MRT Act 44 Disclosur..
MRT Act 44 Disclosur..
lDENTlFtcATroN oFCoNTRAcroRs PrRsolrtruel & RELATED COlrmCrOnS: (See"Definitions" - page2) Any eniity who currentlyprovidesservice(s)by meansof a ProfessionalServicesConfact to the Municipal PensionSystemof the RequestingMunicipality, pleasecomplete all of the following: Identify the Municipal PensionSystem(s)for which you are providing information: Indicate all that apply with an "X' | | Fire PIan **NjOjE: For all that follow, you may answer the questions / items on a separatesheet of paper and attach it to this Disclosure if the spaceprovided is not suffrcient. Pleasereference each question / item you are responding to by the appropriate number. (example: REF - Iten #1.) 1. Pleaseprovide the namesand titles of all individuals providing professionalservicesto the Requesting Municipality's pension plan(s) identified above. Also include the namesand titles of any advisors and subcontractorsof the Contractor,identifuing them as such. After eachname provide a descriptionof the responsibilitiesof that personwith regard to the professionalservicesbeing provided to each designated pensionplan. JamesP, Kennedy - President - providing pensionconsulting services ScottRhoads- Consultant- providing pensionconsultingservices DouglasWerley - Consultant- providing pensionconsultingservices Randee Sekol- Actuary- Beyer Barber Company - providing consulting actuarial services 2. Pleaselist the name and title of any Affiliated Enriry and their Executive-levelEmployee(s)that require disclosure;after eachname,includea brief descriptionof their duties. (See:Definitions) A}ISWER- NOI\iE 3. Are any of the individuals narnedin Item 1 or Item 2 above,a currentor former official or employeeof the RequestingMunicipality? r) IF 'YES', providethe nameand of the personemployed,their positionwith the municipality, and datesof employment. ANSWER-NO 4. Are any ofthe individuals namedin Item I or Item 2 abovea currentor former registeredFederalor State lobbyist? + IF "YES", providethe nameof the individual, specifuwhetherthey area stateor federallobbyis! andthe dateoftheir mostrecentregistration/renewal. ANSWER-NO NOTICE: All information providedfor items 1- 4 abovemust be updatedas changesoccur. SinceDecemberl7^ 2009, has +heControctor ot an Affttiated Entity paid compensationto or employed anythird party intermediary,agent,or lobbfst that is to directly or indirectly communicatewith an offrcial or employeeof theMunicipal PensionSystemof the RequestingMunicipality (OR), any municipal official or employeeof the Requesting Municipality in connectionwith any transactionor investrnentinvolving the Conlractor andtheMunicipal PensionSystemof the RequestingMunicipality? This ouestion doesnot apolv to an ofticer or employeeof the Confiactor who is acting within the scopeof the ftrm's standard professional duties on behalf of the frm, including the actual provision of legal, accounting engineering,real estate,or other professionaladvice, services,or assistancepursuantto the professionalservicescontactwith municipality's pensionsystem. + m "lTS"' identifu: (1) whom (the third party intermediary,agent,or lobbyist) was paid the compensation or employed by the Contractor or lfliliateil Enttty, Q) their specific duties to direcfly or indirectly communicatewith an official or employeeof theMunicipal PensionSystemof the Requesting Municipality (OR), any municipal offrcial or employeeof the RequestingMunicipality, (3) the official they communicated with, and (4) the datesofthis service. 