2015 results
2015 results
2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Abbott Abbott Abbott Abbott Abellera Abellera Abellera Abellera Abramo Abramo Abramo Abramo Abrams Abrams Abrams Abrams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adger Adger Adger Adger Adkins Adkins Adkins Adkins Steve Steve Steve Steve A.J. A.J. A.J. A.J. Gail Gail Gail Gail Peggy Peggy Peggy Peggy Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Bree Bree Bree Bree Nick Nick Nick Nick Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan James James James James Bree Cathryn Cathryn Cathryn Cathryn Larry Larry Larry Larry Old Rock & Roll Autumn Pallette Confusion The Canopy Lady Stone I. AM. Awesome!!! Blown Away Young Dancer Artist's Inspiration Summer Joy The Honeymoon Morning Declaration Woman in Vintage Hat Carnivale The Guardian Nude with Lace Little Fairy Drift Creek Falls Pining for the Sun Mr. Potter You Complete Me In a nutshell I think I can hear him Great Expectations Breaking Free Triathlete Get Derby or Get Wrecked 'til Death Retired Champion Mirror, Mirror on the Wall The Gathering Place Evening Light Mr. Devaughn What now? From the shadow of darkness Spellbinder 10,000 Tears Introspection Preparation Strike A Pose Sound Of New Orleans A Fall Odyssey Purple Mountain Majesty Sunrise Serenity After The Storm Home Is Right Around The Corner Updated August 7, 2015 Score G G NA L L GB G G G NA G G G NA NA G NA NA NA NA L G G L GB GB L NA L L L NA G G G NA L NA NA NA G L G G G 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Ahmad Ahmad Ahmad Ahmad Ahrens Ahrens Ahrens Ahrens Aishiteru Aishiteru Aishiteru Aishiteru Aittama Aittama Aittama Aittama Akers Akers Akers Akers Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Alonso Alonso Alonso Alonso Alpert Alpert Alpert Alpert Alvi Alvi Alvi Alvi Alvi Alvi Alvi Alvi Ames Haroon Haroon Haroon Haroon Melinda Melinda Melinda Melinda Dylan Dylan Dylan Dylan Donald Donald Donald Donald Jim Jim Jim Jim Ralph Ralph Ralph Ralph Mary Jo Mary Jo Mary Jo Mary Jo Gabriel Gabriel Gabriel Gabriel Christina Christina Christina Christina Jennifer Jennifer Jennifer Jennifer Jennifer Jennifer Jennifer Jennifer Charles Lupine Valley A Long day What Remains Gypsy Palace Baby Couple Larissa 3 Quince Gissel The Snake Charmer Opportunity Knocks Pyramid of San Francisco Tear Up The Road Fading Into Oblivion Harbor Lights The Grand Atrium The Morning After Momma Still Loves Me Power Wings Skim the Frozen Pond Morning Sip They Told Me to Smile Sunset Reverie Raring To Go Rolling Wheat Fields Seattle At It's Best Working The Clydesdales Bucolic Village in Spring Steam Power Illuminations Sunrise Moonset Ain't Easy Being Cute Channing Family Heritage Ghost Pines Unbridled Dreamer True Grit Forgotten Farmstead Past Midnight What's Yours Is Mine Colors of Commerce Children of Ghana Branches of Bipolar Late Again Mirror Magic The Chauffeur Flaming Glory Updated August 7, 2015 Score G L G L NA NA NA NA NA NA G G L G G G G G G G G L L G GB G GB L G G G G NA G NA NA NA G NA G NA NA G NA NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Ames Ames Ames Ames Ames Ames Ames An An An An Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Andonov Andonov Andonov Andonov Andrus Andrus Andrus Andrus Annison Annison Annison Annison Apeji Apeji Apeji Apeji Arnold Arnold Charles Charles Charles Kathy Kathy Kathy Kathy Jae Cheol Jae Cheol Jae Cheol Jae Cheol Cathy Cathy Cathy Cathy Heidi Heidi Heidi Heidi Melanie Melanie Melanie Melanie Megan Megan Megan Megan Miles Miles Miles Miles Debbie Debbie Debbie Debbie Kelli Kelli Kelli Kelli David David David David Michelle Michelle Happy Anniversary Perfect Bitch Natures Surprise A Little Refreshment First Place My Passion Top Honors smile angels 1 yearold curiosity self portrait happy family One Tough Mother Allegheny Evening Grand Finale Anna and Troy My Heroes Have Always Been... It Ain't the Years it's the Miles Stone Cold Country Side of Heaven The Strength In Prayer Bring it Intent Black Widow Back Off Moody Blues Kaleidoscope City Girl JOHN LEE HOOKER NOT TONIGHT 1959 FORD EDSEL FEARLESS Dancing in the Light The Golden One Little Miss Sunshine Sealing Your Fate With A Kiss Little Boy Blue My Two Front Teeth Patchwork Dreams Tiny Dreamer The Artist Return of Yoda The Princess of Spring Crowned Graham By The Lake Updated August 7, 2015 Score NA NA G G NA NA G L L L L NA L G G G L NA GB NA NA NA G G G L G G NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA G G G NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Arnold Arnold Asaro Asaro Asaro Asp Asp Asp Asp AubertinVedova AubertinVedova AubertinVedova AubertinVedova Austin Austin Austin Austin Austin Austin Austin Austin Austin Austin Austin Austin Avalos Avalos Avalos Avalos Avalos Avalos Avalos Avalos Ayer Ayer Ayer Ayer Babiak Babiak Babiak Babiak Bae Michelle Michelle Susan Susan Susan Lisa Lisa Lisa Lisa Claudia Brothers Lily Grace All I Own Hard Times Soulful Contemplative Stare Mother's Love Sit. Stay. Sleeping Beauty Vintage Pin Up NA NA L L G L G L G NA Claudia Mr. Supertramp NA Claudia Fashionista G Claudia Pensive Dancer G Cortez Cortez Cortez Cortez George George George George Melinda Melinda Melinda Melinda Rick Rick Rick Rick Jack Jack Jack Jack Warren Warren Warren Warren Tim Tim Tim Tim Sun Bok Hair-raising Song Headstrong Combatant King of the Kingfishers Short Haul Delivery 8 is enough Determined Homage to Ancestors Night Shift Chef's Delight In the Net Do You Like My Pearls Sweet Dreams Gift From Mother Earth The Centenarian Santa Fe Memories Mongolia Maricopa Flutist Gabriela Outnumbered Tradition Great Expectations Puppy Aspirations River Reverie Weakened By Cancer But Not Defeated Icy Stare Just Lounging Hey Cowboy! Yesteryear Glamour Phototherapy : self G G G L NA G NA G NA G NA NA G L G G NA NA NA NA NA NA G G G G G G NA Updated August 7, 2015 Score 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Bae Bae Bae Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey-Pratt Bailey-Pratt Bailey-Pratt Bailey-Pratt Bailey-Pratt Bailey-Pratt Bailey-Pratt Bailey-Pratt baillie Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Balderas Balderas Balderas Balderas Baldino Baldino Baldino Baldino Balogh Balogh Balogh Balogh Balogh Balogh Sun Bok Sun Bok Sun Bok David David David David Jill Jill Jill Nancy Nancy Nancy Nancy Nancy Nancy Nancy Nancy allan Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin Katherine Katherine Katherine Katherine Jeffery Jeffery Jeffery Jeffery Alvaro Alvaro Alvaro Alvaro Raymond J Raymond J Raymond J Raymond J Endre Endre Endre Endre Endre Endre Still unfinished Our family wants to be happy. Is not enough successful life? Moon Lighting Medieval Splendor Fall in Vermont Fall on the farm A Rare Occurence Long Road To Somewhere Subtle Invitation The Judge Remembering When The Defender Turn of Faith Elliptical Star Alien Landing Absolute Abstract Alien Eyes Ring Neck Woman Burma Old Soul Still Life Pears Great Gully Falls Claire 2015 A Denial Green Mum In Mother Nature's Cradle Twice As Nice 1 Susan 2 Susan More After Glow Burgundy Kiss at Midnight Enchanted Together Forever Fitness Addict Trombone Player Mexican Color edward returns.jpg fairy tales come true luxe in love.jpg Top Chef Open Peony Passion Flowers Stargazer Lilies Thistle Walking Into The Light In The Beginning... Updated August 7, 2015 Score G NA L NA NA G G G G G NA G NA L NA NA NA NA NA NA G NA NA NA G NA NA NA NA NA NA L NA NA G L L G L L L L L NA G 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Balogh Balogh Baltazar Stonestreet Baltazar Stonestreet Baltazar Stonestreet Baltazar Stonestreet Bandy Bandy Bandy Bandy Bang Bang Bang Bang Barbano Barbano Barbano Barbano bard-dube bard-dube bard-dube bard-dube Bardin Bardin Bardin Bardin Barding Barding Barding Barding Barnes Barnes Barnes Barnes Barnum Barnum Barnum Barrett Barrett Barrett Barrett Barrinat Endre Endre Francie String Theory Stradivarius Scroll Rosette Center Stage G L G Francie Beloved GB Francie You'll Never Be My Daddy L Francie My Heart - My Soul - My Everything G Jennifer Jennifer Jennifer Jennifer Kyung Kyung Kyung Kyung Luigi Luigi Luigi Luigi jamie jamie jamie jamie Becky Becky Becky Becky Connie Connie Connie Connie Derryl Derryl Derryl Derryl Barbi Barbi Barbi Therese Therese Therese Therese Oswaldo Stonewalled Playing Footsies The Other Me Free Spirits we like the legs Raise your foot praying songdown with waterfall Who Is John Galt? 51 Shades Reading Hemingway Mediterranean Sea giddy up her one true love cool kids Country Strong St. Marks Sunset Lone Trout Lily Snowy Egrets Cash Creek Small Town Friday Nights What do dancers dream of Prom Night Song of the Sea My Ball My 2 Finger Fast Ball.jpg Waiting for something to do LITTLE TREASURE Ready To Wear Disconnected New Day Dawning Before the performance Can we go now? Daydreamer Time out The Devil's Lair G G G NA G G G G NA NA NA NA G G L G NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA G NA NA G NA NA NA G G GB NA Updated August 7, 2015 Score 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Barrinat Barrinat Barrinat Bartley Bartley Bartley Bartley Barton Barton Barton Barton Barton Barton Barton Barton Barton Barton Barton Barton Bartter Bartter Bartter Bartter Basmann Basmann Basmann Basmann BatemanCowan BatemanCowan BatemanCowan BatemanCowan Bauer Bauer Bauer Bauer Baum Baum Baum Baum Bayer Bayer Bayer Oswaldo Oswaldo Oswaldo Vern Vern Vern Vern Brad Brad Brad Brad Michael Michael Michael Michael Brad Brad Brad Brad Beth Beth Beth Beth Nancy Nancy Nancy Nancy Joan Dormant Giants Hope Hourglass Raptor Canyon Mysterious Messages The Race Track Roof on Fire The Mists of Avalon Queen of the Winter Storm The Joker's Wild Fighting the Flood of Doubt The Tears of a Child In Bloom Southwest Serenity Poor Unfortunate Souls Persistence of Melody The Fall of Icarus Batting Practice Delightful Daisy Going their own way Petals of White Cheerful Blossoms Don't take my stuff!.jpg I fear for my little one.jpg Good morning Honey!.jpg I won't give up.jpg Red Velvet Cupcakes G L NA L L L G NA G G G G L GB NA G NA NA NA L L L GB L G L G G Joan Art of The Dance L Joan Summertime Fun NA Joan The Results are In NA Russell (Rick) Russell (Rick) Russell (Rick) Russell (Rick) Malinda Malinda Malinda Malinda Terran Terran Terran Ancient Glory Children of the Inca The Power of Ink Wind Swept Beginnings Ready or Not, Here I go! Bottom of the Bottle I am Moses A Friend to Lean On Buddha Classy & Fabulous G GB NA NA G NA G GB G NA G Updated August 7, 2015 Score 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Bayer Beadles Beadles Beadles Beadles Beaudry Beaudry Beaudry Beaudry Becker Becker Becker Becker Becker Becker Becker Becker becker becker becker becker Begley Begley Begley Begley Behm Behm Behm Behm Behnke Behnke Behnke Behnke Behnke Behnke Behnke Behnke Beitzel Beitzel Beitzel Beitzel Bell Bell Bell Bell Terran Heather Heather Heather Heather Anna Anna Anna Anna Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin Betty Kay Betty Kay Betty Kay Betty Kay jessi jessi jessi jessi Nicole Nicole Nicole Nicole Rob Rob Rob Rob Bert Bert Bert Bert Cindy Cindy Cindy Cindy Richard Richard Richard Richard David David David David Spots & Stripes Belle in the Blossoms Guardian of Peace Mystic Morning Rock Solid Beautiful Fighter Magic at Shawnigan Lake Vancouver Skyline Welcome Love is a Beach Waiting for a Sign Peace in the Valley Wish You Were Here Aspen Wedding Badlands, Homage to Terrence Mallick Only You Shell Game Sunset Romance Forever In Love Born To Ride Gentle Giant Are you my mother? Is it time to play yet? This IS my happy face. On top of her world Holiday Bride Emerald Falls Lady Justice My Sister And Me Family First Swept Away A Strong Woman Emergence Beauty Blossom Curly Cute Watching Over Me Jack Artist's Studio Freedom Waiting Lion King Transcending Performer Learning new ways Pristine Morning Updated August 7, 2015 Score NA G NA L L G NA G G NA G G G NA G NA NA NA NA NA NA G G G G G L G G NA G G G L L GB G NA L NA G NA NA NA NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Belling Belling Belling Belling Bellomo Bellomo Bellomo Bellomo Beltre Beltre Beltre Beltre Benjamin Benjamin Benjamin Benjamin Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Berg Berg Berg Berg Bergman Bergman Bergman Bergman Bernal Bernal Bernal Bernal Bernal Bernal Bernal Bernal Berry Berry Berry Berry Berry Bruce Bruce Bruce Bruce Roben Roben Roben Roben Gregory Gregory Gregory Gregory Caryn Caryn Caryn Caryn Douglas Douglas Douglas Douglas Laura Laura Laura Laura Christer Christer Christer Christer Timothy Timothy Timothy Timothy Maria Maria Maria Maria Maria Maria Maria Maria Daniel Daniel Daniel Daniel Barbara Submerged In Swim Heart Of The Home Focused Family Blessings Bundled Joy Fog of Romance Unbridled Beauty Will She? Golden Sunset Spring Smile Mother's Affection Victory Dance Composition in Pale Oyster Tulle Shelter From The Storm Joy Comes In The Morning The Saturday Evening Wedding Pastoral Couture Heaven's Light From Ancient Time Autumn Decor Colorado Garden Morning Splendor Early Morning Inspiration Touched by Divine Light Ben Williams Chef Benjamin Contemplative Road Weary Dare to wear the foolish clown face Forever Yours Conquer the Mountain!! The Full Ingenue Long May She Reign I See Her In My Dreams When Death Took Her Temptress Poseidon's muse Lady in Red, Oil on Canvas The Royals Iron Maiden Never Snowed In Silent Voyage Forsaken Milky "High" Way Comforted Updated August 7, 2015 Score NA G G G G G GB L NA NA NA NA G NA G GB L L L L G L L G G G G NA NA NA NA NA G L L L L NA GB L NA G NA NA NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Berry Berry Berry Bevins Bevins Bevins Bevins Bezmen Bezmen Bezmen Bezmen Bhandari Bhandari Bhandari Bhandari Biederman Biederman Biederman Biederman Biederman Biederman Biederman Biederman Birdwell Birdwell Birdwell Bishop Bishop Bishop Bishop Bivins Bivins Bivins Bivins Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Blain Blain Blain Barbara Barbara Barbara Tammy Tammy Tammy Tammy Pamira Pamira Pamira Pamira Shriti Shriti Shriti Shriti Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul Gretchen Gretchen Gretchen Robby Robby Robby Robby Kristin Kristin Kristin Kristin Susan Susan Susan Susan Lindsey Lindsey Lindsey Lindsey Terry Terry Terry Bring It On The Dark Side of Grace Grace Afoot Chick Can't get my mind off of you Teardrop falls sound and silence Pure BoundTillEternity Listening To Her Angel TutusDandelionsAndBarefeet Sisters I refuse to smile! Kisses Galore! Mom and Daughters NIGHT LIGHTS GOOD TIMES MATING RITUAL SCOOT CLYDE BUTCHER'S POND FISH MARKET FISHERMAN'S HEAVEN HARVEST TIME Exploring Wallace and Dobro Quite the Young Lady Alure Workout Music Voodoo Queen Resurrected Army Of One Ice Princess Infinity Pissed in Pearls The Butcher Sweet Light Until Death Do Us Part Steely Blues Hellview Cemetery Little Lady in Teal She's Finally Mine Dawn of the Rest of Her Life Beware the Misty Shortcut Don't Go Daddy A Friend To Lean On Inseparable Companions Updated August 7, 2015 Score NA L G G L G G G NA G G NA NA NA NA NA L L L NA G NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA L L G L G L NA G NA G G NA G NA G 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Blain Blake Blake Blake Blake Blandin Blandin Blandin Blandin Blankenship Blankenship Blankenship Blankenship Blaschke Blaschke Blaschke Blaschke Blunck Blunck Blunck Blunck Bochicchio Bochicchio Bochicchio Bochicchio Bohle Bohle Bohle Bohle Boler Boler Boler Boler Bonnett Bonnett Bonnett Bonnett Bookwalter Bookwalter Bookwalter Bookwalter Bornier Bornier Bornier Bornier Terry Marian Bliss Marian Bliss Marian Bliss Marian Bliss Steven Steven Steven Steven Angela Angela Angela Angela Lisa Lisa Lisa Lisa Karissa Karissa Karissa Karissa Jill Jill Jill Jill Leslie-Margaret Leslie-Margaret Leslie-Margaret Leslie-Margaret Lindsey Lindsey Lindsey Lindsey Bruce Bruce Bruce Bruce Ronald Ronald Ronald Ronald Thierry Thierry Thierry Thierry Camp Reveille Shabby-Chic Take me away Give me a smile, I'll give you me heart Spring madness Landing Lesson Pink Landing On Blue Shaking Water Drops Away Speeding At Low Altitude Victoria Ava Willow Resist This! Wedding Day of the Living Dead Going to the Chapel Treasure of the Sea A Little to the Left A Simple Wish Clover Drops Natures Beauty Winter Blues Marrakech Quiet Harmony Parsons Farm Produce Old World Beauty In The Clouds Pregame Calm Bear Hugs Chore Break Desert Romance My Fairest Violet Pissed Off Daddy, Until You Return Rain, Rain, Go Away! Cathedral Sunset Lunch On Target The Watcher In His House Watching and Waiting I'm All Ears Woodland Beauty God's Palette The Guardians of Light Huang Shan The smugglers of the mist Updated August 7, 2015 Score G G NA G NA G L G G L GB L L NA NA NA NA L NA NA NA G G L G L G G NA G G G NA L L G G G NA NA G L L NA L 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Bortz Bortz Bortz Bortz Bortz Bortz Bortz Bortz Boschker Boschker Boschker Boucher Boucher Boucher Boucher Bounds Bounds Bounds Bounds Bovat Bovat Bovat Bovat Bracci Bracci Bracci Bracci Braden Braden Braden Braden Bradley Bradley Bradley Bradley Brady-Smith Brady-Smith Brady-Smith Brady-Smith Brandt Brandt Brandt Brandt Brayton Mark Mark Mark Mark Mary Mary Mary Mary Janet Janet Janet Felice Felice Felice Felice Amber Amber Amber Amber Kenneth Kenneth Kenneth Kenneth Steve Steve Steve Steve Sherry Sherry Sherry Sherry Kathy Kathy Kathy Kathy Barbara Barbara Barbara Barbara David David David David Robert The Way to Como Built to Last The Colors of Varenna A View of Saint Giulio Isle Venice City of Canals Contemplation The Power of Confidence Lines Of Life Shades of Pale Sweet Friends? Blue Scarf Mrs. McGregor Cardinal Sin Crown of Thorns His Greatest Treasure The Syrup Maker Simpler Times A Hot Mess I wonder Broken Dreams Stepping Out The Passage Four Seasons Hotel Man's Most Valuable Player Symphony Center Tower Power Hitter Flaps Up and Landing Gear Down Medical Mecca Mother Nature Trecherous Trek Fire and Ice Isabella Sharing Secrets Stephanie Daddy's a Tabby Humbug Wistful There's Always One Bay Bridge Hidden Color Ghirardelli Sunset Sculpting the Fall Line Thomas Blackshear Sculpture The Protectors of Freedom Updated August 7, 2015 Score G G G G G L L G L G G L L L L NA G NA NA L G L L NA G G NA L G NA L G G NA NA G L L L L G NA L NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Brayton Brayton Brazeau Brazeau Brazeau Brazeau Breeding Breeding Breeding Breeding Breitsameter Breitsameter Breitsameter Breitsameter Breshears Breshears Breshears Breshears Brightwell Brightwell Brightwell Brightwell Brock Broderick Broderick Broderick Broderick Broderick Broderick Broderick Broderick Broderick Broderick Broderick Broderick Brodeur Brodeur Brodeur Brodeur Brogen Brogen Brogen Brogen Brogen Brogen Robert Robert Claude Claude Claude Claude Elise Elise Elise Elise Barbara Barbara Barbara Barbara Richard Richard Richard Richard Steve Steve Steve Steve Vera Jamie Jamie Jamie Jamie Cathleen Cathleen Cathleen Cathleen Mary Anne Mary Anne Mary Anne Mary Anne Kenneth Kenneth Kenneth Kenneth Randy Randy Randy Randy Caroline Caroline Sunrise in Navajo Valley Horseshoe Bend Flower and Ice equal beauty The Unforgiven Enthralled She loves me, she loves me not Cotton Pickin' Cold Gentle Giant Freckle Face The Cold Hand of Winter Feeling Blue Love You Mommy! Places to Go, People to See Too Cute to be Real I've Got The Blues Man Bacatia dal Sole My Time A Cut Above Lookin' for Some Lovin' Old Florida Style Elegant Alexsus One More Kiss Before You Go Leather and Wood Falling From Heaven They Don't Make Em Like They Used Too Different Flowers From The Same Garden Patiently Waiting Blue Gentle Strummer Bubbles, please! Honey, I'm Home ! Aquamarine Sunday cAttitude Does this toy make me look big Pop goes the kitty Future Heartbreaker In Training Graduation Now What? Leave Me Alone! Pearls of Wisdom Profile of Faith The Spotted Joker Catching Heat Behind the Music The Old Sea Dog Herald of Spring Updated August 7, 2015 Score NA G NA L NA G G NA NA G L L L L G G NA L NA NA G G G G L G L NA L L G NA NA L NA G G NA NA G NA G NA NA G 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Brogen Brogen Brogen Brogen Brogen Brogen Broussard Broussard Broussard Broussard Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown BrownWeaver BrownWeaver BrownWeaver BrownWeaver Caroline Caroline Randy Randy Randy Randy Ed Ed Ed Ed Mac Mac Mac Mac Susan Susan Susan Susan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan G. Robert G. Robert G. Robert G. Robert Rod Rod Rod Rod Lynda Lynda Lynda Lynda Rebecca Gifts From The Orchard Old World Handyman Skin Deep Beauty A Splash of Cream Winged Classic Midnight Waltz COLD and Lonely Cool Contemplation Hot Miss Attitude Peak of the Action Co-Ed In Red Nona's Past Time Immortalizing The Brave Land Feeling The Blues Waiting to Bloom Dirty Little Secret Silk Lake Effect Timeless Beauty Sophistication Heaven and Earth Blaze of Glory His Legacy The Cowboy Lunch Western Legend Out of the west Morning Catch Other world warrior Lift me up Windswept Through the Emerald Forest Secret Passage Down on the Farm Sculpted by Time Foggy Morning Blues My Country Home Valley of Fire Moment Of Discovery NA NA G NA NA G G G G G G L G NA G G G G G NA NA L G G G GB G G G G G L G G L G G L G Rebecca Capturing The Moment G Rebecca He Stood Me Up L Rebecca I'm Watching You Too G Updated August 7, 2015 Score 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Broyles Broyles Broyles Broyles Bruce Bruce Bruce Bruce Bruleigh Bruleigh Bruleigh Bruleigh Bruleigh Bruleigh Bruleigh Bruleigh Bryant Bryant Bryant Bryant Bryant Bryant Bryant Bryant Bryant Bryant Bryant Bryant Buck Buck Buck Buck Burel Michael Michael Michael Michael Vickie Vickie Vickie Vickie Nylora-Joy Nylora-Joy Nylora-Joy Nylora-Joy Nylora-Joy Nylora-Joy Nylora-Joy Nylora-Joy Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mary L Mary L Mary L Mary L Kevin Burel Burel Burel Kevin Kevin Kevin Burg Burg Burg Burg Burkenpas Burkenpas Burkenpas Peter Peter Peter Peter Amy Amy Amy Amber Cheveux Room to Grow Swept Up in Longing Waiting On the Pitcher When Winter Meets Fall Serenity Service Not Forgotten Days Gone By TANZANIAN MOONSHINE A MODERN ELEGANCE ASPIRING FASHION EDITOR CLASSIC ELEGANCE BEAUTY AND THE BEAST LIVING THE HIGH LIFE THE FISHERMAN'S DAUGHTER MISTRESS OF ALL EVIL Dare To Be Different Left Behind All In The Family