The rhyolitic–andesitic eruptive history of Cotopaxi volcano
The rhyolitic–andesitic eruptive history of Cotopaxi volcano
Bull Volcanol DOI 10.1007/s00445-007-0161-2 RESEARCH ARTICLE The rhyolitic–andesitic eruptive history of Cotopaxi volcano, Ecuador Minard Hall & Patricia Mothes Received: 27 October 2006 / Accepted: 7 June 2007 # Springer-Verlag 2007 Abstract At Cotopaxi volcano, Ecuador, rhyolitic and andesitic bimodal magmatism has occurred periodically during the past 0.5 Ma. The sequential eruption of rhyolitic (70–75% SiO2) and andesitic (56–62% SiO2) magmas from the same volcanic vent over short time spans and without significant intermingling is characteristic of Cotopaxi’s Holocene behavior. This study documents the eruptive history of Cotopaxi volcano, presenting its stratigraphy and geologic field relations, along with the relevant mineralogical and chemical nature of the eruptive products, in order to determine the temporal and spatial relations of this bimodal alternation. Cotopaxi’s history begins with the Barrancas rhyolite series, dominated by pumiceous ash flows and regional ash falls between 0.4 and 0.5 Ma, which was followed by occasional andesitic activity, the most important being the ample andesitic lava flows (∼4.1 km3) that descended the N and NW sides of the edifice. Following a ∼400 ka long repose without silicic activity, Cotopaxi began a new eruptive phase about 13 ka ago that consisted of seven rhyolitic episodes belonging to the Holocene F and Colorado Canyon series; the onset of each episode occurred at intervals of 300–3,600 years and each produced ash flows and regional tephra falls with DRE volumes of 0.2–3.6 km3. Andesitic tephras and lavas are interbedded in the rhyolite sequence. The Colorado Canyon episode (4,500 years BP) also witnessed dome and sector collapses on Cotopaxi’s NE flank which, with associated ash flows, generated one of the largest cohesive debris Editorial responsibility: J Stix M. Hall (*) : P. Mothes Instituto Geofísico, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Casilla, 1701-2759 Quito, Ecuador e-mail: [email protected] flows on record, the Chillos Valley lahar. A thin pumice lapilli fall represents the final rhyolitic outburst which occurred at 2,100 years BP. The pumices of these Holocene rhyolitic eruptions are chemically similar to those of older rhyolites of the Barrancas series, with the exception of the initial eruptive products of the Colorado Canyon series whose chemistry is similar to that of the 211 ka ignimbrite of neighboring Chalupas volcano. Since the Colorado Canyon episode, andesitic magmatism has dominated Cotopaxi’s last 4,400 years, characterized by scoria bomb and lithic-rich pyroclastic flows, infrequent lava flows that reached the base of the cone, andesitic lapilli and ash falls that were carried chiefly to the W, and large debris flows. Andesitic magma emission rates are estimated at 1.65 km3 (DRE)/ka for the period from 4,200 to 2,100 years BP and 1.85 km3 (DRE)/ka for the past 2,100 years, resulting in the present large stratocone. Keywords Alternating rhyolitic–andesitic volcanism . Cotopaxi volcano . Holocene history . Northern Andes Introduction The almost simultaneous alternation of basic andesitic and evolved rhyolitic magmatism from the same volcanic center is an interesting, if not perplexing problem. What mechanism or process results in such a varied eruptive history? Equally perplexing, how is such a clean alternation of these two magma types maintained without generating intermediate compositions? For many years Cotopaxi volcano, Ecuador, was considered to be a volcano of solely andesitic origin (Hall 1977; Barberi et al. 1995); here we show that rhyolitic volcanism has played an important role in its history starting at least 560 ka ago and again in the Holocene. Bull Volcanol Fig. 1 Cotopaxi volcano’s 20-km-diameter cone is comprised mainly of andesitic products of the past 4,000 years. The hills in the foreground are remnants of the F series ash flows and in the immediate foreground blocks from the 1877 debris flows. Photo of the north face taken in 2004 The present study provides the geological framework and volcanic history of this alternating bimodal magmatism as recorded at Cotopaxi, a large well-known stratovolcano of the Northern Andes (Fig. 1). Emphasis is placed upon field mapping of the deposits and the development of a comprehensive stratigraphic and chronological framework in order to clearly demonstrate the succession of rhyolitic and andesitic magmas. Cotopaxi volcano (Lat. 0°38′S; Long. 78°26′W) is located on the Eastern Cordillera of the Ecuadorian Andes, 60 km south of Quito and 35 km northeast of Latacunga, capital of Cotopaxi province. This 5,897 m high active volcano is notable for its relief (2,000–3,000 m), conical form, massive size (22-km diameter), and its glacier-clad steep flanks. Cotopaxi, along with other large active andesitic volcanoes, such as Tungurahua, Antisana, Cayambe, and Sangay, define the Eastern Cordillera in Ecuador, some 35 km behind the dacite-dominated volcanic front that constitutes the Western Cordillera (Barberi et al. 1988; Hall and Beate 1991). Between these two cordilleras lies the densely populated InterAndean valley, a structural depression (Fig. 2). Early geological and petrological descriptions of Cotopaxi were given by La Condamine (1751), Humboldt (1837–1838), Reiss (1874), Sodiro (1877), Stübel (1897), Wolf (1878, 1904), and Reiss and Stübel (1869–1902). Modern studies of the volcano and its hazards were carried out by Hradecka (unpublished data 1974), Miller et al. (1978), Hall (1987), Hall and Hillebrandt (1988), Mothes (1992), Barberi et al. (1995), Hall et al. (2000), and Mothes et al. (1998, 2004). Cotopaxi has experienced at least 13 significant eruptions since 1534, based upon tephrostratigraphy and historic accounts. They correspond to five cycles: 1532– 1534, 1742–1744, 1766–1768, 1853–1854, and 1877– 1880. These historic eruptions were all of andesitic character and typically produced scoria pyroclastic flows, ash and lapilli falls, blocky-lava flows, and far-reaching debris flows. Fumaroles still exist within the summit crater, along its inner and outer rims, and at the Yanasacha rock face on its upper northern slope. Since late 2001 increased levels of seismicity and fumarolic activity have been observed and continue today. Cotopaxi has been monitored instrumentally since 1977. Cotopaxi’s frequent eruptive activity and the large growing population living around the volcano and along the major rivers that head on the cone stress the urgent need to carefully document the nature of its past eruptions, in order to develop valid scenarios for future eruptions. Figure 3 provides a brief introductory synopsis of Cotopaxi’s history to acquaint the reader to its overall activity prior to discussing it in greater detail. Cotopaxi I Barrancas rhyolite series Along the lower S and SW flanks of the present Cotopaxi edifice is exposed a thick older series of deposits made up of rhyolitic ash flows, block-and-ash flows, tephra falls, and associated volcaniclastic units, attaining a thickness of >150 m, that generally dip to the S and SW, away from an arcuate alignment of rhyolitic domes and source vents. This, the Barrancas series of Cotopaxi I, is best seen along the Barrancas–Simarrones valley, but the nearby Burrohuaicu, Saquimala, and San Lorenzo valleys display similar and complementary sequences (Fig. 4). The age of the series is not well constrained, but Bigazzi et al. (1997) reported fission track ages of 0.42–0.56 Ma for several rhyolites. The series is older than the 211 ka Chalupas ash flow and younger than the clastic Latacunga Fm., dated at 1.4–1.7 Ma (Lavenu et al. 1992). Its presumed source is a series of aligned, highly fractured, locally altered rhyolite domes and dikes associated with dome breccias and short obsidian lava flows (Fig. 4). The circumferential distribution of the rhyolitic vents around the SW side of Cotopaxi’s present edifice suggests that these vents formed the outer segment of an older caldera that is mostly buried under younger deposits. Associated pyroclastic sequences can be traced from the source area to the Barrancas valley where the most complete stratigraphy is seen (Figs. 5 and 6) (Inst. Nac. Electrificación unpublished data 1983). The regional extent of this sequence is unknown, as it is covered by younger deposits down valley. However, the significant thicknesses Bull Volcanol 78 30' 78 25' 78 20' 78 15' Selva Alegre RÌ oS an Pe d ro Amaguaña 4000 00 m m 30 0 25' RÌo Santa Clara 10 km 5 RÌo Pita 78 35' 0 30 00 m Fig. 2 Regional map showing the locations of Cotopaxi volcano and neighboring volcanic centers, as well as several towns in the InterAndean Valley. Note: Across the top are west longitudes (e.g. 78° 35′ W) and along the right side are south latitudes (e.g. 0° 50′ S) 4000 m Pasochoa Volcano RÌo Sincholahua Volcano 0 35' alom Rumiñahui o Volcano ng pu o i p Lim Ing Pan- a Ame rican 4000 m m 40 Pita RÌo S alto way High 00 0 30' Bocatoma Machachi Boliche Huas i 4000 m Mudad ero RÌo Cu 0 40' tuchi COTOPAXI VOLCANO RÌo T amb ch i 5000 m Cu o hu m ai m Ta C H A L U P A S 00 cu 40 RÌ o RÌ Mulaló 3000 m RÌo Barrancas nes rro -- a Sim 4000 m contour interval = 200 m (1–15 m) of the ash-flow and fall deposits suggest that many had wide distributions. The Barrancas sequence begins with a 15-m-thick, pinktopped, pumiceous ash-flow deposit (unit BA) that contains up to 5% small polylithic fragments, especially obsidian. Lithic clasts are concentrated toward the base, while white pumice clasts abound toward the top. The ash flow is overlain in turn by a 20-m-thick sequence (units BB, BC, BD and BE) of interbedded ash-flow, surge, and air-fall deposits of both pumice lapilli as well as obsidian and banded-rhyolite lapilli. Most of these units have been u bo Morurcu tu o nz ala re o uim L q an Queb. Sa Lasso . S b Queb. ue Q Burro oyac 0 45' Pucahuaicu C A L D E R A 0 50' b. e Qu slightly reworked by wind and rain, suggesting short repose intervals. Upwards the sequence continues with a pumice lapilli-fall unit (BF1) and is followed by a thick series of five block-and-ash breccias (BF2) comprised of radially fractured clasts and blocks, up to 1 m in diameter, of obsidian, rhyolitic vitrophyres, and saccaroidal rhyolite, all containing plagioclase, biotite, ± quartz, in a gray or red sandy matrix of glassy particles. The five units of crudely bedded breccias, each defined by coarser blocks at its base, are the products of sequential dome collapses and related debris flows, traceable to an obsidian dome located 15 km COTOPAXI II A Fig. 3 Brief synthesis of the stratigraphic history of Cotopaxi volcano, separated into Cotopaxi I, II A, and II B eruptive periods COTOPAXI II B Bull Volcanol Late Holocene Andesite Episode ........... ++++++ ........... ........... ........... ........... ++++++ ........... ++++++ Colorado Canyon Rhyolite Episode ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ++++++ ++++++ ........... ++++++ F Rhyolite Series -------++++++ -------++++++ -------++++++ -------++++++ Cga COTOPAXI I Cangahua -------and ++++++ Chalupas Chlp + Units - - +- +- -+ -+-+Cga Detritial Fan and Andesitic Lavas OoOoOoO ........... OoOoOoO OoOoOoO ........... OoOoOoO OoOoOoO OoOoOoO Barrancas Rhyolite Series ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ........... OoOoOoO ........... -------- up the Barrancas valley. Similar rhyolitic domes and dikes are also observed where the Saquimala and Burrohuaicu canyons intersect the margin of the inferred caldera (Fig. 4). Upsection there is a succession of seven similar pumice lapilli-fall deposits (units BG1 to BG7), 1–4 m thick, without obvious time breaks. These generally have a coarse pumice lapilli base and trend to fine ash layers towards the top, locally bearing accretionary lapilli. Obsidian and vitrophyric sand often form thin lithic-fall intercalations in the succession. A reworked pumice-rich ash-flow unit (BG-3) also occurs in the sequence. Evidence of minor reworking by rain is occasionally observed at the top of these units. Some fine-grained ash-fall units have welldeveloped stratification, defined by variations in grain size and sorting. Apparently this succession was generated by The present andesitic history of Cotopaxi volcano began about 4000 yr BP and has involved many tens of eruptions characterized by pumice and scoria tephra falls, scoria, lithic, and pumice pyroclastic flows, frequent large debris flows, and many blocky lava flows, all of which have contributed to the making of the present large stratocone. Minor rhyolitic activity occurred about 2100 yr BP. Historic eruption cycles, averaging one per century, comprise a significant portion of the recent andesitic activity. 