5. A}ISWER.NO 6. SinceDecember 17tr 2009, hasthe Contructor,or any agent,officer, director or employeeofthe Contractor solicited a contribution to any municipal officer or candidatefor municipal offrce in the Requesting Municipality, or to the political party or political actioncommitteeofthat official or candidate? F "YES', identif the agent, offtcer, director or employeewho madethe solicitation and the municipal officials, qandidates,political party or political committeewho were solicited (to whom the solicitation was made). ANSWER-NO 7' Since December 176,2009r Has the Contructor or an Afiliated Entity made any contributions to a municipal official or any candidatefor municipaloffice in the RequestingMunicipality? rr) nr "lTS'' provide the name and addressof the person(s)making the contribution, the contibutor's relationshipto the Contractor,The name and office or position of the personreceiving the contibution , the dateofthe contribution,andthe amountofthe contibution. ANSWER-NO 8. Does the Contactor or an Affiiaed Entity have any direct financial, commercialor businessrelationship . with any official identified on the Lht of Municipal Offrcials, of theRequestingMunicipality? t ['"lTS", identifu the individual with whom the relationshipexistsand give a detailed descriptionof that relationship. **ll@ A written letter is required from the Requesting Municipality acknowledgingthe relationshipand consentingto its existence.The letter mustbe attachedto this disclosure. Contact the RequestingMunicipality to obtainthis letter andattachit to this disclosurebeforesubmission. AI\ISWER-NO 9. Has the Contactor or M Alftliated Entily given any gifts having more than a nominal value to any official, employee or fiduciary - specifically, those on he List of Municipal Officials of the Requesting Municipality? r) nt ..lT5", Providethe nameof the personconferringthe gift, the personreceivingtle gift, the office or positionofthe personreceivingthe gift, specift what the gift was,andthe dateconferred. ANSWER-NO 10. Disclosureofcontributions to any political entity in the CommonwealthofPennsylvania Applicability: A "yes" responseis reouiredand full disclosureis requiredONLY WHEN ALL of the followingapplies: a) The contributionwas madewithin the last 5 years b) The contributionwas madeby an offtcer, director,executiveJevelemployeeor owner ofat least50loof the Contractor or,{Jilialed Enfu. c) The amountofthe contributionwasat least$500andin the form of: 1. A single contributionby a personin (b.) above, Q! 2. The aggregateofall contributionsall personsin (b.) above; d) The contributionwas for 1. Any candidatefor any public oIfice or any personwho holds an office in the Commonwealth ofPennsylvania; 2. The political committeeof a candidatefor public office or any personthat holds an offrce in the Commonwealthof Pennsylvania. (ITS', r) provide the nameand addressof the person(s)makingthe contribution,the contributor's nt relationshipto the Contractor,The nameandoffice or positionof the personreceivingthe contribution(or the political entity / party receivingthe contribution),the dateof the confibution, andthe amountof the contribution. ANSWER-NO 11. With respectto your provision of professionalservicesto the Municipal PensionSystemof tlre Requesting Municipalityl Are you awareof any apparent potentialor actualconflicts of interestwith respectto any officer, director or employeeofthe Caztractor and offrcialsor ernployeesofthe RequestingMunicipality? NOTE: If in the future, you becomeawareof any apparent,potential,or actualconflict of interest, you are expectedto updatethis DisclosureForm immediatelyin writing by: o Providing a brief synopsisofthe conflict of interest(and); . An explanationofthe stepstukento addressthis appar€nt,potential,or actualconflict of interest. r) n ryTS'' I'rovide a detailedexplanationof the circumstances which provideyou with a basisto concludethat an apparent,potential,or actualconflict of interestmay exist. AI\{SWER-NO . 