REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY - Jewish Senior Services


REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY - Jewish Senior Services
The Jewish Home for the Elderly / JHE Foundation
Audited Statements of Revenue and Expense for the Year Ending September 30, 2013
2013 Audited
Jewish Senior Services
2013 Audited
JHE Foundation
Resident Service Revenues
Resident Revenue
Outpatient Revenue
Other Operating Revenue
Fundraising Revenue
Non-Operating Income
Foundation/Women's Auxiliary/Men's Club
Community Contributions (Federation)
Interest and Investment Income
Salaries and Benefits
Food, Medical Supplies, and
Other Resident Services
Occupancy and Insurance
Other Administrative
Administration, General, Fundraising,
and Program Services
Interest and Amortization
Contributions to Jewish Senior Services
Excess of Revenues
Over (Under) Expenses
Jewish Senior Services and the JHE Foundation gratefully acknowledge the following
donors for their extraordinary support of our Endowment and Special Funds.
James Bennett
Center for Women and Families
of Eastern Fairfield County
David and Edith Chaifetz
The David N. Lane Trust
for Aged & Indigent Women
Gary and Ellen Davis
Russell and Lauren Fuchs
Hersher Family Foundation, Inc.
The Louis J. Kuriansky Foundation
Marsh & McLennan Agency, LLC
Morrison Senior Living
Near and Far Aid Association, Inc.
R.C. Bigelow, Inc.
R. D. Scinto, Inc.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
The Adolph and Ruth Schnurmacher Foundation
Estate of Helenrose Schwab
Jewish Senior Services is a recipient agency
of the following community organizations.
We thank them for their ongoing support.
UJA Federation of Eastern Fairfield County
UJA Federation of Greenwich
UJA Federation of Westport, Weston, Wilton, Norwalk
United Jewish Federation of Greater Stamford, New Canaan, Darien
Jewish Federation of Greater Danbury
Benefactors $10,000+
Roy & Aline Friedman
Jerry & Jane Pressman
Sandra P. Rose
Nathan Wolfson
Patrons $5,000 - $9,999
Michael & Judith Guthman
Marsh & McLennan Agency, LLC
William & Diane Sims
Pillars $1,000 - $4,999
Jon & Evie Angel
Jon & Diana August
Andrew & Karen Banoff
B.L. Manger Foundation
Harvey Bixon
Sanford Buchsbaum
Leslie Byelas & Ellen Lubell
Barry & Eileen Cass
Joel & Lois Coleman
Joseph & Carol Crespo
Richard & Anna Jo Dubow
Jeffrey & Cynthia Dworken
Alan & Betty Feldman
Peter & Myra Fetzer
Frederick & Dorothy Freedman
Richard & Nancy Freedman
Sheldon Gershman
Melvin & Caryl Goldstein
David Golub & Kathryn Emmett
Samuel & Cheryl Green
Leslie & Judith Grodd
Jeffrey & Laurie Gross
Ronald & Grecia Gross
Henry Gunders
Jed & Susan Isaacs
Michael & Shelly Kassen
Alan & Adrienne Kaye
Ellen Lane
Leon N. Lapine Charitable
Residuary Trust
Regina S. Levin
Harold & Shelley Levy
M & T Charitable Foundation
Michael & Nancy Marcus
Murray & Harriet Merl
Robert & Sophia Mitchell