Love In Black And White Grandfather's Clock Street Muscian Old World Mystery Gear Head Bullseye Logging Holy Trinity Cowboy and Indian Girls of Summer God is a Designer Natures Beauty Bella Fiore Sultry Winter Sunrise at Washington National Cathedral Fallen Tree at Rosslyn Bay, Australia Sunset at St. Louis Cathedral Summer Sunset at Bancroft Hall, U.S. Naval Academy Say Cheese City by the Sea Amish Farm The Eyes Have It Even Momma Gets The Blues Beautiful Soul Lady Punk Updated August 7, 2015 Score NA G NA NA NA NA NA NA L L L L L L G G G L G L L L L L L L L GB G NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA G G NA NA NA NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Burkenpas Burkle Burkle Burkle Burkle Busch Busch Busch Busch Busch Busch Busch Busch Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butts Butts Butts Butts Butts Butts Butts Butts Buyce Buyce Buyce Byron Byron Byron Byron Cabine Cabine Cabine Caho Caho Caho Caho Calvin Calvin Amy Jeanette Galie Jeanette Galie Jeanette Galie Jeanette Galie Julie Julie Julie Julie Steven Steven Steven Steven Scott Scott Scott Scott Lisa Lisa Lisa Lisa Karen Karen Karen Karen Karen Karen Karen Karen Tracey Tracey Tracey James James James James Armetrice Armetrice Armetrice Chris Chris Chris Chris Luciana Luciana Mystery Of The Night Comfort Zone Shenandoah Blues Honor and Glory A Bygone Era Grace and agility One Toke Over the Line Cat Eyes Little Blessing I Stand Alone Sheer Champagne You'll work for me someday Solitary Cobalt Cloud Picking Flowers in the Golden Afternoon Beta Coming Out of Turn Three Mr. Pea Body Cherry Limeade Silver Lining Check Out My Headlights Engaging Forest Nymph Purity She's Not Heavy A Penny For Your Thoughts Enthralling Thoughts Mesmerizing Sporting An Attitude Horse Lover's Heart Monkey Love Lunar Beacon In a World Where no one Listens A Little of Dis a Little of Dat Peaceful Reflections Who's Passing Gas Morning With Horses Sitting Pretty Eye Feel Pretty The Queen of Broken Hearts Make My Day Stood Up Again The Departure The Lake Guardian The Cushion Rider Updated August 7, 2015 Score NA G G GB G G G G G NA NA G G NA L NA G L L L L L L G L NA G NA NA G G G L G L NA NA G G G G NA NA G NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Cameron Cameron Cameron Cameron Campanellie Campanellie Campanellie Campanellie Campanellie Campanellie Campanellie Campanellie Cantu Capasso Capasso Capasso Capasso Capo Capo Capo Capo Capshaw Capshaw Capshaw Capshaw Carbonneau Carbonneau Carbonneau Carbonneau Carlen Carlen Carlen Carlen Carlson Carlson Carlson Carlson Carlson Carlson Carlson Carlson Caro Caro Caro Caro Timothy Timothy Timothy Timothy Mary Jean Mary Jean Mary Jean Mary Jean Joe Joe Joe Joe Tania Joe Joe Joe Joe Byron Byron Byron Byron Sean Sean Sean Sean Andrea Andrea Andrea Andrea Jim Jim Jim Jim Ella Ella Ella Ella Ella Ella Ella Ella Wendy Wendy Wendy Wendy The Eager One The Peacemaker Did You Say Cookie Jump for Joy Grand Opening Iridescent Orchid Cascade Seaside Secrets Autumn Splendor Beast Beachside Courtship Morning Flight Momamorphasis The Architect's Wife A Secret Haven The Grand Entrance Sky's The Limit Mystic Morning Foggy Marsh Barge Port Tugs Tropical Storm Sandy Waves II Ready to take a husband Lilly and friends Imperfectly Beautiful My Hero The Grinch Of Boston Five AM Island Time My Summer Cottage Old Abandoned Shack Dinner For Two No, Really. Simple Sanctuary Time And Space Alien Bug Out of This World Past Life Robotnik Alien Cat Alien Driver Flybot Take Me to Your Leader Racing at the Edge of the Storm Shila Looking Back Moments of the Heart Soaring Through the Clouds Updated August 7, 2015 Score NA NA G G L G L L L G L L NA G G G NA G G NA GB NA NA G G G NA NA NA L NA L L L L L L L L NA L NA G G G 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Caron Caron Caron Caron Carpenter Carpenter Carpenter Carpenter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carver Carver Carver Carver Castle Castle Castle Castle Castle Castle Castle Castle Cather Cather Cather Cather Cather Cather Cather Cather Caudillo Russell Russell Russell Russell Jim Jim Jim Jim Gretchen Gretchen Gretchen Gretchen Hannah Hannah Hannah Hannah Lisa Lisa Lisa Lisa Lance Lance Lance Lance Gail Gail Gail Gail Ronald Ronald Ronald Ronald Brian Brian Brian Brian Pamela Pamela Pamela Pamela Pamela Pamela Pamela Pamela Kate Mellow Yellow Hold On! On The Cliffs Vintage at the Theatre Unconditional Love Home Alone Smart Ass What Lies Beyond Another Loss Birth of a Dance Turning Away Your Grace A Balcony Built For Two A Beautiful Life He Loves Me His Father's Eyes Allure Raven Beauty Gypsy Soul Grace Gateway to the Pacific Orange Over Blue Maine's Morning Lights Painting the Beach Hard Candy Young Republican Cupcake War 38 Years Playing Just For Her A MOTHER'S LOVE YANKEE RETREAT AT JEFFERSON THE KISS TROUBLED PATRIOT Pitiful Dirt Rider On Pointe The Wait Age Of Innocence Channeling Andy Rooney Weathered A Moment In Time Fishing at Sunrise Heading to Town Kaleidoscope Summer's Nectar Growing Up Together Updated August 7, 2015 Score L G G NA L L G G G GB NA NA L G NA NA G G G G G L L G G NA GB NA L L L L G NA NA NA G L G G NA NA G NA G 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Caudillo Caudillo Caudillo Cavalli Cavalli Cavalli Cavalli Caylor Caylor Caylor Caylor ChacÌ_n ChacÌ_n ChacÌ_n ChacÌ_n Chagares Chagares Chagares Chagares Chagares Chagares Chagares Chagares Chamberlain Chamberlain Chamberlain Chamberlain Chamberlain Chamberlain Chamberlain Chamberlain Chambers Chambers Chambers Chambers Chambers Chambers Chambers Chambers Chamblee Chamblee Chamblee Chamblee Chandler Chandler Kate Kate Kate Sabina Sabina Sabina Sabina Carl Carl Carl Carl Armando Armando Armando Armando James James James James Debra Debra Debra Debra Dennis Dennis Dennis Dennis Dennis Dennis Dennis Dennis Donald Donald Donald Donald Donald Donald Donald Donald Don Don Don Don John John Nestled In Searching For Hidden Treasure Is Daddy Coming Broken Record The C Poses Going For The Kill The Heart String's Player SLAM DUNK FIRST ICE WEDDING CONTRACT SOFT AIR 85 Years in the Making 50 Shades of Colors Up Up and Away I Had a Dream Silent Stalker Mountain Meadow Quadruplets Silent Approach The Dance Legendary Lighthouse Hidden Within Simply Lily Timothy the Timid Raccoon Soaring in my Technicolor Balloon Lighter than the Mist The Best Parking Spot in Santa Fe Prance in the Morning Sun Flight of the Butterflies Gateway to the Secret Garden Navigating the Cliffs of Monument Valley Tulip Paradox Swoosh The Peacock Tree Affliction AI Gumdrop Mountains Moonrise PrismaScape Ironman My Roots Run Deep My Oldest Younger Friend The Fast Lane If Looks Could Kill Lord Help Me Updated August 7, 2015 Score NA NA NA G G GB G G NA G NA NA NA NA NA L NA L L GB NA G G NA NA NA G NA NA G NA G L L L L L G G GB G L G G G 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Chandler Chandler Chandler Chandler Chandler Chandler Chapelo Chapelo Chapelo Chapelo Chapman Chapman Chapman Chapman Chavez Chavez Chavez Chavez Chen Chen Chen Chen Chesler Chesler Chesler Chesler Childress Childress Childress Childress Chinn Chinn Chinn Chinn Chinn Chinn Chinn Chinn Choulat Choulat Choulat Choulat Chun Chun Chun John John Teresa Teresa Teresa Teresa Andrea Andrea Andrea Andrea Terry Terry Terry Terry Gary Gary Gary Gary Lei Lei Lei Lei Steven Steven Steven Steven Richard Richard Richard Richard Heather Heather Heather Heather Heather Heather Heather Heather Trace Trace Trace Trace Ja Young Ja Young Ja Young A Pinch of This and That OOPS! Dancing with DEGA Fly Girl Steampunk Rocker Making a Memory Bewitched torn The Spirit of dance Does this hat make my diaper look big Eyes On You No Trespassing Glowing Petals Strength And Longevity No Way Out Lighter Than Air Sunset At The Wharf Sunset Spindrift My Game Age Perfect Self-Conscious Glowing Swag The Wrangler Storming The Beach Lady of the Night Morning On The Frio River Rails To The Past Evening In The Country Morning Reflections Beautiful Chaos Divinely Da Vinci Primary Adolescent Impressions Defiant Homesick: An Oil Originally On Canvas Not Your Typical Six Foot Research Poster The Challenges of Photographing An Albino You'd Be Pissed Too With This Haircut Leaving Earth Midnight In Prague The Road North Tiny Dancer My Lovely Daughter Beautiful Vocalist Samba Musician Updated August 7, 2015 Score NA GB L L L NA NA G G NA L G GB G NA L GB GB G G G L G NA L NA NA NA NA NA L L L L L NA G GB NA L G NA NA NA NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Chun Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clemmer Clemmer Clemmer Clemmer Cline Cline Cline Cline Coates Coates Coates Coates Coates Coates Coates Coates Coates Coates Coates Coates Cobb Cobb Cobb Cobb Cockrill Cockrill Cockrill Cockrill Cohen Cohen Cohen Cohen Ja Young Rebecca Rebecca Rebecca Rebecca Penny Penny Penny Penny Erin Erin Erin Erin Erin Erin Erin Erin Alisha Alisha Alisha Alisha Bob Bob Bob Bob Sandi Sandi Sandi Sandi Bob Bob Bob Bob Erin Erin Erin Erin H. Fred H. Fred H. Fred H. Fred Lee Lee Lee Lee Artist The Jester's Quilt In the Groove Nope, Not Gonna Smile Wings of the Night One More Ride Look Into My Eyes The Raven The Things We Have Seen Frozen in Time Contemplating Motherhood Chalking Up Proud Daddy Embrace Grace Beyond The Age of Nine Preppy Young Man Precious Innocence Booty In the Sand Can't Wait Forever Metropolitan Kaleidoscope Exquisitely Evasive Awakening Esteban Heart Tree CD Sheriff Steve Stage Fright Dells Mill Ring of Fire Go with the Flow Sarasota Magazine Designs One Point One Five Seconds Asian Art Keeping Watch A Real Nail Biter The Barefoot Bomber King of the Kibble Mama's Little Window Breaker Coach's Collection Ford Tough Campus Lights Fan's Eye View Praying in the Desert Praying in the Street Moment of Reflection Relaxing in the Desert Updated August 7, 2015 Score L NA G G L G NA G G L G G L G G G L NA NA NA NA L NA G GB G NA L G L GB G G G G G G L L NA L NA NA NA NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Cole Cole Cole Cole Collins Collins Collins Collins Comerford Comerford Comerford Comerford Companion Companion Companion Companion Connell Connell Connell Connell Connell Connell Conner Conner Conner Conner Conner Conner Conner Conner Conser Conser Conser Conser Contreras Contreras Contreras Contreras Conzemius Conzemius Conzemius Conzemius Cook Cook Cook Michael Michael Michael Michael Michael Michael Michael Michael Jason Jason Jason Jason Anne Anne Anne Anne Phyllis Phyllis Phyllis Phyllis Phyllis Phyllis Steven Steven Steven Steven Edwin Edwin Edwin Edwin Ramon Ramon Ramon Ramon Freddie Freddie Freddie Freddie Jolinda Jolinda Jolinda Jolinda Heather Heather Heather American Dream American Girl American Style Daddy where do stars come from Cowboy Up Hidden Ball Trck Smoked It Too Much Power Wedding Theme? Casual Lumberjack Taking Flight Getting Married Employees Only I'm All About That Bass In My Daughter's Eyes Mouse Trap Balance Bay Watch Don't Hate Me Because I'm Beautiful Dressed For Dinner Splendor In The Bay Daunting Inferno Dont Tread On Me Blue Mountain Monarch Striking Distance Dream Cast Another Clue A Higher Hand Out!!! At Home! Titan Blues Splendor of Fall Eye on the prize Kolten Anthony de la cruz Matthew Surf and Turf Determination On the Prowl Morning Flight Ain't Love Tweet Game Face Premie Donna Rising Son Cloud Surfing Red Rock Cowboys The Magic of the Stork Updated August 7, 2015 Score G NA G NA NA NA NA G NA NA NA NA G G L NA L G G G G G NA NA NA NA G NA L NA NA NA NA NA NA NA G L L L NA G L L NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Cook Cooley Cooley Cooley Cooley Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Corbell Corbell Corbell Corbell Cosentino Costello Costello Costello Costello Cote Cote Cote Cote Cothran Cothran Cothran Cothran Cotter Cotter Cotter Cotter Coyle Coyle Coyle Coyle Craft Craft Craft Craft Crail Crail Crail Heather Ed Ed Ed Ed Rosemary Rosemary Rosemary Rosemary Rosemary Rosemary Rosemary Rosemary Tony Tony Tony Tony Joseph Diane Diane Diane Diane Eileen Kay Eileen Kay Eileen Kay Eileen Kay Kip Kip Kip Kip Richard Richard Richard Richard Ray Ray Ray Ray Dennis Dennis Dennis Dennis Sarah Sarah Sarah Who needs Santa when you have Nana Morning Glory Dreams Of Scotland Magnolia Falls Dolce Casa Gotch Ya Holding the Line Snot Slinger Anna Tom and The Girls Hold Tight With A Leather Fist Good Ride Cowboy, Good Ride His Eyes On The Prize A Letter From The Front Regret Disney Concert Hall-Fifty Shades Of Gray Age Is A Work Of Art Reflection Single Mom You Fetch It But Mom Who You Calling Cute God's Gift Ready To Ride Simply Elegant Not So Grumpy Old Man Ice Water Water on the Rocks Winter Hair On this Mare Frozen Flow of the falls Passion Pod Emerald Morning Grandpa DID have a V8 Hi I'm Juicy Going Forth Queen Anne's Lace The Lilly Weeps The soft colors of Spring In Pink Princess Three Amigos Family Moment Sophisticated Lady Traveling First Class Playing Catch Up Updated August 7, 2015 Score G G L G L G G L NA NA G G G G G G G NA L G G L G G G G G NA G GB L G G G L G G NA NA G G NA NA GB G 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Crail Crawford Crawford Crawford Crawford Crupi Crupi Crupi Crupi Cruz Cruz Cruz Cruz Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuchara Cuchara Cuchara Cuchara Cuchara Cuchara Cuchara Cuchara Cuhel Cuhel Cuhel Cuhel Cundiff-Brown Cundiff-Brown Cundiff-Brown Cundiff-Brown Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cuppek Cuppek Cuppek Cuppek Cusick Cusick Cusick Cusick Sarah Julie Julie Julie Julie Marco Marco Marco Marco Manuel Manuel Manuel Manuel Carlos Carlos Carlos Carlos Lisa Lisa Lisa Lisa Lisa Lisa Lisa Lisa Angela Angela Angela Angela Rosemary Rosemary Rosemary Rosemary Stephanie Stephanie Stephanie Stephanie Joshua Joshua Joshua Joshua Joan Joan Joan Joan Overtaken Glamour and Grace Embrace Your Weirdness Stay Wild Make Life Colorful Eroded Divine Light Night Dreamer Navajo Wonder Morning Vista Let's do it my way Reunion Legacy Coastal Pallette Mystic Morning Tranquil Blue A Picture of Paradise Tiger-legged Frog in a Banana Leaf.jpg The stork Brought us a Puppy hope spring comes so fast its SMOKIN Feeling out of place Frog over troubled water Face in the praying mantis.jpg Sunflowers remind me of VanGogh.jpg THE red chair.jpg Hydes Mill All Washed Up for the Night Frosty Travles Golden Morning Bite Me Broken Elegance Equality Battle Born Alone Face Value Into The Light A New Life Together A Quiet Walk Black & White Just One More Kiss As Wedding Day Ends Standing On The Side Of Love Luv U Daddy Bringing Back The Hops Updated August 7, 2015 Score NA NA NA NA NA L G NA L NA G G NA L L G NA G NA G NA NA NA NA NA G G G NA G L NA NA G NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Dachowski Dachowski Dachowski Dachowski Daniel Daniel Daniel Daniel Dashiell Dashiell Dashiell Dashiell Dashiell Dashiell Dashiell Dashiell Daubs Daubs Daubs Daubs Davidson Davidson Davidson Davidson Davis Davis Davis Davis Dawson Dawson Dawson Dawson Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Deaton Deaton Deaton Deaton DeChiara Jeffrey Jeffrey Jeffrey Jeffrey Gregory Gregory Gregory Gregory Earl Earl Earl Earl Earl Earl Earl Earl Steve Steve Steve Steve Jill Jill Jill Jill Colleen Colleen Colleen Colleen Rick Rick Rick Rick Landon Landon Landon Landon Anna Anna Anna Anna Suzanne Suzanne Suzanne Suzanne Dalisa Three Days in Rome Ill love you forever Pensive Sibling Rilvalry Warm up Dream Dancer Shy Back Stage BOXED IN NO VACANCY MAKING A LIST RESTORING A 36 DODGE HOME AWAY FROM HOME IN STEP RACE DAY WHERE'S JOHNNY Glamorous Confetti Dance Love Shack Tip of the Hat Smooth Moves Magestic Tutu With Tude Vanishing Point Eyes of Contentment Dancing Under the Street Light Little American Super Hero Moon over the Barn May I Help You 2nd Base Called Collison At Home Safe At Third Elegance Calms the Storm Welcoming Committee 1.4 Million Dollar View Raising the Bar Promise Kept Oasis In The Eye of The Storm Vortex Dr. Jeckyl Alice In Wonderland A Sweet Soul First Shave Christmas miracle Updated August 7, 2015 Score L G G G L L G L NA L G NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA G G L G NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA G G L NA G G NA G G L G L NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title DeChiara DeChiara DeChiara DeLapa DeLapa DeLapa DeLapa DeLillo DeLillo DeLillo DeLoache DeLoache DeLoache DeLoache DeLuca DeLuca DeLuca DeLuca Dere Dere Dere Dere Derryberry Derryberry Derryberry Derryberry Deutsch Deutsch Deutsch Deutsch DeWaele DeWaele DeWaele DeWaele DeWeese DeWeese DeWeese DeWeese DeWitt DeWitt DeWitt DeWitt Deyo Deyo Deyo Dalisa Dalisa Dalisa Honey Honey Honey Honey Jim Jim Jim George George George George Aurora Aurora Aurora Aurora Scott Scott Scott Scott Kira Kira Kira Kira David David David David John John John John Jody Jody Jody Jody Cris Cris Cris Cris Jason Jason Jason Waiting I only have eyes for you New beginnings Aging Gracefully Follow the Colorado River of Clouds The Neighbor's Barn Sand Falls in Antelope Canyon A Phantom Emerges in Antelope Canyon Milky Way Over Manhattan Hip-Hop Prodigy Rock or Die We Are Family Onyx Beauty or Beast? Fogged In Seussical Tuckered Out Illustrative Flock of the Super Moon Weathering the Storm The Winter Prowler Earth Angel The Skeptic Blown Away Between the Sheets The Rancher Attitude It Defines Me Inner Turmoil The Makers Hands Slot Canyon Curves Stepped in Pink The Rain on the Plains Where They Rest Murphy Midnight Tropical Glass Frog Green Crowned Brilliant Diva Sushi Blue Northern on Windfarm Offshore BFFs 200-Miles-Per-Hour-Over-A-Grey-Card Bulging-Hotel-Construction-Market The Deconstruction Of Salsa Hatched A Delicate Balance Updated August 7, 2015 Score NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA G NA L G L L G G G G G G G G G L G G G G G GB NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA G NA NA NA G 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Deyo Dice Dice Dice Dice Dickson Dickson Dickson Dickson Diekemper Diekemper Diekemper Diekemper Dietz Dietz Dietz Dietz Dill Dill Dill Dill Dillon Dillon Dillon Dillon Dimino Dimino Dimino Dimino Dlugos Dlugos Dlugos Dlugos Dobson Dobson Dobson Dobson Dobson Dobson Dobson Dobson Dodson Dodson Dodson Dodson Jason Vicki Vicki Vicki Vicki Don Don Don Don Megan Megan Megan Megan Joni Joni Joni Joni Michael Michael Michael Michael Lisa Lisa Lisa Lisa Eileen Eileen Eileen Eileen Robert Robert Robert Robert Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Christy Christy Christy Christy In Perfect Harmony Static Blue Goddess Final Walk Shhh Renaissance Symmetry Pickle Harvest Stairway to Heaven Reflection of Beauty All Curves Left Behind I Thought You Said There Were Brownies Sit. Stay. Familiar Comfort Her Strength Mentally Prepared We Are Batmen Diving Catch Ouch! Thats Gonna Leave A Mark. Safe or Out? iving For A Touchdown Icarus Falls In Portland Behind The Facade The New Face of 90 The Offering Brothers Hesitation Old Soul Theodore T. Bear Ye Old Mill The Tom A Hawk Miner Indian Drumbeat Retired Rancher Forsaken Pre-Flight Flying the Friendly Skies Intersection Becoming Lighting the Way Home Not Ready to Let Go Spring's Promise Blue Eyed Raven The Wood Worker Hey Girl Pure Fashion Updated August 7, 2015 Score L L NA G G G NA G G G G L G NA NA NA L G G G L NA G G NA NA NA G G G G NA NA L G L G G G L NA NA G G NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Doehring Doehring Doehring Doehring Doll Doll Doll Doll Doman Doman Doman Doman Doman Doman Doman Doman Domkowski Domkowski Domkowski Domkowski Donlan Donlan Donlan Donlan Donovan Dorn Dorn Dorn Dorn Douma Douma Douma Douma Douma Douma Douma Douma Dover Dover Dover Dover Doyle Doyle Doyle Doyle Rebecca Rebecca Rebecca Rebecca Meghan Meghan Meghan Meghan Kris Kris Kris Kris Kris Kris Kris Kris Wayne Wayne Wayne Wayne Heather Heather Heather Heather Barry Adam Adam Adam Adam Kari Kari Kari Kari Kari Kari Kari Kari Cindy Cindy Cindy Cindy Daria Daria Daria Daria Little but Fierce OH. MY. SUDS! Mark of Beauty Beaming with Pride Blank Slate Goddess Warm Embrace Rest Assured Unimpressed Forgiveness Somewhere in Time Innocence and Guilt Monoliths By Moonlight Munchkin Market Phoenix Rising Road To Zelda Misty Morning Captured Gaze Diamond Formation F22 Systems Check Piazza Navona Principessa Venetian Vignette The Steps of San Marco Square Everglades Family Portrait Glory Pier North The Galactic Mill Frosted Tamarack Swamp The Road To Fall Aged Beauty America's Heartland Withered Alexandria The Price For Freedom Historical Hero Game On! A Painted Portrait Of Love A Step In Time Floored By You Last Call Break in the Meadow Child of Grace Simply Elegant Jeweled in Jewel Tones Softly Waiting Updated August 7, 2015 Score GB NA G NA G G NA NA G L G G GB G G L G L G L NA G NA NA NA NA G G NA L L L G G NA NA NA GB G L NA G G L G 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Doyle Doyle Doyle Doyle Drapeau Drapeau Drapeau Drapeau Driver Driver Driver Driver Driver Driver Driver Driver Dugan Dugan Dugan Dugan Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan Dunker Dunker Dunker Dunker Dunphy Dunphy Dunphy Dunphy Duperret Duperret Duperret Duperret Dupler Jim Jim Jim Jim Michael Michael Michael Michael Gayle Gayle Gayle Gayle Jeffrey Jeffrey Jeffrey Jeffrey Marcy Marcy Marcy Marcy Deanna Deanna Deanna Deanna Mackenzie Mackenzie Mackenzie Mackenzie Cris Cris Cris Cris Paul Paul Paul Paul Michael Michael Michael Michael Ellen Ellen Ellen Ellen Richard Our Kitchen View Sierra Madre At Sunset I Love The Mood Mood Lighting Dark Beauty Gold for Honey Night Shift Polar Quietude Broken A Dog Story Heart To Heart Final Days Bridge Over Paradise Lazy Summer Day Room With A View Sunset Reflections Riding The Emerald Waves Itsy Bitzy Spider The Guardian The Winning Catch Pure Class The Face of the Falls Patchwork Quilt Just Dreaming The Grouch Fifty Shades of Grey Frozen Hard Rock Ballet The Conductor Her latest masterpiece Midnight Rendezvous Avanteå« Home Design LESS TRAVELED BE STILL WHITE SANDS ADRIFT WHITE Don't Take Your Love to Town Southwestern Belle Wisdom Comes With Age Wrapped In Love Bliss Weathered Dancing On Top of the World On Pointe Stone Sentry Updated August 7, 2015 Score L L L L NA NA G NA G NA G NA NA NA G NA NA G G G NA G L NA G L L G L GB G NA NA NA NA L G L L NA G NA G G NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Dupler Dupler Dupler Durham Durham Durham