Talosaga Lealao aufai fa`atoaga ia lava onosa`i
Talosaga Lealao aufai fa`atoaga ia lava onosa`i
KRUSE: Tatau fo’i ona saili tagata faigaluega TCF 2 PAGO PAGO, AMERICAN SAMOA Sauni malo mo lana fa’afiafiaga o le Kerisimasi 5 Boys Under-19 Handball team pulls out a win B1 Saturday, December 13, 2014 $1.00 ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ C M Y K Talosaga Lealao aufai fa’atoaga ia lava onosa’i tusia Ausage Fausia Some of the159 students who graduated yesterday morning during ASCC’s 61st Commencement Ceremony held at the College Gymnasium. Read story in Monday’s issue. [photo: Leua Aiono Frost.] E lua ni feau taua ua finagalo le Faatonusili o le Ofisa o Fa’atoaga e momoli mai i le aufai fa’atoaga uma a le atunu’u, ae fa’apitoa lava ia i latou o lo o fa’asea ma muimui i le tuai lea ona maua fa’ailoga o le Farm Fair, “e le gata ia lava le loto onosa’i, a ia fiafia fo’i o le vaiaso fou lea ua fuafua le Ofisa e maua ai a outou siaki ma fa’ailoga Farm Fair o lo o vavao ai le to’atele”. O le saunoaga lea a le afioga ia Lealao, na tu’uina mai ina ua toe fesiligia e le Samoa News o ia ananafi, i se tulaga ua o o i ai le faamoemoe a lona ofisa, mo le tufatufaina lea o fa’ailoga o le Farm Fair a le aufai fa’atoaga, lea o lo o to’atele ni isi o le aufai fa’atoaga o lo o tomumumu ma muimui ai, i le tuai lea ona tufa o fa’ailoga, aemaise ai o le leai lea o se fa’asootaiga a le Ofisa o Fa’atoaga ma le aufai fa’atoaga, i le taimi sa’o e tufa ai fa’ailoga. Na taua e ni isi o le aufai fa’atoaga i le Samoa News i le aso ananafi, afai loa e o o atu i le aso Gafua o le vaiaso fou e le maua atu lava se tali mautu mai le Ofisa o Fa’atoaga, o le a latou vaavaai loa i le tu’uina atu o se latou talosaga i le ali’i kovana, po o le fai loa fo’i o se solo tete’e fa’asaga ia Lealao ma lona Ofisa. (Faaauau itulau 15) Marcus Mariota top contender for Heisman Trophy 1st for AS by B. Chen Samoa News Correspondent C M Y K O se va’aiga i le aiga o Elia Savali, se tasi o faia’oga lauiloa o le atunu’u fa’apea ma lona faletua ma se tasi o le fanau ua fa’au’u mai le Kolisi i lenei tausaga. Ua fiafia fa’atasi i latou i le aso fa’ailogaina o le afafine. [photo: Leua Aiono Frost.] Buckle up & CRASHES Save a Life! LOCAL HIGHWAYS 01-01-14 to date 651 American Samoa is once again in the spotlight in the world of football. This time, it has nothing to do with the National Football League (NFL) but instead, the National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA). Twenty-one-year-old Marcus Mariota, the star quarterback for the University of Oregon Ducks, is perhaps the biggest name in college football right now. But you would never be able to tell. Sports writers across the nation have described him as being ‘boring’, ‘passive’ and ‘too nice’ but one thing they all agree on: The guy is a god on the football field. Sports Illustrated called him “the most prolific quarterback in Oregon history,” and his stats can only confirm that. A threeyear starter who has totaled 10,125 career passing yards, with 2,136 rushing yards and 131 scores, Mariota is definitely the reason why Oregon has, for the first time ever, earned a spot in college football playoffs. A win there would give the Ducks their first national championship. This past Thursday night in Florida, Mariota went a perfect three-for-three when he swept the College Football Awards Show, walking away with the Davey O’Brien National Quarterback Award, the Maxwell Award (presented to the col(Continued on page 15) FATALITIES LOCAL HIGHWAYS 01-01-14 to date 2 office of highway safety Page 2 samoa news, Saturday, December 13, 2014 Compiled by Samoa News staff Fanau aoga a le SPICC i le mae’a ai o a latou fa’afiafiaga i le aso ananafi. (ata: AF) KRUSE: Tatau fo’i ona saili tagata faigaluega TCF tusia Ausage Fausia Na fa’ailoa e le afioga i le ali’i fa’amasino ia Michael Kruse i le loia a le malo ia Tiffany Oldfield i le vaiaso nei, afai o lo o su’e e tagata faigaluega a le Falepuipui i Tafuna tagata uma o lo o ulufale atu i totonu o le toese atoa ai ma a latou meatotino e pei o ato ma afifi o lo o avatu i aiga o lo o taofia i le falepuipui, e tatau fo’i ona saili uma ma tagata faigaluega a le TCF. “E le fou le mataupu lenei i le toese i Tafuna, ma ua tatau fo’i ona amanaia le manatu sa avatu muamua e le fa’amasinoga i isi mataupu ua tuana’i atu, ina ia saili fo’i ma tagata faigaluega a le falepuipui”, o le saunoaga lea a Kruse i le taimi na lau ai le fa’asalaga a le alii o Nathan Mauga, lea na ta’usala i lona umia faasolitulafono o vaega o le laau faasaina o le mariuana ao taofia ai o ia i le toese. Na fa’ailoa e le tama’ita’i loia na tula’i mo le malo ia Oldfield e fa’apea, o lo o fa’atino e le aufaigaluega a le toese i Tafuna la latou pito laau, ina ia mautinoa e le toe tula’i mai ni isi fa’afitauli fa’apenei i le lumana’i. “Ae fa’afepea tagata o lo o ulufale atu i le toese, o i ai se faiga ina ia mautinoa e tulimata’i le itu lena”, o le fesili lea a Kruse ia Oldfield, ae na toe tali le tama’ita’i loia, so o se tagata lava e ulufale i le toese, e le gata e saili lona tino ae saili uma foi ma ana meatotino e alu atu ma ia, ina ia mautinoa e le toe tulai mai lava se isi faaletonu i le lumanai. E le o se taimi muamua lenei ua fesiligia ai e le fa’amasinoga le mataupu e fa’atatau i tagata o lo o ulufale atu i le toese e asi aiga o lo o taofia ai, atoa ai ma faamomoli ma afifi o lo o avatu i totonu o le toese, aemaise lava i taimi e taulima ai e le fa’amasinoga ni mataupu e fa’atatau i ni fualaau fa’asaina na faaulufale faasolitulafono e se tagata i totonu o le toese. Mo se faataitaiga o le mataupu a Mauga, lea na maua i ai e se leoleo o le toese i Tafuna se afifi o lo o ia te ia, ina ua fa’ataga e le leoleo Mauga e alu e piki mai lona solo sa tautau i le uaea i le isi itu o le lotoa a le toese, ae na avea le fiu o le leoleo e fa’atali le taimi e toe foi atu ai Mauga ma itu na mulimuli atu ai loa, ma maua atu ai le ua molia o lo o taumafai e taai se sikaleti mariuana mai se afifi o lo o i ai lau mamago o le mariuana. E le o se taimi muamua lenei ua tula’i mai ai le faafitauli lenei i le toese, o le maua i ai o vaega o fualaau faasaina, atoa ai ma isi mataupu i le maua lea e tagata faigaluega a le toese o ni fualaau faasaina e taumafai ni isi e faaulufale i totonu o le toese. O le mataupu fou lea na tulai mai i le vaiaso na te’a nei, o se tina na taumafai e faaulufale fa’amalosi se afifi pepa fasimoli, ae maua ai e leoleo o le falepuipui i totonu o le afifi fasimoli ni ‘straw’ se lua e tau fai tipi tulimanu, o lo o i ai vaega o le pauta fa’asaina o le aisa, lea sa fa’amoemoe e ave i lona to’alua o lo o taofia i le falepuipui, le ali’i o Samuel Wright. Ua molia nei e le malo le fafine i lona umia fa’asolitulafono o vaega o le pauta faasaina o le aisa, atoa ai ma lona umia fa’asolitulafono ma le fa’amoemoe e tulei pe fa’atau atu i isi tagata, ae o lona to’alua o Wright, o lo o taofia pea i le itu o pagota ali’i, e fa’atali ai taualumaga o lana mataupu, ona o tu’uaiga i lo latou osofaia lea ma ni isi ali’i le faleoloa o le Gold Gonda i Fagaalu i le masina o Me na te’a nei, ma fa’alala ai se fanau i le fa’atau oloa ae fao fa’amalosi e le isi ali’i sa latou i ai i le osofaiaga se tama’i pusa sa i ai se tinoitupe sa i lalo o le laulau o le masini tupe. A o le i molia e le malo ia Wright i le mataupu fou e pei ona taofia ai o i le toese i Tafuna, sa fa’a falepuipui muamua o ia e le fa’amasinoga maualuga, ina ua ta’usala o ia i lona umia fa’asolitulafono o vaega o le pauta fa’asaina o le aisa ma le fa’amoemoe e tulei ma fa’atau atu i isi tagata. O le amataga o le tausaga nei na molia ai e le malo se isi tina talavou, ina ua masalomia lona taumafai e ave fa’amalosi ni vaega o le laau faasaina o le mariuana, i lona to’alua lea o lo o tuli sona fa’asalaga fa’a falepuipui i totonu o le toese, ina ua ta’usala o ia i lona umia fa’asolitulafono o vaega o fualaau faasaina o le aisa ma le mariuana. E to’alua isi pagota sa tuli a laua fa’asalaga i le toese i Tafuna i le tausaga na te’a nei ua toe molia i lo la umia fa’asolitulafono o vaega o le laau faasaina o le mariuana, ina ua maua i laua e leoleo o le toese o la taumafai e ave fa’anana ni sikaleti mariuana i totonu o le falepuipui. O i laua uma nei e pei ona taua i fa’amaumauga a le fa’amasinoga, sa tatala i tua e faigaluega ma toe fo/i atu i totonu o le toese mo le tuli fa’amae’aina o a laua fa’asalaga, ae la taumafai ai loa e ave fa’anana mariuana i totonu. I le silasila a le fa’amasinoga maualuga, o se tasi o auala o lo o mafua ai ona sao fualaau fa’asaina atoa ai ma isi lava mea i totonu o le toese ae le tatau ona i ai, o asiga a aiga a ali’i ma tama’ita’i pagota o lo o faia i fa’aiuga o vaiaso ta’itasi. I le amataga o le tausaga nei, sa fautuaina malosi ai e le afioga i le ali’i fa’amasino ia Kruse le itu a le malo, ina ia toe silasila toto’a i le polokalame lea e fa’ataga ai asiga mo pagota, ona o le isi lena auala ua maitauina e le fa’amasinoga o lo o mafua ai ona sao fualaau faasaina i totonu o le toese. E le gata i fualaau fa’asaina o lo o atugalu i ai le finagalo o le fa’amasinoga, ae fa’apena foi i ni isi o mea e le tatau ona i ai ae ua maua ai i totonu, e pei o telefoni, laptop atoa ai mea ma e ono faaaoga e pagota e fai ma a’upega e osofa’i ai isi pagota, e pei o se tasi o fa’alavelave lea na fa’aaoga ai e se ali’i pagota se a’upega maai e tui ai le manava o le isi ali’i pagota, e mafua mai ina ua tula’i mai se feeseeseaiga i lo la va. HAWAIIAN AIR ADDS THREE EXTRA FLIGHTS FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON To accommodate the increased passenger traffic, Hawaiian Airlines is adding three extra flights for the holiday season to and from Pago Pago. The extra sections will arrive and depart Pago Pago the same times as the current schedule on Fridays and Mondays. Hawaiian spokesperson Ann told Samoa News that the three additional fights have been added to the Pago PagoHonolulu route operating on Tuesday, Dec. 23; Tuesday, Dec. 30. 2014 and Wednesday, Jan. 7 2015. “We typically add flights during the holiday season to address increased demand,” Botticelli said from Honolulu yesterday. The two week break for the holiday season brings back home many students attending school in the U.S. as well as individuals to spend time with their local families while many local residents head to Hawai’i and the mainland for Christmas and New Year. CHAMBER ELECTS NEW BOARD During a general membership meeting Wednesday night, the Chamber of Commerce elected 8 new board members, who intend to meet next week to elect their officers, according to current board chairman Lewis Wolman, who didn’t seek reelection to the board. The new board was elected from 13 nominees and the new members are: Archie Soliai (of GHC Reid & Co.); Charles “Chuck” Warren (chief financial officer of Samoa Tuna Processors Inc.); David Robinson (individual member and businessman); Francine Gaisoa (of Tautua Mo Oe); Laufa’i Fanene (owner of Cupcake Kisses by Rayne); Sangdong Kwon, (general manager of Starkist Samoa); Tom Drabble (owner of Sadie’s Hotels) and Tuai Auva’a-Mua (owner of All Star Signs). In an email message to Chamber members about the new board, Wolman thanked them “for the opportunity to be of service to the private sector over the past year as the 2014 chairman. Thank you to my fellow board members for their service.” Drabble and Fanene are returning board members, while Robinson had previously served several terms as chairman. MORE CONCERNS WITH VERY BAD ROAD IN OTTOVILLE/FAGAIMA With recent heavy rains, the roads through Fagaima and Ottoville have continued to deteriorate in several areas, with motorists complaining to Rep. Larry Sanitoa and who ever else would listen. Samoa News has also received its share of complaints about the same area. On Wednesday this week, Sanitoa informed Public Works director Faleosina Voigt “residents and motorists will not let up with the complaints about the condition of the Fagaima to Ottoville route and I have to keep asking for DPW’s kind assistance.” Sanitoa acknowledged that this is the rainy season, but added, “we cannot afford not to apply some temporary fix to the pot holes that are increasing; plus the ‘Mormon Lake’ that seems to be resurfacing again” in front of the Mormon church in Ottoville and behind Hope House. He reminded Voigt that this is a very busy route in the morning and evening as motorists are using more of this alternate route as construction continues on the new airport and stadium roads. Sanitoa asked DPW for a fix to pot holes on