wried Queen


wried Queen
-. .
I.' . .
.' .
. . .. ,.. , . .
. ..
. .
wried Queen
. .
: . . . , _ ' ,-
. ' B y. Madonna Padgeii
. .
. ,Mary ,' Ida, Parr, daughter of/
A h , Minnie Parr of.Arienta,'Uinois,",will be,,bwned & pueen
of thc campus a t the annual May
Festival to bc held a t 8:15 p: m.,
!day 31,' in the college gymnasium. The m'mnacn of Miss Parr's
iopnt' are Elsie Mac: Padgett,
Cyclone, Indiana; Betty Smith,
Acton,, .Indiana: . Lois WcKain,
Huntington, Indiana, and 'Amella
Bmoks, Mohawk, M i a n a . t
Julia Cieorbe of Nappanee,
Indiana,'.is' the rotiring quecn.
Her murt members are Jean Niller, 'Bourbon. 'Indiana: hbrtha
l'albott, . D m t u r , lllinois; n h .
Ian& Bogle, Indianapolis; Sylvia
Sholty, Indianapolis.: . , . .
. . . . . .
The above picture which hangs
'_:. in the &yjnd floor corridor of the
,. .
... ....- trait,oLDr.,. J-TIRoberts,A.D.,
,Ph.D. Dr. Roberts,.was the founder of Indiana Central; and served
. . . .
' .
. . . .
a s the first president of the college from 1905 to 1908. He, \Vas
born near Hartford City. in 1859
and died in Indianapolis in"1937.
S e a k Beiiy'Smith, Maxy Ida Parr,Elsie Phhgeif: Sknding:
. . Loin'
: '
McKain. Junella B m k o . .
' '
. '..,. . .
Commencement - ISMO's Gone and
To Be June 5
I Left Us AII Alone
.- by'Eileen Pollard
. .
The-Seniors finally did it. They
skipped! ' ' .
. .
.After.,much.conjecture 'on the
part of underelasanen and much
hedging by the Seniors, the prjvil@cd class finally pulled out for
their .annual skip ,on. p e s d i y ,
&ray 13,: at'.,5:00 a. m.. To the
credit d the wily underchssmen
i t must be said that they were up
in full force to "help:' the Seniors
dr& and slip out and gaily sing
to them ,'We're sorry you're going'away:, from the balmny of
New,Hall; : , :. .
'The' Seniors s&t 'the' day at
Turkey . Run, 'laking the trails,
falling in, crceks, end generally
having fun. "Professor Roy %vis
chaperoned' the 'group. ' A . telcg r i m dispatched Umt morning informed the, "stay-at-homes"'
. . ., . . . .
their destination.
With the' restraining ''Senior
dignity absent,. the ' underclass. superintendent of St. J&cph Con-1 Thcn came that unforgettable m& went to work. "e customferencc. Rcvercnd R. 11. Turley. day when word w a received from ary class flag J& on the flag pole
mlicge pastor, will give the hen& "higher authorities" that SMO u'as hauled d o y n and 'P*?S pbced
must leave Dailcy Hall.. Conse- in the main comdor of 'the Ad-'
diction.. ,
quently, he became a resident of ministration' Building o n the
. .
Buxton Hall, and it has been ru- floor. A notice on it read: Please
. ' ..Schedule of . Events.
. ,
mored that a sign reading "ShlO step on me. Later i t ' was ob. .
slept here" hangs over Joe Pen-,
. . . . .
. , served cut to shreds. '
rod's bed. ,; . . . . '
' I n New Hall drawers '.were
J u n e I. 194kBaseball gamAfte; a few hectic days with, switched 'and dothes were ,hidAnderson-Here 2 0 0 P. hI.
the Buxton BOYS.ShIO. smellins, 3en; beds were salted or quipped
Seniors Skip
TuesdayyMay 13
Dr. .Harold R. Heininger ' will .
. .. .
deliver the commencement ad- . . : . . .
. .
dress 'Wednesday, June 5. F. ~e jubf w a n t , = littie friendHeininger iS the ,president. Of .the a little friend to pet and play with.
Evangelical Theological Seminary, we had d little friend once, &,t
Naperville, Illinois. He has:held h i 'dbn't libe here
this position since 1939 and has of COUTX ' everybody. knows
been a faculty.memher.there for slro. He's that fat little'hunk
twenty-'one years. He is a former of
that caused io much
pastor of the Manchester Church, disturban= on the c&p.& about
. . .
Fall River, Massachusetts. Dr. a month ago.
