Shelbina Water Plan
Shelbina Water Plan
Preface Watershed? What is it? A watershed is described as a land area that water flows across on its way to a stream, lake, or river. A watershed has only natural boundaries. Those boundaries are not defined by political or ownership property lines. They are, instead, natural topographic features that define a drainage basin. In October 1998, the City of Shelbina decided to start the process of putting a watershed management plan together. This holistic plan is the result of input and planning from a Watershed Committee composed of City of Shelbina officials and employees, concerned citizens, public officials, resource agencies, and – most importantly – land owners in the watershed. This will serve as a flexible guideline to maintain and/or improve the watershed and water of the Shelbina Lake. In April of 1999, the City of Shelbina applied through the Mark Twain Regional Council of Governments and received a grant originating from the United States Environmental Protection Agency to finance an assessment of the Shelbina Lake and Watershed and to make recommendations for a two-year schedule of improvements to be funded by the grant with in-kind contributions from the City of Shelbina. This grant was administered by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. The assessment was conducted by Midwest Environmental Consultants, P.C., of Jefferson City. Certain figures, recommendations, and graphics included in this document were taken from the Shelbina Lake and Watershed Water Quality Assessment, September 2000. A copy of the complete assessment report is located at Shelbina City Hall. The intent of the plan is to improve, upgrade, and increase the cost effectiveness of the local water supply and distribution system. It will also focus on the beauty of the lake as an asset in recreation, tourism, and economic development. Pollution is inevitable. All human and animal activity produces waste. If this waste is not disposed of properly, it may find its way into the water supplies as contamination. Nonpoint source contamination is gradual and cumulative and its source is not easily identified. It does respond to the voluntary use of best management practices implemented by agriculture producers, businesses, homeowners, and the community itself. The plan is in no way regulatory; all practices are voluntary with the best interest of the Shelbina Lake Watershed and property owners in mind. Remember, we all live downstream. A healthy watershed is a direct reflection of the activity taking place in its boundaries. If we all work together, the plan will provide a good environment and economy for all within it. 1 Introduction Problem Description. Shelbina Lake is impacted by nutrient and sediment input from internal and external loading. Internal loading (recycling of nutrients within the reservoir) appears to be a significant source of nutrients in the reservoirs. The trophic state of the Shelbina Lake is hypereutrophic (meaning it is very fertile and productive) which is detrimental for a drinking water supply. Such water supplies typically produce taste and odor problems and elevated production of disinfection by-products. In addition, hepatotoxins and neurotoxins may be present seasonally in hypereutrophic water supplies due to the typical presence of blue-green algae. Dissolved oxygen concentrations beneath the photic zone (upper zone in which light is available for photosynthesis) are very low and could be causing stress of the fishery. The Shelbina Lake serves as the drinking water supply for the City of Shelbina, with a population of approximately 2,200. City personnel feel that the water quality is satisfactory; however, measures to improve and protect lake water quality should be proactively pursued. The main water quality concerns include turbidity, sedimentation, nutrients, and natural organic matter that are disinfection by-product precursors. City personnel have a strong belief that watershed management efforts should focus on water quality improvements, but economic impacts to land owners should also be carefully considered. This viewpoint is critical for successful stakeholder participation and implementation of a watershed management plan. Planning Process and Public Participation. Shelbina has implemented a systematic development and outreach process designed to accomplish the following: • Legitimize the process by informing City officials and seeking their support, • Involve the appropriate resource agencies and secure commitment of their on-going educational and financial assistance, 2 • Involve residents of the watershed and other stakeholders in the problem identification process and obtain their agreement to implement the management practices needed to correct identified problems, • Publicize activities and accomplishments of the project to promote stewardship and to create on-going interest in the project, and • Implement strategies and celebrate accomplishments to promote continuing ownership of the project. The following section details the efforts under each of these categories: ❑ Legitimize the Process October 13, 1998 – City Council Meeting Discussion and presentation: Why develop a plan? What is a plan? How can it help Shelbina? The Council voted to develop a watershed management plan. See Appendix 1 for agenda. ❑ Involve Resource Agencies July through September 1998 – Involvement of Mark Twain Water Quality Initiative Preliminary meetings of resource persons interested in working with the City of Shelbina on watershed management and planning. See appendixes 2, 3, and 4 for copies of correspondence and meeting agenda. Fall 1998 – Involvement of Shelby County NRCS/SWCD “Shelbina Starts Ball Rolling on Watershed Plan”, Soil Conscious, A Quarterly Publication of the Shelby Soil and Water Conservation District See appendix 5 for a copy of newsletter article. April 1999 – Project Proposal Submitted With the assistance of the Mark Twain Regional Council of Governments (MTRCOG) and University Outreach and Extension (UOE), a proposal was submitted for EPA funds under section 604(b) of the Clean Water Act. The grant would finance an assessment of the Shelbina Lake and Shelbina Lake Watershed and make recommendations for a two-year schedule of improvements to be also funded by the grant with in-kind contributions from the City of Shelbina. See appendix 6 for a copy of the schedule of milestones. October 1999 – Assessment of Shelbina City Lake and Silt Basins Assessment and recommendations submitted to Committee by Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) Fisheries Management Biologist, Hannibal, Missouri. See appendix 7 for copy of assessment. November 15, 1999 DNR awarded Subgrant Assistance Agreement to the MTCOG for the Shelbina Lake Preservation and Enhancement Project to develop a local community-led watershed management alliance to implement strategies identified utilizing the environmental assessment results. 3 December 13, 1999 Requests for proposal (RFPs) mailed to 16 consulting engineers for the following: Attendance at pre-bid conference Physical inventory of Shelbina Lake and Shelbina Lake Watershed Written and oral assessment of findings which identifies critical areas at Shelbina Lake and in the Shelbina Lake Watershed Final report (oral and written) to the watershed management committee by September 15, 2000 January 11, 2000 Pre-bid conference held at Shelbina City Hall January 28, 2000 Bids opened; three bids received. February 8, 2000 Contract with Midwest Environmental Consultants, P.C. (MEC) accepted by MTRCOG December 1, 2001 All grant activities are to be completed. ❑ Involve Stakeholders December 14, 1998 – Letter to Stakeholders Invitation to informational meeting See appendix 8 for copy of letter and contact list. January 11, 1999 – Informational Meeting Public Meeting Water Quality at Shelbina Lake Water-Quality Considerations The Planning Process See appendix 9 for agenda, roles and responsibilities, and volunteer registration materials. April 8, 1999 – Public Meeting and Shelbina Watershed Futuring Opportunity for stakeholders to identify problems and concerns See appendix 10 for summary of meeting December 14, 1999 – Letter to Stakeholders Update and Opportunity to Share Ideas Public Meetings Grant Opportunity Opportunities for Your Input Bid Process See appendix 11 for copy of letter. March 1, 2000 Invitation to Public Meeting to discuss the scope of the engineering assessment to be conducted (starting April 2000) by Midwest Environmental Consultants, P.C. See appendix 12 for update letter and invitation. 4 March 20, 2000 - Public Meeting Update on Project Presentations on scope of project Meet with representative of engineering firm October 6, 2000 – Update and Solicitation of Public Input Letter to review suggestions coming out of the Shelbina Lake and watershed water-quality assessment report: Control of the resident and migratory Canada goose populations Implement voluntary BMPs to address erosion and nutrient runoff Track future land uses that may impact water quality Address shoreline erosion Consider artificial destratification See appendix 13 for letter. December 8, 2000 – Update and Invitation to Public Meeting Set priorities for improvements See appendix 14 for copy of letter. January 8, 2001 – Supper Meeting Group meal followed by discussion and presentation: Project Milestones Shelbina Lake and Watershed Water Quality Assessment, Possible Practices to be Implemented Golf Course BMP’s Management of Goose Population Possibilities Under MoCREP (Missouri Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program) Equipment Needs Water Quality Management Plan ❑ Publicize Activities and Accomplishments October 13, 1998 – Media Release (City Council Meeting) Appoints Greenwell City Attorney, Shelbina Democrat See Appendix 15 for copy of article (contains information on approval of planning process) October 1999 – Media Release “City to Begin Water Resources Planning”, Shelbina Democrat See appendix 16 for copy of release. June 2000 – Newsletter Article “Shelbina Takes a ‘Trouble Shooting’ Approach”, Downstream, Quarterly newsletter of the North Fork (319) Project See appendix 17 for copy of newsletter article. 5 May 14, 2001 - Progress Report Update on program of work for grant: Control of the Resident and Migratory Canada Goose Populations Implement Voluntary BMPs to Address Erosion and Nutrient Runoff Address Shoreline Erosion Implement Golf Course BMPs Install Carbon Feeder Relocate Dump Station See appendix 18 for copy of update letter June 2001 – Newsletter article “The 19th Hole Could be A Water Hole”, Downstream, Quarterly newsletter of the North Fork (319) Project See appendix 19 for copy of newsletter article ❑ Implement Strategies and Celebrate Accomplishments Schedule of Practices - Following are the recommended practices and implementation timeline: November 2000 – February 2001 Set procedures and blind areas for controlled goose hunt at Shelbina Lake February 2001 Work with NRCS-Mark Twain Water Quality Initiative to design minor repairs on south spillway Request permit from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for shoreline restoration at Shelbina Lake March 21, 2001 – Co-Sponsor Workshop “Golf Course Management Strategies. . .Links to Water Quality”, workshop for ag suppliers, golf course superintendents, board members and pros, parks and recreation personnel, and water/wastewater treatment operators. See appendix 20 for copy of brochure. Spring and Summer 2001 – Implementation of BMPs Waterways constructed or to be constructed on farm and Shelbina Fairgrounds property. 118.9 acres enrolled in MoCREP March – July 2001 Meet with Shelby County NRCS to work on possible BMPs for Shelbina Lake and Shelbina Lake Watershed Project 1. Landowner participation in MoCREP and other BMPs Five landowners = 118.9 acres in MoCREP; CRP2s sent to DNR for approval 2. One landowner utilizing variable rate technology on 252 acres of cropland, also will set up nutrient management plan for these acres (complete) 6 3. Three landowners utilizing waterway and standard terrace and tile terraces and all components ✔ Property – 4.750 feet of standard terraces and tile terraces and all components Total cost of project: $14,847.00, cost to landowner, $4,847 (complete) ✔ Property – two waterways, 1500 cubic yards earthwork Total cost of project: $1,595.50, cost to landowner, $398.87 (to be completed in Fall of 2001) ✔ Shelby County Fair Association – One waterway Total cost of project: $1,020.60, cost to landowner, $272.72 (complete) 4. One landowner installing 5.3 acres buffer strip using MoCREP rate with a ten-year contract (seeded and in good shape July 2001) March and April 2001 – Walk Shelbina Lake shoreline Measure footages that need attention for shoreline erosion. Total footages equal 3,031 feet; will need 2,425 tons of rock to line areas of erosion. (Schedule to place rock is Fall of 2001.) Will use 2” clean base for matting then layer 3” on top for break up and wave control. City of Shelbina has US Army Corps of Engineers approval for installation of shoreline stabilization process. Early Summer 2001 - Received Model #W1052-cc/2 Acrison Carbon Feeder for Water Plant This is to help with removal of organics, SOC and TOCs at water treatment. (Installed Fall 2001) Late Summer or Early Fall 2001 - Golf Course to Implement BMPS Address areas of erosion on fairways #5, #8, and #9. Will install 14,210 square feet of concrete golf cart pathways to reduce erosion. 