75th Anniversary Gala - Three Arrows Cooperative Society
75th Anniversary Gala - Three Arrows Cooperative Society
THREE ARROWS COOPERATIVE h t 5 7 a l a G y r a s r e v i n 1 1 0 2 , An 3 1 t s u g u A 1936 75 Years www.threearrowsco-op.org 2011 1. PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Seventy-five years ago, as a beloved Three Arrows song describes, “once a band of dreamers found a hilltop paradise.…” We are ever grateful to those founders for doing so and for creating a community based on direct democracy, as messy as that can sometimes be. From these strengths, we continue to grow and evolve, with members who are just as talented and opinionated as those who came before us. What continues is the spirit of cooperation that is imbued within us all. On this anniversary, as our dockside and Social Hall conversations illuminate, we are indeed a diamond in the rough, continuing to take shape and to shine. Cooperatively, Leni Gross Glauber President Our President was one of the campers in 1960 who made this mosaic that adorns the Social Hall. 2. www.threearrowsco-op.org INTRODUCTION Credits: 2011 Gala Committee Merle Bogin Gabriel Brodsky Karen Brodsky Helen Brown Chuck Cosler Cate Crowley Nina Drooker Leni Glauber Deborah Gorman Judy Gorman Carol Gruber Sylvia Ripps Sarah Simon Bea Simpson Paul Stein Eleanor White Hilary White Bruce Zolot Lynn McCary, Chair Book Production l l l l l Design: Susan Vladeck Editors: Margaret Benton, Nina Drooker Cover photo: Ryan Hallquest Photos: houses & pages 37, 51 Deborah Gorman Common spaces & people, Susan Vladeck Photo contributions, Chuck Cosler, Lynn McCary, Paul Morrill, Henry Pita, Julie Ruben House genealogy: Sylvia Ripps, Helen Pasik Brown Contents: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow This book presents snapshots of camp for the 75th Anniversary. The future is envisioned in the committee reports written 25 years hence with the presumption of continuity. Thus there are also some tidbits from the past that have led to the present and created the seeds for the future. president's letter 2 introduction 3 map 4 There are photos of each of the 75 houses, some with their present occupants. rochdale road houses 6 The number of each house identifies the history of past ownership: twin pines houses 22 l with each new family in bold, l present owners in italics and l houses continually occupied by the same family with an asterisk * by the house number. l When members have changed houses you will see the same names repeated at different addresses with the following symbol beside their name.² barger street house 25 committee reports 26 There are also pictures of people, of things we see every day and of the common buildings and gathering places essential to community life. The poems and essay are from the Tuesday Writers Workshop. Thanks to Sarina Bromberg and Riva Danzig for their help. www.threearrowsco-op.org 3. Reservoir Ball Field Community Garden 4. www.threearrowsco-op.org ft View toward Hudson River from Piano Mt. summit (west) Red Barn Norman Thomas Hall Changing Rooms Tennis Courts www.threearrowsco-op.org Barger Pond 5. Rochdale Road 3. The Dining Room is where they dined, and now is a rental unit. Andrew's Shack to the left of the Dining Room was the summer home of the original caretaker, who lived in the Main House only during the winter. 1. Main House was home to founding members and beds were rented when it was a camp. Later Day Camp couselors lived here. Now the residence of the caretaker. 7.* William & Irene Vladeck Irene Vladeck Irene (Vladeck) & Abe Klein Irene L.V. Klein & Amy (Vladeck) Heinrich Amy (Vladeck) Heinrich & Susan Vladeck 6. www.threearrowsco-op.org 5. Leo & Etta Kampf Etta Kampf William & Etta Kampf William Kampf 8. Ben & Rose Rubenstein Walter & Dora Postman² Walter & Jeffrey Postman Jeffrey & Susan Postman Irving & Alice Siegel Alice Siegel Alice (Siegel) Appenzeller Rochdale Road 10. Irving & Lillian Amdur² Murry & Sandra Ribolow Sandra Ribolow Judith Gorman² 15. Norbert & Maizie (Vladeck) Bromberg Ben & Helen Greenfield Helen Greenfield Vivienne Freund & Alice Rosenthal 16. Moe & Dorothy Smith Dorothy Smith & Ann (Smith) Gross Isadore & Goldie Shapiro Sherwood & Ruth Jacobson Charles Cosler & Waddy Thompson lower pump house 12. Sam & Jennie Hoffman Diana (Hoffman) & Jack Altman Irwin & Rita Opas Rita Opas & Maryellen (Opas) Klein Joel Roselin & Sharen Duke www.threearrowsco-op.org 7. Rochdale Road 22. Frieda Strauss Martin & Clarissa Brick Abraham & Ruth Weiss² Bert & Wendy (Weiss) Lipsky Wendy (Weiss) Greenberg Susan Leboff & Bruce Weiner Julie Ruben 18. Fred & Miriam Bosworth Miriam Bosworth Miriam Bosworth & Nancy (Bosworth) Phillips ² Emi & Julie Bromberg 20. 8. Harry & Sunny Simon Leo & Charlotte Rhodes Ray & Nettie Stein Alice Falkenstein Alice & Rachel Falkenstein Rachel Falkenstein 24. Justus & Jennie Ebert Three Arrows property www.threearrowsco-op.org 26. Jack & Rose Drachler² Phil & Gerry Pasik Helen Pasik Brown Rochdale Road Your Three Arrows Home You may have the feeling That what you wish comes true That beyond the rainbow The sky is always blue But as Dorothy has shown us It’s home, it isn’t Oz And Three Arrows is the best home ever was 28. Nat & Beverly Katz Sidney & Ruth Schindler Ruth & Susan Schindler Marion Niethamer & Harvey Pincus Irene Krarup & Brad Abrams Looking out the window The branches rock and sway And the leaves wave slowly As chipmunks chase and play And the butterflies are sailing The birds sing from the trees Nature’s movies, these Three Arrows memories 32.