County/State City Name and Address Certification Number
County/State City Name and Address Certification Number
County/State City Nassau Albertson Nassau Albertson Nassau Baldwin Nassau Baldwin Nassau Baldwin Nassau Baldwin Nassau Baldwin Nassau Baldwin Name and Address Certification Number Expiration Phone Number Tony K. Santodonato 26 Hampton Ave. 917 30-Jun-15 (516) 746-8631 Albertson, NY 11507 Guy A. Colangelo Henry Rebmann P&H, Air Conditioning 2657 31-Jan-16 (516) 746-5678 844 Willis Avenue Albertson, NY 11507 Brian R. Bakal Bakal Plumbing & Heating, Inc. 472 30-Apr-16 (516) 379-8098 2669 Milburn Avenue Baldwin, NY 11510 Philip G. Hagbergh Springmist, Inc. 2343 Surrey Lane Baldwin, NY 11510 Fred J. Ryckman FJR Plumbing & Heating Spec. Inc. 1892 Grand Avenue Baldwin, NY 11510 Kevin Brazill 2753 Soper Avenue Baldwin, NY 11510 Steven Vines 394 Deronshire Baldwin, NY 11510 Tom M. Montemarano 670 Lakeside Drive Baldwin, NY 11510 494 31-May-16 (516) 223-5525 1799 30-Apr-17 (516) 867-6729 9186 30-Jun-17 (516) 509-3194 9571 30-Apr-15 (519) 608-5055 9929 31-Jan-16 (516) 208-5820 Nassau Baldwin Nassau Baldwin Nassau Bayville Nassau Bayville Nassau Bellerose Nassau Bellerose Terrace Nassau Bellmore Nassau Bellmore Nassau Bellmore Nassau Bellmore Jodi A. Specht 924 Vam Buren Street Baldwin, NY 11510 William J. Oliver 514 Bedell Street Baldwin, NY 11510 James J. Lorenzo 94 Perry Ave Bayville, NY 11709 Paul J. Yonkers, Jr. 13 Holden Lane Bayville, NY 11709 Robert F. Thourot 904 5th Street Bellerose, NY 11704 Henry R. Fuchs 94-34 238th Street Bellerose Terrace, NY 11001 Roy Gross 1815 Robin Lane Bellmore, NY 11710 James P. Dunne 14 Circle Drive Bellmore, NY 11710 Andrew J. Staudt Total Landscape Care & Design Inc. 2025 Henry Street Bellmore, NY 11710 Enrico Dellitalia, Jr. 2523 Hewlett Lane Bellmore, NY 11710 10037 31-May-16 (516) 395-0592 10214 31-Oct-16 (516) 223-3342 95 28-Feb-17 (516) 628-2992 9792 31-Oct-15 (516) 628-1863 10111 30-Jun-16 7599 31-Oct-16 (516) 358-2443 6376 30-Apr-16 (516) 375-0024 6582 30-Nov-16 (516) 221-6198 7017 28-Feb-18 (516) 735-0265 7189 30-Apr-17 (516) 804-2751 Nassau Bellmore Nassau Bellmore Nassau Bellmore Nassau Bellmore Nassau Bellmore Nassau Bellmore Nassau Bellmore Nassau Bellmore N Nassau Bellmore N Nassau Bellmore N Nassau Bellmore N Kenneth S. Toto 2753 Anthony Avenue Bellmore, NY 11710 Lawrence P. Levy 2681 Bedell Street Bellmore, NY 11710 Matthew C. O'Connor 2345 Eastern Avenue Bellmore, NY 11710 Matthew Grimes 205 St. Marks Avenue Bellmore, NY 11710 Thomas M. Rossi 6 Wilbur Place Bellmore, NY 11710 Manny Grand 2424 Legion Street Bellmore, NY 11710 Tommy M. Sylvester 2686 Sylvia Drive Bellmore, NY 11710 Herman Kannatt 973 West Shelley Road North Bellmore, NY 11710 Anthony N. D'Andrea 1932 Bedford Avenue North Bellmore, NY 11710 William P. Nolan 2415 Kayron Lane North Bellmore, NY 11710 Brian Thier 1452 Coolidge St N. Bellmore, NY 11710 8418 31-Oct-15 (516) 679-0195 9345 31-Oct-17 (516) 679-6887 9665 30-Jun-15 (516) 860-9182 9895 31-Dec-15 (516) 676-8664 10026 31-May-16 (516) 783-1186 10101 30-Jun-16 (516) 379-0151 10443 30-Apr-17 (516) 672-2297 166 31-May-17 (516) 781-4566 5912 31-Oct-17 (516) 395-7399 7548 31-Jul-16 (516) 221-9778 7549 31-Jul-16 (516) 826-1673 Nassau Bellmore N Nassau Bellmore N Nassau Bellrose Village Nassau Bethpage Nassau Bethpage Nassau Bethpage Nassau Bethpage Nassau Bethpage John Nappi, II 303 King Street North Bellmore, NY 11710 Raymond C. Nordquist 968 West Shelley Road North Bellmore, NY 11710 Michael Binkley 10 Massachusetts Blvd. Bellrose Village, NY 11001 Andrew A. Musgrave 27 Helena Avenue Bethpage, NY 11714 Michael P. Prignano 7 Farm Edge Road Bethpage, NY 11714 George Shectman 99 South 4th Street Bethpage, NY 11714 David Medina 13 Kilmer Street Bethpage, NY 11714 Perry M. Finkel Perry's Plumbing & Heating, Inc. PO Box 365 Bethpage, NY 11714 7868 30-Jun-17 (516) 804-9907 8296 30-Jun-15 (516) 221-7813 8299 30-Jun-15 (516) 328-6483 97 28-Feb-17 (516) 935-1498 760 30-Nov-17 (516) 465-9117 1067 31-Jul-16 (516) 932-0312 1976 30-Sep-17 (516) 753-9825 3343 31-Jan-17 (516) 249-7473 Nassau Bethpage Nassau Bethpage Nassau Bethpage Nassau Bethpage Nassau Bethpage Nassau Bethpage Nassau Bethpage Nassau Bethpage Nassau Bethpage Craig D. Milne 68 Ellen Street Bethpage, NY 11714 Andrew D. Manley Bethpage Water District 25 Adams Ave. Bethpage, NY 11714 Frank M. Ellinger Bethpage Water District 25 Adams Avenue Bethpage, NY 11714 Matteo DiNuzzo 36 Essex Road Bethpage, NY 11714 Maurice J. Cosentino 26 Caffrey Avenue Bethpage, NY 11714 Paul L. Constantinopoli 24 Kevin Lane Bethpage, NY 11714 Roberto G. Lopez 36 Railroad Avenue Bethpage, NY 11714 Michael L. Mirabella 5 Concord Avenue Bethpage, NY 11714 Jeffrey E. Barker 21 Hoover Lane Bethhpage, NY 11714 4195 30-Jun-15 (516) 938-0836 4809 31-May-16 (516) 903-1585 5480 31-Mar-16 (631) 338-8326 5879 30-Jun-17 (516) 396-0515 6715 30-Apr-17 (516) 939-0518 8275 30-Jun-15 (516) 828-6435 9007 31-Jan-17 (516) 307-8320 9908 31-Dec-15 (516) 396-0622 10615 31-Aug-17 (516) 579-6484 Nassau Bethpage Nassau Briarwood Nassau Brookville Nassau Brookville Nassau Carle Place Nassau Carle Place Nassau Carle Place Nassau Carle Place Nassau Carle Place Tom A. Medina 13 Kilmer Street Bethpage, NY 11714 Dhanraj Ramcharitar 8732 144th Street Briarwood, NY 11435 Robert H. Kudlek 720 Northern Blvd. Brookville, NY 11545 Mason D. Lyons 57 Fruit Ledge Road Brookville, NY 11545 Robert H. Gramman Gramman Plumbing & Heating Corp. 256 Westbury Avenue Carle Place, NY 11514 Timothy J. Doyle Carle Place Water District 578 Mineola Ave, PO Box 345 Carle Place, NY 11514 John G. Wanna 23 Garson Rd. Carle Place, NY 11514 Frederick R. Cody G. H. Cody Plbg. & Htg. Inc. 568 Mineola Avenue Carle Place, NY 11514 James J. Passariello Carle Place Water District 578 Mineola Avenue Carle Place, NY 11514 10622 31-Aug-17 (516) 610-4597 9796 31-Oct-15 (718) 739-6873 6846 30-Sep-17 (516) 852-0023 10149 31-Aug-16 (516) 484-0377 245 31-Dec-17 (516) 746-0045 297 30-Apr-15 (516) 333-0540 396 28-Feb-16 (516) 739-8349 520 30-Jun-16 (516) 334-6988 1451 30-Jun-16 (516) 333-0540 Nassau Nassau Carle Place Glen M. Silva Carle Place Water District 578 Mineola Avenue Carle Place, NY 11514 4203 Carle Place Robert C. Gramman Gramman Plumbing & Heating 356 Westbury Avenue Carle Place, NY 11514 5151 31-Dec-17 (516) 746-0045 Nassau Carle Place Nassau Carle Place Nassau Carle Place Nassau Carle Place Nassau Carle Place Nassau Carle Place Nassau East Atlantic Beach Karl R. Veigl Carle Place Water District 578 Mineola Avenue Carle Place, NY 11514 Giovanni Portelli 452 Roslyn Avenue Carle Place, NY 11514 Nicholas Longhitano 295 Dow Ave. Carle Place, NY 11514 Joseph A. Bencivenga 2 Peachtree Lane Carle Place, NY 11514 Pino Parente 349 Rushmore Avenue Carle Place, NY 11514 Philip Ragusa 214 Roslyn Avenue Carle Place, NY 11514 Mitch Lilien 78 Malone Avenue East Atlantic Beach, NY 11561 30-Jun-15 (516) 333-0540 5199 31-Mar-15 (516) 333-0540 5742 31-Dec-16 (516) 876-2512 5919 31-Oct-17 (516) 741-2898 8011 31-Oct-17 (516) 205-3811 8557 28-Feb-16 (516) 334-0661 9795 31-Oct-15 (516) 376-3586 7082 30-Apr-18 (516) 670-9568 Nassau East Meadow Nassau East Meadow Nassau East Meadow Nassau East Meadow Nassau East Meadow Nassau East Meadow Nassau East Meadow Nassau East Meadow Nassau East Meadow Robert B. Richter, Jr. Island Sprinkler & Waterproofing 1404 Cleveland Avenue East Meadow, NY 11554 William E. Pagano 2275 5th Street East Meadow, NY 11554 Kyran A. Connelly Connelly & Sons Plumbing & Heating 234 East Meadow Avenue East Meadow, NY 11554 John W. Rotolo 485 Hull Street East Meadow, NY 11554 Andrew E. Schweiger 2520 Dogwood Avenue East Meadow, NY 11554 David Joseph 1948 Bly Road East Meadow, NY 11554 Donnovan O. Castro 894 Richmond Road East Meadow, NY 11554 Robert C. Volpe 572 Adelphi Street East Meadow, NY 11554 Arthur R. Wolf Arty's Sprinkler Service 448 Cedar Lane East Meadow, NY 11554 278 30-Jun-15 (516) 485-5209 436 31-Mar-16 (516) 579-1281 2211 31-Mar-15 (516) 794-7380 2672 30-Nov-15 (516) 794-0848 2991 30-Jun-17 (516) 804-0307 4380 30-Jun-17 (516) 794-8330 4998 30-Jun-17 (510) 538-5868 5161 31-Dec-17 (516) 378-5858 5797 31-Mar-17 (516) 538-4371 Nassau East Meadow Nassau East Meadow Nassau East Meadow Nassau East Meadow Nassau East Meadow Nassau East Meadow Nassau East Meadow Nassau East Meadow Nassau East Meadow Robert M. Disanza Hempstead Water Department 1995 Prospect Avenue East Meadow, NY 11554 William J. Huller Hempstead Water Department 1995 Prospect Avenue East Meadow, NY 11554 Kyran S. Connelly Connelly & Sons Plumbing Inc. 234 East Meadow Avenue East Meadow, NY 11554 Robert J. Horgan 716 Wenwood Drive East Meadow, NY 11554 James J. Pannullo, Sr. 1920 Stuyvesant Avenue East Meadow, NY 11554 Christopher M. Byrnes 411 Bellmore Road East Meadow, NY 11554 Robert K. Albano 343 Chambers Avenue East Meadow, NY 11554 Jonathan M. Hadden 167 Bette Road East Meadow, NY 11554 John A. Gregorio 2476 Jefferson Ct East Meadow, NY 11554 6043 30-Apr-15 (516) 384-4639 6047 30-Apr-15 (516) 296-7238 6119 31-May-15 (516) 794-7380 6313 31-Mar-17 (516) 606-7895 7005 31-Jan-18 (516) 794-0713 7077 30-Apr-15 (516) 679-3058 7234 31-Oct-15 (516) 369-0732 7982 31-Oct-17 (516) 741-0147 9717 31-Jul-15 (516) 731-4250 Nassau East Meadow Nassau East Meadow Nassau East Meadow Nassau East Meadow Nassau East Meadow Nassau East Meadow Nassau East Meadow Nassau East Meadow Nassau East Rockaway Nassau East Rockaway Nassau East Rockaway James P. Huber 208 Wickshire Drive East Meadow, NY 11554 Michael J. Ceraldi 78 Pengon Circle East Meadow, NY 11554 Jose Jimenez 2270 6th Street East Meadow, NY 11554 Antonio DeCaprio 2413 Amherst Street East Meadow, NY 11554 Victor Rossi 209 Ronni Drive East Meadow, NY 11554 Jeffrey M. Connelly 104 Newbirdge Road East Meadow, NY 11554 Dylan J. Hussey 1771 Maurice Avenue East Meadow, NY 11554 Michael R. Macchia 1866 Chester Drive East Meadow, NY 11554 Charles C. Shakespeare 73 5th Avenue. East Rockaway, NY 11518 Patrick J. Finlan 8 Rhame Avenue East Rockaway, NY 11518 John T. Matthews 29 Prospect Ave. East Rockaway, NY 11518 9937 31-Mar-16 (516) 965-2482 10004 30-Apr-16 (516) 313-1722 10300 31-Dec-16 (516) 816-0447 10367 31-Jan-17 (516) 679-8311 10398 31-Mar-17 (516) 967-4457 10435 30-Apr-17 (516) 470-1631 10462 30-Apr-17 (516) 542-0776 10687 31-Oct-17 (917) 731-8524 1237 31-Oct-15 (516) 351-0783 1389 30-Apr-16 (516) 887-7190 4799 30-Apr-16 (516) 599-6087 Nassau East Rockaway Nassau East Rockaway Nassau East Rockaway Nassau East Williston Nassau Elmont Nassau Elmont Nassau Elmont Nassau Elmont Nassau Elmont Nassau Elmont Nassau Farmingdale William G. Santamaria 92 Wilson Street East Rockaway, NY 11518 Charles T. Fried 23 Davis Street East Rockaway, NY 11518 Joseph Wesselhoft 14 5th Avenue E. Rockaway, NY 11518 Lucien F. gess Avenue 380 Congress Avenue East Williston, NY 11596 Edward J. Cash Thomas F. Cash & Sons 164 Meacham Avenue Elmont, NY 11003 Filippo LoPresti 199 Litchfield Avenue Elmont, NY 11003 Thomas E. McGuire 126 Barbara Street Elmont, NY 11003 Shane Lawrence 25 Buffalo Street Elmont, NY 11003 John Pimental 311 Leher Avenue Elmont, NY 11003 John Reinhardt 1426 Alpha Street Elmont, NY 11003 Thomas A. Chodkowski 26 Hazel Avenue Farmingdale, NY 11735 5088 31-Oct-17 (516) 887-2668 10138 31-Jul-16 (516) 322-9936 10324 31-Dec-16 10369 31-Jan-17 (516) 410-7314 4599 30-Sep-15 (516) 355-5401 8618 30-Apr-16 (516) 328-2355 9886 31-Dec-15 (516) 647-8047 10299 31-Dec-16 (516) 547-7112 10407 31-Mar-17 (401) 692-6867 10842 31-Jan-18 (516) 326-2915 1659 31-Dec-16 (516) 809-5901 Nassau Farmingdale Nassau Farmingdale Nassau Farmingdale Nassau Farmingdale Nassau Farmingdale Nassau Farmingdale Nassau Farmingdale Nassau Farmingdale Nassau Farmingdale Nassau Farmingdale John M. Vigh Heads Up Irrigation Inc. 104 Radcliffe Avenue Farmingdale, NY 11735 Joseph Pipitone 111 E. Zuranne Drive Farmingdale, NY 11735 Thomas Cosentino 42 Oakwood Avenue Farmingdale, NY 11735 Douglas J. DaCosta D&D Perfection Irrigation 850 Conklin St Farmingdale, NY 11735 Mario Pietromonaco 961 Fulton Street Farmingdale, NY 11735 Andrew J. Panetta 48 Scholl Drive Farmingdale, NY 11735 Peter J. Cestare 26 Pleasant Avenue Farmingdale, NY 11735 Anthony Bifolco Jr. 7 Midwood Ave Farmingdale, NY 11735 George M. Andriotti, Jr. D.G.T. Inc. 17 Miller Road Farmingdale, NY 11735 Daniel Brennan 34 10th Avenue Farmingdale, NY 11735 2919 30-Apr-16 (516) 293-9152 4942 31-Dec-16 (516) 249-0842 5174 31-Jan-18 (516) 845-1719 5193 31-Mar-15 (631) 777-4680 5439 31-Dec-15 (516) 865-2816 6075 31-May-15 (516) 698-2949 6784 31-Jul-17 (516) 293-2834 7015 28-Feb-18 (516) 420-0282 7384 31-Mar-16 (516) 420-0240 8273 30-Jun-15 (516) 724-0368 Nassau Farmingdale Nassau Farmingdale Nassau Farmingdale Nassau Farmingdale Nassau Farmingdale Nassau Farmingdale Nassau Farmingdale Nassau Farmingdale Nassau Floral Park Nassau Floral Park Nassau Floral Park Joseph A. Aversano 30 Paula Drive Farmingdale, NY 11735 Robert A. Engel 14 Regina Road Farmingdale, NY 11735 Paul F. Kunkle 24 Matthew Street Farmingdale, NY 11735 Christopher G. Brosnan 97 Michel Avenue Farmingdale, NY 11735 Robert A. Herms 12 Avon Road Farmingdale, NY 11735 John Renyak 10 Edward Court Farmingdale, NY 11735 Michael Dendekker 59 Lambert Avenue Farmingdale, NY 11753 James R. Apuzzo 46 Linwood Avenue Farmingdale, NY 11735 Antonio Fernandez 171 Oak Street Floral Park, NY 11001 Andrew W. Brzoza 112 Bellmore St Floral Park, NY 11001 Sidney DiGrazia 96 Superior Road Floral Park, NY 11001 8400 31-Oct-15 (516) 293-1085 9160 30-Jun-17 (516) 586-4334 9168 30-Jun-17 (516) 586-3987 9556 30-Apr-15 (516) 589-2104 10211 31-Oct-16 (516) 420-1457 10312 31-Dec-16 10600 31-Jul-17 (516) 551-6306 10858 31-Mar-18 (516) 474-7228 6243 31-Oct-15 (516) 327-6971 6533 31-Oct-16 (516) 488-1713 7686 31-Dec-16 (516) 352-1611 Nassau Floral Park Nassau Floral Park Nassau Floral Park Nassau Floral Park Nassau Floral Park Nassau Floral Park Nassau Floral Park Nassau Floral Park Nassau Floral Park Nassau Floral Park Nassau Floral Park John P. Cullen 222 Cherry Lane Floral Park, NY 11001 James F. Tangredi 19 Revere Drive West Floral Park, NY 11001 Joseph J. Ragusa 94-17 226th Street Floral Park, NY 11001 Scott Jordan 84-05 264th Street Floral Park, NY 11001 James E. Dodson 20 Walnut Avenue Floral Park, NY 11001 Francis B. Block 45 Elm Avenue Floral Park, NY 11001 Anthony Rascio 358 Covert Avenue Floral Park, NY 11001 Andrew N. McCann 9 Willis Avenue Floral Park, NY 11001 Jonathan A. Valenzuela 94-09 239th Street Floral Park, NY 11001 Joseph Paternoster 262-08 86 Avenue Floral Park, NY 10001 John A. Robins 84-20 262 Street Floral Park, NY 11001 7933 31-Aug-17 (516) 352-8508 8547 31-Jan-16 (516) 354-3670 8625 30-Apr-16 (516) 216-5509 8987 31-Dec-16 (516) 238-8525 9426 31-Dec-17 (516) 488-4506 9474 31-Mar-15 (516) 672-2116 9898 31-Dec-15 (516) 437-2304 10620 31-Aug-17 (516) 354-7309 10690 31-Oct-17 (646) 281-8612 10774 31-Dec-17 (718) 343-5603 10856 28-Feb-18 (845) 260-1327 Nassau Franklin Square Nassau Franklin Square Nassau Franklin Square Nassau Franklin Square Nassau Franklin Square Nassau Franklin Square Nassau Franklin Square Nassau Franklin Square Nassau Franklin Square Nassau Franklin Square Nassau Franklin Square Leonard Falco 802 Franklin Place Franklin Square, NY 11010 Ralph D. Pugliese 101 Madison Avenue Franklin Square, NY 11010 Andrew J. Colombo 1052 Third Avenue Franklin Square, NY 11010 Joseph L. Minarik 204 Harrison Avenue Franklin Square, NY 11010 Thomas I. Bivone PO Box 88 Franklin Square, NY 11010 Mario R. Trocchia 1003 Maple Drive Franklin Square, NY 11010 Michael Gisonda 785 3rd Avenue Franklin Square, NY 11010 Michael A. D'Andrea 890 Tyler Street Franklin Square, NY 11010 Anthony P. Geiger 29 Ribbon St. Franklin Square, NY 11010 Salvatore Caruso 686 Adonia Street Franklin Square, NY 11010 Salvatore Caruso Misty Irrigation 824 Rutgers Road Franklin Square, NY 11010 72 31-Mar-17 (516) 565-5163 853 31-May-17 (516) 354-6673 1787 31-May-17 (516) 437-8207 3568 31-May-17 (516) 352-1450 4374 30-Jun-17 (516) 523-3523 5785 31-Jul-17 (516) 775-7906 6031 31-Mar-18 (516) 354-5965 6336 28-Feb-16 (516) 326-9302 6534 31-Oct-16 (917) 807-7208 6690 31-Mar-17 (516) 564-4428 6690 31-Mar-17 (516) 564-1300 Nassau Franklin Square Nassau Franklin Square Nassau Franklin Square Nassau Franklin Square Nassau Franklin Square Nassau Franklin Square Nassau Franklin Square Nassau Franklin Square Nassau Franklin Square Nassau Franklin Square Nassau Franklyn Square Richard A. Andrasick 245 Cleveland Street Franklin Square, NY 11010 Gary J. Montemarano 1010 Windermere Road Franklin Square, NY 11010 Vincenzo Campagna 127 Grange Street Franklin Square, NY 11010 Victor Vitulli 52 Common Wealth Street Franklin Square, NY 11010 Gaetano Dipasquale 426 Robert Avenue Franklin