Senior Issue Class of 2015 The Tritonian


Senior Issue Class of 2015 The Tritonian
Senior Issue Class of 2015
The Tritonian
vol. XXV Issue IV
notre dame academy
May 2015
Class of
And The Academy Award Goes To...
Person who is always
Jack Ritchay
Sarah Smilanich
Best Senior
Sean Green
Emily Morgan
Best Writer
Cameron Lisowski
Abbey Bongiorno
Most Unforgettable
Keegan Brick
Anna Wolfenberger
Vince Butterfield
Abby Stewart
Person Who Gets Away
with Nothing
Ryan Purcell
Lydia White
Most Likely to have a
Reality Show
Connor Curtin
Bryn Allen
Derek Campbell
Mari Vogel
Most Changed
Ben Bouche
Grace Corriveau
Person Who Says
“Like” the Most
Vince Gryboski
El Hein
Greg Young
Melaina Rapisarda
Most Caring
Keeghan Motquin
Corrie Campion
Person Who Thinks He/She
Knows Everything
Davis Elm
Melaina Rapisarda
Person Who DOES
Know Everything
Connor Curtin
Anna Wolfenberger
Most Sarcastic
Cameron Lisowski
Kate Balison
Jack Buckley
Lizzie Peterson
Derek Campbell
Haley Cullen
Best Sense of Style
Who Refuses
to Slide
Connor Curtin
Bryn Allen
Most Likely to Fall
Asleep in Class
Michael Wiliams
Maura Montgomery
Most Likely to
Most Likely to
be President
Vince Gryboski
Isabella O’Day
Dante Jadin
Bethany McCole
Most Likely to be on
Saturday Night Live
Sam Liegel
Abby Stewart
Least Changed
Austin LaLuzerne
Pamela Palines
Jack Ritchay
Alaina Gerbers
Most Hair Changes
Jake DeLeers
Isabella White
Most Likely to Join
the Religious Life
Most Likely to be
a Professional
Anthony Stillwell
Madi Larsen
Greg Young
Tess Gapinski
Person You’d Take
Home to Your Parents
Charlie Rotherham
Pamela Palines
And The Academy Award Goes To...
Best Driver
Sean Green
Kendra Noble
Best Artist
Greg Rath-Pribyl
Phoebe Wood
Best Dancer
Sam Liegel
Haley Cullen
Best Eyes
Nick Martzahl
El Hein
Best Smile
Derek Antonissen
Allie Fitzwater
Sam Liegel
Sarah Smilanich
Public Speaker
Worst Driver
Vince Butterfield
Gabby Reyes
Most Talkative
Dante Jadin
Bethany McCole
Worst Senior
Jacob Hilliard
Callie Krcma
Jake DeLeers
Isabella O’Day
Most Flirtatious
Dante Jadin
Jordan Mathei
Most Addicted to
His/Her Cell Phone
Ryan Purcell
Katie Cera
Derek Campbell
Jessica Reigh
Most Likely to
Teach at NDA
Jack Birmingham
Grace Corriveau
Best Sense of
Carter Jacobson
Abby Stewart
Most Modest
Sean Green
Sam Hennigan
School Spirit
Davis Elm
Jessica Reigh
Best Actor/Actress
Nico Jaques
Juliana Martin
Most Addicted
to Social Media
Ryan Purcell
Jordan Manthei
Couple Most Likely to
Get Married
Colton Lippert
Sarah Smilanich
Most Confident
Davis Elm
Kate Balison
Most Honest
Most Likely to Marry
for Money
Davis Elm
Allie Fitzwater
Best Singer
Best Laugh
Colton Lippert
Kristy Shuck
Jack Birmingham
Grace Corriveau
Most Muscular
Class Clown
Carter Jacobson
Emily Allen
Person Who
Is Always Late
Matt Vandenhouten
Olivia Mariani
Adam Wozney
Jordan Manthei
Most Likely to Live in
a Foreign Country
Complains the
Jack Buckley
Allie Fitzwater
Most Energetic
Ty Yewman
Bethany McCole
Least Time Getting
Ready for School
Vince Butterfield
Isabella O’Day
Sean Harrison
Gabby Reyes
David Shaw
Jessica Reigh
Most Time Getting
Ready for School
Vince Gryboski
Isabella White
Teachers’ Pet
Charlie Rotherham
Maddy Quidzinski
Best Musician
Greg Young
Olivia Flis
4 Can You Believe I...?
...Ripped my pants
freshman year and my dad
had to take me home to
get new ones?
-Brynnan Gray
...Was mistaken for Corrie
Campion by a teacher
because we were the only
Asians in the class? -Pam Palines
...Have never gotten a
referral? -Vincent Gryboski
...Had three lockers my
sophomore year? (They
were eventually taken
-Abigail Stewart
...Have never bought
anything from Konop
-Alexa Wolf
...Shot an 80 best ball with
Jake DeLeers after I got
my fingers slammed in a
trunk by Michael Linehan?