12' To the extentthat you believethat Chapter 7-A of Act 44 of 2009 requiresyou to discloseany additional informationbeyondwhat hasbeenrequestedabove,pleaseprovidethat informationbelow or on a separate pieceofpaper. A}ISWER - NO ADDITIONAL INT'ORMATION REQT]IRED Pleaseprovide the name(s)and position(s) of the person(s)participating in the completion of this Disclosure. One of the individuals identified by the Contraaor n Item #I above must participate in completing this Disclosureandmust sign the below verifioation attestingto the participaiionofthose individualsnamedbelow. Name: James P. Kennedy Position: President j$ w. StcNerunp PnnsnrNr TITLE Ocronnn1.2015 DATE VentrrcATtoN I, JamesP. Kennedy,herebystatethat I am Presidentof ThomasJ. Anderson& Associates.Inc.. and I am authorizedto makethis verification. I herebyverifu that the facts setforth in the foregoingAct 44 DisclosureForm for Entities Providing ProfessionalServicesto the PalmertonBoroughPensionSystem,aretrue and conect to the bestof my knowledge,informationandbelief. I alsounderstandthat knowingly making material misstatements or omissionsin this forrn could subjectthe respondingContractorto the penaltiesin Section705-A(e)ofAct 44. I understandthat false statementshereinaremadesubjectto the penaltiesof 18P.A.C.S.$ 4904 relatingto unswomfalsification to authorities. Signature October 1, 2075 Date loerunrrcnrron or ConrRacrons & RenreopeRsorruel Corurnactons: (See"Definitions" - page2) Any entity who crmently providesservice(s)by meansof a ProfessionalServicesContractto the Municipal PensionSystemofthe Reques'ng Municipality, pleasecomplete all of the following: Identify the Municipal PensionSystem(s)for which you are providing inforrnation: Indicate all that apply with an "X": [] Non- Uniform Plan E Fire Plan Police Plan **NOTE: For all that follow, you may answerthe questions / items on a sqraratesheetof paper and attach it to this Disclosure if the spaceprovided is not sufficient. Pleasereference each question / item you are responding to by the appropriate number. (examFle: REF - Item #1.) l. Pleaseprovide the namesand titles of all individuals providing professionalservicesto the Requesting Municipality's pension plan(s) identified above. Also include the namesand titles of anv advisors and subcontractorsof the Contractor,identifring them as such. After eachnameprovide a descriptionof the responsibilitiesof that person with regard to the professionalservicesbeing provided to eacli designated PensionPlan' )'? r fl rt A ct/ €b 2. Pleaselist the name and title of Nry Affiiated Entity and thek Executive-levelEmptnyee(s)that require disclosure;after eachname,includea brief descriptionoftheir duties. (See:Definitions) c) 3. Are any of the individualsnamedin Item I or Item 2 above,a currentor former official or emploveeof the RequestingMunicipality? IF "YES", providethe nameof the personemployed,their positionwith the municipality, and datesof employment. lJO 4, Are any of the individuals namedin Item 1 or Iten 2 abovea currentor former registeredFederalor State lobblst? trr ('ITS"' providethe nameof the individual, specifywhetherthey area stateor federallobbyist, andthe dateoftheir mostrecentregistration/renewal. !;s-5er 7 | z r ' 1( / / 4 NOTICE: All information providedfor items 1- 4 abovemust be updatedaschansesoccur. 5. SinceDecemberfih 2009,haslhe Confiactoror m Affiliated Entity pudcompensation to or employed any third party intermediary,agent,or lobbyist that is to directly or indirectly communicatewith an official or employeeof the lfz nicipal PensionSlxtem of the RequestingMunicipality (OR), any municipal official or employeeof the Requesting Municipatity in connectionwith any tmnsactionor investmentinvolving the Contractor and,the Municipal PensionSystemof the RequestingMunicipality? This question doesnot aoplv to an officer or employeeof the Contractor who is actingwithin the scopeof the firm's standardprofessional duties on behalf of the firm, including the actual provision of legal, accounting,engineering,real estate,or other professionaladvice, services,or assistancepursuantto the professionalservicescontactwith municipality's pensionsystem. r) IF *YES"' identif: (l) whom (the third party interrnediary,agent,or lobbyist) was paid the compensation or employed by the Contractor or Alfiliated Entity, (2) theh specific duties to directly or indirectly cormunicate with an official or employeeof lhe Municipal Pension Systemof the RequestingMunicipality il0 (OR), any municipal official or employeeof tho RequestingMunicipality, (3) the official they communicated with, and(4) the datesof this semce. 