Looking at Social Issues - Fundamental Baptist Fellowship
Looking at Social Issues - Fundamental Baptist Fellowship
1993 Looking at Social Issues FRONTLINE 200 N. Roselle Road Schaumburg, IL 60194 A Fundamental Baptist Fellowship Pa Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Schaumburg, IL Permit No. 740 From the President FRONTLINE Volume 3 • Number 5 THE JOURNAL OF THE FUNDAMENTAL BAPTIST FELLOWSHIP OF AMERICA PUBLISHER Dr. Rod Bell EDITOR Dr. Frank Bumpus BOARD MEMBERS Rev. Bacilio Alfaro Rev. Paul Anderson Dr. Rick Arrowood Rev. James Baker Dr. Charles Britt Dr. Gerald B. Carlson Dr. Ed Caughill Dr. B. Myron Cedarholm Dr. Marion Fast Dr. Collins Glenn Dr. Bill Hall Rev. Mike Harding Dr. David Ines Dr. Bob Jones, Ill Dr. Gary Jones Rev. Milton Jones Rev. Walter Kirk Dr. Gene Lasley Dr. Harry Love Dr. Greg McLaughlin Rev. Bennie Moran Dr. Fred Moritz Dr. Ed Nelson Dr. Les 011ila Rev. Mau Olson Rev. Roy Ormsby Dr. Monroe Parker Dr. Russell Rice Dr. Jim Singleton Rev. Bradley Smith Rev. Ken Stephens Dr. John Stevens Dr. Wayne Van Gelderen. Sr. Dr. Wayne Van Gelderen, Jr. Dr. John C. Vaughn Dr. Arno Q. Weniger, Jr. Dr. J. B. Williams Published bimonthly by The Fundamental Baptist Fellowship of America, 717 N. Whitehurst Landing Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23464. Advertising: For information contact Mike Moreau at (708) 885-3230 Ext. 3043. All advertising in FRONTLINE is for the sole purpose of sharing valuable resource materials with our readers. Although we carefully screen the materials, we are not giving a blanket endorsement of all products of any advertisers. Subscription Rates: $11.95 per year, $21.95 for two years. (Foreign subscriptions please add $5.00 per year.) Single copy: $2.50 plus postage. Unsolicited manuscripts and artwork accepted for review. COPYRIGHT 1993—FRONTLINE Magazine No materials may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission of the publishers. The inks used in the production of FRONTLINE are generously donated by INX Intemational Ink Co. of Elk Grove, Illinois. FRONTLINE Magazine 200 N. Roselle Road • Schaumburg, IL 60194 (708) 885-3230 Ext. 3033 The Pastor's Challenge Today Although thirty-three years of pastoring bring many fond memories of joys, victories and battles, some of the hardest times in my life have come from leading a soul to Christ out of Sodom and seeing the grave clothes of fleshly habits still hang on that soul. Therefore, it is imperative that pastors preach the Word with all its power and purity to get our people grounded so they can experience victory in their lives. As it was in the days of Lot, so will it be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man. We are living in those days. The biggest challenge facing pastors today is the deterioration of the home. The family unit is the very foundation of our society. Pastors and churches must build families who teach and develop Biblical philosophies in their homes. The average home is no more than a glorified boardinghouse for the children. Many times it is no more than a place to eat and sleep—with very little training, discipline or order. Pastors and churches must accept the responsibility of training parents to be godly. They must return to the basics of building strong families and having family altars. The television, news media and music do the teaching in the average home. Pastors must challenge their people to live godly, separated lives and to accept the responsibility of being parents. Lot discovered that Sodom was a good place to raise cattle but a poor place to raise children. He took his children from Sodom, but he could not take Sodom from his children. Therefore, it behooves every fundamental, Bible-believing Baptist pastor to pray, work and preach to help parents strengthen the home, because as the home goes, so go the church, the schools and the nation. The greatest challenge in the twentieth century is to build strong, godly Christian homes—homes that will produce young people to be pastors, missionaries, evangelists and full-time Christian workers. There is no such thing in Dr. Rod Bell America today as "close family living." Children are no longer close to their relatives. In many instances, children have substituted neighbors for relatives and friends. They have even bestowed upon them titles such as "Aunt" or "Uncle." Fathers are spending more time on their jobs, and mothers are working outside the home to supplement the income. Children know very little about family life. They are no longer cared for by a trusted aunt or grandmother but by the "girl next door" or the chief babysitter. The parents need to get their priorities straight and realize that children are "an heritage of the LORD" (Ps. 127:3). It is the parents' responsibility to pass on godly family values, which are the very fiber and soul of our nation. The challenges pastors face today are to build strong godly families, to encourage our congregations, and to return to basic Christian teachings, because we are living in the age of Lot. FRONTLINE • Fall 1993 FRONTLINE Features Environmentalism: The Myth of Impending Disaster Features Departments 9 Biblical Viewpoint Layton Talbert 18 At a Glance 22 Ladies' Circle 13 Linda Harper A Godly Mother's Admonition to Her Daughter An Honest Look at the Lottery and Gambling 15 Ken Pulliam Reviews Living Under Caesar Mark Simmons Principles from Scripture on how a Christian should respond to a godless government. 10 Does the Bible Condone Alcoholic Beverages? Gary Reimers An examination of the history of wines in ancient times and the significance of the Bible's references to them. 22 Interesting Bible Facts 24 Focus Current Events of Interest to Believers 26 Finances For the Wise and Otherwise Fall • 1993 Special Report Homosexual activists in San Francisco besiege fundamental church. The Bitter Fruits of Ecumenism Wilson Ewin Many evangelicals are teaching that there is no difference between the true gospel and the gospel of Roman Catholicism. But is this really true? 20 28 The Myth of Impending Disaster he rising environmental consciousness of this century has focused attention on several legitimate concerns. No compassionate or thoughtful person wants to ignore the degradation of the earth God created. Many in the environmental movement have resorted to misrepresentative, misinterpreted, inflated or altogether fabricated "information" to advance their concerns. While the environmental sensitivity of some people is genuine, many are clearly motivated by an ulterior agenda: paganistic New Age objectives, anti-human animal rights activism and even blatantly anti-capitalistic socialistic ideologies.' The environment is a ubiquitous issue confronting all of us. If Christians do not cultivate a discerning grasp of the facts, adopt a Biblically informed perspective on the environment and understand their Biblically defined relationship to it, they will likely fall prey to one of two attitudes: (1) an irresponsible, fatalistic mentality that ignores legitimate concerns and duties, or (2) a gullible, undiscerning espousal of ideas and activities that are antithetical to Scriptural revelation. Getting the Facts Straight Many have forgotten that just a few years ago global warming was not a threat. In fact, it was not even a theory. The impending environmental doom of which we were warned as early as 1968 was not a rise in the earth's temperature, but the onset of a new ice age! This view was officially adopted and publicized by the U.S. Academy of Sciences only 16 years ago!' Now glaciers are out, and global warming is in. Many eco-scientists prophesied that the oil well fires set by Saddam Hussein in Kuwait would take years to extinguish and result in widespread drought and famine in Africa and Asia. The fires were extinguished in a matter of months, and the famine expectations proved to be illusory. Press releases this summer chronicled satellite data which demonstrates that estimations of the rate of the deforestation of South American jungles were exagger- ated by two or three times. Similarly, reports of a mysterious sheep blindness in South America attributed to ultraviolet radiation seeping through the allegedly thinning ozone layer turned out to be nothing more mysterious than pinkeye. Natural volcanic activity belches more ozone-depleting materials into the earth's atmosphere yearly than centuries' worth of the world's peak production of CFCs'. The simple reason the earth's ozone layer has not, and will not, be destroyed is that the ozone is naturally created and replenished by a rather commonly recurring phenomenon— sunlight. Christians should be aware of the ideological bias that motivates much of the environmental movement and should measure every claim and warning against the objective evaluation of Scripture. Returning to a Biblical Understanding of Our Place in God's Creation Distinctively Christian Responses Distinctly Missing We read and hear about the devastation of South American rain forests (previously known as jungles), ozone "holes" (a popular misnomer), large scale extinction of species, and global warming—in short, the systematic destruction of our "fragile" planet. The book market has been steadily burgeoning to meet the growing interest in the environment. Unfortunately, current Christian treatments of this subject are seriously deficient. Some are positively misguided and dangerously misleading. Probably the most popular of these Christian environmental works advises Christians in how to "rescue the earth without worshipping nature."' The book reflects a dismaying dearth of solid, Biblical justification for the author's position and an alarming misrepresentation of Scripture when it is cited. More scholarly works veer into theologically fuzzy language. Some view the Bible as a "kind of ecological book—a manual helping believers to live rightly on earth."' Another "Christian" book on the environment advances the notion that the traditional Judeo-Christian view FRONTLINE Fall 1993 Layton Talbert 3 of God "as all-powerful King" may have a harmful effect on people's view of creation, causing us to shift the burden and responsibility for its welfare onto God. This author's solution is that people may need to alter their view of God. He also rejects the Genesis account of creation in favor of evolutionary theory, and he implies that the economic solution to earth's environmental ills involves a shift from a capitalistic mentality to a more socialistic structure.' The Biblical Emphasis: Conscientious Stewardship The Bible contains a wealth of material pertaining to the environment and its relationship to us and to God. A Biblical perspective on environmental issues takes into account the following Scriptural principles. 1. God created the earth and all things on it and has appointed man as His steward over it (Gen. 1:26-28; 9:1-7; Ps. 8:3-9; Rom. 1:25). The Bible declares, "The earth is the LORD'S" (Ps. 24:1; 50:10-12). The Christian view of the environment must be grounded in the truth of creation and its implications of divine ownership. At the same time, we must take full account of the Creator's decree placing us as stewards of the earth. At his creation, man was granted "dominion over" God's creation and charged with the privilege and responsibility of ruling that creation. Man exercised a benevolent dominion/stewardship. The Fall and Flood did not alter that position and charge. Though the relationship was altered to an adversarial dominion/ stewardship, the animal and plant creation was given into man's hand for his use (Gen. 9:2, 3). A steward does not actually possess the objects under his stewardship but responsibly manages what belongs to the Owner.' The twin realities of divine ownership and human stewardship must keep one another in check. 