We won the ship so it
doesn’t matter.
-Dante Jadin
...Am an
and avid
poet and
have joined
a poets’
society in
never been
asked to
a dance?
thought Becca Hieb and
I were cousins freshman
-Tess Gapinski
...Tripped up the bleachers
after my volleyball game
freshman year...and again
sophomore year?
-Emily Kapalko
...Have never gotten a
-Nico Jacques
referral? -Mary Rose
...Along with Jack Meyer,
had Zebra Cakes for lunch
every day freshman year?
-Greg Young
...Have been trapped in an
area between locked doors
and gates in the school…
-Sarah DuVall
...Never went to the
bathroom at school?
-Collin Appleton
...Had my artwork
displayed in the Neville
Museum more than
-Greg Rath-Pribyl
...Wear athletic shorts
under my school shorts?
-Gus Dennis
...Never wore blue pants to
-Tyler Lemens
...Never wore blue on
blue? -Maddison Wright
...Have scored 100% of
the shots I’ve taken in
varsity hockey? -Keeghan Motquin
...Didn’t wear khakis
my whole senior year?
-Emily Morgan
...Wore two different shoes
to school and didn’t notice
until sixth hour?
-Stephanie LaLuzerne
...Had to do in-school
suspension with Matt
and Matt and I got all
courts taken away?
...Have never gotten a
...Have only read like three
books in my life?
-Matt Vandenhouten
...Have never gotten a
referral? -Corrie Campion
Can You Believe I...? 5
...Didn’t take a fine art
class and had to take an
online calligraphy class to
be able to graduate?
-Sarah Smilanich
...Actually had my
boyfriend as one of my
little buddies when he was
a freshman and I was a
sophomore? -Olivia Flis
...I’m mistaken for being
I’m white.
-Nate Vanden Heuvel
...Weighed 93 lbs.
freshman year? -Jessica Reigh
...Got my first referral for
-Keegan Brick
...Was actually the captain
of the math team?
-Luke LeClair
Stillwell in anything?
-Sam McCormick
...Could never grow
an afro?
-Cole Peeters
...Had over 900
missed hours of
-Lydia White
...Used to have a
buzzcut? I mean look
at my hair now--it’s
flawless and so soft.
-Jacob Hilliard
...Pretended to listen
to people who were
talking to me but
really didn’t my whole
sophomore year? -DoHyeong Kim
-Charlie Rotherham
...Spent half my high
school career on crutches?
-Jake Vaughn
...Got frozen out of my car
senior year?
-Emma Adams
...Was almost late for
...Almost broke Coach
Nowak’s hotel room door
-Jake French
...Got rejected to Prom
last year in front of my
chemistry class?
-Juliana Martin
...Didn’t join band, or even
play clarinet, until second
semester my freshman
-Karlie Hornberger
...Showed up to
Sweethearts in a full
corduroy suit?
-Jack Meyer
...Was NDA’s first black
student body president?
-Derek Campbell
exams sophomore year
with Andrea Ball? -Claire Skaletski
...Drove over 32,400 miles
to school in high school?
-Melaina Rapisarda
...Have never lost to Tony
...Never had to serve any
...Called in pretending
to be my mom and got
-Shannon Simonet
...Was in full IB Junior
Year? -Cameron Lisowski
Se ni or s’ La st Wi ll
to “drop the bass”
to the percussion
Abbey Bongiorno
wills her
procrastination to
Elise Witmer and
the Bongiorno
family high school
career to her brother
Katie Cera wills
her neon socks and
Lululemon to Barret
Jack Birmingham wills
his natural athleticism to
Vinny Pallini.
Melaina Rapisarda wills
the presidency of the I-43
Club to Nathan Ciriacks.
Mari Vogel and Claire
Skaletski will their seat
on the CC bus to Kate
Jake Vaughn wills his
awful pregame speeches
to Ethan Diestler and his
natural body tanness to
Jack Brandt because he
really needs it.
Kate Balison wills her
J.Cole playlist to Megan
Nick Rakers wills the
cross country war horn
responsibility to Jacob
Madi Larsen wills her pregame banana to Monica
Majeski because she knows
it will be of good use to
Nacho Martin wills his
Nacho Libre cape to Jacob
Evan Bouche wills his
neighborhood to Jack
Jake French wills his
plethora of injuries to Jeff
Sarah Smilanich wills the
future golf team the carride jam sessions.
Olivia Flis wills her ability
Colton Lippert wills
his honors science
slide to Danielle
Lippert and his
scout team abilities
to Jeff Vogelsang.
pre-calc class to Lauren
Cameron Lisowski wills
his study habits to any
student who wants to get
good grades.
Halie Ferry wills her
volleyball skills to Olivia
Campbell and her
ability to be fast to Nick
Adam Wozney wills his
towering height to his
sister, Jenna Wozney.
Juliana Martin wills her
ability to be typecasted to
Faith Hicks.
