praises 2015


praises 2015
NO. 4
V OL. 66
2 015
Rev. Rick Chuman, JEMS Executive Director
John Katagi, John Lee, Minako Fujimoto, Melanie Mar-Chow, Jon Liu, Daichi Tsuruta,
Darryl Wong, Reo Yoshida, Rick Chuman, Mary Tabuchi (missing: Mayumi Lee,
Lowell Sue, Carolyn Shimabukuro, Sam Tonomura & Victor Wong
How time flies! It’s hard to imagine that this is our year-end JEMS journal. We have
seen God’s hand at work in our ministry this past year. Some praises included…
We have two new missionary families, Joseph and Yumiko
Matt Asami graduated from Fuller (Congrats!) and as
Wu – missionaries to Kobe, Japan, and Kuni and Kristen
a result, he went on to full-time pastoral ministry. God
Onishi (location in Japan TBD). We also had 16 summer
blessed us with a new sport’s director, John Lee. He
short-term missionaries. Their lengths varied from two
loves Jesus, ministry and sports. We’re fortunate to have
weeks to three months. We served primarily in Tohoku
this kind of combination in our staff!
(Ishinomaki & Minamisanriku).
PNW Warm Beach camp expanded and added a kids’
JEMS had 13 short-term missionaries and the Holiness
camp integrated with special needs children. As men-
Youth Choir ministered in Brazil this past summer. We ap-
tioned earlier, two new AACF chapters opened at SPU
preciate the Okada clan going as a family to Brazil. If going
and SU.
on missions as a family sounds interesting to you, please
give us a call!
JEMS welcomed Eri Kobayashi as the newest Diaspora
staff (ministry/evangelism to Japanese living here in the
JEMS welcomed Jon Liu, the newest AACF Leadership
US for a short period of time).
team member. He is a graduate of Bethel Seminary West.
Jon brings a lot of energy, new ideas and a passion for
Christ and the Gospel. We also opened new AACF chapters
at Seattle Pacific University, Seattle University and University of the Pacific.
Over 89 churches participated at Mount Hermon. This
year, we had 11 first time decisions, 2 expressed an interest in knowing more about Jesus, 216 recommitted their
lives to Christ, another 177 expressed a desire to grow
spiritually by joining a Bible Study or fellowship, and 21
decided to go to a church close to their home.
These are just a few of the new happenings at JEMS. God is good! Please keep us in your prayers. I would also ask that
you consider giving a “thank” offering to the Lord if you’ve been touched by God through the ministry of JEMS. Due to
more support raised staff and the new Mount Hermon registration process, our credit card transaction fees really hit
us hard this year. We can certainly benefit from a one-time gift or monthly donation to help us reach our fiscal goal.
Please go to to donate via credit card or EFT. Please earmark it for the JEMS General
Fund which pays for the administrative costs of all our ministries. Thank you again for your participation, support and
prayers for JEMS! Wishing you and your family a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Darryl Wong
Missions Administrator
Our main goals for 2016 are centered on establishing VBS programs for children in Tokyo. We are
working with a large church from the SF Bay Area as a potential partner in this ministry with the
goal of having a VBS program for at least 100 children at our church or nearby Christian preschool
in August 2016. Additionally, we are seeking partnerships with other Tokyo churches who are either
currently engaged in VBS programs at their churches or have a desire to establish one in the near
future. Our vision is to allow thousands of children to participate in VBS programs throughout
Tokyo (and eventually beyond) in their local churches every summer. We want to create a network to
provide training and resources (local and short-term missions) for VBS programs.
My role as CBS Chaplain and main interpreter will continue. It is a continued privilege and joy to
work with future leaders and ministers of Japan. Our goal is very simple and we believe it is crucial
for the future of the Japanese church. Helping the future Japanese church leaders to be emotionally
and spiritually healthy so that they can boldly proclaim the Gospel message of Christ's death and
resurrection. We want to see more and more Gospel-centered and theologically-sound Christian
leaders in Japan. ANF (All Nations Fellowship) This is where our family gets to serve as a team. I
will be serving at the Next Generation and Family Ministry Coordinator at ANF. Our hopes for 2016
are these: ANF is planning to start having two worship locations in the near future. Our goal is to
oversee the overall Next Generation and Family Ministry, but also to focus on doing more practical
ministry in the Nagakute location. I plan to have direct involvement with the Sunday School while my
wife is preparing a children's English ministry.
