2014 annual report - Grow Food Northampton
2014 annual report - Grow Food Northampton
2014 ANNUAL REPORT A homegrown non-profit organization, Grow Food Northampton advances food security through sustainable community agriculture in the Northampton area. Owning and operating the largest community farm in Massachusetts, GFN hosts a vibrant community garden and four successful farm businesses that produce a wide variety of sustainably grown food. Our farmland feeds thousands of community members, engages youth in farm-based and food-based learning, makes land and food and education affordable to diverse populations, and donates thousands of pounds of food yearly toward local hunger relief. What’s Inside A Snapshot of 2013 3 Access to Food, Land, and Education 4 Youth Farm & Food Education5 Florence Organic Community Garden 6 Crimson & Clover Farm 7 Slow Tractor Farm 8 Sawmill Farm 9 Mockingbird Farm 10 Advocacy11 Volunteer Spotlight: Stephen Mollins 12 Volunteer Spotlight: Llama Maynard 13 Financial Report 14 Our Supporters 15–19 board Adele Franks, President Chris Bakker, Treasurer Susan Pincus, Clerk Joe Blotnick Cheri Cross Sue Crimmins Hope Guardenier Gaby Immerman Pandora Redwin Johanna Rosen staff Lilly Lombard, Executive Director Laura Hilberg, Program & Administrative Coordinator Pat James, Volunteer Coordinator Gina Gigante, Bookkeeper intern Digno Ortiz, Food Justice Intern many thanks to our outgoing 2013 board, staff & intern Board: Annie Sullivan-Chin, Tom Benjamin, Seth Gregory, Llama Maynard; Staff: Alana McGillis; and Interns: Laura Fisher, Grace Maliska Grow Food Northampton, Inc. 245 Main St, Suite 207, Northampton, MA 01060 | Office open Tuesdays, 10a–12p (413) 207-5899 | [email protected] | www.GrowFoodNorthampton.com 2 A Snapshot of 2013 2013 was a huge growth year for Grow Food Northampton! Every program expanded and strengthened. We doubled the number of garden plots available at our community garden (FOG) and completed the major infrastructure build-out of the Garden. We welcomed two new farm businesses onto our land–Sawmill Farm and Mockingbird Farm–expanding the products grown on the Farm to include livestock, specialty greens and medicinal herbs. Grow Food Northampton and our farmers strengthened local food security by: ‘11 ‘12 ‘13 ‘11 ‘12 ‘13 200 250 330 18 20 22 crimson & clover farmshares senior farmshares • Increasing our Food, Land and Education Access Programs • Enabling over 500 local children to experience the Farm through school field trips and weekly education programs 110 225 fog garden plots 13 22 double snap shares • Stretching the sale of our farmers’ products into new markets including local restaurants and winter farmers markets Financially, we ended another year stronger than the year before, allowing us to modestly increase staff hours and establish a rainy day fund. In all ways, and with thousands of volunteer hours, we forwarded our grassroots vision of a permanent, shared resource that fosters health, community and resilience. We have all of you to thank for our accomplishments and invite you to share our pride! Sincerely, Lilly Lombard, Executive Director 1 2 4 number of farm businesses 18 classroom field trips 30 45 subsidized garden plots 7,000 7,500 8,125 hunger relief donations (lbs) (return to menu 3 e Programraícd s a l o g A s a Cuot Disponibles JG as a ofrece cuot Este program scuento de de ecios agrícolas en pr ilias mayores y fam para personas as ot Disfruten de cu que califican. as ur frutas y verd abundantes de ja Crimson & an gr frescas de la mente ibles semanal Clover, dispon ltivo. cu de porada durante la tem la página rmación visite Para