SUPERIORCOURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 11-15-07 Date Dept:NCB3 Honorable nrcnered 1-rrr Q. based on notes Honorable DENNIS SHANKLIN ) S. 8: 30 am DeputyClerk C. V A L E NZ UE L A (min t u e s W i l kefS On b y c l-e rk ) Judge Pro Tem Deputy Sheriff TURNER L . HI NE S E'Q0 0 4799 CounselFor S . Nye (X ) Wi l l i am peritioner:Andrew (X) Sal-ter \/c Bl- a ir Tlnda1 (N/A ) CounselFor Respondent: NaTunnoF PRocEEDTNGS: OSC AND TEMPORARYRESTRATNTNGORDER M a tte r is De p a r tment is si gned contj-nued NCB 3. and filed to Order this DE CE MB E R2 0 , for 2007 at re -is s u a n c e of 8:30 a . m. t e mp o ra ry in o rd e rs date. MINUTES ENTERED DEPT: NCB3 11-15- 07 CoUNTYCLERX Reissue TemporaryRestraining Order Clerk stampsbelow when form is filed. FII,EI} protectedperson): LOSANGELESSUPERIOR COURT (Ifyouwant Protectedperson'saddress(shipthis;fyoLhaaea [zuryer): o NOv 15zoo7 your addres to bepriaate, giue a mailing addressinstead): ciry: State:- :ruWW::: Zip: Phone# (optional):(_-) phone #'and Bar#): addrest swte ""t"^'--r"^X::A[:t's#ff Court nameand streetaddress: of SuperiorCourtof Californi4:County QSth lnsq Restrainedpersont CaseNumber: '€Q. ooul 1qq I askthejudgeto reissue theTemporary $strainingQrder,FormDV-l10. a. Thelist hearingdatewasia"rtl,' QCl ?Si Z*t b. The orderhasbeenreissued Z times. .-, ffi ^4, G! {r I askthejudgeto reissuethe order because: a. D I could not get the orderservedbeforethe hearingdate. b. tr The dateof the hearinswas t to mediatorsor other familv court services. UerA 'fi-, {" ,{*"nbJ .. E Oth., (sp*'91, OfPh, I declare underpenaltyof perjuw underthelawsof theStateof Californiathat the informationaboveis trueand correct. Date: 15 ltov 2e? = S. Ngo brltrc^ Tjpeorpintyurnamc | 4r- 4 o* S. , C', Sigtlourrrdmc O Clerk will fill out sectionbelow. The orderlisted in 0 is reissuedand resetfor hearingin this court on the date and time below.Unlessa judge extendsthe time, the order will end on the dateand time below. D^t, I L-LO'{r7 3 ri^r,b'Fnw Name & addressof court if different from above: All other ordersin the TemporaryRestrainingOrder stayin effectunless;b.isorder changesthem. Date:ffif-{-{-!ggf f udiciaf Councif of California, Rev.July l, 2003, Mandatory Form Code of Civil Procedure, 9 527(b). Approved by DOJ ReissueTemporaryRestraining Order (DomesticViolencePrevention) DV-125, Page1 of 1 LegalNet, Inc. 1 FILED 2 LOgANGELUS SUpmRJoR couRT 3 NOv 1s?007-J 4 JOHttlA.q4flKE, CLERK 5 o".dli.W,,,* 6 7 8 IN THE SUPERIORCOURTOF STATEOF CALIFORNIA 9 FORTHE COTINTYOF LOS ANGELES 10 WILLIAM S. NYE. CaseNo. EQ004799 11 EX PARTE APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION PROHAC WCE OF ANDREW H. SALTE& AND MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES IN SUPPORT 12 13 14 DECLARATION OF ANDREW II. SALTER FILED CONCURRENTLY HEREWITH 15 16 17 PROPOSEDORDER SUBMITTED CONCURRENTLY IIEREWITII 18 Date: 19 Time: Dept: 20 November 1512007 8:30 AM TBD DEFENDANT BLAIR TINDALL AND HER ATTORNEYS OF RECORD: TO: 21 PLEASETAKE NOTICE that on Thursday,November15, 2007,at 8:30 a.m.,or as 22 soonthereafteras counselmay be heard,in the above-entitledcourt locatedat 300 EastOlive 23 Avenue,Burbank,Califomia 91502,plaintiff William S. Nye ("Nye") will apply exparte for 24 an orderadmittingattorneyAndrew H. Salterpro hac vice inthis matter. 25 T1nisexparte applicationis madeon the groundsthat plaintiffhas retainedMr. Salter 26 as counselin the above-captioned matter. Mr. Salterhas servedas counselfor Nye for over I EX PARTE APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION PRO HAC VICE OF ANDREW H. SALTER 1001001di100102 I 20 yeus on a variefyof matters.The natureof this litigationrequires Mr. Salter'spro hac 2 Nye hasobtained vice admission. a ternporary restraining dcfcndarrt orderagainst exparte, 3 and hasrequested that Mr. Salterarguethe motion{br preliminaryiniunction,noticedfor 4 November15,2007,ll.hisapplication is basedon thisnotice,theattachod memorandum o.f 5 pointsand aUthorities, the verifiedapplication of AndrewH. Salter.and suchoral and 6 evidence documentary asmaybepresented at thehearing of thisapplication. 7 I Thisapplication, aswell asa l'eeof $50,hasbeenserved on theStatcBarof California with thisfiling. concurrently Respectfully submitted, I 10 11 12 Dated: Novembert 2- . 2007 Williarn Plaintiff 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 z EXP. R?'EAPPLICATION FOR ADMISSION /'I?O HAC VIC.EOFANDREW I.I. SALTER 1001001di100102 I MEMORANDUMOF POINTSAND AUTHORITIES I PlaintiffWilliamS. Nye ("Nye")respcctfully submitsthisrnsmorandum to support I 3 pro hacviceof AndrewH. Saltcr,a partnerwith theSeattle,Washington the admission law 4 firm of SalterJoyceZiker,PL.LC-l-his court is authorized to admitcounselpro hac vice. 5 Pursuant to California Rulesof Court,Rule983: 6 7 I 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 A personwho is not a memberof The StateBar of Californiabut who is a memberin goodstandingof and eligibleto practicebefbrethe bar of any UnitedStatescourt or of the highest-court iri any statc,tenitory or insuldrpossession of the United States,and who hasbeenretainedto appearin a particUlar cause pendingin a courtof thisstate,mayin thediscretion of such courtbe-permitted uponwrifienapplication to appeirascounselpro hacvice, providedthatan activememberof the StateBai bf Catiforniais hssociated as attorney ollrecord. As described in the attached verifiedapplication of AndrewH. Salter,Mr. Salterhas fulfilled aff requirements setforth in Rulc983 ol'the CaliforniaRulesof Court for pro hac viceadmission. Thegranting ofthisapplication is necessary giventhatplaintifTrcquircs Mr. Salter,his fong-timecounsel,to appearat the November15, 2007 hearingon Nye's motion for preliminary lniunction andrequires Mr. Salterto arguethepreliminary injunction motion. For thesereasons, plaintitftespectfullyrequests thatthisCounlssuean orderallowing AndrewH. Salterto appeupro hacvicein rhisaction. Respectfu Ily submifted, 19 20 21 22 Dated:NovelnberF..2007 23 24 25 26 3 ILYPTIRTI| APPLICATION FORADMJSSION PIII HACnCDoF ANDREWH. sALTDR 1001001dir00r02 1 VERIFIED APPLICATION OF ANDREW H. SALTER 2 I, Andrew H. Salter,attomey for plaintiff William S. Nye, hereby petition for 3 admissionto practicebeforethis Court underthe provisionsof Rule 983 of the California 4 Rulesof court, andin supportthereo{ state,underpenaltyof perjury,that: 5 6 1. 98040; 7 B 2. Mybusinessaddress is 1601Fifth Avenue,Suite2040,Seattle,Washington, 9 8 10 1 . I 10 My residence address is: 3. I havebeenadmittedto practicebeforethe following courtson the following dates: 11 COURT DATE 12 WashingtonStateBar Associatiqn l98l 13 U.S.Dishict Court,WesternDistrictof Washington 1981 14 U.S.Courtof Appeals,Ninth Circuit 1982 15 U.S. District Court, EasternDistrict of Washington 2000 16 I am a member in good standing in the Bars of these courts, and am not currently suspended 17 or disbarred from practice in any court. 18 19 20 4. In the past two years, I have not filed any other application to appearpro hac vice in the state courts of California. 5. I agree to abide by the Standardsof Professional Conduct set forth in Civil 21 Local Rules and agree to become familiar with the Local Rules and the Alternative Dispute 22 Resolution program of this Court. 23 6. California counsel of record for Mr. Nye in this matter will be Julie Bisceglia 24 (CA Bar No. 119534), a principal attorney with Payne & Fears LLP. Her ofEce address is 25 660 S Figueroa,Suite 700, Los Angeles, Califomia 90071 and her telephonenumber is 213- 26 439-9911. 4 EX PARTE APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION PRO HAC VICE OF ANDREW H. SALTER 1001001di100102 1 2 3 4 5 7. I respectfullyrequestleave to appearpro hac vice on behalf of Mr. Nye in this matter. I certi$ under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of California that the foregoing is true and correct. EXECUTEDthis i4h aayof November,2007at Seattle,Washington. 6 7 AndrewH. Salter SalterJoyceZiker,PLLC Washington StateBarNo. 11954 8 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 5 EX PARTE APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION PRO ILAC T/ICEOF ANDREW H. SALTER 1001001di100102 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I IN THE SUPERIORCOURTOF STATE OF CALIFORNIA I FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 10 WILLIAM S. NYE. CaseNo. 8Q004799 11 Plaintiff, 12 v. 13 BLAIR TINDALL, IPROPOSEDIORDER ON EX PARTE APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION PNO HAC WCE OF ANDREW II. SALTER 14 Date: Time: Dept: Defendant. 15 November L5r2007 8:30AM TBD ORDER 16 The application by plaintiff William S. Nye that Andrew H. Salter with the firm of 17 Salter Joyce Ziker, PLLC be admitted pro ltac vice in Los Angeles Superior Court Case 18 No. EQ004799is hereby GRANTED. 19 20 Dated:November_,2007 By Judge/CourtCommissioner 21 22 23 24 25 26 I ORDERON EXPARTEAPPLICATION FOR ADMISSION PP(OHAC VICE OF ANDREW H. SALTER 1001001di100103 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES Dat e Honorable Ll-]-4 - 07 DENNTS L. COMMR Dept: NCB3 Judge SHANKLIN, Honorable J K. DeputyClerk TAPPER JudgePro Tem S. DeputySheriff TURNER CourtAssistant L. Reporter HINES 8Q0047 99 William Blair S. Tindal Nye CounselFor Petitioner: (N/A) (N/A) CounselFor Respondent: NATURE oF PRoCEEDINGS: OSC AND OFF CALENDAR THIS DATE; TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER CALENDAR ERROR. HEARTNG REMATNS SET FOR 11-15-07, AS PREVIOUSIJY ORDERED. Page1 ofl MINUTES ENTERED DEPT: NCB3 tt-14 - 07 CoUNTvCLERK flltr* Answerto Temporary o c E &ih6ci:i'i#dtff0,il'is f/ed. ]-et +-fQ{p$- illij 13 ?ttl Name of person who askcd for the order (protected person): tatil] i am ,S Nyt= - Yout name: R] n' i r ni nde l l s (skipthis dyou havea latvyer): (If you wantyour addtess Your addres to beprivate,gwe a mailingaddressinstead): City: Your telephone (oPtional): State:-Zip: ii-r-' i:tii'i'Li-r'i .r'*i "ffhfuO) ij"i'--- '- - U '-trl-{* ili'btr- Fb W sftgstaa Your lawyer (if youhave one): (Name,addr6s, telephonerTumber, and state Bar number): nonn i.d .( rlousma:r-.--Xsq.1E4l iclean Arrel, *200 1a7aa4 3oq-^oqQ_ .(110) Give the judge your answers to DV'100: ( t ) m PersonalConductOrders SuperlorGourtof Galifornla,Gountyof I,os Angeles 300 E. Olive ave. Bur bank, cA,, 9L502 North Central District frll$ ID case mltt GaseNumben EQ 004 799 I El do El do not agreeto the orderrequested. order G) m stay-Away I [f do ECIdonot agreeto the order requested, : (u)nM o ve 'Ou tOrder I El do I donot agreeto the orderrequested, X (9) tl child Gustodv I El do E do not agreeto the custodyorder b, fl I amnot theparentof thechild listedin DV-105. c, ff I askfor thefollowing custodyorder(speci.fy): 4. n d. I El do El Thejudge canconsideryour fuiswer at the hearing.Write yourhearingdateandtimehere: l!,tL.tnl Dept-:l Time: n=rn "- Room: You must obey the orders until the henrlng, Ifyou do not cometo this hearing,thejudgc canmakethe orderslast for 3 yearsor longet. do not agreeto thc orders requestedto prevent child aMuction. (t) g visitation \--l a. I b. ff Edo l,-ldo not agreeto the visitation order requested. I askfor the following visitation ofier (specifu): ev n chtldsupport O v A $pousalsupport a. I E do El do not agreeto the ordcrrequested. b. trl I agreeto pay guidelinechild support. Toumustfill ouLEetve,andfile FormFL-|50 or FIrISS. I E do El do not agreeto the orderrequested. andfiIe FormFL-150, or notyou agree,you mustfiIl ont,seLae, Whether DV-120,Pase1 ol2 9 Your name:pl r'i r CasaNumber: EQ 004 799 . ni nr t a' ' l 1 control 6D a Property El do l-l donot agreeto theorderrequested. listthen n@ below. [f you haveother requests, I A DebtPayment CtD v I ff do f] donot agreetotheorderrequested. Ifyou haveotherrequests,Iistthen rfl @ below. (rr) a PropertyRestraint \-/ I Q do f] do not agreeto theorderrequested. If you haveother requxrs,lut themin @ t"to*. FeesandCosts 6D \--l n ^Attorney I Edo Idonot agreetotheorderrequested. for Gostsandservices n Payments GD v I f,l do f,l do not agreeto the orderrequested. (ril g BaftererlnterventlonProgrem \-/ r l--l do I do not agreeto the orderreguested. Other Orders (seeitem20onFormDt/-100) 6D v A I El do fl donot agreeto theordersrequested. m TurnIn gunsor otherfirearms. 6D "'-z a. El I do not own or haveanygunsor firearms. turnedrn my grrnsandfiteamsto thepolice or a licensedgundealer. b. El I f,l harre f,l havenot is c. trl A copyof thereceiptEl attached. El hasalreadybcarfiled with thecourt. Youmustfilea receiptwiththecourtwithin48 hoursaJterreceivingFormDY-Il0- g I askthecourtto orderpaymentof my 6D v Attorney fees Out-of-pocket expensesbecausethe temporary restraining order was iszued without enoughsup'porting facts. The expensesare: Amount: Item: Amorurt: Item: serrye, FLI50. andfle Fotm You mustfiIl out, s. [l b. Sl (t) m My Answerto the Statementsln DV-100and OtherRequests \-/ Pleaseattdchyoarstatement.Write "DY-120,nem 19 - More Information" at the top.Be specijic. @) t declareunderpenaltyof pe{uy rmdcrthe lawsof the Stateof Californiathat the inforrration aboveis true and colrectr. p"'s. 0{.,/ | 3*e*{ El,a i rTin d a l - Typeor print your nsrne ffi3gd3r'ur.?ooz 6\ unrnrrt tglffiftrulr ,.., j. , - f i, ' - c . ^ - - K t - , * d t , " ' Signyour name Answgr to Temporary Restralnlng Order (DomesticViolencePrevention) rindall pasa2oi2 Dv-120, RonaldS.Housman, Es{.,SBN 117884 LAW OFFICESOF RONALDS.HOUSMAN l54l OceanAYenue,Suite200 SantaMonica,California9040I ^2I 04 I (3r0)395-2ee0 (3r0)39s-2981 fax 4 Attorney for: Pstitioner JOYCE SPEIGHTS 5 6 SUPERIORCOTIRTOF TI{E STATEOF CALIFORNIA FORTHE COUNTYOF LOS A}IGELES I 9 cAsE NO.EQ 0Q4799 WILLIAM S. NT'E l0 PETITIONER" 1l L2 t3 t4 BLAIR TINDALL 15 ) ) RESPONDENT.) ) t6 DV-120rItem 19Declnrrtionsof Blair Tindalt; DeclsrntionRobertBuley,Ph.D, in Oppositionto PendingDV-100Claim of lililllam Nye. Date: November 15,2007 Time: 8:30 a.m. Dept: 3 Comur. Denrds Shanklin t7 l8 l9 I, Blair Tindall, declareas follows: 20 1. I have personal knowledge of the facts herEinafter set forth. If called upon to do so I 2t could competentlytestify to zuchfacts. 