Cilia Chapter
Cilia Chapter
Cilia By Laura Hilton & Lynne Quarmby Molecular Biology & Biochemistry, Simon Fraser University 1. What are cilia? Cilia are membrane-‐covered, microtubule-‐based structures that project from the surface of cells. The earliest eukaryotic cells were ciliated and most extant lineages retain cilia. The primordial cilium may have functioned both as a processing centre for signal transduction and as a device of motility [Quarmby and Leroux, 2010; Satir et al., 2008]. Some cilia have retained both functions whereas others have become highly specialized. -‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐ Figure 1: Anatomy of a cilium -‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐ The fundamental structure of the cilium is conserved, both at the level of proteins and ultrastructurally. Cilia are organized into four defined zones: the basal body, the transition zone, the cilium proper and the tip (see Figure 1). Each of these regions may be more or less elaborated in different cell types. The ciliary membrane is continuous with, but distinct from, the plasma membrane. There is selectivity in both the lipids and proteins that are directed to the ciliary membrane. The mechanisms driving this selectivity are not known and are active areas of investigation. It is likely that there are unique domains within the ciliary membrane, as has been shown for a calcium permeant channel in Chlamydomonas [Fujiu et al., 2009]. Underlying the membrane, providing structural support and a scaffold for assembly and function, is the axoneme. The core of the canonical axoneme is formed by nine outer doublet microtubules that are continuous with the A and B microtubules of the nine-‐fold basal body ABC triplet. Many elaborations of the axoneme, including the dynein arms, the central pair and the radial spokes, participate in the generation and regulation of motility. The term “flagella” is commonly used in reference to some cilia – such as sperm tails and the cilia of some Protists, such as Chlamydomonas. Whereas in eukaryotes “cilia” and “flagella” are synonyms, the term “flagella” is also used to describe an entirely different structure found in prokaryotes. In contrast to the eukaryotic organelle, the prokaryotic flagellum is not membrane bound and is comprised ofa rigid helical protein structure that rotates like a propeller. Its composition, assembly and mode of motility are completely different from cilia; that both are called “flagella” is an accident of history. Prokaryotic flagella are not addressed further in this chapter. 1 2. Historical Perspective Motile cilia were likely first observed in the late 15th century, with the development of microscopy. The motile function of these cilia would have been obvious as early naturalists watched the protists of pond water swim about. In the 20th century researchers used primarily sea urchin sperm to begin teasing apart the molecular mechanisms of ciliary motility, revealing the microtubule core, the role of the ciliary dyneins, and the sliding model for bending (see section on motility; [Brokaw, 1972; Summers and Gibbons, 1971]. The unicellular biflagellated green alga, Chlamydomonas became the predominant model organism for studying cilia as the facile haploid genetics and ease of preparing large quantities of isolated flagella allowed the correlation of mutant motility (paralyzed, altered waveform) with genes, proteins and ultrastructure[Omoto et al., 1996; Witman et al., 1978]. Although known for more than a century, the non-‐motile primary cilium has until relatively recently been more of an enigma. The primary cilium was largely neglected and thought by many to be vestigial. In 2000, that all changed when it was reported that a Chlamydomonas flagellar assembly mutant carried a defect in a gene known to be associated with Polycystic Kidney Disease in mice [Pazour et al., 2000]. This discovery revived interest in the primary cilium and at this writing the field of ciliary research is in an explosive phase. 