Annual Report 2009 - Hospice of North Central Ohio
Annual Report 2009 - Hospice of North Central Ohio
Your Community Hospice 2009 Annual Report No flower can lift spirits quite like sunflowers can. Bright and cheery, bold yet comfortable, the sunflower is a warm and caring gift. Dave Wurster and Damon Meyer presented us with this unbelievable gift in the summer of 2009. Letter from Board President, Alinde Moore & President-Elect, Ellen Hughes Dear Hospice Friends, Alinde Moore President Ellen Schlingman Hughes President-Elect Hospice of North Central Ohio strives to help patients and their families live each day as they travel a very difficult journey. Although challenging times require challenging adjustments, Hospice of North Central Ohio remains committed to excellent care of patients and families. That care is offered by our amazing staff, enthusiastic volunteers and dedicated medical directors. We are forever grateful to ‘you,’ our community, for your continued support. Because of you, we can continue caring for those in need of end-of-life care for many more years to come. Medical Directors Hospice of North Central Ohio Board of Directors & Officers Anne Shelley (CEO) Alinde Moore (President) Ellen Hughes (President-Elect) Lisa Guliano (Secretary) Keith Boales (Treasurer) John Brandon Pat Capen Dave Leedy Ed Duffey Matt Miller Steve Glasgo Mary Neff Mike Hauen- Annette Shaw stein Bill Stepp Joyce Hunt Amy Vincent Saundra Irving Dr. Katherine Hess Dr. Christopher Boyd Hospice Staff Becky Allen • Dawn Armstrong • Teresa Babcock • Kathleen Baldner • Alicia Bartsch • Valerie Bishop • Laura Blessing • Beth Brindley • Denise Brown • Mary Burk • Susanne Claflin • Jennifer Clark • Nancy Cline • Kathryn Conner • Beverly Coyle • Heidi Cross • Katrina Crossmon • Sandy Denslow • Kaye Diener • Donald Earlenbaugh • Sarah Eder • Joann Foreman • Christine Galuzny • Judith Grundy • Sharon Gunter • Lisa Haberbusch • Tanya Haines • Kim Halblaub • Tina Hamilton • Debra Harris • Johnny Heckard • Betty Hennessey • Linda Hickey • Deborah Hicks • Rick Howe • Martha Jorden • Angela Kehl • Cathleen Klier • Mary Ann Konstam • Betty Kreiling • Colleen Long • Cynthia McConnell • Timothy McMillen • LaToya Milnor • Amber Novosielski • Jason Ormond • Deborah Owens • Diane Park • Barbara Pena • Denice Pinkley • Sharon Probst • Ruth Rafeld • Sharon Rebmann • Janice Reed • Catherine Rhodes • Judy Rice • Kelly Rickett • Ashlee Rogers • Deborah Rogers • Julie Sattler • Brenda Schnittke • Linda Schuster • Anne Shelley • Brenda Sherk • Janet Shunk • Elizabeth Simmons • JoEllen Smalley • Sheryl Sneed • Skip Snell • Mark Snively • James Sowers • Laurie Spellman • Donna Swiger • Robert Turos • Katie Walker • Doris Wallace • Jeanne White • Rebecca Whitmore • Grace Williams • Denise Workman • Linda Zehner Patient Facts-At-A-Glance An average of 113 patients were cared for each day compared to 130 in 2008 542 patients were admitted to Hospice of North Central Ohio compared to 546 in 2008. Gender Breakdown: Male........................ 245 45% Female.................... 297 55% County Breakdown: Ashland................... 273 Richland.................. 242 Other..........................27 50% 45% 5.0% 669 Patients and families served 121 Patients and families who experienced Inpatient Hospice House care 36% of our patients were in our care 7 days or less 100% of Family Satisfaction Survey responders would refer someone to Hospice of North Central Ohio (48% Rate of Return for Surveys) The Staff Gives Back To the Community Hospice of North Central Ohio strongly believes in the well-being of the communities in which we provide care. Not only are our employees dedicated to providing an important service each day as patients and families face the end of life, but many members of our staff continue their involvement in the following community groups: Ashland Area Chamber of Commerce Ashland Area Chamber of Commerce Safety Council Ashland County Council of Social Agencies Ashland/Richland Co. Critical Incident Stress Management Team Brethren Care Board Bucyrus Chamber of Commerce Galion Area Chamber of Commerce Hospice Alliance of Ohio Hospice Network of Ohio Lexington Business and Growth Association Mansfield-Richland Area Chamber of Commerce MR/DD Human Rights and Behavior Management Committee National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization New London Community Improvement Corporation Ohio Hospice and Palliative Care Organization Older Adult Behavioral Health Coalition Older Adult Consortium of Richland County Ontario Growth Association Rotary Club of Ashland Samaritan Hospital Bioethics Committee Shelby Chamber of Commerce Suicide Prevention Coalition Youth Crisis Response Team Bereavement Facts-At-A-Glance An average of 81 attended the 11 Ongoing support groups • 2 New Horizons Groups (Ashland and Mansfield) • Skip’s Men’s Dinner Group • Parent’s Support Group • Men’s Lunch Bunch • Grievers of Suicide • Circle of Hope • Good Mourning Group • Caregiver’s Support Group • 2 Prayer Shawl Ministry Groups, and others 708 people attended various Bereavement groups/special services: • Support Groups • Memorial Services • Kidscene Camp and Workshops 150 community inquiries about bereavement services via phone, email or walk-ins. 15 Community Speaking Engagements on Bereavement Issues Martha Jorden’s weekly newspaper column featured 15 articles on Hospice The Thrift Store Gives Back To the Community • American Cancer – benefited from Prairie Peddler fundraiser (300 pieces of clothing donated to make scarecrows) • Ashland County Health Clinic • Domestic Violence Shelter • EMPAC – baby clothes to help young mothers • Harmony House – blanket, sheets • Mansfield City Schools – children’s clothing • Mansfield Public Library – Sherman Room, Mansfield memorabilia • Ontario Christian Church – Clothes • St. John’s United Church of Christ, Mansfield – Children’s clothing • ACCESS (Ashland Church Community Emergency Shelter Services) • Toy Time • Volunteers of America • Wigs for cancer patients In addition, other Charitable Contributions totaled $2,028.00 What Goes ‘Round Thrift Shoppe is located at 113 N. Main St., Mansfield, OH Also, all proceeds from What Goes ‘Round go directly back into North Central Ohio communities. By shopping at What Goes ‘Round, patrons help Hospice of North Central Ohio provide care to patients and families who are not Medicare appropriate or those who have no insurance or means to pay. Volunteer Facts-At-A-Glance 227 Hospice Volunteers (Companion & Support) Worked a total 11,746 volunteer hours Drove 84,332 miles Total Cost Savings of $520,020 65 Thrift Store Volunteers Worked a total 7,311 hours 2009 Thrift Store Sales $100,102.20 Special Wishes Our Hospice Special Wishes Program helps patients and families purchase non-medical items. Some examples are: Balloon bouquets for birthdays or anniversaries, reading glasses, baby monitors, air conditioners, TV remote controls, hand held shower heads, hair appointments, gift certificates to restaurants and a special Christmas gift. Funding comes from the proceeds of the Annual Bazaar held in November and the Hospice Jewelry line (necklace, earrings, bracelet and keychain). Our Giving-At-A-Glance Contributions Outright Gifts Memorial Giving Gifts in Honor Cash Tree of Lights Kidscene Camperships Hospice House Wall of Honor Appreciated Property Personal Property or Gifts-In-Kind Time & Talents Fund Raising Annual Golf Outings and other Planned Giving Bequests Life-Income Gifts 2009Re evenue Homecareservices (78.45%) 4,866 $4 $370,614 $88,853 Inpatientservices (15.93%) $1,316 6,961 Fundraisingand contributions(4 4.48%) $6,485,,058 Buildingfund(.06%) Investmentsan nd miscellaneous(1.07%) 2009Re evenue Homecareservices (78.45%) 4,866 $4 $370,614 2009EExpense es $88,853 $1,316 6,961 $744,563 3 $946,982 2 Inpatientservices (15.93%) $477,167 7 Dirrectprogram serrvices(36.38%) Fundraisingand contributions(4 4.48%) $6,485,,058 Ad dministrativesalaries &b benefits(11.07% %) Buildingfund(.06%) Investmentsan nd miscellaneous(1.07%) $3,112,816 Dirrectprogramsalaries &b benefits(38.28% %) $ $3,275,640 Buildingand equipment8.70%) Othergeneral exp penses(5.58%) Our Donors 40 Et 8 Voiture 800 A A Sorority Ms. Lora Abel Mr. & Mrs. Allen Aber Mr. Michael Aber Ms. Lauren Abraham Mrs. Ollie Abrams Mr. & Mrs. Dean Ackerman Mr. & Mrs. Quentin Ackerman Active Metal & Mold, Inc. Mrs. Betty Adair Mrs. Deborah Adams Mrs. Diane Adams Mrs. Iona Adams Mr. James Adams Ms. Judy Adams & Friends Mrs. Mary Adams Mr. Thomas Adams Mr. Tom Adams Mrs. Elizabeth Adamson Adario Community Players Mrs. Patricia Addeo Mr. & Mrs. Barry Adelman Mr. & Mrs. Tom Ades Advantage Marketing Aetna Foundation Mrs. Ruth Agee Air Tran Airways Mrs. Eva Akers Mrs. Ella Alberts Mrs. Shirley Albertson & Families Mrs. Helga Albrecht Mr. William Albrecht Mr. & Mrs. Carl Alexander Mr. & Mrs. John Alexander Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Alge & Predmore Family All Souls Unitarian Univ. Church Mr. & Mrs. George Alleman Mrs. Janice Allen Dr. & Mrs. John Allerding Mrs. Lynn Allman Allstate Giving Campaign Mr. & Mrs. James Altaffer Mrs. Carol Ambers Mrs. Joyce Ambrose Mr. Steve Ambrose Mrs. Brenda Amburgey Amer. Assoc. Police Polygraphists American Legion Auxiliary 292 American Legion Auxiliary 535 American Legion Post No. 88 American Legion Post No. 257 Mrs. Mary Amick Amish Oak Furniture Mr. & Mrs. Bob Ammanniti & Family Mr. Roger Amos Mr. & Mrs. Harold Amsbaugh Amvets Ladies Auxiliary 96 Amvets Ladies Auxiliary1969 Amvets Post 96 Mr. & Mrs. Allan Andersen Mrs. Betty Anderson Mrs. Helen Anderson Mr. & Mrs. James Anderson Mrs. Jane Anderson Mrs. Marian Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Roy Anderson Mrs. Ruth Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Trevor Anderson Mr. & Mrs. George Andress Mrs. Helen Ankney Anoni -Mrs Club Apartment & Commercial Services, Inc. Apex Paper Box & Boxit Corporation Mrs. Sandra Appleby Mrs. Cathy Applegate Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Applegate Mr. & Mrs. Harold Applegate Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Applegate Mr. Steve Arbaugh Mrs. Katherine Arbitter & Family Mrs. Sera Arcaro Arcelor Mittal Tubular Products Mrs. Jan Archer Mr. & Mrs. Lee Archibald Mr. Mike Arcure Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Ardner Mrs. Lois Armington Armstrong Accounting & Consulting Mr. & Mrs. Dick Armstrong We are forever grateful to our many donors and sponsors. The memory of your loved ones lives on in our everyday mission to provide peace, comfort, and dignity at the end of life. We apologize for any donor omissions and/or misspelled names. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Armstrong Mrs. Wava Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. Richard Arndt Mr. Boone Arnett Mr. & Mrs. Hager Arnett Mr. & Mrs. Jack Arnholt Mr. & Mrs. Jim Arnholt Ms.Vickie Arnholt Mrs. Elizabeth Arnold Mrs. Helen Arnold Mrs. Marilyn Arnold Mr. & Mrs. Richard Arnold Mr. & Mrs.Vic Arrington Artisan Masonry Mr. & Mrs. Dean Artz Mr. & Mrs. George Asadorian Mrs. Suzanne Aschenbeck & Mrs. Thomazine Kirkham Ashland Brethren in Christ Church Ashland Conveyor Products Ashland County Yesteryear Machinery Club Ashland Emblem Club No. 61 Ashland High School Ashland Jr. Fair Sheep/Swine Comm. Ashland Moose Lodge No. 1383 Ashland Precision Tooling, Inc. Ashland Publishing Co. LLC Ashland Small Manufacturers Council Ashland University Ashland University Gill Center Mrs. Rose Askam Mr. & Mrs. Donald Assenheimer Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie Atchison Mrs. Mary Atelski Mr. & Mrs. Bill Aten Mr. & Mrs. Donald Aten Athens Greek Restaurant Mr. & Mrs. Brian Atkinson & Family Mr. & Mrs. Ron Atkinson Mr. & Mrs. Stanton Atterholt Mrs. Marie Au Mrs. Bonnie Augenstein Mr. & Mrs. John Augenstein Ms. Angie Augustine Mr. & Mrs. Henry Augustine Mr. & Mrs. Ken Augustine Mrs. Rebecca Augustine & Family Mr. & Mrs. Larry Ault Mrs. Karen Aune Mrs. Muriel Aurand Mr. & Mrs. Tom Austen & Family Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Austin Avalon Drive Condominium Assoc. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Awbrey Mr. & Mrs. Carl Ayers B-C Antenna & Satellite Sales Mrs. Betty Babbs Mr. & Mrs. Robert Babcock Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Bachkora Mr. Craig Bachner Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Bachus Mr. Donald Bacin Mrs. Betty Backensto & Family Mr. & Mrs. Bob Backensto & David Mrs. Iva Backensto Mrs. Jeannette Baczuk Ms. Marcia Baer Mrs. Martha Baer Mr. & Mrs. Max Bahr Mr. & Mrs. Barry Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Lee Bailey Mrs. Margo Bailey Baker Bowman & Company Mr. & Mrs. Darell Baker Mrs. Jean Baker Mrs. Kathleen Baker Ms. Lin Baker Mr. & Mrs. Rick Baker Mr. & Mrs. Scott Baker & Family Mr. Terence Baker Mrs. Trudy Baker Mr. & Mrs. Harold Bakke Ms. Roseanne Baldner Wise Mrs. Cherie Baldner Mrs. Kathy Baldner Mr. & Mrs. David Baldridge Mrs. Carolyn Baldwin Ball Bounce & Sport Mrs. Alma Ball Dr. Carol Ball Mrs. Dorothy Ball Mr. Gary Balliett Mr. & Mrs. Bob Ballweg Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Bambauer Mr. & Mrs. Greg Bammerlin Mrs. Frances Baney Mr. Michael Bangert Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Banks Mrs. Martha Banks & Sue Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Barbao Mrs. Grace Barber Mrs.V. Ruth Barbour Mr. Edward Bare Mrs. Betty Barkdull Mr. & Mrs. Eric Barkdull Mrs. Betty Barker Mr. & Mrs. Charles Barnes Mrs. Mildred Barnhart & Family Mrs. Evelyn Barnhill Mr. & Mrs. Donald Barr Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Barr Mrs. Ellen Barrett Mrs. Betty Barringer Mrs. Joan Barron Mr. & Mrs. Ron Barry Mr. & Mrs. Mark Barsman & Family Barth Snyder Insurance Bartley & Bolin, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Bartley Mr. & Mrs. Hershel Bartley Mr. & Mrs. John Bartley Mrs. Lucetta Bartley Mr. & Mrs. Sam Bartley Mrs. Sue Karen Bartley & Family Mrs. Betty Barton Mr. & Mrs. Al Bartosiak Mrs. Joan Bartosic Mr. John Bartosic Mr. Frank Basford Mrs. Lynn Batchelor Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bates Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bates Mrs. Rosella Bates & Familiy Ms. Marcia Bauer Mrs. Linda Baughman Mr. & Mrs. Bob Baum Ms. Darlene Baum Mr. & Mrs. David Baumberger Mrs. Joanne Baumberger & Mr. Will Kennedy Mr. David Baumgardner Mrs. Ann Bavin Mr. & Mrs. Darrel Baxter Bayer, Jerger & Ardis Mrs. Lois Beach Mr. & Mrs. Bill Beachler Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Beal Mr. & Mrs. Richard Beal Mr. Robert Beal Mr. Harold Bean & Penny Mrs. Eva Beard Mrs. Susan Beard Mrs. Arlene Beasley & Family Mrs. Louise Beattie Mrs. Olive Bechley Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Bechtel Mrs. Marie Beck Mrs. Miriam Beck Mr. & Mrs. Paul Beck Mrs. Arlene Beebe Mr. Gerald Beebe Mr. & Mrs. Don Beecher Mr. & Mrs. David Beer Mr. & Mrs. Edward Beer Ms. Linda Beer Mr. Myron Beer Mr. & Mrs. Rex Beer Ms. Janet Begly & Mr. Howard North Mr. & Mrs. Eric Behnke Mr. & Mrs. Paul Beidelman Bell & Boyer Families Mrs. Martha Bell Mr. & Mrs. Ray Bell Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Bell Mr. & Mrs. Jim Bemiller Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bender Mr. & Mrs. Frank Benham Ms. Cynthia Ann Bennett Mr. & Mrs. David Bennett Mrs. Dolores Bennett Mr. Jim Bennett & Mr. David Adkins Ms. Mary Bennett Mr & Mrs. Roger Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Alex Bentsman Mrs. Eleanora Berg Mr. Kenneth Berger Mr. & Mrs. Jim Bergman Mr. & Mrs. Jim Bernhard Ms. Jane Bernzott Mr. & Mrs. Don Berringer Mrs. Betty Berry Mrs. Kate Berry Mr. La Verle Berry Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Berry Mr. Ilo Bertin Mr. & Mrs. Leo Bertschi Mrs. Clara Bertschy Mrs. Dorothy Besch & James Mr. & Mrs. Keith Best Beta Sigma Phi Sorority Mrs. Jacqueline Betz Mr. Roger Betz Ms. Carol Beverage Mr. Kyle Beveridge Ms. Ann Beyer Mr. & Mrs. Don Beyer Mr. Tom Bicker Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Biddinger & Family Ms. Jo Biddinger Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Bien Mrs. Melinda Bigelow Mrs. Georgia Biggs & Families Ms. Joan Bigham Mrs. Lisa Biglin & Sisters Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Bilger Mr. & Mrs. Steven Bill Bill’s Buckeye Stuff Mr. & Mrs. Glen Bille Ms. Kate Billheimer Mr. & Mrs. John Billman Mr. & Mrs. Curtice Bings Mrs. Nancy Bird Mr. & Mrs. Dick Bisel Mrs. Cheryl Bishop Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Bishop Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Bishop Mr. & Mrs. Ken Bishop Mr. Jay Bittinger & Family Mr. & Mrs. Joel Black Blackfork Inn Mr. Loren Blackstone Mr. & Mrs. Rod Blagg Mr. & Mrs. Jim Blakley Mrs. Joyce Blanchard Mr. & Mrs. Jamie Blank & M/M Dale Bates Mrs. Rachel Blevins Mrs. Linda Blodgett Mrs. Naomi Blodgett Mr. & Mrs. Ed Blough Mr. & Mrs. Bill Blum Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Blumenthal Mr. Keith Boales Ms. Marilyn Boals Mr. & Mrs. Dean Boardman Mr. & Mrs. David Boardwine Mrs. Martha Bobo & Family Mrs. Becky Bodemann Mr. Gary Boden Mr. & Mrs. Dan Bodkins & Family Mr. Dennis Boen Mr. & Mrs. David Boffa Mr. & Mrs. Bill Boggs Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Boggs Mr. & Mrs. Pete Bogner & Ms. Michele Barber Mr. Rod Bogner Mr. & Mrs. Steve Bogner & Family Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bohlander Mr. & Mrs. William Bohr Mr. & Mrs. Terry Boice Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bolen Mrs. June Boley Mr. & Mrs. Roy E. Boley Mr. & Mrs. Steve Boliantz Ms. Barb Bolles Mr. & Mrs. Steven Bollinger Mrs. Jeanette Bombach Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bone Mr. & Mrs. John Boner Ms. Jeanne Bonfiglio Mr. & Mrs. Rick Bonfiglio Mr. Calvin Bonnett Mr. & Mrs. Bill Boock Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Bookmyer Mrs. Jean Boreman Mr. Jim Boreman Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Bores & Family Mr. & Mrs. Frank Borjas Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Bouton Mrs. Bonnie Bowen Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bowen Mrs. Sara Lee Bowen Mr. & Mrs. Ron Bowers Mr. & Mrs. Todd Bowie Mrs. Gloria Bowles Mrs. Helen Bowman Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Boyce Mr. & Mrs. Ed Boyce Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Boyd Mr. & Mrs. Dick Boyd Mrs. Evelyn Boyd & Jackson Busy Bees Mr. & Mrs. Tom Boyd Mr. & Mrs. John Boyer Mr. & Mrs. Ray Boyer Mr. & Mrs. John Boylan Mr. & Mrs. Jim Braddock Mrs. Connie Braden Mr. & Mrs. Dave Braden Mrs. Jo Ann Bradford Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bradley Mr. & Mrs. John Brandon Mr. & Mrs. Jack Brandt Mr. & Mrs. Ken Brandt Mr. & Mrs. Tony Brandt Mr. & Mrs. Kit Branham Mrs. Rebecca Brasee Mr. & Mrs. Dick Braun Mr. & Mrs. Doyle Braun & Mildred Braun Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Bray Dr. & Mrs. W. Stanford Brechbuhler Mr. Paul Breiner Mr. J. E. Brenneman Mrs. Mary Ann Brenneman Mr. & Mrs. John Brenner Ms. M. Patricia Brereton Mr. Bruce Brewer Ms. Nellie Brewer & Families Mr. & Mrs. Tom Brewer Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Bricker Mr. Cora Bricker Mrs. Rosemary Bricker Mr. & Mrs. Mick Briggs Mr. & Mrs. Dave Bright Mr. & Mrs. Rick Brindley Mr. Charles Briner Mrs. Beverly Brinker Mrs. Gladys Brinker Mr. & Mrs. Todd Brinkman Mr. & Mrs. Mark Britt Mr. & Mrs. David Brockway Mrs. Ruth Brockway Ms. Pat Brook & Mr. Jeff Brook Mr. & Mrs. Denny Brooke & Families Mr. & Mrs. Dick Brooks Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Brooks Brookside Fri. Night Couples League Mrs. Ida Brosky Mr. & Mrs. Allen Brown Mr. & Mrs. Bob Brown Mr. Christopher Brown Ms. Deb Brown & Family Ms. Denise Brown Mr. & Mrs. Duane Brown Mrs. Gloria Brown & Friends Mr. & Mrs. James Brown Mr. & Mrs. Jim Brown Mr. & Mrs. John Brown Mr. & Mrs. Richard Brown Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brown Mrs. Sandra Brown Mr. & Mrs. William Brown Mr. & Mrs. Frank Browne Ms. Karla Browne Mr. & Mrs. David Brubaker Mrs. Donna Brubaker Mr. Leland Brubaker Mr. & Mrs. Carl Bruce Mrs. June Brunner Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bruno Mrs. Linda Brunson Emily & Tom Bryan Mr. & Mrs. Ken Bryant Mr. Bruce Buchanan & Family Mrs. Phyllis Buck Buck’s Bar & Grill Mr. Thomas Budd Mrs.Virginia Budd Buehler’s Food Markets Ms. Amy Bull Mr. Lester Bunker Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Bunt Burbank Elementary School Staff Ms. Diana Burcaw Mrs. Louella Burch & Mr. Jon Ward Buren Insurance Group Mr. Donald Buren Mrs. Donna Burger Mr. & Mrs. John Burin Mr. & Mrs. John Burk Mr. & Mrs. William Burke Mrs. Nancy Burkhart Mrs. Betty Burkholder Mr. Harold Burkholder Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Burkholder Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Burns Mrs. Kristi Burns Mr. & Mrs. Richard Burns Mrs. Rose Burns Mr. & Mrs. Skip Burns Mr. & Mrs. Steve Burns Mr. Thomas Burns Mrs.Virginia Burns Mr. & Mrs. Jim Burnside Ms. Nancy Burr Mrs. Thelma Burrer Mr. & Mrs. Bill Burrow Mr. & Mrs. Bob Burrows Mrs. Kim Bursley Mr. & Mrs. Richard Burson Mr. & Mrs. Paul Burt Mr. & Mrs. Carl Burton Mrs. Esther Bush Mrs. Ruth E. Butdorf Butler Cranes & More, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Butler Mrs. Pauline Butler Buurma Farms, Inc. Mr. Tim Buxton Buzzard’s Family Shoes Mr. & Mrs. David Byers Dr. & Mrs. Jeff Byers Mrs. Marilyn Byers C S I Controls C2ae Mr. & Mrs. Donald Cadley & Ms. Kimberly Mach Mrs. Carolyn Cale Mrs. Ruth Calhoun Mr. & Mrs. James Callihan Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Calta Mrs. Alene Cameron Ms. Marjorie Camp Mr. & Mrs. Bill Campbell Mr. & Mrs. David Campbell Dr. & Mrs. Donald Campbell Mrs. Mona Campbell Mrs. Nancy Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Trent Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Campbell Mr. William Campbell Candy & Nut Shoppe Dr. & Mrs. David Canfield Mr. & Mrs. Jim Canfield Ms. Windy Canfield & Mr. James Dove Mr. & Mrs. John Cannizzaro Mrs. Kathy Capaldo Capital-Plus Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Tony Cappadonna Mr. John Carlisle Mr. & Mrs. Richard Carlisle Mrs. Joan Carlson Mr. & Mrs. Dave Carman Mrs. Elaine Carman Mr. & Mrs. Tim Carman & Families Mrs. Bernice Carmony & Family Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Carpenter Mr. Richard Carpenter & Family Mr. & Mrs. Ron Carpenter Carpenter’s Shop Mr. & Mrs. Jim Carr Mr. & Mrs. Wes Carr Mr. & Mrs. Paul Carrocce Mr. & Mrs. Donald Carroll Mrs. Suzanne Carruthers Mr. & Mrs. Dick Carver Ms. Faye Cary Ms. Frani Case Mrs. Mary Case Mr. Robert J. Cassity Mr. & Mrs. Ernie Castelucci Mrs. Jan Castor Mrs. Kathy Castor Catholic Charities Health Human Serv. Mr. Douglas Catlett Mr. Greg Catlett Mrs. Martha Cattani Mrs. Bettie Caucci Mr. & Mrs. Fritz Caudle Ms. Iva Jean Cavanaugh Mrs. Josephine Cellentani Certified Labs & Services, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Walt Chaffee Challengers Class Mr. & Mrs. Larry Chamberlain Mr. Steven Chamberlain Mr. & Mrs. Dalton Chamberlin Mrs. Marguerite Chamberlin Mrs. Lorena Champion Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Chance Mr. & Mrs. Bill Chandler Mr. & Mrs. George Chandler Mrs. Shirley Chandler Mrs. Sandi Chapman Charles Mill Marina Charlie’s Barbershop Mrs. Carol Charley Char-Tom Sport Fishing Ms. Robyn Chase & Family Chatham School Class Of 1948 Mr. & Mrs. John Chereson Mrs. Shelly Chesbro Chicago Title Agency Mr. Frank Chillemi Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Chirdon Mrs. Patricia Chirico Mrs. Ruth Ann Chisholm Christ United Methodist Church Mrs. Peggy Christensen Christian Women Sunday School Class Mr. & Mrs. Don Christian Dr. & Mrs. Robert Christian Mrs. Helene Christiansen Church Of God Ms. Cynthia Church Mrs. Clara Cimorelli Mr. & Mrs. Karl Cimorelli Cincinnati Reds City Of Ashland Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Ciullo Clady’s C-Store Mrs. Peggy Claes Mr. & Mrs. Rod Clagg Ms. Nancy Clark Mr. & Mrs. Phil Clark Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Clark Mrs. Ruthann Clark Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Clarke Mrs. Rachel Clarke & Belick Families Class Of 1947 Classy Chassis, Inc. Mrs. Carol Clay Mr. & Mrs. Roger Clay Mrs. Diane Claypool Clear Channel Clear Fork Softball Team Mr. Larry Clemons Cleveland Ave. Market Cleveland Browns Cleveland Clinic Wooster Cleveland Metroparks Zoo Ms. Laurann Clever Ms. Lisa Click Mrs. Donna Cline Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Cline Ms. Sarah Cline & Mr. Luke Gebhart Mr. Jeff Clippinger Mrs.Virginia Clippinger Mr. & Mrs. Rex Coats Coco Key Water Resort Mr. & Mrs. Ross Cody Mrs. Anita Coey Mr. Gene Coffey Mrs. Cathy Coffman Mrs. Janet Coffman Mrs.Virginia Coffman Mr. Tony Colace Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Cole Mr. Marlin Cole Mrs. Ruth Cole Dr. & Mrs. Mel Coleman Mr. & Mrs. Bernie Collet Mr. Lee Collins Mrs. Phyllis Collins Ms. Karen Colon, Johnnie & Aunt Ruth Columbus Clippers Columbus Crew Columbus Zoo & Aquarium Colonial Condominiums Colony Club Mr. Richard Colopy Columbia Gas Transmission Mr. & Mrs. Jack Colvin Mr. & Mrs. John Cominsky Mr. & Mrs. Ron Conard Mr. & Mrs. Terry Conard & Family Mr. & Mrs. Richard Condor Mr & Mrs. John Conery Coney Island Diner Mr. K. F. Conley Mr. & Mrs. John Conner Ms. Kathy Conner Mrs. Mary Conner Mrs. Betty Connolly Mrs. Pauline Conrad, Steve & Beth Mrs. Josephine Contra Mrs. Mary Conway Mr. & Mrs. Rex Conway & Family Mr. & Mrs. Lee Conwell Mrs. Diane Cook Mrs. Elsie Cook & Family Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Cook Mrs. Kay Cook Mr. & Mrs. Donald Cooke Mr. & Mrs. Fred Cooke Mrs. Gloria Cooke Mr. & Mrs. Harold Cooke Mr. Ron Cooke & Family Mrs. Sherry Cooke Mr. & Mrs. Tom Cooke Cooper Enterprises, Inc. Mr. Roy Cooper Jr. Mrs. Janice Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Tim Cooper Mr. & Mrs.Virgil Cooper Mrs. Tammy Copley Mrs. Karren Cordrey Mr. & Mrs. John Cornell Mr. Lawrence Cornell Mr. & Mrs. Brad Corso Cosmo Corporation Mrs. Gloria Coss Mr. & Mrs. Nick Costas Council On Aging Country Club of Ashland Mr. & Mrs. Brad Cowan & Sam Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Cowen Mr. & Mrs. Tim Cowen Mrs. Christine Cowhick Mr. & Mrs. Doug Cox Mr. Gerald Cox Revs. Jim & Kate Cox Mr. Steve Cox & Ms. Sharon Huffman Mrs. Charlotte Crain Mr. & Mrs. Gary Crawford Mrs. Wilda Crawford Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Creamer Creative Chateau Creative Outlet Mr. & Mrs. William Crecelius Mr. & Mrs. Bob Crego Crestwood Care Center Mr. & Mrs. Gary Cripe Mr. & Mrs. C. F. Crissinger Ms. Linda Crites Mr. & Mrs. Bob Crossen & Family Mrs. Doris Crossen Mrs. Dorothy Crossen Mrs. Carol Crotty Mr. & Mrs. Densel Crouso Mrs. Evelyn Crow Mr. & Mrs. Leland Crownover