22 ,4J RequestedRelief: 24 For the reasons setforth below, I urge this Court to dissolve thepending Temporary 25 26 27 Ratraining Orders, as I have nwer been,and am not now, a threat to Mr. Nyq' either by way of actual or intended harm. t/ 28 DV-lzOr Item 19 Declarationsof Blair Tindsil; Robert Buley,Pb.D.,etnl I BACKGROTIND 2 1. I'm an alumnaand former profossorat StanfordUniversity. I am the authorof the 3 best-selling'Mozart in the Jungle: Sex,Drugs,and ClassicalMusic," (Cnove/AtlanticPress); 4 which has beenreleassdin the U.S, and fow foreign countriesand laudedin a recentedition of 5 The New Republic. I also hold bechelor and masterof music degreesthe ManhattanSchool of 6 Music, and a businesscertificatefrom Colu:nbiaUnivusity. 2. Iamcurrentlywrihng forthe FinancialTimes magaaineof London,as well as 7 8 finishrng a book proposal about the private health care industry. I concunently write for the New who 9 York Times, Los Angeles Times and Sierra magazine. I am a Grammy nominatedmr.r,sician, 1 0 hasperformedasprincipal oboistwith the New York Philhamronic,SanFranciscoSymphony, ll T2 and at CarnegteHall. 3. I am a parishioner at Studio City's Little Brown Church and its sister Church af the l3 Valley in Van Nuys. I currently volunteer for the literacy organizationReadingfor Kids aspart of t4 a teafli from Stanford- in which I most recentlyparticipatedNov. 10, 2007.I am currently 1 5 advising a youngjournalist from SanDiego to help her place her work with editors at The New l6 York Times, and I will be speakingto studentsat the California Institute of the Arts on Nov. 19, r7 2007. l8 4. I am an intelligent, alticulate wom.ctn,who strongly believesin civil and respectable 1 9 behavior. Again, as will be thown below, I am not, nor ever have beena threat to Mr. Nye and 20 askthat his current restraining orders be lified. Moreover, as a result of the emotionalcruelty 2 L that he inflicted upon me,f had atemporary lapseofjudgment and damagedhisflowers only22 23 BACKGROT'ND WITH MR. F{YE 24 5. AJl understandingof how Petitioner and I met and the home we purchased,is critical )7 26 to understandingmy actions at issuc herein. 6. I met Bill Nye on Sept. 10, 2005 m SantaMonica when he contactedme afterreading 27 a bookI hadwrinen, "Mozartin the Jungle";I fell in love, andheproposedmarriageouDec.2, onDec.19, on theCBSLateLateShowwith CraigFerguson 28 2005- announci.gour engagement DV-120, Item 19 Decleretions of Blair Tindall; Robert Buley' Ph.D., et al- I 2006. WeweremarriedFeb.3,2QQ6, by PastorRick Wamenof 2005.DuringDecember, ) Churoh,in frontof 400guestsof a conference calledTheEntertainment Saddleback Gathering at J theSkrrballCenter,with severalnewsoameras rolling. TheAssooiated Pressstoryof oru 4 marriageranin some300newspapers worldwide,andthevideois availablsat 5 6 1 for a house,obtainedPetitioner'sapproval,andwe purchased 7. I searched a $1 million homethatfeatureda rosegardenin thebaclgal 8 wherehecarr[edmeoverthethresholdashtsbride.Beoause my excollentcreditscorewas793 9 andBill's wasunder700,on March4,2006,we took autafi752,500mortgage jointly -- andthe 1 0 originaldeedstateswe co-ownedthehouseasthecommunityproperty of a marriedcouple. 1t Petitionercontinuesto live theretoday. Immed:iately afterthe wedding,which wasa first 1 2 marriagefor both of us,I becameknownasBlair Tindall Nye, andwe appeared togetheron CNN l3 t4 televisionon Valentine'sDay,2006,asBill andBlairNye. 8. We learnedshortlyafterthemarriagethatour malriagelicerrsewasreturnedas l5 invalid. At thattime, Petitionerordsredme not to moveinto our home,uponwhichwe were l6 aboutto oloseescrow.I also agreed. to quit-claimmy interestin thehometo Petitiouer,dueto the l7 brevityof our relationship,andthe factI hadnot put anymoneyinto thehome. l8 l9 9. I washeartbroken,alarmodabouthaviugqpentmuchof my savingsdqringthe relationship.I wasvery distraughtaboutexplainingto my eight-year-oldnephewthatBill Nye 20 theScienceGuywasn'this uncleafterall, andto my elderlyparents thatI wasn'treallymarried. 2I Shortlyafterthe terminationof our relationship,I begaasufferingsevereinsomnia,for which I t) wasprescribed Ambienby my physician,NealShanblattof SantaMonica. 2? 10. In July, 2006, I applied for a mortgageon rny owlr, and was honified to discoverI 24 was still the so-owner,with Bill, of the Mound View property loan, leaving me financially liable 2s for a houseI did not own, occupiedby a man who no longer wantedme. Thejumbo mortgage 26 hadalso loweredthe credit scoreI'd spenta lifetime polishing. At this time,Ifelt angry, tned, 27 humiliated,and beganto beliwe I'd beenfficl@dinto afalse marriage that resultedin personal 28 gain (ofpublicity and real estatefor Petitioner), but seriously affected my financial, emotional, Dy-120, Item 19 Declarationsof Blair Tindafi Robert Buley,Ph.D.,eLnl. I 2006.WewerernatriedFeb. 3,2Q06,byPastorRickWarrenof 2005.DuringDecember, 2 SaddlebackChurch,rn front of 400guestsof a confsrencecalledTheEntertainmentGatheringat a J the SkirballCenter,with severaloewso.merasrolling. TheAssociated Pressstoryof oru 4 worldwide,andthevideois availablcat marriageranin some300newspapers 5 6 for a house,obtaured a $1million 7. I searched Petitioner'sapproval,andwe purchased 7 homethatfeatureda rosegardenin thebaclgal 8 wherehecarrledmeover the thresholdashis bride.Becausemy excollentcreditscorewas793 9 jointly -- andthe andBill's wasunder700,on March4,20A6,we took a:urt a5752,500mortgage 1 0 originaldeedstateswe co-ownedthehouseasthecorrnunitypropertyof a maniedcouple. 1 1 Petitionercontinuesto live theretoday. tnrnediatelyafterthe wedding,which wasa first l2 marriagefor both of us, I becameknownasBlair Tindall Nye, andwe appeared togetheron CNN t3 televisionon Valentinds Day, 2006,asBill andBlair Nye. t4 8. Wo learnedshortlyafterthemarriagethatour marriagelicensewasrefurnedas 1 5 invalid. At thattime, Petitionerorderedme not to moveinto otu home,uponwhichwe were l6 aboutto oloseescrow.I alsoagreedto quit-olaimmy irrterestin thehometo Petitioner, dueto the t 7 brevityof our relationship,andtho factI hadnot put anymoneyinto thehome. 18 9. I washeartbroken,alarmedabouthavingspsntmuchof my savingsduringthe 1 9 relationship.I wasvery distraughtaboutexplainiugto my eight-year-oldnephewthatBill Nye 20 the ScienceGuywasn't his uncleafterall, andto my elderlyparentsthat I wasn'treallymanied. 2l Shortlya-fterthe terminationof our relationsbip,I begansufferingsevereinsomnia,for which I )) wasprescribed Ambienbymyphysician,Nealshanblattof SantaMonica. 2? 10. In July, 2006,I appliedfor a mortgageon my ow1r,andwashorified to discoverI 24 wasstill theso-owner,with Bill, of theMoundView propertyloan,leavingmefiaanciallyliable 2s for a houseI did not own,occupiedby a manwhono longerwantedme.Thejurnbomongage 26 hadalsoloweredthe credit scoreI'd spenta lifetime polishing.At thistime,Ifelt angry,used, 27 huniliated,and beganto believeI'd beentricl$edinto afalse marriagethatresultedin personal 2 8 gain(of publicity andreal estatefor Petitioner),but seriouslyaffectedmy finanoial,emotional, DV-120,Item l9 Declarationsof Blair Tindall; Robert Buley,Ph.D.,eLel. I a mortgageon his andincroasingly,myphysicalhealth.Witbjn threemonths,Petitionerobtafuted ) grstry. own,but my resentment behindme,I wasseriowlyinjuredin Santa asI tried to put thefauxmarriago 11. .Tust 3 4 Monicaasa carhit my bicycleonNovember19,2006,audI wasrushedto thehospitalvia 5 later,onDec-2, 2006,myfatherdiedin North Carolina,leaving my Twoweelcs ambulance. 6 85-yeu-oldmother,who neededmqiorsurgery,widowedafter60 yearsof marriage,I flew back 7 andforth four timesduringDecembor,2006andJanuary,2007,but it soonbecameclearthatI E into storageandvacatedmy neededto relocateto North Carolinafor a time.I put my belengrng$ 9 Feb.14,2007,I drovehomcto theeastcoastandfor thenextfour SantaMonicaaparlment at hernursinghome helpingmy motherconvalesce 1 0 months,livedbetweenhryofriends'houses, 1 1 aftersurgery,settlingmy father'sestate,andorganizrnghis booksandpapersfor donationto the t2 Universityof Nor& Carolina. t3 I4 12. I becamefurtherdistressed whenmy onlysiblingdid not assistme with familyaffairs in anyway;Iwas completelyon my ownin handlingmattersunfamiliarto me andmy elderly problems( firther-diminished 1 5 mother.Dueto themultitudeoffamily andpersonal funds, amountof shess.Thiswas 16 mother'sillness,andfattrcr'sdeath),I wasunderanenofimous t7 compounded by my difficultly sleeping.As of June2007,I hadnot sleptmorethanonehourper 1 8 nightin overa year. 19 20 NIGHT OF SEPTEMBER3RD2OO7 2L 13. I felt my stressandfatigueworseningdueto my coatinuedsleeplessness. A state 22 whichculminatedon the eveningof laborDayin a foolish,sophomoricaotofpoorjudgment 23 thatwasonly intendedto hamrflowers,andcertainlynot people. 14. Onthatnight, September 3,2007,I wentto a 5 p.m. showingof theBelgianfilm 24 25 '?rivate Property''atthe Nu WilshireTheaterwith viotinists Alau CrnrnfeldandPamelaGates, 26 dinedwith themat Il Forniaoin BeverlyHills, andretumedwith both friendsto Cmrnfeld's 27 house,whereI helpedhim setup a web{og on his computer.Grunfeldwantedto watchthevideo 28 of :ny weddinqto Pefirtoneron the whic! u:et megreatly to s:. _Internet DV-f2Or Iten 19 Declarations of Blair Tindall; Robert Buley, Ph.D., elsl. ,. I .' L 15. I returnedhomealoneby 10:30p.m.andthentumedonmy televisionto watch "Living With Ed," a show featruing my erstwhile 'neighborEd Eegley(whomI'd J nevermet but had spokento on the phone), It was the secondtimoI'd seenthis episode,andthe 4 show upsetme evenmore, asPetitioner,our house,andits rose gardenwere feafixedon the 5 prografl that night. 6 16. On the televisiolr, I saw Petitioner again rn what had beenourback yatd, plucking a 7 rose for Ed Begley's wife, RachelleCarson,from the gardenI'd loved andwatered,behindwhat 8 had beenour hone)rmooncottage. Watching,I boiled over whenBill commentedthat life would 9 beperfect..-{ only he had a womanwith whom to share the house- a houseI'd found,fixed up, l0 tl and assumedI'd enjoy married life and motherhoodas "Mrs. Nye" within. 17. I becane very &ngrJr,and could only think of destroyiug thc rose garden,so Petitioner 1 2 couldn't give another woman the flowers for which I had cared. 13 18. Iz one dreadful momentof poor judgmmt, I decidedto damagethe gardenwith 1,4 weed-killer. t5 19. I walked into his (our) back yard and emptied one bottle onto all the piants I could. 1 6 SuddenlyI caught sight of myself in the sliding glass door, standing in the yard of a man who no destuction ofpretty, innocent flowers. I was 1 7 longer loved me, and performing the se,nselsss 1 8 horrifted by what I hadjust done. Abattt one minute had passedsince I arrived on the property, 1 9 when, without emptying the seoondbottle, I exited the back yard as Bill was crossingthe skeet, 20 calling out my name. This was the first time I had seenBill in person sinceNovernber, 2006. 2l 22 PRIOR VISMS TO PETITIONBR'S HOME )7 20. On August 19,2006rI enteredPetitiorrer'shome with hls written permission, which 24 includedhis own alarmcode,locationof a hiddenkey, andaninvitationto enter.( A tue and is attached hereto 25 correctcopyof Petitioner'semailof July21,2006,grantingsuchpermission, 26 andmarkedasExhibit 1) Inside,I retrieveddocumentspertainingto ourjoint mortgage,plus otu 27 marriagolice,nse,andbecameupsetby documentsin Bill's handwritingthatwcreinsultingto me why he endedow 28 andrevealedpersonalandserrsitiveinformationabouthimself that suggssted DV-Lz0,Item 19 Declarstionsof Blsir Tindell; Robert Buley,Ph.D.,etal. I relationship.I mailedback the itemsNye conectly saidI took with mo, including a laptop,what 2 had beenmy engagementring, the mortgagepapers,and the handwrittenpaper,on which he'd a J written that I "wasn't beautiful errougl5athletic enough,or a good enoughdancer.Now shehas 4 fallen for me, (asthey alwayt do'). 21. h a phone conversationwith him the next monring, I brought up my original 5 6 ownership of the house,and that I'd learuedquitclaim deedscan sometimesbe reversed.At that n time, Bill verbally threatenedto have me fired from a burking job I had, and to have my real 8 estatelicenseremoved- sinceI was terrified to be unemployedbecauseof my diminishing 9 funds, I wrote an apology to him that was ovetly confrite and cowed to his implications that I had 1 0 been drinking. 22. Qn July 28, 2007,I delivereda coffee-makerPetitionerand I had pruchased. I left it tl t2 on his &ont porch at about6 p-m.- driving off lessthan one minute later. I found the sight of oru L 3 houseortrernely painful, and did not wish to retum. This was my only contactwith Petitioner or l4 the bousesinceI senthim an ernaiteight monthsbefore on his 51stbirthday,Nov. 27, 2006. 23. OnAugust 13,2007,I refurnedto the houseagailt,however,on Monday evening,at l5 1 6 about6 p.m. At that time, my houseguesfthe hish Timesjournalist PaddyWoodworth,askedto 1 7 seethe houseon ollr way to meet friends at *'The Standard"irr Hollyvood. I drove southboundon with Paddy,stopprngin front of the housefor aboutfive minuteswhile I l8 1 9 , describedits interior andsomefacetsof its strangehistoryin my life. I did not seeBill at this 20 time. 2t 24. Iflwas seenin the neighborhood, it is because I alsolive in StudioCity; I shop,seea 22 physician,visit the postoffico, dry cleaner,farmers'market andmailbox storewithrn a few 23 blooksoI : ;.I stayedin Studio CitybecauseIhad aposition with a 24 produotiortcompauy,'?retty Pictures",which maintainedoffioesat UniversalStudios.My new 2s homewasin walking distarrceof thestudio. 