Jessica Reigh wills her
average hurdling skills
to the outstanding Liz
Markland and the pacing
stick to Kristen Burkel.
Carli Borseth wills her
love of Matt Rohde to
Olivia Campbell and
the driving of Peighton
Milton to school to Callie
Keegan Brick wills his 4th
line hockey spot to Beau
Luke LeClair wills his
math team captainship to
Cole Chronowski.
Megan Krzewinski wills
her tennis skirt to Maddi
Derek Campbell wills
his one-on-one pass rush
crown to Ole.
Bethany McCole wills
her pride and detention
mornings to Maddie
Jacob Hilliard wills his
ability to get extremely
angry over nothing to Carl
Emily Treml wills her
attitude in Mr. Konshak’s
Karlie Hornberger wills
Destination Imagination
to Aidan Glaser-Schoff,
Hannah Scolare and the
“Gargoyles” freshman team
and the “Hornberger”
reputation to her brother
Ryan Hornberger. Good
luck, kid.
Se ni or s’ La st Wi ll
Brynnan Gray wills her friendship to freshmen
attitude to Lauren Seidl.
Tessa Hingtgen and Kate
Cole Peeters wills the best
Cole Peeters to Cole Peters. Tess Gapinski wills her
responsibility of keeping
Ty Yewman wills his the Gapinski name in
Intramural Championship Notre Dame to Katie who
shirt to Nick Wagner... must will it to Paul who
sorry, bud.
must will it to Sonja.
Emma Blumreich wills Nico Jacques wills any
one dollar to Andrew drum major position to
Claire Loritz.
Alaina Gerbers wills her
skating skills to Steven
Abby Stewart wills a
sloppy joe to Olivia Moran
and Jack Dooley.
Dante Jadin wills his vocal
cords to Charlie Urick
because he could use some.
Greg Young wills the
WIAA Announcing Booth
and Hanz and Franz
costumes to Paul Gapinski,
the Land of Greg to Steven
Strutt, the laundry from
Mass to Charlie Urick and
the black lung cough to
Nick Robinson.
Connor Curtin wills his
ability to make a fist while
Anthony Stillwell wills his blast blocking to Noah
gym class skills to Logan Welczek.
Braun. . .poor kid.
Michael Williams wills his
Nick Martzahl wills his horse head to Jack Flis.
healthy back to Ryan
Sean Green wills his
NDA polos to his younger
Grace Corriveau wills brother Ryan Green.
her homeroom leadership
role to the lovely Hanzi Kayla Borseth wills her
Farrell and her attraction basketball handshakes to
to underclassmen to the sly-dog Maddie Halama.
upperclassmen of NDA.
Kyle Blindauer wills
Riston Smith wills his his
superior ability to kill Jeff Vogelsang and his
jokes to his good pal Clay unparalleled senior track
skills to Nick Robinson,
Jordan and El will their Hansford
parking spot in the student
parking lot to his brother
Sarah DuVall wills all of Jonathan Lemens.
her love and gratitude to
Katie Gapinski for being Shannon Mullen wills her
one of the most amazing yogurt to Taylor Nagel.
and adorable people she’s
ever met.
Keeghan Motquin wills
his Box Car to Jadon
Maddison Wright wills her Motquin.
singing and dancing skills
and also her prom dress to Maddy Quidzinski wills
Elizabeth Bobinski.
her role as Mrs. B’s teacher’s
pet to Madi Polack and her
Karlee Gierczak wills her spot on the Triumphieret
love for being a middle and to Ryan Konop.
her love for Syd Slack to
Tera Leonhard.
Vincent Hribernik wills
his lady-killer personality
Mary Rose wills her Moby to Christian Zimonick.
Dick book to Susan Rose
and her daily trivia writing Carmen Roskos wills the
position for Mrs. Stanczak stage managership to Emily
to whoever would like it.
Gus Dennis wills his Kristy Shuck wills her IB
and notes to anyone who wants
sarcasm to Connor Hogan. them and her Independent
Music class to Hailey
Tyler Lemens wills his Gutowski.
My Most Memorable Moment
at NDA is...
Being a contestant in Mr.
NDA 2013.
-Vincent Gryboski
for the first time this year
for St. Baldrick’s.
-Riston Smith
When I split my pants
freshman year.
When I helped host Mr.
-Jack Ritchay
Going on the Canton
Service trip.
-John Lehman
-Grace Corriveau
-Dante Jadin
When I didn’t actually
know how to use a combination lock.
-Anthony Stillwell
Getting my head shaved
-Maddison Wright
Finding a quarter in a
When my team won the
girls’ intramural basketball
Hearing everyone cheer ‘I
believe that we will win!’
during the State Championship Game-- and win
we did.
-Tess Gapinski
Getting to be part of the
Mr. NDA tradition.
Mr. NDA 2015.
When my intramural
basketball team (radds
and friends) won the girls
-Greg Young
-Keeghan Motquin
-Emily Morgan
Scoring a touchdown
against Preble on senior
-Tyler Lemens
Both band trips were the
best experiences for me.