2. God designed the diversity of the earth and its environment to 4 magnify His glory. The chief end of creation is to glorify the Creator. Psalm 19 affirms that the celestial creation is intended to "declare the glory of God" and to show "His handiwork." Likewise, the enormous diversity and complexity of the terrestrial creation reflects the incomparable wisdom and power of God (Neh. 9:6; Ps. 104:2; Jer. 10:12). This fact has ramifications for preserving and wisely managing natural environments. It is important, not only aesthetically but also spiritually, for man to have access to those aspects of nature that God intends to magnify His presence and glory. God's charge to Adam in the Garden is also instructive (Gen. 2:15). Adam was to cultivate it and to keep it. Stewardship duties involve a balance between management and preservation, cultivation and protection, not only for the benefit of man but also for the glory of God. 3. God has a structured hierarchy of priorities that values man more highly than animals or plants. Genesis 1:26-28, 9:1-7 and Psalm 8:3-8 state that plants and animals are part of the creation BAPTIST WORLD MISSION P.O. Box 1463 • Decatur, AL 35602 Stability - Dr. Monroe Parker • On the board since 1961 • General Director since 1969 • Board members average 15 years of service Stand - Since 1961 Baptist World Mission: • Stands for a Baptist, Fundamental witness • Stands against New Evangelicalism, Ecumenism and all compromise Strategy — Baptist World Mission is: • Committed to soul-winning • Committed to planting New Testament churches Dr. Monroe Parker General Director FRONTLINE Fall 1993 Dr. Fred Moritz Executive Director Rev. Ron Brooks Field Director over which God has assigned man stewardship. Even when God exercises His right to destroy portions of His creation, His purpose of either judging or blessing man is invariably at the center of the action. In addition, the entire Old Testament sacrificial system is structured on the premise of the substitutionary death of "innocent" animals for the spiritual welfare of man (Lev. 17). The psalmist notes that whereas God often permits animals to suffer need, people who seek the Lord will not lack any good thing (Ps. 34:10). Jesus plainly indicated that mankind is worth more in God's eyes than animals (Matt. 6:26), and He did not hesitate to permit the harming of animal or plant life for the spiritual welfare and instruction of man (Matt. 8:28-32; 21:18, 19). God's primary concern throughout Scripture is for man to have dominion over beast and plant, and we Christians must model that priority in our value system. 4. God cares for His creation with intimate delight and concern. Despite the priority God places upon man, Scripture graphically portrays God's care for and great pleasure in His creation (Job 38:26, 27; Ps. 104:10-14; 25-28; Jonah 4:11; Matt. 6:26-30; 10:29). God's covenant with Noah not to destroy the earth again by flood contains a fascinating and often overlooked detail. God repeatedly specifies that the parties with whom He entered into this covenant include not only man but also "every living creature . of all flesh" and even "the earth" itself (Gen. 9:10-17). 5. God takes human despoliation of the environment seriously. God pronounced judgment on nations for needless devastation of the natural environment (Isa. 14:7, 8, 20; Jer. 51:25; Hab. 2:17). Intentional exploitation and thoughtless despoliation of the environment is not dominion but vandalism. While God's curse rests on those who "[worship] and [serve] the creature more than the Creator" (Rom. 1:25), Scripture equally affirms that God will "destroy [those] which destroy the earth" (Rev. 11:18). The overall context of Revelation clarifies why. Christ will do so at His Second Advent because He is returning to lay claim to the earth and its inhabitants as His rightful possession and inheritance (Ps. 2:8; Rev. 11:15-18; Luke 19:12). Man "destroys"8 the earth not only through his misuse and abuse of it, but also by his depravity as it is played out in sinful acts that bring God's judgment on him and the earth (Rev. 6, 8, 9, 16-19). Romans 8:18-23 hints at the liberating ramifications Christ's redemptive work will have for the subhuman creation itself when that redemption is fully realized. Creation will one day be freed from its bondage to "corruption" or decay (a root noun form of the verb "destroy" in Rev. 11:18)—the bondage induced by man's fall and depravity. In Brief Environmentalism from a Biblical Perspective 1. God created the earth and all things on it and has appointed man as His steward over it. 2. God designed the diversity of the earth and its environment to magnify His glory. 3. God has a structured hierarchy of priorities that values man more highly than animals or plants. 4. God cares for His creation with intimate delight and concern. 5. God takes human despoliation of the environment seriously. 6. God expects man to be prudent and non-wasteful in his use of environmental resources. 7. God will not allow man to destroy the earth. 8. God alone reserves and exercises the right to destroy the environment He created. FRONTLINE Fall 1993 6. God expects man to be prudent and non-wasteful in his use of environmental resources. Amidst a growing anti-hunting sentiment in America, the implications of Scripture are clear: Man retains the right to manage and harvest the environment, including animals, for his benefit and use (Gen. 9:2, 3). At the same time, God requires that man use well what he takes. Scriptural principle censures the wasting of resources (Prov. 12:27). God also gave Israel positive principles for the wise resource management of flora and fauna (Deut. 20:19, 20; 22:6, 7). 7. God will not allow man to destroy the earth. "Destroy" is used here in the sense of total or final destruction. Regarding the notion that man can in a few short years destroy this vast and stable planet, someone has observed tersely, "What intoxicating vanity!" Our view of history is often arrogantly shortsighted. The threat of global warming, which warns of an impending unstable environment in which distinct seasons are virtually non-existent, is explicitly antiBiblical. God promised that the continuous cycle of distinctive seasons will persist as long as the earth exists (Gen. 8:22). Despite the contention that man will destroy himself and his world, Scripture affirms that God will not permit man to destroy His creation—He reserves the right to do that in His time and in His way. The earth is not a fragile planet whose delicate balance we threaten to capsize. It is ancient, self-cleansing, self-rejuvenating and quite stable (Ps. 104:5). 8. God alone reserves and exercises the right to destroy the environment He created. He did so universally in the Flood (Gen. 68). He did so locally in Egypt (Exod. 7-12). He does so today through natural disasters. He will do so on an unprecedented scale in what the book of Revelation describes as the Great Tribulation (Rev. 5-16). From an environmental perspective, perhaps the most 5 astonishing aspect of the devastating seal, trumpet and bowl judgments described in the pages of the Apocalypse, is the fact that the earth still survives in spite of it all! In fact, the planet goes on to blossom globally into unparalleled fruitfulness and abundance for another millennium. End Notes 1 For an insightful analysis of environmentalism's propensity to socialism, pseudo-scientific alarmism, anti-capitalism and anti-human thinking see E. Calvin Beisner's "Environmentalism or Stewardship?" in Crosswinds, Fall 1992, pp. 60-68. Conclusion The environmental issue constantly confronts Christians in virtually all forms of media challenging traditional ideas and values. It is essential that Christians adopt a position substantiated by Scripture in order to avoid either a careless irresponsibility that ignores legitimate stewardship obligations or a naive gullibility that will cause us to drift from our Biblical responsibility. Christians can have confidence in— and derive direction from—the reliable revelation and sound principles of the One who will one day return to reclaim, renew, rule and finally remake the earth. • Dr. Layton Talbert is a freelance writer living in Greenville, South Carolina. John F. McManus, "Nothing More Than Hot Air," The New American (June 1, 1992), p. 7. 2 'Former Atomic Energy Commission Chairman Dr. Dixy Lee Ray explains this subject in Robert W. Lee's "Ozone 'Hole': The Prize EcoScam," The New American, July 26, 1993. Dr. Ray's books Trashing the Planet and Environmental Overkill, drop a scientific bombshell on the alarmist claims of environmental activists. Tony Campolo, How to Rescue the Earth without Worshipping Nature. Campolo relies heavily on Greek Orthodox theology and on liberal Roman Catholic theologian Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. His chapter purporting to investigate what theologians and the Bible have to say about environmental issues cites only four passages and seriously mishandles Scripture. Calvin B. DeWitt; The Environment and the Christian. 5 Shantilal P. Bhagat, Creation in Crisis: Responding to God's Covenant. 7 Dr. Henry Morris has a helpful discussion of man's stewardship relationship to the creation in "The Bible, Creation, and Ecology," No. 221 in the Impact series available from the Institute for Creation Research. 8 "Destroy" is an infrequent Greek verb that has the idea of ruining or despoiling. Its root form often has a moral-ethical connotation of corruption. This form, combined with the object "earth," is best taken not in an exclusively physical sense (as Christian environmental writers typically use it), but as including the physical and moral corruption that man brings on God's creation through his depravity. Great gift ideas for the holidays Film Features Flame in the Wind This drama about heroic Christian faith is set in the splendor and terror of Spain during the Inquisition. (2:00:00) 014231 839.95 Red Runs the River This is the story of two wars—one in a man's heart, the other on Civil War battlefields. (1:30:00) 030551 $39.95 Sheffey The true story of a mountain preacher's compassion for souls and commitment to God through both blessings and trials. (2:15:00) 044743 $49.95 Wine of Morning A story of bloodshed and shipwreck, love and redemption, tracing the life of Barabbas, the young murderer the mob releases rather than Christ. 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(49:00) 062679 $24.95 Shipping & tax are additional. 6 FRONTLINE • Fall 1993 To order by phone or for mail order instructions, call toll-free 1-800-845.5731 In Greenville, S.C., call 242-5100, ext. 3300. a BOB JONES UNIVERSITY PRESS Customer Services, Greenville, SC 29614-0062 P78 G od has ordained three institutions (or spheres) of authority for the proper administration of society: the home (domestic authority), the church (spiritual authority) and the state (civil authority). To each institution He has delegated His authority. The following diagram illustrates this concept: The three circles illustrate the three spheres of authority and their overlapping relationships with one another. God, symbolized by the large circle, is the source of authority behind all three ins ti tu ti ons . He exercises authority in areas outside the boundaries of the three institutions. When one of these institutions extends its authority beMark Simmons yond its boundary, it unjustly treads upon God's authority. Since God is the source of all authority, the ChrisHow Should tian obeys God by submitting to a Christian Respond Consequently, the basis of obeHis institutions. to a Godless dience to all three of the institutions The hierarchy of authority Government? is the source of the institution's auwithin the business world serves as thority. In the case of each of the an excellent analogy of this Scripinstitutions, the Christian's ultimate obligation is always tural truth. When the president of a company functions obedience to God. as the ultimate authority, he has delegated his authority When the Christian obeys the state, he is actually to many representatives among his staff. All the repreobeying God because the state is only exercising author- sentatives administer the president's authority within ity that God has delegated to it. Therefore, the Christian's their own well-defined boundaries. When a vice presiobligation to obey the state (and other God-ordained dent gives orders, those orders come down with the authorities) rests upon his obligation to obey God. The authority of the president, because the president has Christian demonstrates his obedience to God by obeying delegated his authority to the vice president. However, God's authority exercised by the state. should the vice president attempt to order his managers God has, however, circumscribed the state's author- to do something outside the realm of his authority, his ity with well-defined boundaries. The state exercises orders lose their presidential authority. The managerial God's authority as long as it restricts its operations and staff's obligation to obey the president and his authority decrees to its Scripturally delineated boundaries. When remains at the expense of the vice president's contrary the state extends its authority beyond the boundaries orders. that God has established, its divine authority terminates. The Christian honors God's authority by obeying all As the