26 27 MT A}-TGERAI{D RESBNTMENI TOWARD PETMONER IS FOREVERGONE 28 25. Following the eventsof Septernber 3'd,I realizedI hadspiraleddownto thepoint 6 DV-t?0r Item 19Declaretionsof Blnir Tiudall; RobertBuley, Ph.D,,etal. I irrtotheSouthCoastRecoveryCenter(hereinafter help. I checked whereI neededprofessional z a 30-day referedto asSouthCoas)in DanaPoint,Calif.,on Sept.24,20A7. Thete,I completed a progamat a costof $10,000,whichincludedMce-weeklytherapywith a PhD. (A tme and 4 heretoandmarkedasExhibit2). While is attached correctcopyof my Certificateof Completion 5 RobertBuley,Ph.D. We aresubmitting at SouthCoast,Iwastreatedin part,by Psychologist 6 Dr. Buley'sdeclaration, whiohatteststo my fulI andcomplete alongwith my declaration, 4 is attachedheretoandmarkedasExhibit 3). recovery.(Dr. Buley's sworndeclaration, 8 24-hour in weeklyssureslingsessions, 26. Whileat SouthCoast,Iparticipated 9 and supervision,daily gloup therapy,educationalserninars,acupunoture, meditatiorqmassage, werecuredby Oct. 1 0 healthydiet andsxerciseunderthe careof a physician.My sleepdisturbanc€s 1 1 1, 2007, andwhile at SouthCoast,Ilearneda new,holisticsystemf61[6sdling insomnia. 1,2 27. Tam a newpersonaudhavefollowedmy life plan organizedatSouthCoast, pursuingmy goals,suroundingmyselfwith a strongsupport 1 3 continuingtheholisfic treatments, 7 4 netwotk,andseekingoccasionalpastoralcounselingfrom my minister,RussWilloughby,at The ls r6 Little Brown Churchin StudioCity. 28. While in rehab,I alsosoughtpastoralcounselingfromthenearbySaddleback 1 7 Church,whoseministerRick Warrenhadperfonnedour weddingceromorly,andwhosesouthem l8 Baptistfaith I share. t9 20 INACCURACIESOF PETITIONER'SCLAIMS AND ALLEGATIONS 2t 29. As the Courtknou's,Petitionerhasfiled to Petitionsfor a DV RestrainingOrder. sr 4, 2047andthe secondon Septebmq7,2Q07. Theversionsdated 22 Thefirst on Septemb 4fr andSeptember7'hvaryconsiderably,with Petitionerclaimingtwo different 23 September 24 causesof feelingphysicallythreatenedat two differentttmes.h the Sept.4e version,Petitioner that mayhavebeenemptiedon edibleplants. 25 statesthatthothreatcarnofrom cheniricals 26 However,in the Sept.7il version,Biil haschangedhis story,now sayirtgthathewasafraidnot 27 aboutpoisoning,but thatI would havesquirtedherbioidein his eyes. ?Irislatter allegationcould 28 neverhaveocanrredas heanalI wereon oppositestdesof thesfteetwhenhesawmeleavinghis DV-120, Item 19 Declarations of Bleir Tindall; Robert Buley, Ph.D., eLaL I ., residencethat evening. 30. Petitioner contendsI had driven by his housetwice in the last three weeks pnor to )a our incident, and that his housewas over 20 miles from my last known address.My last known 4 addresswas actually3,000miles fiom the house,in North Carolina. I retumed to Los Angelesin ) June,and Studio City fn July, and I had driven by the houseonly oncein thepraious month,on 6 August 13,as notedabove. 7 15,2A07asadrivebydate.Iknowthistobefalse,aslwas 31. PetitionerlistsAugust 8 at work all day and spent that night with a friend. That night I was with my friend Pam Gates, 9 l0 andviolinist Alan Gnrnfeld, at Pam'shomein Pam's doclarationin support of thesefacts canbe suppliedifneeded- 1l 32. In20A7,I passedby Petitioner'shousoonly on July 28e , Aug. 13th, and Sept.J'd . ),2 33. Otherthan the daysset forth above,I had not seenPetitionerin personsincea swing r3 l4 danceat the Elks T-odgein Playa del Rey eithe,rNov. 22 or Nov. 29,2;006,nearly a year ago34, As for inaccwaciesof Petitionef,'spapeffi,my nameis misspelled"Tindaf in the 1 5 original filing when it is actrLrally"Trndall;" my middle initial is misstated"I.," when my two 1 6 middle initials are"A.M.," my eI€ color is listod as greerrin one place, andblue in another;three L 7 birth yearsappear- 1957,1959,and 1960;andmy height is misstatedtwo different ways, as 5'6, 1 8 wrd5'7, whEnIren 5'3 1/2. I scriouslyquestionPetitioner'srcoollectionor observationof 1 9 events,if he cannot recall basic facts about someoneto whom he was orgaged, and with whom 20 he existed as husbandand wife. 2l 22 CONCLUSION 23 35. As for me,f neverhad anyintentto harmPetitioner'sperson,or put him in any 24 danger. After a yearof exkaordinarystressandhagedy,I lost connol whenI sawPetitioneron 25 TV at our house,discussingmaritalrelations.I meantto hurt his (orrr)flowersonlg not him. 26 35. I am the first to state,streiruously, thatpouringweed-killeron Petitioner'sgarden for my isolatedactionson 27 washorriblywrong.I havedoneeverythingpossibleto compensate 28 Sept.3, 2007, andamnow of a healthymind. DV-120,Item 19 Declarationsof Bhir Tindall; Robert Buley,Ph.D.,etal. I 36. I am terribly sorryfor whatI did,haveneverdoneanythinglike it, andneverwill ? agaln.I certainlywouldncverharmanotherhurnanbeing,andespeciallynot thismanwhomI 3 lovedsodeeply,andwith whoml'dplannedto starta family.Suohanactionwasfar outsidemy 4 andit wasnot aimedatpeople,butplants- somcof whichthatwerenottherewhen charaoter; wepwchasedthehouse,andwereplantsI did notknowto be edible. 6 37. I wouldneverhaveaimedthechemicalatBill's eyes,ashe suggested -- andit's 7 underanyconditions.I havetakenextraordinary simplynot in mynatureto hurt someone, 8 actionsto tum aroundmy emotionalstate.I amno longerangrywith Petitioner,andhavemoved 9 10 1i on emotionallyin all respects. 38. I amnot a dangerto Petitionm,or anyoneelse.For a briefperiodof time,I wasa an eurotionallytroubledwoman,woundedfrom a failedrelationship,from which I havenow t 2 recovered-I urgethis Courtto denyPetitionor'srequestfor permanentrestrainingordersand l3 ordersnowin effect. dissolvethe temporaryrestraining L4 SIGNATUREFOLLOWS FORM DV.12O l5 l6 l7 Argument l8 Ms. Tindall never harmed or directly ttreatened harm to Petitioner. While it is true she L 9 damagedhis flowers, shehas expressedremorse. Moreover, sbehas completed a 30 day in- 20 patient recovery prograrn, and has resolvedhor temporary iszuesof anger and resentnent. Slreu 2l 22 not a threat to Petitioner, so as tojustify permanent or temporary restraining orders. Rospectfirlly submitted. 23 24 DATED;NovemberL3,2007 LAW OFFICESOF RONALD S.HOUSMAN 25 26 27 B'LAIRTINDALL for Rospondent, 28 DV-120rItem 19 Declarationsof Blair Tindell; RobertBuley,Ph.D.,etal. xhibit 2 SouthMt rer{ecovFRY '*.F,affirt ftf- gtwtedto ir hervhy BlairTindall tocmifysati{utoryryPktionofry hnwn 10 Dat RssidrrlrtialRecorwy fuantedonrhisdq of Octpher24 m07 Exhibit 3 Esq.,SBN117884 RonaldS.Housman, LAW OFFICESOF RONALDS.HOUSMAN 2 1541OceanAvenue,Suite200 SantaMonic4 Califomia90401-2t04 3 (3r0) 395-2990 (310)39s-2981 fax 4 Attorneyfor: PetitiouerJOYCESPEIGHTS I ) 6 .| ST'PERIORCOIJRTOF TIIE STATEOF CALIFORNIA FORTHE COI.INTYOF LOS ANGELES 8 9 CASENO. EQ 004799 WILLIAM S. NITE 10 PETITIONER 11 r2 v, T3 BLAIR TINDALL l4 RESPONDENT. Declarationof RobertBuley,Pb.D,,itr Support of Responeive Declsretionof Blair Tindall Date: Novenrber15,2007 Time: 8:30am. De,pt: 3 15 Comm.DennisShanklir 16 t7 18 19 I, RobertBuley,Ph,D.,declareasfollowsl 20 l. I havepersonalknowledgeof the factshereinaftersetforth. Ifcalled uponto do soI 2l 22 couldcompetentlytestifuto suchfacts. 2. I am a ClinicalPsychologistactivelylicensedin the Stateof Califomia.(A copyof 23 my currqrt CV is attachedheretoandmarkedasExhibit A.) v+ 3. I seepatients,in part, at the SouthCoastRecoveryCenter@ereinafter refenedto as 25 SouthCoast.) 26 4. Patientsareseenat SouthCoastfor a variety of roasonsincluding,but not limited to, 27 alcoholisnt,drug addiction,depression, annietyandangerrnanagement. 28 Declaration of Robert Buley, Ph.D. with, andfreated,Blair andOctober2007,Iactivelypartioipated 5. BetweenSeptember I 1 L 30 dayrecovery i*o SouthCoast'siu-patient Tindall,at SouthCoast.Ms. Tindallohecked J program. 6. BetweenMarch2006andthepresenfandprior to enteringSouthCoast,Ms' Tindall 4 5 a nqrnberof "life crisis' ", involvingterminationof a purportedmarital hadexperienced 6 relationshipwith I\4r.Williarn Nye,thepassingof her fathet,andher involvementin a resultingin hersuffedngseriouspersonalrnirrries' aooident automobile 8 7. At thehme sheenteredSoufhCoast,andasa resultof thoseemotionaltraumas 9 enger,andanxiety. issuesof depression, with overcoming above,shesoughtassistance described B. On, or abouqOctober24,2007Ms. Tindall obtainedher "Certificateof Completion" l0 l1 from SouthCoast;indicatingshehad completedtheir 30-dayin-pationtrecoveryprogram'Her r2 at individualarrdgroupcounselirrgsessionsprogramincludedher attendance l3 l4 time,andthroughthe ^tthat anger,andanxiety.I feelsheis fully of depression, present,Ideemherfreefromthediagnoses l5 manrrer. of carryingon her life in a safeandap'propriate capablepsychologically/emotionally herfrommy carein lateOctobor2007. 9. I released 10. Dr:ringmy directcounselingof Ms. Tinda1l,I canstatethat by the endof her l6 or 1,7 recoveryprosarnat SouthCoastshewasnot exhibiting,or sufferingfrom anger,depression stateMs. Tindallhasovercomeanynegative 1 8 anxietytowardWilliam Nye, I cancategorically 1 9 feelingstowardMr. Nye,andhaslet suchissuesfromthepast becomeapart of her past,without 2A attachedemotions. I l. Ms. Tindall workedvery hardon her issuesduringour therapysessions.I feelquite 21 nn /./- positiveabouttheprognosisofhe,rounentemotionalstate. I considerher progressexcellentand 23 heroutlookbright. 24 I deolare,underpenaltyof perjury,underthelawsof theStateof Califomiathatthe 25 foregoingis tnreandcorrect.Executedthis 12frdayofNovember2007at SanJuanCapistano, 26 cA. 27 28 Declerstionof Robert BuleY,Ph-D. EXI{IBIT A RODEnTBW,EYPH.D. ticenred Cliricsl lt5rc{ologitt Llcenrc # [SYI2S76 P.O. Box3gc+Wifft3llr DenaPoiat,Caffornh 92629 I ! RESUME - DR.poB BULEY Narne: Addrcss: RobsrtM' (Bob) Bul€$' P.O.Box 394"DilaPoint, California92629 I i Phorefs: ! DateofBlrth: Ootobcr18,1939 i Liccnse#: PSYl2s?6-LiccruodClinical{sychologis I I Education; Bwbank lligh School Burbank,Calibrnia Gnaduate t957 Collry Prcp Universityof Rcdlsnds Redluds, Califomia B.A. 1962 Peychologr Cal StsBUniversity Nonhridge,Califumia M.A, 1964 Psychology Califomis GraArateSchool Ph"D' of FamilyTherapy-San Rafael,Califomie r990 Clinical Pqcbology Multiple Trainingsat Grad. @200 ulit6 Lcvcl in Addiction* FTED, Ltrolest,ChildAbuee, EvduationsandTesting etc, I962-Pncsent PsPhotogYReleted WorkExperiencl tvfay i ' 2003-Prcscnt CIioical Dirs{ilff- Hopc By tbe Fea,300ll lvy Glenn $$tB 218, Lagma Niguel, Californis 92677 Ddiesl Individuol ttrertpy with €aoh clicrt in ragiaentiar heatment ftcility, psfrchclogl^calevaluntionr' eupervisioo of clinicalstrff. Oroupandltdivid+I Rx. 2000- hesent i Prirare Pnactice - L,agurn bfigu"l anclDdiilg individuat 6nd gFoup teafinenl, psythologtcal eviluatiuts, marital and family tlnapy, wurketc, adolescsm 2001-May 2003: i Tlraryist- Win'sInruP.O.Box394,psnr Poinl,Catifomir926F asses$n€ntE vvithrmvcdag drug fhrties* hdividusl, grouplthcrnpy, Addictsandelcoholicsin d live in rebabiliutionofft€(1998-2001: i Cotrty .714 54?4615 CfinidalDirector- VetemnsCharitieroFOtnngu Calif. yn04 Ana, Sullivar S. 201 St44 $arn Dries - Evtluilioq, Efoupthcmpy,aetupof internsto wort in individualthcrdp*with 130homclesswilsnaos,Testilt& onPTSDFnddctressionresoludm Ernphasis I 1998- Prescrtt I Exocltfr€Dircctor- PCt000progrsm- 1076{, 9t&tcCollogeBlvd. Amhe'in, California,92806f t+ ffs+fS?, Dircct plo3nm anddo grsup and individufi tmapy for numeronsclienfi referred abuscpoblems. by tlre oour8for $rhstmrce i 1998- December ?0[t1 i TumingPointFs Familics2l0l E. For{nhSmeqSilxtnAas,Celifqnia 927!5. 714547-8ll l. Ai$ in rupervisiooofMsstcr's Lotrclinerns, seeindividualclief PRN. Teaohin fiainingsessirlus. 198&1998: !I PrivatcPracticc: Reddias Califomiai-.Workingprimsrily with lcen4gerr,and adultr abusedas children,addictions,and Vi+dn Wiuese CtieoB. My practioewes basicnllydividedimo thirds. Ahout trlB thirq of tte tirc I vrorkedwith teenagenin group hwro sadngs, and in contiuuation Ddthdrug and alcohol addiotion I did gniDingentry to Bdlools by qmkiqg comflee ryfth taafrncrit sugqmtionq groupand individrnl tlrcragr,nrbstarrce abuseFrndfbst troutnsdsstrcssdismdarienlos relating to p{tysical. enotional, sctenl Sufe, ard lodure- .A 6ecmd &fud of my dme wasinvolvodin eneluan-ons, family , nrarriagsand family counseling;rod wortcwith rdults abuu€din rrariouswaysee or in their rnarriagics, or *ith significefit stbsrs, The rest of ths tims I witb victitnsof sstadsard ritnt abuse, worting on rBg'eaad reprcssioaissues. tw*1988: clinicat Directsr - sha$tscounty Sub{tanceAbuac,Rcddtrg Catifornia - I i :' i counselorfor tr{o years,ard tlan waspronrotcdm otinioal workgdu* t suUuU,* abr.rsc abusccomseling. dlrects. Twmty hoursa w€tk I teustdr"ruFsts howto do substn$ce Tbe otherhivtrfy hows per weck,I ran AI4AC grwp, uAich is the pnmsryirssucin eddressing malesndfemalc abnsein ShastaCounty. Orwpe daresaparately subsranoe clients, I fot waluaring dusl wns t$ng and diagnosns reppor,rsible issuesiu this seflqnlity treffii€ttt ofboth meual CountyMemall{ealtf to a$$ue andtrirgFdwith Sha$ta abus€,I wasw(ed thefirst everEmplope of the Ysarfor heahhissrresalrdzub,stanoe Abuse. t served st ShssteCoudy MetrtalHealthandSubstsnce theoombinedprograrns taamfor ttr combinoda#ncy ontbemanagunent 1970.1978 BxecrsivsDircctor- New Trails ResiJejdialSchool,FrcnchGutc{r;Catifornia.I founded,dirccte4 fid $msheadcormelsr iu * frty bed reciffiiel schoolfor dnrg sddictedard emotiotrsllydiotrubedts€oagcr$It becarnca full time rcsidsrtialtchool. My raqponnbilitdcsindud diagnoccsan{ fcannent of thc forfy adolcsccntsin plsil{l4g , aradacnralfrerq/. Nearlyetl tb residcno€, includingtestiqg;ttestmeNrt uere dualdiaenosss students wifh snbstsilce drrseaadmenulhcollhissilFs. r96l-19?0: FounderaodDirector- Cass u6s a nGi8hborhd horne foundcd bo EastLosAngeles.My rosponsibillticsi ande&lrinisHiug a milliou dollar s yerr specifcally doirq individuel and group and duaf diagnoscsclfcnts. Issuescausing abuee,gnng rohfod activities, and lo*s of specificolly abandonmcntissres. 