Memorial Fund
William & Susan Mitchell
Morrison Senior Living
Howard & Wilma Persky
James & Florine Popper
Jeffrey & Loretta Radler
Louis & Marcia Radler
Lawrence & Agnes Roberts
Daniel Rose
Michael & Carol Rosen
Francis & Joyce Rosenbaum
Howard & Judy Saffan
Lois Sontag
James & Laura Sugarman
Barry & Susan Weisfeld
Edward & Helen Whitman
Kenneth Wirfel & June Eichbaum
Michael & Ellen Wolfson
Lawrence & Adele Zuckerman
Charles & Mary Zwecker
Guardians $500 - $999
Richard & Shirley Becker
Paul & Dina Berger
Laura Brownstein
Lester & Madeline Cohn
Myron & Carole Dworken
Sidney Fialk
Joseph & Barbara Field
Laura Godown
Steven & Joan Huff
Michael Klingher
Ronald & Lynn Koenig
Sara Kruzansky
Leonard & Ruth Kunin
Seymour & Phyllis Lapin
Orry Lev
Joel & Susan Lichtenstein
Betty Liebensohn
Ralph & Gloria Lotstein
Milton Mann
Jack & Pearl Marcus
Frank & Nina Morse
Robert & Helen Natt
Alan & Janet Nevas
Peter & Caryl Poser
Howard & Gayle Rothman
Marianne Ruscito
Alan & Beverly Schpero
Allan & Gloria Silverstein
Leonard & Barbara Srebnick
Robert & Emily Wechsler
Robert Wise
Martin & Hinda Wolf
Judith Yasser
Christopher York &
Marilyn Puder-York
Sandra Young
William & Nancy Zisson
Wallace & Deborah Zuckerman
Supporters $100 - $499
Bertram & Barbara Aber
Jack & Evelyn Africk
The Howard and Katherine Aibel
Foundation, Inc.
Judith Anderson
Samuel & Silvia Anfang
Henry & Sue Angel
David Arron
Kenneth & Gwenda Asher
Robert & Marion Ashkins
Terrance & Hedy Augenbraun
Kenneth & Joyce Backman
Herman Bailer
Myron & Joan Ballen
Bert Ballin
Renee Bauer
Seymour & Gloria Baum
Albert & Janet Beasley
Caryl Beatus
Jeffrey & Wendy Bender
Burton Benjamin
Allan & Ellen Berger
Bernard & Barbara Berkowitz
Doris Berliner
David & Linda Bernstein
Paul & Wilma Bieler
David & Edith Binhak
Robert & Carol Blackman
Edward & Eleanor Bloom
Ira Bloom
Pearl Bloom
Phyllis Bloom
James Borona
Michael & Sandra Borowik
Jonathan & Elaine Bowman
Allen & Judy Brand
Andree Brooks
Erwin & Helene Brosler
Antoinette Bruno
Matthew & Peggy Bud
Martin & Alayne Burger
Richard & Joan Burman
Michael & Rita Butterman
Alan & Lynn Cadan
Herbert & Marilyn Cantor
Stanley & Joan Carp
Marion Cohen
William Cohen &
Diane Mangano-Cohen
Alan & Rhea Comen
George Cooper
Milton & Lilla Cooper
Lewis & Marilyn Dale
Paul & Florence Danzer
Arthur & Eleanor Dinitz
Lawrence & Ellen Dinkes
Martin & Linda Dworken
Sylvia Edelson
Ruth Effron
Jack Ehrenfeld
Linda Eliovson
Howard & Joyce Elkowitz
Carol Engel
Alvin & Susan Epstein
Eloise Epstein
Joseph & Bette Epstein
Marvin Epstein
Ralph & Jean Falkenstein
Milton & Pearl Feldman
Sophia Finger
Richard & Rosalea Fisher
Harold & Jeanette Fishkow
Neal & Adrienne Fishman
Alan & Alana Fodeman
Jonathan & Dorothy Fox
Lawrence & Marilyn Fox
Emil Frankel
Geraldine Frankel
Arthur & Geraldine Freeman
David & Roberta Friel
Stephen Furman
Harvey & Barbara Gaberman
Mary Gallagher
Mildred & Marvin Garrell