Square, NY 11010 Joseph R. Lynch 887 VanBuren Avenue Franklin Square, NY 11010 Albert Pyzik 1041 First Avenue Franklin Square, NY 11010 Robert A. Andrasick 237 Hoffman Street Franklin Square, NY 11010 Ryan Klupt 1077 Atlantic Street Franklin Square, NY 11110 Patrick M. Holden 149 Frame Street Franklin Square, NY 11010 Adriano Parente 811 Forte Blvd. Franklyn Square, NY 11010 6839 30-Sep-17 (516) 225-5828 8593 28-Feb-16 (516) 385-6303 8960 31-Dec-16 (516) 481-9451 9291 31-Aug-17 (516) 270-2163 9558 30-Apr-18 (516) 538-0275 9565 30-Apr-18 (516) 354-4917 10297 31-Dec-16 (516) 510-2550 10325 31-Dec-16 (516) 354-7655 10771 31-Dec-17 (631) 835-0430 10864 31-Mar-18 (516) 305-7654 8435 30-Nov-15 (516) 539-2252 Nassau Freeport Nassau Freeport Nassau Freeport Nassau Freeport Nassau Freeport Nassau Freeport Nassau Freeport Nassau Freeport Nassau Freeport Nassau Freeport Frank A. Licari 74 Shonnard Street Freeport, NY 11520 Lynda M. Bodden 150 East Avenue Freeport, NY 11520 Jeffrey S. Krupka A & I Mechanical Services, Inc. 37 Commercial Street Freeport, NY 11520 Jack J. Nuzzi 34 Bedell St. Freeport, NY 11520 Philip M. Flood 257 Miller Avenue Freeport, NY 11520 Kevin J. Sullivan 85 Babylon Turnpike Freeport, NY 11520 Peter F. Huemmer 363 Roosevelt Avenue Freeport, NY 11520 Corey G. Gay 38 High Place Freeport, NY 11520 David Karp 469 Southside Avenue Freeport, NY 11520 Dionicio Baez 145 Randall Avenue - Apt. 5 Freeport, NY 11520 598 31-Dec-16 (516) 430-1648 745 30-Apr-17 (516) 867-2292 787 30-Apr-17 (516) 868-8600 1050 31-Jul-15 (516) 377-8311 3959 31-Dec-17 (516) 867-0501 4771 31-Dec-15 (516) 505-9590 7239 31-Oct-15 (516) 868-8883 7542 31-Jul-16 (516) 223-1054 8404 31-Oct-15 (516) 546-4355 9355 31-Oct-17 (516) 665-9083 Nassau Freeport Nassau FREEPORT Nassau Garden City Nassau Garden City Nassau Garden City Nassau Garden City Nassau Garden City Nassau Garden City Nassau Garden City Nassau Garden City Nassau Garden City Park Edward J. Tyler 238 S. Brookoside Avenue Freeport, NY 11520 Pedro A. Gutierrez PEDRO A. GUTIERREZ 240 E. SEAMAN AVE FREEPORT, NY 11520 Michael L. Butler 47 Hunting Road Garden City, NY 11530 Angelo DeVito 115 Brixton Road Garden City, NY 11530 Angelo J. Bucolo 215 Wellington Road Garden City, NY 11530 Michael McVey 70 Roosevelt Street Garden City, NY 11530 Andrew J. Loughlin 456 Old Country Road Garden City, NY 11530 Bruno Abballe 65 Russell Road Garden City, NY 11530 Gregory Quattlander 397 Terrace Avenue Garden City, NY 11530 Nicholas Varuzzi 204 Roxbury Road South Garden City, NY 11530 Ronald J. Krumholz 56 Madison Avenue Garden City Park, NY 11040 9932 31-Jan-16 (516) 998-6954 9936 31-Mar-16 (516) 455-4771 1884 31-Jul-17 (718) 291-4838 2574 31-Oct-18 (516) 873-0903 4951 28-Feb-17 (516) 354-8007 6049 30-Apr-15 (516) 488-5575 6078 31-May-15 (516) 873-8699 6660 31-Jan-17 (516) 747-0306 9992 30-Apr-16 (516) 292-5904 10789 31-Dec-17 (516) 505-0303 118 31-Mar-17 (516) 248-1947 Nassau Garden City Park Nassau Garden City Park Nassau Garden City Park Nassau Garden City Park Nassau Garden City Park Nassau Garden City Park Nassau Garden City Park Nassau Glen Cove Nassau Glen Cove Gary M. Ericsson Frank Graves Irrigation, Inc. 10 Tulip Place Garden City Park, NY 11040 Paul F. Krumholz 100 County Courthouse Road Garden City Park, NY 11040 Adan A. Amaya IDA Corp 10 Tulip Place Garden City Park, NY 11040 Michael E. Miraglia Frank Graves Irrigation 10 Tulip Place Garden City Park, NY 11040 Robert D. Hare Frank Graves Irrigation 10 Tulip Place Garden City Park, NY 11040 Daniel J. Zith 89 Madison Avenue Garden City Park, NY 11040 Philip D. Patti Dom's Landscaping 141 Herricks Road Garden City Park, NY 11040 Michael J. Martino 19 Sands Road Glen Cove, NY 11542 Francesco Monaco 3 Danis Avenue Glen Cove, NY 11542 3606 30-Jun-17 (516) 248-1788 4382 30-Jun-17 (516) 877-7009 5638 31-Aug-16 (516) 317-3680 5753 31-Jan-17 (516) 248-1788 6027 31-Mar-15 (516) 248-1788 7552 31-Jul-16 (516) 248-6341 7692 31-Dec-16 (516) 488-6653 1079 30-Sep-19 (516) 759-5693 4553 31-Mar-15 (516) 671-5043 Nassau Glen Cove Nassau Glen Cove Nassau Glen Cove Nassau Glen Cove Nassau Glen Cove Nassau Glen Cove Nassau Glen Cove Nassau GLEN COVE Nassau Glen Cove Nassau Glen Cove James P. Grennan Grennan Irrigation, Inc. 14 Robert Road Glen Cove, NY 11542 John P. Sullivan 26 Landing Road Glen Cove, NY 11542 Richard Rodriguez 7 Eldridge Place Glen Cove, NY 11542 Richard P. Gecsedi 106 Highland Road Glen Cove, NY 11542 Adner A. Reynoso 44 Prospect Avenue Glen Cove, NY 11542 Brendan J. Gecsedi 106 Highland Road Glen Cove, NY 11542 Thomas M. Borroughs 128 Walnut Road Glen Cove, NY 11542 Peter Monaco 61 ELM AVENUE GLEN COVE, NY 11542 Michael Costantino 26 Leuce Place Glen Cove, NY 11542 Ronan Corrigan 8 Harbor Hill Road Glen Cove, NY 11542 5163 31-Dec-17 (516) 674-4672 6111 31-Mar-15 (516) 676-0208 6528 31-Aug-16 (516) 759-2749 9163 30-Jun-17 (516) 277-1360 9797 31-Oct-15 (516) 532-2065 9987 30-Apr-16 (516) 277-1360 10094 30-Jun-16 (516) 650-6404 10331 31-Dec-16 (516) 313-8282 10391 31-Mar-17 (516) 510-2979 10545 30-Jun-17 (516) 459-9038 Nassau Glen Cove Nassau Glen Cove Nassau Glen Head Nassau Glen Head Nassau Glen Head Nassau Glen Head Nassau Glen Head Nassau Glencove Nassau Great Neck Roberto C. Guardado 46 Forest Avenue Rear apt. Glen Cove, NY 11542 Enzo Scutifero 10 Briarwood Drive Glen Cove, NY 11542 John D. Brala 11 Hillside Avenue Glen Head, NY 11545 Yeon C. Lee 5 Norden Drive Glen Head, NY 11545 Jay L. Jarkow 91 The Promenade Glen Head, NY 11545 Shaun P. Lynch PE Jones Company, Inc. PO Box 256 Glen Head, NY 11545 Ian P. Lynch PE Jones P.O. Box 256, 2 Ashley Place Glen Head, NY 11545 John S. Basilioin 4 Ridge Road Glencove, NY 11542 Robert J. DiTusa Ben Dinkin Inc. Plumbing & Heating 16 Welwyn Road Great Neck, NY 11710 10618 31-Aug-17 (516) 723-9870 10625 31-Aug-17 (516) 759-3442 717 30-Nov-18 (516) 759-5247 1341 30-Jun-18 (516) 801-3226 3276 30-Apr-15 (516) 626-6766 6635 31-Dec-16 (516) 671-3536 7220 31-Jul-15 (516) 790-3264 7608 31-Oct-16 (607) 738-0139 651 31-Mar-17 (516) 482-1554 Nassau Great Neck Nassau Great Neck Nassau Great Neck Nassau Great Neck Nassau Great Neck Nassau Hempstead Nassau Hempstead Nassau Hempstead Nassau Hempstead Nassau Hempstead Eileen M. Curley 63 Van Nostrand Avenue Great Neck, NY 11024 George P. Motchkavitz 8 Elm Place Great Neck, NY 11024 Vincent Tavella 25 Robbins Lane Great Neck, NY 11020 Wellington Won 46-32 Arcadia Lane Great Neck, NY 11020 Todor Krajovan 58 Grace Avenue Apt. 1F Great Neck, NY 11021 Corey Magee Magee Brothers, Inc. 256 Jerusalem Avenue Hempstead, NY 11550 Carlos A. Cajamarca Automatic Irrigation Design 333 Baldwin Road Hempstead, NY 11550 Jose S. Padilla 353 Washington St Hempstead, NY 11550 Eric A. Gamez 134 Allen Street Hempstead, NY 11550 Jose Aguilar 53 Rhodes Avenue Hempstead, NY 11550 866 28-Feb-16 (516) 466-0916 1081 30-Sep-16 (516) 647-4076 5346 30-Jun-15 (516) 487-0831 6699 31-Mar-17 (917) 939-2812 7393 30-Apr-16 (347) 423-2891 3278 30-Nov-16 (516) 483-0400 6815 31-Jul-17 (516) 486-7500 7074 31-Mar-15 (516) 849-4542 9716 31-Jul-15 (516) 233-6402 9946 31-Mar-16 (516) 355-1800 Nassau Hempstead Nassau Hewlett Nassau Hewlett Nassau Hicksville Nassau Hicksville Nassau Hicksville Nassau Hicksville Nassau Hicksville Nassau Hicksville Nassau Hicksville Juan F. Rodriduez 600 Fulton Avenue Apt. 34C Hempstead, NY 11550 Joseph Schmidt 1769 Broadway Hewlett, NY 11557 Adam S. Tedesco 164 Pebble Lane Hewlett, NY 11557 Robert F. Watterson 206 1st Street Hicksville, NY 11801 Hunter R. Botto Botto Bros. Plumbing/Heating 128 Woodbury Road Hicksville, NY 11801 Frank J. Musella Jr. 30 Twin Lawns Avenue Hicksville, NY 11801 Kevin G. McMahon 327 West Nicholai Street Hicksville, NY 11801 Kevin C. Kaszuba 67 14th Street Hicksville, NY 11801 Jeffrey A. Mattera The Sprinkler Company 91 Jerusalem Avenue Hicksville, NY 11801 Robert Steinhardt Long Island Plbg. Auth. 69 Woodbine Drive Hicksville, NY 11801 10334 31-Jan-17 (516) 225-5537 5646 31-Aug-16 (516) 596-0856 9570 30-Apr-15 (516) 661-6219 103 31-Aug-17 (516) 681-5374 375 31-Oct-15 (516) 935-2900 912 31-Oct-17 (516) 938-6528 1569 31-Oct-16 (516) 939-6159 1749 31-Mar-17 (516) 938-2919 2226 31-Mar-15 (516) 933-9780 3968 30-Jun-15 (516) 942-5700 Nassau Hicksville Nassau Hicksville Nassau Hicksville Nassau Hicksville Nassau Hicksville Nassau Hicksville Nassau Hicksville Nassau Hicksville Nassau Hicksville Nassau Hicksville George Tjortjoglou 2 Bond Lane Hicksville, NY 11801 Anthony Verde 83 Gardner Avenue Hicksville, NY 11801 Danielle M. Kaszuba 67 14th Street Hicksville, NY 11801 Vincent Scialli Scialli & Sons Inc 130 Stewart Avenue Hicksville, NY 11801 Peter J. Quinn 53 Ketcham Road Hicksville, NY 11801 Dimitrios Bitis 241 Dartmouth Drive Hicksville, NY 11801 Elizer Maestas 12 Glow Lane Hicksville, NY 11801 Richard D. Wickwar Long Island Plumbing Authority Inc. 69 Woodbine Drive Hicksville, NY 11801 Harry P. Zouros 121 Vincent Road Hicksville, NY 11801 Robert J. Pedota 227 Princess Street Hicksville, NY 11801 5443 31-Dec-15 (516) 390-7015 5492 31-Mar-16 (516) 937-3962 5644 31-Aug-16 (516) 938-2919 6233 31-Oct-15 (516) 334-6701 6330 28-Feb-16 (917) 295-1182 6529 31-Aug-16 (516) 822-6467 6783 30-Jun-15 (516) 938-5660 7155 30-Jun-15 (516) 942-5700 7553 31-Jul-16 (516) 935-5753 8737 30-Jun-16 (516) 681-6638 Nassau Hicksville Nassau Hicksville Nassau Hicksville Nassau Hicksville Nassau Hollbrook Nassau Howard Beach Nassau Inwood Nassau Inwood Nassau Island Park Nassau Island Park Christopher Kircheim 59 Kuhl Ave Hicksville, NY 11801 Vincent N. Patrowicz 27 Croyden Lane Hicksville, NY 11801 Anthony Petrulli 2 Millwood Gate Hicksville, NY 11801 Michael J. Cava 40 Moeller Street Hicksville, NY 11801 James L. Wilson 12 Bradford Pl Hollbrook, NY 11741 Salvatore Marullo 161-39 85th Street Howard Beach, NY 11414 Allen A. Rizzo Green Turf Irrigation Co., Inc 101 Roger Avenue Inwood, NY 11096 Lawrence Cerullo LJ Cerullo Inc. 130 Wahl Avenue Inwood, NY 11096 Joseph J. Santacroce 1058 Traymore Blvd. Island Park, NY 11558 John J. Herbert, III 231 Saratoga Blvd Island Park, NY 11558 9166 30-Jun-17 (516) 681-0463 9462 31-Jan-18 (516) 681-1504 9930 31-Jan-16 (516) 390-7956 10835 31-Jan-18 (516) 931-8807 5068 30-Jun-15 6928 31-May-15 (917) 417-5442 492 31-Aug-16 (516) 239-3434 5752 31-Jan-17 (516) 239-4308 4457 31-Aug-17 (516) 608-0839 7300 31-Jan-17 (516) 632-8795 Nassau Island Park Nassau Island Park Nassau Island Park Nassau Jericho Nassau Jericho Nassau Lawrence Nassau Lawrence Nassau Lawrence Nassau Levittown Nassau Levittown Nassau Levittown Stephen Strouse AWS Mechanical 43 Alabama Avenue Island Park, NY 11558 Brian McGee 18 Roosevelt Place Island Park, NY 11558 Martin Stamile 9 Deal Road Island Park, NY 11558 Frederick R. Dobler 305 Nimitz Street Jericho, NY 11753 Michael Calisto 562 Parkside Drive Jericho, NY 11753 Kenneth W. Moore 271 Pearsall Pl. Lawrence, NY 11559 Kevin P. Regan 25 Bernard Street Lawrence, NY 11559 Otto Echevarria 238 Lawrence Avenue Lawrence, NY 11559 Joseph Carrier 90 Hickory Lane Levittown, NY 11756 Christopher G. Costello 66 Hilltop Road Levittown, NY 11756 Thomas H. Lannon 57 Haymaker Lane Levittown, NY 11756 7481 30-Jun-16 (516) 889-1900 9896 31-Dec-15 (516) 442-0184 9899 31-Dec-15 (516) 889-9562 7257 31-Oct-15 (516) 932-0769 8879 31-Oct-16 (516) 681-3760 1291 30-Nov-15 (516) 239-6613 6009 31-Jul-15 (516) 239-8541 8307 31-Dec-17 (516) 668-5413 719 30-Nov-15 (516) 735-1980 1193 31-Oct-16 (516) 622-5428 2739 31-Dec-15 (516) 735-8905 Nassau Levittown Nassau Levittown Nassau Levittown Nassau Levittown Nassau Levittown Nassau Levittown Nassau Levittown Nassau Levittown Nassau Levittown Nassau Levittown Nassau Levittown Michael J. Dwyer 107 Swan Lane Levittown, NY 11756 William D. Symington 120 Greenbelt Lane Levittown, NY 11756 Matthew Kinkel 36 Squirrel Lane Levittown, NY 11756 Ronald E. Irving 67 Ramble Lane Levittown, NY 11756 Steven C. Greco Greco Lawn Sprinklers Inc 54 Frances Court Levittown, NY 11756 Luis A. Senra 35 Crescent Lane Levittown, NY 11756 Jim M. Brown 81 Red Maple Drive North Levittown, NY 11756 Juan M. Lopez 16 Blacksmith Road Levittown, NY 11756 Mario Marchese 96 Stone Lane Levittown, NY 11756 Thomas F. Savoca 221 Crane Place Levittown, NY 11756 Marcelo A. Doglio 8 Quiet Lane Levittown, NY 11756 4804 31-May-16 (516) 579-8197 4981 31-Mar-17 (516) 342-9271 5485 31-Mar-16 (516) 342-9571 5643 31-Aug-16 (516) 520-6308 5744 31-Dec-16 (516) 358-1956 7223 30-Jun-15 (516) 622-0010 8300 30-Jun-15 (516) 735-3395 8626 30-Apr-16 (516) 513-1610 8628 30-Apr-16 (516) 520-6488 9489 31-Mar-15 (516) 796-1291 9559 30-Apr-15 (516) 520-0585 Nassau Levittown Nassau Levittown Nassau Levittown Nassau Levittown Nassau Levittown Nassau Levittown Nassau Levittown Nassau Levittown Nassau Levittown Nassau Locust Valley Nassau Locust Valley Chris S. Strauss 62 Cliff Lane Levittown, NY 11756 Jason Clever 35 Bent Lane Levittown, NY 11756 Thomas Driscoll 22 Chickadee Lane Levittown, NY 1/8/15 David W. Erickson 43 Crabtree Lane Levittown, NY 11756 Jonathan Soto 49 Hollyhock Road Levittown, NY 11756 Gilbert P. Mead 6 Gardenia Lane Levittown, NY 11756 Gary P. Jacobs 24 Elves Lane Levittown, NY 11756 Brian Doherty 19 Jupiter Lane Levittown, NY 11756 Edward M. Baquet 11 Chickadee Lane Levittown, NY 11756 Brian R. Plumb 18 2nd Avenue Locust Valley, NY 11560 Michael Domaradzki Locust Valley Irrigation 11 Le Britton St. Locust Valley, NY 11560 9890 31-Dec-15 (516) 796-2898 9892 31-Dec-15 (516) 731-8273 9901 31-Dec-15 (516) 390-9199 9984 30-Apr-16 (516) 921-1570 9993 30-Apr-16 (516) 796-6051 10213 31-Oct-16 (516) 342-9125 10438 30-Apr-17 (516) 633-1406 10601 31-Jul-17 (516) 731-8932 10834 31-Jan-18 (516) 520-5906 734 30-Nov-15 (516) 676-6307 1283 30-Nov-15 (516) 671-7591 Nassau Locust Valley Nassau Locust Valley Nassau Locust Valley Nassau Locust Valley Nassau Locust Valley Nassau Long Beach Nassau Long Beach Nassau Long Beach Nassau Long Beach Nassau Long Beach Dominick Scaperotta 57 Hernan Ave. Locust Valley, NY 11560 Michael J. Graziose Graziose Plumbing & Heating 447 Forest Ave. Locust Valley, NY 11560 Scott D. Macnow PO Box 140 Locust Valley, NY 11560 John Dembrowski 39 South 6th Street Locust Valley, NY 11560 Andrew Cartselos 32 Meleny Road Locust Valley, NY 11560 William H. Lohrberg 103 Delaware Avenue Long Beach, NY 11561 Ira S. Auslander 259 East Broadway Long Beach, NY 11561 Thomas M. Gillan Highland Plumbing and Heating 451 Long Beach Blvd Long Beach, NY 11561 James D. Kennedy 59 West Penn Street Long Beach, NY 11561 Lee S. Rosenthal 25 Kirkwood Street Long Beach, NY 11561 4576 31-Mar-15 (516) 676-8293 4893 30-Sep-16 (516) 671-7254 6346 28-Feb-16 (516) 671-0904 9712 31-Jul-15 (516) 671-0271 10113 31-Jul-16 (516) 676-1807 846 31-May-17 (516) 432-0642 2752 31-Dec-15 (516) 431-0949 6508 30-Jun-16 (516) 431-0303 7241 31-Oct-15 (516) 437-1232 7331 31-Oct-17 (631) 588-1666 Nassau Long Beach Nassau Long Beach Nassau Long Beach Nassau Long Beach Nassau Long Beach Nassau Lynbrook Nassau Lynbrook Nassau Lynbrook Nassau Lynbrook Nassau Lynbrook James R. Banta 855 E. Broadway Long Beach, NY 11561 Charles P. McAvoy 502 Lafayette Blvd Long Beach, NY 11561 Vincent J. Leis 418 East Hudson Street Long Beach, NY 11561 Andre R. Farr 715 E. Walnut Street Long Beach, NY 11561 Joseph F. Gange 10 Monroe Blvd - Apt 6B Long Beach, NY 11561 Joseph Armellino Turnabout Plumbing 74 N. Prospect Avenue Lynbrook, NY 11563 Charles J. Dolce 72 Sherman Street Lynbrook, NY 11563 Richard W. Gazzola, Jr. Mako Plumbing & Heating, Inc. 17 Maple Avenue Lynbrook, NY 11563 Christopher Ragusa Lynbrook Plumbing 267 Merrick Road Lynbrook, NY 11563 Christopher J. Deifel 47 Blossom Heath Avenue Lynbrook, NY 11563 9278 31-Aug-17 (516) 208-8414 9663 30-Jun-15 (516) 707-2583 9718 31-Jul-15 (516) 807-3804 10145 31-Aug-16 (516) 661-7440 10210 31-Oct-16 (516) 705-0194 320 31-Dec-15 (516) 887-4411 4763 30-Apr-17 (516) 887-6902 5433 31-Dec-15 (516) 285-9879 7556 28-Feb-18 (516) 593-4000 8437 30-Nov-15 (516) 792-3790 Nassau Lynbrook Nassau Lynbrook Nassau Lynbrook Nassau Lynbrook Nassau Lynbrook Nassau Lynbrook Nassau Lynbrook Nassau Lynbrook Nassau Lynbrook Nassau Malverne Nassau Manhasset Richard A. Santoro, Jr. Mako Plumbing 17 Maple Avenue Lynbrook, NY 11563 Arthur K. Stebner 41 Melrose Avenue Lynbrook, NY 11563 Lawrence Abbatangelo 110 Buckingham Place Lynbrook, NY 11563 Alan Pawelsky 68 Noble Street Lynbrook, NY 11563 Shelly G. Conn 27 Tredwell Avenue Lynbrook, NY 11563 Daniel C. Abrams 10 Maiden Lane Lynbrook, NY 11563 James R. Maxwell 4 Olive Place Lynbrook, NY 11563 Patrick J. Cash 5 Abrams Place Lynbrook, NY 11563 Nicholas Kozlakowski 79 Spencer Avenue Lynbrook, NY 11563 Henry A. Albano 15 Horton Street Malverne, NY 11565 John P. Leto 16 Mitchell Place Manhasset, NY 11030 8738 30-Jun-16 (516) 285-9879 9722 31-Jul-15 (516) 612-3038 9923 