manufacturers' Taylor C. T. .. Cycle Manufacturer 1'auglian Percy W., Mgr. City Bank Agent o f Sydney Taylor Harry ..... ..... Cycle Agent Wiggins J. .. Horseshoer and Carrier Taylor Joe Cycle Agent Vellacott Capt., Surveyor Lloyd's Register Wilkie A. it., Representing Taylor Rev. Stephen (C of E.) "Sydney Morning Herald" Technical College School of Mines Vesper A. E. .. American Dental Co. Wilkins D., Manager Iletton Coal and Museum—J. Mitchell, Prin. Vial Edwin Teacher of Violin Co., Ltd. cipal Victoria General Insurance and Wilkins Robert Architect, etc. Teece Mrs. Grand Hotel Guarantee Co., Ltd.— Williams A. G. —Harbour Signalman Temperance and General Mutual Life Frank Gardiner, Agent Williams Ben. Dining Rooms Office—G. A. Beatton, Dist. Supt. Victoria Insurance Co.; Ltd.—E, R. Williams Chas. Furnishing Warehouse Tennant J. T., Dist. Inspector of Wallace, Agent Williams G. Music Teacher Collieries Williams Mrs. Costumiere Teralba Colliery A. Sneddon Victoria Theatre Co. It. K. Lock. College of Terry A rthur Bookseller head, Managing Director Williams Miss V., Worth'sDressmaking 'Milberg D. L. Pawnbroker Vidal II. II., Accountant District Williams W. Dealer Works Office Thalberg L. Clothier Wilson J. and R. (Australia), Ltd., The Merchants' and Traders' Associa. W.C.T.U.—Mrs. Charleston, l'res. Ship Chandlers, etc. tion, Ltd., Mercantile Agents, Waddell & Co., Stock & Station Agents Butcher E. Trade Assignees, Accountants, etc. Wakefield John, Secretary Newcastle Wilson Wilson E. .... Carpenter and Joiner —C. B. Jackson, Manager Building and Investment Co.. Wilson (I. Fancy Goods Thomas Bros. ButchersLtd., Bolton at Thomas 0. Boots and Shoes Walker Charles W. Saddler Winchester II., Department of Mines. Thomas P. G. criterion Hotel Walker T., Sen. Inspector of Schools Thomas Toni Butcher Walker James Grocer, etc. WINDEYER JULIAN, Solicitor Thompson and Dunckley—F. Gardner, Walker W. Dining Rooms and Notary. Agent Walkley Mrs.. M. Registry Office Wing Sing Laundry Thompson• Rev. J. (Meth.) and Drapers and Thompson M. Provision Dealer Wallace R. B., Shipping Agent Lloyd's Agent Winn W. & Co., Ltd., Clothiers, Hunter .st Thompson Mrs. A. k ruiterer Tingle Ernest Architect Wallis Bros. Stationers Withers Ernest Basketmaker Witherspoon Captain, Marine Surveyor Thy Bing and Co. Merchants Wallsend Coal Co. Toll A. P. Fuel Merchant Wallworth H. Carrier Witherspoon E. Grocer, etc. Tooheys Ltd., Brewers and Spirit Wahnsley Fred. I la irdresser Wolfson II. & Son., Excelsior Umbrella Co. ,Merchants Walmsley Leo. Hairdresser Draper Tooth and Co., Ltd., Brewers— Wansey S., Wool and Produce Store Wolper L. WOOD New SYDNEY. (11. ad a3m.:11.8 %.Gne."7% ) (Trading as T. O'Sullivan & Co.), l'atent Slip and Ship Repairing Works, Stockton Worrell It. Confectioner Wright, Heaton and Co , Ltd. Forwarding Agents Wyatt II. BasIcetinalmer Wylie Mrs. A., Baker 6z Confectioner Yeomans E. G. Architect Yorkshire Fire, Accident and Live Stock Insurance Co.—II.II. • Macdonnell, Agent Y.M.O.A. Gymnasium, etc. Young Milling Co. (Time)— Harp Bros. and Co.. Ltd. Young E. A. Tailor Yuen Lee Market. Gardener Yuill G. S. & Co., Ltd!, Shipowners Zervos Bros. Fruiterers Zoppe Mrs. Fruiterer (SEE ALSO COOK'S HILL.) NEW ITALY. 338 in. N.By steamer. Store Antoniolli L. Nardi 1 Wine Shop Pezzutti A. Wine Shop Rosolen J., Blacksmith and Sawmill NEW LAMBTON. 102 m. N. Carmichael MI89 C. Dressmaker Crompton Miss Dressmaker Dent W. .... Sportsman's Arms Hotel Driscoll Mrs. Store Store Foley Mrs. Gibson .1. Tinsmith Griffiths John Newsagent Griffiths Mrs. Mary Store Griffiths Thomas Hairdresser Store Grose Hamilton George Tinsmith Hetherington T. General Store Hitchcock .1. D. .... Boots and Shoes Hughes Miss L. Dressmaker Johnson John General Store Heim John .. General Roberts lintel Knight Miss M. Dressmaker Knowles '1'. Confectioner Lake John T. General Store Lathlean Mrs. Confectioner Lee Thomas Confectioner Mafeking Colliery Menzies Maggie Dressmaker Morton & Driscoll Store WOOD AND COMPANY New Latnbton Colliery—Nosy Lambton Coal and Land Co., Ltd. Patterson Miss M. Dressmaker l'ayne Albert Butcher l'ayne Alfred P. Ilutcher Pritchard Joseph .. Boots and Shoes Robinson Mts. Store Shepply John Boots and Shoes Slavin Patrick, Duke of Wellington Hotel Sneddon Elizabeth Confectioner Snowball Ralph Photographer Stephenson T. Boottnaker Thompson Joseph ... General Store Walton .1. E. • Boottnaker Wilcock James Fruiterer Williams F. Blacksmith Wyatt Annie Storekeeper NEWPORT. Now181A N1ANGALA. 300 m. N. Rail to Walcha Road, thence coach 28 In. Nearest bank, Walcha. Brazel S. A. Wine Shop Brazel Sanniel Butcher James John Auctioneer Kershaw G. General•Store Sim pROTI Frederick Blacksmith Smith James, Stock and Station Agent NIMBIN. 010 in. N. Via Lismore, Bank, N.S.W. Frith J. H. 1imetioneer Frith It. & .1. II. Butchers • Painter Hector W. Hooper E. A. Blacksmith Jones W. It. Butcher Krause F. Tobacconist McCully George Illacicstnith Sheather A. E. Baker Store Sibley C. .1. :twain° A. 1'. Tinsmith Fruiterer Thompson W. II. Wotherspoon — Saddler 23 m. N. By steamer to Manly, thence coach. Nearest bank, Manly Barrenjoey Lighthouse—J. McNally in charge liarrett J. F., Storekeeper and Launch Proprietor Bolton Mrs. S. Boardinghouse 111111111 Miss B. Postmistress Douglas & Singleton Dairykeepers Circle Mrs. E. 0. .... Newport Hotel Harper It... Teacher Public School 289 m. S. Rail to Cooma, thence Jackson G. It. Boat Proprietor coach. Nearest bank, Cooma. Middleton Mrs. S. Refresh. Rooms Court Petty Sessions, Cootna l'erry R. Orchardist Quarter Sessions. Boardinghouse Scott Miss All Kin Thomas R. Butcher Blyton Edmund Skin Dealer Breen M. . Bootmaker Store Falukry John 270 m. W. Flatter Patrick Baker Barnes B. S.(Old Mollyan) Gen. Store Hayes Carpenter Andrew lioskings George 'sum tioncer !lore Charles .... Commercial Hotel Saddler Ilughes A. Ilutchinson A. Carpenter Fruiterer Lewis Hannah 117 m. W. Sawmills 1 Bryant Albert Butcher Lumens McDonald Hugh Baker and Butcher Doran II. Hairdresser Moran Thomas Federal Hotel Store Morton and Driscoll ....General Store Emerson D. Faddy and Sampson Store Mullane Frank, Newspaper Proprietor Goodare Sarah Hotel Perkin, and Nicholson, Coach Props. Lake George • hairdresser l'eters John Carrier Baker McCall D. Mrs. S. Baker Butcher Rankin Mills .— lteece George Coach Painter Newsagent Morrison Robert Carrier Sims James Muir and Henry Store Southern Monaro Co-op. Butter Co., Muir Edward Baker . Ltd. O'Brien James Baker Thornton Albert Hairdresser Fruiterer Thornton Morgan, J.1'. ...Blacksmith Pratt W. Itheinberger & Moloney, Walter Conclipainter Produce Merchants Witte Yee Tee Charles Grocer Tweedie Herbert Store NIMITYBELLE. NEW MOLLYAN. NEWNES. NEWRYBAR. 397 m. N. Steamer to Bettina, thence coach. Meek Thomas Fruiterer Barnes It. Blacksmith Carpenter James Tinsmith Davies Daniel Baker Store Fry F. Hurst E. R. Saddler Noble J. L. Auctioneer Rice James Butcher Unicombe C. .... Caledonian Hotel NINE MILE. 462 m. N. Rail to Deepwater, thence coach. Nearest bank, Emmaville. (SEE STANNU1L) NOWRA. 92 tn. S. Rail or steamer direct. Banks, Commercial, Australasia, E.S. and A., and City. Court l'etty Sessions, Wollongong Quarter Sessions.• Aldous Miss Dressmaker Anderson J. and Co. Storekeepers 18 tn. from Dalmorton. Armstrong James, J.P. .... Saddler Hotel Armstrong Miss A. E., Teacher Hume S. C. Watts Saimmel Butcher Piano and Singing NEWTON BOYD. CONDUCT THEIR BUSINESS ALONG STRAIGHTFORWARD LEGITIMATE LINES. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FAMOUS LOW PRICES, 182A EVERYTHING FOR EVERYONE AT ANTHONY HORDERNS'. NowCOUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Now T I,Zin°2 7° . Nub •tEstablished 3878.) (Established 1867.) Agents—The Country Press Associatiou, Gordon & Gotch, I only. and Renter's Telegram Company. The Oldest Established and most Influential Papers in the District. The Most Popular Advertising Mediums. CONTRACTS TAKEN BY SYDNEY AGENTS ON LIBERAL TERMS. NOWRA CONTINUED— Bank of Australasia—F. W. E. Bush, Ii • Manager Basha T. Draper Bennett C. J. ' Milk Vendor Bentley It. 11., Builder, . Undertaker " and Mayor Berry D. H. " Schoolmaster Ilincion F. Saddler Bobart A. Physician Boyd Mrs. ltridye Hotel Braithwaite Misses, Refreshment Rooms Braithwaite Wm., Builder and Undertaker Breen Mrs. Dressmaker British and Foreign Bible Society Brown G.•& Co. ...... General Store Brown Martin Builder City Bank—N. A. Mason, Manager Clark Marcus and Co., Ltd. Coastal Transport Company Ltd. (The) Cocks S. Photographer Coleman D. Cordial Factory Collis Miss F. A., Refreshment Rooms Commercial Dank of Sydney— W. Cowhand, Manager Connolly 11. J., Proprietor " The Nowra Leader" Connolly Mrs. T. Boardinghouse Convent of the Good Samaritan Boarding School Cordery A. T. Painter Bobbie Rev. W. (Dept.) Donaldson Mrs. II. C., Dudgeon J. .... Monumental Mason Edwards A. Boots and Shoes Edwards Mrs. Boardinghouse --Elliott A. S.M. and Warden Elliott S. Contractor Elyard Walter Boatbuilder E. S. and A. Bank Ewing Dr. Surgeon Fraser John, Town Clerk and Manager Gas Works Fire Brigade—C'. J. Bennett, Captain Fry Peter Blacksmith Ganderton Thomas Carrier Glass 11. Hatter and Mercer Grocer Goon J. Carrier Gould S. Gosang J. •Contractor Graham C., J.P. .... General Store Graham Miss E. Milliner (Irainger W. A. B. Solicitor Gyde S. Blacksmith Hammick F. W. Wheelwright Harding Mrs. Stationer Agent Hayes 0. Hayward 0. F. Baker Hector E. Ilairdresiter Henry R. W. Contractor WOOD AND-COMPANY : 7HE C. J. B. WATSON, FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF N.S.W. : PROPRIETOR, NOWRA. Ilermann F. .. Tinsmith and Plumber Hewlett L. E. Chemist Hickson A. Painter, etc. Hill 1 Oyster Saloon Beckley J. 11. Currier Holland Mrs. J. Dressmaker I lolland W. Bootmaker Hunter John and Son, Ltd., hoots and Shoes Hyam D., J.P Milk Vendor Ilcin Mrs. Boardinghouse Illawarra S.N. Co.—George Wilson, Agent Ison F. Carrier Jones R. Carrier Joseph Henry B. Hairdresser Kavanagh T. Tobacconist Keeling Mrs. Certificated Nurse K eft Mrs. Dressmaker Kelly J. Butcher Kennedy Joseph Contractor Kennedy Mrs. Fancy Goods Lachaume T., D.D.S. Dentist I I orseshoer trine 1 Leonard C. Butcher Linkenbagh W. & Co., Produce Merchants Linkenbagh C. Boottnnker Linkenbagh W. Hairdresser McMillan Miss M. Fruiterer McNulty IL .. Furniture Warehouse blePaul Miss Dressmaker Marks W. F., J.P., C.P.S., and Registrar of Births and Deaths Marriott Thomas, Solicitor, Notary Public, and Commissioner for Affidavits Matthews T. Physician Mechanics' Institute and School of Arts—Cecil Ranch, Secretary Michael E. Jeweller Molony M. J. Dentist Moore H. C. Contractor Morison J. and J. Butchers Morton M. F., J.P. Muir Rev. John (Pres.) Muller 0. W. General Store Muller M. .. Builder and Undertaker Municipal Gas Works—John Fraser, Manager Murray-Cowper Mrs. Nurse Nowra Co-op. Dairy Co., Ltd L. M. Crawford, Secretary Nowra Rifle Club—W. B. Armstrong, Secretary O'Connell D. Blacksmith O'Keefe M., Town Clerk, South Shottlhaven O'ITeir M. Coachbuilder Parkes W. (Green*ell Point), Crookhaven if Patterson A. Baker l'atterson Mrs. It. ... Drapery Store Peak T. R., J P Chemist Penny .1. .1. —Wood and Coal Yard Perkins Rev. A. G. (C. of E.) Peters William. Painter . Pollock NV. Cordial Maker Poncet Mrs. .... Draper and Grocer Porteous J. Engineer Prott A. E. Hairdresser Ranch Cecil .... Sec. School of Arts Ranch IL, Proprietor " Shoalhaven Telegraph" Behar& M. Pound keeper Reid A. G. Albion Hotel Roberts George S. ',oatmeal er Ross Alexander .. Boots and Shoes Rouen J. Farrier Saunders Miss Teacher Piano Schilling and ?daemon, Coach Proprietors Selman A. F., Tailor and Habit Maker Sheridan Rev. Father (11.0.) Shoalhaven A. and II. Association— H. Rauch, Sec. Shoalhaven Benevolent Society— Mrs. Muir, Secretary " SHOALHAVEN NEWS" and " NOWRA COLONIST " (The) —C. J. B. Watson, JP., Proprietor (ace Advt.) Shoalhaven Surf Bathing Club— T. R. Peak, Sec. " Shoalhaven Telegraph " (Tile), Henry Rauch, Proprietor Singer Sewing Machine Co., Ltd. Smith .1..... Acting Stationmaster Smith I. General Store Solway Frank Saddler SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE COMPANY, Ltd. (Fire and Accident)—C. H. Hampson, Agent, Southell Nurse Stapleton Mrs. Boardinghouse Stewart and Morton .... Auctioneers Swaddling Mrs. Boardinghouse Taylor P. Coachbuilder Thomas II. C. Cordial maker Thomson James .. Coach Proprietor Thomson Geo. .... Coach Proprietor Tailor Tobin P. Tourist Bureau and Intelligence Association—T. It. Peak, Secretary Tow J. Coach Proprietor Trevanion G. A. Coach l'roprietor Tuck .1. W., Prince of !Vales Hotel Turner A. Bootmalcer SYDNEY. ( ifttdetORffinna8.10ThteltD CO UNTRY COMMERCIAL.Nyn1S3A Walsh P., IP Storekeeper Walker Mark Tinsmith WATSON C. J. B., J.P., Proprietor "The Shoalhaven News " and " The Nowra Colonist "(see Advt.) Watson C. J. B., J.P. Coroner Welk Joseph Empire Hotel Wheen Miss .. Teacher of Languages White D. .. Editor "Nowra Leader" Wiegand Harry Coachbuilder Willard Rev, W. G. (Meth.) Willis W. .. Baker and Confectioner Wilson G. L., Tobacconist and Veterinary Surgeon Wilson If..... Cycles, Gunsmith, etc. Wilson J. W. Accountant Woodhill & Co .. General Merchants York Castle Bacon Factory— J. M. Watt, Manager Young P. W. Watchmaker SHO.A.LHAVEN PIONEER PRESS. "The Shoalhaven News," and "The Nowra Colonist." ter SIDING. NUBBA 240 m. S. By rail direct. Nearest bank, Murrumburrah. Buchanan Mrs. M. J. .. General Store Golden John Brickworks NULLAMANNA. 453 m. N. Via Inverell Plumbe & Welsh Store Proudfoot John Blackatnith NUMBA. 07 m. S. Steamer to Shoalhaven or rail to Bomaderry. Bennie John .... Boots and Shoes Coulthart Geo. Blacksmith' NUNDLE. • 321 m. N. Rail to Tamworth, thence coach. Nearest bank, 'Tamworth. Allen Robert Hairdresser Cook William I la irdresser Davidson — Builder Devine W. W. Builder Fogarty, John Auctioneer Hansard James Chemist Hernias Charles linker Johanson Geo. .... Boots and Shoes Kelly &, Fogarty Butchera Kelly 'James Imperial Hotel McClelland and Wiseman, Auctioneers McEwan James Butcher Meineke A. J. Saddler Bootmaker Mills F. Nutalle Shire Council—D G. (inch. •ton, J.P., Pres; J. II. IL Nash, Clerk and Engineer Odgers and McClelland, General Store Partridge henry Store Pinkerton A., sen. Ronal Hotel Restnan II. Hairdresser Schofield John, Peel Dm Hotel and Blacksmith Taylor Bros. Blacksmiths Wilberforce IV. Sawmills Wood Charles Mail Contractor NYMAGEE. Rail to Hermidale, 450 m. W. thence coach. Bank, Commercial of Sydney. Court Petty Sessions, Cobar Quarter Sessions. Arnett W. S., P.M., Warden and Licensing Magistrate WOOD AND COMPANY Beasle y C. A. Club House Hotel Bell 6., J.P. ....Licensing Member Boyd Bros. Coach Proprietors Brown S. 1 Royal Hotel Buttenahaw Mrs. S. J. Baker Commercial Bank of Sydney Convent School—Sisters of St. Joseph Cupitt S. T., Sergeant of Police, Act. ing C.P.S., Warden's Clerk, etc. Doumany J. General Store Finn Mary Commercial hotel Graham Mrs. L. C A. .. Fancy Goods Graves William Billiard Saloon, etc. Green Miss A. Newsagent, etc. Green Ily., Boots and Shoes, Cycle Agent and Cordial Factory Ilarland Mrs. .. Fruiterer and Grocer Harland Thomas Blacksmith Hennessey M. .. Metropolitan Hotel Hicks A. IV. Public School Jamieson II. Accountant Judd 0. F., J.I'., General Store, Guardian of Minors, Coroner and Commissioner for Affidavits Killen E., J.P. Licensing Member Lane 31., Grocer and l'roduce Dealer Levy Maurice Auctioneer McLaughlin IV. II. Butcher North Nymagee Copper Mining Co. Nymagee Copper Mining Co. Nytnagee District Hospital—C. Mitten shays, Sec. Parker W. II., J.P Farmer Robinson 0., T P Draper Stapylton H. M., Posttnaster, Electoral Registrar, etc. Stratford William n Priory Hotel Sweeney John .. Cardiff Arms Hotel Store Walker .7. 1 Whitlock G. Crazier Williams It., J.P Miner Amalgamated Jockey Club— O. W. Dwyer, Sec. A. INNE & CO., Otatiott, Chucking. Taub sc3nouratict Agents. Auttimerro, Str., Otork, NYNGAN. EBTABLISIIHD 1883. Stock and Station Code No. 1 used, Agents for all CIRMICS of Agricultural Mould:tory. Arnott IV. S., P.M. Australian Bank of Commerce. Ltd.— If. D. Richards Manager Barrett T. Barritt's Hotel Barringer F. P. General Store Barrow Mrs. V. Fruiterer Bogen Shire Council—John Frey, l'res.; C. C. Shaw, Shire Clerk Bonnie Dundee Mining Co: (N.L.)— C. C. Leader, Legal Manager Britton Mrs. I Fruiterer Painter Brown A. S. Brown .1. T. Sawmill Brown W. S. General Store 466 m. N. Cartmill John Store and hotel Iludgery•gar Mining Co (N.L.)— 0. C. Leader, Legal Manager' Budgerygar North Block 2B. .1. McGuitut irec.t. railAdN Buist G. E. Grocer . NllyG n.NWY Fruiterer Burfltt Mrs. M. Banks, 382 t J. II. Plumber A.B.C. Ltd., Commercial, Govt. 'lltirmister of Police Burrows A. J. .. Sen. Sergt Savings Bank. Court Petty SCH. Cairns Mrs. Nurse MODS, DlIb110 Quarter Se:NICHOL Canonbar Pastures Protection Board• •. G. C. Shaw, Secretary Tailor Chapman IV. Civilian Rifle Club— .1. IV. Turley, Secretary Cothran E. T. I la i rdresser Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, Ltd.—F. E. Ford, Manager Convent School (Sisters of St. Joseph) —Sister Mary Xavier, Rev. Mother D'Arcy P., Blacksmith St Wheelwright Physician Day E. I Dillon J. Bootmaker of E.) Douglas Rev. Robert (C Duke John Coachlmilder, etc. Dupn James Royal Hotel ETC. Farmers' and Settlers' Association— Member of Country S. A: S. C. F. Watt, Secretary Agents' AWII. Fay Patrick lustralian Hotel Butcher Finn J. Butcher "Cahill's S. and S. Code" used. Finn IV. Flashman A. .0., J.P Solicitm Ford F. E., Manager Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, Ltd. Gale James Brickmaker Galvin L. Commercial Hotel Gaugan .1. J. .. "Nyngan Observer" Golf Club (The)— Grady Michael, Carriers' Arms Hotel NYMBOIDA. P. S. ANTILL, AUCTIONEER. STOCK &STATION AGENT, NYNGAN. HEAD OFFICES. 81042 GEORGE STREET SOUTH —'PHONE 726. SYDNEY. NEW PALACE EMPORIUM, DRICKFIELD HILL, SYDNEY. ANTHONY HORDERN & SONS, ONLY UNIVERSAL PROVIDERS, Ora 184AOak COUNTRY COMMERCIAL. SMIAN CONTINUED — Alexander L. Oaklands Hotel Wm W. N. S. •Builder Melon k Johnston Builders Hall F. Cycle Agent Store Herrick IL, J.P., Saddler and Coroner Hock Walter Market Gardener Butcher Knight 1'. 0 Hairdresser Labron John Lie Gun Store Links M. Baker and Grocer Little S. J. F. Inspector of Stock Lyne A., J.P. Lyne It. 11. Cycle Agent, etc. MeAtiliffe D. Fruiterer McAuliffe Mrs. T. Small Goods McCarthy G. I'. J. Cycle Agent McEwen Douglass .. Surgeon Dentist Solicitor Meminic Hall (The) Mitchell It. W., Teacher Public School Moran Rev. Father (R.C.) Wood Merchant Nelan Grocer Nynigan District I lospital—T. II. %Vat son, See.; Miss Anderson, Matim Nyngan Pastoral and Agricultural Association—R. II. Lyne, Secretary Nyturan Picnic Race Club— A. J. Antill, Sec. Odman W. F. Chemist Payne J. G. Mercer Payten W. R. Town Clerk Permewan, Wright and Co., Ltd. Forwarding Agents Proctor J. IL Hairdresser Reed D. W. C. P.S. Riley, Newman & Co., Wool Merchants Robertmon A. J Solicitor Rodda Mrs. G. J. .... General Store Itoddy J. General Store Ryan Con. Boots and Shoes Settling II. Imperial Hotel School of Arts—F. E Ford, Secretary Seaton II. Postmaster Shaw 4 0. C., Secretary Pastures Protection Board Sloane John .. Cordial Manufacturer Smith E. Billiard Saloon Smith & Holmes, Stock and Station Agents, etc. Stevens Mrs. I. Grocer Temple Richard Dairyman Tennis Club—T. II. Price, Secretary Thompson Nurse .. Private Hospital Town Hall (The) Ward John 1Voolscourer Warrigal Meat Works Watson I Builder Watson T. II, Stationmaster h l ang Kee 1 WATT C. F. Stock, Station and General Commission Agent White Bro s Wheelwrights ' White Mrs. M. A. Fruiterer Yates Miss Dressmaker Yee War Greengrocer OAKEY CREEK. Via Warlalda. OAKLANDS. Fruiterer Bailey F. Black, Pelting & Co. ..., ..... Store Cahill, Mrs. M. Coffee Palace Commercial Bonk—P. J. Woodhouse, Manager Coughlan J. It. General Store Dalltston M. It. 11. Blacksmith Builder Dynan T. Baker Edwards It. Auctioneer Cell Charles L. Ilanna Robert Ilairdresser Ilaripave J. A. Solicitor Knight k C'righton Butchers McDonald A. Blacksmith McPherson Thomas & Co , Auctioneers Mathewson J. Saddler Millthorpe A. W. Sawmills Builder Simile W. Stewart John Blacksmith Wilson S. ...... Brick Manufacturer Witherow E. Plumber OAK WOOD. (CHERRY TREE HILL.) OBAN. 405 m. N. Rail to Guyra, thence coach 20 tn. Alt Hong (Paddy's Gully) ... Store Penson Sydney, General Store and Butcher OBERON. 180 m. W. Rail to Tarana, thence coach. Nearest bank, flock. Icy. Bailey Undertaker Batchelor G. A. Store Cabin John General Store Cox A. E. . Store Conyngliame A. Blacksmith Cunyngliame A. R. Butcher Conynghame II, C. Auctioneer Doust J., Auctioneer and Corn. Agent Freer Alfred E. Tailor Gralletn F. S. .... Coach Proprietor Green Phillip G., Begat Hotel and Coach Proprietor Carpenter Keen J. J. Kelly J. M. Brighton Hotel Lennon James Bootmaker Nicholas David Draper Oberon Shire Council—C. E. Richards, l'res.; M. .1. Looby, Clerk ; B. A. Ileffernan, Engineer Rooney John Blacksmith Spencer Mrs. M. A. Newsagent Whitby W. G. Fruiterer Whitley 1 Hairdresser Whittiker John Blacksmith 428 m. S. Rail to Berrigan, thence coach. Banks, Commercial 253 m. W. Rail to Molong or Dubbo, thence coach. of Sydney and National of Australasia. Hotel Austin E. W. Alder G. Bootmaker McDonnell T. H. Store WOOD ' AND COMPANY: _ TH E FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF N.S.W.: 140 m. W. Rail to Wantbool, thence conveyance. Nearest bank, Bathurst. Bailey A. Contractor Burn John Bond Contractor Condon Thomas Hotel Hillan Ernest Butcher Montgomery Robert .... Contractor I. Ii. Mail Contractor Morgan Mrs. C. General Store Vender .1. L. & T. ' Blacksmiths Turley James Fruiterer Whittaker A. Road Contractor ONE TREE HILL. (SEE GININDERRA.) OPHIR. 216 tn. W. Rail to Orange, thence coach. Nearest bank, Orange. Singleton Thomas, General Store, Butcher and Post Office 483 an. N. Rail to Glen Innes, thence coach. Nearest bank, Inverell. Clarke James L. ..,. General Store Moran Mrs. E. (Cherry Tree 11111) General Store OBLEY. O'CONNELL. ORANGE. 100 mu. W. By rail direct. Banks, A.B.C. Ltd., Commercial, N.S.W., Union, Australasia, Saving. Bank of N.S.W., Govt. Savings Bank of N.S.W. Courts of Quarter and Petty Sessions. Adams II. (East) .... Victoria Hotel Ardent! W. E. he Co. .. Sharehroker. Plumber A lbon A. 0. Albou II. T. Painter Allman J. H. Tailor Armytage henry, Sanitary Inspector Auberson and Sons Orchardists Austin J. .... Daniel O'Connell Hotel Australian Benk of Commerce, Ltd.— F. W. Itelbridge, Manager Australian hall (The) Australian Workers' Union— I. Smith, Secretary Bank of Australasia—E. C. Riddle Manager Bank of N.S.W.—II. J. Elder, Manager Barnett Miss (East) Dressmaker Barrett IV. E. Cordial Maker Bartle J. T. Baker, etc. Cycle Agent Bate J. Bate Joseph Saddler Duty E. and Co. Dyers and Cleaner. Saddler Beacom J. Beale stnd Co. Piano Depot W. C. Addison Bear — Sub•Inspector of POMO Demmer C. Refreshment Rooms Bedford, TaylorWeston, Ltd., Auctioneers Belbridge F. W., Manager Australian Bank of Commerce, Ltd. Bellamy IV. S. Postnuteter Benevolent Society— Mrs. J. C. McDonald, Secretary Bennett & Wood, Ltd., Bicycle Depot Henna Emma J. (East) .... Grocer Birkenhead R. C. Dentist Bishop IV. J. Carrier, etc. Blake Miss Oostumiere 'Sodden R. (East) Store Bodey J. IV. .... Veterinary Surgeon Bonnor and Co. Produce Stores Bonner J., J.P. Booth Miss ....Teacher Dressmaking Borrodell Miss Dressmaker SYDNEY. ( =VA! w;t2h= r71% ) OraCOUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Bouffler W. E., J.P., Town Clerk East Orange, and Accountant Savings Bank N.S.W. Bowen 'I'. C., J.P. Bowers J. II., Part Proprietor "Western Daily Advocate" Boyle James (East) .. General Store Bradley and Barnes .. Photographers Braybrook Mrs. IV. ... Confectioner Breen Miss Dressmaker Brennan W. J. Chemist British Piano Co. Brooke II. Land Agent Brown and Brown.. Boots and Shoes Brown Charles E. (East), Pastrycook Brown F. II. (East), Cordial Manufacturer Brown Miss .... Teacher of Painting Brown NV. R. D airyman Bryant A. Blacksmith Bound T. Blacksmith Dentist Burns J. J. Burns Mrs. (East) Dressmaker Bursle W. II. Photographer Wilt Copper Mining and Smelting Syndicate—II, Chandler, Local Agent Caldwell Bros., Wholesale Fruiterers Caldwell A. T. (East), Ptiblie School Canobolas Shire Council—S. A. Hoey, Pres.; C. T. Fleming, Shire Clerk; N. Beaton, Shire Engineer Casey Michael Solicitor Casey T. J., J.P. Chandler Harry .... Auctioneer, etc. Chater A. Dixon Architect Chegwidden F. Oyster Saloon Chrystall W. L. Tailor Clarke John .. Prince of Wales Hotel Clint J., Omnibus Proprietor and Butcher Coastal Farmers' Co-operative Society, Ltd. ('rhe)-1I. Sharpe, Manager Cobb II. G. Tobacconist Collier 0. & Co. Coachbuilders Collingridge Miss ... Teacher Drawing Collins P. A. Timber Merchant Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Society, Ltd. COIllino L. Oyster Saloon Commercial•Bank-11 . G. Morgan, Manager Convent of Mercy Ladies' College-SM. Ursula, Rev. Mother Convoy John Fuel Merchant Shoesmith Coote F. Cornwell A. T. (East) Public School Shoemaker couldwell IV. II.' Coulson, Marton and Co., Auctioneers and Agents Cox T 13rickinaker Crombie J., Manager Union Bank Crooks William Empire Hotel Crooksilliam Hairdresser Tailor Curran C. Curran C. W. Boottnaker Boottnaker Dallas P. Dalton Bros., Limited. Merchants and Flour Millers Dalton James' Dalton E. B. Dalton James J. Dalton H. F., J.P. Davis Nurse P. L. Dawson II. (East) Butcher Death L. A. • Butcher Desmond Catherine —Standard Hotel Direct Export Produce Co.— A. Jones, Manager Dooley Miss K. .. Matron Ilospital Douglas J., IP Builder Doyle Thomas Terminus Hotel Duggan Wm. E. ,.— Livery Stables Dunn George,. Red Bird Bicycle Co. WOOD AND COMPANY : EARL BROS. Ora185A HICKS A. P. Auctioneers, Wholesale l'roduce Agent for Motors and Motor Merchants and General Carriers. Cycles. Repairs of all kinds Sales every Saturday of Poultry, executed. Tel. 80 Orange • Fruit and General l'roduce, Sydney and Orange. Box 9. Hill Jno. F. Painter . Hill Mrs. Telephone, 154 Orange Registry Office Holland C. II. Hairdresser Earl Bros. General Store Holmes J. and Co. .. General Store Earls Mrs. J. Newsagent Morrell IV. Fuel Merchant Ilowse C. East Orange Assembly Hall Physician Edwards T. 11. Gunsmith HoWse N. R. Physician and Surgeon Edye IV. B. Royal Hotel Hunter J. and Son, Ltd., Boots and Saddlers Edye Bros. Shoes Elder 11. J., Manager Bank of N.S.W. Hurford Oswald F. (East), Galvanised Iron IVorker Evans B. J., jun. .. Furniture Dealer Bytes William Fruiterer Jackson S. J., Colonial Wine Depot• rally and Fitzgerald, Fuel Merchants Jackson IV. IV. Fruiterer Fardell he McIntyre (East) .. Grocers Johns William .. Tattersall's Hotel Farr Alleyne Chemist Johnson Con. .... Boots and Shoes Farrell John Occidental Hotel Johnston Orme .... Band Conductor Jones he Jones Drapers Frailties J. A., Headmaster Public School Kelly Bros. F'rti iterers Federal Pharmacy—Martin Fox, Mgr. King Mrs. Board i nghottae Dressmaker Lakeinan Mrs. E., Court House Hotel Fell Miss Fire Brigade—Capt. J. McMurtrie Lamaro Bros. Fruiterers. Fisher 11. A., Cycle and Motor Works Laturock and Lound ....... Mercers Fitzgerald, Bowers he Co., Proprietors Lamrock W. Architect "The Western Daily Advocate" Lane A. 0. 0. Soap Works Baker Lane L. A. Fitzgerald II. Solicitor Larance 11. IV., J.P Butcher Fitzgerald James, Station House hotel Grocer Fleming Miss (East).... Dressmaker Lealtey T. S. Fleming It. (East) Fruiterer Leary II. J., J.1'., C.P.S. and Reg. B. H. and D. Ford F. .... Builder and Undertaker Lee II. II. Solicitor Foresters' Hall Accountant Forster and Thompson, General Store Lee A. S. Frewin Joseph Grocer Leeds .1. S. and Co., Auctioneers, etc. b reyer J. K. Physician Leeds J. S., J.P. Frost It. Livery Stables Lemon James .. Metropolitan Hotel Frost S. IV. J. Brickmaker Lewis R. Watchmaker Fullerton A., J.1' Tailor Liberal and Reform Association— J. Ilolbrook, Secretary Fuller E. (East) .... Builder, etc. Gain Miss B., Sec. School of Arts Linn Thomas Motor Garage Linn W. E. Carrier Builder Gain J. II., J.P. Gander 11. A. Carrier Livermore Misses E. and A., Private Ilospital Gander Mrs. Boardinghouse Lockhart J. Butcher Gardiner W. T. and Sons, Coach' builders Lockhart S. J. and Co., Tailors, Gardiner 0. C. Blacksmith Long E. A. erceGras'sfltetteci Carling P. S., "The Orange Leader" Lopez Bros. Fruiterers Gartrell Richard Dairyman Lovett A. ' Station Master Gartrell 1V. J. Painter Lowden D. R. (East) Baker Gavin Roy Sports Depot Lucas Miss .... Refreshment Rooms Gersbach Joseph .. Green Gate Hotel McBride I Hairdresser Gibson Frederick Laundry McFadden J. Australian Arms Hotel Gillespie John .... Gladstone Hotel McIntyre T. Dealer Outfitter McKeon J. (East) Coachlatilder Gillies J. Glasson, Coulson he McLachlan, General Mason Melt imm J. Auctioneers Mackie J. Hairdresser Government Savings Bank N.S.W.— J. T. Kilgour, Mgr. Cow W. II. Confectioner McLACHLAN & MURRAY. Solicitors, Eldon Chambers, Lord's Upholsterer Gregory 11. Place, Orange. (John Charles Grinsted W. T. Stationer McLachlan, Alex. Joseph McLachWatchmaker Groundwater E. lan, Norman Hector Murray, SoliciArchitect Hale John tors; John Charles McLachlan, 'lamer Thomas Butcher Commissioner of the Supreme Hamer T. (East) Butcher Courts of Victoria and N.S.IV. Hansen H. 1Vatchmaker Resident Partner)and at the ES. Hart Nurse Private llospital anti A. Bank Building, corner George Ilaslam G. General Store and King sts, Sydney Hawke Sampson Orchardist Ilawke loin, J.1 . Orckardist Haynes Frederick, Manager Railway McMurtrie Bros., Contractors and Refreshment Rooms Monumental Masons hleaton T Produce Merchant MeNeilley E. T. ....... Auctioneer Draper Menden Harry Watchmaker Maguire E. Baker Maher J. (East) .. Waggon Builder Henkes II. Tailor Mallon Mrs. Park Hotel lierring W. Hertslet J. L. Grocer Mannix R. (East) .... General Store Hicks J. Carrington Hotel Merchant Rev. It. P. (C. of E.) BRANCHES EVERYWHERE ALL CONNECTED BY TELEPHONE. SYDNEY. ANTHONY HORDERNS' NEW PALACE EMPORIUM. ENTRANCES IN GEORGE, PITT AND GOULBURN STREETS. 186A • Ora COUNTRY COMMERCIAL. MANOR CONTINUED — Our ORARA; OTFORD. OURIMBAH. AND . COMPANY: . Paul .1. M., Auctioneer, Deputy Thomas II. Dealer Marriott E., J.P., P.M., Warden and Coroner and Returning Officer Thomas J. Steam Engine Rotel Coroner Pearce Fred. (East) Confectioner Thomas Mrs. M. (East), Confectioner Martin James and Co., Implement and l'earce John (East) Fruitorer Thompson G., Part Proprietor Machinery Importers l'earson G. Butcher "Western Daily Advocate" Martin L. F. .... The Rugby Rotel Perkin Bros. Blacksmiths Thompson Mrs. M. Store Martin Rev. J. Gerrard (Meth.) Pentad' Mrs. M. A. Dressmaker 'Phlox P. Fuel Merchant Saddler Tillett B. and Co., Commission Agents Martin Miss Dressmaker Perry S. Massey-Harris Co., Limited— l'il cher . G. Solicitor Tindall Miss, Knitted Hosiery Depot B. S. Varcoe, Manager Pitcher G. de V. Solicitor Tredrea B. Stationer Medley L. II. .... Produce Merchant Plowman James (East), Baker and Tref ry J. Carrier Store Tretheway It. Stonemason Merchant G. Greengrocer Store Plowman R. (East), Fuel Merchant, Tuttle Miss, Milliner and Dresstnaker Merchant G'., sen. Grocer and Baker Union Bank of Australia— Millard V. II. Solicitor Milne E. ....District Supt Railways Porter G. Teacher of Music J. Crombie, Manager Mitchell J. Shoemaker Prescott Ltd. .... Produce Merchants Uren Thomas (East) Bootmaker Montgomery Mrs. S. A. Nurse Quinn Francis .. Great Western Hotel Varcoe 11. S., Manager Massey-Barrie, Ltd. Morahan II. Cab Proprietor Inc W. A. Surveyor Mullholland F. .1., .. .1.1'. ..Town Clerk teid Mrs. Caroline Club Rotel Vincent Miss Teacher Piano Butcher ichards W. Plumber Walker & Co., Ltd. .. Orange Brewery Murphy J. (East) Murphy Mrs. M. Central Rotel ichardson and McCulley, Dressmakers Walker John Stone Quarry ichardson 11. Builder Wallace A. H. Dentist Nancarrow J. and Son, Auctioneers Wallace B. J. .. General Storekeeper and General Conratission Agents While E. C., Manager Bank of Australasia Walsh .T. P. Dealer Naylor Mrs. Fruiterer .Milliner tiley, Newman and Co., Watts .1 II. Confectioner Needhatn Miss Hides, Tallow„ etc. Watts James A. .. Exchange Rotel Nesbitt C. .1: ...... Boots and Shoes Grocer Volley George Cordial Maker Newman liarry .. Crown bands Agent oberts A. A. toberts L. W. Physician Weichman II. .... District Surveyor ' Newton Robert, Part Proprietor "Western Daily Advocate" tobinson T. J. and Co„ Machinery Werner 0. Fruiterer Merchants and Engineers Weston P. C., J.P. Nichols George Coachbuilder toile Rev. A. .1., Wolaroi Whipple F. L. .... Produce Merchant Nicholson & Co., Ltd.— It. C. Ruschpler, Manager Grammar School Whitely L. Storekeeper Dairyman tosebery Rev. (East) (Cong.) Whitford and Meek, Dairy and Oates S. Farm Produce Merchants O'Brien F., Engineer and Gunsmith truthfully' A. (East) Store O'Brien H. D. Hairdresser towe J. T. (East) Butcher Wicks T. Grocer and Butcher Fruiterer towe Miss Wood Merchant Al !Mains C. Oddfellows' Ilall (The) Baker tuddin James, Rabbit Freezing Works Williams Miss Costumiere Ogston It. Hairdresser tuschpler Herr Williams 'P. C. Hairdresser Ohltleld Newell Willis W. hairdresser Dealer tyan Rev. Father J. (HO.) Olsen A. (East) Orange Co-operative Central Dairy Satchell W. E. (3. Bookseller Wilson J. II. Physician . Co., Ltd.—It. G. Moore, Sec. Savings Bank of N.S.W — Wilson Mrs. Dressmaker W. E. Bouffier, J.P., Accountant Withers E. A. Poundkeeper Orange District Hospital—V. II. MilWong 'fart Greengrocer lard, Secretary; Miss IC. Dooley, Schmidt II., Watchmaker and Tobacconist Wood E. .T. and Co., Buggy Matron School of Arts—Miss B. Gain, Sec. iill i WM etc. growers' Association— Orange Fruit A. AV. Blows, Secretary Scott William (East), Picture Framer Wright, Heaton and Co., Ltd., Seers E. .1. (East), Tea and Coffee Forwarding Agents Orange Jockey Club—W. Lantrock, Agent Wyllie W. G. Dentist Secretary Sherlock A. Coach Painter Builder Weis 1 Co. Ltd., ORANGE LEADER" The Singer ManufacturingSewing Machines • The Only Evening Daily News- Siviter henry Chemist paper in the •West. Contains Re- Skelly Mrs. Fruiterer (SEI: COUTT'S CROSSING.) ports of Sydney Produce and Skelly Wm. II. Blacksmith Stock Markets on Actual Days of Smythe .1. P., .1.P., Manager Sale Wright, Heaton and Co., Ltd. Orange Leather Store—T. MeCaffery, Somerville C. (East) .. Confectioner Manager Sommerville D. ((East), Boots and 30 m. S. Rail direct. Shoes Davenport Henry Fruiterer Orange Municipal Gasworks —F. J. Mullholland, Secretary Foster James (Waterfall), Sawmills Orange P. and A. Association — SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE Green William Hawker W. Tanner, Secretary James Bros. Sawmills COMPANY, Ltd. (Accident)— Orange Permanent Building and InMrs. T. Store W. E. Boater, Agent ; (Fire)— James vestment Society (The)—Thomas Lucas Albert Painter Merrick, Secretary A. S. Lee, Agent. Orange Rifle Club—A. Kable Spreadbury A. Harnessmaker lion. Secretary Spurway IV. Orchardist Orange Starr-Bowkett Society— Stackpool M. Carrier W. Lamrock, Secretary Stanford A. F. Grocer 56 in. N. By rail direct. Bank, Orange Storekeepers' Association— Commercial of Australia. Stephen J. & Co. • Carriers A. 0. Button, Secretary Stevenson J. & Co., Dealers and Beattie John .. Royal Exchange Rotel Orange Technical School Carriers Brown & Toobey .. Timber Merchants Orange Volcanic Aerated Water Co. Stewart J. M. Grocer Burns F. D. General Store Padey A. II. ... Monumental Mason Stewart W. Bootmaker Conolly 0. B. E. .... Land Agent Palley W., sen. .... Cement Merchant Storm D. Hairdresser Craft H. •Blacksmith Padey W. F. Architect Swain H. Butcher Fraser Chariot Butcher Paravacini G.,. Agent Singer's Sewing Sweet Miss Queen's School Harris Mrs. E. Store Machines Tait S. B. Dentist Jacques A. S., Butcher and Timber Parents' and Citizens' Association— Tanner AV, Legal Manager Merchant P. S. Garling, Secretary Taylor Sidney Assistant C. .S. Jacques 0. A. Blacksmith Dentist Taylor Rev. Walker (C. of E.) l'ascoe J. Jones A. T Grocer Patrician Brothers' School— Temperance and General Mutual Life McKenzie H. Sawmills Brother Alphonsus, Principal Office—O. E. Swiney, Local Agent Malcolm R. Fruiterer WOOD Our THE FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF N.S.W. : SYDNEY. ( :lit Ptera ufg:t711.1"VhougTi; ) COUNTRY COMMERCIAL. • Par • 187A M. Q. McNAMARA, , Land Salesman, STOCK, STATION, and FINANCIAL AGENT, Money to Lend at 4 per cent. fixed term. Stock and PROPERTY Lists and Monthly Review on application. Head Office, BENALLA, and Brandies throughout Victoria. Morris T. G. Grocer, etc. Pratten II. E. Sawmills Skinner A. J. .... Produce Merchant Butcher Walker J. West E. M. 1 Sawmills Winning Mrs. Boots and Shoes Alexander E. Royal Hotel Australian Bank of Commerce, Ltd.— J. N. Small, J.P., Manager 272 tn. IV. Rail direct. Banks, A.11.0, Ltd., C'ommercial, Union, Tanner Baddeley C. A., II' Australasia, Government Savings Butcher Behl Frank Batik. Court of Petty Sessions, Clouston T. II. Physician Forbes Quarter SOS/1(011S Cole IV. (South Pantbula) ... Butcher Adams W. IL, J.P., C.P.S. and of Sydney— Registrar B. M. and Deaths OURNIE REEFS (OURNIE). Commercial Bank A. Arguimbau, Manager Ashcroft C. Baker 463 tn. S. Rail to Albury, convey- Cornell T. Baker Australian Bank of Commerce, Ltd.— ance thence via 13owna 72 in. Cornell V. J. Chemist I). McDonald, Manager Nearest bank, Germanton. Cottage Hospital—J. N. Small, See. Arthur J. S. SIddier Nichols William J. Butcher Davis James 13oots and Shoes 13ank of Australasia—J. IV. Dalzell, Doherty James Insurance Agent Manager Million .1. • Plumber Barr & Crean •Store English E. Saddler Best Bros. General Store Fanning Sid. Blacksmith Best George Boots and Shoes, 605 In. S. Rail to hay, thence Faulkner Mrs. Baker Black S. G'. Timber Merchant conch. Nearest bank, Hay. Collins D. Auctioneer Illigh AV. IL .. Builder and Contractor l'oelalieon es ot r e Grant Commercial bi det Iltun ilton John Sawmilla Boazman Dr. Physician Healey Michael .... Coach Proprietor 13ollinger A. G. P. Jeweller Boottualcer Herman V. and Co. ... General Store Boom E. W. E. .. Colonial Wine Depot Ilorward Matthew Store Bourne I3owdich II., Newspaper Proprietor 434 m. N. Rail to Moree, thence Jenkins C. B. Solicitor coach. Nearest bank, hforee. Kennedy, John General Store Midden & Gall Storekeepers Koerber .1. .. flumihuier and Contractor Cavanagh E. C. Pioneer ii sic! McCarthy A. IV., Livery Stables and BOYD AND CLARK Cross E. Sawmills Mail Contractor Land Salesmen and General ComIlallett A. E. Sawmills Martin J. H. and Co ... Auctioneers mission Agents Lockhart J. A. Siwmmiiils Matthews F. P. Baker Purser Clive A. General Store Meares E. 1 la i rtireaser Stevens & Cavanagh, Auctioneers, Miller W. 131ackamith Budd IL S., Bellringer and Billposter Stock and Station Agents Minnikin J. N. Blacken' i th Bulimic tE. 1). No./Regent Cahn, IV. Public School Pambola Co-operative Creamer y and Campion Rev. Father (R.C.) Dairy Co., Ltd. (Lochiel) Caverzasio tires. Bakers Plowright Frederick, Boots and Shoes Chapman & Nash 111steksmiths 316 111. N. By steamer direct. Robertson Mrs. C. .. Commercial Rotel Cheney A. E. Blacksmith Nearest bank, Maclean. Clifford C. F. .... Commercial Hotel Burns John Blaelcstnith School of Arts Painter Close S. E., J.P., Coroner and Ilyne.s It. Commercial Hotel Taylor F. Valuator and Auctioneer General Store Cock & Sworn P. I. Dairy Co. Creamery Thomas 13rcet Store Store Tier Mrs. Refreshments Cock .1.Westcott Ross James T., Builder and Undertaker Torbet R. Club Hotel Cock Miss h. Nurse Wilkins .1. 13. Stationer, etc. Coles & Co. Auctioneers, etc. WilkinsonSon, "Pattibula Volee" Newspaper Collins A. Insurance Agent 140 tn. IV. Rail to Itydal or \ValCommercial Banking Co. of Sydney, 1311h:her lerawang. Nearest bank, Bathurst. Woo& F. Ltd.—A. IV. Shadforth, Manager Bower John T., Store and Butcher Commins F. B. Solicitor Franks J. T. General Store Coomben E. Cab l'roprietor Cooper MISS I. M. .... Dressmaker Coutsopoulus P. Oyster Saloott Crean J. A. Store 194 tn. S. Steamer to Merhnbula or Curry II. llootmaker Eden, thence coach (twice a Mizell J. IV., Mgr. 'Bank of week), or rail to Cooma, thence (NEAR POONCARIE.) Australasia coach. Banks, A.13.0., ComDavey A. N. Baker mercial Bank of Sydney. Court Denison Mary Ellerslie Hotel Davies E. Parkes Hotel Petty Sessions, Bega Quarter ilippisley John .... Burg undy Hotel Davies Miss Ethel Dressmaker Sessions. McGilton J. .... Welcome Inn Rotel Davis A. G. Mail Contractor Alt. & P. Society—J. B. Wilkins, Sec. Moore Joseph Store Davis Cooper • Carrier PARKES. OXLEY. PALLAMALLAWA PALMER'S ISLAND. PALMERS' OAKEY PAMBULA. WOOD AND COMPANY PARA (EAST) LARGEST EXPERIENCE AND LARGEST PLANT ENSURE THE BEST WORK. SYDNEY. VISIT ANTHONY HORDERNS' NEW PALACE EMPORIUM, 188AParCOUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Par ANDREW STEWART, Auctioneer, Land & Commission Agent, Stock and Property Lists on application. Court Street, PARKES. CROWN LANDS ACTS specially dealt with. Telephone No. 4. Agem— P.O. Box No. 6. Norwich Union Fire Insurance Co. Water It Cita i rinaker Pearce Thomas Solicitor Lonergan F. J. .... Assistant C.1'.S. Pearson Mrs. E. Refreshments McDermott Miss M. J. Dressmaker People'e Institute—A. Newmann, McDonald D., Manager Australian Secretary Bank of Commerce, Ltd. Pepper II. Saddler Mena & Co. Flourmills l'orter Miss M. Nurse McGirr and Co., Commission Agents Powell '1'. Occidental Hotel McGlynn M. General Store Pritchard J. Blacksmith . McIntosh and Crowther .. Solicitors Rees W. Carrier McIntosh Alfred E., J.P. .. Solicitor Richards V. Dentist McJannett C. J. Vet. Surgeon Ritchie John, Tobacconist and McKay Hugh V., Agricultural Fancy Cootie Machines Robinson T. and Co., Agricultural Engineers McNAMARA M. Q., Stock, Station Sacred Heart Convent School— and Financial Agent (see Advt.) Sisters of St. Joseph Sanders II. J. Store McNickle Nurse, Matron of Hospital IV. .1. Newsagent McPherson 0. Baker and Store Sanders Schnaebel W. Fruiterer Maguire T. II. .. Club House Hotcl Seaborn 0. W. and Co., Stock, Masonic Hall (The)—C. E. Job, Station and Land Agents Secretary Seaborn 0. IV., J.P. Martin James and Co., Agricultural Seymour-Smith Rev. Reginald Itnplements (C. of E.) May L. Produce Merchant Shadforth A. W., Mgr. Commercial Mazondier W. Motor Garage Banking Co. of Sydney, Ltd. Meagher John & Co., Ltd., Shaw R., Cabinetmaker and G'eneral Store Undertaker Medlyn John Cambridge Hotel Shaw It. II. .. Baker and Pastrycook Moulden NV. T., Tobacconist and Shop Assistants' Union.— Poundkeeper Arthur Stewart, Secretary Shillaley Mrs. J. Dressmaker Simons S. Watchmaker Miuhlimis William Grocer Kin/peon James, Manager Gasworks Myers L. Plumber Singer's Sewing Machine Co.— Nash & Ritchie Bakers William Pepper, Agent Nash and Spence Billiard Saloon Skardon E. T. Boots and Shoes O'Donnell Bros. Butchers Smiles W. B. Greengrocer Smith IV. Hairdresser O'Donnell 7 Plumber O'Halloran J., Newspaper Proprietor Solomon G. Draper Oliver II. Blacksmith Malley J. Furniture Store SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE Parkes Dairy Co., Ltd.— Gtibson, Manager COMPANY, Ltd. (Fire and AcParkes District Hospital— cident)—W. H. sob, Agent. C. E. Job, Secretary l'arkes Farmers' and Settlers' Assn.— Stacey S. V. Hairdresser John E. Russell, Secretary Stack E. Produce Dealer Parkes Jockey Chub— Baker A. O. F. Bollinger, Secretary Stevenson M. Parkes P. and A. Association— Auctioneers, Stock, ' Station and STEWART ANDREW, AucG. W. Seaborn, Secretary Land Salesmen. Box 13. Tele- Parkes Storekeepers' Associationtioneer, Land & Commission phone 55 0. J. Howard, Secretary Agent (see Advt.) Parkes Trotting Club— Kelly William ... Commission Agent A. G. F. Bollinger, Secretary Sturgess J. Chaff Cutter Kerin Mrs. J. Railway Hotel l'aton Nurse Kerr Nurse Sweet Norman Dentist Ladies' Benevolent Society— Sykes 111. A. Plumber Mrs. D. J. Howard, Sec. Tait W., J.P. Dentist Lane and Fuller, Auctioneers and Thomas .7. Hawker Stock and Station Agents Stock and Station Agents, Thomas 0. Agent Lane E. A. Chemist Property Salesmen and General Thomas Rev. R. J. (Meth.) Leach S. .... Inspector of Nuisances Commission Agents, Storekeepers. Thomson C. E. S. Town Clerk Branch Office, Trundle ;11 Ci oneeorg ) WOOD AND • COMPANY: THE FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF N.S.W.: SYDNEY. Illteraelt 0 °STA 81 PARKES CONTINUED — Dawes W. Storekeeper Dawson L II. ' Tailor Denning Thomas Tanner Derwin J. G. .. Cordial Manufacturer Produce Dealer Dodd I Evans W. J. .... The Exchange Hotel Farmers' and Settlers' Association— J. E. Russell, Secretary Finlay-Brown Bev. William (Pres.) Fisher C. and M, Storekeepers and Produce Merchants Fisher C., J.P. Fletcher J. W. Dealer Foots Mark .. Bicycle Manufacturer Fountain J. T., Postmaster and Manager Govt. Savings Bank Freebrairn W. .... Tattersall's Hotel 'Giles William, Proprietor "The Western Champion" Gilesman Bros. Photographers Glading .1. .... Painter and Decorator Golf Club—Herbert J. Hughes, Sec. Gooliang Shire Council—Daniel Herbert, l'res.; II. J. Hughes, Shire Clerk; IV. Stodart, Engineer (Mudge Bros. General Store Griffiths Clarence Royal Hotel Iladdon IV. Bushman's Hotel Ilaselhurst IV Chemist Heredity and McConnell Butchers 11111 II. NV. and Co .. General Store Ilolden J. 'Bus Proprietor Howard R. S. and Sons, General Store Howard Rev. Father (WC.) Fruiterer 'Lowell J. Jackson A. B., Manager Union Bank of Australasia, Ltd. • •/ Jenkins Miss Boardinghouse Jenkins 0. Grand Hotel Job Charles E. Auctioneer Job IV. and J. .. Machinery Agents Job J. N. .. Builder and Contractor Johnson Dr. Oswin Surgeon liable IV. W. Billiard Saloon Keast, Scoble & Co. .. General Store KELLY W. J. & CO. PEARCE & WILLIAMS THE HOME OF ANTHONY HORDERNS' FAMOUS LOW PRICES, Par COUNTRY COMMERCIAL. • Pea.189A IN THE WHEAT BELT. H. N. GIBSON Write fo , Property Lists. Buyers driven to inspect by motor car. PEAK HILL, N.S.W., Property Specialist, Auctioneer, Stock Station Agent. ••■■••••••■•■■• Store Commercial Bank—A. M. Doyle, Tolhurst M. Manager Turnbull Robert Engineer Tyers Miss Confectioner Duggan George .... Coach Proprietor Fry Ilerbert Blacksmith Union Bank of Australia, Ltd.— A. B. Jackson, Manager Gibbs I). and 7 Blacksmiths Upton Charles Stationmaster Hagan Mrs. John Newsagent Venables tiros. Butchers Hogan Leonard Butcher Venables E. W. and Co. Engineers Keppie John Blacksmith Butcher Wallace 11..7. Butcher McGill IV. I Watson C. Photographer Osmond Alfred Wine Shop Watson Mrs. M., Refreshment ROOM Paterson Farmers' Union Patlield Joseph Tobacconist West's Public Hall Westcott J., Blacksmith, Coachbuilder ' Patterson Joseph Tinsmith and Machinery Agent Perkins Dr. Physician Melts T. G . Commercial Hotel Phillips William Store ! Priestly George Cattle Dealer 'Western Oltainpion'ane) Taylor Albert Builder William Giles, Proprietor, Parkes; ' Wilson Alfred ... Court House llotel 28 pages weekly. Largest Circulation in the Central West. Telephone 5. Tailor Whitchorne I Wilson Luke Cab Proprietor WISE A. & CO. Auctioneers, Stock and Property Salesmen. Telephone 56 Wood R. H. K. Solicitor Woodward Charles .. Cyanide Works Wright, Heaton and Co., Ltd., Produce Dealers and General Carriers PARKESBOROUGH. 275 m. W. Rail to Parkes, thence coach. Nearest bank, Parkes. Bryant Mrs. General Store 'enables 11. Butcher PARRAMATTA. ( see SUBURBAN DIRECTOBTO, PATERSON. 128 m. N. Rail to Maitland, thence coach 12 m. Bank, Commercial. Bridger Charles Baker Bridger George Builder Cann J. and F. W. .... General Store 9 PEAK HILL. 303 in. W. Rail to Dubbo, Narromine, or Parkes, thence coach. Banks, Australasia and Commercial of Sydney. Court Petty Sessions, Dubbo Quarter Sessions, Allan E. II. 'Fruiterer Bakes John Blacksmith Bank of Australasia—J. T. Marx, Mgr, Manager Barker It. Bolder Mrs. Fruiterer Baker Box George Brumley II. Brick Kiln CHICO:Udall Society—A. 11. Pettigrew, Secretary Carter E. Newsagent Civilian Rifle Club—Capt. C. J. Morris Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, Ltd.—R. Sheridan, Mgr. Convent School—Sister Bernardino, Rev. Mother Dickson & Robertson, Commission Agents Dunn Edward Butcher Dow C. Produce Dealer Percy E. Sawmills Farmers' and Settlers' Association— it. B. Pettigrew, Secretary Gee E. Masonic flail GIBSON H. N., Auctioneer, Stock and Station Agent (see Advt.) Glasheen E. D. Blaelcsinith Graham F. .1., Cambridge Club lintel !land John Brick Kiln Hand Thomas General Store I testifies W. Boot Repairer lIervey P. Produce Dealer Howard R. S. & Sons, Storekeepers Howell and Co. Agents Hutchins W. Butcher Jackson T. Town Clerk Jackson T., Machinery Agent and Hog. 11. M. and I). Jennings C. P.M. and Warden Jessup E. It., Manager Bank of Australasia liable Alfred .. Cordial Manufacturer Lane E. I Hairdresser Lee Sing Grocer Legge It. D. Carrington Hotel Lockington IV. .Builder Leis': Thomas Tailor McAuliffe Denis, Royal Exchange lintel McDermott P. .. Commercial Hotel McGrath I . ., Stock and Station Agent McIntyre John A., "Peak 11111 Express" McLean It. It., Club House Hotel. etc. Meheity .1. Acting C.P.S. Mariana ltev. L. A. (C. of E.) Muesty-Ilarris Co.—A, B. Pettigrew, Agent Mitchell E. .Storekeeper Minogue James . Undertaker O'Brien Martin Tailor Oxley William J. Saddler Parker It. J. Bootmaker "Peak Hill Express" John A. McIntyre, Proprietor. A 20-Page Paper, Published Every Friday. Large and Increasing Circulation. Peak 11111 District Hospital—T. Jackson, Sec.; Miss Hare, Matron Peak Hill P. A. and H. Society• A. Yeo. Secretary Permewan, Wright & Co., Ltd., Forwarding Agents PETTIGREW A. B., Auctioneer, Stock and Station Agent (see Advt.) l'ettitt A. Dentist Reeve W. N. Saddler lioaolte and platiliews Auctioneers, Stock and Station Agents. Telegraphic Address— "Roach°, Peak llill" WOOD AND COMPANY DO THE BEST FUNERAL WORK AT 10% LOWER RATES. SYDNEY. 1 THE PICK OF THE WORLD'S CHOICEST COMMODITIES, :90APea COUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Pen • A. B. PETTICREW, Auctioneer, Stock Station Agent, Agent for Dalgety & Company, Limited ; Massey-Harris Company Limited ; Queensland Insurance Company. HILL Farr R. General Store - Ezzy Clarence (Lemon Grove), General Store Hopkins Joseph, 4 ruitgrower,. Millington : Field II. Insurance Agent Miller George Boots and Shoes Void Richard Fruiterer Taylor Bros. Produce Store Franklin A. E. Stationmmiaster !Frew Alexander Tailor Fulton W. and E. .. General Store I Fulton C. 11. emeriti Store ,' Gibson W. Poultry Dealer Butcher 84 m. W. 13y rail direct. Banks, Glasscock 1V. Commercial. N.S.W. Court l'etty ! Clover Miss M. Dressmaker Hairdresser Ilaines S. J. Sessions, Parramatta Quarter Sm. Ilarford 1 Bootmaker Mons. Harrison C. J. Blacksmith Archdall Rev. Canon (C. of tE.) Haynes E. tE. Carrier Ashbury I'. C. .. Electrical Engineer Aughey It. .. Anetralian Arms Gotel Higgins I ,. C., J.P., Physician and Surgeon Aynsley R. IV. Saddler Bailey IV. A. Boots and Shoes !lobby Thomas Boardinghouse Dairyman Carrier Ilollier James !leiter 10 . (SEE St/DURBAN DIRECTORY.Y Balfour D. II. Tobacconist !Forstmann Frederick Fruiterer Bank of N.S.W.—A. II. Fox, Manager Bondman:1 Mrs. F. Caterer Hunter J. and Son, Ltd., Barlow Rev. Father F. (110.) Boots and Shoes •Beatty J. Newsagent Bathurst. Huxley J. T. Coachbuilder i'ia 150 in. W. Bennett A. F. Boat Proprietor Clapham sued Son ....... Store Beaky George Coachbuilder Jane It. T., Hairdresser. and Secretary Masonic Hall Store Bevil; Miss Dressmaker Marshall William lievin L. B. Painter Jae S., C P.S. and Reg. S.M. anti I). Boots and Shoes Jenkins W. Blacksmith Billett I Dairyman Jones Rev. C. (Wes.) Matilde I linker Jones Miss D Niirse 181 m. S. Rail to Cloulburn, thence Brady It. Joyce Miss E. A. Draper, etc coach. Nearest bank, Crookwell. Broatifoot Miss M., Mistress Public School Judges A. AV. N., J.P. .... Coroner Ferny John Royal Hotel Laverty Stewart General Store Monger Bros, Cordial Manufacturers Judges Arthur Chemist Christiansen Peter Brickmaker Judges Bros. General Store Lack It. Red Cout Hotel Clegg T. B., P.M. Clissold Thomas, J.P Builder Laing Alexander Baker Fruiterer Leavy Patrick .... Commercial Hotel 126 in. N. Rail to West Maitland, Coffey M. :thence conveyance. Nearest bank, Cohen David Royal llotel Lennox Miss, B.A., C. of E. School Colless Alfred, "The Nepean Times Lennox Wm. Produce Merchant • West Maitland. ItigwCod George Dealer Commercial Bank—A. E. Baker, Mgr. Low F. C. ... Secretar y M.3,L0.0.1,. Boughton A. Bootmaker Convent School, Sisters of St. Joseph— McDonald D. Solicitor S. M. Baptist, Rev. Mother McKee Rev. James (Pres.) Gillon'W., J.P. ...... General Store Boottnaker Conway R. W., Manager York's Estate Manchester Unity Hall Ilanley 1 Masters T. M. and Co. Grocers Store Coombs' Aerated Water and James Mrs. W. Cordial Factory Masters T. AL, J.P. Leggett William Dealer Maddison C. Boots and Shoes Cork F. A. II. Ostrich Farm Melville Mrs. Dressmaker Grocer Metropolitan Permanent Building and Draper Corr James Melville Mrs Investment Association—R. ConStore Corry Mrs. E. Boardinghouse Moses James way, Manager Painter Tinkers Cross E. Roderick Bros. Butchers. Butcher Dawson, Waldron and Glover, hillier; Bros. Seery P. Solicitors Mills Robert, J.P Draper Woods Mrs. Confectioner Teacher of Music Molloy J. T. Postmaster, etc Dennis Miss Butchers Morris 11. .... Ilant and Beef Shop. Dent Bros. Tailor Moxham C. G. Dentist DIX= James Builder Murray W., Produce, Wood and (SEE JIIRSEYVILLE.) MR1(10' .1. W. Coal Merchant Store Earn Butcher Nash George General Store East II. General Dealer Grocer Neaten John Ensterbrook .1. D hairdresser Neale henry J., J.P. .. General Store 18 tn. N. By, rail direct. Nearest Eaton Alfred Coach Proprietor Nepean Co-operative Society— Eaton I bank, Hornsby. J Skillicorn, Manager Eaton G. W. Ilantpden Hotel liveringliam M. eneral Dealer PNAK HILL coNTINUs p Produce Store Schmidt 11. Spark A. D. - Butcher Tinsmith Stafford II. Tabakis and Caridis. Refreshment Rooms Thom F. Refreshment Rooms Physician Todd Dr. General Store Tucker A. 1 Chemist Walsh IL Wardell Harry .... Hairdresser, etc. Public School Whiting 1 ' Whittaker F. J. Cycle Agent Wilkinson k Ward Storekeepers Wynne W. B. General Store %gent Wynne W..13. PENRITH. - PEAKHURST PEEL. PEEL WOOD. PELAW MAIN. PELICAN ISLAND PENNANT HILLS WO AND COMP COM ANY: Y : THE FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF N.S.W. : SYDNEY. r6) IsitervotOsifiorth8.10;1AGogr AT ANTHONY HORDERNS' FAMOUS LOW PRICES. COUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Pla191A Per Nepean Cottage Hospital—A. W. N. judges, J.P., Hon. Secretary; Miss B. West, Matron Nepeun District A. II. and I. Society1'. J. Smith, Secretary firth E. IV. Town Clerk Saddler Orth William Butcher Parker 0. Paskins Bros. (Werrington), Tanners l'ainter Payne S. '1'. l'enrith Benevolent Society— A. -Judge, Hon. Sec. 'Tailor Player E. Plummer W. Tattersall's Ilotel Potter W. Boots and Shoes Power Maurice C. .... Federal Hotel Price Mrs. J. and Son, Agents, Undertakers and Monumental Masons Price N., Blacksmith and Livery Stables Priddle Mrs. L., ' Tobacconist Pridham II. E. Physician rye W. II. A., J.1' Dentist Blacksmith Quinn 1', 1 Railway Traffic Employees' Association--Clifford Barrett, Hon. Sec. Redden Patrick General Store Redden W. Poundkeeper RheMberger Miss A., Certificated Nurse Rooney T., Billposter and Tiellringer Rulle It. Dentist School of Arts—Ernest Starling, Sec. Shoobert Miss D. .... Music Teacher Singer Sewing Machine Co. Skulander Miss Costumiere Smith. I'. J. Auctioneer Smith T. It. Auctioneer Spence Mrs. M. Newsagent Squires John Tinsmith Stafford II. A. Tailor Stanton .1. Boardinghouse Sterling E., Secretary School of Arts Steinbeck G. 