AMLI Apartments Lake Cook Road - Deerfield, IL
AMLI Apartments Lake Cook Road - Deerfield, IL
REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Agenda Item: 13-111 Subject: Report and Recommendation of the Plan Commission re: Request for Approval of a Final Development Plan for the AMLI Development at 1525 Lake Cook Road Action Requested: Approval for Recommendation Originated by: Plan Commission Referred to: Mayor and Board of Trustees Summary of Background and Reason for Request: The petitioner is requesting approval of a Final Development Plan for the AMLI apartment development to be located at 1525 Lake Cook Road. Reports and Documents Attached: Recommendation Workshop Minutes 8/22/2013 Aerial Photograph Petitioner’s Exhibits Date Referred to Board: September 16, 2013 Action Taken: __________________________________________ AMLI Apartments Lake Cook Road - Deerfield, IL APPROVED RECOMMENDATION TO: Mayor and Board of Trustees FROM: Plan Commission DATE: August 22, 2013 RE: Request for Approval of a Final Development Plan for the AMLI Development at 1525 Lake Cook Road. We transmit for your consideration a recommendation adopted by the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield on the request of the petitioners for approval of their Final Development Plan for the AMLI apartment development. The Plan Commission held a workshop meeting on August 22, 2013. At that workshop meeting, the petitioners presented testimony and documentary evidence in support of the request. A copy of the workshop minutes are attached. In support of its request, the Plan Commission makes the following findings of fact and conclusions: Request for Approval of a Final Development Plan The petitioners are seeking approval of a Final Development Plan for the AMLI apartment development. They are seeking a determination that their Final Development Plan is in substantial conformance with the previously approved Preliminary Development Plan. The public hearing for the Preliminary Development Plan was held on March 14, 2013, and the Preliminary Development Plan was approved by the Board of Trustees on April 15, 2013. The location of the building and the building height have not changed from the Preliminary Development Plan to the Final Development Plan. The revisions from the Preliminary Development Plan to the Final Development Plan are changes are to the access point at the northeast corner of the development, parking, landscaping, and signage. In tab 2 on page 3 (Changed Features) the petitioners describe in detail the changes from the Preliminary Development Plan to the Final Development Plan. The petitioners have also explained the rationale for the proposed changes to the Final Development Plan. The first bullet point in the petitioner’s “Changed Features” section explains that the top floor of the garage will have a roof, enabling all units to have a covered space and eliminates any concerns about snow plowing of the top level of parking. The second bullet point deals with the parking space size being reduced in the garage from 9 feet wide to 8.5 feet wide in order to better accommodate common facilities in the parking garage such as stairways, elevators, trash room, storage rooms, utility penetrations, and structural elements. The petitioners had Walker Parking Consultants Analyze the 8.5 foot wide spaces (see tab 16 in the booklet for their report). The smaller size parking spaces at 8.5 feet wide will require a variation. The 24 foot wide aisle and the 19 feet deep space will be retained in the garage so that longer vehicles will not impact the garage drive aisle. Bullet point three is an explanation of the changes to the clubhouse amenity area to expand the fitness area at the northeast corner of the building. Some recessed areas of the building were brought forward, but the building is not closer to the property lines that were shown in the preliminary plans. The fourth bullet point is an explanation of the changes to the signage plan to replace a two sided sign at the northeast corner of the development with a one-side sign at the northeast and northwest corners of the property. The area of the sign is the same, but is distributed between two sign faces to separate corners of the site – one sign facing east and one sign facing west. This was done to provide better visibility for eastbound and westbound Lake Cook Road traffic. A variation (sign modification) will be needed to allow the second building identification sign. The petitioners have also added a wall sign (35 s.f.) above the leasing office on the north wall of the building. This wall sign is allowed in the I-1 District, the sign can be 1% of the area of the wall or 100 square feet, whichever is lesser, and this sign conforms to the requirement. Bullet point five in the petitioner’s Changed Features indicates that the access point at the northeast corner of the site has been modified. The Preliminary Development Plan showed plantings in this area within the Walgreens property to the east. AMLI was hoping to obtain Walgreens permission is install landscaping improvements on the Walgreens property at AMLI’s expense. AMLI met with Walgreens on a number of occasions to seek permission to install landscaping at the northeast corner of the site on the Walgreen’s property, but Walgreens did not grant AMLI permission to make these improvements. In order to make an entry statement, AMLI’s final plan adds entry columns and formal landscape treatment in this area, all within the AMLI site. Number of