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AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLAINT Page 2 of6 STATE ELECfIONS ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION Revised July 2012 II. IDENTITY OF RESPONDENT(S) RESPONDENT'S NAME (Ifknown; otherwise write "unknown") Suffx Last Name MI First Name Ve -: 0 cS l) S. ~ch ~~(2d RESPONDENT'S STRET ADDRESS (Ifknown) Address ( ?; -= lo NGRL l= AVE Slate City cT Bp+ Zip Code 06ColZ) RESPONDENT'S TELEPHONE NUER (Ifknn) Home IWOd I Cell ST A TU(S) VIOLA TED (Ifknown) RESPONDENT'S EMA ADDRESS (Ifknown) § RESPONDENT'S NAME (Ifknown, otherwise write "unkown'J Suffx Last Name MI First Name RESPONDENT'S STRET ADDRESS (Ifknown) Address Slate City Zip Code RESPONDENT'S TELEPHONE NUMER (Ifknown) ¡Work Home I Cell STATUTE(S) VIOLATED (flknown) RESPONDENT'S EMAIL ADDRESS (Ifknown) § RESPONDENT'S NAME (Ifknn, otherwise write "unn") Suffx Last Name MI First Name RESPONDENT'S STRET ADDRESS (Ifknn) Address State City Zip Code RESPONDENT'S TELEPHONE NUMBER (Ifknwn) ¡Cell Home IWOd STA TUTE(S) VIOLA TED (Ifknn) RESPONDENT'S EMAIL ADDRESS (llknn) § Copy and attach pagers) for additional respondents if necessary. Please check "See attached Additonal Respondent List" and list the number of pages. D See attached Additional Respondent List pages Numbe ofFage AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLAINT Page 3 of 6 STATE ELECfIONS ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION Resed July 2012 III. VIOLATION(S) ALLEGED DATE(S) OF ALLEGED VIOLATION(S) (Ifknow) CONCISE STATEMENT OF FACTS Please be as specific as possible with regard to time, place, and the individual(s) taking actions or failng to act, and in describing their actions as well as other witnesses or persons involved. If applicable, please clearly refer to the names of identiyou have identified more than fied respondents, witnesses, and attached evidence (e.g., See Evidentiar Attachment B.). If one respondent, please identiry which respondent is alleged to have committed which action and which specific alleged violation of the statutes. If you are unable to provide the specific identity of any witnesses in the following "Witnesses" section, please provide as Facts." much identirying information as possible in the below "Concise Statement of The respondent(s) allegedly violated the law as follows: ,3D (;20\;l /\lCL ~~~ De3S\~ AKA Q-t'c -Û,M tL, ';, 1) j~uJ G-l,\.'~ CJ'Li~ i (j ll~c G2J Ci ò(neoc, '. C ~ (.1'"AC' t+ i\i\.C\~ ì 4f 1. ~- LG\à cd VV c,L'L~iv '(!ú':J¿ ( l J g- - (\,l íl~Q,, 0 P .tLCe.) L,- L ~- A -T 1\(. H M r: f.T M,; So OIv\. . J- Ö 1~;J HI,2. D;¿ J0'J-Ö . ì ,tA(l.l- ? 0v~.,-) vvLti'- (\)?~I(J .' fAL\C.c:.jl fì \ '\ ";i('A,J L L(t"v'''L c. ~l. ,-Cò fv \ u. \¡.-L!" c-~ li.': rLL)~~-~~(" ., A - - (-t C t- (Vir l- T.t J n--t :'1 rÝli/L..~o\ Sc l,u.) 't L l 9- 'i - c.J. yó-l:'-clP wutQ.) w~ ~-( ~ Lf IR ¡Jök~L ( 1Q\.)C- t-: 1,J Use attached pagers) for additonal statement of facts if necessary. Please check "See attached Additional Statement of Facts" and list the number of pages. D See attached Additional Statement of Numbe of Page Facts pages AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLAINT ST ATE ELECfIONS ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION Revse July 2012 ADDITIONAL STATEMENT OF FACTS Page ~ Of.CONCISE STATEMENT OF FACTS continued Fr I; L D C ,C\ \L D it s- A?Ji'~~ ci-i. .~ Y\UI CJ CLJ~7 's. 'V;Lc, Cy C(çrl 08 CG~ ("\ Cc\(r Kl,J\I£ /I T S Dl L1tuw ./I'C ) ut\Á-rll L'- , J ê'T C (" (,0; c.. ~Q ll./.L c.:':: C k A _. ft C f- ¡vi ri N T:! (. 1 - l:) ê-t , J 0, l-.~~ t(.~ ~J ('-""\. c: JL C,,~'L,,:,.' ~) L.L""C~'-.\ "L k'lìLk-,~ Lc ( d&-u.Ý3 , ,Q A LLt:Dt,-~W!\': J LL '/~cO --, iì ' \ ki V..(.L~ ~l/ lZe ) &Vl.--;~ ~~ç " l"\ K- ec~J.LC'-'-D DJo-S IL).CG!,) dì\. .3 , ' + i-- 1. D~ PC-It.t:i!V\., C, M 4L. h-,. . c, L ULQ.cO 0-Cl. l- D.£ C.L~(:" '- S L' lL,' q - elL'" (:,. (;&~ D~ (/~ ~Î fie Ii (¡IlEA.) T -= 9 ß_ )¿6.(~,) c'=-J ~--J 11 AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLAINT ST ATE ELECfIONS ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION Revise July 2012 ADDITIONAL STATEMENT OF FACTS Page~ of ~ CONCISE STATEMENT OF FACTS conled I 0,- a l-~í'; :K !í (\( Ô Ylyi.... ~ ¿.(:,,(J.D_..A-lJ. i'\dcl/v¿iiii b M Q/vÜ,)-I', it . t~ c",Y';ikh LL C_ .' A J lZt.i,..,_u~)J -S -0):, ~ Jy .:: (\ -14 ) T \. ~ $eOLei: ì\- Q ùJ (2ce;z~ 7Lf r1 l-14 (j"lGv:f) Lk f) f2~/w/~, ) '_~\.Yuj) A v ~-. i3 Q.-) . n rì ') l" ::.6. E L 0-i~Y\ i £t lA L-. "\~~-c.t~O Ck DN ~ ~V'.. ~,~ u.. . ~ JV1 G,,'\ cl L L dO', . U I\'L iu. ~ t~f l~ /3- 01Y cJi~ r7 it: DJ) j ,~~ ì rz~c.J..-LLX-l (1.') /4 C¡ t. 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J -f ¡uV:iJ-t~ - AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLAINT Page 4 of6 STATE ELECfIONS ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION Reved Jul 2012 iv: WITNESSES WITNESS'S NAME (Ifknown) First Name Suff Last Name MI WITNESS'S STRET ADDRESS (lfknown) Address City Slate Zip Code WITNSS'S TELEPHONE NUMBER (Ifknn) Home !WOd I Cell WITNSS'S EMAIL ADDRESS (Ifknown) WITNESS'S NAME (Ifknown) Lat Nam MI First Name Suffx WITNSS'S STRET ADDRESS (Ifknown) Addrss Zip Code LÒ City I II I WITNSS'S TELEPHONE NUMBER (ifknn) Home I Cell IWOd WITNSS'S EMAI.L ADDRESS (Ifknn) WITNESS'S NAME (Ifknown) Ml First Name Suffx Last Name WIESS'S STRET ADDRESS (Ifknn) Addrss State City WITNESS'S TELEPHONE NUMER (1fknn) Cell Home IWod I WITNESS'S EMAIL ADDRESS (Ifkn) Copy and attach pagers) for additional witnesses if necessary. Please check "See attached Additional Witness List" and list the number of pages. Additional Witness List pages o See attached Nwbe of Pag Zip Code AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLAINT Page 4 of6 ST ATE ELECfIONS ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION Revised July 2012 I~ WITNESSES WITNESS'S NAME (Ifknn) MI First Name Suff Last Name WISS'S STRET ADDRESS (Ifknown) Addrss State City Zip Code WITNSS'S TELEPHONE NUMBER (Ifknn) Home IWOd I Cell WITNSS'S EMAIL ADDRESS (Ifknown) l WITNESS'S NAM (Ifknn) Suffx Last Nam MI First Name WITNSS'S STRET ADDRESS (Ifknown) Address lò City I WITNSS'S TELEPHONE NUMER (Jfknn) rp Code Home IWOd I Cell WITNESS'S EMAIL ADDRESS (Ifknn) WISS'S NAME (Ifknown) First Name MI Last Nam Suffx WITNSS'S STRET ADDRESS (lfknn) Addrss State City WITNSS'S TELEPHONE NUMBER (Ifknown) Home Work I Cell I WITNSS'S EMAIL ADDRESS (Ifknown) Copy and attach pagers) for additional witnesses if necessary. Please check "See attached Additional Witness List" and list the number of pages. Additional Witness List pages D See attached Nwnbc or Page Zip Code I AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLAINT Page 5 of6 STATE ELECfIONS ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION Revise July 20lZ V. EVIDENCE ATTACHED DOCUMENTARY OR REAL EVIENCE Please identify each attachment by number of pages, title, author and date if applicable. Records not identified as the complaint. Please do not provide a website listing as evidence, as this attachments shall not be considered a par of you wish to provide Internet or other video or audio communications as evidence, information is subject to change. If please provide a pnnted or electronic copy, as appropnate, and list it as an exhibit. Under "How Acquired" please identify your source for the evidence (e.g., delivery from an individual, Internet website, the source is a the source is an individual, please identify the individual in the witness list. If public flyer location). If the publication. publication, such as a newspaper, please identify the publication's name and date of - Nwnber of Title c~, . 1 \Í C\:,I\ fÄ(;' ':)uS':", 6~ I Pages Author ~ llc!t 3 Date Acquired ¡ o \jt~vJ c;/ro'13 .~"\ '-t ß,.~ EVIDENTIARY ATTACHMENT Title Nwnber of "7 . i L t JLdL(.L JV\'l~J ;; Pages /3. Numbe of Pages 2R_.cA:j) ¿ LQ(:r~'Y ~UJ) 1\\ LVY'r Tlf)CitÙ'L ;( Date9/iõ7/ Pages Title Number of V\.\4'.t.~ Z_ (6~ Author C¡ - A.t''v'''.. ,) c ,\!~_L0 Copy and attach pagers) for additional evidence if necessary. Please check "See attached Additional Evidence List" and list the number of pages. Additional Evidence List pages o See attached Numbe of £loge; AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLAINT Page S of 6 ST ATE ELECfIONS ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION Revised July 2012 V. EVIDENCE ATTACHED DOUMENTARY OR REAL EVIENCE Please identify each attachment by num ber of pages, title, author and date if applicable. Records not identified as the complaint. Please do not provide a website listing as evidence, as this attachments shall not be considered a par of you wish to provide Internet or other video or audio communications as evidence, information is subject to change. If please provide a printed or electronic copy, as appropriate, and list it as an exhibit. Under "How Acquired" please identifY your source for the evidence (e.g., delivery from an individual, Internet website, public flyer location). If the source is an individual, please identifY the individual in the witness list. Ifthe source is a the publication. publication, such as a newspaper, please identifY the publication's name and date of EVIDENTIARY ATTACHMENT Number of Pages I Author P9 KJ'i J (~A J- 0("' L.ui'l'\'"j-- \,! L/)-L.,lì-\. .. I - How Acquied ~ ¿-;\. \ ¡~ Numbe of Pages Title ?~ .. A IIf\C H (Y(; A.) T #= L, Autho \,1 ¡ ~s, I C N C. 0 v' el (l1\ l1:\.Æ d- Sc~~~~\ j ~. Date of Publication How Acquired Ph' If SJ FSlò (2 'J )&J /7 ~tJNumbe of Author -)'~S 1/ \L~ì,-A.Q "Tk -- Û.S i,J~ Date Ac uid How Acquird 1((. C -LtdJf Lc )Y" fu 2 ù-i (1 ,; Lf £3 Numbe of Pages l ( Author C Date oflublication fZ-.'C1JL£V\.J De -)ú/L-t" Date Acquired How Acquird t&C Pages 13 _ OY1i I:ju:t c.-: 'L~ Copy and attach pagers) for additional evidence if necessary. Please check "See attached Additional Evidence List" and list the number of pages. Additional Evidence List pages o See attached Numbe of Pages AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLAINT Page 5 of6 STATE ELECfIONS ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION Revsed Jul 2012 ~ EVIDENCE A TTACHED DOCUMENTARY OR REAL EVIENCE Please identify each attchment by number of pages, title, author and date if applicable. Records not identified as the complaint. Please do not provide a website listing as evidence, as this you wish to provide Internet or other video or audio communications as evidence, please provide a printed or electronic copy, as appropriate, and list it as an exhibit. attachments shall not be considered a par of information is subject to change. If Under "How Acquired" please identify your source for the evidence (e.g., delivery from an individual, Internet website, the source is a the publication. publication, such as a newspaper, please identify the publication's name and date of public flyer location), Ifthe source is an individual, please identify the individual in the witness list. If EVIDENTRY ATTACHMENT Title . Á' f" Ce--a.Cìt.\.L 12k', \'t Lc ,( ¿;VL,v Author (Z(.'cluc1.cD ~ j v-!.uV) How Acquired l(.LC' V~.-/V C.¿; t ~il L1 ~~(~ EVIDE IARY A TT ACHMENT Numbe of Pages Title ( F\ "1 ¡ V~ e I~ (\1 E tJ T -t \, DJ Q.¿ I Date of Publication , Author . n.. ~" t¡ () 1)"'1/\. I) I~~ kY/L L /3 How AcqlÙred (iLl' À TJ'-,-' ~? j/) 'U~ fJ-c9 Lp.,; EVIDE IAY ATTACHMENT Number of Pages Title L¿TYVìJYVl£u'lL'.-6-L í2( C~':(A ('¡."- 1) Lì.i-~-:~ (Aì'Tl-C\~ I'V'-£iJ )"#\0 i Date of Publication Author s.~~, (70ft (1 -l "II I I ¡ /l J r (It' t (\ .)A)' í\ . f\.'VvJ t) L A,.,\ '-l,(. V", How Acquired CQ,1 \ L :; Cc 3: " t CV\''l./I'i.uA C;. t.. Î-~'. L l.) (,."/'lit./L. ) ,) (\.JJ: i'-t (.e:I(." v-; Vi\J, Se.é\t EVIDENTIARY A TTACHM Title ~~ C 6 c- \.. c í2 111 1- tf i A Author . J :CAC~ ~--)d.~.uj' "L~O c'Copy and attach pagers) for additonal evidence if necessary. Please check "See attached Additional Evidence List" and list the number of pages. Additional Evidence List pages o See attached Ninbe of Page; I () AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLAINT Page 5 of6 STATE ELECfIONS ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION Revsed July 2012 V. EVIDENCE ATTACHED DOCUMENTARY OR RE EVIENCE Please identify each attchment by Dumber of pages, title, author and date if applicable. Records not identified as attachments shall not be considered a par of the complaint. Please do not provide a website listing as evidence, as this you wish to provide Internet or other video or audio communications as evidence, information is subject to change. If please provide a printed or electronic copy, as appropriate, and list it as an exhibit. Under "How Acquired" please identify your source for the evidence (e.g., delivery from an individual, Internet website, the source is a the source is an individual, please identify the individual in the witness list. If public flyer location). If the publication. publication, such as a newspaper, please identify the publication's name and date of ~ EVIDENTIARY ATTACHMENT Title ~ TúlJÒ How Acquired lVlLv0 0 ~ Number of s; Pages Date of Publication 15 dO/3 CL1f'h.Ü:lLLJ 11 ..~ -~ Numbe of Pages Title ~Lh l~ei 00 \ . \JúTD M (l lL£Ü:v, C~ How Acquired IzL' A.~J D- Cø EVID NTIARY ATTACHMEN Numbe of Title ~I L A-lV\.uJ N -i t115 Pages Date ofPublication Author How Acquired ?tl-Vvt.J Å (¿¿ LJ.?I. . t9- EVIDENTIARY ATTA Number of Pages Title 1 (11" 1/14(1-1 V\¿ N f -# lto Author PÎíL tL~ How Acquired Copy and attach pagers) for additonal evidence if necessary. Please check "See attached Additional Evidence List" and list the number of pages. D See attached Additional Evidence List pages Numbe of Poge AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLAINT Page 5 of6 STATE; ELECfIONS ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION Revised Jul 2012 V. EVIDENCE ATTACHED DOCUMENTARY OR REAL EVIENCE Please identify each attchment by Dumber of pages, title, author and date if applicable. Records not identified as the complaint. Please do not provide a website listing as evidence, as this you wish to provide Internet or other video or audio communications as evidence, please provide a printed or electronic copy, as appropriate, and list it as an exhibit. attachments shall not be considered a part of information is subject to change. If Under "How Acquired" please identify your source for the evidence (e.g., delivery from an individual, Internet website, public flyer location). If the source is an individual, please identify the individual in the witness list. If the source is a publication, such as a newspaper, please identify the publication's name and date of the publication. EVIDENTARY ATTACHMENT Number of Pages Title :J~i/) Title iAT-, Author Numbe of Pages MEN ì :#1'1 w~ . V~tA.b Numbe of Pages kWt.