* Charles & Ann Schaffer Charles Schaffer Charles Schaffer & Muriel (Schaffer) Epstein Bruce & Lisa White Here we fill our hours with activities, Racing to the next one, it’s a squeeze; It’s a squeeze You might look for Eden Or search for Shangri-la Take a trip to Sweden Or travel west by car But it’s here in Putnam Valley You do not have to roam It’s your summer heaven, your Three Arrows home 30. * Harry & Pauline (Schaffer) Solomon Pauline & Eleanor (Solomon) White Myron & Eleanor White Eleanor White Hal Drooker *From the Finale of “Ulysses and the Robots” Labor Day Show 2006 www.threearrowsco-op.org 34. Mary Schaffer Mary (Schaffer) & Joseph Pulver Jonathan & Hilary White Marianne Pita & Anurag Jaiman² Edward & Dorothy Pita Dorothy Pita 9. Rochdale Road 36. 42. Mr. & Mrs. Kramer David & Anna Trevas Anna Trevas Carol (Trevas) & Michael Fleischer Merle Bogin Merle Bogin & Wally Berger 38. Jack & Ruth Schaffer Sam & Elsie Sklar Elsie Sklar & Eric Sklar 10. Julius & Alice Greenberg William & Dorothy Morrill Larry & Susan Moss Marjorie & Morris Black Marjorie Black Lynn McCary & Evan Hughes 43.* Eleanor Schachner Eleanor Schachner & Ethel (Schachner) Dancis Ethel Dancis & Bruce Dancis² Bruce Dancis & Karen Dean Dancis www.threearrowsco-op.org Rochdale Road 48. Sam & Rhoda Meyerson Paul & Kim (Gross) Stein 53.* Seymour & Doris Trevas Seymour Trevas Bruce & Joan Zolot 51.* Ernest & Vera Doerfler Vera Doerfler & Nina (Doerfler) Drooker Nina (Doerfler) & Hal Drooker 55.* Phil & Edith (Sklar) Brodsky Gabriel & Karen Brodsky www.threearrowsco-op.org 11. Rochdale Road 57. Larry & Charlotte Stolper Charlotte Stolper Richard Stolper & Ira Stolper Roxi Marsen & Mike Gallagher 59. Herman & Henrietta Silberberg Roberta Levine & Marcy Casper 12. 61. George & Adele Schottenfeld Adele Schottenfeld Adele (Schottenfeld) & Herbert Kampf Sylvia Humphrey & Edgar Cordero Ruth Fishbein 62. Moe & Dorothy Sheib Carolyn (Nisinson)² Eliot & Ruth (Pasik) Rosenthal & Cliff Fee Ruth Rosenthal Ruth (Rosenthal) & Herman Fishbein Cliff Fee www.threearrowsco-op.org Rochdale Road Tents Between 1937 & 1939 several members lived in tents on platforms. 63. Harry & Rose Brooks Mildred Kaminsky & Abe & Sophie File Riva (Kaminsky) Danzig Frank & Johanna Leff Riva (Kaminsky) Danzig & Johanna Leff Sarah (Danzig) Simon Peretz & Mildred Kaminsky Sarah (Danzig) & Michael Simon These included: •Isidore & Fannie Fried, •Sid Isaacs, •Philip & Gerry Pasik, •Max & Sarah Siegel, •Sam Friedman, •Sid Perlman, •Arthur Seid, •Julius & Minnie Umansky (Manson), •Irving & Rosa Wexton. 66. Ben & Tilly Finler Leo & Millie Rohmer Margaret & Peter Benton 67.*Oscar & Jessie Signer Jessie Signer Carol (Signer) Gruber 65.*Jack & Betty Gorman² Jack Gorman Deborah Gorman & Judith Gorman² Deborah Gorman www.threearrowsco-op.org 13. Rochdale Road MEMBER TIES THAT BIND ...sisters, and their cousins that they reckon by the dozens and their aunts... (List is only of historical relations who are not apparent on house lists. Many current members are children of members, and/or siblings). 68. Emanuel & Gertrude Kalish Larry & Sylvia Orkin Louis & Viola Yavner Viola Yavner Judith Yavner & Ruth (Yavner) Himes Charney & Sharon (Fromowitz) Bromberg² SISTERS • Ruth Fischer & Rhoda Meyerson • Gertrude Shever, Bea Rosenberg & Sophie Fleischman • Jessie Signer & Celia Menken • Rose Fromowitz & Bess Levine • Chana Melnick & Helen Brockner • Vera Doerfler & Rose Young • Sarah Siegel & Anne Gross • Ethel Dancis & Eleanor Schachner • Hilda Glass & Dora Postman 70. Henry & Ruth Margulies Ruth Margulies Ruth (Margulies) Pashman Gloria & Eugene Garson Gloria Garson 71. Gerald & Dorothy Coleman Dorothy Coleman Samuel & Dorothy (Coleman) Tolmach² Julia & John Mack Kay & Yair Harel Kay Harel SISTERS & BROTHERS • Bill Vladeck & Maizie Bromberg • Phil Pasik & Ruth Rosenthal Fishbein • Sam Sklar & Edith Brodsky • Iz Fried & Paula Ariel • Charlie & Jack Schaffer & Mary Pulver & Pauline Solomon • BROTHERS • Leo & Herbert Kampf • Sam & Max Meyerson • Ed & Ira Gottlieb COUSINS • Ruth Margulies, Irene L. V. Klein, Bill & Maizie Vladeck PARENT & CHILD • Celia Lefkofsky & Dorothy Coleman 69. 14. Ben & Selma Seibel Ralph & Belle Silverstein Isaiah & Daisy Terman Jane (Terman) & Ian McMahan AUNT & NIECE • Gertie Kalish & Gerry Pasik www.threearrowsco-op.org Rochdale Road 73. 77. Samuel & Beatrice Tolmach Samuel Tolmach Samuel & Philip Tolmach Duane Campbell Duane & Christina Campbell Harold & Sophie Fleischman Irving & Helen Brockner Irving Brockner Mitchell Stephens and Esther Davidowitz Benedick Lane 75. Walter & Bernice Benedick Bernice Benedick Amicus & Eleanor Most Leslie & Renee Rosenthal 79. Lee & Paula (Fried) Ariel Lee Ariel Susan Immergut & Ray Shaffer ² www.threearrowsco-op.org 15. Rochdale Road 81. Harold & Vera Luxemberg Irving & Lillian Amdur² Lillian Amdur Melvin & Lillian (Amdur) Feldman 82. Mr, & Mrs. Muravchik Ben & Adele Roberts Adele Roberts & Phyllis (Roberts) Spielman Phyllis (Roberts) Spielman 16. Irving & Joan (Amdur) Morris Joan (Amdur) Morris Charlotte (Chernow) & Jay Hoffman Charlotte Chernow www.threearrowsco-op.org 83. Moe & Pauline Bengal Pauline Bengal Mary O’Brien & John Gorman 85.* Etta Meyer & Esther (Meyer) Goertz Esther & Augustus Goertz Augustus Goertz Jerome Segal Jerome Segal & Naomi Nim Rochdale Road 87. Ed & Peggy Koppel Ed Koppel George & Tom Koppel Arthur Wisotsky² Arthur Wisotsky & Jean Lambertsen 92. Max & Sarah Siegel Leo & Rose Young William & Celia Menken 91. Morris & Sally Miller Sally Miller Murray Edelman & Andrea Parmegiani 95. www.threearrowsco-op.org William Menken Phoebe (Menken) Planick & Neil Planick Ken & Taunya De Maio Kirsten & Anya Brodsky Ruby Weber Harold & Bernice Nisinson Bernice Nisinson Carolyn (Nisinson) Fee ² & David Nisinson 17. Rochdale Road 100. Jack & Betty Gorman² Abraham & Hilda Danzig Tom & Florence Rossi Florence Rossi Florence & Peggy Rossi Greg & Margaret Schwed 103.* Hyman & Rose Fromowitz Rose Fromowitz Rose (Fromowitz) & Ben Smith Sharon (Fromowitz) & Charney Bromberg ² Eli Bromberg & Shana Bromberg suicide gulch 102.