July, 2013 Newsletter - Mid America Museum of Aviation and


July, 2013 Newsletter - Mid America Museum of Aviation and
July, 2013 Newsletter
In this issue $54,000 Grant from Gilchrist Foundation
Siouxland Aviation and Transportation Expo is a Success
Feature Display of the Month
News from the Executive Director
Message from the President
Strategic plan underway
$54,000 grant award
from the Gilchrist
The Gilchrist Foundation has awarded a capital
campaign grant of $54,000 to the Mid America
Museum of Aviation and Transportation to help fund
an education and research center upgrade to the Fed
Ex Boeing 727 aircraft display.
Plans call for multiple learning stations, a theater
style area, library and research center, and age
appropriate transportation lessons. Additional work
in weatherproofing the jet way, electric, heating, and
cooling upgrades, and renovation to the inside of the
plane are part of the education center project. The
project is part of the museum's strategic five-year
The Gilchrist Foundation furthers the philanthropy
of the late Jocelyn Gilchrist and her family
foundation; the foundation is in trust at Security
National Bank and gives primarily to the arts,
animal/wildlife welfare, and children, youth, and
social services. The project is expected to take
$104,000. Additional fundraising is needed to
complete the center.
New event for the museum
Expo is a Success
by Jazmine Dirks, Chad Richardson, and Nancy Seeman Museum Interns from Morningside College
We began our internship in mid May, and on
June 9 helped with our first event. So fun.
Hello, we are interns from Morningside College and
are happy to make a short report on the first Expo
held at the museum. We understand it was formerly a
Pancake Breakfast and Fly-In -- but we helped Rick Alter, Carla Edgington, Pam Mickelson, and Larry
Finley publicize the event as an Expo -- showcasing
additional forms of transportation at
museum. One of our
Jen Noel, Graphic
Morningside College
designed the Expo
logo and marketing
~~Since joining the team at the museum in late
May, our social networking initiatives
presence is ‘front and center.’ When we first took
on the task of maintaining our Facebook account, the
MAMAT’s had approximately 60 “Likes” and 80 - 90
people checking out its content. As of July 15, we have
reached our initial benchmark goal of 100 “Likes” and
almost 300 people viewing our activities. Our face on
the Web is steadily increasing as we continue to reach
out through social media using tools such as Trip
Advisor, Four Square, Google+ all important to the
traveler. I've had daily posts, which is very important
to increase social engagement. We posted many
photos from the Expo on the MAMAT Facebook page.
Go to www.facebook.com/MAMATSiouxCity/photos
to check them out. My internship here in marketing
is helping me apply practice to my studies as my
majors are in Corporate Communication and
Photography, and a minor in Studio Art. My career
~~I was surprised we had the turnout at the
expo because the weather was overcast and
gloomy. Approximately 300 attended, which I
understand was a record compared to previous FlyIns. Ticket sales, new/renewed memberships, gift
shop sales and donations yielded net proceeds of
$1,746 which will contribute to the Fed Ex and Flight
232 education exhibits. I enjoyed being involved with
our sponsors from Powell Broadcasting KOOL 99.5,
KSCJ 1360, Knoepfler Chevrolet, Cessna Aircraft,
Jetsun Aviation, Pat Wankum's dog sleds, and the
aviation artist Bob Fields. This internship has been a
wonderful experience, and I plan on continuing
throughout the fall semester in relationship to my
Mid America Museum of Aviation and Transportation, July 2013 major in Accounting. I grew up in Lawton and had not
heard of the museum until this internship. The
museum is one of Siouxland’s finest and I’m proud to
be a part of the team and growth.
~~The museum’s Expo was my first event after
starting my internship for the museum. From
helping to advertise, to assisting at the event, the
process was quite an experience and I enjoyed every
minute of it. Being able to make connections with
people who have enjoyed the museum for years and
those who are new to the museum was fantastic. I
hadn’t been working with the museum for too long
when the Expo was held; therefore I was able to really
experience the history and community that is held
within the museum. From a marketing point of view, I
believe it was a success between advertising for the
event itself and creating an awareness of our social
media outlets. These events only created more
excitement and anticipation for me as my majors are
Communications and a minor in Advertising. I look
forward to the coming months as an intern with the
museum in the fall. Nancy
Photos courtesy of George Lindblade Rick Alter (left) enjoys talking with others about the fastest fixed gear aircraft in the world -­‐-­‐ the Cessna TTx here for the Expo flown in by Cessna Aircraft from Wichita, KS. Dr. Sam Clovis (left) points to the F4 mural while visiting with museum guests about his days as a fighter pilot Volunteer Pat Barthlomew (standing) visits with Duane (Mac) McCallum about his collection of museum pictures and stories. Behind Pat is the 2013 Camaro and Sonic, and 2014 Impala from sponsor Knoepfler Chevrolet. Feature Display of the Month Pratt & Whitney R4360
By Pam Mickelson As you walk into the museum the R4360 could be one
engine towers
displays -- only
matching the
height of the
cockpit. The
R4360 at the museum is on loan from Melvin & Judy
The Pratt & Whitney R4360 Wasp Major (as it is
known) was a large radial piston aircraft engine
designed and built during World War II. It was the
last of the Pratt & Whitney Wasp family and the
culmination of its maker's piston engine technology,
however, the war was over before it could power
The R4360 is a 28-cylinder, 56 spark plug, fourrow air-cooled radial engine. Each row of pistons was
slightly offset from the previous, forming a semihelical arrangement to facilitate efficient airflow
nickname. Although reliable in flight, the Wasp Major
was maintenance-intensive.
Improper starting
technique could foul all 56 spark plugs.
