Annual Report - YMCA of Muncie


Annual Report - YMCA of Muncie
2012 Annual Report
Because we believe that all kids deserve the opportunity to discover who they are and
what they can achieve, the Y is for Youth Development. Through our Y, thousands of
youth in our communities are cultivating the values, skills and relationships that lead to
positive behaviors, better health and educational achievement.
Improving the community’s health and well-being is a priority for our Y. At the Y, we
help children and adults understand and value their health, and we nurture their wellbeing. The Y brings families closer together, encourages good health and fosters connections through fitness, sports, fun and shared interests. As a result, youth, adults
and families are receiving the support, guidance and resources needed to achieve
greater health and well-being for their spirit, mind and body.
At the Y, strengthening community is our cause. Our Y has been listening and responding to our communities’ most critical needs since 1875. Whether developing skills or
emotional well-being, welcoming and connecting diverse populations or advocating for
healthier communities, the Y fosters the care and respect all people need and deserve.
Tara Smalstig
Chair, YMCA Board of Directors
Cathy Clark
YMCA Association Board of Directors
Monte Brown
Bob Beasly
Chris Cook
Brendon Comp
Andrew Dale
Jeff Daniels
Gary Demaree
Nancy Hoffman
Elizabeth Jared
Larry King
Tom Leaird
Ted Leas
Jeff Mantock
Shawn Moore
Rhonda Murr
Susanne Reising
Jim Riggle
Tara Smalstig (Chair)
Joe Smith
Steve Smith
Apple Tree YMCA
Board of Managers
Blackford County Y
Board of Managers
Downtown YMCA
Board of Managers
Missy Arnold
Herb Curtis
Nancy Hoffman (Chair)
Cindy Iavagnilio
Courtney Jarrett
Bobbie Leaird
Sarah Pierce
Karen Swank
Lynn Staley
Lora Tenpenny
Jim Barry
Dave Bowman
Vince Cimino
Richard Fishback
Amanda Harker
Bill Hess
Fred Hoffman
Ted Leas (Chair)
Daniel Maddox
Scott Malott
Bob Ball
Chris Bunch
Jama Mason
Lisa Nellessen-Lara
Joseph Smith (Chair)
Karen Wenger
Northwest YMCA
Board of Managers
Yorktown YMCA
Board of Managers
Steven Bassett
Bob Beavers
Harold Clay
Tina Drummond
Will Isaacs
Elizabeth Jared (Chair)
Amanda Kenney
Mike Lunsford
Ron Martin
Clarence Petty
Steven Smith
Jason Brooks
Brendon Comp
Molly Day
Lon Fox
Ted Johnson
Mike Lingenfelter
Steve Moore
Rhonda Murr (Chair)
Julie Powers
Dan Wolfert
Pat Zeabart
Camp Crosley YMCA Board of Managers
Frank Ball
Lisa Bookout
Monte Brown
Brian Carr
Gary Demaree
Joe Dowdle
Jud Fisher
Jim Gooden
Will Gooden
Eric Hopp
Priscilla Jamora
Steve Kern
MaryAnn Matchett
Terri Matchett
Jud Motsenbocker
Frank Petty
Tammy Phillips
Susanne Reising (Chair)
Lon Sloan
Randy Stoops
Nick Tokar
Terry Walker
Bob Walsh
Across the communities our Y serves, our committed staff and volunteers are
kids, parents, grandparents, neighbors and local leaders. They understand that
together we can build stronger, more inclusive communities, provide support
for families and promote positive change overall.
After years trying to find family members or friends to watch her oldest son while she
worked (and missing work many times because she was without dependable child care)
Amber Shewmake found herself looking for excellent, dependable child care.
With a 4-year-old, a 6-month old and an infant on the way, finding a child care center
with room for all three was a challenge. A friend from work told her about Apple Tree
YMCA. Her friend said that her own son was in good hands there.
“I decided to check it out and I loved it!” Amber said of her first visit to Apple Tree.
“I felt so relieved.”
Her oldest, Brayden, started kindergarten this year and was
“beyond ready,” she said. “They have been working on sight
words all year long at school and most of them he was
taught at Apple Tree.”
Keyirah, now 2 years old, knew some sign
language before her first birthday, and has
learned her ABCs, how to count and knows
all her colors. She was also completely potty
trained shortly after her second birthday with the
help of her Apple Tree teachers.
Amber’s youngest child, Lillyana, who is nearing age 2, also knows her
ABCs, and has also begun talking and expressing herself more in the past
few months – and she’s using the potty now, too.