31-Jan-16 (516) 596-4444 9977 31-Mar-16 (917) 498-7694 10434 30-Apr-17 (516) 593-1774 10518 30-Jun-17 (516) 889-1728 10528 30-Jun-17 (516) 887-7135 10872 31-Mar-18 (516) 693-9773 10874 31-Mar-18 (516) 599-8162 8399 31-Oct-15 (516) 593-1625 275 30-Apr-15 (516) 869-9722 Nassau Manhasset Nassau Manhasset Nassau Manhasset Nassau Manhasset Nassau Manhassett Hills Nassau Massapequa Nassau Massapequa Nassau Massapequa Nassau Massapequa Nassau Massapequa Nassau Massapequa Mark E. Maleno P.O. Box 54 Manhasset, NY 11030 Steven L. Flynn 6 Highland Terrace Manhasset, NY 11030 Salvatore G. Quaratino 106 Susses Drive Manhasset, NY 11030 Kyu M. Kim 6 Boxwood Way Manhasset, NY 11030 Nado Vidaich 50 Lake Drive Manhassett Hills, NY 11040 Patrick Dolan Alcyone Plumbing Co., Inc. 4 Brooklyn Avenue Massapequa, NY 11758 Walter J. Dynia 78 Arlyn Drive East Massapequa, NY 11758 Anthony DeVictoria 135 Roosevelt Place Massapequa, NY 11758 John A. Valenza 22 Tidewater Avenue Massapequa, NY 11758 Christopher D. Buback 168 Arlyn Drive West Massapequa, NY 11758 James J. Citarella 121 Division Avenue Massapequa, NY 11758 2089 28-May-15 (516) 457-3804 5789 31-Mar-17 (516) 627-1793 9941 31-Mar-16 (917) 922-1581 10787 31-Dec-17 (917) 848-6169 10284 31-Dec-16 (516) 570-6677 243 30-Nov-17 (516) 798-1055 652 31-Jan-17 (516) 799-9740 2829 28-Feb-16 (516) 797-8318 4529 31-Mar-18 (516) 797-5061 5202 31-Mar-15 (516) 795-2970 6329 28-Feb-16 (516) 795-0903 Nassau Massapequa Nassau Massapequa Nassau Massapequa Nassau Massapequa Nassau Massapequa Nassau Massapequa Nassau Massapequa Nassau Massapequa Nassau Massapequa Nassau Massapequa Nassau Massapequa Glenn C. Tripi 29 Leslie Lane Massapequa, NY 11758 Aaron A. Harris 5 Spinning Wheel Rd. Apt 2A Massapequa, NY 11758 Bryan P. Edgar 14 Rumson Road Massapequa, NY 11758 James J. DiPalma 566 Central Avenue Massapequa, NY 11758 Justin M. Pascucci 48 E. Iroguois Street Massapequa, NY 11758 Thomas P. Bayer 97 Euclid Avenue Massapequa, NY 11758 Vincent Ambrosio 102 Park Hill Avenue Massapequa, NY 11758 Gregory T. James 266 N. Elm Street Massapequa, NY 00758 Richard M. Yodice 67 Pennsylvania Avenue Massapequa, NY 11758 Jesse R. Ianno 14 Sutton Place Massapequa, NY 11758 Frank R. Fiorillo 11 Jeanette Drive Massapequa, NY 11758 6974 30-Nov-17 (516) 541-2160 7237 31-Oct-15 (516) 351-4694 7388 31-Mar-16 (516) 799-0590 7787 31-Mar-17 (516) 804-5942 8491 31-Dec-15 (516) 382-4465 8561 30-Sep-16 (631) 225-5493 9158 30-Jun-17 (516) 795-6054 9286 31-Aug-17 (631) 466-6669 9492 31-Mar-15 (516) 799-6991 9526 30-Apr-15 (516) 308-4525 9788 31-Oct-15 (516) 809-6040 Nassau Massapequa Nassau Massapequa Nassau Massapequa Nassau Massapequa Nassau Massapequa Nassau Massapequa Nassau Massapequa N Nassau Massapequa N Nassau Massapequa N Nassau Massapequa N Nassau Massapequa N Steven V. Scott 4 Pepper Circle West Massapequa, NY 11758 Joseph Bruno 556 Forest Avenue Massapequa, NY 11758 Matthew R. Scott 226 Bayview Avenue Massapequa, NY 11758 Michael Scott 226 Bayview Avenue Massapequa, NY 11758 Erik C. Meinking 81 Sunset Blvd Massapequa, NY 11758 Todd T. Faver 112 Melrose Avenue Massapequa, NY 11758 James A. Ronneburger 4 Vinton Street North Massapequa, NY 11758 James J. Malatesta 220 No. Suffolk Ave. North Massapequa, NY 11758 Michael F. Delasant 236 North Iowa Avenue North Massapequa, NY 11758 Guido Salvato Innovative Plumbing 263 North Atlantic Avenue North Massapequa, NY 11758 James A. Edgette 114 Charles St N. Massapequa, NY 11758 10140 31-Jul-16 (516) 860-8226 10365 31-Jan-17 (516) 541-3232 10441 30-Apr-17 (516) 799-0351 10442 30-Apr-17 (516) 780-1892 10808 31-Dec-17 (516) 541-3483 10837 31-Jan-18 (516) 797-3553 564 30-Nov-16 (516) 796-5097 788 31-Jan-17 (516) 239-7600 1106 31-May-15 (516) 586-3444 1672 31-Dec-16 (516) 752-3889 7214 31-Jul-15 (516) 242-1657 Nassau Massapequa N Nassau Massapequa N Nassau Massapequa N Nassau Massapequa N Nassau Massapequa Park Nassau Massapequa Park Nassau Massapequa Park Nassau Massapequa Park Nassau Massapequa Park Nassau Massapequa Park Nassau Massapequa Park Nicholas J. Pristina 915 North Central Avenue N. Massapequa, NY 11758 Jason C. Smith 258 N Michigan Avenue N. Massapequa, NY 11758 Kevin B. Mauro 72 Leslie Lane N. Massapequa, NY 11758 Alex A. Pristina 915 North Central Avenue N. Massapequa, NY 11758 Peter J. Herman 177 Hawthorne Street Massapequa Park, NY 11762 David J. Moravec 209 Richard Court Massapequa Park, NY 11701 Stephen Kirchstetter 125 Smith Street Massapequa Park, NY 11762 Douglas S. Veneck 150 Linden Street Massapequa Park, NY 11762 Robert C. Grimes 332 Pacific Street Massapequa Park, NY 11762 Joseph E. Licci 500 Oakdale Avenue Massapequa Park, NY 11762 Frederick M. Trumpy 165 Tyrconnell Avenue Massapequa Park, NY 11762 8346 31-Jul-15 (516) 325-0846 9798 31-Oct-15 (516) 586-4865 10150 31-Aug-16 (516) 795-1254 10623 31-Aug-17 (516) 610-4597 426 31-Dec-15 (516) 798-7074 5208 31-Mar-15 (516) 308-4644 6206 30-Sep-15 (516) 798-6447 6740 31-May-17 (516) 246-1454 7236 31-Oct-15 (516) 537-3498 7244 31-Oct-15 (516) 797-0704 7256 31-Oct-15 (516) 798-2802 Nassau Massapequa Park Nassau Massapequa Park Nassau Massapequa Park Nassau Massapequa Park Nassau Merrick Nassau Merrick Nassau Merrick Nassau Merrick Nassau Merrick Nassau Merrick Nassau Merrick Robert J. McDonough 29 Herbert Avenue Massapequa Park, NY 11762 William P. Whiting 1145 Park Blvd. Massapequa Park, NY 11762 Frederick A. Sparacino 385 Eastlake Avenue Massapequa Park, NY 11762 John Flandorffer 95 East Lake Avenue Massapequa Park, NY 11762 Michael A. Pallotta Pallotta Enterprises Inc. 14A Oakwood Avenue Merrick, NY 11566 Robert B. Phillips 1911 George Court Merrick, NY 11566 David Dynia 2539 Jizz Court Merrick, NY 11566 James G. Kyser 1785 Grand Avenue Merrick, NY 11566 Joseph Aiosa 51 Miller Place Merrick, NY 11566 Keith A. Mandel 1779 Camp Ave Merrick, NY 11566 Joseph L. Ramo 98 Northridge Avenue Merrick, NY 11566 8286 30-Jun-15 (516) 852-3944 8412 31-Oct-15 (516) 795-3886 8551 28-Feb-16 (516) 541-2908 10654 31-Aug-17 (516) 302-5048 488 30-Apr-19 (516) 868-0822 556 30-Sep-16 (516) 223-8868 653 31-Jan-17 (516) 623-4372 2223 31-Mar-18 (516) 632-9806 2268 31-Aug-17 (516) 623-3170 4518 30-Nov-17 (516) 623-0456 4811 31-May-16 (516) 867-3967 Nassau Merrick Nassau Merrick Nassau Merrick Nassau Merrick Nassau Merrick Nassau Merrick Nassau Merrick Nassau Mineola Nassau Mineola Nassau Mineola William J. Wentz Jimmy's Lawn Sprinklers 1785 Grand Avenue Merrick, NY 11566 Carlos H. Jaramillo Metrocity Group Inc. 1758 John Street Merrick, NY 11566 David C. Lambert 2834 Riverside Avenue Merrick, NY 11566 Matthew J. Glickman 22 Baker Avenue Merrick, NY 11566 Parmanand Sarju 1626 Richard Avenue Merrick, NY 11566 William Bosman 2171 Washington Street Merrick, NY 11566 Kevin Gallagher 1804 Bushwick Avenue Merrick, NY 11566 Joseph B. Attard 215 Barwick Blvd. Mineola, NY 11501 John J. Gayson, Jr. Gayson Plumbing & Heating 131 Roosevelt Avenue Mineola, NY 11501 Joseph A. Orefice 82 Colonial Ave Mineola, NY 11501 5200 31-Mar-15 (516) 378-4367 5743 31-Dec-16 (516) 623-2500 7002 31-Jan-18 (516) 570-0446 8562 28-Feb-16 (516) 732-4603 9991 30-Apr-16 (516) 223-3885 10304 31-Dec-16 10437 30-Apr-17 (631) 464-4777 291 31-Dec-15 (516) 294-0966 380 31-Oct-15 (516) 248-4105 3945 31-Jan-18 (516) 742-3892 Nassau Mineola Nassau Mineola Nassau Mineola Nassau Mineola Nassau Mineola Nassau Mineola Nassau Mineola Nassau Mineola Nassau Mineola Meleti P. Chios 159 Jackson Avenue Mineola, NY 11501 John J. Gayson, III Jack Gayson Plumbing & Heating 131 Roosevelt Ave. Mineola, NY 11501 Richard N. Carbone Carbone P & H Corp. 390 Willis Ave Mineola, NY 11501 Gary Tuthill 457 Emory Road Mineola, NY 11501 Gary J. Pusey I.J. Kostynick Plumbing & Heating Corp. 27 Jericho Turnpike Mineola, NY 11501 John A. Jamascia 205 Mineola Blvd Mineola, NY 11501 Craig Gunder 169 Evelyn Road Mineola, NY 11501 Lori Gayson Jack Gayson Plbg/Htg 131 Roosevelt Avenue Mineola, NY 11501 Christopher R. Lang 439 Garfield Avenue Mineola, NY 11501 4574 30-Jun-15 (516) 965-8496 4655 31-Jul-15 (516) 248-4105 5860 30-Jun-17 (516) 775-3498 8310 30-Jun-15 (516) 250-9517 8957 31-Dec-16 (516) 746-2010 9059 30-Apr-17 (516) 987-8983 9729 31-Aug-15 (516) 941-8270 9902 31-Dec-15 (516) 248-4105 9948 31-Mar-16 (516) 690-5811 Nassau Mineola Nassau New Hyde Park Nassau New Hyde Park Nassau New Hyde Park Nassau New Hyde Park Nassau New Hyde Park Nassau New Hyde Park Nassau New Hyde Park Nassau New Hyde Park Neal S. Polaniecki 82 Colonial Avenue Mineola, NY 11501 John P. Miller Miller Bros. Plumbing & Heating 1324 Jericho Tpke. New Hyde Park, NY 11040 Dominic J. Ambrosio 98 Larch Drive New Hyde Park, NY 11040 Joseph J. Renta 94 Lahey Street New Hyde Park, NY 11040 John G. O'Sullivan 1400 Fourth Avenue New Hyde Park, NY 11040 Paul MiLoscia Water Authority of Western Nassau 1580 Union Turnpike New Hyde Park, NY 11040 Richard Caruso 29 Durham Road New Hyde Park, NY 11040 Roberto Drudi 15 Carole Avenue New Hyde Park, NY 11040 Mark S. Polcer Sakowich Plumbing 124 South 8th Street New Hyde Park, NY 11040 10841 31-Jan-18 (516) 766-4236 310 30-Apr-15 (516) 354-0818 669 31-Dec-17 (516) 352-5673 3966 31-Dec-17 (516) 775-6608 4386 30-Apr-16 (516) 326-1320 4463 31-Aug-17 (516) 327-4063 6204 30-Sep-15 (516) 488-2947 6618 31-Dec-16 (516) 358-5391 6696 31-Mar-17 (516) 354-6589 Nassau New Hyde Park Nassau New Hyde Park Nassau New Hyde Park Nassau New Hyde Park Nassau New Hyde Park Nassau New Hyde Park Nassau New Hyde Park Nassau New Hyde Park Nassau New Hyde Park Nassau New Hyde Park Nassau New Hyde Park Antonio Garofalo 1009 N. Third St. New Hyde Park, NY 11040 Mario A. Orellana 101 North 5th Street New Hyde Park, NY 11040 Mario R. Scirica 933 North 6th St New Hyde Park, NY 11040 Peter J. Mamo 45 Marcus Avenue New Hyde Park, NY 11040 Vincent G. Marra 61 Devonshire Drive New Hyde Park, NY 11040 David S. Dziomba 90 Atlantic Avenue New Hyde Park, NY 11040 Minghao Feng 23 Rowe Pl. New Hyde Park, NY 11040 Devin Aris 1314 Washington Avenue New Hyde Park, NY 11040 Donald T. Olsen Jr 1887 Lakeville Road New Hyde Park, NY 11040 Andrea M. Cefaloni 155 Sperry Blvd New Hyde Park, NY 11040 Steven Weingarten 36 Oak Lane New Hyde Park, NY 11040 6964 31-Jul-15 (917) 560-4773 7004 31-Jan-18 (516) 352-1020 7070 31-Mar-15 (516) 664-6665 8548 31-Jan-16 (516) 248-4539 9289 31-Aug-17 (516) 877-0705 9715 31-Jul-15 (516) 742-5568 9736 31-Aug-15 (917) 577-7248 9873 12-Dec-15 (516) 376-7435 9909 31-Dec-15 (516) 860-4895 9915 31-Jan-16 (516) 437-8742 10692 31-Oct-17 (516) 770-7250 Nassau New Hyde Park Nassau Oceanside Nassau Oceanside Nassau Oceanside Nassau Oceanside Nassau Oceanside Nassau Oceanside Nassau Oceanside Nassau Oceanside Nassau Oceanside Francis E. Sadacario 554 7th Avenue New Hyde Park, NY 11040 George P. Gallo 2322 Concord Street Oceanside, NY 11572 George J. Wenk D & G Mechanical Inc. 2 Merle Avenue Oceanside, NY 11572 Robert M. Lettieri 302 Weidner Ave. Oceanside, NY 11572 John J. Saracino 35 East Atlantic Avenue Oceanside, NY 11572 Brian R. O'Connor Comfort Specialists 3555 Hargale Road Oceanside, NY 11572 Evan Mischner 2987 Stevens Street Oceanside, NY 11572 Dave Marlowe 259 Bayard Street Oceanside, NY 11572 Michael J. Levi 160 East Lexington Avenue Oceanside, NY 11572 Elio Filosa 4045 Judith Lane Oceanside, NY 11572 10877 31-Mar-18 (516) 488-2263 475 28-Feb-16 (516) 764-2794 563 31-May-15 (516) 978-2870 729 30-Nov-15 (516) 642-5585 1455 30-Jun-16 (516) 351-0896 2583 31-Oct-15 (516) 764-2300 6337 28-Feb-16 (917) 309-7171 7691 31-Dec-16 (516) 766-1385 8709 30-Jun-16 (516) 543-4907 9057 30-Apr-17 (516) 208-3754 Nassau Oceanside Nassau Oceanside Nassau Oceanside Nassau Oceanside Nassau Oceanside Nassau Oceanside Nassau Oceanside Nassau Oyster Bay Nassau Plainedge Nassau Plainview Richard P. Rider 584 Yale Street Oceanside, NY 11572 Anthony Amandro 2873 Stevens Street Oceanside, NY 11572 Oscar Avial 2794 James Street Oceanside, NY 11572 Ronald Harrison 2941 Harvey Avenue Oceanside, NY 11572 Steven J. Kaniatyn 3284 Frederick Street Oceanside, NY 11572 Peter Desiderio 168 Anchor Avenue Oceanside, NY 11572 Craig Barreres 3131 Yost Blvd Oceanside, NY 11572 John W. Walsh 19 Kellogg Street Oyster Bay, NY 11771 George H. Lightfoot, III 471 Whittier Ave. Plainedge, NY 11756 John F. Kennedy Kennedy Plumbing & Heating Corp. 31 Cain Drive Plainview, NY 11803 9410 31-Dec-17 (516) 351-0390 9532 30-Apr-15 (516) 305-2328 9555 30-Apr-15 (516) 561-3999 9562 30-Apr-15 (516) 425-2935 10148 31-Aug-16 (516) 766-7885 10405 31-Mar-17 (347) 277-5883 10519 30-Jun-17 (516) 238-4079 4206 30-Jun-15 (516) 922-3282 7545 31-Oct-16 (516) 731-2261 328 30-Nov-15 (516) 293-4666 Nassau Plainview Nassau Plainview Nassau Plainview Nassau Plainview Nassau Plainview Nassau Plainview Nassau Plainview Nassau Port Washington Nassau Port Washington Nassau Port Washington Edward F. Straber 10 Lisa Ct Plainview, NY 11803 Mario Arg na H2O Sprinklers and Backflows Redwood Drive Plainview, NY 11803 Daniel R. Cicco o 1 MacArthur Ave. Plainview, NY 11803 John P. Ciccarella 87 Beumont Drive Plainview, NY 11803 Vito Romano 4 Malton Road Plainview, NY 11803 Terence R. O'Shea 12 Cedar Drive East Plainview, NY 11803 Frank H. Park 28 Frederick Drive Plainview, NY 11803 Donald Kurz 11 Sands Place Port Washington, NY 11050 John S. Popeleski 13 Boxwood Road Port Washington, NY 11050 Joseph P. Izzo 45 Park Avenue Port Washington, NY 11050 5647 31-Aug-16 (516) 933-4338 7211 31-Jul-18 (516) 513-0990 7385 31-Mar-16 (516) 513-0808 8546 31-Jan-16 (516) 484-4221 8749 30-Jun-16 (516) 318-6590 9666 30-Jun-15 (516) 349-2807 10794 31-Dec-17 (718) 788-2000 597 30-Jun-15 (516) 944-6758 656 31-Mar-17 (516) 883-3025 1563 31-Oct-16 (516) 883-0477 Nassau Port Washington Nassau Port Washington Nassau Port Washington Nassau Port Washington Nassau Port Washington Nassau Port Washington Nassau Port Washington Nassau Port Washington Nassau Port Washington David Hercules Creative Landscaping by Cow Bay, Inc. 104 Harbor Road Port Washington, NY 11050 Richard E. McCabe 21 Locust Ave. Port Washington, NY 11050 Mike A. Bonavitacola 50 Wood Valley Lane Port Washington, NY 11050 Alfred J. Biunno A.J.B. Plumbing and Heating 7 Bogart Avenue Port Washington, NY 11050 Michael DeVito 70 Park Avenue Port Washington, NY 11050 Michael S. Tartaro 78 Beechwood Ave Port Washington, NY 11050 Stephen D. Sholder 8 Graywood Road Port Washington, NY 11050 Alberto Crecco 28 Murray Avenue Pt. Washington, NY 11050 Miguel A. Corado Creative Landscaping 104 Horbor Road Port Washington, NY 11050 5473 31-Jul-16 (516) 883-8484 5794 31-Mar-17 (516) 767-0147 6020 31-Mar-15 (516) 767-3584 6187 31-Jul-15 (516) 439-4136 6580 30-Nov-16 (516) 883-0513 6656 31-Jan-17 (516) 680-1918 6739 31-May-17 (516) 204-7614 7440 30-Apr-16 (516) 965-4460 7541 31-Jul-16 (516) 883-8484 Nassau Port Washington Nassau Port Washington Nassau Port Washington Nassau Port Washington Nassau Port Washington Nassau Port Washington Nassau Port Washington Nassau Port Washington Nassau Nassau Michael Rice 52 Main Street - Apt. #5 Port Washington, NY 11050 Irael Gonzalez COW Bay. 105 Harbor Road Port Washington, NY 11050 Luigi Coccarelli 7 Henderson Avenue Pt Washington, NY 11050 Walter A. Escobar 36 Kirkwood Road Apt. 1 Pt. Washington, NY 11050 William Ventura 66 Webster Avenue Port Washington, NY 11050 Juan Navas 86 Hickory Road Pt Washington, NY 11050 Kenneth A. Dileo 1 Bayside Avenue Pt. Washington, NY 11050 Jack R. Raia 41 Juniper Road Pt Washington, NY 11050 8342 31-Jul-15 (516) 883-2082 8403 31-Oct-15 (631) 883-5362 9983 30-Apr-16 (516) 883-8961 9986 30-Apr-16 (516) 404-9926 10159 30-Sep-16 (516) 805-8897 10440 30-Apr-17 (516) 883-0731 10524 30-Jun-17 (516) 944-9277 10672 30-Sep-17 (516) 883-1447 Pt Jefferson Station Anthony C. Bolen 247 Village Green Drive Pt Jefferson Station, NY 11776 1655 31-Dec-17 (631) 509-4814 Rockville Centre Carl J. Boegel, Jr. 67 Marvin Avenue Rockville Centre, NY 11570 1057 31-Jul-16 (516) 766-1831 Nassau Rockville Centre Nassau Rockville Centre Nassau Rockville Centre Nassau Rockville Centre Nassau Rockville Centre Nassau Rockville Centre Nassau Rockville Centre Nassau Roslyn Heights Nassau Sea Cliff Nassau Sea Cliff Joseph Coscia R.V.C. Centre School 128 Sheperd Street Rockville Centre, NY 11570 Sergio J. DiBenedetto 251 Lakeview Avenue Rockville Centre, NY 11570 Timothy L. Daniels 16 Linden Street Rockville Centre, NY 11570 Michael J. Krieger 70 Cedar Avenue Rockville Centre, NY 11570 Michael J. Costantini 55 Lenox Road Apt. 1D Rockville Centre, NY 11570 Johnathan Grushinsky 195 N Village Avenue #25 Rockville Centre, NY 11570 Martin Kerr 124 South Marion Place Rockville Centre, NY 11570 Steven H. Woytysiak 19 Jefferson Avenue Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 Paul J. Yonkers, Sr. Paul Yonkers Plumbing & Heating 327 Glen Cove Avenue Sea Cliff, NY 11579 Pedro