'W., Supt. Public School Stewart .1. F. Draper Strickland E. Wheelwright Swan Miss Edith .... Music Teacher Temperance Hall Tennant L. C., II' Jeweller Tipping C. A. Fruiterer Turnbull .1. .... Ilain and Beef Shop Upton A. C. .. Mercer and Outfitter Vine F. M. Milk Vendor Voyce E. Confectioner Wainwright I Blacksmith Waldron '1'. IV. K., J.P. .... Solicitor Walker IV. S. linker White J. •E. Teacher of Violin Wickham C. Bicycle Agent Woodland J. W. .... Boots and Shoes PERICOE. 304 in. S. Steamer to Eden. PERTHVILLE. 150 m. W. Rail direct. Nearest bank, Bathurst. . Booth Edward Contractor Callaghan P. G. Butcher Barnwell E. S. T. .... Bridge Hotel Hicks W. Tarpaulin Maker Maher J. '1'. General Store Palmer William Saddler Willis Thomas Baker WOOD AND COMPANY PICTON. 53 tn. S. By rail direct. Bank, Commercial, Government Savings Bank. Court l'etty Sessions, Par. ramatta Quarter Sessions. Amalgamated Railwa y and Tramway Societies' Association—E. 11R111. cock, Secretary Antill It. IL, J.1' Coroner Ashcroft .1. T. Brick Vendor Australian Export Co. Rabbit Freezing Works—F. :limners, Manager Barr Geo. and Son General Store Belem) G. .. Carrier and Poundkeeper Butcher lioardinan It. Dairy Bollard W. L. Bradbury G., J.1'., Secretary Pastures Protection Board Bradford A. IV. Painter Briggs Rev, J. I, . (Pres.) Royal Hotel Brown C. b. Burgess A. L., Proprietor "Flue Picton l'ost" Club Hotel Bush IV. Carlity Ilavid l'obacconist Chase ltev. IV. St. John (C. of E.) Coates Frank C. Dentist Otitis W. Senior Constable Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, Ltd.—A. 11. Brown, Manager Convent School—The Sisters of St. Joseph (S. Stanislaus, Rev. Mother) Blacksmith Corbett I Dowse A. E. .. Cordial Manufacturer Edwards A. II. Stationer Farmers' and Dairymen's Butter Factory Galbraith F. II. .. P.M. and Warden Gale IV. B. and Son ... Ceneral Store Goodman A. H. Dentist Mahan' and Sons Auctioneers Graham Alfred .... Livery Stables Harwood Miss, St. Margaret's Private Hospital Heffernan John Ilairdresser Dairy 11111 Mrs. J. Hinton 11. O'Reilly Chemist I logan hiss Id. Milliner Hogue C. It. C.P.S., etc. I toward It. Bootmaker Carrier Jessop C. Kelly J..1. Public School Langbridge T. .... Commrrnial Hotel Auctioneer, etc. .411 . 11 IV. Tailor McNeill W. Draper Moraghatt '1'. Muir A. N. Postmaster Mulholland Ruth Draper hlayor Nicholson L. O'Brien Mrs. Dressmaker O'Connor Mrs. '1'. K. George Inn O'Halloran II'. F. Town Clerk C.P.S. l'arker D. F. Parry b. II., .1.1'. Physician Solicitor Perks A. S Pickard C. 11., 3.1'. ... General Store Picket Mice Club—W. Larkin, Sec. l'rior A. Ref reshment Rooms Protestant Hall (The) Ituddiman Miss A. .. Teacher Piano Ituddiman Thomas Baker St. Joseph's Convent School— Sister Pierre St. Mark's Church Ilall St. Patrick's Hall School of Arts—S. McKinnon, Sec. Sell I). Fruiterer and Baker Sell George .. Builder and Carpenter Shell Misses Dressmakers Baker Smith S. IV. Tailor Stott Frank Swan E. T. Hairdresser, etc. Tennis Club—A. It. Gregson, Secretary Upton George Stationmaster Butcher Walton 'I'. Waters I Undertaker Wheeler IV. Coachbuilder Wilson Rev. L. J. (Meth.) Saddler Wilson II. B. Coachlmilder Winefield I %Woodward David General Store Woolf(' litT. Father (R C.) • PILLIGA. 412 in. N. Rail to Burren Junction, thence coach. Nearest bank, Rumen Junction. Blacksmith Barry W. Brown G. Contractor Byrane Charles Fruiterer Byrnes and Stevens, Cordial Manufacturers Constable It. Contractor Draper Miss I. .. Butcher and Hotel Drew Henry Plumber Saddler Evans II. It. I lead Joseph Imperial Hotel St wmills Kelly P. Store Melanins] Edall 'tore Meyer liros. Store Milleahy ht. Pegnall Mrs. G'. Baker Smith Mrs. A. Baiter, etc. IVatt II. • Contractor Siwmuuills Wilkins George PINE RIDGE. 287 mu. N. Via Quirindi 17 tn. Crossley James F., Liverpool Plains Hotel Roberts Mrs. J. ...... General Store PINE VALLEY. (NEAR COGNIA.) • 968 m. S. Rail to Cooma, thence coach 4 tn. Nearest bank, Comm,. /told Mullane Mrs. M. PINNACLES. 1,380 in. S.Broken Hill. Nearest bank, Broken Hill. Lord J. V., Butcher, General Store Smith John henry Victoria Hotel PIPE CLAY CREEK. 343 in. S. Great Morgan Consolidated Cold Mines—T. Heron, Manager Heron and l'ower Cy'aniders PITT TOWN. 38 in. W. Rail to Mulgrave, thence coach. Nearest bank. Windsor. General Store Curl 11. Gillespie William linker Huxley Samuel Blacksmith Bfawiton S. A. General Store Miller J. 'P. Wheelwright PLATINA. 396 in. W. Rail to Tullamore, thence coach. SPECIALISE ON EFFICIENCY, ECONOMY AND DECORUM. ( Head OlSce, 810.12 ,71 :1 ) Z° 1 ANTHONY HORDERNS'—THE PEOPLE'S MARKET. COUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Por 192APla PLATTSBURG. (SEE WALLsEND ) PLEASANT HILLS, 350 Ia. S., via . Menton Bank, Com. (Herein] of Sydney, Ltd. Haberecht h'. II. Blacksmith Knobel J. Insurance Agent Stoyles W. A. Store Watkins Bros. Store Wilkinson Audrey II. -and Co., Wine Sellers Wilkinson C,. II. P., Wine Seller Wilkinson G. M. .... Wine Seller Wilkinson W. A. Wine Seller Wilkinson W. E. .... Wine Grower Wyndham St Wilkinson ... Sawmills POONCARIE. 800 iii. S.S.W. Rail to Hay, thence coach tda Wentworth. Nearest bank, Wentworth. Garraway Charles, Telegraph Hotel, General Stores, Auctioneer, and Agent ta27 in. W. Rail to Booty hill, McLeod Norman, Poonearie Hotel thence 1 tn. and Store Ansehaw 'Bros. Tanners Marc James Contractor Challenor 13. Orchardist Windsor Thonia3 Contractor Cook Thomas Orchardist Cook W. and II. Orchardist Cooper Walter General Store Cowles W. W., "Rowanleigh" Glendenning IV. Butcher 21 in. S. Train to Sutherland Weentree Thomas Carpenter (15 tn.), thence tram 3 m, and I loran J. Orchardist coach 3 Limiter Robert Orchardist Beer James Boat Proprietor Mellor John Builder Davis V. A., Storekeeper and Munns S. Dairy and Vineyard Boardinghouse Paine J. Photographer Hill John (Gunnametta Bay), Patterson John s Dealer Boatbuilder Schroder C. Carrier Minghant Mrs. .. Port Hacking Hotel Shelly N. Orchardist INA 11. Coach Proprietor Ca rrier Simpson A. Coach Proprietor Tull W. R. Veal Mrs. S. II., Store and Post Mice Veal S. II. Bootmaker Simpson 11. host Proprietor and Walker David Wood Merchant Simpson & Roarer, Builders Contractors Wearne John Orchardist Williams Thomas Tailor • PLUMPTON. PORT HACKING POINT CLARE. 48 tn. N. Rail direct. Nearest think, Gosford. Brand Mrs Board i righouse Hawk ins Mrs. Boardinghouse Kippax Miss lloardinghouse McGeorge Mrs. Boardinghouse Pliegan E. K. Store Scott Mrs. Robert ....Boardinghouse Skellett A. J. Boardinghouse Stockbridge Mrs. Boardinghouse POKOLBIN. 14(3 in. N. Rail to Allendale, thence conveyance. Nearest bank, Cessnock. Capper E. I'. & Sons, Wine Sellers De Beyer Henry Wine Seller Dederer .1. M. Wine Grower Drayton W., mien. Wine Seller Ekon G. Wine Seller Fleming Patrick Wine Seller °Ward .1. II. Wine Grower Hall George Wine Seller Iro.ward Thomas Wine Grower Hungerford C. A. Butcher Ilutcheaon A. - Builder. etc. Ingle James A. Wine Seller Jonas Albert II. Wine Seller Kime John Wine Grower King Charles Wine Grower King William T. Wine Seller Leaver S. D. .Wine Grower Leaver William Wine Seller Lynch John Wine Seller Macdonald J. M. ' Wine Seller Stephen Alfred F. II. Wine Grower • .Wine Seller Tullock John • Tyrrell E. G. V. Wine Seller WOOD . AND COMPANY: PORTLAND. 110 m. IV. Rail direct. Bank N.S.W. Open alternate Fridays and Saturdays Adams E. Butcher Bartle Mrs. .... Refreshment Rooms Berry Constable C.P.S. Birrell W. Tobacconist Bouslield T. II. Stationer Bulkeley It. IL and Co., General Store Clarkson E. J., J.P. Coates A. E., J.P. Commonwealth Ilall Commonwealth Portland Cement Co., 1,b1.-1)r. A. Schiedel, Managing Director; — Brownargle, Chemist; J. Saville, Works Manager Council A. J. Dentist Curtis Mrs. II. Baker Eames — Watchmaker Engine Drivers' Association Federal Lime and Limestone Co., Ltd. Frazer & 51cGuinness Builders Freestone 11. Newsagent Gilsenan Rev. (Wes.) Glissan Thomas, J.P., Store and Coroner Grose John Coach Proprietor Haigh IV. .. Lime Kilns and Quarry Havenhand Francis J. l'., Coronation Hotel Heath Rev. Father (D.C.) llondray 'ley. E. (Anglican) • Hospital Committee—II. Ironmonger, Secretary Hull W. C. Baker Johnston A. A., Insurance and Commission Agent Kelly W. Public School Littlefield George . . , .... Tailor Littlefield *James .. Hairdresser, etc. Lonergan James, J.P., General Store and Baker Lowe Williatn .... Coach Proprietor McGrath II, A. Men's Clothier McLeod Angus Contractor McNeill Mrs. Fruiterer Mitchell F. M. Chmemnisk Moore Misses Fruiterers Moore di Saunders, Hairdressers and Billiard Saloon Morgan H. A. Cycle Depot Nelson Thomaa Carrier; etc Ogilthorpe J. Blacksmith l'ass G. E. Store Peters N. Painter, etc. Progress Committee—C W. Johnston, Pres.; Geo. Roberts, Secretary Reidy AMA A. Hoardimigliouse Richards C., Printer, "Pioneer" Newspaper Ring David lloardinghouse Matcher II. Carrier School of Arts—Miss King, Caretaker Simpkins John Undertaker Smith II. Boots and Shoes Sports Ground—R. Lowe, Secretary Sydney and North Sydney Quarry— W. Geddes, Mgr. Tong Sang and Co. Grocers Tweedie II. and T. Store Tweedie T. I line Works Tweedie's Public Hall WeedIC 11 alter Butcher United Labourers' Union Office-C. W. Johnston, Secretary Walsh Bros. Butelwrs West — Bootmaker Westcott Annie Imperial Hotel Wilson J. 13., Physician and Surgeou PORT MACQUARIE. 174 in. N. By steamer direct.. Banks, N.S.W., Commercial. Ammon Deen Ilawker Anderson David ....IVheelwright, etc. Anderson George Carrier Anderson & Ross Butchers Arneson A. Plumber, etc. Atkinson IV. C Tailor Bailey William Mall Contractor Blair :lames Fruiterer Blairsen. Saddler 13ridson Hugh, J.P. ..... Auctioneer Butler A. B. Agent Cain N. Sawmills Chandler Charles Dentist Cheesentan F. T. .. Auctioneer, etc. Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, Ltd.—W. A. II. Slade. Manager Condon Frederick Wa tetanal:cc Dick 'Homes Oyster Lessee Donovan S. II a i rd resser Edwards G. IV. Town Clerk Edwards John \gent lulwarda Mrs. John ... Music Agent Edwards L. Fruiterer Edwards Thomas, Boot and Shoemaker Fenn Edwin G. Cordiumi Gaul James Boots anti 8110P3 Gustafson W. Builder Hallett Bros. General Store Ilalpin W. Club Hotel Hammond Herbert ... Coach Painter Harlow E. S. Music Warehouse Marriott Bros. Butchera Ilayward John Baker, etc. Ilayward Percy General Store Hibbard John & Son Butchers, etc. Hibbard John, semi., J.P. .. Shipowner Latham Patrick Blacksmith McDonnough John Star Hotel McGrath W... Auctioneer, Agent, etc. Aluston Arthur .. Iron Oxide Exporter THE FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF N.S.W. 1 SYDNEY. ( Head Otties,0111 . 12 Bourn" Street South. 'Phone P 1201 'ANTHONY HORDERNS' —THE POPULAR' STORE. Por COUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Quo North Coast Steam Navigation Co. Ochs G. P. Carrier Ochs 0. 0. Blacksmith Chemist es and Son Builders (P)ertrnI C.1halrnles l'errett II. J., .1.1'. ..... . Auctioneer Porteous Isabella 'loyal Hotel Poantney A. -E., J.P., "Port 'Macquarie News" Reynolds Frederick Builder ltobine 1.1 F. Photographer Rosenbaum William, J.P. ... Builder itobina C. F. Fruiterer Itosenbanin William Builder Sawtell E. A. .... Music Warehouse Sella° henry Engineer Single !teary Mall Contractor Slade W. Oxide Min Mines Smith S. Bank Solicitor Suniaters II. II .. Commercial Hotel Solder David Livery Stables Spence W. A., J.I'., Auctioneer etc. Stacey W It. Auctioneer QUAAMA. 193A Fallick A. M. & Sons Printers 110,(w 1,eniie T lngItev. Iloward (Meth.) Blacksmith Gale end Knox Newspaper Props. Gale .1., J.P. fi GliebebssonlirAo.s. Butchers Dairyman Grady Atha J. M. Westin:: Graham E. C Cada' Harris E. a IlinvPs Miss Ethel ... Teacher Piano. Ilayes and Russell General Store Henderson Rev. E. Sydney (Pres.) Hetherington It. R.', Manager Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, Ltd. Hill P. C. and Sons General Store (NEAR. CoonstaLE.) Ilineksman E. 0., Sec. I'. and A. 382 in. IV. Nearest bank, . Association and Poundkeeper • Ilincksman J. IL, Town Clerk and Coonamble. Bourke IV. Blacksmith See. l'astures l'rotection Board Cook J. IL Coach t l'roprietor Hogan liev. II. (MC.) Cooper and Nephews Butchers Holcombe Harcourt, P.M. Dawson J. Carpenter Holland E. Builder and Contractor Staples Bros., Bakers and Fruiterers Flynn F. Store and l'rotluce Hudson .1. 11. end Son, Tobacconists, Staples William Baker, etc. Garnsey It. W. ... Tattersall's Hotel Hairdressers and Fruiterers Stewart I). General Store Green Bros. lltririnerforti l,. II. J. S. —V Store ao ictoria H otel Streeter 1 Physician IlaytIon E. Coach Proprietor Builder Walsh Mary Confect i otiol reer McDonald James E Builder Kaye Mrs. IV. S. .. Refresh. Rooms, WIteeldon Mrs. J. S Murray Edward ... Coach Proprietor liorff II. T., Solicitor and Rec. Wilkins II., Cabinetmaker and O'Brien 1 Hotel and Store School of Arts • Undertaker Paskins IV. Offlee Hotel Laza rims II., Undertaker and Wilson Margaret Wine Cellar Patrick William •l'ost Sawmills Upholsterer Ritchie G. D. Quembono Hotel Leslie Mrs. C. 1 Dressmaker Bowles Jesse Fruiterer Leslie 0. A. Auctioneer Rose George II. Sawmills Ling 0. E. A. Public School. Tollturat E. J. hairdresser McCann IVilliam Boots and Shoes (SEE BUNGWAIII,.) Walden G. Coach Proprietor McCord and Emery, Licensed Walden G. Cordial Maker Surveyors McCord Thomas C. Surveyor McInnes 'Hairdresser Martin William & Co. Tailors533 In. N.Rail to Tenterfleld, Maxwell Thomas I'. and Co., thence coach.Nearest bank, Foley J. Hotel Auctioneers, etc. Tenterfield. Meech Isaac Tinsmith Parley John C. (Mosquito Creek), Meredith Wm., 'Bus Prop. and Carrier General Store Moore Bros., Bicycle Agents, . Fancy Goods, etc. 190 III. S. By rail direct. Banks, Moran J. J. Coach Proprietor Commercial, N.S.W. Court l'etty Moran M. Stationmaster Sessions, Goulbunt Quarter Ses. Morgan & Korff Solicitors sions.. 624 m. S. Rail to Hay, thence Ayliffe .1. W. Boots and Shoes Morgan E. E. ., Solicitor coach 78 in. A. W. and Co... Auctioneers nominal(' George, Pretty Pine Hotel Baden Carl Watchmaker Moriarty O'Brien T. C. Bootenaker Vagg Mrs. General Store Bank of N. S. W. A. 11. Croker, IV. F. Agent Manager Oldfield O'Neill Allan Livery Stables Bennett and Barkell, Cycle Agents— O'Neill 1'. T. R. Carrier. W. II. Preebody O'lourIce Con, Carpenter, WheelBennett Mrs. General Store and Ilndertalcer Black IV. and Son Hairdressers Parker Williamwright hairdresser' (SEE SUBURBAN DIRECTottr.) Blacken Dr., J.P. Physician Penney F. Cycle 41g aiiiliort Brook IV. Saddler Percival 0. P. Burn Charles Tailor Pike C. . Fruiterer Bottle Mrs. Mary l'ike IVm., .1.1'. Cordial .Manufacturer Byrne M. Boilaf Hotel Protestant hall' (The)-10. Penney (SEE WAOONOA.) Campbell C. T. Chemist Purcell John and Son, .. Carpenters Civilian Rifle Club—A. C. It Queanbeyan Cyclist Club— Pellicle, Sec. It. Pellicle, Sec. Clark & Williams, Stationers and Music Stores Queanbeyan Hospital—Miss McNamara,. Matron ; H. F. Downey, Sec. (NEAR TAREE.) Collett James T. .. Butcher anti Baker Dearnley A. 11. Carrier Coleby Mrs. .1. M. Baker "Queanbeyan Leader"— II. J. S. Hungerford, Editor Murray Hugh Fruiterer Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, Northam Alfred Butcher Ltd.—It. It.. Hetherington, Mgr. "Queanbeyan Observer" (The)— A. M. Fallick & Sons, Proprietors. &entrails L. Shipbuilder Croker A. II. -Managerilank of N.S.W. Upper Manning Co .op. Dairy Co., Ltd. Cullen Miss' Nellie .. Music Teacher Queanbeyan P. and A. Association— E. C. Minas:nen, Secretary Davidson IV. P. Postmaster Davies Evan Commercial Hotel Queanbeyan Race Club— II. Collier, Secretary Davison J. S. Dentist Donlan IV. Fruiterer Queanbeyan Roller Flour Milling Co.—J., Knox. Mgr. 173 ni. IV. Rail to Mudgee, thence Downey Henry F., Secretary Richardson S. L., 'LP. Physician. coach. Nearest bank, Mudgee. Queanbeyau llospital Russell IV. 0., C.P.S. and Alt Sow Store Dudley G. T., General Store, Seeds. Reg. B. M. and D. Foster Francis Contractor . man, etc. Ryan Patrick J. ... Harrison's Hotel' Noonan Walter Wine Shop Emery Charles IL, Land, Mining, St. Benedict's Convent School— l'rice George General Store and Estate Agent The Sisters of Mercy A7 • 184, m. S. Steamer to Berningui, thence coach 21 tn. 'Nearest bank, .Cobargo. Engelman Adam Carrier Hyland'George, ju n . ... Contractor Inskip D.Butclier and Baker Inskip George Carrier Noldt Alf. Blacksmith Southern C. Sawmill Stewart Mrs. A. J. Store QUAMBONE. PORT STEPHENS PRETTY GULLY. QUAT QUATTA. QUEANBEYAN. PRETTY PINE. PROSPECT. PUNKALLA. PURFLEET. ' PYRAMUL. WOOD AND COMPANY: OUR STO1CT RULE-REVERENCE, CARE AND DECORUM. SYDNEY. ANTHONY HORDERNS'-1100EST STORE IN AUSTRALIA. 194AQue COUNTRY COMMERCIAL.Qui — Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, HARRISON AND LUNT—The Ltd.—R. A. Allen, Manager Henry Street Cordial Factory. Conlin() and Palmetto, Oyster Saloon All our Cordials are guaranteed Convent and School—Sisters of St. Joseph under the Pure Foods Act. Cox Perry D., J. P. ..... . . Solicitor Cullen W. Wheelwright Harvey Itros. Watchmakers Hawker IVilliarn, J.P., Proprietor "Quirindi Herald" CURTIS GEO., Newsagent, Fancy Hoed II. W. Chemist Goods, Stationer and Hairdress- llogan 1). II: Butcher ing Saloon. Holmes Edward Federal llotel Ilungerford W. P. B., J.P., Town Davidson Rev. J. 0. (Pres.) Clerk, Coroner and Auctioneer Douglas A. F. Baker Jambs Mrs, S. , . ..... Imperial Hotel Dwyer S V General Store Clerk, Coroner and Auctioneer Edwards Mrs. M. Dressmaker Johns Bros. Blacksmiths tiddler Elbra W. Everett W.Dealer Bicycles, etc. JOHNS T. L., Machinery and GenFarrell It. M., Physician and Surgeon eral Commission Agent, WhitFarrington E. C.P.S. taker Street (see Advt.) FAUST A., Fancy Goods and Jolly E. B. Grocer QUEERA CREEK. Novelties, Phonographs and Kemp and Storey Dentiati G.U.0.0.1". Kilroy II. .1. , ..... . Gramaphones, Tobacconist and (l'ia WANDSWORTH.) Photographer It inch G. I" Hairdresser. Einch Mrs. G. E. Private Hospital Lambert Emanuel Saddler Lewis E . Watchmaker Shoemaker McGee E. McIntosh P. & Co., Ltd., General 249 in. N. Hail direct. Store--(eorge Iliggs, Managing Burden .fames .. Wine Shop and Store Director Johns John Blacksmith McIntyre and lions ... Flour Millers Slow Eli Wine Cellar McLachlan .1. J., 3.1' Tailor McMahon John utopia Hotel QUIRINDI Matheson James Baker Physician Mead It. QUEANREVAN CONTINUED 'School of Arts—II. T. Korff, Sec. Shaw .1. A. 'Confectioner coachbuilder Snow W. Stuckey Alfred Hairdresser llootmaker Taylor 11. Blackmail Thurston C. Venal,les J. IV. Sni k iler Welsh Mrs. E., Railway Refreshment Rooms White Rev. W. M. (C. of E.) Williams G. R. .... Special Warden Will lames James .. Mgr. Flour Mills Wilson T. F. Oyster Saloon Woodger Bros., Mercers and Agents Woodward I'. P. Solicitor YarrowImola Shire Council—.!. Keene, Pres; C. It. O'llanlon, Acting Shire Clerk and Engineer Ellis Blackman, Wedding Parties, Picnics, and all classes of vehicular work undertaken at moderate cost. All classes of Vehicles ready day or night, on Hire or for Sale. Cabs meet all Trains. Livery and Letting Stables, Travellers' Sulkies Let by Day or Week. Turnouts for Sale or Hire. . zz Comm. l ..%North Street, QUIRINDI. Mission &C. P. H. GEORGE, Plumber & Well-Boring Contractor Water Supply Engineer, Windmills, Tanks, Pumps, Piping, etc. QUIPOLLY. Ernest E. CARP QUIRINDI. 244 tn. N. By rail direct. Banks, A.B.C., Ltd., Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, Ltd., N.S.W. Court l'etty Sessions, Murrurundi Quarter Sessions. Arlie Archibald, Managing Director McIntyreSons' Mill Australian Bank of Commerce, Ltd.— . T. II. Abbott, Manager Australian Horse Amateur Race Club— J. I'. Quinn Secretary Bank of N.S.W.—E. 1). Wilson, Mgr. Barnes Rev. II. E. (C. of E.) Bell Rev. V. C. (Meth.) Bertles Miss Z., Girls' Grammar School Itirchell Rev. S. (11.C.) Sheet Music Store (In affiliation with the IOTA STUDIOS). Sole District Agent for W. H. PALING & CO.'S Pianos, Gramophones. Phonographs, and latest Records. BLACKMAN ELLIS, Livery and Letting Stables North Street (see Advt.). • • Booth IV., Proprietor Castlemount Butter Factory Braithwaite C. Fruiterer Britton's Ltd .. General Store 'Britton W. J. 3.1'.— 'Brodie A. D., .T.P. Nurse Bruce Mrs. Blacksmith Byrnes I Cadell L., Secretary Tennis Club 1VIEERE MISSES, Fruiterers, Confectioners. Meals at all hours. Metcalfe J. .. Relieving Postmaster Monro It. Boots and Shoes IM.U.1.0.0.F.—J. P Quinn, Secretary Butcher Mugiven I). 1 Municipal Council— IV. P. B. Ilungerford, Town Clerk Murray William • ' Solicitor Nichol' It. Greengrocer Fruiterer Norton F. Othifellows' Ilall—J. 1'. Quinn, Sec. O'Neill Cl. I'., J.P. O'Shea D. Terminus Hotel Parr Miss Teacher of Piano Pollock and Scanlon .... Auctioneers l'ollock .1., Farmers' Produce Exchange Pollock W. (Pollock and Scanlon) Poulton' D. J. Draper, etc. Pountney A. N., Land and Estate Agent, and Proprietor "Quirindi Gazette" l'rice William Briekmaker Pryor David .. Grocer and Fruiterer Pryor Joseph Painter Pyke• Alexander, 3.1'. Quirindi Central Butter Factory— Hamilton York, Proprietor Quirindi Coursing Club A. Adams and J.,Bichlahon, Joint Hon. Sees. Quirindi District Cottage Hospital (leo. Fowler, Secretary; A. F.. McKay, Matron Faust G. A., Hairdresser and . .Newsagent Finnerty B. J., Auctioneer, Stock and Station Agent Finnerty Miss Milliner Flanagan T., Aerated Water Factory Fleming, Robey &,Koss,. Auctioneers, Stock and Station Agents Fleming A. J., J.P. (Fleming, Robey & Ross) Fletcher A. hairdresser Fogarty Hanorah ...Commercial Hotel Fowler George Piano Tuner CADELL WILLIAM, J.P. George and O'Keefe, Wellboring Contractor. Auctioneer and Stock and Station . Agent, George Street (see Advt.) GEORGE P. K, Plumber and Well "QUIRINDI HERALD"—William Hawker, LE, Proprietor (see Boring Contractor (see Advt.). Carpenter W. Hairdresser Advt.) Carr A. A. Produce Store Carrier Olissan T. Castlemount Butter FactoryQuirindi Jockey' ClubGray I Surgeon Booth, Proprietor - •••W. ' John McMahon, Hon. Sec. Clarence-White Mrs. Dentist Halbert Mrs. Susan M., Central Hotel Quirindi Musical Society— Monumental Mason Hardy W. Cobbett S. Y. Stationmaster Gee.' rciwler, Conductor Cogan & Coleman Coachbuilders Harrington the Very Rev. T. F. (R.C.) WOOD AND COMPANY: THE — SOLE AGENT for Southern Cross & Samson Windmills. fir IF you - SYDNEY. gtett°E1.12.741 Go gnri ) nr- IF you want business, you must advertise- want to Know n11 about the District, you must read the "Quirindi Herald." in the "Quirindi Herald." Established 17 Years 44 utrinbt inerato" Published Tuesdays and Fridays, and widely• WM. HAWKER, Proprietor, circulating in the far-famed Pastoral, Agricultural . and Dairying District of Liverpool Plains, also over MACHINE PRINTING and TYPE-CASTING WORKS, a large area of Tamworth and Gunnedah Districts, in which it has a large II leading circulation Station St., QUIRINDI. ir•14., 47 CP 31=3E 1\T F Machinery and General Commission Agent, - FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF N.S.V/: : QUIRINDI. Whittaker Street, QUIRINDI. AGENT for Clyde Engineering Co.; Alfa Laval Separators and Milking Machines ; Winomills of any make erected to order—The famous J. Late. pi Few of My Lines—One to Six-Furrow Plows: Mouldboard or Disc: Drills, Harvesters, r Reapers and Binders ; Blackstone Oil Engines, and Moffat-Virtue Shearing Machines. — - ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR FASHION'S FAIREST FAVOURS. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR ALL THINGS NEEDFUL AND NICE. RedCOUNTRY COMMERCIAL. • Riv197A 190,QuiCOUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Ray CODE No, I. WILLIAM CADELL, 6 Box 19, Quids& Post Office. AUCTIONEER, Stocli, Station, Land and Estate and Forwarding Agent, Agent for Hornsby & Son's Steam and Oil Engines, Cooper's Dip etc.. &c. QUIRINDI. (Member of Country Stock and Station Agents' Association of N.S.W.) Qiiirindi P. and A. and II. Association —Geo. Fowler, Sec. Quirindi Polo Club— W. J. 'P. Storey, Hon, Sec. Quirindi Rifle Club—F. Roland, Sec. Quirindi Tennis Club—L, Cuddly Sec. Quirindi Timber Co.— Winsor & Wyburn, Proprietors Payment It. Undertaker Mercer Reilly 1 0 Reilly James Blacksmith Riley P. W., B.A., Superior Public School ltobey W. B, M. (Fleming, Itobey and Ross) QUIRIN DI CONTINUICD When You are in Town DON'T FORGET to Visit ARK, ROWLINGS' Cycle and Motor Works. All classes of repairs executed neatly and cheap. 47 Rowntree C. S. and Co., General Store Rowntree 0. S., J.P. Baker Sands .1. H. Saunders James . Tinsmith Savage henry Tailor School of Arts—George Fowler, Sec. Sun Lee and Co. Grocers Swale A. J., Clerk, Tamarang Shire . Boardinghouse Sweeney Miss A. Tamarang Shire Council-11. McMaster, Pres.; A. .1. Swale, Shire . Clerk ; 0. S. Wilkinson, Engineer Tanko A. Bootmaker Tanner Nurse . Nursing Home Tanner T. E. Livery Stables RAVINE. Taylor John Forwarding Agent Tebbutt J. L. and Co., General Store Tebbutt J. W., .1.1'. 349 m. S. Via Tomtit. Thomas Charles P., Solicitor and Mayor Forsstron Julius, Washington 11 del Store Gallaty A. Pattinson W. .... Store and Butcher WATT AND ABBOTT ('r. 11. Watt and A. S. Abbott). Auctioneers, Stock, Station, Truck- RAWDON ISLAND. ing, Forwarding and General Commission Agents, Valuators and Insurance Brokers. Auction Sales 180 tn. N. By steamer, via l'ort Conducted and Valuations UnderMacquarie. Nearest bank, Port taken in any part of the District. Macquarie. Members of Country Stock and D'ownes John, General Store and Station Agents' Association of Butcher Harriett Bros. Butchers Watt F. II., J.P. General Store Harriett George Whittaker & Sheelah .... Blacksmiths Whittle Louis Si., .1.1'. ..... Chemist Winsor &Wyburn, Quirindi Timber Co. WoodsSergt. of Police and Licensing Inspector York Hamilton, Butcher, Ice Works and Butter Factory 110 m. N. By steamer direct, or Grocer Young T. rail to Ileximm, thence couch. Bank, Commercial of Sydney. Court of Petty Sessions, Maitland Quarter Sessions. Adam A. L., J.P., Town Clerk, (SEE EAST RALEIGH.) Shipping Agent, and Reg. II. I). and M. Bishop Mrs. 11. J. Milliner Bishop 11. J Wheelwright Bishop W. C. Wheelwright 802 m. N. Steamer to South Bishop Mrs. W. C. Milliner Grafton, thence 11 m. Blanch II. Tinsmith Australian Meat Co. 'Draper blob M. Store Boots Charles, Childs G. Builder and Undertaker Butcher Bowen M. Brown William, "Examiner" Newspaper • Clarke Mrs. A. M. Stoic 453 rn. S. ,Rail to Whitton, Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, thence coach. Ltd.— W. A. McCredie, Manager Hannan John, Hotel and General Store Bennett J. A. General Store Digby S Tailor Edstein J. J. .... Monumental Mason Feeney John Blacksmith Foley Bra. A. General Store (LATE MURRAY'S SIDING.) F. W. Hairdresser Grafton and Casino Railway. Forrester GI ns 11. II. .... Coach Proprietor General Store H arr, ii. Beadnum Mrs. T. Hainhesser Hamilton T. Public School Halloran Henry F. & Co, Illackamitlt Hattersley F. Demonstration Farm McKay John Refreshment Rooms Hanlon J. Saddler Nicholas 0. J. Baker Harwood E. Chemist Rapp Henry V. Butcher linssard William IV. Draper Rappville Timber Co., Ltd.Ilenderson J. ... Junction Inn Hotel General Store lIolwell Josh Produce Dealer White C. T. RAYMOND TERRACE RALEIGH. RAMORNIE. RANKIN'S SPRINGS RAPPVILLE. .... • WOOD AND COMPANY: ELE FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF RAW.: SYDNEY. I.eit=t°81Oti.8104211:712;) Hunter D. E. Tinsmith Jenkins J. S. ...Cosmopolitan hotel Butcher Keegan P. Keogh Edward J. Blacksmith Ring It. Hairdresser Store Krohn 1 Krohn .1. J. ..... Boot Manufacturer Krohn Wm. Fruiterer Lawrence Luke Boardinghouse Lower Hunter Co .operative Shipping Co. McLellan N. Sawmill MeNeilly Mrs. Dressmaker McNeilly Wm. Painter McPherson Thomas Builder Markey Bros. ... Bakers and Grocers Mather A. J. .... Clare Castle Hotel Meere Joseph Fruiterer Meredith J. B., J.P. Physician Morgan James ....Agricultural Hotel Morris Thomas Blacksmith Newcastle and 11. It. S.S Co.— A. L. Adam, J.P. Agent Port Stephens Shire CouncilLJ. J. Boy Pres.; C. Macdonald, Shire Cleric; Thomas Davoren, Shire Engineer Priestley Charles Carrier Raymond Terrace Dairy and Produce Co., Ltd. Reichardt NV. Conch Proprietor Richardson and Scully, General Store Rowthorne C. Saddler Russell P. General Store Store Scott W. Smith Henry Blacksmith Baker 1 Smith II, Wituleyer E. Auctioneer Draper Yard Mrs. REDBRIDGE. DemoNntuLue.) (LATE 235 tn. S. Rail to Demondrille, thence coach. Nearest, bank, Murrumburrah. Cormack C. Storekeeper 'RED RANGE. 435 m. N. Via Glen Innes. Store lIagan John Store llollia Albert Sawmills Marshall John, jun. Itainhaw E. C. Store Red Range Co-op. Dairy Co., Ltd.— J. Watson, Manager Butcher Rush Alex, Tronier Charles Coachpainter 1Varley & Co. Grocers REEDY CREEK. (SEE ALSO DELUNGRA.) 489 in. N. Rail direct. Bank, City. Boatwright J. .... Timber Merchant Bourke G. Blacksmith Buxton Alfred J., Reedy Creek Hotel Store Carney J. Denham II. C. & Co. Store Fraser & Thompson Butchers Green S. Hairdresser, etc. Hawke F. It. Wool Buyer Baker Judge A. Lennon & Donoghue .... Auctioneers Store Murphy 1). D. REEFTON. 311 tn. S. Rail direct. Ford B., Reef ton Hotel and Butcher Nixon David and Co., Battery Proptrs. l'aice C. L. Store Semmler J. B. Produce Store Storm Henry Commission Agent REID'S CREEK. (See Mown.) REID'S FLAT. 237 tn. S.Pia Burrows. Cramp Alfred Hearne A. A. Store Shapira Max Store RENO. 291 in. S. Rail to Guntlagai, thence 5 m. Nearest bank, Gundagal. RHINE FALLS. 277 m. S. Via Cooma. Johnson Mrs. M., Refreshment Rooms and P.O. Roach D. Hotel RICHMOND. 38 in. W. By rail direct. Banks, Commercial, N.S.W., Aust. Bank of Commerce, Ltd. Court Petty Sessions, Parramatta Quarter Sessions. Allen John Butcher Aust. Bank of Commerce, Ltd.— Henry T. Webster, Manager Allison J. W. Chemist Avery . F. Boots and Shoes Baldwin It. Coachpa inter Bank of N.S.W.—J. W. Jones, Mgr. Riddell Walter Store Baker Cambridge C. Campbell E., J.1' Solicitor Chalmers IV., Baker and General Store Commercial Bank—E. 11. Street, Mgr. Convent School Rev. Mother Thesla Cowan It. N. Imperial Hotel Dunaton Stephen .. Coach Proprietor Dyer Mary Boots and Shoes Farlow Cecil Butcher Guest C. S., J.P. Auctioneer Ilawkesbury Agricultural College— II. W. Potts, Principal Hawkesbury Race Club—C. S.. Guest, Sec. Physician lielsham W. M. IIicks T. A. Commercial Hotel Kilduff George Hairdresser Knott Charles General Store Marlin Ernest Carpenter Marlin Robert Builder Mortimer Henry, Fruiterer Myers Richard Boots and Shoes Norris Thomas Butcher O'Keefe It. Black Horse Hotel Orchard Samuel Genual Store PauU E 9 Grocer, etc. Perry Alf:ecl Tailor Price A. A., Estate Agent and Undertaker Price K. E. Newsagent l'ryke Thos. —Saddler and Newsagent Richmond Agricultural Association— II. S. Johnston (Windsor), Sec. Richmond Cottage Hospital— K. E. Price, Secretary Ridge Oswald Fruiterer Ritchie William Blacksmith Itobertson Albert General Store Saunders P. J. Royal Hotel Scat H. E. Sawmills Sharpe & Smith Dentists Sly Henry, Fruiterer and Hairdresser Small Frederick Wheelwright Smith Henry Baker Stevenson F. Contractor Trit ifs Wm. It. Stonemason Woodhill and Co. General Store RICHMOND (NORTH). 42 in. W. Rail to Richmond, thence catch. Nearest bank, Richmond. Granger Mrs. A. General Store 'tonal Mrs. M. A. General Store McLeod Joint... River View Hotel Matheson Willfam Saddler Murray M. Wheelwright Myers John ..... Butcher Phipps Laura Exchange bidet l'itt G. M., J.P. Surveyor Smith A. Blacksmith Stevenson Henry, J.P. .... Orchardist WilliIIIIIS G. Boottnaker Wood Henry A., J.P., Orchardist and Fruit Inspector RILEY'S HILL. 346 in. N. Steamer to South Woodburn, steamer thence. West Harry Baker RIVERSTONE. 28 in. W. By tail direct. Nearest bank, Windsor. Bainbridge A. ....... General Store 13riggs U. J. .. . .. Boots and Shoes Brown F. Butcher Gregg J. hi. Poultry Farmer Darling L. .1, General Store Davis C. General Store Gibley Si. Tobacconist James E. It Royal Hotel Jones Mrs. Confectioner Kirwan II. A. Postmaster Lane G. Bicycle Builder Mackay NV. Signwriter Myers M. F. Public School Parry R. 'Wheelwright Reid B. II. R. (Marsden Park), Store Itiverstone Meat Co.— II. Iticharda and Sons Riverstone Progress Association— II. Sandercock, Secretary Rosa F. Greengrocer Saundereock II. Schoffel Mrs. Confectioner Sehoffel T. Butcher Skinner II. Greengrocer Smith J. II. General Store Vidler C., Board of Health Inspector Wheeler Robert J. Blacksmith Tinsmith Williams I Wittig Ilermann Hairdresser I WOOD AND COMPANY: 11€ FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS OF N.S.W. 'PHONE 726. SYDNEY. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR THE WORLD'S COMMODITIES. 198ARiv COUNTRY COMMERCIAL.Rou RIVERTREE. ROCKLEY. ROLLAND'S PLAINS 166 in. IV. Rail to George's Plains, 523 m. N. Rail to Tenter&Id, 310 tn. N. Steamer to Port Macthence coach via Wilson's Downthence coach. Bank, A.B.C., Ltd. quarie, thence conveyance. Nearfall 49 in. Abercrombie Shire Council—II. Manest bank, l'ort Macquarie. tosh, Pres.; A., L, Squier, Clerk; Gamack R. Butcher C. C. Grey, Engineer Joyce Mrs. Frank Store Mist. Bank of Commerce, Ltd.— Keene Alfred L. Blacksmith Charles S. Toole, Manager Lindsay James C. Store Gelsby J. C. Butcher O'Brien 1 Baker 151 in. N. Rail direct. Nearest Seating Miss M. M. ....General Store bank, Singleton. Commercial Hotel Rutter W. Gilder L. J. Wine Shop Mendham A. Blacksmith Rutter W. P. Club House Hotel 25 in. W. By rail direct. Nearest Slitter George Saddler bank, Penrith. Store Angus Stevens W. IL and Son Wine Cellar Todd W. G. Baker Baker T. Slwmills 102 in. S.Rail -to Moss Vale, Beggs II. Blacksmith thence coach. Bank, Commercial. Beggs 1 homas Auctioneer Court Petty &Hsi OHS, 1101111=11 Cable William 'P. .... General Store Quarter Sessions. tbeshatit Joseph Carrier 18 in. N. By. steamer to klatily, Berrima District Farm and Dairy Coombe F. A. Imperial Hotel thence conch. Co.—N. II. Throsby, Manager Caten Ernest II. .. Rock Lily Hotel Delo 1 Dealer Burnett Mrs. A. Postmistress Gibson J. II. Baker Burst11 T. E., Carpenter, Builder Lamb P. A. Cattle Dealer and Undertaker Leahy Martin llorse Dealer Clarke Charles •Saddler Mellor 1 Contractor Clarke John Cattle Dealer Newis It. J. Sawmills 381 in. N. Rail to Armidale, Clarke Mrs. John Dressmaker O'llonoglme M. J. Whipmaker thence 22 m. Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, Carrier Alt Wang General Store Schroder — Ltd.—E Cox, Manager Finnegan Joseph Blacksmith Toler John Greengrocer Dennis Henry Builder, etc. Lulea Store Khan General Store Thomas John Fairley T., Moss Vale-Robertson Tull W. H. ..CarrIer Coach Proprietor Taylor T. W. Rockvale Hotel Ward William Vignermt Panne° R. R. A., Acting C.P.S., Watts George Butcher State Electoral Registrar, etc. Wedesweiler J. Builder .• Feltham Mrs. Royal Hotel 340 In. N. Rail to Gunnedalt, Flanagan I Criterion Hotel thence coach 45 in. Graham John .... Bailiff S.D. Court Store Graham Mrs., Baer, Store & Carrier Gunge Singh ROSEBANK. Halpin James Tinguitth Nowland It. Wine Shop (RICHMOND RIVER.) Ilayter J. T. Auctioneer 609 nu. N. Humphries A., Hairdresser and Ca I dwel I W. Carpenter Poundkeeper Elliott he DalVeR BIltcherm. Hynes Rev. E. E. (Meth.) (SEE BENDESIEER.) Manning It. Blacksmith Jervis James School Teacher \Idler S. E. Store Jones II. Leighton Dentist Reeble W. B. Schoolmaster King C. E., Sec. School of Arts and Commonwealth Electoral Registrar 339 tn. S.Rail to Cooma, or Lochardt Mitchell, Monumental Meson steamer to Merimbula or Eden, Merchant W. J. Wheelwright (Near fix's Creek.) thence coach.Nearest bank, Robson Mrs 1 Missingtoun and Sons Sawmills Store Eden. Nethery Bros. Carriers Hotel Nethery Mrs. M. Dressmaker Grant 1). I ltocky ilall Co . operative Dairy Co., Robertson Agricultural Association• J. I). Wood, Secretary Ltd. ROHS It. Wheelwright 300 In. S. . Rail to Wagga Wagga, School of Arts—C. E. King, Secretary thence coach. .Shierlaw William ........... Painter Cotten' W. General Store Simpson Robert B., Carpenter and (SEE MAeLEArr.) Undertaker Smith Miss N. Postmistress Warby W. G. .... Store and Butcher White J., Printer, "Advocate" 514 Tn. S.. Rail to Carrathool, . Newspaper • (SEE BALDRY.) • thence coach via Ilillston. NearWilkinson W. I., Chemist and est bank, Hillston. Registrar B., D. and M. Murphy Edward, Sen., Gunbar Hotel Wilson W. J., Blacksmith and Rust Thomas Hotel Coach Proprietor Wood J. D. and Co.Auctioneers 348 in. N. Rail to Uralla, thence 2i tn. Nearest bank, Uralla. Anderson A. Orchardist ROUCHELL BROOK Francis E. Orchardist (NEAR ABERDEEN.) Clock J. Orchardist 199 in. N. Steamer . or rail to New.: Iledderman W. Contractor castle, rail to Aberdeen, thence. TI.IIRROUL.) (See Masterton Herbert J., Got Diggers' conveyance 13 tit. Nearest bank,' Arms Hotel Muswellbroolc or Scone. Roberts John Orchardist Adams Arthur Store. Roberts It. II.• Orchardist Brookes IV....... Blacksmith Roberts Mrs. It. . Orchardist McKenzie M. C. and Sons, Ltd., Store 473 m. N. Rail to Glen Innes, Roberts Mrs. J. Orchardist Munro Alex. S. Blacksmith. thence coach via Inverell. Nearest Sam Bow General Store Scrivens Alfred .... Mail Contractor. bank, Inverell. Taggart A. Contractor Smith Andrew Builder. RIX'S CREEK. ROOTY HILL. ROBERTSON. ROCK LILY. ROCK VALE. ROCKY GLEN. ROCKY GULLY. ROCKY HALL. ROSEDALE ROSEWOOD. ROCKY MOUTH. ROCKY. PONDS. ROTO. ROCKY RIVER. ROBINS VILLE. . ROB ROY. WOOD AND COMPANY: THE FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF N.S.W. I SYDNEY. Head Office, 810.12 George t Street South.' 'Phone 74 ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR AUSTRALIAN MANUFACTURES. • RouCOUNTRY COMMERCIAL.. ROUND HILL. RYLSTONE. • Sco199A SANDY- FLAT. 158 in. W. Ily rail direct. Bank, 466 in. N. Rail direct. Nearest 1,401 in. S. Bail to Broken 11111, Aust. Bank of Commerce, Ltd. bank, Tenterfleld. . thence 5 in. Court Petty Sessions, Midget, klatigelson Sawmills 1 Dealer Bent James Quarter Stissions, Martin John Blacksmith Aust. Bank of Commerce, Ltd.— West G., Exchange Hotel and Store Ilabidge Bros. II. It. Dalton, Manager ROUS MILL. 357 in. N. By steamer. Nearest bank, Alstonville. Burns R. Blacksmith, etc. Elliott I Carrier Foster II. V., General Store and Baker Foster Miss Laura Dres.smaker Iltingerford E. M. & M. I'., Butchers Millard Joseph Boss Hotel Myers A. Hide Buyer Perkins Miss E. Dressmaker Shapter Thomas Frititerer Watt and Strong Butchers ROUSE HILL. 28 in. W. Rail to Itiverstone, thence coach. 11S'Itilling George General Store ROWENA 424 m. N. Bail to Eton. hardy Edwin It. Royal Hotel 'Shaw George Store ROXDALE COLLIERY. 155 in. Nearest Bank, Singleton. Robson Mrs. J. Store RUGBY. 213 in. S. Rail to 'Vass, thence coach, via Rye Park. Nearest bank, Burrowa. Johnston Ilenry Wine Shop Newhurn IV. J. General Store Mona George General Store RYDAL. 110 in. W. Rail direct. Nearest bank, Wallerawang. Parker Joshua Blacksmith Pra y ers John General Store Weenie James T. Sawmills Young W. W. Royal Hotel RYDE. (SEE SUBURBAR DIRECTORY.) RYE PARK. 108 in. S. Rail to Ta gs, thence coach. Nearest bank, Burrowa. Callil N. Store Cooke Thomas Baker, etc. Ilolgate Albert Blacksmith Morgan I F. General Store O'Neill M. Hotel Palmer S. G. Butcher Butcher Pollard'I Pollard S. Baker, etc. WOOD AND COMPANY : Barnes 1'. A. Supt. Roads Booth & Paddison ... Butter Factory Itossley L. Ceneral Agent Bowles Mrs. P. II. .. Boardinghouse Chivers Rev. II. G. (C. of E.) Clements Mrs. Dressmaker ('orbett Rev. Father (Ii .C.) Dawson I I 'mused Surveyor Druids' Lodge—A. Coxon, Secretary Dunn Pratiels .1., Butcher and Baker Ebsworth E. District Surveyor Partners' and Settlers' Association— A. Saxelby, See. Grocer Farrar 1. 'error .1. AV. Itylsione Hotel .mison 'er S. Sanitary Contractor 1,tit ici5heriti L. It. Globe H old l :: (o 'Teacher Naito 1 . ost C. V. S. Billiard Saloon tiller 1. A. Bootmaker Militant Rev. IV. G'. (Meth.) :ratty .1. J. Blacksmith lall Goodwin S Stationer all P. lansard N. W. Physicianr lardwick Geo. W., Butcher end A tict (once'. layward G. M. General Store [elm C. J. B., J.P., Pollee Magistrate ightleld It. '1'. Builder onevsett James, sen. Saddler lorticultural Assn.—L. 0, Taylor, Sec. (owe E., C.P.S. and Reg. B., M. & I). rwin T. 1 Station Master 11C101011 II. General Store mimuis II., Beltringer and 11111 Poster effery S. K. Postmaster Johnston George 11'heelwright Jones Mrs. Boardinghouse Latiglden IV. Bootmaker Lord K. Sergt. of Police Alaelionald .1., Chemist MI Dentist MacDonald 1. B. -. Coroner Melt:14111a W. rt. Hairdresser McLachlan b. Auctioneer Milne II. P. Public School Mitchell Rev. P. (Pres ) Nash E. II. General Store Richards Clarence G., Proprietor " Western Express" Newspaper Itylstone Butter Factory— S. Paddison, Manager Itylstone Jockey Cluti—G. S. Hall, Secretary Itylstorte Philharmonic SocietyItylstone Shire Council—S. G. Benson, Pres.; Ivan Armstrong, Clerk A. W. Stillwell, Shire Engineer Itylstone Tennis 01111)-11. Milne, Sec. School of Arts—J. B. MacDonald, See. Schumack John Carrier Sinclair IA Whim General Staff F. Staff Taylor Bros. Carpenters Taylor George Blacksmith laylor S. II. Blacksmith Taylor Thomas IV., Undo' taker and Land Agent SANDY HILL. 510 in. N. ltail to Tenterfield, thence coach. Stott AV. E. Hotel SAVERNAKE. 443 in. S. Pia Corowa. Cross A. Store Egaii John Blacksmith I lawkshawS'arernake Hotel SAWYER'S GULLY. 125 tn. N. l'ia Cessnock. Daley T. Butcher Edwards A. (1., Wine Shop and l'ost Office Edwards G. F. Wine Cellars SCARBOROUGH 88 in. S. By rail direct. Illnekley John General Store (AI WHIM J. Store Cooper T Stationmaster Gill T. Boardinghouse Keogh .1. C. Billiard Saloon Leiden L. Boardinghouse Meredith .1. Boardinghouse Paine Chas. Butcher Roberts R. Boardinghouse Robertson William Store Scrivener C. Baird:1,88er Sloirkey T. Boardinghouse Smith R. Boardinghouse South Clifton Colliery Turner II. Watelimaker Umber .1. F., Time Scarborough Hotel Wrielit AV. Store SCONE. 195 in. N. Ily rail direct. Batiks, A.B.C., Ltd., N.S.W., Commercial and Savings Bank of New South Wales.Court Petty Sessions, Thurmond' Quarter Sessions. Aisbett.l. '1'. ... Cordial Manufacturer Asser and Solis General Store Aust. Bank of Commerce, Ltd.— 'IV. Scott, Manager Batik of N.S.W.—C. Curnow, J.P., Mgr. Barwick It. II. Bootmaker Beale A. B., Auctioneer, Stock and Station Agent Beatty J. M. Fruiterer Beeman Rev. F. J. (C. of E.) Berman A. F. Draper Bodell E. T. Undertaker, etc. Bowden E. S., Sec. Upper Hunter PasSANDILANDS. tures Protection Board, Land Via TADULAII, Commission, and Insurance Agent, o Hugh E. General Store etc. Abs Brown A. T Hotel Boyd Andrew Builder 'Sawmills Bromhead and SOHN Bakers liewittain T. 'W. OUR LIVERY STABLES— LOOK UP "TRADES —LIVERY." SYDNEYr 11 0 ROWLAND & DODD, • (R. ROWLAND) (A. J. DODO) AUCTIONEERS, Stock, Station, Trucking and General Commission Agents. (Members of Country Stock and Station Agents' Association of N.S.W.) School - Scone. The Lord Bishop of Newcastle. Principal : Rev. C. Newton Mell, B.A. (lion.) Chemistry mid Bookkeeping. Carpentry and Typewriting are taught iu addition to the usual Extras. Board and Tuition Foos for Full Boarders: Under 12 years, 16 gns. ; over 12 years, 16 For PROSPECTUS and any INFORMATION, apply to the Principal. gns. The Willow Tree Hotel, • Acknowledged to possess tha very best Accommodation for Visitors and Families and Commercial Travellers. Cold Shower Baths. Two Up-to-date Large Sample Rooms. The Stabling here is perfect. First-class Kitchen Garden attached to Hotel. Conveyance meets all Trains. MODERATE TARIFF. J. F. POYNTING, Manager. MILLER, Junr. 9 A. B. SIMPSON. AUCTIONEERS, toot Stalin Indio, hoot awl Commission llgents,, SCONE. ESTABLISHED IS YEARS. Cox and Dennewald Fruiterers Curnow C., J.I'., Manager Bank of N.S.W. Davies D. Dairyman Davies Jack Old Puen Duet: Dennewald A. General Store Mirk NV., Physician and Deputy Coroner rOALLCOTT A. L., Scone Monu- Dobson I Tinsmith mental Works ; charges mod- Dodd A. J. (Rowland and Dodd) Alexander Saddler erate; write for Price List ; Dodds Dunbar John Fruiterer Kelly Street. Campbell M. and Co., Ltd., General EBSWORTH NORMAN, I.P., Store, Millers and Timber MerAuctioneer and Stook and chants Catnpbell I. Fleming, Shire Clerk Station Agent, Kelly Street. (Woolooma) Carrion Mrs. Tea Rooms Ferguson II. Donald Dentist Pincher Percy, Painter, Signwriter, etc. Fortescue —, Sen. Sergeant of Police French W. '1'. Carrier Gale C. II., J.P., l'olice Magistrate and Coroner Gordon F. Physician Gunder Nurse Matron Hospital 1lardeasle James Railway Hotel Ilardcastle 0. ' hairdresser, etc. Harper II. Bootinaker Harris I., Accountant Savings Bank Mayne & Thurlow Butchers 'Scorin CONTINUED— Brown and Sessions Painters litickland G. Boardinghouse Bunn Mrs, K. General Store Burns Miss E. Dressmaker Saddler Button W. Cadet! Rev. F. A. (C. of E ) CHAS. R. COLLINS, mow, opie, mid equal Eggifieer. An Classes of Motor Repairs Executed. J. A. SIMPSON ttc CO JOHN • H. V. Haynes, Civil Engineer and Licensed Surveyor, Campbell's Chambers, SCONE. Healthy Climate. Easy of Access.Comfortable Buildings.Excellent. Table. Strict Supervision. The School Course covers preparation tor all University Exams., and includes practical instruction io • SCO201A Licensed Mining Surveyor and Appraiser, Land Valuer, CORRESPONDENCE INVITED RE HUNTER RIVER PROPERTIES. Visitor : ScoCOUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Specially Licensed under Real Property Act, SCONE. Uhe %grammar ANTHONY HORDERNS' — THE SHOP FOR THE CLASSES. (Members of Country Stock and Station Agents' Association of N.S.W.) Prices Moderate. Agencies Accepted. Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney Ltd.—A. W. Podtnore, Manager Convent School—Sisters of Mercy Cook Nurse Private Hospital Cooper William Wheelwright Co-operative Dairy Co.— .1. Kenny, Manager 00RONE0 BROS. Newman John Norman llev. &Mortal: er 1'. (Pres.) O'Brien W. J. Butcher O'Donnell T. F. Blacksmith Pattinson A. E. l'ublie School Philpotts J. II. & Son, General Store Pickstone G. It. Watchmaker l'odmore A. NV., Mgr, Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, Ltd. Polo Club—J. Davis, Secretary Punting J. P., Manager Willow Tree Hotel (see Advt.) Propert k Pickstone, Watchmakers, etc. Builder Rae John RITCHIE AND SMITH (late Snape and Co.), Stock and Station Agents, Auctioneers, etc. (see Advt.) Roger Robert Physician, etc. ROWLAND AND DODD, Auctioneers, Stock and Station Agents, &c. (see Advt.) Rowland II. (Rowland and Dodd) Saunders A Bootmaker Savings Bank of N.S.W.— I. Harris, Accountant School of Arts—E. Fortesette, Secretary General Store Schytrtimpf A. HAYNES H. V., Civil Engineer and Licensed Surveyor (see Advt. Ilewitt S. Postmasetr, etc. lilimins W. Blackamith Circulating throughout the Upper Hopper O., jun., Crown and Anchor I hinter Electorate. Published Hotel Tuesday and Friday Evenings. Jackson A. C. Photographer Splendid Advertising Medium. Johnston Bros. Butchers A. Smith, Proprietor Keene Mrs. Baker Kinniard G. Carrier Scone Bicycle Club—W. W. Hudson, Luddingion Bros. Woodcarters Secretary Lukey E. C. McK., J.P., Auditor, Accountant, etc. SCONE GRAMMAR SCHOOL MeCalion J. Cycle Builder, etc. (see Advt.) McCue P. • Blacksmith McDonald I Stationmaster Scone Hospital and Benevolent Society McGrath Rev. E. (R.C.) Nurse Gunder, Matron MeGruder P. Livery Stables Scott C. II. Physician McLean II. R. .Hairdro3ser Scott II. J. II., J.P Physician Manchester Unity Hall— Painter etc. Seaton W. rt. R. Thurlow, Secretary Shaw J. A. K., .7.1 . Solicitor Shepherd Frank, Golden Fleece Hotel "The Scone Advocate KELL REV. C. NEWTON, B.A., Principal of. Scone Grammar SIMPSON Z. A. & CO., AucCrystal Oyster Palace, Fruiterers tioneers, etc. (see Advt.) School (see Advt.) and Confectioners. Meals at all Simpson A. B. (J. A. Simpson & Co.) hours. Fresh Oysters Daily. Morrison W. S. Tailor Simpson Nurse l'rivnte Hospital Cleanliness a Speciality. si000 AND COMPANY: EVERY BRANCH OF FUNERAL WORK DONE FOR THE TRADE. SYDNEY. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR THE QUINTESSENCE OF QUALITY. Sin203A COUNTRY COMMERCIAL. . Shu ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR SHOPPING BY POST. 202ASea COUNTRY COMMERCIAL. . Sho RITCHIE & SMITH, (late SNAPE & CO.) SCONE.'Phone 2 Auctioneers, Stock, Station and General Commission Agents Cash Buyers of Wool, Skins, and Marsupials, and all Station Produce. (Members of Country StOck awl Station Agents' Association of New South Wales.) Stook Sales conducted every Thursday. Stock and Property Lists on application. Seoxs: cosmisuitnSimpson Richard ...• ::Belmore Hotel Simpson Robert Dyer, etc. Greengrocer Sing Sang Yang • Smith Arthur, Proprietor "The . SCOne Advocate' Smith S. R. .. Carpenter and Joiner Mayor StaffordD. Stafford .1. I). (M. Campbell and Co., Ltd.) Stepney T. II... Chemist and Dentist Tailor Strong 1 Sutton William Stationer Thrift F. II. Saddler Tailor Toomey W. TUITE MISS M. M. • (Late of. Delmore HoleN Refreshment Rooms. Men Is at oil hours. Every Home Comfort to Passing Travellers. •Large Stock of Confectionery, and Choicest Fruits in Season. Turner & Hawkins Blacksmiths Vernon A. P. Dentist Builder etc. Welsh H. P. •Solicitor Westgarth Geo. M; SEDGEFIELD. 153 In. N.Rail to Singleton, thence conveyance. Nearest bank, Singleton.• • ''' Builder Badior B. Bradley James Hotel Brunner Mrs. (Mitchell's Flat), Store Borman C. & A. Carriers 'bagman F. Blacksmith Burns It. T 151neksmith Ernst O. Greengrocer Griffiths W. Fruiterer Holtz Mrs. S. ... Fruiterer 1,califf C. A. Road Contractor Miesner P. Fruiterer Atunzenberger J. Greengrocer Richardson Thomas ' Carrier SEVEN HILLS. Carroll Miss Dmssnmker, Chopin F. C. Public School • Civilian Rifle Club ,—Geo. Bursill, Secretary Clarke Mrs. F., Steam Packet Hotel Dickson's Royal Hotel Government Tourist Bureau— W. .I. McCok, Agent Illawarra and South Coast S.N. Co.. Ltd.—C. II. Burgin. Agent Insklp Walter T Butcher Locke Ilenry Station Master McCoy Wm. Fruiterer Robinson John Bootmaker School of Arts—G. East, Secretary Slid lharbour Progress Association— T. B. Whitfield, Secretary Shellharbour Rifle 'Club—G. Bursill, Secretary Smithers F. W. ... Inspector Fisheries. South Coast and Camden Milk Suppliers' Association (Shellharbour Branch)—R. East, Secretary 20 in. S. By rail direct. Nearest bank, Parramatta. Baker Thomas (WentworthvIlle), Timber Merchant Carr It. (Wentwortliville) ...Butcher STEWART ROBERT Cumberland Bone Mills (Toongabbie) Livery Stables, Shellharbour. Meets Store all Trains. Return Fare to RailDavis E. M. Hartley Ernest Store way, 2s.Vehicles of all deStaunton 1'. J. (Wentworthville), scriptiononII ire.Prices WILLOW TREE HOTEL—J. F. Mail Contractor, etc. Reasonable Poynting, Manager (see Advt.) Sutton — (Toongabbie) Store Thomas E. T. Hotel Stoyle .1. D.licensed Dealer 1Vilson Bros Bakers Temperance liall (The)—W. McCoy, Woolooma Shire—IL L. White, Pres., Sec. J. F. Campbell, Shire Clerk; G. Timbs G. Town Clerk • J. Millard, Engineer I Baker Tisdale • Young James Town Clerk SHALLpy,,icilossING, Vincent Henry Contractor Whitfield Thomas Builder • SEAHAM. SHANNON VALE. • (Pia Conow)..) !Iota 130 in. N. nail to Morpeth, thence Ellis G. 11. coach 8 in. Andrews Edward Blacksmith Lamb Thomas Contractor SHELLHARROUR. McDonald Thos., General Store and hotel 00 in. S. By rail or'steainer direct. Middleton Percy Store Bank, E. S. and A. •(Ageney)— Mita Khan Hanna • Barooky Draper Alex: Nicholson, Manager. Wilson Thomas • :.• Produce Merchant Allen Bros. ' ' .' General Store Allen J. D. Postmaster Blue Metal Quarryll.' L Fuller. • Proprietor Buckley James' • •Mayor C. Boardinghouse SE,BASTOPOL. Bursill Ilursill Charles Harbour Master 312 m. S. Near Temora. Bursill Charles II. Builder Winter J. M. • 'Hotel Bursill George.... .... .... Ilairdresser .. WOOD. AND . SHEPARDSTOWN. 305 in. S. Rail to Mount Horeb. Nearest bank, ,Adelong.. Clement A. G. • General ,Store Merryfield A. F. • Store Muter Thomas ,t '' .. ... Baker SHOOTER'S HILL. 155 in. W. Via :Oberon. Rail to •Tarana, thence 32 tn. . • Watson James Store COMPANY :c THE FUNERAL. DIRECTORS OF N.S.W. ..SYDNEY. :(=°.emoicieti.8.1°;M::72131 EXCELSIOR STEAM SAW MILLS and JOINERY WORKS, SING1E1OVD-9 BranchMills: ULLALONG. Timber Yards and Builders Supplied. Depots at WHSTON and CassNocg. Head Office and Yards— SVAS SINGLETON. G°t)ti) oreign, F and Colonial Timbers stocked. EVERY DESCRIPTION of JOINERY & MOULDINGS TO ORDER. Weston and Cessnock Stock' ,include Builders' Ironmongery, Paints, Oils and Varnishes, Tools and Brushware. Correspondence Invited. SHUTTLETON. 512 In. W. Via Nymagee. Betts John Blacksmith Tattersall's Hotel Kerven 1 Store McLellan 11. Nicholson W. II, Butcher SILVERTON. 1,378 in. S. Via Melbourne and Adelaide. 'Nearest bank, Broken Australian British and Foreign Bible Society—James Dunlop, Sec. Australian Bank of Commerce, Ltd.— R. IL Simpson, ,Manager Bailey A. & Sons , Butchers Bailey Henry and Son .. Auctioneers Bailey Mrs. L. .... Teacher of Piano Bank of U.S. Wales—J. B. Newman, Manager Barrett J. II. ..Small , Goods and Fruit BARTROP W. H. &SON .101111 at. Bicycles, Phonographs. Campbell Alexander, Produce Merchant Sewing Machines. All Repairs In Carl William .... Produce Merchant connection with Motors and Crocker R. P. Carrier Bicycles executed on the premises. Butcher Crossing G. l'etrol and Oils stocked. Lawrence S. Builder O'Ccemell R. Silverton Hotel Bartrop H. 3. Monumental Mason Bennett F. A. Town Clerk Benson M. Railway Dote! Blunter L. .... Inspector of Schools SINGLETON. J. II. (Pres.) Ileynon 148 m. N. By rail direct. Banks, 11(511111erRev. M. Vigneron A.B.C., Ltd., Commercial, N.S.IV., Bourke Bob ........... Tobacconist, etc. Savings Bank of N.S.W. Courts Bourke E. J. ....... Hairdresser Quarter and Petty Sessions. A. S., Physician and Surgeon Adams henry Confectioner Bowman Brazier W. S. (South) •... Postmaster Britz M. • 13ootmaker ANDERSON FREDERICK D., 13rooker H. J. Butcher Architect, °Mellows' Hall Broomfield George, Furniture Dealer, Browne Thomas .. Monumental Mason Anderson M. Painter Bruderlin & Freeman • Builders Anderson Robert • • Painter Buchtmann IV. • •Coaclibuilder Atkinson F. Hairdresser Bull It.. Plumber Butcher Atkinson Mrs. .. Grocer and Fruiterer Burke J. Burke Bernard .. Court House Hotel Burke 1'. • Auctioneer Burnett W. Commission Agent Baker Burns Henry Burns Henry Plumber Campbell .1. IV., Caledonian 3otel Chapman W. J. Blacksmith ClicesbromdiForestry Inspector Civilian Rifle Clufi—O. S. O'Halloran, Secretary Coleman R. .. Cordial Manufacturer General Store Collibee I Collibee Mrs. Fruiterer Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, Mil.-13ruce Ramsay, Manager Convent School—M. Mary Magdalen, Mother Superior • Cosier B. W Dentist Cragg William J. :Solicitor Curry Mrs. T. ....,... Federal Hotel Tailor Cusick W. Dalton F. E., Accountakt Savings Bank, N.S.W. Dalzell W. II. .. Grocer and Fruiterer Dangar Cottage Hospital—Miss Agnes Ross-Cutlibertson, Matron;IV. Sheridan, Secretary Delves II. Cycle Agent Draper Doolian M. Doyle Cl. V. Surveyor and Shire Engineer (Patrick Plains) Dunlop T Public School Easterbrook T. • • Wood 'Merchant Ekenberg Carl Framemaker •ldershaw P. E., J.P., C.P.S. and Reg. 13. At. and P. Elliott J. 0. Butcher Grainger & Falkiner Ltd = 46 STOCK AND STATION AGENTS, FARMERS' CENTRAL *MARKETS, SINGLETON. We always hold large siocks of Produce. Hunter River Lucerne Seed.a.Specialityt SALE DAYS—Fat and Store Stock every Wedneiday at the Shire Yards,Pigs, Calves and Produce every Tuesday. SPECIAL SALES CONDUCTED IN ANY PART OF THE STATE. • JOHN FALKINER, Sworn Valuator under the Real Property Act. WOOVAND COMPANY.I. HORSES,: CARRIAGES 1` AND , APPOINTMENTS-116ST IN N.S.W. L SYDNEY. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR EATABLES AND WEARABLES. 