más info o thampton.com GrowFoodNor ora del ct ire (D rd ba m Llame a Lilly Lo 13)-207-5899 (4 : a) m ra og pr A ESTE PROGAM POR GrowFoodNorthampt ) 207-5899 Lilly Lombard (413 TAS PROGRAMA DE CUO IBLES PON AGRÍCOLAS DISon.co m GrowFoodNorthampt ) 207-5899 Lilly Lombard (413 TAS PROGRAMA DE CUO IBLES PON AGRÍCOLAS DISon.co m GrowFoodNorthampt ) 207-5899 Lilly Lombard (413 GrowFoodNorthampt ) 207-5899 Lilly Lombard (413 TAS PROGRAMA DE CUO IBLES PON AGRÍCOLAS DISon.co m GrowFoodNorthampt ) 207-5899 Lilly Lombard (413 TAS PROGRAMA DE CUO IBLES PON AGRÍCOLAS DISon.co m GrowFoodNorthampt ) 207-5899 Lilly Lombard (413 TAS PROGRAMA DE CUO IBLES PON AGRÍCOLAS DISon.co m GrowFoodNorthampt ) 207-5899 Lilly Lombard (413 TAS PROGRAMA DE CUO IBLES PON AGRÍCOLAS DISon.co m GrowFoodNorthampt ) 207-5899 Lilly Lombard (413 GrowFoodNorthampt ) 207-5899 Lilly Lombard (413 PTON TAS PROGRAMA DE CUO IBLES PON AGRÍCOLAS DISon.co m NORTHAM TAS PROGRAMA DE CUO IBLES PON AGRÍCOLAS DISon.co m GrowFood TAS PROGRAMA DE CUO IBLES PON AGRÍCOLAS DISon.co m Access to Food, Land and Education DO ES PATROCINA 8 C • Double SNAPshare We enabled households to double the value of their food stamps (SNAP) applied to a farm share at Crimson & Clover Farm. • Senior Farmshare We provided low-income seniors 10 weeks of produce at a 90% discount. • Weekly produce deliveries Our volunteers made weekly deliveries of donated and subsidized produce from Crimson & Clover, Sawmill Farm, and FOG to the Northampton Survival Center, Northampton Senior Center, and the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton soup kitchen. • Subsidies for education and garden plots We enabled low-income households to afford our youth farm education programs and community garden plots. • Spanish translation We translated into Spanish all major posters, weekly garden bulletins, and our garden registration packet. (return to menu 4 Youth Farm & Food Education • Weekly youth education In a collaboration with The Farm Education Collaborative, we continued to offer Fall & Spring weekly programs at Crimson & Clover (pre-school, homeschool, afterschool and parent-child). • School field trips 18 local public school classrooms visited Crimson & Clover to explore, meet Farmer Nate, and harvest root veggies. Children then brought veggies back to their classrooms for use in a snack time recipe. (return to menu 5 Florence Organic Community Garden (FOG) • Doubled! The available community garden plots. • Doubled! The number of gardeners trained in organic gardening. • Completed! Major infrastructure installation including internal roadways, composting outhouse and irrigation system. • Logged! Over 1500 volunteer hours that supported FOG’s development, programs and maintenance. (return to menu 6 Crimson & Clover Farm In 2013 • Crops Grew 15 acres of mixed vegetables & fruit • Infrastructure Installed large hoop house • Collaborations Slow Tractor Farm grew corn on Crimson & Clover’s Main Field as part of a healthy crop rotation • Markets Sold at Northampton’s Tuesday and Saturday farmers markets • Shares Sold 333 CSA farmshares • Education Continued to host youth farm education classes and field trips delivered by The Farm Education Collaborative (TFEC) • New farmers Nate & Jen, welcomed a budding farmer– their son, Noah–into the world! 