Vera PO Box 342 Sea Cliff, NY 11579 6334 28-Feb-16 (516) 255-8932 6818 31-Jul-17 (516) 608-2025 7296 31-Dec-15 (516) 594-1509 9527 30-Apr-15 (516) 764-7564 9752 30-Sep-15 (516) 589-5705 10002 30-Apr-16 (516) 678-0033 10686 31-Oct-17 (516) 779-5883 143 30-Apr-17 (516) 484-0124 1910 30-Apr-15 (516) 759-2601 6498 30-Jun-16 (516) 526-4674 Nassau Sea Cliff Nassau Sea Cliff Nassau Seaford Nassau Seaford Nassau Seaford Nassau Seaford Nassau Seaford Nassau Seaford Nassau Seaford Nassau Seaford Nassau Seaford Bryan P. Scott 93 Altamont Avenue Sea Cliff, NY 11579 Jonathan G. Bunce 117 Glenlawn Avenue Sea Cliff, NY 11579 David Pagano 696 Kildare Crescent Seaford, NY 11783 Daniel J. Escobar Danesco Inc. 437 Piping Rock Road Seaford, NY 11783 Michael A. Hornacek 3554 Woodward Avenue Seaford, NY 11783 Kenneth Wagner 608 Dianne Street Seaford, NY 11783 Genairo C. Gilio 3604 Wyanet Street Seaford, NY 11783 Irving G. Ross 4063 Anne Drive Seaford, NY 11783 Robert J. Lastig 4017 Bernice Road Seaford, NY 11783 Steven Sander 3813 Marilyn Drive Seaford, NY 11783 Michael Barbara 3950 Eve Drive Seaford, NY 11783 8555 28-Feb-16 (516) 759-4997 10169 30-Sep-16 (516) 676-2514 1344 31-Mar-17 (516) 520-3831 2884 30-Apr-16 (516) 735-4499 5204 31-Mar-18 (516) 826-0285 5494 30-Apr-16 (516) 520-0772 6700 31-Mar-17 (516) 448-7659 7007 31-Dec-15 (516) 781-1717 7477 31-May-16 (516) 679-1105 7479 31-May-16 (516) 785-0364 7558 30-Sep-16 (516) 250-5119 Nassau Seaford Nassau Seaford Nassau Seaford Nassau Seaford Nassau Seaford Nassau Seaford Nassau Seaford Nassau South Farmingdale Nassau Stewart Manor Nassau Syosset Aviv Saboni 3601 Tuscala Street Seaford, NY 11783 Nicholas D. Calogredes 2116 Saddle Path Seaford, NY 11783 Thomas Linsalata 3914 Maplewood Drive Seaford, NY 11783 Vincent Greco 650 Brian Lane Seaford, NY 11783 Nicholas Marchese 4057 Howard Avenue Seaford, NY 11783 Michael B. Fenning 3793 Locust Avenue Seaford, NY 11783 Thomas B. Reeves 2335 Spruce Street Seaford, NY 11703 Lee M. Hanson 68 Vanderwater Street South Farmingdale, NY 11735 Daniel H. Kelly 152 Fernwood Terrace Stewart Manor, NY 11530 Robert S. Lobody 10 Saturn Court Syosset, NY 11791 7667 31-Dec-16 (516) 270-2354 7786 31-Mar-17 (516) 356-4956 8088 31-Oct-15 (516) 781-6239 8343 31-Jul-15 (516) 735-2002 8620 30-Apr-16 (516) 826-4976 8632 30-Apr-16 (516) 221-7593 10530 30-Jun-17 (516) 507-0180 1445 30-Jun-16 (516) 752-9027 10785 31-Dec-17 (516) 270-3805 4606 31-May-18 (516) 390-5602 Nassau Syosset Nassau Syosset Nassau Syosset Nassau Syosset Nassau Syosset Nassau Uniondale Nassau Uniondale Nassau Uniondale Nassau Uniondale Nassau Uniondale Wayne A. Jadezuk Abalene Plumbing & Heating, Inc. 15 Railroad Ave. Syosset, NY 11791 Matthew W. Jadezuk Abalene Plumbing & Heating 15 Railroad Avenue Syosset, NY 11791 Sean E. Abrams Holzapple Plumbing 320 Jackson Avenue Syosset, NY 11791 John J. Maccarone 11 Waylor Lane Syosset, NY 11791 Adam Coopersmith 17 Azalea Drive Syosset, NY 11791 Joseph K. Schuerlein 261 Arcadia Avenue Uniondale, NY 11553 Jorge Gomez 1061 Ditmas Avenue Uniondale, NY 11553 Lawrence A. Ciappa 1207 Birch Street Uniondale, NY 11553 Deon C. Riley 606 Meadownbrook Road Uniondale, NY 11553 Fredys A. Romero 519 Duryea Avenue Uniondale, NY 11553 4806 31-May-16 (516) 364-0004 7856 30-Jun-17 (516) 364-0004 8103 31-Dec-17 (516) 921-3641 9989 30-Apr-16 (516) 921-0959 10617 31-Aug-17 (516) 695-1446 1236 31-Oct-15 (516) 481-4458 6045 30-Apr-18 (516) 505-0487 8703 30-Jun-16 (516) 582-7450 10108 30-Jun-16 (516) 565-1650 10674 30-Sep-17 (516) 866-7333 Nassau Valley Stream Nassau Valley Stream Nassau Valley Stream Nassau Valley Stream Nassau Valley Stream Nassau Valley Stream Nassau Wantagh Nassau Wantagh Nassau Wantagh Nassau Wantagh Keith J. Manza 157 Roberta Street Valley Stream, NY 11580 Arthur I. Estupinian 121 Decker Street Valley Stream, NY 11580 James Intriago 84 East Argyle Street Valley Stream, NY 11580 Horatio Munro 859 Prescott St. Valley Stream, NY 11580 Angel M. Ponce 34 Ivy Place Valley Stream, NY 11581 Angel M. Ponce 34 Ivy Place Valley Stream, NY 11581 Joseph S. Barbato Aquatec Lawn Sprinklers 3399 Lufberry Avenue Wantagh, NY 11793 Andrew P. Colapinto 3713 Lufberry Avenue Wantagh, NY 11793 William P. Quinn, Jr. Bill Quinn & Sons Plumbing 2463 Freeport Street Wantagh, NY 11793 Matthew W. Thompson Gold Star Plumbing Inc PO Box 7392 Wantagh, NY 11793 7942 31-Aug-17 (516) 596-2896 8554 28-Feb-16 (516) 322-0227 9756 30-Sep-15 (516) 792-3899 10047 31-May-16 (516) 561-0267 10505 30-Jun-17 (516) 791-3852 10586 30-Jun-17 (516) 791-3852 176 31-Jul-16 (516) 826-7700 286 28-Feb-18 (516) 409-6162 998 31-Jan-18 (516) 826-3253 4465 31-Jan-16 (516) 409-8555 Nassau Wantagh Nassau Wantagh Nassau Wantagh Nassau Wantagh Nassau Wantagh Nassau Wantagh Nassau Wantagh Nassau Wantagh Nassau Wantagh Nassau Wantagh Nassau Wantagh Ralph Vaiano, Jr. In The Green Landscaping 3544 Roger Drive Wantagh, NY 11793 Lyle E. Greene 42 Ribbon Lane Wantagh, NY 11793 Matthew Falcetta 3757 Libby Lane Wantagh, NY 11793 Michael Agostinacchio 2922 Carlyle Road Wantagh, NY 11793 Manny Andujar 2060 Willoughby Avenue Wantagh, NY 11793 Alfred J. Motis 2153 Larch Street Wantagh, NY 11793 Luigi Chiarello, Jr. 70 Wheelbarrow Lane Wantagh, NY 11793 Joseph R. Coniker 3468 Roxbury Avenue Wantagh, NY 11793 Francis P. DeSrosiers 3160 Mark Alan Drive Wantagh, NY 11793 Richard E. Koslowski 3640 Bernard Drive Wantagh, NY 11793 James J. Simeone 3734 Frendale Drive Wantagh, NY 11793 5091 31-Oct-17 (516) 679-0101 5614 30-Jun-16 (516) 728-3738 5791 31-Mar-17 (516) 255-9595 6268 31-Dec-15 (516) 679-2275 6269 31-Dec-15 (516) 804-3975 6637 31-Dec-16 (516) 826-5785 7071 31-Mar-18 (516) 735-4006 7473 31-May-16 (516) 826-4152 8189 31-Mar-15 (516) 644-1173 8405 31-Oct-15 (516) 735-2537 9172 30-Jun-17 (516) 520-1319 Nassau Wantagh Nassau Wantagh Nassau West Hempstead Nassau West Hempstead Nassau West Hempstead Nassau West Hempstead Nassau West Hempstead Nassau West Hempstead Nassau West Hempstead Nassau West Hempstead Nassau West Hempstead Christopher Witcomb 206 Twin Lane North Wantagh, NY 11793 Juan A. Serrano 1206 Flower Lane Wantagh, NY Alfred J. Schreiber 198 Oak Street West Hempstead, NY 11552 Frank Cardinale 194 Guildford Court West Hempstead, NY 11552 Joseph P. Barbarito 18 Rhoda St. West Hempstead, NY 11552 Carl Kolansky 408 Madison Avenue West Hempstead, NY 11550 Domenic F. Monaco, Jr. 478 HERBERT STREET W. HEMPSTEAD, NY 11552 Brian Poonai 504 Whitestar Avenue West Hempstead, NY 11552 Jason A. La Combe 77 Mayfair Avenue West Hempstead, NY 11552 Michael A. Tufarella 572 Holt Street West Hempstead, NY 11552 Nicholas C. Hahnan 440 Adams Avenue West Hempstead, NY 11552 9995 30-Apr-16 (516) 292-6060 10170 30-Sep-16 (347) 348-3385 773 30-Apr-17 (516) 486-3257 1108 31-May-15 (516) 483-6594 2732 31-Dec-15 (516) 481-9084 5083 31-Oct-16 (516) 481-4231 5519 31-Dec-16 (516) 483-9348 7666 31-Dec-16 (516) 544-2886 7790 31-Mar-17 (516) 750-5352 8751 30-Jun-16 (516) 538-0346 9478 31-Mar-15 (516) 538-2454 Nassau West Hempstead Nassau West Hempstead Nassau West Hempstead Nassau West Hempstead Nassau Westbury Nassau Westbury Nassau Westbury Nassau Westbury Nassau Westbury Nassau Westbury Nassau Westbury Michael Blitstein 460 Susan Court West Hempstead, NY 11552 Pawel M. Maras 239 Bedell Terrace W. Hempstead, NY 11552 Dov M. Traum 394 Langley Ave West Hempstead, NY 11552 Joseph Frangiosa 542 Steve Avenue West Hempstead, NY Guy J. Romano 117 Renison Drive Westbury, NY 11590 John J. Musella 55 Middle Lane Westbury, NY 11590 Peter Judge 132 Ward Street Westbury, NY 11590 Carl R. Wood 1248 Grand Street Westbury, NY 11590 Ralph S. Fraile 860 Merillon Ave. Westbury, NY 11590 Ronald L. VanNoy Raindance System LLC 23 Pinetree Road Westbury, NY 11590 Douglas Costantino 36 Morningside Drive Westbury, NY 11590 9483 31-Mar-15 (516) 538-9883 9662 30-Jun-15 (631) 872-2386 9678 30-Jun-15 (516) 483-2918 10769 31-Dec-17 (516) 481-2331 146 30-Nov-17 (516) 334-8452 732 30-Nov-15 (516) 790-7774 4657 31-Jul-15 (516) 385-2753 4753 30-Jun-15 (516) 644-7751 4765 31-Dec-15 (516) 333-3229 4962 28-Feb-17 (516) 932-7246 5144 30-Jun-15 (516) 637-4305 Nassau Westbury Nassau Westbury Nassau Westbury Nassau Westbury Nassau Westbury Nassau Westbury Nassau Westbury Nassau Westbury Nassau Westbury Nassau Westbury Costantino Cice C&C Sprinklers, Inc. 7 Elm Street Westbury, NY 11590 Richard J. Murray 399 Ellison Avenue Westbury, NY 11590 Rafael Oliva 2485 Stewart Avenue Westbury, NY 11590 Dominick D. LaValle Rudco Plumbing 401-B Railroad Avenue Westbury, NY 11590 Alfred S. Hammond 40 March Lane Westbury, NY 11590 Ralph S. Fraile Jr. 860 Merillon Avenue Westbury, NY 11590 Wilson D. Saborio Rudco Plumbing & Heating 401 Railroad Avenue Westbury, NY 11590 Anthony N. Fraile 860 Merillon Avenue Westbury, NY 11590 Alexandre Roberte 24 Lenox Avenue Westbury, NY 11590 Sergio Morales 1011 Broadway Westbury, NY 11590 5192 31-Dec-15 (516) 334-2042 5195 31-Mar-15 (516) 997-1594 5342 30-Jun-15 (516) 338-8587 5623 31-Jul-16 (516) 333-1128 6692 31-Mar-17 (516) 414-1158 7078 30-Apr-15 (516) 305-7114 7607 31-Oct-16 (516) 333-1128 8631 30-Apr-16 (516) 333-3229 8829 31-Aug-16 (516) 414-7796 9077 30-Apr-17 (516) 521-7216 Nassau Westbury Nassau Westbury Nassau Westbury Nassau Westbury Nassau Westbury Nassau Westbury Nassau Williston Park Nassau Williston Park Nassau Williston Park Nassau Williston Park Nassau Williston Park Timothy F. Stewart 36 Bedford Avenue Westbury, NY 11590 Vincent Iadevaia 929 Wellington Road Westbury, NY 11590 Patrick F. Mulcare, Jr. 45 Evelyn Avenue Westbury, NY 11590 Christopher McCutchan 27 Cobalt Lane Westbury, NY 11590 Joseph G. Romano 113 Cypress Lane South Westbury, NY 11590 Joseph Buffolino 154 Cypress Lane West Westbury, NY 11590 Ronald T. Doughty Williston Plumbing & Heating 619-A Willis Ave. Williston Park, NY 11596 Armand Vani 262 Colonial Avenue Williston Park, NY 11596 Sandro A. Abballe 590 Foch Boulevard Williston Park, NY 11596 Timothy M. O'Neill 123 Capitol Avenue Williston Park, NY 11596 Jack Koros 473 Nassau Boulevard Williston Park, NY 11596 9173 30-Jun-17 (516) 807-8321 9461 31-Jan-18 (516) 334-9790 9793 31-Oct-15 (516) 878-2545 10281 31-Dec-16 (516) 287-6847 10529 30-Jun-17 (516) 324-6652 10859 31-Mar-18 (516) 633-0942 1039 31-Jul-15 (516) 746-3353 2749 31-Dec-15 (516) 873-8745 4652 31-Jul-15 (516) 238-0239 4768 31-Dec-15 (516) 739-5144 6787 31-Jul-17 (516) 747-5066 Nassau Williston Park Nassau Williston Park Nassau Williston Park Nassau Woodmere Nassau Woodmere Nassau Woodmere Nassau Woodmere Queens Astoria Queens Astoria Queens Astoria Tyrone Constantine 26 Brunswick Ave. Williston Park, NY 11596 Vincent T. Fiore 85 Prince Street Williston Park, NY 11596 Andrea Kacelano 471 Burkhard Avenue Williston Park, NY 11596 Joseph A. Montilli A. Montilli Plumbing and Heating 204 Irving Place Woodmere, NY 11598 Stuart A. Bodner 75 Coklin Avenue Woodmere, NY 11598 Michael A. Piri 42 Lafayette Place Woodmere, NY 11598 Daniel Lasky 510 Longacre Avenue Woodmere, NY 11598 Fotios Tsaltas 1871 41st Street Astoria, NY 11105 Fotios Tsaltas F&T Mechanical, Inc. 1871 41st St. Astoria, NY 11105 Aristotelis Diakovasilis 37-10 23rd Avenue Astoria, NY 11105 7068 31-Jan-17 (516) 747-5283 8203 30-Apr-15 (516) 746-2773 10796 31-Dec-17 (347) 679-9287 730 30-Nov-15 (516) 766-7684 2272 30-Apr-17 (516) 569-4966 8298 30-Jun-15 (516) 375-3583 8301 30-Jun-15 (516) 322-4592 3226 31-Oct-16 (718) 626-1900 3226 31-Oct-16 (718) 626-1900 5337 30-Jun-15 (718) 501-2404 Queens Astoria Queens Astoria Queens Astoria Queens Astoria Queens Astoria Queens Astoria Queens Astoria Queens Astoria Queens Astoria Queens Astoria Antonio Dumitriu Apollo Plumbing & Heating 24-63 46th Street Astoria, NY 11103 Frank Stantyos 34-36 30th Street Astoria, NY 11106 Eugenio Kuljanic Stivan Plumbing and Heating Inc. 42-16 28th Avenue Astoria, NY 11103 Stavros Kalogeropoulos 33-18 23rd Avenue Astoria, NY 11105 Stavros Ioannidis 20-08 47th Street Astoria, NY 11105 Thomas L. Moore 30-10 35th Street Astoria, NY 11103 Ovidiu Lazar 25-40 Shore Blvd. - #6D Astoria, NY 11102 Nicholas Kontos Go Pro Plumbing & Heating 20-85 Steinway Street Astoria, NY 11105 Dimitrios Stroumpakis 20-60 47th Street Astoria, NY 10005 Emmanuel S. Milienos 28-07 24th Avenue Astoria, NY 11102 5432 31-Mar-17 (718) 392-2727 5783 31-Mar-17 (646) 879-2781 6495 30-Jun-16 (718) 545-7750 7855 30-Jun-17 (718) 274-2112 8615 31-Mar-16 (718) 728-0915 8616 31-Mar-16 (718) 721-3217 8745 30-Jun-16 (212) 772-4580 8974 31-Dec-16 (718) 777-8933 9082 30-Apr-17 (718) 626-2688 9197 30-Jun-17 (347) 539-0491 Queens Astoria Queens Astoria Queens Astoria Queens Astoria Queens Astoria Queens Astoria Queens Astoria Queens Astoria Queens Astoria Queens Astoria Queens Astoria Anastasios Diaovasilis 37-10 23rd Avenue Astoria, NY 11105 David Bruemmer 40-17 Astoria Blvd. #1R Astoria, NY 11105 George Drako 30-18 21st St Astoria, NY 11102 Michael Carty 25-18 47th Street Astoria, NY 11102 Marios Panagi 45-10 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11103 Bert Padovan 46-21 28th Avenue Astoria, NY 11103 Kosmas Vrakas 2350 27th Street Astoria, NY 11105 Eduart Kulla 20-37 42 Street Astoria, NY 11105 Yue Li Aqueduct Plumbing 24-26 46 Street Astoria, NY 11103 Marash Nick Buja 20-44 23 Street Astoria, NY 11105 Fabio DiGregorio 23-56 38th Street Astoria, NY 11105 9539 30-Apr-15 (718) 755-8740 9557 30-Apr-15 (347) 723-6416 9679 30-Jun-15 (646) 377-0460 9755 30-Sep-15 (718) 932-3291 9990 30-Apr-16 (718) 956-3694 10001 30-Apr-16 (516) 807-8190 10445 30-Apr-17 (718) 545-4894 10447 30-Apr-17 (718) 456-8864 10449 30-Apr-17 (718) 267-2711 10501 30-Jun-17 (718) 728-2424 10517 30-Jun-17 (347) 530-2584 Queens Astoria Queens Astoria Queens Astoria Queens Astoria, Queens Auburndale Queens Bayside Queens Bayside Queens Bayside Queens Bayside Marash Nick Buja 20-44 23 Street Astoria, NY 11105 Roberto Lopez 35-06 24th Street Apt. 3A Astoria, NY 11106 Artan Koco 32-40 42nd Street Astoria, NY 11103 Jorgo G. Cikolla 23-64 Crescent Street Astoria,, NY 11105 Petros Ragoussis 192-22 37 Avenue Auburndale, NY 11358 Richard J. Meyer 42-10 217th Street Bayside, NY 11361 Kirk Seubert Maxwell Plumbing Mechanical 43-20 203rd Street Bayside, NY 11361 Vazrik R. Avedian 225-05 Horace Harding Expwy. Bayside, NY 11364 Steve Pellicane 213-43 35th Avenue Bayside, NY 11361 10582 30-Jun-17 (718) 728-2424 10656 31-Aug-17 (917) 715-2376 10685 31-Oct-17 (917) 697-1162 7472 31-May-16 (718) 721-0159 5923 31-Oct-17 (718) 460-2757 5206 31-Mar-15 (917) 681-1706 6232 31-Jan-16 (718) 279-4441 6982 31-Dec-17 (917) 337-9622 7447 30-Apr-16 (718) 279-4432 Queens Bayside Queens Bayside Queens Bayside Queens Bayside Queens Bayside Queens Bayside Queens Bayside Queens Bayside Queens Bayside Queens Beechhurst Kelvin Leung Maxwell Plumbing Mechanical Corp. 43-20 203rd Street Bayside, NY 11361 Thomas G. McKiernan 42-11 205th Street Bayside, NY 11361 Vito Palmieri 206-10 Richland Avenue Bayside, NY 11364 Louis J. Primiano Centa Plumbing & Heating 38-11 Bell Blvd. Bayside, NY 11361 Nikolla Mushka 58-51 206th Street Bayside, NY 11364 Stephen Dellafoiora 32- 26 214th Place Bayside, NY 11361 Perry Nathanail 26-17 210th Place Bayside, NY 11360 Luis See 39-20 204 Street Bayside, NY 11361 Jooman Kim 43-20 215th Place 2nd Floor Bayside, NY 11361 John J. Sideris 166-06 14th Road Beechhurst, NY 11357 7999 31-Oct-17 (718) 279-4441 8416 31-Oct-15 (718) 279-3356 8490 31-Dec-15 (718) 479-4887 8610 31-Mar-16 (718) 229-5335 8856 30-Sep-16 (718) 299-0390 9950 31-Mar-16 (347) 539-1211 10165 30-Sep-16 (917) 559-6198 10680 31-Oct-17 (917) 682-6195 10786 31-Dec-17 (917) 750-8457 2762 31-Oct-16 (718) 747-1849 Queens Belle Harbor Queens Belle Harbor Queens Bellerose Queens Bellerose Queens Bellerose Queens Bellerose Queens Bellerose Queens Bellerose Queens Bellerose Queens Bellerose Stephen J. Carbonaro 141 Beach 127th Street Belle Harbor, NY 11694 William R. Gardner 206 Beach 127th Street Belle Harbor, NY 11694 Peter F. Brandt 85-24 252 Street Bellerose, NY 11426 Jesse A. Skinner Skinner Plumbing & Heating Corp. 240-21 Braddock Ave Bellerose, NY 11426 Gary A. Konrad 241-12 83rd Ave Bellerose, NY 11426 Terence P. Cummins Skinner Plumbing & Heating Corp. 240-21 Braddock Avenue Bellerose, NY 11426 Joseph R. Housel 82-69 249th Street Bellerose, NY 11426 Costas Vanezis 91-04 247th Street Bellrose, NY 11426 Clifford C. Salvietti 247-27 76th Avenue Bellerose, NY 11426 Dhaneshwar Etwaroo 88-59 240 Street Bellrose, NY 11426 8752 31-Oct-17 (718) 474-0439 9477 31-Mar-15 (917) 494-9565 5769 31-Mar-17 (718) 343-3558 5965 30-Nov-17 (718) 343-8260 7115 30-Nov-15 (718) 470-0025 7980 31-Oct-17 (718) 343-8260 8706 30-Jun-16 (516) 523-8317 10112 30-Jun-16 (718) 343-3305 10119 31-Jul-16 (718) 347-6087 10506 30-Jun-17 (718) 343-3790 Queens Bellerose Queens Broad Channel Queens Broad Channel Queens Cambria