2011 Concert flyer - Israel Day Concert
2011 Concert flyer - Israel Day Concert
THE CARL FREYER Z”L This is like no other concer t! ival Your attendance & suppor thelp to insure the surv ple. of the State of Israel and the Jewish Peo MEMORIAL TRIBUTE TO Carl Freyer z”l yueat tk ohkaurh ignk Founder of Israel Day Concert in Central Park, a Founder of The National Jewish Outreach Program, a Founder of Arutz Sheva, supporter of numerous causes impacting every aspect of Jewish life in America and Israel, & Leader of the Nationalist Camp for many years. s"xc TRIBUTE “FOR THE SAKE OF JERUSALEM, I SHALL NOT BE SILENT” SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER MK Danny Danon Chairman, World Likud, Deputy Speaker, Knesset SPECIAL APPEARANCE BY NYS Assemblyman DAVID WEPRIN President N.C.Y.I. SHLOMO Z. MOSTOFSKY President Z.O.A. MORTON KLEIN Jerusalem Reclamation Project SHANI HIKIND Edmond J. Safra Syn. RABBI DR. ELIE ABADIE Publisher / Editor The Jewish Star RABBI DAVID NESENOFF Director Igud HaRabonim RABBI GERSHON TANNENBAUM World Comm. for Land of Israel / Havurat Yisrael RABBI DAVID ALGAZE Executive Dir., The Hebron Fund ARI LIEBERMAN Executive Vice President One Israel Fund SCOTT FELTON Jonathan Pollard A L SO I N M E MO RY O F Gilad Shalit SPONSORED BY THE ISRAEL CONCERT-IN-THE-PARK COMMITTEE I N A S S O C I AT I O N W I T H YOUNG ISRAEL CHOVEVEI ZION WITH SPECIAL THANKS TO THE Dr. Manfred R. Lehmann z”l NEVER TO BE DIVIDED AGAIN! NATIONAL COUNCIL OF YOUNG ISRAEL FOUNDERS OF THE ISRAEL DAY CONCERT IN CENTRAL PARK Noted Jewish Activist and Philanthropist CARL z”l and SYLVIA FREYER ORGANIZER: DR. JOSEPH FRAGER In Memory Of Mordechai Avrohom Ben R’ Shmuel and Malka Bas Zalman Yehuda z”l CHAIRPERSONS: DR. PAUL & DRORA BRODY Rose and Reuben Mattus z”l In Memory Of Tzvi Elimelech (Harvey) Ben Yosef Brody z”l, In honor of Bea Brody and Yosef & Chana Aharoni Refuah Shelayma to Shraga Feivel (Phil) ben Sosha Machnikoff CO-ORGANIZER: ARON HIRTZ In Memory of R’ Yehonoson ben R’ Yaakov Yehuda (Rev. Jonas) Neiman z”l, Yasfah Devorah bas R’ Noach (Devorah) Dear z”l, and Eliezer ben Yeshaya (Leslie) & Leah bas Yosef Halevi (Lillian) Hirtz, z”l CO-CHAIRPERSONS: JACK AVITAL • DR. MARTIN & ESTHER EHRENBERG Noted Jewish Activists and Philanthropists In honor of Franky Ehrenberg- Mordechai Gedalyahu z"l ben Moshe v'Esther CO N C E RT D E D I C AT E D TO • The release of Jonathan Pollard, once and for all, after 26 years. Please pardon him, Mr. President, and the Jewish People will remember your benevolence for eternity. The heinous cold blooded murder of the Fogel family in Itamar. The brutal murder of Ben Yosef Livnat the Nephew of Minister Limor Livnat by PLO "Policemen" at the tomb of Joseph. The 8 murdered students from the Mercaz Harav Yeshiva who represented the best and brightest of the Jewish People who were gunned down in cold blood. Incredulously, 84 percent of the Arabs