Heininger received his Ph.D. de-'
grec in 1933 from th8 University .He has been the victim of many
happy and unhappy circumstances
of Chicnco.
. '
, .
June 5;
.~ . w a n t a little
June 10, 1946Rcgistratiori for1 to petand play' with. ',
mencem?nt-lO:OO A'
Summer Term,.
. . .
. .
bv the O . ~ M .S.
(016M a i b socieiy)
h b r y Click, music
instructor, will be in 9 r g e of
music, Miss hbry Iiucy. head of
lhe homc~,economirsdopartmet, ,
has charm of costumes, hlrs. Nellie+M<spn;hcJd-of the art'depart- -'.
ment, dmrations; and hIrs. Luis
buts, instructor &'girls' physi- .
tal education, will direct the'
. .
mnastia., . ,
was prcsented'to the
in. the
. . fall of. . 1945.
Corner Landscaped
By Les Eleves '
landscape project noiv underway. bn the corner, of Shelby
and Hanna is at last materializing the plans of I; C. C. studehts
b y making a more'attractive entrance to the campus.'. T h e mcmbers of the Art,Club as.'sponsors
this project have made it the'f
main activity of the school year.
A number of small-evergreens
have been planted, and within
a short time the land is t o be leveled and sodded., A 'six .by eight
foot sign will be put up'bearing
the name of the college and the
emblem. ' Financial support was
given by the faculty and staff of
thc'cqliege and the following stui
dent' organizations ?re ,also contributing:'Vesta Club, 's. C. A,
Veterans' Association, International Relations Club, English. Club,
Philalethea, T h e l l o s i a , Philagathca, Boarter Club, Alpha'Psi Omega, Music Club; and t h e Library.,
The progrim will be centered
around mem!krs d the physical
:ducation department. T h e s e
mm&& will dca?onstrate their
kats .before
the aueen
W.S.F. Proiect Is , :
"Over the Top" '.T .
. . .
Awards Day Held
On Friday, May 17
'Awards Day f o r .1&5-46 was'
observed Friday; May 17, -at'thc
chapel period.
' The contest for the l&ing cup
awarded for the best literarv uro-
With New Hall over the line
first and Buxton a close second.
lhe World ' Studcnt Friendship
Pfoject came to a very successful
'finis.'' New Hall with a goal of
Porty dollars cr&ed the 'goal line
on Thuisday. Dray 9. with DuxLon just'three d o b r s short. Final
tabulation up to'this time shows
I total of $359.81 raised with a
184.81 surplus over the original
goal of $275.. All groups reached
their go& With -on
and the
taollty leading in .the amounts.
w e r t h y aOaL Twenty-fin per.
cent of the total amount will go
Lo'the.ald of war impoverished
students .all over .the world, and
seventy-five .per cent goes to thc
Rnaneing of one of our o w n stuients-as a missionary project to
mica. The.S. C. A. wishes to
txtend'its gmtitude i n d sin&
thanks to ' t h e solicitors in each
lormitory and each m u p who
lid a'splcndid jbb in "bringing
home the
. . hcbh" '
Results of thc 'other denomha!ional college drives ,hve not
m n made. known yet, but ' w e
ire looking forward eagerly to.
mow thB shnding we made.
pmderi dummies were made and Theaeollosia, : C h a r 1 e t Norton,
i d e s were d t t e n : In Buxton' Phllalethia, and Harold Harmon,
Hall mattreSSes'and sheets 'were Philogathia, readkg their pro-:
by Bob McBride
. .
_ - _ , , .. . , ..
.. .
.. --..LW.
_--. .
Smrtr Edltrr
. ..1 IIENRY
. . , .
. . .Edltor-.--!..-?llSS
h c d b Addser---i--.hSRS.
Addraa'AU Corremndenr. and Coalrlbmtlmn'
t. ..the Edltor.
Entered a~ erond-elam matkr Oibber IS. 192% i t ,
the pxt oftice .I 1ndie.na~olb. Indiana, under the D C t
, '
. , .
. .
em! _ ', . . . . . ..
.. . .. , ..
. i '
:for .some exciting games.and a \heavy
balance _on. the winning-side.
. .
" Thank you 'Coach' Bright, for
. . these.
. .
teams and your coaching. i .', .. .. .., . .
. ..
,..Think.: you, band, f o r , the .'rousin$.'
. marchestat the games'..and for your cpn-.
certs;. orchestri, f o r the concerts; string
ensemble, for the incidental music; chapel
choir, for the beaukiful muslc at"convocations: trio, for representing us; chorus,
.clarinet trio,.and all.the rest; music pro-.