Christian obeyed God through obedience to the the institutions that exercise His authority. When God's state's authority (when it operated within its bound- institutions and representatives of authority disregard aries), now the Christian obeys God by disregarding the Him, they claim authority they do not possess and unscriptural extension of the state's authority beyond expect obedience that is not due to them. Hence, generGod's established boundaries. Since the Christian's ulti- ally speaking, the Christian's sacred responsibility is to mate obedience is always to God, the Christian continues obey the state. However, on occasion, the Christian's obeying God at the state's expense. The real difficulty in equally sacred responsibility may be to demonstrate his the relationship between the Christian and the state is not obedience to God by disobeying the conflicting decrees in the Christian's disobedience of the state, but in the of the state. state's disobedience of God. The following diagram illusThe next question that arises is, "Then where does trates these principles of authority. civil disobedience come in?" There are two kinds of civil Living under Caesar FRONTLINE • Fall 1993 7 disobedience: direct civil disobedience and indirect civil disobedience. Indirect civil disobedience is violating a law that has no connection with the law someone feels compelled to disobey. For example, to protest the state's stand and funding of abortion, people from all across America could come for a rally on the The Bible characters did not violate laws they did not like or laws they did not think were fair or laws that they had personal convictions about. They were being commanded to violate the 21st Annual Pastors' & Youth Workers' FITness Conference • Fundamentals of Philosophy... • Insights into Problems... • Techniques of Programming... ...Of Youth Work March 1-4,1994 Guest Speakers: Dr. Tom Farrell • Dr. Frank Hamrick • Pastor Bob Kelley Dr. Greg Mazak • Dr. Les Ollila • Pastor Keith Scott Ken Hay • Ken Collier • Rand Hummel Special Features Include: Special Workshop Tracks for Senior Pastors and Ladies Bob Jones University Faculty Men's Choir Music Concert general Sessions • Funtime • Fellowship clear command of Scripture. Mackinac Bridge connecting Michigan's upper peninsula with the rest of the state. Traffic would come to a grinding halt! The nation's attention would be focused on the protesters and their cause. They would be violating Scripture. In this case, there is no connection between the law they are protesting and the law they have violated. That is why it is called indirect civil disobedience. There is no record of this kind of civil disobedience anywhere in the Bible. On the other hand, there are several references to direct civil disobedience. This could be defined as directly and willfully violating a law or decree issued by the state. The Hebrew midwives saved the male children. Daniel prayed when forbidden. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refused to worship the image prepared by Nebuchadnezzar. Peter and John continued to preach although they were forbidden. The key thread in all the examples is twofold. First, the disobedience was always direct, never indirect (violating one law to protest a different unjust law). Second, the law issued by the state was in direct violation of the clear command of the Scripture. The Bible characters did not violate laws they did not like or laws they did not think were fair or laws that they had personal convictions about. They were being commanded to violate the clear command of Scripture. Civil disobedience to the Christian is a last resort, not a first option. When the state is asking us to violate our conscience and the clear teaching of Holy Writ, we seek all opportunities of legal recourse first. When those fail, we are left with Peter's response as he was jailed for preaching and was released on the condition that he could not preach, "We ought to obey God rather than men" (Acts 5:29). II Dr. Mark Simmons is the pastor of Marquette Manor Baptist Church in Downers Grove, Illinois. 8 FRONTLINE Fall 1993 CHRISTIAN CAMP & CONFERENCE CENTER In the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina For more information about either of these exciting and informative programs, write or phone THE WILDS, P.O. Box 796, Taylors, SC 29687-0796 (803)268-4760 or FAX (803)292-0743. Music Seminar Glorifying God with Excellence in Christian Music January 4-7,1994 Guest Speakers: Glenn & Jan Christianson • Tim Fisher • Dr. Frank Garlock Terry Hamilton • Faye Lopez • Dr. Mark Minnick Larry Robbins • Andy Taylor • Mac Lynch Special Features Include: Daily workshops • Q&A Forums • Free Music Samples Chapel Time • Music Publishing Distributors This exciting program is open to pastors, musicians, and laymen interested in one of the most important facets of the Christian worship service—music! We will focus not only on the "bows" of ministering, but the "whys" as well. Daily discussions will be held on techniques, problems, tools, budgets, time constraints, and more. Don't miss this time to fellowship with other music-minded Christians and publishing companies. BIBLICAL VIEWPOINT By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them Norman Pyle In 1988, Democratic presidential candidate Mike who openly kissed and pawed her girl friend, a muDukakis was politically wounded when he admitted nicipal court judge from San Francisco, in a gay rights he was a "card-carrying member" of the American parade. She cost the Boy Scouts hundreds of thouCivil Liberties Union. Today the ACLU is "in." Not sands of dollars in support because they refused to only card-carrying members, but also those who had approve homosexual scout masters. held high positions with the far-left organization are HHS Secretary Donna Shalala accused by the now going to hold high positions in the federal gov- sodomites of being a lesbian, has appointed a gay ernment as well, enabling them to shape U.S. foreign activist as her assistant for public affairs and the and defense policy. media. He has opportunity to Harvard University Vice President John Shattuck, work with the White House Shattuck for instance, has been named assistant secretary of and 250 government proisn't the only state for human rights. The position is important grams. Shalala also appointed because the person who holds that job plays a crucial a lesbian ACLU lawyer as a ACLU bigwig to role in deciding which countries violate human rights, counsel for HHS. be offered a key which nations, in short, should receive our blessings Robert Hattoy, the White role in the and largess and which will receive sanctions. House's most prominent hoWho is Shattuck? Shattuck, also a lecturer at mosexual, is an associate perClinton Harvard Law School, headed the Washington office sonnel director and oversees Administration. of the ACLU from 1971 to 1984, when that organiza- the search and screening protion was hell-bent on crippling this nation's policy of cess for potential hires in fedconfronting the Soviet threat abroad and scrutinizing eral agencies in jobs throughout the administrapro-Communist revolutionary groups at home. Shattuck isn't the only ACLU bigwig to be offered tion. Homosexuals call him their "mole" (Calv ry a key role in the Clinton Administration. Martin Contender 7/15). Halperin has been named as a top assistant to DeJudge Ruth Bader Ginsberg has just been confense Secretary Les Aspin. firmed to the U.S. Supreme Court. Judge Robert Bork Halperin is no "New said that she was probably the best we could expect Democrat." He is a far-left from the Clintons. She is a feminist, former ACLU The ACLU is "in" civil libertarian who made executive and a solid supporter of homosexuality and ... those who had his mark during the Cold unrestricted abortion. How good can you get? held high positions War attempting to underJoycelyn Elders, the Arkansas condom queen, is the Clintons' choice for Surgeon General. Her spemine America's key nawith the far-left tional security agencies, cialty in Arkansas was pushing sex education on organization are including the CIA, the FBI those four years old and older. Ever since sex educaand the Pentagon. tion was introduced in the '60s and '70s, teen pregnannow going to hold cies and venereal diseases have gone through the As the director of the high positions in ACLU's Washington of- roof. Dr. Elders ridicules those opposed to abortion. the federal govern- fice, Halperin has chamThomas Payzant, another sodomite supporter and pioned the activities of Boy Scout basher from California, was recently conment as wall. Philip Agee, the pro-Com- firmed as Assistant Secretary of Education. munist CIA renegade, tesSheldon Hackney, commissar of "political cortified on behalf of rectness" as president of the University of Pennsylva"Pentagon Papers" leaker Daniel Ellsberg and gener- nia, is the new chairman of the National Endowment ally waged an unholy war against American's intel- for the Humanities. ligence community. We now have a very clear picture of the moral Many in the national security field are outraged standards and agenda of this current administration. that Halperin—who has backed the most brazen and As Matthew 7:20 instructs us, "by their fruits ye shall damaging intelligence leaks and leakers —will now know them." have access to our most supersensitive Pentagon secrets (Human Events 3/20 and 2/13). This is an excerpt from A Christian View of the News, Roberta Achtenberg was appointed as Clinton's which is compiled and edited by Norman Pyle, pastor of highest fair housing officer. She is an avowed lesbian Bible Baptist Church in Riverdale, Georgia. FRONTLINE • Fall 1993 9 Does the Bible Condone Alcoholic Beverages • F undamentalists find themselves in a difficult and awkward position concerning alcoholic beverages. By instinct, tradition and Biblical principle they are convinced that believers should abstain entirely. Yet that position is under strong attack today by others who also claim to believe the Bible. Among new-evangelicals the trend is toward "social drinking" as an acceptable practice for Christians, and they point to the Word of God for support. Besides numerous Old Testament passages that speak favorably of wine (Judg. 9:13; Ps. 104:15; Gen. 14:18), the New Testament seems to permit the use of wine, even for church leaders (1 Tim. 3:8; 5:23). The only Biblical restriction, according to this position, is excessive drinking that leads to drunkenness. How should we respond to these arguments? Must we leave the matter to "personal convictions"? Or is there a standard for God's people to follow? As always, the fundamentalist must turn to the Bible for the answers. The Practices of Drinking The first step in coming to a Biblical view of alcoholic beverages is to interpret the Bible historically. Was wine in the Bible the same as wine today? In other words, we must be sure we are comparing the proverbial "apples to apples" (or in this case "grapes to grapes"). 