4950Floral Avc. East t"os Angetes, firis wort widr Hispanic fmg mernb€rsin sqpoMring forty staff meinoberu, nising ard overseeilgcornrcling eerrri@s, primarityfonrubstmocabuo problems abue includi4g trfsD &om ctild otbers in tbc fturity of origilr, Otjrcr Hcfw*nt lnformatio n I 2. I have servedas a cmsultant for t3ro,p hmnesard residsnial frcilities in tcrtiry; msqncntflanniag,andtherapy. i 3.My extendede.drroation raining nasiteenrnaialyin substffnce abus;srd dud diagnoees is6rrcs, rnole$l,PTSDendpainmanaSment PROOFOF SERVICE STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss: couNTY OF LOS AITGELES ) I amemploytdin thecountyof LosAageles,Stateof California.I amoverthe address is l54l OceanAve., ageof l8 andnot a partyto thewithin action.My business CA.,90401 #200,SantaMonica, desoribed asAnswer On November13,2007,I servedtheforogoingdocument(s) to TemporaryRestrainingOrder and SupportingDeclarationson theintErested partrcs, in sealedenvelopes addressed as [X I byplacinga tme copy[ ] originalthereofenclosed follows: SEEATTACHED PROOFOF SERVICELIST suchenvelope(s) in theUnited Statesmail, postage L J eV CertifiedMail -_I_deposited fullyprepaid,at SantaMonica"California. tX I ByMail and [ ] ByFax Via 0vernight Mail Fed Ex Service [ ] BVPersonal suchenvelopein themail at SantaMonica,Catfornia Theenvelopewas I deposited mailedwith postagethereonfully prepaid. [x] State- I declareunderpenaltyof perjuryundcrthelawsof the Stateof Californiathat the aboveis trueandcorrect. t I fdgral - I declare.thatl am employedir Sr office of a memberof thebar of this courtat whosedirectiontbe selicb wasmade. Nrrev. Tindpll CaseNo.EQ 004799 Petifoner.WilliamNye .AndrewH.Salter,Esq. Saltor,Joyce,Ziker,PLLC. 1601FifftAvenue,#2040 WA, 9810I Seattle, (206)957-s9s0 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES Date 11-09-01 Honorable Judge H o n o rable DE NNI S S H A N K L IN M. 8: 30 am C. VALENZUELA Judge Pro Tem Deputy Sheriff P E NN Y NONE EQO041 99 William S. (N/A) Tindal- Blair Counsel For Petitioner:. (N/A) Nye A n d re w S a 1 t e r Counsel For Respondent: NATUREOF PRocEEDINGS:TELEPHONIC CONFERENCE FOR CONTINUACE Pursuant to counsef, Andrew the so matter ordered the to and telephonic Salter, I7/I5/07 the representation that at matter counsef 8:30 is a.m. re-set of have Is Petiti-oner agreed in Department as indicated. PageI ofl to t.rail 003, it IS MINUTES ENTERED DEPr: NCB3 1 1 -0 9- 07 CoUNTY CLERK Temporary Restraining [;rj:;" COTi;: SUFER1OR LC$A.HETLTS Name of personaskingfor protecrion(protecredperson): t/' rr L"Ji(tiann". A. CL ,JOHH Protectedperson's ^dd your address to bc piuate, giae a mailiw Si-.!^o c,.r, 0cT25 200.l Cl\ addrer inetpn,l). St"r.,C4 Zip:- Phone# (optional):(-) Protectedpersont lawyer (fanfl: (Narne,addras, phone#, andStateBar#): 4,.r0^,o,n^r Lt+- S*aflG - Court name and street address: Superior Court of California,County of Superior Court Burbank Ave. Olive East ffiO CA91502 Durbenl'!" . LJ A Restrainedpcrsont nqme: Descriprionof that person: Sex flM Race: F.^"o Vt.: ll O C^<r*' EyeColor: Age: {} CaseNumber: Hair Color: T lo aae Date of Birth' 4z/6- E q 6 t 4 rq q I askthe judge to reissuethe Gmporary RestrainingOrder,Form DV-l 10. oJ a. The last hearingdatewas (datd: 3 d, { b. The ordcr hasbeenreissucd / times. I askthelgfue to reissuerhe orderbecause: a. VT could not get the orderservedbeforethe hearingdate. b. tr Thedateofthehearingwaschangedbecause we weresenttomediatorsorotherfamilycourtservices, c. fl Other Gpecifi): @ I declareunder penalryof perjury under rhe lawsof the Stateof California that the information aboveis true and correct. Date: J 5 sct io ? | ,t h/illtn,n ' \. Nq p Typcor print your namc Clerk will fill out section below. The order listed in I is reissuedand resetfor hearingin tlis court on the date and time below.Unlessa judge extendsthe time, the order will end on the dateand time below - /t-l V-o7 Ti^r' ? :3 Rm.:- 3 c F,ln of courtif differentfromabove: Name& address t'iur'banll Sui:ei'ior Corrd @ve. in theTemporary All orherorders Resrraining Orderstayin effect ""[ffi';rk, Date: H#$, ,fr.",. t]07 Judiciaf Council of Califomia, www:, Rev.July 1, 2003, Mandatory Form Code of Civil Procedure, 5 527(b). Approved by DOI ReissueTemporaryRestraining Order DV-125, Page1 of 1 (Domestic Violence Prevention) Aned€n LegalNet, lnc. SUPERIORCO RT OF CALIFORAIIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES Date r0 -25 - 07 Honorable uennl_s Dept: NCB3 L. b; C om mission Judge nklin, r Honorable DeputyClerk O rt L z JudgePro Tem S. Tu r ner I : 30 a m Mic h a e l DeputySheriff CourtAssistant L . Hin e s , Reporter CS R# 9 2 3 6 EQO 04799 Wi l l i am VS. B]a ir S. a Ti (N/A) Narunn op INGS: The matter CounselFor petitioner: /lt\ OSC AND for Th e p etitio r r e q u ir ed. e matter r L/14 /2007 Applicat t Pro Per (x) CounselFor Respondent: s called has fn j-on and order RESTRAINING ORDER hearinq. fail-ed to is B :30am in TEMPORARY reset serve for De p a rt me n t fo r respondenL the as a new hearing on 003. re -is s u a n c e is s ig n e d a n d f ile d . PageI ofl MINI'TES ENTERED DEPr: NCB3 to-25-07 CoUNTY CLERK Clerk stamps below when form is filed. ReissgeTemporaryRestraining Order rl I for protcction -3 ?$B] GCT I J*iii+A. t!-A.RtiE, CLI Prorected.pcrson's addiess (shiq t$is iflot haw a kur1cr): (If7ou uant yoar addrat to bcpiuetc, giuc a rnaihng addtas ircuad): 3+' S{,'o'ck 5or.,tL zip, Phone# (opional):(-) Protccrcd -iq persontlawyer(f .y} (Nanu,ad&wphou #,andfu Bs #): A- 4^r"l S*\\ct^ Coort nameand streetaddrcss: Superior Court of California,Countyof r Osurr},lomh,$*rWeii}isuist $$fp-+1i$ Eaet 0liveAve*uo, ncom-i6d"" $SS "" Surbank, Gilfcrnialj"fg#i-,,1t.' E+ Dacriptionofthatpcrson:S€r tlM EyrcColon G-u.^ . T ;L i l D ;l ,i i l i i L15 S U P ti l S i l i; r , : , i; i, Age:4l Ed Hct =S,-'1t' Dateof Birth, Z/4' Case Number: EA 60 +1q 1 6o I asktllc judgeto rcissucthc Ti,mporag Restrainingorder, FormDV-l10. a Thclasthearingvns(datc): F >evt a r times. b. The orderhasbeenreissucdjr$ge toreissuettre orderbecause askthc I' *'". -ffinti^o. g.. the orderservedbeforethehearingdate' wc werescntto nediators or'otler famih court servicas. b. E Thc darcof-thc hearingwaschangedbccause q fl Orher(yccifi): @ rve I declarcunderpenalryof perjury undcr the lawsof thc Statcof C.aliforniarhat the informadona.-t is true and orrect. D*e. 3 t\.'t aP? '!d,l!l:i* S l{t' , -',, Tpc or2tintyur nanc /,/ > 4'r/L Signyrqrran S /, V CIe*will fill out sedr'onbelovt. JudicialCotocitof Olrfomb,rw*:courtnnfircr4ov Fonn 1, 2003,tnandatory Rer.January ' 5 sZZlbL,rpprowdby DOJ Codeof @it Procedure ReissueTemporaryRestrainingOrder (DoriesticMolence Prevention) DV:1251 Fage1 of 1 SUPERIORCOURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 10-03-07 Date Honorable Dept: NCB3 Judge D en n is L. S hanklin, C om missioner Deputy Sheriff P. Co o per am DepuryClerk O rt iz JudgePro Tem Honorable 8 : 30 Mic h a e l CourtAssistant L . Hin e s , Reporter CS R# 9 2 3 6 EQjO 4799 Willia m CounselFor Petitioner: (X ) S . Nye P ro P e r In (X ) vs. Bla ir (N/A ) Tindal CounselFor Respondent: NETUNTOF PROCEEDINGS: OSC AND TEMPORARYRESTRAINING ORDER Th e matter is cal-Ied Th e p etiLioner h e a rin q . has failed required. The matter L 0 /25 /2007 at further 0 9 /27 /2007 as it to is 8:30am in The Court App lication for reset for De p a rt me n t vacates for re s p o n d e n t the a new hearing in as on 003. order t,he dismissal was ent e re d and order s e rv e dated on e rro r. re -j-s s u a n c e is s ig n e d a n d f i-le d . PageI ofl MINUTES ENTERED DEPr: NCB3 10-03- 07 COUMYCLERK @'\"\o-' Ai..4trNpm) TemporaryRestraining Orderand Noticeof Hearing Clerk stampsdate here when form is filed. FILED L()SANGBLES SUPERIOR COURT Nameof personaskingfor protection(protectedperson): srP0 7 1007 Protectedperson's address(skip this if you have a lawyer): (If you want your address to be private, give a mailing address instead): JOHNA.CU lYlqrr^r-O- .CLEHK BYM. State:C/l City: Zip:- Telephonenumber:Protectedperson'slawyer (iJany): (Name,address,telephonenumber, and StateBar numbei: Fillin courtnameand strceladdressi Gountyof Superior Gourtof Galifornia, CENTRAL DISTRICT LASC-NORTH 300 EastOliveAvenue Burbank,California91502 Restrained Derson'sname: [J.-\..i," Tt .^L( Fill in case number: S' 6" Descriptionofthatperson: Sex: fl M El'f Heigtt: (.ar*tr-1 \tO t3t..+ Race: Weight: HairColor: lge: -4jFDateofBirth: EyeColor: @ @ CaseNumber: List the full namesof all family or householdmembersprotectedby this order: o s ,-\-?q u"tli.."^S. r(g. 6.lo) Gourt Hearing Date (Fecha de la Audiencia) Clerk will fill out section below. p Date: lD*'3^o\ Dept.: -? T ime . ' fr'frn Name and 1fhSfdfip- above: Rm.: To the personin @ : At the hearing,thejudge can makerestrainingordersthat last for up to 5 years.Thejudge can also make other ordersaboutyour children, child support,spousalsupport,money,and properfy.File an answer on Form DV-120 before the hearing.At the hearing,you can tell thejudge that you do not want the ordersagainst you. Even if you do not attendthe hearing,youmust obey the orders. Para Ia persona nombradaen @ : En estaaudiencia eljuez puede hacer que la orden de restricci6nseavdlida hasta un mdximode 5 afios.El juez puede tambidn hacer otras irdenes acercade nifios, manutenci6n,dineroy propiedad. Presenteuna respuestaen elformulario DV-120 antesde la audiencia.Si Ustedse oponea estas ordenes,vaya a la audienciay dlgaseloaljuez, Aunque no vaya a la audiencia,tieneque obedecerestas6rdenes. To the personin @ : At the hearing,thejudge will considerwhetherdenialof anyorderswill jeopardizeyour safetyand the safetyof children for whom you are requestingcustody,visitation,and child support.Safety concernsrelatedto the financial needsof you and your children will alsobe considered. TemporaryOrders (OrdenesTemporales) Any ordersriade in this iorm end at the time of the court hearingin @, unlessa judge extendsthem. Readthis form carefully.All checkedboxes EI and items l0 and I I are court orders. Todas las6rdeneshechasen estaformulario terminardn en la fecha y hora de la audiencia @, al me:nosque itnjuez las extienda.Lea esteformulario con cuidado. Todas las casillasmarcadas fly los",articulos I0 y I I son 6rdenesde Ia corte. Judicial Council of Califomia, w.cNttinfo-@-gov Revisd July 1, 2007, Mandatory Fm FamtlyCode.S 6200 et Fq- Appoved by DOJ TemporaryRestrainingOrder and Noticeof Hearing(CLETS-TRO) (Domestic Violence Prevention) DV-110, Page1 of 5 + CaseNumber: Your name: (,/,\\rq.u-1 S- N *o PersonalGonductOrders The personin @ must not do the following things to the protectedpeoplelisted in O and @: (U**s, attaclgstrike, threaten,assault(sexuallyor otherwise),hit, follow, stalk, molest,destroypersonal ^. peace,keepundersurveillance,or block movements ,Ftop"rty, disturbthe or rnail or c-mail b. d Contact(eitherdirectly or indirectly),or telephone,or sendmessaBes visitation of childrenunlessa for court-ordered for brief and peacefulcontactas required €g*""pt criminal protectiveorder saysotherwise c. D take any action,directly or throughothers,to get the addressesor locationsof any protectedpersonsor of their family members,caretakers,or guardians. (If item c is not checked,the court hasfound good causenot to makethis order.) Peacefulwritten contactthrough a lawyer or through a processserveror anotherpersonin order to servelegal papersis allowedand doesnot violate this order. I A criminalprotectiveorderon FormCR-160is in effect.CaseNumber: County(ifknown):-ExpirationDate:-(Ifmoreorders,listtheminttem@) ./ C g'stay-Awayorder The personin @ must stayat least-\rag|yards away from: {ttt"person listedin@ a. ! ttre childferi"s'schdolorchild,care ^. ,S+r4;o b. n The peoplelgnan@-. CA UtU-G^4tt E/Oth", (specifi: ". e Mov Wehicteofpersonine ffio ". (L) U Move-OutOrder The personin@must take only personalclothing and belongingsneededuntil the hearingandmove out immediately from (address) : (D I child Custodyand VisitationOrder a. I You andthe otherparentmustmakean appointmentfor court mediation(addressand phone number): b. I foilow the orderslisted in FormDV-140, which is attached- No Gunsor OtherFirearmsor Ammunition 6D \--'l The personin @cannot own, possess,have,buyor fty to buy, receiveor try to receive,or in any otherway get guns,fuearms,or ammunition. Turn in or sell guns or firearms. The personin@: . Must sell to a licensedgun dealeror tum in to police any guns or firearmsthat he or shehasor controls. This must be donewithin 24 hours of beingservedwith this order. . Must bring a receiptto the court within 48 hoursof being servedwith this order,to prove that gunsand firearms havebeenturnedin or sold. @r Revi$d July 1, 2007 Control ing,only the person in @ can control, and possessthe following propertyand things: TemporaryRestrainingOrder and Noticeof Hearing(CLETS-TRO) (DomesticViolencePrevention) D V - 1 1 0 , P a g e 2 o 'f5 -) GaseNumber: Your name: @ l\;o,-.- n PropertyRestraint If the people in @ and @ ut"marriedto eachotheror are registereddomesticparfners,they mustnot transfer, borrow against,sell, hide, or get rid ofor destroyany properfy,exceptin the usual courseofbusinessor for andexplainthemto of life. In addition,eachpersonmustnotifothe otherof anynew or big expenses necessities the court. (Theperson in @ cannotcontqcttheperson in @ tf tne court has madea "no contact" order.) pOntawful communications maybe recorded. @ v r The personin @ can recordcommunications madeby the personin @ that violate thejudge's orders. @ No Fee to Notify (Serve)RestrainedPerson If the sheriff servesthis order, he or shewill do it for free. @! @ @ If theju {ge makesa restraiqingorderat the hearing,which hasthe sameordersas in this fonru the personin @ 'u.opy of t$Wffi{by mail at his or her lasllknownaddress.