Durham Dybala Dybala Dybala Dybala Dybala Dybala Dybala Dybala Dysart Dysart Dysart Dysart Dysart Dysart Dysart Dysart Eagleton Eagleton Eagleton Eagleton Ebbing Ebbing Ebbing Ebbing Eddington Eddington Eddington Eddington Eddington Eddington Eddington Eddington Edmunds Edmunds Edmunds Edmunds Edni Edni Richard Richard Richard Linda Linda Linda Linda Catherine Catherine Catherine Catherine Catherine Catherine Catherine Catherine Dylan Dylan Dylan Dylan Dylan Dylan Dylan Dylan Walter Walter Walter Walter William William William William Timothy Timothy Timothy Timothy Terri Terri Terri Terri Arete (Tula) Arete (Tula) Arete (Tula) Arete (Tula) Udi Udi One Last Prayer The Journey Begins Welcome to My Playground Natures Tunnel Satin Falls Natures Way This Flower The Crossing The Passage Morning Reflections Three's Company Chrenek Family Restored Ethereal Metamorphosis Snowflake Weathered Failure Meets Success Grandiose Sky On Grand Lake The Last One Snip Samurai Surrender Hoping Needless Destruction Guardian Of The Valley The Storyteller The Vintner Your World Is My World River Wild Lifes Tree Harvest Once Is Enough BERING SEA FISHERMAN NOT ON MY WATCH SHOOTING THE CURL MARKING TIME ANIMAL INSTINCT CAPTIVATING BREEZE Fierce TIME FOR CHANGE Bankers Hall Lobby Glacier Walk Waimea Range Look Out Point The T's Are In Town Le DÌ©bonnaire Sir Updated August 7, 2015 Score G G NA L G L G L L L G L G G GB NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA G G G G G L G L L G NA G NA NA G 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Edni Edni Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Elias Elias Elias Elias Elias Elias Elias Elias Elliott Elliott Elliott Elliott Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Emmerich Emmerich Emmerich Emmerich Emmerich Emmerich Emmerich Emmerich Engel Engel Engel Engel English English English Udi Udi Jessica Jessica Jessica Jessica Kristi Kristi Kristi Kristi Kristi Kristi Kristi Kristi Aly Aly Aly Aly Jaimy Jaimy Jaimy Jaimy John John John John John John John John Donald Donald Donald Donald Nancy Nancy Nancy Nancy Beth Beth Beth Beth Kurt Kurt Kurt Love Punch The Bicycle Thief Little Rascal Blue Steel Puppet? Or Master? On Target Portrait of Milan Nevermore Waiting for You YOU WONT BULLY ME The Magician's Son Master and Commander Prohibition Vlad Beauty Is Work Calculated Risk Dreaming In Color Glowing Break Time Rock Solid Cloaking Device Liz Prairie Ghosts The Entertainer Phenomenom River Passage Here There Be Dragons Venice Twilight Adventure Awaits Haunted Galveston Blue Bayou Moon Rise Over Gulin Red Sky Fisherman's Delight Swan's Serenade Little Secrets Magical Morning Mysterious Prima Ballerina Syncronized Rodeo Flying Like an Eagle The Flying Bull 1st and Ten A Gentleman's Game Always On My Toes Urban Attitude Updated August 7, 2015 Score NA NA L GB L G L L G L L G L G G NA NA G NA G G G NA NA L NA G L NA G G L NA NA L NA L L NA NA NA NA G L G 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title English Enos Enos Enos Enos Erickson Erickson Erickson Erickson Ernest Ernest Ernest Ernest Erwin Erwin Erwin Erwin Eubanks Eubanks Eubanks Eubanks Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Eversole Eversole Eversole Eversole Fabian Fabian Fabian Fabian Fabrizio Fabrizio Fabrizio Fabrizio Fabrizio Fabrizio Fabrizio Fabrizio Kurt Benjamin Benjamin Benjamin Benjamin Nancy Nancy Nancy Nancy Paul Paul Paul Paul Michelle Michelle Michelle Michelle Diane Diane Diane Diane Keith Keith Keith Keith Trudy Trudy Trudy Trudy Missy Missy Missy Missy Joanne Joanne Joanne Joanne Philip Philip Philip Philip Carol Carol Carol Carol Daddy's Little Soldier Lonely Subway Denim In The Spotlight Irish Walkway Nature's Palette God's Masterpiece Dusted Tuscan Patchwork Ruth The Bearer of Redemption The Spirit Within The Gift El Dia Perfecto I Solemnly Swear... Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep Winter's Morning Living On The Edge Final Roundup Hong Kong Harbor Iceland Glacier Soul Man Subtle Seduction Passion for Polka Dots Into The Woods American Values Harmony Prince J Strong Willed Breaking Through! Bridge To Winter Let Freedom Ring! Will You Catch Me if I Fall? Sticks and Stones Table for Two Morning Dew Heading Home Phoebe Tiny Dancer Backstage at the LVH Calm B4 the Show Ancient Royalty Dreaming of the Smokies Three Generations Nighttime Treat Updated August 7, 2015 Score NA G NA NA NA G GB NA NA L L L L G G NA G G G NA NA L NA NA NA NA G G NA NA NA NA GB NA NA NA G NA NA NA NA L NA NA GB 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Faidley Faidley Faidley Faidley Falck Falck Falck Falck Fan Fan Fan Farrar Farrar Farrar Farrar Fassett Fassett Fassett Faulds Faulds Faulds Faulds Feick Feick Feick Feick Felt Felt Felt Felt Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Fermaint Fermaint Fermaint Fermaint Finley Finley Finley Finley Fischer Fischer Fischer Juan Juan Juan Juan Roberto Roberto Roberto Roberto Miranda Miranda Miranda Ann Ann Ann Ann Skye Skye Skye Andrew Andrew Andrew Andrew Amy Amy Amy Amy Brekke Brekke Brekke Brekke Dan Dan Dan Dan Jennifer Jennifer Jennifer Jennifer Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry Suzanne Suzanne Suzanne Preparing for my Closeup Mr DeMille Caught Miss Used A Life Within Clay and Ash 1 Clay and Ash 2 Deconstructing Papua Skeleton Rockin' the Crowd Phat Bubble Bridal Awe Last Green Tree Ready for Take-Off Square Top Mountain The Lone Survivor Early Fall Morning at Oxbow Bend Ice Cold Heart Sunset Over the Sawtooths She's got a way His Keeper You are the one I'll stand by you Welcome to the Machine Igor, I think I've done it! Graceful Frailty Nestled Somewhere Beyond The Sea Game Face The Bench Warmer Take Me Sailing Dragon Boat Festival Water Dance Loves Me, Loves Me Not Swing Batter Batter On Ten Little Toes Dancing With Myself Ring of Fire Looking Up Beat The Heat Bride Fantasy Crossing In Philly Waterfall Pixie Grazing At Sunset Headin Home For Christmas Jeter Updated August 7, 2015 Score GB NA G NA NA L L L NA NA NA G G L L L G G G L L G G G L L G NA NA G G G G G L L L L NA NA NA NA G L G 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Fischer Fisk-Taylor Fisk-Taylor Fisk-Taylor Fisk-Taylor Flint Flint Flint Flint Floyd Floyd Floyd Floyd Floyd Floyd Floyd Floyd Folino Folino Folino Folino Fontenot Fontenot Fontenot Fontenot Ford Ford Ford Ford Fortmann Fortmann Fortmann Fortmann Fortney Fortney Fortney Fortney Foster Foster Foster Foster Francescon Francescon Francescon Francescon Suzanne Mary Mary Mary Mary Sandy Sandy Sandy Sandy Rhonda Rhonda Rhonda Rhonda Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin Steven Steven Steven Steven Chantal Chantal Chantal Chantal Adilfa Adilfa Adilfa Adilfa Cindi Cindi Cindi Cindi Terri Terri Terri Terri Gail Gail Gail Gail Lisa Lisa Lisa Lisa Riding The Ridge It is so good to see you! Rise and Shine Curves The Spiral Staircase Innocent or Evil? Brotherhood of Kings Louise Transporter Teacher's Pet Like Mother Like Daughter Innocence Dirtbags Hick A Billy Miss Confident Move Over Minnie Larger Than Life The Kick When You Say Nothing at All Celebration! Gimmie the Night Royal Blue Feather Duster Peeps Back Peddler Asian Beauty First Love Tangled Just Dance Cloud Tsunami Hello Baby Seeing Life Through My Eyes So What! I Play Like A Girl Clothes of many colors American Redneck Study Hall Through the eyes of a child Beauty Old Master's Morning Purity Softly Lays Wanna Play? Pissed Off December 26th Solemn Beauty Updated August 7, 2015 Score G L L G NA G G NA G G G NA G NA G NA NA G NA NA NA G L NA NA GB G G L G NA G NA G G NA L L GB NA G G L G G 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Francis Francis Francis Francis Frandsen Frandsen Frandsen Frandsen Freire Freire Freire Frievalt Frievalt Frievalt Frievalt Frievalt Frievalt Frievalt Frievalt Frink Frink Frink Frink Froehlich Froehlich Froehlich Froehlich Frogget Frogget Frogget Frogget Froh Froh Froh Froh Fuller Fuller Fuller Fuller Galaska Galaska Galaska Galaska Gambrell Gambrell Dan Dan Dan Dan Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Virginia Virginia Virginia Dan Dan Dan Dan Dan Dan Dan Dan Phillip Phillip Phillip Phillip Laura Laura Laura Laura Ethan Ethan Ethan Ethan Jennifer Jennifer Jennifer Jennifer Connor Connor Connor Connor Jessica Jessica Jessica Jessica Allen Allen Journey Home The Chosen One Midnight Blues Jail Break Something Blue Enveloped Desert Matrimony Winter's Blush Profound Innocence Tenderness Squared Tween Beauty Wicked Victory If You Want Peace, Prepare for War Urban Warrior A Path Less Traveled Baller Savior Burning Point Farm Still Life Master Bath Reflections Ship On The Horzon Soulful Girl Purity Daddy's Hands Sunrise Romance Los Alamos New Mexico Winter Morning Traffic Hot Cell Operator Nuclear Physics Student Helibucket Fire Fighter A Balanced Meal Hey Diddle Diddle Is This Too Much Curl? The Furry Five Ready For Round Two American Made We Are The Storm Whenever You're Ready Wrapped In Maddness Poised for Greatness Groovy Bleeding into Darkness Wizard of Middle Earth High Southern Sunset Updated August 7, 2015 Score G G L L L L L L NA NA NA G G L L NA G L L NA NA NA L NA NA GB NA NA NA NA NA NA NA G G GB NA NA GB G NA L G NA NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Gann Gann Gann Gann Ganusova Ganusova Ganusova Ganusova Garber Garber Garber Garber Gard Gard Gard Gard Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Garner Garner Garner Garner Garner Garner Garner Garner Garrett Garrett Garrett Garrett Garrison Garrison Garrison Garrison Garrison Garrison Garrison Gaspard Gaspard Gaspard Gaspard Geiger Geiger Kellie Kellie Kellie Kellie Elena Elena Elena Elena Mark Mark Mark Mark Michael Michael Michael Michael Gina Gina Gina Gina Chris Chris Chris Chris Meghan Meghan Meghan Meghan William William William William Cary Cary Cary Cary Cary Cary Cary Stephanie Stephanie Stephanie Stephanie Neil Neil Fall For Me An Irish Wedding Girl In A Garden Urban Angel Home, sweet home The one who suffers can be watered Water stream Winter solitude Cloud 9 Princess At the waters edge The Kiss Autumn Forest Floor Demolition Derby Great Marsh Reflected Serene Solitude Force Of Nature Waiting Slice of Sunshine Bliss All My Rowdy Friends Rocky Mountain High Carrying The Team Anna and Troy Training to Smash the Glass Ceiling Let There be Light The Mystery of Melancholy Woodland Fairy Me and My Toy Good As New Elegance From the Past The Age of Innocence A Simpler Pastime Forged from a Farrier Cayman Release Jefferson County Kentucky Posing for a Brownie Hawkeye Sensational Life Uncle Buford's Place Goddess Wrapped In The Arms Of Love Colleens Blue Eyed Stare Winter's Palette Busted Updated August 7, 2015 Score NA NA NA NA NA NA NA G G G G NA NA NA NA NA L NA L GB L G G G NA NA G NA GB G L G L NA L G NA G NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Geiger Geiger Gertz Gertz Gertz Gertz Ghionis Ghionis Ghionis Ghionis Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Giitter Giitter Giitter Giitter Gillard Gillard Gillard Gillard Givens Givens Givens Givens Gladman Gladman Gladman Gladman Gladman Gladman Gladman Gladman Glaser Glaser Glaser Neil Neil Susan Susan Susan Susan Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry Marc Marc Marc Marc Tracye Tracye Tracye Tracye Tracye Tracye Tracye Tracye Joseph Joseph Joseph Joseph Frances Frances Frances Frances Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan John John John John John John John John SJ SJ SJ The Old Homestead Fishtail Lemon Seriously? I Hear You, But I'm Not Listening Stuck in Time Out Caught Red Handed Bespoke Fashion Grand Fresco Mischievous Flower Girls Erin and Jeremy Senior Blues Star Light, Star Bright Sweet Sibling Smiles Grandpa's Garden Flower Child Make Me Bogie and BcCall Price of Vanity I Didn't Do It... Girl Gone Wild! Cheatin' Bitches Kung POW Chicken! Emerging from the Battle of Gettysburg Cataratus Magnifico Morning Meal Breast Cancer Awareness God calmed the rage that was in the cage Precious dreamer Rusty dusty steamer WNBA here I come Flamenco de Luna Irina Looking Back Reach Skins End of the Fall Ride Me The Basilica Derby Days Bang Bang Ranch Hands Runway Bride Relating Shapes Our New Elite Training Facility Red Docking Updated August 7, 2015 Score G NA G G G G G L G L GB G G G G G L L L GB GB L NA L G G G NA G NA NA NA G NA L L L L L L NA G G L G 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Glaser Glassman Glassman Glassman Glassman Gluck Gluck Gluck Gluck Goddard Goddard Goddard Goddard Goldstein Goldstein Goldstein Goldstein Golightly Golightly Golightly Golightly Gonder Gonder Gonder Gonder GoodHale GoodHale GoodHale GoodHale Goodman Goodman Goodman Goodman Goodnick Goodnick Goodnick Goodnick Goralski Goralski Goralski Goralski Goralski Gordon Gordon Gordon SJ Helene Helene Helene Helene Mark Mark Mark Mark Stephanie Stephanie Stephanie Stephanie Alan Alan Alan Alan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Miranda Miranda Miranda Miranda Donna Donna Donna Donna Paul Paul Paul Paul Sara Sara Sara Sara Susan Susan Susan Susan Susan Ann Ann Ann Shades of Silhouettes Sunset at Hendri's Beach Sail Away Shangri-La Live Strong Funhouse Butter Scotch GlassLight On a Roll Pensive Young Wonder Enchantress Tu-tu Precious Another Time.jpeg Days Gone Bye.jpeg One Rough Dude.jpeg The Performance.jpeg Angels on a hill Nature's Beauty Pink hat in the summer Welcome to the world Simply Elegant Captivating Beauty The Good Life Walking on Sunshine Who Me? Chillin Do Not Disturb It's a Journey Drifting Hero of the ages Turn and Burn Paridise Anhinga Mandala Exuberant Elegance Hall of the Mountain Kings Moonlight Serenade He Bows To No One Forgotten And Alone Evening Rush Hour Over The Bridge To Braveheart's Castle Urban Angel There's Always a Distraction Drop and Give Me Twenty Perfect Harmony Updated August 7, 2015 Score L NA NA NA NA G NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA G NA G NA NA NA NA NA NA G G G G G G NA G NA NA L G NA L GB NA G NA NA G L G 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Gordon Gordon Gordon Gordon Gordon Gough Gough Gough Gough Grace Grace Grace Grace Graham Graham Graham Graham Grandmaison Grandmaison Grandmaison Grandmaison Graupner Graupner Graupner Graupner Greberman Greberman Greberman Greberman Green Green Green Green Greenspan Greenspan Greenspan Greenspan Gregory Gregory Gregory Gregory Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffin Ann Alfred Alfred Alfred Alfred Tela Tela Tela Tela William William William William Charlene Charlene Charlene Charlene Jed Jed Jed Jed Nancy Nancy Nancy Nancy Sharyn Sharyn Sharyn Sharyn Nancy Nancy Nancy Nancy June June June June Laurie Laurie Laurie Laurie Carolyn Carolyn Carolyn Carolyn Walking into the Sunset. . . . Together Detention Ascension Unbridled Freedom Winter Walk Shades of Grace Pink Ladies Purple Pop Flora Erotica Grooming Seeking Understanding Guardian of the Beach Gotcha Enchanted Spangled Summer Splendor Hesitant Herald Left Behind Feather Blossom Perch of the Great Spirit Bullies Flare Flower A Gift for His Mate Lobstah' Buoys Shadowplay On Yellow Steps Under The Canopy Chipper Chihuahua.jpg Dewy Sunburst.jpg Purple Mountains Majesty.jpg Wild Mare and Foal.jpg don't Let Her Fool You Dinning In The Winter Mist 65th Year Smooch Just A Hint Of Reality An Irresistible Calling For Better or for Worse Jaipur Marketplace One Thread at a Time Holiday Cactus Jungle Dog Puppy on the Chair The Newborns Princess of Darkeness Forgotten Painters Pointe Amazon Beauty Updated August 7, 2015 Score NA G NA L G L NA G NA NA L GB L NA NA G L NA L G NA L NA NA NA NA NA NA NA G L G G G G L G L NA G NA G G L NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Groves Groves Groves Groves Grugan Grugan Grugan Grugan Grugan Grugan Grugan Grugan Grusd Grusd Grusd Grusd Guardia Peinado Guardia Peinado Guardia Peinado Guardia Peinado Guardia Vazquez Guardia Vazquez Guardia Vazquez Guardia Vazquez Guardia Vazquez Guardia Vazquez Guardia Vazquez Guardia Vazquez Gudapati Gudapati Gudapati Gudapati Gudapati Gudapati Gudapati Jeremy Jeremy Jeremy Jeremy Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul John John John John J. Luis Grill Station Refusing To Bow Ready For Text Handmade Superior Lighthouse Golden Hour Arch Valley of Death Schools out Forever Family Restoration Pedro The Fire House Cat Remembering Charleston Where The Buffalo Roam Beautiful Last Rays Speed and Fury Concentration The Spider L G L G GB G NA L NA NA NA NA L NA NA L G J. Luis Alhambra Dream G J. Luis Lost Temple NA J. Luis The Library G Juan Carlos Beach of the Cathedrals G Juan Carlos Dancing at the Grand Palace NA Juan Carlos Romantic Lights NA Juan Carlos Together to the next level G Jose Luis The Guardian of the Sea NA Jose Luis Hvitserkur L Jose Luis Twister GB Jose Luis Infinite Dreams G Phaneendra Phaneendra Phaneendra Phaneendra Phaneendra Phaneendra Phaneendra Secret Within Second Thoughts Surrender Call of the Night Infinite.jpg In Harmony Unwrapped G L L L NA NA NA Updated August 7, 2015 Score 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Gudapati Gueller Gueller Gueller Gueller Gueller Gueller Gueller Gueller Gulbe Gulbe Gulbe Gulbe Gulle Gulle Gulle Gulle Hahner Hahner Hahner Hahner Haile Haile Haile Haile Haile Haile Haile Haile Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hallman Hallman Hallman Hallman Ham Ham Ham Ham Phaneendra Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Mary Mary Mary Mary Marta Marta Marta Marta Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff Wolfgang Wolfgang Wolfgang Wolfgang Gail Gail Gail Gail Gail Gail Gail Gail Wayne Wayne Wayne Wayne Melanie Melanie Melanie Melanie Patty Patty Patty Patty Nathan Nathan Nathan Nathan Possessed Windswept Journey Home Waiting on the Limo All That Counts Family Tides Hannah Bliss Work With Me Baby Ellis Adagio in the Meadow Serenity Simran Bridge of Sighs Serenity Awfully Cold Winter Winter Labrynth Rain at Lake Wakatipu Breaking Day America Closed for Business Polymer Cast of a Pig Heart with Stent Autumn Tapestry Dingle Bay Of night and light and the half light Spirit Rekindled 125 Years of Hardware Lumbard Hall Postcard Rose Cottage Early Morning in Downtown Clinton Fluid In Motion Reflections On Thanksgiving Sunsphere Before Sunrise The Painted Isle Embracing Life I just need one shot for my album cover Oh Snap! Oil Money The Watchmen Ring Envy Mother Earth Strong Medicine The Climb Hot Summer Night Gossamer Muse Pixi Dust Updated August 7, 2015 Score G G NA G NA NA NA NA G G G GB G G NA G NA NA GB NA L L L L G G G NA NA NA G NA NA G NA G G G G G NA G GB L G 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Hammon Hammon Hammon Hammon Hammon Hammon Hammon Hammon Hammon Hammon Hammon Hammon Han Han Han Han Hanken Hanken Hanken Hanken Hanly Hanly Hanly Hanly Hanly Hanly Hanly Hanly Hanoch Hanoch Hanoch Hanoch Hansen Hansen Hansen Hansen Hansen Hansen Hansen Hansen Hansen Hansen Hansen Hansen Hansen Dennis Dennis Dennis Dennis Cheri Cheri Cheri Cheri Cheri Cheri Cheri Cheri In Sung In Sung In Sung In Sung Rachel Rachel Rachel Rachel Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Chris Chris Chris Chris Spring Spring Spring Spring Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Patricia Patricia Patricia Patricia Patricia Fallen Comrades Forged by the elements Moose Falls Safe Harbor Anchored In Shifting Sand Light Through The Storm Knot Hole Moon Over Splintered Mountains Tulip In Exquisite Repose Sweet Southern Magnolia Sir Russell The Handsome The Young Guitar Student Drama Queen rose bride Night fog bridge Half land light shinning city Wasn't Me Ms. Peacock in the Parlor My Solemn Vow Night Crossing Snaggle Tooth Dog Fight North Pole Puppies Shared Secret To Chew or Not to Chew Kisssss me Metallica Give us a kiss Born to Rock Farmer's Wish Little Red is a Big Bad Wolf Moody Blues Sweet Sisters Fallen Beauty Memento Mori Losing Control Baby It's Cold Outside Finicky Feed and Forty Winks Foraging the Twilight Trail To The Emerald City Incoming Iced-in Babysitting On the Lookout Earth Tones Updated August 7, 2015 Score L L G L NA G G NA G L NA NA GB G NA L L G NA L NA G G G NA NA G G NA L NA L G L NA G G NA G L NA NA G NA G 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Hansen Hansen Hansen Hanson Hanson Hanson Hanson Hargrove Hargrove Hargrove Hargrove Harmon Harmon Harmon Harmon Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harrelson Harrelson Harrelson Harrelson Harrelson Harrelson Harrelson Harrington Harrington Harrington Harrington Harris Harris Harris Harris Hartless Hartless Hartless Hartless Hartman Patricia Patricia Patricia Jeanne Jeanne Jeanne Jeanne Jen Jen Jen Jen Dominique Dominique Dominique Dominique Meggan Meggan Meggan Meggan Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Jill Jill Jill Jill Jill Jill Jill Brian Brian Brian Brian Robert Robert Robert Robert Mary Mary Mary Mary John Feather Mandala Floodlands Mah Jongg Fantasy 5188085 A Boy's First Love A Dying Breed Love Laughs I've Earned Every Wrinkle Get The Puck Outta My Way Meeting The Mistress Simply A Girl Dressed In Drama Ever After Frozen Party Animals Rock Of Ages I've Got Your Back, Brother This is Love Perfect Pout Sleepy Smiles Little Miss Kayla Creole Miss A Lifetime of Joy Mr Cool Looking At You! No Sun Day Forever Army Strong Forbidden Fruit Goddess Nelly's Kiss Updated August 7, 2015 The Contenders Red Dancer Like Father, Like Son A Simple Life Against the Grain All the King's Men Garden of Grace Reviewing The Brief Kissed With Light Ladies In Waiting In the Still of the Night Go Find Another Place to Play The Light Within Walk in Beauty Chopper Artist Score L G L NA G L NA G NA NA NA L L L L G L NA NA NA G NA NA NA G NA NA G NA 10 NA NA NA L G GB NA NA G G L G G NA G NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Hartman Hartman Hartman Hartman Hartman Hartman Hartman Hartz Hartz Hartz Hartz Hasegawa Hasegawa Hasegawa Hasegawa Haskell Haskell Haskell Haskell Hatch Hatch Hatch Hatch Hathcock Hathcock Hathcock Hathcock Hawkins Hawkins Hawkins Hawkins HayashiFukumoto HayashiFukumoto HayashiFukumoto HayashiFukumoto HayashiFukumoto HayashiFukumoto HayashiFukumoto Hayashi- John John John John John John John Kimberly Kimberly Kimberly Kimberly Masayuki Masayuki Masayuki Masayuki Ray Ray Ray Ray Emily Emily Emily Emily Tom Tom Tom Tom Robert Robert Robert Robert Takashi Mediterranean Still Life Prancing Horse The Cockpit Before the Concert