~QÐ ,lL'i ~~L.,~ . .ú j)~\e':~L~ ;.:kiit Copy and attach pagers) for additional evidence if necessary. Please check "See attached Additonal Evidence List" and list the number of Additional Evidence List pages D See attached Numbe of Page pages. ( Number of Pages ~ AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLAINT Page 5 of6 ST A TE ELECfIONS ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION Reved July 2012 ~ EVIDENCE ATTACHED DOCUMNTARY OR REAL EVIENCE Please identify each attachment by number of pages, title, author and date if applicable. Records not identified as attachments shall not be considered a par of the complaint. Please do not provide a website listing as evidence, as this information is subject to change. If you wish to provide Internet or other video or audio communications as evidence, please provide a printed or electronic copy, as appropriate, and list it as an exhibit. Under "How Acquired" please identify your source for the evidence (e.g., delivery from an individual, Internet website, the source is an individual, please identify the individual in the witness list. If the source is a public flyer location). If publication, such as a newspaper, please identify the publication's name and date of the publication. EVIDENTIARY ATTACHMENT , b.h Title iV\EN T :idi Number of Pages I (j DlsflUcf lU ~1-1bJ 'Rrfëit ate ofPublic.ation Title (A 1 í r\ C )'1 E 1' T it dJ ?etJ,ùwLb -a rUÌiiki~!.J.Q)os,(.lò~'iqp Author 'ì ' !nuL li: \~ Title Number of Pages 3 How Acquired Title (AI Author Copy and attach pagers) for additional evidence if necessary. Please check "See attached Additional Evidence List" and list the number of pages. Additional Evidence List pages D See attached Nwnbe of Page: AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLAINT Page 5 of6 STATE ELECfIONS ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION Revised July 2012 V. EVIDENCE ATTACHED DOCUMNTARY OR REAL EVIENCE Please identifY each attachment by number of pages, title, author and date if applicable. Records not identified as attachments shall not be considered a par of the complaint. Please do not provide a website listing as evidence, as this information is subject to change. If you wish to provide Internet or other video or audio communications as evidence, please provide a printed or electronic copy, as appropriate, and list it as an exhibit. Under "How Acquired" please identifY your source for the evidence (e.g., delivery from an individual, Internet website, the source is an individual, please identifY the individual in the witness list. If the source is a public flyer location). If publication, such as a newspaper, please identifY the publication's name and date of the publication. EVIDENTY ATTACHMENT Title Numbe of Pages b'l. C) I \ 0 \ t 3 L L.J) CL ~ Author How Acquired "G=~ eQ E Title Number of CA5'\-eevl V(~ r2 ( . (AT Pages c2 Author How Acquire \j;tjJ Title Numher of Author Date ofPublicatIon How Acquired Date Acquired Pages EVIDENTIARY ATTACHMNT Numbe of Title Author Date of Publication How Acquired Date Acquied Copy and attach pagers) for additional evidence if necessary. Please check "See attached Additional Evidence List" and list the number of pages. Additional Evidence List pages o See attached Numbe of Page Pages AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLAINT Page 6 of6 STATE ELECfrONS ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION Revised July 2012 VI. CERTIFICATION 1) Each Complainant must sign a separate page and each signature must be separately certified. This complaint wil not be considered fied without the name, address, and original certified signature of at least one Complainant. Mail or hand-deliver this complaint to: State Elections Enforcement Commission 20 Trinity Street, Suite 101 Hartford, CT 06106 the State 2) Once fied, this complaint may not be withdrawn by the Complainant(s) except by a vote of Elections Enforcement Commission. 3) I am aware that criminal penalties may be imposed upon any Complainant who, under penalty of false statement, knowingly fies a false complaint. 4) The State Elections Enforcement Commission's investigation of a complaint is confidential unless and until the State Elections Enforcement Commission votes to authorize an investigation of a complaint. Until such a vote, neither the Commission nor its staff wil release or confirm any information about the complaint except upon written request of a treasurer, deputy treasurer, chairperson or candidate affliated with a committee that is the subject of the complaint or preliminary investigation. Guides to the elections laws are available at htto://wWW.ct.2ov/seec Connecticut General Statutes are available at htto://www.c2a.ct.2ov CERTIFICATION I solemnly swear (or affrm) that the above statement is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. COMPLAINANT'S SrGNATURE DATE (mm/dd/yy) ,20_ Sworn and subscribed before me on this_day of SIGNATUR OF PERSON ADMINISTERING THE OATH Seal NAME OF PERSON ADMINISTERING TH OATH (Plea Prnt) TITLE OF PERSON ADMINISTERING THE OATH Note: This oath may be administered by anyone authorized by Section 1-24 of the Connecticut General Statutes, which includes: notaries public; justices of the peace; town clerks and asistant town clerks; judges and clerks of any cour; and attorneys who are Commissioners of the Superior Court of Connecticut. THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLAINT STATE ELECfIONS ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION Revis Jul 2012 ADDITION~ SlA~fELNT OF FACTS CONCISE STATEMENT OF FACTS contiued c-ef) . cd P lßLCt. ( 13(;- C I ., - 0 .v f. c/~. (~lf7/ACI//V(ENT4Jt) 11 OLd L~ cd I&Tlr' - r1 ~- Qü.'11\ De J0 w\ "- Do IE A LIe. !3'-ld ,? rd CT, 6&J0/Ö, AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLAINT Page 6 of6 STATE ELECfIONS ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION Revsed Jul 2012 VI. CERTIFICATION 1) Each Complainant must sign a separate page and each signature must be separately certified. This complaint wil not be considered fied without the name, address, and original certifed signature of at least one Complainant. Mail or hand-deliver this complaint to: State Elections Enforcement Commission 20 Trinity Street, Suite 101 Hartford, CT 061 06 the State 2) Once fied, this complaint may not be withdrawn by the Complainant(s) except by a vote of Elections Enforcement Commission. 3) I am aware that criminal penalties may be imposed upon any Complainant who, under penalty of false statement, knowingly fies a false complaint. 4) The State Elections Enforcement Commission's investigation of a complaint is confidential unless and until the State Elections Enforcement Commission votes to authorize an investigation of a complaint. Until such a vote, neither the Commission nor its staff wil release or confirm any information about the complaint except upon written request of a treasurer, deputy treasurer, chairperson or candidate affliated with a committee that is the subject of the complaint or preliminary investigation. Guides to the elections laws are available at htto://www.ct.eov/seec Connecticut General Statutes are available at htto://www.cea.ct.eov CERTIICA nON I solemnly swear (or affrm) that the above statement is true and accurate ~N~8:esr: knowledge and belief. 2. c;t Sworn and subscribed before me on this_day of IV bey,20_ O c.+-r-i~ .~ Seal .3" ") i-isci M Ni ghhn go k NAME OF PERSON ADMINIS' RING THE OATH (Pleae Print) SIGNATUR OF PERSON ADMINIS ,J'\Jfìe C ornrnlSS; ion eA.1 res . .2~li .., iO¡g. Note: This oath may be administered by anyone authorized by Section 1-24 of the Connecticut General Statutes, which includes: notaries public; justices of the peace; the Superior Cour of Connecticut town clerks and assistt town clerks; judges and clerks of any cour; and attorneys who are Commissioners of ~. L AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLAINT Page 6 of6 STATE ELECTIONS ENFORCEMENT COMMSSION Revised July 2012 VI. CERTIFICATION 1) Each Complainant must sign a separate page and each signature must be separately certified. This complaint wil not be considered filed without the name, address, and original certified signature of at least one Complainant. Mail or hand-deliver this complaint to: State Elections Enforcement Commission 20 Trinity Street, Suite 101 Hartford, CT 06106 the State 2) Once fied, this complaint may not be withdrawn by the Complainant(s) except by a vote of Elections Enforcement Commission. 3) I am aware that criminal penalties may be imposed upon any Complainant who, under penalty of false statement, knowingly fies a false complaint. 4) The State Elections Enforcement Commission's investigation of a complaint is confidential unless and until the State Elections Enforcement Commission votes to authorize an investigation of a complaint. Until such a vote, neither the Commission nor its staffwil release or confirm any information about the complaint except upon written request of a treasurer, deputy treasurer, the complaint or chairperson or candidate affiiated with a committee that is the subject of preliminary investigation. Guides to the elections laws are available at htto://www.ct.!:ov/seec Connecticut General Statutes are available at htto://www.c!:a.ct.!:ov CERTIICA nON I solemnly swear (or affrm) that the above statement is true and accurate ~~' 0\¿ __ \02\-L3 Q ~to the best of my knowledge and belief. DATE (mm/dd/yyyy) COMPLA S SIGNATURE Sworn and subscribed before me on this2i Si- day of 0(' lo heir ,20 13, C"_ Seal .9l . 1\.. 'h" i ; i .lSQ IV¡, NiQ. tlnQ.O e ~~ I NAME OF PERSON ~STERING T~ OA rH (ploase Prin') ~otnr Pubì ie -- M . cory)i'ìl SSlOíl e;tp ¡"ce s' June 30,2.0 IS. TITLE OF PE SON ADMINISTERING THE OATH Note: This oath may be administered by anyone authorized by Section 1,24 of the Connecticut General Statutes, which includes: notaries public; justices of the peace; town clerks and assistant town clerks; judges and clerks of any court; and attorneys who are Commissioners of the Superior Court of Connecticut THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK '~. Q , /l n~_ ï:.\, íl~~ Ct (I ~ 0-~~'L_k~-~".,- (?-,-..:.-tA LLr ( 1 rz~lv.,.A_,¿~ ~ ) . ";L.. . - - - .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FOLD PLEASE USE PEN ' PRINT CLEARLY . New Voter Regisllion 0 Addres9 Change (Includes move to a new town) (within the same town) o Name Change Chang O Part EnrollmemtJ, Will you be 18 on or before electon day? DYES D NO If you checked "NO" to either of these questions, do not complete this form. First Name Middle Name or Initial Jr. Sr. 6-3-£5 LJ5 -P? I(J-t)i~ II ill iV CT Driver's License Number . (If none, last 4 digit of So. Sec. No.) /088 vl i.¥"" (I..'. State Connecticut Gender Male D Female ~o ou wish to enroll in a political part~ e; wr "NONE,? YES. Name of part: _Republica Democratic Other: NO. I do not wish to enroll in a part at is time. Note: Delaring a part enables you to vote in that pa's primary eletion, which is open only to part members. You may later choose to swffch enrollmet to or from a political part State _ County Name Under Which Registere (if different from above) I swear or affrm that: . i am a U.S. Citizen Would you like to work at · i a t least 17 y ars old ......, the Polls on Elecon Day? · i live at the addi;ess shown-ilí5 abe...h. · i ha t ben n'. . ing felony, òrif . The fo tio provided here is true , I have ben released frm confinement and, if applicable, parle DYES Today's Date: L /~/~ D NO WARNING: If you sign this sttement even though you know it is untru, you ca be convicted and imprsoed fo up to fie ye and fined up to $5,00. CO UNDElNl£ O NOTICE RETURNED ~. ,.t~v5 / *' .. CJ:C.. '" .. //' (lkAvi'VJ :W 2o j' :\ ). AVG. :u12D/;¿ / C~F&. , AUGUST. 14,. 2012' , : // .. . .. .: ." . '.' '::i; .. . . DEMOCRÁTIC.,STA.TE PRIy'ELECTION ..: .,' . . t ;. :~ ",:..'....;;t ...;:L":":ii ......,7J\;t,:.. . .', .... . ,......."., 128.,,02 .,;;. ,:-;f.. ,:.;, .,: , '. . .~ ;:~i~;~-': '~"""'I ,. . ":;'.~:-::~~: \ 'd " . .'. 't " ',' '. .'4. . ...' " , "" ..' ,;.' . ',..:..: ". ". "9' " ' ..:" ....' ,.'..' ~....... ..ti,",' .':d.:.t ...' '"'-~l;' . , .1 ,": LUIS'MUUZ(MA,.S€HOOL . :" ..., ,~.". ,'/ . .'. .."... ~: .t, .'. .. . ~. . " .~. _ . .' :.' i~:..... . ., ., , . ..f '.~'.' f . ". .i.~, ./ ,.. l;:' \1..... '. . . l;~/ Brldieport AUIUI. 14,1011 State District: 128-01 ST i# UNIT NAME NOBLE AVENUE (CoaL.) . Austin James Austin Nonna J 910- 910 910 910 915 917 917 917 923 925 925 925 3RD FL Galbert Shiomi J Bouknight Benjamin Galbert Darell Galberth Hattie D Fosler Anisa L 2 Hicks James D 939 939 946 962 964 964 964 964 967 972 974 977 Hernandez Rosa Torres Minerva White Jerilyn M Marinez Hector A 931 941 941 941 941 941 941 941 Jackson Donald R Jackson Ellen M · Jackman Noelle J .Bingham Michelle A-7 Cuadrao Sharn .Evmonos Tawanda Griffm James A Jr. RM2 Habbal Yesnia R .Quinto Demetr Stallings Gregory J Sr. Dejesus Richa Murhy Elonia Fowlke Edard M Porlr Elonia Port James Portr Juliett L Roriguez Jaselin 2ND FL PriDted OD: 08101011 Beasley Faniesha Simpson Jeae M Ferr Ferdind ST# 977 985 985 987 987 987 987 990 990 992 992 992 99~ 995 995 1014 1016 1016 1016 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 1025 1025 1026 1026 1034 1034 I 02. UNIT 1 1 ST FLR #1 A-3 #3 #2 NAME Ferro Isabel G Mojica Hector Sr. ~ Sanchez Luz E Ag Mojica Hector Ortiz Marza Rodriguez Danisa Sala Juan C Daniels Terrce P . Leal Esperanza Ayala Adriana Diaz Juana M Pacheco Julissa Mgjica Leopoldo Mojica Raona Pena Maria R Callam Waldron C Chamoro Alex T #9 Corpral Marcus V Moore Fraklin IFLR Baez Miguel Garia Ugia I Maldonao Sandra Pabon Raames J ~vera Melissa Y Rodriguez Suhail M .Vega Wiliam Zengotita Dolly Campos Wanda I .Garia Brayan .Valle Chayan Sr. 2FL .Valles Jorge · Dejesus Cru E .Mojica Janes Rd~ii 9\1 ~l ~UJ It Page: 33 ';' '. ..,!:,I;~.:./ ~/C~ \~) \y ..'