7 Late Summer or Early Fall 2001 - Relocate Camper Dump Station To increase setback, improve access, increase capacity, and as an additional safety feature August 6, 2001 – Barbecue and Review of Management Plan Public meeting to review grant plan of work, review draft of water quality management plan, and to thank participants for their support. Management Plan Purposes. Throughout the state, watershed management plans are currently being developed for a variety of purposes including water-quality protection, comprehensive planning, regulatory compliance, grant eligibility, and economic development. Other uses for this plan are to foster linkages to the rural community, coordinate resources with existing needs, and serve as a framework for enhanced cooperation and communication between programs focused on natural resource issues. The intended uses of this plan are shown below: PLAN PURPOSES Aid in the Preservation and Protection of the Municipal Water Supply Provide an Inventory of Watershed Characteristics and Current Conditions Provide Guidance for Watershed Management Create Public Awareness and Involvement in Water Quality Issues Maintain Compliance with Regulatory Standards Provide a Base for Future Resource Development Watershed Setting Shelbina Lake is located in Township 57 North, Range 10 West, in sections 20 and 29, approximately 1.25 miles north of Shelbina, Missouri in Shelby County. The corresponding watershed is located in the same county, township and range, but includes areas in sections 20, 21, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, and 33. The lake is approximately 55 acres in surface area with surface recharge derived from a drainage basin approximately 1,540 acres or 2.4 square miles (mi2). Figure 1 shows the topography and size of the Shelbina Lake watershed (Shelbina Lake Intake map). The overflow from Shelbina Lake discharges into the North Fork of the Salt River, which flows through Mark Twain Lake and is ultimately received by the Mississippi River. 8 Land Cover and Use The chart below illustrates land use by area, in acres, for pasture, crop land, and other land uses. Area (acres) Land Use 1993 Acres 1994 Acres 1995 Acres 1996 Acres 1999 Acres Pasture 280 291 146 186 85 Crop Land Use Subtotals 786 712 881 816 855 Corn 241 166 57 146 95 Wheat 320 92 211 114 95 9 31 46 19 48 201 365 561 537 617 Milo Soybeans No-till Beans 58 Oats 15 6 Other Land Use Subtotals 533 533 533 533 533 Farmstead 36 36 36 36 36 Pond 9 9 9 9 9 Woods 107 107 107 107 107 Roads 74 74 74 74 74 Park, Residential, Golf Course, Fair Grounds 243 243 243 243 243 Reservoir 55 55 55 55 55 9 Livestock. Livestock in this watershed is limited to a small farrow-to-finish hog operation, the Excel Hog Market, and some beef cattle. The Excel Hog Market averages 1000 head of hogs per day; some manure is spread on crop fields and pastures within the watershed area. There are approximately 85 acres of pastureland utilized by beef cow-calf operations in the watershed. One producer, to limit overgrazing and increase production, is using Managed Intensive Grazing (MIG). MIG allows grass to have a rest period between grazing which helps maintain good grass growth. Water is generally the limiting factor to greater implementation of MIG and rotational grazing. There are no cattle feed lots or dairy operations in this watershed. Topography and Soils. Topography ranges from wide, nearly level ridge tops (0% to 2% slope) to gently sloping side slopes (3% to 5% slope) and some moderate sloping areas (5% to 9% slope) in the watershed. The overall relief is about 70 feet with elevations ranging from approximately 780 feet (USG 1929 Elevation Datum) at the western edge of the watershed to 710 feet at the surface of the lake. The Knox, Monroe, Shelby Soil Survey (USDA-SC., 1979) indicates that the majority of the watershed acreage is within the Putnam-Mexico-Leonard soil association. Putnam and Mexico soils were formed under tall prairie grasses and Leonard soils developed with woodland vegetation. They are located on nearly level to gently sloping upland landscapes and are poorly to somewhat poorly drained soils that formed in loess. These are known as clay pan soils. The clay pan begins within 2’’ to 18’’ of the soil surface. The slow permeability of the clay pan causes these soils to commonly be saturated in the early growing season. They are subject to surface runoff and seepage above the clay pan. All of the soils are rated severe limitation for the installation of septic tank absorption fields. Sewage lagoons are a good option for homes on these soils. Nearly all the soils found in the watershed have severe potential for pesticide loss due to runoff or leaching. Putnam, Mexico, Leonard, and Armstrong soils have very slow infiltration rate and high runoff potentials. All four soil-mapping units are in the Class D Hydrologic soil group. These soils make up 95 % of the soil in the watershed and have a major impact on water quality. 10 Mineral Resources. Consolidated bedrock underlying soils in the majority of the Shelbina Lake watershed generally consist of Pennsylvanian-age limestone and shale. The limestone and shale are assigned to the Cherokee group (Desmoinesian Series). Mississippian-age limestone (Osagean Series) is present in a small portion of the watershed near the Lake dam. There are no significant mineral resources in the watershed area. Woodland Resources. The forest cover in the Shelbina Lake Watershed is a small component but a vital resource. It has a linear distribution following the major drainages and the south side of the lake shoreline. Other forest components are wide fencerows. A total of 134 acres are present with the largest blocks being 16 - 26 acres in size. Numerous other wooded fencerows are present but not accounted for in this acreage due to their small size. The forest type and condition are very diverse. Heavily disturbed zones such as grazed areas and past clearing attempts consist of shingle oak, a variety of hickories, and pin oak. Other areas have the more common white oak forest cover type. Many drainages will be a combination of the above species along with swamp white oak and black oak. The forest offers numerous benefits. First is stream bank stability. Studies show that trees provide some of the best soil stabilizing potential of any natural vegetation. A corridor, even as narrow as 25 feet on up to 100 feet adjacent to a stream, will assist in slowing down water movement, decreasing runoff, and holding soil in place with extensive root systems. Second is wildlife habitat. Forest cover such as this, provides needed travel corridors for deer and turkey. They also are a source of food and shelter. The thick cover is vital for small game such as quail and rabbits. Finally, forests, when properly managed, provide alternative income sources. This can come either from the direct sale of trees or through forest farming. Forest farming consists of growing a high value crop such as ginseng or goldenseal in the shade of trees. Some threats to the resource include continuous livestock grazing, land conversion, and improper harvesting. Livestock will damage timber making it less valuable. Some studies have also shown that livestock cause increased erosion in the forest and more sediment problems in streams and lakes. Land conversion from forests simply eliminates the cover, opening the drainage up to more erosion potential. It also has the potential of increasing runoff and further contributing to stream bank instability. Improper harvesting can contribute more sediment to streams mainly through poor road layout, the lack of water diversions, and other best management practices. Expanding the forest cover is one option in improving water quality in the lake. The forest is mainly in the primary drainages with the exception of a few gaps. These areas could be planted to trees and some of the upper reaches of the drainages could be reforested. Many of these are currently in grass waterways that could be widened to include a tree/grass/shrub border. With their close proximity to cropland, this will offer added nutrient, pesticide, and sediment control in runoff. They also have the potential for some side benefits as quail and rabbit habitat. Livestock exclusion should also be promoted in any of the forested areas, especially since most of the forests are already restricted to sensitive zones. Wildlife Resources. The Shelbina Lake watershed provides habitat that is suitable both for game and non-game species. White-tailed deer, eastern wild turkey, bobwhite quail, mourning dove, waterfowl, squirrels, and furbearers can all be found within the watershed. Non-game species such as the grasshopper sparrow, field sparrow, killdeer, white-footed mouse, great blue heron, and many species of snakes and amphibians are also present in the watershed. Migrating waterfowl, shorebirds, and raptors use the area during both spring and fall migration. Common mam11 malian species associated with wetlands include the river otter, beaver, mink, and muskrat. Common waterfowl include mallards, Canada geese, and snow geese. As a residential water source, the lake will need to be monitored to prevent excessive nutrient loads as a result of Canada geese. Resident wildlife can be either numerous or rare depending upon the individual species. The diversity of the species present in the watershed can be directly linked to the existing habitat diversity. The bobwhite quail is often termed an “edge” species, an animal that exists at the transition zone where one habitat type meets the next. They have been in decline throughout their entire range since the early 60’s. There are undoubtedly many factors which have exacerbated this decline including: lack of diversity in grasslands (CRP, pastures, hay ground), planting of exotic monocultures (tall fescue), predation, weather, lack of suitable escape cover in the form of shrubby fencerows and draws, and more efficient farming practices (increased chemical use, efficiency in harvest, larger fields) that result in weed-free fields. In order to help reverse this trend, any grasslands seeded within the watershed should include high diversity grass/legume/forb mixtures in their recommendations. Consideration should also be given to supplementing existing and potential grass plantings with shrub strips or clumps that will provide valuable escape and winter cover for various wildlife species including the bobwhite quail. Wetland Resources. The wetland resources within the watershed of Shelbina Lake are mostly made up of created wetlands. The National Wetland Inventory, compiled by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, classify the Shelbina Lake as a lacustrine wetland and the sediment basins above the lake, as well as farm ponds in the watershed, as palustrine wetlands. There is a small area of wooded wetland and wetland pasture above the south sediment basin as defined in the 1985, 1990, and 1995 farm bills. Aquatic Resources. The South Sediment Basin is shallow and turbid. Common carp are present and contribute to the turbidity. No other information exists on species present. No aquatic vegetation is present. Buttonbush and willows are the most common shoreline plants present. Most fishing activity occurs on the main lake. Species present include largemouth bass, bluegill, crappie, channel catfish, flathead catfish, bullhead, and common carp. No current fish population survey is on file. Daily harvest limits fall under statewide regulations of 6 bass, 10 channel catfish, 5 flathead catfish, 30 crappie, and 50 of all other species combined. Fishing methods are restricted to pole and line only. Aquatic and shoreline vegetation is sparse in the main lake and is heavily grazed by the resident Canada goose population. Shoreline trees and shrubs include cottonwood, willow, river birch, and buttonbush. Aquatic plants present include American pondweed, water primrose, and an unidentified specie. Recreational Resources. There is year-round access to the Shelbina Lake via State Highway 15. The main access to the Shelbina Lake is through the two access roads of the adjacent park. The reservoir is bordered on the eastern and western sides by the park and campgrounds and on the western side by the golf course behind the campground. A boat-launching facility exists in the park near the dam on the northeast side of the lake. A large camping facility composed of a total of 60 sites, an on-site privy, and well-maintained paved roads exist throughout the park. Boats are allowed on the lake with a limit of 5 h.p. motors to be operated at idle speeds. Fishing is allowed on the lake with Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) restrictions applying to fish taken from the lake as discussed in the Aquatic Resources section. 