Flight and Fancy Ghost in the Cemetery Green Acres Penny Feeling Blue Sterling Don't Judge Me Beautiful Bride Blue Sunset Loving Night Princess of Cherry Buster & Brody Mayan Moonrise Should I Stay or Should I Go? Somber Vigil Surly Sue Piovassa Piazza Contenza Mother of Tears FlapsUp I See Food Life Is Great FlapsDown Evolution of Scrooge If these Eyes Could See My Grandpa's Style The Age of Rock Autumn scenery of Japan NA L GB L NA G G G NA NA G NA NA NA NA NA NA G NA NA NA L NA L G G G G G G G NA Takashi Beautiful Japanese woman G Takashi Gentle eyes NA Takashi Sacred place NA Yuki Departure NA Yuki Graceful woman NA Yuki Japanese doll NA Yuki Oiran G Updated August 7, 2015 Score 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name Fukumoto Heath-Dawson Heath-Dawson Heath-Dawson Heath-Dawson Hebert Hebert Hebert Hebert Hedgecock Hedgecock Hedgecock Hedgecock Heimbruch Heimbruch Heimbruch Heimbruch Heineman Heineman Heineman Heineman Heiter Heiter Heiter Heiter Hellmann Hellmann Hellmann Hellmann Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Hendricks MPA, F.Ph. Hendricks MPA, F.Ph. Hendricks MPA, F.Ph. Hendricks MPA, F.Ph. Henn Henn Henn Henn Henn- First Name Title Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Sheila Sheila Sheila Sheila Jeffrey Jeffrey Jeffrey Jeffrey Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Maria Maria Maria Maria Brittney Brittney Brittney Brittney Stephanie Stephanie Stephanie Stephanie James James James James Bruce Majestic Symbol Old Confederate Soldier The Weight of Decision Ready-Aim-FIRE! Catch The Heat Scrappy Unruly Did Someone Say Milk Purple-bloom Black-Russian put-me-in coach moment-of-love Huddle Closer Royal Lineage The Places I Will Go To Fetch a Pail of Water Good Boy Nature's Child But I'm Not Sleepy Bloom One Mans Passion No Buddy Like A Brother Living Waters Eyes of Empathy Blue It's Never Too Cold To Visit You Caught And Counted Almost Gone Ghost Tree Monument Valley Sunrise John Muir Chapel Lily in the Rain Christmas Morning GB L G NA G NA G G NA NA GB NA L G NA NA G L GB NA NA G G G NA G NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Bruce Love Birds NA Bruce Making The Cut NA Bruce Victory NA Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Tammy He went right, I went left Inevitable Impact Looking for the Finish Line The Wrong Way Off Bee Mine L G G G G Updated August 7, 2015 Score 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name Campbell HennCampbell HennCampbell HennCampbell Henson Henson Henson Henson Hernandez Hernandez Hernandez Hernandez Hernandez Hernandez Hernandez Hernandez Herrel Herrel Herrel Herrel Hersberger Hersberger Hersberger Hersberger Hervey Hervey Hervey Hervey Hester Hester Hester Hester Higdon Higdon Higdon Higdon Higdon Higdon Higdon Higdon Higdon Higdon Higdon First Name Title Tammy Ivory Tower G Tammy Mean Green Eating Machine G Tammy Life of a Bee NA Adrian Adrian Adrian Adrian Ricardo Ricardo Ricardo Ricardo Jose Miguel Jose Miguel Jose Miguel Jose Miguel John John John John Larry Larry Larry Larry Tanya Tanya Tanya Tanya Timothy Timothy Timothy Timothy Kate Kate Kate Kate Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Fairy A Crab On My Ice The Office Duet Tattooed Rider Haircults Street Rat Looking Back at Love A few steps more WorkShop of Dreams Hey Handsome The Little Princes Battle Tested Delicate Luminance How The West Was Won Ready to Romp Eternal Journey Extra Innings In God's Eyes Majestic Santa Patience Sitting Pretty Finding Daisies Contemplation Morning Reflection Bring It Standing Guard Rose A Skeptic's Stare Absence of Evil Adam's Apple Madusa Aquatic Attitude Art Beat Scarlet Show and Tell Court of Queens Immersed Neptune's Ballroom G L G G NA NA G NA G NA NA NA L G NA G NA G G G NA NA NA NA L G L NA L L G G L L L L G L GB Updated August 7, 2015 Score 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Higdon Higgins Higgins Higgins Higgins Higgins Higgins Higgins Higgins Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hinkel Hinkel Hinkel Hinkel Hinton Jr. Hinton Jr. Hinton Jr. Hinton Jr. Hitchner Hitchner Hitchner Hitchner Hjelle Hjelle Hjelle Hjelle Hockley Hockley Hockley Hockley Jason Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Lisa Lisa Lisa Lisa James James James James Chuck Chuck Chuck Chuck Tracey Tracey Tracey Tracey Shawna Shawna Shawna Shawna Howard Howard Howard Howard Michael Michael Michael Michael Michelle Michelle Michelle Michelle Aaron Aaron Aaron Aaron Old Skool Higher Love Determined Meditation Together As One Daydreamer Never Alone Painted Blossom The Last Dance Magnolia Elizabeth Aiming For Gold Girl In A Tree Thirteen Your Move 7 Year Old Diva Senior Sweethearts We Stand Alone Dick Road To My Childhood Broadlit Beauty Window to her Soul Whisper Life is a Laugh Babes in Arms BLUEtiful Bourbon Street Blues Morning Flight Who Me Mental Toughness View From The Edge Back Off The Struggle For Victory Sunlit Canyon Zion's Virgin Lost In A Sea of Sand Lonely Sunrise Daydreaming Dancer Reflections of Florence Temporary Triumph Unanswered Prayers Meeting the Moody River Goodbye Yellow Brick Road Embarcadero Strong Old Time Express Updated August 7, 2015 Score L L NA G L G G NA NA G NA G NA NA NA NA NA NA G NA G NA G NA NA G NA NA G G G G NA NA G G G G G NA L L NA G NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Hoermann Hoermann Hoermann Holcomb Holcomb Holcomb Holcomb Holland Holland Holland Holland Homan Homan Homan Homan Hong Hong Hong Hong Hoover Hoover Hoover Hoover Hoover Hoover Hoover Hoover Hornsby Hornsby Hornsby Hornsby Horton Horton Horton Horton Horton Horton Horton Horton Hovda Hovda Hovda Hovda Howard Howard Susan Susan Susan Christina Christina Christina Christina Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Yun Seok Yun Seok Yun Seok Yun Seok James James James James James James James James Cynthia Cynthia Cynthia Cynthia Dwaine Dwaine Dwaine Dwaine Dwaine Dwaine Dwaine Dwaine Cynthia Cynthia Cynthia Cynthia Robert Robert My sisters my friends Tres magnifique Heartstrings Spunk Bohemian Bride Spritey For the Win! American Homestead Mornings Majesty A Northern Beauty Awakening The Rehearsal Graceful Preparation Strength and Beauty Watching the Sunset Lovely my friends Manse(Hurray) Harmony Friends The Quiet Arches of Time Not Stylish, Just Comfy You Had Me At Sit What About My Ears A Loving Heart Cowabunga, Dude! Don't Worry I'm Sure He Is More Afraid Of Me Waiting Guardian Angel Love Me Again Roses Are Red Spiced Honey Workout Passion Whispering Falls Gentle Giant Natures Wonder Meditation in Nature Natures Shower Wilderness Country Winter at Bitter Creek Morning Cast Shadow Girl Hello Sunshine Among The Trees Focused Intensity Mainline Memories Updated August 7, 2015 Score L L G G G NA G L L L NA L G G G NA GB GB NA L L G G L G NA L G G GB G G NA L L NA NA L NA NA NA NA NA G NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Howard Howard Howe Howe Howe Howe Howe Howe Howe Howe Howell Howell Howell Howell Hoyt Hoyt Hoyt Hoyt Huff,Jr. Huff,Jr. Huff,Jr. Huff,Jr. Huffstetter Huffstetter Huffstetter Huffstetter Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hull Hull Hull Hull Hunt Hunt Hunt Robert Robert Keith Keith Keith Keith Holly Holly Holly Holly Doug Doug Doug Doug Leslie Leslie Leslie Leslie Earl Earl Earl Earl Lucy Lucy Lucy Lucy Julie Julie Julie Julie Elaine Elaine Elaine Elaine Robert Robert Robert Robert Rob Rob Rob Rob Niki Niki Niki Coming Round The Mountain Free Spirit Horse Play Rock and Roll They Call Me Baldy Here Fishy Fishy! Rust and Royality Looking For The Light Happiness Is A Choice Shooting Partners Big Guns Poof! Smooth Senior Squeeze Bashful Heartthrob Shy Guy Cream Isolation Ripped Secret Desire The Real Man Enough Company to Me I Follow My Heart Never Listen to Your Fears A Place to Stay Kenya Valentina Years of Abuse Skin Deep Can't See The Forest For The Tree Chaotic Profiling Face Book Miss Amorphous Anyone Seen My Pallette Door Maid Keys To The Music Temptation Window to the Soul The Wrong Path Light Among the Moss Emerald Cascade Following the leader Hound ya doin'? Once Upon a December Updated August 7, 2015 Score NA NA NA NA G G G G L NA G L G NA L L L L GB L G G G G G NA G G G G G G L L L L L G NA NA G L NA NA NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Hunt Hurley Hurley Hurley Hurley Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson Ilvess Ilvess Ilvess Ilvess Incontro Incontro Incontro Incontro Ingram Ingram Ingram Ingram Inuzuka Inuzuka Inuzuka Inuzuka Ip Ip Ip Ip Isaacs Isaacs Isaacs Isaacs Ishikawa Ishikawa Ishikawa Ishikawa Itzcovici-Levy Itzcovici-Levy Itzcovici-Levy Itzcovici-Levy JackmanMoore JackmanMoore Niki Allyson Allyson Allyson Allyson Charles Charles Charles Charles Uldis Uldis Uldis Uldis Jaime Jaime Jaime Jaime Patricia Patricia Patricia Patricia Masaharu Masaharu Masaharu Masaharu Terry Terry Terry Terry Mollie Mollie Mollie Mollie Koryo Koryo Koryo Koryo Edith Edith Edith Edith Adam Alyssa in pink IMPACT Magnolia Poppies Angel Sings The Blues Beast Mode MyTeamNeedsMe OMG These Smell So Bad In My Dreams Budding Ballerina Bryggen Lighthouse Rendezvous 99 Bales Unabashed Confident Woman in the Window Safe in Mommy's Arms Holding On In Our Daughters' Eyes Momma's Gown Wrapped Up In A Winter's Dream Blooming Grace Careless Whispers In His Prime Anthony and Victoria Pillars Of Faith.jpg The Eiffel Tower Casa Mila Barcelona.jpg Great Wall Of China at Mutianyu.jpg Clearing Storm Golden Morning Sculpted By Time Sunrise On The Lake Ambition Composer HORI Dr.Ito Warrior Blue Hour at the Louvre Intensity Malibu Pier Rolling Hills THE HYPNOTIST NA NA G L NA G G NA NA G G NA G L NA NA G G NA NA NA NA NA NA NA L NA L G L G G G G NA G NA G NA NA G L Adam IT WAS THE CAT, HONEST G Updated August 7, 2015 Score 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title JackmanMoore JackmanMoore Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jacobson Jacobson Jacobson Jacobson James James James James Jang Jang Jang Jang Janson Janson Janson Janson Jarmon Jarmon Jarmon Jarmon Jasper Jasper Jasper Jasper Jeffcoat Jeffcoat Jeffcoat Jeffcoat Jeffery Adam SUFFERING SUCKATASH L Adam BORN TO BE WILD G Ron Ron Ron Ron Iris Iris Iris Iris Ron Ron Ron Ron Ronald Ronald Ronald Ronald B. Varsylvia B. Varsylvia B. Varsylvia B. Varsylvia Taeck Taeck Taeck Taeck Robin Robin Robin Robin Darryl Darryl Darryl Darryl Wolfgang Wolfgang Wolfgang Wolfgang Melissa Melissa Melissa Melissa David Fairfiled Inn Shy Sunset Paradise The Alexan Frosty Feathered Friend Peyto Lake Mount Rundle sunrise I Can Fly, What's Your Superpower Abandoned Bottled Angst IT'S BLOOMING! Memories Of My Youth Upended Settlers Remnants Smoky Mountain Morning Bringing in the harvest with the green Loving Couple My Son Thinking Lighthouse Whidbey Island Octopus and Glass Anticipation Bridal Shower Jane Still Moment Earth Wind and Water Gaurdian of the Lake Solitude The Lone Sentinel Really.... A Sisters Love Talented, but arrogant A mother love Mystified Mystic A Brief Moment Longing For Release Early Morning Departure Son of Anarchy Letting Go Whatcha Mean Adopted? Long Hard Winter Just a Dusting G L G NA G NA NA NA NA NA G G L G G L NA NA NA NA GB G NA G NA NA G NA NA NA NA G L NA L G G G NA G L Updated August 7, 2015 Score 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Jeffery Jeffery Jeffery Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jennings Jennings Jennings Jennings Jensen Jensen Jensen Jensen Jeong Jeong Jeong Jeong Jiminez Jiminez Jiminez Jiminez Johnsen Johnsen Johnsen Johnsen Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson David David David Andrew Andrew Andrew Andrew Kathryn Kathryn Kathryn Kathryn Russell Russell Russell Russell Tae Young Tae Young Tae Young Tae Young Katie Katie Katie Katie Sophia Sophia Sophia Sophia Amy Amy Amy Amy Julie Julie Julie Julie Gary Gary Gary Gary Alicia Alicia Alicia Alicia Jon Jon Mr Stumblebee Old Farm Road Winded Mills A Quiet Moment She's Got Game The Party Spiritual Peace Stare Down I'll Take A Scotch Are You Talking To Me? Come Back Who's Cat Does This Spin Native Beauty Cool Blues Ankor wat people 1 Ankor wat people 2 Along with a grandfather Snake eyes Portal Broken Heart Yosemite Valley The Gathering Salvation She Devil Mother Nature Fallen Winter Wonder Young Strength Alpaca Family Portrait Young Maestro Grandpa's Hat Island Bridge Ready For This Day To End Smokin My Sweet Little Boy What About My Hair? Serenity Peak Serenity Sea Living Under the Veil of Breast Cancer Once Upon a Time The Kiss Undauntable Rosie Two Faced Nice Shoes! Updated August 7, 2015 Score NA L NA G L L L L G G G L L G G G NA G NA L G L G G G NA L NA G G GB NA NA G G NA G NA L NA NA NA NA G GB 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson JohnsonHarryman JohnsonHarryman JohnsonHarryman JohnsonHarryman Johnston Johnston Johnston Johnston Johnston Johnston Johnston Johnston Joliat Joliat Joliat Joliat Jones Jones Jones Jones Jon Jon Faye Faye Faye Faye Linda Linda Linda Linda Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff Carol Carol Carol Carol Julie Julie Julie Julie Toni First Kiss Intertwinrd Eyes of Sauron Seaside Treasure Canadian Luck Jack's Great Adventure Oops! Never Trust A Fart Spring Bride Happy 1st, Little Hatley Sisters Seasonal Mishap Morning Light Thor's Well Winter's Veil Buddhist Temple Crimped Heavens Gate Sisters All Choked Up Class of 1952 Prepper Bird So Then I Called The Zebra A Monkey's Uncle Betrayal G NA GB NA GB NA GB NA L G L G L L NA NA NA G L G NA NA G Toni Sweet Pea L Toni Season of Change G Toni Maid Marian L James James James James Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Andrea Andrea Andrea Andrea Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Simple Life Wanna Bite? Concentration Putting on the Ritz Death of a Peony Untamed Sweet Cheeks La Madonna Miss Priss Taking Flight I'm Sixteen Now Dreamland Hell's Comin With Me True Grit Urban Cowboy Ruffles and Rust NA NA G NA NA NA GB G L L G G L L G G Updated August 7, 2015 Score 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Junker Junker Junker Junker Kadulin Harmony Harmony Harmony Harmony Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas David David David David Sergiy Kadulin Kadulin Kadulin Kahn Kahn Kahn Kahn Kalapatapu Kalapatapu Kalapatapu Kalapatapu Kallies Kallies Kallies Kallies Kang Kang Kang Kang Kang Kang Kang Kang Kang Kang Kang Kang Kang Title The Thrill of Victory Who's Afraid? Hooked Puppy Love Up, Up, and Away Remember Me Kraken's Cove Boy of Steel A Champion Begins Better Every Day Straight From The Fields There Must Be Something Better Tender: first ice near Patona bridge in Kyiv, Ukraine Sergiy Heydar Aliyev Cultural Center in Baku Sergiy Heydar Aliyev Cultural Center in Baku Sergiy UNESCO's Kul-Sharif mosque at night, Kazan Steven And It Just Keeps On Flowing Steven Au Natural Steven Poetry In Motion Steven Purple Persuasion Umamaheswara Unfold me Ra Umamaheswara Bold and Healthy Ra Umamaheswara Not alone Ra Umamaheswara Jewel time Ra Michael My Sisters Keeper Michael Roughneck Runt Michael To Protect And Serve Michael Won't Back Down Jae Dong sweet sleep Jae Dong Happy wait Jae Dong best first steps Jae Dong 1-year old learning Eddie Master's morning lecture Eddie Now you are mine Eddie River Fishing Eddie Worship after Temple hours Young Hwan Lovely my friends Young Hwan Comedy Violiners Young Hwan All in the family Young Hwan My love my darling Sung Han Newborn Updated August 7, 2015 Score G L G G G L L L G G NA G NA NA L NA L L NA L NA G NA G L G NA G G L L G NA G L NA L GB L G NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Kang Kang Kang Kaplan Kaplan Kaplan Kaplan Kappelman Kappelman Kappelman Kappelman Kasallis Kasallis Kasallis Kasallis Kasper Kasper Kasper Kasper Kassab Kassab Kassab Kassab Kaupp-Seas Kaupp-Seas Kaupp-Seas Kaupp-Seas Kaupp-Seas Kaupp-Seas Keeling Keeling Keeling Keeling Kelleher Kelleher Kelleher Kelleher Kelleher Kelleher Kelleher Kelleher Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Sung Han Sung Han Sung Han JJ JJ JJ JJ Shellie Shellie Shellie Shellie Dann Dann Dann Dann Brooke Brooke Brooke Brooke Cindy Cindy Cindy Cindy Phyllis Phyllis Phyllis Phyllis Phyllis Phyllis Carisa Carisa Carisa Carisa Julia L Julia L Julia L Julia L Julia L Julia L Julia L Julia L Steven Steven Steven Steven My friends Cute girl Sleep little baby GETTING YOUR NAILS DONE PRETTY PLEASE TRUELY BLUE MIDNIGHT STAR Come Hell Or High Water Baptism By Fire It's Your Move Modern Day Daniel Boone Great Pointe First Kiss Makin Faces It's Just Bidness The Seduction In Remembrance Iron Sharpens Iron Forgotten The Face Off Misty Morning Swans Perch Here Often ? Take One Step at a Time Lost in the Mist (2015).jpg A Southern Lover's Lane Three Rows and A Tow Remembering Rusty PLEASE! Can I Go? A Father's Love Melancholy Muse Shades of Envy Pointe of Grace Sweat Equity Breath Of Heaven Her Happily Ever After A Sketch Of Innocence In The Folds Of Slumber The Wardrobe A Difficult Decision Shepherd of Her Heart The Drought Going With The Flow Hanging On For Dear Life Kicking Up Dust Ripe For The Picking Updated August 7, 2015 Score L NA NA NA G G NA G NA G G G G G G G L G G G L G G G G NA NA G NA G G G G L L L L L L L G G NA G NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kemp Kemp Kemp Kemp Kemp Kemp Kemp Kemp Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kenyon Kenyon Kenyon Kenyon Kim Kim Kim Kim Kim Kim Kim Kim Kim Kim Kim Kim Kim Kim Kim Kim King King King King Kirby Dennis Dennis Dennis Dennis Tim Tim Tim Tim Victoria Victoria Victoria Victoria Steven Steven Steven Steven Connie Drapeau Connie Drapeau Connie Drapeau Connie Drapeau Sevie Sevie Sevie Sevie Bok Yeon Bok Yeon Bok Yeon Bok Yeon Jae Min Jae Min Jae Min Jae Min Dong Han Dong Han Dong Han Dong Han Min Suk Min Suk Min Suk Min Suk Paul Paul Paul Paul Alan Airborne Survivor Lean On Me The Hurdeler Prepared To Take The Mantel Doctor, Doctor, Future Doctors My Girl Bluegrass Kin You Can't Make Me Weathered The Saddle master Mackinac Island, Michigan At Day's End Frozen Foragers The Filly Family Southern Belle Spring is in the Air Urban Clay Snow Dance Fortitude Dawn, Wisconsin River Hops: The plant that made Milwaukee Famous Cucumber Research Corn for a changing climate Like a Princess Happy brothers and sister My sweet angel A baseball kid we are good friends Sweetish kiss mor am I pretty don't cry friend MC'S future First see your friends Sympathetic love The artist Bride's dream Pine couple Passion Happy family prehistoric design dangerous distortions lady racer quarter mile racer Fisherman's Rest Updated August 7, 2015 Score NA NA NA NA L NA L NA G L G G L L G G NA NA NA G NA NA NA NA G G NA G L G G G NA NA NA G L NA NA NA L G G G L 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Kirby Kirby Kirby Kjar Kjar Kjar Kjar Klawetter Klawetter Klawetter Klawetter Klein Klein Klein Klein Kline Kline Kline Kline Kloth Kloth Kloth Kloth Knataitis Knataitis Knataitis Knataitis Knataitis Knataitis Knataitis Knataitis Knezovich Knezovich Knezovich Knezovich Koeshendi Koeshendi Koeshendi Koeshendi Kogut Kogut Kogut Kogut Kolbenschlag Kolbenschlag Alan Alan Alan Christina Christina Christina Christina Debra Debra Debra Debra Bob Bob Bob Bob Christie Christie Christie Christie Michael Michael Michael Michael Al Al Al Al Elisa Elisa Elisa Elisa Jenni Jenni Jenni Jenni Yedi Yedi Yedi Yedi Chris Chris Chris Chris Lori Lori Four's A Crowd Contemplation Serengeti Sunset Winter Love Song Best of Friends Samantha Ebonnee Whispered Innocence Cappuccino for Three Pure in Heart Hope EYE Never Forget Praying By Morning Light Concentration Barely Enough Carrousel Dreams Snug As A Bug 100 Years 100 Roses Secret Garden of the Soul American Coot Black-Crowned Night-Heron Double-Crested Cormorant Snowy Egret Last Grasp Youthful Resemblence Stone Cold Patience Garden's Fairest Out of the Fog Class Champions Flutter Hometown Parade Rain Dance Waiting On Winter's End Ten Gallon Personality You Say Mutt Like Its A Bad Thing Infinity Hand Crafted Profile Vicktoria Val d'Orcia Vista Anticipation Harbor Town Sunset Ride on U Bein Bridge Shantytown Stairmasters Did Someone Say Cheese? Updated August 7, 2015 Score G NA G G NA G G G L G L G G G NA G G L G NA NA NA NA G G NA NA G G GB NA NA G G L G G L G G NA G GB NA NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Kolbenschlag Kolbenschlag Kraemer Kraemer Kraemer Kraemer Kraemer Kraemer Kraemer Kraemer Kramer Kramer Kramer Kramer Kratsas Kratsas Kratsas Kratsas Krehlik Krehlik Krehlik Krehlik Kreimborg Kreimborg Kreimborg Kreimborg Kreitzberg Kreitzberg Kreitzberg Kreitzberg Krekow Krekow Krekow Krekow Kremer Kremer Kremer Kremer Kreplin Kreplin Kreplin Kreplin Kroenke Kroenke Kroenke Lori Lori Shelly Shelly Shelly Shelly Shelly Shelly Shelly Shelly Steven Steven Steven Steven Mary Beth Mary Beth Mary Beth Mary Beth Joe Joe Joe Joe Deb Deb Deb Deb Suzanne Suzanne Suzanne Suzanne Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Tessa Tessa Tessa Tessa Gordon Gordon Gordon Gordon April April April Snowy Morning at Bryce Tranquil Forest Morning His Calling Red Delicious Green With Envy Regal Alice's Wonderland A Soldier's Widow Fern Peaches and Cream A Family Affair Elegant Sisterhood Executive Power Loving Siblings Summer Breeze Alley of Despair At my Signal Unleash Hell A Time for Prayer Jewel of India The Violinist The Conqueror Sugar & Spice Into the Light Today, She Knows Me Moving Away From You To Mourn Go Ask Alice Dandelion The Tag Along The Road Home By Design A Breeze Comes Whispering found trophy just another wallflower Toe Jamb The Taste of Your Red Lips Family Profile Rock a Bye Baby Grey Morning Reflection Infrared Forest Enchantment Into the Sunrise Upstairs, Downstairs Wise Beyond Her Years In Anticipation of Movement Confidence is Sexy Updated August 7, 2015 Score G L L G G L L NA L G L L G G G G G G G L G G NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA G G G G NA G G L G G NA G 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Kroenke Kucerik Kucerik Kucerik Kucerik Kucerik Kucerik Kucerik Kucerik Kuhlman Kuhlman Kuhlman Kuhlman Kunesh Kunesh Kunesh Kunesh Kunesh Kunesh Kunesh Kunesh Kuykendall Kuykendall Kuykendall Kuykendall Kyker Kyker Kyker Kyker Lakes Lakes Lakes Lakes Lamberty Lamberty Lamberty Lamberty Lamm Lamm Lamm Lamm Landes Landes Landes Landes April Leann Leann Leann Leann Leann Leann Leann Leann Kimberly Kimberly Kimberly Kimberly Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Phyllis