*Irving & Rosa Wexton Rosa Wexton & Halona (Wexton) Balgley Halona (Wexton) & Joshua Balgley 18. 104. John & Hazel Cummings Max & Anne Gross Seymour & Vera Steinsapir Vera Steinsapir Judith Steinsapir & Carol Steinsapir www.threearrowsco-op.org Rochdale Road 105. Milton & Bess Levine Will & Blanche Fury Irving & Beatrice Simpson Beatrice Simpson 109. Carrie Carmichael & Jeffrey Greenfield Oscar & Clara London² 107. Leo & Blanche Manso Milton & Beatrice Rosenberg Milton Rosenberg Carol (Rosenberg) Marsh & Peter Marsh Carol (Rosenberg) Marsh 112. Abe & Mary Wisotsky Mary Wisotsky Eric & Amy Marcus Eric Marcus www.threearrowsco-op.org 19. Rochdale Road 118.* Max & Sarah Siegel² Mac & Anne Gross² Anne (Gross) Schachter Leni (Gross) Glauber & David Gross 114.* Louis & Gertrude Shever Sylvia (Shever) & David Ripps 116. Max & Julia Meyerson Irving & Helena Hollander Helena Hollander Helena Hollander & Judith (Hollander) Mage Judith (Hollander) Mage) Paul Jr. & Kathleen Costello Naomi Leiter 20. 120. Henry & Celia Kass Arnold & Esther Mendelson Henry & Sonia Hirshberg Sonia Hirshberg Natasha Prenn & Stelios Vasilakis www.threearrowsco-op.org Rochdale Road Summer Road Turning onto our summer road, ease descends; an expectant in-breath, a smile. The road, laid out in curves, unrolls as it did for my parents, long-gone, for my brother, knobby-kneed, now gray-haired, my sons running, shouting; my grandchildren waving twigs. The road, dusty, pebbly, overhung with green, is unchanging. It bends, takes a slight descent and then rises until we see, each in his own time, the house, our house, the family house, high on the green lawn. The road is framed by bushes and explosive ferns; sunlight through tall trees lays lacy, shimmering patterns on its surface. O road of expectancy, of long hot days, of pleasure! 122. Sol & Esther Perrin Esther Perrin Susan Immergut & Ray Shaffer² Joan Greenbaum Our footprints and tire tracks layer the road. I walk, long-legged in a damp bathing suit, towel twisted at my waist, dreaming of summer boyfriends; I hold my granddaughter’s hand, following a parade of ants. My mother in her sundress is me in mine. This is a hopeful, rising, road that slows time. Always the same curve of anticipation, The same sky, same green. All summers, one summer. Nina Drooker, Three Arrows Writers Workshop www.threearrowsco-op.org 124. Lou & Clara Hay Al & Kate Jackson Carl & Leah Fichandler Leah Fichandler & Alice (Fichandler) Eddy Alice (Fichandler) Eddy Jerry & Lynn Stein Jerry Stein 21. Twin Pines Road Twin Pines Schematic 2.* Mason & Pauline Morrill Mason Morrill Mason Morrill & Paul Morrill Paul Morrill 6. Ben & Sarah Robbins Ben & Nathan Robbins Nathan & Florence Robbins 4. Edward & Marian Gottlieb Celia Lefkofsky Oscar & Clara London² Richard & Theresa Fox Edward & Esther Brill 7. Winston & Ethel Dancis Ethel Dancis ² Henry & Patricia Hood Debby & Vince Mahoney 22. www.threearrowsco-op.org Florence Robbins Abe & Ruth Weiss² Ruth Weiss Carol Rovane & Akeel Bilgrami Twin Pines Road AGAIN Each summer I make big plans — things I must do (must I 8.* Clara Orloff & Muriel (Orloff) McCaffrey Muriel McCaffrey & Karen McCaffrey Karen McCaffrey really?) and things I want to do for the sheer fun of it. Then sometime in September it hits me: it’s happened yet again. The weeds were too persistent; I had to pull them out too many times. That leak in the roof cried too loudly to be ignored. My progeny so enjoyed to swim, and then sleep surrounded by birds and trees. How can I balance all that must be with all that I just hoped would be? 12. But there was plenty of delight where I did not expect it. That chance conversation at the Dock with someone I hardly knew; the fawn that paused to share the joys of woodland life. Maybe plans are really useless—for who can even guess at life’s random path. Still, as a creature that learns only slowly from what life is trying to tell me, next year I will start again. After all, how can I tolerate all those long days of cold if not for the pleasure of anticipating that whole summer ahead? Isidore & Fanny Fried Fanny Fried Fanny (Fried) & Harry Weber Fanny (Fried) Weber Cate Crowley & Dan Ruderman Cate Crowley David Ripps, Three Arrows Writers Workshop 10. Robert & Rose Hirsch Seymour & Sylvia Brick Ben & Nedda Wyle Ben Wyle Sally Naar 14. Jack & Esther Rubenstein Esther Rubenstein Jack & Rose Drachler² Nancy (Bosworth) Phillips² www.threearrowsco-op.org Alfred & Esther Smoke Esther Smoke Esther Smoke & David Smoke David Smoke² Sascha Brodsky & Aisling Ryan 23. Twin Pines Road 19. Bruno & Ruth Fischer Ruth Fischer & Nora (Fischer) Kisch Andy Biskin & Limor Tomer 15. Walter & Dora Postman² Ben & Rose Rubenstein Morris & Molly Schoenfeld Penny & Jack Grossman 17. Joseph & Hilda Glass Max & Isabelle Rosenberg Jack & Minna Kaye Israel & Helen Kugler Marianne Pita & Anurag Jaiman² 24. www.threearrowsco-op.org 21. Ben & Paula Wolf Philip & Evelyn Heller Evelyn Heller Melvin Feldman Leonard & Mary Smoke David Smoke² Twin Pines Road / Barger St. 23.* Julius & Minnie Umansky (Manson) Julius Manson Julius & Betty Manson Julius Manson & Carol (Manson) Bier Carol (Manson) Bier & Jerry Cooper Rental Bungalows 207. Ira & Mrs. Gottlieb Penn & Chana Melnick Chana Melnick Tammy Brennan Upper Bungalow Lower Bungalow www.threearrowsco-op.org 25. Committees, Workshops, Regular Classes Weekly workshops and classes include Chorus, Writers Workshop, Yoga and Movement. These pictures are from some of these activities, planned social events or just casual moments from the daily gatherings at the dock. The committee reports that follow were written as if it were 2036, twenty-five years in the future, envisioning the 100th Anniversay of Three Arrows. 