4000 yr BP The Colorado Canyon episode represents the climactic end of Cotopaxi's Holocene rhyolitic activity, which involved phreatomagmatic explosions through domes, a rhyolitic breccia flow, a major pumice lapilli fall, several ash flows, and finally a large sector collapse of the northeast flank of Cotopaxi's cone. This activity triggered the Chillos Valley lahar, a gigantic cohesive debris flow. Erupted DRE volumes were about 1.2 km 3 .. 4500 yr BP Following 400 ka without notable activity, Cotopaxi reactivated and experienced a series of six rhyolitic episodes, here called the F series, that consisted of pumiceous tephra falls, ash flows, a dome-collapse flow, and debris flows that took place between 13.2 and 4.5 ka. Minor andesitic activity occurred in several episodes, manifested by scoria falls. ~20 - 13 ka A long repose period followed with the regional deposition of the thick lower and upper Cangahua units (Cga) which are fine-grained ashy tuffs, as well as by the enormous Chalupas ash flow unit (Chlp) (211 ka) erupted from the nearby Chalupas caldera. The two Cangahua units form a regional mantle over the northern Ecuadorian Andes and apparently originated from the eolian reworking of glacial loess and pumiceous ash from Chalupas and other rhyolitic eruptions. ~300 ka ? An erosional period ensued, in which a detrital fan developed on the SW and W sides of the edifice, made up of volcanic breccias, conglomerates, sands, ash layers, and a few pyroclastic flow units. Andesitic lava flows derived from the Morurcu satellite vent, as well as from Cotopaxi itself, traveled to the SW. Other mafic andesite flows traveled more than 40 km to the north down the Rio Pita. ~420 ka Cotopaxi's early history involves the Barrancas rhyolite series, comprised of many biotite-bearing tephra falls, ash flows, dome growth and collapse, and associated block-and-ash flows, that occurred between 560 and 420 ka. They erupted from rhyolitic domes and dikes aligned along an arcuate fracture zone on the SW and S sides of the present edifice. ~560 ka The Cotopaxi sequence lies unconformably on the Pleistocene Latacunga Fm., a thick detrital package of conglomerates, sandstones, reworked volcanic ash, and occasional lava flows, that underlies most of the InterAndean Valley. Interbedded lavas have ages of 1.4 and 1.7 Ma. continuous explosions whose fall deposits accumulated upon the ash-flow fan dipping gently to the SW. The series continues upwards with two massive ignimbrites (the 6-m-thick BH1-2 and the 15-m-thick BH3 units) with a thin obsidian-rich lapilli-fall layer interbedded between the flows. These units can be traced at least 3 km down valley to the SW and possibly as far as northern Latacunga (17 km). The BH3 salmon-colored ash-flow unit is unconformably overlain by a 6-m-thick volcaniclastic bed that carries pinkish-gray porphyritic rhyolite clasts, derived from the Sta. Barbara dome, the morphologically youngest dome. In the lower Burrohuaico valley are exposed younger units of the Barrancas series. There, the BH3 ash-flow unit is only 10 m thick and is overlain by two fine lapilli falls, Bull Volcanol Fig. 4 Geologic map of early Cotopaxi history 0º20' 5 0 Chalupas Ash Flow (211 ka) 10 km N ? COTOPAXI I 0º25' Detrital Fan and Andesitic Lavas (418-460 ka ?) PASOCHOA C VOLCANO CA Morurcu vent 0º30' Detrital fan and associated lavas unconformity approximate limits of Chalupas Ash Flow RUMI M ÑAHUI Ñ VOLCANO O 0º35' unconformity ? INFERRED COTOPAXI CALDERA 0º40' Morurcu Vent CHALUPAS Note that the older Barrancas and clastic fan units are placed graphically over the Chalupas Ash Flow so that they are visible. Sta. Barbara Dome CALDERA 0º45' Barrancas Section 78º35' units BJ and BK1, 4 and 6 m thick respectively, that are composed of very white, microvesicular pumice. Separating these two fall layers is a 15-m-thick detrital bed of obsidian-rich breccias, conglomerates, and sands, which is overlain by a 20-cm-thick paleosol, implying a significant repose period prior to the eruption of BK1. A 6-m-thick ash-flow unit (BK2) ends the Barrancas sequence and is truncated by an erosional unconformity. Juvenile clasts of this series are almost entirely of white pumice lapilli and ash, bearing a constant mineralogy of clear plagioclase, biotite, magnetite, ± quartz and Kfeldspar, although traces of amphibole and hypersthene appear in some younger units. Obsidian fragments, ranging in color from clear to gray to very black, at times strongly banded, are the dominant lithic components, although light gray vitrophyres as well as aphanitic and saccaroidal approximate limits of Chalupas caldera 78º30' 78º25' 78º20' 78º15' rhyolites are also observed. Fragments of black slate from the metamorphic basement and black andesite are occasionally found. The pumices of the series are composed of 73– 76% SiO2 and 2.5–3.7% K2O. (Note: SiO2 and K2O values were obtained from complete major-element analyses (wt. percent) that were normalized on an anhydrous basis and are presented in the text to aid the reader in characterizing many of the magmatic units; the chemistry of the Cotopaxi rocks will be discussed in a forthcoming article.) In conclusion, the Barrancas series is the result of prolonged explosive and effusive activity of rhyolitic affinity that occurred approximately 420–560 ka ago, associated with the rhyolitic domes and dikes that define an 8-km-long, arcuate structure, interpreted as an old caldera rim that encircles the S and SW sides of the present Cotopaxi edifice. It was characterized by dome emplace- Bull Volcanol meters Upper Cangahua: fine eolian sediments = Cotopaxi repose period. Age at top estimated at approx. 20 ka 8-10 Chalupas Ash Flow Fig. 5 Cotopaxi I composite stratigraphic column. In this and all following columns, the presence and thickness of each unit may vary locally +++ 10- + + + + 15 + + + .3 l l l l l organic-rich paleosol Lower Cangahua: fine eolian sediments = Cotopaxi repose period 7-10 Detrital Fan and Lavas Chalupas pum ash flow (211±14 ka) and basal plinian pum lap AF unconformity Detrital Package: mainly coarse sediments of andesitic affinity; crudely bedded breccias; interbedded andesitic AF and lavas from Morurcu and Cotopaxi edifices that traveled down the Pita, Cutuchi, Saquimala rivers. Presumed age >211 and <420 ka. 100 to 300 ++++ 6 BK2 unconformity white pum ash flow: matrix-rich, rhyolitic +++ 6 .2 15 4 BK1 lllll BJ Barrancas Rhyolite Series white pumice lap AF with little stratification detrital: bedded sands, cangahua lenses; underlain by unconformity +++ BH3 ++++ .2 unconformity with organic-rich paleosol detrital sequence: bedded sands, conglomerates, lithic breccias 6 15 white pum lap plinian AF: well-bedded at top and base; w/ black andesitic and slate clasts, no obsidian. +++ rosy pum ash flow: with obsidian and banded rhyolite clasts. obsidian and crystal-rich AF Rw ash flow: slightly stratified, fine ash and pum lenses 3 BH2 3 +++ BH1 pum ash flow: 2 BG7 fine ash AF: with accretionary lapilli 4 BG6 G6 white plinian pum AF: with large white pumice clasts and altered lithic clasts; Rw at top 1.2 BG5 obsidian-rich lithic AF: many discrete layers 1.5 BG4 rosy pum lap AF: stratified at top + + + 8 + + + Abbreviations employed: AF = ash- or lapilli-fall deposit DF = debris flow or lahar deposit lap = lapilli-size clasts lith = lithic fragment LV = lava flow PF = pyroclastic flow deposit pum = pumice clasts Rw = reworked material scor = scoria clasts xl = crystals Rw pum ash flow and AF: slightly stratified sequence of pum ash and clasts; with accretionary lapilli. BG3 .3 2 BG2 BG1 Rw AF with two small obsidian-rich fall layers grey pum and lithic lap AF: poorly sorted BF2 dome collapse flows - five pulses:- mainly obsidian and rhyolite clasts; andesite clasts toward base; clasts up to 1 m in size in well-compacted grey sandy matrix plinian pum AF: in three layers 20-30 .6 4 BF1 +++ BE white pum ash flow: with black lithic clasts 7 4 +++ 15 1 1 + + BD + ++ BC2 BC1 Rw pum ash flow plinian pum lap AF: well-stratified, pulses plinian pum lap AF: few lithics ment, preceded or accompanied by frequent large pumicerich eruptions, smaller ash-rich explosions, and both phreatic and phreatomagmatic explosions that left thin obsidian-rich fall layers. Major pyroclastic flows of both column collapse and dome collapse origin were generated. 15 10-20 DF: andesitic clasts + ++ BB +++ pink ash flow: with plinian pum lap AF at base +++ pink ash flow: clast-rich at base, pumice-rich at top. BA +++ volcaniclastic sequence of Latacunga Fm. (1.4 - 1.7 Ma) The former resulted in ash flows that traveled ≥17 km down valley and had a combined volume of about 19 km3, while the latter generated obsidian-rich block-and-ash flows, the largest extending more than 15 km down the Simarrones– Barrancas valley. Pumice lapilli-fall units up to 1 m thick Bull Volcanol Fig. 6 Here in the Barrancas valley the Barrancas rhyolite series contains ash-flow units (BA-BE; see Fig. 5) at the outcrop’s base, followed by obsidian dome-collapse deposits (BF2), and overlain by rhyolitic ash-fall and flow units (BG–BH). Note that the series was greatly eroded prior to the deposition of the Cangahua and Chalupas units (see text) are exposed as far away as 30 km to the SSW, implying that the rhyolitic ash falls of this series probably involved a total bulk volume of ∼13 km3. Also noteworthy is that black andesite clasts were observed in several detrital or debris flow deposits, but never as a primary volcanic unit; it would suggest that andesitic magmatism had occurred earlier. The total bulk volume of the Barrancas series is estimated at 32 km3 (see Table 2 concerning volume and DRE calculations). Detrital fan and andesitic lavas An erosional period followed the Barrancas series that resulted in a 300–400 m-thick detrital package composed of fluvial, glacial, and debris flow deposits on Cotopaxi’s SW side and a similar clastic sequence to the NE of Cotopaxi. Occasional volcanic manifestations transpired during this period, resulting in interbedded ash-fall layers, andesitic lavas, and lava-flow collapse breccias. The detrital package forms a wide depositional fan whose apex is centered on the SW side of the present Cotopaxi edifice and whose crude stratification dips away gently to the SW, S, and SE (Fig. 4). It contains massive, poorly stratified beds, 10–20 m thick, with angular blocks up to 3–4 m across, but average only 10–50 cm in size, supported in a sandy matrix. Many blocks are gray andesites from Morurcu peak. No radiometric dates exist for these units, however they lie stratigraphically between the Barrancas series (420–560 ka) and the Chalupas ash flow (211 ka). Prior to the deposition of the subsequent Cangahua Fm. and the Chalupas flows, the clastic fan suffered notable erosion with the formation of 30- to 50-m-deep valleys (Fig. 6). Morurcu peak, a volcanic neck remnant (4,850 m) of a glacially eroded satellite vent, is located at the southern foot of today’s cone near the inferred caldera rim of Cotopaxi I (Fig. 4). Several of its silicic andesitic lava flows are traceable 8 km down valley and occur interbedded in the detrital package, thus linking Morurcu’s activity with this erosional period. The lavas are medium gray, slightly porphyritic andesites with microcrystalline, aphanitic, or glassy matrices (SiO2 =60–62%; K2O=1.5–1.6%). Phenocrysts include small square crystals of plagioclase and few hypersthene and amphibole crystals. The lava’s volume is estimated at 0.11 km3. To the NE of Cotopaxi along the Rio Pita canyon near Bocatoma (Fig. 2), a similar clastic sequence is exposed, comprised of fluvial and debris flow conglomerates, andesitic lava flows, and a distinctive yellow-tan wellbedded series of andesitic ash and scoria of both primary fall and reworked origin. The character of this sequence and its similar stratigraphic position under the lower Cangahua and Chalupas units suggest a close affinity to the detrital fan of Cotopaxi’s SW side. Intercalated in the upper part of this clastic sequence are five mafic andesite lava flows, known as the Rio Pita lavas. These lavas flooded the wide upper Pita and Salto river valleys, before flowing down the narrow lower Rio Pita valley. One can be traced northwards to the town of Selva Alegre, more than 40 km from source, and other lobes traveled 27 and 32 km. Another flow is traced westwards down the upper Cutuchi valley for >15 km (Fig. 4). Their volumes range from 0.84 to 1.27 km3 for the younger flows and from 0.24 to 0.47 km3 for the older flows, for a combined total volume of 4.1 km3. These lavas are dark gray to black, porphyritic, mafic andesites that vary somewhat in their mineralogy. All include 3–20% plagioclase phenocrysts, generally 0.3– 0.5 mm in size, but the youngest flow (Bocatoma lava) contains large tabular plagioclase phenocrysts (30%), up to 1.5 cm in length, that are semi-aligned in the matrix. Mafic