Restyling 7/10 - Thunder Mountain Truck Outfitters
Restyling 7/10 - Thunder Mountain Truck Outfitters
_ [ Res t y l er s _ *HW2YHU,W .QRZZKDWWKH\ZDQW"+RZ-HHSDQG[UHVW\OHUVJHWWKHLUFXVWRPHUVKLJKHU By -RKQ&DUROOR he stickers and logos read, ‘It’s a :KDW·VÀUVWRQWKH¶WREX\·OLVW" Understand.” Jeeps, offroaders and 4x4s wear their badges proudly. We wanted to know what those “Do it in the Dirt” guys and gals do when they go to their local truck, Jeep and 4x4 performance stores with money in their hands. We asked a number of sources about the current market — and you might be surprised by their answers. Our first question was about the top aftermarket items Jeep and 4x4 owners tend to add to their vehicles first. Shane Barrington, president of Thunder Mountain Truck Outfitters, Logan, Utah, says, “We tend to see a suspension upgrade done in combination with a larger tire/wheel combo. On newer Jeeps, we are doing a lot of 4” long-arm suspension lifts, with a 37” tire on a 17” wheel, such as the BFG KM2. This is often followed by a gear ratio change.” _ [ Res ty l er s_ 7 Jeep Thing. You Really Wouldn’t “A full build would require the addition of an aftermarket front and rear bumper. We like to up-sale a Warn Power Plant with a new front bumper. If they [the customers] are a rock crawler type, Rock Sliders are a must, as well. For trucks, lift kits are still big, but we are mainly doing just a mild level kit. Most truck customers are coming in and asking for a KMC, or an XD wheel by name.” Marc Cloutier, marketing manager for MBRP Inc., Huntsville, Ont., says, “For 7KRPSVRQRI%HVWRSVD\VWKDWSHRSOH´WHQGWREX\DQDIWHU PDUNHWWRSÀUVWDQGWKHQ«VWDUWORRNLQJDWRWKHUSURGXFWVWR XSJUDGHWKHLU-HHS,WDOVRGHSHQGVRQZKDWWKH\XVHWKHLU -HHS IRU GDLO\ GULYHU ZHHNHQG ZDUULRU RU URFN FUDZOHURII URDGHUµ -8/< 5(67</,1*0$*&20 _[ Res t y l er s _ the serious rock crawler, protection is No. 1. For the 4x4 owner, the logical starting point for greater performance is the “triple play” of a programmer, air intake and performance exhaust.” Over at Aftermarketing LLC, Tony Curless, company president of the marketing agency for JKS Mfg., Alliance, Neb., tells us, “Regardless of whether the individual actually intends to venture offroad, most owners begin to accessorize their 4WD with suspension and tires. “The typical offroad enthusiast clearly understands the limitations of the stock tire size and tread pattern and will immediately select a larger and more aggressive alternative that is designed for offroad terrain. The onroad driver often takes a similar approach, but is motivated by aesthetic value more than performance. As a result, they are more likely to select a tread pattern that is quieter and more comfortable on the road, while still rugged in appearance. “When it comes to choosing suspension products,” continues Curless “the offroad enthusiast is more likely to select individual components based on performance considerations. Those working with tighter budgets may even build the suspension in stages. This allows the customer to spend more time researching each upgrade to ensure it meets his needs, and less time replacing parts of an off-the-shelf kit that doesn’t. The onroad driver is more inclined to choose a complete suspension kit from a recognized brand or even a budget-type lift that uses spacers to achieve the extra height. The end goal tends to be the appearance of a capable offroad machine, and less time and money is invested in making sure the parts actually perform offroad.” Megan Thompson, marketing manager of Bestop, Broomfield, Colo., says, “People tend to buy an aftermarket top first and then, once they get accustomed to Bestop quality, they start looking at our other products to upgrade their Jeep. It also depends on what they use their Jeep for: daily driver, 5(67</,1*0$*&20 :KHQLWFRPHVWRFKRRVLQJVXVSHQVLRQSURGXFWVWKHRIIURDGHQWKXVLDVWLVPRUHOLNHO\ WRVHOHFWLQGLYLGXDOFRPSRQHQWVEDVHGRQSHUIRUPDQFHFRQVLGHUDWLRQV7KHRQURDG GULYHULVPRUHLQFOLQHGWRFKRRVHDFRPSOHWHVXVSHQVLRQNLWIURPDUHFRJQL]HGEUDQG RUHYHQDEXGJHWW\SHOLIWWKDWXVHVVSDFHUVWRDFKLHYHWKHH[WUDKHLJKW3KRWRIURP -.60IJ $OOWHUUDLQGULYLQJPDNHVIRUDOOWHUUDLQDIWHUPDUNHWDFFHVVRULHV3KRWRIURP-.60IJ -8/< _[ Res t y l er s _ _ [ Res ty l er s_ most critical parts of late-model Jeep suspensions is the control arms,” he says. … “More and more Jeep owners are gravitating toward adjustable arms that utilize flexible rubber bushings to isolate road noise and vibration without limiting offroad performance. Adjustable control arms from JKS Mfg. were the first aftermarket Jeep control arms to establish this trend and are still considered the benchmark by which others are compared today.” • Adjustable track bars: “Track bars with adjustable-length design become a necessity on Jeeps lifted more than 2”-3” because the increased chassis height forces the axles out of alignment with the rest of the vehicle. … Heavy-duty construction and flexible rubber bushings to