Parking Spaces: A total of 413 parking spaces are provided on the Final Development Plan (273 in the parking structure and 140 surface spaces). This compares to a total of 421 spaces in the Preliminary Development Plan (277 in the parking structure and 144 surface spaces). A total of 405 parking spaces are required based on 1.5 spaces for each one bedroom and studio, and 2 parking spaces for each 2 and 3 bedroom unit (150 units x 1.5 = 225 spaces, plus 90 x 2 = 180 spaces = 405 spaces total for the AMLI development). AMLI’s parking count on the final plan exceeds the parking requirement by 8 spaces (405 spaces required and 413 spaces provided). AMLI has indicated that they are working toward LEED credits for the project. Certain LEED credits that they are targeting are only available to projects 2 having parking that is not in excess of local zoning requirements. AMLI may wish to convert parking spaces to green space in order to pursue these LEED credits. AMLI would like the option to convert parking spaces to green space any time up to the time they complete the project, when the LEED credit calculation will be finalized. They are requesting a reverse landbank option to convert parking (to be installed as part of the final plan) to green space. AMLI is proposing a condition similar to the following: “At any time prior to the completion of the project, developer shall have the option to convert parking spaces to green space so long as after such conversion the project continues to meet the Village’s code requirement for the number of parking spaces.” The petitioners have also responded to questions that were raised at the Board of Trustees meeting during their approval of the Preliminary Development Plan (see page 5 titled “Responses to Issues Previously Raised” in tab 2 of the petitioner’s booklet). Development Agreement The Village’s Development Code requires a development agreement as part of the Final Development Plan. The development agreement for AMLI contains details about the site development schedule (included in petitioner’s materials), public and private improvements contemplated, site infrastructure inspections during the course of construction, and performance guarantees for private improvements. All improvements on the subject property are proposed to be privately owned and maintained. CONCLUSIONS The Plan Commission has reviewed the petitioners’ materials and believes that the Final Development Plan is in substantial conformance to the previously approved Preliminary Development Plan. The Plan Commission believes these changes are appropriate and the changes are consistent with the previously approved Preliminary Development Plan. The Plan Commission did not have any problems with the proposed changes to the final plans. They did question the size of the parking spaces at in the garage being reduced from 9 feet wide to 8.5 feet wide, but believe they will work because these spaces are not high turn over spaces, but instead are spaces for residents. The Plan Commission believes that none of the changes from the Preliminary Development Plan to the Final Development Plan detract from the high quality development that the Village strives for. The proposed building will have a contemporary look, but also a residential appearance and will fit nicely into the area. Typically, projects of this magnitude have a number of adjustments in their plans from the time of Preliminary Development Plan approval to Final Development Plan approval. The Plan Commission believes the apartment development will be a great asset to the Village, and is very well planned. 3 RECOMMENDATION Accordingly, it is the recommendation of the Plan Commission that the Final Development Plan for the AMLI apartment development is in substantial conformance with the Preliminary Development Plan, and the Final Development Plan be approved. Ayes: (7) Berg, Bromberg, Jacoby, Moyer, Oppenheim, Shayman, Shapiro Nays: (0) None Respectfully submitted, Dan Shapiro, Chairman Deerfield Plan Commission 4 Workshop Meeting August 22, 2013 Page 6 Substantial Conformance: AMLI Final Development Plan (1525 Lake Cook Road) Ivan Kane, attorney, Mayer Brown, LLP represents the petitioner AMLI Deerfield. AMLI Deerfield is a joint venture between affiliates of AMLI Residential Properties, L.P. (AMLI) and JFMC Facilities Corporation (JFMC) which is the real estate arm of the Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago. The petitioner is seeking a determination that their Final Development Plan is in substantial conformance with the previously approved Preliminary Development Plan. Steve Ross, Executive Vice President, AMLI Residential, stated the changes to the Final Development Plan as follows: The top floor of the garage will have a roof, enabling all units to have a covered space and eliminates any concerns about snow removal of the top level of parking. The parking space width in the parking structure is being reduced from 9’ wide to 8.5’ wide in order to accommodate common facilities in the parking garage such as stairways, elevators, trash room and other structural elements. Mr. Ross referred to a letter that refers to the 8.5’ width as being a standard in the industry for a low turnover garage parking. The parking structure will be utilized by the residents. The parking spaces will be reduced to 19’ by 8.5’ from 19’ by 9’. The clubhouse amenity has been expanded at the northeast corner of the building but is not closer to the property lines that were shown in the preliminary