phenocrysts include 10–20% hypersthene (3–10 mm), small augites (5–10%), and occasional olivine in a glassy to microcrystalline matrix. Chemically these rocks are varied: the older lavas are more mafic (SiO2 =56%; K2O=0.98%), while the younger lavas are more silicic (SiO2 =58–62%; K2O=1.3–2.2%). They are texturally, mineralogically, and chemically different than the Morurcu lavas, but follow the general chemical trend of basic Cotopaxi lavas. Regional deposition of the Cangahua and Chalupas units Following the erosional period, the northern Ecuadorian Andes experienced the protracted deposition of the Cangahua Bull Volcanol Fm., a 25–30-m-thick, fine-grained, tan-colored, indurated volcanic tuff consisting chiefly of eolian-reworked volcanic ash and glacial loess (Hall and Mothes 1997). No Cotopaxi eruptive products are found in this unit, implying a cessation in Cotopaxi activity. The timing and duration of the Cangahua Fm. are not well constrained. Studies in the Quito Basin suggest that the top of the formation may be about 20 ka (Hall and Mothes 1997), while its base is older than the Chalupas ash flow (211 ka) but younger than the Barrancas series. Interrupting the Cangahua depositional period, Chalupas volcano, lying immediately SE of Cotopaxi (Fig. 4), became active, resulting in a voluminous rhyolitic ash flow and the formation of a 20-km-wide caldera (Beate 1989). Briefly, the Chalupas activity consisted of a basal ash flow of limited extent, followed by a regional plinian pumice fall, and finally a far-reaching ignimbrite, called the Chalupas ash flow, whose bulk volume is estimated at 80–100 km3. Its thick deposit is traceable north and south along the InterAndean valley for tens of kilometers, as well as eastwards into the Amazon Basin and westwards onto the coastal plain. An 40Ar/39Ar age of 211±14 ka was recently assigned to the Chalupas ash flow (L. Hammersly personal communication 2005). Chalupas’s rhyolites share many characteristics with Cotopaxi’s old and young rhyolites, which warrants a brief comparison. Typically the Chalupas pumice is very fibrous, light to medium gray in color, and contains 1–2% phenocrysts of biotite, plagioclase, and iron oxides. In comparison, all of Cotopaxi’s rhyolitic pumices tend to be white, non-fibrous, slightly richer in the same minerals, and bear quartz. Obsidian and rhyolite fragments are the dominant lithics in Cotopaxi’s ignimbrites, while at Chalupas small scarce fragments of dark gray to black aphyric andesite and dense rhyolite are more common, and never obsidian. The Chalupas and Cotopaxi pumices have similar, but distinguishable chemical compositions, differing most notably in the greater K2O and incompatible element contents of the Chalupas pumices (K2O>4.0% vs. 2.5–3.6%, respectively). However, we have found that the pumices of Cotopaxi’s 4,500 years BP eruption are chemically identical to those of the Chalupas ignimbrite, suggesting a genetic relation between their magmas, to be discussed later in the Colorado Canyon episode section. Cotopaxi II A F rhyolite series Following the long quiescence of the Cangahua and Chalupas depositional period, major rhyolitic eruptions of the F rhyolite series mark Cotopaxi’s reawakening. These eruptions spanned about 8,700 years of periodic eruptive activity, starting weakly at about 13,200 years BP, intensifying around 9,600 and 5,800 years BP, and subsequently dwindling around 4,500 years BP. However, this rhyolitic activity was preceded and sporadically accompanied by small andesitic eruptions, evidenced by thin scoria lapilli-fall layers found dispersed in this series. The rhyolitic activity was followed by widespread andesitic magmatism that suddenly intensified around 4,000 years BP and has dominated Cotopaxi’s subsequent activity to the present (Note: all 14C year BP dates employed here are the uncalibrated 14C ages reported by the lab; the precise date, error, and reference of each age date are given in the text or in the respective stratigraphic column.). For convenience the F series activity is subdivided into five major rhyolitic eruptive episodes, which are based upon >100 studied stratigraphic sections located within a radius of 30 km of the volcano, the more complete sections being found to the W. A composite section is given in Fig. 7 and the corresponding geologic map in Fig. 8. In general the cumulative thickness of this series varies from 10 to 40 m. Most tephra units share similar characteristics; distinction between units was attained by studying pumice textures and mineral separates from crushed pumice clasts. The succession is best defined chronologically where rhyolitic ash-fall layers are interbedded with 14C-dated peat layers in the Rio Tamboyacu area and in other regional peat sequences. The F series is described below from its base upward. Episode F-1 (13,200–9,600 years BP) Episode F-1 begins with several thin lapilli-fall layers composed of two pyroxene andesitic scoria (SiO2 =56– 57%; K2O=1.1–1.3%) or pumice (SiO2 =61%; K2O=1.7%) that rest upon the eroded top of the Cangahua unit. These layers crop out mainly on the W-NW side of the cone, especially in Pucahuaicu canyon (Fig. 2). This initial andesitic activity postdates the 13,200 years BP rhyolitic event mentioned above, but predates the first major rhyolitic ash fall (F-1) and its underlying peat bed at Boliche, dated at 9,640±69 14C years BP (J. Garrison personal communication 2001). In the Boliche area, episode F-1 begins locally with a 15-cm-thick grayish-white pumice lapilli-fall layer (F-1), which is made up of 90% white microvesicular pumice (SiO2 =75%; K2O=3.1%) that includes plagioclase and quartz, lesser amounts of biotite, magnetite, and hypersthene, plus ∼5% gray to clear obsidian and gray to black aphyric rhyolite clasts. Most notable is the presence of about 5% gray- and white-streaked pumice clasts, suggesting magma intermingling. The pumice lapilli unit is Bull Volcanol Fig. 7 F rhyolite series of Cotopaxi II A composite stratigraphic column; abbreviations as in Fig. 5. Note sources of radiocarbon dates Colorado Canyon Series meters .4 .4 2 6 top paleosol dated at 4420±80* and 4670±70 14 C series of scoria and lithic lap AF with interbedded paleosols DF: with abundant pumiceous ash, derived from underlying ash flow unit very white pum dacitic ash flow: top eroded 7 lava: basic andesite thin scoria AF grayish-tan lithic-and-pum lap AF: marker bed, unit GF series of thin scoria + lithic or pumice + lithic andesitic AF lava: basic andesite, SE flank DF: with abundant dacitic ash and clasts rosy-gray block-and-ash breccia: of dense dacite clasts in pinkish-gray sandy lithic matrix .4 co-ignimbritic AF 2.5 2 15 4500 yr BP yr BP* Episode 5 5800 yr BP white pum ash flow: with obsidian and dacite clasts; dated 5830±80 14 C yr BP*** series of 5 thin pum lap AF w/ rhyolitic lithics and obsidian clasts 1-4 1 .1 1.5 .2 .2 2 1 3 3 .2 2 .06 1 .25 1 .04 4 white pum lap plinian AF: with abundant dense rhyolite clasts at base Episode 4 thin paleosol: dated 5940±30 14C yr BP**** small pum ash flow 5900 yr BP white pum lap plinian AF: lithics at top series of rhyolitic and andesitic lap AF, small ash flows, surges, and co-ignimbritic AF: with interbedded paleosols, peat, and lithic AF Episode 3 brown scoria and lithic-rich lap AF: marker bed peat: dated 6300±70 14C yr BP*** series of white pum AF: obsidian, rhyolite, and oxidized clasts white co-ignimbritic AF white pum ash flow: obsidian and rhyolite clasts white pum lap plinian AF: many pulses; streakedpumice at base; abundant obsidian, oxidized lithics 6300 yr BP Episode 2 crystal-rich AF and rosy tan surge units organic paleosol: dated 7770±7014C yr BP**** eolian Rw PF: lithic and xl-rich layers paleosol pumiceous ash flow rhyolitic and streaked-pumice lapilli AF 7700 yr BP peat: dated 9,640±69 ***** and 10,075±50 14C yr BP****** greyish-white fine ash AF: biotite-rich andesite scoria and rhyolite ash AF units peat: dated 13,200±60* and 13,550±20 14C yr BP*** glacial till -- (est. age = 20-13 ka) base of section: underlain by Upper Cangahua or Chalupas ash flow units followed by rosy-tan, fine-grained ash-fall beds, possibly related to a surge unit, and then a medium gray, wellstratified, coarse sandy ash-fall layer, containing many obsidian grains, which is observed chiefly in the upper Cutuchi river drainage but also further to the WSW. The Episode 1 13,200 yr BP Uncalibrated radiocarbon dates from: * = Smyth (1991) ** = Barberi et al. (1995) *** = Mothes and Hall (1998) **** = C. Robin (pers. com. 1999) ***** = Garrison (pers. com. 2001) ****** = Clapperton et al. (1997) rhyolitic units have a total bulk volume of less than 0.002 km3. A peat layer underlying the earliest rhyolitic units in the upper Tambo canyon of Cotopaxi’s SE side gave dates of 13,200±60 and 13,550±20 14C years BP (Smyth 1991). Bull Volcanol Fig. 8 Geologic map of the F rhyolite series 5 0 COTOPAXI II A 10 km ? N F Rhyolite Series* (13 - 4.5 ka) Episode 5 ash flow Episode 4 Dome-collapse flow Ash flows F- 4 ash-fall limits Rio Pita > 20 cm PASOCHOA VOLCANO C Episode 2 ash flows The few debris flows of this Series are not shown. * Units of Episodes 1 and 3 are too limited to be shown F Series ash-fall units, 5 to 15 m-thick, cover the InterAndean Valley west of Cotopaxi's edifice. SINCHOLAHUA VOLCANO RUMI MIÑAHUI Ñ VOLCANO OL Episode 2 ash flow underlies Episode 4 i ash flow ch tu u C o Ri x Lorna Loma INFERRED COTOPAXI CALDERA Rio T amboy acu ? ? ? Lasso anca Rio Barr ? ? Episode F-2 (7,770–6,300 years BP) On top of a 15–20-cm-thick soil, dated at 7,770±70 14C years BP (C. Robin personal communication 1999), episode 2 begins with a rosy-tan, cross-bedded, fine ash surge unit, followed by a light gray, crystal-rich, sandy ashfall bed. They are succeeded immediately by a series of ash falls and ash flows pertaining to one of the largest eruptions of the F period. A well-stratified pumice lapillifall unit (F-2), up to 3 m thick near the volcano, initiates this series. Glossy white, microvesicular pumice lapilli (SiO2 =74–76%; K2O=2.7–2.9%) is the principal component and carries plagioclase, 1–3% biotite, 1% hypersthene and magnetite, and ± quartz. About 1% of the pumice clasts of its basal layer are gray- and white-streaked, suggesting s Chalupas Caldera magma mingling. This aspect, as well as the <5% lithic components comprised of oxidized accessory fragments, gray aphyric rhyolites, obsidian, and meta-sediment clasts, aid in identifying the F-2 layer. This plinian fall unit has a regional distribution whose chief axis lies to the WSW of the volcano (Fig. 9a), however, a thin layer of this ash is traceable to the ENE as well. Its total bulk volume is estimated at about 7.9 km3. Overlying the F-2 lapilli-fall unit is a 2–3 m-thick, white ash-flow deposit seen in the Cutuchi, San Lorenzo, and Saquimala canyons, which consists of 80% pumiceous matrix and 20% small pumice, obsidian, aphyric rhyolite, and altered lithic clasts. The pumice is very similar to that of the underlying lapilli-fall bed, except that it carries less biotite, while the unit bears more lithic grains. Because this Bull Volcanol a 0¼ 15' S ___ 5 Pifo Quito Alluriquin 4 Sucus ? ? 5 cm 0¼ 30' S ___ 10 cm 25 cm 29 100 cm 230 50 cm 18 17 200 cm 25 Sigchos 10 14 10 ? 17 V. Quilotoa V. Antisana 5 10 12 10 24 Maquimallanda 8 300 cm 154 19 0¼ 45' S ___ 10 Aloag V. Pasochoa 15 10 25 90 Machachi 114 30 V. Illiniza 400 8 22 13 145 45 230 110 V. Cotopaxi 13 8 28 70 70 28 20 Chalupas 3 38 75 16 54 40 60 28 20 15 41 32 14 Morro 24 15 10 18 7 8 10 Latacunga 1¼ 00' S ___ 7 20 10 30 8 Cunchibamba km l 79¼ 00' W 0¼ 15' S ___ l 78¼ 45' W l 78¼ 30' W l 78¼ 15' W Pifo Quito b l 78¼ 00' W Alluriquin 13 Sucus ? 10 cm 15 cm 20 cm 18 16 8 15 ? 