Heights Queens Cambria Heights Queens Clarks Summit Queens College Point Queens College Point Queens College Point Queens College Point Dhaneshwar Etwaroo 88-59 240 street Bellrose, NY 11426 Michael P. Lobody 24 West 14th. Rd. Broad Channel, NY 11693 Robert J. Finley 36 West 10th Road Broad Channel, NY 11693 Norman A. Spence 116-18 222nd Street - #1 Cambria Heights, NY 11411 Carl R. Ferdinand 115-111 225th Street Cambria Heights, NY 11471 Michael J. Rinaldi 330 Bailey Street Clarks Summit, PA 18411 Stephen, Sr. Dellafiora Pacific Lawn Sprinklers 22-42 129th Street College Point, NY 11356 Robert R. Giuliante Senid Plumbing & Heating 122-11 18th Avenue College Point, NY 11356 Manuel S. Pineda Pacific Lawn Sprinklers 22-42 129th Street College Point, NY 11356 Christian A. Garcia Pacific Lawn Sprinklers 128-12 22 Avenue College Point, NY 11356 10587 30-Jun-17 (718) 343-3790 2832 28-Feb-16 (718) 634-1751 9476 31-Mar-15 (347) 886-0388 9530 30-Apr-15 (347) 226-0455 9817 31-Oct-15 (718) 527-0187 10152 31-Aug-16 (570) 309-7713 3425 31-Mar-17 (888) 438-7224 3607 30-Jun-17 (718) 445-3710 6348 30-Apr-17 (888) 438-7224 7066 31-Mar-18 (888) 329-7224 Queens College Point Queens College Point Queens College Point Queens College Point Queens College Point Queens College Point Queens Corona Queens Corona Queens Corona Queens Corona Frank J. Perrone FJP Mechanical, Inc. 126-16 18th Avenue College Point, NY 11356 Osmin D. Coreas Pacific Lawn Sprinklers 22-42 129 Street College Point, NY 11356 Abel Estrada 129-12 20th Avenue College Point, NY 11356 Michael Caputo 5-18 126th Street College Point, NY 11356 Owen R. Williams McCready and Rice Plumbing 115-25 15th Avenue College Point, NY 11356 John M. Teixeira 18-19 128th Street College Point, NY 11356 Steve Papastamatis 47-02 108th Street Corona, NY 11368 Kenrick Jagassar 55-30 99th Street, Suite 2F Corona, NY 11368 Josef Elkouby 109-25 Corona Avenue Corona, NY 11368 Tadeusz Halewski 109-25 Corona Avenue Corona, NY 11368 7253 31-Oct-15 (718) 353-3337 7439 30-Apr-16 (888) 438-7224 7441 30-Apr-16 (917) 416-9192 7992 31-Oct-17 (718) 782-3894 8838 31-Aug-16 (718) 359-6700 8933 30-Nov-16 (718) 939-3856 6587 31-Jul-15 (347) 539-6696 9431 31-Dec-17 (718) 206-9217 9820 31-Oct-15 (917) 939-9546 9821 31-Oct-15 Queens Corona Queens Corona Queens East Elmhurst Queens East Elmhurst Queens East Elmhurst Queens Elmhurst Queens Elmhurst Queens Elmhurst Queens Far Rockaway Queens Far Rockaway Queens Far Rockaway David Prodromidis 96-08 57th Avenue, 1L Corona, NY 11368 Hector M. Patron-Sanchez 53-17 102 Street Corona, NY 11368 Robert A. Midroy 25-02 76th East Elmhurst, NY 11369 Oikonomos N. Koullias 49-12 20th Avenue East Elmhurst, NY 11370 Spiro Makris 19-60 76 Street East Elmhurst, NY 11370 James Park 82-01 Britton Avenue - Unit 2E Elmhurst, NY 11373 John E. Vazquez 79-11 41st Avenue Elmhurst, NY 11373 Chengxi Li 54-70 83 Street Elmhurst, NY 11373 David N. Isaacson 1061 Bay 24th St Far Rockaway, NY 11691 Sergio Arguera 1467 Gateway Blvd Far Rockaway, NY 11691 John B. Roodman 1261 Central Avenue #212B Far Rockaway, NY 11691 10118 31-Jul-16 (646) 246-5879 10509 30-Jun-17 (718) 699-5649 2095 31-Jul-16 (917) 647-4298 7251 31-Dec-17 (718) 626-2335 10450 30-Apr-17 (718) 545-5564 8603 31-Mar-16 (718) 607-6625 10014 30-Apr-16 (718) 775-6850 10679 31-Oct-17 (917) 617-6556 9680 30-Jun-15 (718) 781-2224 9686 30-Jun-15 (917) 299-8323 10844 31-Jan-18 (718) 327-3581 Queens Flushing Queens Flushing Queens Flushing Queens Flushing Queens Flushing Queens Flushing Queens Flushing Queens Flushing Queens Flushing Robert J. Bellini Varsity Plumbing & Heating 31-99 123 Street Flushing, NY 11355 John Adams 32-30 167 Street Flushing, NY 11358 Robert S. McConnell Varsity Plumbing & Heating 31-99 123rd Street Flushing, NY 11354 Mario F. Casalo 171-15 Bagley Avenue Flushing, NY 11358 Donald A. Koches Varsity Plumbing 31-99 123rd Street Flushing, NY 11354 Vincent Latora 41-25 Kissena Boulevard, 5M Flushing, NY 11355 Yeong H. Heo 129-09 26th Avenue #206 Flushing, NY 11354 Gene T. Kim Peter Plumbing Assoc., Inc. 129-09 26th Avenue, Suite 206 Flushing, NY 11354 George J. McCann Maher & Son, Inc. 43-27 Bowne Street Flushing, NY 11355 902 30-Nov-17 (718) 358-5400 1958 31-Dec-17 (718) 445-5345 3729 31-Jul-17 (718) 358-5400 5639 31-Aug-16 (718) 358-9569 6189 31-Jul-15 (718) 358-5400 6991 31-Dec-17 (917) 416-2438 7065 31-Mar-18 (718) 888-1855 7852 30-Jun-17 (718) 888-1855 8423 31-Oct-15 (917) 306-2015 Queens Flushing Queens Flushing Queens Flushing Queens Flushing Queens Flushing Queens Flushing Queens Flushing Queens Flushing Queens Flushing Queens Flushing Michael J. Hopson Maher & Son, Inc. 43-27 Bowne Street Flushing, NY 11355 Leo C. Wang Catman Plumbing 133-31 41st Road Flushing, NY 11355 Anthony D'Elia 43-31 194th Street Flushing, NY 11358 Dimos Papadimas 33-26 162nd Street Flushing, NY 11358 Patrick Brazill 160-35 26th Avenue Flushing, NY 11358 Tzadkiel Mosheh 144-41 69th Avenue Flushing, NY 11367 Andrew C. Donlevy 35-21 153rd Street Flushing, NY 11354 Stavros Sakellaridis 30-18 149th Street Flushing, NY 11354 James Anagnostos 27-02 168th St. Flushing, NY 11358 Steven Giuzio 59-11 156 Street Flushing, NY 11355 8424 31-Oct-15 (917) 731-6046 8429 31-Oct-15 (718) 760-1300 8680 31-May-16 (917) 685-2153 9079 30-Apr-17 (718) 939-8819 9187 30-Jun-17 (718) 746-4239 9433 31-Dec-17 (347) 255-8867 9484 31-Mar-15 (646) 831-0750 9569 30-Apr-15 (718) 661-2428 9671 30-Jun-15 (347) 739-2554 9758 30-Sep-15 (718) 463-8011 Queens Flushing Queens Flushing Queens Flushing Queens Flushing Queens Flushing Queens Flushing Queens Flushing Queens Flushing Queens Flushing Queens Flushing Cesar A. Delavera 41-69 Parsons Blvd Flushing, NY 11355 James R. Beaudry 47-53 195th Street Flushing, NY 11358 Eddie Peralta 150-37 32nd Avenue Flushing, NY 11354 James Walker 45-87 160 Street Flushing, NY 11358 Nathan Cavanna 198-23 32nd Avenue Flushing, NY 11358 Yue Li 135-26 78 Ave Apt. 1B Flushing, NY 11367 Cheng Ming Li 32-25 167 Street Flushing, NY 11354 Pablo Torres 28-08 Utopia Pkwy Flushing, NY 11358 Li Ping Yan 60-53 83 Street Flushing, NY 11379 Christian J. Bayon 144-70 41st Avanue Apartment L-3 Flushing, NY 11355 9985 30-Apr-16 (570) 646-7508 10020 31-May-16 (917) 494-9797 10087 30-Jun-16 (718) 753-9324 10379 31-Mar-17 10390 31-Mar-17 (347) 463-3327 10449 30-Apr-17 (646) 529-7680 10453 30-Apr-17 (718) 619-8148 10458 30-Apr-17 (347) 680-7050 10459 30-Apr-17 (646) 853-6056 10790 31-Dec-17 (718) 445-8488 Queens Forest Hills Queens Forest Hills Queens Forest Hills Queens Forest Hills Queens Forest Hills Queens Fresh Meadow Queens Fresh Meadows Queens Fresh Meadows Queens Fresh Meadows Queens Glen Oaks Douglas R. Wellbrock CRJ Wellbrock, Inc. 107-17 Metropolitan Avenue Forest Hills, NY 11375 Anatoliy Shvets 102-21 63rd Road - #B44 Forest Hills, NY 11375 Emmanuelle Sgouros 12 Overhill Road Forest Hills, NY 11375 Hing W. Lai 76-66 AUSTIN ST. APT # 5E FOREST HILLS, NY 11375 Sean F. Brito 108-49 63rd Avenue Apt. 3G Forest Hills, NY 11375 Nikos Delikanlis 50-34 184th Street Fresh Meadow, NY 11365 Louis Casale 78-40 164th Street - Apt. 1H Fresh Meadows, NY 11366 Marco A. Albino 194-25 64th Aven. 2C Fresh Meadows, NY 11365 Justin Puzzo 6525 160th Street Apt. 4C Fresh Meadows, NY 11365 Dale A. Clough 255-33 74th Avenue Glen Oaks, NY 11004 8623 30-Apr-16 (718) 268-5700 8684 31-May-16 (718) 830-9540 9350 31-Oct-17 (718) 752-0033 10330 31-Dec-16 (646) 522-9545 10669 30-Sep-17 (914) 438-8399 10100 30-Jun-16 (718) 747-2912 9523 30-Apr-15 (347) 680-8104 9878 31-Dec-15 (718) 939-8884 10867 31-Mar-18 6245 31-Jan-16 (718) 343-5230 Queens Glen Oaks Queens Glendale Queens Glendale Queens Glendale Queens Glendale Queens Glendale Queens Glendale Queens Glendale James H. Eberle 73-04 263rd Street Glen Oaks, NY 11004 Daniel D. Vessio Nulite Plumbing & Heating 87-25 Myrtle Avenue Glendale, NY 11385 Joseph M. Vessio Nulite Plumbing, Heating, Fuel 87-25 Myrtle Avenue Glendale, NY 11385 Darren K. Lundin Kew Forest Plumbing & Heating 70-02 70th Avenue Glendale, NY 11385 Paul A. Lundin Kew Forest Plumbing & Heating 70-02 70th Avenue Glendale, NY 11385 Joseph Temperini Temperini Mechanical, Inc. 72-02 Cooper Avenue Glendale, NY 11357 Thomas F. Nemeth Kew Forest Plumbing, Heating Sprinkler 70-02 71th Avenue Glendale, NY 11784 Jakub Kostro 78-42 76 Street Glendale, NY 11385 8396 31-Oct-15 (917) 440-2908 921 30-Jun-16 (718) 459-1223 922 30-Jun-16 (718) 459-1223 1842 31-May-17 (718) 456-0800 3428 31-Mar-17 (718) 456-0800 3573 31-Dec-16 (718) 746-0533 8167 28-Feb-18 (718) 456-0800 9192 30-Jun-17 (347) 302-9593 Queens Glendale Queens Glendale Queens Glendale Queens Hartsdale Queens Hollis Queens Hollis Queens Hollis Queens Hollis Queens Howard Beach Queens Howard Beach Michael Siniscalchi 77-45 79th Street Glendale, NY 11385 Joseph V. Florio 70-04 66th Place Glendale, NY 11385 Andi Karapici 77-37 75th Street Glendale, NY 11385 Louis R. Tramunti 159 East Hartsdale Avenue Apt. 1A Hartsdale, NY 10530 Grzegorz Dabrowski 8656 Marengo Street Hollis, NY 11423 Michael A. Warshaw 81-25 190th Street Hollis, NY 11423 Nicholas Glikos 87-75 202 Street 2nd Fl. Hollis, NY 11423 Nicholas Glidos 87-52 202 Street 2nd Floor Hollis, NY Frank Lombardo 158-52 79th Street Howard Beach, NY 11414 Orazio Iaboni 157-03 89 Street Howard Beach, NY 11414 9480 31-Mar-15 (718) 775-0927 9935 31-Mar-16 (718) 381-5924 10619 31-Aug-17 (718) 386-0779 7491 30-Jun-15 (718) 736-4857 8293 30-Jun-15 (646) 529-8351 10010 30-Apr-16 (347) 992-0501 10503 30-Jun-17 (718) 464-5215 10584 30-Jun-17 (718) 464-5215 1228 31-Oct-15 (718) 738-3841 1666 31-May-17 (718) 323-7832 Queens Howard Beach Queens Howard Beach Queens Howard Beach Queens Howard Beach Queens Howard Beach Queens Howard Beach Queens Howard Beech Queens Jackson Heights Queens Jackson Heights Queens Jackson Heights Michael Maniscalco 88-08 157th Avenue Howard Beach, NY 11414 Damien J. George 153-21 82nd Street Howard Beach, NY 11414 Richard Latwaitis 99-04 158th Avenue Howard Beach, NY 11414 Paul A. Goldstein 82-14 155th Avenue Howard Beach, NY 11414 Daniel A. Rajkkov 151-25 88th Street Howard Beach, NY 11414 Timothy J. Geiger 86-29 155 Avenue Apt.6B Howard Beach, NY 11414 John J. Annunziata 161-21 96th Street Howard Beech, NY 11414 Andrzei Czechowski 34-48 75th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372 Spiro Kiriakes 24-46 77th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11370 Jason Galvan 78-01 34th Ave Jackson Heights, NY 11372 8576 28-Feb-16 (917) 578-2144 8831 31-Aug-16 (646) 235-0409 9491 31-Mar-15 (718) 702-8423 9903 31-Dec-15 (718) 751-5248 10036 31-May-16 (516) 659-7239 10146 31-Aug-16 (347) 493-0028 9981 30-Apr-16 (718) 322-2491 8485 31-Dec-15 (718) 396-8151 8545 31-Jan-16 (917) 217-3717 9684 30-Jun-15 (347) 454-0127 Queens Jamaica Queens Jamaica Queens Jamaica Queens Jamaica Queens Jamaica Queens Jamaica Queens Jamaica Queens Jamaica Vincent Aspromonte Aspro Mechanical Contracting, Inc. 127-08 Merrick Boulevard Jamaica, NY 11434 Robert J. Mengler Dundee Plumbing & Heating Inc. 80-18 Surrey Place Jamaica, NY 11432 David Most Most Plumbing & Heating Corp. 80-10 162nd Street Jamaica, NY 11432 Edwin Vazquez Metro Plumbing & Heating Inc. 153-16 80th Street Jamaica, NY 11414 Bernard R. Watson 133-32 Inwood Street Jamaica, NY 11436 Hektor Dervishi 83-28 Parsons Boulevard Jamaica, NY 11432 Osern B. Walton 142-04 174th Street Jamaica, NY 11434 Daniel Schlissel 82-56 166th Street Jamaica, NY 11432 2187 31-Jul-16 (718) 977-3653 2282 30-Apr-15 (718) 969-7406 5464 31-Jan-16 (718) 938-2641 5630 31-Jul-16 (718) 417-6008 5786 30-Jun-15 (917) 731-3268 5914 31-Oct-17 (718) 359-2848 8556 28-Feb-16 (718) 527-3051 8670 31-May-16 (718) 380-0893 Queens Jamaica Queens Jamaica Queens Jamaica Queens Jamaica Queens Jamaica Queens Jamaica Queens Jamaica Queens Jamaica Queens Jamaica Queens Jamaica Queens Queens Kew Gardens Raymond Brakshkis 81-26 170th Street Jamaica, NY 11432 Thienna R. Estremera 117-24 165th Street Jamaica, NY 11434 Nigel A. Jahoor 114-36 168th Street Jamaica, NY 11436 Ian Rutherford 150-29 123rd Avenue Jamaica, NY 11434 Jason Santore 155-53 115 Road Jamaica, NY 11434 Michael Wynn 142-35 84th Dr. Apt. 5L Jamaica, NY 11435 Tulsieram S. Singh 88-25 153 Street Apt. L5 Jamaica, NY 11432 Tulsieram S. Singh 88-25 153 ST Apt. L5 Jamaica, NY 11432 Benedetto Scalzo 82-34 138th Street Jamaica, NY 11435 Darren Lochansingh 90-01 176th Street Jamaica Queens, NY 11432 Alphonse F. Salamina 123 81st Avenue Kew Gardens, NY 11415 9185 30-Jun-17 (718) 591-3216 9534 30-Apr-15 (646) 326-4641 9564 30-Apr-15 (718) 657-3809 9742 31-Aug-15 (347) 644-1726 10285 31-Dec-16 (347) 924-7507 10408 31-Mar-17 (347) 336-3786 10507 30-Jun-17 (917) 217-7890 10588 30-Jun-17 (917) 217-7890 10845 31-Jan-18 (347) 304-1354 8885 31-Oct-16 (347) 238-1327 10215 31-Oct-16 (718) 268-8876 Queens Little Neck Queens Little Neck Queens Little Neck Queens Long Island City Queens Long Island City Queens Long Island City Queens Long Island City Queens Long Island City Queens Long Island City Daniel M. Ferazzoli 52-11 Brownvale Lane Little Neck, NY 11362 Michael W. Hallerman 27 Van Nostrand Ct Little Neck, NY 11362 Peter Tam 43-03 249th Street Little Neck, NY 11363 Michael J. Hannon AC KLEM Plumbing PO Box 8308 Long Island City, NY 11101 Michael Karpathios The Right Connection Plumbing 36-36 23rd Street Long Island City, NY 11106 Leo C. Andreadakis Cooper Plumbing & Heating 10-01 37th Avenue Long Island City, NY 11101 Zeljan Ugarkovic Adriatic Plumbing 35-47 31st Street Long Island City, NY 11106 Angelo G. Lemodeits 34-55 11th St Long Island City, NY 11106 Billy Chen 40-39 27th Street Long Island City, NY 11101 8292 30-Jun-15 (718) 427-3163 9730 31-Aug-15 (917) 370-6529 9917 31-Jan-16 (718) 839-5600 2902 30-Apr-16 (718) 433-2400 6238 31-Oct-15 (718) 786-0190 6813 31-Jul-17 (718) 349-0200 8673 31-May-16 (718) 932-7300 9674 30-Jun-15 (917) 807-2151 9687 30-Jun-15 (347) 398-3121 Queens Long Island City Queens Maspeth Queens Maspeth Queens Maspeth Queens Maspeth Queens Maspeth Queens Maspeth Queens Maspeth Queens Maspeth Queens Maspeth Jakub Szpanelewski 31-24 Greenpoint Avenue 3rd Floor Long Island City, NY 11101 Gerry Devery 53-22 62nd Street Maspeth, NY 11377 Thomas S. Gecsedi Advanced Plumbing Ent., Inc. 60-35 55th Street Maspeth, NY 11378 Simon Hung 61-03 60th Drive Maspeth, NY 11378 Christian O. Pizarro 5916 57th Street Maspeth, NY 11378 Michael Natkaniec AMN Corporation 5328 61st Street Maspeth, NY 11378 Lukasz J. Wegrzynski 65-04 Grand Avenue Maspeth, NY 11378 Thomas Mastrosimone 61-11 55th Street Maspeth, NY 11378 Michael J. Facciponte 53-92 63rd Street Maspeth, NY 11378 Salvatore Sanfilipo 52-61 65 Place Maspeth, NY 11378 10121 31-Jul-16 (347) 385-5830 3275 31-Jan-17 (718) 672-7326 4603 31-May-15 (718) 821-8500 6790 30-Jun-17 (718) 728-1883 8538 31-Dec-17 (347) 471-5552 8682 31-May-16 (718) 326-9090 9352 31-Oct-17 (646) 479-6540 9753 30-Sep-15 (646) 373-3077 9822 31-Oct-15 (646) 423-2174 9876 31-Dec-15 (347) 752-0550 Queens Maspeth Queens Maspeth Queens Maspeth Queens Maspeth Queens Middle Village Queens Middle Village Queens Middle Village Queens Middle Village Queens Middle Village Queens Middle Village Paul A. Giangrande 52-52 72nd Place Maspeth, NY 11378 Pawel Ksiazek 66-41 Hull Avenue Maspeth, NY 11378 Rafal Ruszcyk 58-17 61 Street Maspeth, NY 11378 Krzystof Milko 6086 60th Drive Apt.2 Maspeth, NY 11378 Zhuo J. Chen 61-37 85th Street Middle Village, NY 11379 Shiu-Bun Chen 61-37 85 Street Middle Village, NY 11379 Joseph A. Campanella 76-09 57th Road Middle Village, NY 11379 Stephen P. Nessenthaler 68-10 73rd Place Middle Village, NY 11379 Roger A. Macaluso Bluewater Plumbing & Heating, Inc. 64-00 Metropolitan Avenue Middle Village, NY 11379 William J. Staab 62-02 64th Street Middle Village, NY 11379 10032 31-May-16 (347) 418-8374 10301 31-Dec-16 10302 31-Dec-16 10309 31-Dec-16 6246 31-Jan-16 (718) 397-5938 7414 30-Jun-15 (646) 369-3511 7523 30-Apr-17 (718) 812-1008 8003 31-Oct-17 (718) 782-3894 8433 30-Nov-15 (718) 386-3088 9081 30-Apr-17 (718) 417-6994 Queens Middle Village Queens Middle Village Queens Middle Village Queens Middle Village Queens Middle Village Queens Middle Village Queens Neponsit Queens Nesconset Queens Oakdale Queens Oakland Garden Queens Oakland Gardens Vincent Errico 62-20 84th Street Middle Village, NY 11379 Thomas J. Cassano 6557 79th Place Middle Village, NY 11379 Rino Vitucci 65-19 79th Place Middle Village, NY 11379 Roy Catalano 69-23 76th Street Middle Village, NY 11379 Matthew Ng 60-20 83 Place Middle Village, NY 11379 Andrew J. Jusino 72-59 Metropolitan Avenue Middle Village, NY 11379 Gerard Guglielmo 144-04 Neponsit Avenue Neponsit, NY 11694 John A. Esposito, Jr. 1 Beau Jol Court Nesconset, NY 11767 Christopher Marvelli 12 Dale Drive Oakdale, NY 11769 Khiong M. Lau 50-37 202nd Street Oakland