
Prepared By:
Syrette Dym, AICP
Planning/Development/Environmental Services
April 2013
Village of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York
Project Location:
555 South Barry Avenue
Village of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, NY
Tax Map Parcel: Village of Mamaroneck, Section 4, Block 77, and Lot 31
Lead Agency:
Village of Mamaroneck Planning Board
Village Hall at the Regatta
123 Mamaroneck Avenue
Mamaroneck, NY 10543
Contact: Geri Diamond, Planning Board Secretary
(914) 777-7703
Applicant/Project Sponsor:
Mamaroneck Beach and Yacht Club
555 South Barry Avenue
Mamaroneck, NY 10543
Contact: Lisa Rosenshein
(914) 698-3600
Document Preparation and Coordination:
Syrette Dym, AICP
Planning/ Development/Environmental Services
52 Wendt Avenue
Larchmont, NY 10538
Contact: Syrette Dym, AICP
(914) 575-9127
The following consultants contributed to the preparation of this report:
Architectural Services:
Gregg Cameron DeAngelis, AIA
451 East Boston Post Road
Mamaroneck, New York 10543
Contact: Gregg C. DeAngelis, Brian Burke
(914) 777-2727
Coastal Consultants:
Ocean & Coastal Consultants
35 Corporate Drive
Trumbull, CT 06611
Contact: Stanley White, Michael Ludwig
(203) 268-5007
Civil & Traffic Engineering:
TRC Engineers, Inc.
7 Skyline Drive
Hawthorne, NY 10532
Contact: Thomas Holmes
(914) 592-4040
Land Surveying:
Richard A. Spinelli Land Surveyor
204 West Boston Post Road
Mamaroneck, NY 10543
(914) 381-2357
Legal Services:
Paul J. Noto, Esq.
650 Halstead Avenue
Mamaroneck, NY 10543
Contact: Paul Noto, Esq.
(914) 698-9331
April 2013
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
List of Exhibits
Exhibit No.
1. Existing Site Plan
2. 2010 Amended Site Plan
3. 2013 Amended Site Plan
Executive Summary
Description of 2013 Proposed Site Plan and Comparison with 2010 Approved Site
The Environmental Narrative submitted in February 2013 provides a detailed description
of the Amended Site Plan currently proposed by the Mamaroneck Beach and Yacht Club
(the “Proposed Plan”). The Proposed Plan revises the Amended Site Plan approved by
the Planning Board in December 2010 (the “Approved Plan”). An Environmental
Narrative dated October 2010 provided a detailed analysis and description of the
Approved Plan.
The applicant formulated the Proposed Plan that is the subject of the February 2013
Environmental Narrative to address requests from its membership to increase certain
Club amenities and resolve certain zoning issues that arose following approval of the
Approved Plan.
This Executive Summary describes the modifications to the Approved Plan. Generally,
these modifications have resulted in the following:
 a smaller site
 a reduction in the number of residential units overall
 a reduction in height of two proposed buildings: the Beach Seasonal
Residence Building and the Recreation Building
 enhanced club facilities.
Site Size and Total Permitted Floor Area
The Approved Plan was located on a 12.86 acre site.
The Proposed Plan is located on a 12.27 acre site.
The result of this reduced parcel area is a reduction in overall proposed floor area. The
2010 Amended Site Plan total floor area was 82,436 square feet and the 2013 Amended
Site Plan total floor area is 79,800 square feet, a reduction of 2,636 square feet.
Base Flood Elevation – Expanded AE Zone allows for new pool bathrooms and
showers in cabanas by beach
A Letter of Map Revision from the Federal Emergency Management Agency was
received by the Village of Mamaroneck on August 20, 2012 indicating that there was a
map revision to the Flood Insurance Rate Map for the area covering the Mamaroneck
Beach and Yacht Club, and that this change would take effect February 20, 2013. The
map change expanded an AE Zone over a former VE zone, positively affecting a portion
of the cabana buildings located near the pool, such that the cabana building is now
permitted and proposed to have toilets. Also positively affected was the area of the Beach
Seasonal Residence Building, allowing for the addition of showers into the beach side
cabanas located on the ground floor of the building. Additional changes added X zones
(moderate to low flood risk) in areas formerly zoned VE.
Syrette Dym, AICP
Executive Summary
Recreation Building – Club amenity Recreation Building removes entire story while
only adding 817 square feet
2010 Approved Recreation Building
The 2010 Recreation Building was a total of 4,000 square feet in a three story building
with no floor area on the ground floor, 2,770 square feet on the first floor and 1,227
square feet on the second floor. The first floor, raised nine feet, had 68 men’s and 68
women’s lockers with toilets and showers. The second floor had 1,227 square feet of
floor area, had a 310 square foot multi-purpose room, a 275 square foot fitness room, a
sauna and an outdoor deck overlooking the pool area. Building coverage was 3,117
square feet and there were no encroachments into the 50 foot required setback of Article
VII, §240-30.E of Chapter 240, Management of Coastal Zone, Harbor and Watercraft, of
the Village Code and no encroachments into the required 100 foot Village wetland buffer
required by Chapter 192 of the Village Code. Zoning height of the building was 34’0”
and ridge height was 38’0”. The entire building was located within a VE flood zone with
VE Elevation 15 and first floor elevation of 17.0’.