12 Sigchos 0¼ 45' S ___ 9 11 6 23 17 105 85 10 V. Antisana 20 22 15 30 20 200 70 200 cm 50 28 38 14 Chalupas 70 71 50 52 24 65 20 20 10 23 8 10 15 Morro 10 ? ? V. Quilotoa 88 15 5 8 Latacunga 1¼ 00' S ___ 5 10 20 30 km 6 Cunchibamba l 79¼ 00' W l 78¼ 45' W Episode F-3 (6,300–5,940 years BP) Maquimallanda 40 100 cm 85 200 V. Cotopaxi 45 64 15 12 14 24 7 7 17 24 24 50 cm 70 20 15 19 70 15 57 46 10 15 V. Pasochoa Machachi 20 0¼ 30' S ___ clasts. These clasts are uniform in size and shape, suggesting that they may be the products of phreatomagmatic explosions in domes, possibly associated with glacial ice. In the Tamboyacu area, episode 2 is represented by a thin sequence of fine to coarse sand-size pumice-rich ash-fall, co-ignimbritic ash-fall, and interbedded peat/soil layers. Most ash-fall beds are similar in texture and mineralogy to the F-2 lapilli-fall unit of the W side, however they are each interbedded with peat layers, 5–60 cm thick, whose presence implies variable repose intervals between eruptions. Although most of the ash-fall units are poorly represented to the E, the F-2 plinian fall was widespread and its deposits are observed 50 km to the NE and 25 km to the E of Cotopaxi, suggesting that the eruptive cloud was high enough to be affected by E-trending, >15-km-high stratospheric winds. The combined bulk volume of this episode is estimated at 8.6 km3. At Tamboyacu a 10–20-cm-thick soil formed on top of the F-2 series and an associated peat horizon provided a date of 6,300±70 14C years BP. l 78¼ 30' W l 78¼ 15' W l 78¼ 00' W Fig. 9 Isopach maps of the a F-2 and b F-4 rhyolitic ash falls, showing the typical westerly distribution of most ash falls. Thickness in centimeters unit is almost everywhere buried by the episode F-4 ignimbrite, its distribution is poorly known. However, it appears to have covered approximately the same area on Cotopaxi’s lower western flanks as that of the F-4 ash flow. In other areas, such as at Boliche and Tamboyacu, the ash flow is correlated to a yellowish-white, pumiceous sandy ash unit with faint stratification that grades upwards to a fine ash. Its bulk volume is estimated to be 0.7 km3. The F-2 ash-flow deposits are followed by 15–20 ash-fall beds, each 5–15 cm thick and well-stratified, which have the same composition as the initial plinian phase and apparently represent a series of discrete explosions during the waning phases of this episode. These beds are best exposed at Boliche and Pucahuaicu where the episode 2 sequence ends in a series of discrete, well-sorted lapilli-fall layers, each consisting of 50% white, slightly fibrous pumice and 50% angular gray aphyric rhyolite and obsidian Overlying the 6,300 years BP peat, episode 3 begins with an air-fall unit of andesitic scoria and lithic lapilli seen only on Cotopaxi’s west flank. Its base consists of a 10-cm-thick layer of slightly vesiculated, dark scoriaceous clasts that have streaks of white pumiceous material, again suggesting a magma mingling onset. The unit becomes richer in scoria upwards and ends with a dark andesitic scoria. The presence of possible mixed magma clasts in several discrete units of this episode would again suggest the close proximity in time and space of two magma types. Subsequently there is a modest series of rhyolitic ashfall, ash-flow, surges, and co-ignimbritic ash-fall deposits which are found only locally around the volcano. A plinian lapilli-fall deposit (F-3), composed of white pumice (SiO2 =75%; K2O=2.7%) and lithic lapilli, is observed toward the top of the sequence at Tamboyacu, but it is not prominent on the W side of the volcano. Unlike previous rhyolitic fall deposits, its white microvesicular pumice has more biotite (3–5%), which forms booklets up to 5 mm in diameter. In addition, this pumice includes plagioclase and a trace of magnetite and quartz, as well as a small amount of black aphyric rhyolite lava and grey obsidian grains. Generally the base of this unit is dominated by pumice, while lithic fragments increase upwards. Overall the proportion of hydrothermally altered clasts is less than 1%. On the E flank the F-3 lapilli-fall bed is followed by a series of poorly sorted ash-fall layers and a small ash-flow unit of similar composition. This flow traveled a short distance down the Rio Tamboyacu into the Chalupas caldera. The F-3 ash-fall bed is traceable 28 km to the NE, where a soil dated at 5,940±30 14C years BP formed Bull Volcanol on top of ash-fall layers of this series (M. Monzier personal communication 1998). The bulk volume of rhyolitic material is estimated at 1.18 km3. Episode F-4 (5,940–5,830 years BP) The largest eruptive events of the F series occurred during episode F-4, and included a regional plinian lapilli fall, large ash flows, and a block-and-ash flow. The basal plinian fall deposit consists of a 1–4-m-thick pumice lapilli layer, whose white microvesicular pumice (SiO2 = 75%; K2O=2.8%) carries plagioclase, biotite, magnetite, ±quartz, and small clasts of gray aphyric, sugary, or aphanitic rhyolite lava and minor obsidian. The lower 10% of the unit is greatly enriched in gray rhyolite lithics, suggesting an explosion through a dome or the conduit. The plinian fall unit has a widespread distribution and can be traced >45 km to the E as well as 60 km to the W (Fig. 9b), implying that the eruption cloud attained stratospheric heights. It has a bulk volume of 5.3 km3. Five thin rhyolite pumice lapilli-fall beds, containing abundant obsidian and rhyolitic lava fragments, overlie the F-4 plinian layer. The sequence continues upwards with the F-4 ash-flow unit, representing the largest ash flow of the F series. It flowed eastwards into the Chalupas caldera for >20 km, northwards down the Pita river valley to near Selva Alegre (40 km), and southwestwards down the upper Cutuchi drainage for at least 21 km, reaching Lasso (Figs. 8 and 10). Deposits of smaller ash flows are observed in the Barrancas valley. In the Salto and Pita river valleys the F-4 ash flow left a 10–15 m thick, inversely graded deposit that is creamy white and matrix-rich (∼75–85%), and carries white microvesicular pumice clasts (<15%) with phenocrysts of plagioclase, quartz, ∼5% amphibole, ∼1% biotite, magnetite, and ±hypersthene. The pumice is 68–71% SiO2 and 2.3–2.5% K2O. The deposits have 5–10% lithic fragments primarily made up of gray or banded aphyric rhyolite lava and gray to black obsidian. Hydrothermally altered fragments are more abundant toward the base. Clasts with dark gray and white swirled streaks are also present, again suggesting the possible intermingling of different magmas. Also notable is the first appearance of amphibole, associated with less biotite. A xenocryst of melted quartz from the gneissic basement was found in this ash flow (L. Hammersley personal communication 2003). A carbonized tree root taken from the soil directly underlying the F-4 ash flow in Cutuchi canyon gave a date of 5,830±80 14C years BP. A 40-cmthick fine-grained co-ignimbritic ash is frequently observed on top of the ash-flow layer. The F-4 ignimbrites have an estimated bulk volume of about 2.8 km3. A monolithologic rhyolitic block-and-ash-flow deposit, having a volume of 0.24 km3, ends the episode 4 eruptive sequence. It traveled 22 km down the most northern Cutuchi drainage, apparently having come from a dome collapse high up on the NNW side of the cone. Near its terminus the >7-m-thick, homogeneous, rosy-gray deposit is composed of 20–40% angular gray clasts up to 14 cm in diameter, dispersed in a pinkish-gray lithic sandy matrix (60–80%). These rhyolite clasts and sparse pumiceous dome clasts have identical chemical compositions (SiO2 = 69%; K2O=2.4%). The vitrophyric rhyolite contains few plagioclase, hypersthene, and oxyhornblende phenocrysts in a glassy matrix. Apparently dome formation and destruction were important events in this late stage of the F series. A khaki-colored 1–2-m-thick ash-rich debris-flow deposit, carrying pumice, rhyolite, and obsidian clasts (10%) in a fine-sandy matrix (90%), overlies the F-4 block-andash-flow unit. It is found only in the Cutuchi, Pucahuaicu, and Saquimala valleys, down which it traveled more than 50 km. Presumably it formed by the erosion of both the F-4 ash-flow and block-and-ash-flow deposits. Episode F-4 has a total bulk volume of ∼8.3 km3. Episode F-5 (5,830–4,500 years BP) Fig. 10 In San Lorenzo valley the F-4 ignimbrite and F-5 andesitic ash-fall units of the F series are closely associated, implying a rapid compositional change in magma type. The Chillos Valley lahar of the Colorado Canyon rhyolite episode was followed in turn by the late Holocene andesitic activity Following episode 4, there was a short repose in activity, as suggested by the 5 m of relief developed locally upon the youngest unconsolidated F-4 units. Episode 5 begins with considerable andesitic activity, is followed by a dacitic outburst of limited extent, and ends with minor, sporadic andesitic activity. Bull Volcanol The initial andesitic activity is represented by a series of scoria and pumice lapilli falls, blocky lava flows, and associated debris flows, a sequence in which only a few thin soils occur. The fall deposits are thin scoria > lithic and pumice > lithic lapilli units in which the vesiculated products have compositions that increase from about 58 to 62% SiO2 and 1.4 to 1.8% K2O, progressing from the older to the younger beds. These units are mainly observed on the cone and its lower flanks, the exception being a widely distributed lapilli-fall deposit (unit GF) that serves as a local marker bed (Fig. 7). The GF bed is 2.5 m thick at the SE foot of the cone and is traceable to the E, NE, NW, and W of the volcano, covering ∼3,700 km2; its bulk volume is about 0.96 km3. It is an extremely well-sorted lapilli deposit containing two clast types: a slightly vesicular tan pumice (SiO2 = 62%; K2O = 1.8%) and a medium gray, dense andesitic lava (SiO2 ∼59%; K2O ∼1.6%), both being plagioclase-phyric. The pumice becomes less vesicular and less abundant upwards in the unit, and contains equal amounts (∼5–7%) of augite and hypersthene, 3% magnetite, and 10% plagioclase phenocrysts. Andesitic lavas associated with these tephra units occur along the SE flank of the volcano. The lavas are short, blocky flows that extend 2–3 km downhill toward the SE and E foot of the cone. The pinkish-grey lavas (57% SiO2 and 1.2% K2O) bear characteristic green and white clots, comprised of plagioclase (60%), augite (20%), and hypersthene (10–20%) crystals, scattered in a rosy-grey, aphanitic groundmass. The several flows have a combined area of ∼9 km2 and a volume of ∼0.14 km3, clearly indicating an important emission of andesitic magma. Shortly after this andesitic activity, a dacitic ash flow was generated which traveled 10–14 km down the Rio Pita valley and a similar distance down the Rio Cutuchi valley. This unit is unique, because its pumice has the only intermediate chemical composition (SiO2 =66%; K2O= 1.7%) in the recent history of Cotopaxi. Near Ingaloma its very white deposit rests upon a thin soil that overlies the GF marker bed, suggesting that a short repose followed the GF airfall. This ash-flow unit is composed of highly vesiculated white pumice that has phenocrysts of plagioclase, 5% amphibole, 2% magnetite, 2% hypersthene, a trace of biotite, and few lithic fragments. This mineral assemblage is similar to that of the slightly older F-4 ash flow, but contains more hypersthene and less biotite, and the pumice is less silicic. The ignimbrite covers approximately 56 km2 and has a bulk volume of ∼0.56 km3. In the upper Rio Pita drainage the deposits of a dacitic ash-rich debris flow are associated with this unit, probably generated by the transformation of the ash flow to a lahar, as the result of melting of Cotopaxi’s glacial cover by the ash flow. The duration of episode 5 is constrained by the final dates of episode 4 (5,830±80 14C years BP) and the two dates of 4,420±80 14C years BP and 4,670±70 14C years BP (Smyth 1991) obtained from soils that overlie the F-5 sequence. In summary, episode 5 began with intense andesitic magmatism, notable for its large volume (∼1.1 km3), and yet finished with another outburst of relatively silicic magma. Discussion of the F rhyolite series The Holocene F series represents the first major activity of Cotopaxi following a >400 ka long repose interval. Its five rhyolitic eruptive episodes lasting 8,700 years involved plinian falls of regional distribution, numerous ash flows and surges some traveling >40 km from the crater, domecollapse flows with ubiquitous fragments of destroyed domes showing up in most eruptive products, and ash-rich debris flows. Consistently the rhyolites contain plagioclase, biotite, magnetite, ±hypersthene, and ±quartz, and only in the F-4 and F-5 ash flows does amphibole appear. Notably, amphibole replaces biotite as the dominant mafic mineral in the transition from the F-4 plinian fall to the F-4 ash flow units, implying the deeper sampling of a vertically zoned rhyolite chamber or conduit. The steady decrease in both SiO2 and K2O in the rhyolites from F-1 to F-5 also suggests a progressive depletion of the higher parts of a zoned rhyolitic body. On the other hand, andesitic magmas (SiO2 = 57%–60%) erupted repeatedly during this series, clearly indicating that andesitic magma already existed or was rising from depth. Progressive magma mingling as suggested by the presence of streaked pumices in the basal units of several F episodes may also be a plausible mechanism to explain the observed chemical trends. Garrison et al. (2006) found chemical and isotopic evidence of repeated andesitic injections during the last 8,000 years. If so, an origin involving the injection and mixing of limited amounts of andesitic magma into a resident rhyolitic magma body might be valid, especially for the later F episodes. The size of Cotopaxi’s edifice at this time remains unclear. The radial distribution of the F series ignimbrites