2014 sneak preview • Infrastructure Farmers Jen and Nate purchased the Bean Family Farm house! • Markets Selling at Tuesday and Saturday Northampton farmers markets • Shares Offering 370 CSA farmshares of mixed vegetables & fruit on 17 acres • New collaborations Mockingbird Farm’s livestock is grazing at Crimson & Clover Farm as an exchange of pasture for soil enhancement (return to menu 7 Slow Tractor Farm In 2013 2014 sneak preview • Crops Grew 33 acres of corn, winter barley and winter wheat, followed by clover • Crops Growing 18 acres of spring wheat, black beans, soy beans, followed by clover cover crop • Collaborations Invited Mockingbird Farm cattle to graze on clover in the East Field • Markets Selling to Valley Malt, High Horse, Hosta Hill • Markets Sold to Mi Tierra Restaurant, Valley Malt, various local brewers, and the Amherst Winter Farmers Market • Field exchange Allowing certified organic farmer, Joe Czjakowski, to grow squash on the East Field while they cultivate grain on one of Czjakowski’s fields in Hadley as a way to rotate crops and manage pests (return to menu 8 Sawmill Farm In 2013 2014 sneak preview • Crops Grew 1.5 acres of vegetables, and culinary and medicinal herbs • Crops Growing 2.5 acres of vegetables, and culinary and medicinal herbs • Shares Provided 26 shares of herbs • Shares Offering 26 shares of herbs • Markets Sold at Florence Farmers Market, Cup & Top Cafe, Haymarket Cafe, Cafe Evolution • Markets Selling at Florence Farmers Market, Northampton Tuesday Market, Easthampton Market, Cup & Top Cafe, Cafe Evolution, All Things Local • Infrastructure Acquiring a dehydrator to begin drying herbs grown on farm (return to menu 9 Mockingbird Farm In 2013 2014 sneak preview • Livestock Grazed 20 head of cattle on 20 acres of East and South Fields • Livestock Grazing 12 head of cattle on 25 acres at Crimson & Clover and on the South Field • Markets Sold at Northampton’s Tuesday, Saturday and Winter Farmers Markets • Markets Selling at Northampton’s Tuesday, Saturday and Winter Farmers Markets (return to menu 10 Advocacy • Local • State • Federal Florence Fields We successfully led the charge to transition the City of Northampton towards organic turf management of the Florence Fields Recreational Area (adjacent to our farm and gardens). GMO Labeling We presented before the State House an argument for mandatory GMO labeling in Massachusetts. Food Safety & Modernization Act Our constituents wrote dozens of letters expressing concern over the impact of the FSMA on small, organic farmers. (return to menu 11 Volunteer Spotlight For this Annual Report we are profiling two Grow Food Northampton volunteers who have a critical role in helping us meet our goal to increase the supply and accessibility of space for food growing and of locally grown food. Stephen Mollins plays a leading role in planting and tending the Hunger Relief Plot (HRP), and guiding and supporting other volunteers who help out. Llama Maynard manages the all-volunteer crews who deliver fresh organic produce to the Northampton Survival Center, the Northampton Senior Center, and the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Soup Kitchen, each week during the growing season. Stephen Mollins In 2011 Stephen Mollins was a recent transplant to the Pioneer Valley who describes the energy here as “palpable as the sunshine and rain that help the garden flourish.” A retired software developer, he was a gardener without a garden who avidly followed the story of the Bean and Allard farm purchase by GFN. The following spring he had a plot in the newly created Florence Organic Community Garden. “Then in April of 2012, Lilly asked me to consider joining the Steering Committee. The mission and actions of GFN were directly in line with things I cared deeply about: organic food production, food security and local access to healthy food for all.” Known as the “Mayor of the FOG” by fellow gardeners, Stephen is a regular presence in the garden, caring