The Mentoring Effect on Economic Growth
The Mentoring Effect on Economic Growth
The Mentoring Effect on Economic Growth Wel come Suppor t i ngt heempower mentofent r epr eneur st odr i v eeconomi cgr owt ht hr oughj obcr eat i onhas beenatt hehear tofMowgl i ’ sv i s i ons i ncei t si ncept i oni n2008.Si ncet hi sdat e,wehav et r ai ned ov er900ment or s ,mat chedt r ai nedment or swi t hov er780ent r epr eneur st osuppor tt hem i n s t r engt heni ngandgr owi ngt hei rbus i nes s esandl eader s hi p,t hr oughf aci l i t at edands uper v i s ed onet oonel ong t er m ment or i ng r el at i ons hi ps .Mowgl ihasar egi onalnet wor kof1680al umni member ss panni ng 14count r i es ,13ofwhi char ei nt heMi ddl eEas tand Nor t hAf r i car egi on ( MENA) . Thr oughouteachoft hement or i ngr el at i ons hi ps ,wer egul ar l yi nt er actwi t ht heent r epr eneur sand ment or sandcol l ectdat aont hr eekeyi mpactar eas : Economi cgr owt h,j obcr eat i onands af eguar di ng Bus i nes sgr owt h,s us t ai nabi l i t yands ucces s Per s onal gr owt hands t r engt heni ngofl eader s hi p Hav i ngdev el opedas ubs t ant i al al umni andi mpactdat abas e,wes etoutt oans werakeyques t i on t hataccompani esal li nv es t mentdeci s i onsandonet hatwe,aspr ov i der sofi nt angi bl es er v i ces , s eekandy ets t r uggl et oquant i f y : Whati st her et ur n on i nvest mentf ort hosewho i nvesti n ment or i ng asacomponentof humancapi t alorcapaci t ydevel opment ?Wel lt hewai ti sover ,wehavet heanswer ! Byl ev er agi ngt hedat at hatwehav ecol l ect edov ert hepas tei ghty ear si nt heMENAr egi on,wear e t hr i l l edt os howcas et hats i gni f i cantRet ur nonI nv es t ment( ROI )canbeachi ev edbyi nv es t i ngi n ment or i ng,i nt hef or m ofeconomi cgener at i onachi ev edt hr oughj obcr eat i onands af eguar di ng.I n addi t i on,weal s owi s ht os har es omeoft hef i ndi ngsandunder s t andi ngt hatwehavegai nedast o t hef act or st hatcani ncr eas eandr educet hepot ent i al ROIgoi ngf or war d. Thi spaperout l i nest hes epi oneer i ngf i ndi ngsandwes i ncer el ywel comet heoppor t uni t yt oengage wi t hy ou on t he s ubj ectas we f ur t herpl ace ment or i ng att he hear toft he ent r epr eneur i al ecos y s t em. Thanky ou. T onyBur y FounderandChai r man © Mowgli Foundation 2016 Kat hl eenBur y Chi efExecut i v eOf f i cer 1 KeyTakeaways MOWGLI ' SHOLI STI CMENTORI NG PROGRAMSACHI EVESI GNI FI CANTRETURNS FORI NVESTORSI NMENAENTREPRENEURSHI P-890% Ment or i ng whi ch f ocus es on s uppor t i ng bot ht he bus i nes s and per s onalas pect s oft he ent r epr eneuri skeyt oens ur i ngt hegr eat es tRet ur nonMent or i ngI nv es t ment( ROMI )f r om ot her s uppor ti ni t i at i v ess uchasbus i nes ss ki l l st r ai ni ng and f i nanci als uppor t .Ment or i ng cl ear l y needst obeakeycor ner s t oneofanyent r epr eneur s er v i ngecos y s t em ors uppor ti ni t i at i v e DEVELOPED AND HARMONI SED ENTREPRENEURI AL ECOSYSTEMSENABLEHI GHERROMI Geogr aphi es t hat hav e a dev el oped and ent r epr eneur s er v i ngecos y s t em enabl ehi gherj obcr eat i on l ev el st han t hos et hatdo not .The s af eguar di ng ofj obs , howev er ,i s an i mper at i v e need and achi ev ementwi t hi n t hes ear eas CAPABI LI TY-I NTERFERENCE=SUCCESS TheROMIper f or mancei ss t r ongl ycor r el at ed t o t heCapabi l i t y–I nt er f er ence= Succes sf or mul a. When capabi l i t yl ev el s ar el ow