Phyllis Phyllis Phyllis Ross Ross Ross Ross Ayesha Ayesha Ayesha Ayesha Krystal Krystal Krystal Krystal Kathi Kathi Kathi Kathi Michael Michael Michael Michael Ultimate Sacrifice I Remember Sweet Slumber Guardian of the Plains At Day's End Crab Cake Morning Surprise Alice Wonders To Be Free Are We Done Yet? Bouncing Through The Bluebonnets Serene Winter's Dawning Where's Waldo? Barred In Some Places The Shaman My World Get You Kicks Feeling Alive Good Vibrations The Hidden Ego Guardian Of Eden Belle Donna Midnight Dancer The King's Muse Majestic Maiden Descent Waiting Texas is Flooding Hill Country Sunset Box(h)er Layla Batman and Robin Pure Joy The Great Escape Autumn Embrace Biker Bombshell Fresh Cut What Matters Most is How You See Yourself Peek and Boo Welcome Wagon Lad and Lassie Showtime Style And Comfort Rock And Roll Fantasy Captivating Updated August 7, 2015 Score L G NA G NA NA NA G NA G NA G G NA G NA NA L G G NA G G G G NA NA NA NA G G G NA NA G G G GB L L GB NA NA G NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Landes Landes Landes Landes Landis Landis Landis Landis Landis Landis Landis Landis Lane Lane Lane Lane Lantzy Lantzy Lantzy Lantzy Larkin Larkin Larkin Larkin LaRose LaRose LaRose LaRose LaSala LaSala LaSala LaSala Last Name Latozas Latozas Latozas Latozas Latsha Latsha Latsha Latsha LaWell Lawson Lawson Lawson Michael Michael Michael Michael Bruce Bruce Bruce Bruce Angi Angi Angi Angi Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin Sharon Sharon Sharon Sharon Charleen Charleen Charleen Charleen Michael Michael Michael Michael Jim Jim Jim Jim First Name Mari Mari Mari Mari Nathan Nathan Nathan Nathan Nikky Angela Angela Angela Winds Of Change Liberation Shattered Trifecta Proud to Serve Blue Eyed Mikko Future Farmer Twilight Harvest Snow Queen Out to Sea Charted Course Channel Red Eternal Bond Summertime Sweets Unconditional Love Curiosity Our Moment Peace On Earth Brothers, Sisters, Cousins First Moments Elegantly Waiting Puppy Poise Rockstar Rider The Drummer Crystal Gazer Colored By Fall It's Been a Great Ride Morning Tranquility Market Bound Perchance To Dream Silent Memories Sweet Sorrow Title the doorman tucked in tabel for two magnificent mastiffs Out Of The Depths Pink Queen's Garden The Violinist Pillar of Grace Snow White Going Places New and Improved Rabbit Ears Updated August 7, 2015 Score L NA G NA NA G G NA NA NA NA NA G NA G NA NA NA NA NA G G NA G G L L L L NA L L Result GB L G G L NA G NA NA G G NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Lawson Lawson Lawson Lawson Lawson Lawson Lawson Lawson Lawson Lawson Angela Charles Charles Charles Charles Cliff Cliff Cliff Cliff Charles Lawson Lawson Lawson Leary Leary Leary Leary Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Leider Leider Leider Leider Lemmons Lemmons Lemmons Charles Charles Charles Danny Danny Danny Danny Heather Heather Heather Heather Soon Young Soon Young Soon Young Soon Young Yong Woo Yong Woo Yong Woo Yong Woo Joanne Joanne Joanne Joanne Yu Yu Yu Yu Heather Heather Heather Heather Jenica Jenica Jenica Call Me Frank Lone Sentinel Amber Waves of Grain Stamen Surfer Barefoot in Blue Jeans The Hair on My Chinny Chin Chin Two Game Ready The Final Goodbye When I Come Home From War, I'm Going To Marry This Girl Things We Lost In The Fire And A River Runs Through It... The Hands Of Time One Last Homecoming Blue Crush A Devoted Life I'll Be There For You Last Embrace Dolce Blanc I'm Waiting Just Breathe A happy afternoon Fox Two become one Youthful ardor A beautiful break Into the snow falls The fancy lure Looking at me Dog-Eared Queen of Pain Gatsby's Girl Oops! The-love-of-56years soul dance Friendship Dreaming Soaring Above It All Black Swan Taking a Moment to Ponder God's Beauty The End of the Day Queen of The Night On the edge of a dream Somewhere in Time Updated August 7, 2015 Score G NA NA NA NA NA L G NA NA NA NA NA L G L GB G NA NA NA NA G NA NA L NA NA NA G G L G L L NA L NA G G NA L GB L 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Lemmons Lesnick Lesnick Lesnick Lesnick Levshin Levshin Levshin Levshin Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewko Lewko Lewko Lewko Libby Libby Libby Libby Lichty Lichty Lichty Lichty Lik Lik Lik Lik Lim Lim Lim Lim Linczak Linczak Linczak Linczak Jenica Glenn Glenn Glenn Glenn Peter Peter Peter Peter Rhea Rhea Rhea Rhea Brent Brent Brent Brent Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Ed Ed Ed Ed Debra Lynn Debra Lynn Debra Lynn Debra Lynn Patricia Patricia Patricia Patricia Peter Peter Peter Peter Sung Soo Sung Soo Sung Soo Sung Soo Ted Ted Ted Ted When dogs fly Dancing Angel Moonlighting Photographer The Eighth Day Soaring Beauty Alone Daily Prayers Early Morning Start In Balance Peaches and Cream Cloaked in Wonder Dreaming 'bout Fishing Forgotten When Life Steals What You Love Teetering on the Edge of Madness Teased The Two Faces of Addiction Not a Weight in the World Entirely Bonkers You See Wolf of Sesame Street Bad Riding Hood A New Beginning Born Ugly Ready To Run The Golden Era Lady of Shallott Rise Colonial Blacksmith Death Becomes Her Little Boy Blue Beauty In the Beast Sad State of Affairs Left Behind Scarlet Moods Painted Shores Eternal Guardian Midsummer Dreams racketeer studio crew Company crew Friends 1863 Vincent & Yiping Cascade Renaissance Romance Updated August 7, 2015 Score GB NA NA NA L L L NA NA G G NA NA G L G NA G G G NA G NA NA NA L L NA L G G G G L L L L G L L G L L NA L 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title List List List List Littlefield Littlefield Littlefield Littlefield Littlefield Littlefield Littlefield Littlefield Llewellyn Llewellyn Llewellyn Llewellyn Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lobel Lobel Lobel Lobel Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Doc Doc Doc Doc Jacob Jacob Jacob Jacob Bernard Bernard Bernard Bernard Eric Eric Eric Eric David David David David Sharon Sharon Sharon Sharon Lance Lance Lance Lance Mike Mike Mike Mike Linda Linda Linda Linda Pamela Molly Molly Molly Molly Mike Mike Mike Mike Considering Options On Prancer Jennifer Gets Lost Watched by the Goddess Shion Geisha Blue Gem When two path cross cleopatra Seductive Glance All Eyes On Us Coastal Elegance Florida Polytechnic Univeristy Liberty Mediterranean Sunrise Matterhorn Rocio Boop Oop A Doop Escape from Berlin On Wings of Victory The Pepsi Challenge It's Here Somewhere Stair Into My Eye Golden Crown Eerie Dawn Energy in Motion Alice in Wonderland Queen of Hearts Cinderella Cuddles Look Into My Eyes Maria Welcome Home Darling Frozen in Time Possessed There's One in Every Family Rose Red Sweet Caroline Hanging By A Thread Courthouse Quickie Hidden Behind The Blue Man Behind The Music I'm Alive On The Prowl Prehistoric Woman I'm Waiting For You Updated August 7, 2015 Score NA NA G NA NA NA NA NA G G G L NA NA NA NA NA G G NA G GB G NA L G G G G NA NA NA L G L G NA L G NA NA L NA NA NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Longuski Longuski Longuski Longuski Lough Jr. Lough Jr. Lough Jr. Lough Jr. Lourcey Lourcey Lourcey Lourcey Lout Lout Lout Lout Lowe Lowe Lowe Lowe Lozoya Lozoya Lozoya Lozoya Lozoya Lozoya Lozoya Lozoya Lozoya Lozoya Lozoya Lozoya Luciano Luciano Luciano Luciano Lucozzi Lucozzi Lucozzi Luke Luke Luke Luke Lukenbill Lukenbill Vanessa Vanessa Vanessa Vanessa Rodney Rodney Rodney Rodney Larry Larry Larry Larry James James James James Patricia Patricia Patricia Patricia Oscar Oscar Oscar Oscar Jessica Jessica Jessica Jessica Jessica Jessica Jessica Jessica Zsuzsanna Zsuzsanna Zsuzsanna Zsuzsanna George George George Patrick Patrick Patrick Patrick Janice Janice Thee Dress World Premiere Together Every Step of the Way Silent Prayer The Almighty Everythings Gonna Be Alright The Bird Bath Silk Picasso's Dancer Blowin My Mind Prancing Peacock Timeless Wonder The Farrier Wild West Bandits Milk and Cookies On The Rocks Forty Years A Cowboy A Long Way To Go The Watering Hole You First! Distraido Despair Bohemian Perceptions Desert Oasis Our Lady of Guadalupe Pastel Dunes Traditions The Accountant Inflammatory Optimist and Pessimist Smoking Kills Angelic Witness Endless Summer Eternal Serenade Spirit of Freedom Take to Flight Self Centered Feeding Time Hoop Dreams Lap Time Pointe Shoe Preparation Waiting on a Woman I Smell A Rat A Golden Moment Updated August 7, 2015 Score G G G NA NA G L L L G G G NA NA NA NA L NA GB NA L L L G NA NA G NA L NA NA NA NA NA L G G G GB G NA NA NA G G 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Lukenbill Lukenbill Lundy Lundy Lundy Lundy Lyu Lyu Lyu Lyu Maddaloni Maddaloni Maddaloni Maddaloni Maddaloni Maddaloni Maddaloni Maddaloni Madden Madden Madden Madden Magnuson Magnuson Magnuson Magnuson Mahan Mahan Mahan Makkas Makkas Makkas Makkas Malboeuf Malboeuf Malboeuf Malboeuf Mallard Mallard Mallard Mallard Malta Malta Malta Malta Janice Janice Mandy Mandy Mandy Mandy Su Min Su Min Su Min Su Min Michael Michael Michael Michael Anthony Anthony Anthony Anthony Wales Wales Wales Wales Ross Ross Ross Ross Glen Glen Glen Andreia Andreia Andreia Andreia John John John John Michelle Michelle Michelle Michelle Crystal Crystal Crystal Crystal Nature's Bonfire The Three Faces of Eve Montana Gold Mercy Seat In My Father's Hands Misty Morning in Yellowstone white dream The last performance as a boy memories in a drawer small seduction Hangin' Tough - Madison Square Garden Last Cast of Autumn Eternal Tribute Dawn, Big Round Top - Gettysburg I See Trees of Green And A Wonderful Life Shades of April Waiting At Falls Edge North Rim Golden Glow As the Sun Sets Desert Storm Fire on the Mountain Good Days End Dinner Time Let's Dance Nashville Nights Urban Art Trio of Angels Enduring Love Annabelle Sophia Deciding Angel Madame Buterfly Maurice All Thats Left The Heart of the Rose They don't make Em like they use to. Subtle Majesty Gruff Bluff Romantic Morning Winter Reflection Joy Cute as a Bellybutton This Moment Copper Banjo Updated August 7, 2015 Score NA NA L L L G L G G G NA G L G NA NA NA G NA NA NA NA G G NA G NA NA NA NA G NA NA G NA G NA L GB G NA NA NA NA NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Manner Nichole Manner Nichole Manner Nichole Manner Nichole Mansharamani Monish Mansharamani Monish Mansharamani Monish Mansharamani Monish Mansur Laura Mansur Laura Marcellino Sara Marcellino Sara Marcellino Sara Marcellino Sara Marill Anthony Marill Anthony Marill Anthony Marill Anthony Marill Anthony Marill Anthony Marill Anthony Marill Anthony Marsh Derek Title Score Marsh Derek Marsh Marsh Derek Derek Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Martin Martin Martin Martin MartineauSandberg MartineauSandberg MartineauSandberg MartineauSandberg Curley Curley Curley Curley Kenneth Kenneth Kenneth Kenneth Marie Beauty of The Beast Considering Big Hair Don't Care End of the Road Brooklyn Twilight Lost In The Desert Heart Of Dubai Angel Tree Rasta Eddie and his sax Blue Eyed Beauty He Will Move Mountains Flawless She's a Delicacy Circle of Flight Cathedral Heights Delicately Cloaked Waves of a Woman Mirror Mirror Baltimore Baker I Just Want to Remember My Parents Remembering My Grandparents Scott and Daryl, a moment alone to practice their dance while guests attended cocktail hour on weddi Tony and Steve on Wedding Day in front of Building they call Home Syd and Zach - Engaged Cory and Randy on their wedding day before I DO The Face Of Wisdom The Gate Keeper Wanna Fly Away Reminiscing The Old Grist Fall Flowage Colorado Creation Decades Of Repentance Elegance times 3 Marie Morning has Broken G Marie My Son G Marie Fairy in Disguise G Updated August 7, 2015 L G L L L G G G G NA G G G NA NA L NA NA NA NA G NA NA NA NA NA G NA NA NA G L NA G L 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Marvins Marvins Marvins Marvins Mashru Mashru Mashru Mashru Massarini Massarini Massarini Massarini Matassa Matassa Matassa Matassa Mathiesen Mathiesen Mathiesen Mathiesen Matsuda Matsuda Matsuda Matsuda Mayer Mayer Mayer Mayer McCabe McCabe McCabe McCabe McCall McCall McCall McCall McCall McCall McCall McCall McCandless McCandless McCandless McCandless McCann Edward Edward Edward Edward Maz Maz Maz Maz Frederick Frederick Frederick Frederick Bonnie Bonnie Bonnie Bonnie Tim Tim Tim Tim Takaaki Takaaki Takaaki Takaaki Seth Seth Seth Seth Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Jennifer Jennifer Jennifer Jennifer Mark Mark Mark Mark Kristin Kristin Kristin Kristin Kellie Hill Country Autumn Pretty In Pink Rainy Afternoon Together The Muralist Queen of the Castle Moghul Bride City Romance Vintage Bride First Round Draft Choice Night Stalker Columns and Curves Travelin' Man Prayerful Thoughts Puppy Love Rock and Roll The Blacksmith Segerstrom Concert Hall Historic Fransiscan Chapel Oceanside Pier UCSD Library Departure Farmer Kimono bride HOOPLA Devil's Golf Course Elemental Dreams For Sale-Needs Work Dawn is Breaking Mormon Ranch Morning Once a Dream Home Happy Together Her Best Friend Little Miss Two Mini Picasso Back to the Cape Cold War Teammates Made in America Smoked Kraut STILL I RISE Unconditionally Eternity Wonder Lost Soul Updated August 7, 2015 Score NA NA G G NA GB NA G G G NA NA NA NA NA G L G G G NA NA NA G L NA NA G NA G G G NA NA NA NA NA L L L NA NA NA NA L 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title McCann McCann McCann McCartyPalumbo McCartyPalumbo McCartyPalumbo McCartyPalumbo McClanahan McClanahan McClanahan McClanahan McClanahan McClanahan McClanahan McClanahan McClanahan McClanahan McClanahan McClanahan McClanahan Kellie Kellie Kellie Jennifer Child of Cristo Rey Arican Child Tanzanian Bush Girl Pointe of Grace L G NA G Jennifer Dahlia Delight L Jennifer Love Me So Sweetly G Jennifer Some Bunny Loves Me L Alex Alex Alex Alex Rodney Rodney Rodney Rodney Dan Dan Dan Dan Dan G G G G NA NA L NA L L L L L McClanahan McClanahan McClanahan McColm McColm McColm McColm McCoy McCoy McCoy McCoy McCreery McCreery McCreery McCreery McCue McCue McCue McCue McDermott McDermott Dan Dan Dan Jeremy Jeremy Jeremy Jeremy Lori Lori Lori Lori Nathan Nathan Nathan Nathan Kim Kim Kim Kim Paul Paul Andrea & Nick Grace & Brandon Sunset Smiles Adrienne & Karl Indy 500 winner Look Out incoming Nose Guard The Marshal Blooming Beauty Refined Steel Dusk Voyage Four Seasons Debut of a New Olympic Sport: Downhill Snowballing What are YOU Looking at?! We Are The Cyclones The Dangerous Lure of Entertainment Gooseberry Falls Split Rock Lighthouse Ticked Off Cinderella Dressed for Success I'd Be Lost Without Her Quiet Confidence Modern Mona Lisa Sea Stack and Surf Sunburst Tree A Soft Arizona Sunrise Penitente Morada Bloom Where You're Planted Desert Nights I Hope You Dance Symphony At Sunset Solace Splish Splash Updated August 7, 2015 Score L L G G G NA G G NA G G NA G L NA NA NA NA NA G G 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title McDermott McDermott McDonough McDonough McDonough McDonough McElroy McGann McGann McGann McGann McGarghan McGarghan McGarghan McGarghan McGee McGee McGee McGee McGrail McGrail McGrail McGrail McGraw McGraw McGraw McGraw McHarney McHarney McHarney McHarney McKay McKay McKay McKay mckinney mckinney mckinney mckinney McLemore McLemore McLemore McLemore McMasters McMasters Paul Paul Christine Christine Christine Christine Carla Julie Julie Julie Julie Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Tracy Tracy Tracy Tracy Allison Allison Allison Allison Alisha Alisha Alisha Alisha Sophia Sophia Sophia Sophia David David David David lori lori lori lori Colby Colby Colby Colby David David Definition of a Dancer Them Eyes little brother in the middle just another break in the wall turn over a new leaf best bike rack First Snow Mr. Ketchup & Me Tyrannosaurus Rita's New Purple Hair The Fairy Tree Bubble Fairy Ancient One Cast Off Frosty Morning Heading Out Softly Stretching Fireball Getting Sloshed Standing Tall The Balance of Good and Evil Protecting Her People Her Escape Seeking Grace Breathe In The Moment Perfect Match Lavender Elegance Looking Back At The Past Shifting Sands WoodyEntanglements Migrating Snow Geese Lobsters-Anyone Winter Hunt Veteran Layered in Life Detailed by Design Flower child Modern Mona Lisa Winter Wishes Magic hour Burning the Mist Away Purple Mountain Majesty A Slice of Grandma's Cooking Never Leave Home Layers Summerflower Updated August 7, 2015 Score G NA NA G NA NA NA GB G NA NA NA L NA NA G L L G NA G G G NA NA G G NA G NA G L NA NA L G G G NA GB NA L L L G 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title McMasters McMasters McMillen McMillen McMillen McMillen McNeilly McNeilly McNeilly McNeilly McWilliams McWilliams McWilliams McWilliams Mears Mears Mears Mears Mears Mears Mears Mears Medcalfe Medcalfe Medcalfe Medcalfe Meek Meek Meek Meek Meek Meek Meek Meek Meezan Meezan Meezan Meezan Megay Megay Megay Menshov Menshov Menshov Menshov David David Jared Jared Jared Jared Randy Randy Randy Randy David David David David Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin Amy Amy Amy Amy Tracey Tracey Tracey Tracey Kathryn Kathryn Kathryn Kathryn Gary Gary Gary Gary Kat Kat Kat Kat Keith Keith Keith Lucy Lucy Lucy Lucy Winter Quite Mists of the Blue Ridge TWO One Moment Falls Hour Glass Infinity The Colonel in Twilight The Perils of Fatherhood Rock and Roll Will Never Die Sun Set, Moon Rise Sweet Seduction The Sentinel Quiet Comfort Sweet Natasha Tortured Danger! High Voltage! Lost Hope Birds of a Feather After the Harvest All but Forgotten Moonlight Dance Soft Petals Can You Still See Me? Colour Me Leaves Evergreen Smile Shine Chapel Reflection Venetian Street The Grand Canel Interior by Unique Design Valentines Day The Rendezvous The Gondolier The Bird Man of Dubruvnik Enchantment Sheer Beauty One of Those Days Ready To Go Sparkman Darkness I Remember You Giraffes at sunrise Brother and Sister Charming Olivia Best Gift Eve Big Flower for Little Abigail Updated August 7, 2015 Score G NA NA L G L L G L L G G G NA L G GB L NA NA NA G NA NA NA NA L G L G L G G L G L G G NA NA NA NA NA G NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Merchent Merchent Merchent Merchent Merchent Merchent Merchent Merchent Merck Merck Merck Merck Merrill Merrill Merrill Merrill Messaros Messaros Messaros Messaros Messenbaeck Messenbaeck Messenbaeck Messenbaeck Messer Messer Messer Messer Mezquida Mezquida Mezquida Mezquida Michael Michael Michael Michael Michaels Michaels Michaels Michaels Michal Michal Michal Michal Mignogno Christine Christine Christine Christine Christine Christine Christine Christine Kristin Kristin Kristin Kristin Patricia Patricia Patricia Patricia A. Daniel A. Daniel A. Daniel A. Daniel Franz Franz Franz Franz Penny Penny Penny Penny Jaime Jaime Jaime Jaime Keri Keri Keri Keri David David David David Susan Susan Susan Susan Paula Sacred Hawaiian Tree Rain delay Chapel at the Tower I Just Love Dieting Artist Sketching London Guilty Graffiti Bitch Self-portrait Video Game Attacks You're So Vein Ride to the Sky Shattered Experience This Amish Autumn Afternoon Herder in Repose Little Orphan Sad Eyes On Top of Old Smoky Here's Looking At You Sand Journey Earning Her Keep Man With Leprosy The Skin Of A Methuselah Abandoned Winding Road In The Morning Light Catching Serenity Day Breaks for the Lonely Sentinel Hudson Valley School Reflection Storms a Comin' DENIA COLORS CITY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES BULLS TO THE SEA FESTIVAL Time for Tea? Lovely and Single Sky Dancers Sweetling Winter Coat Belle of the Balls Executive Portrait Blue Morning, Blue Day Solitaire Ice Queen Shades of Pink The Color of Love Sittin Pretty Updated August 7, 2015 Score G L G NA NA NA NA NA NA G NA G G G G NA G G G NA NA G NA NA NA G G G G NA G NA NA G GB G NA G G NA L L L G NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Mignogno Mignogno Mignogno Migues Migues Migues Migues Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Millner Millner Millner Millner Mills Mills Mills Mills Minielly Minielly Paula Paula Paula Gary Gary Gary Gary Glenn Glenn Glenn Glenn Dani Dani Dani Dani Samaria Samaria Samaria Samaria Wayne Wayne Wayne Wayne Lester Lester Lester Lester Troy Troy Troy Troy Wayne Wayne Wayne Wayne Stephanie Stephanie Stephanie Stephanie Ruben Ruben Ruben Ruben Craig Craig Rose, Among the Thorns Watch It Pretty as a Picture Day Dream Silent Pier Glacier Rain Swamp Thing Sgt. Pepper Captain Accordion The Guitar Man String Theory Time Out Purest Petal Butterfly Wishes Magnolia Dreams Just a Taste Baby Blues Love in Full Bloom After the Game Next The Tramp Transformation of a San Francisco Icon Zabriski Point at Sunrise Canyon Cascades Caldera Spring Parliament Moonrise Prism Valley Grandmas Blessing Kiss Me Piers End Rain Cant Stop Love Fatal Attraction Free Flight Nowhere in Sight Time Travelers Parisian Dawn Momma's Boy Venetian Rainbow A Tisket, a Tasket, a Fluffy Pom-Filled Basket Salmon Run Field of dreams Island of light Balancing Act The Privateer View To A Thrill Updated August 7, 2015 Score NA G NA L G G G NA NA NA NA L L L G GB NA NA NA NA L G G G NA G NA NA NA NA NA G NA GB G G G G NA NA NA NA G G L 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Minielly Minielly Miniter Miniter Miniter Miniter Miniter Miniter Miniter Miniter Minshull Minshull Minshull Minshull Miroslavich Miroslavich Miroslavich Miroslavich Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mobley Mobley Mobley Mobley Mojtahed Mojtahed Mojtahed Mojtahed Moll Moll Moll Moll Monteith Monteith Monteith Monteith Moody Moody Moody Moody Moore Moore Moore Craig Craig Alison Alison Alison Alison Alison Alison Alison Alison Amy Amy Amy Amy Melissa Melissa Melissa Melissa Marie Marie Marie Marie Cheryl Cheryl Cheryl Cheryl Naser Naser Naser Naser Darrell Darrell Darrell Darrell Ann Ann Ann Ann Stephen Stephen Stephen Stephen Chrystal Chrystal Chrystal Beautiful Dreamer Creation ssssSlinky The Sultan Alternate Universe Battered To The Light Salt Flat Racer Always Watching Phychosis Forgotten Adam's Eve dripping with anticipation Leap of Faith Steampunk Couture My Ears Hang Low Cookies! Bullies Baby Blues Old Yeller I'm dressed up, Mommy, take me with you Suing the Groomer! Keeping Watch Over Paris Timeless Normandie Harbour Sheer Beauty Feel the Intensity Ruby Red Four Cylinder Totem Pole In Search of Lost Time An Evening at Ox Bow Double Duty The Cabin In The Woods Twilight At Three Rivers North Atlantic Beacon Low Tide on the Marsh Tranquil Hillside Hardscrabble Farm Lucifer Art In Its Most