6. SinceDecenber 17fr 2009, has the Confiactor, or any agent,officer, director or employeeof the Confiactor solicited a contribution to any municipal officer or candidatefor municipal office in the Requesting Municipality, or to the political party or political actioncommitteeofthat official or candidate? IF "YES", identi8/ the agent, officer, director or employeewho mad.ethe solicitation and the municipal officials, candidates,political party or political co{nmitteewho were solicited (to whom the solicitation was made). rulO 7. Within the past two years: Has lhe Contractor or an Affiliated Entity made any contributions to a municipal official or any candidatefor municipal office in the RequestingMunicipality? F (ITS'' provide the name and addressof the person(s) making the contribution, the contributor,s relationshipto the Contractor,The nameand office or position of the personreceiving the contribution , the dateof the contribution,andthe amountofthe contribution. (1/O E. Does lhe Contractor or an AfJiliated Enti\t have any direct financial, comrnercialor businessrelationship . with any official identified on the List of Municipal officials, of the RequestingMunicipality? t IF "YES"' identifu the individual with whom the relatiorship existsand give a aetaiteddescriptionof that relationship. **l@I& A written letter is required from the Requesting Municipality acknowledgingthe relationshipand consentingto its existence.The letter must be attachedto this disclosure. Contact the RequestingMunicipality to obtainthis letter andattachit to this disclosurebeforesubmission. \ts- .5-i'{ TtrTicHtt\ 9. Since December 17*, 2009: Has the Contractor or ai AfJiliated Entity given any gifts having more than a nominal value to any official, employeeor fiduciary - specifically,thoseon the Zist of Municipal Offtcials of the RequestingMunicipality? nr (lTS'' Providethe nameofthe personconferringthe gift, the personreceivingthe gift, the office or position ofthe personreceMng the gift, specifuwhat the gift was,andthe dateconferred. /t/ o 10. Disclosureof contributionsto anypolitical entity in the commonwealthof pennsylvania Applicability: A "yes" responseis requiredand full disclosureis requiredONLY WIIEN ALL of the followingapplies: a) The contributionwasmadewithin the last 5 years (specificallysince:Decemberlsd' 2004) b) The contributionwas madeby an offrcer, director,executive-levelemployeeor owner ofat least5oloof the Contactor or Affiliated Entity. c) The amountofthe contributionwas at least$500 andin the form of: l. A singlecontributionby a personin (b.) above, e! 2, The aggregateofall contributionsall personsin (b.) above; d) The contributionwas for l. Any candidatefor any public office or any personwho holds an office in the Commonwealth ofPennsylvania; 2. The political committeeofa candidatefor public ofEce or anypersontlnt holds an office in the Commonwealthof Pennsylvania. F (lTS'' providethe nameandaddressof the person(s)makingthe contribution,the contributor's relationshipto the Contructot, The nameand o{fice or position of the personreceivingthe contribution(or the political entity / party receivingthe contribution),the dateof the contribution,andthe amountofthe contribution. YfS 5r( rtrrAurc\ 11. With respectto your provision of professionalservicesto the Municipal Pusion Systemof the Requesting Municipality: Are you awareof any apparent,potential or actualconflicts of interestwith respectto any officer, director or employeeofthe Caztractor arrdoffrcialsor employeesofthe RequestingMunicipality? NOTE: If, in the future, you becomeawareof any apparent,potential,or actualconflict of interest, you are expectedto updatethis Disclosure Form immediatelyin writing by: o Providing a brief synopsisofthe conllict ofinterest (and); ' An explanationof the stepstakento addressthis apparent,potential,or actualco flict of interest. IIt "ITS", Providea detailedexplanationof the circumstanceswhich provide you with a basisto