isolate noise and vibration are the most popular among Jeep owners.” • Adjustable sway bars: “Experienced Jeep owners are discovering the advantages of trail-tuned aftermarket sway bars, such as [our] new SwitchBlade Swaybar.” Thompson, from Bestop, lists her choices: “Jeep: doors; offroading gear: bum- pers, winch plates, racks to store stuff on, tire carriers, bikinis and seasonal items.” Barrington adds, “For Jeeps, some guys opt for an Atlas, or a type of locker. Items we often upsale to Jeep owners when we do their build are grab handles, fire extinguishers, bikini tops, D-ring shackles, receiver shackles, tire air-down devices, snatch blocks :D\ÀQGHUV and tow straps. Our second question was about navigation “We have also developed our own ‘recovsystems. We wanted to know how today’s ery bag.’ Being that we have tried and tested buyers feel about them, and what our supall recovery items, we have learned which pliers think of them, even if they don’t have is the best of the best. We have put all of them in their product line. these together in a high-quality bag that fits Cloutier from MBRP says, “We can only into the Jeep. respond as enthusiasts ourselves. Navigation “Also, remembering to keep the vehicle technology has opened up the world to peolegal in most states, we have to explain to ple who would otherwise never dare to try them the importance of larger fender flares orienteer their way with map and compass.” and mud flaps. Tera Flex makes a great Curless, for JKS says, that “although my detachable mud flap. The customer can clients don’t handle navigation systems, I easily remove them to go off road, but put would still have to say that they are certhem back on, (with no tools) when they tainly growing in popularity among Jeep and reach the trail head.” 4WD owners. As the technology advances, Cloutier says, “We are seeing that the maps supplied with navigation systems Wrangler owners are always adding someare becoming more detailed and thing to their Jeep. We know this comprehensive. Offroad enthusiasts from the large number of small can now rely on them to navigate items that we are selling. Everything most Forest Service roads and even from light bars to fire extinguisher some routes that are not indicated mounts, spare tire brackets to skid on printed maps.” plates. Barrington, from Thunder “On the more big ticket items, Mountain, has a different view. “Nav we know protection is No. 1 with systems are often a tough sale,” he our customers. The JK rock rail kits notes. “Most of your A-list customers from our Off Camber Fabrications buy a “fully loaded” vehicle off the division have been very successful, lot. Therefore, they usually have a though part of that success may be nav system. The nav systems we do because they have a removable step sell are usually the type that can be which makes it attractive for those temporarily mounted in your truck daily drivers that also see offroad use. or Jeep, but can be easily removed to “We have also seen considerable take directly to your ATV or boat.” success with a performance exhaust system that we developed for the $GGRQVWRDGGRQ JK. We moved the muffler ahead We also want to know about other of the axle, significantly reducing top products people generally want the danger of the exhaust getting on their Jeep or 4x4. Curless tells crushed. us, “Instead of focusing on the most “Finally, our heavy-duty roof obvious suspension components, rack system — and the various springs and shocks, the following accessory items that we offer to components are equally as important go with it — has been very popular but rarely given the same amount of 6D\V&ORXWLHURI0%53´:UDQJOHURZQHUVDUHDOZD\VDGG proving that there are still a lot consideration by consumers: LQJVRPHWKLQJWRWKHLU-HHS«(YHU\WKLQJIURPOLJKWEDUVWR of folks hitting the trails in their • Control arms: “One of the ÀUHH[WLQJXLVKHUPRXQWVVSDUHWLUHEUDFNHWVWRVNLGSODWHVµ Jeeps.” weekend warrior or rock crawler/offroader.” Larry Trim, president of TrailReady Products LLC, Everett, Wash., agrees and gave us the biggest reason: “Tires, wheels and related suspension. Consumers start here because it offers the biggest and most immediate visual impact.” -8/< 5(67</,1*0$*&20 _[ Res t y l er s _ :KDWDERXWWKRVHURFNFUDZOHUV" Focusing on the offroader/rock crawler, we asked what items they might outfit their vehicles with and why. Thompson gave us the quick list of, “bumpers, winches, element doors from Bestop, tire carriers.” Trim tells us, “Again, tire/wheel/sus- pension. Then add to that: proper gear ratio, lockers, and a winch for function.” Barrington agrees, “Hard-core offroaders will usually buy a winch. We strongly encourage a high-quality winch. Some guys will want to save a couple hundred dollars; but remember, that couple hun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dred dollars could save your life. “Next would be body armor. Crush corners and rock sliders