Human Form Phoenix Statuesque Be Afraid Be Very Afraid Freedom Above Please Please Don't Score Updated August 7, 2015 Score NA NA G G L G L G G L G NA G G G G G G G G NA NA G NA NA NA L L NA G NA GB GB L L L G L NA G NA NA NA G NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Moore Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Mortensen Mortensen Mortensen Mortensen Motoyama Motoyama Mowbray Mowbray Mowbray Mowbray Mowbray Mowbray Mowbray Mowbray Moxley Moxley Moxley Moxley Mueller Mueller Mueller Mueller Mueller Mueller Mueller Mueller Mun Mun Mun Mun Muncy Muncy Chrystal Brandi Brandi Brandi Brandi Brian Brian Brian Brian Brian Brian Brian Brian Mary Mary Mary Mary Hajime Hajime Michael Michael Michael Michael Michael Michael Michael Michael Brooke Brooke Brooke Brooke Sindi Sindi Sindi Sindi Sindi Sindi Sindi Sindi Ah Sung Ah Sung Ah Sung Ah Sung Dawn Dawn Close Call Kiss me you Fool Woman in the Waiting Waiting on the Train You talkin to me? I Sacrifice For My Art Intersections I Have a Secret to Tell You None Shall Pass Are You the Big Bad Wolf? Scorned Get Out and Don't Come Back Killed by Death Reflection Ying-Yang Psychedelicate Nature's Song chapel wedding Japan classic Arch Angel AC/DC Frazzled Stately Bride The Grande Finale Short Fuse En Pointe Technicolor Scream Queen Snug As A Bug Sweet Slumber Big Dreams Little One Did I Miss The Party? Are You Talking To Me Poised For Perfection Bring The Heat The Monster In My Head Dawn Beckons She Waits Nevermore The Last Solo Silence Try Sweet home Cute smile Butterfly Heaven Chalk Up Another Win Updated August 7, 2015 Score NA G NA G G L G G L NA L G L NA NA NA G NA NA G G G G L NA NA NA G NA L G NA L G G L NA GB L NA NA G NA G G 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Muncy Muncy Munoz Munoz Munoz Munoz Munoz Munoz Munoz Munoz Munoz Munoz Munoz Munoz Munoz Munoz Munoz Munoz Munoz Munoz Munoz Munoz Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murray Murray Murray Murray Must Must Must Must Nader Nader Nader Nader Nagira Nagira Nagira Dawn Dawn Fonzie Fonzie Fonzie Fonzie Alberto Alberto Alberto Alberto Armando Armando Armando Armando Mario Mario Mario Mario Tomas Tomas Tomas Tomas Kim Kim Kim Kim Duane Duane Duane Duane John John John John Monni Monni Monni Monni John John John John Masashi Masashi Masashi Explosive Pointe of Grace Seductive Mystique Sit Boo Boo Sit...Good Dog Sweet Innocence Shift Work Blessed Family Retreat Promise Made Awaiting her mister Modern Day DalÌ_ Words Can`t Explain Queenie A Ruined Romance Time to Reflect Redemption Natasha & Nathan A Day in Paris Adored Divine Light Natasha & Nathan Treasure Coast Romance Peek A Boo Cotton Pickn Family Elmer Fudd the early years Sunset In Paradise What is in the Abyss Don't Let Your Balloon Fly Away A California Adventure Help Me, Please The Stand at Yosemite Fishing First Light Overwhelmed Seaside Mission Diamond in the Rough Everything but Wings Mama Mia! Visionary Dreaming Caught in the Alley Heels on the Wall A Kiss in the Wind Angel on earth Dressing in kimono at the shrine Marriage in the snowy morning Updated August 7, 2015 Score G L NA NA NA NA NA G NA L L G G NA G L NA G NA L G L L GB GB G G NA NA NA L L L NA G G L G NA NA NA NA G NA NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Nagira Nakamura Nakamura Nakamura Nakamura Nakamura Nakamura Nakamura Nakamura Naugher Naugher Naugher Naugher Navarette Navarette Navarette Navarette Neill Neill Neill Neill Neitzert Neitzert Neitzert Neitzert Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Neubauer Neubauer Neubauer Neubauer Newell Newell Newell Newell Newkirk Newkirk Newkirk Newkirk Masashi Karen Karen Karen Karen Karen Karen Karen Karen Ann Ann Ann Ann Angela Angela Angela Angela Robert Robert Robert Robert Carl Carl Carl Carl Barry Barry Barry Barry Kristin Kristin Kristin Kristin Mike Mike Mike Mike Richard Richard Richard Richard Martha Martha Martha Martha The beautiful day Early Morning Catch The Perfect Pair Floral Elegance Orchid Bloom Fluttering Sunshine Petals And Wings Peaceful Moment Butterfly Zen A Nod to Norman One Enchanted Evening Home On The Range Elianna Rose Balancing Act Emerging Beauty On the Fence They Call Me Little Feather Down Under Sundowner Dream Time Oldies but Goodies Sun Kissed Dream Shore Timeless Love Red Baron Made In Detroit Man Of Distinction The Boss White Trash Little Gentleman The Way She Was On The Prowl They Will Never Know Heaven's Trail Empyreal Morning Glory Steadfast Wind Blown Daybreak The Gatekeeper Lost Soul Little Heartbreaker Its Whats Inside that Counts Shes Got The Look Orchard Angel Updated August 7, 2015 Score NA G G GB L G L GB G L GB G L L G NA L NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA L L L G NA NA G G L NA NA G L G NA G G G G L 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Nicholson Nicholson Nicholson Nicholson Nisbet Nisbet Nisbet Nisbet Niser Niser Niser Niser Nisly Nisly Nisly Nisly Nisly Nisly Nisly Nisly Nock Nock Nock Nogle Nogle Nogle Nogle Nordlund Nordlund Nordlund Nordlund Norman Norman Norman Norman Norment Norment Norment Norment Norwood Norwood Norwood Norwood Novak Novak David David David David Cathy Cathy Cathy Cathy Beth Beth Beth Beth James James James James Genevieve Genevieve Genevieve Genevieve Kelly Kelly Kelly Gail Gail Gail Gail Dana Dana Dana Dana Brian Brian Brian Brian Ann Ann Ann Ann Kathy Kathy Kathy Kathy Christina Christina Stormy Starlet Up Next Ready and Waiting Stare Down Blue Beuty Dynamic Duo Peach Delight Stargazer Noah Poppy Jane Seashore Star Zachariah Dana&Justin Amanda&Tom Allison&Alex Nicole&Scott Dana&Justin Amanda&Tom Allison&Alex Nicole&Scott Golden Boy Little Girl Mischief Never Forgotten Russian Royalty Floral Delivery Heading Home Stairway to Nowhere We Are Merely Players Are You Afraid of Clowns? Smoke Break Daily Bread Genevieve Eye of the Bride Reeds First Bath Childhood Moments Are you talking to me? Graceful Innocence Reflection of Love Feathers, Pearls and Curls Come Play With Me Cutting Up Dottie Tiny Dancer Winter's Bridge to Nowhere Winter's Hush Updated August 7, 2015 Score G L G NA NA GB G NA NA G G G G G G G L G G G NA NA NA G GB L G NA NA G L NA NA NA NA G NA G NA G NA G G L NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Novak Novak Novo Novo Novo Novo Odashima Odashima Odashima Odashima Odiorne Odiorne Odiorne Odiorne Oehler Oehler Oehler Oehler Ogar Ogar Ogar Ogar Oh Oh Oh Oh Ok Ok Ok Ok O'Kane O'Kane O'Kane O'Kane Okumoto Okumoto Okumoto Okumoto Olson Olson Olson Olson Olson Olson Olson Christina Christina Michael Michael Michael Michael Yukihisa Yukihisa Yukihisa Yukihisa Kathleen Kathleen Kathleen Kathleen Mark Mark Mark Mark Susan Susan Susan Susan Hwa Young Hwa Young Hwa Young Hwa Young Sylwia Sylwia Sylwia Sylwia Dermot Dermot Dermot Dermot Dwight Dwight Dwight Dwight Kyleen Kyleen Kyleen Kyleen Darcy Darcy Darcy A Shelter in the Time of Storm Just Chillin' Alice In Perdition Pinup Adventures Of Doctor Candy Come For The Sweets, Stay For The Treats The Lady Of The House Kotobuki MIYABI YAMATO Zuihou Elements of Motion Elegant Beauty Kissed By the Sun Touch, and Get Burned Brothers What a Witch Quest Married Couple Timeless Rainy Day Friend Frozen Harbor First Solo Traditional Korean dancing Golden light bridge Play in water copy Violin player Little Dreamer Spirit of Mother and Child Monuments at Dawn Pure Sweetness Cathedral Grove Refresh Sherman Falls The Ghost Ship Of Jordan Harbour Come, Follow Me Home Delta Force America's Winner Victory Lane Sunlit Dancer End of the Trail First Day Stats Senior Expressions Walk to Salvation Rock of Ages The Rose Updated August 7, 2015 Score GB GB NA GB L G G NA G NA G G L L NA NA NA NA G L G NA G NA NA NA G GB G G G G NA NA L L NA NA NA NA NA NA L L L 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Olson Oman Oman Oman Oman Oman Oman Oman Oman O'Shea O'Shea O'Shea O'Shea Otto Otto Otto Otto Otto Otto Otto Otto Owen Owen Owens Owens Owens Owens Owens Owens Owens Owens Packard Packard Packard Packard Page Page Page Page Pahl Pahl Pahl Pahl Paliungas Paliungas Darcy Rodney Rodney Rodney Rodney Rodney Rodney Rodney Rodney Sandy Sandy Sandy Sandy Ginny Ginny Ginny Ginny Ginny Ginny Ginny Ginny Katherine Katherine Noreen Noreen Noreen Noreen Sherry Sherry Sherry Sherry Linda M Linda M Linda M Linda M Katherine Tracy Katherine Tracy Katherine Tracy Katherine Tracy Janel Janel Janel Janel Jim Jim The Early Flight Creation of Balance Electric Crossing Waiting Prime Ride Armed and Ready Limbo Updated August 7, 2015 Rebel on the Move Vintage Doll Little Miss Prissy You are Not Alone You Can't Make Me Eat Them Brussel Sprouts Nature's Imperfections Vintage Prop What's HER Problem??? The Great White Egret Center of Attention Single Image Creation Refurbished Feathers Preen for Perfection Thats a wrap Almost Hepburn Einstein's Mother Wild Card The Dance of Sisterhood Reflections Within Slow Motion Late Arrival Fragile Beauty Cypress Dancers Sugar Plum Pat A Cake, Pat A Cake, Baker's Man Snug With Her Pug Fantasy Voyager Age of Innocence Feeling Grizzly JosÌ©phine Regality Comfortable In Her Skin Misty Morning Hunt Sand Trees Aspens at Sunset All That Glitters Oh And Some Flowers And Champagne Score GB GB G G L G G NA G L L G G G G GB L G NA NA G G GB L G GB G L G G L L G G G G G NA G NA G L G NA NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Paliungas Paliungas Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Parente Charlebois Parente Charlebois Parente Charlebois Parente Charlebois Park Park Park Park Park Park Park Park Parry Parry Parry Parry Parsley Parsley Parsley Parsley Parsley Parsley Parsley Parsley Pasko Pasko Pasko Patel Patel Patel Patel Patrou Patrou Patrou Patrou Patterson Jim Jim Matthew Matthew Matthew Matthew Serena I Just Love My Boots Just Style And Legs Pharaoh Hound Whippet at Night Australian Shepherd in Storm Golden Retriever in Field Birthday Boy, Birthday Joy! G NA NA NA G NA NA Serena Jewish Ghetto at Twilight G Serena Little Me L Serena Timeless Passage NA Jong Suk Jong Suk Jong Suk Jong Suk Eung Tae Eung Tae Eung Tae Eung Tae Deanne Deanne Deanne Deanne Michelle Michelle Michelle Michelle Michelle Michelle Michelle Michelle Brian Brian Brian Yogi Yogi Yogi Yogi Allen Allen Allen Allen Chryseis The artist My lady Sworn brother Young-e Calm Police woman Parturient woman The Monk Big Bear Little Bear Vino Straw Hat Three Hearts Dear John Valiant The Sentinel Into the Woods Almost Home Beware the Siren Song Pandora's Box Who Goes There? Age of Aquarius Into the Storm Evening Flight Starways to togetherness Desert Old Man Radiant The Holy Man Bernie Man Just Another Day La Fleur Time To Say Goodbye Bee Wear NA NA NA G L G NA NA NA NA G NA L GB L L L G L L L NA G NA G L L G G NA GB NA Updated August 7, 2015 Score 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Patterson Patterson Patterson Paulis Paulis Paulis Paulis Payeur Payeur Payeur Payeur Payne Payne Payne Payne Pearce Pearce Pearce Pearce Pearce Pearce Pearce Pearce Pedi Pedi Pedi Pedi Pelegrino Pelegrino Pelegrino Pelegrino Penland Penland Penland Penland Perea Perea Perea Perea Perez Perez Perez Perez Perry Perry Chryseis Chryseis Chryseis Chris Chris Chris Chris Matthew Matthew Matthew Matthew Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Sandra Sandra Sandra Sandra Sandra Sandra Sandra Sandra Ed Ed Ed Ed Brittany Brittany Brittany Brittany Ted Ted Ted Ted John John John John Carrie Carrie Carrie Carrie Booray Booray Maria Maria Morning After Of the Earth I Too Am American The Hole in Autumn Pond Stealth Fish Out of Water Old Man Winter Crime Beat Winter's Keeper Protecting the Nest 5000 Shades of Gray Artist's Point Dawn's Frosty Arrival The Conversation Carson Perfect Catch Night Hunt The Stain Glass Bird Wrongfully Convicted The Visitor Yes Dear... The Chicken Dance Daydreaming Lexi Shy Sparky Steals The Show Bennett Journey Emily Field of Eccles Nathan Vitameatavegamin Time Traveler The Countess National Fitness Month The New New York Testing The Vintage Our Nation Remembers My Ride Cloudy with a Chance of Showers In Good Hands Nothin but a Smile Full of Promise The Final Detail Daddy's Girl Updated August 7, 2015 Score NA G NA G NA G G G L L G NA NA NA NA G G L L GB L L L G L L G NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA G NA NA NA NA G NA G G G 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Perry Perry Peterman Peterman Peterman Peterman Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Petrie Petrie Petrie Petrie Petta-Pelletier Petta-Pelletier Petta-Pelletier Petta-Pelletier Pezeshki Pezeshki Pezeshki Pezeshki Phang Phang Phang Phang Philbrick Philbrick Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phox Booray Booray Tashia Tashia Tashia Tashia Nate Nate Nate Nate Rose Rose Rose Rose Randy Randy Randy Randy Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Nancy Nancy Nancy Nancy Tina Tina Tina Tina Kimberly Kimberly Kimberly Kimberly Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Cary Cary Tracy Tracy Tracy Tracy Andrea Without a Paddle Summertime Blues Follow Me Dark Rabbit Forsaken Poetic Dreams Eyes of the Tiger Humble Perfection Season's Over Solo Symphony Sunset Dance Maiden in the Grass Thumbs Up A Soft Feather Dream The Guardian Down Hill, Down Town Etched In Time Scouting The Shallows In from the Outback The Odd Couple Sweet Innocence Sir Otis Calhoun of Lanesburough Autumn Butterfly Bon Voyage The Final Fall Inseparable A Stroll In The Daffodil Field Baxter Weighing In At 7 and 1/4 lbs. Pretty In Lace Rusting Place Luminescents Antika Tranquil Butt Cant take my eyes off you Drifting with the wind My wife is a gamer Bandits Lair Water Powered spiral ascent beauty light made in china sunday morning forbidden Landing Updated August 7, 2015 Score NA NA NA L NA NA G NA G G G NA NA NA G NA G L GB L NA L L G NA G NA NA NA G NA G NA L NA NA NA G NA GB G NA G L L 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Phox Phox Phox Piche Piche Piche Piche Pickett Pickett Pickett Pickett Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Pitre Pitre Pitre Pitre Poindexter Poindexter Poindexter Poindexter Poland Poland Poland Poland Polizzi Polizzi Polizzi Polizzi Pollard Pollard Pollard Pollard Pollard Pollard Pollard Pollard Pollock Pollock Andrea Andrea Andrea Sherry Sherry Sherry Sherry Heather Heather Heather Heather Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim James P James P James P James P Willard Willard Willard Willard Jean Jean Jean Jean Peter Peter Peter Peter Randy Randy Randy Randy Laura Laura Laura Laura Greg Greg Poverty Beach Primordial Dawn One Last Ride Busters Mug Shot Delicate Anatomy Overlooked Details Precocious Bundled Joy Nested Purity Balancing Act Intertwined Heart Ice Queen Metamorphasis The Dark Passensger Watch Your Step My Muse What to wear Turmoil Venus Reborn MIster C Simple Elegance Peasant Boy On Target Dionne Flaunt It Evening Aloha Churning at Pounders Beach Does this make my head look big? Cheeky Charmer Fraternal Connection She's from the good ship Pouty-Pop Give Me Liberty Granny's Girl Shattered Dreams Stolen Moment Enough Homeless in the Homeland Have I Got A Deal For You Past Due All In A Day's Work Beauty and the Beast Weekend Getaway Phoenix Sunrise Fire & Ice Searching for Walter Updated August 7, 2015 Score L L G G NA L G NA G L L G G L G G NA G NA G NA NA NA L G L G G NA G GB NA NA G G L L L G G G G G G NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Pollock Pollock Ponthier Ponthier Ponthier Ponthier Poole Poole Poole Poole Potter Potter Potter Potter Potthast Potthast Potthast Potthast Powers Powers Powers Powers Powers Powers Powers Powers Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Pratt Pratt Pratt Pratt Presecan Presecan Presecan Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Greg Greg Yvette Yvette Yvette Yvette Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff Dawn Dawn Dawn Dawn Michael Michael Michael Michael Mark Mark Mark Mark John John John John Julie Julie Julie Julie Amanda Amanda Amanda Amanda Karen Karen Karen Marvin Marvin Marvin Russ Russ Russ Russ Michael The Other Side We ride for those who died Day's End In Venice Parking At The Isle Of Capri The Messenger Tied Up In Tuscany Burn in Hell Blue Steel The Body Builder Tears of Gold Over the Rainbow The Sweetest Lullaby The Beauty in Nature The Thinker black widow isabella swat the morning pull The Red Barn In Winter Safe Haven Sketch A Tangled Spectacle A Steamy Fall Day Alone Again Naturally Birds Of A Feather Purple Halo Somewhere Else Classic Beauty A Reverent Honor Summer Storm at Sylvan Lake A Grand Fog Rolling In Clean Eagle in the Pine Bring on the Storm Breaching the Glass Shades of Gray Lying Down on the Job Tell Me More Iris Mayflower Yellow Ladyslipper Blizzard View Window Seat Femme Fatale Stonehill Stables I Grant You Three Wishes Updated August 7, 2015 Score NA NA NA G L NA G L G L NA NA NA G G GB NA G G NA G NA GB G G G NA NA NA NA G NA NA NA G NA NA NA G G NA NA NA NA G 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Price Price Price Priest Priest Priest Priest Prion Prion Prion Prion Privett Privett Privett Privett Privette Privette Privette Privette Proskurina Proskurina Proskurina Pruitt Pruitt Pruitt Pruitt Puckett Puckett Puckett Puckett Purvines Purvines Purvines Purvines Pyle Pyle Pyle Pyle Pyle Pyle Pyle Pyle Quellet Quellet Quellet Michael Michael Michael Tim Tim Tim Tim Petra Petra Petra Petra Donita Massey Donita Massey Donita Massey Donita Massey Paul Paul Paul Paul Marina Marina Marina Joy Joy Joy Joy Gary Gary Gary Gary Molly Molly Molly Molly Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Heidi Heidi Heidi I Play Them All Muscle and Steel Best Foot Forward Fire Storm Untamed Potty Break Basilica of Saint Adalbert Forget Me Not Summer As White As Snow Playful Bella Rose Daddy's Home! Rabbit Hole With All My Heart Maestro, Master of Carnegie Hall Evening Bride It Won't Be Like This For Long... Sunset Glow VANESSA Face of Melody Scrapbook of Life Who's a good boy? Licorice Bits Agressive Weed Control Where's My Cookie? Sunset In Paradise Mother Child Reunion I Am Marshall Going Deep Beautiful Dreamer Brought Into The Light Rule Breaker Sydney Sailor Grid Iron Gladiator Bases Loaded Midnight Run Bourbon Street Blues Champions of Flight Play Ball Baseball With Attitude America's Sweetheart What Lies Ahead Come Sail Away Peaceful Reflections Updated August 7, 2015 Score G L NA L NA NA G G L G G L NA GB NA NA G NA L NA NA G G NA NA G G NA L G G G G G G GB G L L L L L G L L 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Quellet Quintanilla Quintanilla Quintanilla Quintanilla Quintanilla Quintanilla Quintanilla Quintanilla Quintero Quintero Quintero Quintero Quisenberry Quisenberry Quisenberry Quisenberry Radicelli Radicelli Radicelli Radicelli Randall Randall Randall Randall Ranson Ranson Ranson Ranson Raupp Raupp Raupp Raupp Reddehase Reddehase Reddehase Reddehase Reddehase Reddehase Reddehase Reddehase Reddehase Reddehase Reddehase Reddehase Heidi Jose Jose Jose Jose Jose Jose Jose Jose Lilliana Lilliana Lilliana Lilliana David David David David Kristen Kristen Kristen Kristen Janel Janel Janel Janel Cliff Cliff Cliff Cliff Don Don Don Don Cristie Cristie Cristie Cristie Cristie Cristie Cristie Cristie Melinda Melinda Melinda Melinda I'll Be Two Steps Behind You A Simple Peace Lily Graceful Beauty Scent For A Woman Still a bud Blue Machine I'm Single Lonely My Friend, My Prison, My Torment Slugger Bookworm Little Man What? Up on a Pedestal Red Rose for Mom Unbroken Here to Protect You Blue Balloon Blues He Loves Me He Loves Me Not Almost Famous Diamonds & Furs A Hunter's Dream It's good to be the King In Flight Meal How YOU Doin'? Jackson Whiskey Street Magnolia Grandiflora December 26th Creeping Time Nesting Paint the sky's pink Evening cruise Star Catchers Birds of a Feather Flora Bella Autumnal Beauty Evelyn Hooter Farm Brooklyns Butterflies A Pirates Life For Me Wasteland City Remnants Elementary My Dear Maleficent Updated August 7, 2015 Score G L G G G NA NA NA G NA G G G G GB G G G NA NA NA L G L L L G GB G G GB G NA L L L L G GB L L G G L G 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Reiman Reiman Reiman Reiman Reinford Reinford Reinford Reinford Reinford Repeta Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Judy Judy Judy Judy Judy Madonna Lovett Madonna Lovett Madonna Lovett Madonna Lovett Madonna Lovett Madonna Lovett Madonna Lovett Madonna Lovett Pete Pete Pete Pete Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Jasmine Jasmine Jasmine Jasmine Jeremy Jeremy Jeremy Jeremy Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin Debbie Hard Way To Make A Living Tea Time I'm On Island Time! Seeking Shade Cotton Candy Sky Foot Prints Golden Pier Out Of The Womb And Into The Nest Midnight Enchantment Grumpy Owl G G NA G G G G G G L The Island Of Venice G The Gladiators NA A River Runs Thru It NA The Village Awakens G The Iceman NA Sunset Sail NA Climbing Thru The Clouds NA Triple Play Yard Crasher Struck Out South Side Scrapper River Fog Reflections Snail Trail Night Flower Blooming In The Tidal Pools Framed Cookie? Duck Duck Goose Speckled Beauty Afternoon Tea Anticipation McMillan Family Day Out Sisters on a Park Bench 50 and Fabulous Truly Lovely in Teal Mom, Dad, and the Daughters Weathered Wisdome At First Glance L G L L NA GB GB NA L G G G G NA G NA G NA NA NA G Repeta Repeta Repeta Repeta Repeta Repeta Repeta Rezac Rezac Rezac Rezac Rice Rice Rice Rice Richards Richards Richards Richards Ridout Ridout Ridout Ridout Riggins Riggins Riggins Riggins Riggs Updated August 7, 2015 Score 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Riggs Riggs Riggs Rim Rim Rim Rim Ritchick Ritchick Ritchick Ritchick Ritchie Ritchie Ritchie Ritchie Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Debbie Debbie Debbie Myeoung Hwan Myeoung Hwan Myeoung Hwan Myeoung Hwan Glenda Glenda Glenda Glenda Mike Mike Mike Mike Sam Sam Sam Sam Kathy Sue Kathy Sue Kathy Sue Kathy Sue Jose Jose Jose Jose Jessica Jessica Jessica Jessica Paul Paul Paul Paul Pierre Pierre Rance Rance Rance Rance Paul Paul Paul Paul Graceful Precision Dangerous Heat Bright Eyes Give me Wedding A nest of love Focused on me Baby Blue Eyes Friday Nights Gone Boating Pride Of The Cavalier Lost Text Messages Obsidian Perseverance VINTAGE RED SHE'S GOT LEGS THE PERSISTENCE OF MEMORIES GOSSIP GIRLS Almost Innocent precious penelope Saturday Night Bath Time Ivy Homage YoungMaestro Stradivarius in D