Gaillardia - Perennial Farm
Gaillardia - Perennial Farm
36 The Perennial Farm is “The Delivery Specialist” with deliveries to most locations 2-3 times per week Fragaria Filipendula Fragaria x ‘Lipstick’ Flowering Strawberry Deep pink 1" flowers cover the handsome, deep green foliage of ‘Lipstick’ from May into October. They are sensational in hanging baskets, window boxes, or as edging for a walk or border. Runners produce a graceful, trailing effect on the 6" plant which is easy to grow, vigorous, hardy, semi-evergreen, and has edible though bland-flavored berries. Plant 24" apart. Perennials Filipendula rubra Queen of the Prairie A native perennial that forms large clumps of deeply divided foliage grows 3-7’. In the summer, tall stems of pale pink astilbe-like flowers rise above the bright green leaves. It prefers moist soil. Is great for naturalized areas, wet meadows or moist areas along streams or ponds. Plant 24" apart. Zones 5 - 7 F Zones 3 - 9 Gaillardia Gaillardia x grandiflora ‘Arizona Apricot’ Blanket Flower Warm hues dominate this alternative to the traditional red and yellow blanket flower. Layered apricot petals are yellow-tipped and surround a dark orange center. The compact 12" plants are covered with 3" blooms from early summer into fall and will be most visible at the front edge of the border. Pinch back spent blooms to keep Zones 5 - 9 plants tidy and promote flowering. Plant 15" apart. Zones 3 - 8 Cultivar Gaillardia aristata ‘Arizona Sun’ Blanket Flower Arizona Sun is an outstanding new variety, which will produce a profusion of large fiery red and yellow flowers June through August. Its compact mounding habit makes it a wonderful choice for a sunny border planting, growing to 12". Attracts butterflies. Plant 15" apart. Zones 3 - 8 Cultivar Gaillardia x grandiflora ‘Burgundy Picotee’ Blanket Flower This gaillardia is part of the Sunburst TM Series, which has been bred to be the ideal semi-compact, uniform and great blooming blanket flower. It has solid burgundy-red petals surrounding a darker eye and is a long summer blooming perennial. Removing faded flowers will extend the bloom time. Grows 14-20" in height and is well suited to hot sunny sites. Plant 16" apart Zones 3 - 9 Gaillardia x grandiflora Mesa™ ‘Bright Bicolor’ Blanket Flower Early flowering, a well-branched non-floppy growth habit and extreme drought tolerance make the Mesa™ series a great choice for the full sun perennial border or container. Bright yellow non-fading flowers have a coppery-red center and begin their show on 16-18" tall foliage in early summer and continuing until frost. Plant 18" apart. Zones 4 - 8 Fragaria x ‘Pink Panda’ Flowering Strawberry Dark glossy green leaves are accented by attractive bright pink flowers in May and again in the cooler temperatures of fall. Flowering is improved with more sun and ordinary, well-drained soil. Runners fall from hanging baskets or spread quickly when used as a low, 5" tall, groundcover. Plant 24" apart. Cultivar Cultivar Gaillardia x grandiflora Mesa™ ‘Yellow’ Blanket Flower Warm, sunny summer days and blanket flower go together, especially with this bright yellow flowering cultivar. 1618" tall foliage is compact and nonfloppy with early flowering and long lasting, non-fading blooms. Whether in the cut flower garden or border, expect lots of color all season. Plant 18" apart. Zones 4 - 8 The Perennial Farm • Tel: 410-592-6106 • Fax 410-592-8338 • 1-800-567-9913 • 37 Gallium F Perennials Perennials Zones 3 - 9 Ordering Galium odoratum Sweet Woodruff Galium is an herb-like ground cover with whorled shiny-green leaves that hug the ground at about 6". It prospers in the shady, moist, well-drained, slightly acidic soil site it loves best. Fragrant tiny white flowers are a bonus in May and June. The foliage is fragrant when dried. Galium works well under shrubs or in a naturalized area. Plant 18" apart. Gaura Gaura lindheimeri ‘So White’ White Gaura Bright white flowers appear in wand-like panicles above the green foliage through the summer. Among the most prolific and longest flowering perennials, it will tolerate heat and humidity. Good drainage is essential. Grows 12–18" tall. Plant 18" apart. Zones 5 - 9 Zones 