26. www.threearrowsco-op.org www.threearrowsco-op.org 27. Three Arrows Cooperative Society THE VOICE OF THE HILL 2 Rochdale Road, Putnam Valley, NY 10579 Message from the President What a great summer season it has been so far! As you know, due to the dramatic rise in sea levels, which has submerged Manhattan, most of our members are now living year-round at Three Arrows. This has inspired us to transform our environment. Our hillsides are now beautiful terraced gardens that provide us with most of our food. For those of you who are having trouble with your gardens, don’t forget to forage in the remaining wooded areas — such as the swamps at the bottom of the hill where the Atlantic Ocean meets Barger Bay. Saturday Night Entertainment Reminders from the Health and Safety Committee Don’t forget your spf 500 sunblock! If you are outdoors between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., you must wear your radiation suits. Our new Hurricane Warning System has finally been installed. If you hear the warning siren, take cover in the shelter that has been built inside Piano Mountain. From the Landscape Committee This weekend’s music promises to be a special experience for all. Noah and Ezra Bromberg’s band, the Blue Meanies, will perform using only vintage instruments — if they can find strings for the guitar they have recovered from our landfill. If anyone has a pack of guitar strings lying around their attic, the band will pay up to $5,000 for them. 28. August 2036 New poison ivy recipes are included in this issue of the Voice. Remember to cook the new mutant varieties only. These are easily recognized by their clusters of four leaves. “Leaves of four, eat some more!” www.threearrowsco-op.org Other Workshops The “Other Workshops” Committee is still wrestling with what to call ourselves. For this year we would like to be called the “Distinctively Abled” Workshops. However, we warn the community in advance, by 2036, this name will not be PC. This year our offerings will include Hop Gliding (for 3 to 9 year olds), whistlewarbling for the seniors (102 and older), and mind reading (open to all ages and all sexes). As our budget has been cut to $18 million, we have had to cancel mud wrestling. Our Inhouse Japanese Master Teacher has scheduled Aikidogenshirahrah classes every Tuesday at sunrise, but hari-kari will be postponed until next summer. Lilli Gorman will, of course, be teaching yoga, and Ida Bromberg will be teaching movement, and they are jointly requesting a new romper mat (fitted to the footprint of the Social Hall), as the old one smells of beer. We are proposing a special assessment ($6 million) for this essential equipment. Maya’s multimedia poetry workshop will be scheduled on Thursday mornings and the poems will be broadcast Friday on 4-D smelly-vision at the dock, the ball field and the barn. We apologize in advance that the 1800 suggestions (all from the same computer) for a Laser Tag workshop have not been included in this year’s programming because we have been informed that the Bylaws (Article 389, Section 21, Paragraph 4) expressly forbid the playing of Laser Tag on Piano Mountain, in, on or at the Lake. Respectfully submitted, Moishe Segal and Allyoops Jaiman www.threearrowsco-op.org 29. Waterfront COMMITTEE REPORTS Notes from the 2036 Memorial Day Meeting of the Waterfront Committee Little Lake With our committee’s share of the huge fee paid by VerizoNyseg for the broadcasting tower atop Piano Mountain, we chose to increase our recreational options. We have purchased a sonar machine for the creation of surf-able waves and three “helipods”—those newfangled small, silent, two-seater hovercraft that skim along above the water, providing a kayak experience without the labor of paddling. To ensure members’ safety and peace while we enjoy these new amenities, we propose the following policies. (An Ode to Barger Pond) Surface dappled, shining bright. Diamonds dancing, refracted light. Others cooler, deeper, greener hue, But my lake superior evermore you! Carol Gruber, Three Arrows Writers Workshop The sonar machine is to be used no more than three hours a day, from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m., on the north side of Barger Pond. This is to ensure that the waves do not disrupt schmoozers on the dock nor destroy the habitat of the snapping turtles and beavers. All surfers must wear life vests and must have passed the lake test. Additionally, those under the age of 16 must have parental permission on file to surf. Finally, the machine is to be used only with a lifeguard present; the remote to operate the machine is to be locked in the lifeguard shed at all other times. Users of the helipod hovercraft must wear both a life vest and a bicycle helmet. The committeee debated the helmet extensively as it compromises the pleasure of the helipod ride. However, because the craft may attain a speed of 30 mph and is easily disrupted by a strong wind, the use of a helmet is basic prudence. Enjoy our new equipment responsibly! 