Garden, NY 11364 Ting-Chang Chu 49-64 Horatio Parkway Oakland Gardens, NY 11364 9812 31-Oct-15 (678) 643-6522 10031 31-May-16 (347) 739-2931 10303 31-Dec-16 10432 30-Apr-17 (718) 866-7179 10464 30-Apr-17 (347) 879-1293 10493 30-Jun-17 (347) 658-8554 5341 31-Oct-16 (917) 217-0231 9339 31-Oct-17 (631) 656-5771 8160 28-Feb-18 (516) 642-9197 7767 31-Mar-17 (718) 229-3056 6403 30-Jun-15 (718) 224-1128 Queens Oakland Gardens Queens Oakland Gardens Queens Orangeburg Queens Ozone Park Queens Ozone Park Queens Ozone Park Queens Ozone Park Queens Ozone Park Queens Ozone Park Li Kong Ma 64-15 211th Street Oakland Gardens, NY 11364 George Kiouzellas 229-22 Kingsbury Avenue Oakland Gardens, NY 11364 Gregory Yavaldakis 10 W.O. Bauer Lane Orangeburg, NY 10962 Joseph D. Marotta Marotta & Sons 133-12 Cross Bay Boulevard Ozone Park, NY 11417 James M. Marotta Marotta & Sons 133-12 Cross Bay Boulevard Ozone Park, NY 11417 Kenneth Fishman Ro-Sal Plumbing & Heating 101- 11 97th Ave. Ozone Park, NY 11416 Gary P. Long 100-12 133rd Avenue Ozone Park, NY 11417 Victor Ramanand 97-39 83rd Street Ozone Park, NY 11415 Christopher J. Yohe Superior Plumbing & Heating 101-06 94th Street Ozone Park, NY 11416 6847 30-Sep-17 (917) 731-3933 10373 31-Mar-17 (718) 810-9657 10155 31-Aug-16 (845) 358-1976 119 31-Mar-17 (718) 835-5225 1752 31-Mar-17 (718) 835-5225 4819 31-Aug-17 (718) 843-8304 6706 30-Apr-17 (718) 813-3792 7610 31-Dec-16 (718) 641-0226 8171 28-Feb-18 (718) 925-8282 Queens Ozone Park Queens Ozone Park Queens Ozone Park Queens Ozone Park Queens Queens Queens Queens Queens Queens Queens Queens Queens Queens Michael V. Amantea Magic Mechanical 88-05 101st Avenue Ozone Park, NY 11416 John R. Zakowski 95-20 93rd Street Ozone Park, NY 11416 Paul M. Siracusa 82-07 133rd Avenue Ozone Park, NY 11417 Lukasz Szafran 101-43 95th Street, Apt. 20 Ozone Park, NY 11416 David London Backflow Prevention of NY 112-20 14th Street Queens, NY 10021 Murray R. Tarnapoll A.T.S. Mechanical Contractors 109-02 Rockaway Beach Blvd. Queens, NY 11694 John Lovetro 163-18 87th Street Queens, NY 11414 Patrick M. McCabe Rigg's Plumbing & Heating 57-52 58 Place Queens, NY 11378 Tani Sime Aranda Plumbing & Heating 98-11 Astoria Blvd. Queens, NY 11369 8676 31-May-16 (718) 925-9201 9996 30-Apr-16 (718) 529-3824 9999 30-Apr-16 (917) 382-8800 10120 31-Jul-16 (718) 968-5340 1245 31-May-16 (718) 775-0109 2498 30-Apr-16 (718) 945-4825 5624 31-Jul-16 (718) 674-6062 7601 31-Oct-16 (718) 894-9304 8866 31-Oct-16 (718) 424-2524 Queens Queens Queens Queens Queens Queens Queens Queens Village Queens Queens Village Queens Queens Village Queens Queens Village Queens Queens Village Queens Queens Village Queens Queens Village Cleanthis S. Meimaroglou 141-42 11th Avenue Queens, NY 11357 Ioannis Damoulianos 80-10 19th Avenue Apt. #B1 Queens, NY 11370 Gilberto Torres 1878 Green Avenue Apt. 16 Queens, NY 11385 Timothy J. Williams Village Plumbing & Heating Corp. 212-31 Jamaica Avenue Queens Village, NY 11428 Ranjit Singh 99-05 211th Street Queens Village, NY 11429 Weldon A. Cerna 94-13 214th Place Queens Village, NY 11428 Jaime S. Rivera 94-11 214th Place Queens Village, NY 11428 Renato A. Flores 224-12 93rd Avenue Queens Village, NY 11428 Ronald S. D'Andrea 93-22 217th Street Queens Village, NY 11428 Vincent May 90-04 211th Street Queens Village, NY 11428 9075 30-Apr-17 (718) 225-3128 10436 30-Apr-17 (917) 379-9046 10799 31-Dec-17 (212) 729-4861 1241 31-Oct-15 (718) 465-6629 7153 30-Jun-15 (718) 468-3946 8614 31-Mar-16 (718) 468-6417 8983 31-Dec-16 (718) 464-7135 9560 30-Apr-18 (718) 464-3697 9711 31-Jul-15 (718) 207-3225 9818 31-Oct-15 (646) 269-7679 Queens Queens Village Queens Rego Park Queens Rego Park Queens Richard Hill Queens Richmond Hill Queens Richmond Hill Queens Richmond Hill Queens Richmond Hill Queens Richmond Hill Anthony Guzzo 80-50 210 Street Queens Village, NY 11427 Richard C. Raab, Jr. 96-04 57th Avenue Apartment 10C Rego Park, NY 11369 Jose M. Fernandez 66-11 Woodhaven Blvd. Apt. 2F Rego Park, NY 11374 Anthony P. Geiger New York Plumbing 87-71 Lefferts Blvd. Richard Hill, NY 11418 Richard E. Farrell Day Night Plumbing & Heating Corp. 87-71 Lefferts Boulevard Richmond Hill, NY 11418 Robert J. Schieferstein Serve Well Plumbing 116-04 Atlantic Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11419 Robert W. Martin, Jr. 112-23 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11416 Ioannis Likidis G.L. Plumbing & Heating 126-10 89th Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 Parvinder Singh 95-37 116th Street Richmond Hill, NY 11419 9975 31-Mar-16 (718) 464-4052 5197 31-Mar-15 (347) 387-2183 10177 30-Sep-16 (347) 707-3397 6534 31-Oct-16 (718) 441-6800 2250 30-Apr-15 (718) 847-2640 2796 31-Jan-16 (718) 847-1830 6194 31-Jul-15 (347) 665-8959 8876 31-Oct-16 (718) 847-6630 9997 30-Apr-16 (718) 846-3774 Queens Richmond Hill Queens Richmond Hill Queens Richmond Hill Queens Ridgefield Park Queens Ridgewood Queens Ridgewood Queens Ridgewood Queens Ridgewood Queens Ridgewood Queens Ridgewood Fnu Gunpreet Singh 89-07 Lefferts Blvd Richmond Hill, NY 11418 Ryan Knishnanand 89-27 117th Street Richmond Hill, NY 11418 Mark Jozwik 102-37 85 Road Richmond Hill, NY 11418 Gilbert Roman Apartment #4 115 Laurel Street Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660 Luigi A. Mistretta 280 Onderdonk Avenue Ridgewood, NY 11385 Jason C. Blunt 1821 Gates Avenue Ridgewood, NY 11378 James F. Simpson James Simpson & Son, Inc. 58-07 Metropolitan Avenue Ridgewood, NY 11385 Thomas A. Almodovar 6083 Myrtle Avenue Ridgewood, NY 11385 Vincent Zurawski 6136 Palmetto St Ridgewood, NY 11385 Peter Vale 1917 Bleecker Street Apt. 2R Ridgewood, NY 11385 10376 31-Mar-17 (516) 582-1293 10684 31-Oct-17 (347) 941-6363 10772 31-Dec-17 (917) 238-9068 7986 31-Oct-17 (516) 458-9105 8540 31-Jan-16 (347) 208-4777 8541 31-Jan-19 (347) 239-5559 8619 30-Apr-16 (718) 821-6022 9481 31-Mar-15 (718) 288-0275 9677 30-Jun-15 (917) 642-4021 9913 31-Dec-15 (516) 974-6539 Queens Ridgewood Queens Ridgewood Queens Ridgewood Queens Ridgewood Queens Rockaway Queens Rockaway Queens Rockaway Beach Queens Rockaway Beach Queens Rockaway Beach Queens Rockaway Park Queens Rockaway Point Anthony L. Corbo 59-18 Palmetto Street Ridgewood, NY 11385 Jose A. Baez 17-16 Greene Avenue Ridgewood, NY 11385 Michael J. Haniszewski 70-02 Cypress Hills Street Ridgewood, NY 11385 Charles L. Ramos 7804 Cypress Avenue Ridgewood, NY 11385 George Quagliariello 7 West Market Street Rockaway, NY 11697 David Talalovsky 130 B 119th Street Apt. 5A Rockaway, NY 11694 Salvatore Ferragamo 8200 Shore Front Pkwy Rockaway Beach, NY 11693 Jakub Markowski 151 Beach 96 St.- #5A Rockaway Beach, NY 11693 Michael Gurry 103-00 Shore Front Pkwy. Rockaway Beach, NY 11694 Joseph G. Mazzarelli 12214 Newport Avenue Rockaway Park, NY 11694 Robert P. Waytowich 204-11 12th Avenue Rockaway Point, NY 11697 9998 30-Apr-16 (718) 381-8991 10097 30-Jun-16 (718) 456-3683 10212 31-Oct-16 (201) 931-6635 10673 30-Sep-17 (917) 657-6499 9741 31-Aug-15 (917) 549-5229 9943 31-Mar-16 (516) 315-5958 6044 30-Apr-15 (718) 318-4686 9690 30-Jun-15 (347) 254-5064 10392 31-Mar-17 (718) 318-8305 7850 31-Jan-16 (718) 318-1629 10084 30-Jun-16 (718) 634-9872 Queens Rosedale Queens Rosedale Queens S. Ozone Park Queens S. Richmond Hill Queens Saint Albans Queens South Ozone Park Queens South Ozone Park Queens South Ozone Park Queens South Richmond Hill Queens Springfield Gardens Eric P. Hinds 134-28 234th Street Rosedale, NY 11422 Aaron Rodriguez 145-25 232nd Street Rosedale, NY 11413 Oscar R. Luna 115-36 132nd Street S. Ozone Park, NY 11420 Dennis A. Mahadeo 115-07 107th Avenue S. Richmond Hill, NY 11419 Delon Glenn 114-14 Ovid Place Saint Albans, NY 11207 Wadesh Rassbeharry 116-11 120th Street South Ozone Park, NY 11420 Mark A. Seeraz 114-35 124th Street South Ozone Park, NY 11420 Vishwan Airjdath 130-11 116th Ave South Ozone Park, NY 11420 Islam Tariqul 117-02 Atlantic Avenue South Richmond Hill, NY 11419 Paul Hodge 145-17 177 PL Springfield Gardens, NY 11434 10104 30-Jun-16 (718) 528-3063 10293 31-Dec-16 (347) 822-1075 8977 31-Dec-16 (718) 322-4616 10784 31-Dec-17 (718) 847-6630 10689 31-Oct-17 (347) 273-4664 8309 30-Jun-15 (917) 335-6781 9667 30-Jun-15 (917) 396-8589 9675 30-Jun-15 (917) 418-4843 10681 31-Oct-17 (347) 615-1182 10393 31-Mar-17 (718) 481-7640 Queens Staten Island Queens Walden Queens Whitestone Queens Whitestone Queens Whitestone Queens Whitestone Queens Whitestone Queens Whitestone Queens Whitestone Queens Whitestone Joseph Strobel 29 Bower Court Staten Island, NY 10309 James S. Barbera 86 Monro Street Walden, NY 12586 Richard A. Bonelli Ranshaw Fuel Oil Plbg/Htg. 151-01 14th Avenue Whitestone, NY 11357 Antonio Quatela 157-07 22nd Avenue Whitestone, NY 11357 Anthony Toma Eagle Lawn Sprinklers, Inc. 151-48 17th Avenue Whitestone, NY 11357 Giovanni Palazzo 24-10 169th Street Whitestone, NY 11357 John Makresias 14-29 146 Street Whitestone, NY 11357 John Blaskovic 157-12 22 Avenue Whitestone, NY 11357 Ndoc Luli 21-03 160th Street Whitestone, NY 11357 Jeffrey G. Ng 6-06 158th Street Whitestone, NY 11357 10154 31-Aug-16 (718) 791-9628 5757 31-Aug-17 (845) 524-4461 1437 30-Jun-16 (718) 767-0707 4956 28-Feb-17 (718) 746-3147 5466 31-Jan-16 (718) 746-5635 6653 31-Jan-17 (718) 352-9407 7395 31-Mar-16 (718) 767-0656 7436 30-Apr-16 (718) 746-8038 8085 31-Dec-17 (718) 746-5945 8750 30-Jun-16 (718) 229-5858 Queens Whitestone Queens Whitestone Queens Whitestone Queens Whitestone Queens Whitestone Queens Whitestone Queens Whitestone Queens Whitestone Queens Whitestone Queens Woodhaven Queens Woodhaven Nolan J. Dempster 147-38 20th Avenue Whitestone, NY 11357 Roland Hysenaj 151-42 19th Avenue Whitestone, NY 11757 Gerard Buonaiuto 150-36 21st Avenue Whitestone, NY 11357 Steven M. Licul 160-58 24th Avenu7e Whitestone, NY 11357 Aleks Vorfi 10-09 Clintonville Street Whitestone, NY 11357 Angelo A. Vecchio 154-59 12 Road Whitestone, NY 11357 Calogero Dimaggio 157-42 22nd Avenue Whitestone, NY 11357 Richard A. Bonelli, Jr 157-41 12th Avenue Whitestone, NY 11357 Louis Sarosick 145-26 20th Avenue Whitestone, NY 11357 Michael Smith Stellmar Plumbing 90-02 91st Avenue Woodhaven, NY 11421 Peter 0. Drozd 87-05 89th Avenue Woodhaven, NY 11421 8862 31-Oct-16 (917) 748-7339 9071 30-Apr-17 (917) 750-7056 9552 30-Apr-15 (718) 461-4145 9951 31-Mar-16 (917) 698-7710 10080 30-Jun-16 (718) 312-3839 10160 30-Sep-16 10292 31-Dec-16 (718) 746-6089 10431 30-Apr-17 (718) 357-5137 10624 31-Aug-17 (917) 701-5916 5465 31-Mar-16 (718) 846-2000 8542 31-Jan-16 (917) 623-3971 Queens Woodhaven Queens Woodhaven Queens Woodside Queens Woodside Queens Woodside Queens Woodside Queens Woodside Christopher Chen 91-62 90th Street Woodhaven, NY 11421 Gregory W. Martyna 83-05 98th Street #1F Woodhaven, NY 11421 Fredric J. Davis, Jr. Best Plumbing Htng & Cooling Inc. 59-05 39th Avenue Woodside, NY 11377 Henri J. Billharz Billharz Plumbing Inc. 45-25 47th Street Woodside, NY 11377 Asdrubal Aguirre 56-01 Northern Blvd. Woodside, NY 11377 Emmanuel Elenis Master Plumbing & Heating 25-18 50th Street Woodside, NY 11377 Luis Castillo 45-25 47 Street Woodside, NY 11377 Christopher M. Tristano Suffolk 10012 30-Apr-16 (718) 221-6888 10115 2400 31-May-15 (718) 252-7775 2787 30-Apr-16 (718) 784-2468 5077 31-Oct-17 (718) 707-0041 7995 31-Oct-17 (718) 545-7616 10677 31-Oct-17 (646) 363-9901 10332 Suffolk Amity Harbor Suffolk Amity Harbor , Mark C. Phillips 45 Coolidge Avenue Amity Harbor, NY 11701 Thomas Desrosiers 44 Buchanan Avenue Amity Harbor, NY 11701 31-Jul-16 (917) 328-9611 8272 31-Jan-17 30-Jun-15 (631) 532-6101 9893 31-Dec-15 (516) 557-3953 Suffolk Amityville Suffolk Amityville Suffolk Amityville Suffolk Amityville Suffolk Amityville Suffolk AQUEBGUE Suffolk Aquebogue Suffolk Babylon Suffolk Babylon Dennis Realmuto Professional Irrigation 45A Elm Place Amityville, NY 11701 Joseph E. Oswald, Jr. Pleasant View Plumbing & Heating 42 Maple Place Amityville, NY 11701 Gary W. O'Leary 82A Broadway Amityville, NY 11701 Alberto D. Vosilla 49 Meadow Lane Amityville, NY 11103 Greg A. Leff 218 Ocean Avenue Amityville, NY 11701 ERICK A. CHAVEZ 217 CHURCH LANE AQUEBGUE, NY 11931 Erick A. Chavez 217 Church Lane - PO Box 32 Aquebogue, NY 11931 Eric G. Letterman 53 East Shore Drive Babylon, NY 11702 Guy C. Brady 55 Wilshire Court Babylon, NY 11703 558 31-Dec-16 (631) 789-0500 770 30-Apr-17 (631) 789-0202 7985 31-Oct-17 (516) 784-1422 9175 30-Jun-17 (631) 691-0641 10139 31-Jul-16 (516) 852-8982 10328 31-Dec-16 (631) 722-5596 4581 31-Dec-16 (631) 722-5596 908 31-Mar-15 (631) 422-7847 10520 30-Jun-17 (631) 433-4838 Suffolk Bay Shore Suffolk Bay Shore Suffolk Bay Shore Suffolk Bayport Suffolk Bayport Suffolk Bayport Suffolk Bayshore Suffolk Bayshore Suffolk Bayshore Suffolk Blue Point Robert F. Herber, Jr. Herber Plumbing & Heating Corp. 54 Park Avenue Bay Shore, NY 11706 Gerard J. Allaire Byrnes & Sons Irrigation, Inc. 4 Belford Ave Bay Shore, NY 11706 Matthew G. Amato 99 Howell Road Bay Shore, NY 11706 Frank H. Minissale 3 Stephen Court Bayport, NY 11705 Thomas Hair 183 Connetquot Road Bayport, NY 11705 James Keagins 10 Stephen Road Bayport, NY 11705 Richard D. Quilty 199 Texas Avenue Bayshore, NY 11706 Robert P. Winter 1381 St. Louis Avenue Bayshore, NY 11706 David Cunningham 171 Vermont Avenue Bayshore, NY 11706 James Puleo 187 Atlantic Avenue Blue Point, NY 11715 1562 31-Dec-16 (631) 666-9315 2731 31-Dec-15 (631) 968-6600 10364 31-Jan-17 (631) 666-1779 8711 30-Jun-16 (631) 868-3474 10103 30-Jun-16 (631) 419-1072 10603 31-Jul-17 (631) 484-8816 664 31-Dec-16 (631) 666-2498 1577 31-Oct-16 (631) 665-8732 9554 30-Apr-15 (631) 560-7029 8004 31-Oct-17 (631) 868-3157 Suffolk Bluepoint Suffolk Brentwood Suffolk Brentwood Suffolk Brentwood Suffolk Brentwood Suffolk Brentwood Suffolk Brentwood Suffolk Brightwaters Suffolk Brightwaters Suffolk Calverton Patrick J. McMahon 81 Division Avenue Bluepoint, NY 11715 Kevin H. Kamm B K Engineering 826 Suffolk Avenue Brentwood, NY 11717 Selvin A. Hercules 45 Arlene Drive Brentwood, NY 11717 Daniel M. Duggan BK Engineering 826 Suffolk Avenue Brentwood, NY 11717 William M. Cambria 93 Heyward Street Brentwood, NY 11717 Chaitlal Jaggernath 1 Bradley Street Brentwood, NY 11717 Dean A. Gustafson 28 Voorhis Drive Brentwood, NY 11717 Michael Barba 465 Potter Boulevard Brightwaters, NY 11718 Michael Pallotta RPM Sprinkler PO Box 285 Brightwaters, NY 11718 Stanley Carey 58 W. Alfred Avenue Calverton, NY 11933 9361 31-Oct-17 (631) 363-4260 2275 30-Apr-15 (631) 273-2010 6734 31-May-17 (516) 537-3374 7297 31-Dec-15 (631) 273-2010 9521 30-Apr-15 10370 31-Jan-17 (631) 236-5390 10839 31-Jan-18 (631) 813-2063 5429 31-Dec-15 (516) 770-0757 8563 28-Feb-16 (631) 968-9631 1030 30-Sep-16 (631) 369-1540 Suffolk Calverton Suffolk Calverton Suffolk Canton Suffolk Center Moriches Suffolk Center Moriches Suffolk Centereach Suffolk Centereach Suffolk Centereach Suffolk Centereach Suffolk Centereach James N. Redfield 68 Baiting Hollow Lane Calverton, NY 11933 Gregory J. Stawski 229 Highview Dr. Calverton, NY 11933 Daniel G. Misa 806 Waterford Estates Manor Canton, GA 30114 Douglas M. Weidner 8 Carriage Lane Center Moriches, NY 11934 Nicholas J. Pursino 30 Old Neck Road Center Moriches, NY 11934 Edward M. Gelber 12 Oak Street Centereach, NY 11720 John L. Speciale 19 Morning Dr. Centereach, NY 11720 Robert MacGregor 125 Sanford Road Centereach, NY 11720 Anthony Piscitelli 27 Charles Street Centereach, NY 11720 Bruce J. Lenny R Lenny Plumbing & Heating 12 Dawn Drive Centereach, NY 11720 1259 31-Oct-16 (631) 369-8393 4750 31-Dec-15 (631) 369-1086 120 31-Mar-17 (678) 493-0681 6826 31-Jul-17 (631) 909-1671 7086 30-Apr-15 (631) 281-0094 1226 31-Oct-15 (631) 467-1142 1457 31-Dec-17 (631) 467-8089 1566 30-Nov-16 (631) 981-3049 2988 31-Jul-16 (631) 467-9345 6695 31-Mar-17 (631) 288-3460 Suffolk Centereach Suffolk Centereach Suffolk Centerport Suffolk Centerport Suffolk Central Islip Suffolk Cold Spring Harbor Suffolk Commack Suffolk Commack Suffolk Commack Suffolk Commack Suffolk Copiague Brian T. Single 1 Richmond Blvd Centereach, NY 11720 Michael Raby 9 Kara Court Centereach, NY 11720 Eric A. Christensen 14 Harbor Park Drive Centerport, NY 11721 Robert S. Liquori Backflow Corp. of NY 47 Haebour Park Centerport, NY 11743 Joseph B. Pilkington 101 Sportsman Street Central Islip, NY 11722 Kamal Arneja 16 Donovan Drive Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724 William F. Loretz 4 Pimlico Court Commack, NY 11725 Keith Cohen 5 Algonquin Lane Commack, NY 11725 Mark Donnarumma 157 Hayrick Lane Commack, NY 11725 Kenneth Sette 18 Tulipwood Drive Commack, NY 11725 Salvador Canas 37 Arthur Street Copiague, NY 11726 7848 30-Jun-17 (516) 807-4968 10166 30-Sep-16 (516) 238-1514 1301 31-Dec-16 (631) 239-6080 7983 31-Oct-17 (631) 281-6622 6411 30-Apr-16 (631) 348-2661 7861 30-Jun-17 (631) 