(Wnte rgfia*@ person's addresshens,)-:-*- @ @ iessis not corrJcLor*r#i,fr" {ti^" olao, fuc-rrfffle permanent,contactthecourt. for Service If you want to respondin writing, someone18 or Over-nOt you-must "Serve"FormDV-120 on the personin O, then file it with the court at least j2..daysbefore the hearing. Someonel8 or over-not you or the other protectedpeople-must personally"serve"a copy of this order to the restrainedpersonat least € ---=/'- days before the hearing. For help with Serviceor answering,read Form DV-21}-INFO or DV-S4}-INFO. Date: SEP&n pn67 ) Dryiiir$sici\En Judge (or Judicial Officer) Certificate of ComplianceWith VAWA This temporaryprotectiveorder meetsall Full Faith and Credit requirementsof the Violence AgainstWomen Act, 18 U.S.C. g 2265 (1994) (VAWA) upon notice of the restrainedperson.This court hasjurisdiction over the partiesand the subjectmatter;the restrainedpersonhas been or will be afforded notice and a timely opportunityto be heardas providedby the laws of this jurisdiction. This order is valid and entitled to enforcementin eachjurisdiction throughout the 50 United States,the District of Columbia,all tribal and shall be enforcedas if it were an lands,and all U.S.territories, commonwealths,and possessions jurisdiction. order of that Revisd July 1, 2007 Temporary Restraining Order and Noticeof Hearing(GLETS-TRO) (Domestic Violence Prevention) D V - 1 10 , Pa g e 3 o f5 -) Case Number: Your name: @ lf you do not obey this order, you can be arrestedand chargedwith a crime. It is a felony to take or hide a child in violation of this order. You cango to prison and/or pay afine. If you travel to anotherstateor to ftibal landsor makethe protectedpersondo so, with the intentionof disobeying this order, you can be chargedwith a federal crime. Ifyou do not obeythis order, you cango to prison and/orpay a fine. @ Vou cannothaveguns,firearms,and/orammunition. You cannotown, have,possess, buy or try to buy, receiveor try to receive,or otherwise get guns, firearms, and./orammunition while the order is in effect. If you do, you can go to jail and pay a $1,000fine. You must sell to a gun dealer or turn in to police any guns or firearms that you haveor control. The judge will askyou for proofthat you did so.Ifyou do not obey this order, you can be chargedwith a crime. Federallaw saysyou cannot haveguns or ammunition if you are subjectto a restrainingorder made after a noticedhearing. @ aft". You Have Been Served With a RestrainingOrder Obey all the orders. If you want to respond,fill out Form DV-120. Take it to the court clerk with the forms listed in item @. . File DV-120 and haveall papersservedon the protectedpersonby the date listed in item @of this form. At the hearing,tell thejudge if you agreeor disagreewith the ordersrequested. Even if you do not attendthe hearing,thejudge canmakethe restrainingorderslast for 5 years. @ Child Gustody,Visitation,and Support Child Custody and Visitation: If you do not go to the hearing,thejudge can make custodyand visitation orders for your children without hearingyour side. Child Supporl Thejudge can orderchild supportbasedon the incomeof both parents.Thejudge can also have that support taken directly from your paycheck.Child support can be a lot of money, and usually you haveto pay until the child is 18. File and server Financial Statement(FormFl.-lss) or an Incomeand ExpenseDeclaration (Form FL-150) so thejudge will haveinformationaboutyour finances.Otherwise,the court may make support orders without hearing your side. SpousalSupport File and sewea Financial Statement(FormFL-Iss) or an Income and ExpenseDeclaration (Form FL-150) so thejudge will haveinformationaboutyour finances.Otherwise,the court may makesupport orderswithout hearingyour side. Requestsfor Accommodations Assistivelisteningsystems,computer-assisted real-time captioning, or signlanguageinterpreter servicesare available if you ask at feastfive days beforethe proceeding.Contactthe clerk'soffice or go to lor Requestfor Acammodations by PersonsWith Disabilities and Order(FormMC-410).(CivilCode,S 9.8.) Rryied July 1.2007 TemporaryRestrainingOrder and Noticeof Hearing(CLETS-TRO) (DomesticViolencePrevention) D V - l 1 0 , P a g e 4 o f5 + CaseNumber: Your name: lrrj,\\io.,^-S. N*. (24) Start Dateand End Dateof Orders The start date is the date next to the judge's signature on page 3. The orders end on the hearing date on page I or the hearingdateon FormDV-l25, if attached. @ Arrest Requiredlf Orderls Violated Ifan officer hasprobablecauseto believethat the restrainedpersonhad noticeofthe order and hasdisobeyedthe person.(PenalCode,$$ 836(c)(l), 13701(b).)A violationof theorder order,the officer mustarresttherestrained may be a violationof PenalCodesection166or 273.6. Notice/Proof of Service Law enforcementmust first determineif the restrainedpersonhad noticeof the orders.If noticecannotbe verified, the restrainedpersonmustbe advisedof the termsof the orders-If the restrainedpersonthen fails to obey the orders,the officer must enforcethem.(Family Code,$ 6383.) Considerthe restained person"seryed"(noticed)if: . The officer seesa copy of theProof of Serviceor confirmsthat the Proof of Serviceis on fie; or . The restrainedpersonwas at the restrainingorder hearingor was informedof the order by an officer. (Fam. Code,$ 6383;Pen.Code,$ 836(c)(2).)An officer canobtaininformationaboutthe contentsof the orderin the DomesticViolenceRestrainingOrdersSystem(DVROS).(Fam.Code,$ 6381(b)(c).) @ lf the Protected Person Contactsthe RestrainedPerson person,the ordersremainin effect Even if the protectedpersoninvitesor cons€nts to contactwith therestrained and must be enforced.The protectedpersoncannotbe arrestedfor inviting or consentingto contactwith the restrainedperson.The orderscan be changedonly by anothercourt order.(Pen.Code, $ I 37I 0(b).) 6D child CustodyandVisitation . Custodyand visitationordersare on Form DV-140, items @ and @ fn"y aresometimesalsowritten on additional pagesor referencedin DV-140 or other ordersthat are not part of the restrainingorder. . Forms DV-100and DV-105are not orders.Do not enforcethem. Enforcing the RestrainingOrder in California Any law enforcementofficer in Califomia who receives,sees,or verifies the orderson a papercopy, or on the California Law EnforcementTelecommunications System(CLETS), or in an NCIC ProtectionOrder File must enforcethe orders. @ ConflictingOrders A protectiveorder issuedin a criminal caseon Form CR-l60 takesprecedencein enforcementover any conflicting civil court order.(Pen.Code,$ 136.2(e)(2).)Any nonconflicting termsof the civil restrainingorder remainin full force. An emergencyprotectiveorder (Form EPO-00I ) that is in effect betweenthe samepartiesand is more restrictivethan otherrestrainingorderstakesprecedenceover all other restrainingorders. Clerk's Certificate I certify that this TemporaryRestrainingOrder is a true and correctcopy of the original on file in the court. fsealJ Date: RevisedJuly 1,2007 Clerk, by TemporaryRestrainingOrder and Noticeof Hearing(CLETS-TRO) (DomesticViolence Prevention) , Deputy DV-l10, Page5of5 ENI'@ AM Request Clerk stampsdate here when form is filed. for Order (l) v FILED LOs ANGELES SUPERIOR COURT You. name(personaskingfor protection): tt/utlicr*^ S. Afle, stP0 72007 Your address(skip this if you havea lawyer): (If you wantyour address to he nrivate. oive a mailing addressinstead)' Ciry: S?" Jr. C.( State:C.t Zip: Your telephonenumber (optiona Your lawyer (f you have one): (Name,address,telephone number, and StateBar number): Fill in court name and street address: Superior Court of California,Gountyof DI$TRICT CENTRAL LASC-NORTH 300 EastOliveAvenue California91502 Burbank, Name ofBg,lsonyou want protectionfrom: '131.'.'- -''[r'. c[^l]' - Clerk fills in case number when form is filed. 6' G" Descriptionofthatperson:Sex: ! M Dzf U"igtrt * Race: Blo.& Weight: tto Cerc. HairColor: Age: 47 Dateof Birth: 2/?./ 11 s 4 Eye Color: Blrc@ Gase Number: Eqotrtf7qq Besides you, who needs protec tion? (Family or household members): Full Name / ' Age Liveswithyou? DY e s f lNo [ Y e s ! No How are they related to you? n Y e s n No [Yes @ DNo J Chect<here if you needmorespace.Attach Form MC-020 and write "DI/-L00, Item 3-Protected People" by your statement. NOTE: In any item that asl<sfor Form MC-020, you can use an 8 I/2 x I L-inch sheetof paper instead. What is your relationshipto the personin@ Z (Checkall that apply): a. fl We arenow marriedor registereddomesticpartners. b. I We usedto be marriedor registereddornesticpartners. c. n we live together. d. fl We usedto live together. e. f] We arerelatives,in-laws, or relatedby adoption(spectfurelationship): f. D We aredating or usedto date. ,rt , g. Eiffie@re engagedto be married. h. f] fl i. fl We arethe parentstogetherof a child or childrenunder 18: Child's Name: Date of Birth: Name: Child's Date of Birth: Child's Name: Date of Birth: Checkhere if you needmore space.Attach Form MC-020 and write "Dl/-100, Item 4h" by your statement. We havesigneda Voluntary Declarationof Paternityfor our child or children. (Auach a copy if you have one.) Judiciaf C@ncjf ot Cafilomia, w-N, Revisd July 1, 2007, Mardatory Fm FamilyCode,S 6200 et sq. Requestfor Order (DomesticViolencePrevention) DV-100, Page1 of4 Case Number: Yourname, k o(ti^."^ S. Afl.- Other Court Cases a. Haveyou andthepersonin@ beeninvolvedin anothercourtcase? F^o n Yes lf yes, where? County: State: What are the casenumbers?(If you know): What kind of case?(Checkall that applf : ft RegisteredDomesticParbrership n Divorce/Dissolution D ParentagelPatemity I n DomesticViolence fl Criminal fl Juvenile D CtitaSupport ! Nuttity n Legal Separation CivitHarassment Othet(specifu): ! b. Are thereany domesticviolencerestraining/protectiveordersnow (criminal,juvenile, family)? I No I Yes If yes,attach a copy ifyou haveone. What orders do you want? Gheckthe boxesthat apply to your case.gJ Conduct Orders @ n Personat I ask the court to orderthe personin @ not to do the following thingsto me or any of the peoplelisted in @: u. {Hururs, attack,strike, threaten,assault(sexuallyor otherwise),hit, follow, stalk, molest,destroy lersonal property,disturb the peace,keepundersurveillance,or block movements b. Ei'Contact (eitherdirectly or indirectly), or telephone,or sendmessagesor mail or e-mail Theperson in@ witt be ordered not to take any action to get the addressesor locations ofany protected person,theirfamity members,caretakers,or guardiansunlessthe courtfinds good causenot to makethe order. @ tJ Stay-Awayorder I ask the court to orderthe personin @ to stay at least u. b. c. d. {tvr" n tne peoplelistedin @ ffp.y home U'My job or workplace Io @ yardsaway from (checkall that apply): e. D ttte children'sschoolor child care f. W.frIy vehicle g. {Otn", ftpecifi): If the personlisted in @ is orderedto stay away from all theplageslisted above,will he or shestill be able I No (Ifno,explain) togettohisorherhome,school,job,orplaceofworship?WY"s @ fl Move-outorder I ask the court to order the person in @ to move out from and not return to (address): I havethe right to live at the aboveaddressbecause(explain): (, U Child Custody,Visitation,and Child Support I askthe courtto orderchild custody,visitation,and/orchild support.Youmustfill out and attach Form DV-105. (9 U SpousalSupport Youcan makethis requestonly if you are married to, or are a registereddomesticpartner of, theperson in @ and no spousalsupportorder exists.To askfor spousalsupport,you mustfill ofi, rtle, and serveForm FL-l50 beforeyour hearing. D V - 1 0 0 ,Pa g e 2 o f4 CaseNumber: Yourname' W , t\l o^r f. A/, t What orders do you want? Checkthe boxesthat applyto your case. M @ D RecordUnlaMul Communications @ n PropertyControl S, n DebtPayment @ n PropertyRestraint I ask for the right to recordcommunicationsmadeto me by thepersonin @ that violate thejudge's orders. I ask the court to give only me temporaryuse,possession, andcontrolof the propertylisted here: I ask the court to order the personin@to makethesepaymentswhile the orderis in effect: J Chectchere if you needmore space.Attach Form MC-020 and write "DV-100,Item I3-Debt Payment" by your statement. Pay to: For: Duedate: Amount:SDuedate: Pay to: For: Amount:$For: Duedate: Pay to: Amount:S- I am marriedto or have a registereddomesticpartnershipwith the personin@. I ask thejudge to orderthat the personin @ not borrow against,sell,hide, or getrid ofor destroyany possessions or property,exceptin the judge usualcourseof businessor for necessities of life. I alsoaskthe to orderthepersonin @ to notifo me of any new or big expensesand to explain them to the court. G, n AttorneyFeesand Costs I ask that the personin @ pay someor all of my attomey feesand costs. Youmust completeandfile Form FL-l50, Incomeand ExpenseDeclaration. 0e) I Paymentsfor Costs and Services I ask that the personin @ naVthe following: You can askfor lost earnings or your costsfor services caused directly by the person in @ (damaged property, medical care, counseling, temporary housing, etc.). You must bring proof of these expensesto your hearing. n 6) v @ Pay to: For: Amount: $ Pay to: For: Pay to: For: Amount: $ Amount: $ BatterertnterventionProgram I ask the court to order the personlisted in @ to go to a 52-weekbattererinterventionprogramand show proof of completionto the court. No Fee to Serve(Notify) RestrainedPerson If youwant thesheriffor marshal to serve (nottfy) the restrainedperson about the ordersforfree, ask the court clerkwhat you needto do. Revised July 1, 2007 Request for Order (Domesti6 ViolencePrevention) DV-100, Page3 of4 + CaseNumber: Your name' W, [tie.