204ASin CO UNTRY COM M E RCA AL. Sin Ryan & Roberts, Funeral Directors, Furniture and Bedding Manufacturers, George & John Sts., SINGLETON. ' SINOLICTON CONTINUEDGrainger A., J.P. Ellis Thomas & Sons Minders !loiter Charles M. ... Fruiterer, etc. Evans John Tinsmith Halter George .... Oyster Saloon, etc. Everingham W. .. Hatter and Mercer Harris II. 1 Watchmaker Ilayes J. S. Blacksmith hazel! Mrs. Boardinghouse Head E. J. Grocer Headquarters 3rd Squadron4th A.L.H. Regt—Lieut. P. Falkiner Horne J. T. Carrier 110flia Alec .1...... Tobacconist. etc. Hospital and Benevolent Asylum— W. Sheridan, Secretary Mile L. Builder All classes of Monumen- Ind A. E. Butcher tal work in Granite, Inland Mission to Aborigines— H. S. Austin, Sec. Marble and Freestone. Innes S. Newsagent New and up-to-date Janson Thomas I., Agricultural Hotel designs. Jarman R. H. Boots and Shoes Postmaster Kelly A. 1 Builders' Masonry supKELLY NAMES, Fancy Goods and plied for town or country Stationery, John Street. Estimates given for Kelly Rev. Joseph (WC.) Kendall Mrs. Dressmaker Country work. Kennedy O. M. Fruiterer Photos forwarded on Kennerson W. T. .... Imperial Hotel Kilialea James Tailor application to Kirkland Rev. J. (C. of E.) Kiose II. S. Coachtriminer Knight Mrs. W. Dressmaker Lamplough R. Terminus Hotel Lancaster John Blacksmith Farmers' and Settlers' Association— Lane George Builder .1. E. Shepherd, Secretary Lloyd G. B. Builder Faulkner Mrs. .... Dressmaker, etc. McDermott Miss Dressmaker Ferrington T. W. .... Cabinetmaker McDougall David Watchmaker Fletcher Rev. •Ambrose (Meth.) II. Coachbuilder Freeman Mrs. C. Grocer McFadden Mrs. It. J. "Wheelwright Freeman' G. R. .... Stock Inspector McFadden McCord ty Blacksmith Frith M. Saddler McGowan J. T. M .. Freemasons' Hotel Gale C. II. Police Magistrate McGowan L. .. Ironworker Gallagher Miss Dressmaker McGrogan JamesGalvanised Royal Hotel Geary H. J. Outfitter McLachlan J., Sec. Singleton Farming Gibson Mrs. Store and Dairying Co., Ltd.; Sec. Giles Alfred Tobacconist Patrick's Plains Shire Council, Gladwin Edward General Store and Sec. Mechanics' Institute McLeod W. Stationmaster McMahon John T. .. Boots and Shoes Motley It. W. II. (Late 0. Gould), Excelsior Saw and Maguire W. Physician Tailor Joinery Mills, Singleton, Cessnock, Mantle John .. Wool and Hide Dealer Weston and Ellalong. (See advt.) Marshall Miss Tesste, Teacher Singing Gould J. Fruiterer FAIRFIELD MONUMENTAL WORKS H. J. BARTROP GOULD BRO.S. & CO. GRAINGIM AND FALSDIER, LTD., Merchants, and Stock, Station and Produce Agents (see Advt.) WOOD S AND COMPANY Mather Adam .... Club House Hotel Mather Alexander, Cordial Manufacturer Meagher Very Rev. Monsignor P. Mechanics' Institute—J. McLachlan, Secretary Miner H. J., .T.P. .... Wheelwright Miner J. F Blacksmiths Miner James Bootmaker Miner W. A. Tobacconist, etc. Minter J. Upholsterer MOORE JAMES & 00. 110. General Storekeepers, Importers and Produce Merchants. Weekly Sales of Produce conducted each Tuesday —John Street Moore II. .. Tradesmen's Arms Hold Morrison II. & Son Bootmaker Morrison Alexander .. Budget" Farrier Munro R. NEVILLE F. l'ractical and Electrical Engineer, Cycle and Motor Builder. Local Agent Triumph Motor Cycles. All Classes of Machinery Repaired Neville T. W. • Dentist Newton T. Blacksmith Nickson Mrs. A. Grocer Northern Agricultural Association— F. A. Bennett, Secretary Northern Rifle Association— A. Simmons, Secretary Oakvale Colliery—R. Cuneen Prop. O'llalloran Bros. Drapers Bakers Paget Bros. Papworth Bros., Hide & Skin Dealers Parker IV. • I'ainter Patrick's Plains • Shire Council— William Bailey, Pres.; John McLachlan, Shire Clerk ; 0. V. Doyle, Engineer Carrier Pearce A. G. Pentland A. .. Physician and Surgeon Fruiterer I'enton B. THE PERCY HOTEL—I.E. Upton; Proprietor (see Advt.) Perrett George Saddler The Leading Newsagency, Sta- Playford George, Saddler and tionery, Fancy Goods, ConfecPoundkeeper tionery and Novelty Business in Porter George Chemist Singleton Porter W. Bootmaker MARTYR E. C. riff FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF- PAW. SYDNEY. etd.temo :Aloan; ) ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR A HOUSEWIFE'S HARVEST. SinCOUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Smi205A. Singleton, The Percy Hotel, E. UPTON, Proprietor. Best Liquors procurable. Every convenience for Visitors and Commercial Travellers. MODERATE TARIFF SKILLION FLAT. Singleton Liberal League— Progress Association—A. Grainger, W. C. McGuire, Don. Sec. J.P., Pres.; A. J. Coote, Sec. 319 in. N. !lament Miss Dressmaker Singleton Mechanics' Institute— J. McLachlan, Secretary Borger A. R. G., Grocer and Butcher Rev Mrs. E. R., Refrealiment ROOMS Chemist Singleton l'olitical Labour League— Dwyer John litacksmitlt Reuben A. A. ileuston, Secretary itiellard5011 Miss Dressmaker Singleton Progress Association— A. J. Coote, Secretary RICHARDSON WILLIAM, M.A., Butcher Smith W. Bathurst Street Grammar School, Snelson 198 m. W. Rail to Mudge°, thence Richard .... 'Bus Proprietor coach. Nearest bank, Mudgee. Teacher of Languages, Mathe- Southon A. Tobacconist Hotel Norris S. Spinks R., Farm Manager Singleton matics, etc. F. and D. Co., Ltd. Robinson F. and II., Proprietors Stacey Miss Teacher Singmg "Singleton Argus" Robinson II. S., J.P. Rogers James .. Railway View Hotel 104 in. N. Rail to Honeysuckle Point, Rogers Robert Butcher or steamer to Newcastle, thence Singleton's Leading Saddle and Rosedale Colliery—A. Jobb, Manager conveyance. Nearest bank, WickHarness Maker. All Descrild ions ham. of Repairs Neatly Executed at Adamson RYAN AND ROBERTS, Funeral J. G. Baker Moderate Cost. Agent for True' Confectioner Directors, Furniture and BedFamous Ilorse and Cattle Bennett 1'. Carrier W. Bradley Medicines ding Manufacturers (see Advt.) Brock and Son Grocers General Store Strain Mrs. C..... Caledonian Hotel Carnley 11. Ryan W. White Swan Hotel Store Clinton T. (Linwood) ... Bootmaker Saunders A. F. Photographer Son Walt Sing Grocer Blacksmith Denehey J. (Linwood) Sweeney W. Savings Bank N.S.W.—Frank E. Newsagent Dalton, Accountant Sykes Victor Hairdresser Frost P. Dressmaker Goodman IV. II. Inctioneer Whipmaker Sza rim Miss Schneider M. I Irwin Miss . Dressmaker Scott C., Managing Director James Carrier Lawrence I Moore & Co., Ltd. Richards P. Storekeeper Scott Robert, Grocer and Ironmonger Tailor Smalley R. A. Sear! John, Manager Co-operative (The). Proprietor, R. Lamplough. Storey W. ' Grocer Dairying Co. First-class Accommodation for Toll Carrier A. F. Shaw A. B. Solicitor Families and Visitors. Tariff from Short E. .1. Teacher Piano and Organ 4s. per day. One minute from rt .... Boots and Shoes Simmons Albe Station. Simpson T. & Son Builders Tinsley 'W. J. .... Sanitary Inspector Singer Sewing Machine Co., Ltd.— . • IV. Drone, Manager Tobey H. & Co., Store and Fancy 20 in. S.W.Rail to Fairfield, Goods Single Rev. Keith (C. of E.) thence coach 2 m. Singleton James E. Itootinaker Tracey John J. .... Hairdresser, etc. Anthony Bros., Ltd. Tanner. Carrier Tucker J. ' Singleton Central Co-operative Contractor Dairying Co.—J. Sear!, Manager Tulloch A. J. General Stace Brodie A. Draper Mrs. S. A. M. Singleton College of Music— • Upjohn Miss A. C., Teacher of Music Carter Carter W. M. E. C. & M. C., (see The Percy Hotel Upton I. E., Miss L. Helluirich, Principal General Store Advt.) Singleton Debating Club— Contractor A. J. Coote, Secretary Waddell W. Vigneron Coleman A. R. Samuel Tanner Singleton and District Co-operative Waterhouse J. W. B. Engineer Critchley John Newsagent Society, Ltd.—J. A. Bray, Mgr. Wells W. II. Dental Surgeor. Douglas John Baker Singleton Municipal Council—J. W. White J. V. and Co. Bakers Downey Tanner George B. Waterhouse. Mayor; F. A. Whitfield P. ... Sen. Sergi. of l'olice Lee Hotel Victoria Long J. F. Wilhelmy IV. 11., Head Master Bennett, J.P., Town Clerk Grammar School Morandini Peter Wheelwright Singleton Farming and Dairying Co., ,.... Tanner Page George Saddler Wilson John Ltd.—J. McLachlan, Secretary Butcher Tailor Paine Geo. Wood J. W. Singleton Gas Co., Ltd.— Fruiterer John Sanders, Manager Woods Mrs. C. Boardinghouse Randal° W. Worms II. W. General Store Robson Bros. Blacksmiths Singleton Grammar 'School— Builder W. II. Willielmy, Principal York II. and Sons Auctioneers Stein B. 3. Butcher Stein Thos. York II., J.P. Singleton Ladies' Glee Club— Store Store Valiance George Miss A. C. Upjohn, Hon. Sec. Yow George SLASHERS' FLAT STEWART WILLIAM SMEDMORE. TERMINUS HOTEL SMITHFIELD. WOOD AND COMPANY: FOR FULL PARTICULARS LOOK UP TRADES SECTION "UNDERTAKERS." SYDNEY. ij ANTHONY HORPERNS' FOR A SURETY OF SATISFACTION. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR BENEFICIAL BUSINESS. SMITHTOWN. SOUTH WEST ROCKS 210 in. N. By steamer direct. . Bank, London Bank of Australia. Brown J. B. .Chemist 'Gillis a Hairdresser Hayes Jatnes Shamrock Hotel Hogan C. 4 Saddler McCann James Blacksmith McCarney. John J. ..-:... General Store Maloney Mrs. B. .. Centennial lintel Mohr P. E. Butcher Murphy Miss M. Fruiterer Neal S.' General Store Shelley D. J. • -Store Smithtown Dairy Produte -Co., -Ltd. Sullivan J. P. Builder Walsh John linker • -SODWALLS. 113 m. W. Rail direct. *Burgess M. J. • •Grocer 'Burton Mrs: C: Tobacconist SPRING WOOD. m. IV. By rail direct. Nearest 338 m. N. Near. Ketnpsey. bank, Penrith. Arthur C. ' Stor Hearin) G. 'Fruiter° Barlow Miss E., Manageress Oriental* Holt, Hannigan Mrs. E. L. Stor Blackmore I Rafferty P. Rote Illuiulorn Mrs., Milliner anti Butchtr Costumiete • • Chapman Wm. Plumber Colless V. Fruiterer Convent of the Sacred heart (SEE WOODBURN SOUTit). Cutlet:4h P. B. Ila ird ream . sr Ferguson A. General Store lloneysett Wm. and Sons ..Gen. Store Kerry I Blacksmith Lovkley William Painter Maidment E. W. Royal Hotel (LATE WOODLANDS.) Fuss Ernest General Store, etc. 207 m. N. Rail to Scone, thence St. telninba Junior Seminary 22 m. Nearest bank, Scone. SprillgWOOd Golf Club Alterator Thomas IlawIcer Springwood Hall Smith Bros. • Store Springwood Progress Association . Springwood.Rifle Club Towle George. F. ... Boots and Shoes Turner II. Refreshment Rooms Wiggins J. J. Greengrocer 273 m. W. Rail to Wellington, thence coach 20 m. Nearest bank, Wellington. McDonald R. . Blacksmith 70 m. W. Rail to Peat's Ferry, Moore P. J. Hotel steamer to Wiseman's Ferry, thence coach. Nearest bank, Windsor. Court Petty Sessions. Bailey E. A. Blacksmith Bailey Mark Blacksmith Bailey N. Butcher Near 13oolaroo. Chapman B. S. .....Blacksmith Brunitnell .1. ... Refreshment Rooms Chapman E. B. Butcher Johnson David .. Refreshment Rooms Juni James .... Settlers' Arms hotel Johnson IV. II. .. Refreshment Rooms Thompson J. T. General Store Prior W. hotel Thompson W. E. General Store to Bathurst, thence coach. Nearest bank, Bathurst. Ashe Richard Tannery Beech II. and Co. .. Boots and Shoes Burton Frederick Royal Hotel Cole William rti i Corer 'Crossley James Auctioneer 'Fulton 'Leslie General Store Griffith. Wm. Hairdresser Ilerriott Wm., Draper, Boots and Shoes 'Hyland Mrs.- Commercial lintel 'Jamieson W.' H. • Physician 'Tanner Sydney Tinsmith 'Taylor A. W., Saddler, Boots, and Undertaker Taylor George General Store *Tlimbald W. F. •I rocer ... SOMERTON. SPARKES' CREEK. • SPICER'S CREEK SPIERS' POINT. SPRINGBROOIC. STANBOROUGH (SEE DALAIORTON.) (NEAlt SPRINGDALE. 283 m. S. Rail direct Corby Thomas 801 m. N. Rail' to Tamworth, Marsh E. 1 thence " coach. Nearest bank, lintel Store SPRING HILL. TainWerth INWERELL.) Whittaker Wine Shoji STANDFORO MERTHYR. 124 in. N. Rail direct via Maitland. Nearest bank, W. Maitland.' • Pearce Mrs. Store Walters Mrs. Store STANNIFER. • SOUTH CREEK. SOUTHGATE. SOUT.H.iGRAFTON (SEE' 'GRAFTON). Woolf AND ' COMPANY 'THE COUNTRY COMMERCIAL. STANWELL PARK. 32 to: . S.• • 'Pia Clifton. Halloran Ilenry F..&•Co., Stowell Park Estat e Postmistress Law Miss b. E. Stanwell Park Hotel Co., Ltd., Store and Timber Yard SPRING. 270 tn. N. . Rail to Quirindi, thence conveyance. Nearest, bank, Quirindi. Arnold- W. Hotel Darby G. - Blacksmith Lawrence David and Co. .. Sawmills Lawrence . James • Sawmills Lock George P. Store SPRINGS. ISEE DRIPSTONE.) FUNERAL' DIRECTORS OF STEWART'S BROOK. 220 tn. N. Rail to Scone, thence $5 tn. Nearest bank,: Scone. Carrier Carter R. II. Wilson llerbert Blacksmith Stanford IV. I), General Store STANNUM. • 950 in. N. Rail to Deepwater, thence 10 m. Atkinson George . Store Counter T. 11. .... Union Jack Hotel Coin doe Store Pong Leong Store Holder C. Carrier !bolder William Blacksmith 191111.0d F. Produce Dealer Lawson Frank • Billiard Saloon Souter George Blacksmith Whiteman Adolph Store 'Bead Office, 810-12 George N.S.W. : SYDNEY.' 1 Street South. 'Phone 7/0 STOCKINBINGAL. 200 m. S. By rail direct. Bank, N.S.W. Store Begby E. .V. S tore Cohen S. and Co. Ellwood IV. J. Hotel Moon Robert Blacksmith Neville John Cotnmi.ssion , Agent Baker Powell G IV. Hotel Agent West F. M. Hairdresser Woodhouse IValter Butcher Young STOCKTON. 103 tn. N. Rail or steamer to Newcastle, thence ferry boat. Nearest' bank; Kewcaittle. Anderson C. A. Engineer Bailey Mrs. J. General Store Store Ilan Walter Bennett Itev. Samuel (Cong.) Bevan II. and Sons, Builders and 29 m. IV. • By rail direct. Nearest Undertakers bank, Penrith. .... Burke Martin .1. ...... Public School Adams Charles ......... . . ... Butcher Bowes Thomas Federal Hotel Armstein Joseph .... Livery Stables Boyce II. .... Stettin Tug Proprietor Beacroft G. E. Butcher Brady Josephine Music Teacher Beacrof t Mrs. Fancy Goods General Washington BrohanMs., Hotel Beatty L. S. Stationmaster Bell II. 0: IL, Phymician and Surgeon Brooks Mrs. II. Store Bennett G. T. Wheelwright Callen M. A. and 11. .. Shipbuilder. Bennett' James . Wheelwright Callen l'eter, Shipbuilder and Timber Yard Drell 'Martin Tanner Burke Edward, Strangers'. Home lintel Campbell Hugh It... Postmaster .... campbell Emmett' Mayor Charlesworth E, J. ..„..„ Engineer Store Champion G. A. Illackamith Chilvers II. it.. Dressmaker Charicer David Tobacconist Clarke Miss Boottnaker Convent School—Sisters. of St. Joaeph Cunningham J. Shipwright Crossland II. E. Hairdresser Davies .1. C. Desborough Robert Tanner Davies Margaret •19. .. .. Draper Butcher Dick Dr..... Medical Officer of ilealth East C. Cartier rind Turner, Timber Merchants Douglas J. Campbell Physician Garner 'William, J.P. , .... Contractor Drake Rev. Francis V. (C. of E.) Gassman Augustus . Contractor Graham IL A., Accountant and Town Clerk Giles John • Contractor 1 General Store Grealey 1'. .7.Gladstone hotel Harvey F. G. ..Inspector of Nuiaanem Greathead J. ' Fruiterer Harvey Fred. Auctioneer Grieves Thomas A., Medical Practitioner Tailor 11111 I ' Hope Mrs. Boots and Shoes Griffiths B. Produce Merchant Storekeeper Hope dame., Baker and General Store Griffiths T. Jones Fred. .. Tanner and Fellinonger Gunderson Mrs. T. Fruiterer Judges Arthur, 1.P.' ... . .... Coroner llenley-Smith Robert, Marine Supt. ' Engineer Turd Walter ..... ... Public School Ileydon B. Store Lamming John ......General Store Hopwood F. Tailor : ....... Sawmill Hudson E. V. McCrea , Gearge • W: McDonald Dutidaii'::: ..... Solicitor hunter John T. Fruiterer McGee Mia: T.' :::. ::: Railway lintel Hutchinson 1). .... Boalrowere Hotel Johnson Wm., Miners' Exchange Hotel Mechanics'' Initittilti 'M g Hall'J. G. Bennett, Secretary Johnson Mrs. M. A. Fruiterer Morris Win. Greengrocer Jones Mrs. M.'General Store Neale W. .1. 11., J.P. .. General Store Jordan "Draper • " " Hairdresser Page George Kerr , Poundiceeper -•G ycle A gent Lehman Mrs. Draper Parkins IV.' ' Peskin Bros. Tanners Lewis Richard ......Storekeeper Pelham F. C. Postmaster Linz Miss . . . . . ...... Fruiterer Grocer Quick Mrs. Small Goods Lund •Mrs. itintoul Louis .11 Park.'Yiew Hotel McCann J. ...... . Boots and Shoes Robinson Mrs. • General Store McKenzie Mrs. Confectioner Sainsbury J. IL, J.P. Builder Menzies R. II., Smith J. S., Fruiterer and Greengrocer Morgan B. and Co. Clothiers O'Sullivan T. & Co.,' Patent Slip— anith ..T.• • It. •• • Commereial ligtel T. It.' Worland, Proprietor Stevens Mrs. C. Greengrocer Thompson Andrew • and .Co. ... Tanners Bees Evan .. Grocer and Ironmonger Tailor Thompson ,A., J.P. . Rogers Wm. Milliner Turner George Sawmills Roger. Mrs. Engineer Wainwright W...... ...... . Blacksmith Ross J. 0. Ward and ,Co. .......... Wine Depot School of Arts—II.. A. Graham, Sec. Wrench IV.. H., J,r. ..... Town Clerk Scott Thomas Carpenter ST. , MARY'S. (Bind Miss 'Brady F. J........ Hotel Browne G. W. Store 187 in. W. By rail direct. Nearest Inches J. B. Butcher, etc. bank, Millthorpe. Moffatt James A. Sawmills Carruthers J. General Store Pellet H. M. Coach Proprietor Smith , George Store 425 in. N. Rail to Guyra or Glen Hall It. & 'Sons .. Produce Merchants limes, thence coach. Nearest Healey J. Blacksmith bank, Tinglia. Lohan Bros. General Store . Lohan Patrick- Railway Hotel Cooper Sidney .... Temperance Hotel Mond Arthur, jun. • • • Foundry Lockrey Walter Baker .(SNE..STI:mAnve.) Nesbitt D. P. .... Butcher and Baker McLelland Henry Fruiterer Multiotm Jatnes Store 368 in.. N. By. • steamer direct. Bank,. E.S. and :A. (Agency). Bender James Blacksmith : Farrell John Southgate .Hotel : Coodger Bertha Fruiterer Hutchings James and Co. .. Butcher. '•Wingtield• John General Store .......• • ..... ... Sta SOUTH -WOOOBURN ST. ALBANS. „ • 173 tn. SOIFALA., W. Rail • SmiCOUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Sta 20i3A ^ ! WOOD AND., compaNy : . .ogit • Str207A• Shearman II. Contractor Ca rter Sherman 0. G. Stockton Co .operative Society— General Store. anitaBirudtreeshesersr Tams Albert Temperance hail (The) Toter J. K. • • Engineer T erry Mrs. 11. .. General r Store Baker Torpy M. J. Architect Wilkins R. Williams Charles M Clothier i Ilion IV. .. .hipsmitit Yates E. ..... „ „..„„ Carpenter Yates James Boatbuilder Young Mrs. A. Store Young Miss , • „ . Dressmalcer 111 T STONEHENGE. 917 In. N. Rail direct. Nearest bank, Olen Innes. I lutchinson Bros. ....... Chaffeutters Hunting G. • ' Chaffcutter Taylor Bros. Chaffcutters Wood R. and Co. Chaffeutters STONY CREEK. 205 //I. W. Via Mudgee. Lodge Mrs. .I;Wine Shop he Grocer . Mahon George .Grocer • STONY CROSSING 021 m. S. Rail to Hay, coach thence. Nearest bank, Balranald. Barktneyer E. Hotel and P.O. POINT. STONY Mounita.) (NEAR STORE CREEK. 227 tn. W. Rail direct. Nearest bank, Wellington and Orange. ' Brazier II. Auctioneer Chauncey P. 11. Store STOTT'S CREEK: . (Sop: STRATFORD. N. ,: Blacksmith 10 111 IV, Crouch Arthur E. Carrier Sto re liessney m Wright Willia rn ta jo' r: e ' er.n. A. I. .Bak.°° ell .111lis.A 11:aattes Cr olemuuan STRINGYBARK. (SEE TOONLANO FUNERAL PARLORS ARE AT .810• 12- GEOROE , STREET,SYDNEY:: lb ANTHONY HORDERNS' —THE ECONOMIST'S DELIGHT. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR A LOT FOR A LITTLE. :208AStr COUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Syl STROUD. 184 in. N. Rail to Hexham, thence • coach. Bank, Australasia. Dank of Australasia—b. W. Allworth, Manager Bate E. B., Dentist and Bicycle Agent limiter Richard Physician Coleman Charles Carpenter Coleman F. Blacksmith Collins 0. F. Solicitor .Cornell Mrs. General Store Dark L. J. General Store Daunt .I. F., Auctioneer and Dairyman Evans I). T. Butcher Baker Farley Albert Farley Allen Blacksmith Farley Mrs. G. W. Dairy Earley W. A. Dairyman Dairyman Fell John Fenwick John E. Sawmills Mood Mrs. M. T., Australian Inn Hotel Gloucester District Co-operative Butter Factory, Ltd.—F. J. Callow, Sec. Gossip J. W. Dairy Dicks G. Dairyman Hopkins N. hawker and Store Krohn Peter Wheelwright Le Mottee C. J. Central Hotel Lester C. Saddler McIntyre W. C. Grazier McKenzie J. A., Auctioneer and Stock and Station Agent McNeill A., jun. Dairyman McNeill Mrs. N. Dairy Margery W. Dairman Penfold 1 C'. General Store Price Misses Boardinghouse Price Samuel Dairyman School of Arts—F. J. Grainger, Secretary Slater James Coach Proprietor 'Smith James Boardinghouse Stevenson J. Hairdresser Street Philip Henry Saddler :Stroud Shire Council—A. Grant, Pres.; J. O'Connell, Clerk; IV. L. Craig, Engineer Thompson M. Dairyman 1Venham D. Dairyman Wenhain S & D. J. Carriers Young Charles Carrier Young II. E. General Store STUART'S POINT (111ACLEAT RIVER MEADS.) 211 tn. N. By steamer twice a week. Cooper . h. A. (Unkya), General Store Hennessy T. and Sons, General Store and_ Sawmills Hobbs IV. H. Blacksmith Hodges' II. A. (Unkya) Store Myers W. Hotel STUART TOWN. 291 m. IV. By rail 'direct. Nearest bank, Wellington. Court Petty Sessions, Wellington Quarter Sessions. Deter Bros. General Store Bochum Bros., Quartz Crushing Battery Crick J. E. and Co: •.• General Store Dickerson I Hairdresser Dickerson II, Butcher Elliott Mrs. E.' Fruiterer Hall Charles Boots and Shoes Lewis I Saddler way Station—James Warburton, Malkio James Peter Blacksmith Stationmaster Matthews A. .1ustralian Hotel Stapleton 0. II. Butcher Murphy Arthur But cher Toms II. Baker Northeote & Thornbury Bakers Sutherland Shire Council—K. W. On Lee St ore tyndman, l'res. ; .1. W. Melia. I 'a ssmore A. 'ehool Teacher lane, Shire Clerk ; J. G. Griffin, Pewter .1. T. Railway Hotel Consulting Engineer Weber Charles .. Fruiterer and Store Yee Lee Store SUTTON. SUMMER ISLAND 191 tn. S. Rail to Queanbeyan, thence coach. Nearest bank, Quenitheyan 'remelt John II. Sutton Hotel 215 in. N. By steamer direct. Nearest hank, Smithtown. Irilliants Francis Blacksmith McHugh Mrs. K. Store SUNNY CORNER SUTTON FOREST 124 m. W. Rail to Rydal and Wallerawang. Nearest bank, IVallerawang. Bulkeley R. II. and Co., General Store Cohen B., General Store and Jeweller Dawson S. .. Carrier and Contractor Francis William Royal Hotel Grady F. 0. Physician Jones Miss, Tobacconist and Fancy 00 m. S. Rail to Moss Vale, thence coach. Nearest bank, Molts Vale. Barnsley Bros. Butchers Bunt E. M. Wheelwright Fenton John Blacksmith Hardwick A. Fruiterer Lauren A. Royal Hotel Sitwell H'. Store Taylor Bros. General Store Goods Loneragan Patrick .. Boots and Shoes Magill Robert W. Saddler Mann Mrs. R. General Store Martin John Blacksmith Murray C. ... Royal Exchange Hotel Rodgers John, jun. Grocer School of Arts—A. Mann, Secretary Sparks Mrs. J. ..... Newsagent, etc. Sparks William Butcher St al t George Carrier SUTHERLAND. 15 m. S. Rail direct. Austin I,. W. ... Monumental Works Avery If. F. Fruiterer Blade 0. (Illadeville), Receiving Pont 011ice and Store Brady James I irdresser Boyle E. Railway Hotel Boyle's National Hall Cadet C. .... Painter and Decorator Carrick II. A; Co General Store Chinner H. A. Builder Church of England—Rev. T. H. Taylor Clark A. IL Grocer Clarke A. J., Bootmaker and General Store Cole W. & Sons Builders Congregational Church— Rev. E. W. !Mallen Cook Robert (Woronora), Coach and Boat Proprietor Foster Robert Fish Shop Ilallett T. II. Farrier Hawkins II. F. Baker Hayes W., Plumber and Sanitary Contractor Lobb Mrs, A. Midwife Lobb's Assembly Rooms Macfarlane J. W., Shire Clerk, and Registrar B. M. and D. Methodist Church—Rev. S. C. Roberts Mylchreest Miss A. Dressmaker Mylchreest Robert Builder Peters Ernest Royal Itotel Phillips W. J. Blacksmith l'ost, Telegraph and Money. Order Office—Chas. D. Logan, Postmaster Powe W. .1., Confectioner and Newsagent Public School—Herbert II. Small, Headmaster SWALLOW'S NEST. (Sex MOUNT DAVID.) TabCOUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Tam• 209A . ne bamtvorth Daily aserver A Bridlit and Up-to-date Daily Paper. Incorporating the "TAMWORTH NEWS" (Estab. 1872) and the " TAMWORTI1 OBSERVER" (Estab. 1875). The Most Valuable Advertising Medium and the Largest and Most Influential • Newspaper In the North and North-Western Districts of Now South Wales. " DAILY OBSERVIllt," withal Hist, saw the light of day ou 1st January, 1911, started with the combined circu l ation of the two old established papers la Tam worth. That la , go output has 110w been Increased by 100 per cent., and is rapidly Increasing. l'aut worth's geographical position enables late Dewitt) be published in the" Daily Observer" from 12 to 21 hours ahead of any other paper in the State. 4S ” vend large Estates in and around Tannvorth Lave lately been sold and roomed. Ti.e Peel River Estate (100,000 acres), results d by the Govern mew., Is now in occupation by 270 families. 4' The Contrany has expended a large amount of money in Ow installation of new rind up-twdate machinery, including a Foster Stereo Web Printing awl Folding Ihaciiimie, ti Melt Is capable of printing and folding a four page paper at the rate of 20,000 per hour, 11110 the latest labotype machines. THE TAMWORTH NEWSPAPER COY. LTD.. Linotype Printing Works, PEEL STREET, TAM WORTH. A. JOSEPH, Managing Director. TABLE LAND. (SEE NINE MILE.) 336 in. N. Rail to Gunnedah, thence coach 42 In. Nearest bank, Gunnedall. Davies Rees Store Store Jenkins B. Kerney 'P. M. .. Butcher and Hotel 383 tn. S. Rail direct. Nearest hank, Leacy Jolla Store Albury. Royal Hotel IA`11110X Mrs. Mullins George .... The Flags Hotel Ward W. General Store TABLE TOP. SWAMP OAK. TABULAM. Rail to Tatnworth, thence 43 m. Nearest bank, Tantworth. Burr John .... Royal Standard Hotel Ladds George R. General Store Manuel William .... Mail Contractor Steamer to Casino, or rail to Tenterfield, thence coach. Nearest bank, Casino. 11 cui Um Bros. Sawmills Hotel Jordan James 325 in. N. SWAN BAY. 342 tn. N. By steamer direct. Nearest bank, South Woodburn, SWANSEA. 122 tn. N. Rail to Cockle Creek, thence ferry boat. Nearest bunk, Newcastle. Boyd James L. General Store Fox William Swansea Hotel Jones A. Butcher Massie George Fruiterer Murray Robert Blacksmith Sperring John Store Strud wick W. Butcher Watkins John .. Refreshment Rooms SWAN VALE. 430 in. N. Steamer or rail to ; Newcastle. Rail to Glen Innen, coach thence. Gross George .. Halfway House Hotel Young W. F. Builder SYLVANIA. 11 iii. S. Train to Kogarall, 7 in., thence coach 4 m. Crossley Mrs. Boardinghouse Lehane Miss, General Store , and l'ost Office Parbury Luke L. Blacksmith Samways William Dairyman Taylor W. Carrier WOOD AND COMPANY: THE FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF NAM. : SYDNEY. ( Ettcl etr.ii! TAMBAR SPRINGS. TALBINGO Hotel TALBRAGAR. Near Dubbo. C'ainsford A. Hotel TALLE WANG. Rail to Gulgong, thence coach. AkIturat C. & Co., Commission Agents Docwra Mrs. F. J. Wine Shop Hansen John E. General Store Lincoln C. Tallewang blotch 221 In. NV. TALLONG. (LATE BARBER'S CREEK.) 112 en. S. Rail direct. Nearest bank, Goulburn or MOBS Vale. Davenport Bros. General Store Lloyd R. Tobacconist TAMBAROORA. 203 tn.. IV. Rail to Bathurst, thence coach. Nearest bank, Mudgee. Willard IV. A. S. Grocer I WOOD AND COMPANY: BRITTEN C. JEFFRIES Royal Standard Brewery 530 tn. N. 330 oh. S. Bridle II, IV. Mott J. Billiard Saloon Illnett I I ronfounder Bonnie IV. A., National Mutual Insttrance Co. Bowden W. J. .. Cordial Manufacturer Bradv's Cash Store Breafispear C. NV., Manager Government Savings Bank Tailor Briley Edwin Gunsmith Briley .1. TAM WORTH. 282 m. N. By rail direct. Banks, A.B.C. Ltd., Union Bank of Australasia, City, Commercial, N.S.W. anti Australasia. Court of Quarter and l'etty Sessions. Acheson W. Contractor Adams C. It., Fancy Goods and Newsagent Adams II. T., J.P., C.P.S. Dentist Ai .en H'. 1 Ahlet•man F. C. Architect Alleock W. (West) Store Printer Allen .7. It. Allsopp If. Hairdresser Anderson J. Blacksmith Andronico Bros. Oyster Saloon Anschau .1. Postmaster Ashton-Shorter 11. L., Physician and Surgeon Ashworth & Walsh Auctioneers Tailor Astley J. Atkinson — .... Court House Hotel Austin Fred W. .... Exchange Hotel Australian Bank of Commerce, Ltd.— Keith Stewart, Manager Australian Jockey Club—Deputy Registrar, Victor I. Cohen A.M.P. Society—Walter 11. Leak, District Secretary 13ackhouse E. B., Mgr. Commercial Bank Baird E. II., Bookseller and Stationer Bank of Australasia—H. J. King, Mgr. Bank of N.S.W.—A. J. McKay, Mgr. Barrett & Co. Saddlers Bedwell C. IV. Solicitor Bennett and 13arkell ... Cycle Agents Bennett and Wood, Ltd., Cycle Depot Bennett Mrs. Boardinghouse Bird Mrs. Umbrella Itepairer Bishop and Alderman .... Architects Birant and Lye Coachbuilders Black & White Studios (The) Watchmaker Britz II. F. Brits K. .1. ...... Tailor and Draper Broughton & Co. Auctioneers Ilrown II. Pltotographer Brown V. M Contractor, etc. Brunstion & Peek, '"I'ainworth Times" Office Buckley 1E. W., Medical Practitioner Budge Wm. and Co., Steam Sawmills Mussel Mrs. Boardinghouse Butler and Co. .. hardware Merchants Butler Alfred Boots and Shoes Butler II. .. Town and Country Hotel Butcher Butler J. B. Butler '1'. Cordial Manufacturer Caledonian Insurance Co.— C. W. 13edwell, Agent CALLCOTT & CO. (Late Ralph Taylor.), house Furnishers and Undertalcers, Noll's Buildings, l'eel st. Large assortment of Artificial Wreaths always on hand Calleott W. T. and Co., Produce Merchants and Auctioneers Callcott Frederick A., Monumental Mason Cannon John .. Brick and Tile Works Cantrell M. A. (Landers & Cantrell), Stock and Station Agents Carmichael J. Plumber Castles C. J., Billposter and Town Crier Centenary Coal and Coke Mining Co. —Victor I. Cohen, Secretary Chalmers W. M. .....Hairdresser CHAS. REGAN LTD Palace of Trade and The Regan Palace ltoller Hour Mills. Peel Street, Tantworth, Tel. No. 14 IMPORTERS AND DISTRIBUTORS OF ALL UNDERTAKERS' SUPPLIES. SYDNEY. ANTHONY HORDERNS' — IT ISN'T A SHOP. IT'S AN INSTITUTION. ANTHONY HORDERNS' — A PARADISE OF ECONOMY. Tam COUNTRY COMMERCIAL. • Tam 211A 210ATamCOUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Tam • R. A. Stanfield, Webster's Cycle & Motor Works Builder and Contractor, Timber Merchant, Peel Street, TAMWORTH Engineers, Gunsmiths and Locksmiths. and Manufacturer of every description of Joinery Work. • Builders of the famous " Webster" Cycles and Motor Cycles. Bicycles- from .C7 10s. to 420 cash, or terms arranged.... Steam Saw and Moulding Mills—Griffith Street. • Steam Factory—Peel Street. AGENTS for "L.M.C.." "Bradbur y." and' ''Brown' Motor Bicycles ; also for "Greener," " Holloway," " and "Cashmore" Guns. We 41,Repair ail makes of Bieveles, Guns, Motor Bicycles and Cams, and have t he hest titled workshoT out of S.% (hwy. Sundries & Dupileates for all makes stocked.. Sole District A gent for T. RobinsonCo. Ptry. Ltd. of spottiswood, victoria), Farming Machinery. . A Trial solicited. • Satisfaction guaranteed. . All kinds of Colonial and Imported Timbers in Stock. Address: . R. A STANFIELD,.Peel Street, TAMWORTH. TAMIVOit'clt n0111'110001— .. Charlton Miss Dressmaker City Bank of Sydney, LW—. C. 11. Shepherd, Manager Civilian Ride Club—G. McLeod, Sec. Clark Marcus and Co., Ltd. Merchants ' Clarke A. (West) '.... Stationmaster Saddler Clarke E. J. Closer Settlement Advisory Board, Fred. Poate, Pres.; E. J. De bough, Secretary Cockburn Shire Council—A. 'P. Rodgers, Pres. ; A. C. McLeod, Shire . Clerk ; 0. W. Wikner, Engineer • COHEN (NATHAN) & CO. LIMITED Auctioneers, Stock 'end' Station Agents, Land .and General Corn. miasien Agents, Exchange Build. ings, Peel st. (See Advt. Tarn. worth Pastoral Section) Cohen Aubrey A. Dentist er and Cohen Victor I., Auctione Accountant • Collier George Brickmaker Colwell Rev. James (Meth.) Cousin° Bros .... Refreshment Rooms ' Commercial Bank—E. • B Deckhouse, .Manager Connell A. J. Dentist CONSTABLE A. B. FarleiIi Ilarold A. Herbalist Feeney. Miss Dressmaker Farrier, Coachbuilder, and Gene. Fielder O. and Son .... Flourmillers rat Smith. Repairs of all de. Fielder IL, 3.1'. scriptions at Moderate Cost. Bullock Tackling a; Speciality. Copas 11. . Y.. • Prince of Wales Hotel Cosh Rev. James (Pres.) Cousens II. L., J.P. CreaghCreagh Solicitors Creagh A. J., Solicitor and Hon. Sec. Mechanics' Institute • • Cross Frederick •Blacksmith Cross Samuel Blacksmith Crouch F. II, Dentist Cunningham .1. Baker Gunsmith Dean L. I Denning G. E. Tanner, Furrier, etc. Denning J. and SonSaddlers Denning J., J.P. Dickens Rev. C. (C. of E.) Dobson C. T. Dentist Dominican Convent—Rev. Mother Melda Donaldson Mrs. J. .... Boardinghouse Donaldson J. W. .. Boots and Shoes Dorris Miss .Dressmaker Dowe Richard A. Solicitor Doyle Lionel (West), Royal Oak Hotel Plumber MIMI J. II. Eather W. C. B. General Store Esther M. A. Carrier Edwards 0. A. .... Police Magistrate Tailor Elliott C. L. England Theo. . Solicitor Evans William and Son. Watchmakers Evans J. .. Superintendent of Police Fairfax S. Tamworth Hotel FISHER H. L. (Late J. T. Robertson), Forwarding Agent and Produce-, Merchant, Brisbane Street. Flanders Peer Tailor Flower Charles (West), Produce Merchant Flynn Johh T., J P Auctioneer Baker Fowler A. ' Friendly Societies' Medical Institute— E. Schofield, Secretary, Galbraith John Contractor Canter. Bros., Watchmakers and Jewellers Garvin and Cousens Ltd. Auctioneers Gillies It. II., Builder arid Contractor Glyde & Co. Chemists Gordon Miss ,. Music Teacher Goons .0. G. .....Fuel Merchant Government Savings' 'Bank of N.S.W. —C. W. Breakspear, Mgr. Grayston W. E. and A. E., Bakers and General Store Green Mount Land & Quarry Co., Ltd. —Victor I. Cohen, Secretary Green William andBooksellerst Green II. Cab Proprietor Green 11. Overseer of Works Halliday .11. J., Chairman Land Board Harcourt Arthur Mercer Harris -11..L., J.P Physician Thorsby s Limited; and all kinds of Joinery • FOr DoorsSashes, Work, Mouldings '& 'Turnery of every description. The Largest and Besi Equipped • Factory. in the North.'Phone. 1,71.,. . NOTE—Special Quotations given for large lines. All enquiries promptly attended to. Electric Joinery Works & Moulding Mills—Tamworth. Steam .Saw Mills—Yarrowitch. MACHINE-MADE COTTAGES manufactured by Thorsby's Limited ' erected anywhere, • distance no objection.300,000 feet of selected Timber in stock gh oG WOOD Atli COMPANY,: •THE. FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF N.S.W. I SYDNEY. gteral°41 1.1310;r'gs Harvey Bros., Opticians and Jewellers Hassan Fred., J.P., Engineer and Machinery Agent Hayne Miss Dressmaker Haynes and Spitler, Vignerons and Nurserymen Hairdresser 'licher Ilenry Carrier lleyman 1 Coach l'ainter Ilicicson J. J. lloard inghou se llotigiciss Mrs. Bootmaker llohnes J. II. Dorn .1. C., Stationer and Fancy Goods Boottnaker IlOtson .1. E. Tailor ilowlett A. Howlett G. Shorthand Teacher Hub:Ind-Smith W. & Co., Stock, Station, Machinery, Forwarding Agents, etc. Hughes W. Town Clerk ' Hume George A. 'Hunter John and Sons, Ltd., Boots and Shoes Dressmaker • bigall Miss Irwin T. Corantereid Hotel ,Ison David (West), Fruiterer and Store Jansen F. B. Norfolk Hotel Jarman Fredk. Refreshment Rooms Jarman 0. R. (West) .... Contractor Jarman W. Fruiterer John D., Managing Director The State Stores Ltd. aker Johnson G. lkVendor Johnson .1. Milk Johnston and Fletcher .. Auctioneers Johnston A. J., .T.P. Johnstone Rev. A. (C. of E.) - JOSEPH ALBERT, Managing Director "The Tamworth News. paper Co., Ltd." (see Advt.) . Heating Isaac Saddler Butcher :Heys J. T. Kiefer George Butcher Ring II. J., Manager Bank of Australasia .Hirby 1'. 3. and Co.' Toilers Ladies' Benevolent Society— Miss Halliday, Hon. Sec. Lahti= W. .1. ...... Livery Stables Lambert F., Wood and Coal Merchant Lambert Mrs. J. Boardinghouse Lambert Jas., House and Land agent LANDERS & CANTRELL, Auc- tioneers, Stock, Station, Land and Insurance, Agents. New Commodious Offices, Peel • 'Street, near Royal Hotel (see 1 Advt. • Tainwortli . Pastoral Section) WOOD AND COMPANY Newman G. II, Solicitor Landers 'I'. IV. (Landers ' & Cantrell) Langens Charles J. .. Empire Hotel Newman T...... . Hairdresser Leeson A. F. Electrician Newman 'I%J.P. Leggett J. It. Cabinetmaker New Zealand Fire'and'Marine Leigh J. B. Central Hotel Insurance Co. Lewis H. L. General Agent Nicholson's Piano 'DepotLiverpool and London and Globe ' Matthews Bros., Agents InsuranceSmith and Co., Nottlwil IV. P. Saddler Agents Northern and North-Wes tern Districts Loder George Surveyor Racing Association — Victor I. Lofberg & baker Painters, etc. I Cohen, Secretary" Store O'Brien 'E. .... clothier 'and Mercer Lord II. Baker O'Brien ltev. T. A. (11.0.) Low W. Lowcock & King, Stock and Station O'Halloran R. J. ; ... ...Solicitor Agents Oliphant Phodre Post Office Hotel Lyntield Girls' College and KinderO'Neill Very Rev: Deeti garten—Miss Saxby, Principal O'Reilly Itev. 1,. (11.G.) ' Blacksmith McCaffrey John Thomas, Federal llotel Orman George Draper Overall A. ' •Confectioner, etc. McCann M. McCoy A. J. .. Teacher Public School l'acre W. (\Vest); Teacher Public School McDonald & Ilohnes, Boots and Shoes McDonald G. It. W. ... Land Agent Paling IV. II. and Co., Pianos, Music, etc.—T. G. McShane, Rep. McFarland C. W. .. Club House Hotel McKay A. G. ....Mgr. Bank N.S.W. Palmer G. E. Boots and Shoes Palmer Georep ... Forwarding Agent McKay II. V., Agricultural Implements, etc. McLean R. G. Furniture Dealer McMahon F. J., Mgr. Prescott's Ltd. McMillan T. G. .... Criterion Hotel PALMER LINTON C. McShane T. C.' Music Warehouse Licensed Survey,* strider Real 3feTaggart A. II. Dentist Property Act, MeTaggart M., District Works Officer MeTague N. Assistant (.1.P.S. Madden Arthur • Hairdresser Paragon Millinery Co. (The) • Muttony k Condon, Stock and Parsons Mrs. A. A. ... General Store Station Agents Parsons S. (West), leon's Faraily• Mallaby G. Chemist Hotel Malley Miss Dressmaker Paton Napoleon Surveyor Manchester Unity Hall Patterson John Solicitor Mattson .1. .1. .. Shop and Office Fitter Paul Miss Typist Martin James and Co., Agricultural Pearson It. A. ilnirdresser, etc. Implements and Machinery Agents Peel Brick Co., Ltd - • • Mason A. E. Dentist Peel Shire Council—IV. 0. Chalky. Mason A. E., Tobacconist and Farley l'res.; • Cecil • W. Flynn, Shire Goods Clerk; . 0. IV. •Jenkins. .Engineer Matheson Alexander Mayor Piper and Co., Soap and Candle Maunder Bros Well Borers Manufacturers May Mrs. C. G. .... Ladies' Outfitter I'ocknall Rev. E. (Dept.) Mechanics' Institute—A. J. Creagh, Architect l'onsonby E. J. lion. Sec. Porter I), A. Architect Melton T.• (West); Locomotive Hotel Post I G.. • 'Livery Stables Michael and Co. General Store Potts F. J. ...... Plumber.and Painter Miller Mrs. F: A. .. Certificated Nurse Potts W. E., Tobacconist and, Moffat W. Coachbuilder . Fancy Goods Builder Moran IV. A. I Solicitor Muggleton G. • Poundkeeper Prescott's 'Ltd.—F. J. McMahon, National Mutual Life Association— Manager IV. A.: Bourne, J.P:, Dist. Sec. Neary IV, II. Stationmaster Pullman Mrs. T. S. (nein ist Neminghe Gold Dredging Co. (N.L.) Punch ht.A. Chemist —Victor I. Cohen, Sec. Puxty A. . Tattersall's Hotel THE MOST EFFICIENT FUNERAL DIRECTORS IN THE CITY. hitert,.° ANTHONY HORDERNS' —RELIABLE TRADERS FOR TOWN OR COUNTRY. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR ECONOMY AND COMFORT IN SHOPPING. 212ATam TAM %YOUTH CONTI N ORD- "Quirindi 'Herald." ' Published Tuesdays arid Friday's. Leading Cir. Culation over Quirinal, Liverpool Plains, and a large area of Tamworth and Ounneaell District. The recognised organ of the man on the land. Backman B. Fruiterer Butcher Itadoll C. J. Itanclaua & Thomas Architects Architect Ranclatol I'. F. Reeder W. F. ... Refreshment Rooms Megan 0. General Store ReganPlcFourMis Rickard J. Contractor, etc. Reilly and Davies Painters, etc. Richardson W. Blacksmith RileyJ.A(CharsgnLimted) Robinson T. and Co. Proprietary, Ltd., Machinery Agents Robinson 0. Livery Stables RobsnA.E,GrceadIomng Mercer Rogers J. W. Russell & Arnold Painters Ruth A. J. Herbalist, etc. Ryan Daniel Crolly's Hotel Ryan Michael B. Coach Factory St. George L. Warner Dentist Sands G. II. Baker SavingsBkofN.AV—W Upjohn, Accountant Saxby Miss •Lynfleld College Schwartz Wm. Builder ScotishUnadNlIsti, ance Co.—F. Wyndham, Agent Seehibana A. Paradise Gardens Selig J. A. General Store SetarMis(W),Pomtre Sexton .1% P. Physician Sexty W. E., J.P Chemist Sheehan Miss Musk Teacher SHEEDY E. P. M. F.S.A.A. (Eng.), F.C.P.A., Public Accountant, Savings Bank Chambers, Bolton st, Newcastle, Peel at, Tantworth, and at Gunneaah. Shelton A. W., Agricultural Implement Maker Shipley T. General Store Silver W. and Sons Engineers SingerMaufctCo.,Ld— W. Lamb, Mgr. Smith W. H. Sz Co., Stock and Station Agents Smith Albert Watchmaker Smith H. 1 . Fruiterer Smith Miss J. Dressmalcer Farrier Smith I Smith P. G. & Co., Drapers, Grocers, etc. • Sneadon A. Confectioner, etc. Sneddon J. Bootmaker Solomons G. A. Photographer ,Solonnons Richard W., Royal Hotel Starr-Bowkett Society— THORSBY'S LIMITED, Electric Gordon McLeod, Secretary Joinery Works, etc. (see Advt.) Treloar T. J. and Co... General Store J., J.P. Hairdresser Tribe M. Universal Providers, Peel at, Solicitor TribeWm.F,J1' Tamworth, and at Cobar, Redfern, Caledonian Hotel Trim G. A. Wagga ana Warren. Tailors Stevenson II, II. Land Agent Turner & Carey Tailor Turner George Summers Mrs. Dressmakers SunOadCo.(West),GrlS Turton and Co. Plumbers, etc. UnioBakfAustrl— Summers Mrs. Dressmaker F. N. Hawkin g, Manager TatnworhAgiculsaton— Upjohn W., Accountant Savings J. R. Wood, Sec. Bank N.S.W. Tamworth Butter FactoryShoemaker 0. Illumnond, Secretary Varney Victoria Stud ios Tamworth Choir—A. Ashworth, Hon. Sec. Wade S. Poultry Dealer Walker S. It., Pres. N.S.W. Alliance Tamworth Cleaning and Dyeing (Tainworth Branch) Works Tamworth Co. operative Dairying Co.— Walley T. B., J.P Physician Auctioneer Walsh W. J. J. T. Hammond, Secretary Tamworth Coursing Club— WEBSTER'S CYCLE AND MOTOR Colin Heber, Secretary WORKS, Peel Street (see Advt.) " TAMWORTH DAILY Wheeler and Wilson Sewing OBSERVER," with which is Machine Agency STATES STORES LTD.(THE) Treloar T. incorporated "The Tamworth News" and "The Tamworth Observer "—A. Joseph, Managing Director (Ben Advt.) Tatnworth Dental Institute Tantworth Gas and Coke Co., Ltd.— Victor I. Cohen, Sec. Tanuvorth ilospital—G. Palmer, lion. Sec. Tamworth Jockey Club—C. Jeffries Britten, Jun., Hon. Sec. Tamworth Land Board— G. Robinson, Proprietor. Vehicles of all descriptions for Sale or Hire at Moderate Rates, and at all hours. Passengers driven to any part of the district. Tamworth Machine Brick and Tile Co., Ltd.—Victor I. Cohen, Secretary Tamworth Musical Society— F. II. Crouch, lion. Sec. Tamworth Newspaper Co.—A. Joseph, Managing Director Tamworth Permanent Mutual Benefit, Building and Investment Society— Victor I. Cohen, Secretary 'TAM WORTH TIMES" (THE) The Most Original, Up-to-ante, AND COMPANY: STENCIL PLATIM OUT To Order any Design. W. 'I'. Whiting, Tank and Stovemaker, Peel at. Mechanical Repairs of all descriptions executed with despatch Whittle E. Imperial Hotel Wilkinson G. .. Great Northern Hotel Williams W. (West) Store Wong U. W. General Store Baker E. J. Ilalliday, Chairman Wright F. W. Wyndham E. (Daruka) Vigneron Tamworth Laundry— A. Doolan, l'roprietor Wyndham Frank Auctioneer Young E. Wine Depot Draper %Atha Susie TAM WORTH LIVERY STABLES SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE and Best.printed Paper • in the COMPANY, Ltd. (Fire and AcNorthern District. Published Tues. day and Friday Evenings. cident)—W. Huband-Smith and Taylor Bros. Plumbers Co., Agents. Taylor C. Bootmaker Sowerby G. B. Dentist Technical College—A. chapple, Master Billposter, etc. Temperance and General . Mutual Life Spillane I Staader II. Dealer Assurance Ten Hop General Store STANFIELD R. A., Builder and Theatre Royal—II. 0. Ison, Proprietor • Contractor & Timber Merchant, Thibault 0. and W. (West), General Store : Peel Street- (See Advt.) Thomas NV. E. (Ranclaud and Stanley G. P., J.P. — Physician Thomas), Architects WOOD Tar COUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Tar ME FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF N.S.W. WingLeadCo.,PrucMhnts TARAGO. By rail direct. Nearest bank, Goulburn. Allalook 0. Store Butcher BaretJns.kd Hush J. J. Railway Hotel Ilutchings Emily .Fruiterer Jacobs J. • ••Store Lynch Francis Blacksmith Store Tetley Bros. 'Weir Mrs. A. .. Lake Hathurst Hotel TARALGA. 164 Tn. S. Rail to Goulburn, thence coach. Bank, N.S.W. Bank of N.S.W.—R. H. Powell, Mgr. Bergin John Carrier Bradbury William Auctioneer Bunker- David J. Saddler Byrne James Richlands Hotel (Mack Charles • Carrier Clifton M. Commercial Hotel Fitzgibbons John Blacksmith SYDNEY. ( trtdo702.."Vag Gordon Henry Royal Hotel Hughes Miss A. Store Kelly D. P. Blacksmith Louden F. G. 4.: Co. Store McKenzie Colin Saddler McKenzie W. D. Store McLean William J. Dairyman McRae D. II. and J. A. Dairymen Martin and Co. Millers Builder Milne George Fruiterer Milne R. Mooney Bros. Butchers Mooney Thomas Argyle Inn Hotel North Misses Dressmakers Quinn Thomas Blacksmith Baker Reeson J. B. Roberts Freak. Fruiterer Ross Charles Auctioneer Sullivan Richard General Store Swan Alfred Butcher Carrier Webb W. Whiting II. B. General Store Store Whiting W. 11. TARANA. 119 m. W. By rail direct. Nearest bank, Bathurst. Collins Bros. Store Delaney Charles Blacksmith Payne E. General Store Yates R. Railway hotel Sion= IV. Coach Proprietor Smith and Bash= Sawmills Smith Barrie Hairdresser Smith J. T. Livery Stables Spence Samuel Carrier Spence John Fruiterer Steininitz Peter Saddler Stewart James Builder Storm E. J. Watchmaker Stokes A. Physician Styles Thomas Greengrocer Taylor J. Dyer Thempson Mrs. 0.General Store Tonkin John Undertaker Trim William Saddler Trotter Douglas Dentist Trotter Mrs. II. 1'. Store Tuck H. E. Dentist • Unicomb Di. Dressmaker Walden F. W. Coach Proprietor Whitbread Edward John, Blacksmith Wilcox George Oyster Saloon Moodley h. II. Engineer Wrigley J., Builder and Contractor Wynter Albert, Carpenter and Joiner Wynter Douglas Contractor Boyce J. B. and NV. B., Newspaper Proprietors Bradley George Contractor Brimstone W. Butcher Brown William Bootunthackeerr fluffier A. J. Auctioneer Castle Alfred NV. Solicitor Catt L., lIairdresser and Tobacconist Cause John Greengrocer Butcher . .T. C l icor eklei Bares Milliner Coleman G. A. ..Cordial Manufacturer Draper cial Banking Co. of Sydney, COoolmlimnser— Ltd. Cook Thomas Carrier Solicitor Cowan David Croad M. II. Royal Hotel Grocer Crofton John Photographer Cro mbie R. E. Ca srtroi re er Delves John Diamond W. F. Edstein J. J. .... Monumental Mason Edwards & Jones Bakers Edwards S. R. Watchmaker Elliott William, Sewing Machine Agent Flat II. IV. Auctioneer FotherInghant A. .. Commercial Hotel Store Fronde W. J. Agent Content If. R. (SEE TORROWANOI E.) Physican Gormley J. W. Music Seller Gould W. lienderson C. Contractor Ironmonger Hobson F. James it Co. Janson A. BoatbuSitleloerer 109 in. N. Rail direct. Tinsmith Adams A. W. Store Jenkins C. W a t c h m k e r Johnson Frank Butcher Dixon A. F. 780 m. S. Via Hay, Balranald, Jones Boots and Shoes Bros. Butcher Green Walter and Wentworth. Nearest bank, TARRAWINGEE. TARCOOLA. Via Bega. 159 tn. S. COUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Tay213A TARRO. TANJA. 340 m. S. Wentworth. TARCOON. Kerte Harry Engineer Ladd E. T. Blacksmith Lean It. L. Photographer Lean Samuel T. Wheelwright London Bank of Australia Ltd.- 495 nt. W. By rail direct. 0. David, Manager Kelly A. J. Railway Hotel McAlpine John Engineer McCartney A. .. Windsor Castle Hotel McCormick R. Wheelwright Dentist McKay Miss • Tailor McKenzie Allan 324 m. S. Rail to Gundagai or McMahon Mrs. NV. 0., TARCUTTA. Steam Packet Hotel Wagga, thence Coach Bank, Commercial of Sydney Malcolm F. Hairdresser Brown Thomas Fruiterer Manning River A.M. and A. Society Ingram Andrew General Store Manning River Pharmacy Leseberg George Blacksmith Manning River Plumbing Co. Podmore George, Horse and Mewling Shire Council—D. Cowan, Jockey Hotel Pre.; NV. N. G. Palmer, Shire Ralph A. J. School Teacher Clerk; P. J. Ward, Shire Engineer Martin L. 0. Solicitor Masters and Skidmore ... Plumbers Mercer MP chell II. Mitchell John Livery Stables Bootniaker oran n El I. . 144 m. N. By steamer direct. Munn Undertaker Banks, Commercial, N.S.W., and Noon J. London Bank of Australia Ltd. Palmer John Gunsmith Courts Quarter and Petty Sessions. Parker M. & Co. Store Abbott I Butcher Plummer L. Auctioneer Alcorn II. W. - Builder Progress Association—F. Johnson, Sec. rhroi esr Armstrong Hugh Cycle Agent Read William Armstrong 1Vtn. Saddler Ridgeway J. Boots andCaS Atkinson Alfred Contractor Robinson R. II. General Store Fruiterer Rochester Mrs. t i nitehr Baker hI. B l ale ki isl To Baker Miss R. Dressmaker Rose A. Bank 'of N.S.W.—H. W. Davis, Mgr. Saxby George Cordial Factory Bennett Henry Chemist Saxb P. G. Commission Agent Bignell Mrs. Milliner Sing e W. F.' Fruiterer Boyce Charles, Auctioneer Skidmore and Masters .... Plumbers and Furniture Dealer Skitter George Livery Stables TAREE. WOOD AND COMPANY Litle&McCarny.Autioes TATHAM. 368 m. N. By steamer direct. Nearest bank, Casino. Arnold C. A. Store Flaherty T. Tatham Hotel Johnson T. and Sons, Broom Factory Marsh CI. S. Butcher l'olson II. H. and J.Farmers Riley J. J. Blacksmith' TATHRA. 175 tn. S. By steamer. Nearest bank, Bega. Builder Baker W. T. • Bela J. C. Ocean Pioto Hotel Doltan Walter General Store Spence Thomas Tanner Tang James P. Builder Walker NV. Agent I.S.N. Co. TATH RA ROAD. 175 m. S. Via Tathra. . Store Carr Annie Thompson John Bacon Curer TAYLOR'S ARM. 360 m. N. Via •Macksville. Almond W. Blacksmith Capp E. C.. .. Cosmopolitan Mkt Store Elias Frank Provert Robert Butcher Soul Kenneth Butcher SUPPLY FLORAL TRIBUTE* OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. SYDNEY. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR TOOLS OF ALL TRADES. 214ATea COUNTRY COMMERCIAL. JOHN HARMON, Splendid Agricultural and Grazing Properties for Sale. Particulars on...Application. TEA GARDENS. 197 m. N. Steamer to Raymond Terrace, thence via Limeburnera' Creek. Nearest bank, Raymond Terrace or Stroud. Doherty .... Port Stephens Hotel Engel A. Butcher and Baker Hough B. A. Store Smith Hannah E., Tea Gardens Hotel, and Store Thurlow and Co. .. Launch Proprietor 107m. N. Steamer to Port Macquark or Kempsey. Nearest bank, Port Macquarie. Daley A. Store Harriott E. ' Butcher Keogh E. . Store Keogh T.Telegraph Point Hotel Naylor E. C. Mail Contractor Newberry G. Blacksmith TELERAN. near West Maitland. Bauldwin It. Federal hold Patterson Mrs. 'Store Watts Thomas .• .. Store STOCK and STATION AGENT, c TEMORA. rtP Callaghan and . Cowley Butchers 'Campbell G. M. Coachbuilder 200 tn. S. • Rail direct. Banks, Carr J. J. • Hairdresser N.S.W., Union, , Commercial ot Cashman Hate, Oashman's Family Hotel 'Sydney, Commercial of Australia, Govt. Savings Bank. Court Petty Chatten S. .' . .....Grand Hotel • Sessions, Young Quarter Sessions. Clark and McCaigAuctiorieers, Allen E. Tobacconist Commercial Bank of Australia Ltd.— , L. II. Morris, Manager Anthony T. B. Club Hotel Arnold and Warton Blacksmiths Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, Ltd.—II. E. Inglis, Manager Arnold W. Ta ilor Ashford C. Fruiterer Comyns Patrick Shamrock Hotel Ashton C. Farrier Painter Conroy P. Millie W. Commission Agent Cookson R. G., Physician & Surgeon Bank of N.SAY.—E. 'W. Evans, Mgr. Cooney William, Federal Clothing Co. Bannon John Terminus Ilotel Corbett R. A. Railway Hotel Baxter Mrs. W. Store Crook F. E. P. C.P.S. Chamber Magistrate & ' Regis. B. M. & I). Derby Miss Matron Hospital Bennett C. C Dentist Daniel IV. ...... . Watchmaker Bollinger C. Plumber Darling J. and Son.', Wheat Buyers De Boos Mrs. M. A. '.. Stationer, etc. BRADLEY J. A., Part Proprietor Denteher Oscar Cycle Agent " Temora Independent " and Dibbs ii. C., .1.P., Solicitor alai Coroner " Barmedman Banner" (see Doering-Hickey Mrs.. A., Draper,. eta. Advt.) DOHERTY, MACKIE AND CO., Brett T Bristol Hotel " Auctioneers. Stock and Station Brooks W. ' ' ' ' Bootmaker Brown Rev. A. (Motif.) Agents (see Advt.) Bryant' Rev. B. Dore (C. of E.) ,. Burrows F. A. Dentist Butler II. Builder DONNELLY J. J. & CO. Butler J. A. ' Dentist Grain Exporters, Stock Old Byrnes Bros. Skin Buyers Station Agents. Byrnes Bros. Cycle Agents Byrnes G. T. Wine Depot Dunn it. Carrier Byron A. Cycle Agent Dunn Thomas ' Plutnber Byron C. . Hairdresser Dunn .1. A ..... . •. Produce Store TENIORA. GENERAL STOREKEEPER, Fred.. Matters'. StOres ; :jiar4's S. A. Wines : Lister's Cream' Separators ; Berger's Prepared Paint ; .Cooper .She:eP Dip ; Corticelli Silk; e: Koerstz, Wool Presses, Plmenix Baking Powder. -• 810.12 George I • WOOD AND COMPANY ' : Eff iuNtkiCoiREcniiiSYDNEY. ( gesa treet°Mee, South. 'Phone 726 / ESTABLISHED 1880. ESTATE AND LIVE STOCK SALESMEN, TEMORA, WYALONG and CONDOBOLIN, N.S.W. ANTHONY HORDERNS' — SPOT CASH MERCHANTS. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR STATION SUPPLIES. 216A THE Tern Tern COUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Tem TEMORA "INDEPENDENT" PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY THE SOLE PROPRIETORS, J L. TRI.!IFLI■.; and J. A. BRADLEY. THE OLDEST AND LARGEST PAPER in the Temora District, and circulates throughout the Teuton', Bartnedman, Reefton, Sebastopol, Springdale, Stockinbingal, Ariah Park, Ardlethan, Beckon), Mimosa, Beetric, BareIlan and Morangarell Districts. It goes into almost every Squatter's and Selector's home, as it is recognised as the Settlers' Paper. The "INDEPENDENT" is an Extra Double-Royal Up-to-date Paper, and a first-Class Medium for Advertisers. Compare it with other bi-weekly papers in the State. See also " Tint BAnmiumiAN BANNItll," Barmedinan Section, TEN1011A CONTINCKI)— Evans E. W., Manager Bank of New South Wales Faber (The) Photo Studio Falconer A., Contractor and 13rickmaker Fallon Rev. Father E. J. (R.C.) Farmers' and Settlers' Association— A. G. Stoneman, See. FarrellM. T. Solicitor Federal Clothing Co.—William Cooney Finselbach W. Physician Florance R. M., Dentist, and Sec. School of Arts Freer E. M. •Auctioneer Fuller Mrs. Dressmaker Fullerton Bros. Store Geale W. P., Builder and Contractor GELLING & SONS LTD., Auctioneers, etc. (see Advt.) Gibson & Co. Blacksmiths Gillespie and Pardey Flour Mills (lovers Miss Maud Dressmaker Govt. Savings Bank—H. A. Smith, Manager Graham W. Builder Gunn F. C. Tailor Gunn Mrs. Tea Rooms Hampel Mrs. E. .. Refreshment Rooms HARMON JOHN, Stook and Station Agent (see Advt.) harper G. C. Physician Matte and Co. Blacksmiths Hawkins T. C., Royal Exchange Hotel Hayes Mrs. W. Nurse Rainer II. Builder ilickey F., junr. Saddler bourn J. Farrier Ilyde F. Saddler Inglis R. E., Manager Commercial Bank Jamieson John Solicitor Jones and Nixon, Boots and Shoes, &c. Hauffmann S., Bushman's Home and Store Kitt E. C. Fruiterer Laker II., J.P., Engineer and Architect Lawler It Tattersall's Hotel Lazarus M. Cordialmaker Leary W. J. Baker Lucas W. G. J. Auctioneer McDonnell M. Skin Buyer Man Sing and Co. .... General Store Martin James and Co., Machinery Agents Masonic Ilall (The) Massey.11arris Co., Ltd.— G. E. Howlett, Mgr. Mattliewson N. C. Hairdresser Meagher John and Co., Ltd., General Store Meagher P. F., J.P Solicitor Meehan Mrs. IC. Confectioner Middleton & Sons Auctioneers Murphy Mrs. C., Furniture Dealer and Monumental Mason MynottJ. Coachbuilder Nader John Draper Nanearrow R. 0., Mgr. Wright, Heaton & Co., Ltd. Narraburra Shire Council—C, Hawkins, Pros.;• A. C. Oldrini, Shire Clerk ; II. Laker, Shire Engineer Ness A. D. and Co., Machinery Agents, &c. Ness A. D., Printer and Publisher "The Temora Star" N.S.W. Butter and Produce Agency, 'Ltd. Nixon \V. and W. J. Agents Nixon William, J.P., Stationer and Tobacconist Norman W. J. Engineer O'Dea P. General Store O'Halloran E. H. J. . Town Clerk O'Sullivan Rev. M. (11.0.) Penfold John Queensland Hotel Pratt C. P. Engineering Works Rain S. J. Butcher Reichart J. Bootmaker Reid A. Coachbuilder Reid F. Baker Item G. Tobacconist Riman L. W Watchmaker Robertson E Bootmaker Robins E. R Boots and Shoes lioss Miss E Nurse MILLER AND JAMES, Auc- St. Brigid's Convent—M. Brigid, ReV. Mother tioneers, Stock, Station and St. Joseph's SchoclFinancial Agents (see Advt.) Sisters of St. Joseph School of Arts—R. M. Florance, Sec. Mellow John ....Westminster Hotel Schwarze Mrs. Boarding-house MILLER & JAMES AUCTIONEERS, Land, Commission, Finance and Manufacturers' Agents, WOOD AND COMPANY: THE FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF COM, Branch OfficesGILGANDRA and WEST an/ALONG. SYDNEY. COUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Tern• 217e DOHERTY, MACKIE CO., AUCTIONEERS, Victorian Stock and Statiori. Agents, CAMPERDOWN, VIC. andTEMORA, N.S.W. We make a speciality of Wheat Properties. Write for Property List. Schema II. Cycle Agent Temora District Hospital—II. P. Shaw H. Giles .... P.M. and Warden Tucker, Sec.; Miss Beeby, Matron Sheldrick II. Butcher Temora Foundry and Engineering Shing Willie Greengrocer Works-0. P. Pratt Shumack J. hairdresser Temora Golf Club-11. E. Rose, See. Small William Royal Hotel Smith T. & Co. Tailors Smith Colin Stationmaster Smith II. A. Postmaster, etc. Smith henry Commission Agent Smith J. T. Fruiterer Smith Mrs. M. A. Baker Smith 0. Federal Hotel AUCTIONEERS, Smith Robert Land Agent Smith Rev. W. Anson (Pres.) LAND, ESTATE, STOCK AND Smith W. II. Plumber Speirs R. Watchmaker STATION AGENTS, Stephens S., jun. Saddler, etc. Stewart Burdett J. L., Empire Hotel HOTEL BROKERS AND VALUATORS. Stockman & Kleinig, Produce Merchants STUCKEY & CO., STONEMAN A. G., Manager and Editor the "Temora Star" (see Advt.) cash advanced on any Properties bought through our Agency at Low Rates of Interest Baker Sweeney P. 1 omen:– Tabacis & Co. Oyster Saloon Temora Amateur Racing Club— Next Door QueenslandRotel W. II. Byrnes, Secretary Temora Benevolent Society— TEMORA, N.S.W. Mrs. Toose, Secretary 'Femora Clothing Co. Temora Co-operative Butter Factory F. Freer, Secretary Temora P.A.H. and I. Association— Temora Coach and Waggon Co.