30. www.threearrowsco-op.org Insurance COMMITTEE REPORTS Roads dock canopy collapse winter 2011 The Roads Committee is overjoyed to report that the garlic mustard and Japanese knotweed infestations have finally been eradicated! The final phase of the Pave Three Arrows Project (P3AP) is complete. This controversial project, you need not be reminded, will allow us to live free of the invasive species of plants and animals that have threatened and devoured our Members since the early '20s. We proudly report that the last bit of green space (sorry for cursing) is now but a horrific memory. Eighty-five percent of members have adopted Three Arrows medical benefits for their families. The program comes from the Non-Profit Healthcare Access law recently signed by the President. The law enables non-profit membership associations (such as Three Arrows) to obtain coverage from the governmentsponsored single-payer plan at “the best competitive group rate” available from any insurer, nationwide. We just signed up for the Eye-in-the-Sky Property and Liability Tracking Service offered by our insurance company. A drone lighter-than-air craft keeps video eyes on Three Arrows property and can tag and track movement of all property and identify break-in attempts. Eyein-the-Sky complements the network of Webcams sprinkled throughout the area. Members voted to accept the service on the recommendation of our Privacy and Security Protection Committee. After a long and difficult search, the Insurance Committee found affordable coverage for member windsurfing on Barger Pond. Only one insurer is willing to cover activities made possible by the 50 mph gales we now experience each afternoon. The issue still to be decided by the Waterfront Freedoms Committee is whether a windsurfer has to wear a lifejacket or whether it is enough to tether the lifejacket to the board or the pole. Let's recall when our ancestors praised "Nature," in all its varied and (seemingly) benign forms, and grew plants for food, or simply to beautify their surroundings. Times were simpler then, before our children's peanut allergies gave way to tree allergies, grass allergies, and sunlight allergies. Sunlight, you'll recall, shone brightly on the land prior to the arrival of the Great Smog. Fun fact: If sunlight returned, our new asphalt would bring Three Arrows to 122 degrees Fahrenheit in July. dock canopy raising summer 2011 With the dismantling of the Indian Point nuclear power facility nearly complete, we were informed by our insurer that the 300 percent premium surcharge for coverage in event of a nuclear accident will be rescinded in 2036. Looking ahead: Now that the last of the cars have been replaced with jetpacks and matter transporters, the Roads Committee has found itself in agreement with President Bieber and concluded that roads are obsolete. We will begin the removal of all road surfaces and asphalt this fall, with the goal of covering all of Piano Mountain in state-of-the-art Grasstro-turf by the spring of 2042. You won't believe it's not real grass! (For pictures of grass, see the exhibit on extinct species in the Social Hall). Caroline Benton, member, Insurance Committee, age 30. www.threearrowsco-op.org 31. Education Archive Membership Ever since the governance schmoozes, introduced by the elders in 2011, let loose a cacophony of voices, there have been problems on Friday nights. Most recently, the Save the Lake schmooze was interrupted by picketing and catcalls from the Save the Beavers faction. And the "true diversity" faction sent an independent invitation to President Bristol Palin. Clearly, changes must be made. Documenting the second hundred years of the Three Arrows Cooperative Society will be entirely digital. All documents produced will be uploaded by the writer to the Tamiment Archives site at NYU, eliminating the excessive use of paper “A clairvoyant applying for membership— how amazing!” “I was able to see clearly only about 25 years into the future; my abilities are limited you know. Yet, I saw myself on the dock—rebuilt yet again and quite lovely— in a heated debate about the waiting list for homes at Three Arrows. Apparently, there had been an e-article in the Times Cyber News about how this community has remained loyal to its traditions. The article mentioned the endless debates on everything, especially spending money, but that in the end everyone just helped to keep it affordable. In my vision, I then had to run off to Yoga so I would be limber for Weed Pulling that afternoon.” It has been proposed that members "attend" schmoozes in their homes, via electronic hookup, so they can mute whatever bores or agitates them, and delete anything they disagree with. Some members objected that refreshments could not be availed of online and that for the full schmooze experience members need to meet in real space-in the ball field, in the newly renovated Norman Thomas Hall. But it appears that there are scheduling problems. The summer season is not long enough to accommodate the political pundits eager to verify what they've heard about a self-governing democratic community that has lasted 100 years, and the Three Arrows Nobel Laureates clambering to make a presentation here and make their parents REALLY proud. The solution: to adopt the proposal for in-home, electronic schmoozes, all year long. Refreshments will be available in Three Arrows, at the first Membership Meeting of the 2036 summer season. 32. “I already love this community, and now that I have peeked into the future I can see that Three Arrows will still be going strong when my children were ready to inherit my house.” and the extra steps of collecting, sorting, and delivering. The Archive Committee will monitor the updates to be sure all important documents are collected. The single exception will be ballots, which will remain paper. Votes will continue to be cast on paper ballots and counted by several members several times. This exception was voted in by the membership after several lively debates in summer meetings. In addition, a program of regularly recording the memories of older members was instituted, again, to be uploaded directly to the Archives, for preservation and transcription. Again, the Archive Committee will check the transcriptions. www.threearrowsco-op.org “Were there many people around?” “Yes, a huge group of children—all ages— they were tie-dyeing tee shirts. I have never heard such happy squeals before.” “And I saw a group of, I must say, rather old-looking people, holding much younger adults enthralled with their reminiscing about the summers they had spent with their parents and grandparents at Three Arrows. They kept coming back to the phrase: 'there was a lot of work, but so worthwhile.’ When I saw all these sights and sounds in the future, I knew I had to be part of it.” David Ripps Green (Water) Trees The Water Committee, defunct since Best Case Scenario Though the Optimistic everybody installed wells in 2015, has Lens of the Tree Committee been focused on our green initiative and Our climax Eastern deciduous forests of is now the Green Committee. maple-beech and oak-hickory are finally Re-purposing the miles and miles of water regenerating since we figured out how piping to be used for collecting solar hot to get sunlight to the forest floor, using water on the roof of the caretaker's house our recently patented complex system has saved Three Arrows approximately of mirrors. Besides, there are many $2400 a year of the $4800 utility bill fewer white-tailed deer, now classified allotment paid to the caretaker. Adding it as an endangered species. We have just to the Social Hall roof has eliminated the annihilated what we believe was the ailanthus, and we are beginning need for the hot water heater and the final to see the return of American elms and solar electric has been very reliable for chestnuts. all our functions in the summer season. In conjunction with that, the geothermal The Forest Resource Management Plan energy collection system run in tandem (2005) has led to the establishment of a with the wind turbines, on the site of “Small Pharma” cottage industry in the the old reservoir, has proven successful Ebert bungalow, producing an extract of in powering one fourth of the homes on Japanese knotweed. Unfortunately, we Piano Mountain. are back-ordered due to the international stampede to obtain this anti-aging serum. We are very proud of the great strides We continue to produce our renowned made in our community composting Three Arrows Tincture of Jewelweed efforts to keep our mountaintop garden, for the prevention and treatment of formerly the ball field, 100 percent poison ivy. Profits from the Japanese organic. The addition of the two acres of Knotweed Serum have lowered our dues year round community-run greenhouses dramatically, but we continue to offer has made the availability of fresh veggies our Jewelweed Tincture free of charge to markets in the area a true relief to the to anyone in need. local consumers. Because of the foresight of the community Our goal of lessening our carbon in saving our existing hemlocks from dreaded Wooly Adelgid in 2011, the footprint by eliminating the need for the hemlocks planted in 2013 for screening long haul truckers to bring vegetables in are flourishing, providing ample nesting from other states has been realized. The for birds while completely obliterating open-house tours of our green projects all sight and sound of Putnam Acres. After have inspired our neighbors living on considerable coordinated community Barger Street to start their own organic efforts over the past 25 plus years, garlic gardens and install solar electric or hot mustard has been eradicated from Piano water collection systems. There is talk of Mountain. a Barger Street wind energy initiative in the works as this goes to press. We now cultivate it under carefully controlled circumstances in our Stay tuned for more exciting green Community Garden to prepare our annual July 4th pesto. projects in the future! www.threearrowsco-op.org Landscape Worst Case Scenario Through the Lens of Landscape With few wooded areas remaining in the county anywhere other than on our 125 acres, the deer population increased to such an extent that Three Arrows Bylaws were amended to allow site fences. The resulting further inequities in site size still divide the community, although a new assessment was determined to be not worth its cost. These fences have obstructed the use of the old paths, which remain only in the memory of our centenarians. In any case, no one can contemplate walking anywhere in camp due to the proliferation of deer ticks, so cars are in constant use. Once again meadows and views abound everywhere, because invasive species have completely crowded out our native trees. We miss the songbirds, long gone due to a dearth of nesting places and native insects to eat. All of the beavers in Putnam County, once thought to be killing our lakes, have been exterminated. Consequently, the ecology of the wetlands is now out of balance and Barger Pond has receded. Water lilies – beautiful as they are - were controlled by the lily-loving beavers, and now the most pressing daily chore for the Landscape Committee is to cut a channel for swimmers, who are required to wear life vests outfitted with GPS. 33. Arts & Crafts Social Committee The Bad Patch started in the early teens when Piano Mountain was silent on Saturday nights. The only lights on the Hill seemed to come from home entertainment screens and the occasional firefly. Today, the NTSH resounds with lively bodies, arguing, dancing, eating, etc. We’ve been interviewing folks from that period to find out what caused the gap in community. Some date it to 2013, when the initial Hill-wide wireless zone was established. "Who needed other entertainment?" said Maya Drooker with a shrug, although she remembered lying on her stomach outside the Social Hall, drawing, when she was a child. Others claim that after Skype and Twitter went viral on handheld devices, physical contact waned. Carly Zolot, a young teenager in that period, agrees. "The spread of 'Twang,' 'Pong' and ‘Schlep’ hooked people into their own device world. Some elders did try to organize physical events, but we were like, Why would people want to sweat together?" In 2028, when the July 4th Picnic reemerged under the leadership of Lorcan Brodsky, cooperators suddenly recalled the camaraderie of shared meals. Music was next. In 2029, Noah