3. Molecular Composition -‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐ Figure 2: Cilia are diverse -‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐ Cilia are among the most diverse of subcellular organelles (see Figure 2). In the human body, motile cilia drive fluid flow over epithelial surfaces in the respiratory tract, ventricles of the brain and, for those of us who have them, fallopian tubes. The sperm tail, or flagellum, is also an elaborated motile cilium. The molecular machinery that detects light in our eyes is organized within the outer segments of our rod and cone cells – these outer segments are highly derived cilia. Similarly, long flaccid cilia in our olfactory tissues are the site of reception of odorants. In addition, almost every cell in the human body, including neurons, kidney, liver and skin cells, expresses a tiny cilium known as the primary cilium. Similarly, distinctive cilia can be found in protists, eukaryotic gametes of all sorts, and in the model organisms that have contributed most to our understanding of cilia: sea urchin, Chlamydomonas, C. elegans, and zebrafish. In spite of this diversity, the fundamental components of cilia are highly conserved, as is the machinery for building a cilium. A “typical cilium” is comprised of more than 600 proteins. Listed in Table 1 are the key structural components, proteins involved in ciliary assembly, and many proteins that are at the forefront of ciliary biology for their roles in human disease. The molecular composition of cilia has been determined in several ways. Many of the proteins listed in Table 1 are known from proteomic studies of isolated flagella. All ciliated cells will 2 shed their flagella in response to chemical or mechanical stress in a process known as deflagellation or deciliation [Quarmby, 2004]. This allows for relatively easy preparation of large quantities of isolated cilia, which can then be analyzed by mass spectrometry. This feature of ciliated cells has been used to obtain proteomes of Chlamydomonasflagella, rat olfactory cilia, and mouse retina photoreceptor cilia [Liu et al., 2007; Mayer et al., 2009; Pazour et al., 2005]. The proteome of isolated Chlamydomonascentrioles has also advanced our understanding of how cilia are built and maintained [Keller et al., 2005]. These proteomes have been invaluable for identifying components of cilia, but extensive functional characterization has been performed for only a fraction of them (Table 1). These functional characterizations have largely been the result of identifying genetic mutations affecting cilia in model organisms, and linking human disease genes to cilia. Comparative genomics and expression studies have also revealed a host of additional cilia-‐related proteins, many of which are involved in ciliary assembly but are not themselves components of the cilium [Avidor-‐Reiss et al., 2004; Baron et al., 2007; Li et al., 2004]. Despite these advances, we are still far from having a complete picture of what goes into building a cilium. A. Basal Body Basal bodies (BBs) are the interphase form of centrioles. Centrioles come in pairs of orthogonally-‐oriented short cylinders of nine triplet microtubules: The ABC triplet is composed of one complete microtubule (the A-‐tubule; made of 13 protofilaments) and two partial microtubules (B -‐and C-‐tubules with 11 protofilaments each) that “piggy-‐back” on the A tubule (see Figure 1). With each cell cycle centrioles undergo replication: a new “daughter” centriole forms next to each original “mother” centriole. At prophase the original pair separates, each mother taking its daughter along into one of the daughter cells. The microtubule-‐driven separation of centrioles during cell division facilitates efficient separation of daughter cell components. During interphase, centrioles dock to the plasma membrane and elaborate into the BBs from which cilia are built. In addition to providing the foundation for cilia, BBs serve as microtubule organizing centres (MTOCs), directly impacting the structure of the cytoplasmic cytoskeleton. BBs have a structural polarity that has been examined most thoroughly in Chlamydomonas (see Figure 1; [Cavalier-‐Smith, 1974; Holmes and Dutcher, 1989; Johnson and Porter, 1968; O'Toole et al., 2003; Ringo, 1967]. In Chlamydomonas, a highly stereotyped system of fibres eminating from the BBs serves to position the two flagella, the nucleus and the eyespot. While the specifics of this fibre system may be unique to the green algae, it is generally the case that the establishment of apical-‐basal and planar cell polarity are tightly linked to BB placement in metazoans [Marshall, 2010]. In cells that possess only a single cilium, the mother centriole invariably serves as the BB of the cilium. With few exceptions, ciliated cells lose their cilia prior to entry into mitosis, presumably to provide flexibility and precision in centriole separation and positioning during cell division [Parker et al., 2010]. However, in some organisms, such as C. elegans and Drosophila, only terminally differentiated cells are ciliated. This means that once centrioles become basal bodies, they never return to serve as centrioles again. In