PlanPlus User Manual
PlanPlus User Manual
PlanPlus A Software for Grass Roots Level Planning User Manual (NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USER MANUAL1.0) Prepared by : PROJECTTEAM Reviewed by: PROJECT LEADER Approved by: PROJECT MANAGER No part of this document shall be reproduced without prior permission of Director General, National Informatics Centre Panchayat Informatics Division National Informatics Centre Department of Information Technology Ministry of Communications & Information Technology Government of India NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Amendment Log Version no. Date Change number Brief Description Section Change 1.0 NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 2 OF 2 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Table of Content 1.0 Introduction.................................................................................................................................... 5 1.1 Audience............................................................................................................................................................ 5 1.2 Purpose of this document................................................................................................................................. 5 1.3 Document Organization................................................................................................................................... 5 1.4 Conventions ...................................................................................................................................................... 6 1.5 References......................................................................................................................................................... 6 1.6 Definitions/Glossary......................................................................................................................................... 7 1.7 Problem Reporting ........................................................................................................................................... 8 2.0 Brief Overview ............................................................................................................................... 9 2.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................................................... 9 2.2 Features ............................................................................................................................................................ 9 2.3 Sections ...........................................................................................................................................................11 2.4 Target Users ...................................................................................................................................................11 3.0 General Workflow ............................................................................................................................... 12 4.0 General/Common Operating Instructions....................................................................................... 14 4.1 Login ...............................................................................................................................................................15 4.2 Logout .............................................................................................................................................................20 4.3 Switch Language ............................................................................................................................................21 4.4 Change Password...........................................................................................................................................21 5.0 Specific Operating Instructions........................................................................................................ 22 5.1 Requirement Section............................................................................................... 26 5.1.1 Suggestion....................................................................................................................................................26 5.1.2 Project..........................................................................................................................................................31 5.1.3 Work.............................................................................................................................................................36 5.1.4 Co-Option of Works ....................................................................................................................................46 5.2 Resource Envelope Section..................................................................................... 48 5.2.1 Fund Allocation to Plan Unit......................................................................................................................48 5.2.2 Thrust Area/Activity.....................................................................................................................................53 5.2.3 Financial Target..........................................................................................................................................56 5.3.4 Own Funds...................................................................................................................................................61 5.3 Planning .................................................................................................................. 64 5.3.1 Annual Plan .................................................................................................................................................65 5.2.2 Accord Approval..........................................................................................................................................71 5.3.3 Supra Project...............................................................................................................................................75 5.4 Advanced Options................................................................................................... 76 5.4.1 User Group..................................................................................................................................................77 5.4.2 User..............................................................................................................................................................83 5.4.3 Process Flow ...............................................................................................................................................90 5.4.4 Language Package......................................................................................................................................96 5.5 Master Data............................................................................................................. 99 5.5.1 Scheme .......................................................................................................................................................100 5.5.2 SOR ............................................................................................................................................................108 5.5.3 Norms.........................................................................................................................................................113 NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 3 OF 3 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 5.5.3 Agency........................................................................................................................................................118 5.5.4 Line Department........................................................................................................................................121 5.6 Monitoring Reports............................................................................................... 126 NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 4 OF 4 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Audience This document is meant for all those who will be using the PlanPlus v1.0 software, a decentralized Planning tool, which aids the various participants through the Planning process, so that informed decisions can be taken by the participants in preparing, vetting and approving the Plan. The interactive workflow starting from need assessment, identification of project, work, preparation of annual plans, approval by Technical Appraisal Committee and DPC is captured. The package also provides a holistic view of how funds from different central and state sponsored schemes could be converged to carry out works approved in a Plan. It targets the various participants which include Rural Local Bodies, Urban Local Bodies, the Technical Approval Committees, the District Planning Committees, State Government Departments and Central Government Departments who will be responsible for preparing, vetting and approving the Plan. Rural (panchayats) and Urban Local Bodies (municipalities) can prepare their individual plans and converging these rural and urban plans could generate an integrated District Plan Document. A part from these there will be User Manager at State and District Level, who will be responsible for creating and maintaining the User Account, State/System Administrators who will be involved in the State/System Administration activities. The users are expected to have a basic understanding of using a computer and familiarity with the usage of keyboard in local language and mouse. 1.2 Purpose of this document This document attempts to describe the operational aspects of PlanPlus v1.0 software with a view to assist all those who will be using the software. The document provides step-wise instructions for handling various aspects of the software with visual screens for easy and better understanding. It also describes the error messages encountered while working with the software with appropriate remedial actions required to be taken by the user. 1.3 Document Organization The document is divided in to five chapters. Chapter 1 : Introduction – This Chapter provides an Introduction to the document describing the intended audience, purpose of the document, conventions adopted in the document, references and NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 5 OF 5 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 contact address for reporting the problems, encountered, if any while using the software or related with this document. Chapter 2 : Brief Overview – This Chapter gives an overview of the software with a broad list of features offered by it. Chapter 3 : General Workflow - This Chapter provides a description about the generalized workflow followed by the Planning Unit in preparing, vetting and approving the Plan. Chapter 4 : General/Common Operating Instructions – This chapter provides insruction on how to invoke the package and also provides a description of the operations that are commonly used throughout the software is provided. Such operations include features like Print, Help, Back etc. Chapter 5 : Specific Operating Instructions – This Chapter provides specific operating instructions for each of the features offered by the software. The feature description includes a general description of the feature, screen description wherever applicable, step-wise instructions for carrying out the operation, what happens after the operation is successfully executed, what more can be done from the current screen and a list of messages that the user might encounter while carrying out the operation. 1.4 Conventions The document follows the font settings for Chapter Heading, Sub-Headings at various levels and text as indicated below: Chapter Heading – Arial Black, 12 pt, Bold SubSub-Heading Level 1 – Arial Black, 10 pt, Bold Sub-Heading Level 2 – Arial, 10 pt, Bold Body Text – Arial, 10 pt The labels related to text fields, buttons, icons etc. have been indicated in bold in the document text. 1.5 References 1. User Manual Template (NIC-TPL-004 version 1.1) prescribed as per NIC Quality Standards. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 6 OF 6 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 2. Software Requirements Specifications Document for PlanPlus v1.0 (NIC-PID-PlanPlus SRS – ver1.0). 1.6 Definitions/Glossary This section gives a glossary of terms used in the rest of the document. Term Description Actor It is a role assumed by a user while using the use case. A role defines what activities the actor can perform in PlanPlus. Role A role defines what activities the actor can perform in PlanPlus. Roles provided in PlanPlus Work Definer, Planner, Technical Appraisal, Fund Allocator, Financial Institutions, Administrative Approval, District Planning Committee (DPC), Norms Definer, SOR Definer and Scheme Definer. User Group User Group corresponds to a group of individuals who have been assigned a common set of privileges e.g. Technical Appraisal User Group, Administrative Approval User Group, DPC User Group, Planning User Group etc. Multiple roles can be assigned to a single User Group allowing the User Group to perform multiple activities. For Example if the Planning User Group is assigned roles for Work Definer and Planner, the individuals belonging to this User Group will be able to Create Work, Create Project and Create Annual Plan. User Group is a means of organizing users and can consist of multiple user types. BRGF Backward Regions Grant Fund DPC District Planning Committee TAG Technical Appraisal Group SOR Schedule of Rates MoPR Acronym for Ministry of Panchayati Raj NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 7 OF 7 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Term Description Plan Unit The unit responsible for defining the work and carrying out the planning exercises. The Plan Unit could be a RLB/ULB/Line Department. RLB Rural Local Body. Includes District Panchayats (DP) or Zilla Parishads (ZP), Block Panchayat (BP) or Intermediate Panchayat (IP) and Village Panchayat (VP) or Gram Panchayat (GP). In states where Part IX of the Constitution does not apply, RLBs would include traditional councils. ULB Urban Local Body. Includes Corporations, Municipalities, Town Areas and Notified Area Councils 1.7 Problem Reporting In case of any problem related to the software or to this document, please contact [email protected] . NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 8 OF 8 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 2.0 Brief Overview 2.1 Introduction Many efforts have been made by Government of India to strengthen and decentralize the planning process so that the development funds consumed by the Plans result in effective outcomes. However, the efforts have not sufficiently fructified in the past for many reasons. Some of them include: • Plans are prepared for each scheme separately resulting in lack of convergence of funds and sectoral integration. • Planning has traditionally been done at the district level that is physically removed from the citizens resulting in Plans that do not reflect the needs and aspirations of the people. • There is no tight coupling between the Planned outlay and the actual expenditure incurred. • There is no integration between plans of different local governments. In an attempt to address these problems, the Planning Commission issued guidelines in 2007 that th mandated that all plans from 11 Five Year Plan onwards should be prepared in a decentralized manner, starting from urban and rural local governments. Recognizing the potential of Information and Communication to de-mystify the planning process, Ministry of Panchayati Raj in collaboration has designed and developed a software, PlanPlus, for simplifying and strengthening the planning process. 2.2 Features PlanPlus v1.0 software is a decentralized planning tool that facilitates district plan generation in local language through interactive workflow among various stakeholders. The key features of the software are Convergence of Funds - PlanPlus enables intelligent convergence of funds from different schemes for a work, there by ensuring on the one hand that the available funds are utilized to the maximum possible extent and on the other hand that important works are not abandoned for lack of funds. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 9 OF 9 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Sectoral Integration – PlanPlus enables sectoral integration by stimulating the planner to think in terms of end-to-end projects rather than in terms of isolated islands of work. Vertical & Horizontal Integration - PlanPlus provides facility for co-opting of works of a lower tier by a higher tier Panchayat thereby facilitating vertical integration. It also incorporates the concept of supraprojects, which enables two or more local bodies (rural as well as urban) to collaborate to take up a work that is of common interest. Workflow - Captures the workflow of Plan creation-evaluation-modification-finalization. Generation of District Plan - PlanPlus converges and integrates the Plans of urban and rural local governments to generate a consolidated District Plan. Extensibility - PlanPlus can be easily extended to facilitate the preparation of state and central governments plans. Graphical and GIS reports - A number of graphical reports are generated to help the Planner as well as the District Planning Committee to take a view of the investment profile of the Plan. This would help in ensuring that the Plan is not unjustifiably skewed in favour of a particular sector. Adaptability to the variations across states - In view of the varying levels of capacities and experiences of different states in the Planning process, the software is being made to be easily adaptable so that states can configure it to suit their own level. Local Language - The software supports local languages of the states to enable local bodies to function in their own languages. Transparency - At every stage of the Planning process, the Plan is constantly available to the general public for scrutiny thus enabling a transparent and participative Plan preparation. Availability – The software is web based and is available on 24*7 basis with proper login authentication. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 10 OF 10 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 2.3 Sections PlanPlus is divided into following sections Requirement Specification – Captures information on Wish List, Works (location, proposed cost, proposed duration, asset/beneficiary) and Project. The stakeholder for this module are Planning Unit (Rural Local Bodies/Urban Local Bodies/Line Department) Planning – Captures annual plan creation, allocation of resources to prioritized works. The stakeholders for this module are Planning Unit (Rural Local Bodies/Urban Local Bodies/Line Department). The plan undergoes a process of Technical and Administrative Approval before finally getting approved by District Planning Committee. The complete workflow starting from Plan creation, to Technical Scrutiny / Administrative Approval and final Approval by District Planning Committee is covered. Resource Envelope – Captures information about resource Envelope available with Planning Unit. The stakeholder who would be providing the information for this module are State Govt. / NABARD / Banks / Planning Units. Master Data – Captures information about schemes, schedule of rates, norms, agency and line department. Advanced Option – This section covers the concept of User Group, Users, Plan process flow definition and Language Package. Monitoring Reports – This section provides the various reports generated by PlanPlus Package. 2.4 Target Users PlanPlus users include: Central Government Departments State Government Departments Urban Local Bodies Rural Local Bodies District-Level Line Departments Financial Institutions District Planning Committees NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 11 OF 11 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Citizens A detailed description of the complete functionality of the software is provided under Specific Operating Instructions as part of Chapter 5. 3.0 General Workflow The Planning Workflow begins with suggestions/need/ expectations expressed either by citizens or in Gram Sabhas/Area Sabhas or by Planning Unit. Each Planning Unit (ULBs & RLBs) identifies works or incorporates a suggestion and can assign it to a project. Once projects/works are identified the planning units carry out a yearly exercise of preparing an Annual Plan. Annual Plan exercise involves, listing all the works that are supposed to be taken up in the finanacial year, prioritizing these works and identifying various resources (Schemes) to fund these activities. PlanPlus enables intelligent convergence of funds from different schemes for a work, there by ensuring on the one hand that the available funds are utilized to the maximum possible extent and on the other hand that important works are not abandoned for lack of funds. Once the planning unit has finalized the list of proposed activities with due fund allocation from different schemes, they can forward the plan for Technical Appraisal. The system automatically routes the plan to technical appraisal group users for scrutiny. This workflow can to customized as per State requirement. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 12 OF 12 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 PlanPlus WorkFlow Suggest Needs/Expectations Planning Unit (ULBs & RLBs) Formulate Projects Linkages Unstructured wish-list Assign Works to Projects (Sectoral Integration) Prepare Annual Plan (Prioritization & source of funding) (Estimates,time, location etc) Forward to TAC Technical Approval Committee (BTAC/DTAC/STAC) Evaluate for Technical Scrutiny/ Sanction All works approved? Review Yes Evaluate for Administrative Approval DPC All works approved? Approved Plan Linkages PRI Accounting (PRIASoft) Implementation Monitoring Review Integration with CSS/State Fund info, SORs, Norms, GP Boundaries, Census Database, Local resource database etc. Citizens/ NGOs/ CBOs/ GramSabhas/ Area Sabhas/ Planning Units Yes Services (G2C, G2B,G2G etc) National Panchayat Portal Fig 3.1 TAG scrutinizes the plan, gives their comment and could send back the plan to the Planning Unit for Review or if all works are approved the plan is automatically routed to DPC. DPC could extend its comments on the plan and could approve/review/reject the works specified in the plan and could send it back to the planning unit for incorporating the DPC suggestion. This entire process is iterative and could go number of revisions once a plan is finally approved by DPC. Once DPC review all plans from Panchayats and Municipalities, District Plan is generated. In fact a proceedings document can be generated by PlanPlus, which could be used for releasing the funds to respective PRIs so that could start execution of approved works. The Plan Plus package would be loosely coupled with Panchayati Raj Accounting Package, National Panchayat Portal and would also access other local resource databases required for planning. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 13 OF 13 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 4.0 General/Common Operating Instructions PlanPlus V1.0 is a web based package, the user need to type in the address bar of the browser to invoke the software. Eventually the software would be shifted to There are certain generic functions that you will need to perform on almost all the screens. These include options like GIS, Print, Help and Home. The following paragraphs provide a description of such options, which are commonly available throughout the software. GIS GIS option provides you an opportunity to view the GIS maps (Gram Panchayat Map/ Block Panchayat Map/ District Panchayat Map) on various parameters of Health, Education, and Population etc. This option will be helpful to view the developmental profile and plan for the unit accordingly. A sample output is shown in the figure below. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 14 OF 14 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Print Print option is commonly available throughout the software to allow you to take a print out of the screen that you are currently viewing. You can use the print outs to have a closer look at the screens at your own convenience. It is particularly useful for inspecting the details of the work, project, plan reports etc. To take a print out of the screen that you are currently viewing, just click the Print button displayed on top of the screen. This opens the familiar Print dialog box. Make necessary selections as you normally do for printing a file and click the Print button. Help You can use the Help option displayed on all the screens in case you are facing some problem. This option provides a context sensitive help on all the topics associated with the PlanPlus v1.0 software. Home Home option is available on all the screens to allow you to go to the logged in user task list page. This page displays a list of tasks, if any assigned to the user. 4.1 Login General Description Once the user invokes the package, you will see a Login form. You will be able to work with the package only after you successfully provide your User Id and Password in the Login form. In case you do not have a user account, you are required to contact the user manger at the district level. The Login form appears in English Language by default. You can switch to the language of your choice using the Language drop-down list provided in the Login form. You are required to specify the UserID and Password to successfully login to the package. As you successfully login, the PlanPlus screen would be shown as per the privileges assigned to you. The menu on the left hand side shows the operation that the logged in user can perform and the right side shows the list of task(s), if any for the logged in user. To Logout from the site, use the Logout option provided in the top section of the page. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 15 OF 15 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Screen Description Fig. 4.1 provides a sample picture of the Login form as it appears on your screen. At the top of the screen, a band, which is common across all the screens, is displayed. This band contains the software name. Below this is the Login form. The title of the form viz. Login Details is displayed at the top. This is followed by a message that says - * Mandatory Field(s) must be filled in. This indicates that the fields marked with asterisks must be filled-in and cannot be left blank. As a convention commonly adopted throughout the software, this message appears in all the forms to indicate the fields that are compulsorily required to be filled-in. Fig. 4.1 Login form contains three fields as indicated below. Language – This field allows you to select the language in which you want to operate the software. You can select the language of your choice from the drop-down list that contains the languages supported by the package. Once the user select the language the entire package would start working in NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 16 OF 16 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 the local language. In case he does not choose any language, the package will work in default language that is English. This field allows you to select the language in which you wish to operate the software. User Id – In this field you need to enter your User Id. The predefined users are created in English, but in case a User Id is available in another language, the user is required to enable that language on the system and then type in the User Id. Password - In this field you need to enter your Password. The predefined users are created in English, but in case a password is available in another language, the user is required to enable that language on the system and then type in the password. User Id and Password have been super scribed with asterisk (*) mark indicating that the two fields should be compulsorily filled-in. Both User Id and Password were provided as part of creating your user account (see the section on Create User Account for details). Besides, you will see the following button on the form: Login – This button allows you to submit the login details entered by you. If the login is successful, you will see the PlanPlus Home Page, else a message indicating the reason for unsuccessful login is prompted to you (see the List of Messages given below). Cancel – This button allows you to cancel the login operation. The screen would be reset to default. How to Login To be able to Login, follow the steps given below: 1) You will see the Login form as soon as you connect to the site by typing the URL of package in the address bar of the browser. 2) Select the Language from the drop down list. The selected language specifies the language in which you wish to operate the package. As you select a language, all the labels on the login form will appear in the selected language. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 17 OF 17 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Click the Language bar displayed on the Task bar to expand the list of languages 3) available on your computer. Select the same language as chosen in the previous step to enable typing in the selected language. 4) Click inside the User Id text-box and type your User Id in the selected language. 5) Click inside the Password text-box and type your password. 6) Click the Login button to submit your login details. 7) If the Login is successful, you will see PlanPlus Home Page. In case of an error, an appropriate message is prompted to you providing you the reason for unsuccessful login (see the list of Messages given below). What happens when you Login? 1) As you login successfully, you will see the PlanPlus Page with your User Id and other credentials displayed on the top-left 2) The screen is displayed in the language that you have chosen while Login. 3) The Left hand side menu is rendered as per the privileges and roles assigned to the logged in user. 4) The right hand page shows list of task(s), if any pending for the logged in user. Messages As you submit login details, you may be prompted with one of the following messages: S.No 1. Message Reason Expected Action from the user is This indicates that either Click OK to resume and revise Either User Id or User the Password entered by you is not Login incorrect. invalid. is Id or Password User Id or Password, whichever is not correct. correct. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 18 OF 18 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 What more can you do from the Login screen View Citizen Section Reports – There are certain reports exposed in public view which do not require login. These reports include • Approved Plans – This report allows the citizen to view plans approved in the Selected Plan Year. The output is shown State / Plan Unit Type Wise , that is, the number of plans approved in the selected plan year by each Type of Planning Unit. The user can drill down to know the plan unit and view the approved plan. • Plans in Pipeline - This report allows the citizen to view the status of the plan, which are in pipeline for the Selected Plan Year. The output is shown State / Plan Unit Type Wise , that is, the number of plans in pipeline for the selected plan year by each Type of Planning Unit. The user can drill down to know the plan unit and where the Plan is pending. The plan could be pending either for DPC Approval/ TAG Approval/ Administrative Approval/ or pending with the Plan Unit. • Credit Plan - This report allows the citizen to view the credit offered by Financial Institutions to various Plan Units. The user is allowed to select the plan year, state and focus area for which he wants to view the credit availability. The output is shown District / Focus area wise, that is, how much credit is available under each focus area. The user can drill down to know the credit availability at each plan unit type. • Scheme Plan - This report allows the citizen to view the outlay available under a scheme to various Plan Units. The user is allowed to select the plan year, state and scheme for which he wants to view the outlay. The output is shown District / Plan Unit Type wise, that is, how much outlay is available under each plan unit type. The user can drill down to know how this outlay is utilized under different works. • Sectoral Plan – This report allows the citizen to view the outlay available under different sectors to various Plan Units. The user is allowed to select the plan year, state and focus area for which he wants to view the outlay. The output is shown District / Sector wise, that is, how much amount from different scheme is available under each sector. The user can drill down to know the outlay availability at each plan unit type. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 19 OF 19 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 4.2 Logout General Description Logout option allows you to logout of the package, if you are logged in. The Logout option is available on the main screen in the top-section (see Fig. 4.2). Fig. 4.2 As you successfully logout using the Logout option on the PlanPlus Page, you come back to the Login screen, the PlanPlus Home Page. To be able to Logout of package, follow the steps given below: 1) Click the Logout option on the Main Screen in the top section. What happens when you Logout NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 20 OF 20 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE 1) PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 As you successfully logout using the Logout option on the Main Screen, you come back to the Login Screen, the PlanPlus Home Page. Please note that after logging out, you will see the PlanPlus screen in English Language, which may be different from the language that you were working in before logging out. 4.3 Switch Language General Description At times, you may like to switch to a language different than the one in which you are currently working. The Language drop-down list provided at the top of the main screen displays a list of languages currently supported by package. The drop-down list shows the current language that you are working in as the default choice. You can click and expand the drop-down list to see the other languages supported by the package and choose one of them as your current working language. Also note that if some of the labels and messages are not available in the language that you selected as your current working language, such labels and messages will appear in the English language. How to Switch between Languages To be able to switch language, you need to click the Language drop-down list provided on the PlanPlus Login Screen or on the PlanPlus Main Screen. This expands the list of languages currently supported by package. Click the desired language from the displayed list. You will see that your package now appears in the selected language. 4.4 Change Password General Description At times, you the user may like to change the password. To change the password the user is required to login to the package and specify the old and the new password. How to Change Password To be able to change password, you need to click the Change Password option provide on PlanPlus Main Screen. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 21 OF 21 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 5.0 Specific Operating Instructions This chapter explains the functionality and provides specific instructions for each of the features offered by the software. The following table describes the various options available under each section. Menu Option/Role Matrix Home Requirements Section Role Suggestion Create Suggestion Work Definer View Suggestion Project Create Project Modify Project Works Create Work Modify Work Planning Planner Annual Plan Create Annual Plan Modify Annual Plan DPC Approval Administrative Approval Accord Approval TAG DPC Supra Project Create Supra Project Modify Supra Project NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 22 OF 22 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Delete Supra Project DPC Priority Sector Identify Priority Sector View Plan in Priority Sector Resource Envelope Fund Allocator Scheme Fund Details Fund Allocation to Plan Unit Financial Institution Credit Fund Details Thrust Area/Activity Financial Target Planner Own Fund Details Add Own Fund Details Modify Own Fund Details Master Data Scheme Scheme Definer Create Scheme Modify Scheme Delete Scheme SOR SOR Definer Create SOR Modify SOR Delete SOR Norms Norms Definer Create Norms Modify Norms Delete Norms Agency NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 23 OF 23 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Create Agency State Administrator Modify Agency System Administrator Delete Agency Line Department Create Line Department State Administrator Modify Line Department Delete Line Department Advanced Option User Group Create User Group State Administrator Modify User Group System Administrator Delete User Group User Create User User Manager Modify User Delete User Process Flow Create Process Flow State Administrator Modify Process Flow Delete Process Flow Language Package Create Language Package State Administrator Modify Language Package Delete Language Package Monitoring Reports Plans in Pipeline Approved Plan Report NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 24 OF 24 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Credit Plan Sectoral Plan Scheme Plan Plan Report District Plan Report As you successfully login to the package, the first page that you see is menu page (Fig 5.1), which is rendered as per the privileges, assigned your account. The left hand side menu shows what the user can do and on the right hand side shows the list of pending tasks. As per the role assigned to the user the following options will appear Fig 5.1 NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 25 OF 25 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Refer to sections on each of these options for more details. 5.1 Requirement Section This section covers the Requirements of the Planning Unit. Planning begins with suggestions/need/ expectations expressed either by citizens or in Gram Sabhas/Area Sabhas or by Planning Unit. Each Planning Unit (Rural Local Bodies/Urban Local Bodies/Line Department) identifies works or incorporate a suggestion and can assign it to a project. The stakeholder who would be providing the information are citizen and work definer for Rural Local Bodies/Urban Local Bodies/Line Department. The user with a Work Definer role will provide information for the requirement section. The following table describes the options available under requirement section. Requirements Section Role Suggestion Create Suggestion Work Definer View Suggestion Project Create Project Modify Project Works Create Work Modify Work 5.1.1 Suggestion General Description Suggestion is one of the important activity associated with the planning process; the others being identification of works; cost estimation; annual plan preparation etc. The planning process begins with Gram/Ward Sabha or any planning unit or any individual expressing their needs to other planning units. The suggestion box is basically a collection of wish list. For example a GP may suggest its BP to build a link road or a GP may suggest a municipality to build a warehouse. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 26 OF 26 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 These suggestions are shared in public domain and with DPC and other planning Units. Planning units can decide if there is any need to take up the suggested need as a work in any of their Plans. DPC can further extend its comments on the proposed work once the plan is send to DPC. Citizen as well as a user with a work definer role is allowed to create a suggestion in PlanPlus Package. Apart from creating a suggestion, the user can view the suggestions forwarded to them by other Planning Units and also by Citizens. Suggestion option is available on the Main Screen (for citizen) and under Requirement Section for the user with Work Definer Role. As you choose to create a suggestion, following details associated with the suggestion are required: Language Suggested By Suggestion Expected Benefit Forwarded to Two Buttons viz. Save and Cancel appear at the bottom. Screen Description Fig. 5.2 provides a sample picture of the Create Suggestion form as it appears on your screen. The title of the form viz. Create Suggestion is displayed at the top. This is followed by a message that says - * Mandatory Field(s) must be filled in. This indicates that the fields marked with asterisks must be filled-in and cannot be left blank. As a convention commonly adopted throughout the software, this message appears in all the forms to indicate the fields that are compulsorily required to be filled-in. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 27 OF 27 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Fig. 5.2 Create Suggestion form contains following fields as indicated below. The fields that are shown on create suggestion screen and drop down option may vary depending on whether you are submitting the suggestion through public domain or logged in to the package and have work definer role. Language Suggested By Suggestion Expected Benefit Forwarded to NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 28 OF 28 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Language – This field tells you the language in which you are submitting the suggestion. If the user is logged in, it is assumed that all the suggestion will be provided in current user interface language. Suggested By – This field specifies who is giving the suggestion. Suggestion – This field specifies the suggestion details. Expected Benefit – This field specifies the expected benefit, if this suggestion is implemented. Forwarded to – This field specifies the planning unit type to whom this suggestion is to be forwarded. Depending upon the planning unit type, the user will be prompted to select the plan unit. Save – This button allows you to save the suggestion. Cancel – This button enables you to abort the Create Suggestion operation and will take you back to the default login/main screen, from where you chose to open the Create Suggestion form. How to Create a Suggestion To be able to create a suggestion, follow the steps given below: 1) Invoke the PlanPlus package. Create suggestion option will be visible on the default login screen or on the left menu once you login to the package using your UserId and Password and have Work Definer Role. See Login section for more details. 2) Click Create Suggestion option to open create suggestion form. 3) Create Suggestion form displays only those data fields, which are meant for you. You will notice that there are certain fields marked with * sign, which means that they are mandatory for you and required to be filled in. 4) You can click on the field and enter the value. Suggestions, Expected Benefit are text boxes and you can enter the value by clicking in that field. Language, Suggested By, Forwarded to are drop down list and you can select the appropriate type from the list. 5) Click the Save button to save the newly created suggestion or click Cancel button to abort the create suggestion operation. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 29 OF 29 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 6) In case you chose to cancel the operation in the step 5, the system takes you back to the PlanPlus Main Screen without saving your suggestion. 7) In case you chose to save the details in step 5, a message: “The Suggestion was saved successfully” is displayed to you provided all mandatory fields that are meant for you are filled. Click OK to continue. As you click OK, you are brought back to default Login Page or PlanPlus Main Screen to enable you to create more suggestion, if you desire. What happens when a suggestion is saved? 1) The newly created suggestion is saved and is internally transferred to the planning unit for which it is meant. An alert would be displayed to the planning unit when a suggestion is forwarded to it and the Planning Unit can go through the suggestion and if desire can formulate a work and include it in a plan. 2) In case, a suggestion is not forwarded to any planning unit it will be available to all. 3) The system automatically forwards the suggestion to the desired planning unit and places it in its alert dialog box. Messages As you create a suggestion, you may be prompted with one of the following messages. S.No 1. Message Suggested required By is Reason Expected Action from the user This indicates that it is Click OK to resume and type the mandatory for you to enter details about the person who is the name/details about the giving the suggestion. person who is giving the suggestion. This message is displayed when you click Save button without typing in suggested by in Create Suggestion form. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 30 OF 30 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE S.No 2. PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Message Reason Expected Action from the user Suggestion Details is This indicates that it is Click OK to resume and type the required. mandatory for you to type suggestion in Suggestion text- the suggestion details. This box. message when is you displayed Save click button without typing in Suggestion Create in Suggestion form. 3. Expected Benefit is This indicates that it is Click OK to resume and type the required mandatory for you to type Expected Benefit in Expected the expected benefits if this Benefit text-box. suggestion is implemented. message when you This is displayed click Save button without typing in Expected Benefit in Create Suggestion form. 4. The Suggestion was This indicates that the saved successfully specified suggestion was Click OK to continue. created successfully. 5.1.2 Project General Description Planning Unit (District Panchayat / Intermediate Panchayat / Village Panchayat / Corporation / Municipality / Town Areas / Notified Area Council / Line department) create a project definition cutting across different sector. A project would invariably consist of one or more activities, possibly belonging to different sectors. A project, by integrating the activities of different sectors and the resources available for them would ensure maximum impact of the interventions in different sectors. Thus, for NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 31 OF 31 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 example, a project on watershed development would typically consist of activities in soil conservation, water harvesting, micro irrigation, bio-mass generation, fisheries, animal husbandry, agro processing and micro enterprise, all suitable sequenced. It is also possible for a ULB/RLB to specifiy just one activity within a project. A user with a work definer role is allowed to create / Modify a project in PlanPlus Package. Create / Modify Project option is available on the Main Screen (left menu) under Requirement Section for the user with Work Definer Role. As you choose to create a Project, following details associated with the project are required: Plan Unit Type Plan Unit Project Name Project Description Expected Benefit Two Buttons viz. Save and Cancel appear at the bottom. Screen Description Fig. 5.3 provides a sample picture of the Create Project form as it appears on your screen. The title of the form viz. Create Project is displayed at the top. This is followed by a message that says - * Mandatory Field(s) must be filled in. This indicates that the fields marked with asterisks must be filled-in and cannot be left blank. As a convention commonly adopted throughout the software, this message appears in all the forms to indicate the fields that are compulsorily required to be filled-in. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 32 OF 32 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Fig. 5.3 Create Project form contains following fields as indicated below. Plan Unit Type Plan Unit Project Name Project Description Expected Benefit Plan Unit Type – This field specifies the planning unit type for which the logged in user can create a project definition. The type of Plan Unit for which the user can create a project are defined when the user account is created. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 33 OF 33 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Plan Unit – Depending upon the planning unit type, the plan unit type will specify the actual plan unit for which the project definition is being created. Project Name – This field specifies the name of the project. Project Description – This field specifies a brief description about the project. Expected Benefit – This field specifies the expected benefit, if this project is taken up. Save – This button allows you to save the project. Cancel – This button enables you to abort the Create Project operation and will take you back to the main screen (left menu), from where you chose to open the Create Project form. How to Create a Project To be able to create a project, follow the steps given below: 1) Invoke the PlanPlus package. Create Project option will be visible on the left menu under Requirement Section Project once you login to the package using your UserId and Password and have Work Definer Role. See Login section for more details. 2) Click Create Project option to open create Project form. 3) Create Project form displays only those data fields, which are meant for you. You will notice that there are certain fields marked with * sign, which means that they are mandatory for you and required to be filled in. 4) You can click on the field and enter the value. Project Name, Project Description, Expected Benefit are text boxes and you can enter the value by clicking in that field. Plan Unit Type and Plan Unit are drop down list and you can select the appropriate type (the plan unit for which you are creating the project definition) from the list. 5) Click the Save button to save the newly created project or click Cancel button to abort the create project operation. 6) In case you chose to cancel the operation in the step 5, the system takes you back to the PlanPlus Main Screen without saving your project. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 34 OF 34 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 7) In case you chose to save the details in step 5, a message: “The Project was saved successfully” is displayed to you provided all mandatory fields that are meant for you are filled. Click OK to continue. As you click OK, you are brought back to PlanPlus Main Screen to enable you to create more projects, if you desire. What happens when a project is saved? 1) The newly created project is saved and is available to the planning unit for assigning works. Messages As you create a project, you may be prompted with one of the following messages. S.No 1. Message Project Name is required Reason Expected Action from the user This indicates that it is Click OK to resume and type the mandatory for you to enter Project Name in Project Name the Project Name. This text-box.. message when is you displayed click Save button without typing in Project Name in Create Project form. 2. Project Description is This indicates that it is Click OK to resume and type the required. mandatory for you to enter Project Description the Description text-box. Project Description. in Project This message is displayed when you click Save button without typing in Project Description in Create Project form. 3. The Project Details This was specified saved NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O indicates that the project Click OK to continue. was PAGE 35 OF 35 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE S.No PLANPLUS Message successfully Reason USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Expected Action from the user created successfully. 5.1.3 Work General Description Planning Unit (District Panchayat / Intermediate Panchayat / Village Panchayat / Corporation / Municipality / Town Areas / Notified Area Council / Line department) create a work. A user with a work definer role is allowed to Create / Modify a work in PlanPlus Package. Create / Modify work option is available on the Main Screen (left menu) under Requirement Section for the user with Work Definer Role. As you choose to create a Work, following details associated with the work are required: Plan Unit Type Plan Unit Work Name Work Description Work Focus Area Project Name Implementing Agency Need to be fulfilled Proposed Active Beneficiary Proposed Passive Beneficiary Asset Details NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 36 OF 36 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE Cost Estimation Activity/Expenditure Schedule Expenditure Schedule PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Asset Specification, Cost estimation and Activity/Expenditure schedule are optional and depending upon the varying levels of capacities and experiences of different states in the Planning process, the details could be entered. Two Buttons viz. Save and Cancel appear at the bottom. Screen Description Fig. 5.4 provides a sample picture of the Create Work form as it appears on your screen. The title of the form viz. Create Work is displayed at the top. This is followed by a message that says - * Mandatory Field(s) must be filled in. This indicates that the fields marked with asterisks must be filled-in and cannot be left blank. As a convention commonly adopted throughout the software, this message appears in all the forms to indicate the fields that are compulsorily required to be filled-in. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 37 OF 37 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PLANPLUS PAGE 38 OF 38 USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Fig. 5.4 Create Work form contains following fields as indicated below. Plan Unit Type Plan Unit Work Name Work Description Work Focus Area Project Name Implementing Agency NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 39 OF 39 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE Need to be fulfilled Proposed Active Beneficiary Proposed Passive Beneficiary Asset Details Cost Estimation Activity/Expenditure Schedule Expenditure Schedule PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Plan Unit Type – This field specifies the planning unit type for which the logged in user can create a work definition. The type of Plan Unit for which the user can create a work are defined when the user account is created. Plan Unit – Depending upon the planning unit type, the plan unit type will specify the actual plan unit for which the work definition is being created. Work Name – This field specifies the name of the work. Work Description – A brief description about the work. Work Focus Area – This field allows you to select the list of 29 Subjects of Rural Local Body and 19 Subjects of Urban Local Body. A work focus area acts as a link to integrate various schemes from which this work could be funded. (Sectoral Integration) Project Name - The project under which this work would be executed. Implementing Agency – This field specifies the name of implementing agency. Need to be fulfilled – This button allows the user to link the work with the suggestional needs. A work could fulfill multiple suggestions that have been forwarded to the planning unit. Proposed Active Beneficiary – This section captures the number of people who would be benefited when the work is being carried out. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 40 OF 40 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Proposed Passive Beneficiary – This section captures the number of people who would be benefited after the work is completed. Asset Details – Proposed location of the asset ie the physical location, the name of the village where the asset would be located. Expenditure Schedule Details – Expenditure Schedule ie how much expenditure would be incurred each year to carry out the work. Cost Estimation - Cost Estimation module which include specifying the agency for schedule of rates, identifying the item of expenditure, total number of units to calculate the cost of work. Activity/Expenditure Schedule - Activity/Expenditure Schedule ie which activity is carried out in which month and how much would be the expenditure in each month. Asset Specification, Cost estimation and Activity/Expenditure schedule are optional and depending upon the varying levels of capacities and experiences of different states in the Planning process, the details could be entered. Save – This button allows you to save the work. Cancel – This button enables you to abort the Create Work operation and will take you back to the main screen (left menu), from where you chose to open the Create Work form. How to Create a Work To be able to create a work, follow the steps given below: 1) Invoke the PlanPlus package. Create Work option will be visible on the left menu under Requirement Section Work once you login to the package using your UserId and Password and have Work Definer Role. See Login section for more details. 2) Click Create Work option to open create work form. 3) Create Work form displays only those data fields, which are meant for you. You will notice that there are certain fields marked with * sign, which means that they are mandatory for you and required to be filled in. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 41 OF 41 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 4) You can click on the field and enter the value. Work Name, Work Description, Implementing Agency, Proposed Active and Passive Beneficiary etc are text boxes and you can enter the value by clicking in that field. Plan Unit Type and Plan Unit are drop down list and you can select the appropriate type (the plan unit for which you are creating the work definition) from the list. Work Focus Area is a drop down list specifying the subject areas of RLB and ULB, the user can select one of them to which this work falls. 5) You can optionally link a work to a project by selecting the project from a drop down list. 6) You can optionally link a work to the suggestions it fulfills by clicking the button Need to be fulfilled. This opens a form listing all the suggestions forwarded to the planning unit. The user can select the suggestion. 7) You can specify the Expenditure Schedule ie how much expenditure would be incurred each year to carry out the work. 8) Asset Specification, Cost estimation and Activity/Expenditure schedule are optional and depending upon the varying levels of capacities and experiences of different states in the Planning process, the details could be entered. 9) Click the Save button to save the newly created work or click Cancel button to abort the create work operation. 10) In case you chose to cancel the operation in the step 9, the system takes you back to the PlanPlus Main Screen without saving your work. 11) In case you chose to save the details in step 9, a message: “The work was saved successfully” is displayed to you provided all mandatory fields that are meant for you are filled. Click OK to continue. As you click OK, you are brought back to PlanPlus Main Screen to enable you to create more work, if you desire. What happens when a work is saved? 1) The newly created work is saved and is available to the planning unit for inclusion in annual plan. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 42 OF 42 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Messages As you create a work, you may be prompted with one of the following messages. S.No 1. Message Please enter the Work Name. Reason Expected Action from the user This indicates that it is Click OK to resume and type the mandatory for you to enter Work Name in Work Name text- the box.. Work message when Name. is you This displayed click Save button without typing in Work Name in Create Work form. 2. Please enter the Work Description. This indicates that it is Click OK to resume and type the mandatory for you to enter Work the Work Description. This Description text-box.. message when is you Description in Work displayed click Save button without typing in Work Description in Create Work form. 3. Please enter the Work Focus Area. This indicates that it is Click OK to resume and select the mandatory for you to select Work Focus Area from Work the Work Focus Area. This Focus Area drill down list. message when you is displayed click Save button without selecting in Work Focus Area in Create Work form. 4. the This indicates that it is Click OK to resume and select the Type mandatory for you to select Beneficiary Type. before entering the the type of Beneficiary. Please select Beneficiary This message is displayed NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 43 OF 43 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE S.No PLANPLUS Message USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Reason breakup Expected Action from the user This message is displayed when you Save click button without selecting in type of beneficiary either in Proposed Active Beneficiary or Proposed Passive Beneficiary in Create Work form. 5. Please enter the total This indicates that it is Click OK to resume and type the cost of the Work. mandatory for you to enter cost of the work in Total Cost the cost of the work. This text-box. message when you is displayed click Save button without typing in cost of the work in Create Work form. 6. the This indicates that it is Click OK to resume and select Start mandatory for you to enter Planned Start (Month/Year) for (Month/Year) for the the the work from Planned Start Work. (Month/Year) for the Work. Please enter Planned Planned Start (Month/Year) drill down list. This message is displayed when you click Save button without selecting the Planned Start (Month/Year) for the work in Create Work form. 7. Please enter the duration of the Work This indicates that it is Click OK to resume and type the mandatory for you to enter duration the duration of the Work. Duration text-box. of work in Work This message is displayed NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 44 OF 44 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE S.No PLANPLUS Message USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Reason when you Expected Action from the user click Save button without typing in duration of the work in Create Work form. 8. The work Duration This indicates that a work Click OK to resume and type the cannot be more than could the duration of work less than 60 60 Month maximum to 5 years. This months in Total Duration (in message months) text-box. when span is you at displayed click Save button and have entered a value more than 60 in Total Duration (in months) in Create Work form. 9. This indicates that it is Click OK to resume and type the proposed mandatory for you to enter proposed expenditure for the plan expenditure for the the proposed expenditure year(s) for the work in Plan Year plan year(s) for the plan year(s). This and Financial Target text-box. Please enter the message when you is displayed click Save button without typing in proposed expenditure schedule for the work in Create Work form. 10. Sum of the amount This indicates that it is Click OK to resume and ensure for all the Plan years mandatory that Sum of the that sum of the amount for all the should be equal to amount for all the Plan Plan years is equal to the total the total cost of the years should be equal to cost of the work. work the total cost of the work. This message is displayed when NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O you click Save PAGE 45 OF 45 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE S.No PLANPLUS Message USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Reason when you Expected Action from the user click Save button and Sum of the amount for all the Plan years is not equal to the total cost of the work. 11. The Work was Details saved successfully This indicates that the Click OK to continue. specified work was created successfully. 