Lawrence Gastwirt
Steven & Jane Gerard
Hugo & Edith Ghiron
Alan & Marlene Gilbert
Annette Gladstein
Louis Gladstone
Carl & Eileen Glickman
L. Morris Glucksman & Roslyn Fleisher
Harold & Lorrie Godlin
Theodore Godlin
Leo & Sondra Gold
Robert & Janet Gold
Stanley & Bunny Goldberg
Claire Goldman
Frances Goldman
Naomi Goldman
Helen Goldstein
William Gomberg
Abraham Gordon
David & Meryl Gordon
Larry & Mindy Gottlieb
Morris & Charlotte Green
Michael & Joan Greenspan
Edward & Madeleine Grossman
Francine Grundfast
Eleanor Guss
Barbara Haflich
Terry & Sandra Hayden
Harvey & Ellen Heinbach
Warren & Carole Heller
Harvey & Barbara Hennes
Herbert Hermele
Robert & Paula Herzlinger
Bernard & Lorraine Hillman
Judith Hines
Wallace & Muriel Hirschberg
Henry Hofflich
Burt & Judith Hoffman
Abraham & Jayne Hoffmann
Melvin & Phyllis Holson
Leon & Frances Hyman
Benno Isaacs
Florence Jacobson
Leon & Dorothy Jaiven
Andrew & Karen Kachele
Hilda Kadden
Michael & Sandra Kamen
Irving & Naomi Kaminsky
Arnold & Phyllis Kapiloff
Dena Kaplan
Jonathan & Linda Kaplan
Henry Katz
Sylvia Kaye
Brenda Kendall
Ann Kern
Irving & Andrea Kern
David & Judy Kiselstein
Andrew & Sara Klein
Alfred & Mary Jane Kles
Michael & Sally Kliegman
Edward & Sandra Koenigsberg
Geoffrey & Melanie Kooris
Avrom Kopelman & Megan Owen
Jay & Judy Kopstein
Mitchell & Sandra Kornblit
Barry & Judith Kramer
Elaine Kreiger
Alexander & Adrienne Kreizer
Claire Kumerman
Ruth Kwartin
David & Lorraine Kweskin
Alvan & Carol Lampke
Margaret Lane
Philip & Doris Lapat
Norman Leferman
Muriel Lefsetz
Penelope Lehman
Norma Lemberger
Howard & Rita Lerner
Robert & Ruth Lesser
Alan Levine
Richard & Helen LeVine
Stanley & Judith Levine
Peritz Levinson
Marek Lewanda
Alan & Susan Lewis
Sanford & Adelyn Libow
Martin & Ruth Lipset
Mark & Alice Lipson
Adele Liskov
Nathan & Barbara Liskov
Edward & Elaine Littman
Florence Lozyniak
Stanley Machenberg
Nathan & Audrey Magida
Supporters $100 - $499
Michael & Linda Magidson
Samuel & Dina Markind
Samuel & Audrey Marks
Hortense Martin
Frank & Sandra Masso
Paul & Sandra Mercier
Steven & Dorothy Meyers
Stephen & Jo Michaelson
Brian & Sharon Miles
Gordon & Donna Milne
Joseph Mittel
Ilya Molodetsky
Daniel Morrison
Arthur & Stella Mostel
Sandra Natkin
Charles & Nancy Needle
Edith Neidle
Shirley Nelkin
Jeffrey & Hillie Nemore
Merritt & Roslyn Nesin
Arline Neufeld
Andrew & Jodie Nevas
Marc & Ruth Newberg
Samuel & Dolores Newman
Arnold & Maxine Nickelsberg
Robert & Marcia Nishball
Stanley & Muriel Novack
David & Sandra Oberhand
Franklin & Roberta Pack
David & Valerie Pagar
Emanuel & Joan Pallant
Barbara Panisch
Joseph & Mary Pappalardo
Ira & Beverly Peterman
Joan Phillips
Benjamin Plotkin
John & Barbara Polk
Rita Pollack
Kenneth & Adrianne Povodator
Arnold & Charlotte Prywes
Edward & Vivian Rabin
Gerald Rabin
Robert & Carol Rabinowitz
Betty Rae-King
Phyliss Rakowitz
Alan & Sonya Rich