. ' fessors. a n d instructors. ,I . .
.. . .: . ,
. . . Think you, rheer.leaders,
for the yells'
: * ~ . ..
, i -and inspiration.
. . ,. . ~ .
. ..
. .~
. .Thank you, SCA, f o r the World'Friend. . ship Drive, for ch'apel programs, for Stunt
: Night, for the banquets, for Leap .Week,
1 .
. your
. many other services.. , . ' .. ..
.'. :' .'Thank you, Sophomore' Class-,.for cook-,
' - . i n g . u p Hobo Day. .I
'.,. . - . _ .
'1. , T h a n k you, Jean IIi
',willing t o accompan
. .so.mell.
. Tha'nk you, Pred
ch and'faculty,
, *for your. counsel and .guidanc$.
_. ,
., .
;. ,Thank you, campus workers,'for.keep.. . ing things running. : ..
', -> . .
' From'the. editor,' thank you, Reflector
.' reporters, the regular ones and the: ones
' who' helped when' needed, ' for..writing
: : stories and meeting deadlines eventhough
'you had much other.work to do., Thank'
. : you,' fellows who made so many. trips to.
the printer's.when your driving,assistanc'
.. N ~ Sso badly needed. ,~
. :. . :..,
To everyone, for your p&in.fhis yehr;
even .if it was only' being, a . part; of the.
I . . .school and its activities, thank you.' Let's:
do it again.next year and make it biggec
and better. .
. :
. . ' :
. .
. , I
A real education consists 'more of'lvis.dom"'than.' of "knowledge; Its: essence, is
more in the realm of'.value. judgments
than .:an accumulation- of facts. 'Recent
:events in the scientific world-hnd on' the,
international..scene emphasize anew' 'the
f a c t that knowledge is not enough.' It re:
quires.more than knowledge to adequately maintain:our civilization;': This is .not
to say that knowledge, yes,'an ever.,increasing amount .of knowledge, ,is not
necessary and*-essential. But rather to
,indicate that more thm,knowledfe
is re. . ...
required.. ..:. . . . . . .
;It has bee'n 'said ' t h a t " k e do 'that'
which- we most desire to do." This is only
another way of saying that our actions
are determined by our scale 'of vdues.
If, therefore, actions are wrong;.it follows
that .our scale of values is maladjusted.
There are several respcctp in which such.
maladjustment may 'occur.'
. ,,
. .
The value sca'le may be out of line in
,regard to the element of time. 0ur.effortsand .energies may be expended,entirely
.upon those things .which. have .only. immediate value t o us. All of u s like t o eat
our.cake .but many do not"rea1ize until
after it is eaten that we cannot eat it dnd
still have it for a future tim'e: Over and
over again we are faced mitli the problem .of our childhood; shallPI'spend.my
penny for a chocolate.drop which is consumed in one bite'or for an all-day sucker.
jvhich will last for hours., Too frequently.
me decide in favor of the chocolate drop;
The'things for which we.labor do not
have;values which:are.~perma'nent. Most
of us need'to adjust our value scale at
. .,
. (..' . .
.. . .
this point. .' ;
Again the'scale may be out'of'line'.in
regard..to .the element :of.quantity.:-.We:
i r e enamored with size. The bigger some.thing is, the more. there is of it, the better
we like it.' We have heard the'old adage
'which is true to much of life that. "'Good.
goods a r c wrapped in small"pickages,"
but yw have'never taken it seriously. We:
'have .rather based our actions?upon' the
.theory that if a little is:good;more must'
be'better: .It has led us to home absurd
situations.'. .Consider .the field. of education where universities number their students in tens of thousands and-where individual classes may. enroll :several .bundred.. The concentration .of life in.some
of our larke cities where houses are built
against each 'other 'and apartments g o ,
' u p many stories. high is further evidenco
of this maladjustment.in our: value scale
at the quantity level. .. .. . [ , .
..:. The most important'point.at which t h e '
scale.may be out of line, however, .is in
regard'to quality evaluations. .Appreci-.
ation for.quality has its origin. within the .
individual.. It is, in fact, the outward reflection of.the quality which exists within
the life: This, is n o t ' a new.idea. Paul;
long ago, -considered i t , when;he .wrote
his. letter to. the Philipian. church. ,You,
will recall that h e . wrote. to them these
words: ;'Whatsoever things..are honest
whatsoever things .are just, ,whatsoever
.things are pure, whatsoever. things arc
lovely, whatsoever things are of .good.,re.port;.if there be .any .virtue and if there
.be any praise,. think on these .things.", He,
was asking these early. Christian pcople
to put. qunlity of life, first on .their scale',
of. values. :The things he mentions. are
.marks of quality and an appre,ciation of
them by.an individual marks that person
. .
as an individual of quality.