Doing tech and going on
stage for Mr. NDA 2014.
-Michael Williams
Going to state for hockey
and baseball.
-Sean Green
When I performed with
Cohesive Stank in front of
a live audience!
-Kyle Blindauer
-Vince Hribernik
When I became an intramural basketball champion.
-Cameron Lisowski
My final bow as Reno
Sweeney in Anything Goes.
The band trips.
Winning the intramural
-Greg Rath-Pribyl
-Kristy Shuck
When we won state in the
4x200 relay my freshman
year, and I got to hand off
to my sister.
-Melaina Rapisarda
When the soccer team
won the game before the
championship in the pouring rain.
-Jake Vaughn
The Europe trip.
-Kate Balison
Winning state Cross
Country senior year.
-Claire Skaletski
Running at state three
junior year
with the
-Nick Rakers
Football practice everyday
when Jack Birmingham
and Ryan O’Connell
would score a lot of touchdowns on Nick Martzahl.
-Charlie Rotherham
The first day of school
when every teacher and
student laughed when I
said my name.
-Nacho Martin
My Most Memorable Moment
at NDA is...
Running at State.
-Jake French
When Dave and I rocked
When we had a fire-drill
in the rain.
Winning State Cross
-Sarah Smilanich
Boyz N Da Hood taking
home the dodgeball tournament.
-Connor Yakel
When Joe Kemmerling
and I performed the piano
feature of NDA Band’s
Rhapsody in Blue my
junior year. Proudest moment of my life.
-Olivia Flis
-Jake DeLeers
-Jessica Reigh
When Colton Lippert ran
into Mrs. Brown’s Honors
Freshman English on his
-Haley Cullen
Winning hockey state
freshman year.
-Sam McCormick
Winning state my sophomore and junior year.
My senior retreat.
-Carli Borseth
-Bethany McCole
Puking up popcorn on the
track in the third quarter
of the first varsity football
The great two years I got
through IB Physics with
my favorite lab partner
Maddy Q.
-Abbey Bongiorno
When I shaved my head
for St. Baldrick’s.
-El Hein
When freshman football
went undefeated.
-Nate Vanden Heuvel
Junior year when I looked
like a 12-year- old girl.
When the curtain got
stuck during Beauty and
the Beast junior year.
-Katie Cera
While I was singing in Mr.
-Colton Lippert
-Carmen Roskos
-Will Cera
Going to state for tennis.
Triton tennis going to
-Keegan Brick
-Megan Krzewinski
Being Mr. Kriegel’s copilot to Canton my junior
and senior years.
-Derek Campbell
-Jacob Hilliard
All of the tailgates we
-Natalie Klasen
The toga theme football
game because I was convinced I had frostbite…
so I put both my hands in
hot chocolate.
game senior year.
-Vince Butterfield
When the whole senior
class had a Powder Puff
Sleepover at Kate Balison’s... sorry, Robert.
-Abby Stewart
When I went to my first
dance senior year(:
-Ty Yewman
Ty Yewman
gives a shout-out to Lauren Dovorany. Rock on
girl and keep doing you.
Emma Blumreich gives
a shout-out to Baby
Vince Hribernik
gives a shout-out to Mrs.
Brown for always having something techy that
needs fixing in class.
Jack Buckley gives a
shout-out to Mrs. Stover
for her wise words of
Anthony Stillwell gives
a shout-out to Mr. Lagerman for always supporting Notre Dame Academy
Austin Nordeen gives a
shout-out to Mrs. Geyer
for being his second
Nick Martzahl gives a
shout-out to Birm for his
Riston Smith gives a
shout-out to Mrs. Corriveau for introducing
him to the “Mole Song.”
Tess Gapinski gives a
shout-out to Charlie Urick
to being okay at singing
and a shout-out to her
Public Performance class
for making her laugh the
most she has in any class.
Spencer Hodkiewicz
gives a shout-out to Andrew Schaut for being a
stellar underclassman and
lacrosse player.
Grace Corriveau gives a
shout-out to Mrs. Hall for
including helpful pictures
in her powerpoints.
Greg Young gives a
shout-out to Sra. Stover
for the wise words of wisdom and a shout-out to
Nick Robinson for dancing in a towel with him.
Kayla Borseth gives a
shout-out to Mr. Mal for
bringing their lunch table
a box of whale crackers.
Kyle Blindauer gives
a shout-out to the NDA
honors science teachers.
Whale Boat 4 gives a
shout-out to Mr. Stary for
being the best Captain
Greg Rath-Pribyl gives
a shout-out to all the
senior students saying
“thanks for a great four
years and good luck in
the future.”
Karlee Gierczak gives
a shout-out to Kaycee
Gierczak for being a wonderful sister.
Shannon Mullen gives
a shout-out to Andrew
Schaut for always saying
“hi” to her in the hallway.