Erwin & Carol Riven
Daniel & Betty Roberts
Jeffrey & Irene Robinson
Bernard & Phyllis Rockmael
Paul & Bernice Rosch
Marvin Rosenbaum
Sally Rosenberg
Lawrence & Michelle Rothbard
Allen Rothman
Jack & Joan Rotman
Ronald & Ellen Roxby
Richard Rubenstein
Karen Rubin
Robert & Myrna Rubin
Reuven & Dalia Rudich
Sherman & Ellen Salovitz
Richard & Ellen Sansone
Helene Sapadin
Larry Sapadin
Eleanor Saperstein
Richard & Phyllis Savage
Lawrence Sax
Edward & Lucy Schachter
Paul Schaney
David Scheraga
Mark & Amy Schneider
Stephen & Susan Schnitzer
James & Elayne Schoke
Alan & Beverly Schpero
Alan & Rachel Schrank
Naomi Schreiber
Harry Schwartz
Jay Seifert
William & Madeline Selden
Paul & Lauren Seplowitz
Fred & Vivien Shahrabani
Marvin & Gertrude Shapiro
Lester & Elaine Sharlach
Estelle Sheiman
Michael & Harriet Sherman
Barbara Shneider
Lawrence & Lisa Siebert
Michael & Janis Siegel
Walter & Jeanne Siff
Alan & Mary Silberman
Ira & Ellen Slow
Michael & Theresa Smaldone
Judy Goldman Sonick
Mark & Sherry Sopin
R. Stephen & Sandra Soule
Charles & Charlotte Stabinsky
Leon Starr
Sheldon & Paula Starr
Tom & Rita Startup
Michael & Gloria Stashower
Arnold & Rhoda Steiger
Israel & Roslyn Stein
Stephen & Linda Stein
Harold & Sybil Steinberg
Jeffry & Barbie Steinberg
Henry Stern
Robert & Gail Storm
Elaine Stupp
Carl & Barbara Susnitzky
Ronald Szamatulski
Robert & Ellen Temkin
Florence Testani
Jay Tittman
Henry & Susan Tritter
Nicholas Veltri
Randy Vidal
Leo & Doris Vine
Robert & Alison Wachstein
Sylvia Walter
Murray & Genevieve Weingrad
Manfred & Pearl Weinreb
Helen Weinstein
Norman & Marilyn Weinstein
Richard & Phyllis Weisberg
Jesse Weiss
Stephen & Rita Weisskoff
Alice Weissman
Stuart & Jane Weitzman
Jack & Alma Werchadlo
Donald & Nancy Wergeles
Ram Wertheim
Irving & Zelda White
Kenneth & Barbara White
Arthur & Anne Wichman
Michael & Louise Widland
Michael & Ronnie Wiederlight
Herbert & Ilse Wischnia
Eugene & Evelyn Wohl
Alan & Dolly Wolf
Myron & Elaine Yudkin
Zelik & Geraldine Zacharow
Solomon Zbriger
Robert & Judy Zeisler
David & Suzanne Zelkowitz
Robert & Hillary Zitter
Malcolm & Marcia Zola
Friends up to $99
Paul & Arone Ackert
Richard Anderson
Samuel S. Bader
Samuel & Betty Bader
Mervyn & Marion Balsam
Fred Barr
Andrew & Ronnie Bender
James & Amy Benjamin
Murray & Gloria Berman
A. Robert & Dorothy Bernstein
Ruby Bernstein
Susan Bielicki
Ellen Bloom
Lawrence & Florence Blum
Gerald Blume
Helen Blume
Allen & Judy Brand
Ernest & Miriam Breiner
Edward Brennan
Frederic & Nancy Brown
David & Sandra Camner
Philip & Virginia Cerrone
David & Beth Cohen
James & Patricia Crichton
David & Andrea Cross
David & Edith Davidson
Marvin Deutsch
Norman & Bonnie Dick
Bernard & Leonore Dickens
Friends up to $99
Brian & Lynn Duchan
Mark & Barbara Edinberg
Lawrence & Dorothy Engel
Alan & Marcia Farber
Robert & Joanne Feldman
Leonard & Margery Fisher
Bernice Fogel
Eileen Frankel
Leslie Frankel