Fagaima road and to clean or clear up the drainage by the LDS church on Ottoville Rd. Local entertainer and Department of Youth and Woman’s Affairs representative Joe Iosua aka ‘J-Smooth’ is seen here yesterday morning dressed as Santa Claus passing out candy to the children during the McDonald’s My Christmas Wish program [photo: Jeff Hayer] at the McDonald’s in Fagatogo. UAEALES MOSOOI A LE FAFINE FAIKAKALA AVE LE FA’AALOALO I LE TAUSALA O AMERIKA SAMOA E le o nofo lelei i le mafaufau o si Fafige Faikakala le mataupu lea ua amata fo’i ona toe alia’e mai i luga, i le tu’u fesili lea o le to’atele po o ai tonu lava e tatau ona palua le ‘ava i soo se taimi e feiloa’i ai le faigamalo a Tutuila ma Manu’a ma malo asiasi mai fafo, aemaise lava ta’ita’i o malo e pei o Samoa atoa ai ma sui o le Iunaite Setete. O le itu e sili ona ata ee ai le Fafige Faikakala, ua fai se umi o fai finauga o le mataupu lenei i le va o le Asosi a le MASI lea o lo o faatautaia tauvaga e saili ai se tausala o le atunu’u, ma le Ofisa o Mataupu Tau Samoa o lo o fai ma fa’alavelave i le mataupu lenei. Te’i si Fafige Faikakala ina ua text atu le isi ana uo loomatua ma fai mai, “eke iloa oe sis, fa’afekai i le alii kovana ma laga saugoaga lea na faasalalau i le Samoa News i le vaiaso legei, lea ua ia faamagigo mai ai, o le Kausala lava a le akuguu e kakau ga ia palua le ‘ava i soo se kaimi e feiloa’i ai le malo ma ta’ita’i malaga asiasi mai fafo, ae le kakau lava ga koe kago i ai se isi kaupou”. Fesili atu loa le Fafige Faikakala i lana uo, “ae faafefea la le taimi e feavea’i ai le Tausala a le atunu’u, e tatau fo’i ona fa’afeao fa’alelei”, te’i le Fafige Faikakala i le toe oso mai o lana uo, “e ke le’i faalogo lea fo’i ua fai mai le ali’i kovana, e kakau fo’i oga i ai se ka’avale faapikoa e fa’afeao ai le Kausala i soo se saugiga a le malo, pei fo’i oga fa’afeao o le kovana ma le lukena kovana, ma’imau e pe ana oo mai gei fa’aeaea o oka koe laikiki, semagu ou ke koso oso sa’o lava i le isi kauvaga Miss lea o le a sosoo mai gei”. Tau le mafai ona taofi le ata ee a le Fafige Faikakala ma toe tali atu i lana uo loomatua lea e fa’apea, “a fai aku le ma’agumigumi o ou lima e ke le koe aoga i se kauvaga ae …..” malo le eva. ATUNU’U FA’AMALIE GATA Fa’alologo ma le toto’a taliga lautetele o le Fafige Faikakala i le isi taeao ao nofonofo i le falema’i, i le muimuiga a isi foma’i e to’alua e fa’atatau i le faigata lea ona fa’amalie o lagona o le ni isi o le atunu’u, aemaise lava i le taimi e silia ai ma le itula o tau fa’atali se foma’i e vaaia latou. Fai mai le isi teine foma’i i lana tomumu, “maimau pe aga iloa e kagaka le faigaka o le kakou galuega, a ea? e kiga oga vaivai ae galulue lava iga ia mafai oga kogafiki uma lakou, ae o le mea lea e i ai, si kama’i kuai lava fai kio, paga le faigaka o ga faamalie o kagaka” Momoo lava le loto o le Fafige Faikakala i talanoaga a nai teine foma’i ia e to’alua, ona ua ia iloa lelei, o ia le isi tagata e mafi tele i le muimui ma le fa’asea pe a tuai ona vaai le foma’i. E le i toe fa’atali le Fafige Faikakala ae ua sosoo atu loa ma fai atu i tamaitai foma’i ia e to’alua, “vaai oulua, pau lava le mea e fai o le ogosa’i, ia lua ogosa’i fo’i pei o le ogosa’i a Iopu”. Te’i le Fafige Faikakala i le tomumu a le isi teine tausi ma’i ma fai mai, “E lelei Iopu e lei faia e gisi oga kala” TO’ATELE LE AU FIA MATUTUA UA I AI NEI Vaai ma le ofo si Fafige Faikakala i le to’atele o tagata e lei taitai agava’a i le polokalame a tagata matutua o le TAOA, ao lea na matua tumutumu i o i le Fale Laumei i le aso Lulu na te’a nei i le polokalame a tagata matutua, ma tau fai tofu le tagata ma lana ato meaalofa na alu ma ia. E tiga lava ona fai atu le isi toeaina matua i le isi ulugalii sa fai le la pea puletasi, “Sole, se’i vaai i le uliuli manaia o lou lau ao e lei taitai atoa sau 50 tausaga”, ae fai mai le tali a le ula lea, “Aua eke worry koeaiga, o kakou o le maka poko lava i le kaimi o meaai”. Talofa e, o le fautuaga a le Fafige Faikakala i le brother lea, “kuu laia e pisa ai foi” samoa news, Saturday, December 13, 2014 Page 3 Happy Birthday RENEE USLE One day out of the year, is not enough to celebrate the special person that you are. For many people the word “friend” is just a sequence of letters, but for us it’s the source of happiness and strength because of you. We love you endlessly Renee! Love, Joy, Effi and the kids. 20% OFF Everyday until Christmas! ALL ITEMS IN STORE (Local Items Not Included - Soda, Tobacco, Phone Card, Cookies, ETC...) 10% OFF Handmade Gift Basket & Lei’s. Toys & Merchandise Shipped Directly from the USA! • COSMETICS • PICTURE FRAMES and many • BABY ITEMS • PERFUMES WITH JESUS ON IT • FLASH DRIVE & more toys • WATCHES • MOVIE CHARACTER TOYS MEMORY CARD & items to • WALL CLOCKS • EARPHONES • PERSONAL DVD PLAYER choose from. • BIG & MINI SPEAKERS • CLOTHES ALL CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS GARLANDS CHRISTMAS RIBBONS & ALL CHRISTMAS LIGHTS CARDS • DVD PLAYERS, ETC. Your One Stop Store For All Your Christmas Shopping! PARADISE GIFT CENTER Paradise, Inc. In front of Laufou Shopping Center EVERYDAY 8:30am - 8:00pm OPEN SUNDAY 14 & 21 10am - 6:00pm Page 4 samoa news, Saturday, December 13, 2014 THE BOB FRANKEN COLUMN No State of the Union By Bob Franken There have been so many times when we’ve been looking at issues in the wrong way. This is one of them. When Republican representatives, led by Paul Broun (Never-Heard-of-Him from Georgia), demanded that President Barack Obama be denied an invitation to make a State of the Union address in January, it was viewed by many as a petulant reaction to the president’s sweeping immigration executive order. That’s probably because it was. Broun also was derided as just another conservative who simply can’t get it into his head that Mr. Obama legitimately holds the office, never mind the fact that he’s twice been elected. Some of his fellow hard-liners are suggesting that funds be cut off for Air Force One, because to them, he obviously doesn’t deserve the trappings of the office. But maybe there’s another way to look at it. Perhaps Congressman What’s-His-Name is doing us all, and that would certainly include the chief executive, a favor. I mean, how totally awkward it is when POTUS schleps to Capitol Hill and stands in front of a bunch of raucous national leaders who noisily pretend they’re the slightest bit interested in the merits of what’s in the address. The only thing less sincere is the commentary from the various reporters covering the event as we pretend that it means anything whatsoever, which it rarely does. The president knows it, the dignitaries in the audience know it (is “dignitary” the right word, since it suggests dignity?), and obviously the American people know it. What other explanation could there be for so many gravitating to one of the networks showing something else, like an infomercial for blenders or a documentary chronicling paint drying or grass growing. Anything but watching an hour in prime time of that circus in Washington. Sad to say, Speaker John Boehner was having none of this. He brushed off Rep. Whozis by taking a snarky shot at the president: “Listen, the more the president talks about his ideas, the more unpopular he becomes. Why would I want to deprive him of that opportunity?” Cute. Of course, Boehner probably gets his jollies by being in all the shots as President Obama drones on about what he wants to accomplish that Republicans have no intentions of letting him. When you think about it, the GOPs have something in common with those blenders, given how they always slice-dice-puree the entire Obama agenda. So, as some quickly pointed out, he doesn’t have to give a speech; he can just send a letter to the Hill. No need for all that embarrassing ritual, at least not every year. All the Constitution specifies is that, “He shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient.” Get that? “Time to time.” Let’s bag it in 2015. Maybe the year after, too, since we’ll be barely paying attention to anything but the silliness of the campaign to take over the next White House. Besides, with all the discord and anger, we don’t need a speech or even a letter to know the State of the Union. It stinks. (c) 2014 Bob Franken Distributed by King Features Synd., Inc. © Osini Faleatasi Inc. reserves all rights. dba Samoa News is published Monday through Saturday, except for some local and federal holidays. Please send correspondences to: OF, dba Samoa News, Box 909, Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799. Telephone at (684) 633-5599 • Fax at (684) 633-4864 Email advertisements to [email protected] Email the newsroom at [email protected] Normal business hours are Mon. thru Fri. 8am to 5pm. Permission to reproduce editorial and/or advertisements, in whole or in part, is required. Please address such requests to the Publisher at the address provided above. Tala ‘o LE LALOLAGI LOKA SE ULUGALI’I TAMA INA UA KISI I LUMA O TAGATA CAIRO - E ta’ilua tausaga lea ua faasala ai i le falepuipui i Aikupito se ulugali’i tama, ina ua molia i laua i lo la faia o amioga e fa’alauiloa ai faiga faatalitane, ina ua la feasogi i luma o la uo ma aiga i le taimi na mae’a ai ona fa’apaia le la aiga. O le fa’aipoipoga a le ulugalii tama lenei sa faia i luga o se va’a e opeopea i le sami, ma fa’asalalau ai i tulimanu e fa o le maloo Aikupito le ata o le la faaipoipoga, ma avea ai loa ma auala na aga’i atu leoleo ma ta loka i laua ae molia i le tulafono, i lo la taumafai e faalauiloa ma faamalosia faiga faatalitane, e ala i le kisi o le isi tama i le isi tama i luma o nofoaga faitele, o se gaioiga e le tusa ai lea i tu ma aga a le atunu’u o Aikupito, e ui e le o i ai se tulafono a le malo e fa’asa ai lea ituaiga gaioiga. E fesootai talitonuga faa Aikupito ma talitonuga faa Kerisiano, o le ulugalii o se mafutaga lea i le va o se ali’i ma se tama’ita’i, ae le o le ali’i i le isi ali’i, po o le tama’ita’i ma le isi tama’ita’i. Ua taua fo’i le amata lea ona fai fa’alilolilo fa’aipoipoga a ituaiga tagata faapenei, ona o le manatu e le tatau ona toe aafia o latou olaga i lalo o tulafono tau tapuaiga a le malo. FA’ATAMALA LE OSOFAIGA A AMERIKA JOHANNESBURG - Na matua sese lava le osofaiga a le militeli a le malo o Amerika na alu i Aferika i Saute e fa’asao mai le ola o se ali’i tusitala Amerika sa taofia ai e le au faatupu fa’alavelave, ina ua le sa’o le osofaiga ae fasiotia atu ai le ali’i Amerika na mafua ai ona alu le osofaiga e fa’asao mai lona ola. O le alii tusitala Amerika ia Luke Somers na taofia faapagota e le au faatupu faalavelave ma le ali’i mai Aferika ia Pierre Korkie, o i laua ia na mafua ai ona alu le osofaiga ina ia fa’asao mai, peita’i o se tala fa’anoanoa, na matua sese le faatonutonuina o le osofaiga ae fasiotia ai i laua. E oo mai lava i le taimi o lo o taumafai le malo o Amerika e su’esu’e le mafua’aga o le fa’aletonu o lana osofaiga, ae ua fa’alauiloa e le to’alua o le ali’i Aferika na maliu i lenei osofaiga, lona maua o le loto fa’amagalo ia i latou na mafua ai ona maliu si ona to’alua, aua e le mafai e upu ma tala ona toe fa’afo’i mai lona soifua ua ma’imau. TO’A 50 MALILIU I LE OONA O LE SUAVAI SOMALIA - E silia i le toa 50 tagata mai le atunuu o Somalia ua faamaonia mai le maliliu i le falemai i le aso ananafi, ina ua latou inuina vai mai le vaieli sa faamaonia mulimuli ane le maua ai o siama. Na taua i ripoti mai lea atunuu e fa’apea, e to’a 150 i latou na faanatinati atu i le falemai i le aso atoa ananafi, ina ua maitauina a’afiaga i o latou tino e pei o le mavana tiga atoa ai ma le pe pe atoa o le tino, ma o ni isi o i latou e le i atoa se ta’i 3 itula na taunu’u ai i le falema’i ae fa’ailoa mai e foma’i ua maliliu. E i ai le manatu e pei ona taua e le ali’i sui komesina o Somalia ia Osman Mohamed, e ono to’atele ni isi tagata o lona atunu’u e maliliu i le fa’alavelave lenei, pe afai e le faia i ai se galuega e foia ai. OSOFA’I E LIONA FEAI NI ALI’I KAMUTA AFERIKA I SAUTE - E to’afa ni ali’i kamuta sa maliliu i le vaiaso nei i totonu o se tama’i aai o Aferika i Saute, ina ua osofaia i latou e ni Leona lapopo’a se to’alua a o galulue i le fausiaina o se auala laupapa, e feso’ota’i ai tagata o le aai ma le auala e aga’i atu ai i le taulaga. O ali’i e to’alua na muamua osofaia e Liona na maliliu ai lava i le nofoaga na tula’i mai ai le fa’alavelave, ae o le isi to’alua na maliliu mulimuli ane ai ina ua tuliloa e manu feai nei i laua ma maua atu ai i totonu o se vaega o le togavao. E le o se taimi muamua lenei ua tula’i mai ai se fa’alavelave fa’apenei i