for Jeeps. These products allow the driver to slide down or over rocks without damaging their high-dollar investments. “Suspension systems have endless possibilities,” he continues. “Many offroaders will select a suspension system that will provide both function and comfort. We also try to recommend an aftermarket rear bumper for people who choose 37” tires for their Jeep. An aftermarket rear bumper can accommodate a heavy-duty spare tire carrier. The last thing you want to do is hang a 35" or 37" tire from the end gate of a new Jeep. It just cannot hold that weight and be bounced around.” Cloutier says that “from Moab to Rausch Creek to Northern Canada we meet up with some of the most extreme offroaders. They are always looking for bumpers that will give them better approach angles, rock rails that won’t crumple — gear that shows an understanding of the challenges that they put their Jeeps through. They have bought too much gear that comes up short when the sheet metal meets the trail. That’s why we believe that our muffler-forward exhaust systems have been such a success. The system answers a real challenge that the offroader/ rock crawler faces in a way that makes sense and works.” 0DWFKSRLQWV We asked about matching the right product to the client’s needs. Trim notes, “Where wheels are concerned, we offer both real and faux beadlocks. A quick discussion on how the vehicle is used will put us on the path to the correct model and style of wheels.” Curless sees this as an industry hot spot: “Excellent question! This is increasingly important for manufacturers and retailers to consider. It’s easy to match a customer with the right product in a retail showroom, where the vendor can learn how the customer uses the vehicle on a daily basis or if he has future plans or aspirations for the vehicle. “Unfortunately, it’s much more difficult to define and address each customer’s specific needs online. The strategy used by JKS is to Use INFO #22 -8/< 5(67</,1*0$*&20 _[ Res t y l er s _ +RRGSURWHFWRUVDWULJKWDQGURFNHUSURWHFWRUV DERYHVXFKDVRQD:UDQJOHUDIIRUGDELWPRUH DUPRU3KRWRVIURP%XVKZDFNHU,QF _ [ Re st yl e rs _ 6D\V7KXQGHU0RXQWDLQ·V%DUULQJWRQ´0DQ\SHRSOHZLOOFRPHLQRQDEXGJHW,QWKLV FDVHZHSODQWKHZKROHEXLOGXSEXWRIWHQVSOLWLWLQWRSKDVHSKDVHDQGSKDVHµ +DUGFRUHRIIURDGHUVZLOOXVXDOO\EX\DZLQFKVD\V7KXQGHU0RXQWDLQ·V%DUULQJWRQ ´:HVWURQJO\HQFRXUDJHDKLJKTXDOLW\ZLQFK6RPHJX\VZLOOZDQWWRVDYHDFRXSOH KXQGUHGGROODUVEXWUHPHPEHUWKDWFRXSOHKXQGUHGGROODUVFRXOGVDYH\RXUOLIHµ -8/< provide the education that customers need to make an informed decision and purchase with confidence. Jim Nollette [president of JKS] says, ‘If we are unable to speak directly with the customer, as is the case with most online transactions, we want to make sure the quality of information they receive from our website is just as good as the information we provide in person. For every product we make, our website features an overview section that provides the customer with the context necessary to understand the problems and limitations related to the part being replaced. By helping customers understand and identify the problems, they are better prepared to recognize the product features that really address their concerns.’” JKS applies this strategy to the pointof-purchase on their website, as well. “Important vehicle-specific details and distinguishing product features are incorporated to guide the customer to the appropriate selection for their application,” Curless notes. Barrington speaks of interacting: “We are fortunate to have a very nice area in our showroom where we can sit down in a comfortable setting to really spend some time and get to know our potential customers. We spend a lot of time to truly get to know how their vehicle is going to be used. Is it used as a daily driver, a weekend rock crawler, a work vehicle in the field or a combination of all of them? After we have an idea of how they use the vehicle, we can start making suggestions. “Many people will come in on a budget. In this case, we plan the whole buildup, but often split it into Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 5(67</,1*0$*&20 _[ Res t y l er s _ 3. Oftentimes, we will actually take a trip up the canyon with the customer to demo certain parts and accessories for them. If the customer is out of state, we have often traveled to them to personally go over the build and get to know them better.” Cloutier adds that “the key for us has been to address the needs of as broad a range of Jeep owners as possible. That’s why we offer bumpers in full and stubby, winch and non-winch. “We offer a roof rack for some gear and an extension. “With mufflers, we have some that simply improve sound and performance, and others that provide real protection for the extreme crowd. Jeep owners cannot be pigeon-holed except to say that they want a well-built vehicle for whatever their needs. As an aftermarket manufacturer it is our responsibility to provide