plans. Modification to the signage plan. The two-sided sign at the northeast corner will be replaced with 2 one-sided signs, one at the northeast and northwest corners of the property. AMLI was hoping to enhance the northeast entryway on Walgreens property. Permission was not granted by Walgreens so the Final Development Plan will only enhance the northeast area on the AMLI’s site. A total of 413 parking spaces are provided on the Final Development Plan which is down from the 421 spaces on the Preliminary Plan. A total of 405 parking spaces are required for this project. AMLI is working toward LEED certification for this project. Certain LEED credits that they are targeting are only available to projects having parking that is not in excess of local zoning requirements. The petitioner is requesting the option to eliminate the 8 extra parking spaces in the event it is needed to reach LEED certification. Commissioner Oppenheim asked where the parking spaces would be pulled out of the plan. Mr. Ross noted an area on the south and east boundary where the parking spaces would most likely be removed. Commissioner Oppenheim wanted to know what the parking space sizes are at Deerfield Square. Mr. Ryckaert noted that the parking spaces are 18’ deep by 9’ wide. Commissioner Oppenheim is asking about the parking because she has heard a lot of complaints about the parking at Deerfield Square and she feels that this could be a potential problem in the future. A discussion ensued and Workshop Meeting August 22, 2013 Page 7 Mr. Ross noted that their parking is reserved for the residents and that they obtained a parking consultant to offer support for this reduced parking space size. Commissioner Bromberg discussed the different parking sizes and how it affected the parking garage and the space between vehicles. Mr. Kane noted that after the reduction in the parking space width they have maintained the same number of parking spaces in the parking garage. Chairman Shapiro commented that the real question is not whether the changes are good or bad but if the changes in the new plan are substantially similar. A discussion ensued. Commissioner Moyer commented that this plan is substantially similar to the preliminary plan. Commissioners Jacoby and Bromberg also agreed that the new plan is substantially similar. Commissioner Oppenheim asked what commitment was made about putting in a crosswalk. Mr. Ross commented that they pursued a pedestrian crosswalk at Wilmot Road, but Cook County Highway Department was adamant that a crosswalk at that point was not a good idea. However, Cook County Highway Department indicated that a pedestrian crosswalk at Huehl Road would be a good idea. The petitioner has presented this to staff as something that the petitioner would support especially if it were to become an extension of the Village bike path route. Mr. Ross noted that they have been in talks with PACE for better connectivity for the north-south and east-west bus routes to and from their site. Andrew Marwick, 442 Kelburn Road, noted that there is a need for this type of housing in Deerfield. He believes that there will not be enough green space for this site. Mr. Marwick also commented on how the adjacent buildings will remain unchanged. Commissioner Oppenheim motioned that the AMLI Apartments Final Development Plan (1525 Lake Cook Road) is in substantial conformance to their Preliminary Development Plan. Commissioner Bromberg seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: Ayes (7): Berg, Bromberg, Jacoby, Moyer, Oppenheim, Shayman, Shapiro Nays (0): None The recommendation will be up for consideration at the Board of Trustees Meeting on Monday, September 16, 2013 at 7:30 PM. WILMOT RD BIRCHWOOD AV JFMC Properties and AMLI Parcel LAKE COOK RD 1755 Office 1627 Office 1435 Office 1425 Office HUEHL RD AMLI 1751 Office 1601 Memory Care ED EN SS 1551 Assisted Living Embassy Suites Hotel PU R 0 50 100 200 300 400 Feet 1 inch = 200 feet ± Supplement to July 22, 2013 Statement of Intent August 14, 2013 TO: Village of Deerfield FROM: AMLI Deerfield Re: Request for "Reverse Landbank" Option As we work toward building permit drawings, we also work in parallel with our LEED consultants to ensure that our design incorporates LEED elements. An issue has come to our attention after we submitted the July 22, 2013 plan set that is included in our Final Plan submission. Certain LEED credits that we are targeting are only available to projects having parking that is not in excess of local zoning requirements. AMLI Deerfield's parking exceeds Deerfield's parking requirement by 8 spaces. We may wish to convert the excess parking spaces to green space in order to pursue the LEED credits. At this time we are not certain whether we will want to do this. LEED uses a "points" system to classify projects, and this project may qualify for a LEED classification without the "points" related to this item. However we would like to have the option to convert the spaces any time up to the time we complete the project, when the LEED credit calculation will be finalized. We propose to address this issue by requesting a "reverse landbank" option. In normal "landbanking" a project which falls short of required parking designates green space which can be converted to parking. We are asking or the reverse: an option to convert parking to green space. If AMLI Deerfield's final plan application is approved, we suggest that the approval include a condition substantially similar to the following: "At any time prior to completion of the project, developer shall have the option to convert parking spaces to green space so long as after such conversion the project continues to meet the Village's code requirement for number of parking spaces." We appreciate your consideration of our request. 