totonu o Aferika i Saute. SILIA 3,000 TAGATA SULUFA’I NA MALILIU I LE SAMI EUROPA - I fa’amaumauga ua mafai ona fa’alauiloa e le Faalapotopotoga mo Tagata Sulufa’i i totonu o le atu Europa i le vaiaso nei, ua taua ai le silia i le to’a 3,000 tagata mai isi atunuu sa taumafai e ulufale atu i Europa e ala i va’a na maliliu i le sami, ina ua afatia la latou faigamalaga i le sou o le va’a, ae o isi na osofa’i e le au gaoi ma tagata faomea o lo o leoleoina vaega eseese o nei ogasami. Na taua i lea ripoti e faapea, i le tausaga atoa lenei, e silia i le to’a 207,000 tagata na taumafai e ulufale faasolitulafono i totonu o Europa, ma o se numera ua matua fa’ateteleina talu mai le tausaga e 2011, lea e na o le to’a 70,000 na ripotia sa laasia ogasami tuaoi o le atu Europa. samoa news, Saturday, December 13, 2014 Page 5 Sauni malo mo lana fa’afiafiaga o le Kerisimasi tusia Ausage Fausia Ua sauni le malo e alo atu mo lana polokalame o Fa’afiafiaga o le Kerisimasi i lenei tausaga, lea e pei ona fa’atautaia e le Ofisa o le Arts Council a le malo, lea ua latou tapenaina le polokalame mo le lona 37 lenei o tausaga o lenei faamoemoe. E toa 31 autalavou faapea ai aoga ua lautogia mo lenei polokalame, lea ua faamoemoe e amata i le afiafi o le aso Sa o lo o lumana’i nei i le itula e 6:00 i le afiafi, i le Malae o le Talu i Fagatogo, le nofoaga masani mo lenei fa’amoemoe. O le maea ai o le sauniga lotu e tatala aloaia ai le polokalame i le aso Sa nei, ona sosoo ai loa lea ma le saunoaga autu mai le afioga i le alii kovana ia Lolo Matalasi Moliga, lea o le a ia saunoa ai i le taua o polokalame fa’aauau nei a le malo, o lo o mafai ai ona maua le avanoa e fa’alauiloa ai taleni ma fa’afiafiaga a tupulaga talavou. Saunoa le afioga i le ali’i kovana ia Lolo i le tatalaina o le polokalame a tagata matutua i le aso Lulu na te’a nei, o le faamoemoega o le malo i lenei tausaga, ia ave le fa’amuamua i tama ma tina matutua, e faatino ai se polokalame faapitoa mo latou atoa ai ma le tufatufaina o ni meaalofa faapitoa mo latou, a mae’a, ona fa’atoa tatala loa lea o polokalae masani a le malo e pei ona i ai le polokalame lenei. Sa ia taua fo’i’ i lana sunoaga e faapea, o le agaga atoa o le malo i taimi tau fa’ai’u lenei o le tausaga, ia mafai e tagata uma o le atunu’u ona latou lagona le taua o le agaga o le kerisimasi ma le tausaga fou. O le susuga a Rev. Waiana Taielu mai le Ekalesia EFKAS i Fagasa lea ua faamoemoe na te taitaia le sauniga mo le po lona lua, o le po lea o le aso Gafua, o le susuga Rev. Johnn Fano mai le Ekalesia Fagaitua ua tofia na te taitaia le sauniga o le po o le aso lona tolu, le aso Lua, ma le susuga ia Rev. Iakopo Seumalo ol e Ekalesia EFKAS mai Lauli’i lea ua tofia na te taitaia le po fa’ai’u o le polokalame, o le po lea o le aso Lulu. O le mae’a ai o le saunoaga autu a le afioga i le alii kovana i le po muamua o le polokalame, ona sosoo ai loa lea ma le ki ina o moli o le laau kerisimasi a le malo lea ua maea ona fa’atu i le Malae o le Talu, lea ua sauni i ai le Tina o le atunu’u ia Cynthia Moliga na te ki ina moli. Na taua e le Fa’atonusili o le Ofisa a le Arts Council ia Dr. Uta Laloulu Tagoilelagi e fa’apea, e ui i le tele o au fa’afiafia sa naunau e tausinio i le fa’amoemoe lenei, peita’i sa fai lava le filifiliga i au fa’afiafia e fetaui ma matagofie a latou tapenaga mo le polokalame lenei a le malo. “O le autu o le polokalame o lenei tausaga, ia fa’ailoa i tagata le taua o fa’afiafiaga ma pesega, e mafai ai ona momoli mai le agaga taua o le kerisimasi i loto ma finagalo o tagata, ina ia latou iloa ai le taua o le taulaga sa ofo mai e le Atua mo le lalolagi”, o le saunoaga lea a le ali’i fa’atonu. Sa ia taua foi e fa’apea, o le taua o pesepesega o le kerisimasi i lenei tausaga, o le a mafai ai ona maua le sao o autalavou, aufaipese, aoga faapea ai ma faalapotopotoga, e fai so latou sao e faailoa manino ai le taua o le vaitau lenei o le kerisimasi ua i ai le atunuu faapea ai le lalolagi atoa. O le fofoga mo po taitasi o le polokalame, ua tofia i ai le tofa a Fagafaga Daniel Langkilde, o ia lea o le Faatonusili o le Ofisa Faasalalau a le malo, ae o le tofa a Paogofie Fiaigoa ua tofia na te faafeiloaia le mamalu o le au valaaulia. Ua tuuina atu foi le valaaulia faapitoa a le Ofisa o le Arts Council i le atunuu i matua ma aiga, ina ia aga’i atu e fiafia faatasi i lenei polokalame, ma avea ai lenei polokalame o se amataga lelei lea mo fiafiaga o le kerisimasi o lenei tausaga. O ni isi o au talavou ua lautogia mo lenei polokalame, e le o se taimi muamua lenei ua fa’afiafia ai, ma ua lava fo’i lo latou masani i auala e fa’atino ai a latou fa’afiafiaga. Na taua e se tasi o ali’i faiaoga mai se tasi o autalavou ua sauni e fa’afiafia i lenei polokalame, o le taua o fa’afiafiaga o le kerisimasi, e toto ai fo’i le fatu i loto o tupulaga talavou ma fanau, e taua le ola manatunatu i le taulaga sa ofoina mai e le lagi mo le lalolagi, ina ia mafai ai ona faamagalo agasala a le to’atele. Feso’ota’i mai i le tusitala ia [email protected] Fa’afiafiaga a le fanau aoga mai le aoga SPICC mo le faaiuga o aoaoga i lenei masina. (ata: AF) 1st Annual CBT Ho Ching & Co., Inc. *WE WILL MATCH ANY ADVERTISED PRICE. 3 DAYS ONLY! December 18th to December 20th December 18th, 19th, 20th. (Thursday, Friday, Saturday) BLOWOUT ON SELECTED ITEMS (SEE STORE FOR DETAILS) On Select Items in EVERY DEPARTMENT! ON CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS PAINT, LAWN & GARDEN, HOUSEWARE, TOOLS, ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING & HARDWARE RAFFLE! RAFFLE! RAFFLE! 1 st RAFFLE DRAWING: SATURDAY, DEC. 20TH REFRIGERATOR 25CF SS SKU# CRSH267LS RETAIL: $1719.99 2 nd BED SET/QUEEN PT MTRS/BS/FRAME SKU# 8315581050 RETAIL:$756.00 3 rd TV 42” VIZIO 1080P 60HZ SMART LED SKU# E4201BO RETAIL: $670.99 *RESTRICTIONS MAY APPLY. EXCLUDED: CHARGE ACCOUNTS, ALL DISCOUNT PROGRAMS, AND SALE ITEMS. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. PRICES IN EFFECT WHILE QUANTITIES LAST. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO CORRECT PRINTING ERRORS. Page 6 samoa news, Saturday, December 13, 2014 DHSS, DPS work together for a safe holiday on the road ASG promotes designated driver sign up by B. Chen, Samoa News Correspondent O se va’aiga i le aiga o Elia Savali, se tasi o faia’oga lauiloa o le atunu’u fa’apea ma lona faletua ma se tasi o le fanau ua fa’au’u mai le Kolisi i lenei tausaga. Ua fiafia fa’atasi i latou i le aso [ata: Leua Aiono Frost] fa’ailogaina o le afafine. IOE LE ALII AMIO VALEA I TU’UAIGA MALO tusia Ausage Fausia O le ali’i e 19 tausaga le matua lea na ia tago tago i le itutinosa o se teineititi e 13 tausaga le matua sa moe i luga o le nofoa, ua ia ta’utino i luma o le fa’amasinoga e matua fa’amaonia lava tu’uaiga fa’asaga ia te ia. O ananafi na fofoga aloaia ai se maliliega na sainia e Lokeni Tausilinu’u ma le malo i luma o le fa’amasinoga maualuga, ma ua mae’a fo’i ona talia e ali’i fa’amasino tuutuuga uma o lenei maliliega, ma ua toe taofia nei le ua molia i le toese i Tafuna, e fa’atali ai le aso 9 Ianuari 2015 lea ua fa’atulaga e lau ai lona fa’asalaga. O moliaga mamafa na ulua’i tu’uaia ai e le malo ia Tausilinu’u e aofia ai le talepe fale i le tulaga muamua, faia o amioga faasotoma, faia o uiga mataga faafeusuaiga, faapea ai ma lona tagofia o itutinosa o se teineititi e laititi i lalo o le tulafono, faapea ai ma le moliaga mama e tasi o lona faia lea o ni gaioiga e ono lamatia ai le saogalemu o fanau laiti. I lalo o le maliliega lea sa sainia e le ua molia ma le malo, lea fo’i ua talia e le fa’amasinoga, ua ia tali ioe ai i le moliaga mamafa e tasi o lona tagofia lea o itutinosa o se teineititi e laititi i lalo o le tulafono. Na talosagaina e le malo le fa’amasinoga maualuga, afai loa latou te talia le tali ioe a Tausilinu’u i le moliaga mamafa e pei ona ia tali ioe, ona talosaga atu loa lea e solofua isi moliaga uma o lo o totoe ai i le pepa o tagi sa latou fa’aulu, lea fo’i na talia e le fa’amasinoga. I le tali ioe a o le ua molia i le moliaga e pei ona ta’usala ai o ia, sa ia ta’utino ai e fa’apea, i se taimi o le masina o Oketopa i Amerika Samoa, sa ia tagofia ai itutinosa o le teineititi e 13 tausaga le matua na a’afia e aunoa ma se fa’atanaga fa’aletulafono. Na tautino le ua molia e fa’apea, i se taimi o le po o le aso 10 Oketopa 2014 i Nuuuli, sa faia ai se latou inugapia ma ni isi o ana uo, ae i se taimi o le leva o le po ua maea le inugapia, sa alu ai loa i le fale o le tama’ita’i na a’afia ma tu’itu’i le faitoto’a o le fale, ma tatala mai ai e le tuagane laititi o le teineititi na a’afia e 11 tausaga le matua le faitoto’a, ma fa’ataga ai o ia e ulufale i totonu o le fale. Ina ua taunu’u le ua molia i totonu o le fale e pei ona taua i fa’amaumauga a le fa’amasinoga, sa alu atu ai ma saofa’i i luga o se nofoa, lea o lo o taoto mai ai le teineititi na a’afia i le itu o lo o moe. A o nofo le ua molia i luga o le nofoa, sa ia aapa atu ma tago tago i le itutinosa o le teineititi na aafia ao moe o ia ma ona lavalava o lo o faia. O le tama o le teineititi na aafia ma logoina le mataupu i le ofisa o leoleo, ma aga’i atu ai loa leoleo e su’esu’e lenei mataupu. O lo o taua foi i faamaumauga a le fa’amasinoga e faapea, e tula’i mai le mataupu lenei ae o le taimi lea o lo o i ai le ulugalii i se polokalame a le aulotu sa faia. Ua malamalama le ua molia, o le a maua le avanoa e finau ai loia i le fa’amasinoga mo se fa’asalaga mama mo ia, peita’i ua ia iloa ma mautinoa, tusa lava pe finau loia i le fa’amasinoga mo se fa’asalaga mama mo ia, e pule le fa’amasinoga pe talia pe teena ia talosaga, aua o lo o i ai i le fa’amasinoga le malosi e fa’asala ai o ia i so o se fa’asalaga e manatu le fa’amasinoga e talafeagai mo le solitulafono sa ia faia. Ua malamalama fo’i le ua molia, e le mafai ona toe suia lana tali ioe ua tu’uina atu i le fa’amasinoga, pe afai e tu’uina mai se fa’asalaga a ali’i fa’amasino ae le tau ai lona loto. O le solitulafono o le tagofia o itutinosa o se teineititi e laititi i lalo o le tulafono, o se solitulafono D i le fa’atulagaina o solitulafono mamafa, lea e mafai ona fa’asala ai o ia i le falepuipui mo le umi e le sili atu i le 5 tausaga, pe faasala foi i le salatupe e le silia i le $5,000, po o le faasala foi i faasalaga uma ia e lua. O lo o tumau pea le taofia ai o le ua molia i le toese i Tafuna ina ua le mafai ona ia totogi le tupe sa faatulaga e tatala ai o ia, e fa’atali ai le aso lea ua fa’atulaga e lau ai lana fa’asalaga. Na talosagaina e le afioga i le faamasino lagolago ia John Ward II le Ofisa nofovaavaaia, ina ia tapena se ripoti e fuafua i ai se faaiuga a le fa’amasinoga e tusa ai o lenei mataupu. O le ali’i loia ia Russel Smith na tula’i mo le itu a le malo i le mataupu lenei, ae o le ali’i loia fautua ia Michael White na tula’i mo le ua molia. Feso’ota’i mai i le tusitala ia [email protected] Traditionally, the holiday season is one of the most deadly times of the year for accidents caused by alcohol-impaired driving and according to Governor Lolo Matalasi Moliga, “community-based programs involving consumer education, effective laws, and police enforcement have proven to be successful in reducing impaired driving.” Earlier this week, owners of taverns, bars, nightclubs, and restaurants that sell alcohol attended a special informative session conducted by representatives from the Dept. of Human and Social Services (DHSS) and a police officer from the Dept. of Public Safety, to reiterate and emphasize to business owners local laws that pertain to the legal age to purchase and consume alcohol, and ways they can help prevent people from driving drunk. Taxi stand owners were also in attendance, to hear a proposal requesting that they lower the cab fares when transporting partygoers during the holiday season. Another request that was made had to do with business owners providing one or two complimentary non-alcoholic drinks for designated drivers while they wait. Samoa News understands that DHSS is in the midst of soliciting people interested in being designated drivers during the holiday season and sign-ups are ongoing. 