t o medi um and i nt er f er ences ,bot hext r i ns i candi nt r i ns i car ehi gh, l owerr et ur nsar et obeexpect ed I NVESTMENTI NEQUALSROMIOUT Reduced i nv es t ment i n pr ogr ams l eads t o a s i gni f i cantr educt i oni nt heROMIachi ev ed,duet o cor eel ement sbei ngmar gi nal i sed VALUES BASED PROJECT ENSURESGREATERROMI MANAGEMENT Pr oj ect management wi t h al i gned v al ues and commi t ment t o adher i ng t o Mowgl i ’ s pr ogr am mi l est onesi scr i t i cal t oopt i mi z i ngt her el at i v es ucces s oft hepr ogr am.Pr ogr amsmanagedbyt hi r dpar t i es hav et y pi cal l ypr oducedl owerr et ur ns © Mowgli Foundation 2016 2 The Imperative Need for Entrepreneurial Mentoring In 2015, the World Economic Forum released their Outlook on the Global Agenda 2015� which features an analysis of the top ten trends that they believe are the key challenges facing the world's regions going forward. It's an overview of global leadership and governance as well as the emerging issues that they believe will define our future. The top three trends foreseen were: 1. Deepening Income Inequality 2. Persistent Jobless Growth iiiii ••,.. 3. Lack of Leadership ,,, Entrepreneurship and the closely linked support of mentors, acts in part as a potential solution for each of the three trends above. It is clear that the incubation, development and support of sustainable entrepreneurship as well as small and medium sized enterprises (SME) can play a vital role in increasing employment and economic generation. However, throughout every entrepreneurial journey, the business the entrepreneur is nurturing will have a lifetime of development, which is overseen, guided and indeed lived by the entrepreneur himself or herself. As a result, the entrepreneurial learning often goes through several distinct phases of growth and development, along with the business. Within these phases, three of the most challenging times, 2 where Mowgli believes an entrepreneur can benefit from at least one highly skilled mentor, are: 3.success 1.start up 2. growth © Mowgli Foundation 2016 1. 2. Critical Phases of an Entrepreneur's Life and the Impact of a Mentor - Mowgli 3 TheI mper at i veNeedf or Ent r epr eneur i alMent or i ng Dur i ngeachoft hes et hr eet r ans i t i onal s t ages ,ament orcanpr ov i dev i t al gui danceands uppor tt o ent r epr eneur sbygui di ngt hem i nf i ndi ngt hecour ageandr es our cest omov et hems el v esandt hei r bus i nes sf or war d. 3 I nt heUK,bus i nes sment or i ngi sacor epi l l arwi t hi nt heent r epr eneur s hi pecos y s t em and70% of s mal lbus i nes s est hathav eacces st oi ts ur v i v ef orf i v ey ear s ,whi chi sdoubl et her at ecompar ed wi t hnonment or edent r epr eneur s . Webel i ev et hati ti sf i v et ot ent i mesmor edi f f i cul tf oras t ar tupcompanyt obr eakt hr oughi nt he MENA r egi on,duet ot hel ev elofi nt er f er encesbot hi nt r i ns i c( cor es pi r i t ,hope,conf i dence)and 4 ext r i ns i c( cul t ur e,s oci et y )t hatr es t r i ctent r epr eneur sf r om mov i ngf or war d.Des pi t e60% oft he r egi on’ sent r epr eneur shav i ngacces st obus i nes sment or i ng,whi chi spr edomi nant l yadv i cedr i v en, as i gni f i cant l yl owerpr opor t i onofent r epr eneur shav eacces st ohol i s t i corr el at i onal ment or i ng. Whi l s ti nf or malment or i ng r el at i ons hi ps bet ween f r i ends and f ami l y member s ar er eas onabl y commonpl