*. S . nl,!e Whatordersdo you want?Checkthe boxesthat applyto your case.EI @ n MoreTimefor Notice I need exfta time to notiff the personin @ aboutthesepapers.Becauseof the factsexplainedon this form, I daysbeforethe dateof the hearing.For help, read Form DV-2|}-INFO. want the papersservedup to If necessary,add additionalfacts: @ fl otherorders What other orders are you asking for? 3 Checkhere if you needmore space.Attach Form MC-020 and write "DY-100, Item 20-Other Orders" by your statement. @ euns or OtherFirearms gunsor firearms.n I believethepersonin@owns or possesses Y"s I No f] I don'tknow If thejudge approves the order, theperson i" @ will be required to sell to a gun dealer or turn in to police any guns orJirearms that he or she oww or possesses. Describethe most recentabuse. a. Dateofmostrecentub^u*r ( p{, zo"? ^? b. Who was there? c. Whatdid the personin do or saylhat made you afraid? bo1 wi5\*) any useor threateneduseofguns or otherweapons: d. e. f. Did the police come? f] No Yes give yes, you Order? fl If did they an EmergencyProtective Auach a copy ifyou haveone. J Yes F-" E I don'tknow Check here ifyou need more space. Use Form MC-020 and write "DV-l00, Item 22-Recent Abuse" by yoqr statement. VCneac here if the person in@ lr^ abusedyou (or your children) other times. (Jse Form DI/-I0l MC-020 to describe any previous abuse. or Form I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Califomia that the information above is true and correct. oate: 7 S?{. :ou4- h)rt\i^.^. (. tr\rl. Typeor prinl your ,rume Revisd July '1.2007 DV-100, Page4 of 4 C aseN umber: Descriptionof Abuse tttir form is attachedto DV-100,ltem21. B $ $ @ r'".., vo,,. *"-. h/, \\..'- C- /V'4 ". person): from(restrained of personyouwantprotection {l \o,"t,- -fit"(o ll O.r.ribe the 2nd mostrecentabuse.1q # a. Dateof2ndmostrecent ^6use, Nu?'-* ?AoO \7ho was there? tVhat the personin @ do or sayto you that madevou afraid? .l df, u{htnik} hrrrt-l h\Can- Describeany useor threateneduseof gunsor otherweaPons. e. Describeany injuries' \rJ ,?l *tbhr+. anal-o. rvrrf,,-( n Yes }*slr-.L f. Did thepolicecome?KN" Order?fl Y.rt n No -f] I dont Lno* Protecdve If yes,did theygiveyou an Emergency Atucha copyrfyoahaueone. : ludiciaf Council of California,'gov New January 1, 2003, OPtional Form Family Code, S 6200 et seq. Descriptionof Abuse (Domesfc Violence Prevention) frt -.t @"{ ]ra'c' DV-l01 , Page1 o f2 t CaseNumber: Your name: Describe other recent abuse. a. Date of other recentabuse: 'Who wasthere? b. c. vhat did the person-in € do or sayto you that madeyou afraid? d. Describeany useor threateneduseof guns or other weapons' e. Describeany injuries. t Did thepolicecome? I Yes If yes,did they giveyou an EmergencyProtectiveOrder? n Yes I No Anacha copyif you haueone' $n I I dont know Describe other abuseagainstyou or your childrcn' C write If you needmorespace,chechthe box and axach Form MC-020' Or axach a sbeetof paper and "DV-|U - Descriptionof Abuse"at the top- New lanuart '1, 2003 Descriptionof Abuse (Domestic Molence Prevention) DV-101,Page2 of 2 From: Subjeci: l'entstuff Daie: 21 August,2OOB 10:21:13 PDT To: Bilt: ljust sentyourbelongingsinsuredvia UPSto LaurelCanyon.As I washavingthe guypackthemup I realizedwithevenmore horrorhow not rightin the headI am. AndalthoughI tooka napthat night,I fearI did drivedrunkwhichis especially horiiiyingnow - and whenI look at whatI choseto takefromyourhouse,now rightfully returned.I am so ashamedot mysettanObeepiy,Oiepiy, sorry. That I couldgravelyhurtsomeoneI caredfor so muchis the worstthingof allI know how violatedyou mustfeel,and againthereis no excuseand I'm verysorry.Youhavemy wordthat I will not coriie by thb houseat all (thiswas the onlytimeI did).I willnoteveropenyourUBSaccountwhilein theoffice.And I willnotbe in toueh;ith any of yourfriends,exceptof courseSoye.I willnottalkaboutusto the press,exceptto saythat we wenttoofastand it Justwofked out as a friendshipinstead.That'sall I'veeversaid. Now I am gettingrid of any alcoholin my house.I'mgoingto call AA aboutgettinga sponsor.And I willattendthe noonmeeting herein SantaMonica. I wouldunderstandif you neverwantedto speakto me again.So I will leaveit in your handswhetheryou everwahtto rtiake contact.I wouldn'tblameyou if not. Love, Blair BlairTindall --author,"Mozartin the Jungle:Sex,Drugs,andClassicalMusic" (Grove/Atlantic Press,July 2005) N AM E A o D R E5 5 ^N DIE tE P H o NE NUM 8€RoFATIoRNEYoiPARwwfIHoUTATT onN €Y:@ Ut(l,o,n^S. nlf " StZc, Vna,..t M*,*, (5.rb*L, c* ltco{ Rclm.ttqC!,tklfrLSto,w I ATTORN€Y FOR(NAME): suPERtoR COURTOF CAL|FORN|A,COUNTYOF LOSANGELES COUNTHOUSE AOOREJS: 3oo €c.t Okr.- S.,c. PEIITIONER / PI.AINTIFf : Wr lli o.,^" S,. Al4. RESPOND€NT / DEFENOANT: CHf LD5 frfAM& (ll wc tha ac 'Ttr,",l^tt \\t^,* child, pho* attoclt ftttt CHILD'sDATEOFEIRIH: CASENUMSER: ttt/lRELATEDCASES(IFANY): DECLARATIONOF EX PARTENOTICE (Iemporary Restraining Order) t._ , declarethat: (PRINTNAME) 1) | informedthe otherpartyin this actionthat lwould be seekinga temporaryrestrainingorderasfollows: Personinformed: Dateand time informed: f] Howinformed: I gVtelephoneto the party gVtelephonetotheattorney' n eVpersonally informing: fl other: I informedthe personlistedabovethat I would be seekinga temporaryrestrainingorder in Dept.Courtlocatedat of the Superior ,200- at 8:30a.m. 2) | told him/her the ordersrequestedincluded,but were not limitedto the following: I fnat he/shenot annoy,attack,molest,strike,batter,harass, assault,contactor disturb the peaceof Petitioner/Respondent. I rnat he/shestay 100yardsawayfrom Petitioner/Respondent and Petitioner!/Respondentbhome. fl ffrat he/shebe orderedto immediatelymoveout of PetitionerS/Respondentb house. ! fnat Petitioner/Respondent havecustodyof the minor children. I Thathe/shehaveno visitationwith thechildrenpendinghearing. I other, 3) | informedthe Petitioner/Respondent that he/sheshouldappearat the abovetime and place if he/shewishedto be heard by the court. I declaretheforegoingis true and correctunderpenaltyof perjuryunderthe lawsof the Stateof California. Date: Signature of Declarant F AM0t 8/C K0 18 04/04 DECLARATION OF EX PARTENOTICE T NAME, ADDRESSAND IELEPHONENUMEEROF ATTORNFYOR PARTYWITHOUT ATTORNEY: h) 9. nl1c,. 3 gl,G Me.,.^l'vtc^, A"t. S*".uo;-:h, .A ttGort R.sdved to, ClakS FileSnow ATTORNEYFON{NAME): SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 3 oo _ o/;.r< Ane.. 3,r. b",^L t").] JL."^ q ,[lb;. CA { t _(",z- Na. .J,*{-[t CHILD'SNAME: CHILO'SDATEOF EIRTH: DECLARATIoNRE: NoTICEOF EX PARTEREOUEST(NO NoTtCEGTVEN) (Iemporary Restraining Order) LJ i[\;o.- ,, S. Nll(PRINTNAM€} 1) CA5ENUMBER: (IFANY): REI.ATED CA5E5 e e ytc4 + q q ,dec]arethat: | did not give noticeto the other partyin this actionbecause: *"t afraidthat the violencewould reoccurwhen I gavenoticethat I was askingfor theseorders. ffi l I wasafraidthat the other partywould takethe childrenout of the areabeforethe ordercouldbe grantedand served. T I believethat givingnoticewould makethe ordersuseless becausethe other partywould: 2|lattemptedandwasunab|etoinforLorhis/herattorney. that I would be seekinga temporary restrainingorder. My attemptsincluded 3) Otherreason: I declarethat the aboveis true and correc! and that I executedthis declarationat -la + F AM0 1 8/ C K0r 8 04/M \coi, ZooT DECLARATIONOF EX PARTENOTICE T{ -=\o"^^L , California [Juttio..."^S. A3g).(. tlvlou*rLuV;a^-. ,",^"HIiHR, k.,\ S{"Ji. G\ , c4- ttLa4 A T TORN E Y F OR (Na me) : SUPERIORCOURTOF CALIFORNIA.COUNTYOF LOS ANGELES oo E ol'vc- PETITIONERYPLAINTIFF: A/ CERTIFICATEOF GROUNDSFORASSIGNMENT TO DISTRTGT GaseFilinglnstructions This coversheetis requiredso that the courtcan assignyourcase to the correctcourtdistrictfor filingand satisfiesthe requirementfor a certificate authorizingfilingin the district,as set forth in Los AngelesSuperiorCourt Rules2(d) and 14.2. lt mustbe completedand submittedto the courtalongwiththe originalComplaint or Petitionin ALL Family cases filed in any district of the Los Angeles County SuperiorCourt. This form is not requiredin & Emancipation Abandonment cases,whichareto be filedat Children's Court. t. Fillin the requestedinformation. Enteraddressof Res OO NOTCOMPLETETHISITEMIF THISIS A MINOR'SCONTRACT CASE MINORCHILDRENINVOLVED? [ YES ENo HOWMANY? tt.Selectthe correctdistrict: a. b. UnderColumn1 below,checkthe one type of actionwhich best describesthe natureof this case. In Column2 below,circlethe reasonfor your choiceof districtthat appliesto the type of actionyou havechecked. ApplicableReasonfor ChoosingDistrict(SeeGolumn2 below) be filed in CentralDistrict 2 . Districtwhereone or moreof the 1 resideswithinthe district. DistrictwherePetitionerresides. reside. TYPE OF ACTION tct'ecr ! 45520 Dissolution of Marriage 1.2 ! A5525 SummaryDissolution of Marriage 1.2 t} A5521 Dissolutionof DomesticPartnership 1.2 D A5530 Nullityof Voidor VoidableMarriage 1.2 ! 45531 Nullityof Void or VoidableDomestic Partnership 1.2 FAM O2O (Rev 12106) FAMILYLAW CASECOVERSHEET CERTIFICATE OF GROUNDSFORASSIGNMENTTO DISTRICT Page 1 of2 LASC RULE 14.2 CaseNumber ShortTitle D 45510 LegalSeparation 1.2 of DomesticPartnership D 45511 LegalSeparation 1.2 tr 46126 Petitionfor Custodyand Supportof Minor 1. 2.3 ! 46131 ChildSupportServicesDepartment(CSSD) Parentage/Support 1. o A6139 ForeignSupportOrder 1. 2.3 D A6136 ForeignCustodyOrder 1.2.3 tr 46138 UniformlnterstateFamilySupportAct (UIFSA) RespondingPetition 1. 2.3 ffisnz (AnyCourtJurisdiction - DV'sonry)(+ DomesticViolenceRestrainingOrder(Civil Harassment- use CivilCoverSheet) D A6600 HabeasCorpusPetition- ChildCustody 1.3 D A6080 Petitionto EstablishParentage/ Paternity(Nongovernmental) 1.2.3 tr A6111 Approvalof Minor'sContract(6751FamilyCode) 1 or Petition(Specify): 0 46130 OtherFamilyComplaint 1.2.3 D A6101 AgencyAdoption 1.4 Adoption D 46102 Independent 1.4 D A6104 StepparentAdoption 1.4 ! 46103 AdultAdoption 1.4 ! 46106 SoleCustodyPetition ttl. 1.4 Enteraddressof minorchildif known. (DO NOT COMPLETEUNLESSYOU HAVECIRCLEDITEM3 AS AN APPLICABLEREASON nof casa lV. Enterthe informationbelowand sign the certificate. Certificate/ Declarationof Assignment: The undersignedhereby certifiesand declaresthat the above entitledmatteris properlyflled for Districtof the Los Angles SuperiorCourt under Code of Civil Procedure$392 et seq., 2300 et assignmentto the seq. of the FamilyCode, and Rule 2(b), (c), and (d) of this court for reason checkedabove. I certifuand declareunder penaltyof perjury underthe laws of the State of Californiathat the foregoingis true and conect. eu,". ? Scfk 2,..,<l+^ (SIGMTURE OF ATTORNEY'PARTY WITHOUT A FAM O2O (Rev 12106) FAMILYLAW CASE COVERSHEET CERTIFICATEOF GROUNDSFOR ASSIGNMENTTO DISTRICT Page2ot2 LASC RULE 14.2 SUPERIORCOURT OF CALIFORNIA. COUNTY OF LOS ANGBLES 09 - 2 1 - 0 1 Date Dept: NCB3 Judge Honorable Honorable D en n is L. S hanklin, Co m m issioner JudgePro Tem 4. M . Pe n n y DepufySheriff 8: 30 am DeputyClerk M. K e e lin g -Hill CourtAssistant L . Hin e s , Reporter CS R# 9 2 3 6 EQO 04 1 99 CounselFor Petitioner: S . Nye (N/A ) Willia m * ***NO VS. Bl- a ir Tindal APPEARANCES** ** CounselFor Respondent: (N/A ) NArUREOF PROCEEDINGS: OSC AND TEMPORARY RESTRATNING ORDER Matter called for hearinq. Th e r e being no appearanc e p e tj - tion denied, d isso lved is and the the by or t e mp o ra ry case is for p a rt y , e it h e r re s t ra in in g the o rd e r is d is mis s e d . PageI ofl MINUTES ENTERED DBrr: NCB3 09-27 -07 CoUNTY CLERK l emporaryR e s t r a in in g O r d e ra n d N o t i c eo f He a r in Clerk stamps date here when form is filed, E.rlm HEs jt-i!*t il.l.;;1._y [' Name of personaskingfor protecti Gro LOS \N*SE!..I;S S;U;:j.tIr.,r.i."i1it,r.T SEP" 4 zo1; Protectedperson'saddress(skipthis if you haves Jswyer):(lf you want tour addressto be Drivate.eive a mailins addressinstead): iolJN 4 CLAB(E.t,r-ii:ir( g, a f- rv*,p B Y F. R IC b, D E P U TY State: Telephonenumber: rtuntber, Prote:tedperson'slawyer(tf aryl: Qlante,address,tetePnone ?4{a S{'e' \<' t ot t nttmheil.' Bir {t! and Statc Fill in coutl name and slreel address. Courtof California, Countyof Superior Sgl." .r Arc, 61b V* th N*tr. CA Fill in case numbec Heieht: {' 6' Des,:riptionof thatperson:Sex: E M gusg; €a.r.z'\tO Hair Color: f3l-"./'Weiehi: -Color: ege: -A* Dateof Birth7 A/z-/3q , Q{r, Eye CaseNumber: I ist tlre full namesof all family or househoidmembersprotectedby this order; Cour* HearingDate(Fecha Clerk v,illfiIl out sectionbelow. za t*f Nameandaddressof court if differentfrom above: To th': personin @ : Atthe lrearing,thejudge canmakerestrainingordersthat lastfor ui to 5 years.The judge can also makeotherordersaboutyour children,child support,spousalsupport,mone)/,andproper[,. File an assworon Form DV- 120beforethe hearing.At thehearing,you cantell thejudge thatyou do not want the orders againr;tyou, Even if you do not attendthe hearing,younxustobeythe orders. Para la persona nombrada en @; En esta audiencia el juez puede lncer que la orden de resn'icci|n sea vdlida hasla un nrdximo de 5 aiios. El juez puede tambidn hacer otras 6rdenes acerca de niiios, manutenciin, dinero y propiedad. Presente una respuesta en el formulario Dl'-l20 antes de la audiercia. Si Usted se opone a estas vaya a Ia audiencia y digaselo al juez. Awtque no vala a Ia audiencia, tiene que obedecer estas 6rdenes. 6rder,, To tlre person in @: At the hearing,tlrejudge will considerwhether denial of any orderswill jeopardize your safely and the safety ofchildren for whom you arc requestingcustody, visitation, and child support. Safety concerns related to the financial needsofyou and your children will aiso be considered. Te m p o r a r yO r d e rs(Ord e i n eTs e mp o rales) them. Any cirdersriade in this iorm end at the time of the courthearingin @, unlessa judge extend.s Readthis form carefully.All checkedboxes EI anditemsl0 and 1I arecourt orders. Todas las i,rdenes hechas en estaforntulario terminardn en la fecha y hora de la aud.iencia @, aI menos que "n jue:z esteformulario las ntarcadas con cuidado. Todas casillas las extienda. Lea un Vy tos articulos 10 y 11 son 1rdenesde la corte. Judf cial Councll of C,Tlitomia, [email protected] Revised July 1. 