.... ., . . . .If. . .... l~ ..~'''."::' .. * . .. 'D ':- e'" E.... jTj¿'~ ':~ . .' ',. ". - ì" .', .. .. .~. ..:..' .. "; .~. .~:' ~ ~.i"::.' , ,~: ~~~ . .. ", - ":" ~,' '-~ '. 1.28.....02;*-..., ..' . .~. . .., ,~~...". :.,~;.- . ..' '.. .j: .. ......; ...... ~'. .:.;.... ra.... .., . ;.it .~ .. J:...~~f '.' ,:.....'..... _.... , ..¡.~:'- . ........ I. 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I Craddock Amber D ' 3RD FL , Jackson Donald R Jacksn Ellen M McCray Brian T Jr. Galbenh Shiomi J , Bouknight Benjaiin Galbenh Darell Galbert Hatie D Foster Anisa L Foster Debbie 2 #7 A-7 -Gonzalez Victor Hernandez Rosa Torres Minerva White Jerilyn M Marinez Hector A Wallace Khalima Hicks James D - Jackman Noelle J -Reyes Elizabeth -Bingham Michelle Buster Diane Cuadrao Sharn .Evronos Tawanda Griffn James A Jr. RM Habbal Y cscnia R -Quinto Demetr Stallngs Gregory J Sr. '94l)~'-'"- . _~~n - _Dejesus Richard 962 964 Murphy Elonia Fowlkes Edward M Pige : 43 . ",-.. ....~ :7.\. '..l:\7'.~~~f~ ~'. :~:'!.f.;'~~\ ?l.":!':;::':)~~:' "':f7.~ll~:' lr~ rt1.t::;.:lrf~fì :-:-;~I~f; :f!I'I:l..:Lf~o/.'t"";~~..i-?::;.~;~~i~'~-'~.:r;~ .~,~ ~'.i.r( :l~: :.¡. ")fr ',. ~~ ':: U' '.:.' ~~. ';~': "~.i' ::'.,:. r~,\r,~\. r ~""~ii:¿!;..ï 'i~.iy~"i~ Î.~~':(: "i~/'f~f~!t:r,,\j~.f7~;..':,~~:~~:, .:;..;' r,":~:'~ ~y. '~~;.l;. 1';'¡1i~:,'; " ..":..~~ '¡'.,'. .¡~ ','i .. j:: ';', ,* !..:..... 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Rodriguez Cannelo 946 962 900 Lebron Madeline 900 MWliz-Santiago Ernesta 900 Pachec Alejandro 902 Pachec Alejandro 90S Cruz Jua 0 90S . Strom Jane R 90S Strom Roland J Jr. 908 .. :lackson Ruth C 9 io Austin Nonna J 910 Craddock Amber 0 910 Jackson Donald R 910 3RD FL Jacksn Ellen M Printed 00: 11/02/012 941 RM2 964 964 964.~ ~_.... ... ..~, 964 964 964 967 2FL Habbal Vesenia R Stallngs Gregory J Sr. Dejesus Richard Murphy Elonia Fowlkes Edward M Porter Darrn R ,... 'Porter Elonia Porter James Porter Juliette L Port Rashaun 0 *Abdul Wali Seifuddin S Page: 44 Property Location: 946 NOBLE A V Vision ID: 13879 PiTí A c¡. ¡11r¿ I- 'í lf ~P ID: 54/161 II II / Account #RA-0060290 Bldg #: CONSTRUCTION DETAIL Bldg Name: 1 oft Sec #: 1 of State Use: 225 Card of Print Date: 09/24/2013 14:16 CONSTRUCTION DETAIL CONTINUED Element Cd. Ch. escription Element Cd. Ch. escription 5 ervice Shop/Garage 5 vc Shp/Gar 8 verage BAS 1 MIXED USE 1 15 5 Concr/CinderBI inyl/Aluminum 4 Jat ar + Gravel 1 linim/Masonry 1 Code escri tion 225 Com Garage Shop Percenta e 100 COST/MARKET VALUATION dj. Base Rate: 9.77 2 3 2 eplace Cost YB 1 Idg Use 25 ep Code Com Garage Shop emodel Rating Year Remodeled tl Rooms tl Bedrms 0 Functional Obslnc xtemal Obslnc tI Baths tl Half Baths tl Xtra Fix eat/AC 0 rame Type 3 aths/Plumbing 2 eilinglall 0 ooms/Prtns 2 48 ep% ost Trend Factor Status % Complete verall % Cond asonry verage pprais Val ep % Ovr Dep Ovr Comment Misc Imp Ovr Misc Imp Ovr Comment ostto Cure Ovr Cost to Cure Ovr Comment one all Height 14 Yo Comn Wall ode AVI Code escri tion BAS First Floor BUILDING SUB-AREA SUMMARY SECTION Livin Area Gross Area E. Area 1,296 1,296 1,296 1296 1296 1296 Property Location: 946 NOBLE A V MAP ID: 54/1611/1/ / Bldg Name: Account # RA-0060290 Bldg #: Vision ID: 13879 rnpn Description 43 BASSICK AVE L.orn Land L.orn Bldg Code 2-1 2-2 2-5 rom Outbl BRIDGEPORT, CT 06605 SUPPLEMENTAL DATA Other ID: Owners: Heart Abstract Freeze Appraised Value Assessed Value 101,050 38,730 8,250 70,740 27,110 5,780 6015 BRIDGEPORT, CT VISION 200 Special Dist ASSOC PID# GIS /D: 1611-1 BK-VOVPAGE D & A SERVICE STATION INC ARANA DAVID ARANA DAVID & ANGEL L RESTO 02/17/1998 U 02/17/1998 U 08/31/1988 U 3867/ 7 3867/ 5 2549/318 Total ulu vii SALE PRICE v.c. DATE SALE I I I 0 Yr. 5,000 160,000 011 011 011 Code 2-1 2-2 2-5 Yr. Code 70,740 010 2-1 27,110 010 2-2 5,780 010 2-5 Amount Code IDescrintion Number Yr. Code 70,740 009 2-1 27,110 009 2-2 5,780 009 2-5 Assessed Value 103630 Assessed Value Total: 103 630 Assessed Value 70,740 27,110 5,780 103630 Total: This signature acknowledges a visit by a Data Collector or Assessor OTHER ASSESSMENTS Tvne IDescrintion 103,630 148,030 PREVIOUS ASSESSMENTS fHISTOR Total: EXEMPTIONS Year Print Date: 09/24/2013 14:16 1 1611--01------CEN735 Census Tract RECORD OF OWNERSHIP of 1 Card ('TDT IDfI A n , ri", ,.' " "'.'" D & A SERVICE STATION INC Additional State Use: 225 Sec #: 1 of 1 of 1 Amount Comm.Int. APPRAISED VALUE SUMMARY Appraised Bldg. Value (Card) Appraised XF (B) Value (Bldg) Appraised OB (L) Value (Bldg) Appraised Land Value (Bldg) Special Land Value Trdnl' ASSESSING NEIGHBORHOOD NBHD/ SUB NC2/A I NBHD NAME I I STREET INDEX NAME I I TRACING BATCH i I I NOTES E=lNCIMKT ADJ 38,730 0 8,250 101,050 0 Total Appraised Parcel Value Valuation Method: GENISIS MOTOR WORK 148,030 C Adjustment: 0 Net Total Appraised Parcel Value BUILDING PERMIT RECORD Permit 1D Issue Date TVDe Descrintion Amount Insn. Date % ComD. Date ComD. 148,030 VISITI CHAGE HISTORY Iromments Date TVDe 6/1612008 3/31/2008 3/18/1999 4/14/1992 01 IS 1D Cd AD 91 ~orn Field Review JF DM SU PUrDose/Result 00 Measured & Listed A Inside Inspection A Inside Inspection LAD LINE VALUATION SECTION B # 1 Use Use Description Code 225 ¡Lorn Garage Shop Zone D ORN F ron tage DeDth Total Card Land Units: Units 7,426 SF Unit Price i. Factor SA 12.37 1.00 0 0.17 AC Parcel Total Land Area: 0.17 AC C. Factor ST. Idx Adi. Notes- Adi 1.00 NC2 1.0 'W/9 I SDecial Pricing Adi. Unit Price Land Value 13.61 101,050 Total Land Value: 101,050 Page 1 of2 Print Summar A ¡iAC ¡iMt/J T Jtt. Powered by Vision Government Solutions, Inc. .. '.-i: L"- MBLU: 54/1611/1/ // Location: 946 NOBLE AV Ower Name: 0& A SERVICE STATION INC Account Number: RA-0060290 Parcel Value Assessed Value Item 32,890 70,740 103,630 Improvements Land Total: Owner of Record 0& A SERVICE STATION INC Ownership History Owner Name Boklage Sale Date 0& A SERVICE STATION INC 3867/7 2/17/1998 o ARANA DAVID ARANA DAVID & ANGEL L RESTO 3867/ 5 2/171998 2549/318 8/31/1988 5,000 160,000 Sale Price Land Use Land Use Code Land Use Description 225 Com Garage Shop Land Line Valuation Size 0.17 AC Zone Assessed Value ORN 70,740 Construction Detail Building # 1 1 : Coner/CinderBI STYLE Serviæ Shop/Garage Stories: 1 Extrior Wall Exterior Wall 2: Vinyl/Aluminum Roof Struct: Flat Interior Floor 1: Coner-Finished Roof Cover: Tar + Gravel Interior Wall 1 : MinimlMasonry Heating Type: Hot Air-No Due Heating Fuel: Coal Or Wood AC Type: None Building Valuation Living Area: 1,296 square feet Year Built: 1952 Extra Features Code Description Unit No Extra Building Features Outbuildings Code Description PAV1 Paving Asph Units 5500 SF Building Sketch Iprint.asp ?pid= 13 879 9/15/2013 Page 2 of2 Print Summar t'A~ ., Subarea Summary Code Decription BAS First Floor Gross Area 1296 Living Area 1296 /print.asp?pid= 13 879 9/15/2013 City of Bridgeport, Connecticut: Report Printer Friendly Page ParcellD : 1611--01------- GISID: 1611-1 Owner Name: D & A SERVICE STATION INC Property Location: Co-Owner: 946 NOBLE AV Owner Addr : 43 BASSICK AVE Owner City: BRIDGEPORT, CT 06605 Account: RA-0060290 Land Area (Acres) : 0.1704775 $70,740 $32,890 $103,630 Land Value: Building Value: Total Value: Land Use: Style: Rooms: Total/Beds/Baths: Year Built: Page 1 of 1 Com Garage Shop Service Shop/Garage N/A 1952 Living Area : Last Sale Date : 2/17/1998 Last Sale Price: $0 Qualified Sale? : U Book/Page: 3867/ 7 View On-Line Vision Propert Assessment Record View LOCAL LIVE Bird's Eye Imaç¡ery http://gis.cdm.comlridgeportCT laccount-lPt--rint.asp 9/15/2013 (J (1\-( iAC H ~t\6 i\T 1tl) FileNO,_O \ -I a)-- PETITION TO THE PLAG & ZONIG COMMSION CIT OF BRIGEPORT, CONNCTICUT ~"', _ t-, '-',~" ¿'- " 1. NAM OF PETIONER rÇe#€ s ,.'.j N() ~ r. 4J OY l S't ¿ L C 2. Is the Petitioner's nae a Truee ofRecord7 Yes_ No A-. If yes, a sworn statement diclosing the Beneficiary shall accompany this application upon fig. 3. Address of Propert 4. ABsessor's Map Inormation 91/6' N()hk. At) e 1- /b c2 7Ú.t-Æ1tLA-' J' ¡Block . (number) (steet) /9 No. _ -1_ No. /(;/1 Lot Amendments to Zonig Reguations, indicate Arcle Attach copies bf Amendment. 5. ). /4 ( ,. r ,.' I' Section A :-//l Propert (Metes & Bounds) 6. Description of XÓ ,. / ~~r;;S ,A- 60,. 3 I ?r 2-5 K 17?7G )r 9:J~'; S- 7. Exiti Zone Classifcation OK 8. Zone Classifcation 9. Describe Proposed requested )J 0 C/Í IL N ).ß Development of Propert ~\ '. fl. \~'\&(~ "' / c: st~\ ~. " . App,ovaC'lRoq"',ted _ hollr'j/dj~ ¿¿J Á~ Ù~/--r-l¡((¡)t6-t~ \) \ Date Gy( 2¿j( Sigtue (prit same) IT signed by Agent, state capac' Mailg er, Developer, etc.) Address C',llC: \Îòtl~, 'vA,u t- 'b~ld.t(..ÒQ.L CT D0fL/''i' pb.oneC20~'),-~.~3- I s:~ 5 EmAddress Ge'Sí~ 1N-()\ò~~o~'S €2, YA-Hco , cö~ FAX: ~t:l~ -'\~OiP-Sd.d.~ $ 6.26. Fee receIvecL*See Note* Date ¡I 2. 20 10 Ç3oi;(oSD . Clerk J'k I.2liCell -D'8 THI PET1ON MUST BE SUMITTED IN PERSON AN WITH COMlLETED ÓrECKLT o Completed & Signed Application Form o Completed. Site Development Plan o Written Statement of Development and Use o A-2 Site Surey 0 Buidig Floor Plan o ,Propert Owner's Lis 0 Fee o DraIage Plan 0 Buidig Elevations o Cert OfIncorporatioD. & Organation And First Report (Corporatons &lL's) ;?\C~ \ "~~/~S _c '. 9 1J ~~LCATION Print OWner Name Owner's s~e Print Owner Name Owner's Signatue *Base Fee plus $100/1 OOOsffor commercial and/or $1 DOper new dwellg unt Rev. 2007 Cg2, çf )( Date Date Lt ,,- .. .._VANUA lJ L. 519 8th An., 23rd A., me. NY l001B VG# 719300,1 ~1_ìJi(HMENl*'i) (2127JFa1212173 9/02 W-926364 APPLICA TION FOR AUTOMOBILE DEALER'S DMV USE ONLY OR REPAIRER'S LICENSE STATE OF CONNECTICUT K-7 REV. 7-2002 DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES \ - Co DMV VAUDATION BELOW DEALERS AND REPAIRERS SECTION On The Web At http://dmvct,org INSTRUCTIONS: 1. SECTION 1 must be completed by APPLICANT 2. SECTION 2 must be completed and signed by locl authorities of the city or town in which the location is proposed. ' 3. Submit application and supportng documents to: DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES, DEALERS AND REPAIRERS SECTION, 60 STATE STREET, WETHERSFIELD, CT 06161-2011. o TYE OF UCENSE LIMITED REPAIRER TYE OF OWNERSHIP IF INCORPORATED OR LLC, UNDER LAWS OF WHICH STATE CONNECTICUT GASOUNE PERMIT NO. o INDIVIDUAL 0 PARTNERSHIP 0 CORPORATION Q-r THE BUSINESS HOLDS A FACTORY FRANCHISE TO SELL THE FOLLOWING MAKE(S) OF VEHICLE(S) AT THE ABOVE LOCATION If applicant finn is owned by individual or partnership. enter data below for all owners. If owned by a corporation enter data for principal offcers or major stockholders. If LLC, enter members and managers. TITLE NAME HOME ADDRESS DATE OF BIRTH SEX C\ CL (' CERTIFICATION (To be ' declare that the statements madè' SIGNED ( )y me in this application or in any X anaging Member, or Authorized Offcer in presence of Notary) ffcer) , TITL Jocuments attched hereto are rue and complete to the best of , Dr Commissoner of Superior Court) ny knowledge and belief. SECTION 2: CE \pproval is hereby granted for the above named firm or ividual to conduct a business of the type C ed below at the location specified in this application. A iublic hearing on this application has been held as indicated below and as specified by Sections 14-54 & 14-55 of the Connecticut General Statutes. WE OF BUSINESS APP~OVE I PROPOSED LOCATION ADJOINS J NEW CAR DEALER SED CAR REPAIRER 0 GENERAL REPAIRER 0 LIMITED 0HIGHWAY STATE AID 0HIGHWA TRUCK LINE 0 CITY 0STREET TOWN DEALER Y STREET o HELD I I HEARING HEARING DATE LOCATION OF HEARING HEARING ~EY VEHICLES APPROVED FOR SALE DATA e: ALL MOTOR VEHICLES 0 MOTOR VEHICLES (Except Motorcycles) o MOTORCYCLES ONLY o TRAILERS ONLY Are there any restrictions placed on ,, the licensee's use of the propert? ~ NO 0 YES (I 'YES", a copy of the restrictions MUST be attached to this application.) TITLE I DATE ;NATURE OF AUTHORIED OFFICIAL I ; Chief of Police in town of proposed location or by Commander of nearest Connecticut State Poliæ Barracks if town has not police department. .he applicant(s) is a proper person SIGNATURE TITLE DATE :tt. Gen 44 19551 X iualified to be granted a license (29 Op. DISTRIBUTION: White - D & R Copy Canary - License Copy Pink - Audit U~iq City of Bridgeport Zoning Department PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 45 Lyon Terrace' Bridgeport, 06604 Telephone (203) 576,-7217 Fax (203) 576-72 i 3 ADDRESS OF PETITION: CONTACT PERSON: C(L¡l, J\obl e- A-ue 4- I (Q;Z Pu+ n6lrY S+. R~ c~j bf'~ esu s, HOW MANY SIGNS: TELE: ;)6"3 - 333 -15JS CELL: ~ 3 - eUs-a - o8yy ~ 1. THE SIGNS SHALL BE POSTED ON THE PROPERTY SEVEN (7) DAYS PRIOR TO THE HEARING. 2. THE APPLICANT IS RESONSIBLE FOR INSURING, ON A DAILY BASIS, THAT THE SIGNS ARE IN PLACE. IF THE SIGNS ARE STOLEN OR DAMAGED, THEY MUST BE REPLACED WITHIN, ONE (1) DAY. THE APPLICANT CAN OBTAIN A REPLACEMENT SIGN FROM THE ZONING DEPARTMENT. 3. THE APPLICANT SHALL PROVIDE TO THE COMMISSION AT THE HEARING A PHOTOGRAPH SHOWING THE SIGNS POSTED ON THE PROPERTY. 4. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE SIGN POSTING REQUIREMENTS SHALL RESULT IN THE COMMISSION POSTPONING A HEARING ON THE APPLICATION TO THE NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING. 5. THE APPLICANT SHALL SIGN A COPY OF THE NOTICE ACKNOWLEDGING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR SIGN POSTING. NOTICE Applicants are advised that supplemental material in support of your application must be received ten (10) days prior to the hearing date, Material submitted subsequent to this deadline, even if in response to the concerns of other city agencies may result in your a~tion rr?)Sion /íJ,/A'l~ t i ¡/Signature of AP~or Auih~rized Agent 2, (llJUê-¿ 'J/~~¿5 l/ :s . Print Name Date: 91/%1// i0) , City oj Bridgeport ( f\ ì TI' ( H (VlE.\lT -- Zoning Department PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 45 Lyon TerraFe . Bridgeport, Connepicut 06604 Telephone (203) 576-7217 Fax (203) 576-7213 April 29, 2011 GENESIS MOTORWORKS, LLC C/O RICHARD DEJESUS 946 NOBLE AVENUE BRIDGEPORT, CT 06608 OUR FILE #11-14 RE: 946 NOBLE AVENUE & 162 PUTNAM STREET-Seeking to grant, under Sec. 14-54 of the CT. General Statutes, an amended certificate of location for a used car dealership, and also seeking to include an additional parcel of property to the existing licensed premise in an OR zone. Dear Mr. Dejesus: At a Public Hearing held on Monday, April 25, 2011 the Planning & Zoning Commission decided the following: DECISION: Denied without prejudice. REASON: 1. The petitioner failed to attend the public hearing and Commission. ~"y, , ~ G3Jlal Dennis Buckley, Clerk Planning & Zoning Com 's 'on DB/gb make a presentation to the Page 1 of 1 C.O.N.C.O.R.D ( It TT AC l- lV\fN L¡: 10 Secretary of the State He Business Inquiry L. HOME lj HELP Business Details Business Name: GENESIS MOTORWORKS, LLC Citizenship/State Domestic/CT Inc: Last Report Filed Year: Bu~ness ID: 0754155 Business Address: 946 NOBLE AVE., BRIDGEPORT, CT, 06608 Mailing Address: NONE Business Type: Domestic Limited Liabilty Company Business Status: Active Date I nc/Registration: Jul11, 2003 Principals Details Residence Address NamelTitle Business Address RICHARD DEJESUS 946 NOBLE AVE., MANAGER BRIDGEPORT, CT, 06608 1496 CENTRAL AVE., BRIDGEPORT, CT, 06610 Agent Summary Agent Name RICHARD DEJESUS Agent Business 946 NOBLE AVE., BRIDGEPORT, CT, 06608 Address Agent Residence 1496 CENTRAL AVE., BRIDGEPORT, CT, 06610 Address I Back I .. 10/11/2013 . r Ä.iTI\C f/N1r;Ur-~ (~ SEEc FORM 1 . Do Not Mark iii This SDace For Offcial Use Oiilv REGISTRATION BY CANDIDATE llEGlSTRA TION TYPE CONNECTICliT STATE ELECTIONS ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION ~ INITIAL 3/07 Rev. o AMENDED Page 1 of 4 1. ELECTION DATE 2. OFFICE OR POSITION SOUGHT 3. DISTRICT NUMBER (ifapplicable) (mm/dd/yyyy) 136 City Council 4. CANDIDATE NAME Prefix I First Richard Mr 1M! ILast Dejesus I Suffix 5. CANDIDATE RESIDENCE ADDRESS 6. CANDIDATE MAILING ADDRESS (ifdifJerelil) Street Address Address P,O, Box 5575 1496 Central Avenue City City Bridgeport I State CT - 06610 I Zip Code 203 ) 650 CT T State .1 Zip Code0661 0 8. CANDIDATE E-MAIL ADDRESS 7, CANDIDATE TELEPHONE IIncllleAreaClide) ( Bridgeport dejesus20 0844 9, PARTY AFFILIATION í=¡ Republican ¡¡ Democratic D Other 10, DESIGNATION OF CAMPAIGN FUNDING SOURCE (check one) ~ lOa. I am forming a candidate committee and I am required to fie a Candidate Committee Registration Statement. (Go to Form lA and complete Candidate Registration Statement) fJ lOb. I am exempt from forming a candidate committee and I am filing a Certification of Exemption from Forming a Candidate Committee. (Go to Form 1 B and complete Certifcation of Exemption) -- -p,~j Î....:' ~..._., .. , - --, '. ': i ~...... :3~.." " -~ I .' .~ '. _c . -; ~ ---, r..~ \.~.':,.r~ ,-.. \ r'v .... ~ C) " w r-~.. , ." " ,-'. :.'J c. , r- C '. ~ , ~. .. " ---~ . . . - '., ":( - - , ,.' -, ,-~ r--.. - ..- Important Notice: Failure of a candidate to complete this page together with either Form lA, "Registration of Candidate Committee", or Form 1B "Certification of Exemption from Forming a Candidate Committee", within 10 days of becoming a candidate wil subject the candidate to a mandatoi') $100 late fiing fee. See Section 9-623(b), Connecticut General Statutes. Notice: Making a false statement on this form may subject you to criminal penalties, including hut /lot limited to, imprisonment one year or afi/le of up to two thousand dollars, or both. for up to SEEC FORM lA Do Not Mark iii This Soace For Offcial Use Only REGISTRATION BY CANDIDATE REGISTRATION TYI'E CANDIDATE COMMITTEE REGISTRATION STATEMENT CONNECTICUT STATE ELECTIONS ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION I! INITIAL Re\'. 3/07 Page 2 of 4 o AMENDED CANDIDATE NAME Richard Dejesus II. NAME OF COMMITTEE Dejesus 13 12. COMMITTEE ADDRESS Address Bridgeport 13. COMMITTEE E-MAIL ADDRESS Zip Code State City 335 William Street 06608 CT 14. COMMITTEE WEB SITE ADDRESS dejesus13(Qyahoo,com 15, TREASURER NAME First Prefix Olmo A 17. TREASURER MAILING ADDRESS (ijiliferiil) 16. TREASURER RESIDENCE ADDRESS Street Address Suffx Last MI John Mr Address 635 Grandfield Avenue City City Bridgeport I State - CT 203 ) 685 CT 06610 I Zip Code 19. TREASURER E-MAIL ADDRESS 18. TREASURER TELEPHONE (liieliideArea Code) ( Zip Code State 4659 20. DEPUTY TREASURER NAME First Prefix MI Suffx Last 21. DEPUTY TREASURER RESIDENCE ADDRESS 22. DEPUTY TREASURER MAILING ADDRESS (I(differeiil) Street Address Address City City I State CT I Zip Code 23. DEPUTY TREASURER TELEPHONE ( ) - Zip Code State CT 24. DEPUTY TREASURER E-MAIL ADDRESS Notice: Making a false statement on this form may .\ bject you to criminal penalties, including but not limited to, imprisonment for up to oiie year or (f fine of up to nvo thousand dollars, or both. SEEC FORM lA Do Not Mark in This SDace For REGISTRATION BY CANDIDATE REGISTRA TION TYPE Offcial Use Onlv CANDIDATE COMMITTEE REGISTRATION STATEMENT ~ INITAL CONNECTICUT STATE ELECTIONS ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION o AMENDED Rev, 3107 Page 3 of 4 COMMITTEE NAME Dejesus 13 25. DEPOSITORY INSTITUTION NAME People's United Bank 26. DEPOSITORY INSTITUTION ADDRESS Address City Zip Code State CT 27. CERTIFICATION I hereby certifY and state, under penalties of statement are true and accurate to the best of the designations set forth in this candidate committee registration my knowledge and belief, and further, that this statement includes my certification to the fact false statement, that all of that any individual designated herein to serve as my treasurer or deputy treasurer have indicated to me their acceptance of my appointment ofthem to those positions. DATE (mmJdd/yyy) I hereby certifY and state, under penalties of false statement, that i have accepted my appointment by the candidate to serve as the this candidate committee. I intend to comply with all the campaign finance disclosure requirements as candidate's designated treasurer of contained in Chapter 155 of the General Statutes, and to abide by any prohibitions, limitations or restrictions concerning campaign contributions and expenditures. DATE (mm/dd/yyy) T hereby certify and state, under penalties of false statement, that I have accepted my appointment by the candidate to serve as the candidate's designated deputy treasurer of this candidate committee, and I understand and accept that, in the event ofa vacancy caused by the treasurer's death, incapacity or resignation, i shall automatically become responsible for discharging all of the duties required of vacating treasurer. I intend to comply with all the campaign finance disclosure requirements as contained in Chapter 155 of the the General Statutes, and to abide by any prohibitions, limitations or restrictions concerning campaign contributions and expenditures. DEPUTY TREASURER (SIGNA TURE) DATE (mm/dd/yyyy) Notice: Making a false statement 011 this form may subject you to criminal penalties, including but not limited to, imprisonment for up to one year or afiiie of up to two thousand dollars, or both. SEEc FORM IB Do Nol Mark in This Soace For REGISTRATJON BY CANDIDATE Offcial Use On Iv CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION FROM FORMING A CANDIDATE COMMITTE CONNECTlClJT STATE ELECTIONS ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION Rev. 3/07 Page 4 of 4 REGISTRA TION TYPE ~I INITIAL o AMENDED CANDIDATE NAME 11. REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM FORMING A CANDIDATE COMMITTEE (clieck one) I hereby certify that I am exempt from forming a candidate committee because: o lla. I am one of a slate of candidates whose campaigns are being funded solely by a town committee or a political committee formed for a single election or primary and expenditures made on my behalfwil be reported by the committee sponsoring my candidacy, The name ofthis sponsoring committee is: OR o 11 b. I am funding my campaign entirely from my own personal funds and will not request or receive contributions from other individuals or committees and I understand that if! make expenditures exceeding $1,000 that I shall be responsible for filing treasurers of candidate committees. financial disclosure statements according to the same schedule and in the same manner as required of OR o 11 c. I do not intend to receive or expend funds in excess of $ 1,000. OR o lId. I do not intend to receive or expend any funds, including personal funds, for this campaign, 12. CERTIFICA nON I hereby certify and state, under penalties of false statement, that this statement of exemption from forming a candidate committee, for the reason checked above, is true, accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. CANDIDA TE (SIGNATURE) DATE (mm/dd/yyyy) Important Notice: Failure of a candidate to complete this page together with either Form lA, "Registration of Candidate Exemption from Forming a Candidate Committee", within 10 days of becoming a candidate wil subject the candidate to a mandatory $100 late fiing fee. See Section 9-623(b), Connecticut General Statutes. Committee", or Form IB "Certification of Notice: Making afalse statement on tliisform may subject you to criminal penalties, including but not limited to, imprisonment for up to up to two tliousand dollars, or both. one year or afine of Field crowded for upcoming primar season - Connecticut Post Page 1 of5 Aì7Ac?H/VlENT -:13 Luiicli & Omii", .1 Days ,i J tü'~ L. .: II \\1' i ~ J'r IL. The Oriinal . ( í.,¿;/. '-/0' RasBrvr1/f:s ACCBfIBd 51n'MdlMi. Rd .8,i"" 203.71.11 $19.95 TWIN LOBSTERS ;Q7%~:l SiufedolSteamed lJV~_'I~ .ULK il~id_ ii.' LLAP. MOREl Traffc I Weather I FAQ I Subscriber servces I e-Edition I Register I Sign In 0. . I/, rJrJ Tuesday, September 10, 2013 6 5 . F Bridgeport, CT Overcast ~ 0 Web Search by YAHOO! 0 Businesses Home News Sports Business Entertainment Obituaries Opinion Blogs Shopping Classifieds Jobs Homes Rentals Cars Index" Local I Police Reports I RegionalI Valley I National I World I Politics I Science and Technology I Extreme Weather Field crowded for upcoming primary season Keila Torres Ocasio Published 12:31 am, Moday. July 15,2013 VIEW: LARGER I HIDE 1 of 12 4 PREV i NEX. ,~\j.: ~p ~'J.!!.f ;¡ily ¿¡J.iJ~J ~. '~ J -y.~~;- To'. s;. \j I ~II~ MORE NEWS GALLERIES The Weekend in 13th CT United Norwalk Oyster Photos, Sept. Ride Festival 6,8, 2013 ~~~r:~~~ ~~MlRJ~L.~ · Stamford mayoral candidate Wiliam Tong greets peLe at the Seior Center in Governmet Center on Thursay, JuLy 11, 2013. Photo: Lindsay Perry I Buy This Photo 4 4 Tweet Like -: Comments (4l BRIDGEPORT -- Political parties have just begun o endorsement talks for upcoming City Council and Share Furni.h.d .\luorI i: Board of Education races, And petition forms for candidates seeking to wage primaries for the 20 open ~lhCf'ntcr h.)tllt.imiu Ilmc:. -- Email This i.~kiinLi !lH \t,-! \l- council seats or five school board spots won't be A larger I Smaller Font available for at least another week. III I ~ Printable Version .. "ORI the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, already has his campaign supporters going door-to-door in the council's 136th District in fluorescent green T-shirt. DeJesus, 40, owns Genesis Motor Works and has helped out in various capaigns, It's his first time Yet Ricky De.Jesus, former vice chairman of More Information Elections calendar July 16 to 23 .. Political parties make endorsments between these days. Petitions for primary candidates are made available the day after endorsements, or the last day for making endorsments, whichever comes first. Aug. 7 u Last day for primary petitions to be tumed in and first day for write,in ,, '") ~.; running for office. "We usually tiy and back the best candidate for the LATEST NEW job," said DeJesus, who lives in the 1371h district, but for-upcoming-pnmar-season-46653... 9/1 0/20 13 Field crowded for upcoming primary season - Connecticut Post candidates to register. Aug. 20 n First day absentee ballots become available. Sept. 4 u Last day for minor parties nominations. would move to the 136th ifhe won. "Just the bench has been weak lately, so we've been forced to step up and do a little more. We're just regular Joe Schmoes, We're not politicians. Not the deep pockets. We're Sept. 5 n Last day to register to vote for regular constituents tired of not being heard. That's primary. who we are." Sept. 10 u Primaries held between 6 a.m. and 8 p,m, Infonnation from the Connecticut seretary of the state OTHER NEWS Page 2 of5 This year more than ever, some say, City Council Monroe Oems: Vavrek email critics and "regular Joe Schmoes" are stepping off the 'misleading' sidelines and gearing up for a battle to unseat council incumbents. Primary challenges are expected in at least six of the 10 council districts. LATEST SPORTS L .~:.. .