4 Alcoholic Beverages in the Ancient World by far the easiest way to deal with this issue is to deny the alcoholic content of wine in the Bible. Perhaps it was only fresh grape juice. Unfortunately the Bible will not support that conclusion. The usual words for wine in the Bible occur in some contexts that demand an alcoholic content. For instance, without the presence of alcohol to fight bacteria, there would be no benefit in pouring wine on open wounds (Luke 10:34) or in treating stomach disorders (1 Tim. 5:23). Furthermore, there would be no possibility of intoxication (Gen. 9:21; Prov. 23:29-35; Eph. 5:18). With the possible exception of fruit of the vine, no Biblical terms clearly and consistently distinguish fermented wine from unfermented Gary Reimers 10 FRONTLINE Fall 1993 such as vodka or gin, has as much as 40 juice. In fact, without refrigeration or percent alcohol. Even beer, produced by pressurized bottling, unfermented grape fermentation of cereal grains, contains 4 juice was available only immediately afto 7 percent alcohol. While this amount ter grape harvest. Fermentation is a natural process that approximates the amount in naturally fermented wine, it is of course never ditakes place when grape juice comes into contact with the yeast released from bro- luted. In fact, each of these modern categories of alcoholic beverages, when ken grape skins (during the treading of consumed in their standard serving grapes). Under normal conditions the resizes, contain about the same amount of sulting wine will contain no more than seven percent alcohol. According to secu- alcohol. That is, an average drink = 5 ounces of wine = 12 ounces of beer = 1 lar authorities, people in Bible times 1/2 ounces of whiskey = 0.6 ounces of would dilute this wine, usually with two pure alcohol. That would be about three parts water, reducing the alcohol to less times the alcohol contained in an 8 ounce Encyclopedia Amerithan 2 1/z percent (see cana, 1989, Vol. 29, pp. 44, 45). The reason cup of diluted wine in Bible times. Clearly wine today is not the same as for this mixture of wine was very practical: pure drinking water was scarce. Even wine in the Bible. A second important difference is the today travelers to the Holy Land must be purpose for using alcoholic beverages. In careful about drinking the water. People Bible times the purpose was to purify in the ancient world discovered that the drinking water. In our world good alcohol in wine killed enough of the drinking water is usually available. Inharmful bacteria to make the water acstead, most people who drink alcoholic ceptable. The resulting mixture, howbeverages today do so either because ever, was more like water than wine. At they like the effect of the alcohol or bethis alcohol level the average person cause they want to be accepted by othwould have to consume nearly a gallon of the mixture to become intoxicated. The ers. Alcohol today is not so much a same is true for other varieties of wine in beverage as it is a planned intoxicant— the Bible. "Mixed wine" (Prov. 23:30) was exactly the use prohibited in the Bible. With the higher levels of alcohol, intoxiwine flavored with herbs, and "strong cation and even alcohol dependence can drink" (Deut. 14:26; Luke 1:15) was the be difficult to avoid. Currently there are fermented juice of other fruits (strong rean estimated 10 million alcoholics in the fers to the flavor, not the alcoholic content). In every case, the wine was diluted United States and another 10 million are categorized as problem drinkers. Nawith water. It is the use of undiluted tional surveys reveal that alcohol is inwine, with its deep red color, that Scripvolved in as many as 65 percent of the ture condemns as dangerous (Prov. murders committed in the United States, 23:31). 50 percent of the assaults, 35 percent of Alcoholic Beverages rapes, 55 percent of domestic violence, in the Modern World 60 percent of child abuse cases and 60 percent of all traffic fatalities. The use of While the goal in the ancient world alcohol in our society is a raging menace, was to reduce the alcohol content of bevfar different from anything imagined, erages, the modern world has sought permitted or encouraged in the Bible. ways to increase it. Standard table wines have as much as 14 percent alcohol due to the addition of extra yeast and the con- The Problems of Drinking Both in the ancient world and in the trol of the heat generated by the fermenmodern world there were and are seritation process. Of course, wine is not ous problems associated with alcohol. diluted today so that modern wine has The Bible recognizes these problems and more than five times as much alcohol as urges God's people to avoid them. the diluted wine of the ancient world. Furthermore, fortified wines such as port Personal Problems or sherry have alcohol added, resulting in Those who love wine are susceptible an alcoholic content of 18 to 24 percent. to loss of resources (Prov. 21:17) as they Hard liquor produced by distillation, FRONTLINE • Fall 1993 Alcohol today is not so much a beverage as it is a planned intoxicant—exactly the use prohibited in the Bible. 11 God's Word associates serious spiritual problems with the use of alcohol—problems that ought to make any believer shudder. spend their money and time on its purchase and pleasure. The annual consumption of alcoholic beverages in the United States has reached 2.7 gallons of pure alcohol for every person 14 years of age or older, the equivalent of 591 beers each, a substantial financial expenditure. The use of alcohol also causes the loss of discernment. Isaiah knew of individuals who "erred through strong drink, they are swallowed up of wine, they are out of the way through strong drink; they err in vision, they stumble in judgment" (Isa. 28:7). Modern medical research has proven that even a few drinks impair mental ability. The loss of control is probably the most dangerous result of alcohol use. Even a godly individual like Noah found that alcohol can lead to sin, shame and family divisions (Gen. 9:21). Today the loss of control seen in drunken driving is a serious problem facing our nation. Spiritual Problems God's Word associates serious spiritual problems with the use of alcohol— problems that ought to make any believer shudder. First, wine is on the same level with sexual immorality in its ability to turn the heart of a person away from the Lord (Hos. 4:11). That is, it can cause a lack of love for God. Second, it can promote a lack of service for God. Matthew 24:48-51 pictures a servant who loses sight of the Lord's return and turns to drinking instead of fulfilling his service for the Master. Third, the abuse of alcohol can indicate a lack of relationship with the Lord. Drunkards are regularly included in the New Testament lists of those who shall not "inherit the kingdom of God" (1 Cor. 6:10). Should God's people be playing with such a dangerous substance? Together with the pleasures and cares of this life, drunkenness can dampen our expectation and weaken our preparation of Christ (Luke 21:34). Do not let alcohol divert your attention from Christ! The influence of alcohol on our lives is not the only consideration. Given the weakness and inability of so many to withstand and control the effects of alcohol, God commands us to abstain lest we corrupt others (Rom. 14:21). Do not let alcohol destroy your brother! Certainly no one ever took his first drink expecting or planning to become an alcoholic. There is a subtle deception about alcohol that leads people to believe that nothing bad will happen to them. Scripture says the one who believes that lie is a fool (Prov. 20:1). Do not let alcohol deceive you! Specific Prohibitions While the Bible does not prohibit the use of wine for people in general (assuming the proper dilution), there are three classes of people for whom no amount of alcohol is allowed. The priests serving in the tabernacle were not to use alcohol lest it hinder their ability to communicate the truth of God's Word to others (Lev. 10:911). Kings were not to use alcohol lest it distort their ability to discern what is right (Prov. 31:4, 5). Nazarites were not to use alcohol lest it deter their dedication to the Lord (Num. 6:3). Those are not outdated Old Testament categories. God has designated us "kings and priests" (Rev. 1:5, 6) and calls on us to dedicate ourselves to serve Him (Luke 9:23). Certainly God's standards for His kings, priests and dedicated servants today are at least as high as they were then. The only question is, "Are we willing to submit to His will and His Word?" Consider carefully the apostle Paul's exhortation: The Prohibitions of Drinking So far it is clear that alcoholic beverages come with a serious set of problems that would seem to be sufficient to convince any believer to abstain. Scripture also contains some clear commands concerning drinking that turn this issue into a matter of obedience or disobedience. Dr. Gary R. Reimers is the pastor of Heritage Baptist Church in Dover, New Hampshire. 12 General Prohibitions Christ frequently warned His disciples to be alert for His Second Coming. FRONTLINE • Fall 1993 The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof (Rom. 13:12-14). • Ladies' Circle A Godly Mother's Admonition to Her Daughter Linda Harper A s I have reflected over the years, God impressed me to share the following principles. I have found them to foster a faith in God that will stand the test of time. The godly woman learns to be submissive, trusting God to take care of her. Submission comes out of a genuine desire to please another. It implies a quiet confidence that God will work out everything in His time and for His glory, whether she understands it or not. Genuine submission fosters exactly the kind of love and honor every woman needs from her family. However, submission is not always easy. At times she is absolutely sure she is right, but God's Word applies even in those situations. A woman who discreetly and gently offers advice, who lives daily according to the Word and who reflects wisdom in other areas of her life will often find that her family develops absolute trust in her judgment (Eph. 5; Rom. 8:28). Learn to maintain a healthy body, since your physical health directly influences your spiritual life. The godly woman should handle well any tool God has given her to use. She should not complain continuously about her minor discomforts and ailments. Her family soon tires of listening to a daily recital of discomforts. A woman can maintain a healthy body by (1) resting in the Lord, (2) praising the Lord in everything, (3) putting variety into life and (4) obeying God in everything He gives to do. Those four things will take away many of the stresses and cares that create physical problems (Deut. 7:12-15; Prov. 4:20-23; 1 Cor. 6:19, 20). Learn to solve problems creatively and to be diligent in all your responsibilities. The godly woman should study the characteristics of the virtuous woman of Proverbs 31 who "eateth not the bread of idleness" (v. 27). This woman rises while it is night to serve her family; she brings her food from afar; she is strong and makes wise judgments; she stretches out her hand to the poor; she is not afraid her family will be cold, because she has made clothes for them; she opens her mouth with wisdom; and her husband praises her. This woman fears the Lord, and He gives her the "fruit of her hands." Learn to present the gospel in a manner that many will accept Christ as Savior. The godly woman seeks to win others to the Lord. She does this by prayer, by diligent study, by faith that God will lead and guide in all interactions with others, and by taking advantage of opportunities God gives to witness. Learn to laugh. The godly woman should not make such a serious business of living that she neglects the delightful nonsense and laughter that eases the load and sweetens the hours for her family. Being a good wife and homemaker takes practice. Just as in any other great profession, you will have some failures and foolishness along the way, so please learn to laugh (Prov. 17:22). These principles have stood the test of time because they are based upon the Word of God. God's Word never FRONTLINE • Fall 1993 These principles have stood the test of time because they are based upon the Word of God. 13 changes; it is the same yesterday, today and forever. Proverbs 30:5 reminds us that "every word of God is pure: He is a shield unto them that put their trust in Him." At the close of our lives, God will question, "How much have you given?" not "How much have you got?" He will ask, "How much have you done?" not "How much have you won?"; "How much have you sacrificed?" not "How much have you saved?"; "How much have you loved and served?" not "How much were you honored?" It is my prayer that each of you will apply these principles in your lives and that as time goes by, you will see your family abide by the Word of God, which has stood the test of time. • Mrs. Linda Harper is currently an educational consultant at O'Berry Center, an institution for the mentally handicapped in Goldsboro, North Carolina. She is a pastor's wife and the mother of three sons. God's School Is in the 'Valley God's school is in the valley, And some lessons are hard to learn; But the Savior gently teaches Until unto Him we turn. The way may be dark and scary, And we may not see the way; But the Savior's loving presence Will lead us day by day. We may not know the reason, For the time in valley dim; But the Savior uses the valley To strengthen lives for Him. We cannot walk the valley, Through our strength alone; We must have the Savior with us To lead us safely home. So when you walk the valley, With its lessons hard and long, Ask the Savior to teach you And place in your heart a song. —Marie M. Johns 14 FRONTLINE Fall 1993 An Honest Look at the Lottery and Gambling A new craze is sweeping America. It's called "lotto fever." Now more than thirty states have the lottery, and several more voted for it last November. Legalized gambling has reached epidemic proportions. In 1988, $278 billion was wagered in this country (Time, 7/10/89). That figure exceeds more than twice the funds spent