Gerald & Irene Friedman
Robert & Marion Geller
Robert & Diana Gelman
Stanley Gershman
Philip & Jane Ginsburg
Alvin & Esther Goldman
Richard & Martha Granese
Ethan & Gloria Green
Henry & Diane Green
Joseph & Constance Greene
Gladys Gress
Henry & Francis Gropper
Everett & Ruth Gruber
Eugene & Serene Hackel
Bennett & Nancy Hersch
Ralph & Molly Hoagland
Noah Iovino
Patricia Ann Jones
Leonard & Marcia Katz
Paul & Miriam Kessner
Eleanor Klein
Sara Klein
Steven & Susan Klein
Teri Klein
Herman Kleine
Seymour & Myrna Kosowsky
Raymond Kotch
Jane Kramer
Milton & Diana Kramer
Lester Krasnogor
Abraham & Marilyn Kurtz
Jules & Barbara Lang
Lawrence & Gloria Lanna
Louise Levenson
James & Ilene Locker
Arthur & Eleanor Lowell
Doris Lubin
Stuart Madison
Alice Madwed
Madeline Mark
Alan & Hinda Massey
Arthur & Marcela Mayer
Alvin & Charlotte Miller
Richard & Bonnie Mooney
Michael & Rose Myers
Elaine Nessim
Diane Olin
Philip & Emily Oppenheimer
Emanuel & Rose Pattavina
Margaret Piatak
John & Deborah Picarazzi
Seymour Putterman
Stephen & Barbara Raffel
Kathleen Raiselis
Mark & Sandra Rappaport
Malcolm & Barbara Rashba
Miriam Raubvogel
Karen Reiss
Arthur & Cynthia Ribak
Gerald Rich
Shayle & Viola Robins
Jay & Marlene Rosen
Barbara Russel
Burt & Myra Saxon
Marvin & Barbara Schancupp
Leopold & Ruth Schnitzer
Robert & Susan Schraer
Irving Schwartz
Theodore & Judith Semmel
Selma Sheketoff
Arnold & Syril Sher
Richard & Patti Slavin
Jane Smiley
Gary & Phyllis Sochrin
Greta Solomon
Eric Stein & Dyann Ross
George & Marilyn Steinberg
Carolyn Strauss
Jerry & Claire Strochlic
Joel Tames
Gary & Susan Taplin
Mariana Tehrani
Geraldine Tessitore
Mitchell & Carole Tilkin
Amy Torreso
Stephen & Ellen Tower
Leo & Doris Vine
Robert & Fira Wagman
Joel & Ellen Wasserman
Frances Weiss
Trude Weitzner
Norman & Barbara Winnerman
Alan & Ruth Winnick
Craig & Teresa Zuckerman
We apologize for any omissions.
Men’s Club and Women’s Auxiliary
A special thank you to the Men’s Club and Women’s Auxiliary whose efforts in 2013 raised funds
to support many vital programs, services, and capital projects at Jewish Senior Services.
The Men’s Club, under the leadership of Jeffrey Siegel,
has supported the following:
Capital Campaign
Family Day
Medical Equipment
Speech Therapy Fund
Satellite Television System
Resident Outings
Residents’ New Year’s Eve Celebration
Under the leadership of Sandra Young, the Women’s Auxiliary
has made a difference through their support of the following:
Capital Campaign
Center for Elder Abuse Prevention
Calendar, Oneg Shabbat Celebration, Chanukah Gifts,
and Mother’s Day Corsages
Welcome Home Transporter
Pet Therapy
Weekly Flowers
Annually, employees of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 years of service are recognized for their dedicated years
of commitment. On September 24, 2013, we honored 76 employees for their dedication at the
35th Annual Reception.