Mary Rose gives a
shout-out to Mrs. Stanczak for her daily trivia, a
shout-out to Ms. Mahlock
for her brilliance and a
shout-out to Mrs. Hall for
her notes.
Keeghan Motquin gives
a shout-out to Mrs. Leonhard for being cool.
Emily Vandenhouten
gives a shout-out to Olivia Campbell, Shannon
Kaufman and Olivia Moran for being her homies.
Emily Morgan gives a
shout-out to Mr. Mallien
for bringing her lunch
table whales.
Gus Dennis gives a
shout-out to Liz Markland and Olivia Moran…
We’re back!
Tyler Lemens gives
a shout-out to Kaycee
Gierczak for keeping her
sister in line.
Kristy Shuck gives a
shout-out to junior IB
students for still sticking
with it.
Maddy Quidzinski gives
a shout-out to Grace
Shaw, Molly Schneider
and Maddie Woodward
for being her only friends
in lunch and a shout-out
to Frau for just being
Matt Vandenhouten
gives a shout-out to Tupac.
Cameron Lisowski gives
a shout-out to Eve (Evan
Vecera) for Victor.
great person and an even
greater mentor.
Sam McCormick gives
a shout-out to Olivia Moran… sorry, Jack.
Bethany McCole gives a
shout-out to Madame for
keeping her sane at this
place and a shout-out to
Mr. Vickman… we really
got along.
Emily Treml gives a
shout-out to Mr. Rudar
for the creepy doll he
used to hide around the
room freshman year.
Lydia White gives a
shout-out to Mr. Mallien
for the whales during
freshman theology.
Halie Ferry gives a
shout-out to Veronica Letter for leading the Track
City team.
Juliana Martin gives
a shout-out to Mrs.
Hearden for teaching
her how to walk in heels
freshman year.
Samantha Weydt gives a
shout-out to her oboes. . .
keep it real.
Karlie Hornberger gives
a shout-out to Mr. Rudar
and Cole Chronowski for
the after-school conversations about life and a
shout-out to Mr. Guyette
for putting up with the
people who come to math
resource to do chemistry
and talk.
Melaina Rapisarda
gives a shout-out to Mr.
Mallien for his whale
Nick Rakers gives a
shout-out to the JV boys
Cross Country team for
being the heart and soul
for the team.
Jake French gives a
shout-out to his boy Joe
Sutton for surviving
homeroom with him for
four years.
Olivia Flis gives a shoutout to her brother Jack
and his Dizzy Gillespie
El Hein gives a shout-out
to Corrie’s little hand.
Nate Vanden Heuvel
gives a shout-out to Madame for giving valuable
life lessons.
Katie Cera gives a shoutout to Madame for loving
her students even when
they are really dumb.
Carli Borseth gives a
shout-out to Coach Mal
for his whales :).
Keegan Brick gives a
shout-out to Sra. Stover,
for being Stover.
Megan Krzewiski
gives a shout-out to
Trudy Quidzinski for attending all the JV puck
games with her.
Derek Campbell gives
a shout-out to Mr.
Mallien for being a
Abby Stewart gives a
shout-out to Mr. Rudar’s
hamster. You know why,
little guy((:
Jessica Reigh gives
a shout-out to Mrs.
Hearden, Mrs. Campbell
and Madame for the wise
TOP TEN 2015
Bryn Allen
University of Notre
Melaina Rapisarda
University of Chicago
Megan Krzewinski
Carroll University
Anna Wolfenberger
University of Calfiornia
Claire Skaletski
Marquette University
TOP TEN 2015
7Alexander Fife
Sarah Smilanich
University of
Wisconsin Madison
Karlie Hornberger
Marquette University
Connor Curtin
Marquette University
Emily Morgan
St. Norbert College
Kayla Borseth
University of
Wisconsin Madison
Mari Vogel
University of Alabama
Oh The Places We’ll Go...