these cases, it is not uncommon to 3 find that basal bodies are degenerate and comprised of only singlet or doublet microtubules, and become less distinguished from the microtubules of the ciliary axoneme [Marshall, 2008]. A key elaboration of the basal body is the transitional fibers (known as distal appendages in metazoans) that facilitate docking of the basal body to the cell membrane [Weiss et al., 1977]. All cilia have these fibres, which are thought to play important roles in the docking and sorting of protein complexes destined for the cilium, although their exact protein composition remains elusive [Dutcher, 2009]. Many protein components of the basal body have been identified in mutants with defective ciliary phenotypes. These include centrosome-‐specific tubulin isoforms δ-‐ and ε-‐tubulin, the C. elegans spindle assembly protein SAS-‐6, and the human nephronophthisis proteins NPHP1 and NPHP4, which are associated with an extremely heterogeneic and plieotropic group of human genetic disorders of varying severity (see Table 1). Some of these proteins contribute directly to basal body assembly, while others are required at the basal body to regulate ciliogenesis. These mutants demonstrate the importance of the basal body in building and maintaining normal cilia. B. Transition Zone The transition from the ABC triplet microtubules to the AB doublets occurs at the proximal end of the transition zone (TZ). Assembly of the TZ on the BB is a key step in the formation of cilia, but to date only two genes have been implicated specifically in this process (UNI1 and UNI2; [Piasecki and Silflow, 2009]. Intriguingly, the junction between BB and TZ has recently been identified as the locus of a severing event that appears to serve to release the BB from the TZ for re-‐entry into the division cycle [Parker et al., 2010]. In some cilia, such as the flagella of green algae, the transition zone contains highly stereotyped and distinctive electron-‐dense structures [O'Toole et al., 2003; Ringo, 1967]. In other cells, such as the primary cilia of mammalian cells, the transition zone is difficult to identify. However, immunofluorescence localization of proteins involved in building and maintaining cilia has revealed specific proteins that localize to this region and thereby serve to define it, even in cells where no distinctive TZ can be identified ultrastructurally (see Table 1). At the distal end of the transition zone is a breakpoint that has become known as the SOFA (site of flagellar autotomy) [Mahjoub et al., 2004]. Almost all eukaryotic cells shed their cilia in response to stress, and some do so as a prelude to cell division [Quarmby, 2004]. It is likely that a katanin-‐like microtubule-‐severing protein mediates severing of the outer doublet microtubules at the SOFA, but the evidence to date is circumstantial. A genetic screen in Chlamydomonas identified two proteins involved in breaking the axoneme at this site, FA1 and FA2 [Finst et al., 1998]. FA1 appears to be a scaffolding protein and FA2 is a NIMA-‐related kinase; both of these proteins localize to the SOFA in Chlamydomonas. Although the functionally orthologous proteins have yet to be identified in mammals, exogeneously expressed Chlamydomonas FA2 in mouse kidney cells reveals that it localizes to the analogous site on the mammalian primary cilium [Mahjoub et al., 2004]. 4 C. The Cilium Deflagellation, the stress-‐induced ciliary shedding response, has been used for decades by ciliary researchers to provide an abundant source of cilia for biochemical and structural studies [Witman, 1986]. After a culture of cells has been induced to deflagellate, the flagella are isolated by differential centrifugation. Whole flagella can then be separated into the core axoneme and a detergent-‐soluble membrane-‐matrix fraction. The axoneme most often consists of nine doublet microtubules that run the length of the cilium. In some cases, such as in C. elegans sensory cilia, Chlamydomonas gametes, and mammalian olfactory cilia, the doublet microtubules transition to singlets toward the distal end of the cilium [Silverman and Leroux, 2009]. With few exceptions, motile cilia have a central pair of singlet microtubules that participate in regulating motility – these cilia are designated 9+2. Most non-‐motile cilia, such as mammalian primary cilia, olfactory cilia, and photoreceptor outer segments, lack this central pair and are designated 9+0. The axoneme of a non-‐motile 9+0 axoneme is relatively streamlined; the nine outer doublet microtubules are composed of α-‐ and β-‐tubulin with various post-‐translational