3D Prevention Month coincides with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) national campaign centered on impaired driving, with local police officers set to conduct the yearly holiday enforcement for the territory’s roadways starting next week. Motor vehicle crashes kill over 40,000 people and injure three million people every year, at a cost to society of some $150 billion annually. Alcohol-related crashes account for approximately 40% of those deaths and injuries. Last year in American Samoa, one life was lost and a total of 133 drivers were arrested for drunk driving. The goal of the DPS Office of Highway Safety is to bring the numbers down, through enforcement crackdowns, paid media campaigns, and outreach programs throughout the year. The 3D Prevention Month campaign is a collaborative effort between the Dept. of Human and Social Services, the Dept. of Public Safety, and the Dept. of Youth and Women’s Affairs (DYWA). In an effort to up the standards of local enforcement, DPS traffic cops wrapped up yesterday, a week long training to certify and re-certify police officers to administer the Standard Field Sobriety Test (SFST) as well as a training program on Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (A-RIDE) - a first ever for American Samoa. The Governor has proclaimed December as National Drunk and Drugged Driving (3D) Prevention Month and he is urging “all citizens, government agencies, business leaders, hospital, schools, and public and private institutions in American Samoa to promote awareness of the impaired driving problem, to support programs and policies to reduce the incidence of impaired driving, to promote safer and healthier behaviors regarding the use of alcohol and other drugs, and to provide opportunities for all to participate in the National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month and ‘Over the Limit, Under Arrest’ campaigns this holiday season and throughout the year.” samoa news, Saturday, December 13, 2014 Page 7 Fesoasoai Koluse Mumu fale na mu Amanave tusia: Leua Aiono Frost O se tasi o aiga i Amanave sa mu le latou fale e nonofo ai i latou, ma sa latou fa’atagisia ai le a’ao alofa o le Koluse Mumu. Ua latou talia ma le fiafia le o’o atu o le suesuega a lea vaega alofa, ma ua maua fo’i e le aiga le fesoasoani na taua’aoina mai ma le agaga fa’afetai. “O le matou aiga, e le’i mafai ona toe kuka se mea’ai, peita’i, na vave lava ona maua mai le foa’i mai le Word of Life, le ekalesia na masi’i atu ona ua vala’au i ai le tina o Fatumalala, e alofagia le matou pagatia.” O se tala lea a Ata, le tina o le aiga pagatia. O le isi vaega na o’o vave atu ina ua logotala, o le Koluse Mumu. “O le ogaumu e fa’aaoga ai le kesi, ma le tele o aluga ma ie ‘afu fa’apea ma lavalava ma solo ta’ele, sa taua’aoina mai e le Koluse Mumu, fa’afetai lava le agaga ia, so’o se mea ua maua mai, e le taliesea, o le agaga fa’afetai e ao ina fa’ao’o i ai.” O le isi fo’i ekalesia sa foa’i mo lea aiga, o le “Gaod Save His Special People” ma le tina o Flo. Fa’afetai tele ua maua atu nei meaalofa o mea’ai ma lavalava mo le aiga pagatia. Ua fai fo’i le vaega a le tatou nusipepa, e vala’au pe o le a se tali na fa’ao’o i sia aiga. “E le o o’o le afaina o aiga na a’afia fale ma nofoaga e malu ai i le tele e ao ina fa’ao’o atu ai se fesoasoani a le Homeland Security ma le Temco.” O se tali lea ma e ao ina fa’ailoa i sia aiga i Seetaga. Ae o le mea mautinoa, itiiti pe tele le afaina o ia aiga sa o’o i ai, sa o’o lava i ai le fesoasoani a le Koluse Mumu. “O a lava mea na maua e le Koluse Mumu, o le mea fo’i lea o lo ua taua’aoina.” O se tala a lea a le sui mai le Koluse Mumu i Amerika Samoa. O lo ua fausia le fale e nofomau ai Ofisa o le Koluse Mumu. Afai ae mae’a lea fale, e tele se suiga o meaalofa e ao ina fa’ao’o mai e le Koluse Mumu a Amerika mo le tatou nei lala i’inei. O lona uiga, o lea ua fua mai e le Koluse Mumu tele a Amerika, poo le a se tele o tatou foa’i, ina ia fa’atuina le tatou fale tele lea. Ua mae’a fa’ao’o mai se vaega tupe a le Koluse Mumu a Amerika, ae o le tatou vaega, o le fa’amae’a atoatoa o le fale mo le Ofisa tele. Ua tatau ona tatou mafuli e fa’atino lea galuega ia mae’a. Ua fa’ailoa mai fo’i, ua i ai Kamupani faufale ua ofo mai latou tautua, o le a i ai se isi tala e tusia e fa’alauiloa a’ia’i ai fesoasoani a nei Kamupani tumaoti ua fai latou vaega mo le Koluse Mumu. Peita’i, e ao ina mafaufau lelei lava tatou uma, aiga o Amerika Samoa, a fia fa’ao’o ane sau fesoasoani, o lo’o tele le avanoa. O le isi itu, atigiapa mo foa’i i faleoloa eseese, fa’ao’o i ai sau foa’i, e te le mailoa lava, po’o i tatou e soso’o ma pagatia fa’afuase’i, ma i’u ai ina tatou maua fesoasoani mai le Koluse Mumu. Tatou atina’e fa’atasi, ma fai sou sao e iloa ai lou agalelei foa’i. While many athletes can only dream about gracing the cover of Sports Illustrated, local boy Marcus Mariota has already done it as a college football superstar. If he wins the Heisman Trophy tonight, Marcus’s photo will be on more than just magazine covers [courtesy photo] One of the winners in the McDonald’s My Christmas Wish program yesterday was the Pa family seen here. The Pa children wished to be with their father who is undergoing treatment for cancer in Hawaii and for his recovery. The family received prizes including a cell phone and other gifts so that they could keep in contact with their father. Other winners in the McDonald’s My Christmas Wish were Epati Lang Jr, Cinta Tua’au, Hope Maui, Maila Fagalilo, Gabrielle ‘Gaby’ Gapaya, June Taliva’a, Johnny Lavasi, Wallace Lavasi and Lariah Faamu. The event took place [photo: Jeff Hayner] yesterday morning at the McDonald’s in Fagatogo. National Association of Attorneys General to hold training for prosecutors on island by Joyetter Feagaimaali’i-Luamanu Samoa News Reporter “The Territory recently passed several important pieces of legislation and as such, we as attorneys representing the government and the people of American Samoa, must be prepared to execute these new laws, which calls for the need to hold the National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG) training on island for the first time, says Deputy Attorney General Mitzie Jessop. Responding to Samoa News questions, Attorney General Talauega Elasalo Ale said that Jessop is taking the lead on this much needed training for local prosecutors. NAAG was founded in 1907 to help Attorneys General fulfill the responsibilities of their office and to assist in the delivery of high quality legal services to the states and territorial jurisdictions. NAAG’s mission is “To facilitate interaction among Attorneys General as peers, and to facilitate the enhanced performance of Attorneys General and their staffs.” According to Jessop the law is always changing and the Territory recently passed several important pieces of legislation and as such, “we as attorneys representing the government and the people of American Samoa, must be prepared to execute these new laws.” “It is our obligation to know what the law is and how to implement it,” she told Samoa News. “Thus the training we are having with the National Association of Attorneys General. We are grateful NAAG is willing to share their expertise and knowledge with us.” She said the AG’s office looks forward to perfecting their skills “so we may represent ASG and the people to the best of our abilities.” AG Talauega said NAAG offers various onsite trainings for AG office lawyers and staff covering various topics, including trial advocacy, consumer protection, human trafficking. “After attending my first NAAG meeting and discovering these training opportunities, I asked NAAG to hold such trainings here in American Samoa” said the AG, adding that there have been discussions with NAAG throughout the year to confirm subject areas and timing, with Deputy AG Mitzie Jessop taking the lead. “The training this year will focus on trial advocacy and there will be a section on human trafficking.” He said NAAG will bring a faculty of experts to conduct these trainings. All lawyers and certain staff members of the AG’s Office will be expected to attend. “We are looking into opening parts of the program to other government lawyers and staff as well as local private practitioners. This is a wonderful opportunity for our lawyers to be trained by experts from around the country on methods to improve their craft. These trainings are offered by NAAG at no cost to our office,” he stated. According to the NAAG website, the Association’s members are the Attorneys General of the 50 states and the District of Columbia and the chief legal officers of the Commonwealths of Puerto Rico (Secretary of Justice) and the Northern Mariana Islands, and the territories of American Samoa, Guam, and the Virgin Islands. In many areas traditionally considered the exclusive responsibility of the federal government, the Attorneys General now share enforcement authority. Page 8 samoa news, Saturday, December 13, 2014 Headline Text SAMOA goes here for tanoa tusitala hotel, apia, samoa TALA Saunia: L.A.F./Naenae Productions AMATA LE POLOKALAMA 13 ASO O LE KERISIMASI O le afiafi o le aso Faraile na sei mavae atu nei na faasalalauina sa’o mai ai e le 2AP, le Siufofoga o Samoa, le polokalama o pesepesega o le Kerisimasi a le Ekalesia Faapotopotoga Kerisiano i Samoa i Vaitele-uta, o le 13 Aso o le Kerisimasi . E pei ona silafia, o se tasi lenei o polokalama o le Kerisimasi e tulimataia e le toatele o le atunuu i tausaga taitasi i faasalalauga a le 2AP faapea le TV1, talu ona faavaeina 1990 e le susuga i le Faafeagaiga ua faiilagi le folauga, le susuga Faitala Talapusi, sosoo ai ma le susuga ia Fomai Lafaialii, ua faiilagi foi le folauga. O le tausaga nei la lea ua faaauau e le susuga i le faafeagaiga taulagi o le EFKS i Vaitele-uta, le susuga Muao Su’a ma le faletua ia Tauvela. mai brought to you by O se faaopopoga fou o le polokalama i lenei tausaga, o le a maimoa ma faafofoga ai le atunuu i pesepesega a se aulotu a le ekalesia mai fafo, e pei ona lautogia ai le Ekalesia Faapotopotoga Kerisiano i Samoa mai Suva i Fiti, e pepese i le aso 21 o Tesema. O le ekalesia EFKS i Suva i Fiti o lo o galulue ai le susuga i le faafeagaiga ia Afa Afato ma le faletua ia Iutita. O sui o lenei aulotu e aofia ai nisi o le mamalu o le atunuu o lo o alala ai i Fiti ona o galuega ma aoga e pei o alo ma fanau o le atunuu o lo o aotauina i le Iunivesete o le Pasefika i Saute, le USP i Fiti. O le susuga i le faafeagaiga ia Muao Su’a sa aotauina foi i le USP i Fiti i tausaga ua tuanai lea sa faauu mai ai ma le faailoga tikeri faasaienisi o le BSc. PEPESI PEA LE CHIKUNGUNYA E tusa ai ma le lipoti aupito i lata mai mai le Matagaluega Shown on right: Austin Whiting, Student, Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology Hawai’i School of Professional Psychology at Argosy University Picture yourself here. Earn your next degree with Argosy University, Hawaii in American Samoa Join us for our upcoming Information Session Thursday, December 18 at 4:30pm, Tradewinds Hotel Classes starting soon on campus and online for bachelors, masters, and doctoral programs. Areas of study include human services, psychology, business, leadership, public health, education and more. RSVP with Pele Chun at 684.258.9645 or [email protected] ARGOSY UNIVERSITY, HAWAI’I 1001 Bishop Street Suite 400 Honolulu, HI 96813 Argosy University is accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission (985 Atlantic Ave., Suite 100, Alameda, CA 94501, wascsenior.org). See asprograms.info for program duration, tuition, fees, and other costs, median debt, federal salary data, alumni success, and other important info. Programs, credential levels, technology, and scheduling options are subject to change. ©2014 by Argosy University AU-14113-7/14 o le Soifua Maloloina i le tulaga ua i ai le pepesi o le faamai o le Chinkungunya, na faaalia ai e faapea, ua maitauina i le 19 vaiaso talu ai le aafia o tagata e to’a 3,135 po o le 1.7% o le faitau aofai o le atunuu i lenei faamai e feaveai e namu. Mai lea fuainumera, e to’a 1692 tamaitai, ae 1443 alii ua aafia. O ia faamaumauga a le matagaluega na maua mai tagata ua aafia o lo o saili togafiti atu i maota gasegase eseese i totonu o le atunuu. E leai ni maliu ua faamauina ona o lea faamai. Na faaalia i faamaumauga, le faatupulaia o vaega eseese o le atunuu e le gata i Upolu neoi ae faapea foi Savaii, ua maua ai tagata ua aafia i lea faamai. O lo o aupito i toatele i latou e i le va o le 20 ma le 24 tausaga le matutua o lo o aafia. O lo o faaauau pea taumafaiga a le Matagaluega o le Soifua Maloloina ina ia tau taofiofi ai le pepesi o lea faamai ma o lo o fautuaina le mamalu o le atunuu ina ia faatamaia nofoaga e toa ai le suavai ma tautuufua ai namu, laei i laei e pupuni ai le tino ma ia faaaoga tainamu ma mea tulinamu pe a tofafa. FALEPUIPUI I LE GAOI O MEA AOGA E lua tausaga lea ua faafalepuipui ai nei e le Faamasinoga Maualuga le alii o Junior Seumanutafa, o se alii sa faigaluega i le Matagaluega o Aoga, Taaloga ma Aganuu ina ua