“I have had some tough times in the past couple years being a single mother of three,
but the employees at Apple Tree have been there and helped so much,” Amber said. “I
could not ask for better people to be with my children while I work. All of the employees
at Apple Tree have been wonderful not only to my children but to me also.”
When Amanda was a toddler, developmental pediatricians told her parents that she had
a severe speech delay, might never speak, would not read because she could not use
phonics and would not do math because it was too abstract.
In 4th grade, hoping Amanda could do as her older brother and sister had done, her
parents took her to visit Camp Crosley YMCA. Amanda took a lengthy walk and talk with
then staff Rev. Lauren Hall, after which her parents were assured that she would be fine
as a camper. She attended for several years.
Now 24 years old, Amanda is in Chile on a mission trip as part of her
graduate school program. She recently lived in the Valparaiso,
Chile YMCA and worked as a YMCA camp counselor there.
“The girl who I was not sure could handle YMCA
camp is in a foreign country as a YMCA camp
counselor,” Amanda’s father said.
This bright young lady who was
never expected to speak, read or
write, not only conquered those obstacles,
but graduated from high school in National
Honor Society, Holy Cross College with Summa Cum
Laude honors, and earned a 4.0 her first semester at University
of Saint Francis in the physical therapy program. She has been to every
continent except Antarctica… and as her father proudly stated, “knows all
the words to Grey Squirrel.”
Did you know?
At Camp Crosley YMCA, every child and teen is given the opportunity
to learn, grow and experience adventure, regardless of his or her
developmental accomplishments.
Losing 100 pounds in two years was not Patrick’s expectation in January 2011 when
he decided to get moving and try to lose some weight. But when his first week at the
Y – doing whatever he had the stamina for – yielded a 12-pound weight-loss, he was
A few months later, group exercise instructor Amanda Kenney recruited Patrick to try
her strength class. He joined in, and continued to not only lose weight, but also toned
up and built muscle.
“I started doing things that I never would
have imagined I could do,” Patrick said.
“Since joining Amanda’s class, I have tried
several different classes with different
instructors and found something I like and
something helpful in all of them.”
Two years ago: 423 pounds, chronic back, knee
and foot pain, and winded from walking up a few
stairs . Today: down 100+ pounds, following a healthy
eating plan, no chronic pain. Patrick can now even run a
10-minute mile!
“I couldn’t have done it by myself,” he said. “I had ‘fans’ – fellow
Y members – total strangers, who would approach me and tell me
how well I was doing, even tell me that I was an inspiration. Many of those people have
since become my friends.”
Did you know?
The YMCA Diabetes Prevention Program, in its first year
at our Y, helped dozens of people understand their risk
and improve their eating habits and physical regimen.
Sonny McCoy was semi-retired and moderately active, doing cardio exercise every day
and maintaining his home and yard. But following a devastating stroke in 2010, he
could hardly move at all and was left without speech.
“The stroke took a toll on Sonny,” his wife Cheryl said. “He spent the whole summer in
the hospital and received three therapies – occupational, physical and speech – every day.”
Sonny returned home weak, with little ability to communicate and requiring full-time
care. Cheryl, a school teacher, and daughter Rebecca, an instructor at the Y, shared a
care schedule to ensure he could get to all of his therapies and doctor appointments.
Since Sonny couldn’t be left at home
alone, Rebecca began taking him to her
Senior Strength classes at the Y. Over
time, his balance, flexibility and strength
have increased. He participates in all of the
exercises and enjoys all of the people.
“It has helped his physical and emotional recovery,” Cheryl said. It’s important to him to be able to
try things on his own. It helps with his feelings of independence and normalicy. Because of that, when I retired
I went to the Y.”
Cheryl said they continue to go to the Y, mostly for the supportive, encouraging and
caring people and the genuine feeling of community. They stay after classes for coffee,
and even though Sonny hasn’t regained his speech, he enjoys participating in social time.
Sonny doesn’t have physical therapy appointments any more, according to Cheryl.
Instead, they enjoy attending Y classes together as part of his healing journey.
“The Y is so important to him. It’s meant the quality of life difference for him.”
There’s more to martial arts than meets the eye. That’s certainly the case for 14-yearold Toby and other teens like him in the Martial Arts Program at the Blackford
County Y.