modifications, including acetylated α-‐tubulin, and glutamylation and glycosylation of both tubulin isoforms. The 9-‐fold symmetry established by the basal bodies continues throughout the length of the axoneme. Examined in cross-‐section, a number of important distinguishing features of the motile 9+2 cilium are readily apparent (Figure 1). The outer doublets are decorated with rows of inner and outer dyneins, radial spoke complexes, and inter-‐doublet connections known as the nexin links. Recent tomographic studies have revealed that the nexin-‐link is the Dynein Regulatory Complex, which plays a major role in regulating motility [Heuser et al., 2009]. Ten or more heavy chain dyneins and a multitude of associated proteins form the outer arm dyneins and three classes of inner arm dynein. Different species of dynein are restricted to specific domains along the length of the flagella[Yagi et al., 2009]. Further spatial organization is found in the distinct identities of each of the nine outer doublet microtubules [Wargo et al., 2005]. Each singlet microtubule of the central pair has distinct projections, with the C1 tubule having longer projections than the C2 tubule. Table 1 describes the molecular composition of these structures. The “membrane-‐matrix” fraction of the cilium includes the lipids and proteins of the ciliary membrane, the IFT (Intra-‐Flagellar Transport) particles involved in ciliary assembly, and the as yet poorly defined soluble fraction of the compartment. IFT particles are made of two protein complexes (see Table 1) that span the space between the outer doublet microtubules and the ciliary membrane. The lipid and protein composition of the ciliary membrane is distinct from the plasma membrane. Predominant among ciliary membrane proteins are signaling proteins such as receptors and ion channels [Berbari et al., 2009; Dunlap, 1977]. The distinctive lipid composition of ciliary membranes is an active area of investigation. 5 D. The ciliary tip Electron microscopy has demonstrated that, in the motile flagella of Chlamydomonas and Tetrahymena, the basic structure of the ciliary tip includes a plate and ball structure that anchors the central pair to the ciliary membrane, and a plug inserted into the A tubule of each outer doublet [Dentler, 1980]. The function and composition of these structures is not yet defined. However the flagellar tip must perform three essential functions necessary for maintaining the axoneme: regulating the turnover of flagellar subunits, loading and unloading intraflagellar transport (IFT) cargo, and regulating the activity of microtubule motors that transport IFT cargo along the axoneme [Sloboda, 2005]. The microtubule plus-‐end binding protein EB1 localizes to the flagellar tip in Chlamydomonas, and has an essential role in the assembly of primary cilia [Pedersen et al., 2003; Schroder et al., 2007]. It is not yet clear, however, whether this is due to the known microtubule-‐stabilizing functions of EB1 or some other, yet unknown function at the flagellar tip. E. The machinery of ciliary assembly A major distinguishing feature of cilia is that they are synthesized de novo in each cell, and sometimes more than once in the lifetime of a single cell due to stimuli that may cause the cilium to be shed or resorbed for a period of time. A complete molecular machine known as intraflagellar transport (IFT) is dedicated to building and maintaining the cilium. -‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐ Figure 3: Building a cilium -‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐ After a cell has completed mitosis, the first step in creating a new cilium is to dock the basal body at the plasma membrane [Marshall, 2008]. The migration of the basal body to the surface of the cell involves intracellular polarity cues, as the cilium forms at the apical surface of the cell. The transition zone and its associated fibers are then assembled and this structure anchors the cilium in its permanent position in the plasma membrane. The cilium is assembled via the addition of ciliary components to the distal tip. IFT complexes A and B, assembled from distinct subunits, transport cargo from the cell body towards the tip of the axoneme in IFT “trains” containing multiple A and B complexes (Figure 3). Anterograde transport (toward the + end of the ciliary microtubules and the distal tip of the cilium) is mediated by kinesin-‐2, which is thought to associate with complex B, while retrograde transport is mediated by cytoplasmic dynein in association with complex A [Cole, 2009]. Mutations in complex B subunits obliterate ciliogenesis [Brazelton et al., 2001; Pazour et al., 2000], while mutations in complex A subunits cause accumulation of material at the ciliary tip [Iomini et al., 2009]. In addition to carrying the building blocks of the ciliary axoneme, there is growing evidence that IFT trains also participate in the transport of membrane proteins along the axoneme [Emmer et al., 2010]. 