Mrs. Margaret Crumlick Mr. & Mrs. Jim Crunkilton Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Cukrowicz Mr. & Mrs. Doug Culler Mr. & Mrs. Jim Culler Mr. & Mrs. Ron Cummings Mr. Richard Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cusato Mr. & Mrs. John Cutlip & Family Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Cutlip Mr. & Mrs. Russell Cutlip Von Cutlip Family Mr. & Mrs. Jim Cutright Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Cypher Mr. & Mrs. Edward D’Amato Mrs. Joan D’Amico Mr. & Mrs. Jim D’Anniballe Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Daft & Mr. Lloyd Strine Mrs. Betty Dahl Mrs. Hazel Daiber & Family Mr. & Mrs. Harold Dailey Mr. Jerry Dailey & Ms. Marcia Foleg Dairy Queen East Dake Jr. High School Staff Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Dallas Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dalton Mr. & Mrs. Bill Daniel Mr. & Mrs. Jim Daniel Mr. & Mrs. Roger Daniel Mr. & Mrs. Jim Daniels Mrs. Carol Danner Mr. & Mrs. Gene Danner Mr. & Mrs. James Danner Danville Local Schools Employees Ms. Nancy Darbey Mr. & Mrs. Alan Dare Mr. & Mrs. John Darlak Mr. & Mrs. Dan Daron Mrs. Dorothy Daron Richard E. & Saundra J. Dauch Foundation Ms. Charlotte Daugherty Mr. & Mrs. Tim Daugherty & Ms. Brenda Leedy Mr. & Mrs. Tom Daugherty Mr. & Mrs. Harold Daup & Family Mr. & Mrs. Dean Davidson Mr. & Mrs. Ed Davidson Mr. & Mrs. Luther Davidson & Family Mr. & Mrs. Bert Davis Mr. Cody Davis Mr. & Mrs. Denny Davis Mr. Donald Davis Mr. & Mrs. Greg Davis Mr. & Mrs. James Davis Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Davis Mrs. June Davis Mr. & Mrs. Judy Davis, Pauline & Ralph Greer Ms. Kathryn Davis & Suzie Dr. & Mrs. Robert Davis Mr. & Mrs. Robert Davis Mr.Vernon Davis Mr. & Mrs. Paul Dawson & Family Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Dawson Ms. Lori Day Mr. & Mrs. Larry De Francisco Mr. & Mrs. Joe De Long Mr. & Mrs. Paul De Long Mr. & Mrs. Daniel De Ment Mr.Vincent De Michele Dr. & Mrs. Donald Dewald Mr. & Mrs. Alfred De Witt Mrs. Dorothea De Witt Mr. & Mrs. Tibor Deak Mrs. Faith Deal Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Dean Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Dean Ms. Donna Deane Mrs. Patricia Dee Deer Ridge Golf Club Mr. & Mrs. Dan Deever Mrs. Sharon Delancy Ms. Connie Delong Mrs. Mary Delp Ms. Danielle Demko Mrs. Jeanne Demyan Mr. & Mrs. Richard Denbow Denbow Primm Kemery Funeral Home Mr. & Mrs. David Denney & Family Mrs. Mary Ann Denney Dennison Rotary Club Mrs. Carole Dennison Mr. & Mrs. Richard Denslow Mrs. Leah Dent Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Depue & Family Mr. Jack Detrow Mrs. Betty Detterman Mrs. Danette Detterman Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Detwiler Ms. Theresa Devan Mrs. Mary Dever Ms. Mary Dezsi & Ms. Pearl Dezsi Mr. & Mrs. Philip Di Benedetto Mrs. Sue Di Puccio Mrs. Roberta Diamond Mrs. Sally Dibert Mr. & Mrs. James Dible Mr. Jan Dick Dick’s Sporting Goods Mrs. Helen Dickson Diebold, Inc. Dept. 9-C-22 Mr. & Mrs. Erich Diener Mrs. Kaye Diener Mr. & Mrs. Pete Dignan Dilgard & Associates, Inc. Mr. Richard Dilgard Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Dilgard Mrs. Jean Dill & Family Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dilley & Family Mr. & Mrs. Loren Dillon Ms. Pam Dillon Lindsey & Jodie Dingus Mrs. Shirley Dingus & O’Brien Family Mrs. Ruth Dingwell Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Dininger Directions Credit Union Jonathan Ditka & Family Mrs. Kathy Ditlevson Ms. Cathy Dodge Mr. & Mrs. Andy Doerrer Mrs. Bertha Dohme Mrs. Klea Dole Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dome Mr. & Mrs. Bob Donaldson Mrs. Lorene Donelson Mrs. Pat Donihue Mr. & Mrs. Randy Donnamiller Mr. & Mrs. Scott Donnenwirth Mrs. Margaret Dorffer Mr. Chuk Dorka Mrs. Beatrice Dorminy Mr. Edison Dorsey Mrs. Jeri Doty Mrs. Patricia Dougherty Mr. & Mrs. James Dove Mr. James Dove Mrs. Norma Dove Dr. & Mrs. Paul Dove Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dove Mr. & Mrs. David Downs Mr. & Mrs. Phil Downs Mrs. Helen Doyle Dragway 42 Mr. & Mrs. David Draper & Families Mr. & Mrs. David Draudt Mr. & Mrs. Bill Dravenstott Mr. & Mrs. Bill Dreher Mr. & Mrs. Carl Dreher Mr. & Mrs. Martin Dreher Mr. & Mrs. Tom Dreher Mrs. Bernice Dreibelbis Mrs. Gloria Dreibelbis Mrs. Karen Dreisbach Mrs. Judy Dress Mr. Pat Drlik & Family Mrs. Lois Drushel & Family Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Drushell Mr. & Mrs. Ed Duffey Mrs. Marty Duffey Mr. Neal Duffey Mr. & Mrs. Richard Duffey Mr. & Mrs. Carl Duffner Mrs. Saundra Dull & Family Mr. & Mrs. Donald Duncan Mrs. Joann Duncan Mrs. Terrie Dunlap Mrs. Ann Dunn Mr. Fred Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Ron Dunson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dupont Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dupre Mr. & Mrs. Don Durbin Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Durbin Mrs. Barbara Durchik Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Durig & Family Mrs. Geraldine Dus Sault Mr. Chiu Yin Dvorak & Family Mr. & Mrs. Tim Dwyer Ms. Peggy Dye Ms. Jonita Dysert Mrs. Elizabeth Dziech Mr. & Mrs. Mike Dzuranin E. S. Beveridge Staff E.B.S. Of Ohio, Inc. Eagles Club Euchre Players Mrs. Phyllis Earick Ms. Laura Earl Rev. & Mrs. Don Earlenbaugh Mrs. Helen Earley East of Chicago Pizza - Loudonville Eastern Elementary School Staff Eatmor Bundt Company Mr. & Mrs. Preston Eaton Mr. & Mrs. Karl Eberhardt (continued) Ms.Vanessa Ebert Mrs. Alice Ebinger Mr. & Mrs. Dick Echelberger Mrs. Jenny Echelberger Mr. & Mrs. George Eckstein Mr. & Mrs. David Edison Edward Jones - James Rosby Ms. Rita Edwards & Mr. Doad Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Tim Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Fred Egbert Mr. Deane Eggert Mr. Terry Eggerton Mr. & Mrs. John Eichler Ms. Kathe Eiermann Mr. Gary Eilenfeld Mrs. Betty Ekey Mrs. Stacy Elkin & Spenser Elk Ridge Game Farms Elliot Barry Company Mrs. Margaret Elliott Mr. Keven Hager Ellis Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Ellison Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ellsworth Mrs. Ilona Elson Ms. Susannah Elswick Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Elwood EMBARQ Emblem Club Mr. & Mrs. Ken Emerson Mrs.Viola Emerson Dr. & Mrs. William Emery Emmanuel Chapel Baptist Church Mr. & Mrs. Harold Emmons Mr Kim Emmons Mr. & Mrs. Randy Emmons Mr. & Mrs. Todd Emoff Mr. & Mrs. Richard Endres Mr. & Mrs. Steve Endres Mr. & Mrs. Steve Englet Mrs. Grace English Enterprise 250 Mrs. Janet Enyeart Mr. & Mrs. William Erdenberger Mr. & Mrs. Bill Erhart Mr. & Mrs. Joe Erhart Dr. & Mrs. Harold Erlenbach Ms. Ann Ertle Mr. & Mrs. Berlyn Esbenshade Ms. Beverly Esbenshade Mrs. Marilyn Esbenshade Mr. & Mrs. Willis Esbenshade Mr. & Mrs. D. Eschbach Esoteric Club Mrs. June Etzwiler Mr. & Mrs. Ron Etzwiler Euchre Club Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Evans & Family Mr. & Mrs. Tom Evans Mrs. Helen Ewbank Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Ewing Mr. & Mrs. Kent Eyler Mr. & Mrs. Chase Eyster F O E Ladies Auxiliary 2178 Dr. & Mrs. C. S. Fabrigar Mrs. Grace Fairbairn Mr. & Mrs. Ken Fairchild Faith Christian Fellowship Mr. & Mrs. Ed Falberg Mr. & Mrs. David Falquette Farmers & Savings Bank Mr. & Mrs. William Farquharson Mrs. Janet Fasig Mrs. Lucille Fazzini Mrs. Hether Fedullo Mr. & Mrs. Dan Feigelson Mrs. Pauline Ferguson Mrs. Mimi Fernyak Mr. & Mrs. George Fessenmeyer Mr. & Mrs. Doug Fetterman & Mrs. V. Johnson Ms. Penny Fichter & Ms. Jackie Daniels Fickes Company Fields Electrical Sales, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Rod Fife Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Fifield Mrs. Peg Figley Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Fike Mrs. Mary Lou Fike Mr. & Mrs. Todd Fike Mrs. Tonya Fike Ms. Kathy Filuta Mrs. Linda Finefrock Fin Feather Fur Outfitters Mrs. Janett Fink Mrs. Judith Fink Mr. Christopher Finlay Mrs. Mary Ann Finlay Mr. & Mrs. Bill Finley Mrs. Carol Finley Mr. & Mrs. David Finley Mr. & Mrs. Mitch Finley Mrs. Pat Finley Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Finn First Congregational Church First Knox National Bank First United Church Of Christ Mr. Jim Fish Mrs. Cordelia Fisher Mrs. Margaret Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Mike Fisher Mr. Wayne Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Duane Fishpaw Mr. & Mrs. John Fishpaw Mrs. Nancy Fitch Mrs. Sharon Fitzsimmons Mr. & Mrs. Frank Flanigan Mr. Richard Fleishner Mr. & Mrs. Wyndham Fletcher Mr. Max Flinn & Family Mr. & Mrs. Flinn & Heller Family Mrs. Nancy Fluke Ms. Pat Fluty Mr. & Mrs. John Foley & Greathouse Families Foos & Garvin Accounting Mr. Dwain Forbes & Family Mr. Joseph Forch Mr. & Mrs. David Ford Mr. & Mrs. Fred Ford Ms. Joann Foreman Mr. & Mrs. Dan Fortman & Family Mrs. Mildred Fortney Mr. Gerald Forup Mrs. Ethel Foster Ms. Michele Foster Mrs. Pauline Foster Dr. Louis Fourie Mr. & Mrs. Allen Fowler Mr. & Mrs. Bill Fox Mr. & Mrs. Bob Fox Mr. Carmen Fox Mrs. Elizabeth Fox Mr. & Mrs. John Fraas Mr. & Mrs. Steve Fraizer Mr. & Mrs. Chris Fraley Fran & Warren Rupp Foundation Ms. Rose Grace Frangella Mr. & Mrs. Doug Frank Mr. James Frank Ms. Joanne Frank Mr. & Mrs. Larry Frank Mrs. Leann Frank & Family Dr. Stephen E. Frank Mr. & Mrs. Steve Frankenberg Mrs. Julie Frankl Mr. & Mrs. George Franklin Mrs. Susan Franklin Mr. & Mrs. Larry Franks Ms. Patricia Frantom Mr. & Mrs. Bill Frasher Fraternal Order Of Eagles 2275 Fraternal Order Of Eagles 2869 Fraternal Order Of Police #180 Fraternal Order Of Police Assoc. Mr. & Mrs. David Frazee Mrs. Janet Frazee Mr. & Mrs. Mike Frazier Mr. & Mrs. Peter Frech Mrs. Betty Freelon Mr. & Mrs. Roger Freelon Mrs. Thelma Freels Mrs. Joyce Freeman Mrs. Judith Freeman Mr. & Mrs. Mark Freeman Mr. & Mrs. Al French Mrs. Luella Freund Mrs. Alice Frey Mr. & Mrs. Bill Freytag Mr. Dean Freytag Mr. & Mrs. Bob Friebel Mrs. Glenda Friebel Friends At Bae Systems Friends From Embarq Friends From Park Village Ms. Jennifer Fries Mrs. Norma Friestad Mr. Harry Frietchen Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Frink Mr. & Mrs. Ross Frisbee Mrs. Ann Fry & Class Of 1965 Mrs. Ella Jane Fry Mrs. Esther Fry Mrs. Patricia Fry Mrs. Hazel Fugett Mr. & Mrs. Charles Fulk Mr. Clifford Fulk Mr. & Mrs. Dan Fulk Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Fulk Mr. & Mrs. Harold Fulk Mr. & Mrs. Paul Fulk Mr. & Mrs. Tom Fulk Mr. Jack Fuller Mr. & Mrs. Ron Fuller & Families Ms. Cynthia Fulton & Ms. Barbara Ferencz Mrs. Peg Fulton Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Funk Mr. & Mrs. James Funk Mr. & Mrs. Larry Funk Mr. & Mrs. Lloy Funk Mr. & Mrs. Gary Funkhouser Mrs. Wanda Fuqua Mr. Jerry Futty Mr. Bill Gabriel & Family Mrs. Marcia Gagich Mr. & Mrs. Tom Gajewski Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Galat & Family Galaxy Medical Products Galion Country Club Mr. & Mrs. Lusio Gallardo Mrs. Janet Gallas Mr. & Mrs. Robert Galloway Mr. & Mrs. John Gamble Mr. Craig Gandert Mr. & Mrs. Jack Gansharn Mr. & Mrs. Bill Gardner Mr. & Mrs. Lester Gardner Mr. & Mrs. Bill Garn Mrs. Diana Garrett Mrs. Gertrude Garrett V.E. Garrett Mr. & Mrs. Bob Garriott Mrs. Margaret Garrison Mrs. Annette Garver Mr. & Mrs. Gary Garver Mrs. Maxine Garvin & Family Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gast Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Gastiner Ms. Jeanine Gates Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Gates Mrs. Tammy Gatliff Mr. & Mrs. Jim Gatton Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Gaul Mrs. Mary Gault Mr. & Mrs. Max Gault Mrs. Ashley Gaupp Rev. Lowell Gayheart Mrs. Marjorie Geary Gebhart’s Family Grooming Center Ms. Rochelle Gedeon Ms. Jacquelyn Gehrisch Mr. & Mrs. Russell Geisinger General Technologies, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Leo Genereux & Family Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Genter Mr. & Mrs. Edward Gerhardt Mr. & Mrs. Leon Gerling Mrs. Gladys German Mrs. Thelma Gerson Mrs. Kathryn Gerwig Gerwig’s White Barn Dr. & Mrs. James Gesler Mr. & Mrs. Paul Getz & Family Geyer’s Corporate Office Dr. & Mrs. Larry Gibson Mr. James Gilbert Ms. Loretta Gilbert Mr. & Mrs. Herman Gilchrist Mrs. Blanche Gilfillan Mrs. Martha Gill Mrs. Tracy Gillam Mrs. Betty Gillespie Mr. & Mrs. Edson Gillette Mr. & Mrs. John Gilmore Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gilmore Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Ginther & Family Mrs. Laurie Gladieux Mr. & Mrs. Bob Glasener Mr. & Mrs. Philip Glasgo Mr. Steve Glasgo Mr. & Mrs. Charles Glass Mr. & Mrs. Bill Glasser Mrs. Ashley Glassman Mr. & Mrs. Dean Glenn Mr. & Mrs. Robert Glenn Mr. Arnold Glick Mrs. Marie Goard Mr. Paul Goard Mr. & Mrs. Bob Gockel Mr. & Mrs. Doug Godwin Mr. & Mrs. Phil Goff Mr. & Mrs. Eliott Good Mr. & Mrs. Jim Goode Mr. Lanny Gooding & Ms. Linda Gundrum Mrs. Anne Goon Mrs. Genevieve Goon 10 Mrs. Marge Goon & Family Mr. & Mrs. Roger Gordon Gordon Food Service Mr. & Mrs. Joe Gorka Gorman Rupp Civic Fund Mrs. Pauline Gortner Mrs. Clariss Gottfried Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Gowdy Ms. Janet Grabill Graham Automall Mr. Gary Graham Mrs. Margery Graham Mr. & Mrs. Ron Graham Ms. Susie Graham & Laurie Duchesne Ms. Cathy Gramly & McClurg Family Grange Insurance Companies Mr. Joseph Grant & Faye Mr. & Mrs. Rod Graser Mr. & Mrs. Bill Grassbaugh Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Grassel Mr. & Mrs. David Gray Mr. Richard Gray, Jr. Mr. Richard Gray Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Gray Mr. & Mrs. Rich Graziosi Green Energy, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Loren Green Mr. & Mrs. Gary Greene Mrs. Sandra Greene Mr. & Mrs. Gene Greer Mr. & Mrs. Rich Greer Mrs. Peggy Greeson Mrs. Eva Gregg & Families Mr. Doyle Greshner Mr. & Mrs. Delbert Gribben Mr. & Mrs. Jim Gribben Mrs. Patricia Gribben Gribble’s IGA Mr. & Mrs. Jim Gribble Mrs. Ruth Ann Griebling Mr. Lester Griffith Mrs. Dorothea Griffiths Mrs. Margi Griffiths Mr. & Mrs. Tom Griffiths Mr. & Mrs. Lowell Grimm Mrs. Lucille Grimm Mrs. Barbara Krebs Grindle Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Grippi & Family Mr. & Mrs. Robert Grissinger Mrs. Joan Groll Mr. Fred Grosch Mrs. Linda Groscurth Mr. Bob Grose & Mr. John Grose Mrs. Helen Gross Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gross Mrs. Jean Grosse-Mutnansky Mr. & Mrs. Donald Grosso Mr. & Mrs. Roger Grove Mr. & Mrs. Mike Grover & Friends Mr. & Mrs. Joe Grubb Mrs. Patricia Grubb Mr. & Mrs. Tom Grube Ms. Tonya Gruchacz Mr. & Mrs. Randy Guba Mr. & Mrs. Oskar Guenther Mr. & Mrs. Brian Gunder Ms. Linda Gundrum & Mr. Lanny Gooding Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gunter & Family Mr. Ed Guthchall Mr. & Mrs. Robert Guthrie Mrs. Ruby Guthrie Ms. Betty Haas & Family Ms. Nicki Haas Mr. & Mrs. Russ Hachtel Mr. & Mrs. Dan Hackett Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Hagerty Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hagner Mrs. Janet Haines Mrs. Nicki Haire Mr. & Mrs. Larry Hale Ms. Marie Hale Ms. Mary Hale Mr. & Mrs. Dan Hall & Family Mr. Jack Hall Ms. Sherri Hall Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Hallabrin Mrs. Margaret Hallabrin Hallmark Dental Lab Mr. & Mrs. Gary Halterman & Cousins Mr. David Hamann Mrs. Betty Hamilton Mr. D. Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. Darren Hamilton Children Of Dean Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. Jess Hamilton Ms. Joyce Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. Marlin Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. Mike Hamilton Mrs. Penny Hamilton Ms. Diana Hammer Mr. Mike Hammer Mr. & Mrs. Steve Hammer Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Hammett Mr. & Mrs. Jack Hammett Mr. Paul Hammock Ms. Jill Hammond Mr. & Mrs. Ken Hammontree Mr. & Mrs. Mark Handley & Family Mrs. Theresa Hanes Mr. Don Hange Mrs. Mary Hannan Mr. & Mrs. Larry Hanneman Ms. Pat Hanratty & Mr. Mike Leavitt Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Hansen Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hanson Mrs. Joretta Hanson Mr. David Harbaugh Ms. Susan Hardy Mr. & Mrs. Mike Hargrove & Family Haring Realty, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Haring Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Haring Mr. James Harlan Mrs. Joellen Harlan Mrs. Judy Harlan Ms. Emily Harley Mr. & Mrs. Ron Harmeyer Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Harmon Mr. & Mrs.Voy Harmon Mr. & Mrs. Dick Harned Mr. & Mrs. William Harner Mr. & Mrs. Don Harpster Mr. Edward Harpster Mr. & Mrs. Robert Harpster Mr. & Mrs. Russell Harpster Harris Welding & Mac Hine Company Mr. & Mrs. Bob Harris Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Harris Mrs. Emily Harris Mrs. Helen Harris Mr. & Mrs. Larry Harris Mrs. Naomi Harris Mrs. Wendy Harrison Mrs. Ernestine Hart & Friends Mr. & Mrs. Gene Hart Mr. & Mrs. Glade Hart Mr. & Mrs. Larry Harter Mrs. Patricia Hartwig Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hartz Mrs. Kay Hartz Mr. & Mrs. Bill Hartzler & Families Mr. Phillip Harwood Mr. & Mrs. Bill Hastings Mr. Michael Hatfield & Ms. Minnie Min Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hatt Mr. & Mrs. Ed Haudenschild Mrs. Shirley Haudenschild Mr. & Mrs. George Hauer Mr. & Mrs. Richard Haven Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Havens & Family Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Hawk Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Hawk Mr. Richard Hawk Mr. & Mrs. Earl Hawkins Hawkins Markets Mr. & Mrs. James Hawks Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hawks Ms. Karen Hawley Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hawley Mr. & Mrs. Ted Hawley Mrs. Mary Lou Haycook Mrs. Deloris Hayes Mrs. Eileen Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Tim Hayes Hayesville United Methodist Church Mr. & Mrs. Ed Hazel Mr. Robert Hazel Mr. Ralph Hazlett Mrs. Judith Heckert Mr. & Mrs. Roger Hedrick Mr. & Mrs. Carl Heidrich Mr. & Mrs. Robert Heifner Mrs. Jean Heilman Mr. Pete Heimann & Ms. Ginnie Brenner Mr. Ryan Heimberger Mr. & Mrs. Don Heimlich Mr. & Mrs. Ed Helal Mr. & Mrs. William Helbert Mr. & Mrs. Richard Heldenbrand Ms. Charlotte Hellinger Mrs. Margaret Helms Mrs. Marla Helms Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hemmer Mr. & Mrs. Henry Hemmerly Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Hemmert Mrs. Jo Ellen Henderson Mrs. Kay Henderson Ms. Muna Hendricks Dr. Brad Hendrickson Mr. & Mrs. Bob Henikman Mrs. Susann Henkel Mr. & Mrs. Ed Henricksen Mrs. Ada Henry Mr. & Mrs. James Henry Mr. & Mrs. Richard Henry Mr. Jim Henson Mr. & Mrs. Russell Hepner Dr. & Mrs. John Heringhaus Heritage Health Care Heritage Press, Inc. Ms. Sharon Herlihy & Bodnar’s Herlihy Chambers Funeral Home Mr. Donald Herr Ms. Heather Herrick Mrs. Rosemary Herring Ms. Rebecca Hershner Mr. & Mrs. Gil Hertzler Mr. & Mrs. Jim Hess & Family Dr. Katherine Hess Mr. & Mrs. Stephan Hess Mrs. Janet Hestermann Mrs. Cheryl Heston Mrs. Carol Heter Mr. Robert Hetrick Mr. & Mrs. James Heydinger Mr. & Mrs. Brian Hickey & Family Mr. & Mrs. Mike Hickey Mrs. Shirley Hickey & Vickers Family Ms.Vickie Hickinbotham & Families Mr. & Mrs. Jim Hickman & Jena Marie Mr. & Mrs. Bill Hicks Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Hicks Mr. & Mrs. Bob Highman Mr. & Mrs. Donald Highman & Family Mr. & Mrs. Harry Highman & Families Mr. & Mrs. Woody Hightower Ms. Kristi Hildebrand Mrs. Pat Hildebrand Mr. Deron Hiles, Allison & Laurel Mr. & Mrs. John Hill Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hill Mrs. Ruby Hill Mr. & Mrs. Steven Hill Mrs. Phyllis Hiller & Family Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hiller Mrs. Sharlene Hiller Hiller’s Country Market Mr. & Mrs. Jay Hilliard Mrs. Joanna Hilliard Ms. Corey Hills Mr. & Mrs. Norm Hills Hillsdale Girls Softball Team Hillsdale School District Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Hiner Mr. & Mrs. Harold Hiner Mrs. Connie Hinkle & Friends Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie Hinton & Family Mrs. Lois Hintz Mr. & Mrs. Bill Hipsher Mr. & Mrs. Tim Hipsher Mrs. Janeen Hire Family & Mrs. Naomi Houston Ms. Carol Hissong Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Hissong Mr. & Mrs. Robert Histed Mr. & Mrs. Larry Hoboken Mrs. Bonnie Hobson Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hodge Mr. Paul Hoeffel Mrs. Sandy Hoeflich Ms. Connie Hoehn Ms. Connie Hoelscher Mrs. Irma Hoelscher Mr. & Mrs. Lee Hoelscher Mr. Nicholas Hoelscher & Ms. Emily Hoelscher Mr. & Mrs. Roger Hoelscher Mr. John Hofer Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hofer Mr. Chris Hoff Mrs. Frances Hoff Mr. Gerald Hoff Mrs. Edith Hoffman Moye Mrs. Catherine Hoffman Mr. & Mrs. Don Hoffman Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hoffmann Mr. & Mrs. James Hogsett, Jr. Mrs. Fran Holbrook & Mrs. Paule Volk Mrs. Okla Holcomb Mr. & Mrs. Ron Holden Mr. & Mrs. Michael Holder & Family Ms. Anne Holdren & Carol Holiday Inn 1-275 North Mr. & Mrs. Elwood Holland Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Holleman Mr. Phil Holloway Ms. Annie Holmes & Hal Mr. & Mrs. Gene Holmes & Family Mr. & Mrs. Monte Holmes Mrs. Barbara Holtkamp Mrs. Linda Holtz Home Depot - Ashland Home Depot -Mansfield Home Hardware Mrs. Margaret Hommel & Family Honey Haven Farm Mrs. Linda Honneffer Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Hootman Mr. & Mrs. Bill Hoover Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Hoover Mr. & Mrs. Larry Hoover Mr. Maynard Hopkins & Family Mrs. Connie Devaughn Hord Mr. & Mrs. Harold Horn & Families Mr. Hal Hornyak Horse Club Auxiliary Mrs. Grace Hoskins Mrs. Martha Hosler Mrs. Mary House Mr. & Mrs. Dale Householder Mr. & Mrs. Ken Householder Mr. & Mrs. Mark Houser Mrs. Carol Houseworth Mrs. Clara Howard Mr. & Mrs. Dan Howard Mr. & Mrs. Edward Howard Mrs. Harriet Howarth Mr. & Mrs. Robert Howat Mrs. Burdette Howe Mr. Rick Howe Mrs. Ethel Howell Mr. Richard Howell Mr. & Mrs. John Hower Mr. & Mrs. Del Howman Mrs. Jean Howman Mrs. Mindy Howman Mr. & Mrs. Jim Hrivnak Mr. & Mrs. Don Hubacher Mrs. Margaret Huber Mr. & Mrs. Michael Huber Mr. & Mrs. Steve Huber Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Hubler Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Hudak & Daughters Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Hudkins & Brad Mr. & Mrs. James Hudson Mr. & Mrs. Dick Huff Mr. & Mrs. Ron Huff Mrs. Carmen Huffman Mr. & Mrs. Joe Huffman Mr. & Mrs. Scott Huffman Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Huggins Mr. & Mrs. Steven Hughes Hugo H. & Mabel B.Young Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Larry Huguenin Mr. Larry Hull Mrs. Nancy Hultz Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Hummel Mrs. Althea Humphrey Mrs. Annabelle Humphrey Mrs. Dorothy Humphrey & Family Ms. Melinda Humphrey, Melanie & Jerome Mr. & Mrs. Allen Humrichouser & Family Mrs. Kay Humrichouser Mrs. Rebecca Humrichouser Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hunt Mr. James Hunt Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Hunt Mr. & Mrs. Stan Hunt & Neighbors Mr. & Mrs. William Hunt Mr. & Mrs. Gary Hunter Mr. Gerald Hunter Huntington National Bank Mr. & Mrs. Bob Hurlburt & Family Hursh Bellville Drugs Hursh Drugs, Inc. Ms. Janice Hurst Mr. & Mrs. Bill Huss Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Hutchinson & Family Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hutchinson Mrs. Leona Huvler Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hydock Hylant Administrative Services Mr. & Mrs. Bill Iceman Mr. & Mrs. Gene Icenhour Mr. Robert Ickes Mr. & Mrs. James Imhoff Mr. & Mrs. Paul Imhoff Mrs. Rose Marie Imhoff Indian Valley Local Schools Indian Valley Schools Admin. Team Infor Global Solutions Mr. & Mrs. Bill Inks Inn at Honey Run Mr. Larry Inscore Mr. & Mrs. Michael Inscore International Order Of The Golden Rule International Union Of Operating Engineers Mr. & Mrs. Jack Irving Mr. & Mrs. Craig Irwin Mr. & Mrs. Tom Irwin Mr. & Mrs.Virgil Irwin Irwin’s Office Supplies & Equipment Mr. & Mrs. William Isengard ITT Mid Atlantic Sales Team ITT R & C W North Central Region J. P. Morgan Chase & Co. J. C. Penney Corporation Inc. Mrs. Sally Jackenheimer Jackson Counts Sunshine Group Mr. & Mrs. Allen Jackson Mrs. Betty Jackson Mrs. Beverly Jackson Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Jim Jackson Dr. & Mrs. R. M. Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Larry Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Leon Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Ned Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Rich Jacobson & Families Jaguar Club Of Ohio Jake’s Mr. & Mrs. Robin Jakubick Mr. & Mrs. John James Mr. & Mrs. Mark Jameson Mr. & Mrs. Scott Jamison Mr. & Mrs. William Jamison Janey, Montgomery, Scott, LLC Mr. William Jarrett Mrs. Janet Jarvis Mrs. Janice Jarvis Mrs. Janet Jaynes Mr. & Mrs. Harold Jeffries Mr. Frank Jenkins Mr. & Mrs. Richard Jennings Jenny Wade Bed & Breakfast Mrs. Lois Jester Mr. & Mrs. Ken Jewett Jim’s Shoe Store & Repair Mr. & Mrs. Burk Jisa Johnson Bros. Rubber Co., Inc. Mr. Ben Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Bob Johnson Mrs. Carol Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Dean Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Freeman Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Gary Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Johnson Mrs. Laura Johnson Mrs. Mary Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Paul Johnson & Families Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Johnson & Family Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Terry Johnson Mr. Robert Jolley Ms. Cindy Jones Mrs. Janet Jones Mrs. Jean Jones Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Jones & Families Mrs. Marilyn Jones Mrs. Pam Jones & Family Mr. & Mrs. Richard Jones Mr. & Mrs. Steven Jones Jones Potato Chips Dr. & Mrs. John Jorden Mr. & Mrs. George Josko Mr. & Mrs. Mike Jung K. E. McCartney & Associates, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. R. Blair Kahl Mr. & Mrs.Victor Kahl Mr. & Mrs. George Kaiser Mr. Myron Kalish Kalmbach Feeds, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Dan Kamburoff Mr. & Mrs. Larry Kane Mrs. Margaret Kane & Family Ms. Debbi Kanter & Mort Gasner Mr. & Mrs. Dick Kanz 11 Mr. & Mrs. Herb Kanzig Mr. Roger Kapeluck & Ms. Ginny Lee Pilstl Mrs. Doris Kaple Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Kaple Mr. Ted Kaple Dr. & Mrs. David Kapusinski Mrs. Kathy Kapustar & Family Mr. & Mrs. Dan Kardasz Mrs. Mildred Karper Mr. Ray Kash Mr. & Mrs. John Kasper Mr. Kenneth Kasse Ms. Catherine Katie Mr. & Mrs. Lee Kattman Mr. & Mrs. Steve Katzenberger Mr. & Mrs. Dean Kauffman Mr. & Mrs. Lou Kauffman Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kauffman