Slides - Workshop on Functional Art, Music, Modeling and Design
Slides - Workshop on Functional Art, Music, Modeling and Design
Exploring Melody Space in a Live Context Using Declarative Functional Programming FARM Workshop at ICFP 2014, Gothenburg Thomas G. Kristensen, uSwitch Ltd, London Composer is a simple, responsive and extensible system utilising logic programming to allow novices to explore and learn music rules Background Background offline online Background programmers offline online musicians Background programmers offline online musicians Background programmers offline online Shasheela musicians Background offline online programmers musicians Shasheela FHarm Background programmers musicians offline Shasheela FHarm online Principled approach Background programmers musicians offline Shasheela FHarm online Principled approach Graphical score grammars Background programmers musicians offline Shasheela FHarm online Principled approach Graphical score grammars •Anders: Composing music by composing rules (Ph.D. thesis) •Koops, Magalhãe and de Haas: A functional approach to automatic melody harmonisation •Aaron, Blackwell, Hoadley and Regan: A principled approach to developing new languages for live coding •Stead, Blackwell and Aarong: Graphic score grammars for end-users Melody rules C♯ D♯ • Tonic note • Mode • Cadence F♯ G♯ A♯ C♯ D♯ 3 C 1 2 D E F 7 4 5 6 G A B 8 C D E Melody rules C♯ D♯ • Tonic note • Mode • Cadence F♯ G♯ A♯ C♯ D♯ 3 C 1 2 D E F 7 4 5 6 G A B 8 C D E Architecture JVM Instrument state loop OSC listener Composer loop OSC server Overtone loop SuperCollider Architecture JVM Instrument state loop I OSC listener OSC server Composer loop II a. Overtone loop IV SuperCollider III V Logic programming (scaleo next-note scale-rest notes-rest))) ([note [0 . scale-rest] notes] (fresh [next-note] (semitone note next-note) (scaleo next-note scale-rest notes)))) Logic programming With this rule, it is possible for us to write a logic program to generate C-major. (run* [notes] (scaleo :C3 major-scale notes) (counto notes 8)) ;; => ([:C3 :D3 :E3 :F3 :G3 :A3 :B3 :C4]) As there is no orientation on our computation, it is also possible for us to go the other way, and re-create the binary pattern of a scale given a concrete instance of a scale (run* [tonic-note pattern] (scaleo tonic-note pattern [:C3 :D3 :E3 :F3 :G3 :A3 :B3 :C4])) ;; => ([:C3 (1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 . _0)]) As a melody in C OMPOSER is just a permutation of a scale, with the added restriction that the first and the last note must be the first and last note of the scale, we can start generating melodies that conform to the scale rule. (run 3 [m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7 m8] (scaleo next-note scale-rest notes-rest))) As there is no orientation on our computation, it is also possible for . scale-rest] notes] us([note to go the[0other way, and re-create the binary pattern of a scale [next-note] given (fresh a concrete instance of a scale (semitone note next-note) (run* [tonic-note pattern] (scaleo next-note scale-rest notes)))) Logic programming (scaleo tonic-note pattern :E3 :F3 :A3write :B3 a :C4])) With this rule, [:C3 it is :D3 possible for :G3 us to logic ;; => ([:C3 (1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 . _0)]) generate C-major. program to As a melody in C OMPOSER is just a permutation of a scale, with (run* [notes] the added restriction the first and the last note must be the first (scaleo :C3that major-scale notes) and last(counto note of the scale, we can start generating melodies that notes 8)) conform to the :D3 scale:E3 rule.:F3 :G3 :A3 :B3 :C4]) ;; => ([:C3 (run 3 [m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7 m8] As there is no[n1 orientation ourn6computation, it is also possible for (fresh n2 n3 n4onn5 n7 n8] us to go the other way, and re-create the binary pattern of a scale (scaleo :C3 major-scale given a concrete instance scale [n1 of n2a n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8]) (permuteo [m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7 m8] (run* [tonic-note pattern] [n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8]) (scaleo pattern (==tonic-note m1 :C3) (==[:C3 m8 :C4))) :D3 :E3 :F3 :G3 :A3 :B3 :C4])) ;; => ([:C3 :E31 :F3 ;; ([:C3 :D3 (1 0 0 1 :G3 1 0:A3 1 0:B3 1 0:C4] 1 1 . _0)]) ;; [:C3 :E3 :D3 :F3 :G3 :A3 :B3 :C4] ;; a melody [:C3 :F3 :E3 :G3is:A3 :C4]) As in C:D3 OMPOSER just:B3 a permutation of a scale, with the added restriction that the first and the last note must be the first 1 A few basic macros and functions from core.logic are used in the code and last note of the scale, we can start