for his own plot, dispensing garden wisdom, and taking the lead on planting and tending the Hunger Relief Plot. “While my work with the steering committee has been rewarding, it’s my work with hunger relief that has been the most satisfying. The opportunity to work with the interns, gardeners and other volunteers has been an honor and a privilege. Working with a 5th grade class on a recent field trip was the fulfillment of a goal I’ve had since I began: sharing the experience with children. It was so much fun giving them direction and standing back to watch them work. Receiving the thank you notes from the class was the icing on the cake.” (return to menu 12 Volunteer Spotlight Llama Maynard Grow Food Northampton volunteers know Llama Maynard by her clear, detailed, gratitudefilled instructions to those who deliver fresh, organic produce to the Survival Center, the Northampton Senior Center and the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Soup Kitchen each week during the growing season. Llama got involved in GFN when one of her middle school science students developed an interest in food justice. A GFN intern visited her classroom in 2011 to talk about the organization’s vision for the area, and she was hooked. “I like being able to contribute a small part to an incredibly significant and large collective effort. The many accomplishments of GFN are astounding to me, and I’m glad to chip in as best I can,” Llama says. Now Director of Academic Programs at PVPA (Pioneer Valley Performing Arts Charter Public School), Llama lives in downtown Northampton with partner, stepson, baby, and the best cat ever. She loves the great restaurants in our area, family vacations to Quebec, camping, the local food Coop, Bikram yoga, being a novice gardener. An avid cyclist, Llama can regularly be seen biking to the Crimson and Clover Farm with her family on the bike path from her home into Florence, baby in trailer, passing by the busy and ever-developing Florence Organic Community Garden. Visiting with C&C farmers and fellow CSA members, taking a walk at C&C to visit the animals and collect from pick-your-own crops, and “taking as much kale as we can eat in a week (a lot of kale!)” deepens her sense of place. GFN is grateful for the critical role Llama plays in ensuring that fresh organic produce goes to organizations and individuals dealing with hunger relief. (return to menu 13 2013 Financial Report income Donations expenses $71,399 Admin$27,607 Grants$44,994* Fundraising Land Fees Programs $59,008** $17,999 $9,574 Other$349 Total$134,741 Total$96,188 total assets 2012 2013 Difference Savings $87,649 $129,733 $42,085 Liquid Assets Land & Fixed Assets $18,435 $12,581 -$5,854 $611,383 $645,596 $34,213** * Includes Community Preservation Act grant ** Expenses related to Community Preservation Grant paid for land improvements and must be accounted for with an increase in fixed assets over 2012 (from $611,383), rather than an outgoing expense for GFN (return to menu 14 Our Supporters businesses & organizations Amandla Community Chorus Benoona Fund of RSF Social Finance Broadside Bookshop C & S Wholesale Grocers Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts Corliss Law Cozy Home Performance EcoRealty Florence Savings Bank Green Thumb For Hire Greenfield Savings Bank Homegrown Microfarms Mockingbird Farm New England Grassroots Environment Fund Patchwork Farm Retreat Pedal People Cooperative River Valley Market Sawmill Farm Collective Snow’s Nice Cream/Bart’s Homemade Stan-the-Fixit-Man Strong & Healthy Smiles The Farm Education Collaborative The Murphys Realtors in-kind contributions Valley Malt