.:-In. our. time we need ' t o be 'reminded
of the necessity of- putting:.life quality
first:,It is important in education, in busi'ness, and in social life, -It is essential.for.
t h e . Christian college' t o ! ,champion this
:point of view for when these colleges send
forth graduatcs who know life's facts and,
at the same time have their scile.of values
in .:proper adjustment ' t o . the...spiritual
realities of life, the world Ivill be led in
pathway,of righteousness. , ..
: ,
. -
. .
Greetings and'Salutations! !. I
Yep, Ginger has been eaves-bop- at the m o d fiiday seivice held .
ping again!
..Say, hradonna, a t the .Vogue Theater. On April
w h a h this3 hear :about. a few 23 he spoke at the Beech Grove
bugs -spoiling' a :whole evening's
High School.. On April
: Some-of our blonde the~commencement
address at
beauties might. have been dsap- Clay City, Indiana. He +tended
pointed on Q certainevening when and spoke.,at the hIinisterial In- :
they realized that the -man was stitUte.
St. Jw Conference at
whistling at and. chasing a dog
and 8. On &ray
and not them. Too'.bad. girls. .'. 19 he Save the baccalaureate ad. , .
Well, all I can'say is there must dress at
Indiana. , , . . . ,
be something'in Kentucky seeing Miss Anna Mary Glick, hk.Eu- :
as'how large
Of Our
gene .hIogle, Helen Whaley, and'. . .
dents are still going south of the Janet Bogie presented for the y's
border: .'.:hIcNiece believes. in hlen,s Club on .April 3o a review ;
keeping his bed high' and..dry. of victor IIerbert*s Opf.+tta, ;q-he '
Well,- anyway, it \vas on-top, of Red brill.,,
. .
. .
I can Dr. W. P. Morgan attended fhe
hear, :Vooden is hoping that BenSpring nreeting o f . the Indiana
nie'doesn't lose the key to "the Academy. of Science on May110
room." ' * *
Hadley? how
and ll'which'was held at Turkey ':
does ' i t feel to live with-trash?
Run State park..
, .
The rainy weather Seems to ,lIrs. nuth.Sholty.spol;e in the
be putting a halt to a lot of pitch- morning and
services . .
ing, baseball, I mean.'.,
at Cooper9s Chapel u. B. Church
is some pitcher.. There ar8. some ne^ Covingtbn, ,Indiana,. on hIay
people, who a r e ' .wondering, ,I
5.' In the afternoon of'hlay 9 she
guess. Give them a break :and
a t 'a hIother and Daughter
have a 'date, Dan.'. This stream.
Tea a t Pendieton given by the U.'
lined vehicle that Outcalt rides to B. Church.. That evening she
school is'the envy of the camp-.
One didn't realize there were spoke at the White River Branch
Meeting in Terre -Haute. ' She
so' many seniors 'until, the Sirls
were . given senior privileges. gave the Mother's Day address a t
the Holmes Avenue Free
Where are the underclass girls?
Church, Indinapolis on xIay .
Ask .Smitley .'about. the Big
Three meeting.'JVhen's the p y t
hlr. E&
Mnference.iVernon? BY the way. . Dr. Harry DeVries
what's this ahout. Eadie having R. Xek attended, the 31ississippi
:ombetition by correspondence? Valley Historical Association a t
19, and
What does Jane.Turley. do Blwmington on April
. .
, . . .
20. . . .
so late in her room? Her dad must
pay an enormous light bill.
With the enQof school and exams speaking
~B::Bibl~:In~eSt,gbti6don,\Vednesday nights at:
to .--coming. up soon^ there' seems to
the Y. AI. C. A. in Indianaylis.
b e . a lull in'these secret missions
and rendezvous ,bt'point x.,;'... On April 24 he spoke a t the portlandU. B. Church and a t the PortIt seems that the omce girls can
rate chomlate sundaes when the land High'Schwl,on
31 ' .he'
students :can't. This I hear from
fellows. Wish we had spoke to the'Indianapolis Church' .
.. me think Federation.. ,On hIay 5 he spoke
tertain people should'take better a t 'the First Evangelical Church
in Indianapolis . i n , t h e , morning
i ~ ofe
ticketi! I
the .Hartford.City U. .'B. . '
Because of a . certain' slip in a
iertain play, Eulene now sings, Church i n the evening., ,
'q'm an old man nay."