\,'., r tJ!.) Challengers say they are tired of seeing their taxes increase and development project stall. Some are tk ,-" angry about the $3 milion the council voted to borrow last September for Sikorsky Memorial Airport, $400,000 of which was spent on a driveway for milionaire developer Manuel "Manny" Moutinho. Pregnant firefighter placed on unpaid leave This, some claim, shows the all-Democratic council, many of whom are city employees, too often rubberstamp Mayor Bill Finch's decisions instead of standing up for their constituents. Kevin Duff: Potent Yankee offense not close to that of Red Sox LATEST ENTERTAINMENT "How about poor city management, like when we couldn't get plowing in the wintertime? Where was that? Where is our money going?" said Mal)' Filo, 42, a Black Rock resident who plans to run on the New Fairfeld honors fallen son, Republican ticket in the 130th District. "We put tons into the school system, but they don't seem to be overall improving. I'm watching what's going on with that driveway issue now, ... You kind of clue into these Sept. 11 victims things and go, . Whoa, that's money out of my pocket.' Hernandez pleads not guilt to murder indictment Filo, a single mom with two kids who works for a food LATEST NEWS management company in New Haven, sat in on a Investigation begins in Oyster Fest accident recent council Budget Committee meeting to get a feel for what they do. Swing crash: Last child released from hospital Challengers to the status quo now have a new tool in their campaign toolbox n a bipartisan political action committee looking for candidates to support. Meeting message: No to miltary Man shot while repairing his car Police probe Shelton crash Woman dies from crash injuries strike Although it has yet to endorse candidates, Citizens Working for a Better Bridgeport has reached out to individuals of all parties seeking to challenge incumbents and has begun collecting contributions. Black Rock resident Phil Blagys is the PAC's chairman. Former V.S, Comptroller Dm'id Walker, who bought former V,S. Sen, Christopher Shays' Black Rock house several years ago, serves as PAC treasurer. Blagys said the PAC is looking to support Working Families Party cadidates, Republicans, independents and "reform-minded" Democrats. It's this shift in public opinion about the status quo that convinced Robeit Halstead, former coordinator of the city's community gardens, that now is the time to run. Halstead, who worked for 25 years in city government as a city planner and in other jobs, is making his first bid for public offce alongside Trih Swain. They hope to unseat incumbents M. Evette Brantley and .John Olson in the 132nd Distriet. http://ww.ctpost.comldefault/article/Field-crowded-for-upcoming-primary-season-46653... 9/1 0/20 13 Field crowded for upcoming primar season - Connecticut Post Page 3 of 5 "It's just not enough to just speak out," Halstead said. "Ive talked to a lot of people who feel like I do, I think it's not going to be easy, but I think there are better conditions (to run for office), I think people are speaking out in numbers they've never had before." N3 usual, though, it will be the city's Democrnts who wil face off in a Sept. 10 primaiy for a chance to get on the November ballot, Petition forms for that rnce will be available after the divided Democratic Town Committee makes its endorsements at its meeting on June 22 at Testo's Restaurant and Republican Tovm Committee has its meeting June 23 at the North Branch of the Bridgepoi1 Libraiy. John Slater, RTC chairman, said he expects to have a full slate of council and school board candidates, but the party will put most of its focus on races in Black Rock and the North End, high turnout areas of the city where most council leaders live, For example, Susan Brannelly, who represents Black Rock as a 130th Distriet eouncilwoman, serves as co-chairwoman of the Budget Committee that voted to increase taxes, he said. "Our issues are with what the council has done rather than with individual people," Slater said. The Working Families Part, meanwhile, which has won several school board seats here, hasn't yet decided whether to endorse or, as they have done in the past, cross-endorse candidates for counciL. Democrats in all but four of the 10 council districts -- the 130th, 131st, 133rd and 134th districts -- have stepped up publicly to express interest in a possible ptimaiy challenge. And all would be running against the incumbents, with the possible exception of East Side councilman Manuel Ayala who is rumored to be opting out of a re-election run. East Side Councilwoman Lydia Martinez wil be running with Milta Feliciano, a former preident of the Puerto Rican Parade of Fairficld County Ine., to keep her scat in the 137th District. But this time around, Martinez will not have her party's support, Last year, a slate supporting former Couneilwoman Mai;a Valle won the majority in the 137th district away from supporters of Martinez, who has won two primaries against Valle since 2009 with the party's backing. Valle is ninning alongside Aidee Nieves, coordinator ofthis year's Puerto Rican parade pageant. In the 135th District, the Rev. Maiy Lee, a city schoolteacher, said she wil run again for a seat in the 135th Disttict -- if only to keep her councilmen on their toes. She will wage a primal)' three councilmen who serve dual roles as disti;ct leader, and his against Warren Blunt, one of council partner, Richard Bonney. "I would run even if I didn't think I could win," she said with a chuckle. "I intend to make them at least work for the nomination." And in the 138th District, Councilman Richard Paoletto is ninning for re-election alongside his uncle, Michael Marella, who was chosen by the council to replace outgoing Councilman Robert Curwen earlier this year. Marella, however, stil owns a home in Shelton and is just renting an apartment in Bridgeport. Challengers have not yet stepped up. Councilman Andre Baker, D-139th, is debating whether to seek re-election or to tiy to join the school board, The latter depends on whether he has enough support to gain the nomination. Baker has garnered a reputation for asking questions and casting "no" votes on the allDemocrat body that can iri;tate his colleagues and Mayor Bil Finch. Yet he now has a toddler who will soon enter the city's public sehool system. "So I'm going to be involved with the Board of Education one way or another. I thought I could be part of helping to improve the Board of Education -- btinging in some of my experience as a council person," Baker said. http://ww.ctpost.comldefault/article/F ield-crowded- for-upcoming-primary -season-46653... 9/1012013 Page 40f5 Field crowded for upcoming primar season - Connecticut Post But even his council race is a bit more complicated with community activist Eneida MartinezWalker's decision to enter the race and former councilman and state Sen. Ernest Newton contemplating a nin as well. Newton, who gained the district nomination for his failed bid for a state Senate seat last year, said he is waiting for Baker's decision. "It weighs a lot if Andre decides to run for the (school) board," he said. "i haven't made a decision but the City Council.., I haven't seen it this bad." Both he and Martinez-Walker, who has organized several anti-crime rallies in recent years, took issue with the fact that a handful of council members, including Baker's council partner, .James Holloway, have city jobs. "I'm going to be more of an Andre Baker," Martinez-Walker said, noting Baker was the only one to oppose the airport funds. "I'm not going to say yes to everyhing because that's what the rest of the council are voting on. I'm going to ask a lot of questions and 1 would like answers." Martinez-Walker, a case worker in Bridgeport for the state Department of Mental Health and Addiction Servces, said Holloway has always been helpful, but has been in offce long enough. "Holloway's been in offce for 18 years, Time for him to retire. I don't have anything personal against him, but it's time for him to retire," she said. Holloway, though, has no plans to retire. "People can do what they want to do but are they up to the task of really doing the job?" he said. "I'm not worred about it." Staff writer Brian Lockhart contributed to this report. LJ Printable Version =i Email This Uke Twet 1 Share You Might Also Like 4' ___ -,,'-: ;;,. " ,. &. ~-J Vr it Kiplinger ..~..... ~....~-,, 1 D Best Places to Live In 1 D Jobs to Check Out 6 Reasos to Hang Onto Hexus 4 cases: Protect the U.S. This Week: Engineering Your Laptop that fragile glass backl Kiplinger The Daily Muse CIO Slogs Digital Trends ~.'.J;4_ -..'~.~ From Around the Web We Recommend . 13 On-Screen Couples Who Have ZERO . Cops: Man organized prostitution ring at bars Chemistry (refinery29) . 3 captured after attempted Monroe robbery . 6 reasos to hang onto your laptop (Computer World) . Madonna's Diet Is the Hardest I Have Ever Tried . Former docor makes difficult, stubborn patient . Fairfield Prep fires Rich Lee as boys basketball coach (NY Magazine) . Ghostbuster Lorrine Warren - Connecicut Post . How to Give Your Business an Edge: Hire Mflennialsl (Conduit Slog) . 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Email Register Passwd Sign In o Remembe Me Most Popular Comments harveyp 5:29 AMon July 15, 2013 C; D emon Bpt,its ttme to take back our city,we ned to get this admin out,enough with the poitical tavos,mis-handling of city ser'vces(aka the blizzard f13SCO),the driveway Finch made the taxpayers pay for for his friend etc.Start with FlOch,then McCarthy,and go right down the line..The time is now. ?I REPLY Ó 14) 'V (1) ","" I ~ I "" (Report Abuse 1 POPULARiTY 3 sparky 6:30 AM on July 15. 2013 I hate to say it but Bridgeporters just vote Democrat without knowing anything about the person they're voting for. If they don't care enough. they deserve the crooks and high taxes. Don't cry .por me- when you constantly do it to yourselves. Un-elect thiS administration completely and brng in new, fresh faces from more than one party. A one party city works for their part and not for the peple. The driveway scam is only one example. Don't elect or re-elect anyone who has anything to do with this administration. They're all rubber stamps for Testo. ?I REPLY n 141 'V 11) POPULARiTY 3 ","" I ~ I.. (Report Abuse) View Comments (4) Sponsored Results Toyota Discounts Are Here Be Smart, Get Deals &. Pay Less How To Win Meaa Millons Win MegaMillion . 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S T Connfclicul .\trilia iroul' " E.. S T 1/'lls/,lI/, ield-crowded- for-upcoming-primar -season-4665 3... Il a MyvAHOO I 9/10/2013 Ty:(¡/IV\ENT ~ /,/ ) ( A I APPLICANT STATEMENT PRIMARY DATE: Jtll: 10/ dO/3- I, 1(\C ~itlt~ 'J.e:k s"s member of the Democratic Party, reside at ?~ /Ý~ - /lIIE idgeport Connecticut. Submit the names and addresses for the foil wing etition candidates for the office(s) designated: SUB IVIS ON or J3~ If ATLARGE: l( \ c.l"t4'Rj) DE :re-) I, ~ q4 NOßL 4 - ~¿;L ~ S /2-f a úO i ,'ft /3.( 1'V (J" D lut¡'d A Statement of Applicant must be presented to the Democratic Registrar of Voters before petition forms may be obtained (AITAC HiV\ EN! -l L c: ) City of Bridgeport Charter CHAPTER 5 - CITY COUNCIL Section i (a) The legislative body of the City shall be a city council consisting of twenty council members to be elected at each municipal election. (b) At the city election in the odd-numbered years, two council members shall be elected from each aldermanic district by the electors of the city residing in such district and council members shall be residents and electors in the district which they represent. No resident of one council district shall vote for a council person of any district other than that in which he/she is registered. two years from the first day of December next succeeding their election and until their successors are elected and have qualified. (c) Council members shall serve for a term of the city counciL, such vacancy shall be filed for the unexpired portion of the term by a majority vote of the city council (d) Whenever a vacancy occurs, for any reason, in the membership of members from the same political party as the council member vacating such offce. If there are no other members from the same political party as the member vacating such office, the vacancy shall be filed by majority vote of the whole number of council members. No person shall be elected to fil a vacancy on the city council unless he/she is a resident and registered voter of the city and is a member of the same political party as the person vacating such office. No person shall be elected to fill a vacancy in the offce of any council member unless he/she is also a resident and registered voter in the same council district as the person vacating such offce. Ordinances: 2.06.010 - Districts for election of council members. A. The town and city is hereby divided into ten districts for the election of members of the city counciL. 1, Each district for the election of members of the city council shall consist of the residents of the census blocks listed for that district on the attached census block list. 2. The information on the census block list shall be recorded on a census block map and on a street map of the city of Bridgeport, 3. The census block list and maps, both dated 2010 (Plan 3), shall be filed in and available to the public in the offce of the city cleric 4. In the event of conflict between the maps and the census block listi the census block list shall controL. B. There shall be two members of the city council elected from each district. C. This section shall remain in place until a new plan is adopted following the next decennial federal census pursuant to (C,G.S. Sec. 9-169f and the) city Charter, Chapter 5, Section 2, and governing statutory and constitutional provisions (as a result of, or as otherwise required by statute or court order). 0, The plan of districting hereby adopted, and set forth in the attached 2010 (Plan 3) census block list and maps, and the ten districts established herein shall be utilized for the 2012 Bridgeport municipal elections. 