Fox Valley Tech
David Shaw
Jacob Ganther
Nicholas Pethan
Michigan Tech
Jordan Kieltyka
Joseph Tressler
Mark Rowe
Michael Daavettila
Ripon College
Vincent Hribernik
Returning Home
Jiaying Li
Gap Year
Emma Blumreich
Roosevelt College
Carter Jacobson
Hillsdale College
Julia Bosco
St. Catherine University
Corrie Campion
Asbury University
Jordan Manthei
Illinois Institute
of Technology
Yiti Gao (Alice)
St. Mary’s University
Katie Desotell
Ave Maria University
Lydia White
Iowa State University
Jack Buckley
Bellin College of Nursing
Colton Lippert
Ithaca College
Kristy Shuck
Carroll University
Ciera Gerl
Karlee Gierczak
Megan Krzewinski
Lewis and Clark College
Elizabeth Peterson
Arizona State University
Jacob Hilliard
Catholic University of
Maddy Quidzinski
Loyola University
Maura Montgomery
DePaul University
Jake DeLeers
Eastern Michigan
Abbey Bongiorno
Edgewood College
Cameron Lisowski
Ryan Purcell
Embry Riddle
Aeronautical University
Sean Harrison
Essex (UK)
Nacho Martin
Mount Holyoke College
Younghoo (Bree) Cho
Michael Williams
North Dakota State
Joseph Sutton
Northern Illinois
Charlie Rotherham
College of St. Benedict
Carmen Roskos
Earlham College
Emily Kapalko
Milwaukee Institute
of Art and Design
Phoebe Wood
Taylor Shaut
Marquette University
Allie Fitzwater
Claire Skaletski
Connor Curtin
El Hein
Emma Adams
Greg Young
Karlie Hornberger
Sam Liegel
Sarah DuVall
Spencer Ness
Northern Michigan
Austin Nordeen
Colin Neuman
Madi Larsen
Austin LaLuzerne
Cole Peeters
David Guzman
Derek Antonissen
Jack Peterman
Joseph Laurent
Nate Vanden Heuvel
Omar Zaragoza
Macalester College
Maija Assef
Penn State
Yifei Huang (Frieda)
Metropolitan State
University of Denver
Callie Krcma
Purdue University
Mitchell Stackhouse
St. Norbert College
Abigail Stewart
Chris Chigi
Connor Yakel
Dante Jadin
Emily Morgan
Emma Prebelski
Halie Ferry
Hannah Conard
John Lehman
Mary Rose
Matt Vandenhouten
Molly Vandenhouten
Olivia Flis
Pam Palines
Sam Hennigan
Ty Yewman
Tyler Lemens
Texas Christian
Jake French
University of Alabama
Mari Vogel
Oh The Places We’ll Go...
University of Chicago
Melaina Rapisarda
University of Notre Dame
Bryn Allen
University of Central
Katie Cera
University of Iowa
Alaina Gerbers
University of Kentucky
DoHyeong Kim
University of St. Thomas
Alexa Wolf
Hannah Smith
Jack Ritchay
Kate Balison
University of Tennessee
Isabella O’Day
University of Mannheim
Natalie Klasen
University of
Yiqian (Grace) Gao
University of Minnesota
Twin Cities
Isabella White
Kendra Noble
Maddison Wright
Nicolas Jacques
University of Utah
Davis Elm
Vincent Gryboski
UW Eau Claire
Abby Tristani
Emily Allen
Gus Dennis
Jake Vaughn
Olivia Mariani
Sam Leonhard
University of
New Mexico
Stephanie LaLuzerne
UW La Crosse
Ben Janquart
Brianna Ehlinger
Carli Borseth
Kyle Blindauer
Winona State University
Gabrielle Brockman
Jack Birmingham
Work Force
Vince Butterfield
UW Oshkosh
Jameson Verdegan
John Savona
UW Platteville
Adam Wozney
Keegan Motquin
Nick Rakers
UW Stevens Point
Mackenzie Maas
UW Green Bay
Adan Martinez
Alexia Ferry
Danny Jadin
Gabriela Reyes
Samantha Weydt
Will Cera
Anthony Stillwell
(Madison Capitols/ UW
Collin Appleton
(Fargo Force)
Sam McCormick
(Madison Capitols/ Ohio
UW Milwaukee
Benjamin Bouche
Brynnan Gray
Emily Treml
Shannon Simonet
Spencer Hodkiewicz
UW River Falls
Keegan Brick
University of Missouri
Bethany McCole
Emily Vandenhouten
University of
Nevada Las Vegas
Juliana Martin
UW Madison
Derek Campbell
Evan Bouche
Grace Corriveau
Haley Cullen
Jack Meyer
Jessica Reigh
Jordan Saari
Kayla Borseth
Luke LeClair
Nick Martzahl
Nolan Umentum
Riston Smith
Sarah Smilanich
Sean Green
Shannon Mullen
Tess Gapinski
UW Stout
Gregory Rath-Pribyl
United States Marine
C.J. Olson
Good luck, Tritons,
on your plans for the
future. We hope you
all use your talents to
help change the world.
Always remember who
you are and where you
come from!
The Tritonian Staff
would like to thank
Olivia Mariani, Derek
Campbell and Emily
Allen for helping out
with counting ballots
for this print edition
of the newspaper.
Hope you enjoy this
labor of love--Abby
Stewart, Grace Corriveau, Haley Cullen
and Maddy Quidzinski.
My Teacher
Mrs. Paul
“When I was in the
“You know what else is a fun
sport? Writing referrals with
“I see said the man as he peed
into the wind; it’s all coming
back to me now.”
“If that’s your phone, I’m
gonna shove it in your ear.”
“Listen, it’s Friday and I’m a
little punchy.”
“Did you put that stuff in
your hair? Cuz it’s looking
“My head feels like it’s full of
“Isn’t it Lent? Shouldn’t they
be suffering?”
“Can I add a little of that
dripping sarcasm to my
Mrs. Brown
“Vince, Vince! My sound
isn’t working!”