Who .Prof. Bok 'Davis'spoke t0 the , ,
ii the latest'of the N. Y. Conven- W h a s h chapter 'of .the Alumna1
. .
~i~ to break !he "rvomanHater-* Association on April 28.
. Dr. Russel hlerkel attended the
halition? Good bo$, Eddie!
what was it
heard' about Q director's meeting of the State A:..
water' fight .with pitchers in the dult,Education Association a t t h e ,
kitchen? hlust , have been fun, Hotel Severen on bray .11.IIe also
'well.. aut
_ d6wn. tiie attended the State Schoolmaster's
paper, kids, and 'go study for Club luncheon i n d ' afternoon,.
:xams.' Nice having known you meeting on hIay. 11. at the.Clayihis year. See.you next year.
pool Hotel.
Prof.'Street,Dr. Mason,'and Dr.
Yours spicily,' GINGER.. :
. . hrerkel attended the Phi Delta.
. . ,
Kappa at Butler .University on
'. .
. .
. ..
banan= to orrer,~... .
. ..
. ..
bp Mariha Talboff
' . Dr. 6hIerkel
. and
. Prof.
Davis attended the state conference for
- Prof. James, Weber 'spoke in
With all due apologies for the
?mission o f an interview,with one
3f the N e w - York
John Wallen has a t last been seen.
Johnny ham't decided as yet just
what.he wants to do, but it has
Kokomo'on'the morning
. . o f hray
support him for the rest.of his
life to be:his wii-ny
who are
eligible. please. mntact Johnny.
His hobbies &d, pastimes? 'Any
and all. sports.. ,He :proves. himself well as I.'C: C.'s.first.baseman when he stretches o u t ' t o
catch those throws to first. The
lNZ,.graduating class of Bellport,
Long Island,' Save, us Cpl. Johnny
a f t e c h e hed served three yean
and two months in the Army Air
Corp.&' Ten months were'ppent
Those attending were: 'Dr. and
hIrs. Esch, Dr. and hlrsi'hIerke1;
Dr. DeVries, Dr.. Turley. Prof.
Weber, Prof. Dotterer, h I h Cravens, hliss Weaver, and AIiis Win-.
. ' .. , . ...,
terrowd,'. :..
'. .~
12. . ' . "
. .
On hIay 4 several faculty mem-
bers attended t h e Indiana, CounCil of Religion and Higher Edu- ' .
cation which was held at the'First,
in the Picific~on'Guamwith th;?
20th Air Fdrce-B29'5.
'While at
Central he wil1:major. in'Physical
Education.. Quote: Tell,. th,eru. {
I'm a gentlemanyand ...
, . .
Were added by these maidens, .
Schmeltz. .
. .
",en Marjorie Drew, Margaret TO this creation in the hall. . . .
adigan, .and ., J,anice ;.Hayden
'hair it
in clusters : . .
River", "Kashmir Song", a group
. Mks Lois'McKain ~ a s ' e l e c t e dGegro
' ~ ~ iPirituals,Study?,;
.: :. sang ' "God'..:Is .Love". Mother And draped about,her neck; , .
president for the next society and #when Day.Js'Done.,, Mr.
.- ..
'. ' , . Cuuningham talked about mothfact to stat& it'plainly, ..
The She >Vis just a simple'wreck.
Webber swung .out on "Chloe", The Junior-kenior Banquet was er-daufiter
. ,
~ ~ ~ ~ u c t iwere
d n s read . by,'41 Surrender,Dear",. "Begin, the held, on Friday evening;,hiiy, p, pfogram
ieoncluded with a .
niarilyn Sonncr .On
a~ medley.. including at Cifaldi's: The Wanquet rwm piano
She played
s+p , j . y ' l a r i l y n by
C h o ~Her
you swoon.
and Edith
On "Do@";
"Shoo Fly Pie'!, and the popular was decorated' with ,bouquets of
. .
She's just the type of darling:
Sonner entertained the , m i e t y "The G ~ ~ .:~. .~ . : . P
! spring flowers and lcandles on.the pin. . .
,uvhom the fellows like to
with two pian0 solos.
On .Wednesday, "May
t h e tables. lliny:,<bhite .skolls tied
At 830 eve&ne assembled in
. .