2013 Proposed Recreation Building
The 2013 Recreation Building is reduced to a two-story building of 4,817 square foot
with 500 square feet on the ground floor, and 4,317 square feet on the first floor. The
ground floor has an elevator (to provide ADA access) and stair up to the elevated first
floor, raised nine feet above grade, has 74 men’s and 74 women’s lockers, toilets and
shower, a 350 square foot multi-purpose room, a 510 square foot fitness room, a sauna
and three sun decks. Overall height of the proposed flat roof building has been reduced
to 34’9”. The increased square footage and redesign of the Recreation Building is
intended to provide for enhanced club facilities and ensure long term competitiveness and
viability of the club. The building coverage is now 5,879 square feet. The portions of
cabanas three and five that were left in the 2010 have been removed in the Proposed Plan
to improve the flow and design of the pool area. Consolidation of space into one building
will increase the usable area of the Great Lawn. There are still no encroachments into the
50foot setback or the 100 foot wetland buffer. Although some of the building is now in
an AE Zone with Base Flood Elevation of 15, due to the remainder of the building in the
VE zone with elevation 15, the first floor elevation is 17.0 feet. Due to the mapping of
the AE Zone, the 2013 plan calls for a relocation of toilets from cabana 5 to a 477 square
foot rear addition to cabana 6 to house new toilets for the use of all members using the
pool area, with the knowledge that, in season, these bathrooms experience a high volume
of wet people.
Syrette Dym, AICP
Executive Summary
Yacht Club/Dockmaster’s Building – Increased size to develop a vibrant water
dependent hub for Club member activities
2010 Approved Yacht Club/Dockmaster’s Building
This water dependent building was 1,500 square feet with first floor elevation at 18.0
feet, and was to have a ground floor with no program elements and a first floor with a
720 square foot multi-purpose room, a dockmaster’s office, a separate office and two
unisex toilets in addition to mechanical space. Building coverage was to be 2,414 square
feet. Building height was 22 feet and ridge height was 27 feet. Encroachment into the 50
foot setback from mean high water was 30 feet and there was an 80 foot encroachment
into the 100 foot wetland buffer. Boat slips would remain at the 54 existing slips
2013 Proposed Yacht Club/Dockmaster’s Building
The proposed Yacht Club/Dockmaster’s building is to have a total of 3,800 square feet of
floor area, with 150 square feet on the ground floor to accommodate an elevator for ADA
access, and 3,650 square feet on the first floor. The expanded first floor has been
designed to create a vibrant hub of member activity to include such uses as water safety
classes, post regatta member gatherings, and interclub gatherings, along with providing a
comfortable social gathering area. It includes a multi-purpose room of 1,650 square feet,
a commodore’s room, a dockmaster’s office, expanded men’s and women’s toilets, a
laundry room and mechanical space. Building coverage will be 5,587 square feet.
Building height is 26’9” and ridge height is 33 feet. It is a fully water dependent
building servicing the needs of the membership of those members of the club who use the
marina for access to the Long Island Sound. Dock slips would remain at the 54 existing
slips along with access to the mooring field adjacent to property. The increased building
square footage and coverage is the result of further attempts to enhance club facilities and
make the marina more attractive to potential and current members who have many
competing choices and maintain the marina as a viable water dependent land use into the
future. There is no change to encroachments into the mean highwater 50 foot setback or
the 100 foot wetland buffer. The Yacht Club/Dockmaster’s Building directly benefits
from the reduction in square footage of the Beach Seasonal Residence Building in that it
is able to increase in size to provide a much needed Club amenity.
by one
Beach Seasonal
Building-- Reduces
– Reduces
by full
one story,
full story,
reduces number
to 18,
and reduces
footage to
to be
the Recreation
be reallocated
reallocated to
Club Club
such such
as theas
and and
the Yacht
Yacht Club/Dockmaster's
Club/Dockmaster's Building.
2010 Approved BSR Building
The 2010 BSR building contained 16,443 square feet of floor area with 3,418 square feet
on the ground floor, 8,001 square feet on the first floor and 5,024 square feet on the
second floor. The ground floor was to contain 24 storage lockers and 11 paved, covered
Syrette Dym, AICP
Executive Summary
parking spaces.1 The first floor was to contain five one-bedroom units of 950 square feet
and two one-bedroom plus den units of 1,250 square feet. The second floor was to
contain two one-bedroom units of 950 square feet and two one-bedroom plus den units of
1,250 square feet each, for a total of 11 units in the building. Building coverage was to
be 13,596 square feet. The building was to encroach into the 100 foot freshwater
wetlands adjacent area (100 foot buffer) by 30 feet with a distance to the existing seawall
to the rear of the building of 70 feet. The 100 foot wetlands buffer encroachment from
the beach high water line to the closest foundation was five feet. The building was three
stories with a height of 34’4” and a ridge height of 39’5”. The elevator tower element had
a height of 39’10” with a ridge height of 44’0”.