“This morning I was thinking
about y’all while I was taking
my bath.”
“Pop quiz y’all.”
Mr. Harry Geiser
“I’m sorry, what was that
pumpkin head?”
“Mr. Elm, you can be
Romeo. Ms. Cullen, you
can be Juliet. Oh, this might
be a little awkward, huh,
“This isn’t prop land, let’s go.”
“I’m getting shorter.”
“Golf, what a waste of good
“You are 65-year-old men.”
“Mrs. Campbell is the wisest
woman I know.”
“You cannot circumcise a
“If we were a married class,
we would’ve gotten married
and then gotten divorced
and then realized we liked
each other and gotten back
together and then divorced
After a student has a good
idea in 3rd Hour IB Honors
English: “Don’t tell 4th hour.
I will use that later and act
like I came up with that
“Now you flippity flop
multiply like a Democrat.”
“Beets bleed Americana.”
“I was talking to my IB
“Beets are the root of the
“I was talking to my Japanese
“On the first day, God said,
‘Let there be light.’ On the
second day, God said, ‘Let
there be calculus.’”
“Putting things off
only works if you die.
Mr. Pauly
“I love you, kids,
remember that. . .
because you’re worth
Mr. Konshak
“Zayn is leaving One
Direction. . . looks
like they’re heading in
Two Directions now.”
(A siren goes off.) “Oh, Davis,
your ride is here.”
“You have failed miserably.”
“I hope that’s right…”
(After discussing dress code
regulations) “The 1962
class of Chilton High
School would have started a
rebellion by now.”
(After his first sick day in
five years) “I wasn’t sick. I
was poisoned by a liberal
Democrat English major
from Lakeland College who
flunked composition and
now writes tax forms for the
“There is no such thing as a
circumcised rectangle.”
“...And then factor some
more… mmm s’mores.”
Mr. Rudar
“No killing families.”
“I will not be grading tests
this weekend because I will
be playing Skyrim the whole
“Missy Elliot is my favorite.”
“You can’t just deck an old
lady across the face. That’s
just wrong.”
“I feel like I’m turning you
into little vampires. I feel
“Are you trying to get me off
“They always take my quotes
out of context.”
“There was this 90-year-old
grandma dancing seductively
in the middle of the circle.”
“I traced it back through
several languages.”
Mr. Gray
“Everyone move your desk,
face the window, and sit on
the floor. We are going to
meditate on this tree today.”
“If you were certain, it
wouldn’t be called faith. It
would be knowledge.”
Said What?!
Mr. Bobinski
“Butters, you can’t say
(To Keegan Brick) “Are you
putting lotion on your legs?
Ugh, this is why our society
is failing.”
Dr. Ravizza
“Just a quick interruption here at the end of 7th
“Don’t forget who you are
and where you come from.”
“Someone’s watching you. . .”
Mr. Stary
“Star Trek was my birth control in high school.”
“Do they let you leave the
house? Do they let you vote
and repopulate?”
“Dance, puppets! Dance.”
Mr. Thompson
“Can we just like stop?”
“I am just, so sad”
“You got the right answer,
but how you got it is not
“And if on the other side
there is a cliff, too bad.”
“I don’t see the triangle!”
“My friend tried to hitchhike
to California. She made it to
Colorado and died.”
“Who are you going to call?
Fraction Busters.”
Sra. Dory
“Teaching is my crack!”
“Let me flash these on the
screen for you!”
“Have you ever been attacked
by a rooster? It is not fun.”
Mr. Guyette
“(Bad puns).”
“I am not here to teach you
half-donkey Spanish. And go
ahead and write that in your
stupid little book thingy.”
“Tough crowd.”
Mrs. Nelson
“And then they died…”
“For the love of all things
“Ya know?”
“Maybe you misheard the
word LSD?”
“SOH CAH TOA. I always
thought they were saying
suck a toe.”
“I do at home have a happy
“We call them S.O.B. curves,
right? Slide over baby.”
“That was a joke...You’re supposed to laugh.”
“Riston said it.”
“We’ll jump off that bridge
when we get there.”
“You’ll end up as a hobo on a
beach in Mexico.”
Doctora Mulroney
(After the “keep your pants on”
talk.) “Sex is on everyone’s
mind right now…”
“Wow, that’s a substantial
“That sounds inappropriate.”
“My name is Doctora and
this is mi cancion. Listen to
me ahora…I won’t sing it for
long.” (Doctora’s Rap)
Mr. Masarik
“Hail Mary full of grace
“I’m sorry, I seem to have
forgotten the words to the
Hail Mary.”
“So… do you know why
you’re here today?”
Sra. Stover
will miss you next year.
“Stop inserting yourself into
my space.”
“Stop living by the clock and
start living by learning.”
“Teachable Moment.”
“If someone would break
into the school, tie all of your
clothes together and escape
out the window.”
(To Sam McCormick) “Sam, I
love you buddy.”