faamaonia ona moliaga o le gaoi ao avea ma tagata faigaluega. E 17 moliaga na molia ai lea alii ma ua faasala ai nei i le toese i Tafaigata. O le ua molia faatasi ai ma ni sui sinia se toalua faapea ai se tasi sa avea ma ofisa sili lagolago o le matagaluega, lea o lo o talia le taimi e tutulai ai i luma o le Faamasinoga. O lo o teena e i latou ia o latou moliaga. O nei moliaga e mafua mai i le toesea ai o ni mea totino a le matagaluega mai lona ofisa autu i Malifa e aofia ai pusa api, pusa peni, computer feaveai po o laptops ma isi mea totino e faaaoga i aoaoga a le fanau. Na faaalia i faamaumauga a leoleo e faapea, o nei solitulafono sa faatinoina i le va o le masina o Novema 2012 ma le masina o Aperila 2014. C M Y K C M Y K samoa news, Saturday, December 13, 2014 Page 9 Holiday Briefs compiled by Samoa News staff C M Y K C M Y K MERRY CHRISTMAS AMERICAN SAMOA “Holiday Briefs” is for special events for the month of December. The events must be free-of-charge and open to the community to enjoy. Samoa News invites those groups holding such special events for the holidays to send us an announcement of your celebration and we will be happy to get the message out to the public for you. EVENTS CALENDAR UPDATES SATURDAY, DEC. 13TH — “WREATHS ACROSS AMERICA DAY” to “Remember, Honor, Teach — Don’t Say I Should Have, Say I Did!” In American Samoa, the Survivor Families of Fallen Soldiers of the Army and the local Army Reserve will honor their loved ones by placing specially woven wreaths of fresh flowers on the grave sites at 6a.m. local time today. Additionally, at the same time — SOFIAS (Sosaiete of Faafafine in American Samoa) joins the SOS Program and the American Samoa Veterans Memorial Center in the Sen. Daniel Inouye____ Industrial Park in remembering Fallen Soldiers of all branches of the Armed Forces. The 6 A.M. local time synchronizes with the 12noon time of the ceremony in Arlington National Cemetery outside of Washington D.C., as well as in veterans cemeteries and other locations in all 50 states and territories. Army Reserve Family Program office director, Taua’a Sam Vaouli is coordinating with a representative of each branch to lay the designated wreaths. For further information, please contact Salilo Julia Foifua at the Army Reserve Family Program Office 6999216 or cell 258-1963, or Director Taua’a Sam Vaouli at 699-9210. SUNDAY, DEC. 14THWED, DEC. 17TH — The 37TH ANNUAL HOLIDAY MUSIC FESTIVAL — will be held at the Malaeoletalu, Fagatogo Pavilion starting at 6p.m. each night. Gov. Lolo Matalasi Moliga will deliver special remarks the first night of the festival, and eight church youth choirs are scheduled to perform. First Lady Cynthia Moliga will light the Christmas Tree before caroling begins by the groups, according to the music festival’s official program. All four nights of the program will be aired live on KVZK-TV starting at 6p.m with Office of Public Information director Fagafaga Daniel Langkilde, the Master of Ceremonies. Hosted by the American Samoa Council on Arts, Culture, and Humanities (ASCACH) and the Department of Youth and Women’s Affairs, a total of 31 church and village choirs will perform for the annual music festival, which is supported by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts and more information can be obtained by calling 633-4347/4490/5613. AWARDS CEREMONY FOR JUDO ASSOCIATION IS MONDAY MONDAY, DEC. 15TH — THE JUDO ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN SAMOA HOLIDAY SEASON SPECIAL US$145 plus tax, per room per night Holiday Bonuses Book 1 room and get the 2nd room half price! Breakfast and late check-out until 1pm included! Discounts on golf, spa and free kids club! Fia Fia Friday Nights—Book 2 seats and the 3rd is FREE! Conditions apply. Subject to availability. Please call (+685) 45611 to book. Valid until 31st March 2015. Stays are valid until 31st May 2015. will hold an awards ceremony at 5 p.m. for all their students at the Old VA building in Tafuna, where classes are held. The public is invited. THURSDAY, DEC. 18: UH COHORT-28 teachers will be graduating with their Bachelor of Education degrees. Mene Tauaa, Coordinator for the 28th Teacher Cohort told Samoa News that his teachers are from schools — ECE to elementary grades — throughout the island. TUESDAY, DEC. 23SATURDAY, DEC. 27: THE SAMOA BOWL will begin competition between the Territory’s teams and sports teams representing competitors from Utah, Hawai’i, and California. This year, for the first time, teams from the independent state of Samoa will join the action. Volleyball games will be held Dec. 23-26 at the ASCC gymnasium while the highly anticipated football games are set for Saturday, December 27 at the Veterans Memorial Stadium in Tafuna. Everyone is invited to attend the games. T H R O U G H O U T DECEMBER REMEMBER IN PRAYER: The Army Reserve Family Program office is calling on the community’s support throughout the holidays to remember in prayer the “Survivors and loved ones left behind as we approach the celebration of Hope, Love and Joy this holiday season. Thank you for Remembering and Honoring Fallen Soldiers and their Survivors here in American Samoa, Across the United States of America and beyond.” ART SHOW: The Feleti Barstow Public Library in Utulei — is displaying an art show showcasing the work of one of the territory’s newest clubs for youth — this one for budding artists. Calling itself the “2 C U Create Art Club”, it features the works of over 20 students, grades 9-12 — with Fa’asao Marist, Samoana, and South Pacific Academy High Schools all represented in the show. You may contact the Library at 633-5816 for further information on the new club, which welcomes new members to join to express yourself. JUDO CLASSES continue to be held every Monday and Wednesday at 3p.m. for younger students (5-15 years old), and Friday evenings for those 16 and older. MYSTERY DISCOUNTS Reach into the box and draw your own discount. 5%, 10%, 20%, 25%, 50% WE ARE OPEN SUNDAY December 14th & 21st from 11am to ? at Nuuuli! Sale starts Dec. 2nd Happy Holidays AMERICAN SAMOA! HOLIDAY HOURS December 23rd to December 24th 8:30am to ??? Page 10 samoa news, Saturday, December 13, 2014 Tulimanu O KATI LE LEOLEO NANA o le fa’aolataga O A IGOA NA FAAIGOAINA AI MAKOI NEI ?. Ina ua to’a le tai sua ma ua maua e le ‘au Kerisiano le saolotoga i le pule o le Malo o Roma, ma ua leai foi le Malo Roma tuai ae ua liua e avea ma totonu lemu o le tapuaiga o le tapuaiga Katoliko. Na ae ai se manatu i le ‘au Kerisiano i le itu lagi i Sisifo a le a latou faia ni igoa e tau ai le ‘au Makoi i le latou itulagi, lea na fai ai loa se semina na auai uma le ‘au atatamai mai le itulagi e Sisifo. Ona maua lea o igoa e faasuafaina ai o Tupu e o mai i Sasa’e o Gaspar, Melchior ma Balthasar. Ae ‘ese foi igoa ia ma faasuafaina e Kerisiano ia o le itulagi mai Sasa’e. E le iloa le mafauaga na alai ona afea le maota o le Herota, ae i ai le talitonuga o fuafuaga fai toatasi a le Atua, e faafua ai le loto o Herota na ‘iu lava ina fai le mea mataga ua fasiotia uma tama e ta’i 2 tausaga. I le faiga poo fuafuaga a le Silisili ‘Ese, i le fuafauga a le Atua e taunuu o le Nasareta le nuu ma tupuga mai ai Tavita, lea o tau i ai Iosefa. Ina toe foi mai le solaaga mai Aikupito, na faaali i ai le Atua i ala i le miti, e o i Nasareta e nonofo ai, ina taunuu upu a le ‘au Perofeta lea e tusia i le Mataio 22:22-23. O FUAFUAGA A LE ATUA, E LE TAU-MASINA AI LE TAGATA MA LONA FINAGALO. Amene. E toe fa’atalofa atu i le aufai tau i le faaiuga o lenei vaiaso, faamoemoe sa outou maua se vaiaso manuia ma le fiafia, ae alo mai loa o le toe fa’aauauina lenei o le tatou tala fa’asolo ia Kati le Leoleo nana o le lalolagi, lea na gata mai i le vaiaso na te’a nei i le taimi lea na faitau ai e Kati e tusi mai le kovana o le malo o Aferika, i lona fia maua lea o le tagata na ia fasiotia le ali’i leaga o Tomasi ae sei ofo atu i ai se meaalofa E le i toe popole le mafaufau o le ali’i Leoleo nana i le fa’alavelave so o atu o le ave taxi i lona olaga, aua o lea ua ia iloa, o le atali’i moni lava lea a se tasi o ana uo mamae i taimi a o la aooga fa’aleoleo nana i Sepania, pau le itu lea ua popole i ai lona mafaufau, o le talosaga a lana uo kovana e faailoa atu le tagata na ia fasiotia le tagata faipisinisi Enelagi o Tomasi lea sa lala mua i faiga faatupu fa’alavelave, ina nei avea lea talosaga o se maunu e mailei atu ai o ia ma maua ai loa ma le avanoa e fasiotia ai o ia i totonu o Aferika. O le mataupu na fa’ai’u ai le fonotaga sa faia i Aferika, o le tofia lea o le peresetene fou o le vaega o Leoleo nana o le lalolagi, ma ua filifilia ai le ali’i o Kati mai Italia e avea ma Peresetene o le Asosi, o se tofiga fa’atoa pale ai lava lea o se tagata mai le atu Europa, aua o le tagata lea sa ia tauaveina mai le tofi mo le 10 tausaga sosoo, o le tagata mai Amerika i matu, o se tasi o Leoleo nana sa tele in a fa’amoemoe i ai le vaega su’esu’e a Amerika i matu atoa ai ma isi atumotu o le Pasefika. Na ona mae’a lava o le fonotaga i le aso lea, fa’asasa’o loa ma Kati ma lana paga i le Pa Pia mo sina ipu uaina e fa’avevela ai le tino ua alu le aso o saofafa’i i le fono, e lei umi ona saofafa’i i le la laulau ae faateia loa le tama i le po po atu e le tagata o lona tauau ma faapea atu ia te ia, “malo mo le tofiga fou, ua talafeagai lou tula’i mai e tauave le tofiga taua lena”, na tepa le tama i luga ma ia iloa ai le ali’i ave taxi o lo o tu mai i ona tafatafa ma lona toniga Leoleo nana a Aferika, pau le eseesega ma lana toniga, e foliga mai o lea fa’atoa la’asia e le ali’i ave taxi sitepu muamua o le galuega fa’aleoleo nana i totonu o le malo o Aferika. “Fa’amalo fo’i le tapua’i ia te oe le uso, o le itu taua ua ta masani, ae sili ai o lea ua ou iloa o lou tama sa fai ma a’u uo mamae i le taimi o le ma tausaga i totonu o le aoga leoleo nana i Sepania ...” o le talanoa atu lea a Kati i le ali’i ave taxi, ma ia valaaulia loa o ia latou te to’atolu i luga o le laulau mo sina tafaoga puupuu. Na fa’ateia Kati e le i leva ona latou saofafa’i i luga o le laulau ma e ave taxi, ae savavali atu loa ma ni ali’i fitafita a le malo o Aferika se toalua ma tu tu atu i luma o le ali’i ave taxi ma ifo atu i ai, ona fa’atonu loa lea e le ali’i ave taxi ali’i fitafita ia e to’alua, e tapena le potu pito sili ona matagofie i le fale talimalo a le kovana o le malo, e mapu atu i ai le Peresetene fou o le Asosi o Leoleo nana i le lalolagi, le susuga ia Kati ma lana paga, sei mapu atu i ai ae maua ai ma le avanoa e fai atu i ai fa’aaloaloga a le kovana ma le malo. ALOFA E OO I LE OTI E te fia Poka? MAFUAAGA O LO:U MANOA MA TE TETE’A. Fesili le Faamasino i le tamaloa o Etuale, “O le a le mafuaaga ua e mana’o ai e te lua tete’a? tali le tamaloa, “I le aso 8 o Mati i le tausaga nei na fai ai ma talanoaga ma Vao, ma te o e fagogota i le taeao o le aso Toanai.” ae la e faalogologo mai le fafine Ia ua faalogologo uma le faamasinoga, “Ia ua malama ae le taeao ua tetele le timuga ae ua alu lava ma faaola lou taavale ou alu loa. Ae te’i ane ua ou oo atu i Se’etaga, ae tatagi loa ma le telefoni a Vao, e sili ai le tuu le ma faiva se’i fai i lea aso Toana’i, ou toe foi loa i le fale.” Taunuu loa ou toe alu i le potumoe ma lo’u toalua, ‘oso atu i luga o le moega e toe faaauau le moe, ae fai mai lou le fafine, “O le mea sili ai o le a la ua alu atu le tamaloa e fagota, si ou alii Iosefa….” “O le taimi lena pei o le fetaui pelu ma to’i i lou mafaufau. O le mea lena ua ou manao ai e tatau ona ma tete’a.” Fesili mai loa le faamasino, “O ai le tagata e igoa ia Iosefa ?.” ae tali atu le tamaloa, “O le toeaina lea e vaai laau a le fafine….” E LE’I FAIA SOU TOALUA. Na alu le ona lea o Siaosi i totonu o le faleoloa o le KS Mart, alu atu loa ma aumai lana pepa susu, toe sau tu i le laina e faatali le taimi e totogi ai lana faatau. E sau e toatasi lava le teine lea e tu ma la’u i luga lana faatau i le kesia, fai atu loa le ona lea, “E le’i faia sou koalua a ea ?.” tilotilo mai i tua le teine e na o le ona lava lea e tu atu. Ae o le teine e fai le mama faaipoipo i lana lima, na tago loa le teine na faaaliali mai i ai lana mama faaipoipo, fai mai loa i le ona, “Ao le a le uiga o le mea lea ?.” Ae fai mai lava le ona lea, “E ke le’i faaipoipo.” fai mai le teine lea, “E faafefea ona e iloaina ?.” “Vaai oe, o ‘au le kagaka ua ou fiu e su’e sau koalua e le maua lava i lou auleaga, ae o le a ua oo lava ia ke ‘au ouke le fia alu foi ia oe….!!!!!.” Ia ua fiu le faatau oloa e vaovao le teine i le tauai ai o lana faatau i le ulu a le ona lea. E toe fa’atalofa atu i le mamalu