6 At least one IFT protein (IFT20) is involved not only in the ciliary IFT trains, but also in vesicular traffic [Follit et al., 2006]. IFT20 is thought to facilitate the trafficking of vesicles carrying ciliary membrane proteins from the golgi to the base of the cilia. These vesicles then fuse with the plasma membrane near the transitional fibers, delivering membrane proteins and lipids to the IFT particles for transport into the cilium. Baldari and Rosenbaum [2010] have proposed that axonemal components might also be targeted to the cilium via association with cilia-‐destined vesicles. Anterograde and retrograde IFT remain active throughout the lifetime of a cilium. Thus, cilia are dynamic structures and the steady-‐state length is a consequence of a balance between the length-‐dependent rate of assembly and the length-‐independent rate of disassembly, i.e. cilia grow until these two processes are in balance [Marshall et al., 2005]. Several proteins have been implicated in controlling this balance point, including both ciliary and cell body proteins, among them at least five distinct kinases (see Table 1). It is likely that diverse pathways regulate ciliary length, mediating diverse physiological changes related to cell cycle, cell polarization, cell migration and fluid flow. We have barely begun to understand the mechanisms and physiological significance of ciliary length control. 4. Functional Implications of Domain Organization -‐-‐-‐ Figure 4: Ciliary functions -‐-‐-‐-‐ A. Sensory Antennae Cilia evolved as sensory organelles [Satir et al., 2008]. While all cilia likely perform at least rudimentary signaling functions, some are highly specialized for sensory functions. The outer segment of retina photoreceptor cells is a highly derived cilium. Primary cilia lining renal tubules sense flow. Olfactory cilia are the site of localization of olfactory receptors. C. elegans possess cilia only on the termini of sensory nerves, where they are exposed to the external environment and participate in chemosensory functions. The cilia of respiratory epithelia, whose function is to sweep mucus and debris out of the airways, possess bitter taste receptors. When bitter compounds stimulate these receptors ciliary beat frequency increases, a response which may help remove noxious substances from the airway more rapidly [Shah et al., 2009]. In Chlamydomonas gametes, receptor proteins known as agglutinins localize to flagella and trigger signal transduction events involved in mating [Quarmby, 1994; Wang and Snell, 2003]. A common feature of sensory cilia is that receptor molecules are concentrated within the cilium (Figure 4). This can be observed in photoreceptor cells, where the light-‐detecting machinery is condensed in the cell’s outer segment; in olfactory cilia, where the G-‐protein coupled receptors and associated G-‐proteins activate cAMP signaling and neuron depolarization from within the cilium; and in neuronal cilia, where particular somatostatin and 7 serotonin receptors localize exclusively to primary cilia [Berbari et al., 2009; Whitfield, 2004]. Thus a number of normal signaling functions are entirely dependent on the presence of a healthy cilium. A growing number of human diseases are attributed to sensory dysfunction of cilia. For example, the products of cystic kidney disease genes, such as polycystin-‐1 and -‐2 (PC1 and PC2; autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease), fibrocystin (autosomal recessive PKD), and various nephronophthisis (NPHP) proteins, localize to cilia (Table 1). In response to flow, PC1 and PC2 initiate downstream signaling events that include Ca2+ influx and transcriptional changes. Cilia are also critical for developmental and homeostatic Hedgehog (Hh) and Wnt signaling. In mammals, the Hh receptor PTCH1 and all the downstream Hh effectors localize to cilia, and proper localization of these components is essential for normal Hh signaling [Goetz and Anderson, 2010]. For Wnt signaling, the presence or absence of a cilium determines whether canonical or non-‐canonical Wnt signaling is activated [Lai et al., 2009]. The roles of these pathways in tumorigenesis also strongly implicate the cilium as an important organelle in cancer. Nephronophthisis, the