12 From the earliest days of its construction, the Shelbina Lake has been utilized for recreational pursuits. Excellent fishing exists within the lake, with reports of some trophy-sized bass occasionally taken. The other main use of the lake is its aesthetic value as it provides a beautiful spot for both those enjoying the camping facilities on the reservoir shore or the golf course on the hill above the western edge of the lake. Economics. While the watershed area of the Shelbina City Lake is not a large area in size, it does contain one of the major elements in the quality of life equation in the Shelbina community, the city lake. The Shelbina City Lake is very important to the area for recreational activities and family outings and gatherings. In addition, the number of campers, fishermen, and golfers that visit the area bring a significant economic impact for the community. The visual beauty associated with the lake is very important to the continued use of the lake for these purposes. The attempts of the watershed project to address these issues will help keep the lake beautiful for years to come. In addition to the physical enhancements, the control of possible chemical contaminants that could affect the drinking water quality of the Shelbina area, and the costs associated with processing the water for drinking, could have a significant economic impact on the residents and water users of Shelbina. If efforts through the watershed project are successful in controlling the amount of contaminants that run off into the lake and directly lower the cost of processing that water into drinking water, the City of Shelbina and their water customers will realize the cost savings. This will help to keep the taxes for city services lower and the cost to the end user of the processed water less expensive. Both effects, though seemingly small, over a period of several years will produce a significant economic benefit to the Shelbina area through the efforts of those associated with the Shelbina Watershed Project. 13 Government Programs. Following are some of the many local resources that can provide assistance and resources for planning and management: Agency Assistance Concern Pest Management Crop Production Riparian Corridors Recreation Fisheries Wetlands Agency Assistance Technical UOE, NRCS UOE, NRCS MDC, NRCS, SWCD, FS MDC, DNR, CHD MDC MDC, FWS, NRCS, COE Financial FSA, DNR, SWCD, EPA FSA, RD MDC, NRCS, FSA, DNR, EPA MDC MDC MDC, FWS, NRCS, FSA, DNR, EPA Wildlife Habitat Nutrient Management Animal Manure Management MDC, NRCS, SWCD UOE, NRCS, DNR, SWCD UOE, NRCS, DNR, SWCD MDC NRCS, FSA NRCS, FSA, MDA, DNR Woodland Management MDC, NRCS, UOE MDC, FSA, NRCS, DNR Water Quality Financial Assistance Programs Program Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP) Soil and Water Conservation Assistance Program (SWCA) Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Missouri Conservation Restoration Enhancement Program (MoCREP) 319 Project Grants State Cost-Share Incentive Programs Loan Interest-Share Program Special Area Land Treatment (SALT) Forestry Incentive Program (FIP) Wetland Reserve Program (WRP) Wetland Heritage Program (WHP) Habitat Improvement Program (HIP) Wildlife Habitat Improvement Program (WHIP) Open Lands Initiative Agricultural Loans Resource, Conservation & Development Grants Partners 14 Primary Contact/ Funding Agency Support Agencies NRCS/USDA FSA, SWCD, MDC NRCS/USDA FSA/USDA FSA, SWCD, MDC NRCS, SWCD, MDC NRCS/DNR/FSA DNR/EPA SWCD/DNR SWCD/DNR SWCD/DNR NRCS/USDA NRCS/USDA MDC FWS MDC, DNR, NRCS, FSA SWCD, UOE, NRCS NRCS, MDC NRCS NRCS, UOE, MDC FSA, MDC, SWCD MDC, SWCD NRCS, SWCD SWCD, NRCS NRCS MDC RD/USDA/MDA SWCD, NRCS, MDC NRCS, SWCD, QU RC&D/various FWS NRCS, SWCD, UOE FWS, MDC, NRCS, SWCD Agency Acronyms CHD COE DNR DNR-NERO EPA FSA FWS MDA MDC NRCS QU RD SWCA SWDC UOE County Health Departments U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Missouri Department of Natural Resources Missouri Department of Natural Resources-Northeast Regional Office U.S. Environmental Protection Agency USDA Farm Service Agency U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Missouri Department of Agriculture Missouri Department of Conservation USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Quails Unlimited USDA Rural Development (formerly FmHA) Soil and Water Conservation Assistance Program Soil & Water Conservation District University Outreach and Extension Problems, Concerns, Interests Public Concerns. In the summer of 1998, initial steps were taken to form a watershed steering committee for the purposes of preserving the Shelbina City water supply, developing a watershed management plan, and protecting the Lake and its watershed. From 1999 through 2001, public meetings were held to identify to identify issues and concerns related to the Shelbina Lake and watershed. The following is a summary of public input: CONCERNS REMARKS Having Adequate Water Supply Adequate for demand and growth Having Affordable Supply Strive to maintain affordable rates Non-Point Source Runoff Town and rural Nutrient Loading Concerns about livestock and waterfowl Erosion/Soil Movement Silting/sedimentation/accelerated aging Proximity to Highway 36 Potential for spills, highway runoff, other contamination Unnecessary Hardships for Landowners Increased regulation and expense Need for Landowner Participation In all phases of the project (planning, implementation etc.) 15 RECOMMENDATIONS Involve Landowners as Much as Possible Build/Repair Structures Needed to Protect Lake Install Natural Buffers and Barriers Encourage Management Practices Consider Major Renovation Conduct Education and Activities Consider Infrastructure Changes REMARKS Necessary to ensure success of project Holding ponds, shoreline stabilization, (vegetation and rip rap), spillway maintenance Grass waterways, buffer strips, riparian corridors To lower contaminant levels Dredge or build new lake To protect Shelbina Lake and watershed Improve treatment facilities See pages 21-24, Public Education, for a description of how identified concerns are being addressed and identification of resources available for future activities and education. Other activities are described below: • Local residents and stakeholders were identified to be included in project oversight. • Local agency representatives were identified to serve as a technical advisory group. • A grant proposal was developed and submitted to provide operational money to carry out the following: ➢ A physical assessment of Shelbina Lake and Watershed, ➢ Carry out educational programs, ➢ Create public awareness of the project, ➢ Provide seed money for implementing prevention strategies, and ➢ Develop and print a watershed management plan. • Updates were held for stakeholders and committee members. • Landowners and producers were recruited and involved in implementing necessary practices. • Procedures were established for water fowl management. • Upgrades were made to the water treatment system for more efficient and effective operation. • Educational activities were conducted as needed. • Appreciation events were held to thank participants and stakeholders. • Development, printing, and distribution of the Shelbina Water Quality Management Plan was completed. The Shelbina Lake and Watershed Project is intended to be an on-going effort for the benefit of the Shelbina Watershed Community. Soil Erosion & Sedimentation. The Shelbina Lake Watershed is located in Shelby County, Missouri. The watershed has a drainage area estimated at 1,538 acres or 2.4 square miles. The reconnaissance investigation suggests that soil losses and sediment delivery to downstream areas are relatively low, due primarily to gently sloping cultivated land, good land treatment practices, and low to moderate erosion rates from classical gullies. Some actively degrading and head cutting classical gullies were noted in the upper ends of the watershed. These are mentioned later in this report. Shoreline erosion, which is not quantified in this report, was also noted around the lake. For the purpose of analysis, the watershed was divided into ten sub-watersheds – eight around the periphery of the lake with drainage areas between 11 and 45 acres and two with drainage areas of 325 acres (southwest of the lake) and 1,055 acres (south-southeast of the lake.) 16 Periphery Sub-Watersheds: Landuse/landcover for the eight peripheral sub-watersheds (total drainage area estimated at 158 acres) is almost totally grass (golf course, park settings) and forestland. Less than 10 acres of cropland was noted in these drainages. These sub-watersheds produce approximately 300 tons of sediment on an average annual basis from all sources. This amounts to 1.9 tons per acre per year of soil loss from all erosion sources including sheet-and-rill, ephemeral gullies, and classical gullies. Seventy-five percent of all sediment produced is derived from sheet-and-rill erosion, 17% from classical gullies, and 8% from ephemeral gullies. These sub-watersheds deliver an estimated 230 tons of sediment (0.2 acre-feet) to the lake on an average annual basis. Eighty-one percent of the delivered sediment is derived from sheet-and-rill erosion, 15% from classical gullies, and 4% from ephemeral gullies. Southwest Sub-Watershed: Landuse/landcover for the 325-acre southwest sub-watershed is estimated at 177 acres cropland and 148 acres grass and forestland. Sheet-and-rill erosion produces nearly 1,300 tons on an average annual basis; about 1,150 tons is from cropland (6.5 tons per acre per year) and 150 tons from grass and forestland (1 ton per acre per year). Classical gullies produce approximately 400 tons of sediment annually and ephemeral gullies are responsible for 530 tons per year. Total erosion from all sources is 2,230 tons annually with 52% derived from cropland sheet-and-rill erosion, 6% from grass and forestland sheet-and-rill, 24% from classical gullies, and 18% from ephemeral gullies. The southwest sub-watershed, on an average annual basis, delivers approximately 1,300 tons of sediment (1.0 acre-feet) to the lake. Fifty-nine percent of the delivered sediment is from sheet-and-rill erosion, 23% from classical gullies, and 18% from ephemeral gullies. South-Southeast Sub-Watershed: Landuse/landcover for the 1,055-acre south-southeast subwatershed is estimated at 497 acres cropland, 358 acres grass and forestland, and 200 acres urban. Average annual sheet-and-rill erosion is about 2,850 tons with 2,400 tons derived from cropland (4.8 tons per acre per year), 350 tons from grass and forestland (1 ton per acre per year), and 100 tons from urban areas (0.5 tons per acre per year). An estimated 1,300 tons of sediment is produced yearly from classical gullies and 450 tons from ephemeral gullies. Total average annual erosion from all sources is 4,600 tons with 52% produced from cropland sheet-and-rill erosion, 10% from grass and forestland sheet-and-rill, 28% from classical gullies, and 10% from ephemeral erosion. The south-southeast watershed delivers nearly 2,600 tons of sediment to the lake yearly. Fifty-four percent is derived from sheet-and-rill erosion, 38% from classical gullies, and 8% from ephemeral gullies. Entire Watershed: Approximately 7,130 tons of sediment from all sources is produced on an average annual basis within the entire 1,538 acre Shelbina Lake Watershed (4.6 tons per acre per year). Fifty-one percent is produced from cropland sheet-and-rill erosion, 11% from grass, forestland, and urban sheet-and-rill, 24% from classical gullies, and 14% from ephemeral gullies. Cropland sheet-and-rill erosion for the entire watershed is estimated at 5.3 tons per acre per year. Of this total, an estimated 4,130 tons (3.2 acre-feet) are delivered to and deposited within Shelbina Lake. Fifty-seven percent of the delivered sediments are derived from sheet-and-rill erosion, 32% from classical gullies, and 11% form ephemeral gullies. The amount of sedimentation that has occurred represents a potentially serious future problem. Water storage capacity has obviously been diminished. Nutrient recycling is probably another adverse impact of the sedimentation. Shallow reservoirs typically recycle more nutrients (larger internal nutrient load) than deeper reservoirs. Therefore, the amount of sedimentation is probably 17 one major factor impacting the reservoir’s water quality. Erosion occurs at several locations along the Shelbina Lake shoreline. MEC estimated shoreline erosion while conducting the bathymetric survey. While this erosion is unsightly and very noticeable, it represents an insignificant amount of the total sedimentation into the reservoir. The estimated total quantity of shoreline erosion is 730 cubic yards of sediment. Approximately 3,425 feet of shoreline has been impacted. The shoreline erosion is most prevalent on the shoreline opposite the prevailing wind direction and is probably due to wave action against the relatively unvegetated banks. Opportunities Opportunities exist, through the implementation of additional best management practices and land treatment measures, to further reduce erosion and sedimentation within the Shelbina Lake Watershed. Water Quality. The Shelbina Lake and Watershed Water Quality Assessment used several sources of data as they assembled a water quality database for Shelbina Lake. The data set, extending from 1989 to the present, represents a valuable resource for interpreting the lake processes and the water quality status of Shelbina Lake. While a large amount of water quality data is available, the data set is not complete enough to conclusively assess