— W. II. Byrnes, Secretary •G. M. Campbell " TEMORA INDEPENDENT" Newspaper-J. L. Tree, M.L.A. and J. A. Bradley, Proprietors (see Advt.) "TEMORA STAR" NEWSPAPER CO., Ltd.—A. G. STONE/1JAN, Manager and Editor (Bee Advt.). Temora Trotting Clubs. Stephens, jun., Secretary Tewksbury A. R. .. 'remora Brewery MOM JAMES, General Store (see Advt.) Thomas Robert Tailor Thompson Bros. .. Auctioneers, etc. Thompson C. Faber .... Photographer Timber Cutters' and Carters' Association Toose A. C' Motor Garage TREFLE J. L., M.L.A., Part Proprietor " Temora Independent" Newspaper and " Barmedman Banner" (sec Advt.) Turner A. Chemist Union Bank—A. C. Wotton, J.P., • Manager Vernon C. M. Builder Walsh James .... Boots and Shoes Watt Jolla (Doherty, Mackie & Co.) THE TE ORA STAR, PUI3LISIIED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY, The Farmers' and Settlers' , Newspaper. STOCK & STATION AGENTS, mortike e) t°, atersitt°Smo:t."°Thotl IN addition to providing the local, general and telegraphic news, lb, special feature is reliable.' information about the markets ; the results of experiments in agricultural and . pastoral pursuits and the opinions of the best experts on all matters relating to the soil, crops, stock and implements. Information of use to those seeking land, and regarding the land laws, are given close attention.• TENIORA ' STAR NEWSPAPER CO., LTD., Proprietors. A. G. STONEMIN,Manager and Editor. A. D. NESS, Printer and Publisher. WOOD AND COMPANY: EMPLOY ONLY THE MOST COMPETENT ASSISTANTS, SYDNEY. - ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR FURNITURE AND FAMILY DRAPERY. Ten 218sTenCOUNTRY COMMERCIAL. REPAIRS of all Rinds undertaken at moderate cost to GUNS, TENNIS RACQUETS, and SEWING MACHINES. P. Woodbry's Agent for TURNER BROS.' Bic y cles, absolutely the leaders – selected by the Commonwealth flovernment to carry His Majesty's mails, surely sufficient guarantee of their merit. 800 Bike Hospital BIKES for SALE and HIRE on easy terms. All sundries stocked ; Acetylene Gas Plants installed ; write for estimates. TENTERFIELD.,-■16.Draper Webb II. A. Wennerbom C. Butcher Will Bros. Produce Store Williamson Joseph Hairdresser Nurse Wilson Mrs. . Wilson W. General Store Wood Mrs. ' .... Refreshment Rooms Chemist Woods W. J. • Wotton A. C., J.P., Manager Union Bank Wright, Heaton and Co., Ltd., Forwarding Agents THA I ORA CONTINUI C D • TENANDRA. 368 in. •W. Rail to Warren, thence. coach. Simpson G. M. Hotel TENTERFIELD. 481 m. N. Rail direct. 'Banks, A.TI.C., N.S.W., N. Queensland. Courts Quarter and Petty Sessions.Adams J. Blacksmith Allison James Royal Hotel AlIna R. Ii.. P.M and Warden Amateur Picnic Race Club—F. W. Hoskin, Sec. Australian Bank of•Comtnerce Ltd.— F. Hargrave, Manager Andronico Bros. Oyster Saloon Bildey M. Baker Bank of N.S.W.—S. II. Dowe, Mgr. Bank of North Queensland0. H. Ifindmarsh, Manager Bate IV. J., lion. Sec. School of Arts Bentley a: W., "IntercoIonia' Courier" Bruner and Cotton, Auctioneers,. Stock- and .Station Agents Buchanan P. K., Teacher Public School Butler Bros. ' Bakers, etc. Butler A. B., Photographer and Apiarist Byrne J. Plumber Cairns T. General Agent Caledonian Society— GI. C. Stevenson, Secretary Cannon H. Brickmaker Capponi Mrs. M. Fruiterer Clancy Roy. J. T. (R.C.) Clark Bros. Sawmillcre . , Clarke A. ' Stationtnaster • , Clarke Thos., Builder and *Undertaker WOOD AND COMPANY: L Claveric B. Boottnaker Carrie! Collins A. Carrier Collins II. ComteIlan D. Wine Depot Builder Ceoper II. Corney D. E. Coachbu jitter Corm Nurse .... Private Hospital Crisp T. and Co. Butchers Crisp William Coffee Palace Day James IL Builder Bearden P. Butcher Dickson H. Outfitter Donoghue J. ...... Telegraph Hotel Donoghue Patrick, Cordial Mumble. Doolin E. Blacksmith Doolin It. J., Auctioneer and Stock and Station Agent Bowe S. II., Manager Bank N.S.W. DRUMMOND WILLIAM Licensed Surveyor (under Real Property Act) and Land Agent. Undertakes private sales of property in the district. 30 years' experience under Crown Lands Act. All classes of Land Board work undertaken. Agency, Tentertield. Dwyer J Boardinghouse Ebert H. Fuel Depot Edmonds A. 11. .... Hairdresser, etc. Flashman C. E., Medical Practitioner Fletcher A. M. .... Terminus Hotel Forrest W. .8., .LP., C.P.S. and 'Registrar Births, Deaths and Marrives Frankel 0. Carrier French I hairdresser Frost W. Blacksmith Garr 0. L. General Store airier G. Cabinetmaker Gissing .&„ Rutherford .. Storekeepers Gymnasium Tennis Club-A. H. Purkis, Secretary Harris 11. V. and R. .. Solicitors Hawkins Patrick Blacksmith Heweston T. W. (Sandilands), Sawmills Hindmarsh 0. II., Manager Bank of North Queensland Hoskin F. W., Sec. Pastures Protection Board; Sec. International Pastoral, Agricultural and Mining Soddy ; Sec. Tenterfield Picnic Race Club. Ilumphrey H., Furniture Warehouse Baker Hurst T. G. Hutton G. W. (Mitchell and Hutton) Hynes Rev. Patrick (B.C.) CrOWil Lan& DIRECTORS OF 11.11.W. I' I.P.A. and M. Society— F. IV. lloskin, Sec. Imburger Mrs. Julius Sawmills Janitzky E. Soap Works Jensen C. Watchmaker, &c. Juergens Emil 11., J. 1'., Chemist and Mayor Kelly M., een. ewsagent Kelly M. J. Blacksmith Butcher Kelly I' J. Keogh Miss Dressmaker liermode Miss I. Music Teacher Kiltnister It. Boottnaker Saddler It neipp F. Tailor Krahe F. F. Krahe L., junr. Blacksmith Kuskey E. Wheelwright Hyburz G. ... Carpenter and Builder Landers T. A. Butcher Leadley Rev. .1. W. (Meth ) Private 'Phone 35. LEE BROS. and CARSTAIRS, Auctioneers Stock, 0' Trucking, Land and General Commission Agents. Moneys Collected. THE ARCADE, TENTERFI E LD Lillicrap J. B. Carrier MeAskill Miss Dressmaker McLean Miss Private Hospital Manfredi Gaetano Tobacconist Mangleson J. (Sandy Flat), Sawmills Mansfield A. Poundkeeper Martin Alfred Hairdresser Masonic Hall Merrell E. Sanitary Inspector Merrell H. Blacksmith SYDNEY. (rittOsagthil.10;KOrra ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR TEAS, TOYS, TOOLS AND TOODERY. TenCOUNTRY COMMERCIAL. • The • 219A Miller A. Frititerer Thomas J. F. Solicitor Miller J. II. Postmaster Tooley E. Photographer Walker T. M.. J.P. MITCHELL AND HUTTON, Auc- Walters Paul 'toolmaker Alexander Physician tioneers, Stock and Station Watt Westbur y .1. Plumber Agents. Lists of Properties and Whearat Isaac, J.1' Auctioneer Stock on application. Forward- Whereat E. R. and Co., Boot and Shoe Factory, Tanners and Millers ing, Trucking and Insurance Whitton W., Land, Stock and Station Agents, Rouse Street (see Agent Advt. Glen Lines Pastoral Williams J., Builder and Undertaker Wilson and Purkiss, Cheese Factory Section) Wilson W.Sheriff's Officer Mitchell G. II. (Mitchell and Hutton) Wood II. Tailor Morton F. Carpenter 1 Morton Criterion Rotel Murphy Mrs. D. ' Fruiterer WOODBRY PETER J., Cycle Agent and Repairer (see Advt.) Neale J. Harold Dentist Nelmes Mrs. Draper Norris Williatn J. .. Exchange Hotel Woodward S. A. General Store O'Keefe L., Lismore and Casino Woolnough G. Saddler Coach Proprietor Woolridge R. S Engineer O'Leary Bros. .... Coach Proprietors Wright Miss Dressmaker Parker C. A. Men's Outfitter Pastures Protection Board— F. W. Hoskin, Sec. Petherick E. J. Dentist Phippard It. (711mist l'ower W. Baker 457 in. N.Rail to Deepwater, Reid W. and Co., Ltd., thence coach. Nearest bank, General Merchants Emtnaville. Reid A. S. 0. Forest Ranger Reid H. J. Capt. A. L. Horse Bagster George Store Reid P. J. .... Captain Rifle Club Davidson John Blacksmith Glen Smelting Co. Reid J. II., J.P. harper Mrs. S. Fruiterer Reid W.,Manager IV. Reid .and Co., Ltd. Robertson Mrs. E. D. ... Dressmaker Rogers .1. Sergeant id Police Roper and Walker, General Merchants Roper W. Federal Store Rose J. Gordon Town Clerk 92 m. N. By rail direct. Nearest bank, Newcastle. Ryan 'toy. H. (D.C.) Scarf M. G. General Store Bradley B. ... L' ake Macquarie Hotel Seltelpp Mrs.- Nursing Home Christie Edwin Newsagent Seitiffman H. Dressmaker J. Blacksmith School of Arta—W. J. Bate, Hon. Sec. Desreaux Frew A. nhorulda Hotel School of Alit Tennis. Club— Frith Thomas General Store A. Reid, Secretary Harris Mrs. C. Fruiterer Shadie U. A. Draper Holmes W. S Physician Smith A. J. Saddler Colliery— Smith A. 0. .... Commercial Rotel Northern ExtendedAmos Ilindley, Mgr. Smith, Rev. II. Granville (C. of E.) Northumberland Colliery— Stanley C. Hairdresser Alex. Urdu, Manager Strauss John .. Builder and Architect O'Brien Mrs. A. Store Sweet — Physician Opher Mrs. J. General Store Tenterfield Agricultural Society— Coal Co.— F. W. Hoskin, Sec. l'acific Co-operative Steam Durk, Manager Tenterfield Co-operative Butter Fac- Parry A. George Great Northern Hotel tory—W. J. East, Mgr. and Sec. Ittion'dda Colliery—W. Laidley and Co. Tenterfield Hospital—R. Stevenson, Richardson Mrs. S. .. r Store Sec.; Miss Stevens, Matron Rodgers Mrs. A. Fruiterer Tenterfleld "Intercolonial Courier" . (The)----70..W. Bentley Tenterfleld Jockey Club— II. Whitton, Sec. Tenterfleld Milling Co.—P. J. Reid, • Secretary 95 m. S. Rail or steamer to Nowra, Tenterfleld Musical Society— thence coach. Nearest bank, Mrs. A..31..Buchanan, Secretary Nowra. Tenterfield Mounted .Rifle Club.A..IL Purkis, Secretary Armstrong Robert Boatbuilder Painter Campbell L. Tenterfleld Picnic .Race Club— F. W.. Hoskin. Secretary Griffiths Ruby Dressmaker Carpenter Hardy Robert Tenterfield• Rifle Club—M. Blanch, Secretary Ilyam David Dairyman Tenterfleld Shire Council—A. H. Hyam Michael Dairyman White, .Pres.; .J. N B. Watts, Lamond D. Dairyman Shire Clerk ; II. A. Braithwaite, McKenzie II. Grazier Baker Shire Engineer; T. Waugh, Sani- Petith J. Rolf George Carrier tary Inspector. Store Solway Richard "Tenterfield Star". (The Prop. Walker Mark Tinsmith • J. F. Thomas, . TERMIEL. 141 tn. S. Steamer to Ulladulla. Jones Mrs. Sarah . . .. General . Store Shoebridge T. J. .... Termiel llotel TERRY HIE HIE. .444 m. N. ria Mores. Cory Edward Butcher Gray William Blacksmith Hayes Michael Store ilirst Robert Store Battler II. Sawmills Wilson John llotel THACKARINGA. 1,367 m. S. Via Melbourne, Adelaide and Broken Hill. Nearest bank, Broken Hill Waters Arnold .. Border Gate Hotel TENT HILL. TERALBA. TERARA. THARWA. 211 tn. S. Rail to Queanbeyatt, thence coach 18 m. Nearest bank, Queanheyan. Sheedy P. J. Storekeeper THE JUNCTION. 636 In. IV. Rail to Hay, thence coach via Balranald. Nearest bank, 13alranald. Linnett C. M. .... Junction Hotel THE OAKS. 00 m. S. Rail to Camden. Nearest bank, Camden.. Byrne and Devitt, Bakers amid Store Devitt Mos. .......... Contractors Dobson E • S Sanatorium Hotel Faultier W. P Public School Inglis T. and K. Dressmakers Jones Mre. General Store Lavercomb John Butcher McDonald A. Bootmalcer MetEvoy Miss Dressmaker Rossiter T. J. .... Auctioneer, etc. School of Arts—R. Gaudry, Secretary Wild Barry Builder Williams W. S. Undertaker Wollondilly Shire Council—A. L. Bennett, Pres.; II. D. Macdonald, Shire Clerk ;W. Stathatn, Shire Engineer , . .. THE PEAKE. • (SILVIR FIIILDS.) (See Yerranderie.) 70 m. S. Rail to Camden, thence 'convince. THE POCKET. Ohm .1311•1411O1D01110. WOOD AND COMPANY'S ASSISTANTS ARE THE HOST EXPERIENCED IN THE TRADE.. SyDNEY. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR ALL SPORTING REQUISITES. ANTHONY HORDERNS FOR WATCHES, CLOCKS AND .JEWELLERY. 220ATheCOUNTRY TilCOUNTRY COMMERCIAL. COMMERCIAL. Tig TILBA (CENTRAL) W. B. DAVIES, Auctioneer, Stock and Property Salesman, iTHE ROCK. Stock and Property Lists on applicationg THE ROCK. 332 m. S. Rail direct. Banks, Commercial of Sydney and N.S.W. Baker George Blacksmith Bank of N.S.W.—F. P. Richardson, Manager Benson Mrs. E. Fruiterer Saddler Byrne J. J. Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, Ltd.—A. B. Walker, Manager Crouch W. A., Stock & Station Agent Davidson G. R. .. Commission Agent •DAVIES W. B., Auctioneer (see Advt.) Foreman T. W. ... Commission Agent Gehrig George Blacksmith Butcher 11(3111111g8011 A. Iludd E. J. Auctioneer Store Jenkins B. Jennings Rev. J.. (Pres.) Limy John Fruiterer McLellan W. Auctioneer Madura Bros. General Store McPherson A. Butcher Norman II. B. .... King's Own Hotel O'Brien A. L. Hairdresser Russell M. Postmaster Smith George Baker Bootmeker White I THIRLMERE. 57 m. S. Rail direct. Nearest bank, Picton. Bradford A. Painter Cash • Richard Photographer Davis J. J. Sawmills Hotel Paton J. 'Pickard C. H., Baker, General Store and Butcher Pye E. A. Sawmills Smith Frederick Bootmaker Whitfield W. Blacksmith THIRROUL. (Urn ROBINSVILLE.) 40 m. S. Ay rail direct. Bank, Government Savings bank. Bell J. Blacksmith Bergman W. Ref. Rooms Beat F. Builder Campbell Robert Hairdresser Campbell W., Prop. The Bulli Pass Hotel • Cotterell F. IL, J.P., Auctioneer, etc. Curtis G.. W. Watchmaker WOOD AND COMPANY: ELE Floyd And Sons Butchers Ford Thomas Greengrocer, etc. Freeman A. Confectioner Gullingliam C. Carpenter Iramilton Bros. Livery Stables Hawkins John .. Refreshment Bluthilodms er H ooworth Joseph litimplireya and Alanson Store Jackson W. R., Builder 'Orton 11. & Cb., Ltd., Timber Merelt. McGrath! M. Greengrocer Martin Joseph Builder Mills Bertram Bootmaker Richardson A. W. Store Sewell W. T. Sawmills Towson W. Gen. Store Webb and Williams Builders Webb D. J. General Store Wilson Miss E. Confectioner Woonona Co-operative Society (Branch Store) THORNLEIGH. TIBOOBURRA. 917 in. B. Rail to Broken 11111, thence coach via Toorawangle Comthwalte F., Baker and General Store Downes Hugh General Store Fahey John Royal Hotel Gaiter W. Butcher Gill Edward Saddler Blacksmith Godier Thomas Gunn S. B. P.M. liennewell W. Central Australian Hotel Robertson Hugh Family Hotel Robinson Louis Store TICHBOURNE. 280 m. W. Rail direct. Nearest bank, Parkes, 7 m. Lynch John Store McMillan Mrs. Wino Shop McMillan W. Butcher 18 m. N. By rail direct. Duffy Jos. Fruiterer Giblett William Newsagent Gorrall J. W. Store Nash J. A. Royal Hotel Monk William, "Winstead.' 81 2 m. N. of Sydney.Rail to National Brickworks Co., Ltd. Ilamilton or Newcastle, or Pollard W. Butcher steamer to Newcastle, thence by Ware James, Grocer and Produce train.Nearest bank, Wickham. Merchant Beath J. Grocer Brown Maurice Grocer Bull E. W. General Store Cameron H. Photographer Chenery George Butcher 113 m. N. Near Maitland, Fruiterer Cox W. Store Longworth W. k T. Sawmills Crockett Isaac General Grocer Fardy It. Gwynne Mrs. E. Store Hadfield Mrs. Confectioner Harrison Joseph Blacksmith 268 m. S. Rail to Young, thence Hartley Miss Dressmaker coach. Nearest bank, Young. Hawkins David Draper Carrier Hunter John Cross Keys Hotel Bailey T. W. Carrier Kay Carl Hairdresser Hughes 11. F. Carrier King George Carrier Hughes W. G. Hughes W. Stephen Hawker Lawson J. Hairdresser Hunter C. Road Contractor Matthews Brat Builders Jiedemann H. Carrier Mitten .1. Carrier Stewart John .... Thuddungra Hotel O'Hara M., Draper and Grocer and Postmaster Richardson James .. Royal Oak Hotel Grocer Ross Donald Stevens Mrs. Confectioner Taylor H. Bootmaker 892 m. S. Rail to A.Thury, thence Tory C. Tobacconist, etc. coach. Nearest bank, Albury. Fraunfelder P. Store Withers — Basket Maker Frere I,. Wine Merchant Young Edward Ivoret's Hotel TIGHE'S HILL. THORNTON. THUDDUNGRA. THURGOONA. FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF N.S.W. SYDNEY. / Heed Office. 81042 George Street South. 'Phone 724 li m. N. of Tithe Tithe. Nearest bank, Cobargo. Bate S. IV. Auctioneer Bate W. II. Contractor Cochran James Butcher Co-operative Cheese Factory— A. Livingstone, Manager Hare Ernest F. Blacksmith Kemp henry Store, etc. Latimer Misses Dressmakers Livinmitone W. Palace Hotel Mayo IV. & E. Carpenters Moffatt W. Boutinaker Organ A. E. Produce Store Pearson E. General Store I emu Dr. Physician Riley E. II. Saddler School of Arts—S. 13. Gregg, Secretary Shottin Jacob Contractor TILBA TULSA. 279 tn. S. Steamer to Bermagui. Nearest bank, Cohargo. Corkhill IV. If. Photographer IBlis 'Ihiommias Tithe Vibe Hotel Store Endicott I Scenes F. Blacksmith Welsh M. A. Butcher TILPA. 630 m. W. Rail to Bourke thence 130 m. Nearest bank, Witcannia. Andrew William Contractor Brookman II. Contractor Carigg Joseph Contractor Cothran Mrs. C. Royal Hotel Driscoll William Contractor Fuller Mrs. Newsagent Greeves David (Compadore) Travellers' Rest Hotel llolman J. Contractor Bop fling and Co. .. General Store Howard T. Contractor Manson James Contractor Contractor Mills J. 497 m. N. Rail to Tenterfield. Nearest bank, Tenterfleld. Armstrong 13ros. Sawmills Maher Daniel, Gen. Store & Butcher Stewart Alexander Butcher & Store TIMBERY RANGE 292 In. Rail to Cooma, thence conveyance. Caldwell A. J. Store Carrier Parkes P. Parkes T. Postmaster, etc. TINGHA. .500 M. N.W. Rail to Inverell, thence poach 16 m. Bank, City Bank of Sydney. Court l'etty Sessions, Inverell Quarter Sessions. Agar C F Buots & Shoes Aim Say Carrier Austin James m Carrier Bald Baldwin Mrs. J. Dressmaker Baldwin James aDedp1 d Bennett & Wood Ltd. .. Cycle Depot AND COMPANY: Bowden & Co. l'rivate Dredge Tinglia Tin Dredging Co.— F. Gankroger, Manager Briggs I). A. Postmaster Topper's Mountain Brisbane Deep Brosnan 'P. & Sons, Butchers, linkers, etc. Lead Co. Milliner Victoria Deep Lead Mine Buckley Miss 11. Butt A. Matron Hospital Walker E. C. Contractor Carter I .1. ...... Billiard Saloon Wheeler A. G. Contractor Carrier Carter W. Henry Caledonian Hotel Wilson If. Chapman George Restaurant Wing fling Long and Co., Gen.. Store City liank of Sydney Ltd.— G. Blackwell, Manager Consolidated Co. Engineering Works Convent School—Sisters of St. Joseph 144 m. N. By steamer direct. Cope's Creek Central Dredging. Co. Nearest bank, Tame. Cope's Creek Dredging Co. (No Lie. Adams Andrew .. Timber Merchant bility) !Wiliam Reuben Carrier Cory Richard a. .. Auctioneer, etc. Beattie & Son .. Broom Manufacturers Cow an M rs. S. Restaurant Chapin:in J. E., General Store, Broom Cox and SOI113 Private Dredge Manufacturer, and Auctioneer Duncan II. & Bros. .. Livery Stables Clerke John C. ....Commercial Hotel Dunshea A. J. Stationer Dyball P. Store Dunstan N. J. General Store Edwards William .. Boots and Shoes Elhin & Wilson Blacksmiths Else R'. II. .... Commission Agent Fardonly C. Restaurant Fallowfield D. Royal Hotel Foley Itev. Father (It.C.) George Artlitir Butcher Godfrey Miss 13. Milliner Gollan Hector Shipbuilder Ilevdon & Cowan Ilutcl tors Grill Miss C. L. Dressmaker Hill 0. W., Stationer, /hairdresser, Me. Grill Theodore Blacksmith Hutchinson IV. Public School lialford I Painter Ibbotson C. E. General Store Higgins II. A. .. Comimmmmission Agent Jennings' Deep Lead Mine Holden James Lighterman kee Robert Boots and Shoes Sawyer James Contractor Tin Buyer Sullivan Herbert Carrier Kell y 1 Kershaw & Co. ... Private Dredge Litchfield L. R., J.P. .. Tin Buyer bong E. C. Hairdresser MeA rd le Thomas Carrier 340 m. N. Steamer to Bettina, McCro han E. Billiard Saloon thence coach. Nearest hank, Carrier MeCtibbin I Bettina. McKay Jan Jammu Contractor Anderson Bros. Butchers A. F. .... Billiard Saloon 'l'iii tor Connelly Ambrose Blaelcsmith Mason F. Fitzpatrick John Store Massey-Harris Bicycle Depot Leslie and McGuire Contractors C. C. Farlaw Myers Foliterer, etc. Mellatine Bros. Private Dredge PurdieGeorge Hugh J. Builder, etc. Melbourne Cope Ilardinge Tin Dredging Co., Ltd. Mon How Mrs. Dressmaker General Store Muldoon J. A. Nash Mrs. I), Restaurant McPherson and Duff Store Nash M . Boots and Shoes Na ylor C. W. C.1.S., etc. O'Halloran Dr. C. IL .:.. Physician l'arker G. II..... Baker and Butcher Park er John Cordial Factory (NEAR OirmAxmis,) Putt W. A. and Co., Butchers and Nelson R. J. Builder Bakers Price James L. Dittislawitlo T i, Progress Committee, A. Sue.r l'rinter l'ryor ROSS 450 in. S. Rail to Finley, thence Carrier Roberts A. F. coach 13 ni., or rail from MelSt. Joseph's Convent School bourne (four days a week). Banks, Barn lice and Co. .... General Store Commercial, National Bank of Schofield H. B. Blacksmith Australia. Court of Petty SesSmith II, P. sions, Deniliquin Quarter Sessions. t Beard J. C tliimankiesr Smithies Mrs. .T..... Dretisie Solicitor Starr Rev. G. (Meth.) Beasley F. .. Farmers' Arms Hotel Storienbeeker II. C., Commercial Hotel Beasley Fredk., Cordial Manufacturer and Sawmills Bell James Builder Stortenbecker If Blacksmith Boyle Terence Sawmills Brebner R. Saddler Taylor Edward .. Refreshment Rooms 'Pet Fong Billiard Saloon Brown, Corke & Co. .. General Store Thomas Fredk. S. .... Ropal Hotel Byrne John Plumber, etc. Tinglia Common—A. .1. Dunshea, See. Campbell W. and Co., Stock and Station Agents Tingha Consolidated Tin Mines, N.L. —0. Pattison, Gen. Mgr. Casey H. H. .... Tattersall's Hotel Chinnery A. Physician Tinglia Cottage Hospital •II. Anderson, Secretary Conunercial Banking Co. of Sydney, Ltd.—G. A. Crommelin, Manager Tinglia Jockey Club—John Parker, nt Connors G. E. Livery Stables Connor Thomas Saddler Tinghe Rifle Club—Thomas Jernriegle g, Secretary Currie Bros. hairdressers TINONEE. TINTEN BAR. TIRI. TIVERTON. TIMBARRA. WOOD Toe221A TOCUMWAL. SOME OF OUR ASSISTANTS HAVE SEEN WITH US OVER 20 YEARS. SYDNEY ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR ALL ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR MOTORISTS' WANTS AND MOTOR NODS. To!COUNTRY COMMERCIAL. • 222A • '1'OCIIRWAI. CONTINCES - Baker Daniel J. NV. Davis J. . Baker Malkin J01111 ..... Morrop IWO.. liar! Evans IL II. Fruiterer, etc. Draper Ileeman J. Coaclibuilder Gourley A. A Blacksmith Ilearn John Ilerbert H. Watchmaker HillPhysician and Surgeon llorberry W. E. Tailor Houghton John T. .. Wine Merchant Iloyle F. '"l'ocumwal Guardian" ,and '"Finley Free Pres.." Butcher Ilullett A. Hutson Samuel Plumber Lawrence NV. S. S., Stock Inspector Fruiterer Leo Mrs. McCullocht'o., Ltd., Forwarding Agents Murray River Picnic. Rave Club— K.n, See. National Bank of Mist. Ltd.— L. Crawford, Manager O'Brien William Bootmaker Purcell Miss Dressmaker Quirk Bros. Butchers R. C. Convent School—Sisters of Mercy Smith John Brickyards Staples Frank Tocumwal Hotel Sugden George F.. Woo!scourer Bootmaker Sullivan P, Thorium'Co., Stock & Station Agents Toe...ow:11 Coursing Club Tuck Henry Auctioneer Wilson J. General Store Wilson J. C. General Store TOLARNO. Erin Hotel Warren, J. D. Victoria Hotel TOMERONG. Rail or steamer to 102 '111. N. TORONTO. TONGARRA. TOOGONG. TOROWANGEE. TOOLEYI3UC. 624 m. S. Rail to Hay, thence coach. Nearest bank,. Balranald. Anderson James IC., Cycle Agent Ward Thomas llotel TOOLOOM. 054 tn. N. Via Pretty Gully, thence 19 m. Payne Mrs, J., Tooloom 110114 and Butcher Von I larhuiui W. L. Store TOOMA. 400 m. S. Rail to Albury, thence coach. Nearest bank, Corryong (Vic.). Gordon John 'tore and Hotel AND COMPANY: THE 367 tn. W. Bowens .1. II. Fruiterer Brien R. Butcher Ferguson 11. StoreFlanagan John Blacksmith Oadsby Mrs. J. Baker Iltdge T. Fruiterer Kearney C. Hofer Mathewson and Mills Store Mathewson A. P. ... Billiard Saloon Tobin P. Blacksmith Walters B. Store, Windred II. Billiard Saloon, TOWAMBA. TOORAWEENAH. TOWRANG. TOMINGLEY. WOOD TOTTENHAM. 230 m. S. Steamer to Eden, thence coach. Nearest bank, Eden. Dielcie .1. W. and J. T. ... Butchers Al'. Quong and Co. .... General Store Hartneady John Store Kenned y W. Blacksmith McKee Joseph Tourantba Hotel Martin George General Store Robinson Alf red ..General Store326 rn. W.Rail to Oilgundra, thence conch 26 in. Carling A. E. II., General Store and Post Office Carling C. G. .... Commission Agent 126 rn. S. By rail direct. Johnstone Alex. Fruiterer McLaren W. General Store Lance Edwin G. Store Murray 1 Hotel TORBANE. TORRINGTON. 400 m. Rail to Deepwater, thence coach. Clark II. II. .... Butcher 4: linker Hawkins William Store Billiard Saloon Lawson 0. I Manic.. W. Fruiterer Hotel Meehan D. Store Morton W. Store Pung Young General Store Smith Peter Billiard Saloon Smyth 12. FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF CAW. : TraCOUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Tuc223A A. K. BUTTER & CO. (A. K. BUTTER) TRANGIE. 325 m. W. Rail direct. Banks,. N.S.W., Commercial Bank of ,Sydney.Court l'etty Sessions, Dubbo Quarter Sessions. Andrews J. J. .Blacksmith Bailey & Bishop Produce Store Bank of N.S.W,—P. W Phillips, Manager Baffler 0. •Railway Hotel Bates Charles Fruiterer 13ertrant Eric C. Dentist BUTTER A. K. AND CO., Auctioneers, Stock and Station Agents (see Advt.) Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, Ltd.—H. S. Small, Manager Curran Rev. Father F. NV. (12.C.) Dawson A. A. Stationmaster CUte.2.°6fflorth8.10Thtr41271) TRANGIE, (C. R. RICHARDSON) AGENTS for—Queonsland insurance Co., Accident and Live Stock. Phoenix Fire insurance Co. Buxacott Cyclone Gatos and Droppers. Moffit Virtue Shoop Shearing Machines. Cooper's Sheep Dip. Docker Noel Physician Falconer Mrs. S. A. Baker Farmers' and Settlers' Association!). Rich, Secretary Frawley W. E. ..Chemist and Dentist Garlick Isaac Royal Hotel Gerard K. Hairdresser (iiommi Mario Physician -Collar. Colin Public School 'Healey J . Coach Proprietor Heffernan •T. Tranpic Hotel Herbert G. Saddler Store 'Jacobs T. Tailor Jones I). Lake & Campbell Sawmills Lane W. N. & Co., Auctioneers, Stock and Station Agents, tie. Leek W. 11. Postmaster Le Quesne W. J. and Co , Gen, Store Levers Rev. C. W. (C. of E.) Lindsay W. Billiard Saloon Lovelock F. 11. Comer McGuinness W. Butcher Massey-Harris Co., Ltd. Morrison Sen.-Constable, Acting C.P.S. Mumford Bros. General Store Nolan I/. Newsagent Oddfellows' Hall (The) P.A. & 11. Association— .1. E. Reynolds, Secretary Pettersson Mrs. Baker Phillips P. 'W., J.P., Manager Bank of N.S.W. Reynolds J. E. and G. 0., Proprietors "Trangie Advocate" School of Arts—W. A. Stephens, Sec. Fruiterer Shea J. P. Shean Thomas Plumber Commercial Bank Small 11. S., Mgr. J. Butcher Smith Val. 1 Sykes Miss Madge, hibrarian, School of Arts Tomlinson .1. & Co., Skin Buyers, etc. Trangie Jockey Club—J. Denoott, See. Walkout C. Bootinaker Walkout Mrs. C. Fruiterer Winton Miss R. Teacher Piano Woodhouse ILUnion Club Hotel Wright, Heaton and Co., Forwarding Agents Medlyn .T. & Co. Store Moloney D. J. and Co. Store Pearce and Williams .... Auctioneers l'orter .1. A. "Trundle Times" School of Arts — Hunt, Secretary Shaw Alex. Fruiterer Todd William and Souls, Stock lind Property Agents, etc. TREVALLYN. 135 m. N. Steamer or rail to thence coach 18 in. Nearest bank, Rockley. Deacon E. Newsagent Goodacre Charles Butcher Goodman C. • Blacksmith thinness Mrs. If. IV., Commercial hold blunter John General Store McKenzie Alexander Store Marinion A. General Store Newcastle, rail East Maitland, conch thence via Paterson. Nearest bank, Paterson. CSIGI .1. and F. Stores Store Clark George TRUNDLE. 306 in. W. Rail direct. Banks, Union of A. and N.S.W. Bird Thomas Hairdresser Uniun Hotel Carmody J. I Croft !lorry V. Trundle Hotel Davis E. (. Fruiterer Fisher IL 11. •Ilairdrestter Store Franks T. Hodgkinson 11. K Solicitor Ingram 0, E. Butcher Johansen If. Plumber Leonard Dr. Physician Baker McFadden NV. Mahoney Thomas Saddler Matthews F. .1. ...... Cordialmaker TRUNKEYCREEK 181 m. NV. Rail to Newbridge, TUBBUL. 267 tn. S. Near Young. Croke M. C. General Store Corrigan I'. Blacksmith Webb ThomasExclamge Hotel TUCKLAN. 226 m. W. Rail to Mudgee, thence .. coach. Nearest bank, Oulgong. Ali Fong ..Grocer Holmes James Blacksmith Jones Michael II. General Store McMullen I). Blacksmith Turner Francis Grocer 3DELSTCOCON, Auctioneer, Stockoitation, Trucking, and General Commission Agent, TRANGIE, N.S.W. DENOON 7., Auctioneer, Stock and Station Agent (see Advt.) SYDNEY. : Auctioneers, Stock and Station Agents, 1,939 in. S. Rail via Melbourne and Adelaide. Sint Mrs. ' Draper and Store Sim Mrs. E. .... Torowatigee Hotel (ORANGE PLAINS.) Nowra; thence coach.Nearest bank,. Nowra.... . Clyde Shire Council—C. M. Murray, Pres.; W. G. Lackersteen, Shire Clerk; W. - J. Chisholm, Shire Engineer Heliger 1 •Hotel Lang Joseph .. Commercial Hotel 123 in. W. Via Capertee. McGuire and Son Sawmills Dolman William Store Woodhill and Co. General Store Brown Frank Billiard Saloon Commonwealth Shale and Oil Co's Retorts Robinson Alex. Fruiterer Wightinan G. Fruiterer 320 m. W. Rail to Dubbo, them. coach, . Nearest bank,Peak Butler John (McPhail) Tailor Crane l'eter (McPhail) • . Commercial hotel Crowhurst .T. Blacksmith Dawson Ernest Butcher Dicker' F. B. Saddler Golding Thomas, Jun.... Hairdresser Lees John W. General Store McCaw J.. (McPhail) .... Fruiterer Pepper David Royal Hotel Reakes W. C. Baker Wall Sing Charles Fruiterer Tra 91 m. N. Rail direct. Nearest 68 m. S. Rail to Albion Park. bank, Wallsend. Nearest bank, Albion Park. Bander Thoihas A: 0. II., Sawmills, Tongarra Dairy Co., Ltd., E. Hazleton, Manager Clouten Mrs. .. Refreshment Rooms Donnelly Walter .... Toronto Hotel Fenwick T. Butcher Horn D. Refreshment Room: King Edward .1....... General Store Princehorn Mrs. —Refreshment Rooms. 225 in. W. Rail to Borenore, Shepherd A. E. Baker thence coach. Walker R. General Store Burt James W. Contractor Windross Mrs. :. Refreshment Rooms Irvine Joseph Wine Shop Pike Isaac s Contract°. TOOMAROOMA. (NEAR Mffintrnig.) Rail to Broken 11111, thence coach via Menindie. Barrett R. A. (Netley), Harp of WOOD AND COMPANY'S 50 YEARS' UNSULLIED REPUTATION IS A ,GUARANTEE FOR GOOD WORK. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR LADIES' KID AND FABRIC GLOVES. 24A.Tue S. F. WILKINSONCo. Telegraphic Address : ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE. COUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Turn a/— WILKINSON CO., TUMUT. 11, B. T. E. TunCOUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Ulm225.s WALLACE \MEMO!, c-) AUCTIONEERS, Valuators, Stock, Station, Trucking, Property and General Commission Agents, SPLENDID SUMMER COUNTRY to Lease all Seasons. Maize Quotes and Stock and Property Lists on application. TUMUT, GRILL GEORGE F. Donaldson.1. ...... General Store Savill A. I). TUERIA.Donaldson S. A.. Co., Tiller Arthur P. 197 in. S. Rail to Newbridge West, thence coach via Trunkey Creek. Nearest bank, Crooltwell. Burge Roland Butcher alltialle C. Tacna lisle! Culnane ...... l'031 011ice Hotel Grant Mrs. .... Baker and Fruiterer McKenzie Alexr. (Junction), General Store Parsons Arthur General Store TUGGERAH LAKES. 61 m. N. Rail to Wyong, thence 2 m. Nearest bank, Wyong. Board 11. J. .. Tuggers/I Lakes Hotel Eagle A. C. Butcher Jewett and Son General Store TULLAMORE. 342 tn. w., via Trundle, Bank of A. Buckley hind Appleby .... Sawmills Buckley T. thettoneer Lowing and Co. Auctioneers Moloney D. J. & Co. Store Milne Bros Sawmills Nabob M. Store . Tully Frank, Stock and Station Agent Tully James Exchange, lisle! • TUMBARUMBA. 058 in. 'S. Rail to Mt. Horeb, coach to Adclong, thenee per coach • three times a week; or rail to Wagga, thence coach three times weekly. Banks, City sad Commercial.Court l'etty Sessions, • Albury Quarter Sessions, Aughtie E. S. Chemist Bartholomew C. General Store Benyon II, A., Fancy Goods, Stationer Blake James Baker Blomley and Perkins Sawmills Illomley George Union Hotel Bradley A. A., Stock and Station Agent Brown 0. Undertaker Byrne J. Star Hotel Saddler Byrne John Cavalrylsys 0. .... Tattersall's Hotel Centennial Hall (The) Cotten' E., J.1' Butcher WOOD AND COMPANY: Stock and Station Agents 'gores L. W. Saddler Freiderielts John %net ioneer Cradle). C. Auctioneer Greenhalgh and Son .... Fancy Goods Hearth! Rev. W. M. (Pres.) Ileineke F. Poundkeeper Hogan and 3hilhon, Cordialmalters and Brewers Ilorsley R. Fruiterer !lumen William Sawmills Johnson C. Briekinalcer Kelly J. Solicitor 'Hustler Martin Baker Loney E. .... NeWspaper Proprietor McCaughan Alexander Tailor McGrath, -1 Skin Dealer McIntosh Donald Store Manly George Tinsmith, etc. Maw II. S. Surgeon Merback Mrs. M. A. Grocer Miller A. Hairdresser Moore J. T. Boots and Shoes Murray Thomas .. Tanebacantha Ilslel Phillips ltev. It. 11. Canon (C. of E.) Pritchard Owen Iteld Geor ge Store Reece Thomas Plumber Rose John Briclunaker Scott It, 11. Butcher Smith James S. Auctioneer Stilwell A. II. C.I'.S., etc. Thompson James Builder Tumbarlimba Co-op. Butter Factory Co., Ltd. Tumbarumba Shire Council—I'. .1. McMeekin, Pres.; C. A. Lee, Shire Clerk; P. C. Donaldson, Shire Engineer rated, and Donovan .... Blacksmiths Webber James Blacksmith Webber John Hairdresser Wilde Bros Carpenters Williams J. Blacksmith TUMBULGUM. 304 m. N. By steamer direct; or to Lismore and rail to Murwil. lumball; or via Brisbane. Nearest bank. ,Murwillumball. Cheat 0, R. Illaeksinith Cumming G. It., Metropolitan Hotel Hibbard Mrs. V. •Dressmaker Jagger; E. R. Dressmaker Lumley A. N. Royal Rote! McCann A. Fruiterer McLean John Junction Inn Ostrom J. Fish Merchant ME FUNERAL outman or MAW. • Emanuel I. C 'olicitor Solicitor Emanuel N. Emery Alfred Brickmaker Euro11 W. Livery Stables Farmers' and Settlers' Association— Rowland Makeney, Secretary Cadent Shire—Dr. II. IV. Mason, Pres.; L. . G. Bucknell. Shire Clerk and Engineer. Godfrey, G. Coachbuilder Gointil E. T. P., J.I'., C.I'.S., Crown band Agent and Regis. B. M. & D. Gordon James Upholsterer Gordon John .. Motor Car Proprietor Gordon G. Cycle Agent Graham Arthur Carpenter Wright P. J. 'tore Store Baker TUMUT. 322 tn. S.Raildirect, via Gond:mai. Banks, N.S.1V., Corn. inertial, Govt. Savings Bank. Court l'etty Sessions, Gundagai, Quarter Sessions. Ali Loy .... Grocer and Fruiterer Store All Quong Altatt and Son .. Blacksmiths, etc. Attwater hi. II. .... Postmaster, etc. Bank of N.S.W.—It. 51. Thompson, Manager Boonnaker Barlow J. Butcher Barrett W. Brewer Beale John Butcher Beegling C. W. Saddler Illakeney James Watchmaker Blomley II. Engineers Boyd A. E. and Co Sawmills Bridge and Dunn Bridle W., .J.P. Bridle W. IL, Land, Brining, Stock and Station Agent • Browne Claude S. Physician Butler-1. T. Hotelier Butler Very Rev. It. (R.C.) Byrne C. S. Auctioneer, etc. Photographer Cameron 1 Carpenter A.Refreshment Rooms Carr Charles Blacksmith. Carr R. M. Boots and Shoes Carr Thomas Saddler Commercial Bank—F. C. Marsh, Manager Convent School—Sisters of Mercy Baker, etc. Cooper James Gardener Corry J. Cottage Hospital—J. Weeden, J.P., Secretary Crouch IL II. Dili ryinan Cruise Patrick Globe Hotel Crichton W., jun. Lorryinan. Davies Rev. R. -E. (Pres.) Dean Thomas Carrier Dear Robert, Aerated Water Manlike. Dearman Edwin General Store' Dodd T. A., Baker and Confectioner Downing Mrs. R. Star Hotel DOwning Mat. Butcher Dunn John Patrick, Boots and Shoes Dye A. .. hairdresser and Fruiterer Edmunds John .... !WAR! Selioxl Elphick J., Coachbuilder and Undertaker Emanuel and Emanuel .. Solicitors Bead Office, 810.12 George SYDNEY .%Street South. 'Phone 7211/ Flour Miller, Grain Merchant and Storekeeper. Proprietor of the "Snowcliff" brand of Flour. Branches, Adelong and Gundagai. Groves Spencer, Newspaper Proprietor Ilastings J., junr. Butcher Bond George Saddler !load Henry W., Builder and Undertaker Horan Mrs. Dressmaker Bootmaker Howard W. IL Ilowit W. T. hairdresser lluthnance E., Railway Stationmaster James C. W. Chemist Jenkins A. J. Tailor Kneed Frederick Builder Ladies' Benevolent Society McGowan G. Chhoneysweep MeGruer Mrs. .... Teacher of Music McHugh W. Wynyard Hotel McInerney Miss Dressmaker McKenna I). Fruiterer McLaren Thomas Tailor Madigan P. II. Dentist Madigan Jas. E. .... Oriental Hotel Maitland L. D. Dentist Mendelson L. and Co., General Merchants Marsh F. C., Mgr. Commercial Bank Marshall W. Blacksmith Mason II. Wharton, J.P. .. Physician Maters William, Painter and Builder Mon Hack Loong .. General Store Morris Miss K . Matron Hospital Morrison Donald N.. Town Clerk Painter Morrow C. Nestor Mrs. Johanna Woolpaek Hotel Carpenter Nye Richard oddfellows' Ilall (The) Platt Bros. Carriers guilty H. Hairdresser Rifle Club-11. Blomley, Secretary Chemist Robins J. Rosebank Freezing Works and Butter Factory—W. White Ross-Edwards Rev, R. J. (C. of E.) Rourke E. J., B.A. .. l'ublic School Ryan A. Surveyor Ryan Rev. E. B. (R.C.) St. Joseph's Convent, Sisters of Mercy —S. Aloysius, Rev. Mother Schnokel NV. Chemist Schnokel H. Saddler School of Arts—Harold Weeder), Sec. Shelly W. J., J.P Coroner Singer Sewing Machine Co., Ltd.— J. Frost, Agent Battery Rev. Father (R.0.) spaiding w. T. Store Speich Gabriel Stationer Socha 0. Watchmaker Stewart H. Plumber Strangman Carey Fruiterer _ AB Sweet E. G. Royal Rote! Taylor Frank Solicitor Tiy Loong and Co. .... General Store Tourist and Anglers' Association—S. Groves, J. P., Secretary Tuinut A. and P. Association— T. E. Wilkinson, Secretary "Tumut and Adelong Times"— Spencer Groves, Proprietor Timid Co-operative Butter Factory— .J. Manager Tumut Turf Club— It. inalcenev, Secretary Tweedie F. W. .. Commission Agent Vyner 13. II. Accountant Walker II. Baker Walker W. .1. & Co. Agents Watson A. .Wilkie, "Tumut Advocate" Newspaper Weeden John (L. Mendelson and Co.) TYALGUUM. 418 M. N. Bank, E.S. & A Barrett Thomas Store TYNEDALE 344 us. N. Davison George A. 'Butcher TYRINGHAM. 418 in. N. Bank, B.S. & A. thence 70 m. 130dkin W. J. •(Ilernani) Store Brown A. W. Avenue Hotel Dales I% Cheese Factory Morris A. Sawmill Skinner G. Sawmill VVILIEINSON S. F. AND CO., Auctioneers, Stock and Station Agents, &c. (see Advt.) from Byangum. Wilkinson and Son Auctioneers Clark A. 5 m. Builder Wilkinson J., J.P. Connor Joseph ' Butcher Wilkinson T. E. (S. F. Wilk been, E. S. & A. Bank Ltd.—l'ercy Cooke, k Co. Manager. . Wright, Heaton and Co. (Cecil Wright, Groves 1 • Blacksmith Manager), Forwarding Agents irvine W. 0. and Co... Auctioneers . Wyburn Ernest .. Commercial llotel Leighton It., ....Fruiterer and P.O. Yee Hing and Co. General Store Parker L. Sawmills Peat J. Tobacconist . Poplcin 11'. Builder Radel J. Carrier Ryder J. E. Store Salmon A. G. Hotelier (LATE TUNSTALL GAP.) Near Lismore. Armstrong T. Cattle Dealer Weismantel W. .... Winsome lintel 204 tn. W.Via Mudgee. .Bailey I Store. Blackman II. E. .(Cook's Gap), • General Store Byrne P. J. hotel 199 m. N. By steamer direct. Large J. (Dexter) Store Nearest bank, Nabiac. Bunt Frank Contractor Coombe B. Ice Works Fazio V. Fruiterer McQuarie Mrs 131 in. S. By Steamer direct, or Fruiterer Porter M. Sawmills rail to Nowra, thence coach. Stephens John Henry Bellevue Hotel Farleigh E. M., Ltd. Tanners. Wright and McLaren .. General Store Gruer NV. Builder and Cooper Howard J. General Store Ilughes George Harbour View Hotel Riley and McMillan, Timber Merchants. UKI. TUNCESTER. ULAN, TUNCURRY. ULLADULLA. TUNGSTEN. Via Decpwater. New Hope Mining Co. Wentworth Mining Properties, Ltd. TURLINJAH. 160 m. S. Steamer direct. Itala Mine—John McKeon, Manager Leonard James Fruiterer Sly and Howard Sawmills TWEED HEADS. (s.. cooLoo.. ). TYAGARAH. 300 m. N. Rail from 'Amore. Muldoon B. Auctioneer Saville W. A. Builder ULMARRA. 342 in. N. By steamer direct, or overland mail. Banks, A.B.C., Ltd., E.S. and A. Court of Petty Sessions, Grafton Quarter Sessions. Agricultural Society— J. II. McLachlan, Secretary Alcorn J. M. Physician Aust. Bank of Commerce, Ltd.0. W. Ord, Manager Bailey and Bailey .... Auctioneers Beck W. Baker Bridget F. Fruiterer Brown Mrs. M. Dressmaker, Cameron Ewen, J.P., Agent•N.C.S.S. Co., Ltd. Campbell J. R. 111nel:smith Campbell James and Co., • Butchers Clarence River Pioneer Dairy Factory —Charles Dunlop, Manager Egging Caleb Tinsmith, W000 AND COMPANY EVER REGARD EFFICIENCY WITH ECONOMY. SYDNEY ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR SAFETY RAZORS AND STROPS. 226A trioCOUNTRY COMMERCIAL. •Tattersall's Hotel, • Ura Mrs. B. BARNDEN, Proprietress m well and favorably known Hotel has been rebuilt and refurnished throughout, and is now one of the leading up-to-date Family Hotels on the Northern Line. .0 Two Shower Baths. Gas throughout the house, Excellent Cuisine. Every Comfort. 'this meets all Trains. First & Second Class Accommodation. • URALLA. 1.1 bNIACONTINI71C11— Builder Elkin P. E. S. and A. Bank, Ltd.— W. E. Wilson, Manager Farquhar J. 1). Fruiterer Finucane Cecil Chemist Firth Charles Builder Fitzgerald G. W.,.... Mayor Forsythe James Butcher therdner T. V. Baker Fruiterer h. 1 iloodyer Bros. Coach Proprietors INII acid Hail 'tailors Barrie Rev. R. A. (C. of E.) Johnson W. Commercial Hotel Line E. Market (hardener McFarlane and McLachlan, Auctioneers,Stock cuedStation Agents, etc. McKay Robert, Carpenter and Builder Margetts Rev. J. If. (Meth.) Masonic Hall (The) Nupper Miss F. Dressmaker }loud Thomas Blacksmith Payne NV. 0., Registrar B. M. and B. and Postmaster Penton .1. C. Fruiterer Pfeiffer E. F., Teacher Public School Hairdresser Philp H. Progress Association—N. N. Shaw, See. Pala II. I). & Co. Storekeepers Puddicombe IL A. N. Town Clerk Retallick James General Store .Rowing Club—P. 0. Jones, Secretary St. John's Ambulance Association— It. N, Shaw, Sec. School of Arts—lt. N. Shaw, See. Baker Shaw R. N. 'Southgate 'Co-operative Dairying Co., Ltd.—Jatnes Leeson, Manager 'Sorra& Sour. Constable 0. AI., Acting C.P.S. Spring Alfred H., Saddler and Exchange Hotel 'Town Band—H. A. N. Puddicombe, Secretary Chicane Racing Club— .1. Buchanan, Secretary Stationer Walker E. Wilson 0. W. ....,... Wheelwright UNGARIE. 366 m. S. Rail to Wyalong, thence coach. Nearest bank, Wyalong. Hargraves W. H., Builder and Contractor McFadden Robert Hotel UNKYA. 220 m. N. Cooper T. A. Harold 1 Store Store UPPER BURRAOORANO. BURRAMMIAMI Ura COUNTRY COMMERCIAL. UP PRIL) UPPER HORTON RIVER. CLOAKE E. Auctioneer, Forwarding, Truck(Via Barraba.) ing and General Commission 372 en. N.Rail to Barraba, Agent. Agent for P. W. Russell thence coach 23 tn. Nearest k, Co. Mudd:wry Importers, bank, Barraba. (I.O.A.) The Insurance Office of Coleman William Blacksmith Australia. Stock and Property Fleming F. G. and Co. Store Sales of all descriptions conHotel Gainen John ducted Groth Bros. General Store Turnham William Saddler Convent and School—Sisters of St. Joseph Cooke F. Boots and Shoes Cooper Bros. General Store Cooper C. G., Cabinetmaker, • Undertaker and Sawmill Crapp A. L. .... Mercer, Boots, etc. 76 m. N.W. Rail to Windsor, coach. thence Crotty W." Hairdresser Curtis William .. Draper, Boots, etc. Davis Mrs. Kate Dressmaker Dorman J. S. Postmaster Jennings A. .... Store and Butcher Dowling B. .... 11Cfrefilittlent ROOttlti Smith William Butcher Elliott J. ... Newspaper Proprietor ard Saloon, 340 m. N. Steamer to Kempsey, Elliott W., Billi thence 80 en. (or rail) to AnniEvans Robert Auctioneer dale, thence coach. 62 m. S. flail direct, or steamer Forsythe Albert E. Dentist to Wollongong. Nearest bank, Davis George E., General Store and Plumber Aferritva Hotel Godwin I Wollongong. Duncan Thomas ...... Head °Moe. 81042 Georg• WOOD AND COMPANY: THE FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF RAW. : SYDNEY. %Street South: 'Phone 'Mr UPPER McDONALD ULONG CREEK. URALGURRA. . UNANDERRA. _L Builder II Contractor, etc. Builder of Federal Bic y cles. Lar g e Stocks of Oils and Lubricants and all accessories. MOTOR CAR for . MIRE to any p art of the District. Motors and Bic ycles of all des. —cri p tions re p aired at moderate cost.— Agent for Northern Assuranee Coy, Star Motor Cars & tlornsby Oil Engines URALLA. URALLA. 345 In. N. By rail direct. Banks, N.S.W. Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney Ltd. Court of Petty Sessions, Annidale Quarter Seaalong. Ale Wing Chinese herbalist Ancient Order of Foresters (New Eng. Dist.)— D. T. Pearson, Sec, Store Italia Khan Bank N.S.W.—T. It. Buchanan, J.I'., Manager Itardsley Miss Music Teacher Itardsley Nurse .... Nursing !Ionic Ilardsley T. E., .1.P., General Store and Coroner Barnden Mrs. 11. .. Tattersall's Hated Derringer John Cabinetmaker Borland E. .. Cordial Manufacturer Bourke G. II. Skin Buyer Brennan .1. Carrier Buchanan T. R., J.P., Manager Bank N.S.W. Burlinson J. Blacksmith Carter Obadiah, JP., Fruit and Fancy Goods Chong Sing and Co.General Store Claverie H. J. Bootmaker Clemenger C. II., Mgr. Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, Ltd. • Ura227A. John P. Henry, Jr. 'C Hughes Francis 'Contractor hindsav George, Store and Town Clerk Baker Rees T. Store Richard Bros. Contractor Warrington John Store Waters W. (SEE ANTHONY HORDERNS' —STATIONERY, BOOKS AND TYPEWRITERS. Roberts G. a. and Co., Bakers and General Store Simms E. Stationer, etc. Smith II. Blacksmith, etc. Smith Henry Wheelwright Solomon C. E. .... General Merchant St. George L. Dentist Stammer Rev. E. II. (C. of E.) Stoker Mrs. F. General Store J. G. Imperial Hotel Junr , Builder Sutherland Sweeney J. T. General Store (:ostwyck Shire Council—J. S. Cram, Pres.; Frank S. Leamon, Shire Clerk ; NV. Thompson, Engineer; I). T. Pearson, Shire Valuer. Baker Harrison E 1 Harrison Mrs. E. J. .. Music Teacher Ilaydon B. F., J.P Solicitor Hennessy M. J. Butcher HENRY JOHN P., andCotrc,Biyleand Motor Agent (sec Advt.) Melding IV. F., Painter A: Newsagent llogbin Hangerford Miss .. Grammar School Johnstone Rev. A. 11. (Meth.) Kirwan Mrs. M. Dressmaker Krippner F. .. Inspector of Nuisances Law Robert I ocomotive Hotel 'toolmaker Lea N. E. Literary Institute—E. Walters, Secretary boehrin Alex. Stationmaster Low W., Hairdresser, Stationer, etc. Low William Mayor McCormick I3ros., Cycle Agents, Engineers, etc. McCrossin William C.Town Clerk TATTERSALL'S HOTEL—Mrs. B. Barnden,Proprietress (see Advt.) Uralla Co .operative Butter and Bacon Co., Ltd.—J. Colas, Manager Ural la Model Band-3. Fuller, Conductor Uralla P. and A. Association— W. C. McCrossin, Secretary Uralla Racing Club— W. Paull, Secretary Uralla Tennis Club—E, Walters, SIT. Uralla Town Band—J. Fuller, Conductor Vincent Mrs. F. IV., Proprietress "Crane Times" Walton Dr. W. B. Physician Warwick Miss Fruiterer Watson E. and W. Fruiterers Williamson Mrs. NV.Dressmaker McCROSSIN W. C. Woods C. T. C.P.S. Anetioneer, Stock, Station rued Woods H. F. Chemist Property Agent, Armidale street. Young and Co. .... Plecenix Foundry P.O. 13nx 11. Telephone No. 11 Manchester Unity T. E. Bardsley, Secretary Masonic Hall (The) Martin Bernard .. Commercial Hotel Munro L.R.Fagineers, etc. Nash Albert Boots and Shoes Nixon nurse O'Brien IV. Constable PEARSON DAVID T. Auctioneer, Stock, Station and Mining . Agent. P.O. Box 5. 'Phone 23. Member of Countrv Stock and Station Association of New South Wales Pearson D. T. ' Milk Vendor Peter A. and Co Oyster Saloon Prince George Saddler Randall E. F. Sen. Constable ltiee Samuel • Royal Hotel Roberts Richard Grocer WOOD AND URANA. 380 in. S. Rail to Connolly., l'i(I Narrandera, thence coach 18 In. Bank of N.S.W. and Government Savings Bank. Court Petty Sessions, Wagga Wagga Quarter Sessions. Backliouse Mrs. R. A., Matron Hospital Bank of N.S.1V.—A. Turner, Manager Bell Bros. Brickmakers Bolle NV. V. General Store Cavanagh A. W. .. Butcher A:, Baiter Clapperton N. C., J.P., Licensing Magistrate Grippe C. NV., J.P., C.P.S., and Registrar B. Me and Deaths Crowley C. C., C.P.S. Culley B., J.P.. Commissioner for • Affidavits COMPANY'S Culley R. D. J.P. Dalliston Walter Wheelwright Ferries Rev. NV. (Pres.) Freund .1. E. iluteher Freund Jacob .... Market Gardener Hacker A. hltu i tiler Ilanralum Rev. Father (ILC ) Hardie It. H. & Co. .. Auctioneers, etc. Ilenderson James Carpenter lioban James It., Corninerrial Hotel Hobbs R. L. Public Moot Hodgkinson F. L. and Co. .... Store Holt George .. Cordial Manufacturer Hynes B. Sergeant of Police LesebergI Postmaster McGeoch Waller, J.P. McKnight C. M., J,P., Physician and Surgeon, Moloney G. Hairdresser Pascoe J. Builder Public Hospital—J. Wise, 'Secretary Quinn T. and Co., Auctioneers and Stock and Station Agents Quinn M., J.P. School of Arts—A. Hacker, Secretary Skene H. C., 3.1'. Smith, Mrs. '1'. Fruiterer Smith Thomas Saddler Smith NV. Blacksmith. Stevenson C., IP., Police Magistrate Town Cominon Trustees— A. Hacker, Sec. Tracey Mrs. M. J., Royal George Hotel Trainor John General Store Urana Golf Club —J. Wise, Secretary Crane P. and A. Association— J. Wise, Secretary Urana Pastures Protection Board.). Wise, Secretary Crane Progress Association—J. Wise, Secretary Urana Race Club—J. Wise, Secretary Crane Rifle Club—W. A. Yates, Sec. Unmet Shire Council—C. M. McKnight, Pres.; A. L. Bondman, Shire Clerk; F. A. Wilson, Shire Engineer. Crane Sports Club—J. Trainor, Secretary Crane Tennis Club—W. T. It, Culley, Secretary Walker Mrs. E. E.General Store Warren W. .1. Carrier Whitehead F. E., J.P Coroner Whin Rev. W. Lacey (C, of E.) Wise J. Commissioner for Affidavits Wise John Auctioneer Wise M. J. Royal Hotel Yates W. A. Store NEW FUNERAL PARLORS ARE UNIOUL SYDNEY.. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FAMOUS LOW PRICES REIGN .SUPREME. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FURNITURE STANDS IN ITS OWN CLASS. Wag 228AUrn,COUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Wag NORMAN T. COX & CO. Auctioneers, Stock and Property Lists forwarded on application. WACCA WACCA. URANQUINTY. 318 tn. S. Rail direct. Bank N.S.W. Allan F. Public School Baker W. T. and Co Agents Black W. T. Baker Campbell II. .... Hotel and Butcher Agent Ford William Stationmaster •Gillard Joshua Store Tincture Bros. MeCrudden Bros, Auctioneers Marrow Miss I. Postmistress Blacksmith Scanlon J. Blacksmith Span! James (C. of E.) 'Ward itev. J. N URBENVILLE. Ellis John HS in. N. Store URUNGA. (SEE DEMANDER HEADS.) 290 m. N. VACY. 180 m. N.Rail to Maitland, thence coach. Nearest bank, Paterson. Butcher Droste D. Cann J. and F. W. .... General Store Clarke George II. .... General Store Cox Miss G. Newsagent Eeough W. D. Blacksmith Murphy 1', Farmers' Hotel VALE OF CLWYOD. 96 m. W. Bail to Eskbank, thence 1 m. 43uthrie James General Store Young Thomas .... Zig Zag Hotel VILLAGE OF HALL. (Sal GININDERRA.). VITTORIA. 188 in. W.Rail to Blayney thence coach 10 m. Dixon Mrs. K. Store 'Weeks Mrs. (Cluyong) .. Storekeeper , WOOD AND COMPANY WAGGA WAGGA 814 m. S. By rail direct, Banks, A.B.C., Commercial Banking Ct. of Sydney, Commercial of Australia, N.S.W., Union, Australasia, Govt. Savings Bank, Savings Bank of N.S.W. Courts of Quarter and l'etty Sessions. Adkins Mrs. C. W. Grocer Adkins J. P., Manager Murrunibulgee Co-operative Milling Co., Ltd. Ahltem S. S. Grocer Allan Stanley Dentist Anderson and Lamont .... l'Iumbers Andison J. Wine Merchant Andrews Rev. II. E (Meth.) Annison James Blacksmith Australian Bank of Commerce Ltd.— Lewis Aveyard, Manager Aylett Bros., Wine Depot and Fruit'rs Aylett P. F., Prince of Wales Hotel Mink: .1. II., Newspaper Proprietor Bank of Australasia—P. II. Bradhurst, Manager Bank of N.S.W.—E. AV. Booty, Mgr. Harting and Anderson, Coactibuilders Bertha E. General Store Blacksmith Ilayley .1. Solicitor Baylis H. Beaver Miss Dressmaker Bootmaker Beeson A. Bellair 0. AV. .. Commercial Hotel Bennett and Barkell .. Cycle Agents Bennett and Wood, Cycle Agents Mackie G. C. Engineer Blarney , It. II., Secretary Murrutnbidgee Co-op. Milling Co., Ltd. Bolton C. P., J.1' Surveyor Booty E. W., Manager Bank of N.S.W. Boswell E. Riverine Nursery Bowman E. A. Fruiterer Boyne A. G. and Co. .. Watchmakers Bradford Nurse .... Private Hospital Bradhurst P. II., Manager Bank of Australasia Bradley John .... Boots and Shoes Broadfoot George Cabinetmaker Bruce and Son Builders Brunskill and Spring, Stock and Station Agents, etc. Buckley Rt. Rev. Monsignor (11.0.) Bullock Mrs. General Store Burgess T. W. Physician Grocer Butler F. Byrne E., Master South Wagga Public School Dentist Byrne J. P. Byrnes Bros. •Butchers Byrnes .J. Pastoral Hotel Byron Mrs. W. J. .. Boots and Shoes THE FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF NAM. JAS. DONAGHY & Co, .•••■•• Stock, Station, Land and Property Salesmen. mo. COUNTRY COMMERCIAL.Wag229A Land Agents and Property Salesmen Full information regarding Lands available supplied promptly. Offices—Adjoining Commercial Hotel, WAGGA WAOGA. 11•■•■••■■•••■Y• Caldwell and Co., Wine and Spirit Merchants Cameron D. S. Baker Campbell A. J. Federal Hotel Campbell J. P. Blacksmith Camplin Albert .... Junction Hotel Canada Cycle Agency Carver Rev. G. A. (C. of E.) Chandler A. C., J.P. Land Agent Chesterman A. II., District Surveyor Clancy Bros. Tailors Clark G. Eddington, B.A., Wagga Grammar School of Australia Ltd.— 'I'. AV. Studley, Manager Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, Ltd.—F. C. Thomas, Manager Convent School—The Presentation Nuns Co-operative Butchering Co. (Hanson) Copland D. and Co. .. General Store Corby W. E. Painter Cormack AV. G. Coachbuilder J. CRAWFORD Coyne D. P. Baker Crummy A. A. Coaclibuilder Curley J. T. Hairdresser Cuskey Mark •Tailor Daley S. C. Assist. Town Clerk Daley W. J. Tobacconist Station Master Darby W Davidson II. T., Commis; Agent, etc. Davidson C. M., J.P. Day IV. F., Chairman Land hoard Deering; harvester Machinery Depot Delane y Nations' Hotel D'I I tulson C. Fruiterer Dobney Thos. and Co. General Store AUCTIONEER, STOCK ADD STATION AGENT, WAGGA WAGGA AND NAR RAN DE R A. . Land and Stock for Sale all parts of the State. Buyers driven or motored to all parts to inspect property or stock. 11.1 3r Clarke G. L. Clarke W. J. Plumber Grocer, etc. Clegg Charles .... Road Contractor Butcher Clough F. Clout Charles J., Prince of !Vales Hotel Clout Ernest Ifridtle Hotel Clout John .... North Waage Hotel Clout Miss Dressmaker Clyde Engineering Co., Ltd. Cobcroft E. J. .... District Surveyor Colley W. F. Watchmaker Collins E. E. and Co., Wool, Hide and Skin Exporters Collins and Green Woolscourers Collins Mrs. W. Fruiterer Collins W. J. Music Teacher Comino P. Oyster Saloon SYDNEY. / Bead Office, 810 . 12 George Street South. 'Phone 326 Commercial Bank COX NORMAN T. AND CO., Stock and Property Salesmen Advt.). (See Dentist !tale C. I Dairyman /land Ilenry BlacItsmith FERRY BERNARD AND CO.. Hann P., J.P., Stock Dealer k Coroner Hannan J. F. General Store Stock and Station Agents (see Hanson's o .operative Butchering Co. Advt. ) Hardy Chas., junr. Marble Works Hardy C. and Co., Builders and ConPit rgerald J. Milk Vendor Fleming J. .... Monumental Mason Hardy Walter, Federal Bricktractors and Fleming W. Brick Yards l'ottery Works oo C long General Store Hartland A. IV. ... Market Gardener General Store histle James Blacksmith Po°01' fnenews Chemist II lattwell C. I hairdresser Tobacconist Bostic James Forest Mrs. A.13. it. Blacksmith Forster J. W. Dairyman Ilay J. F. Carrier Hayes Henry Bushmen's Club Headley H. S., J.1' , Brewer and Cordial Manufacturer Heath and Mitchelmore .. Solicitors Iledditch E. II. Land Agent Heffernan Mrs. .. Teacher Shorthand Ilenningham E. Photographer Higgins and Robinson .... 