5 - 9 Cultivar Gaura lindheimeri ‘Siskiyou Pink’ Pink Gaura The clusters of nodding small flowers are pink with white tints here and there on arching stems above solid green foliage. Suitable to hot summers as ‘Whirling Butterflies’, this native Pink Gaura is gorgeous in the border all summer in a natural, informal sort of way. Figure its height at about 30". Try Gaura with lowmounding perennials like the Verbenas, Geraniums, or Sedums. They are also beautiful in late summer with ornamental grasses. Plant 18" apart. Cultivar Geranium Perennial Geraniums are just one of the members of the family Geraniaceae. Well-drained soil is beneficial to most varieties. Pinch rather heavily after flowering to encourage blooming throughout the summer. Geranium perennials can be a very useful weed smothering, tight-nit groundcover. It is at home in almost any soil as along as its well drained. It needs to be planted in an area of cool sun to partial shade. Geranium perennials require minimal care once well established and are free from most pests and diseases. Geranium cantabrigiense ‘Biokovo’ Cranes Bill We couldn’t resist adding this lovely white-flowering Geranium with its bit of pink border, to our selection. A valuable ground cover at 12", the shiny leaves turn fiery red in the fall and are somewhat evergreen. Expect the flowers in June and July. An added bonus is the spicy fragrance of the foliage throughout the season. Plant 18" apart. Zones 4 - 8 Shade F Part Shade/Sun Geranium cantabrigiense ‘Karmina’ Cambridge Geranium In late spring this cousin of ‘Biokovo’ hosts lovely rose-purple flowers above fragrant green foliage. An outstanding ground cover, the foliage spreads quickly and uniformly and shows off a beautiful reddish-orange color in fall. ‘Karmina’ reaches 10-12" in height and prefers average to moist well-drained soil. Plant 18" apart. Zones 5 - 8 Sun Native Attracts Butterflies/Hummingbirds F Deer Resistant Cut Flower 38 The Perennial Farm is “The Delivery Specialist” with deliveries to most locations 2-3 times per week Geranium (continued) Geranium lancastriense Cranes Bill Creeping and carpet-like at 6", lancastriense blooms most heavily in June and July, but its little salmonpink flowers with a crimson vein will appear into late summer. Plant 18" apart. Perennials Geranium endressii ‘Wargrave Pink’ Cranes Bill This vigorous hardy Geranium with its pink flowers grows well in open woodlands or in roomy mixed borders where it can weave and climb among other plants. Through June and July it will delight you as it hangs over walls, looks great in containers, or covers spent bulb foliage at a height of 12–15". Try it with Artemisia or the variegated foliage Phalaris for a bright look. Plant 18" apart. Zones 5 - 8 Zones 5 - 8 Geranium macrorrhizum Bigroot Geranium Since the 16th century, this long-cultivated species has proven itself tough and dependable, performing well as a ground cover as it spreads by rhizomes and out-competes weeds. The 1518" tall plants bear purplish-magenta flowers that are held above the large 6-8" wide leaves. Plant 18" apart. Zones 3 - 8 Zones 3 - 8 F F Geranium macrorrhizum ‘Bevan’s Variety’ Cranes Bill A clump-forming perennial which spreads by rhizomes to form a dense ground cover that chokes out most weeds, growing 8-12". It blooms magenta mid to late spring and can be cut back hard after the first main bloom, or at any time, and it will soon leaf out and even bloom again. Leaves are fragrant and turn an attractive red/ bronze hue in the fall, giving it three seasons of interest. It tolerates heat and humid better than most other geranium species. Plant 18" apart Geranium macrorrhizum ‘Ingwersen’s Variety’ Cranes Bill Small rosy-pink flowers appear in clusters above the aromatic semievergreen leaves from the end of May through June on this weed-smothering ground cover. We like the bright bronze and scarlet of the leaves in fall and the compact carpeting effect at 12" in height. Plant 18" apart. Zones 5 - 8 Geranium sanguineum Bloody Cranes Bill Glowing flowers of reddish-purple from June into August will take your breath away. Then in the fall, the dark green leaves which look like asterisks, turn a bright red—thus