to the S, SE, W, and N implies that these flows came from a central vent. The 22 km long run-out of the F-4 block-andash flow, if it was an unfluidized, gravitational flow formed by dome collapse, would suggest that it came from an elevation of about 5,400 m, based upon energy-line arguments (Siebert 1984). Conversely, the near total absence of lahar units within the F series might suggest a cone of low elevation with limited glacier cover. Possibly, a high cone did exist at this time, albeit with a variable snow and ice cover. The two principal plinian fall units of the F series (F-2 and F-4) have smooth lobate isopachs with major fall axes Bull Volcanol (145 km), which gave soil ages of 5,350±110 and 7,510± 80 14C years BP (Athens and Ward 1999), and are thought to be the equivalent of the F-2 and F-4 fall units. trending almost due W (Fig. 9). Both units maintain thicknesses up to 10 cm as far away as Sigchos and Pucayacu, 50 and 70 km to the W, respectively. However, the F-4 fall unit had a notable distribution to the NW as well; it is seen along the Pan American Highway as far as Quito, 60 km to the N, where ash formed a 1.2-m-thick accumulation. Its presence is confirmed by the mineral and textural nature of the pumice, a date of about 5,800 14C years BP, and by its chemistry (A. Alvarado personal communication 1998). Additionally, the fine-grained fraction of the plinian fall was carried by stratospheric winds far to the NE and has been identified in stratigraphic sequences in the Papallacta (50 km) and Oyacachi (70 km) areas. Two rhyolitic ash beds were found as far E as Coca Fig. 11 Geologic map of the Colorado Canyon rhyolite activity of Cotopaxi II A and the subsequent andesitic lava outpourings of Cotopaxi II B Colorado Canyon rhyolite episode Upon the soil dated at 4,420±80 and 4,670±70 14C years BP, a new rhyolitic eruptive cycle of regional importance began, herein called the Colorado Canyon rhyolite episode, named for the good exposures in that valley at the northern foot of the volcano. The sequential order of eruptive events, whose deposits are best observed around the N and NE base of the cone, is presented below in order of decreasing age (Figs. 11 and 12). This order varies locally, however, Chillos 0 5 Valley Glaciers and moraines (approx. limits) 10 km N COTOPAXI II B Post - Colorado Canyon Andesitic Activity B lavas (1880 - 1195 yBP) A lavas (4060 - 2000 yBP) approximate limits of debris flows PASOCHOA VOLCANO COTOPAXI II A Colorado Canyon Rhyolite Episode (4500 yBP) Chillos Valley debris flow Avalanche hummocks and deposits Outcrops - ash flows 1-2 mainly rhyolitic hummocks Rhyolite breccia flow Limits of both main ash flow and avalanche deposits Plinian ash fall limits mainly andesitic hummocks on Sincholahua slopes RUMIÑAHUI VOLCANO San Agustin lava flows Cotopaxi II B andesitic cone Estimated limit of glaciers between 6 and 4 ka ago, based upon glacier-disturbed tephra stratigraphy approximate limits of debris flows Colorado Canyon Yanasacha Peñas Blancas Bull Volcanol top of Colorado Canyon Series meters 3 .1 paleosol: dated at 4170±110 ** and 3950±70 14C yr BP* rosy scoria bomb flow (4460±140 14C yr BP**); series of three scoria and lithic lap AF 3 ash flow 3: similar to ash flow 2 2 Chillos Valley Lahar: rosy-tan pumiceous ash-rich cohesive lahar; dated at 4500 14 C yr BP*** 3 50100 .1 < 25 1 1-2 < 20 .02 .02 >4 .4 ash flow 2: similar to lower ash flow, but with more obsidian and few andesite clasts sector-collapse breccia: hummock formation, being andesite clast-rich to northeast; rhyolite clast-rich to to north; overlain by <115 cm of lithic powder three thin sandy layers of aphyric rhyolite: blast-like deposits ash flow 1: rosy-tannish white pum ash flow with andesite, obsidian, and rhyolite clasts pum surge beds white pum lap plinian AF dome-collapse breccia of obsidian and rhyolite clasts in obsidian-rich sandy matrix; overlain by a thin co-ignimbritic ash white sand-size pum AF obsidian-rich sandy AF: phreatomagmatic explosion debris flow with black andesite clasts paleosol: dated 4670±70* and 4420±80 14C yr BP* top of F Rhyolite Series Fig. 12 Colorado Canyon composite stratigraphic column; abbreviations and sources of radiocarbon dates as in Figs. 5 and 7 due to chaotic or inverted stratigraphic relations, suggesting that many events are contemporaneous or closely related in time. This is true for the rhyolite breccia flow, the avalanche, the ash flows, and the debris flow. Phreatomagmatic eruption and the ensuing rhyolite breccia flow Overlying the thin soils that conclude the F series is a thin layer of obsidian-rich sand, followed by a white pumice fall unit. This 2-cm-thick bed of rosy beige-colored obsidian sand grains (<1 mm) is only observed in a few outcrops to the N and NNE of the volcano. The overlying pumice fall bed is notable for the small, uniform grain size (∼3 mm) of its pumice. The obsidian-sand unit and pumice fall bed are considered to be of phreatomagmatic origin, triggered by a short-lived leakage of the main rhyolitic magma. These directly underlie and probably immediately preceded the rhyolitic breccia. Shortly after this explosive onset a polylithic rhyolite breccia flow was emplaced. Its deposit is a light gray, poorly sorted, homogeneous unit, comprised of ∼30% angular lithic clasts up to 25 cm in size dispersed in a matrix (∼70%) of gray lithic-and-obsidian-rich sand of fineto-medium grain size with a notable lack of smaller fines. Black and gray obsidian, black perlite, red-and-gray-banded rhyolite (SiO2 =74%; K2O=2.8%) and light gray aphyric to biotite-phyric rhyolite comprise these clasts which appar- ently came from domes of the F series, given their similar chemical composition. No vesiculated juvenile material occurs in the deposit, nor andesitic or hydrothermally altered fragments. The outcrop distribution implies that the flow traveled northwards at least 8 km from the base of the cone (Fig. 11). This deposit is covered locally by a thin, periclinally deposited layer of gray silt-size ash with abundant biotite, presumably elutriated from the flow. The thickness of the breccia deposit is highly variable, but is generally 7–20 m thick along its axis. Its volume is about 46×106 m3. This unit is considered to be the result of a violent collapse of older domes, possibly triggered by the preceding phreatomagmatic explosion. Plinian airfall and ash-flow series 1 Following the breccia flow the eruption of the main plinian pumice lapilli fall left a 1 m-thick uniform deposit, composed of white, highly-vesicular, fibrous pumice containing plagioclase, quartz, 1% magnetite, and <4% biotite booklets, 2–3 mm in size. The pumice (SiO2 =75%; K2O= 4.3%) is higher in K2O and other incompatible elements with respect to F series pumices, but is similar to that of the Chalupas ash flow. In addition, the pumice carries <5% lithic fragments of light gray aphyric rhyolite and some obsidian. The well-sorted fall deposit is best exposed at the mouth of Colorado Canyon, where it is 2 m thick and overlies an andesitic lahar bed. Here the fall unit becomes finer-grained upwards, and accretionary lapilli are observed at the top. This unit is also seen to the W and NW of the volcano, especially at Pucahuaicu and Boliche. It has been traced as far as 25 km to the W, but is not seen to the E, S, or N of the cone; its bulk volume is estimated at 0.47 km3. Directly overlying the plinian fall deposit is the principal pyroclastic flow unit of this episode, here labeled ash flow 1 (Fig. 13). It begins with a series of pumiceous surge layers totaling about 1 m in thickness and grades upwards into the main ash-flow deposit that is up to 25 m thick. It is a rosy tan-colored, matrix-rich (∼70%) unit, containing clasts of white, well-vesiculated pumice (25%), and small grains (3–5%) of black and gray obsidian, gray aphyric rhyolites, and andesite. The pumice contains plagioclase, quartz, ∼3% biotite, magnetite, and a trace of hypersthene. One xenolith of altered gneiss was found in the basal part of the ash flow. The pumice (SiO2 =75%; K2O=4.4%) is chemically similar to that of the preceding plinian fall, as well as to that of the Chalupas ash flow. It is everywhere inversely graded with pumice clasts increasing upwards, suggesting that the flow was notably fluidized. This ash flow swept over the northern and northeastern flanks of the volcano (Fig. 11). Its deposits are found at the northern foot of the cone, on the sides of Ingaloma ridge, in the Mudadero area to the NE, northwards across the wide Bull Volcanol Fig. 13 In Colorado Canyon the plinian pumice lapilli-fall layer and the overlying ash-flow 1 unit are exposed. Two andesite lava flows of cycles J and JJ of the late Holocene andesite series were dammed by the eroded edge of the Colorado Canyon ash flow fan. A post-lahar scoria bomb flow of 1877 is seen in the foreground Rio Pita and Salto valleys, and finally down the Rio Pita canyon for 25 km. This unit has not been found in the Cutuchi drainage, implying that its source was on the NNE side of the edifice. This ash flow left a 10–20-m-thick ignimbritic mantle over the Rio Pita and Salto valleys, as shown by the distribution and heights of remnant hills, which are often mistaken for avalanche hummocks. Significantly this unit is not observed in the hummocky terrain left by the following sector collapse, clearly implying that this ash flow predates the collapse event. It covers about 194 km2 and has a volume of 1.9 km3. by subsequent lahar and fluvial activity, or covered by younger tephra units, yet the distribution and maximum limits of the avalanche are readily discernible (Smyth and Clapperton 1986). The present deposits cover an area of 138 km2, and their original volume is estimated at 2.1 km3. Distinct lithologic facies within the avalanche deposit are seen in different hummocks and areas. Close to the NNE foot of the cone, clast-supported andesite breccias and megablocks constitute the largest and tallest hummocks, some 170 m high and <500 m in diameter (Fig. 14). The dominant rock is a light gray, two-pyroxene andesite, similar to that generated at the end of the F series period; however, older andesites (some altered) are occasionally found, as well as gray rhyolites. Smaller hills of andesite blocks and fragments are found spread out in great abundance between 025° and 065°, the farthest being about 11 km to the NE across the Rio Pita valley and up onto the lower slopes of Sincholagua volcano to an elevation of about 4,100 m (Figs. 2 and 11). There, hummocks were left on the floor of glacial valleys and upon lateral moraines, assigned to the late Last Glaciation Maximum (18–14 ka; Clapperton 1993). A fine dust layer, up to 115 cm thick, locally overlies the deposit. Twenty kilometers down the Rio Salto valley, many small hummocks are found on the southern slopes of Pasochoa volcano. These hummocks are comprised mainly of unaltered, light gray aphyric rhyolitic clasts (but no obsidian) and relatively few andesitic fragments, all clearly belonging to a Cotopaxi source. Chemical analyses of many avalanche clasts clearly denote two compositional populations: (1) andesites similar to the late F series andesites, and (2) a rhyolitic grouping very Sector collapse avalanche Subsequently a sector collapse was generated on the NE side of Cotopaxi. Today, there is no obvious amphitheater on this side of the cone, possibly due to its infilling by younger eruption products and glaciers. However, a shallow elongate depression lies below the Yanasacha rock face near the volcano’s summit and may be the remnant scar of the slide. A recent radar survey across this glacier-filled depression found it to be 120 m deep (J. Ramirez unpublished data 2006), and thus a possible source area for the avalanche. At the NE foot of the volcano an extensive avalanche hummock field spreads out northeastwards from the cone in a fan that arcs from about 355° N to 065° NE, with its main axis lying at approximately 025° NE. Many hummocks have been eroded from the center of the valley Fig. 14 Two of the largest avalanche hummocks lie at the base of the northeast face of Cotopaxi. The inferred source area for the 4,500 years BP sector collapse lies below Yanasacha. The taller hummock is 170 m high. Cotopaxi’s summit is 10 km distant in this photo Bull Volcanol similar to the late F series rhyolites; both rock groups apparently co-existed high up on the cone. The maximum height of Cotopaxi’s cone at that time can be estimated by employing the energy-line concept for unfluidized gravity slides (Siebert 1984). As such, the andesitic portions of the debris avalanche that were directed to the NE might have come from an elevation of ∼4,900 m. Similarly, the rhyolitic portions that have longer run-outs to the N might have descended from elevations of 5.4–5.9 km, if the avalanche was not