2005, Msndatory Fom Family Code. $ 6200 6l seq. Approved by DOJ Order TemporaryRestraining and Noticeof Hearing(CLET'S-TRO) (DomesticViolencePrevention) Page 1 of 5 + slPn7 2007 .. . .ria l,rl ar_j..i ',1\, ffi|til"ffi:'"|,,, July1.2006 Rovrs€d properry andthings: thefollowing andpossess in@canuse,control, tn"person TemporaryRestrainingOrder and Noti.ceof Hearing(CLETS-TRO) (Dom.esticViolenceFrevention) D V -110,P ag e2 of 5 + C aseN umber: \''ou perty Restraint domesticpaltners,thel'mustnot trattsfer, e peoplein @ and@ *. marriedto eachotheror areregistered exceptin theusualcourseofbusinessor for borrow against.seli,hide,or getrid ofor destroyanyproperq', andexplain themto person the other of anynewor big expenses notifo each must of life. In addition, necessities "no contact" order.) the r:ourt,(fhe person in @ cannotcontactthepersonn@ iithe court hasmadea \l @A'rnla 'Tll.w fu t mayber e c o r d e d . co mmuni c ati ons madeby the personin @ thatviolatethejudge's orders. personin @ can recordcommunications -60 -d-/^ Y / - ^. -NoFereto Notify (Serve)RestrainedPerson if the sberiff servesthis order,be or shewill do it for free. $,nn restrainingorderat the hearing,which f6 thesameordersas in this.forrqthe person in-@ lf thej udge person'saddresshere): will ge.ta copyof thatorderby mail at his or her lastknown address, ftlrite res'Irained contactthecourt. If this addressis not correct,or to know if theordersweremadepertnanent, Tirne for Service SomeoneI 8 or over-nof you or the other proter:tedpeople-must personally "serve"a copy person at least of this orderto the restraired 6"1o" flrehearing' -5_da1's For lzelp with Sentice or annoering, read If you want to respondin writing, someonel8 or over-not vou-must "ssrys"FormDV- i 20 on the LN @, thrn nl{it the.courtat least days!p 10-INFO or a sFP - 4 20107 Judge br Judicial Certificate of Compliance With VAWA of Ur)Viol.n". fA,g"instWomen This temporaryprotectiveordermeetsiill Futl Faith and Creditrequirements person.This courthasjurisdiction over Act, l8 U.S.C.52265(1994)(VAWA) uponnoticeof the restrained the:parfiesand tbe subjectmatter;tbe restrainedpersonhasbeenor wiil be affordednoticeand a timely to be heardasprovidedby thelawsof thisjurisdiction.This order is vaiid and entitled to opporn-rnity enforcementin eachjurisdictionthroughoutthe 50 UnitedStates,tbe Districtof Columbia,all tribal and possessions and shallbe enforcedas if itwere an Ialrds,and all U.S.territories,commonwealths, jurisdiction. order of that RevisedJuly1,2006 TemporaryRestraining Order and Noticeof Hearing(CLETS-TRO) (DomesticViolencePrevention) D V -l 10, P ag e3of 5 -) useofguns or other useor threatened d. Describe.any Describeany injuries: f. Did the policecome? [ No V{rt Protective Order? f Yes ,F No fl I don't know lf yes,did theygiveyou an Emergenc), you hat,e if one. copy Attach a J Checkhere f you needmore space.UseForm MC-020 and write "DV-I00, Item 22-Recent Abuse" bSt vour starcment. ff Cneckhere if thepersonin@ t as abusedyou (oryour chitdren)other times.(JseForm DV-l0l or Form S\. L tuIC-020todestibeanltpreviousabuse. \,er^'; t" {L- ^".6*iJ. il-t7t" penaltyof perjuryunderthe iawsof the Stateof'Califomiathat the informatlonuUouJ?s"fr, I declareunder aun' L/ 9uf I, 5;<'eL's or^T b; tl ia,,'t Typeor priw your name lovi66d July 1, 2006 Requestfor Order (DomesticViolencePrevention) DV-100, Page4 of 4 tL ; -- C aseN um Description of Abuse ! . - f r 1r . - ro IJV-]00,irem21. Lff l-his form is artached name: ro,-,, @ t'J t [t; "..t^ S' nf l ., person): of personyou want prorecrionfrom (resrrained @ 3l* It f-i .^.1 ^r-c ^ || Describe the Znd most recentabuse. ^. Dare of 2nd mosr recentabuse, / 6 Arrel b. W&owas /\"q qlo * Qzrr<-.-S c. Vhar did rhe personin @ do or sayto you rharmadeyou afraid? u,tft rf-.tU-- a".L rV(1s.11, ,tAr.t'-.-9-?i<^.tL, C^"*\-{Lt,,-(c^, €a Ual q t^..,t , . Atf+ - e-d'' f '{ t+*-o$* .n. useof gunsor other\veapons. d. Describeany useor rhrearened e. Des;cribeany injuries. f. Did rhepolicecomeiF2{o ! Y.s Prorecrive Orderi I Yes [ 1.lo D I doni know lf yes,did rheygiveyou an Emergency Arta,:h a cop1,if1,ou haueone' lucjicial Council of California, ww.courlin{o.e'gov New J an u a r yi , 2 0 03 , Op ti o n a l F o rm Family Code, 5 62O0 et seg. Descriptionof Abuse (Domestic Violence Prevention) D V .l 01, Page i of 2 -) Yo u r n a m e: Describe other recent abuse. a. Dare of orher recentabuse: b, tVho wasrhere? c. \X/hardid in E do or sa)'to you thar madeyou afraid? Dean), use or threareneduse of guns or other weaDons. 'tl e. Describeany injuries. f Did rhe policecome?D No If yes,did rhevgive),ou an Emergenq'ProtecriveOrder? [ Yes Attacha.copyf4ou haueone. Wt {".scribe other abuseagainstyou D D I don'rlinow children. tf yo" needmorespace,chcchthe box and anach Form MC-020. Or anach a sheetofpaper and uritc "DV-|01 - DescriprionofAbuse"at thc np. .lewlanuaryl, 2003 Descriptionof Abuse (Domestic Violence Prevention) DV-101, Page2 of 2 .MLADDRg5S ANOTETEPHON€NUMTJER OF ATTORNEY OR PARTYWTHOUT AT]ORNEY W r\ hu n ^ S' N t. (s 't{) STATE 8ARNU[4BTR A"A^.,(.\\, u/I TONNFYFOR INAMO: Resqved iot Cletk\ Fil. Stomp F "''" trTH 45.-J -f,' S ILOSA N C E I.F,S fxto t SEp- & 2007 supERto,R couRT oF cALfFoRNtA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES tURl HOUSE /IOORESS: JOHM & CLAFii';' uuciti( f iITIONEf,/ PLAIMIFF: N .t. ft .A fr^-.^--"t 5u' *' ib. D[Pur Y Ttx.t..\\ ILO's NAMEI ,Not'u DECI-ARAT,oN FEr NoTICEoF EX PARTEREoUEST(NONOTTCE GTVEN) flemporary RestrainingOrder) ' S declarethat: -,*,-**Tt I did not give noticeto the other party in this actionbecause: @ t *"s afraidthat the violencewould reoccurwhen I gavenoticethat I wasaskingfor theseorders. I I was afraidthat the other party would takethe childrenout of the areabeforethe ordercould be granted and ! t Oetieve that givingnoticewould makethe ordersuseless becausethe otherpartywould: I attemptedand was unableto infor or his/herattorne)4 that I would beiseekinga temporaryrestrainingorder.My attemptsincluded Otherreason: larethat the above is true and correcf and that I executedtlrisdeclarationat [,/+r ( F,California SIGNATURE OF DECLARANT: r8 / cK 0l I DECLARATION OF EX PAHTENOTICE served, ORPARTY WrrHOUTATTORNEYT e.eODn!SSeruOtlt-EPHOIIE NUMBEROFAT'TORI'lEY STAT€gAR NUMBEK rRNEYFORlNAMOr SU PERI O R CO URT OF C AL IF OR N I Itl morc thon ona chi4phos. C O U NTY OF LOS A N GE LE S otnch htt) OF EX PARTENOTICE DECLARATION (TemporaryBestrainingOrder) , declarethat: (PRINTNAME) I informedthe other party in this actionthat I would be seekinga temporaryrestrainingorderasfollows: Dateandtime informed: Personinformed: How informed: u r n T Bytelephoneto the party Bytelephoneto the attorney informing: Bypersonally Other: orderin Dept.I informedthe personlistedabovethat I would be seekinga temporaryrestraining of the Superior ,200- Courtlocatedat at 8:30a.m. I told him/herthe ordersrequestedincluded,but were not limitedto the following: assault, contactor disturbthe peaceof l-l tfrat he/shenot annoy,attack molest,strike,batter,harass, Petitioner/ResPondent' l-l and Petitioner's/Respondent! home. tfrat he/shestay100yardsawayfrom Petitioner/Respondent ! house. ffrat he/shebe orderedto immediatelymoveout of Petitioner's/Respondent's [] havecustodyof the minorchildren. fnat Petitioner/Respondent [-l tnat he/shehaveno visitationwith the childrenpendinghearing. I other: that he/sheshouldappearat the abovetime and placeif he/shewished to be heard I informedthe Petitioner/Respondent by the court, :larethe foregoingis true and correctunder penaltyof perjuryunderthe lawsof the Stateof California. Signatureof Declarant 0r 8/cK0 1 8 1 DECLARATIONOF EX PARTENOTICE -\) I , ND T i L E P HONENUMBEROF ATIORNEYOR PARTYWITHO U iAT T O R N SY: I ST AT EBARN U M AER N AM E ,A D DR E S SA Res€ruadlor Cterks Fiie s'tamp \,J;tti*. .g . irh. 6-t Q\( A-.t^,-r g'\\'v I I I #$,fuF t- A T T o R N EY F (fR fNa me ): SEp- L ?001 . Nry O F L O S A NG E L E S S U P ERIORCO U RTOF CA LIFORNIACOU JoHNjr a,-.,, :. vrgr.'i' ADDRESS: CO URTHOU S E C-z < S.r \ P ETITION ER,/F'LAIN TIFF: hJ .ti.,r.n .. "to.^ tl fi../,,r. .e'A f{****J ,fl <.- t \.^- : RESPONDEN]'/DEFENDAI'IT {3[^.:. [* lr.z. flY r rtrr';b.DrDilTY *Tr.,t-t[ f, r a. A #!l fl *r rrr,/\ I :"T[\5tJ+{ Y 7 F AM IL Y L AW CA,SECOVER SH E E T C E R T I F I CAT E OF GROUNDS F OR ASSIGNME N T TO OIS TR IC T sothattn. ,orrtcii;:lffrlT#""'l"rT,o thecorrect courtdistrict forfiting Thiscoversheetis required satisfiesthe requirementfor a certificate authorizingfiling in the district,as set forth in Los AngelesSuperior Court to the courtalongwiththe original and submitted Complaint or Petitionin Rules2(d) end 14.2. lt mustbe completed ALL Family cases filed in any districtof the Los AngelesCountySuperiorCourt. This forrn is not required in & Emancipation cases,whichare to be filedat Children's Court, Abandonment information r. Fillin the requested En ter a dd ress of Pet it ioner STATE + E nt eraddr es so f R e s TH ISITE MtF TH ISIS A MIN OR ' SC ON TR A C T D O N O T C OMP L E TE CASE TE MINO RCHI LDRE NII{ VOL V ED ? n vEs How[4ANY? ffrlo It.Selectthe correctdistrict: a. b. UnderColumn1 below,checkthe one typeof actionwhichbestdescribes the natureof this case. In Column2 below,circlethe reasonfor yourchoiceof districtthatappliesto the typeof actionyou havechecked. Appt ic able Reas on f or Choo s i n g D i s t r i c t ( S e e C o l u m n 2 b e l o w ) ' 1. May be filedin CentralDistrict. 2 . Districtwhereone or moreof the ON Child resideswithin the district. (cnccr ong ons) of Marriage I r nsszoDissolution t _. _ _ ^ - 13ummary Dissoiuiion of li4arriage I ! DistrictwherePetitioner resides. reside. A JJL J 1'2 i.2 of DomesticPartnership vAs521 Dissolution 1.2 ! 45530 l.lullityof Void or VoidableMarriage 1.2 n aqc?1 1.2 020 12t06) f-lullity of Void or VoidableDomestic Partnership APPLICABLE REASONS(s* lbovr) + C?) FAMILYLAW CASECOVERSHEET CERTIFICATE OF GROUNDSFORASSIGNMENT TO DISTRICT Page1 of 2 LASC RULE 14.2 CaseNumber S horl T ill e ! A5510 LegalSeparation LZ 1.2 of Domestic Partnership D A5511 LegaiSeparation Petitionfor Custodyand Supportof Minor AA.1 ?A 1.2. 3 - (CSSD) Department ! 4 6 1 3 1 ChildSupportServices 1. Parentage/Support n 4 6 139 ForeignSupportOrder LZ.J 0 4 6 13 6 ForeignCustodyOrder 4r7. Act (UIFSA) t r 4 6 1 3 8 UniformInterstateFamily-S[pport 1t? Petition Responding (AnyCourtJurisdiction - DV'sonly) Order(Civil A61?2 DomesticViolenceRestraining Harassment- use CivilCoverSheet) - ChildCustody ! 46600 HabeasCorpusPetition 1? (NonParentage / Paternity n 46080 Petiiionto Estabtish governmental) 1.2.3 (6751FamilyCode) D 46111 Approvalof Minor'sContract 1 D 46130 OtherFamilyComplaintor Petition(Specify): 1.2.3 ! 46101 AgencyAdoption 1A t. a Adoption tl A6102 Independent 1.4 Adoption D 46104 Stepparent 1i t.l D A6103 AdultAdoption 1j ! 46106 SoleCustodvPetition lll. UNLESSYOUHAVECIRCLEDITEM3 AS AN ,a,PPLICABLE REASON Enteraddressof minorchildif known.(DONOTCOMPLETE Do ool c om pl6la ll lhi6 c 6s e unoet 1 belowandsignthe certificate. lV. Enterthe information herebycertifiesand declaresthatthe aboveentitledmatteris properlyfiled for Certificate/ Declarationof Assignment:The undersigned Districtof theLos AnglesSuperior CourtunderCodeof CivilProcedure to the assignment 9392et seq., 2300 et seq.of the FamilyCode,and Rule2(U),(c),and (d) of this courtfor reasoncheckedabove. I certifyand declareunderpenaltyof perjury underthe laws of the Stateof Califomiathatthe foregoingis trueand correct. o^", 4 9rl. l*o * WITHOUT ISIGNATURE OF AITORNEY/PARTY /06) FAMILYLAW CASECOVERSHEET OF GROUNDS TO DISTRICT CERTIFICATE FORASSIGNMENT Page 2 ol 2 L A S C R U L E 1 4 .2 C aseN umber: p e r t y R e stra i n t domesticpartners.thel'mustnot transfer, e peoplein @ and@ a.emarriedto eachotheror areregistered -bortoral in the usualcourseof businessor for properq', except any get or destroy of hicie, rid sell, or against. andexplain themto any the of newor big expenses other of life. In addition,eachpersonmustnotify necessities the couft. (Theperson in @ carmotcot'ilactthepersonin @ if thecourt hasntadea ",1ocontacl" order.) @X s y b e r ecor ded. U r r l a w f ucl ommu n i ca ti o nma judge'sorders. ionsmadeby J the personin (4 The personin @ canrecordcommunicati \9 thatviolatethejudge' @ restrainingorderat thebearing,which K thesameordersasin this.form,the person ii@ order by mail at his or her last known address.(Illrite rettrainedperson's address here): get copy ttrut a of will lfthe;rudge lf this addressis not correct,or to know if the ordersweremadepermanent,contactthecourt. Service Someone I 8 or over-nof you or the other "serve"a copy protectedpeople-must personalll, person at least the restraired to of this order daysbeforethe hearing. 5 For help with Sen,iceor anstttering,read If you want to respondin writing, someonel8 or over-not you-must "ssrve"ForrnDV- 120 on the in @, tnenfit{it the court at least days I]-INFO or a Dat e : _ S E P -4 2 0 0 7 ) Judge 'or Judicial Certificateof ComplianceWith VA\4/A of tlreViolencefAgainstWomen ThisrtenrporaryprotectiveordermeetsAll Full Faith and Creditrequirements Thiscourthasjurisdictionover Act, lBU.S.C.52265(1994)(VAWA)uponnoticeoftherestrainedperson. person has been or wiil be afforded noticeand a timely the restrained the partiesand tbe subjectmatter; jurisdiction. This order is vaiid and entitled to to be heardasprovidedby thelawsof this opporn-rniry enforcementin eachjurisdictiouthroughoutthe 50 UnitedStates,the Districtof Columbia,all tribal and possessions and shallbe enforcedas if itwere an lands;and all U.S.territories,commonwealths, orderrof that jurisdiction Revis6dJuty1, 2006 TemporaryRestraining Order and Noticeof Hearing(CLETS-TRO) (Domestic ViolencePrevention) DV-l 1 0, Page 3 of 5 + C aseN umber; Y o u r n am e : ob e yth i s o rd e r,yo u ca n be ar r estedand char gedwith a cr im e. A9 lf y o u d o n o t . It is a felony to take or hide a child in violation of this order. You can go to prison and/or pay a fine. if you travel to anotherstateor to tribal landsor makethe protectedpersondo so, with the intention of disobeyingthis order,you can be chargedwith a federalcrime' . Ifyou do not obey this order,you can go to prison and/orpay a fine. . O o ) y o u c a n n o th aveg u n s o r fi re a rms. buy or try to bu1',receit'eor try to receive,or You cannotolvn,have,possess, get gun the order is in effect.If you do, you can go to jail u'hile otheru,ise a fine. You mustsellto a gun dealeror turn in to policean1' and pay a,$1,000 gunsor firearmsthat you haveor control. Thejudgewill ask you for proof that you did so. Ifyou do not obeythisorder,you canbe chargedn'ith a crime. Federallavvsal,syou cannothavegunsor ammunitionif you are subjectfo a restrainingorder madeafter a noticedhearing. 