5.1.4 Co-Option of Works General Description PlanPlus provides facility for co-opting of works of a lower tier by a higher tier panchayat thereby facilitating vertical integration. A Higher Planning unit while defining the work can have look on the works proposed by its lower tier. And if they feel that it is more viable in terms of cost and benefit they can co-opt the works of its lower tier formations. Co-option of works is essentially a suggestion to DPC (and the concerned planning units) that the higher tier can take up the works of the lower tier planning units, possibly to serve the interests of a larger target population and/or if it is more viable economically. The approval or rejection of works would primarily lie with DPC after deliberations with all concerned planning units because it is quite possible that the higher unit which is co-opting the work of the lower unit may not accord it the same priority as was given by lower formation so a mutual agreement is must in case of co-option. This option is available to the work definer on Create / Modify Work. Screen Description Fig. 5.5 provides a sample picture of the Co-option of Work form as it appears on your screen. The title of the form viz. Co-option of Work is displayed at the top. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 46 OF 46 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Fig. 5.5 Cooption of work form contains the following fields as indicated below. Plan Unit Type- This field allows the user to select the plan unit type whose work you want to coopt. Plan Unit - Depending upon the plan unit type, the user can select the plan unit whose work they want to coopt. All the works, which are planned by the unit would be shown and the user can co-opt the work. Besides, you will see the following button on the form: Confirm – This button allows you to confirm that the work definition that you are defining is basically co-option of the selected work. Cancel– This button allows you to cancel the co-option process and it would return the user to create work screen. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 47 OF 47 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 5.2 Resource Envelope Section This section covers the Resource Envelope available with Planning Unit. The stakeholder who would be providing the information for this module are State Govt. / Financial Institution (NABARD / Banks) / and Planning Units. State Government are providing resource envelope available under different schemes. The user with a Fund Allocator role will provide the scheme wise fund availability for each planning unit. Financial Institution like NABARD and other lead banks would be providing the Credit available under different activities. The user with a Financial Institution role will provide the activity wise credit availability for each planning unit. Also, Planning Unit can indicate the availability of own funds / revenues which could be utilized for Planning developmental works. The following table describes which role can specify what resource envelope. Resource Envelope Role Scheme Fund Details Fund Allocator Fund Allocation to Plan Unit Financial Institution Credit Fund Details Thrust Area/Activity Financial Target Planner Own Fund Details Add Own Fund Details Modify Own Fund Details 5.2.1 Fund Allocation to Plan Unit General Description The software captures for each year, plan unit wise details about the actual amount allotted/ expected allocation/ unspent balance for the schemes managed by various central and state government departments. A user with a Fund Allocator role is allowed to specify fund allocation to the plan unit. Fund Allocation to Plan unit option is available on the Main Screen (left menu) under Resource Envelope Scheme NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 48 OF 48 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Fund Details for the user with Fund Allocator Role. Refer to Fig for Fund Allocation to Plan Unit option As you choose to allocate funds to plan unit for a Scheme, following details associated with the fund allocation are required: Scheme Plan Year Plan Unit Type Plan Unit Unspent Balance Expected Allocation Annual Allocation Two Buttons viz. Save and Cancel appear at the bottom. Screen Description Fig. 5.6 provides a sample picture of the Fund Allocation to Plan Unit form as it appears on your screen. The title of the form viz. Fund Allocation to Plan Units is displayed at the top. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 49 OF 49 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Fig. 5.6 Fund Allocation to Plan Units form contains following fields as indicated below. Scheme Plan Year Plan Unit Type Plan Unit Unspent Balance Expected Allocation Annual Allocation NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 50 OF 50 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Scheme - This specifies the scheme for which you are doing the allocation. Plan Year – This specifies the year for which you are doing the allocation. Plan Unit Type – This field specifies the planning unit type for which the logged in user can do fund allocation. The type of Plan Units for which the user can do fund allocation are defined when the user account is created. Plan Unit – Depending upon the planning unit type, the system automatically retrieves all the plan unit for which the logged in user can do fund allocation. Unspent Balance – This field specifies the unspent Balance under the selected scheme for the planning unit in the selected plan year. Expected Allocation - This field specifies the Expected Allocation under the selected scheme for the planning unit in the selected plan year. Annual Allocation - This field specifies the Annual Allocation under the selected scheme for the planning unit in the selected plan year. Besides, you will see the following button on the form: Save – This button allows you to save the fund allocation to the plan unit. Cancel – This button enables you to abort the Fund Allocation to Plan Units operation and will take you back to the main screen (left menu), from where you chose to open the Fund Allocation to Plan Units form. How to do Fund Allocation to the Plan Units To be able to do fund allocation to plan unit, follow the steps given below: 1) Invoke the PlanPlus package. Fund Allocation to Plan Unit option will be visible on the left menu under Resource Envelope Scheme Funds Details once you login to the package using your UserId and Password and have Fund Allocator Role. See Login section for more details. 2) Click Fund Allocation to Plan Unit option to open Fund Allocation to Plan Unit form. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 51 OF 51 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 3) Fund Allocation to Plan Unit form displays the drill down list for Scheme, Plan Year and Plan Unit Type. You are required to select the scheme for which you want to do the fund allocation, the year for which you are entering the allocation details. Plan Unit Type will be a drill down list showing only those plan units for which the logged in user can do fund allocation 4) Once you have selected the Plan Unit Type all the plan units of that type are shown in a grid format. You can specify unspent balance, expected allocation, and annual allocation for each plan unit in the text boxes. 5) Click the Save button to save the fund allocation details or click Cancel button to abort the fund allocation to plan unit operation. 6) In case you chose to cancel the operation in the step 5, the system takes you back to the PlanPlus Main Screen without saving your fund allocation details. 7) In case you chose to save the details in step 5, a message: “The Scheme Fund Allocation Detail was saved successfully” is displayed. Click OK to continue. As you click OK, you are brought back to Fund Allocation To Plan Unit form to enable you to do more allocation under the scheme, if you desire. What happens when a fund allocation details are saved? 1) The allocations are saved for the scheme and are available to the Plan Unit for allocation under different works. Messages As you do fund allocation to plan unit, you may be prompted with one of the following messages. S.No Message Reason Expected Action from the user NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 52 OF 52 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE 1. PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 The Fund Allocation This indicates that the fund to the Plan Unit was allocation to the Plan Unit for saved successfully the specified scheme and Plan Year was Click Ok to Continue saved successfully. 5.2.2 Thrust Area/Activity The software captures for each year, the thrust area wise activity details and credit available under these activities by each bank branch plan unit wise. These two form the Credit Plan for each plan unit. The activities are classified under the thrust areas of ULBs and/or RLBs. The list will include the 19 subject areas of ULBs and 29 subject areas of RLBs. The thrust area of the activity and the work focus area define the possible sources of funding for a work under credit plan. A user with a Financial Institution role is allowed to specify credit plan for the plan unit. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) with offices located in each district could be the nodal agency to enter the credit plan details. Thrust Area/Activity option is available on the Main Screen (left menu) under Resource Envelope Credit Fund Details for the user with Fund Institution Role. As you specify the thrust area/activity for the financial year, following details associated with the thrust area/activity are required: Financial Year Thrust Area Activity Name Unit Cost Unit Three Buttons viz. Add More, Save and Cancel appear at the bottom. Screen Description NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 53 OF 53 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE Fig. 5.7 PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 provides a sample picture of the Thrust Area/Activity form as it appears on your screen. The title of the form viz. Thrust Area/Activity is displayed at the top. Fig. 5.7 Thrust Area Activities form contains the following fields as indicated below. Financial Year Thrust Area Activity Name Unit Cost Unit Three Buttons viz. Add More, Save and Cancel appear at the bottom. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 54 OF 54 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Financial Year - This field allows the user to select the Financial Year for which you are defining the Thrust area and activities. Thrust Area - The activities are classified under the thrust areas of ULBs and/or RLBs. The list will include the 19 subject areas of ULBs and 29 subject areas of RLBs. The thrust area of the activity and the work focus area define the possible sources of funding for a work under credit plan. The user can select the thrust area under which he wants to specify the activities. Activity Name – This field allows the user to specify the Name of the activity. Unit Cost – This field capture the unit cost of the activity. Unit – This field capture the unit of the activity Besides, you will see the following button on the form: Add More – If the user wants to specify more than one activity under a thrust area, he clicks on Add More option and a row to add another activity under the selected thrust area is created. Save – This button allows you to save the Thrust Area/Activity details entered by you. Cancel – This button enables you to abort the Thrust Area/Activity operation and will take you back to the main screen (left menu), from where you chose to open the Thrust Area/Activity form. How to define Thrust Area/Activity To be able to do define thrust area/activity, follow the steps given below: 1) Invoke the PlanPlus package. Thrust Area/Activity Option is visible on the left menu under Resource Envelope Credit Funds Details once you login to the package using your UserId and Password and have Financial Institution Role. See Login section for more details. 2) Click Thrust Area/Activity option to open Thrust Area/Activity form. 3) Thrust Area/Activity form displays the drill down list for Financial Year, Thrust Area. You are required to select the financial year and thrust area for which you are entering the activity details. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 55 OF 55 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 4) Once you have selected the Financial Year and the thrust area, you can specify activity name, unit cost and unit for that activity in the text boxes provided. 5) Click Add More to specify more activities under the selected thrust area. 6) Click the Save button to save the thrust area/activity details or click Cancel button to abort the thrust area/activity operation. 7) In case you chose to cancel the operation in the step 6, the system takes you back to the PlanPlus Main Screen without saving your thrust area/activity details. 8) In case you chose to save the details in step 6, a message: “Thrust Area/Activity detail was saved successfully” is displayed. Click OK to continue. As you click OK, you are brought back to Thrust Area/Activity form to enable you to do add more activity under the thrust area, if you desire. What happens when a thrust area/activity details are saved? 1) The thrust area/activity details are saved and plan unit wise credit can be specified under these activities. Messages As you do fund allocation to plan unit, you may be prompted with one of the following messages. S.No Message Reason Expected Action from the user 1. Thrust Area/Activity This indicates that the activity detail under the thrust area for the was saved successfully Click Ok to Continue selected financial year was saved successfully. 5.2.3 Financial Target The software captures credit plan of each bank, branch wise under each activity for a Planning Unit. A user with a Financial Institution role is allowed to specify the financial target for the plan unit. National NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 56 OF 56 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) with offices located in each district could be the nodal agency to enter the credit plan details. Financial Target option is available on the Main Screen (left menu) under Resource Envelope Credit Fund Details for the user with Fund Institution Role. Refer to Fig for Financial Target option. As you specify the Financial Target for the planning unit, following details associated with the Financial Target are required: Bank Branch Plan Year Thrust Area Activity Plan Unit No. of Units Two Buttons viz. Save and Cancel appear at the bottom. Screen Description Fig. 5.8 provides a sample picture of the Financial Target form as it appears on your screen. The title of the form viz. Financial Target is displayed at the top. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 57 OF 57 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Fig. 5.8 Financial Target form contains the following fields as indicated below. Bank Branch Plan Year Thrust Area Activity Plan Unit No. of Units Two Buttons viz. Save and Cancel appear at the bottom. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 58 OF 58 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Bank - This field allows the user to select the bank for which you are entering the Credit Plan. Branch – This field allows the user to select branch under the selected bank. Plan Year – This field allows the user to select the year for which he is entering the Credit Plan Details. Thrust Area – Activities are classified under the thrust areas of ULBs and/or RLBs. The list will include the 19 subject areas of ULBs and 29 subject areas of RLBs. The user can select the thrust area under which he wants to specify the activities. Activity - This field allows the user to select the activity for which he wishes to enter Credit Plan details. The drop-down list contains the list of activities defined for the selected plan year under the selected thrust area, which are created via Thrust Area/Activity form for the district. The thrust area of the activity and the work focus area define the possible sources of funding for a work under credit plan. Plan Unit Type - This field specifies the planning unit type for which the logged in user can specify the financial target. The type of Plan Units for which the user can specify the financial target are defined when the user account is created. Plan Unit – Depending upon the planning unit type, the system automatically retrieves the entire plan unit for which the logged in user can specify the financial target. No. of Units – This field specify the number of units for which the credit is available. The system calculates the credit amount by multiplying the then number of units with unit cost of the activity. This amount would indicate the credit that is available for planning works. Besides, you will see the following button on the form: Save – This button allows you to save the Financial Target details entered by you. Cancel – This button enables you to abort the Financial Target operation and will take you back to the main screen (left menu), from where you chose to open the Financial Target form. How to specify Financial Target To be able to do specify Financial Target, follow the steps given below: NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 59 OF 59 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 1) Invoke the PlanPlus package. Financial Target Option is visible on the left menu under Resource Envelope Credit Funds Details once you login to the package using your UserId and Password and have Financial Institution Role. See Login section for more details. 2) Click Financial Target option to open Financial Target form. 3) Financial Target form displays the drill down list for Bank, Branch, Plan Year, Thrust Area, Activity, Plan Unit Type. You are required to select the above parameters and system automatically retrieves the Plan Unit. You are required to specify the No. Of Unit for which the credit is available for the Plan Unit. 4) Click the Save button to save the Financial Target details or click Cancel button to abort the Financial Target operation. 5) In case you chose to cancel the operation in the step 4, the system takes you back to the PlanPlus Main Screen without saving your Financial Target details. 6) In case you chose to save the details in step 4, a message: “Financial Target detail was saved successfully” is displayed. Click OK to continue. As you click OK, you are brought back to Financial Target form to enable you to do add more Financial Target for the plan unit, if you desire. What happens when a Financial Target details are saved? 1) The Financial Target details are saved for the plan unit and the planning unit for development works could utilize this credit. Messages As you specify financial target for the plan unit, you may be prompted with one of the following messages. S.No Message Reason Expected Action from the user NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 60 OF 60 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE 1. PLANPLUS Financial Target This detail saved financial was successfully indicates USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 that the for the target Click Ok to Continue selected parameters for the plan unit was saved successfully. 5.3.4 Own Funds The software captures the planning unit own funds/revenue that could be utilized for development works. A user with a Planner Role is allowed to specify the Own Funds available with the planning unit. Own Funds option is available on the Main Screen (left menu) under Resource Envelope Own Funds Details for the user with Planner Role. As you specify the Own Funds Target for the planning unit, following details associated with the Own Funds are required: Plan Unit Type Plan Unit Unspent Balance Expected Allocation Two Buttons viz. Save and Cancel appear at the bottom. Screen Description Fig. 5.9 provides a sample picture of the Own Funds form as it appears on your screen. The title of the form viz. Own Funds is displayed at the top. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 61 OF 61 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Fig. 5.9 Own Funds form contains the following fields as indicated below. Plan Unit Type Plan Unit Unspent Balance Expected Allocation Two Buttons viz. Save and Cancel appear at the bottom. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 62 OF 62 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Plan Unit Type - This field specifies the planning unit type for which the logged in user can specify the Own Funds. The type of Plan Units for which the user can specify the Own Funds are defined when the user account is created. Plan Unit – Depending upon the planning unit type, this drill down list specifies the list of Plan Unit for which the logged in user can specify the own funds. Unspent Balance – This field specify the last year unspent balance amount Expected Allocation – This field specify the own funds/revenue available with the planning unit. Besides, you will see the following button on the form: Save – This button allows you to save the Own Funds details entered by you. Cancel – This button enables you to abort the Own Funds operation and will take you back to the main screen (left menu), from where you chose to open the Own Funds form. How to add Own Funds To be able to do specify Own Funds, follow the steps given below: 1) Invoke the PlanPlus package. Own Funds Option is visible on the left menu under Resource Envelope Own Funds Details once you login to the package using your UserId and Password and have Planner Role. See Login section for more details. 2) Click Own Funds option to open Own Funds form. 3) Own Funds form displays the drill down list for Plan Unit Type, Plan Unit. You are required to select the Plan Unit Type and Plan Unit for which you want to specify the own funds details. 4) Click the Save button to save the Own Funds details or click Cancel button to abort the Own Funds operation. 5) In case you chose to cancel the operation in the step 4, the system takes you back to the PlanPlus Main Screen without saving your Own Funds details. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 63 OF 63 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 6) In case you chose to save the details in step 4, a message: “Own Funds detail was saved successfully” is displayed. Click OK to continue. As you click OK, you are brought back to Own Funds form to enable you to do add more own funds for the plan unit, if you desire. What happens when a Financial Target details are saved? 1) The Own Fund details are saved for the plan unit and the planning unit for development works could utilize this amount. Messages As you specify own funds for the plan unit, you may be prompted with one of the following messages. S.No Message Reason Expected Action from the user 1. Own Funds detail This indicates that the own was fund for the selected plan unit successfully saved Click Ok to Continue was saved successfully. 5.3 Planning This section covers the Planning Process, i.e Annual Plan Creation, allocation of resources to prioritized works. The stakeholders for this module are Planning Unit (Rural Local Bodies/Urban Local Bodies/Line Department). The plan undergoes a process of Technical and Administrative Approval before finally getting approved by District Planning Committee. The complete workflow starting from Plan creation, to Technical Scrutiny / Administrative Approval and final Approval by District Planning Committee is covered under this section. The stakeholders for this module are Planners, Technical Appraisal Group, Administrative Approval Committee and District Planning Committee for Rural Local Bodies/Urban Local Bodies/Line Department. The user with a Planner, Technical Appraisal, Administrative Approval and DPC role will carry out the options available under Planning Module. The following table describes the options available under planning section. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 64 OF 64 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Planning Planner Annual Plan Create Annual Plan Modify Annual Plan DPC Approval Administrative Approval Accord Approval TAG Supra Project DPC Create Supra Project Modify Supra Project Delete Supra Project Priority Sector DPC Identify Priority Sector View Plan in Priority Sector 5.3.1 Annual Plan General Description As explained earlier once projects and works are identified, each planning unit (District Panchayat / Intermediate Panchayat / Village Panchayat / Corporation / Municipality / Town Areas / Notified Area Council / Line department) carries out the exercise of preparing an annual plan. A user with a Planner role is allowed to create /Modify an annual plan. Create / Modify Annual Plan option is available on the Main Screen (left menu) under Planning Annual Plan for the user with Planner Role. As you choose to create an annual plan, following details associated with the plan are required: Plan Unit Type Plan Unit NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 65 OF 65 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE Plan Year Work Name Financial Target Amount Allocated Upload Proof of Citizen Approval PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Four Buttons viz. View Graph, Save, Forward and Cancel appear at the bottom. Screen Description Fig. 5.10 provides a sample picture of the Create Annual Plan form as it appears on your screen. The title of the form viz. Create Annual Plan is displayed at the top. Fig. 5.10 NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 66 OF 66 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Create Annual Plan form contains following fields as indicated below. Plan Unit Type Plan Unit Plan Year Work Name Target Allocation Amount Allotted Plan Unit Type – This field specifies the planning unit type for which the logged in user can create an annual plan. The type of Plan Units for which the user can create an annual plan are defined when the user account is created. Plan Unit – Depending upon the planning unit type, the plan unit will specify the actual plan unit for which the plan is being created. Plan Year – This is drop down list and the user can select the Plan Year for which he is creating the plan. Work Name – This field specifies the name of the work. Depending upon the the plan unit and the plan year the system automatically retrieves all the works which are planned for the selected plan year by the planning unit. Target Allocation – This field displays the financial target of the work for the selected plan year. Amount Allotted – This field specifies the amount allocated to the work from different schemes. Save – This button allows you to save the plan. Cancel – This button enables you to abort the Create Annual Plan operation and will take you back to the main screen (left menu), from where you chose to open the Create Annual Plan form. Forward – This button allows you to forward the plan to the next stage as defined in the process flow definition for the plan unit. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 67 OF 67 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Alllocate – This button allows planning unit to allocate funds from different schemes to different works. Based on the sector of the work (work focus area) and that of the scheme, the software would automatically show the amount of Expected Allocation (tied/untied breakup) and Available Funds (tied/untied breakup) under different schemes. Fig 5.11 below shows one such work and the schemes from which it can draw funds. Fig 5.11 One work may be allocated funds from more than one scheme, thereby converging funds of different schemes (if the schemes are for the same sector as that of the work or if the scheme has provision for untied funds). The Planning Unit could specify the amount proposed to be used for the work from different schemes (tied/untied/own funds/community contribution) and click the allocate button to save the details. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 68 OF 68 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Set Priority - This button allows the user to prioritize the works. Increasing/Decreasing the priority of the work will affect the amount availability for that work from different schemes. Exclude - This button allows the user to exclude certain works from the plan. The works could be excluded from the plan because of scarcity of funds etc. The system will not allow excluding the ongoing and spilling over work. Once excluded the works would be available in the include list. Include - Works could be included in the plan as per availability of funds. There are checks like all the suspended works and the works which were excluded earlier and are planned to be taken up later would be shown in the include work list. All the works for which full allocation (ie amount allocated equals to target allocation) has been done would be shown in Black and the works, which are still short of funds, would be shown in red. How to Create an Annual Plan To be able to create an annual plan, follow the steps given below: 1) Invoke the PlanPlus package. Create Annual Plan option will be visible on the left menu under Planning Create Annual Plan once you login to the package using your UserId and Password and have Planner Role. See Login section for more details. 2) Click Create Annual Plan option to open create annual plan form. 3) Create Annual Plan form displays only those data fields, which are meant for you. 4) You can click on the field and enter the value. Plan Unit Type and Plan Unit are drop down list and you can select the appropriate type (the plan unit for which you are creating the annual plan) from the list. You can select the year for which you are creating the annual plan. Depending upon the plan unit and the plan year the system automatically retrieves all the works which are planned for the selected plan year by the planning unit. Financial target of the work for the selected plan year is also displayed. 5) Click the Save button to save the newly created plan or click Cancel button to abort create annual plan operation. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 69 OF 69 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 6) In case you chose to cancel the operation in the step 5, the system takes you back to the PlanPlus Main Screen without saving your plan. 7) In case you chose to save the details in step 5, a message: “The plan was saved successfully” is displayed. Click OK to continue. As you click OK, you are brought back to PlanPlus Main Screen to enable you to modify the plan, if you desire. What happens when a plan is saved? 1) The newly created plan is saved and is available to the planning unit for further modification. Messages As you create a work, you may be prompted with one of the following messages. S.No 1. Message Reason You are trying to This allocate more tied message funds than that is that available more tied funds than that is with the is Expected Action from the user a warming and indicates Click OK to continue. you are allocating available with the scheme. scheme. This message is displayed when you click Allocate button on Fund Allocation form. 2. You are trying to This allocate more untied message funds than that is that available more untied funds than scheme with the is a warming and indicates Click OK to continue. you are allocating that is available with the scheme. This message is displayed when you click Allocate button on Fund NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 70 OF 70 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE S.No PLANPLUS Message Reason USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Expected Action from the user Allocation form. 3. This more target that amount allocated to the required for the work, the work from different scheme in Amount Proposed to Please scheme is more than the be Used text-box. than adjust the message indicates Click OK to resume and adjust Amount Allocated is amount under different required target allocation. Allocation. This message is displayed when you click Allocate button on Fund Allocation form. 4. Plan Saved Successfully This indicates that the Click OK to continue. specified Plan was created successfully. 5.2.2 Accord Approval General Description PlanPlus offers customizable workflow to suit state specific requirements (Refer Planning Process Work Flow). The software captures the workflow of each planning unit type. This generic workflow will decide to whom the plan would be forwarded once a Planning unit clicks the Forward Button on Create / Modify Annual Plan. A plan could be either forwarded for Technical Appraisal or Administrative Approval before it is send to District Planning Committee for Final Approval. A user with Technical Appraisal Role can accord Technical Approval, similarly the user Administrative Approver role can accord Administrative Approval. A user with District Planning Committee role gives final Approval to the plan. Accord Approval option is available on the Main Screen (left menu) under Planning Approval for the user with Technical Appraisal / Administrative Approver / DPC Role. As you choose to Accord Approval, the system will display the plans which are pending with you (Refer Fig 5.12). The following screen shows the list of Plans pending for Technical Approval. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 71 OF 71 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Fig 5.12 The similar screen would come for Administrative Approval and DPC Approval. You are required to click on the Plan to view the plan details are accord the approval. As you choose to accord a Technical Approval to a plan, following details associated with the plan are required: Work Name Requires Technical Appraisal Approval and Comments on Cost Approval and Comments on Time Approval and Comments on Methodology NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 72 OF 72 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Three Buttons viz. Sectoral View, Save and Cancel appear at the bottom. Screen Description Fig. 5.13 provides a sample picture of the Accord Technical Approval form as it appears on your screen. The title of the form viz. Accord Technical Approval is displayed at the top. Fig. 5.13 Accord Technical Approval form contains following fields as indicated below. Work Name Requires Technical Appraisal Approval and Comments on Cost Approval and Comments on Time NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 73 OF 73 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Approval and Comments on Methodology Work Name – This field list all the works that are included in the plan. Requires Technical Approval – This option specifies whether the work requires Technical Approval. If any work requires technical or administrative norm clearance, then it is evaluated. The software maintains the sector wise list of norms that applicable. So depending upon the work focus area, the list of administrative norms is displayed and the user is allowed to specify the comments on cost, time and methodology. Approval and Comments on Cost – This is asked only when a work requires Technical Approval. The user can either specify whether the work is approved or need revision in term of Cost. In case of revision the user can specify the comments. Approval and Comments on Time – This is asked only when a work requires Technical Approval. The user can either specify whether the work is approved or need revision in term of time. In case of revision the user can specify the comments. Approval and Comments on Methodology – This is asked only when a work requires Technical Approval. The user can either specify whether the work is approved or need revision in term of Methodology. In case of revision the user can specify the comments. Sectoral View – This button allows the user to generate sectoral views of the Plan (to be reviewed by sectoral committees) and take decisions on each work included in the Plan. Save – This button allows you to save the comments of Technical Appraisal. Cancel – This button enables you to abort the Accord Technical Appraisal operation and will take you back to the main screen (left menu), from where you chose to open the Accord Technical Appraisal form. How to Accord Approval To be able to Accord Technical Approval, follow the steps given below: 1) Invoke the PlanPlus package. Accord Approval option will be visible on the left menu under Planning Approval once you login to the package using your UserId and Password and have Planner Role. See Login section for more details. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 74 OF 74 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 2) Click Accord Approval option to open Accord Approval form. 3) Accord Approval form displays only those data fields, which are meant for that level of Approval (Technical Approval / Administrative Approval / DPC Approval). 4) You can click on the field and enter the value. Require Technical Approval is a radio option that specifies whether the work requires a Technical Approval or not. The user can specify whether the work is approved or need revision and enter its comments on cost, time and methodology. 5) Click the Save button to save the comments on approval or click Cancel button to abort Accord Approval operation. 6) In case you chose to cancel the operation in the step 5, the system takes you back to the PlanPlus Main Screen without saving your comments. 7) In case you chose to save the details in step 5, a message: “The approval detail was saved successfully” is displayed. Click OK to continue. What happens when an accord approval is saved? 1) The approval details are saved. If the user has taken decision on all the works, depending upon the planning process workflow, the plan would be routed to the next stage. The plan would be routed back to the planning unit if any work requires revision. 2) In case the plan is at the final stage ie DPC Approval and DPC has approved all the works, plan is considered as approved otherwise its status is pending. 5.3.3 Supra Project PlanPlus incorporates the concept of supra-projects which enables two or more local bodies (rural as well as urban) to collaborate to take up a work which is of common interest. Each affected unit can include work to address their issue in its own Plan. DPC will create a supra project (a dummy project) and link these works to the supra project. DPC can then monitor the supra project to evaluate its successful implementation. Assigning works to a supra project is available when DPC is according the approval to plan. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 75 OF 75 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 5.4 Advanced Options To generalize the software, the concept of User Group and User is introduced. Other options, which are provided in this section, include defining Process Flow definition for the Planning Unit and creating the Language Package to run the package in Local Language. The stakeholders for this module are users with System Administrator, State Administrator and User Manager role. The following table describes which role can do what option. Advanced Option Role User Group Create User Group State Administrator Modify User Group System Administrator Delete User Group User Create User User Manager Modify User Delete User Process Flow Create Process Flow State Administrator Modify Process Flow Delete Process Flow Language Package Create Language Package State Administrator Modify Language Package Delete Language Package NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 76 OF 76 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 5.4.1 User Group General Description PlanPlus offers a concept of user group. User Group corresponds to a group of individuals who have been assigned a common set of privileges e.g. Technical Appraisal User Group, Administrative Approval User Group, DPC User Group, Planning User Group etc. Multiple roles can be assigned to a single User Group allowing the User Group to perform multiple activities. For Example if the Planning user Group is assigned roles for Work Definer and Planner, the individuals belonging to this User Group will be able to Create Work, Create Project and Create Annual Plan. User Group is a means of organizing users and can consist of multiple roles. A user with a State Administrator Role is allowed to create a User Group for the State. A user with a System Administrator Role is allowed to create a User Group for the Center. State Administrator can create the User Group at State or District Level. The State Level User Group can create the User Group with Norms Definer, SOR Definer and Scheme Definer role. The District Level User Group can create the User Group with Work Definer, Planner, Technical Appraisal, Fund Allocator, Financial Institutions, Administrative Approval and District Planning Committee role. User Group option is available on the Main Screen (left menu) under Advanced Option User Group for the user with State /System Administrator Role. As you choose to create User Group, following details associated with the User Group are required: User Group Name User Group Level Role Privileges Two Buttons viz. Save and Cancel appear on the screen. Screen Description Fig. 5.14 provides a sample picture of the Create User Group form as it appears on your screen. The title of the form viz. Create User Group is displayed at the top. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 77 OF 77 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Fig. 5.14 Create User Group form contains following fields as indicated below. User Group Name User Group Level Role Privileges Two Buttons viz. Save and Cancel appear on the screen. User Group Name – This field specifies the name of the User Group. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 78 OF 78 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 User Group Level – This field specifies whether the user Group would be at Center/State or District Level. A user with a System Administrator Role is allowed to create a User Group for the Center. State Administrator can create the User Group at State or District Level. Role - This field specify the role assigned to the User Group. Multiple roles can be assigned to a single User Group allowing the User Group to perform multiple activities. PlanPlus package supports following roles viz. Work Definer, Planner, Technical Appraisal, Norms Definer, SOR Definer, Scheme Definer Fund Allocator, Financial Institutions, Administrative Approval and District Planning Committee. Privileges – This field specifies the privileges associated with the Role assigned to the User Group. Role Work Definer Additional Fields Required Plan Unit Type – The type of Plan Unit for which this User Group would be defining Work. Plan Unit Type includes • District Panchayat • Block Panchayat • Village Panchayat • Corporation • Municipalities • Town Area • Notified Area Council • Line Department Sector – The Sector for which this User Group would be defining Works. Planner Plan Unit Type – The type of Plan Unit for which this User Group would be Creating Plan. Technical Appraisal Plan Unit Type – The type of Plan Unit for which this User Group would be giving Technical Approval. Sector – The Sector for which this User Group would be giving Technical Approval. Cost Range – The Minimum and Maximum cost of the Work for which this User Group would be giving Technical Approval. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 79 OF 79 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE Administrative Approval PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Plan Unit Type – The type of Plan Unit for which this User Group would be giving Administrative Approval. Plan Unit Type includes DPC • District Panchayat • Block Panchayat • Village Panchayat • Corporation • Municipalities • Town Area • Notified Area Council • Line Department Plan Unit Type – The type of Plan Unit for which this User Group would be giving DPC Approval. Fund Allocator Plan Unit Type – The type of Plan Unit for which this User Group would be doing the Fund Allocation. Financial Institution Plan Unit Type – The type of Plan Unit for which this User Group would be specifying the Credit Plan. Norms Definer Sector – The Sector for which this User Group would be defining Norms. Agency – The Agencies for which this User Group would be defining Norms. Scheme Definer Agency – The Agencies for which this User Group would be defining Schemes. SOR Definer Agency – The Agencies for which this User Group would be defining SOR. Save – This button allows you to save the User Group Details Cancel – This button enables you to abort the Create User Group operation and will take you back to the main screen (left menu), from where you chose to open the Create User Group form. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 80 OF 80 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 How to Create User Group To be able to Create User Group, follow the steps given below: 1) Invoke the PlanPlus package. Create User Group option will be visible on the left menu under Advanced Option User Group once you login to the package using your UserId and Password and have System / State Administrator Role. See Login section for more details. 2) Click Create User Group option to open create user group form 3) Create User Group form displays only those data fields, which are meant for you. 4) You can click on the field and enter the value. User Group Name is a text box and you can enter the value by clicking in that field User Group Type is a radio and you are required to specify whether this User Group is at Center, State or District Level. Role is multiple selection box and user can assign multiple roles to a User Group. 5) Depending upon the selected role, the user is asked to specify the Plan Unit Type / Sector / Agency for which they can do the assigned task. The same is explained above in Screen Description. 6) Click the Save button to save the newly created User Group or click Cancel button to abort create user group operation. 7) In case you chose to cancel the operation in the step 6, the system takes you back to the PlanPlus Main Screen without saving user group details. 8) In case you chose to save the details in step 6, a message: “The User Group was saved successfully” is displayed. Click OK to continue. As you click OK, you are brought back to PlanPlus Main Screen to enable you to create another user group, if you desire. What happens when a User Group is saved? 1) The newly created user group is saved and is available to the System / State Administrator for creating users belonging to this User Group. Messages NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 81 OF 81 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 As you create a User Group you may be prompted with one of the following messages. S.No 1. Message Please enter Reason the User Group Name. Expected Action from the user message indicates Click OK to resume and type the that it is mandatory to User Group Name in User Group specify the User Group Name text-box. This Name. This message is displayed when you click Save Button without typing the User Group Name in Create User Group form. 2. Please select the User Group Type message indicates Click OK to resume and select that it is mandatory to the User Group type in User specify the User Group Group Type radio button. This Type (Center /State/District). message This is displayed when you click Save Button without selecting the User Group Type in Create User Group form. 3. Please select at least This message indicates Click OK to resume and assign one role. that it is mandatory to the role to the User Group assign a role to a User through role selection Box. Group. This message is displayed when you click Save Button without assigning any role to the User Group in Create User Group form. 4. Please select Plan Unit Type. the message indicates Click OK to resume and select that it is mandatory to the Plan Unit Type for the role specify the Plan Unit Type assigned to the User Group. This NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 82 OF 82 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE S.No PLANPLUS Message USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Reason Expected Action from the user specify the Plan Unit Type assigned to the User Group. for which this User group can do the assigned task. This message is displayed when you click Save Button selecting the Plan Unit Type required for the role in Create User Group form. 5. The User Group was This indicates that the saved successfully specified User Group was Click OK to continue. created successfully. 5.4.2 User General Description Create User is one of the main activity associated with User Management; the others being Modify User Account and Delete User Account. PlanPlus package supports User Manager at State and District Level who would be creating accounts for user with different set of privileges. Create User Account option is available on the Main Screen (left menu) under Advanced Option User for the user with User Manager Role. Create User Form is divided into three heads viz. Login Details, User Profile and User Privileges. Login Details allows you to specify your UserID/Password. User Profile captures the user personal details, which include User Name, Email. User Privileges allows you to assign the privileges (multiple roles) to user whose account is being created, to specify what this user can and cannot do. As you choose to create a user account, following details associated with the user account are displayed NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 83 OF 83 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 User ID Password Confirm Password User Name Email Address User Group and Plan Unit details for which this user can exercise these privileges assigned to the User Group. The two buttons viz. Save and Cancel will be visible at the bottom of the screen. Screen Description Fig. 5.15 provides a sample picture of the Create User form as it appears on your screen. The title of the form viz. Create User is displayed at the top. This is followed by a message that says - * Mandatory Field(s) must be filled in. This indicates that the fields marked with asterisks must be filled-in and cannot be left blank. As a convention commonly adopted throughout the software, this message appears in all the forms to indicate the fields that are compulsorily required to be filled-in. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 84 OF 84 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Fig 5.15 Create User form contains following fields as indicated below. The fields that are shown on create user screen may vary depending upon the User Group Assigned and the roles assigned to that user Group. User Id – This field specifies the User Id that you will be using to Login to the site. Password – This field specifies the password that you will be specifying while login in to the site. This field will be an encrypted field. Confirm Password – This field is used to confirm the password that you have specified. This field will be an encrypted field. User Name – This field specifies the User’s friendly Name. Email Address – This field specifies User’s Email Address. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 85 OF 85 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 User Group – This field assigns a User Group to the user. The assigned user group determines what the user can and cannot do. Depending upon User Manager Level ie Center / State / District, the drop down list of User Group varies. If the User Manager is at District Level the drop down list will show only District Level User Group created for that State. Privileges – This field specifies the Plan Unit for which the User would be exercising the privileges associated with the User Group. Besides, you will see the following buttons on the form. Save – This button allows you to save the new user account details Cancel – This button enables you to abort the Create User operation and will take you back to the Main Screen from where you chose to open the Create User form. How to Create a User Account To be able to create a user account, follow the steps given below: 1) Invoke the PlanPlus package. Create User option will be visible on the left menu under Advanced Option User once you login to the package using your UserId and Password and have User Manager Role. See Login section for more details. 2) Click Create User option to open create user form. 3) Create User form displays only those data fields, which are meant for you. You will notice that there are certain fields marked with * sign, which means that they are mandatory for you and required to be filled in. 4) You can click on the field and enter the value. User Id, User Name, Postal Address, Email Address are text boxes and you can enter the value by clicking in that field. Password and Confirm Password are encrypted fields and the value entered would be visible as *. 5) User Group is a drop down list and shows the user groups applicable to the logged in User Manager. You can select the appropriate user group to which this new user will belong. (The user group defines what you can and cannot do). NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 86 OF 86 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 6) Click the Save button to save the newly created user account or click Cancel button to abort the create user operation. 7) In case you chose to cancel the operation in the step 6, the system takes you back to the Main Page without saving the new user details. 8) In case you chose to save the details in step 6, a message: “User Account Successfully Created for :: <<user name>” is displayed to you provided all mandatory fields are filled and fields are in valid format and syntax. Click OK to continue. As you click OK, you are brought back to What happens when a user account is created? 1) The user account is created for the user. The user can now login to PlanPlus package and perform the functions depending upon the privileges assigned to him/her. Messages As you create a user account, you may be prompted with one of the following messages. S.No 1. Message Please enter the User Id Reason Expected Action from the user This indicates that it is Click OK to resume and specify mandatory the User Id. for you to specify the User Id. This message when you is displayed click Save button without specifying the User Id in Create User form. 2. Password required. is This indicates that it is Click OK to resume and specify mandatory the password associated with the for you to specify the password while user account. creating the user account. This message is displayed when NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O you click Save PAGE 87 OF 87 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE S.No PLANPLUS Message USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Reason Expected Action from the user button without entering the password in Create User form. 3. Confirm Password is This indicates that it is Click OK to resume and specify required. mandatory the confirm password associated for you to confirm the password while with the user account. creating the user account. This message is displayed when you click Save button without entering the confirm password in Create User form. 4. Username is required. This indicates that it is Click OK to resume and specify mandatory the user friendly associated with for specify the you to user-friendly the user account. name while creating the user account. message when is you This displayed click Save button without entering the user-friendly name in Create User form. 5. New Password Confirm not match. & Password This value indicates that the specified for password and the confirm Click OK to resume and enter the same value for password and confirm password. password value does not match. This message is displayed when you click Save button in Create User form. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 88 OF 88 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE S.No 6. PLANPLUS Message USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Reason Expected Action from the user that the Click OK to resume and specify be Minimum 8 char length of the password the password with at least 8 and Max 12 char. should characters. Password should This indicates be minimum 8 characters and maximum 12 characters. message when is you This displayed Save click button in Create User form and the password length is less than 6 characters. 7. E-mail address is an This that the Click OK to resume and specify invalid email address that you the valid email address for the have specified is not in user. e-mail address. indicates valid email address format. This message is displayed when you button and click Save the email address that you have specified is not in valid email address format in Create User form. 8. Plan Unit Specified is not This indicates that it is Click OK to resume and specify mandatory to the Plan Unit for which this User specify the plan unit for would be exercising the privileges which this User would be assigned to the User Group. for you exercising the privileges assigned to the User Group. This message is displayed when you click Save NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O button without PAGE 89 OF 89 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE S.No PLANPLUS Message Reason USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Expected Action from the user entering the Plan Unit in Create User form. 9. User Account This indicates user that the Successfully Created specified for :: <<user name>> was created successfully. Click OK to continue. account 5.4.3 Process Flow General Description PlanPlus offers customizable workflow to suit state specific requirements. State Administrator can define individual workflow for each type of Planning Unit (District Panchayat / Intermediate Panchayat / Village Panchayat / Corporation / Municipality / Town Areas / Notified Area Council / Line department). The A planning work flow is always be initiated by a user group with Planner role for the selected type of planning unit and the final approval will be given by a user group with DPC role. In between the plan goes through the process of Technical Appraisal and Administrative Approval. A user with a State Administrator Role is allowed to create a Planning Process Workflow for a Plan Unit. Create Planning Process Work Flow option is available on the Main Screen (left menu) under Advanced Option Planning Process Flow for the user with State Administrator Role. As you choose to create planning process workflow, following details associated with the plan process workflow are required: Plan Unit Type Role User Group Five Buttons viz. Next Action, Delete, Save, Publish and Cancel appear on the screen. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 90 OF 90 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Screen Description Fig. 5.16 provides a sample picture of the Create Planning Process Workflow form as it appears on your screen. The title of the form viz. Create Planning Process Workflow is displayed at the top. Fig. 5.16 Create Planning Process Workflow form contains following fields as indicated below. Plan Unit Type Role User Group Five Buttons viz. Next Action, Delete, Save, Publish and Cancel appear on the screen. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 91 OF 91 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE Plan Unit Type PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 – This field specifies the planning unit type for which the logged in user can create planning process workflow. The State Administrator can create a planning process workflow for all the type of plan unit Unit (District Panchayat / Intermediate Panchayat / Village Panchayat / Corporation / Municipality / Town Areas / Notified Area Council / Line department) for which planning flow doesn’t exists. Role - The plan goes though an iterative process of approval. This field specifies the role that user would be playing when vetting the plan. The role could be a Planner / Technical Appraisal / Administrative Approval / DPC. A user with Planner Role always initiates a Plan. Then it goes for Technical Appraisal and Administrative Approval. The Planning Process terminates at DPC who would be given the final approval to a plan. User Group - This field specifies the list of user group available for the selected role. User Group is a logical collection of users who can do a specified task. A User Group could be assigned multiple roles, that is the type of task the user belonging to that user group can do. Refer Create User Group for details. Next Action – This button allows the user to add the next stage of approval in the plan process workflow. The next stage of approval could be anywhere between Plan Initiation and Final Approval. The user can select the role and user group who would be handling this approval stage. Delete - This button allows the user to delete the approval stage in the plan process workflow. The user can delete any approval stage between Plan Initiation and Final Approval. Save – This button allows you to save the planning process workflow. The user could modify a saved workflow. Cancel – This button enables you to abort the Create Planning Process Workflow operation and will take you back to the main screen (left menu), from where you chose to open the Create Planning Process Workflow form. Publish – This button allows you to publish the planning process workflow. Once a workflow is published it is available to the planning unit for instantiation. How to Create Planning Process Workflow To be able to Create Planning Process Workflow, follow the steps given below: NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 92 OF 92 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 1) Invoke the PlanPlus package. Create Planning Process Workflow option will be visible on the left menu under Advanced Option Planning Process Flow once you login to the package using your UserId and Password and have State Administrator Role. See Login section for more details. 2) Click Create Process Flow option to open create planning process Workflow form. 3) Create Planning Process Flow form displays only those data fields, which are meant for you. 4) You are required to select the Plan Unit Type from the drill down list for which you are creating the Planning Process Flow. The system would display the list of user group who can initiate the plan for the selected Plan Unit Type and the list of User Group who can give the DPC approval for the selected Plan Unit Type. The user is required to check the user group who can initiate the plan and the user group who can give the DPC Approval. 5) The user can add intermediate stages in the workflow by clicking Next Action Button. Depending upon the role selected (Technical Appraisal / Administrative Approval), the system will list the User Group to whom the plan would be forwarded to perform the action. 6) The user can delete the intermediate stages by clicking the delete button. Plan initiation and Final Approval cannot be deleted. 7) Click the Save button to save the newly created planning process workflow or click Cancel button to abort create planning process workflow operation. 8) In case you chose to cancel the operation in the step 7, the system takes you back to the PlanPlus Main Screen without saving planning process workflow. 9) In case you chose to save the details in step 7, a message: “The planning process flow was saved successfully” is displayed. Click OK to continue. As you click OK, you are brought back to PlanPlus Main Screen to enable you to create another unit’s workflow, if you desire. What happens when a plan is saved? NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 93 OF 93 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 1) The newly created planning workflow is saved and is available to the State Administrator for further modification. Messages As you create a planning process flow, you may be prompted with one of the following messages. S.No 1. Message Reason Expected Action from the user This workflows have that you have created the modify option already been workflow for all type of Planning Unit Workflow. created. If you want planning unit in the state. to modify a new work This message is displayed flow for any type of when you click Create planning unit, then Planning please Workflow Link. use Modify the message indicates Click OK to continue and click the All planning process to modify the Process Planning Work flow use case 2. Cannot create the This message indicates Click OK to continue and create/ process workflow. the no user groups have modify a User Group and assign No user groups have been assigned the Planner Planner Role. been assigned role for the selected Plan planner role for the Unit Type. This message is plan unit type XXX”, displayed when you select where XXX is the the Plan Unit Type and no planning User Group with Planner unit type selected by the actor Role has been specified for the selected Plan unit Type. 3. message indicates Click OK to continue and create/ cannot be created as the no user groups have modify a User Group and assign no user group is been Technical available to manage Technical the specified action Administrative The new node This assigned Appraisal the or Appraisal or Administrative Approval Role. Approval role for the selected Plan NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 94 OF 94 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE S.No PLANPLUS Message for the Reason selected planning unit type. USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Expected Action from the user role for the selected Plan Unit Type. This message is displayed when you click Next Action and no User Group with Technical Appraisal or Administrative Approval Role has been specified for the selected Plan unit Type. 4. Please specify one This message indicates Click OK to resume and select at or more user group that the user is trying to least one User Group for each for XXX publish the workflow but stage of workflow. before publishing the has not selected the user process work flow”, group associated with the where XXX is the Process workflow stage. name of the action (Planner for which no user Appraisal / Administrative group Approval action has been / / DPC). This message specified Technical is displayed when you click Publish Button on Planning Create Process Workflow form. 5. The process planning flow was saved successfully This indicates that the Click OK to continue. specified Planning Process Workflow was created successfully. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 95 OF 95 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 5.4.4 Language Package General Description The software supports local languages of the states to enable local bodies to function in their own languages. The user is required to translate from a default language (English) to the State Local Language. The elements of the software, which may need to be translated, include Static labels on all screens, Drop down lists of RLB/ULB Subject Areas, Any information, warning or error messages generated by the software, Help text, Locally defined names such as those for user groups, schemes, agencies etc. and any labels/messages used during the installation procedure for local version. A user with a State Administrator Role is allowed to create a Language package for the State. Language Package option is available on the Main Screen (left menu) under Advanced Option Language Package for the user with State Administrator Role. As you choose to create a Language package, following details associated with the Language Package are required: Description in Local Language Two Buttons viz. Save and Cancel appear on the screen. Screen Description Fig. 5.17 provides a sample picture of the Create Language Package form as it appears on your screen. The title of the form viz. Create Language Package is displayed at the top. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 96 OF 96 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Fig 5.17 Create Language Package form contains following fields as indicated below. Description in Local Language Two Buttons viz. Save and Cancel appear on the screen. Description in Local Language – This field specifies the description of label/message etc in local language. All English labels would be shown on the left side and the user is required to specify the description of the same in local language. Save – This button allows you to save the Language Package. Cancel – This button enables you to abort the Create Language Package operation and will take you back to the main screen (left menu), from where you chose to open the Create Language Package form. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 97 OF 97 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 How to Create Language Package To be able to Create Language Package , follow the steps given below: 1) Invoke the PlanPlus package. Create Language Package option will be visible on the left menu under Advanced Option Language package once you login to the package using your UserId and Password and have State Administrator Role. See Login section for more details. 2) Click Create Language Package option to open create language package form. 3) All the labels / message / help text etc are shown in English on the left side and the user is required to specify the equivalent labels / message / help text etc in Local Language. 4) You can click on the field and enter the equivalent in Local Language in the text box provided. 5) Click the Save button to save the newly created Language Package or click Cancel button to abort create Language Package operation. 6) In case you chose to cancel the operation in the step 5, the system takes you back to the PlanPlus Main Screen without saving language package details. 7) In case you chose to save the details in step 5, a message: “The language package was saved successfully” is displayed. Click OK to continue. As you click OK, you are brought back to PlanPlus Main Screen to enable you to perform another task, if you desire. What happens when a Language Package is saved? 1) The newly created language package is saved and is available to the software. The user can switch to the newly created language. Any Labels/Messages, which are not translated, would be displayed in English. Messages As you create a language package you may be prompted with one of the following messages. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 98 OF 98 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE S.No 1. PLANPLUS Message The Language Reason This indicates Package was saved specified successfully package USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Expected Action from the user that the Click OK to continue. Language was created successfully. 5.5 Master Data This section covers the Master Data require for the successful implementation of PlanPlus Package. The stakeholder who would be providing the master data includes State Administrator, Scheme Definer, SOR Definer and Norms Definer. The user with a State Administrator role will provide the Agency and Line Department Name. The user with a Scheme Definer role will provide details about various Central and State Government Schemes. The user with a SOR Definer role will provide the schedule of rates for different agencies. The user with a Norms Definer role will provide details about various Sectoral Norms that need to be adhered. The user with a State Administrative role will provide details about various District Line Department and Agencies who will be defining Central and State Government Schemes. The following table describes which role can specify which master data. Master Data Role Scheme Scheme Definer Create Scheme Modify Scheme Delete Scheme SOR SOR Definer Create SOR Modify SOR Delete SOR Norms Norms Definer Create Norms NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 99 OF 99 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Modify Norms Delete Norms Agency Create Agency State Administrator Modify Agency System Administrator Delete Agency Line Department Create Line Department Modify Line Department State Administrator Delete Line Department 5.5.1 Scheme General Description The software captures details about the schemes managed by various central and state government departments. Nodal Agencies are responsible for creating/modifying the scheme definition. A user with a Scheme definer role is allowed to Create / Modify / View / Delete a scheme in PlanPlus Package. These options are available on the Main Screen (left menu) under Master Data Scheme for the user with Scheme Definer Role. The user can modify the scheme definition and view the details also. A scheme could be deleted only when no fund allocation has been done for the scheme in any plan year. Usually for a scheme an scheme active period is specified and on lapse of that active period the scheme becomes in active. As you choose to work with a Scheme, following details associated with the Scheme are required: Nodal Agency Scheme Name Scheme Sector Type of Scheme NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 100 OF 100 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE Scheme Focus Sponsorship Type Sponsoring Agency Funding Pattern Type of Funding Percentage Tied PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Two Buttons viz. Save and Cancel appear at the bottom. Screen Description Fig. 5.18 provides a sample picture of the Create Scheme form as it appears on your screen. The title of the form viz. Create Scheme is displayed at the top. This is followed by a message that says - * Mandatory Field(s) must be filled in. This indicates that the fields marked with asterisks must be filled-in and cannot be left blank. As a convention commonly adopted throughout the software, this message appears in all the forms to indicate the fields that are compulsorily required to be filled-in. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 101 OF 101 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Fig. 5.18 Create Scheme form contains following fields as indicated below. Nodal Agency Scheme Name Scheme Sector Type of Scheme Scheme Focus Sponsorship Type Sponsoring Agency NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 102 OF 102 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE Funding Pattern Type of Funding Percentage Tied PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Nodal Agency – This is a drop down list, specifying the agency for which the logged in user can create scheme. Scheme Name - Name of the scheme/programme Scheme Sector – Whether the scheme caters to Primary/Secondary/Tertiary Sector Scheme Active Period – The period for which this scheme would be applicable. Type of Scheme – whether the scheme is applicable for Rural or Urban or both. Depending upon the option selected the scheme focus area would be listed. Scheme Focus - This defines the subject areas of ULBs and/or RLBs on which the scheme focuses. The list will include the 19 subject areas of ULBs (if the scheme is only for urban areas) and 29 subject areas of RLBs (if the scheme is only for rural areas) and the combined list of 48 subjects if the scheme is applicable to both rural as well as urban areas. The scheme focus and the work focus area define the possible sources of funding for a work. The user can select multiple focus area for the scheme. Sponsorship Type – This indicates whether the scheme is Central Government Scheme/State Government Scheme or External Aided. Sponsoring Agency - Name of the sponsoring agency who is sponsoring this scheme. Funding Pattern- indicates the % share of Central govt., state govt. ulb, rlb, community and own funding for the scheme. Type of funding (tied/untied) – whether the scheme funds are tied / partially tied /untied Percentage Untied – This field would be visible only when the scheme is partially tied and the user is asked to enter the percentage of funds that is untied. Besides, you will see the following button on the form: Save – This button allows you to save the scheme. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 103 OF 103 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Cancel – This button enables you to abort the Create Scheme operation and will take you back to the main screen (left menu), from where you chose to open the Create Scheme form. How to Create a Scheme To be able to create a scheme, follow the steps given below: 1) Invoke the PlanPlus package. Create Scheme option will be visible on the left menu under Master Data Scheme nce you login to the package using your UserId and Password and have Scheme Definer Role. See Login section for more details. 2) Click Create Scheme option to open create Scheme form. 3) Create Scheme form displays only those data fields, which are meant for you. You will notice that there are certain fields marked with * sign, which means that they are mandatory for you and required to be filled in. 4) You can click on the field and enter the value. Scheme Name, Project Funding Pattern are text boxes and you can enter the value by clicking in that field. Scheme Sector, Sponsorship type, Type of Funding are radio Buttons, ie you can select only one value, Scheme Active Period, Scheme Focus and Sponsoring Agency are drop down list and you can select the appropriate value from the list. 5) Depending upon the type of scheme, you are prompted to enter the Funding Pattern, ie if it is a State Government Scheme you are asked to enter only the State, Community and own share. Also, if the scheme is partially tied, you are prompted to enter the percentage of tied funds. 6) Click the Save button to save the newly created scheme or click Cancel button to abort the create scheme operation. 7) In case you chose to cancel the operation in the step 5, the system takes you back to the PlanPlus Main Screen without saving your project. 8) In case you chose to save the details in step 6, a message: “The Scheme Detail was saved successfully” is displayed to you provided all mandatory fields that are meant for you are filled. Click OK to continue. As you click OK, you are brought back to PlanPlus Main Screen to enable you to create more scheme, if you desire. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 104 OF 104 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 What happens when a scheme is saved? 1) The newly created scheme is saved and is available to the fund allocator for allocating funds. Messages As you create a scheme, you may be prompted with one of the following messages. S.No Message Reason Expected Action from the user 1. Please enter the Scheme Name is Click OK to resume and type mandatory for you to enter the Scheme Name in Scheme the Name text-box. This indicates Scheme that Name. it This message is displayed when you click Save button without typing in Scheme Name in Create Scheme form. 2. indicates This Scheme Sector mandatory for you to select the the sector of the scheme ie button. whether it that it is is Click OK to resume and select Please Select the Scheme Sector radio for Primary/Secondary/Tertiary. This message is displayed when you click Save button without selecting the Scheme Sector in Create Scheme form. 3. Please Select the This indicates that it is Scheme Type mandatory for you to select Click OK to resume and select the Scheme Type check box. the type of scheme ie whether it is for Rural/Urban or Both (you have to select both). This message is displayed when NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 105 OF 105 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE S.No PLANPLUS Message USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Reason Expected Action from the user you click Save button without selecting the Scheme Type in Create Scheme form. 4. Please enter the RLBs Area. This message comes when Click OK to resume and select scheme type is Rural and it the Scheme Focus Area from indicates that it is mandatory RLB Subject drill down list. for you to select the Scheme Focus Area. This message is displayed when you click Save button without selecting in Scheme Focus Area from RLB Subject List in Create Scheme form. 5. Please enter the ULBs Area. This message comes when Click OK to resume and select scheme type is Urban and it the Scheme Focus Area from indicates that it is mandatory RLB Subject drill down list. for you to select the Scheme Focus Area. This message is displayed when you click Save button without selecting in Scheme Focus Area from ULB Subject List in Create Scheme form. 6. Please Select the This indicates is Click OK to resume and select Scheme mandatory for you to select the Scheme Sponsorship Type Sponsorship Type the radio button. Scheme that it Sponsorship Type ie whether State Govt. or Externally Aided sponsors it. This message is displayed NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 106 OF 106 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE S.No PLANPLUS Message USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Reason Expected Action from the user when you click Save button without selecting the Scheme Sponsorship Type in Create Scheme form. 7. Please Select the This indicates that Scheme Sponsoring mandatory for you to select the Agency the Agency Scheme it is Sponsoring Click OK to resume and select Scheme Sponsoring from Scheme Agency. This message is Sponsoring Agency drill down displayed list. when you click Save button without selecting in Scheme Sponsoring Agency in Create Scheme form. 8. Sum of funding This indicates that sum of Click OK to resume and ensure pattern should be funding that the Funding Pattern (Share 100 Center/State/Community/Own pattern from in %) is equal to 100. Funds should be 100. This message is displayed when sum of Funding Pattern (Share in %) is not equal to 100. 9. Please select the This indicates is Click OK to resume and select Type of Funding for mandatory for you to select the Type of Funding radio the Scheme the Type of Funding for the button. scheme ie that whether it the scheme funds are tied/untied or partially tied. This message is displayed when you click Save button without selecting NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 107 OF 107 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE S.No PLANPLUS Message USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Reason Expected Action from the user the Type of Funding in Create Scheme form. 10. Please check the This indicates that percentage Click OK to resume and type in Percentage of Tied of percentage funds. It should be between 0 and 100. This >0 and < 100 message is displayed when tied funds should be of tied funds between 0 and 100. the scheme is partially tied and percentage of tied funds is not between 0 and 100. 11. Please enter Active the Period This indicates that it is mandatory for you to select (Month/Year) for the the Active Scheme (Month/Year) for the Scheme. Click OK to resume and select the Scheme Active Period. Period This message is displayed when you click Save button without specifying Scheme Active Period the in Create Scheme form. 12. The Scheme Details This was specified successfully saved indicates that scheme the Click OK to continue. was created successfully. 5.5.2 SOR General Description The software captures the schedule of rates maintained by different agencies. A user with a SOR definer role is allowed to define Schedule of Rates in PlanPlus Package. SOR option is available on the Main Screen (left menu) under Master Data SOR for the user with SOR Definer Role. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 108 OF 108 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 As you choose to Create / Modify SOR, following details associated with the SOR are required: Nodal Agency Item Description Name of the Unit Rate (In Rs.) Date Effective Three Buttons viz. Add More, Save and Cancel appear at the bottom. Screen Description Fig. 5.19 provides a sample picture of the Create SOR form as it appears on your screen. The title of the form viz. Create SOR is displayed at the top. This is followed by a message that says - * Mandatory Field(s) must be filled in. This indicates that the fields marked with asterisks must be filled-in and cannot be left blank. As a convention commonly adopted throughout the software, this message appears in all the forms to indicate the fields that are compulsorily required to be filled-in. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 109 OF 109 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Fig. 5.19 Create SOR form contains following fields as indicated below. Nodal Agency Item Description Name of the Unit Rate (In Rs.) Date Effective Nodal Agency – This specifies the Agency for which you are defing the schedule of rates. Item Description – This specifies the Item of expenditure whose SOR is being defined. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 110 OF 110 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Name of Unit – The measuring unit for item of expenditure. Rate – The rate in Rs. for item of expenditure. Date Effective – This specifies the date from which the rate is effective. Besides, you will see the following button on the form: Add More – This button allows you to create another row for defining Item of expenditure Save – This button allows you to save the item of expenditure. Cancel – This button enables you to abort the Create SOR operation and will take you back to the main screen (left menu), from where you chose to open the Create SOR form. How to Create a SOR To be able to create a SOR, follow the steps given below: 1) Invoke the PlanPlus package. Create SOR option will be visible on the left menu under Master Data SOR once you login to the package using your UserId and Password and have SOR Definer Role. See Login section for more details. 2) Click Create SOR option to open create SOR form. 3) Create SOR form displays only those data fields, which are meant for you. You will notice that there are certain fields marked with * sign, which means that they are mandatory for you and required to be filled in. 4) You can click on the field and enter the value. Item of Expenditure, Name of Unit, Rate (In Rs.), Date Effective are text boxes and you can enter the value by clicking in that field. 5) Click the Save button to save the newly created SOR or click Cancel button to abort the create SOR operation. 6) In case you chose to cancel the operation in the step 5, the system takes you back to the PlanPlus Main Screen without saving your SOR. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 111 OF 111 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 7) In case you chose to save the details in step 5, a message: “The SOR Detail was saved successfully” is displayed to you provided all mandatory fields that are meant for you are filled. Click OK to continue. As you click OK, you are brought back to PlanPlus Main Screen to enable you to create more SOR, if you desire. What happens when a SOR is saved? 