The Blackford county Probationary Department and Judge
Dean Young sent Toby to the Y following a minor probationary offense. In just 6 months, Martial
Arts has impacted his life in many positive
ways: he has a place to belong and has
a new focused direction, not only during school time, but outside of school
as well. He also practices martial arts
diligently at home (which wards off
Toby has already been promoted to yellow belt, and
has done so well in Martial Arts, in school and with his family
life that he has been selected by his probationary officer Mr. Aaron
Henderson, to attend Camp Crosley YMCA this summer.
Did you know?
The Blackford County Probationary Dept. and Judge Dean Young
have committed Invest In Youth funds for probationary students who
continue to do well in the Y’s martial arts program. These students
spend a week at Camp Crosley YMCA.
Angry, depressed and overweight, Darcie Brooks knew that if she didn’t like what she
saw in the mirror and respect herself, then she wasn’t being the example she wanted to
be for her daughter.
“I began making an honest attempt to change those things in myself that I wasn’t proud
of,” Darcie said. “First was my attitude and outlook on life. Second was to decrease my
weight and increase my fitness and health so I could be around for my daughter as long
as possible.”
At the Yorktown Y, Darcie found what
she needed. She started taking Zumba
with her daughter. There they found
laughter together. She also got to know
the instructors, who she said became a major source of support.
“I can always count on being missed when I’m
away, encouraging words when I am struggling, and
shared celebrations when I succeed,” she said. “My
Zumba class taught me self-confidence and the joy of
laughing again.”
Darcie loves life again. She’s more fit than she has been in her entire life, and she’s lost
80+ pounds in the process. But her journey has not been about losing weight. She says
it’s about being a mother whose daughter looks at her as she grows up and thinks that
maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to turn out a little like mom.
Did you know?
We often hear of the fun our members have during our classes! But
group exercise classes are more than that. They’re an opportunity to get
well-rounded fitness at any level, and a place to build friendships and
Camp Crosley YMCA alumni Jack Campbell had the time of his life summer after summer.
It wouldn’t have been possible without the dedication of then Camp director Frank
Pettijohn, and the donors who generously gave in sponsorship of campers like Jack.
The first year Jack went to Camp was 1933. From a working single parent family, an
only child who spent a lot of time with his grandparents, Jack had attended a Bible
Study at the Y. Those who achieved 100% on their Bible Study got a free week at Camp
that summer.
Jack enjoyed his first week working, learning and playing at Camp so much that he
asked Pettijohn to let him stay another week. In order to do so, Pettijohn
asked him to whitewash stones marking the path to Camp. The next
year, he returned, earning his extended stay as a table setter
and bread-and-butter boy in the dining hall. Jack returned
every summer from age 8 to 18, spending his last three
years working on the waterfront.
“I think the biggest impact on him was the direction he got
from Pettijohn,” Jack’s son Jim said. “He was in a situation where
he could have gone either way – being a good kid or not – and Camp was
the positive influence. Several boys there were in similar situations.”
Jim fondly recalls not only stories his father told of Camp, but also his own visits to
Camp Crosley with his dad, siblings, his own children and niece and nephew for Camp
Alumni reuinions. Wanting to pay
it forward for the influence
Camp Crosley had on Jack’s life,
Jim and the rest of the family
have sponsored youth to spend
a week at Camp numerous times.
“Other than his family, Camp was
Dad’s greatest love.”
As a leading non-profit in the communities we serve, the Y has a track record and onthe-ground presence to move communities forward. As a charity, we work every day to
address community needs and ensure that all are welcome and that no one is turned
away due to inability to pay.
YOUTH DEVELOPMENT: Nurturing the potential of every child and teen
“Going to the Y means having a safe place to go and nice people to take care of me.”
—Kaytlyn, age 9, Apple Tree YMCA
569 Child care and day camp participants
2,563 Youth Program participants
12,000 Youth served through Camp Crosley YMCA
4,238 Family and Community events participants
33,032 ChildWatch and KidZone visits
HEALTHY LIVING: Improving our communities’ health and well-being
“What I have gained from being a member is not only losing weight, but also learning how to maintain
a healthy lifestyle, develop and build long-lasting healthy relationships, and being able to reach out
and help others.” —Jama, Downtown Y
1,843 Visits to Group Exercise classes and Wellness Programs each week
13,522 YMCA of Muncie members
385,428 Annual member visits
SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: Giving back and providing support to our neighbors
“I have been impressed with the depth and breadth of the Y. Prior to volunteering, I thought the Y
was about fitness, but I have discovered there is so much more. The Y is a great organization to
participate in and the deeper your involvement, the more you learn about the good works being done
on a daily basis.” —Chris Cook, volunteer/campaigner/corporate member
$243,400 Invest in Youth Campaign donations
199 Campaign Volunteers
1,045 Campaign Donors
Volunteers gave a total of 12,817 hours of their time worth $279,282
$559,752 in childcare, camping and membership financial assistance,
and youth and community development support given
The Y accomplishes its life changing work every day with the essential help of a community of supporters
– individuals, foundations, associations and corporations – who share our vision for a brighter future.