some aspects of lake function and water quality. The University of Missouri-Columbia (UMC) Fisheries and Wildlife Department has collected water quality data at the Shelbina Lake for several years since 1989. These efforts included three to four lake sampling events per summer season for several water quality parameters, including total nitrogen, total phosphorus, chlorophyll, volatile and non-volatile suspended solids, clarity (Secchi depth), and dissolved oxygen The City of Shelbina Water Treatment Plant has collected daily raw water (Shelbina Lake) quality data for numerous years. Parameters include pH, alkalinity, iron, and manganese, as well as rainfall. MDNR and Novartis Crop Protection have also collected raw water quality data for parameters including total organic carbon and synthetic organic compounds (SOCs) such as atrazine, trihalomethanes, and haloacetic acids. The water quality data available shows that Shelbina Lake is one of the most productive reservoirs in the region and Northern Missouri. Levels of nutrients and chlorophyll (a measure of algal biomass) were approximately 1.5-2.7 times higher than the average for Northern Missouri reservoirs, meaning that it typically contains sufficient nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) to support large populations of algae. This adversely impacts the reservoir’s primary use as a drinking water supply, as evidenced by the high levels of disinfection by-products that have been observed in the City’s finished drinking water. Rainfall and Runoff: Rainfall and the runoff produced from precipitation events are very important for interpreting lake water quality data since runoff events typically account for the majority of the nutrient input into a reservoir. Average annual runoff for the Shelbina area is 11.2 inches per year 18 The minimum runoff was 1.3 inches (1989) and maximum runoff recorded was 30.6 inches (1993). These wide variations complicate the interpretation of the water quality data since they probably represent wide variations in nutrient inputs into the reservoir. Turbidity, Suspended Solids, and Transparency: Turbidity, a measure of the light absorption within a water sample, ranged from 4 to 112 NTU. These are typical within Northern Missouri reservoirs. Turbidity typically tracked rainfall events since these events typically contain relatively high concentrations of light absorbing sediments. Some events, mostly in the summer, did not cause turbidity increases probably due to plunging of cool runoff water into the cooler hypolimnion of the reservoir. Iron and Manganese: Iron and manganese are important metals relative to drinking water sources due to the associated taste and odor problems. Iron and manganese concentrations that reportedly cause taste and problems are 0.3 and 0.05 mg/L, respectively. Iron concentrations varied from 0.07 to 1.32 mg/L during the last two years, while manganese varied from 0.15 to 1.88 mg/L. Figure 2 illustrates the iron and manganese data as well as their relationship to turbidity. Peaks in iron concentration are related to high levels of turbidity. This is probably due to iron concentrations present within the suspended sediment that is inputted during runoff events. These data show isolated peaks in manganese concentrations that are not associated with turbidity, particularly in 1999. These may represent mixing events, again pointing to the reservoir’s polymictic state. Both iron and manganese are solubilized from lake sediments during hypolimnetic anoxia (low dissolved oxygen levels near the lake bottom). These may then be released to the surface during mixing events in the summer. Nutrients: Phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations are key elements regulating lake fertility (Jones and Bachmann, 1976). Nutrients promote the growth of suspended algae in surface water and thereby decrease water clarity and the value of lake water for most human uses. Shelbina Lake is very productive, meaning that it typically contains sufficient nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) to support large populations of algae. While this can, to a point, support larger fisheries, this is a disadvantage to its use as a drinking water supply. Higher concentrations of algae can cause taste and odor problems and increase total organic carbon concentration which in turn can cause elevated levels of disinfection by-products. Nutrient levels are relatively high, with average phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations of 108 and 1,130 micrograms per liter (ug/L). The levels appear to be relatively constant, with early variations in the data set probably caused by widely varying runoff. Nutrients appear to control algal populations as measured by chlorophyll. Figure 3 illustrates these nutrient and chlorophyll data from 1989 to 1998. Algal Biomass: Algal biomass, measured as chlorophyll, ranged from 7 to 62 ug/L. Chlorophyll is a pigment utilized by algae for photosynthesis and therefore may be used as a measurement of algal biomass. This also suggests that its use as a water supply may be subject to taste and odor problems and the formation of disinfection by-products. Volatile suspended solids and total suspended solids appeared to be directly related to chlorophyll. This means algal biomass accounts for the majority of organic materials and total suspended solids. Chlorophyll levels were 2.7 times greater than the average for Northern Missouri reservoirs. This is due to the high levels of nutrients observed in the reservoir. 19 Synthetic Organic Compounds (SOCs): Atrazine is a common SOC of concern in Northern Missouri drinking water supplies. The Novartis and MDNR data show that atrazine levels within the reservoir have not reached levels of concern. The maximum contaminant level (MCL) imposed by the Safe Drinking Water Act for atrazine (3 ug/L) has never been exceeded as suggested by these data (see Figure 4) due to municipal water treatment practices. Disinfection by-products (DBP) are the primary SOCs of concern for the City of Shelbina’s finished drinking water. These compounds are formed when a disinfectant reacts with various water constituents, in this case chlorine with natural organic matter. These compounds include trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids. The levels found in the Shelbina drinking water at times exceed the MCLs (individually, not on an annual average basis) that will be phased in to apply to this utility in January 1, 2004. Since algae and their by-products most likely are the primary forms of organic matter in the reservoir, as demonstrated by the volatile suspended solids (VSS) and chlorophyll data, a reduction in algae should reduce the lake total organic carbon (TOC). Public Water Supply System. The current water supply for the City of Shelbina’s is the Shelbina Lake, a surface water reservoir. The City also uses the North Fork of Salt River as a back up resource to keep the lake at full pool during times of low rainfall or high usage. Figure 5 illustrates the North Fork drainage basin above Shelbina’s intake. The current water plant is rated at 1 million gallons/day (MGD). The treatment process is operated at 600 gallons/minute for approximately 7-9 hours per day, producing an average daily output of 275,000-325,000 gallons per day. Shelbina City Lake and Water Plant: The following information describes the lake size and capacity of the water supply system: Shelbina Lake – Surface acres - 55 Length of Lake – 2,640 feet Width of Lake – 1,210 feet Average Depth – 8 feet Spillway height – 715 feet above sea level 20 Shelbina Lake Raw Water Pumps – 600 gallons/minute River Raw Water Pumps – 300 gallons/minute 1. 1-Upflow Clarifier Unit – 114,945 gallons 2. 4-Secondary Floculators – 18,700 gallons each 3. 2-Secondary Settling Basins – 92,565 gallons each 4. 1-Clearwell – 82,000 gallons 5. 2-Upright water towers –North tower – 200,000 gallons, East tower – 100,000 gallons Water Treatment Process: The treatment plan uses various chemicals and plant technologies with the plan design to treat raw water coming from the Shelbina Lake to a finished product coming from the consumer tap. The treatment processes are done in the following stages: 1. Raw water is pumped from Shelbina Lake to the water plant. Potassium Permanganate is added at raw water pump houses for organic removal. 2. Raw water then enters the slow mix chamber in the upflow clarifier where the primary coagulation chemicals are added. a. Poly aluminum chloride – coagulation of particulate matter b. Powdered activated carbon for removal of TOC’s and SOC’s c. Lime is also added when needed for pH and alkalinity control 3. Water then goes to secondary floculator rapid mix where lime is added for PH & alkalinity control. From rapid mix boxes the water enters secondary slow mix where CO2 is added to stabilize the water. Also, add chlorine (C12) at this point for bacterial growth purposes. 4. Water enters the 2-secondary settling basins where the treatment process has time to settle before entering the 3 Dual Media Filters which is at the last stage of treatment. 5. After the water passes through the filters C12 is added again as water goes into the Clearwell for disinfectant purposes. The water is then pumped from the Clearwell to the distribution system and water towers as needed. 6. The 3 filters are washed every 40 hours or more frequently if needed. Impoundment Conditions. The Shelbina Lake does not appear to be unique either in terms of utility or its vulnerability to water quality deterioration and quantity depletion. Indeed, its uses are probably very typical of lake water systems in similar regions of the Midwestern United States. Still, adjacent lakes cannot conveniently or economically supplant the need for the Shelbina Lake. Pipelining and pumping of water supply over long distances is costly. Most municipal water utilities use water found in close proximity to their treatment, storage, and distribution facilities. In addition, increased travel distance is a strong deterrent to opportunistic recreational use of lakes. In other words, while not unique in character, the proximity of the Shelbina Lake to the regional population center makes it a most valuable resource. Public Education. Like most water sources in Northeast Missouri, Shelbina Lake is fed by surface water runoff. This source water is vulnerable to nonpoint source (NPS) pollution from all the activities taking place in the Shelbina Lake watershed. The following section addresses the public concerns shown on pages 15 and 16 and suggests ways these can be dealt with through existing channels of information, education and technical outreach. These concerns and management strategies are similar to those expressed in watershed management efforts throughout north Missouri. In order to maximize the use of existing resources, the 21 problems, concerns, and interests (see Public Concerns on page 15) are grouped into action areas with suggested audiences, educational opportunities, and resources for implementing action plans. Three main areas of concern were expressed at public meetings. These could be grouped as need for the following: an adequate and affordable water supply (management of water resources), erosion and runoff of sediment and nutrients (management of natural resources), and on-going public education and involvement (community awareness and action). Concern I: Management of Water Resources: Included in this area are such things as the adequacy, affordability and safety of supply, structural condition of the Shelbina Lake, and adequacy of water-treatment facilities. Major goals in this action area are to protect supplies and minimize water-treatment costs and to achieve cost-effective delivery of water supplies to the customer. Target Audiences: These problems are of concern to city and county officials, homeowners, landowners and managers, agricultural producers, the real-estate community, regulators, agriculture/conservation/health-related professionals, and water-treatment operators. These concerns also appear to be immediate interest to the Chamber of Commerce, developers, planners, health/ public officials, and water suppliers. Educational Opportunities: Information on the dimensions and impact of these problems can be presented in a variety of ways: continuing education/certification courses, demonstrations, exhibits, media releases, water-testing, and tours of supply and treatment facilities. Resources: Assistance and support is available from the following: Information/Education Outreach Shelbina Water Department (SWD), Mark Twain Water Quality Initiative (MTWQI), Missouri Department of Natural Resources-Northeast District Office (DNR-NERO), North Fork Project, Missouri Rural Water Association (MRWA), University Outreach and Extension (UOE) Regulatory Compliance and Human Health Education Northeastern District/Missouri Department of Health (DOH), DNR-NERO, Health Educators, UOE Planning/Resource Development Mark Twain Regional Council of Governments (MTRCOG), North Fork Project, UOE, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE), others Recommendations related to structural changes to the lake and/or treatment facilities would require professional counsel to determine feasibility and public input for decision making