WEBS, America’s Yarn Store Whalen Insurance Agency Whole Foods Market Wohl Family Dentistry Wright Builders, Inc. YourCause, LLC Trustee for National Instruments Adele Franks & Steve Jones Alison Sinkler Amanda Barnhart & Sue Murphy Arise Farm to Table Pub & Pizzeria Beets & Barley Ben and Bill’s Chocolate Emporium Ben Goldberg Bistro Les Gras Bracket Labs Bread Euphoria Bruce Brooks Bueno y Sano Chanterelle to go Chez Albert Chris P’Simer & Clare Cooper Community Action Youth Program Crimson & Clover Cup and Top Gaby Immerman Goshen Stone Hadley Garden Center Haymarket Hope and Olive James Jaron and Angela Greco Julie Rosenschein Kyra Anderson Lilly & John Lombard Local Burger Maple Valley Ice Cream Mountain Alliance Northampton Brewery Northampton Coffee Nourse Farms Paradise Copies Pat James Paul & Elizabeth’s Real Pickles River Valley Market rkMiles Sabine Merz Seth Gregory Design Smith College Solar Store of Greenfield Sylvester’s Tart Baking Co. Teapot Restaurant The Flexible Farmer Viva Fresh Pasta Company Wade Clement Wagner Wood Woodstar Cafe (return to menu 15 Our Supporters individuals Janet Aalfs and Janis Totty Hala Abdul-Rasool and Carl Knerr Heather Abel and Adam Zucker Richard and Judith Abuza Cleo Gorman and Ron Ackerman Rachel Aierstuck and Michael Clifford Jane Allen and Dan Levy Kay Althoff Sandy Alton Shakira Alvarez-Ferrer and Timothy Armstrong Nate Anable Kyra Anderson and David Milgrim Jeff and Jean Anliker Margaret Arraj Matt Atwood and Jackie Stein Jane Aulisio Karen Axelrod and Robert Adams Marsha and Geb Bailey Cindy Coughlin and Rick Bailey Mina Baisch Katharine Baker and Peter Titelman Chris Bakker Jackie Ballance Lundy Bancroft David Banno Jeffrey Barden George and Ruth Barham Lisa Baskin Claire Bateman Vicki Baum-Hommes and Chuck Hommes Lisa and Jonathan Bayuk Harry Becker and Jan Tesini Elizabeth Bedell Beth and Larry Beede Annaliese Beery and David Soergel Allen Belkin and Mary Jean O’Reilly Andrew Bellak Tom Benjamin and Mimi Kaplan Krista Benoit and Julianne Roberts Lisa Berger Fred Fanning and Elaine Bergeron Justine and Harry Bertram Peter Bishop and Cat Chapin-Bishop Bob and Janet Bissell Virginia Blair Gwen Blodgett Joe Blotnick and Jill Higgins Kathy Bonnet Paul Borneo Caryn Brause Paige Bridgens Sarah Briggs Claire Broome Elizabeth Brosius Debin Bruce and Cheri Cross Margaret Bullitt-Jonas and Robert Jonas Ann and Robert Burger Sarah Buttenwieser and Hosea Baskin Erin Buzuvis Julia Cafritz Elizabeth and Thomas Caine Gaea and Joanna Campe Boriana and Henry Canby Jeffrey Canter Jamie Caplan and Jennifer DiGrazia Maura Carbery Meg Carlan and Jovan James Krista Carothers Kathleen Casey Robert Catlin Charlotte Causton Hilary Caws-Elwitt Lorraine Cetto Michelle Chaikin Rachel Chandler-Worth Deborah Charren and Timothy Diehl Elijah Chastek Julia Chevan and Patricia Jung Ann and Lea Chiara Nancy Childs and Paul Lischetti Deborah and Peter Christakos Mary Kenley Clark Tina Clarke Mary Ann and Dan Clawson Wade Clement Hannah Clemente and Roshanna Price Elizabeth Coates and Bruce Finke Michael Cohen and Chia Collins Emily Cohen Adam Cohen and Jendi Reiter Joseph Cohen Janet Cohn Jo Comerford and Ann Hennessey Susan Conger John and Marianna Connolly Sally Alice Conway Susan Cook and Jeff Staikoff Gineen Cooper Anneke Corbett Sarah Creighton and Phil Lawrence Ramon Crespo, Maria Rentas and Jose Colon Sue Crimmins Christy Crutchfield Jim Cummings Colleen Currie Marcia Curtis Carrie Cuthbert and Scott Laidlaw Bill Cutler and Lee MacKinnon (return to menu 16 Our Supporters Lisa D’Errico Debra Dalton Joel Dansky and Nancy Felton Marian and Joey DeAngelo Al, Jack and Janet Decker