Bromberg developed a “kick ass” Saturday night live-entertainment program. Was it heavy with mid twentieth century sounds like the Beatles? Maybe, but the music called and soon members eager to dance flooded the Hall. Today, favorite Schmoozes are broadcast over “Schlep.” “When There Wasn’t Peace in the Middle East” recently topped the charts. Our antiquated Hall rocks again. (And everyone has just about figured out how to open and close those plastic-covered metal chairs.) Nathan Greenbaum Dublin Arts and Crafts have provided an exciting creative outlet to all members this summer. The Red Barn remained the center of activity with tie-dye and clay workshops but with our bank of computers we also have digital photography, woodworking, painting and drawing, and even digital graphic design. Playing with mud has been fun since the beginning so clay continues as a well-attended activity with high tech new plastics that allow you to make something, sit in the sun and the glazes will emerge. We no longer have a need for electricity hogging kilns. We still need our hands and eyes to use wheel, make pinch/coil pots, and carve images into slabs of clay. Tie-dye has been so perfected by members they have simply thought about patterns and sent signals to cloth without the mess of lye and dye. Digital photographers have taken advantage of our beautiful surroundings to produce shared image and online rotating exhibitions. In the past we had woodworking workshops and we began them again this summer using our own farmed wood to make boxes, birdhouses, and furniture. Silk screen technology allowed us to color separate complex images, allowing young artists to produce their scribbles with a push of a button. Find your creative self and play with us! Team effort led by Juliana Cordero 34. www.threearrowsco-op.org Health & Safety I. Circa 2011 Where has all the garbage gone? long time passing Where has all the garbage gone? long time ago Where has all the garbage gone gone to dumpsters one by one When will they ever learn? When will they ever learn? II. Circa 2021 Where has all the garbage gone? long time passing Where has all the garbage gone long time ago Gone to compost everyone When did they finally learn? When did they finally learn? gone to flowers everyone. Long Range Planning It’s July 10, 2036 and Long Range Planning has put out the word through “telekinesis” — our new way of communicating. After 25 years of meeting, talking, planning, writing, re-writing, editing and repeating this cycle many times, we officially declare we have reached the Utopian plain! Now we can communicate by only willing our minds to do so. The LRP found that governance, a board and committees are no longer needed — since we now beam ideas to everyone. By functioning on a higher consciousness consensus comes merely through thought. As a model community, all members communicate at the same high level and all participate and think together. Outside groups pay us to train them in our advanced methods. Profits are so substantial that dues are not necessary and we agreed to use surplus funds to pay for craniosacral therapy for our tired brains. Celebrations are wondrous with everyone connecting as we float above the Social Hall floor making set up or take down of chairs obsolete. Music comes from the joy of telekineting at the same moment, so we all feel blissful, replacing Saturday night events. Since this is a relatively new skill, we haven’t figured out what to do with the extra funds. Ideas from members? Just send your thoughts directly to us! Management In 2086, we will not need snow-plowing. The lake will come up to the Main House, and folks will boat from the Taconic to get here. All maintenance will be done via a Google Cloud or its successor technology, with nanotechnology serving as the basis for monitoring functionality and triggering off robots to perform all necessary tasks. Life will be very peaceful, democracy will be programmed into the robots' prioritization mechanisms, and a new level of serenity will be enjoyed by all. Building & Planning For many years, the Planning and Building Committee was known as the Building and Planning Committee. There are many Three Arrows members who believe that this name Building and Planning Committee more accurately reflects the spirit of Three Arrows — that we build first and plan later. It is our hope for future that the Committee remains true to its name and that the Three Arrows membership plans first and then builds. The LRP is everywhere! www.threearrowsco-op.org 35. 36. www.threearrowsco-op.org A Three Arrows Memory Sampler Part I And silently, his mouth open just so He sang the things around him In lines and colors Painted folk songs of that time Frozen in combat with the boulders Embedded everywhere Fighting the eternal battle Over who owns this land The old ones here When they were not so old Younger, in fact Than I am now Left pieces of themselves behind I cannot name them all But their sites are (Now that I live near the top of the hill) A frequent reminder On the daily climbs and descents Of which we have three A crane that said This was 1950 A tugboat, front on Ploughing the grey-skyed East River Under the Brooklyn Bridge The one I liked best, now with my sister The Quonset hut Designed by my Uncle Bill With half moon girders of hard steel Placed to break my head when I wasn’t looking And so often I wasn’t looking My father, out front Bare to the waist in his navy grey pants Swinging a pick on the patio The Quonset Barn red The weeds and trees So green Time Try as it might Does not dim This piece of what was left Behind Who could hit the ball over the road? Who was strongest in arm and leg? Who wanted most To show her smartness at the schmooze? Mirror mirror on the wall Who was prettiest of them all? Who stole away for lakeside trysts At that fecund place Where night cloaked mysteries Our youth could not grasp Charney Bromberg Three Arrows Writers Workshop I remember Ben Wolf’s face His pointed nose And sharp chin Like the grille of a 1947 Pontiac His strumming guitar The strength of his voice Lolly tudom, tudom Lolly tudom day The songs he sang Now wall-papered In my room of memory www.threearrowsco-op.org 37. 