Mr. Mallien
“Knock it off, you hooligans!”
“Birm, stop playing Clash of
Clowns or Born Beach.”
Ms. Mahlock
(To Charlie Rotherham)
“Charles, you’re perfect.”
“Find some baby knowledge
“Let’s call the juniors ‘lower
case TOK.’ ”
My Teacher Said What?!
Mrs. Corriveau
“I like to call that a double
“All that sweetness in your
mouth...I can hear tooth
decay happening.”
“I don’t know this. You don’t
need to know this unless you
major in chemistry.”
“That was a hiccup? Wow…”
Mr. Kriegl
“I don’t think golf is a sport,
but dance is…?”
“I dislike you all equally. . .
. but I love you all unconditionally.”
“I have no emotions.”
“You comin’ to Mass?”
“Sin is like shizz. As soon as
you smell it, flush it!”
“It’ll never be the same. . . “
Mr. Hill
“Slavery is cool, right? No!”
“If God played an instrument - I mean God could
play any instrument- but if
God played an instrument, it
would be the tympany.”
“This technique is like getting a hug from a big woman. Too much though and
you’ll be suffocated.”
“Play that part like it’s your
last sip of warm coffee.”
Mr. Dietzo
“I just like gas. Let it go.”
“Never chase parked cars.”
Mrs. Wojak
“You have to get the whole
Mrs. Hollenback
“I haven’t seen you in ages!”
“But not as fast as I am.”
“On Monday we’ll have the
quiz, on Tuesday we’ll have
the test, and on Wednesday
we’ll have the exam.”
“When you go out and eat
ribs, you are eating intercostals.”
“Oh sure, I happen to have a
pelvic girdle on my desk.”
Student: “Can I go to the
bathroom?” Mrs Hollenbach:
“Sure, I just need your planner.” Student: “The bathroom
is right there.” Mrs. Hollenbach: “Ok, but if they catch
you, I am telling them you
“If you are ever in a dark
alley and someone is
trying to steal your
(Student sits down and
misses the chair.) “Oops,
looks like we have moving chairs!”
“You can’t just look at a
pair of muscles and say
‘hook up.’”
“Are you going to see
the rat?” -referring to
Mickey Mouse at Disney
Mrs. Brandtner
“Cotton? Colton!
It’s your handwriting
“I found this one powerpoint
on the internet for you.”
Mrs. Van De Hey
“You do the math…”
mean corporal!!!”
“Holy cow and I’m not even
“If there was ever a real
intruder in the building, I
would open up the window
for you to run to Culver’s as
fast as you could.”
“The moon is American
“I hate this chapter…”
Mr. Vickman
“You don’t need to know this
unless you want a 7!”
“That may be the dumbest
answer I’ve ever heard.”
“This is where the two dancing partners switch.”
“Make it a great day or not,
the choice is yours.”
Mr. Weiss
“This is the wallflower. This
would have been me at the
Ms. Jochman
“I wouldn’t eat another
woman’s chocolate.”
“When I was walking around
the NCTE conference, I realized that an English teacher
is definitely a type--everyone
was dressed like me.”
Mr. Lagerman
“Back in my day, capital
punishment was allowed. I-I
“This is the time of year
when teachers say something
sentimental about what a
great class this has been…
I’m not going to do that.”
Mr. Winkler
“Do not sniff it! You do not
need to sniff it!”
Mr. Havlichek
“What we have is an STD.”
Tritonian Staff Picks
Favorite Konop Meal
Corn Dogs
Chicken Tenders
Teacher most likely to
be mistaken
for a student
Ms. Strong
Potential Gymnastic Star
Riston Smith
Most Creative
Nail Artist
Sarah Du Vall
Biggest cat
Quincy Fassbender
Favorite Movie
American Sniper
Most likely to reach
6’7’’ someday
Adam Wozney
Most likely to
wear his fleece
Joe Laurent
Most Likely to Create a
Virtual World
Jordan Kieltyka
Sickest Ride
David Shaw
Staff Writers:
Abigail Stewart
Haley Cullen
Maddy Quidzinski
Grace Corriveau
Mrs. Carolyn Brown
Mrs. Jean Thillman
Information contained in this issue is meant for the
enjoyment of the NDA community. The Tritonian is not
responsible for any untruths found in this issue.
Most likely to have
his name pronounced
Adan Martinez
Michael Daavatilla
Most Down to Earth
John Lehman
Brianna Ehlinger
Fraternal Twins
Jordan Saari
El Hein
Most likely to live on
an island teaching
yoga to orphans
Julia Bosco
20 Good-Bye NDA
Photo Courtesy of Roxanne Knight
The Class of 2015 would like to thank their outgoing president, Mr. Bob Pauly, for making
NDA a home away from home. We will remember you for your enthusiasm and your unconditional love and support. We will try to live by your motto: “Make good decisions because
you’re worth it.”
Thanks for making our time here at NDA well worth it, Mr. Pauly. Best of luck to you.