Minor The Librarian Channeling Sinatra DREADful Keep Your Paws Off My Drawers Ruby Ballerina Prima Ballerina Vintage Bride Soon To Be Wed Hard Rock Night Me and my hat Talk To The Hand Wild Cobblestone Natures Path Mistical Mourning Solitude Side Out Arid Beauty Artist's Point Lip Moisturizer Updated August 7, 2015 Score G G NA NA NA L NA NA G G NA L G G G NA NA NA G L L G L L NA G G G NA G G NA NA NA NA G G G NA G G G G G L 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Rogerson Rogerson Rogerson Rogerson Rohlk Rohlk Rohlk Rohlk Rojas Rojas Rojas Romano Romano Romano Romano Romano Romano Romano Romano Romoser Romoser Romoser Romoser Ronalds Ronalds Ronalds Ronalds Rooney Rooney Rooney Roscoe Roscoe Roscoe Roscoe Rosewall Rosewall Rosewall Rosewall Rotta Rotta Rotta Rotta Rouse Rouse Rouse Peggy Peggy Peggy Peggy Lisa Lisa Lisa Lisa Rafael Rafael Rafael Cindy Cindy Cindy Cindy Cindy Cindy Cindy Cindy Florina Florina Florina Florina Cathy Cathy Cathy Cathy Adelaide Adelaide Adelaide Bruce Bruce Bruce Bruce Ray Ray Ray Ray Dawn Dawn Dawn Dawn Thom Thom Thom Efflorescence in Fushia Gentle Spirit Emma Gypsy Vanner Strong Beginnings Dakota Dusk And the Lightning Strikes Forgotten and Alone Married with the blessing of God God is behind us The Mexican Charro. Bruiser Mugzy Magoo Night at the Museum To Blind to See Depression Pearl of the Ocean She Gave me Hope Time Exposure Ninja in Trianing Vivaldi's Muse Dreaming of the Future Once Long Ago Freedom 8 Days She Leads Me This Is She Holding The Space Incognito Weathered The Storm Ambush The Rifleman The Roper They Call Me Filo Blue Hour in Vernazza Saint Maria of Salute Basilica The Long Road Home The Blue House Black Beauty Color Me Shades of Gray Distinguished Gent Drop The Cookie Venus in Transit Exile Viktory Updated August 7, 2015 Score G NA G GB G NA NA NA NA NA NA G NA NA L GB L G L NA L NA NA NA NA NA NA G G G NA G G G G G L G NA NA L G GB GB G 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Rouse Rouse Rouse Rouse Rouse Rowland Rowland Rowland Rowland Royal Royal Royal Royal Rozier Rozier Rozier Rozier Rubin Rubin Rubin Rubin Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruddock Ruddock Ruddock Ruddock Russell Russell Russell-Rice Russell-Rice Russell-Rice Russell-Rice Rust Rust Rust Rust Saccio Saccio Saccio Saccio Sadler Sadler Thom Thom Thom Thom Thom Annie Annie Annie Annie Monica Monica Monica Monica Kristie Kristie Kristie Kristie Karen Karen Karen Karen Tara Tara Tara Tara Payton Payton Payton Payton Allison Allison Tammy Tammy Tammy Tammy Cindy Cindy Cindy Cindy Steven Steven Steven Steven Mona Mona Comfort The Smell of Tears Harbinger Faith and Reason Watermelon Moon Patterns on the African Plain A time left behind Serene sunset Sunset beckons Down to the Wire Smooth Scroll Broken Beauty Crystal Sunrise Perfect Blend Puddin' RAWR Pure Bedhead Peaches & Cream The Secret The Dance Lesson Baby Bird Something Fierce Young Patriot Young and Free Ironman Champion Matt Hanson Never. Stop. Training. Come and Take It The Joy of Yoga Not Your Grandma's Hair Salon Staring Contest...GO! Someday My Prince Will Come Sup! Bookworms Not Just Surviving, Thriving! Just Another Saturday Night Bibs and Bare Feet Flirting with Destiny Meadow's Edge Hierarchy Anthem of Honor Mystic Water Opening Act A Kiss from a Rose The Greatest Angler Updated August 7, 2015 Score G G L L G L NA L NA GB L NA NA NA NA G NA G G G GB NA G G NA NA NA NA NA NA G G NA G G NA G G G NA NA L G L L 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Sadler Sadler Sadler Sadler Sadler Sadler Sallee Sallee Sallee Sallee Sallee Sallee Sallee Sallee Sambuco Sambuco Sambuco Sambuco Sander Sander Sander Sander Sander Sander Sander Sander Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Mona Mona Mona Mona Mona Mona JB JB JB JB JB JB JB JB Karah Karah Karah Karah Nancy Nancy Nancy Nancy Nancy Nancy Nancy Nancy Jim Jim Jim Jim Clark Clark Clark Clark Constance Constance Constance Constance Jill Jill Jill Jill Alycia Alycia Alycia This is What I Live For Happiness Is... Imminent Danger Sing Your Song for Me The Elusive Spider Lilly Night Stalker Dallas Love Lost Smoken Stroke of Midnight Coming Attraction Skipping Stones Message in a Bottle n/a Hell On Heels Man of Conviction Serve Set Swim Are You Not Entertained Mud Wrestling At High Noon Darling Dahlias Orange Makes Her Heart Glad A Tea Tree Grows In the Forest A River Runs Through It When Peonies Dance Spin Art Revival Picka Peppa Pallet Eye On Time Katie's Place Etched In Thought Road Tested Babe In Car Land Contemplation Gotcha Put Me In Coach My Pleasure, Ma'am Solitude Stare-Down The Barn on the Hill Ghost Riderz One More Ruffled Pink Black in Gold The Fuller's Little Cowboy Maxwell Updated August 7, 2015 Score L L G L GB L G L G L L GB NA NA GB L G NA NA G NA NA NA NA NA NA G L L L NA NA G NA G L NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Sanders Sarda Sarda Sarda Sarda Sarkis Sarkis Sarkis Sarkis Sasso Sasso Sasso Sasso Sauserman Sauserman Sauserman Sauserman Scaccia Scaccia Scaccia Scaccia Schale Schale Schale Schale Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt Schmitz Schmitz Schmitz Schmitz Schnabel Schnabel Schnabel Schnabel Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schoeggl Schoeggl Schoeggl Schoeggl Alycia Raj Raj Raj Raj Sam A Sam A Sam A Sam A Paul Paul Paul Paul Maria Maria Maria Maria Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Susan Susan Susan Susan Liz Liz Liz Liz Deborah Deborah Deborah Deborah Peter Peter Peter Peter Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Scott Scott Scott Scott The Couple A Sip of Spring Ghost Dancers Gold Rush Where Did They All Go? Love is a Masterpiece TOGETHER FOR EVER WRAPPED IN LOV'S LIGHT A CLASSIC LOVE STORY Playin Dirty The Home Stretch Two Fast For You Ready To Touchdown Bear Bottom Just Shy of 6lbs Silent Suffering Standing Guard Mother Nature Toothless Book Worm American Geisha American Beauty Mona Lisa Smile Life's A Carnival Solitude Father Joe Lost In Prayer Hmmm What Can I Get Into Holy Hats Mark Rocks Unraveling Barely Covered Modern Parisian Pouty Princess Faster Than A Speeding Bullet Oh Lord Please Buy Me A Mirror Mirror In The Sand Tranquil Bay Carnelian Red Day Dreamer Clarity Sun Bath Day's End Ladies Night Ready To Go Sunset Ceremony Updated August 7, 2015 Score NA G G NA G NA G L L L G G G L G NA L G GB G G G NA G L NA NA NA NA NA NA G NA NA G NA G NA NA G G NA NA NA NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Schooler Schooler Schooler Schooler Schroeder Schroeder Schroeder Schroeder Schulze Schulze Schulze Schulze Scobee Scobee Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Seagren Seagren Seagren Seagren Seale Seale Seale Seale Sedman Sedman Sedman Sedman Seehafer Seehafer Seehafer Seehafer Seehafer Seehafer Seehafer Bruce Bruce Bruce Bruce Troy Troy Troy Troy Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Sara Sara Carol Carol Carol Carol Kimberly Kimberly Kimberly Kimberly Carol Carol Carol Carol Wendy Wendy Wendy Wendy Kristen Kristen Kristen Kristen Stephen Stephen Stephen Stephen Peggy Sue Peggy Sue Peggy Sue Peggy Sue Peggy Sue Peggy Sue Peggy Sue Keeping Watch New Beginnings Fifties Flashback My Space Grand Morning social insecurities Theater of Dance Like My Father before me I Am Tim Gentle Gaze Hare Apparent Ready For the Signal Forgotten In the Mist Coming of Age Age of Grace Poised Oh Deer Cupid Off Duty Blushing Bride Cute As a Button Marry Me Sparks Will Fly Fifty is Just the Beginning Raindance Windswept Cottonwoods In The Mist Guardian Angels Untold Stories Whaler's Cove Bruiser and His Bitches Look of Love Reluctant Runaway Windsong North End Seperate Beds Boston by Night Dreams of the Future Intertwined Avian Elegance JimmyJames Flurry Her Name Is Polka Dot Lassie Come Home Let's Ride Updated August 7, 2015 Score L G NA NA G L GB G NA G L G G G G G L G NA NA NA NA G NA NA G G G G G GB NA G L L L NA G NA L NA L G NA NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Seehafer Seeley Seeley Seeley Seeley Seeley Seeley Seeley Seeley Sego Sego Sego Sego Seim Seim Seim Seim Sellers Sellers Sellers Sellers Sepulveda Sepulveda Sepulveda Sepulveda Serrano Serrano Serrano Serrano Seth-Smith Seth-Smith Seth-Smith Seth-Smith Sevel Sevel Sevel Sevel Shao Shao Shao Shao Shaver Shaver Shaver Shaver Peggy Sue Scott Scott Scott Scott Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Lisa Lisa Lisa Lisa Gavin Gavin Gavin Gavin Genna Genna Genna Genna Nicole Nicole Nicole Nicole Mark Mark Mark Mark Nick Nick Nick Nick Faye Faye Faye Faye Portia Portia Portia Portia Cindy Cindy Cindy Cindy What do you mean Off? Flying Home Chicken Nuggets Swan Lake The Hunter Angel Eagerly Waiting Creepy Crawly Quick Catch Dahlia Love Letter Cast Aside Old Abandoned Sofa Peruvian Matriarch Felicia Terrace Symphony Evening Sigh Storm Dance The Best Part of Waking Up Dr. Hayes Ghost Hunter You Crack Me Up My Addiction Shade of Blue Lunch Smokin In The Clouds Monika Bernadette Portia Sandra Day's End Solitude Sun Rays over the City Thunder Pique' The Painter Three Angels Unstoppable daughter of Poseidon Hero's sacrifice welcome to my dungeon Dance the night away The Rookie Gone Fishing It was an Age of Innocence Wanna Squeeze my Bicep? Updated August 7, 2015 Score G L L G L L L L G GB G NA G NA NA NA G NA NA G G NA G NA NA NA NA G NA NA G G L NA NA NA NA G G G NA G G G G 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Shaver Shaver Shaver Shaver Shelton Shelton Shelton Shelton Shertzer Shertzer Shertzer Shertzer Shin Shin Shin Shin Shinichi Shinichi Shinichi Shinichi Shipman Shipman Shipman Shipman Shirk Shirk Shirk Shirk Shirk Shirk Shirk Shirk Shore Shore Shore Shore Shreve Shreve Shreve Shreve Siegert Siegert Siegert Siegert Siler Jason Jason Jason Jason Kent Kent Kent Kent Amy Amy Amy Amy Ye Ho Ye Ho Ye Ho Ye Ho Shimomiya Shimomiya Shimomiya Shimomiya John John John John Ben Ben Ben Ben Ben Ben Ben Ben Stephen Stephen Stephen Stephen Lynn Lynn Lynn Lynn Ashley Ashley Ashley Ashley Suzanne Her Eyes Stud Muffin Simplicity I'm the Man Neon in Hiding Dead Eye Power Illuminated Windless Giants The Alcazar You Make Me Happy When Skies are Gray Summertime Snack This One is Just Right woman traditional dance cheerful sodiers drum dance good day Back alley Hana-yome japan-kimono Love at first sight Defying The West Wind I'll Never Let You Go It's A Bugs World Out Of Gas Mirror Mirror Queen of Hearts Rapunzel's Reverie Your Fortune Awaits The Road Less Traveled Teamwork Makes The Dream Work Gridiron Never Back Down Subtle Determination Lost in Transit Life's a Bitch Home Stretch Lovers First Blush Convergence Winter Soldier Big Dreams for an Old Soul Rabbit Ears Calm In The Eye Of The Storm The House that Built Me Doll Face Updated August 7, 2015 Score G G NA G G GB L L NA G NA NA G L G G NA G G G NA NA NA G L L L L NA L L L NA G L L G NA G G NA G G GB NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Siler Siler Siler Simmons Simmons Simmons Simmons Simone Simone Simone Simone Simone Simone Simone Simone Simone Simone Simone Simone Sine Sine Sine Sine Singleton Singleton Singleton Singleton Sixt Sixt Sixt Sixt Skalsky Skalsky Skalsky Skalsky Slater Slater Slater Slater Slayton Slayton Slayton Slayton Sloan Sloan Suzanne Suzanne Suzanne Trisha Trisha Trisha Trisha Joseph Joseph Joseph Joseph Louise Louise Louise Louise Louise Louise Louise Louise Amy Amy Amy Amy George E. J. George E. J. George E. J. George E. J. David David David David Joe Joe Joe Joe Steve Ray Steve Ray Steve Ray Steve Ray Shirley Shirley Shirley Shirley Ashley Ashley City In The Sea Arches And Auras A Passion For Fashion Attitude Bashful Three Part Harmony Uprooted Allure Lady in red Moment of sadness Our special place On my way Perplexed Sharing Intimacy Metamorphosis Nostalgia Enchanted morning Sleeping beauty Fresh Cup of Cute The Crossover Just Chillin Pastel Sunset Beauty A Fading Repeating Theme Corinthian Lighthouse Ebony and Ivory Heartaches Windswept Light's Last Embrace Quietly Reflecting Through Love's Gate Thoughts Turn to Love Scylla & Charybdis me myselfie & eye Moeraki Boulders Whariki Beach Good As Gold Love Thyself Shadow Dance Snow Much Fun Liberty and Freedom From Grandma's Garden Aspens Mod. Going Home The Father's Gift Starting Their Journey Updated August 7, 2015 Score NA NA G G L L NA L L L GB L L L L GB NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA G G G G NA NA NA G G G G G G NA L NA NA NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Sloan Sloan Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Ashley Ashley Tyson Tyson Tyson Tyson Robert Robert Robert Robert Tamara Tamara Tamara Tamara Chris Chris Chris Chris Rhonda Rhonda Rhonda Rhonda Kathy Kathy Kathy Kathy Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Karen Karen Karen Karen Kimberly Kimberly Kimberly Kimberly Heather Heather Heather Heather Kathy Kathy Kathy Patiently Waiting A Mother's Gift Foggy Morning Low Tide Changing Lights Maligne Lake Boat House Steve Along the Fence Morning Fog Sierra Ladrone He Always Listens Heirloom Baby This One is a Keeper Worth More Than Gold The Final Inspection Permission to Buzz the Tower The Lone Star Snowstorm at Windmill Ridge Grandma's Hat Fifty Shades of Gray All American Boy Golden Moments Joyride Cascading Admiration Two Up Saint Catherine Reflects Heading to the Beach Depth Red Barn Fallen Tree All Toned Up Sweet Slumber Then comes a baby in a baby carriage Pouting Penelope Fishin Buddies Constant Companions Ready or not The View STRANGER DANGER PAINTED PRINCESS LOOKIN' FOR THE LADIES GOLDEN HOUR Withstanding The Test Of Time Grandfather's Chair Life In Color Updated August 7, 2015 Score NA NA G G L L NA NA NA NA G NA G G G L G NA G L L G L NA G NA NA NA NA NA G L L G L G L L NA G NA G NA NA NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Sohns Sohns Sohns Sohns Sparkman Sparkman Sparkman Sparkman Spatz Spatz Spatz Spatz Spaziano Spaziano Spaziano Spaziano Speaker Speaker Speaker Speaker Speaker Speaker Speaker Speaker Speaker Speaker Speaker Speaker Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Spillman Spillman Spillman Spillman Spillman Spillman Spillman Spillman Kathy Kimberly Kimberly Kimberly Kimberly Michael Michael Michael Michael Greg Greg Greg Greg Andre Andre Andre Andre Dennis Dennis Dennis Dennis Nancy Nancy Nancy Nancy Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul Larry Larry Larry Larry Harry Harry Harry Harry Debra Debra Debra Debra Singing In The Snow Ella Enchanted Bedlam Patiently, She waits Waiting For Romeo Peter Piper's Pixels Ringed Planet Birth Certificate Company D Serenity Stroll That's a Wrap Silos in the Grain Tween Angst Grandeur Dark clouds over the bridge Rusted and still standing Take off to the sun Cobblestone way The Devils Fiddler Plantation Road Launching Point Traveling Together Into The Night Bat Plant Palouse Country Lower Antelope Canyon-11 Gust of Wind Monument Valley From Mystery Valley Out Of My Way Lightning Approaching Fiesta Field Lunar Eclipse Star Party Moonset Flight The Painted Church Mike and Monique Mark & Courtney To The Right The Groom...Simply Classic Beauty Dynamic Convergence PICK ME!!! True Friends A Little Bit of Austria Beach Bums Fragile Beauties Star From the Sea Updated August 7, 2015 Score NA GB L L G NA NA G NA NA NA NA NA G NA NA NA G G NA NA NA G G NA G G L G NA G NA GB GB L G G G NA G NA NA G G GB 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Spratlin Spratlin Spratlin Spratlin St. Romain St. Romain St. Romain St. Romain Stadelman Stadelman Stadelman Stadelman Stahl Stahl Stahl Stahl Stalzer Stalzer Stalzer Stalzer Stana Stana Stana Stana Stanfield Stanfield Stanfield Stanfield Stanhouse Stanhouse Stanhouse Stanhouse Statham Statham Statham Statham Staudt Staudt Staudt Staudt Steccato Steccato Steccato Steccato Steele Barbara Barbara Barbara Barbara Louise Louise Louise Louise Carrie Carrie Carrie Carrie Michael Michael Michael Michael John John John John David David David David Lois Lois Lois Lois Heather Heather Heather Heather Donna Donna Donna Donna Mickey Mickey Mickey Mickey Jeffrey Jeffrey Jeffrey Jeffrey Nancy Dancer. Anticipating Morning Ride Otello. The Grand Champion ENOUGH! Time to Fly McKenzie. Tomboy in Disquise Study in Contrast Sing The Blues Movement Behind Time Beer and Poe-try Standout from the Crowd Whirlwind on Pointe Simple Beauty Polished Debonair Prom Queen Beginning to Bloom Waiting for Spring A Glare To Be Reckoned With Mr. Miller's Nite Lite New to the Hood First Kiss A Texas DREAM Cruise A Gift From Above City of Bridges Flight Buttercup Eye of Horus Mesmerized The Innocence of Youth, The Wisdom of Age Beauty unknown Hi Ya Maternal Beauty Family Feeding Ancestral Guardians Texas Steam Snow Day Castle Rock Wall Flower Captivated Venetian Voyage Guardians of the City At Peace Autumn's Harvest Do-Re-Mi Singing in the Rain Eyes of Innocence Updated August 7, 2015 Score L L G G NA NA NA NA L GB L L G G NA G G L L NA G NA NA NA L G L L NA NA NA NA G NA NA G GB NA GB L NA G NA NA L 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Steele Steele Steele Steeno Steeno Steeno Steeno Steeves Steeves Steeves Steeves Steinberg Steinberg Steinberg Steinberg Steinberg Steinberg Steinberg Steinberg Steinberg Steinberg Steinberg Steinberg Stephens Stephens Stephens Stephens Stephens Stephens Stephens Stephens Stephenson Stephenson Stephenson Stephenson Stephenson Stephenson Stephenson Stephenson Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Nancy Nancy Nancy Jamie Jamie Jamie Jamie Kristy Kristy Kristy Kristy Julie Julie Julie Julie Peggy Peggy Peggy Peggy Peggy Peggy Peggy Peggy Kristi Kristi Kristi Kristi Clint Clint Clint Clint Kim Kim Kim Kim Pierre Pierre Pierre Pierre Brian Brian Brian Brian Mark Mark Say What? Washed by the water Spring Beauty Guardian N Arms Lovers Stroll WaterCourse Needle and Company Still Waiting For Mr. Right The Wrangler's Daughter Behind The Veil Standing at attention Brothers Palmer Ray Passion Rainy Street at Night Pucker Up! French Elegance Happy Hour Purple People Pleaser Two Faced Charmer Sassy Shasta Large and In Charge The Tulip King Golden Goddess Second Thoughts Free to be ME Blended In Flight from Darkness The Game Within Take a bow Final Glance Cat Burglar Catitude Diva Special Delivery Siren Rising Redemption Solar Flare Through The Looking Glass Bow Ties Are Cool Pillow Talk I've Got The Right To Play The Blues Waiting For My Mister Mr Trump's Place The Old Parking Attendant Updated August 7, 2015 Score G NA G L NA L L L G NA G NA NA NA NA L L L L G G NA G NA NA NA NA NA NA G NA L G NA NA G L G G NA G NA NA L L 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevenson Stevenson Stevenson Stevenson Stevenson Stevenson Stevenson Stevenson Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stiles Stiles Stiles Stiles Stock Stock Stock Stock Stoecklin Stoecklin Stoecklin Stoecklin Stoecklin Stoecklin Stoecklin Stoecklin Stork Stork Stork Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry William William William William Mary Mary Mary Mary Clifford Clifford Clifford Clifford Robert Robert Robert Robert Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Matt Matt Matt Matt Kenneth Kenneth Kenneth Kenneth Kenneth Kenneth Kenneth Kenneth John John John Prisoner of Poverty Inside the Harbor Light Freedom Has No Price Three Hands Three Hats To Save A Memory Joshua Myron Walter Portrait Of Jason LaMotte Fishing Natures Artistry Lunch for two Moms home The Enchanted Forest Breaking Storm May they fly forever Autumn still life God's Forest Biker Watch Out Breaking Bad Sisters Through The Garden The Edgar Light D'Orleans Farm Bold and Beautiful Earth Angel Future Hunter Safe In His Arms Zen Mangrove Serenity Mother and Child Timekeeper Whippet...Whippet Good Big City Nights A Happy LIfe Portuguese Sunset Modern Warefare Skeletons in the Closet Rock N' Roll Forever The Evil that Men Do Serene Anchorage Last Light Neurosurgical Mission Guatemala Updated August 7, 2015 Score G L NA NA L NA L L L G NA NA NA NA NA NA G NA L NA NA NA NA G NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA L NA NA G G G L NA NA L 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Stork Straughan Straughan Straughan Straughan Strickland Strickland Strickland Strickland Strong Strong Strong Strong Strouf Strouf Strouf Strouf Strupp Strupp Strupp Stuckey Stuckey Stuckey Stuckey Sturdevant Sturdevant Sturdevant Sturdevant Sturdevant Sturdevant Sturdevant Sturdevant Suddarth Suddarth Suddarth Suddarth Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sumner Sumner Sumner Sumner Sumra John Chrystina Chrystina Chrystina Chrystina Steven Steven Steven Steven LeTisha LeTisha LeTisha LeTisha Callie Callie Callie Callie Cindy Cindy Cindy Kari Kari Kari Kari Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Robert Robert Robert Robert Cassandra Cassandra Cassandra Cassandra Alexandria Alexandria Alexandria Alexandria Inna Wonder Lake, Mist and Majesty Tranquil Reflections Second Choice Into the Woods Emily is Sassy He Doesn't Live Here Anymore Enduring Bonds The Awakening A Glimpse Of Spring Restful Worship Song of Solomon Safe Haven Whatever Lola Wants What Bird? Miss Shelby Purrfectly Plump Did You Say Treat? Ablaze Daring Solitude Puppy Love Stefanie's Senior Year When I Grow Up My Senior Year Fall of the Deceiver, Isaiah 14:12 For God and Country Mustang Stampede Power Girl Mermaids Paradise The Slugger Walk in the Dust Wonder Woman and the Ancient City Biker Bar Hog Barn Reaching for the Hand of God The Voyeur On the Morning Watch Jelly Roll A Dusting of Color The Road to Sunrise Hand Me Downs Chiffon and Silk Childhood Curious Kids Grandpa's Passion Updated August 7, 2015 Score L G G NA NA NA GB G L NA NA NA NA G G NA NA NA NA NA G NA L NA L L L L L L L L NA G L NA L L G G NA NA NA NA L 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Sumra Sumra Sumra Sundby Sundby Sundby Sundby Svancarek Svancarek Svancarek Svancarek Swain Swain Swain Swanson Swanson Swanson Swanson Swanson Swanson Swanson Swanson Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz Sweeney Sweeney Sweeney Sweeney Sweeney Sweeney Sweeney Sweeney Swift Swift Swift Swift Tabisz Tabisz Tabisz Tabisz Takacs Takacs Takacs Inna Inna Inna Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny Kelli Kelli Kelli Kelli Daniel Daniel Daniel Coleen Coleen Coleen Coleen Robin Robin Robin Robin Sam Sam Sam Sam Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Paula Paula Paula Paula Dorma