367-0076 248 30-Nov-17 (631) 864-3807 6817 31-Jul-17 (631) 864-1236 9934 31-Mar-16 (631) 266-9039 10335 31-Jan-16 (631) 543-4253 3203 31-Oct-16 (631) 841-5440 Suffolk Copiague Suffolk Copiague Suffolk Copiague Suffolk Copiague Suffolk Coram Suffolk Coram Suffolk Coram Suffolk Cutchogue Suffolk Deer Park Suffolk Deer Park Margherite Manicone 59 Trouville Road Copiague, NY 11726 Russell Eppler 510 Greenlawn Terrace Copiague, NY 11726 Thomas Bertorello, II 45 Stewart St. Copiague, NY 11726 John F. Hetterich 409 Pleasant View Court Copiague, NY 11726 Marc A. Santangelo 3207 Townehouse Drive Coram, NY 11727 Scott D. Marchasin 12 Wicket Street Coram, NY 11727 William R. Connolly 7 Northridge Drive Coram, NY 11727 Joseph DePinto Joe-D Plumbing & Heating Inc. 1703 Little Neck Road Cutchogue, NY 11935 Kevin J. Christian 236 Gleeland Street Deer Park, NY 11729 Edward Santalone Atlantic Irrigation Spec. 870 Long Island Avenue Deer Park, NY 11729 5645 31-Aug-16 (631) 598-0632 8965 31-Dec-16 (631) 957-2815 9744 31-Aug-15 (631) 356-4050 10368 31-Jan-17 (631) 592-8570 9009 31-Jan-17 (631) 294-1644 9928 31-Jan-16 (631) 928-0818 10616 31-Aug-17 (631) 331-9630 4187 31-Jan-16 (631) 734-4666 240 31-Dec-17 (631) 242-8984 256 30-Nov-16 (631) 667-7801 Suffolk Deer Park Suffolk Deer Park Suffolk Deer Park Suffolk Deer Park Suffolk Deer Park Suffolk Deer Park Suffolk Deer Park Suffolk Deer Park Suffolk Dix Hills Frank Realmuto, Jr. PI Services, Inc. 66-2 East Jefryn Boulevard Deer Park, NY 11729 Richard D. Friend Friends Irrigation Systems Inc. 697 Acorn Street Deer Park, NY 11729 Donald Carretta Friends Irrigation, Inc. 697 Acorn Street Deer Park, NY 11729 Peter C. Fryer Benjamin Franklin Plumbing 569 Acorn Street #5 Deer Park, NY 11729 Gary Karbot 264 West 19th Street Deer Park, NY 11729 Paul J. Perticone Nice Plumbing & Heating, Inc. 352 West 13th Street Deer Park, NY 11729 Nick M. Lombardo 27 Elmira Street Deer Park, NY 11729 Ever L. Martinez 30 Orange Street Deer Park, NY 11729 Arthur Sanders 288 Marlin Street Dix Hills, NY 11746 461 31-Mar-16 (631) 243-6016 591 30-Nov-16 (631) 586-4738 1072 30-Sep-16 (631) 586-4738 5340 30-Jun-15 (631) 423-3998 5477 31-Mar-16 (631) 243-2261 5881 30-Jun-17 (631) 242-6423 9566 30-Apr-18 (631) 586-4018 10840 31-Jan-18 (631) 940-9046 393 30-Jun-16 (631) 242-2739 Suffolk Dix Hills Suffolk Dix Hills Suffolk Dix Hills Suffolk Dix Hills Suffolk Dix Hills Suffolk Dix Hills Suffolk Dix Hills Suffolk Dix Hills Suffolk E. Northport Edward A. Sandler Tender Lawn Care of Bellmore Inc. 40 New Jersey St. Dix Hills, NY 11746 Michael Prenderville Tender Lawn Care of Bellmore Inc. 40 New Jersey Street Dix Hills, NY 11746 Joseph Cornetta 230 Seneca Avenue Dix Hills, NY 11746 Vincenzo D. Paniccia 127 Millet Street N. Dix Hills, NY 11746 Scott Kolin 14 Sturbridge Drive Dix Hills, NY 11746 MICHAEL S. PALLOTTA 4 Micole Court Dix Hills, NY 11746 Andrew R. Boehning 315 Nielson Street Dix Hills, NY 11746 Joseph Mackey, Jr. 51 Shoreham Drive East Dix Hills, NY 11746 Jamie V. Barber 128 Ketay Dr. South E. Northport, NY 11731 4940 31-Dec-16 (631) 242-1933 4941 31-Dec-16 (631) 242-1933 5862 30-Jun-17 (631) 667-5037 7663 31-Dec-16 (631) 242-1267 9167 30-Jun-17 (631) 920-7671 9939 31-Mar-16 (516) 491-2993 10326 31-Dec-16 (516) 510-9917 10658 31-Aug-17 (631) 912-6162 8101 31-Dec-17 (516) 233-8533 Suffolk E. Setauket Suffolk East Islip Suffolk East Islip Suffolk East Islip Suffolk East Islip Suffolk East Islip Suffolk East Islip Suffolk East Islip Suffolk East Marion Suffolk East Northport Peter Barba Assured Plumbing 110 Cove Lane E. Setauket, NY 11733 Stephen F. Lynch 52 Hollins Lane East Islip, NY 11730 John C. Henry 81 Country Village Lane East Islip, NY 11730 Christopher W. Lynch 52 Hollins Lane East Islip, NY 11730 Kyle F. Lynch 52 Hollins Lane East Islip, NY 11730 Kerry A. Varnot 24 Woodland Drive East Islip, NY 11730 Frank J. Mangilomini 122 Irish Lane East Islip, NY 11730 Stephen R. Lynch 52 Hollins Lane East Islip, NY 11730 Artemios Tsismenakis 11230 Main Road - PO Box 275 East Marion, NY 11939 Thomas Bourne 620 6th Street East Northport, NY 11731 830 30-Jun-15 (516) 456-8886 868 28-Feb-16 (631) 224-7817 6036 31-Mar-18 (631) 277-8035 6523 31-Aug-16 (631) 224-7817 7221 31-Jul-15 (631) 224-7817 7304 31-Dec-15 (631) 224-4889 9415 31-Dec-17 (631) 581-4348 10626 31-Aug-17 (631) 224-7817 9545 30-Apr-18 (718) 998-7266 8288 30-Jun-15 (516) 322-3635 Suffolk East Northport Suffolk East Northport Suffolk East Northport Suffolk East Patchogue Suffolk East Patchogue Suffolk East Quogue Suffolk East Quogue Suffolk Farmingdale Suffolk Farmingdale Suffolk Farmingville Richard V. Pennino 512 4th Street East Northport, NY 11731 Vincent III J. Kearney 606 6th Avenue West East Northport, NY 11731 Patrick A. McKee 1 Salisbury Drive North E. Northport, NY 11731 Scott Zeitlin 21 Victoria Drive East Patchogue, NY 11772 Nelson H. Champlin 19 Jackwill Road East Patchogue, NY 11772 Thomas J. Conti Surf Plumbing & Heating 6 Canvasback Lane East Quogue, NY 11942 Derrick W. Sutton 5 Lincoln Drive East Quogue, NY 11942 Philip A. Tripoli 14 Locust Avenue E Farmingdale, NY 11735 William C. Dumper Aqua Flow Irrigation 183 Cherry Street Farmingdale, NY 11735 Edward Miller 20 Gaymor Lane Farmingville, NY 11738 8886 31-Oct-16 (631) 261-4310 9927 31-Jan-16 (631) 742-8663 10621 31-Aug-17 (631) 595-1442 7717 31-Jan-17 (631) 988-5274 8704 30-Jun-16 (631) 475-6646 1441 31-Jul-16 (631) 653-5165 8630 30-Apr-16 (631) 728-2680 776 30-Apr-17 (631) 694-5961 7443 30-Apr-16 (516) 454-0995 4459 31-Aug-17 (631) 588-4775 Suffolk Farmingville Suffolk Farmingville Suffolk Farmingville Suffolk Farmingville Suffolk Fishers Island Suffolk Flanders Suffolk Forest Hills Suffolk Greenlawn Suffolk Greenlawn Suffolk Hamburg William Nason 70 Beech Avenue Farmingville, NY 11738 Giuseppe D. Graziano 23 Oakcrest Avenue Farmingville, NY 11738 Marc R. Steinmann 53 North Morris Avenue Farmingville, NY 11738 Frank Sciacca 81 Hanrahan Avenue Farmingville, NY 11738 Chad J. Mrowka 1108 Equestrian Avenue Fishers Island, NY 06390 Walter Wojtas 43 King Avenue Flanders, NY 11901 WuChan Cheng 110-34 73rd Road Apt #5K Forest Hills, NY 11375 John L. Phelan 5 Pine Hollow Court Greenlawn, NY 11740 Julio C. Aguilar Rain Rich Sprinklers 58 Wells Road Greenlawn, NY 11740 Christopher Blau 6 White Birch Road Hamburg, NJ 07419 7397 31-Mar-16 (631) 335-4155 8093 31-Dec-17 (631) 320-0305 9723 31-Jul-15 (631) 698-3550 10846 31-Jan-18 (631) 732-4020 10777 31-Dec-17 (631) 788-5686 10727 30-Nov-17 (631) 806-2957 6628 30-Jun-18 (728) 268-8898 83 31-Dec-16 (631) 261-1149 5750 31-Dec-16 (631) 423-2211 10021 31-May-16 (845) 857-8765 Suffolk Hampton Bays Suffolk Hampton Bays Suffolk Hampton Bays Suffolk Hampton Bays Suffolk Hampton Bays Suffolk Hampton Bays Suffolk Hampton Bays Suffolk Hampton Bays Suffolk Hauppauge Suffolk Hauppauge Suffolk Holbrook Richard C. Rattler 17 Gardners Lane Hampton Bays, NY 11946 Peter A. Phillips 162 Lynn Avenue Hampton Bays, NY 11946 Perry Zimmerman 59 Bay Avenue West Hampton Bays, NY 11946 Christopher E. Bragoli 4 Fordham Drive Hampton Bays, NY 11946 James P. Kappers 23 Washington Avenue Hampton Bays, NY 11946 Christian A. Eckart 39 Hampton Road Hampton Bays, NY 11946 Michael E. McCallen 17 Washington Avenue East Hampton Bays, NY 11946 Juan D. Naranjo 16 Rolling Wood Lane Hampton Bays, NY 11946 John D. Peters PO Box 5069 Hauppauge, NY 11788 Joseph M. Waldner 164 Atlantic Place Hauppauge, NY 11788 John J. Borrelli 17 Val Court Holbrook, NY 11741 137 30-Jun-16 (631) 728-2128 334 31-Jan-17 (631) 723-2301 5444 31-Jan-17 (631) 728-7504 6518 31-Aug-16 (631) 594-1536 7475 31-May-16 (631) 445-3495 8846 31-Aug-16 (631) 594-2874 9597 31-May-15 (631) 830-7030 10809 31-Dec-17 (631) 872-7747 9940 31-Mar-16 (631) 338-2937 9944 31-Mar-16 (631) 348-1895 448 31-Mar-16 (631) 563-0603 Suffolk Holbrook Suffolk Holbrook Suffolk Holbrook Suffolk Holbrook Suffolk Holbrook Suffolk Holbrook Suffolk Holbrook Suffolk Holtsville Suffolk Holtsville Suffolk Huntington Suffolk Huntington Joseph P. DaCosta 89 Lincoln Avenue Holbrook, NY 11741 Richard Cassidy 8 Woodleigh Court Holbrook, NY 11741 Richard A. Caiazzo 1645 Coates Avenue Holbrook, NY 11741 Steven J. Rappa 1511 Spruce Drive Holbrook, NY 11741 Benjamin N. Kahn 34 Chestnut Avenue Holbrook, NY 11741 Richard R. Cassidy 8 Woodleigh Ct Holbrook, NY 11741 James T. Peppers, IV 35 Scopelitis Court Holbrook, NY 11471 Michael R. Pike 1 Voyages Court Holtsville, NY 11742 Salvatore M. Sinacore 175 Cassa Loop Holtsville, NY 11742 Jeffrey P. Klaverweiden 98 Elm Street Huntington, NY 11743 Michael Seylar 5 Magnolia Lane Huntington, NY 11743 3274 31-Dec-16 (631) 218-2492 4540 31-Oct-16 (631) 472-3692 5618 31-Jul-16 (631) 737-1414 9721 31-Jul-15 (516) 250-7875 10023 31-May-16 (631) 834-4000 10217 31-Oct-16 (631) 472-3692 10471 30-Apr-17 (631) 275-5741 7793 31-Mar-17 (631) 758-2798 8837 31-Aug-16 (631) 730-8673 1893 31-Jul-17 (631) 271-5275 2893 31-Jul-16 (631) 659-3018 Suffolk Huntington Suffolk Huntington Suffolk Huntington Suffolk Huntington Suffolk Huntington Suffolk Huntington Suffolk Huntington Suffolk Huntington Suffolk Huntington Suffolk Huntington Victor B. Pennino 1018 Park Avenue Huntington, NY 11743 James F. Brown Harbor Irrigation 179 New York Avenue Huntington, NY 11743 Richard Stykes 29 Marlboro Drive Huntington, NY 11743 Steven C. Kennaugh 59 Oakland Street Huntington, NY 11743 William F. Rogel 34 Briarcliff Place Huntington, NY 11743 Pierre Salas 42 Panorama Drive Huntington, NY 11743 Taofiq Ibrahim 65 E. 16th Street Huntington, NY 11746 Alexander J. Niedziela 26 Vineyard Road Huntington, NY 11743 William J. Schiller, Jr 107 East 25th Street Huntington, NY 11746 Michael S. Sullivan 19 Healy Street Huntington, NY 11743 4200 30-Jun-15 (631) 786-1371 4973 31-Mar-15 (516) 313-8367 5441 31-Dec-15 (631) 367-1621 7334 31-Jan-16 (631) 421-2494 7795 31-Mar-17 (631) 425-2479 8408 31-Oct-15 (631) 424-2614 9493 31-Mar-18 (347) 432-6601 9664 30-Jun-15 (516) 315-6637 9912 31-Dec-15 (631) 673-3784 10533 30-Jun-17 (631) 427-4785 Suffolk Huntington Station Suffolk Huntington Station Suffolk Huntington Station Suffolk Huntington Station Suffolk Huntington Station Suffolk Huntington Station Suffolk Huntington Station Suffolk Huntington Station Suffolk Huntington Station Richard M. Aylward, Jr. Richie Aylward Plbg. & Htg, Inc. 53 East 13th Street Huntington Station, NY 11746 Leonard J. Caparatta 23 Bogart Street Huntington Station, NY 11746 Steven J. Bias 16 Marcher Avenue Huntington Station, NY 11746 Thomas J. Tracey Dimension 2 Associates 6 Stepar Place Huntington Station, NY 11746 Michael J. Brown Total Lawn Care, Inc 218 W Pulaski Road Huntington Station, NY 11746 Dominick Zappia Water Works Group 81 West Hills Road Huntington Station, NY 11746 Jeffrey J. Alessio Alessio Pipe & Const. Co., Inc. 102 Fairground Avenue Huntington Station, NY 11746 Robert P. Provenzano 90 East 13th St. Huntington Station, NY 11746 Kenneth E. Kelly Water Works 81 West Hills Road Huntington Station, NY 11746 155 30-Jun-17 (631) 271-0303 270 31-Mar-15 (631) 549-4019 1218 31-Oct-15 (631) 423-0613 4937 31-Dec-16 (631) 421-5200 5747 31-Dec-16 (631) 424-1181 6040 31-Mar-18 (631) 271-2656 6202 30-Sep-15 (631) 423-0234 6972 30-Nov-17 (631) 233-2501 7303 31-Dec-15 (631) 271-2656 Suffolk Huntington Station Suffolk Huntington Station Suffolk Islip Suffolk Islip Suffolk Islip Suffolk Islip Suffolk Islip Terrace Suffolk Islip Terrace Suffolk Islip Terrace Suffolk Islip Terrace Suffolk Kings Park Bruce R. Brine 42 4th Avenue Huntington Station, NY 11746 Charles Youngs 34 Kilburn Avenue Huntington Station, NY 11746 Keith P. Nava 1 Beaver Dam Rd. Islip, NY 11751 Mark J. Lehr 32 Beverly Street Islip, NY 11751 Kenneth Schwamb 30 St. Marks Lane Islip, NY 11751 Nicholas J. Cianciotti 195 Maple Street Islip, NY 11751 Jerome Garraffa, III 768 Bellmore Avenue Islip Terrace, NY 11752 Brian P. Hovestadt 324 Cedarhurst Street Islip Terrace, NY 11752 Michael J. Lyons 7 Amityville Street Islip Terrace, NY 11752 Vsevolod Hordiychuk 19 Roosevelt Street Islip Terrace, NY 11752 David R. Kelly 22 Windham Crescent Kings Park, NY 11754 7657 31-Dec-16 (631) 923-0355 10336 31-Jan-17 (631) 673-0467 4767 31-Dec-18 (631) 227-3060 6694 31-Mar-17 (631) 581-8368 10511 30-Jun-17 (631) 650-6309 10803 31-Dec-17 (631) 277-6028 755 30-Jun-17 (631) 581-1116 7857 30-Jun-17 (631) 581-1339 9074 30-Apr-17 (631) 277-6280 10105 30-Jun-16 (631) 277-4383 6584 30-Nov-16 (631) 780-5878 Suffolk Kings Park Suffolk Kings Park Suffolk Kings Park Suffolk Lake Grove Suffolk Lake Grove Suffolk Lake Grove Suffolk Lindenhurst Suffolk Lindenhurst Suffolk Lindenhurst Suffolk Lindenhurst Suffolk Lindenhurst Glenn Schug 19 Debby Place Kings Park, NY 11754 Daniel P. McCarthy 35 Columbus Avenue Kings Park, NY 11754 Kenneth M. Love 18 Collins Avenue Kings Park, NY 11754 Robert L. Katz DJM Plumbing, Inc. 1165 Stony Brook Road Lake Grove, NY 11755 Michael Polidoro 7 Angela Lane Lake Grove, NY 11755 Joseph S. Cestari 17 Fox Lane Lake Grove, NY 11755 John W. Hosey 286 South Broadway Lindenhurst, NY 11757 Efrain A. Reyes 56 Kellum Street Lindenhurst, NY 11757 Carl A. Hazelton 205 Deanville Parkway Lindenhurst, NY 11757 Daniel J. Falls 9 W Granda Avenue Lindenhurst, NY 11757 Michael A. Vetter 32 N. Hamilton Ave. Lindenhurst, NY 11757 7090 30-Apr-15 (631) 979-6794 8489 31-Dec-15 (631) 269-6923 10526 30-Jun-17 (631) 484-2639 595 30-Nov-16 (631) 449-2389 9794 31-Oct-15 (631) 676-2665 10099 01-Jun-16 (631) 676-3720 1062 31-Jul-16 (631) 226-3392 6824 31-Jul-17 (631) 991-7167 7445 30-Apr-16 (631) 957-8967 7682 31-Dec-16 (631) 592-1372 9065 30-Apr-17 (631) 888-1674 Suffolk Lindenhurst Suffolk Lindenhurst Suffolk Lindenhurst Suffolk Lindenhurst Suffolk Lindenhurst Suffolk Lindenhurst Suffolk Lindenhurst Suffolk Lindenhurst Suffolk Lindenhurst Suffolk Mastic Suffolk Mastic Angel M. Carreras 30 E. Hollywood Avenue Lindenhurst, NY 11757 James L. Henderson 9 Brooktree Circle Lindenhurst, NY 11757 Kenneth M. Kogan 342 Byrd Street Lindenhurst, NY 11757 Patrick Tingo 119 35 Street Lindenhurst, NY 11757 Russell A. Simone 434 North Alleghany Avenue Lindenhurst, NY 00726 Philip J. Carapezza 688 Wellwood Avenue #10 Lindenhurst, NY 11757 Edward T. Reusch 936 N. Hamilton Avenue Lindenhurst, NY 11757 Thomas A. Serafino 866 Arctic Street Lindenhurst, NY 11757 Craig S. Gleixner 721 Knoll Street Lindenhurst, NY 11757 Jerry E. Kane 311 North Titmus Drive Mastic, NY 11950 Jaime Roman 94 Neptune Avenue Mastic, NY 11950 9659 30-Jun-15 (631) 226-5915 9661 30-Jun-15 (516) 312-4739 9938 31-Mar-16 (631) 813-9384 9978 31-Mar-16 (631) 957-8504 10153 31-Aug-16 (631) 671-8644 10522 30-Jun-17 (631) 736-0836 10531 30-Jun-17 (631) 957-2450 10676 30-Sep-17 (631) 226-2808 10805 31-Dec-17 (631) 991-3231 5478 31-Mar-16 (631) 399-5603 7151 30-Jun-15 (516) 852-7501 Suffolk Mastic Suffolk Mastic Suffolk Mastic Suffolk Mastic Beach Suffolk Mastic Beach Suffolk Mattituck Suffolk Mattituck Suffolk Mattituck Suffolk Medford Suffolk Medford Suffolk Medford Thomas J. Brooksbank 166 Moriches Avenue Mastic, NY 11950 Edward J. Eastman 71 Terapin Street Mastic, NY 11950 Geoff P. Eastman 71 Terapin Street Mastic, NY 11950 Troy Fridenberger 6 Washington Avenue Mastic Beach, NY 11951 Bruce R. Staebler 152 Woodland Drive Mastic Beach, NY 11951 Jeff E. Carlson 5660 Sound Avenue Mattituck, NY 11952 Ryan E. Wilsberg Mattituck Plumbing 10860 Main Road Mattituck, NY 11952 Walter L. Dohm 265 Walnut Place Mattituck, NY 11952 Robert Braun 47 Fairmont Avenue Medford, NY 11763 William W. Schaaf 207 Richmond Ave Medford, NY 11763 Carlo Fusco 74 Sharon Court Medford, NY 11763 8797 31-Aug-16 (631) 395-5899 10144 31-Aug-16 (631) 339-4830 10836 31-Jan-18 (631) 399-4830 7524 31-Jul-16 (516) 322-6139 9533 30-Apr-15 (631) 657-6621 6038 31-Mar-15 (631) 298-5774 8341 31-Jul-15 (631) 298-8393 9714 31-Jul-15 (631) 298-7476 4375 30-Jun-17 (631) 696-5285 4587 31-Mar-18 (631) 289-1379 7392 31-Mar-16 (631) 654-8173 Suffolk Medford Suffolk Medford Suffolk Medford Suffolk Medford Suffolk Medford Suffolk Melville Suffolk Melville Suffolk Melville Suffolk Melville Suffolk Melville Suffolk Middle Island Thomas A. Calo 164 Southaven Avenue Medford, NY 11763 Leonardo Cruz 173 Middle Island Road Medford, NY 11763 Louis J. Salituri 2688 Heather Avenue Medford, NY 11763 Joseph Pew 263 Country Road Medford, NY 11763 Michael Fischer 26 Forte Avenue Medford, NY 11763 Alan Feldman 22 Wilmington Drive Melville, NY 11747 Mark D. Bierman 77 Beaumont Drive Mellville, NY 11747 Dimitrios Tsamos 42 Weinmann Blvd Melville, NY 11747 Craig Cohen 12 Giffand Way Melville, NY 11747 Mark A. Nubile 12 Pheatons Drive Melville, NY 11747 Marc T. Divito 1 Rainbow Court Middle Island, NY 11953 8311 30-Jun-15 (631) 379-0640 8627 30-Apr-16 (631) 475-3051 9171 30-Jun-17 (631) 289-7729 9931 31-Jan-16 (631) 924-9351 