માનવ સેવા મં)દર - Manav Seva Mandir


માનવ સેવા મં)દર - Manav Seva Mandir
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Respected Devotees & Friends,
Manav Seva Mandir provides information about religious, cultural and social activity events to everyone through website posting, electronic
mail as well as first class mail. Also updates address database via first class mail as
well. 1st half letter of year is provides recap of activities as well as in coming activities
in 2nd half of year. Here we have Newsletter of 1st half of 2015.
CELEBRATED EVENTS IN 1ST HALF:1 Makarsankranti & NavGrah Puja: On Wednesday the 14th of January 2015 this
was our first event was celebrated with excitement and religious sentiments. In
presence of more than 150 people around 15 families participated in NavGrah Puja.
Everyone joyfully participated in Aarti and enjoyed Devine prashad.
2 Mahashivratri: On Tuesday the 17th of February 2015 for Mahashivratri celebration: Different color of Partheshver and two shiv ling made from raw butter placed on
both side of one large ice Shiv ling created divine atmosphere. Participating devotee
enjoyed Mahashivratri parve celebration of Mahadev puja and all devotee also enjoyed
Mahaprashad. This year also like every year huge numbers of devotees participated in
the event.
3 Holikadahan and Poem Author Sumbelon: - On Thursday March 5th 2015 in bitter
cold we celebrated Holikadahan at mandir. Around 1,100 devotee attended the event.
Around 10 poem author participated in event. Every devotees enjoyed the poems and
concluded the event with Aarti and Prashad.
4 Gujarati Drama: - On Saturday the 9th of March 2015 with cooperation of 6 Gam
Patidar Samaj “Patni Singam Pati Chingam” live comedy drama was arranged. Every
attendee enjoyed the drama.
5 Ramayana Narayan & Ram Navami: - From Friday the 20th to Saturday the 28th
March 2015 at Mandir Ramayan Pravachan was arranged. On Saturday, March 28,
2015 12.00 noon Ram-Navami was celebrated with joy and excitement. Day was
concluded with Aarti and Mahaprashad.
6 Hanuman Jayanti & Sundarakand: - On Saturday the 4th of April 2015 evening at 5
pm after Hanumanji Maharaj Puja, Sundarakand payaers took place in group. Around
400 devotee took part in this event. After Aarti and Mahaprashad the event was
7 Matani Choki: - On Friday the 10th of April 2015 MSM with cooperation from
Ashakhannaji and help from TV star Shree Chanchalji we had grand celebration of
Mtani Choki. This was new experiment for MSM and around 500 devotee attended the
8 Fundraising Dinner with Musical Program:-On Saturday the 25th of April 2015
MSM planned fundraising dinner to raise the revenue for Mandir benefit. Babra &
Party (a musical party) entertain more than 600 guest and made evening enjoyable
for everyone. With more than 600 attending guest showed great genericity with
sizable donation.
9 Matani Choki Status From May 17th 2015:- From this date on Matani Choki
program became reality for third Sunday of every month when ever is possible.
10 Vat Savitri Vrat Puja:- In evening of Tuesday the 2nd of June 2015 more than 50
female devotee participated in puja with help of pujaris.
Thank You: - MSM institute is thankful to all of participating devotees, volunteers as
well as kind hearted donors. Also requests to keep up the good work.
Adhik or Purushottam Month:- In our Indian Hindu Calendar every 3 year one
extra Month is added on to make up short fall in earth tilting motion. Religiously we
Hindu call this added month Adhik or Purushottam Month (extra month). This year in
our Hindu calendar this added moth is one extra Ashadh Month. First one from two
Ashadh is Purushottam month. And this year it starts from Wednesday, June 17th. In
first day of Purushtom month we will have stapan of Purshottam Bhagavan and also
do purushottam bhagavan’s Katha every evening during this month. More information
can be available at MSM via phone call or personal visit.
Rath Yatra:- On Sunday July 17th 2015 at 6 PM evening Rath-Yatra is arranged in
MSM compound.
Katha & Patotsav:- Saturday July 18th to Sunday July 26th 2015: Like every year
Bhagavat Kath is also planned this year as well. It starts from July 18th and ends
on 24th. Shree respected Giriraj Shastree will be key note speaker of Katha. 22nd
Patotsav will be celebrated through 25th and 26th of July 2015 . Invitation latter is
included here.
Satyanarayan Katha in English:- Sunday the 2nd of August 2015 Satyanarayan
Puja & Katha is planned. Katha will be in English to help our English speaking adults
and children. If you are planning to attend this Katha, please register your name in
MSM office.
Religious discourses by Sadhvi Rutumbharaji: Sunday, August 9, 2015: Manav
Seva Mandir has arranged religious discourses by Her Holiness Sadhvi Rutumbharaji
on Sunday, August 9, 2015 between 5:00 PM and 7:15 PM. Prasad will be served
after Aarti. Every one is invited.
Yoga Camp:- From September 4th to September 10th Dr. Swami Shree Yogiraj
Ohmprakashji Maharaj ‘s yoga camp is arranged. Please inquire at MSM for more detail.