707261199.2 12413490 - BIRCHWOOD AVENUE (SIGNALIZED) X:\Amli\Deerfield\CAD\04 CD\AMLI_DF20130627.dwg - WILMOT ROAD INTERSECTION (SIGNALIZED) TO ILLINOIS TOLLROAD I-294/I-94 INTERCHANGE Community Planning Development Economics Site Design Landscape Architecture TO METRA MILWAUKEE DISTRICT NORTH LINE 627 Grove Street Evanston, Illinois 60201 Tel 847.869.2015 Fax 847.869.2059 7.25.2013 Project: - NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD - AMLI DEERFIELD DEVELOPMENT - WALGREENS 3-STORY OFFICE BUILDING - 1627 LAKE COOK ROAD 3-STORY OFFICE BUILDING - HUEHL ROAD - LOADING AREA - OFFICES 4-STORY 1525 Lake Cook Road Deerfield, Illinois 60015 - AMLI DEERFIELD 4-STORY BUILDING - MIDDLE ROAD - ARBOR LAKE OFFICES 6-STORY BUILDING Issued: 2013.07.22 Date: - FRIEND CENTER 1-STORY BUILDING By: Description: - EMBASSY SUITES 7-STORY BUILDING - GIDWITZ PLACE 6-STORY BUILDING - ARBOR LAKE PARKING DECK Designed: JEM Approved: NP Sheet Title: SITE CONTEXT PLAN - SOUTH ROAD - - I - 9 4 E D E N S E X P R E S S W A Y Scale: 1"=80'-0" 0 40 80 160 240 SCP-1 FINAL PLAN APPLICATION SUBMITTAL: JULY 22, 2013 X:\Amli\Deerfield\CAD\04 CD\AMLI_DF20130627.dwg Community Planning Development Economics Site Design Landscape Architecture 627 Grove Street Evanston, Illinois 60201 Tel 847.869.2015 Fax 847.869.2059 LANDSCAPE WALLS & SIGN 'B1' AMLI DEERFIELD: (Lot Area 263,170 sf = 6.04 acres) 240 TOTAL UNITS RECONFIGURED WILMOT ROAD ALIGNMENT TO SIGNAL CONTROLLED INTERSECTION FRONT DRIVE EXIT TO LAKE COOK ROAD LANDSCAPE WALL & SIGN 'B2' BUILDING COVERAGE: 35.7% OPEN SPACE: 18.5% MIN. PARKING CALCULATIONS: 1525 Lake Cook Road Deerfield, Illinois 60015 RETAINING WALL *SEE CIVIL DRAWINGS FOR LAYOUT & DETAILS Project: AMLI DEERFIELD DEVELOPMENT LOT COVERAGE CALCULATIONS: WALL SIGN 'D1' PROVIDED: 413 CARS (Total includes 35 cars in shared parking easement.) Structure Parking = 273 cars Surface Parking = 140 cars - PARKING STRUCTURE - PEDESTRIAN ACCESS LOADING AREA 7.25.2013 MONUMENT SIGN 'A' RESIDENT PARKING ACCESS GARDEN TERRACE FOR GROUND FLOOR RESIDENTS LOADING AREA (18' x 54') SHARED PARKING EASEMENT TO BENEFIT PARCEL 3 (35 CARS) 19' 42' AMENITY COURTYARD Issued: 2013.07.22 Date: By: Description: PERIMETER SIDEWALK/CARRIAGE WALK Designed: JEM Approved: NP LANDSCAPE WALL 'C1' Sheet Title: ILLUSTRATIVE SITE & LANDSCAPE PLAN LANDSCAPE WALL 'C2' Scale: 1"=40'-0" 0 20 40 80 120 SP-1 FINAL PLAN APPLICATION SUBMITTAL: JULY 22, 2013 • 07/22/2013 SCHWARZ I.EWIS DESIG!'t GROUP. INC. SCIIWARZ •· LE\X'IS I)M~Jtn ( :roup, Inc. 1 'lid.~.. l'bD llo"'tr Sll<~oi~"•"'JI Q..U.<illlr...~.ll.l.(-'1~1 1:1 7A Rendering • - - SCHWARZ•LEWIS Sdlwarl.i.-e\\iS Dc:si£:~1Croop,lnc lv.nMiJ~PI.t!J Rou.:l'>,l&nftCI~ .SU!IItiPI ~~bl:'-">krm.~o.t ii OOIIII (\\lo.f!~:LJ~l(c Lake Cook Rd. Deerfield, IL Date Issued:07122120 13 7B North Elevation 47.5 7C East, West and South Elevations 7D Court Elevations LEGEND ACCESSIBLE PARKING ELEVATOR LOBBY D ENTRANCE/ STAIRS TRASH ROOM (!] :~~ROL FLOOR PLAN - FIRST FLOOR AlmT DEERFIELD Deerfield, IL Date Issued:07/22/201 Q Note: Site line distance on level ground from a 6' tall person from the east or the west to the 7' tall make-up air unit on the roof is 426'. $Mf;. --~ ....o:';:-o. ~ v STUDIO UNIT I tORR. STUDIO UNIT I JORR v v ( v v ~ I STUDIO UNIT 1 .. tORR. u STUDIO UNIT 1 ·-..c:. . .. -~- (_ ' v ' v u v u v v u u v v u u u u v u u v v u v v u u u u u u u u ' v v v v v u u u u u u u u • • • ' • ' u u v v u u u • u u v v u u u u u u u u v v v v v u - u u u u u u u u u i ' u u u u I u v i i PARKING G RAr.r u u u u u u u ' -- CORRI STUDIO UNIT I CORRI STUDIO UNIT 1 CORRI STUDIO UNIT 1 ' U I Note: v v ' ' v CORRI tORR. STUDIO UNIT 1 ··-o· line distance on level ground from a 6' tall person from the north or the south to the 7' tall make-up air unit on the roof is410'. s~e 111'0 &I)R()()\1 UNIT II 1\10 BEOROO\I UNIT 11 11\0 BEDROOM U~IT 11 T\\0 &I)R()()\1 UNIT IIA T\10 BEOROO\I UNIT IIA 11\0 BEDROOM ~\I 11A 111'0 BEDROOM T\\0 llt'OROO\I UNIT IIA T\10 BEOROO\I UNIT IIA T\\0 BEDROOM U\ T IIA 111'0 BEDROOM 111'0 &I)R()()\1 1\10 BEOROO\I UNIT IIA UNIT 11A UNIT 11A ~NIT 11A 111'0 BEDROOM UNIT 11A BUILDING SECTION SCALE: 3/32. 1,.--0. • • AMU DEERFIELD I • .. < u BUILDING SECTION 3/32' • ...... ~ U -~ sc.u, rr...;;o.. • • • 4'- o· Surface applied painted metal letters up lit from concealed lights at projecting band below. Sign letter area 35 s.f. Landsca e Wall w/ Glass Si n Panel 11-4' = 1'-q Wall Sign at Leasing Office North Elevation Note: See Sheet 78 for full North Elevation 3/32" = 1'-0" I t~l Backlit Frosted Etched Glass Sign Letter Area 11s.f. l 2'-8" 'I ----@ Landscape Wall 1/4" = 1'~· 07/22/2013 Copyright, 2013 SCHWARZ LBWIS DESIGN GROUP, INC. ~ Landscape Wall- Short ( C1 Opposite Sid! J.,...,. SCHWA RZ • J.HWIS IA>sign Group, Inc. 2 ~ .