on education, more than fifteen times the donations to churches, and even more than the money spent on medical care. We have traded coins for character and money for morals. Truly, gambling is the new "drug" of the nineties. What attitude should a Christian have toward gambling? Isn't buying a lottery ticket just harmless fun? Isn't the money going for a good cause—the education of our young people? Serious Christians need to stop and consider the following points before playing the lottery or gambling. It Contributes to Poverty Ken R. Pulliam The state lottery could be better named the "state lootery." It loots money from those least able to afford it. In Maryland, the poorest third of the population buys half the lottery tickets (Christianity Today, 7/10/87). In New Jersey, a study showed that a third of the families with annual incomes below $10,000 spent FRONTLINE Fall 1993 a fifth of their incomes on the lottery (Christianity Today, 9/8/89). The lottery is actually a type of child abuse. It deprives children of needed food and clothing in search of a pipe dream of material prosperity. Instead of making money for the state, the lottery increases the welfare and dependent child subsidies needed by the community. It Produces Compulsive Gamblers Some argue that since people are going to gamble anyway, we should legalize gambling and receive the profits from it. The truth is, however, the state's sanction of gambling has persuaded many people to gamble who probably never would have. The state's attorney of Connecticut explained, "What we did was encourage people to engage in the vice. We convinced people to gamble who never would become involved in gambling. We created a whole new generation of gamblers" (Emett Henderson, State Lottery). Studies show that between 5 and 10 percent of those that play the lottery will become compulsive gamblers, unable to control their addiction. These individuals will make shipwreck of their lives and bring great heartache to themselves and their families. "It is bad enough that large numbers of 15 A person has a greater chance of being struck by lightning than winning the lottery. How then can buying a lottery ticket be an act of good stewardship? people have a weakness for gambling; it is inexcusable when a government exploits that weakness" (Norman Geisler, Gambling: A Bad Bet). Each lottery ticket should contain the following warning: "WARNING! The state treasurer has determined that playing the lottery is hazardous to your financial health and may contribute to compulsive behavior" (Norman Geisler, Gambling: A Bad Bet). It Is Bad Stewardship The odds of dying in a car crash are 6,000 to 1. They are 500,000 to 1 that you will die in an airplane disaster. The odds of winning a typical state lottery, however, are 5 million to 1. (Florida is 14 million to 1.) A person has a greater chance of being struck by lightning than winning the lottery. How then can buying a lottery ticket be an act of good stewardship? Romans 14:12 teaches that God will call upon all believers to give an account of their lives. Certainly, this accounting will include the way we spent our money. To spend money on lottery tickets is not a good use of God's money. It Contributes to Laziness and Unproductivity The Bible teaches that man is to earn his living by the sweat of his face (Gen. 3:19). Paul wrote that if a man will not work neither should he eat (2 Thess. 3:10). Work is the divinely ordained method of producing wealth (Eph. 4:28). As the commercial says, the only real way to make money is the old-fashioned way—"earn it." Gambling, on the other hand, offers "something for nothing." It offers great riches without having to work for them. This method of getting money violates God's plan that we all work. "State lotteries are governmentsanctioned laziness, offering an illusory Working in or Visiting Chicago? 16 Pastor Mark R. Simmons of Marquette Manor Baptist Church (Downers Grove, Illinois) is teaching a weekly Bible study for business professionals in the Chicago downtown area. The Bible study is in the offices of Clayton Brown and Associates, Inc. Lunch is provided (donations accepted). FRONTLINE • Fall 1993 bypass sign on the road of life that reads: 'Avoid working. Try gambling' (Norman Geisler, Gambling: A Bad Bet). It Feeds on Greed The clearest Biblical statement against gambling is the tenth commandment: "Thou shalt not covet" (Exod. 20:17). Why do people gamble? Because they hope to strike it rich. They covet money and the things it can buy. In America today most people, including Christians, worship at the altar of materialism. For this reason the lottery is so popular. However, the Bible teaches that seeking to be rich is wrong: But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows (1 Tim. 6:9, 10). The Christian should learn contentment with the material blessings God has providentially allowed him to have (1 Tim. 6:6-8; Phil. 4:11). His focus should be, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you" (Matt. 6:33). He realizes that "a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth" (Luke 12:15). For these reasons—poverty, gambling, stewardship, slothfulness, and greed—Christians should oppose the lottery. IN Dr. Ken R. Pulliam is a professor at International Bible College in Tempe, Arizona. The Bible study will meet from 12:00 to 12:40 P.M. in the AV Room on the 30th floor of 500 West Madison (between Canal and Clinton Streets). For more information call: (708) 964-5363 Help Wanted PROVE RB for Practical Living Project Mgrs./Church Construction: (Special Offer $10.95) • The intent of this book is to make Proverbs easier to study. Instead of flipping from chapter to chapter to find what Solomon had to say about one particular subject, it is all in one section, categorized and alphabetized for your convenience. U. Curtis Nhr.6„ ,fin "Your selection of topics is both fascinating and profitable, and I am sure that pastors, youth pastors, Sunday School teachers and laymen will find this to be a very useful tool in the study of the book of Proverbs." Dr. Douglas McLachlan, Northland Baptist Bible College "I like the way you divided the book by themes, and I think it is going to be a wonderful and practical tool for those who desire to live righteously." Dr. Bob Jones III, Bob Jones University Send this coupon today with check or money order to: Martin Publishing • 708 Warner St. • Ft. Morgan, CO 80701 =x $10.95 Name 10% S/H - Address We are looking for hard-working individuals with integrity, self-discipline and a desire to serve the Lord. Construction experience, ability to read blueprints, able to give/ take instructions and travel required. Lead a construction team and be responsible for building church facilities. Benefits include food/housing/travel allowances, competitive salary, and insurance assistance plan. If you are a strong leader looking for an opportunity with a growing quality-oriented church construction firm, send your résumé including work/salary history to: General Manager/Teamway Builders/500 East Lee Road/ Taylors, SC 29687. Or fax your résumé to 803-292-6541. No calls please. (CO residents add 3% tax) City St. Zip Total "GFA majors on getting out the Gospel with balance." "GFA exists to do exactly what its name proclaims—get out the Gospel. GFA majors on getting out the Gospel with balance: • balance between evangelism and discipleship • balance between church planting and leadership training MISS IO NS • balance that builds soulwinning zeal and strong Christian character • balance that encourages the missionary without interfering with his daily ministry. In a day when balance is rare, we need to get behind GFA as they labor to get out the Gospel." Gospel Fellowship Association Rev. Mark Batory, Missions Director Dr. John Dreisbach, Field Representative Suite 205 • 1430 Wade Hampton Blvd. Greenville, SC 29609 • (803) 242-1598 FRONTLINE Fall 1993 17 The First Epistle of John Background • Gnosticism Author John the apostle Date Probably between A.D. 85 and A.D.90 Recipients The Christian Church— First John was not addressed to any congregation in particular, but the commands given applied to the first-century church in general. First John does not include personal references to particular churches or pastors. Purpose of Writing To defend the faith, caution against false teaching, inform about common false doctrines The teachings of gnostics permeated the thinking of some false teachers at the time of the writing of 1, 2 and 3 John. One group of false teachers taught that the human body could be controlled only through discipline and care. The second circle taught that nothing could be done about the evils of the human body. They lived by the Epicurean philosophy of "eat, drink, and be merry." Gnosticism focused far too much on the human body—its needs and desires—and did not focus enough on the spirit. The emphasis in training believers needed to be upon the wondrous work of Christ on the spirit of man. Many teachers of gnosticism denied the deity of Christ and the divine nature. They taught that Christ, the Son of God, did not suffer and die, because He died as Jesus, the Son of Man. His divine nature had already left Him before He died for us. The apostle warned believers about false teachers and admonished them to "believe not every spirit" (1 John 4:1) and to "receive [them] not into [their houses]" (2 John 10). He then instructed them to "follow . . . that which is good" (3 John 11). Tyndale New Testament Commentaries: The Epistles of John, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1974. Biblical Viewpoint: Focus on I, 2, and 3 John, Bob Jones University Press, Greenville, South Carolina, 1993. Wuest's Word Studies: Studies in the Greek Text of 2 Peter, 1, 2, and 3 John and Jude, by Kenneth S. Wuest, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1954. The Epistles of John: Light, Love, Life, by W. E. Vine, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1970. Theme Christian assurance Epistle of 1 John: Life at Its Best, by Roy L. Laurin, Dunham Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1964. Key Verse First John 5:13, "These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God." 18 I From the Bookshelf The Epistles of John, An Expositional Commentary, by James Montgomery Boice, Ministries Resources Library, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1979. FRONTLINE • Fall 1993 ■ Outline First John covers many practical topics for living successful Christian lives. Roy L. Laurin captures this emphasis throughout his outline of the book of 1 John, which stresses the many aspects of the Christian life. VII. The Conquering Life-1 John 3:4-10 A. To sin is unlawful (v. 4). B. To sin is unreasonable (v. 5). C. To sin is unspiritual (vv. 6-8). D. To sin is unchristian (vv. 9, 10). I. The Manifested Life-1 John 1:1-4 VIII. The Love Life-1 John 3:11-24 A. The beginning of life (v. I) B. The experience of life (v. 2) C. The fellowship of life (v. 3) D. The joy of life (v. 4) A. Love proves our unlikeness to human nature (vv. 11, 12). B. Love proves our unlikeness to the world (v. 13). C. Love proves our likeness to Christ (vv. 14, 15). D. Love proves our likeness to God (vv. 16, 17). E. Love proves our new likeness to the truth (vv. 18-24). II. The Illuminated Life-1 John 1:5-2:2 A. The Christian message of light (v. 5) B. The Christian manner of life (1:6-2:2) IX. The Discerning Life-1 John 4:1-6 III. The True Life-1 John 2:3-11 A. By the indwelling of a Divine Spirit (v. 1) B. By the confession of a Divine Lord (vv. 2, 3) C. By the presence of a Divine Life (v. 4) D. By the authority of a Divine Word (vv. 5, 6) A. Man's measurement B. God's measurement 1. Keeping (vv. 3-5) 2. Walking (vv. 6, 7) 3. Loving (vv. 8-11) X. The Love Life Emphasized-1 John 4:7-21 A. Love is the essence of God (vv. 7, 8). B. Love's highest manifestation is Christ (vv. 9-11). C. Love is the evidence of the New Birth (vv. 12-16). D. Love brings boldness before judgment (v. 17). E. Love banishes fear (v. 18). F. Love verifies love (vv. 19, 20). G. Love fulfills God's commandment (v. 21). IV. The Abiding Life-1 John 2:12-17 A. The different kinds of Christians (vv. 12-14) B. The wrong kind of love (vv. 15, 16) C. The right kind of love (v. 17) V. The False Life-1 John 2:18-27 A. The age (v. 18a) B. The characteristics of the age (vv. 18b, 19) C. The safeguards of the soul in this age (vv. 20-27) XI. The Overcoming Life-1 John 5:1-12 A. Love and life (vv. 1-3) B. Faith and victory (vv. 4, 5) C. Christ and witnesses (vv. 6-12) VI. The Coming Life-1 John 2:28-3:3 A. His coming