the nickname Bloody Cranes Bill. At about 6" in height, it will benefit from a bit of shade in the hottest months of our Maryland summer. Plant 18"apart. Zones 5 - 8 F F Geranium sanguineum ‘Album’ Bloody Cranes Bill ‘Album’ has clear white flowers at 10-18". Notoriously tolerant of heat and cold, the sanguineums will flower well if provided partial sun (or even full sun if irrigation is possible during droughty summer times), but good drainage is essential. Blooming for 6-8 weeks, ‘Album’ will combine with many other perennials and brighten garden designs from June through July. Plant 18" apart. Zones 5 - 8 F The Perennial Farm • Tel: 410-592-6106 • Fax 410-592-8338 • 1-800-567-9913 • 39 Geranium (continued) Geranium sanguineum ‘Max Frei’ Cranes Bill We see increased demand for ‘Max Frei’ as more folks discover its compact, fast-growing, attractive foliage and profusion of dependable deep magenta flowers from June into August. What a hardy groundcover at 6-10". Plant 18" apart. Zones 4 - 7 Geum Ordering Perennials Perennials Zones 3 - 9 Geranium ‘Brookside’ Cranes Bill An irresistible true blue Geranium with a pale center touted for its longer bloom time than ‘Johnson’s Blue’, ‘Brookside’ will flower from May well into July, then start again when things cool down in September until frost. Its compact, but vigorous growth habit will endear this Marylander to all lovers of hardy Geraniums. Plan on 18-22" of height. Let us know what you think of this beauty. Plant 18" apart. F Zones 4 - 8 Geranium cantabrigiense ‘Dilys’ Cranes Bill Dark-violet pink flowers with nearly black centers cover this Geranium from June well into summer over medium green foliage at 12". Weaving among the stems of large open plants in beds and borders, or draping over walls, ‘Dilys’ is absolutely charming. This hybrid prefers well-drained soil in full sun, but tolerates some shade, not untypical of most Geraniums. It’s has a long bloom time and sprawling habit. Plant 18" apart. Geranium x ‘Rozanne’ Cranes Bill Now considered one of the longestblooming Geraniums introduced, expect large 2" violet-blue flowers with a tiny white center from June to frost. It grows about 20" tall and 24" wide. If Geraniums are your passion the heat tolerance of ‘Rozanne’ makes her irresistible. Perennial Plant ot The Year for 2008. Expect a red fall foliage display after a summer of deep green slightly marbled leaf color. Blooms of Bresingham PP12175. Plant 24" apart Zones 5 - 8 Geum coccineum ‘Cooky’ Avens Finding a low growing orange blooming perennial that will tolerate some afternoon shade can make you a little crazy or, say, cooky. Compact medium green tufted foliage is fuzzy to the touch. Bright orange flowers from late spring into summer appear on 12" upright stems. Use in the front of the border, rock garden, or container. Plant 12" apart. Zones 4 - 7 Gypsophila Gypsophila repens ‘Alba’ Creeping Baby’s Breath Adorable petite white flowers bloom in profusion covering the grey-green foliage from early to mid-summer. Trimming back immediately after the first flowering will encourage re-blooming. At 4-6" tall, the creeping foliage will drape over rock walls or spill out of containers, and fill in as an edging along pathways. Well drained light soil is essential for winter survival and plant is drought tolerant once established. Plant 12" apart. Zones 5 -9 Shade Part Shade/Sun Sun Native Attracts Butterflies/Hummingbirds Deer Resistant Cut Flower 40 The Perennial Farm is “The Delivery Specialist” with deliveries to most locations 2-3 times per week Hedera Helix - Ivy Perennials Hedera helix ‘Mint Kolibri’ English Ivy Mint Kolibri Variegated ivy that an artist would love, the small 3 to 5 lobed creamy white leaves are attractively painted with varying shades of green. Plants will grow to 4-6" as a ground cover or climb a wall or trellis to 20’. An excellent choice for Ivy topiaries or container plantings. Prefers loamy soil and average moisture. Provide partial shade and protection from winter damaging wind. Plant 10" apart. Zones 6 - 10 Hedera helix ‘Anne Marie’ White Variegated Ivy 1.5"-21/2" leaves with green and white variegation. Tolerates drought, heat and humidity. Moderate to rapid