Impromptus mre &en . , b y SCA ,sponsored a Stunt Contest. with,blue, iibbbn. reveal& the the Dailey'Ea1l;Rhception Room .! ' . . ;
h k i o n m Padgett on "why I'm Jane Turley, -'mistress 'of icere- m e n u , , : iountry-frih {chicken, for;a party. V e h a Bai1ey;presi- When gentlemen come calling, .
Not Going Out This Week"$ pat mOnies,;announced ,the following g&n' beans, escalloped pdatdes, dent of the 'dorm, was mistress To these torbidden halls .
Ha.rpcr O n 'what I would Do *e program:'a.duet of Garth Webber,,'spiing :salad, ,hot +l~.'apd'mar- of. ceremonies. First Marjorie Daisy will be. waiting
Next TWO Evenings If I .Could trombonist, and Alonro Nicodem: malade, m d ice.'Weam and cake. Drew led the .group i n . singing Trgreet their "sweet" wolf calls.
'. ' ', . BY ?. D. of D.
Do as I Please,'!'and.Elsie Pad- us, euphoniumist, .Jean Miller,l:.
~ stone~ seve&l
y d d favorites, a i d then '
. . :Mter
' gett on "Elsie Sings.":"
. . . . .
'. ,. accompanist: Ed Peuett,..euphoni- bumer, ..m&er:.of
ceremonies, Pauline Hutchinson:,read Scrip"
' : Miriam Reed was awarded, the um solo: Joan Priest; piano ,=lo; presented +,ella Brooks; junior ture and led ,a prayer., ' A mother- . .
Philalethean Pin,- given
~ '. . Return ,Of~e Remains
t h e and Phil Akard, 'playing an ac- class president, : mho gave; t h e daughter .duet ' w ~ ~ s ' no ne the
. outstanding. senior- member,:. at cordion and' a harmonica' at the ,veleoi,,e to the seniors. Rbbert p r q g r m . , ~ r s .Brown and Lucille ' . . , . .
senio<ciasspresidmt, gave si:g,;'God's ~ y ~ jvada.Hobthe senior session '&Philal+hea, same time.' The applause' timed
~ . .
. . .
. . . .
.. Monday night,iMay 13. ' :.: '- . by a stop clock ProvedPhil Akard'the
response. T~~class.xvill
phyed.a, cello solo,and J~~ B y k to the cambus through Mon~.
1. i .: . . . . ' . . Iread by L y k H e n r y and Charlet Middaugh:read a poem entitled ' , ' day gloom. ' :' , . ' . '
The" following . program was
'. , the; winher.
, . ",
"Ashes'r Bunge and "Ashes"
given: "Celestial Bodies," Mar#
Nortin read a newdaper account "Mother".l Another mother .and
and .. Br'.om.'. . . : . '
tha . Talboit; ~ ~ f i e l u d to'
e Life;> . . . . . ENGLISH 'CLUB . i . , .: . .
'a wedding, whim pro.i.ed t o be daughter. . m s . ..Cachran
. . . . . . . . . .. .
. . . , , the' pmphecy for the.sepiors. The Hazel, ,,sang ' "That Wonderful Their bGning. bodies
Sylvia Sholty; and a piano' solo,
.. .--. -:. ~ ! T h e . N n i d . w i t-h, t h e ~ x e ~ a i r..; !:-.:..:~.:-2.~=::
.~mem~ers..of IUie-cla&es;for
Ever. Ca~ed-edr.h~e~Like-Jesus".
fiave' returned to -haunt .Irs*.'h.
: ...
Janet Bogle., ;.;I , ; '
, ' . The,Engli;h Club had theif la& . .
Raberta: G w d sang;!'M-0-T-H- ' .those ghosts! '
ZmPronnptu L , s p e + a
we're prognam of the year,' Thurday mbromptu speeches; the'sp,mkThose 'worried .gals,: say:.from
given as follows: !'What phila- eveiin>,
' hfay 9,. in the
facultyer!, were, .Helen 'iw'aley, Carrol EX'. :, Marilyn. Sonner,. pianist,
'Dailey. Hall,',... " ' . . . ' . . .
lethea hfeans t o &re N~w,"
their money:ba;k. f r o p 'hi
and punchwere'served, I
. . ....
ryn Deal, who' graduated..last itfiller, 'announced: the following Forman; and C h d o n Geiger. An
yo3r; "Last Fsiday.Night;, earl pro$rar;lt .The'.'G. I, se;s :the expression -of approciation and and the mothers became better Now, girls, y0.u should'know betBack Next Year, country, ~ f i~ ~~ ~~~ n
.l -j' u; &
best' &shes:.to. the graduating acquainted. About thirty mbthers , ten than fret. . . . . . . .