1) The newly created SOR is saved and is available to the work definer when doing cost estimation. Messages As you create a SOR, you may be prompted with one of the following messages. S.No Message Reason Expected Action from the user 1. Please enter the Item of Expenditure is Click OK to resume and type mandatory for you to enter the Item of Expenditure in Item the Item of Expenditure. This of Expenditure text-box. This indicates that it message is displayed when you click Save button without typing in Item of Expenditure in Create SOR form. 2. Please enter the Name of the Unit is Click OK to resume and type mandatory for you to enter the Name of the Unit in Name the Name of the Unit. This of the Unit text-box. This indicates that it message is displayed when you click Save button without typing in Name of the Unit in Create SOR form. 3. Please enter Rate (In Rs.). the is Click OK to resume and type mandatory for you to enter the Rate (In Rs.) in Rate (In the Rs.) text-box. This indicates Rate (In that Rs.). it This message is displayed when NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 112 OF 112 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE S.No PLANPLUS Message USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Reason Expected Action from the user you click Save button without typing in Rate (In Rs.) in Create SOR form. 4. Please enter the Date Effective is Click OK to resume and type mandatory for you to enter the Date Effective in Date the date from which this rate Effective text-box. This indicates that it is effective. This message is displayed when you click Save button without typing in Date Effective in Create SOR form. 5. The SOR was Details saved successfully This indicates that the Click OK to continue. specified SOR was created successfully. 5.5.3 Norms General Description The software captures sector wise details about various administrative norms which the work must adhere to be technically viable. A user with a Norms definer role is allowed to define Norms in PlanPlus Package. Norms option is available on the Main Screen (left menu) under Master Data Norms for the user with Norms Definer Role. As you choose to Create / Modify Norms, following details associated with the Norms are required: Nodal Agency Sector Norm Description NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 113 OF 113 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE G.O No G.O Date Date Effective PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Three Buttons viz. Attach Files, Save and Cancel appear at the bottom. Screen Description Fig. 5.20 provides a sample picture of the Create Norm form as it appears on your screen. The title of the form viz. Create Norm is displayed at the top. This is followed by a message that says - * Mandatory Field(s) must be filled in. This indicates that the fields marked with asterisks must be filled-in and cannot be left blank. As a convention commonly adopted throughout the software, this message appears in all the forms to indicate the fields that are compulsorily required to be filled-in. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 114 OF 114 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Fig 5.20 Create Norm form contains following fields as indicated below. Nodal Agency Sector Norm Description G.O No G.O Date Date Effective Nodal Agency – This specifies the Agency for which you are defing the norms. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 115 OF 115 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Sector – This specifies the sctor for which this Norm is applicable. The list of RLB/ULB subject areas are shown Norm Description – This specifies the brief description about the Norm. G.O No. – This specifies the Gazette Order Number. G.O Date – This specifies the date of which the Gazette Order was released. Date Effective – This specifies the date from which this Norm is effective. Besides, you will see the following button on the form: Attach Files – This button allows you to attach any related document with this Norm. Save – This button allows you to save the Norm details. Cancel – This button enables you to abort the Create Norms operation and will take you back to the main screen (left menu), from where you chose to open the Create Norms form. How to Create a Norm To be able to create a Norm, follow the steps given below: 1) Invoke the PlanPlus package. Create Norm option will be visible on the left menu under Master Data Norms once you login to the package using your UserId and Password and have SOR Definer Role. See Login section for more details. 2) Click Create Norm option to open create Norm form. 3) Create Norm form displays only those data fields, which are meant for you. You will notice that there are certain fields marked with * sign, which means that they are mandatory for you and required to be filled in. 4) You can click on the field and enter the value. Sector is a drill down list showing the subject areas of ULBs/RLBs. Norm Description, G.O No., G.O date, Date Effective are text boxes and you can enter the value by clicking in that field. 5) Click the Save button to save the newly created Norm or click Cancel button to abort the create Norm operation. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 116 OF 116 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 6) In case you chose to cancel the operation in the step 5, the system takes you back to the PlanPlus Main Screen without saving your Norm. 7) In case you chose to save the details in step 5, a message: “The Norm Detail was saved successfully” is displayed to you provided all mandatory fields that are meant for you are filled. Click OK to continue. As you click OK, you are brought back to PlanPlus Main Screen to enable you to create more Norms, if you desire. What happens when a Norm is saved? 1) The newly created Norm is saved and is available to the Planner to specify whether a work adheres to that Norm. Messages As you create a Norm, you may be prompted with one of the following messages. S.No Message Reason Expected Action from the user 1. Please enter the Norm Description is Click OK to resume and type mandatory for you to enter the Norm Description in Norm the Norm Description. This Description text-box. This indicates that it message is displayed when you click Save button without typing in Norm Description in Create Norm form. 2. Please enter the G.O No This indicates that it is mandatory for you to enter Click OK to resume and type the G.O No in G.O No text-box. the G.O No. This message is displayed when you click Save button without typing in G.O No in Create Norm form. 3. Please G.O Date enter the This indicates that it is mandatory for you to enter NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O Click OK to resume and type G.O Date in G.O Date text-box. PAGE 117 OF 117 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE S.No PLANPLUS Message USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Reason Expected Action from the user G.O Date the G.O Date. This message G.O Date in G.O Date text-box. is displayed when you click Save button without typing in G.O Date in Create Norm form. 4. Please enter the Date Effective is Click OK to resume and type mandatory for you to enter the Date Effective in Date the date from which this Norm Effective text-box. This indicates that it is effective. This message is displayed when you click Save button without typing in Date Effective in Create Norm form. 5. The Norm Details This was specified Norm was created saved successfully indicates that the Click OK to continue. successfully. 5.5.3 Agency General Description The software captures the names of different agencies who would be defining the Central and State Government Schemes. A user with a State Administrator role is allowed to define Agency in PlanPlus Package. Agency option is available on the Main Screen (left menu) under Master Data Agency for the user with State Administrator Role. As you choose to Create / Modify Agency, following details associated with the Agency are required: Name of Agency Agency Type NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 118 OF 118 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Two Buttons viz. Save and Cancel appear at the bottom. Screen Description Fig. 5.21 provides a sample picture of the Create Agency form as it appears on your screen. The title of the form viz. Create Agency is displayed at the top. This is followed by a message that says - * Mandatory Field(s) must be filled in. This indicates that the fields marked with asterisks must be filled-in and cannot be left blank. As a convention commonly adopted throughout the software, this message appears in all the forms to indicate the fields that are compulsorily required to be filled-in. Fig 5.21 Create Agency form contains following fields as indicated below. Name of Agency Agency Type NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 119 OF 119 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Name of the Agency – This field specifies the Name of Agency. Agency Type – This specifies the type of Agency, i.e Central or State. Besides, you will see the following button on the form: Save – This button allows you to save the Agency Details. Cancel – This button enables you to abort the Create Agency operation and will take you back to the main screen (left menu), from where you chose to open the Create Agency form. How to Create a Agency To be able to create a Line Department, follow the steps given below: 1) Invoke the PlanPlus package. Create Agency option will be visible on the left menu under Master Data Agency once you login to the package using your UserId and Password and have State Administartor Role. See Login section for more details. 2) Click Create Agency option to open create Agency form. 3) Create Agency form displays only those data fields, which are meant for you. You will notice that there are certain fields marked with * sign, which means that they are mandatory for you and required to be filled in. 4) You can click on the field and enter the value. Name of the Agency is a text box and you can enter the value by clicking in that field. You can select Agency type by clicking the Central/State radio box.. 5) Click the Save button to save the newly created Agency or click Cancel button to abort the create Agency operation. 6) In case you chose to cancel the operation in the step 5, the system takes you back to the PlanPlus Main Screen without saving your Agency. 7) In case you chose to save the details in step 5, a message: “The Agency Detail was saved successfully” is displayed to you provided all mandatory fields that are meant for you are filled. Click OK to continue. As you click OK, you are brought back to PlanPlus Main Screen to enable you to create more Agency, if you desire. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 120 OF 120 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 What happens when a Agency is saved? 1) The newly created Agency is saved and the same is available for creating the scheme defination. Messages As you create a Agency, you may be prompted with one of the following messages. S.No Message Reason Expected Action from the user 1. Please enter the Name of the Agency is Click OK to resume and type mandatory for you to enter the Name of the Agency in the Name of the Agency. This Name of the Agency text-box. This indicates that it message is displayed when you click Save button without typing in Name of the Agency in Create Agency form. 2. Please enter the type of Agency is Click OK to resume and check mandatory for you to check the type of Agency in type of the type of Agency. This Agency Check box. This indicates that it message is displayed when you click Save button without checking in type of Agency in Create Agency form. 3. The Agency Details This was specified Agency was created saved successfully indicates that the Click OK to continue. successfully. 5.5.4 Line Department General Description NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 121 OF 121 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 The software captures the names of District Line Department who would be creating Annual Plan. A user with a State Administrator role is allowed to define District Line Department in PlanPlus Package. Line Department option is available on the Main Screen (left menu) under Master Data Line Department for the user with State Administrator Role. As you choose to Create / Modify Line Department, following details associated with the Line Department are required: Name of the Line Department Line Department Type Focus Area Two Buttons viz. Save and Cancel appear at the bottom. Screen Description Fig. 5.22 provides a sample picture of the Create Line Department form as it appears on your screen. The title of the form viz. Create Line Department is displayed at the top. This is followed by a message that says - * Mandatory Field(s) must be filled in. This indicates that the fields marked with asterisks must be filled-in and cannot be left blank. As a convention commonly adopted throughout the software, this message appears in all the forms to indicate the fields that are compulsorily required to be filled-in. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 122 OF 122 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Fig 5.22 NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 123 OF 123 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Create Line Department form contains following fields as indicated below. Name of the Line Department Line Department Type Focus Area Name of the Line Department – This field specifies the Name of the Line Department. Line Department Type – This specifies the type of Line Department, i.e Rural or Urban. Focus Area – Depending upon the type of line department this field specifies the drop down list of RLBs/ULBs subject areas. The department could focus on one or many of these focus areas. Besides, you will see the following button on the form: Save – This button allows you to save the Line Department Details. Cancel – This button enables you to abort the Create Line Department operation and will take you back to the main screen (left menu), from where you chose to open the Create Line Department form. How to Create a Line Department To be able to create a Line Department, follow the steps given below: 1) Invoke the PlanPlus package. Create Line Deprtment option will be visible on the left menu under Master Data Line Department once you login to the package using your UserId and Password and have State Administrator Role. See Login section for more details. 2) Click Create Line Department option to open create Line Department form. 3) Create Line Department form displays only those data fields, which are meant for you. You will notice that there are certain fields marked with * sign, which means that they are mandatory for you and required to be filled in. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 124 OF 124 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 4) You can click on the field and enter the value. Name of the Line Department is a text box and you can enter the value by clicking in that field. You can select the line department type by clicking the Rural/Urban check box. Depending upon the type of line department you can specify the focus area for the department. 5) Click the Save button to save the newly created Line Department or click Cancel button to abort the create Line Department operation. 6) In case you chose to cancel the operation in the step 5, the system takes you back to the PlanPlus Main Screen without saving your Line Department. 7) In case you chose to save the details in step 5, a message: “The Line Department Detail was saved successfully” is displayed to you provided all mandatory fields that are meant for you are filled. Click OK to continue. As you click OK, you are brought back to PlanPlus Main Screen to enable you to create more Line Departments, if you desire. What happens when a Line Department is saved? 1) The newly created Line Department is saved and the same department can create the Plan for the planning unit. Messages As you create a Line Department, you may be prompted with one of the following messages. S.No Message Reason Expected Action from the user 1. Please enter the This is Click OK to resume and type Name of the mandatory for you to enter the Name of the Department in the Name of the Department. Name of the Department text- This message is displayed box. Department indicates that it when you click Save button without typing in Name of the Department in Create Line Department form. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 125 OF 125 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE S.No PLANPLUS Message USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Reason Expected Action from the user 2. Please enter type of the Line Department is Click OK to resume and check mandatory for you to check the type of Line Department in the type of Line Department. type This message is displayed Check box. This indicates that it of Line Department when you click Save button without checking in type of Line Department in Create Line Department form. 3. Please enter the Focus Area is Click OK to resume and specify mandatory for you to specify the focus area in Focus Area the focus area for the line selection-box. This indicates that it department. This message is displayed Save when you click button without specifying the Focus Area in Create Line Department form. 4. The Line This indicates Department Details specified was was created successfully. saved Line that the Click OK to continue. Department successfully 5.6 Monitoring Reports Depending upon the role with which user has logged on to the package, and the privileges associate with the user, the report options would be rendered. Also, there are certain reports exposed in public view which do not require login. The following table describes the main reports available with the package. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 126 OF 126 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Monitoring Reports Plans in Pipeline Approved Plan Report Credit Plan Sectoral Plan Scheme Plan Plan Report District Plan Report • Approved Plans – This report allows the citizen to view plans approved in the Selected Plan Year. The output is shown State / Plan Unit Type Wise , that is, the number of plans approved in the selected plan year by each Type of Planning Unit. The user can drill down to know the plan unit and view the approved plan. • Plans in Pipeline - This report allows the citizen to view the status of the plan, which are in pipeline for the Selected Plan Year. The output is shown State / Plan Unit Type Wise , that is, the number of plans in pipeline for the selected plan year by each Type of Planning Unit. The user can drill down to know the plan unit and where the Plan is pending. The plan could be pending either for DPC Approval/ TAG Approval/ Administrative Approval/ or pending with the Plan Unit. • Credit Plan - This report allows the citizen to view the credit offered by Financial Institutions to various Plan Units. The user is allowed to select the plan year, state and focus area for which he wants to view the credit availability. The output is shown District / Focus area wise, that is, how much credit is available under each focus area. The user can drill down to know the credit availability at each plan unit type. • Scheme Plan - This report allows the citizen to view the outlay available under a scheme to various Plan Units. The user is allowed to select the plan year, state and scheme for which he wants to view the outlay. The output is shown District / Plan Unit Type wise, that is, how much outlay is available under each plan unit type. The user can drill down to know how this outlay is utilized under different works. NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 127 OF 127 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE • PLANPLUS USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 Sectoral Plan – This report allows the citizen to view the outlay available under different sectors to various Plan Units. The user is allowed to select the plan year, state and focus area for which he wants to view the outlay. The output is shown District / Sector wise, that is, how much amount from different scheme is available under each sector. The user can drill down to know the outlay availability at each plan unit type. • Plan Report – This report allows you to view the Plan of a particular planning unit. This report enlist the list of approved works taken in the plan and there possible source of funding. • District Plan Report – This report allows the District Planning Committee to generate an integrated District Plan, The reports shows outlay available under different sectors to various Plan Units. Also, outlay available under different schemes and how this has been utilized. Output of few of the reports is enclosed in the following screen shots NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PAGE 128 OF 128 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PLANPLUS PAGE 129 OF 129 USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PLANPLUS PAGE 130 OF 130 USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PLANPLUS PAGE 131 OF 131 USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PLANPLUS PAGE 132 OF 132 USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PLANPLUS PAGE 133 OF 133 USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE NIC-PID-PLANPLUS-USERMANUAL 1.O PLANPLUS PAGE 134 OF 134 USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0 RELEASE DATE : 27-02-2008
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