Ms. Lainie Kaufman Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kaye Mrs. Bernice Kearns Mrs. Jane Keck & Family Mrs. Betty Keener Mr. & Mrs. Duane Keener Mrs. Janet Keener Mr. & Mrs. Phil Keener Mr. & Mrs. Roy Kehl Bobby & Dan Keidan Mr. Paul Keiden & Families Mr. Robert Keiser Mr. & Mrs. Ron Keiser Ms. Sharon Keiser Mrs. Martha Keith Keller Auto Parts Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Keller Mr. & Mrs. Dean Keller Mr. & Mrs. Steve Keller Mr. & Mrs. William Kelley, Jr. Mrs. Louise Kelley Ms. Shawn Kelley Mr. & Mrs. Wes Kelley Mr. Richard Kelly Ms. Tonya Kelly Mrs. Marilyn Kemper Mr. & Mrs. Randy Kemper Mr. & Mrs. John Kemplin Kenag, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Andy Kender Ms. Connie Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Fred Kennedy Mr. Ronald Keplinger Mrs. Betsy Kerr Mr. & Mrs. Bob Kerr Mr. & Mrs. Don Kerr & Family Mrs. Joyce Kerr Mrs. Opal Kerr Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Kerr Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kerr Mr. & Mrs. William Kerr Mrs. Frances Kerschner Mr. & Mrs. Daryl Kershner Mr. Joe Kessler Ms. Elizabeth Keyes Mrs. Marjorie Kieffer Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Kieft Mr. Tom Kiene Mrs. Marjorie Kietter Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kiley Kilgore & Herring Ms. Janet Kilgore Ms. Nancy Kimnach King Ridge II Condominium Assn. Dr. & Mrs. Adrian King Mrs. Carole King Mr. & Mrs. Dave King Mr. & Mrs. Jim King Kings Island Kingston Of Ashland Mrs. Mary Kinsey Mr. & Mrs. Karl Kinstle Mr. & Mrs. Keith Kirkpatrick & Family Mr. & Mrs. Blake Kirsch Mr. Paul Kissel Mr. & Mrs. Kip Kiste Mrs. Marlene Kiste Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kistner Mrs. Sharon Kitchen Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Kitchener & Lisa Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Kitchens Mr. James Kitts & Shadow Flight Mrs. Jo Ann Klaameyer Mr. & Mrs. Neal Klamfoth Ms. Gail Klatka Mr. & Mrs. John Kleer Ms. Sharon Klein Mrs. Louise Kleman Mrs. Loretha Kline Mrs. Marjorie Kline Mrs. Mary Kline Mrs. Michele Kline & Mrs. Lorna Gillette Mr. Steve Kline Mr. & Mrs. Howard Klingler Mrs. Connie Kloos Ms. Judith Klotz & Mr. William Mateo Mrs. Frances Knapp Mrs. Thelma Knapp Mrs. Linda Knee Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Knee Mrs. Esther Knepp Ms. Jenny Knickerbocker Mr. & Mrs. D.E. Knieriemen & Family Knights Of Columbus Kno Ho Co Ashland Mr. & Mrs. Robert Knoll Mr. & Mrs. Steve Knowles Mrs.Vera Knowlton Knox Co. Career Center Staff Assoc. Mr. & Mrs. Gary Kocher Mrs. Annabelle Kochheiser Mr. & Mrs. Don Kochheiser Ms. Joan Kohl & Mr. Richard Abenberger Mrs. Peggy Kohler & Family Mr. & Mrs. Doug Koman Mr. & Mrs. Nick Komjenovich Mr. Robert Komjenovich Mrs. Cynthia Konzen Mrs. Maxine Koons Mr. Richard Koontz Mr. Lawrence Koplik & Ms. Sarah Roberts Mr. & Mrs. John Kopp & Family Mr. & Mrs. Bob Kopp Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Kopp Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Korbas & Todd Mr. & Mrs. Mark Korbas Mr. & Mrs. Phil Korbas Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Koroknay Mr. & Mrs. Stan Korol Kovacich And Whittlesey Families Mr. & Mrs. Dave Kowalka Ms. Judith Kraft & Estep Family Mrs. Donna Kramer & Schurman Family Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Kramer Mr. & Mrs. Roger Kramer Mr. Thomas Kranz Mrs. Kim Krebs & Family Mr. Paul Herbert Krebs Mr. & Mrs. Tim Krebs & Family Mr. & Mrs. Tom Krebs & Son Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Krebs Mr. & Mrs. Mark Kreinbihl Mr. & Mrs. David Kreis Mr. Wayne Kreis Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kriegel Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Krieger & Family Mr. & Mrs. Jon Krieger Mr. & Mrs. Mike Krieger Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Krieser Dr. K.c. Krishnamurthi Mrs. Joanne Kroft Mr. Guy Krueger Mrs. Betty Kudrak Mr. & Mrs. Jim Kuhn Mr. & Mrs. Larry Kuhn Mr. & Mrs. Harold Kunkel Mrs. Kathleen Kunkle Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kurbad Mr. & Mrs. John Kurtz Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kurtz Mr. & Mrs. Joe Kutina Kuttin’ Korner Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kypta & Matthew Mr. Tom La France Mr. & Mrs. Tom La Porte Ladies Auxiliary V.F.W. 3494 Ladies Auxiliary V.F.W. 8586 Ms. Lynn Lafene Ms. Kathy Laird Lake Erie Frozen Foods Mfg. Co. Ms.Vickie Lambright Mr. & Mrs. Boyd Lance Lance, Inc. Mrs. Donna Landis Mr. & Mrs. Edward Landis Mrs. Eleanor Landis Mr. & Mrs. Paul Landis Mr. & Mrs. Ted Landis Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Lange Mrs. Margaret Langer Mrs. Joyce Langert (continued) Mr. & Mrs. Dick Langoehr Mr. Matthew Langston Mrs. Cheryl Lantz Mr. & Mrs. Mike Lantz Mr. Warren Lapp & Family Mr. Dale Larue Mr. Brad Laser Mrs. Sandra Laser Dr. & Mrs. Donald Lash Mr. & Mrs. Terry Lash Ms. Margaret Laskowski Mrs. Jennie Lattimer Mrs. Mary Lou Lattner Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Laucher Mrs. Mary Lauer Mr. & Mrs. Keith Laughbaum Mr. & Mrs. Ron Laughery Ms. Karen Laverty Mr. & Mrs. Michael Law Lawgix International Mr. & Mrs. Joey Lawhun Mr. William Lawhun Mrs. Betty Lawrentz Mr. Frank Lawrentz Ms. Cindi Le Master Mr. Lawrence Le Mieux Mr. Michael Le Mieux Ms. Marcia Leach & Mr. Brian Leahy Mrs. Maxine Leaman Mr. & Mrs. Bert Leasure & Mr. Greg Carpenter Mr. & Mrs. Robert Leather Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Leather Ms. Helen Leatherman Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Lechiara Mr. & Mrs. Ron Leddy Mr. Robert Lederer Mrs. Darlene Lee Mr. & Mrs. David Lee Mr. & Mrs. George Leedom Mr. & Mrs. Dave Leedy Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Leedy Mrs. Mary Kay Leedy Mr. & Mrs. Tom Leffel Mrs. Gladys Jean Legros Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Lehman Mr. & Mrs.Vance Lehman Mrs. Juanita Lehnhart Ms. Elizabeth Lehto Mr. Lewis Leigh Ms. Cathleen Leiter Mr. & Mrs. Robert Leiter Mrs. Helen Lent Mrs. Lucinda Lent Mr. Carl Leonberger & Families Mrs.Viva Lepp Mr. & Mrs. Tom Lesch Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Letwin Mr. & Mrs. Mike Levey Mr. & Mrs. Howard Levin Mr. Mark Levitt Ms. Judy Levy Mr. John Lewis Ms. Rosemary Lewis Mrs. Ruth Lewis & Family Lex Luray Enterprises Inc. Lexington Area Senior Citizens Lexington Class Of 1957 Mrs. Carol Lee Lifer Mrs. Esther Lifer Mr. Paul Lifer Ms. Madison Light Ms. Sally Light Mr. & Mrs. Steve Light & Davis Families Lighthouse Bible Church Mrs. Susan Lime Mr. & Mrs. A. Lee Liming Mr. Don Liming Lincoln Elementary School Staff Lind Media Company Mr. & Mrs. Ed Linde Ms. Margaret Lindecamp Mr. Eddie Linder Mr. & Mrs. Bob Lindsey Mrs. Ruth Lindsey Lingenfelter Jewelers Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Linn Livelsberger & Associates Mr. & Mrs. Howard Liviskie Mr. Dallas Lloyd Mr. & Mrs. Scott Lochmandy & Families Mrs. Susan Lockemer Lockheed Martin Sts-Akron Mrs. Mickie Lockwood Mr. & Mrs. Gale Lodahl Lodi Station Outlets Mr. & Mrs. Dan Loeffler Mrs. Jean Lohr Mrs. Julia Lombardo Mr. & Mrs. Brad Long Mrs. Brenda Long Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Long Mr. & Mrs. Donald Long Mr. & Mrs. Jim Long Mr. Kenneth Long Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Long Mrs. Myriam Long Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Long Mrs. Rose Ann Long & Family Mr. William Long Mrs. Elizabeth Longden Ms. Jolynn Lopeman Mr. James Lorentz Loudonville H. S. Class Of 1976 Loudonville Lions Club Mrs. Betty Loughman Mr. & Mrs. Martin Loughman Mr. Michael Loughman Mrs. Kathy Lovas Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Love Mr. & Mrs. Randall Love Mrs. Betty Loveland Mr. Donald Loveless Mrs. Carolyn Lowe Mr. & Mrs. Rick Lowe Mrs. Helen Loyd Ms. Karlene Lucansky Mr. Jeffrey Lucas Mrs. Twila Lucas & Families Lucious Kreations Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ludwick Mr. & Mrs. Donald Ludwig Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ludwig Mrs. Constance Luidhardt Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Lump Lunch Buddies Mr. Mark Lundmarkk Mrs. Brenda Luttrell Mrs. Nancy Lutz Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Lycan Mr. & Mrs. Jim Lynch Mrs. Robin Lyons & Family M. T. A. 25 Year Club Mrs. Carole Maatz & Families Madison Class Of 1942 Madison High / Tim & Lori Dean Madison Township Lions Club Ms. Susan Madura Mrs. Beverly Magee Ms. Mary Magill Mr. & Mrs. John Maiken Main Street Books, Ltd. Mrs. Judy Makeever & Dickey Families Mr. & Mrs. Robert Makeever Malabar Farm Restaurant Mr. & Mrs. Rick Malfitano Mr. & Mrs. Robert Maloney Mrs. Lisa Manco Mr. & Mrs. Larry Maneese Ms. Dianne Mann Mr. & Mrs. Larry Mann Ms.Virginia Mann Mrs. Bettie Manning Dr. & Mrs. Bill Manos Mans./Ontario/Richland Co Health Dept. Mansfield Ambulance Mansfield Board Of Realtors Mansfield Community Playhouse, Inc. Mansfield Correctional Institution Mansfield Evening Lions Club Mansfield Pediatrics, Inc. Mansfield Richland Co. Library Staff Mansfield USBC Wba Mr. & Mrs. Gary Mansfield Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mapes Mr. & Mrs. Tom Maras Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Marett Mr. & Mrs. Merle Margot Ms. Janis Marhenke Marion Correctional Inst. Farm Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Markel Mr. & Mrs. Sam Markel Mr. & Mrs. Tim Markel Mr. & Mrs. Joe Marker Mrs. Marilyn Markley Ms. Angeline Marotta Mr. John Marquette Mrs. Lee Marr Mr. & Mrs. Ted Marsh Mr. & Mrs. William Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Don Martie Mr. & Mrs. Brian Martin Ms. Carol Martin Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Martin Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Martin Mrs. Ila Martin Mrs. Janet Frew Martin Mr. & Mrs. Manny Martin Mr. & Mrs. Paul Martin Mr. & Mrs. R. Douglas Martin Mr. & Mrs. Roger Marvicsin Mrs. Irene Mascazine Ms. Maria Masi Mr. & Mrs. William Mast Mr. Richard Masters & Sorellas II Mr. & Mrs. Bob Mathews Rev. & Mrs. Tom Matus Mrs. Jane Matz Mr. & Mrs. Dale Mauherr Ms. Kimberly Maun Mr. Mark Maun Mr. & Mrs. John Maurer Mr. & Mrs. Dale Mawhorr Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Mawhorr Mr. Gary Maxheimer Mr. & Mrs. David Maxwell Mr. & Mrs. David Maxwell Mr. & Mrs. Robert May Patricia Mayer Family Mrs. Carole Mazzola MBA Solutions, LLC Mrs. Clara McAfee Mrs. Judy McAfee Mrs. Margaret McAllister Mr. & Mrs. Dale McBride & Mrs. Evelyn McCray Mr. & Mrs. Robert McBride Mr. H. Dean McBurney Mr. Raymond McCaffrey Mr. Ken McCally Mr. Kenneth McCann Mrs. Carol McCartney Mr. William McCartney Mr. & Mrs. Chuck McCarty Mrs. Helen McClellan Mrs. Betty McClelland Mr. Alan McClish Mrs. Judy McCluggage Mrs. Pattie McClure Mrs. Peggy McClure Mr. & Mrs. Larry McConnell Mr. & Mrs. Wil McConnell Mrs. Wilma Jean McConnell Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McCoppin & Family Mr. & Mrs. Bob McCormic Mrs. Mary Ann McCormick & Friends Mr. Norman McCracken Mr. & Mrs. Sam McCracken Mrs. Joanne McCready Dr. Beth McCreary Mr. & Mrs. Ron McCullough Mrs. Margaret McCurdy & Richard Au Family Mrs. Mary McCurdy Mr. & Mrs. Robert McDaniel Mc Donald’s Corporation Mc Donald’s Friends Ms. Saundra McDougale Mr. & Mrs. Butch McDowell Mr. & Mrs. Dwight McElfresh Mrs. Kathryn McEvoy Mr. & Mrs. Larry McFadden Mr. & Mrs. Ted McFadden Mrs. Paulette McFarland Mrs. June McFarlin Mr. & Mrs. Ron McFarlin Mr. & Mrs. Gary McGugin Mr. & Mrs. Bill McGuinness Mr. & Mrs. Dale McIntire & Family Mrs. Jane McIntire Mr. John McIntire Mrs. Phyllis McIntire Dr. & Mrs. Roger McInturf Mr. Melvin McKeachie Mr. & Mrs. Gary McKean & Family Mr. & Mrs. Brynn McKee Mrs. Ethel McKim Mr. & Mrs. Clayton McKinley Mrs. Shirley McKinley Mrs.Virginia McKinley Mrs. Christine McKinney Mr. & Mrs. Fred McKinney Katie & Annie McKinney Mr. & Mrs. Marty McKinney & Mr. Clayton Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Bill McKinnon Ms. Goldie McLaughlin & Mr. Josh Finley Mr. & Mrs. John McLellan Mr. & Mrs. Gil McLendon Mrs. Marilyn McMillan Rev. & Mrs. Frank McMillen Mr. & Mrs. John McMillen 12 Mr. & Mrs. Jack McMullen Mr. & Mrs. Dan McNaull Mr. & Mrs. Les McNeely Mr. & Mrs. Glen McNeil Mr. & Mrs. Allen McNew Mrs. Judy McQuate Mr. & Mrs. David McQuillen Mr. & Mrs. Rick McQuillen Mr. & Mrs. John McQuillen Mr. & Mrs. Demas McVay, Jr. Mrs. Norma McVey Mr. & Mrs. John McVicar Mr. & Mrs. Warren McWhorter Mrs. Arlene McWilliams Mr. Dwayne Mealey Mechanics Bank MedCentral Cont. Educ. & Dieticians MedCentral Health System O R Staff MedCentral Quality Management Medical Service Company Mr. & Mrs. Rod Meeks Mr. & Mrs. Michael Meenan Mr. & Mrs. James Meeting Mr. & Mrs. Gaylord Meininger Mr. & Mrs. Al Meister Mr. & Mrs. Albert Meister Mr. Dave Meister & Family Ms. Dixie Meister Mrs.Vernita Mellor Ms. Mary Menicos Mr. & Mrs. Clay Mentzer Mrs. Marilyn Mertler Mrs. Angie Messner Mr. & Mrs. John Messner Mr. & Mrs. Richard Messner & Family Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Metcalf Meter Readers Pen Electric Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Mets Mr. & Mrs. David Metzger Mrs. Joannice Metzger Mr. Mark Metzger & Ms. Julie Osborn Mrs. Mary Metzger Mr. & Mrs. Michael Metzger Mr. & Mrs. Philip Meves Mr. John Meyer Ms. Connie Meyers Mrs. Cynthia Meyers Mr. Dean Michos Mid Ohio Education Service Center Mid-Ohio Orthopaedic Mrs. Roy Milburn & Family Miller Valentine Group Mr. & Mrs. Allan Miller Ms. Amy