Discover the Igo, Mutsy`s latest luxury stroller. A delight
Discover the Igo, Mutsy`s latest luxury stroller. A delight
igo Discover the Igo, Mutsy’s latest luxury stroller. A delight to use and walk around with, both for you and your baby. You can choose either the ultralight Lite carry cot or the wonderfully roomy Comfort carry cot, so that the Igo fits your lifestyle and your needs perfectly. The Igo seat has a soft, three-dimensional-shaped cushion and can be clicked onto the frame in 2 directions. The seat back and leg support are also fully adjustable and the hood can be made bigger, which is very handy when the stroller is in the reclining position. This functional pushchair (even with the seat mounted on top) can be folded up into a very compact size, so you can then lift it with the extra carry handle and store it away easily. The frame is available in standard silver and black, and also with pneumatic tyres and lightweight foam tyres, plus it has a leatherlook handle and bracket. With all the features of the Igo stroller, you can get about everywhere, comfortably and in style. unique selling points of the Igo: • very compact when folded, even with the seat • light, only 8.7 Kg • easy and quick to transform from a pram to a pushchair • stable, comfortable and versatile • very clean design • choice of 2 carry cot designs, the ultralight LITE carry cot and the roomy COMFORT carry cot • ergonomic adjustable seat • reversible seat • choice of 2 types of wheels: pneumatic tyres and foam tyres • the Igo chassis is available in black and silver • available in 12 colours • Urban Nomad edition: special edition with brown leatherette grip on frame and new for 2014: leather accents on fabric design • step-up board: give big brother or sister a ride • cup-holder: attaches to frame at different heights • UV cover: quick and easy protection from the sun and insects • shopping basket: practical and spacious; can easily be mounted on the frame. • click-on umbrella: click-on system that holds the umbrella securely in place t e igo comfort mist comfort cream comfort stone comfort midnight lite silver e lite red lite aqua lite grey lite blue lite purple e igo igo black igo air igo black air rear air wheel set igo e l igo urban nomad igo urban nomad black step-up board igo/evo/exo n footmuff igo safe2go footmuff igo shopping basket igo cup holder igo r rain cover carry cot lite rain cover carry cot comfort rain cover seat igo parasol igo uv cover seat igo c car seat safe2go igo car seat traveller igo adapter set igo > safe2go adapter set igo > traveller adapter set igo > maxi-cosi urban nomad urban nomad white&blue dark grey nursery bag igo igo colours igo seat lite blue | frame igo black colours igo colours igo carry cot lite grey | frame igo black inside fabric seat lite grey | frame igo colours igo colours igo carry cot lite aqua | frame igo inside fabric seat lite aqua | frame igo black colours igo colours igo carry cot lite silver | frame igo black inside fabric inside fabric carry cot lite red | frame igo colours igo colours igo carry cot lite purple | frame igo inside fabric seat lite purple | frame igo black colours igo colours igo carry cot comfort cream | frame igo black inside fabric inside fabric carry cot comfort midnight | frame igo colours igo colours igo carry cot comfort mist | frame igo inside fabric seat comfort mist | frame igo black colours igo colours igo carry cot comfort stone | frame igo black inside fabric seat comfort stone | frame igo colours igo colours igo carry cot urban nomad dark grey | frame igo urban nomad inside fabric seat urban nomad dark grey | frame igo urban nomad black frames igo colours igo carry cot urban nomad white&blue | frame igo urban nomad inside fabric igo urban nomad folded igo igo air frames igo frames igo frames igo frames igo igo black igo air black frames igo frames igo igo urban nomad igo urban nomad black frames igo frames igo igo urban nomad black folded igo urban nomad black folded, without wheels car seats igo car seats igo car seat traveller group 0+ igo car seat safe2go group 0+ igo car seats igo car seats igo rain cover car seat traveller rain cover car seat safe2go car seats igo car seats igo footmuff safe2go igo adapter set igo | car seat safe2go car seats igo car seats igo adapter set igo | car seat traveller adapter set igo | car seat Maxi-Cosi (pebbles, cabriofix, citi) nursery bag igo footmuff igo accessories igo accessories igo parasol igo mosquito net igo accessories igo accessories igo accessories igo accessories igo rain cover lite carry cot rain cover comfort carry cot accessories igo accessories igo rain cover igo seat uv cover igo seat accessories igo accessories igo step-up board igo/evo/exo step-up board igo/evo/exo accessories igo accessories igo shopping basket igo shopping basket igo cup holder igo cup holder igo accessories igo accessories igo accessories igo rear air wheel set igo technical data Igo: weight in kg product description complete product with box complete product product without wheels Igo 10.8 8.7 5.7 Igo air 11.3 9.1 5.8 Igo seat 5.7 4.5 - Igo carry cot Comfort 6.9 5.3 - Igo carry cot Lite 5.0 3.4 - length width height 80 58 110 length width height 70 58 39 length width height 63 49.5 18 cm unfolded frame Igo cm folded frame Igo cm folded frame without wheels Igo
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