most severe form of juvenile cystic kidney disease, has joined a rapidly expanding group of heterogeneic ciliopathies associated with early development and physiological homeostasis: Bardet-‐Beidl syndrome (BBS), Meckel syndrome (MKS), Joubert syndrome (JBTS), NPHP, and isolated and syndromic forms of retinitis pigmentosa (RP) (Table 1). These disorders are highly pleiotropic, and symptoms can include retinal degeneration, cysts of the kidney and liver, facial malformations, neural tube defects, mental retardation, polydactyly, and obesity. While the disorders are clinically distinct, some genes contribute pathogenic alleles to multiple disorders. For example, nonsense mutations in CEP290 cause MKS, the most severe of these disorders, while hypomorphic mutations can cause RP, NPHP, BBS, or JBTS [Chang et al., 2006; Frank et al., 2008; Leitch et al., 2008; Sayer et al., 2006]. Many of the abnormalities in these disorders have connections to Wnt, Hh, and planar cell polarity signals, all of which have cilia-‐dependent functions in development [Zaghloul and Katsanis, 2009]. Given that defects in this group of genes can cause defects in ciliary structure, the phenotype for any given mutation may depend on the severity of the ciliary defect, the tissue affected by ciliary defects, the time during development that these defects arise, and the cilia-‐ dependent signaling pathways affected. B. Motility Although all cilia are sensory, some are also motile. Ciliary beating drives the swimming behaviour of unicellular organisms, such as Paramecium, Tetrahymena and Chlamydomonas, and colonial and multicellular protists such as Volvox and Planaria. The gametes of multicellular organisms, for example mammalian sperm, can be propelled by cilia (often known as flagella in this context). In complex tissues, motile cilia can drive the flow of fluid over a surface. In mammals, this includes respiratory epithelia, ependymal cells lining the brain cavities, and the epithelial cells that drive fluid flow in oviducts. Whether propelling a cell over distance or moving or moving fluids over a surface, the molecular machinery that drives underlying ciliary beat is conserved. 8 Commensurate with the diversity of motile cilia in the human body, a number of disease states derive directly from the loss of ciliary motility. Among the first ciliopathies defined is Kartagener’s Syndrome, also known as Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD). This disorder is caused by loss of ciliary motility, often due to mutations in axonemal dynein subunits [Leigh et al., 2009]. Predominant symptoms include chronic bronchitis due to inefficient clearance of mucus from the airway. Because motile cilia in the embryonic node are essential for establishing morphogen gradients that determine left-‐right asymmetry, approximately 50% of PCD patients have the placement of their organs reversed. The motile cilia of ventricular ependymal cells help maintain circulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), without which CSF builds up in the brain causing hydrocephalus. The force that drives ciliary beating is generated by the ciliary dyneins. The dyneins are molecular motors that use ATP hydrolysis to drive large conformational changes that result in a series of steps along a microtubule track. Dynein walks towards the plus-‐end of microtubules, which in cilia is the distal tip of the cilium. This means that the A tubule to which the motors are bound, would be carried along the adjacent B tubule towards the tip, i.e. the microtubule doublets would slide over one another. In the intact cilium the doublets are cross-‐ linked to one another by other proteins and, additionally, they are anchored by the basal body. If all ciliary dyneins were active at the same time, the cilium would be under substantial tension, but no movement would be generated. Precise temporal and spatial regulation of dynein activity is required to generate ciliary motility. In order for a bend to form, only the dyneins on one side of the axoneme can be active. Furthermore, a simple bend will not generate propulsive force. In order to be effective, the cilium must produce an oscillatory wave. Two different types of wave are commonly observed in motile cilia. The ciliary waveform is an asymmetric, breast-‐stroke type beat, with a power-‐ stroke and a recovery stroke (e.g. respiratory epithelia and Chlamydomonas) that pulls a cell forward (see Figure 4). The flagellar waveform is a symmetric whip-‐like wave that pushes a cell from behind. In order to generate either of these productive waves, dynein