and our confidence (2:28) B. His coming and our new birth (2:29) C. His coming and our name (3:1) D. His coming and our change (3:2) E. His coming and our attitude (3:3) XII. The Eternal Life-1 John 5:13-21 A. The assurance of eternal life (v. 13) B. The assurance of the power of prayer (vv. 14, 15) C. The assurance of the presence of Christ (vv. 18-21) FRONTLINE • Fall 1993 19 Special Report At the Gate Homosexual activists in San Francisco besiege fundamental church A crowd of 75 to 100 homosexual activists conducted a rowdy demonstration at a Baptist church in San Francisco. They blockaded some churchgoers from entering the Sunday evening service, and they vandalized the grounds during the service to protest a visit by a leading foe of special gay civil rights, Lou Sheldon of the Traditional Values Coalition. The protesters swarmed over the property of Hamilton Square Baptist Church and pounded on its doors early in the September 19 service before being pushed back by San Francisco pOlice. Sheldon is a leading opponent of pro-gay legislation in California and across the country. His visit was not announced publicly by the church, but was publicized in two of the city's homosexual newspapers. Ultimately, it was Sheldon who called 911, sending riot police to the church to protect parishioners from shouting gay activists who were pounding at all entrances to get inside. Police made no arrests in the incident, and it received no coverage by either of the Bay City's two major newspapers. In an interview, the city editor of the San Franciso Chronicle said the paper checked out the episode a couple of days after it happened and "it didn't seem to be much." But a videotape of the protest provided to World by Hamilton Square Baptist Church shows visitors being blocked from entering the main door. A local Presbyterian minister, Charles Mcllhenny, is shown on the tape struggling to push by angry protesters and get inside the sanctuary. Mcllhenny later succeeded in pulling his wife inside—out of the arms of protesters trying to keep her from entering. Others in Mcllhenny's party were unable to gain entrance as the 20 outnumbered police held the doors shut to keep the mob outside the church building. Mcllhenny's wife, Donna, was scratched, grabbed from behind, and at one point lifted off the ground as she tried to get inside, Mcllhenny said. She and other visitors were pelted with rocks, which also struck the window panes of the entry doors, reported Hamilton Square pastor David C. Innes. Gay activists yelled obscenities and blocked traffic by lying in the street. Others used megaphones and blew whistles. Innes said a single parent and her 6-year-old daughter were told they could not enter the building: "A rioter grabbed her daughter's arm as she was clinging to her mother, and began interrogating her. The daughter finally entered the building by passing through the rioters. The child was crying and petrified." An audio tape of the Hamilton Square service records sounds foreign to the usual sermon contained on such tapes. Drowning out the chants of gay activists is the steady banging of homosexuals kicking and pounding on the church's side (emergency) doors. Innes can then be heard ordering ushers to lock the doors and telling the churchgoers to remain calm in their pews. "When I see this, I say somebody had better stand up to it," Innes stated from the pulpit. "If we don't stand up to this, folks, it's going all through the country. And I've told you they're going to be at the front door of the church, and they are. They're here today." He continued: "This is why the average preacher won't get involved in controversy, won't take a stand, and it's an utter capitulation. . . ." FRONTLINE • Fall 1993 According to Innes, homosexual protesters removed the Christian flag from the church flagpole and ran up the gay rainbow flag. A church caretaker was assaulted when he attempted to remove the gay flag. And the newly planted landscaping was overturned. The videotape of the incident shows a cement bench that was reportedly overturned and destroyed by the protesters. It also shows Sheldon being pelted with what appeared to be eggs as he was escorted from the building by riot police following the service. Churchgoers were forced to make a coordinated exit from the church in three separate groups, as frightened children clung to their parents, according to a press statement released by the church. Officers from the San Francisco Police Department's northern district responded to the disturbance. One officer spoke to World on the condition that he not be identified. Asked why there were no arrests, he answered: "That would not be a politically correct move—pure and simple." Police, he said, have to do a careful "step and dance" with homosexual activists because of political pressure. Upon leaving, several protesters warned, "We will be back." But Innes said he has already invited Sheldon to return, and has appealed to the mayor's office with evidence of the incident. Reprinted with permission, World Magazine, Asheville, NC Dr. Innes is pursuing legal action against the San Francisco City Board on two central issues: 1.The failure and unwillingness of the city to secure the safety of the church property and its activities. 2. Religious freedom—the right to believe and to practice our faith and to invite the speakers we choose without threat of riot against us. What has happened here will happen all across America if God's people do not establish a beachhead, draw the line and take their stand. Audio and video tapes of the incident and additional information are available from Hamilton Square Baptist Church, 1212 Geary Street, San Francisco, CA 94109. VERY SERIOUS O What is the purpose of our children's ministry? Do we teach our children with effective and productive tools? Does our children's ministry produce spiritual fruit that remains? How can we help our children learn and apply Biblical truths in a practical and useful way? we reach families outside our church and win O Can them to Christ? INTERESTING BIBLE FACTS The Traveler, or Stranger, in their Midst! The Mosaic law instructed the people of Israel about the importance of hospitality to. strangers (Exod. 22:21; 23:9; Deut. 10:19). Devout Israelites would never intentionally evade their responsibilities to strangers. Owners of wells had the added responsibility of offering water to all strangers passing through their land. Etiquette dictated that strangers not help themselves to the water in a well; they must wait until that water was offered to them. Young maids drew water from the family wells and had many opportunities to give water to thirsty strangers. Jesus emphasized this tradition in his command to His disciples to preach, to heal and to do good, as giving "a cup of water to drink in my name" (Mark 9:41)! One of David's Mighty Men! Abishai, son of David's half-sister Zeruiah, was the brother of Asahel and Joab, David's general (2 Sam. 2:18). Abishai and David crept into King Saul's camp in the middle of the night and found Saul Who Were the Patriarchs? and all of Saul's soldiers asleep The Greek word patriarch ap(1 Sam. 26:5-9)! His bravery eviplies to Abraham (Heb. 7:4), to the denced itself most when pursuing twelve sons of Jacob (Acts 7:8, 9), Abner, the killer of his brother and to King David (Acts 2:29). It is Asahel (2 Sam. 2:18-24). a name given to the Old Testament Abishai was one of David's heads of families who lived before mighty men who had "lifted up his the time of Moses. The paternal spear against three hundred" and right of a patriarch of a tribe or clan slain them (2 Sam. 23:18; 1 Chron. was determined by the forefather 11:20). He was instrumental in the of the tribe, descending from him slaying of the Edomites in the Valto the first-born son or the eldest ley of Salt. Abishai and his men male descendant. The head of each slew eighteen thousand and gained family had the same paternal rights back their country (1 Chron. within his family that the patriarch 18:12, 13). had within the clan. REVIEWS for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son. that whosoever believeth to him bur should not perish. e everlasting John. 3:16 God's Word in Calligraphy James R. Thompson is the creator of KJV Scripture verses in calligraphy. They are hand-lettered and then printed on quality paper. Jim has been active in serving the Lord through his artwork all his life. He received his training at Bob Jones University and Red Rock College in Denver. He is thankful for a steady hand at 75, and says he is doing better work than ever before. These verses are perfect gifts for friends and relatives. Every church bookstore should keep a good supply on hand. Deuteronomy 6:9 teaches us to "write them [the Scriptures] upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates." Here is the perfect way to do so. For additional information contact: Thompson Graphics 1321 61st Ave. E., Box 2 Bradenton, FL 34203-6954 (813) 753-4487 22 FRONTLINE • Fall 1993 has some SERIOUS ANSWERS. A fter nine years of ministry, over 700 Patch the Pirate Clubs are making a powerful impact around the world. Each week nearly 13,000 young sailors are participating in daily devotions, experiencing exciting club meetings, singing creative Christ-honoring songs, and are learning to apply Bible truths in their lives. The clubs are even making a difference with the adults! The following testimony from a pastor's wife who has seen the Patch the Pirate Club in action will reveal answers to your questions about how effective this program can be in your ministry. April 1993— I just wanted to let you know how special it was Sunday evening when the Patch Club sang. They did such a beautiful job—the words were so clear you could hear them all the way to the back of the sanctuary. However, the best part of all was seeing all of those children lined up there on the platform—each one representing a soul that will live for all eternity. A lump came up in my throat as I realized that the words to all the songs you teach them will impact their lives forever. The music they learn has words that grab hold of their behavior. They simply can't get away from applying it to their relationships with their friends and parents. Every child on that platform Sunday evening can help their parents and friends to live for God. I see then: building up the "body of Christ." Many parents are more faithful and involved because of Patch Club. Chart your course for a productive children's ministry that's positive! Order a special Preview Kit today which includes a complete 3- month curriculum filled with life-changing stories, songs, activities, and devotions. Each kit includes a Captain's and Sailor's log. P.S. It's great for home schools too! ONLY $9.95 plus $3.30 for shipping & handling. Yes! Please send me a Preview Kit for the special offer of $13.25. fl To order by phone, call 1-800-334-1071. VISA, MasterCard, & DISCOVER accepted. Check enclosed ED Credit Card No. Exp. Church Name CALL TODAY! PREVIEW KITS only $9.95 + shipping 1-800-334-1071 MAJESTY MUSIC Name Address City State Zip Phone ( Mail to: MAJESTY MUSIC • P.O. Box 6524 • Greenville, SC • 29606 FOCUS Are Ken and Barbie Breaking Up? The front page of LISA Today's "Life" section August 6 publicized a new product that may make parents indignant. It is a Ken doll (from Mattel's "Earring Magic" collection) that has Ken sporting an earring, a lavender mesh shirt, a fake leather vest and black pants. According to USA Today, the $11 Ken dolls are being snapped up by homosexuals. Cabinet Member Addresses Gays and Lesbians Federico Pena, the Department of Transportation (DOT) secretary, addressed a rally for "Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Pride" on June 15. His speech marked the first time a cabinet-level official has spoken publicly "in support of equal rights for the gay community," reports the Washington Blade. Earlier Pena had issued a memo that added "sexual orientation" to the list of criteria protected in job and policy decisions at the agency, even though homosexual rights have not been codified in federal employment regulations (World, 7/3/93). Government-funded Art Showing Closed Down Early in August the National Endowment for the Arts still had no chairman, and its budget was once again under assault. In July the House of Representatives voted to cut the agency's $174.9 million budget by five percent, or $8.7 million, and some lawmakers were pressing for deeper cuts 24 Current Events of Interest to Believers or even extinction for the dinosaur. In the meantime, the NEA