-\mmra Av.a locJt &l & 22M Scmr Stu!k 831 o.Lbrool; Tcmtr.ILWISI SEE ILLUSTRATIVE SITE AND LANDSCAPE PLAN SHEET SP-1 FOR LOCATION • 9C Signage • • ' I' I ' I' ~ , , z.a· , .. , ---...:~ <D I _.,.._ ,___:; 12' -0" Anodized aluminum covered wall Backlit Frosted Etched Glass 4'-6" x 12' Sign Letter Area 44.6 s.f. -----@ Monument Sign w/ Glass Panel SEE ILLUSTRATIVE SITE AND LANDSCAPE PLAN SHEET SP-1 FOR LOCATION 07/22/201 3 2013 SCHWARZ LBWIS DESIGN GROUP, INC. SC HWARZ • LEWIS [)cosign Group, Inc. 2 ~lod ,.,,,...,.. Pion RllllltSJll.l:ll•l Sort<t S•t831 <ll1brool; Tcu.u:•, II. 00 ISI • 9B Signage ~-- o • m m DRAWN BY GRAPHIC SCALE m = 1-1-1---1---1 ( IN FEET ) ----- - - --- - - ,-, I I I ' ' I c_u ------4 DATE -ft> ,-, REVISIONS 1 inch = 30 ft. /,./~/ /,/,./~/ /,/ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' --~ EET EX. PAVEMENT AND T/C c 6'R T'fP) CONTROL POINT FOR LAYOUT OF ALL PROPO" D IMPROVEI.AENTS. BUILDING AND PARKING TO """--+-PARALLEL AND PERPENDICULAR TO EAST PROPERTY LINE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ,..~ - - -- ~--~ Y-- -L__:_ ~ -~~- -~- TAPER CURB 6" ID. 0" OVER 5' IN. EX LANDSCAPE AREA TO REMAIN OF~~~ EX EDGE PAVEMENT I ______, J c-- - / >PH."'I T I _ _ _ _L ---~ I : ~ PIPE BOLILARDS (TYP, 'r r TI ~ v'n-~ / 0 0 0 I [ I I I I 1 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS J F PROPOSED AMLI RESIDENTIAL - ~ r 7 ::s Ql 01 13 ' PAVEMENT LEGEND ~ n n SJANQABQ DUJY PAVfMENT / 1 1/2" BITUI.AINOUS SURFACE COURSE, HOT-MIX ASPHALT, I.AIX D, N50 2 1/4" BITUMINOUS BINDER COURSE, HOT-MIX ASPHALT, IL-12.5, N50 10" AGGREGATE BASE COURSE, TYPE B a1 Dl CONCRETE PAVEMENT 8" CONCRETE PAVEMENT W/ 6 X 6 W1.4 WWF 4" COMPACTED AGGREGATE BASE, TYPE B 0 0 / D PAVEMENT MARKING LEGEND SIGN LEGEND @ 24" WHITE STOP BAR IIIII II PROPOSED SIDEWALK 5" P.C.C. CONCRETE (6" AT DRIVEWAY CROSSINGS) 4" AGGREGATE BASE COURSE, CA-6 l "' E =" 01 C·l 13 ~ ~ .:~. THE UNDERGROUND UTILITY INFORI.AATION AS SHOWN HEREON IS BASED, IN PART, UPON INFORMATION FURNISHED BY UTILITY COMPANIES AND THE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY. WHILE THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE RELIABLE, ITS ACCURACY AND COI.APLETENESS CANNOT BE GUARANTEED NOR CERTIAED TO. SITE DATA (D R1-1 STOP SIGN @ 4" YELLOW LINE SITE AREA PARKING REQUIRED SURFACE PARKING PROVIDED HANDICAP PARKING (SURFACE) HANDICAP PARKING (STRUCTURE) PARKING STRUCTURE 264,381 S.F. (6.07 ACRES) 405 SPACES (1 PER 100 SF) 135 SPACES 5 SPACES 4 SPACES 269 SPACES ® R7-B HANDICAP PARKING SIGN @ 6" SOLID WHITE @ "DO NOT ENTER" SIGN @ LETTERS AND SYMBOLS PAVEI.AENT I.AARKINGS @ "RIGHT TURN ONLy" SIGN ® ® 3. ALL CURB RADII SHALL BE 3' I.AEASURED TO FACE OF CURB UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 4. BUILDING DIMENSIONS AND ADJACENT PARKING HAVE BEEN PREPARED BASED UPON ARCHITECTURAL INFORMATION CURRENT AT THE DATE OF THIS DRAWING. SUBSEQUENT ARCHITECTURAL CHANGES MAY EXIST. THEREFORE CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR PRECISE BUILDING DIMENSIONS AND NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. TRAFFIC FLOW DIRECTIONAL ARROWS 4" YELLOW DIAGONAL AT 45" SPACED 2' O.C. 13 SITE DIMENSIONAL AND PAVING NOTES: 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE FACE OF CURB TO FACE OF CURB OR BUILDING FOUNDATION UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 2. ALL PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER SHALL BE B6.12 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 0 ~ / 5. @ 4" WHITE (6' SKIP-2' DASH) SITE DIMENSIONAL & PAVING PLAN - NORTH B IMPROVEMENTS ADJACENT TO BUILDING, IF SHOWN, SUCH AS TRUCK DOCK, RETAINING WALLS, SIDEWALKS, CURBING, FENCES, CANOPIES, RAMPS, HANDICAP ACCESS, PLANTERS, DUMPSTERS, AND TRANSFORMERS ETC. HAVE BE SHOWN FOR APPROXIMATE LOCATION ONLY. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR EXACT LOCATIONS, SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAILS. 7. PAVEMENT SLOPES THROUGH HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE PARKING AREAS SHALL BE 2.00% MAXIMUM IN ANY DIRECTION. 8. ALL HANDICAP RAMPS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH A MAXIMUM CROSS SLOPE OF 2.00% OR LESS. 9. ALL ROADWAY AND PARKING LOT SIGNAGE, STRIPING, SYMBOLS, ETC. SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH LA TEST JURISDICTIONAL GOVERNMENT ENTITY DETAILS. 10. SOME EXISTING ITEMS TO BE REI.AOVED HAVE BEEN DELETED FROM THIS PLAN FOR CLARITY. SEE DEMOLITION PLAN FOR ITEMS DELETED. 11. DEPRESS CURB & GUTTER AT ALL SIDEWALK AND PATH LOCA liONS FOR HANDICAP ACCESS AS PER FEDERAL AND STATE STANDARDS. 12. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT J.U.L.I.E. (1-800-892-0123) PRIOR TO ANY WORK TO LOCATE UTILITIES AND SHALL CONTACT THE OWNER SHOULD UTILITIES APPEAR TO BE IN CONFLICT WITH THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT. PROJ. MGR.: F. F. PROJ. ASSOC.: J.G.C. DRAWN BY: DATE: 0 2 SCALE: REH 7-22-13 ,._JO. SHEET / 0 6. LOCATION OF PRIVATE SIDEWALKS SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH PROPOSED DOORWAY. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ACTUAL BUILDING PLAN LOCATIONS WITH ARCHITECT/DEVELOPER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTING THE SIDEWALKS. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ u u ~ < I 4 16 OF = " " _:~~~~~~~~~~ a AMDF 120796 I ~ DRAWN BY I GRAPHIC SCALE c--• -- 0 15 30 60 120 I I I I N ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 30 ft. REVISIONS 3D 45' PIPE BOLLARDS (TYP, DATE ~ / DEPRESSED / / / / / / -" ""- ""- "- / "'---" ""- ""- "'ASP-ALT - COURTYARD ~Co "' o.. VJ. II -- ~-- I lt2J 1 I-~-- 1 1I 1 = .... "' 24' "' 5' (SEE ARCH. PLANS) 1,---_ --jl lr----- 1-- "' - .... <( SOUTH AC ESS EAS EMENT 0.. VJ .... PROPOSED BUILDING ....-r·"TIO & FENCE TYP. (SEE ARCH/LANDSCAPE PLANS) -~ PE PLA~ ~) / =~~- VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS -- lt-c'= L = - c _ _ - = _-_ -_-_-_-- - - - - - - PROPOSED AMLI RESIDENTIAL -lk-" --'-"1 - - II Jl 01 IJ PAVEMENT LEGEND STANDARD DUTY PAVEMENT 1 1/2" BITUMINOUS SURFACE COURSE, HOT-MIX ASPHALT, MIX D, N50 2 1/4" BITUMINOUS BINDER COURSE, HOT-MIX ASPHALT, IL-12.5, N50 10" AGGREGATIE BASE COURSE, TYPE B D -:-: ~_,,,: -: ~ .._..,_·-:.