Priest; "I'll
And How!" Madha Talbott; 'and forgettable Character, Jane m.:Class ComPlded .the
. . pMgrm'.
. . . . . . . . attended the' program*.and some
guys are harder, to lose..
to,:stay for the
week-. , .than
.gPt,. . . ;.,
. .,
.. . ~
. were
. , .able
, inif kist Night i n. Lit,"
,' ..
. . .
, .
.' .
1 .
' . na PadgStti'My First Day a t col: Harmon-Brown.]' . .
. '. . ".. .And fellows .may go,
DiPl?mas were. awarded to lege, Violet.Schmeltz;. An..Auto- Recital. . ' . ': . ..: . . . . .. . . . . : ..
. .
. . .<. . . , .
these senior . 'ladies: Marcella, tjiography,, Hoi;nrd ' y o u n ~ b ~ o o .d.,;
. ' Bodies may buirn,'
~ . : . :. . '
And bodies +ap glow. : .. '
C h m p l h h k .hrhnix, Martha Nwspaper Ripodng, ' b y Mary , ;. : 'by~~~l
cxhm ; .' ,-: ,
,. . I
' It's earth to earth
' . .' '
Talbott, .h?.irim'. Reed, Margaret R&e Fleming,'read by Edith Al- .hiarilyn. Harmon .,and . Gerald ' ' ,":,
. .
Brown,. Sylvia."Sholty, Marjorie lison; Gray Sky: Cpoem),,Eulene Brown presented..a joint ,senior . , .(&ntin.ea
1)~'.:. ' , And.dust'to.dust.. , : ' . . '
'.SoI close this . . . ... .
Iunglord, and h+na,Wiles.
. . .
, . . *.' Reed; Nehemiah; Ami Cory:. .
. recital' on F r i d a y , ' h l a y ' l 7 . ' , ~ i s ~ ..
: . fin&
,' ' - 'Cause it's better I trust.
.. , , . .
by hiariiyn Sonner and Willough- by Beethoven; Chopin, ,scriabine, Miss Parr's ~roduction,~.'.TheIn- !. : .,_Your faithful poet; . I : .
. .. .
Mr; dianapolis, Symphony Orchestra," .......:
: "A. Non. Ymour.:
..'.' ':.' Rispighi, '. :and.',Palmgren.
::. by Allison;
. . . - :.- .
. ....
. . . Brown, tenor; sang"Ah, Mopn of won the cup.for.her society. Eu- .... I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . '
Persian lene Reed, president of P.hilale- -.
'. '
. ,
My Delight,.
. . . . . .
... .
. ' \ " , Garden"),,Lehman'; ~~~~~~~~~i~~~
!hias the society,formfrly in POS- ....
. . . . . .
. / . . . . . .. ...
di Orf+
I f m L6cEuridicej'),
Peri; session' of the' cup; presented .it ,
. , ...
.. .
, .. ....
: . and Del Mio Amato Ben,",De: to Betty Smith, presidenf.0: The;
' ' .: ... . . ,
. , , < ., I'.; , . naudy. Miss Anna Mary Glick and acalloSia.. . ' . ' . .. .. . . The .follawing ,is one of t h e :
. _,.: ,.by Hazel
. . . . hrrs. Janet Dennis Bogle assisted "Nathan' wooden; president of many.answers to the ad placed
sembled in the Kephart Memorial , ,
. .
Student Christian Association,
. . . . . . . . in the recital.
in the Prrsonals, ,
., . .. ' ,' the
Auditorium. to' hyar Mrs. Fitz- me'.;an&al:"$i?ner'
of the ' :
presentid the~awardsfor the out- by Hubert Bidin
, month,s Rdlec' .
patrick from AYES Bridal Bureau' Ch&l'Ch&, was held at "Whkstanding freshman boy and 'girls tor, . ., .: j
, . . . .
talk .to dhem-.about ,weddings. pering.Wind* on'Sat&ay,..May
. to Don Fleenor and Sylvia FitzWe'have an answer to t h e ad'"'.
. 'She talked. o f . her 'vkrk in the 18:i ~ l r ; Ouhaft;.
l ~ ~ ~choir; presi-' . . . . . . ; :, :2,
. . . '. . gerald, and for the'-outstanding And'really hope that Hugh'll be
boy. and .girl to Robert . ,:. 61ad ~. , . ., . . . . . . . .