the gear that they need whether they are trekking through the jungle or over the freeways.” Bestop’s Thompson shows another way: ´)RUWKHVHULRXVURFNFUDZOHUSURWHFWLRQLV1RµVD\V0%53·V&ORXWLHU Use INFO #45 5(67</,1*0$*&20 -8/< _[ Res t y l er s _ “We don’t sell direct, so we can’t really answer this. We manufacture items based off what we hear at consumer events, customer shows, customer requests, existing product compilations and much more.” (YHQWVKDSSHQ We changed gears for our last question, which was about getting involved with any 4x4/Jeep events: We wondered if it helped business for installers, retailers or restylers. Offroad shop owner Barrington tells us, “Yes, we try hard to sponsor or put on as many events as we can. This is an excellent way to promote your shop, and show the public that you are knowledgeable and trust- RETRO YOUR RIDE COMPLETE THE RETRO-STYLING OF YOUR 2010 CAMARO Choose from Retro USA's Front and Rear Bumpers, Quarter Molding, Rocker Molding and Hood Vent. While the look is classic the technology is the latest and greatest. Retro USA's Chrome-Tech ™ features chrome film laminated to thermoformed TPO, the newest standard in automotive plastics. Compared to the chrome-of-old, Chrome-Tech™ will never rust, crack, chip or peel. All Retro USA Accessories are easily installed in a matter of minutes using 3M ™ Attachment Tapes. No modifications required! Call or visit us online and get your ride rolling with style. Front Bumper The Look of Yesterday for Cars of Today. Quarter Molding Set Rear Bumper Rocker Molding Set Hood Vent Set WWW.RETROUSA.NET • 1-877-4RETROUSA (1-877-473-8768) New dealer inquiries welcome 8VH,1)2 -8/< worthy. We sponsor a lot of events annually: car shows, mud bog events, demolition derbies, rodeos, trail rides and many others. “We sponsor and take part in so many events that we literally have an event (or two) every weekend of the summer. This is tough to do and takes a toll. You are actually working six or seven days a week. The results are well worth it. We take these opportunities to distribute as many hats, T-shirts and literature, as possible. People really like that. You will pay $9 for a T-shirt with your shop’s logo, people will wear it and it will be seen. “Plan a trail ride. Show others in your community how you outfitted your vehicles and how well they work. This will build their trust and confidence in you and your shop.” Says Thompson, “We are involved with a number of 4x4/Jeep events throughout the United States. By either attending, sponsoring or supporting with raffle items, we make sure to get out there as much as we can. These events are a way to put a face to the manufacturer’s name and really hear about what our customers are saying about our products. It’s the best R&D, customer service opportunity available. It’s also a great way to get customers over to our customers since we don’t sell direct.” Trim says, “Yes. It’s a good practice to continue brand awareness.” One of our more profound answers for this question came from Cloutier. Maybe, his first comment should be on a plaque hanging on the wall of everyone in the industry. He says this: “A manufacturer has a choice to either sell to a market or become part of a community. “The benefits for us in doing the latter have been many. Aside from getting the opportunity to promote our products, we have gained a sense of perspective — an enthusiast’s perspective — that we otherwise would not. Our Off Camber Fabrications division was, and still is, built on enthusiasts telling us what they were missing when it came to available gear for their Wranglers, on and off road. “We are a sponsor of the, as well as sponsoring events through the forums. At Moab, we sponsored some forum member get-togethers. On the 4x4 side, we have been the NHRDA title spon5(67</,1*0$*&20 _[ Res t y l er s _ _[Rest yl e r s_ sor for many years and sponsor many diesel forums.” Now you have better, more focused choices for the Jeep and offroad 4x4 market. You can either get into it or be left in the dust. There’s more Online! Tony Curless talks about a couple of changes in offroad equipment that have become significant. Specifically, suspension features that appeal to the rock crawling crowd. See Suspension Update in this article at ,W·VLPSRUWDQWWRPDWFKFXVWRPHUV·QHHGVWRWKHLUYHKLFOHV6RPHZDQWVHULRXVURFN FUDZOHUHTXLSPHQWRWKHUVZDQWDOLWWOHDGYHQWXUHDGGHGWRWKHLUGDLO\GULYHU RIIURDGHU3KRWRIURP5HDG\/LIW John Carollo is a regular contributor to Restyling, Performance Business and other NBM Inc. titles, as well as automotive consumer publications. He recently co-wrote the Iconografix book, “4x4 Offfroad Racing Trucks.” The book includes Offroad trucks racing in circuits such as desert and closed courses, drags, hill climbs, obstacle courses, pulling, rock crawling and trail rides. The book is heavy on photos of offroad action and details of the machines used. 8VH,1)2 5(67</,1*0$*&20 -8/<