Janmashtami and Nand Mahotsav: September 5th and Sunday September 6th
2015:- Program will start with Bhajan at 5.00 PM on September 5th with Mahapuja at
11.00 pm and Krishna birth at mid night. On September 6th at 6.00 PM Nand Mahotsav celebration will start. Both days will conclude with Aarti and Mahaprashad.
Ganeshotsav Prarambh & Ganesh ChaturthI:- Ganesh Sthapan, Mahapuja and
Abhishek will starts on Thursday 17th evening at 5.00 PM followed by Aarti and
Mahaprasad. Ganeshotsav will continue until Saturday, 26, September and on
evening of 26th September Ganpati Visharjan will take place.
Navaratri:- Starts on Tuesday the October 13th, 2015. On First day morning,
Akhand Deep will be started and Jwara planting ceremony will be performed. Mataji’s
Garba will be performed every evening after Sandhya Aarti. On day of Durgashtami,
20th of October, 2015 there will be Mataji’s Havan. Please contact Mandir for
Dashera:- on Thursday 22nd October after Aarti and Garba, Jwara will be distributed
and Navratri event will concluded with Mahaprashad.
Sharad Purnima:- Is on Monday 26th October. Event will include in evening Arti,
Ras-Garba and Mahaprashad.
Divali & New Year:- This year Diwali purve is starting from Saturday November 7th
to Saturday November 14th. Details of each puja and timing will be posted at
temple’s bulletin board in later date.
Shree Manav Sheva Mandir
22nd Patotsav & Shreemad Bhagavat Katha
July 2015
Respected Devotee,
Jay Shree Krishna!
With blessing of Lord Shree Krishna, Manav Seva Mandir is planning to celebrate
22nd Patotsav on July 25 Saturday & 26th Sunday. Along with Patotsav, we are
also planning Shreemad Bhagavat Katha starting from Saturday 18th
concluding at 8.00 pm on July to 24th.
On this great occasion, Board of Trustees, Executive Board and Management team
of Manav Seva Mandir heartily invite you to participate in this great event. Please join
us with family and friends in celebration of Shreemad Bhagavat Katha and Patotsav
Please Note:- This year’s Katha is sponsored by,
Shreemati Champaben Narendrabhai Patel and Family
Sarojben Jayprakash Upadhya and family
Jay Shree Krishna!,
Manav Seva Mandir
Cordially invites all devotees to attend
Shreemad Bhagvat Katha
by Pujya Giriraj Shastriji
at Mahalaxmi Hall, Manav Seva Mandir
July 18, 2015 to July 24, 2015
Saturday July 18, 2015
1:30 pm to 2:00 pm
2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
6:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Shobha Yatra
Shreemad Bhagvat Katha
Shreemad Bhagvat Katha
Sunday July 19, 2015
2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
6:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Shreemad Bhagvat Katha
Shreemad Bhagvat Katha
Monday July 20, 2015 to Thursday July 23, 2015
6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Shreemad Bhagvat Katha
Friday July 24, 2015
6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Purnahuti and Mahaprasad
Utsav celebration during Katha will be announced at later date.
Saturday, Sunday, Monday to Thursday food will be served from 5 pm to 6:30 pm
Friday Mahaprasad will be served
For Sponsership of Sah Shrota and Sah Yajman
please call the Mandir at (630) 860-9797 or any of the following
Jayrambhai Patel (847) 204-0786 • D. P. Prajapati
(847) 673-9920
Ishwarbhai Patel (847) 382--0270 • Rajubhai Chauhan (847) 673-7110
Jay Shree Krushna
(Non Profit Organization)
Manav Seva Mandir
(Non Profit Organization)
Daily Evening Arti
During Ktha
Register at the office for Arti
Daily Prasad Sponsership
During katha
Can be two or More families
Bhagvat Katha Yajman
Main Yajman
each Total 5
Sah Yajman
Patotsav Seva / Puja
Ganesh Puja /Sthapan
Main Yajman
Bhadra Mandal Puja
Main Yajman
Dhwaja Puja (Ropan)
Main Yajman
Kalash Puja (Total 5)
Main Yajman
$151 Ganeshji Mahapuja
Main Yajman
Saha Yajman
Hanumanji Mahapuja
Main Yajman
Saha Yajman
Suryanarayan Mahapuja
Main Yajman
Saha Yajman
Mahadev Mahapuja
Main Yajman
Saha Yajman
Radha-Krishna Mahapuja
Main Yajman
Saha Yajman
Mataji Mahapuja
Main Yajman
Saha Yajman
Annakut Puja
Main Yajman
Saha Yajman
Daily Arti during Patotsav
Ganpati Havan & Navgrah Puja Matajino Havan $31
Register at the office for Arti
Manin Yajman
Total 20 Yajmans
Main Yajman
Total 20 Yajmans
For Sponsorship of any Puja Please call Manav Seva Mandir at 630-860-9797

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