2.34.010 - New precinct lines within new assembly districts. Pursuant to Section 9-169 of the General Statutes of the State of Connecticut, the precinct lines for the state legislative districts shall be in accordance with the map attached to this chapter by reference with amendments and made a part of this chapter. (Said map shall be maintained in the city clerk's office as a permanent record of said precinct lines), (:TTACI- M EN i #/0 ) FOLD _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PlEE USE PEN ' PRINT ClELY " Check Boxes that Apply: O New Vote move Registration /\(within Adss the Change (Includes to a new town) Ll sae town) YES D NO Wil you be 18 on or before election day? ~ YES D NOo Lat Name First Name Name Chnge Chane O Part Enollment If you checked "NO" to eiter of these questions, do not complete this form. Middle Name or Initial Jr. Sr. Ã7C¡YA1RD /I III IV Address Where You Live No., Street,,~t. # 7;$- ÃÍCl-AlA~.s'",.J' 5"" Town l.t;Ø¿)l.'Grb~ r Zip ~/~ State Connecticut Telephone Number (optina) Gender Do you wish to enroll in a political part? MMale 0 Female , '. :' -". NAE or ADDRES C~G; previ~us ~oti~~ Addre.~ iff none; wrie "NONE") f8 YES. Name of part: _Republican -Cemocratlçher: No Str~. Y" /YMLc- .A.. o NO. , do not wish to enroll in a part at this time. Note: Dearing a part enables you to vote in tht pa's prima election, which is open only to pa members. You may later choose to switch enrollment to or frm a politca pa. Town 'I,l6¡:P~"'T County i~..n"(d State Cr Name Under Which Registered (if different from above) Would you like to work at th PO/Is on Eletion Day? or if so, my voting rights have ben restored DYES Tody' Date: -2 j(;iYIß 0 NO WARNING If yo~ sign this sttemnt even though you kno it Is ntn. you can be covict and Impred for up to five yers and . oe up to $5,00. OATE O NOTICE UNOEUVERALE RETRNED (A I TNHMfNi :Ii (l) APPLICANT STATEMEN~ PRIMARY DATE: cltpWf /0/ ¿)O/~ I~;d"~ 0.e \"-~\ member of the Democratic Part, reside at 7:T l2,t.,Ct'1 .. , Bridgeport Connecticut. Submit the names and addresses for the following petition candidates for the office(s) designated: SUBDIVISION or /5 b ,Jir ATLARGE: // - i-- - "/:i ;I¿;pM 0j~5 J S- ¡,(; 4¡t.u~ir ;j I- 6Ø?,;7ll-l ¿l O¿. tC..O ~ h:datd cl L (if \~ A Statement of Applicant must be presented to the Democratic Registrar of Voters before petition forms may be obtained (Ai Ti\cH f'\E 1"- T lt t~ ) APPLICANT STATEMENT PRIMARY DATE: Sep.yýber /O,2.t'3 I, A lf 0 Ca ~ + i 110 member of the Democratic Part, reside at , Bridgeport Connecticut. Submit the names and addresses for the following petition candidates for the office(s) designated: SUBDIVISION or /3 l; -l ATLARGE: /t a /Y l= /).a~c.s.5 75.D 6jn¡;fqæ. Alr,-~do ClÃ~+lllo l137 Noble. Ave. q-S-' f A Statement of Applicant must be presented to the Democratic Registrar of Voters before petition forms may be obtained \\ii.iir" l' ~~~\. ':. . ()/r,¡ ( ID(I;) ".. '- . r A-r7ACH/V~~NT ~l i. .-, -,._ i: ..--',.)'_. r1, \ JJ ~, f..4O. 0-.,' 'i_."" --,-"~;¡ -~. l" ~\ CITY OF BRIDGEPORT í~. '-~1~,v..,,': /. \.. : i 4t~~h ~ c /:; :~ ~. \~\ "~rI""'I'Jnp:. H. \1 REGISTRARS OF VOTERS . Margaret E. Morton Government Center 999 BROAD STREET, BPT. CT 06604 / TeL. 203 576-7281 THE HONORABLE PATRICIA A. HOWARD SATA I. AYALA Democtic Deputy Registrar Democratic Registrar of Voters of Voters THE HONORABLE FRANOSO R. BORRES UNDA A. GRACE Republican Deputy Registrar of Voters Republican Registrar of Voters Ii Date: 11 bi- LOi. g1f(EDD cl-¡¡J¿) t?2J? jlllfi b Name & Address J~/~.. I have received a list of Democratic Voters in the _Qc District along with. Petition ignature Sheets and Instructions needed to run for offce stated on Consent Form. o REGISTRARS OF VOTERS CITY HALL ANNEX =~ e: u 999 BROAD STREET BRIDGEPORT, CONNECTICUT 06604-4804 t: :! 1: o l! ila, """ ~.5 ~ ci u ai c.\ll- (,~J ~34 . . .. !g ........y~.. '6~ \9 ~~~~ --- u.s. POSTAGE)~ PirnEY ¡¡eWES ¡¡ (J ~t- ~ :.-::: .' ., . , ~T ~~604 $ 000.433 0001376220 JUL 26 2013 \!v Richard Dejesus 75 Richardson Street Bridgeport, CT 06610-1636 \ o C\ i--l ~ ~ ~ '- ~ ~ \- ~ I 000õ/üzJi3 :400 FE 127G RETURN TO SENDER ATTEMPTED - NOT KNOWN UNASlE TO FORWARD tic: ߣ':~44J2.t;~~ -;i683-¡¡25~~-~¿-lß ,. oo '-... l- n.i ".L t: i.~ 9 18. ~$t!6' 0 It \1¡llll \ 1,1 \ I \ 1IIIl\l! i \ 11111 i1i II! 1111111111111 i II! I! i 1.111 i ill Correspondence NOTICE OF CHANGE IN YOUR VOTER REGISTRATION AVISO DE CAMBIOS EN SU INSCRIPCIÓN PARA VOTAR 1111111111111111111111111111111 Richard Dejesus 75 Richardson Street Bridgeport, CT 06610-1636 004223048 August 02,2012 Date of Acceptance Fecha De Su Solicitud Date of Notice July 24,2013 Fecha De Éste Aviso Date of Birth November 15, 1972 Fecha de nacimiento District 126-1 Districto Pollng Place Beardsley School Colegio Electoral Donde Usted Vota 500 Huntington Road Bridgeport 06610 Party Democratic Partido Next Election November 05, 2013 Próxima Elección Next Local or Primary Election arias Date Party Enrollment Effective (If Delayed) Próximo Local 0 elecciones prim Fecha Efectiva De Su Cambio De Partido (si es retrasada) TYPE: ( L Change of Party (l Other Change Name (xl Change of Address ( L Change of Cambio de Nombre Cambio de Dirección Cambio de Partido Otro cambia Your application to change your voter registration has been accepted. The date of the next election or primary you shall be eligible are indicated above. Su uso para cambiar su registro de votantes se ha y se ha aceptado. Ella fecha de la elección siguiente 0 primario, eventualmente en la cual usted será elegible se indica arriba, Voters of: If you have any questions about this notice,please contact the Registrars of Si usted tiene cualquier pregunta sobre este aviso,javor de comunicarse con la oficina del Inscriptor de Volantes de: Town IPueblo Bridgeport, CT Address IDirección City Hall Annex 999 Broad Street 06604-4320 Telephone ITeléfono 203-576-7281 ( A ì yri l- iv¡ EN Tof*State d l) or ReDisRe Pr Petiti ~ (Nun) (P) r" d DEVJ . po_ i.rPTl'~ ~~~ . ~òfVotmofth 1"--è.QH-((. Pa. (j (' (D) ~~ A.~ I t ~PeSil-ini- . in tæ TDo(rIllfEf4 . adi-an fi- / -.)Qj J. (') l¡ ~L(R~i.~ of tæ c: ofPtl FIlDi) ~ sn i L D . .fa I1by sa pa fa th l 11 t-. (Raw of Cm) off of QJi.n.'lA I b k, . whpawe si to me (S ar Di 0I - i__lntlÏO di iu) . 6è.l- 'AE. 11 .. ''T O'=6'~ .. suPa) G,L-TFif£J~' . / (Rgi ofVo1e is. reui to 2Ïve to the Der0n submitt2 Drimar DetitioD Da2e(s) a reeipt (in duplicate) stti the Dumbe of page ficc and date an tie of filig. The peOD sh th forwd on suh copy th n:t to th Sec of th State.) of CATTACHf'le"-T -:.;i~ ) (ED-619a)Rev.S/03 (Circulator: Rea separate intrction shee before cirati(;xWa(lIl~ -6O'I'el9ado) ( PRIY PEION FOR MUNCIPAL OFFCES) FROM A POLICAL SL,3 lfVISION WARING: IT is A CR TO SIGN THS PETION IN TH NAM OF AN01IIER PERSON WIOm LEGAL AUlORI TO DO SO AN YOU MAY NOT SIGN TIll J!l nnON IF YO AR NOT AN ELCIOR A REGISTRA MUST Fl OUT TilS P ART lAl BEFORE GIVG OUT THIS FORM City Town . BridlZeort Political Subdvision Ward 136TB r".i WJ r ! :t' .. Borough (Name of Muncipalty) Democratic Seotenber 10. 2013 (Pary) NAMS) OF CANIDATES) c'. Distrct (Date of Priar) D.O.B OFFCESl S()UGin:~~~ TE ADDRESS (Note: provide suffcient space) ./, // r0 ~ tÅlm:Ll_~ (~U(l( I /1. ((i i.Mt) Ca ~4i Jo '1J1 ND1kl(' () ~ TIS PElON MUST BE FILD WT Santa L Avaa (Name of Regis ofVote) 999 Broad Street. BridlZeoort cr not later than 4:00 p.m. on Auirt 7. 2013. . (Addrs of sad Registr) B. v I~J. 13 . 14 1.5 16 17 18 19 20 f-'''- £81 -619a _ Rev. 5/03 _ Prim. I'et Mun. Off. Pol. Subdiv.) (g:\fuim\c-6'.\i-i 1 ila.docl 5T A nME BY REGISTR OF VOTERS AS TO CIRCUTOR'S ST A TUS AS ENOLLED PARTY MEMBER . Circlator must have F'ar C filled in by pa'. Registr in town in which circulator is enrlled before submitting it ,to pars Registr in muncipality in which the signers ar enrlled. i CIRCULAJOR'S RESInENCE Al)DRESSßi.,,Jlreei, town) ~; c rt d D. .t-S l. 7 f\ 1è,luJ.jld. ,rr. c-d ~ d', I, Registr of Voterl of he par naed in Par A of this petition, in the town of cr do hereby attest tht .the above circlator is an enlled member of said par in said town. i . .' , R/z/.~3 ~¿£ ~/.d#~ , D;tc I --igntue of Registr of V oten i CIRCVl. TOR'S ST A TEMENT OF AUTHENTICITY OF SIGNATURES i I D. Par D must be completed, by Cirlator and by Acmowlcôging Offcer, after obtaining all signatures on this page and before fiing it with pary's Registra in municipality in which the signers of the page ar enlled. i I am the Cirlator of iirls petition page an I mae this statement puruat to the provisions of Chapter ISfofthe~if\e. ofC"niticu. My addn" i. '7, ,t,¡.¡"....rt'lC ~t · io the town of' .. I am an enlled member of the political pary designated on this petition in sad to l~ch pen whose nae app on ths petition signatus page signed the sae in pen in my prescml:e. I either know eah such signer or such signer satisfactonly identified hiself I ~- or herlf to me. The &paces for candidates supported, offces sought and the political par involved wer Iillt io pnor to "y ohtang the .igotu.. The nomhcr of .igotu on ths peition signatu. page is D. ! I herby declar under the PENALTIS OF FALSE STATEMEN, .that the stat ments made in the foregoing Cirulator's ~:tatement of Authenticity of Signtues -truè.,\ ",I -- Signtu 01 'ctator CERTmCATION OF ACKNOWLEDGING OFFCER State of Connecticut) Il , :~ t ,\tj ss:~ity.' ~ ,L ID,. County of fi itYi):I town) On this th 2L day of J u.l Lf . 20~ before me, the undersigned offcer, . persnally appe e. ¡ch~tu Ji.'"U.S. . known to me (or satisfactorily proven) to be the (Nam of Cirula~) persn whose nae is subscbe to the foregoing Statement of Circulator and acknowledged that he executed the sae for the purse contained therein. l i In witncss wheref. i have hereto set my hand. Judg ofa cour ofrcrd or famly support magistrte; clerk or deputy clerk of a court My co~ssion expues: having_~issioner of dees or town ... ! ~~,. f ~I g (Dste~ clerk; ~; ~-lce of the pe~ (Nota Pulic only) cT g SD ~~ or attorney admtted to the Connecticut Bar .. ............... ..................... .................. .............. .............. CEKTMCA110N BY REGISTR OF VOTER OF NUER OF SIGNERS WHO AR ON ENOllEN UST I g. The followig is 10 be filled in by the Registr of V otc in the town in which the iii~er of ths petition signtu. page ar enlled, before Regist files with the Clerk of such muncipality: i i. Regist of V otcri of the pa naed in Par A of ths petition in the muncipality also naed in Par A hereby c;ify thllt. ~e ~umbe of ~i~er on .~~ pri ~tition page who ~ enrlled membe of . such par m the mUi1cipahty and political subdVlsion naed 10 Par A is: /1./. (Number) Dated al __,1!2l:tt; J , Conneccut, this ir day of æ/(r 20£3, =--#~ ~l'C--A . Signatue of Registr ofl-~rs (ED-l19a)Rev.5/03 (Circuator: Rea separe intrcton shee before ciatig)~.i-I9LcIJ PRIY PE10N FOR MUCIAL OFFCES) FROM A POLICAL SUBDMSION WARING: IT is A CR TO SIGN TH PETION IN TH NAM OF ANOTHR PERO WIOm LEGAL AUfORI TO DO SO AN YOU MAY NOT SIGN TH PETION IF Y AR NOT AN ELOR A. REGISTR MUST Fß ,. OUT nu PART lAl BEFORE GIVG OUT nu FORM i-" --=1 City Town BridlZeort t. Politica Subdviiion War 136TB : .. :-... . ~... . .. .. Borough (Name of Muncipaty) ... Distrct Democratic - -- -. r,.:. Seotcmbe 10. 201 J (Par) (Date of NAMS) OF CANIDATES) ADDRESS .r c.') Priar) TE D.O.B OFFCESl SOUOHf ~ (Note: provide suffcient spac) l~UIx'1 I 1 2 TIS PETON MUST BE FIL wm Santa L Ava (Nam ofReofVotm) 999 Broad Str BridlZeort cr not later th 4:00 p.rn on AUllt 7. 2013. (Ad~i of ~d Re~8Ua) B. W e. the underiimed bei2 enlled member of the abve Dar in the above litica suvisio of the above muncioaltv. do herebvoetion tht there be orted on the volin machie balot label to be used in the tlriar of said Dar in said oolitica subdiviion to he held on the dae ab e s ecified the names of the above individuas as cadidates for nomiation to the oft s ïi SIGNATUR OF ENROLLED PRITED NAME OF BlRm ELECTOR ELECTOR DATE ~Û¿ STRET ADDRES l7 ö c.Jws+riut- Ss . .. . ~ \0 - Q.~ ,ÁvQ. 7/13 j~ 32- oak,V, ti..) QiV' S/5/'1ES' 13.l ..kVleJ, ,"Üe i (81 ( 0-61 9a _ Rø. 5/03 _ Pri. Pim. Mun. Off. Pol. Subdiv.) ii:\f'JmlJ\od,~.\c.5i ?Il.doc) ST A TE~æN BY REGISTR OF VOTERS AS TO CIRCUTOR'S STATUS AS ENOLLED PARTY MEMBER . Cirlator mus have Pert C filled in by pa'. Registr in town in which circulator is enlled before IUbmitting it to pa. Registr in muncipality in which the signers ar enrlled. IRCULTOR'S NAME CIRCULATOR'S RESIDENCE ADDRESS (no., Jtnet. town) -+ ~ic.hA f2!:u. ~ .c./;~l-j50rJ Srl'd ~ o,.l Registr of Voterl 0 the pa na in Par A of ths peition. in the town 0 do herby att tht i!te above cirlator is an enlled membe of øad pa in øad town _¿;q'$.4/¿J/fÚ~ Signtu of Rcgistn of Voteri ÇIRCUI.ATOR'S STATEMEN OF AlIHENICITY OF SIGNATURES i D. Par D must be compli:tcd by Cirator and by Acknowledgig Offcer. after obtag all signtu on ths page and bef.ore filing it with pas Registr in muncipality in which the signers of the page ar enlled i I am the Cirtor of th. peition page an I mae ths statement p~uat to the provisions of Chapter Connticut. My ads is 7 ') tl'Ui\ll,ÜV\ "j r . in the lS3'ofthe Gener Statut~. of town of M i.y luV \- . i am an enlled membe of the politica pa designted on ths peition in øad town Elich pen whose nae app on ths petition signtu page signed the sae in pen in my pr:. I eith know eah such signer or such signer satisfaconly identified bilf or herlf to Dl. Th spa for cadidates supported offce sought and the politica pa involved wer filled in pnor to my obtag the signtu.. The numbe of signtu on ths peition signtu page is iic . ! I herby dela un th PENALTIS OF F ALSB ST A TEEJ. foregoing Cirlator's Stateent of Authticity of Signtu an ti . i ÇERTmCATION OF ACKNOWLEDING OFFCE State of Conneccut It I!' It .J .1J 1J :i IS: Vt.i 7' pbr 'f County of rr- ). (city or town) On thi th "3 ( di,y of Ju I if penally app ßi c hJ' '! d i De ~4!b4.s . 20 ß . before me, the undersigned offcer, . . knwn to me (or satisfactoóly proven) to be the (Nai of Cirto) persn whose nae iii,ubscbc to th foregoing Statement of Cirulator and acknowledged tht he executed the sae for the purse contained therin In witnl wbcf, I have herto se my bad. udge of a cour of rerd or famly support magistrte; clerk or deputy clerk of a cour My commssion expin:s: havig a se; commssioner of dee or town 3 ~ IJ t¡.