growth rate. Moderate to rapid growth rate. Height: 12" Hedera helix English Ivy English Ivy does best in the sun, but covers nicely in shaded areas. Plant 6" apart. Zones 4 - 9 Zones 5 - 10 Hedera helix ‘Baltica’ Baltic Ivy Dark green leaves with white veins, slightly smaller than English Ivy. Rapid growth rate. Height: 8-12" Zones 5 - 10 Hedera helix ‘Needlepoint’ Needlepoint Ivy Small (1.5"-2") delicate leaves with sharply pointed lobes and an elongated central lobe.Moderate growth rate. Height: 6-12" Hedera helix ‘Gold Child’ Variegated Ivy Hedera helix ‘Glacier’ Variegated Ivy Grey-green leaves have silver-gray and cream margins with 3-5 lobes. Slow growth rate. Best used cascading over walls or flower pots. Trailer that looks great on wall and in pots. 2"-3" green leaves with gold margins. Leaves will darken in full shade. Moderate growth rate. Height: 12" Zones 6 - 10 Zones 5 - 11 Helianthus Zones 5 - 9 Helianthus salicifolius ‘First Light’ Willow Leaf Sunflower Blooms golden yellow with dark brown eyes in mid fall. It is a selfsupporting plant with narrow elongated foliage growing about 4’ tall, which makes it great for back of the bed planting. Try leaving the stalks and seed heads up in the winter for interest and the birds. Plant 24" apart. Zones 4 - 9 Zones 6 - 10 Helianthus ‘Lemon Queen’ This tall and stately perennial sunflower will reach 5-8' high and flowers July-Sept. Single 2” layered lemon yellow flowers, offering masses of simple daisies. drought tolerant, low maintenance for naturalistic gardens. Plant 24" apart. Heliopsis Heliopsis helianthoides ‘Summer Sun’ rugged, vigorous and shorter than Heliopsis ‘Prairie Sunset’ at 3-4'. This native provides a never-ending goldenyellow semi-double longstemmed daisies, resemblING small sunflowers. Plant 18" apart. Zones 5 - 9 Cultivar Helleborus Zones 4 - 8 Helleborus niger ‘HGC Jacob’ Helleborus Gold Collection® Christmas Rose Years of trials have proven this early bloomer a success. As many as fifteen creamy white flowers are visible at one time from midNovember through January. Blooms age to light green in warm temperatures and pink in cooler temperatures. The 6-8" tall dense and compact foliage has thick leathery dark green leaves. PP#17799. Plant 12" apart. Zones 4 - 9 Helleborus x ‘HGC Cinnamon Snow’ Helleborus Gold Collection® Lenten Rose From December to February, soft pink buds open to creamy white flowers and age to cinnamon (pink). Outward facing blooms appear on dark red stems just above the compact foliage. Use in decorative pots indoors or place along a well-traveled path to enjoy its beauty. In summer, the dark green foliage provides attractive filler in the shade garden. Height: 15-18". PPAF Plant 18" apart Zones 5 - 9 Helleborus niger ‘HGC Josef Lemper’ Christmas Rose A member of the Helleborus Gold Collection, angelic pure white multitudes of blooms appear on upright stems of 15-18" from Dec. through Feb. The dark green evergreen foliage performs best with good drainage, shelter from winter winds, and part to full shade in summer. PP15615. Plant 18" apart. Helleborus x ‘Penny’s Pink®’ Lenten Rose Penny blooms a delightful mauve pink from late winter to mid-spring, but that’s not all! The spring foliage starts out bronze-green with deep pink veins and purple stems and looks especially nice against the early purple flower buds. As the season progresses the veins become bright green, again complimenting the long-lasting pink flowers that age to deep pink and green. 18-24" tall. PPAF Plant 24" apart. Zones 4 - 9 Helleborus orientalis ‘Blue Lady’ Helleborus orientalis ‘Red Lady’ Zones 4 - 8 Helleborus orientalis ‘Yellow Lady’ Helleborus orientalis ‘Pink Lady’ Zones 4 - 8 Helleborus ‘Ivory Prince’ This hybrid has attractive blue green, evergreen foliage. 