-:~ . .-.·-:·:,.:... -:·-,,_... :~_-·... . . _ " w [Jl PAVEMENT MARKING LEGEND 8" CONCRETE PAVEMENT W/ 6 X 6 W1.4 WWF 4" COMPACTIED AGGREGATIE BASE, TYPE B SIGN LEGEND / IIIIIII ' ~ / 0 2 01 01 10 u ,,'" ].; SITIE DIMENSIONAL AND PAVING NOTIES: CONCRETE PAVEMENT PROPOSED SIDEWALK 5" P.C.C. CONCRETIE (6" AT DRIVEWAY CROSSINGS) 4" AGGREGA TIE BASE COURSE, CA-6 []1 SITE DIMENSIONAL & PAVING PLAN - SOUTH ARCHITIECTURAL WALL/FEA IURE-.U (SEE ARCH. PLANS) SITE DATA SITIE AREA PARKING REQUIRED SURFACE PARKING PROVIDED HANDICAP PARKING (SURFACE) HANDICAP PARKING (STIRUCTURE) PARKING STIRUCTURE 264,381 S.F. (6.07 ACRES) 405 SPACES ( 1 PER 100 SF) 135 SPACES 5 SPACES 4 SPACES 269 SPACES ALL DIMENSIONS ARE FACE OF CURB TO FACE OF CURB OR BUILDING FOUNDATION UNLESS NO TIED OTHERWISE. 7. PAVEMENT SLOPES THROUGH HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE PARKING AREAS SHALL BE 2.00" MAXIMUM IN ANY DIRECTION. 2. ALL PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTIER SHALL BE B6.12 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTIED. B. ALL HANDICAP RAMPS SHALL BE CONSTIRUCTIED WITH A MAXIMUM CROSS SLOPE OF 2.00" OR LESS. 9. ALL ROADWAY AND PARKING LOT SIGNAGE, STIRIPING, SYMBOLS, ETC. SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH LA TIEST JURISDICTIONAL GOVERNMENT ENTITY DETAILS. @ 24" WHITIE STOP BAR @ 4" YELLOW LINE 3. ALL CURB RADII SHALL BE 3' MEASURED TO FACE OF CURB UNLESS NOTIED OTHERWISE. @ 6" SOLID WHITIE 4. BUILDING DIMENSIONS AND ADJACENT PARKING HAVE BEEN PREPARED BASED UPON ARCHITIECTURAL INFORMATION CURRENT AT THE DATIE OF THIS DRAWING. SUBSEQUENT ARCHITIECTURAL CHANGES MAY EXIST. THEREFORE CONTIRACTOR SHALL REFER TO ARCHITIECTURAL PLANS FOR PRECISE BUILDING DIMENSIONS AND NOTIFY THE ARCHITIECT AND ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO CONSTIRUCTION. CD ® R7-8 HANDICAP PARKING SIGN @ LETTIERS AND SYMBOLS PAVEMENT MARKINGS @ "DO NOT ENTlER" SIGN ® TRAFFIC FLOW DIRECTIONAL ARROWS @) "RIGHT TURN ONLY" SIGN R1-1 STOP SIGN 1. <f) @ 4" YELLOW DIAGONAL AT 45' SPACED 2' O.C. 4" WHITIE (6' SKIP-2' DASH) 5. THE UNDERGROUND UTILITY INFORMATION AS SHOWN HEREON IS BASED, IN PART, UPON INFORMATION FURNISHED BY UTILITY COMPANIES AND THE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY. WHILE THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE RELIABLE, ITS ACCURACY AND COI.1PLETIENESS CANNOT BE GUARANTIEED NOR CERTIFIED TO. 6. IMPROVEMENTS ADJACENT TO BUILDING, IF SHOWN, SUCH AS TRUCK DOCK, RETAINING WALLS, SIDEWALKS, CURBING, FENCES, CANOPIES, RAMPS, HANDICAP ACCESS. PLANTIERS, DUMPSTIERS, AND TIRANSFORMERS ETC. HAVE BE SHOWN FOR APPROXIMATIE LOCATION ONLY. REFER TO ARCHITIECTURAL PLANS FOR EXACT LOCATIONS, SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAILS. LOCATION OF PRIVATIE SIDEWALKS SHALL BE COORDINATIED WITH PROPOSED DOORWAY. CONTIRACTOR TO VERIFY ACTUAL BUILDING PLAN LOCATIONS WITH ARCHITIECT/DEVELOPER PRIOR TO CONSTIRUCTING THE SIDEWALKS. 10. SOME EXISTING ITIEMS TO BE REMOVED HAVE BEEN DELETIED FROM THIS PLAN FOR CLARITY. SEE DEMOLITION PLAN FOR ITIEMS DELETIED. 11. DEPRESS CURB & GUTTIER AT All SIDEWALK AND PATH LOCATIONS FOR HANDICAP ACCESS AS PER FEDERAL AND STATIE STANDARDS. 12. THE CONTIRACTOR SHALL CONTACT J.U.L.I.E. (1-800-892-0123) PRIOR TO ANY WORK TO LOCATIE UTILITIES AND SHALL CONTACT THE OWNER SHOULD UTILITIES APPEAR TO BE IN CONFLICT WITH THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT. c c ? "ccc ",-c I "" "c E. E. PROJ. MGR.: PROJ. ASSOC.: ala~.~ DRAWN BY: REH c DATE: 7-22-13 c· SCALE: ,.=30· - - z F "cc c "/ I ~ ? 'c SHEET 5 16 OF AUDF 120796 1~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~~~ "'@ I July 22, 2013 Ms. Jennifer Wolf AMLI Residential 200 West Monroe Suite 2200 Chicago, Illinois 60606 RE: AMLI Deerfield Vertical Transportation Analysis Dear Jennifer: We have conducted a vertical transportation analysis for the subject building. Our analysis was based on the following information. 1. There are a total of 240 units in the building located on floors 1 through 4. 2. There are 22 studio units, 17 convertible units, 106 one bedroom units, 6 one bedroom + den units, 77 two bedroom units and 12 two bedroom + den units. 3. There are 81 parking spaces located on each floor. 4. Floor heights are 11’-0”. 5. Population of the building is based on a density of 1.1 persons per unit for the studio apartments, 1.2 persons per unit for the convertible apartments, 1.5 persons per unit for the one bedroom apartments, 1.7 persons per unit for the one bedroom + den apartments, 2.0 persons per unit for the two bedroom apartments and 2.5 persons per unit for the two bedroom + den apartments. 6. The passenger elevator system must be designed to move at least 6% of the building population with a waiting interval of 40 seconds or less during a five minute peak period. 7. Peak demand for an apartment building typically occurs between 4:30 PM and 7:30 PM each weekday as tenants arrive home from work and then go out for dinner, shopping or entertainment. 8. Doors are 4’-0” wide center opening type with a door open time of 2.0 seconds and a door close time of 3.0 seconds. . Ms. Jennifer Wolf July 22, 2013 Page 2 9. Flight time or the elapsed time in seconds from car start to car stop between adjacent typical floors is based on machine roomless traction elevators with a speed of 200 feet per minute (fpm) or 7.0 seconds. Based on a single group of two elevators located at one end of the building and a single elevator located at the opposite end of the building the level of elevator service will be as noted below. 