2013 Proposed BSR Building
The 2013 BSR building was significantly revised to respond to concerns by neighbors
and the Village. The approved building has been reduced to two-stories, containing a
total of 11,301 square feet, with 3,335 square feet on the ground floor and 7,966 square
feet on the first floor. Due to a change in the flood zone designation from VE with a base
flood elevation of 15 to Zone AE with a base flood elevation of 14, the ground floor now
contains 24 cabanas with showers. The first floor contains six one-bedroom plus den
seasonal residence units of 1,250 square feet each. There is no second floor. There are a
total of 6 seasonal residence units, all of which are one-bedroom plus den. This reduction
of five seasonal residence units has resulted in a change of the overall seasonal residence
unit count of the project from a total of 19 free standing seasonal residence units and four
in the Main Clubhouse with a total of 23 seasonal residence units, to a 2013 plan total of
14 freestanding seasonal residence units and four Main Clubhouse seasonal residence
units, for a total of 18 seasonal residence units - a reduction of five seasonal residence
units from the Approved Plan. Additionally, this change results in reduced mass of the
BSR building and a reduction of its visual presence from the Long Island Sound.
Building coverage is 13,596 square feet. The rear corner of the building encroaches into
the 100 foot freshwater wetlands buffer) by 35 feet with a distance from the existing
seawall to the rear of the building of 65 feet. The 100 foot wetlands buffer encroachment
from the beach high water line to the closest foundation is the same five feet, leaving a
setback of 95 feet. The building is two stories with a height of 25’0” and a ridge height
of 30’0”. The elevator tower has a height of 30 feet and ridge height of 33 feet.
The reduction in site size in the Proposed Plan resulted in a reconfiguration of parking
within the site to provide the required number of parking spaces per zoning. This was
accomplished by a modified striping plan of the approved and mostly asphalt paved
parking areas and the addition of an 18 parking space parking area to be located on a
The 2010 Planning Board Approval Resolution contains a discrepancy wherein the verbiage of the approval
mentions 8 parking spaces, while the attached site plan show 11 paved parking spaces under the BSR building. The
plan attached to the Approval Resolution takes precedence over the narrative. Additionally, the Building Permit
issued for this building permits 11 paved parking spaces under the BSR building.
Syrette Dym, AICP
Executive Summary
small portion of the Great Lawn. This parking area will utilize a pervious paving
material that will allow for grass to grow through the entire area. A comparison of the
parking in the Approved Plan and the Proposed Plan is set forth below.
Parking for the Approved Plan
A total of 234 parking spaces were provided as part of the Approved Plan; per zoning,
233 were required. The Approved Plan identified these spaces as follows:
Asphalt Spaces
Garage Spaces
Asphalt Paved sub-total
Gravel Spaces (Staff Residence)
Gravel Spaces (Marina)
Grass & Gravel Spaces (Otter Creek)
Gravel and Grass sub-total
Grand Total
With the building and parking configuration on the 2010 plan, based on a site size of
560,573 square feet, 251,331 square feet of the site, or 45%, remained as open space.
Parking for the Proposed Plan
A total of 225 parking spaces are to be provided as part of the 2013 plan. The Plan
identifies these spaces as follows:
Paved Spaces:
Asphalt Spaces
Garage Spaces
Other spaces:
Gravel Spaces (Staff Residence)
Gravel Spaces (Marina)
Gravel Spaces (Otter Creek)
Pervious Spaces
New Great Lawn Parking Area
Grand Total
225 spaces
Due to the reduction in seasonal residences, the required number of parking spaces has
been reduced to 225. In order to provide the required number of spaces on the smaller
site, a small pervious parking area of 18 spaces has been added to the eastern edge of the
Syrette Dym, AICP
Executive Summary
Great Lawn just south of the entrance drive. The permeable pavers to be used in the area
will appear as green lawn, but will be capable of supporting vehicles.
With the building and parking configuration on the Proposed Plan, based on a site size of
534,707 square feet, 228,629 square feet of the site, or 43%, remains as open space.
Overall, even with changes to parking areas, the percent of open space in the Approved
Plan and the Proposed Plan remains essentially the same.
In summary, the proposed changes are:
Reduction in overall size of site
Improvement of Club Amenities through the redesign of both the
Recreation Building and the Yacht Club Building
Reduction in the height of the Beach Seasonal Residence Building
Reduction in the overall number of seasonal residence units from 23 to 18
Restriping of some of the asphalt parking and introduction of a small 18
car parking area with pervious pavers.
Syrette Dym, AICP
II. Exhibits