12-18" in height. Blooms late winter to early spring with pink flushed buds that open up to ivory blooms streaked with rose and chartreuse. PP#16199. Plant 18" apart. Helleborus x ballardiae ‘HGC Pink Frost’ Lenten Rose Welcome in February after a long cold winter are burgundy buds and dusty pink/whitish blooms that mature to a rosy red and continue to bloom into April. Imagine deep green silvery brushed foliage and burgundy stems 12-15" Plant 18" apart. Zones 5 - 9 Shade Perennials Perennials Helleborus orientalis ‘Brandywine’ Lenten Rose This is a wonderful introduction from long time hellebore breeder, David Culp. The flower colors will vary from white, yellow, pink, burgundy and purple to nearly black on single, semi-double and double blooms. It blooms in early spring with nice evergreen foliage and grows to 18" in height. Plant 18" apart. 41 Ordering The Perennial Farm • Tel: 410-592-6106 • Fax 410-592-8338 • 1-800-567-9913 • Zones 5 - 9 Part Shade/Sun Sun Native Helleborus orientalis ‘ Lady Series’ Helleborus success with the Lady Series and selected rich colors with round and mostly upright flowers on tidy plants. Perfect for naturalizing in moist, woodland areas. Lustrous dark green foliage growing 14-18" tall. Flowering in late winter early spring. Plant 18" apart. Zones 4 - 8 Helleborus ‘Royal Heritage’ TM This hybrid blooms 6 weeks starting in winter.Saucer shaped flowers of reds to maroons, yellows and pale greens often lightly mottled with maroon. The evergreen foliage has a leathery texture. 18-24". Plant 15" apart. Zones 5 - 9 Attracts Butterflies/Hummingbirds Deer Resistant Cut Flower 42 The Perennial Farm is “The Delivery Specialist” with deliveries to most locations 2-3 times per week Hemerocallis Perennials Hemerocallis - daylilies are easy to grow, colorful, extremely accommodating and will perform under almost all conditions. The daylily can be characterized as a clump-forming, herbaceous perennial with fibrous or somewhat tuberous roots. Preferring well drained, well mulched and sunny positions, it will tolerate extreme damp to very dry sandy soil. Flowers will be more prolific in better soil and in full sun. In heavy shade, foliage may be more abundant with few flowers. Daylilies prefer at least six hours a day for the paler shades, less for the darker reds and purples. If flowers fade, wilt or burn in direct sun, move them to filtered shade Hemerocallis ‘Black-Eyed Stella’ Daylily Marvelous golden yellow reblooming qualities. Has a maroon throat and perhaps just a tad more heat tolerance. At 15" this stellar performer and vigorous grower is a must for those addicted to Daylilies. Expect this AllAmerica Daylily prizewinner to feed your addiction in June-July, and then again when things cool off in early fall. PP#7909. Plant 18" apart. Hemerocallis ‘Autumn Red’ Daylily A lovely red at about 30", this Daylily blooms in July and August. Daylilies are so named for their blooms that last only a day, but with so many buds on each stem, they provide a long season of bloom. Combine it with Rudbeckia ‘Goldsturm’ and our little Gaillardia ‘Goblin’ for lots of hot color. Plant 18" apart Zones 3 - 9 Zones 3 - 9 Hemerocallis ‘Bonanza’ Daylily A soft orange-yellow with a reddish-brown center, ‘Bonanza’ reaches 24", blooming in July and August. All our Daylily varieties are easy to grow, withstand neglect, are adaptable to different types of soil, and are wonderfully heat and drought tolerant. Plant 18" apart. Zones 4 - 9 Hemerocallis ‘Catherine Woodbury’ Daylily Delicately pale pink and cream with a throat of glowing chartreuse, ‘Catherine Woodbury’ works well with other pastel shades, grows to 30", blooming in June and July. Plant 18" apart. Zones 4 - 9 Hemerocallis ‘Cherry Cheeks’ Daylily Rose pink with a yellow-green throat, this pretty Daylily grows to about 33", blooming in July and August. Daylilies require at least 6 hours of sun a day for best performance, but can handle part shade. Plant 18" apart. Zones 4 - 9 Rebloomer Hemerocallis ‘Chicago Apache’ Daylily A hardy, vigorous grower, this rich scarlet red Daylily shows up well in the landscape when it blooms in June and July at a height of 27". Plant 18" apart. Zones 4 - 9 The Perennial Farm • Tel: 410-592-6106 • Fax 410-592-8338 • 1-800-567-9913 • 43 Zones 4 - 9 Naturalized F Zones 4 - 9 Hemerocallis ‘Little Business’ Daylily Rose red with an almost bluish cast, this rebloomer has 3" flowers at a height of 15". Prize-winning ‘Little Business’ has been around for 30 years, and is known for its extended blooms that start in May and June and reappear intermittently throughout the season. Plant 