¡ I d orR (Dt~ 55 clerk; nota public; justice of the pe; (Nota Pulic only) ~ T §50 or attorn admtted to the Connecticut Bar .................. .................................................... ...... ..... ... ... ca(FCATlON BY REGISTR OF VOTER OF NUER OF SIGNERS t WHO AR ON ENOLLEN UST g. The followig is to be fied in by th Regist of Vote in the town in which the ihmcr of ths peition signtu page ar enii~ before Regist files with the Clerk of such muncipality: i. Regist ofVote of the par naed in Par A ofthi peition in the muncipaity also naed in Par A. herby ceify tht the numbe of sign on thi pri peition page who ar enlled membe of such pa in th mwiicipality an politicalubdvision naed in Par A is: (Numbe) 2- 0 . Dated at aor .Concu~tb. Z da~~ ~~ / Sigitu of of ~ (ED-6 I 9a)Rev.5/03 (Circulator: Rea separate intrction shee before circuatiiaWouJtc -61('.~i9ado) r ) PRIY PETON FOR MUCIPAL OFFCES) FROM A POLICAL SEa irVlSION WARING: IT is A CR TO SIGN THS PETION IN TH NAM OF AN01IIER PERSON WIOUT LEGAL AUTORI TO DO SO AN YOU MAY NOT SIGN 'DD 1'1 nnON IF YO AR NOT AN ELCTOR A REGISTRA MUST Fll OUT TilS PART (A) BEFORE GNIG OUT THIS FORM. r..-"."I Political Subdvisioii City '--' War 136m Town Bridlleort ( . ',' Distrct Borough (Name of Muncipalty) Democratic (Pary) NAMS) OF CANIDATES) Seotenbe 10.2013 j" ., (Date of Priar) J." D.O.B ADDRESS OffCES) SOUGH!: (Note: provide sucient space) (~U(iC 1 ((ì TE ~ riLl_~ 2 THS PETON MUST BE FILED wr Santa L Avaa (Name of Registr of Vote) 999 Broad Street. Bridiieort cr not later than 4:00 p.rn on AURUt 7. 2013. . (Addrs of sad Registr) the above Par in the above J!Q~ ¡cll subdivisio of the above muncipalty. do hereby pettion that there be prited on the voiinE m¡'å ioe balot label to be used in the Priar of said Par in said oolitica subdivision to 'be hclç~ in the date ab ve B. We. the underimed beinE enlled member of s ecified the names of the above individuas as cadidates for nomiation to tl~g lit s s ecifi : SIGNATUR OF ENROLLED PRITED NAME OF BIRTH ELECTOR ELECTOR DATE l ~L\. b 4\..., J 8 9 10 ii 12 \3. 14 i~ 16 17 IS 19 20 ¿ , (8) 0-619a _ Rev. 5/03 _ Pri 1'c: MUD. Off. Pol. Subdlv.) (g:\form\c-6a\c-6 I 9a.docl ~T A nME BY REGISTR OF VOTERS AS TO CIRCUTOR'S STATUS AS ENOLLED PARTY MEMBER I . Circlator must have I'ar C filled in by pa'. Registr in town in which circulator is enrlled before submitting it to pars Registr in muncipality in which the signel1 ar enrolled. I , ~ '.\rrr 1)(~~:: -, ... t\T (q~TOR'S NAME L CIRCULTOR'S RESIDENCE ADDRESS (no., ~""'. iown) . I, Registr of V oters of the par na in Par A of ths petition. in the town of .~ ;d. í:t p''-Cr. cr do hereby attest tht j:he above cirlator is an enlled member of said par in said town. ~/Z-)::"J ~4/Ø:Á'd ~~ , ,61llC I Signtue of Registr of Volers CIRCULATOR'S STATEMENT OF AUTHENTICITY OF SIGNATURES I D. Par D must be completed, by Cirlator and by Acknowledging Offcer, after obtainig all signatures on ths page and before filing it with pars Registr in municipality in which the signers of the page ar enlled. ¡ ! I ~ the Cirlator of tb11 petition page an I ma this itatement ~uruant to the provisions of Chapter Connecticut. My addrs is '15" t&4~ -filA . in the 153 oftbe Gen~ Statu\es of tow or Ò/~ tu:'r . I am an cilled mebe or the political par designted on ths petition in sad wu. Each pen whose nae app on ths petltion signtus page signed the sae in pen in my prece. i either know eah such signer or such signer satisfactorily identified himself or herlf to me. The IIp for cadidates supported offce sought and the political par involved wère filled in prior to Ily obtaing the signtus. The number of signtu on this petition signatus page is 5. I i ....--.-.. I herby declar under, the PENALTIS OF FALSE STATEMEN, that the, s atements made in the foregoing Cirulator's S~tement of Authenticity of Signtu! ! e. ,i-- ! i i CERTIFC TIO OF SUJlcOfl)C¡l I ss: ~rJ or Countyof rr ;), (çity town) On this the a dny of J Ll t!: .20L . before me, the undersigned offcer, ' peonally appe g ()-~ $1f.L fJ.t,l i. SL.5 I (Nam of Cir'1to) . known to me (or satisfactorily proven) to be the Circulator and acknowledged that he persn whose nae iSlIubscbe to the foregoing Statement of executed the sae for t he purse contained therein. In witns wherf. I have hereto set my hand. Ju ge of a cour of reord or famly support magistrte; clerk or deputy clerk of a cour My ~ommssi99 cxpir:s: having a ,mmssioner of d r town l) Nl- I /,)''L (Da~e) clerk; otar publi . . 0 the pe , (NotJU Pulic only) .............................. e/r t! gt; ss or attorney... admtted to the.............. icut Bar . ...................... ....... ....... ... Cl!KTIFICA nON BY REGISTR OF VOTES OF NUER OF SIGNERS WHO AR ON ENOLLEN UST g. The followig is tei be filled in by th Registr of V ote in the town in which the signer of trus peition signtus page ar enlled. before Regist files with the Clerk of such muncipality: the pa naed in Par A of i. Regist ofVoten of ths petition in the muncipality also naed in Par A. herby ceify tht the numbe of iignen on thi pri petition page who ar enrlled membe of such par in the municipality and political subdvision naed in Par A is: Ó . (Numbe) Dated at-4i1 , . Connecticut, ths ~ day of a. I~¿ / ~ . i2d it . ~ - :;.~. Signatu of Registr of V 0 en (ED-619a)Rev.5103 (Circuator: Rea seare intrcton shee before ciatin)(~.'Gi9adøi ( 1 PRIY PETON FOR MUCIAL OFFCES) FROM A POLICAL SUBDMSION WARG: IT is A CR TO SIGN TH PETION IN TH NAM (iF ANOTH PERSON WIOUT LEGAL AUfORI TO DO SO AN yOU MAY NOT SIGN 'rHIS PETION IF YO AR NOT AN ELCIOR A REGISTR MUST m J our TI PART (Al BEFORE GIVG our TI FORM Politica Subdviiion War 136TB City Town Bridiicort I , :., I i : Muncipaty) Borough (Name of Distrct SCD~be 10. 2013 Democratic ~ (Par) NAMSl OF CANIDATESl i I . ; (Date of Pri) ADDRES . "V D.O.B OFFCFSl SOUGir : :. TE (Note: provide sucient sp) V 1 ((ìrh(l(rl ~ \\t~, JS. '1, 'R;i.l'~ iii ~~i I st. 111,\ I '12. l~U(K.11 ~ ) , , V iAit(trl'1 CÛ,4ill() 11J1 Nnh~Ali1 ~'5'l'1l. r.AllrL'" ~u('S. TIS PETON MUST BE FIL wr Santa L Ava (N1I ofRe ofVotm) 999 Broad Str BridilCOrt cr Dot later th 4:00 p.ol OD AUllt 7. 2013. (Addri of sad Regist) B. We. the underimed beg; enlled member of the abve par in the above oolitica subdvision "if the above muncioaltv. do hereby ~tion tht there be orted on the votin2 mache balot labels to be used in the Drar of said Dar in said oolitica subdviion to beheld on the dae ab e the above individuasAl cadidates for nomition to the offces) mecfied I ~IGNATUR OF ENROLLED PRITED NAME OF BIRm sDecified the names of 1/ ELECTOR ELECTOR DATE STRET ADDRES ; \ ~/r-~/ /J~-: N.(Îlú ~tv'fJIJrz yJvJ~¿ 1737 AÐbk. Av(. HIJæ3 -:\11~;Z~K:~ úit.l.. l £tl..IAl-iJ /'ar.iin i"/~/'t8 e'l Riilãl--tJ Çfth S"¡ \~)' /'-: ~ ¿-~.. Ti l'Q+Av Mar.lå l' /0'1 Y ¡'.a Be¡ ~;ckQ".J ~tJ" ~.. -lVi,~YL,,l:. v~ ~k\V"~\dA2~1' fy IÖ/~t4 ~l .¡~ ~~l ~ ~~,\ ~ f), re ~UMt) ()t ~L (.La! lO~ ~ i1 l)', ~à--"W cr, : ~V0 icYID ~'? ~~'Av,, (t. --- ! )Vi/iy I-¡s- ~\.,,-.~ r-l v~~ 'IA (.:~ ~ A'Mcvilv5lt:l-r-~~c- 5Á7J~3 lç)!J~//ltSf \~ ~I J),l /~l- 1\CM.. ~~~ l ù ~ ~/~~s- (&3 Al~J~; S~t. ,/J / ~ r\~&ì ri/-J7Z.~5D I\loìf\o:s \ ~~l\l..~~ A\oriID G\i1 D ~ii:¡rq:; \Sb A\~nt 0t. \l\ /h1~roM J ß'l V(~(\ctSS ~u I~I~~I\L\L\~~ÄV"P~. \ 12 \l~~¡'LJ.~~/ CÁa,.!t í?flL-J. ~/~./ý.f l4 ~~~e.~ lilr i 1/, j . _ , .. '\ 5 ~t7 i .. Y. , J , J' . -L ~ (' ~ A g- ',,"7 1. ,- .A . \..,,~ ~'i (G ~ tfLØ" J.ßI'" I .J.. "&.1' 'OsL.Jø. :: \ 'JIA- /..- 1 ~1 i ¿ ~ i, ¡'i/" 1\..1 ~... ,J .l-illt/ ~ ~ AåJlIl /t i 'L .. /J ~lIT,.)' ~ r/.~rl~r ~ ~ Y/tvJ c/,~:. /,. JoJU/.' G. 2. J".'~ ~ c~/.z .- - ~ 1#7 /; ~L' /-" ~,- ~.A~c f' _~, \. '.../ L¥~ - I~-.g~ '_~'N'.. './L../~ go~.7úr'l' ~ A1f ')~./ I / ;? ..-7/ '¿ .À... ;-g.. I .. ~- ~ /.. /f ILJ ~.. .. n/ it)l"~ n/. "'L"!. JVI 70-'~, T .à : 18~1!~ AlL~7i() ~ iz(/?øfd~i7Æ¡;ZtPl,;¡7 L i 13/1-"~/A Sf · il. &. \ lta ~ ~ 1';7, ~ tJ \' ~ . II ß (a - CI-~ IlJ 0 ß. \.~ ((__0 .LdJ1 \i'io~l rAfttQ 1ft MOf\~(~ CCl~+i \\0 1J~ 13 \lll Nob\f A\Je. ~ (8) D-619a. Re. 5/01 - Pri F ci MUD. Off. Pol. Subdiv.)(ii:\fon\c..tiv &.c-619Ldoc) :;T ATE~ BY REGlSTR OF VOTERS AS TO CIRCULATOR'S STATUS AS ENOLLED PARTY MEMBER . Cirlator mus havo Put C filled in by pa'. in town in which circulator i. enrlled before iubmitting it to pars Registr in muncipality in which the iignen ar enrlled. ; 0 ~.L 'l ). ) uS ~ - .... TOR'S RESIDENCE ADDRESS (no., street, town) i. Registr of V otc 0 the par naed in Par A of ths petition, in the town 0 CT do herby att tht ihe above cirlator is an enlled membe of l8id pa in said town. írlz-l; ~d"/tAt-#~ Registr ofVoterø .. / Da' i . ...Signtu of ÇIRCULATOR'S STATEMEN OF AUTHENICITY OF SIGNATURES D. Par D must be completed. by Cirtor and by Acknowledging Offcer. after obtag all signatues on th page and before filing it with pary's Registr in muncipality in which the signers of the page ar enlled. I am the Cirtor ofthli peition page and I mae ths statement puruat to the provisions of Chapter Connticut. My ads is 1'Ç ¿( \"1Ar'l,.,~'V\ r !~ . in the 153 'ofthe Gener Stall~:e. of town of ~ . I am an enlled membe of the politica par designted on ths ,peition ~ Ellh pen whose nae app on ths petition signatu page signed the sae in pen in my prec:. I eith know eah such signer or such signer I8tisfactonly idetified hilf i l- or henlf to me. 1' iip for cadidates supported offce iought and the politica pa involved were filled in pnor to a y obtag the signtus. The numbe of signtu on ths peition signtu page is a c . I I herby dela unde th PENALTIS OF FALSE STATEEN. tht thë"statents made in the i . ./ l, ¡ foregoing Cirlator's S'iateent of Authticity of Signtu' c. n " ,.) Signtu of I i , ÇERTICATlON OF ACKNOWLEDING OFFCE State of Cocut ) ) IS: ~l 'J) l-l ) 7' (- Coty of If! l i. (city or -i) On ths th JL diiy of I l; t ~ . 20lL before me, the undersigned offce, . penaly app jJcJ)~-i ~g¿.s~s . known to me (or ~tisfactonly provcn) to be the . .' . '.' (Nam of Cinto) . persn wnosé ñaè" ii iiub~bc to tl fptegoin: Statement.or Cirulator an4 acknowledged. tht he .. ¡ . . .. thin. r.. It.. " exeeled the WIe for'lhcf p~ ,contained . "': ¡,.. , . In witn whef, I have heto se my had. Judg of a cour of rerd or famly support magistrte; clerk or deputy clerk of a cour .'. My c:ioo exin,.: bavig . ~ion of de or 1m: ~ Il p'" i.?o 13 (Daie) cler n~ justice of the pe: (Nota Pulic ony) or attorn admtted to the Connecticut Bar .................4..................................................... .....~........ ... cmlFCATION BY REGISTR OF VOTERS OF NUER OF SIGNES .. WHO AR ON ENOLLEN UST ths I g. Th followi is to be.filled in byth Regist ofVote in the town in which the iimen of peition iign. page ar enlled \efore Regist files with the Clerk.ofsuch muncipality: . in Par'A ofthpepon in th,muncipaity aIlo Iw~ ip Par 1. Regist ofVotc oftlt Pa na A heby cefy tht th~ Dumbe of.iign on ths pnm peition page who ~ enlled membe 'of IUh pa in th muIlcipaty an paliticaiubdviilon IU in Par A is: óI C/, . . Dated at . I , . " (Numbe) . l: ..¿W, , ~ Conìcut~ ths , 0" .' , :¡ 'j,4- 20L1. '. Signtu of Registr of .. 9a)Rev.5103 (Circuator: Rea separe intIcton shee before ciatigl(~.~19a) r (EI1 PRIY PETON FOR MUCIAL OFFCES) FROM A POLICAL SUBDMSION WARG: IT is A CR TO SIGN TH PETION IN TH NAM OF ANOTHR PERSON WIOUT LEGAL AUTORI TO DO SO AN YOU MAY NOT SIGN THIS PETON IF YO AR NOT AN ELOR A. REGISTR MUST m.l. OUT TI PART (A) BEFORE GIVG C?Ul TI FORM -.' '- Politica Subdvision City Town Brid(icort Borough (Name of War 136TB Distrct Muncipaty) I') Septembe 10. 2013 Democratic (Par) NAMS) OF CANIDATES) (,l (Date of Priar) ADDRESS 0.0.8 TE OFFCES) SOUOlI ~ (Note: provide suffcient space) C~U(\'1 I 1 ((ì 2 TIS PETON MUST BE FIL wr Santa L Ava (Nam ofRq of Vote) 999 Broad Str Bridiicort cr not later th 4:00 p.m on AUllt 7. 2013. (Addrs of sad Registr) B. STRET ADDRES ./ S" ./ ..../ '8( ;''/1/;1 S".J 51Ç 1I,4~r cf(C¡ I!AlT ..s~ sr 5T 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 \3. 14 15 16 17 18 '" , 19 20 I / " (8) ~ 19a _ Re. 5103 _ Pni IJdn Muo. OLf. Pol. Subdlv.) (1;\formJl\id-óOl\e-6 I 9a.doc) nIME BY REGISTR OF VOTERS AS TO CIRCUTOR'S STATUS AS ENOLLED PARTY MEMBER C. Cirlator moo have F'ar C filled in by pa'. Registr in town in which circulator is en11ed before iubmitting it to pal Regilltr in muncipality in which the iigners ar enro11ed. CIRCULTOR'S RESIDENCE ADDRESS (li., .Jtrut, town) r. ": \. cý" Sü 1. Registr of V otc of tli pa na in Par A of ths peition, in the town 0 CT do herby att tht ihe above cilator is an enlled membe of said par in said town 8j.z)b ~Læ~.+LAVote Rcgistn of ~te I / Signtw of , Ç1RCULATOR'S STATEMENT OF AlTHENTICITY OF SIGNATURES ¡ D. Par D must be completed, by Cirator and by Acknowledging Offcer, after obtag all signtus on this page and be fore fiing it with pars Registr in muncipality in which the signers of the page ar enlled. Ii I I am the Cirtor of thl. peition page an I ma thi statement puruat to the provisions of Chpter I S30f th pcn Statu~ofCoiicu. My iii is -i r 1&( l.~Irl\O ¿¡t-- , in the town of ~L . i am an enlled membe of the political par designted on ths petition ~ Each pen whose nae app on ths petition signtu page signed the sae in pen in my prcce. I eith know eah such signer or such signer satisfactorily idetified lilf or herlf to IO. Th 1ip for cadidatea IUpported offce sought and the politica pa involved were filled in prior to my obtag the signtus. The numbe of signtu on ths peition signtu page is ::. I . \ : J i . ~ '" the PENALTIS OF FALSE SJ' statrents made in the I herby dela unde, Signtu foregoing Cirlator's S'tatemcnt of Authticity of , I Signtu of C' látor CERTICATION OF ACKNOWLING OFFCER State Ofeo : II: 15 ¡.id 'j ¡? I'd) f County of II I. left or town) On ths th 1L di~ ~of J L. I f1 . 