o le aufaitau i le fa’aiuga o lenei vaiaso, malo le onosa’i, malo fo’i le galulue, fa’amoemoe sa outou maua se vaiaso fiafia ma le manuia, ae alo mai loa, o le sosooina lenei o le tatou tala fa’asolo, lea na gata mai i le vaiaso na te’a nei i le taimi lea ua toe fa’asolosolo ai mafaufauga a le fafine o Tania i le la mafutaga ma si ona to’alua o Veli ua maliu E ui i le fa’atauva’a o le tamaloa o Veli i le vaai a tagata o le nuu o Palisi, peita’i e le o le tulaga lena o lo o i ai le mafaufau o Tania isi ona to’alua, e le gata o ia o se tagata e alofa fa’amaoni i le la aiga, ae o ia fo’i o se tamaloa e tausi aiga lelei. Talofa e i le mafutaga sa amata mai i si tama’i faleo’o a le tamaloa o Veli i lona aiga i Savai’i, le faleo’o la te tau fa’aofiofi ai i afiafi uma mo le 5 tausaga na la nonofo ai i Savai’i, ao le’i toe malaga ane i lona aiga i Palisi, lea ua i’u ai lava le ola o si tamaloa ona o le finau e tausi le aiga o si ona to’alua. O le fa’amoemoega uma o Tania sa tu’u atu i si ona to’alua ua tafea i le ‘au ‘au o le vasa, ma ua pei le fafine o se va’a ua leai se taula, ua tafetafea na o le tino i peau sousou, e fai o lona mafatia i le motusia o le mafutaga ma Veli, ae ua faigata i lona mafaufau pe fa’apefea nei ona ia ta’u i matua o le tamaloa i Savai’i le mea ua tupu. “Nia, o le a se tala mai ia Veli”, o le fesili fia iloa lea a le ali’i ave taxi o Meki lea ua amata ona tau vavala mai le la mafutaga fa’alilolilo ma le fafine o Tania. “Nia, suga Nia, e i ai se mea ua tupu ua e le talanoa mai ai, ua a mai le ma’i o Veli ....” e fiu lava le alii o Meki e saputu atu le mau fesili ae pei lava o le timu e pau i le tua o le pato le mau fesili o lo o fai atu, e aunoa ma se tali ane i ai o le fafine, sei vagana ai le nofo ma tuu ona alofilima i lona muaulu, pei o se tagata o lo o tau to manatu i se mataupu faigata ua fiu e toe tau mafaufau ua galo lava. Na lava vaaiga ia na vaaia e Meki ia Tania na ia iloa ai le mea ua tupu i le tamaloa o Veli, o lea na savali fa’anatinati atu ai loa le ali’i ave taxi i totonu o le falem’i i lona fia iloa o le mea ua tupu, ae na matua segia le mauli o le ali’i ave taxi i le fetaui o lona savali atu i totonu o le potu tigaina lea na taofia ai Veli mo aso e lua ae toso mai loa le moega e ni tama’ita’i foma’i se to’alua, o lo o aumai ai se tagata o lo o ufi atoa lona tino i le ie pa’epa’e a le falema’i. Na tau fesili Meki i teine foma’i po o ai le igoa o le tagata ua maliu, peita’i na fa’ateia le ali’i ave taxi ina ua savali atu le isi teine foma’i ma fesili ia Tania, “Tina, e te toe fia fa’amavae i si ou to’alua a o le i tu’uina atu o ia i totonu o le fale ‘aisa?”, e le i tali Tania sei vagana ai lona tu mai i luga ma savali atu loa ua susu’e le ie o lo o ufi ai le tino o Veli, o iina na fa’atoa fa’alogoina ai loa e teine foma’i le mafatia o le fafine ina ua tagi aueue i luga o le tino maliu o Veli, ae o Meki i le taimi lea ua na o le tu ua le iloa sana gaioiga e fai. E le i toe popoe Tania i se isi lava mea sei vagana ai lona manatu e fa’aauau pea lona alofa ia Veli se ia oo i le oti. Tala i Vavau o Samoa O LE POGAI NA IFO AI LE ASO O LE MALIETOA Ua mae’a le ‘ava, ona faai’u lea i le matematega a Malietoa ma Puleleiite, ma fai mai le tala na mae’a uma palo a Malietoa ona mate e Puleleiite, ona faapea atu lea o Puleleiite ina o le a toe fo’i i Savai’i ia Malietoa, “a e susu atu i Salafai, alu atu ma avatu se tula o la’u lupe.” Sa finagalo malie i ai le ali’i, ona malaga lea i le isi aso i Savai’i ma ave laau, ae fai ane i ai Puleleiite, “o lou finagalo ea e oge laau Salafai nei.?” peitai fai mai le mau faa Tuisamau ma Auimatagi, sa fai Puleleiite ia Malietoa i le taimi o le la matematega a susu atu i Savai’i, ona alu atu lea ma avatu se ama o lona va’a, lea fai i ai Puleleiite, pe o lona finagalo e oge laau Salafai. Fai mai le mau a le atunuu, o Puleleiite lenei sa nonofo ma le tagata e igoa ia ‘Ae e tautua Leali’ifano ma Tigilau i Falelatai. Ua oo i le isi aso, ona fai atu lea o ‘Ae ia Leali’ifano, se’i alu i lona aiga i Toga, ae aumai ana i’a e lua se’i malaga ai, ona malie lea o Leali’ifano ona fai ai lea o le la tuugatala, a taunuu ‘Ae i Toga, ona toe tutuli mai lea o ana i’a, peitai ua le osi feagaiga ‘Ae, ua taunuu i Toga, ona ia fasi mate ina lea o le isi i’a, ae sola mai (Faaauau itulau 11) samoa news, Saturday, December 13, 2014 Page 11 O se va’aiga i le fale fou ua fausia nei o le Koluse Mumu i Amerika Samoa. O lenei galuega e faia ina ia saili fo’i po’o lava le agaga foa’i o tagata, aiga, kamupani ma le Malo i lo tatou atunu’u. Ua foaia mai le tupe mo le fausaga o le Maota lea e le Koluse Mumu a Amerika, ae o le fa’amae’aina o le galuega, e faia e o tatou [ata: Leua Aiono Frost] tagata, kamupani, aiga ma le Malo. Va’ai sau pito la’au e fa’atu i lea fa’amoemoe. ➧ Vavau O Samoa… Mai itulau 10 le isi i’a ua mate i le va o Tutuila ma Manu’a. Fai mai le mau e fo’i atu le malaga a Puleleiite i Savai’i, ae faae’e loa le faiva a le Aiga Sa Sa’umani, ona oso ai loa lea o Puleleiite i luga o le va’a, peitai sa fesili ai tama, “sole, o ai oe a’o ai lou igoa,?” e le’i tali Puleleiite ae sa ia toe fesili i tama i le fesili lava lea, “o ai outou a’o ai fo’i o outou igoa,?” ua tali tama, “o Sa Sa’umani,” ona faapea atu lea o Puleleiite, “ua lelei, Sa’umani Oe, Sa’umani Oe, ae Saumani Afaese a’u.” O iina lea fai mai le mau na suia ai le igoa o Puleleiite ia Sa’umani Afaese. Fai mai ona alu loa lea o le faiva, ma ua taumafai e tuli le i’a, ona maua lea o le i’a, ma ua tofi Sa’umani Afaese poo le tama o Puleleiite e si’i a’e i luga, ona naunau atu lava lea o le Aiga Sa Sa’umani e toso mai i luga le i’a, peitai sa tali Sa’umani Afaese, “e alu pea le va’a faitalia o ia ma ta’ita’i alalo atu le i’a,” fai mai le mau o iinei na maua ai le upu, “ua ta’ialalo le i’a a le Aiga Sa Sa’umani.” Fai mia le tala ua aumai le i’a i Samoa, ae ua malaga Sa’umani Afaese i Toga, ma fai ia Tuitoga Fakapouli, afai o i ai ni toega o le i’a o totoe, ona aumai lea e alu ma ia i Samoa, peitai sa talosaga ane fo’i le Tuitoga ia Puleleiite, tautuana ma ia e tapu’e ane ni moa ma ia ona e leai ni moa i Toga, peitai sa fai atu fo’i Puleleiite, a alu atu la i Samoa, tautuana ni ana niu e alu atu ma ia. O le a faaauau atu i le vaiaso fou le soso’oina o le tatou polokalame lenei i le feiloaiga a Tuitoga ma Puleleiite, ae maise ai o le iuga na oo i ai le tagata le alofa o ‘Ae. Faafetai. Canada restricts booze at sea, ups prices in port OTTAWA, Ontario (AP) — Booze will not be as cheap or flow as freely aboard Canadian warships after the review of an incident last summer in which a coastal defense vessel was ordered home from a U.S. exercise because of its sailors’ bad behavior. The report, released Friday by the fleet’s top commander, Commodore Craig Baines, recommends that the navy develop a strictly enforced code of conduct in addition to increasing the shipboard price of alcohol and banning any consumption while ships are at sea, unless there are special events. The restrictions were imposed immediately. Last July, HMCS Whitehorse cut short its deployment and returned to its home port in Esquimalt, British Columbia, after some crew members were accused of sexual misconduct, shoplifting and drunkenness. Three incidents are in various stages of being dealt with through SOUTHBOUND ARRIVAL VESSEL Cap Avatele Polynesia Cap Avatele Polynesia Cap Avatele VOY 003 459 004 460 005 HNL SEA SOUTHBOUND ARRIVAL L/BEACH OAK SAILED SAILED SAILED SAILED SAILED SAILED SAILED IN PORT 12/19 12/28 01/25 12/19 01/09 01/23 01/02 01/14 02/01 01/04 01/16 02/03 Note: All Schedule dates are estimated the military justice system, including a planned court martial of the sailor accused of sexual assault. Vice Admiral Mark Norman agreed with the recommendations, saying the actions of sailors, at home and abroad, reflect on the navy and the nation as a whole. Unlike their U.S. counterparts who serve on completely dry ships, off-duty Canadian sailors have been free to purchase beer or wine, including from soda machine-style dispensers. Those are being removed as part of the reforms, which Norman acknowledged might not be popular, but necessary. “I have no doubt there will be some folks who see this as negative, but I have great confidence based on broad consultations through all ranks of the navy that this will be seen as a positive, measured and progressive step,” he said. The alternative, Norman said, was to go the U.S. route and ban booze entirely. PPT APIA PAGO 12 /22 01/15 01/27 02/14 12/27 01/19 02/01 02/18 12/27 01/19 02/01 02/18 12 /13 12/18 12/18 For Local Enquiries, Contact SAMOA PACIFIC SHIPPING, INC. P.O. Box 1417, Pago Pago, AS 96799 Telephone: (684) 633-4665 • Fax (684) 633-4667 Cap Avatele 003 Polynesia Cap Avatele Polynesia Cap Avatele 459 004 460 005 PPT N/ALOFA 12/13 ---- 12/22 01/15 01/27 02/14 ------------- APIA PAGO 12/18 12/18 12/27 01/19 02/01 02/18 12/27 01/19 02/01 02/18 333 Market Street Satellite Building Suite 325 San Francisco, CA 94105 Tel: (415) 495-6300 Fax: (415) 495-2401 “Our Service Sells Itself” Direct Independent Service Between North America, South Pacific Islands, Hawaii and New Zealand 249 East Ocean Blvd Suite 200 Long Beach, CA 90802 Tel (562) 590-9021 Fax (562) 436-0404 Page 12 samoa news, Saturday, December 13, 2014 VACANCY HEAD FACILITY MAINTENANCE E N E R G Y Pacficic Energy SWP Limited (PE SWP), subsidiary of Pacific Islands Energy (PIE) in Singapore, with businesses in the Pacific Islands, is seeking a talented individual for the role of Head Facility Maintenance based in American Samoa. JOB PURPOSE Responsible for the maintenance of all facilities, aviation equipment, safety equipment, fleet equipment maintenance assistance, facility’s welder and pipe fitter. DUTIES • Provide maintenance to entire tank farm and to any mechanical equipment in the shop. • Prepares and maintains preventative maintenance program for tank farm facilities. • Assist Engineers & maintenance employees on special projects. • Test pipe-lines & fuel hoses. • Assist Terminal Supervisor on routine maintenance of company vehicles. • Ensure all HSSE Policies & Procedures are followed. PERFORM OTHER DUTIES AS REQUIRED. QUALIFICATIONS, COMPETENCE & EXPERIENCE: It is desirable that the applicant: • Has High School level education or equivalent experience relevant to the role. • Minimum three years experience in both diesel and gasoline engine maintenance. • Certified with minimum three years experience in welding and plumbing. • Excellent communication skills (bilingual Samoa/English). • Is a team-player. • Has a valid driving license. Applications close on 12/31/14. Interested Candidates can post their applications to: The Terminal Manager Pacific Energy SWP Limited PO Box 488 Pago Pago AMERICAN SAMOA Or email: [email protected] Subject: HEAD FACILITY MAINTENANCE Tafaoga i Matafaga? SASA’E: Vatia Aua-A&M Aua Stream $2 Beach Auto Sailele Masausi Aoa Alao Tula TUTOTONU Utulei Beach For more information: http//portal.epa.as.gov/beaches/ Lapata’iga mo Matafaga: Tesema 9, 2014 Ofisa o le Puipuia o le Si’osi’omaga i Amerika Samoa (AS-EPA) 633-2304 Coleman Elementary students (pictured) along with Leone High School swing choir performed Christmas songs for the enjoyment of the crowed yesterday morning at the McDonald’s in Faga[photo: Jeff Hayner] togo during the McDonald’s My Christmas Wish program. Police say Oregon shooting appears gang related PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Police are searching for a gunman who left three young people hospitalized in what investigators say appears to be a gang-related shooting outside an alternative high school. Witnesses told police there may have been a dispute outside Rosemary Anderson High School on Friday, just before the shooting occurred at a street corner. The assailant and two other people fled, and the wounded students went to the school for help, a police spokesman said. A 16-year-old girl was critically wounded while two males were hospitalized in fair condition. Another girl was grazed by a bullet. “Based on the investigation thus far, the shooting appears to be gang-related,” Sgt. Pete Simpson said Friday night in a statement. Police gang investigators “feel comfortable saying this is a gang-related shooting based on some of the people involved,” Simpson added in an interview. Police said they believe the shooter has gang ties. Simpson declined to say which victims might be linked to gangs. The spokesman said police were still gathering details on the reported dispute. “There was some kind of dispute between the