fluidized. Along the SE side of Ingaloma, the temporal sequence of events is best exposed. Overlying ash flow 1 but underlying the andesitic avalanche deposit, a thin powdery layer is found that is coarsest at the base and finergrained at the top. It consists of small (1–2 mm) angular particles of aphyric rhyolite, dispersed in a light gray powdery matrix of pulverized rock. This thin deposit may represent a blast event that immediately preceded the avalanche. The erosive ability of the avalanche flow during emplacement was variable. In places the inferred blast deposit was left intact, while in many other areas the flow was highly erosive and scraped away pre-existing materials, at times gouging deeply into the older Colorado Canyon units and the Chalupas ash-flow deposit. On the SE side of Ingaloma, the avalanche clearly plowed into pre-existing ash-flow and rhyolite-breccia deposits. Nearby, a veneer of andesitic avalanche material rests upon the scoured surface of ash-flow 1 unit and is covered in turn by the later Chillos valley lahar deposit (Fig. 15). Fig. 15 Partial sequence of the Colorado Canyon series exposed on the west side of Ingaloma. The deposits of ash flow 1 lie at the base with the overlying avalanche debris and the Chillos Valley cohesive debris flow above Ash-flow series 2 and 3 and the Chillos valley lahar Following the sector collapse, a second group of ash flows, the so-called ash-flow series 2, were erupted and their deposits are found at the E, NE, and N foot of the cone and down the Rio Salto valley. They also descended the upper Cutuchi drainage and almost reached Lasso, about 17 km away. They form a rosy tan-colored, matrix-rich (92%) deposit, several meters thick, that carries white microvesicular pumice clasts (8%), bearing plagioclase, 2% biotite and magnetite, ± quartz, as well as 1% aphyric rhyolite and obsidian clasts and few andesite fragments. The pumice composition (SiO2 =72%; K2O=2.5%) is most similar to that of the F series pumices and significantly different than that of the plinian lapilli-fall and ash-flow 1 units. Some deposits contain pods of andesitic avalanche debris and rhyolitic dome-collapse breccia. Its volume is roughly estimated at ∼1.5 km3. Synchronous with ash-flow series 2, as its lahar deposits both underlie and overlie these ash-flow units, is a debrisflow deposit of gigantic proportions. This is the Chillos valley lahar (CVL) (Mothes et al. 1998) which has a rosy tan pumiceous matrix (80–90%), made up of ash, pumice, and lithic grains. The remaining 10–20% are lithic clasts >1 cm in size, comprised of perlitic obsidian, black and gray obsidian, red-and-black-banded rhyolites, gray aphyric rhyolites, and black plagioclase-phyric andesites. This ashrich debris flow left a homogeneous, 1–2-m-thick deposit that mantles the extended floodplains of the Pita, San Pedro, and Guayllabamba river systems, from the volcano to the Pacific Ocean, 326 km distant. Furthermore, CVL deposits are found in the Tamboyacu drainage eastwards, as well as in the Cutuchi drainages to the SW. Its total volume is estimated at 3.8 km3. This debris flow was apparently generated by the transformation of hot ash flows 1 and 2 into a cohesive lahar by mixing with water derived from the rapid melting of Cotopaxi’s glacier cap. Two radiocarbon dates on logs caught up in the flow gave ages around 4,500 years BP (N. Banks personal communication 1988). Everywhere it is observed, ash flow 3 overlies both ash flow 2 and the CVL deposits. It is a yellowish tan-colored, matrix-rich deposit containing white pumice and 1% vitric grains, perlitic fragments, and red-and-gray-banded rhyolitic clasts. The pumice carries a trace of amphibole, in addition to plagioclase, 1% biotite, 3% hypersthene, and 2% magnetite. It is significantly smaller in volume and extent than the previous ash flows with a distribution restricted to the N and NE sides of the cone. Chemically, the pumice (SiO2 =75%; K2O=2.8%) is most similar to that of ash flow 2. It is overlain by a series of three scoria and lithic lapilli-fall deposits and a scoria pyroclastic flow dated at 4,460±140 14C years BP, which are overlain by a soil dated at 4,170±110 14C years BP (both dates from Barberi Bull Volcanol et al. 1995) and 3,950±70 14C years BP (Smyth 1991), providing closing dates for Cotopaxi’s last large rhyolitic event. this magma might have had a greater volatile content and thus greater mobility, which may have favored its escape from the Chalupas body. Discussion of the Colorado Canyon episode The Colorado Canyon rhyolite episode represents a continuation of the F series activity, presented here as a separate episode to emphasize its varied sequence. This episode began with a phreatomagmatic explosion through pre-existing domes or conduits probably belonging to the F series, given the abundant rhyolitic lava and obsidian fragments and the lack of obvious juvenile products in the resulting breccia flow. With the explosion the conduit became unplugged, leading to the probable decompression of the rhyolitic magma and the formation of a large plinian eruption that resulted in the ensuing pumice lapilli fall and ash flow 1. These eruptive events may have destabilized Cotopaxi’s NE flank, triggering its sector collapse. The main part of the debris avalanche, composed chiefly of andesitic components, traveled northeastwards toward Sincholahua volcano, whereas rhyolitic-rich portions traveled northwards down the Rio Salto valley to Pasochoa volcano. Smyth and Clapperton (1986), appreciating the apparently great mobility of the avalanche despite its small size, concluded that its mobility could be explained by (1) an explosive initiation, (2) the 2 km vertical drop from the cone, or (3) an increased fluidity due to the probable generation of considerable steam in the process. Apparently all three factors may have been important in producing the observed result. The passage of both the avalanche and the hot ash flows resulted in the rapid melting of the glaciers and the formation of the gigantic Chillos valley lahar, possibly the largest cohesive-type debris flow of ash-flow origin as yet recognized (Mothes et al. 1998). The total volume of juvenile rhyolitic material extruded during the Colorado Canyon episode is estimated at ∼4.0 km3. The early Colorado Canyon magma can not be the continuation of the rhyolitic magma stream belonging to the last erupted magma (F-5), which was rich in amphibole and poorer in silica, but must represent a new rhyolitic injection. The pumices of this early magma are strongly enriched in incompatible elements, very similar to those of the Chalupas ash flow, whereas the later pumices of ash flows 2 and 3 and associated air-fall deposits are more akin to those of the Barrancas and F series (ref. comparison with the Chalupas unit presented earlier). As such, Garrison et al. (2003) concluded that this evolved rhyolitic magma may have originated by the re-melting of a possible Chalupas pluton and its subsequent emission at Cotopaxi. Also, Colorado Canyon’s early pumices are more highly vesiculated and fibrous than previous pumices, suggesting that Cotopaxi II B Late Holocene to present andesite episode From the end of the Colorado Canyon episode 4,000 years ago until the present, Cotopaxi has experienced a continuous series of periodic eruptions, all of which have involved andesitic magma. The one exception corresponds to a thin rhyolitic ash estimated to be about 2,100 years BP which is chemically similar to ash flows 2 and 3 of the Colorado Canyon series. During this andesitic episode there have been at least 18 eruptive cycles, amounting to at least 32 eruptions of at least moderate size (VEI=3). The cycles, labeled H through P in the stratigraphic column (Fig. 16), are defined by repose intervals such as soil horizons or initial plinian airfall deposits. Each cycle is characterized by a similar eruptive pattern, involving plinian scoria or pumice tephra falls, scoria or pumice pyroclastic flows, blocky-lava flows, and widespread debris flows. All eruptive products of this episode are two pyroxene andesites with 57–62% SiO2, 1.2–1.7% K2O, and a phenocryst assemblage that includes plagioclase, hypersthene, augite, magnetite, and olivine. Generally the hypersthene is 2–3 times more abundant than augite. Olivine is occasionally present in trace amounts, but increases up to 2% in the youngest rocks. A detailed stratigraphic column of this andesitic episode is presented in Fig. 16 and the pertinent geologic maps in Figs. 17 and 18. This composite column is based upon several hundred stratigraphic sections measured and studied on every side of the cone, in the adjacent river valleys, and in the InterAndean Valley, downwind from the volcano, resulting in a much more detailed compilation of recent activity than that presented in previous studies (cf. Barberi et al. 1995). Their 14C dates, as well as those from other sources, have been used in our final column, where they mostly fall in a logical, sequential order. The chief characteristics of this andesitic episode are discussed below. Pyroclastic flows Almost every eruptive cycle of this episode has been accompanied by pyroclastic flows whose deposits are found on the cone or on the depositional fans that surround the cone. Most have runouts of 6–9 km from the crater and the farthest traveled 19 km. Their distribution implies that most originated from the summit area. Bull Volcanol Fig. 16 Late Holocene to Present composite stratigraphic column of Cotopaxi II B; abbreviations and sources of radiocarbon dates as in Figs. 5 and 7 meters .04 .03 .2 1.5 3 P 1.5 .05 .15 1 .10 .15 .10 .20 debris flow: Dec. 1742 AD tan pum lap AF w/ colonial ceramics at Callo .10 .10 MZ .15 Y .15 .20 .30 .15 .15 .15 .20 .10 2.5 X .10 .15 L2 1.5 .10 L1 1.0 .3 .25 paleosol: dated 1770±110 14C yr BP** hot debris flow lava flows and lava flow collapse PF: N flank scoria lap AF w/ altered lithics 2nd lava type A: at Colorado Canyon .3 debris flow w/ scoria bombs rosy grey pum lap AF ashy paleosol .2 J debris flow tan pum and lithic lap AF debris flow glacial clay and paleosol: 820 ±80 14C yr BP** ash cloud surge debris flow rosy-tan pum and bomb PF paleosol: dated 1180±80 14C yr BP** debris flow lava flow: at Refugio scoria bomb AF and PF several paleosol horizons w/ scoria AF layers (2050±80; 2170±100; 2310±90 14C yr BP)** 12 JJ gray pum lap AF w/ lithic band at top paleosol: dated 1210±80 14C yr BP** tan pum lapilli AF lava type B: at Tamboyacu, N flank .4 .1 1st lava type A: at Colorado Canyon yellow tan pum lap AF and PF co-ignim. ash: Ninahuilca-2269±16 14C yr BP**** lava flow collapse PF lava type A: at San Agustin .3 .2 .3 .1 .25 .4 scoria bomb PF tan pum lap AF paleosol two hot debris flows w/ scoria bombs lava type A: at Tamboyacu, NE flank tan pum lap AF w/ gray lithics co-ignimbritic ash: Cuicocha~2900 yBP -? two yellow tan pum lap AF buff white pum lap AF w/ grey lithics hot debris flows w/ scoria bombs .2 lava type A: E flank, overran hummocks paleosol: dated 4170±110** 3950±70 14 C yr BP* co-ignim. ash: Ninahuilca-4440±35 14C yr BP**** rosy scoria bomb PF: - 4460±140 14C yr BP** underlain by: Colorado Canyon Rhyolite Series lava type B: at Burrohuaicu, Limpiopungo KB1 2 1.5 KA1 JK I2 debris flow w/ colonial tiles: June 1742 AD paleosol: repose of 1532 to 1742 AD debris flow: 1534 AD scoria bomb PF and AF: 1534 AD lava flow: Yanasacha flow scoria lap and bomb AF: mixed magma clasts I1 debris flow: 1532 AD scoria lap AF and PF: 1532 AD paleosol w/ Inca artifacts: 1470-1532 AD Quilotoa AF: 840±50; 785±50; 900±150 14 C yr BP*** paleosol tan pum sandy AF H tan pum lap AF debris flow tan pum lap AF lithic and pum lap AF; glacial clay at base scoria bomb PF .2 .10 KB2 KA2 1.3 debris flow: 1768 AD tan-gray coarse sandy ash AF black sandy ash AF tan dense pum lap AF: 1768 AD .20 1 white pum lap AF: -PeÒas Blancas unit ash-rich debris flow w/ PeÒas Blancas pum PB tan pum lap AF:--1853 AD? debris flow w/ red oxidized clasts -1766 AD tan pum lap AF: 1766 AD debris flow: 1744 AD pum and scoria lap AF: lithics at base -1744 AD debris flow w/ colonial ceramics - 1743 AD black scoria lap AF: 1743 AD 1 .07 M present soil scoria and lithic lap AF: 1880 brown fine ash AF: post-1877 debris flow scoria and lithic lap AF: 1877 AD 2nd scoria bomb PF: 1877 AD debris flow: 1877 AD scoria bomb PF: 1877 AD black lithic sandy AF: 1854 AD? lava flow: W flank -1853 .2 .10 .6 8 scoria bomb and lapilli AF scoria bomb and lava collapse PF: N and W flanks debris flow paleosol: dated 1880±160 14C yr BP** tan co-ignimbritic ash AF debris flow: N,NE, E flanks tan pum lap AF paleosol tan pum lap AF w/ oxidized clasts rosy tan pum PF Three types of flows are recognized. The most common are scoria-bomb flows that descended the narrow canyons of the cone and extended out onto the alluvial fans as narrow, elongate