Sheila Delson and Beth Caurant Peter Derose and Florence DeRose John and Elizabeth Detmold Maria Dewees Sherryla Diola and Mike Hagans Lori Divine-Hudson Tonya Dixon Tom and Cindy Dourmashkin Lois Dubin and Ben Braude Wraye Dugundji Anna Duprey Jane and Tom Dyer Vahram Elagoz Denise Elliott Will Erdt Ruth Ever and Kevin Hale Marci Yoss and Barry Feingold Jerry and Julie Feinland Betsy Ferber and Karen Carter Bernard Fine and Diane Hubbard Gary Schaefer and Barbara Fingold Mark Fischer Nancy Flam and Neil Kudler Maureen Flannery Rebecca Fletcher and Greg Nichols Susan and Emory Ford DeLaine Hudson and Bruce Frankel Adele Franks and Steve Jones Yvonne Freccero Sarah and Will Freedberg Tilli Friedrich Sarah Fuller Irven and Brenda Gammon David Gengler Julie Gerstman Alex Ghiselin and Diane Welter Elizabeth Gillespie and Carla Cooke In honor of Gaby Immerman Johnathan Ginzberg Missie Godwin Joanne Gold and Jodie Shapiro Jette and Michael Goldman Nancy and Bruce Goldstein Pedro Gomes and Dave Candler Karen Goodwin Kathy Goos and Barry Werth In honor of Jim Mueller Mari Gottdiener and Joel Russell Bart Gottesdiener Scott and Carol Gregory Seth and Angie Gregory Al and Sally Griggs Hope Guardenier Susan and Andrew Guswa Hannah Gyovai and Alexander Papouchis Ruth Haas Andrea Hairston James Corsa and Molly Hale Cathi Hanauer and Daniel Jones Beth Ellis and Jeff Harness Ellen Harrington and Katy Butler Jennifer and Tom Hartley Maria Hass and Chris Caouette Wil Hastings Bob and Beth Grams Haxby Robbie and Kurt Heidinger Mike Heitke-Felbeck David Herships Michael Southerland and Debra Hertz Marjorie Hess and Rudolph Talaber Betsy Higgins and David King Laura Hilberg and Sophia Zucker Edward Hogan and Candice Reffe Sandra Hoover Jack Hornor and Ron Skinn Lauren Howe Margaret Humbert-Droz James Humphreys Benson Hyde Gaby Immerman Minna and Bob Immerman Pat James Constance and Michael Janik Jeannine and Joseph Jeffs Kira and Joe Jewett Martha Johnson Patricia Judice Carmen and David Junno Maria Kaefer Kathleen Kelleher Elizabeth Kemp Suzanne Strauss and Scott Kennedy Kristin Kirk Alisa Klein and Amy Stamm Randi Klein Greg Kline and Robin Levine Deborah Koch and Charlie Dydek George Kohout and Debra Orgera Linda and Silas Kopf Rae Korengold and David Rosenmiller Philip Korman and Nora Israeloff Jessie Kramer George Kriebel Richard and Georgiann Kristek Andy Kuether Anne Kusiak Jennifer Ladd Sheryl Lafontaine and Joe Gianisso (return to menu 17 Our Supporters Susan Lantz Art Larson Jim Laurila and Lin Lee Andrew Lawrence Brian and Yary Leas Suzanne Kamala Lee Monica Jakuc and Robert Leverett Jonathan Levin Eliot Levine and Madge Evers John and Sandy Lind Peter Lindenauer and Dorothea Von Goeler Milton Hanzel and Emma Linderman Anne Lombard Lilly and John Lombard In honor of Ellie Roberts Laura Lombard Alyssa Lovell and Alison Perlo James Lowenthal and Mary Beth Brooker Felix Lufkin Patricia Lee Lewis and Don Lukasch Noele Sandoz and Henry Lyman Eveline MacDougall Robin MacEwan and Fritha Pengelly Laura MacKay Peggy MacLeod Rachel Maddow and Susan Mikula Maria Maldonado and Marcos Hernandez Celina Marchand Kelly Marciano Jennifer Mark Ann Markes and Matthew Kane Marilyn Marks Michele and Mike Marotta Frank and Jenny Martinez Nocito Amy Martyn and Amy Waldman Suzanne, Bill and William Massy Llama and Adin Maynard Abraham McClurg Tom McCoy Kristen McCue Pat McDonagh Cathleen McGaffigan Alana McGillis Rosemary McNaughton and Gary Felder Dale Melcher and Bill Newman Josephine Merck Wendy Messerli and Evan Goodchild Sarah Metcalf Emily Mew Loraine Millman Jim Montgomery and Linda Butler Ben Moravitz Anne Morehouse and