You are our partners in making tomorrow better for all, and we thank you for your generosity.
$1,000 and up
3 M Company
Best Buy
Blackford Co. Health
Blackford Community
Bob Renner
Camp Crosley Alumni
Cathy Clark
Cheryl & Larry New
C.S. Kern
Diana Badger
Donald Stetson
Fitness & Exercise
Frank Ball
General Truck Sales
Gerrold Fisher
Indian Guides
Indiana American Water
Indiana University
Innovative Concepts
John Emert & Elizabeth
John Willman
John Willmann
Karen Wenger
Karo Inc
Al Smith
Ashlee Bane
Beauchamp McSpadden
Blackford Co.Sheriff
Brett Lanpher
Brian Jennerjahn
Catherine Hardwick
Christopher Cook
Coldwell Banker
Country Shack
Crabtree Photo
David Bustos
David George
David Heeter
Debbie Ford
Deborah Todd
Derrick Williams
Dr. Max&Barbara Rudicel
Elsbeth Fritz
Erin Donovan
First Merchants Bank
G & G Oil
Gail Chesterfield
Gary Demaree
GEA Architects, LLP
George & Linda Branam
Hartford Kiwanis
Herbert Curtis
James Fisher
Jammie Bane
Jane Maddox
Jeff Mantock
Jennifer Adams
Jeremy Hunt
Joe & Nancy Tynan
John Bowles
Jon Anderson
Joseph Smith
Jud Fisher
Kiwanis Club Of Muncie,Inc
Laura Gill
Lon And Robin Fox
Marilyn Nathan
Marilyn Nathan
Mary Ann Matchett
Monte Brown
Mutual Bank
Old National Bank
Paul & Michele Maginot
Priscilla Jamora
Richard Armstrong
Robert Beasley
S. A. Boyce Company
Sallie Mae
Steven Behrman
Steven Thompson
Terry Walker
The Star Press
Waldo Beebe
West Bend Community
William Stensrud TTEE
Louann Shannon
Mark Battig
Mark Rosinski
Mark-Raean Rosenthall
Masonic Lodge
Melanie Schreiner
Mursix Corporation
Nancy Hoffman
Natalie Anderson
OJC Trucking Inc.
Psi Iota Xi
R. Don Bell
Ronald Martin
Rotary Club
Severino-Karen Sulit
Shannon Ulrich
Stefan Anderson
Steve & Barbara Smith
Susanne Reising
Tamara Phillips
Tonya Locke
Walk-Run DT Program
Wayne Sholtey
Welch & Company LLC
Whitinger Strategic
$500 - $999
$100 - $499
Aaron Fields
Adam McGriff-Tharp
Aimee Hollowell
Alan Habansky
Allan Nowakowski
Amanda Boozier
Amanda Kenney
Amanda Marconi
Amanda Tschuor
Amber Penrod
Amy Yager
Andrea Mabee
Andrew Glentzer
Andy Almquist
Ann Johnson
Annemarie Voss
Anthony Haughn
April Nicholson
Avanelle Reed
Bales & Alexander
Barbara Booher
Barbara Burgauer
Barry & Karen Smalstig
Barry Turner
Bob Teters
Bonham Insurance
Brandon Jenkins
Brian Gibbons
Brian Shrieve
Brinkman’s Shoes
Caitlin Smith
Carol Reed
Carol Seals
Carolyn Landis
Catherine Galliher
Cathie Miller
Cathy Poolman
Celeste O’Korn
Central Indiana Orthopedics
Charles Gallatin
Charles Morris
Charles Sursa
Cherrise Eckrich
Chip Alexander
Chris Hollon
Chris Long
Chris Miller
Christine Bohn
Christine Ruh
Cindy And Wil Davis
Cindy Franklin
Cindy Hill
City Tool & Machine
Clarence Petty
Claude Carter
Comprehensive Financial
Courtney Jarrett
Cynthia Iavagnilio
Daily News Adv.