was still laying rotten eggs by putting on an exhibit of homo-erotic, sadomasochistic, and blasphemous "art" it funded. The exhibit at the U.S. Capitol and the House annex buildings was so grotesque that House Speaker Tom Foley and other leaders of Congress took time off from their denunciations of censorship to order that the showing be closed down. No Evangelism of Muslims Iran has required all churches to sign a statement declaring they will not evangelize Muslims, but several Assemblies of God and Brethren churches have flatly refused to comply. In mid-June the Iranian Ministry of Guidance ordered the Assembly of God's Central Church in downtown Teheran to cancel its Friday worship meetings—the Muslim day off—and it required worshippers attending the Sunday church services to show their identity cards at the door. Church leaders responded, "You can arrest us, put us in prison, execute us, but we will not close down our churches" (NNI, 7/ 28/ 93). ACLU Fights Jail Ministries The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has filed suit over a jail program teaching inmates about Christianity. Fort Worth, Texas, offers a Christian-education program that houses participating inmates in a separate cell block. The ACLU claims the arrangement violates the FRONTLINE • Fall 1993 U.S. Constitution. The voluntary program involves five hours of daily instruction and homework assignments. County officials praised the program for its effect on inmate behavior and morale (Alliance Life, 8/11/93). Michigan Strikes Down Home School Requirement The Michigan Supreme Court voted 4-3 May 25 to strike down the certified teacher requirement for families who home school because of their religious beliefs. The court ruled in People v. Dejonge that the Michigan school officials had failed to show that the teacher certification requirement was the least restrictive means of discharging the state's interest in seeing that children are educated. "This is an important victory for home schooling and religious liberty, because it is the first time in recent American history that a state supreme court has struck down the requirement that students be taught by state-certified teachers," explained Michael P. Farris, founder of the Virginia-based Home School Legal Defense Association. Farris has represented the DeJonge family since the case began eight years ago. Sharing the Burden for Homosexual Rights The homosexual lobby is pressing for inclusion in heath care reform. The gay lifestyle creates unique medical demands. The 1993 March on Washington Platform urges the inclusion of services such as artificial insemination of lesbians and "sexual re-assignments" (sex change) surgeries. There are whispers coming out of the White House that the Health Care Reform Task Force will include a reproductive health benefits package, but financing expanded services remains the problem. One mechanism is to change insurance underwriting practices to shift costs. "Community rating" means that groups that now enjoy the lower premiums because of low-risk characteristics will pay a higher premium to cover the costs of broadening the insurance pool to cover high risk groups. Big Government Is Enemy of Family Advocates of big government favor conditions that erode the family, since they desire to transfer family responsibilities to the state to make everyone dependent upon, and loyal to, the state (New American, 7/12). The late Harvard sociologist Pitirim Sorokin saw this anti-family trend early on and predicted a tragic breakdown of marital and family life. He rightly observed that since "even an illiterate mother, endowed with kindness and common sense, appears to have been a better moral educator of children than most of the highly trained educators of schools," it is not right to withdraw children "from the educational influence of the homes at a progressively younger and younger age." Strong families are a force for freedom. Black Bible Chronicles Here are two samples from a new Bible translation called the Black Bible Chronicles (African American Family Press). The Ten Commandments: "You shouldn't diss the Almighty's name, using it in cuss words or rapping with one another: It ain't cool, and paycheck's a monster." God's warning to Noah: "I'm fed up with what's happenin anymore, so I'm gonna do what I gotta do, and end things once and for all. Man, I'm gonna blow the brothers clear outa the water." Black Bible Chronicles is just one of many new "market-driven" Scriptures, according to a report in Time (7/26/93). Religious publishers, eager to expand a $400 million Bible industry, are selling niche-oriented Bibles in a variety of new interpretations and formats. "In a BaskinRobbins society, people don't want chocolate or vanilla. They want a special flavor that really meets their needs," says Bill Anderson, president of the Christian Booksellers Association. Civil Courts May Limit Religious Education Civil courts may limit parents' rights to direct the religious education of their children, a Maryland appeals court has ruled. A 1983 divorce case had given the father extensive visitation rights with his daughter. After the father began attending a fundamental Baptist church, the mother complained that their daughter showed signs of anxiety, including anxiety attacks, insomnia and crying. Based in part on the testimony of a pediatric psychiatrist, the mother sought a court order barring the father from taking the child back to the Baptist church. The trial prohibited the father from having the child "participate in any church or church-related activity." Although the appeals court found this decision to be too broad, it did agree that the father should not be al- lowed to take his daughter along in door-to-door witnessing: "It was the proselytizing by the father and the direct involvement of the child in his efforts to convert others that [the psychiatrist] found particularly harmful to the child, and thus the record would support a prohibition of activities of this type in the future." The court sent the case back to the trial court for further deliberations (Church Law & Tax Report, 7/8/93). Substance Abuse Is 20% of Medicaid Costs Substance abuse is a major part of Medicaid hospital payments, gobbling up $1 of every $5 spent and doubling the length of hospital stays, per a Columbia University study (Huntsville Times). Abuse of tobacco, alcohol and drugs will add over $7.4 billion to 1994 Medicaid inpatient hospital costs. Other findings of the study: Over half of pediatric AIDS cases are caused by parents' intravenous drug use. Seventy-two percent of chronic pancreatitis is due to alcohol. Sixty-five percent of strokes among younger Americans are related either to cigarettes or cocaine. Who says it is no business of Christian teetotal taxpayers if other people drink, smoke, do drugs or engage in high-risk AIDS activities? We are unfairly affected in many ways, so it is still our business—even when abuses occur in the privacy of their homes (Calvary Contender). This news is presented to inform and challenge. The activities or people mentioned do not necessarily carry the endorsement of the Fundamental Baptist Fellowship. FRONTLINE • Fall 1993 25 How to Give without Being Taken Having served one tour in Vietnam, I was wise to murderous thieves and con men. (The Vietcong were fairly nasty, as well.) However, on my way to visit Vietnam for the second time, my commercial flight landed in the Philippines. Two skycaps in uniform— that is, one uniform (one wore the skycap shirt, and the other wore the pants)—agreed to carry my luggage for a bargain price: "We carry—one dollah." The only problem was that one "skycapped" one piece of my luggage one way, and the other "skycapped" off in the opposite direction—leaving me in a lurch. Fortunately, the security police grounded the skycaps before they took off. I never did get my two bucks back, though. I determined that I'd be more cautious and less naive. In August 1983, I backslid on my skycap lesson and was responsible for our church being hoodwinked out of S192 in cash by two "tarheelers." Later I learned that they weren't really "tarheelers," but they were West Virginians. Frankly, I don't know which fact disappointed me more. It was a hot August (1983) Sunday morning. I opened the Adult Sunday School class in prayer. When I looked up, I found that the class had increased by two, a middle-aged man and a young man. As soon as class was over, I welcomed them. I asked, "Are you from the area?" The older man answered, "No, we're from North Carolina. I pastor a church there. This is my son." He paused. "I came up to conduct my sister's funeral. She and my brother-in-law were killed in a head-on crash in Oakland, Maryland," he sadly explained before recounting the whole incident. Somewhere violins were playing a dirge. I actually had to choke back the tears, because I remembered hearing about just such an accident earlier that week. The hook was set! In fact, I swallowed hook, line, sinker, rod, reel and boat! "Yesterday, we were heading home when the car broke down. We had to spend the rest of our money— seventy-five dollars—to fix it," so, we had to sleep in the car last night. But we didn't want to miss being in the Lord's house on the Sabbath. We're sorry we were late. Please, forgive our sloppy appearance, as well." 26 FRONTLINE "Don't worry about that," I comforted him, "you're welcome here; I know the Lord understands. I'm so very sorry about your sister." "Thank you, Pastor. Just pray that we can get back in time for the revival services in our home church. They're supposed to start tonight. I've got a full tank of gas. With the Lord's help, we can just make it back in time," he said as he bit his lower lip. I called a deacon and a few other men together for an impromptu meeting near the pulpit. "We've got to help them," I said. "I'll give twenty dollars," one man responded, as he reached for his wallet. "Let's just give them a check for a hundred dollars," someone else suggested. Another person commented, "Let's just give them all the cash that comes in the offering; they can't cash a check today." I still don't know who said that. I now believe it was the older "tarheeler." It doesn't matter, though. At that point, we were so vulnerable that if someone had said, "Let's put all our money, checkbooks, stocks, bonds, wallets, watches, rings, gold teeth and any other valuables into a pillowcase and give it to them," we would have done it. At that time, we made Jethro D. Bodine, Beverly Hillbilly, look like Albert Einstein, nuclear scientist. As we all stood watching and waving as the men pulled out of the parking lot with our $192, someone observed, "Hey, they have a West Virginia license plate." It's amazing how quickly warm and fuzzy feelings of sincere Christian love can be converted to a Shiite's lust for vengeance. We prayed, "Lord, you know our hearts. We sincerely desired to help these people. If they are lying thieves, please stop them before they can hurt anyone else." Within the next few days, we heard numerous reports of other churches being bilked out of offerings. While misery may love company, there is no consolation in that pitiful company. Later that week, at my jail ministry, I asked the prisoners gathered for the service, "Is this everyone?" "No. There are two more back there. They're the Fall 1993 ones that have been robbin' churches," they glibly reported. The two men didn't come out. Yet, they heard the message. Believe me, they heard the message! In fact, I don't know if anyone has ever preached more eloquently or with more hell fire and brimstone than I did that night. A hard lesson is a good lesson. We owe those two con artists more than $192 worth of thanks for making us develop and use a policy on giving: 1. "Let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith" (Gal. 6:10). We should help our own first. How many of our churches have helped absolute strangers, yet we have never done anything for our own. Strangers, the lost and the unchurched should first be directed to contact charitable agencies. 2. Have a Charity Committee comprised of pastor, pastor's wife and at least two other church members. 3. Any requests of more than $25 (or any amount determined by the church) must be approved by the Committee. This policy does two thing: • It allows the pastor to have some discretionary funds for real needs. There are those with legitimate emergency needs. • It discourages freeloaders, who won't wait for approval. 4. Don't always give the cash. Offer to purchase the food, medicine, diapers, gasoline, etc. It is amazing how many folks want only cash—possibly for the wrong reasons. 