Miller Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Miller Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Miller Mr. Don Miller & Family Mr. Edward Miller Mr. & Mrs. Gene Miller Mrs. Helen Miller Mr. & Mrs. Jack Miller Mr. & Mrs. Jake Miller Mr. & Mrs. James Miller Mrs. Jo Ann Miller Mr. & Mrs. Joe Miller Mr. & Mrs. John Miller Mr. John Miller Mr. & Mrs. John Miller Mr. & Mrs. Keith Miller & Simonton’s Mr. & Mrs. Lew Miller Mr. & Mrs. Roy Miller Mrs. Sara Miller Mr. & Mrs. Tom Miller Mr. & Mrs. Tom Miller & Family Ms. Dana Milligan Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Milligan Mrs. Joyce Milliron Weber Mr. & Mrs. Bud Milliron Mrs. Alice Mills Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Mills Mrs. Betty Mills Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Mills Milton & Beulah Young Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Grover Milwee & Andrew Mr. & Mrs. Ned Miner Ms. Jeanetta Miser Mr. & Mrs. Gary Mishey & Families Mr. Corliss Missioni Mitchell & Sons Moving & Storage Mrs. Amy Mitchell Mrs. Ellen Mitchell & Mrs. Betty Goff Ms. Kimberly Mitchell Rev. & Mrs. Sanford Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Terry Mitchell Mrs. Jacquelynne Mizer & Mrs. Helen Morley Mr. & Mrs. Tom Mock Ms. Joann Moellenkamp Mohican Adventures Mohican Auxiliary F. O. E. 2178 Mohican Hills Golf Club Mohican Resort & Conference Center Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Mohrman Ms. Linda Mohrman Mr. Duke Moloci Mr. Robert Molson Mr. Robert Monastra Mrs. Regina Mongenel Ms. Joy Monn Mr. & Mrs. Roy Moody Mrs. Shirley Moon Mrs. Alinde Moore Mrs. Cookie Moore Mrs. Diane Moore & Family Mrs. Glenna Moore & Family Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Moore Mrs. La Jane Moore Mrs. Lorraine Moore Mrs. Phoebe Moore Mr. & Mrs. Scott Moorhead Mr. & Mrs. Robert Moorman Ms. Marilyn Morelli Mr. & Mrs. Larry Moretz Mr. & Mrs. Darrel Morgan Moritz Materials, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Brooks Morr Mrs. Stella Morr Morris Motors Inc. Mrs. Andrea Morris Mr. & Mrs. Bill Morris Mr. & Mrs. Jack Morris Ms. Lynda Morris Mrs. Sandra Morris Mr. Steve Morris & Ms. Denise Naugle & Families Mr. Thomas Morris Mrs. Joyce Morse Mr. & Mrs. Mike Mortimer Ms. Lucia Morton Mrs. Nancy Morton Mrs. Sandi Mosser Mr. & Mrs. Richard Motz Mrs. Tish Mowery Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Mowry & Family Mrs. Anna Muellner Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mulherin Mrs. Ann Mulla Mrs. Johanna Muller Mr. & Mrs. Doug Mullins Ms. Neally Mullins Mrs. Clara Munn Ms. Christen Munshower Mrs. Marie Murdock Ms. Margaret Murphy Ms. Mary Ann Murphy Ms. Mary H. Murphy Ms. Jessica Murray Mr. & Mrs. Alex Murray Mrs. Margaret Murray Mr. & Mrs. Michael Murray Mr. & Mrs. Tony Musca Mrs. Nancy Musille Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Mutchler Mrs. Doris Mutchler Mr. & Mrs. Gene Muth Myers Family Mrs. Carla Myers Mr. & Mrs. Dave Myers Mr. & Mrs. Gary Myers Mrs. Gert Myers Mr. James Myers Mr. & Mrs. Jay Myers Mrs. Mildred Myers Mrs. Miriam Myers Dr. & Mrs. Philip Myers Mr. & Mrs. Carl Nagy Nankin Volunteer Fire Dept. Mrs. Rosemary Napier & Mrs. Carolyn Shumway Mr. & Mrs. Bill Nardo Mr. Leo Nathanson & Mr. Otis Cook National Assoc. Of Letter Carriers National City Bank - Ashland Ms. Denise Naugle & Ms. Nadine Morris NCA Auto Service Mr. & Mrs. Earl Nedrow Mr. Doyle Neel & Family Ms. Polly Neer Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Neff Ms. Kay Nehls Mr. & Mrs. Hermann Nehrkorn Ms. Sylvia Neibarger Mrs. Irene Neikirk Ms. Joyce Nelson & Mr. Tom Decker Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Nelson Mrs. Racine Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Rob Nelson Mr. Steven Nemerovski Mr. & Mrs. Tom Nesbett & Sullivan Class Of 1958 Mrs. Lois Neumann & Family New Leaf Landscaping New London Grange New London High Class Of 1954 Mr. William Newell & Family Ms. Nancy Newlon & Family Dr. William Newman Mrs. Mary Newmeyer Mrs. Cynthia Nichols Mr. & Mrs. Tom Nichols Mr. & Mrs. Marion Nickell Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Niese Mr. & Mrs. Al Nighswander Mrs. Dorothy Nikolaus & Mitchell Family Mr. & Mrs. Gary Nikolaus Mrs. Ellen Nitsche & Family Mr. & Mrs. Craig Nitsche Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nixon Mr. Robert Noggle Mrs. Esther Nojiri Mr. & Mrs. Jim Nordstrom Mrs. Mary Ann Nore Ms. Carole Norman Mr. & Mrs. Larry Norris Mrs. Minnie Norris Mr. & Mrs. Ron Norris North Central Golf North Central Ohio Walking Horse North Royalton City Schools Northern Ohio Dist. Church/ Brethren Mrs. Heather Norviel Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Notti Ms. Linda Novak Novatex North America Rev. J. Ellen Nunnally Mr. & Mrs. Bob Nusbaum & Family Mr. & Mrs. Bill Nuss Mrs.Valerie Oberaitis Mr. & Mrs. Joe O’Brien O’Bryan’s Pub Mr. Rebecca O’Donnell Mr. Robert O’Donnell Mrs. Carol O’Mara Oakbrook Condo Owners Association Oak Grove Manor Mr. & Mrs. Ron Oakleaf Mr. & Mrs. Robert Oakley Mr. & Mrs. Earl Oaklief Oapse North Central District Mrs.Valerie Oberaitis Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Oberholtzer Mr. & Mrs. Larry Oberholtzer Mrs. Shelley Oberlin Mr. & Mrs. Robbie Obrecht & Zach Mr. & Mrs. Bob Obrecht Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Obrecht Office Personnel Of Dr. Stephen Yoder Ohio Amateur Softball Association Ohio Amish Country Quilt Shop Hop Ohio Assn Public School Emp 233 Ohio Dist. 5 Area Agency On Aging, Inc. Ohio State Reformatory Ohio Tool Works Corporation Old Uniontown Quilt Guild Oldham Business Services, Llc Olive Branch Church Of God Mr. Mark Olsen Mr. & Mrs. Dave Olson & Family Omaha Steaks Mrs. Betty Omo & Family One America Company Ontario Class Of 1950 Ontario Friends & Neighbors Ontario Local School District Mr. & Mrs. Dale Opperman Order Of Eastern Star #92 Mr. Richard Ormesher Orrville Area United Way Mr. & Mrs. Joe Orsini Mrs. Charma Ortolf Ms. Nancy Osborne Mr. & Mrs. John Osbun Mr. & Mrs. Randy Osler Mrs. Jean Osman Ms. Iris Mintz Ossakow Mr. & Mrs. Richard Oswalt Mr. & Mrs. Ron Oswalt Mr. & Mrs. Tom Oswalt Mrs. Dona Owen Ms. Karin Owen Mr. Daniel Owens Mrs. Dianne Owens Dr. & Mrs. Gary Owens Col. & Mrs. Jeffrey Owens Ms. Rebecca Owens Mr. William Owens Mrs. Mary Oxender Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Oxenrider Mrs. Phyllis Oxenrider P R N Therapy Services Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Page Mr. & Mrs.Viktor Pajkert & Family Ms. Ann Palik & Scott Mrs. Fran Palmer Paola, Hunter, Hostetler & Assoc. Park Ave. Baptist Women’s Ministries Mrs. Doreen Park Mrs.Yvonne Park Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Parker & Wood Families Mrs. Beverly Parker Mr. & Mrs. Robert Parker Mr. & Mrs. Robert Parrigan Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Parris Ms. Peggy Parris Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Pasheilich Mr. Robert Patalano Ms. Michelle Pate Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Pate Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Patterson Mr. & Mrs. Richard Patterson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Patterson Mr. & Mrs. Lowell Patton Mrs. Mary Lou Patton Mr. & Mrs. Fred Patznick Paul’s Drive In Mrs. Doris Paullin Mr. & Mrs. Gary Paullin & Sarah Ms. Carol Paulson Mr. & Mrs. Phil Pauly Mr. Walter Payne Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Roger Payne Mr. & Mrs. Tom Payne Mrs. Anita Pearce Mr. & Mrs. William Pearce Mr. Patrick Pearl Mr. Clarence Peay Mr. & Mrs. Steve Peebles Mr. Billy Peed Mr. Jim Peeples & Tom Ms. Barb Pena Mrs. Miriam Pence Mr. & Mrs. William Pennell & Family Pentair Pump Group Ms. Susan Percic Perkins Family Restaurants Mrs. Marsha Perkins Mrs. Ruth Perkins Mr. & Mrs. Bill Perrine Mr. & Mrs. Bob Perrone Mrs. Betty Perry Mr. & Mrs. Don Perry Ms. Patricia Perry Mr. & Mrs. Phil Perry Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Perry Rev. & Mrs. Gus Peter Mr. & Mrs. Bill Peters Mr. & Mrs. Jack Petre Mr. & Mrs. Paul Petrella Ms. Mary Petroff & Ms. Renee Schreiber Mr. & Mrs. Mike Petroff Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Petry Mrs.Veronica Petry Mrs. Miriam Pettit Mr. & Mrs. Bob Pewonski Mr. & Mrs. Tom Peyton Mrs. Peggy Pfahler Mr. Ralph Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Kenny Phillips Mrs. Monica Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Robert Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Ron Piaskowski Mrs. Beverly Pickering Mr. & Mrs. Gail Pickworth Pierce Financial Mr. & Mrs. Eric Pierre & Family Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Pifer Mr. & Mrs. James Pifer Mrs. Patricia Pihl Mr. & Mrs. Bob Pinkley Pinnacle Wealth Planning Pioneer Career & Technology Center Mr. Merlyn Piper Mr. Joseph Pirc Mrs. Fae Pitsch & Family Mr. & Mrs. Ron Pittenger Mr. Donald Plank Mr. & Mrs. Ron Plank & Friends Mr. & Mrs. Justin Plas Ms. Cheryl Plaster Pleasant Valley Lutheran Church Mrs. Sandra Plew Mrs. Hazel Plice Ms. Mae Poland Dr. William Polinski Polk Fire Department Auxiliary Polk Volunteer Fire Dept. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Pollock Mr. John Polosky Mrs. Judy Hess Pompei Mrs. Marjorie Poorman Ms. Dianne Popadich Mr. & Mrs. Stan Popp Ms. Becky Porch Mr. Leland Porch Mr. James Pore Mr. Leon Pore Mr. & Mrs. Steve Pore Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Porterfield Mr. & Mrs. James Portner Possum Run Greenhouses, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Potina Mr. Frank Potter Mrs. Madeleine Potter Mrs. Carole Potts Powell & Cortes Families Mrs. Linda Powell & Shafer Family Mrs. Linda Powell Mr. & Mrs. Bill Powers Mr. & Mrs. Jr. Powers Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Pratt Ms. Susan Presits Mr. & Mrs. Fred Preston Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Price Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Price Mr. & Mrs. Donald Price Mr. & Mrs. Dan Priest & Marge Coutts Mr. & Mrs. Dwight Priode Mrs. Elizabeth Pritchard Mr. & Mrs. Charles Proctor Progressive Mr. & Mrs. Harold Prosser Mr. & Mrs. Peter Prosser Mr. & Mrs. William Prosser Mr. Harold Pruner Mr. Robert Pryor Mr. & Mrs. Andy Psimer Purtell Family Mr. Jack Purtell Mr. George Puskas Mrs. Christa Puterbaugh Mr. & Mrs. Tim Putt Mr. Anthony Pyanowski Mrs. Kay Pye Mr. & Mrs. Paul Pyers Ms. Sandy Pylant Mrs. Brenda Queen Mr. Merle Queer Dr. Carl Quick Mr. & Mrs. Jerald Quickle Mr. & Mrs. Dan Quinn R. R. Donnelley Raby Hardware Mrs. Linda Rachel & Friends Mrs. Rosanna Radcliffe Mr. & Mrs. James Rader Mr. & Mrs. Mark Rader Mr. & Mrs. Dick Radick Mr. & Mrs. Mark Rafeld Mrs. Diane Raguz Mr. & Mrs. James Rahall Mrs. Carolyn Raike Mr. & Mrs. Fred Raile Rainbow Friends Mr. Guy Rainey Mr. & Mrs. Norbert Rall Ms. Carol Ramsey Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Ramsey Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Ramsier Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Ransom Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Ransom Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Raubenolt Ms. Rebecca Raubenolt Mr. & Mrs. Keith Raudebaugh RE Max Integrity Realty 13 Mr. & Mrs. Harold Reader Ream Family Mrs. Sharon Rebmann Mr. George Recck Mr. & Mrs. Bill Redman Redneck Yot Club Red Oak Advertising Mr. & Mrs. Bill Reed Mrs. Darlene Reed Mr. & Mrs. Dick Reed Mrs. Kay Reed Mr. & Mrs. Mark Reed Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Reed Mrs.Virginia Reel Reflections Hair Design Mr. & Mrs. Robert Reichel Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Reid Mr. & Mrs. Len Reidel Mr. & Mrs. Robert Reidenbach Mr. & Mrs. Tim Reik Mr. & Mrs. Leland Reineke Mr. & Mrs. Bob Reith & Families Mrs. Betty Reith Mr. & Mrs. John Reith Rem Sales & Associates, Inc. Mr. Shad Remaley Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Remy Mrs. Margaret Remy Mr. & Mrs. Brady Renners & Claire Mr. & Mrs. Roger Renwick Mrs. Norma Repp Ms. Rebekah Ressler Mr. & Mrs. Donald Restille & Family Mrs. Lucie Restille Mrs. Mary Reu Ms. Christie Reynolds Mrs. Julia Rhoads Mr. & Mrs. Steve Rhodes Ms. Judy Rice Mr. & Mrs. Larry Rice Mr. & Mrs. Larry Rice & Family Mrs. Lillian Rice Ms. Deborah Richards Mr. James Richards Mrs. Marguerite Richards Mr. & Mrs. Steve Richardson Mrs. Joann Richey Mr. Merle Richey Richland Bank Richland Carrousel Park Richland County Foundation Richland Lumber Inc. Richland Rural Life Center Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Art Richter Mr. & Mrs. Bob Richter Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Rickel Mr. & Mrs. Leland Rickel Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Rickett Ms. Cathy Rickey Mr. & Mrs. William Ridenour Mr. & Mrs. Craig Riedel Mr. & Mrs. Michael Riegel Mr. & Mrs. Rick Riegel Mrs. Tess Riepenhoff Mr. Timothy Ries Rife’s Market Employees Ms. Laura Mae Riffle Mrs. Joann Rigg Mr.Vernon Riggenbach Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Riggenbach Mr. & Mrs. Mike Riley Rinehart Insurance Mr. & Mrs. Ken Rinehart Mrs. Regina Rinehart Mrs. Jeanette Ringler Ms. Jennifer Ringler & Families Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ringler Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Risser & Claire Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Rissler Mr. & Mrs. Craig Ritchey Mr. & Mrs. Bill Ritchie Mr. & Mrs. Dan Ritchie Dr. Stephen Ritz Rivermine Software Mr. & Mrs. Rex Robbins Robert J. Lehew & Associates, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Roberts