concludethat an apparent,potential,or actualconflict of interestmay exist. //0 VrnlrrcATtoN r, /, /vb A , hereby state that I am (Name) ,f snq r?,LT and (Contractor) I am ,fl'l,fr - CO O for (Position) authorized to make this verification. I hereby veriff that the facts set forth in the foregoing Act 44 DisclosureForm for Entities providing ProfessionalServicesto Palmerton Borough Pension System are true and correct to the best of my knowledge,information and belief. I also understandthat knowingly making material misstatementsor omissionsin this form could subjectthe respondingContractorto the penaltiesin Section705-A(e)ofAct 44. I understandthat false statementsherein are madesubjectto the penaltiesof 18 P.A.C.S. g 4904 relatingto unswomfalsificAtionto authorities. Signature r l /b-/ ,/ tS 2015Addendum- Required Disclosure FormStatements (Reference Question#1) tist of MRTPersonnel PSABMunicipalRetirementTrust(MRT)- StateAssociation and PensionOperations Contractor The Municipal Retirement Trust is wholly owned and operated by the PSAB and is the primary contractor. The MRT employsseveralsub-contractedfirms to provide specific and unique servicesto the Trust. The principal PSAB-MRT team membersare listed first, followed by those of each subcontractor. ContractorTeamListing PSAB Municipal RetirementTrust (MRT) The PA StateAssociationof Boroughs and Principal Pension OperatiansContractor Chris Cap,PSAB ExecutiveDirector - ServesasMRT Treasurer JeffreyHeishman,Deputy ExecutiveDirector - ServesasMRT Secretary Linda Costa,Chief OperationsOfficer - Inside/Outsidepensionservicesand CAO JosephScott,Chief Field OperationsOfficer - Inside/Outsidepensionserviceliaison Sub-contractorand AdvisingTeam Listing Administrative,Accounting, Custodial,and Actuarial Companies ThomasJ. Anderson& Associates- Trust Administrator JamesKennedy,President- ManagesAct 205 administrativecomplianceefforts. Brown, SchultzoSheridan & Fritz - Trust Auditor JohnW. Bonawitz,Jr., Principal- Supervisesannualaudit functionsfor the Trust. Hamilton & Musser - Accounting Sub-contractor RobertMast, Shareholder- Managesaccountreporting,tax filings and fund disbursements. Fulton Bank - Fund Depository Tammy Snyder,VP of CorporateDevelopment- Managescheckinganddisbursementaccounts. Morgan Stanley- Investment Market Monitor H. JeffreyHerb, SeniorVice President- Investrnents- Servesasinvestrnentmonitor of MRT. ThomasJ. Schatzrnan,CIMA, SeniorVice President- Investrnents- Servesasinvestnent monitor of MRT. Mette Evans & Woodside- Law firm providing legal counsel Mary Alice Busby, Shareholder- Servesasthe MRT Solicitor. P a g e1 o f 3 (Reference Questionf 4) Listcurrentor formerregisteredFederalor Statelobbyists Chris Cap, StateRegistered Lobbyist(lastrenewed,11112014\Position: PA StateAssociationof Boroughs PSAB ExecutiveDirector (Reference of a directfinancial,commercial Questionf 8) Disclosure or business relationship with any municipalityor municipalofficial Thomas Ely' PSAB Board of Directors,businesspartnerwith MonacaBoroughmunicipal official (Reference of contributions Question# 10) Disclosure to any politicalentity Includes Contracto/s principal officers, administration staff, the MRT Trustees,and the pSABBoard of Directors- only those memberswho made qualifyingcontributionsare listed below. JohnDorin- PSABBoardof Directors 517NorthLoyalsock Avenue Montoursville, PA 17754 Contributions: (2014)Congressman TomMarino- $100 RobertHasemeier- PSABBoardof Directors 1512BridgeStreet New Cumberland, PAI7O7O Contributions: (2015)RobertKline,Cumberland CountyJudge- S75 JosephMercatili- PSABBoardof Directors 634MarionLane MoosigPA18507 Contributions: - 5100 (2015)We LoveMoosicCommittee DavidPerruso- PSABBoardof Directors 2487Lincoln Avenue Easton,PA18042 Contributions: - StateRepresentative - S25 (20L2,2014lRobert Freeman NancvSherlock- PSABBoardof Trustees 424 WestBridgeStreet Morrisville, PA19067 Contributions: - $25 (2013)StateRepresentative lohn Galloway - S50 (2015)StateRepresentative StevenSantarsiero Page3 of 3