shooter and some people,” Simpson said. “We don’t know if it was (with) all the victims or one of the victims.” The victims are students at the high school or in affiliated job training programs, police said. Police identified the hospitalized victims as Taylor Michelle Zimmers, 16, who was in critical condition; David Jackson-Liday, 20; and Labraye Franklin, 17. Olyvia Batson, also 17, was treated at the scene after a bullet grazed her foot. Sierra Smith, a 17-year-old student, told The Oregonian she saw one of the male victims being helped by a teacher inside the school. “He was laying on the ground. He had blood coming out of his stomach,” she said. “It was scary.” Another student, Oliviann Danley, 16, told the newspaper she saw a boy run into the school and yell, “Oh my God, did I just get shot?” Rosemary Anderson High School serves at-risk students who were expelled or dropped out, or who are homeless or single parents. According to the school’s website, 190 students annually are enrolled at the north Portland location. The school also has a second location in Gresham. Gang violence in Portland isn’t a new phenomenon. Some of the violence occurs between rival gangs, but bystanders have also been hurt. “We’ve made a lot of progress in addressing the gang problem, but we haven’t eradicated it,” Mayor Charlie Hales said. “Today’s really a sad reminder that it’s still with us.” Portland police have said they saw a spike in gang crime over the summer and have complained they don’t have adequate resources to address the problem. Recent violence includes a man killed in a drive-by-shooting in June and another man killed in a separate shooting. A 5-year-old boy also was shot in the leg while playing at an apartment complex. A Multnomah County report on gang activity released in June said crime in the county that includes Portland actually decreased from 2005 to 2012. As inner-city Portland gentrifies, the report said, criminal activity is shifting from northern neighborhoods to areas farther east, including the city of Gresham. The north Portland neighborhood where the shooting occurred exemplifies the trend. Before Friday, the place once known for gangs had not had a shooting with injuries in nearly four years. “It brings up a lot of old wounds,” Simpson said. Dani Gonzales, 64, has lived in the neighborhood for 25 years and said it’s generally safe but there has always been some gang activity. “Kids just get silly and get crazy ideas. I don’t know what goes on in their heads,” Gonzales said. There was another school shooting in the Portland area in June, but it was not gangrelated. A freshman killed another boy in a locker room, and a bullet grazed a teacher before the shooter went into a bathroom and died from a self-inflicted gunshot, police said. samoa news, Saturday, December 13, 2014 Page 13 China leaders preside at WWII massacre remembrance Chinese honor guard members take part in a ceremony to mark China’s first National Memorial Day at the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall in Nanjing in eastern China’s Jiangsu province Saturday, Dec. 13, 2014. Chinese President Xi Jinping and other Chinese leaders presided Saturday at the ceremony on the 77th anniversary of the Nanking massacre amid a drive to revive memories of Japan’s brutal invasion and stir patriotism. Chinese characters in white reads “Nanjing Massacre”. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan) Chinese military band members leave after a ceremony to mark China’s first National Memorial Day at the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall in Nanjing in eastern China’s Jiangsu province Saturday, Dec. 13, 2014. Vowing to nourish peace and ease hatreds, President Xi Jinping and other Chinese leaders presided Saturday at a ceremony on the 77th anniversary of the Nanking massacre amid a drive to preserve memories of Japanís brutal invasion and stir patriotism. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan) NANJING, China (AP) — President Xi Jinping and other Chinese leaders presided Saturday at a ceremony on the 77th anniversary of the Nanking massacre amid a drive to preserve memories of Japan’s brutal invasion and stir patriotism. Addressing soldiers, students, and survivors of the December 1937 killings carried out by occupying Japanese troops, Xi called out Japanese ultra-nationalists who seek to deny the massacre took place. “Those who uphold justice and love peace must be highly vigilant and firmly oppose those wrong words and deeds,” he said. “History will not permit anyone who would deny the facts of the Nanking atrocity.” Estimates of those killed range from 40,000 to the official Chinese figure of 300,000. About 20,000 women were also believed to have been raped over the six weeks of chaos, mass looting and arson. China raised the profile of commemorations this year as part of three new holidays to mark major wartime events amid a downturn in China-Japan relations. Participants at the ceremony and people throughout the city stood for one minute of silence at 10 a.m. against the wail of what was described as the world’s largest air raid siren. In his speech to a reported 10,000 people gathered at the hall, Xi said the purpose of the event was to “arouse every kind person’s longing for and adherence to peace, and not to perpetuate hatred.” Ties with Japan in particular have been roiled by a series of events leading to a more than two-year suspension in high-level contacts that have yet to be fully restored. The two have been sparring over a string of uninhabited East China Sea islands that are controlled by Tokyo but also claimed by Beijing. China also was angered by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s moves to allow the dispatch of Japanese troops for operations abroad and visits by Japanese officials — including Abe — to Tokyo’s Yasukuni Shrine that honors convicted Japanese war criminals among the country’s war dead. They include three of the top commanders executed for their role in the Nanking massacre. Underscoring the bitterness is a long-standing sentiment among Chinese that Japan has never shown true contrition for its invasion and occupation of China, in which an estimated 35 million Chinese soldiers and civilians died. Abe and Xi briefly met last month after the two sides agreed to gradually resume dialogue. However, a projected landslide victory for Japan’s ruling party in national elections Sunday could give Abe political breathing space to push forward with his nationalist agenda. Chinese military band members leave near banners with the words reading “National Memorial” after a ceremony to mark China’s first National Memorial Day at the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall in Nanjing in eastern China’s Jiangsu province Saturday, Dec. 13, 2014. Vowing to nourish peace and ease hatreds, President Xi Jinping and other Chinese leaders presided Saturday at a ceremony on the 77th anniversary of the Nanking massacre amid a drive to preserve memories of Japanís brutal (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan) invasion and stir patriotism. Page 14 samoa news, Saturday, December 13, 2014 NY man pleads guilty to mailing death threats UTICA, N.Y. (AP) — An upstate New York man has pleaded guilty to charges he mailed 21 death threats with white powder over 15 years to U.S. Sen. John McCain, a local high school and others. Federal prosecutors say Brian Daniel Norton pleaded guilty Friday to two federal counts of conveying false information and hoaxes. He faces up to 10 years in prison at his April 10 sentencing. Prosecutors say that between 1997 and 2012 the 59-year-old Norton mailed letters with white powder he claimed was anthrax or ricin. The powder was harmless. His targets also included former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and former U.S. Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle of New York. Norton also sent threatening letters to a high school and college in Syracuse. Norton’s federal defender didn’t immediately return a message. Parents pull their children out of school early due to an anti-government protest that got violent in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Friday, Dec. 12, 2014. United Nations peacekeepers fired at a crowd of protesters who were demanding new leadership just days after a government-appointed com(AP Photo/Dieu Nalio Chery) mission recommended that the country’s prime minister resign. Crew in Korean Air nut rage says he was insulted SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — A Korean Air flight attendant described being insulted and shamed by the airline’s executive who ordered him removed and the plane returned over macadamia nuts, and then being asked to lie about the incident to investigators. The “nut rage” drama has captivated South Korea with tales of outrageous behavior followed by public apologies from the executive and her father, the airline’s chairman. Cho Hyun-ah, who has since resigned as head of cabin service at Korean Air, was angered when a flight attendant in first class offered her macadamia nuts in a bag, not on a plate. She ordered him off the plane and forced the flight to return to the gate at John F. Kennedy airport in New York City. “People who haven’t experienced will not understand that feeling of being insulted and shamed,” senior flight attendant Park Chang-jin told South Korea’s KBS television network on Friday. After being confronted about the nuts, he said he and his colleague kneeled down before Cho. He said Cho poked the back of his hand with a corner of the flight manual book several times. According to Park, Cho yelled at the crew to “call right now and stop the plane. I will stop this plane from leaving.” Park said that in such a situation, he could not dare to refuse the “owner’s daughter.” When Park returned to South Korea on a separate flight after being forced out from the plane, five to six officials from Korean Air came to visit his home every day and asked him to give a false account to authorities of what happened, he told KBS. The officials asked him to tell investigators that Cho did not use abusive language and that he voluntarily got off the plane, Park said. Korean Air confirmed that Park was the senior flight attendant — or head of cabin crew — who was on the flight with Cho Hyun- ah and who had to leave the plane. The company declined to comment on the matter under investigation by the transport ministry and prosecutors. On Friday, in her first public appearance since the incident, a gloomy-faced Cho bowed and said “I sincerely apologize. I’m sorry,” before droves of journalists in an almost inaudible, trembling voice. She said she will meet the victimized crew member and “apologize sincerely.” She is facing questioning over the possibility her actions violated aviation safety law. Hours before her apology, Korean Air Chairman Cho Yang-ho also made a deep bow before journalists. He called his daughter’s behavior foolish and said he regrets he didn’t raise her better. “It’s my fault,” he said. “As chairman and father, I ask for the public’s generous forgiveness.” Earlier this week, Cho resigned as Korean Air’s head of cabin service but retained other executive roles at the airline and its affiliated companies. Her father said Friday she is resigning from executive roles at all affiliates of Hanjin, the group that controls Korean Air. South Korean media called the 40-year-old a princess and some Koreans said she was an international embarrassment to her country. Still, many South Koreans were not surprised by Cho’s display of entitlement, pointing to a culture that held in high esteem the families who founded the industrial conglomerates credited with leading the country to modernization and wealth. Nowadays, however, there is growing criticism of ostentatious wealth and unfettered power, particularly directed at the newest generation, which is inheriting the business empires founded by their fathers and grandfathers. All three children of Cho Yang-ho rose quickly to the top ranks of the airline, holding executive roles in it and affiliate companies. An RV sits underwater from the flooded Russian River Friday, Dec. 12, 2014, in Guerneville, Calif. While the sun rose Friday in a dry San Francisco sky, the storm’s affects lingered in Northern California. In Sonoma County, the Russian River was approaching flood stage and was expected to crest several feet above it by early afternoon. Officials advised residents of about (AP Photo/Eric