Dairy Queen Of Muncie
Damage Doctors
Dan Borgenheimer
Daniel Hammond
Daniel Thornhill
Daniel Wolfert
Danielle Ferrell
Darrell Mcknight
Daryl Morrical
Dave Bouman
Dave Sheldon
David Costill
David Hershberger
David Karnes
David Ryser
Dawn Fluhler
Deb Smith
Debbie Pike
Debra Wise
Defur Voran LLP
Denise Kelley
Derek Ruttan
Don Park
Donald Dennis
Donald Ross
Donna Bookout
Donna Stanley
Doug And Lynna Spence
Earl Lloyd
Economy Motors
Edge Manufacturing
Edward Armantrout
Elizabeth Parkison
Elizabeth Whittern
Emery Peck
Emily Collins
Emily Schroeder
Eric Hindmon
Eric Miller
Erica Pasquini
Estep & Burkey & Simmons
Faith Sherwood
Fincannon Ford
First Presbyterian Church
Floyd Liechty
Frances Sargent
Frank Krause
Frank Petty
Franklin Weyl
Fred Hoffman
Gail Phillips
Gareth Morgan
Gary Schliessman Sr.
Gary Whittern
Gill Bros., Inc.
Grace United Methodist
Gretchen Fields
Gwen Carey
Hank Milius
Hannah Badger
Harold Clay
Harris Chapel Church
Hayley Ann Hall
Heather Kublnick
Home Laureates Extension
Hunter Petroviak
J.R. Flooring
Jack & Jane Buckles
Jaime Lemna
James & Debra McGriff-Tharp
James Jones
James Mochal
James Wagner
James Wegener
Jamie Young
Jan Kornilow, M.D.
Jane Duckworth
Jane Ludwig
Jane Murray
Janet Goff
Jarod Walls
Jason & Missy Arnold
Jason Brooks
Jay-Crew Landscape
Jeff Bender
Jeff Bird
Jeff Cline
Jennifer Abrell
Jennifer Carrier
Jennifer Clamme
Jennifer Kidd
Jennifer Wilson
Jerry Edwards
Jessica Carr
Jessica Vogel
Jill & Gerald Miels
Joann Mckinney
Jody Daunhauer
Joe Landwehr
John “Dave” Tolbert
John & Jane Beekman
John & Susan Lescher
John Isenbarger
John Lee
John Moore
Jon Hendrix
Jon Orlosky
Jordan Knox
Joseph Whited
Joy & Jerry McDowell
Joy Wegener
Jud Motsenbocker
Judith Roepke
Judith Truax
Julie Wegener
Karen Beard
Karen Haller
Karen Swank
Karen Trappe
Karly Walters
Keith Miller
Kelli Petroviak
Kemuel Badger
Ken Wiley
Kendal Baker
Kenny’s Floor Covering
Kevin Basey
Kevin Christy
Kimber Conner
Kimberly Burrell
Kimberly Hardy
Kira Childers
Knights Of Columbus 1639
Kristen McConnell
Kristen Spencer
Kristie Malott
Kurt Pickering
Laundry Basket
Laura Hernandez
Laurie Harris
Leaird - Jones Farms
Lee Anna Hawk
$100 - $499 (cont.)
Leland Wilhoite
Leland Wilhoite
Leonard Zeabart
Leslie Woefel
Linda Avra
Linda Needham
Linda Staley
Linn Crull
Lisa Nellessen-Lara
Logan Woolums
Lois Futrell
Lon Sloan
Louis Church
Lourdes Gomez
Luke Laskowski
Lyn Estell
Lynn Crosser
Mackenzi Dudley
Malcolm Metzler
Marcia Freeman
Marcie Undem
Margaret Kirkpatrick-Sikora
Marianne Vorhees
Marilyn Casey
Marilyn Petrie
Mark And Susan Handy
Mark Greenberg
Mark Jones
Mark Townsend
Mark Wamsley
Markus Hinton
Marshall Trusler
Mary Beth Gibbons
Mary Foster
Mary Jane Sursa
Mary Jo Estep
Matt Shafer
Max & Nyla Hile
Maxie Malott
Megan Alexander
Merry’s Miller Manor
Michael Ashman
Michael Moran
Michael Snider
Michael Wright
Michelle Eldridge
Michelle Rodeffer
Midwest P.o.s.