ace,t r ueandf ocus edhol i s t i cent r epr eneur i al ment or i ngi ss t i l l i ni t si nf ancy . oef f ect i v el ys uppor tandempowerent r epr eneur st obr eakt hr ought hes ebar r i er sanddr i v et hi s T muchneededeconomi cgr owt h,webel i ev e: Mor e at t ent i on needs t o be pai dt ot he shor tand l ong t er m f i nanci aland nonf i nanci al benef i t st hatent r epr eneur i al ment or i ngof f er s ,asacor epi l l arofhuman capi t al / capaci t ydev el opment Mor ei nv es t mentneedst obededi cat edt oens ur i ngt hequal i t yoft hement or i ngt hat i sof f er ed t ot heent r epr eneur s ,t hr ought het r ai ni ngand pr epar at i onofment or s , ef f ect i v ement or ent r epr eneurmat chi ngaswel last hef aci l i t at i onoft heongoi ng s uper v i s i onands uppor toft hement or i ngr el at i ons hi ps ,es peci al l ydur i ngt hef i r s t y ear ,t oens ur et her i ghtf oundat i onsar ebui l tf orl ongt er m engagement 3.Nat i onal Ent er pr i s e 3 N .e Nt a w t i o o r n k a , l S E a n g t er 2 p 0 r i 1 s 4 eNet wor k,Sage2014 © Mowgli Foundation 2016 4.WAMDA,2014 4.WAMDA,2014 4 I nves t menti nMent or i ng Achi evesSi gni f i cantRet ur ns I nt er nat i onalGov er nment s ,f i nanci ali ns t i t ut i ons( I FI s ) ,phi l ant hr opi s t sandcor por at epi oneer sar e pr edomi nant l yt hel eadi ngi nv es t or si nment or i ngwi t hi nt heMENAr egi on.T odat e,t her ehasbeen l i t t l ev i s i bi l i t yi nt o whet herornott hei ri nv es t ment s hav e gener at ed any r ealand s i gni f i cant economi ci mpact . Mowgl i ’ sanal y s i shi ghl i ght st hati nv es t or shav eandar er eal i s i ngr ealands i gni f i cantROMIacr os s t he MENA r egi on,t hr ough t he economi cr et ur n achi ev ed by t he s us t ai nabl e cr eat i on and s af eguar di ngofj obs : 435% oft hi sROMIi sachi ev ed t hr ought hes af eguar di ng ofexi s t i ngj obs 890% ROMI 455% oft hi sROMIi sachi ev ed t hr ought hecr eat i onof new j obs Sour ce:Mowgl i2016 Oft hei nv es t ment smade,t hegr eat es tROMIcomesf r om t hecr eat i onofnew j obsr at hert hant he s af eguar di ngofexi s t i ngj obs . Mowgl ivs.Thi r dPar t yDel i ver edPr ogr ams Mowgl i del i v er edpr ogr amsgener at ehi gherROMIf orment or i ngi nv es t or st hant hos edel i v er edby t hi r dpar t ypar t ner s : Mowgl i del i v er edpr ogr amsr epr es ent46% oft hei nv es t mentmade,y etr epr es entat ot al economi cgener at i onROMIof1420% Thi r dpar t ydel i v er edpr ogr amsr epr es ent54% oft hei nv es t mentmade,y etr epr es enta ROMIof440% © Mowgli Foundation 2016 5 I nves t menti nMent or i ng Achi evesSi gni f i cantRet ur ns Fi gur e1:ROMICount r yAnal ysi sandRanki ng,2008-2016 Lebanon Jor dan Al ger i a Mor occo T uni s i a Yemen 1663% 341 257 84 75 1525% 700 476 225 155 568% 397 301 96 167 534% 264 159 105 84 532% 124 68 56 42 448% 271 188 83 63 Li by a 416% 50 26 24 27 Egy pt 249% 280 129 151 84 ROMI T ot al NumberofJobs T ot al JobsSaf eguar ded T ot al New JobsCr eat ed NumberofEnt r epr eneur s Sour ce:Mowgl i2016,BDO 2016 Lebanon and Jor dan gener at ed t he hi ghestROMIl evel s atc.1660% and c.1520% r espect i vel y I ti snots ur pr i s i ng t hatLebanon gener at ed t hehi ghes tROMI ,gi v en t hati t sent r epr eneur s hi p ecos y s t em i sone oft he mos tdev el oped i nt he r egi on.Howev er ,i tdoespr ov i de s i gni f i cant j us t i f i cat i onf orf ur t heri nv es t menti nt hef ut ur e Al