Mr. Fred Roberts & Ms. Sally Meeting Mr. Harold Roberts Mrs. Martha Roberts Ms. Angela Robertson Mrs. Bette Jo Robertson Dr. Karen Robertson Mr. & Mrs. Lee Robertson Mr. C. Frank Robey Mr. Bill Robinson Mr. Charles Robinson & Class Of 1959 Mr. & Mrs. Dave Robinson Ms. Jamie Robinson Mr. & Mrs. John Robinson Mrs. Doris Robison Mr. & Mrs. Tom Robson Rev. & Mrs. Ben Roby Roby Foster Miller Earick, Inc. Mrs. Janet Rockenfelder Rock and Roll Hall of Fame & Museum Mr. Wilbur Rodgers Mrs. Mary Roe Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Roebel Mr. & Mrs. Bill Roepke & Family Mrs. Sarah Ann Roepke Miss Adrianna Rogers Mrs. Carol Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Don Rogers Mr. & Mrs. George Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Larry Rogers Mrs. Mary Lou Rogers & Longden Families Mr. & Mrs. Michael Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Terry Rogers Mr. & Mrs. William Rogers Mr. William Rogers Mr. & Mrs. George Rohde Mr. Richard Rohr Mr. & Mrs. David Rohrbaugh Ms. Jane Roland Rolls Royce Charity & Civic Fund Mrs. Sue Romanchuk Mr. & Mrs. Mark Rook & Family Mrs. Gina Roop Mr. Richard Roose & Mrs. Maggie McAllister Mr. & Mrs. David Rose Mrs. Joan Rose Mr. Joseph Rose & Family Mr. & Mrs. Mike Rose & Families Mrs. Rosella Rose Mr. & Mrs. Stan Rose Mr. & Mrs. Terry Rose Mr. & Mrs. Ben Ross Ms. Carol Ross Mr. Donald Ross Mr. & Mrs. Tom Ross Mr. & Mrs. R. M. Rossel Ms. Robin Rothaar Mr. Tom Rothaar Mrs. Stacey Rothman Ms.Vera Rouhier Mr. & Mrs. Peter Rowan Mrs. Sarah Rowan Mr. & Mrs. Don Rowe Mr. & Mrs. Ray Rowland Rowsburg Lions Club Mrs. June Rox Mrs. Lori Ann Roy Dr. Kimberly Royal Mrs. Beatrice Rubeck Mrs. Ruth Rudolph Mr. Don Ruehle & Family Mr. Homer Ruge Mr. Paul Rumbaugh Mrs. Judy Runion Mr. Paul Rupple Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Ruschau Mr. & Mrs. Larry Rush Ms. Betty Russell Mr. & Mrs. Ed Russell Mr. Frank Russo Mr. & Mrs. Gary Russo Mrs. Judith Ryals Mr. & Mrs. Donald Ryan & Neighbors Mr. & Mrs. Stan Ryland Mr. & Mrs. Butch Ryman S. P. Carbide Die, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Elsby Saalman Ms. Laurie Sabel Mrs. Ellen Saccomen Ms. Judith Sadowski Mr. & Mrs. Jim Saffle & Families Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Saffle Mrs. Constance Salamon Mrs. Marilyn Salon Mrs. Barbara Salsgiver Salvation Army Kroc Center Ms. Tracey Salvatori & Hibbs Family Mr. & Mrs. Paul Salvisburg Mr. & Mrs.Vince Salyers Mr. & Mrs. Neil Salzgeber Samaritan Hospital Surgery Staff Samaritan Regional Health System Mr. & Mrs. James Samples Mr. & Mrs. Darwin Sampsel Mr. & Mrs. Richard Samuel Mrs. Carol Lynn Sands Mr. & Mrs. Allen Sanford (continued) Mr. Gerald Sargent Saturday Night Supper Club Mr. & Mrs. James Sauder Ms. Heather Sauer Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sauer Savannah Lions Club Save-A-Lot Mr. & Mrs. Scott Savick Mr. & Mrs. Donald Sawhill Mr. & Mrs. Tom Sawyer & Rnyc Mr. & Mrs. Jim Sayers Mrs. Suellen Scarff Mr. Marvis Schaaf Mrs. Dorothea Schade Mrs. Carolyn Schaefer Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schafer Ms. Rebecca Schaly Mr. & Mrs. Dave Schar Mr. Richard Schartman Mr. & Mrs. Ray Scheerer Mr. & Mrs. Milton Scheffler Mr. Ron Scheid Mr. & Mrs. Edward Schemine Ms. Rita Scheurer Mrs. Carol Schevey Ms. Linda Schiopota Schmidt Family Mr. & Mrs. Bill Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Brian Schmidt Ms. Cynthia Schmidt Mr. Eugene Schmidt Mrs. Dorothy Schneider Ms. Susan Schneider Schoonover Industries Mr. Robert Schnug Mrs. Lois Schoenman Mr. & Mrs. Randy Schoenman Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schoonover Ms. Susan Schott Mrs. Rosalie Schottenstein Mrs. Eileen Schraedly Mr. & Mrs. Dale Schroeder Mrs. Jill Schuckman Mr. & Mrs. Larry Schuler Mr. & Mrs. Mike Schuler Ms. Becky Schulte Mrs. Norma Schultz Mr. Robert Schurman & Family Mr. & Mrs. Mike Schuster Mrs. Jacqualine Schuttera Mr. Gene Schwarzwalder Schweinfurth Farms Limited Mr. & Mrs. Michael Scodova Mr. & Mrs. David Scott Mr. & Mrs. Dick Scott Mr. & Mrs. Doug Scott Mrs. Mary Scott Dr. Timothy Scott Mrs. Angela Scurci Mr. & Mrs. Ripley Scurlock Mr. & Mrs. Steve Scurlock Mrs. Mary Seaboyer Mrs. Anna Seaman Mr. & Mrs. Art Seaman Search Light Club Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Seay Mrs. Barbara Sebree Mr. Ronald Secrist Mrs. Corinne Sedwick Mr. & Mrs. Dex Sedwick Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Seibert Mrs. Nancy Seibert Mr. & Mrs. Tim Seibert Mr. & Mrs. Ron Seifley Mr. & Mrs. Don Seiter Mr. & Mrs. Gary Seiter Ms.Vicky Senff Mr. & Mrs. Bernie Senser Sequent, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Bill Sesco Mr. & Mrs. James Settlemire Mrs. Carla Sevdalis Mr. & Mrs. James Seymour Mr. & Mrs. David Shade Mrs. Marguerite Shade Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shade Mr. & Mrs. Don Shaedig Mr. & Mrs. Philip Shafer & Daughters Ms. Beverly Shaffer Mr. & Mrs. James Shaffer Mr. John Shaffer Mr. Merrill Shaffer Shakley Mechanical Inc. Mrs. Gladys Shakley Ms. Shirley Shambaugh Mr. & Mrs. Lester Shamp Mr. & Mrs. Larry Shank Mrs. Mary Alice Shank Mrs. Wanda Shank Mr. Robert Sharp Mr. & Mrs. Scott Sharrock Mr. & Mrs. Richard Shartle Mrs. Emma Shaum Mr. & Mrs. David Shaw Mr. & Mrs. Mark Shaw Mr. & Mrs. Tom Shaw Mrs. Louella Shearer & Ms.Virginia Cusic Ms. Nedra Sheldon & Family Mr. & Mrs. Richard Shell Ms. Anne M. Shelley Ms. Glorene Shenberger Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Shenberger & Doug Mr. & Mrs. Del Shepherd Ms. Shirley Sheppard Mrs. Martha Sherer Anna & Jodie Sherman Mrs. Rita Sherman Mr. Robert Sherman Mrs. Anna Sherrick Sherwin Williams Mr. & Mrs. Jim Shibinski & Families Mr. Russell Shields Mr. & Mrs. Stephan Shifley Mrs. Jane Shilling Mr. & Mrs. Jim Shilling Ms. Kimberly Shireman Mr. & Mrs. Doug Shirk Mr. & Mrs. Bob Shoaf Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Shock Shoemaker Family Mr. & Mrs. Dave Shoemaker Ms. Ruthann Shoemaker Mr. Charles Shonkwiler Shook Construction Mr. Bobby Shook Mr. & Mrs. Dave Shook Mr. & Mrs. Roger Shopbell Linda & Louise Shorter Mr. & Mrs. Gene Shorts Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Shoudt Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Shoup & Famlies Mr. & Mrs. Larry Shreffler Shreve Elementary School Staff Mr. & Mrs. Jim Shriver Dr. & Mrs. John Shuler Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Shults Mrs. Anne Shultz Mrs. Doris Shultz Mrs. Alice Shupe Mr. George Siciliano Mrs. Lynn Sickinger Mr. & Mrs. Don Sidle Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sidwell Mr. & Mrs. Charles Siefert Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Siegenthaler Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Siewert Mr. & Mrs. Renato Siewert Mrs. Berniece Sigafoos Mr. & Mrs. Albert Sigg & Family Mr. Thomas Silver Lindsay Silverman & M Goodman Mr. & Mrs. Bob Simmering Mr. & Mrs. Bob Simmons Mrs. Ellen Simmons Mr. & Mrs. Larry Simms Mr. & Mrs. Paul Simon Simonson Construction Mr. & Mrs. Charles Simons Simply EZ Home Delivered Meals Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Simpson Mrs. Karolyn Krebs Simpson Mr. & Mrs. Richard Simpson Mr. Bernard Sinclair Mrs. Mamie Singleton Sites Lake Home Owners Association Mrs. Frances Sites Mr. & Mrs. Jim Skeen Skyway East Mrs. Cindy Slarb & Mr. Doug Smith Mrs. Louise Slater & Family Mr. & Mrs. Jim Slater Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Slattum Mr. & Mrs. Larry Slaughterbeck Mr. & Mrs. Bob Sleek Mr. & Mrs. Dan Slife Mr. & Mrs. Donald Sloan Mr. & Mrs. John Sloan Mrs. Mary Sloan Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Smalley Smetz’s Tire & Service Center Mrs. Ardeth Smith & Family Mr. & Mrs. Bill Smith Mr. & Mrs. Carl Smith Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Smith Ms. Colleen Smith & Terry Lewis Mrs. Connie Smith Mr. & Mrs. Dan Smith Mr. Dacy Smith & Ms. Karen Schneiter Mr. David Smith Mr. & Mrs. Dean Smith Mr. Denny Smith Dolly Smith Mr. & Mrs. Don Smith Mrs. Donna Smith Mr. & Mrs. Duane Smith Mr. & Mrs. Earl Smith Mr. & Mrs. Earnest Smith Mrs. Esther Smith & Family Mr. & Mrs. George Smith Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Smith Mr. & Mrs. Grant Smith Jr. Mr. Jerry Smith Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Smith & Mrs. Donna Walter Mrs. Joann Smith Mrs. Kathleen Smith Mrs. Linda Smith Mrs. Loretta Smith Mr. & Mrs. Lowell Smith Mr. & Mrs. Michael Smith Mr. & Mrs. Ray Smith & Family Mr. & Mrs. Rodger Smith Mr. & Mrs. Roger Smith Mrs. Roxanna Smith Mrs. Sheri Smith Mr. & Mrs. Tom Smith Mr. & Mrs. Tony Smith Mr. Wayne Smith Mr. William Smith & Family Mr. & Mrs. Mike Smithhisler Snap Fitness Mr. & Mrs. Bob Snavely & M/M Marv Matyasi Mr. Ralph Snavely Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sneed Mrs. Jean Snepp Mrs. Elizabeth Snider Mr. & Mrs. George Snook Snow Trails Mr. & Mrs. Fred Snyder & Family Mr. & Mrs. Bill Snyder Mr. & Mrs. Dan Snyder Mrs. Elayne Snyder Mrs. Mary Snyder Mrs. Norma Snyder Mr. & Mrs. Richard Snyder Dr. & Mrs. Robert Snyder Sandy & Sue Snyder Soles Jeromesville Market Mrs. Jeanne Soliday & Class Of 1941 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Soller Dr. & Mrs. Lee Solomon Sons Of American Legion 257 Mrs. Lucy Sours & Merry Gardeners Mr. & Mrs. James South Ms. Dayna Sowers Mr. & Mrs. Nello Spagnol Mr. & Mrs. Jack Spangler Mr. Jim Sparks Mr. & Mrs. Richard Spayde Mr. & Mrs. Dan Speck Mrs. Donna Speigle Ms. Terri Spenard Mrs. Brenda Spier Dr. & Mrs. George Spink Mr. & Mrs. Bill Spognardi Mrs. Jean Spohn Mr. & Mrs. Ron Spon Mrs. Connie Sponsler Mrs. Jane Sponsler Mr. Richard Sponsler Mrs. Lucille Sprague Mr. Matthew Sprague Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Sprang Mr. Jeff Sprang Mrs. Laurel Sprang Mr. Randy Sprang Spreng Smith Agency Mr. & Mrs. Don Spreng Drs. Michael Spreng, Garrison & Staff Dr. & Mrs. Michael Spreng Mr. & Mrs. Rick Spreng Mrs. Sue Spreng Mr. & Mrs. Tony Springman Mr. & Mrs. Randy Sprinkle Mrs. Sharlene Sprinkle Spruce Hill Inn & Cottages Mr. & Mrs. William Spurling Squirrel’s Den SSOE, Inc. St. Francis Xavier Church St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 14 St. Mary Church Elementary Staff Mr. & Mrs. Bill Staats Mr. & Mrs. Randy Stackhouse Mrs. Frances Stafford Mr. & Mrs. Jim Stafford Mr. & Mrs. William Stafford Mrs. Janice Staich Mr. & Mrs. David Stake Mrs. Edna Staley Mrs. Judith Staley Mr. & Mrs. Robert Staman Mrs. Sally Staneff Mr. & Mrs. Steven Stanek Mr. & Mrs. Peter Stanoch Mr. & Mrs. Paul Stansberry Mrs. Alma Stanton Mr. H. Clayton Stapleton Mrs. Letha Stapleton Starkey Chiropractic Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Warren Starlin Mr. & Mrs. Roy Starner Mrs. Connie Starr State Auto Insurance Companies Mr. & Mrs. Andrew States Mr. & Mrs. Jim Stauder Mrs. Mary Stauffer Mrs. Marie Steele & Families Mr. & Mrs. Don Steele Mrs. Dorothy Steele Mr. & Mrs. Richard Steele Mr. & Mrs. Dave Stefanski Ms. Shirley Stegall Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Steiger Mrs. Diane Steiner Mrs. Leona Steiner Mr. & Mrs. Robert Steiner Mrs. Debbi Steller Ms. Diane Stenger & Mr. Kenton Hughes Mr. & Mrs. John Stentz Mrs. Kay Stentz Mr. & Mrs. Steven Stentz Step 2 Corporation Ms. Evelyn Stephan Mrs. Lois Stephens Mr. & Mrs. Ron Stepsis Steuben Congregational U C C Mrs. Rose Stevanov Mr. & Mrs. Glen Stevens Mrs. Jo Ellen Stevens Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Stevens Mr. Arthur Steward Mr. & Mrs. Robert Steward & Families Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Stewart Mrs. Mary Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Stief Mr. & Mrs. Ron Stief Mrs. La Donna Still Mr. Richard Stillwell & Family Mrs. Betty Stimmel & Family Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Stimmell & Family Mrs. Patricia Stimpert Mr. & Mrs. Bob Stinemetz Mr. & Mrs. Don Stiner Ms. Billie Stiteler Mr. & Mrs. Danny Stiteler Mrs.Vivian Stitzel Miss Allison Stitzlein Mrs. Dorothy Stitzlein Mrs. Thelma Stitzlein Mr. & Mrs. Jack Stockmaster Mrs. Mary Stockton Mr. & Mrs. Art Stolcals Ms. Milija Stolcers Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Stolfi Mr. Dick Stoll Mrs. Rita Stoll Mr. & Mrs. Danny Stone Mr. Jay Stone Mr. & Mrs. Ron Stone Mrs. Carolyn Stoner Mrs. Margery Stoodt Mr. & Mrs. George Storch Mrs. Alice Stose Mr. Richard Stotler Mrs. Janet Stoufer Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stover Mrs. Doris Strang & Family Mrs. Mary Strang Mr. & Mrs. Ed Stransky Mr. & Mrs. Mike Stransky Mrs. Evelyn Strausbaugh Ms. Joanna Strayer Mrs. Karen Streng Mr. & Mrs. Carl Strine Mr. Gaylord Strine Ms. Jean Stroble Mrs. Barb Strohm Mrs. Carolynn Studenmund Mr. & Mrs. Andy Studer Mr. Ralph Studer Mr. & Mrs. Mark Stull Mrs. Susan Stupp Mrs. Barbara Sturgis Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sugg Mrs. Ruth Sulcer Mrs. Debby Sullivan Mrs. Bonnie Summy Sunrise Cooperative Mrs. Kelly Sutter Sutton Bank - Mansfield Mr. & Mrs. Tobias Svantesson Mr. & Mrs. Roger Svirik Mr. & Mrs. Terry Swaisgood Swan Cleaners Mrs. Maxine Swan Mrs. Edna Swander Mrs. Julie Swanger & The Swanger Girls Mr. Kenneth Swank Mrs. Laura Swank & Family Mrs. Merry Swank Ms. Carol Swartz Mr. Edward Swartz Mr. & Mrs. Gene Swartz Mrs. Miriam Swartz Mr. Hal Sweat Mr. Gerard Sweeney Mr. Mike Sweval & Mrs. Beulah Sweval Mrs. Rosemary Swihart Ms. Margie Swinehart Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Swisher Mr. & Mrs. Gary Switzer Sword Insurance Sycamore View