, bureau
.. and &e d the amusing dent,:, am'b"ncid 'the. program: . (Contkked from pa& 1).' , . senior'
Sachs. and Jean
incidents. which have ;hZiPP:ned pornbone solo' by'.Garth' Weber
-~ - ,
know that we have.checked. .
io ' the ,floor:
Miss Sibyl Weaver; in .the a& To
and piano music b i William pelz, shoes ' wen?
, to find
hit' sence of the representative,of the A ~hat,Ssuited to
' The bridal tm&eau
was given composer and '.arranger., A gift and t o top it'a11.Off
- . .
much agention, and the .g&lsall was presented to Mr. hiogle.
, Niece's bed: was 'Placed: On': the
Indianapoljs branch qf 'the'. Nais just about'five feet' .'
tional League of American Pen Her
-.appreciated , s e e i n g ; 1 wedding & ~ ~ ~ &
i n de. sguests present UPPmost Pa$ ..of Buxton
gqd-lookin'*'nice . ',.
veils, 'traveling suit, and were President and Mrs: I. Lynd
m e : harried ,couples .'in Women, presented the 1946 award
' .'
&her ,Md!l,apparel displayed by Esch,'hfr, knd Lirs. William Pelz, hfess Hall .who skipped suffered offered by that-group f o r t h e best ' .. and neat:
to sew* to cook;.and '
ib:Fitzpatfick:,, Weddings were, 1Mr; and hks. EugGne'hfogle, Mr. a Se,Wre StaCking.and aPPlimtion creative .writing turned in to the K"w
bakes . . . . .
discuss@ from bcgin+ng to,end, and',hfn. , ~ lOutcolt;
~Julia~ of,salt
in.unappropriate &=. .. English,. Department during;the .
and very few details were over- hfiller,. ~~i~ Nicodemus; janeice ' 'At .dinner
time one,car
... load of yeai..'jointly, to ..Harold. Harmon
. cakes.
boked 'sin& .an oppoitunity wa; Shockley, ..Jean ': Millei;: Hazel .the..truants,,rolled :in, complete fpr, his "It'Started at Ch$stmas,"
. . her
. .eyes,are
given for:(he girls;to:ask sues:
Cochran, Betty . Stluka, Nadine with .slacks, swe?ters, stringing and !t Eulene Reed for. her short
. .. .. €Ier.h h r . is brown,
Spray, Mary', Ida Parr, :Roberta hair, dirty. faces, a n d ~ s o r emus- Stoiy, "Man of Love.". :. :
. ,
. .
&hwomiy&, on .Indian: Gpod, hIarilyn Harman, Helen cles: , Gradually the rest returned -',Mrs.: William.Geiseck&r,,repre- She. keeps herself. so. sweet.'and ..
Clean. '.
, .. . .
gpolis florist, spoke to the home Whaley, Julia j George, ':Janice and s c u x + l around to Testore sentative of the. Beta Delphian :.
~ j ~ l s ' . & i a14
y . about Hayden;.:Edwin. Pellett, ' Harold order. .Peace: 6ottled.back with. Club, s a v e the award. offered by There's none'other'd love YOU
I L' , ,
floral, arrangements: Under, her Chaney,:.,Fred . Yohey, Nathan an occasional: chuckle, over the that -organization' f o r the best . ,.. more : '
supe&sion., the ; girls :amanged Wooden,,Jack Wagner;Dick Dor- bed on'the rwf and the.mattms work turned. in by a freshman 'Cause she's just what you're
' : ,,,: lookin' for..' ., ';
flwers and put them on displajr ton, Jerry Denbo, .Garth .Weber,
her poem, "Claire de Lune." ' . \ '. : . .
window of the Ad. Building.
in the college library.,: .<
and Emest:Stubbs.
Held.May.10, I:;
. i
Vesta Club Sees
..Trousseau;Display. '
"I .
Skip,Day.' ,/' :
, ,,
. .
'' .
. .- .
, .
. ,
. .
. .
. .~..
. .
, . .
. .
. .
, .
. .
. .
, .
. <
Ik .
. .
. .
. .
. .
: .
Seven members are' back in
school and'more are expected io
return' next.fal1. hIr.'hTogle led
a discussion of the past experiences and services of the Chorus.
Probably the, outstanding 'experience 'in the minds'of.the Chorus
members .was the irip they took
,on December,, 7 , ' 1941. After:a
wonderful day, of programs their
radio broadcast was. interrupted
to announce the bombing of Pearl
'Harbor. One'member was killed
in ihe: war, Darrell Ratlifl. -.A
memorial service was held for him
Sunday, May 12, nt'Hartford City;
. . ..
. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
' .
. .
. .