generating melodies that examples presented. defne defines a goal function using pattern matching; conform to all thesolutions scale rule. run* returns to a system, possibly never halting; run returns no more than a given number of solutions to a system; fresh introduces (run [m1 m2 m3variable. m4 m5 For m6a m7 m8] a new 3 unbound logic more detailed overview of core.logic the di was th expre melod To extens as the for th betwe progra often neede It interfa an iOS intera for no to the send O Af chose caden in a l interfa with a of the chang key th The definition can be done recursively over itthe binary sequence (scaleo next-note scale-rest notes-rest))) As there is no orientation on our computation, is also possible for 1 defining scale, as demonstrated here . scale-rest] notes] us([note to gothe the[0 other way, and re-create the:binary pattern of a scale (fresh [next-note] given a concrete instance of ascale scale notes] (defne scaleo [tonic-not Logic programming (semitone note next-note) ([note [1 . scale-rest] [note . ()]]) (run* [tonic-note pattern] (scaleo next-note scale-rest notes)))) ([note [1 . scale-rest] [note . notes-rest]] (scaleo tonic-note pattern [next-note] [:C3 :E3 :F3 :A3write :B3 a :C4])) With(fresh this rule, it is :D3 possible for :G3 us to logic program to (semitone ;; => ([:C3 (1 0 1 0 1note 1 0 next-note) 1 0 1 0 1 1 . _0)]) generate C-major. (scaleo next-note scale-rest notes-rest))) ([note [0 .in scale-rest] As a melody C OMPOSER isnotes] just a permutation of a scale, with (run* [notes] (fresh [next-note] the added restriction the first and the last note must be the first (scaleo :C3that major-scale notes) note next-note) and last(counto note (semitone of the scale, we can start generating melodies that notes 8)) (scaleo next-note scale-rest notes)))) conform to the scale:E3 rule. ;; => ([:C3 :D3 :F3 :G3 :A3 :B3 :C4]) With rule, possible us to write a logic program to (run this 3 [m1 m2 itm3is m4 m5 m6 for m7 m8] As there is no[n1 orientation ourn6computation, it is also possible for (fresh n2 n3 n4onn5 n7 n8] generate C-major. us to go the other way, and re-create the binary pattern of a scale (scaleo :C3 major-scale (run* given [notes] a concrete instance scale [n1 of n2a n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8]) (scaleo(permuteo :C3 major-scale [m1 m2 m3notes) m4 m5 m6 m7 m8] (run*(counto [tonic-note notes pattern] 8))[n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8]) (scaleo ;; => ([:C3 :D3 :E3 :F3 :G3pattern :A3 :B3 :C4]) (==tonic-note m1 :C3) (==[:C3 m8 :C4))) :D3 :E3 :F3 :G3 :A3 :B3 :C4])) As is no orientation our possible for ;;there :D3 :E31 :F3 :A3 ;; => ([:C3 ([:C3 (1 0 0on 1 :G3 1 0computation, 1 0:B3 1 0:C4] 1 it1 is. also _0)]) [:C3other :E3 way, :D3 :F3 :A3 :B3 :C4] pattern of a scale us;;to go the and :G3 re-create the binary ;; a amelody [:C3 :F3 :E3 :C4]) As ininstance C:D3 OMPOSER is:A3 just:B3 a permutation of a scale, with given concrete of a:G3 scale the added restriction that the first and the last note must be the first 1 (run* pattern] A few[tonic-note basic macros and functions from core.logic are used in the code and last note of the scale, wea goal canfunction start generating melodies that (scaleo tonic-note pattern examples presented. defne defines using pattern matching; conform to all thesolutions scale :D3 rule. run* returns to a:E3 system, never halting; run returns [:C3 :F3possibly :G3 :A3 :B3 :C4])) more than a(1 given fresh introduces ;;no => ([:C3 0 1number 0 1 1of0solutions 1 0 1 to 0 a1 system; 1 . _0)]) (run 3 [m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7 m8] a new unbound logic variable. For a more detailed overview of core.logic the diG was ingth expre ram melod in a ofToc extens char as the for th 3.2 betwe progra Muc often perf neede prog It cert interfa on b antoiOS a intera by a forsect no to the up b send O them Af the chose was caden inexpr al mel interfa with T a ofexte the as t chang fortht key Logic programming (ns composer.composer (:refer-clojure :exclude [==]) (:require [clojure.core.async :refer [go >! <!]] [clojure.core.logic :refer :all] [clojure.core.logic.pldb :refer :all])) (defn scale-from-tones [tone-types] (take 25 (->> tone-types (map {:semitone [1] :tone [0 1] :minor-third [0 0 1]}) flatten butlast (cons 1) cycle))) (def major-scale (scale-from-tones [:tone :tone :semitone (def harmonic-minor-scale (scale-from-tones [:tone :semitone :tone (def natural-minor-scale (scale-from-tones [:tone :semitone :tone (def locrian-mode (scale-from-tones [:semitone :tone :tone (def mixolydian-mode (scale-from-tones [:tone :tone :semitone (def scale-modes [[:major-scale [:harmonic-minor-scale [:natural-minor-scale [:locrian-mode [:mixolydian-mode (defne scaleo [base-note scale notes] ([note [1 . scale-rest] [note . ()]]) ([note [1 . scale-rest] [note . notes-rest]] (fresh [next-note] (semitone note next-note) (scaleo next-note scale-rest notes-rest))) ([note [0 . scale-rest] notes] (fresh [next-note] (semitone note next-note) (scaleo next-note scale-rest notes)))) (defn key-restriction [instrument-state s1] (if-let [key (:key instrument-state)] (all (== key s1)) succeed)) (defn compositions [instrument-state & [n]] (with-db semitone-facts (if n (run n [melody2] (logic-program instrument-state melody2)) (run* [melody2] (logic-program instrument-state melody2))))) (defn- random-composition [instrument-state] (rand-nth (or (seq (compositions instrument-state 1024)) [[]]))) ;; Loop :tone :tone :tone :semitone])) :tone :semitone :minor-third :semitone])) :tone :semitone :tone :tone])) :semitone :tone :tone :tone])) :tone :tone :semitone :tone])) major-scale] harmonic-minor-scale] natural-minor-scale] locrian-mode] mixolydian-mode]]) (db-rel semitone note-1 note-2) (def keys-from-c [:C3 :C#3 :D3 :D#3 :E3 :F3 :F#3 :G3 :G#3 :A3 :A#3 :B3 :C4 :C#4 :D4 :D#4 :E4 :F4 :F#4 :G4 :G#4 :A4 :A#4 :B4 :C5]) (def semitone-facts (reduce (fn [db [note-1 note-2]] (db-fact db semitone note-1 note-2)) empty-db (partition 2 1 keys-from-c))) (defn scale-restriction [instrument-state scale-type] (if (:scale instrument-state) (all (membero [(:scale instrument-state) scale-type] scale-modes)) succeed)) (defn cadence-restriction [instrument-state m7 s2 s4 s5] (case (:cadence instrument-state) :perfect (all (== m7 s5)) :plagal (all (== m7 s4)) :just-nice (all (== m7 s2)) nil succeed)) (defn- logic-program [instrument-state melody2] (fresh [melody m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7 m8 scale s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 base-note scale-type] (key-restriction instrument-state s1) (== melody [m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7 m8]) (== scale [s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8]) (== m1 s1) (== m8 s8) (cadence-restriction instrument-state m7 s2 s4 s5) (== melody2 [m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7 m1]) (scale-restriction instrument-state scale-type) (scaleo base-note scale-type scale) (permuteo scale melody))) (defn- same-melody-params? [instrument-state-1 instrument-state-2] (let [non-melody-keys [:speed :gaps]] (= (apply dissoc instrument-state-1 non-melody-keys) (apply dissoc instrument-state-2 non-melody-keys)))) (defn composer-loop "Listens for new instrument states on instrument-state-ch and emits a random melody to melody-ch. The loop terminates when instrument-state-ch closes. Changes to :speed or :gaps does not compose a new melody, but alters the timing of the existing." [instrument-state-ch melody-ch] (go (loop [prev-instrument-state nil prev-composition nil] (when-let [instrument-state (<! instrument-state-ch)] (let [gaps (for [i (range 8)] (get (:gaps instrument-state) i 0.5)) speed (:speed instrument-state) new-melody (if (same-melody-params? prev-instrument-state instrument-state) (:melody prev-composition) (random-composition instrument-state)) new-composition {:gaps gaps :speed speed :melody new-melody}] (>! melody-ch new-composition) (recur instrument-state new-composition)))))) The system The system Experiments • Goal: a reactive system • Experiment 1: What is the size of the melody space and how long does it take to enumerate it? • Experiment 2: What is a reasonable bound on the search space to achieve responsiveness? Experiment 1 Melody space Execution time (ms) Melodies/second No scale Any tonic note C – pc – pc Major scale Any tonic note C – pc – pc 258 – – 9, 360 4, 299 2, 177 120 278 431 258 – – 258 – – 258 – – 1, 560 3, 852 404 720 294 2, 448 e of the melody space for different instrument configurations and the time it takes to enumerate that space in C OM notes available to the engine, which accounts for the bound of 258 . “pc” is short for “perfect cadence”. Execution time for bounded melody space searches 100000 Experiment 2 No scale Major scale, any tonic note, any cadence Major scale, C, any cadence Major scale, C, perfect cadence Execution time (ms) 100000 10000 1000 100 10 1 2 8 32 128 512 Search space bound 2048 8192 32768 Conclusion • Composer demonstrates it is possible to build a responsive interactive system with extremely small and succinct core • The declarative nature of the core implementation makes it possible to extend the terminology to other types of music Future work • Proper sampling of search space • Labeled interface • Non-Western music • User testing