Mike & Joyce Huff
Mike Fleck
Molly Day
Monica Daugherty
Muncie Coin/Stamp
Muncie Power Products
Muncie Tennis
Murray’s Jewelers
Mutual Bank
Nancee & Tom Kinghorn
Nancy Campbell
Nancy Elliott
Neil & Jane Schmottlach
Nick Shipe
Norm’s Paint
O. Dennis Neal
Old National Bank
Pacesetter Bank
Paizley Sandlass
Pam & Scott Walker
Pat Brunette
Patricia Aul
Patricia Carter
Patsy Donn
Patti Garrett
Patty McVicker
Paul Jellison
Peggy Adams
Peter Voss
Phyllis Matchett
Prayer Point Press
Priscilla Davis
Ralph Dennis
Rebecca Brey
Rebecca Gilliam
Rebecca Pence
Rees & Comp Ins
Rhonda Murr
Richard & Joan McKee
Richard & Mary Prescott
Richard Clasby
Richard Douglass
Richard Fishback
Richard Goetz
Richard Mckinney
Richard Nowakowski
Richard Shafer
Rick Wilber
Rob Rudicel
Robert “Bob” South
Robert Barry
Robert Kersey
Robert Ratchford
Roderick Schueler
Ron Wolf
Ronald Brown
Ronald Fauquher
Rotimi Afesumeh
Rozella Kimble
Ryan & April Wallace
Ryan Hunter
Sally Johnson
Sally Rudicel
Sandra Rogers
Sandrina Saintignon
Sara Shade
Sarah Maclean
Sarah Quinn
Sarah Swift
Scott Devoe
Scott Rudicel
Scott Shockley
Scott Taylor
Scott Trout
Sharon Crain
Sharon Kuzma
Shelly Shrock
Shirley Perry
Show Me’s
Smith Consulting, Inc
Stacy Johnson
Stephen Moore
Steve & Julie Griffin
Steve Shell
Steve Shondell
Steven West
Stewart Brown
Stoops Automotive
Stu Armstrong
Sue Paul
Susan Allardt
Susie Parkison
Tabitha Snyder
Tanya Dellinger
Tara & Scott Smalstig
Taylor University
Ted Fullhart
Ted Johnson
Ted Leas
Teresa Martin
Teresa Willman
Terry Davis
Terry Lothamer
The Andersons Inc.
Thomas Cannon
Thomas Clark
Thomas Leaird
Thomas Lescavage
Thomas Marquell
Thomas Mengelt
Thomas Peck
Tiffany Carpenter
Tim Cleland
Timothy Lee
Tk Constructors
Tod Reed
Tom Kosar
Tom Kosar
Tonya Locke
Town Financial Corp.
Trent Sanders
VIA Credit Union
Vincent Cimino
Wal-Mart Foundation
Whitinger & Company
William Bitikofer
William Bruns
William Hirons
William Peckinpaugh
William Schantz
Willowbrook Interior
Wilson Grain Farms
Wright Way Collision
$25 - $99
Abby Rogers
Adoption Connections
Aileen Howard
Alan Wilson
Alane & David Pace
All State Agency
Amy Beard
Amy Jones
Amy Kelley
Amy Payne
Amy Trendler
Andrea & Priya Wagner
Andrea Bates
Angela Oliver
Anita (Dian) Townsend
Ann Catanzarite
Ann Gill
Ann Ludwig
Ann Presnall
Anna Scharer
Annette Carroll
AppleTree Fundraiser
AppleTree Fundraiser
Ashley Philhower
Ashton Irby
Barbara Collins
Behzad Aalaei
Beth Wolf
Betty Geyman
Bill Strange Sales
Billy Mann
Bliss Laser & Medspa
Bob Harvey
Bob Hatfield
Bob Holt
Bradley Smith
Brandi Sorrell
Brent Close
Brent Damer
Brian & atricia Marconi
Brianna Black
Brittany McGinnis
Buck Fuller
Carl Chism
Carl Meyer
Carol Watkins
Carole Cardemon