Risberg) 300 homes to evacuate low-lying areas. Defense satellite launches from California coast VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. (AP) — A U.S. defense satellite launched from California’s central coast on Friday after weather delays caused by a major storm that drenched the state. An unmanned Atlas V rocket carrying a classified payload for the National Reconnaissance Office blasted from Vandenberg Air Force Base at 7:19 p.m. and lit the dark, cloudy sky. A storm that brought rain, heavy clouds and gusty winds through California delayed the launch on Thursday. The storm had exited the region by Friday evening, providing a clear window for the launch. “The hard work and dedication of everyone involved continues to ensure our nation’s access to space,” said Col. Keith Balts, commander of Air Force’s 30th Space Wing. “This was especially evident by our base electricians who worked tirelessly through last night’s extreme weather to ensure power was available for launch.” The mission is classified for national security reasons, so no details are available about the satellite. samoa news, Saturday, December 13, 2014 Page 15 ➧ Talosaga Lealao aufai… Mai itulau 1 O ni isi o le aufai fa’atoaga ua latou fa’aalia lagona musu e toe fia auai i ni isi Farm Fair i le lumana’i, pe afai o le tulaga fa’aletonu lea o le a alia’e mai pea. “Afai o le faiga lea o isi Farm Fair o lo o mulimuli mai, e sili ai loa pe a taatia, e le toe fia auai ni isi i ni polokalame e na o le pologa ma le gau e maua ai, ae fa’atamala le malo i le tu’uina mai o fa’ailoga mo le aufai fa’atoaga”, o le saunoaga lea a le susuga a Tanuvasa Mauga, o se tasi o ali’i fai faatoaga a le atunuu. Na taua e ni isi o le aufai fa’atoaga e fa’apea, e tatau i le Ofisa o Fa’atoaga ona latou tausisi i le manulauti sa fa’atulai e le ali’i kovana ia Lolo Matalasi Moliga ma lana faigamalo, o le fa’amuamua lea o tagata i so o se taimi. “O le lagona o le alii kovana ma le faigamalo, e le tatau ona faatuatuana’i le malo i tagata lautele, ae tatau ona ave i ai le fa’amuamua, e tatau fo’i la i le Ofisa o Fa’atoaga ona ave le latou fa’amuamua i tagata lautele, o le aufai fa’atoaga lea”, o le manatu lea a le tina o Mareta Ifopo. O le itu o lo o pito sili ona le fiafia ai ni isi o le aufai fa’atoaga o lo o fa’asea, o le tele o le latou gau i le aso o le Farm Fair, ina ua tau fai tufa fua uma fua o a latou fa’aeleeleaga i le aso o le Farm Fair, a o lenei ua fiu e tulituli fa’ailoga sa polomisi le Ofisa o Fa’atoaga e vave maua ae ua leai se mea e maua. Ina ua fesiligia le afioga a Lealao i le aoauli ananafi i sona finagalo, sa ia fa’aalia ai lona fa’anoanoa tele i ni isi o le aufai fa’atoaga o lo o fa’asea ma muimui, ae ua le onosa’i ma fa’atalitali e le faigofie le galuega o lo o taumafai i ai le Ofisa. “E lagona le fa’anoanoa i le aufai fa’atoaga o lo o faia le galuega o le fa’asea ma le muimui, ae ua le nonofo tatalo ma onosa’i, e le faigofie le galuega sa matou alo atu i ai, o le tau tu’ufaatasia lea o togi mo le fa’amoemoe, ina ia mautinoa e tofutofu sia uma i latou ma ni fa’ailoga mo le Kerisimasi”, o le saunoaga leaa Lealao. Saunoa Lealao e fa’apea, o se tasi o itu lelei o le fuafuaga lea ua faia mo le tufatufaina o siaki i le vaiaso fou, e fetaui lelei ai lava nai meaalofa laiti ia mo le aufai fa’atoaga i le kerisimasi ma le tausaga fou ua latalata mai. “O le taimi nei, ua mae’a ona tu’uina atu siaki mo le aufai fa’atoaga uma ua lautogia i luga o le Ofisa o Tupe a le malo, mo le sainia o siaki ma fa’agaioi vaega uma e mana’omia, ma fuafua ai loa le tufatufaina atu o fa’ailoga i le amataga o le vaiaso fou”, o le saunoaga lea a Lealao. O lo o i ai le fa’amoemoe a le ali’i Fa’atonu, o le a logo aloaia le aufai fa’atoaga i le taimi e mae’a ai ona saunia uma siaki, ina ia aga’i fa’atasi uma atu i le Ofisa o Fa’atoaga i Tafuna e tufatufa ai a latou fa’ailoga. Na taua atili e Lealao e faapea, o se tasi o itu lelei i le tuai lea ona tufa faailoga a le aufai faatoaga, o lea ua mafai ai ona maua ni nai meaalofa mo i latou mo le kerisimasi. Sa ia taua fo’i le leai o se manatu a lona ofisa e faatuatuana’i pe manatu mama i le aufai fa’atoaga a le atunu’u, aua o i latou tonu ia o lo o tua i ai le fofoga taumafa o le atunu’u, faapea ai fo’i le fofoga taumafa a le fanau aoga. E pei ona maitauina suiga o le polokalame i lenei tausaga, ua a’e se manatu e taofi le toe tufatufaina atu o fa’ailoga i mea faigaluega e pei ona faia i isi Farm Fair ua mavae atu, ae ua manatu le Ofisa ma le malo e sili pe a tufatufa atu faailoga tupe mo le aufai faatoaga, ina ia mafai ai fo’i ona fesoasoani fa’ailoga tupe i manaoga o lo o tutupu mai i totonu o aiga o nai fai faatoaga. “E le faigofie le galuega sa alo atu i ai le komiti ma faamasino, e manaomia le tatau lea ona mae’a lelei ona iloilo togi o vaega taitasi, ina ia taofia ai le tula’i mai o ni fa’asea i le taimi mulimuli”, o le saunoaga lea a Lealao. Feso’ota’i mai i le tusitala ia [email protected] by Joyetter Feagaimaali’i-Luamanu Samoa News Reporter 19 YEAR OLD BOY CHARGED IN SEX CASE PLEADS GUILTY TO FELONY A 19-year-old boy charged with several criminal counts in connection with a sex case involving a 13-year-old girl, who was left at home alone with her 11-year-old brother, has entered into a plea agreement. Lokeni Tausilinu’u was charged with first-degree burglary, sodomy, deviate sexual abuse first degree, endangering the welfare of a child, underage consumption of alcoholic beverages; failure to have personal possession of alien registration card and private peace disturbance. The defendant has pled guilty to sexual abuse first degree and the government moved to dismiss the remaining charges. According to the government’s case, police received a call from a man claiming that his daughter had been sexually assaulted at their home in Nu’uuli. Her mother accompanied the girl to the police station. The 13-year-old victim told police she was sleeping at home with her 11-yearold brother, while her mother was out for a church function and her father was out drinking, say court filings. The defendant admitted that he was drinking on October 10, 2014 and around midnight he walked to the victim’s residence, where he knocked on the door and was let in by the girl’s younger brother. The defendant further stated that he sat on the couch and that’s when he saw the victim sleeping on the bed, and then he touched her on her private parts. The plea agreement was accepted and the defendant has been scheduled for sentencing next month. Tausilinu’u is behind bars on a no bail statue due to his immigration status. Samoa News first reported this case in the Oct. 17, 2014 issue. MAN CHARGED FOR SEX WITH MINOR TO ENTER GUILTY PLEA IN SEX CASE Jermain Maybir has signed a plea agreement with the government after being charged with statutory rape of a 13-year-old girl, sexual assault and sexual abuse first degree. He will plead guilty to sexual abuse first and the government will drop the remaining charges. Sexual abuse carries a jail term of up to five years, a fine of $5,000 or both. According to the government’s case, on April 21, 2014 the police received a report that a 13-year-old girl refused to come home to her family. It’s alleged that the police made contact with victim’s mother and then police spoke to the victim who stated that she was having a relationship with the defendant. Sentencing is scheduled for next month. Samoa News first reported this story in the August 23, 2014 issue. ➧ Marcus Mariota contender for Heisman… Continued from page 1 lege player of the year), and the Walter Camp National Player of the Year Award. Now, Mariota is the front-runner for the coveted Heisman Trophy, which, according to wikipedia.com “is awarded annually to the most outstanding player in college football in the United States whose performance best exhibits the pursuit of excellence with integrity.” The name of the Heisman Trophy winner will be officially announced tonight. ESPN says that winning the Heisman Trophy is worth at least $800,000 over a lifetime ($200,000 for autograph deals, $200,000 for public appearances and speeches, and $400,000 for a shoe deal), not counting the amount of doors that open just by joining the elite fraternity. The winner of the Heisman is selected by votes that are cast by sports journalists, previous Heisman Trophy winners, and fans. Mariota is currently a junior who, much to the disappointment of numerous NFL teams and fans, bypassed a chance to enter the NFL draft to finish off his senior year at Oregon. He is the potential No. 1 pick in the 2015 NFL draft. Known for his quiet demeanor and shying away from the spotlight, Mariota stands to be the first player to win the Maxwell Award and the Heisman Trophy in the same season since 2010 when Auburn University’s Cam Newton did it. His chances are great though, as four straight winners of the Davey O’Brien Award have gone on to win the Heisman. Yesterday, Mariota’s aunt, Vaosefa Mariota Grey told the Samoa News that Marcus has always been very quiet. “He is only outspoken when he’s around family,” she said. “He takes that from my dad (Marcus’s grandfather) Taulauniu Mariota who passed away in 2011.” It was during his grandfather’s funeral that Marcus last set foot in American Samoa, which he has visited a handful of times. His family is from the village of Laulii and they are just overwhelmed with pride. They show their support for Marcus by displaying Oregon flags, stickers, and decals on their vehicles. Also, throughout the football season, homemade banners made of fabric hang from the second story of their home, spray painted with his name, jersey number, and messages of support. “We are all very proud of Marcus,” MariotaGrey said. “We support him from across the ocean and applaud his achievements.” Mariota-Grey said that Marcus’s life has always been centered around his family. “He has always said that his family comes first,” she said. Marcus’s uncle, Jimmy Grey (who is an assistant football coach for the Faga’itua Vikings) said, “We are so proud of Marcus’s accomplishments and we support him for staying humble. It’s hard to believe how someone can be a star and be so quiet about it, but I guess everyone’s different.” He added, “We wish him the best of luck in the upcoming Rose Bowl and the playoffs, especially throughout his football career.” Mariota is a graduate of Saint Louis School in the Aloha State, leading everyone to believe that he is of Hawaiian descent when in fact, his father, Toa Mariota was born and raised in American Samoa and is the son of Taulauniu and Simeaola Mariota of Laulii (Aumi). His mother, Ala Deppe-Mariota is Caucasian and he has one sibling, a brother named Matt. “Even though news reports from off island refer to him as being Hawaiian, Marcus is Samoan,” Mariota-Grey said. “This is something he knows and is very proud of.” For now, Polynesians here and around the world are anxiously waiting for the official announcement naming this year’s Heisman Trophy winner. Mariota is predicted to win by a landslide and if he does, he will become the first Samoan to ever achieve such a feat, adding yet another entry in the territory’s history book. The Samoa News/To’asavili join the rest of the Samoans here and abroad in wishing Marcus Mariota the best! Good luck Marcus. O ou mama na. Page 16 samoa news, Saturday, December 13, 2014 Ia i le Atua le Viiga Aufaipese Metotisi Pava’ia’i C M Y K C M Y K 1964 - 2014 “IA OUTOU PEPESE ATU IA IEOVA I LE PESE FOU; LE LALOLAGI UMA E IA OUTOU PEPESE ATU IA IEOVA.” –Salamo 96:1 MANUIA LOU IUPELI AURO FA’AFETAI TELE I LE ATUA UA MAUA LE ATOAGA O LOU 50 TAUSAGA TAUTUA I ONA VI’IGA. E MANATUA AUAUNA A LE ATUA O E SA GALULUE I TOTONU O LE EKALESIA METOTISI I PAVA’IA’I, TAMALI’I MA FAILAUGA, FALETUA MA TAUSI, TAMA MA TINA, ALO MA FANAU, AIGA MA UO O E SA GALULUE I LE TAU ATINA’E O LENEI GALUEGA I ASO UA TUANA’I. MALO FAI O LE FAIVA. FA’AFEAGAIGA SA GALLULUE MAI LE 1964 - 2014 Susuga i le Fa’afeagaiga ma le Faletua Rev. Fa’avae & Salutaua Fa’avae • • • • • • • • • • • Rev.Filemoni&TaeaoneNagaseu Rev.Toelei’u&LitaTalauega Rev.Taeao&EpiTauanu’u Rev.Tolo&LagimainaLaupu’e Rev.Su’e&VaoeseaSu’a Rev.Malosi&MoliFa’aso’otauloa Rev.Tanielu&AuteMuavao Rev.Ieremia&SesaIeremia Rev.Iosefatu&LeafaitulagiSemi Rev.Tekoki&Fa’aaliMate Rev.Fa’avaeLeafiafitulia&SalutauaFa’avae Olesaunigaoleneifa’amanatuefaiaile AsoSa,Tesema14,2014,itulae3ileafiafiile malumaluo‘IesuLeSuluMoni’,Ekalesia MetotisiiPava’ia’i.Etaliafiafialouauaimai.
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