Employees were also honored for their outstanding service and received the following awards:
Chairperson’s Award
Sonia Joseph
Kathryn Kelly
Miles Randall
Jacqueline Purcell Award*
Kim Tinnin
Mary Williams CNA Award*
Doreen Rockhead
*Award in memory of a dedicated employee
Charney Family Award
Pamela McGregor
Marie Cayo Humanitarian Award*
Celeste Venable-Turner
Community Service Award
Mabelle Medina
Sadie Freeman Award*
Kenneth Greaves
Elaine “Laney” Pollack Award*
Elizabeth Cambras
President’s Leadership Award
Evangelyn Peterson
Jewish Senior Services’ “Together We Make the Difference” Customer Service Recognition and Award Program has been
created to acknowledge and reward employees for demonstrating outstanding examples of customer service consistent
with our Core Values. Our Customer Service Employees of the Quarter receive: a $100 cash award; special recognition at
the Annual Employee Awards Ceremony; a beautifully framed certificate; recognition in our publications; and their picture
and a press release in the community newspaper.
We are so proud of our recipients in Fiscal Year 2013, who were selected from over 80 nominations:
Atena Ancuta, RN
Nursing, Tandet East
Neressa Phillip, CNA
Nursing, Kuriansky 3
Sandra Berchem, CNA
Nursing, Tandet East
Sonia Hermitt, CNA
Nursing, Tandet West
David Joyner
Environmental Services
Paul Visnicky
Information Technology
Thelma Morgan
Dining Services
Donna Zaleski
Dining Services
Kristine Samir Shohdy, RN
Nursing, Tandet West
Child Care Center Teachers
Michael Mysliwiec
Pastoral Services Staff
Jewish Senior Services is deeply committed to providing the
highest possible quality of life for our Residents. Over the
past few years, we have researched, studied, and evaluated
what this means and how it can best be achieved. The result
is our vision of a new Home on Park Avenue — one that
reflects warmth, safety, and comfort; upholds each Resident’s
right to self-determination; values community; and maintains
outstanding levels of care. Jewish Senior Services is working
toward this new “Home” that will bring the first Household
Model of Assisted Living and nursing home care to
Our plan consists of small groups of Residents living in a household, with amenities they have selected
themselves as well as private bedrooms and bathrooms, an open kitchen, dining area, outdoor terrace,
and large gathering room to resemble a traditional family home. The result is more privacy for Residents;
greater freedom in how they live; a calmer, quieter homelike environment; and additional opportunities to
form quality relationships with fellow Residents, employees, and family.
The project includes 280 skilled nursing beds — including 28 dedicated to short term rehabilitation —
designed in 14 bedroom houses. The community will also have 28 Assisted Living Memory Care units and
18 Assisted Living one-bedroom apartments. Common areas for the community include our synagogue
and multi-purpose room that can accommodate up to 330 guests, our creative arts center, work activity
center, salon, and clinic. The campus will also offer our adult day program, outpatient therapy, child care,
and an 18,000 square foot health club called the “J” for our Residents, family members, volunteers,
employees, and the community-at-large. The Jewish Center for Community Services will house its offices
and various programs on the third floor.
We have received the necessary legislative and regulatory approvals at the local and state level, completed
all architectural design development and construction development documents, and secured the financing
that allows construction to begin in March, 2014.
We are proud of Jewish Senior Services’ tradition of caring and compassion for the past 40 years and are
thrilled with this possibility to transform the way Skilled Nursing care and Assisted Living are offered to
our precious elders.
Photo Credit: Regina Madwed, Capitol PhotoInteractive and Jewish Senior Services staff.

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