Cathy Mcclellan
Cecelia Place
Charles Austin
Charles Smith
Charlotte Borror
Chelsea Morris
Christina Cowan-Jones
Christina Thomas
Clarabell Reffitt
Clem Barnes
Colleen Steffen
Courtney Clark
Crystal Ivy
Dale Basham
Dan White
Daniel Toombs
David Bustos
David Dell
David Demarchis
Delmar Neal
Devon Barbosa
Diane Phillippsen
Dianne Bustos
DM Food & Fuel Quick
Don Borror
Don Shondell
Donald Holderman
Donald Korenek
Dorman Hill
Dorothy Danner
Dr William And Colleen Sutton
Ed Johnson
Eleanor Taylor
Erika Mabee
Franklin Hough
Gary Kern
Gloria Gaddie
Gluff Financial
Goetz Schaefer
Hartford City News Times
Heidi Marlow
Hillary Foltz
Houston Pafe
Indiana Title Ins. C
Inyoung “Gemma” Park
J.e. Wright
Jack Fletcher
Jack McGairk
Jack Peckinpaugh
Jack Stanton
Jackie King
Jack’s Camera Shop
Jacob Churbock
Jacqueline Applegate
Jacqueline Keeley
Jama Mason
James Glueck
James Kinnaman
James Maguire
James Mansfield
James Petrie
James Wenz
Jamie Banks
Janet Paholke
Janice Garrison
Jay Moorman
Jayne Rohlfing
Jeanine Green
Jeff & Kristen Morris
Jeff Bright
Jeff Lang
Jeffrey Carter
Jeffrey Rector
Jennifer Desilva
Jennifer Stanley
Jennifer Stanley
Jerilyn Batt
Jerry & Tiffany Bussberg
Jess Neal
Jill Dickey
Jim Ehrhart
Jim Stewart
Jim Wingate
Jini Morgan
Joann Whited
Jodi & Steven Reinke
Joe Howell
John & Shannon Lescher
John Cowan
John Feick
John McAdams
John Newby
John Phillips
John Pinckney
John Vann
John Zgunda
Johnathon Hill
Jon & Shaynee Pierce
Jonathan Hill
Joseph Case
Joseph Haffner
Joshua Cooper
Joy Honn
Joyce Beck
Jr & Kathryn Anderson
Judy Dick
Judy Fulton
Judy Green
Julia Monacy
Julia Mosser
Julia Young
Julie Allison
Julie Bailey
Julie Powers
Julie Todd
Julie Tyler
Kaitlen Hawkins
Kappa Kappa Kappa
Kara Anderson
Karen Popovich
Kari Richmond
Kathleen Murdock
Kayla Bradley
Kelly Bryan
Kelly Stanley
Kevin Kellermeyer
Kevin Kuhlman
Kim Myers
Kim Penrod
Kim Taylor
Kimberly Green
Kimberly Pitts
Kirk’s Bike Shop
Kurt & Ingrid Kipfer
Lance & Brenda Swank
Larry Lee
Larry Souders
Lauren Peck
Leah Thomas
Leigh Baxter
Leigh Edwards
Leilani Strahan
Leme Enterprises Inc
Leslie Ruxton
Linda Gordon
Linda Hart
Linda Kogar
Lisa Halley
Lisa Horst
Lisbeth Mitchell
Lora Tenpenny
Lykins Counsel. Clinic
Lynne Cooper
M. Kay Stickle
Marcia Hahn
Margaret Bishop
Margaret Calkins
Maria Woodall
Marilyn Phillips
Mark & Kimberly Galloway
Marlene Huff
Marlin Creasy
Martin Hawkins
Mary Fitzwater
Mary Revolt
Megan Taylor
Melody Caudill
Merrillyn McNary
Michael & Kerry Daniels
Michael Daniels
Michael Davis
Michael Mckillip
Michael Scanameo
Michael Scanameo
Michael Schuck
Michael Stronczek
Michelle Peterson
Mike Evans
Mike Food Mart Inc.
Mike Kilgore
Molly Harty
Monte Hitchcock
Montpelier Elem.