9olicitors Hill l'eter .. Bookseller and Stationer PREMIER Country Hills D. • Baker Fruiterer fling IV. • LAND AGENTS in Hiscock R. Saddler Hoare GI. F. Lorry Proprietor New South Wales. Hodson C. .. Builder and Contractor Ferris F. J. L. A. fOSBERY & CO. DONAGHY JAS. & CO., Land Ag ents and Property Salesmen (see Advt. ) Subdivision of large and milli eAtates, under the Closer Settlement Prom tion Act, a speciality. Write for details of this most important feature of the Crown Lands Acts. Donnelly H. D. Viaduct Hotel Donnelly Nurse .... Private Hospital OFFICES: Dowsett W. 'Bus Proprietor Drummond and Doyle, Blacksmiths Dunn James Contractor Donn Mrs. Dressmaker Dunn W. Dealer, etc. Durieu W. F. .... General Merchant Easteott J. Cab Proprietor Edmonds W. Fruiterer Edniondson T. and Co., General Store and Commission Agent Elliott George V. .. Carrington Hotel Elliott Mrs. J. Store Emblem Robert Town Clerk Entwistle Y. Gunsmith Eyles Bros. Drapers Eyles W. R. and Co. .. Drapers, etc. Farmers' and Settlers' Association— George Linden, Sec. Federal Brick and Pottery Works Fens= Miss T.,. Sec. and Librarian School of Arts Vermin .1. Turner Painter FITZMAURICE STREET, WAGGA WAGGA. AND COMPANY1 HOVE AND CO. Monumental Masons.Highest Class of Work Executed. Ourwood Street • Hoye and ColbecicFuneral Directors Ilunter John and Sons, Ltd., Boots and Shoes Hunter Bros., Jewellers & Booksellers I luthwaite IV. 0 .... General Store Hyland Reg. •Fruiterer Irvine D. It. and Co., Stock and Station Agents Jacob 11. I Solicitor Jacobs Mrs. II.'Livery Stables Jeremy J. and Co., Commission Agts. Jeretny J., J.P. Johnston Mrs. A. Store and Skin Merchants Jones D. Bootmaker S. J. Blacksmith Jones G. Bootrnaker Fraser William F. Contractor Frimley .1. J. ...... Squatters' Hotel Garland B. A., Manager Union Bank Garland W. J., Supt. Dist. Public School Genic Bros. Tankmakers Gelme John Coachbutlder George T. Fruiterer George Mrs. Registry Office Government Savings Bank— Cyril Portus, Manager Graham 19. Milk Vendor Gray Miss L.Dressmaker Gray John, junr., Builder, Contractor Green Thomas, Wool, Hide Ferguson B. II. hairdresser Ferrari° Mrs. Mary Baker Greer WOOD HOGAN & MAHON, Brewers and Cordialmakers• (Boo Advt.) Homan Mrs. E. Dressmaker lioinan Louis Piano Depot Hopkins J., Sportsman's Arms Hotel llorwood and Raleigh, Stock and Station Agents Hounsell Mrs. E. Nurse Howe P. J. Posttnaster FUNERAL PARLORS HAVE MET ALONG-FELT WANT IN SYDNEY.' ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR POULTRY KEEPERS' ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR THE MAN ON THE LAND. . 230A Wag WagCOUNTRY COMMERCIAL.• Wal • 231A Wag COUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Bernard Ferry & Co., HOGAN & MAHON, •••■■■ Stock and Station Agents, Mc. Wagga Wagga. Attention given to Sale of PASTORAL AND AGRICULTURAL LAND in all parts of the Commonwealils Pastoral Finance Association Ltd. Wool, Produce, Frozen Meat Agents. , (I tre and Marine), Crops, Fencing, Ilaystue&e. - Juppenlatz Mrs. A. .... Wagga Hotel Kelly, Cunningham and Co., Drapers Grocer Ketn Quong Butcher King Charles Kong Pat IL General Store Kyeamba Shire Council—E. A. Fitzgerald, Pres. C. L. Daley, Shire Clerk; F. g. Oxley, Shire Engineer Linsley '1'. F. ....Veterinary Surgeon Lea Mrs. M. Coffee Palace Leahy Dr. W. Physician Leaver Mrs. ... Farmers' Home Hotel Leek Mrs. F. Home Hotel Lewis A. and Co. Tailors Dealer Lillian Prank Lindsay J., Staff Surveyor, Lands Dept. Luck l'erey Golden Age Hotel Lyne Charles, .. Stock Inspector Bootmaker Lyon C. Fruiterer Lyon 0. Lysaught A. I'. ... Commission Agent McCracken William ... Hotel Broker McDonough F. J., Advance Australia Hotel McGarry and Fitzgerald .... Butchers McGrath J. J. and Co. .... Saddlers McGrath J. J.. J.P. McGrath J., Produce Dealer and Storekeeper McInerney C. .... Coach Proprietor Dealer McInnes D. McInnes 1). .... Veterinary Surgeon McIntosh Bros., Builders and Undertakers McKenzie W. Decorator McKeown G. M., J.P., Mgr Wagga Experimental Farm McKern J. T., Registrar Experimental Farm McLean .1. F. Albury Hotel Macrow A. and Sons Proprietary Ltd., Jewellers Maloney F. J. ' Draper Manchester Unity I.O.O.P.— R. Miller, Secretary Mansfield W. T. Saddler Fru iteret Marsh S. Martin James and Co., Machinery Agents Masonic Hall (The)—George Wunsch, Secretary Massey-Harris Co., Ltd. Dentist Matthews C. Maxwell and Co., Soap Manufacturers Confectioner Meager If. R. W. • Medd F. E. •Chemist Menneke F. Blacksmith ' WOOD AND Land, Stock, Farms and Stations for Sale in every part of N.S.W. and Queensland. Clients can always rely on the services of a Prsetical and Experience(' Staff. Assurance Seeley. The United Insurance Co. WAGOA WAG(;, CONTINUED AGENTS FOR: Colonial Mutual Life COMPANY: Cooper's Dips. Fluid and Powder. Mouser Louis General Dealer Meurant and Blake, Auctioneers, Stock and Station Agents Meyers T. W. Hairdresser, etc. Millenet henry Criterion Hotel Minnett Mrs. .. Kindergarten School Mitchell Shire Council—A. thirst, Pres.; C. L. Daley, Shire Cleric P. N. Oxley, Shire Engineer Mitchell George Estate Agent Mobbs Athol W. Physician Monks W. J. Architect Mongan Mark, Hairdresser and Tobac. Carrier Moore C. Morales .T. C. Plumber 11.R.11101E11111111 Land Agent and Auctioneer, Wagga Wagga Properties FOR SALE In all parts of' N. 8. Wales. Particulars of large properties wanted for good clients. Morrison I Watchmaker Mumford J. J. & S. A., Builders, etc. Grocer Mumford G. Murray M. S. .... Club House Hotel Alurrumbidgee Anglers' and Game Protection Association—It. II. 11111, Secretary Murrumbidgee Co-operative Milling Co., Ltd.—J. P. Adkins, Manager. City Office, 10 Spring et, Sydney Murrumbidgee Pastoral and Agricul. tura Association—A. F. D. White, Secretary _ THE FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF N.S.W. Murrumbidgee Turf Club— J. A. Harrison, Secretary Naplithali A. Boardinghouse Nash t Mrs. II. .... Freemasons' Hotel Nathan Abe. .. Furniture Warehouse Nesbitt Mrs. A. M. Stationer Nesbitt it..... Puna titre Dealer Nixon It. I Dairyman Nolan Mrs. E., Golden Fleece Hotel Oates II. Tailor Othlfellows' Hall (The) O'llegan J. F. Butcher O'Regan James . . Terminus Hotel O'Reilly .T. IC. Clothier O'Shanassy Miss E. ..Dressmaker Paelchain Mrs. II. 31., Union Club Parker S. J. ' Railway 1111:Itel Partial' A. hairdresser Persona .1. and Sons .. Conclibuildera Pastures Protection Board— George Mitchell, Secretary Paton Theophilus J., Crown Lands Agent Payne W. 11. Boots and Shoes Peacock C. J., Saddler and Conclibuilder Pendrick Tiros. Brickworks, Porterfield W. Baker Portutt Cyril, Manager Government Savings Bank Potter E. I Currier Pratt Mrs. .... Black Swan lintel Protestant. Hall (The)— George Mitchell, Sec. Public School Teachers' Association— J. S. Andrews, Secretary Public Service Association— F. J. Barnard, Secretary Pulver Bros. Orchardists Purcell If. Baker Putties Mrs. Fruiterer l'urtell Miss C. Teacher of Music Purtell W., .LP., Stock and Land Agent, etc. Quantity F. 'I'. Foliterer Qwong Num Lee Rae V. rdGrress oceerr Rankin 'II. I lairdresser Redhead J. II. Carpenter Mach II. ....... ..• Ilairdresser Ritchie L. S. .... White Horse Hotel Itiverine Bushmen's Club—W. Dunn Robinson P., Engineer for Waterworka Rose It. C. .... Deputy Town Clerk Ross A. Baker. Saddler and Rudd G. Ryan J. M. Itynehart Leslie Hairdresser Ryan Miss Costumiere. SYDNEY. ( REQUISITES. Mayor rraelcistl eliTh?grAD First Prize-takers for Ale, Stout, Apra tad Waters, Cordials, &c., At Wagga Wagga and Junco Shows Four Years In 41■1 te FEDERAL BREWERY, The Esplanade, Wagga Wagga, succession. BREWERS ct St. John's Young Men's Club— G. L. Hinton, Secretary Sanderson P. Chemist Savings Bank of N.S.W.— W. L. Shaw, Accountant Scharenberg W. Tailor School of Arts—Miss T. Fensom, Sec. and Librarian Sehrettimer August (North), Dairytnan Scott J. J. Australian Hotel Searle Mrs. Racecourse Hotel Searle William, Builder & Contractor Seymour Margaret, Tattersall's Hotel Shuarpe C Watchmaker Shaw Robert Confectioner Sheffield F. IV. Tailor Sheppard G., J.P Architect Silver T. J. Oyster Saloon Simpson J. F. .... Produce Merchant Singer Manufacturing Co., Ltd.— I). Anderson, Mgr. Sin Lee Gee Fruiterer Skinner P. .... Inspector of Schools Skudder J. and Monks .. Auctioneers Smith Charles 'Wheelwright Smyth W. and Co. Drapers Snow Mrs. E. Registry Office SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE COMPANY, Ltd. (Fire and Aeeident)—d. Crawford, Agent. *Speedwell Cycle Agency Spies John, Carpenter and Cabinetmaker State Stores Ltd. (The), General Store Stevenson George, .1.1'. P.M., Warden and Coroner Stevenson W. J. (North), Public School Stewart A. Exchange hotel Physician Stoker II. Stoppelbein J. C. Plumber Fruiterer Stow G. Studley P. W., Manager Commercial Bank of Australia Ltd. Sullivan S. .. Newspaper Proprietor Swatisborough It. Boottnaker Sydenhatn A., Fancy Goods and Newsagent Sydetihnin Miss Eva Typist, etc. Thomas P. C., Manager Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, Ltd. Thompson It. & Co., General Carriers Thornton 0. Hairdresser Tomlinson W. E., District Inspector (P.O.) Topharn B. G. Saddler Turner A. C., Plumber and Tinsmith Union Bank—E. A. Garland, Manager Vidler P. W. Dairy WOOD AND COMPANY CORDIAL MANUFACTURERS. Wagga Wagga Amateur Picnic Race ' Wilkins J. H.Comtnission Agent Club—A. P. I). White, Sec. Willans A. 0., Clerk in Charge Lands Wagga Wagga Benevolent Society— Miss B. Loughlin, Secretary Wagga Wagga Chamber of Commerce 'W. L. Shaw, Secretary Wagga Wagga Choral Society— A. .T. Mitchanan. Secretary Wagga Wagga Coursing (SAD. Jones, Secretary Wagga Wagga and District Caledonian Society—George Mitchell, Secretary Wagga Wawa District Co-op. Mutter Factory and Chilling Co., Ltd. Wagga M'agga District Cricket Man. — A. Kinsella, Secretary Wa n Waggn District Football Association—C. M. 11 , See. IVagga 'Wagga Freezing Works and Butter Co.—G. .1. Rohr, Proprietor Wagga Wagga Golf Club— J. Cowper, Secretary Wagga Wagga Gun Club Wagga Wagga Hospital—A. F. D. White, See. ; Miss Wiseman, Mat ron Wagga Wagga Monumental Co. Wilmot Wagga - I lunuila Tinnbartunba Railway League—George Mitchell, Secretary Wstiora Wagga Licensed Victuallers' Race Club—J. McAllister, See. Wagga Wagga P. and A. Association —A. F. D. White, Secretary Wagga Wagga Pastime Club— A. Willistm , Secretary 1Kagga Wagga Poultry Club— E. J. Heydon, Secretary Wagga IVagga Starr Ilowkett Building Society, No. 1.-11. IV. Watson, Sec. IVagga Wagga Tennis Club— A. 0. Willana, Secretary Wawa Wagga Trotting Club0. Daley, Secretary Walker J. D., J.P., C.P.S. and Reg. B. M. and D. Walsh S. D. Dairy Walsh W. M. J. Solicitor Ward Rev. J. N. (C. of E ) Warren and Clough Butchers Martin W. Produce Dealer Warren C. F., J.P Physician Watson W. N. & Co. .. Auctioneers West .T. Dyer Wheatley IV. II., Stock and Station Agent Wheeler C. P., Prince of Wales Hotel White A. F. D., Secretary P. and A. Association Whittier Rev. G. (Pres.) gg g Williams A. Tobacconist Williams II. J. and Son ... Chemists Williamson and Ilarrison, Stock and Station Agents Wilson W. Painter Windridge W. .1., Draughtsman. Lands Ihmartment Wing Choy Greengrocer Wise D. L. .. Travellers' Rest Hotel Wiseman Miss Ii. .. Matron Hospital Wood G. General Store Woodbridge Coachbuilder, etc. Woolley Mrs. E. Grocer Ileaton and Co., Ltd. Forwarding Agents, etc. Yule J. II. Dentist WAGONGA. 276 m. S. Steamer direct. Nearest bank, Aforuya. WAGRA. 411 m. S. Rail to Albury, thence coach. Nearest bank, Albury. Surridge John Blacksmith I'incent E. B. and M., Victoria Hotel, Bakers and Store WAKOOL GROSSING. 597 tn. S.W. Rail to Hay, coach thence. Nearest bank, 13alranald. McInnes D. C. Mikan/ Hotel Pope Mrs. S. flenerai Store WALBUNDRIE. 418 m. S. Rail to Burrumbuttock, thence 9 m. Nearest bank, Brocklesby. Clear E. Dealer Fagan 1'. General Store Gibbous A. E. .... Auctioneer, etc. Goldsworthy W. Blacksmith King James Hotel WALBUNDRIE REEFS. (see BULUANIMA.) CONDUCT THEIR BUSINESS ON LINES WHICH INSPIRE PUBLIC CONFIDENCE. EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY AT ANTHONY HORDERNS'. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR TOP QUALITY AT BOTTOM PRICE. 232AWal COUNTRY CO-MMERCIAL.Wal COUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Wal Wal. 233A Royal Hotel The IMPERIAL ROT(L, T. DALTON, Proprietor. FREDK. PARKER, Propr., Leading Commercial and Family Hotel in Walgelt. • Large Sample Rooms and every convenience for Commercial Travellers. Billiards. Splendid Stabling Accommodation. Veld. cies of all descriptions on 'Bus meets all trains. WALGETT. I !tii RA; . First and Second Class. Accommodation. Only one class of Wines and Spirits stocked—The Beer. . s itib .1 . -...-'• / • .tt ., l.,7, .... 4.11:214 t :L.uf..1 . A:t .g..,,. ... WALGETT. Ilargrave S., Auctioneer and Shire Walcha Municipal Council-11. Lovett, Clerk Mayor ; IV. P. Castle, l'own Clerk 332 tn. N. • Rail to Walcha-road, Harrison Joseph Builder Waleha Sports' ClubHerbert James Blacksmith thence coach 12 in. Banks, Coni- Holland s. H. Leeson, I Lou. Secretary E., Crown Lands Agent J. mercial and N.S. Wales. Court Walcha Swimming and C.I'.S. Petty Sessions, Artnidale Quarter Hunter 3. N. Campbell, Hon. See.. J. F. Skin Boyer Sessions. Jockey Club—C. St. Clair, Hon. Sec. Watch Picnic Race Club— Tailor Jones Abraham I). Alfred Royal Hotel A. T. Fenwicice, lion. Sec. Dairy Kelly Mrs. Alfred G. Boardinghouse Walcha Turf Club—S. Howey, Secty. Apsley Co . operative Butter and Bacon Kingsbury Miss Dressmaker Wall W. Dairy. Co., Ltil.—E. T. Boller, Sec. Builder Kirkcaldy It. Tinsmith Waller I I Apsley Shire—F. B. Fleming, l'res.; Lonergan Mrs. Dairy Waller James hairdresser S. Hargrave, Shire Clerk ; W. S. Love Bros., Hairdressers, Fancy Goode Walsh H. .1., J.P Coroner Down, Shire Engineer. and Billiard Saloon Weir F. C. Dentist Atkin George Visiting P.M. Lovett Benjamin .. Store and Mayor White I. Sawmills Bank of N.S.W.—G. M. Reed, Mgr. McDonald Alex., New England 1101el White James Boots and Shoes Bath Percy E. Clothier Maluffog and Chandler .. Sawmills Woods Robert Bootmaker Bath W. II. and T. Butchers McRae Bros. General Store NVoods W. Boottnakee Blair M. .1. C. Saddler Miller J. C. Baker Dairy Moodie P. J. Chemist Blake Mrs. Nurse Morgan It. M. Watchmaker Bourke Miss Bowden G. If., Coach Proprietor and Morrison .1. G. Painter Carrier Moulton Rev. W. C. (Pres.) Dockland G. A., Auctioneer, 321 tn. N. Rail direct. Nearest Nash J. J. Land Agent Pountikeeper Nash Thomas 131. Solicitor bank, Walcha. Campbell J. N., Sec. P. and A. Assn. O'Connor Rev. Father (11.C ) Clark M. nalga Citizens' Town 13atid—J. A. \Vatter, McMullen Joseph ... General Store l'.A. and II. Association— Secretary .1. N. Campbell, Secretary Castle W. P. Town Clerk Patten David W. A pslcy Hotel Chaplain 3. .. Acetylene Gas Etigr. Potiri George Oyster Saloon Tailor Rink Hall (The)—.1ames White Clarkson II. IC. Commercial Bank—P. C. C. Mackay, Lessee Manager Roberts 11. J. Clothier, etc. 476 m. N.W. Rail direct.Banks, Commercial Banking Co. of Syd• Conley .1. N. Builder Ityan William.. Cordial Manufacturer ney, Ltd., N.S.W. Courts of Crane Sidney Public School Schrader Miss Boardinghouse Crittenden A. A., Saddler and Quarter and Petty Sessions School of Arts—Sidney Crane, Skin Buyer Secretary Adams F. W., Stock Inspector, WalCross S. It. Timber Yard Scott W. R. IL, .. Blacksmith gett and Walgett North P.P. Crowe Miss • Boarding House Seekold Cornelius, 3.1' Saddler Board.. Davies Rev. G. II. (C. of E.) Skogland and Nash .. Skin Buyers Amateur Race ClubDean II. II. Land Agent Smith II. Postmaster , P. G. NeilleY, lion. Sec. Dairy Steel Bros. Brickmakers Anderson Rev. James (Pres.) Elliott C. H. Butcher Anderson It. Erratt and Co. General Store Steel II, Baker Farrell Mrs. Boarding House Steel J. Inspector of Nuisances Anthony J. .. Bfail. coach Proprietor Fenwicke and Co., Stock and Station Stephens S., J P Physician Apted John Contractor Agents and Auctioneers Stringer Wm., sen. .. Boardinghouse Baker C. himuir,lreasc.r Forster Mrs. Boarding House Stringer W. Blacksmith Bank of N.S.W.—F. G. Martin, Mgr. Fowler David, Prop "Walcha News" Temperance Hall (The) Gates J. F. General Store Thompson Mrs. Dressmaker BARKER C., Imperial Livery. George Fergus W. , , Dentist Thorsby and Co., Ltd. .. Sawmills Stables (see Advt.). Gilbert Alec. , . Draper Towers J., Common Ranger and Seely. .. Golf Club—Dr. Stephens, secretary Townshend Frank, Proprietor Bernhardt II. Hairdresser. Goman W. J., Undertaker and Builder "Walcha Witness" Bradley Mrs. E. Baker Green Thomas Solicitor Turner 'W. T. .... Commercial WW1 Brigg A. .W Dentist Grieve William Builder Uhric Mrs. Milk Vendor Chrietolf George Dairyman Hamilton P. Hairdresser Walcha Gun Club—S. A. Sevenoaks, Cohen W. 11. and Sons, General Ilanley J. F. Baker Secretary Merchants, Hardaker T. 0. and Co., General Store Walcha Hospital—Thomas Green, Sec. Colless Arthur Brewer WALCHA. WALCHA ROAD. WALGETT. • WOOD AND COMPANY:FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF N.S.W. : SYDNEY. (Litertt°8111U(:i18.104412:177%)' .1:17...t: . A .+: z, ,,, '..A+ FIRST.CLASS 110118E, and Fj acknowledged to be one of the leading Hotels on the NorthWest, lluue. 1st, and 211(1 Class Tables. Large air y Stables. .date Bit. llaid Table. Every eonvenience for lime travelling puhlie. All (ruins met. Speciatity -/:.reelleal Cuisine. Mechanics' hist itute—W. Neal, See. Meeson George, J. l'„ P.M. Miles Mrs. K. M., Commission Agent, tidngies)t: etc. (LightnTinogbaro Murphy E. F. Opal Buyer Nash Frank A., Manager Woodlands W001/4 e011 r Gaffey A. Neal W., Land and Commission Agent Gleeson M. T. J. .. C0171.771ercial Hotel Nettley F. C. P., 3.1'., Road Supt. Goldrick I Postmaster Gore Richard Boottnaker Gra y A. Saddler NOWLAND BROS., 'Bus, Coach Greenaway T. Butcher and General Livery Stables (Boo Haigh C. S. .. General Store, etc. Advt.) Harris Thomas and Son Builders Hartley C. Coach Painter Osborne John and Co. .... Fruiterers Hayes Bros. Woolscourers Parker Fred. Royal Rot el Hook D. C. .. Teacher Public School I'. and A. Association— Hospital—W. II. Wright, Secretary; S. Smith, Secretary Miss M. Smythe, Matron Pertnewan, Wright and Co., Forwarding Agents—A. It. Gray, Mgr. IMPERIAL HOTEL (The)— Peterswald J., Sub-inspector of Police Thomas Dalton, Proprietor (see l'rogress Association—J Maguire, Secretary Advt.) Ptolemy George Coachbuilder (Milky George, "Spectator Newspaper" Jewell I. L. .... Refreshment Rooms Rae F.- and Co. Cabinetmakers Kennelly W. Publie School Rose A. II. Contractor Kennett Mathew Solicitor Itoss 1). Photographer , li rutzberg F. Watchmaker Ifellugh P. G. Saddler MeIvor James Tailor ROYAL HOTEL—Fred Parker, McMullen J. Butcher Proprietor (sec Advt.) Martin F. G., J.P., Mgr. Bank of N.S.W. Ryan I'. Stationmaster Meagher W. T. .. Barwon This Hotel School of Arts—W. Neal, Secretary. Camino and Panaretto Fruiterers Porde C. W., Secretary IValgett and Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney Walgett North P.P. Board Ltd.—C. .7. Druitt, Manager Coolie .1. G. Draper Cotton G. R. C., Medical Practitioner FORD F. O., Signwriter and Painter (sea Advt.) CRAWFORD MRS. E. E. Boardinghouse. A nice quiet home with every home comfort, and good table for the travelling public.Terms, 4/. per day 20/ . per week Cream Box Store Crofters H. l'of tersoll's 11011.1 Dalton T. Imperial llolci 11. le G., Cordial Mann far. Daniels Solicitor night S. S. Dodd William .... Exchange Hotel Donnelly .1., Billiard Saloon, . Hairdresser, etc. Druitt C. J., J.P., Mgr. Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney Ltd. Dunn A. M., J.P., C.P.S., Crown Lands Agent. Registrar of Births, Marriages and Deaths Evans K. Refreshment itooms Fagan Joseph Coachbuilder Farmers' and Settlers' Association— W. Neal, Secretary Fletcher A. A., Castlemaine Brewery C BARKER @Imperial Livery Stables . Vehicles of all descriptions on hire day or night. 4 and 6 Horse Drags for Weddings, Picnics, etc. Horses and Vehicles Bought and Sold. Travellers' Sulkies supplied at all hours—with driver it' required; WALGETT. Special Coach to and from Lightning Ridge or any part of the District.ALL TRAINS MET. WOOD AND COMPANY'S FUNERAL PARLORS HAVE BEEN WELL COMMENDED. SYDNEY. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR THE NEWEST MEN'S MERCERL COUNTRY' COMMERCIAL. Wal • Wal Grocer Elfgrove I IIingerty Mrs. Railway Hotel hing Walter Federal Hotel Norris James Butcher Grocer Palmer W. Sackett Geo. F'. ' . General Store Troy George .... Butcher and Baker Saddler Worden G. WALLERAWANG. 104 in. W. By rail direct. Bank, Commercial. Court Petty Seaslow, Bathurst Quarter Sessions. Abbott A. II. 'Royal 'Hotel Ah You Chas. Greengrocer Andrews and Co. .... General Store liarcroft George Butcher Barton .1. W. J.P. Nashua'ShireCouncil—Charlie Moore, Pres.; J. W. Stocks. Shire Clerk ; B. A. Heffernan, Shire Engineer Buliteley It. II. and Co. General Store Bullteley R. IL, J.P., and Guardian. of Annus Commercial Bank--A. 31. Oxley, Mgr. Tanner Connolly Owen Considine Michael, Commercial Hotel Davis James Billiard Saloon Builder. etc. Harding I Tailor Hart Morton Blacksmiths Miller II. & W hairdresser Morris Payne Oscar Fancy Goods, etc. Smith John, Saddler, Boots and Shoes Wearne J. T., J.P. Undertaker White J. Winchester John Blacksmith WALLI. 203 m. W. Rail to Mandurama, thence coach. Nearest bank, Mandurama. WALLSEND. 107 in. N. Rail or steamer to Newcastle, thence rail, tram, or 'bus to Wallsend. Banks, Aust. Bank of Commerce Ltd, N.S.W., Australasia. Court Petty See' alone, Newcastle Quarter Sessions. Abel Thomas (Plattsburg), Council Clerk; Sec. to Hospital and Mechanics' Institute Agricultural Society's Hall Anderson Fredk. Tinsmith Anderson J. tuctioneer A inistrong W. Watchmaker Austin W. Jeweller Australian Bank of Commerce Ltd.— J. II. Turner, J.P., Manager Baker and McKenzie • Solicitors Baldwin A. C. • Carpenter Bank of Australasia-11. W Chapman, Manager Bayliss J. A. Blacksmith Bean II. K., J.P Physician 'Bennett C. S. Contractor Bennett I. 1 Baker i. Store Berry Mrs. A. Blackall and Hunt Chemists Blakey Mrs. General Store Boyd W. Estate Agent Broadfoot W. J. Carpenter .Callaglian Patrick (Plattsburg), Tailor Chapman II. W., Manager Bank of Australasia Clements E. Boots and Shoes WOOD AND Coleman .1. Newsagent Physician Collier I, . Cook Adam,' Town Clerk, Wallsend Co-operative Colliery Co. (Plattsburg) —J. Barr, Manager Itellorter, etc. Cork W. Craig .1. .1. M., Master Public School Cunningham W., Inspector of Nuis. Surveyor Dalton C. A. Carrier Davidson D. Davidson Nurse Davies and Cannington, Federal Printing Works Tinsmith Davies J. J. Dean Mrs. J. (Plattsburg), Butcher Baker Dobell J. It. ' Edwards Mrs. E. (Plattsburg), General Store Elamorc Vale Colliery—II. Maddison, Manager Evans 11. AL and Co. (Plattsburg), Store and Coachbuilders Federal Printing CO. (PIRUSIIII rg)— Davies and Cannington Fire Brigade--W. Robertson, Captain Firkin 0. and Co. Drapers Firkin 'I'. toerre Firkin Henry T. Ilairdreas Hairdresser Fisher T. Flynn W. A., J.P 0.1.S. Forbes J. A. and Co., Grocers and Drapers Fordham John Saddler Fromm George and Co., Ironmongers Fryar Thomas, .1. I'., Grocer, Draper, and Reg. IL I). and B. Tailor Gale Thomas Garatty ;an (Plattsburg), Coachbuilder Gibson Mrs. John .... General Store Gordon William Blacksmith Graham Robert It. Postmaster Green N., Librarian, School of Arts Gunn W. 3., Sewing Machine Agent Saddler liannan G. Solicitor Harper W. I Herd D. General Dealer rr Hill Miss Milliner Fruiterer 1 1 i 11 Robert Hitchcock A. J. Hodges W. Produce Store Fruiterer llopkins Hopkins A. • Carpenter Horne W. J. (Plattsburg), General Store Houston W., Wallsend Colliery Hotel Fruiterer Howard II. Hulse C. E. Newsagent, etc. Horn C. Insurance Agent Johnson W. W. .. Grocer and Draper Carrier Jones 1 Draper Jones J. D. Kirk J. and Co. .... General Store lirempin Charles Friliterer Larkin W. .... Great Northern hotel Royal Hotel Leach E. Lewis J. ,Watchmaker, etc. Lewis Joseph .. Lemon Grove Hotel Lightfoot E. Carrington llotel Lowe Mrs. General Store Tailor McAllister II. DfcCroraey Daniel (Plattsburg), • Greengrocer McEwan W. A. .. l'ost Office Hotel McGrorney Miss Milliner McKenzie Duncan .. Boots and Shoes 3falthouse T. Carter, etc. Maryland Colliery (Plattsburg) Masonic Hall (The) Al ilgate R. W. ' Butcher Sawyer Moore A. Morris William, Store and Blacksmith Bicycle Agent Murray C. Myers Frank Hairdresser COMPANY: 235A Carrier Neal S. N.S.W. Aerated Water and Cordial Co., Ltd. (Plattsburg) "Newcastle Morning Herald" (Plattsburg) Newcastle Walisend Coal Co. Statimunaster Newton S Nordin G. Fishmonger 'epperall.. (hope's Inn 'Hotel 'epperall Mrs. (Plattsburg), General Dealer 'loitering ' Rev. Charles (Rapt.), Plat tsburg lattsburg Gas Works—C. Robins, Manager 'Iumeridge A. Confectioner Bicycle Agent `roudlock 0. Tailor unton J. J. Red Lion Hotel alph Adam tcay Thomas Tobacconist lien Airs. W. T. ... Imperial Hotel enfrew D. (Plattsburg), Blacksmith tenfrew David .. Commercial Hotel tenwick Itev. (C. of E.) Engineer Diodes B. tichards Thomas,* Northumberland Hotel Gehardson C. W., Veterinary Surgeon lichardson Bev. (Prea.) Draper Sarke Mrs. School of Arts—E. Truscott, lion. Sec. Shaw J. Tattersall's Hotel Sinclair Thomas Tailor Fruiterer Smith Joe Nurse Smith Airs. Sneddon's Colliery—A. Sneddon, Mgr. Snowden Robert and Son .. Builders Sony W. It. Hairdresser Solomon Charles It. Dentist Brickmaker Spargo J. Stone 0., Inspector of NIIINIIIIeen (Plattsburg) Carpenter Stone 11. Stone V. Raeccourse Hotel Taylor A. E., Engineer & Electrician TI10111118 I). M. Billiard Saloon Thomas Mrs. R. .. Boots and Shoes Baker Thompson II. Timmins 11., Sexton W. k P. Cemetery Builder J.P W., Timmins Truscott J., Ltd., Grocers and Drapers Painter Turnbull W. Turner J. II„ J.P., Manager Aust. Bank of Commerce Ltd. Tyler Bros., Timber Merchants, Ironmongers, etc. Tyrell E. H. !Annie Teacher Wallsend' and Plattsburg Co-operative Society, Baker, Butcher, Draper and General Store (Plattaburg)— J. Davies, Manager Wallsend Brick Co.—W. Bates, Mgr. Wallsend Colliery — A. Ross, junr., Manager Wallsend and Plattsbur g Musical and Literary Society—T. R. Davies, Secretary Wallsend Cottage Hospital—T. 'Abel, Sec.; Miss Lowrey, Matron Wallsend and Plattsburg A. and II. Society—R. Maddison, jun., Sec. Wallsend Jockey Club— E. Cowcher, Secretary Wells J. J., Librarian, Plattsburg Mechanics' institute White Mrs. National Hotel Wilkinson F. P. Baker Wilkinson Henry (Phittsburg), Butcher Wilkinson W. H. Baker Fruiterer Williams R. Woodhouse W. Fruiterer Young A. Terminus Hotel SPECIAL RATES FOR CASH PAYMENTS. SYDNEY. ON THE HISTORIC SLOPE OF BRICKFIELD HILL. War237A WarCOUNTRY COMMERCIAL. t '" Commevdat otet H. D. ROSS Proprietor. For Comfort, Cleanliness, and Attention, this is the Leading Hotel in Warialda, Splendid Stabling Accommodation. ----Hot and Cold Baths, and Up-to-date Billiard Table. Special attention is given to the Dining Room, which is excellent. TARIFF, 8s. and 4s. per day. Permanent Boarders receive emu consideralion. avkatia. DOAK WILLIAM Tailor Stewart Robert II. Baker Long D. D. McGee R. II. .... Taftersall's Hotel ‘VaIlis James Dairyman McGee It. It. Mayor Warialda Hospital— Plumber, Tinsmith and General A Stewart, Secretary McGregor .1. A. J.P. .... Auctioneer Galvanised Iron Worker. Agent Maher Miss (Kelly's ' Cully), for Alston and Netters' WindRefreshment Rooms mills. Estimates given for erec• tion of same.Correspondence MARSHALL AND STEVENS, Cash best workmanOnly invited. ship at lowest rates Buyers of Sheepskins, Hides, Tallow, etc. (ace Advt.)physician Dentist Ellis A. W. V1miuiuiiili Erector Matthews W. • Esplitt I Butcher Moore G. E. (Kelly's Gully), rogarty T. General Store rrewin Rev. G. D. (C. of E.) General Store (lettings A. Stock Inspector linitstgmai talt: and. Co. ....General J. B. CAMPBELL, eneral Store Gilmour Robert St Co., Wheelwrights Nelson K. F O'Brien 'Brien John hol d Proprietor. P. and A. Society—A. J. Se c. GILMOUR R. G., Coachbuilder, RailwayPaslowS.(Key'Gu), WHITE SWAN HOTEL. Wheelwright and Undertaker. Vehicles renovated equal to new. All work guaranteed. pIRST-CLASS ACCOM. Peale G. E. W., ,LP., Coroner,Th" MODATION offered Powell C. Town* Clerk and Solicitor Postmaster to the ' travelling public at Rifle Club—E. J. Hadley, Secretary moderate tariff, viz. Saddler Ritter Alfred Gilmour Blacksmith ack Sawmills R Graham George L I., Ross D Conreial mw flute! (see 4/- per Day. (Riese William Contractor Hadley E. J., Teacher Public School St. Joseph's Convent—Sister Burkman, Vehicles of every description Ilancocic A. Road Contractor on hire. Our Horses are all Reverend Mother Holmes 11. 0. Physician School of Arts—A. Stewart, Secretary corn-fed. lloy Alf General Store Sewell 'P. Sergeant of Police Julius E. Forest Guard Slack George 'Buses meet all trains. Booittrititialkdeerr Slack W. Smith John, Gen. Store & Fruiterer Smith Rev. P. A. (Pres.) Stock, Station and Trucking Smith T. K., Manager Commercial Warialda Jockey Club— R. Ii. McGee, Secretary Agent, Warialda, N.S.W. Auction Sales held in any part of the South Theo. R. II. Sawmills Warialdit Pastures Protection Board— Stehr E. A. .1. Devine, Sec. Butcher district. 'Phone 9 LANACAN JOHN MARSHALL & STEVENS, WARIALDA Cash Buyers of Sheepskins, Hides, Tallow Telephone No. 13 Warlalda. WOOD AND COMPANY : and all Station Produce. ANSWER CMS AT ANY HOUR, DAY OR NIGHT . SYDNEY. ■ NEW PALACE EMPORIUM, BRICKFIELD HILL SYDNEY, ANTHONY HORDERNS' — ONLY UNIVERSAL PROVIDERS. 2)38AWar WARREN. WAWA IliA CONTIN 13 ED- Wa r lahla Pharmacy— 358 m. W. Rail direct. Bank, F. C. Cartwright, proprietor Commercial.Court Petty Ses"Warialda Standard" (The)— sions, Dubbo Quarter Sessions. Alice Buist, l'roprietress Allen G. .... Builder and Carpenter Warialda Tennis Club— Storekeeper Dr. II. G. Holmes, Secretary A zer Fred. Carrier Watson T. 11. Sta t haulm st er Berry I). Iti zeil Mrs. Continental Cafe Webber VV. Welt John Brielimaker BlundellC . . Club House Hotel Bowen Mrs. M. . Commercial Hotel Wong Sam Lee and Co , Market Gardeners Bowen W. .. Sawmill and Woolwasher Brain E A. Watchmaker Wright , I halo!) & Co., Ltd., Forward. Brain F. W. Blacksmith ing Agents—Thomas Dempsey, Manager Brook II. 3. S., Crown Lands Agent and C.P.S. Tallaroi Shire Council—G. A. PenderTobacconist gast, Pres. ; J. L. Lawson, Shire Carver A. 1 Clerk ; Lindon Brown, Shire Clark W. Mail Contract or Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, Engineer Ltd.—G. F. Antill, Manager connelly G. .... Acting C.1'.S., ete. WARK WORTH. 150 m. N.Rail to Singleton, thence coach. Nearest bank. Singleton. Groves W. Fruiterer McKnight Thomas Fruiterer McMenamin James Fruiterer Martin Mrs. M. A. Fruiterer Parmeter P. Fruiterer To elterman Charles Fruiterer Trist ram William Fruiterer Fruiterer Watts A. Watts henry Fruiterer Watts IV., Hen. Fruiterer Watts W., jun. Fruiterer 221 m. W. By rail direct. Nearest bank. Wellington or Orange. Thomas Entiterer Edwards D. B. General Store Richardson Bros. Store 'Sloane henry Hotel 318 m. N. By steamer direct. Nearest bank, Kempsey. 'Smyth 1'. J. Butcher WAROO. 301 m. NV. To Forbes. Peisley Henry .... Mail Contractor WARRADERRY. Tailor Cusack W. Cutbush C. IV. Dentist Daniel A. A. .Coroner and Mayor Davies Mrs. T. Fruiterer Deacon and Dicker Butchers Painter Butcher Todhunthe Co., Stock & Stat ion Agentm Belson & Greedy, Tolhurst F. W. (Beemunel), Carriers' TurleyGogL.,Cdia Manufacturer Walden G. Coach Proprietor Warren Jockey Club, S. Montgomery, Secretary Warren Civilian Rifle Club— D. W. Fowler, Secretary District Hospital-11. IV. Warren Lovett, Secretary ; •Miss Hurley, Matron Warren Gun Club—A. A. Daniel, Secretary Warren Mechanics' Institute— D. IV. Fowler, Secretary Warren I'. and A. Association— C. B. Egan, Secretary Chemist Wigzell E. W. St . tt ionmaster Wood E A. DirectExpoC.—FAz,Manger Wright, Heaton and Co., Ltd., For- WARRUNIBUNGUL 342 m. W. Rail to Miler, thence coach. Nearest bank, Coonamble. Colless G. H. (Lutterworth), Saddler Cain A. Blacksmith Glover C. W. J., Poundkeeper and Carling A. E. General Store Inspector of Nuisances Green II. and Co., Proprietors "Warren Herald" !tampion W. Skin Buyer Hunt .1. k Co. Auctioneers 24 m. S. I hairy Miss Matron Hospital Store Jordan F. E. Bootmaker Buckley A. A. Kent Mrs. M. Fruiterer Fenton Samuel Dairy rdinghouse Kirwan Edward A. Saddler Gambett a Eat e .Boa Lovett 11. W., J.1' , Solicitor Govt. Home for Consumptives— W. II. l'almer, Medical Supt. Lyons and Parker Blacksmiths ansour M. General Store Macdonald Mrs. A. .. Boardinghouse Store Marthaguy Shire—Thomas Jones, Murphy I lugh Pres.; A. A. Daniel, Shire Clerk ; 'Phelkeld Thomas S. .. Stationmaster A. 13. Jones, Works and Roads Overseer (Mien J. P. Builder P.M. Oslear C. E. P •• 1 Inglcbor lintel 231) mu. W. Pollard and Green Chemists Baker Willis Iierbert l'oole Rev. John A. (C. of E.) WATERFALL. '11=1111‘11■ UNDERTAKING in all its branches. Local Agents for THOS. BROWNE, Monumental Mason. Estimates and Designs submitted on application for all classes of Cemetery work at moderate prices. WEE WA A. Coach Painting and Renovating our speciality. WEE JASPER. WAUCHOPE. Buchanan IV. F., Killarney Station l'roprietor Burl«. R. Fruiterer Burke W., Ice and Cordial Store Manufacturer 220 m. S. 288 in. N. By steamer, via Port Macquarie. Banks, Commercial Kasee Joseph of Sydney and N.S.W. Atkinson IV. Tailor Bailey IV. Mail Contractor Baxter John Builder Cain N. Timber Merchant Carey Arthur Blacksmith Dowdney E. Physician Hardy II. Store and Hawker Galbraith IV Boottnalter Gleeson James Star Hotel Grant T., jun., //astinos River Hotel WEETALEBAH Hastings Shire Counei I —.la it's (lam. act, Pres. ; G. E. Bennett, Clerk IV. .1. Fordyce, Engineer Hunter and Ladrigan Auctioneers Hunter Norman A. Baker WEE WAA. N.Rail direct.Banks, 372 tn. Commerial Banking Co. of Syd., Ltd., and Australasia. Court Petty Sessions, Narrabri Quarter Sessions. Audet Alfred Hairdresser Bank of Australasia—II. 13. I. Smith, Manager Barton G. R. .... Club House Hotel Kennedy A. E. .. Hairdresser, etc. Kennedy E. A. Cordial Maker Kirkwood E. Baker Landrigan William, Carrier and Agt. Mackay A. W. S. Builder Marchment F. General Store Parker A. G. Agent Parker .1 N tore BELSON AND GREEDY, CoachPead J. Carpenter, etc. builders and General BlackSitters I Butcher smiths (sec Advt.) White D. N. Blacksmith Wright Charles E. Saddler Belson A., J.P. Booby Mrs. Fruiterer Bourke T. Wheelwright Boyle John, Auctioneer, Stock and WEDDIN. 281 m. S. Rail to Grenfell, thence coach.Nearest bank, Grenfell. Station Agent Brennan L., JP. Brunsdon F., .T.I'."Namoi Echo" FUNERAL DIPT=ORS OF RAW. : WATTLE FLAT. Don't forget to give the Club House lintel, Wee Watt, a call. Best of Spirit s and Beer (one table only, 4/- per day). Worker's House—George It• Barton Conunercial Banking Co.. of Sydney Ltd.—A. 11. Hole, Manager Convent of St. Joseph Coppleson A. and Co., General Storekeepers Coppleson A. A., J.P. (Coppleson and Co.), COME W. C. AND CO. (late Grace and Co.), Stock, Station and General Trucking Agents (See Advt.) Coughlan IV. he Co., Auctioneers, etc. Coughlan IV. J.P., Valuer to Namoi Shire Council Doherty J. IV., J.P., Builder and Poundkeeper Farmers' and Settlers' Association— IV. C. Cormie, Secretary Ford T. P. Imperial Hofer WEE WAA. 161 m. W. Rail to Bathurst, thence coach. Bank N.S.W. Foster William, Star Hotel and General Store Hill Thomas Carrier Ireland John General Store Butcher McAllister David .Store McKinney Joseph Pittendrigh NV. Coachbuilder Rourke Thomas Baker Sander' B. Tobacconist Thompson Sinden General Store SYDNEY. CLUB HOUSE HOTEL 'Bus, Livery Stables, and General Carrying Contractor, .11bian lintel WARRELL CREEK Cameron It., J.P. FRANK HARDG ROVE WATTAMONDARA. Prentice H. W. 4' Coach Builders and General Blacksmiths, Arms Hotel Tompson F. C & Co., Stock and Slat bto Agents, Auctioneers, etc. Tristratn B. E. Town Cleric warding Agents—M. Frazer, Manager Yee War and Go., General Store and Fanners' and Settlers' Association Contractors Fowler T. k Son But chers Insurance and Cycle FowlerD.W, Youk Lee .... Store and Contractor Agent and Boardinghouse Fowler E. E. Baker and Pastrycook Stock and Station Agent Egan F 13. (I, C Thompson k ('o.) .WARRATTA. COMPANY: THE Suffield H. Swain James Egan C. B., Reinhard F. .... Omnibus Proprietor Reinhard F. II., jun., Agricultural Implement Maker (NEAR GREEPELL.) Robertson James, Mail Coach Prop. Robison A. Stuart Solicitor Rorke .7. Bridge Hotel Ross R. G. (F. C. Thompson he Co.) Scherf Fred. Railway Hotel Schubert Mrs. E. Confectioner Via Broken 11111 and Milparinka. Shakespear 0. and J. C., Gen. Store Shakespear Hall (The). • „Builder Shaw G. Shellswell IV. II. : ' Hairdresser Shellswell Mrs. IV. II. ...' Fruiterer $61 m. N. By steamer. Smith F. C. Baker and Confectioner Physician Ellis Beer and. cio Store Stang T. AND Slat e Stores Ltd.—It. MeEwan, Mgr, Stephens J., Cycle Agent and l'ainter Studdert It, 1, Postmast r Auctioneer, Stock and Station Agent (E1/011AREENA.) WARNETON. Convent School—Sisters of St. Joseph Draper Crook A. C. Crook Mrs. I. -Boyd Hold Curran Rev. Father W. (11.0.) FOWLER R. W. WARNS. WOOD WauCOUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Wee239A COUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Wat Trnrellers' Samples and Luggage received and delivered. Letters and Telegrams promptly attended to. All Classes uf Vehicles, Drays, Sulkies, etc., on hire by duty, night, or week. ilODSES Bought and Sold. Parcels and Goods Delivered at reasonable r«tes, All Trains tad. Shooting, Wedding, Picnic. -<•*- ,04"' n`,..• Bead office. 610.12 George lr,sot South. 'Phoau WOOD I. AND COMPANY and Sporting Parties should enquire for estimates.Telephone 23. •1111111 ARE THE RECOCNISED LEADERS IN THE TULE. SYDNEY. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FAMOUS LOW PRICES, COUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Wee 240AWee Tee. 9 Wee IVsa P.O. Box 9 s:& S. Code No. I used W. C. CORMIE and C O. (late Grace & Co.) Stock, Station, and General Trucking Agents, WEE AGENTS for--Cooper's Sheep Dip; Massey-Harris Machinery; Mercantile Mutual Fire t Accident Insurance Co.; all classes of Farming Machinery, Oil Engines and Lubricants; Royal Nurseries, Parramatta-road, Homebush. Plumber 011anlin Rev. Father (R.C.) Mabony B. Ilenary I), Sergeant of Police O'Sullivan P. Stationmaster Draper HARDGROVE FRANK, 'Bus and %mos M. Thu truer Livery Stables, and General MurP IIY A. (See A(IVI..) Carrying Contractor 'Bus iind Livery Stable Proprietor. Sulkies on Ilire day or night. -Harris A. W. Fruiterer, etc. Contracts for Carting undertaken Harris IV. Builder at moderate prices Hawthorne J., .1.1'. Hepburn W. L., Teacher Pub. School O'Mullane B. Carrier Hodson T. B. Tailor Pallier G, Bootmaker Holcombe W. \V. It., J.P. Palmer L. C. .... District Surveyor Ilole A. II., Manager Commercial l'otts W. E. Solicitor Banking Co. of Sydney, Ltd. Progress Association—J. C. Boyle, Tailor Horn .1. President Howell A. E. ... Refreshment Rooms Ramatklian — General Store llowell A. E. Skin Buyer Richardson W. Plumber WEE WAA, N,S.W. Kelliher C., .1.P. Robertson James M. Fruiterer Knight, A., J.P. ltobertson W. P., J.P., P.M. and Knight 'P., J.P. Coroner Labour League—II. Taylor, Secretary F. BRUNSDON, Ryan G., Librarian School of Arts Lane A. G., Butcher and Sawmills Proprietor. Langby John Saddler Lochrin James .. Commercial Hotel SCHWAGER A. AND L., Sawmillers and Timber Merchants. Published Tuesdays And at Merimborough and Rocky and Fridays. Creek (see Advt.) -General Blacksmith, Coachbuilder and Farrier. All kinds of work Shire News n Special Feature. School of Arts-11. Smith, Secretary undertaken. Painting and ReAdvertising Rates on application. Sefton Nurse .... Matron Ilospital pairs done equal to new. Horses Sheehan II. W. Albion Hotel carefully shod. Sheridan P. Builder Eovett Plumber Namoi Shire Council—A. A. Copple- Smith .1. J. Saddler son, Pres.; C. II. Hodson, Shire Spencer and Collett, General Store Lumby & Bell, Auctioneers, Stock Clerk ; J. McKenzie, Shire En Thompson A., J.P. and Station Agents Wee Waa District Hospital— gineer McMullen Miss Maude .. Dressmaker F. Brunsdon, Secretary North Rev. E. S. (0. of E.) Mahoney Rev. Father (It.C.) WAA 0NTINU1(11— O'MULLANE JAMES Namoi Echo, LOUGHREY T. A. A. & L. SCHWAGER, Timber Merchants Wee Waal Merimborough & Rocky Creek. C. All Kinds of Hardwood, Cypress Pine, Weatherboards, Flooring, Lining, and all hinds of Mouldings kept in stock. • Chaff, Corn, Potatoes, and all Rinds of Produce Kept in stock. Agents for The Aachen and Munich Fire Insurance Company WOOD AND COMPANY I if FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF N.S.W.: SYDNEY. ( litert'VFITA.'"Th?,,̀Tre) EVERYTHINGFOR EVERYONE AT ANTHONY HORDERNS'. .. WeiCOUNTRY COMMERCIAL. . Wel . 241A. Waa Town Band— T. A. Loughrey, Bandmaster White C. .... Acting Stock Inspector Willis C. St. L. Physician Wilson George hairdresser Dentist Wintle I WEISMANTELS. 157 m. N. Rail to Hexham, thence 50 m. Nearest bank, Stroud. Borliain T. V., .. Ward's !liver Ilotcl Hile Andrew Store Madden John Blacksmith Weismantel 13ros. Store Weismantel Andrew, Butcher and Wine Shop WELCOME. (Sall PARKESPOR013011.) WELCOME REEF 197 m. S. Rail to Tamp, thence coach 35 m., via Braidwood. Smith Mrs General Store WELLINGTON. 231 m. W. By rail direct. Banks, Commercial,Union. N.S.1V. Courts 'Quarter and Petty Sessions, Agricultural Society—A. E. Rotton, Secretary Allen E. K., Manager Victoria Butter Factory A hinder E. Confectioner Arnold F. Watchmaker Attwood Mrs. F. M. Cash Draper Austin G. E. General Store Austin H. Blacksmith Baboo Khan Hawker Ball E. W. Plumber Bank of N.S.W.—Deane French, Mgr. Barden Williatn hairdresser Bassett J. T. I'., Solicitor and Mayor Bedford, Taylor & Weston, Ltd., Auctioneers Bellhonse Rev. E. II. (Meth.) Bembriek Bros .. Produce Merchants Ilembrick S., J.P. Benevolent Society— Mrs. P. II. Kennard, Secretary Bennett and Wood, Ltd., Cycle Agents Bernasconi S. Store Besliewaite J. General Store Best Mrs. Dresstnaker Bloomfield II. A., General Commission Agent and Wheat Buyer Brittle C. II. Dentist Tailor Bray J. E. British Piano Depot Ltd.— W. J. Richards, Agent Broderick C. Coaeltbuilder Brown A. V. Coach Painter Brown Rev. Canon It. Barry (C. of E.) Browtibill J. D. and G. W., "Wellington Times" Newspaper Casey P. F. Grain Merchant Cater M. G.,' Stock and Station Agent Colts J. W. Contractor Chambers J., Mgr, Wright lleaton & Co., Ltd. Chandler Nurse .. Private Hospital C11111141 A. G., CPS., etc. 'Clayton II. S. Stationer Poundkeeper Clements I Clifford P. A. Butcher Cock F. . . .......... Timber Yard Cocking and Co., Wool and Skin Buyers Collins John .... Inspector Nuisances Conunercial Banking Co. of Sydney, Ltd.—W. F. Ilayley, Manager Commies Patrick Baker Cook Norman ' Saddler Coulter E. P., Australian Pure Drink Co. Coupland A. R. hairdresser Craig R. Monumental Mason Cross IL, Boots and Shoes and Tailor Baker Davey .1. C. Davis L. Cycle Agent Davis Mrs. L. Wine Depot Deveson A. Licensed Plumber Dolan M. C. Watchmaker Donn E. Commons Banger Livery Stables Drew 1 Earl Bros. Fruiterers Edwards .1. .... Waterworks Engineer Farlow C. Cycle Agent Dent ist Farrell C. Fellows 0. Photographer Ferguson & Son, Cordial Manufacturers Fatal W. II. Skin Buyer Fleming Nurse .... Nursing llome Fletcher Enoch .. Tottersall's Ilotel Fletcher II. • Butcher Fong Lee and Co. .... General Store Forbes-Smith T. Watchmaker Foster E., Librarian School of Arts Prench Deane, Manager Bank of N.S.W. Fulton E. A. General Store Gage A. B. Produce Dealer Gardiner W. Blacksmith Gardiner W. E. .... Tobacconist, etc. Gardner 1V., Town Clerk and Sec. . Town Commons Glover H. C. F., 31.P.S. .. Chemist Oosden A. Stationer, etc. Graham C. II. Physician Green Miss A. Confectioner Greenslade II. .... Bushman's Home Ilan Bros. Cycle Agents Ilairdresser Hart P. Hatton A. Bootmaker Ilawton T. Wood Yard Ilayes Nurse Private llospital Bayley F. W. Dentist ercial Bayley W. F., Manager Comm Banking Co. of Sydney, Ltd. Haynes James, M.P.S., Pharmaceutical Chemist Hely P. F. Storekeeper !lowland J. .... Motor Proprietor Hutton Mrs. .1. Nurse Ilyeronimus L. N.. Cordial Manufac. Isherwood J. J., Wellington Grammar School Jager & Kelly, Proprietors The Wellington Brewery Jones E. General Carrier Jones P. A. Timber Yard Jones It. .... Builder and Contractor Kell E. Engineer Gas Works Saddler Kelly A. 1 Red Flag Store Kelly J. 1 Kelly W. P., 'Solicitor, Coroner & Mayor Kennard Bros. Builders Kennard A. Architect Kennedy D. C., Refreshment Rooms Kessing Mrs. Dressmaker Baker Kimbell R. Kirwan Miss Music Teacher IT Itch A. Conclibuilder Kouvelis Bros. Oyster Saloon Lally Mrs. a Fruiterer Lake G. ' Couunission Agent Larance & Co Butchers WOOD AND COMPANY'S CHAPEL IS MUCH AVAILED Lauer S. Butcher Lee A. C." Wellington Gazette Ley John Suld her Ling W. S. (Fong Lee and Co.), Storelfeeper Linton E. ... Physician and Surgeon Livermore William .... Federal Hotel Loader B. Bushman's Home Lockhart E. Fruiterer Limeragan Miss Milliner Long Ia. ltev. Monsignor (14.C.) Long Joseph Billiard Saloon Lynch Mrs. II... Refreshment Hoomd Lynch 1 Hairdresser McCormick Thomas .... Grand Hotel McDonald 0, Cab Proprietor McElroy .1. ..... . Assistant C.P.S. Mcliibbin Miss .... Matron Hospital McLEOD M. & CO. Millers and Grain Merchants. Great Western Flour Mills. McLeod A. J. Newsagent McLeod Miss M. Dressmaker tarki eerr McMillan IV. II o o nar MeMilleti E. Macquarie Shire Council—R. T. B. Cotten, l'res. • IV. W. Lorton, Shire Clerk I I. A. Nowlan, Shire Engineer Magners Mrs. E. .... Boardinghouse Malout J. P. General Store Malout L. M. Draper Martin Jatnes & Co., Agricultural Machinery—W. J. Sells, Mgr. Mason-Wells S. M., Commonwealth Hotel Masonic Hall arris Co., Ltd. Agricultural Massey-Harris Implement Manufacturers May A. Boots and Shoes Butcher May C. Moore P. J. .. Spicer's Creek Hotel Muir Andrew 3f ilie8Bulticohiee ri Willia Huttonm Mylecharane J. Baker Nancarrow George Boots and Shoes Nicholas G. II. Photographer O'Brien John Edgar, Great Central • Hotel O'Byrne 0. II. .. Commercial Hotel Oddfellows' Hall (The) Oldham G. E., Manager Union Bank of Australasia jlut O'Malley James Blacksmith O'Shea P. .1.P. saadrddleeirt Oslear Charles E., P.M. and W Pa u lH. .. Auctioneer, etc. l'ayne T. T Peden James Baker Pepper k Thomas .... General Store Pike H. F. Ilalrdresser Porter R. Hairdresser Protestant Hall (The) l'offirook W. Hilliard Saloon Putland Rev. II. (Bapt.) Quirk J. H. Solicitor Red Cross Pharmacy Reinhard & Co., Produce Merchants Robinson T. A. and Co. Proprietary Ltd., Agricultural Engineers-A. 13. Gage, Agent Itope Mrs. G. .. Court blouse :lotel Rotton A. D., Stock and Station Agt. St. Ignatius Convent' School— Sisters oTfintfineriethy Sauerznpf R. Sayer Mrs. G'. C. Butcher School of Arts—George II. Made, See. Leach It Blacksmith / Head Office end MortuaryGOspel, 81042 OF.George Street. SYDNEY. Tel. 'M. 1 NEW PALACE EMPORIUM, BRICKFIELD HILL, SYDNEY. ANTHONY HORDERN & SONS, ONLY, UNIVERSAL PROVIDERS, 242AWelCOUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Wer — WhittleII.A.Builder K log Mrs.Boardinghouse See Lee Gardener Wilder R. E.Bootmaker LivingstoneMiss...Boardinghouse Sold pp Mrs. Bootmaker Maurice Ernest, Carrier and Coach Scott Miss,Milliner and Dressmaker Proprietor A. Medcalf C. IV., Secretary School of Arts IVIleat Buyer. Medcalf Charles, Builder & Contractor Williams J.Confectioner NiVeliMissBoardinghouse CLUB HOUSE HOTEL Willock II.Livery Stables O'Rourke MissBoardinghouse. 1 Coachl'roprietor PliVileI ,IIS 'olleitor TheLeadingCommercial and Willock Heaton & Co., Ltd., ()farriers Pearce Mrs. E. Boardinghouse TouristHouseinWellington. Wright, Wright S.,B.A...Inspector Schools PearceMrs.S.Boardinghouse Telephone 37 IVythes E. Furniture Dealer Riley MrsI . Boardinghouse Shakespeare C. J., Undertaker RobinsonMrs.M.Boardinghouse and Cabinetmaker School of Arts and Public Library Shamie E. Confectioner SharpEdwardBlacksmith Sharpe Rev. IV. G., 13.A (Pres.) ShoebridgeG. Carrier Sherrill'T.M.Auctioneer 720an.S.RailtoHay,thence Sinclair M. M., Physician & Surgeon Sherringham IV. Fruiterer coach,via13alranald.Bank, Smith Thomas....Conch l'roprietor Silent.1. BilliardSaloon SpredMrs..DiningRooms,etc. A.13.C.Ltd. Simms Mrs.Annie....Royal hotel Atkinson William....RoyalHotel TlionuniMissBoardinghouse Simpson T. T., Fancy Goods aria Toll Mrs. Hotel Wentworth Baird and PayBlacksmiths Furniture J. T. Builder Wallace A. Carpenter Sinclair T. Cycle Agent Barnes Weekes Walter F.,Boardinghouse, Hai-WieldG.Hairdresser Sing Lee Fruiterer Bennett Farm andNursery W. Saddler Wilson W. Poultry P. Grand Victim Hotel Singer Sewing Machine Co — Bowring W. & Co. Propty. Ltd., Yourell Mrs. F. E. Blunden, Manager Boardinghouse Merchants Smith A. T. Tai lor Burrows W. Butcher Smith MrsE Grocer Cater W. R. Solicitor Smith F. C. B. Dentist Crang Bros.......Land Agents, etc. Smith T. F. Watchmaker Davie,PriceandCo.,GeneralStore Solomon E. V.Bridge Bola Denison James Mail Contractor Near Exeter. DienerJ. Hawker SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE Dodd E River Trader George....Wentworthlintel COMPANY, Ltd.(Accident)— Dunn Elder, Smith & Co.—P. Monfries, Agt. W. H. Paul, Agent ; (Fire)—F. Gem Navigation Co., Ltd.— 50 m. S.Nearest bank, Camden. A. Kenyon, Agent. J. McGrowther, Agent Codicil Robert Butcher Grey W. Carrier Ridout A.Sawmills, etc. Sorrell II. Small Goods, etc. Howley Dr. E. J., Physician to Thorn Charles Grocer Starr-Bowkett Building Society— Hospital A. Rose, Secretary JerromJ.D.Hairdresser Wedeswiler.JacobOontraetor Stockwell A. J. L. Solicitor Jolly W. C. Fruiterer Sarin C.A. Grocer Kerridge George Engineer TaitMrs.R. linker LearyJohn....Commercial Hotel Themes David Postmaster Ledgard A. Coach Agent 255m.N.Byraildirect. Thompson J.Coachbuilder McClymont Miss Dressmaker Commercial of Sydney, Ltd. Toohey James Exchange Rot el McGrowther .1.....Shipping Agent AuldBank, Edward Builder Town Common—W. Gardner, Secretary McLean Duncan Contractor Barnett A. Fniiterer TremainBros.,VictoriaButter Fac- McMahon C. G., Auctioneer and Ilcl]William Fruiterer toryandCoolStorage—E. K. Mail Contractor Munk T. P. Boottuaker Allen, Manager MitchellW. Tailor ChapmanW.AV.....tleiwralStore Trotter John,Plumber and Gastitter Ross D. Hawker Banking Co. of Sydney, Union Bank of Australasia— StrachanJ.B. Baker Commercial Ltd. W. S. Martin, Mgr. G. E. Oldham, Manager Stewart Miss A. Fancy Goods CurleyThomas, Refreshment Rooms VerdonF. Stationmaster ThomsonFrankDentist Denli on W. 0. .. CordialMantifatt. Victoria Butter Factory and Cool Thorn James W. Auctioneer — Tailor Storage—E. K. Allen Manager Valentine David Bicycle Machinist Dixon EdwardHairdresser Vincent Mrs. Ill Dressmaker ' White1 Bootmaker Dixon Donoghue Owen Bootmaker Walker George Fruiterer Williams Bros Butchers Wall G. P.Machinery Agent Williams John Crown Hotel Edwards R.Ilmitmaker Store Warr J. 11. Cycle Agent Wood WilliamContractor Ferris,!. Watt George Physician Woodhead II. II., "Federal Standard" French John Builder A. M. G. .... Railway Bola Way Chong & Co. Drapers Newspaper Haydon 1 I en rjJames flawIcer Webb E. C. Railway lintel Holdsworth & Yates ..General Store Webster E. Public School Horsham.1.1. Baker Webster A.J. Tailor WENTWMITH FALLS JollyIIGeneralStore Wellington Brewery—Jager & Kelly Kent (I. II. Butcher 01 m. W.Rail direct. Nearest Wellington Debating Society KepreotesW.O.Fruiterer bank, Katoomba. 1 Carrier King Binney J. Bootmaker MacCarthy — Fruiterer Cale Thomas, General Store and House Agent McKenzie Colin Blacksmith Campbell Mrs.Boardinghouse McLachlan Mrs. N. A. Baker Campbell A. Dairyman McNamara —131111ardSaloon Carter.1.C. Painter MaddynWilfridSaddler Dutton B. Bricklayer, etc. MarshallTimberCo. R. 0. Harvey, Manager Ewen Mrs. Boardinghouse Moran — Butcher reebury Mrs. Boardinghouse l'aterson R. A.Ilairdresser WellingtonStoresLtd. Ilunt John, senr., Refreshment Rooms Rooney Mrs. M. A., Commercial Hotel Wellington Hospital—A.Wells, Sec.: and Coach Proprietor Smith— Jeweller Mies McKibbin, Matron Hutchinson Chas. It., General Store Taylor D.General Store Werner Mrs. Nurse and House Agent Tnieville J. .1...Locomotive Hotet Whalebone T. Fancy Goods KingJohn Dairyman Walker W. .1. Ilairdreftser WEI,LINOTON CONTINUED WILKINS SEYMOUR'S WENT WORTH. WERAI. WEROMBI. WERRIS CREEK. WELLINGTON FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE FLOUR MILLING CO.LTD. WOOD AND COMPANY; THE FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF N.S.W. 1 SYDNEY. ( 181terasde t °fro W he 4'211 G o ne: r771 ) Wes COUNTRY COMMERCIAL. VVie243A. Murchland W. Wheelwright Arne.trong and s lloyse,Ltd..Timber Merchants Murphy.1.K.Tobacconist O'Neill W. .1.Onal Buyer Australian Bank of Commerce— 127 in. N. Near West Maitland. G. II. Baddely, Manager l'enna l'. V. P.rellange lintel AndersonA. W.andCo.,Fruiterers It ichardson A.Opal Ring lintel Bailey Ceo. and Co., ProduCc . Bartley E...Carpenter and Builder SilverwmalW.II.Physician Merchants BlakeCharles Hairdresser Stanbury W. F. Cordial Maker Barryfiend('CriterionHotel BollerWilliam(:enera IStore Opal Buyer Bennett and Sons Joiners Treibs F. B. Casos MenaFishmonger Carrier Bond W. Fogarty D. Fruiterer Bone theMissesGrocers Fogart y'I'. Butcher Dressmaker flower Mrs. Gallowa y A. Fancy Goods 13rock and Son Store 045 tn. S.Rail to Broken 11111, Butcher Bush A.I thencecoachtoTibooburra GOULD BROS. & CO., Excelsior Byrne Mrs.Dressmaker CampbellI Pastrycook Saw and Joinery Mills, CessChong Charley Grocer nook, Ellalong and Singleton Cornish T. Hairdresser (see Advt. Singleton section) Coulter W. N. Grocer' :375m.S.Rail direct, via Junee Curtis J. Carrier HancockG. W.Postmaster JunctionandIlayline.Bank, DavidsonJohn....BellevueHotel Healey W. Cordial Maker Baker Davis Thomas II. HendersonA. Baker Aust .‘ 11 ..k 1a.1:et Cri td. Coulinerce,Ltd. Dawson Robert .... Teacher of Music HockeyJ. Store A..1Purnes,: ,Manager Fruiterer M. .1. JaigerA. Carrier M.H.,Assist,Public Dunlop Grocer Jenkinfi I'.Criterion Hotel BanfieldMiss School Dwyer J. F. Elliott Mrs.J. Draper :Jewell A. C. Abedarc lintel Biggs S. J., Mail Contractor Teacher Public School .... Filshie G. Agent Litchfield .1. .....Commission Carrier 1 McFadden J. Fruiterer Briggs Sen.Constable (3. 1r.T.I,da road) Finney Builders, etc. MorganIV.,Newsagent and Acting C.P.S. Callev & Proglev (litter's /V.. EastliamGeneral Store Auctioneer Budd W., semi., Mail Contractor A.&Co.,Ltd.,Engineers .PanterJ. Hairdresser (Lake Cudgellico road) Coninan Dressmaker Robson '1'. Ilairdresser CarolailGeorge Postmaster Gorton Mrs. Sadler Dr. Physician Carter11.S. t hide! Griffiths .1. ..Bakiug Powder Works Draper GIIII Willie Mew Sievright& HynesCeneral Store Carter William..ComiAn ei rbetTli i D. Bootmaker Skelton Hobert Blacksmith Stationmaster Hamlin Ernest Connack Store Ilarrogan J. Turnbull CharlesFruiterer De Mandel G., son. Builder Factory Store De Mamie' WaltersW. Carrier Henley Bros. Cordial ie' Willia Dressmaker liolmea Mrs. Draper Settlers' AssociatiCona— Howard Mrs. Stationer Whitby Mrs. G.Confectioner Farmers' and J.Von Alwonien, Sec. Hughes IV. Tea Merchant Bootmaker Wile Cl. Carrier J. J. Ilinen HectorHairdresser Wilkinson S. Boonnaker Graham Builder II. .1. Haynes Wilkinson S. Butcher Jacob John General Store James Rev. William F. (C. of E.) Joiner George W., Coach and Carriage 1VoodliouseRev.10..1.(C.ofE.) .Tacob John Blacksmith Trimmer Saddler Jacob John Carrier Store KellyD. Stationer, James P. E. General etc. J. J. Kelly 11.MedicalPraetritairorilieerr Kelly M. 22 m. S.Rail to Fairfield, thence Jones Asphalter Kite Thonias l'ainter 4 m. E. J. Public School Lake Baker William(Bosby Park)Grocer McGlynn Lawless W. J. Postmaster C., Sanitary CablenJ. Grocer McGrath A.dames Medical Practitioner .... Leslie J. II. Inn Slope Thomas (Bosby Pk.)13Iacksmith Mtg.:within ()t7nk.".11" Lindsay A. Union lIaise mm .1.W.,MailCon trMate Grocer (TubboRoad) Lindstrom Mrs, P. 0. Albion Hotel McNaughton Charles S. Michelson M. 