5. In dealing with strangers, I have found the follow- fruit tut the of the love is longsuffering goodness If the people name a church, I ask if they have called their pastor. I tell them that I would be offended if our church members went to another church for help before contacting me. I encourage them to call their pastor before we give any assistance. If they won't call, then I volunteer to call. If they have no church home, I tell them that maybe the reason that they are having trouble is that the Lord may be chastising them for failing to join a church. I ask them to contact a pastor in their hometown and arrange for a visit before we will help them. Needless to say, many of those requesting help will not endure such scrutiny. That's the purpose of the policy. Please don't think that I am hard-hearted. I want to help the truly deserving; however, I am determined never again to waste the Lord's money. It is His money. We will give account about its use. I regret the loss of $192, but the lesson we learned has saved wasting thousands of dollars more. • Terry Hagedorn is the pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Reedsville, West Virginia Spirit joypeac gentleness Meeknesstemperance faith against such there Is no law Gal 5 2223 ing to be quite effective in weeding out the undeserving: • I ask the people about their salvation. If they are unsaved, I witness to them. Sometimes the person gets saved! Nine times out of ten, though, the people profess to be saved already. • If the people are saved, I ask them of what church they are members: Enjoy the Beauty of God's Word in Your Home or Office Jim Thompson is the producer of fine lithographed verses with handpainted embellishments—just perfect for display in your home, classroom or office. They present a wonderful testimony for everyone to enjoy. What great gifts these make at this time of year. Pastors are finding them appropriate as unique gifts for visitation, special recognition and awards. For a complete list of KJV verses along with samples, please send $1.00 to the address below. (Quantity discounts available.) Thompson Graphics • 1612 38th Ave. W. • Bradenton, FL 34205 • (813) 753-4487 FRONTLINE Fall 1993 27 The Bitter Fruit of Ecumenism O ne of today's most popular evangelicals is Dr. Charles Colson. As President of Prison Fellowship Ministries, he now openly teaches that fervent Roman Catholics are members of the Body of Christ and are believers of the true gospel. He recently published a 455-page book entitled, The Body. The entire work is intended to convince "evangelicals that Catholic and Protestant doctrine have dramatically converged" (p. 271). The Colson organization is highly esteemed among evangelicals, and influential with 50,000 volunteers working through 64 local offices scattered across the USA. Dr. Wilson Ewin felt led to prepare an open letter to Dr. Colson, and this was mailed to him on August 20. The letter itself dealt with one specific theme— the gospel as it relates to Christ's atonement and explained in First Corinthians 15:3. The Saviour was once offered, never to be offered again as emphasized in Hebrews 7:27; 9:25-38 and 10:8. A contrast was made with the gospel of Romanism. Romanism teaches that Christ is still being offered in the Mass and to this must be joined personal sacrifices plus time in a purgatory. The movement to accept Roman Catholicism by evangelicals is recorded in a growing number of publications. Therefore, the need to instruct true believers in the distinction between the Biblical gospel and that of Romanism has become most urgent. The following material is an excerpt from Dr. Wilson's letter to Dr. Colson outlining the difference between the true gospel and the gospel of Roman Catholicism. 2S FRONTLINE Two Opposing Gospels The word evangelical was given prominent use following completion of the Vatican II Sessions in 1965. The term calls for attention and respect, for it comes from the Greek word meaning "gospel." However, today's use of the words evangelical and gospel by priests and spokesmen of the Roman Church calls for extreme caution. The first truth of the gospel was defined in the Scriptures by Paul when he wrote these words to the Corinthian church: "I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, . . . For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures" (1 Cor. 15:3). God explains that "first . . . according to the scriptures" is man's reconciliation with God from sin or man's redemption, propitiation was completed with Christ's shed blood on the cross. Christ said at the moment of His death: "It is finished" (John 19:30). There is no further offering for sin, for the Scripture states "it is appointed unto men once to die" (Heb. 9:27). The True Gospel—One Offering To be evangelical, one must believe that Christ was offered once for sin. Blatantly opposed to this God-given truth, Roman Catholicism teaches that Christ shall continue to be offered for sin through the offering of the mass. Therefore the "gospel" of the Vatican, the mass, is a brazen denial of Christ's gospel. It is the absolute antithesis of the gospel proclaimed by the apostles and early Christians. By God's grace, leaders such as John Wycliffe, John Huss, Girolamo Savonarola, and later, Ulrich Zwingli, John Calvin and Martin Luther generated a back-to-theBible reform movement that began in 1375. In spite of the Inquisition and papal armies, the Reformation swept over Europe. On the way to his trial in Worms, Germany Luther said, "Huss has been burned, but not the truth with him. I will go on" (A History of the Christian Church, 12th printing, p. 236). Pope Pius IV published a Bull of confirmation of all the Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent. This was done with horrifying threats of punishment upon "each and all of our venerable brethren, patriarchs, archbishops, bishops, and all our other prelates . . . who would fail to observe diligently the said decrees and ordinances . . ." (The Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent, p. 270). Pope John XXIII confirmed this October 1962 during his opening speech to the Vatican II Ecumenical Council. Fall 1993 Wilson Ewin He said, "The salient point of this Council is not, therefore, a discussion of one article or another of the fundamental doctrine of the Church which has repeatedly been taught by the Fathers and by ancient and modern theologians and which . . . still shines forth in the Acts of the Council of Trent" (The Documents of Vatican II, p. 715). John Paul II is no exception to the rule. He stated this several times in his Encyclical of December 2, 1984. The document entitled, On Reconciliation and Penance in the Mission of the Church Today, came as a result of the 1983 Jubilee Year celebration, which was called by the Pontiff to mark the 195th anniversary of Christ's crucifixion. in an unbloody manner, the same Christ who once offered Himself in a bloody manner on the altar of the cross, the holy council teaches that this is truly propitiatory ... (The Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent, p. 104). The Two Roads Curses Still Standing The Bible speaks of two roads that lead to opposing eternal destinies, and therefore, call for close examination. God has warned, "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death" (Prov. 14:12). The Lord Jesus Christ declared that He personally is the Way—the true road. He said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me" (John 14:6). Heavenly hosts sing before His throne, "Thou art worthy . . . for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nations" (Rev. 5:9). Love led to the writing of You Can Lead Roman Catholics to Christ. First printed in 1961, it has been revised six times across the years because of the shifting mask of the papal system. The capitulation of evangelicals to the wiles of Roman Catholic ecumenism continues unabated. Surprisingly New Evangelicals count some of the Vatican's most subtle and cunning activists to be their acceptable collaborators. Whv? The apostle Paul spoke of their kind when he wrote, "For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore, it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness . ." (2 Cor. 11:13-15). May God reveal these truths to you, and above all, the spiritual darkness that comes when one turns, as did the Galatians, towards a false gospel,and then leads others to do likewise. The Saviour did warn, "It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones" (Luke 17:2). • As curses were pronounced upon those who might reject the Church's teaching on penance, so the Vatican equally applied (and still does!) the curses of Trent upon those who question the sacrifice of the mass. This ceremony is defined as follows in Chapter II: And inasmuch as in this divine sacrifice which is celebrated in the mass is contained and immolated Pastor Wilson Ewin is the author of the book The Assimilation of Evangelist Billy Graham into the Roman Catholic Church. He has ministered evangelizing Roman Catholics for over forty years through Quebec Baptist Missions in Compton, Quebec, Canada. He can be contacted for additional information on the subject at P.O. Box 180, Norton, Vermont, 05907. Many Offerings and Many Forms Throughout the 1984 Encyclical, Pope John Paul II calls the faithful back to the Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent. He renews the traditional structuring of Catholic teaching on reconciliation or atonement for personal sin through the stations of the cross, prayers to saints, fasting, attendance at mass, penance, sufferings, indulgences, and after death, the completion of this atonement in purgatory. The Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent continue to be a binding authority upon each and every present-day Roman Catholic. They place curses upon those who reject the apostolic teaching on indulgences, personal penance, purgatory, and the seven sacraments. Canon 12 says that if anyone says that God always pardons the whole penalty together with the guilt and that the satisfaction of penitents is nothing else than the faith by which they perceive that Christ has satisfied for them, let him be anathema. Canon 13 states that if anyone says that the satisfaction for sins, as to their temporal punishment, is in no way made to God through the merits of Christ by the punishments inflicted by Him and patiently borne, or by those imposed by the priest, or even those voluntarily undertaken, as by the fasts, prayers, almsgiving or other works of piety, and that therefore the best penance is merely a new life, let him be anathema. FRONTLINE • Fall 1993 29 ANCHA has the answers. one out? LIL) JJJ "111 Church audio presents some unique prdalems requiring accurate system design and proper component selection and application. ANCHA Electronics, Inc. is acutely aware of these problems and we are well versed in dealing with th,?.m. We offer cost effective solutions to your problems ... solutions based on our in-deptF knowledge, expertise, and experience instaliing church sound systems. Many members of our staff have worked with the sound and video systems in their own churches. They understand the important relationship between the technical ministries and the effectiveness of the worship service. ANCHA Electronics, Inc. is a full-line Audio and Video contractor with a rich history of sound system design and installation in churches of all sizes and denominations, from small churches to 5,000 plus seat auditoriums. We offer professional design and installation, support, and prompt service after the installation. In our 28 year history, ANCHA has engineered and installed sound systems of all types across the U.S.—we've even engineered sound systems in four NFL football stadiums— more than any other company in the world. Anyone can sell equipment, some can install it, but few have the resources and knowhow to analyze your needs and offer the best solutions available. ANCHA has technical excellence, competitive pricing, quality, and value second to none. Whatever your need, large or small, whether a new system, additional equipment purchases, or simply re-adjusting your present equipment, ANCHA stands ready to assist you on your way to a better, more reliable sound system. • Professional Design and Installation • Equipment Sales and Service • Training ANCHA Electronics 5540 Meadowbrook Court Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 (708) 437-7712 • FAX (708) 437-0271 Offices in Chicago • Atlanta • Tampa • Dallas