Condo Owners Assoc. Ms. Celeste Szymanski Mr. & Mrs. Philip Tackett Mrs. S. Frances Tagmyer Mrs. Caroline Taheri Mrs. Marilyn Tallman Mr. & Mrs. Hans Tannhof Mr. & Mrs. Norman Tannhof Mr. & Mrs. Umberto Tanzini Tarhe All Breed Training Club, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Bill Taylor Mrs. Bonnie Taylor & Friends Mr. Cleo Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Doug Taylor Mrs. Helen Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Hollis Taylor Mrs. Janice Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Taylor Mrs. Mary Taylor Mr. & Mrs. John Teale Techman Sales Mrs. Kitty Tedrow & Families Ms. Mary Tedrow Mrs. Betty Telle Mrs. Carol Temple Mr. & Mrs. Donnie Tenney Mrs. Genevieve Tenney Ms. Shirley Teofilo Ms. Judy Teplow Ms. Sue Testa Mr. Jim Tharp Mr. William Tharp Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Thauvette The Bridge Club The Crossing Friends & Neighbors The Crossings Of Forest Glen The First National Bank Of Sycamore The Kidron Auction, Inc. The Kimble Family The Optimist Club The Osborne Group, Inc. The Regan Family The Timken Company Mr. & Mrs. Steve Them Therm-O-Disc Mr. & Mrs. Darry Thomas Mr. & Mrs. David Thomas Mrs. Jeanne Thomas Ms. Linda Thomas Mr. Paul Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Sam Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Steven Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Tom Thomas Mrs. Margaret Thompson & Rnyc Mr. & Mrs. Gerry Thompson Mrs. Mabel Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Thompson Ms. Sandy Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Brit Thornton & Ms. Amber Van Houten Mr. & Mrs. Randy Tidaback Mr. Frank Till Time Warner Ms. Julie Tinsman Mr. J. Robert Tipton Mr. Ronald Tipul Mr. Richard Titus Mrs. Norma Todd Mrs. Annette Togliatti Ms. Cheri Tolly Mr. Larry Tolly Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Tomassi Ms. Norma Tomburello Mr. Dick Tomlinson Tommaso Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Alan Tompkins Mr. & Mrs. John Tope Mr. & Mrs. Laurel Tope Mrs. Garnet Topper Mrs. Dorothy Topping Tops Ohio 460 Mansfield Ms. Kathy Toth Mr. & Mrs. Ken Toth & Family Town & Country Co Op Mrs. Barbara Townsend Toyota Coworkers Toyota Motor Engineering & Mfg. Mr. Michael Travis Mr. & Mrs. Delmar Trayter Mr. & Mrs. Dale Treace Mr. & Mrs. Dan Trease & Family Mr. Carl Trease Mr. Guy Trease Mrs. Joyce Treisch Tremco Incorporated Mrs. Stephanie Triplett Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Troutman Mr. & Mrs. Ken Troxel Mrs. Sharon Troyer True Sports, Inc. Mid-Ohio Sports Car Mrs. Carol Tschantz Mr. Dan Tucker Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tucker Mrs. Sara Tucker Ms. Joyce Tulk Turk Brothers Custom Meats Mrs. Connie Turnbaugh Mr. & Mrs. Coy Turner Mr. & Mrs. David Turner Ms. Elaine Turner Mrs. Joyce Turner Ms. Lisa Turner, Nellie & Tammie Mrs. Nancy Turner Mr. Gordon Tuttle Twigbenders Mothers League Twin Lakes Golf Course Twin Oaks Mr. George Tyson Mr. D. A. Udell Mr. & Mrs. Ken Uhler & Family Mr. Glendale Uhlich Mr. & Mrs. Carl Ulmschneider Mr. Gary Underwood Mrs. Mary Unger Unique Metal Design United Fellowship In Christ United Meth. Church Of Savannah United Steel Workers Local 7008 United Way Of Greater Cincinnati United Way Of Richland County Mr. & Mrs. Carl Urban Mr. & Mrs. Carl Urie Mr. & Mrs. Ben Uselton Mr. Bob Utendorf Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Utterback V. F. W. 1067 Poker Players V. F. W. Post 1067 Mrs. Lucille Vaas Ms. Liz Vaenoski Mrs. Joan Valentine Mrs. Kimberly Van Bremen Mr. Frank Van Dresser, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bill Van Horn Mrs. Donna Van Horn Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Van Scoy Mr. & Mrs. Richard Van Sickle Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Vance Mr. Terry Vance Mr. Sam Vancura Mr. Kent Vandersommen Mr. & Mrs. Craig Vandlik Mr. & Mrs. John Vankuren Mr. & Mrs. Jack Vanosdall Mr. & Mrs. Bill Vantilburg Mr. William Varble Mr. & Mrs. Don Varvel Mr. John Vasas & Family Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Vaughan & Family Ms. Anne Vaughn Mr. & Mrs. Allen Vensky Mrs. Nancy Villao Ms. Amy Vincent Mrs. Jane Vines V.N.A. of Mid-Ohio Mr. Lester Vnasdale Mrs. Esther Vogel Ms. S. Nichole Voiles Mr. Eli Von Bielenber & Family Mrs. Sandra Vorse Mrs. Marvalene Wachtel Mr. & Mrs. Larry Wachter Mr. Gordon Wagar Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Wagenhals Mr. & Mrs. Don Wagenman Mrs. Eldri Sue Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Eric Wagner Mrs. Joyce Wagner Ms. Kim Wagoner & Erin Mr. & Mrs. Bert Waits Mr. & Mrs. David Wales Mrs. Marge Walker Mr. & Mrs. Perry Walker Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Walker Mr. & Mrs. Walt Walker Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur Walker Mrs. Michelle Wallace Mrs. Mary Wallery & Famlies Mrs. Carol Wallery Wallington, Bauer, CPAs WalMart - Ashland Ms. Denise Walsh Mrs. Joan Walsh Mr. Blake Walte & Ms. Holly Kerby Walter Metal Walter & Haverfield LLP Mrs. Donna Walter Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Walter Mr. & Mrs. Jon Walter Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Walter & Family Mr. & Mrs. Phil Walter Mrs. Sherry Walter Ms. Susan Walter & Ms. Marilynn Miller Mr. & Mrs. Bill Waltermeyer Mr. & Mrs. Garth Walters Ms. Joyce Walters Mr. Richard Walters Mrs. Susan Walton Wappner Funeral Directors Mrs. Christine Wappner Mr. Kevin Wappner Mr. & Mrs. Tom Wappner Mrs. Nancy Ward Patterson Mr. & Mrs. John Ward Mrs. Margaret Ward Mr. & Mrs. Sterling Ward Ms. Susan Ward Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur Ward Mr. John Warden Mr. & Mrs. Roger Warga Mr. John Wargo Mr. James Warner Miss Kennedy Warner Mr. Mark Warner & Family Mr. Willis Warner Mrs. Carolyn Warrens Mr. & Mrs. Dale Warters Mr. & Mrs. Fred Watkins Mr. & Mrs. David Watson Mr. & Mrs. Matt Watts W.C. Consulting Mrs. Debbie Weaver Mr. James Weaver & Ms. Helen Kiser Mr. & Mrs. Richard Weaver & Family Mr. & Mrs. Roger Weaver & Family Mr. & Mrs. Harry Webb Mr. & Mrs. Howard Webb Mr. & Mrs. Doug Weber Ms. Suzanne Weber Ms. Joan Webster & Ms. Mariann Blair Mr. Ned Webster Mr. & Mrs. Richard Weddell Weekley Chrysler Dodge Jeep Mrs. Allison Weeks Mr. & Mrs. Earl Wehr Weidle’s Meats Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Weidemeyer Mrs. Joyce Weidig & Greg Mr. & Mrs. Jim Weil Mr. & Mrs. Donald Weiland Mr. & Mrs. Norbert Weiler Mrs. Isabelle Weirich Mr. & Mrs. Roger Weirick Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Weirick Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Weis Mr. & Mrs. Dean Welch Mr. Mike Welch Ms. Patricia Welch & Mr. Garland Gates Mr. & Mrs. Danny Wells & Mes. Jeanne Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Dean Wells Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Wells Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Wells Mr. & Mrs. Roy Wells Mr. & Mrs. Harry Welsh Mr. & Mrs. John Welsh Mrs. Olga Welsh Mrs. Lorraine Welte Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wendling Wendy’s Mr. & Mrs. Howard Werman Mr. Randy Werner Mrs. Jane Wert Wertman Family Association Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Wertman Mrs. Mary Lou Wertman Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Wertman West Salem City Hall Staff West Salem Lodge No. 398 Mrs. Susan West Western Reserve Group Mr. & Mrs. Al Westfall Mrs. Patricia Westfall & Family Westfield Group Country Club West Main Café Mrs. Eileen Wetz Mrs. Lorraine Wetzel Mrs. Inis Weyhmeller & Family Mr. & Mrs. Larry Weyhmeller Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Wharton Mr. Robert Wharton What Goes ‘Round Mr. & Mrs. John Wheaton Mr. & Mrs. Pete Wheeler Mr. & Mrs. Rick Wheeler Mr & Mrs. Francis Whisler Mr. Mike Whisler Mrs. Shirley Whitaker Whitcomb & Hess, Inc. Mrs. Lavona Whitcomb Ms. Ann White Mr. & Mrs. Edward White Mrs. Jean White & Michael Ms. Jeanne White Mrs. Mary White Mr. & Mrs. Michael White Mrs. Ruth White Mr. & Mrs. T. E. White Mr. & Mrs. Ron Whitehill Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Whitely Whitey’s Auto Group Mr. & Mrs. Jim Whitlatch Ms. Barbara Whitlock & Family Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Whitmer Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Whitmore Atty. & Mrs. Bob Whitney & Lore’ Mrs. Beverly Wickham Mr. & Mrs. Ken Wiegand Mrs.Virginia Wiegand Mrs. Maxine Wierbiki Wildlife Conservation Club Mrs. Kathie Wildman & Family Mr. & Mrs. Harold Wiley Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wilkinson Mr. & Mrs. David Will Mrs. Eldora Willford Mr. Edwin William Ms. Kae William & Mr. Brian Maglott Mrs. Anne Williams Ms. Carol Williams & Mr. Jim Teller Mr. & Mrs. Dale Williams Mr. Danny Williams & Coworkers Mr. & Mrs. James Williams Mrs. Janis Lynn Williams Mr. Jay Williams Mr. & Mrs. Paul Williams Mr. & Mrs. Rick Williams Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Williamson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Willing Willis, Osmond & Beilstein Willo-Dell Nursery, Inc. Mr. Blair Wilson & Friends Mrs. Carol Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Dan Wilson Mrs. Doris Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Ed Wilson Mr. & Mrs. James Wilson Mr. James Wilson Mr. & Mrs. James Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Wilson Dr. & Mrs. Edwin Winbigler Mr. & Mrs. Robert Winbigler Mrs. Gertrude Windbigler Windy Acres Residents Mr. & Mrs. David Winger Ms. Dollie Winkler 15 Ms. Peggie Winkler Mr. Harry Winters & Family Mr. & Mrs. David Wirkner & Family Mr. & Mrs. Bob Wise Mr. Edward Wise Mr. & Mrs. Jack Wise Mr. & Mrs. James Wise Mrs. Joan Wise Mrs. Phyllis Wise Mrs. Rosemary Wise Mr. & Mrs. Bob Wissler Mr. Bob Witchey Mr. Jack Withrow Mr. & Mrs. Mark Withrow Mr. & Mrs. Jim Witmer Mr. & Mrs. Max Witmer Mr. & Mrs. Merle Witmer Mr. & Mrs. Dale Wittkopf Mr. & Mrs. Gary Wittman Mr. Ralph Witucki Mr. & Mrs. Ben Woelper Mr. Richard Woessner Mrs. Claudine Wojtko Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Wolf Mr. Gail Wolf Ms. Robyn Wolf Mr. Gene Wolfe Mrs. Katherine Wolfe Mr. & Mrs. John Wolff Mrs. Sylvia Wolff Mr. & Mrs. William Wolford Mr. & Mrs. Dan Wolfred Women Of The Moose 1901 Women Of Zion Women’s Health Center Mr. & Mrs. Scott Wonders Mr. & Mrs. Fred Wondrash & Families Mrs. Gillian Wood Mrs. Jamie Wood Mr. Robert Woodruff Mr. Chet Woodward Mrs. Cindy Workman Ms. Denise Workman Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Worley Worner Roofing Mrs. Paula Worner & Mr. Mark Dughman Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Worst Ms. Amy Wright Mrs. Juanita Wright & Daughters Dr. Julia Wright Mrs. Mary Wright Mrs. Carole Wudke Mr. & Mrs. Ken Wukela Ms. Sherry Wuthrich Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Wynn Xi Alpha Sigma Sorority Yachiyo Of America Ms. Nancy Yahraus Mr. & Mrs. Albert Yambor Mr. Tung Yang Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Yarger Mr. & Mrs. Rex Yarger Mrs. Fern Yarman Mr. & Mrs. Paul Yarman Mr. & Mrs. Gene Yeater Mr. & Mrs. Sam Yeater Mr. Bill Yeley Mrs. Barbara Yerian Mrs.Yvette Yetter Mr. & Mrs. Tom Yetzer & Families Mr. & Mrs. Donald Yockey Mrs. Ute Barbara Yockey Mrs. Barbara Yoder Mr. & Mrs. Chris Yoder Mr. Dan Yoder Mr. & Mrs. Eli Yoder Mrs. Jenni Yoder Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Yoder Ms. Lois Yoha & Mr. Glen Dale Mr. & Mrs. Todd Yoquelet Yost Tech, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Ken Young & Reile Family Mrs. Becky Young Mr. & Mrs. Charles Young Mr. & Mrs. Donald Young Mr. & Mrs. Gerald E.Young Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L.Young Ms. Joan Young Mr. & Mrs. Louis Young Mr. Norbert Young Mr. & Mrs. Robert Young Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Young Mr. & Mrs. Roy Young Mr. & Mrs. John Yuschak Mr. & Mrs. William Zacharias Mr. & Mrs. Fred Zahn Mrs. Ruth Zahn Mr. & Mrs. Werner Zahn Mrs. Bernice Zehner & Peter Mr. & Mrs. Ray Zehner Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Zeigler & Family Mr. & Mrs. James Zercher Mr. & Mrs. Jim Zettelmeyer Mr. & Mrs. Dan Zgela Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Ziefle Mr. & Mrs. Larry Ziegler Ms. Helen Zika & Mr. Calvin Varner Ms. Mary Zikos Mr. Brad Zimmerman Mrs. Darlene Zimmerman Grace & Dorothy Zimmerman Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Zimmerman Mr. Jack Zimmerman Ms. Jo Zimmerman Mrs Lois Zimmerman Mrs.Virginia Zirkle Mr. & Mrs. John Zody Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Zody Mrs. Nancy Zody Mrs. Norma Zody Mrs.Vivian Zook Mrs. Nancy Zorn Mr. & Mrs. Joe Zuber Mr. & Mrs. Tom Zupan Mr. & Mrs. Ken Zura Two Locations to Serve You Ashland 1050 Dauch Drive Ashland, OH 44805 419-281-7107 800-952-2207 Fax 419-289-4880 Mansfield 371 Cline Avenue Mansfield, OH 44907 419-524-9200 800-842-5410 Fax 419-522-8400 Our Mission In order to affirm life and recognize death as a natural process, Hospice of North Central Ohio will care for patients and their loved ones, empower them to cope with terminal illness to enhance the quality of life as they prepare for a peaceful, dignified death and continuously improve the delivery of quality care. We will assist and serve as a resource in the areas of death, dying, grief, and bereavement. Hospice of North Central Ohio, Inc. is an agency of: United Way of Ashland County • Shelby United Fund • New London United Fund
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