Mary Hurlburt Al and Mary Morris Ellen Morrison Amy Morse and Lily Kane Janet and Richard Moulding Sharon Moulton Jonathan Dembling, Dalia Dembling and Kerstin Mueller Dembling Karin Muller Patricia Musante, Claire Carbonella and August Carbonella In honor of David B. Musante Jeannette Muzima and Frances Blasque Merry Nasser Rebecca Neimark and Lee Spector Kristi Nelson In honor of Lilly Lombard Karyn Nelson and Kirk Sanger Dorothy Nemetz and John Todd Diane and Jane Nevinsmith Wendy and David Newton Brittany Nickerson Zeke Russell and Lisa Nicotera Sonny Nordmarken Josh Roth and Beth Notar Belinda Marshall and Ruthie Oland Katie Olmstead Sam Ostroff Alexandra Ottaway and Harry Nault Martha and Lou Pacilio Nathanael Fortune and Joyce Palmer-Fortune Eva Parker Connie Parks George Peppard and Carolyn Gray Judith and Ronald Perera Matthew Perlman Beth Perrotta Janet Pesaturo Steve Pfarrer and Joyce Tousey Judy and Orville Pierson Michael Posner and Carol Owen Stella Rabinowitz Laura Radwell Jan Rainier Judee Rainville and Chris Milne Benjamin Ransford Pandora and Melissa Redwin Jeanne Reed Lola Reid Barbara Reilly Nola Reinhardt Marisol Molina and Juan Rentas Tucker and Lin Respess Amy and Erik Rhodes Hannah Richards Diana Riddle Mandy Gerry and Graham Ridley (return to menu 18 Our Supporters Dorothy Riehm and David Entin Julia Riseman and Nick Horton Alex Risley-Schroeder and John Risley Lisa and Daniel Ritchie James , Molly and Elena Ritter Joan Robb-Fradkin and David Fradkin Eleanor Roberts In honor of Lilly Lombard Heidi and Stephen Robinson Mary Lou Robinson Hedwig Rose Jeff Rosen and Pam Torre Johanna Rosen Mark and Etta Rosen Sarah and Tom Rossmassler Bryant Rother and Suellen WalshRother Eleanor Rothman Marta Rudolph Margery Heyl and Paul Rushmer Margaret Russell Bill Samaha and Madeline Fisher Louise Sanchez James Sanchez Lise and Eric Sanders Lydia Sarro and Joseph Bartolomeo Pamela Schwartz and Joel Feldman Sarah Schwartz Sax and Meg Coward Jacqueline Scott and Ricardo Metz Sheena See and Roy Faudree Kathy Service Ed, Ann and Ann Shanahan Julie and Harvey Silberstein Robin Silva Scott and Marie Silver Risa Silverman and Ryan Hellwig Steven Silverman and Susan McNamara John and Wendy Sinton Suzanne Smith and Chris Parrish Lewis Fullen Smith and Priscilla Skillman Nancy Stark Smith Keri Smith and Jefferson Pitcher Elizabeth Solomon Ellen and Ira Sorkin Roger Sorkin and Eva CamachoSanchez Heidi Sousse Regine Spector Elizabeth Spellman Claudia Sperry Christopher Spicer Robert Steinberg Shelley Steuer and Jeffrey Korff Ed Stockman Annie Sullivan-Chin Liz Suozzo and Chris Gole Nate and Paula Sustick Kathryn Sweyer William Szal Meg Taylor and Andrew Gould Jane Tenenbaum Linda Batchelor and Paul Thaler Barbara Thompson and Allan Baustin Kevin Tracy Jason Trotta Linda Tumbarello and Ron Freshley Suna Turgay and Ben Wood Abby and Robert Tuttle Rashad Uqdah Martin Urbel and Amy Leos-Urbel Laura Vachula Deborah Villamia Fran Volkmann and Joan Cenedella Ruth Von Goeler and Kelly Slough Susan and Paul Voss Joshua Vrysen Catherine Wanat Marvin Ward Frazer Ward and Alexandra Keller Nicholas Warren Joseph and Sara Watters Eric Weber Janet Weber Jim and Torie Weed Lauren and Steven Weinsier Sally Weiss Ben Westbrock Jenna Wikler Brian Wilby Lynne Wilkie Kim Williams Eleanor Winston and Victoria Pearson Mary Witt Joan Wofford Marcia Wolff Carol Wolfgram Betsey Wolfson Betty , Steve and Dana Wolfson K. Wolfsong Lilith Wolinsky Thomas Wolslegel Jonathan and Meg Wright Patricia Wright Theresa Yarrows Anne Yukie Watanabe Marya Zilberberg Andrea and Rob Zucker Anonymous (return to menu 19 GrowFoodNorthampton.com