Mid America Museum of Aviation and Transportation, July 2013 The Wasp Major engine was developed near the end of
World War II to power the Boeing B-50, an improved
version of the successful B-29 Superfortress. The B50
The R4360 is an air-cooled
radial engine that produces a
maximum of 3,500 hp and
weighs approximately 3,500
pounds (1,575 kg). R4360s
have been used to power
various post-WWII USAF
and aerial tankers, including
the B-36 bomber, the B-35
Consolidated XC-99, the C-119
Flying Boxcar and the C-124 Globemaster II aircraft.
The passing of the KC-97 and C-97 series aircraft from
Air Force inventory in the late 1970s marked the
closing of the era of both the large piston engine and
the turbo-supercharger within the USAF.
Photos courtesy of Jazmine Dirks President's Message
the winter. We have been working hard at drafting a
five-year plan - and as part of that process, will soon
host membership feedback sessions. Look for more
information in coming months. The Gilchrist
Foundation grant is the result of a concentrated effort
to apply for more grants to further the museum
I'd like to introduce you to our current Board of
Directors, some are new and some will be familiar to
~Bud Nelson, Vice President, retired commander of
the 185th, Iowa Air National Guard;
~Jim Fisk, Treasurer, Director of the Library,
Morningside College;
~Pam Mickelson, Secretary, Professor of Business
Administration and Economics, Morningside College;
~Rick Alter, Volunteer Project Director, Senior
Engineer, EMC;
~John O'Dell, Owner and President of Cardinal
Electric; and
~Russell Movall, retired accountant with Cindy
Wood, CPA services.
Rick, as the Project Director, is filling a newly created
position. Please discuss with him any ideas regarding
museum projects.
We are looking forward to additional significant
progress in the second half of the year.
Executive Director News
Ray Edgington, Board President
As we enter the summer months, the Board of
Directors continues to work hard. We were very glad
to see the great turnout for the Expo even though the
rain kept many of the pilots away. We appreciate all
of the volunteers who helped update exhibits,
including Irving Jensen, III who reopened his
United 727 cockpit for viewing. Special thanks to
Jetsun Aviation of Sioux City for bringing its latest
avionics display, and for coordinating with Cessna
Aviation to bring its new TTx aircraft. And a final
thank you to Knoepfler Chevrolet and Powell
Broadcasting's KOOL 99.5 and KSCJ 1360 for
sponsoring the Expo.
Additionally, museum staff reopened the FedEx 727
and Jetway to visitors, after needing maintenance over
Larry Finley, Executive Director
Attendance is up Attendance is up between 40% and 100% per month
since January of this year over same period in
2012. Year to date attendance is 2300 through midJuly compared to 1700 for the same period last
year. This summer has brought many groups for tours
or their own gathering. Beyond the Bell (7), IA/NE/SD
school tours (6), Retirement Centers (3), Church
Groups (2), Boy Scout Groups (2), Central High
School Reunion, Shrine Vintage Wheels Dinner, and
Heelan HS Girls Soccer Team.
Mid America Museum of Aviation and Transportation, July 2013 Meet Verna and Bob Special volunteers Some people have stood out for the first half of the
year -- appreciation to Randy Hisey, Pat and John
Barthlomew, Gary Grasma, Marvin Edmonds, Carla
Edgington, Larry Coon, Bob Knowler, and
Morningside College spring interns Jen Noel and
Chris Balliet for volunteering their time and talents!
$5000 challenge grant Thank you to Irving Jensen, III for his donation of
$5000 to serve as a challenge grant for museum
projects. Now we need matching funds to finalize the
Fall Fest in Sioux City The museum will participate in the Fall Fest. Look for
promotions with the City of Sioux City and area
businesses for the Fall Fest on Saturday, October 12,
25th Anniversary of Flight 232 Look for more information on a significant recognition
of the 25th anniversary of the failed United Flight
232. We are planning a recognition ceremony for
Siouxland's response to the flight in 2014.
If you visit us during the week, you'll meet Verna
Shockey and Bob Harbeck. They have been working
20 hours a week through the Senior Program at
Community Action Agency of Siouxland.
Like Facebook, Follow Twitter, Write a Review in Trip Advisor and Four Square You will enjoy reading Jazmine Dirks daily posts
about some museum related history and current
events. And Nancy Seeman has additional posts on
Twitter. We continue to have high ratings on both
Trip Advisor and Four Square, all are important to the
traveler and our younger visitors.
Go to www.facebook.com/MAMATSiouxCity to like us
on Facebook.
Use @MAMATSiouxCity to follow us on Twitter.
Reviews are in TripAdvisor.com and FourSquare.com
Membership reminder Annual membership runs from July 1 - June 30, look
for your membership request.
Contact Pam Mickelson at the museum to submit news or ideas for the newsletter. 2600 Expedition Court POB 3525 Sioux City, Iowa 51102-­‐3525 712-­‐252-­‐5300 / fax: 712-­‐222-­‐1688 e-­‐mail: [email protected] Volunteers needed If you have 2 or 20 hours to volunteer, the museum
has work for you. Stop by or email the museum to see
where you can help. We have administrative,
maintenance, construction, curating, and docent
activities available.
New displays and updates weekly A new display for the Sioux City Aviation School
photos and pilot coveralls are being developed.
1962 Cushman Super Silver Eagle Artifacts can come when not expected. On Friday,
Board Member Rick Alter gets a call and by Sunday
afternoon a 1962 Cushman becomes the newest
addition to the museum collection. Thank you to Jack
and Mary Campbell!
End of year report The end of year IRS 990 report is available for
members to review upon request in the office.
Summer hours & Gift shop Museum hours this summer are Monday - Saturday
are 9:00 - 5:00, Sunday 12:00 - 5:00. Closed
Wednesdays. Gift shop has new items, with many new
items especially for the kids.
Mid America Museum of Aviation and Transportation, July 2013