on expenditure of funds. Many of the resources above would apply to these problems as well. Alternative Water Supplies 22 Clarence Cannon Wholesale Water Commission, (CCWWC), COE, DOH, UOE, and NRCS (engineering),and/or private engineering consultants Lake Management COE, MDC, SWD, public officials Tourism Promotion Chamber of Commerce, local officials, local business and industry Planning/Resource Development MTRCOG, North Fork Project, UOE, others Concern II: Management of Natural Resources: This area focuses on management of the natural resource base as it affects the capacity of the lake and the quality of the water. The desired outcomes of this action area are to improve land treatment and protect the integrity of the lake. Because agriculture and recreation each have a vital role in the local economy, there is a major concern that this action area deal with ways to maximize agricultural productivity and recreational opportunities while minimizing environmental risks. Target Audiences: Audiences who might be targeted are: agricultural producers, local business and industry, developers, homeowners, landowners, tourists and the public at large. Educational Opportunities: These problems call for recommendations/information on management strategies and technical practices. Checklists, assessments, demonstrations, workshops, tours and other hands-on opportunities could be provided by a number of resource agencies. Pollution from Surface Water Runoff SWD, MTWQI, NRCS, Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs), Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC), Highway departments (DOT), UOE, Solid Waste Districts Water Contamination by Wildlife MDC, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) Environmental Assessment North Fork Project, UOE (Farm*A*Syst, Home*a*Syst), continuing education for realestate professionals Conservation Practices MTWQI, NRCS and UOE (IPM/ICM, managed grazing, tillage practices, precision farming, manure management, Agroforestry etc.) Solid Waste Management MO-AG Industries (pesticide container recycling), North Fork Project, UOE (cleaning up farm dumps, carcass composting, managing household hazardous waste, recycling education), Solid Waste Districts (recycling) Concern III: Community Awareness and Action: Those involved in this planning process stressed the need for landowner involvement and continuing education and activities. The overall goal is to improve public knowledge of water-quality concerns and measures; the course of action should focus on improving water and land treatment through education and cost-effective management strategies with an emphasis on voluntary action. Target audiences: Public involvement can be encouraged through public meetings and also by 23 providing opportunities and training for those involved in leadership and teaching roles. Educational opportunities: The media can be used to raise the general level of awareness of the problems in the target watershed. Other opportunities include exhibits, events such as community or county fairs, lake days, and a local watershed committee. Resources: Informational and technical assistance is available from the following: Information/Education Outreach Local media, SWD, MTWQI, North Fork Project, DNR-NERO, SWCDs, schools, UOE Resource Development MTRCOG, North Fork Project, UOE Watershed Management and Community Action SWD, CCWWC, NRCS, NCWD, North Fork Project, SWCDs, UOE Watershed Description & Planning NRCS, SWCDs, UOE Watershed Regulation SWD, MDC, DNR-NERO, COE Planned Future Conditions-Goals • • • • Maintain Shelbina Lake as the primary drinking water supply for the City of Shelbina Continue periodic upgrades to minimize water treatment costs Continue to encourage use of BMPs in the watershed Promote public awareness about the lake as Shelbina’s drinking water supply 24 Alternatives Several watershed and lake restoration alternatives were evaluated to enhance water quality. Most in-lake restoration attempts are unsuccessful if external nutrient loading is not reduced. Therefore, any watershed management efforts to reduce nutrient and sediment inflow are recommended. The majority of land uses appeared to be typical for Northern Missouri watersheds and only minor problems are apparent within the watershed. The agricultural row crop production appears to be well managed as evidenced by the low concentrations of herbicides. However, like many watersheds, there is always room for improvement. The water quality impacts of wildlife, primarily Canada geese, appear to be potentially significant and warrant control. Efforts to address shoreline erosion would improve aesthetics and prevent worsening of the problem. Also, efforts should be made to reduce internal return of nutrients into the water column from the sediments. With respect to internal loading, lake management techniques may be employed to beneficially impact water quality. Several recommendations are put forth to improve the water quality of Shelbina Lake. The priority of these recommendations should be based on the potential for water quality improvements, ease of incorporation, and relative cost-effectiveness. The following is the prioritized list of recommendations: Control of the resident and migratory Canada goose populations: The nutrients and microbiological impacts by the Canada goose populations are probably the easiest and most cost-effective to control. Special hunts are recommended to drive migratory flocks from the reservoir. MDC and USDA should be consulted regarding this control measure. Track future land uses that may impact water quality: Activities to avoid water quality impacts by future land uses are also relatively inexpensive and will require a fairly proactive approach by the City. The City should be involved with the water-pollution permitting process for future highway projects. The City should also carefully observe the project to ensure that construction site Best Management Practices (BMPs) are rigorously followed. 25 Implement voluntary BMPs to address erosion and nutrient runoff: Although few significant areas for BMP implementation were observed by NRCS and MEC, voluntary implementation of BMPs should be pursued where applicable. These most likely include stabilization of erosion areas and installation of additional grassed waterways and field borders. These should be relatively inexpensive since the Missouri State Cost Share Program, Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), and Wetlands Incentive Program (WIP) are available for these measures. Additionally, the Missouri Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (MOCREP) may be very attractive since it is tailored to small drinking water supply watersheds. Address shoreline erosion: Shoreline erosion should be addressed by placement of stabilization materials, such as riprap and shoreline vegetation. Stabilization materials should be used in certain areas to provide bank-fishing access. Aquatic vegetation should be implemented in other areas to provide additional habitat and since it should be relatively cost-effective. Install and implement artificial destratification: Destratification of the reservoir may result in the largest reduction of algae when compared to any of the recommendations. However, it will be more costly than any of the other recommendations. This lake management method could reduce nutrient levels by reducing the recycling of nutrients within the lake. More importantly for Shelbina Lake, mixing the cells deeper within the lake and inducing light limitations may reduce algae. However, there is a risk of causing adverse water quality conditions and this recommendation should be studied more thoroughly (probably with pilot testing) prior to implementation. 26 Water Quality Practices Water quality practices used in the Shelbina Lake and Shelbina Lake Watershed will help in erosion control, sedimentation control, organic loading, and nutrient loading of the Shelbina Lake. Each of these practices will help individually but when all are combined they can and will have a much greater effect on the watershed and the Shelbina Lake. All of these practices are voluntary with great landowner participation. Best Management Practices for Various Land Uses. Efforts should be made to reduce soil erosion and nutrient runoff from the landscape. Several BMPs are available that apply to the watershed’s three main land uses: row crop production, pastures, and the adjacent golf course. The following are potential BMPs for the Shelbina Lake watershed that should be reviewed by the watershed landowners and local experts, such as NRCS and University Extension. The implementation of these BMPs should be voluntary and significant State and Federal funding is available for their adoption. Row Crop Production: The row crop production within the Shelbina Lake watershed consists primarily of soybeans, corn, and milo. The majority of these fields were observed by NRCS and MEC. Several BMPs are already being implemented in the watershed; however, like any watershed, there is always room for improvement. The following BMPs are listed within their applicable category, such as planting, control structures and chemical use. ❑ Planting Conservation Tillage & No-Till: Conservation tillage is any tillage and planting system in which at least 30 percent of the soil surface is covered by plant residue after planting. Notill is a planting system where soil is undisturbed except for planting and fertilizer application. Surface residue helps slow water runoff and increases infiltration, reducing total water runoff and sediment runoff. This is especially true for no-till, which leaves maximum crop residue on the soil surface. No-Till works well for soybeans, but problems have occurred with its use for corn production in this region, primarily due to inadequate stand development. Contour Cropping and Contour Strip Cropping: Contour Cropping and Contour Strip Cropping involves preparing, planting, and cultivating land on contour, cross-slope, without significant grade between rows. Contour Strip Cropping involves alternating strips of row crop with grass strips and/or rows of trees or shrubs in an agroforestry setting. Contour cropping and contour strip cropping not only reduce the water runoff from fields, but also herbicide and pesticide runoff, reducing soil erosion by as much as 40 to 60 percent compared to rows planted up and down the slope. Cover Crops: Cover crops consist of grasses, legumes, or small grains grown primarily to cover the soil at times when major row crops cannot protect the soil, such as during the winter months after the harvest of the major crops. Cover crops not only reduce erosion, but also improve soil infiltration, aeration, tilth, and provide some control against weeds. Cover crops can be planted immediately after harvest of major crops or sown into standing crops during the latter periods of the major crop’s life cycle. Crop Rotation: Row crop rotations have been proven to be a very economical form of crop management. By rotating the type of crops grown in a field from year to year, the amount 27 of insect and disease problems greatly diminishes. Rotations that include growing a legume such as soybeans or alfalfa the year following a corn or milo crop can actually increase soil fertility and reduce the amount of nitrogen fertilizer to be applied to the field. ❑ Control Structures Dams: Dams include many types of diversionary structures designed to slow or stop the flow of water through an area. Dams can eliminate gully erosion, trap sediment and pesticides, provide water for livestock, and provide habitat for wildlife. The construction of dams in the upper watershed of a drinking water lake is one direct method of reducing the sedimentation of the lake, as well as the inflow of pesticides. Filter Strips: Filter strips are composed of buffer strips, riparian areas, as well as setbacks. These structures are composed of permanent, usually woody, vegetation that protects a surface water body or drainage stream. Filter strips work by distributing water flowing from a field over a wide area of vegetation, allowing some filtration into the soil, as well as slowing the flow of the water, and allowing sediment to drop out. Filter strips along streams, called riparian areas or corridors, provide needed stream bank protection, water quality enhancement, wildlife habitat, and forestry income. The Shelbina Lake watershed includes excellent riparian zones along the major drainage ways. Grassed Field Borders & Waterways: Grassed field borders and waterways benefit water quality by reducing gully erosion, filtering heavy sediments, and removing land from production that typically yields large amounts of fertilizer runoff. Grassed waterways are used as outlets for terraces or to prevent the formation of gullies by moving concentrated water to a wider, grassed area where sediment may be filtered. Grassed field borders provide a filtering strip around a field to trap sediment that may be eroded through sheet and rill erosion, as well as through small, ephemeral gully erosion. Grassed field borders work very well during small rain events when erosion is minimal. For the Shelbina Lake watershed, incorporating more grassed field borders and grassed waterways would likely be the most