activity must be tightly controlled and coordinated, both around the circumference and along the length of the cilium. The question of precisely how this coordination is accomplished remains an active area of current research. Although we do not yet fully understand how the generation of an oscillatory wave is accomplished, there is likely a complex interplay of forces at work. Ultimately, changes in interdoublet spacing distorted by stress may drive the propagation of the wave of motor activity/inactivity [Mitchison and Mitchison, 2010]. There is evidence that the dynein molecules themselves are tuned oscillators that respond to the loading conditions induced by bending [King and Kamiya, 2009]. Intensive research has revealed that the inner and outer dyneins may be differentially regulated and at least two systems of mechanosensory transduction feed into the generation of effective ciliary waveforms [King and Kamiya, 2009]. Ultimately, these transduction pathways must be modulating dynein activity. Much of what we know about the regulation of dynein activity derives from microtubule sliding assays. Mild proteolytic digestion of isolated axonemes frees the links that hold the doublets together. In the presence of ATP and ADP, the axoneme will telescope out, sometimes 9 approaching the full 9-‐fold increase in length [Summers and Gibbons, 1971]. Using mutant strains of Chlamydomonas, the sliding assay described above, and biochemical and EM-‐based structural studies, it has been shown that a regulatory enzymatic cascade originates at the central pair, which rotates and may thus serve as a distributor. This signal is thought to pass from the central pair to the radial spokes to inner arms [Smith, 2002] activating and inactivating dyneins sequentially around the circumference and from base to tip [Mitchison and Mitchison, 2010]. The specific placement of different dyneins may also contribute to the generation of effective waves. For example, the three classes of inner arm dyneins, each of which comes in a variety of flavors, dock to specific sites in a 96 nm repeat pattern [Piperno et al., 1990]. An additional complexity is that some dyneins are found only in the proximal realms of the cilium [Yagi et al., 2009]. Beyond the striking accomplishment of generating a productive waveform, cilia can modulate beat frequency or undergo a waveform switch in response to signals from the environment. Calcium and redox potential are important relay signals that regulate various components of the motile apparatus. For example, in response to bright light, opening of a voltage-‐gated calcium channel that is restricted to the distal region of the flagella causes a switch from ciliary to flagellar waveform in Chlamydomonas. In spite of tremendous progress and a fabulously detailed understanding of the motile apparatus, there remains a great deal that we do not understand about the generation and regulation of ciliary motility. C. Cell Proliferation and Differentiation The spectrum of developmental and physiological disorders that arise as a consequence of ciliary dysfunction are indicative of the fundamental cellular processes controlled by cilia. As we’ve seen above, motile cilia are required for proper organ placement, respiratory and cognitive function, and fertility; it is through the sensory functions of cilia that we see and smell the world around us. Signalling pathways localized to cilia guide development and homeostasis of our tissues and they play important roles in our physiology. All of these functions are directly related to the motile or sensory activity of cilia. But there are additional consequences of the organization of this cellular domain. In order to function effectively, the cells in a complex tissue must be properly oriented with respect to one another. This is especially apparent in ciliated tissues where cilia must beat in the same direction in order to move fluids over an epithelial surface. Distinct from apical-‐basal polarity, this type of orientation is called planar cell polarity (PCP). The signaling pathways that establish and maintain PCP are an intensive focus of current research. Although as yet poorly understood, it appears that a feedback loop exists between fluid flow generated by ciliary beat and planar cell polarity signaling [Marshall, 2010]. Independent of its function as a sensory and sometimes motile organelle, the mere formation of a cilium impacts cell proliferation and differentiation. There is a cycle of ciliary resorption and reassembly that is tightly linked to the cell cycle in ways that we have barely begun to 10 understand (Figure 4). Releasing the BB from the TZ appears to be an important prerequisite for mitosis, and proteins that are involved in IFT during interphase may do double duty as participants in cytokinesis during cell division [Baldari and Rosenbaum, 2010; Parker et al., 2010]. This is a particularly rich area for future study. 