38. www.threearrowsco-op.org The Simpson Family wishes all Three Arrows another 25 years And hope you will all enjoy what we have enjoyed since 1974. Bea Simpson 625 Route 6, Mahopac, NY 10541 845-628-4500 Fax: 845-628-1804 www.spainins.com Your Insurance Professionals Since 1922 www.threearrowsco-op.org 39. PVRC PROTECTING OUR RURAL CHARACTER YOUR FARMERS' MARKET HOST Congratulations on your 75th Anniversary! Peter Tarrant & Michelle LeBlanc, Co-Chairs 845.284.2440 www.pvdems.com facebook.com/Putnam Valley Democrats Congratulations On Your 75 Th Anniversay Wishing You Many More 40. www.threearrowsco-op.org PUTNAM VALLEY RESIDENTS COALITION CORP. www.putnamvalleyresidents.com Congratulations on the 75th! Sally A. Naar Congratulations from your friends at (914) 245-4040 w w w. c l u b f i t . c o m www.threearrowsco-op.org 41. Congratulations Three Arrows from the Schaffer children in loving memory of Jacob "Jack" and Ruth Schaffer Henry, Amy and Edward Schaffer On the 54th anniversary of our family's participation in Three Arrows we look forward to many more wonderful years in this community. Judy & Carol Steinsapir, Joel & Debbie Shufo. 42. www.threearrowsco-op.org Congratulations To Three Arrows Cooperative Society Inc., on its 75th Anniversary *********** We have enjoyed working with you for over thirty years ***************************************** Saidel & Saidel, P.C. Attorneys At Law P.O. Box 308 Yorktown Heights, New York 10598 Tel # 914-736-6500 Fax# 914-736-6581 Marc L. Saidel Sheryl M. Saidel ******************************************* “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” -- Margaret Mead www.threearrowsco-op.org 43. We join our fellow members in the celebration of our 75th anniversary. Let us all rejoice in the shared experiences and shared memories of this very special place, and work to keep it strong for the next generation. Karen, Gabriel, Anya, Nate, Kirsten, Ziv, Aisling, Sascha, Lorcan, Benji & Mila Happy Anniversary to the Wonderful Community of Three Arrows We will be forever grateful that we discovered this beautiful place and this warm, vibrant community, Thank you for welcoming us and providing us with so many vivid summer memories. Kathleen, Anthony, Benjamin and William Verde ("The Renters") 44. www.threearrowsco-op.org •••••••Dan of all Trades••••••• No job too big, No job too small! I live at Three Arrows and love working within my community. I am fully insured, bonded, and licensed for home improvement and repair in Putnam County. ~~~~~~~Dan Kinlin~~~~~~~ 845-325-4643 [email protected] emergency house calls 24 hours Our future—Three Arrows’ future—Our children Sylvia & David Ripps "Dan's on site? That's outtasite!" South Putnam Animal Hospital, Pllc Dr. Cindy Kosacz, Dr. Kathi Heiber, Dr. Julie Fixman, Dr. Judith Mason and Dr. Maria Kaprielian Preventive Health and Dental Care Full Medical and Surgical Services Convenient Evening and Saturday Appointments Cat Medical Boarding 845-628-1834 230B Baldwin Place Road Mahopac, NY 10541 Visit our website at www.spahvet.com www.threearrowsco-op.org 45. With Love and Gratitude to Mintzie & Peretz Kaminsky.... With a nod to the past, we toast our future! Here's to many more wonderful years of cooperation and community Leni Gross Glauber President, 2008-2011 In affectionate memory of: Thank you for giving us Three Arrows. – a shaynem dank! photo by Deborah Gorman 46. www.threearrowsco-op.org Penny Melnick Ruth Weiss Esther Smoke Renee Rosenthal Leslie Rosenthal Peter Marsh Carol, Zarina & Akeel Welcome to Rowan Francis Benton Born June 29, 2011 And to his big sisters Josie and Caroline With love from Grandma and Grandpa Benton Congratulations to Three Arrows on its 75th Anniversary A remarkable past and a glorious future await it -- we feel so fortunate to be part of the Three Arrows family. Clara & Oscar London MAY THE FUTURE SMILE ON THREE ARROWS! HAL & NINA DROOKER STAR & RAIN, ERIC & EMMA www.threearrowsco-op.org 47. in memoriam Giant Snapper who ate our crumbs and gave years of pleasure to all on the dock Remembering Peter Marsh In loving memory of founding members Phil & Gerry Pasik Thank you for raising us in your Socialist dream Helen & Lisa Brown 48. I don’t know anyone who loved nature more than Peter. He loved the quiet, and the light of the late afternoon. Often we would watch the bright pink and deep purple colors of the summer sunset and the night sky rich with stars. These are some of the memories I have and will hold onto of Peter in Three Arrows. www.threearrowsco-op.org Carol Marsh In blessed memory of all the Three Arrows members who are no longer with us Ed & Esther (Levine) Brill www.threearrowsco-op.org 49. In memory of Selig and Jessica Signer Father, Mother, Grandfather, Grandmother Present, Past, Future thanks to all who worked to make this gala possible Carol & Andrea Gruber In memory of our Three Arrows pioneering parents WINSTON & ETHEL DANCIS and our aunt ELEANOR SCHACHNER whose house we live in Bruce Dancis & Karen Dean-Dancis Lily Dancis Alexis Dean Nick Dean Chloe Taylor In Loving Memory Of My Dear Herb Alice Appenzeller 50. www.threearrowsco-op.org www.threearrowsco-op.org 51. Copyright © 2011 THREE ARROWS COOPERATIVE SOCIETY 2 ROCHDALE ROAD PUTNAM VALLEY, N.Y. 10579 52. www.threearrowsco-op.org Dawn at the Dock THREE ARROWS COOPERATIVE SOCIETY 2 Rochdale Road, Putnam Valley, NY 10579 www.threearrowsco-op.org