We have seen some encouraging signs of growth at Oasis Church in the last year so we hope to
build on that momentum as we help people to become genuine lovers of God and fully devoted
followers of Jesus. At Kansai Christian School (KCS), Chris will assume her new role as fulltime teacher for the 1st & 2nd grade classroom, and Michael has agreed to renew as the school
chaplain. Our desire is to serve the students of KCS, and assist them towards academic, emotional
and spiritual growth.
Our mission plan is to continue building the business of the J-Lodge Coffee Shop so that it becomes
self-sufficient and no longer a financial burden to the Chigasaki Church. We are looking into opening
a 2nd Coffee Shop ministry in partnership with a couple living in Shizuoka prefecture. Like J-Lodge,
this ministry will focus on university students. We also plan to extend our outreach to students at
Tokai University through a hospitality outreach as we bring more and more students into our home
for dinner and conversations. In partnership with a local Japanese pastor, we are planning to extend
our church planting efforts from monthly meetings to a weekly service.
We would love to have more short-term missionaries join us at J-Lodge. We are also VERY interested
in creating a team of career missionaries who can serve here at J-Lodge.
to be continued in the next issue
Rev. John Katagi
Director, Strategic Development South America
Each Christmas people struggle with gift ideas. What to give to the person who has
everything? Or more likely, what do we give to the person who doesn't need anything?
What if we change the paradigm a bit? To think about the gift,
not as a thing we give, but as the person we are. God created
us uniquely so that every follower Jesus is a gift designed to
bless the church and transform the world. Do you see yourself
as such a gift?
God has provided wonderful opportunities for JEMS to partner
with churches and other agencies in South America to offer
hope through the sharing of ourselves with others. Our time,
our talent, our personalities all combine to introduce the grace
of Jesus Christ in places of darkness.
We're called to be light of the
middle of a dark world.
December is traditionally a time to think about giving. Why
One of the passages we often quote during the Christmas
don't we try something different this year and explore the
season is from this section of Isaiah 9: "The people who walk in
possibility of giving ourselves to the Lord in 2016. To give our
darkness will see a great light; those who live in a dark land, the light
time, to use our abilities, talents and spiritual gifting, to share
will shine on them."
the joy of Jesus Christ with a world desperate to know him.
We are not called to be lamps in the middle of a Lamps Plus
showroom. We're called to be light of the middle of a dark
world. To be in those dark places, so that people can see the
salvation of the Lord. The light in this case is our presence in
those dark places.
Perhaps God has given you a
heart for the disabled, for the
elderly, for at-risk youth.
I'm not suggesting JEMS particularly. Think about a place or
a people that God is putting on your heart. Has there been a
nudging from the Lord to learn more about southeast Asia,
west Africa, Europe or even South America? Perhaps God has
given you a heart for the disabled, for the elderly, for at-risk
youth? These all have the potential to be gift-recipients. The
gift being yourself. Your time, your investment. You.
At Christmas, God the Father sent his Son to proclaim good
news. We have the opportunity to continue that tradition of
gift-giving in 2016. BE the gift!
Melanie Mar Chow, Jon Liu & Victor Quon
A ACF Leadership Team
All this is for your benefit , so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause
thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God. Therefore, we do not lose heart. 2 Cor. 4:15-16a
Can you feel it? The weather in SoCal is finally changing and
careful assessment can tell us that another change of season
is coming. For A ACF, another season is upon us and we have
experienced God’s abundance (so that we can give Him much
thanks!). As we enter our 43rd year of ministry, God is doing
amazing things. We are grateful that officially, Jon Liu (pictured
3rd row right) is being paid to serve on staff with the A ACF
Leadership Team bringing youthful vitality and solid teaching
to the ministry. He began paid service September 2015.
We are also excited to see how the work of evangelism in reaching our campus is bringing college students to A ACF with the desire
to bring the life-changing message of Jesus Christ on university and college campuses. Many exciting things are happening on our
campuses, and the student leaders are seeing a lot of freshmen students respond to our ministry on our 17 campuses. Seventeen
includes our newest campuses with two in the Pacific NW with Seattle University and Seattle Pacific, and one in the NorCal region,
University of the Pacific. Though a slower start for the USC group this year, we continue to trust people will refer friends to come.
The photo featured is from our recent A ACF SoCal Leadership Breakfast on October 17, 2015 at Gardena Valley Baptist Church.