of Israel supported committing this heinous Genocide The 63nd Anniversary of the Establishment of the State of Israel The 44th Anniversary of the Miracle of the Six Day War and the Reunification of Jerusalem Jerusalem's Integrity and Unity are the Heart and Soul of the Jewish People The 33rd never to be tampered with or negotiated Anniversary of the establishment of the Jerusalem Reclamation Project / Ateret Cohanim The heroic front line families and communities of Greater Jerusalem including the Old City of Jerusalem, Abu Dis, Yemenite Village and Kfar Ha Shiloach-Silwan The heroic pioneer families and communities of Yehuda, Shomron, the Jordan Valley and the Golan Heights The heroic and brave families of Sderot who have withstood over 12,000 rockets and missiles over the past ten years – No other nation in the world would tolerate this for more than one day, let alone 10 years The heroic displaced families who lived in Gush Katif and the Shomron who were uprooted from their homes of over 35 years and who still have not been compensated for their sacrifice and devotion The Israeli M.I.A.’s: Ron Arad, Zachary Baumel, Tzvi Feldman, Guy Hever, Yehuda Katz, and Gilad Shalit. Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev - the kidnapped soldiers who were murdered The more than 3,000 victims of Oslo since September 13, 1993 The return of our brothers and sisters scattered and lost throughout the world over the past 3,000 years The brave United States Armed Forces who continue to fight courageously and valiantly against tyranny and terrorism in Afghanastan and Iraq. We have not forgotten you. The heroic Israel Defense Forces who continually defend the Land of Israel and make us proud. • SUNDAY JUNE 5, 2011 • • The 44th Anniversary of the Miracle of the Six Day War and the Reunification of Jerusalem t"ga, iuhx 'd • • CONCERT AT CENTRAL PARK’S SUMMER STAGE ENTER PARK AT 5TH AVE. & 72ND ST. • RAIN OR SHINE • • • • • Featuring: AVRAHAM FRIED SHALSHELES WITH SHALSHELES JR. DEBUT OF THE THE NEW YORK BOYS CHOIR LIGHT INTONATION • IZZY KIEFFER WITH HESHY R. INTRODUCING YES! to standing up to the Mullahs of Iran before it is too late. NO! to the division of Jerusalem ever. HATIKVA PERFORMED BY CHAZZAN CHAIM DOVID BERSON NO! to the surrender of any part of Israel. NO! to the expulsion of Jews from Judea and Samaria. THE JEWISH CENTER Emcee: NACHUM SEGAL NO! To A PLO/Fatah/Hamas Terrorist State. “PRAY FOR PEACE OF JERUSALEM, THOSE WHO LOVE YOU WILL BE SERENE” (PSALMS 122) “ I AM PEACE— BUT WHEN I SPEAK, THEY ARE FOR WAR” (PSALMS 120) Israel PHONES The Jewish Political Education Friends of Ateret Cohanim Foundation, Inc. American Jerusalem Reclamation Project More Talk, less money 1-866-8ISRAEL CABLE TO JEWISH LIFE R OSENBLUM Eye Centers Tel (718) 894-5454-55-56 www.unitedbasketco.com FRIENDS OF DISABLED VETERANS YOUNG ISRAEL 516-569-8100 International Coalition for Missing Israeli