flows having low levees. Their deposits consist mainly of vesicular, cauliflower-head-shaped clasts of reddish-black vuggy scoria, up to 1 m in diameter, that adorn the exterior of the flows (Figs. 13 and 19). The deposit’s interior consists of scoria and andesitic lithic clasts (∼40%) in a matrix (∼60%) of silt-, sand-, and gravelsized fragments of the same material. The composition of the scoria tends to be 57–58% SiO2 and 1.2–1.4% K2O. The longest run-outs of these flows are typically 6–12 km. 5 0 ra nta Cla Río Sa Fig. 17 Geologic map of the late Holocene andesite episode (<1,195 years BP) 10 km N Río Pita Bull Volcanol COTOPAXI II B Late Holocene Andesite Episode (< 1195 yr BP) Glaciers and moraines (approx. limits) Historic debris flows PASOCHOA VOLCANO C Scoria flows Pumice flows Andesitic lavas -younger flows -older flows Typical limits of a large andesitic ash fall deposit cm Río Pita >5 SINCHOLAHUA VOLCANO Rí oC utu ch i RUMI UM Ñ ÑAHUI UI VOLCANO o Rí an S Río Río zo ren Lo S oyac u bo la ima u aq Tamb Río Tam Río Burrohu aicu ncas arra Río B Given that the bombs have a vesiculated exterior, these flows apparently originated by gas-rich magma spilling out or by being thrown out of the crater or by the low-level collapse of the eruption column. Their long run-outs suggest that they were partially fluidized, since simple gravitational flows descending Cotopaxi’s slopes are calculated to reach only 4–5 km. In the eye-witnessed eruption of 1877, Wolf (1878) reported that ‘a dark foamlike cloud boiled over the rim of the crater and descended all sides of the cone, much like the boiling over of a pot of cooking rice’ in reference to the scoria-bomb pyroclastic flows whose deposits are still pristine today. Another type of flow, second in abundance, are the lavaand-scoria-clast flows. These have distributions similar to those of the scoria-bomb flows, but with somewhat shorter run-outs. Their dark deposits are comprised chiefly of angular andesitic lava clasts up to 10 cm in size and subordinate amounts of black scoria. Many andesite clasts are vesiculated on only one side, the remaining sides having glassy or microcrystalline textures, implying that they were derived from lava lakes or lava flow fronts. Scoria occurs as small bombs, but more often as fractured, vesiculated clasts. The matrix (∼50–60%) is comprised chiefly of sand- and gravel-size particles of dark andesite and scoria, the latter having a chemical composition similar to that of the scoria of the scoria-bomb flows. These flows likely owe their origin to (1) the collapse of lava flow fronts, or (2) explosions through lava lakes, domes, or conduit plugs of solidified magma. Bull Volcanol Pita 10 km Río 5 0 N Río Santa Clar a Fig. 18 Geologic map of the products of the 26 June 1877 eruption COTOPAXI II B Glaciers and moraines 26 June 1877 eruption Debris flows PASOCHOA O VOLCANO OLC Scoria flows: synchronous and post-debris flows > 10 cm isopach limit for 1877 scoria lapilli fall SINCHOLAHUA VOLCANO ch i RUMI M ÑAHUI Ñ VOLCANO O Rí o Cu tu Río o Rí Sa n r Lo en zo Rí o S u aq im al a R ío m Ta Tamb oyac u bo Río Bu rroh uaicu Río Barrancas A third type of pyroclastic flow, much less common, are pumice flows, whose deposits consist of khaki-colored, well-vesiculated pumice clasts with red vuggy interiors (up to 80%) and of small gray or black andesite fragments (5– 10%) in a rosy tan-colored, ash-rich matrix (20–80%). The pumice of these flows is more silicic (60–62% SiO2; 1.7% K2O). Like the other flows, these descended gullies and canyons until they reached the foot of the cone, where they crossed the alluvial fans, as narrow, elongate flows having subdued convex cross-sections. The longest flow is 19 km. The pumice clasts often form interflow segregations, suggesting separate pulses, or are concentrated at the top of the deposit, suggesting that the flows were somewhat fluidized. These flows likely originated by partial or full column collapse. Invariably they were associated with prominent plinian airfalls that often left a widespread, 1– 2 m-thick, relatively well-sorted pumice lapilli bed. Debris flows Debris flow deposits are found everywhere around the volcano, generally associated with pyroclastic flow deposits in almost every eruptive cycle. Large debris flow fans make up the northern, western, and eastern bases of the volcano and from there their floodplain deposits can be traced down river for many tens of kilometers. Near the volcano the Bull Volcanol textures of welded air-fall tuffs. These deposits are thoroughly cemented, due to the formation of iron oxides in the fine-grained matrix and on the surface of the clasts. Presumably these lahars were deposited in a relatively hot state, which facilitated their greater oxidation. At Cotopaxi their presence may be due to (1) shorter run-outs, implying less heat loss in transit, and (2) thicker accumulations, implying greater heat retention; both factors would lead to longer exposures to hot oxidizing conditions. Conceivably, these deposits are those of hot scoria-bomb pyroclastic flows, and not debris flows, that overran water-rich tephra. Lava flows Fig. 19 Scoria bomb pyroclastic flows with 2 m high levees immediately followed the devastating debris flows of the 26 June 1877 eruption seen here on the west side of Ingaloma. Distance between black points: ∼250 m deposits are dark gray, clast-supported, well-packed breccias, usually several meters thick, which may include blocks up to 8 m in size, although 2–20 cm-sized clasts predominate. Most clasts are gray to black andesitic lavas; few scoria fragments are observed, probably having been ground up during transport. The matrix (20–40%) contains silt to sand-size particles of the same rock types. At distances greater than 50–70 km from the volcano their deposits take on the textural character of hyper-concentrated stream flow deposits (Mothes et al. 2004). Descriptions of the 1877 eruption and the resulting debris flows in the Latacunga valley clearly indicate the power, velocity, and nature of these flows (Wolf 1878; Sodiro 1877). While not considered to have been a large flow as compared to previous historic lahars, its distribution and extent are nonetheless impressive, having inflicted widespread destruction in the Chillos and Latacunga valleys and along its 326 km-path to the sea (Fig. 18). Most Cotopaxi debris flows were probably generated in a similar fashion, as the result of instantaneous melting of the glaciers by scoria pyroclastic flows, as described by Wolf (1878). Jordan (1983) determined that the glacial cover in the 1970s was about 21 km2; today it is about 12 km2 (E. Cadier personal communication 2007). The mid-Holocene glacial cover was undoubtedly greater (Fig. 11). Another type of debris-flow deposit is often observed, also associated with scoria-bomb pyroclastic flows. These form vertical cliffs, 6–10 m high, that draw attention because of their brilliant reddish-color and crude vertical columnar jointing. Their lithology, texture, and poor sorting are similar to most debris flow deposits, although these are matrix-rich and include scoria bombs; they lack the molten Blocky lava flows have occurred in most eruptive cycles. They form narrow (<1 km wide), lengthy flows on the cone’s flanks that generally stop or spread out laterally upon reaching the alluvial fan at the base of the cone. Typically, the flows are 5–40 m high, 4–8 km in length, and covered with jumbled angular blocks of lava. Following the Colorado Canyon episode, a series of eight andesitic lavas flowed down the W, N, NE, E, and SE flanks of the volcano between 4,000 and 2,100 years BP. Large flows occurred on the NE and N flanks, where they overran the avalanche-hummock fields and flowed around both sides of Ingaloma ridge (Fig. 11). These flows have a combined area of 25 km2 and a volume of about 0.75 km3. Subsequently in the I-1 cycle, the Tamboyacu lava flow (volume=0.09 km3) descended the ESE side of the cone. The largest lava flow of the episode, the more mafic San Agustin lavas, traveled about 17 km and spread out over the cone’s lower western slopes during the I-2 cycle; it has an area of 42 km2 and a volume of 1.3 km3. During each of the subsequent J, JJ, and JK cycles, smaller flows occurred along the N foot of the cone. Petrographically the A-type lavas of the H to JK cycles are identical, being microporphyritic andesites (SiO2 =57–59%; K2O=1.2–1.5%) with a microcrystalline to somewhat vitreous groundmass and with a light to medium gray color with a rosy tone. Phenocrysts include plagioclase, hypersthene, augite, and iron oxides, often grouped together in small green and white clots; olivine is rarely present. The scoria pyroclastic flows of the H to JK cycles often contain numerous angular lava clasts suggesting that they might have originated from collapsing lava flow fronts. During the KB1 and KB2 cycles (1,880 to 1,195 years BP) emissions of the B-type lavas produced small isolated flows on both the W and E sides of the cone, as well as in the upper Burrohuaicu canyon. The larger flows descended the NW slopes and spilled out upon the W end of Limpiopungo plain and near Ingaloma; their total area and volume are estimated at 24 km2 and 0.87 km3. These are dark gray to black, porphyritic andesites (SiO2 =59–60%; Bull Volcanol K2O=1.4–1.5%) with an aphanitic to glassy groundmass and conspicuously large, square plagioclase phenocrysts with a dark core. They are similar to the older A-type lavas, although the latter have more mafic minerals and a more mafic composition. Belonging to the L, X, MZ, M, and P cycles is a series of similar but smaller lava flows, each only 3–4 km long, that are found on the lower NW, N, NE, SE, and SW flanks of Cotopaxi, many of which were mapped by Wolf (1878). The largest is the Yanasacha lava (0.05 km3), which descended the NNW flank for 5.5 km and overran the Limpiopungo KB flows during the MZ cycle (∼1532– 1534 A.D.). Stübel (in Wolf 1878) reported that the Manzana-huaicu and Pucahuaicu lava flows of the P cycle correspond to a flank eruption on Cotopaxi’s middle W side in 1853. Wolf implies that flows also descended the ESE side (Chiri-machay flow), the NE side (Diaz-chaiana flow), and the N side (Tauri-pamba flow), but we have found that these flows are all scoria-bomb pyroclastic flows and not lava flows. In general these lavas tend to be dark gray to black, microporphyritic andesites (SiO2 = 56–61%; K2O=1.3–1.4%) with a glassy matrix. Small plagioclase, hypersthene, augite, iron oxides, and ±olivine comprise the <10% microphenocryst content. In the MZ cycle olivine makes its first permanent appearance in Cotopaxi rocks; the crystals are few but often the largest of the phenocrysts. Milky white quartz xenocrysts up to several centimeters long often occur in these flows. In summary, the largest lava outpourings (∼2.1 km3) of this episode occurred between ∼4,000 and ∼2,100 years BP (cycles H-JK). Similar mineralogy and chemistry of these lavas imply that all were derived from the same magma injection, whose ascent may have triggered the Colorado Canyon rhyolitic outbreak. More silicic andesites then erupted around 1,880–1,770 years BP and continued until the MZ cycle (1532 A.D.). Finally, historic eruptions after 1532 A.D. tend to have more mafic andesites carrying plagioclase, olivine, hypersthene, augite, and iron oxides, indicating an injection of more basic magma. Tephra falls Isopach maps of many of the late Holocene tephra falls have been prepared which show good correlations with those of Barberi et al. (1995), especially for air-fall units J, KB, L, X, and M; the interested reader is referred to that publication to see these maps. All cycles were initiated or accompanied by coarse lapilli fall deposits, often 10–20 cm thick, that are comprised of either tannish-grey microvesicular pumice or brownish-black, coarse-vesicular scoria clasts. At times both types of clasts followed one another in quick succession (e.g. in the L and M cycles). Within individual cycles other air-fall layers often exist, but they tend to be finer-grained and thinner. Tan-colored pumice lapilli fall layers are more common in the early cycles (I through KA2), but beginning with the KB cycle both pumice and scoria fall units are found as associated, but discrete beds, and the pumice takes on a darker tan color. Following the M cycle, the lapilli air-fall units occasionally carry lapilli of both pumice (59.3% SiO2; 1.3% K2O) and scoria (56.9% SiO2; 1.2% K2O) in the same bed, suggestive of a mixed magma origin. Many of the plinian air-fall beds have recognizable characteristics that make them useful marker units (e.g. lithic types and contents, vertical grading, associated stratigraphy). In addition, dated ash-fall units from Quilotoa and Ninahuilca volcanoes aid in dating the sequence. Given the prevailing winds from