Morry Mannies
Muncie Spine Rehab
Nancee & Tom Kinghorn
Nancy Bales
Nancy Bonvillian
Nancy Gibbons
Napa Auto Parts
Nate & Nicole Marconi
Nikki Wyman
Norb Heban
Norma Mcknight
Norman Beck
Pam Johnson
Pam Richards
Pamela Bonham
Pamela Caudwell
Pamela Ridout
Patricia Eckstein
Paul & Michele Maginot
Paul Whitehair
Peggy Fisher
Peggy Garrett
Peter Davis
Phyllis Amburn
Phyllis Sills
Ramon Avila
Randy Penrod
Randy Zentz
Rex Bauchert
Rex Rees
Rhonda Heaton
Richard &Sharon Gross
Richard Artes
Richard Feola
Richard Garringer
Richard Hochstetler
Richard Hoops
Richard Parker
Richard’s Kitchen & Bath
Richelle Rahe
Rick (Eric) Cooper
Rita Calvert
Rob Tyler
Robert & Julia Fritz
Robert (Bob) Beavers
Robert DeBord
Robert Gildersleeve
Robert Zurbach
Rodney Price
Rodney Schairis
Roger Gilcrest
Roger Lloyd
Roger Myers
Ronald-Faith Smith
Ryan Vannatter
Sachiko Ferguson
Sandra Baron
Sandra Burton
Santyna Johnstone
Sarah Bowyer
Sarah Humphrey
Scot Laudicina
Scott Hubbard
Shana Rogers
Sharon Hite
Sheli Thomas
Shelly & Dave Coons
Sherrie McCowan
Shirley Pittenger
Sonnie Huddleston
Stephanie Johnson
Stephen Chatot
Steve & Pam Wingate
Steve Beard
Steve Hoag
Steven Parker
Steven Snider
Stevie Heiser
Sue (Linda) Heady
Sue Lindsey
Sunny Hicks
Susan Devoe
Susan Johnson
Suzanne Gibbons
Tamara Chambers
Tamera Laudicina
Tammy Resler
Tammy Varner
Tara Edmondson
Teresa Keller
Thadeus Bowden
Thomas Gardiner
Thomas Mertens
Thomas Schmitt
Tim & Marianna Johnson
Tim & Ricci Atchison
Tim Vasalakis
Todd Merickel
Tom & Jeanette Jaquish
Tom & Regina Sharp
Tom Schroeder
Toni Hearn
Tori Adams
Tracee Tyree
Tyler Hawkins
Unitarian Universalist
United Insurance
Upchurch Auto Sales
Valorie Lam
Vicki Stewart
Warren Beebe
William Ulrich
Wilson Auto Parts
Zana Cloyd
The Y strives for accuracy in listing donor names. However, if you notice any errors or omissions,
please contact us at [email protected] or 765-281-YMCA.
The Y has the presence and partnerships not to just promise, but to deliver. Lasting personal and social
change can only come about when we work together to connect, inspire and support our children, our
families and our communities.
Youth Development
Project Change
Camp Crosley YMCA
Kidz Marathon
Flex Credit PE
Summer Day Camp
AT Early Learning Initiatives
Youth sports programs
Kindergarten readiness
Healthy Living
ADA Camp
Walk IN partnership
Ivy Tech for students
Group Exercise classes
Personal Training growth
Financial Peace University
Corporate Wellness challenge
Operation Fit
Health Fairs
Major Community Sponsorships
Ball Brothers Foundation: Apple Tree, Camp Crosley, Achievers
Indiana American Water: Splash & Smash
The Star Press Children’s Charities: Kidz Marathon
Sallie Mae Foundation: Achievers
United Way of Delaware County: Membership
Edmund F. and Virginia B. Ball Foundation
Ball State University
American Electric Power
Ivy Tech Community College
Oak Motors Inc.
Social Responsibility
Active Older Adults
Bible Study groups
Celebrate Recovery
Financial Assistance programs
MCA/YT Special Education partners
Habitat for Humanity Women Build
Second Harvest Food Bank distrib.
Buley Center Partnership
Tools for Schools
Cash and cash equivalents
Accounts receivable
Pledge receivable- United Way
Prepaid expenses
Land, buildings, equipment
Total Assets
Accounts payable
Other accrued expense
Accrued wages and vacation
Unearned membership and program fees 123,095
Mortgages and other notes payable
Total Liabilities
Unrestricted Operating
Blackford County
Land, building, equipment
Subtotal Net Assets
Temporarily restricted
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities & Net Assets
Public Support
Membership Dues
Program Fees
Program Fees (CCDF)
Total Revenue
Taxes & Benefits
Contract Services
Financing Costs
Reserves (Maintenance)
Additional Awards/Grants
Additional Funded Projects
Total Expense
Net Operating
Through a grant
awarded by
Ball Brothers
Association Offices
500 S Mulberry St
Muncie IN 47305
Phone 765.288.4448
Fax 765.741.5556
Apple Tree Child
Development Center YMCA
3501 N Chadam Lane
Muncie IN 47304
Phone 765.286.0616
Fax 765.741.5016
Downtown YMCA
500 S Mulberry St
Muncie IN 47305
Phone 765.288.4448
Fax 765.741.5555
Blackford County YMCA
1709 N Walnut St
Hartford City IN 47348
Phone 765.348.9622
Fax 765.348.9627
Northwest YMCA
3500 N Chadam Lane
Muncie IN 47304
Phone 765.286.0818
Fax 765.741.5550
Camp Crosley YMCA
165 EMS T2 Lane
North Webster IN 46555
Phone 574.834.2331
Toll Free 877.811.6189
Fax 574.834.3313
Yorktown YMCA
200 S CR 600 W Ste C
Yorktown IN 47396
Phone 765.759.8960
Fax 765.759.8970