'I'. Sawmills McNeill Mrs. Dressmaker Contraetor Murray A. ' 455rn.S.W.RailtoHayor Nettleton b.I),Carrier Margueta Ltd. .. Sack Manufacturers Hairdresser Carrathool, thence coach. Nearest NmevmmunmmJoi4101 Carrier Miller Elijah Wood Turner bank,Hillston. NO‘Son A. J. A: Co.Butchers Miller J. Undertaker Moore Thomas Contractor Jackson J. T., General Store and PrendergastN. Hotel Rhodes Emanuel Carrier Musgrove Itov. P. de L. (C. of E.) New E. General Store Rhodes James Carrier and Suburban 0o-op. Soc. Rhodes :fames D.Carrier Newcastle N.S.W. Aerated Water and Cordial School of Arts—John H. Von Co.,Ltd. Alworden, Sec. 786 an. W.By rail to Broken 11111, Carter Newton T. thence coachviaWilcannia 180 Small Alexander (Whitton Ferry) General Store 7 Nolan l'aittter m.;orrailtoCobar,thence SwanSW. Norris Alfred .. Manufacturers' Agent Fnilterer Thompson J. I coach via Wilcannta 220 m. Mrs. Fruiterer Thompson John .1. ....Poundkeeper Nutal Allison Thomas O'Riley Bros. Butchers Well Sinker Banibrick John Gemville Hotel Thompson Lewis Tinsmith Owen II. Store UptonJ.W. Baker Parsons Barrett J. J. Mrs. Mary Store Clarke C. .7. Solicitor VeyRev. .7.(C.ofE.) Itobert Baker Carrier Payne Coulter and Maiden Butchers Weaven JohnMcLachlan, Pearson Mrs. S. Fruiterer Coulter IL'I'.Victorialintel Whitton Public 111111—.1. Carrier Seen-tairy Porter0. DevineD. Saddler Richards Mrs. General Store Faulkner F. Auctioneer Williams E. Carrier Richardson It. and IV. .. Blacksmiths Finch Mrs. Restaurant RobinsonMrs.J.Dressmaker Fogarty J. J. Opal Buyer Sal IV. Keene Merchant Biggs W. E., "Opal Miner" Newspaper Saunders J. B. L. Modeller Jackson S. Opal Buyer Shohlen W.N.Town Clerk Baker Lum Tow 103in.N.RailtoHoneysuckle Sneesby Robert C. Plumber Point, or steamer to Newcastle, Solier L.Bottle Merchant McInnes Donald Blacksmith thence by tram. Bank, Australian Southern T. C., LaAS ()Waffle lintel McLinev P. Billiard Saloon of Commerce. Major W. J. ....White Cliffs Hotel Stuart and Hawkins, Cooperage and n Adamson .1.G. Baker Mitinhan0.Blacksmith Nat Works AlortonI). Storekeeper Aker Charles Butcher WellsA.II...... Dentist WESTON. WHITTABRINNAH. WHITTON. WETHERILL PARK WHEALBAH. WHITE CLIFFS. WICKHAM. WOOD AND COMPANY TRANSACT THEIR BUSINESS HONESTLY, FAITHFULLY AND WELL. SYDNEY. 1 ANTHONY HORDERNS' NEW PALACE EMPORIUM. 244AWilCOUNTRY NV In< II M CONTI N El/— Wing Sing Young K: Young Miss COMMERCIAL.Win Walker A. E. General Store Builder Merchant Watts James S. lliiirilresser Watts Mrs. Mary J. Newsagent Carrier Dressmaker White James WILBERFORCE 37 m. W. Rail to Windsor, thence • coach. Nearest bank, Windsor. Atkins Wm. Blacksmith Bennett George Wheelwright Colo Shire Council—J. Lamrock, Pres, ; C. S. leely, Clerk ; A. Adam, Engineer Daley Bros. Butchers Store Daley F. Dunston George, Produce Merchant Greentree Arthur Carpenter Greentree Henry J. Carpenter Hayward John Blacksmith WILLANTHRY. .905 m. S.W. Rail to Carrathool, thence coach. Nearest bank, Hillston. Ferrell It. Blacksmith WILLAWARRIN. 330 in. N. Pia Kempsey. Brewer J. J. Butcher Carey John Willawarrin hotel Daley E. Store Donaldson John Baker Ilackenberg and Solt Tailors 11111184/11 P. W. Carrier WILCANNIA.WILLIAM TOWN. 753 m. NV.Rail to Hay, Cobar, (OR OADDL011 Tuna. ) Bourke, or Broken H ill, thence 119 m. N. Rail or Steamer to coach. Banks, A.B.C. Ltd., Coin- Newcastle, ferry to Stockton, mercial. thence conveyance. Nearest bank, Baker ' Mrs Refreshment Newcastle. Baker William E., Queen's Head Hotel Boyce Mrs. Genera I Store Bunworth Peter, Mechanics' Arms Moxey E. W. Store Hotel Shea rtnan D. Butcher Clements Eugene Builder Steinbeck G. Blacksmith Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, Sutton Walter Baker Ltd.—C. E. Osborne, Mgr. Curtis Charles Globe Ilotel Dell W. T. Butcher Dollman Ernest G. .... Auctioneer Donaldson S., Ltd., Gen. Merchants, ete 233 In. N. By rail direct. Downes Lewis, Stationer and Nearest bank, Quirindi "Western Glazier" Brown John Store Faithead G. B. Store Corning M. General Store Fitzpatrick E. B. Physician Flannery Wm. .... Club Ilmme Hotel Fox MN. M. A. Crows //otcl Garland 7 Woolscourer (SE0 Wot,r,sn.) Gates Ilerbert Fruiterer Goonery Mrs. K., Mount Murchison WILLOW TREE. WILPINJONG. Hotel Hardwick A. G., etc. I lenderson James . . Family Hotel Lawson Jos Blacksmith Leggett E. Blacksmith Linton Rev. 11. McCready J. sear., Boots and Shoes Mann William Royal Hotel Moody Alice Laundry Morrison Bros. .. Mail Contractors Morrison W. H. .... Mail Contractor Murphy Percy II... Mail Contractor Oliver Charles .. Courthouse Hotel Peter S. 1 Newsagent Pike NV. Plumber Pond Charles .. Baker and Grocer Reid Albert, Contractor and Painter Ite.sch E. Brewer Robins A. P. Carpenter Scott William .... Mail Contractor Stone John Saddler Sun boy Kee, Baker and Confectioner Swalwell & Bourne, Mail Contractors Tuck Charley Store Wegenknecha A. Builder Watson A. W. General Store Young Gordon Photographer WILDE'S MEADOW. .11 WILSON'S DOWNFALL. 509 in. N.Rail to Tenterfleld, thence coach.Nearest bank, Stanthorpe (Queensland). Ah Boon (Wylie Ck.) .. Storekeeper Alt Sow (Wylie Creek) Store Allison Margaret .... General Store Christensen Mrs Store Christensen P. (Amostleld), Wheelwright Crome Samuel (Liston) Store Deegan John Boots and Shoes Goodyear William (Liston) Butcher I loslt lugs Ant holly, Coach and Hawn- /10cl Quinlan Denis (Amosfleld) Butcher Taylor Edward But eller WILTON. 53 m. S. Rail to Douglas Park, thence conveyance 7 in. Nearest bank, Picton. Smith Archibald Grocer WINDELLAMA. 176 tn. S. Rail to Tarago, thence coach 15 m. Nearest bank, Goul98 m. S. Rail to Moss Vale, thence burn. conveyance. Nearest bank, Bur- Bill 1 Farrier rawang. Croaker .1. .E. (Callen) Store Irving Joseph .... Myra Vale Hotel Croker William (Callen) Gen Store Limond James Blacksmith Middleton It. Store Spain R. Contractor WOOD AND COMPANY: THE FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF ILLY/. : WINDEYER. 171 m. W. Rail to liftnigee, thence coach. Nearest bank, Bludgee. Store Ali Foo (Meroo) Baker Dowell 'W. A. Gee Lee (Clark's Creek) Store WINDSOR. 34 tn. W. By rail direct. Banks, Commercial, N.S.W. Court Petty Sessions. Allan Henry General Store Butcher Allen Roland Tanner Anseltan F. B. Bennett. and Wood, Ltd., Cycle Depot Berckleman A. General Store Hairdresser Biddle A. Bignell (2. • E. .. Commercial Hotel Board E. and Co. Drapers Draper Rowley NV. I). Tailor Bowman II. Boxball W. ... Cordial Manufacturer Coachbuilder Butler I Dentist Byram .1. C. Callaghan Dr., Physician & Surgeon Campbell Frank, "Richmond and NVindsor Gazette" Campbell Mrs. W. Draper Chandler James W. Undertaker Clements Ilerbert .... General Store Fitzroy Hotel Clerlte F. Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, Ltd. J. G. Donley, Mgr. Dressmaker Canty Miss Cupitt Frederick Builder Royal Hotel Curl Thomas Printer Davis Charles Dickson Mrs. J. .... Confectioner Dyer E. J. ....Boots and Shoes Butcher Fallow Claude Farlow W. A. Hairdresser Fullerton Dr., Physician and Surgeon Gates .1. 11. Coach Pa inter General Store Gibson Mrs Baker Gillespie E. Gillespie Mrs Small Goods Cooper Jesse Coach Proprietor Hayes G., Hairdresser & Tobacconist Holland and Co. Bootmalter llolman W. Blaekstnith Hunt 11. Blacksmith Hunt James Saddler Ingram J. Nuctioneer Zanies T I" Johnson Arthur Undertaker Johnston James B. & Co , Auctioneers Jones John Blacksmith, etc. Tailor Killegrew I. [Almond John hairdresser Butcher Liddle E. Draper bold> Thomas McCauley George Solicitor Small Goods Malsey Sidney Marden George .. Boots and Shoes General Store Masters Thomas Builder Mellish K. Melville A. H. Chemist l'ainter Meyers 'Joseph Bootmaker Molloy P. Coach Proprietor Mortley NV. Moses W., senr. General Store Mullinger E. ... Grocer and Builder Murdock Januss Railway Hotel Fruiterer O'Brien John O'Brien William 11. .. General Store Orr J. T. Boots and Shoes Solicitor Paine .1. J. Pendergast W. .. Veterinary Surgeon Builder Pickup L. Pinkstone W. H., "Hawkesbury Herald" or'Pzi°3) tOSfloiMI.810;g1G SYDNEY. ( E'rt ENTRANCES IN GEORGE, PITT AND GOULBURN STREETS, WinCOUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Wol245A Pittsford M. H. & Co. Drapers Chemist rye R. A. Robertson Elijah Draper Robertson G. A., Monumental Mason Rowthorn James T. .... Auctioneer Watchmaker Sandoz E. School of Arts—G. McCauley, Sec. Hotel Carrington Simmons G. Smith Mrs. J. T. Tinsmith Stearn A. C. General Store Saddler Swords R. E. Tebbutt John, P.R.A.S., Astronomer Walker W. and Son Solicitors Butcher Walker D. Walsh James .. !Tewkesbury Hotel Baker Ward B. Ward Joseph General Store Webb NV. .. Ropal Exchange Hotel WINGELLO. 106 m. S. flail direct. Nearest bank, Goulburri or Moss Vale. Bell NV. and Sons Sawmills Blackett Horace .... General Store Crawford William Apiarist Sawmills Dore and Sons liongshaw J. Eucalypti Manufacturer General Store J. Sheady M. WINGEN. 206 tn. N. Rail direct. Nearest bank, Scone. Friedman Isabella and A. C., General Store O'Brien T. E. Durham Hotel WINGHAM. 152 tn. N. Steamer direct. Banks, Commercial and City. Court Petty Sessions, Taree Quarter Sessions. Archibald NV. General Store Contractor Brewer S. Brown Thomas Contractor Bunyan! A. Wingham Hotel Campbell Rev. It. City Bank—II, L. 0. Moore, Manager Comtnercial Bank—E. L. Howling, Manager Livery Stables Cross E. General Store Dark P. N. Undertaker Dennis F. Sawmills Donaldson Stewart J Garlick William .... General Store Gill & Williams, "Chronicle Newspaper" Iladley F. W. Coach Painter Hammond Ti. J. General Store Hands G. C. Fancy Goods, etc. Blacksmith Healy C. Ilea ly Ernest Coachbuilder Dentist Kavanagh II. L. Keating W. T. Postmaster Physician Kelly W. A. Lambert William J., Blacksmith, etc. Lannon General Store Maguire G. & Co. General Store Mc( fill E. McC. Druggist Dressmaker McIlill Mrs. McKenzie Donald A. Tailor Mercer Maitland 'IV. It ' O'Brien and Co. Butchers O'Neil Herbert .... Australian Hotel Tinsmith Parker. David Richardson Joseph B. Butcher Schneerder I'. Blacksmith School of Arts-11. L. G Moore, Sec. Butcher Skinner John Store Stewart Bros Carrier Stone William Styles H. and A. .. Produce Merchants Taylor James Tobacconist, etc. Turk W. F. Draper Upper Manning Butter and Bacon Factory Wall Bros. Store Walsh Erick Dentist Whitbread and Cross Saddlers Baker Witchard Arthur Worthing Alfred 0. linker WOLLOMBI. 165 m. N.Rail to Cessnock, thence coach.Nearest bank, Cessnock. Andrews Archibald Botcher Ilapty A. L. .... Medical l'ractitioner Bourne Giles Wheelwright Campbell John Family Hotel Crump Miss E. Ilmssinaker Dean John Undertaker Dougherty It. Auctioneer Goodwin II, 11. Coaelibuilder hockey Ily. (Laguna) General Store TI10111118 Coach Proprietor • Jurd Mattock 11, Store. 145 m. NV.Rail to Brewongle, l'ost J. Saddler, etc. thence coach.Nearest bank, Sloan A. Baker Rockley. Thompson .1 A. Butcher General Store Willis Ernest General Store Burns IV. Sewell Jas. (Sewell's Creek), Store and Butcher WISEMAN'S CREEK WISEMAN'S FERRY. WOLLOMOMBI. 304 m. N. Rail to Armidale, thence coach. Nearest bank, 11111. grove. Cameron Alex, Blacksmith McKay Duncan Inc/tom Hotel Mendelsohn E. Store 68 m. W. Steamer direct, or rail to Brooklyn, thence steamer; or rail to IVLndsor, thence coach. Nearest bank; Windsor. Books David Undertaker Books George Boatbuilder Cameron and McNamara Store Cameron Mrs. It. Newsagent Greentree Edward Undertaker Builder Humphreys B. 306 m. N. Steamer to Lismore, Olson Otto, I law kettbury Butter thence coach 7 m. Nearest bank, Factory 'Atmore. Ilii tette! Jacobsen Charles .. . . Pioneer !Iola l'arkes William Phillips D. J. Butcher Tomlins II. 11. Physician Hotel Wollongbar Experimental Farm — Walmsley John T. linker Walinsley W. J. G. 31c51 Klan, Manager WOLLONGBAR: WOLGAN. Via Wallerawang. Bryant and Co. Butchers Draper (Thick William Fruiterer Cook — Fruiterer Deveney 1'. Doran Henry Ilairdresser Gant James Greengrocer Bakers Gill Bros Hotel Goodall. Mrs lieslin W. T. Greengrocer ilairdresser Lake George Draper Lane (1. Baker McCall I). Maher Harry Tobacconist Butcher Mills IN'illiam Morrison Robert Newsagent Muir and Henry Ltd. Store Newnes Industrial Co-op. Society, Ltd. Store Price Mrs. G. Itheinberger k Maloney, Greengroeers Store Tweedie II. L. Wyatt A. Boots and Shoes WOLLAR. 221 tn. N.W. Rail to Mudgee, thence coach 32 m. Nearest bank, Mudgee. Brennan Jas., Butcher and Gen. Store Carroll James General Store Hotel Carroll James J. Kirkland Richard Blacksmith Auctioneer Myers N. I'. WOLLONGONG. rail 48 m. S. By or steamer direct. Banks, Australian Bank of Commerce Ltd., Commercial, N.S.W., B.S. and A., Savings Bank N.S.W., and Government Savings Bank. Court Petty Sessions and Land Board Abel Lindsay Tea Rooms Alt Woy Charlie .... Cabinetmaker Albert Memorial Hospital—J. A. Mayo, J.P., Secretary; Miss A. Hayes, Matron ALI ARTHUR Keira Street, Wollongong. Coach and Sulky Builder. Sports Sulky a Speciality. Moderate Priees Allsep NV. and Co. .... Confectioners Ashton Robert Tanner Aluelcland S. General Store Audet Benjamin, Hairdresser and Milliner Austin 'I'. It..... Surf Beach Kiosk Australian Bank of Commerce Ltd. Bailey Mrs. J. Boardinghouse Bank of N.S.W.—E. Chapman, Itlanager Barnet Rev. Mackay (Pres.) Beale Sewing Machine Co., Ltd.— Miss Moran, Local Agent Benison .T. A. Agent Beattie John Coach Proprietor Beeby and Co. Solicitors Benham B. 1 'ewsagent WOOD AND COMPANY HAVE BRANCHES IN ALL SUBURBS. SYDNEY. VISIT ANTHONY HORDERNS' NEW PALACE EMPORIUM, 246AWolCOUNTRY WOLLONGONG CONTINUED — Bertha Madame •Costumier° BEVAN FRANK Auctioneer and Sworn Valuer. Auction Sales of Land and Stock conducted in all parts of the District. Agent for Official Assignees, Mercantile Mutual Fire, and Queensland Live Stock Blackburn W. ... Inspector of Police Blackwood Mrs. NV. .. Boardinghouse Illornfield II. A., District Engineer (Public Works) lode T. C. .. Royal Victoria Hotel Bodimeade, A. G., Auctioneer and Butcher Boys E. II. Sheriff's Officer Brewster C. Watchmaker lirickwood A. Watchmaker Brock T. ...... Saddler Brodie Mrs. A. floaruiingliuuuse Brown, Miss lloaruiiuighotiev Brown W. V. Schoolmaster Bockland II. J. ...Hatter and Mercer Midden IT. S. .... Produce Dealer RUMEN AND McCUIRK (Late F. (I. Makin), Premier LiveryStables,IVollongoug. Drags, Socialites, of all descriptions on hire, moderate elm rges. Mall Cont ractors. Coaches meet- all trains. 'Phone Wilkie:3 20 Wollongong Budrodven Margaret, Refresh. Rooms Butters II. Boot Repairer Byron T. Coach Proprietor Cahill IL Laundry Cameron Mrs. Boardinghouse Carter Miss E. Teacher Piano Castles Fredk. Blacksmith Cawston W. A. .. Milo Photo Studio chinnieh .1. ...... Coach Proprietor Church Street Hall (Time)— IL. Tindall, Secretary Civilian Rifle Club—A. W. Parsons, . Secretary CLARK MARCUS &CO. Lrn Drapers, Mercers, Furniture, Ironmongery, Crockery, Pianos and nil Musical Instruments, New Century Sewing Machines, Crown street Clarke G. Mount Reim Hotel COASTAL FARMERS' COOPERATIVE SOCIETY LTD. (Near Railway Station) Farm and Dairy Produce—E. O'Neill, Manager Cmnmens A. II. Coachbui liter Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, 0. • Robertson, Manager Commonwealth Boot Store Coon Jack Store Cornforth S.Refreshment Rooms Courtney M. • Tattersall's Hotel Cox H. • •Solicitor Cram J. and Son •.... General Store Croft W. Tailor COMMERCIAL. Crook Mrs. II. .... Music Warehouse DAVID BROTHERS Engineers, Crucible Steel, Malleable, and Ironfounders, Garden Hill Foundry. Tel. ID. DAVIES W. & SON LilleshallEngineering Works, Steel Founders, Mining and General Work. Steel Castings up to seven (7) tons weight. Copper Smelters and Water Jacket Furnaces quoted for. Davies George Skin Buyer Dean James Tailor Dent A. Carter Dodd R. Stonemason Doyle Bros. Storekeepers Doyle 1'. T., 1.1'. Dwyer Miss A. M. ... Music Teacher Dwyer Miss L. M. . . Music Teacher Dwyer William Coachbuilder Edgar Mrs. C. BoartlinglanINV Edgar G. Confectioner Edwards C. Blacksmith Fruiterer Edwards I Edward., .1. II. Plumber Edwards J. W., Manager Gas Works Edwards James Greengrocer Edwards W. Blacksmith Edwards IV. Fruiterer Elphinstone Alexander L., Architect Electrolytic Relining and Smelting Co. (The)—B. Magnus, Manager Elliott A., S.M., Warden and Coroner E. S. and A. Bank, Ltd.— Wol tuttridge and Duncan .... Butchers bile A. F. and Co. Drapers lanson IV. larrigan II. E., Cycle Agent hurls Arthur, Builder & Contractor rattan Alfred Draper iealey Miss Dressmaker Tailor lealey J. Ienderson A. W. .... Cycle Agent herd E. and IL C. Painters herd the Misses C. and E. E., Music Teachers Blacksmith lickey 1 lindmarsh J. P., Govermnent Inspector Coal Mines long George Draper lop Kee and Co., Greengrocers, etc. losking J. W. and Son .... Chemists iowarth E. J. Fruiterer !owes R. H. 'robaccontsr lubner II. Watchmaker hinter John and Son, Ltd., Boots and Shoes McGEORGE'S TEAS are the ACME of illmeg the TEA BLENDER'S ART. Crown St., Wollongong, Helensburgh & Corrimal. —0 — it. Finlayson, Manager Evans T. Fuel Merchant Select Stock of Teas, Coffees, Cocoas and Cigars Federal Coke Works (The)— J. Figtree, Manager ALWAYS IN STOCK. Figtree and Sons Coke Works Fimister W. J. .. 1Voliongono Hotel Fleming W. E. .. Clothier and Mercer Local Agents in all principal towns Flood W. 11. Tailor and Mercer throughout the Stale. Ford J. Architect Carts Deliver Everywhere. Fraser Capt. It. A., Pilot and Harbour Inspector Fraser NV. C. Ironmonger Frew J. ....Furniture Dealer Hutchinson Rev. H. '(Cong.) Frew George .. Refreshment Rooms Illawarra Carriage Co.— Friendly Societies' hall (Time)— A. II. Conti-p ens, Ilanager 'F. Wearne, Secretary Illawarra Coke Workers' Union— Frost Bros. Grocers W. Wannell, See. Galvin John P. Brighton Hotel Illawarra Collieries Employees' Gihnore IV. C. Poultry Breeder Assn.—T. II. Morgan, Sec. Illawarra District Friendly Societies' Association—J. A. Ford, Secretary GOODSELL S P. The most upMercury—E. Allen, Prom. to-date Refreshment Rooms on Illawarra Illawarra and South Coast S.N. Co., the Coast. Go where the crowd Ltd.—G. II. Makin, Agent Illawarra Mutual Building Society— goes—to "Goodsell's." II. Stumbles, Secretary Gordon Miss B. .... Boardinghouse Inch Miss Teacher of Musle Government Savings Bank of N.S.W.— James W. Blacksmith & Vet. Surgeon R. T. White, Manager Jarman G. It. Grocer Green S. B. Freema.tons' Rotel Jarman J. S. Bootmaker Dyer Greer E. Strand Cafe Joel S. Grocock Mrs. Milliner Jordon Ilrs. S. Boardinghouse Kerr John Physician Kirby J. .. Secretary School of Arts Kirby James Boots and Shoes GUIRAUD PAUL Kirkwood W. L. Physician Best Asortinent of Postcards out- Lampard Rev. Edward '(C. of E.) side Sydney. General Bookbinder Lance W. and Co. Mercers and Manufacturing Stationer. Lang A. and Son Butchers Photographic Supplies. Dark Lang A., J.P. Room Free for convenience ot Lee Harm II. Physician Physician Tourists. Crown Street • Lee T. W. W000 . AMP' COMPANY: EtE FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF N.S.W.: SYDNEY. Head Office. 810 . 12 (moron% Street South 'Phone 1201 THE HOME OF ANTHONY HORDERNS' FAMOUS LOW PRICES. WolCOUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Wol Wine ShopRichardson I Boardinghouse Lewis R. DentistBison Albert General Store Lindsay E A DentistRossborough Bros. Saddlers Lindsay J. GaolerRussell and Son Solicitors Lowry John Solicitor St. Mary's Convent School Lysaght A. A. McCann Mrs. DressmakerSaunders John C.P.S. Menullie T. .... Grocer and Fruiterer Savings Bank of N.S.W.— McIntosh W., Builder and Contractor Arthur E. Clements, Accountant Upholsterer School of Arts—J. Kirby, Secretary Mack W. McKenzie A. D., Inspector of Schools Scrivener E., Hairdresser & Tobacconist Ifelienrie A ButcherShoptiordson and Co .... Bakers, etc. McKinnon Mrs. Dressmaker Shipp James, Wood and Coal Depot Dra tier Magnus B., Manager Electrolytic Simon E. and Smelting Co., Ltd. Simpson Miss E. .... Teacher Music Refing Makin Mrs. BoardinghouseSinger Sewing Machine Co., Ltd. Makin Sid Fruiterer Sloan Albert Poultry Breeder Marks Miss M. E. .... Music Teacher Smart IV. NV. Grocer Grocer Smith A. Tobacconist Marks T. Marriott II. Commercial Rotel Smith C. S. Royal Hotel Chemist SouthiCoast Starr-Bowkett Building Martin N. Masonic Lodge—W. Bartlett, See. Society (Nos. 1 & 2)—t. A. Ford, Fishmonger Massey C. Secretary Mayo J. A., TI' Nuctioneer Moran A.—Beale's Sewing Machine Agency Moran Miss A Dressmaker SOUTH COAST TIMES (THE) Moran Mrs. 1 Wailer, etc. The Leading Paper of the South Morgan John Picture Framer Coast, The Miners' and Farmers' Mount Keira Coal Mining Co.— Organ. Offices, Wollongong t7irJ. C. Jones, Manager culat ion Guaranteed over 2,000. Mount Kembla Miners' Union— F. (I. It ichardson, Abitiager J. Russell, See. Mount Pleasant Colliery—Thomas Cook, Mgr. Southern Colliery Proprietors' Assn.—IV. A. Firth, Sec. Musgrave S. It., Proprietor "Illawarra Mercury" Spence W. .I... Produce Merchant, etc. Goods Spence Small John M. .... Sta t imimaster Nickel Wm. O'Brien .1. . . . . Royal Alfred lintel O'Donnell and Stumbles, Stock Salesmen O'Dowd Miss L. Teacher Plano O'Regan Mrs. C. Harp Rotel Orphin NV. J., Builder and Contractor Osborne and Son Undertakers Osborne Mrs. It. Costumiere Osborne R. Furniture Dealer Owen and Champion S.dicitors Owen P., .1.1'. Oxley G. ... Librarian School of Arts Paling W. II. it Co., Ltd., Piano War/braise Plumber Parkinson E Parkinson .1. •. Cordial Manufacturer Parsons Alf red l'ainter Parsons Arthur NV. .... Ilairdresser Parsons Henry, Undertaker and Builder Tinsmith l'arsons I 1 Parsons A. and Co., Ironmongery and Furniture Payne Goodwin Blacksmith Oyster Saloon, etc. Pealre J. IV. Penman Rev. J. (Meth.) etc. Philipott F. IV. Carrier, Pinfold W. J. Tobacconist l'ort Kembla Progress Assn.— II. 11. Lee, President Pritchard George ... Boots and Shoes l'rott C. NV. Postmaster Ptickey C. Chemist Itathmell It. Butcher Baker Rees Thomas Rees IV. H., J.P., Insurance and General Agent and Dep. Coroner Reeves Charles M. Town Clerk ROSE F, W. South Coast Monumental Works, Crown Street. Wollongong. All Chimes of Gran i Cu Marble Work, et,., erected MOIIII11111111.111 in ativ part of the State. Estimates and Designs submitted f re • 247A TOWLE C. & CO. The Illawarra Model Bakery and Refreshment Rooms, The Largest and most . Up-to•date Business outside Sydney. Crown street Townsend W. and Co., Ltd.,• Produce Store •Die.ssanaker Tregear Miss Tressler IV. R. Tailor TUCKEY G. C. (Late Farmers' and Settlers' Co. operative Society, Ltd.), Farm and Dairy Produce Merchant and C'oni in ission Agent Turner C. II. Newsagent, ete. Tuxworth E... Manager Port Kembla Coke Works Tynan Marcus Stationer Wade Dr. T. P., J.P. Physician Wakeford II. 1'. Cycle Agent Walker G. II. Dentist Waller, Bodkin and Comiolly, Drapers E. V. .. Teacher Piano Waller Walsh Rev, Father P. .1. (B.C.) Walters .1. L., Inspector of NIIilialleeS Waters G. II. ' •Builder Miss WATERS WILLIAM, Timber and Hardware Merchant. All kinds of Builders' and Carpenters' Requisites in stock. Crown and Railway Streets. 'Phone 64. IVearn T. S. Hairdresser Weber C. L. A. .... °Nil Engineer Williams Ilenry and Son... Plumbers Williams IL Liglithouselceeper Teacher of Piano Williams Saddler Wilson Robert • Dentist Wilson V. Wiseman Frank 0. .... Storekeeper Wiseman W. .1. Mayor Witlaycombe It. M. Dentiat Wollongong A.gricultural, II. and I. Crown St., Society—I". W. Phillpott, SIT. Wollongong Bowling Club— WOLLONGONG. II. N. Stumbles, Secretary Wollongong Industrial Co-operative Society, Ltd.—II. G. Wakeford, Secretary Wollongong Gaslight Co.— Only Choicest Brands of W. II. Rees, Secretary WINES & CHAMPAGNE Wollongong Golf Club0. Moriarty, Secretary Stocked. Lewis's Wines, Wollongong District Hospital-1. A. Mayo, Sec. •, A. M. Hayes. Matron well-known Prize Winners, Wollongong Jockey Club— .1. Denmeade, Secretary a speciality, Wollongong Technical College-'-W. V. Brown, Principal Wollongong Tennis Club— E. T. Oram,. Secretary Piano and Organ Tuner Stoyles J. II. Dealer Wood A. .. Livery Stablea Woods II. Stoyles Walter .... Fruiterer, etc. Store Strike E. C. Boots and Shoes Young Geo Stumbles H., Town Clerk, North Illawarra Taylor Mrs. E. Boardinghouse Taylor J. Fuel Merchant WOLUMLA. Taylor P. J. ' Baker Steamer, to Merlin. 200 m. S. Taylor W. .1. .... Bottle Merchant hula, thence cnach. Nearest bank, Technical College (The)—John May, Begs. Resident Master Allen Bros. 4:leneral Store Thomas T. J. Dairy Produce Black J. M. (Ayrdale), Iltore and Thorne Mrs. E. J. Boardinghouse Butter Factory Thorne S. Hai rdressed CavIll (I. I). Goldfields Hotel Mrs.STANTON'S Misfi Wine Saloon WOOD AND COMPANY HAVE AGENCIES THROUGHOUT THE STATE AND COMMONWEALTH,', *Vent THE PICK OF THE WORLD'S CHOICEST COMMODITIES, COMMERCIAL. Woo 248AWornCOUNTRY Lynch end Collins Bakers Melasnald Malcolm Sawmill Store McInnes and Co. Marshall A. W.. General Store Blacksmith Moss E. Nelson F. Billiard Saloon Nolan M. V. Pinpire Hotel Butcher Olive A. Saddler l'orter John Seindstad 0. General Store • Baker Sheenier A. E. Taylor Barry General Store Turner Edward Tinsmith 241 in. S. Rail to Murrumburrah, Wallbank R. Hairdresser thence coach. Nearest bank, Wntt and Co. Chemists Young. Winnin g and James ... Tinsmiths Goldberg Bros. General Store Williams A. Boots and Shoes Gordon and McArthur Butchers Williams Allan Fruiterer Holt Henry Blacksmith McArthur Mrs. Fruiterer Fruiterer Martin Frank Parr John General Store Sindaberry Royal lintel Via Kyogle. Cutler George Painter .101/eq 0. Plumlier It i rimiest er — Con ehl sui 'der 601 m. S. ti et ioneer Farquharson John Baker Nelson Donald Sketchley John Store Whidburn and Bleyard Store Wol,UsILA C1NTINIJED — firmly Horace Grocer, etc. Kennedy Joseph Blacksmith McDonald James Baker Schafer .bunes, Railway June. Hotel School of Arts—E. F. Wrightson, See. Store Scott William South \Volumla Co-op. Creamery Co., Ltd.—S. Simmons, Manager WOMBAT. • WOODENBUNG. WOMBOOTA. WOODFORD. WONGARBON. 267 in IV. Rail direct. Baker NV. C. .... Baker and Butcher Bowen John Fruiterer . Reidy M. Hotel Reidy P. P. Hotel Renshaw .1. F. Produce Store Wellington Co .operative Stores 53 m. W. By rail direct. Holmes Miss Boardinghouse McManamey J. F., Woodford Academy Moody IV. Store Wilson Mrs. T. IL Store WONGY. 336 m. N. Nearest Castle T. G. WOODBURN. Steamer via Grafton. m. N. Rail land, thence coach Tinsmith Davis Robert Pomfrett Peter .. Boots and Shoes Tranter Geo. IV. .... General Store Blacksmith Waller M. J. MALLATA.) bank, Grafton. Blacksmith WOODHOUSLEE WOOD VILLE. to West Malt- 121 WOOLABRA. (Now WOODFORD LEIGH. (Sea WARRUltottKOAL.) Evans Thomas .... Billiard Saloon Farmers and Settlers' Association— J. IV. Anderson, Secretary Ferris L. Hawker Ford Robert Blacksmith Franklin Benjamin Builder Grottos C. IV. .... Machinery Agent Tinzelton L. Tobacconist newish A. General Store Hewitt L. A. Postmaster Hill Thomas Produce Agent Hill IV. 11. Fruiterer Hudson Charles Blacksmith Jambs William Skin Buyer Lockett IV. Tailor McKay James Chin Boyer Mackie IV. Auctioneer Nliddlemis E. A. and Co., General Stori. Muir T C0711111ercial Hotel O'Brien James Royal Hotel Ogle S. Fruiterer Paine IV. Store Progress Association—J. Alford. See. Rooke Dr. Medical Practitioner Tucker Albury Butcher Woodstock Jockey Club— D. Moore, Secretary WOOLBROOK. 317 m. N. Rail direct. Nearest bank, Walcha. 310 in. N. By steamer direct from Store Morgan James 155 m. S.Rail direct Sydney or Lismnore. Reid Miss Mize General Store Store Simpson F. Carmichael John Blacksmith Coggan James Butcher Store Elliott E. Boilermaker Gallagher II. B. Forder IV. E. Tinsmith Speer Joseph Blacksmith Gollan Bros Butter Factory Gallen A. .1. B. Agent 391 m. N. Steamer direct. Consul Oswald II., J.P. .. Auctioneer 'Sank, City. Ross Frederick, J.P. .. General Store (SEE SPARKE's CABER.) Billington Mrs. Fruiterer Selitilstad John .... Boots and Shoes Via Scone. Chemist !Slacken IV. E. Thompson IV. A. Butcher Ilritislt Australian Timber Co. Webb Henry Fruiterer Butcher Caldwell henry Fruiterer Collins Mrs. Featherstone Ralph ... Tobacconist (SOD WOODSTOCK.) Langley Bros. Shipowners, etc. Leonard and Co. .... General Store McNamara P. J. Auctioneer 310 in. N. By steamer direct from Morrow Alfred Blacksmith Sydney or Lismore. Banks, 248 in. N. North Coast S. N. Co.'s Sawmills London of A., and A.B.C. Ltd. Bell and Cochrane Store O'Callaghan It. Builder Bailey A. Coachpainter Cameron Bros. Sawmills Pullen Wm., Agent National IneurBale George Wheelwright once Co. of N.Z. Bale Philip Blacksmith Pavoskoi Bros. .... Oyster Saloon Butler James Sawmills Store Scribner and Son Colnan 0. Fruiterer Stone William Seaview Hotel Costello. 207 m. W. Rail direct. Bank, Draper Baker Thomas K. I Davis Bros. and Burgess, Commercial. Wilson William Builder Steamship Proprietors Anderson James IV. ....General Store Davis P. W., J.P. Anderson James Stationtnaster Davis G. Fruiterer Armstrong Mrs. Boardinghouse !laminas A. .... Coach Proprietor Bartimote Joseph Baker . Faller — 271 m. N. Via Nundle. !welter 13rassington T. Schoolmaster Ilstwker Jatrust .Blacksmith Cameron Angus Saddler Ballintine James Blacksmith Ilinchey Michael .1., Richmond Hotel Commercial Bank of Sydney, Ltd — Hatiminford James Fruiterer ,Hunter J W. S. Dalrymple . 11ay, Manager l'yrke T. L. General Store Baker -. WOODLANDS. WOOLGOOLGA. WOOD'S FLAT. WOODBURN (SOUTH) • WOODSIDE. WOODSTOCK. WOOLOMIN. WOOD AND COMPANY: THE FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF N.S.W. : SYDNEY. ( 0:72;) rad tOlz a itim . Vh° AT ANTHONY HORDERNS' FAMOUS LOW PRICES, WooCOUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Wya249A WOO MARGAMA. Friendly Societies' Hall (The)— H. Toliturst, Secretary Gallen IV. Milk Vendor thence 404 m. S. Rail to Albury, Gardner A. R., SIT. School of Arts coach.Nearest bank, German. Graham Sam Bootmaker ton. Gray Mrs. Boardinghouse Hotel Iritlit its W. Cycle Agent Colrain S. J. larding A. Pict tire Framer larding F. hi. Tailor lardy Thomas Builder lenningson .1. Milkui o Ie cr lobbs Nurse Private Hospital (See ALSO MILLI.) loran Thomas Postmaster T. 0. Baker 94 in. S.Rail to Bulli, thence lubbard coach.Bank, B.S. and A. Ilawarra Colliery E'mployees' Aeon.'— P. It. Morgan, Sec. Agency, and Government Savings Ilawarre Fireclay and Brick Co., Ltd. Bank —A. Gulson, Manager Ball Bros. Cordial Factory . ones IV. Fruiterer Ball Albert E., Picture Frame Maker Kindred F., Watchmaker and Jeweller King E. 11. Plumber Learmonth Miss A. Dressmaker Lutherborrow A, G. .. General Store Lynch T. Refreshment Rooms Nt eDowel I L. Draper McMahon's Drapery Stores Martin Edward Builder Martin IV. Builder Martin Mrs, IV. Dressmaker Meredith T. ' Painter Molloy & Sons, Furniture Manufacturers, Sawmillers & Timber Met. 10 minutes front Railway Station. Mott 11. IV. Milk Vendor Murphy John Fruiterer Proprietor, Neal F. School Teacher Nicholls George 13oardimighouse Palmer Dr. Plipacian Pendlebury Thomas & Son, Brickworks Comfort, Cleanliness and Phelan Miss N. Costumier° The Best Civility. Pitman II. Furniture Dealer Brands of Spirits, Wines. Pitman IV., nen. Builder and Beers kept. ,Cv Pitman IV. A. Newsagent, etc. BALI, BROS.' Conlinls Ramsay Mrs. .. Reg. 13. N. and D. (Inaranteed Butcher Rees William WOONONA. Royal Hotel, WOONONA 'HOS. BALL, o Coacges meet every train. W00110118 Universal More (RICHARDSON & ORANFIELD) Barnard Albert, General Manager Induatrial Cceoperative Society, Ltd. Bennett Mrs. N. J., Coach Proprietress Bissell IV. Painter Black A. Boots and Shoes Blotch A. Tea Merchant Dentist Boscard L. 13owes Rev. It. (Meth.) Bray C., Senior-Constable of Police Builder Brazil F. Buchan G. NV. Confectioner Nurse Clawson — Plumber Collis J. Cotterell H. F., Auctioneer, etc., Commissioner for Affidavits Curry Nurse .... l'rivate hospital Davidson J. General Store The recognised Cheap Cash Shop for Grocery, Drapery', Boots, Men's and Boys' Mercery, Ladies' Requirements, Crockery, Produce, Patent Medicines, etc., etc. Rowan and Sons Bakers School of Arts—T. Horan, President Sheath George Fruiterer Printer Smith F. C. South Coast Dry Press and Fire Brick Co.—T. I'endiebury & Son, Props. South Coast Miners' Assn.— T. R. Morgan, Gen. Sec. Oyster Saloon rCS81111011I1 Mrs. !Minim-seer Veigel J. Dentist Walker G. II. Fruiterers Walton and Son Fruiterer Welsh Boots and Shoes West II. Fruiterer Scut J. Williamson E. F I la i rdresser Woonona Bowling Club—T. lioran, Hon. Sec. Woonona Colliery—A. E. Sellars, WOY WOY. 45 m. N. Rail direct.. Alderton George Carrier Bird John Fruiterer !Seattle E. Boardinghouse Brisbane Water Oyster Co., Oyster Vendors Carpenter II. E. Carpenter Cochrane Mrs. A. E. ... Greengrocer Couch() Fred., Boardinghouse and Boat Proprietor Cox Frederick, Storekeeper, Baker, etc. Donohue and Loathe Builders (Klan b I hairdresser Gitlin Mrs. Confectioner Gillett IV., Plumber and Galvanised Iron Worker Ileinz Jack General Store Jenkins G. .1. Boardinghouse Jepson Mrs Fruiterer McCallum A., Boardinghouse and Launch Proprietor McNtstst or Mrs. Boardinghouse Marshall Mrs. E... Woy il'oy Hotel Murphy A. Fruiterer Murray J. Boardinghouse Owen JI aunch Proprietor Parks Henry Fruiterer Parks 1 • Boatbuilder l'arks James, Billiard Saloon and Boardimighoune Parnell — Bayriew hotel l'entland J. Coach Proprietor Pliegan .1. L., .1.I'., Furnished Cot. loges, Launches & Boat Proprietor Pliegan R., Naval Architect and Marine Surveyor Pliegan W. E., Photographic Material Importer, etc. Piper F. A. ' Boatbuilder l'iper II. J. Builder Singleton Mrs. Boardinghouse Smith James Greengrocer Stone Mrs. Boardinghouse Taylor A. E. Contractor Vidler It Butcher Williams — Baker Wilson Mrs. .T. ..... Boardinghouse WRIGHTVILLE. 461h m. W. Rail to Cobar. Bolick A. NV. Hairdresser Bellamy II. Chesney Hotel Collins II. ... Young Am/strobe Hotel Cycle Agent Davies E. Edinonds G. Newsagent Ellis Robert Billiard Saloon Gannon N. Bootmnaker !hitching A. A. Town Cleric Jeffrey I Butcher Judd J. A. Store Baker Links I I Mileston J. General Store 1 aul Bros. Fruiterers, eta. Rowe and Co. .... Coach Proprietors Budge Mrs. .1. A., Tattereall'e Ilotel Shellalah Mrs. Fruiterer Synnott John Family Hotel Dollahan and Sons Butchers Bowe Rev. J. (C. of E.) Downie R. Blacksmith Dudley Rev. J. T. (Pres ) Duggan Michael Hairdresser Dumbrell A. S. Butcher Mine Manager Butcher Dumbrell S. Buncombe W. II. Harnessmaker Woonoria Industrial Co-operative (TOwgsgtP.) Eociety, Ltd.—Albert Barnard, Tailor Eager G. 337 m. S.Rail direst. Courts General Manager; Williams LindEdmondson P. D. Grocer say, Secretary Quarter and Petty Sessions. E. S. and A. Bank—C. Dinning, Mgr. Bailey Mrs. (Central), Grocer and Erskine Mrs. Boardinghouse Woonona l'igeon Horning SocietyFruiterer 0. Ramsay, Secretary Evans T. IV.Refreshment Rooms Evans W General Store Wynn John Contractor Beazley John Wyalong Hotel YatesPorJhn(Bpi) Bramwell W. Ii., Commercial Hotel Fowler G. Boots and Shoes WOOD AND COMPANY: WYALONG. THE LEADING AND PRINCIPAL UNDERTAKERS. SYDNEY. • • ANTHONY HORDERNS' — THE POPULAR STORF. WyaCOUNTRY COMMERCIAL. . Wye• 251 A ANTHONY HORDERNS L—THE PEOPLE'S MARKET. 250AWyaCOUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Wya "The Wyalong Star" Established 1894 THE " STAR" came with the first rush on the Ili discovery of the Wyalong Goldfield. It is read by all classes, and is the principal advertising medium for the Wyalong, Bland, and Lake Cudgellico tricts, where it circulates largely. The "Star" is published every Tuesday and Friday Evenings. Address—West Wyalong. YA LI/NI; CONTINUED — Thomas, Stock & Station Agent Brighton Wm. Agent Butler William Butcher Channon James, Quartz Crushing Battery Convent School—Sisters of Mercy Baker Costa J. Craig George .. Cordial Manufacturer Currie Mrs. M. Victoria Hole! Excelsior Hall (The)— W. G. Smythe, Secretary Fitzgerald Miss E. Fruiterer Brett. CUSACK M., LTD., Auctioneers, Stock, Station, Mining and Land Agents (see Advt.) Hancox Miss J. E. .... General Store Hart A. A. Produce Merchant Brickmaker 'feline!. 11. Hi Chong and Co. (Central), Produce Store Sawmills King R. I Orchardist Lowrie R. Lowrie Mrs. H. Newsagent Marshall Bros. Brickmakers Masonic Hall (The) Moody II. Forest Ranger Moore Bros. Produce Dealers Neeld's Chlorination Works Neeld F., Kn., J.P. Neild Yen. Archdeacon (0. of E.) Fruiterer Oakley W. Peak W.. Public School Poo Kee and Co .... General Store Batmen f u rimer R. Architect Dairy Riley I Robinson E. 7 Hairdresser •■••••■•• Bland Shire Council—George Punton, Pres.; Thomas A. Crowe, Shire Clerk ; Thomas P. Smith, Shire Engineer Bollard Mrs., Dressmaker and Servants' Registry Boyle I Baker Brewer W. T. C.P.S., etc. Brindley W. A. Dentist Brinsmead G. IL, Manager John Meagher & Co., Ltd. Brooknum's United G. M. Co.— A. A. Duncan, Manager Butler I'. Boots and Shoes Byrnes Bros. Skin Buyers Cahill M. I Empire Hotel Callender A. Builder Carter A. E. Billposter Clarke :lames .... Cycle Agent, etc. Collins Thomas . Post Offlee Hotel Commercial Bank of Australia, Ltd.— J. C. Illaikie, Manager Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, Ltd.—S. A. Schreibeir, Manager (OR MAIN (War.) Conroy Nurse, "Oxford" Private 338 in. S. Banks, N.S.W., Comhospital mercial of Sydney and CommerConvent School—Sisters of Mercy cial of Australia Solicitor Ahern),. A. I Draper Coonan W T., 1 l' All Nations Mine Co-11. S. Benjamin, Legal Manager CROWLEY AND CO., Proprietors Armstrong .1. J. .... Grocer, etc. "The Wyalong Star" Newspaper Bank of N.S.W.—B. C. Fox, Manager (see Advt.) Baptiste J., Water Bag Manufacturer Barrett A. J. . Metropolitan Hotel Clowley James J., Proprietor Barrier and White Reef G. M. Co.— " Wyalong Star" J. Richardson, Manager Crowley J. N., Proprietor "Wyalong Bennett P. J., Teacher Public School Star" 'Balkh . .1. C., Manager Commercial Cullen W. Livery Stables Bank of Australia Ltd. School of Arts—S. M. Smith, Sec. Schott L. A., Architect and Civil Engineer Shatnrock-Cum-Waratah Gold Mining Co. Shaw P. C. S., J.I' Physician Shim Ii. Giles, P.M. Smith S. M., TOWII Clerk & Secretary School of Arts Stevenson F., C.P.S. and Crown bands Agent &Aherne J..... Grand Central flute! Theobald Rev. W. (Meth.) Store Watterson S. Wheeler Wm. ... Queensland Hotel 1Vormald E. W. Postmaster Wyalong Hospital—D. A Middlemiss; Secretary Wyalong Rifle Club— Dr. F. C. S. Shaw, Captain WYALONG WEST Telephone No. 24 Auctioneers and Valuators, Station and Land Agents. R. BURSTAL, Manager. Agents for . A.M.P. and N.Z. Insurance Co. WOOD AND COMPANY: THE AUCTIONEERS, STOCK, STATION, AND GENERAL AGENTS, Properties of all descriptions for sale. WEST WYALONG. CROWLEY & CO., Proprietors. M. CUSACK Ltd. Stock, J. T. WOODS & CO., Neeld Street, WYALONG. FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF N.S.W. : SYDNEY. (aerttnu ctei..810.14..Die..11) David, ,lastralian lintel Currie S 7 Fruiterer and Confectioner Davies Vt. U., Stock & Sttition Agent, Davoren Ernest J., Manager Federal Tailoring Co. Donnelly .1. & Co. .. Wheat Buyers DMfy Bros. (late GMMtg k SMIO, Produce Merchants such Carriers Duncan J. L. Chemist Itwyer Mig.4144 StatiOneni Elliott Miss L. .... Teacher of MIIHIC Elliott W. J., Auctioneer, Stock and Station Agent Emerton C. Tinsmith Emmett and Parker, Proprietors "Wyalong Advocate" Emmett Arthur F. Stationer Evans 0. 1'. Solicitor Farmers' and Settlers' Association— W. V. Bartram, Secretary Cunningham Mill 1181113111 alio Go. Stock and Station Agents, etc. II. Anderson, Local Manager. Head Mice, Wagga Wagga Fraser E. M., Soap Works anti Produce Merchant Eraser .1. 11. Machinery Agent Tailor Fraser J. H. Ceiling and Sons, httl., Auctioneers, Stock and Station Agents Draper Gibb Mrs. M. Gorman .1. 1 Skin Ittiver Graff W. Cordialmaker Gregson Mrs. 5. E., Royal Exchange hotel Farrier Grellman E. Griffin L. White Task lintel Hanson W. C. .... Tattersall's Hotel Harding W. J. Bootmaker Hartigan Mrs. M. A. Imperial Hotel Builder Benner II. Hellyar H. R., J.P. .. General Store Hibernian Race Club Hew Hue Ting Mrs., Fruiterer and Store James C. Mining Warden Jones W. C., Tobacconist and Stationer Junction G. M. Co. (The)— James Williams, Manager Keep•it-Dark G. Ia. Co.— A. A. Duncan, Manager Kenny Bernard H. Dentist Laide Rev. E. (B.C.) beadbitter II., Cycle Repairer and Photographer Lillas W. G. Butcher Lucas Mrs. M. Dressmaker P. J. Saddler McFadzean S. .... Steam Saw Mills Macpherson A., Stott & Station Agent Man Sing and Co. .... General Store AfeIleoelt Miss Store McInnes W. Milk Vendor :McNamara B. .... Commission Agent MacPherson Airs. Boardinghouse Maloney J. J. Physician Ma reliant James. Stock & Station Lynch Agent Meagher John and Co., Ltd., General Store Meales C. Baker Messner Charles Saddler Middlemiss D A Sec. Hospital Miller & James, Stock and Station Agents Mills Edward Undertaker Morris E. Fruiterer Mulhall 1 Friiiterer Murray George Livery Stables Nagy F. I Thism ith Nash M. L. Globe Hotel Nash Miss Dining Rooms Neeld's Prospector's G M. Co.— Ii Neeld, Manager Scold and Sons Battery Farrier O'Brien 1 'I orryman O'Brien R. O'Keefe C. ,C: Co., Stock & Station A gen ts Grocer O'Keefe W. Paddock II. J. Blacksmith l'atten I 1 Blacksmith I'rest Robert Club Hotel Butcher l'rior W. Progress Committee—P. J. Lynch, Sec. Punton and Jackman Butchers Rifle Climb—F'. Riley, Secretary Ittithluek Sydney II. A; Son, Auctioneers, ete. Ryan J. Veterinary Surgeon Sanderson E. K. Baker School of Arts—C. Harrold. Secretary Scamba R. (Central) .. Wine Saloon Schreiber S. A., Manager Commercial Bank Sharman Bros. General Store Shaw 11. Giles, P.M Wine Depot SIIRIA' W. Smith T. A. Hairdresser Smythe W. G. Poultry Dealer Souden Iledrey General Store Speirs .7., Assayer and Cyanide Works Jeweller Speirs R. Spence Mrs. A. A. Stationer Spriggs R. Conch Proprietor StIvano C. (3. Tailor Stribley T. Furniture Store Tabakis J. P. Oyster Saloon THOM JAMES, General Store (see Advt. 'remora. Section.) Thomas iv. Ithicicsmith Thompson .1. T., Auet Minter, Stock 111111 Stati011 Pte. Tindall W. J., Hairdresser and Billiard Saloon True Blue Gold Mining Company— F. Chudleigh, Legal Manager Tul»nan W. II. Auctioneer Tucker W. Butcher Turner James Royal Hotel Victoria Hall (The) Walsh M. Coach Proprietor Walter John . Postmaster Warren I Itairdremser West Wyalong Racecourse Trustees— .J. N. Crowley, Secretary White Mrs. M. Fruiterer WOODS d. T. & CO., Auctioneers, Stock and . Station Agents (see Advt.). Wright E. Coach Painter Wyalong District Railway League— I. N. Crowley, Hon. Sec. Wyalong Mines G. M. Co.11. S. 13enjamin, Legal Manager Wyalong New Homeward Bound G.M. Co.—H. S. Benjamin, Legal Manager Wyalong P.A.H. and I. Association— T. Smith, Secretary "WYALONG STAR"—Crowley and Co., Proprietors (see Advt.). Young Australia G. M. Co.— F. Chudleigh, Legal Manager WYANDAH. (NEAR lAwasmos.) Rail to Tenterfleld, thence 81 m. WYBONG. 194 m. N. Rail to Muswellbrook, thence 18 in. WYEe. 71 m. N. Rail direct. Nearest bank, Wyong. Anderson William .... General Store Dawes George C. Contractor WOOD AND COMPANY : SYDNEY, SUNNIS AND NORWOOD. ARTHUR C. J. WOOD, PRINCIPAL ANTHONY HORDERNS'—AUSTRALIA'S MAMMOTH STORE. ANTHONY HORDERNS' —BIGOEST STORE IN AUSTRALIA. 252A WynCOUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Yarn WYNDHAM. 210 m. S. Steamer to Merimbula, thence coach. Nearest bank. • Candelo. Store Booth It. Collins D. Butcher De Costa J. W. .. Skin Merchant Goldberg S. General Store Grant Daniel Auctioneer Ramsay James Carrier Smith George Carrier Thompson Mrs. Fruiterer Watson James Fruiterer Watson John Blacksmith Young A. A. .. Robbie Burns Hotel WYONG. WYONG CREEK. 05 m. N. Rail to •Wyong, thence ' 2m. Trigg W. A. Contractor WYRALLAH. . SANDS' YALBRAITH. SYDNEY, AND COMPANY: THE 396 m. S. Rail to Wyalong, thence coach 28 tn. Barnett W. Royal Hotel Huntley hector, Adelaide Cyanide Works Joseph John Hawker Locke P. A. Store MeCarten Thomas .. Mall Contractor COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY YALPUNGA. 059 en. N.W. Rail to obar or Broken Hill, thence coach via Wileannia. Nearest bank, Wilcannia. Bell II. General Store Elmslie Alex Linton Hotel Kelly J. Blacksmith YALWAL. JOHN SANDS UHL, PRINTERS and PUBLISHERS, 314 George St, SYDNEY. 'Engineer WOOD AND YALOOORIN (NORTH). COUNTRY 340 M. N. By 'Steamer direct. .Nearest bank, Liamore. Allen . Fred. 174 m S. Rail to Goulbum, thence coach, via Taralga. Croke 'P. Painter McLatirin Ca Maront m A. Store Marmont 11. Blacksmith Pollock J. Blacksmith SUBURBAN, 63 in. N. By rail direct. Commercial Bank of Australia, Ltd. Akhurs Fred. .... Timber Contractor Akhurs William .. Timber Contractor Baker G. Dentist Bell W. Cordial Factory Bowcock James Blacksmith Caldwell Frank .1. ...... Fruiterer Chapman and Sons, General Store, Bakers Commercial Bank of A. Ltd.— T. W. Studley, Mgr. Curran Thomas Painter Dawe 1 Blackantith Dunk A. S. hairdresser Eagle A. 0. Butcher Earl Joseph Wine Shop Field .1. J. Saddler Ford Mrs. A. Fruiterer Gascoigne Robert Royal Hotel Goodsell II. Fruiterer Ballet; A. C. Chemist Hand W. II. Fruiterer Ilue A A. R. Physician Ilug les Joseph.... Launch Proprietor Hunt S. 1 l'ainter Johnson J. A. Saddler Jones Mildred Baker Kay J. IL Hairdresser Butcher Knight T Norman F. E. Watchmaker O'Neill and Goldsmith .... Sawmills O'Sullivan Mrs. Dressmaker Parker Claude Builder Payne A. E. Boots and Shoes Plowright F. J. IL, Proprietor 'hue Wyong District Record" School of Art—W. Brindle, Sec. Smith and .Woodbury, Timber Merchants and Contractors Smith J. C. .... Commercial Hotel Tomlinson G. L. Physician Wilkinson Bros. General Store Woodbury Edwin and Co., Auctioneers Wyong Co•operative Dairy Co.— ' Allen W. F. Store Blanch Geo. Caledonian Hotel Bruggy J. J. Blacksmith Burley John, Undertaker and Builder Pestell Robert Auctioneer Robson henry Auctioneer Scrivener C. E. Butcher Scrivener F. E. General Store FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF MAW. I 115b m. S. Rail to Nowra, thence coach 18 tn. Nearest bank, Nowra. Davidge C. Pioneer Hotel Yalwal Co-operative Store— A. Ilielman, Manager YAMBA. 307 m. N. By steamer direct. Nearest bank, Maclean. Austin Frederick Yamba Ilotcl Caulfield P. IVoolli Hotel Perkins E. Baker Tullock David 'General Store YAMBLE. Via Mudgee. Gollan John Hotel, Store, etc. Rose II. W. Blacksmith YAMBULLA. 383 m. S. Via Eden. Hughes Mrs. J. II. .. Federal Hotel Kiss William Baker, etc. Stott John Blacksmith SYDNEY. m alterelcismoTih. 8/ °a 'tot:WO Yan COUNTRY COMMERCIAL. . Yas253A YANDARLO. Australian Bank of Conunerce, Ltd.— ,I. Waddell, J.P., Manager 818 re, W. Rail to Cobar, thence Bonfield litre. A. Royal Hotel coach via Wilcannia. Nearest Bank of N.S.W.—A. Macintosh, Mgr. Barber Percy Produce Dealer bank, Wilcannia. Barry John Blacksmith Agent Barry Michael 1 Bates Iv, McIntosh, Builders and Undertakers Benevolent Society— Mrs. W. Thotnpson, Secretary 602 in. S. Rail to Hay, thence coach.Nearest bank, Bal. Besnard and Hill, Auctioneers, Stock and Station Agents, etc. ranald. Jones George Yanga Hotel Besnard N. R., J.P. Hesitant Thomas (Bement and Ilill), Auctioneer Booty A. K. confectioher Bourke P. 3f., Stock k Station Agent Bracken David Tailor Bradford S. E., J.P., Chemist & Mayor 307 tn. S. Staunton W. T. Store Iliac Miss C. Dressmaker Brown Rev. C. A. Walkden (Meth.) Browning James .. Upholsterer, etc. Bucknell D'Arcy II., M.A., Solicitor Carpenter Walter Illaeksmith Coen AL General Store 505 m. W. Rail to Bourke, thence Collins E. E. and Co., Hide and Skin Buyers coach. Nearest bank, Bourke. Buckley .1. M. Hotel Colvin R. General Store Burness John General Store Coming Thomas You Hotel Coldson Mrs. Hotel Commercial Bank—T. II. F. Griffin, • J.I'., Manager Convent School—Sisters of Mercy Cook James Fruiterer Coughlan 'I'. L. Postmaster COIllter C. Watchmaker 904 m. W.Bail to Cobar or Crag° Bros. Millers Broken Hill; thence •coach via Crocker C. Rabbit Buyer Wileannia.Nearest bank, Wil- Crocker Mrs., Oyster and Fruit Saloon cannill. Crossley W. Cycle Depot 31inaltan Dan Cobham /Intel Cusack John Blacksmith Butcher Davis E. Dean and Carpenter .... Blacksmiths Delaney W. Hairdresser Dickson S. .... Monumental Mason 71 m. N. Rail to Wyong, thence Doig itev. A. .1. (Pres.) coach 12 m. Duddlestone R. S. Club hotel O'Neill and Goldsmith Sawmills Dyball Mrs. W. .... l'oultry Breeder Waters Bros. Sawmills W. 1 ports Depot Waters Mrs Hotel Dyball General Store Eager 11. Wilkinson Bros. General Store Edwards II. A. Town Clerl: Elliott It. II. E., jun Tailor Physician Thiglisit J. Flowers Mrs. Boardinghouse Goodradighee Shire Council—C. P. Walker, l'res.; J. P. Beckett, 305 m. N. Rail to Quirindi, thence Shire Clerk ; Joseph Hope, Shire coach. Nearest bank, Quirindi. Engineer Risley C. Blacksmith Griffin 'P. II. F., J.P., Manager Mullins '1'. (I. .... Farman', Hotel Comtnercial Bank Pyke Alexander General Store Grogan II. .1., Proprietor "The Yass Tribune" ilatton John Carrier 11111 James I). (Besnard and IUD), Stock and Station Agent Ilopman .1. II. Public School 355 nt S., near ICiandra Hospital—E. A. Hickey, Secretary Cunsley Thomas Hotel !Toward Edward Solicitor Howard and Shearsby.. Photographers Howard J. W. Boottnaker Johnstone E., Fruiterer k Nurseryman Jones Charles Butcher Tobacconist (HANoAltoo VALLEY.) Kenny I'. I (SEE YURIMNOA.) Knox Robert Contractor Lanham George (North), Blacksmith Lawrence David L. Builder Leeder II. A. Dentist Leonard Rev. Father John (II.C.) Leslie and Sons Carpenters 189 m. S. By rail direct. Banks, A.B. of C., Commercial, N.S.W. Lewis Miss B. Dressmaker Courts of Quarter and Petty Ses- Linnegar and Batty .. Blacksmiths Dentist Love W. A. sions. Ashby Joseph .... Road Contractor Lynch Mrs. D. J. .. Tea Merchants YANGA. YANKO. YANTABULLA. YANTARA. YARRAMALONG. YARRAIIIMIAN. YARRANCOBILLY. YARRUNGA. YAM WOOD AND COMPANY INITIATED ALL FUNERAL REFORMS. L McAlister P. ... Mercer and Clothier McAlister Miss V... Teacher of Violin ticAppion P. J. .... Boots and Shoot Macdonald W. J. Saddler McInerney Miss Costumiere Macintosh A., Manager Bank of N.S.W. McLean J. C. .... Commercial Hotel McNally N. Carrier McNally Mrs. 1'. Dressmaker McReynolds Ed., Dairyman k Flutterer Maguire M.. Vass Town Stationmaster iltallyon J. R. Accountant Mitlidelson Signiont, Australian Hotel Massy Chao. 1tictionver Mead Henry .... Inspector Nuisances Mechanics' Institute—A. C. Wood, Secretary Morris O. House Painter Mote F. Oyster Saloon Murohy Francis .. North ran Hotel Nash Michael Federal Hotel O'Brien F. W. J.P Solicitor Odd fel lows'' liall (The) O'Neill A. .. Mail Coach Proprietor Ordlge henry Dealer Palmer Sol. (North) .. Brickmaker Pattitore P. W. Saddler Pearce Edwd.. Carpenter 4; Contractor Pembroke Miss, Librarian School of Arts Perry E. J. Hairdresser Peterstal F. W. A; Co., GNI. Merelliilliti Pilie Itev. Joseph (C. of E.) (bloating and James %gents Reid 3t. Blacksmith Richards MISS .... Matron Hospital Ridley Francis A., P.M. Riley Mrs Tea Booms Scott Walter, C.P.S. and Reg. B. B. and D. Scurr Gus General Dealer Scurr W. 1 Plumber Sheekey 'I'. 1 Cordial Maker Slieekey I Insurance Agent Slieelwy Terence Baker and Confec. lacer/Ian 8. and Son ' Agents Smith A. A. Tinsmith Smith James Carrier Smith T. • Plasterer Steele George It. Sub . Inspector Police Stubbs & Co., It., & Station Agts. Taylor William hairdresser ThacIcer 1 Victoria St ore Thane P. T., J.P., Physician and Deputy Coroner Thomson (1., 11' Builder Thomson Will Stationer Triggs A. B. Grazier Turner 1 Boottnaker Turner It. 11. Saddler Waddell .1., J.P., Manager Australian Bank of Commerce Ltd. Waters W., Manager Municipal Gas Works Way IV. Cycle Agent Weatherby G., junr. Tailor Weatherby Geo. IL, Boot & Shoemaker Whitaker J. Watchmaker Whitt David Solicitor Williams W. .. Inspector of Schools Williamson T. P., J.P., Baker and Confectioner Wilson Miss Milliner Winter R. I Fruiterer Wood A. C., .1.1'., Secretary Tfechanies' illSffillte Y1188 District Teachers' Associations. B. O'C,onnor, Secretary Yass Coif Club—J, Brinacombe, Sec. Yass Jockey Club—P. 31. Bourke, Sec. Yass Pastoral and Agricultural Association—W. Thomson, Secretary 'Vass l'icnic Race Club— IL Coen, Secretary Head Office and Mortuary Chapel, 810.13 George Street, SYDNEY. Tel./ ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR ALL THINGS NEEDFUL AND NICE. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR FASHION'S FAIREST FAVOURS. C. H. ELLERMAN & CO. Agents— Stock South British insurance Co. Hay Stacks and Growing Crops. C. H. ELLER MAN W. C. E1,7.1iRMAN & Station Agents, & Valuers. YOUNQ (Members of Country Stock and Station Agents' Association of N.S.W.) VASS CONTINUED— '"rile VIM Courier"—Wood Bros., Proprietors "VASS TRIBUNE" THE B. J. Grogan, Proprietor. Published Monday and Thursday. Leading Electorate Paper ; an Excellent Advertising Medium. YEOVAL. 248 m. W. Rail to Molong, thence coach. Nearest bank, Wellington. Store Berber George McDonnell Thomas Rotel McGuire William Dealer West Sarah General Store YERONG CREEK. WAonA.) 343 In. S. Rail direct. Banks, N.S.W. and Union. Armstrong A. 0, Saddler Bea rd Albert Yerong Rotel Breed W. A. Mail Contractor Brown F. II. 'Blacksmith Saddler Drew A. 3. Galvin John Auctioneer Jop ich William Blacksmith store Let nun F. II. Sa Imon and Elk ington . . Auctioneers 93 m. S. Rail to Picton, thence coach. Bank, N.S.W. Store Bud Singh Burragorang Mining Co.— H. A. Nelson, Manager Colon Peaks Mining Co.— A. C. Bartlett, :Manager Cross Bros. IWO:makers Far Peaks Mining Co.— J. Sherritt, Manager kuctioneer Fern C. S. Field Joseph Billiard Saloon flolledge W. Physician Great Western Mining Co — ' W. Webb, Manager WOOD' AND COMPANY: 212- (LAXEN & STRINGER), YOUNG. • 'Phozie 20. Ctoete Street, Stock Sales hold Fortnightly. Furniture and Clearing Sales conducted. Live Stock Insurance. YERRANDERIE. YOUNG MOTOR EGARAGE CO. Auctioneers, Orient Steam Navigation Co. (VIA YouCOUNTRY COMMERCIAL. . You . 255A COUNTRY COMMERCIAL.You 254AYeo Dentist Griffiths J. I Hotel ilennessy M. Hocking E. Iliad:smith Engineer Hocking F. Butcher King W. McGregor Thomas Engineer Tailor Meldrum S. Murray George Fruiterer Peak's Co-operative Store— Alfred Harris, Manager Peak's Silver and Lead Mining Co. (No Liability)—G. Gander, Mgr. Baker Pollard Frank Butcher Quigg James t'arpenter Roberts C. Fruiterer Roberts F. Roberts Frank Hairdresser Silver King Mines—F. Hocking, Mgr. Silver l'eaks Mine Ltd.— A. Barlow, Manager Tonalli Mining Co.—A. W. lielsham, Manager Engineer Williams 9 1 Woodhill and Co. Store Fruiterer Wynn It. Yerranderie Pioneer Mining Co.— F. Mitchell, Manager Yerranderie Silver Mining ('u,0. C. Grosse, Manager YETHOLNIE. 131 tn. W. Rail to Wambool, thence 7 miles. Barnett Albert Farmer Barnett Aubrey Farmer Barnett Edwin Farmer Bennett Arthur Farmer Berry William Farmer Boyd Mrs. Eliza Boardinghouse Farmer Boyd Henry Boyd M388 MaryBoardinghouse Boyd Thomas Farmer Gardener Brown A. Clarke George Blacksmith Dando henry Labourer Dando William Labourer Farmer Dibley Joseph Dillon James Garrard William Grazier Howard Charles Farmer Farmer Jones James Knight Sydney Labourer Knight Mrs. S., Postmistress and Newsagent Maccabee Allan Labourer Maccabee John .......... Orchardist Maccabee Stephen Orchardist Maccabee Thomas Storekeeper Oaten Mrs. Beatrice .. 13o:inn:whom& Farmer Parkes James Slingsby Ephraim Fanner Tennent-Donaldson Augustus, Grazier Tennent-Donaldson Archibald, Grazier Tennent-Donaldson Cecil Grader Tennent-Donaldson The Misses, Private Boardinghouse Turner Herbert Farmer Turner Hugh Farmer Farmer Turner John Waishaw William Farmer Wears George Painter Willett Steve Orchardist YETIVIAN. 547 m. N. Rail to Glen Innes, thence coach.Nearest bank, Wa Heide. Brooks Robert Carrier Store Cole Sydney Cross Edward Yetmati Rota Carrier Walker J. YOUNG. 