the E and SE, tephra is mainly carried to the W, SW, and NW from the volcano, where the most complete sequences are found. On the S flank of Ruminahui volcano, underlying the KA unit, is found the Peñas Blancas airfall, a biotite-rich, white pumice lapilli-fall layer containing minor amounts of black lithic fragments (Fig. 16). The mineralogy and chemistry of its pumice (SiO2 =73%; K2O=2.8%) correlate closely with that of the pumice from the late Colorado Canyon ash flows, suggesting a genetic linkage. The presence of well-sorted, lapilli-size pumice clasts implies a nearby source. Downstream, a pumice- and ash-rich debris-flow deposit occurs at the same stratigraphic level and is apparently related to this rhyolitic event. In the Lasso area and at other localities around the cone, the Peñas Blancas event is represented by a fine white ash with biotite that overlies the thick soil layer of the JK cycle dated at about 2,100 years BP. This event apparently corresponds to a small leakage from Cotopaxi’s rhyolitic magma chamber. Discussion of the late Holocene andesite episode Each of the 18 eruptive cycles of the late Holocene eruptive activity was characterized by a repeated pattern of events, generally consisting of a plinian lapilli fall early in the sequence, followed by pyroclastic flows, and often one or more lava flows and associated lava-collapse flows. Debris flows occurred frequently in the eruptive sequence. In general there is a uniform distribution of flowage deposits around the cone, implying that most flowage events came from the summit crater or nearby. The uncalibrated 14C dates employed in Fig. 16 show good agreement among themselves as well as a good chronological fit to the column. The 810 years BP age for the Quilotoa ash fall is considered to be well established, Bull Volcanol Table 1 Character and number of late Holocene eruptive events Eruption cycles Totals P Date 1880 AD 1877 1853–54 M 1768 1766 1744 1743 1742 MZ 1532–34 AD Y ∼900 years BP X 1000 years BP L-2 1180 years BP L-1 1210 years BP KB-2 ∼1770 years BP KB-1 <1880 years BP KA-2 1880– 2200 BP KA-1 1880– 2200 years BP PENAS BLANCAS ∼2100 years BP JK 2200 years BP JJ J 2350 years BP I-3 I-2 I-1 H ∼4060 years BP No. eruption Plinian eruption Other airfalls Series of pyroclastic flows Lava collapse flows Series of debris flows Series of lava flows 43 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 3 2 4 32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 23 >18 4 >32 >10 1 1 5 ≥7 1 MANY MANY 2 series 1 2 series 2 1 ? 2 1? 1 1 1 >10 1 1 1 1 ? 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 Q4 1 1 1 1 3–4 1 1 1 2 1 4 1 1 ? 1 MANY 4 1 1 1 2 1 >4 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 ? 4 1 1 3? 1 2–3 1 3? 1 1 1 2–3 1 1 1 4? 3 1 1 1 3 1 ? 1 1 VEI 2–3 4 3–4 4 3 4 3–4 4 3–4 3–4 1 1 2–3 2 1 1 1 3 ? 4 1 1 1 4 4 1 3 2 MANY 1 4 4 4 4 Note that “series” of flows refers to a large number of flowage events that may have descended all sides of the volcano. VEI values are approximate. since it is based upon an AMS and three 14C dates on carbonized wood. The post-Quilotoa units are stratigraphically correlated to written historic records, where possible. From Fig. 16 one can calculate the frequency of eruptive cycles. The early cycles (I and J) roughly average 300 to 400 years/cycle, whereas the intermediate cycles (KA to Y) average 100–150 years/cycle. During historic times there have been significant periods of repose, such as that of 390 years between the Quilotoa ash (1140 A.D.) and the 1532 A.D. eruption, and that of 208 years between 1534 and 1742 A.D.. The onsets of the most recent eruptions have occurred at intervals of 24, 85, and 128 years. The character of past andesitic eruptions is shown in Table 1, a pattern of associated eruptive events which is likely to repeat itself in future eruptions; consequently, mitigation efforts should take this pattern into account in their planning and prevention activities. In Table 2 we estimate the total bulk volume of andesitic magma emission Bull Volcanol Table 2 Volume of magma erupted over time-cotopaxi volcano Unit-product Age (years BP) Area (km2) Bulk volume (km3) DRE volume (km3) SubTotal DRE volume (km3) Barrancas rhyolite series Ash flows Tephra falls ∼500,000 ∼500,000 300.0 550.0 19.000 13.200 5.70 3.96 9.66 Rio Pita andesite lavas ∼450,000 165.0 4.100 4.10 4.10 9,600 7,800 7,800 6,300 5,800 5,800 5,800 5,800 5,500 5,500 8.0 12100.0 140.0 3800.0 12000.0 280.0 16.0 3700.0 9.0 56.0 0.002 7.900 0.700 1.180 5.300 2.800 0.240 0.960 0.140 0.560 0.00 2.37 0.21 0.35 1.59 0.84 0.24 0.36 0.14 0.17 2.37 0.21 0.35 1.59 0.84 0.24 0.36 0.14 0.17 F rhyolite series F-1 Tephra falls F-2 Tephra fallsa Ash flows F-3 Tephra fallsa F-4 Tephra fallsa Ash flows Block-and-Ash flows F-5 GF Plinian fall (andesitic)a Andesitic lavas Ash flow (rhyolitic) Total DRE Volume of F Series=6.27 km3 Colorado Canyon rhyolite episode Rhyolitic breccia flow Plinian falla Ash flow 1 Sector collapse avalanche debris Ash flow 2 Chillos Valley lahar Ash flow 3 (too small to measure) 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 9.0 3360.0 194.0 138.0 150? 0.046 0.468 1.940 2.100 1.5? 3.800 N/D 0.05 0.14 0.58 2.10 0.45 0.00 0.00 4,200 4,000 4,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 2,350 2,350 2,200 2,200 2,000 2,000 1,900 1,900 1,800 1,770 1,770 1,770 25.0 3.0 1,450.0 42.0 23.0 2600.0 3.0 2,300.0 3.0 1,100.0 200.0 6.0 27.0 2,600.0 1,430.0 23.0 245.0 24.0 0.750 0.090 1.450 1.300 0.045 0.576 0.090 0.372 0.090 0.320 0.060 0.090 0.080 0.480 0.430 0.070 0.370 0.870 0.75 0.09 0.54 1.30 0.02 0.21 0.09 0.14 0.09 0.12 0.02 0.09 0.03 0.18 0.16 0.03 0.14 0.87 1,200 4.0 0.060 0.06 1,200 2,300.0 0.312 0.12 0.140 0.580 0.450 Total DRE Vol. juvenile Colorado Canyon S. = 1.17 km3 Late Holocene andesite episode H Lavas between hummocks I1 Tamboyacu lavas 2 Plinian falls I2 San Agustin lava 2 scoria pyroclastic flows Plinian falla J 1st lava Plinian falla JJ 2nd lava Plinian fall JK Plinian scoria fall Lava flow Ka1 Pumiceous ash flow Plinian falla Ka2 Plinian fall Kb1 Pyroclastic scoria flows Plinian scoria fall Lava B: Burrohuaicu and Limpiopungo Kb2 Lava B: Tamboyacu, N. flank Plinian falla 0.75 0.63 1.53 0.23 0.21 0.11 0.21 0.16 1.04 0.18 Bull Volcanol Table 2 (continued) Unit-product L1 Scoria fall and pyroclastic flow Lava flow at Refugio L2 Pyroclastic flow X Pre-climatic fall Main Plinian falla Pyroclastic flow Y 4 Pumiceous falls MZ 2 scoria tephra falls Yanasacha lava flow Scoria fall and pyroclastic flow M Pumice plinian falla Scoria plinian fall 3 pumice falls 2 sandy ash falls P Pumice tephra fall Lava-W flank Scoria pyroclastic flows -many 2 Scoria tephra falls Age (years BP) Area (km2) Bulk volume (km3) DRE volume (km3) 1,100 145.0 0.290 0.11 1,100 1,000 900 900 900 600 472 472 470 264 264 260 238 153 150 129 128 1.5 14.5 800.0 4,100.0 35.0 1,600.0 1,500.0 2.7 145.0 2,020.0 1,600.0 1,600.0 850.0 1,600.0 4.0 0.030 0.044 0.080 1.044 0.070 0.960 0.450 0.054 0.290 0.564 0.317 0.480 0.200 0.240 0.120 0.130 0.450 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.39 0.03 0.36 0.17 0.05 0.11 0.21 0.12 0.18 0.07 0.09 0.12 0.05 0.17 1,125.0 SubTotal DRE volume (km3) 0.14 0.02 0.44 0.36 0.33 0.58 0.43 DRE Volume of Andesite Episode = 7.34 km3 Total ERUPTED DRE Volume in last 0.5 Ma = 28.54 km3 Most bulk volumes were calculated by rounding-out the unit’s known area multiplied by its average thickness. DRE conversions were made using 0.90 g/cm3 for andesitic scoria and 0.73 g/cm3 for rhyolitic pumice. a Volumes of important tephra fall units were calculated using the methods of Fierstein and Nathenson 1992, extrapolated to 0 cm thickness. to be 14.82 km3 for the past 5800 years and present the rate of andesitic magmatism versus time in Fig. 20. Average andesitic emission rates were 1.65 km3 (DRE)/1000 years from 4,200 to 2,100 years BP and 1.85 km3 (DRE)/ 1,000 years for the past 2,100 years, showing an increase with time. At nearby Tungurahua volcano, its magma emission rate was estimated at 1.5 km3 per 1000 years (Hall et al. 1999). later by intermittent andesitic activity in the same SW quadrant of the edifice, and later still by major andesitic lava outpourings (∼4.1 km3) on the cone’s N and NW sides. 3. After a repose of ∼400 ka without silicic magmatism, during which the neighboring volcano, Chalupas, had a 100 km3 rhyolitic eruption at 211 ka, Cotopaxi became Conclusions Volume DRE in cubic kilometers 1. Cotopaxi’s Holocene activity offers a rare look at recent bimodal magmatism where rhyolitic and andesitic magmas erupt in quick succession, from the same conduit, displaying no or very limited intermingling. The latest bimodal eruption series occurred only 4,500 and 2,100 years ago, clearly indicating that this activity is on-going. 2. Early Cotopaxi history (∼420–560 ka) was characterized by rhyolitic eruptions comprised of dome emplacements and collapses, glassy dikes, small to moderate-sized rhyolitic ash flows and plinian tephra falls (DRE Vol. ∼9.7 km3). This was followed much rate of andesitic magmatism DRE volume vs. time 10 8 6 4 2 -7000 -6000 -5000 -4000 -3000 -2000 -1000 0 years before present Fig. 20 Cotopaxi’s accumulated rate of andesitic magmatism versus time. Curve corresponds to an average rate of about 1.7 km3 of andesitic magma per 1,000 years, which has increased during the past 500 years Bull Volcanol active and entertained eight rhyolitic outbursts (F series, Colorado Canyon series, and the Peñas Blanco tephra fall) between 13,200 and 2,100 years BP. The rhyolite emission rate for the F series and Canyon Colorado episodes totaled ∼6.9 km3 (DRE) over the 8700 year duration. Andesitic tephra falls accompanied most of the rhyolitic events, testifying to a simultaneous bimodal magmatism. During the course of the F rhyolitic emissions, the andesitic output slowly increased in volume, while the rhyolites became slightly less-silicic in composition. The lack of eruptive products with compositions intermediate between andesite and rhyolite and the rare examples of possible intermingled magmas suggest that over 11,000 years there was no contact between these two magma types or at best only a very limited intermingling. Periodic magma withdrawal from a compositionally zoned rhyolitic magma body may best explain this succession. 4. Initial rhyolites of the 4,500 years BP Colorado Canyon eruptive episode have a close chemical affinity to the 211 ka-Chalupas magma, while the subsequent rhyolites are similar to the less-evolved rhyolites of the older Barrancas—F series. The appearance of a Chalupas-like magma in the Colorado Canyon series might be explained by (1) an injection of a new rhyolitic magma, (2) limited re-melting of Barrancas rhyolites, (3) the escape of remnant Chalupas magmas, and (4) limited re-melting of a Chalupas pluton (Garrison et al. 2003). Chemical studies in progress should resolve the origin of the rhyolites. 5. The eruptive conduit of Cotopaxi’s magmatic activity has remained stationary during its known history. The ash flow distributions of both the Barrancas and early F series are radial to the central conduit under today’s crater, further confirmed by the centered apices of subsequent andesitic and rhyolitic events. The long run-outs of the F-4 dome collapse flow and the Colorado Canyon debris avalanche imply that both originated from a high volcanic edifice. The presence of both andesite and rhyolite clasts in the sector collapse avalanche debris indicates that both rock types co-existed high up on a presumed stratocone and that their magmas likely erupted from the same central conduit. 6. Following the Colorado Canyon events, major andesitic lava outpourings (Vol. ∼2.9 km3) began, initiating the present andesitic episode 4400 years ago, which has been characterized by VEI=3–4 events approximately every 100–150 years. The andesitic magma emission rate was ∼1.65 km3 (DRE)/1,000 years from 4,200 to 2,100 years BP and ∼1.85 km3 (DRE)/1,000 year from 2,100 years BP to the present, showing a significant increase in recent times. 7. Cotopaxi’s frequent activity, the high probability of generating large debris flows, and the growing population living within 40 km of the cone and along the major rivers that head on the volcano, are all factors that clearly emphasize the high hazard and risk status of future eruptions at this volcano and the need to utilize past eruptive behavior as a guide to properly prepare for future eruptions. Acknowledgments The authors kindly thank Silvana Hidalgo for helping to prepare the geologic maps, Joseph Cotten, the Institut de Recherche pour le Dévéloppement (IRD) of France, Dennis Geist, Robert Tilling, and the U.S. Geological Survey for chemical analyses of these rocks. We thank Judy Fierstein and J-C Thouret for their constructive reviews and many suggestions. 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