ger i agener at edt het hi r dhi ghestROMIatc.570% Gi v enAl ger i a’ snas centands omewhatcl os edandf r agment edent r epr eneur i alecos y s t em,t hi si s anencour agi ngi ns i ghtf orf ut ur ei nv es t mentdeci s i ons © Mowgli Foundation 2016 6 I nves t menti nMent or i ng Achi evesSi gni f i cantRet ur ns Maz i nKhal i l ,t heFounderandCEO ofSudaMedbas edi nSudani saMowgl iEnt r epr eneurwho j oi nedapr ogr am i nJor dani n2013.Dur i nghi sment or i ngy ear ,hes i ngl ehandedl ygener at edt he hi ghes tROMIat133, 345% asar es ul toft he568f ul l andpar tt i mej obshecr eat edandsaf eguar ded. Ast hi si snott r ul yr epr es ent at i v eofSudan' sROMI ,wehav et r eat edt hi sasanout l i erandhav e i ncl udedt her el ev antdat ai nt heov er al l anal y s i s ,butnott hecount r yanal y s i s . " Wehadj us twont heKAAYI AAwar df orSudaMed i nSudan,apl acewher ei n2013ent r epr eneur s hi p wasunhear dof . Ay earand ahal fl at er ,asadoct orwho had hi s car eeral r eadys etoutf orhi m,myl i f et ookadr as t i c y etamaz i ngt ur n.I nt hi st i mewewonf i r s tpl acei n t heMI TAwar d,wer enamedoneoft he500f as t es t gr owi ng compani es i nt he MENA r egi on,Iwas v ot edasoneoft he10mos ti nf l uent i alunder30i n t heAr abr egi onandwewer eappr oachedbymor e t han7VC compani eswi l l i ngt oi nv es tmi l l i onsof dol l ar si nacompanyIs t ar t edwi t hUSD 500and s omechange. I tdi dn’ ts t op t her e and we cont i nued wi nni ng awar ds ,i ncl udi ng t he Bes t Medi cal Ser v i ces Companyi nt heMENAr egi on. Iper sonal l yat t r i but e100% ofmyachi evement s dur i ng t hi syeart o myment or i ng r el at i onshi p. Mowgl i was my f i r st and onl y ment or i ng pr ogr am andwhatIgotf r om i twas. . .pr i cel ess. ” Maz i n Khal i l , Founder and CEO of SudaMed, Mowgl i Ent r epr eneur © Mowgli Foundation 2016 7 I nves t menti nMent or i ng Achi evesSi gni f i cantRet ur ns Fi gur e2:Economi cGener at i onCount r yAnal ysi sandRanki ng,2008-2016 Jor dan 5, 519, 521 3, 749, 332 1, 770, 189 Al ger i a 2, 258, 996 1, 712, 740 546, 256 Mor occo 1, 389, 542 784, 759 604, 783 Lebanon 1, 291, 266 966, 504 324, 762 Egy pt 943, 822 435, 610 508, 212 Yemen 840, 490 583, 071 257, 420 uni s i a T 747, 997 410, 192 337, 805 ( USD) Economi cGener at i onf r om Al l Jobs Economi cGener at i onf r om Saf egar dedJobs Economi cGener at i onFr om New JobsCr eat ed Li by a 390, 193 202, 900 187, 292 Sour ce:Mowgl i2016,BDO 2016 Thet ot aleconomi cgener at i onachi evedt hr ought hecr eat i onofnew j obsandsaf eguar di ng ofexi st i ngj obsbyMowgl iEnt r epr eneur si nt heMENA r egi on,dur i ngt hei rment or i ngyear , equal sc.US$18. 4m c.US$9. 4m ( c.51%)oft hi sf i gur ehasr es ul t edf r om t hecr eat i onofnew j obs c.US$8. 96m ( c.49%)oft hi sf i gur ehasr es ul t edf r om t hes af eguar di ngofexi s t i ngj obs © Mowgli Foundation 2016 8 I nves t menti nMent or i ng Achi evesSi gni f i cantRet ur ns Al t hough Lebanon achi eved t he hi ghestROMI ,Jor dan cr eat ed t he hi ghestl evelof economi cgener at i ont ot al i ng$5. 5m Thi scoul dbeat t r i but edt ot hef actt hatMowgl i ’ spr ogr amswer el aunchedi nJor dan,i t sgr eat er under s t andi ngofment or i ngandi t si mpactaswel l asal ar gerent r epr eneural umni bas e Al ger i acr eat edt hesecondhi ghestl evelofeconomi cgener at i ont ot al i ng$2. 