251 m. S. By rail direct.. Banks, City, N.S.W., Commercial, Union timl Australasia. Courts Quarter and Petty Sessions. Aikinan A. Engineer Allen Fred. T., Stock & Station Agent Aroney George Oyster Saloons Bank of Australasia—O. S. Nolan, Manager Bank of N.S. Wales— It. W. Burstall, J.P., Manager Barnett and Judge, Chemists and Dentists Bartlett James W. (Chant & Bartlett) Bell Sydney, Stock and Station Agt. Bennett and Barkell Cycle Agents. Bennett B., Proprietor "Argus" Newspaper Berry 0. L. Assistant C.P.S. Black D., Carpenter and Produce Merchant Blackett H. R. Contractor Blarney J. C. 'Draper Blomley Mrs. Dressmaker borer D. A. Blacksmith Dowering W. Butcher FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF RAW. I SYDNEY. 4°.Z ) .17.1.tet: e." 0rZ ( LA X EN —ORAN D PRIX, 1907. 8; CIRCUIT WARIIENN ,1007. The Most Up-to-date Motor Garage outside of Sydney. Open Day and Night. CARS FOR HIRE, 15 to 30 All Accessories Stocked' Repairs Executed by Skilled Workmen. itreden II. 0., Manager Commercial Merman Clarence (0. II. Ellerman Bank and Co.) Briggs S. W. I hairdresser Merman W. C. (0. II. Ellerman British Piano Depot, Ltd. andCo.) II. Moore, Manager Fisher J. ... Inspector of Nuisances Forsythe J. and Co. .. General Store Forsythe J., J.P. Freeman; T. Shoemaker Fryer F. Ii. Stationtnaeter Fryer R. Bootinaker Stock and Property Agents Carling H. C. M. Solicitor Gieseke II. A. Fruiterer Bellringer Broughton Mrs. E. .. Private Hospital Godbier J. Burnie Mrs. M. Boardinghouse Gordon and Carling Solicitors Gordon James Solicitor Iturrangong Hospital—F. A. Selden, Secretary; Sister B. Ward, Matron Grime E. J. Photographer Grime J. H. Boardinghouse Burrangong Picnic Race Club0. H. Ellerman, Secretary Ibillahati Mrs. H. C., Railway Hotel Burrangong Shire Council—W. Brownie, Hancock Thomas .. Coach Proprietor Pres.; R. Rumble, J.P., Shire illiyhow 'P. and Son. Coach Painters Clerk ; W. B. Nicholson, O.K., Henderson Geo. Mining Agent Henderson R. .. Inspector of Schools Shire Engineer Hennessey Rev. Father Jerome (R.C.) Burrangong Turf Club— Hobson II. T. .... Produce Merchant B. II. Bennett, Secretary Burrows Mrs. E. Butcher Hogan L. L., J.P Solicitor Hopkin A. Tailor Burrows R. W. .... Boots and Shoes Hopwood G. Barrongeng Rotel Burstall R. W., 1,1'., Manager !hospital—Miss Ida .1. Nettle, Matron Bank of N.S.W. Saddler Butler Thomas .... Billiard Saloon Hull A. T. Hume A. II. and Co., Stock and Caledonian Society—P. H. Grafton, Stdtion Agents Secretary Campbell A. and Son. Solicitors Hunter John & Sons, Ltd., Boots and Shoes Cannon A., J.P Accountant Cannon Mrs. Dressmaker James H. Bootmaker Jamieson I Plutnber Carey Malachi, Great Eastern. Ilotel Jennings J. Blacksmith Champion Rev. H. F. A. (C. of E.) Johnson and Grafton Drapers Chant and Bartlett .. General Store Jones Rev. W. II. (Meth.) Chant John (Chant and Bartlett) Johnson Frank Baker City Bank—F. A. Selden, Manager Judge W. 0. Chemist Collins R. W., J.P., C.P.S., and Registrar of B. M. and D. Kelly and McLeod Store Kennedy J. Royal Hotel Connme:cial Bank—It. 0. Medea, Mgr. Knight .7. E. Chemist Conveat School—The Presentation Knight Mrs. S. Baker, etc. Nuns Lawler and Co., Stock and Station Saddler Cooke T. IL Agents, Valuers, and Auctioneers Country Freezing Works Co. (The)— Lawler R. .L, J.P. (Lawler and Co.) II. Tyer, Manager Cranfield 0. A. Brewer LAXEN AND STRINGER, Motor Davies A. L. Watchmaker Garage. (see advt.) Dix R. C. Draper H. F. Tailor Dobson W. Commercial Hotel Lazzarini P. Fruiterer Dowling Dr. Norman Physician L117.7.811113 Small Goods Dunn 'I'. F. Accountant, etc. Leach W. Learmont Joseph Draper Dwyer J. F. Auctioneer Edmunds W. C. 'Grocer Lewys-Davies Rev. W. (Pres ) Ehrlich William .... Stationer, etc. Liddiard Alfred W. .. Federal Hotel Lillis Bros., Wool and Skin Buyers Loomes A. Empire Rotel ELLERMAN C. H. & Co., Auc- McAllister 0. .. Sec School of Arta tioneers and Valuators (see McCabe M. P. Blacksmith Advt.) McDonald A. J. Dentist BROUGHTON J. & CO. McDowell J., Teacher Public School McGuigan Owen hairdresser McGuire M. Livery Stables Mackenzie D., J.P. Butcher McLachlan Mrs. Fruiterer McLean Mrs. J. Boardinghouse McLennan J. N. E. .... Physician McVeigh T., J.P., Cordial Manufact'r Man llin L. General Store Mann G. Poundkeeper Martin James and Co., Ltd., Machinery Agents Martin Wm. and Co. Tailors, etc. Massey-liarris Co., Ltd.— U. S. Hughes, Agent Mather R. Butcher May A. Fruiterer Metcalfe C. J. Surveyor Millard W. S. and Sons Ltd , Storekeepers, Sawmills MillerPalmer .... General Store Moorhead R. Store Ntullally Thomas J. Auctioneer Nelson V. L, ithioa Rotel Nesbit k Taylor .... Cycle Agents Nesbit II. 1 Fruiterer Nettle Miss Ida .1., Matron Hospital Newland I Cycle Agent Newland Miss Dressmaker Norman he Penne .. Cabinetmakers Norman Annie .. Refreshment Rooms Norman It. S. Fruiterer, etc. Normoyle D. Blacksmith On Lee and Co. .. General Merchants O'Rourke M. E. Hatter Patterson and Co., Carpenters and Undertakers Pemble Mrs. E. Boardinghouse Plielall I Postmaster Phillips E. .. Odd/Mows' Arms Hotel Phillips Julius B. (Hume and Co.) Pickburn Etienne Dentist Pickard Thomas Baker Pratt J. M. Boots and Shoes Price A. D. and Co Drapers P1111311718 F. Maurice .... Physician Quay George Grocer ltabbetts A. T Saddler Ravenswood C. Baker Rennie S. Tinsmith Rem, C. Hairdresser Reynolds G. W., Proprietor " Young Chronicle" Newspaper Reynolds Miss Typewriter Reynolds Thos., Stock & Station Agent Reynolds W. , Livery Stables Richards II. Baker Richardson J. Blacksmith Richardson G. Robert, Produce Dealer Rintoul David Builder Rivers Alfred Hairdresser Roberts W. F. .. Professor of Music WOOD AND COMPANY'S FUNERAL PARLORS HAVE BEEN LARGELY AVAILED OF SINOETHEIN INCEPTION., /ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR THE WORLD'S COMMODITIES. 256A MIS iSSOOlgi011, YouCOUNTRY COMMERCIAL. Yur ROGAN JOHN JUN. 'Coachbuilder. Rowan W. Fancy Goods Ryan Rev. Father • (E.G.) Ryan 11. Australian Hotel Schmidt J. (Exors of) . Jeweller ter, See. School* of Arts—C. McAllis Scott G. C., Manager "The Young Witness" Newspaper Co., Ltd, Selden F. A. Manager City Bank Sheedy A.; Baker and Confectioner Short Thomas Criterion Hotel Simpson Archie Boot Shop Singer Manufacturing Co., Ltd.— V. A. Wheatley, Manager Painter Sivell J. Slatyer J. w. Carrier Wood Mrs. B. .. Teacher of Music Wright C. and do. Auctioneers Wright, Heaton and do., Ltd., Pro. duce Dealers and Forwarding Agts. Wright 0., 3.1'. Wright Mrs. .... Soap Manufacturer Yerbury S. & Co., Produce Merchants Young Co.operative Roller Flour Mills Co.. Ltd. Speer II. Blacksmith Stringer A. W. Cycle Agent Summerhayes Mrs. G., Boardinghouse Svendsen E. J. Hairdresser Taylor E. Shoemaker Tester T. A. Town Clerk Throwden J. It., Monumental Mason . and Timber Merchant Treatt Frank IL, 3.1'., P.M. & Warden Trelfo Bros. Ilakers Tuson Clement G. (Broughton & Co.) Union Bank—J. II. A. Sale, Manager Upton J. Hairdresser Vogt W. T. Builder Ward G. Piano Tuner Weeden W. F. .. General Storekeeper Whiteman G. S. J.P. Withers and Withers Dentists YOUNG WITNESS' YOWRIE. Published Every Wednesday and Saturday Morning. Guaranteed Circulation over 1,300 copies per issue Young Edgar ii. Physician YUGILBAR.. Parkinson W. General Store. Adams Mrs. 'Confectioner Buckland Mrs. W. Store Drew Andrew ' . . Store Elliott Mrs, J. Confectioner Griffiths J. It. .. — . ...“ .. . , . . Hotel Thomas William, Mine ms r s'ArRotel ••••••••••■•••••■•■•■••■•.,■•••■■••••■■•■••■■•••■■•■■■•••■••■■••■••■••MED CHIEF OFFICES: GIBBS' CHAMBERS, 7 MOORE STREET, SYDNEY. AND AT ASSOCIATE OFFICES: MELBOURNE, ADELAIDE,HOBART, DUNEDIN, BRISBANE, PERTH,LAUNCESTON, arc.; &c. Cable Address: MORNING7ON." Telephone Nos. 469, 1618, and 1986. An Uniquely Complete 93 m. S. Rail to Moss Vale, thence. coach 10 m. Nearest bank, Bur. rawang. Cunningham Francis, Refresh. Rooms Faulks James Bacon Curer Ginger J. T. (North) Carrier Johnson J. (North).. Carrier and P.O. Jones H. S. Butcher Waters W. H. Florist Weldon Thomas (Fitzroy Falls) Photographer Organization. OUR HEAD OFFICE BUILDING. YURRUNGA. (FITZROY FALLS.) YOUNG WALLSEND. ,113: iri.: N.: ' , • : 1 . LIMITED. EST.A131_,ISHI D 1878. SAVINGS BANK CHAMBERS, BOLTON STREET, NEWCASTLE. (NEAR GRAFTON.) THE The 111010118iliS ••••■••■•■••• YOUNG MOTOR GARAGE Co. (Via CORAROO.) (The) — Laxen and Stringer, 311 In. S. Proprietors ( goo Advt.). Gough Charles Builder Young P. and A. 'Association— G. S. Whiteman, Secretary Young . Municipal Electric Light Works—F. J. Steer°, Manager Young Rifle Club—T. C. Wright, Sec. Stock Stealing Prevention AsSOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE Young sociation—C. 11. Ellerman, Secretary COMPANY, Ltd. (Fire and Accident)—C. H. EUerman and CO., Agents. . YOWAKA. 210 m. S. Steamer to Merimbola, thence coach 9 miles. liusinesses Sold Status Enquiry and Mercantile Agents. or Exchanged. Publishers of the Accountants. Weekly and Daily __ ,,,,a3011 7.__ :-?,.,,,ozi Trade Assignees. • ....... Trades Register." ;,--c-vv-t--7 • 4" 11101 11 . II 11:61111"1111101-7 -- and Realization :11A 1111 of Estates. 'id .it ii . 11 F All kinds of Deeds Registered and ,i, ,,,-1.- Legal Forms .h.flizzi l' . i I____ 1 ri feila " •-• 0 _ • and "Country 1 ''',' The Investigation Accounts Collected. "Trade Report" : 121;11:- ........... --,---,:- Supplied. -,.. . TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION ON APPLICATION. . . . JOHN GIBBS, Managing Director. S. J. DOUGLASS, Secretary. *toil' AND COMPANY THE Head Office, 810.12,George FUNERAL' DIRECTORS OF '11,11.1V. :SYDNEY. Street South. 'Pbontt 728 ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR AUSTRALIAN MANUFACTURES. AacCOUNTRY ALPHABETICAL. • Ahr The Merchants & Traders Association, LIMITED. COUNTRY ALPHABETICAL, ES'1'.A.1-311.;187-1MD 1.t7e4. • Chief Offices: 7 MOORE STREET, SYDNEY, And at NEWCASTL.B. JOHN GIBBS, Managing Director. THE MOST EXTENSIVE ORCANIZATION OF ITS KIND IN AUSTRALASIA. Enquiry Department.—The Asscciation issues reports containing the fullest details obtainable regarding the antecedents, character, means, prospects, etc, of the parties reported upon. in addition to the printed publications, including the Daily the Aksociation immediately and Daily and Weekly TnAntt notifies subscribers of any important change which has occurred in the position of a -firm. When a Supplemental or Revised Report containing additional information has been compiled, Special Notices are at once forwarded to subscribers, intimating that a copy is available. It is confidently claimed that the general accuracy and completeness of the information furnished is unsurpassed by any similar institution in the World. Debt Collecting Department.—The Association presents to its subscribers :special and important advantages in connection with this department, in that the Whole of the moneys collected are placed to a separate Trust Account, which is duly atulited from time to tilte by a leading firm of public accountants, statements and cheques being forwarded to subscribers monthly, thus assuring the safety of all moneys collected on behalf of creditors, and facilitating the balancing of their account books. No charge is made unless recovery is effected. Sale and Transfer of Businesses.—The Association has made a special feature of this branch of business, and being in communication with all the leading business people, is in the most advantageous position for undertaking this work in a manner that will afford every satisfaction to both buyer and seller. Investigation and Realization of Estates.—The Association claims to occupy a unique position in connection with the investigation and realization of Estates, which is one of the main objects for which it was established. In addition to the fact that all matters are under the immediate supervision of the management, the great resources at the command of the Association strengthen it in a peculiar degree for effectively carrying out the work. Registration of Deeds.—We Register all classes of Deeds, undertake Real Property and other Searches, and supply Legal Forms. Publishing Department.—Our Tra de Report and Change Sheet are published Daily and Weekly, and contain a complete list of Registrations from various Courts, together with other useful information. Our Country Trades Register, containing a eomplets record of traders in the State, is also revised and issued every half-year. REPORTS CHANGE SHEET, SUBSCRIPTIONS are Annual, and may commence at any time that the Subscriber elects. The Terms for Service are as reasonable as the quality of our work will permit; particulars of which wilt be furnished on application to S. 3. DOUGLASS, Secretary. • ' 7 A. and R. Co., drapers, Junco Junction Aachen and Munich Fire Insurance Co., Newcastle—A, G. Leslie, district agent Abberton Michael, contractor, Can°. Mocha Abblett George, motor ear proprietor, Forbes Abbotanny It., opal buyer, Lightning Ridge Abbotou P., inspector of nuisances, Cardinal Abbott, Tout A: Co., solicitors, Burrowa Abbott A. B., Royal Hotel, Wallerawang Abbott 0. K, store, Harden Abbott J., butcher, Tarce Abbott I'. P., solicitor and mayor, Glen hums Abbott T. IL, manager Aunt. Bank of Commerce, Ltd., Quirindi Abbott Archdeacon T. K., headmaster Armidalo School, Ltd., Armidalo Abbott W. N., Railway Hotel, Broken 11111 Abbott Wm., carrier, Aistonvillo A'Beckett J., foreman of works, Hamilton Abel and Co., Ltd., tea rooms, Newcastle Abel John, store, Abermain Abel Lindsay, tea rooms, Wollongong Abel Thomas, town clerk, sec. to Hospital and Mechanics' Institute, Plattsburg Abercrombie Shire Council-1 1. McIntosh, presA. L. Squier, clerk, C. C. Grey, engineer. Rockley Aberdare and Aberdare Extended Coal Mines, Cessnock Aberdeen Butter Factory, It. McAdam, manager, Aberdeen Aberdeen Lino of Steamers—Dalgety and Co., Ltd., Newcastle Aberdeen Colliery Co., Ltd. F. and H. Lament, Newcastle Aberline A. J., draper, West Wyalong Abermaln Colliery—J. Jeffries, manager, Karr! Kurd Abermain Colliery, Cossnock Abernethy J. AL, public school teacher, Alitonville Aborton Thomas, blacksmith, Figtrce Abikhair B. and Co., drapers, etc., Albury Abikhair S. M., draper, etc., Albury Aborigines Mission, Mrs. Hewlett, sec., Bonmderry Abraham D., tailor, Walcha Abrahams II., store, Braidwood Abrahams M., hairdresser, Newcastle Acheson W., contractor, Tamworth Ackbar B., store, Breeze Ackland It. butcher, Colinrooble Ackland Thos., Ironmonger and timber merchant, Hill End Ackroyd A. G., froncirpolisiter, Cook's Hill Roland Miss, dressmaker, Katoomba WOOD Acland Mrs., boardinghouse, Katoomba ! Adcock H. II., clerk Shire Council,. Acton D. B., mon. mason, LlthgowI Barraba Acton D. B., stonemason, Mudgeo Addison P. r. manager, Commercial. Adam A. L., .LP., town clerk and Banking Co. of Sydney, Ltd., Forbes shipping agent, Raymond Terrace Addison W. C. (Menlo and Co.), piano. Adam and Bacon, painters, etc., Gout- depot, Orange Adelaide Milling Co.—II. Lord, mgr., burn Adams. Cooper and Adams, "Albury I Broken Hill .13anner, stotloners, etc., Albury Adelaide S. S. Co., Ltd.—J. 13. Brown, Adams and Louglirey, wheelwrights, resident mgr., Newcastle Danger Village Amoral Attune—Spencer Groves, proAdams and Woolford, coachbuilders, prietor, Adelong More° Adelong Jockey Club—A. V. Bellamy, Adams W. and Co., merchants, New- sec., Adelong t' AdelongA. Assn.—A. W. Molineaux, Adams A., ongineer,;Colo Shire Council, secretary, Adelong Wilberforce Adelong Progress Association, Adolong Adams A., tailor, Murrurundi '"Adolong and Mutat Express " — A. Adams A., see. Coursing Club, Qui:JudiWilkie Watson, Adelong Adams A. W., store, Tarro Adio Archibald, managing director Adams Andrew, timber merchant, McIntyre & Sons' mill, Quirindi Adjungbilly Shire Council—J. McInerney,. Ti Adams Arthur, store, Rouchell Brook pres. ; F. W. D. Martin, shire Adams C. J., chemist, Dubbo clerk ; .3. Moroney, shire engineer, Adams C. It., fancy goods, Tamwortit Gundagal Adams Charles, butcher, St. Mary's Adkin Miss, school, etc., Bowral Adams E. butcher, Portland Adkins Mrs. C. W., grocer, Wagga Adams F. C., physician, Dubbo Adkins George P., Central Hotel, Annidale. Adams F. J., newsagent, Haselbrook • Adkins J. P., manager Murrumbidgeo Adams F. NV., stock inspector, Walgett Co-operative Milling Co., Ltd., Wagga ; and Walgett North I'. I'. Boards, City office, 10 Spring st Walgett Adlam A. J., photographer, Cootamundra. Adams F. W., sec., P. P. Board, Walgett Adlington H., orchardist, Minto Adams H., Victoria Hotel, East Orange Adnum IL P., plumber, Narrabri Adams II. D., contractor, Narrandera Adnum P., coachbuilder, Manilla Adams II. P., blacksmith, Boomi Adrian F. G., S.M., Newcastle Adams H. T., C.P.S., etc., Tantworth Adrian James, laundry, Cobar Adams Hy., confectioner, Singleton Affieck John, general store, Gundaroo Adams J., blacksmith, Tenterfleld Affleck Thomas, fruiterer, Newrybar Adams J., wheelwright, Danger Village Agar C. F., boots and shoos, Tingha Adams J. S., builder, Albury • Agatha Rev. Mother M. M., Berrigan • Adams J. W., contractor, Deniliquin Aggett John, produce store, Gosford Adams J. W., sawmills, JIndabyne Ager II. T. dairyman, Grafton Adams John, builder, Glen Irmo Agland W. E. and Co., sharebrokers Orange Adams John, carrier, Luddenham Adams R. J., livery stables, Gunnedall Agnew T., tailor, Lambton Adas mm S., Corn Hotel, Narrandera Alt Bing, Chinese doctor, Armidale Adams T., town clerk, Merowether All Chttey J., gen. store, Junco Junction Adams W., saddler, Walla Walla Alt Chung W., baker, McMinn° Adams W. B., manager Bank of Aus- Ahearn A., blacksmith, Lawrence tralasia, Muswellbrook Ahearn J., blacksmith), Bathurst Adams W. H., J.P., C.P.S. and registrar Ahearn M., blacksmith, Mathoura births, marriages and deaths, Parkes Ahearn Monsignor (ILO.), Casino Adams NV. H., inspector vegetation Ahearn J. S., Oxford Hotel, Inverell • diseases, Dept. Agriculture, Newcastle Ahearn Miss, matron Hospital, Moruya Adams W. L., Grand Central Hotel, Ahearn M. J., tailor, .Waratalt All Foo, store, Memo Narrabri Adams William, butcher, Galston Alt Hoon, storekeeper, Wylie Creek Adams William, farmer, Millthorpo Aitken S. S., grocer, NVagga Adamson J. G., baker, Smedmore Alt Kin Thomas It., butcher, NimitybelleAdamson J. G., baker, Wickhatn All Nitnnt Charles, store, Binnaway Adamson T. L., editor "Inverell Times," Alt Quong and Co., store, Toomoorama Inverell Ahrens and Lane, butchers, Chinderall Adamson T. W., public school, Mus- Ahrens F., blacksmith, Milton welibrook AND COMPANY: 1URW000 BRANCH, IURWOOD ROM. TEL 27 I. BUR WOOD. ANTHONY HORDERNS'—THE SHOP FOR THE MASSES. ANTHONY HORDERNS' — THE SHOP FOR THE CLASSES. AhrCOUNTRY ALPHABETICAL. All Alexander IV. R., j.P., auctioneer, etc., Abionson Herman, general store, Cun- Albury Gas Co., Ltd., Albury Albury Golf Club—I. Stephen, sec., Hamilton dletown Albury Alexandra Tennis Club—C, Tallber, see*, Ah Sow, store, Wylie Creek Albury Grammar School—G. B. Wilson, Moss Vale Ah Wing and Co., storekeepers, Cooma Albury Afford A., biarktunith, Murrurundi All Wing, Chinese herbalist., Crane Albury Hospital—Frank hunter, sec., Alford J., see. Progress ASSII., Woodstock Aicheson Daniel, blacksmith, Berridale A ibury Ali Arthur, coachbuilder, 1Vollongong Aiken II. C., chemist, etc., Adelong and Jones, auctioneers, Dungog .Aiken IV. J., dentist, Tamworth ALI3URY JOINERY AND BRICK Alison Atkins Robert, accountant, Albury WORKS—Frew and Logan, Pro- AII8011 It. NV., J.P., Dungog Atkins IL, see. Co•op. Butter Factory Atkin Rev. T. V. (C. of E.), Rhona wietors, Albury. (See Advt.) and Produce Co., Ltd., Albury Allan Thomas T., dentist, Goulburn Albury Ladies' College—Miss Heath, A lialook C., store, Tarago Aikman A., engineer, Young principal, Albury W. and Co., general store, All Nations Mine Co.—H. S. Benjamin, Ainsworth A Nay Mechanics' m istltute—Colonel legal manager, West Wyalong Bettina Wilkinson, see., Albury Ainsworth A. AL, undertaker, Macksville Allan and Cox, agents N.C.S.N. Co., Albury Racing Club—B. Phillips, sec., Bowraville Ainsworth C. .3., dentist, S. Grafton Albury Allan and Garland, general store, Home Ainsworth IL A., tobaconist, Narrandera Albury Technical College—W. Powrie, Rule Ainsworth Joseph, painter, Bettina resident master, Albury Aird Miss R. C., postmi g tress, West AnalAllan J. N. and Co., general store, Albury Tennis Club—C. J. Wilkinson, Narromine dale sec., Albury Allan A., physician, Katoomba Aird IV. D., see. School of Arts, CarAlbury Winegrowers' Association—J. D. Allan Rev. I). (Pres.), Casino rington Lankester, sec., Albury Allan E, 11., fruiterer, Peak Hill Aisbett J. T., cordial manufacturer, Albury E. IV., fruiterer, Crookwell Allan F., school teacher, Cranquinty Scone Allan F. .1., Great Western Hotel, Dubbo Aitchison W., hairdresser, Broadmeadow Alchin D., blacksmith, Illabo Alchin George, mall contractor, Narran- Allan Itenry, general store, Windsor Aitken Bros., grocers, Broken Hill dere Allan .T., baker, Milton Aitken David, hotel, 3logil Mogil Aitken J. D. K., manager "Avondale Alchin Henry, butcher, Dalton Allan James, secretary Chamber of CoinA len in S., poundkeeper, Lockhart Press," Cooranbong merce, Albury A leock F., store, Burrowa Allan L. J., School ot Art's, Dapto Aitken R. It., plumber, Gunnedah A icoek F. IL, Islington hotel, Islington bootmaker, Alurwillumbah Allan Percy, MICE., pres. Hunter Aked W., Alcoek J., upholsterer, Glen Innen River District W. S. and S. Board, Aked W., jun., tinsmith, Murwillumbah Tattersoll's Hotel, Glen A [cock Richard, Akehurst R., hairdresser, Mudgee Newcastle 11111C4 Aker Charles, butcher, Wickham Allan Stanley It., dentist, Wagga \Vague Akburs Fred., timber contractor, Wyong Alcorn A., butcher, Byron Bay Ulan W., C.1'., inspector, Gosford Alcorn A., bootmaker, 31111thorpe Allan IV. A., brewer, Arznidale Akhurs W., timber contractor, Wyong Akhurst C. and Co., conunission agents, Alcorn E. S., mail contractor, Jerry's Allardice F., boots and shoes, Newcastle Mins Taliewang A ilatt and Son, blacksmiths, etc., Tumid Alcorn G. T., sec. School of Arts, and Allleitt B. A., carrier, Colt's Herbor Akin Owen, sanitary inspector, (Myra A, K. 0. and M. Co.—E, H. Hasson, postmaster, Clifton Alleock W., store, West Tainworth Alcorn IL W., builder, Taree mgr., Joadia Creek Aiidis itev. Canon It: D. (C. of E.), Molong Alain J..1., store, Berretta Alcorn J. M., physician, Uhnarra Allen Bros., brickworks, Cootamundra Alban Brother, St. Patrick's College Alcorn It. E., auctioneer, stock and Allen Bros., butchers, Lithgow station agent, Kyogle (RC.), Annidale Allen Bros., general store, Wolumla Albert Memorial Ilospital—J A. Mayo, Alcorn R. G., J.P., physician, West Allen Bros., general store, Shellharbour 31altiand J.P., sec., Wollongong Allen A., carpenter, etc., Goulburn Albertson W. A., blacksmith, Dungowan Alcorn Richard, dealer, Jerry's Pialns Alien A., maneging director Newcastle A/bery A. E., manager E. S. and A. Bank Alcorn S. A., .T.P., med. practitioner, Fruit Co., Hamilton East Maitland Ltd., 1Cempsey Allen Rev. C. J. (C. of E.), S'th Bathurst Albion Park Agricultural Society-41 Alder and Hackworthy, blacksmiths, Allen E., sec. School of Arts, Candelo Newcastle G. Fraser, see., Albion Park Allen E., tobacconist, Temora Albion Park Civilian Club—M. Carroll, Alder G., boot maker, Oaklands Allen E. K., manager Tremain Bros.' secretary, Albion Park Alderman C. W., bootmaker, Dubbo butter factory, Wellington Albion Park Dairy Farm Co-op. Milk Co., Alderman F. C., architect, Ttunworth Allen E. R., carrier, West Maitland Ltd.—II. Fryer, mgr., Albion Park Alderson A., carrier, Albury Allen Edward, newspaper proprietor, Albion Park Malvern' Central Creamery Alderson L. S., store, Goolagong Gulgong —J. C. Graham, mgr., Albion Park Alderson W., mercer, Bellingen Allen Edward, chemist, Candelo Albion Park Racing Club—G. Thnbs, Alderson W., carrier, Newcastle Alien le. T., stock and station agent, sec., Albion Park Aiderton George, carrier, Woy Woy Young Albion Park School of Arts—John Aldis A. E., artist, Katoomba Allen Fred., engineer, Wyrallall ANN IV. If., poultry farm. Katoontba Stubbs, sec., Albion Park Alien G., builder, Warren Aldous Arnold, wheelwright, Barrellan Albon A. C., plumber, Orange Allen G. K., dentist, Lockhart Aldrich Miss, music teacher, Dungog Albon II. T., painter, Orange Alien George, engineer, Candeio Aibury A. I'. and If. Society—W. I. Aldridge Mrs., Duke o/ Cornwall Hold, Allen H., baker, Berrinia Johnson, secretary Broken 1 Allen Rev. II. II. (Meth.), Lockhart 'Albury Banner—Adams, Cooper and Aldridge W., blacksmith, Crookwell Allen II ugh (1., physician, Camden Adams, Aibury Alexander W. It. and Son, auctioneers, Allen J saddler, Bungendore Albury Bowling Club—P. D. Here, see., Newcastle Allen J. D., postmaster, Sheilharbour Alexander and Windeyer, solicitors, Allen .1. It., printer, Tainworth Albury Albury Brewing and Malting Co., Ltd., Donn iquin Allen J:18., blacksmith, Bulladelah Albury Alexander C. W., solicitor, Hay Allen John, butcher, Richmond Albury Chamber of Commerce—James Alexander D. M., store, Bridgewater Allen 31., general store, lloggebilla lounder E., Royal Hotel, Pa/abide Allan, secretary, Albury Allen Mary, Court House Hotel,Braidwood Albury Club—W. I. Johnson, secretary, Alexander F., saddler, Boggabilla Allen Michael, carrier, Illoama Albury Alexander G. E., manager Mist. Bank of Allen Miss, matron Hospital, Gundegai Commerce Ltd., Dunedoo Albury Co-operative Butchering Society Allen Mrs., postmistress and wino shop, —G. J. Clark, BCC., Albury Alexander J. A., chemist, Coonamble Ellalong Albury• Co-operative Butter Factory Alexander L., Oaklands Hold, Oaklands Allen It., picture framer, Broken Hill and Produce Co., Ltd. — Robert Alexander Rev. Timms (Pres.), Kiruna Allen It. A., manager Commercial BankAlexander NV., postmaster, Mullumbimby Atkins, Albury ing Co. of Sydney, Ltd., Quirludi Albury Co-operative Butter Factory, Alexander W. E., Vice-Consul for Peru, Allen It. G., bulkier, Adaminaby Newcastle Cootamundra Allen R. T., baker, Coraki '"Albury Daily News" (The)—Darby and Alexander W. E., shipping agent, Ham- Allen Robert, hairdresser, Nundie Mangan, proprietors, Albury ilton Allen Roland, butcher, Windsor WOOD. AND COMPANY: flf FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF N.S.W. : SYDNEY. attOsmo Th gii." ao: r764 ) AllCOUNTRY Allen Sarah, Royal Hotel, Forbes Men T., grocer, Adelong then T., sec., Bowling Club, Grafton Allen Thomas, Belalie Hotel, licialle Allen W., clerk, Gunduriunint Shire Council, Lismore Allen NV. C., pres. 3101111mila Shire ALPHABETICAL.Anl 3n Amos David, hotel, Islington Amos I., general store, Waratah .At Lunette , in,,,.Ja.m, ilau a(izi rbetsi istedr40, ,I e tticI :1 i Anderson L,, stationer, Cessnock Anderson 31., painter, Singleton Anderson 3Iatt, hairdresser, Braidwood Gneosulburn Anderson Miss, St. Kilda College, Alum hie 31 rs. B., prod nee store, Goulburn Goulburn AnAg leoristen It. E., (sluice clerk, 31unit:tulle), Anderson 31 issonetron Hospital, NI'llgan Anderson P., boottnaker, Krambach COMICii, liega Anderson A. NV. & Co., fruiterers, Weston Anderson 1'. E., eontractor, Bourke Anderson Bros, butchers Bettina Anderson It., billiard saloon, Narromide Allen W. C., general store, Itemboka Anderson Bros., butchers, Tintenbar Anderson It., contractor, Kinrooss Allen NV. E., store, Wyrallah A Iler James, refreshment rooms, Oalston Anderson J. and Co., storekeepers, Nowra Anderson It. baker, Walgett Anderson & Lamont, plumbers, Wagga Anderson ICJ., manager Bank of N.S.W., Alley Brox., store, Bowraville itier. s,latc,0itr 3 1 1) ittl Alley A. U., inenager States Stores Ltd., A 1,v,,, u1ellipluan " t,WesternInverell Cobar AL"," Anderson Robert, painter, Singleton Alley '1'. 0. and Son, gen. store, Arable!' Anderson and Richards, builders, Anderson Robert J., general store and Katoomba Alley 'I'. U., auctioneer, Araluen postmaster, Itergalia Alliance Fire Assurance Co., Ltd.—J. Anderson and Itigney, tailors, Illayney Anderson T. C., Royal Hotel, CampbellCampbell Wood, agent, Newcastle Anderson and Ross, butchers, Port 31tue- town :merle All ingha in C., importer, Nutweastie Anderson Thomas, furniture dealer, Coil's Allingbain S. F., cab proprietor, Lismora Anderson hire. A., . boardinghouse, Harbour Allinson and Ralph, grocers, 31crewether Katoot nba Anderson W., saddler, Kurri Kurri Allinson C. IL, store, Belmont Anderson A., orchardist, Rocky RiverAnderson William, teenager, Union Bank Allison sugnwriter, Wed 31:titian:I Anderson A. El., fruiterer, Casino of Australia, West Maitland Allison J., prof. of dancing, Bathurst Anderson A. .1., Hotel Lansdowne, Anderson 1Vni., general store, Bingara Lithgow Allison J., bootinaker, Newcastle Anderson Wm., general store, Wye° Allison .1., Royal Hotel, Tent ertield Anderson A. J., l'altersall's Hotel, Cobar Anderson Wm., hotel, Balldalo Allison J. NV., chen dud, It fe11111010 Anderson A. S., manager Till Till Station, Anderson William, hairdresser, IN'erriBalranald AiiiSOII AL, general store, Wilson's gundall Downfall Anderson Rev. A. T., M.A. (Pres.), Anderton Mrs. A., grocer, Warateli Allison Thos., butcher, White Cliffs Hamilton A luderton John, groe.w, Ware tah Anderson Alex., builder, Dandaloo Allinson .1., wine merchant, Waage Allman E., bootmaker, Bathurst Allman F. W butcher, etc., Ashley Anderson Alfred, baker, Belmont Andresen Karl, baker, Gunned/di Allman J. 31., tailor, Orange Anderson Allan, sec. Chamber of Com- Andrew Charles, billiard saloon, Cobar Alinutt Rev. 0.11. (C. of E.), Camden merce, West 3lititland Andrew II. C., saddler, 3ferriwa Allnutt R. II. V., 1'.M. and Warden, Anderson C., contractor, Ivanhoe Andrew II. C., see. Merriwa Farmers' and Glen Inites Anderson C. A., engineer, Stockton Settlers' Association, Merriwa All Saints' College—CI, Sydney Stiles, Anderson C. D. (Jacob and Anderson), Andrew It. L., 7'attersall's Hotel, Armiprincipal, Bat hurst lloguntbri dale A Ilsep W. and Co., coulee., Wollongong Anderson C. Ii., timber merchant, Andrew NV. L., land agent, Beecroft Irvington Allsopp T. and Sons, millers, 31 urruniAndrew William, contractor, Ulm burrah Anderson Cecil II., auct ioneer, stock and AtuI‘i ‘in lre‘gv's • and Co., general store, WalleraAllsopp B., hairdresser, Tainwort 11 stet ion agent, Casino Allsopp H., captain Rifle Club, Murrum- Anderson Chas., plumber, Bega Andrews .T. II. and Co., drapers, etc., hurrah Anderson D., sewing machine egent, ilowral All wood J. J., store, :carom 1Vagga Andrews T. and Son, mon. IIMS0118, Aliworth and Brentuall, saddlers, etc., Anderson D. J., agent N.C.S.N. Co.,Lithgow. Brewarrina Gladstone Andrews A. A., physician, Albury .Allworth L. W., manager Bank of Aus- Anderson David, wheelwright, Port Andrews Alf. dairyman, Mt. Vincent tralasia, Stroud 31acquarie ' Andrews Arclufbald, buteher, Wolionibi Almond W., blacksmith, Taylor's Arm Anderson Dr., physician, CassilisAndrews Dr. Arthur, chairman Albury Aimq nist IV. T., dyer, Nioree Anderson E. (1,, watchmaker, hi illston P.P. Board, Albury Alnutt It., sewing machine agent, New- Anderson Ernes,t t, bootninker, Itin garre ANDREWS E. S., Proprietor Kyogie castle Anderson Fre d. insmith , Walbiend Tinsmithing and Plumbing Works, Alos Hugh E., gen. store, Sandilands Anderson Fred. D. architect, Singleton Alpen Miss G., music teacher, Casino Anderson G., but:41er, Harden Ky ogle (See Advt.) Alsop IL, physician, llowral Anderson G., store, Carrington Andrews Edward, blacksmith, Scalia in Alston Mill .101111:#011, 1)111111CM Oaklands Anderson G. II., stationer, Arial' Park Andrews G. A., 'wheelwright, Casino Istonvilie Agric. Society, A iston vine Anderson George, tentmaker, Armidale Andrews Rev. II. B. (Meth.), Wagga Alstonville Co-operative Refrigerating Anderson George, carrier, l'ort Macquarie Andrews J., store, Abernuain Co., Alstonville Anderson ii., see. Cottage Hospital, Andrews .1., sec. Public School Teachers' "Alstonville and Roue Record"—D. H. Assn., Wa gga Wagga Campbell and Sons, props., Alston- AnTlingha erson Ii., local manager Bernard Andrews 3 . J., blacksmith, Trangle ville Ferry and Co., West Wyalong Andrews Jas., J.P., gen. store, Cessnock Mt J., stationmaster, Allmry Anderson H. 3I., physician, Cootamundra Andrews Jas., small goods, Helensburgli Alterator Thos., hawker, Sparkes Creek Anderson J., wheat buyer, Helldal° Andrews John, chemist, Aluswelibrook Amalgamated Society Carpenters and Anderson J., manager Union Bank of Andrews John T., Currency Lass Hotel, Jolners—C. Cor,ilslm, see., Newcastle Australia, Grenfell West Maitland Amalgamated Society Engineers—Edwin Anderson J., blacksmith, Tamworth Andrews Joseph, boat proprietor, Cm. Will, secretary, Newcastle Anderson J., auctioneer, Wallsend India Antaroo Shire Connell—R, II. Cavil), Anderson 3., tins:nit 11, Newcastle Andrews N., hairdresser, Barraba lures • NVilliani Hudson, shire clerk Anderson J. NV., secretary Farmers' and Andrews Stephen, dairyman, Mt. Vincent 'P. 0. Cudbird, engineer, Cninnock Settlers' Association, WoodstockAndrews IV. C., sec. School of Arts, Ambler NV., seedsman, Hamilton Anderson James, inspector railway, South Grafton Ambrose A. G., manager Gas Works, Goillburn Andronico Bros., oyster saloons ; A tiBathurst Anderson James, stationmaster, Wood- (Ironic° Bros. and Conlin°, cafe, Lis.Amcoats Miss, matron Pierce Memorial stock more, Tantworth, Muswelibrook, and Treined Nurses' Itome, West Maitland thilerson Jas. K., cycle agent, Tooleyinic Tenterfleld American Consulate—George B. Kill. Anderson Jas. W., solicitor, InverellAngel J., tobacconist, Narrandera mobster, Consul ; John K. Foster, Vice- Anderson jas. NV., store, Woodstock Angrove A. E., C.P.S. and land agent, Consul • A. NV. Paton, Consular clerk, Anderson John, tailor, 3fandurame Wariahla Nem:tale Anderson John, sawmills, Mount Irvine Angus and Coote, jewellers, Dungog Amos A. It., sec. Bowling Club, Batt mrst Anderson Julius, tarpeulin maker, Dubbo Angus and Son, wine cellars, Booty 11111 Amos A. W., dyer, Meclean Anderson K. ll., clerk 3funibulta Shire Angus 3f., butcher, 31111thorpe Amos C., watchineker, Maclean Council, Ilega Anlexark C. N. E., bootmaker, Bourke WOOD AND COMPANY: NORTH SYDNEY BRANCH, MILLER ST., N. SYDNEY. TEL. 9 NI. Z Ll' at71).) ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR THE QUINTESSENCE OF QUALITY. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR SHOPPING BY POST. 48 COUNTRY ALPHABETICAL. ArtCOUNTRY ALPHABETICAL. Aus5B Aro Armstrong Ivan, clerk,ShireCouncil, Archibald W., general store, Wingliam Aniezark Miss, teacher of music, Dubbo Ryistone Ardlethan l'rogress Assn.—E, .1. Fogarty, Anlezark P., blacksmith, Bourke Armstrong J., hairdresser, Katoomba Annelid George, engineer and machinist, see. Ardlethan Armstrong J.,managerBannockburn Ardlethan School of Arts—J. D. Boyd, Lismore ' Station, Aloulamein Amiens Bros., cycle agents, Broken 11111 see., Ardlethan Armstrong J., coaelibuilder, Grenfell Anticsley S. blacksmith, Katoomba Argaet IV., hotelier, Gundaga cher, Cobargo Argentine Republic—M. Molinas, Vice. Armstrong J. A., manager Ballina CoAnnett R., but operative :tierce Mile Co., Ltd., Ballina Annetts A., store, Bateman's Bay Consul, Newcastle Argoon Race Club—A. C. Miller, sec., Armstrong J. J., grocer, West Wyniong Annette It., sen., store, Mogo Armstrong J. S., watchmaker, MOSS Vale Annison J., blacksmith Wagga Wagga Jerilderie • Arndt F., blacksmith, inda der ArguimbauA.,managerCommercial Armstrong Jas., J.P., saddler, Nowra ArmstrongM.A.,hairdresser,West Anschau Bros., tanners, Plumpton Bank, Pa tabula Maitland Anschau F. B., tanner, Windsor Argyle Co.operative Central Dairy Co., Armstrong Martin, Empire Hotel, NewAnschau J., postmaster, Tainworth Ltd., Goolburn castle A nschau J. F., boot factory, St. Marys Argyle Joinery Works and Timber Yards, Armstrong 111rs., boarding house, WoodGoulborn Anstey C. O., librarian School of Arts, stock Berry ArgyleStarr- Bowkett Society--C,J. Armstrong It. D., chemist and stationer, McShane, see., Goulburn Anstey IL .T., Cessnock Hotel, Cessnock West Maitland Anthes IL, bootmaker, Newcastle l'ark and Ardlethen Argus,' Ard. Armstrong Robert, boat builder, Tyrant Anthony and Beaver, watchmakers, West !dilemma Arlah Park Maitland Arkin ,.andRedmond, meteors,SI III- Armstrong S., Riverview Hotel, Bingen'. Armstrong T., cattle dealer, l'uncester Anthony Bros., Ltd., tanners, Smithfield Worm, Armstrong W., fruiterer, 3loania Anthony (Marge, st3re, Mandurama Arkinstall G. IL, poultry farm, Inverell Anthony J., mail contractor, Dennawan ArmbrusterChes.,outfitter, Mullum- Armstrong W., newsagent, Newcastle Armst rong W., watchmaker, Wallseml Anthony Jas., mil contractor, Goodooga blmby Armstrong W. B., sec. Ride Club, Nowra AnthonyJohn, jun.,mailcontractor, Armlield ,L, see. School of Arts, Berrima oodooga 'ArnildaleArgus"—Pognowskl, Ama- Armstrong W. G., Albion Hotel, °millions ArmstrongW..T.,managerClimber dei.) Anthony T. IL, Club Hotel, 'femora Station, Goober MICH A.J.,sec.PicnicRaceClub, Annidale Caledonian Society—J. Kiddy, Armstrong William, baker, (Millburn Nyngan sec., Armidale Armstrong William, saddler, 'Puree Anna Guy F., mgr. Commercial Banking 'Ann WaleChronicle"—A.MeA rt tor, ArmytageHenry,sanitaryinspector; Co. of Sydney, LW., Warren proprietor, Armidale Orange Ant III Mrs. Jane, store, Adelong Crossing Armidale Golf Club—E. P. Flunks, hon. Antiunion F., hairdresser, Narromine Antill P. S., auctioneer, stock and station sec., A rmidale agent, etc., Nyngan MutilateHospital—J.A.Glass,see„ Arndell A. E., hairdresser, 11 illgrove Arndt T. .1., Junction Ilotel, Alallillit Anti!! It. 11., J.I'., chairman P.P. Board, Arinidale Arneson A., plumber, Port Macquarie Picton Antill It. If ., J.P., coroner, Plasm ARM1DALE LIVERY STABLES— Arnold Bros., blacksmiths, Iliingalow Antney O. D., bootmaker, Newcastle II.E.Purkiss, Proprietor, Armidale Arnold J. G. and Son, fruiterers and produce store, Albury Anton° D., BIllth1111111'15 Club, Bout* (see Advt.) Arnold and Warton, blacksmiths, Temorn Antonioni L., store, New Italy AplinD.,managerBank of N.S.W., AnnidaleandNewEnglandJockey Arnold A., builder; Delungra Arnold C. A., store, Tatham Club—J. B. Fitzgerald, sec.. Mutilate Coonnbara bran Armidale and New England P. A. and H. ArnoldDr.residentmedicalofficer Appel J. IL, fruiterer, Hay Newcastle Hospital, Newcastle Association—A. McArthur, see., ArApplebee Mrs. K., store, Back Creek Arnold E. C., school teacher, Braidwood midale Appleby .1., rep. India Rubber, Gotta Arnold F., watchmaker, Wellington Pemba TelegraphWorks Co., Ltd., Armidale Railway League—A. Ashton, Arnold G. C., baker, Albion Park see., Armidalo Newcastle Appleby Joseph, gen. store, Back Creek Armidale School, Limited (The), Arch- Arnold .1., butcher, Broken Hill deacon T. K. Abbott, headmaster ; N. Arnold J., saddler, Coonamble Appleyard F., accountant and auctioneer, Arnold J. E., dentist, Maclean W. Buckman, see., Armidale Kompsey Apployard F., J.P., sec, Port Macquarie Arnildale School of Arts—A. IL Purkiss, Arnold J. F., wine shop, Corowa Arnold J. S., manager Bank N.S.W., hon. see., Arnildale P.P. Board, Kempsey Koorn wattle Apps and Son, auctioneers, etc., Bathurst Armidale Technical College—E. Chepple, Arnold Illss, principal Queensland Grainsupt. Armidale Apps T., hotel, etc., Breadalbene Mislay Co-operative Butter and Bacon Amish& Tennis Club—M. II. Mackay, mmiii r School, Olen limes Arnold P. J., secretary School of Arts, Co., Ltd.—E. 'I'. Boller, sec., Walcha see., Armidale Relapses. Apsley Shire Council—F. B. Fleming, Armitage Rev. I. D. (C. of E.), Cronulla pres.; S. Hargrave, shire clerk, Walcha Armitage W. B., moon. mason, Muswell- Arnold IV., hotel, Spring Ridge hrook Anted John, contractor, Walgett ARNOLD W., Land Law Expert, VicA pthorpe S., eontractor, Bishop's Bridge Armour C., hairdresser, Camden toriast, Grafton (see Advt. Grafton. Apthorpo S., junr., contractor, Bishop's Armour Robt„ blacksmith, Daysdale Section). Armstein J. livery stables, St. Marys Bridge Arnold W., tailor, Temora Arable!'CentralGoldDredgingCo., Armstrong Bros., sawmills, Timbana Armstrong J.andCo.,auctioneers, Arnold Vi'. .1., Rifle Butts, Mama Araluen Narrandera Arnold William, butcher, Wa naafi Araluen Redbank Gold Dredging Co., Armstrong and McKenzie, gen. store, Arnott A. L., local mgr. Wright Heaton Arainen Carbide and Co., Ltd., Germ:intim AraluenValleyGoldDredgingCo., Armstrong and Boys° Ltd., timber mer- Arnett D., malinger Tower's Drug Co., Araluen chants, Wickham Bourke Araluen Victorian Gold Dredging Co., Armstrong A. C., saddler, Yerong Creek Arnott G. A., baker, Carrington Araiuen Arnott Armstrong Miss A. L, teacher of music, J. S., manager E. S. and A. Arblaster IL, well-borer, Deniliquin Noma Bank, Ltd., Moss Vale Arbuckle and Proudleck, cycle agents, Armstrong A. II. R., boots and shoes, Arnott W. S., 1'.M., Warden and Coroner, West Wallsend Goulburn Collar Arcadia Skating Rink, (Millburn Armstrong Mrs. C., dairy, Mount Vincent ArnottWilliam, Ltd.,biscuitmaimArchdall Rev. Canon (C. of E.), Penrith facturers, Melville tit, Newcastle West, Armstrong C., store, Katoomba Archer Chas., painter, Bathurst • and Cook's Hill Archer Chas. E., J.P., stock and station Armstrong D. J., wine vaults, Coolamon Armstrong E. H., stock and station AroneyandVarnardo,fishmongers agent, Canowindra Enoneville agent, Inverell Archer Claude A., stock and station Amney E., oyster saloon, Grenfell Armstrong G. I., builder, Cootamundra agent, Greniell Archer II. I,., mgr. Bank of N.S.W., Armstrong George, carrier, Cromwell Pt. Aroney G., oyster saloon, Young Aroney H., oyster saloon, Cowra Armstrong Geo. I., builder, Gundegal Mat hours. Aroney J., oyster saloon, Murwillumball ArcherS.,DistrictWorksOfficer, Armstrong Hugh, cycle agent, Taree Narrandera WOOD AND COMPANY: Ws FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF N.S.W. : SYDNEY. ( aeraet°Br itt 8. 10Th tex.7110 Arthur A. F., tailor, West Maitland Arthur C., store, South West Itoeks Arthur J. S., saddler, Parkes Arthur .1. T., chemist, Bathurst Arthur J. T., see. School of Arts, West Maitland Arthur Joseph, store, Adamstown Artis Mrs., boardinghouse, Buill Artiett and Ward, drapers, etc., !Amore Asgill W., billiard saloon, Bogan Onto Ash Fred.,Ltd., oil andcolour merchants, Newcastle Ash's Free and Bonded Stores, Newcastle Ash J. S., painter, Newcastle Ash James It., insurance agent, Newcastle Astibury A. J., postmaster, Adelong Aslibury P. C., electrical engineer, Penrith Ashby A. J., painter, Delegate Ashby A. J., sec. School of Arts, Delegate Ashby Joseph, road contractor, Vass Ashby W. IL, tailor, Albury Ashcroft C., baker, Parkes Ashcroft Jcoach prop., Balranald Ashcroft .1., fruiterer, Canowindra Ashcroft .T. T., brick vendor°, Picton Ashcroft John, Ivanhoe Hotel, Ivanhoe Ashcroft John, store, Eugowrit Ashdowne Miss, secretary Benevolent Society, Orange Ashe 'Omani, tannery, Sohila Asher Alfred, commission agent, Newcastle Asher Frank, saddler, Newcastle Asher II. J., chemist, Camden Asher J., draper, Gilgandra Asher Mrs., tea rooms, Camden Ashford Coal Co., Ltd.—D. Mellveen, legal manager, Inverell Ashford Coal Co., 1.1(1.—A. Moore, sec., Ashford Ashford Shiro Council—R. J. P. Higgins, pres. ;W. L. Manton, acting shire clerk, Inverell Ashford C., fruiterer, Tumors Ashford Thos., wheelwright, Howlong Ashworth and Walsh, auctioneers, Tamworth Ashworth J. W., contractor, Bathurst AskewendBrasen,carpenters,etc., Collarenebri Askew Christopher, sec. Political Labour Leagu(, Cobar Askew J. W., boardinghouse, Casino Aspinall J. W., plumber. Waratall Ashley and Morgan, timber merchants, Newcastle AsserandSons,Ltd.,generalstore, Scone Asser W., billposter, Newcastle Associated Portland Cement Manufacturersalie)—EarpBros.andCO., Ltd., Newcastle Ast III A., conclibuilder, 011gandra Atitill George S., mgr. Direct Export Co., Coonamble Astley J., tailor, Tainworth Aston Albert, lintrdre.s.ser, Kurri Kurri Aston Thomas, Dual contractor, Bowraville Aston T. A., Royal Hotel, South Grafton Atlierton Sandi, store, Bellinger 'leads Atherton W., builder, Bellingen Atkin (1., J.P., POE., Art111E11110 Atkin (1., P.111. and Warden, Bungendore Atkin T., carrier, :Miranda Atkins and Sons, saddlers, Guyra Atkins Elwin, South Forbes Hold, Forbes Atkins John, fruiterer, Bathurst Atkins Thos., builder, Bathurst Atkins W., blacksmith, Wilberforce Atkins W., builder, Dungog ATKINSON & HUGHES, hatters and Mercers, 71 Hunter St., Newcastle (see Advt. Newcastle Sect ion) Atkinson —, Court House Hotel, Tamworth Atkinson A. A., Chief Inspector of Coalfields, Newcastle Atkinson Alfred, contractor, Tame Atkinson Alfred, saddler, Canowindra Atkinson F., hairdresser, Singleton Atkinson George, store, Sternum' ASHLEY & STEPHENS MILL- Atkinson IL, butcher, West Maitland ING CO., GOULBURN.—(See Atkinson IL, school teacher, Bungwahl Atkinson J., manager Elliott's Riverine Advt.) Brewery, Aerated Water and Milling Co., Demuhlhquilmi Ashley E., bakers, (Millburn Atkinson J. F., saddler, Narromino Ashley F., watchmaker, Morwillumball Atkinson Mrs., boardinghouse, BundaAshley II., cycle builder, Deniliquin 1100n Ashley J., hatter, Litligow Atkinson Percy, hairdresser, Mudge() Ashley John, mercer, Clarence Tunnel Atkinson It., butcher, Boom' Ashley W., billiard saloon, Litligow Atkinson 'Milani, baker, Hamilton Ashman J., fruiterer, Leadville Atkinson Thomas, Pacific Hotel, NewAshman S., hairdresser, Newcastle castle Ashton Bros., stock and station agents, Atkinson Rev. W., supt. Christian Endeavour Union, Newcastle Ashton and Son, sawmills, Barmedinan Ashton Steam Sawmills, Ltd.—A. A. Atkinson W., tailor, Wauchope Atkinson W. C., tailor, Port Macquarie Labium, mgr., Coramba Ashton A., see. Railway League, Armed- Atkinson William, Hunter Ricer Hotel, East Maitland dale Atkinson Wm., Royal Hotel, Wentworth Ashton C., painter, Temora Atlas Assurance Co., Ltd., Newcastle Ashton Evan B. painter, Hamilton Atock M. H., physician, Cooliunon Ashton Geo., hairdresser, Glen limes Attunga Copper Mine, Attunga Ashton Paul, hairdresser, Hamilton Attwater A. E., dentist, Grafton Ashton It. W., sawmills, Gillenbone Attwater Mrs. C., Tory's Hotel, Kleine Ashton Robert, tanner, 1Voliongong Attwater Chas. E., dentist, Grafton Ashton \V., hairdresser, Barham Ashton-Shorter H. L.,physicianand Attwater 11. C., saddler, Cobar Attwater H. II, postmaster, Tuinut surgeon, Tamworth Ashwood Bros., Ltd., gen. store, Cools- Attwell II., hairdresser, Mullumbimby Attwood G. and C., store, Cootamundra mon, Old Junes and Marrar Ashwood andMcDonald,, Attwood Mrs. F. M., draper, Wellington Attwood H. F., commission agent, BowGantnain ning Millwood Chas., cordial manufacturer, Auberson and Sons, orchardists, Orange Ballina Ashwood J. P., sec. A. & 1'. Association, Auckland S., general store, Wollongong Audet Alfred, hairdresser, Wee Was Ganmain Audet Benj., hairdresser, Wollongong Au gheyIt.,AustralianArmsHotel, Penrith Aught le E. S. chemist, l'innbarumba Auld J., upliolster er, etc., Condobolin Auld Edward, builder, Werris Creek Auld Rev. J. II. G. (Pres.), Muswellbrook A ust F., machinery agent, Lismore Austen Alfred, contractor, Forbes • Austen G. W., Argyle Hotel, Maclean Austin A. and Sons, blacksmiths, Cowra Austin and McKenzie, bakers, Broken 11111 Austin C. II., see. Northern District Association CollieryProprietors,Newmottle Austin E. W. hotel, Ohio). AustinF.W.,11101Olinental works, Sutherland Austin F. W. Exchange Ilotel, Tainworth Austin Fredk., rumba Hotel, Yamba Austin G. E., store, Wellington Austin G. W., wine seller, Mittagong Austin II., blacksmith, Wellington Austin11.S.,sec.InlandMissionto Aborigines, Singleton Austin J., Daniel O'Connell Hotel, Orange Austin James, carrier, Tinglia Austin .Tolin S., carpenter, Hamilton Austin T. B., surf beach kiosk, WollongOlig Austin W., storekeeper end post office, Mona Vale Austin W., Jeweller, Wallsend Australasian Finance Co., Ltd.—Ralph Krantz, manager, Broken 11111, Australasian InstituteofMarineEngineers—J. Davidson, see., Newcastle AustralasianMutualLive • StockInsurance Society, Newcastle Australasian Temperance and General MutualAssurance Society,Ltd., Newcastle Australasian United Steam Navigation Co,. LW., Newcastle Australian Agricultural Co., Newcastle Australian Alliance Assurance Co.—A. II. Hough, agent, Newcastle Australian BritishandForeignBible Society—James Dunlop, BCC., Singleton Australian Carriers'Union(Itiverina Brancli)—M lehael Power, see., Hay AustralianChillingandFreezing Co., Aberdeen Australian Coal Briquette Co., Ltd.— Harp Bros. and Co., LW., Newcastle Australian Export Co , Rabbit Freezing \Works, Pleton Australian Fruit and Produce Co., Ltd., Newcastle Australian Horse Amateur Rime Club— J. P. Quinn, sec., Quirindi Australian Hotel— • K. Gilmore, proprietress, Inverell Australian InlandFreezingCo.,Ltd., Ilarden Australian Meat Co., Itamornie Australian Meat Co., South Grafton Australian Mercantile Land and Finance Co., LW., auctioneers, Dubbo Australian Metropolitan Life Assurance Co., Ltd., Newcastle Australian MutualFireInsurance Society, Newcastle AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY—ItIchard Teeee, F.I.A., F.F.A., PALS., General Manager and Actuary ; II.IV.Apperly, Secretary ; D. Carment, F.I.A., P.F.A., AssistantActuary ; C.A.Elliott, F.I.A.,ManagerIndustrialDepartment, 87 Pitt at—(See Advt. inside front cover). WOOD AND COMPANY: IMPORTERS SF UNDERTAKERS' SUPPLIES. COUNTRY ENQUIRIES ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR EATABLES AND WEARABLES. 611A.usCOUNTRY ALPHABETICAL. Bak Australian Mutual Shipping Co., Ltd., Back Creek Colliery—G. Dune, manager, Millie .1.II.,newspaper proprietor Newcastle NI hind Australian Natives Assochttion—E. T. Itarkhouse A.,,Broken11111 linIVIIni( gs14\Na%, ler:ign eliii‘ lission agent, 'remora Bain K. It., plumber, Armidale South Matthews, hon. see., Deniliquin AustralianShaleSyndicate—IV. E. Backhouse E. • B., manager Commercial Bain P., Farmers' Inn list,'!, Burnellbuttock Bank, Tamworth Jones, manager, Airley Australian Window awl House Cleaning Backhouse Mrs. It. A., matron Hospital, Bain Thomas, builder, Dubbo Bain Rev W. (Pres.), Newcastle Co., Newcastle Itramt Australian Workers' Union—E. J. Bow- Bacon and Co., auctioneers, stock and Bainbridge A., newsagent, Ilerewet her man; sec., Bourke station agents, Gunnedall Baird (111(1 Pay, 1/110 . 100111t118, Wentworth, AustralianWorkers'Union—B. Bacon Charles, Narrabeen Hotel, Norm- Baird E. II., stationer, IlanIlla Baird E. II., bookseller, etc., Tamwort il Donovan, hon. sec., Deniliquin been Baird '1'. R., manager Wand's, Station, Australian Workers U111011-1.Smith, Bacon P., tailor, AI illthorpe Bacon W. S., forwarding agent, Newcastle Wandolig, Gluey secretary, °mgt., Austria-Hungary Consulate—A. A. Ran- Itaddeley C. A., pres. Imlay Shire Council, Baird W., wheelwright, Coolamon BairdW.W.,pres.'lull ragarShire, kin, Vice-Consul. Newcastle Eden Automobile Touring Co. of A nstralia, Ltd. Badde/ey C. A., J.P., tanner, Pambula 11111M0 —.1. 1'. Tabrett, manager, Katoomba liaddeley0.II.,mgr.Aust. Bank of Baker A. and Son, asset [(sneers, Militantbiniby Averell James, coach prop., Keinpsey Commerce, Wickham Avern and McIntyre, solicitors, 1 nverell Baden Carl, lvat elimaker, Queanbeyan Baker Itros., briekinakers, Kuril Kuril Badewitz le. W., blacksmith, Gerinanton Baker tiros., fuel merchants, M (Ogee Avert A. F., solicitor, inverell Avery Bros., steam drougher proprietors, 13adgery E. II., auctioneer, Moss VeleBaker Bros., refreshment rooms,MutKempsey lindgery F. D., chairman 1'.1'. Board,lumbimby linker Bros., general store, Ferinnount Avery and Son, stock and station agents, (Millburn Boggabilla Itadgery .1. A.(J. P.forQueensland), Baker C.andSons,bouts and shoes, Pastures ProteeWest Mait hind Avery Alfred, carrier, Mt. Vincent chairman1Serrimit t ion Board, Ivy Hall, Exeter Baker ,t; 31( . Iienzie, solicit ON, Wellsend Avery Mrs. U. E. G., store, Builadelith Avery Charles, carrier Mt. Vincent lindlor D., builder, Sed gelield BakerandRouseProprietary,Ltd., Baditin W. J., store, Guy Fawkes Broken 11111 Avery E., carrier, Mt. 'Vincent Beggs) C., poultry farmer, B tutu linkerandSons,brickinakers,East. Avery E. E. D., store Gomorrah Baglee 11. A.; builder, etc., St. John's Pk. Malt hind Avery F., boots and shoes, ' Rhin/land Begot Bros., sawmills, Balthus linker T. W. A., Sous, linkers, Lambton Avery George, dairyman, Mt. Vincent, Begot, Shakes and Lewis, Ltd., stock and linker W. C. and Co., tailors, etc., BurAvery IL F., fruiterer, Sutherland willumbah stat ion agents, Broken 11111 Avery J. W., builder, Lismore Bagster George, store, 'Vent 1 1 111 lInker W. '1'. and Co., agents, (Tranquility Avery W., postmaster, Cootamminra Bailey A. and Sons, butchers, Singleton iaker's Creek G.M. Co-1Ienry Jones, Avery W. Ii. D., builder, Coolie' Avery W. '1'. contractor, Berridale Bailey and Bailey, auctioneers, Ulmarramanager, 1 lillgrove Bailey and Bishop, produce store, Trangie linker A., store, Mint° , Avery Wm.:dairyman, Mt. Vincent Aveyard Lewis, mgr. Aust. Bank of Com- Bailey and Evans, general store, Lake Baker A., saddler, Gunnedidi Baker A. E., manager Commercial Bank. Bathurst merce, Ltd., Wagga Avison Henry, gen. store, Kiwi Kurri BaileyGeorge and Co.,produce liter- Null li Baker A. S., auctioneer, Kew Avoca Seaside Resort, boarding house, chants, \Wickham BaileyHenryandSon,auctioneers, linker Alfred, saddler, etc., Cobar Member Singleton Baker Arthur, draper, Hamilton AV011 and Barrington Co-operative ButBailey and Sons, butchers, W. 311111111mlBaker Art lour .1., butcher, Coutitedati ter Factory, Gloucester "Avondale Press"—.1.D.K.Aitken, Bailey A., blacksmith, Kiwi Iturrl Baker C., hairdresser, Walgett Bailey A., coach painter, south Wood- Baker D. W., auctioneer, Narrabri manager, Cooranbong burn Avondale Store, Coors nbong Baker F., mgr. Commercial Bank, Oladialley A., contractor, O'Connell AxteiLL, signwriler, Glen limes stone Miley A. E., wheelwright, ManillaBaker F., bu litter, lloggabilla Ayers G., chair caner, Annidale store, Broke Bailey A. E., Min.., Ayers 0., dairy, Jerry's Plains Baker F., carrier, Penrith Aylett Bros., wine depot, etc., Wagga Salley D., Islacksmit it, East RaleighBaker F. P., tobacconist, Casino Salley E., hold, :Gingen° Wagga Baker P. It. Ii., auctioneer, Bellingen Aylett 1'.F.,Prince ofWalesHotel, Salley E., blacksmith, Cuintiock Baker 0., blacksmith, Adamstown Bailey E. A., blacksmith, St. Albans Baker G., dentist, 'Wyong Wagga Wattage Aylitfe J. W., boots and shoes, Queen- Bailey Edgar, blacksmith, Coopernook Baker IL A., sawmills, Milldams /alley 0. 11., hairdresser, LawrenceBaker George, baker, Decimeter beyan Ayling A., sec. N.S.W. Alliance, Coulburn Miley George, blacksmith, Comna Baker George, skin buyer, Mtge/air( Ayling T. N., see. Poultry Club, (Mullein' Salley Mrs. J., store, Stockton Baker George, blacksmith, The Rock Miley J., store, Ulan Ayling T. N., town clerk, Tenterlield Baker H., coachbuilder, iron and Masa. Bailey J. E., mgr. Wanaaring Station,founder, etc., 311111111a Aynsley It. W., Saddler, Penrith Ayoub Nayeit and CO., hide and skin Wanaaring Baker H. A. S., butcher, Goodooga. Bailey James, blacksmith, Cundletown Baker II. 31., tailor, Dungog merchants, Coonamble Bailey John, canter, C00/1»1 linker J., blacksmith, Camden Ayoub Jack, gen. store, Coonn 'nide Ayre G. IL, manager Glencoe Station, Bailey John E., chairman I'. P. Board, Baker .1. K., boot shop, Deniliquirt 1 Wattaaring Hay linker James, storekeeper, 31ona Vale Ayre Gordon:. manager 13enduck Station, Bailey Mark, blacksmith, St. MINIMlinker John, general store, 11 illgrove Bailey Mrs., store, Mingello Hay linker John A., hawker, Moama Ayre James, stock and station agent, Ilay Bailey N., butcher, St. Albans hiaker John L., hairdresser, Goodooga Bailey It., farrier, Alstonville Baker Joseph, hairdresser, Newcastle Ayre James, sec. Waradgery Club, Hay Ayrton R., junr.,wheelwright,Cano- 'Miley It. 