Soldiers 5towns5k.org www.fidv.org BROWNSTUDIOS Flushing, NY • 718-575-2762/2806 North Shore Towers Cinema 272-60 G.C. Pkwy. Bldg. #2 Arcade (718) 299-7702 Featuring Films of Jewish Interest • DR. ALAN & DEBORAH BERGER • SOL & ZELDA BERGER • BLUMNER FAMILY In memory of Tzvi Yehoshua (Henry) ben Chaim and Leah Liba (Lillian) bat Simcha Dovid z”l • HARVEY & ANNE BRENNER In memory of Yosef ben Tzvi Dovid z”l • DRS. GARY & LILLIAN CHUBAK In memory of Ita Roiza (Ida) & Binyamin Tzvi (Benjamin) Chubak z”l • JACK COHEN In memory of Moshe Dovid & Faige z”l & Malka (Malvina) Graf z”l • CYWIAK FAMILY In memory of Elchanan Ben Ahron Mordechai z”l • DOV & ROZ DAVIDOVICS In memory of R’ Dr. Shamai ben Shmuel Chaim HaLevi z”l & Chaya Tzivia (Helen) bat Dov z”l • HAROLD & LORRAINE DOMNITCH In honor of Dr. Paul Brody • DR. YEHUDA & JUDY ELIEZRI In memory of HaRav Avraham ben HaRav David & Shalva bat HaRav Avraham z”l • EDWARD FISCHBEIN • GLASER FAMILY In memory of Yechiel Avraham Avigdor z”l ben Eliyahu • DRS. FELIX & MIRIAM GLAUBACH • DR. ELLIOTT & ANN GREENFIELD • MARK & SANDY GOLD In honor of Dr. Paul Brody • DR. DOVID HURWITZ • HOWARD & SUSY KAGAN In memory of naftali (Tuli) ben Chayim Shraga z”l • MICAH KAUFMAN • JAY KESTENBAUM • DR. RICHARD KROL • DAVID & SURI KUFELD In memory of Ze’ev • HERMAN & MINA KOTLER In memory of Louis & Esther Kotler z'l and Noach & Pearl Rodzynek z”l • LEE & CHERYL LASHER • SAM LEVITT In memory of Devora z”l (Deborah) Ron Bat Shmuel Yacov HaCohen • DR. HOWARD & GOLDIE LORBER In memory of Chana (Hannah) bat Asher z”l & In honor of their children Dr. Mark & Jennifer Lorber and Dr. Robert and Jill Kaufman and families • MARCUS & SARA LEHMANN In memory of Aryeh Isser (Leo) Ben Zvi Hersh Stein • PHIL & TINA MACHNIKOFF In memory of Zev Wolf ben Dovid Moshe & Sosya (Sophie) bat Pesach z”l • DR. ALAN & KAREN MAZUREK & FAMILY In honor of the birth of their grandson Yehoshua Gavriel (Jesse Gabriel) Muskatt • RUBIN & CECELIA MARGULES In memory of Menachem Mendel (Manny) ben Yisroel Aryeh z”l & Moshe (Morris) ben Zishe Berkowitz • ROB MUCHNICK In Honor of Dr. Paul Brody • JONATHAN & DINA OHEBSHALOM • MICHAEL & DR. BONNIE ORBACH • MANNY POLAK • DR. JOSEPH & JUDY POLLAK • DR.MICHAEL & NICOLE POLLAK • J. PHILIP & MALKI ROSEN In memory of Yitzchok Yair (Irving) ben Yehoshua Tzvi z”l & Tova Rivka (Toni) bat Zvi Yehuda z”l • DR. RICHARD ROLNICK • STUART & TEENA RUBINFELD • DR. ISAAC & FARAH SACHMECHI In memory of Chaim Sender Yosef (Joseph) ben Chaim z”l • DR. JONATHAN SCHEINER • MARK & CHANI SCHEINER • DR. JUDAH & GAIL SCHORR • ALVIN & JUDY SEGAL • SHAKARCHI FAMILY In memory of Ahuva & Zvi Shakarchi z”l • JOSEPH & SUZY SOKOL In memory of Rosa-Velya bat Rav Yosef (Judith) Sokol and Shifra Rivka bat Chaim Meir (Sharon) Sokol Heisler • MICHAEL & SANDRA STERN In Memory of Chicken Lady Of Jerusalem, Chaya bat R' Meir, Clara Hammer z”l • CHAIM STERN • NESSIM & LYNNE TAMMAM In