5. Figure Legends Figure 1 – Anatomy of a cilium. (A) A ciliary basal body (BB; pink), transition zone (TZ; green), and axoneme (blue) are shown, with cross sections through each region shown on either side. Adapted from O’Toole et al. [2003]. (1) A ring of amorphous material at the proximal end of the BB. (2) The proximal end of the BB has a “cartwheel” structure at its center with nine triplet microtubule (MT) “blades” surrounding it. The A, B, and C tubules are indicated. (3) Transition fibers that anchor the BB to the plasma membrane are shown as triangular projections from the blades. An electron tomography (ET) image of this section of the BB is shown adjacent [O'Toole et al., 2003]. (4) Transition fibers from the distal end of the BB continue through the proximal end of the transition zone (TZ). (5) Stellate fibers within the MT ring of the TZ, and the termination of the transition fibers in pores surrounding the TZ. An ET image of this section of the TZ is shown adjacent; asterisks indicate the pores in the surrounding ciliary membrane [O'Toole et al., 2003]. (6) The arrangement of 9 outer doublet MTs and the central pair are shown, with the A and B tubules indicated. A TEM image of an axoneme is shown adjacent, with central pair and outer doublet projections visible [Sakato and King, 2004](Sakato and King, 2004). (7) The recently-‐identified proximal site of severing where the TZ severs from the BB before mitosis. (8) The site of flagellar autotomy (SOFA) where the axoneme severs during the deflagellation stress response. (B) A simplified representation of the 96 nm repeat pattern in which inner and outer arm dyneins and radial spokes are arrayed. (C) Cryo-‐ET image and volume rendering of 160 averaged sections through two adjacent outer doublet MTs. RS – Radial Spoke; ODA – outer dynein arm; IDA – inner dynein arm; N – Nexin link/DRC; IL – Dynein tail complex [Nicastro et al., 2006]. Figure 2 – Cilia are diverse. Scanning electron micrograph of chick (A) olfactory and (B) respiratory cilia [Breipohl and Fernandez, 1977]. (C) SEM of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cells (Dartmouth EM facility). (D) SEM of mouse renal collecting duct cells with primary cilia on the apical surface [Pazour et al., 2000]. (E) TEM of mouse rod photoreceptor cells demonstrating the connecting cilium between inner and outer segments. Inset: cross section of the connecting cilium axoneme just above the BB [Watanabe et al., 1999]. Figure 3 – Intraflagellar transport. (1) IFT components accumulate at the basal body and are assembled on the transition fibers. Membrane proteins arrive at the base of the cilium from the golgi via vesicular transport pathways. (2) IFT particles transport cargo along the ciliary axoneme in IFT trains. In certain species, such as C. elegans, OSM-‐3 supplements Kinesin-‐II driven anterograde transport. (3) In these species, OSM-‐3 is the sole molecular motor responsible for driving anterograde transport along the distal singular MTs. (4) At the distal tip of the cilium, IFT complexes disassemble, and structural components may be added at the tip of the axoneme. As ciliary components are turned over, IFT complexes are 11 reassembled for transport back to the cell body. (5) IFT trains transport ciliary components using cytoplasmic dynein as the exclusive molecular motor for retrograde transport. (6) Retrograde IFT complexes are disassembled at the BB, and membrane components are degraded using the endosomal recycling pathway. (7) TEM of Chlamydomonas flagella showing three IFT trains. Black arrowheads indicate the longer anterograde trains and the white arrowhead indicates a shorter retrograde train [Pigino et al., 2009]. Figure 4 – Ciliary Functions. (A) Ciliary waveform vs. flagellar waveform. In ciliary waveform, a asymmetric wave provides a power stroke and a recovery stroke. In unicellular organisms such as Chlamydomonas, apical flagella pull the cell forward. This same waveform is used by epithelial cells to draw fluids across a surface. In flagellar waveform, cells such as human sperm, swim with their flagella behind them, generating motility through a whip-‐like action (adapted from [Smith et al., 2009]). (B) Signal transduction in cilia. 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