beneficial in slowing erosion. A planting scheme currently being developed and encouraged by NRCS, University of Missouri, and MDC includes the use of stiff-stemmed grasses in these waterways. Stiff-stemmed grasses, such 28 as switch grass and Indian grass, tend to trap more sediment during a runoff event. In comparison to fescue, the stiff-stemmed grasses do not lay flat when large amounts of water run through them, thereby slowing the progress of the water and allowing sediment to become lodged among the grass stems. Terraces: Terraces are one of the most widely used and efficient methods of erosion control currently practiced. Terraces provide a multitude of functions including: reduction of downhill surface flow of water to a controlled waterway, collection of sediment from sheet and rill erosion, prevention of gullies, and retention of moisture. Terraces should follow the contours of the land as closely as possible and should drain into a controlled area, such as a grassed waterway, or even a pond. Wetland Development: The use of wetlands to limit erosion is only one of their many functions. Wetlands also reduce flooding, reduce nutrient and pesticide runoff through various biochemical processes by plants and microorganisms inhabiting the wetland, and filter out sediment. Wetlands provide excellent fish and wildlife habitat. Many wetland plants are known for their ability to survive under the most harsh water conditions, and wetlands are also used as filters of heavily polluted water. Wetlands can be constructed similarly to ponds, but must stay approximately 18 inches deep, or less, for the vegetation to survive. ❑ Chemical Use Anti-Back siphoning Devices: Back siphoning occurs when filling sprayer tanks. The hose filling the tank with water is left in the tank after the flow of water has been turned off causing the liquid inside the tank to then begin siphoning back into the hose. This can lead to the contamination of a water supply. Anti-back siphoning devices are relatively cheap and easy to install. Check valves are one of the most common devices used and can be installed on water hydrants and pumping equipment. Crop Scouting & Soil Testing: Soil testing and crop scouting for crop type and nutrient needs are some of the most economical and environmentally sound practices today. By 29 conducting soil tests, and measuring the soil composition and nutrient availability, the most economical amount of nutrient fertilizers may be applied to give an optimum yield. Crop Scouting is carried out in much the same way with factors such as soil composition, nutrient availability, and topography considered before planting. This allows selection of the most economical and productive planting choices. Companies, such as MFA and Farmland, and organizations, such as University Extension, provide services to perform soil testing and give recommendations for future planting, fertilization, or soil treatment. This initial expenditure saves valuable time, and possibly a lot of money, in future growing seasons. Pesticide/Herbicide Container Disposal: Pesticides play a large part in the pollution of waters. Many common pesticides, in certain amounts, are toxic to people. Therefore, it is important that the containers be properly rinsed and disposed of properly. The most important thing to do is to triple rinse the pesticide containers. This should be done while mixing the pesticides into the sprayer. Pesticide/Herbicide Selection and Application: The selection of a proper herbicide, pesticide, or mixture plays a major economic and pollution role on farms. By selecting the proper chemical applications, a minimal amount of chemicals can be used on crops, yielding higher returns. Also, the method of application, such as herbicide incorporation, has shown promising results with respect to minimizing herbicide runoff. Very promising water quality and agricultural results have been achieved in Northeastern Missouri through crop scouting and alternative pesticide programs. The Monroe City Route J Project managed by NRCS has been a success story and the results could be applied to the Shelbina Lake watershed. Sprayer Calibration: Sprayer calibration is both economically and environmentally important. By properly calibrating your sprayer, the correct amount of chemicals may be applied. Miscalibration of a sprayer can lead to higher herbicide/pesticide costs, as well as an increased chance of pollution of a water body. ❑ Pasture and Livestock Production A significant portion of the watershed is in a pastureland use. Livestock production is present; however, it is not as prevalent as in many Northern Missouri watersheds. No BMPs are recommended solely for pastures since they typically yield low quantities of nutrients and suspended solids. The following BMPs may be potentially applicable in pastures in which livestock production is practiced. ❑ Limited Stream and Drainage Way Access An implication of watershed management in livestock production is the degradation of streams due to the presence of livestock. When allowed to enter a riparian area or the stream itself, livestock destroy vegetation that is essential to maintain stream bank stability. By fencing livestock from streams, vegetation is allowed to grow undisturbed. There is funding available through the MDC to assist in the cost of constructing fences to keep livestock out of streams. ❑ Woodland Protection Woodlots can also play a major role in the stability of a watershed. Few ecosystems can limit the eroding potential of water like a healthy woodlot. A healthy woodlot consists of a diversity of plant life, with both living and decaying wood materials. When livestock are allowed into a woodlot, there is a tendency for the livestock to heavily graze or browse the younger and smaller 30 plants found near the ground and to compact the soil. When heavy livestock loading occurs, a browse line may become visible on the older trees. These things limit the effectiveness with which a woodlot can function to slow the progress of water in times of rain. By restricting the livestock from the woodlot, this can be avoided and the woodlot will be allowed to function to its full potential. Similar to the aforementioned stream fencing, funding is also available for fencing woodlots, also through the MDC. ❑ Golf Course The Shelbina Country Club currently utilizes several BMPs that are applicable to golf courses. These include use of slow-release fertilizers, light irrigation after fertilization, fertilizer timing with respect to forecasted rainfall, and relatively low fertilizer rates. Pesticides also appear to be well managed. Action Plan-Scheduled Activities See page 6 for the schedule of practices and the implementation timeline. 31 Glossary Best management practices (BMP) — Agricultural water conservation measures that generally meet one of two criteria: (1) Constitutes an established and generally accepted practice among water purveyors that provides for the more efficient use of existing water supplies or contributes towards the conservation of water; or (2) Practices which provide sufficient data to clearly indicate their value, are technically and economically reasonable, environmentally and socially acceptable, reasonably capable of being implemented by water purveyors and users, and for which significant conservation or conservation-related benefits can be achieved. Buffer strips — Strips of grass or other erosion-resisting vegetation between or below cultivated strips or fields used to remove sediment, organic matter, and other pollutants from runoff and wastewater. Also referred to as buffer zones or filter strips. Calibration — Fine tuning of an instrument to meet a specific standard value. This helps to ensure data accuracy. Carcinogenic — That which tends to produce or incite cancer Classical Gully – Concentrated flow channels greater than one foot in depth with little or no vegetation. Clay pan — (1) A dense, compact layer in the subsoil having much higher clay content than the overlying material from which it is separated by a sharply defined boundary. Such layers are formed by the downward movement of clay or by synthesis of clay in place during soil formation. Clay pans are usually hard when dry, and plastic and sticky when wet. They usually impede movement of water and air, and the growth of plant roots. Community — People living within the same district, city, etc., under the same laws Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) – Typically defined as having 1,000 cattle or comparable “animal units” of other livestock. Conservation—(1) Increasing the efficiency of energy use, water use, production, or distribution. (2) The careful and organized management and use of natural resource, for example, the controlled use and systematic protection of natural resources, such as forests, soil, and water systems in accordance with principles that assure their optimum long-term economic and social benefits. Also, preservation of such resources from loss, damage, or neglect. Cryptosporidium parvum—A parasite often found in the intestines of livestock that contaminates water when the animal feces interact with a water source. In healthy individuals, infection may result in an acute diarrheal illness lasting for 2-3 weeks. In immuno-suppressed individuals (e.g., AIDs patients, children, elderly), Cryptosporidiosis, the disease from infection by the parasite, may be life-threatening. While much needs to be learned about the infectious level of crypto, studies have indicated that it takes five to ten cysts to make someone sick. Of particular concern to health officials and public drinking water supplies is that the most widely used agent to disinfect tap water—chlorine—does not kill the parasite. As an additional complication in the detection process, there are several varieties of crypto, but only one—Cryptosporidium parvum—is infectious to humans. Currently, the only effective treatment for water supplies is through filtration (crypto oocysts are only 3 to 7 microns in size) and the use of ozone gas rather than chlorine. Degradation —The general lowering of the earth’s surface by erosive processes, such as scouring by flowing water. The removal of channel bed materials and down cutting of natural stream channels. Such erosion may initiate degradation of tributary channels, causing damage similar to that due to gully erosion and valley trenching. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 604(b) Grant — Every year under Section 604(b) of the Clean Water Act, the state queries the regional public comprehensive planning agencies 32 (RPCPAs) and interstate organizations (IOs) for water quality management planning. Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) — Established in the 1996 Farm Bill to provide a voluntary conservation program for farmers and ranchers who face serious threats to soil, water, and related natural resources. Nationally, it provides technical, financial, and educational assistance primarily in designated priority areas; half of the money is targeted to livestockrelated natural resource concerns and the remainder to other significant conservation priorities. Ephemeral Gully - Small erosional channels formed on crop fields as a result of concentrated flow of runoff water. These channels are routinely eliminated by tillage of the field but return following subsequent runoff events. Erosion — The wearing away of the land surface by wind, water, ice or other geologic agents. Erosion occurs naturally from weather or runoff but is often intensified by human land use practices. Eutrophication — The process of enrichment of water bodies by nutrients. Degrees of eutrophication typically range from Oligotrophic water (maximum transparency, minimum chlorophyll-a, minimum phosphorus) through Mesotrophic, Eutrophic, to Hypereutrophic water (minimum transparency, maximum chlorophyll-a, maximum phosphorus). Eutrophication of a lake normally contributes to its slow evolution into a bog or marsh and ultimately to dry land. Eutrophication may be accelerated by human activities and thereby speed up the aging process. Floodplain — (1) A strip of relatively smooth land bordering a stream, built of sediment carried by the stream and dropped in the slack water beyond the influence of the swiftest current. It is called a Living Flood Plain if it is overflowed in times of high water but a Fossil Flood Plain if it is beyond the reach of the highest flood. (2) The lowland that borders a stream or river, usually dry but subject to flooding. (3) That land outside of a stream channel described by the perimeter of the Maximum Probable Flood. Also referred to as a Flood-Prone Area. Giardia lamblia - A microorganism frequently found in rivers and lakes, which, if not treated properly, may cause diarrhea, fatigue, and cramps after ingestion. Global Positioning System (GPS) — A system, which verifies latitude and longitude of a location on the ground through the use of a transmitter and a remote (satellite) vehicle Habitat — The native environment or specific surroundings where a plant or animal naturally grows or lives. The surroundings include physical factors such as temperature, moisture, and light together with biological factors such as the presence of food or predator organisms. The term can be employed to define surroundings on almost any scale from marine habitat, which encompasses the oceans, to microhabitat in a hair follicle of the skin. Holistic — Emphasizes the importance of community activities as a whole (people, animals, plants, plus related environmental, social and economic components). Hypereutrophic – A general classification of lakes, which have extremely high levels of nutrients and support algal populations large enough to inhibit many uses. These lakes have seasonal deficiencies in oxygen. Hypolimnion – The bottom layer of a stratified lake, consisting of cooler water. In productive lakes this layer will often become anoxic during the summer. Impaired water bodies — Waters for which existing required pollution controls are not stringent enough to implement state water quality standards. For these waters, states are required to establish total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) according to a priority ranking. The waters listed below are not expected to attain water quality standards through the implementation of any currently required pollution control technology. Inorganic — All chemical compounds in nature except the compounds of carbon, but including the carbonates. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) — The practice of combining the best of all available techniques – biological, chemical, cultural, physical, and mechanical – into a custom-made pest 33 control system Irrigation — The controlled application of water for agricultural purposes through man-made systems to supply water requirements not satisfied by rainfall. Lacustrine – Wetlands formed in lakes and ponds. Loess (soil) — A fine-grained, yellowish-brown, extremely fertile loam deposited mainly by the wind and found widely in North America, Asia, and Europe. Such soils are highly susceptible to water erosion Macroinvertebrate — Invertebrates visible to the naked eye, such as insect larvae and crayfish Microbial load — The total number of bacteria and fungi in a given quantity of water or soil or on the surface of food. The presence of the bacteria and fungi may not be related to the presence of disease-causing organisms Missouri Conservation Assistance Guide — A compilation of natural resource conservation programs and practices, technical, financial, informational and educational assistance, available agency resources and contact information. The guide is a joint effort by Missouri Department of Agriculture, Missouri Department of Conservation, Department of Natural Resources, University Outreach & Extension, United States department of Agriculture and the Missouri Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts under the leadership of The Missouri Watershed Information Network Missouri CREP – CREP (pronounced “krep”) is a federal and state partnership agreement to retire environmentally sensitive land through the CRP. MoCREP involves protection of water supplies of 83 reservoirs that provide water for 58 public water supplies. Improving water quality will reduce the need for more costly treatment systems. Nonpoint source (NPS) — Pollution sources which are diffuse and do not have a single point of origin or are not introduced into a receiving stream from a specific outlet. The pollutants are generally carried off the land by stormwater runoff. The commonly used categories for non-point sources are: agriculture. Forestry, urban, mining, construction, dams and channels, land disposal, and saltwater intrusion. Novartis – A major Agri-chemical supplier; one of the major producers of Atrazine. NTU – Nephelometric Turbitity Unit Outreach — An organized effort to extend services beyond the usual limits – to particular segments of a community Palustrine – All non-tidal wetlands dominated by trees, shrubs, persistent emergents, emergent mosses or lichens. Permeability — For a rock or an earth material, the ability to transmit fluids; the rate at which liquids pass through soil or other materials in a specified direction. It is measured by the rate at which a fluid of standard viscosity can move through a material in a given interval of time under a given Hydraulic Gradient. Permeability for underground water is sometimes expressed numerically as the number of gallons per day that will flow through a cross section of 1 square foot, at 60°F, under a hydraulic gradient of 100 percent. Permeability is equal to velocity of flow divided by hydraulic gradient Pollution — Generally, the presence of matter or energy whose nature, location or quantity produces undesired environmental effects. Under the Clean Water Act, for example, the term is defined as the man-made or man-induced alteration of the physical, biological, and radiological integrity of water. Potable water — Water that is drinkable. Specifically, freshwater that generally meets the standards in quality as established in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Drinking Water Standards for drinking water throughout the United States. Potable water is considered safe for human consumption and is often referred to as Drinking Water. Precipitation — As used in hydrology, precipitation is the discharge of water, in liquid or solid 34 state, from the atmosphere, generally onto a land or water surface. It is the common process by which atmospheric water becomes surface or subsurface water. The term “precipitation” is also commonly used to designate the quantity of water that is precipitated. Forms of precipitation include drizzle, rainfall, glaze, sleet, snow, small hail, and hail. Public Water System (PWS) – Any water system, which provides water to at least 25 people for at least 60 days annually. There are more than 170,000 PWSs providing water from wells, rivers and other sources to about 250 million Americans. The others drink water from private wells. There are differing standards for PWSs of different sizes and types. Reforestation — The restocking of an area with forest trees Riparian — Pertaining to the banks of a river, stream, waterway, or other, typically, flowing body of water as well as to plant and animal communities along such bodies of water. This term is also commonly used for other bodies of water, e.g., ponds, lakes, etc. Littoral is the more precise term for such stationary bodies of water. Also refers to the legal doctrine (Riparian Doctrine and Riparian Water Rights) that says a property owner along the banks of a surface water body has the primary right to withdraw water for reasonable use Runoff — (1) That part of the precipitation, snow melt, or irrigation water that appears in uncontrolled surface streams, rivers, drains or sewers. It is the same as stream-flow unaffected by artificial diversions, imports, storage, or other works of man in or on the stream channels. Runoff may be classified according to speed of appearance after rainfall or melting snow as direct runoff or base runoff, and according to source as surface runoff, storm interflow, or ground-water runoff. Sedimentation — (1) Strictly, the act or process of depositing sediment from suspension in water. Broadly, all the processes whereby particles of rock material are accumulated to form sedimentary deposits. Sedimentation, as commonly used, involves not only aqueous but also glacial, aeolian, and organic agents. (2) (Water Quality) Letting solids settle out of wastewater by gravity during treatment. Sheet and rill erosion – Sheet Erosion removes a uniform layer of soil material from the land surface by surface runoff. Rill Erosion makes a small channel a few inches deep but not wide enough to be an obstacle to farm machinery. Soil conservation — The use of land, within the limits of economic practicability, according to its capabilities and its needs to keep it permanently productive Source water protection — The prevention of pollution of the lakes, reservoirs, rivers, streams, and groundwater that serve as sources of drinking water. Wellhead protection would be an example of a source water protection approach that protects groundwater sources, whereas management of land around a lake or reservoir used for drinking water would be an example for surface water supplies. Source water protection programs typically include: delineating source water protection areas; identifying sources of contamination; implementing measures to manage these changes; and planning for the future. Siltation — The deposition of finely divided soil and rock particles upon the bottom of stream and riverbeds and in reservoirs. Silt Loam — Soil material that contains 50% or more silt and 12 to 27% clay, or 50 to 80% silt and less than 12% clay. Solid waste — (Water Quality) Any garbage, refuse, sludge from a waste treatment plant, water supply treatment plant, or air pollution control facility, and other discarded material, including solid, liquid, semisolid, or contained gaseous materials resulting from industrial, municipal, commercial, mining, and agricultural operations, and from community and institutional activities. Stakeholders — Individuals affected by the outcome-negatively or positively-or those who can affect the outcome of a proposed intervention, project, activity etc. Storm water — Water draining into streams. Lakes or sewers as a result of a storm Stream banks — The usual boundaries, not the flood boundaries, of a stream channel. Right and 35 left banks are named facing downstream (in the direction of flow). Stream bank stabilization — Natural geological tendency for a stream to mold its banks to conform with the channel of least resistance to flow. Also the lining of stream banks with riprap, matting, etc., to control erosion. Streambed — The channel through which a natural stream of water runs or used to run, as a dry streambed. Surface runoff — Precipitation, snow melt, or irrigation in excess of what can infiltrate the soil surface and be stored in small surface depressions; runoff is a major transporter of non-point source pollutants Synthetic Organic Compounds – SOC – Manmade organic chemicals. Some SOC’s are volatile and evaporate; others tend to stay dissolved in water rather than evaporate out of it. Missouri Watershed Information Network (MoWIN) — A University of Missouri Outreach and Extension Project designed to assist in locating and accessing of information relative to Missouri watersheds Total maximum daily load (TMDL) — (Water Quality) The maximum quantity of a particular water pollutant that can be discharged into a body of water without violating a water quality standard. The amount of pollutant is set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) when it determines that existing, technology-based effluent standards on the water pollution sources in the area will not achieve one or more Ambient Water Quality Standards. The process results in the allocation of the TMDL to the various Point Sources (PS) of pollutants in the area. Total organic carbon (TOC) — (Water Quality) A measure of the amount of organic materials suspended or dissolved in water. The measure is very similar to the assay of the total carbon content; however, samples are acidified prior to analysis to remove the inorganic salts of carbonates and bicarbonates. The assay of total organic carbon represents an estimation of the strength of wastewater and the potential damage that an effluent can cause in a receiving body of water as a result of the removal of dissolved oxygen from the water. The measurement of total organic carbon requires less sample, is more rapid, and yields more reproducible results than the measurement of either the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) or the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD). As a pollution indicator, this method is more reliable than the assay of Total Carbon (TC) when the wastewater contains high amounts of total inorganic carbon as well. Turbidity — The term “turbid” is applied to waters containing suspended matter that interferes with the passage of light through the water or in which visual depth is restricted. The turbidity may be caused by a wide variety of suspended materials, such as clay, silt, finely divided organic and inorganic matter, soluble colored organic compounds, plankton and other microscopic organisms and similar substances. Turbidity in water has public health implications due to the possibilities of pathogenic bacteria encased in the particles and thus escaping disinfect ion processes. Turbidity interferes with water treatment (filtration), and affects aquatic life. Excessive amounts of turbidity also make water aesthetically objectionable. The degree of the turbidity of water is measured by a turbid meter. Watershed - The land area that water moves across or under while flowing to a stream, spring, pond, lake or river Watershed management —The analysis, protection, development, operation or maintenance of the land, vegetation and water resources of a drainage basin for the conservation of all its resources for the benefit of its residents. Watershed management for water production is concerned with the quality and timing of the water which is produced. Water quality management — Planning for the protection of a water’s quality for various Beneficial Uses, for the provision of adequate wastewater collection, treatment, and disposal for municipalities and industries, and for activities that might create water quality problems, and regulating and enforcing programs to accomplish the planning goals and laws and regulations 36 dealing with water pollution control. Watershed Restoration Action Strategies — Plans to restore the health of water-bodies that do not meet clean water or other natural resource goals and will be supported by more specific grant workplans. In many cases, development of Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for impaired waters within a watershed will form the core of each strategy. Wetlands — Areas inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas. References Webster’s II New College Dictionary. 