1. One group of two elevators with a capacity of 4,000 pounds and a speed of 200 fpm will provide an excellent level of service with a waiting interval of 19.3 seconds and a maximum handling capacity of 74.1% of the building population. These results far exceed the recommended standards for rental apartments (a maximum handling capacity of at least 6.0% of the building population and a waiting interval of 40 seconds or less). 2. A single elevator with a capacity of 4,000 pounds and a speed of 200 fpm will provide a good level of service with a waiting interval of 35.8 seconds and a maximum handling capacity of 53.2% of the building population. These results also exceed the recommended standards for rental apartments. The above traffic analysis assumes everyone uses an elevator to access their apartment. In actuality the building design will allow residents to park on the same floor as their apartment. Consequently the level of service will be even better than that indicated above. Please let us know if you have any questions. Yours very truly, Stuart R. Wright P. Eng. PROJECT TIMELINE Plan Commission and City Approval Process: January - September 2013 Final Plans and Specs, Building Permits and Bidding Process: September - December 2013 Construction Start: December 2013 First Certificate of Occupancy: February 2015 Final Certificate of Occupancy: July 2015 505 Davis Road Elgin, IL 60123 Office: 847.697.2640 Fax: 847.697.7439 August 1, 2013 Mr. Stephen Ross Executive Vice President AMLI Residential 200 West Monroe Street Suite 220 Chicago, Illinois 60606 Re: AMLI Residential & Deerfield Parking Structure Walker #31&7621.00 Dear Stephen: This letter is in response to your request to provide our professional opinion regarding the width of the parking stalls to be used within the parking levels. National standards recognize that the parking geometric dimensions, including parking stall width, for each parking structure should be based on the needs of the anticipated users. The user groups are typically separated into three categories; Low Turnover, Moderate Turnover and High Turnover. Low Turnover users include employees and students. Moderate Turnover users include regional retail centers and airport parking. High Turnover users include local retail buildings and medical facilities. The Parking Consultants Council of the National Parking Association issued in 2002, recommended minimum widths for parking stalls in their “Guidelines for Parking Geometrics”. These recommendations are also included in the Fifth Edition of “The Dimensions of Parking” issued by the Urban Land Institute and the National Parking Association. A summary of their recommendations is shown below: Low Turnover Moderate Turnover High Turnover Stall Width 8’&3” to 8’&6” 8’&6” to 8’&9” 8’&9” to 9’&0” The Tenth Edition of the Architectural Graphics Standards and the Third Edition of the Parking Structures book both follow the same design approach to parking geometrics and parking stall width. The parking structure for the AMLI Residential – Deerfield project will be for the exclusive use of the residents only. Residential parking is considered Low Turnover parking, since the majority of residents will make one or two trips per day. All of the parking stalls for the project will be numbered and assigned to individual tenants to further the consideration of a Low Turnover parking structure. Therefore, the use of 8’&6” wide stalls for the AMLI Residential project is in compliance with industry standards and our recommendations. Mr. Stephen Ross August 1, 2013 Page 2 Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any other questions or comments. Sincerely, Walker Parking Consultants Gary H. Koch, P.E. Vice President TLH:jw Copy: Ms. Deena Roumeliotis J:\31&7621&00&AMLI_Residential_Deerfiel\Correspondence\LTR080113RossAMLIResidential.docx - - WILMOT ROADINTERSECTION (SIGNALIZED) - - ~ f. : c L A K E ..-.... 0 0 K R 0 A I' TO METRA MILWAUKEE DISTRICT NORTH LINE D -OFFICES4-STORY - WALGREENS3-STORY OFFICE BUILDING - AMLI DEERFIELD4-STORY BUILDING --' •• ' t -- - ----- --- -.- TESKA Community Planning Development Economics Site Design Landscape Architecture • • • 627 Grove Street Evanston, Illinois 60201 Tel 347.869.2015 Fax 347.869.2059 . __,,.::·~ :._. _______ -• ·__:·::,. ·· --,-~ ______ ,.,.. -- ..:....;·,_- - -. ~. -. . ---- . ... ------. ~-- ~- • .···-- ·- :--..._ .... I - 9 4 E D E N s - E X p R E s s w :·--...... A y - -~ . . - "-•··--·· ~-· DEE FIELD - SITE CONTEXT PLAN - .. ..- ·"'- ..... .............. - fj . --.... rr ~ 0 40 SCALE: 1" 80 = L1.2 160 80'-0" Issued: 2013.03.01 Designed: )EM Approved: NP -l MONUMENT SIGN 'A'----.. - EXISTING DRY DETENTION TO REMAIN- 8 AMLI DEERFIELD: LANDSCAPE WALL & SIGN '81 - LOT AREA: 6.069 acres (264,366 sf) - 4 STORIES - 240 UNIT LUXURY RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT COMMUNITY 8 6 RECONFIGURED WILMOT ROAD__) ALIGNMENT TO SIGNAL CONTROLLED INTERSECTION FRONT DRIVE EXIT TO _ LAKE COOK ROAD '----<::RioATE PARKING ISLANDS TO SCREEN PARKING LOT & DIRECT TRAFFIC FLOW I f-- ___} 14 I 5 - One Bedroom 6 - One Bedroom 7 - One Bedroom 8 - One Bedroom 9 - One Bedroom 1 0 - One Bedroom/Den 11 -Two Bedroom 12- Two Bedroom 13- Two Bedroom 14- Two Bedroom 15- Two Bedroom/Den 16- Two Bedroom/Den --I I - 1627 LAKE COOK ROADOFFICE BUILDING (PARCEL 3) '--RFSIDENT PARKING ACCESS GARDEN TERRACE _ ___/ FOR GROUND FLOOR RESIDENTS 16 ~ ----J LOADING AREA-_/ (1 8' X 54') I I I 6 SF/Unit 527 575 QTY 17 5 4 16 16 21 653 679 879 806 806 854 3 60 4 4 868 916.5 9 58 3 8 4 8 1 '147 1 '178 1 '195 1,288 1,336 1,350 TOTAL I~ SF 8,959 2,875 2,612 10,864 14,064 16,926 2,418 51,240 3,472 3,666 1 0,323 68,324 3,585 10,304 5,344 10,800 240 225,776 UNIT AVG: 940.7sf PEDESTRIAN ACCESS-__/ SHARED PARKING EASEMENT TO BENEFIT PARCEL 3 (37 CARS) UNIT TYPE 1 -Studio 2 -Studio 3 - Convertible 4 - Convertible ---1 ' I f-- '--PERIMETER SIDEWALK/CARRIAGE WALK --I I PARKING CALCULATIONS: --I I REQUIRED: 405 CARS PROVIDED: 421 CARS (Total includes 37 cars in shared parking easement.) 