10308 31-Dec-16 984 31-Aug-15 (631) 421-3463 1340 31-Mar-17 (631) 253-2120 7329 31-Jan-16 (631) 491-4680 8484 31-Dec-15 (631) 367-6716 8677 31-May-16 (631) 367-6498 9924 31-Jan-16 (516) 439-9403 Suffolk Miller Place Suffolk Miller Place Suffolk Montauk Suffolk Montauk Suffolk Montauk Suffolk Moriches Suffolk Mount Sinai Suffolk N. Babylon Suffolk Nesconset Suffolk Nesconset Oscar Reich 39 Hunter Avenue Miller Place, NY 11764 Nick R. Gargone 348 North Country Road Miller Place, NY 11764 Alan W. Burke PO Box 808 Montauk, NY 11954 John J. Benedict Prado Bros. Plbg/Htg PO Box 5039 Montauk, NY 11954 John A. Desousa 21 South Devon Place Montauk, NY 11954 Brian W. Petrillo 82 Beaver Spur Apartment 15 Moriches, NY 11955 Richard J. Protosow 19 Oleeta Road Mount Sinai, NY 11766 Michael J. Quinn 160 Weeks Road N. Babylon, NY 11703 Joseph G. Leocata 12 Dellmarie Lane Nesconset, NY 11767 William J. DePaolo B&R Plumbing & Heating of LI, Inc. 315 Smithtown Boulevard Nesconset, NY 11767 308 30-Jun-15 (631) 744-2694 9561 30-Apr-18 (631) 228-4209 141 31-Oct-17 (631) 668-9593 9658 30-Jun-15 (631) 668-9196 9713 31-Jul-15 (631) 204-7856 10725 30-Nov-17 (631) 909-7382 9063 30-Apr-17 (631) 473-8570 9362 31-Oct-17 (631) 274-5725 2224 31-Mar-15 (631) 265-3159 5164 31-Dec-17 (631) 580-7500 Suffolk New Suffolk Suffolk Niantic Suffolk North Babylon Suffolk North Babylon Suffolk North Babylon Suffolk North Babylon Suffolk North Babylon Suffolk North Babylon Suffolk North Shirley Suffolk Northport Daniel F. Prindle PO Box 151 New Suffolk, NY 11956 Nathan Bennett 52 S. Cobblers Ct. Niantic, CT 06357 Eric P. Bertram 4 Strathmore Drive North Babylon, NY 11703 Joseph E. Deriso 71 Rhoda Avenue North Babylon, NY 11703 Salvatore F. Rasmussen 32 Westchester Avenue No. Babylon, NY 11703 Robert Kalinowski 42 Edmunton Drive - Apt A17 North Babylon, NY 11703 Jerome Garraffa IV 18 Rhoda Avenue No. Babylon, NY 11703 Christopher M. Tristano 535 Middle Street North Babylon, NY 11703 Luis A. Cruz 409 West End Avenue North Shirley, NY 11967 Gene Guido 7 Harrison Drive Northport, NY 11768 8956 31-Dec-16 (631) 734-5586 9751 30-Sep-15 (860) 319-5201 420 31-Mar-16 (631) 669-1788 9190 30-Jun-17 (631) 242-0218 9568 30-Apr-15 (631) 539-7825 9926 31-Jan-16 (631) 561-3388 10102 30-Jun-16 (631) 254-2101 10333 31-Jan-17 (631) 525-2519 7336 31-Jan-16 (631) 399-0741 7081 30-Apr-18 (631) 754-3587 Suffolk Oakdale Suffolk Oakdale Suffolk Oakdale Suffolk Oakdale Suffolk Patchogue Suffolk Patchogue Suffolk Patchogue Suffolk Patchogue Suffolk Patchogue Laura M. Wynhurst Suffolk County Water Authority 4060 Sunrise Highway/ PO Box 38 Oakdale, NY 11769 Adam M. Cantiello 18 Tide Court Oakdale, NY 11769 Vito C. Giammarella Suffolk County Water Authority 4060 Sunrise Highway Oakdale, NY 11769 Robert A. Lee III 394 Shore Drive Oakdale, NY 11769 John Celauro J.C. Plumbing & Heating 58 East Woodside Avenue Patchogue, NY 11772 Stephen A. Felice 1 Worcester Court Patchogue, NY 11772 Christian J. Preuss 1 Tuthill Creek Drive Patchogue, NY 11772 Thomas J. Corrado Brookhaven Energy Systems 10 Noxon Street Patchogue, NY 11772 Charles J. Sickler 57 Jefferson Avenue Patchogue, NY 11771 6588 30-Nov-16 (631) 563-0244 8558 28-Feb-16 (631) 218-1529 10147 31-Aug-16 (631) 563-0252 10466 30-Apr-17 (631) 872-2659 1036 30-Apr-18 (631) 289-0895 1103 31-May-15 (631) 475-8755 4955 28-Feb-17 (631) 776-2372 7386 31-Mar-16 (631) 447-0630 10109 30-Jun-16 (516) 361-9322 Suffolk Peconic Suffolk Port Jefferson Station Suffolk Port Jefferson Station Suffolk Port Jefferson Station Suffolk Port Jefferson Station Suffolk Port Jefferson Station Suffolk Port Jefferson Station Suffolk Port Jefferson Station George Fredricks 210 Soundview Avenue Peconic, NY 11958 Anthony G. Barresi 4 Premier Court Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776 James W. Lund 2 Langley Court Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776 Robert L. Stockton 15 Harmony Dr. Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776 Patrick C. Diamond 28 Shenandoah Blvd Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776 Demetrios Fricke 22 New York Ave. Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776 Gary A. Wunsch 30 Parkridge Circle Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776 John Braun, Jr. 36 Andover Drive Pt. Jefferson Sta., NY 11776 8469 31-Dec-15 (631) 734-8208 1653 31-Dec-16 (631) 642-2321 2906 30-Apr-16 (631) 331-4844 4960 28-Feb-17 (631) 828-6819 6405 31-May-16 (631) 928-7789 6844 30-Sep-17 (631) 473-8735 7156 30-Jun-15 (631) 889-5495 9055 30-Apr-17 (516) 375-1118 Suffolk Port Jefferson Station Suffolk Remsenburg Suffolk Remsenburg Suffolk Riverhead Suffolk Riverhead Suffolk Rocky Point Suffolk Rocky Point Suffolk Rocky Point Michael Michael J. Amarosa 804 Sara Circle Pt. Jefferson Station, NY 11776 Lawrence F. Andria L.A. Water of Remsenburg, Inc. PO Box 449, 34 Nidzyn Avenue Remsenburg, NY 11960 Candace A. Andria L.A. Water of Remsenburg, Inc. PO Box 990, 34 Nidzyn Avenue Remsenburg, NY 11960 Michael P. Reichel 15 Constable Drive Riverhead, NY 11901 Phil J. Jermain 42 Willow Street Riverhead, NY 11901 John J. McHugh 41 Queens Road Rocky Point, NY 11778 Scott R. Thilberg 183 King Road Rocky Point, NY 11778 Brian McCormick 32 Locust Drive Rocky Point, NY 11778 10800 31-Dec-17 (631) 828-8596 319 31-May-18 (631) 325-1991 978 30-Apr-15 (631) 325-1991 8492 31-Dec-15 (631) 369-9136 8708 30-Jun-16 (516) 770-6995 6967 31-Dec-16 (631) 209-9253 9438 31-Dec-17 (631) 905-9637 9945 31-Mar-16 (631) 821-3976 Suffolk Ronkonkoma Suffolk Ronkonkoma Suffolk Ronkonkoma Suffolk Ronkonkoma Suffolk Ronkonkoma Suffolk Ronkonkoma Suffolk Ronkonkoma Suffolk Ronkonkoma Suffolk Ronkonkoma Richard Brown 231 Peconic Street Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 Nicholas R. Hartcorn Hartcorn Plumbing & Heating 850 S. Second Street Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 Michael E. Lake Mike Lake Plumbing & Heating Inc. 1044 Portion Road Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 Peter J. Miglionico Just Plumbing Corp. 60 Remington Boulevard Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 Joseph Pecorella 257 Pearl Street Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 Steve C. Servedio 23-2B Richmond Blvd Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 Christopher M. Walshe Hartcorn Plumbing & Heating, Inc. 850 South Second Street Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 Thomas F. Giaramita 391 Collington Drive Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 Bruce J. Wehnke 28 Vega Drive Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 269 31-Mar-18 (631) 588-3079 1446 30-Jun-16 (631) 580-2300 1895 31-Oct-17 (631) 732-6311 1898 31-Jan-18 (631) 580-4300 2667 30-Nov-15 (631) 588-7574 2958 31-May-16 (631) 327-6414 6050 30-Apr-18 (631) 580-2300 7858 30-Jun-17 (631) 588-3844 7875 30-Jun-17 (631) 766-8764 Suffolk Ronkonkoma Suffolk Ronkonkoma Suffolk Ronkonkoma Suffolk Ronkonkoma Suffolk Ronkonkoma Suffolk Sag Harbor Suffolk Sag Harbor Suffolk Sag Harbor Suffolk Sag Harbor Suffolk Sayville William A. Molldene 2306 Locust Avenue Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 Michael R. Brown 231 Peconic Street Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 Michael J. Marzocca 218 Peconic Street Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 Christopher D. Diverley 32 1st Street Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 Daniel P. Garcia 474 Thrift Street Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 Francis A. Schiavoni G.F. Schiavoni, Inc. 89 Clay Place Sag Harbor, NY 11963 Charles A. Carbona 5 Bayview Drive West PO Box 2820 Sag Harbor, NY 11963 Sean A. Beyel P.O. Box 947 Sag Harbor, NY 11963 Robert M. Steffens 50 Collinswood Drive Sag Harbor, NY 11963 William M. Donohue 34 Adams Way Sayville, NY 11785 8208 30-Apr-18 (631) 558-2823 8285 30-Jun-15 (631) 682-0353 8347 31-Jul-15 (631) 681-2400 10209 31-Oct-16 (201) 527-7978 10671 30-Sep-17 (631) 438-2389 1673 28-Feb-17 (631) 725-0466 7471 31-May-16 (631) 725-1435 8100 31-Dec-17 (631) 725-8588 9942 31-Mar-16 (631) 725-0002 904 30-Nov-17 (631) 750-6122 Suffolk Sayville Suffolk Sayville Suffolk Sayville Suffolk Sayville Suffolk Sayville Suffolk Sayville Suffolk Sayville Suffolk Sayville Suffolk Selden Suffolk Selden Suffolk Selden Michael Bonney Backflow Specialist inc. 63 Greeley Avenue Sayville, NY 11782 Richard J. Cannarella 783 Chester Road Sayville, NY 11782 Craig A. Hecht 10 Arrow Lane Sayville, NY 11782 Brian M. Leshinger 60 Amy Drive Sayville, NY 11782 Dale A. Gross 12 Alba Court Sayville, NY 11782 Peter Nastasi 884 Chester Road Sayville, NY 11782 Mario J. Cardillo 51 Harp Lane Sayville, NY 11782 William C. Shay 299 Wyandanch Road Sayville, NY 11782 John Fragale 150 Boyle Road Selden, NY 11784 Christophper C. Oliveri 52 Rose Place Selden, NY 11784 James M. Hannon 3 Ridgewood Avenue Selden, NY 11784 4762 31-Dec-15 (877) 667-8382 7235 31-Oct-15 (631) 750-5418 7238 31-Oct-15 (631) 567-8562 8282 30-Jun-15 (516) 807-0019 9549 30-Apr-15 (631) 539-3409 9897 31-Dec-15 (631) 681-5164 10523 30-Jun-17 (631) 484-3383 10532 30-Jun-17 (631) 589-3098 4890 30-Sep-16 (631) 698-7658 7398 31-Mar-16 (631) 846-9472 8966 31-Dec-16 (631) 846-1902 Suffolk Selden Suffolk Selden Suffolk Selden Suffolk Seldon Suffolk Seldon Suffolk Shirely Suffolk Shirley Suffolk Shirley Suffolk Shirley Suffolk Smithtown Suffolk Smithtown Robert P. Ruggiero 11 Linden Street Selden, NY 11784 Thomas M. Zicari 30 Peconic Street Selden, NY 11784 Robert Biggio 5 Maplewood Avenue Selden, NY 11784 Terrance S. Chapman 90 Ferndale Avenue Seldon, NY 11784 Vito C. Giammarella 264 Magnolia Drive Seldon, NY 11784 Matthew L. Gillen 1 Alder Lane Shirely, NY 11967 Kevin M. Fox 73 Heston Road Shirley, NY 11967 John P. Hetman 42 Tipton Drive West Shirley, NY 11967 Rodolfo A. Ruiz 28 Pinewood Drive Shirley, NY 11967 Steven G. Gallagher 10 Harloquin Drive Smithtown, NY 11787 George A. Veilson 1 Birchbrook Drive Smithtown, NY 11787 9911 31-Dec-15 (631) 698-0577 9933 31-Jan-16 (631) 846-6602 10314 31-Dec-16 9982 30-Apr-16 (631) 796-5960 10147 31-Aug-16 (516) 318-0198 9925 31-Jan-16 (631) 281-8778 7996 31-Oct-17 (631) 399-4364 9563 30-Apr-15 (631) 657-3433 10675 30-Sep-17 (631) 721-7180 1372 30-Sep-16 (631) 265-7958 1907 30-Jun-17 (631) 656-1576 Suffolk Smithtown Suffolk Smithtown Suffolk Smithtown Suffolk Smithtown Suffolk Smithtown Suffolk Smithtown Suffolk Smithtown Suffolk Smithtown Suffolk Sound Beach Suffolk Sound Beach Edmond Swiecki, Jr. 36 Hamilton Street Smithtown, NY 11787 Steve Monda 17 Dorchester Road Smithtown, NY 11787 Frank R. Purchacki, Jr. Werner Plumbing P.O. Box 1483 Smithtown, NY 11787 John L. McCrickert 37 Bowers Ct Smithtown, NY 11787 Randolph S. Fiedler 86 Sunrise Lane Smithtown, NY 11787 Glen M. Wolfinger 5 Stevan Place Smithtown, NY 11787 Philip D. Macari 19 Baylor Drive Smithtown, NY 11787 Michael A. Arnoni 24 Colgate Drive Smithtown, NY 11787 James M. Weismiller 49 Tyler Avenue Sound Beach, NY 11789 Charles F. Susskraut William Schwamb Plumbing 46 Sound Beach Blvd Sound Beach, NY 11789 4749 31-Dec-15 (917) 566-3070 5882 30-Sep-17 (631) 863-2331 6236 31-Oct-15 (631) 427-5516 6652 31-Jan-17 (631) 360-0896 8560 28-Feb-16 (631) 486-4893 8968 31-Dec-16 (631) 361-8087 9719 31-Jul-15 (631) 265-2655 10801 31-Dec-17 (631) 471-6797 665 30-Apr-16 (631) 881-6881 3225 30-Jun-15 (631) 821-4046 Suffolk Sound Beach Suffolk Sound Beach Suffolk South Hampton Suffolk South Hampton Suffolk South Hampton Suffolk South Hampton Suffolk South Hampton Suffolk South Hampton Suffolk South Hampton William J. Metcalf 29 Inwood Road Sound Beach, NY 11789 Michael J. Coggins 24 Corona Road Sound Beach, NY 1178/9 Robert J. Essay 11 Pleasant Lane Southampton, NY 11968 Billy Parides Pride Irrigation Water Systems 130 Edgemere Drive Southampton, NY 11743 Kevin J. Harrington Kevin Harrington Plumbing & Heating 49A Mariner Drive Southampton, NY 11968 Robert J. Essay, Jr. 11 Pleasant Lane Southampton, NY 11968 Matthew K. Stukas 3 Lake Drive Southampton, NY 11968 Kyle Phillips 19 Cove Road Southampton, NY 11968 Henry Z. Trevor R. Essay Plumbing 11 Pleasant Lane South Hampton, NY 11968 9434 31-Dec-17 (631) 456-3285 10433 30-Apr-17 (631) 821-7191 325 30-Jun-15 (631) 283-6764 333 30-Jun-15 (631) 423-1856 2218 30-Apr-15 (631) 283-8103 7389 31-Mar-16 (631) 287-7900 9598 31-May-15 (631) 488-4076 10472 30-Apr-17 (631) 377-2526 10723 30-Nov-17 (631) 287-7900 Suffolk South Hampton Suffolk South Hampton Suffolk South Huntington Suffolk South Huntington Suffolk South Huntington Station Suffolk Southhold Suffolk St. James Suffolk St. James Suffolk St. James Suffolk Stony Brook Oscar Hernandez R. Essay Plumbing 11 Pleasant Lane South Hampton, NY 11968 Shaun H. Kilfoyle 250 Hampton Road So. Hampton, NY 11968 Robert DeMar Rainbow Sprinkler Corp. 16 Stafford Drive South Huntington, NY 11746 Thomas J. Tracey 28 Darby Drive South Huntington, NY 11746 William J. Kennedy Kennedy Plumbing & Heating 32B Weston Street South Huntington Station, NY 11746 Mark D. Baxter 5805 Main Bayview Road Southhold, NY 11971 John Pontecorvo 245 Third Avenue St. James, NY 11780 Joseph J. Bruno 15 Driftwood Lane St. James, NY 11780 Edward P. Metz 11 Deepwells Lane St. James, NY 11780 Anthony Alex 6 Oval Court Stonybrook, NY 11790 10724 30-Nov-17 (631) 287-7900 10807 31-Dec-17 (631) 204-5133 781 30-Apr-17 (631) 271-8660 4937 31-Dec-16 (631) 423-8648 148 30-Apr-17 (631) 923-0840 10802 31-Dec-17 (631) 765-5196 6349 28-Feb-16 (631) 584-6664 9356 31-Oct-17 (631) 921-4216 10151 31-Aug-16 (631) 862-4256 5877 30-Jun-17 (631) 689-2198 Suffolk Stony Brook Suffolk Wading River Suffolk Wading River Suffolk Wading River Suffolk West Islip Suffolk West Babylon Suffolk West Babylon Suffolk West Babylon Suffolk West Babylon Suffolk West Babylon Suffolk West Babylon John Patrick Mulhall 12 Mystic Way Stony Brook, NY 11790 Robert Latora 259 Rt 25A Wading River, NY 11792 David S. Latora 259 Rt. 25A Wading River, NY 11792 John Fowle 301 Sound Road Wading River, NY 11792 Paul J. Massmann 827 Pease Lane W. Islip, NY 11795 Robert S. Goodis, Jr. 6 Starlight Court West Babylon, NY 11704 Michael Kornaha 812 4th Street West Babylon, NY 11704 Talferio M. Corbett 12 Barclay Street West Babylon, NY 11704 Michael J. Dowling 397 Great East Neck Road Apt.C West Babylon, NY 11704 Thomas J. Fox 919 5th Street West Babylon, NY 11704 John P. Alba 35 Milligan Road West Babylon, NY 11704 10513 30-Jun-17 (631) 219-2240 7765 31-Mar-17 (917) 560-2391 8635 30-Apr-16 (631) 886-2132 10670 30-Sep-17 (516) 513-4886 7791 31-Mar-17 (631) 587-5919 5460 31-Jan-16 (631) 587-1510 5532 30-Apr-16 (631) 884-0450 6789 31-Jul-17 (631) 920-5578 7442 30-Apr-16 (631) 539-9662 8305 30-Jun-15 (631) 539-3697 9411 31-Dec-17 (631) 587-4888 Suffolk West Babylon Suffolk West Babylon Suffolk West Babylon Suffolk West Babylon Suffolk West Hampton Suffolk West Hampton Beach Suffolk West Islip Suffolk West Islip Suffolk West Islip Joseph M. D'Albora 432 Herzel Blvd. West Babylon, NY 11704 Robert Wissing 261 Cheltenham Road West Babylon, NY 11704 Kenneth J. Zdanio 602 12th Street West Babylon, NY 11704 Peter R. Daniele 72 Magau Place West Babylon, NY 11704 Francis Mulvey 6 Wayne Court Westhampton, NY 11977 Daniel E. Purcell Excelisor East Plumbing & Heating 381-A Olde Riverhead Road Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 Anthony Tristano Water King Inc. 471 W. 4th Street West Islip, NY 11795 Joseph B. Cooper 22 Wagstaff Lane West Islip, NY 11795 Philip Sciacca, III Water King, Inc. PO Box 20 West Islip, NY 11795 9537 30-Apr-15 (631) 592-1171 9994 30-Apr-16 (516) 695-2624 10156 31-Aug-16 (631) 225-6353 10804 31-Dec-17 (631) 885-3258 10038 31-May-16 (631) 288-6551 6222 31-Oct-15 (631) 288-3456 608 30-Apr-17 (631) 422-0086 1222 31-Oct-15 (631) 669-3852 5165 31-Dec-17 (631) 422-0086 Suffolk West Islip Suffolk West Islip Suffolk West Islip Suffolk West Islip Suffolk West Islip Suffolk West Islip Suffolk West Islip Suffolk Westbury Suffolk Yaphank Stephen Ognibene 308 Arcadia Drive West Islip, NY 11795 Matthew Munch Munch Landscape Inc. 509 Bay 5th Street West Islip, NY 11795 Michael A. Tristano 30 Gerek Street West Islip, NY 11795 Darryl M. Lehr 196 Anchorage Drive West Islip, NY 11795 Joseph M. Lehr 32 Beverly Street West Islip, NY 11751 James Alcus 371 Garden Street West Islip, NY 11795 David M. Devlin 415 Myrtle Avenue West Islip, NY 11795 Joseph M. Telese 50 Palm Lane Westbury, NY 11590 Gary A. Wunsch, Jr. 16 Harrison Commons Yaphank, NY 11980 6409 30-Apr-16 (631) 321-8475 6969 30-Nov-17 (631) 422-6268 7796 31-Mar-17 (631) 422-5317 8281 30-Jun-18 (631) 587-0190 9060 30-Apr-17 (631) 572-4867 10208 31-Oct-16 (631) 376-1642 10366 31-Jan-17 (631) 422-4815 4389 30-Jun-17 (516) 307-9831 7157 30-Jun-15 (631) 889-5494
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