Dorma Dorma Dorma Patricia Patricia Patricia Miles in Making Princess Practice The Elegance Sunset Vows Academy of Dance Dakota Author Miss You Daddy Hollywood Elegance Remission Where She Holds Her Memories Love Bird Sweet Child of mine Some enchanted evening Low Rider Sweetness A Swimmer's Nightmare Our Formal "Living" Room Perfect Practice Perfect Performance Sitting In The Hot Seat Butterfly Romance Security Blanket Special Delivery A Striking Moment Morning Catch Mountain Majesty Grab Shell Dude The Jazzer Eyes of Beauty 50 Shades of Grey A Moment to Ponder Trailer Trash Happy Together Autumn Schooner Starry-Eyed Traveler Little Dreamer First Date Colonial Treadmill First Born Fleur De Lys The Watchful Eye Well Ruffle My Feathers Snowy Sentinels illusionist reaching bedtime Updated August 7, 2015 Score L G L NA L G NA G L NA NA NA NA G G NA L G L G NA G G G NA G NA NA L G G L G NA G G NA G G G NA NA L L NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Takacs Talamo Talamo Talamo Talamo Talley Talley Talley Talley Tarnopol Tarnopol Tarnopol Tarnopol Tarr Tarr Tarr Tarr Tarrant Tarrant Tarrant Tarrant Tarrel Tarrel Tarrel Tarrel Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Temple Temple Temple Temple Tessmer Tessmer Tessmer Tessmer Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Patricia MaryAnn MaryAnn MaryAnn MaryAnn Lois Lois Lois Lois Lew Lew Lew Lew Wayne Wayne Wayne Wayne Robert Robert Robert Robert Samuel Samuel Samuel Samuel Andrea Andrea Andrea Andrea Carolyn Carolyn Carolyn Carolyn Joseph Joseph Joseph Joseph Tammy Tammy Tammy Tammy Ty Ty Ty Ty the chapel Fine Young Gentleman Yes, It's A Girl! Hugging You Makes Me Smile A Model Family Daddy's Girl Not Forgotten Morning Commute Lonely Walk Home Midnight Delight Bridge Over Untroubled Waters America Gets Back To Work Joy Pirouette Ebb & Flow Prima Ballerina Silver Attraction Battle Royal Early Morning Mist The Belly Dancer Last Glance One Eye, Two Eye, Brown Eye, Blue Eye Profile Of A Matriarch Weathered And Tired His Own Story Fish out of water Momma's Boy Look at me! Pensive Ballerina Sultry Petals.jpg Tack Sharp Handsome Unfurling Toward the Light.jpg Watching and Waiting for Supper.jpg Holyhead Transport Moon Over Manhattan Santa's Test Drive Yellow Sentry Seductive Temptation Docked For The Day Leave Me Bee Hidden Tears Sunrise at the Barn Twilight Falls Ty Buffalo Bill Reservoir Updated August 7, 2015 Score NA G L G G NA G NA G L G L L G G G L NA NA NA G G G G G G NA NA NA L L G L NA NA NA NA NA NA G NA L NA NA NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thornton Thornton Thornton Thornton Thornton Thornton Thornton Thornton Thweatt Thweatt Thweatt Thweatt Tilley Tilley Tilley Tilley Timmons Timmons Timmons Timmons Timmons Timmons Timmons Timmons Timmons Timmons Timmons Timmons Timmons Timmons Timmons Timmons Timmons Timmons Timmons Timmons Tipton Melissa Melissa Melissa Melissa Tammy Tammy Tammy Tammy Daniel Daniel Daniel Daniel Joy Joy Joy Joy Susan Susan Susan Susan Timothy Timothy Timothy Timothy Sara Sara Sara Sara Michael Michael Michael Michael Tina Tina Tina Tina Michael Michael Michael Michael Tina Tina Tina Tina J. Wade My Fair Maiden Roll Call Bushel Of Love Kick Back And Relax 3 Chicks on a Log Glorious Reflection Memories Wild Ambiance As The Fog Rolls In Into the mist The gathering The Road less Traveled Dog days of Summer In Their own Elements First to change Strength and Serenity Still Standing Abandoned Love on a Windy Night One Classy Gal The Crossover A Falcon's Feast Cutting Edge Art Misty Morning View Golden Eagle My Poppa's Heritage Daddy's Girl Sisters Tuscan Morn Castle of the King Old Valley Railroad Royal Retreat River View Once Upon a Time Art of the Garden Walking with the Lord Morning Mist Days Gone By Glade Creek Grist Mill Falls Final Breath Blues Brother Rhythm in Nature Soft and Subtle Total Transformation Vibrant Beauty Out Of The Storm Arises Champions Updated August 7, 2015 Score NA NA G G G NA G NA L L G L G G NA G L G G G NA G NA G NA NA NA L L L L G L G G L NA NA L NA L G NA NA NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Tipton Tipton Tipton Toone Toone Toone Toone Topalian Topalian Topalian Topalian Torregrosa Torregrosa Torregrosa Torregrosa Torrie Torrie Torrie Torrie Trapp Trapp Trapp Trapp Truono Truono Truono Truono Tsang Tsang Tsang Tsang Tsang Tsang Tsang Tsang Turek Turek Turek Turek Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner J. Wade J. Wade J. Wade Diana Diana Diana Diana Andrea Andrea Andrea Andrea Susan Susan Susan Susan Matthew Matthew Matthew Matthew Jim Jim Jim Jim Brian Brian Brian Brian Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul Eve Eve Eve Eve Mark Mark Mark Mark Deborah Deborah Ready For Battle Stay Calm And Play Ball United We Stand The Womb In Her Eyes Surprise I Dreamt Of You Middle Child Syndrome Evening Rehearsal for Summer Theater Picasso's Protege Summer Dreams All In The Family Beauty In The Rough Lady Of Shalott Sweet Summer Blazing Monument Teton Rise HorseWay Sawtooth Ranch I'm not sleepy yet Little Wrangler Two Sisters Shopping in Russia Dreamcatcher Determination Last Kiss A Thousand Drips Pirate's Treasure Lion Heart Passing Time Genie in blue Cowboy Born to be rich Perfect couple Western Lifestyle Resolute Alone Light Waves Taylor Creek Sundown Riding Free Autumn Sentinels Masked Sunset Meditation Our Gang Holy Holey Matrimony Updated August 7, 2015 Score GB NA NA NA NA G NA L L L G NA NA G NA NA G G G GB G G L L G G G GB NA L NA L G L NA G G NA G NA L NA G G G 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Turner Turner Tussey Tussey Tussey Tussey Tyson Tyson Tyson Tyson Udell Udell Udell Udell ULRICH ULRICH ULRICH ULRICH Unruh Unruh Unruh Unruh Valentine Valentine Valentine Valentine Van Duinen Van Duinen Van Duinen Van Duinen Van Duinen Van Duinen Van Duinen Van Duinen Van Pelt Van Zeeland Van Zeeland Van Zeeland Van Zeeland Vance Vance Vance Vance Vander Velde Vander Velde Deborah Deborah Gena Gena Gena Gena Sandralyn Sandralyn Sandralyn Sandralyn Colleen Colleen Colleen Colleen SARAH SARAH SARAH SARAH Lori Lori Lori Lori Dennis Dennis Dennis Dennis Randy Randy Randy Randy Randy Randy Randy Randy Bruce Tracy Tracy Tracy Tracy Liz Liz Liz Liz Chris Chris Best Friend Sunday Best Ruff Work Day worried life blues Cultured Christmas Tails Family Legacy Waiting for my beloved White Desire Caress of Light Flying Dog In Training The Calm Before The Storm Captivity By Nature The Long Wave Home Belly Laughs In A Nutshell He's Got The Whole World Spoken For Anachronism Snow Queen Quiet Prayer The Groom's Respite Angel Wings Configuration Form and Presence Show Tune florida polytechnic lobby heavenly spiral standing still the future fire cat guardian angel henry the 8th redemption Incredible Edible Egg Exit Stage Right Gotcha Covered Captain Accordion Dusty Gulch Down The Drain Trouble Ahead I've got a secret Already a handful The Enlightened Path First Light Updated August 7, 2015 Score NA G G G G G G G NA G NA NA NA NA G G L G G NA G G NA NA NA NA L L G L L G G L G L G G NA NA NA G NA GB L 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Vander Velde Vander Velde VanderMey VanderMey VanderMey VanderMey Vandervelde Vandervelde Vandervelde Vandervelde Varvarin Varvarin Varvarin Varvarin Ventresco Ventresco Vequist Vequist Vequist Vequist Veugeler Veugeler Veugeler Veugeler Veugeler Veugeler Veugeler Veugeler Vicino Vicino Vicino Vicino Vitaljic Vitaljic Vitaljic Vitaljic Vogel Vogel Vogel Vogel VonBerg VonBerg VonBerg VonBerg Wagoner Chris Chris Marsha Marsha Marsha Marsha Shelley Shelley Shelley Shelley Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Kris Kris Marciana Marciana Marciana Marciana Wendy Wendy Wendy Wendy Wendy Wendy Wendy Wendy Erik Erik Erik Erik Linda Linda Linda Linda Jessica Jessica Jessica Jessica Kristen Kristen Kristen Kristen Laura Nestled In Beauty Smoke on the Horizon SpringRush TheGirlWithThePinkSlippers Everlasting TheVatican The Goddaughter Anastatia Lives Solitary Sisters A Touch of Fairyland All Round Champion First Blood Fire in the Sky Between Heaven and Earth End of the Line Forever Begins Cracked Fire and Ice Guidepost on the Prairie Sunken A Simple Headpiece Autumn Pearl The Fanciful Flirt Fearless Retro Glow Queen of Diamonds Toys In The Attic Floating Dawn The Tower The High Priestess Cosmic Temperance Broken Dreams Calling Home Caudette's Dream Frozen Peaceful Flow Little Miss Angelic Diva Evening tug.jpg Veiled muse San Diego Santa Hester's grave Mona Lisa Smile Updated August 7, 2015 Score G L G G NA L NA G NA NA NA G NA NA G G NA G G G G L L L G NA L L NA NA NA G NA G L L G GB G G NA NA NA NA L 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Wagoner Wagoner Wagoner Wainscott Wainscott Wainscott Wainscott Walden Walden Walden Walden Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Wall Wall Wall Wall Walls Walls Walls Walls Walls Walls Laura Laura Laura Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Timothy Timothy Timothy Timothy Doug Doug Doug Doug Melonie Melonie Melonie Melonie Joan Joan Joan Joan Carol Carol Carol Carol Karen Karen Karen Karen Karen Karen Karen Karen Jean Jean Jean Jean James James James James Cheyne Cheyne Wild Child Dollface Words Hurt Kids Rock I'm Your Huckleberry It Never Leaves You Lynnerd Skinner Steppin Out Inked Woodstock Remnant My Precious Harmony On The Edge Of Night Daily Grind Reflections Of Industry Iced Angel Yesterday's Tomorrow Bleeding Spade Praying for Acquittal Boys Unlatched Watching His Taillights Disappear Bath Time on the Ganges Your Mother I'll Always Be Scrappy Puppy Enchanted Once Upon a Time Senior Songstress Emotional Overflow Old Coot Long In Thought The Honorable Judge Found At The Pound A Brush With Nature A Tribute to Mom and Dad The Maiden Last Call Lady In Red Stolen Moment Solitary Hunter Its a Stretch Arabian Seduction Storm Warning Up in the Clouds Iconic Elysium Updated August 7, 2015 Score G G G L L L L G G L L L L L L L L GB G G L L G G G NA G L G G NA G G NA G L L L G G G G NA NA L 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Walls Walls Walsh Walsh Walsh Walsh Walsh-Newton Walsh-Newton Walsh-Newton Walsh-Newton Walters Walters Walters Walters Walters Walters Walters Walters Walters Walters Walters Walters Walton Walton Walton Walton Walton Walton Walton Walton Walz Walz Walz Walz Wancket Wancket Wancket Wancket Wasiek Wasiek Wasiek Wasiek Waters Waters Waters Cheyne Cheyne Patricia Patricia Patricia Patricia Christine Christine Christine Christine Jamie Jamie Jamie Jamie Woody Woody Woody Woody Woody Woody Woody Woody D. Brent D. Brent D. Brent D. Brent D. Brent D. Brent D. Brent D. Brent Scott Scott Scott Scott Audrey Audrey Audrey Audrey Yaneck Yaneck Yaneck Yaneck Mary Mary Mary Defiant Wave Blurred Lines Fierce Morning Canvas Radiant Descent I Had To Simple Pleasures Morning Kiss Curtis 2015 Frozen Heartland Quiet Countryside Season of Rest Winter Reflections Conquest of the Seven Skulls Into My Darkness When Christians Die Shattered Dreams Extraction Point The Price of Selling Flesh No One Can Eat Just One Morning Dance I Crushed Warhol Steamin' Up the Windows It's All About the Lights She's Missing the Road Spirit's Last Portrait Midnight at the Oasis City Nights Hot Love Letters Everyone Knows Its Windy Mine Eyes Have Seen The Entertainer The Long and Winding Road Priviledged Elegance Shy Princess Taylored patience Youthful innocence puppy-s-nostalgia Armour Love sleeping-barking-bunny dance-before-walk Addy Rattles On Mystic On Bread Alone Updated August 7, 2015 Score L L NA NA NA NA L G L L NA L NA G L G GB G L L G G G NA NA NA NA NA NA G NA NA L NA L GB L G GB GB L NA L L L 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Waters Waterson Waterson Waterson Waterson Watkins Watkins Watkins Watkins Watt Watt Watt Watt Watts Watts Watts Watts Wcislo Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver Weber Weber Weber Weber Weiss Weiss Weiss Weiss Welch Welch Welch Welch Welch Welch Welch Mary Brianne Brianne Brianne Brianne Allison English Allison English Allison English Allison English David David David David Leslie Leslie Leslie Leslie Susan Jason Jason Jason Jason Maria Maria Maria Maria Linda Linda Linda Linda Mark Mark Mark Mark Kerri Kerri Kerri Kerri Abigail Abigail Abigail Abigail Holly Holly Holly The Runaways The Long Wait Sweet Dreams A Lonely Bench Beautiful Imperfection Raising a Gentleman Sibling Pride Our Perfect Summer Evening Sweet...and A Little Sour Leather Craftsman Apparition Going Coastal Got My Eye On You Missing My Family Where The Rainbow Ends A Touch Of Tranquility Wisps In The Wind Mood Over Maui Morgan Ann's Senior Year Intrepid In Search Of Self Love Line Big 12 Dreams A Perfect Rose Holiday Mischief Geometric Dance Memories Sun Kissed Pink roses Sunflowers Pony Boys Taking Flight Over The Hill Posts And Petals Flower Power The Blessing Black Beauty Head Dress The Demon Within Her Majesty the Queen Waiting on Your Love The Littlest Flower Sunrise Reflections In Tandem Just Ducky Updated August 7, 2015 Score L NA NA NA NA G NA G L G NA G NA NA NA NA G NA GB G G G NA G NA NA NA GB NA G G NA NA G L L L L L L G G NA L L 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Welch Wells Wells Wells Wells Welsh Welsh Welsh Welsh Weston Weston Weston Weston Westwood Westwood Westwood Westwood Wheat Wheat Wheat Wheat Whetston Whetston Whetston Whetston Whiddon Whiddon Whiddon Whiddon Whigham Whigham Whigham Whigham White White White White Whitley Whitley Whitley Whitley Whitley Whitley Whitley Whitley Holly Ashleigh Ashleigh Ashleigh Ashleigh Tom Tom Tom Tom Matthew Matthew Matthew Matthew Edward Edward Edward Edward Bobby Bobby Bobby Bobby Michael Michael Michael Michael Lela Lela Lela Lela James James James James Marie Marie Marie Marie Alisa Alisa Alisa Alisa Alisa Alisa Alisa Alisa Great Expectations Autumn Whisper Olympian Mastering The Heel Substitute Teacher Everyone's a Photographer Future Buckeye The water that has passed Street Corner Girl Symphony of Smoke Feathered Flight Winter's Retreat New Rules Deadly Cool Only The Ghost Remain Rusted Roots Beauty In The Beast Lonely Road Surf Silence Heat Waves Pacific Splendor Bubbles La Rotonda La Serenissima Curbside What A Cocky Showoff! Consumed Yes! This One's Ready! In The Tree Top American Girl Daddys Time Ms Sequence Soulful Glance She Was Born in the Wrong Era Suzanne Sugar Spice and Everything Nice Peacock Eyes Gettin' Into It The Teacher Jilted Vigilence Great Grandpa As A Boy Pencil Sketch of Layla Jolly Roger Thumbelina Updated August 7, 2015 Score L G G L L G G L G G G NA G G L NA L L G G G NA NA NA NA G G NA NA NA G NA G G L NA NA L G G NA NA NA GB G 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Whitmore Whitmore Whitt Whitt Whitt Whitt Whittaker Whittaker Whittaker Whittaker Wierda Wierda Wierda Wierda Wilhelmsen Wilhelmsen Wilhelmsen Wilhelmsen Wilhelmsen Wilhelmsen Wilhelmsen Wilhelmsen Wilkes Wilkes Wilkes Wilkes Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Susan Susan John John John John Teresa Teresa Teresa Teresa Kathy Kathy Kathy Kathy Jon Jon Jon Jon Jon Jon Jon Jon Scott Scott Scott Scott Rebecca Rebecca Rebecca Rebecca Roger Roger Roger Roger Edwin Edwin Edwin Edwin Christopher Christopher Christopher Christopher Michael Michael Michael Woman In Bronze L'Equestrienne Amarillo Roundup Lookin' Down at the Badlands Takin' Five View from the Mountaintop Keeping Watch Providing Safe Passage Set Apart Slender Beauty Lovin' the Country Life Cuter by the Dozen Almost Ready Autumn Number Three On My Bucket List Sipping From the Moonshine Flower Strumming At Home Sunbreak In Patagonia Dragon Folk Farewell Embrace Stanger In A Strange Land Teen Titan Raven Teen Titan Starfire The Guardian Day's End Tetons in Winter The Promise The Crusaders' Hideout Adana Mosque, Turkey Second Thoughts The Worker Babyface Nelson Wrong Point of View A New Beginning Westward Bound Good Girl Steady Grants Notch He Speaks of Her and Smiles Acres of Tranquility Alone on a Hill Surviving Winter Conifer Framed Majesty Mono Dragons Three Brothers Dawn Reflection Updated August 7, 2015 Score NA G NA NA G L G G NA G L L L G G G G NA L NA NA NA NA G L NA G NA NA NA NA NA NA G NA G NA G G NA G L G G NA 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Williams Willis Willis Willis Willis Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Windjack Wingler Wingler Wingler Wingler Wisniewski Wisniewski Wisniewski Woltjen Woltjen Woltjen Woltjen Wood Wood Wood Wood Woods Woods Woods Woods Woods Woods Woods Wooley Wooley Wooley Wooley Woolverton Woolverton Woolverton Woolverton Wozniak Michael Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Doran Doran Doran Doran John John John John Nicola Paul Paul Paul Paul Heidi Heidi Heidi James James James James Craig Craig Craig Craig Gary Gary Gary Gary Mark Gregor Mark Gregor Mark Gregor Christopher Christopher Christopher Christopher Aimee Aimee Aimee Aimee Jean Dawn Sentinel Even Princesses Have Homework Feeling Blue Little Prince The Wise One China Farming Village Glock 26 Gen4 Long way to work Medusa Red Rocker New Age American Gothic Panther Pride To Have and to Hold Recline Crossing The River In The Hands Of The Potter Monet's Pastels Returning From the Work Fields Slam Dunk Air Time Transcendent Beauty Crossing Over Kelsey's Day Gothic Heights Emerging Eye Wonder Sound of Solitude Wish You into the Woods Eventide Dismissed Sleek Company Making a Champion Smoky Mountain Reverie Ohhh Maple Goodness Angels Of The Cold Masters Harvest Dame in the Boudoir Elementary Rose In Feathers Lady in Red Age Of Innocence Solitude Serenity The Leprechaun Stole My Bone Soft and Rugged Updated August 7, 2015 Score NA G L G NA GB L L NA L NA NA NA G G G NA G NA G NA G G G NA NA L G L NA NA NA G L G GB NA G G NA G L L NA G 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Wozniak Wozniak Wozniak Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wurtzler Wurtzler Wurtzler Wurtzler Wyant Wyant Wyant Wyant Wyllis II Wyllis II Wyllis II Wyllis II Yahata Yahata Yahata Yahata Yahr Yahr Yahr Yahr Yakel Yakel Yakel Yakel Yancy Yancy Yancy Yancy Yancy Yancy Jean Jean Jean Gabriella Gabriella Gabriella Gabriella Webster Webster Webster Webster Pete Pete Pete Pete Gregg Gregg Gregg Gregg James James James James Richard Richard Richard Richard Fujio Fujio Fujio Fujio Steven Steven Steven Steven Scott Scott Scott Scott Helen Helen Helen Helen Helen Helen Tranquil Trio NA Floral Fibonacci G The Hypnotist NA Age of Innocence NA Do I Look Handsome Momma? NA I Love My Daddy NA Kaimana NA Fly Out NA Good Magic NA Al Capone Was Best Man NA Rogue's Delight NA The Madam L Spiderman L Movie Stars, Mobsters and Madams L Last Single Moment G Honed to Perfection L I'm All About the Sale L Master of Security L Undercover G Security L Division of Awareness G Ancient One L Winter's Grace G Perpetual Motion G Roxy Blue Eyes G Stoic And Welcoming L Them Flying Wallendas Ain't Got Nuthin On Me! L an agreeable smile G long sleeved Kimono NA Miyabi NA mountain climber NA Autumn Splendor L Unfurling Fern L White Breasted Nuthatch G House Finch L Fallen Peaches G Well Balanced Meal G Natures Transition G Saguaro Sunset NA He's Almost Here NA Dignity Retired NA Daddy's Home G You Talkin' to ME? G Racing The Storm G Daddy's Hat G Updated August 7, 2015 Score 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Yancy Yancy Yarnall Yarnall Yarnall Yarnall Yau Yau Yau Yau Yearsley Yearsley Yearsley Yearsley Yetimgeta Yetimgeta Yetimgeta Yetimgeta York York York York Younce Younce Younce Younce Younce Younce Younce Younce Young Young Young Young Yu Yu Yu Yu Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Helen Helen David David David David Jose Jose Jose Jose Sonja Sonja Sonja Sonja Yosef Yosef Yosef Yosef Ted Ted Ted Ted Sharon Sharon Sharon Sharon Sharon Sharon Sharon Sharon Jacadra Jacadra Jacadra Jacadra Peter Peter Peter Peter Young Sin Young Sin Young Sin Young Sin Gun Gun Gun Seaside Twisted Fiddles Catch Me If You Can Eye Eye Smart Bird Waiting It Out Eyes on The Prize Finding Direction Always Stretch For First Out of the Gate Memories Queen of the Nile Road Warrior Water Nymph Once in a lifetime Timeless Elegance Darkness Final Color Tied Up For The Day Mountain Man White Christmas Abandoned Guard Station Royal Trumpets Loving choo choo trains Mabry Mill Color Overload Peony Somethings Fishy Elegance and Grace All the things we do not know Brooklyns Eyes Patriot American Woman Core Architecture Blushing Eye Of The Beholder Inner Beauty waiting Elegant bride photograph friends Old friends Shy Girl Woman Playing the Organ Woman Spinning Potter's Wheel Updated August 7, 2015 Score NA NA L NA NA G G G NA NA GB NA G GB L G G L G NA G L L L NA NA NA G GB NA NA NA NA NA G G L G L L L L NA NA G 2015 International Photographic Competition Results Last Name First Name Title Yun Zaczepinski Zaczepinski Zaczepinski Zaczepinski Zangla Zangla Zangla Zangla Zerivitz Zerivitz Zerivitz Zerivitz Zettler Zettler Zettler Zettler Ziemer Malone Ziemer Malone Ziemer Malone Ziemer Malone Zimmerlich Zimmerlich Zimmerlich Zimmerlich Zimmerlich Zimmerlich Zimmerlich Zimmerlich Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zumpano Zumpano Zumpano Zumwalt Zumwalt Zumwalt Zumwalt Gun Gwendolyn Gwendolyn Gwendolyn Gwendolyn Ellen Ellen Ellen Ellen Michael Michael Michael Michael Robert Robert Robert Robert Abby A Drummer For the Love of Goldenrod Cute and Coy Beauty in Waiting The Things I've Seen The Brothers Big Paw A Face Every Mother Could Love Prelude to Mischief He Sits in Beauty...For the Moment Prepared for Prayer Johnny B Blessed On Blue Death in the Afternoon Duck Commander Grandpa's Northwoods Paradise Fading Homestead Your Eyes Only le Myst̬re NA G G G GB L G G G G NA G G G G G NA G Abby I'm Airborne! G Abby War Frisbee! L Abby Brrr I Should Have Brought My Fur Coat G Robert Robert Robert Robert Connie Connie Connie Connie Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Nancy Nancy Nancy Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Morning Hills Of Tuscany Water Sculpture Inner Confidence Rock Band Promo Sanctuary Evening Sail Footprints Under Paradise Pier A Ballerina's Journey Finding Home Discovery Unveiling Her Majesty Pandora's Box Men in Waiting Rocky Mountain Highway Electric Prelude Organic Beauties Turn Up The Heat Time And Time Again Wolf Beware G G L GB G NA NA L G G L G NA NA NA GB G G G Updated August 7, 2015 Score
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