26m Thi scoul dbeat t r i but edt ot hef actt hatt heal umnibas ei st hel ar ges tacr os st her egi onandwas cr eat edundera3y earmul t i pr ogr am pr oj ectwhi chenabl edt hes t eadyr ai s i ngofawar enes s , r obus tr ecr ui t mentandi ncr eas edeconomi esofs cal er egar di ngt hes uppor tof f er ed © Mowgli Foundation 2016 9 Met hodol ogy 5 1.Thi sanal y s i swascar r i edoutbyMowgl i andv er i f i edbyBDO LLPi nt heUK 2.Theanal y s i sonl yi ncl udesgov er nmentandcor por at ef undedoney earment or i ngpr ogr ams t hathav ebeendel i v er edandcompl et edbyMowgl i orwi t hat hi r dpar t ypar t ners i nce2008 3.Thi sROMIanal y s i swasbas edupones t abl i s hi ngt heeconomi cr et ur nbei ngder i v edf r om t he numberofj obscr eat edands af eguar dedbyMowgl iEnt r epr eneur sdur i ngt hei rment or i ngy ear , mul t i pl i ed by t he av er age pr et ax annuals al ar i es wi t hi n each count r y ,agai ns tt he pr oj ect i nv es t mentmade,t her ebypr ov i di ngt heeconomi cgener at i onwi t hi neachoft hei ndi v i dualand r egi onal economi es agePr et ax = Economi cGener at i on ROMI=( JobsCr eat ed+JobsSaf eguar ded)xAver AnnualSal ar i es Pr oj ectI nvest ment 4.Thei nv es t mentmadei nment or i ngwast hes ameast hecont r act edcos t soft hement or i ng pr ogr amsunder t akenby / i npar t ner s hi pwi t hMowgl i f orv ar i ousf undi ngbodi es 5.TheROMIr el at est ot heeconomi cgener at i onachi ev edt hr ought hepay mentofj obs al ar i es dur i ngt he1y earMowgl iMent or i ngExper i ence( MME)pr ogr am onl yanddoesnoti ncl udet hat whi chi sachi ev edaf t ert he1y ear .Weexpectt hi st r endt ocont i nueandes cal at ewi t ht hegr owt h oft hebus i nes s es 6.Pos t t axannuals al ar yl ev el s ,whi chwer emor er eadi l yav ai l abl e,wer et akenandt her el ev ant i ncomet axamount swer eus edt odet er mi net heav er agepr et axannuals al ar i eswi t hi neachof t hecount r i es 7.Thedat ahasbeenchal l engedt hr oughl ocalas s es s ment sandi twasr ecogni s edt hatt hes e av er age s al ar i es ,whi l s t pr ov i di ng a cons i s t ent met hodol ogy acr os s MENA,ar e gr eat l y dependentuponwhet hert hej obsar ecr eat edwi t hi nci t i esorr ur al ar eas 8.Thecur r encyus edf ort heanal y s i swasGBPandaGBP:USD exchanger at eof1: 1. 5was ut i l i s ed 9.Pr oj ect st hatr epr es entl es st han10% oft het ot alr egi onali nv es t menti nment or i ngt hr ough Mowgl i hav enotbeeni ncl udedi nt heanal y s i s 10.Al lj obnumber si nt heanal y s i sr ef ert oFul lTi meEqui v al ent( FTE)number s .Par tt i mej obs hav ebeencal cul at edasbei ngequi v al entt o0. 5FTE © Mowgli Foundation 2016 10 Met hodol ogy 11.' JobsCr eat ed'r ef er st ot henumberofnew j obst hateachMowgl iEnt r epr eneurcr eat ed dur i ngt hement or i ngy ear 12.‘ JobsSaf eguar ded’r ef er st ot henumberofj obst hathav ebeenmai nt ai ned/ keptdur i ngt he ment or i ngy earwhi char easkeyast hecr eat i onofnew j obs 13.Thi sdat awasr eques t ed f r om t heMowgl iEnt r epr eneur sbef or et hi sROMIanal y s i swas under t aken;t her ef or ewear econf i dentt hatt henumber sar eunbi as ed 14.Theanal y s i si sbas edupona60% r es pons er at ebyt heMowgl iEnt r epr eneur st ot heEndof Pr oj ectf eedbackf or ms 15.I ti sr ecogni s edt hatMowgl ioper at eswi t hi neachoft hel ocalandr egi onalent r epr eneur s hi p ecos y s t emsand manyact or sdes er v ecr edi tf ordev el opi ngent r epr eneur sand t her ef or et he r es ul t i ngeconomi cr et ur nsandi mpactachi ev ed 16.I ti sr ecogni z ed t