18" apart. Hemerocallis ‘Joan Senior’ Daylily Considered one of the best, if not THE best, near-white Daylily, ‘Joan Senior’ is a multiple award winner. It has 6" lightly ruffled flowers in June and July at 25" and it is considered a rebloomer. Plant 18" apart Zones 4 - 9 Rebloomer Hemerocallis ‘Lullaby Baby’ Daylily Palest pink blooms in June and July at about 20" are delightful on this AllAmerica Daylily selection. The delicate fragrance is an added bonus. Great gift for that new mother you know. Plant 18" apart. Zones 3 - 9 Shade Part Shade/Sun Rebloomer Hemerocallis ‘Mary Todd’ Daylily An award winning all-time favorite, with bright yellow 6" bloom. Each 22" plant will provide a huge splash of color in your garden during June and July. Plant 18" apart. Zones 4 - 9 F Sun F Zones 4 - 9 Rebloomer Zones 4 - 9 F Rebloomer Hemerocallis ‘Hyperion’ Daylily Another old-fashioned favorite, ‘Hyperion’ has very large, canary yellow flowers that reach 40" or so in July and August. Graceful and charming, its lovely fragrance is a delightful bonus. Known as a great cut flower. Plant 18" apart. Hemerocallis ‘Happy Returns’ Daylily An unusual soft, lemony-yellow Daylily on 18" stems, this is a repeat bloomer starting in June and producing its small, ruffled flowers off and on until October. It combines well with any other color shade, looks fantastic in mass plantings, and will please you when you see its habit of opening in the evening. Plant 18" apart. Zones 4 - 9 Perennials Perennials Hemerocallis ‘Gail’s Fragrant Treasure’ Rick Watson is proud to introduce this beautiful new cultivar. Named after his wife Gail, this fragrant daylily has large light yellow flowers with curved ruffled edges. Flowers are fade resistant with a very long blooming season from June until October. Height 22", Bloom Size 4.5". Flowers open from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. in summer. A heavenly fragrant daylily, it is delicate but sturdy and a long lasting continuous rebloomer. One of the longest blooming daylilies with a heavenly fragrance. Hemerocallis fulva Daylily The fulva or Native Orange is the native Daylily we most often see at woodland’s edge or along the side of the road. Its clear orange flowers appear on 3–4' stems in July and it thrives in sun or semi-shade. Plant 18" apart. Ordering Hemerocallis Native Attracts Butterflies/Hummingbirds Deer Resistant Cut Flower 44 The Perennial Farm is “The Delivery Specialist” with deliveries to most locations 2-3 times per week Hemerocallis Hemerocallis ‘Pardon Me’ Daylily A deep, burgundy-red rebloomer with a chartreuse throat, this multiple prizewinner starts blooming in June and continues off and on into the fall. Considered a miniature due to its small bloom size (2 3/4"), it reaches a height of 18". Plant 18" apart. Perennials Hemerocallis ‘Pandora’s Box’ Daylily Vigorous, fragrant, creamy white flowers are 4" in diameter with a large cranberry-purple eye. It blooms in early to midsummer and is a repeat bloomer. Widely adaptable to various growing conditions, it will grow 20-24" tall. Plant 18" apart. Zones 3 - 9 F Rebloomer Zones 4 - 9 Hemerocallis ‘Rosy Returns’ Daylily Another Reblooming daylily to add to your collection. A wonderful rose-pink flower with darker rose-purple eyezone and vibrant yellow throat. Grows 14-16" tall and is a repeat bloomer June to frost. PP#9779. Plant 18" apart. Hemerocallis ‘Purple de Oro’ Daylily AKA ‘Razzmatazz’, which says it all! Starting in June, the 2.5" purple-rose flowers with ruffled petals, yellow throats and dark purple veins, jazz up the garden. Reblooming occurs off and on atop 16" stalks until late summer. Plant 18" apart. Zones 4 - 9 Rebloomer Zones 4 - 9 Hemerocallis ‘Stella de Oro’ Daylily This multiple award winner is perhaps the most popular Daylily of all time, Bright golden yellow flowers begin in June and keep it up until late summer on 12" stems. Use it in borders, on a bank, in containers on a patio or deck. Try it with Salvia ‘Blue Hill’ for a stunning color combination. Plant 18" apart. Zones 4 - 9 Rebloomer Rebloomer Hemerocallis ‘Strawberry Candy’ Daylily Pink blooms have a deep rose red eye zone and clean deep green foliage. A beautiful pink