6?) at"r You HaveBeenServedWith a RestrainingOrder Obey all the orders. If you wantro respond,fill out Form DV-120. Takeit to the coud clerk with the formslisted in item @. personb),tht datelistedin item @of this form. File DV-120 andhaveal)papersservedon theprorected with theordersrequested. At the hearing,tellthejudgeif you agreeor disagree Even if you do not attendthe hearing,thejudge canmalcetherestrainingorderslastfor 5 years. @ c h i l d C u s t o d y,V i si ta ti o na, n d S u p p o rt . Child CustodyandVisitation:If you do not go to thehearing,thejudgecanmakecustodyand visitation ordersfor your childrenwithouthearingyour side' . Child Support:Thejudgecanorderchildsupportbasedon the incomeof bothparents.Thejudgecan also havethatsupporttakendirectlyfrom yourpaycheck,Childsupportcanbe a lot of moneY,and usuallyyou (Form FL-155)or an Incomeand haveto pay until the child is I 8. File andservea FinancialStatentent ExpenseDeclaration(FormFL-150)sothejudgewill haveinformationaboutygur finances.Otherwise,the court may makesupportorderswithouthearingyour side. (FormFL-155)or an Incomeand ExpenseDeclaration . SpousaiSuppoft; File andserve.aFinancialStatement (Fonn FL-150)so thejudge will haveinfomrationaboutyour finances.Otherwise,the court may make support orcjerswithouthearingyour sicie. Reguestsfor Accommodations interpreter or signlanguage servicesare availabl'a real-time captioning, systems,computer-assisted Assistivelistening f or if you ask at leastfive daysbeforethe proceeding.Contactthe clerk'sofficeor go lo and Oder (Form MC410). (CivilCode,S 54.8.) by PersonsWith Disabilities Requestfor Accommodations €vrs€dJuly1.2006 g Order TemporaryRestrainin (CLETS-TRO) of Hearing and Notice (Domestic ViolencePrevention) D V - 1 1 0 , P a ge4 o f 5 -) C aseN umber: \ l/. n rr r r I 000479 nernc' frsrrrv! Q a ) S t a r t D a t ea n d E n d D a teo f Ord e rs \---l The stiul dateis the datenextto thejudge's signatureon page3. The ordersendon the hearingdateon page i or the he;ring dateon Form D\r- 125,if attached. Q 9 Arr e s t R e q u i r e dl f Ord e rl s V i o l a te d personhadnoticeof theorderandhasdisobel,gdlirg If an o.lficerhasprobablecauseto believethattherestrained qT nrrla-ih c nrfie mustarresttherestrained person.(PenalCode,$$ 836(c)(l ), 13701(b).)A violationof the order ma1,$6 a violationof PenalCodesection166or 273.6. vrsvr, !rrv vrrrvr NoticelProof of Service personhadnoticeof the orders.lf noticecannotbe Law enforcementmust first determineif the restrained verified, the restrainedpersonmustbe advisedof the termsof the orders.If therestrainedpersonthenfails to obeythe orders,the officermustenforcethem,(FamilyCode,$ 6383.) person"served"(noticed)if: ConsiCerthe restrained . The officer seesa copy of theProof of Serviceor confirmsthat the Proof of Serviceis on ftle; or . The restrainedpersonwas at the restrainingorderhearingor wasinformedof the orderby an officer. (Farn. Anofficercanobtaininformationaboutthecontentsoftheorderin Code,$6383;Pen.Code,$836(c)(2).) (DVROS). (Fam,Code,$ 6381(b)(c).) OrdersSl,stem the DomesticViolenceRestraining @ lf the ProtectedPersonContactsthe RestrainedPerson person,the ordersremainin effect Even if the protectedpersoninvitesor consentsto contactwith the restrained and rnustbe enforced.The protectedpersoncannotbe arrestedfor inviting or consentingto contactwith the person.The orderscanbe changedonlyby anothercourtorder.(Pen.Code.$ I 3710(b),) restrained (z e ) c h i l d C ustod y and V isitation , rr1f They . Custody -, aresometimes orders'are cjnFonnDV-140,items/(!; \ and alsowrittenon andvisitation pagesor referenced in DV-140 or otherorderstbatarenotpartof therestraining order, addit.ional D\/-105 enforce them. are not orders.Do not ' ForrnsDV-100and Enforcingthe RestrainingOrder in California Any larv enforcementofficer in Californiawho receives,sees,or veriflesthe orderson a papercopy,or on the Teleconmunications Slatem(CLETS),or in an NCIC ProtectioiOrderFile must CaiifomiaLaw Enforcement enforcethe orders. @ ConflictingOrders in enforcement A protectiveorder issuedin a criminalcaseon Fonn CR-160takesprecedence over any conflicting termsof the civil restraining Any nonconflicting civil courtorder.(Pen.Code,$ 136.2(e)(2).) orderremainin full force.An emergencyprotectiveorder (Form EPO-001) ti:at is in effectbetween.the samepartiesand is more over all otlrerrestrainingorders. restrictivethan otherrestrainingorderstakesprecedence Clerk's Certifcate I certif thatthis TemporaryRestrainingOrder is a true andcorrectcopy of the originalon file in thecourt. lseaU Cierk, by RevisedJlly 1, 2006 TemporaryRestrainingOrder a n d N o ti ceo f H e ar ing( CLETS- TRO) (DomesticViolencePrevention) Deputy D V - 1 1 0 , P a g e5 o f5 Clerk stampsdatehere whenform is filed R e q u e s ft o r O r d e r @ vour FH,E",H{M for protection): r-/\IIRT LOS ANaFI-F:t Slir'r: :1r " ' SEP- 4 za0Z Your irddress(skip thisif you havea lsvtyer): (If l,ou vtantyour adciress to be ,orivate,give a mailing addressinstead): State:C A Your telephonenumber(optional): f Zip: fr..-..*rl B Y P N IC b. !]E F' I:TY Your lawyer (if you have one): (}{anze,address,telephonenuntber, and StateBar number): Nameof JOHNA' CLAHKE,CLEiI!( rn -/j Fillin couft nameand streetaddress: SuperiorCourtof California,County of LO8ANGELES OOURT SUFERIOR NORTHWEST BLDG. EAST DI$TRICT. oAOSYI"MAR 107 AVENUE, ROOM vANN|JYS, CA91401 D )'ou wantprotectionfrom; Clerk fillsin casenumberwhenform is filed, -.r. Description of thatpersonlSex: Height: €' Cn I M cer,-aaict I o weight: ft36e; Hair Color: Bk-ale Age: 41 Dateof Birth: Eye Color: -[? l-.@ Besidesyou, who needsprotection?(Fantilyor householdntentbers); FullNiune ,l)o-- @ Age Liveswith you? How aretheyrelated to you? tr Yes DNo nYes DNo fY.s INo trY.s D No J Checkhere i"fyou neednzorespace.AttachFornt l,lc-020 and write "DV-l 00, Item 3-Protected Peopte " by your statement.NOTE: In any item tlut aslas for Form MC-020, ltstt can we an B I/2 x I I-inch sheet of paper inst.etad. What is your relationshipto the personin@t (Checkall that apply): a. LJ b. n c. fl d. D e. fl We are now n:arriedor registereddomesticpartners. We usedto be marriedor registereddomesricpartners. Urelive together. We usedto live together. rye are relatives,in-laws,or relatedb;, adoption(specifyrelationship): datingor usedto dare. #yt"are g. VWe are engaged to be marriedor wereengagedto be married, h. I We are theparentstogetherof u o, childrenunder l8: "ild (lhild'sName: Dateof Birth: Child'sName: Dateof Birttr: Chiid'sNarne: Dateof Bir,h: yov need here Clteck if more space. Attoch "DY-I00, Form and ]u1C-020 write ! Iteni 4h" by your statement. i.n \Mehave signeda VoluntaryDeclarationof Paternityfor our child or children. (Axacha copy tf you lzave crne.) Judici8lCouncilol Calllomie, [email protected] RavisodJuty 1, 2006. Milndatdy Fom FamilyCode,S 6?006l sBq. Requestfor Order (DomesticViolencePrevention) D V - 1 0 0 , P a g e 1 o f4 -) LegelNet, lnc C aseN umben Your name: ( 5 ) Otheruoun uases \--l courtcase? E[ No I a. Haveyouandthepersonin @ beeninvolvedin another Yes State: If yes.where? Coun$': Srlratarethe casenumbers?(If you knov,). What kind of case?(Checkall that applt): I Legal Separation f] RegisteredDomesticPartnership D Divorce/Dissolutionf Parentage/Paternity Nutiiry Juvenile Ctrita Support Criminal ! [J fl Ci''ritHarassment ! I DomesticViolence f] D other (spec{y): juvenile,family)? ordersnow(criminal, violence restraining/protective b. Are thereanydomestic 8 tJo n Yes If yes,anacha copyif you haveone' What orders do you want? Checkthe boxesthat applyto your case, V fl PersonalConductorders @ I askthecourtto orderthepersonin @ notto dottrefollowingthingsto meor anyof thepeopleiisted in @: hit, follor',,,stalk,molesl destroy attack,stike, threaten,assault(sexuallyor otherwise), peace, or keepundersurveillance, blockmovements property,disturbthe -personal or mail or e-mail b. 6 Contact(eitherdirectlyor indirectll),or telephone,or sendmessages get to the addresses or locarionsof anyprotected not to take any action be ordered witl person in The @ good causenot to make the order. guardians unless courtfnds caretakers, or the person, theirfamillt members, ^. (, VH**s, .-? ' Order .}^e {rttor}\"av'ra {Stay-Away yardsaway from (checkall that appbr: I ask thq courr ro orderthe personin @ to stayat least l2{o ./ e. I the children'sschoolor child care , Vtut" in f. VMv vehic]e u. fl rir" peoplelisted @ g. I c. ffMy home d. D Myjoborworkplace Other(specfi)' If the personlistedin @ is orderedto stal'awayfrom all the olaceslistedabove.will he or shestill be able to get to his or herhome,school,job, or placeof worship? D Yes I No (If no, e:rplain): (a) [ \-/ M o v e - O u t Ord e r I ask the court to orderthe personin (lJ to moveout from andnot returnto (address): I have the right to iive at the aboveaddressbecause(explain): @ n child Custody,Visitation,and ChildSupport II ce l, St \ ft'e lr r 9 er ^v v^'!, ! f^ !v nr v r ru{ ver , vr rhi!r rrre l r rtctn.l., vr u rvvJ r .-i ,iqitqtion r u r . +. r v r . r endl at r hi !d n^nr f rcu:r r Pe '. \/ntt e;tr ! fi l l n;tt nnr l tl tntl t FormDY-105. @ n SpousalSupport You can make thisrequestonly if you are married to, or are a registereddomesticpartner of theperson in @ and no spousal supportorder exists.To askfor spousalsupport,you mustfill out,file, and serveForm FL-150 beforeyour hearing. ievissd JrJly1. 2006 Requestfor Order (DomesticViolencePrevention) DV-100, Page2 ol 4 C aseN umber: g ' Whatordersdo youwant?Checkthe boxesthat"ppl€St+Jrbl$J -/ tR""od * 6D \:7 Communications Unlawful madeto me by the i ,"u for the right to recordcommunications @ n @ i,:?TJffi:lffi personin @that violatethejudge's orders' here: listed oftheproperrv andconhol possession, use, onrymeremporary n DebtPayment paymentswhile the orderis in effect: I ask the,courtto orderthe personin @to maketlrese Itent I3-Debt PaYment" Fornt MC'020 and write "DV-100, D Checkhere if ltou needmore space'Atlach by your statement, Due date: Amount:$ For: Pay to: Due date: Fnr . Amount $ Payto: Due date: Amount $ For: Payto: Restraint ProPertY 6D \:7 n - with thepersonio @' I askthejudgeto order thatthe partnership domestic i ; l'.rta to or havea registered or pro.pep exceptin the hide,oiget rid of or destroyanypossessions il.ol.1o*qg norborrowagiinst,sell, person in (!) to notifu meof judge the to order of life.I alsoaskthe or for necessities ustraicourseof business andto explainthemto thecourt' anynewor bigexpenses 6B n AttorneYFeesand Costs \:;'/ .- and costs' i *o tnu"h" o"'on in @ pa5'someor all of my attorneyfees Deciaration' Expense and I,ou mustcompleteandfit, Form FL.] 50,income 6D \--l n Paymentsfor CostsandServices I ruk thatthe personin @ val the following: (damaged n yoi:tcan askfor lost earningsor your costs for servicescauseddirectly by theperson @ ntustbringproof of theseexpensesto your properry, n idical care,counseling,temporarvh.ousing,etc.). I'ou hearing. 6) \:7 -n 6i) \7 No 'If Pa7'1s' Pa1,to: For: Pa1,to: For: Fnr. Amount $ Amount S Amount $ BattererlnterventionProgram interventionprogramand show I ask the courtto orderthe personlistedin @ to go to a 52-s'eekbatterer prooiof compielitlnio Lhccourl' Fee to Serve(Notify)RestrainedPerson to sen)e (nottfit) the restrained person aboui tlrc orciers for free, ask tlte court ,vou ",a,rt the sherif or marslzal and Form 982(a)(17)' clerk if ;vou n"ed tofl" moreforms. You may need Form CH'l0I/Dy-290 RevisedJulY1.2006 Requestfor Order fDomestii ViolencePrevention) D V - 1 0 0 , P a g e 3 o f4 + C aseN umber: Your name: What orders do you want?Checkthe boxesthat applyto your case. EI @ D MoreTimefor Notice I needextratime to notifothe personin @ aboutthesepapers.Becauseof the factsexplainedon this form, I da1'sbeforethe dateof the hearing.For help,read Form DV-2I ?-INFO. want the papersservedup to If necessary, add additional. facts : 6D I otherorders What otherordersareyou askingfor? 3 Checkhere if yoy needmorespace.Attach Fornt MC-020 and write "DY-l00, Item 2a-Other Orders" by your statenrcnL @ :*:,n:$::ff6'ff, guns ornrearms. orpossesses n yesI No{, oon',*o* If thejudge approvesthe order, theperson in @wiII be requiredto sell to a gun dealer or turn in to police any gunsor firearnts that he or sheownsor possesses, @ Describethe most recentabuse' Date of most recentabuse: U . l\rho was there? do or saythat made I & r+ -i\td useof gunsor otherweap-ons; useor threatened . Describe-any Describeany injuries: f. Did thepolicecome?tr No W{r, Order? D )'es ,F No I anEmergencyProtective lf yes,didtheygiveyou I don'tknow Attach a copy if you have one. D Check here if you need more space. Use Form MC-020 and write "DV-I00, Item 22-Recent Abuse" by vour stalement. ,7 here if tlrcperson in@ t ot abusedyou (or your children) other times. (JseForm DV-l0l or Form ffCnerf ll atqtprevious <;'- (i {*" IuIC-020to describe s.{^^ ,^ 4U; 3r+<eLs" * 'b";;.-";.;i;i;. penaityof perjuryundertheiawsof theStateof'Califomia thattheinformation uUouJ?#ru" I declareunder correct. ox',, L/ Cef ( lr^, lJ; U[io.,^ (- tevis8dJuly 1, ?006 %^T N,re_ /,zZ^ f Requestfor Order (Domesti6ViolencePrevention) DV-100,Page4 ol 4