hatment or s pr ov i de mul t i pl el ev el s ofi mpactand benef i t ;t ot he ent r epr eneur st heywor kwi t h,t ot heor gani s at i onst heywor kwi t hi norwi t handt hewi ders oci et y . Thi scont r i but i onhasnotbeenf act or edi nt ot heabov eanal y s i s 17.The abov e anal y s i s does noti ncl ude t he r ev enue gener at ed by each oft he Mowgl i Ent r epr eneur s ’bus i nes s es ,whi chwoul df ur t heri ncr eas et het ot aleconomi cgener at i onand ROMIf i gur ess i gni f i cant l y 5.Themodelus edbymanagementt ocal cul at epr oj ectROIf or2015us esanumberofv ar i abl es .Thes ei ncl udeav er ageper capi t apos t t axi ncomepercount r y( asext r act edf r om www. nat i onmas t er . com) andi ncomet axr at espercount r y .Theext r act i on oft hedat af orav er agepercapi t apos t t axi ncomepercount r y ,t hei ncomet axr at espercount r yandt hemat hemat i cal accur acy oft hemodelhav ebeeni ndependent l yv er i f i edbyBDO LLPonas ampl ebas i s .BDO LLP’ swor kwasper f or medundert he pr ov i s i onsofI nt er nat i onal St andar dofRel at edSer v i ces( I SRS)4400‘ Engagement st oper f or m agr eeduponpr ocedur esanddi d notcons t i t ut eanaudi torar ev i ew per f or medi naccor dancewi t hr el ev ants t andar ds © Mowgli Foundation 2016 11 Backgr ound TheMowgl iFoundat i oni sani nt er nat i onal ,UK headquar t er ed and awar d wi nni ngment or i ng or gani s at i on t hat wor ks wi t hi nt er nat i onaland l ocalgov er nment s ,f i nanci ali ns t i t ut i ons , phi l ant hr opi s t sandcor por at es acr os s14count r i es t opr ov i dement or i ngpr ogr amst hatempower ent r epr eneur st odr i v eeconomi cgr owt handdev el opl eader s hi pmodel s . Mowgl i pr ov i desment or i ngpr ogr amst hati ns pi r e,connectandgui deent r epr eneur sandl eader s t oov er comel i f e' sper s onal andbus i nes schal l engest hr ought he: T r ai ni ngandnur t ur i ngofment or s St r engt heni ngofent r epr eneur sandt hei rbus i nes s esbymat chi ngt hem wi t hat r ai ned ment ori nf aci l i t at edands uper v i s edl ongt er mr el at i ons hi ps Bui l di ngofagl obal communi t yoft r ai nedment or sandent r epr eneur st hatar eabl et o acces snet wor ki ng,l ear ni ngandgr owt hoppor t uni t i es Mowgl ihasanal umninet wor kwi t hov erwi t hov er1680member sandhasmat chedov er780 ent r epr eneur swi t ht r ai nedment or si n14count r i es ;Al ger i a,Bahr ai n,Egy pt ,Jor dan,Lebanon, Li by a,Mor occo,Pal es t i ne,Qat ar ,Saudi Ar abi a,Sy r i a,T uni s i a,Yemenandt heUK. I n2016,t heEur opeanMent or i ng&Coachi ngCounci l( EMCC)awar dedt heEur opeanQual i t y Awar d( EQA)t oMowgl i f ori t sMowgl i Ment or i ngExper i ence( MME)pr ogr am andi n2012,Mowgl i r ecei v edt heMohammedbi nRas hi dAwar df orYoungBus i nes sLeader sAwar df ort he' Bes t Ment orNet wor ki nt heAr abRegi on’ . Conf i dent i al i t y: Thei nf or mat i onandmet hodol ogi esout l i nedher ei nar epr opr i et ar yandt hei rexpr es s i oni nt hi s documenti scopy r i ght ed,wi t hal l r i ght sr es er v edt oMowgl i Foundat i on. © Mowgli Foundation 2016 12 Engage with us IJ /mowgIifoundation lffl /the-mowgli-foundation a /mowglifoundation Website: Email: [email protected] Quarterly Newsletter: Subscribe UK Headquarters: St. Nicholas House Office G.04, 31-34 High S treet Bristol BS1 2AW UK Tel: +44 (0) 117 202 0137 UK Charity Number: 1127087 Duns Registration Number: 06587752 © Mowgli Foundation 2016 13