It has been a busy season for our campus ministers. We pray that they do not lose heart for the busy lives that they lead. Many are
volunteers who sacrifice time after working full days to serve college students. The work of these leaders is the reason A ACF is
truly reaching students on the college campuses. If you’d like more information about a specific A ACF, please visit our updated
website ( There you will find how to contact student leaders via their websites or Facebook pages. We have also posted
a quick reference on the If you are unable to access the Internet, please feel free to contact our office at (213) 613-0022.
Most of all, we give thanks
Two people came to Christ at our annual campus wide praise night.
to those of you who read
People are engaging and community is forming naturally.
about our ministry, pray
for us and support our
Many freshmen are coming and the vast majority of the fellowship are in small groups.
We finished our final welcome event last week with over 130 newcomers attending.
The testimonies
to the right are the result of
Having new faces and a good start to the first quarter as an official club on campus.
Blessed by many newcomers who came from many struggles of understanding who God is.
We’ve had the largest number of consistent newcomers in a while.
As you read the praises,
give thanks. If you know a
student or campus minister
these important offerings
in A ACF, encourage them. If
you’d like, post this listing
near your prayer table to
We had 40 freshmen at our 1st large group even though we weren’t able to table.
We have been blessed with leaders willing to give their all, and a large freshman class.
God provided people that stepped up and volunteeredt.
thanks for the abundant
work for God’s purposes we
We are blessed to have a great leadership and core team serving this year.
continue praying and giving
are seeing in A ACF.
God is calling us to His plans rather than our own. We are growing!
We are given the opportunity to use a room to meet for the whole year.
Every leader is committed despite busy schedules and having a large freshmen class.
Awesome to see God using our ministries to impact people’s lives, especially the freshmen.
Many people have approached us seeking community and spiritual growth.
We have a healthy freshman class and many other newer members happy to serve.
Heritage & Hymns
Sing Tour of England
JUNE 1-10, 2016
Rev. Dr. Sam Tonomura, JEMS Tour Pastor
You are invited to be part of an extraordinary Heritage and
and poet William Shakespeare, Kilns, the place where C.S.
Hymns Sing Tour of England.
Lewis wrote his famous Christian classics, mysterious and
Many inspiring hymns of the Christian Church come to us from
prehistoric Stonehenge, and world famous Oxford University.
England: Joy to the World by Isaac Watts; Amazing Grace by
Time will be spent in regal and exciting London, visiting its
John Newton; Rock of Ages by Augustus Toplady; Christ, the
famous landmarks of Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey,
Lord is Risen Today by John and Charles Wesley, and many
St. Paul’s Cathedral, Big Ben and the Tower of London. For a
touch of culture, a night at the theatre is planned. Also included
The tour includes places where these hymn writers lived and
is a day of free time and shopping in London town.
were inspired to pen hymns proclaiming rich and dynamic
A local tour host in England will make England’s contribution
biblical truths. The group will learn of the hymn writers’ history
of great hymn writers,fascinating history and culture come
and have opportunities to listen and sing during recitals and
alive. Traveling w ith the group w ill be Rev. Roland Hazama,of
evening services at various chapels and cathedrals. This will be
Crossways Christian Church, who w ill serve as the music
a wonderful opportunity for renewing a deeper appreciation of
leader and also the co-tour pastor. Delights of Merrie Olde
church music. Included also in the tour will be visits to Stratford-
England. CHEERIO!
upon-Avon, the birthplace and burial site of English play wright
For additional information, please email [email protected].
Another exciting season of basketball has just come to a close.
For eight weeks of regular season and two weeks of playoffs,
teams have been using their God-given ability to compete every
week with other teams. This season included many “buzzerbeaters, overtime thrillers, game-winners, and upsets,” but
it was a blessing to see the comradery and fellowship grow
between teams and within teams. Congratulations to Westlight
who was able to “squeeze-out” a victory by 8 points over AFMC
Adults in the championship game!
We want to thank A ACF LB, A ACF LB Alumni, AFMC Adult,
John Lee, Director of Sports
AFMC Youth, Cerritos, Free Agents, GVBC, LA Holiness, LB
Is there an interest in starting a youth basketball league
Friends, Lighthouse, Wintersburg, Westlight, and those who
(separate girls & boys leagues) which would be scheduled
came to support and watch our games. Every game opens and
‘after’ most SS/church services? If your church has an interest
closes with prayer and we invite everyone to join in prayer for
or you are interested in assisting, please e-mail JohnSports@
this sports ministry and every church/ministry that competed If there is an interest, we will research the feasibility
this season. The Winter Season will be in January/ February
of a youth league.
of 2016. If you are interested in the 2016 league, e-mail
The JEMS website has a calendar of events
[email protected].
which includes registration forms and additional information.