15 l f-- 2 br units (2 cars/ unit): (90) units x (2) cars = 180 cars - AMLI DEERFIELD - f---- 17 LANDSCAPE WALL 'C1 ·'---.__ ---1 I WALL 'C2' Structure Parking= 277 cars Surface Parking= 144 cars studio & 1 br units (1.5 cars/ unit): (150) units x (1.5) cars = 225 cars LOT COVERAGE CALCULATIONS: BUILDING COVERAGE: 38.1% -MIDDLE ROADOPEN SPACE: 13.1% GIDWITZ PLACE DEE FIELD ~C~om~mu~ni~~p~~n~nm~g~~~~~~op~me~nt~&o~no-mk•,--------------------------------------------------------------~==~--------~ TESKA Site Design Landscape Architecture • • • 627 Grove Street Evanston, Illinois 60201 Tel 347.869.2015 Fax 347.869.2059 -SITE PLAN & DATA TABLE- 0 20 SCALE: 1" 40 = L1.0 80 40'-0" Issued: 2013.02.21 Designed: )EM Approved: NP -l A1< - - - E c EVERGREEN TREE DECIDUOUS CANOPY TREE SEE GROUP A 8 0 K R 0 A GROUP A NATURALIZED BASIN PlANTING _ _ / [r--- ORNAMENTAL TREE GROVE SEE GROUP A SHADE TREE 3" cal., 5$5 EXISTING DRY DETENTION TO REMAIN- G1nkgo b1lob:a ·Autumn Gold' TM I M:a1denh:a1r Tree Gled1ts1:a tr1:ac:anthos 1nerm1s • Sh:adem:aster' TM I Sh:adem:aster Locust Gymnocl:adus d1o1e<l ·Espresso' I Kentucky Coffeetree LANDSCAPE WALL & SIGN 'B1' - , -FRONTAGE ROAD- MONUMENT SIGN 'A' 8 ENTRY AND LAKE COOK ROAD CORRIDOR LANDSCAPE ORNAMENTAL TREE 8 feet 1n he1ght, 5$5 I Standard Form Cr:at:aegus crusg:all1 '1nterm1s' I Crusg:all1 H:avvthorn Fyrus c:allery:an:a ·Chanticleer' I Chanticleer Fear Syr1ng:a rebcul:at:a I J:ap:anese Tree Lilac EVERGREEN 8 to I 0 feet 1n he1ght F1ce:a gl:auc:a 'Dens:at:a' I Black Hill Spruce F1nus flex1l1s 'V:anderwolf's Fyr:am1d' I V:anderwolf's Fyr:am1d Fme LANDSCAPE WALL 'B2' GROUP 8 BUILDING FOUNDATION PLANTING SHADE TREE GROUNDCOVER/SHRUB FOUNDATION PLANTING' Mm. 30" he1ght. Aron1a arbutifol1a I Red Chokeberry Buxus m1crophylla 'Wintergreen' I Wintergreen Boxwood Cornus bailey1/ Red-tw1g Dogwood Cotoneaster ap1culatus/ Coral Beauty Cotoneaster Euonymus a latus 'Compactus' I Compact Burn1ng Hydrangea querc1fol1a I Oakleaf Hydrangea llex glabra 'Shamrock' I lnkberry Pachysandra term1nal1s/ Japanese Spurge Rhus aromatica I Fragrant Sumac Rhus aromatica 'Gro-Low' I Gro-Low Sumac R1bes alp1num I Alp1ne Currant Syr1nga patula 'M1ss K1m' I M1ss K1m L1lac Tax us x med1a 'Dens1form1s' I Dense Yew Tax us x med1a 'Everlow' I Everlow Yew 3" cal., 5$5, Columnar Form Acer freem:an11 ·Armstrong' I Freeman Maple Quercus robur 'Regal Fr1nce' I Regal Fr1nce Engl1sh Oak Ulmus x 'Frontier' I Frontier Elm FLOWERING ORNAMENTAL TREE AT RESIDENT ENTRY DOORS SEE GROUP B 1627 LAKE COOK ROAD OFFICE BUILDING (PARCEL 3) NARROW UPRIGHT DECIDUOUS TREE AT BUILDING FACADE SEE GROUP B ORNAMENTAL TREE 8 feet 1n he1ght, B!f.B Amelanch1er aln1fol1a I Serviceberry Malus x 'Spr1ng Snow' I Spr1ng Snow Crab Apple Syr1nga reticulata I Japanese Tree Lilac GROUP C OUTER PERIMETER LANDSCAPE SCREEN & SHADE PLANTING SHADE TREE 3" col , B~B Gled1ts1a s1nens1s/ Honey Locust Gymnocladus d1o1ca I Kentucky Coffee Tree HEDGE SCREEN' 3 b - 48" he1ght Cotoneaster acutifol1a I Fek1ng Cotoneaster Cotoneaster luc1dus I Hedge Cotoneaster Jun1perus x pf1tzer1ana 'Sea Green' I Sea Green Jun1per R1bes alp1num I Alp1ne Currant Syr1nga meyer1 'Fal1b1n' I Dwarf Korean Lilac Viburnum dentatum I Arrowwood Viburnum ORNAMENTAL TREE 8 feet 1n he1ght, B!f.B, For Screen1ng Carp1nus betulus I European Hornbeam Cornus mas 'Spr1ng Glow' I Cornel1an Cherry Dogwood Crataegus crusgall1 'lnerm1s' I Crusgall1 Havvthorn Viburnum prun1fol1um 'Blackhaw' I Blackhaw Viburnum 4' WIDE CARRIAGE WALK LEADING TO RESIDENT ENTRY DOORS RESIDENT GARDEN TERRACE ORNAMENTAL TREE SEE GROUP D DECIDUOUS CANOPY TREE SEE GROUPC SEE COURTYARD ENlARGEMENT EVERGREEN 8 to I 0 feet 1n he1ght Jun1perus c. 'Mountbatten' \ Mountbatten Jun1per F1cea pungens I Colorado Spruce F1nus flex1l1s 'Vanderwolf's Fyram1d' I Vanderwolf's Fyram1d Fme Thuja occ1dental1s/ Amer1can Arborv1t:ae GROUP D - AMLI DEERFIELD - CONIFEROUS EVERGREEN TREE SEE GROUPC LANDSCAPE WALL 'C1' -----.. COURTYARD PLANTING ORNAMENTAL TREE b to 8 feet 1n he1ght, B!f.B I For Shady Courtyard Acer tr1florum I Three Flowered Maple Amelanch1er aln1fol1a I Serviceberry Carp1nus carol1n1ana I Amer1can Hornbeam Cerc1s canadensis I Eastern Redbud Corn us altern1fol1a I Pagoda Dogwood Cornus mas/ Cornel1an Cherry Dogwood Hales1a carol1na I Snowdrop Tree Magnolia stellata I Star Magnolia Ostrya v1rg1n1ana I Amer1can Hophornbeam Farrotia pers1ca I Fers1an Farrotia OLE ROAD;=.., ---+ GIDWITZ PLACE EXISTING HONEYLOCUST TREES SHADE TREE WITHIN PARKING AREA n TESKA Community Planning Development Economics Site Design Landscape Architecture • • • 627 Grove Street Evanston, Illinois 60201 Tel 347.869.2015 Fax 347.869.2059 DEE FIELD 0 20 SCALE: 1" 40 = L1.1 80 40'-0" Issued: 2013.03.01 -PRELIMINARY SITE LANDSCAPE PLAN- Designed: )EM Approved: NP