memory Of Shaul Ben Yosef z”l & Yosef Ben Shaul z”l • JAY & HILLARY TERLINE • BOB & PHYLLIS UNGER In honor of the memory of Rabbi Meir Kahane z”l • WEISS FAMILY In memory of Chaya Basya (Bertha) bas Pinchas z”l MEDIA AFFILIATES: NACHUM SEGAL SHOW www.nachumsegal.com • ARUTZ SHEVA AMERICANS FOR A SAFE ISRAEL www.afsi.org HARVEY S. ROSENBLUM, MD FACS 220 Madison Ave, NYC • 212.683.7330 BARRY DESIGN: S. GREENZWEIG / 718-435-7118 • DR. ABRAHAM ABELOW • HY ARBESFELD • MEIR APPEL • AHARONOFF FAMILY In memory of Shmuel (Sam) Eliyahu by Avraham z”l • DR. JASON & RACHEL APPLEBAUM In memory of Dr. Shalom Zev (Seymour) ben Avraham z”l Menachem (Bill) ben HaRav Mordechai z”l, Frayde (Freida) bat Levi HaKohen z”l, HaRav Menachem Nuchum (Norman) ben Shlomo Antzis z”l • AVI PERETZ & OURI BITAN PRODUCED BY BERYL TEITELBAUM MUSIC CECELIA PRODUCTIONS • JERRY MARKOVITZ YES! to Democracy and Freedom. CHOVEVEI ZION SPONSORS: (In Formation) and Dr. David Yaakov ben Emanuel HY”D and Naava bat David Yaakov HY”D 2:30-7:30PM • FREE ADMISSION • • • SHLOMO BLAUSTEIN • TALIA BRODY • LIAT BRODY • DANA BRODY • LIMOR BRODY • JOEY BRODY • ARYEH FRAGER • EZRA FRAGER • BENJAMIN FRAGER • MALKIEL FRAGER • KEVIN & DORIS HURLEY • DR. MICHAEL KRAM • HOWARD TEICH • BINYAMIN KORN Director Of Jewish Americans For Sarah Palin & JewsforSarah.com • ARNIE & SARAH WALDMAN In honor of their Grandchildren • JERRY WARTSKI & FAMILY • HENRY & PARI SCHWARTZ CORPORATE SPONSOR: CBS INSURANCE GROUP PATRONS: DR. MEYER & DEBRA ABITTAN In memory of Rabbi Asher Chacham z”l • ARYEH FAMILY In memory of HaRav Raphael ben Chacham Rebi Chia z"l & Aviva Rachel z"l bat HaRav Emanuel v’Malka • BART & DR. EMMA BAUM In honor of their children • MITCHELL & JANET FELDMAN In Honor Of Dr. Paul Brody • JACK FORGASH • DR. JOSHUA & SHIFFY FOX • RABBI & MRS. DOVID FULD • EUGEN & JEAN GLUCK • DR. STANLEY & RAINE SILVERSTEIN • MR. & MRS. HARVEY WOLINETZ TOVIA SINGER/YISHAI FLEISCHER • A CABLE TO JEWISH LIFE www.cablejew.com • TALKLINE COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK - ZEV BRENNER 72-15 Kissena Blvd. Flushing, NY T. 718-380-7300 F. 718-380-7301 www.kissenafarms.com [email protected] FOR CORPORATE OR INDIVIDUAL SPONSORSHIPS CALL: 917.650.5623 • FOR CONCERT INFO: www.IsraelDayConcert.com SPECIAL THANKS: BARRY BROWN PHOTOGRAPHY • DR. MARVIN BELSKY • CHARLES BERNHAUT • HELEN FREEDMAN • DR. STEVE & ODELEYA JACOBS • BUDDY KORN OF JEWS FOR SARAH.COM • CHAIM KISS • CHAIM LEIBTAG • SARA LEHMANN • RABBI PESACH LERNER • RUTH & MILT MITZNER • YISHAI FLEISCHER OF ARUTZ SHEVA • TOVIA SINGER • MOSHE ROBBINS • JEFF WIESENFELD • SHERINE LEVINE & RITA PINE of NCYI • REUVEN A. STONE In memory of Baruch (Stone) ben Yisroel Mendel • HAINA JUST MICHAEL • RONN TAROSSIAN of 5WPR • RABBI ARYEH SPERO & BETH GILINSKY • JONATHAN ZWEBNER of Tightrope Productions in memory of Rabbi Isaac Menachem Zwebner z”l
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