1995 Houghton Mifflin Company. Boston, New York A Glossary of Selected Terms of Conservation, Ecology and Resource Use URLs as indicated below:,_soil.html 37 Appendices Appendix 1 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, October 13, 1998 Shelbina, MO WHY DEVELOP A PLAN? • All public-water systems are dealing with MCLs/contaminant levels • Treatment is expensive to the city/community. • Many nonpoint source (NPS) pollutants can be minimized with behavior change and/or adoption of new practices and/or different ways of doing thing. • Responds positively to suggestions from Northeast Regional DNR/DEQ Office re: organizing watershed management groups. • Creates an outline for required reporting. WHAT IS A PLAN? • Proactive; you are in control. You review. You approve. • Not compulsory. Not regulatory. Does not deal with point source pollution. • Involves all segments of the community. People identify problems and suggest ways to deal with them. • Increases communication with regulators. HOW CAN IT HELP SHELBINA? • Positions the community well for state revolving fund, TMDLs issue, block grant funding etc. • Good experience and training for employees of city utilities. • Protects the lake for recreational and esthetic purposes. • Focuses on the lake as an asset to Shelbina in economic development and tourism. Good public relations. • Extends the life of the lake and protects the drinking-water supply. • Fosters a spirit of stewardship for water and other natural resources. Wanda Eubank 10/13/98 38 Appendix 2 39 Appendix 3 40 Appendix 4 41 Appendix 5 42 Appendix 6 Shelbina Water Resources Management Committee Schedule of Milestones 604(b) grant Year 1 1. Receive approval from DNR to proceed with grant scope of work. (November 1999) 2. Notify interested parties and public of progress. Accomplished by public meeting, news release(s) or letter writing campaign. (4th quarter 1999) 3. Notify potential bidders by issuing request for bids/request for proposals for completion of environmental assessment. (4th quarter 1999) 4. Hold pre-bid conference with potential bidders and resource agency representatives. (1st quarter 2000) 5. Meeting of watershed committee and/or technical panel to review bids. (1st quarter of 2000) 6. Award bid. (1st quarter 2000) 7. Update interested parties and public of progress. Accomplished by public meetings, news release(s) or letter writing campaign. (1st quarter 2000) 8. Completion of Environmental Assessment. (End of 3rd quarter 2000) 9. Draft of Environmental Assessment report for committee review. (November 2000) 10. Accept final report. (November 2000) 11. Update interested parties and public of progress. Accomplished by public meetings, news release(s) or letter writing campaign. (November 2000) Year 2 12. Committee meeting to begin preliminary recommendations (BMPs/technical implementation) based on final report. (November 2000) 13. Develop a plan of work and milestones for year two for education/information outreach and implementation of BMPs. (January 2001) 14. Develop schedule for completing recommended practices. (January 2001) 15. Prioritize and implement practices. (2nd and 3rd quarters 2001) 16. Update interested parties and public of progress. Accomplished by public meetings, news release(s) or letter writing campaign. (2nd and 3rd quarters 2001) 17. Investigate opportunities for continued funding through the 604(b) and other programs (2nd and 3rd quarters 2001) 18. Complete program of work and issue water quality management plan to DNR, committee members, technical panel, and other stakeholders. (4th quarter 2001) 43 Appendix 7 44 45 Appendix 8 46 47 Appendix 9 Shelbina Lake Watershed Informational Meeting On Watershed Management Planning Process Monday, January 11, 1999 Shelbina Lakeside Golf Course Community Room 7:00 p.m. Agenda 7:00 p.m. Informal Gathering/Exhibits 7:20 Welcome Dennis Klusmeyer, City Superintendent Water Quality at Shelbina Lake: Now and in the Future Dennis Klusmeyer Rob Trivette, Water and Sewer Supervisor 7:30 Water-Quality Considerations Representative, Northeast Regional Office DNR/DEQ, Macon 8:00 The Planning Process: Getting Involved Dan Downing, Water Quality Associate, UMC, Columbia Thanks for coming tonight. Your interest and participation are important to the City of Shelbina and to water-quality efforts statewide. 48 49 50 Appendix 10 51 52 Appendix 11 53 54 Appendix 12 March 1, 2000 To: Those Who Have Been Involved Shelbina Watershed Committee As we told you in our December letter, the City received a grant to conduct an engineering assessment of the Shelbina Lake reservoir, watershed and adjacent properties. During February, we contracted with Midwest Environmental Consultants, P.C. to conduct this assessment. They will be ready to start their work by April of this year. In keeping with our goal to keep you informed and involved, we have set up a meeting to go over the plans for the assessment and to give you opportunities to ask questions and make suggestions. We’re sending this letter to all those who have participated in any of the meetings of the Shelbina Lake Watershed Committee. Since it may be necessary for the consultants to walk some or all of the watershed, we’re making a special effort to reach all landowners in the watershed. Please join us at the Shelbina Lakeside Golf Course Community Room on Monday Evening, March 20, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. There will be short presentations on the scope of the project and an opportunity to meet with a representative of the engineering firm. There will also be time allotted for informal discussion and questions. Refreshments will be served. We look forward to meeting with you and hearing your ideas. If you have questions or concerns, contact one of us at the address on this letterhead. We hope to see you on March 20th. Sincerely, Dennis Klusmeyer City Superintendent Rob Trivette Water and Sewer Supervisor 55 Appendix 13 56 57 Appendix 14 December 8, 2000 To: Landowners and Residents And Others Who Have Been Involved Shelbina Lake Watershed Project From: Dennis Klusmeyer, City Superintendent Rob Trivette, Water and Sewer Supervisor John Bode, Economic Development Director Thanks to your input and support, the first year of this project has proceeded on schedule. Assessment of the Shelbina Lake and watershed has been completed and now it’s time to make decisions about correcting as many of the identified problems as possible. We need your help to set priorities for the improvements that will give us the most “bang for our buck” as we proceed with a plan of action to protect the water quality in the lake and improve the health of the watershed in general. In order to get your ideas, we invite you to a supper meeting at the Shelbina Lakeside Golf Course Community Room at 6:00 p.m. on Monday night, January 8, 2001. We want to be sure that there is adequate food, so call one of us at the number on this letterhead if you will be attending. On the reverse side of this page are possible areas that we need to address in the coming year. We hope you’ll take time to read these over and be ready to offer your suggestions during the discussion that will take place after supper. We thank you for your interest and ideas. It is our goal to keep you involved and informed. If you have questions, concerns, and/or suggestions, contact one of us at the address on this letterhead. —over— 58 Items for Discussion Shelbina Lake Watershed Project Shelbina Lakeside Golf Course Community Room Monday night, January 8, 2001 at 6:00 p.m. • Project Milestones (review of enclosed schedule of milestones) • Shelbina Lake and Watershed Water Quality Assessment ➢ background ➢ review of recommendations • Possible Practices to be Implemented ➢ raising berm – freeboard ➢ terracing ➢ small structures ➢ grading/draw stabilization/seeding ➢ shoreline stabilization ✔ rip rap ✔ plants/vegetation • Golf Course BMP’s ➢ filtration ➢ cart paths ➢ re-circulation system (structure) • Management of Goose Population ➢ plants/vegetation ➢ shoreline signage ➢ managed goose hunt • Possibilities Under MoCREP (Missouri Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program) • Equipment Needs ➢ carbon feeder Water Quality Management Plan 59 Appendix 15 60 Appendix 16 61 Appendix 17 62 Appendix 18 May 14, 2001 To: Those Who Have Been Involved Shelbina Watershed Committee From: Dennis Klusmeyer City Administrator Re: Rob Trivette City Superintendent City of Shelbina Lake and Watershed Project Progress Report In October, 2000, we sent to you an update on the results of the engineering assessment of the Shelbina Lake reservoir, watershed, and adjacent properties. This report contained a variety of recommendations. We also used that letter to solicit your opinion about those recommendations and to get other ideas for consideration. On January 8, 2001, several of you took the time to attend a meeting to review those suggestions and to help us set priorities for a plan of action to protect the water quality in the lake and to enhance the health of the watershed in general. In return for your generous contribution of time and interest, we wanted to bring you up to date on the program of work for our grant. Following is a review of recommendations and progress to date: 1. Control of the Resident and Migratory Canada Goose Populations In order to minimize nutrients and microbiological impacts by the Canada goose populations, the City has worked cooperatively with the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) to establish a goose-hunting season at Shelbina Lake to coincide with MDC migratory bird regulations. Because of early lake freezeover, the goose population moved south and no hunt was held in 2000. A hunt is planned for the 2001 season. Interested persons should contact Rob Trivette at City hall. First come, first served. -over- 63 2. Track Future Land Uses that May Impact Water Quality The City has held discussions with those responsible for the required water pollution permitting process for the new highway project. The City will carefully observe the project to ensure that construction site Best Management Practices (BMPs) are rigorously followed. 3. Implement Voluntary BMPs to Address Erosion and Nutrient Runoff City personnel have worked closely with several landowners to encourage them to implement a number of different BMPs to protect vulnerable acreage in the watershed. The majority of these practices involve one or all of the following: construction of terraces, grass waterways, and filter strips, grid soil sampling to manage nutrients, and involvement in the MoCREP CRP programs. Persons interested in these cost incentives can contact Rob Trivette. As a result of this cooperative planning, 75% of the watershed will be involved in some form of management practice to minimize runoff of nutrients, sediment and crop-protection chemicals. Since several of the landowners in the watershed have practices already in place, this means that nearly all of the watershed acres are actively managed to limit runoff. 4. Address Shoreline Erosion Shoreline erosion will be addressed by placement of stabilization materials along the shoreline where bank erosion is occurring. Stabilization materials, including 3100 feet of rip rap, will be used in certain areas to provide bank fishing access. Aquatic vegetation will be implemented in other areas to provide additional habitat. The City has approval from the US COE for installation of shoreline stabilization practices. 5. Implement Golf Course BMPs The Shelbina Lakeside Golf Course will be undertaking the following: • Installation of materials to stabilize cart paths and limit erosion, • Seeding and re-seeding for erosion control, and • Working with UMC plant pathologists to conduct integrated pest management (IPM) and minimize need for herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, and fertilizers 6. Relocate Dump Station The camper dump station will be relocated to increase setback, impove access, increase capacity, and as an additional safety factor. 7. Install Carbon Feeder A carbon-based system will be installed at the water plant for more efficient removal of nutrients and pesticides and to minimize treatment byproducts. As part of our goal to keep you informed and involved, we’re very much interested in your continuing input. If you have comments, questions or concerns contact one of us at the address on this letterhead. 64 Appendix 19 65 Appendix 20 66 67 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region VII, through the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, has provided partial funding for this project under Section 604(b) of the Clean Water Act.