August 2—October 18
Carson Athletic Center, 1533 E Del Amo Blvd, Carson, CA.
August 29, Saturday, 8AM
Start your 'batting cage' practices now!
Wilson Park - 2200 Crenshaw Blvd., Torrance, CA 90503
Two Divisions (Corinthians-Competitive; Philippians-Recreational)
8 teams in each division. Entry forms will be accepted until 8
registration forms are received for each division.
Each roster may have up to 16 players.
Registration Form:
September 26, Saturday
An easy way to support our ministries!
and support a ministry, a missionary, a support-raising staff,
the JEMS general fund or the building fund!
You may donate your “non-running”
vehicle you may have sitting in your
garage, driveway or yard! Your gift will
extend the life of your vehicle through
the work of our ministries.
We accept all types of vehicle donations
including autos, trucks, sport utilities,
motorcycles, motor homes, and boats.
• provide all DMV paperwork • missing “pink” title slip – no problem
• towing is free
• failed smog test – no problem
• fast pickup
• not in running condition – no problem
Please call JEMS 213.613.0022 for additional information or
to donate your vehicle today!
Victoria Links Golf Course: 340 East 190th St. Carson, CA.
Registration Due Sept 14.
Info and Registration Form:
October 3, Saturday, 8:30 AM - 1:30 PM,
Wintersburg Presbyterian Church:
2000 N. Fairview St., Santa Ana, 714-740-9400
Crafts, Speakers, Food and Fellowship!
Brochure and Registration and Class Selection:
December 5, Sat., 7-11pm
A casual evening at Union Church of LA, 401 East Third Street, LA
(church parking), featuring Jimi Yamagishi, Lowell Sue and others. If you would like to contribute a 15-20 minute set, please call Jimi at [email protected]
June 1—10, Wed—Fri
Rev. Sam Tonomura (Tour Leader) and Rev. Roland Hazama (Pastor
& Music Leader) and a local tour host. Visit places where these
hymns writers lived and were inspired to pen hymns proclaiming
rich and dynamic biblical truths. Listen and sing at various
chapels and cathedrals. Visit famous landmarks of Buckingham
Do you recycle aluminum cans, bottles, or newspapers?
Here is your chance to help save a tree!
If you’d like to join our “save a tree” group, please send your request to
[email protected] or complete this slip and mail to JEMS in the enclosed envelope.
Palace, Westminster Abbey, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Big Ben and the
Tower of London and a nite at the theatre. Contact Rev Tonomura,
213.613.0022 or email: [email protected] for more info & registration.
June 26—July 2, Sunday—Saturday
Fall 2016 (Spring in Brazil)
The tour will include the Amazing Amazon, Iguacu Falls, Rio de
Janeiro, and Sao Paulo and Japanese-Brazilian churches. If you're
interested in the tour or have suggestions for other sites please
contact Rev. Sam Tonomura at [email protected].
I have selected to have the below documents sent through email.
Your Name: Your Spouse’s Name: Address: Email Address: 7
from the
This year we had an unusually higher than normal deficit
know that when I go out as a family, I can easily spend $20-$50
for our General Fund. Part of the reason is that our GF ex-
on Starbucks, boba, In-n-out, movies, dining out, etc., with-
penses go up as we welcome new support-raised staff since
out ever giving it much thought. As we are nearing Christmas,
the account absorbs their credit card transaction fees . Our
please prayerful considering donating JEMS General Fund a
GF income was also lower than usual this year. Some peo-
“gift,” especially if you have somehow been touched by God
ple have ask me, what is the “General Fund?” The General
through this ministry.
Fund is used to pay for all the necessary ministry expenses
such as utilities, mortgage, insurance, networking events,
PR costs, office equipment and supplies, IT support, maintenance of the building which includes A/C units, elevator,
parking lot, lighting, fire/burglar alarm systems, and a only
a few staff salaries since the directors and coordinators are
support-raising positions.
JEMS really seeks to keep our administrative fees as low as
possible for all our ministries. In order for us to do this, our
General Fund needs to be healthy. On any given weekend, I
There really is no other ministry like ours in the United States.
Please show your support for us by becoming a monthly donor
or by giving a one-time year-end gift of $25-$50 or more. You
can do so by going to or using the enclosed
envelope. Thank you for your support, prayers and partnership.
Rick Chuman, JEMS Executive Director.