20J: before me, the undersigned offcer, . known to me (or satisfactorily proven) to be the persnally appe -lI 1C;:ft'¿d / j)£-r~"l . i (Nam of Cirto) persn whose nae is i;ubscbc to the foregoing Statement of Circlator and acknowledged tht he executed the sae for the purse contained therin. In wi.. wlif. I have hcr ii my, ha. M rerd or famly support Judge of. cour of magistrte; clerk or deputy clerk of a cour M)1coropinion expirs: havig a sel; commssioner of dee orpe; town justice public; of the tJ H/;./I lJtJlY (D~~ clerk; nota .................. ............................................................... ... ... (Nota Public ony) (!/ i' ff 53 S-S- or attorn admtted to the Connecticut Bar cmFlCATION BY REGISTR OF VOTER OF NUER OF SIGNERS WHO AR ON ENOLLEN UST th Regist of Vote in the town in which the si~er of ths B,. The fonowig is te' be fined in by peition iign page ar enlled before Regst files with the Clerk of such muncipality: i. Regist ofVotc of the pa naed in Par A of ths peition in the muncipaity also naed in Par A. heby cefy tht th numbe of iign on ths pri peition page who ar enlled membe of suh pa in th mun,cipaty an politicaiubdvision naed in Par A is: r~. (Numbe) Dated at ,&ld- Cocut,dui 2. diy~v!~~-gi . 'Signtu of Registr of Voters REGISTRAS OF VOTERS CITY HALL ANNEX 999 BROAD STREET BRIDGEPORT, CONNECTICUT 06604-4804 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED ~34 f~/3 L, J- f ~.~ ¡ / j~~~ I~~ ~. oS = 4: 0 II !S ¡¡o U.S. POTAGE;i¡ mNEY BO.'E!; ~" ~:;Ju~-",' t".!-" --;i..,. ~'1 .t.~.~~....._. .* ,t'~....a:~~ _ . zip Ò6604 $ 000 433 ~.. i. 02 1\'1 . ~ .. 000137€22CAUG 05 2011 READ CAREFULLY * DO NOT RISK YOUR RIGHT TO VOTE SU DERECHO A VOTAR CORR PELIGRO - LEA CUIDADOSAMENTE Name and Address on last list of Registered Voters -: ;;-- /\ 0) ~ =f t~ - )" :t .~ ~ l-- Richard Dejesus 75 Richardson Street Bridgeport, CT 06610-1636 ~ N ¡ XI E iøø DE iZ60 0968/1.s/i3 RETURN TO SENDER ATTE~PTED - NUT KNOWN UNABLE TO FORWARD ßC: 05604432ß'99 *14B3-0=5130-18-0~ ~g~~ Z~6, '!1111 !,I\III\\\tl1111It'I'II'II'IIII!l'lllllllll 111111111, 11111.1 Correspondence District Voters Confirmation of Voting Residence From: Retstrar of Town of ridgeport ED-642 (PART A) (2/99) LAST DATE to return this form: September 01, 2012 District: i 36- City Hall Annex 999 Broad Street CT,06604-4320 01 We believe you no longer live at address below. If If you have chanf:ed your residence to a different town. you did not change your residence, OR: you must register to vote in your new town. chanf:ed your address to a new address within this town. * If * Fill out Part B & mail in enclosed envelope, or deliver to us by date above. you need a Mail-In Voter Registration Card, let us know. * Please fill out Part B, Mail in enclosed envelope or deliver it to us by the date above, If Part B is not returned: your address may be required 1. Affirmation or Confirmation of before you can vote, Birth Date: 11/15/1972 AND 2. In four years, your name wil be removed from the voters list if you do not vote in the election or primary, or do not restore your voting rights Richard Dejesus Name and Address on last list of Don't Risk your Right to VOTE! Fil out and Return Part B 75 Richardson Street Registered Voters Bridgeport, CT 06610-1636 Any Questions? Please call Registrars at the number below: Registrars of Voters Date Notice Sent: August 02, 2012 203-576-7281 -------------------------------------------------------- (cu there )----------------------------------------------------------- Confirmation of Voting IFrom: Registrar of Bridgeport frown of Residence RETURN City Hall Annex FORM (PART B) District Voters September 01, 2012 District: 13601 &99 Broad Street leT, LAST DATE to return this form: 1111111111111111111111111111111 004223048 06604-4320 Please check all appropriate boxes and enter information requested. 1. ( ) I Still live at the address shown on this form 5. ( ) I am temporarily absent from the town, but I intend to return. 2, ( ) i have moved to a different address within this town (Reason for your absence) 3. ( ) I have moved out of town 4. ( ) Send me a Mail-In Card to register in my new town NEW ADDRESS IS(No., street, town, state) DATE MOVED Birth Date: 11/15/1972 Don't Risk your Right to VOTE! Name and Address on last list of Registered Voters Richard Dejesus 75 Richardson Street Bridgeport, CT 06610- 1 636 FiJ out and Return to the Registrars!!! DATE SIGNED SIGNATURE OF VOTER Correspondence De: Oficina de Inscripción de V otantes Confirmación de Residencia para V otar ED642sp (PARTE A) (2/99) own of Bridgeport City Hall Annex 999 Broad Street CT,06604-4320 Número del District: ÚL TIMO DÍA para Devolver éste formulario: September 01, 2012 136-01 Nosotros creemos que ya usted no vive en la dirección indicada abajo. Si usted no se ha mudado. 0: Si usted se ha mudado a un pueblo diferente. usted tiene que inscribirse para votar en el nuevo pueblo. Se mudó a una direcCÎón en el mi.imo pueblo * Favor Ilenar la Parte B y envíela por correo en el sobre que incluimos, 0 entréguela personalmente a nosotros en 0 antes del dia arriba señalado. * Si no devuelve la Parte B: L Puede ser requerido que confirme su dirección antes de que pueda votar. * Si usted necesita una Tarjeta de Inscripción para Enviar por Correo, déjenos saber. * Favor de \1enar la Parte B y envíela por correo en el sobre adjunto, 0 entréguela personalmente a nosotros en 0 antes del día y señalado arriba. 2. Si usted no vota en una elección 0 primaria, 0 si no restablece su derecho al voto, en cuatro años su nombre será removido de las lista de votantes. Fecha de Nacimiento:: 11/15/1972 Nombre y Dirección en la Ú1tima Lista Richard Dejesus ¡SU Derecho a Votar COITe Peligro! 75 Richardson Street Uene y devuelva la Parte B. de V otantes Bridgeport, CT 06610-1636 Inscripción de V otantes Día en que Se Envió Éste Aviso: August 02, 2012 Si tiene alguna pregunta, Ilámenos al número abajo: 203-576-7281 -------------------------------------------------------- (corte aq ui )----------------------------------------------------------- De: Oficina de Inscripción de Votantes Confirmación de Town of Residencia para V otar - Formulario a ser Enviado PARTE B Bridgeport Número ~ ÚL TIMO DÍA para Devolver éste formulario: September 01, 2012 District: City Hall Annex 999 Broad Street CT,06604-4320 136-01 1111111111111111111111111111111 004223048 Favor de cotejar en lugar apropiado y Ilene la información que se Ie pide. 5. ( ) Temporeramente ausente de mi pueblo, L ( ) Todavia vivo en la dirección que se ve en ésta pero intento regresar. 2, ( ) Me mudé a otro dirección dentro del mismo pueblo. 3. ( ) Me mudé fuera del (Razón de su ausencia) 4. ( ) Envíeme la Tarjeta para Inscribinne por Correo para inscribirse en mi nuevo pueblo. Ml NUEVA DIRECCIÓN ES: (Numero, Calle, Pueblo, Estado) FECHA QUE SE MUDÓ Fecha de Nacimiento:: 11/15/1972 jSU Derecho a Votar Corre Peligro! Devuelva a la Nombre y Dirección Richard Dejesus en la Última Lista de 75 Richardson Street V otantes Bridgeport, CT 06610-1636 Oficina de Inscripción! FIRMA DEL VOT ANTE Fecha de la Firma ./lA17AC/fMfNT :f ) Y ) INACTIVE LIST DEMOCRATIC MUNICIPAL PRIMARY SEPTEMBER 101 2013 -~ ~,~.. -" .. ~~- --l- -- . ~.~'-. -..- ~ 136-01 BEARDSLEY SCHOOL INACTIVE LIST Bridgeport September 10, 2013 Local District: 136-01 ST II UNIT NAME ALPINE STREET 120 Cennamo-Wallis Dorothy BOSTON AVENUE 33 # 6 Anthony Gerane 215 Baez Julio DEAN PLACE 42 *Barlle Ducine S 42 B-20 1 Giordao Tina M EAST MAIN STRET 2051 2. Henderson Latoya C 2315 Rivera Christine L HAWTHORNE STRET 98 1 C Singleton Jerr Jr 170 Santaa Lylene T HICKORY STRET 169 Tardy Sar M HUNTINGTON ROAD 782 Conquest Grace E 808 Dicks Tanya 808 Eady Avery J LOCUST STRET 55 Vazuez Idalia NOBLE AVENUE 1656 1670 1670 Parell Audre M Fragoso Fernando McAllster Deirt D PALM STRET 25 Hampton Joel B 95 Angione Kan 116 #2 Ruiz Amarilys RICHARDSON STRET 75 Ðejesus Richard - R . 84 Lopez Marluz ROSE STRET 38 #3 Bayuk Rebecca A DIST/PCN: 136-01 Total Voten: 23 D=23 R=O U=O 0=0 Page: 1 Printed on: 09/0712013 ~~ 5 TAT E 0 F CON NEe TIC utfA-¡ /A.Crl¡V/6'('0~ible en E~b~~~ MAil-IN VOTER REGI5TRAWN #c2¿; / (CG~~~-~~ . YOU MAY USE THIS EASY FORM TO: " register to vote in Connecticut " change your name andlor address on current registration " enroll in a political party or change part enrollment (Changing parties may result in losing rights in all parties for 3 months) IMPORTANT! Keep your voter record up to date . REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Fill in all boxes that apply to you on this application. 2, Place a first-class stamp on the application card, fold, and mail it to the town hall where you live (or deliver it to your town hall or voter registration agency). 3. You are not a voter until your application is approved by the Registrar of Voters. 4. You should receive a confirmation within 3 weeks. If you do not, contact the Registrar in your town halL. 5. If (1) you submit this fonn by mail and (2) you are .TO REGISTER TO VOTE IN CONNECTICUT YOU .MUST: " be a United States citizen; " be a resident of a Connecticut town; registering for the firs time in town, you may wish to submit wi this applicaon your drier's license numbei or if none, the last four digits of your social securi " be at least 17 years old (must turn 18 before election day) number; or (a) a copy of a currnt and valid photo 1.0. 17 year oldsi who will turn 18 on or before election day, may or (b) a copy of a currnt utility bil, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or government document participate in general primary; see section 1 b below " have completed confinement and parole if previously convicted of a disfranchising felony that shows your name and addre, in order to avoid 1.0. reuirements the first time you vote. additional . IF YOU MOVE: You must fill out a new voter registration card if you have moved to a new town. Also, use this form to change address within town. (See section 1a and section 10 below) . REGISTRATION DEADLINES FOR NEW VOTERS: PR IMAR Y: Your applicaon must be postarked by the 5ti- day before a primary (O reived by yor Registr of Voe or a voter reison agen by the 5th day before a primar' You may apply in pen to your town clerk or reistr untl 12:00 noon on the last busines da beore a prmary. ELECTION: Your application must be postmarked or . QUESTIONS? Call your local Registrar of Voters or the Secretary of the received by a voter registtion agency by the 14 t h day State at (BO) 54-3764 or (86) 509-6100 before an election (OR you may register in person with your Regisr of Votrs by the 7th day before an e lectior (TOO, 800-303-3161) FO~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ rn PLEE USE PEN . PRINT CLEARLY Check Boxes that Apply' D New Voter Registrtion D Addre Change . . (Includes move to a new town) (wrthin the sae town) Change D Part Enrollment D Name Change Wil you be 18 on or before electon day? DYES D NO If you checked "NO" to either of these questions, do not complete this form. First Name Middle Name or Initial Jr, S II II State Connectici Gender ~Male D Femi Do you wish to enroll in a political part? ~ES. Name of part: )cemocratic _Republican Other: Coumy Stæe o NO. I do not wish to enroll in a part at this time, Note: Delaring a part enables you to vote in that part's primar election, which is opan only to part members, You may later choose to switch enrollment to or frm a political part Name Under Which Registered (if different from above) Would you like to work at the Polls on Election Day? o " so, I am eligible to register to vote DYES Today's Date: 9 I /1 i Ù gNO NOTE: Th soial seice off at WARNING: If you sign this statement even though you know it is or whe you decline to reister ins confidential untrue, you can be convicted and imprisoned for up to five years and and wi be use only for voter stratlon purposes. !lned up to $5,000. THIS SECTION COMPLED ONLY BY AGENCY THIS SECTON COMPLED ONLY BY REGIST OF VOTERS (OR SPECIAL ASSISTANT REGISTR OR TOWN CLERKl DATE RECEIVED BY REGISTRA REGIS1R INmA APPUCAnON IS HEREBv: DATE NonCE MAILED . eo UNDEUVERALE (Date Received by Agenc1')/' I 0 ACCEPTD 0 REJECTD 0 NOnCE RETRNED , . - DATE ENROLLENT EFFECTIVE IF CHAGING PART REAN FOR REJECTION Connecticut Voter Registration System ( AITACHMeNT Inquiries )) Voter Information )) View Voter Bridgeport Prefix Name: Voter's Name: Address: Richard 11/15/1972 Voter 10: 004223048 Male Telephone: Special Status: Bridgeport City: Perm Absentee Ballot: No CT 11/06/2012 Voted: Democratic Current Party: Gender: Unit: State: Date Last Enrollment Information 75 Richardson Street Dejesus Date of Birth: fr Jiv) Logged in as: PHO.WARD / ~'~I9I.1I1:"''1:r"l:U¡J (x.J Residence Address Voter Information Page 1 of2 06610 1636 Zip: Status Information Memo Mailing Address Street No,: Street Name1/P a Box: Privilege Date: 08/02/2012 Reg. Effective 08/02/2012 Date: Street Current Name2: Status : Unit: Town: Last Active State: Date: Zip Code: Off Inactive 08/21/2013 Reason: Country: Districts: 004 Congressional: Senatorial: Assembly: 023 126 Precinct Pollng Place State: 126 01 Beardsley School Local: 136 01 Beardsley School District/Ward Special: Previous Names Last Name Date Changed Change Date Number Street 07/24/2013 946 Noble Avenue Date Changed Middle Name First Name Unit Suffix City State Zip Code Bridgeport CT 06608-1019 Party Name ( From - To ) Change Audit History Type Change Date Change Reason Changed User ID Type of Change 08/21/2013 03:04 PM Change 08/21/2013 Registrar Correct LGRACE Status, Other 08/06/2013 02:21 PM Change 08/06/2013 Print CVR Notice LGRACE Other 07/24/201302:36 PM Change 07/24/2013 Voter PHOWARD Address 9/16/2013 Page 2 of2 Connecticut Voter Registration System Election Date Election Type How Voted 11/06/2012 General In Person 09/04/2012 Special In Person 08/14/2012 Primary In Person History Date Type Move Code Action User Type Change Reason Type of Change o 08/06/2013 LGRACE Change Print CVR Notice Other o 07/24/2013 PHOWARD Change Voter Address Select Change Date Notice Sent Returned By Return Date rÐëiete 11 Generat~~ Lot Ì'er Date Changed User Memo Description Reoort a oroblem? http://www / conn VERSe/Inquiries 9/16/2013