rebloomer, this multiple prizewinner is 26" tall, with 4" blooms, starts flowering in June and July, and does so off and on well into fall. Plant 18" apart. Zones 4 - 9 Rebloomer Hemerocallis ‘Suzie Wong’ Daylily Another winner of numerous garden awards, ‘Suzie Wong’s’ light yellow blooms are one of the earliest Daylilies each season in our area. Flowers appear in June and July on 24" stems. Plant 18" apart. Hemerocallis ‘Summer Wine’ Daylily The dusky rose-pink flower has a chartreuse throat with sturdy stems, along with vigorous foliage, which is wider than that on many Daylilies. It blooms mid-season in June–July reaching about 24". Plant 18" apart. Zones 3 - 9 Rebloomer Zones 4 - 9 The Perennial Farm • Tel: 410-592-6106 • Fax 410-592-8338 • 1-800-567-9913 • 45 Heuchera Herniaria Heuchera americana ‘Dale’s Strain’ Coral Bells Has unique silvery blue mottled over green leaves with darker purple veining growing 15-18" tall. You really need to buy it for its foliage, but it does bloom in the spring with white flowers. It is a seed propagated strain selected by Dale Hendricks, thus the name Dale’s Strain. Plant 14" apart. Zones 4 - 7 Zones 5 - 9 Heuchera americana ‘Green Spice’ Coral Bells This will spice up your garden with foliage of green, a silvery overlay, darker green edges and burgundy veins. Blooms of creamy white in late spring to early summer stand above the 8-10" mound. In the fall, ‘Green Spice’ has an added bonus the leaves turn pumpkin orange. Plant 15" apart. Zones 3 - 8 Zones 4 - 9 Heuchera micrantha ‘Palace Purple’ Coral Bells The 1991 Perennial Plant of the Year, ‘Palace Purple’ has it all— beautiful showy white flowers on wiry purple stems at 18–24", and purple-bronze broad leaves with a pink underside. Complementary perennial combinations are the silvery blue leaves of Hosta ‘Halcyon’, and Siberian Iris for the cooling semi-shady garden. Plant 18"apart. Heuchera sanguinea Bressingham Hybrids Coral Bells Reddish-pink, bell-shaped flowers appear in May and June on strong stems about 18" above the attractive foliage. Keeping spent flowers removed will prolong bloom time. Coral Bells prefer rich, well-drained soil. Plant 18" apart. Zones 3 - 8 Heuchera villosa ‘Autumn Bride’ Coral Bells A fall-blooming Heuchera that has large, velvety, light green leaves that are semi-evergreen. The wands of white flower clusters are thick in Sept–Oct at 24". Add this lateflowering native for fall color to a semi-shady garden setting. Try with a mass of pink Begonia grandis and the deep blue hooded spikes of Aconitum. Plant 18" apart. Heuchera sanguinea ‘Snow Angel’ Coral Bells Throughout the doughty summer our trial crops of ‘Snow Angel’ looked fat and happy. The bright variegated light green and cream mottled leaves are smallish, making tidy clumps at 12" in the part-shade garden. Pink blooms in June above the arresting foliage are an added bonus. Plant 18" apart. Zones 4 - 9 Cultivar Sun Cultivar Zones 4 - 9 Cultivar Heuchera micrantha ‘Pewter Moon’ Coral Bells You’d never guess we like the Heuchera! In the past our crops of ‘Pewter Moon’ disappeared as fast as they were ready. The silver-gray leaves are marbled with pewter gray veins and are deep maroon on the underside. Icy pink flower bells appear in June–July on sturdy maroon stems at 15". Plant 18" apart. Zones 3 - 8 Shade Part Shade/Sun Native Perennials Perennials Herniaria glabra Rupturewort / Green Carpet This 3" tall bright green carpet stands up to high traffic and can be used as a lawn substitute or around flagstones, spreading up to 2' in one season. Similar in appearance to creeping thyme, the evergreen foliage becomes bronze in winter. Tiny lime-green to white flowers in summer are rarely observed. Plant 10 – 12" apart. Ordering Heuchera - Alum Root are mainly natives of North America. They typically grow from 12 to 18 inches high and known for their beautiful foliage. In the summer, tiny, bellshaped, flowers form graceful spikes on long, thin, hairy stems. Heuchera have become almost as plentiful as Hosta and offer a nice alternative for shade gardening where you may want to introduce different colored foliage. Attracts Butterflies/Hummingbirds Cultivar Deer Resistant Cut Flower