'I'., saddler, Burrowa linker Joseph, butcher, Brooklyn Baileys., stove manufacturer, (Millburn Baker Mrs. h., Albert Hold, Al ilparinka windra Bailey Silas, hotel, Cowper Ayton James, post ndkeeper, Boggaluri Baker IIJ.,propr. and editor "TheBailey T. NV., carrier, Thuddinigra(losford Times," Gosford Azer Fred., store, Worrell Bailey Thomas, store, Adjungbilly Baker It. J., sec. A. tt. II. Society, Gosford A zzi Bros., general store, Brocklesby BabbIngton Bros.,blacksmiths,Ardle- Bailey NV., mail contractor, Wauchope BakerT.,Commercial Hotel,Moonnn Bailey W., snail contractor, l'ort Mae- Brook than quarks Babcock and Wilcox Ltd., West Maitland Baker '1'., SflIV11111114, Booty Hill Bailey W., painter, Grafton Baker Thomas, store, 31ilparinka Babidge Bros., masons, Itysltuno Bacchus Marsh Concentrated Milk and Bailey W., station master, Boggabrilinker 'Thomas, timber merchant, WentButterCo.,Ltd.,Bomaderry and Bailey NV. A., boots and shoes, Peurith wortliville Bailey W. D., postmaster, and see. School Baker W., sec. Co-operative Dairying Branxton of Arts, Crookwell Bache Bros., fruiterers, Broken Hill Co., Ltd., Bombala Bailey William, preMilent Patrick Plains Baker W. watchmaker Kurd Kurrl Bacigalupo B., baker, etc., Coonamble Shire Council, Singleton Baker W., baker, Lambton WOOD *AND' COMPANY _... THE FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF N.S.W. 1 SYDNEY. aitert e°8"21 8. 10; VhCi o :TA )' ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR A HOUSEWIFE'S HARVEST. Bak 714 Bar COUNTRY ALPHABETICAL. --a -__•----- • - linker W. C., linker, IVongarhon Bambini!Nfary, colonial wine depot, Bardsley T. E., ;LP., gen. store and coroner, Uralla Baker W. C. hairdresser, Ilurwillumball \Vest Alaitiand Barham Sawmilling Co.—.T. C. Chanter, Riker W. It., sec. Itace. Club, Mulluen- Baniber .1. A., solicitor, Gulgong Barham Hambrick John, hold, White Cliffs bimby Barham C. A., town clerk, Lismore :Baker NV. R., auctioneer, Mullumbimby Bainbridge A., gen. store, Riverstone Barham F. C., dentist, Litligow Bamford E., bootmaker, Campbelltown Baker NV. T., builder, Tat lira Baker William, grocer, Busby Park 111111111+1 111111 Barrett. , drapers, etc., Glen Barkell W., bandmaster City Band, Newcastle Baker 'Wm., wheelwright, Deepwater limes Baker William E., Otteen's !lead Hotel, Batnileld & Co., gen. store, E. Malt land BARKER C., Imperial I.ivery Stable,i Bunnell Mrs. A., lioyal Hotel, Yass Wileannia IValgett (see Advt.) Bantield B., shoemaker, Goulbune Baker Wm. II., solicitor, 'Nesveastle Barker F., emelt proprietor, Coonamble Bantield John, confectioner, Hamilton Bakes John, blacksmith, Peak Hill liarkerle ., tailor, Cessnock Bakewell F. W., ingr. St. Aublit's Station, Banlleld Mrs., grocer, Morpeth _Barker t ln,snuult II, South 0 natant Banileld Mrs., tobacconist, NV. Nfaitland Scone ilideleld S., mgr. E. S. and A. Bank Ltd., Barker John, livery stables, Medlow Bahley Al., baker, Tenterlield Barker It., tailor, Peak Hill Berry Bakewell.1.,electricalengineer,NewBangalow Agricultural Society—W. II. Barker Richard, draper, Forbes castle Harker W. J., cycle agent, 13 litutudra Reading, sec., liangarow Baldick C. E., dentist, Bungalow 'Bungalow Herald and Newrybar Ad- liarkineyer E., Grime //old, lialranald italdock A., poundkeeper, Camden Barkineyer E., hotel, and l'.0., Stony vertiser,' liangalow Bahlock O. IL, hotel, Wallabadall Crossing Bahlock II. M., shire engineer, Dorrigo BANGALOW HOTEL—C. Husking, Barling and Anderson, coaclibullders, Shire Council, South Grafton ngge .Proprietor, liangalow (see Advt.) lialdock R., grocer, Camberwell Barling Richard, surveyor, Casino Baldwin A. C., carpenter, Wallsend Bangelow I,ivery Stables—John Collins Barlow G. W. and Co., general store, lionieville Hotel, Farley Baldwin C., proprietor Bangalow Nano:nine Baldwin 11. l'., coach prop., Inverell ilangalow School of Arts—NV. II. ReadBarlow .1. P. and Co., atiet ioneers, Eden 1 tald win 3., dairy fanner, Eurobodalla ing, secretary, Itangalow Barlow A., ingr. Silver Peaks .51 lute Ltd., Baldwin James, saddler, 'ringlet l'erranderie Baldwin John L., steamboat proprietor, BANGALOW TIN AND GAL- Barlow Itt, Rev. C. G., 11.1). (C. of E.), ICeilipsey IRON WORKS.— Ted Bishop of tionlimril Baldwin3liss,matronDoor of Hope VANIZED Bowman, Prop. Bangalow (see Advt.) Barlow Miss E., manageress Oriental Mission, Newcastle lisle!, Springwood Baldwin It., coach painter, Richmond hanks Ernest II., builder, Newcastle Barlow Rev. Father F. (R.C.), Penrith Baldwin Win., hairdresser, linialarra Slinks Mrs. G., general store, 1,eurts Barlow (I. II. R., skin buyer, Nerromine hale Geo., wheelwright, S. Woodburn Slinks George, butcher, Lawson Bale l'., blneksinith, South Woodburn tanks II. S., Inspector of Pollee, New- Barlow II. 11., mgr. Commercial Bank, Gunning Bale IV. 0., florist, Iludgee cast he Bales G. IL and Co., store, II illthorpe tanks NI rut. J., boardinghouse, Newcastle Barlow J., boot maker, Tunmt Balfour D. hi., tathacconist , Penrith tanks .1., George and Dragon lintel, East Barlow .1. S., store, Ilford • Barlow T., dealer, liroadmeadow Balgownie and Corrimal Coal 31111111g Co., Maitland Ltd.—NV. B. Pendleton, mgr., Corritnal Banner J., president Byron Shire Council, ISannedinan A. andAssil.—P. II. Sheehan, see., Barmedmatt IlalgownieSchoolofArts—II. It. Byron Bay Murdoch, see., lialgownie Bannerman D., contractor, Casino " BARISIEDISIAN BANNER" NewsBall It. T. and Co., (Millburn Engineering Banner Bros. carters, Aturwilluntimit int per (T110—Trelle and liradley, Works, (Millburn Bannister Chas., refresh. rooms, Albury Proprietors, liannedman (see Advt. Ball tiros., medial factory, Woonona Bannister F. G., locksmith, Newcastle 'femora Se01011).. Ball A. NV., builder, Goulburn Bannister IV. 11., town clerk, Comm BallAlbertE.,(Act ureframemaker, Bannister W. II. 3.1'., butcher, 3Ittrshall Bartnedinan Farmers' and Settlers' Association—NV. J. Benson, sec., liarWoonoria street, Coitar Inedinan IMII C. E., general store, Kinchela Creek Bannockburn ShireCouneil--W.S. Ball E. NV., plumber, 'Wellington Farrell.pres. ;Bout.B.Aleston, Barmedinan Picnic Race Club—C. F. 31orgsol, see. Marnualman Ball (I. J. A., mgr. Aust. Bank of Comshireclerk ;JamesG.Fitzgerald, Ilarmedman ll'ace Club—A. P. Nlarshall, merce, Ltd. Dubbo shire engineer, Inverell see., ltannedtuan IMII II. P., butcher, I:include Creek Bannon Jellies .1., signwriter, Grafton Ilanneilman School of Arts—lt. GalloBall Rev. S. 0. B. (C. of E.), Bathurst lien non John, l'erait /I us hotel, 'Femora way, see., liarnicilman Ball Thomas, proprietor the Royal Hotel, BaptisteJ.,waterhagmaker,\Vest Barnard Albert, general manager WOOWoonona 1Vvalong 1101111 I uu,Iuustnluul (O • OperiltiVC Society, Ball NV. II., bottle merchant, Albury Reidy A. L., physician, Wollornbl Ltd. NVoonolia Ball Walter, store, Stoekton Barber A. P., saddler, Gunning Barnard H., manager Bank of N.S.W., Ballantyne ii. h., builder, Ilelensburgh Burlier E. 11., agent, (Millburn Ilrewarrlua Ballentyne NV., contractor, liellambi Barber John, blacksmith, 'Sega llallard E., saddler, Currabubula Barnard.1., see. Public Service AsBarber Percy, produce dealer, Vass sociation, Wagga liallhausen 1,. IV., chemist, Brentwood Barber S. I., store, Cabrainatta Barnard 1leorge, noel loneer, Llsmore liallhausen I,. W., chemist, Coot/Intim cirst Barber 1V., general store, Bitiderodgerv MannaCo-op.Mercantile Co., 1.t(I.— Barbour W., mgr. Gilkey l'ark Colliery Bernard 31. H., private school, !Amore • Barnard Samuel, vIgneron Allendale E. Mcli'llinon, chairman of directors, Co., Lit Wow liartultv Mrs., boardingliouse, t Helens.1. A. Armstrongonanager, Ballina Hanley .1. B., engineer, Itandllon burgh Bailin* Comp. hieing. and Produce Co., Bareroft G., butcher, Wallerawang I,td.—S. E. G. Cumming, mgr., Ballina Barden and Eike, saddlers, West Mait- Hamden Mrs. 11., 'Tattersall's Hotel, hiuulilmta liospital—E. II.11. Lang, sec., Krona land Ballina Barnes C. and Co., baC011 curers, KempBarden Edward, dairv, Currawang soy liallina School of Arts—J. Wisdon, sec., Barden F., blacksmith, Bellinger Heads Itarnei I). & Co., boot makers, Newcastle Bettina Barden F., blacksmith, East Raleigh Bettina Turf Club—H. N. Stone, secre- Barden 3., liushell's Tea Depot, West, Barnes and G., general store, Murtary, Belittle rumburrall Maitland Ballintine .lames, bineksinIth, IV001011011 Barden James, blacksmith, Fernmount Barnes A., baker, 1,args Billinitin Bros., motor garage, Bega and Barden J01111, Club House lisle!, Du itho Barnes A., blacksmith, Bungalow Coonut Barden W., sanitary inspector, Burrowa Barnes B. S., gen. store, Old Mollyan Balmer and Sons,"Chronicle "news- Barden Wm., hairdresser, Wellington Barnes Colin Ii., .1.1'., C.I'.S., Ilega paper, Lisinore Barnes E., drainer, Leura liardsley E, butcher, Ilelensburgh Balzer C., livery stables, LIsmore liarnes 0., grocer, liatliurst Beasley George, plumber, 31ungindi BalzerChris.,cordialmanufacturer, Bardsley II., assayer, Newcastle Barnes 0. \V., baker, Cessnock Lismore Barnes II. A., coach proprietor, Berrigan liardsley J., mgr. Gasworks, flown(' BalzerWilliam,cordialmanufacturer, Bardsley Nurse, nursing home, Uralla Barnes Rev. II. E. (C. of EA (Italian Byron Bev WOOD AND COMPANY'S PRINCIPLES. EFFICIENCY k ECONOMY. Ilea 810-12 GEORGE ST. (0hr:cilia:obi ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR A SURETY OF SATISFACTION. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR BENEFICIAL BUSINESS. 8B BatCOUNTRY ALPHABETICAL.Bed911 BarCOUNTRY ALPHABETICAL. Bat Bartlett A. C., manager Colon Peaks Barrett Henry, butcher, Adaminaby Mining Co., Yerranderie Barrett Henry, blacksmith, (Ironton Bartlett A. E., saddler, Stoma Barrett .1., Exchange lintel, A ngledool Bartlett Vett. Archdeacon Arthur E. (C. Barrett J. F., storekeeper, Newport BarrettJ.II.,sinallgoods andfruit, of E.), Goulbttrn Bartlett E., coach proprietor, Albury Singleton Bartlett F. IL, chairman Tweed-Lismoro Barrett .1. J., store, White Cliffs I'. P. Board, Lismore Barrett .1. .1., tailor, Goulburn Bartlett Edwin, general store, Wardell Barrett J. P., confectioner, Bathurst Bartlett George, carpenter, Bliley Barrett James, baker, Tarago Bartlett Jams W. (Chant and Bartlett), Barrett John, hotel, Angledool Young Barrett 1'. F., general store, Leadville Bartlett John, saddler, Milton Barrett T., Barrett's Hotel, Nyngan Bartlett It. If., engineer, Shire Couneli, Barrett NV., butcher, Tumid Merriwa Barrett Thomas, store, Tyalgum Barrett W., timber yard, Muswellbrook Bartlett T. E., cycle agent, Balranald Bartley and Co., brewers, Cootamundra Barrett W. E., cordial maker, Orange Barrie James, J.P., agent and deputy BARTLEY AND PERRY, Cycle anti 80y Barnett and Judge, chemists and den- coroner, Lismore Electrical Engineers, etc., CootammtBarrier Carrying Co., Broken Hill tists, Young BarrierCo-operative Society,grocers, dra (see Advt. Cootamundra Section) Barnett A., chemist, Braldwood Bartley E., carpenter, etc., Weston Broken 11111 and South Broken 11111. Barnett A., fruiterer, Werris Creek Barrier Crystal Ice and Cold Storage Co., Bartley E. C., J.P., Cootamundra Barnett Albert, farmer, Yethohne Bartley J. F., physician, Broken li III Ltd.—A. Powell, sec., Broken 11111 Barnett Aubrey, fanner, Yethohne "Barrier Miner"—A. S. Knight and 0. Bartley M., butcher, Delegate Barnett Edwin, farmer, Yethohne Bartley Mrs. M., baker, Goolagong Von Itleben, Broken 11111 Burnett J., butcher, Bourke Barrier Miners' Medical Fund, Broken II. Bartley Thomas, signwriter, Newcastle Burnett.!., vineyard, Inverell Barrier Ranges Apothecaries Co., Ltd., Barton A.M.,shireclerk,Mulwarce. Barnett Jaunts, store, Muttanta Shire Council, Cloulburn Broken 11111 Barnett Mrs. M., coffee palace, Newcastle Barnett 0.,Cubit Club Hotel, South Barrier and White Reef G.M. Co., West Barton A. \V., contractor, Wanaaring Barton Dervell, physician, Narrabri Wyalong Broken 11111 Barton E. C., sawmilier, Sludge° Barringer F. P., general store, Nyngan Barnett Sam., tobacconist, Newcastle Barton (1., hotel, Bodangora Barnett T., mgr. Commercial Banking Barrington It., grocer, Carrington Barton G., Fairview Hotel, J awlmne Barron Rev. Father (It. C.), Hiliston Co. of Sydney, Ltd., Germenton BarronG.31.,medicalpractitioner Barton IL It., Club House Hotel, Wee Wats. Barnett W., Royal Hotel, N. l'algogrin Barton II. 1'., draftsmen, Land Board,. Rem ii Barnett W., painter, Bathurst Armidale BrimfieldE.A.,mgr.Topic;Station, Barrow 0. H., blacksmith, Mulgoa Barton Henry, blacksmith, Pipeclay Barrow lathes, blacksmith, Bourke Wentworth Barton .1. W., J. l'., Wallerawang Barrow W. II., cycle agent, Albury Brimfield G., hairdresser, Wentworth Brimfield It, W. T., manager Bank of Barry and Stafford (late), general store. Barton Percy, hairdresser. Gulgong 13arton It., stationmaster, Bellambi Narrabri Australasia, Howlong Barton R. D., hotel, Dongelly BarnierandCo.,thithermerchants, Barry A., fruiterer, Merriwa Barton W., plasterer, Cootatnundra Barry A. V., sec. Hospital. Molmig Broadmendow Bander Thomas and 0. II., sawmills, Barry C. It., manager Commercial Bank, Barton IV., hotel, South Gundagal Bertram W. V., sec. Farmers' anti Sett Bbsyney Toronto hers' Association, West Wyalong Barry 1/..L, conchbuilder, Albury Bander Thos., sawmill, Mt. Vincent Barry (I., 'bus proprietor, Cootatnundra Bartrim Arthur J., blacksmith, BeechBarrusby .1., butcher, Clifton wood Criterion Hotel, Wickham Barnsley Bros., butchers, Sutton Forest Barry Gerald, Barnsley George, baker, Murwillumbalt Barry George, president 'fidgety Shire 131100m G., fruiterer, South West Rocks Bartrop W. It. and Sons, agents, SingleCouncil, Berridale Baron C. S., draper, Broken Hill ton Barry B. de B., manager Commercial Barr and Crean, store, Parkes Banking Co. of Sydney, Ltd., Gular- Bartrop 11. j., mon. mason, Singleton Barr George and Son, store, I'lcton BartschPaech, corn. agents, Minty Barr J., manager Co-operative Colliery gambol's) Barwick Mrs. C., boardinghouse, LockBarry J., bootmaker, Newcastle Co., Plattsburg hart. Barry J. J., store, Albion Park Barr J. G., dealer, Gatimain Barry James, station manager, Moonbali Barwick E., furrier, Cootna Barr W., Jun., agent, Coola mon Barwick It. B., bootinaker, Scone BarrabaHospital-0. S.Evans,sec„ Barry John, blacksmith, Yams Barry Joint F., Commercial Hotel, West Busha E., general store, Wagga Wagga Mamba Basha J., draper, Kurd K cirri Maitland " BARRABAANDMANILLA Barry Andra T., draper, Nowra NEWS"-11. Newling, Propr., Barraba burnMiss M., shorthand teacher, Gout. Basham Reuben, carrier, Tinonee (see Advt.) Basliford F., chemist and dentist, GunBarry M. J., agent, Yass nedall BarrabaMechanics'Institute—W. D. Barry Rev. It. (R.C.),Bourke Basilian! F. F., dent Lit, Nonabarabran Barry R., carrier, Jerry's Plains Harris, secretary, Barraba Basklville Mrs., gen. store, Coopernook Barraba Shiro Council—D. Capcl, pres. Barry S., dealer, Jerry's Plains Bass Cecil, baker, blulargambone II.II.Adcock, shireclerk ;W.11. Barry T. D., Sportsman's Arnie Hotel, Bass Chas., baker, Narromine Grant, engineer, Barrels:I Narrabri Bass S., watchmaker, Kyogle Mamba Turf Club—D. Chapel, president, Barry W., blacksmith, Pilliga Bassan II., hatter, Casino Barry W., painter, Albury Barraba 'hisser N., store, Lithgow and ClarenceBarry W. D., teacher of violin, Newcastle Barratt and Co., saddlers, Tantwortll Tunuuel Barratt F. C., watchmaker, etc., Goole,' Barry W. T., store, Jindabyne Basser S. A., Imperial Hotel, Bingara Barrett James, engineer, Shire Council, Barsby J. H., draper, Kempsey Bassett .1. T. .P., solicitor and Mayor, Barter G. F., fruiterer, Glen Dines Coolatnon Wellington Barratt It. A., Harp of Erin Hotel, Netley Bartholomew C., store, Tumbarumba Bassett Thomas, fruiterer, Nevertire Baffler Charles, contractor, Warialdis Barrett W. J., watchmaker, Blayney Bassett Win. P., J.P., surg,, Bathurst Burrengarry Dairy Co., Ltd., Barren- Battier G., Railway Hotel, Train& Batchelor A., store, Coolongolook Bart ler W., baker, Warialda garry Batchelor 0. A., store, Oberon BarrenJoeyLightirouse—j.McNally Barthnote Joseph, baker, Woodstock Bartle S. C. and Co., nercers, Katoomba Batchelor W.P.,commission agent,. In charge, Newport Baulkham HMS Bartle J. T., baker, Orange Barrett Alex., auctioneer, Adaminabv Bate E. B., dentist, Stroud Barrett A. J., Metropolitan Hotel, West Bartle John, grocer, Broken 11111 South Bate J., cycle agent, Orange Bartle M., teacher piano, West Maitland Wyalong Barrett Clifford, hon. see. Railway Traffic BARTLETT W. J. & CO., Brewers, Bate John, jeweller, Newcastle Bate Joseph, saddler, Ot ange Employees Association, Penrith etc., Goulburn (see Advt.) Barnes J. T., builder, Wentworth Barnes James, general store, George's Plains Barnes M., Albion lintel, Jerilderie Barnes P. A., supt. roads, Ryistone Barnes R., blacksmith, Newrybar Barnes R. It., station manager, Casino Barnes S., baker, DeniliquIn Barnes T. hairdresser, Goulburn Barnes W., manager Ileddon Greta Colliery, Kurd Kurd Barnes W. butcher, Walla Walla Barnes William, butcher, J indent Barnet Glass Rubber Co.—F. J. Von der Heyde, manager, Newcastle Barnet Rev. Mackay (Pres.), Wollongong Barnett and Hodgson, butchers, Kemp - WOOD AND COMPANY THE FUNERAL DIRECTORS IF N.S.W. : SYDNEY. I: Ost eth 810 ; 2 (Etc O h 43 g2; Bate S. W., auctimieer, Central Titbit hate W. 11., contractor, Central Tilba Bate IV. J., sec. School of Arts, Tenterfield Bateman C. D., plumber, Narrandera Bateman E. 1'., dentist, Ratoombis Bateman E. '1'., inspector of nuisances, Narromine BatesEverett, carpenters, Hamilton Bates and McIntosh, builders, etc., Vass hates C., lorry proprietor, Inverell Bates E., builder, Bingen' Bates J., brickmaker, Dubbo Bates .1., farrier, M urrurundi hates .I. II., architect and sec. hospital, Forbes Bates T. L., F.G.S., inspector of coalfields, Newcastle Bates W., Great Central Hotel, Glen I lines Bates W., manager Walisend Brick Co., Wallsend Bates W. I.., baker, Cowra Belem) G., carrier, l'Icton ilatger 11., dyer, Casino Bat ger W.11., tailor, Casino Bath W. II. and T., butchers, Walelia Bath Percy E., clothier, Walcha Batligate Rev. J. (Meth.), Grenfell Bathurst A.11. andP.Associat ion— A. 11. Newsliam, secretary, Bathurst BathurstCo-operative DairyingCo., Ltd.—A. E. Pollard, see., Bathurst Bathurst Co-operative Store — D. MA1111111, manager, Bathurst Bathurst Coursing Club—W. Howden, secretary, Bathurst Bathurst Farmers' and Graziers' Association—Jas. Ketford, sec., Bathurst Bathurst Friendly Societies' Association —0. V. Morgan, see., Bathurst Bathurst Fruit Market—A. S. Low and Co., proprietors, Bathurst BathurstGasworks—A.G.Ambrose, mana ger, Bathurst BathurstGunClub—T.C.Briggs, secretary, Bathurst BathurstII ighlandSociety—A.'I'. Pringle, secretary, Bathurst Bathurst Horticultural Society—F.B. Hayward, secretary, Bathurst BathurstHospital—A.E.Illackshew, secretary, Bathurst BathurstLawnTennisAFISOi!lation— J. P. Slade, secretary Bathurst Bathurst 31 usical Society — C. A. Jarman, conductor, Bathurst Bathurst Musical awl Literary Association-0.I,.Evans,hon.secretary, Bathurst Bathurst"National Advocate"Newspaper Co., Bathurst BethurstNewsagency—George Elliss, manager, Bathurst Bathurst Novitiate—St. Joseph's 'Mount Convent of Mercy—Rev. Mother Mary GertrudeSheehy,superiorgeneral, South Bathurst BathurstPoorReliefSociety—Mrs. Kendall, secretary, Bathurst "Bathurst Post" Newspaper—A.Gartrell, publisher, Bathurst Bathurst Prisoners' Aid Society, Bathurst Bathurst Progress Association—A, Newslinin, secretary, Bathurst BathurstRailwayInstitute—J. C. Harford, secretary, Bat hurst Bathurst School of Arts—F. 1'. Slade, secretary, Bathurst Bathurst SoapCo.(The)—J.Upfold, manager, 47 Howick st, Bathurst BathurstStarr-Bowlcett BuildingSociety—J. T. Slack, see., Bathurst Bathurst Steam Laundry, 47 Horwiek st, Bathurst WOOD AND COMPANY, Bathurst Technical College, Bathurst " Bathurst Times " Newspaper Co., Ltd. —Frank S. lione, manager, Bathurst Bathurst W.C.T.U.—Mrs. McLean, tires., Bathurst Itatkin J. W., hairdresser, Harden Batt L., baker, Broadwater Batterhain Mrs., boardinghouse, Bathurst Itatterhain T., cab proprietor, Bathurst Battey T. J., J . P., postmaster, Denman Batting and Shepherdson, bakers, Wollongong Battle Rev. Father ( R.C.), Bettina Batts George, wine cellars, Lower Quipolly Bettye Mrs., general store, (Millburn Batt ye S., small goods, (Millburn DittyE. and Co., dyers and cleaners, Grange ilauldwhi It., Federal Hotel, Telt:rah BaulkhainHillsShireCouncil — E. Cranston, pres. ; IL C. Sherwin, clerk NV. J. Fordyce, engineer, Castle 11111 Hardman Patrick, baker, (iladstAnte Itarimashe Shl., Court House Hotel, DOM° Baur F. G., physician, Newcastle Ilawden It. D., solicitor, Grafton IlawdenT., clerk, Copmanhurst Shire Oninell, Grafton Ilawden 'I'. '1'., sec. Pastures Protection Board, Grafton Bawden Thomas T:, J.P., auctioneer, Grafton Baxter and Co., boot factory, Goniburn Baxter .1.1. and Co., drapers, Hay Mixt Tr and Soul hwell, butchers, Jones Island Baxter A., confectioner, (Millburn Baxter E., watchmaker, Greek:11 Baxter Frank, carrier, Jerry's Plains Baxter J., Jeweller, (Millburn Baxter James, Club House Hotel, Coon- :indite Baxter John, builder, Watichope Baxter S., tobacconist, Coraki Itaxter 1'., produce dealer, Batt oust Baxter W., boots and shoes, Litligow Baxter Mrs. W store, Temora Bayley .1., blacksmith, Witirga Wagga Baylis IL, fruiterer, Collarenebri Bear Charles, tailor, Dubbo Bear J., Sub-Inspector of Pollee, Orange Bear It. J., "Nambucca News," Bowns• villa Bear W bootmaker, Newcastle Bear NV., boots and shoes, Cook's 11111 Bearby A. A., teacher of pattern making, Newcastle Beard Albert, hotel, Yerong Creek Beard If., butcher and baker, Nevertire Beard J., mail contractor, Bundarra Beard J., solicitor, l'ocinnwal Beardsmore F. W., newsagent, Italgownie Dearman Mrs. IL, boardinghouse, Bundaimon Beasley C. A., Club House Hotel, Nynnigee BeasleyF.Farmers'AnnaHotel, Toctintwid Beasley F., cordial maker, Tocuntwal Beasley Frederick A., fanner, Millthorpe BeasleyMrs.M.,newsagent,Eastern Creek Beasley W., 3.P., contractor, Ilintbi Beath G., dent ist, Kiirri Kurri Beath .1., grocer, Tighe's 11111 Beaton Bros., gen. store, Barrington and Olonceller BeatonK..,shireengineer,ennobles • Shiro Council, Orange Beatson D., J.I'., butcher, South Grafton !Matson J. A., agent, Wollongong Beattie and Son, broom manufacturers, 'l'i umouuee Beat tie IL, boardingliouse, Woffoy Beattie (leo., brickworks, Wallendbeen BeattieJohn,RoyalExchangeHotel, Ourimbalt Beattie John, coach prop., Wollongong Beattie S. IL, grocer, Junco junction Ileatton Geo. A., dist. supt. Australian Temperance 111111 General Mutual Life Assurance Society, Ltd., Newcastle BEATTY'S GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, WESTM A.ITLAND, (see Advt. West Maitland section) Beatty J., newsagent, Penrith Beatty J. St., fruiterer, Scone Beatty Mrs. L. P., Relators Hotel, West Maftland Baylis:111. M., solicitor, Wegga Wagga Beatty 1,. S., stationmaster, St. Marys Bayliss A. 11., milk vendor, Bathurst Beatty It. T., butcher, Cluntlagni Baylis IL, butcher, Collarenebri Beavan John, undertaker, etc., Bowral Bayliss J. A., blacksmith, Heaven R., blacksmith, Morrisset Baynes George, stationer, Litligow IlazeleySamuelC.S.,RoyalHotel, Ma yan It. G., blacksmith, West Maitland Beaver .1., assistant C. P. S., Coonamble hluuthuuurst Beaver S. E.J.P., C.P.S., anti registrar IlazieyIt.A.,7'attelsall's hotel, of B. II. atril D., West Maitland Beaver S.Paragon llotel, 31udgee Beacham Norman, fruiterer, Bathurst !Mavis C. J., photographer, Bathurst Beacom J., saddler, Orange !Mavis 11. C., photographer, Bathurst Beiscroft G. E., butcher, St. Mary's Headman Mrs. '1'., gen. store, Rappville BeazleyJ.G.,managerCommercial BealianW.P.andCo.,stockand Banking Co. of Sydney, Ltd., Windsor station agents, etc., Gowns Beazley John, Wyalong hotel, WyrtIong Malvin T., bootinaker, Gligandra Beak° F. T., saddler, Grenfell Heathy-Smith S., chemist and dentist, J mice Junction Beale and Company, Limited, sewing machine and pianoforte manufacturers.head office :474-470 George tit, Sydney.Branchesthroughoutthe eeu 1,itt .r 3.1'1 Illict ioneer, stock and station agent, etc., Scone Beale John, brewer, Tinnut Dentin F. 31., baker, Moss Vale Beaman E. IL, physician, Boggabri Beauties Mrs., hotel, etc., Culienbone Bean Rev. Fattier (R.C.), Canbelego Bean H. K., J.P., physician, Walisend, Lanibton and Boolaroo Bean Rev. J. (C. of E.), Germ:triton Bean W. I'., baker, Ardlethan Debt) John, artist, Lismore Bebbington W. 11., stonemason,Kangaroo Valley Beck Alfred, grocer, Bathurst Beck C., hairdresser, Newcastle Beck J., saddler, Murrumburralt Beek W., baker, Ilimarra Becker E., haberdasher, Newcastle Beckett .1. I'., clerk, 0oodradigbee Shire Council, Vass Beckett T. C., gunsmith, IL Malt land BeckIngliam F., draper, Annidale Beekinsale A., builder, Baligalov.• Beckman Jamb, baker, Lismore Beckton (1. W., cordial factory, 3Iudgee Ileckton Horace, National Hotel, (Munetown Becus A., timber merchant, Eden Becus E. J., cycle agent, Eden Boddie David, engineer, Illayney LARGEST IMPORTERS OF UNDERTAKERS' SUPPLIES. e OVIVV 2 Tul.I2 ) IST,Telt? ANTHONY HORDERNS' —THE ECONOMIST'S DELIGHT. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR A LOT FOR A LITTLE. COUNTRY ALPHABETICAL.Ben ionBed P., contractor, MIllthorpe Bedford, Taylor and Weston, Ltd., Boddie auctioneers, Orange and Wellington Bedford A., sta t lommister, Debbi) Bedford Cecil W. E., shire engineer, Imlay Shire Council, Eden Bedford I). IL, greengrocer, Airly Bedford F., dentist, Coonabarabran BEDFORD H. A., Livery Stables, etc., Morce (see Advt.) Bedwell C. W., solicitor, Tamworth "Ben Bulletin " (The)—E. Tipper, proprietor, West Maitland Bee Hive Boot Stores, 'Amnon) Beeby and Co., solicitors, Wollongong Beeby E. A. and Co., solicitors, Beeby Mi54, matron Hospital, 'femora Beech H. and Co., gen. store, 1 1 111 End Beech 11. and Co. ,drapers, etc., Santa Beechen T., contractor, Mt. Ketnbla Beeching Henry, baker, Lismore Bugling W. and Sous, butchers, Goutburn Beegling C. W., butcher, Tuniut Beeman Rev. le. J. (C. of E.) Scone Beer A. E., mercer, etc., Merrlwa Beer A. E., store, Lyndhurst Beer J., boat proprietor, Port liackitig Beer S. A., teacher piano, Gunning Beer S. R., bicycle agent, Bowral Beer W., "Wollondilly Press," Bo wral 13cesloy D., general store, Annidale Beesley F. C., plumber, Broken 11111 Beeston J. L., M.L.C., physician, Newcastle Beeston John D., shipping manager, Australian Agricultural Co., Newcastle Begs A. and 1'. Society-1V. A. Zingel, secretary, Begs Begs Benevolent Society—Mrs. W. Manning Brown, see. Begs Begs Civilian Rifle CIA—W. A. Kneen, secretary, Begs Begs Creamery Co., Begs Begs District Hospital—Ernest Cliegwidden, secretary, Begs Begs District Jockey Club, Begs BegsWorks--J. hi, Rutter, mgr., Begs Begs School of Arts—Miss Fergusson, secretary, Begs Begs Teachers' Association—C. E. Benjamin, secretary, Bega Bcgby E. V., store, Stockinbingal Begg 111., manager Woorawadlan Station, IVelgett Beggs IL, Blacksmith, Booty 11111 Beggs Thomas, auctioneer, Root y 11111 Bahl Frank, butcher, PfillIbt1111 Behl J. C., Ocean View Hotel, Tat lira Beigiey N., store, Mount Ketubla Belleiter B. tanner, Bombala Beileiter John, stonemason, Bombals Belleiter W., secretary School of Arts, and acting town clerk, Bombala Belleiter W., Hillerest Apiary, 13ombals Beitit IL, physician, Klaina Belbridge F. .T., commissioner for affidavits, Albury Beibridge F. W., manager Aust. Bank of Commerce, Ltd., Orange Belford Concentrated Milk Co., Belford Belgian Consul—Hon. A. Brown, Newcastle Bell Bird Colliery, Cessnock Bell Bros., brIckmakers, Mann Bell Bros., butchers, Heston Park Bell and Cochrane, store, Woodside Bell (I. 11. and Co., grocers, Newcastle Bell George E. Iliad Sons, drapers, etc., Newcastle mlii it Bell W and Sons, sawmills, Wingello Bell A. A., undertaker, Adaminaby Bell A. T., dentist, CoonamItie Bell Albert, fuel depot, Bathurst Bell Mrs. E., general merchant, Lainbton Bell Ernest 11. dentist, Deniliquin Bell G. .1.1'„ licensing member, Nyinagee Bell 0. A., , dentist, Maclean and Grafton Bell II., general store, Yalptinga Bell II. C. R., physician and surgeon, St. Marys Bell II. D., tillik vendor, Bathurst Bell H. IL, watchmaker, (lobar Bell Henry, livery stables, Moss Vale Bell H. '1'. S., physician, Marwillumbalt Bell T. S., bontinaker, Forbes Bell J., blacksmith, Thirroul Bell J., plumber, Dunoon IM11 .1. W., hairdresser, Grenfell Itell James, billiard saloon, Newcastle Bell James, builder, Tocumwal Bell J05., blacksmith, Emit Hills Bell °Lewis, station manager, Alma, Balransid Bell Miss 1.enti, teacher of elocution, Newcastle Bell Miss, matron llospital, Artnidale Bell It. B., town clerk, Junto, Bel' Richard AL, baker, Grenfell Bell Sydney, stock, station and commission agent, Burrows st, Young Bell T. S., baker, Katootnim, tell Rev. V. C. (Meth.), Quiritell tell W., cordial factory, Wyong tell W. engineer, Murrumbidgee Shire Count:11, Darlington Point Sell W. W., pawnbroker, Newcastle tell Willis,,,, fruiterer, Words Creek Bell Willis,,, AL, mgr. Northern Wine Depot, Newcastle lellsir G. W., Commercial Hotel, Wagga Waggit tellambi 11usic Hall—J. A. Ferguson, Bellatabi Bellambi and South Bull! Coal 31InesA. E. 0. Sellars, mgr., Bellambi tellanly A., postmaster, Grenfell Bellamy A. V., sec. Jockey Club, Adelong tellamy 11., Chesney Hotel, WrIghtville tonality J. IL, ngr. Union 13ank of Australia, Broken 1 111 tonality T., livery stables, West 11111011nd Iellamy W. S., postmaster, Orange Selleiney C. J., chemist, Boggabri Belief to Mrs. 0., baker, Oulgong lellet to J. II., butcher, Norman,' tellevue Dredging Co., Jembalcumbene henhouse Rev. II. E. (Moth.), Wellington Belli IL, physician, Coonamble Bellingen School of Arts—P. Jesse!), secretary, 'lettingen Bellingen Shire Council—R. Black, pros. ; J. W. Metcalfe clerk ; J. J. Gardiner, engineer, 13ellingen Bellingen Timber Co., Ltd., Bellingen Bellinger Central Co-operative Butter Co., Ltd., Bellingen and East Raleigh Bellinger II. C., mgr. Great Colter, Limited, Cobnr Bellingham IL, musician, Camden Benton IL, builder, Albury Bellis E., oyster saloon, June() BELSON AND GREEDY. Coachbuilders and General Blacksmiths, Wee Wan (see Advt.) Belson A., J.P., Wee Was • Bernboka Co-operative Butter Co., Ltd., Bemboka Bembrick Bros., produce merchants, Wellington Bembrick and Dawe, gen. store, Harden 13embrick John, newsagent, Harden Bentbrick Rev. B. (Meth.), Dubbo WOOD AND COMPANY: THE FUNERAL DIRECTORS OF N.S.W. Bembrick S., J.1'., Wellington Bembrick Samson, tailor, Orogen BetnbrickThomas,J.P.,auctioneer, Gamlen Benand Louis F., newspaper proprietor, Coraki 'tensed R. G., watchmaker, Coraki Bendel'E.If.,cordialinanufacutrers, Aloss Vale Bendeich Peter, boot inantif'r, Brauxton Bender Adolph, boots and shoes, Moss Vale Bender G., Terminus Hotel, Merewether Bender James, blacksmith, Southgate Beneke P. saddler, Clarence Town Benham Alfre d, store, Dublin Benham B. J., newsagent, Wollongong Benham F., produce dealer, Murritrundi Benign:1uRev.MotherS. 31., convent school, Bowral BenjaminandUpton,auctioneers, Annidale Benjamin Rev. D. 11. (I'res.), Dungog Itenpunin ILS.,legalmanager,Alt Nations Mine Co., \Vest Wyalotig Benjamin11., jeweller and nest stigma, Murntruitell Benjamin 111111, hairdresser, 'lettingen Benjamin S. D., (Benjainin and Upton), auctioneer, Arinidale Bent, le ., carrier, Lionsville Bunnell F.J.,managerCo-operativeDairy Co., Maclean Bennett Arthur and Co., wood merchants, Molong • Bennett Bros., accountants, Corowa Bennett Bros., general store, Booligal Bennett k Milford, saddlers, Newcastle Bennett S. I). and Co., auctioneers, etc., Molong Bennet t and Bitrkell, cycle agency, 180132 Castlereagh st, Sydney. Branches throughout the country Bennett and Sons, joiners, \Vickie/in Bennett and Wood, Ltd., cycle Importers, corner Pitt and Bathurst streets, Sydney.Agents throughout the country. Bennet t A., newspaper predo., I unee Bennett A., tailor, Milithorpe BennettA.C.,COMMISSI011 agent, Dorrigo Bennett A. D., Corowa District Labour Itureau, Corowa Bennett A. E., boat proprietor, Peurith Bennett A. L., pres. Wollondilly Shiro Council, The Oakes Bennett Arthur, fanner, Yethohne BennettB.,proprietor "Argus" newspaper, Young Bennett B. IL, sec.Burrattgong Turf Club, Young Bennett C., milk vendor, Nowra Bennett C. S., cont rector, Walisend Bennett C. T., store, Kish Bennett D., photogravlier, Annul' Bennett E. IL, sawini Is, Guntiednit Bennett F., see. Muswellbrook Coal Co., Muswellbrook Bennett F. A., J.1'., town clerk, Singleton. BennettF.A.,sec.NorthernAgric. Association, Singleton Bennett F. G., fruiterer, Millthorpe Bennett Fred., Club House 'told, Lnligow BennettG.E.,clerk,Hastings Shire Council, Wauchope Bennett G. T., wheelwright, St. Mary's Bennett George,wheelwright,Wilberforce • Bennett SI. S., electrician, Hamilton Bennett Henry, chemist, 'farce Bennett I. J., baker, Wallsend Bennett J., cab proprietor, Glen IOWA Bennett J., jun., prod. dealer, Bombala SYDNEY. Read Omen, 810.12 George (Street South. 'Phone TA I Ben COUNTRY ALPHABETICAL. Bet1 1i Bennett .1. G., see. Mechanics' Institute, St. Mary's BennettJ.J.,producemerchants, Narrabri Bennett JOHICS, postmaster, Hunter st, west, Newcastle Bennett James, wheelwright, St. Mary's Bennett L., carrier, Colotr Bennett L. A., sec. United 111Ik Suppliers' Assoclatioli, Camden Bennett 111., J.1'., carpenter, Gulgong Bennett Mrs. B. 5., coach proprietress' Woollens and Bulli Bennett Mrs., Lawson l'alitee, Lawson Bennett P., confectioner, Sinedmore Bennett1'.J.,schoolteacher,West Wyalong Bennett Peter, architect, Newcastle Bennett Re y. Samuel (Cong.), Stockton Bennett Stephen, butcher, Kellyville Bennett T. prop. Burton Brewery and Cordial CO., Lit !mow Bennett T. R., architectural draftsman, Hamilton Bennett W., blacksmith, Cominbarabran Bennett W., saddler, Wentworth Bennett W. E., contractor, etc., Blackheath BennettW.H.,produeemerchant, Gunnedali Bennett W. J., store Millthorpe Bennetts E. C., dentist, Teuton/ Bennet ts) Ie. E., plumber, Co/Minion . Bennetts J., boots and shoes, Bat lin nut Bennetts W. H., plumber, Junee Bonney It. If., builder, Nownt Bennie John, hoots and shoes, Numbs Bonnie William, boots and shoes, Berry Bentilson P. S., wheatintyer, etc., (herInantAnt Berms Emma J., grocer, East Orange Bensley A. E., fruiterer, Grenfell Benson J., wine strap, Belford Benson J. D., dentist, Ithirwilitunbalt Benson James, blacksmith, Wanuaring Benson John .W., fruiterer, Wardell Benson IL, Itailway Hotel, Singleton Benson It. W.,stakionnetster,Blackheath Benson S. IL, pros. Shire Commit, billstone Benson1'.II.,mgr.BrendaStation, Goodoogui Benson W. O., general store, Mons: . Bent J., Court House Hotel, Hay Bent James, dealer, Round 11111 Bentick B., tobacconist, esthete Bentick II., newsagent, Carinda Bentley A., boardinghouse, Inverell Bentley E. W., J.P., manager Commerelal"tanking Co.ofSydney,Ltd., Lisitiore Bentley G., milk vendor, Mount Victoria Bentley G. W., "Intereolonial Courier," Tenterneld Bentzen S., teacher shorthand, Mudgee Benyon Rev. E. S. (C. of E.), Mudgoe Benyon lb. A., fancy goods, Tuitibarumba Itenyon Thomas, hotel, Cobbadall Berber George, store, Yeoyal Bereini Joseph, and SOO/4, general store, Branxton Berckleneut A., gen. store, Windsor Beresford IL, Imperial Hotel, Begs. Beresford J. W., baker, Citadel° I3eresford 1'. R., gen. store, Hungerford Berestord l'ercy, butcher, Candelo Berg W., The Falls Hotel, Katoomba Bergalla Cheese Factory, Morttya and Bergalla Bergen Miss V. 13. store, Goillburn Bergin John, carrier, Tornio Bergin T., Gerringong llotel, Gerringong BergnistrW., refresh,. rooms, Thirroul Borgmann William A., store, Bundanoon "BerryRegister,"— E.J.Hannan, proprietor, Berry Berginark Otto, optician, (Millburn Berry School of Arts—J. Jacobs, sec., Berkery E., blacksmith, Eden Berry Berkliolz A., l'ydvil Hotel, Broken 1 1 111 cordialmanufacturer, Berry_Bros.,auctioneers.stockand eu 11.1, Berk ll11 roliko lz0 station agents, Gunnedall Berkholz F. WHotel, Broken Berry Mrs. A., store, Walisend Berry Constable, C.I'.S., Portland Berry D., carrier, Warren BeIrima il lA. E., draper, Scone Bermingham J., boots and shoes, Broken Berry I). 11., public school, Nowra Berry 1). II., secretary School of Arts,. 11111 Narrabri Bernard D.andCo.,pictureframe Berry G. L., Assistant C.P.S., Young makers, Newcastle Berm/scum( Mrs. A., store, North Wel- Berry George W. (13erry Bros.), Gunned:1h lington Berry II. Norman, A.F.I.A., accountant, Bernasconi F., tobacconist, Newcastle Newcastle Bernasconi Mrs. M., undertaker, cabinetBerry II. Norman, mine mgr., Newcastle • maker and fancy goods, Newcastle Berry Henry, woolscourcr, Belittle Bernasconi S., store, Wellington Bernhardt IL, hairdresser, Walgett Berry J. IL, builder, Albury 13erry J. 51., Ilomebush Hotel, Balranald Bernie Mrs., Marengo Hotel, Marengo Berry J. I, mgr. 13arrier Carrying Co.,. Berns S., tailor, Cownt Bernstein U., pawnbroker, Broken 11111 Broken Bill Derrell Misses, dressmakers, Crookwell Berry James M.,hotel, Hoinebush Berrick0.E.,manufacturers' agent, 'JerryMowbrayS., secretaryJockey Club, Gunnedall Newcastle Berry S., grocer, Broken 11111 Herrick L., watchmaker, Hamilton Berritam A. and H. Society, Berrigan Berry W. II., blacksmith, Bathurst Berry William, fanner, Yetholine "BERRIGAN ADVOCATE" (The) Berryman and Co., drapers, Narromine —IL \Vardrop, Prop., Berrigan (sue BerrymanB.E.,manager,LeallohneAdvt. Berrigan Section). Shalom (tuba BerriganAnetteur RaceClub—L.It. Bertha Madame, costumiere, Wollongong Mitchell, secretary, Berrigan Bertheisen J. A., blacksmith, MuralBerrigan Citizens' 'Tennis Club—J. Harlumball ding, secretary, Berrigan Bertles Miss Z., Girls' Grammar School, Berrigati Coursing Club—lt. Wardrop, (blithe!! Bertram Eric C., dentist, l'rangle secretary, Berrigan Berrigan MCI& Race Club—S. It. Mac- BertrandRev.Mother,prioress,Tho Dominican Convent, West Maitland pherson, sec., BerrIgan Berries, MlleClub—II.Martin,sec., Ilesant Walter, Hillside Colliery, Mere13errigan wetiter Harrigan Shire Council—H. Vagg, pres. ; Bushewalte .1., general store, Wellington W. Jernlyn, shire clerk ; II. Threlfall, Besiey II. C., mgr. Conrad Consolidated' engineer ; Thmints Bleasdale, A. It .8.1., Mines, Ltd., Ilowell sanitary inspector, Berrigan Berley George, coschistilder, Penrith Iterrigan School of Arts—R. Wardrop, Bosley .latites, plumber, East Greta Hesitant and 11111, auctioneers, stock stet secretary, Berrigan Berrigan Tennis Club-1). A. Scotland, shake' agents, etc., Yetis sec., Berrigan llosnard N. It., J.P., Vass Barletta District A.1 I. and I. Society— Bement Thomas(Hesitant andHill), :soon: Cullen, secretary, MOSS Vale auctioneer, Yams Alo Berrima DistrictCottage spltal— Best Bros., store, Parkes J. White, secretary, Bowral Best A. It., solicitor, 'Janina BerthasDistrictF.andI).Butter Best A. 0., stationer, etc., Hay Factory—G. Robson, manager, Mitts. Best C. II., fancy goods, I lay Best. Charles, mgr. Aunt. Bank of ComBerrima District Farm and Dairy Co. merce, Lhl., Bathurst —N. II. Throsloy, manager, Robertson Best F'., builder, Thirroul Berrima District Farmers' and I). 111Ik Best G. \V., teacher of piano, 1Ittlitint-• Co.,Ltd.—George11.Cole,mgr., blmby Macquarie st, Dubbo Best Geo., boots soul shoes, Parkes Berrinut District Friendly Assoelation- BestIt.,see.,MacquariePicnicRace. W. E. Stokes, secretary, Bowral Club, Dub's) Berthas District Gun Club, Moss Vale Best Rev. W. P., 3Ianilla Berrima District Hospital — Nurse Tar- Betar 13ros., gen. store, Stuart Town rant, matron, 'terrine' BethuneWilliam, sub-collectorIL% Herdin g. District Publishing Co , Bownd Customs, Newcastle BerrimaSchool of Arts—J.Artnlield, Bett and Son, produce merchants, Broken secretary, Iterrima Berriman 11. A., butcher, Krambach Betteridge Fred., Centennial Hotel, West. Berriman .T., produce dealer, Newcastle Maitland 13erringer John, cabinetmaker, Uralla 1312018011 111111Jackson,limekilns, Berry Agricultural ASSOC101011 —A. MeAttunga Collet/by,treasurer ; C. W. OsBETTS siws., Stock, Station and borne, sec., Berry Insurance Agents, Alolong (see Advt. Berry Co-operative Dairy Co.. Ltd., Berry Molong section Berry(David)CottageHospital—II. Betts and Co., store, Camden Bruce, secretary, Berry Berry Estate 011ice—Jainas Robertson, 'Setts A. II. and Son, solicitors, Goullaint Betts A. M., J.P., (Millburn J. P., limnager, Berry BerryGolfClub—H.Cox, secretary, Betts Arthur, blacksmith, 11111ston Betts E. A., see. MAO. for DisBerry charged Prisoners, Oottlburn ProgressAssociation—C. W. Be Osborne, secretar y, Berry WOOD AND COMPANY'S MORTUARY CHAPEL, THE ONLY ONE IN AUSTRALASIA, IS NOW IN DAILY UM ANTHONY HORDERNV — IT ISN'T A SHOP, IT'S AN INSTITUTION. 1211 BetCOUNTRY ALPHABETICAL. Bla Betts F., boots and shoes, Broken Hill Blaneybootmaker, Wentworth Falls Black Alex., gen. storekeeper, Forbes BionicCherie 4,CurraeabahStation, Black C. M., postmaster, etc., Berry fletts John blacksmith Elthain Boggabri Betts John, blacksmith, Shuttleton Black D., carpenter and produce merBevan II. and Sons, undertakers, Kurd Binnle F. P., bootni gker, Warns Creek chant, Young Binns H., bicycle supplies, Mittagong Black F. R., coach proprietor, Castle 11111 Korn Mike:duke Binitadt C. J., hotel, Black Fredk., conch prop., Gelaton Bevan II. and Sens, builders, Stockton Bloated t P. J., store, Bib benluke Black Rev. (1. (Meth.), Narrandera Bevan C. A., confectioner, Broken 11111 BevanVery Rev.Canon (C. of E.), BirbeckW.H., cordial manufacturer, Black George, butcher, Forbes Albury Broken 11111 Black I., wood yard, Forbes Be gan Frank, J.P., auctioneer, valuer, 131-chell Rev. S. (R.C.), Quirindi Black.1. M., store, Ayrdele Birch11111. N., physician, Canowindra etc., Wollongong Black J. T., coachimilder, Manilla BirdandWilliams,generalstore, Black Jaws W., saddler, Blayney Bevan John, tobacconist, Islington Gloucester Black John, butcher, flowlong Beveridge A. and It., timber merchants, Bird Mrs. B., wine shop, Allymbrook Black IL, pres. Bellingen Shire Council, Hamilton Bird the Very Rev. C. H. Golding, Dean Bellingen Beveridge A. and It., timber merchants, (C:of It:), Newcastle Black R., J.P., Collarenebri Islington Bird Ii., Emu Photo Co. Limore Black S. (1., timber merchant, Parkes BeveridgeandBurfitt,solicitors, Bird IL, grocer, East Maitland Black T., station manager, Bredbo gond ra Bird II. S., cycle agent, Arlah Park Black 'I'. A., "West Macquarie NewsBEVERIDGE H. B.. Auctioneer and flint John, fruiterer, Woy Woy paper," Blayney StockandSteno!)Agent,Junee Bird Mrs., umbrella repairer, Tamworth Black W. E., inspector of schools, Dubbo Junction(see Advt.June° Junction Bird Thomas, hairdesser, Trundle Black W. .1., fruiterer, Hardeu Section). Bird W. G., contractor, Cootamundra Black W. T., store, Uranquinty Beveridge W., pres. Illabo Shire Council, Ilirkbeck D., aignwriter, Kyogle Illackadder E., watchmaker, Molong Ill'kenhead A., house agent, Medlow Junee Junction Blackadder II., dentist, Crookwell Bevil' A., carrier, Inverell Birkenhead J. W., J. E'., insurance agent, Bliickall and Giddens, props. "Bundarra Bevin L. 11., painter, Peurith West Maitland; Advocate," 13undarra Birkenhead It. C., dentist, Orange Blacken and lima, chemists and dentist s, Bewley H. E., baker, \Vest Maitland Birkert Frank, vigneron, Minto Beynon Rev. J. IL (Pres.), Singleton Newcastle and Wallsend Birkett Miss A. C. V., teacher of violin, BlackenDr.,J. 1'.,physician,QueenBibb C. A., hairdresser, Coonamble Bibb S. It., Avenue Hotel, Coonamble Inverell beyan Bibbenluk°Shire' Council—Coulson lurks F. .1., fruiterer, Gligandra Blacken IL, chemist, Barraba Murphy, mils. ; G. D. Langley, clerk Birmingham Herbert, physician, Gout- Blacken It., dentist, Newcastle burn A. E. Newton, engineer, Bombala Blacken W. It., chemist, Woolgoolga BibbaL.M.,cordialinaker,Couna- Birnbaum M., laundry, Broken Hill Ilackburn F., piano tuner, Mudge° iss E., board'house, Katoomba Blackburn H. C., general store, Milton barabran Birney Mrs. George, boardingionise, Ka- Ilackburn J., watchmaker, Newcastle Bible Phil, tobacconist, West Maitland to:onto) Illbo W., ironmonger, Gundagal BackbuniW.,inspectorofpolice, Wollongong BickertonII.J.,blacksmith,West Bin& J., baker, Forbes IlackburaIV., Jour., piano tuner, InIiirrell \V., tobacconist, Portland Maitland BickertonILJ.,liverystables,West Bishop and Alderman, architects, Vain. verell worth BockhornWilliam,'Iattersall's Hotel, Maitland Bickerton W.,VolunteerHotel,West Bishop and Co., vinegar works, Hamilton Collarenebri Bishops' Registry—Rev. C. A. Brown, Backer J., saddler, Lake Cudgellico Ma Mend Bickford Nicholas, boardinghouse, Barregistrar, Monied' Slacker Mrs., hotel, Embalong Bishop C., White Horse Hotel, Goulburn Slacker John, blacksmith,LakeCudham Bishop E. C., J.P., general store, Maclean Blekle S. E. II., wine depot, Dubbo gellico Bishop IL, proprietor "Milton Times," Blacken A. D., rep. "E vetting News" end Nekton!' W., tailor, Maclean "Maitland Mercury" Newspapers, NewMilton lin:kin/ire C., pres. Tennis Club, Kuril Kurri Bishop.T.,wheelwright, Raymond castle Terrace Blacket and Son, auctioneers, etc., MacBickmore E., gen. store, Kurri Korn III Mop S., bootmuker, Alstonville quarie st, Dubbo Bidden Walter, store, Richmond Bishop S. T., .T.P., stationer, Gulgong ;Becket IL T., J.P., Dubbo Biddle A., hairdresser, Windsor Bishop W., dairy farmer, Ilurobodalla 'Becket Horace, store, Wingello Biddies 0., saddler, Callipbelltown lilddulph and Salenger, solicitors, Bourke Bishop W., J.1'., saddler, Mudgee Blackett A. T. and Co., stock and station Bishop W. C., wheelwright, Raymond agents, Coonamble Biggins A., auctioneer, Cessnoek Blaekett C., saddler, Coonamble Biggs Edward, mayor, Albion Park Terrace Bishop Mrs. W. C., milliner, Raymond Llackett H. R., contractor and underBiggs S. .1., mail contractor, Whitton Terrace taker, Youog Biggs W. J., Commercial Hotel, Broken Bishop W. J., carrier, Orange Blackett J. It., surveyor, Bathurst .11111 !Sisley F. IL, Sec. Tennis Club, Canbelego Blackheath Progress Association—If. R. Biggs S. W., One Tree Hotel, Booligni 1114sell W., painter, Woonona Neate, secretary, Blackheath Bigmore A., grocer, Milparinka Big nell C. E., Commercial Hotel, Windsor Bissell W. M., insurance agent, Bathurst Black lieatil School of Arts—It. McIntosh, Ilissett IL 0., auctioneer, Milton secretary, Blackheath Bigwood George, dealer, Pelaw Main llissett It., fruiterer, llinckhentil Bilkington MN., fruiterer, Woolgoolga Black'', Misses, music teachers, Albury Ilisiett William, dairyman, Mt. Vincent 1311ackle —, chemist, Albury Bill J., farrier, Windellaum TamBizant andLye,coachbuilders, Mackie 0. C., engineer, W ngga Wagga Bills IV., Bridge Hotel, Goulburn worth IllackleyJohn,generalstore,ScarBillett J., boots and shoes, Penrith Bizell Mrs., cafe, Warren borough Billinglam G., tailor, Molong Black A. I'. and Co., drapers, Camden Illacklock F.C.,motorcycleagency, .11111ingsley John, carrier, Narrabrl Albury BillIngtonandCo.,photographers, Black Bros., store, Castle Hill Black Bros., general store, Cumnock Inverell L ACKM AN ELLIS. Livery and Black and Co., stock and station agents, B Letting Millington II., photographer, Mores Stables, Quirindi (see Advt .; Collgrenebri Bilsborrow C., dentist,. Dubbo Black John and Sons, millers, Molong Blackman IL, store, Budge° Budges Ilimmll 'Slick and Tile Works, Eden Black and Sons, flour mills, Oradell Blackman H. E., store, Cook's Gap Bince W., oyster saloon, (lament Binder (1., chemist, Mack:wine BlackMountainDairyCo.,Black BlackmanThomas,fruiterer,Gulargambone Monntain Bindon F., saddler, Nowra Blackmore O. S., store, Currabubula Bingara School of Arts—T. D. Ryan, Black, Pelting and Co., store, Oaklands Black \V. and Son, hairdressers, Queen- Blackmer° II., general store, Galston sec., Bingara Blackmer° J., butcher, Springwood beyan Dingman!' E. C., manager Commercial Black and White Studios, Tamworth Blackmore W. P., solicitor, Bellingen Banking Co. of Sydney, Ltd., Begs Black A., boots and shoes, Woonona Illackshaw A.E., secretary Hospital, Bingham E. A., printer, Mungindi Bathurst Tingley G., produce dealer, Upper Manilla Black A., Exchange Hotel, Bellingen WOOD AND ANTHONY HORDERNS' — A PARADISE OF ECONOMY. COMPANY: t DIRECTORS OF N.S.W. : SYDNEY. Iterset° 07.2,."0,11. G.T71) BlaCOUNTRY ALPHABETICAL. Bod13s Blacktown Shiro Council—Thomas Will-!Illaxland It. and Co., stock and station mot, J.P., pros. ; Hugh Reid, clerk agents, Annidale J. 0. Griffin, shire engineer, Blacktown IllaxlandE. T.,manager Commercial Blackwell C. E. and Sons, general store, Banking Co. of Syd., Ltd., Grafton Bangalow I Illaxland F., auctioneer, Farley Blackwell E. v., postmaster, Manila :111exland F. J., auctioneer, West MultBlackwell F., manager, Union Bank of iland Aust., Cessnock Maximo'. IL, hairdresser, Forbes Blackwell G., manager CityBank of • Illaxland It., J.P., Armidale Sydney, Ltd., Thigh,' Blayney A.andP.Association—D. BlackwoodMrs.W.,boardinglionae, Westgarth, see., Bleyney Wollongong Blayney Council—W. Price, town clerk, Blade G., receiving post office and store, Illayney Bin/Wyllie Blayney Freezing Works—F. Hopwood, IlladonN.,secretaryEsbankIronlocal manager, Illayney workers'sickundAccidentFund, Blayne)'ProgressAssociation —I. J. Lithgow Clements, sec., Illayney Bladwell'and Co., tellers, Goulburn Blayney School of ArLs—W. A. Elston, Blagrave J. C., acting C.1'. S., Byrock secretary, Illayney Walk le J., dairyman, Penritli IlleasdaleThomas,A.118.1.,sanitary Mini° J. C., manager Commercial Bank inspector, Shire Council, Benign!' of Aust. Ltd. West W along Bleochmore IV. A., sett. constable, MilBlalklock W., saddler, Gladstomue gong BlairAliasE.,see.w.e.T.u.,West Blessing W. C., dentist, Glen Innes Maitland BletchleyMrs., FamilyHotel, Broken Blair Henry, hairdresser, Maclean Hill Blair James, fruiterer, Port Macquarie Illewitt .T. and Sons, saddlers, Newcastle Blair James, mail contractor, Bendeinver Mick .1. W., manager Grafton Dairy Co., Blair Jas., semi,, saddler, Port Macquarie Grafton Illair M. J. C. saddler, Walcha Illigh Amateur Race Club—S. B. Rouse, Blair Robert, auctioneer, Macksville secretary, Mudge° . Blake Charles, hairdresser, Weston Bligh W. If., builder, etc., Parkes Blake James, baker, Tumberumba Blight George, builder, Frederickton Blake Mrs. Jane, Exchange llotel, Largs Blight Jos., Railway Hotel, Lockhart Blake 1'. W., bookseller, Albury 13Iinkhorn George, fruiterer, Freshwater Blake Robert, saddler, Adaminaby Bliss Bros., brickinakers, Bathurst Illakeley G., dairy, Bungowanuall BlissWilliam and Co.,generalstore, Blakeman Mrs. Annie C., "Bowenfels," liuslhimta Katoonilm Bliss H. l'., saddler, Annidale Blakemore Mrs. T. IL, grocer, Hamilton Bliss J. J., butcher, Annidale Illakeney Jas., saddler, Tuniut Bliss J. T., briekniaker, Bathurst Blakeney It. IL, newsagent, etc., Coraki Illointiold Cyril,chairinanP.P.Board, illakeney Rowland, Farmers' and SetHay tlers' Association, Tema Illointleld E. A., J.P., mgr. Cionmerelal Blakey Mrs., gen. store, Wallsend Banking Co. of Sydney, Candelo Manley J. C., draper, Voting Bloinfield It. C., chairman l'.P. hoard, Blarney It. II., sec. Murrumbidgee CoAnnidale operative Milling CO, Ltd., Wagga Blointield F., chemist, Bathurst Blanch G., cordial manuf., Broad water 131ornfield 11. A., dist. engineer (public Blanch G. A. E., prop. Southampton works), Wollongong Butter Factory, Grafton Blonifield IL M., solicitor, Bega Blanch Geo., Caledonian Hotel, Wyrallall Blonaleld II. IL, stock inspector P.P. Blanch II., seta., gen. store, Nelsou's Bay Board, Cooma Blanch IL, tinsmith, Raymond Terrace Bloomfield II. 111., see. Comm' Polo C11111, Blanch M., sec. Elite Club, Tenterfield Cooma Blanche IL T., nutnager Aunt. Bank of Bleu/field T. V., vet. surgeon, Kleine Commerce, Ltd., Forbes Blomley and Perkins, smuwimmills, TumbaBlancidleldJ.,managerWoodstock rumba Central Dairy Co., Ltd., Jamberoo BloinleyGeorge,UnionHotel,TomBlanc/111°1d J., hairdresser, Liimore baruinba Illanchtlent T., hairdresser, Gerringong Bloinley IL, watchmaker, Tomtit Bland and Cunningham, solicitors, Bega flood Mrs. A. C., fruiterer, Katoomba BlandShireCOIIIICII—GeorgePolito!), Blood W. F., store, Grafton mei'. ; Ti10111n8 A. Crowe, shire clerk Bloom° J. H., refresh. rooms, katoomba T.F.Smith,shire engineer, West BloomeJ. 11., Hotel Alexandria, Laura Wyalong Bloomfield Colliery', East Maitland Bland C. I'., contractor, Narrandera Bloomfield Cyril, manager, Gelant StaBlaild J., watchmaker, Brentwood tion, Hay Bland P., cycle agent, Blayney Bloomfield H. A.,wheatbuyer, stock, Bland T., Coffee Palace, Newcastlestation and general commission agent, Blandford F. C. contractor, Hamilton Wellington Blaney II. P., physician, Coolall Bloomfield S., solicitor, Gosford Illankley J., hairdresser, CII [calmBloomfield W., boardinghouse, Bellambi Illasbalk Morris, matchmaker, Albury Bloore A., sec. Ashford Coal Co., Ltd., Blatch A., tea merchant, IVoonona Ashford !RatchfordV.,managerCommercial Moore A., legal nigr., Elsinore Valley Bank, Canowindra Prospecting Syndicate (N.I..), Inverell Biaxial J., carpenter, Go/medal' Bloom Arthur, business manager, "illBlaxland Shire Council—Charles .1100re, vault Times," Inverell pres. ; J. W. Stocks shire clerk • B. A. Bloore Arthur, stock and Motion agent, Heffernan,shireengineer,%Vatternetc., Otho et, Inverell wang Bloore Arthur, sec. Chamber of ComBlaxland, Mawson, Rose, solicitors, inure°,Hospital,andJockeyClub, Cooma Inverell WOOD AND COMPANY Bloore C. 0., ingr. Government SavingsBank, Amnion' MooreF.W.,publicschool,East. Maitland Moore F. W., see. East Maitland Public Service Assn., East 3ialtland Moore W. F., 1' .P., manager Bank of N,S.W,, Casi mmo Mott J., billiard saloon, Tainworth Blow .T., cycle agent, Berry Blow M., draper, Grafton Blows A. W., see. Fruitgrowers' ASSOCiar Hon, Orange Blows John, general store, Booral Blows W., fancy goods, Broken 11111 Bloxhain II. K., land and labour agent, Bourke Blue Mountains II. and 1, Society—C. L. Dash, hon. sec., K atomnba Blue 'Mountains Chill Club—Secs., A. J. Craig,Leura ;H.It,Goyder,Katoomba Blue Mountains Jockey Club—L. Goldstein, sec. Katoomba BlueMom:tali) ShireCouncil—S. II. Walker,hires. ;JohnGlassop,alike clerk ; P. Caro, shire engineer, Lawson Illuett J., ironfounder, etc., Tainworth Blulidorn Mrs., milliner and costumier°, Springwood Blum P., photographer, Glen Oak Monier C., school teacher, Goolburn Blumer L., inspector of schools, Singleton Blundell .1. W., see.Newcastle Wharf Labourers' Union, Newcastle Blundell Mrs., boardinghouse, Newcastle !Minden F. It., sewing machine agent,. Wellington Blundell11.IL, solicitor and coroner, Milton Blunder) J. C., Club House Hotel, Warren Blunt C. S., plumber, Coolah Blunt T., butter factory, Muswellbrook Blythe P. C. manager Ilnolearrol Station, NarraLri Blythe W., hon. see. Master Printers' Association, Newcastle Blythe W., painter, Islington Illythinan .1., livery stables, Muss Vale Illyton Edmund, skin dealer, Nimitybelle. Blyton Mary, store, Eastern Creek Boack A. W., hairdresser, Wrightville Bong John, auctioneer, Milton Boak W., coachbuilder, Borten Junction Roan Bros., drapers, Broken 11111 Board E. and Co., drapers, Windaor Board and Co., estate agents, Newcastle Board F. J., architect, !Asinine BoardII,J.,Tuggerah LakesHotel,. Tuggerah Lakes Boardman Edwin, butcher, Bowral Boardman F., butcher, Camden Boardman G. IL M., painter, !Sega Boardman I. IL, blacksmith, Kempsey Bonrilmon IL, botcher, Picton Boardman W. M., upholsterer, Ilega Boatwright J., timber merchant, Reedy Creek Boatwright J. J., builder, Delungra Miamian Dr., physician, Parkes Bob M., draper, Raymond Terrace Hobart A., physician, Nowra Bobroski Miss, store, Bathurst Bock John IL, store, etc., Mathoura Bookman!' IL, laundry, Albury Bodalla Co., Ltd., gem. store, Bodalla Bodden IL, store, East Orange Dodd)' Florence, photographer, Harailtois Boddy Miss K., music teacher, Newcastle Bodily S. A., photographer, Newcastle Bode It. F. T., civil engineer, West Maitland Bode T. C., Royal Victoria Hotel, Wollon- • gong RECEIVE DAILY ORAL AND WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THEIR MORTUARY MIAMI.
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